A Classroom of Friends
A Classroom of Friends
Spring 2008 the CHRONICLE OF STRAKE JESUIT COLLEGE PREPARATORY IN THIS ISSUE A Classroom of Friends Reflections on Fr. Billac and his many friends Houston, Texas The Most Reverend George Murry, SJ, Bishop of the Diocese of Youngstown, delivered the keynote address in the Lowman Theater at the New Orleans Province Colloquium on Social Justice host by Strake Jesuit, February 21-23. Read more go to page 7. Table of Contents Features My Friend p. 4 Beyond the Classroom to Real Solutions p. 10 Joe Piazza ‘72 Named Alumnus of the Year p. 19 Departments President’s Message - 2 Principal’s Perspective - 3 School News - 7 - 10 Development - 12 - 13 Spirituality - 15 Athletics - 16 - 18 Alumni News - 19 - 20 Class Notes - 21 - 23 Births - 23 In Memoriam - 23 By George - 24 Spring 2008 Vol. 39, No. 3 Editor Rick Rivers, Director of Communications Contributors Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Richard Nevle Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ Tim Scalzitti ‘90 the CHRONICLE OF STRAKE JESUIT COLLEGE PREPARATORY The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory (USPS 024165) Vol. 39, No. 3, Winter Edition, is published quarterly by Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036. Periodicals Postage Paid at Houston, TX. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Chronicle of Strake Jesuit College Preparatory, 8900 Bellaire Boulevard, Houston, TX 77036-4699. President Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ Principal Richard Nevle Director of Development NJ Santarcangelo ‘67 ON THE COVER - Fr. Billac, SJ and some of his friends from the Class of 2005 take a break from Latin class to celebrate his birthday. Photo by Tommy Romano. President’s Message Earlier today I was leaving my office after meeting with a couple about their upcoming wedding. It was Sunday morning, and Fr. Billac was sitting in his office. He told me he had slept in, but had lots of work to do. He had been out late at the home of some parents and friends celebrating mass for their family guild. He had caught up writing his birthday cards, all his quizzes were graded, and he was now working on the Day of Recollection that he was giving to Alumni Mothers. It is unusual not to find Fr. Billac in his office on the weekend. If he’s not there, he’s probably off saying mass, celebrating a wedding, a baptism, a funeral. Or he might be relaxing on his outdoor swing and saying his rosary. It is this dedication to his life’s work that we celebrate on May 10th. He has touched the lives of thousands in his years at Strake Fr. Daniel K. Lahart, SJ President Jesuit. In the classroom, on retreat, at the altar, even sharing a cigar at a graduation party, Fr. Billac loves what he does because he loves his Lord and the Lord’s people. I hope you will be able to join us on May 10th. All of us are fortunate at Strake Jesuit. Our faculty and staff are made up of dedicated and caring individuals. For generations we have been served by devoted Jesuits and lay men and women who engage in the work of secondary education, not for the money but for the opportunity to touch the lives of the young. I am proud to work beside them. After I finished my counseling of the young alum and fiancé this morning, we strolled through the campus. He hadn’t been back since the athletic center was completed, and he was anxious to see the progress on the Moran Dining Hall. Like so many of his fellow alumni, he reminisced about the old weight room with barbells that stained your hands with rust, about the heat in summer, and the crowds throughout the year. He was impressed with the recent changes and excited about our current project. These are exciting times at Strake Jesuit. Having just passed the $26 million mark in The Greater Glory Capital Campaign – with a recent anonymous gift of $1 million to our financial aid endowment – I am deeply grateful to all those who have helped make Vision 2008 a reality. By the end of 2008 we will have completed all we set out to accomplish in that strategic plan we formulated in the fall of 2002. The Moran Dining Hall, the Clay Student Activity Center, and the Chapel will be tremendous additions to our campus and will set Strake Jesuit apart in the city of Houston. The incredible support for our endowment has also been moving to me. While so many have supported our plan, what people are supporting at the most important level is our mission and the people who implement it on a daily basis. Fr. Billac will be a special honoree in May, but our progress is a testimony to so many others past and present – Frs. Alchediak, Jenniskens, Bahlinger, Leininger, Bro. Casey, Messrs. Nevle, Hosty, Santarcangelo to name just a few – who have lived their lives in service to others for generations. Join me in thanking them in your prayers, or when you see those who still cruise the breezeway today. Know that I am grateful to the men and women who serve our students each day, and I am grateful for your support which provides us the ability to provide that service to students from all economic backgrounds. Be assured of my prayers for you and your family. 2 Spring 2008 w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g This past February Strake Jesuit hosted the New Orleans Province Social Justice Colloquium. This gathering included teachers and administrators from the Jesuit secondary schools of the New Orleans province, as well as some faculty from the Collegio Belen in Miami, an Antilles Provinces school. The Colloquium was jointly sponsored by the New Orleans Province Assistant for Secondary Education and the province Social Ministries Commission. So, in addition to teachers and administrators, members of the New Orleans Province Social Ministries Office and the Jesuit Social Research Institute were part of the Colloquium. Such gatherings of Jesuit teachers in the South are nothing new, but there had not been such a gathering for nearly a decade and veterans of previous Colloquia were at a loss as to why we waited so long to come together. The idea for a colloquium on social justice came up at a meeting of the province Commission on Social Justice. Just a few weeks before provincial high school administrators were to begin working out the details of the Colloquium, Hurricane Katrina struck. As both the high schools and the Provincial Office addressed the more immediate issues that came with Katrina and its wake, Colloquium planning was postponed. As the waters receded, teachers in the high schools and administrators in New Orleans began to put together a program that grew more impressive with each exchange of emails. Bishop George G. Murry, SJ of the Diocese of Youngstown delivered the keynote address. Like most Jesuits, Bishop Murry had done his time in “the high schools.” Besides being a teacher he had been a dean of students and a high school president. In addition to running his diocese, he serves on the Domestic Policy and Education Committees of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. He also serves on the Board of Catholic Relief Services. He understood the topic, Social Justice, as well as his audience, and his audience understood him. Besides hearing from sociologists and lawyers, the teachers also heard from one another. In fact, most of the sessions were conducted by teachers and people active in social work from around the province. A team of English teachers from Dallas described how they used film to connect the drug trade and the web of death it creates not just for the users and the dealers, but for innocent bystanders as well. Tampa Jesuit teachers detailed their international social justice program and a Strake Jesuit teacher connected the theological and philosophical roots which underpin Catholic teaching on social justice. A young Jesuit priest-lawyer and veteran of numerous immigration cases, made his own convincing case on how to improve our immigration policy and practices. As with past gatherings, the power of the Social Justice Colloquium was in the power of teachers teaching teachers. Such presentations have a ring of truth and utility that transcends any of the lectures teaches hear at most conventions and lecture halls. One of the reasons for the effectiveness of such meetings of teachers is the power of trust. Both the presenters and the audience are very familiar with the class room experience. They know youngsters and they know what gets and keeps their attention. They know what turns them off and when they hear about the success of a new approach from someone they trust, they are far more likely to accept and implement that approach. The Jesuit teachers attending the conferences came from five different schools stretching from Dallas to Miami. They included priests, brothers, nuns, scholastics and lay men and women. Some, like this writer, were wizened veterans while others were new both to the profession of teaching and to “our way of proceeding –the Jesuit way of doing things.” They understood terms like cura personalis, cura apostolica, and magis, and they had all heard the phrase Men for Others and seen it put into practice in a myriad ways on a regular basis. So when they listened and talked, and sometimes challenged one another, there were many voices and they came from many perspectives – those of their disciplines, their regions, and their personal idiosyncracies - but the values, goals, and mission they shared came from one heart. Even better than teachers teaching teachers, the Colloquium provided the opportunity for students to teach teachers. For over a year Strake Jesuit’s Drama Director, Michael Sullivan, had been searching for a play that his charges, the Southwell Players, could present for the Colloquium. About every three months he would stop me in the hall and say something like, “I found this great dialog that will flesh out ideas we will be discussing at the Colloquium.” A few months later I would ask Mr. Sullivan how the dialog was coming and Mike would say something like, “I don’t think that it works, so I’m looking at this other script.” Finally, Mike admitted that there was no script that would do what he and his players wanted to accomplish. So they took cuttings from the speeches of Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador and plays like the “Elephant Man” and the “Laramie Project,” not to mention the Sermon on the Mount and a monologue from Studs Turkle. In the endm, Mr. Sullivan and the Southwell Players and created their own drama. When their performance was done the teachers spent over a half an hour more applauding the actors and asking them about how they had come to choose a particular reading or way of staging a reading. These were teachers who had spent entire careers patiently and politely watching student dramas, but in that powerful common experience of a shared emotion that only real theater can give, the students taught their teachers and inspired them. They added another dimension of reality that taught their teachers in the audience a new way of looking at things, but just as importantly, they let the teachers know that what they were teaching was being learned. w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g The Chronicle 3 My friend by Tim Scalzitti ‘90 Tim Scalzitti ‘90 is the Alumni Director at Strake Jesuit. As such, he works and interacts with Fr. Chris Billac, SJ on a daily basis in his role as Alumni Chaplain. However, their interaction extends well beyond that official capacity. Each morning and afternoon, as Fr. Billac enters and leaves the Hamilton Building where he has his office, he passes Tim’s office and always stops in for a beginning of the day or end of the day visit. In addition, Tim drives his friend to his doctor’s appointments, makes sure his alumni birthday cards get in the mail on time, and much more. On these pages, Tim provides his personal insight along with those of other Alumni, into Fr. Billac’s role at Jesuit and the impact his has had on so many lives. I t usually starts with a little chuckle and I know a good story is coming. Whether we are at school or in the car, that is how many conversations begin between Fr. r. Billac and me. I have learned the quotes of Fr. Harry Thompson, SJ and been regaled with ith many stories of students, Alumni and their parents, family, friends, and fellow Jesuits. “You know my good friend…” or “My very good The first line of the story always begins b friend…” iend…” or some variation of that theme. the What has always struck me is that this is how he refers to so many people. It is obvious what is important to him. Sean Hanratty ’81 put it best when he said of Fr. Billac, “It is what he is first – a friend.” Any story about Fr. Billac must be one about his personal relationships – his friendships. At a recent lunch with Frank Rynd ’70 and Mark Davidson ’71, two of many of Fr. Billac’s friends, Mark said that one of the things he admired most about Fr. Billac was his “dedication to mission.” By that he meant not just his dedication to his mission as a priest, but also to his missions in life. In addition to the priesthood those include his mission to teaching and to friendship. The more I thought about Mark’s observation, the more I realized how intertwined his individual missions are – how they all allow him to be the person he is. Mark also observed that Fr. Billac “was a Man for Others before the term was coined.” (Being a person with a great sense of humor and a great ability to laugh at himself, Fr. Billac would probably say that’s because he was born in Jesus’ time.) 4 Spring 2008 w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g When I asked him about the W list, list I was amazed at his memory ffor the details, remembering names and places and dates na for so many of the services. It was wa a real gift to watch him recall ca and listen to the stories – evidence of how much he apev preciates the gift he provides pre through these sacraments to th his friends. Like a true friend, he has L also given of himself to his al friends in their times of need fri as well. Fr. Billac has been called on many times to perca form fo the sacrament of anointing in of the sick and to perform Over the years, Fr. Billac has officiated at over 170 Alumni wake services or funerals w weddings (such as the one for Matthew ‘91 and Lesley Clinton for deceased loved ones of in 2003 pictured here) and the baptism of their children. his friends. Like the calls to perform weddings and baptisms, such occasions are evidence that his The Priest has been a member of the Soci- many friends call upon him for all the imporFr/. Billac ha ety of Jesus now for more than 55 years. He tant events in their lives. Many times he is one and Fr. Michael Alchediak both took their final of the first people they call after a loved one vows together in the old Smith Gym on cam- passes, knowing immediately that they want pus in early February 1971, just days after the his presence and need his friendship at that school’s financial problems began. Fr. Billac difficult time. Possibly the biggest gift he gives to his recently recalled that by taking those vows then, especially the vow of poverty, it held friends through his mission of the priesthood extra significance for them during the difficult is the sacrament of reconciliation. Countless times ahead for the Jesuit community and the Alumni have gone to confession to Fr. Billac when they were students at Strake Jesuit. Paschool. His mission of the priesthood is closely tied tiently, he has heard many confessions and, to his mission as a friend. He has tirelessly while not judging, absolved their sins and given of his services to the Strake Jesuit com- helped them to live better lives. l know that Fr. munity through this mission, especially through Billac holds this sacrament in great reverence the sacraments of marriage, baptism, anoint- understanding the gift that reconciliation is. At a recent school function, I heard the wife ing of the sick, and reconciliation. Fr. Billac recently supplied me with a list of an alumnus who is also the mother of a curof all the people he performed weddings or rent student tell Fr. Billac that her son told her baptisms for that were members of the Strake that recently he had heard her son’s confesJesuit community. He gave me 30 handwritten sion. She told him that her son understood the pages of details of the many ceremonies he liturgical significance of this sacrament and he has witnessed. When I counted them all up, understood the bond of friendship that comes there were nearly 170 such ceremonies he has from it. She said her husband, the alum, also been a part of. (That does not even count the had the sacrament of reconciliation from Fr. ones he performed for his family or ones he did Billac as a student. while at Tampa Jesuit.) Amazingly it was almost evenly split between weddings and bap- The Teacher Fr. Billac’s teaching career began in 1959 tisms and I was not surprised to see that, for many Alumni, he not only performed their wed- at his “alma mater,” Jesuit High New Orleans. ding ceremony but also baptized their children. He began his tenure at Strake Jesuit in the fall So many of the names were familiar to me of 1967 by teaching Theology and World Hisbecause many of them are people he spends tory. The next year he moved to teaching Latin time with today, at dinner at their house, at holi- and Theology and he taught those subjects until the summer of 1982. During this time he day parties they have, as their friend. also assisted the Debate Team and, among other duties, moderated the Latin Club and was the Chaplain for the J.V. football teams. After moving to Jesuit High School in Tampa, Florida, where he continued to teach Theology and Latin, he returned to Strake Jesuit in the fall of 1991. In addition to teaching Theology and Latin, he had a new title of Alumni Director, a position he held through the late 1990’s. Those are the facts, but there is so much more to the story. The classroom is where Fr. Billac’s friendships begin to form. “The alumni he knows now as friends, many of them were his students and being teenagers, were not always well behaved,” recalled Davidson. More recently, if Fr. Billac was frustrated by the behavior of his students he would, in his words, ‘pull a Toye,’ meaning that he yelled at the students that day as Fr. Richard Toye, SJ was known to do quite often. Even as frustrated as he might get with his students on a particular day, when he stops by my office to tell me the story, he’ll laugh at how funny it is, knowing that they will outgrow this stage of life. He certainly has the understanding of the adolescent mind but, more importantly, knows that many of the students he teaches today will w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g The Chronicle 5 Lessons learned in Fr. Billac’s Latin or Theology class extend well beyond just the curriculum of the subjects. The classroom is where his friendships begin. grow up to be his friends. Never one to simply judge them upon the actions during their time as students, he has the experience and insight to see the good in them and forgive their misbehavior. Without a doubt Fr. Billac is, in the best Jesuit traditions, a well educated man and a great teacher. I have heard over and over from Alumni that many of the things they learned in his class, while they may not have understood them then, as they moved on in life they find the true lesson in them. I have also heard many stories from alumni who may not remember the lessons of Latin class, but do remember the life lessons from their time with Fr. Billac as their teacher. He is certainly also known for his storytelling and sense of fun he brings to class. “About ‘Fatha B’, as we called him, he once told us of Rome’s birthday and so we brought cupcakes to class,” recalled Nathan Ledesma ’05. “From then on, anytime it was a holiday of any kind, we would bring cupcakes or cake. Funny thing is, as much as he did not want to take time out of class to celebrate the Chinese New Year or some other unrelated holiday, he could not turn down a delicious slice of vanilla cake with frosting. Of course, we always ate while we discussed the day’s vocabulary.” The Friend “He’s the most genuine person I know,” Frank Rynd ’70 said of Fr. Billac. “He does not try to hide anything about himself and, when you are with him, you know that he is being himself and sharing himself with you.” “It’s a lost art – writing a letter,” noted Marcel Frey ’74. “Today everyone e-mails or sends text messages. I am always so touched when I receive my yearly birthday card and letter from him. He doesn’t just simply write ‘Happy Birthday’ but writes two pages normally. It’s great to get a personal letter from a friend on your birthday.” I have had the privilege of assisting him over the last few years with the Alumni Mothers’ Retreat held each Lent. It is wonderful to see the alumni mothers who come to the retreat and their love for him. There are quite a few of them that I just assume will attend, without their having to call to let me know. I know they will be there to hear their friend, to spend time with him in this retreat setting. I also know how much he looks forward to this event each year, his opportunity y to socialize with and be a spiri-tual guide to his friends. Alumni Director Tim Scalzitti ‘90 (left) and Fr. Billac have Then there are the friends teamed-up for several years at the Annual Fantasy Auction he does not yet know - the fuand their Alumni Dinners have become quite the hot item. ture students of Strake Jesuit who will benefit from the generosity of many Billac. They want to honor their friend – who who honor Fr. Billac by giving to his scholar- again gives of himself – by giving his time actship endowment. The endowment is some- ing as the guest host for the dinner. I recall a comment made by Roy Duff ‘81 thing that he holds dear because he knows its significance both in the history of Strake Jesuit when he said how Fr. Billac has made friends – many of his friends today were students who with so many Strake Jesuit Alumni who he did attended because of the financial aid program not teach. While I never had the privilege of having – and the future of the school. Fr. Billac and I have teamed up over the Fr. Billac as a teacher in the classroom, like so last five years to offer a dinner to be sold at the many Alumni understand, he has taught me so Auction. The proceeds from the Auction benefit much. He has taught me to reflect on my own the financial aid program, so Fr. Billac is glad “dedication to mission” - husband, father, son, to lend his name and his presence. As much brother, friend, Alumni director. To use a line as my ego may want to believe that people buy from St. Ignatius’ Prayer of Generosity, “to give this dinner because of the meal, I know very and to not count the cost.” And for that, I want to thank my friend. well that they buy the dinner because of Fr. On Saturday, May 10, Strake Jesuit will host a gala dinner at the Marriott Westchase to honor Fr. Chris Billac, SJ. The dinner will celebrate his many years of service to Strake Jesuit in the classroom as well as his dedication to the school’s alumni as Alumni Chaplain - service and dedication that we hope and expect him to continue into the future. All of the proceeds from the evening, at his request, will raise funds for the Christopher Billac, SJ Endowed Scholarship. Table sponsorships and individual table and tickets are available now and can be purchased online through the Jesuit web site. Simply go to www.strakejesuit.org and click on Billac Gala in the Quick Links box on the home page. 6 Spring 2008 w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g school news schoo SCHOOL NEWS Jesuit Hosts Provincial Colloquium on Social Justice For the first time in 10 years, rep- on their the experience, engage in proper social analysis, rely resentatives of all of the high schools in upon their faith tradition for moral guidance and act to the New Orleans Province of the Society change chan to the world.” of Jesus came together for a colloquium Over the course of the next two days, attendees O and they came together at Strake Jesuit. chose chos among many break-out sessions with a range of The focus of the colloquium, “Service, topics topic related to Social Justice. Among the topics was Generosity, and Understanding,” was So- “A G Guide to Catholic Educators on Immigration,” “Faith cial Justice. and Reason: The Roots of Christian Service,” “Make a Over three days, February 21-23, Difference, Reap the Rewards, Invest in Volunteerism,” Diffe more than 45 faculty and staff members “A G Guide for Catholic Educators on Racism” and many from Dallas Jesuit, Jesuit High School in more. mor New Orleans, Tampa Jesuit and Belen Je- The event also included a presen- suit in Miami joined with the Strake Jesuit tation by the Strake Jesuit Drama Departtat ment me which featured a collection of scenes faculty for the gathering. and readings with attention to issues of The colloquium was officially opened with a keynote address by Very Reverend Social Justice. The performance was folSo George V. Murry, SJ, Ph.D., Bishop of the lowed low by a short talk-back discussion ses- Diocese of Youngstown. In his remarks, sion. sio Bishop Murry put the role of the teaching Top left: Bishop George Murry, SJ opened the colloquium with a keynote address in the Lowman Theater. Bottom Left: Fr. Tom Greene, SJ led one of the many break-out sessions. of Social Justice into perspective. He told the gathering that including Social Justice teaching would help them “to grow and develop leaders who will constantly reflect Crusaders Named to All-State Band, Orchestra, and Choir When the Texas Private School Music Educators Association (TPSMEA) announced their All-State Band, Orchestra, and Choir members, Strake Jesuit was represented well in all three groups by the following students: Top to Bottom: All-State Orchestra Members: (left to right) Grant Gordon, Michael Ehrenkanz, Orchestra Director Guillermo HernandezChiang, and Simon Lee All-State Band Members: (left to right) Sebastian Kawar, Michael Elmer, Daniel Miller, Colin Roach, Kyle Cousino, John Culbreteh, and Justin Chaney, Jr. All-State Choir Members: Back row (left to right) - Andrew Loperena, Stephen Janda, Sina Balogun, Andrew Schnieder 3rd row (left to right)- Luke Novick, Walker Smith, Rheme Sloane, Justin Jones 2nd row (left to right) - Gukaren Singh, Matt Stubbs, Jack Vargas, Alexander Lach 1st row (left to right) - Jared Castillo, Matt Frazier, Jacob Walker w w w . s t r a k e j e sui t . o r g The Chronicle 7 school news SCHOOL NEWS Jesuit Alumni, Parents Playing Key Roles in Houston Cristo Rey School Development For members of the Strake Je- vein. Long committed to the cause suit community, there was little ques- of Catholic education, Nugent, a vice tion about their desire to get involved president at BMC Software, Inc., was in the planning of the proposed Cristo part of a group of parents whose ef- Rey high school, which will provide a forts led to the founding of John Paul Jesuit, college preparatory educa- II, an elementary school in West Hous- tion to traditionally under served stu- ton, in 1988. dents in Houston. Whether parent H Her particular interest in the Cristo or alum (and in many cases, both), Rey school is to find corporate partners the urge to do something has ev- to ssponsor jobs for the students. “I hope erything to do with fulfilling the Je- it’s my legacy to say that I was involved suit ideal of being Men and Women in starting two phenomenal Catho- for Others. lic schools in Houston,” she said. “My “Just the concept itself is so gift is not really in academia or grant powerful,” said Rob Dunn ’94, a fou foundation work. I’m an executive at a member of the Cristo Rey advisory cor corporation, and I can hopefully attract board whose father, Bob ’69, is also oth corporations.” other an advisory board member. Dunn, F For Susan Fernbach, whose son a lawyer in Houston, saw a 60 Min- An Andre Boudreaux will graduate from St Strake Jesuit in 2009, it was her own utes report a few years ago on the founder of the Cristo Rey Network, mostly low low-income income African African-American American and His His- experienc in another culture that made it so experience Fr. John Foley, SJ; the show piqued his inter- panic students. important to see the Cristo Rey school come to est and touched his heart. The school, which would open in the fall of fruition. A nurse at Baylor College of Medicine “To see the effect that the original Chica- 2009, combines class work with a work-study who works with children with genetic diseases, go school has had on these kids who never program through which students finance the Fernbach was on a medical mission trip to thought past finishing high school, and now majority of the cost of their education. Nine- Guatemala several years ago when she met a they’re talking about college,” Dunn said, mar- teen other Cristo Rey model schools in urban little boy in sixth grade. veling at the change in those young lives. That areas across the U.S. are already educating Smart, with a “dazzling smile,” as she re- was all he needed to hear. students who could likely otherwise not be called, he was a sad child nonetheless, “be- able to afford to attend Catholic school. cause he knew the rest of his life was essen- Some of Strake Jesuit’s staff has been involved in the early stages on behalf of the Cristo Rey students – more than 4,000 tially going to be spent picking coffee beans.” school. As Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ noted, “I’m in 19 schools nationwide – come from fami- His educational opportunities were at an end very excited about a second Jesuit high school lies with average yearly incomes of $33,700. at the tender age of 11 or 12. Watching her in Houston. While it will serve a different popu- In 2007, 99% of graduates enrolled in two- or own child and his friends, who some days had lation and incorporate the Corporate Internship four-year colleges. In the Houston area, only to be prodded just to get out of bed and get Program, it will be another way for the Society 20% of African-Americans have earned an as- dressed for class, she remembered that little of Jesus to serve the Church in Houston. This sociates degree or higher and only 13% of His- boy whose carefree school days were at an is a perfect city for a Cristo Rey school. I am panics have done the same. Cristo Rey hopes end. confident it will be a great success, and I am to make a dent in the city’s educational divide. “To see a child so unhappy that he couldn’t Mary Nugent, whose sons Daniel ’04 and go back to school,” she said, was deeply affect- A feasibility study for the Houston school John ’00 - now a Jesuit scholastic, studying for ing. When the Cristo Rey project came around, is nearly complete and an advisory board is re- the priesthood - attended Strake Jesuit, said “I jumped at the opportunity to be involved here viewing everything from site selection to curric- it was in part the positive impact of a Jesuit with kids who might not have this opportunity.” ulum development – not to mention recruiting education on their lives that prompted her to corporate partners to employ future students. become involved. committed to providing support to it.” Hopes are high for the school, which will be “And of course, I can’t say no to my sons,” located in an urban area and will likely enroll she joked, before continuing in a more serious 8 Spring 2008 w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g To learn more about the Houston Cristo Rey project and to find out how you or your business can become involved, please visit www.cristoreyhouston.org. school news schoo SCHOOL NEWS Senior Claims State Debate Title - Three Debaters in Top 10 As if battling the weather and delays weren’t ship ability and skill as a teacher,” commented enough, David Donatti ‘08 of Strake Jesuit enou Debate Coach Jerry Crist. “He is remarkably also battled over 150 competitors from both well read and has the ability to convey that publ and private high schools from across public information to the rest of the students. Not the state and emerged from a huge field to only has he had tremendous success, he has take the championship of the Lanier Law played a significant role in the success of ev- Firm Texas Forensic Association (TFA) eryone else.” Sta Tournament on Saturday, March 8 in State Overall, the Strake Jesuit team had seven Co Coppell, Texas. Donatti won in the finals on debaters advance to out rounds. That number 3 ballot. a 3-0 was double the number of any other teams. TFA State Tournament is the larg- Individually Paul Tyger ‘09 and Todd Liipfert est statewide championship in the United ‘08 tied for 5th and Phillip Wiggins ‘08 placed Sta States. As such, its trophies and titles are 9th. This is the second state championship for pa particularly coveted. Jesuit in three years. In the March National Rankings done “I think that the difference in the teams per- by Victory Briefs, the Jesuit Debate Team formance for this year’s team is the amount of cla claimed three spots in the top ten, the only work they put in during the weeks leading up sc school with more than one member in the to the tournament,” noted Debate Coach Jerry g group. Donatti was ranked fourth while Crist. “They would stay each day until 5:00 te teammates Paul Tyger ‘09 ranked sixth pm discussing positions and debating practice a Todd Liipfert ‘08 ranked eighth. and rounds. All of the hard work was rewarded “David is different than prior team David Donatti ‘08, State Debate Chamnpion with success.” presidents because of his remarkable leader- Jesuit Offers “Our Ignatian Foundation” Lecture Series In response to the ex- These lectures will be a pressed need from current way to share the Jesuit tradi- “Ignatius of Loyola: A Brief Biography” - parents, alumni parents, tion with all and to bring in tions Presented by Richard Nevle, Strake Jesuit and friends of the school mor of our families to an unmore Principal to be “educated” in the Ig- ders derstanding of what it means A brief overview of the life of St. Ignatius natian way, this spring Je- to sshare in the Ignatian/Jesuit and his transformation from a soldier to that suit will begin a year-long par paradigm and mission of the of a spiritual director. lecture series, “Our Igna- Soc Society of Jesus. Particular- tian Foundation.” h ly, here at Strake Jesuit. - April 1 - 7:00 pm - Lowman Theater - May 13 - 7:00 pm - Lowman Theater School Chaplain and Additionally, the series “The Spiritual Exercises: A Model of En- Director of Pastoral Min- can create a space and countering God” - Presented by Michele istry Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ com community that meets reg- Catanese, member of the Strake Jesuit said, “So many of our fami- ula ularly Theology faculty lies come to our school and bre bread and opens the word A deeper review of the Spiritual Exercises, hear the buzz words we use tog together. This sharing and which St. Ignatius developed to help us be- so often like “Magis,” “Men lea learning together will only come in touch with God’s presence within and shares/breaks for Others,” “Cura Personalis,” “AMDG,” strengthen our bond as members of the “Spiritual Exercises,” and so many others. Strake Jesuit family, but more importantly, Our goal in putting together this lecture se- as members of the Church and Body of ries is to invite families to learn and to reflect Christ. on our Ignatian Mission.” The series will begin this spring with two lectures: us and the world. For more information and to stay in- formed about the lecture series as it begins again next fall, use the Quick Links box on the school web site and click on ‘Ignatian Series.’ w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g The Chronicle 9 school news sch SCHOOL NEWS IN THE CLASSROOM Beyond the Classroom to Real Solutions Teacher to Present at National Conference on Projects in Computer Science Class Computer Science Department Chair Trip Norkus, a 1995 gradu- ate of Strake Jesuit, wanted to create a class for his more proficient students. However, he wanted to develop something more than just an upper level class in programming. He wanted to give them more real-world, hands-on experience, to go through the process of visiting with a client, listening and understanding their needs, and then creating a solution. The result is his Projects in Computer Science class. Now in its fifth year, by most any measure the class has been a big success. “Before starting the class here four years ago,” he recalls, “I met with the professor who had taught me during my senior year at the University of Texas. She handed over a great deal of planning materials and we discussed how to organize the course in a high school setting.” Norkus noticed almost immediately that the students in the class gravitated to the hands-on aspects of the course rather than the project-planning materials. He made the decision to let the students’ interest in technology guide things. In terms of real projects and real solutions, the school itself has ben- Trip Norkus ‘95 (above) returned to Strake Jesuit in 2003 as an inaugural member of the Alumni Service Corps. He remained as a full-time member of faculty. Prior to his return, he worked both as a software engineer and as an IT consultant. efited from the class and the students’ work. Last year, his class took “When applying for the conference in the fall, I definitely did not think on the task of building an online Test Board for the school. Since school that I would be accepted,” he admits. “Most presentations focus on policy limits the number of exams a student can have in a single day, some aspect of the AP curriculum, while my presentation is geared for teachers used to post their exam schedule on a dry erase board in the teachers looking for an alternative to teaching the traditional multi-year faculty workroom. Now, with the help of Norkus’ class, they can simply AP curriculum.” do it online. Teachers login, navigate to the day that they want to sched- He added that he is looking forward to letting Computer Science ule a test and, if a slot is available, they can put it on the calendar. The teachers from other high schools hear about Jesuit’s curriculum and Test Board can also be viewed by students and parents through the the great software that his students have developed, so that they will school web site to look at upcoming exams. consider it as an alternative to the traditional model. This is just one of the success stories of Norkus’ Projects class. This Time will only tell, but success tends to breed success. The way that overall success led him to submit a proposal to make a presentation on Computer Science high school teachers look at their curriculum may be the course at the College Board’s 2008 AP Annual Conference in July, on the verge of seeing big changes. And who knows, they may someday 2008. Norkus was recently notified that the conference’s Steering Com- point to Mr. Norkus’ class at Strake Jesuit as the place where that move- mittee had accepted his proposal. ment started. Students Take Part in D.C. March A group of 22 students and 6 chaperones from Strake Jesuit and St. Agnes Academy attended the 35th Anniversary March for Life in Washington, DC this past January. The group visited the Holocaust Museum, the John Paul II museum, attended the Mass for Life at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, participated in the Cardinal O’Connor Conference at Georgetown University and attended the Mass at Gonzaga College High School. The visit culminated in the March along with a crowd of about 200,000 people. 10 Spring 2008 w w w . s t r a k e j e s ui t . o r g Why We Choose to Give W When it came time for us to revise our wills, since we don’t have children, our plan was to distribute virtually d aall of our estate to a portfolio of faith-based causes. We received advice to look at institutions which had estabre lished an excellent track record of investing and achievli ing superior returns, much they same way we would in eevaluate a money manager to manage our assets. In our view, Strake Jesuit is the best ‘investment manageer’ in our group of faith-based causes. Not only is Jesuit on that list, it is the foremost beneficiary of our estate, a o fact that we are both proud of. fa Rick ‘76 and Shana Walker JJesuit’s track record of achieving good returns on invvestment is evident on two levels. Most obvious is the tr track record of shaping young men that are spiritually, intellectually, socially and physically equipped to bring a positive impact to our world. Equally as important as the product Jesuit produces is the responsible manner in which it conducts its fiscal affairs. We offer thanks to the many directors, faculty, staff, alumni and parents whose collective wisdom, management and sacrifice have enabled Strake Jesuit to evolve into one of the most admired secondary education institutions in our city and state. More than the thanks we offer, we pledge our long term support to Jesuit through our estate planning decision. We urge all of you in the Strake Jesuit community to consider a planned giving gift as you are able. For more information on The Loyola Society and Planned Giving at Strake Jesuit, contact N.J. Santarcangelo ‘67 in the Office of Development at 713.490.8152. w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g The Chronicle 11 devel development DEVELOPMENT Benefactors Enjoy Night of Appreciation at Annual President’s Dinner Over 350 of Strake Jesuit’s major benefactors gathered on Sunday, February 10 at The Houstonian Hotel for the annual President’s Dinner. The event was an opportunity for President Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ to thank Jesuit’s supporters for their contributions and efforts on behalf of the school and its mission. In his prepared remarks, Fr. Lahart emphasized the importance of the work done at Strake Jesuit every day. That it is during these critical years that the seeds are planted in the young men at Jesuit to go on and become the leaders of tomorrow in medicine, the law, and in every walk of life. In conclusion he said, “Strake Jesuit has never been stronger than it is today. Strong because of your support, strong because of our mission, strong because we have been blessed by God. For this I am filled with gratitude, and I vow that we as an institution and as the Jesuit Community will continue to be generous in our own response. We will continue to grow our financial aid, to improve ourr retreat and service programs, to provide the facilities thatt support our mission, to support our faculty in their classroom excellence and support our students and families in their various needs. “Tonight is a small way of saying ‘thank you’ for all that you, and Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ expresses his gratitude to the many school benefactors who gathered at The Houstonian Hotel for the annual President’s Dinner. so many others, do to serve Strake Jesuit. With your time, your com- Those who contribute at the President’s Club level and above are mitment, your confidence, and your financial support, you make us the invited to the annual event. Next year the dinner is scheduled to be on excellent educational program that we are.” campus in the new Clay Activity Center and Moran DIning Hall. Markle Steel Field Gets Press Box, Additional Seating 12 Spring 2008 Thanks to the generosity of a Strake Jesuit supporter as well as a group of current baseball parents, as of this spring, Markle Steel Baseball Field now has a new press box and seating behind home plate. When completed originally in 2004 as the first project under The Greater Glory Capital Campaign, the new field had sets of bleachers down both the first and third base lines. The new bleachers directly behind home plate give the field almost continuous seating from dugout to dugout. The new press box is a welcome addition as it will now be home to the public address announcer as well as members of the media. w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g development DEVELOPMENT THE GREATER GLORY CAPITAL CAMPAIGN New Dining Hall on Track for Completion by Summer The final phase of The Greater Glory Capital Once the new dining hall is complete, work faculty, and staff. The most dominate feature of Campaign is well on its way to completion. The will begin almost immediately on the razing of the new chapel, and highly visible, will be the first part of this final phase, the conversion of the existing cafeteria. It is on this site that the distinctive bell tower. At the base of the tower, the Smith Gymnasium into the W.T. and Louise much-awaited Student Activity Center will be a space will be created to house the Sanctuary J. Moran Dining Hall should be complete by built. With a targeted completion date of the Light, proclaming the presence of the Blesses early June. end of the fall 2008 semester, this new facility Sacrament. The light will be visible from the will immediately become the centerpoint of the outside. There will also be a Prayer Garden, Jesuit campus. which will provide a quiet space for contempla- That conversion began the day after the ground-breaking ceremony in mid-November, 2007. Since then, the three walls on the east-, The Center will be a three-story building west, and north side of the gym have come with a window-enclosed atrium. It will house By the spring of 2009, a year from now, the down and the floor and goals have been re- the Pastoral Ministry Center and Spirit Store projects called for in The Greater Glory Capital moved. as well as new offices for the yearbook, stu- Campaign will be complete. The result will be dent newspaper, debate, the arts as well as that, in just five years, the Jesuit campus will SJET and SJET studios. have gone through the most dramatic stage of When students return for the start of the 2008-2009 school year, they will have lunch in the new Moran Dining Hall with seating for Attached to the Clay Center will be the new 600. In addition, they will see progress being Chapel. With seating for 150, the new chapel made on the construction of the new Clay Ac- will provide a new space for daily Masses as tivity Center. well as personal reflection time for students, tion. new construction and physical improvement in the school’s history. Top: Soon after ground-breaking last November, the external walls, the gym floor, and the basketball floor ofthe Smith Gym were removed. Middle: By mid-March, the foundation for the servery (kitchen) part of the new Dining Hall was in and the walls were beginning to go up. Bottom: Once the Dining Hall is complete, work will begin to raze the cafeteria to make room for the new Clay Student Activity Center and the Chapel. w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g The Chronicle 13 When you Sponsor a student, your gift comes with a face and a name. Whether you have been a longtime contributor to Strake Jesuit, or you have just been waiting for the right opportunity to get involved, consider sponsoring a financial aid student. As a Sponsor, you will be able to meet the student and watch him grow throughout his Jesuit experience. It is a very personal and rewarding way to reach out to a deserving young man and impact his life in a meaningful way. For more information, contact NJ Santarcangelo ‘67 in the Development Office at 713.490.8152. 14 Spring 2008 w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g spirituality SPIRITUALITY How is my driving? by Fr. Flavio Bravo, SJ “He did not go by the direct route that leads to Barcelona, as he might have met those who knew him and would honor him, but he took a byway that led him to a town called Manresa.” From the autobiography of St. Ignatius of Loyola Driving in Houston can be an ad- in the church at Montserrat, near the venture. Recently, I was on Beltway a altar of Our Lady. Narrow lanes, merg- 8 driving north of our campus and in ing lanes, no shoulder lanes: The pil- found myself stuck in traffic right at g grim--on his way to greater union with Beltway 8 and I-10. G God--took a turn for the better. Instead o of going through the roads that would The blinking lights on top of work find him shelter and honor, he decided road signs ahead of me added to to take a byway and found himself in what was already a rather uneventful M Manresa. From then on, Iñigo’s life- and boring drive. Road work ahead, jo journey became a path of faith and narrowing lanes, merging lanes, ccomplete surrendering to God’s will. and no shoulder lanes, all at once! It’s pretty amazing how we manage Iñ Iñigo took on the beggar’s cloak and to get where we want to go around re remained on his knees before the altar Houston. o of our Lady, with staff in hand, choosin ing to serve and to honor, not his own The radio, a myriad of sounds, was w will, but God’s greater glory. dull. Some Tejano romantic ballad is playing on one of the Spanish radio L Life may often feel as though we are stations. Hit the seek button on the sstuck in traffic. How is my driving? You radio panel: accordion sounds, alter- m may ask yourself, again and again. native rock, classic rock, and then the D Dead ends, speed bumps, merg- voice of Mattress Mack, proclaiming his good news “Save you money, ing traffic, and construction work can be overwhelming as we travel Today!!!” The news on the war, over 2,000 U.S. casualties since the through the highways and byways of our lives. In the life of St. Ignatius war on terror began. Hillary, Obama, McCain, gas prices skyrocketed of Loyola, we have an example of changing lanes that led to a fruitful again. This is quite a traffic jam, I thought. new way of living for God and for others. Is there a shortcut to where I need to go? Should I take Memorial Sometimes, the road that we take may not be the fastest route to our Drive? It’s almost 5:00 pm; do I want to go through the messy roads destination, but it may lead us to contemplate new avenues of living around Memorial City Mall? Would that be a faster road? Gessner and perhaps, a renewal of purpose in life. seems impossible to get to, I am simply stuck, or am I? How is the Lord inviting us to take the byways and new routes in our Iñigo de Loyola, as he began his spiritual journey, one providential lives? night in 1522, decided to take on the life of a pilgrim, a beggar. After making a general confession, he asked permission from his confes- How is our driving, our journeying, and our pilgrimage these days? sor to give up his horse, hang up his sword and dagger leaving them w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g The Chronicle 15 ATHLETICS BASKETBALL Hoopsters Claim First UIL District Title The start of district ers fell just short in the final proved shaky as the sec seconds in their quest for a cornerstone of their program as the Crusad- #1 district-ranked stat appearance. Though state ers started their 2007-2008 campaign. Com- Cy Spring Panthers the wouldn’t attain their they ing into the season, the team would find high got the best of the ma main goal, Head Coach expectations early on as the Crusaders found Crusaders Wa Wayne themselves ranked #8 in the state by the Tex- 1st match up. It was the team of the foundation as Association of Basketball Coaches and #6 from that point the tha had been laid as he that by the Houston Chronicle. ath athletics Trust, Intensity, Sacrifice, Unity. This would be the motto for Jesuit basketball and the in their Jones reminded Crusaders would go bid farewell to his graduat- Out of the gate, the Crusaders looked to on a 14-2 run through- ing seniors. “Getting young live up to their billing with big tournament wins out the rest of district me men like Austin Claunch, starting with the Magnolia Invitational where that would give the M Mark Reed, Trent Rogers, they won the championship. Another visit to program its first ever Br Brian Tate, Ben Vuong, the annual Texas Jamboree against #8 state UIL District Title, as Ja James Wiseman helped to ranked Dallas Kimball would prove challeng- they claimed the 17-5A pu the program back on put ing right before the Crusaders participated in district championship. th road to success and the the Lee College Classic. They would be tested The title also gave the o focus from this point our again, facing off against the 2007 Louisiana Crusaders a top seed w be to continually get will 5A State Champion Westgate. The Crusaders for the first round of closed out the Classic and became tourney the playoffs. champions with a win over ranked Louisiana experience from last St. Thomas More. Their final tournament year’s playoff appear- would be the prestigious 50th anniversary ance was put to good Whataburger Classic, where the Crusaders use as they defeated would once again be matched against top a strong fundamental team in Katy Taylor for a #4 citywide ranking, and a #13 state rank- ranked opponents including Texas #7 ranked a big bi-district win. The win put them into a ing while advancing 2 rounds into the playoffs. Richland Hills, Louisiana #3 ranked Monroe 2nd round game at home against the touted The program returns seven core members of Carroll, and Texas #2 ranked Mansfield Sum- Houston Chavez Lobos. The game and atmo- the team next year when it will compete in Dis- mit. All this would be in preparation for their sphere was intense and the home crowd got a trict 18-5A. district run and a bid for the playoffs. chance to root their team on, but the Crusad- Jesuit’s Junior Joey Brooks (above), an All-Region and 1st Team All-District selection, helped lead the Crusaders to their first district title since beginning UIL play. b better,” he said. The basketball program posted its best season since joining the UIL with a 27-7 overall record, 14-2 district record, Post-Season Honors Follow Successful Hoop Season On the heels of their most successful basketball season since join- ing the UIL five years ago, several Crusaders also brought home post- Joey Brooks season honors. Tim Frazier Leading the way was junior Joey Brooks who was named All-Region and 1st Team All-District for 17-5A. This season Brooks led the team in points per game averaging 20.1, steals with 79, and rebounds per game with 8. Junior Tim Frazier claimed Defensive Player-of-the-Year honors for the district. He led the team with 98 steals for an average of 3 per game. Senior Austin Claunch was named 2nd Team All-District while leading the team with 108 assists and shooting 84% from the free throw line. Austin Claunch Senior Trent Rogers was also named 2nd Team All-District while he led the team by shooting 31% from three-point range. 16 Spring 2008 w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g Trent Rogers ATHLETICS Athletics Hall of Honor Created With almost 50 years of athletics to be considered to be eligible. There to draw upon, Strake Jesuit has an- are not similar time restrictions on the nounced the creation of an Athletics other two categories. Plans call for the first, inaugural tee comprised of alumni and faculty/ class to be a large one. Then, in sub- staff members has been selected and sequent years, the number inducted nominations for the inaugural class will amount to a smaller annual class. are now being accepted. athletics Hall of Honor. A Selection Commit- All nominations, which are now “The purpose of this venture is to being accepted, are made using an create a means to celebrate the ac- online form on the Strake Jesuit web complishments of so many that have site. All nominations of those that participated in sports at Strake Jesuit,” are eligible will be collected. Multiple stated Athletic Director Bill McDonald. nominations of the same person or “Stories recounting events abound at team will be consolidated. Reunions and other Alumni and com- Plans call for the Selection Com- munity gatherings. By creating this Hall of enshrined are athletes, coaches, teams, and mittee to meet in May to select the first class, Honor, we can pull together the greatest per- distinguished individuals. The fourth category which will be announced soon thereafter. An formances and share the accomplishments of was created to allow for those who do not fall induction ceremony and dinner will be planned athletes, coaches, and others in a public area under the other three but should be included, for next fall to coincide with a football home for all to witness.” such as Booster Club members, trainers, etc. game. As a first step in the development process Individual athletes are eligible for con- To make a nomination, go to strakejesuit. for the Hall of Honor, a set of by-laws was draft- sideration for selection into the Hall ten years org, scroll over Athletics in the top navigation ed. Under those guidelines, categories under after graduation. Coaches must be five years bar, and click on Hall of Honor in the dropdown which members of the Hall of Honor may be removed from the position for which they are menu. SWIMMING Crusaders Claim Two Big Titles, Reach Regionals The Crusaders Swimmin ming Team had Denkler-3 Gold, Mark Strickland-3 Gold, 1 Silver, Chris Jennis-3 Gold, not noteworthy individual suc- 1 Bronze, Khang Tran- 2 Gold, 1 Silver, 1 Bronze, and Tim Lyons- ces cesses during the 2008 2 Gold, 2 Bronze. A month later, in January at the Houston Private sea season, while as a team Schools City Championships Meet, Jesuit claimed their fourth straight the claimed a couple of they event title. sig cant team titles. signifi In Senior Phillip Denkler was named the team’s MVP for the season. event but one. Top medal winners were Kevin Mehrinfar-4 Gold, Phillip some early At the District 17-5A Tournament, while the squad managed only December, a 7th place finish, Matt Kenny placed third in the diving to advance to the team traveled to New the Regional Meet. In addition, both the 400 free relay and the 200 Je Jersey to take part in the freestyle relay teams also advanced to the regional meet by placing St Peter’s College Jesuit St. 4th and 6th respectively. In Invitational. The Crusad- At the Regional Meet, Kenny managed an 8th place finish, while the er won that event with ers 400 free relay finished 10th and the 200 freestyle relays came in 13th. 14 points while host 149 Individual recognition went to sophomore diver Kenny who finished S Peter’s Prep came in St. 8th in the UIL regional meet and was recognized as our most improved 2 2nd with 60 points and athlete. Meanwhile, senior Phillip Denkler was recognized as the X Xavier finished 3rd with team’s MVP. 41 points. On an individual basis, the Crusaders finished first in every w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g The Chronicle 17 ATHLETICS WRESTLING Three Wrestlers Make Regionals, One Goes on to State tling team with wrestlers. In addition to seeing the leaders of the team succeed, it saw the most victo- athletics By all accounts it was a very successful season for Strake Jesuit some of the younger team members step up and show promise for next ries in school season. history and he Senior Colin Day led the way most of the season. He got off to a aspires to wres- quick start by winning with Tournament Championship at 145 pounds tle at the next at the Klein Oak Gator Roll. He then won the Cy-Fair Invitational where level for the Na- 40 teams were in attendance and was voted the tournament’s Most val Academy. “Sophomore Outstanding Wrestler. At the district meet, he was again claimed the title at 140 pounds to Corey Barrett earn a berth in the Regionals. This time, however, he would have com- placed third in pany as junior teammates Brett Provenzano and Patrick Henning. the At the Regional meet, Patrick Henning won one match before losing district,” said Head two and was eliminated from the competition. However, he gained valu- Coach Robert able experience at a top level and is poised for next year. Brett Proven- Buley in look- zano made a statement by winning 3 matches. His toughest test came ing to the fu- in the semi-finals against the ranked state # 1 wrestler whom he had ture. “Junior lost to twice before during the season. This time he battled hard but Sami Sultan came up short 4-2. Day earned the right to represent Jesuit in Austin at has great po- the State Tournament as he was able to make it to the medal round and tential qualified for the state meet. Juan Adams is and Senior Colin Day earned a berth into the State Tournament. He leaves Jesuit with the school record for victories. At the state meet, Day won two matches and managed to survive to the JV district champion. These young men are positioned to form a the second day of competition. There he was matched up against the strong nucleus of a winning team. I think that the program is definitely eventual state champion and, although he put up a great effort, his oppo- on the rise.” nent was just too good and it was not to be. Day leaves the Jesuit wres- Several Crusaders Look to Continue Athletics at Next Level The Annual National Signing Day, when high school stu- dent-athletes can formally commit colleges and universities to play college athletics arrived on Wednesday, February 6. That day, four Jesuit athletes from three different sports signed their Letters of Intent. Committing to play college football were Jeff McVaney - Texas State and David King - Oklahoma. Signing to play college golf was Ben Thorseth - Rice and signing to play soccer was Christian Davidson - University of North Carolina-Wilmington. In addition to those four, two members of the successful Jesuit basketball team made plans to play college basketball. Trent Rogers committed to play at Tulane and Austin Claunch committed to Emory University in Atlanta. Top (left to right): Jeff McVaney, Ben Thorseth, David King, and Christian Davidson. Bottom: Trent Rogers 18 Spring 2008 w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t. o r g alumni news alu ALUMNI NEWS Joe Mike Piazza ‘72 Named Recipient of 2008 Ignatian Award as Alumnus of the Year Joe Mike Piazza ‘72 has been He is on the board of the Academy of Den- named the Strake Jesuit Alumnus of the tistry. He has also served with the Greater Year and recipient of the 2008 Ignatian Houston Dental Society in various capaci- Award. Each year, the Strake Jesuit Igna- ties including on the Board of Directors, the tian Award is presented to a distinguished Nominating Committee, the Judicial Com- alumnus whose life exemplifies the aca- mittee, and the Peer Review Committee. demic, religious, and social values of the Aside from his community work as a den- Jesuit tradition; outstanding generosity tist, Joe has also kept Catholic Education as to the community; professional achieve- an important part of this life. As a member ment contributing to the advancement of of the Archdiocese Board of Education, he his area of expertise, and he exemplifies a is working to improve and increase access Man for Others. to Catholic Education for the youth in the Upon graduation from Strake Jesu- Galveston-Houston Archdiocese. it, Dr. Piazza attended the University of “The Strake Jesuit experience start- Texas. A year and a half later, he returned ed me on a journey to serve others,” Joe home after the death of his father and said upon receiving news of his selection continued his studies at The University as the Ignatian Award winner. “It is an hon- of St. Thomas, where he graduated. He or for me to have received that education then went on to graduate from University and now this prestigious award.” of Texas Dental College in Houston where Joe and his wife of 25 years, Ann, he earned a Doctor of Dental Surgery in have raised three children. Their daugh- 1979. With the support of his wife, Ann, and his family, he built a successful dental practice ters, Julie Anne and Allison, each gradu- Joe Mike Piazza ‘72, Strake Jesuit 2008 Alumnus of the Year in the Bear Creek area on the west side of Houston. ated from St. Agnes. Their son, Joseph, is a sophomore at Strake Jesuit. Past recipients of the Ignatian Award inHouston. In that search he found Casa Juan clude 1984 – Larry Mason ‘66; 1985 - Marcel Over the years, Joe has developed a repu- Diego, which serves immigrants and refugees Frey ‘74; 1986 - Jim Stewart ‘67; 1987 -Charlie tation for using his gifts as a doctor to help oth- and the poor. He has served as the Dental Di- Atchison ‘72; 1988 - Ray Albrecht ‘72; 1989 - ers, especially the poor. As a young dentist, he rector there for five years. Pat Moran ’66; 1999 - Tom Adolph ‘75; 2000 frequently volunteered as the San Jose Dental Joe has also served on a team of dentists - NJ Santarcangelo ‘67; 2001 -Mike Koch ‘75; Clinic in downtown Houston. After a medical with The Texas Dental Society that services 2002 - Frank Rynd ‘70 and Steve LePore ‘75; mission trip to Honduras where he felt the joy the poor with the Texas Mission of Mercy. 2003 - Msgr. James Anderson ‘70; 2004 - Dr. of treating those less fortunate, he began to In addition to this sense of service to oth- seek out a way to provide the same care in ers, Joe has always been active professionally. Annual Ignatian Award Dinner Julius “Jay” DeBroeck ‘73; and 2006 – Dr. Brian Parsley ‘74. On Tuesday, April 29 in the Parsley Center, the Ignatian Award Dinner will be held. At that time, Joe Piazza will be formally honored and recognized as the recipient of this year’s award. Past recipients, alumni, and friends are welcome to attend the evening to join in the awarding of the Ignatian Award to Joe. If you would like to attend, please contact Tim Scalzitti ‘90, Director of Alumni Relations at 713.490.8153 or at [email protected]. w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g The Chronicle 19 alumni news ALUMNI NEWS Reunion Weekend 2008 Dates Set, Planning Underway The dates for Reunion Weekend 2008 their own parties. These gatherings tradi- have been set and the planning is well tionally take place at some of Houston’s underway. This year’s Reunion Celebra- most popular restaurants and night spots. tion will be held on Friday and Saturday, If you did not receive a Reunion An- September 19 and 20. This year’s Reunion nouncement email from Alumni Director Classes are from the years 1968, ‘73, ‘78, Tim Scalzitti ‘90 in mid-March, contact him ‘83, ‘88, ‘93, ‘98, and 2003. at 713.490.8153 or at tscalzitti@strakeje- A team of class representatives is work- suit.org. As more details are made for the ing with the Office of Alumni Relations at big weekend, they will be posted on the Jesuit in putting together the events of Re- school web site at www.strakejesuit.org un- union Weekend. der the tab ‘Alumni.’ Reunion year alumni The weekend will begin on Friday af- interested in helping in the planning of the ternoon, September 19 with a golf outing weekend should contact Alumni Director at Wildcat Golf Course, one of Houston’s Tim Scalzitti. more popular courses. An afternoon start the Parsley Center. Aside from a chance to will be arranged to allow for out-of-town alumni visit with fellow classmates, alumni from oth- to arrive in time to take part. er classes and Jesuit faculty and staff, class That evening, Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ will host a President’s Reception on campus in group pictures will be taken that evening. That evening, individual classes will have Members of ‘66 and ‘67 Classes Gather A handful of members of the Class of 1966 held an impromptu get together, prompted by the arrival of Louis Le Blanc in Houston. The group met for lunch at Gourmet Pita Express, a restaurant co-owned by Jesuit classmate Joe Polichino. Good fellowship was the order of the day along with a lot of reminiscing. A guest, and member of the Texas High School Coaches Hall Of Fame, was former coach Dick Janse. Pictured left to right: Rusty Senac, Tom Taylor, Larry Mason, Joe Polichino, Louis Le Blanc, Coach Janse. Houston-area members of the Class of 1967 held their annual get-together luncheon in December. This year’s event, which featured one of the largest turn-outs in many years, was held at the Four Seasons. Fr. Daniel Lahart, SJ was in attendance as was classmate and current Director of Development N.J. Santarcangelo ‘67. 20 Spring 2008 Pictured left to right: Gene Nettles, Mike Guarino, Bruce Dugey, Jim Gibson, Abner Burnitt, Jim West, Jim Glenney, Frank Gullo, George Gaenslen, Roy Adamcik, Tom Standish, N.J. Santarcangelo, Jim Booth, Mike Lallinger, Fr. Daniel Lahart, Jim Stewart, Johnny Webre. Seated: Glen Boudreaux. Not pictured: Rick Sindelar. w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g CLASS NOTES Bill Everhart ’70 retired after 30 years in higher education administration. Most recently he was Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration at Claremont Graduate University in Claremont, California. He and his wife, April, has moved to their farm in eastern Tennessee near Knoxville. Jerry Smith ’70 is living in Houston with his son, Anthony, and looking for employment in the oil & gas exploration business. Fr. Luke (Bob) Uhl ’70 and his wife, Ruth, led their third annual pilgrimage to Greece last November. Their youngest son, Stephen, is a Marine currently serving in Iraq. Dan Nix & Kyle Teas ’77, along with Kyle’s wife, Clare, have opened a new restaurant in Houston called Danton’s Gulf Coast Seafood Kitchen. In addition to receiving rave reviews, it was named one of Houston’s best new restaurants by both the Houston Chronicle and City Search. Their web site is www.dantonsseafood.com. ‘80’s ‘80’s Jeb Bashaw ’80 is CEO of James E. Bashaw & Co. and has been named to the Board of Directors of Catholic Charities in Houston. David Huff ’80 and his wife of 8 years, Anna, are living in Hawaii where he works with Green Energy Solution, LLC. His son, David, is a video game animator, and his daughter, Monica, is a nursing student. Bob Newhouse ’82 joined Noble Corporation in February as Director of Leadership Development. Louis Fontenot, Jr. ’84 and wife, Cindy, welcomed the birth of their first child, Louis Fontenot III, On February 28. Louis (the Dad) also recently completed his first novel, Shelters, which is available online. James Lee ’84 was appointed by Texas Governor Rick Perry to serve as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. Andrew Mihalick ’89 is living in Houston with his wife, Melissa, and they welcomed the birth of their first child, Lucy Ann Mihalick, on January 31, 2008. Jack O’Brien ’90 and his wife, Kari, welcomed their second child, Emma Joy, on February 6, 2008. She joined her 20-month old sister, Makenna Grace, in the family. Trey Moeller ’89 and his wife, Leslie, welcomed the birth of their daughter, Mallory Kathleen, on November 15, 2007. Josh McMorrow ’91 and his wife, Priya, welcomed the birth of their son, Benjamin Singh, on January 10, 2008. Robert Montoya ’89, his wife, Roselina (SAA ‘89), and their daughters, Alyssa and Gabriella, welcomed the birth of daughter number three, Adriana Isabel, on July 22, 2007. Richard Riccetti ’89 and his wife, Chandra, welcomed the birth of their first child, Luca Xavier, on December 7, 2008. ‘90’s ‘90’s Nick Temple ’85 is happily married and living in Christchurch, New Zealand where he works in the transport industry. John Uecker, M.D. ’85 is a general and trauma surgeon in Austin with Texas Surgical Group. He is also Director of Shivers Breast Cancer Group. He has two children, Michael and Olivia. Matias Adrogue ’90 has been practicing law since 1999. He handles personal injury claims. In addition he handles commercial litigation matters. He and his wife, Leila ElHakam, have two children, Athena Mariam and Matias Esteban. Dan Coussirat ‘90 and his wife, Angie, had a Christmas surprise with the birth of their daughter, Sofia Carmen, on Christmas Day. Greg George ’86 recently joined Energy Finance Group in Houston as Managing Director for the French bank, BNP Paribas, after 13 years with Scotia Capital. Robert Meute ’87 is an account executive for Royal Travels and Rico Tours in Austin. He recently spent three week in India where he visited and helped with many children’s orphanages. Clayton Holy ’90 and his wife, Kristin (SAA ’90) recently welcomed their third child, Madelyn, on October 31, 2007. Her older brothers, Brandon and Cameron, are adjusting to the new addition of a baby girl. w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g class notes n ‘70’s ‘70’s William Vaseliades ’83 ad his wife, Rosemary, and their two children, Joanna and Peter, have lived in Corpus Christi for three years. He is currently First Vice President and Branch Manager of Morgan Stanley, managing the Corpus Christi, Rockport, and McAllen offices. Michael Mineo ’91 is in his 3rd year of practice in Urology at the Houston Medical Center. He and his wife, Jennifer, have two children – Evelyn who is 6 and Michael who is 3. Lewis Nix ’92 and his wife, Cristi, welcomed the birth of his first child, Carter Allen, on January 20, 2008. The Chronicle 21 class notes clas CLASS NOTES Ted Gorman ‘93 married Margeaux LaFleur (SAA ‘01) in Houston on January 19, 2008 at St. Anne’s Catholic Church. The wedding party included Jim Hyland ‘93, John Gorman II ‘87, Tim Collins ‘93, Mike Espinosa ‘93, Shane Hudson ‘93, and P.J. Hennessy ‘93. They are now living in Houston where he works for Bell and McCoy Lighting and Controls and Margeaux is a legal assistant. Jeremy Mouton ’93 graduated from the University of Texas School of Law in 2002. He then joined the Houston office of Bracewell & Giuliani as a corporate attorney. In December, 2006 he and his fiancé, Elizabeth, moved to St. Louis where he joined Anheuser-Busch as associate general counsel. In September, 2007 the two were married in St. Louis. Philip Wilhelm ’94 and his wife, Kathryn, and their daughter Mary Frances welcomed the birth of their second child, Heidi Hansel, on December 6, 2007. David Brown ’97 is living in Chicago with his wife, Beth. He graduated from Jefferson Medical College in May, 2006 and is a second-year otolaryngology resident at the University of Chicago. James Harris ’95 5 and Renee Sitz (SAA ’95) were married on September 29, 2007 in Houston. The father of the bride is David Stitz ’69 and the wedding party included Beau Harris ’87, Benchmark Harris ’91, Christ Stitz ’91, Christ Knight ’95, and Frank Simcik ’95. He is currently an Assistant Harris County Attorney and Renee is the Director of Marketing and Communications for a Houston non-profit agency. Spring 2008 Seth Flechsig ’98 and Becky Jackson were married in New Orleans on January 26, 2008. The couple met while attending Tulane University and now reside in Houston. Dennis Stasio ’98 is a financial advisor in Houston Galleria office of Merrill Lynch. He has been with Merrill Lynch for three years and was previously Assistant Vice President with their commercial banking group in New Jersey. Rusty Ulrich ’93 and his wife, Julie, welcomed the birth of their first child, Eliza Rose, on Galveston Island on September 20, 2007. 22 David Hoggatt ’96 graduated from Texas A&M in Galveston with a Masters of Marine Resource Management and is now an Environmental Scientist with ARCADIS in the Houston Office. Brian Bausano ’96 is in the last year of residency as the Chief Resident of Emergency Medicine at Washington University Medical School - Barnes Hospital in St. Louis. He was recently awarded Resident of the Year in Emergency Medicine at the Hospital. Jason Ciminieri ’96 graduated from the Ohio State University College of Dentistry and moved to Kansas City where he opened his practice in January, 2007 and lives with his wife, Lisa. Rights.com, two years ago and has exclusive rights with five professional teams. James Jones ’01 married Kathy Lynn Gates on January 5, 2008. He is currently working on his MBA at Rice University and recently accepted a position of Rotation Associate at Calpine Corporation. Tony Polichino ’01 is currently managing the Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen in Stafford, Texas. He once again will be volunteering for MDA Camp this summer. Tim Szafran ’01 graduated from Texas A&M in 2005 where he majored in Philosophy and minored in English. After serving a year at Strake Jesuit as a member of the Alumni Service Corps, he is now at Cypress Springs High School where he teaches English, is Assistant Swim Coach, and Head Water Polo Coach. He is currently working on his Masters in Education Administration. Brandon Dybala ’03 graduated Summa Cum Laude from St. Louis University in December, 2007 with a BS in Computer Science. He and his wife, Catherine, were married on January 8, 2008 and they are now living in Rosenberg, Texas where he works as a Software Engineer for Martin Company. Matthew Simpson ’99 received his J.D. degree with honors from Emory University in Atlanta in May, 2007 and was admitted to the Georgia Bar in November, 2007. He is now an associate with Fisher & Phillips in Atlanta, a labor/employment law firm ‘00’s ‘00’s Dan Skarbek ’00 lives in Austin where he is managing Asleep at the Wheel and Carolyn Wonderland. Kyle Burks ’01 is engaged to Steffi Hutto with a wedding in Hawaii planned for the summer of 2009. He started his company, SeasonTicket- w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g Drew rew Maresh ’03 3 graduated Magna Cum Laude from Texas A&M University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering in December, 2007. He interned with Boeing in Seattle in the summer of 2007 and, after graduation, accepted a position with Bell Helicopter in Dallas. - IN MEMORIAM - classs notes CLASS NOTES Christopher Scott Carr ‘70 Strake Jesuit Alumni Director Tim Scalzitti ‘90 and his wife, Lynn, welcomed Anthony Castenzio Scalzitti (Jesuit Class of 2026) into their family on February 13, 2008. Anthony’s middle name, Castenzio, is given to him in honor of Br. Castenzio Ferlita, SJ - more affectionately known as Br. Casey. Pictured here with his Mom & Dad, Anthony makes his first visit to Jesuit and meets Br. Casey. Eleanor Callahan Mother of Donald ‘68 and Laurence ‘71 Leona Deborah Haley Mother of Anthony ‘80, Sean ‘84, and Kyle ‘88 Luke A. Cash Father of Lee ‘67 Marguerite C. Van Osselaer Mother of Paul ‘68 Winston Chin Father of Winston '94 Daniel Howard Reat Father of Francis ‘78 and Daniel ’80 Dorothy Mae Grady Davies Mother of Dick ‘68 James Dilger Father of Jim ‘69 and David ‘72 Michael Louis Dina Father of Todd ‘83, Tony ‘84, and Michael ‘90 Eleanor Neeley Gribble Mother of Jay '76 SAVE THE DATE One Last ‘Lunch’ in the Cafeteria - BIRTHS - Rena Vitale Mother of Steve ‘86 Michael Thomas Kutka Father of Michael ‘74 Lou Anne Wells Mother of Michael ‘84 Louis Fontenot III on February 28, 2007 Louis ‘84 and Cindy Eliza Rose Ulrich on September 20, 2007 Rusty ‘93 and Julie Madelyn Holy on October 31, 2007 Clayton ‘90 and Kristin Mallory Kathleen Moeller on November 15, 2007 Trey ‘89 and Leslie Luca Xavier on December 7, 2007 Richard ‘89 and Chandra Mark your calendars now - Thursday, May 15 Demolition of the Cafeteria, which has served Jesuit students since the early ‘60’s, will begin with the completion of the new Dining Hall in early June. Watch your mail box and e-mail inbox for details later this spring. Benjamin Singh McMorrow on January 10, 2008 Russell ‘89 and Kelly Carter Allen Nix on January 20, 2008 Lewis ‘92 and Cristi Lucy Ann Mihalick on January 31, 2008 Andrew ‘89 and Melissa Emma Joy O’Brien on February 6, 2008 Jack ‘90 and Kari Anthony Castenzio Scalzitti on February 13, 2008 Tim ‘90 and Lynn w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g The Chronicle 23 Fan Fare Just the other day, I received an e-mail from John McVaney, father of senior Jeff Mc Vaney. He thanked me for supporting Crusader sports. “The boys keep me young,” I quipped in my reply. Later that day, I saw Jeff at baseball practice and I was reminded of his dad’s email. The boys really do keep me young – or so I like to think. But as I watched the team practice I began to reflect on the ‘08 football season when Jeff was asked to move from the backfield and step in as the Varsity quarterback. At the last minute, the team needed a quarterback but the position change would be a huge challenge. In the end, Jeff accepted the challenge and with the team’s backing, he led them to a playoff berth. It was for me just the latest Strake Jesuit success story. A lot of years have gone by for this Olde Crusader and I have been around this campus for a long time. I remember a lot of great stories just like Jeff’s. It’s been over four decades since my graduation. I was one of those (many) students who loved this school from the very start. Looking around the campus today I realize that by comparison we had a very humble beginning. At the time, there was only one small classroom building and a gymnasium but no matter, both structures were brand new and we needed little more. I was proud to be here. I was a shy kid, but a get along kind of a guy so I made a lot of friends. To be honest, I never really excelled at any one thing but I am proud to say that I did make good grades. Eventually, I outgrew my shyness and ventured in to a few extra-curricular, after school activities. Again, I never really excelled at any one thing, but there were a lot of kids who did and I admired them all. I was never jealous. I simply did the best I could for myself and then cheered the others on. I loved just being a part of it all. The sports were great fun. I enjoyed the plays, the debates and even the intramurals. I went to all the games and I painted spirit posters. Though never great art, my posters were large and they were numerous. The team always knew that I was rooting for them. I was handy with a hammer and nails so for the Southwell Players, I fashioned sets. I was proud to be a (small) part of their very first production. I have always loved to read and I respect great writers. By senior year I had made the staff of the student newspaper and there, I managed to get my name in print for the first time. My efforts were overshadowed by better writers whose talents I could only hope to emulate. But I tried my best to be like them and I used to read that paper cover to cover. That’s the key, I do believe: At Strake we all strive to do our best. Some do better than others and I guess that’s just a part of life. The common bond is that we are all committed to doing our best and we 24 Spring 2008 love to compete. I see that same need to succeed in the students today just as I saw it 40 years ago. ”Magis” is a word that is often heard around these premises. The students know that this Latin word means “more” and they also know that “more” is exactly what is expected of them. Magis is the Jesuit call to action. Here at SJCP, it is a call that each of us, in accordance with his own abilities will surely answer. Magis is not a final destination but is instead a lifelong journey. That’s because deep down inside, each of us knows that within us there is always “more” that can done. Lately a lot of folks have begun to affectionately refer to me as the # 1 Jesuit fan. I appreciate the compliment but the truth is that my vote would have to be for Brother Casey or Father Billac. These two Jesuit greats have dedicated their lives to the betterment of thousands of our students and alumni. We all love and respect them both. In my book they are both #1. I guess I have always been a fan. If in fact, I have now achieved some elevated status, then I will say that I owe it all to longevity. OK, maybe intensity and sincerity play a part, but if I admit to that, then I may as well let you in on my little secret: I still love this school. Forty two classes have graduated from this school. Each young man has his own story and each has made his mark on the olde alma mater. I remember them all – each and every one - with great fondness and affection. It would be an insurmountable task to attempt to chronicle all their stories: great athletes, great thespians, great musicians, unequalled debaters, great giving, respectful and devout young men. To have known so many of them has been a blessing and a joy in my life. Today’s young men continue the tradition; the torch having been passed to capable and steady hands. I am inspired by these young men. Simply stated, the boys are my personal source of pride and inspiration. If I really were the #1 fan, then at last I could claim that like all the Crusaders past and present, I too have excelled! Best of all it would surely be at the one thing I enjoy the most – Cheering on the Crusaders! To the memory of those young men that I have cheered for, I pledge my shield and my sword. George w w w . s t r a k e j e s u i t . o r g CALENDAR OF EVENTS April 5 Fantasy Auction 8-11 Kairos XXXI 13 Father-Son Breakfast 24 NHS Liturgy and Induction 3 Special Olympics at Jesuit 4 Junior Cross and Ring Liturgy 6 Blood Drive 7 Awards Assembly 9 Senior/Junior Prom 11 Mothers’ Day Mass 12 Take God to College May 18-21 Senior Silent Retreat 24 Baccalaureate Mass 25 Graduation 2 Strake Jesuit Scramble June 6-7 9 Summer School Registration Summer School Begins For up to date event information, go to www.strakejesuit.org PARENTS, if you are still receiving your son’s Chronicle although he no longer lives with you, let us know so we can change our records and send the magazine directly to him. If you enjoy reading the publication but do not receive a copy of your own, let us know that too. We would be glad to send a copy to your son’s new address and continue to send you one. Contact the Alumni Office at [email protected] or at 713.490.8153 Woman with Ball, by Pablo Huerta, is a bronze statute. It is located on the stairway landing on the east side of Moran Hall. and is on loan from Frank Ribelin. Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 8900 Bellaire Boulevard Houston, Texas 77036
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