Currents July 2009 - Vancouver Island Health Authority
Currents July 2009 - Vancouver Island Health Authority
The Vancouver Island Health Authority’s Internal Newsletter… Produced Monthly To Keep Us all Plugged In HAPPY CANADA DAY Comox Valley Nursing Centre Singled Out as A Gift of Peace T he Comox Valley Nursing Centre has been recognized as a “Gift for a Culture of Peace” at a special conference in Kingston, Ontario. The Nursing Centre is one of five health programs in Canada to earn the designation, and will be shared through the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in the hopes other countries will learn from the experiences of the program, and set up similar clinics. “The success of the Nursing Centre can be found in the partnership between health care providers and clients,” says Nursing Centre Manager Patricia Foster, who was one of the original nurses when it launched as a demonstration project 15 years ago. “We recognized early on that clients are the experts on their own pain, and only by working in true partnership with them can we give them a voice in their healing.” The Nursing Centre provides a wide range of services including chronic pain support, an eating disorders program, support groups, as well as outreach services, and chronic disease management. The concept behind the successful program will be presented by the Canadian Commission For UNESCO at a conference in Paris next fall. For more information on the Comox Valley Nursing Centre, and its services, watch a video at: • The Comox Valley Nursing Centre Team. Standing L-R: Elaine Harvey, RN; Brenda Bouttell, RN; Lynn Redenbach, RN, NI Reg. Eating Disorder Program; Michele Caley, RN; Cindy Gavel, admin assistant; Linda MacMullen, volunteer; Maggie St Aubrey, RN; Leesa Ferguson, planning assistant. Kneeling: Patricia Foster, RN, Centre Manager and Karen Berezon, Primary Health Care Developer, NI Help Us Find a New Look W ANTED: Creative people who have an eye for design and an interest in showcasing their talent in Currents newsletter. In January 2006, Currents newsletter was launched and has since been a monthly staple in keeping VIHA staff, physicians and volunteers connected with events, achievements and changes within our organization. However, after 3.5 years with the same design, VIHA Communications feels it is time to give Currents a face lift. We are looking for new masthead ideas that will help define our newsletter - and we thought it time to tap into the wealth of creativity that exists within our vast organization. To us, the title ‘Currents’ represents three things: the recent events that have transpired; the ebb and flow of daily life within the organization, and a symbol of west coast/island living. Show us your vision (multiple ideas welcome). All submissions must feature the word Currents prominently - and need to be 7.5” wide by a maximum of 2” high. Submissions can be sent in the following formats: • If digital: 300dpi or higher resolution, eps or tiff • If Illustrated: the original image, which will be scanned and returned to the artist All submissions need to include the designer’s name, title, work phone number and e-mail, and can be sent to [email protected] (with “CURRENTS MASTHEAD Submission” in the subject line), or couriered to Communications, RJH - #314 Begbie Hall. Submissions must be received by September 15, and the preferred design will debut in the October 2009 edition. Need more information? Contact Jen Morgan at the e-mail above or call 250-370-8374. • July 2009 - Page 1 - Public Health Hero One-Stop Shopping at the New Surgical Intranet Site V IHA Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Richard Stanwick has been honoured with the highest award of the Canadian Public Health Association. Dr. Stanwick was presented with the R.D. Defries Award for outstanding contributions in the broad field of public health. He is recognized for providing excellent service to his community and profession. Congratulations! • O n Friday, May 22nd the VIHA Surgery Intranet site,, was launched with the goal of having one location where VIHA staff can locate the most recent information pertaining to surgery. On the site you will find policies, procedures, clinical standards, patient education materials, projects and initiatives relating to surgery. During the past year, site content was collected from files, memos, and shared drives from across the island. To provide a consistent look and ease of reading, documents have been reformatted into an approved standard format and now indicate the author, approval body and date. Although much of the content was developed in the South Island, it is hoped that sharing information this way will lead to revisions and development of regional standards, where possible. Nursing Award of Excellence R ob Calnan is no stranger to accolades. Over the years, we have had the pleasure of acknowledging Rob’s achievements in Currents many times, including the CRNBC Award of Merit presented to him in 2006 – the highest honor in nursing in BC. Most recently, Rob was the recipient of the 2009 University of Victoria School of Nursing Alumni Award of Excellence, presented at an alumni lunch this past May. A graduate from UVic’s School of Nursing post-diploma BSN program in 1987, Rob has contributed significantly not only to health care in Canada and abroad, but also to the nursing profession. He has served as president of both RNABC and the Canadian Nurses Association, and as Canada‘s representative to the International Council of Nursing. He is respected for his effectiveness and leadership within VIHA and he continues to be an inspiration to all nurses across diverse healthcare settings. We are delighted to once again recognize the accomplishments of Rob Calnan, and are proud to have staff of his caliber working for the public Dr. Lynne Young, Assoc. Director of Scholarwe serve. • ship & Research, introduces Rob at the Surgeons and their MOAs (in the South Island area) who do not have access to the VIHA Intranet, can view the same information, as well as surgeon average time reports and surgeon waitlists, through the secure VIHA Surgical Reports External Website ( To request site access, surgeons can phone 250-519-1613. The new Surgery Intranet site complements the public Surgery site,, which was developed for patients and families. Have a look and let us know what you think. Send your feedback and suggestions to Cathy Parker via: [email protected]. • Did You Know… O n Vancouver Island there are 14 auxiliary organizations who together donated a grand total of $808,373 to their local health care facilities. This involved an incredible 283,629 volunteer hours! The BC government proclaimed May 10th as Health Care Auxiliary Day again this year. It is already July - but it’s never too late to recognize the amazing support and commitment the auxiliaries bring to the table. Thank you for all of your fund-raising endeavours, hard work and dedication. It does not go unrecognized. • Alumni luncheon. July 2009 - Page 2 - Practical Symposium Raises the Bar for Learning in Canada O n April 27th and 28th physician experts from Halifax to Vancouver participated in the first Canadian practical symposium focusing on the ablation of ventricular tachycardia. Held at the Royal Jubilee Hospital, the symposium combined classroom lectures with practical live ablations of patients with different types of life threatening arrhythmia. Participants were enthusiastic about this exciting learning opportunity and commented on the high-level of expertise of the contributors as well as the Canadian focus. This groundbreaking program was so successful that similar courses will now be held in other centres throughout the country. Congratulations to the organizers on raising the bar and setting the standard for educational opportunities such as this. • The two physicians on the left are Dr. Larry Sterns and Dr. Richard Leather from VIHA. Front row: current EP fellows at the Royal Jubilee Hospital (L-R): Drs. Sharad Agarwal, Nicholas Cromie, Omar Sultan, and Michael Jones. “Eight hours was not nearly long enough…” The following was written by Nadine Durrant, who describes her 1st day as a new musculoskeletal injury prevention peer coach on RJH 2 Royal: I had some apprehension about how my first day of coaching would go, but it turns out all of those worries were for naught. I was greeted with appreciation and a lot of curiosity. After describing the training I had received, I explained which budget my current role was being paid (to alleviate the "why don't we just hire more nurses, which would result in less injuries" Nadine Durrant conversation). Then, I outlined our goals and the benefits of being involved in this project. I was able to get staff so enthusiastic about the band sling that they were comically truculent over who got to use it first. I covered STABLE several times and then would randomly choose someone to show me what it was all about. Very good fun, especially with the J-Lo butt additive. I covered the pre-handling check and received astounded, positive feedback. Then, I fine-tuned a few arm positions and weight-shifting, or lack thereof, and before I knew it, my day came to an end. CDH Physicians & Nurses Shave in Support of Colleagues T he Maple Bay Rowing Club was a bit hairy on June 17th. That’s because staff and physicians, all members of the OR and PAR staff at Cowichan District Hospital, doffed their locks in honour of some of their colleagues who are undergoing treatment for cancer. Dr. William (David) Robertson, Dr. Steve Kraus, Dr. Christiaan Avenant (all anesthesiologists); Dr. Ricardo Velazquez, Orthopedic Surgeon; and David Huntley, Josh Doherty, Ann Crawford, and Elizabeth Pollock (all RN’s) participated in the tribute to their colleagues. (Dr. Valazquez and Elizabeth Pollock were unable to be present for the group shave and were “done” separately.) Congratulations in raising over $11000 for Cancer Care and in your honourable support of your colleagues who are undergoing treatment. • Eight hours was not nearly long enough. I underestimated my coworkers' strong desire to improve our unit. It's both invigorating and satisfying to be involved in a project that will improve morale while simultaneously providing a safer working environment for all concerned. And how was your first day? ~ N. Durrant • July 2009 - Page 3 - Hair today… (L-R) Anne Crawford, David Robertson, Christie Avenant, Josh Doherty, David Huntley, & Steve Kraus ...gone tomorrow! (L-R) David Robertson, Anne Crawford, Steve Kraus, & Christie Avenant Nurse Practitioners Improving Access Across the Island S ince 2005, Nurse Practitioners (NPs) have been providing health care to Island residents - there are currently 16 practicing NPs in VIHA. NPs are Registered Nurses who have taken advanced education and clinical training to increase their scope of practice. NPs work with patients to manage common health conditions, but their designation allows them to order diagnostic tests and prescribe medications, as well as referring and consulting with specialists. Although they are independent healthcare providers, many NPs work in collaborative practices with physicians and interprofessional teams focusing on health promotion and disease prevention. Across VIHA, NPs work in primary health care settings, and many reach out to serve marginalized and underserved populations including women, seniors, the homeless, those living in aboriginal communities, and clients with mental health and addiction challenges. Find out more about Nurse Practitioners, by visiting or • The In-Charge Initiative Supports our Nurses I n the past few years, VIHA has hired a large number of new nurses. But as more experienced nurses retire, one of the challenges being faced is the need for new nurses to be introduced into leadership roles, such as charge nursing. CANADIAN FACT In 1965, the maple leaf flag was officially adopted as the flag of Canada, replacing the British Union Flag and the unofficial Canadian Red Ensign flag. VIHA Gearing Up for QMENTUM Accreditation V IHA is stepping into QMENTUM accreditation this fall. This is the first time VIHA has engaged in such a comprehensive (every program at the same time) process. The first step: September 8 – 30, Staff can complete Accreditation Canada’s Work Life Pulse and Patient Safety Culture Tools. These brief questionnaires will be available on line or via hard copy. Please participate to ensure your opinions are included. Eight quality dimensions form the foundation of the new program, and are listed on the accreditation website. July’s brainteaser…can you identify the following terms and explain them to colleagues? • Questionnaires • Indicators • Standards • Action Plans • Required Organizational Practices (ROPs) • Priority Processes/Tracers Standards questionnaires will be implemented by program and by site from late September until early December 2009. Please visit the Quality Research and Safety web site ges/default.aspx and get ready to participate in this important quality improvement process. • “We are now finding that more often, nurses with less experience are being asked to fulfill the in-charge role in acute care - particularly during evenings, nights and on weekends,” says Christina Berlanda RN BSN with Professional Practice and Co-Chair of the VIHA Regional Nursing Practice Council (RNPC). “We recognize these nurses need to be supported in this role and we value their contribution in advocating for quality patient care”. So the RNPC and a regional working group have been working on the In-charge Initiative - engaging staff, and contributing to a positive work environment in VIHA. If you would like to find out more about this initiative contact Christina Berlanda Co-Chair Regional Nursing Practice Council [email protected] 250-544-2437. • United Way Payroll Winners T hank you to all VIHA donors for a very successful 2008 United Way campaign. It is never too late to send in pledge forms, which are accepted year-round at Data & Benefits. Congratulations to the winners of the VIHA-wide prize draw for those on continuous payroll: ~ Shannon Taylor, North Island Liver Clinic, CRH ~ Janette Barr, HR/Data and Benefits, Nanaimo ~ Kim Benham, Gorge Road Short Stay The 2009 campaign will start early in the fall, so watch for upcoming information! • July 2009 - Page 4 -