- Sembawang Town Council
- Sembawang Town Council
S E M B A W A N G A T O W N C O U N C I L • F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 HEARTTALK Q U A R T E R LY PAGE 4 TO 5 PU B LICAT IO N NEW LIFE IN OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD O F S E MB AWANG PAGE 6 OUR SILENT HEROES TOWN CO UN CI L PAGE 10 TO 11 • OUR NEW FACE — MR AMRIN AMIN NEW YEAR, M CI ( P) 072 /0 5/2 01 5 PAGE 13 GREEN BANDS FOR SEMBAWANG TOWN COUNCIL TCMR NEW BEGINNINGS 2 H E A RT TA L K 亲爱的居民 Dear Residents A new year marks new beginnings and opportunities. As we enter a new year, I look forward to the many new and wonderful experiences that we will share together as a GRC. Starting from November last year, we brought a new lease of life to our neighbourhood with our treeplanting and clean-up activities carried out all over Sembawang GRC. Together, we planted new trees to symbolise our commitment to keep our clean and green environment thriving. At the same time, we also thanked our cleaners for their indispensable role in keeping our neighbourhood clean (Pages 4 – 5). Our cleaners often work tirelessly behind the scenes without recognition. They are our ‘silent heroes’, which is why we pay tribute to some of these individuals who work in our GRC (Page 6). Do stop to appreciate them when you see them. We also started the new year with a bang at the Countdown to 2016 @ the North (Pages 8 – 9). There was much fun to be had by all with the entertaining stage performances and fun game booths, concluding with the mesmerising fireworks display. It was a truly enjoyable way to ring in the new year together. In this issue, we would also like to introduce another new face to our GRC team, Mr Amrin Amin, who will be serving the Woodlands division (Pages 10-11). Read on to find out what are some of his hopes for the community here in Sembawang GRC and keep a look out for him in your neighbourhood. On behalf of all of us here at Sembawang Town Council, I wish you and your family a great 2016. Dr Lim Wee Kiak, PBM Chairman Para Penduduk yang Dihormati Tahun yang baru menandakan permulaan dan peluang-peluang baru. Sambil kita melangkah ke tahun baru, saya menantikan pelbagai pengalaman baru dan menarik yang akan kita kongsi bersama-sama sebagai satu GRC . Bermula dari bulan November tahun lepas, kami telah memberikan nafas baru kepada kawasan kejiranan kita dengan aktiviti-aktiviti menanam pokok dan membersihkan kawasan yang dijalankan di seluruh GRC Sembawang. Bersama-sama, kita telah menanam pokok-pokok baru bagi melambangkan komitmen kami untuk memastikan bahawa persekitaran kita yang bersih dan hijau terus berkembang maju. Pada masa yang sama, kami juga ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pekerja pembersihan kami di atas peranan penting yang dimainkan oleh mereka dalam menjaga kebersihan kejiranan kita (Muka surat 4 – 5). Para pekerja pembersihan kita sering bekerja dengan tidak mengenal penat lelah di belakang tabir tanpa sebarang pengiktirafan. Mereka adalah ‘wira senyap’ kita, dan itulah sebabnya kami memberikan penghormatan kepada individuindividu ini yang bekerja di GRC kami (Muka surat 6). Sila berikan sapaan dan tunjukkan penghargaan anda kepada mereka apabila anda melihat mereka. Kami juga telah memulakan tahun baru dengan gah di Countdown to 2016 @ the North (Muka surat 8 – 9). Terdapat pelbagai aktiviti bagi semua yang hadir dengan persembahan pentas yang menghiburkan serta gerai-gerai permainan yang menyeronokkan, dan malam itu diakhiri dengan pertunjukan bunga api yang sangat memukau. Ia merupakan satu cara yang benarbenar menyeronokkan untuk menyambut tahun baru bersamasama. Dalam keluaran kali ini, kami juga ingin memperkenalkan seorang muka baru kepada pasukan GRC kami, iaitu Encik Amrin Amin, yang akan berkhidmat bagi divisyen Woodlands (Muka surat 10 - 11). Teruskan membaca untuk mengetahui apakah antara harapan-harapan beliau untuk masyarakat di GRC Sembawang ini. Cuba temui beliau di kawasan kejiranan anda. Bagi pihak kami di semua Majlis Bandaran Sembawang, saya ingin mengucapkan kepada anda dan keluarga anda, tahun 2016 yang hebat. Dr Lim Wee Kiak, PBM Pengerusi 新的一年,新的开始,新的机遇。我们在 展望未来的同时,我也期待能和集选区里 的居民一起体验新事物,共创崭新未来。 自去年十一月开始,三巴旺集选区举办了 众多活动,如栽种树木和清理环境,旨在 为社区注入新的活力。我们一起种植树 苗,象征着为建立一个绿意盎然,美丽干 净的居住环境的决心。与此同时,我们也 向一直维护邻里整洁的清洁团队致敬,没 有他们的辛勤努力,就不会有绿化整洁的 居住环境(第4至5页) 。清洁团队一直以 来在居住环境默默地付出,名副其实是我 们的“幕后英雄”,因此我们决定表扬他 们对集选区的贡献(第6页) 。看见他们 时,请给予他们鼓励,感谢他们对社区邻 里付出的辛劳。 我们北区2016年的倒数活动也为新的一 年开展新的序幕(第8至9页)。当天多姿 md;ghHe;j FbapUg;ghsHfSf;F Gjpa njhlf;fq;fisAk; tha;g;GfisAk; xU Gj;jhz;L Fwpf;fpwJ. ehk; xU Gj;jhz;by; EioatpUg;gjhy;> xU FOj;njhFjpahf ehk; $l;bize;J gfpHe;Jnfhs;stpUf;Fk; gy Gjpa> mw;Gjkhd mDgtq;fis ehd; MtYld; vjpHNehf;FfpNwd;. fle;j Mz;L etk;gH khjj;jpypUe;J> nrk;gthq; FOj;njhFjp KOtJk; ehk; Nkw;nfhz;l kuf;fd;W eLjy; kw;Wk; Rj;jk; nra;jy; eltbf;iffSld; ekJ mf;fk;gf;fj;jpw;F ehk; xU Gj;JzHt+l;Lk; tho;f;ifia toq;fptUfpNwhk;. ekJ Rw;Wg;Gwj;ijr; Rj;jkhfTk; gRikahfTk; itj;Jf;nfhs;tjw;fhd ekJ cWjpNaw;gpd; milahskhf ehk; xd;wpize;J Gjpa kuf;fd;Wfis el;Nlhk;. mNj Neuj;jpy;> ekJ mf;fk;gf;fj;ijr; Rj;jkhf itj;Jf;nfhs;tjpy; mauhJ ciof;Fk; ekJ Jg;GuthsHfSf;Fk; ehk; ed;wp njuptpj;Jf;nfhs;fpNwhk; (gf;fq;fs; 4 - 5). ekJ Jg;GuthsHfs; ngUk;ghYk; vt;tpj mq;fPfhuKk; ,d;wp gpd;Gyj;jpy; Xa;tpd;wp gzpGupfpd;wdH. mtHfs; ekJ ~kiwKff; fjhehafHfs;|> mjd; fhuzkhfNt ekJ FOj;njhFjpapy; gzpGupfpd;w ,j;jifa jdpegHfspy; rpyUf;F ehk; kupahij nrYj;JfpNwhk; (gf;fq;fs; 6). ePq;fs; mtHfisf; fhZk; NghJ> mtHfisg; ghuhl;lj; jtwhjPHfs;. NkYk; ehk; ,g;Gj;jhz;Lf; nfhz;lhl;lq;fisf; fTz;l;lTd; L 2016 @ ehHj; -,y; Nfhyhfykhfj; njhlq;fpNdhk; (gf;fq;fs; 8 - 9). Nfspf;if epiwe;j Nkil epfo;r;rpfs; kw;Wk; Ntbf;if tpisahl;Lr; 多彩的活动让大家玩得不亦乐乎,尽兴而 归。精心策划的活动包括出色的舞台表演 和有趣的游戏摊位,活动的尾声更安排了 绚丽璀璨、铁树银花绽放的烟花秀,为活 动画下完美的句点。以如此独特的方式一 起迎接新一年肯定让大家留下难以磨灭的 美好回忆! 在这期的刊物中,我们将为您介绍刚加入 我们集选区团队,将代表兀兰选区的安宁 阿敏先生(第10 至 11页)。大家可翻阅 本刊,了解安宁阿敏先生对三巴旺集选区 里的社区展望,多多注意并支持和他一起 为邻里居民服务。 我在此代表三巴旺市镇理事会上下同仁, 祝您和您的家人在2016年万事如意,事 事顺心,身体安康 。 林伟杰医生, PBM 主席 rhtbfs; Mfpatw;Wld; ehk; midtUk; kpfTk; kfpo;r;rpahf nghOijf; fopj;Njhk;. mjd; ,Wjpapy; kdijf; nfhs;isf;nfhz;l thdNtbf;iffSld; ,f;nfhz;lhl;lq;fs; epiwT ngw;wd. mJ cz;ikapy; Gj;jhz;ilf; $l;bize;Jf; nfhz;lhLtjw;fhd xU kfpo;r;rpahd topahf ,Ue;jJ. ,e;j ,jopy;> cl;yz;l;]; gpuptpw;Fr; NritGupaTs;s> ekJ FOj;njhFjpf;F kw;nwhU Gjpatuhd jpU mk;upd; mkpd; mtHfis cq;fSf;F mwpKfg;gLj;j tpUk;GfpNwhk; (gf;fk; 10 - 11). nrk;gthq; FOj;njhFjpapy; cs;s r%fj;jpw;fhf mtuplk; cs;s rpy jpl;lq;fisf; fz;lwptjw;F NkYk; thrpf;fTk;. NkYk;> mtiu cq;fs; mf;fk;gf;fj;jpy; tpiutpy; re;jpg;gjw;F ePq;fs; vjpHghHf;fyhk;. nrk;gthq; efu kd;wj;jpy; cs;s midtupd; rhHghfTk;> cq;fSf;Fk; cq;fs; FLk;gj;jpdUf;Fk; 2016 Gj;jhz;L rpwg;ghf mika tho;j;JfpNwhk;. lhf;lH ypk; tP fpahf;> PBM jiytH F E B R UA RY 2 01 6 3 4 H E A RT TA L K NEW LIFE IN OUR NEIGHBOURHOOD — TREE PLANTING DAYS IN SEMBAWANG GRC SEMBAWANG O n 5th October 2015, we planted new trees together in our first GRC event, the Sembawang GRC Clean and Green SG50 Mass Tree Planting Day. But our efforts to improve the environment did not end there as the divisions continued to hold their own Tree-Planting Days in the month of November. The Tree-Planting Day campaign in Sembawang GRC kicked off first in two divisions, Canberra and Sembawang on 1 November 2015. In the Canberra division, residents picked up litter in the neighbourhood before the tree-planting event. Grassroots Advisor Dr Lim Wee Kiak, along with residents, planted six Calliandra emarginata (Cat’s Tail) trees and two beds of Heliconia shrubs Between Blocks 463 and 463C Sembawang Drive. To top it all off, several game and food stalls were set up, ranging from henna painting, candy floss, popcorn, to even a bouncy castle for the children! Cheers to another great Tree Planting Day in Sembawang. ADMIRALTY Over in Sembawang, Grassroots Advisor Minister Khaw Boon Wan started off the event by officially opening the Montreal Integrated Community Garden located at the open space near Blk 504A Montreal Drive. Not only does the community garden yield bountiful produce, but it also teaches the young of Sembawang more about the earth and the types of plants that grow in it. Minister Khaw Boon Wan also planted one of the 40 species of trees planted that day — an Annona squamosa (Sugar Apple) tree. Residents who attended the event were also treated to a sumptuous buffet lunch and fun game stalls. Woodlands division hosted the next Tree-Planting Day on 8 November 2015. Grassroots Advisor Mr Amrin Amin joined residents in a litter-picking exercise beforehand. Although it was hard work, there were smiles on everyone’s faces as we worked to keep our neighbourhood tidy together. After which, Mr Amrin and residents planted 10 Garcinia subelliptica (Happiness) trees at the open space near Block 803 Woodlands Street 81. Everyone helping out to plant the neighbourhood greenery! With the new fig trees planted in Admiralty. Mr Khaw Boon Wan planting the Sugar Apple tree in Sembawang. CANBERRA Dr Lim Wee Kiak was all smiles while watering the new Calliandra emarginata tree. F E B R UA RY 2 01 6 5 WOODLANDS Happiness trees bring happiness to the Woodlands community. Mr Amrin Amin worked with a young resident to plant new trees. Admiralty and Gambas divisions rounded off the Tree-Planting Day campaign in Sembawang GRC on 22 November. In the Admiralty division, Grassroots Advisor Mr Vikram Nair planted 10 Ficusbenjamina (Fig trees) near Blk 505 Woodlands Drive 14. He also presented certificates and tokens of appreciation to the best cleaners in Admiralty division as a means of showing our thanks to the individuals who work hard to keep our estates clean. Appreciating our cleaners Over in the Gambas division, residents came together bright and early to pick up litter in the nearby vicinity. This was also a great opportunity for the residents of Gambas to get to know each other, as they worked together to preserve the cleanliness of their neighbourhood. They were joined by Grassroots Advisor, Minister Ong Ye Kung, who also planted five Neem trees. Minister Ong also took this opportunity to thank exemplary cleaners in the Gambas division who had contributed to the daily upkeep of cleanliness in the estates. Overall, the Tree-Planting Days in Sembawang GRC were a great reminder: that preserving both the environment and the cleanliness of our estates is a job that must be done with everyone working hand in hand. GAMBAS Mr Ong Ye Kung watering the newly planted Neem tree. Residents pitched in to pick up litter together before tree planting. 6 H E A RT TA L K OUR SILENT HEROES Photos and Text by: (From left) Nur Atiqah Mustafa, Priya Sunil, Ili Nadhirah Mansor and Kylie Ng Year 3 Students, Diploma in Mass Communications, Republic Polytechnic B eing a cleaner is not a fancy or glamorous job, but it is still an important one nonetheless. Without them, we might not be able to live in a clean neighbourhood, or enjoy a pleasant meal with family and friends in hygienic surroundings. However, we often forget about these cleaners, who work behind the scenes. We may see them often while rushing about in the day, but how often have we stopped to greet them or even to give them a smile to thank them? They are ordinary people just like us. Some of them may be fathers, mothers, even grandparents. Some of them may have family overseas and are alone here to make a living. All of them face the same struggles and share the same thoughts and feelings we have. We bring you some of the stories behind these faces you may see but may not know. We hope their stories will inspire you to take the time to get to know the ‘silent heroes’ in your neighbourhood. MR LAW AH EYK 68 YEARS OLD, SEMBAWANG TOWN COUNCIL CLEANER (WOODLANDS DIVISION) Mr Law started work as a contractor even before his army days. Eventually he changed jobs to become a cleaner under Sembawang Town Council. He has been a cleaner for about 10 years now. He is in charge of cleaning several blocks in Woodlands Drive 70. His work starts at 5 in the morning and ends at 2 in the afternoon. He admits that the work is sometimes tough, but shares that he works hard to support his aged mother. MR OMAR BIN ABDULLAH 52 YEARS OLD, TEH TARIK COFFEE SHOP CLEANER Mr Omar has been working at a coffee shop, Teh Tarik near Woodlands Polyclinic, as a cleaner for about 3 years now. Work starts at 7 in the morning and ends at 7 in the evening. He is also a resident of Sembawang GRC. He loves working as a cleaner at Teh Tarik coffee shop, because people he meets are nice and friendly. Mr Omar likes to meet new people, especially children, who eat at the coffee shop. MR DAUD BIN BELWI 57 YEARS OLD, SEMBAWANG PARK CLEANER Mr Daud comes from Kuching, Sarawak and has been working in Singapore for 6 months now. He came to Singapore to earn a living to support his wife and daughter. Currently, he works at Sembawang Park as a cleaner from Monday to Saturday, starting at 7.30 in the morning and ending at 5.30 in the evening. In a month he has two off days. Working in Sembawang Park is enjoyable, because he likes to see people come to the park with their family and friends for a picnic near the beach. One day, Mr Daud hopes to be able to bring his wife and daughter to Sembawang Park for a picnic, just like the other families. F E B R UA RY 2 01 6 7 CHINGAY @ NORTH 2016 After a 5-year hiatus, Chingay @ North is returning on Saturday, 27 February 2016! The theme for this year is “Lights of Legacy, Brighter Singapore,” signifying a future-focused, youthcentric Singapore. The 18 km float procession will start from Republic Polytechnic, passing through all three towns, namely Woodlands, Sembawang and Yishun. It is expected to end by 10.30pm at Yishun Ave 6 with a mid-point at mini park in front of Blk 320 Sembawang Close. Highlights of the event include a wide range of ethnic dance performances, lion dance, and stilt walkers at the start point. Our Grassroots Advisers will be invited to pen down New Year wishes on sky lanterns which will be lighted thereafter to signify the launch. At the mid-point, a vibrant street party and healthy lifestyle carnival awaits you. The procession will end off with an electrifying LED dragon dance and getai at the end point. For more information, please contact Community Centres/ Clubs in Sembawang GRC. Come and join us for a wonderful evening of lights, colours and fun! 起点 Start Point 4.30 pm Republic Polytechnic, Open Foyer Woodlands Ave 9 (estimated floats arrival time 5.30 pm) 终点 End Point 8.30 pm Open Field Between Blk 389 Yishun Ave 6 and Yishun St 31 • Official Launch of Chingay @ North 2016 • GOF Stilt Walkers • The Voyage SG100 Performance • Fringe Activities (estimated floats arrival time 9 pm) • LED Dragon Dance Performance • Big Headed Dolls • Family Carnival & Song Performances 中点 Mid-Point 6.00 pm Mini Park In Front of Blk 320 Sembawang Close (estimated floats arrival time 7.30 pm) • Fringe Activities and Street Party • Lights of Legacy Dance Performance 8 H E A RT TA L K Sufie Rashid, winner of Akademi Fantasia 2015, who gave an amazing performance. Residents having fun at the game booths. Our MPs from Sembawang and Marsiling-Yew Tee GRC counting down to 2016! CHEERS TO THE NEW YEAR! COUNTDOWN TO 2016 @ THE NORTH The North really knows how to party! This was evident at the Countdown to 2016 @ the North event, held at the open field near North Woodlands Way on 31 December 2015. Together, over 8,000 residents from Sembawang GRC came to count down into the new year, where the revelry lasted all the way into the early hours of 2016! Our MPs with young residents before counting down to 2016. Residents thoroughly enjoyed the spectacular entertainment for the night. There was a wide variety of musical performances to be enjoyed, from acoustic solo performances to electrifying band acts which got the crowd up and moving. Local artiste and comedian, Hossan Leong also took the stage, to the delight of those in attendance, leaving the crowd in stitches with his hilarious jokes and witty one-liners! Winner of the 12th season of the popular singing competition, Akademi Fantasia, Sufie Rashid, also won over the crowd with his electric solo performance to conclude the programme for that night. F E B R UA RY 2 01 6 9 Local comedian and artiste, Hossan Leong, warming up the crowd. That’s not all. Booths and game stalls also offered a whole host of fun activities for residents and their children to take part in. Those present were also able to grab a picture with their family and loved ones at the Kampung Sembawang photobooth as a way to commemorate the last few hours of 2015. Our MPs also joined in the fun, greeting the crowd with warm wishes for the new year even as midnight drew close. Together on the stroke of midnight, we enjoyed what was undeniably, the highlight of the entire evening — a stunning 10 minutes fireworks display which had the crowd cheering. A slightly more reflective mood fell over the crowd briefly, as we all joined in the mass singing of Auld Lang Syne to herald in another new year. Yet, there were cheers and hugs all around as Sembawang GRC officially celebrated the first few hours of 2016 as a community. Celebrating the arrival of 2016 as a GRC has made the start of the new year a truly meaningful one and we look forward to creating more beautiful memories together in the coming year! An energetic Zumba performance that got everyone moving! Phototaking fun at the Kampung Sembawang photobooth to welcome 2016! Local band, The Rampage, giving a rousing performance. 10 H E A RT TA L K OUR NEW FACE — MR AMRIN AMIN, SHARES HIS HEART ON WHAT HE HOPES TO DO AS MP FOR WOODLANDS DIVISION AND HIS DESIRE TO BUILD A CLOSE AND STRONG COMMUNITY. Mr Amrin Amin is Sembawang GRC’s new Member of Parliament (MP). Since 1 October 2015, he has taken on a new portfolio as Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Home Affairs. In this exclusive interview, we get to know more about Mr Amrin Amin through topics and issues close to his heart. Making a Meaningful Difference Together “I used to be quite the ‘geek’ when I was in school,” Mr Amrin joked affably, when asked about his growing up years. He grew up in a three-room flat in Bedok with three other siblings. “When I was in primary school, I remember helping to set up the library. I was also a school prefect. In secondary school, junior college and university, I served in the student council.” “I subscribe to the Latin maxim ‘Carpe Diem’, which means ‘seize the day’. That means making the best of what we’ve got, making each day Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs MP for Sembawang GRC (Woodlands) count. I try to do as much as I can, the best I can. When I look back, I hope to be able to say that I’ve done all I’ve could; that I’ve tried my best.” Mr Amrin has done much in his 37 years. From being a student at Singapore neighbourhood schools, he went to NUS to study law and then moved to New York to pursue his Masters at Columbia University and worked as a corporate lawyer. We asked him about his role as a politician and this is what he said, “An MP is one of many in the community. To make a meaningful difference and to advance the Singapore cause, people and groups from all walks of life have to come together. Residents, social workers, grassroots volunteers, Residents’ Committee (RC) members, town council, conservancy workers, shop-owners, everyone has to help. I hope to play a part in bringing people together.” Mr Amrin working together with residents and volunteers at the books donation drive. F E B R UA RY From Reviewing Report Books to Book Donations, Building a Community of Hope and Heart So just what are some of these hopes and plans that Mr Amrin has for the Woodlands community? 2 01 6 11 Mr Amrin greeting a resident at the weekly Meet-thePeople session. “I hope to build a tight-knit community in Woodlands with a strong sense of community and kampung spirit, where people from diverse backgrounds feel at home.” Mr Amrin shared. Plans are also underway to involve youths more closely in community projects and initiatives, and to promote local cultures as part of our Singaporean identity. Mr Amrin also stated his desire to advance social mobility, an issue that he has spoken passionately about on various occasions, including during the 2015 General Elections. He singled out social mobility as “one of the biggest issues of our time” and that help has to be given to those who are not so well-off so they can have better incomes, jobs and opportunities for a better life in future. Advancing social mobility is a cause that is evidently close to Mr Amrin’s heart, seeing how he has been active in promoting educational and social causes with his service on the boards of Nanyang Polytechnic, National Council of Problem Gambling, and bursary body LBKM, to name a few. That zeal to improve social mobility continues. As MP, he started “Bring-Your-Report-Book-to-MPS” where he invited children from rental flats to show him their report books. Mr Amrin said: “MPS is not just a place where people share their problems, but also a place to celebrate life’s little joys. It was nice to see children proudly showing me their report cards and sharing what they excelled in. With this small initiative, I hope to send a message of hope and to let them know that we are rooting for them!” Recently in December, Mr Amrin started a donation drive for used textbooks, assessment books and story books. Woodlands residents donated over 10,000 books which benefitted over 150 needy families. Mr Amrin wrote on his Facebook page on the donation drive: “I started this book donation drive at Woodlands as part of a continuing initiative to help the less privileged among us get the best possible support for their education. It is heartwarming to see residents generously donating books and grassroots coming together as one big family, driving their cars and vans to transport the books.” For the Community What does an MP do day-to-day? Mr Amrin shared his routine of visiting families at their homes, market visits and weekly Meet-the-People sessions. Asked what he sees as his key role, he said: “A voice and champion for the people, for the community. I do as best as I can to help people, without affecting their own desire to help themselves. My job is to listen, to manage expectations if needed, and work together with others to bring out a positive difference.” Mr Amrin Amin looking at a young resident’s report card. In addition to his MP role, Mr Amrin was appointed Parliamentary Secretary at the Ministry of Home Affairs. Surely, all these portfolios come with their own set of challenges, not to mention, greatly lessen any personal time Mr Amrin has left for his loved ones and himself? “It’s not a 9 to 5 job for sure. I get immense satisfaction in helping others and meeting people. For me, serving the people is a passion and calling. That’s what drives me each day to do my very best for the people and our country.” “I HOPE TO BUILD A TIGHT-KNIT COMMUNITY IN WOODLANDS WITH A STRONG SENSE OF COMMUNITY AND KAMPUNG SPIRIT, WHERE PEOPLE FROM DIVERSE BACKGROUNDS FEEL AT HOME.” Connect with Mr Amrin Amin on facebook.com/amrin.page 12 H E A RT TA L K WHAT IS MEDISHIELD LIFE? M ediShield Life has replaced MediShield on 1 November 2015. It is a health insurance plan designed to provide coverage for patients in Class B2 or C wards, or receiving subsidised treatment in public hospitals. Patients who choose to stay in public hospital Class B1 or A wards or private hospitals will still benefit from MediShield Life. IMPORTANT ls. ed for subsidised bil *MediShield Life is siz are ys sta t en for inpati Non-subsidised bills uivalent full-subsidy eq ir the pro-rated to ld Life before the MediShie Class B2/C bill size, for ls bil d ise sid . Non-sub payout is calculated ted -ra pro be ll wi atment outpatient cancer tre is ut yo pa e Lif ld MediShie (by 50%) before the d ise sid ub n-s no tion for calculated. The pro-ra e er treatment will tak nc ca t en ati bills for outp er 2016. place from Novemb n on For more informatio go to e as ple e, Lif MediShield .sg/ ife ldl hie https://www.medis . 99 33 2 22 0 180 or call There is no need to apply for MediShield Life. Coverage for all Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents has automatically started on 1 November 2015. This includes those currently covered by MediShield, private health insurance plans, the uninsured, and those who may already have serious medical conditions. PAY LESS FOR LARGE MEDICAL BILLS WITH MEDISHIELD LIFE MEDISHIELD LIFE BENEFITS AT A GLANCE ENHANCED Your MediShield payout depends on a few components: MEDISHIELD BENEFITS Portion of Bill Above Claim Limits* Coinsurance* Percentage of the claim amount that you will have to pay, after deductible. MediShield pays what is left of the claim amount after deductible and co-insurance. Deductible* A fixed amount that you will need to pay before you receive the MediShield payout within a policy year. Maximum claimable limit depends on the number of days you stay in the hospital and the type of treatment or surgery you undergo. Maximum claimable limit Reduced Co-insurance* Reduced Co-insurance* Maximum claim limit is raised This means that MediShield Life will pay more of the bill, and you pay less. Maximum claimable limit Portion of Bill Above Claim Limits* 2 - Normal Ward Intensive Care Unit Ward Community Hospital Psychiatric Surgical Procedures Implants Radiosurgery $450 per day $900 per day $250 per day $100 per day $700 per day $1,200 per day $350 per day $100 per day $150 – $1,100 $7,000 per treatment $4,800 per procedure $200 – $2,000 $7,000 per treatment $4,800 per procedure Kidney Dialysis Immunosuppressants for Organ Transplant Erythropoietin for Chronic Kidney Failure $1,240 per 21/28-day cycle $3,000 per month $80 per session $160 per session $140 per session $500 per session $1,000 per month $1,000 per month $200 per month $200 per month $200 per month $200 per month MAXIMUM CLAIM LIMITS $70,000 $300,000 Age 92 Per Policy Year Lifetime Maximum Coverage Age $100,000 No limit No maximum age DEDUCTIBLE PAYABLE BY INSURED Deductible remains the same Co-insurance is reduced Deductible* Daily Ward and Treatment Charges - External or Superficial - Brachytherapy Portion of Bill Above Claim Limits* Increased Maximum Claim Limit INPATIENT TREATMENT/DAY SURGERY CLAIM LIMITS* Chemotherapy for Cancer* Radiotherapy for Cancer* WITH MEDISHIELD LIFE: 1 Applies only to admissions on or after 1 Nov 2015 OUTPATIENT TREATMENT CLAIM LIMITS *Payable by Medisave or cash Deductible* MEDISHIELD LIFE BENEFITS For Ages 80 and Below (Age Next Birthday) Class C ward or Day Surgery: $1,500 Class B2 ward: $2,000 For Ages 81 and Above (Age Next Birthday) Class C ward: $2,000 Class B2 ward or Day Surgery: $3,000 CO-INSURANCE PAYABLE BY INSURED Claimable Amount for Inpatient and Day Surgery Co-insurance (Percentage of Claimable Amount) $0 – $3,000 $3,001 – $5,000 $5,001 – $10,000 >$10,000 20% 15% 10% 10% 10% 10% 5% 3% Co-insurance for all Outpatient Treatments 20% 10% F E B R UA RY WHAT IS IT? 2 01 6 13 GREEN BANDS FOR TCMR 2014/2015 The Town Council Management Report (TCMR) is published annually to promote greater accountability and transparency and to encourage community ownership of the management of public housing estates. WE HAVE ACHIEVED A GREEN BAND FOR ALL FIVE AREAS IN THE TCMR FY2014! The framework covers 5 areas – estate cleanliness, estate maintenance, lift performance, service & conservancy charges (S&CC) arrears management, and corporate governance. Each area is presented as a single indicator and results are banded as Green, Amber or Red. ESTATE CLEANLINESS ESTATE MAINTENANCE A big THANK YOU to all our residents and dedicated cleaners for making this possible. THANK YOU! In order to maintain our green band score, let us continue to work together hand in hand to create a clean environment for all to live in. LIFT PERFORMANCE S&CC ARREARS MANAGEMENT CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TOP FIVE TYPES OF ESTATE MAINTENANCE OBSERVATIONS FOR SEMBAWANG TOWN COUNCIL TYPES OF CLEANLINESS OBSERVATIONS FOR SEMBAWANG TOWN COUNCIL 54% Obstruction of common areas 41% Stain and litter 13% Unauthorised fixtures 34% Dumped bulky refuse 3% Unauthorised fixtures/ encroachment on open spaces 11% Graffiti 2% Exposed wiring/trunking, unlocked socket outlet 11% Moss/cobwebs 2% Damaged plaster/large cracks/ spalling concrete 3% Human/animal faeces 14 H E A RT TA L K KEEP OUR COMMON AREAS OBSTRUCTION FREE PERMITTED O bstruction of common areas accounted for 54% of the total maintenance observations in the TCMR 2014. Obstruction of the common areas are potential fire hazards and may also hamper evacuation efforts during emergencies. For assistance in removing your bulky items, please contact us at 6368 3100 or make a booking at sbtc.org.sg. >1.2 m Maintain a clear staircase and landing at all times. A clear width of 1.2 m must be maintained at all times. The ambulance crew and wheelchair-bound person requires at least 1.2 m clear width for access. NOT PERMITTED We seek the kind cooperation of residents to play their part in ensuring that the common areas are kept clear of obstruction so that fire safety is not compromised. Take a look at how to keep the common areas obstruction-free! <1.2 m <1.2 m Let’s work together to create a safer home for everyone! Do not store items excessively at the staircase landing. The placement of the rack results in a less than 1.2 m clear width. WITH EFFECT FROM 20 DECEMBER 2015 Sembawang Dr Sembawang Way OPERATING HOURS 5.45 AM - 11.30 PM Punggol Bus Interchange Sembawang Bus Interchange Canberra Link SEMBAWANG STATION/ BUS INTERCHANGE Sun Plaza NorthPoint Shopping Centre YISHUN STATION Yishun Ave 2 Orchid Country Club KHATIB STATION Seletar West Link Yishun Ave 1 Yishun Sports Hall *Map not drawn to scale Punggol Ctrl Piccadilly Seletar Aerospace Dr Jln Kayu Punggol Way TPE PUNGGOL STATION/ BUS INTERCHANGE Obstruction of emergency crew access due to constricted corridor. NEW BUS SERVICE 117 A new bus service has been introduced to benefit residents of Sembawang GRC. Bus service 117 will improve connectivity between Punggol, Seletar Aerospace Park, Yishun and Sembawang areas. The service will operate from Punggol Bus Interchange and ply Punggol Central, Punggol Way, Tampines Expressway (TPE), Jalan Kayu, Piccadilly, Seletar Aerospace Drive, Seletar West Link, Yishun Avenue 1, Yishun Avenue 2, Canberra Link, Sembawang Way and Sembawang Drive to Sembawang Bus Interchange. Noteworthy stops on the route include the Punggol, Khatib, Yishun and Sembawang MRT stations, as well as Sun Plaza and Sembawang Bus Interchange. It will operate daily from 5.45 am to 11.30 pm daily. Cheers to improved bus services within our constituency! F E B R UA RY 2 01 6 15 PRACTICE LIFT SAFETY! Dear Residents In order to ensure the safety of all while using the lifts, we seek the cooperation of all our residents in adhering to the following safety rules: Do carry your pets into the lift instead of walking them on the leash. DO ensure that your children do not meddle with the lift doors/other safety features of the lift. Do not place your hands on the lift door panels. Do use the ‘door open’ button to hold the door open for others. Ensure that your children do not meddle with the lift’s safety features. Do not force open the landing doors of the lift. DO ensure the safety of your pets by carrying them into/in the lifts (instead of walking them on the leash). DO use the ‘door open’ button to keep the doors open for other passengers to enter/exit the lift. DO NOT place or rest your hands/palms/ fingers on the lift door panels, especially when the doors are opening/ closing. DO NOT force open the landing doors of the lift or use any miscellaneous objects to hold the lift doors open. We seek your kind understanding and cooperation in observing the above safety advice when using the lifts. Thank you. SEMBAWANG TOWN COUNCIL 16 CALENDAR OF EVENTS NAME OF EVENT DATE TIME ADMIRALTY VENUE 13 Feb 2016 7 PM to 10 PM Vista Park Admiralty Lunar New Year Dinner 20 Feb 2016 7 PM to 10 PM Admiralty Sports Park (Beside ACE The Place Community Club) CANBERRA 13 Feb 2016 7 PM to 10 PM Canberra CC Multi-Purpose Hall AAC Health Week 17 - 28 Feb 2016 Various times Canberra RCs / Canberra CC Multi-Purpose hall Chingay @ North 2016 (Sembawang GRC) 27 Feb 2016 5.30 PM to 9 PM Open area at Blk 319 Sembawang Close (Mid-point) Canberra Day 13 Mar 2016 7 AM to 3 PM Open area at Blk 319 Sembawang Close GAMBAS 14 Feb 2016 7 PM to 10 PM N4 Courtyard Blk 414 Yishun Ave 11 Chingay @ North 2016 (Sembawang GRC) 27 Feb 2016 8.30 PM to 10.30 PM Junction of Yishun Ave 6 and Yishun Street 31 (End Point) Blood Donation Drive 9 Apr 2016 10 AM to 4 PM TBC SEMBAWANG 20 Feb 2016 7.30 PM to 10 PM Sembawang Community Club Lunar New Year 2016 Celebration @ Sembawang Zone ‘K’ RC 21 Feb 2016 7.30 PM to 9.30 PM Multi-Purpose Hall at Blk 588 Montreal Drive Sembawang Divisional Walk 27 Mar 2016 8 AM to 10 AM TBC Sembawang Vishu Celebration 23 Apr 2016 7.30 PM to 9 PM Kreta Ayer People’s Theatre Offices: Sembawang Town Council Blk 306A Woodlands St 31, #02-00, S731306 Tel: 6368 3100 Woodlands Collection Centre Blk 900 South Woodlands Drive, #02-02, S730900 Email: [email protected] Facebook: Kampung Sembawang (for Town news) Sembawang Town Council (for Town Council matters) iPhone/Android App: iTown@SG SMS/MMS: 9110 9877 Publication Committee Advisor: Dr Lim Wee Kiak, PBM Chairman: Mdm Lee Tee Choon, BBM Co-chairman: Mr Goh Peng Hong, BBM Members: Mr George Iskandar Mr Goh Shiming, Gavin Mr Joseph Tan Yong Siang Mdm Kalyani d/o Sinnakkalai Ramasamy, PBM Mr Muhammad Ridhwan Bin Ibrahim Ms Yam Wylin, Marianne PLEASE CONTACT THE CC AT 6368 9938 FOR MORE INFORMATION 27 Feb 2016 4.30 PM to 7.30 PM Republic Polytechnic, Woodlands Ave 9 (Start Point) 28 Feb 2016 8.30 AM to 12 PM Woodlands Swimming Complex 26 & 27 Mar 2016 9 AM to 6 PM Woodlands Galaxy CC (MPH) Design and production: The Print Lodge Pte Ltd Circulation: 71,000 THE NUMBER GAME Sembawang Town Council wishes all residents A Happy & Prosperous Lunar New Year! 新年快乐,万事如意! Hearttalk is published quarterly by Sembawang Town Council. PLEASE CONTACT THE CC AT 6758 4183 FOR MORE INFORMATION Sembawang Lunar New Year Celebration Dinner 2016 2nd Woodlands – STTA Veteran Table Tennis Championship 2016 *subject to 7% GST PLEASE CONTACT THE CC AT 6684 1827 FOR MORE INFORMATION Gambas LNY Dinner Woodlands Swim Splashthlon Meet 2016 Full page - $3,500.00 Half page - $2,000.00 Quarter page - $1,200.00 PLEASE CONTACT THE CC AT 6755 6369 FOR MORE INFORMATION Canberra Lunar New Year Dinner Chingay @ North 2016 (Sembawang GRC) Write to us at newsletter@ sbtc.org.sg for more details! Rates below: PLEASE CONTACT THE CC AT 6891 3430 FOR MORE INFORMATION Admiralty Zone 4 RC Lunar New Year Dinner WOODLANDS Do you have a business located in Sembawang GRC and wish to advertise your services? These figures have appeared somewhere in this newsletter. They could be in a picture, or in the text of a story. To win this easy contest, simply write down the page number and headline of the story in which the figures can be found. For example, the answer for the phrase “Together, over 8,000 residents from Sembawang GRC came out to count down into the new year.” would be “Page 8: Cheers to the New Year!”. Judges’ decisions are final. Your entry must be on this form and must reach the given address by 29 February 2016. The PR Manager Blk 306A Woodlands St 31 #02-00 Singapore 731306 Great prizes to be won: 1st prize: $100 2nd prize: $60 3rd prize: $30 Plus two great consolation prizes!!! CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS IN THE LAST CONTEST: 1st YOUR ANSWERS: Woodlands residents donated over 10,000 books which benefitted over 150 needy families. On 5th October 2015, we planted new trees together in our first GRC event. Work starts at 7 in the morning and ends at 7 in the evening. Rasyidah Bajuri 2nd Tan Buck Song 3rd Loh Kow Cheong 4th Yang Cheng Cheng 5th Rosnah Binte Abdul Karim My Name My NRIC No My Address Postal Code Phone No
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