thevoice - Cross Creek
thevoice - Cross Creek
CROSS CREEK CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. THE VOICE Community News and Information September 2012 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK Hello Neighbors, Summer’s end is just around the corner. The kids are back to school. Please be mindful of the pick-up and drop -off times by the front gate. The children walk back through our community to their homes. Kids predictably dart around but not with warning and invariably end up in the street. So, please be extra careful and help keep our children safe! Speaking of being extra careful, most folks are probably aware by now that, as of the writing of this article, there has been one armed robbery on Triumph Drive and a break-in on LaRue with another attempted break-in on LaRue which was averted as the resident was actually home. As a result of the armed robbery, at the request of the Atlanta Police Department, the back gate has been closed as a deterrent. The APD has increased their patrolling of Cross Creek as well as the Collier Ridge area which has also experienced a rash of robberies. These robberies are part of a crime wave taking place and not isolated to just Cross Creek and Collier Ridge. Additionally, the Association has hired off-duty police officers to patrol the property. They started on Tuesday evening, August 28th. Many of you may have attended the August Buildings and Grounds meeting which presented a forum for homeowners to air their concerns about the robberies. We need to be hyper-vigilant and alert for our own safety and that of our neighbors. Report any suspicious activity immediately to 911. Most of all, let’s be careful out there….we do live in the city. Here is a tip one of our homeowner’s suggested: For those of us who have cars with alarms easily activated via the electronic gadget on our key chain, keep your keys by your bedside. If you hear anything suspicious or you are threatened in any way, hit your car alarm activator! Of course, your car needs to be parked in alarm range and those of us who hear the car alarms going off need to actively look out our windows for any suspicious activity and report it to 911. . Barbara Mott President, Board of Directors FALL IS HERE!! SIGN UP FOR FREE AT WWW.NIXLE.COM TO GET TRUSTED ALERTS FROM YOUR LOCAL POLICE! Cross Creek Voice WHAT'S HAPPENING AT OUR BOARD MEETINGS? , Board Of Directors Barbara Mott -President Nathan Humphrey -VicePresident Laura Johnson -Treasurer Harry Haisten -Secretary Steve Chaudoin Earl Ferguson Henry Ivey Jane Kimbrell ********** BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING: The most recent Board Meeting was held on August 29, 2012 in the Café. The minutes from the previous meeting were accepted. The Finance, Buildings and Grounds, and Community Affairs Committees have met with the following results. The Financial Report— We continue to do very well in staying in line with our budget, as well as getting Collections too and our delinquency rate is down. As of July 31, 2012, our CONDO reserves are about $2,986,000 dollars and the REC reserves are about $886,000 dollars. The Voice is published by Cross The Buildings and Grounds Report— The following motions passed: Creek Condominium Association, There was a motion to approve up to $15,000 dollars to install a fence from the Inc. If any information in this back gate to the existing 8 foot chain link fence behind LaRue. Funding is from the newsletter conflicts with the 2012 operating budget. Association’s legal documents, Motion to approve up to $3500 for our consultant, Byron Mathews, to prepare take the documents shall govern. -offs, drawings and biddocuments for replacement/repair of the Mansards in Phase I. Funding is from Condo Reserves. This corrects a prior motion to approve this amount for Phase I and II. Correct motion should have read for Phase I only. . Board Contacts Motion to approve up to $3000 for the purchase and installation of trees to replace Homeowner & Resident 5 of the trees removed in June of this year. Funding is from the Landscape Imcorrespondence directed to the provement allocation in the current operating budget. Board of Directors (BOD) is received Motion to approve an expenditure of up to $1200 to replace the patio dividing wall by the management office and between 157 and 158 Elysian Way and repair part of thehand rail paneling. Funding submitted to the entire Board for from the Condo Reserve account. review prior to the next BOD Motion was made to keep Adrian Pool open all year. meeting. Address correspondence as follows: The Community Affairs Committee Report— There will be a yard sale on October 6th. On October 28th, there will be a Pumpkin Patch Party and Pumpkin Carving. On December 8th, we will be having our annual Holiday Party. See Page 5 for more information on these events. Cross Creek Condo Assoc., Inc. Board of Directors c/o General Manager 1221 Cross Creek Parkway Atlanta, GA 30327 OR Email a letter to: [email protected] IN CASE OF A LIFETHREATENING OR PROPERTY DAMAGING EMERGENCY (e.g. fire), PLEASE IMMEDIATELY DIAL 911. For all other emergencies, during the day or after hours call 404351-7600. During office hours staff will assist you. After hours, the answering service will contact the maintenance staff for maintenance emergencies only. For all other after hours nonmaintenance emergencies, call 911. The next Board Meeting will be on September 26th. . RETIREES/SENIORS LUNCHEON Come and meet some of your neighbors. You do not necessarily have to be a senior to join us. If you are available during the day, come join us. Call 404-735-4223 if you know ahead of time you are coming. If not, don’t let that stop you. See you on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 at 12 Noon. September 2012 Cross Creek Café Football Season is Here! Cheer on your favorite colle- giate and pro football teams with us every Saturday and Sunday at the Bar as you enjoy freshly made cocktails, cold beer or the latest vintage of a really good wine along with some delicious appetizers from our kitchen. Our widescreen TV over the liquor shelf and two side televisions will feature the games you want to watch. No Need to Travel Far Cross Creek Cafe is a registered lottery retailer and as such, we are always ready to serve your KENO! or lottery ticket needs. See any of the bartenders – Debra, Gordon, Thacker or Sabrina – for your tickets and then watch your numbers on two KENO! monitors at the Bar. Sit in Comfort After fifteen years with the same old chairs, the Cafe is pleased to announce that our guests will now be dining in comfort on new seating. These beautiful, solid wood chairs with a dark walnut finish are designed with vertical slats and curved top to support your back. And the comfy padded seat is eye-appealing in a soft shade of green. You'll linger longer in style and comfort! Lobster Dinner The mild winter of 2012 has resulted in some really good, sweet tasting lobsters. You don't want to miss September's lobster dinner on Wednesday, September 19th, if you love lobster. For one price of $25.95, you get a pound and a quarter whole lobster with drawn butter, corn on the cob, new potatoes, salad or cole slaw. Call a day in advance to reserve your lobster. Cross Creek Resident and Author Reading and Book Signing Atlanta native,Cross Creek resident and practic- ing healthcare attorney Lynn Garson will be reading excerpts and signing copies of her book Southern Vapors on Thursday, September 27th, from 7 to 9 pm. Lynn's book chronicles her life growing up in a privileged Atlanta family and her years through college, law school, marriage, children, and divorce punctuated by three stints in mental institutions during some of her darkest hours. The book will make you laugh and make you cry but ultimately, you will love reading Lynn's story of recovery and redemption. Come meet this fascinating, first-time author! She is bringing copies of Southern Vapors if residents would like to purchase a copy on the night of the signing. Payment is cash or check only, no credit cards. Lynn Garson Southern Vapors Café Hours Tuesday-Sunday: 11 am-10 pm Bar Hours Tuesday - Thursday: 11 am - Midnight Friday & Saturday 11 am - 1 am Sunday: 12:30 pm - 11:30 pm Sharon Vrahatis, Owner 404.351.1550 THE GREEN TEE by ROBIE ROBINSON PLAY THE PERCENTAGES One of the neatest looking shots to hit is the chip shot that has a lot of spin on it and stops close to the hole. Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson are masters of this shot. But is it really the best shot for the average player to try to pull off? Most players would be better off if they putted the ball from just off the green rather than attempt the more difficult wedge shot. Don’t feel bad about putting the ball from off the green. Our ego sometimes tells us that this is the chicken’s way out, but is it really? Next time you have time and no one is behind you, try this little experiment. Take 10 golf balls and hit 5 with a wedge and 5 with your putter from just off the green. The average distance you leave yourself is almost always better with the putter. It has long been said that your worst putt is usually always better than your best wedge shot. Knowing this, why not play the higher percentage shot? It may not look as pretty, but there are no pictures on the scorecard! The name of the game is to get the ball into the hole in the fewest strokes. Keep in mind that the putt from off the green is easier when the ball is sitting more on top of the grass and the grass is leaning in the direction of the hole. If the grass is leaning against you try putting with your hybrid club. Use the same stroke you would make with a putter. The extra loft on the hybrid club will lift the ball up slightly and get it on top of the grass for a better roll. REMEMBER, IT’S NOT HOW BUT HOW MANY! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just a word to help those of you who play in this kind of heat… don’t wait until you get thirsty to drink water. By then you may already be in trouble. Drink water continually through the round to stay hydrated. Contact Robie Robinson at (404)-352-5612 for further information about Cross Creek Golf Course! Golf Course and Pro Shop Hours Tuesday-Sunday: 8 am until Dusk Robie Robinson, PGA Pro 404-352-5612 [email protected] Cross Creek Voice Vegetation Survey Results of Six Natural Areas within Cross Creek Condominium Properties April 25, 2012 Performed by: The Georgia Botanical Society Survey Leaders: Dr. Leslie Edwards (Georgia State University) Steve Bowling (Atlanta Botanical Garden) Specific Findings (Continued from August Voice) Stand C Location: a ravine to the right of the main road through the complex, adjacent to stand B (see map) Site description: a fairly steep-sided ravine bordering a small stream. The ravine slopes face, roughly, east and west. The steep nature of the ravine and its low topographic condition are fostering fairly moist, shaded conditions. Natural community: Piedmont mesic forest with some elements of Piedmont floodplain and bottomland forest. Native vegetation: strongly dominated by tulip-tree; scattered box elder and very occasional sycamore, ash, loblolly pine, sweet gum, willow oak, mockernut hickory, and red maple. A beech sapling, elm seeding, sugarberry sapling and two basswood saplings were noted. Pokeweed, elderberry and Christmas fern were noted in one or two instance; poison ivy is also present. Carolina cherry laurel, which some people consider invasive, also appears (at least 16 native species). Stand trajectory: tulip-tree lives for a couple of centuries or more, so these trees will continue to dominate the stand. Beech and basswood will increase their presence in the understory over time, potentially creating a beautiful area. Non-native vegetation: this stand is heavily infested with non-native invasive species, particularly Chinese privet, English ivy, Russian olive, and Japanese bush honeysuckle. Mimosa has been planted on the border of the stand. Management considerations: The non-native invasive plants grow so densely in this site that it is nearly impossible to walk through it, rendering the space of little use for recreation. In addition, the invasive species prevent native species from growing. Over time, English ivy can destroy a tree, as described in regard to site B. It would be desirable to clear out the non-native species in order to increase residents’ access to the greenspace in the condominium complex. (continued in next issue) WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSURING AGAINST WATER DAMAGE? (According to Lazega & Johanson, Attorneys at Law and continued from August issue) The second most common question following a pipe burst or similar event is whether the association is obligated to file a claim. If the damage is below the deductible on the association’s policy, the answer to this is generally no. However, where the damage exceeds the deductible, there are often circumstances where the association wants to avoid filing a claim. The reasons can very from fear of an increase in premium or being dropped from the insurance, to not wanting to file a claim on an event that is clearly the fault of the owner or within the owner’s maintenance responsibility. The answer to this is that, when an association carries insurance, it carries on behalf of and for the benefit of all the owners. Where there is coverage, the association cannot deny this benefit to an owner, unless there is a basis in the governing documents for doing so. For example, in some newer community declarations, the association may reserve the right to withhold insurance disbursements to owner to cover delinquent assessments. However, in general, in any circumstance where an association refuses to file a claim where there is coverage, the owner can file an action to force the association to do so. (continued on page 5). September 2012 (continued from page 4) There may be circumstances where the damages only exceed the deductible by a little amount or where the association would rather negotiate a deal to pay for the damages that would otherwise by covered by insurance in lieu of filing a claim. This could be an acceptable resolution if all parties agree. (continued in next issue) Community Affairs Committee The Community Affairs Committee is busy planning some fun events for Fall. The September Finally Friday will be September 28 from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Adrian pool house. Everyone seemed to enjoy the cookout, so we’ll do it again! Bring your beverage of choice and whatever you want to grill and, if you wish, an appetizer to share. We have scheduled a yard sale on October 6 from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., so start going through your closets and cupboards. It’s a perfect time to get rid of some of those summer things you didn’t use this year so you can make room for some brand new winter items. The fee is $10 per space, so call the office to make your reservation. On October 28, we will once again host our Pumpkin Patch Party and pumpkin carving for kids of all ages. We hope the weather will be nice enough to have it on the patio behind the clubhouse from 2:00 to 4:00. As always, the jack-o-lanterns will be displayed, so start thinking about your Halloween design. Finally, we had such a great turnout for our Holiday Party last year that we want to make a tradition of it, so we are planning to host it again this year on December 8. Stay tuned – we will have complete information coming up in the next issue of the Voice and we hope to see many of you there! YARD SALE October 6th 8am—2pm Café Parking Lot Call the office to reserve a Space. $10 per Space. Gather all those things you have been wanting to get rid of and set up shop. Remember, one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Cross Creek Voice . . IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO REPEAT ****Air-Conditioning Season is Upon Us**** Watch Out for Drain Problems Here at Cross Creek we have frequent problems with air-conditioning (A/C) drains being stopped up and causing lots of damage, both to our own units and to those who might be below us. The recommendation is to have your air-conditioning service company check the following three things that will reduce the possibility of drainage overflows. A running A/C unit condenses a lot of water as it cools the air. The condensate drain pipes are old and of small diameter. As a result they are prone to have a buildup of algae that clogs them. If the drain is clogged, this water has no place to go and it overflows on to the floor. If there is a unit below you, the water may drain through to that unit and may cause damage there. Every A/C unit should have a drain line - generally white plastic – connected somewhere near the middle of the unit (see drawing below). This drain line connects to a similar line that drains outside to a safe discharge point. Current Code requires that there be a drain pan installed below the A/C unit. This drain pan must have either it’s own drain, connected to the main drain, or an electrical switch that cuts the A/C off if the pan fills. Please have someone check to see if you’re A/C has one of these safety devices. The electrical switch is preferred because it works if the overflow drain is clogged. It is recommended that one cup of Clorox be poured into the drain at least once or twice a month during the A/C season. This helps clean out the algae and helps keep the drain open. The A/C code does not require the A/C installer to provide an access pipe for the Clorox to be added to the drain. YOU MUST REQUEST this access when the A/C is installed. If you do not have this pipe access, have your A/C serviceman install it. It’s a simple install. The sketch below shows how it should look. September 2012 REMINDERS FROM THE BOARD Car washing is NEVER allowed at Cross Creek to help control our water bill. You are responsible for your own security at all times while on Cross Creek CONDO or REC properties. The Association cannot and does not provide security for the residents of Cross Creek. Our Master Liability insurance policy has a $15,000 per unit Deductible for water and/or sewer damage. Damages less than $15,000 should be covered by your unit owners insurance policy. Your unit owners policy should include Loss Assessment coverage equal to the $15,000 per unit Deductible for water and/or sewer damage. The first $15,000 of water and/or sewer damage is the unit owners responsibility. The Deductible assigned back to unit owners for fire and extended coverage is $5,000. Please consult your insurance agent about your coverage. Never flush anything down your toilet except toilet paper, preferably single ply. Never put cooking grease or cooking oil down your kitchen sink or disposal. Your cooperation is appreciated by your neighbors and the Association. PLEASE SEND YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS TO [email protected] THE MANAGEMENT OFFICE SENDS OUT REGULAR NEWS BLASTS TO THEIR EMAIL LIST. THIS IS A MAJOR WAY WE INFORM RESIDENTS OF IMPORTANT ISSUES. THEREFORE, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU SEND YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS AND LET YOUR NEIGHBOR KNOW ABOUT THIS TOO. BE INFORMED!! Disclaimer: The following are paid advertisements and do not carry the endorsement of the Cross Creek Condominium Association, Inc. , Board of Directors or its Management. Cross Creek Voice State Board Licensed Heating & Air Conditioning (770) 466-7383 $ 79.9 SUM 5 ME A/C R SP E CH ECK CIAL: -UP Sales & Service • Replacements Call (770) 466-7383 References Available From Cross Creek Residents HOUSEKEEPING Home and Office Basic or detailed cleaning Spring cleaning (anytime of the year) licensed, insured, and bonded Please call for quote BUD’S CLEANING SERVICE Steve Thompson, Owner Phone: (404)861-0679 Cross Creek References Available September 2012 CROSS CREEK FITNESS CENTER IS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT HOLT HOME IMPROVEMENT BY: Total Fitness Training LLC! Get in Shape for the New Year For Membership Information and Training Call Trudy at 404-803-0530 email: [email protected] CURTIS BOONEY Licensed Master Plumber 404-876-5708 Serving Intown Atlanta For Over 20 Years Cross Creek References Available! Performing All Your Remodeling Needs: Kitchens: Design & Install Baths: Design & Install Painting: Interior & Exterior Drywall: Repair & Install Flooring: Hardwood & Tile Carpentry Work All Home Repairs & Maintenance Free Estimates * Insured * 25 Years Experience No Job Is Too BIG or Too small Ken Holt, Owner 404-246-1045 Cross Creek References Available Combined Services, Inc. 404-373-4100 FLOODED? No Job too BIG or too small Call Chastain ChemDry 24 Hours a Day/7 Days a Week For Water Extraction and Dry-Out Services Heating/Air – We repair all makes and models. Plumbing – Water Heater replacement. Faucets, Sinks, and Toilets. Electrical Panel Box replacements. Light Fixtures, Fans. New Circuits. – 404-351-7071 Present this AD for 5% Discount when you are Billed! Expert Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Christine Lavoisier-Van Meter Same Day Service 404-351-7071 Serving Cross Creek for 17 years PIANO INSTRUCTION FOR ADULTS & SENIORS FREE TRIAL SESSION And it’s right here, in Cross Creek! Website: Telephone: (678) 575-9554 Email: [email protected] Our highly trained service professionals use the power of Hot Carbonation for a deep and healthy clean. You can trust our powerful Carpet Cleaning equipment and proprietary cleaning solutions to offer the cleanest clean, the driest dry, and the safest process available anywhere! Cross Creek Voice LAMAR SMITH. GENERAL CONTRACTING SERVICES Specializing in any home repairs and improvements - plumbing, electrical, water heaters, painting, problem solving and renovations. 27 years experience. References available. Ask for: Lamar Smith 404-583-1003 SUNSHINE WINDOWS Hand wash windows, pressure washing. Free estimates. 100’s of Cross Creek references. Licensed, bonded, Insured. 770-422-7405. I. M. HOME PAINTING & REPAIRS Expert, reliable, honest. I paint, tile, install everything from lighting to cabinetry and then some. Can fix anything and have lots of Cross Creek clientele to back it up. Call now and ask for Ron 770-985-1158 LUTZ CLEANERS Only Eco Friendly, Organic Dry Cleaners in the Neighborhood – All Work Now Done on Premises – Accepting All Credit Cards – Same Day Service On Request – Best Customer Service in the Neighborhood Open: M-F 7am-7pm, Sat 9am-6pm 404-351-8344 TAYLOR APPLIANCE SERVICE. Service, sales and installation on most major American brand appliances. Credit cards accepted. For service, Contact Mark Taylor 404-872-7751 AVON PRODUCTS I am a new representative for AVON and live in Cross Creek. AVON is not just make-up anymore. We also have jewelry, clothing, men’s products and items for kids. To place an order or for more information, call or email me or you can purchase online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at my website: msmith3956 Margie Smith Telephone: 404-603-9565 Email: [email protected] 404-758-1101 LESLIE DUNLAP ® REALTOR (404) 504-0773 DIRECT (404) 694-5980 CELL (404) 262-1658 FAX [email protected] Follow Me on Facebook: Resident of Cross Creek owned and operated by NRT LLC. WE DO EVERYTHING ELECTRIC! I’m also available should you need a personal assistant or if you need someone to run errands. Fees based on service. September 2012 Website: Cross Creek Condominium Assn., Inc. 404.351.7600 (phone) 404.351.8686 (fax) [email protected] 1221 Cross Creek Pkwy Atlanta, GA 30327 Ad Rates for The Voice Linear Ads 35 words - $15 Business Hours Mon-Wed 9am-5pm; Thurs 9am-6pm; Fri 8am-4pm After hours emergencies Call the office number 404.351.7600 and the message center will page on-call Maintenance staff for Maintenance emergencies Only. For all non-maintenance emergencies, call 911. Gate: Front Gate Attendant. 404.351.2266 Management Office Staff Paul Hensey, Interim Property Manager [email protected] Donna Guton, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Lindsay Cole, Front Office Coordinator [email protected] Display Ads Full page - $325 Half-page - $150 Quarter-page - $60 Eighth-page (business card) - $35 For More Information call: Annie Smith @ 404.735.4223 Or email @ [email protected] Maintenance Staff Gerald Gay, Condo Maintenance Supervisor Charles Lowe, Condo Maintenance Technician Don Page, Condo Maintenance Technician Nate Edmondson, Condo Maintenance Technician Steve LaFleur, Golf Maintenance Supervisor Carl Brown, Golf Maintenance Technician Jimmy Nichols, Golf Maintenance Technician Ricky Nichols, Golf Maintenance Technician Note: The Voice is published monthly. If you have time-sensitive material, please discuss this with Annie before you place your Ad. We appreciate your business! Time Sensitive Material Please Expedite Delivery Cross Creek Condominium Association, Inc. 1221 Cross Creek Parkway Atlanta, GA 30327 404.351.7600 (phone) 404.351.8686 (fax) [email protected] Cross Creek Condo Assoc., Inc. Committee & Board Meetings* Meeting September October November Buildings & Wednesday Grounds Sept 19th 6:30 PM Wednesday Oct 24th 6:30 PM Wednesday Nov 21st 6:30 PM Community Wednesday Affairs Sept 12th 7 PM @ LaRue Pool House Wednesday Oct 10th 7 PM @ LaRue Pool House Wednesday Nov 14th 7 PM @ LaRue Pool House Finance Tuesday Sept 25th 6:00 PM Tuesday Oct 30th 6:00 PM Tuesday Nov 27th 6:00 PM Board of Directors Wednesday Sept 26th 6:30 PM Wednesday Oct 31st 6:30 PM Wednesday Nov 28th 6:30 PM * There may be changes in dates or times, especially around the Holidays. If dates or times are changed, it will be noted on the Marquee. Everyone is welcome at meetings of the Cross Creek Community Association! Come see what is going on at Cross Creek. Attend the Board and Committee Meetings. Suggestions are always welcome.