Summary of Content


Summary of Content
Summary of Content
Organizers / Technical Support
Honorary Committee, Steering Committee
Organization Committee, International Scientific and Technical Committee
General objectives and topics
Audiovisual technical presentations
Technical visits
V1: Visit of the primary substation “Boule”
V2: Visit of the static reactive power compensator in Nanterre
V3: Visit of the R&D site «EDF Lab les Renardières »
T1: Impact of EMF on current ratings and cable systems
T2: Guide for rating calculations of HV cables
T3: Guidelines for submarine cable projects
T4: Issues related to long HVAC cables
T5: Electrical modelling of MV cables and off-line diagnostic
Jicable‘15 Prize
Young researchers contest
International technical exhibition
General information
Dates and venue
Official languages
Practical Information
Car parking
WiFi Space
Useful tips
Hotel reservations
Getting to Versailles
CD-ROM sales
Sightseeing suggestions
Addresses to note
Conference Welcome Desk opening hours
9th International Conference on Insulated Power Cables
Paris - Versailles - France - June 21st - 25th 2015
SEE, Société de l’Électricité, de l’Électronique et des Technologies de l’Information
et de la Communication
CIGRE, International Council on Large Electric Systems
SYCABEL, Syndicat Professionnel des Fabricants de Fils et Câbles Électriques et
de Communication
ERDF, Électricité Réseau Distribution France
RTE, Réseau de Transport d’Électricité
SERCE, Syndicat des Entreprises de Génie Électrique et Climatique
With the technical and scientific support of
AEIT, Federazione Italiana di Elettrotecnica, Elettronica, Automazione, Informatica e Tele-comunicazioni
AESIEAP, Association of the Electricity Supply Industry of East Asia and the Western Pacific*
AFNOR, French Standardization System
APUA, Association of Power Utilities of Africa*
ASEFA, Certification d’Appareillage Electrique
AUE, Arab Union of Electricity
CAFELEC, Confédération Africaine d’Électricité
CENELEC, European Committee for Electro-technical Standardization*
CIGRE, International Council on Large Electric Systems (International and French National Committee)
CIRED, International Conference on Electricity Distribution
CIS, Electric Power Council, Russia
COMELEC, Comité Maghrébin de l’Électricité
ENTSO-E, European Network of Transmission Systems Operators for Electricity
EUREL, Convention of National Societies of Electrical Engineers of Europe
EURELECTRIC, The Union of the Electricity Industry*
EUROPACABLE, The European Confederation of National Associations of Manufacturers of Insulated
Wire and Cable
FENELEC, National Federation of Electricity, Electronics and Renewable Energies, Morocco
FNCCR, Fédération Nationale des Collectivités Concédantes et Régies*
HAPUA, Head of ASEAN Power Utilities / Authorities*
IEC, International Electro-technical Commission
IEEE DEIS, Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society *
IEEE ICC, Insulated Conductors Committee*
IEEE, French Section
IET, The Institution of Engineering and Technology*
ÖVE, Österreichischer Verband für Elektrotechnik
PPA, Pacific Power Association
Prospective 21OO, Preparing the Future, France
SEE, Société de l’Electricité, de l’Electronique et des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication
SRBE/KBVE, Société Royale Belge des Electriciens
UFE, Union Française de l’Electricité
UTE, Union Technique de l’Electricité
VDE, Verband der Elektrotechnik, Elektronik, Informationstechnik e.V. / Deutscher Elektrotechniker
* (to be confirmed)
Honorary Committee
Ray AWAD, Chairman of Jicable’11 ISTC (International Scientific and Technical Committee), Canada
Ken BARBER, Chairman of Jicable’07 ISTC, Australia
Horst BLECHSCHMIDT, Chairman of Jicable’95 ISTC, Germany
Robert-Pierre FAUDEL, Chairman of Jicable’87 & Jicable’91 Steering Committee, France
Zensuke IWATA, Chairman of Jicable’03 ISTC, Nuclear Fuel Industries, Ltd, Japan
Roland NATALINI, Chairman of Jicable’99 Steering Committee, France
Robert ROSEVEAR, Chairman of Jicable’99 ISTC, Southampton Dielectrics Consultants Ltd, UnitedKingdom
Ralph SAMM, Chairman of Jicable’91 ISTC, USA
Pierre-Henri SEDES, Chairman of Jicable’95 Steering Committee, France
Roger TELLIER, Chairman of Jicable’84 & Jicable’87 ISTC, France
Bruno THOMAS, Chairman of Jicable’03 Steering Committee, France
Steering Committee
Philippe ADAM, CIGRE
Hugues de GROMARD, Club Jicable
Lucien DESCHAMPS, Prospective 21OO
François GERIN, SEE
Organization Committee
Lucien DESCHAMPS, Prospective 21OO
Bernard DALLE, BMD Consulting
Philippe ADAM, CIGRE
Sylvie BARBAZANGES, Prysmian Câbles et Systèmes France
Pierre-Marcel DEJEAN, Prysmian Câbles et Systèmes France
Vera DUBEUX-TORRES, Prospective 21OO
Jean-Michel LEQUEUX, Epistol-Consult
Max MUSQUIN, Silec Cable /General Cable
International Scientific and Technical Committee
Marco MARELLI, Prysmian, Italy
Pierre ARGAUT, CIGRE, B1 Committee
Kenneth BARBER, NAN Electrical Cable, Australia
Thomas C. CHAMPION III, Georgia Tech NEETRAC, USA*
Francis KRÄHENBÜHL, Nexans Suisse SA, Switzerland
Mozart de SIQUEIRA CAMPOS ARAUJO, Brennand Energia, Brazil
Hideo TANAKA, VISCAS Corporation, Japan
Lisheng ZHONG, Xi’an Jiatong University, China
Jean BECKER, Nexans / Sart Consult, Belgium
Marcelo de Araujo ANDRADE, Prysmian, Italy
Ray AWAD, Hydro-Québec TransEnergie, Canada
Rohini BHATTACHARYYA, Ducab, United Arab Emirates
Willem BOONE, KEMA Nederland BV, The Netherlands
Michael CHANG, Nexans, China
Anthony FALCONER, Aberdare Cables, France
Alain GILLE, Verbraeken Construction, Belgium
Ernst GOCKENBACH, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Stanislaw GUBANSKI, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Unnur Stella GUDMUNDSDOTTIR, DONG Energy, Denmark
Nigel HAMPTON, Georgia Tech NEETRAC, USA
Thomas HJERTBERG, Borealis AB, Sweden
Seung-lk JEON, LS Cable, Korea
Ja Yoon KOO, Hanyang University, Korea
Kieron LEEBURN, CBI Electric, African Cables Ltd, South Africa
Mohamed MAMMERI, Silec Cable, France
Andrea MANSALDO, Eirgrid Ireland*
Juan Manuel MAXIMO-LEON, Conductores Monterrey, S.A, Mexico
Hans A. MAYER, Consultant, Australia
Pierre MIREBEAU, Nexans, France
Rachel MOSIER, Power Delivery Consultants, USA
N. MURUGESAN, Central Power Research Institute, India*
Petru NOTINGHER, Université Montpellier 2, CNRS, France
Harry E. ORTON, Orton Consulting, Canada
Ronald PLATH, Ing.-Büro HPS, Germany
Aleksandra RAKOWSKA, Tu Poznan Univ. of Technology, Poland
Jean-Louis RAUD, SERCE, France
Dirk RITTINGHAUS, Energycableconsult, Germany
Robert ROSEVEAR, Southampton Dielectric Consultant Ltd, UK
Jacint Rovira, Groupo General Cable Sistemas SA, Spain
Ignacio Manuel RUIZ, Edenor, Argentina
Candelario de J. SALDIVAR CANTU, Viakon Conductores Monterrey, Mexico
Jan SCHUTTEN, Prysmian, The Netherlands
João José dos SANTOS OLIVEIRA, Consultor de Redes Subterraneas, Brazil
Ngapuli Irmea SINISUKA, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
John SMITH III, General Cable Corporation, USA
Steve SWINGLER, University of Southampton, UK
Victor SYTNIKOV, R&D Center @FGC UES, Russia
Roger TAMBRUN, ERDF, France
Gilbert TEYSSEDRE, Laplace, Université P Sabatier, CNRS, France
Jean-Charles TOURAINE, Prysmian Câbles & Systèmes, France
Sidnei UEDA, Nexans, Brazil
Ariel VALDENEGRO, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Liming YANG, State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, China
Vitaliy YAROSLAVISKIY, Cable Technology Lab., Inc., USA
Ernesto ZACCONE, Prysmian Powerlink S.r.l., Italy
Dongping ZHANG, Tennet Offshore GmbH, Germany
Tiebin (Tom) ZHAO, Electrical Power Research Institute, USA
* to be confirmed
General objectives and topics
What is Jicable’15 ?
Jicable’15 is an international forum for the exchange of information in the fields of research, industrial
development, installation, operation and diagnosis relating to AC and DC insulated power cables and
their accessories from low voltage and special cables up to ultra-high voltage cables and new technology
Why is Jicable’15 important ?
Insulated power cables are increasingly used in electrical power transmission and distribution networks.
This is due to the significant progress achieved in the development of new technologies with higher
performances, and motivated by increasing environmental pressure. Cables are recognised as a reliable
means for the transportation and distribution of electrical energy.
Jicable’15 will allow in-depth analysis of the State-of-the-Art and future perspectives: new materials,
evolution in technologies, improvements in manufacturing process, improvement of maintenance policies
and remaining life estimation, lessons learned from service experience, dielectric phenomena, thermal
and thermo-mechanical behaviour, … new innovative technical solutions for high power transmission:
new superconductive materials as well as a closer look at major submarine cable projects connecting High
Voltage networks in many countries.
Who will be taking part in Jicable’15 ?
As for the 8 earlier Jicable conferences held between 1984 and 2011 (748 delegates from 47 countries at
Jicable’11), Jicable’15 will prove very useful to the following segments of the cable industry: researchers,
engineers, decision-makers, raw materials suppliers, manufacturers, consultants, installers and users.
The following topics will be discussed:
1. Materials, New Materials and Ageing Assessment in AC and DC
2. Cables and Accessories Design - Modelling
3. Testing Methods: Electrical and not Electrical
4. Cables, Environment and Sustainable Development
5. Diagnosis, Maintenance, Remaining Life Estimation and Management
6. Economy of Cable Systems
7. LV and MV Cable Systems
8. HV and EHV AC Cable Systems
9. HVDC Cable Systems
10. Submarine Cable Systems
11. Cables for the Future
12. Industrial and Special Cables
13. Technical challenges encountered with cable systems
Audiovisual technical presentations
The Jicable’15 Organization Committee has made it possible for research laboratories and companies
to hold audiovisual presentations during the conference.
Projections will take place during the conference according to a program which will be issued each day.
Technical visits
Thursday, June 25th 2015 - 09:00
Technical Visit V1
Visit of the primary substation “Boule”
Technical Visit V2
Visit of the static reactive power compensator in Nanterre
Technical Visit V3
Visit of the EDF R&D site «Laboratoires des Renardières »
Technical Visit V1
Visit of the primary substation “Boule”
The 225/20 kV Boule substation, which will be in service in late 2015, will serve a dense urban area
located in the western suburbs of Paris. Built to meet the load growth, it will also help secure the supply
of the business district ‘La Défense’. Located on a 2300 m2 plot of land, it will host, in 2017, three
225 kV / 20 kV transformers of 70 MVA each. Ultimately, it will feed sixty underground connections.
All of the HV and MV installations are located in a 5-level building. This building was the subject of an
extensive architectural study in order to best integrate in the urban environment.
Duration : half day
Capacity : 30 people
Fee : 60 €, including transport.
Technical Visit V2
Visit of the static reactive power compensator in Nanterre
The static reactive power compensator in Nanterre is an installation that controls voltage by injecting
reactive power into the network. This process is particularly required in case of an urban dense
underground network involving inductive power injection in order to compensate the capacitive behaviour
of the cables. This equipment is both adaptable and fast. It avoids the risk of voltage collapse in a few
tenths of a second. It ensures the operating safety of the power system and guarantees the quality
of supply. The equipment is one of the innovations now being implemented in strategic substations. It
contributes to making electricity networks smart and efficient.
Duration : half day
Capacity : 30 people
Fee : 60 €, including transport.
Technical Visit V3
Visit of the EDF R&D site «Laboratoires des Renardières »
The EDF R&D’s site “Les Renardières” in the south of Paris is one of the three research sites of the
group EDF in France. This technical visit is an opportunity to visit laboratories such as the “EDF Networks
Lab” and the “Concept-GRID”.
The EDF Networks Lab represents all EDF R&D’s testing facilities for all electrical system equipment.
These tests cover the entire range of electrical tests from low to high voltage.
The Concept Grid is a unique experimental platform to support and anticipate the evolution of electrical
systems. This set of facilities operates under medium and low voltage and allows a wide range of
experiments making Concept Grid a first rate tool for preparing tomorrow’s networks.
Its unique design places it mid-way between laboratory tests and experiments in the field. Concept Grid
makes it possible to conduct complex testing campaigns, in complete safety that would be impossible
to perform on a real network.
Duration : 1 day
Capacity : 40 people
Fee : 95 €, including transport and lunch.
Five high level tutorials will be given in english by professors on Sunday, June 21st 2015 - 13:30 - 17:00
(break from 15:00 to 15:30), for a limited number of people.
Tutoriel T1
Impact of EMF on current ratings and cable systems
Tutoriel T2
Guide for rating calculations of HV cables
Tutoriel T3
Guidelines for submarine cable projects
Tutoriel T4
Issues related to long HVAC cables
Tutoriel T5
Electrical modelling of MV cables and off-line diagnostic
Tutorial T1:
Impact of EMF on current ratings and cable systems
Harry Orton, Consulting Engineers International, Canada
Tutorial T1 presents guidelines for managing the rating of a HV underground power cable electric system
when magnetic field mitigation techniques are added to the system. The addition of any mitigation device may
modify the ambient conditions surrounding the cables so examples are provided in the tutorial to give good
technical solutions leading to practical installations. Extensive case studies will be discussed.Asummary table is
provided to assist with the most judicious selection of the shielding method as well as economical
evaluation of investment costs. Also the cost of additional losses and maintenance of the mitigation
device is discussed.
Tutorial organized in cooperation with the CIGRE Study Committee B1.
Tutorial T2
Guide for rating calculations of HV cables
Frank H. de Wild, DNV GL, Netherlands
Tutorial T2 is based on very recent CIGRE work which includes the current rating of insulated power
cables: directly buried, submarine and in-air installations are considered in detail, addressing problems
with establishing the ampacity of both new and existing power cables. In the tutorial, three major topics
will be considered:
Starting points for rating calculations.
Guide for calculating the current rating in situations which are not fully described in the existing
IEC standards.
Tools and techniques available for performing cable rating calculations.
This tutorial will give the participant the most recent overview of all possibilities and impossibilities, do’s
and don’ts, solutions and remaining ‘gaps’ regarding the complete topic of underground power cable
current rating.
Tutorial organized in cooperation with the CIGRE Study Committee B1.
Tutorial T3
Guidelines for submarine cable projects
Christian Jensen, Manager Projects,
Tutorial T3 presents guidelines concerning many aspects of submarine cable projects and in particular for
offshore generation. Main topics are offshore surveys for consenting and installation purposes, system
design of cable connections, cable design, cable installation, testing, maintenance and dynamic cables
for floating generation. Examples are included. The tutorial can be used as an introduction to the subject
and a basis for further discussions regarding submarine cable issues.
Tutorial organized in cooperation with the CIGRE Study Committee B1.
Tutorial T4
Issues related to long HVAC cables
Filipe Miguel Faria da Silva, Faculty of Engineering, Aalborg, Denmark* and Ken Barber, Nan Electric
Cable, Australia**
1. Power System Technical Performance Issues*
The first part of Tutorial T4 describes system technical performance issues related to power systems
with long AC cables. The study areas are divided into planning, system impact and equipment design.
The presentation includes examples and explanations such phenomena occurring as a result of
various system operations, guidelines for simulation, interpretation of the results, possible mitigation
measures, recommendations on modelling and results measurements performed on the 100 km
long Horns Rev 2 AC cable.
2. Implementation issues**
The second part of Tutorial T4 will start with a practical definition of a long length AC cable system
and reasons for the recent significant growth in the demand for such systems. Then, it will address
the modern developments which have occurred in cable and accessory design as well as installation
techniques which have made this possible. The various challenges for practical implementation such
as matching ratings, protection systems, controlling EMF, reactive compensation, sheath bonding,
directional drilling, rights of way, testing, monitoring and reliability of supply will be addressed. Finally
some practical examples of more than 50 long length AC cable systems which have been identified
will be discussed to highlight some of these issues.
Tutorial organized in cooperation with the CIGRE Study Committees C4 and B1.
Tutorial T5
Electrical modelling of MV cables and off-line diagnostic
Minh Nguyen-Tuan* and Thierry Espilit**, Electricité de France, R&D, France
The development and the asset management of underground and submarine links go along an increasing
demand for theoretical and experimental studies of the cables behaviour. The purpose of this tutorial is
to provide elements both in terms of fine electrical modelling, and in terms of measurements for off-line
diagnostic of MV cable links.
1. Electrical modelling of cables*
In the first part of the tutorial, we will present cable models, which must be carefully chosen to get
reliable simulation results.
The following topics will be addressed:
Existing models, for steady-state and transients studies;
Cable systems electrical characteristics;
Limitations of existing models and areas for improvement.
2. Off-line diagnostic**
In the second part, we will present diagnostic measurement methods for MV underground links.
These methods have been specifically developed in order to prevent short time failure and to rank
types of cable sections for network renewal operations.
The following topics will be addressed:
Methods based on tangent delta and partial discharges measurements;
Limitations of currently used criteria;
Possibility of adapting the diagnostic operations based on the characteristics of diagnostic systems
Jicable’15 Prize
The Jicable’15 prize will be awarded
to the authors of the best
communication 2015, by an ad hoc
jury and presented on stage at the
end of the conference during the
Closing Session.
(The Jicable’11 award to Mrs Blandine
Young researchers contest
The Organizers of Jicable’15 are setting up a Young Researchers Contest to encourage the participation
of students and young researchers and to promote professions of the cable. The call for papers was sent
to engineering schools and universities. It was based upon the same 13 topics as for the conference.
25 communications were accepted and will compete. The authors of the three best communications will
receive prizes, respectively 1500 € first prize, 1 000 € second prize and 500 € (third prize).
Accepted papers will appear in the Jicable’15 Proceedings.
Welcome Cocktail at Versailles Congress Centre
Sunday, June 21st 2015 from 18:30 to 20:00
The Welcome Cocktail will take place after the “Welcome Lecture: Brazil’s situation in terms of energy
- Challenges and perspectives” given by Josias Matos de Araujo, Vice President CNB CIGRE, Director
of regulation, Eletrobras, Brazil.
The Jicable «Soirée» at Versailles Academy of Equestrian Arts
On Tuesday, June 23rd 2015 from 18:30 to 22:30:
Jicable will celebrate it’s 30th anniversary with the organization of the Jicable’15 “Soirée”, at Versailles
Academy of Equestrian Arts.
At two-minute walk from the Congress Centre, in the exceptional setting of the “Grandes Écuries”
(royal stables) of the Château de Versailles, you will enjoy a brilliant equestrian show choreographed
by Bartabas for the riders of the Versailles Academy of Equestrian Arts.
The show ‘La Voie de l’Écuyer Opus 2015’ (‘The Way of the Rider Opus 2015’) will be followed by an
open-house tour of the royal stables, remarkable for their size and the nobility of their architecture.
Then the cocktail party will be served on the golden sand of the horse riding arena, a showcase of wood
and mirrors, subtly lit by Murano glass chandeliers.
(Photo Agathe Poupenay / Photoscene)
International technical exhibition
An Exhibition will be held from June 22nd to 25th 2015 inside the Congress Centre of Versailles in the
heart of the Conference area.
Around 40 exhibitors will show materials, design, manufacturing, tests, laying and operation of polymer
insulated power cables.
Access to the exhibition will be reserved for Jicable’15 delegates and holders of invitations delivered
by the exhibitors.
Societies participating at the Jicable’15 exhibition:
General Information
Date and venue
Jicable’15 will be held at Versailles Congress Centre (close to Paris):
10 rue de la Chancellerie 78000 Versailles - France.
Phone : + 33 1 40 68 22 22
Technical Sessions, Invited lectures, Tutorials, the audiovisual presentations and the exhibition will be
held inside the Congress Centre from June 21st to 25th 2015.
The only activities organized outside the Congress centre will be the Jicable’s Soirée and the Technical
Official languages
The official languages at Jicable’15 will be French and English.
Simultaneous translation will be provided in all two languages in rooms A & B for all sessions (simultaneous
translation shall not be available in rooms C, D, and E).
Texts of the Abstracts
The texts of the abstracts are available from the Jicable’s website.
On arrival at the Welcome Desk, each participant will receive a conference bag with a digital tablet
containing the text of communications included in the program.
The CD-ROM Jicable’s Archives with all proceedings from the 8 former Jicable’s Conferences from 1984
to 2011 will be on-sale at reduced price when bought with a registration (see § registration).
An admission badge will be delivered to each participant, giving access to the conference sessions, to
the audiovisual presentation and to the exhibition. It must be worn throughout the conference period.
Practical Information
All attendees will find in the conference bag a list of restaurants proposing menus at a wide range of
prices around the Congress Centre.
Car park
There is a very large car park on the “Place d’Armes”, located closed to the “Château de Versailles” and
in front of the Congress Centre.
WiFi space
WiFi will be available for wireless internet users.
The organizers cannot be held liable for any personal accident , damage, the loss of any personal
property, whatever the cause. Participants should therefore make their own insurance arrangements.
Useful tips
In the month of June, the temperature in Versailles is usually around 20°C with a probability of rain
In France, the electric current is 220 V / 50 Hz. It is advised to consider the use of an electric adaptor.
Hotel bookings
As the conference will take place at a time when the demand for hotel accommodation in Paris and
Versailles is rather high, participants are advised to make their reservation as soon as possible.
Voyages C. MATHEZ VIAZUR, the travel agency appointed by the organizers, has made special block
bookings of rooms at reduced rates for Jicable’15 attendees, both in Paris and in Versailles.
To make your hotel reservation, please contact directly:
Tel: +33 1 43 18 28 25
Fax: +33 1 43 18 28 29
124 Bis, Avenue de Villiers
[email protected]
75017 Paris - France
Getting to Versailles
From Roissy-Charles de Gaulle Airport:
By taxi: Approximate cost 90 € plus 15 € night additional cost
By metro: Take RER express train line B, direction St-Rémy-les-Chevreuse, change at St-MichelNotre-Dame onto an RER line C and get off at Versailles Château - Rive Gauche (300 m from the
Palais des Congrès). Approximate cost 15 €.
From Orly Airport:
By taxi: Approximate cost 60-70 €
By metro: Take the Orlyval metro link, change at Antony and get onto an RER express train line B ,
direction Aéroport Roissy, change at St-Michel-Notre-Dame and get onto the RER line C. Get off at
Versailles Château - Rive-Gauche (300 m from the Palais des Congrès). Approximate cost 15 €.
From Paris:
By Suburban train: Take the RER line C express metro and get off at Versailles Château Rive Gauche (300 m from the Palais des Congrès). Approximate cost 4.35 €.
By train:
From Paris Montparnasse station, get a train towards “Plaisir Grignon” or
“Chartres” and get off at “Versailles Chantiers” (about 1 km from the “Palais des
Congrès”). Approximate cost 4,35 €, duration of the trip 16 minutes
From Paris St Lazare station or La Défense “Grande Arche” take a train toward
Versailles “Rive Droite” (about 1 km from the Palais des Congrès, duration of the trip 35 minutes).
By road:
GPS: 48.8013155 / 2.1253549000000476
Take one of the three motorways:
Western motorway A 13, exit at “Versailles Chateau” or “Le Chesnay / Versailles Centre/ Marly le
Western motorway A 86, exit at “Versailles Chateau”.
Western motorway A 12, exit at “Le Chesnay / Versailles Centre / Marly-le-Roi”.
CD-ROM Sales
CD-ROM Sales:
The CD-ROM “Jicable’s Archives” containing all proceedings for the 8 former Jicable’s Conferences
(more than 1200 communications from 4000 authors). This CD-ROM is supplied with a search
engine allowing plain text researches from within the paper text - a quick and easy way to get the
best from the archives. Normal price 200 €, 160 € if bought with a registration
CD-ROM of Jicable-HVDC13 European Seminar on materials for HVDC cables and accessories:
Performance, Modelling, Testing, Qualification; the conference with texts and authors presentation normal Price 90 €, sold 60 € with a registration
Special price for both CD-ROM, The Jicable’s Archives and Jicable-HVDC13 normal price 290 €,
sold 200 € if bought with a registration
CD-ROM of the Jicable’s Workshops, WETS’11, WETS D’11 and CABOS’11, sold 50 € (3 workshops)
Sightseeing suggestions
Created by King Louis XIVth of France to act as the vehicle for his reign, Versailles is a New Town and
a model of urbanism worldwide.
Its rich architectural and urban heritage makes Versailles a unique experience. Take an exploratory
stride along the roads through the neighbourhoods brimming with beautiful monuments, artistic and
cultural centres and parks.
Versailles Tourist office:
Take advantage of your venue in Paris to visit the capital, which offers high historical and cultural areas,
worldwide renowned monuments, museums and picturesque places.
Practical information about Eiffel tower, Notre-Dame-de Paris cathedral, the Sacré Coeur, Arc de
Triomphe, The Louvre and many other unmissable areas is available at:
Paris tourism office:
To help you discover Paris and the area, Cityrama Paris Vision offers a wide range of excursions on
climatized buses from their agency located in the Paris centre, or on minibuses from and to your hotel.
They will take you to visit the capital and its surroundings, and discover Paris by night with many
activities, illuminations, cruisers on the river Seine, cabarets…
If you need any information, please contact directly:
Cityrama Paris Vision
2 place des pyramides / 214, rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris
Central reservation: +33 (0)
Web site:
Addresses to note
Before the Conference
Jicable’15 Registrations:
SEE Jicable’15 - 17 rue de l’Amiral Hamelin
75783 Paris Cedex 16 - France
Phone: +33 1 56 90 37 11 or 03
Fax: +33 1 56 90 37 19
Site Web:
e-mail: [email protected]
During the Conference
All services will be transferred to:
Palais des Congrès de Versailles
10, rue de la Chancellerie
78000 Versailles - France
Phone: +33 1 30 97 89 01
Hotel bookings
124 Bis, avenue de Villiers
75017 Paris - France
Phone: +33 (0) 1 43 18 28 25
Fax: +33 (0) 1 43 18 28 29
Email: [email protected]
Site web:
Sightseeing reservations
Cityrama Paris Vision
2 place des Pyramides / 214, rue de Rivoli
75001 Paris - France
Central reservation: +33 1 44 55 60 00
Web site:
Conference Welcome Desk Opening Hours
June 20th
16:00 - 18:00
June 21st
10:00 - 18:30
June 22nd
08:00 - 18:30
June 23rd
08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday June 24th
08:00 - 18:00
Welcome lecture
Josias Matos de Araujo, (biography)
Vice President CNB CIGRE, Director of Regulation, Eletrobras, Brazil
Brazil´s situation in terms of energy –
Challenges and perspectives
Brazil has the largest electricity market in South America. The country has the largest capacity
for water storage in the world being highly dependent on hydroelectricity generation capacity,
which meets over 80% of its electricity demand. This dependence on hydropower makes Brazil
vulnerable to power supply shortages in drought years. As a result of the ongoing drought, Brazil
has constructed additional short-term natural gas-fired generation in order to ease the burden on
the nation´s hydro-electric dams, with reservoir levels falling to near critical capacity. Reservoir
levels in the Southeast and Central West regions of the country were roughly half expected levels
for the time of 2014, resulting approximately in 6000 MW of additional thermal capacity being
put onto the grid in that region.
The Brazilian interconnected system which accounts for about 98% of the Brazilian electricity
market has an installed capacity of near 134 GW, with the hydro system responsible for 74% of
the total installed capacity. The figure 1 shows the structure of the domestic supply electricity
in Brazil in 2013. It can be observed that Brazil presents and electricity matrix predominantly
renewable, and the domestic hydraulic generation accounts for 64 % of the supply. Adding imports,
which are also mainly from renewable sources, it can be stated that 79% of electricity comes from
renewable sources.
The interconnect system is based on 125.000 km of transmission lines ranging from 230 Kv to 750
kV and dc links connecting the binacional Itaipu power plant (14000 MW) and Santo Antonio /
Jirau power plant (6300 MW) to national grid. The Brazilian Transmission System is showed in
the figure 2
Challenges and Perspectives
With yearly average global irradiance levels of 5.5 – 6.0 kWh/m2/day, Brazil has a high potential
for the use of solar energy. Recent targets from the government for 1,400 MW of distributed solar
generation by 2022 have accelerated market development, with approximately 122 MW of utilityscale solar projects being awarded long-term power purchase agreements in the 2013 federal
energy supply contract auction. Brazil has a lot of challenges and perspectives for the future in the
area of solar energy both in research and development to expand their sources of renewable energy.
Brazil has a potential for wind power of 143 GW. At the end of 2012, Brazil had 2.5 GW of
installed wind capacity, enough to power four million households, accounting for 2 percent of
national electricity consumption. Brazil currently has over 7 GW of wind power projects in the
pipeline to be delivered by 2016, and the government’s Decennial Energy Plan (PDE 2021) sets a
16 GW wind installed capacity goal by 2021. The local Brazilian wind market is forecast to grow
at over 2 GW annually.
Major biomass sources are firewood, sugar cane products and other agricultural waste. Sustainable
biomass could have a potential of 20 GW.
In 2013 Brazilian Government has launched the Inova Energia Program (the “Inova Program”),
which provides a series of subsidies and other incentives to assist Brazilian companies and
technology institutes to develop and commercialize innovative technologies for the power sector,
including solar power, smart grids and energy-efficient vehicles.
Eletrobras, one of the most important energy companies in Brazil, has an important role in the
growing and expansion of the Brazilian generation and transmission. Eletrobras was included in
the Sustainability Yearbook of 2015 of the RebecoSAM, an international investment company
with a specific focus on sustainability investments, which is based in Zurich, Switzerland and
considers economic, environmental and social criteria in its investment strategies. Eletrobras has
contracted approximately 11,9 GW, individually or through purpose special company (SPE), under
construction or to be started in operation. These projects and others under construction in Brazil
will incorporate to Brazilian electric matrix, by 2019 approximately 22 GW, mostly come from
clean energy sources and renewables.
The presentation will consider the evolution of Brazilian power system both in transmission and
in generation, the various changes in our model as well as all challenges we face to overcome the
great issues to interconnect all regions of the country. Long transmission lines and many power
plants are necessary to attend our energy consumption growth of 5% a year. So the presentation
will show what we are doing in Brazil and in Eletrobras to overcome all these challenges for
the next 10/20 years in the electrical sector. In 2013, the Ministry of Mines and Energy (MME)
published the Power Expansion Ten Years Plan, which sets out plans for the expansion of the
Brazilian power sector
Figure 1 - Domestic Electricity Supply by Source ( EPE 2014)
Figure 2 – Brazilian Interconnected System (Source: ONS)
Invited Lecture C9.i
Serge Roques (biography),
Emeritus expert, Safran Group, France
Impact of the new electrical architecture
of aircraft on insulated power cables
Starting with less than 50 kVA in the 50th’s, the trend to have more and more electrical power on
board is continuous and modern commercial air planes need up to 1000 kVA and probably more
in the future for next new generation of aircrafts from AIRBUS and Boeing between 2025 to 2030
To reduce carbon and NOx emission and fuel consumption, the use of electrical energy on board
is offering smart solutions as:
 Bleed Less or No Bleed engines
 Electric Environmental Control Systems
 Electric ice protection
 Electrical Thrust reversers
 Electrical APU
 Electrical landing gear extension/retraction
 e-GTS :Green taxiing
 e-braking: electrical braking
 Electrical Nose wheel Steering
 Electromechanical actuators (EMA) for flight control surfaces
The more electrical aircraft today, the Boeing 787 (Dreamliner) requires more than 1 Megawatt
of available electrical power on board, enough to power between 100 to 150 houses meeting the
new electrical domestic requirements.
Such growth in electrical power needed on board obliges Aircraft designers to optimize energy
generation, distribution by designing de-centralized or semi decentralized electrical architecture,
management of electrical consumption using an Electrical Load Management Systems.
More Electrical Aircraft (MEA) means also Energy Optimized Aircraft (EOA) with, for example:
the introduction of full composite structure (CFRP) on modern Aircrafts as B787 or A 350 XWB.
This composite material is impacting the electrical network, introducing the new concept of Current
Return Network (CRN) on B787 or Electrical Structural Network (ESN) on A350 XWB.
Due to this increase of electrical energy on board and to reduce the weight of electrical cables,
higher voltages have been introduced on: B787 (230VAC and +/-270 VDC ) and on A350 XWB
( 230 VAC).
These new voltages induce new issues for cable design: partial discharges which could definitively
damage the insulation and corona effect producing ionization around the cable,.
These physical phenomena could lead to lose critical functions such as flight controls powered
by electrical hydrostatic actuators (named EHA and EBHA with a back up device ) if design of
new insulation is not tackled at the beginning of system design
In addition the PWM (Pulse Wave Management) control function of the bigger electrical motors
induces very high and short peaks of voltage inside the cables which stress continuously the
Filtering the electrical noise emitted by these pulse modulation will lead to define new filtering
cables which will reduce the size, the weight and the heat dissipation of the conventional filters
like coils and capacitors
Protection against arc tracking initiation is also mandatory mainly with the introduction of new
CFRP structure which could be severely damaged in case of cable chafing against the carbon
All new electrical aircrafts are fully electrically controlled, with no more mechanical back-up,
that means that never we shall be in a situation of losing the complete electrical system on board.
To address associated risks, the wiring connection has been considered as a System with the
introduction of the new EWIS regulation and a distinction between Essential Network and Non
Essential Network.
EWIS= Electrical Wiring Interconnection System
EWIS regulation defined in FAR 25- Part 25 Subpart H, known in Europe as CS 25 has been
released by Sept 5th 2008 .
EWIS will consider combination of physical failure induced by electrical installation or electrical
technology of components and functional failure coming from the system.
The first commercial aircraft implementing this new EWIS regulation is the AIRBUS A350 XWB !
All these evolutions means a lot of new exciting challenges for the cable industry where cables are
considered as major part of the System supplying power but also data for computerized functions
and also for the comfort of passengers with more and more sophisticated In Flight Entertainment
Systems (IFE).
To save weight several major evolutions have been implemented: higher voltages as mentioned
above (230 VAC, +/- 270 VDC) but also copper cladded aluminum conductors for small gauges
starting at gauge 24 and above
This is not the end of the story and new challenges for the cable industry are:
New needs for HVAC and HVDC, Pulse Wave Modulation compatibility, EMI protection, Data
on Power/ Power on Data,….. while maintaining safety and robustness at the highest level.
Opening Lecture
Pierre Bornard, (biography)
Deputy CEO of RTE, Chairman of the Board of ENTSO-E
Electricity Transmission Infrastructure:
a Key to the Energy Transition
Climate change will be the subject of the COP21 conference to be held in Paris in December under
the auspices of the United Nations. The deep transformation of large power systems is essential
to meet this challenge.
Europe, which aims at being a pioneer in this change, has engaged in an ambitious energy
transition, which is only possible by developing renewable energies where natural resources
are most available. This requires the deployment of new technology cables and power systems
for the offshore wind as well as for interconnections. In a strong regulatory and environmental
background, such large-scale projects require improved technological expertise. But a timely grid
construction to match the renewable generation also requires to better involve the populations
concerned, to find new financing frameworks, and to develop always smarter grids, with a better
cooperation with distribution networks.
Conférence d’accueil
Josias Matos de Araujo, (biography)
Vice President CNB CIGRE, Directeur de la Régulation, Eletrobras, Brésil
Situation du Brésil en termes d’énergie –
Déϔis et Perspectives
Le Brésil a le plus grand marché de l’électricité en Amérique du Sud. Le pays a la plus grande
capacité pour le stockage de l’eau dans le monde étant largement tributaires de la capacité de
production d’hydroélectricité, qui se réunit plus de 80% de la demande d’électricité. Cette
dépendance sur l’hydroélectricité fait du Brésil vulnérables aux pénuries d’alimentation dans
les années de sécheresse. En raison de la sécheresse persistante, le Brésil a construit production
supplémentaire au gaz naturel à court terme afin d’alléger le fardeau sur les barrages hydroélectriques nation’s, avec des niveaux de réservoirs à la capacité de tomber près critique. Les
niveaux des réservoirs dans les régions Sud-Est et Centre-Ouest du pays ont été à peu près la
moitié les niveaux prévus pour cette période de 2014, résultant en environ 6000 MW de capacité
thermique supplémentaire d’être placés sur la grille dans cette région.
Le système interconnecté brésilien qui représente environ 98% du marché de l’électricité
du Brésil a une capacité installée de près de 134 GW, avec le système hydro responsable de
74% de la capacité totale installée. La figure 1 montre la structure de l’électricité nationale
d’approvisionnement au Brésil en 2013. On peut observer que le Brésil présente et de la matrice
de l’électricité renouvelable prédominante, et les comptes de production hydrauliques domestiques
pour 64% de l’approvisionnement. Ajout des importations, qui sont aussi principalement de sources
renouvelables, on peut dire que 79% de l’électricité provient de sources renouvelables.
Le système d’interconnexion est basée sur 125,000 km de lignes de transmission allant de 230 kV
à 750 kV et des liens à courant continu reliant l’usine binacionalItaipu de puissance (14 000 MW)
et Santo Antonio centrale / de Jirau (6300 MW) au réseau national. Le système de transmission
brésilienne est montré dans la figure 2
Déϔis et perspectives
Avec des niveaux d’éclairement énergétique mondiales moyennes annuelles de 5,5 à 6,0 kWh /
m2 / jour, le Brésil a un fort potentiel pour l’utilisation de l’énergie solaire. Objectifs récents du
gouvernement pour 1400 MW de production d’énergie solaire distribuée par 2022 ont accéléré
le développement du marché, avec environ 122 MW de projets solaires à l’échelle utilité- étant
attribués accords d’achat d’électricité à long terme dans le 2013 Federal Energy contrat de fourniture
aux enchères. Le Brésil a beaucoup de défis et perspectives pour l’avenir dans le domaine de
l’énergie solaire à la fois dans la recherche et le développement d’élargir leurs sources d’énergie
Le Brésil a un potentiel pour l’énergie éolienne de 143 GW. À la fin de 2012, le Brésil avait 2,5
GW de capacité éolienne installée, soit assez pour alimenter de quatre millions de ménages, soit 2
pour cent de la consommation nationale d’électricité. Brésil compte actuellement plus de 7 GW de
projets éoliens dans le pipeline à livrer d’ici 2016, et le plan de l’énergie décennal du gouvernement
(du PDE 2021) fixe un objectif de capacité installée de 16 GW d’éolien d’ici 2021. Le marché
local du vent du Brésil devrait croître au plus de 2 GW par an.
Principales sources de biomasse sont le bois de chauffage, produits de la canne à sucre et autres
déchets agricoles. Biomasse durables pourraient avoir un potentiel de 20 GW.
En 2013 Gouvernement brésilien a lancé le Programme Inova Energia (le «programme Inova”),
qui prévoit une série de subventions et d’autres mesures incitatives pour aider les entreprises
brésiliennes et les instituts de technologie pour développer et commercialiser des technologies
innovantes pour le secteur de l’énergie, y compris l’énergie solaire, intelligent grilles et des
véhicules éconergétiques.
rôle dans la croissance et l’expansion de la génération et la transmission du Brésil. Eletrobras
a été inclus dans le Sustainability Yearbook 2015 de l’RebecoSAM, une société internationale
d’investissement avec un accent particulier sur les investissements en matière de durabilité, qui est
basée à Zurich, en Suisse et considère critères économiques, environnementaux et sociaux dans
ses stratégies de placement. Eletrobras a contracté d’environ 11,9 GW, individuellement ou par
société ad hoc (SPE), en cours de construction ou a commencé en fonctionnement. Ces projets et
d’autres en cours de construction au Brésil vont incorporer à la matrice électrique brésilienne, en
2019 environ 22 GW, proviennent principalement de sources d’énergies renouvelables et d’énergie
La présentation examinera l’évolution du système d’alimentation brésilienne à la fois en émission
et en génération, les divers changements dans notre modèle ainsi que tous les défis auxquels nous
sommes confrontés pour surmonter les grandes questions d’interconnecter toutes les régions du
pays. Longues lignes de transmission et de nombreuses centrales sont nécessaires pour participer
à la croissance de notre consommation d’énergie de 5% par an. Ainsi, la présentation montrera
ce que nous faisons au Brésil et dans Eletrobras pour surmonter tous ces défis pour les 10/20
prochaines années dans le secteur électrique. En 2013, le ministère des Mines et de l’Énergie
(MME) a publié l’Alimentation Extension Dix ans Plan, qui définit des plans pour l’expansion
du secteur de l’énergie brésilienne.
Figure 1 – Approvisionnement national d’électricité par source ( EPE 2014)
Figure 2 – Réseau interconnecté Brésilien (Source: ONS)
Conférence d’ouverture
Pierre Bornard (biography)
Les infrastructures de transport d’électricité:
la clé de la transition énergétique
Le changement climatique sera l’objet de la conférence COP21 qui se tiendra à Paris en décembre
sous l’égide des Nations Unies. La transformation profonde des grands systèmes électriques est
indispensable pour relever ce défi.
L’Europe, qui veut être pionnière dans cette mutation, s’est engagée dans une transition énergétique
ambitieuse, qui ne sera possible qu’en développant les énergies renouvelables là où les ressources
naturelles sont le plus disponibles. Ceci nécessite le déploiement de nouvelles technologies de
câbles et de réseaux, pour l’éolien offshore comme pour les interconnexions. Ces projets de grande
envergure, dans un contexte réglementaire et environnemental très contraignant, nécessitent une
maîtrise accrue des technologies. Mais être au rendez-vous de la production renouvelable exige
aussi de mieux associer les populations concernées, de trouver de nouveaux cadres de financement,
et de progresser encore dans l’intelligence des réseaux de transport, et dans leur coopération avec
les réseaux de distribution.
Pierre BORNARD is currently the Deputy CEO of RTE, the French electricity Transmission
System Operator.
Pierre BORNARD has also been since 2013 the Chairman of the Board of ENTSO-E, the network
of European Transmission System Operators (TSOs) for electricity established in accordance to the
European legislation. He is also the Vice-President of Med-TSO, the association of the electricity
TSOs from almost all the Mediterranean countries.
Since the creation of Powernext SA (which created the French power and gas Exchanges) in
2001, Pierre BORNARD has been the Chairman of the Board of this company. He is also the
Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board of EPEX Spot SE (a common subsidiary of Powernext,
EEX AG and 3 European electricity TSOs – RTE, Elia and TenneT. EPEX Spot operates the spot
electricity market in France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria).
He is a Fellow of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
 Diplomed engineer from Ecole Polytechnique and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines
de Paris.
 Three years with the Commission of the European Union (DG Energy): work on the
completion of the Internal Energy Market and on the development of cooperation with
non EU countries.
 Eleven years with EDF R&D: in charge of the Transmission Network Economics and
Design Group during three years and of the Power System Dynamics and Control Branch
during four years.
 Local manager for EDF and Gaz de France during six years, in charge of power and
gas distribution and meters management: responsible for power distribution to about
700.000 customers.
 Presently Director for R&D and Innovation in ERDF in charge of the R&D programme
of the company and of the developments of new solutions for the distribution system
 CIRED: member of the Directing and of the Technical Committees, chairman of
Session 1 “Network Components” and of the French National Committee.
 French member of the Networks Committee of Eurelectric, member of the Technology
Committee of EDSO, French alternate member of the International Energy Agency WG
on Smart Grids (ISGAN).
Josias Matos de Araújo
 Experience in Power Quality and Smart Grid, as Coordinator of Brazilian Power Quality
Working Group and Coordinator of Brazilian Smart Grid Working Group to define
Public Policies for Brazilian Grid,
 Superintendent of Operation and Maintenance Engineering in Eletronorte, from 1995
to 2008,
 Responsible of Electric Testing Laboratory in Eletronorte in 1990,
 Electric Energy Secretary of Ministry of Mines and Energy in Brazil, from October/2008
to August/2010,
 CFO of Cigré-Brazil, from 2005 to April/2011,
 1st Vice President of Cigré-Brazil since April 2011,
 CEO of Eletronorte, from August/2010 up to June/2014,
 Director of Regulation Issues, since June/2014
 Brazilian Coordinator of Transmission Business – BRACIER/CIER, from 1995 to 2008,
 Many Technical Articles published in National and International Symposium and
Serge Roques
 Owner of 53 Patents
 Since June 2007: Expert Emeritus in SAFRAN /LPS on Electromechanical Systems,
 Previous activity in AIRBUS:
 From Jan 2005 - March 2007: Vice President Engineering & Executive Expert in
Electrical Systems & Head of ESDY Department: All Systems Integration on all AIRBUS
Programs - Future Aircraft Concept,
 From 2004-2005: Aircraft Security Project Leader,
 From 2001 – 2003: Senior Expert in Electromechanical Systems, Aircraft Security
Project Leader (after events of Sept 11th 2001),
 From 1994 – 2001: Head of SY/ENAT – Energies Department, Electrical Systems,
Hydraulic, Utilities, Landing gear ,Braking System & General system architecture,
 From 1992 – 1993: Head of SY/CAL Department, Cockpit, Electrical Installation&
Electrical Technology & Flight test installations,
 From 1986 – 1991: Head of G341 Operational Group, Nose Section studies for A330/
 From 1982 - 1985: Head of ATR 42 Operational Group, Nose section: Cockpit & E/E
Bay, Wing, Nacelle, Electrical Installation
 During 1981: Head of ING Group (Integrated Nose Group),
 Multinational Team with MBB and BAe on the A320 program,
 From 1976 – 1980: Cockpit Design Engineer on A310,
 Cockpit & E/E Bay and Electrical installation Designer on A310 program,
 From 1970 – 1975: Cockpit Design Engineer A300, A300 & A300 Forward Facing
Crew Cockpit Programs
Pierre BORNARD est actuellement le Directeur général délégué de RTE, le gestionnaire français du réseau de
transport d’électricité.
Pierre BORNARD est aussi depuis 2013 président du Conseil d’Administration d’ENTSO-E,
l’associatibioson européenne des gestionnaires de réseaux de transport d’électricité, créée
conformément à la législation européenne. Il est également Vice-président de Med-TSO,
l’association des opérateurs de réseaux de transport d’électricité de la quasi-totalité des pays
riverains de la Méditerranée.
Depuis la création en 2001 de Powernext SA (qui a ouvert la bourse française de l’électricité et du gaz), Pierre
BORNARD est également le Président du Conseil d’Administration de cette société. Il est aussi le Vice-Président
du Conseil de Surveillance d’EPEX Spot SE (la filiale 50-50 de Powernext et EEX AG qui opère le marché spot
de l’électricité en France, Allemagne, Suisse et Autriche).
Il est Fellow de l’IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers).
 Ingénieur diplômé de l’Ecole Polytechnique et de l’Ecole des Mines de Paris
 Trois ans à la Commission Européenne à la DG Energie: Travaux sur l’achèvement du
marché intérieur de l’énergie et sur le développement de la coopération avec les pays
non européens.
 Onze ans à EDF R&D: en charge pendant trois ans du groupe “Économie et conception
des réseaux de transport, puis responsable de la branche “Dynamique et contrôle du
réseau d’énergie” pendant quatre ans.
 Gestionnaire local pour EDF et Gaz de France pendant six ans, en charge de la distribution
de l’électricité et du gaz et de la gestion du comptage d’environ 700.000 clients.
 Actuellement Directeur de la R & D et de l’innovation à ERDF en charge du programme
R&D de la société et du développement de nouvelles solutions pour le fonctionnement
du réseau de distribution.
 CIRED: membre du Comité Directeur et du Comité Technique, président de la session
1 «Composants de réseaux» et du Comité National Français.
 Membre français du Comité Réseaux d’Eurelectric, membre du Comité de la technologie
d’EDSO, membre français suppléant de l’Agence internationale de l’énergie, GT sur
les Smart Grids (ISGAN).
Josias Matos de Araújo
 Expérience dans le domaine de la qualité de l’énergie et des Smart Grids, en tant que
coordinateur du Groupe de travail Brésilien “Qualité de l’Energie” et coordinateur du
Groupe de travail Brésilien “Smart Grids” pour définir la politique publique Brésilienne
du réseau,
 Directeur de l’ingénierie exploitation et maintenance d’Eletronorte, de 1995 à 2008,
 Responsable du laboratoire d’essais électriques d’Eletronorte en 1990,
 Secrétaire de l’Energie Electrique au Ministère des Mines et de l’Energie du Brésil
d’Octobre 2008 à Août 2010.
 CFO du CNB Cigré-Brazil de 2005 à Avril 2011,
 1st Vice Président du CNB Cigré-Brazil depuis Avril 2011,
 Président d’Eletronorte, de juin 2010 à Août 2014,
 Directeur de la régulation depuis Juin 2014,
 Coordinateur Brésilien des activités de transport d’énergie, BRACIER/CIER, de 1995
à 2008,
 Nombreuses communications techniques publiées à des symposiums et conférences
Serge Roques
37 ans d’activités Engineering chez AIRBUS sur 8 programmes avion : A300, A310, A320,
A330/340, ATR, A380, A400M, A350, pour:
 La conception des cockpits de tous les avions cités précédemment,
 La conception des systèmes d’énergie non propulsive comme Chef du Département
Electrique avec :Génération, Distribution, installation et Technologie électrique pendant
plus de 25 ans et Hydraulique avec les mêmes thèmes que pour électricité Génération,
Distribution, installation et Technologie pendant 8 ans.
 La définition des systèmes de SURETE à bord (porte cockpit blindée, caméras de
surveillance à bord, liaison ATC directe, etc … ) suite aux événements du 11 Septembre
 L’installation avec une équipe multinationale (Brème, Hambourg, Filton, Getafe et
Toulouse ) de tous les systèmes de bord en plus de l’électricité et l’hydraulique.
Il a terminé sa carrière chez AIRBUS avec le titre de Vice Président Engineering, Executive Expert
en Systèmes Electromécaniques.
Il est possesseur de 53 Brevets « tous systèmes » auxquels il a toujours associé au moins un à deux
techniciens ou ingénieurs de son Département.
AP Sensing GmbH
b2 electronic GmbH
CYME International T&D Inc.
Dubai Cable Company – Ducab
EMELEC Elektrik Müh. San. Tic. A.S.
Evergreen High Voltage
H&R Group (The)
HIGHVOLT Pruftechnik Dresden GmbH
IMERYS Graphite & Carbon
LIOS Technology GmbH
Mohaupt High Voltage GmbH
Novinium / UtilX Europe GmbH
OMICRON electronics GmbH
Phenix Technologies, Inc.
Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH
Seba KMT Groupe MEGGER
Le Nôtre – Level 2
Le Nôtre – Level 2
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Le Nôtre – Level 2
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Le Nôtre – Level 2
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Le Nôtre – Level 2
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Mazarin – Level 0
The Netherlands
The Netherlands
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
ABB AB High Voltage Cables
Tel: +46 455 556 00
Email: [email protected]
Contact: ABB Reception, Karlskrona
Booth number/Stand 35 (Le Nôtre – Level 2)
ABB AB High Voltage Cables
Verkövägen 94
SE-371 23 Karlskrona
ABB is a world-leading supplier of high-voltage cable systems and installation services for all types of submarine and underground power transmission
applications. With experience dating back to 1883, ABB has an unrivaled track record of delivering high voltage AC and DC cable system solutions. ABB
is operating two manufacturing units for high voltage cables, one in Karlskrona, Sweden and one in Huntersville NC, United States. High voltage cable
links are essential components of future sustainable energy systems that will need to transmit vast amounts of electricity over long distances, often across
or between countries.
ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility, industry, and transport and infrastructure customers to improve their performance
while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group of companies operates in roughly 100 countries and employs about 140,000 people.
ABB est un fournisseur de rang mondial de systèmes de câbles à haute tension prenant en charge la définition, la fabrication et l’installation pour
tous types de câbles sous-marins et enterrés. Avec une expérience dont l’origine remonte à 1883, ABB a un palmarès inégalé quant à fournir des
solutions de systèmes de câbles à haute tension AC et DC. ABB opère deux unités de fabrication de câbles à haute tension, l’une à Karlskrona,
en Suède et l’autre à Huntersville NC, aux États-Unis. Les liaisons par câbles à haute tension sont des composants essentiels des futurs systèmes
d’énergie durable qui devront transmettre de grandes quantités d’électricité sur de longues distances, et cela le plus souvent à travers ou entre les pays.
ABB est un leader mondial dans les technologies de l’énergie et de l’automation qui permet à ses clients dans l’industrie, le transport, les infrastructures
et les utilités d’améliorer leurs performances tout en diminuant l’impact de leurs activités sur l’environnement. Le Groupe ABB est présent dans environ
100 pays et emploie quelque 140000 personnes.
Z.I. de la Fonderie
72160 TUFFE
Tel: +33 2 43 71 11 80
Fax: +33 2 43 71 16 51
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Stephane VALLI
Booth number/Stand 45 (Le Nôtre – Level 2)
ALROC company conceives and manufactures for more than 25 years stripping pliers tools and machines for electric cables preparation Low Voltage (LV),
Medium Voltage (MV), High Voltage (HV), for de-energised works and live works (insulated tools TST EN60900). ALROC company also designs special
tools, keys and cable fixing clamps.
Its engineering and design department produces tools adapted to the specific needs of its customers according to their schedule of conditions.
La société ALROC conçoit et fabrique depuis plus de 25 ans des pinces, des outils et des machines de dénudage pour la préparation des câbles électriques
basse tension (BT), moyenne tension (HTA), haute tension (HTB), pour travaux hors et sous tension (outillage isolé TST EN60900). Elle conçoit également
des outils spéciaux, des clefs et des colliers de maintien des câbles.
Son bureau d’études réalise des outils adaptés aux besoins spécifiques de ses clients sur cahier des charges.
Industrieweg 21
5753PB - Deurne
The Netherlands
Tel: +31 493329884
Fax: +31 493310385
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Michel van Velzen
Booth number/Stand 37 (Le Nôtre – Level 2)
Since 1951, ARTOFIL is the genuine manufacturer of high performance yarns, where our expertise has contributed to become the leading manufacturer of
waterblocking yarns to the cable industry. With a dedicated team of experts, ARTOFIL have proven to be a full collocutor in the cable sector.
Over the years, ARTOFIL has developed a complete range of waterblocking fine-, filler- and binder yarns to be able to offer the cable manufacturers a
solution to produce a cost- effective waterblocked cable design, even in a saline environment.
Our latest product developments enlarged our position in the market and put us at the forefront of waterblocking solutions. With our complete range of
products we are ready for the waterblocking needs of today and tomorrow in all cable designs including subsea applications.
We are pleased to welcome you to visit our stand to share ideas to create new waterblocking cable designs in the most cost-effective way.
Depuis 1951, ARTOFIL est fabricant de fils haute performance. Cette expertise a permis a ARTOFIL de devenir le premier fabricant de filins d’étanchéité
pour l’industrie du câble. Avec son équipe d’experts, ARTOFIL démontre être un interlocuteur efficace pour l’industrie du câble.
Fruit d’une longue expérience ARTOFIL a développé une gamme complète de fils, filins et torons d’étanchéité, pour offrir aux fabricants de câbles une
solution à la conception des câbles à étanchéité longitudinale y compris en environnement salin.
Nos derniers développements de produits ont élargie notre position dans ce secteur à la pointe de ce marché. Avec notre gamme complète de produits,
nous pouvons répondre aux besoins d’aujourd’hui et de demain dans le secteur des filins d’ètanchéité pour tous les modèles de câbles, y compris en
applications sous-marines.
C’est avec plaisir que nous vous accueillons sur notre stand “Artofil” pour partager vos et nos expériences et idées dans le domaine du blocage d’étanchéité
au meilleur coût.
AP Sensing GmbH
AP Sensing GmbH
Herrenberger Straße 130
71034 - Boeblingen
Tel: +49 7031 309 66 15
Fax: +49 7031 309 66 11
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Jeff LEE
Booth number/Stand 05 (Mazarin – Level 0)
AP Sensing is a leading provider of DTS (Distributed Temperature Sensing) solutions for electrical transmission networks. Optical fiber monitors high-voltage
power cables, detecting hot spots and condition assessment. Real-time temperature data determines the maximum possible load for the cables (RTTR
- Real Time Thermal Rating). Our sophisticated SmartVision management software suite gives operators a clear overview of the thermal status of your
circuits, for optimal network planning insight. With AP Sensing’s power management solution you get maximum network performance at safe ampacity levels.
AP Sensing est un fournisseur leader dans le domaine de la technologie DTS (Distributed Temperature Sensing, Capteurs de Température Distribués)
pour les réseaux de transport d’électricité. La fibre optique surveille les câbles électriques à haute tension et détecte les points chauds. Les données de
température en temps réel contrôlent la charge maximale possible pour les câbles (RTTR - Real Time Thermal Rating, Surveillance Thermique en Temps
Réel). Notre logiciel de gestion SmartVision offre aux opérateurs un aperçu clair de l’état thermique de vos circuits pour une planification optimale de vos
réseaux. Avec la solution de gestion énergétique d’AP Sensing vous obtenez une performance maximale du réseau à des niveaux d’intensités maximales
b2 electronic GmbH
b2 electronic GmbH
Riedstrasse 1
6833 - Klaus
Tel: +43 5523 57373
Fax: +43 5523 57373-5
Email: [email protected]
Contact : Jürgen Jakober
Booth number/Stand 02 (Mazarin – Level 0)
b2 electronic GmbH is an Austrian-based manufacturer of high-voltage test equipment for cable testing, cable diagnostics and dielectric oil testing.
HVA series - VLF (0.1 Hz) test set - b2 electronic offers a comprehensive range of VLF (0.1 Hz) test sets (HVA series) from 28 kV up to 200 kV of remarkably
small dimensions and weight. Our VLF test sets are dry-type test systems, which would otherwise require routine maintenance and limit operational time.
Tan Delta (TD) diagnostic system – The tan delta measuring instruments are available as external devices or as an integrated function in a HVA high
voltage generator.
Partial Discharge (PD) diagnostic system – A new range of extremely easy-to-use Partial discharge Devices complements the cable diagnostics portfolio.
Dielectric Oil test sets - Devices with a very fast switch-off time after flash over enables b2 Oil Test Sets to measure also modern silicon, mineral and
ester oils without damaging the test sample.
Basée en Autriche, la société b2 electronic GmbH est un fabricant de matériel de test Haute Tension pour le
Série HVA – Systèmes de test VLF (0,1 Hz) – b2 electronic propose une gamme complète d’ensembles de test VLF (0,1 Hz, série HVA), de 28 kV jusqu’à
200 kV, particulièrement compacts et légers. Nos ensembles VLF sont basés sur une technologie dite « sèche », qui évite la maintenance régulière et les
limites en temps de fonctionnement opérationnel dus à l’huile.
Système de diagnostic Tangente Delta (TD) – les instruments de mesure de Tangente Delta sont, soit disponibles sous forme d’accessoires externes,
soit directement intégrés dans un générateur HVA Haute Tension.
Système de diagnostic à Décharges Partielles (DP) – Une nouvelle série d’appareils de mesure de Décharges Partielles extrêmement simples à utiliser
complète la gamme de diagnostic de câbles.
Ensembles de test diélectriques d’huile – nos systèmes testeurs d’huile b2, avec leur temps d’extinction rapide après déclenchement d’un arc, autorisent
également les mesures sur les huiles récentes minérales, silicones ou à base d’esters, sans endommager l’échantillon de test.
Raiffeisenstraße 8
6832 - Sulz
Tel: +43 5522 4941 0
Fax: +43 5522 4941 3
Email: [email protected]
Website :
Contact: Christina PLANK
Booth number/Stand 34 (Mazarin – Level 0)
BAUR GmbH is market leader of testing and measurement technology that prevents damage to networks and systems, allows for accurate planning of
investments for maintenance and locates faults as precisely and quickly as possible. For the reliability of your networks and systems
BAUR product porfolio:
Cable fault location
Cable testing & diagnostics
Insulating fluids testing
Cable test vans & systems
La technologie de contrôle et de mesure de BAUR GmbH empêche l’apparition de dommages dans les réseaux et les installations, permet de planifier
précisément les investissements pour l’entretien et localise précisément et le plus rapidement possible les défauts. Pour la fiabilité de vos réseaux et de
vos installations.
Gamme de produits :
Localisation des défauts de cable
Essai et diagnostic de câble
Essai d’huile diélectrique
Laboratoires mobiles et systèmes
Brugg Kabel AG / Brugg Cables
Klosterzelgstrasse 28
5201 - Brugg
Tel: +41 (0) 56 460 35 25
Fax: +41 (0) 56 460 35 36
Contact: [email protected]
Booth number/Stand 14 (Mazarin – Level 0)
Brugg Cables offers a complete portfolio of products for power supply and data transmission, from system business with high-voltage cables with
corresponding couplers and sealing ends to medium and low-voltage cables and fittings as well as fiber-optic cables. At the same time, Brugg Cables is
one of the few cable manufacturers worldwide capable of producing cable systems and accessories for the present highest voltage level of 500 kilovolts.
The company cooperates closely with customers to implement turnkey projects such as cabling of power supply systems. With its Industry business unit,
Brugg Cables is one of the most important suppliers of customized cable solutions for industrial applications in Europe. Brugg Cables deploys its entire
technical expertise and experience and partners projects through all stages of development, design, purchasing, production, testing and logistics according
to the customer’s specific requirements, right up to installation on site.
Des activités système avec des câbles à haute tension dotés de manchons de raccordement et de terminaisons correspondants jusqu’aux câbles à fibres
optiques en passant par les câbles et garnitures pour basse et moyenne tension, Brugg Cables proposer une gamme complète de produits destinés à
l’approvisionnement énergétique et à la transmission de données. Dans ce contexte, Brugg Cables est l’un des rares fabricants de câbles au monde à
réussir à fabriquer des systèmes de câbles et des accessoires pour le niveau de tension de 500 kilovolt, le plus élevé qui existe à l’heure actuelle. En
étroite collaboration avec le client, Brugg Cables réalise des projets clés en mains, tels que le câblage de stations d’approvisionnement en électricité. Avec
son unité opérationnelle Industry, Brugg Cables fait partie des principaux prestataires européens de solutions de câbles pour applications industrielles
répondant aux attentes précises des clients. Brugg Cables déploie toutes ses connaissances techniques et toute son expérience dans l’accompagnement
de projets depuis le développement jusqu’au montage sur place en passant par la conception, les achats, la production et la logistique, selon les exigences
spécifiques du client.
CYME International T&D Inc.
CYME International T&D Inc.
1498 rue Roberval, Suite 104
J3V 3P8 -St-Bruno-de-Montarville,
Tel: 450-461-3655
Fax: 450-461-0966
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Kamara WOULEYE
Booth number/Stand 39 (Le Nôtre – Level 2)
CYME International (now part of Eaton’s Cooper Power Systems) provides Power Engineering Software & Solutions for transmission, distribution and
industrial power systems; featuring advanced applications for power system modeling and simulation of electrical grids of any type and a wide range of
specialized engineering services related to system planning.
Our solutions stand behind thousands of T&D projects in over 100 countries around the world.
Visit us at booth 39 for a demonstration of CYMCAP, CYME cable ampacity rating program dedicated to modeling the thermal behavior of power cables
installation and CYMDIST one of the most advanced analysis software package for distribution network planning.
CYME International (faisant partie d’Eaton’s Cooper Power Systems) propose logiciels et solutions d’analyse de réseaux d’énergie électrique de transport,
de distribution et industriels incluant des applications avancées de modélisation et de simulation de réseaux de tous types; ainsi qu’une large gamme de
services d’ingénierie reliés à la planification.
Nos solutions sont au cœur de milliers de projets en T&D dans plus de 100 pays.
Venez nous rencontrer au kiosque 39 pour une démonstration de CYMCAP, le logiciel de calcul du courant maximal admissible des câbles de CYME dédié
à la modélisation du comportement thermique des câbles de puissance et de CYMDIST, l’un des logiciels de planification des réseaux de distribution les
plus avancés.
DNV GL - Energy
DNV GL - Energy
Utrechtseweg 310
6812 AR - Arnhem
Tel: + 31 26 356 9111
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Diederik Houtman
Booth number/Stand 35 bis (Le Nôtre – Level 2)
In DNV GL we unite the strengths of DNV, KEMA, Garrad Hassan, and GL Renewables Certification. DNV GL’s 2,500 energy experts support customers
around the globe in delivering a safe, reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy supply. We deliver world-renowned testing, certification and advisory
services to the energy value chain including renewables and energy efficiency. Our expertise spans onshore and offshore wind power, solar, conventional
generation, transmission and distribu¬tion, smart grids, and sustainable energy use, as well as energy markets and regulations. Our testing, certification
and advisory services are delivered independent from each other.
At JICABLE 2015 DNV GL presents a new feature of Smart Cable Guard: the Breakdown Locator. Smart Cable Guard is a highly efficient multifunctional
online monitoring system for MV-cables that has proven to reduce the SAIDI and SAIFI figures considerable. Added with the Breakdown Locator even
hidden faults in an isolated neutral network can be detect and located with a pinpointing accuracy of 1 % of the cable length. To learn more about this
unique system and understand how it can.
DNV GL regroupe DNV KEMA, Garrad Hassan, et GL Renewables certification. 2.500 experts en énergie de DNV GL aide ses clients du monde entier pour
délivrer un approvisionnement énergétique sûr, fiable, efficace et durable. Nous réalisons des tests de renommée mondiale, la certification et du conseil
à l’ensemble de la chaîne de valeur de l’énergie, y compris dans les domaines des énergies renouvelables et de l’efficacité énergétique. Notre expertise
couvre l’onshore, l’offshore, l’énergie éolienne, l’énergie solaire, la production conventionnelle, la transmission et la distribution, les réseaux intelligents
et l’utilisation durable de l’énergie, ainsi que les marchés de l’énergie et de la réglementation. Nos services d’essais, de certification et de conseil sont
séparés et indépendants.
A JICABLE 2015 DNV GL présente une nouvelle fonctionnalité Smart Cable Guard: le localisateur de défauts. Intelligent Cable Guard est un système de
surveillance multifonctionnel en ligne très efficace pour câbles MT qui a démontré sa capacité à réduire considérablement les SAIDI (System Average
Interruption Duration Index) et SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index ). Avec avec le localisateur de défauts, même les défauts cachés dans
un réseau à neutre isolé peuvent être détectés et situés avec une précision de 1% de la longueur du câble. Pour en savoir plus sur ce système unique et
de comprendre comment il peut.
Dubai Cable Company – Ducab
Dubai Cable Company – Ducab
Dubai, Jebel Ali, P.O Box 11529
00971 - Dubai
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 4 815 8888
Fax: +971 4 815 8111
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Maryam Alfalasi
Booth number/Stand 29 (Lobby – Level 0)
Ducab is a leading provider of high-quality cabling products in the Middle East, with its own manufacturing facilities for cables, a copper rod mill, a PVC
plant, and an aluminium plant. It also acquired its first overseas plant, AEI Cables UK, earlier in 2014. Ducab has power cables that are certified for nuclear
and solar use, and also offers a range of lead-sheathed, fire retardant, and rubber cables, apart from cable components and accessories. The company
is jointly owned by the Governments of Abu Dhabi and Dubai, and Ducab customers are spread across multiple geographies and industry sectors. Ducab
has received multiple citations from certifying authorities as well as industry bodies.
Ducab has supplied electrical cables to a number of landmark projects in the UAE, including the Burj Khalifa, Dubai Metro, Emirates Palace, Burj Al Arab,
Atlantis the Palm and Yas Marina Circuit. With record sales of AED 5.1 billion for 2013, Ducab is a regional leader in the design, development, manufacture
and marketing of copper and aluminum cable products for the defence, energy, industrial, construction, rail, specialty and nuclear energy sectors.
Ducab est un leader sur le marché des câbles de haute qualité au Moyen-Orient, avec ses propres usines de câbles, de cuivre machine, de PVC, et
d’aluminium. En 2014, la société a également acquis sa première usine à l’étranger, AEI Cables, en Angleterre. Ducab propose des câbles d’alimentation
homologués destinés à des utilisations nucléaire et solaire, ainsi qu’une large gamme de câbles gainés plomb, ignifugés et en isolation caoutchouc, en
plus des composants et des accessoires de câble. La société est détenue conjointement par les gouvernements d’Abu Dhabi et de Dubaï. Les clients de
Ducab sont répartis sur une large zone géographique et s’étendent à différents secteurs de l’industrie. Ducab a reçu de nombreuses citations d’autorités
de certification et d’organisations de son secteur.
Ducab a fourni des câbles électriques pour des projets d’envergure aux Emirats Arabes Unis, tels que la tour Burj Khalifa, le métro de Dubaï, l’Emirates
Palace, les hôtels Burj Al Arab et Atlantis The Palm ainsi que le circuit de Formule 1 Yas Marina Circuit. Avec des ventes record de 1,7 milliard d’euros
en 2013, Ducab est un leader régional dans la conception, le développement, la fabrication et la commercialisation de câbles en cuivre et en aluminium
destinés aux secteurs de la défense, de l’énergie, de l’industrie, de la construction, du transport ferroviaire, de l’énergie nucléaire ainsi qu’ à différents
secteurs spécialisés.
22 - 30 avenue de
75382 -Paris Cedex 08
Tel: +33 1 60 73 70 77
Email: sebasƟ[email protected]
Contact: SébasƟen CORNET
Tel: +33 1 43 69 81 57
Email: cist-consulƟ[email protected]
Website: engineeringtransmission.edf.
Contact: Marc SAINT-FAUST
Booth number/Stand 12 (Mazarin – Level 0)
The EDF Group is the world’s largest power company, active in all activities from transmission to distribution. EDF operates in over 40 countries worldwide.
It is the leading nuclear operator in the world, the leading hydropower producer in Europe and the leading electricity supplier in France
EDF owns large electrical testing laboratories dedicated to do cables and accessories research and development. A devoted team of 75 experts, engineers
and technicians operates this full range of testing facilities. Particularly suitable for qualification tests, these laboratories are totally open to external customers.
They work independently and under the ISO 17025 accreditation. The flexibility of our testing facilities and our teams with 50 years of experience also
enable us to support manufacturers in their development and investigative tests.
In addition, the EDF power system & transmission engineering centre (CIST) focuses on all disciplines relating to power transmission (power systems
and transmission grids). With its teams of multidisciplinary experts, it provides technical support to grid operators. CIST is frequently in charge of solving
complex technical issues associated with the development, operation and maintenance of electricity networks.
Le groupe EDF est le plus important énergéticien au monde, présent dans tous les secteurs, du transport jusqu’à à la distribution. EDF intervient dans plus de
40 pays. Il est le premier opérateur nucléaire dans le monde, le premier producteur hydraulique en Europe et le premier fournisseur d’électricité en France.
Dans le domaine de la R&D, EDF dispose de grands laboratoires d’essais électriques pour les câbles et leurs accessoires aux Renardières. Une équipe
dédiée de 75 experts, ingénieurs, techniciens met en œuvre cet ensemble complet de moyens d’essais. Particulièrement adaptés aux essais de qualification,
ces laboratoires sont complètement ouverts aux clients externes à EDF pour travailler en toute indépendance et sous accréditation ISO 17025. La flexibilité
de nos moyens d’essais et les 50 années d’expérience de nos équipes nous permettent d’accompagner les fabricants dans leurs essais de développement
et d’investigation.
EDF dispose aussi d’un Centre d’Ingénierie sur les Systèmes de Transport (CIST) spécialisé dans l’ensemble des activités se rapportant au transport
électrique (réseaux électriques et réseaux de transport). Avec ses équipes pluridisciplinaires, il fournit un appui technique aux opérateurs de réseaux. Le
CIST résout régulièrement des problèmes techniques complexes liés au développement, à l’exploitation et à la maintenance des réseaux électriques.
EMELEC Elektrik Müh. San. Tic. A.S.
EMELEC Elektrik Müh. San. Tic. A.S.
Eski Ankara Yolu İ.T.O.S.B 4.Cad. No:25
Tepeören Tuzla İstanbul/Turkey
34959 - Istanbul
Tel: +90 216 593 37 15
Fax: +90 216 593 37 21
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Kemal Gursoy
Booth number/Stand 38 (Le Nôtre – Level 2)
EMELEC, as an engineering and contracting company is actively engaged in two main areas;
Production; Link Boxes of all types and design being the MAIN LINE of Production. Also included are Cable cleats, and special cable tools used in field
High Voltage XLPE Power Cable Systems Project engineering; Project executions both national and overseas.
Link box: is electrically and mechanically one of the integral accessories of HV underground cable Bonding System, associated with HV XLPE power cable
system up to 500 kV
Cross Bonding Link Box for joint locations
Direct Earthing Link Box for Terminations
Earthing with SVL type Link box for Terminations.
Cable Cleat: Trefoil and single cable applications where moderate to levels upto
40 kA-1 sec/50 kA-1 sec/63 kA-1 sec short circuit withstand are required.
EMELEC, en tant qu’une société d’ingénierie et de contracting, s’engage activement dans deux domaines principaux:
La Production : la conception et la fabrication de tous types de Boîtes de Liaison qui forment la ligne principale de production. Les taquets de câbles
et les outils spéciaux utilisés dans les applications sur le terrain sont également inclus dans la gamme de production.
Ingénierie de projets pour des systèmes de câbles haute tension au polyéthylène réticulé (XLPE) : exécutions des projets nationaux et dans le monde
La Boîte de Liaison : électriquement et mécaniquement l’un des accessoires intégrantes de système de câble souterrain, associé à des systèmes de
câbles d’alimentation HT au PR jusqu’à 500 kV.
Boîte de liaison pour des jonction de transition (en version cross-bonding)
Boîte de liaison pour les extrémités (terminaisons) : de type « mise à la terre directe »
Boîte de liaison pour les extrémités (terminaisons) : de type « mise à la terre avec limiteurs de tension de la gaine »
Taquet Câble : coinceur pour les applications de pose en trèfle et simple des câbles où des niveaux modérés de tenue à des courts circuits jusqu’à 40 kA-1
sec / 50 kA-1 sec / 63 kA-1 sec sont obligatoires.
Evergreen High Voltage
Evergreen High Voltage
P.O. Box 9
Lake Placid,
NY 12946
Tel: +1 518 480 8226
Fax: +1 518 523 5973
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Bill Larzelere
Booth number/Stand 36 (Le Nôtre – Level 2)
Evergreen High Voltage, LLC is dedicated to innovation within a mature industry to provide premium quality high voltage testing equipment at a lower
cost through strategic partnerships with top suppliers who can implement our designs with consistency.
All of our designs are done in the USA. Drawing on years of experience, our goal is to be the world leader for the supply of high voltage AC, DC and
Impulse Test and Measurement Systems.
Evergreen High Voltage, LLC se consacre à l’innovation dans une industrie mature pour fournir l’équipement d’essai haute tension de qualité supérieure
à moindre coût grâce à des partenariats stratégiques avec les meilleurs fournisseurs qui savent mettre en œuvre nos conceptions avec cohérence.
La conception de nos équipement est intégralement développée aux Etats-Unis . Avec des années d’ expérience, notre objectif est d’être le leader mondial
pour la fourniture d’équipements de test et de mesure haute tension AC, DC et Impulsion.
rue de Varennes Prolongée
77130 - Montereau-Fault-Yonne
Tel: +33 (0)1 60 57 30 00
Contact: Marie-Thérèse BLANOT
Booth number/Stand 30 (Mazarin – Level 0)
General Cable has been a wire and cable innovator for over 170 years, always dedicated to connecting and powering people’s lives. With more than
13,000 employees and $6 billion in revenues, we are one of the largest wire and cable manufacturers in the world.
Our company serves customers through a global network of 38 manufacturing facilities in our core operating regions and has worldwide sales representation
and distribution. We are dedicated to the production of high-quality aluminum, copper and fiber optic wire and cable and systems solutions for the energy,
construction, industrial, specialty and communications sectors. With a vast portfolio of products to meet thousands of diverse application requirements, we
continue to invest in research and development in order to maintain and extend our technology leadership by developing new materials, designing new
products, and creating new solutions to meet tomorrow’s market challenges.
General Cable offers our customers all the strengths and value of a large company, but our people give us the agility and responsiveness of a small one.
We service you globally or locally.
Visit our Website at
Depuis 170 ans, General Cable est un pionnier dans la fabrication de câbles et fils, avec pour objectif constant de connecter et d’éclairer la vie des gens.
Aujourd’hui, avec plus de 13000 employés et 5 milliards d’euros de chiffres d’affaires, nous sommes l’un des plus grands fabricants de câbles et fils au monde.
Notre entreprise sert ses clients à travers un réseau global de 38 sites de production et possède des représentants commerciaux et des points de
distribution dans le monde entier. Nous nous consacrons à la production de fils et câbles de haute qualité en aluminium, cuivre et à fibres optiques ainsi
que de systèmes pour les secteurs de la construction, de l’industrie, spéciaux et des télécommunications. Avec une large gamme de produits pour satisfaire
les besoins de milliers d’applications, nous continuons à investir en recherche et développement dans le but de maintenir et d’étendre notre leadership
technologique en développant de nouveaux matériaux, en dessinant de nouveaux produits, et en créant de nouvelles solutions pour pouvoir répondre
aux challenges de demain.
General Cable offre à nos clients toutes les forces et valeurs d’une grande entreprise, mais nos hommes nous donnent la flexibilité et la réactivité d’une
petite entreprise. Nous sommes à votre service mondialement ou localement.
Visitez notre site Internet :
H&R Group (The)
H&R Group (The)
Dudley Road
DY4 8EH - Tipton, West Midlands
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 121 522 0100
Fax: +44 (0) 121 522 0115
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Gravin Morland
Booth number/Stand 42 (Le Nôtre – Level 2)
When cable manufacturers demand reliability they choose The H&R Group for their cable fluid and compound technology.
Our business supplies both water blocking technology and dielectric compounds for the telecommunication, fibre optic and medium-to-high-voltage power
sectors. This portfolio includes
Dielectric fluids for high voltage AC paper insulated cables.
Impregnating compounds for MV AC paper insulated cables.
Bitumen based Flooding Compounds for bonding and corrosion protection.
Super absorbent polymers for water blocking applications.
Conductor Sealing Products for XLPE cables…
Additionally, The H&R Group also manufacture plasticisers and waxes blended to meet specific cabling applications.
Investment by the business has lead to the development of water blocking products for ROV and Umbilical cables, including a range of hydrogen absorbing
For further information on The H&R Group cable compound technology visit
Lorsque les fabricants de câbles exigent la fiabilité, ils choisissent Le groupe H & R pour leurs composés isolants ou d’étanchéité.
Nos fournitures comprennent les produits d’étanchéité et les composés diélectriques pour la télécommunication, la fibre optique et les câbles d’énergie
de la moyenne à la haute tension. Ce portefeuille comprend
Fluides diélectriques pour câbles haute tension AC isolés au papier imprégné.
Composés d’imprégnation pour papier et câbles isolés MV AC.
Composés de bitume pour le collage et la protection contre la corrosion.
Polymères super absorbants pour les applications en blocage d’étanchéité.
les produits d’étanchéité pour conducteurs de câbles XLPE ...
En outre, le groupe H & R fabrique des plastifiants et des cires pour répondre à des applications particulières.
L’implication de l’entreprise dans ces domaines a conduit au développement de produits d’étanchéité pour câbles ombilicaux et ROV, y compris une
gamme de gels absorbeurs d’hydrogène.
Pour plus d’informations sur nos technologies de composés pour câble, visiter notre site H & R Group
Birsstrasse 300
4052 - Basel
Tel: + 41 61 373 4111
Fax:+ 41 61 373 4912
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Pascal Lequitte
Booth number/Stand 22 (Mazarin – Level 0)
Haefely Hipotronics is a market leader in the field of high voltage test equipment for the transformer and cable industry.
The Company offers a wide range of instruments and complete high-voltage test laboratories for measurements and diagnostics in laboratories, factories
and in the field.
As a leading supplier in the high voltage test equipment business, Haefely Hipotronics has a reputation for quality and reliability based on an extensive
product range and vast experience. The innovative use of highly sophisticated equipment, first class quality and long experience in test applications are
the guarantee of accuracy, efficiency and reliability of various test methods.
Customer-support is guaranteed by a vast worldwide network of well trained and an experienced crew of Service engineers.
The Company is part of Hubbell Inc., USA.
31 County Rt 7A
Copake, New York
NY 12516
Tel: +1 518 329 3275
Fax: +1 518 329 3271
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Tom Grayson / Ed Kirby
Booth number/Stand 40 (Le Nôtre – Level 2)
High Voltage, Inc. of Copake, NY produces quality products including: high voltage withstand, diagnostic, and fault-locating test equipment for shielded
power cables, hipots for testing substation equipment and industrial OEM production testing applications. Products offered are: VLF ( Very Low Frequency )
AC Hipots from 30 kV to 200 kV VLFAC with variable test frequencies of 0.1 Hz to 0.01 Hz. VLF models are available with load ratings from 0.4 μƒ to 50μƒ;
VLF Tan delta bridges and VLF Partial Discharge measuring instruments for power cable diagnostics and cable life trending; Concentric neutral integrity
test sets, DC Hipot/Insulation testers, available from 37.5 kV to 600 kV DC, AC Dielectric test sets from 3 kV to 300 kV AC, with power ratings of up to
40 KVA; Portable AC Hipots with shielded output cable up to 50 kV AC @ 3 kVA; Liquid dielectric test sets up to 100 kV AC for testing to ASTM and IEC
standards; Aerial lift testers from 120 kV AC to 300 kV AC; Cable fault locators / Surge generators with controlled energy outputs up to 36 kV; TDR/Radar
and acoustic fault locating devices. High Voltage also manufactures various custom designed motor and generator test instruments. We are easy to reach
([email protected]) and happy to help you with your application or a quote. Please visit our website at and let us know how we can help you.
High Voltage, Inc. de Copake à New-York fabrique des produits de haute qualité pour les essais en haute tension.
La gamme de produits est composée d’appareils : générateur d’essai de tenue à haute tension, diagnostic et d’équipements de localisation des défauts de
câbles, de générateurs haute tension pour les postes électriques HT/MT et applications industrielles en production. Les produits offerts sont: générateurs
de très basse fréquence (VLF) de 30 kV à 200 kV avec des fréquences de test variables de 0,1 Hz à 0,01 Hz. Ces modèles sont disponibles avec des
capacités de charge de 0,4μƒ à 50μƒ. Nous proposons également la mesure de TAN delta et de décharges partielles pour le diagnostic des câbles
d’alimentation; Ensembles de test d’intégrité neutres concentriques, générateur DC à haute tension testeurs d’isolement disponibles à partir de 37.5 kV
jusqu’à 600 kV DC, ensemble de tests portables AC diélectriques de 3 kV à 300 kV AC avec des puissances allant jusqu’à 40 kVA. Ensembles de tests
haute tension AC portables avec câble de sortie blindé jusqu’à 50 kV AC @ 3 KVA; Essai d’huile diélectrique à 100 kV AC pour les tests aux normes ASTM
et CEI; Testeurs de moyen de levage pour ligne aériennes de 120 kV à 300 kV AC ; Localisateurs de défaut câbles / générateurs de surtension avec sorties
d’énergie contrôlées jusqu’à 36 kV; TDR / Radar et dispositifs acoustiques de localisation. High Voltage Inc fabrique également divers instruments comme
les moteurs et générateur de tests conçus sur mesure. Nous sommes à l’écoute de vos besoins ([email protected]) et seront heureux de vous aider dans
votre application ou demande de devis. Notre site web donne accès aux documentations commerciales à l’adresse
128 metroplex Business Park, Broadway
M50 24UW - Salford
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 161 877 6142
Fax: +44 (0) 161 877 6139
Email: markeƟ[email protected]
Contact: Yasmin HASOON
Booth number/Stand 17 (Mazarin – Level 0)
High Voltage Partial Discharge Ltd (HVPD) are experts in On-line Partial Discharge (OLPD) insulation condition monitoring technology for high voltage (HV)
cables and plant. Our OLPD technologies are used to support Condition-Based Management (CBM) schemes applied to both medium (3.3 kV to 36 kV)
and high voltage (66 kV+) power networks. HVPD’s knowledge base is built upon the ongoing R&D work in conjunction with a number of UK Universities,
carried out by HVPD’s Directors and Senior Engineers over the past 30+ years. We offer a complete range of PD test services, training and remote data
analysis support to our customers in over 100 countries.
High Voltage Partial Discharge (HVPD) Ltd est dotée d’une expertise éprouvée dans le domaine de la détection et surveillance des décharges partielles
(DP) en ligne (c.-à-d. réseaux en service et sous tension). Nos interventions et tests sont effectués sur des installations en service que ce soit en moyenne
tension (MT), haute tension (HT) ou très haute tension (THT), de tension de 3,3 kV jusqu’à 750 kV.
Le vaste savoir-faire détenu par HVPD est fondé sur l’intense activité de recherche et développement (R&D) effectué par les directeurs de HVPD et leurs
ingénieurs hautement qualifiés, en conjonction avec un certain nombre d’universités britanniques, au cours des 30 dernières années.
Nous offrons à nos clients dans plus de 100 pays une gamme complète de services de tests de DP, de la formation et support d’analyse des données à
41 rue Victor Schoelcher
68200 - Mulhouse
Tel: +33 (0)3 89 33 17 70
Fax: + 33 (0)3 89 33 17 79
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: high voltage test systems HVTS
Contact : Bruno HAAS
Booth number/Stand 23 (Mazarin – Level 0)
HVTS is a major actor in the design of high voltage testing labs. We supply major international companies with shielded rooms, AC & HVDC sources,
impulse generators and all related testing or measuring components required to test a large variety of equipment ranging from cable drums, transformers,
switchgears, and more.
We supply turn-key projects, or custom-made equipment according to your needs anywhere in the world.
HVTS is the official Passoni Villa testing equipment aftersales service supplier, but we maintain and service any testing equipment from any manufacturer
even for equipment of more of 10 years of age.
We rent equipment and/or technical services, and also offer removal with reallocation of existing testing lab.
HVTS modernize existing equipment by supplying up to date control units, and sell selected reconditioned & guaranteed pre-owned HV testing equipment.
HVTS agit en tant qu’acteur privilégié dans le domaine de la conception de laboratoires d’essai haute tension. Nous fournissons les plus grandes entreprises
internationales en cages de Faraday, sources de tension AC ou HVDC, en générateurs de choc, et tout autre appareillage de mesure lié aux essais HT
de câbles, transformateurs, et bien d’autres.
Nous proposons des projets clés en main, ou des solutions sur mesure en fonction des besoins exprimés, et ce partout dans le monde. Nous sommes le
partenaire officiel de Passoni Villa pour le service Après-Vente de ces équipements d’essai, et assurons la maintenance et l’entretien de n’importe quelle
marque d’appareillage d’essai HT, même s’il a plus de 10 ans d’âge.
Nous louons également du matériel d’occasion ainsi que nos services techniques pour des missions ponctuelles, et effectuons des modernisations de
matériel existant grâce à la conception de systèmes de contrôle commande évolués. Nous vendons également une sélection de matériel d’occasion
reconditionné et garanti sur stock, et assurons la formation au personnel.
HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH
Marie-Curie Straße 10
01139 - Dresden
Tel: +49 351 8425 700
Fax: +49 351 8425 679
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Michael Hensel, Dr. Stefan Schierig
Booth number/Stand 03 (Lobby – Level 0)
HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH is a long-established German-based company successfully operating in the international cable industry for many
Mobile solutions for on-site testing are in particular high demand.
The AC resonant test system with variable frequency, type WRV T is used for withstand voltage tests on laid cables and offers high flexibility with regards
to cable lengths and test locations alike.
Cables up to one hundred meters long can be tested by connecting several test systems in parallel. The test system is installed on a trailer allowing easy
transportation and is ready to operate within a few hours without the requirement of special assembly tools.
Furthermore, the WRV T-system scores with low PD background noise level and its low-maintenance. As a result these systems also become more and
more popular in factory testing of long cables (e.g. submarine cables).
HIGHVOLT’s DC test system, type GPM is used for factory and on-site testing of HV cables and is characterized by a modular and compact design with
the voltage divider integrated into the DC module for optimal space utilization. Container or trailer solutions are offered for on-site transportation. Due to its
modular design, the test system can be upgraded to higher voltages at any time. Further highlights of this new product development are the fast polarity
reversal and the additionally triggered discharge device.
L’entreprise allemande riche en traditions HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden GmbH travaille depuis de très nombreuses années
avec succès pour l’industrie internationale du câble et propose notamment des solutions mobiles pour les essais sur place.
Le système d’essai de la tension alternative avec fréquence variable de type WRV T se distingue par une grande flexibilité, aussi bien en termes de
longueurs de câble que de lieux d’essai. Pour les longueurs de câble allant jusqu’à des centaines de kilomètres, il est possible de commuter en parallèle
plusieurs systèmes d’essai. Le système d’essai se transporte facilement sur une remorque. Pour l’installation sur site, qui souvent ne dure qu’une heure,
aucune aide majeure n’est nécessaire. Par ailleurs, les systèmes d’essai WRV T concèdent un faible niveau de bruit de fond DP et nécessitent un très
faible entretien. Grâce à ces propriétés exceptionnelles, ces systèmes d’essai sont également utilisés de façon renforcée pour l’essai de câbles longs
(tels que câbles sous-marins) dans l’usine du fabricant. L’avantage du système d’essai de la tension variable HIGHVOLT de type GPM est sa conception
modulaire et compacte. Il est utilisé pour les essais en usine et sur site de câbles à haute tension. Pour l’essai sur site, HIGHVOLT propose des solutions
en containers et sur remorques. Un diviseur de tension intégré dans le module de tension redressée offre un design compact. La conception modulaire
permet à tout moment au client d’étendre le système d’essai à des tensions plus élevées. HIGHVOLT propose désormais dans sa gamme des cabinesécrans récemment développées et aptes aux coussins d’air formant un très bon blindage et une résistance élevée à la corrosion.
IMERYS Graphite & Carbon
IMERYS Graphite & Carb
Strada Industriale 12
6743 - Bodio
Tel: +41 91 873 2010
Fax: +41 91 873 2019
Email: [email protected]
Contact : Eric Lachenait
Booth number/Stand 18 (Mazarin – Level 0)
IMERYS Graphite & Carbon (, headquarted in Switzerland, has a strong tradition and history in carbon manufacturing.
Its first manufacturing operation was founded in 1908. Today, IMERYS Graphite & Carbon facilities produce and market a large variety of synthetic and
natural graphites and conductive carbon blacks of consistent high quality.
IMERYS Graphite & Carbon is producing very clean, easy-dispersible, low moisture specialty conductive carbon black ENSACO®250G which is widely
and successfully used in the manufacture of HV and MV power cable semicons (inner and outer semicon, strippable and fully bonded) and accessories. It
is also a solution for making conductive jacketing, mainly for HV submarine cables, as well as the clean extra-conductive carbon black ENSACO®350G.
IMERYS Graphite & Carbon is also producing TIMREX® graphites which are useful additives for power cable integrity testing.
IMERYS Graphite & Carbon (, dont le siège est en Suisse, a une forte tradition ainsi qu’une longue histoire dans
la fabrication de carbone. Sa première opération industrielle a été fondée en 1908. Aujourd’hui, IMERYS Graphite & Carbon produit et commercialise une
grande variété de graphites synthétiques et naturels et de noirs de carbone conducteurs de qualité constante et élevée.
L’ENSACO®250G, issu du procédé de fabrication particulier d’IMERYS Graphite &Carbone, est un noir de carbone conducteur très pur, de dispersion
très aisée et non hygroscopique; celui-ci est largement utilisé pour la fabrication des gaines conductrices (blindage du conducteur et blindage de l’isolant,
pelable et réticulé) et des accessoires pour câbles haute et moyenne tension. L’ENSACO®250G est également utilisé dans les jaquettes conductrices
pour câbles haute tension, principalement sous-marins, de même que le noir de carbone extra-conducteur très pur ENSACO®350G.
IMERYS Graphite & Carbon produit aussi des graphites TIMREX® utilisés en tant qu’additifs pour le contrôle de l’intégrité des câbles de tension.
Kinectrics Inc.
800 Kipling Ave. Unit 2
M8Z 5G5 - Toronto, ON
Tel: + 416.207.6000 x6342
Fax: + 416.207.6532
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Cheryl Tasker-Shaw
Booth number/Stand 41 (Le Nôtre – Level 2)
Kinectrics is an established independent company providing advanced technical services to the electricity industry--worldwide. Our Transmission and
Distribution (TDT) group utilizes specialized lab facilities and field services to perform engineering, testing, and certification for utilities and related industries.
Kinectrics delivers comprehensive services for HV/EHV transmission cables including pre-qualification testing, on-site after laying commissioning testing,
Partial Discharge (PD) testing, and maintenance testing. We use post-failure analysis techniques and methods to identify root cause failure. Kinectrics
operates mobile Resonant Test Sets (RTS) rated at 260 kV at 83 amps. We have completed projects throughout North America, Mexico, Europe, and the
Middle East, including commissioning cable systems of over 50 km in length while monitoring PD activity.
Kinectrics performs type testing of HV/EHV cables and accessories, and testing of all insulation types.
For MV / LV cable assessment, Kinectrics employs several methodologies with full diagnostic capabilities. Our expertise comprises over 30 years of
experience with AC Hi-Pot and PD testing of 5-46 kV cables.
Kinectrics, entreprise indépendante réputée, propose des services techniques avancés dans le secteur de l’électricité, et cela, dans le monde entier. Notre
service de transport et de distribution (TDT) fait appel à des laboratoires spécialisés et à des services extérieurs pour réaliser des missions d’ingénierie,
d’essais et de certification pour les services publics et des secteurs connexes.
Kinectrics propose des services complets pour les câbles de transmission HT/UHT, y compris des essais de présélection, des essais de mise en service
sur place après installation, des essais relatifs à la décharge partielle (DP), ainsi que des essais de maintenance. Nous appliquons des techniques et
méthodes d’analyse après défaillance afin d’identifier l’origine des défaillances. Kinectrics utilise des groupes mobiles d’essais avec circuit résonant (RTS)
d’une valeur nominale de 260 kV et 83 A. Nous avons mené à bien des projets à travers l’Amérique du Nord, le Mexique, l’Europe et le Moyen-Orient
comme la mise en place de réseaux de câbles sur plus de 50 km tout en surveillant les DP.
Kinectrics effectue des essais de type sur les câbles HT/UHT et les accessoires, ainsi que des essais de tous les types d’isolant.
Concernant l’évaluation des câbles de faible ou moyenne tension, Kinectrics applique diverses méthodologies assorties de capacités de diagnostic
complètes. Notre savoir-faire s’appuie sur plus de 30 ans d’expérience dans le domaine des essais portant sur le CA à haut potentiel et les DP des câbles
entre 5 et 46 kV.
LIOS Technology GmbH
LIOS Technology GmbH
Schanzenstrasse 39 Building D9 - D13
51063 - Cologne
Tel: +49 221 99887 0
Fax: +49 221 99887 150
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Lucien Antonissen
Booth number/Stand 28 (Mazarin – Level 0)
EN.SURE® Real Time Condition Monitoring for Electrical Transmission & Distribution Systems
The LIOS EN.SURE® DTS product line comprises a range of real-time, multimode and single mode fibre optic based linear temperature measuring devices.
LIOS offers Real Time Thermal Rating (RTTR, DCR) solutions for ampacity predictions of the power cable, subsea cable and overhead transmission line
installation, transparently integrated with its field proven DTS systems for the electrical T&D industry.
One single EN.SURE DTS unit provides fast temperature sensing profiles with high spatial resolution and temperature accuracy along the optical fibre
route with monitoring ranges up to 40 km per channel.
Surveillance en temps réel EN.SURE® pour les systèmes de transmission et de distribution électriques
La gamme de produits LIOS EN.SURE® DTS comprend une série d’instruments de mesure de la température en temps réel à fibres optiques simple
mode ou multimode. LIOS proposent des solutions de mesure de la température en temps réel (Real Time Thermal Rating ou RTTR, DCR) destinées
aux prévisions du courant permanent admissible d’installations de câbles d’alimentation, de câbles sous-marins et de lignes de transmission aériennes,
et intégrées en transparence avec leurs systèmes DTS éprouvés pour l’industrie de la transmission et de la distribution.
Une seule unité EN.SURE DTS fournit des profils rapides de relevé de la température avec une résolution spatiale élevée et une précision de température
le long du trajet de la fibre optique et des plages de surveillance atteignant 40 km par canal.
SebaKMT group Megger
SebaKMT group Megger
23 Rue Eugène Henaff
78190 - Trappes
Tél: (0033)
Fax: (0033)
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Patrick Triphonoff
Booth number / Stand 20 (Mazarin – Level 0)
SebaKMT, a member of Megger group, is the world leader in manufacturing of test and measuring equipment for both electrical and telecom industries.
The group offers worldwide to its customers a full set of services including the supply of equipment, but also after sales and calibration services, training
to the operation of its equipment and to the maintenance of the electrical equipment installed on the network.
Megger group offers a complete solution of test and measurement:
Power Cable Fault Location Portable Equipment
Power Cable Fault Location Van mounted solutions
Cable diagnostic
Fault Location TDRs and Bridges
Telecom Cable Fault Location Equipment
Buried Cables and Piping Tracing and Location Equipment
Power Quality and Transients Recording and Analysis Solutions
Building Wiring Test Equipment
Test and Predictive Maintenance of Batteries, Circuit Breakers, Transformers, Rotating Machines, Protection Relays, Power Meters
Maintenance and Test Software
SebaKMT, membre du groupe Megger, est le leader mondial, fabricant d’équipements et systèmes de recherche et localisation des défauts et de diagnostic
des câbles. Le groupe apporte, dans le monde entier, à ses clients des prestations complètes intégrant la fourniture des équipements, mais également le
service après-vente, la vérification d’étalonnage, la formation à l’utilisation des équipements et la formation à la maintenance des ouvrages et équipements
électriques du réseau.
Le groupe Megger vous propose une solution de test et maintenance complète :
Systèmes portables de Recherche et Localisation de défauts sur les câbles d’énergie
Solutions de Recherche et Localisation de défauts sur les câbles d’énergie intégrées en véhicule
Diagnostic des câbles
Echomètres et Ponts de Localisation
Recherche et Localisation de défauts sur les réseaux de télécommunications cuivre
Traçage et localisation de câbles et canalisations enterrées
Enregistrement et Analyse de la qualité de l’énergie distribuée et des perturbations
Contrôle des installations électriques BT
Test et Maintenance Prédictive des Batteries, Disjoncteurs, Transformateurs, Machines Tournantes, Relais de Protection, Compteurs d’Energie
Logiciel de maintenance et test assistés
Mohaupt High Voltage GmbH
Mohaupt High Voltage GmbH
Gewerbepark 4 a
A - 6142 - Mieders
Tel: +43 5225 63758
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Karin Pieber
Booth number/Stand 04 (Mazarin – Level 0)
Mohaupt HV is a small team of experts located in Mieders, Innsbruck, Austria. The company was found in 2008 and it is owned by Peter Mohaupt who
has more than 20 years of experience in the field of high voltage. Our activities are the development and manufacturing of high voltage test equipment,
specifically for transmission component manufacturers such as power cables, insulators, switchgears and others.
Mohaupt High Voltage (MHV) develops and manufactures all components in Austria. Besides measuring systems (such as PD detectors), there are no
trading products. We offer the full range of HV sources (DC, VLF and AC) and their auxiliary components (feeders, dividers etc.). We are specialized on
low loss HV reactors for laboratory testing as well as for on site testing, HV transformers, regulating transformers, DC and VLF test systems.
MHV is prepared for customer specific solutions and turn key projects - all engineering is done in house, so we can offer you a maximum of flexibility to get an
optimized solution for your individual purposes.
La société Mohaupt High Voltage GmbH est constituée d’une petite équipe d’experts travaillant sur le site de Mieders à proximité d’Innsbruck en Autriche.
L’entreprise a été fondée en 2008 par son propriétaire, Monsieur Peter Mohaupt. Ce dernier jouit d’une expérience de plus de 20 ans dans le domaine de
la technique de contrôle de haute tension.
Notre activité réside dans le développement et la fabrication de systèmes de contrôle de haute tension, en particulier pour les composants des éléments
de transmission, comme par exemple les câbles, les isolateurs, les commutateurs et autres.
La société Mohaupt High Voltage développe et fabrique tous les composants sur son site en Autriche.
A l’exception des systèmes de mesure (comme par ex. les mesureurs de décharge partielle), il n’existe pas de produits vendus dans le commerce.
Nous proposons l’ensemble de la gamme de sources de haute tension (CC, VLF et CA) ainsi que leurs composants en aval (alimentation, répartiteurs, etc.).
Nous sommes spécialisés dans la fabrication de bobines à haute tension à faible perte destinées à des contrôles en laboratoire ou sur site.
Nous produisons en outre des transformateurs d’essai, des transformateurs à tension réglable ainsi que des systèmes de contrôle CC et VLF.
La société Mohaupt High Voltage GmbH est spécialisée dans l’élaboration de solutions spécifiques pour les clients et de projets clé en main.
L’ensemble de l’ingénierie est réalisée au sein de l’entreprise ce qui permet d’obtenir un maximum de flexibilité et des solutions sur mesure répondant
aux exigences individuelles de nos clients.
4-10 rue Mozart
92587 - Clichy CEDEX
Tel: +33 (0)1 55 62 70 00
Fax: +33 (0)1 55 62 78 00
Email: [email protected]
Booth number/Stand 32 (Mazarin – Level 0)
About Nexans
Nexans brings energy to life through an extensive range of cables and cabling systems that deliver increased performance for our customers worldwide.
Nexans’ teams are committed to a partnership approach that supports customers in four main business areas: Power transmission and distribution
(submarine and land), Energy resources (Oil & Gas, Mining and Renewables), Transportation (Road, Rail, Air, Sea) and Building (Commercial, Residential
and Data Centers). Nexans’ strategy is founded on continuous innovation in products, solutions and services, employee development, customer training
and the introduction of safe, low-environmental-impact industrial processes.
In 2013, Nexans created a Foundation to introduce sustained initiatives for access to energy for disadvantaged communities worldwide.
We have an industrial presence in 40 countries and commercial activities worldwide, employing close to 26,000 people and generating sales in 2014 of
6.4 billion euros.
For more information, please consult:
A propos de Nexans
Nexans donne de l’énergie à la vie par une large gamme de câbles et de systèmes qui permet d’accroître l’efficacité de ses clients dans le monde entier.
En tant que partenaires, les équipes du Groupe interviennent au service de leurs clients dans quatre domaines principaux d’activités : le transport et
la distribution d’énergie (réseaux terrestres et sous-marins), le secteur de l’énergie (pétrole et gaz, mines et énergies renouvelables), les transports (routiers,
ferroviaires, aériens et maritimes) ainsi que le bâtiment .La stratégie de Nexans s’appuie sur l’ innovation permanente des produits, des services et des
systèmes, mais aussi sur la motivation des équipes, l’information des clients et l’adoption de procédés industriels sûrs et respectueux de l’environnement.
En 2013, Nexans a créé une Fondation d’entreprise destinée à soutenir des actions en faveur de l’accès à l’énergie pour les populations défavorisées à
travers le monde.
Présent industriellement dans 40 pays et avec des activités commerciales dans le monde entier, Nexans emploie près de 26 000 personnes. En 2014, le
Groupe a réalisé un chiffre d’affaires de 6,4 milliards d’euros.
Pour plus d’informations :
Düsseldorfer Straße 400
51061 - Cologne
Tel: +49 221 676 0
Fax: +49 221 676 2646
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Helmut HÖLSCHER
Booth number/Stand 26 (Mazarin – Level 0)
nkt cables is one of the most experienced companies worldwide in the field of energy transmission, convincing public utilities and the industry with
innovative cables and accessories for low, medium and high voltage up to 550 kV. An innovative grid monitoring system is also part of nkt cables’ product
range. Specialties are cables with very long lengths for offshore wind energy systems. nkt cables is a technology leader in the field of catenary systems for
very high speed railways. Low voltage building wires, installation cables, harnesses for the automotive industry and special wires for the industry complete
nkt cables’ portfolio.
nkt cables est l’une des sociétés les plus expérimentées au monde dans le domaine des réseaux de transport et de distribution de l’énergie : un véritable
attrait pour les services publics et l’industrie, qui repose sur des câbles et des accessoires innovants en basse, moyenne et haute tension (jusqu’à 550 kV).
Un système novateur de surveillance des réseaux fait également partie des solutions apportées par nkt cables. Nous avons, parmi nos spécialités, des
câbles de très grandes longueurs pour les liaisons offshore. nkt cables est également un leader technologique dans le domaine des systèmes de caténaires
pour lignes ferroviaires à très grande vitesse. Des fils et câbles basse tension pour la construction et l’installation, des faisceaux de câbles pour l’industrie
automobile ainsi que des fils et câbles spéciaux pour l’industrie complètent la gamme nkt cables.
OMICRON electronics GmbH
OMICRON electronics Gm
Oberes Ried 1
6833 - Klaus
Tel: +43 59495
Fax: +43 59495 9999
Email: [email protected]
Booth number/Stand 01 (Lobby – Level 0)
OMICRON is an international company serving the electrical power industry with innovative testing and diagnostic solutions. The application of OMICRON
products allows users to assess the condition of the primary and secondary equipment on their systems with complete confidence. Services offered in the
area of consulting, commissioning, testing, diagnosis and training make the product range complete.
Customers in more than 140 countries rely on the company’s ability to supply leading edge technology of excellent quality. Service centers on all continents
provide a broad base of knowledge and extraordinary customer support. All of this together with our strong network of sales partners is what has made
our company a market leader in the electrical power industry.
OMICRON est une société internationale qui développe et commercialise des solutions innovantes de test et de diagnostic pour l’industrie électrique. Les
produits OMICRON offrent aux utilisateurs une fiabilité extrême dans l’évaluation de leurs équipements primaires et secondaires. Des services dans le
domaine du conseil, de la mise en service, du test, du diagnostic et de la formation viennent compléter l’offre OMICRON.
Des clients dans plus de 140 pays bénéficient déjà de la capacité d’OMICRON à mettre en œuvre les technologies les plus innovantes dans des produits
d’une qualité irréprochable. Les centres de support implantés sur tous les continents leur offrent en outre une expertise et une assistance de tout premier plan.
Tout ceci, associé à un réseau solide de partenaires commerciaux a contribué à faire de notre société un leader sur son marché dans l’industrie électrique.
Riond Bosson 3
1110 - Morges
Tel: +41 21 510 2121
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Jane Rowsell
Booth number/Stand 09 (Mazarin – Level 0)
Interested in cable condition monitoring and optimization? Come and visit Omnisens, a leader in fiber-optic distributed sensing. Find out
more about Omnisens Cobra cable integrity monitoring solutions, which help optimize performance and monitor the condition of terrestrial
and subsea high voltage power cables. Perhaps monitoring fatigue and the operating condition of subsea umbilicals interests you too.
Through its dedicated team, Omnisens follows a project’s evolution from design, through project management, commissioning,
data interpretation and on-site or remote service and support, delivering fully integrated, continuous asset integrity monitoring.
With experience gathered from cable installations across the world, we would love to discuss your project!
La surveillance et l’optimisation de câble de puissance vous intéresse ? Venez nous voir ! Omnisens est leader dans le domaine de la mesure répartie
par fibres optiques ; nous vous parlerons de nos solutions « Omnisens Cobra » qui permettent de surveiller l’état de câbles haute tension terrestres et
sous-marins et d’en optimiser les performances. Sans doute êtes-vous aussi intéressé par les conditions d’exploitation des ombilics sous-marins ou la
gestion de leur surveillance en fatigue.
Chez Omnisens, une équipe expérimentée prendra en charge votre projet de la conception jusqu’à la mise en service, avec suivi du projet, interprétation
des données, support technique sur site et à distance avec l’assurance de fournir à nos clients une solution complétement intégrée pour la surveillance
continue d’infrastructures
Nous mettrons toute notre compétence acquise dans l’installation de systèmes de monitoring à fibre optique pour la surveillance de câbles de par le monde
au service de vos projets.
For a complete description of your company’s activities:
Onsite hv international ag
Onsite hv international ag
Töpferstrasse 5
6004 - Luzern
Tel: +41 41 500 51 20
Fax: +41 41 500 05 51
Email: [email protected]
Contact: G. Cejka
Booth number/Stand 24 (Mazarin – Level 0)
Onsite high voltage – the New Brand for the Electrical Energy Industry.
State of the art high voltage products and innovative power utility services – made in Switzerland.
Onsite high voltage is providing high-end testing and diagnostic tools for the electrical energy branch. We are the reliable partner for utilities, power suppliers
and grid operators as well as producers of equipment for electrical grids.
Modern on-site testing and diagnostics for MV and (E) HV Power Cables using Damped AC (DAC) – testing technology
From 30 kV up to 500 kV
Advanced on-site diagnosis of power transformers with On-Load Tap Changer Using Transformer Diagnostic System
Phenix Technologies, Inc
Phenix Technologies, Inc
75 Speicher Drive
Accident Maryland
MD 21520
Tel: +1 301 746 8118
Fax: +1 301 895 5570
Email: [email protected]
Booth number/Stand 07(Mazarin – Level 0)
Phenix Technologies is a manufacturer of electrical testing equipment for testing transformers, motors, cables, circuit breakers, reclosers, insulation
materials, switchgear, utility worker’s rubber goods/protective gear; offers a wide range of testing solutions
Our 80,000-square-foot headquarters located in Accident, Maryland, USA is a modern manufacturing facility where all aspects of electrical and mechanical design,
software design, and production are performed.
Our engineers offer a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical experience that’s vital to the development of custom solutions for industry leaders.
As members of world-wide professional and technical organizations, our engineers offer innovative solutions for any project.
Phenix Technologies has 40 years of experience and ISO 9001 quality certification.
Our Service and Calibration Department travels worldwide to assist customers during and after equipment installation to ensure optimum equipment
performance and customer satisfaction.
Phenix Technologies offers a wide range of testing solutions for utilities, transformer and motor manufacturers/repair shops, cable manufacturers,
independent testing companies, original equipment manufacturers.
Phenix Technologies est un fabricant d’équipement de test électrique et offre une large gamme de solutions de test pour les manufactures et utilisateurs
de produit de haute tension comme: transformateurs, moteurs, câbles, disjoncteurs, réenclencher, matériaux d’isolation, de commutation, les produits de
protection en caoutchouc
Phenix est basé dans la ville de Accident en Maryland and notre usine avec son 80 000 mètre carrés de dimension est une usine de fabrication moderne
où tous les aspects de la conception électrique et mécanique, de logiciels et de la production sont effectuées selon la certification ISO 9001.
Phenix a un bureau des ingénieurs qui offre un mélange unique de connaissances théoriques et d’expérience pratique qui est vitale pour le développement
de solutions sur mesure pour les nos clients dans l’industrie de la haute tension.
Phenix est membres d’organisations professionnelles et techniques à l’échelle mondiale et a 40 années d’expérience dans son marché à niveau international
offrent des solutions innovantes pour toutes les projets.
Le nôtre département d`étalonnage e les notre bureau de service avec des voyages à travers le monde pourront aider les clients avant et après l’installation
de l’équipement pour assurer une performance optimal et la satisfaction des clients.
Phenix Technologies propose une large gamme de solutions de test pour les sociétés électriques, les producteurs des transformateur, machines tournantes,
Câbles, le Bureau de de réparation et aussi les sociétés de service et mise en ligne des systèmes de haute tension.
35 avenue d’Italie
68110 - Illzach
Tel: + 33 (3) 89 31 90 29
Fax: + 33 (3) 89 31 90 28
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Michel BARTISSOL
Booth number/Stand 21 (Mazarin – Level 0)
PFISTERER is a leading independent manufacturer of cable accessories and overhead line accessories for the sensitive interfaces in energy networks.
The business group is headquartered in southern German Winterbach in Stuttgart.
PFISTERER develops, produces and sells internationally successful solutions for voltage levels from 110 V to 850 kV; With a full range of products for use
in energy networks, consultation, assembly and training, the manufacturer is a valued partner worldwide for companies involved in energy supply, operates
production sites in Europe, China, South America and South Africa and has sales branches in 19 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and the
USA. The business group currently employs around 1,400 staff members.
PFISTERER est un fabricant indépendant, leader dans les domaines très pointus des accessoires de câbles de réseaux de transport électrique et de lignes
aériennes. Le siège social du groupe est situé à Winterbach, près de Stuttgart, dans le sud de l’Allemagne.
PFISTERER développe, fabrique et commercialise avec succès à l’international, des solutions adaptées à des niveaux de tension allant de 63 à 850 kV.
Grâce à une gamme complète de produits dans les domaines des réseaux électriques, au conseil, aux prestations de montage et de formation, PFISTERER
est un partenaire apprécié dans le monde entier par les entreprises impliquées dans la production d’énergie électrique, la construction d’usines et
l’électrification des réseaux ferroviaires.
PFISTERER possède des usines implantées en Europe, en Chine, en Amérique du Sud et en Afrique du Sud et dispose de filiales commerciales dans
19 pays d’Europe, d’Asie, d’Afrique, d’Amérique du Sud ainsi qu’aux USA. Le Groupe PFISTERER emploie près de 1 400 personnes de par le monde.
POURTIER - Gauder Group
POURTIER - Gauder Group
Parc de l’Esplanade
1 rue Enrico Fermi
77400 - Saint-Thibault-des-Vignes
Tel : +33 (0)1 64 21 84 00
Fax: +33 (0)1 64 26 61 10
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Philippe Letout
Booth number/Stand 15 (Mazarin – Level 0)
POURTIER – Gauder Group offers excellent and reputed experience in designing and manufacturing stranding machines and cabling machines for Power
cables production. More than 1500 lines (i.e. 10000 individual machines) are in production worldwide.
POURTIER has taken the leadership in the field of stranding and cabling of high voltage and extra high voltage cable for AC or DC cable: high performance
stranding line type RFS 630 and RFS 800 for stranding of High voltage aerial cables as well as advanced stranding lines for “MILLIKEN” (AC cables) or
“concentric”(DC Cables) construction up to 3000 sqmm using the most performant compacting system. Also stranding of trapezoidal aluminium wires has
been developed to produce the new type of conductor for highest performance of aerial cables. These conductors are using central core made of steel
(ACSS/TW and ACSR/TW) or made of composite material (ACCC™).
Drum twister laying lines are used for laying up of MV, HV and EHV power cables with take up drums as big as 5 meter in diameter and 50 tons in weight;
lines for Milliken are equipped with the latest innovation including waterproofing systems in line and most performant correction system to ensure the perfect
quality of MILLIKEN conductor for underground cables.
POURTIER – Gauder Group offre son expérience dans le développement et la fabrication de machines d’assemblage pour câbles de puissance. Plus de
1500 lignes (i.e. 10000 machines individuelles) sont en production dans le monde.
POURTIER est leader sur le marché de l’assemblage des câbles haute tension et très haute tension AC ou DC : la ligne de câblage type RFS 630 et RFS
800 pour les câbles aériens haute tension ainsi que les lignes d’assemblage hautes performance pour la construction de câbles « Milliken » (câbles AC)
ou « concentriques » (câbles DC) jusqu’à 3000 mm² en utilisant le système de compactage le plus poussé. D’autre part, le câblage de fils d’aluminium
trapézoïdaux a été développé pour produire de nouveaux types de conducteurs aériens plus performants. Ces conducteurs utilisent un porteur central en
acier (ACSS/TW et ACSR/TW) ou en matériau composite (ACCC™).
Les lignes d’assemblage à réception tournante sont utilisées pour l’assemblage de câbles de puissance moyenne tension, haute tension et très haute
tension avec des enrouleurs jusque 5 mètres de diamètre et de 50 tonnes : les lignes pour câbles Milliken sont équipées avec les innovations les plus
récentes incluant les systèmes d’étanchéité longitudinale et le système de correction sophistiqué afin d’assurer une qualité parfaite du conducteur Milliken
pour les câbles souterrains.
Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH
Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH
Vaalser Straße 250
52074 - Aachen
Tel: +49 241 74927
Fax: +49 241 79521
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Markus Söller
Booth number/Stand 43 (Le Nôtre – Level 2)
Power Diagnostix provides instruments and engineering services for high-voltage diagnostic applications. Our series of digital PD detectors is used for
evaluation of electrical insulation by electric utilities, manufacturers, and R&D institutes worldwide. In addition to digital PD detectors, Power Diagnostix
produces instruments for commissioning tests of high voltage systems, automated control of HV tests, fiber optic connections for analog or digital signal
transmission, and for other applications in high voltage labs.
Especially for the application of PD testing on MV, HV, or EHV cables Power Diagnostix offers various solutions. The ICMflex, ICMcompact and the
TDAcompact, instruments for partial discharge and for loss factor measurements, are compatible with different power supplies such as VLF test systems,
resonant test sets, or others. Various sensors, like differential foil sensors, CTs for cross bonding links, or embedded sensors on cable joints and terminations
can be used for permanent monitoring with the SPECmonitor.
Power Diagnostix Systems GmbH produit une gamme d’appareils pour les diagnostics en haute tension. La série des détecteurs de décharges partielles est
utilisée dans le monde entier pour évaluer l´état de l’isolation électrique d’équipements installés sur site, en usine ou laboratoires de R&D. En complément
de ces détecteurs, Power Diagnostix produit des appareils d’exploitation de tests sur système haute tension, contrôle automatisé de tests HT, connexion
par fibre optique pour transmission de signal analogue ou digital et autres applications en laboratoire haute tension.
Spécialement pour l’application de test PD sur MV, HV ou câbles EHV, Power Diagnostix offre diverses solutions. L’ICMflex, ICMcompact, et TDAcompact,
appareils de mesure de décharge partielle et de perte de facteur sont compatibles avec divers fournisseurs d’énergie tel les systèmes de test VLF, sets
de test de résonance ou autres. Divers capteurs comme les capteurs à film différentiel, les CT pour raccordement de câble ou capteurs intégrés sur joints
de câble et raccordement peuvent être utilisés pour la surveillance permanente avec le SPECmonitor.
Prysmian Group
Viale Sarca 222
20126 - Milano
Tel: +39 0264491
Fax: +39 0264491
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Energy R&D Director – Luca De Rai
Booth number/Stand 06 (Mazarin – Level 0)
Prysmian Group is world leader in the energy and telecom cables and systems industry. With more than 130 years of experience, sales of nearly €7 billion
in 2014, some 19,000 employees across 50 countries and 89 plants, the Group is strongly positioned in high-tech markets and offers the widest possible
range of products, services, technologies and know-how. It operates in the businesses of underground and submarine cables and systems for power
transmission and distribution, of special cables for applications in many different industries and of medium and low voltage cables for the construction
and infrastructure sectors. For the telecommunications industry, the Group manufactures cables and accessories for voice, video and data transmission,
offering a comprehensive range of optical fibres, optical and copper cables and connectivity systems. Prysmian is a public company, listed on the Italian
Stock Exchange in the FTSE MIB index.
Prysmian Group est leader mondial de l’industrie des câbles et systèmes d’énergie et télécommunication. Fort de plus de 130 années
d’expérience, des ventes de près de 7 milliards d’euros en 2014, avec 19000 employés dans 50 pays et 89 usines, le groupe est fortement
positionné sur les marchés de haute technologie pour lesquels il offre une large gamme de produits et services.
Il opère dans les métiers des câbles et systèmes sous-marins et terrestres pour la transmission et la distribution d’énergie, des câbles
spéciaux pour les applications industrielles en moyenne et basse tension, pour la construction et les infrastructures. Dans l’industrie des
télécommunications, le groupe fabrique des câbles et accessoires pour la transmission de la voix, des données et des images (VDI),
avec une gamme complète de fibres optiques, câbles cuivre et à fibre optique, et connectivité. Prysmian est une société publique cotée
à la bourse italienne, à l’indice FTSE MIB.
RTE – Réseau de Transport d’Electricité
RTE – Réseau de Transport d’Electricité
Tour Initiale – 1 Terrasse Bellini
TSA 41000
92919 Paris La Défense cedex
Phone: + 33 (0)1 41 02 18 96
Fax: + 33 (0)1 41 02 17 45
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Magali HUET
Booth number/Stand 16 (Mazarin – Level 0)
RTE, Réseau de Transport d’Electricité, is the French transmission system operator. Its public service mission is to provide to all its customers economical,
reliable and clean access to electrical power. RTE connects its customers using an adapted network and provides them with targeted and valuable
solutions, considering economic efficiency, environmental respect and security of supply. For this purpose, RTE manages, maintains and develops high
and extra-high voltage transmission system. RTE is responsible to keep the balance between supply and demand in a reliable and safe electricity system.
RTE conveys electricity throughout France, from power generation facilities (French and Europeans) to industrial consumers directly connected to the
transmission grid, and to distribution grid providing the link between RTE and end users. With 100,000 km of 63,000 to 400,000 volt lines and 48 crossborder lines, the transmission system managed by RTE is the largest one in Europe. RTE has 8,500 employees.
RTE, Réseau de Transport d’Electricité, est une entreprise de service. Notre mission fondamentale est d’assurer à tous nos clients l’accès à une alimentation
électrique économique, sûre et propre. RTE connecte ses clients par une infrastructure adaptée et leur fournit tous les outils et services qui leur permettent
d’en tirer parti pour répondre à leurs besoins, dans un souci d’efficacité économique, de respect de l’environnement et de sécurité d’approvisionnement en
énergie. A cet effet, RTE exploite, maintient et développe le réseau à haute et très haute tension. Il est le garant du bon fonctionnement et de la sûreté du
système électrique. RTE achemine l’électricité entre les fournisseurs d’électricité (français et européens) et les consommateurs, qu’ils soient distributeurs
d’électricité ou industriels directement raccordés au réseau de transport. 105 000 km de lignes comprises entre 63 000 et 400 000 volts et 48 lignes
transfrontalières connectent le réseau français à 33 pays européens, offrant ainsi des opportunités d’échanges d’électricité essentiels pour l’optimisation
économique du système électrique. RTE emploie 8 500 salariés.
Scapa UK Ltd
Scapa UK Ltd
Manchester Road, Ashton-under-Lyne
Greater Manchester OL7 0ED
United Kingdom
Phone: +44 161 301 7400
Fax: +44 161 301 7475
Email: [email protected]
Website: Jeff Tate
Global Market Manager - Cable Materials
Booth number/Stand 44 (Le Nôtre – Level 2)
Scapa has over 102 years of experience in the development manufacture and supply of cable protection tapes to the global power cable industry. This
gives Scapa a pedigree you can count on. With this know-how as a backdrop Scapa now has one of the widest ranges of water blocking, woven cable
tapes and cable components in the industry and is a key supplier and reference partner to most of the world’s manufacturers of power and data cables.
There are three ways to buy cable tapes from Scapa:
Core range – Choose one of our proven cable wrapping tapes from one of the most extensive ranges in the industry
Made to Measure – If one of our standard products doesn’t match your application requirements, within our portfolio of cloths, coatings, super absorbent
polymers and processes, we can produce something that does
Innovation Projects – If a more advanced solution or a new way of doing things is needed for the next generation of cable protection, our engineers and
R&D team can work in partnership to deliver the ideal solution
As part of the Scapa Group with production sites, R&D facilities and logistics all over the world, you can rely on us to match your needs globally and locally.
Scapa a plus de 102 ans d’expérience dans le développement et la fabrication de rubans spécialisés pour la confection des câbles à travers le monde. Cela
procure à notre entreprise des fondements sur lesquels vous pouvez compter. Grace à ce savoir-faire, Scapa a maintenant l’une des gammes les plus
larges en rubans gonflants hydro bloquants, en rubans tissés et en composants pour câble dans cette l’industrie. Scapa est un fournisseur et partenaire
clé pour la majorité des fabricants mondiaux de câbles de puissance et de transmission de données.
Il y a trois façons d’acheter du ruban adhésif chez Scapa :
Gamme Principale – Choisissez dans nos rubans spécialisés pour câble parmi la gamme la plus large du marché.
Fait sur mesure - Si l’un de nos produits standard ne correspond pas à vos exigences d’application, parmi notre gamme de tissus, des revêtements ou
des polymères super absorbants, nous pouvons ajuster le produit en fonction de vos besoins.
Projets Innovation - Si une solution plus avancée ou un nouveau projet est nécessaire pour la prochaine génération de câbles, nos ingénieurs et notre
équipe R & D peuvent vous fournir la solution idéale.
Faisant partie intégrante de Scapa avec les sites de production, des services R&D et de la logistique dans le monde, vous pouvez compter sur nous afin
de satisfaire vos besoins localement et mondialement.
Booth number/Stand 27 (Lobby – Level 0)
1 rue B. Lachaud – BP n° 1
19231 - Pompadour
Tel: + 33 (5) 55 73 89 00
Fax: + 33 (5) 55 98 53 51
Email: [email protected]
Booth number/Stand 10 (Mazarin – Level 0)
Groupe Sicame companies design, manufacture and market:
equipment for the construction and maintenance of electric, public lighting and telecommunications networks, such as accessories having a mechanical
function (reinforcing brackets for poles, anchoring and suspension clamps for cables, spacers, vibration dampers, etc.) and accessories having an
electrical function (connectors, connections, etc.),
a complete range of equipment to enable “linemen” and installers to works in complete safety when working on high and low voltage structures, and to
ensure the protection of equipment and individuals against the direct and indirect effects of lightning,
complete ranges of industrial connector products (non-insulated connectors, pre-insulated connectors, loose and coiled connectors, cabling accessories)
and tools for electricians and manufacturers.
The Group’s offering is backed up by after-sales services and training courses.
Today the Group provides more than 20,000 products approved by the most important public enterprises in electricity and telecommunications as well as
by electrical installers, automotive, aerospace and rail companies.
Les entreprises du Groupe Sicame conçoivent, fabriquent et commercialisent :
des équipements pour la construction et la maintenance de réseaux électriques, d’éclairage public et de télécommunications, à savoir des accessoires
à fonction mécanique (ferrures d’armement des poteaux, pinces d’ancrage et de suspension des câbles, entretoises, amortisseurs de vibrations,…) et
des accessoires à fonction électrique (connecteurs, raccords…),
une offre complète d’équipements pour permettre aux « lignards» et aux installateurs de travailler en toute sécurité lors des interventions sur ouvrage
hors et sous tension, et pour assurer la protection des biens et personnes contre les effets directs et indirects de la foudre,
des gammes complètes de produits de connectique industrielle (cosses nues, préisolées, en vrac et en bandes, accessoires de câblage) et outillage
pour les électriciens et les industriels.
Le Groupe a une offre enrichie de Services après-vente et de Formations .
Aujourd’hui, il propose plus de 20 000 produits agréés par les plus grandes entreprises publiques d’électricité, de télécommunications, par les installateurs
électriques les sociétés automobiles, aérospatiales et ferroviaires.Inscription obligatoire
Chaussée de Mons, 189
1600 - Sint-Pieters-Leeuw
Tel: +32 23771140
Fax: +32 23772407
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Jean-François de VIGNE
Booth number/Stand 19 (Mazarin – Level 0)
SMEETS S.A.(since 1921) is the exclusive agent/importer of Loypos in Europe, North & South America, India, Africa and the Middle-East. SMEETS has
his own slitting unit for tapes.
LOYPOS Corp. is the dedicated manufacturer of high quality semiconductive and non-conductive tapes for high voltage and extra high voltage cable.
LOYPOS also produces WATERBLOCKING woven tapes with high tensile strength.
LOYPOS and SMEETS have been business partners for more than a decade, exporting their tapess throughout the 5 continents as well as ensuring a
presence in South-Korea, Belgium, India and the USA.
SMEETS (since 1921) also exports ‘’SOFT WATERBLOCKING YARNS’’ and many other components for the cable industry.
SMEETS S.A. (depuis 1921) est l’agent/importateur exclusif de LOYPOS pour l’Europe, L’Amérique du Nord et du Sud, L’inde, L’Afrique et le Moyen-Orient.
SMEETS possède son propre centre de découpe pour rubans.
LOYPOS CORP. fabrique des rubans semi-conducteurs et non-conducteurs de très haute qualité pour les câbles Haute Tension et Extra Haute Tension.
LOYPOS offre aussi des rubans tissés étanches à très haute résistance mécanique.
LOYPOS et SMEETS travaillent en partenariat depuis plus de 12 ans, exportent leurs rubans sur les 5 continents et assurent une présence en Corée
du Sud, en Belgique, en Inde et aux USA.
SMEETS (depuis 1921) exporte aussi ses ‘’FILINS GONFLANTS’’ et ses autres composants pour l’industrie du câble.
Box 707
771 80 - Ludvika
Tel: +46 240 79500
Fax: +46 240 15029
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Carolyn Stanley
Booth number/Stand 25 (Mazarin – Level 0)
STRI is a leading independent company specializing in high voltage testing and consulting within high voltage technology and power system applications.
Our specialists and engineers deliver solutions to help improve performance, efficiency, reliability, profitability, and to minimize impact on the environment.
Our clients are power grid companies, power producers, industries, railway companies, authorities, agencies and manufacturers of electrical equipment
all over the world.
Our world class accredited high voltage laboratory and climate test hall are equipped to handle tests on products with system voltages up to 800 kV AC
and DC. We have extensive experience in testing AC and DC sea and land cables. We also offer the following tests:
• Pollution ;
• Accelerated ageing ;
• Test of line configuration ;
• Measurement of E-field distribution ;
• Delection of corona activities with UV-video camera.
In addition to our unique ion migration test facility, we also have facilities for PQ-, material- and mechanical testing for cables.
STRI est une société indépendante de premier plan spécialisée dans les activités d’essai et de conseil en haute tension pour les applications de technologie
haute tension et de systèmes d’alimentation. Nos spécialistes et ingénieurs offrent des solutions pour améliorer les performances, l’efficacité, la fiabilité, la
rentabilité et minimiser l’impact sur l’environnement. Nos clients sont des compagnies de réseau électrique, des producteurs d’électricité, des industries,
des entreprises de chemin de fer, des administrations, des agences et des fabricants d’équipements électriques partout dans le monde.
Notre hall de test climatique et notre laboratoire haute tension accrédités et de classe mondiale sont équipés pour effectuer des tests sur les produits avec
des tensions système allant jusqu’à 800 kV CA et CC. Nous possédons une vaste expérience des tests des câbles sous-marins et terrestres AC et DC.
Nous proposons également les tests suivants :
• pollution ;
• vieillissement accéléré ;
• test de configuration de ligne ;
• mesure de la distribution du champ électrique ;
• détection des activités corona avec caméra vidéo UV.
En plus de notre unique centre de test de la migration des ions, nous disposons également d’installations pour PQ, essais matériels et mécaniques pour
les câbles.
Novinium / UtilX Europe GmbH
Novinium / UtilX Europe GmbH
Mühlengrund 1
31675 - Bückeburg
Tel: +49 5722 28525 0
Fax: +49 5722 28525 19
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Martin Hesse
Booth number/Stand 31 (Lobby – Level 0)
UtilX Europe GmbH, located in Bückeburg, Germany is the European branch of USA based Novinium Inc.
Novinium is the global leader in life-extension technologies for underground power cables. It offers proprietary, patented CableCURE® injection services,
CableWISE® online, non-destructive cable assessment services and other reliability and testing services worldwide through its direct service operations
and authorized licensees.
CableCURE® technology is an underground transmission and distribution cable rehabilitation process that significantly extends the useful life of underground
power cable beyond its estimated service life. Only in Europe over 3 million system meter successfully have been treated with CableCURE®.
CableWISE® technology provides a detailed assessment of the condition of medium or high voltage cable systems. CableWISE® is not just partial discharge
detection, but an online, non-destructive condition assessment technique.
UtilX Europe GmbH, avec siège social à Bückeburg, Allemagne, est la succursale européenne de Novinium Inc.
Novinium est le leader mondial en technologie d’extension de vie pour les câbles de moyenne et haut tension. Novinium offre les services brevetés :
CableCURE® service d’injection des câbles, CableWISE® mesure en tension et non destructive avec appréciation, et des autres services de test et en
augmentation de fiabilité. Novinium agit mondial en service direct et avec les partenaires autorisées.
La technologie CableCURE® est un processus de réhabilitation de câbles sous terrain qui augment signifiant la durée de vie opérationnelle au-delà de son
estimation. Seul en Europe plus de 3 millions de mètres système ont était traitée avec succès avec CableCURE®.
La technologie CableWISE® donne une appréciation détaille de l’état des câbles et le système des câbles en moyenne, haut et très haute tension.
CableWISE® est plus qu’une system de détection de décharge partielle : CableWISE® est non destructive et fournit une appréciation complète de système.
Kveldroveien 7
NO-1407 - Vinterbro
Tel: +47 47 90 88 00
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Pal RØSJØ
Booth number/Stand 11 (Mazarin – Level 0)
Wirescan AS delivers products and services for diagnosis, condition assessment and monitoring of electrical cables and umbilicals. With Wirescan’s test
equipment LIRA® Portable and the LIRA® technology (LIne Resonance Analysis) the company provide Cable Fault Location, Cable Condition Assessment,
and Cable Condition Monitoring for Utilities (Power Transmission & Distribution), Oil & Gas, Offshore Wind, Nuclear Power Plants, and Cable Manufacturers
industries globally.
Wirescan´s patented LIRA® Technology is a non-destructive test method to monitor the global progressive degradation of the cable
insulation due to harsh environment conditions (high temperature, humidity, radiation, etc.), and detect local degradation of the insulation
material due to mechanical impacts or local abnormal environment conditions.
Wirescan´s patented LIRA® Technology was developed by the Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) in Halden, Norway, as part of an
OECD Project, to fulfill the need for improved cable diagnostic tools at Nuclear Power Plants.
Present shareholders in Wirescan AS are Siemens Venture Capital Energy GmbH, SåkorninVest II AS/Procom Venture AS, IFE Venture
AS, and Schlumberger BV.
Wirescan AS is qualified by Sellihca and Achilles JQS, and member of INTSOK Norwegian Oil & Gas Partners and Subsea Valley.
Wirescan AS fournit des produits et services pour le diagnostic, évaluation de l’état et de la surveillance de câbles ombilicaux et électriques. Avec
l’équipement d’essai de Wirescan LIRA® portable et la technologie de LIRA® (Ligne résonance Analyse) la société de fournir de défaut de câble Lieu,
Câble évaluation de l’état, et Cable Condition Monitoring for Utilities (Power Transmission & Distribution), Oil & Gas, éolien offshore, l’énergie nucléaire
Plantes, et fabricants de câbles secteurs au niveau mondial.
Wirescan’s breveté LIRA® Technology est une méthode de contrôle non destructif pour surveiller la dégradation progressive mondial de l’isolation du câble
en raison de conditions difficiles de l’environnement (haute température, humidité, rayonnement, etc.), et de détecter la dégradation locale du matériau
d’isolation en raison aux impacts mécaniques ou des conditions environnementales locales anormales.
Wirescan’s technologie brevetée LIRA® a été développé par l’Institut de technologie de l’énergie (IFE) à Halden, en Norvège, dans le cadre d’un projet
de l’OCDE, pour répondre au besoin d’amélioration des outils de diagnostic de câble dans les centrales nucléaires.
Actionnaires présents dans Wirescan AS sont Siemens Venture Capital Energy GmbH, SåkorninVest II AS / Procom Venture AS, IFE Venture AS, et
Schlumberger BV.
Wirescan AS est qualifié par SELLIHCA et Achille JQS, et membre du INTSOK Norwegian Oil & Gas Partners et Subsea Valley.
Jicable’15 - Topics
1. Materials, New Materials and Ageing Assessment in AC and DC
Materials characterization: electric, physical and chemical,
New materials for cables and accessories
Nanotechnologies : nanotubes, nano-filled polymers, …
Bio-materials and environment-friendly materials
Ageing laws: methods, experimentation, validity
2. Cables and Accessories Design - Modelling
► Electrical, thermal and thermo-mechanical design
► AC resistance of Conductors
► Steady state and dynamic conditions
► Ampacities
► Sheath bonding, Grounding and protection
► Cable characteristics and cable modelling
► Associated computer codes and validation
► Voltage and current system coordination
► Issues related to Cable integration in networks
3. Testing Methods: Electrical and Non Electrical
Selection criteria
Development tests, evaluation, prequalification tests, type tests, acceptance and after laying tests
Low frequency testing
PD testing as maintenance tool
Testing of Conductor Connectors
4. Cables, Environment and Sustainable Development
Impact of cables on the environment (overhead, underground, submarine)
Magnetic field limitation and health effects
Environment friendly design
Impact of the environment on cable systems (tropical, etc.)
Derating in metallic structures
Specific technologies
Lifecycle analysis
End-of-life treatment methods
Developments in cable regulations
Coexistence of cables and nearby systems (eg. Telecommunications)/Shared structures
5. Diagnosis, Maintenance, Remaining Life Estimation and Management
► Methods for assessing the properties and characteristics of materials and possible impact on the performances of
cables and accessories
► Monitoring
► On-line diagnosis of materials
► Fault location
► Methods of examination
► Expert systems
► Remaining life estimation in different environments: temperature, electric fields, ionizing irradiations,...
► Life extension
6. Economy of Cable Systems
Cost reduction and optimisation of cable systems
Experience in service
Shared installation structures: multipurpose pre-installed ducted systems in roads, galleries, tunnels, …
Cost reduction and optimisation of civil works and laying techniques
Financial investments
Availability and insurances
7. LV and MV Cable Systems
► LV and MV cables and accessories (insulated underground and overhead networks)
► New materials, environmentally concerned design,
► Developments in manufacturing processes and techniques
► Laying methods, experience in service and quality assurance, comparative performances of cables buried with
and without mechanical protection
► Operating conditions, thermo-mechanical behaviour, reliability, failure analysis, operating life extension
► Cables for smart grids
► Use of telecommunication cables in conjunction with LV and MV cable circuits, powerline communications
► Safety in case of fire
► Standardization
8. HV and EHV AC Cable Systems
HV and EHV AC cables and accessories
New developments
Forced cooling, water cooling, …
New materials, environmentally oriented design
Developments in manufacturing processes and techniques
Laying methods, technical specifications, shared installation structures, quality assurance, prevention of third
party damage, new innovative laying methods with reduction of the duration of works and of the disturbance of the
side residents
► Operating conditions, maintenance, service experience, reliability, failure analysis operating life extension,
improving performances and operating at design limits, upgrading and uprating
► Technical and economical optimisation (high stresses, taking into account reliability, availability, temperature in
normal, overload and short-circuit conditions, etc.)
► Integration in networks
► Use of telecommunications cables in conjunction in HV and EHV links, powerline communications
► Safety in case of fire
► Maintaining the integrity of accessories
► Prevention of Third Party damage
► Standardization
9. HVDC Cable Systems
HV and EHV DC cables and accessories
Transition joints
Phenomena associated at the interfaces, cables and accessories
Space charge measurements (interfaces and materials)
Aging and reliability
Simulations and numerical models
Testing: investigation, development, Qualification, Type Tests, Routine and Sample tests …
Qualification procedures including Extension of Qualification
Operational experience
Change from AC to DC
10. Submarine Cable Systems
AC and DC cable systems
Mechanical Testing
Technical and economical optimization for the different parts of the installation
Cable systems for offshore wind power plants and oil platforms
Dynamic cables
Use of Aluminium
DC cables and accessories
Laying, embedding and protection techniques
Operating conditions, feedback
Availability of submarine links
Integration in the network
11. Cables for the Future
► Gas-insulated cables (SF6 and other gases)
 Technologies under development
 EHV / UHV cables
 Long-distance use
 Laying and civil engineering
 Repair methods
► Superconducting links
Feedback from the first High Temperature Superconducting links (HTSC)
Prospects for new High Temperature Superconductors (HTSC)
Low-temperature properties of insulating materials
Technical-economical evaluation
Questions related to the integration of superconducting links in standard networks
Other new underground power transmission systems
12. Industrial and Special Cables
► Technologies and installation (eg. land, underwater, overhead and spatial cables); wind power plants, PV
photovoltaic / solar energy cables, nuclear power plants, etc.)
► Substation cables, generation station cables, LV secondary cables, …
► Cables with improved fire behaviour and fire resistance
► Cables submitted to harsh external conditions: high mechanical stresses, chemical attack, ionizing irradiations,…
► Other Special Cables: aerospace, automotive, rolling Stock, railway, marine, lift and crane cables, oil & gas,
airport beaconing, …
► New materials
► Developing manufacturing techniques
13. Technical challenges encountered with cable systems
► Integration of long cables (high power) in networks (compensation, static stability and dynamics of networks,
distribution of the power flows in the mixed networks),
► Generation output with cable systems: compensation, no load voltage,
► Long length lines for bulk power transmission (tens of km to hundred km), how to ensure reliability and operability.
Young Researchers Contest
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: F
Chairman: GUBANSKI Stanislaw; Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
NOTINGHER Petru; Institut d’Électronique du Sud - Université Montpellier 2,
CNRS, France
TEYSSEDRE Gilbert; CNRS / Laplace, Université P. Sabatier, France
The investigation of conduction current and dissipation power distributions in XLPE
under HVDC at high temperature environment
FUJITOMI Toshiyuki, KATO Tsuyoshi, MIYAKE Hiroaki, TANAKA Yasuhiro; Tokyo City
University, Tokyo, Japan
Study of XLPE dielectric properties for HVDC cables during combined thermal and
electrical ageing
HASCOAT Aurélien, CASTELLON Jérôme, AGNEL Serge; Institut d’Electronique du Sud,
Université Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France
FRELIN Wilfried, EGROT Philippe; EDF R&D, Les Renardières, France
HONDAA Pierre, AMMI Soraya; RTE, Paris-La Défense, France
LEROUX Dominique, ANDERSSON Johan, ERIKSSON Virginie; BOREALIS, Stenungsund,
Influence factors of field inversion in HVDC cables
FUCHS Karsten, BERGER Frank; Ilmenau University of Technology, Ilmenau, Germany
FISCHER Andreas, DRUMMER Dietmar; Institute of Polymer Technologie FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Analysis of technical planning principles for partial underground cabling in meshed
extra-high voltage Grids
VEERASHEKAR Kishan; Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen,
SIEBELS Carsten; TenneT TSO GmbH, Bayreuth, Germany
LA SETA Piergiovanni; Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany
FUCHS Bernhard; RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Eco-friendly nanodielectrics with enhanced thermal and electrical properties for
HVDC cable insulation
ZHOU Yao, HE Jinliang, HU Jun, DANG Bin; State Key Lab of Power Systems, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Effect of state of stress on space charge accumulation in silicon rubber insulation of
HVDC cables
GUO David; State Key Lab of Control and Simulation of Power Systems and Generation
Equipment, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Spatially-resolved measurement and diagnostic method for power cables using
interference characteristics of travelling waves
FISCHER Erik, WEINDL Christian; Institute of Electrical Energy Systems, University of
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
Modeling of viscoelastic dynamic bending stiffness for VIV analysis of submarine
HEDLUND Johan; ABB AB, High Voltage Cables, Karlskrona, Sweden
DC cable modeling and High Voltage Direct Current grid grounding system
LOUME Dieynaba, BERTINATO Alberto, NGUYEN TUAN Minh; SuperGrid Institute,
Villeurbanne, France
RAISON Bertrand; G2elab, Saint Martin d’Hères, France
Development and engineering application of ±160 kV XLPE to three-terminal VSC
HVDC project in China
HOU Shuai, FU Mingli, ZHAO Linjie; Electric Power Research Institute of China Southern
Power Grid, Guangzhou, China
Relationship between breakdown strengths and trapping parameters of serviced
XLPE cables
LIU Ning, CHEN George; University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
XU Yang; Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
Effects of voltage magnitude on growth characteristics of electrical trees in silicone
ZHANG Yunxiao, ZHOU Yuanxiang, SCHNETTLER Armin; State Key Lab of Control
and Simulation of Power Systems and Generation Equipments, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
ZHANG Xu; North China Electric Power Research Institute Co Ltd, Beijing, China
Optimization of High Voltage electrodes and HV cable accessories design by using
TUNA Enis; Demirer Kablo, Bilecik, Turkey
Influence on measured conductor AC resistance of High Voltage cables when the
shield is used as return conductor
HÖGÅS Marcus, RYDLER Karl-Erik; SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Borås,
Measurement of the conductor temperature in power cable production
FRECHEN Henning, PUFFER Ralf, SCHNETTLER Armin; RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen, Germany
BRAMMER Gregor; Forschungsgemeinschaft für Elektrische Anlagen und Stromwirtschaft
e.V., Mannheim, Germany
Improvement of ampacity ratings of Medium Voltage cables in protection pipes
by comprehensive consideration and selective improvement of the heat transfer
mechanisms within the pipe
BALZER Constantin, HINRICHSEN Volker; TU Darmstadt, High Voltage Laboratories,
Darmstadt, Germany
DREFKE Christoph, STEGNER Johannes, SASS Ingo; TU Darmstadt, Geothermal Science
and Technology, Darmstadt, Germany
HENTSCHEL Klaus; Bayernwerk / e-on, Regensburg, Germany
Characterization of Transparent Fluorescent Silicones for Optical Monitoring of HighVoltage Cable Accessories
KUCHARCZYK Krzysztof, BANASZAK Szymon, GAWRYLCZYK Konstanty; West
Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland
LEISTNER André; Polymerics GmbH, Berlin, Germany
SIEBLER Daniel; BAM Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing, Berlin,
HEIDMANN Gerd; IPH Institut “Prüffeld für Elektrische Hochleistungstechnik” GmbH (CESI
Group), Berlin, Germany
Predicted rating system for directly buried cables
HUANG Ru, PILGRIM James A., LEWIN Paul L.; University of Southampton, Southampton,
SCOTT David, BLACKWELL Anna, MORRICE Daniel; National Grid plc, Warwick, UK
Space charge behaviors of PP/EPDM/ZnO nanocomposites for recyclable HVDC
DANG Bin, HE Jinliang, HU Jun, ZHOU You; State Key Lab of Power Systems, Dept. of
Electr. Eng., Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China
Estimating the losses in three core submarine power cables using 2D and 3D FEA
STURM Sebastian, PAULUS Johannes; University of Applied Sciences WürzburgSchweinfurt, Schweinfurt, Germany
BERGER Frank; Ilmenau University of Technology, Ilmenau, Germany
ABKEN Karl-Ludwig; Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke GmbH /General Cable, Nordenham,
Thermal impedance of insulated overhead power cables heated by joule losses and
solar radiation
CHATZIPANAGIOTOU Panagiotis, TOSCANO Alexandros Saverio,
PAPAGIANNOPOULOS Ioannis; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineers, Thessaloniki, Greece
DE MEY Gijbert; Ghent University, Department of Electronics and Information Systems,
Ghent, Belgium
WIECEK Boguslaw; University of Lodz, Institute of Electronics Technical, Lodz, Poland
MARANDA Witold, NAPIERALSKI Andrzej; Technical University of Lodz, Department of
Microelectronics and Computer Science, Lodz, Poland
Measurement and modeling of surface charge accumulation on insulators in HVDC
gas insulated line (GIL)
ZHANG Boya, WANG Qiang, ZHANG Guixin; Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Session B7
New materials
Session D7
Specific TesƟng Trends 2
Session C7
Cables and systems,
modelling and
Session A7
TesƟng & QualificaƟon of
HVDC Cable Systems
16 :30
18 :00
Session E7
Material related special
Session E6
Technical Challenges
Session E5
Session D5
and accessories Design,
On site and Laboratory Tests 2 Cable
Session D6
Specific TesƟng Trends 1
Room F
(Poster Session)
Session F6.1
Materials, Ageing
Session F6.2
Diagnosis, Maintenance,
Session E1
Economics of Cable
Session E2
Session F2
Cable raƟngs
Young Researchers
calculaƟons 1
Session E3
Cable raƟngs
calculaƟons 2
Room E
Session D4
Session E4
On site and Laboratory Tests 1 Modelling
Session C6
Session A6
Cables & Systems
Session B6
Materials for HVDC cables
Session D1
TesƟng methods:
PD measurements
Session D2
Session D3
Thermomechanical TesƟng
Tuesday June 23rd
Session C5
HV and EHV
cable diagnosis
Session C3
Diagnosis methods
Session C1
Remaining Life
EsƟmaƟon of LV and
Session C2
System reliability
Monday June 22nd
Sunday June 21st
Session A5
HV cable integraƟon in
Session B5
Submarine Cables
Room D
Saturday June 20th
Session C4
MV cable diagnosis
Session B1
Submarine Cable
Session B2
Design of
Submarine Lines
Session B3
cable tesƟng &
Room C
Session A4
Session B4
InstallaƟons of
New developments Submarine lines
Session A1
HV and EHV Cable
Session A2
HV: InstallaƟon
Session A3
HV OperaƟng
Session A0
Opening Session
Welcome Lecture
Room B
Room A
Jicable’15 - At a glance
From 18:30
Tutorials: T1,
T2, T3,T4 & T5
Welcome of
Welcome of
Session A11
Closing session
Session A10
HVDC Transient
Session B10
Cables for the
Session A9
Session B9
Materials and Space Material
Session B8
Material for
Accessories and
Session A8
TesƟng of HVDC
Session C10
Industrial and
Special Cables
Session C9
Special Cables
Session D10
Environment and
sustainability 2
Session D9
Environment and
sustainability 1
Session D8
TesƟng evaluaƟons
Thursday June 25th
Session C8
Improvement of
Cable RaƟngs
Wednesday June 24th
Session E10
Session E9
Design of LV MV
cable systems
Session E8
New cable and
accessories moniSession F9.1
LV, MV, HV, EHV & future
cables - Session F9.2
Cables and Accessories
Design Modelling
Technical Visits
V1, V2 & V3
Sunday June 21st, 2015 - 17:15
Welcome lecture
Sunday June 21st, 2015 - 17:15 - 18:30 - Room: A
Welcome Lecture: “Brazil’s situation in terms of energy - Challenges and
MATOS DE ARAUJO Josias; Vice President CNB CIGRE, Director of regulation,
Eletrobras, Brazil
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 09:00
A0 Opening session
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 09:00 - 10:30 - Room: A
Opening Lecture: “European Electricity Transmission Infrastructure: a Key to the
Energy Transition”
BORNARD Pierre; Deputy CEO of RTE, Chairman of the board of ENTSO-E, France
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 11:00
A1 HV and EHV cable systems
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: A
Chairman: ARGAUT Pierre; CIGRE SC B1, France (CIGRE)
Rapporteur: MAMMERI Mohamed; General Cable / Silec Cable, France
Worldwide experiences and challenges with EHV XLPE cable projects 330 kV to
500 kV
WEINLEIN Andreas, PETERS Ulrich, LAAGE Uwe, MEMMER Horst; Südkabel GmbH,
Mannheim, Baden Württemberg, Germany
The network connection of Niehl 3 CCPP - The first 380 kV long-distance cable
project in Germany since the Bewag projects in 2000
SCHELL Fabian; FICHTNER, Stuttgart, Germany
UHLENKÜKEN Heinz; Rheinische Netzgesellschaft, Cologne, Germany
138 kV cable system qualification to IEC 60840-2011 / ICEA S-108-720-2012 / AEIC
CS-9-06 / IEEE 48-2009 / IEEE 404-2012
GANATRA Ravi; CME Wire and Cable, Suwanee, USA
PERKEL Josh; NEETRAC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
UZELAC Milan; G & W Electric, Chicago, USA
ZAMUDIO José; Viakable, Monterrey, Mexico
Qualification of a 150 kV transition joint for connecting external gas pressure threecore cable with extruded single core cables
BODEGA Riccardo; Prysmian Netherlands B.V., Delft, The Netherlands
ROSS Rob, MOUSAVI GARGARI Shirma; TenneT, Arnhem, The Netherlands
VAN DOELAND Wouter; Energy Solutions, Delft, The Netherlands
PQ test and first 230 kV cable system project in Mexico
MAXIMO Juan, SALDIVAR Candelario; Viakable Operaciones, San Nicolas de los Garza,
Cable installation in mountainous areas, example of a successful installation and
BOSSE Anika, BÜSCHER Astrid, EWERT Walter; nkt cables, Cologne, Germany
LACKNER Johannes, BRANDSTÖTTER Erich; VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH, Vienna,
B1 Submarine cable technology
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: B
Chairman: JEROENSE Marc; ABB AB, High Voltage Cables, Sweden
Rapporteur: BOUDINET Nathalie; RTE, France
Use of aluminium conductors in submarine power cables
WORZYK Thomas, LÅNGSTRÖM Sonny; ABB AB, Karlskrona, Sweden
Latest technologies for submarine cable protection and repair
HASEGAWA Mamoru; Sumotomo Electric Industries, ltd., Osaka, Japan
Potential use of new water tree retardant insulation in submarine cables
CREE Stephen; Dow Electrical & Telecommunications Europe, Horgen, Zurich, Switzerland
CARONIA Paul, PERSON Timothy; Dow Electrical & Telecommunications USA,
Collegeville, Pennsylvania, USA
Development of 320 kV subsea/underground HVDC extruded cable system
SHIGEMORI Naoto, MORI Hiroki, YAGI Yukihiro; VISCAS Corporation, Ichihara, Chiba,
SAKAI Yasuhiro; VISCAS Corporaation, Hiratsuka, Kanagawa, Japan
Key technical research on submarine optic fiber and power composite cable with
long length, three cores & high voltage
ZHANG Jianmin; Zhongtian Technology Submarine Cable Co., Ltd, Nantong, China
XIE Shuhong; Zhongtian Technology Group Co., Ltd, Nantong, China
The Oslofjord project - The world’s first installed 420 kV submarine cable connection
combining SCFF cables and XLPE cables with flexible factory joints
OLDERVOLL Froydis, JENSEN Geir; Statnett SF, Oslo, Norway
SLÅTTEN Stein Arne, ELDERS Jostein, KALDHUSSÆTER Einar; Nexans Norway AS,
Oslo, Norway
C1 Remaining life estimation of LV and MV cables
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: C
Chairman: SINISUKA Ngapuli Irmea; Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Rapporteur: DENIZET Isabelle; General Cable, France
Assessment of overheating in XLPE MV cable joints by partial discharge
EBERG Espen, HVIDSTEN Sverre; SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim, Norway
BERGSET Kristina I.; The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU),
Trondheim, Norway
Risk on failure, based on PD measurements in actual MV PILC and XLPE power
QIAN Yizhou; Technical University Eindhoven, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
WAGENAARS Paul, STEENNIS Fred; DNV GL, Arnhem, The Netherlands
HARMSEN Denny; Alliander, Arnhem, The Netherlands
SOEPBOER Piet; Enexis, Arnhem, The Netherlands
BLEEKER Pascal; Locamation, Enschede, The Netherlands
Main objectives and results of the EU project ADVANCE with focus on aging
assessment of cable insulation used in nuclear power plants through electrical
MOREAU Christophe, FRANCHET Maud; EDF R&D, Moret-sur-Loing, France
FABIANI Davide, VERARDI Luca, MONTANARI Gian-Carlo; UNIBO, Bologna, Italy
FRANÇOIS Sandrine; EDF SEPTEN, Villeurbanne, France
Prediction of power cable failure rate based on failure history and operational
SACHAN Swati, ZHOU Chengke, BEVAN Geraint, ALKALI Babakalli; Glasgow Caledonian
University, Glasgow, UK
Dielectric loss evolution for miniature cables with PE insulation through various
stages of degradation
BERNIER Simon, DRAPEAU Jean-François, JEAN Daniel; Hydro-Québec (IREQ),
Varennes, Québec, Canada
Aging management for XLPE and EPR medium voltage cables in nuclear plant
BANERJEE Sarajit, ROUISON David, SEDDING Howard; Kinectrics Inc., Toronto, Ontario,
D1 Testing methods: PD measurements
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: D
Chairman: FENGER Mark; Prysmian Group, Canada
Rapporteur: SIMÉON Éric; Nexans, France
Partial discharge measurements in the sub-VLF-range
RETHMEIER Kay; Kiel University of Applied Sciences, Kiel, Germany
BLANK Rudolf; b2 electronic GmbH, Klaus, Austria
The application of PD monitored AC voltage test in Beijing 500 kV power cable lines
AN Jianqiang, LI Zhen, DONG Yi, ZHU Zhanwei, SUN Changqing; Beijing Electric Power
Company, Beijing, China
XIAO Chuanqiang; SINDIA Instruments, Beijing, China
Long-term experiences and review with offline and online PD measurements on-site
on EHV XLPE cable systems 330 kV to 500 kV
WEINLEIN Andreas, PETERS Ulrich, SCHROEDER Gero, HAERING Dominik; Südkabel
GmbH, Mannheim, Baden Württemberg, Germany
Results of 10 years after installation tests combined with PD detection on MV cablesystems
DE VRIES Frank, SMIT Jacco; Alliander, Alkmaar, The Netherlands
VAN SLOGTEREN John; Liander, Arnhem, The Netherlands
PD characteristics under the aspect of different voltage wave shapes and frequencies
PETZOLD Frank, GOETZ Daniel, PUTTER Hein; Seba Dynatronic, Baunach, Germany
STEPHAN Marco, MARKALOUS Sacha; Hagenuk KMT, Radeburg, Germany
On-site combination of withstand voltage testing and partial discharge measurement
for XLPE power cable accessories
ELFARASKOURY Adel; Egyptian Electricity Holding Company, Extra High Voltage
Research Centre, Cairo, Egypt
E1 Economics of cable systems
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: E
Chairman: PENSERINI Paul; RTE, France
Rapporteur: GIFFARD Philippe; SYCABEL, France
Electrothermal coordination in cable based transmission grids operated under
market based conditions
OLSEN Rasmus, RASMUSSEN Carsten;, Fredericia, Denmark
HOLBOELL Joachim; Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
GUDMUNDSDOTTIR Unnur Stella; Dong Energy, Fredericia, Denmark
Copper or aluminium cable conductors, broadly compared in a life-cycle perspective
BOONE Wim, KACKER Arnav, BAL Remco; DNV GL, Arnhem, Gelderland, The
Operating a 10 kV cable on a system voltage of 20 kV: the long term test
SMIT Jacco, DE VRIES Frank, SEBREGTS Ger; Alliander, Arnhem, The Netherlands
BOONE Wim; DNV GL, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Cable selection challenges
BALLOUR Sami, ALHAMMADI Khadija; DUCAB, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Efficient project management of high voltage underground cable systems against
self-evident facts
DUBREUIL Michel, POMBOURCQ Hervé; RTE, Paris, France
The use of life cycle cost analysis to determine the most effective cost of installation
500 kV of Java-Sumatra power interconnection system
NUGRAHA Herry, SILALAHI Zivion; PLN Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
SINISUKA Ngapuli; ITB, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung,
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 14:30
A2 HV: installation methods
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: A
Chairman: GILLE Alain; Verbraeken Construction NV, Belgium
Rapporteur: RAUD Jean-Louis; SERCE, France
Production, installation and commissioning of two 380 kV underground lines for the
pump-storage plant project of Linth Limmern (Swiss Alps)
BIOLLEY Claude, MOUCHANGOU Christian; Nexans Suisse SA, Cortaillod, Switzerland
Installation and commissioning of Patuxent river crossing (HDD, 1.4km) project in US
JOO Jaeyun, JEON Seung-ik, KIM Byungsoo; LS Cable & System, Gumi, Republic of Korea
138 kV insulated cable system for temporary connection of transmission lines and
SILVESTRE Gustavo, CAPARROZ Sergio; AES Eletropaulo, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
LOPES Julio Cesar, ARAUJO Simone, PINHEIRO Walter; TAG Inovação Tecnológica, São
Paulo - SP, Brazil
Analysis between open cut and trenchless methods for installation of underground
high voltage systems
Sanzio; Sedra Engenharia, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
Non-offset design of cables in manhole considering the mechanical behavior of XLPE
cables in duct
KANG Yeon-woog, KANG Ji-won, JANG Tae-in, JUNG Chae-kyun, YOON Jong-keun;
KEPCO, Daejeon, Republic of Korea
Study on thermal backfill materials for directly buried HV cables
BURCEANU Monica; Laborelec, Linkebeek, Belgium
VAN DER BORGHT Pieter; Elia, Brussels, Belgium
B2 Design of submarine lines
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: B
Chairman: VERCELLOTTI Uberto; CESI S.p.A., Italy
Rapporteur: FRANCHET Maud; EDF R&D, France
AC transmission systems for large scale and remote offshore wind farms
OLSEN Espen, HATLO Marius; Nexans Norway AS, Halden, Norway
KARLSTRAND Johan; JK Cablegrid Consulting AB, Karlskrona, Sweden
Comparison of losses in an armoured and unarmoured three phase cable
FARIA DA SILVA Filipe, LETH BAK Claus; Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
EBDRUP Thomas, F. JENSEN Christian;, Erritsø, Denmark
Design and manufacturing of ±200 kV HVDC submarine power cable in Zhoushan
flexible DC transmission project
HU Ming, ZHANG Jianmin; Zhongtian Technology Submarine Cable Co., Ltd, Nantong,
XIE Shuhong; Zhongtian Technology Group Co., Ltd, Nantong, China
Development of dynamic submarine MV power cable design solutions for floating
offshore renewable energy applications
Seekabelwerke GmbH / General Cable, Nordenham, Lower Saxony, Germany
ISUS Daniel; General Cable Sistemas, Manlleu, Catalunya, Spain
JOHANNING Lars, THIES Philipp R.; University of Exeter, Penryn, UK
Design studies for French submarine links
BOUDINET Nathalie, CHARVET Jean, DORY Matthieu, LAURE Emmanuelle, MOINDROT
Vincent, LESUR Frédéric; RTE, Paris, France
Wet designs for HV submarine power cables
KARLSTRAND Johan; JK Cablegrid Consulting AB, Karlskrona, Sweden
FURUHEIM Knut-Magne; Nexans Norway AS, Halden, Norway
HVIDSTEN Sverre, FAREMO Hallvard; SINTEF Energy, Trondheim, Norway
C2 System reliability management
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: C
Chairman: MAXIMO Juan; Viakable Operaciones, Mexico
Rapporteur: CABAU Matthieu; RTE, France
Repeated field tests - Utility case studies of the value of trending
HAMPTON Nigel, PERKEL Josh; NEETRAC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
HERNANDEZ Jean Carlos; Universidad de Los Andes, Merida, Venezuela
Performance optimization of underground power cables using real-time-thermalrating
OLSCHEWSKI Martin, HILL Wieland; LIOS Technology GmbH, Cologne, Germany
Improving cable system reliability by monitored withstand diagnostics - Featuring
high efficiency at reduced test time
BAWART Manfred; BAUR Prüf und Messtechnik, Sulz, Austria
FERRER CAMPS Carlos, GAMEZ Joseba Koldo, VILLALONGA Antoni; Endesa
Distribucion Electrica, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
FERRERES José Luis; MARTIN BAUR S.A., Barcelona, Spain
Design and implementation of a DTS system for 220 kV cable temperature monitoring
and fire detection in a 9.4 km tunnel
CHEN David; Transpower New Zealand Limited, Auckland, New Zealand
WILDASH Bob; Wildash Consulting Limited, Paraparaumu, New Zealand
Underground power cable health indexing and risk management
Evert; DNV GL, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Belgian experience with real time temperature system in combination with distributed
temperature sensing techniques
LEEMANS Pieter; Elia, Brussels, Belgium
D2 Reliability diagnosis
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: D
Chairman: ORTON Harry E.; Orton Consulting Engineers International, Canada
Rapporteur: MUSQUIN Max; General Cable ( Silec Cable), France
Diagnostics of control and instrumentation cables in nuclear power plant via timefrequency domain reflectometry with optimal reference signal
LEE Chun-kwon, CHANG Seung-jin, JUNG Moon-kang, HAN Yee-jin, LEE Geon-seok,
PARK Jin Bae, SHIN Yong-june; Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Long lengths transmission power cables on-site testing up to 500 kV by damped AC
SEITZ Paul, QUAK Benjamin; Seitz Instrumetns AG, Niederrohrdorf, Switzerland
GULSKI Edward; onsite hv solutions ag, Luzern, Switzerland
WILD Manuel; Stuttgart University of Technology, Stuttgart, Germany
DE VRIES Frank; Liandon B.V., Alkmaar, The Netherlands
New integrated solution for DAC and VLF testing and diagnosis of distribution power
cable circuits
QUAK Benjamin, SEITZ Paul P.; Seit Instrumetns AG, Niederrohrdorf, Switzerland
GULSKI Edward; onsite hv solutions ag, Luzern, Switzerland
DE VRIES Frank; Liandon B.V., Alkmaar, The Netherlands
End of life of underground medium voltage cables on Pacific islands
HENNUY Blandine, PIOT Sam; Laborelec, Linkebeek, Belgium
COULON Sébastien; EDT, Papeete, French Polynesia
Expanding the performance of on site testing with frequency tuned resonant test
ERDENIZ Sadettin, GÜRSOY Kemal; EMELEC Electrical Engineering &Trading PLC,
Istanbul, Turkey
MOHAUPT Peter, GEIGER Toni; Mohaupt High Voltage, Mieders, Austria
Effectiveness and comparability of condition tests on MV cables
BUYS Peter, VAN HOUWELINGEN Dirk; Stedin BV, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
E2 Cable ratings calculations 1
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: E
Chairman: RITTINGHAUS Dirk; Energycableconsult, Germany
Rapporteur: RÉMY Christian; Prysmian Câbles & Systèmes, France
E2.1 A guide for rating calculations of insulated cables
DE WILD Frank; DNV GL, Arnhem, The Netherlands
VAN ROSSUM Jos; Prysmian, Delft, The Netherlands
ANDERS George; Anders Consulting, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
BRIJS Bruno; Elia Engineering, Brussels, Belgium
BASCOM Rusty; Electrical Consulting Engineers, P.C., Schenectady, New York, USA
PILGRIM James A.; University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
COELHO Marcio; Procable, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
HUELSKEN Georg; nkt cables, Cologne, Germany
KULJACA Nikola; Prysmian Group, Milan, Italy
MARTINSSON Bo; ABB, Karlskrona, Sweden
NAM Seok-hyun; LS Cable ltd., Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea
RAKOWSKA Aleksandra; Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland
RÉMY Christian; Prysmian Group, Gron, France
TAKAHASHI Tsuguhiro; CRIEPI, Nagasaka, Japan
CORSARO Pietro; Brugg Kabel AG, Brugg, Aargau, Switzerland
FALCONER Antony; Aberdare Cable, Port Elisabeth, South Africa
GONZÁLEZ Alberto; GasNatural Fenoza, Madrid, Spain
WAITE Francis; National Grid Plc, Warwick, UK
Gravitational cooling of cable installations
BRAKELMANN Heinrich; BCC Cable Consulting, Rheinberg, Germany
WASCHK Volker; nkt cables, Cologne, Germany
HVDC cable rating methodology: Thermal, electrical and mechanical constraints
HUANG Ziyi, PILGRIM James A., LEWIN Paul L., SWINGLER Steve; University of
Southampton, Southampton, UK
TZEMIS Gregory; National Grid Plc, Warwick, UK
Calculation of the current rating for complex cable arrangement in a deep tunnel
ANDERS George; Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
BOCHENSKI Boguslaw; Kinectrics Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada
HENNING Gunnar; ABB AB, High Voltage Cables, Karlskrona, Sweden
Accurate analytical formula for calculation of sheath and armour losses of three core
submarine cables
HATLO Marius, OLSEN Espen, STOLAN Ronny; Nexans AS, Halden, Norway
KARLSTRAND Johan; JK Cablegrid Consulting AB, Karlskrona, Sweden
Electrical contacts impact on the DC resistance measurement of metallic conductors:
application on an industrial measurement device
Electro-technical Systems and Environment (LSEE), University of Artois, Béthune, France
VEGA Guillaume; Nexans, Lens, France
KOMEZA Krzysztof; Institute of Mechatronics and Information Systems Technical University
of Lodz, Lodz, Poland
F2 Young researchers contest
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: F
Chairman: GUBANSKI Stanislaw; Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Rapporteurs: NOTINGHER Petru; Institut d’Électronique du Sud - Université Montpellier 2,
CNRS, France
TEYSSEDRE Gilbert; CNRS / Laplace, Université P. Sabatier, France
The investigation of conduction current and dissipation power distributions in XLPE
under HVDC at high temperature environment
FUJITOMI Toshiyuki, KATO Tsuyoshi, MIYAKE Hiroaki, TANAKA Yasuhiro; Tokyo City
University, Tokyo, Japan
Study of XLPE dielectric properties for HVDC cables during combined thermal and
electrical ageing
HASCOAT Aurélien, CASTELLON Jérôme, AGNEL Serge; Institut d’Electronique du Sud,
Université Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France
FRELIN Wilfried, EGROT Philippe; EDF R&D, Les Renardières, France
HONDAA Pierre, AMMI Soraya; RTE, Paris-La Défense, France
LEROUX Dominique, ANDERSSON Johan, ERIKSSON Virginie; BOREALIS, Stenungsund,
Influence factors of field inversion in HVDC cables
FUCHS Karsten, BERGER Frank; Ilmenau University of Technology, Ilmenau, Germany
FISCHER Andreas, DRUMMER Dietmar; Institute of Polymer Technologie FriedrichAlexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Analysis of technical planning principles for partial underground cabling in meshed
extra-high voltage Grids
VEERASHEKAR Kishan; Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen,
SIEBELS Carsten; TenneT TSO GmbH, Bayreuth, Germany
LA SETA Piergiovanni; Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany
FUCHS Bernhard; RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Eco-friendly nanodielectrics with enhanced thermal and electrical properties for
HVDC cable insulation
ZHOU Yao, HE Jinliang, HU Jun, DANG Bin; State Key Lab of Power Systems, Department
of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Effect of state of stress on space charge accumulation in silicon rubber insulation of
HVDC cables
GUO David; State Key Lab of Control and Simulation of Power Systems and Generation
Equipment, Dept of Electrical Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Spatially-resolved measurement and diagnostic method for power cables using
interference characteristics of travelling waves
FISCHER Erik, WEINDL Christian; Institute of Electrical Energy Systems, University of
Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
Modeling of viscoelastic dynamic bending stiffness for VIV analysis of submarine
HEDLUND Johan; ABB AB, High Voltage Cables, Karlskrona, Sweden
Effect of lightning impulses on a partially grown electrical tree
CORNISH Darryn R., NYMUPANGEDENGU Cuthbert; School of Electrical and Information
Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Guide to EHV/HV cable sheath bonding application software
VALERO Alvaro; Technical University of Madrid (LCOE-F2I2), Madrid, Spain
DC cable modeling and High Voltage Direct Current grid grounding system
LOUME Dieynaba, BERTINATO Alberto, NGUYEN TUAN Minh; SuperGrid Institute,
Villeurbanne, France
RAISON Bertrand; G2elab, Saint Martin d’Hères, France
Development and engineering application of ±160 kV XLPE to three-terminal VSC
HVDC project in China
HOU Shuai, FU Mingli, ZHAO Linjie; Electric Power Research Institute of China Southern
Power Grid, Guangzhou, China
Investigation of charge injection threshold field on LDPE and XLPE materials
LIU Ning, CHEN George; University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
Relationship between breakdown strengths and trapping parameters of serviced
XLPE cables
LIU Ning, CHEN George; University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
XU Yang; Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
Effects of voltage magnitude on growth characteristics of electrical trees in silicone
ZHANG Yunxiao, ZHOU Yuanxiang, SCHNETTLER Armin; State Key Lab of Control
and Simulation of Power Systems and Generation Equipments, Department of Electrical
Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
ZHANG Xu; North China Electric Power Research Institute Co Ltd, Beijing, China
Optimization of High Voltage electrodes and HV cable accessories design by using
TUNA Enis; Demirer Kablo, Bilecik, Turkey
Influence on measured conductor AC resistance of High Voltage cables when the
shield is used as return conductor
HÖGÅS Marcus, RYDLER Karl-Erik; SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden, Borås,
Measurement of the conductor temperature in power cable production
FRECHEN Henning, PUFFER Ralf, SCHNETTLER Armin; RWTH Aachen University,
Aachen, Germany
BRAMMER Gregor; Forschungsgemeinschaft für Elektrische Anlagen und Stromwirtschaft
e.V., Mannheim, Germany
Improvement of ampacity ratings of Medium Voltage cables in protection pipes
by comprehensive consideration and selective improvement of the heat transfer
mechanisms within the pipe
BALZER Constantin, HINRICHSEN Volker; TU Darmstadt, High Voltage Laboratories,
Darmstadt, Germany
DREFKE Christoph, STEGNER Johannes, SASS Ingo; TU Darmstadt, Geothermal Science
and Technology, Darmstadt, Germany
HENTSCHEL Klaus; Bayernwerk / e-on, Regensburg, Germany
Characterization of Transparent Fluorescent Silicones for Optical Monitoring of HighVoltage Cable Accessories
KUCHARCZYK Krzysztof, BANASZAK Szymon, GAWRYLCZYK Konstanty; West
Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland
LEISTNER André; Polymerics GmbH, Berlin, Germany
SIEBLER Daniel; BAM Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing, Berlin,
HEIDMANN Gerd; IPH Institut “Prüffeld für Elektrische Hochleistungstechnik” GmbH (CESI
Group), Berlin, Germany
Predicted rating system for directly buried cables
HUANG Ru, PILGRIM James A., LEWIN Paul L.; University of Southampton, Southampton,
SCOTT David, BLACKWELL Anna, MORRICE Daniel; National Grid plc, Warwick, UK
Space charge behaviors of PP/EPDM/ZnO nanocomposites for recyclable HVDC
DANG Bin, HE Jinliang, HU Jun, ZHOU You; State Key Lab of Power Systems, Dept. of
Electr. Eng., Tsinghua Univ., Beijing, China
Estimating the losses in three core submarine power cables using 2D and 3D FEA
STURM Sebastian, PAULUS Johannes; University of Applied Sciences WürzburgSchweinfurt, Schweinfurt, Germany
BERGER Frank; Ilmenau University of Technology, Ilmenau, Germany
ABKEN Karl-Ludwig; Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke GmbH /General Cable, Nordenham,
Thermal impedance of insulated overhead power cables heated by joule losses and
solar radiation
CHATZIPANAGIOTOU Panagiotis, TOSCANO Alexandros Saverio,
PAPAGIANNOPOULOS Ioannis; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineers, Thessaloniki, Greece
DE MEY Gijbert; Ghent University, Department of Electronics and Information Systems,
Ghent, Belgium
WIECEK Boguslaw; University of Lodz, Institute of Electronics Technical, Lodz, Poland
MARANDA Witold, NAPIERALSKI Andrzej; Technical University of Lodz, Department of
Microelectronics and Computer Science, Lodz, Poland
Measurement and modeling of surface charge accumulation on insulators in HVDC
gas insulated line (GIL)
ZHANG Boya, WANG Qiang, ZHANG Guixin; Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 16:30
A3 HV operating conditions
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 16:30 - 18:15 - Room: A
Chairman: SALDIVAR CANTU Candelario de J.; Viakable Operaciones, Mexico
Rapporteur: DUBOIS David; Nexans, France
Indirect pipe water cooling study for a 220 kV underground XLPE cable system in
New Zealand
JOYCE Richard; Transpower New Zealand Limited, Wellington, New Zealand
LLOYD Simon, WILLIAMS Alan; Cable Consulting International, Sevenoaks, Kent, UK
Cable replacement in a generation plant
JORAND Patrick, MOUSSET Fabrice, MAUGAIN Yves; EDF CIST, Saint-Denis, France
OUENZAR Mehdi, GUYOT Hervé; SPAC, Clichy, France
Degradation mechanism of SCOF cable due to cable core movement
MATSUYA Yuji, KAYA Takeshi, SOGA Manabu; The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., Osaka,
TSUTSUMI Takahiko, OKAMOTO Gaku; J-Power Systems Corporation, Osaka, Japan
ITABASHI Hideyuki, MITSUYAMA Yasuichi; VISCAS Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
Performance evaluation of integrity monitoring based on optical fibre distributed
temperature and distributed acoustic sensing
CONWAY Chris; Bandweaver, Richmond, UK
MONDANOS Michael; Silixa Ltd, Elstree, UK
150 kV gas pressure cable systems in the Netherlands: experienced systems
SMIT Jacco, DE VRIES Frank, STEENIS Arie; Liandon B.V., Arnhem, The Netherlands
ROSS Rob, SIBBALD Peter; TenneT, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Operating records and recent technology of DTS system and dynamic rating system
WATANABE Tsunefumi; J-Power systems Corporation, Osaka, Japan
Application of knowledge engineering approach to mitigate the infant mortality risk
of HV cable system in Mea Thailand
RAJAKROM Asawin; Metropolitan Electricity Authority, Bangkok, Thailand
B3 Submarine cable testing & qualifications
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 16:30 - 18:15 - Room: B
Chairman: DE WILD Frank; DNV GL, The Netherlands
Rapporteur: CHARLES Fabien; General Cable, France
Long term qualification of XLPE electrical insulation systems for offshore deep water
FAREMO Hallvard; SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim, Norway
BENGTSSON Karl Magnus, KVARME Hans; Nexans Norway AS, Oslo, Norway
Recommendations for mechanical tests on sub-marine cables
BOEDEC Marc, DUBOIS David; Nexans, Calais, France
CLASEN Geir, STOLAN Ronny; Nexans, Halden, Norway
BRADLEY Caroline; National Grid Plc, Warwick, UK
KRÜGER OLSEN Sören; Energinet, Ballerup, Denmark
KIM Sungyun; LS Cable & System, Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea
MCPHAIL Allen; Cabletricity Connections Ltd., Vancouver, Washington, USA
MIRAMONTI Gianni; Prysmian, Milan, Italy
KOUTI Tuomo; Prysmian, Kirkkonummi, Finland
JEROENSE Marc, TYRBERG Andreas; ABB, Karlskrona, Sweden
NAKAJIMA Takenori; VISCAS Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
PRIETO MONTERRUBIO Juan; Red Eléctrica de España, Madrid, Spain
ANTON Svetlana; nkt cables, Cologne, Germany
GEORGALLIS George; Hellenic Cables, Sousaki Korinthias, Greece
BOUDINET Nathalie, THEODULE Lucie; RTE, Paris La Défense, France
ISUS Daniel; General Cable, Manlleu, Catalunya, Spain
GUIZZO Luca; TERNA, Rome, Italy
Testing the allowable compressive limit of HVAC submarine cables
REDA Ahmed; Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
Type test and special tension test of 230 kV XLPE submarine cable system
ONA Satoshi, KAZAMA Tatsuya, NOZAKI Takehiro, MASHIO Shoji; J-Power Systems
Corporation, Osaka, Japan
Challenge of fault location on long submarine power cables
BAWART Manfred; BAUR Prüf und Messtechnik, Sulz, Austria
MARZINOTTO Massimo; TERNA, Rome, Italy
MAZZANTI Giovanni; University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Extension of qualification applied on a MV extruded submarine cable in France
MAMMERI Mohamed, MAURY Romain; General Cable, Montereau-Fault-Yonne, France
DE ROBIEN Gabriel; EDF, Paris, France
BELLOIR Vincent; ERDF, France
Measurements of losses on three core submarine power cables
FRELIN Wilfried, MOREAU Christophe; EDF R&D, Moret-sur-Loing, France
WILLEN Dag, THIDEMANN Carsten, WASCHK Volker; nkt cables, group gmbh & KG,
DE ROBIEN Gabriel; EDF CIST, Saint-Denis, France
BOUDINET Nathalie; RTE, Paris La Défense, France
C3 Diagnosis methods
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 16:30 - 18:15 - Room: C
Chairman: BOONE Willem; DNV GL, The Netherlands
Rapporteur: NAUD Antoine; RTE, France
Localized temperature sensing (LTS) as new approach to HV cable system
monitoring and uprating
BALZA Xabier; General Cable, Barcelona, Spain
BENGOECHEA Javier; Lumiker, Bilbao, Spain
GONZÁLEZ Alberto, MARTÍN-DORADO Ángel; Unión Fenosa Distribución, Madrid, Spain
Fiber optic temperature sensor using intermodal interference for linear
infrastructures monitoring
MUSIN Frédéric, MEGRET Patrice, WUILPART Marc; University of Mons - FPMs - SET,
Mons, Belgium
GRANDJEAN Henri; ORES, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
CALLEMEYN Jan, FOHAL Jean-Christophe; CERISIC, Mons, Belgium
Long power cables: exposing incipient faults and optimizing performance using
extra-long distance fiber optic distributed temperature monitoring
ROCHAT Etienne, NIKLÈS Marc, MATVICHUK Baz, ROWSELL Jane; Omnisens SA,
Morges, Switzerland
Estimating the impact of VLF frequency on effectiveness of VLF withstand
HAMPTON Nigel, PERKEL Josh; NEETRAC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
HERNANDEZ Jean Carlos; Universidad de Los Andes, Merida, Venezuela
TOMER Vivek, KUNTSEVICH Marina; Dow Chemical, Spring House, USA
Off-line diagnostic measurements: Type of measurement versus insulation weakness
ESPILIT Thierry; EDF R&D, Ecuelles, France
DRAPEAU Jean-François; IREQ, Varennes, Québec, Canada
HVIDSTEN Sverre; SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim, Norway
TAMBRUN Roger; ERDF, Paris La Défense, France
Online PD monitoring of short cable systems installed in sub-stations
GARNACHO Fernando; LCOE-FFII, Madrid, Spain
ORTEGO Javier, SÁNCHEZ-URÁN Miguel Ángel; ETSIDI-UPM, Madrid, Spain
GONZÁLEZ Alberto; UFD-Gas Natural Fenosa, Madrid, Spain
D3 Thermo-mechanical testing
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 16:30 - 18:30 - Room: D
Chairman: MARELLI Marco; Prysmian Group, Italy
Rapporteur: DHUICQ Bernard; General Cable, France
North Auckland and Northland 220 kV cable project - managing thermo-mechanical
forces in large conductor XLPE cable circuits
JOYCE Richard, MCBURNEY Ian, GREGROY Brian; Transpower New Zealand Limited,
Wellington, New Zealand
Cigre WG B1.34: mechanical forces with large conductor cross section XLPE cables
KAUMANNS Johannes; LS Cable & System, Gumi-si, Republic of Korea
BACCHINI Marco; Prysmian, Milan, Italy
GEHLIN Gunnar; Svenska Kraftnaet, Stockkolm, Sweden
GREGORY Brian; Cable Consulting International, Sevenoaks, Kent, UK
JOHNSON Dennis; Powereng., Lenexa, USA
KURATA Tatsuo; J-Power systems Corporation, Osaka, Japan
MAY Hans-Peter; nkt cables, Cologne, Germany
PYE Caroline; Mott McDonald, Brighton, Ireland
REINOSO Ricardo; Red Eléctrica de España, Madrid, Spain
SAMUEL Jourice; Nexans, Calais, France
TARNOWSKI Janislaw; IREQ, Varennes, Québec, Canada
VAN DEN THILLART Ron; Tennet, Tilburg, The Netherlands
VILHELMSEN Morten;, Frederica, Denmark
WALD Detlef; Eifelkabel, Villmergen, Switzerland
Thermo-mechanical analysis of MV underground long links
TANZEGHTI Houssam, BRULENT Yves; EDF R&D, Ecuelles, France
TAMBRUN Roger; ERDF, Paris, France
Thermo-mechanical behavior of HV and EHV large conductor XLPE cables in ductmanhole systems
ECKROAD Steve, ZHAO Tiebin; EPRI, Palo Alto, California, USA
GALLOWAY Stephen J., GREGORY Brian; Cable Consulting International, Sevenoaks,
Kent, UK
KING Stephen M.; Dassault Systemes UK Ltd, Warrington, Cheshire, UK
Measurement of thermomechanical properties of 400 kV 2500 mm2 cable
PILGRIM James A., HUNTER Jack, PALMER Neil; University of Southampton,
Southampton, UK
GREGORY Brian; Cable Consulting International, Sevenoaks, Kent, UK
MOORHOUSE David; National Grid plc, Warwick, UK
Evaluation on thermo-mechanical characteristics of outdoor termination by full scale
real test in underground power cable systems
JUNG Chae-kyun, PARK Hung-sok, KANG Ji-won; KEPCO Research Institute, Daejeon,
Republic of Korea
ROH Tae-hyueng, KIM Jae-seung; KEPCO Head Office, Seoul, Republic of Korea
220 kV transpower NZ North Auckland and Northland (NAaN) project - design
validation of thermo-mechanical behaviour
ROUILLARD Vincent; Victoria University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
RAHMAN Naveed; Nexans Olex, Tottenham, Victoria, Australia
Cable installation in vertical shaft
MAGNANI Francesco; Prysmian Power Link S.r.l, Milan, Italy
BACCHINI Marco; Cable Installation Consultant, Italy
E3 Cable ratings calculations 2
Monday June 22nd, 2015 - 16:30 - 18:30 - Room: E
Chairman: COLLA Luigi; Prysmian Power Link Srl, Italy
Rapporteur: DORISON Eric; EDF R&D, France
A new approach for estimation of the dynamic thermal rating model parameters
FARAHANI Alireza, KAMARA Wouleye; CYME Int/Eaton Corp., Montréal, Québec, Canada
ANDERS George; Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
BIC Emmanuel; General Cable, Montereau-Fault-Yonne, France
KEPPLER Uwe; AP Sensing, Boeblingen, Germany
Results and verifications from REE experience on monitoring isolated cables with
Red Eléctrica de España, Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain
New issues in current rating of power cables installed in unventilated tunnels
DORISON Eric, FRELIN Wilfried; EDF R&D, Moret-sur-Loing, France
ANDERS George; Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
MOREAU Olivier; EDF CIST, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Refinement in ambient temperature selection for current rating calculations
LESUR Frédéric, LEJOUR Victor; RTE, Paris, France
Derating factors for multiple circuits of low and medium voltage cable installations
BOCHENSKI Boguslaw; Kinectrics Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada
ANDERS George; Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
A novel cooling solution for an intersection of a 2x2 duct bank with HV cables
crossed by a steam pipe
ANDERS George; Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
BRAKELMANN Heiner; BCC Cable Consulting, Duisburg, Germany
CHERUKUPALLI Sudhakar; BC Hydro, Vancouver, Canada
Snaking of cables in empty pipes
MAIOLI Paolo; Prysmian SpA, Milan, Italy
BACCHINI Marco; Prysmian Power Link Srl, Milan, Italy
Review of underground cable impedance and admittance formulas
AMETANI Akihiro, LAFAIA Isabel, MAHSEREDJIAN Jean; Polytechnique Montreal,
Montréal, Québec, Canada
NAUD Antoine; Reseau de Transport d’Electricite, Paris, France
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 09:00
A4 HV AC new developments
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 09:00 - 10:30 - Room: A
Chairman: WANG Ying; Prysmian Group, Italy
Rapporteur: JOUBERT Vincent; General Cable (Silec Cable), France
The degassing process of HV XLPE cables and its influence on selected electrical
HUOTARI Pekka; Maillefer Extrusion Oy, Vantaa, Finland
BENGTSSON Magnus; Nexans Norway AS, Halden, Norway
BOSTRÖM Jan-Ove, SMEDBERG Annika; Borealis AB, Stenungsund, Sweden
Development of a up to 400 kV XLPE cable with low-smoke properties to be installed
in a tunnel
WALD Detlef; Eifelkabel, Villmergen, Switzerland
ATAY Feyzullah, CIHAN Ismet; Demirer Kablo, Istanbul, Turkey
WILLIAMS Paul; UK Power Networks, Crawley, UK
Development of compact designed 66/77 kV class XLPE cable system
MARUICHI Shinji; VISCAS Corporation, Ichihara, Chiba, Japan
OONO Koichi, MOKI Masaya, NIINOBE Hiroshi; VISCAS Corporation, Shinagawa-Ku,
Tokyo, Japan
Development of 500 kV XLPE cable accessories
LI Guoji, TAKAHASHI Kenji; SWCC Showa Cable Systems Co Ltd, Sagamihara-city,
Kanagawa-pref, Japan
Xintai City, Shandong Province, China
LIU Zhaojian; TBEA Shandong Luneng Taishan Cable Co., Ltd., Xintai City, Shandong
Province, China
KUWAKI Akihisa; EXSYM CORPORATION, Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Province, Japan
Improved design for anti-scattering in fault condition of outdoor termination
JUN Myunghun, KIM Youngbum, CHOI Soogeol, KIM Jinwoo; ILJIN Electric, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
Compact paperless joint for transition from LPFF to XLPE cables
CORSARO Pietro; Brugg Kabel AG, Brugg, Aargau, Switzerland
B4 Installations of submarine lines
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 09:00 - 10:30 - Room: B
Chairman: ZHANG Dongping; TenneT TSO GmbH, Germany
Rapporteur: CHARVET Jean; RTE, France
New approach to installation of offshore wind energy cables
GRIFFIOEN Willem, GUTBERLET Christophe; Plumettaz SA, Bex, Switzerland
MULDER-GROOTOONK Jeannette; Wavin T&I, Dedemsvaart, The Netherlands
HOJSGAARD Lars; nkt Cables AS, Broendby, Denmark
GRATHWOHL Willy; nkt Cables AS, Asnaes, Denmark
BRINGSELL Håkan; nkt Cables AB, Falun, Sweden
SOERENSEN Johnny, BORCH-JENSEN Niels-Joergen; Siemens Windpower, Brande,
Lillebælt - Installation and commissioning of world’s first 400 kV 3-cores submarine
AHRENKIEL VILHELMSEN Morten;, Fredericia, Denmark
KROGH Flemming; ABB HVC, Karlskrona, Sweden
Dynamic cable installation for Fukushima floating offshore wind farm demonstration
YAGIHASHI Kiyotomo, TATENO Yuji; VISCAS Corporation, Shinagawa-Ku, Tokyo, Japan
MANABE Hiroki, SAKAKIBARA Hiroyuki; Furukawa Electric CO., Ltd., Chiyoda, Tokyo,
Development of a three-terminal ready HVDC interconnector between France and
Great Britain via the island Alderney: the FAB Project
KELLY Sean; Transmission Investment, London, UK
Zanzibar interconnector 132 kV submarine cable in Tanzania
NAKAMURA Yoshiharu, OTA Masanori; VISCAS Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
DONAGHY Robert; ESB International, Dublin, Ireland
C4 MV cable diagnosis
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 09:00 - 10:30 - Room: C
Chairman: SMITH III John T.; General Cable Corporation, USA (to be confirmed)
Rapporteur: TOURAINE Jean-Charles; Prysmian Câbles & Systèmes, France
On line diagnosis experimentations for MV cables in ERDF distribution network
DIGARD Hervé; EDF R&D, Moret-sur-Loing, France
TAMBRUN Roger; ERDF, Paris La Défense, France
Accurate on-line fault location (full breakdowns) for MV cables with Smart Cable
STEENNIS Fred; DNV GL, Arnhem, The Netherlands
VAN HUIJKELOM Martijn; Enexis, Arnhem, The Netherlands
VAN MINNEN Frank; Alliander, Arnhem, The Netherlands
BLEEKER Pascal; Locamation, Enschede, The Netherlands
On-site condition assessment of XLPE MV cable joints by using an insulation tester
Research, Trondheim, Norway
Combined application of diagnostics tools for MV underground cables
NEIER Tobias; BAUR Prüf und Messtechnik, Sulz, Austria
Best practice guideline for the complete condition monitoring (cm) of offshore wind
farm (OWF) cable networks
Manchester, UK
Challenges associated with diagnostic selection for condition assessment of long
MV underground feeder circuits
DRAPEAU Jean-François, BERNIER Simon, JEAN Daniel; Hydro-Québec (IREQ),
Varennes, Québec, Canada
D4 On-site and laboratory tests 1
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 09:00 - 10:30 - Room: D
Chairman: PLATH Ronald; Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
Rapporteur: MOREAU Christophe; EDF R&D, France
Investigation of electrical and morphological properties of 10 kV XLPE cable
insulation specimens
SHUVALOV Mikhail, OVSIENKO Vladimir; JSC “VNIIKP”, Moscow, Russia
LAHTI Mikko, HUOTARI Pekka; Maillefer Extrusion Oy, Vantaa, Finland
Condition of shielded 5 kV pink EPR insulated cables after 25 years of service in wet
FRYSZCZYN Bogdan; Cable Technology Laboratories, Inc., New Brunswick, New Jersey,
MANTEY Andrew; EPRI, Charlotte, NC, USA
Measures to reduce skin-effect losses in power cables with optimized conductor
design and their evaluation by measurement
PLATH Ronald, SCHUHMANN Rolf, SUCHANTKE René; Technical University Berlin,
Berlin, Germany
WASCHK Volker; nkt cables, Cologne, Germany
SCHROEDER Gero; Südkabel GmbH, Mannheim, Baden Württemberg, Germany
AC resistance measurements on skin-effect reduced large conductor power cables
with standard equipment
SCHROEDER Gero, HAERING Dominik, WEINLEIN Andreas, BOSSMANN Axel; Südkabel
GmbH, Mannheim, Baden Württemberg, Germany
PLATH Ronald; Ing.-Büro HPS Berlin, Berlin, Germany
VALTIN Markus; Electronics - Web and More GbR, Berlin, Germany
MAJID Maitham; Balfour Beatty Utility Solutions, Dartford, UK
DC conductivity characterization of cables and correlation with lab measurements
CHARRIER Dimitri; Nexans Research Center, Lyon, France
Hyperbaric chamber to test robustness of electric cables
FRÉANI Laurent; Tech-Plus, Bandol, France
LE PÉCHON Jean-Claude; JCLP Hyperbarie, Paris, France
E4 Modelling
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 09:00 - 10:30 - Room: E
Chairman: HAMPTON Nigel; Georgia Tech NEETRAC, USA
Rapporteur: NGUYEN TUAN Minh; EDF R&D, France
Use of conformal transform for current rating calculations of underground cable
LESUR Frédéric; RTE, Paris, France
Efficiency of cable transposition to decrease the induced voltage on linear third-party
LYS Benoit, CABAU Matthieu, LESUR Frédéric; RTE, Paris, France
Evaluation of “cross-talk” in power cables by use of 3d finite element computations
HOYER-HANSEN Martin, SOLHEIM Kristian Thinn, LERVIK Jens Kristian; SINTEF Energy
Research, Trondheim, Norway
Wide-frequency modelling of submarine cables for deep water DC power delivery
CARVALHO Karolina, SOUZA Luiz Felipe, RABELO Balduino, LIMA Luiz André; GE Global
Research Center - Brazil Technology Center, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
Influence of the screen/armour permeability in magnetic fields generated by
HV cables
FARIA DA SILVA Filipe, LETH BAK Claus; Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
EBDRUP Thomas;, Fredericia, Denmark
Boutre-Trans project: 225 kV AC underground cable installed in the South-East of
LAFAIA Isabel, AMETANI Akihiro, MAHSEREDJIAN Jean; Polytechnique Montreal,
Montréal, Québec, Canada
NAUD Antoine; Reseau de Transport d’Electricite, Paris, France
CORREIA DE BARROS Maria Teresa; University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 11:00
A5 HV cable integration in network
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: A
Chairman: BARBER Kenneth; NAN Electric Cable, Australia
Rapporteur: ALLAIS Arnaud; Nexans Research Center, France
Reliability of cable based transmission grids operated based on temperature limits
OLSEN Rasmus;, Fredericia, Denmark
HOLBOELL Joachim; Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
GUDMUNDSDOTTIR Unnur Stella; Dong Energy, Fredericia, Denmark
Installation of cables system connections to gas insulated metal-enclosed
switchgear (GIS)
MIREBEAU Pierre; Nexans, Calais, France
MICHON Franck, MANSOUR Jawdat, SANTANA José; Prysmian Group, Gron, France
MAMMERI Mohamed, DHUICQ Bernard; General Cable, Montereau-Fault-Yonne, France
BAIL Roland; SYCABEL, Paris, France
GUILLEMIN Martial; RTE, Paris, France
TAILHADES Philippe; GIMELEC, Paris, France
LECLERC Frédéric; SIEMENS, Grenoble, France
FICHEUX Arnaud; Alstom, Aix-les-Bains, France
Study on overvoltage of 500 kV cable-overhead mixed lines
YAN Biao, CHEN Li, CHEN Jie, TAO Fengbo, WANG Jingjun; Jiangsu Electric Power
Company Research Institute, Nanjing, China
French feedback on civil and installation works of transmission underground cable
GUYOT Hervé; SERCE, Paris, France
HASCOET Serge, LESUR Frédéric; RTE, Paris, France
Transient studies of power cable sections in 380 kV transmission system
MACKOW Andrzej, KIZILCAY Mustafa; University Siegen, Siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia,
Installation of twenty-four (24) lines of 150 kV XLPE power cables at 2.5 m depth
below ground level in the tropical urban city Jakarta
STEVEN John Yuddy; PLN Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
SINISUKA Ngapuli; Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
B5 Submarine cables - General
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: B
Chairman: CAMPBELL Steven; Superior Essex Energy, USA
Rapporteur: DOMENECH Sabina; General Cable, France
Analysis of electric field distribution in XLPE insulation of DC submarine cable
FAN Yadong, WANG Jianguo, HONG Zejun, ZHOU Mi, CAI Li, LI Xianqiang; Wuhan
University, Wuhan, China
Development of submarine MV-AC power cable with aluminum conductor
Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke GmbH / General Cable, Nordenham, Lower Saxony,
ISUS FEU Daniel; General Cable, Manlleu, Barcelona, Spain
Impact of HVDC cable configuration on compass deviation
MEIJER Sander, DE GRAAF Roald; DNV GL, Arnhem, The Netherlands
HEMPHILL Stephen, MCGUCKIN Mick; Mutual Energy, Belfast, Ireland
Thermal rating method of j tubes using finite element analysis techniques
CHIPPENDALE Richard, CANGY Priank, PILGRIM James A.; University of Southampton,
Southampton, UK
Degradation rates in high voltage subsea cables with polymeric water barrier designs
ANDERSEN VE Torbjørn, HVIDSTEN Sverre, HØLTO Jorunn; SINTEF Energy Research,
Trondheim, Norway
FURUHEIM Knut-Magne, HEDSTRÖM Hanna; Nexans Norway AS, Halden, Norway
EPR insulated cables for modern offshore systems
COLLA Luigi, ZACCONE Ernesto; Prysmian Power Link Srl, Milan, Italy
REIG Aida; Prysmian Powerlink, Drammen, Norway
C5 HV and EHV cable diagnosis
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: C
Chairman: TANAKA Hideo; VISCAS Corporation - Power Cable Division, Tokyo, Japan
Rapporteur: BIC Emmanuel; General Cable, France
Permanent PD monitoring experience on shanghai 500 kV power cable lines
JIANG Jun, GAO Xiaoqing, QIAN Tianyu; Shanghai Electric Power Company, Shanghai,
XIAO Chuanqiang, DAI Hongbin; SINDIA, Beijing, China
Effective on-site testing and non-destructive diagnosis of new installed and service
aged HV (EHV) power cables up to 230 kV
GULSKI Edward, JONGEN Rogier; onsite hv solutions ag, Luzern, Switzerland
PARCIAK Jaroslaw; onsite hv solutions Central Europe Sp. Z o.o., Warsaw, Poland
MINASSIAN Rafael; onsite hv solutions Americas Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada
RAKOWSKA Aleksandra, SIODLA Krzysztof; Poznan University of Technology, Poznan,
Short-term partial discharge monitoring as a diagnostic tool on 400 kV XLPE cable
HABEL Markus; IPH GmbH Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Condition monitoring of electrical cables using line resonance analysis (LIRA)
FANTONI Paolo; Wirescan AS, Vinterbro, Norway
An alternative approach about fault location on HVAC and HVDC cables during
commissioning and operation
BÖHME Frank, SCHIERIG Stefan, HENSEL Michael; HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik Dresden
GmbH, Dresden, Saxony, Germany
Laboratory testing of 33 kV and 132 kV subsea cables with insulation defects
Manchester, UK
D5 On-site and laboratory tests 2
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: D
Chairman: HENNUY Blandine; Laborelec, Belgium
Rapporteur: SANTANA José; Prysmian Câbles & Systèmes, France
Robust characterization of the DC-conductivity of HVDC insulation materials at high
electric fields
GHORBANI Hossein; ABB AB, High Voltage Cables, Karlskrona, Sweden
OLSSON Carl-Olof; ABB AB, Corporate Research, Västerås, Sweden
ANDERSSON Carl-Johan, ENGLUND Villgot; Borealis AB, Stenungsund, Sweden
The impact of water filling of cable conductors during accelerated water tree ageing
HVIDSTEN Sverre, FAREMO Hallvard, HELLESOE Svein Magne; SINTEF Energy
Research, Trondheim, Norway
Automated temperature monitoring and control system for type and design testing of
high voltage XLPE insulated cable systems
BOEV Ivan, BOBKO Rick, LI Ziqin; Kinectrics Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Progress in optical PD detection for translucent and transparent HV cable
accessories with improved fluorescent optical fibers
PLATH Ronald; Technical University Berlin, Berlin, Germany
HABEL Wolfgang, SIEBLER Daniel, ROHWETTER Phillip, LOTHONKAM Chayiaporn; BAM
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
HEIDMANN Gerd, VATERRODT Klaus; IPH GmbH Berlin, Berlin, Germany
LEISTNER Aniela, LEISTNER André; Polymerics, Berlin, Germany
PEPPER Daniel; Beuth Hochschule, Berlin, Germany
Optical PD detection in high voltage cable accessories
EIGNER Alexander, KRANZ Thomas; Tyco Electronics Raychem GmbH, Ottobrunn,
VATERRODT Klaus, HEIDMANN Gerd; IPH GmbH Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Online partial discharge testing of power cables in high noise environment
KHAN Ammar Anwar; Qualitrol, Glasgow, UK
E5 Cable and accessories - Design, applications
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: E
Chairman: KVARTS Thomas; DONG Energy, Denmark
Rapporteur: DORY Matthieu; RTE, France
Influence of heat-shrink joints and terminations on tan delta values of a medium
voltage cable installation at very low frequency
JOUBERT Theresa; Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbiljpark, South Africa
WALKER Jerry; Walmet Technologies, Vereeniging, South Africa
AC resistance of submarine cables
MAIOLI Paolo, BECHIS Massimo; Prysmian SpA, Milan, Italy
DELL’ANNA Gaia; Prysmian Power Link Srl, Milan, Italy
Study of the behaviour of a n-metal cable screen subject to an adiabatic short-circuit
DOMINGO CAPELLA José María; Grupo General Cable Sistemas SL, Barcelona, Spain
Evaluation of how semiconducting versus insulation sealing materials influences
high voltage cables production and testing
HUUVA Ramona, HATLO Marius; Nexans Norway AS, Halden, Norway
XLPE cables with aluminium laminated sheath
ROENNINGEN Terje, SIVERTSVOLL Børre Johansen; Siemens AS, Trondheim, Norway
Energy Research, Trondheim, Norway
Frequency dependency of single-core cable parameters
BREMNES Jarle J.; Unitech Power Systems AS, Oslo, Norway
EVENSET Gunnar; Power Cable Consulting AS, Halden, Norway
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 14:30
A6 HVDC cables & systems
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: A
Chairman: SWINGLER Steve; University of Southampton, UK
Rapporteur: SAMUEL Jorice; Nexans, France
Development and engineering application of ±160 kV XLPE to three-terminal VSC
HVDC project in China
HOU Shuai, FU Mingli, ZHAO Linjie; Electric Power Research Institute of China Southern
Power Grid, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Rating of HVDC submarine cable crossings
HUANG Ziyi, PILGRIM James A., LEWIN Paul L., SWINGLER Steve; University of
Southampton, Southampton, UK
TZEMIS Gregory; National Grid Plc, Warwick, UK
Experience and challenge of cable connections of offshore wind farms in German
North Sea
WERLE Volker, ZHANG Dongping, JUNG Jochen; TenneT TSO GmbH, Bayreuth, Germany
345 kV DC XLPE extruded cable systems development
MAMMERI Mohamed, PAUPARDIN Marie-Laure, LECOURTIER Nathalie; General Cable,
Montereau-Fault-Yonne, France
Review of HVDC insulated transmission cables technologies
MIREBEAU Pierre; Nexans, Paris, France
FROHNE Christian; Nexans, Hannover, Germany
LARSEN Vegar Syrtveit; Nexans, Oslo, Norway
Development process of extruded HVDC cable systems
HAERING Dominik, SCHROEDER Gero, WEINLEIN Andreas, BOSSMANN Axel; Südkabel
GmbH, Mannheim, Baden Württemberg, Germany
B6 Materials for HVDC cables
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: B
Chairman: GUBANSKI Stanislaw; Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Rapporteur: TEYSSEDRE Gilbert; CNRS / Laplace, University P. Sabatier, France
Study of the thermal ageing of the XLPE for HVDC applications
BILLORE Justine, AUGE Jean-Louis, JOUBERT Charles; Ampere Laboratory, Villeurbanne,
PRUVOST Sébastien, GAIN Olivier; IMP Laboratory, Villeurbanne, France
ALLAIS Arnaud, DARQUES Michaël; SuperGrid Institute, Villeurbanne, France
Long term performance of XLPE insulation materials for HVDC cables
Stenungsund, Sweden
Key properties of next generation XLPE insulation material for HVDC cables
LOYENS Wendy, NILSSON Ulf H., SMEDBERG Annika; Borealis AB, Stenungsund,
Effect of static mechanical strain on the DC conductivity of extruded cross-linked
polyethylene cable insulation
HESTAD Øystein L., ENOKSEN Henrik, HVIDSTEN Sverre; SINTEF Energy Research,
Trondheim, Norway
DC electrical conductivity in LDPE-based nanocomposites
HOANG Anh, GUBANSKI Stanislaw, SERDYUK Yuriy; Chalmers University of Technology,
Gothenburg, Sweden
PALLON Love, LIU Dongming, COBO SANCHEZ Carmen, GEDDE Ulf; KTH Royal Institute
of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
Loss of dielectric strength of polymers due to high-frequency voltages in HVDC
BIRLE Matthias, LEU Carsten; Technische Universität Ilmenau, Research Unit High-Voltage
Technologies, Ilmenau, Germany
C6 Maintenance
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: C
Chairman: AWAD Ray; Ray Awad Inc., Canada
Rapporteur: GALERON Didier; Nexans, France
Hydro-Québec advancements with infrared imaging for the maintenance of the
underground medium voltage cable system
TRÉPANIER Michel, CÔTÉ Jacques; Hydro-Québec, Montréal, Québec, Canada
REE’s research and development projects related to predictive maintenance based
on monitoring of critical parameters in high voltage underground cables
DONOSO Gonzalo, REINOSO Ricardo, GARCÍA Rafael, ALVARADO Luis Felipe; Red
Eléctrica de España, Madrid, Spain
ORTEGO Javier; DIAEL, Madrid, Spain
TESTA Luigi; Prysmian Cables and Systems, Barcelona, Spain
Rejuvenation of EPR-insulated medium voltage underground cables
VARJIAN Richard, BUSBY David, BERTINI Glen; Novinium, Inc, Auburn, Washington, USA
DGA (dissolved gas analysis) diagnostic method reveals internal carbonization in oilfilled High Voltage extruded cable terminations
SINGH Nirmal, SINGH Sandeep, REYES Rommy; DTE Energy, Detroit, MI, USA
HLAVAC Jeff, SCHMIDT Robert; Lincoln Electric System, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA
UZELAC Milan; G&W Electric Company, Bolingbrook, IL, USA
ZHAO Tiebin, KUMMER David; EPRI, Charlotte, NC, USA
Prelocating and pinpointing faults on underground Medium-Voltage cables: review of
Hydro-Quebec’s experience
REYNAUD Lionel, PINEAU Daniel; Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Varennes, Québec, Canada
CÔTÉ Jacques; Hydro-Québec, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Dielectric diagnosis of extruded cable insulation by very low frequency and
spectroscopy techniques - a few case studies
BURJUPATI Nageshwar Rao; Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka,
D6 Specific testing trends 1
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: D
Chairman: ZHAO Tiebin (Tom); EPRI - Electrical Power Research Institute, USA
Rapporteur: FAVRIE Chantal, France
Experiences of combined HV & EHV qualifications to IEC, AEIC and challenges IEEE
48 & 404
RILEY Caryn, PERKEL Josh, HILL Ray, HAMPTON Nigel; NEETRAC, Atlanta, Georgia,
How to perform a pre-qualification test - interpretation of the standard
Laboratories, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Effectiveness of tests after installation on power cable systems
Final countdown for CPR cable classification - View from a notified body
CORNELISSEN Christian; VDE Testing and Certification Institute, Offenbach, Germany
Testing submarine cables for combined axial compression and bending loads
TYRBERG Andreas, ERIKSSON Erik; ABB AB, High Voltage Cables, Karlskrona, Sweden
GRØNSUND Jørgen, KLÆBO Frank; MARINTEK, Department of Structural Engineering,
Trondheim, Norway
Weibull analysis as a tool to describe DC breakdown performance and distribution in
polyethylene for HVDC at laboratory scale
CHARRIER Dimitri, GUFFOND Raphael, MAZEL Christelle, MERLE Daphne, ALLAIS
Arnaud; Nexans Research Center, Lyon, France
E6 Technical challenges
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: E
Chairman: KOO Ja-yoon; Hanyang University, Republic of Korea
Rapporteur: TARDY Kevin; RTE, France
Progress control in the context of the project management for the execution of a
320 kV HVDC land cable project - Dolwin 2
EBERT Sebastian, BORN Johann; ABB AG, Mannheim, Baden Württemberg, Germany
Integration of an 88 km 220 kV AC cable into the Victorian electricity network in
MCMILLAN Lee, JANJIC Miron; Beca Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
CHRISTMAS Ian; Beca Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia
HVDC & HVAC cable systems delivered on long length drums
SANTANA José, MICHON Franck, MANSOUR Jawdat; Prysmian Group, Gron, France
MIREBEAU Pierre, ADAM Dominique; Nexans, Calais, France
MAMMERI Mohamed, DHUICQ Bernard; General Cable, Montereau-Fault-Yonne, France
BAIL Roland; SYCABEL, Paris, France
LESUR Frédéric; RTE, Paris, France
Cable quality assurance of offshore projects in the German North Sea
ZHANG Roland Dongping, WERLE Volker, JUNG Jochen; TenneT TSO GmbH, Bayreuth,
Cable constraints due to background harmonic amplifications
FILLION Yannick, DESCHANVRES Simon, BOUDINET Nathalie; RTE, Paris, France
Watertight cable designs in hydropower generation plants
SIVERTSVOLL Børre Johansen, RØNNINGEN Terje; Siemens AS, Trondheim, Norway
FAREMO Hallvard, LERVIK Jens Kristian; SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim, Norway
HØNSI Kåre, WILNES Rolf; Statkraft Energi AS, Oslo, Norway
HALVORSON Hans Lavoll, JACOBSEN Ole Kristian; BKK Nett AS, Bergen, Norway
Materials, ageing
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: F
Chairman: MONTANARI Gian Carlo; DEI - University of Bologna, Italy (to be confirmed)
Rapporteur: CHARRIER Dimitri; Nexans Research Center, France
F6.1.01 A study on the chemical & structural changes of thermally aged XLPE cable
insulation by FTIR and thermal analysis techniques
NAGESHWAR RAO Burjupati; Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka,
F6.1.02 Development of a new liquid antioxidant for stabilizing XLPE compounds or for direct
peroxide injection process
LABBÉ Denis; Ecole d’ingénieur de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland
HILL Jonathan, TAN Siren, RIDER Chris; Addivant Tenax Road, Trafford Park, Manchester,
F6.1.03 Dielectric strength of ϒ-radiation cross-linked, high vinyl-content polyethylene
ANDERSSON Mattias, JARVID Markus, MÜLLER Christian; Department of Chemical
and Biological Engineering/Polymer Technology, Chalmers University of Technology,
Gothenburg, Sweden
JOHANSSON Anette, GUBANSKI Stanislaw; Department of Materials and Manufacturing
Technology/High Voltage Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg,
FOREMAN Mark; Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering/Nuclear Chemistry,
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
ANDERSSON Mats; Ian Wark Research Institute, University of South Australia, Mawson
Lakes, Australia
F6.1.04 Practical research on upgrading of 10 kV power cable
YAN Biao, ZHOU Li, CHEN Jie, TAO Fengbo; Jiangsu Electric Power Company Research
Institute, Nanjing, China
F6.1.05 Ensuring future reliability using manufacturers’ standards to assess cable system
performance after installation
HAFNER Gerhard; Wiener Netze, Vienna, Austria
ZIEGLER Steffen, LANZ Benjamin; IMCORP, Manchester, USA
F6.1.06 Suggestion of new factors for the PE-based MV cable diagnosis using VLF tan-delta
KIM Sung-min, JEON Si Sik, KIM Dongsub; Korea Electrical Corporation, Jeollanam-do,
Republic of Korea
F6.1.07 On the mechanism of leakage conduction in cable dielectrics
CHANDUPATLA Chakradhar Reddy, TIWANA Alampratap Singh; Indian Institute of
Technology Ropar, Rupnagar, India
F6.1.08 Effect of carbon black selection on semiconductive compound water content and
uptake behavior
BONACCHI Daniele, VAN BELLINGEN Christine; IMERYS Graphite and Carbon, Bodio,
LABBÉ Denis; P&M Cable Consulting LLC, Geneva, Switzerland
Diagnosis, maintenance, remaining life, economy
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: F
Chairman: MAYER Hans; Consultant, Australia
Rapporteur: ANGOULEVANT Olivier; Prysmian Câbles & Systèmes, France
F6.2.01 The experience in applying new recovery voltage parameters for the impregnated
paper insulation cable condition diagnostics
KONONENKO Alexander, HOHRYAKOV Alexey; RISI, Lytkarino, Moscow region, Russia
F6.2.02 Failure experience of Medium Voltage cable heat shrink accessories in Saudi Arabian
transmission network
AL DHUWAIAN Abdullah A.; Saudi Electricity Company, Buraydah, Qassim, Saudi Arabia
F6.2.03 On-line monitoring and relative trending of dielectric loss in cross-linked HV cable
YANG Yang, DONALD Hepburn, CHENGKE Zhou; Glasgow Caledonian University,
Glasgow, UK
WENJUN Zhou; Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
WEI Jiang, BIN Yang; Wuhan Power Supply Company, Wuhan, China
F6.2.04 Diagnosis of water tree in power cable based on loss current harmonic component
energized by variable frequency resonance power source
ZHOU Li, YAN Biao, CHEN Jie, TAO Fengbo; Jiangsu Electric Power Company Research
Institute, Nanjing, China
F6.2.05 Solutions for thefts in overhead-underground transition towers in Red Eléctrica de
Dolores; Red Eléctrica de España, Alcobendas, Madrid, Spain
F6.2.06 PD testing and monitoring of HV cable systems
KOLTUNOWICZ Wojciech, BADICU Laurentiu-Viorel, HUMMEL Rene, BRONIECKI Ulrike,
GEBHARDT Daniel; OMICRON Energy Solutions GmbH, Berlin, Germany
F6.2.07 Subsea and EHV cables require a challenging purity degree of XLPE-material
PRUNK Harry, LIEDER Holger; SIKORA AG, Bremen, Germany
F6.2.08 Optasense® distributed acousticsensing (DAS) systems for the power network
SINGH Kuljit; Optasense Ltd, Cody Technology Park, Ively Road, Farnborough, GU14 0LX,
Hampshire, UK
F6.2.09 Decision making and forecasting using the data available to utilities - pitfalls,
challenges, and case studies of ways forward
WALD Detlef; Eifelkabel, Villmergen, Switzerland
PERKEL Josh, HAMPTON Nigel; NEETRAC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
F6.2.10 Resilient 12 to 36 kV touch safe aerial network solution with a competitive total cost
of ownership
EFRAIMSSON Lars, HAGMAN Ingvar, ÅHMAN Johan; nkt Cables AB, Falun, Sweden
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 16:30
A7 Testing & Qualification of HVDC cable systems
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 16:30 - 18:00 - Room: A
Chairman: ZACCONE Ernesto; Prysmian Power Link Srl, Italy
Rapporteur: BOUDINET Nathalie; RTE, France
Qualification of an extruded HVDC cable system at 525 kV
Markus, FARKAS Andreas; ABB AB, High Voltage Cables, Karlskrona, Sweden
AXELSSON Fredrik, MONDIET Vincent; ABB AB, Kabeldon, Alingsås, Sweden
The space charge characteristic in DC-XLPE cable after 400 kV PQ test
KATAYAMA Tomohiko, YAMAZAKI Takanori, MURATA Yoshinao, MASHIO Shoji, IGI
Tsuyoshi; J-Power Systems Corporation, Hitachi-shi, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
HOZUMI Naohiro, HORI Masahiko; Toyohashi University of of Technolgy, Toyohashi-shi,
aichi-ken, Japan
Development and high temperature qualification of innovative 320 kV DC cable with
superiorly stable insulation system
Stefano, POZZATI Giovanni; Prysmian SpA, Milan, Italy
BOFFI Paolo; Prysmian Cavi e Sistemi SRL, Milan, Italy
Lightning impulse test requirement for HVDC transmission systems
JANSSON Henrik, WORZYK Thomas; ABB AB, Karlskrona, Sweden
Space charge evolution in composite XLPE HVDC cable insulation during VSC prequalification programme
TZIMAS Antonios, LUCAS Guillaume, DYKE Kevin, PERROT Fabrice; Alstom Grid,
Stafford, UK
YAGI Yukihiro, TANAKA Hideo; VISCAS Corporation, Ichihara, Chiba, Japan
DODD Stephen; University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
Cigre WG B1.42: Recommendations for testing DC transition joints for power
transmission at a rated voltage up to 500 kV
ARGAUT Pierre; CIGRE SC B1, Paris, France
B7 New materials
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 16:30 - 18:00 - Room: B
Chairman: HJERTBERG Thomas; Borealis AB, Sweden
Rapporteur: FRELIN Wilfried; EDF R&D, France
High performance thermoplastic cable insulation systems for flexible network
VAUGHAN Alun, HOSIER Ian; University of Southampton, Southampton, UK
STEVENS Gary C, PYE Amy, THOMAS Janet, SUTTON Simon; Gnosys Global Ltd, Surrey,
GEUSSENS Theo; Dow Europe GmbH, Horgen, Zurich, Switzerland
Recent developments in cure control for crosslinkable polyethylene (XLPE) power
cable insulation
PERSON Timothy, COGEN Jeffrey; The Dow Chemical Company, Collegeville,
Pennsylvania, USA
SUN Yabin; Dow Chemical (China) Investment Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China
Self healing high voltage electrical insulation materials
LESAINT Cedric, HESTAD Øystein L., HVIDSTEN Sverre; SINTEF Energy Research,
Trondheim, Norway
GLOMM Wilhelm; SINTEF Materials and Chemistry, Trondheim, Norway
The characteristics of recyclable thermo-plastic based on polyethylene blends for
extruded cables
LI Lunzhi, ZHONG Lisheng, ZHANG Kai, CHEN Guanghui; State Key Laboratory of
Electrical Insulation and Power Equipment, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
HOU Shuai, FU Mingli; Electric Power Research Institute of China Southern Power Grid,
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Validation of power cable material technology with reduced degassing burden
SUN Yabin; Dow Chemical (China) Investment Co. Ltd., Shanghai, China
PERSON Timothy; The Dow Chemical Company, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, USA
Development of a XLPE insulating with low peroxide by-products
MAMMERI Mohamed, DENIZET Isabelle, GARD Jean-Christophe; General Cable,
Montereau-Fault-Yonne, France
C7 Cables and systems, modelling and assessment
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 16:30 - 18:00 - Room: C
Chairman: MOSIER Rachel; Power Delivery Consultants, USA
Rapporteur: CHARMETANT Adrien; Nexans, France
A study on state assessment method of power cable system to be upgraded
YAN Biao, ZHOU Li, CHEN Jie, WANG Jingjun; Jiangsu Electric Power Company Research
Institute, Nanjing, China
Validation of a generic tool of kinetic simulation of cable ageing
BEN HASSINE Mouna, MAURIN Romain, MARQUE Grégory; EDF R&D, Moret-sur-Loing,
Identification of cable local thermal stress with time domain reflectometry
ESPILIT Thierry; EDF R&D, Ecuelles, France
FRANÇOIS Sandrine; EDF SEPTEN, Lyon, France
FAGEON Jean-Marie; EDF DPN, Paris, France
Modeling and simulation of failures in high temperature superconducting cable for
detection and location via time-frequency domain reflectometry
LEE Geon Seok, KWON Gu Young, CHANG Seung-jin, LEE Chun-kwon, HAN Yee-jin,
PARK Jin Bae, SHIN Yong-june; Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Maintenance decision models for Java-Bali 150 kV power transmission submarine
cable using rams
SILALAHI Zivion, NUGRAHA Herry; PLN Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
SINISUKA Ngapuli; ITB, School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Bandung,
Research on error control of optimal computation combining temperature field with
ampacity of cables under complicated conditions
SHAN Jiang; Wuhan Talentum Electric Power CO., TLD, Wuhan, China
LI Yin, ZHU Xueliang, ZHAI Guangxin, WANG Wei; State Grid Electric Power Research
Institute, Wuhan, China
D7 Specific testing trends 2
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 16:30 - 18:00 - Room: D
Chairman: ZENGER Walter; USI, USA
Rapporteur: PAUPARDIN Marie-Laure; General Cable, France
Type testing of 150 kV - 161 kV cable system combining AEIC, ICEA and IEC test
JOVANOVIC Ivan; G&W Electric Company, Bolingbrook, IL, USA
GEORGALLIS George, CONSTANTINOU Constantinos; Hellenic Cables SA, Marousi,
WU Grand; G&W Electric Company, Shanghai, China
Suitability of test voltages applied to high and extra-high voltage extruded cables
for quality acceptance during commissioning and for condition assessment during
MÄTZOLD Stefan, HAUSCHILD Wolfgang, HENSEL Michael; HIGHVOLT Prüftechnik
Dresden GmbH, Dresden, Saxony, Germany
New qualification tests for high loaded MV joints
HENNUY Blandine; Laborelec, Linkebeek, Belgium
STEENNIS Fred, VAN MAANEN Bernd; DNV GL, Arnhem, The Netherlands
DE RIDDER Eddy, STUL Simon; Nexans Network Solutions, Erembodegem, Belgium
AERNS Ben; Alliander, Arnhem, The Netherlands
BOKMA Leon; Westland Infra, Poeldijk, The Netherlands
BUYS Pieter; Stedin BV, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
COLIN Philippe; ORES, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
MEIER Ralf; 3M, Neuss, Germany
OOSTERLEE Piet; Delta Netwerkbedrijf, Goes, The Netherlands
SEURINCKX Kenny; Eandis, Melle, Belgium
SOEPBOER Piet; Enexis, Den Bosch, The Netherlands
TANZEGHTI Houssam; EDF, Paris, France
VAN DEN BERG Marcel; Sibelga, Brussels, Belgium
Restoring lead alloy solder on cable joint for fluid filled low pressure 145 kV with
increasing pressure class
ALMEIDA Geraldo; Techsys Cables, Santo André - SP, Brazil
SOUZA Paulo; AES ELETROPAULO, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
BARIONI Carlos; Daimom Engenharia, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
PINHEIRO Walter; Walter Pinheiro, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
Bending stiffness of submarine cables
MAIOLI Paolo; Prysmian SpA, Milan, Italy
Improved method of determining bending stiffness of underground cables
TARNOWSKI Janislaw; Hydro-Québec (IREQ), Varennes, Québec, Canada
E7 Material related special features
Tuesday June 23rd, 2015 - 16:30 - 18:00 - Room: E
Chairman: LEEBURN Kieron; CBI Electric, African Cables Ltd, South Africa
Rapporteur: MICHON Franck; Prysmian Câbles & Systèmes, France
The need to update / upgrade test procedures for connectors used in MV
underground joints
FAIRLEY Barry, HAMPTON Nigel, PARKER Thomas; NEETRAC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Influence of expansion on electric field distribution of stress cones for high voltage
cable accessories
ZIERHUT Stefan; STRESCON GmbH, Esslingen a. N., Germany
Current rating of power cables with temperature limit imposed on backfill/duct bank
FARAHANI Alireza, GAROUX Laure, KAMARA Wouleye; CYME Int/Eaton Corp., Montréal,
Québec, Canada
ANDERS George; Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
The 110 kV cable thermal field analysis based on the thermal path model and
simulation calculation
ZHAO Miao, YU Qinxue, ZHONG Lisheng; State Key Laboratory of electrical insulation and
power equipment, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China
HOU Shuai, FU Mingli; Electric Power Research Institute of China Southern Power Grid,
Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Improvements on dry type design for GIS and transformer termination up to 300 kV,
by means of adjustable compression force
SEKULA Oldrich, SUN Guoyan; Brugg Kabel AG, Brugg, Aargau, Switzerland
Effect of impurities on electric field distribution in HV XLPE insulation
MONAJJED Omar; Liban Cables - Nexans, Beirut, Lebanon
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 09:00
A8 Testing of HVDC systems
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 09:00 - 10:30 - Room: A
Chairman: STEENNIS Fred; DNV GL - Energy, The Netherlands
Rapporteur: HONDAA Pierre; RTE, France
Space charge evolution in XLPE HVDC cable with thermal-step-method and pulseelectro-acoustic
TZIMAS Antonios, LUCAS Guillaume, DYKE Kevin, PERROT Fabrice; Alstom Grid,
Stafford, UK
BOYER Ludovic, MIREBEAU Pierre; Nexans, Calais, France
DODD Stephen; University of Leicester, Leicester, UK
CASTELLON Jérôme, NOTINGHER Petru; Université Montpellier, Montpellier, France
Development of an industrial space charge measurement facility for extruded HVDC
full scale cables
BOYER Ludovic, MIREBEAU Pierre; Nexans France, Calais, France
PLOPEANU Mihai; Ofrim Group, Bucharest, Romania
CASTELLON Jérôme, NOTINGHER Petru, AGNEL Serge; Institut d’Electronique du Sud Université Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France
JOSSIEN Dominique, DEPUIDT Yves; Enitram, Dunkerque, France
Partial discharge testing of XLPE cables for HVDC: Challenges and opportunities
CAVALLINI Andrea, MONTANARI Gian-Carlo; DEI - University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
BOYER Ludovic, LUTON Marie-Hélène, MIREBEAU Pierre; Nexans France, Calais, France
Laboratory and field partial discharge measurement in HVDC power cables
SELTZER-GRANT Malcolm; HVPD Ltd, Manchester, UK
B8 Material for accessories and sheathing
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 09:00 - 10:30 - Room: B
Chairman: BHATTACHARYYA Rohini; Ducab, United Arab Emirates
Rapporteur: AIT AMAR Abdellatif; Nexans, France
Lifetime prediction of an external protection of cold-shrinkable joint in EPDM rubber
subjected to thermal ageing
BEN HASSINE Mouna, TOURCHER Christophe, MARQUE Grégory; EDF R&D, Moret-surLoing, France
NAÏT-ABDELAZIZ Moussa, ZAÏRI Fahmi; Laboratoire de Mécanique de Lille, Villeneuve
d’Ascq, France
COLLIN Xavier; Laboratoire des Procédés et Ingénierie en Mécanique et Matériaux, Paris,
Fracture behavior and thermo-oxidative ageing of EPDM
KARTOUT Christopher, CRISTIANO-TASSI Antonella, MARQUE Grégory; EDF R&D,
Moret-sur-Loing, France
CRETON Costantino; SIMM - ESPCI, Paris, France
Temperature and electric field dependence of XLPE MV cable joint stress control
ENOKSEN Henrik, HVIDSTEN Sverre; SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim, Norway
SANDEN Mai-Linn, MAUSETH Frank; Norwegian University of Science and Technology,
Dept. of Electric Power Engineering, Trondheim, Norway
Effect of silicone rubber’s electric conductance characteristic on interface charge
distribution inside XLPE insulated HVDC cable termination
DU Boxue, ZHU Lewei, LI Zhonglei; School of Electrical Engineering and Automation,
Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
ZHAO Hong; Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin, China
Self-healing cable sheaths in extruded polymeric power cables
RHODES Rhys, GERMAN Ian, STEVENS Gary C; Gnosys Global Ltd, Guildford, Surrey, UK
Designing a new inline insulated piercing trough connector for conductor crosssections 1.5 to 25 mm2
SOEPBOER Piet, LEPPINK Sebastian, BROERSMA Tjeerd; Enexis, ‘s-Hertogenbosch,
The Netherlands
C8 Improvement of cable ratings
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 09:00 - 10:30 - Room: C
Chairman: KRÄHENBÜHL Francis; Nexans Suisse SA, Switzerland
Rapporteur: BELLOT Frédéric; General Cable, France
Invited Lecture: “Smart Grids and insulated power cables”
MALLET Pierre; Director for R&D and Innovation in ERDF, France
Ampacity and other design considerations for Medium Voltage cables used in
renewable energy applications
BASCOM III Earle C. (Rusty); Electrical Consulting Engineers, P.C., Schenectady, New
York, USA
ALLEN JR Richard W.; Consultant, Northboro, Massachusetts, USA
Enhanced medium voltage cable ratings by improving cable trench design and
thermal conditions
MEIJER Sander, DE WILD Frank; DNV GL, Arnhem, The Netherlands
DEWA, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Lifetime extension of medium voltage cables
WOSCHITZ Rudolf, PIRKER Alex; Graz University of Technology, Graz, Austria
STEURER Herbert; Netz Burgenland Strom GmbH, Eisenstadt, Austria
HESSE Martin; UtiLX Europe GmbH, Bückeburg, Germany
Development of the super-capacity insulated wire cable for distribution line
LEE Kyongtae; ILJIN Electric, Kyunggi-Do, Hwasung-Si/Annyoung-Dong, Republic of Korea
LEE Moonseok; SK Chemical, Daejeon-si, Republic of Korea
LEE Mincheol; KEPCO, Kwang-ju, Republic of Korea
D8 Testing evaluations
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 09:00 - 10:30 - Room: D
Chairman: GULSKI Edward; onsite hv solutions ag, Switzerland
Rapporteur: GUILLEMIN Martial; RTE, France
System impedances for power cable umbilicals
SOLHEIM Kristian Thinn, LERVIK Jens Kristian; SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim,
High voltage XLPE cable partial discharge localization technology based on high
frequency signal transmission
BINWU Wang, XUELIANG Zhu, GUANGXIN Zhai; Wuhan Talentum Electric Power CO.,
TLD, Wuhan, Hubei, China
WEI Wang; State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan, Hubei, China
ICEA standard S-97-682-97 hyperbaric accelerated water treeing test (AWTT)
performed at 250 and 310 bar
SMITH III John T.; General Cable Corporation, Scottsville, Texas, USA
ISUS Daniel; General Cable Corporation, Manlleu, Catalunya, Spain
ALFORD Michael D., HAJIAGHAJANI Masoud; Chevron Energy Technology Company,
Houston, Texas, USA
WHIDDON John T.; Aker Solutions - Umbilicals NA, Mobile, Alabama, USA
Performing type tests for the qualification of three-core submarine cables and
accessories for connections of offshore wind farms
JEGUST Detlef; IPH GmbH Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Research and experiments of electromagnetic wave transmission rate in different
kinds of cable
BINWU Wang, XUELIANG Zhu, GUANGXIN Zhai; Wuhan Talentum Electric Power CO.,
TLD, Wuhan, Hubei, China
WEI Wang; State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Wuhan, Hubei, China
Measurement of the AC resistance of small cross section power cables
WU Wei Ning, ZHU Shi Jing, LUO Jian Bo, CHEN Xiong, SONG Chang Po, QU Xiao Lei;
State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, Nan Jing, Jiang Su Province, China
WANG Ying; Prysmian Group, Milan, Italy
E8 New cable and accessories monitoring applications
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 09:00 - 10:30 - Room: E
Chairman: SYTNIKOV Victor; R&D Center @FGC UES, Russia
Rapporteur: LENCOT Gérard; Prysmian Câbles & Systèmes, France
The introduction of PD detection with on-line PD diagnosis system in EHV
underground power cable
KIM Jae-seung, ROH Tae-hyueng, KIM Dong Kyu, KIM Jin, KIM Youn Chan; KEPCO, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
Toward acoustic detection of partial discharges in high voltage cables
CZASZEJKO Tadeusz, STEPHENS Jarman; Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria,
Development of advanced partial discharge measurement for XLPE cable system
TAKAHASHI Toshihiro, NOZAWA Yusuke, OKAMOTO Tatsuki; Central Research Institute
of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Yokosuka, Japan
On-line partial discharge screening of MV and HV cables: feasibility and potential
MONTANARI Gian-Carlo; University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
HEBERER Stephan, SCERBO Luigi; Techimp, Bologna, Italy
Ultrasonic extrusion quality monitoring of multilayer HV cables during production
HUMPHREYS-JONES Gareth; Acuity Products Limited, St. Asaph, UK
Laboratory investigation of a service aged HV cable termination
TAMUS Zoltán Ádám, CSÁNYI Gergely Márk; Budapest University of Technology and
Economics, Budapest, Hungary
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 11:00
A9 Materials and space charges
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: A
Chairman: MARZINOTTO Massimo; Terna S.p.A., Italy
Rapporteur: EYSSAUTIER Quentin; Nexans, France
Observation of space charge accumulation in cable insulating materials at voltage
polarity reversal
TANAKA Yasuhiro, KODERA Ryota, KATO Tsuyoshi, MIYAKE Hiroaki; Tokyo City
University, Tokyo, Japan
MORI Hiroki, YAGI Yukihiro; VISCAS Corporation, Ichihara, Chiba, Japan
Space charge distribution in XLPE plates with non-uniform conductivity
ARNSTEN Sara, MA Bin; ABB AB, Corporate Research, Västerås, Sweden
SALTZER Markus, JEROENSE Marc; ABB AB, High Voltage Cables, Karlskrona, Sweden
Behaviors of water tree propagation after accelerated aging under different polarity
DC voltages
ZHOU Kai, LI Tianhua, YANG Mingliang, HUANG Ming, LI Kangle; School of Electrical
Engineering and Information, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Development of XLPE nano-composite used for HVDC ±250 kV cable system
compatible with LCC and VSC
NAM Jin-ho, PARK Wan-ki; LS Cable & System, Gyeongi, Republic of Korea
JEON Seung-ik; LS Cable & System, Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea
LEE In-ho; LS Cable & System, Gangwon, Republic of Korea
HWANGBO Seung; Honam University, Gwangju, Republic of Korea
KIM Jeong-tae; Daejin University, Gyeongi, Republic of Korea
LEE June-ho; Hoseo University, Chungnam, Republic of Korea
KOO Ja-yoon; Hanyang University, Gyeongi, Republic of Korea
Research and development of ±320 kV flexible HVDC power cable
HU Ming; Zhongtian Technology Submarine Cable Co., Ltd, Nantong, China
XIE Shuhong, WU Xiaowei; Zhongtian Technology Group Co., Ltd, Nantong, China
Triple jumps of XLPE insulated HVDC cable development in China: From 160 kV,
200 kV to 320 kV
XIE Shuhong; Zhongtian Technology Group Co., Ltd, Nantong, China
FU Mingli; China South Power Grid International Co., Ltd, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
YIN Yi; Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
B9 Material performances
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: B
Chairman: GOCKENBACH Ernst; Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany (to be confirmed)
Rapporteur: NOTINGHER Petru; Institut d’Électronique du Sud - Université Montpellier 2, CNRS,
High quality carbon black to surpass traditional solution for HV semicons?
BONACCHI Daniele, VAN BELLINGEN Christine; IMERYS Graphite and Carbon, Bodio,
LABBÉ Denis; P&M Cable Consulting LLC, Geneva, Switzerland
Non-contact surface metrology of degraded conductor screens in XLPE cables
HOELTO Jorunn, BAKKEN Kristine, HVIDSTEN Sverre; SINTEF Energy REsearch,
Trondheim, Norway
Remnant static mechanical stresses and water tree ageing of XLPE power cables
ILDSTAD Erling, GROV-PLASSEN Kurt Albert; Norwegian University of Science and
Technology, Trondheim, Norway
FAREMO Hallvard; SINTEF Energy Research, Trondheim, Norway
Evaluation of degradation of PVC by dielectric spectroscopy, and SEM and FTIR
HANDALA Mohand Amokrane, ZEBOUDJ Farida; University Mouloud Mammeri, TiziOuzou, Algeria
BELHITECHE El Hadi; Université Med Boudiaf, M’sila, Algeria
The influence of operating conditions of cable lines in grids on selected properties of
extruded cable insulation
ZAWODNIAK Jozef Jacek; ENEA Operator S.A., Poznan, Poland
RAKOWSKA Aleksandra; Poznan University of Technology, Poznan, Poland
C9 Special Cables - Avionics
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: C
Chairman: SCHUTTEN Jan; Prysmian Group, The Netherlands
Rapporteur: JEANGUILLAUME Alain; Draka Fileca, France
Invited Lecture: “Impact of the new electrical architecture of aircraft on insulated
power cables”
ROQUES Serge; Emeritus Expert in SAFRAN Group, France
New cable family for new power supply need in aerospace environment
IGNAZI Pierre, GAUCHY Stéphane; DRAKA FILECA, Sainte Geneviève, France
Validating and quantifying reliability improvements of new cable designs - A case
study of 600 V self sealing cables
FLETCHER Chris; Duke Energy, Charlotte, NC, USA
MCAULIFFE Joe; Southwire, Carollton, USA
PERKEL Josh; NEETRAC, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Low bending radius aerospace power feeder cables for reliable electrical
architectures of more electrical aircrafts
DAUMAND Thierry, LECLUSE Wilfried, PINTO Olivier, RYBSKI Patrick; Nexans, Draveil,
D9 Environment and sustainability 1
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: D
ZHONG Lisheng; State Key Laboratory of electrical insulation and power equipment,
Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Rapporteur: MOINDROT Vincent; RTE, France
Feedback on the management of transmission lines magnetic fields in France
CABAU Matthieu, LESUR Frédéric, DESCHAMPS François; RTE, Paris, France
Failures in underground power cables - return of experience
Frank, STEENNIS Fred; DNV GL, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Assessment of environmental impact of submarine cables and offshore connections
SAFFROY Damien, LESUR Frédéric, RAOUX Aurore; RTE, Paris, France
Choice of electrically conductive plate for shielding the magnetic field from
underground high voltage cables
SUN Guoyan, RIESINGER Jens, SEKULA Oldrich, CORSARO Pietro; Brugg Kabel AG,
Brugg, Aargau, Switzerland
Heat dissipation of high voltage cable systems - a technical and agricultural study
BRÜGGMANN Jan, JUNGNITZ Ludger, UTHER Dirk; Amprion GmbH, Dortmund, Germany
TRÜBY Peter; Albert Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany
Thermal ratings of submarine HV cables informed by environmental considerations
THOMPSON Charlie; University of Southampton, Hants, UK
E9 Design of LV MV cable systems
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: E
Chairman: FALCONER Antony; Aberdare Cables, South Africa
Rapporteur: BÉNARD Laurent; Prysmian Câbles & Systèmes, France
Copper-clad aluminum as an alternative to copper flexible conductors for electric
power cables: opportunities and challenges
BAREGGI Alberto, CASIRAGHI Flavio, DE RAI Luca, MARTELLI Davide; Prysmian SpA,
Milan, Italy
MAZZUCATO Alessandro; Prysmian Cavi e Sistemi Italia SRL, Milan, Italy
PERUZZOTTI Franco, PEZZONI Antonio; Dynext SRL, Legnano, Milan, Italy
ANELLI Pietro; G.B. Studio, Milan, Italy
FOX Dustin, YANCE Syarif; Copperweld, Nashville, Tennessee, USA
Connection to MV cable longitudinal aluminium screen
TOURCHER Christophe; EDF R&D, Moret-sur-Loing, France
SIMEON Eric; SYCABEL, Paris, France
TAMBRUN Roger; ERDF, Paris La Défense, France
Comparative study of circuit integrity cable designs and materials for Australian/New
Zealand market
IVANOV Ivan, ALEXANDER Graeme; Nexans Olex, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Electro-thermal analysis of low and medium voltage cable joints
GOUDA Ossama; Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt
Mechanical connectors used inside MV accessories: A system approach
QUAGGIA Dario, TOGNALI Stéphane; Prysmian Group, Milan, Italy
LENCOT Gérard; Prysmian Group, Marne la Vallée, France
Catalyst alternatives to replace DBTDL to crosslink silane grafted polyethylene
LEVIGOUREUX Sophie, GARCIA Pedro, FICQUENET Marjorie, DENIZET Isabelle; General
Cable, Montereau-Fault-Yonne, France
LV, MV, HV, EHV and future cables
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: F
Chairman: JEON Seung-ik; LS Cable & System, Republic of Korea
Rapporteur: BOYER Ludovic; Nexans, France
F9.1.01 Cables with smooth welded aluminum sheath
JEOUNG Bumyong, KIM Jinwoo, MUN Byeongcheol, KIM Daeyoen, KIM Youngjun, LEE
Kyongtae, KIM Jungsik; ILJIN Electric, Hwasung-Si, Kyunggi-Do, Republic of Korea
F9.1.02 Expanding the performance potential of the universal cable system by the use of
DOW endurance ™ HFDC-4202 EC water tree retardant crosslinked polyethylene
BRIGANDI Paul; Dow Electrical & Telecommunications USA, Collegeville, Pennsylvania,
ANDERSSON Christian, BRINGSELL Håkan; nkt Cables AB, Falun, Sweden
CREE Stephen; Dow Electrical & Telecommunications Europe, Horgen, Zurich, Switzerland
F9.1.03 Effect of the fault impedance on the performance of directional over current relays in
medium voltage power cables- a case study
AMIN Ahmed; Dar Engineering, Cairo, Egypt
F9.1.04 Investigation of temperature dependence of DC diagnostic tests on LV PVC insulated
TAMUS Zoltán Ádám, CSÁNYI Gergely Márk, TOMON Gergely; Budapest University of
Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
F9.1.05 Urban 220 kV cable transmission: perpetual developments
SONAR Vikas, PATIL Vikrant; Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra, India
BAGDE Sanjeev; Nagpur Univerisity, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
SHARMA Arvind; Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India
F9.1.06 The completion of 275 kV Suruga-Higashishimizu line
OGAWA Tomoya; Chubu Electric Power Co., Inc, Nagoya, Japan
F9.1.07 A study on the thermal behavior characteristic of 345 kV underground transmission
line XLPE cable
LEE Jihun, KO Yongwoo, HONG Dongsuk; Taihan Electric Wire Co., Ltd, Seoul, Republic of
BAE Juho, KIM Dujin, KOO Donggheol, LEE Euichan; Korea Electric Power Corporation,
Seoul, Republic of Korea
F9.1.08 Effect of water filled voids on the thermo-electrical behaviour of XLPE insulated
cables using FEA method
MECHERI Yacine, BOUAZABIA Slimane, BOUHADDICHE Rafik; Université des Sciences
et de la Technologie USTHB, Bab-Ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria
F9.1.09 Hybrid energy transfer lines with liquid hydrogen and superconducting cable prototypes of future high power lines
VYSOTSKY Vitaly, FETISOV Sergey; Russian Scientific R&D Cable Institute, Moscow,
F9.1.10 Syntactic foam as an alternative electrical insulation material for superconducting
cable systems
WINKEL Daniel, PUFFER Ralf, SCHNETTLER Armin; RWTH Aachen University, Aachen,
Cables and accessories design-Modelling
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 11:00 - 12:30 - Room: F
Chairman: CHANG Michael; Nexans, China (to be confirmed)
Rapporteur: PELTON Guillaume; ERDF, France
F9.2.02 Electric field distribution in polyethylene insulation used in the electric cables
affected by water trees in the presence of space charges
MEZIANI Madjid, MEKHALDI Abdelouahab, TEGUAR Madjid; Ecole Nationale
Polytechnique d’Alger, El-Harrach, Algiers, Algeria
F9.2.03 Thermal capability of the XLPE power cable jacket under fault conditions
DANG Chinh; Hydro-Québec Technologie, Varennes, Québec, Canada
ALIBHAY Saleman; Hydro-Québec Équipement, Montréal, Québec, Canada
CÔTÉ Jacques; Hydro-Québec Distribution, Montréal, Québec, Canada
F9.2.04 Transient analysis of 3-core SL-type submarine cables with jacket around each core
ANDERS George; Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland
GEORGALLIS George; Hellenic Cables, Athens, Greece
F9.2.05 Cable joint to FFLP cable for provisional repair with quick installation
ALMEIDA Geraldo; Techsys Cables, Santo André - SP, Brazil
VASCONCELLOS Gil; Matrixenergia, São Paulo - SP, Brazil
TALHOFER Fellipe; LIGHT SA, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
F9.2.06 Design and analysis of high current heat cycles test set for underground cable
PHAYOMHOM Att; Metropolitan Electricity Authority, Bangkok, Thailand
F9.2.07 Thermal dissipation analysis of underwater towed-cable with impulse current using
PAN Pan, CAI Bingyu, ZHANG Jianmin, XUE Jianlin; Zhongtian Technology Submarine
Cable Co., Ltd, Nantong, China
XIE Shuhong; Zhongtian Technology Group Co., Ltd, Nantong, China
F9.2.08 Thermal bottlenecks in Landfall - 3-core submarine cables
STØLAN Ronny, OLSEN Espen, HATLO Marius; Nexans Norway AS, Halden, Norway
F9.2.09 Replacement of porcelain bushings with polymeric bushings in HV underground
XLPE cable termination box
KIM Jae-seung, ROH Tae-hyueng, KIM Dong Hyu, KIM Jin, KIM Youn Chan; KEPCO, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
F9.2.10 Computationally light two-zone moisture migration modelling for underground
cables - critical temperature vs. Critical heat flux
MILLAR Robert John, DEGEFA Merkebu, LEHTONEN Matti; Aalto University, Espoo,
F9.2.11 A novel lumped l-C ladder method for computing switching overvoltages in EHV long
shunt-compensated cables
BENATO Roberto, DAMBONE SESSA Sebastian; University of Padova-Department of
Industrial Engineering, Padova, Italy
PIETRIBIASI Davide; Prysmian Power Link, Milan, Italy
F9.2.12 Development of a 500 kV PPLP MI cable system for HVDC applications
JUNG Eui-hwan, KIM Sung-yun, CHAE Byung-ha, YOON Hyun-sung, KANG Chae-hong,
LEE Su-kil, JEON Seung-ik; LS Cable & System, Gu-mi, Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 14:30
HVDC transient phenomena
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: A
Chairman: JIANG Yun; Shanghai Electric Power Company, China (to be confirmed)
Rapporteur: LUTON Marie-Hélène; Nexans France, France
A10.1 The study on the transient electric field distribution of HVDC cable
LI Zhonghua, LIU Lele, GUO Wenmin, CHEN Yu; Harbin University of Science and
Technology, Harbin, China
A10.2 Modeling of DC cables for transient studies
NGUYEN TUAN Minh; EDF R&D, Moret-sur-Loing, France
XEMARD Alain; EDF R&D, Clamart, France
WOLFF Quentin; EDF CIST, Saint-Denis, France
A10.3 Transient thermal phenomenon in HVDC extruded cables under test and operating
condition - numerical simulation and measurements
LUTON Marie-Hélène; Nexans France, Calais, France
FROHNE Christian; Nexans Germany, Hannover, Germany
KARLSTRAND Johan; JK Cablegrid Consulting AB, Karlskrona, Sweden
A10.4 Transients on DC cables connected to VSC converters
DENNETIERE Sebastien, SAAD Hani, HONDAA Pierre, NAUD Antoine; RTE, Paris La
Défense, France
A10.5 Transient space charge phenomena in HVDC model cables
VU Thi Thu Nga (*), TEYSSEDRE Gilbert, VISSOUVANADIN Bertrand, STEVEN John
Yuddy, LAURENT Christian; Laboratoire Plasma et Conversion d’Energie, Université Paul
Sabatier, Toulouse, France
(*) second affiliation: University Power Electric, Hanoi, Viet Nam
A10.6 On the way to compare the polarity reversal withstand capability of HVDC massimpregnated and extruded cable systems
MARZINOTTO Massimo; TERNA S.p.A., Rome, Italy
MAZZANTI Giovanni; University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
VERCELLOTTI Uberto; CESI S.p.A., Milan, Italy
JAHN Heiko; FGH Engineering & Test GmbH, Mannheim, Baden Württemberg, Germany
Cables for the future
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: B
RAKOWSKA Aleksandra; TU Poznan University of Technology, Polytechnika
Poznanska, Poland
Rapporteur: MIREBEAU Pierre; Nexans France, France
B10.1 Update on world’s first superconducting cable and fault current limiter installation in
a German city center
STEMMLE Mark; Nexans Deutschland GmbH, Hannover, Germany
MERSCHEL Frank; RWE Deutschland AG, Essen, Germany
NOE Mathias; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany
HOBL Achim; Nexans SuperConductors GmbH, Hürth, Germany
B10.2 Development of termination for HTS cable
ADACHI Kazuhisa, HENMI Kiyoshi, NAKANISHI Tatsuhisa, MIDO Nobuhiro, SEMA
Nobuyuki, HASEGAWA Takayo; SWCC Showa Cable Systems Co Ltd, Sagamihara-city,
Kanagawa-pref, Japan
B10.3 The test results of superconducting AC and DC cables in Russia
SYTNIKOV Victor, BEMERT Sergey, ROMASHOV Maxim; R&D Center @FGC UES,
Moscow, Russia
B10.4 Current status of development and demonstration of HTS power cable system in
JANG Yongseo, KIM Youngwoong, KIM Yanghoon, CHOI Changyoel, RYU Cheolhwi, SUNG
Heogyung; LS Cable & System, Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
B10.5 High power underground transmission lines
IMAMOVIC Denis, TENZER Michael, KOCH Hermann; Siemens AG, Erlangen, Germany
Industrial and special cables
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: C
Chairman: ROVIRA Jacint; Groupo General Cables Sistemas SA, Spain
Rapporteur: BEN HASSINE Mouna; EDF R&D, France
C10.1 Development of an alternative solution to mica tape for fire resistant cables
WALD Detlef; Eifelkabel, Villmergen, Switzerland
ORTON Harry; Orton Consulting Engineers International, North Vancouver, Canada
DI Jimmy; Volsun Electronics, Suzhou, China
C10.2 Cables for oil, gas and petrochemical industry
THOMBRE Arun, MOURAD Bahaa; DUCAB, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
C10.3 Acceptance criteria in nuclear power plant cable qualification
PLAČEK Vít, KÁBRT Jan, HNÁT Vladimír, ŽÁK Pavel; UJV Rez, a. s., Hlavní 130, Rez, 250
68 Husinec, Czech Republic
C10.4 Electrical performance improvement of cross-linked polyethylene cables using
inorganic filler
ESSAWI Sherif; Electrical Power Dept., Petrojet, Cairo, Egypt
SAAD Loai; Electrical Power and Machines Eng. Dept., Aswan University, Aswan, Egypt
ASAAD Jeanette; Polymers and Pigments Dept., National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
MOSTAFA Mahmoud; Electrical Power and Machines Eng. Dept., Ain Shams University,
Cairo, Egypt
C10.5 Determination of fire behavior of polymer cable materials and mathematical modeling
of highly-filled halogen-free compound burning
FRIK Andrey, SAVIN Dmitry; VNIIKP, Moscow, Russia
Environment and sustainability 2
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: D
Chairman: KOEPFER Rolf; SYCABEL, France
Rapporteur: BARBEAU Sophie; Nexans, France
D10.1 Life cycle assessments of extruded AC and DC power cable systems
HAERING Dominik, SCHROEDER Gero, SAAM Christoph, WEINLEIN Andreas,
BOSSMANN Axel; Südkabel GmbH, Mannheim, Baden Württemberg, Germany
D10.2 Life cycle assessment improvement medium voltage cable for French market
HOUSTIN Amélie; General Cable, Montereau-Fault-Yonne, France
D10.3 Circular economy concept for power cables
Hanneke, LAMBALLAIS Lawrence, SNAAK Emma; Prysmian Netherlands B.V., Delft, The
Alliander, Arnhem, The Netherlands
D10.4 Controlling fluid leaks in damaged fluid filled cables
RHODES Rhys, STEVENS Gary C, GERMAN Ian; Gnosys Global Ltd, Guildford, Surrey, UK
LAURICHESSE Delphine, BERTRAND Yves; EDF R&D, Moret-sur-Loing, France
D10.5 Condition assessment of high voltage (22 kV) aerial bundled cable (ABC)
MUXWORTHY Martin, MAFFEI Mark, ALEXANDER Graeme; Nexans Olex, Tottenham,
Victoria, Australia
D10.6 Comparison of quickfield simulation of three single core XLPE cables, in flat
formation, with complex loading, between not taking drying out and taking drying out
of soil into account
LE ROUX Joubert; Vaal University of Technology, Vanderbijlpark, South Africa
Challenging environment
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 14:30 - 16:00 - Room: E
Chairman: BECKER Jean; Nexans / SART Consult, Belgium
Rapporteur: COLOMBIER Serge; Prysmian Câbles & Systèmes, France
CPR (construction products regulation) on medium and low voltage distribution
cables for Spanish electric utilities
GENERÓ Neus, CALVERAS Daniel; General Cable, Manlleu, Catalunya, Spain
PADILLO Francesc, MAURI Manel; Prysmian, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Catalunya, Spain
BARGALLÓ Jordi; Top Cable, Rubí, Catalunya, Spain
Accelerated aluminum corrosion upon water ingress in damaged low voltage
underground power cables
KRUIZINGA Bart, WOUTERS Peter; Eindhoven Unversity of Technology, Eindhoven, The
STEENNIS Fred; DNV GL - Energy, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Long-term effect of water tree aged cables injected by silicone liquid under
continuous electrical and thermal stress
LI Kangle; Sichuan University, Chengdu, China
Assessing smoke and heat release during combustion of electric cables using cone
BURJUPATI Nageshwar Rao, ARUNJOTHI R.; Central Power Research Institute,
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Lethal combustion product evaluation of polymeric materials used in power cables
NAGESHWAR RAO Burjupati; Central Power Research Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka,
High safety and low maintenance aerial cable system withstanding extreme weather
Falun, Sweden
Closing session
Wednesday June 24th, 2015 - 16:30 - 18:00 - Room: A
The Closing session will include three parts:
Round Table: World researches on HVDC materials, cables and cable systems
Jicable’15 Young Researcher Awards
Jicable’15 Award and closing of the Conference