Productcatalogue total 2010x
Productcatalogue total 2010x
4511 Lotus Tapioca Pearls (S) Bai Toey/ Tapioa Perlen Pandan Geschmack 4578 Vinh Thuan Prepared Mix Flour 40X400g. Thailand 30x400g. Vietnam 4562 Lotus Brand Tapioca Pearls Large / Tapioa Perlen Groß 4577 Gia Bao Dried Broken Corn / Gebrochener Mais 40x400g. Thailand 4563 Lotus Brand Tapioca Pearls Small / Tapioka Perlen Klein 40x400g. Thailand 40x300g. Vietnam 4579 Vinh Thuan Corn Starch / Mais Stärke 20x400g. Vietnam 4570 Lotus Brand Palm Sugar / Palm Zucker 4580 Vinh Thuan Fried Powder Mix 24x454g. Thailand 60x150g. Vietnam 4572 Lotus Brand Palm Sugar / Palm Zucker 4581 Vinh Thuan Hagou Flour / Hagou Mehl 12x1kg. Thailand 20x400g. Vietnam Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Starches, Flours & Sugars / Stärcken, Mehl und Zucker 5 9 4582 Vinh Thuan Rice Spaghetti Flour / Reis Spaghetti Mehl 4592 Vinh Thuan Tapioca Starch / Tapioka Stärke 20x400g. Vietnam 20x400g. Vietnam 4583 Vinh Thuan Glutinous Rice Flour / Klebe Reis Mehl 4593 Vinh Thuan Rice Starch / Reis Stärke 20x400g. Vietnam 20x400g. Vietnam 4589 Vinh Thuan Flour for Wet Rice Paper 4586 Harina di Pan 20x400g. Vietnam 20x1kg. Venezuela 4590 Vinh Thuan Crisp Fried Powder Mix 4588 Green Dragon Self Raising Flour / Backmehl 60x150g. Vietnam 10x1,5kg. United Kingdom 4591 Vinh Thuan Flour for Small Pancakes / Mehl für Kleine Pfannkuchen 4600 Avebe Potato Starch / Kartoffelstärke 20x400g. Vietnam Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Starches, Flours & Sugars / Stärcken, Mehl und Zucker 25kg. The Netherlands 6 0 5009 Z&B Wasabi Horse Radisch in Tube / Wasabi Paste in Tube 5031 Cashew Nuts WW 450 / Cashew Kerne (Größe) WW450 100x43g. China 11,34kg. Vietnam 5012 S&B Wasabi Horse Radisch in Tube / Wasabi Paste in Tube 5032 Cashew Nuts WW320 / Cashew Kerne (Größe) WW320 100x43g. China 11,34kg. India 5013 Marukin Mirin Japanse cooking wine Fu Chomiryo / Japanischer Kochwein 5049 Longevity Brand Dried Lily Flower / Getrocknete Lilien Blüten 15x0,5l. Thailand 50x150g. China 5014 Maruman Aka Miso-Dark Honzukui pak / Miso Suppe Dunkel 5050 Longevity Brand Dried Hoi Dai Seaweed / Getrockneter Seetang 15x500g. Japan 50x100g. China 5015 Maruman Shiro Miso-Light / Miso Suppe Hell 5052 Longevity Brand Dried Mutcho Sweet Dates / Getrocknete Mutcho Datteln 15x500g. Japan Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Preserves / Konserven 50x200g. China 6 1 5057 Longevity Brand Dried Seedless Kai Sum Dates / Getrocknete Kai Sum Datteln 5070 Hosan A+ Brand Roasted Seaweed for Sushi (YakiNori) / Gerösteter Seetang 50x150g. China 10x5bags. Korea 5058 Longevity Brand Dried Hoi Dai Seaweed / Getrockneter Seetang 5071 Sushi Seaweed (10 Sheets) / Seetang (Für Sushi) 50x150g. China 60x28g. China 5062 Longevity Dried Persimmon / Kaki Frucht 5072 Sushi Seaweed (50 Sheets) / Seetang (Für Sushi) 30x340g. China 5026 Lao Gan Ma Dried Beancurd Sheet / Getrocknete Sojablätter 50x150g. China 5004 A+Brand Roasted Seaweed for Sushi YakiNori / Gerösteter Seetang 10x5x10. China 40x120g. China 5082 Pantai Salted Mackarel in Soya Bean Oil / Gesalzene Makrele in Soja Öl 24x454g. Thailand Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Preserves / Konserven 5083 Pantai Pickled Mud Fish / Eingelegter Schlamm Fisch 24x227g. Thailand 6 2 5085 Pantai Pickled Mud Fish / Eingelegter Schlamm Fish 5091 Pantai Pickled Grey Featherback Fish 12x454g. Thailand 24x454g. Thailand 5086 Pantai Pickled Gourami Fish / Eingelegter Gourami Fisch 5093 Pantai Pickled Cat Fish / Eingelegte Seekatze 24x227g. Thailand 5087 Pantai Pickled Gourami Fish Cream Style / Eingelegter Gourami Fisch Sahnig 12x454g. Thailand 5089 Pantain Pickled Gourami Fish / Eingelegter Gourami Fisch 12x454g. Thailand 5090 Pantai Pickled Gouramy Fish w/Chili / Eingelegter Gourami Fisch mit Chili 12x227g. Thailand 24x454g. Thailand 5094 Pantai Bamboo Shoot Tip / Bambussprossen Tip 12x680g. Thailand 5095 Pantai Bamboo Shoot in Bai Ya Nang Juice (Strip) / Bambussprossen Bai Yanang (Streifen) 12x680g. Thailand 5096 Pantai Bamboo Shoot with Bai Ya Nang Chili (Strip) / Bambussprossen Bai Yanang Chili Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Preserves / Konserven 12x680g. Thailand 6 3 5099 Pantai Laos Style Bamboo Shoot / Laos Style Bambus Sprossen 5174 Moondisch Canned LaingVegetarian / Laing Gemüse Vegetarisch 12x680g. Thailand 48x1550g. The Philippines 5103 Pantai Eastern Thai Style Oyster Mushroom Curry / Thai Art Austern, Pilze curry 5192 Laoganma Tofu in Chili Sauce / Eingelegter Soja Käse mit Chili 12x680g. Thailand 24x260g. China 5106 Pantai Pickled Bamboo Shoot Sour / Eingelegter Bambus Sauer 5193 Laoganma Oil Chili with Peanuts / Chili Öl mit Erdnüße 12x680g. Thailand 24x275g. China 5172 Moondisch Canned LaingExtra Hot / Laing Gemüse Extra Scharf 5210 Evergreen Brand Pickled Leeks / Eingelegte Shalotten 48x155g. The Philippines 48x185g. China 5173 Moondisch Canned LaingTraditional / Laing Gemüse Traditionel 5253 Chaokoh Coconut Cream / Kokosnußmilch 48x155g. The Philippines 36x250ml. Thailand Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Preserves / Konserven 6 4 5254 Chaokoh Coconut Milk / Kokosnußmilch 5153 Chaokoh Toddy Palm In Syrup 24x400ml. Thailand 24x565g. Thailand 5256 Chaokoh Coconut Cream / Kokosnußmilch 5333 Chaokoh Brand Bamboo Shoot Strip / Bambus Sprossen Streifen 12x1ltr. Thailand 24x565g. Thailand 5284 Leng Heng Pickled Mustard / Eingelegter Senfkohl 5238 Chaokoh Bamboo Shoot Tip / Bambus Sprossen Tip 36x350g. Thailand 24x565g. Thailand 5291 Lotus Brand Sour Bamboo / Eingelegter Saurer Bambus 5354 Chaokoh Bamboo Shoot Sliced / Bambus Sprossen Scheiben 36x300g. Thailand 24x565g. Thailand 5145 Chaokoh TH Jackfruit In Syrup / Brotfruch in Sirup 5406 Chaokoh Coconut Gel in Syrup / Kokosnuß Gel in Sirup 24x565g. Thailand Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Preserves / Konserven 24x500g. Thailand 6 5 Preserves / Konserven 24x540g. Thailand 5358 Twin Elephant Rambutan in Syrup / Rambutan In Sirup 24x565g. Thailand 5241 Twin Elephant Bamboo Shoot Strip / Bambus Sprossen Streifen 5359 Twin Elephant Rambutan with Pineapple / Rambutan mit Ananas in Sirup 24x540g. Thailand 24x565g. Thailand 5355 Twin Elephant Bean Sprouts in Water / Sojasprossen in Wasser 5360 Twin Elephant Toddy Palm in Syrup / Toddy Palm in Sirup 24x420g. Thailand 24x565g. Thailand 5356 Twin Elephant Jackfruit in syrup / Brotfrucht in Sirup 5345 Bird Brand Yanang Leaves Extract / Yanang Blätter Extrakt 24x565g. Thailand 24x400ml. Thailand 5357 Twin Elephant Longan in Syrup / Longan In Sirup 5374 Asian Chef Pickled Ginger / Eingelegter Ingwer 24x565g. Thailand 24x454g. Thailand Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 5240 Twin Elephant Bamboo Shoot Slices / Bambus Sprossen Scheiben 6 6 5375 AFP Smoked Catfish Skilled / Geräuchterte Seekatze Stükchen 5381 AFP Smoked Tilapia Butterfly / Geräucherter Tilapia, Schmetterling 40x200g. Thailand 1x6kg single packed Thailand 5376 AFP Smoked Lizard Fish / Geräucherter Eidechsenfisch 5382 African Ocean Smoked Dried Shrimps / Geräucherte Garnelen 1x6kg single packed Thailand 40x100g. Africa 5377 AFP Smoked Catfish Stripped / Geräucherte Seekatze 5383 AFP Smoked Tiny Shrimp Powder / Geräuchterte Mini Garnelen (Pulver) 1x6kg single packed. Thailand 40x50g. Thailand 5379 AFP Smoked Catfish Ring / Geräucherte Seekatze (liegt in Ringform) 5386 AFP Dried Anchovy / Getrocknete Sardellen 1x6kg single packed. Thailand 5380 AFP Smoked Tilapia Whole Round / Geräuchterer Tilapia Ganz, Rund 1x6kg single packed. Thailand 5x10x100g. Thailand Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Preserves / Konserven 5387 Morjon Sardinella / Sardellen 24x200g. Thailand 6 7 5388 Morjon Sardinella / Sardellen 5393 Nido Milk Powder / Milch Pulver 24x410g. Thailand 12x900g. The Netherlands 5389 Nestlé Kaymak Milk Cream / Milch Sahne 5394 Nido Milk Powder / Milch Pulver 48x170g. The Netherlands 6x1,8kg. The Netherlands 5390 Nestlé Condensed Sugared / Kondensmilch 5395 Nido Milk Powder / Milch Pulver 48x397g. The Netherlands 6x2,5kg. The Netherlands 5391 Carnation Evaporated Milk / Kondensmilch 5396 Milo Chocolate Tin / Chocoladen Pulver 12x410g. Germany 12x200g. Kenya 5392 Nido Milk Powder / Milch Pulver 24x400g. The Netherlands 5397 Milo Chocolate Tin / Chocoladen Pulver Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Preserves / Konserven 12x400g. Kenya 6 8 5398 Milo Chocolate Powder Tin / Chocoladen Pulver 5411 Koningsvogel Sambal Manis / Chili Paste: “Sambal Manis” (Süß) 6x1kg. Kenya 6x200g. The Netherlands 5407 Coast Kaymak Milkcream / Milchsahne 5412 Koningsvogel Sambal Oelek / Chili Paste: “Sambal Oelek” 48x155g. The Netherlands 6x375g. The Netherlands 5408 Koningsvogel Sambal Badjak / Chili Paste: “Sambal Badjak” 5413 Koningsvogel Sambal Oelek / Chili Paste: “Sambal Oelek” 6x375g. The Netherlands 6x200g. The Nerherlands 5409 Koningsvogel Sambal Brandal / Chili Paste: “Sambal Brandal” 6x375g. The Netherlands 5410 Koningsvogel Sambal Manis / Chili Paste: “Sambal Manis” (Süß) 6x375g. The Netherlands 5414 Koningsvogel Sambal Badjak Hot / Chili Paste: “Sambal Badjak” Scharf 6x375g. The Netherlands 5371 Flower Brand Sambal Oelek / Chili Paste: “Sambal Oelek” Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Preserves / Konserven 10kg. The Netherlands 6 9 Preserves / Konserven 6x720g. The Netherlands 5417 Flower Brand Sambal Oelek / Chili Paste: “Sambal Oelek” 6x200g. The Netherlands 5418 Flower Brand Sambal Oelek / Chili Paste: “Sambal Oelek” 6x375g. The Netherlands 5416 Capsi Sambal Oelek / Chili Paste: “Sambal Oelek” 6x200g. The Netherlands 5438 UFC Sweet Coconut Gel Strawberry Flavour (Nata de Coco) / Gesüsster Kokosnuß Gel Erdbäre 24x355ml. The Philippines 5439 UFC Sweet Coconut Gel Melon Flavour (Nata de Coco) / Gesüsster Kokosnuß Gel Melonen Geschmack 24x355ml. The Philippines 5440 UFC Sweet Coconut Gel Grape Flavour (Nata de Coco) / Gesüsster Kokosnuß Gel Trauben Geschmack 24x355ml. The Philippines 5441 UFC Sweet Coconut Gel Pineapple Flavour (Nata de Coco) / Gesüsster Kokosnuß Gel Ananas Geschmack 24x355ml. The Philippines 5442 UFC Sweet Coconut Gel Apple Flavour (Nata de Coco) / Gesüsster Kokosnuß Gel Apfel Geschmack 24x355ml The Philippines 5443 UFC Sweet Coconut Gel Lychee Flavour (Nata de Coco) / Gesüsster Kokosnuß Gel Lychee Geschmack Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 5415 Flower Brand Sambal Oelek / Chili Paste: “Sambal Oelek” 24x355ml. The Philippines 7 0 5444 UFC Coconut Gel (Nata de Coco) / Kokosnuß Gel 5146 Del Monte Fiesta Fruit Cocktail / Gemischte Früchte 24x355ml. The Philippines 24x850g. The Philippines 5445 UFC Coconut Gel (Nata de Coco) / Kokosnuß Gel 5449 UFC Jackfruit (Langka) / Brotfrucht 12x710ml. The Philippines 24x355ml. The Philippines 5446 UFC Coconut Sport Balls (Macapuno) 5450 UFC Mixed Fruit and Beans (Halo Halo) Gemischte Früchte und Bohnen 24x355ml The Philippines 24x355ml. The Philippines 5447 UFC Coconut Sport Strings (Macapuno) 5451 UFC Pineapple Gel (Nata de Pina) / Ananas Gel 24x355ml. The Philippines 24x355ml. The Philippines 5448 Coconut Spread (Coco Jam) Kokosnuß Brotbelag 5452 UFC Red Mung Beans / Rote Mung Bohnen 24x355ml. The Philippines 24x355ml. The Philippines Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Preserves / Konserven 7 1 5453 UFC Sugar Palm Fruit Green (Kaong) / Grün 5370 Ngoc Liên Pickled Leeks / Eingelegte Shalotten 24x355ml. The Philippines 24x390g. Vietnam 5454 UFC Sugar Palm Fruit Red (Kaong) / Rot 5457 Ngoc Liên Pickled Eggplant / Eingelegte Auberginen 24x355ml. The Philippines 24x365g. Vietnam 5455 UFC Sugar Palm Fruit White (Kaong) / Weiss 5458 Ngoc Liên Pickled Young Ginger / Eingelegter Junger Ingwer 24x355ml. The Philippines 5456 UFC Sugar Palm Fruit Yellow (Kaong) / Gelb 24x355ml. The Philippines 5437 Lotus Brand Tamarind Paste Seedless / Tamarinde Paste Ohne Kerne 50x454g. Thailand 24x390g. Vietnam 5459 Ngoc Liên Pickled Cucumber / Eingelegte Gurken 24x390g. Vietnam 5460 Ngoc Liên Pickled Baby Corn / Eingelegter Baby Mais Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Preserves / Konserven 24x390g. Vietnam 7 2 Preserves / Konserven 24x400g. Vietnam 5466 Ngoc Liên Pickled Young Plum / Eingelegte Junge Pflaumen 24x390g. Vietnam 5462 Ngoc Liên Kim Chi Viaigrous Cabbage / Eingelegtes Kimchi Gemüse 5467 Ngoc Liên Pickled Lotus Rootlet in Chili Sauce / Eingelegte Lotus Wirzel in Chili Soße 24x400g. Vietnam 24x430g. Vietnam 5463 Ngoc Liên Pickled garlic / Eingelegter Knoblauch 5468 Ngoc Liên Sweet & Sour Coc Fruit 24x390g. Vietnam 12x850g. Vietnam 5464 Ngoc Liên Pickled Young Mango / Eingelegter Junger Mango 5469 Completa Coffee Creamer / Kaffee Sahne Pulver 24x390g. Vietnam 5465 Ngoc Liên Pickled Young Lotus Rootlet / Eingelegte Junge Lotus Wurzel 24x385g. Vietnam 6x400g. The Netherlands Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 5461 Ngoc Liên Pickled lemon / Eingelegte Lemonen 5470 Completa Coffee Creamer / Kaffee Sahne Pulver 8x1kg. The Netherlands 7 3 Preserves / Konserven 4x2kg. The Netherlands 5475 Lady’s Choice Chunky Corned Beef Filipino Style 12x340g. The Philippines 5479 Pinoy’s Choice Chicken Chunks Filipino Style / Hänchen Stücke 10x300g. The Philippines 5480 Pinoy’s Choice Chicken Liver Spread Filipino Style / Hänchen Leber Laib 12x100g. The Philippines 5476 Lady’s Choice Liver Spread Filipino Style / Leber Paste 5481 Pinoy’s Choice Chorizo De Bilbao / Chorizo Würstchen 12x165g. The Philippines 10x200g. The Philippines 5477 Lady’s Choice Liver Spread Filipino Style / Leber Paste 5482 Pinoy’s Choice Corned Beef Hash Filipino Style 12x165g. The Philippines 12x397g. The Philippines 5478 Pinoy’s Choice Beef Loaf / Rindfleisch Laib 5483 Pinoy’s Choice Pork & Beans Filipino Style 10x300g. The Philippines 10x300g. The Philippines Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 5471 Completa Coffee Creamer / Kaffee Sahne Pulver 7 4 Preserves / Konserven 10x300g. The Philippines 5485 Pinoy’s Choice Premium Ham Filipino Style 10x300g. The Philippines 5486 Pinoy’s Choice Sizzling Pork Sisig Meat Filipino Style 10x300g. The Philippines 5489 Pinoy’s Choice Vienna Sausage Spicy Pork Filipino Style / Scharfe Schweine Würstchen 10x200g. The Philippines 5508 Renuka Coconut Cream (Santen) / Kokosnuß Creme 40x200g. Sri Lanka 5509 Renuka Coconut Milk / Kokosnußmilch 24x400ml. Sri Lanka 5487 Pinoy’s Choice Vienna Sausage Chicken Filipino Style / Hänchen Würtstchen 5510 Pangasinan Salted Ziganid Fry (Bagoong Padas) / Gesalzener, Gebratener Ziganid 10x200g. The Philippines 24x345g. The Philippines 5488 Pinoy’s Choice Vienna Sausage Pork Filipino Style / Schweine Würstchen 5511 Pangasinan Anchovy Sauce Balayan / Sardellen Soße 10x200g. The Philippines 24x345g. The Philippines Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 5484 Pinoy’s Choice Premium Beef Filipino Style 7 5 Preserves / Konserven 5512 Pangasinan Sauted Shrimp Fry Guisado / Gebratene Garnelen Paste 5513 Pangasinan Salted Shrimp Fry (Bagoong Alamang) / Gesalzene Garnelen Paste 24x345g. The Philippines 5514 Pangasinan Monamon Dilis Salted Anchovy / Gesalzene Sardellen 24x345g. The Philippines Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 24x345g. The Philippines 7 6 Oils & Vinegars / Öle und Essige 24x150ml. China 6001 Shing Kee Sesame Oil Blended / Sesam Öl Gemischt 24x150ml. China 6010 Pearl River Bridge Rice Vinegar / Reis Essig 12x500ml. China 6013 Pearl River Bridge Red Rice Vinegar / Roter Essig 12x500ml. China 6003 Shing Kee Sesame Oil Blended / Sesam Öl Gemischt 6015 Pearl River Bridge Sweetened Rice Vinegar / Gesüsster Reis Essig 12x445ml. China 12x500ml. China 6004 Shing Kee Sesame Oil Blended / Sesam Öl Gemischt 6012 Mee Chun Red Vinegar / Roter Essig 6x1,79ltr. China 6005 Brotherhood Brand Blended Sesame Oil / Sesam Öl Gemischt 24x150ml. China 12x500ml. China Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 6000 Shing Kee Sesame Oil Pure / Sesam Öl Pur 6019 Golden Mountain Distilled Vinegar / Destillierter Essig 12x980g. Thailand 7 7 Oils & Vinegars / Öle und Essige 15x1ltr. The Netherlands 6030 Pantai Chili Oil / Chili Öl 12x200ml. Thailand 6023 Oilio Arachide Oil / Erdnuß Öl 6031 Datu Puti Cane Vinegar / Rohrzucker Essig 15x1ltr. The Netherlands 12x750ml. The Philippines 6025 Wan Ja Shan TW Premium Rice Vinegar / Erstklassiger Reis Essig 6032 Datu Puti Coco Vinegar / Kokosnuß Essig 12x200ml. Taiwan 6029 Kong Yen Sushi Vinegar / Sushi Essig 12x600ml. Taiwan 6020 Pantai Chili Oil / Chili Öl 12x750ml. Thailand 12x750ml. The Philippines 6033 Datu Puti Spicy Vinegar PET Bottle / Scharfer Essig (Plastik Flasche) 24x385ml. The Philippines 6034 Datu Puti Spicy Vinegar / Scharfer Essig (Glass Flasche) Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 6021 Oilio Soya Bean Oil / Soja Öl 12x750ml. The Philippines 7 8 Oils & Vinegars / Öle und Essige 12x750ml. The Philippines 6040 UFC Cane Vinegar / Rohrzucker Essig 12x750ml. The Philippines 6036 Datu Puti Vinegar PET Bottle Sukang Maasim / Essig (Plastik Flasche) 6041 UFC Coconut Vinegar / Kokosnuß Essig 24x385ml. The Philippines 12x750ml. The Philippines 6037 Datu Puti Vinegar PET Bottle Sukang Maasim / Essig 12x750ml. The Philippines 6043 Lee Kum Kee Sesame Oil (Blended) / Sesam Öl Gemischt 6038 Datu Puti Vinegar PET Bottle Sukang Maasim Essig (Plastik Flasche) 12x1ltr. The Philippines 12x207g. China 6044 Lee Kum Kee Sesame oil (Blended) / Sesam Öl Gemischt 6x1,89ltr. 6039 Datu Puti Vinegar PET Bottle Sukang Maasim Essig (Plastik Flasche) 6045 Lee Kum Kee Pure Sesame Oil / Sesam Öl Pur 8x2ltr. The Philippines 12x207ml. China Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 6035 Datu Puti Sukang Iloco Native Vinegar / Heimischer Essig 7 9 Oils & Vinegars / Öle und Essige 6046 Mama Sita Premium Vinegar from Cocount Nectar / Erstklassiger Essig von Kokosnuß Nektar 6047 Mama Sita Young Vinegar / Junger Essig 24x350ml. The Philippines 6048 Silver Swan Coconut Vinegar / Kokosnuß Essig 12x750ml. The Philippines 6049 Silver Swan Cane Vinegar / Rohrzucker Essig 12x750ml. The Philippines . Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 24x350ml. The Philippines 8 0 Sweets & Snacks / Süssigkeiten und Snacks 36x150g. Thailand 6511 Woraporn Pickled Mango Snack with Chili / Eingelegter Mango Snack mit Chili 30x180g. Thailand 6506 Kopiko Coffee Candy W/Milk Cappuccino / Kaffee Bon Bon mit Milch Cappuccino 6512 Brotherhood Brand Preserved Chan Pei Mui Plum / Konservierte Chan Pei Mui Pflaumen 36x150g. Thailand 30x400g. China 6507 Teng Teng Djahe / Ingwer Bon Bon 6513 Banana Chips / Bananen Chips 300x56g. Indonesia 30x80g. Equador 6508 Chaokoh Coconut Chips / Geröstete Kokosstreifen 6521 Boy Bawang Adobo 12x30g. Thailand 6510 Woraporn Pickled Mango Snack / Eingeleter Mango Snack 30x180g. Thailand 40x100g. The Philippines Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 6505 Kopiko Coffee Candy / Kaffee Bon Bon 6522 Boy Bawang BBQ 40x100g. The Philippines 8 1 Sweets & Snacks / Süssigkeiten und Snacks 40x100g. The Philippines 6526 Tao Kae Noi Crispy Seaweed Tom Yum / Seetang Snack Tom Yum 24x85g. Thailand 6552 Boy Bawang Hot Garlic / Scharfer Knoblauch 6528 Happy Panda Fortune Cookies / Glückskekse 40x100g. The Philippines 1x240pcs. China 6553 Boy Bawang Regular / Normal (Garlic) 6516 Jack & Jill Chippy Barbecue 40x100g. The Philippines 50x110g. The Philippines 6524 Tao Kae Noi Crispy Seaweed Classic Flavour / Seetang Snack Classic 6517 Jack & Jill Nova Country Cheddar / Cheddar Käse 24x85g. Thailand 6525 Tao Kae Noi Crispy Seaweed Hot & Spicy / Seetang Snack Scharf 24x85g. Thailand 50x78g. The Philippines Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 6551 Boy Bawang Chili Cheese / Chili Käse 6529 Jack & Jill Chippy Chilli & Cheese / Chili und Käse 50x110g. The Philippines 8 2 Sweets & Snacks / Süssigkeiten und Snacks 24X100g. Thailand 6534 Ajinomoto Crispy Fry – Original / Knusprige Bratmischung Original 144x65g. The Philippines 6531 Hanami Shrimp Crackers / Garnelen Cracker 6536 Ajonomoto Crispy Fry – Spicy / Knusprige Bratmischung Scharf 36x60g. Thailand 144x65g. The Philippines 6532 Hanami Shrimp Crackers – Hot Chili Flavour / Garnelen Cracker Scharf 6570 Kohkae Peanuts in Coconut Milk / Erdnüße Kokosmilch 24X62g. Thailand 24x265g. Thailand 6533 Hanami Shrimp Crackers Garlic & Pepper Flav. / Garnelen Cracker Knoblauch und Pfeffer 6539 Glico Pocky Snack Chocolate Flavour / Chocoladen Geschmack 24X62g. Thailand 6535 Ajinomoto Crispy Fry – Garlic / Knusprige Bratmischung Knoblauch 144x65g. The Philippines 20x47g. Thailand 6540 Glico Pocky Snack Strawberry Flavour / Erdbären Geschmack Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 6530 Hanami Shrimp Crackers / Garnelen Cracker 20x45g. Thailand 8 3 6579 Glico Pocky Almond Crush / Mandel Chocoladen Geschmack 6777 Glico Pocky Almond Crush Bitter / Mandeln, Bittere Chocolade 10x38g. Thailand 10x38g. Thailand 6580 Glico Pocky Strawberry Crush / Erdbären Geschmack 6779 Glico Pocky Snack White Milk Flavour / Wiessmilch Geschmack 10x37g. Thailand 20x25g. Thailand 6774 Caplico Giant Cookie & Cream / Riesen Keks / Sahne Füllung 6542 Thai Pan Pan Rice Cracker / Reiscracker 10x30g. Thailand 20x150g. Thailand 6775 Glico Caplico Mini Strawberry Flavor / Mini Eishörnchen Erdbär Geschmack 6543 Thai Pan Pan Rice Cracker Coconut Flavor / Reiscracker Kokosnuß geschmack 20x12g. Thailand 20x150g. Thailand 6776 Glico Almond Crispy White Chocolate / Mandeln Wiesse Chocolade 6560 Granny Goose Tortillos – Barbeque 10x26g. Thailand Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Sweets & Snacks / Süssigkeiten und Snacks 50x100g. The Philippines 8 4 6561 Granny Goose Tortillos – Cheese / Käse 6571 Lala Fisch Crackers Regular / Fisch Cracker 50x100g. The Philippines 24x100g. The Philippines 6562 Oishi Caramel Popcorn / Karamel Popcorn 6572 Lala Fisch Crackers – Salt & Vinegar / Fisch Cracker, Salz und Essig 50x70g. The Philippines 6563 Oishi Chocolate Popcorn / Chocoladen Popcorn 50x70g. The Philippines 6564 Oishi Prawn Crackers – Regular / Krabbenchips Cracker Normal 50x60g. The Philippines 6565 Oishi Prawn Crackers – Spicy / Krabbenchips Cracker Scharf 50x60g. The Philippines 24x100g. The Philippines 6573 Lala Fisch Crackers Sweet Chili / Fisch Cracker Süßer Chili 24x100g. The Philippines 6583 Leslie Clover Chips – BBQ 40x155g. The Philippines Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Sweets & Snacks / Süssigkeiten und Snacks 6584 Leslie Clover Chips – Cheese / Käse 40x155g. The Philippines 8 5 Sweets & Snacks / Süssigkeiten und Snacks 40x155g. The Philippines 6613 W.L. Corn Bits – BBQ 100x70g. The Philippines 6608 Bich Chi Prawn Crackers / Krabbenbrot 6614 W.L. Corn Bits – Chicken / Hänchen 55x200g. Vietnam 100x70g. The Philippines 6609 Thuong Hang Brand Prawn Crackers / Krabbenbrot 6616 W.L. Corn Bits – Garlic / Knoblauch 12x1kg. Vietnam 100x70g. The Philippines 6611 Regent Cheese Ball / Käse Bällchen 6649 M.Y. San Fita Biscuits 50x65g. The Philippines 12x600g. The Philippines 6612 Regent Snacku – Vegetable / Gemüse 6650 M.Y. San Skyflakes Crackers 50x60g. The Philippines 20x200g. The Philippines Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 6585 Leslie Clover Chips – Ham & Cheese / Schinken und Käse 8 6 Sweets & Snacks / Süssigkeiten und Snacks 8x850g. The Philippines 6620 Gia Bao Black Sesam Cracker 22cm / Schwarze Sesam Cracker 50x400g. Vietnam 6621 Gia Bao White Sesame Cracker 22cm / Weisse Sesam Cracker 50x300g. Vietnam 6626 Nha Be’ Jackfruit Chips 50x100g. Vietnam 6627 Nha Be’ Mix Chips 25x200g. Vietnam 6628 Nha Be’ Banana Chips / Bananen Chips 50x100g. Vietnam 6622 Sesame Peanut Soft Candy / Erdnuß Fladen 6632 Love & Passion Strawberry / Erdbär Bon Bons 100x150g. Vietnam 40x150g. Thailand 6625 Nha Be’ Taro Chips 6633 Hartbeat Jumbo Corazon Lychee / Luchee Bon Bons 50x100g. Vietnam Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 6651 M.Y. San Skyflakes Crackers 40x150g. Thailand 8 7 Sweets & Snacks / Süssigkeiten und Snacks 40x150g. Thailand 6640 Yên Nhung Cashew Nut Candy Garlic Taste / Cashew Kern emit Knoblauch Geschmack 24x200g. Vietnam 6636 Zour Bomb Lemon / Lemonen Bon Bons Extra Sauer 6641 Yên Nhung Cashew Tasted Honey / Cashew Kern emit Honig 40x150g. Thailand 24x200g. Vietnam 6637 Zour Bomb Cola / Cola Bon Bons Extra Sauer 6642 Yên Nhung Assorted Nut Candy / Sortierte Kekse 40x150g. Thailand 24x240g. Vietnam 6638 Yên Nhung Peanut Candy / Erdnuß Kekse 6643 Xuan Thanh Bánh Dua Coconut Cookies / Kokosnuß Kekse 90x150g. Vietnam 24x200g. Vietnam 6639 Yên Nhung Cashew Nut candy / Cashew Kerne Kekse 6644 Tan’s Butter Coconut Biscuit / Kokosnuß Biscuit 28x300g. Vietnam 144x22g. Vietnam Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 6634 Hartbeat Jumbo Corazon / Erdbär Bon Bons mit Füllung 8 8 6645 Tan’s Butter Coconut Biscuit / Kokosnuß Biscuit 6695 Cracias Mango – Tamarinde Classic in Box 16x187g. Vietnam 25x75g. The Philippines 6654 Amira Tamarind Candy / Tamarinde Bon Bon 6696 First Love Mango Rolls / Mango Röllchen 36x300g. Thailand 36x50g. The Philippines 6692 Gracias Mango Rolls in Box / Mango Röllchen in Karton 6697 First Love Mango – Pineapple Rolls / Mango Ananas Röllchen 25x75g. The Philippines 36x50g. The Philippines 6693 Gracias Mango – Pineapple in Box / Mango, Ananas Stückchen 6698 First Love Mango – Tamarinde Spicy Rolls / Mango Tamarinde Stückchen 25x75g. The Philippines 36x50g. The Philippines 6694 Gracias Mango – Tamarinde Spicy Rolls in Box / Scharfe Tamarinde Stückchen 6699 First Love Mango – Tamarinde Classic Rolls / Mango, Tamarinde Röllchen 25x75g. The Philippines 36x50g. The Philippines Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Sweets & Snacks / Süssigkeiten und Snacks 8 9 Sweets & Snacks / Süssigkeiten und Snacks 24x200g. The Philippines 6707 Smiley’s Chocolate Sandwich Cookies 20x10x32g. The Philippines 6701 Chips Delight Chocolate Chip Cookies / Kekse mit Chocoladen Stückchen 6710 Smiley’s Strawberry Sandwich Cookies / Erdbär Kekse 48x80g. The Philippines 20x10x32g. The Philippines 6702 Chips Delight Chocolate Striped Cookies / Kekse mit Chocoladen Streifen 6711 Smiley’s Coffee Blast Mocha Caramel Sandwich Cookies / Mocha Karamel Kekse 20x175g. The Philippines 20x10x32g. The Philippines 6705 Chips Delight Rainbow Candy & Chocolate Chip Cookies / Regenbogen Kekse mit Chocoladen Stückchen 6712 Dozo Rice Crackers Original / Reis Cracker Original 48x80g. The Philippines 6706 Chips Delight Rainbow Candy & Chocolate Chip Cookies / Regenbogen Kekse mit Chocoladen Stückchen 36x67,2g. Thailand 6713 Dozo Rice Crackers Corn Cheese / Reis Cracker Mais Käse Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 6700 Chips Delight Chocolate Chip Cookies / Kekse mit Chocoladen Stückchen 36x67,2g. Thailand 24x12x20g. The Philippines 9 0 Sweets & Snacks / Süssigkeiten und Snacks 36x74g. Thailand 6715 Dozo Rice Crackers Garlic Pepper / Reis Cracker Knoblauch Pfeffer 36x67,2g. Thailand 6753 Galinco Gulaman Pandan 24x95g. The Philippines 6754 Galinco Gulaman Coffee / Kaffee 24x95g. The Philippines 6750 Galinco Sarap Pinoy Kutsinta Mix 6755 Galinco Gulaman Almond / Mandel 24x180g. The Philippines 24x95g. The Philippines 6751 Galinco Sarap Pinoy Maja Blanca Mix 6759 Tan Tan Salted Peanuts with Skin / Gesalzene Erdnüße mit Haut 24x185g. The Philippines 6752 Galinco Gulaman Unflavored 34x100g. The Philippines 16x360g. Vietnam 6760 Tan Tan Salted Peanuts with Skin / Gesalzene Erdnüße mit Haut Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 6714 Dozo Rice Crackers Sweet Chili / Reis Cracker Süßer Chili 20x180g. Vietnam 9 1 Sweets & Snacks / Süssigkeiten und Snacks 6761 L&D Coconut Biscuit (White) / Kokosnus Kekse Weiss 6762 L&D Coconut Biscuit (Coloured) / Kokosnuß Kekse Gefärbt 24x200g. Vietnam Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 24x200g. Vietnam 9 2 7000 Fitne Herbal Capsules / Kräuter Kapseln 7010 Nin Joim Pei Pa Koa NO2. / Kräuter Sirup 48x20pcs. Thailand 12x150ml. China 7001 Fitne Herbal Capsules / Kräuter Kapseln 7011 Nin Joim Pei Pa Koa / Kräuter Sirup 24x40pcs. Thailand 12x75ml. China 7003 Nature Gift XeroCal Q10 Herbal Capsules / Kräuter Kapseln 7012 Nin Jiom Herbal Candy Original 10x16,5gr. Thailand 7004 Nature Gift XeroCal Q10 Plus Herbal Capsules / Kräuter Kapseln 10x16,5gr. Thailand 7009 Nin Joim Pei Pa Koa NO1. / Kräuter Sirup 12x300ml. China 12x22tablett. China 7013 Nin Jiom Herbal Candy Tangerin 12x22tablett. China Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Health & Wellness 7015 Shiling Oil NO1. 12x28ml. Hongkong 9 3 Health & Wellness 12x14ml. Hongkong 7021 African Seacoconut Brand Seacoconut Herb Sirup 12x160ml. Singapore 7017 Shiling Oil NO4. 7022 Eagle Brand Medicated Oil 12x4,5ml. Hongkong 12x24ml. Singapore 7018 Shiling Oil NO5. 12x3ml. Hongkong 7023 Eagle Brand Inhaler 12xpcs. Singapore 7019 Pak Fah Yeow White Flour Oil 7024 Eagle Brand Muscular Balm 12x10ml. Hongkong 12x20g. Singapore 7020 Zheng Gu Shui Oil 7025 Eagle Brand Yellow Balm 12x60cc. China 12x40g. Singapore Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 7016 Shiling Oil NO2. 9 4 Health & Wellness 60x10x10cc. China 7027 POP Red Panax Ginseng w/Gingko 60x10x10cc. China 7031 Po Sum On Med Oil 12x30ml. 7032 Tiger Balm Red 12x30g. Thailand 7028 POP Ginseng Extract Green Tea 7033 Tiger Balm White 24x30x10cc. China 12x30g. Thailand 7029 POP Beijing Royal Jelly 48x10x10cc. China 7030 POP Ultra Joint Health 24x30x10cc. China 7045 Salonpas plasters 1x12st. Indonesia Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 7026 POP Red Panax Ginseng Ultra 7046 Il Hwa Korean Ginseng Root 300g. Korea 9 5 7047 Il Hwa Korean Ginseng Root Slices 7052 Quaker Chicken Essence w/Ginseng 3x50g. Korea 6x123ml. Taiwan 7048 Il Hwa Korean Ginseng Root Slices 50g. Korea 7053 Quaker Chicken Essence Beauty 6x123ml. Taiwan 7049 Il Hwa Korean Ginseng Root Slices 7054 Creamsilk Conditioner – Brilliant Black 10x25g. Korea 24x200ml. The Philippines 7050 Il Hwa Korean Ginseng Root Slices 7055 Creamsilk Conditioner – Damage Control 25g. Korea 24x200ml. The Philippines 7051 Quaker Chicken Essence 7057 Creamsilk Conditioner – Standout Straight 6x123ml. Taiwan Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Health & Wellness 24x200ml. The Philippines 9 6 Health & Wellness 24x200ml. The Philippines 7060 Eskinol Avance Dermaclear C 48x225ml. The Philippines 7064 Eskinol Lemon 48x225ml. The Philippines 7066 Eskinol Papaya 48x225 ml. ml The Philippines 7061 Eskinol Classic Clear 7067 Likas Papaya Soap 48x225ml. The Philippines 100x135g. The Philippines 7062 Eskinol Cucumber 7069 Safequard Soap (Floral) Pink 48x225ml. The Philippines 7063 Eskinol Essentia-B Essentia 48x225ml. The Philippines 72x135g. The Philippines Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 7058 Creamsilk Conditioner – Strenght Boost 7070 Safequard Soap (Fresh) Green 72x135g. The Philippines 9 7 Health & Wellness 7071 Safequard Soap (Pure) White 7073 Safequard Soap Citrus 72x135g. The Philippines 7075 Safequard Soap Menthol 72x135g. The Philippines Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 72x135g. The Philippines 9 8 Non Food Engraved Wok Handle and Bamboo Steamer. Our Laser engraving machine is ideal for placing your company Logo on promotional products. This could be the Handle on your Woks, Bamboo Steamers or just enquire about Engraving other products. Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Beagley Copperman’s made to order products to customer specification 9 9 9180 9181 9182 9183 Remo Rice Cooker Loose Lid 0,6L Remo Rice Cooker Loose Lid1,0L Remo Rice Cooker Loose Lid 1,8L Remo Rice Cooker Loose Lid 2,2L 90016 Tristar Rice Cooker Stainless Steel 1ltr. 90017 Tristar Rice Cooker Stainless Steel 1,5ltr 90018 Tristar Rice Cooker Stainless Steel 2,5ltr. 9178 Remo Rice Cooker Fixed Lid 1,5L 90015 Tristar Rice Cooker White 0,6ltr. 90018 Tristar Rice Cooker with Steamer 1,8ltr Electric Products Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9176 Remo Rice Cooker Fixed Lid 0,8L 9177 Remo Rice Cooker Fixed Lid 1,2L 1 0 0 90020 Water Boiler Stainless Steel 1,7ltr. 90037 Egg Boiler White 90030 Food Steamer 2 Layers 90031 Food Steamer 3 Layers 90028 Pizzapan 30cm 90029 Pizzapan 40cm Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 90021 Water Boiler Black 1,7ltr. 900038 Coffee Grinder 900039 Icemaker 90024 Citrus Juicer Electric Products 1 0 1 . 90034 Tepanyaki Baking Tray 70cm 90032 Single Cooking Plate 90033 Double Cooking Plate 90025 Hand Blender 90026 Blender 90026 Blender Stainless Steel Mixer Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 90034 Tepanyaki Baking Tray 28x28cm 90022 Table Fan 23cm Wide 90023 Table Fan 30cm Wide 90040 Heater 90036 Mobile Airco 9.000 BTU Electric Products 1 0 2 9291 9292 9293 9294 9295 9296 9297 9298 9299 9300 Double Handled Wok 12” / 30,5cm Double Handled Wok 13” / 33cm Double Handled Wok 14” / 35,5cm Double Handled Wok 16” / 40,5cm Double Handled Wok 18” / 45,7cm Double Handled Wok 20” / 51cm Double Handled Wok 22” / 56cm Double Handled Wok 24” / 61cm Double Handled Wok 26” / 66cm Double Handled Wok 30” / 76cm 10017 10018 10019 12” / 30cm Double Handled Wok (flat bottom) 13” / 33cm Double Handled Wok (flat bottom) 14” / 36cm Double Handled Wok (flat bottom) Flat Bottom Wok 8” / 20cm Flat Bottom Wok 10” / 25cm Flat Bottom Wok 12” / 30,5cm Flat Bottom Wok 13” / 33cm Flat Bottom Wok 14” / 35cm Round Bottom Wok 10” / 25cm Round Bottom Wok 12” / 30,5cm Round Bottom Wok 13” / 33cm Extra Deep Round Bottom Wok 13” / 33cm Round Bottom Wok 14” / 35cm Round Bottom Wok 15” / 37,5cm Round Bottom Wok 16” / 40cm Carbon Steel Double Handled Woks The double handled wok can do everything the long handled wok can do, but easier to move when it’s full. Oval Frying Tanks (Commercial) Really Solid black iron frying vessels for high volume use in restaurant kitchens. Available in sizes from 10 to 24 inches. 9305 9306 9307 9308 9309 9310 9311 9312 Oval Frying Tank 10” / 25,5cm Oval Frying Tank 12” / 30,5cm Oval Frying Tank 14” / 35,5cm Oval Frying Tank 16” / 40,5cm Oval Frying Tank 18” / 45,5cm Oval Frying Tank 20” / 51 cm Oval Frying Tank 22” / 56 cm Oval Frying Tank 24” / 61cm Cooking Ware Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house The wok is just about the most versatile cooking pan there is. It is used most for stir frying, but you can also use it for shallow frying, deep frying, steaming, making Chinese soups, and even smoking food with wood chips or tea leaves. You need the wok lid to do smoking, of course. The long single handle enables you to hold the wok steady with one hand while holding whatever you are stirring within the other. We supply two main shapes of wok. One has an almost flat bottom, and is easy to use on both electric and gas cookers. The round bottom wok is more suited to use in commercial kitchens, or cookers with a really good gas burner that can hold a round shape. Purists say only the round kind is really right… 9279 9280 9281 9282 9283 9284 9285 9286 9287 9288 9289 9290 1 0 3 9322 Taiwanese BBQ / Chicken Roaster Wok Lids A vital piece of equipment in the Chinese kitchen, the wok lid is used when dishes are being steamed, simmered or smoked. Sizes from 8 to 14 inches. 9328 Paella Pan 14” / 35,5cm 9330 Paella Pan Non Stick 14” 9329 Paella Pan 18” / 46cm 9301 9302 9303 9304 Aluminium Wok Lid 10”/25,5c Aluminium Wok Lid 12”/30,5c Aluminium Wok Lid 13”/33cm Aluminium Wok Lid 14”/36cm 9313 9320 9321 Fire Pot/Chafing Pot S/S Aluminium Colander 18”/ 46cm Aluminim Colander 20”/ 51cm Omelette Pans This is the traditional chef's black iron frying pan that can be transferred from the hob to the oven or grill to complete the cooking of thick omelettes. We have a range of sizes in both deep and shallow versions. 9327 Tawa/Chapatti Pan 9323 9324 10020 9325 10021 9326 Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house Outdoor cooker, using charcoal between the outer bin and inner pot, this will cook any seasoned food or vegetable hung or placed in the cooking pot and is also very good for smoking fish hot chicken. Omelette Pan 8”/ 20cm Omelette Pan 9”/ 23cm Deep Omelette Pan 9”/ 23cm Omelette Pan 10”/ 25,5cm Deep Omelette Pan 10” /25,5cm Omelette Pan 11”/ 28cm Cooking Ware 1 0 4 Specialist Woks Fried Rice Wok Superlight Woks All Superlight and Medium weight Wok a have either the Rolled Edge or the Flanged Edge which stops the Wok from flexing. 90041 90042 Rolled Edge Wok with extra handle 13” / 33cm Rolled Edge Wok with extra handle 14” /35,5cm Superlight Wok Very light weight wok, it will heat up very quickly, but not durable. Perfect to prevent shoulder pain. 9333 9334 0,5mm Superlight Rolled Edge Wok 13”/ 33cm 0,5mm Superlight Rolled Edge Wok 14”/ 35,5cm Empress Wok 9335 9336 Empress Wok Flanged Edge Medium weight 13”/33c Empress Wok Flanged Edge Light weight 13”/33cm Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house The Second lifting handle is required when carrying a wok full of rice, oil or water in the kitchen for safety. Medium Weight Rolled Edge Wok 9331 9332 Deep Rolled Edge Wok medium weight 13”/ 33cm Deep Rolled Edge Wok medium weight 14”/35,5c Cooking Ware 1 0 5 Non Stick Woks Non Stick Wok With Lifter 13”/ 33cm Non Stick Wok With Lifter 14”/ 35,5cm Non Stick Woks A Range of flat bottom nonstick woks, which some cooks prefer to the more traditional type of woks, which gradually build up a non-stick surface. 10013 10014 10015 10016 9337 9338 Non Stick Wok 10” / 25,5cm Non Stick Wok 12” / 30,5cm Non Stick Wok 13” / 33cm Non Stick Wok 14” / 35,5cm Non Stick Wok 12” / 30,5cm Non Stick Wok 13” / 33cm Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9340 9341 Special Eggpan for making Sushi 9138 Japanese Eggpan Tamago 9x13cm Packing: 10x1pcs. Cooking Ware 1 0 6 Aluminium Stock Pots W x H Stock Pot 22cm x 21cm Stock Pot 25cm x 23cm Stock Pot 28cm x 25cm Stock Pot 30cm x 25cm Stock Pot 33cm x 27cm Stock Pot 35cm x 30cm Stock Pot 37.5cm x 35.5cm 9348 Aluminium Chinese Hot Pot A wonderful dinner party centre piece, the Chinese fondue or hot pot has a space at the bottom for burning charcoal. It heats the stock in the upper part, so each guest can cook their own food in it. At the end of the meal you eat the delicious soup that has formed. 9354 9355 9356 9357 Aluminium Chafing Dish 22cm Aluminium Chafing Dish 24cm Aluminium Chafing Dish 26cm Aluminium Chafing Dish 28cm 9349 9 Ltr. 13,6 Ltr. 18,2 Ltr. 22,7 Ltr. 27,3 Ltr. 36,4 Ltr. 45,4 Ltr. Thai Sticky Rice Cooker Set Contents: 1x 22cm Lao Pot 1x 40cm Lao Basket (9352) 4x 9.5cm Glutinous Rice Boxes (9350) Thai Sticky Rice Cooker Set Contents: 1x 24cm Lao Pot 1x 50cm Lao Basket (9353) 4x 13cm Glutinous Rice Boxes (9351) Extra Pieces: 9350 9.5cm Glutinous Rice Boxes 9351 13cm Glutinous Rice Boxes 9352 40cm Lao Basket 9353 50cm Lao Basket Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9358 9359 9360 9361 9362 9363 9364 Thai Cooking Pot (Diamond Brand) 9344 9345 9346 9347 Aluminium Cooking Pot 20cm Aluminium Cooking Pot 26cm Aluminium Cooking Pot 32cm Aluminium Cooking Pot 38cm Cooking Ware 1 0 7 Wooden Steamers Bamboo is the traditional material for steamers, and is thought to give a subtle fragrance to the food. The steamers can be stacked several high, enabling a variety of appetizers, vegetables and other kinds of food to be cooked at the same time. 9403 9402 Bamboo Steamer 5”/12,7cm Bamboo Steamer 6”/15cm Bamboo Steamer 6,5”/16,5c Bamboo Steamer 7”/18cm Bamboo Steamer 8”/20cm Bamboo Steamer 10”/25,5c Bamboo Steamer 12”/30,5c Bamboo Steamer 13”/33cm Bamboo Steamer 15”/38cm Bamboo Steamer 20”/51cm 9386 9387 9388 9389 9390 9391 9392 9393 9394 9395 Bamboo Cover 5” Bamboo Cover 6” Bamboo Cover 6,5” Bamboo Cover 7” Bamboo Cover 8” Bamboo Cover 10” Bamboo Cover 12” Bamboo Cover 13” Bamboo Cover 15” Bamboo Cover 20” 9396 9397 9398 Wooden Steamer 7” 9399 Wooden Steamer 8” 9400 Wooden Steamer 10” 9401 Wooden Cover 7”/18cm Wooden Cover 8”/20cm Wooden Cover 10”/25,5c 9418 9420 9422 Steamer S/S 6” Steamer S/S 8” Steamer S/S 10” Cover S/S 6”/15cm Cover S/S 8”/20cm Cover S/S 10”/25,5c 9419 9421 9423 Wooden Steamers and 1 Lid Boxed 2 x 8”/ 20cm Wooden Steamers and 1 Lid Boxed 2 x 10”/ 25,5cm 9365 9366 9367 9368 9369 9370 9371 9372 9373 9374 9375 Aluminium Steamer 22cm Aluminium Steamer 24cm Aluminium Steamer 26cm Aluminium Steamer 28cm Aluminium Steamer 30cm Aluminium Steamer 32cm Aluminium Steamer 34cm Aluminium Steamer 36cm Aluminium Steamer 40cm Aluminium Steamer 44cm Aluminium Steamer 50cm 9404 9405 9406 9407 9408 9409 Square Bamboo Steamer 6”/ 15cm Square Bamboo Steamer Cover 6” Square Bamboo Steamer 6,5”/ 16,5cm Square Bamboo Steamer Cover 6,5” Square Bamboo Steamer 8”/ 20cm Square Bamboo Steamer Cover 8” Steamers Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9376 9377 9378 9379 9380 9381 9382 9383 9384 9385 1 0 8 Steam Racks and Wok Stands 9432 9425 9426 9427 Heavy Duty Steam Rack 6” Heavy Duty Steam Rack 8” Heavy Duty Steam Rack 10” 9428 9429 9430 Rice Shelf S/S 4”/ 10cm Rice Shelf S/S 5” / 12,5cm Rice Shelf S/S 6” / 15cm 9431 9432 9433 9434 9435 9436 Long Leg Wire Rice Shelf 4.5” Long Leg Wire Rice Shelf 5.5” Long Leg Wire Rice Shelf 6.5” Short Leg Wire Rice Shelf 4.5” Short Leg Wire Rice Shelf 5.5” Short Leg Wire Rice Shelf 6.5” 9428 9434 9436 9440 9441 Wire Steaming Rack 10”/ 25,5cm Wooden Steaming Rack 9437 9438 9439 9443 Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9425 Tempura Rack 12” Tempura Rack 13” Tempura Rack 14” Iron Wok Stand 9442 Wire Wok Stand Wok stands Wok support for use with our range of round bottom Woks on the Gas cooker. Cooking Equipment 1 0 9 9449 9450 9451 9452 9453 9454 9455 9456 9457 9458 9459 9460 9478 9479 9480 9481 Bamboo Rice Paddle S/S Turner/Spatula 4” / 10cm S/S Turner/Spatula 4.5” / 11,5cm S/S Turner/Spatula 5.5” / 14cm Iron Turner/Spatula 4” / 10cm Iron Turner/Spatula 4.5” / 11,5cm Long Curry Stirring Paddle 24”/ 61cm Long Curry Stirring Paddle 30”/ 76cm Long Curry Stirring Paddle 36”/ 91cm Long Curry Stirring Paddle 48” / 122cm 9468 9462 3 Piece Spatula Ladle and Skimmer Set 9472 S/S Rice Paddle with Wooden Handle 9466 9467 Ice Tongs Flat Tongs 9473 9474 9475 9476 9477 Long Whisk 10” Long Whisk 12” Long Whisk 14” Long Whisk 16” Long Whisk 18” Wooden Spatula 9469 9470 9464 9465 9463 Bamboo Curved Spatula Bamboo Spatula Bamboo Slotted Spatula Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9471 S/S Ladle (Wooden Handle)4”/ 10cm Heavy Duty S/S ladle No3 (Wooden Handle 4”/ 10 cm Heavy Duty S/S ladle No2 (Wooden Handle 4.5”/ 11,5cm Heavy Duty S/S ladle No1 (Wooden Handle 5” / 12,5cm Heavy Duty Iron Ladle with Wooden Handle 4” / 10cm Heavy Duty Iron Ladle with Wooden Handle 4.5” / 11,5cm Heavy Duty Iron Ladle with Wooden Handle 5” / 12,5cm Long Wooden Hande 29 cm Long Wooden Handle 25cm Cooking equipment 1 1 0 9507 9508 9497 9498 NS1 Won Ton Noodle Skimmer 5.5”/ 14cm Noodle Skimmer 4”/ 10cm Noodle Skimmer 5”/12,5c S/S Scoop Brass Scoop 9486 9487 9488 9489 9490 9505 9506 Brass Skimmer 5”/ 12.5cm 9499 Brass Skimmer 7”/ 18cm Brass Skimmer 9” / 23cm Brass Skimmer 12”/30,5cm 9511 9512 9513 Stainer Stainless Steel 9”/ 23cm Stainer Stainless Steel 10”/ 25,5cm Stainer Stainless Steel 12”/ 30,5cm 9504 Reinforced vegetable sieve 27.5cm 11” Wire Skimmer 5” / 12,5cm Wire Skimmer 7” / 18cm Wire Skimmer 9” / 23cm Wire Skimmer 10” / 25,5cm Wire Skimmer 12”/ 30,5cm S/S Sieve 6” S/S Sieve 8” 9503 9500 9501 9502 Fine Mesh Flat Skimmer 6” Fine Mesh Flat Skimmer 8” Fine Mesh Flat Skimmer 10” 9514 9515 9516 9517 Wooden Handled Sieve 6” Wooden Handled Sieve 8” Wooden Handled Sieve 10” 9510 S/S Vegetable Sieve 27,5cm 11” Wide Mesh Iron Skimmer 6” Wide Mesh Iron Skimmer 7” Wide Mesh Iron Skimmer 8” Wide Mesh Iron Skimmer 9” 9521 9518 9519 9520 Stainer (Wood Handle) 4”/10c Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9509 9482 9483 9484 9485 Chip Shovel Chip Frying Basket Heavy Duty 8.5”12/case Cooking equipment 1 1 1 9554 9555 9556 9557 9558 9559 9560 9561 9562 9563 9564 9563- -9559 -9564 9554- Meat Holder Meat Hook S/S Duck Tail Needles B.B.Q scewer 15” Meat Hook S/S 6” 1 point Meat Hook S/S 4” Meat Hook S/S 6”2 point Meat Hook S/S 12” Pei Pa Pig Form 21”Long Duck Hook S/S T-Bar Duck Hook S/S 9560- -9558 9562 9556- 9557 9570 9571 Tea Ball 4cm Tea Ball 6cm 9566 Duck Fur Pincer 9555 9576 Meat Perforator Vegetable Cutters. 9575 9573 9574 10004 10005 Meat Perforator 9572 9568 BBQ Fork 24”Long Fish Descaler 9553 9567 Bamboo Scewers (Pack) Bamboo Scewers (Pack) Bamboo Scewers (Pack) Bamboo Scewers (Pack) Bamboo Scewers (Pack) Bamboo Scewers (Pack) 5” 6” 7” 8” 10” 12” 9578 9580 9582 9584 9586 9588 Pig Fork 5”Long Vegetable Peeler 9626 9577 9579 9581 9583 9585 9587 Puppy Dog Crab Dragon Duck Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house -9561 Case Bamboo Scewers 5”/ 12,5cm Case Bamboo Scewers 6” / 15cm Case Bamboo Scewers 7”/ 18cm Case Bamboo Scewers 8” / 20cm Case Bamboo Scewers 10”/25,5cm Case Bamboo Scewers 12”/30,5cm Rolling Pin 30cm Cooking equipment 1 1 2 9569 Sculpture Set Sculpture Set 9622 9623 9413 9414 9415 9416 9417 10027 Sauce/Oil Pot 8cm Sauce/Oil Pot 11cm Dim Sum Sheet S/S 4” Dim Sum Sheet S/S 4.5” Dim Sum Sheet S/S 6” Dim Sum Sheet S/S 8” Dim Sum Sheet S/S 10” 10022 10023 10024 10025 10026 9424 Mixing Bowl 16cm Mixing Bowl 18cm Mixing Bowl 24cm Mixing Bowl 29cm Mixing Bowl 35cm Bamboo Sushi Mat Moon Cake Moulds 9543 9544 Wooden Mortar and Pestle 10cm Wooden Mortar and Pestle 13cm 9539 9540 9541 9542 Mortar and Pestle 5” Mortar and Pestle 6” Mortar and Pestle 6.5” Mortar and Pestle 7” 9111 Lao Mortar & Pestle (L) Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house A vegetable and fruit carving set, as used by professional chefs to create amazing sculptured centrepieces. Can also be very useful for preparing dishes that need precise shapes, such as fruit "baskets" made from oranges. 9232 Bamboo Skewers 15cm 100x100pcs. Cooking equipment 1 1 3 9547 9548 Chopping Block 13”x2”/ 33cm x 5cm approx Chopping Block 14”x2”/ 36cm x 5cm approx Chopping Block 16”x2”/ 41cm x 5cm approx Chopping Block 19”x2”/ 48cm x 5cm approx Chopping Block 8”x2” / 20cm x 5cm Chopping Block 11”x2” / 28cm x 5cm 9053 Bamboo Chopping Board Round 14x1pcs. 9054 Bamboo Chopping Board Square 13x1pcs. 90008 Chopping Board Rectangle 60x33x4cm Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9549 9550 9551 9552 These Plastic Chopping90009 Chopping Board Square 45x45x5cm. Boards are specially made for HACCP use. 90010 Chopping Board Circle 37cm 90011 Chopping Board Circle 40cm 90012 Chopping Board Circle 45cm 90013 Chopping Board Circle 45cm Extra Thick Cooking equipment 1 1 4 9067 Bamboo Skewers Teppo Gushi 9cm 10x250pcs. 9068 Bamboo Skewers 9070 Bamboo Skewers Teppo Gushi 18cm Teppo Gushi 12cm 10x100pcs. 10x100pcs. 9072 Bamboo Skewers Matsuba Gushi 9cm 10x100pcs. 9071 Bamboo Skewers Noshi Gushi 10cm 10x50pcs. 9100 Sushi Mat With Spoon 24x24cm 10x1 piece 9103 Sushi Mat Flat 27x27cm 10x1 Piece 9101 Sushi Mat Flat 17x17cm 100x1 piece 9105 Sushi Mat Round 24x24cm 100x1 Piece 9070 Bamboo Skewers ‘Ring’ 15cm 10x100pcs. 9102 Sushi Mat Flat 24x24cm 100x1 piece 9106 Place Mat Round 30x45cm 100x1 Piece Cooking equipment Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9066 Bamboo Skewers Teppo Gushi 7cm 10x250pcs. 1 1 5 9091 Sushi Mold Sakura 20x1 piece 9092 Sushi Mold Nigiri 20x1 piece 9098 Gyoza Maker 30x1 piece 9096 Sushi Mold Norimaki Transparent 10x1 Piece 9095 Sushi Mold Futomaki Transparent 10x1 Piece 9094 Sushi Mold Onigiri Transparent 10x1 piece 9093 Sushi Mold Onigiri 10x1 piece Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9090 Sushi Mold Roll 20x1 piece 9097 Sushi Mold Nigiri Transparent 10x1 Piece Cooking equipment 1 1 6 Santoku Knife Nakiri Knife Sashimi Knife Sashimi Knife with Holes Deba Knife Gyutou Knife 10006 Onion Knife Large S/S Chopper 8.8” x 4” 9526 9527 9528 Iron Chopper 7.5” x 3.5” Iron Chopper 7.25” x 3.25” Iron Chopper 6.75” x 3.25” 9525 Iron Kau Kong Bone Chopper 9545 9522 9523 9524 S/S/Boxed Choppers 8.5”x 4” S/S/Boxed Choppers 8.5”x 3.5” S/S/Boxed Choppers 8”x 3.5” 9530 9531 9536 9537 9538 Civil Scissors S/S Fruit Knife S/S Fruit Knife Wooden Handle Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9125 9126 9128 9129 9127 10008 9529 Small Sharpening Stone Large Sharpening Stone Large Sharpening Stone 9546 Dragon and Phoenix on Handle Knifes & Scissors 1 1 7 9625 9627 Karahi 6” Karahi 8” Karahi 10” Karahi 12” Wooden Base For 6”Karahi 6”Karahi Shrink Wrapped with wooden base 8”Karahi Shrink Wrapped with wooden base Chrome Lidded Double Food Warmer Bamboo Tool Holder 9624 9620 9621 Plate Lifter 10028 10029 10030 10031 10032 Pu Pu Platter With Hibatchi Cooker Small Sizzler Platter 9”x 5.5” Large Sizzler Platter 10.5”x 7” Serving Dish Stand & Cover (mini wok) 7" Serving Dish Stand & Cover (mini wok) 8" Serving Dish Stand & Cover (mini wok) 9" Serving Dish Stand & Cover (mini wok) 10" Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9314 9315 9316 10012 9318 9317 9319 Pu Pu Platter Wood carved Pu Pu platter with a space for a Mini Hibachi in the middle and spaces all around for your appetizers. This pu pu platter is also a lazy susan, which turns on your table for easy serving. Hibatchi Cooker 9653 Monkey Pod Platter Used in the centre of the Pu Pu Platter the Hibachi cooker is used to cook (or re heat) appetisers chosen from the (revolving) platter,ie prawns, marinated chicken pieces, marinated, beef pork, etc 9654 Hibatchi Cooker Serving Products 1 1 8 9107 9108 9109 9110 Sushi Geta Boat 60cm 4x1 piece Sushi Geta Boat 80cm 4x1 piece Sushi Geta Boat 90cm 4x1 piece Sushi Geta Boat 120cm 2x1 piece 9121 Hardwood Sushi Geta With Chopsticks 24x15x3cm 36x1 Piece 9116 Bamboo Sushi Geta 24x15x6cm 9119 Bamboo Sushi Geta 27x18x3cm 20x1 Piece Tea Cup Geischa 6x1 piece 9022 9023 9024 9025 20x1 Piece 9026 Serving Products Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9016 Tee Set Macha Traditional Exclusive 11x8cm 1 set 9027 1 1 9 1 pair Childrens Chopsticks assorted 9602 Japanese Chopsticks 1 pair 9604 Childrens Chopstick & Spoon Set 9029 Plastic Chopstick Helper Set 1 Set 9601 Japanese LaqueredChopsticks 5 pairs to a pack various colours Bamboo Chopsticks Sosei With Red Enveloppe 9030 9600 100 PRS Per Pack Case Qty 24x100pcs. 9606 Toothpicks and Holder 9031 Bamboo Chopsticks Tensoge With Blue Enveloppe 20x50Pair Chopsticks Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9605 1 2 0 Coloured Sponge Scourers 4 pack scourers 9614 Stainless Steel Scourer With Plastic Handle 9612 Stainless Steel Scourers Small scourer packs of 10 9608 9609 Bamboo Brush 9” Bamboo Brush 10” 9617 9613 Scouring Sponges for non stick coatings 2 pack scourers 9610 Wooden Handled Wok Cleaning Brush Wet Floor Sign (English and Chinese) 9618 Cleaning Trolley (Flat Packed) Cleaning Products Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house 9611 1 2 1 Company Details Our Website Please also visit our website: Here you will find al our products with pictures. You only have to fill in the 4-digit article number, brand or description and you fill find the product you’re looking for immediately! Product Catalogue: Beagley Copperman Trading house We update the website every week withnew product pictures. We hope you like it! Beagley Copperman Koolwitjestraat 36 1432 NB Aalsmeer The Netherlands Tel. Fax. Email +31-297 3666 76 + 31-877 8438 37 [email protected] VAT nr. Nr. Chamber of Commerce (kvk) Bank Account nr. IBAN Swift/BIC NL.8190.50.787.B01 34 294 999 ABN AMRO Bank NL54ABNA0413454037 ABNANL2A 1 2 2
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