Hygienists` Association Files ADHP Legislation


Hygienists` Association Files ADHP Legislation
Keeping You Connected with Your Society
May - June 2013
Hygienists’ Association Files ADHP Legislation
The Massachusetts Dental Hygienists’ Association has filed legislation to create
an advanced dental hygienist practitioner (ADHP) level of practice in Massachusetts. Unfortunately, this isn’t the right issue, the right time, or the right model,
and Massachusetts does not need ADHPs. The Massachusetts Dental Society
(MDS) has worked closely with the legislature and MassHealth to expand access
to care; in the last four years, we have doubled the number of our members who
participate in MassHealth. The MDS supports ongoing efforts to increase access,
but opposes the legislation creating an ADHP level of practice for many reasons.
It Isn’t the Right Issue
• According to MassHealth, 96 percent of all MassHealth members have two
dental practices that are actively accepting MassHealth patients within
five miles of their home;
• A MassHealth survey of members who had not visited a dentist within the
previous year revealed that 84 percent of respondents listed a reason other
than the inability to find a dentist;
• In fiscal year 2008, MassHealth averaged more than 5,000 calls per month
from members looking for information about participating dentists; in
February 2013, they received just 49 calls;
• Massachusetts continues to be a national leader in the utilization of dental
benefits by Medicaid (MassHealth) members; and
• The issue is not a lack of providers, but rather the need to better connect patients with a dental home, and the ADHP model does not address this issue.
It Isn’t the Right Time
• Regulations expanding the practice of dental assistants, thus increasing efficiency,
lowering costs, and providing more access opportunities, have still not been
BORID Updates Botox Policy
The Board of Registration in Dentistry (BORID)
has adopted a new policy on the use of botulinum
toxins (botox) or dermal fillers by licensed dentists.
According to the new policy, which went into
effect March 6, 2013, a dentist licensed under
M.G.L. Chapter 112, Section 45, may use botox
and/or dermal fillers with patients as long as it is
part of the delivery of the patient’s comprehensive
dental treatment plan, it is limited to the practice
of dentistry, and the dentist holds ADA Board
Certification in oral and maxillofacial surgery or
the dentist has successfully completed training
of a minimum of eight hours in administration of
botox and/or eight hours in the administration of
dermal fillers. Visit www.massdental.org/regs
to learn more.
this issue
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Page 3
Delta EPO
Contract Analysis
promulgated, despite the passage of an enabling statute over four years ago;
• The Department of Public Health has not yet provided a detailed report
on the Public Health Dental Hygienist (PHDH) Program and whether that
program has been a success;
• The Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) has not yet completed
work on accreditation standards for dental therapists and it is unlikely that
an educational program is going to invest in equipment and faculty until
there are national accreditation standards in place; and
• Until the above-mentioned work is completed, it is simply not the time
to consider a mid-level provider model here in Massachusetts.
It Isn’t the Right Model
• The ADHP is not a natural extension of the PHDH. Where the PHDH delivers
preventive care and dental education with a referral back to a permanent
dental home, the ADHP would deliver limited restorative care without the
continuum of care of a dental home;
• The ADHP would need to complete a master’s-level program, or approximately six years of post-secondary education (only two less than a dentist);
most hygienists have an associate’s degree, meaning that they would
need four more years of education to become an ADHP, at an estimated
additional cost of approximately $20,000 per year; and
• A more effective model in Massachusetts would be the community dental
health worker, who conducts community-based outreach to link residents with
a permanent dental home and is the natural extension of the PHDH model.
For more information, log on to www.massdental.org/legislation to
read our issue paper on this and other important bills.
Mass Dental Mobile App Launched
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Search “Mass Dental” in Google Play or the iTunes App Store (iPhone App only)
Page 4
How to File an Abuse
or Neglect Concern
Page 9
Insurance May Deny
Class V Restorations
Page 12
Updated Form I-9 Now
Required for New Hires
Robert E. Boose, EdD, CAE
The New Normal Continues . . .
In March, I attended the
New England Dental
Leadership Conference
(NEDLC) with our officers
and board members.
NEDLC is an annual professional meeting that
brings together leaders in dental education, oral
health policy, and organized dentistry. The focus
of NEDLC this year was on the book Road to Relevance and a follow-up to last year’s presentation
on its companion book, Race to Relevance.
One theme prevalent in both books, which are
co-authored by Harrison Coerver and Mary Byers, is
reminding us that we are seeing fundamental shifts
in the ways society views things of importance and
value. This “new normal” impacts all professions,
corporations, governments, and associations, as
well as our daily life choices. The authors detail
six challenges that we must face: time pressures;
value expectations; member (patient) market
structure; generational differences; competition; and
technology. Each of these has implications for the
Massachusetts Dental Society and for your practice;
however, I will discuss three in this article: time
pressures, member (patient) market structure, and
generational differences.
Certainly, time pressures cause people to not
2 want to participate in volunteer activities. Moreover,
it causes them to cancel dental appointments or
avoid making them at all because their own business
and parenting schedules get in the way. Their oral
health care is reduced to emergency situations
and not ongoing preventive care. Associations are
faced with declining volunteerism among members.
Attendance at district meetings is declining across
the nation. Everybody is too busy or does not see
the value or rate of return of spending their limited
personal time on such activities.
The member (patient) market structure is another
important challenge to the profession and organized
dentistry. We are seeing dramatic changes in how
many institutions hold on to their customer base. The
Affordable Care Act (ACA) is going to challenge how
you maintain or expand your patient base. Right
now, the essential health benefits in the ACA include
only pediatric dental care. “Stand-alone” dental
coverage will be offered to adults, but it will be their
option to purchase it. This has significant implications
to the oral health of adults who don’t elect this
coverage. We have data that shows—even without
the impact of the ACA—that adults are not going to
the dentist as often as they had been in the past.
To underscore my point, the ADA News recently
featured an article with the headline “Fewer Adults
Visiting the Dentist.” The above-the-fold story
summarized a review of data sources to conclude:
“This decrease in utilization is a key driving force
behind a decline in dentists’ income, one that’s been
occurring since the mid-2000s. . . . Adult utilization
is going one way while dental visits by children
are going the other way, and dentists’ incomes are
struggling to keep pace.”
This finding is the major challenge organized
dentistry faces in the coming years.
When it comes to generational differences, the
Society—in my view—has been ahead of the curve
in this area. Our elected leaders have supported
opportunities to expand pathways for involvement of
younger dentists, women, and those wanting to get
involved in leadership opportunities. Some examples
of what we are doing to meet this challenge are the
Guest Board Member Program, Leadership Institute,
Standing Committee on Women in Dentistry, and
Boston Collaborative Group.
We have much work to do in realigning our
governance procedures and Bylaws to make them
more contemporary and responsive to the needs of
our membership. In fact, MDS President Dr. Paula
Friedman planned our Annual Retreat last year
around the Race to Relevance. From that meeting,
we developed our next steps to work on this past
year, and one of those steps was to look at our
Bylaws and recommend revisions to the 2013
House of Delegates. Those recommendations were
submitted to the MDS Board in April.
We will be celebrating the 150th anniversary
of the MDS at Yankee Dental Congress 2014. If we
want the Society to remain strong and recognized
as the leader in oral health issues by meeting the
emerging needs of our ever-changing membership,
then we certainly must be prepared to meet all
six of these challenges discussed in the Road to
Relevance. By the same token, if you want to maintain a successful practice and be responsive to these
challenges, you, too, must realign your business model
and operational policies.
A Bimonthly Newsletter of the
Massachusetts Dental Society
Paula K. Friedman, DDS, MSD, MPH
William R. Dennis, DDS
Robert E. Boose, EdD, CAE
Executive Director
Scott G. Davis
Chief Communications Officer
Melissa Carman
Director of Publications
Jeanne M. Burdette
Manager, Graphic Design
Shelley Padgett
Graphic Designer
Jeffrey Dow, DMD
Later this spring, the ADA will launch the ADA
Center for Professional Success (CPS), and the
CPS online portal will become a home for webbased practice management resources. The basic
premise behind this member benefit is simple:
Dentists are trained for clinical excellence but
often need assistance in managing the business
side of the practice. The Center for Professional
Success will provide relevant and impactful solutions to the problems dentists face every day in
their offices. It will help fulfill the ADA’s commitment to provide support to dentists so they may
succeed and excel throughout their careers.
The Center for Professional Success will have
three content “buckets.” The first is your practice
and the opportunity to “build a better business.”
As with all areas on the CPS portal, some
content will be free to ADA members. Members
will have the opportunity to take online courses
and the ability to supplement them with inperson courses, as well. There will be practice
business certificate programs for those who want
a more formal, extensive experience. In addition
to the practice management area, the CPS portal
will also include areas to help members learn
new skills and achieve personal development.
I am excited about the opportunity the CPS
will present for everyone. It is not meant to
replace existing programs already out there, but
rather to supplement and complement them. It
also will provide a venue for those who, due to
time and other constraints, are not able to travel
to get the training they need. After 30 years of
practice, I am looking forward to seeing what the
CPS can offer even a seasoned dentist like myself.
The CPA will be partnering with a nationally
respected university, which will make the certificate programs of greater value. The ADA has
committed the necessary resources to create a
portal where the content is up to date, constantly
evolving, and easy for the user to navigate. I hope
you will check it out later this spring when it
launches and let me know what you think.
The best way for the ADA to develop and
maintain products and services members want
and need is for you to give us feedback. The
more input we receive from you, the better we
can serve you. Whether it is the CPS or any other
ADA service, we want to be “best in class,” and
your feedback is essential for that to happen.
Email me anytime at [email protected] and I’ll be
happy to share your comments and concerns.
© Copyright 2013 Massachusetts Dental Society
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MDS Connection
May - June 2013
Le g i s l ati o n
Grassroots Spotlight: 11th Annual MDS Beacon Hill Day
On April 3, 2013, more than 125 dentists and dental students convened at the State House in Boston
for the 11th Annual MDS Beacon Hill Day. The event
commenced at the Omni Parker House, where MDS
Director of Governmental Affairs David White held
a Morning Briefing Session to inform members
of relevant political issues facing the practice of
dentistry in Massachusetts. While several issues of
significance in previous years were addressed once
again, including the non-covered services bill and
MassHealth adult dental benefit funding, attendees
were also briefed on legislation that has been filed
by the Massachusetts Dental Hygienists’ Association
to create a new advanced dental hygiene practitioner (see page 1).
After the Morning Briefing Session, dentists and
students walked to the State House to attend indi-
vidual meetings with their state representatives and
senators to discuss non-covered services and restoring MassHealth adult dental benefits. A luncheon
at the Omni Parker House, featuring guest speaker
Jean Yang, executive director of the Massachusetts
Health Connector Authority, rounded out the day.
We are pleased that so many dentists and
dental students were able to join us in lobbying
to protect and promote oral health interests in the
state legislature. Photos and more information
from this year’s event can be viewed online at
www.massdental.org/bhd. If you were unable
to attend Beacon Hill Day but would still like to get
involved in the MDS Grassroots Network, contact
Victoria Ryan, MDS coordinator of grassroots
advocacy, at (508) 449-6042 or vryan@
The MDS Offers Testimony
on PMP Regulations
MDS President Dr. Paula Friedman and MDS Executive
Director Dr. Robert Boose attend the Morning Briefing
Session at Beacon Hill Day.
Dr. Nahal Panah (left) and MDS Assistant Secretary Dr. Janis
Moriarty (right) meet with Senator Katherine Clark (D–Melrose) at Beacon Hill Day.
Understanding EHBs and
Stand-alone Dental Plans
In late March, the Public Health
Council held a public hearing on
proposed amendments to the regulations governing use of the state’s
Prescription Monitoring Program
(PMP), which aims to curb the abuse
of prescription drugs. While the MDS
supported the overall goal of the bill,
it raised concerns throughout the
legislative process and offered several suggestions that were adopted in the
final version.
Unfortunately, the draft regulations do not reflect the MDS’s understanding of the intent of the bill and appear to go as far as requiring
that a dentist review the PMP of every patient, regardless of the dentist’s
professional judgment about whether such a review would be necessary.
Read the MDS Testimony on PMP legislation at www.massdental.org/
Revisiting Infection Control
As you are probably aware, there was widespread news
coverage in late March involving the investigation of
an Oklahoma oral surgeon for allegedly poor infection
control practices and delegation of dental procedures.
Dental offices in Massachusetts are required by the
Board of Registration in Dentistry (BORID) to conform
to the most recent Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations for
infection control as published in the CDC’s Guidelines for Infection Control
in Dental Health-Care Settings—2003. These guidelines can be downloaded
from the ADA website at www.ada.org/sections/professionalresources/
For questions or clarification on complying with the regulations, contact
the MDS at (800) 342-8747.
MDS Connection
Jean Yang, executive director of the Massachusetts
Health Connector Authority, delivered the keynote
address at the 11th Annual MDS Beacon Hill Day on
April 3, 2013. The presentation, entitled “Essential
Health Benefits, Stand-alone Dental Plans & Health
Connector Certification,” educated attendees on Affordable Care Act implementation, essential health benefits (EHBs), and the addition of standalone dental plans to the Health Connector. Ms. Yang reviewed the key
requirements that plans must meet in order to be offered on the Connector.
She also took time to answer questions from the audience and expressed a
desire to work with the MDS on several issues.
You can view and download Ms. Yang’s presentation from Beacon Hill
Day at www.massdental.org/healthreform.
Delta Dental EPO Contract
Analysis Available
Members who are considering signing the participating agreement for the
Delta Dental Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) dental plan can obtain the
American Dental Association (ADA) analysis of the contract. The analysis does
not give advice as to whether or not a dentist should sign the agreement, but
it does explain what the terms of the contract may mean for a dentist and it
points out areas where clarification may be needed. The ADA’s analysis can be
viewed and downloaded from the MDS website at www.massdental.org/
Also, members should be aware that the ADA offers free contract analysis
to members to help them obtain a clear understanding of contractual
obligations. ADA Contract Analysis Service will provide analysis of dental
provider contracts with third-party payers, dental management service
organization contracts, and contracts that offer dental school students
scholarships or loans in exchange for a commitment for future employment.
For more information, visits www.ada.org/members/1308.aspx.
M em b er sh i p
Mandated Reporting—How to File a Concern
On March 12, 2013, the MDS and the Massachusetts Medical Society joined forces for the first time
to present “Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect:
The Providers’ Roles in Detection.” The sold-out
program educated the 120 attending medical and
dental doctors on their ethical and professional responsibility as mandated reporters. Many attendees
said that the reason they came to the course was
because they had not received any training on this
subject since medical/dental school.
The keynote speaker for the evening was Kayla
Harrison, 2012 Olympic gold medalist in judo, who
shared her account of the abuse she suffered at
the hands of her coach. The abuse began when she
was just 9 years old. Her coach made her promise
not tell anyone: “It’s a secret” are the words he
would say to her. Kayla was afraid to tell family,
friends, or the medical community about her abuse,
but hoped others might notice the changes in her
personality and grow suspicious.
Dentists are mandated reporters. Every time
you renew your dental license in Massachusetts,
you must attest to knowing your responsibility as
a mandated reporter. Failure to report a suspected
case of abuse and/or neglect can result in a fine of
$1,000 or more. Reporting a suspicion of abuse
and neglect is your legal responsibility, and also the
right thing to do.
How to File a Suspicion of Abuse
As a dentist, it is your legal responsibility to
understand the reporting requirements when you
suspect a case of abuse and/or neglect of a child,
an elderly person, or a person with a disability. You
ADA Recognizes the
MDS for Membership
Recruitment and
As associations nationwide struggle with
decreasing membership numbers, the
MDS Membership Department, headed by
Membership Director Marc Kaplan, CAE,
has been recognized by the American
Dental Association with three awards for
its success in both recruiting new members
and retaining existing members.
The MDS was recognized for:
• Greatest Net Gain of New Dentists
• Most Improved Active Member
Retention Rate
• Greatest Percentage of Nonmembers
to Membership
must make an oral report with the corresponding
office and file a written report within 48 hours after
the oral report has been made.
report at any other time, call
the Child-At-Risk Hotline at
(800) 792-5200.
Report a Suspicion of Child Abuse
and/or Neglect
Massachusetts law requires mandated reporters
to immediately make either an oral or a written
report to the Department of Children and Families
(DCF) when, in your professional capacity, you have
reasonable cause to believe that a child under the
age of 18 is suffering from abuse and/or neglect. In
addition to filing with the DCF, you may notify local
law enforcement or the Office of the Child Advocate. You should report: any physical or emotional
injury resulting from abuse and/or neglect; any
instance in which a child is determined to be physically dependent upon an addictive drug at birth; or
death as a result of abuse and/or neglect.
When you suspect that a child is being abused
and/or neglected, you should immediately call the
DCF area office serving the child’s residence and
ask for the Screening Unit. DCF offices are staffed
weekdays between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.; to make a
Report a Suspicion of
Elder Abuse and/or Neglect
If you suspect an elder (60 and over) is being
abused, neglected, or exploited, you are mandated to file an oral report. Call the Protected
Services Hotline at (800) 922-2275 and follow
the prompts to file a suspected abuse report with
an intake specialist. The intake specialist will then
send you a written report to be completed and
returned within 48 hours, if possible. The report is
always confidential.
Report a Suspicion of Disabled Person
Abuse and/or Neglect
If you suspect a disabled person is being abused
and/or neglected, you are mandated to file an oral
report. Contact (800) 426-9009 to speak with an
intake specialist, who will take your oral report and
fax you a written report to complete. The written
report should be completed and returned as soon
as possible.
Abuse and Neglect Oral Reporting Hotlines
If you suspect one of your patients or their family member is the victim of abuse and/or neglect,
you should contact the applicable agency ASAP.
Department of Children and Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 792-5200
Department of Protected Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 922-2275
Disabled Persons Protection Commission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (800) 426-9009
Step It Up for the Miles and Smiles Team
Last September, the MDS Standing Committee on Women in Dentistry’s Miles and Smiles Team pounded
the pavement and raised $33,430 for cancer research as part of the Boston Marathon Jimmy Fund Walk.
The team was recognized by the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund for being one of the
top fundraising teams. Now, the Miles and Smiles Team is lacing up its sneakers to once again walk the
26.2-mile Boston Marathon route from Hopkinton to Boston on Sunday, September 8, 2013.
Want to make a difference in the fight against cancer? Consider joining the MDS Miles and Smiles Team.
All dentists, staff, and students are invited to join. Please visit www.massdental.org/women or contact
Lisa Davis, MDS coordinator of district affairs and student events, at (800) 342-8747, ext. 207, or
[email protected] to join the team or make a donation.
Your Old Photos Needed
As the MDS prepares to celebrate our 150th anniversary year in 2014, the MDS Anniversary Task Force
is in the process of planning several projects to mark this important milestone in the Society’s history.
Any historical photographs that members have relating to the MDS would be of great interest to the
Task Force and the MDS Communications Department. In particular, we are interested in photos taken at
major Society events, such as prior anniversary celebrations, Annual Sessions, and the early years of the
Yankee Dental Congress, among others.
If you have photos to contribute, mail them to Scott Davis at the MDS, Two Willow Street, Suite 200,
Southborough MA 01745. All photos will be returned after their use.
MDS Connection
May - June 2013
I ns u r an c e & F i n a nce
Financial Health and Gap Plans
By George Gonser, CEO-Partner of MDSIS–Spring Insurance Group
Financial health is at or near the top of most people’s minds these days. While
at the supermarket recently, I was amazed to see a loaf of bread with a price
in excess of $4.00—for plain, no-fluff white bread. Suffice it to say, everything
costs more these days. In the insurance marketplace, we have seen a surge of
health insurance costs since the mid-1990s. Even with a reprieve in health insurance premium increases over the past two or so years, projections for 2014
premiums and beyond are coming in at well over 10 percent. As premiums for
health insurance have risen, many businesses (more than 80 percent) have
been forced to downgrade their benefits. As a result, high-deductible health
plans have been implemented with increased cost sharing and risk to subscribers, as they are now exposed to potentially higher out-of-pocket costs. In the
event of an unexpected health event, people may or may not have the funds to
cover the deductible. With more and more families living paycheck to paycheck,
a health event may seriously affect their financial situation.
MDSIS–Spring offers a few insurance plans that may help to bridge the
gap and provide some financial assistance in the case of a health event.
Critical Illness Insurance: This insurance plan provides financial protection
against out-of-pocket expenses related to specific critical illnesses, including heart attacks, cancer, and stroke, among other conditions. This specific
benefit insurance is typically offered on a group voluntary basis, in that the
business sets up the plan and the employee purchases the plan with pre-tax
monies through payroll deduction. If a claim involving one of the listed critical illnesses occurs, relief is seen in the form of lump-sum payments that can
be used for related medical or non-medical expenses.
Cancer-specific Insurance: This specific benefit plan helps to manage
the risks associated with cancer. In the event of a cancer diagnosis, the
policyholder receives a lump-sum payout that can be used in a variety
of ways, including reducing deductible expenses and/or non-medical
expenses, such as living expenses and more.
Hospital Indemnity Insurance: In the event of a hospitalization,
policyholders receive benefits that can be used to offset deductible and
out-of-pocket medical-related expenses, as well as non-medical expenses,
such as housing expenses and more.
Accident Insurance: This insurance plan provides a lump-sum payment
for a claim for an accidental injury.
Additionally, life insurance and disability insurance can be used as a gap
program, as well.
MDSIS–Spring works closely with the industry’s leading insurers, such
as Aflac, to avail members of these gap plans. These group voluntary plans
help to mitigate the premium and non-premium cost burdens on subscribers. The programs are set up via payroll deduction with no cost to the
Availing employees of these plans will provide the means to bridge the
health gap and improve the financial health of both subscribers and businesses alike. Contact MDSIS–Spring at (800) 821-6033 or visit us online
at www.springgroup.com to learn more.
The Economics of Borrowing from Your 401(k)
When times are tough, that pool of dollars sitting
in your 401(k) plan account may start to look attractive. But before you decide to take a plan loan,
be sure you understand the financial impact. It’s
not as simple as you think.
The Basics of Borrowing
A 401(k) plan will usually let you borrow as much
as 50 percent of your vested account balance, up to
$50,000. (Plans aren’t required to let you borrow,
and may impose various restrictions, so check with
your plan administrator.) You pay the loan back,
with interest, from your paycheck. Most plan loans
carry a favorable interest rate, usually prime plus
one or two percentage points. Generally, you have
up to five years to repay your loan, longer if you
use the loan to purchase your principal residence.
Many plans let you apply for a loan online, making
the process quick and easy.
You Pay the Interest to Yourself, But . . .
When you make payments of principal and interest
on the loan, the plan generally deposits those
payments back into your individual plan account (in
accordance with your latest investment direction).
This means that you’re not only receiving back
your loan principal, but you’re also paying the loan
interest to yourself instead of to a financial institution. However, the benefits of paying interest to
yourself are somewhat illusory. Here’s why.
To pay interest on a plan loan, you first need
to earn money and pay income tax on those
earnings. With what’s left over after taxes, you pay
the interest on your loan. That interest is treated
as taxable earnings in your 401(k) plan account.
When you later withdraw those dollars from the
plan (at retirement, for example), they’re taxed
again because plan distributions are treated as
taxable income. In effect, you’re paying income
tax twice on the funds you use to pay interest on
MDS Connection
the loan. (If you’re borrowing from a Roth 401(k)
account, the interest won’t be taxed when paid
out if your distribution is “qualified”—i.e., it’s
been at least five years since you made your first
Roth contribution to the plan and you’re 59½ or
. . . Consider the Opportunity Cost
When you take a loan from your 401(k) plan, the
funds you borrow are removed from your plan
account until you repay the loan. While removed
from your account, the funds aren’t continuing to
grow tax deferred within the plan. So the economics of a plan loan depend in part on how much
those borrowed funds would have earned if they
were still inside the plan, compared to the amount
of interest you’re paying yourself. This is known as
the “opportunity cost” of a plan loan, because by
borrowing you may miss out on the opportunity for
additional tax-deferred investment earnings.
Continued on p. 6
Access to Care
MDS Members Help “Give a Smile” to Bay State Kids
As part of the American Dental Association’s
Give Kids a Smile (GKAS) Program, 39 Massachusetts dentists teamed up with nearly 170
staff volunteers to provide treatment to children
throughout the state this past February. Overall, it is estimated that approximately 2,000
Massachusetts children received some type of
service—such as cleanings, sealants, and X-rays,
as well as educational materials—thanks to the
Dentists and volunteers set up shop all across
the state, from Boston to Hudson, from Wareham to
Wakefield, and in other surrounding communities,
to provide access to care for children in need.
An estimated $89,000 worth of services will be
donated this year to help children in need receive
the quality dental care they deserve.
“I truly do not know who benefited the most,
because it gave us such a great feeling helping the
children and providing a free service,” says Lois
Cosgrove-Fluegel, RDH, who is the GKAS program
coordinator for Gateway Dental in Wareham.
Hudson General Dentist Dr. Michael Gigliotti has
been holding GKAS events for more than 15 years.
As part of the annual event, he conducts five visits
with the three elementary schools in Hudson,
where he teaches third graders and preschool
students about the importance of oral health. This
year, approximately 320 students each received a
small kit with dental-related items, totaling $1,600
in value, which Dr. Gigliotti feels is a small price
to pay for laying the foundation for a lifetime of
healthy smiles.
While the official date for GKAS is February 1 of
each year, that does not stop MDS members from
providing treatment at other times. Currently, there
are dental offices in Massachusetts that will be
hosting their events throughout the year.
If you are interested in hosting your own Give
Kids A Smile event for 2014 or just want to lend a
Dental hygienist Susan Anderson sends a young patient home
with a smile and a sticker after receiving free dental care at
Gateway Dental’s GKAS event in Wareham.
helping hand, please visit the MDS volunteer page
at www.massdental.org/giveasmile for more
The Importance of Quality Radiographs
MassHealth requires submission of radiographs for a variety of clinical review
situations. We use these radiographs to evaluate treatment necessity during preauthorization, retrospective review, and provider and member appeals, as well as in
our utilization review process. It is imperative that quality diagnostic radiographs are
submitted the first time to avoid unnecessary staff time and expense to both the provider and MassHealth, and to avoid unnecessary delay in treatment of the member.
Documentation requirements in the member record include quality and
medically necessary radiographs used for diagnosis and treatment of the member’s
dental conditions. Radiographic technique regarding angulation, developing, and
image capture are key to this documentation. Many administrative and clinical
denials are the direct result of poorly developed film, cone cuts, overlapping
images, poor angulation, or the missing apex of a tooth on the periapical
radiographic image. If the radiographs submitted are substandard for a third party
to make a qualitative benefit decision, it would be best to retake the radiograph at
no cost to the program or member in order to avoid the denial.
By Tracy Chase, CDA, BS, Executive Director of DentaQuest for MassHealth
As part of sound risk management, it is imperative to keep the patient’s
treatment record intact, including the original radiographs. Submission of original
radiographs is risky for many reasons, including the separation of the radiographs
from the patient record by your staff, and handling of the radiographs by the U.S.
postal system and MassHealth. Duplication of radiographs is one possible solution;
however, duplicated radiographs are rarely of sound diagnostic quality. The use
of radiographic doubles is a better option. It avoids unnecessary patient exposure
to radiation, and misplacement of these radiographs would not compromise
the original patient record. Digital radiographs and scanning technology have
advanced the process of radiograph submission, but printed copies are not always
of the highest diagnostic quality. Finally, electronic submission of radiographic
images through our new MassHealth Provider Web Portal provides the most costeffective way to submit radiographs—it’s free—and assure diagnostic quality on
the initial submission.
If you have any questions, contact Provider Relations at (800) 207-5019.
The Economics of Borrowing from Your 401(k), continued from p. 5
Other Factors
There are other factors to think about before borrowing from your 401(k) plan. If you take a loan, will
you be able to afford to pay it back and continue
to contribute to the plan at the same time? If not,
borrowing may be a very bad idea in the long run,
especially if you’ll wind up losing your employer’s
matching contribution.
Also, if you leave your job, most plans provide
that your loan becomes immediately payable. If you
don’t have the funds to pay it off, the outstanding balance will be taxed as if you received a
distribution from the plan, and if you’re not yet 55
years old, a 10 percent early payment penalty may
also apply to the taxable portion of that “deemed
Still, plan loans may make sense in certain
cases (e.g., to pay off high-interest credit card
debt or to purchase a home). But make sure you
compare the cost of borrowing from your plan
with other financing options, including loans from
banks, credit unions, friends, and family. To do an
adequate comparison, you should consider:
MDS Connection
May - June 2013
Interest rates applicable to each alternative
Whether the interest will be tax deductible (e.g.,
interest paid on home equity loans is usually deductible, but interest on plan loans usually isn’t)
The amount of investment earnings you may miss out on by removing funds from your 401(k) plan
Eastern Dental Financial Insurance Agency,
200 Friberg Parkway, Suite 2002, Westborough,
MA 01581 • (800) 898-3342
Copyright © 2013 Forefield Inc. All rights reserved.
Visit www.massdental.org/ce to register or for
a complete list of upcoming courses and descriptions,
as well as directions to the MDS.
Saturday Seminar
Saturday, October 19, 1013
Registration: 8:00 a.m., Seminar: 8:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Complimentary continental breakfast and light lunch provided by Wells Fargo Practice Finance
1019B 1019C
Fee: $15 MDS Dentist Member/Spouse
Fee: $70 Non-MDS Dentist Member/MDS Auxiliary Member
CE Hours: 6 Lecture
Speakers: Bob Doyle and Brett Doyle, contractors with Doyle &
Mattheson, specializing in all phases of constructing dental
Rhonda Meyer, vice president and East regional manager,
Wells Fargo Practice Finance, with more than 20 years of
experience in the health care industry
Edward Ferrero, branch manager, Patterson Dental Supply,
with more than 25 years of experience with Patterson Dental
Richard (Dick) McCarte, commercial real estate broker,
Nagog Associates
Carla Moynihan, JD, Robinson & Cole, has focused on
disposition, acquisition, permitting, financing, and
construction of commercial real estate for over 15 years
 Create a healthy practice by developing a vision and understanding the business of dentistry
 Discover how to select the right location by understanding
the role and importance of demographics
 Learn how to secure a successful lease for your location
 Become familiar with business planning, financial
projections, and project financing options
marketing into your practice
Recommended Audience: D Dentist S Spouse
The Wells Fargo Practice Finance Grant
has been applied to this program.
The Massachusetts Dental Society is an ADA CERP-recognized provider.
Recommended Audience: D Dentist
710 710A CE Hours:
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Registration: 4:30 p.m., Seminar: 5:00–8:00 p.m.
Fee: $70
MDS Dentist Member/MDS Auxiliary Member
Fee: $100
Non-MDS Member
James T. Reilly, DMD, MAGD, TTS-M, LADC-1, former program director of the MDS
Dentist Health and Wellness Committee (CDAD); senior lecturer, school of psychology and
addiction counseling certification program, Cambridge College; counselor/case manager
and consultant to Eastern Middlesex Alcoholism Services, Malden
 Understand the current medical disease model of substance abuse and dependence
 Identify drug-seeking behavior by patients and staff
 Discuss office procedures and strategies to appropriately treat patients with a history
of substance abuse
 Understand effective pain management
 Be able to identify patients at high risk for substance abuse
 Learn how to counsel patients about the side effects, addictive nature, proper storage, and
correct disposal of prescription medications
Amy Smith, Amy Smith Consulting, financial and systems
 Be able to integrate sound business practices and
 Learn what constitutes proper informed consent
 Understand the importance of proper record keeping
 Identify potential liability issues with websites, blogs, and social networking sites
 Understand the differences between administrative and tort law
 Identify common errors that lead to licensing board disciplinary actions
Recommended Audience: D Dentist
William Pellicano, equipment specialist, Patterson Dental
Attendance at this seminar can count toward a 5 percent discount on your EDIC professional
liability insurance.
Date: Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Time: Registration: 8:30 a.m., Seminar: 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m., Complimentary light lunch included
605 Fee: $90 MDS Dentist Member/MDS Auxiliary Member
605A Fee: $150
Non-MDS Member
CE Hours: 5
Speakers: Barry J. Regan, vice president, claims and risk management, Eastern Dentists
Insurance Company
Raymond K. Martin, DDS, trustee, Massachusetts Dental Society and the
Academy of General Dentistry, and maintains a private practice in Boston
Vincent P. Dunn, Esq., partner, Hamel, Marcin, Dunn, and Reardon, with
nearly 20 years of trial experience advocating for health care professionals
731 731A CE Hours:
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Registration: 2:30 p.m., Seminar: 3:00–6:00 p.m.
Fee: $70
MDS Dentist Member/MDS Auxiliary Member
Fee: $100
Non-MDS Member
Brent Martin, DDS, dental director, Office of Clinical Affairs with Commonwealth
 Learn how to maximize revenue while delivering optimal patient care
 Understand CDT codes with a review of the new ADA CDT codes
 Discuss dental insurance: “Inside the Hallowed Walls”
 Know audit and fraud triggers
Recommended Audience: A Assistant D Dentist H Hygienist O Office Staff
ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality
providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or
instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Concerns or complaints about a
CE provider may be directed to the provider or to ADA CERP at www.ada.org/goto/cerp.
MDS Connection
MDS Foundation
I’m Not an Addict or
Alcoholic . . . I Just
Got In a Bit Over
My Head
Grants Help Organizations Expand
Access to Care Across the State
In the March-April 2013 MDS Connection, we reported that the Massachusetts
Dental Society (MDS) Foundation recently awarded its third annual Expanding Access to Dental Care grants, totaling $111,000, to five organizations in
Massachusetts. That article highlighted two organizations that received MDS
Foundation grants: Hillcrest Educational Center, Inc., in Pittsfield and HealthCare
Options, Inc., in Attleboro for its Elder Dental Program. In this issue, we take a
look at three other organizations that received grants.
The MDS Foundation awarded a $16,000 grant to the Codman Square
Health Center in Dorchester. Founded in 1979, Codman Square Health
Center is a federally qualified health center that serves Boston’s Mattapan
and Dorchester neighborhoods and provides more than 10,000 dental visits
annually. The grant will be used to purchase equipment to expand the types
of services the health center provides, such as endodontics.
The Foundation also awarded a $21,000 grant to Hilltown Community
Health Centers in Worthington. Hilltown Community Health Centers will use
the funding to expand its outreach efforts through its Gator Grins mobile dental
program for children, and will also increase access to dental care for physically
disabled patients.
In addition, the Foundation gave a $10,000 grant to the Forsyth
Institute’s ForsythTeens program in Lynn. The Forsyth Institute will use the
funding to expand access to preventive dental care to low-income high school
students in Lynn.
“Through the grant from the MDS Foundation, the ForsythKids School
Oral Health Program will expand to provide preventive dental care to high
school students,” says Kerry Maguire, DDS, MSPH, director of ForsythKids. “The
8 ForsythTeens pilot project will offer oral health screenings to Lynn Classical High
School students in an effort to identify teens with oral disease and refer them
for continuing care.”
“ForsythTeens also includes tobacco-cessation and healthy living interventions for interested participants,” says Dr. Maguire. “Given the links between
tobacco use, diet, and oral disease, we see this project as an opportunity to
improve both the oral and systemic health of a high-risk population.”
The MDS Foundation Grant Program focuses on the Foundation’s primary
goals of improving the oral health of all the citizens of Massachusetts and
increasing access to oral care for underserved populations in the state.
“Because of the generosity of MDS members and their desire to support an
active Foundation, we are able to do some good and hopefully improve the oral
health of many Massachusetts residents who ordinarily might not receive care,”
says Alan K. DerKazarian, DMD, chair of the MDS Foundation. “It is our most
sincere hope that our Foundation will continue to grow so we can provide
these services over the years.”
For more information on all the grant recipients, please visit the Foundation
website at www.mdsfoundation.org/grants.
MDS Foundation
Chair Dr. Alan DerKazarian (left) and
North Shore District
Dental Society Chair
Dr. Daryl Smith (right)
present the Forsyth
Institute’s Moira Cahan
with the Foundation
Grant at the district’s
April meeting.
MDS Connection
Maybe. Maybe not. Denial fuels
the engine that keeps most alcoholics and addicts active. Many
newcomers first arrive at our
meetings certain that they are the
victims of circumstance and bad luck (e.g., self-prescribing and
getting caught, getting reported when some patient or staff
member at work smells alcohol on their breath, taking a few
too many pills for a legitimate medical reason and then acting
weird at work), only to realize later that their problems went
deeper than the single incident that brought them to us.
None of us will try to convince you that you are an addict
or alcoholic. That will be for you to decide. We only ask that
you keep an open mind. Recovery programs are based on
principles of personal responsibility, hope, love, and—above
all—honesty. If these principles conflict with how you wish to
live your life, then you probably won’t fit in. However, if you
are inclined to embrace the aforementioned principles, you
might benefit from coming to our meetings whether you are
an addict, an alcoholic, or just someone who got in over your
head. Don’t fume over what circumstance or person is responsible for bringing you to us, but instead focus on how we can
help solve any problems you might be having with everyday
living or the workplace.
Many newcomers complain that they have family and
professional responsibilities and they won’t have time for
meetings. We respond by saying: “Sure you will.” We were
all important, busy, and weighed down with family and job
responsibilities when we first came around. The world couldn’t
possibly spin without us. Or so we thought.
Look at it this way: How much time and energy did you
devote to thinking about your particular drug of choice,
scheming to procure it, hiding your use from others, and then
defending your use when you got caught? How much time has
been wasted with lawyers because of legal problems and divorce
or child custody hearings, or visits to the ER or doctor’s offices
for health complications of your use? How much time has
been diverted from intellectual or professional pursuits because
of worry about your declining health or because you were high
or hung over? See where we are going with this? If you add up
all the hours related to the issues mentioned above and counter
that with the few hours a week spent at meetings (or even a
stay in a rehab facility), it seems like a bargain. Even if you
have not yet faced many of the problems listed above, it is just
a matter of time before you do if you continue to use.
If you attend meetings and stay clean, your health will improve, your stress level will drop precipitously, your friends and
family will stop avoiding you, and your whole outlook on life
will improve. How much is that worth to you? You’ve really
got nothing to lose. Contact the Dentist Health & Wellness
Committee at (800) 468-2004 or visit www.cdad.org.
May - June 2013
It All Starts Here!
January 29 - February 2, 2014
Exhibits: January 30 - February 1, 2014
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center
Connect with us:
Terry Donovan, DDS
First Look: Yankee 2014
James Dunn, DDS
This is your chance to discover new techniques and innovative
approaches in treatment planning that will impact your practice.
Robert Fazio, DMD
Michael Ignelzi, DDS, PhD
Elizabeth Somer, RD
John West, DDS
The Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center
Promote performance and practice excellence by developing
your leadership skills and creating the best possible service
for your patients.
Jeffrey Okeson, DMD
Shannon Pace Brinker, CDA
The Pankey Institute: Update 2014
Hands-On Courses with Cadavers
Join in on this unique opportunity to participate
in hands-on programs using cadavers to explore
topics including anesthesia, crown lengthening,
and anatomy.
MDS Council on Dental Care and Benefits
Class V Restorations May Be
Denied by Insurance
Anabel Curiel-Franciskato, DMD
Dr. Curiel-Franciskato operates a private practice in Beverly and recently
became a member of the MDS Council on Dental Care and Benefits. She is
also a clinical instructor in the department of prosthodontics and operative
dentistry at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine.
The MDS Council on Dental Care and Benefits wants members to be aware
that Delta Dental denies Class V lesions due to erosion, abfraction, attrition,
or abrasion. Other insurance companies might do the same. For that reason,
reviewing the various insurance contracts in your practice is an excellent idea.
Delta Dental has very specific guidelines allowing the reimbursement for
services D2330 and D2391. American Dental Association (ADA) code defines
these as a resin-based composite restoration-direct. “Resin-based composite”
refers to a broad category of material including but not limited to composite.
It may include bonded composite and light-cured composite, among other
materials. Tooth preparation, acid etching, adhesives (including a resin bonding
agent), liners and bases, and curing are included as part of the restoration.
Glass ionomers, when used as restorations, should be reported with these
codes.1 ADA code D2330 is defined as a resin-based composite–one surface
restoration, anterior. ADA code D2391 is defined as a resin-based composite–
one surface, posterior. This is used to restore a carious lesion into the dentin
MDS Connection
or a deeply eroded area into the dentin, and is not a preventive procedure.1
In dentistry, we do this type of treatment to repair decay or loss of dentin
due to erosion or abrasion. In many cases, there is painless incipient decay or
sensitivity, or the esthetic is affecting the patient.
In the Delta Dental 2013 Policies and Procedures Reference Guide,1 the use
of ADA codes D2330 and D2391 is limited. According to Delta Dental policy,
the restoration of a Class V lesion may only be covered when there is decay or
fracture. Delta will not pay to repair erosion, attrition, or abrasion. Therefore,
document all your findings and reasons for doing any restoration. A good
case note should include, but not be limited to, a chief complaint, medical
and dental history, objective findings, assessment/diagnosis, treatment plan,
informed consent, treatment performed, medication (e.g., local anesthesia),
and the patient’s reaction, next visit, signature, and date.
When explaining this to your patients, be aware of the following words:
“disallow” and “denied.” If the dental insurance plan “disallows” a service, it
will not pay for that service, and you may not bill the patient. A dental insurance
plan may deny coverage without disallowing a service. In this case, it is allowable
to bill the patient for the service rendered. However, remember to explain to the
patient that there is an out-of-pocket expense before providing the service. That
will help to maintain the patient’s sense of satisfaction with your treatment.
In conclusion, knowing how your patients’ insurance plans will answer a
claim before it is submitted is important, and following sound best practices for
documenting a case will help you defend your actions.
1. Delta Dental Massachusetts. 2013 Policies and procedures reference guide.
2013 Jan 1. Available from: https://onlineservices.deltadentalma.com.
To advertise in the MDS Connection, contact
Jennifer Hanlin at (508) 449-6076 or visit
www.massdental.org to submit an ad
online. Payment in advance, covering the
number of insertions, is required.
50 words or less (per insertion).................. $55
50¢ each additional word
Rate includes immediate web posting
MDS Box........................................... $15 extra
Upon publication, all classified advertisements are posted on the MDS website at
Reply to an MDS Box classified advertisement by emailing [email protected]
(include the Box Number as your subject line),
or mail your response to: MDS Connection
Classified Box ___________
Two Willow Street, Suite 200
Southborough, MA 01745. All responses will
be promptly forwarded to the advertiser.
Peripro unit, 25 dental forceps, 20 dental elevators,
doctor’s chair-side mobile dental chair, portable
X-ray viewer, Castle operatory light, Peripro transport cleaning tub. Complete list available by calling
(401) 658-1174 or (401) 658-1257.
Milling Unit. Currently under CEREC club maintenance. Like new. Approximately 250 millings. Must
sell together. Many accessories and supplies included. Call (508) 478-8515.
FOR SALE—ADEC Treatment Column 5580 w/
Cascade Assistant Surface 3175; in new condition,
Miele G7781 Dental Disinfector. B/O. Please call
(781) 775-0220.
SEEKING USED DENTAL CHAIRS for sale. Also seeking used digital X-ray unit. Please contact Dr. Glasier
at [email protected].
FOR SALE—Biolase Waterlase iPlus. Pearl white.
Several HPs and many extra tips. Lightly used and
well maintained since new in June 2011. $38K.
Contact Jay Wise, DDS, at (413) 243-1222 or email
[email protected].
PEDIATRIC DENTIST WANTED—New state-of-theart children’s dental office seeks a pediatric dentist to join an established orthodontist in creating
a dual specialty practice with multiple locations.
Equity potential available. Please send your CV to
MDS Box 1280 to arrange an interview. ASSOCIATES AND SPECIALIST NEEDED—Part-time
endodontist, general dentist, and oral surgeon
needed immediately for multispecialty office south
of Boston. Superb office and staff in a thriving office. Gorgeous, state-of-the-art office in Metrowest
seeking maternity coverage mid-September through
October. All candidates please forward resumes to
[email protected].
This is an exceptional opportunity to practice in a
modern office with an established, yet growing, patient base. The practice offers a positive, fun work
environment. Part-time or full-time associate considered. We are seeking a confident, experienced
dentist to provide high-quality care to patients. Potential for this position does require some evenings
and Saturdays. We are looking for a long-term relationship with future potential for buy-in for the right
dentist. Interviewing now! Great community to live
and raise a family. Fee-for-service and traditional insurance practice. Great technology, including digital
X-ray. All newly equipped and updated operatory.
Busy practice with unlimited earning potential, pay
based on production. Well-trained staff, motivated
Although the Massachusetts Dental Society
believes that advertisements published in the
MDS Connection are from reputable sources,
the Society neither investigates the offers
made nor assumes responsibility for them.
The MDS reserves the right to decline and/or
withdraw advertisements at its discretion.
Ad Deadline
March-April.................................... February 1
May-June..............................................April 1
July-August...........................................June 1
September-October...........................August 1
November-December...................... October 1
January-February.......................... December 1
For the most current MDS Classified listings,
please visit www.massdental.org/
to provide exceptional care to patients. This opportunity is for a general dentist who is comfortable
with all facets of general dentistry. Must be friendly,
enthusiastic, and have the ability to develop rapport with patients. Quality dental care must be your
top priority. Qualifications: Must be a DDS or DMD
licensed to practice in MA. Successful candidate will
have outstanding patient relations and excellent
verbal communication skills. Make all inquiries directly to [email protected].
GENERAL DENTIST PT—Needed in the recently
opened Wellfleet Dental Group office. Seeking a
Cape Cod dentist for an associate position with
future ownership potential. Please contact Kevin
Toomey at [email protected] or (339) 927-4206.
GENERAL DENTIST ASSOCIATE—Part-time/fulltime position. High-tech office. Lasers, Cerec, CT
scan. New 10-operatory facility. Join 28-year-old
fee-for-service practice that emphasizes restorative, cosmetic, and implant dentistry in Downtown
Springfield. Finder’s fee of $1,000 after a 6-month
employment for referral. Reply to [email protected].
DENTIST—Provide general dentistry and supervision of dental assistants and hygienists. Provide
direct service to patients by ensuring that DPH,
OSHA, and dental association requirements are
strictly followed. Examine teeth, gums, and related
tissues to evaluate dental health, diagnose diseases
or abnormalities and plan appropriate treatments,
and perform esthetic analysis for maximum predictability. Administer local anesthetics to regulate
patient pain during procedures. Utilize dental instruments and software including: Dentrix, Vixwin,
Altapoint Dental, MS Office software, X-rays, and
other diagnostic equipment. Advise patients regarding preventive dental care services. Comply with departmental protocols and meeting productivity standards. Cope with sensitive information in a highly
confidential manner. 40 hours/week. Must have
Doctor of Dental Surgery or equivalent in dentistry,
dental surgery, or a related field. Must have license
or limited license to practice dentistry in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Mail resume to HR,
Community Health Connections, Inc., 275 Nichols
Road, Fitchburg, MA 01420.
busy multispecialty practice. Opportunity for
growth. Great patients and staff. If interested,
contact Dr. Goldberg or Danielle at Milford Smiles
(508) 473-7632 or email [email protected].
HYGIENIST WANTED for Saturdays in our group
practice in Worcester. If interested, please email
[email protected] or call (508) 798-0627.
PERIODONTIST needed 1 to 2 days a week in multispecialty office with two locations. Please respond
to MDS Box 1277.
MDS Connection
SEEKING AN ASSOCIATE dentist to join our state-ofthe-art practice on Cape Cod. We have a well-established practice with a vision and tradition of providing
excellent comprehensive oral health care and exceptional customer service. Achieving this objective requires a commitment to continuing education as well
as exceptional technical and communication skills.
This is a unique opportunity to live and practice in
a wonderful area—great lifestyle, beautiful beaches,
and access to major metropolitan areas. Please email
[email protected].
DENTAL OFFICE IN METROWEST AREA seeking experienced orthodontist to replace retiring orthodontist.
Schedule would be one day per week in a busy multispecialty practice. Experience with Invisalign a must.
Please send resume to MDS Box 1279.
WELL-ESTABLISHED DENTAL PRACTICE on the beautiful seacoast of New Hampshire. Looking for an
associate to join our team (part- or full-time). Proficiency in endodontics a plus. Practice was established
in 1957 with it being a father-and-son team for 29
years. Currently, there is one dentist, 5 hygienists, one
front desk person, one floater, and an office manager.
It is a general family practice specializing in implants,
operative, esthetic, crown, bridgework, all extractions, and prosthetic. Contact Dr. Paul E. Harvey Jr.,
610 Islington Street, Portsmouth, NH 03801, or email
[email protected].
PERIODONTIST WANTED two days per month in established family practice 30 miles north of Boston. Surgery and implant placements. Contact MDS Box 1276.
DENTAL DIRECTOR—Seeking a board-certified dentist who will provide leadership, management, and
coordination of our multispecialty, multi-site dental
operation. Responsible for budget forecasts, provider
productivity, and patient safety. A dental degree from
an accredited school of dentistry, current MA dental
license in good standing, CPR certification, valid MA
controlled substance/DEA licenses required; three to
five years dental management or supervisory experience, preferably in a federally qualified health center
site serving a medically underserved population.
Position requires travel to HHC sites, demonstrated
ability to effectively manage a large multispecialty
dental practice, and excellent written and verbal
communication skills. Ability to document care in an
electronic dental record required. Demonstrates and
maintains attitude, knowledge, and skills necessary
to work respectfully and effectively with patients,
community partners, and staff in a culturally diverse
work environment. We offer a competitive salary and
benefits package and a Monday through Friday work
schedule. Please forward resumes to: Holyoke Health
Center, P.O. Box 6260, Holyoke, MA 01041, Attn:
Human Resources Director. EOE/AA.
PART-TIME ORAL SURGEON needed in West Springfield location. We are looking for an individual to take
the load of the general office demands for extractions
and implants. Knowledge of implants a must. Please
respond to [email protected].
GENERAL DENTIST WANTED—Looking for a personable general dentist to associate in private practice, full
time (Monday–Thursday, 8-5), with buy-in potential.
Some experience is preferred, although will consider
all experience levels. We have two locations. (Malden,
MA/Milford, NH); both are easy commutes from Boston. Ideally would like to split time, although will consider alternatives. Offices are quality driven, modern,
well kept, equipped with digital X-ray and cameras,
and getting close to going paperless. Compensation
is negotiable. Please email [email protected].
part of a large, growing multispecialty dental practice
with multiple sites in the Boston area. Brand-new facilities and dedicated team committed to exemplary
service and best quality outcomes. Competitive compensation and benefits. Residency training preferred. Please respond to MDS Box 1274.
May - June 2013
for a highly motivated and energetic pediatric
dentist for a part-time position with long-term
potential. We are a friendly, quality-oriented dental practice with a diverse patient base providing
a variety of dental services, including pediatric
dentistry, orthodontics, and general dentistry. Our
staff is well-trained and long-standing. We have
new dental equipment, digital X-rays, and are
chartless. Our practice is located 30 miles west
of Boston. Opportunity is open to new or recent
graduates, as well as experienced clinicians. Massachusetts dental license required with intent
to secure board certification. Interested individuals should email a resume and cover letter to
[email protected]. Visit our website at
ARE YOU A GREAT DENTIST? If you have the ability to treatment plan and connect with patients,
you will be a top earner with our ample patient
flow. Gentle Dental of Massachusetts has a 30year history of success with 27 multispecialty
practices, with our newest location in Nashua,
NH. We handle non-clinical headaches to allow
you to focus on patient care and your lifestyle.
You will earn more in our practices. Partnership
is available. Send your CV to Dr. Sam Shames or
Gretchen Bufo at [email protected].
long-term potential for well-established, multidisciplinary, private practice in Boston suburb.
We have two locations, well-trained staff, and a
friendly work environment. Guaranteed salary,
excellent compensation and benefits. Visit our
website www.chestnutdental.com. Please contact
Peter at (781) 444-6650 or email pmcnicholas@
chestnutdental.com for more information and to
send your resume.
DENTIST to join their team. Full-time and parttime positions available; modern office located
in the Metrowest area. Candidate must possess
great clinical and people skills. Guaranteed base
associated with a 40 percent of collection reconciliation. Please email resume to aylabellucci@
GENERAL DENTIST—FT associate dentist position available for Holyoke, MA, office. Guaranteed
starting salary plus production-based bonus. No
weekends; one evening. Ownership potential.
Looking for a team player who’s good with patients and staff. Send resume to: info@oakdale
PERIODONTIST—Experienced, kind, and empathetic, to work in your practice, part time with
flexible scheduling. Experienced in extractions, implants (many systems), osseous surgery, and grafting, as well as nonsurgical modalities. Please call
(781) 956-9152 or email [email protected].
BOARD-CERTIFIED PERIODONTIST seeking a position in Boston or surrounding areas, 1-2 days
a week. Trained and experienced (5-plus years)
in nonsurgical and surgical treatment, including
implant, sinus, GBR, mucogingival plastic surgery,
IV sedation, and third molar extractions. Good
work ethics and interpersonal skills. CV and references are available upon request. Please contact
[email protected] or call (617) 448-3756.
NORTH OF BOSTON—Exquisite turn-key office
minutes from Routes 495 and 93. State-of-theart, digital, paperless, esthetically beautiful, less
than 1.5 years old. Two ops with two additional
plumbed. Active patient base with tremendous
growth potential. Asking $550k. Metro-Boston
area, part-time perio practice, $50k. General practice with enormous potential in outstanding location, $90k. Email [email protected] for information.
area looking for a specialist to rent one or two operatories twice a week. Flexible days. Call office at
(617) 600-3442.
BACK BAY for sale or lease. Located in the prestigious Windsor complex at 390 Commonwealth
Ave. in Boston, this offering is complete with
deeded condominium and dental/office equipment.
The 1,592-sq.-ft. condominium features three fully
equipped dental operatories, exam room, laboratory, kitchen, waiting room, reception, records room,
three consultation offices, and two bathrooms. Two
deeded parking spaces available. Steps to the Hynes
Auditorium Green Line station, Prudential Center,
Newbury Street, and Mass Pike. $875K. Contact
Chuck Hinds, Group Boston Real Estate., at chinds@
bostonrealestate.net or (617) 407-0574.
sq. ft. available with six renovated offices with windows. Great location, medically zoned. Public parking, and on bus route. Contact Steve Cefalo Real
Estate at (781) 789- 5808.
Shore location 20 miles from Boston. Newer 1,584
sq. ft. class-A space. Two equipped R-H rear delivery
operatories with three additional plumbed. Office
condominium available for purchase or lease with
option. Transition for retirement. Please respond to
MDS Box 1270.
office space for lease. One of the fastest-growing
residential communities. Perfect for dental use.
Street level and handicapped accessible. Main road
with good visibility. Large parking area. 1,200-plus
sq. ft. available with expansion potential on site.
Recently renovated. Please contact bikervet2358@
sale in professional building. First floor,1,733 sq. ft.,
located near Elm Park. Furnished or unfurnished.
Five treatment rooms, private office, sterilization
and extra labs, business area, storage space, reception room, two bathrooms. Free parking on premises. Contact by email: [email protected].
FOR YOURSELF? Merrimack Valley dentist relocating South. Beautiful, turnkey, high-tech practice 30
years-old, priced to sell; owner motivated, serious
inquiries only. Perfect satellite or start-up for an associate who wants to go out on his/her own and still
keep the security of his/her current position a couple
of days a week. Extremely low overhead. Loyal staff.
Own a beautiful office with CEREC, I/O cameras,
Shick Digital, Eaglesoft, workstations in every room,
Odyssey Laser. Newly renovated. Much more. 2012
production $430K on average 24-hour week. Endo
a plus. Reply to merrimacvalleydentalpractice@
operatory available in three-op ground-level brownstone office. General practice. Parking space. Share
rent, overhead, staff, and hygienist. Possible buyin for right person. If interested, please contact
[email protected].
MARSHFIELD—Space for lease. Office and medical location with easy access, quality, and location.
Ideal for dental or other medical use. $13/sq. ft.
57 Forest Street. Contact Molisse Realty Group
Commercial Division at (877) 631-0444.
dental equipment available with building for dentist
or specialist. 850-sq.-ft. brick building. Great opportunity for start-up. Municipal parking, busy street.
Three chairs. Putnam, CT, 20 minutes from Worcester. Call (781) 223-6035.
28, Randolph. Lease a former dental office. Built out
and plumbed. First floor with great parking. Four
treatment rooms, secretary and waiting area, private
administrative office, private bathroom, and much
more. Nice, bright, professional space. Easy access off
Routes 128/95 and 24. Call MST Properties, Inc., at
(781) 249-9555.
into an existing modern and digitized perio office.
Selling doctor is willing to workback a few days a
week and mentor the right buyer. Located in Bristol
County, this office produces close to $600K with a
very high hygiene efficiency ratio. For information
on this practice, contact Tyla Permenter at tyla@
BEACON HILL. Practice is ideally suited to merge
into an existing practice in the area. Production is
over $300K per year and existing practitioner will
workback a few days as needed to transition the
goodwill. Please call Tyla Permenter at Paragon
Dental Practice Transition at (860) 751-2282 for
inquiries regarding this practice opportunity.
Mid-Coast/Rockland/Camden–Buy-in opportunity. Massachusetts: HAVERHILL–3 ops, collections $200K, RE
available; South Shore–Ortho practice, collections
$422K, works 3 days/week, 2,000-sq.-ft. condo
avail for sale or lease; Canton–Gross $200K, 2 ops,
RE available; Braintree–Great South Shore location,
3 ops. Hudson–Great opportunity for growth, gross
$454K, 3 ops plau 1 plumbed and ready to go. New
Hampshire: Nashua area–Great opportunity, home
office, 4 ops; Concord area–Modern, established,
busy general practice, 4 ops, newer equip, RE avail
for sale with private parking lot, gross $1.4M; Littleton–5 ops, gross $600K, modern office, RE avail for
sale or lease; Seacoast area; Manchester area–3 ops
w/ room for fourth, gross $800K, RE avail, new and
modern equip. Vermont: Central VT–Gross $783K, 5
ops, new equip, digital, RE avail. Call (888) 888-6506
or visit www.newenglandpracticetransitions.com for
more details.
MEDFORD DENTAL OFFICE for sale or lease. Fully
built-out. Includes income-generating two-bedroom
apartment located on busy Route 60. Dental office:
approx. 1,700-sq.-ft. build-out includes 4 ops, 2
bathrooms, 2 private offices, staff lounge, large reception room, lab, bus office, full basement. Ample
on- and off-street parking. Great opportunity for
recent graduate or experienced dentist looking to
expand or relocate. Call (617) 548-3819 for details.
WORCESTER—Mature practice with 2012 collections of $554K. Seller wants to retire; 900 active patients within the last 24 months. Approx. 1,400-sq.ft. office in medical professional building with four
ops. Built in 2007. Contact [email protected].
OFFICE FOR LEASE IN LYNN—Small comfortable
office with three operatories, possible expansion,
free-standing building. Private parking for a doctor,
all equipment included, immediate occupancy. If interested, please contact MDS Box 1278.
HERE IS A CHANCE FOR A NEW DENTIST OR SPECIALIST to start a nice practice, very inexpensive. We
have a newly renovated location in Framingham,
with four ops, lab, X-rays, X-ray developer machine,
and all office furniture. We bought a new location,
and instead of moving the equipment, we prefer to
sell it to a start-up dentist or a specialist. You will
be ready to see patients the next day. Patients not
included. Email [email protected] or call
(508) 740-6846.
FOR RENT—Operatories in a brand-new, stateof-the-art dental office at 1842 Beacon Street in
Brookline. Lab on premises. Call Dr. Gavriel Shohet
MDS Connection
at (617) 232-2652. Dr. Shohet is an implant specialist, prosthodontist, periodontist, and professional
technician, and will assist as necessary. Possibility
to purchase in 4-5 years.
dentist is selling a controlling 51 percent interest
in a seven-chair busy office with strong marketing
techniques to bring in new patients and recall existing ones. $155K and financing is easily arranged by
us if your personal credit is fine. The practice will
pay your note and we split profits, 51 percent to
you after all expenses plus your dental salary. You
will be clinical supervisor and run the practice day
to day with experienced staff we have. 100 percent
buy-out possible in three years. Please call John at
(978) 621-3501.
DENTAL OFFICE FOR SALE—Satellite practice for
past 25 years in Dracut, MA, for sale. Excellent small
entry-level or second office opportunity. Financing
available. Please contact Dorothy at (978) 448-5523.
GENERAL DENTISTRY PRACTICE FOR SALE IN BANGOR, MAINE. Busy family practice with a dedicated
staff and very loyal patients offers the opportunity
to live, work, and play in America’s vacationland
while enjoying all the amenities that historic Bangor has to offer. Yearly collections over $870K. Mutual confidentiality appreciated. Please respond to
[email protected].
Braintree, MA. Excellent practice opportunity. 3,000
sq. ft. (can be subdivided). Adjacent medical offices:
Milton Pediatrics (14 pediatricians), Blue Hills Medical Associates (9 MDs), Blue Hills Eye Associates,
and several other health care specialists. Contact
Jay Hirsh at (781) 740-1360.
Personal, maternity, and disability leaves are our specialty. We know how. Keep your cash flowing, and
overhead covered. Short notice okay. Fee is standard
percent of production. All inquiries utterly confidential. Some on team seek partnership or buy-in. Join
us. Host pays our fee. Doctors Per Diem. Register online at www.doctorsperdiem.com/register. Call (800)
600-0963 or email [email protected].
PRACTICE? Are you looking for new ways to improve and grow your practice? Look no further than
Command Dental Strategies. We specialize in acquisitions, transitions, consulting, and web design/
Internet marketing. Our group of dental business
specialists is here to assist you in every aspect. We
are at your command—what can Command do for
you? For more information, call (774) 289-8411 or
can help you. We have experience working with
dentists and dental systems such as Easy Dental and
Dexis, helping our clients replace computers, put in
networks, prepare security, configure backups, and
set up remote access. We are good at keeping our
customers out of trouble, and fast and responsive
when trouble happens. Contact us for a free consultation (worth $250). References available on
request. Contact Ted Barnes, [email protected],
www.soholistic.net, 888-SoHoNet (888-764-6638).
Middlesex Community College, Lowell. This course
is recommended for the RDH who would like to
become certified in local anesthesia. This course
complies with the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Dentistry regulations for the administration
of local anesthesia. At completion, RDH will be able
to administer safe, effective, and painless local anesthesia with confidence and competence and be
prepared to take the NERB exam. The course consists of a 50-hour online study prior to the three-day
clinical with 30 injection experiences. Clinical dates:
October 12,13,14, 2013. Enrollment: July 8–August 28. Complete info: www.middlesex.mass.edu/
careertraining/dhla.aspx or please email morins@
MASSACHUSETTS DENTISTS’ ATTORNEY—Experienced, affordable dentists’ legal services, including
practice purchases, sales, and formations, licensing
& discipline, partnership & associate contracts, other
contracting, real estate, insurance, and estate planning. Initial telephone consultation without charge.
Steven H. Jesser, Attorney at Law, PC. (800) 4240060, (617) 421-0020 (Boston), (847) 212-5620
(mobile), [email protected], www.sjesser.com.
BUYERS—We offer more than 25 years of dental
experience in the Greater Boston area to provide
you with confidential professional advice to help
locate and finance the proper practice for you, the
buyer. We will guide you and the seller through
the entire process, helping to structure a transition
that makes sense. Because a practice worth buying
should not have to be advertised, we have never
had to advertise a practice. We make every attempt
to show you only those practices that may be of
interest to you, and all fees are paid by the seller.
Please contact Arthur B. Gordon, Northeast Dental
Consulting, Ltd. at (978) 774-2400. Fax: (978) 7501444. Email [email protected].
PRACTICE? Dentists, dental assistants, dental hygienists, reception, office managers available now. Shortterm now, long-term soon. First three matches are
free, then only $9.95 per match. Set up a worker or
practice account today; go to: www.smileworkers.com.
SELLERS—If you are considering the sale of your
dental practice, we offer more than 25 years of
dental experience to provide you confidential expert advice. We work closely with you, the seller,
and your professional advisors to help mediate a
transaction that makes good common sense while
keeping professional fees as reasonable as possible.
We take pride in the fact that we have never had
to advertise a practice in order to sell it. We have
sold some of the premier practices in the Greater
Boston area and we look forward to helping you.
Please contact Arthur B. Gordon, Northeast Dental
Consulting, Ltd. at (978) 774-2400. Fax: (978) 7501444. Email [email protected].
H-1B VISA APPLICATIONS—Petitions for transfer, extension, and concurrent employment under H-1B Visa,
$995 plus filing fees. New H-1B Petitions $1,295 plus
filing fees. Experienced and efficient service, evening
appointments or we can come to your office. The Law
Offices of Anthony J. Voci at (781) 237-3030.
Prosthodontist, fluent in Itero CAD/CAM, seeks
space in existing dental practice. Requires two operatories. Will bring own equipment and patients.
Contact [email protected].
Summer Hours
The MDS is adopting summer hours on Fridays during the summer season.
From May 24 (Memorial Day weekend) through August 30 (Labor Day weekend), MDS headquarters will operate from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Fridays.
The office will maintain normal business hours Monday through Thursday.
Members in the Spotlight
YDC 2013 Student Poster Contest Winners
Students from area dental schools presented student table clinics at Yankee Dental Congress 2013.
Winners were honored at an awards ceremony held on March 15, 2013, at the Harvard Club in Boston.
The awards were sponsored by the American Academy of Dental Science (AADS).
Post-Doctoral Division
Khadijah Turkistani (Harvard School of
Dental Medicine)
From left: WDDS Trustee Dr. Edward Swiderski, Dr. Abraham
Haddad, and MDS Executive Director Dr. Robert Boose
Worcester periodontist Abraham W. Haddad, DMD,
received the Isaiah Thomas Award at the Worcester
Telegram & Gazette' s 2012 Visions Community
Awards on March 11, 2013. The award is given to
an outstanding citizen in Central Massachusetts
who has volunteered his or her time and abilities to
improve the quality of life in the Worcester area. By
his own estimation, Dr. Haddad has donated more
than 15,000 hours to community service, including working with the American Heart Association,
the Greater Worcester Community Foundation,
and the Worcester Art Museum. Dr. Haddad has
also devoted his time to organized dentistry. He
currently serves as editor of the Worcester District
Dental Society (WDDS) and has been instrumental
in communicating MDS legislative priorities to
Worcester-area legislators, including the recent
non-covered services bill. In presenting the award,
Telegram & Gazette Editor Leah Lamson noted that
“Abe knows how to get things done.”
From left: EOHHS Secretary John W. Polanowicz, Department of Social Services Commissioner Dr. Elin M. Howe,
and Dr. Steven Perlman
Steven P. Perlman, DDS, MScD, was honored
with the 2013 Allen Crocker, MD, Health Services
Award from the Massachusetts Department of
Developmental Services. Dr. Perlman is a pediatric
dentist in Lynn and clinical professor of pediatric
dentistry at the Boston University Henry M. Goldman
School of Dental Medicine. The award honors an
individual or organization that advocates for patients
with developmental disabilities. In addition to being
co-founder and president of the American Academy
of Developmental Medicine and Dentistry, Dr. Perlman is past president of the Academy of Dentistry
for Persons with Disabilities and the Massachusetts
Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. He is also known
for his extensive work with the Special Olympics.
In 1993, he founded the Special Olympics Special
Smiles Program, which provides free oral health
screenings to Special Olympics athletes worldwide.
“Epidemiological Estimates and Outcomes
of Cleft Lip/Cleft Palate Procedures in the
United States”
Pre-Doctoral Division
Sean O’Brien (University of Connecticut
School of Dental Medicine)
“Activation of EGFR Signaling Promotes
Articular Chondrocyte Hypertrophy and
Cartilage Matrix Degradation”
Dr. Berdj Kiladjian and Dr. Abol Tehrani (left) and AADS President
Dr. Patricia Brown and Dr. Phillip Millstein (right) flank award recipients Melanie Jones, Dr. Khadijah Turkistani, and Maureen O’Hern.
Hygiene Division
Maureen O’Hern and Melanie Jones (Mt. Wachusett Community College)
“Stem Cell Therapy for the Regeneration of Periodontal Tissues”
MDS Mourns Passing of Dr. Norman Diamond
MDS Past President Dr. Norman H. Diamond of Newton passed away on February 27, 2013. Dr. Diamond, who served as president in 1994–1995, was an
orthodontist who maintained a practice in West Roxbury before his retirement.
A veteran of the U.S. Navy Dental Corps, Dr. Diamond was very active in
organized dentistry and the Society. In addition to serving as MDS president,
he held the offices of vice president and president-elect, and was a longtime
delegate to the MDS House of Delegates. In 1989, he was chair of the MDS 125th
Anniversary Committee. A member of the Metropolitan District Dental Society
(MDDS), Dr. Diamond held many positions, including chair, vice chair, and secretary,
and he served as MDDS representative on the MDS Peer Review and Constitution
and Bylaws Committees. He was also active with the Yankee Dental Congress, serving as registration chair
and chair-elect multiple times in the 1970s and 1980s.
A cum laude graduate of Tufts University School of Dental Medicine—he received his DMD in
1957 and a Certificate in Orthodontics in 1964—Dr. Diamond stayed close to his alma mater. He
was a clinical instructor in oral diagnosis and associate professor of orthodontics, and served as
25th Reunion co-chair for his class, as well as president of the Tufts Association of Orthodontists.
New Form I-9 Now Required for New Hires
Effective May 7, 2013, employers are required to use the new Form I-9 for all new hires. Form I-9 is
used for verifying the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the
United States. Prior versions of Form I-9 will no longer be accepted.
According to the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
(USCIS), all U.S. employers must ensure proper completion of Form I-9 for each individual they hire for
employment in the United States, including both citizens and noncitizens. The form must be completed
by both employees and employers (or authorized representatives of the employer), and the employee
must attest to his or her employment authorization and must also present his or her employer with
acceptable documents evidencing identity and employment authorization.
While the form is not filed with the USCIS or any government agency, employers are responsible for
completing and retaining the form for a designated period and making it available for inspection by
authorized government officers when requested. There is no fee to complete the form.
For more information and to obtain the new I-9 form, visit www.uscis.gov and click on “I-9 Central” on the right side of the page in the “Verification” Section. If you have any questions, contact the
MDS at (800) 342-8747.