Herbert Girardet - Future of Cities Forum
Herbert Girardet - Future of Cities Forum
Beyond Sustainable Development - Towards the Regenerative City Source: Nakicenovic 2009 Shanghai Urban growth and impacts • From 1900 to 2000 human numbers increased four fold – from 1.5 to 6 billion; 7 billion by 2012 • The global urban population has now grown 15 fold to over 50 % of the world population • By 2030, 60% of the world population, or 4.9 billion people, are expected to live in urban areas, 3 times more than the world’s entire population in 1900 • In developing countries, as villagers move to the city, per capita resource consumption typically increases fourfold • Cities, located on 3-4% of the land surface of the earth, use 80% of its resources, and discharge the bulk of solid, liquid and gaseous wastes NASA arctic ocean image August 1980 NASA arctic ocean image August 2012 Megacity Regions between 10 and 33 Million 33,000,000 x Metro Manila 32,000,000 x Hong Kong-Shenzhen 15,800,000 20,550,000 x Los Angeles 15,250,000 Mexico City 20,450,000 x Kolkata ´15,100,000 x New York City 19,750,000 x Mumbai 19,200,000 x Jakarta 18,900,000 x São Paulo 18,850,000 x Tokyo Chongqing x Seoul Delhi 18,600,000 x Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto17,375,000 x Shanghai 16,650,000 16,300,000 Moscow 15,000,000 Greater Cairo 14,450,000 x Buenos Aires 13,170,000 x London 12,875,000 Beijing 12,500,000 x Karachi 11,800,000 Cities as ‘entropy accelerators’ • Modern cities, largely powered by fossil fuels, are entropy engines, with major systems implications • As such they are self-limiting systems that accelerate entropy (disorder) and climate change • The way they currently work – as linear-input/ output systems – they undermine their own longterm existence • The challenge in an urbanising world is, above all else, to find new ways to assure compatibility of urban systems and earth systems Urban agriculture IBA Emscher Park IBA Hamburg London 2013 Lanzhou, Gansu Province Transforming Seoul Adelaide Adelaide 2013 • 30% electricity supply from wind and solar • • • • • • • • • • • • 120,000 PV roofs on 600,000 houses = 250 MW peak PV roofs on most public buildings Solar hot water systems mandated for new buildings 3 million trees planted on 2000 ha for C02 absorption and biodiversity 15% reduction of C02 emissions since 2000 Water sensitive urban development 180,000 tonnes of compost made from urban organic waste 20,000 ha of peri-urban land used for vegetable and fruit crops Reclaimed waste water and urban compost used to cultivate this land Large scale-building tune-up programmes across the city region 60% carbon emissions reduction by municipal buildings Construction of Lochiel Park Solar Village with 106 eco-homes • Thousands of new green jobs Thank you for listening!
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