Appendix 6 Events of 2nd public meeting
Appendix 6 Events of 2nd public meeting
Consultant Office Appendix (6) Events of 2nd public meeting on 29/09/2009 Scanned lists of the attendance written by themselves Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 1 Consultant Office Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 2 Consultant Office Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 3 Consultant Office Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 4 Consultant Office Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 5 Consultant Office No Name .1 Dr. Farouk Abd El-Hay .2 Eng. Samah Salah ElDean .3 Dr.Esaam Abd El-Halem .4 Eng. Mohamed Helmy .5 Ahmed Meselhey .6 Emad Mohamed Ahmed .7 3alaa El-Dain Nabil Salaman .8 Mohamed HASAN Hosny .9 Mohamed Hasan Salah El-Dean Job Title Traffic and Transportation Expert in the study Environmental Engineer in the study Air Quality Expert in the study Company Tel. No MB Consultant 012165223 1 MB Consultant 24186182 MB Consultant Computer Engineer The Rights of And data analysis Life Associations(N GO) Mechanical The Rights of Engineer Life maintenance for air Associations(N quality devices GO) Mechatronics The Rights of Engineer Life Maintenance for air Associations(N quality devices GO) IT specialist The Rights of Life Associations(N GO) Computer Engineer Member of Data analysis for 10th of the association Ramadan Business Men Association Computer Engineer Member of Data analysis for 10th of the association Ramadan Business Men Association Free lance Development Development Consultant consultant .10 Mahmoud Galal .11 Mohamed Hasan Hosny Social expert AUC .12 Eman Khalaf Fath Allah Environmental Specialist .13 Ghada Abd El-Hafez .14 Sanaa Shamekh Environmental Affairs Specialist Environmental Egyptian Company for Airports Cairo Airport Company Cairo Airport Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 010853390 9 010022098 0 e-mail Address Fcpm_4 @hotmail .com Eng.mbc onsultant. com E_morsy 1@yahoo .com Eng_moh amed_hel my09@y Fola990 @yahoo. com 010297679 5 Emad_ak le@yaho 011333137 3 Thearmo ur2010@ m Stayer_2 6@hotma 010509490 0 010509490 0 Stayhere_ 86@hotm 010501065 6 Mahmou d_galal82 @hotmail .com 012250007 6 012175232 5 emankhal laf@yaho 2209 6 Consultant Office No Name Job Title Company Tel. No Specialist Inspection environmental Specialist Manager of The Environmental Monitoring Center Director of Environmental Inspection Environmental Inspector Company Cairo Airport Company Saied Shahen Administration office 010006298 5 .20 Mona Mohamed Ahmed Public relation Manager .21 Ahlam Raafat .22 3ahed Shawky Mohamed Head of Media Sector Inspection Specialist Environmental TB2 Cairo Airport Company TB2 Information Center Cairo Airport Company General Relations Cairo Airport Company .23 Karem Mohamed Osman Cairo Airport Company 016161326 1 .24 Samar Husen Ibrahim .25 Dr. Mona Kamal .26 .27 Eng. So3ad Mohamed ElMorcey Amany Raafat .28 Tarek Mostafa .29 Rasha Mohamed Farid .30 Fatma Ibrahim .15 Dalia Mohamed HASAN .16 Mohamed Abd El-Wahab .17 Dr.Farag Ibrahim ElRazaz .18 Asmaa Aly Mahmoud .19 Inspection Specialist Environmental Solid Waste Specialist General Manager of Protection for Noise Sector Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 dale@yah Cairo Airport Company maairport @hotmail .com o_m_l_2 010@yah enviroma t@yahoo. com Cairo Airport Company Cairo Airport Company Cairo Airport Company Egyptian Environmental Affairs Authority Head of Civil Cairo Airport Engineers Company General Manager in Cairo Airport Engineering Sector Company Head of TB2's Cairo Airport maintenance Company Workshops Environmental Egyptian Specialist Company for Airports Manager of the TB2 Cairo e-mail Address 012275084 0 016663011 7 012407397 6 Ahmedm am14@h m 22652209 010609135 3 yamanoo n@hotma 016550678 0 016881317 7 012540226 82 011148639 0 2816 7 Consultant Office No Name Job Title Information Department Information officer Company Airport Company TB3 Cairo Airport Company Ministry of Aviation .31 Hoda Fadel .32 Mohamed Husen .33 Maher El-Gendy .34 Walaa Hamed Environmental Specialist .35 Eman Ahmed Environmental Specialist .36 Nada Mohamed Ibrahim Environmental Specialist .37 Yaser Mohamed Operation Manager At no bug company .38 Magda Mohamed Accounting office .39 Fatma Yosry Mahmoud .40 Mosher Naseef .41 Ream Abd El-Fatah Abd El-Rahman TB2 Administrator staff Special Service and control Manager of Noise Department .42 Asmaa Mamdouh Free lance Translator .43 Magda Mahmoud Cairo Airport Company .44 Amr Mohamed Kamal .45 Heba Said Engineer at engineering department Architecture Engineer Safety Inspector .46 Khaled Mahmoud Mohamed Abo El-3ela Gad Executive Coordinator Monitoring Officer Cairo Airport Company Cairo Airport .47 Head of the Central planning department Ministry Aviation General Manager Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 Cairo Airport Company Egyptian Company for Airports Egyptian Company for Airports Egyptian Company for Airports Pesticide site Company Cairo Airport Company Cairo Airport Company Cairo Airport Company Egyptian Environmental Affairs Authority Tel. No 2544 011740430 3 010690938 3 010197894 1 016356814 1 010359689 3 011700309 8 Wnyo_16 _7@yaho Emy_618 @yahoo. com Nw3m_3 0@hotma Yassor_s aad@yah 2426 2016 2147 012220660 9 012267372 8 Cairo Airport Company Cairo Airport Company e-mail Address 016550611 6 010393814 0 Reem_a_ rahman@ m Asmaasa ad80@ya Heba_sai d45@yah 8 Consultant Office No Name Job Title Company Company Cairo Airport Company .48 Mahmoud Medhat 3allam General Manager .49 Mohamed Abd El-Aziz Journalist Egypt Radio and TV sector .50 Elham Abd El-MOhsen Coordinator .51 .52 General: Hazem El-Abd Free Consultant & expert Eslam Mohamed Hall Coordinator Cairo Airport Company Cairo Airport Company Cairo Airport Company .53 Sabah Abd El-3aty .54 Abd El-Naby Said .55 Asmaa Ameen .56 Mohamed Husain .57 Hoda Mohamed Ahmed .58 Amal Bahgat Na3em .59 Hasan Abdoh .60 Eng. Mohamed Salah ElSaid Administrative staff Manager of Passengers Services department Office Manager Ministry of aviation Planning department Deputy Information officer e-mail Address Alaam_ei a @yahoo. com 012352962 M_abdela 2 ziz60@ya 012503838 3 010682084 3 011403864 4 018503304 6 012272363 5 Cairo Airport Company MB Consultant Eng.mbc onsultant @yahoo. com Skiko_m oh@yaho Ministry of Aviation Cairo Airport Company Wireless Cairo Airport Technician Company General Manager Cairo Airport of Security Company Assistant professor Ain Shams of Mechanical University Engineering Faculty of Engineering Ain Shams University Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 Tel. No 012067394 8 012457345 8 010975281 6 Salah_ha mdoun@ engineeri 9 Consultant Office Attendance rates of different sectors Media Rates and categories of attendance in the 2nd Public meeting Airport staff Universities and research centers Ministry of Environment 7% 5% 3% Egyptian Company for Airports 15% 3% 10% 44% Business Associates 3% 10% Environmental management at the airport NGOs Ministry of Aviation Rates and categories of attendance in the 2nd Public meeting 30 25 15 % 20 26 10 5 9 6 Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 0 Media 2 Airport staff Ministry of Environment 2 Egyptian Company for Airports Business Associates Environmental management at the airport 2 Universities and research centers 4 NGOs Ministry of Aviation 3 6 10 Consultant Office Percentage of attendance in the 2nd public meeting according to Gender 40% Men Ladies 60% The second public consultation meeting for project was held on September 29, 2009 at the same Horus Meeting Hall in Terminal Building #2 of Cairo Airport. There was a Radio interview with environmental Manager Unit at CAC broadcast live and repeated on Cairo radio on the same day. The meeting was attended by 60 participants, with both gender representation (40 % of the attendees were females, 60% of the attendees were male). The attendance percentages of the second meeting: - 44% of the attendees were general airport staff. 10 % was from the Egyptian Company for Airports). 10 % of the attendees were from academia and research organizations 15 % from the environmental management at the airport. 5 % from the Ministry of Aviation. 3 % of the attendees were business associates. 7 % was from NGO 3% was from media 3 % was from EEAA Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 11 Consultant Office At this meeting, issues raised from the first meeting were fully addressed with clear, concrete responses from members of the team compiling the EIA, especially related to the social impact and air quality modeling. During the second meeting a full prediction model for air quality and a social study was introduced to the audience with comprehensive details. The main issues raised during the second meeting were about air quality modeling details, PM10 concentration in Cairo and around Cairo Airport, noise and air quality inside the modernized TB2 at operation phase, and solid waste management for Cairo Airport. Some raise the question of green building practice and minimizing the energy used in the building Some discussed in length the noise effected Naser area and the new runway positive effects; noise inside new TB3 compare with noise at current TB2 was addressed The study team relays detailed responses about these issues to the full satisfaction of the audience. Most of the audience clearly indicates their approval about the findings of the EIA report and its conclusions. In conclusion, the project was predicted to result in a number of positive impacts on the natural and socio-economic setting of the area. In addition, most of the components of the project were found to pose no, or only insignificant, environmental risk, with the implementation of certain steps to improve the construction and operation phases. The final discussions conclusion indicated that the project, if implemented with the suggested mitigation measures, will result in some unavoidable, but minimal environmental risks. This is considered to be within environmentally acceptable limits as set by both the World Bank, and Egyptian laws and regulations. Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 12 Consultant Office Photographic photos for attendance & sings during public meeting Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 13 Consultant Office Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 14 Consultant Office Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 15 Consultant Office Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 16 Consultant Office Final report for updating and modernizing TB2 17
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