annual report - The Plastic Surgery Foundation
annual report - The Plastic Surgery Foundation
2013 ANNUAL REPORT Our mission is to advance the quality of care delivered to plastic surgery patients by encouraging the highest standards of training, ethics, physician practice management, and research in plastic surgery. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) is the largest plastic surgery specialty organization in the world. Founded in 1931, the Society is composed of more than 7,000 physician members and represents more than 94 percent of all board-certified plastic surgeons in the United States who perform cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Founded in 1948, The Plastic Surgery Foundation (The PSF) works on behalf of the specialty to guide future innovation and organizational collaboration. Our goal is to guide the latest breakthroughs in plastic surgery research and develop guidelines for plastic surgeons in order to promote the highest clinical outcomes and patient safety. The PSF is a world leader in research, championing initiatives that have a significant impact on clinical practice. We also work to educate and cultivate the pipeline of surgeon scientists to assure that ASPS members will spearhead research and medical innovation now and for years to come. CONTENTS 2 ASPS/PSF LETTERS TO MEMBERS 8 ASPS/PSF BOARD OF DIRECTORS 10 ASPS/PSF FINANCIAL RESULTS 14MEMBERSHIP 16 ADVOCACY MATTERS 19 QUALITY AND HEALTH POLICY 22 COMMUNICATIONS AND OUTREACH 24PUBLICATIONS 26 ASPS EDUCATION 28 MEMBERSHIP PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES 30 RESEARCH AND SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS 33 RESEARCH, TRAINING, AND IDEA INCUBATION 34 INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS IN PLASTIC SURGERY 35 RESEARCH GRANT PROGRAMS 40 SCHOLARSHIP AWARD PROGRAMS 41 GRANT AWARDS 42 BREAST RECONSTRUCTION AWARENESS FUND 43 FELLOWS OF THE MALINIAC CIRCLE 44 THE PSF SUPPORTERS 56 SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM 1 2013 HIGHLIGHTS ASPS made significant progress in leveraging the Plastic Surgery Education Campaign funds by deploying new tactics to promote public awareness efforts that include ASPS messaging on board certification and patient safety. •The PSF is in a more prominent position on the national fundraising stage, increasing our ability to support charitable care, research, and public awareness outside of individual member contributions • Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery launched the first in a series of PRS Clinical Masters which helped the publication reach an additional five percent increase in advertising revenue • In 2013, ASPS made great strides in the development of Plastic Surgery Practice Solutions (formerly Plastic Surgery Business Solutions). We entered into a strategic alliance with Strathspey Crown, a physician-owned private equity firm that is set to launch a suite of practice management and practice marketing tools 2013 Consumer Plastic Surgery Snapshot since 2012 •15.1 million cosmetic surgery procedures, including both minimally-invasive and surgical, were performed in the United States in 2013—up three percent •In addition, 5.7 million reconstructive surgery procedures, which improve function and appearance to abnormal structures, were performed—up two percent •Silicone implants were used in 72 percent of all breast augmentations while saline implants were used in 28 percent •Nearly 10,000 buttock augmentations with fat grafting were performed—an increase of 16 percent •Neck lifts are becoming increasingly popular, with more than 55,000 procedures performed—up six percent 2 FRESH IDEAS ALREADY PAYING OFF It’s been a very successful year at the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and The Plastic Surgery Foundation. As you will see throughout this report, we have continued to develop innovative ways to represent our members and to fight to protect the specialty. By far, the largest single concern of ASPS members, especially those of you in private practice, is the increasing encroachment on the specialty by non-plastic surgeons who see the self-pay, aesthetic surgery marketplace as their salvation from declining reimbursement. The leading edge of our battalion in this fight is the Plastic Surgery Education Campaign— to which every ASPS member contributes—that provides approximately $2 million to reinforce public awareness of the specialty and the ASPS Symbol of Excellence. We continue to leverage these resources in creative ways, such as producing our own multimedia news releases that tell real-life patient stories. These compelling and empathetic news stories (whether talking about “botched” cosmetic surgery procedures or highlighting procedural trends) are released to the media ready for broadcast by TV news stations across the country. The most recent media coverage of ASPS statistics, highlighting an increase in upper arm lift procedures, garnered an audience of more than 1 billion in its first month alone, with an advertising value of $4 million for the ASPS brand and its members. One of our key objectives for 2014 will be to develop new sources of funding to increase the national scale of our public awareness campaigns. We have also partnered with members to help fight for our causes in Washington and in state capitals. This year, we supported legislation requiring truth and transparency in advertising by non-physician providers. We also fought to repeal the flawed Medicare physician payment formula (SGR) and worked against a 24 percent payment cut. We continue to work closely with members of Congress as a permanent repeal proposal takes shape. We are also aggressively developing tools for member practices. We currently offer the ASPS Practice Marketing App, the Passionate Patient Education Brochures, the Informed Consent Resource, eClinical Works electronic medical records software, and Access Medical Purchasing, our group purchasing organization. I would like to extend my gratitude to Gregory Evans, MD and Charles Verheyden MD, PhD, and to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors for their continued support and advice over the past year. I also wish to acknowledge the incredibly hard-working and devoted staff at the headquarters office in Chicago and satellite office in Washington, DC as well as the PRS office in Dallas. I look forward to working with the membership and with all sub-specialty societies in the coming year as we continue our combined efforts to strengthen our position on behalf of our members. Sincerely, MICHAEL D. COSTELLOE, JD Executive Vice President American Society of Plastic Surgeons 3 YOUR DUES DOLLARS AT WORK Media Outreach/Public Relations Health Policy and Advocacy PSEC and Public Awareness Campaigns Federal-level Advocacy State-level Advocacy Quality Measures Other—Health Policy, Regulatory Affairs Education Programs PSEN ACCME Accreditation General and Administrative Finance, IT, Facilities, Executive, HR, Legal, etc. Membership Programs Governance Member Services Programs Communications Other—TOPS™ 2.0, Website Access, Special Interest Groups, Sub-specialty Relations Membership Publications Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Plastic Surgery News PRS Global Open 4 DOING OUR BEST TO SERVE OUR SURGEONS AND PATIENTS—2013 HIGHLIGHTS It seems like it was yesterday that I stepped into the ASPS presidency with much responsibility and the best interests of all ASPS members on my mind. It’s been a challenging but exciting year, and we’ve accomplished a lot while steering the organization in new directions to combat the ever-changing medical and economic climates. No longer can an organization’s success stand on its dues-paying members alone. Success will continue to demand new paradigms and our members will continue to demand more benefits—and rightly so. We are constructing these paradigms and are supplying these benefits by embracing new opportunities now available to us. We have experienced double-digit international membership growth—12 percent. ASPS is in the process of creating a Management Services Organization to directly help our members in expanding their practices, and earlier this year, PRS launched PRS Global Open, a new journal that provides opportunities to publish high-quality articles and manuscripts in the rapidly growing open access arena. ASPS continues to be financially viable, which further allows us the opportunity to help our state societies move to the forefront of local and national issues. We have helped push legislation forward in the U.S. Congress to require that women receive all possible information regarding their post-mastectomy breast reconstruction options, and we have also supported truth-and-transparency legislation to combat false advertising by non-physician providers. As physicians, we are truly blessed to have the opportunity to treat our fellow human beings. Each day, we all arrive at work and do our best for our patients while trying to be advocates for health care. I am privileged to be a part of the greatest profession in the world. Thank you for allowing me to be your president and I look forward to seeing where this great organization is headed next. Sincerely, GREGORY R.D. EVANS, MD, FACS President American Society of Plastic Surgeons 5 A COMMITMENT TO ADVANCEMENT It has been an exciting year of growth and advancement for The Plastic Surgery Foundation (The PSF). We have made great strides in strengthening The PSF’s core focus of developing projects and initiatives that support the clinical priorities and needs of plastic surgeons and plastic surgery patients. The PSF’s diverse portfolio exemplifies our commitment to effectively leveraging the philanthropic and innovative spirit of our members—the spirit that has made the plastic surgery specialty a leader in medical advancement. Working collaboratively with all stakeholders, we are driven to execute the most promising new initiatives that are poised to transform The PSF’s ability and potential to impact lives. Our goals are ambitious and our legacy is grounded by our focus toward the future. The research that The PSF develops and funds must have realistic, real-world implications on healthcare delivery and patients’ lives. We rely on feedback and advice from our advisory councils, members, partner organizations, and external agencies to help us best allocate our resources toward the most important areas, which are needed to strengthen and develop the future of medicine. In the years ahead, The PSF will expand its presence as a reliable funding source and incubator for new and innovative research. We will also continue to proactively develop multi-center projects for the purpose of quality improvement and patient safety as part of our overall strategy. Building off of our strengths and previous successes, The PSF is positioned to be a world leader in breast procedures, fat grafting, patient-reported outcomes, and transplantation research. To do this, we rely on contributions from our dedicated volunteers and donors. Their support and expertise enable The PSF to develop and invest in the issues dear to the heart of plastic surgeons, including programs that drive the development of new technologies and techniques, provide access to care, and address timely patient safety issues. Through The PSF, the specialty has the capability to advance medicine in 2014 and beyond. Two-thousand thirteen was a year of significant growth. We are proud of the results that were achieved, but the years ahead hold even more promise. We are grateful for your support and partnership as we work together to continue to make advancements for the specialty. Sincerely, KEITH M. HUME, MA Staff Vice President and Chief Operations Officer The Plastic Surgery Foundation 6 ON THE CUTTING EDGE OF MEDICINE This past year serving as The PSF president has been an incredible experience. We saw our development efforts blossom, research fellowships and projects funded, breast reconstruction patients and children cared for domestically and around the world, registries developed—the list goes on—it has been tremendously exciting. By annually supporting new research, The PSF fosters an environment for scientific discovery that improves patient care and helps plastic surgery stay on the cutting edge of medicine. The registry efforts—breast implant, ALCL, fat grafting, and others—bring together plastic surgeons, other specialists, and government leaders, who want to contribute to answering important questions that can only be solved through broad participation. The argument could be made that these types of studies yield results that are quicker to realize and are more immediately tangible than more basic science-oriented projects. This means the PSF will have a direct impact on the clinical application of these innovative new ideas. A wonderful example is fat grafting. I have used this technique from head to (almost) toe, and the number of applications continues to increase. Probably the single most common topic of projects granted research dollars for the next fiscal year is expanding our knowledge in this area and helping us do it better. We have been a leader in other areas as well. The BRA Day USA campaign, beginning its third year, has already produced impressive results. Every one of us who does autogenous or implant-based breast reconstruction benefits from this public awareness effort—as do our patients. The Caring for Kids campaign and VIPS efforts are, respectively, new and existing ways that The PSF helps the public, both by directly funding patient care and increasing awareness of plastic surgery’s efforts in this area. This expenditure of time, energy, and money has positive effects in the United States and around the world. I wish I had a crystal ball to see five, 10, 20 years down the road to see all that we’ve been able to accomplish together. Thank you for allowing me to guide our path these last 12 months. Sincerely, CHARLES N. VERHEYDEN, MD, PHD President The Plastic Surgery Foundation 7 2013 ASPS/PSF BOARD OF DIRECTORS The American Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Plastic Surgery Foundation would like to thank the many volunteer officers, Board members, committee chairs, committee members, and member volunteers for their dedication to advancing certified plastic surgery. 8 GREGORY R.D. EVANS, MD, FACS ASPS President* CHARLES N. VERHEYDEN, MD, PHD, FACS The PSF President* ROBERT X. MURPHY, JR, MD ASPS President-Elect* KEVIN C. CHUNG, MD The PSF President-Elect* NICHOLAS B. VEDDER, MD, FACS Board Vice President of Academic Affairs and International Affairs Service* KEITH E. BRANDT, MD Board Vice President of Education* DAVID H. SONG, MD, MBA, FACS Board Vice President of Finance and Treasurer* SCOT BRADLEY GLASBERG, MD, FACS Board Vice President of Health Policy and Advocacy* CHARLES E. BUTLER, MD Board Vice President of Research* MALCOLM Z. ROTH, MD ASPS Immediate-Past President* MICHAEL W. NEUMEISTER, MD, FRCSC, FACS The PSF Immediate-Past President* ROXANNE J. GUY, MD, FACS ASPS Trustee CAROLYN L. KERRIGAN, MD ASPS Trustee DEBRA J. JOHNSON, MD Member-at-Large LYNN L.C. JEFFERS, MD Member-at-Large DONALD H. LALONDE, MD AAHS Representative W. JOHN KITZMILLER, MD ACAPS Representative STEVEN R. BUCHMAN, MD ASMS Representative PAUL S. CEDERNA, MD ASPN Representative PETER C. NELIGAN, MB ASRM Representative GARY A. SMOTRICH, MD Council on State Affairs Representative GEOFFREY C. GURTNER, MD PSRC Representative C. BOB BASU, MD, MPH, FACS YPS Representative EAMON B. O’REILLY, MD Resident Representative *Executive Committee Member NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR PLASTIC SURGERY COUNCIL OF ADVISORS NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR PLASTIC SURGERY COUNCIL OF ADVISORS KAROL GUTOWSKI, MD, CHAIR MICHAEL KALISMAN, MD PAUL CEDERNA, MD BRIAN M. KINNEY, MD, FACS GARY R. CULBERTSON, MD, FACS MICHAEL W. NEUMEISTER, MD, FRCSC, FACS ARUN GOSAIN, MD JOHN PERSING, MD JEFFREY JANIS, MD ANNE TAYLOR, MD 9 ASPS FINANCIAL RESULTS Fiscal year 2013 (FY2013) was an important year for the Society. Through its strong cash position and stringent expense management, ASPS continues to have the financial strength to invest in new programs and other business development opportunities that will provide even greater value to members and their practices now and in the years ahead. This past year saw revenue growth from the success of our new symposium Managing Complications and a strong scientific meeting at Plastic Surgery The Meeting in New Orleans. On a consolidated basis, ASPS earned $23.7 million in operating revenues in FY2013 and incurred $21.2 million in operating expenses, resulting in Net Operating Income (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) of $1.7 million. Net operating revenue was adversely affected by a combination of lower advertising revenues from ASPS publications, The Regenerative Medicine Symposium, and the rotation of educational programs that occur on a biennial basis. ASPS made several technical investments to its infrastructure that ensures it continues to effectively and efficiently address the needs of its members. These include additional investments in the Society’s website,, as well as Plastic Surgery Education Network (PSEN) and Access Medical Purchasing (AMP). The continuing investment in each of these programs in FY2014 should establish a strong foundation upon which members should realize value for many years to come. ASPS FINANCIAL RESULTS ($000) FY2011 FY2012FY2013 Revenue$21,931 $21,804 $23,688 Expense$19,708 $19,733 $21,213 EBITDA $2,223 $2,071 $2,475 Net Non-Operating Activities($1,042)($1,772) ($678) Net Income (Loss) $1,181 $299 $1,797 10 ASPS CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL RESULTS ($000) ASPS FY2013 OPERATING REVENUE ASPS FY2013 OPERATING EXPENSES Year ended June 30, 2013 11 THE PSF FINANCIAL RESULTS In 2013, The PSF made significant investments in long-term projects and research to help plastic surgery grow. By annually supporting new research, The PSF fosters an environment for scientific discovery that improves patient care and helps plastic surgery stay on the cutting edge of medicine. We reviewed 144 grant applications—almost a 10 percent increase from 2012—further illustrating our presence as a funding institution. In 2013, The PSF awarded 34 projects and invested more than $770,000 in clinical, basic, and translational research. The future of plastic surgery is promising, and the winners of our prestigious research awards represent the best and brightest, leading the specialty to greater heights through investigator-initiated research and innovation. The PSF has a unique ability to foster innovation and open new fields of treatment, programs that transform the lives of patients, provide educational workshops, and award grants and fellowships to advance the career development of young plastic surgeons. Fifty-two percent of the funding comes from member contributions and 29 percent from partnerships with industry. THE PSF FINANCIAL RESULTS ($000) FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 Revenue $2,130 $974$1,594 Expense $2,510 $1,926$2,404 EBITDA ($620)($952) ($810) Net Non-Operating Activities $3,202 ($470)$756 Net Income (Loss) $2,822 12 ($1,422) ($54) THE PSF FY2013 OPERATING REVENUE THE PSF FY2013 OPERATING EXPENSES 13 MEMBERSHIP EVERY DUES DOLLAR YOU INVEST IS OF VALUE TO YOU— TO OUR SPECIALTY—TO YOUR PRACTICE The American Society of Plastic Surgeons focuses on members first, ensuring each initiative, program or product delivers value and a significant return on investment for your membership dues and contributions to The Plastic Surgery Foundation. We continue to identify global partners that meet our criteria to grow our membership abroad. While our domestic growth is limited to the number of plastic surgery residents completing training (200 annually), we continue to be the leading organization representing 94 percent of all American Board of Plastic Surgery-certified plastic surgeons MEMBERSHIP FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 Domestic (USA and Canada) 7,763 8,029 8,104 8,182 8,257 792 885 993 International Total MEMBERSHIP AT A GLANCE 14 484 61 1 8,2478,6408,896 9,0679,250 INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIP OUTREACH We continue our global outreach with more international members than ever before, which creates an opportunity to exchange ideas with colleagues overseas for initiatives and innovations driving the specialty. We also help international residency programs by making the training portion of PSEN available to 14 international society partners. With members from nearly 70 countries, ASPS is the global organization for plastic surgery. ASPS GLOBAL PARTNER ORGANIZATIONS COUNTRYORGANIZATION AUSTRALIA Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons BELGIUMRoyal Belgian Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (RBSPS) BRAZIL Sociedade Brasileira de Cirurgia Plástica (SBCP) FRANCESociété Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique (SOFCPRE) IRELAND Irish Association of Plastic Surgery (IAPS) ISRAEL Israel Society of Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery (ISPAS) ITALYSocietà Italiana di Chirurgia Plastica Ricostruttiva ed Estetica (SICPRE) NETHERLANDS Nederlandse Vereniging voor Plastische Chirurgie (NVPC) NEW ZEALAND New Zealand Association of Plastic Surgeons (NZAPS) SINGAPORE Singapore Association of Plastic Surgeons (SAPS) SOUTH AFRICAAssociation of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of Southern Africa (APRSSA) SOUTH KOREAKorean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (KSPRS) TAIWAN Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery (TSPS) UNITED KINGDOMThe British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) 15 ADVOCACY MATTERS STATE LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS In 2013, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons continued to make significant strides advocating for the plastic surgery specialty at the state government level. As a member of the Stop Medical Taxes Coalition, ASPS worked with legislators and other specialty groups to defeat damaging cosmetic tax proposals in Minnesota and Maine. ASPS was also involved in efforts to repeal the sales tax on cosmetic medical procedures in Connecticut and continues to support any future efforts to repeal cosmetic taxes. As part of the American Medical Association’s Scope of Practice Partnership (SOPP), ASPS opposed legislation in New York that would have expanded dental scope of practice and also supported a bill in Louisiana that would have greatly expanded the scope of optometry. ASPS continues to work on this issue with a goal of protecting patient safety by challenging scope of practice expansions that are not proportionate with a non-physician provider group’s education and training. In 2013, passage of “Name Your Board” legislation, which remains a priority for ASPS, was successful in Maine, Maryland and Nevada, and supported by ASPS in California, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, and Ohio. ASPS will continue to work with other stakeholder physician groups to draw attention to the need for healthcare providers to clearly and honestly advertise their level of training, education, and certification. The Society worked closely with the Maryland Society of Plastic Surgeons and the Maryland State Medical Society to protect plastic surgery’s interest in office-based surgery. As a result, a measure was passed into law which strengthened oversight after a highly publicized string of infections were tied to a local medical spa in the state. Finally, legislation designed to implement an education campaign to inform women, especially those in racial and ethnic minority groups, on their reconstructive options after breast cancer was signed into law in Alabama, Illinois, and Ohio. ASPS continues to support legislation at the state level to inform women of their reconstructive options after breast cancer treatment in concert with our Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day initiatives. FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS We are proud of ASPS’ work with the Secretary of Health and Human Services to clarify the definition of reconstructive surgery used for insurance plans under the Affordable Care Act, which includes all follow-up procedures for children with congenital deformities or injuries. ASPS also continued to fight for a permanent repeal of the flawed Medicare physician payment formula (SGR) and stopped a 24 percent physician payment cut by working closely with members of Congress as they developed a permanent repeal proposal, commenting on various drafts from congressional committees of jurisdiction and meeting with members of Congress to express ASPS priorities. 16 The Society worked with members of Congress in both the House of Representatives and the Senate to have the Breast Cancer Patient Education Act introduced, which is designed to increase breast cancer patient awareness about reconstruction options. ASPS also built a coalition of support for the legislation. See below and next page for full list of supporters. Challenges with the Affordable Care Act remain a priority in Congress and ASPS fought for the repeal of the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). The repeal legislation reached 220 bipartisan co-sponsors in the House of Representatives and 36 bipartisan cosponsors in the Senate in 2013. Additionally, we worked on legislation to repeal language in the Affordable Care Act that would deem it illegal “discrimination” under federal law for private health plans to make qualification distinctions between physicians and nonphysician healthcare providers when forming insurance plan panels. ASPS also worked on critical issues to enable physicians to engage in private contracting with Medicare beneficiaries; recommended legislation to combat false advertising by non-physician providers; proposed changes to the meaningful use standards for electronic health records; supported legislation that would increase the number of Graduate Medical Education (GME) positions available, and ensure that newly created slots be designated for specialty shortage residency programs. WHO SUPPORTS THE BREAST CANCER PATIENT EDUCATION ACT? Several prominent senators and representatives have co-sponsored the bill, while prominent organizations have given their support. SENATE CO-SPONSORS Sen. Sherrod Brown (OH) Sen. Mazie K. Hirono (HI) Sen. Susan M. Collins (ME) Sen. Angus S. King, Jr. (ME) Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA) Sen. Jon Tester (MT) Sen. Deb Fischer (NE) Sen. David Vitter (LA) HOUSE CO-SPONSORS Rep. Robert E. Andrews (D-NJ-1) Rep. David Loebsack (D-IA-2) Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-7) Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY-4) Rep. Donna M. Christensen (D-VI-At Large) Rep. David B. McKinley (R-WV-1) Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-VA-11) Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA-5) Rep. Renee L. Ellmers (R-NC-2) Rep. Michael H. Michaud (D-ME-2) Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL-16) Rep. Donald M. Payne, Jr. (D-NJ-10) Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ-7) Rep. Robert Pittenger (R-NC-9) Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA-13) Rep. Steve Stivers (R-OH-15) 17 ORGANIZATIONS ON THE COALITION LETTER American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network American Osteopathic Association American Society of Plastic Surgeons American Society of Plastic Surgical Nurses California Society of Plastic Surgeons Curémonos Evelyn’s Breast Friends Forever Illinois Society of Plastic Surgeons Living beyond Breast Cancer Myself: Together Again New Jersey Society of Plastic Surgeons Washington Society of Plastic Surgeons NATIONAL BREAST RECONSTRUCTION AWARENESS (BRA) DAY The American Society of Plastic Surgeons and The Plastic Surgery Foundation continue to work to raise awareness about breast reconstruction for cancer patients. Many women diagnosed with breast cancer are not being informed of their reconstructive options following breast cancer surgery. We hope to increase the number of breast cancer patients who undergo restorative breast reconstruction following their mastectomies, as it greatly improves a woman’s quality of life. National Breast Reconstruction Awareness (BRA) Day, took place on October 16, 2013 with events nationwide. TOTAL 2013 BRA DAY FUNDS RAISED–$282,000 NATIONAL MEDIA COVERAGE •Today Show, Univision’s Primer Impacto (First Impact), the #1 rated Spanish news, and Entertainment Tonight, the #1 entertainment news magazine in the world, plus Daily Buzz and OK!TV •Print articles in The New York Daily News, The Orlando Sentinel, and The Ottawa Citizen •Web coverage on Yahoo! News, Huffington Post, IMDB, Hulu, Fox News, ABC News, and CBS News SOCIAL MEDIA •9,084 copies of Jewel’s song “Flower” have been sold to benefit the Plastic Surgery Foundation and the song has been streamed more than 35,150 times • YouTube views for all three Public Service Announcements total: 234,430 ADVERTISING •Print ad reach: More than 4.5 million impressions through MLB League Championship Program, USA Today Women’s Health Guide, and Emmy® magazine’s “Emmy Bash Photo Splash” issue 18 QUALITY AND HEALTH POLICY QUALITY AND EVIDENCE-BASED MEDICINE The society advanced its Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) Initiative, incorporating critically appraised literature into all quality products including clinical practice guidelines and quality initiatives. As a part of the initiative, the ASPS Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline on Breast Reconstruction with Expanders and Implants was finalized and published in 2013. The guideline was accepted for publication to the National Guidelines Clearinghouse website ( and a guideline summary article will be published as a PRS Journal CME article in 2014. Consistent with the ASPS EBM initiative, staff continued a monthly critical appraisal and assigned Levels of Evidence to PRS articles. We also provided additional critical appraisal services, for MOC and CME reference articles to appropriately assign Levels of Evidence. This year, we initiated participation in the “Choosing Wisely” campaign, an initiative of the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM). As the voice of plastic surgery among thought leaders in the profession, ASPS member volunteers and Quality staff participated in meetings with the National Quality Forum (NQF), Surgical Quality Alliance (SQA), Guidelines International Network (G-I-N), Council of Medical Specialty Societies (CMSS), and the AMA Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement (AMA-PCPI). ASPS staff developed content for an online Performance Improvement Continuing Medical Education (PI-CME) Module on Reduction Mammaplasty, which contains performance measures, based on the most recent evidence, cited in the ASPS Clinical Practice Guideline on Reduction Mammaplasty. Physician volunteers and staff also facilitated a collaboration with the SQA, to draft and finalize the “Surgery & Public Reporting: Recommendations for Issuing Public Reports on Surgical Care” document, which provides guidance on how surgical specialties may go about initiating public reporting. The Quality and Performance Measurement Committee reviewed four skin cancer guidelines, developed by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN), which received ASPS’ endorsement. The Quality and Performance Measurement Committee reviewed and submitted comments on the National Quality Forum (NQF) Measure Evaluation guidance document; as well as for the National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, and the Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance Draft 2014 International Pressure Ulcer Guideline, further solidifying the Society’s position as a thought leader and highlighting ASPS expertise in performance measure development, guideline development, and evidence based medicine. 19 HEALTH POLICY ASPS physician representatives and Health Policy staff advocated on behalf of plastic surgery through the development and submission of comments on the CMS “proposed” and “final” rules for the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule. In this regard, ASPS fought to prevent burdensome changes to the PQRS (Physician Quality Reporting System) program, including a transition away from allowing performance measures to be reported via claims and dramatically increasing reporting requirements. Through the submission of comments, ASPS also successfully advocated for CMS to consider including the Surgical CAHPS instrument in national reporting programs and collaborated with Coding and Payment Policy volunteers to respond to potential changes to the process for determining Practice Expense Relative Value Units (RVU), which directly impact physician reimbursement. In addition, surgeon leaders and ASPS staff evaluated and responded to changes in the healthcare system that directly impact the delivery of plastic surgery care, including, but not limited to, implications of the Affordable Care Act as well as participation in Accountable Care Organizations. The team also conducted a thorough review and provided feedback to CMS, through a third party vendor, on the search terms included on the Physician Compare website, via the intelligent search functionality. ASPS also participated in the Alliance of Specialty Medicine as Super Users for the Quality and Resource Use Reports (QRUR). QRURs provide comparative information so physicians can view examples of the clinical care their patients receive in relation to the average care and costs of other physicians’ Medicare patients. ASPS will continue participating in this effort and providing feedback going forward. Staff also shared education resources to assist ASPS members with ensuring compliance with updated HIPAA requirements, PQRS, E-prescribing, and EHR incentive programs. ASPS IS PLASTIC SURGERY’S VOICE WITH KEY OPINION LEADERS 20 CODING AND PAYMENT Member volunteers and ASPS staff worked to develop recommendations to the Relative Value Scale Update Committee (RUC) on practice expense RVUs, for plastic surgeryrelated CPT codes, and also provided guidance to plastic surgeons on coding for plastic surgery procedures. Work was also done to advocate on behalf of members to third party payors, regarding existing and newly established policies for coverage and reimbursement of acellular dermal matrix (ADM). ASPS worked to ensure that plastic surgery’s voice was heard with our responses to CMS regarding NCCI (National Correct Coding Initiative) and MUE (Medically Unlikely Edits) with regards to CPT coding. As the leader for the specialty, ASPS facilitated participation in the RUC and CPT Editorial Panel. Our comments on proposed insurance coverage policies for bio-engineered skin and soft tissue substitutes and destruction of pre-malignant skin lesions were submitted to insurance companies in order to share the plastic surgery perspective on appropriate use of and any potential reimbursement issues for this advanced technology. ASPS surgeon leaders and staff also successfully advocated against use of OPPS (Outpatient Prospective Payment System) and ASC (Ambulatory Surgical Center) rates in developing RVUs. ASPS staff also shared monthly Regulatory Updates to the membership on issues affecting Health Policy and Physician Payment, which were disseminated to the membership via Plastic Surgery News. ASPS staff initiated the development of educational resources to assist members in transitioning to ICD-10 and overall ICD-10 implementation. PATIENT SAFETY We evaluated government publications and position statements describing increased complication rates that directly impacted patient safety in plastic surgery. In March 2013, ASPS established a collaborative relationship with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in order to disseminate information about plastic surgery complications. 21 COMMUNICATIONS AND OUTREACH ASPS DC FLY-IN Each Fly-In gives members an opportunity to have an impact in Washington, DC with different opportunities throughout the year to engage Congress and advocate for ASPS’ legislative priorities. Together we work to stress the importance of issues related to the specialty as we confront regulatory and legislative challenges and work to improve access to care for patients. SOCIAL MEDIA The Society’s vast network of print, Internet, and mobile resources include industry-leading; educational portal; plastic surgery news site; and public and member-centric social media pages on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube. FIND-A-SURGEON The Find-a-Surgeon page on drives patient referrals. In 2013, the tool received an average of 58,000 visits per month with approximately 69 percent of those visitors conducting a search online for an ASPS Member Surgeon. CARING FOR KIDS FUND The Plastic Surgery Foundation established the Caring for Kids Fund to transform the lives of disadvantaged children with physical deformities. The public awareness campaign raises funds to increase access to care for children in need of reconstructive surgery due to congenital birth anomalies, accidents, abuse, or disease. FRESH START CARING FOR KIDS FOUNDATION In 2013, The Plastic Surgery Foundation signed a Memorandum of Understanding with San Diego-based Fresh Start Surgical Gifts, a renowned charity that helps improve the lives of children across the world through the gift of reconstructive surgery, to bring their charity surgical care to children in Chicago at the University of Chicago Hospitals before 2016. 22 THE PATIENTS OF COURAGE: TRIUMPH OVER ADVERSITY SUPPORTED BY: The Patients of Courage: Triumph over Adversity program honors reconstructive plastic surgery patients whose lives were restored through reconstructive plastic surgery and whose charitable actions influence the lives around them. This celebrates our 10 years of the Patients of Courage Awards. 2003-2013 PATIENTS OF COURAGE Scott Donnelly Tracie Metzger Kevin Pollak Alicia Frede-Rankey Tina Driskell Candy Wood Bonnie Northey Anne Chesson Cliff Meidl Kristy Adams Matthew Warmerdam Mabel Wong Caitlin Sarubbi Lillie Shockney Ashley McGrath Susan Carlisle Oscar Canon Allyson Roach Scott Rigsby A.J. Reed Beth Silverman Erin Hope Williams Missy Fish Rachel Cooney Robert Bartlett Abigail Hardin Jane Escher Janet Smith Uday Hattam Donna Creighton Jason Schechterle Marcus Engel Saydee Robinson Aaron Mankin Dallas Wiens Dee Dee Ricks Jamie Verdi Kim Sport Dora Arias Beth Borden-Goodman Danielle Beverly Gina Maisano Carson Tinker Molly Bloom Emily Keefner New Jersey Ohio Arizona Missouri Maryland Alabama South Carolina Alabama California North Carolina Georgia California New York Maryland Florida North Carolina California California Georgia Texas New York Maryland Missouri Maryland Washington, D.C. Alabama Maryland Ohio Iraq Utah Arizona Florida Michigan Texas Texas New York Michigan Louisiana New Jersey Georgia Georgia New York Alabama Colorado New York Orbital-facial cleft Breast reconstruction Wounded warrior Car accident abdominal wall injury Abdominal wall tumor Skull and nasal base tumor Breast reconstruction Struck by bus Electrical shock to knees Breast reconstruction Plane crash burn Pit bull attack Physical abnormalities of the head, face, skin, and fingers Breast reconstruction Cleft palate Leg infection Wounded warrior; explosion and gun shot wound Burn victim Leg amputation Gun shot wound to head Breast reconstruction Treacher Collins syndrome Breast reconstruction Child burn victim Wounded warrior Port wine stain Nasal skin cancer Breast reconstruction Wounded warrior Breast reconstruction Burn victim Car accident Crouzon Syndrome Wounded warrior Face transplant Breast reconstruction Facial cleft Breast reconstruction Breast reconstruction Breast reconstruction Breast reconstruction Breast reconstruction Leg skin graft Accident leg amputee Cleft lip 23 PUBLICATIONS PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery remains a leader among all surgical journals and its impact factor continues. It is now ranked 13 of 198 surgery journals. There have been more than 25,000 downloads of the iPad® app. PRS articles are published in China and Brazil. • PRS circulation: 9,526 PRS is the top scientific journal in plastic surgery with an impact factor of 3.535 • (the impact factor of its next closest competitor is 1.469) •The PRS app: The United States accounts for 28 percent of app use, followed by Brazil (7.3 percent), Mexico (6 percent), South Korea (4.5 percent), and Italy (3.7 percent) PRS received Gold Award as the Best Peer-Reviewed Journal from the American • Society of Healthcare Publication Editors PRS was named finalist for Medical Marketing & Media Award for “Best Healthcare • Professional Media Brand” The PRS website is in the second of a two-year agreement to host Brazil’s Revista journal online, which gives ASPS members access to Brazilian articles. The Journal also has a licensing agreement with the Chinese Journal of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery. The publisher continues to seek new international licensing agreements. PRS GLOBAL OPEN PRS Global Open is an open access, peer-reviewed, international journal (with a truly international editorial board) focusing on global plastic and reconstructive surgery. PRS Global Open is the Society’s inaugural entry into the rapidly expanding open-access publishing arena. It was conceived both as a way to keep pace with this trend and to retain many of the good-to-great articles that were not accepted by PRS for a variety of reasons. PRS Global Open has partnered with the Archives of Plastic Surgery, the official journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons, to bring readers research from around the globe, via a “reciprocal linking agreement.” The agreement formalizes the sharing of open-access content and should result in increased traffic and submissions from Korea. India is targeted for an additional reciprocal linking agreement in 2013-2014. 24 PLASTIC SURGERY COMPLETE: THE CLINICAL MASTERS OF PRS The first in a planned series of textbooks-on-app, “Plastic Surgery Complete: The Clinical Masters” of PRS released its cosmetic edition in 2013. Through a sophisticated interface, the Cosmetic Clinical Masters app features landmark PRS studies, pivotal CME articles and embedded videos, as well as exclusive links to surgical videos and lectures from the Baker Gordon Cosmetic Symposium. The cosmetic collection addresses core procedures, including rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, facelift, cosmetic medicine, breast augmentation, body contouring and more. The collection is a comprehensive resource for plastic surgeons at any stage of their careers, The Clinical Masters of PRS is available in the iTunes store for $119. REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE CIRURGIA PLÁSTICA This collaboration between Brazilian and American plastic surgeons helps to share scientific research worldwide. It’s also an opportunity to increase the influence and visibility of both ASPS and PRS in the Brazilian plastic surgery community. The PRS brand helps colleagues improve the quality of journal articles originating in Brazil, increase quality submissions to PRS from Brazil, and enhance the content published in Revista. PLASTIC SURGERY NEWS The award-winning ASPS news publication Plastic Surgery News is read by plastic surgeons and industry professionals worldwide. Each issue covers the news of the Society as well as legislative and socioeconomic issues impacting the entire specialty of plastic surgery. For the eighth consecutive year, PSN garnered national honors with awards for feature writing, general excellence, and editorial content. PSN is also available on iPad®. PSN received Silver Excel Award for General Excellence: Newspapers by Association Media and Publishing in 2013. PSN CONNECTION This weekly e-mail newsletter offers readers links to national and international news selected by the PSN editorial team allowing readers to keep up-to-date on what the mass media is covering in the specialty. 25 ASPS EDUCATION In partnership with ASPS Member Physicians, the ASPS Education Department champions the ongoing development of educational programming in four priority areas: Resident Education, Cosmetic Education, Practice Management Education, and MOC Education. In 2013, ASPS advanced online education to further complement and enrich live education. ASPS also formalized the Aesthetic Education Council to provide guidance on and content for live and online aesthetic programming. The council is structured around the key areas of aesthetic plastic surgery: aesthetic breast, oculoplastic, rhinoplasty, body, cosmetic medicine/injectables/lasers, face, and regenerative medicine/fat. 2012-2013 LIVE EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES •First joint meeting with the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS) in more than 20 years-NEW •ASPS Regenerative Medicine Summit-NEW •ASPS CPT Coding Workshops offered at four locations •In-Service Exam •Oral and Written Board Preparation Course •Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2012 • Senior Residents Conference •Technology Innovations in Plastic Surgery JOINT SYMPOSIA WITH ASAPS •Breast Surgery and Body Contouring Symposium • Expanding Horizons Symposium: New Paradigms in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery ASPS AESTHETIC EDUCATION COUNCIL CHAIR: MAURICE NAHABEDIAN, MD VICE CHAIR: AMY ALDERMAN, MD AESTHETIC BREAST: DENNIS HAMMOND, MD BODY: J. PETER RUBIN, MD FACE: J. WILLIAM LITTLE, MD INJECTABLES/LASERS: KAROL GUTOWSKI, MD OCULOPLASTIC: PATRICK SULLIVAN, MD REGENERATIVE MEDICINE/FAT: SYD COLEMAN, MD RHINOPLASTY: ALAN MATARASSO, MD 26 Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2013 in San Diego demonstrated ASPS’s unwavering commitment to innovation in education. More than 3,200 medical professionals helped make the San Diego meeting one of our most successful events in recent years. Highlights: •Plastic Surgery Senior Residents Conference was linked to the ASPS Annual Meeting, further demonstrating the meeting is a “must attend” event. A standout year, almost 125 residents took advantage of the Senior Residents Conference. • Residents Day at Plastic Surgery The Meeting consistently draws 200-250 attendees, and ASPS continues to be the “must join” specialty society for plastic surgery residents. •ASPS has significantly increased cosmetic programming at the Annual Meeting since 2010. “Session Cosmetic” was introduced and proved to be a huge success. In 2014, further expansion of this content is planned to meet the dynamic needs of our members based on their feedback and input in the program Plastic Surgery The Meeting values the continued contributions of our Premier Industry Supporters. Plastic Surgery Education Network (PSEN) continues to publish new material every month, expanding to meet the needs of an increasing number of surgeons who stay current with surgical techniques and earn continuing medical education credit online. The site is the fastest growing component of the ASPS education department and houses the most comprehensive plastic surgery library on the Internet. This centralized, interactive resource brings plastic surgeons together to learn and share on a daily basis and is a part of 90 percent of all U.S. plastic surgery residency programs. The members-only site features: • Special Aesthetic, Reconstructive and Research Sections • Resident Education Center with hundreds of journal articles, lectures and test questions • More than 600 annual meeting and symposia recorded lectures • MOC-PS™ and CSAT self-assessment modules • More than 200 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ available • More than 100 surgical “how-to” procedure videos • Dozens of Literature Reviews and Case Reports 27 MEMBERSHIP PROGRAMS AND INITIATIVES The Plastic Surgery Education Campaign continues to promote our public-facing initiatives. In fact, ASPS was honored to be nominated for two Emmy Awards this year for our public service announcements. Our nationally distributed statistics for plastic surgery also continue to generate headlines nationwide and promote the importance of seeking ASPS member surgeons. Our Do Your Homework patient safety public education campaign addresses a misconception among consumers that all doctors are properly trained to perform plastic surgery. Tracking Operations and Outcomes for Plastic Surgeons® (TOPS) continues to grow as a resource for members to be able to provide national data to measure against in their practice and outcomes. It provides an evidence-based tool to use in comparing patient outcomes and helps to identify clinical strengths and areas needing improvement on an individual level. In 2013, we formed the TOPS Steering Committee charged with monitoring and providing oversight/governance of the TOPS program. The committee also helps with recommending strategic direction and organizational needs for the TOPS registry and monitoring research and clinical activities. In 2013, more ASPS Members donated their ABPS-MOC case log to TOPS than over the last five years (a 14 percent increase over 2012). TOPS now contains more than 730,000 completed plastic surgery cases and 1.3 million plastic surgery procedures. The ASPS Women Plastic Surgeons Forum (WPS) represents and advocates for the interests and concerns of the female plastic surgeon members and candidates for membership of ASPS. The WPS Forum seeks to empower female plastic surgeons within the Society through networking, education, advocacy, and mentoring. The WPS Forum works to promote women plastic surgeons and increase their involvement within organized medicine and plastic surgery as a whole while simultaneously advancing the mission of ASPS. The ASPS Young Plastic Surgeons Forum (YPS) is a diverse community and resource for young plastic surgeons which provides opportunities for networking, sharing of ideas, political advocacy, and leadership development. As a liaison between plastic surgeons in the early stages of their careers and established ASPS Member Surgeons, the YPS Forum facilitates opportunities for plastic surgeons who are under the age of 42 and/or have been in practice for fewer than five years to become involved in the Society, fostering an openness to new ideas and fresh perspectives. 28 2013 VISITING PROFESSOR PROGRAM The PSF sponsors visiting professors who enrich the education of plastic surgeons by sharing their clinical, technical, and educational expertise. • LAWRENCE B. COLEN, MD • FREDERICK J. MENICK, MD • GEOFFREY C. GURTNER, MD • WILLIAM C. PEDERSON, MD • MALCOLM A. LESAVOY, MD • NICHOLAS B. VEDDER, MD VOLUNTEERS IN PLASTIC SURGERY PROGRAM Over the past three decades, with the help of its international care missions, more than 150,000 children and adults have received medical treatment from dedicated foundation volunteers. In 2013, our new website for Volunteers in Plastic Surgery makes it easier for ASPS member surgeons to participate in care missions. Our strategic alliance with eClinicalWorks helps plastic surgeons bring the next generation of Electronic Medical Records technology to their practices and meet the future requirements for Electronic Health Records (EHR). Proactively developed by ASPS, this strong members-only benefit offers Members out-of-the-box templates for common spa and cosmetic surgery procedures at affordable Members-only pricing. The system is cloud-based and features the eClinicalTouch™ native iPad® app. Additional system features include: • Patient tracking and automated patient communication • Photo management and inking notations on drawings or photos • Auto-posting of swiped credit card payments, online statements, and e-payments • Inventory management ASPS ENDORSED PRACTICE SOLUTIONS We have already spent the time and devoted the resources necessary to identify the most effective providers in the specialty. All endorsed companies have been fully vetted by ASPS and collectively serve as the one-stop solution for the best practice management tools. 29 RESEARCH AND SCIENTIFIC AFFAIRS COLLABORATE ACROSS PLASTIC SURGERY TO FIND PRIORITIES FOR RESEARCH IMPACTING THE SPECIALTY ADVISORY COUNCILS, PLANNING AND PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT Investigator Initiated Research Fellowships Awards Researcher Education and Innovation Incubation Registries Clinical Studies Outcomes CLINICAL TRIALS NETWORK The Clinical Trials Network (CTN) is a leading facilitator of evidence-based medicine and plastic surgery clinical trials research. It is focused on improving quality of care and patient safety. Over the past year, The Plastic Surgery Foundation has allocated nearly $400,000 to study issues that have an immediate impact on the clinical practice of plastic surgery through multi-center research initiatives. Our Late Breaking Research Abstracts session at Plastic Surgery The Meeting provided attendees with up-to-the-minute data and provided abstract presenters with notable exposure and recognition for studies likely to have a significant impact on clinical practice. This year, four researchers presented their “late-breaking” research. Topics ranged from Patient Reported Outcomes in Breast Reconstruction to Volumizing Hyaluronic Acid Filler for Mid-Face Volume Deficit, to Botulinum Toxin Type A for Raynaud’s Phenomenon. The PSF Clinical Trials Network: •Builds multi-center networks of leading clinicians and sites to identify and conduct clinical research in priority areas in plastic surgery •Identifies strategic research priorities suitable for multi-center clinical studies •Develops and implements key research projects 2013 RESEARCH OVERSIGHT COUNCIL MEMBERS Charles E. Butler, MD Keith Hume, MA Charles N. Verheyden, MD, PhD, FACS Kevin C. Chung, MD Michael W. Neumeister, MD, FRCSC, FACS Paul S. Cederna, MD Andrea L. Pusic, MD Gayle Gordillo, MD Arun K. Gosain, MD David T. Netscher, MD Joseph E. Losee, MD Keith E. Brandt, MD H. Peter Lorenz, MD Nicholas B. Vedder, MD, FACS Babak J. Mehrara, MD Geoffrey C. Gurtner, MD 30 Board Vice President, Research Staff Vice President, The PSF The PSF President The PSF President-elect The PSF Immediate Past President Chair, Researcher Education Committee Chair, Clinical Trials Network Committee Chair, Research Development Committee AAPS Representative AAHS Representative ACAPS Representative ASRM Representative ASMS Representative Board Vice President, Academic Affairs & International Service Vice Chair, Clinical Trials Network Committee PSRC Representative (May 2013) FAT GRAFTING TO THE BREAST ONCOLOGIC SAFETY STUDY Fat grafting to the breast is a procedure that shows great promise, although epidemiologic studies of the technique’s oncologic safety are lacking. To meet this need, The PSF, through the CTN, developed the first rigorously designed epidemiologic study of this topic. It is evaluating a hospital-based population of stages I, II, and III breast cancer patients who had mastectomy with reconstruction, comparing the relative risk of breast cancer recurrence after autologous fat grafting to the breast compared to the risk for those who did not receive fat grafting. The project is led by Principal Investigators Clara Lee, MD and Terry Myckatyn, MD, and will determine if the use of autologous fat grafting to supplement post-mastectomy breast reconstruction is associated with an increased risk of local, regional, or distant breast cancer recurrence during the study period (2006 to 2011) and will compare them to a random sample of patients without recurrence as controls. The project is retrospectively collecting data from the following centers: MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Chicago, Washington University in St. Louis, and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Data collection is ongoing at this time. GENERAL REGISTRY FOR AUTOLOGOUS FAT TRANSFER J. Peter Rubin, MD, and Babak Mehrara, MD, serve as Principal Investigators for the General Registry for Autologous Fat Transfer (GRAFT) registry which was initiated through the CTN. Core Site case collection is scheduled to begin in Spring 2014 and will open to all board-certified plastic surgeons following this initial phase. GRAFT: •Is a web-accessible national quality assurance registry that collects patient demographics, procedural variables, complications, and incidence of new or recurrent breast cancers at established time points •Is the first U.S.-based, nation-wide registry developed to determine the safety and efficacy of fat grafting to the breast for aesthetic and reconstructive surgery •Applies The PSF’s BREAST-Q® scales to patient-reported outcomes and quality of life • Provides insight into patient safety and establishes best practice guidelines that have a broad impact on the plastic surgery community 31 PATIENT REGISTRY AND OUTCOMES FOR BREAST IMPLANTS AND ANAPLASTIC LARGE CELL LYMPHOMA ETIOLOGY AND EPIDEMIOLOGY In 2011, The PSF, ASPS, and the FDA began collaborating on INVESTIGATING ALCL & BREAST IMPLANTS a five-year research project to conduct research and develop a comprehensive breast implant-ALCL registry called the PROFILE. This registry was started in response to reports of a possible link between women with breast implants and anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). PROFILE serves as an effort to learn more about this potential association. The PSF serves as the coordinating center and is responsible for all aspects of study coordination and project management. A team of experts was comprised of plastic/breast surgeons, pathologists/oncologists, and epidemiologists, to contribute their scientific input to the study and provide recommendations on establishing case definitions, inclusion criteria, data points, case report forms, and follow-up strategies. Data collection is ongoing. Potential and confirmed cases of ALCL can be reported to The PSF through NATIONAL BREAST IMPLANT REGISTRY In June 2012, an amendment was made to the existing Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) between the ASPS, The PSF, and the FDA to incorporate the exploration and development of a National Breast Implant Registry into the existing infrastructure set up for the PROFILE study. In October 2012, ASPS, The PSF, and the FDA convened a stakeholder meeting with the three device manufacturers with breast implants approved in the United States (Allergan, Mentor, and Sientra). The meeting was an opportunity for each stakeholder to discuss their role in the future registry, their concerns, and their expectations. Since the October 2012 meeting, the stakeholder group has met regularly to identify appropriate questions and data points to be addressed by the National Breast Implant Registry. A systematic review of the breast implant literature is currently ongoing to help inform which questions are appropriate and relevant for the registry. A Request For Proposal (RFP) for database development will be issued in Spring 2014 with data collection anticipated to begin in early 2015. 32 RESEARCH, TRAINING, AND IDEA INCUBATION GRANT APPLICATION MENTORING SESSION The PSF matches seasoned researchers with grant applicants whose grant proposals were not funded or who are applying to The PSF or other funding agencies for grants in the upcoming cycle. Established researchers review the grant proposals in advance and then meet with the applicants during Plastic Surgery The Meeting to give them advice on how the proposals could be strengthened or improved. The goal is to have the applicants incorporate suggestions and then submit or resubmit their grant proposals for the next funding cycle. The 2013 Grant Mentoring Workshop, led by Ergun Kocak, MD was a huge success, with more than 10 applicants receiving mentoring. TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION IN PLASTIC SURGERY To further incubate and identify areas ripe for new technology, The PSF hosted the Technology Innovation in Plastic Surgery (TIPS) meeting May 31—June 2, 2013 in San Francisco. The meeting featured a global faculty of leading plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and wound care experts. This forum provided attendees with a broad view of innovations that have shaped the industry and offered a glimpse of the products and technologies on the horizon. TIPS was created to maintain a dialog among physicians and thought leaders from all disciplines and industry to share information, solve problems, educate each other, address unmet needs in the areas of aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, and accelerate the development of better technology for patients. SUPPORTED BY 2013 TIPS SNAPSHOT •Interactive discussions with representatives from the highest level of industry that enabled clinicians to share what they want and need in their practice •A forum for “early-adopter” physicians to debate the direction of technology investment to address the most meaningful clinical problems •The Inaugural Innovation Challenge lead the way for new ideas and brought industry into the mix early in the process 33 INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS IN PLASTIC SURGERY 2013 PSF AND ASMS INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS The program enables plastic surgeons from abroad to study at host plastic surgery institutions in the United States for three to six months. OTENE CLETUS IKECHUKWU, MBBS, FWACS Nigeria | Achauer Fund Scholar •Management of Burns and Its Complications • Breast Surgeries • Hand Surgeries • Cleft Lip and Palate • Aesthetic Surgeries JACQUELINE CRUZ, MD Peru | Plastic Surgery Foundation Scholar • Microsurgical Reconstruction • Cleft Lip and Palate • Aesthetic PRASETYANUGRAHENI KRESHANTI, MD Indonesia | ASMS/WCF Scholar • Cleft and Craniofacial Surgery RACHEL ROSSINE BAPTISTA, MD Brazil | Peer Foundation Scholar PHAM HIEU LIEM, MD, MSC Viet Nam | Plastic Surgery Foundation Scholar •Mammoplasty • Aesthetic Surgery • Microsurgical Reconstruction • Craniofacial Surgery •Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation • Lymphedema Surgery SURAWEJ NUMHOM, MD Thailand | Peer Foundation Scholar • Cleft and Craniofacial Surgery • Breast Reconstruction • Body Contouring Surgery • Aesthetic Surgery •Adipose-derived Stem Cell Research 2013 SMILE TRAIN/PSF INTERNATIONAL SCHOLARS The opportunity aims to recognize the excellence and commitment of Smile Train partners on a global stage and enable continuing training and exchange opportunities to strengthen comprehensive cleft care around the world. MEKONEN ESHETE ABEBE, MD, FCS-ECSA Ethiopia | Smile Train Scholar 34 Craniofacial Surgery with Special • Interest in Cleft Surgery •Hand Surgery (acquired and congenital) •Ear Reconstruction LORA MAE A. DE GUZMAN, MD Philippines | Smile Train Scholar • Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery •Burns • Hand Surgery • Aesthetic Surgery RESEARCH GRANT PROGRAMS In 2013, The Plastic Surgery Foundation awarded 34 investigator-initiated projects and allocated nearly $772,000 to support the newest, clinically relevant research in plastic surgery. This maintains the significant increase in PSF research funding seen for the past several years. The PSF leadership is committed to continually providing high levels of investigator-initiated research support to ensure that plastic surgeons have the needed resources to be pioneers and innovators in advancing the practice of medicine. 2013 GRANT APPLICATIONS RECEIVED BY TOPIC The PSF Study Section, chaired by Charles Butler, MD was broken into the Basic and Translational Research Section, chaired by J. Peter Rubin, MD and Babak Mehrara, MD., and the Clinical Study Section, chaired by Clara Lee, MD and Amy Alderman, MD, MPH. 35 2013 NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR PLASTIC SURGERY GRANT RECIPIENTS Goal: To encourage and support research projects which address clinically relevant issues facing the practice of plastic surgery. Applications must address a topic of importance to the current clinical practice of plastic surgery and a clear, realistic path for application of acquired knowledge to the practice of plastic surgery must be described. GRACE CHIOU, MD Palo Alto Institute for Research and Education, Inc. Tendon-Bone Composite Tissue Engineering in a Rabbit Model SAMUEL LIN, MD Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Degradable Orthopedic Devices to Modulate Healing ABIGAIL MACIOLEK COCHRAN, MD Southern Illinois University School of Medicine Therapeutic Fat Grafting: Breast Cancer Treatment and Reconstruction DENNIS ORGILL, MD, PHD Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Inc. Pre-Expansion of Recipient Site for Enhanced Fat Graft Survival ARIN K. GREENE, MD, MMSC Children’s Hospital Boston Determining the Mechanism of Pediatric Capillary Malformation ZHONG ZHENG, PHD The Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles FReP cell-based Therapy for Skeletal Muscle Generation ALEXANDER LIN, MD Saint Louis University BMP-2 Alveolar Bone Reconstruction in the Growing Facial Skeleton 36 2013 PSF RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP GRANT AWARD RECIPIENTS Goal: To encourage research and academic career development for plastic surgery residents and junior faculty to supplement salary during a mentored research experience. SUPPORTED BY: AVIRAM GILADI, MD The Regents of the University of Michigan Outcomes and Impairment Assessment After Finger Amputations FREDERICK WANG, MD The Regents of the University of California, San Francisco Breast Microenvironment After Fat Grafting LOUIS POPPLER, MD Washington University in St. Louis Nerve Regeneration Following Composite Tissue Allotransplantation SHOSHANA WOO, MD The Regents of the University of Michigan Muscle Graft Design in a Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interface 2013 COMBINED PILOT RESEARCH GRANT AWARD RECIPIENTS Goal: To foster the development of surgeon scientists and be committed to increasing the amount of research dollars to fund research, peripheral nerve research, microsurgery research, education, hand research, and stimulating fundamental research in plastic surgery. SCOTT J. FARBER, MD Washington University in St. Louis Schwann Cell Senescence: A Result of Chronic Denervation? AAHS/PSF Combined Pilot Research Grant AARON BERGER, MD, PHD Stanford University Medical Center Head Mounted Video Cameras for Surgical Skill Education A CAPS/PSF Combined Pilot Research Grant NICHOLAS LANGHALS, MSE, PHD The Regents of the University of Michigan Biosignal Insulators in Regenerative Peripheral Nerve Interfaces SPN/PSF Combined Pilot A Research Grant JASON SPECTOR, MD Joan and Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University Vascularized Tissue Engineered Scaffolds for In Vivo Anastomosis A SRM/PSF Combined Pilot Research Grant 37 2013 PSF PILOT RESEARCH GRANT AWARD RECIPIENTS Goal: To promote plastic surgery advancement and innovation. These grants provide “seed” funding and are intended to support the research efforts of residents and junior faculty to address focused research questions, obtain preliminary data to support larger plastic surgery science grant proposals in the future, and to develop a line of research that can be carried forward into an academic career. 38 ALEXANDER ALLORI, MD, MPH Duke University Medical Center Standardization of Clinical Outcomes for Cleft Care and Research SWAPNA GHANTA, MD Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center T-regulatory Mediated Immunosuppression After Lymphatic Injury DANIEL CUZZONE, MD Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Decellularized Lymph Nodes for Lymph Node Tissue Engineering JEFFREY GUSENOFF, MD University of Pittsburgh Autologous Fat Grafting for Pedal Fat Pad Atrophy BRENT R. DEGEORGE, JR., MD, PHD The Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia The Biophysical Properties of Composite Flexor Tendon Allografts NAVEEN KUMAR, MD Duke University Medical Center Obesity-induced Hypoxia and Adipokines in Breast Cancer BRIAN H. GANDER, MD University of Pittsburgh Further Analysis of Craniosynostotic Rabbit Suture with LCM ANGELO A. LETO BARONE, MD Johns Hopkins University Role of Non-Adherent Clonogenic ASCs on T-cell Immunomodulation ANDREW GASSMAN, MD The Regents of the University of California, Los Angeles Remote Ischemic Preconditioning’s Effect on Fat Graft Volume ERIC LIAO, MD Massachusetts General Hospital (The General Hospital Corp.) Human Muscle Progenitor and Regeneration REID A. MACLELLAN, MD, MMSC Children’s Hospital Boston Vascular Malformations: Investigation of Pubertal Hormone Expression JUSTIN M. SACKS, MD Johns Hopkins University Lymphatic Inhibition and Dendritic Cells 013 Bernard G. Sarnat Excellence 2 in Grant Writing Award: Basic and Translational Research AMY MOORE, MD Washington University St. Louis The Effect of a Supercharge Nerve Transfer on Functional Recovery HARRY SALINAS, MD Massachusetts General Hospital (The General Hospital Corp.) Prevention of Vein Graft Intimal Hyperplasia via PTP SANJAY NARAN, MD University of Pittsburgh Strategies for Repair of Infected Calvarial Bone Defects WESLEY SIVAK, MD, PHD University of Pittsburgh Transfected Adipose Stem Cells for Peripheral Nerve Repair NIJAGUNA PRASAD, PHD Johns Hopkins University Post-transplant Malignancy in Organ Transplant Patients DEREK STEINBACHER, DMD, MD Yale University School of Medicine FGFR2 Inhibition Mitigates Craniosynostosis in Crouzon Syndrome 013 Bernard G. Sarnat Excellence 2 in Grant Writing Award: Clinical Research SUDHEER KUMAR RAVURI, PHD University of Pittsburgh Overexpression of sFRP1 Enhances Adipogenesis in Tissue Repair 39 2013 OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN PLASTIC SURGERY RESEARCH AWARD RECIPIENTS Goal: To recognize an investigator whose innovative research will evolve the treatment of surgical disorders and the practice of plastic surgery. I. KELMAN COHEN, MD Outstanding Achievement in Basic and Translational Research Award Recipient SUSAN MACKINNON, MD, F.R.C.S. (C.), FACS Outstanding Achievement in Clinical Research Award Recipient 2013 RESEARCH IMPACT AWARD RECIPIENT Goal: To identify and recognize outstanding PSF-funded research that has been successfully incorporated into practice or served as an innovative catalyst for the development of new technologies or procedures. BAHMAN GUYURON, MD, FACS (Award supported by the D Ralph Millard, Jr. MD Plastic Surgery Society & Education Foundation) THE SCHOLARSHIP AWARD PROGRAMS AAPS/PSF ACADEMIC SCHOLAR AWARD RECIPIENT SAMUEL J. LIN, MD Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center THE PSF INNOVATION CHALLENGE RECIPIENTS Goal: To foster the development of the best new technology and inventions in the field of plastic surgery. GREGORY DUMANIAN, MD Northwestern University BREANNE EVERETT, MD Orpyx Medical Technologies, Inc. THE 2013 PSF GRADUATE RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIP AWARD RECIPIENT Goal: To provide tuition support to a plastic surgeon in their pursuit of an advanced degree in research. KRISTOPHER SUGG, MD University of Michigan 40 SUPPORTED BY: 2013 BREAST RECONSTRUCTION AWARENESS FUND CHARITABLE CARE GRANT AWARDS The PSF will award grants, ranging from $5,000 to $10,000, to U.S. based, tax-exempt public 501(c)(3) charities that have demonstrated a commitment to providing breast reconstruction surgery charity care. Grant funds must be used to directly support the surgical care expenses for women having breast reconstruction. 2013 BRA FUND CHARITABLE CARE GRANT RECIPIENTS • BREAST TREATMENT TASK FORCE • EVELYN’S BREAST FRIENDS FOREVER • GATEWAY TO HOPE • MY HOPE CHEST • SAN FRANCISCO GENERAL HOSPITAL FOUNDATION 2013 BREAST RECONSTRUCTION AWARENESS FUND PUBLIC AWARENESS GRANT AWARDS The PSF will award grants, up to $10,000, to U.S. based, tax-exempt public 501 (c)(3) charities that have demonstrated a commitment to increasing the awareness of breast reconstruction surgery. Grants are awarded to charities with a demonstrated commitment to developing and implementing projects and programs for the purpose of raising the awareness of breast reconstruction surgery options in the community. 2013 BRA FUND PUBLIC AWARENESS GRANT RECIPIENTS • BUSTED FOUNDATION • EVELYN’S BREAST FRIENDS FOREVER • GATEWAY TO HOPE • LIVING BEYOND BREAST CANCER • MY HOPE CHEST • MYSELF: TOGETHER AGAIN • SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE • UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH • THE ROSALYN L. WEISER MEMORIAL FOUNDATION SUPPORTED BY: 41 BREAST RECONSTRUCTION AWARENESS FUND Only 33 percent of eligible women with breast cancer undergo breast reconstruction. Less than a quarter of women know the wide range of breast reconstruction options available. Established in 2012, The Breast Reconstruction Awareness Fund plans to change these statistics by raising awareness about the options for women following mastectomy, supporting breast reconstruction organizations, and funding breast reconstruction research to ensure patients experience the best care possible. Through this effort, The PSF is making an investment in the lives of women as well as the specialty. CARING FOR KIDS FUND Every day many children courageously face the world with physical imperfections caused by birth defects, disease, or injury. Reconstructive surgery can help correct many of these issues, but many children do not have access to additional surgery and care they need. The PSF has established this fund to provide financial support to children in need of reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. This fund will also support research into deformities caused by birth defects, abuse, and disease. We partnered with Fresh Start Surgical Gifts for a concert benefitting pediatric and craniofacial surgery at a concert by Grammy® Award-winning singer-songwriter Sheryl Crow on the USS Midway in San Diego during Plastic Surgery The Meeting 2013. These efforts represent an opportunity to expand beyond the normal bounds of a professional organization and to help with what is most important—patient care. More than $300,000 was raised for the partnership with more than $150,000 going to The Plastic Surgery Foundation. ANNUAL FUND Gifts to The PSF’s Annual Fund promote the next generation of researchers through seed grants which allow them to test scientific concepts specific to the specialty. THE NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR PLASTIC SURGERY Founded to support research and development in the field of plastic surgery, NEPS specifically funds research directed toward immediate issues facing the clinical practice of plastic surgery. All contributions to The Endowment are added to the principal and remain there in perpetuity. Only the income generated by prudent investing of this principal is available to fund projects. 42 FELLOWS OF THE MALINIAC CIRCLE Maliniac Fellows have committed $50,000 or more in cash or securities or have provided a minimum of $100,000 deferred gift through such instruments as life insurance, a bequest, or trust to the National Endowment for Plastic Surgery or The Plastic Surgery Foundation. Dr. Bruce* and Tamara Achauer Dr. Arun and Smita Gosain Dr. Luis M. Rios, Sr.* Dr. John and Candese Alexander Dr. Richard J. and Robin Greco Drs. Rod Rohrich and Diane Gibby Dr. Bernard and Dr. Susan Alpert Dr. Subhas and Seema Gupta Dr. Stephen and Leslie Ronan Drs. Darrick and Elizabeth Antell Dr. Geoffrey and Kathryn Gurtner Dr. Robert and Cynthia Ruberg Dr. Stephan and Viviane Leao Baker Dr. Karol and Ellen Gutowski Dr. Robert and Anne Russell Dr. Bahman and Lora Guyuron Dr. Kenneth and Luci Salyer Dr. Keith and Tina Brandt Dr. James and Barbara Hoehn Dr. Bernard* and Rhoda Sarnat Dr. Richard E. and Colleen A. Brown Dr. Ronald and Virginia Iverson Dr. Loren S. Schechter Dr. Jeffrey E. Janis Dr. James D. and Kathleen Schlenker Dr. Brentley and Diane Buchele Dr. Rafael C. and Lori Cabrera Dr. Theodore and Sheryl Calianos Dr. John and Laurie Canady Drs. Andrew and Amy Chen Dr. Eugene and Ruth Ann Cherny Dr. Bernard I. Cohen* Dr. Norman and Pat Cole Dr. Sydney R. Coleman Dr. Mark and Charlotte Constantian Dr. Mary Ann Contogiannis and Ralph E. Huey Dr. Robert N. Cooper Dr. James R. and Gayle Cullington Dr. J. Douglas and Barbara Cusick Drs. Richard and Brenda D’Amico Dr. Lynn Damitz Dr. Tancredi D’Amore Dr. Glenn and Maryann Davis Dr. Sharadkumar Dicksheet* Dr. T. Michael Dixon Dr. Greg and Helga Dowbak Dr. Sepehr Egrari Dr. Walter and Carolyn Erhardt Dr. John and Marcia Jarrett Dr. Michael Kalisman Dr. Susan Kaweski Dr. Brian Kinney Dr. Gurmander and Maninder Kohli Dr. William Kuzon and Linda Dr. David and Sherry Larson Dr. J. William Little Dr. Dennis and Mary Lynch Dr. Sergio Pasquale Maggi Fred* and Mary McCoy Foundation Dr. Michael Francis McGuire Dr. Dan and Jan Mills Dr. Peter Neligan Dr. Michael W. Neumeister Dr. R. Barrett and Barbara Noone Dr. Douglas Ousterhout Dr. James and Diane Payne Dr. John and Susan Persing Drs. Linda and William Phillips Dr. Patrick Proffer Dr. Norman and Deborah Rappaport Drs. David and Lisa Genecov Dr. Debra Ann Reilly-Culver and Robert H. Culver Dr. Scot and Alisa Glasberg Dr. William and Peggy Riley Dr. R. Cole Goodman Dr. Luis M. Rios, Jr. Dr. Petra Schneider-Redden and Curt Redden Dr. Paul and Barbara Schnur Dr. Jack and Anitra Sheen Dr. Michele Shermak and Howard Sobkov Dr. Randy Sherman Dr. Margaret and Stephen Skiles Dr. David H. and Janie Song Dr. Scott and Cynthia Spear Dr. Anne Taylor and David Heutel Dr. Karen B. Vaniver Drs. Nicholas B. Vedder and Susan R. Heckbert Dr. Charles and Gale Verheyden Dr. Amy G. Wandel Dr. Philip D. and Elizabeth L. Wey Dr. Linton and Renata Whitaker Dr. Thomas C. Wiener Dr. Robert and JoAnne Winslow Dr. Robin T. W. Yuan Dr. Elvin G. and Sharon Zook Anonymous (3) *Deceased 43 THE PSF SUPPORTERS The PSF supports investigators from the beginning of their careers, during residency, through becoming well-established plastic surgeons. New procedures, new ways of thinking, and new funding occur only with your support. MALINIAC CIRCLE PLEDGE CONTRIBUTORS Michael Costelloe Leo McCafferty, MD John Culbertson, Jr., MD, FACS Babak Mehrara, MD Sepehr Egrari, MD William de Haas, MD Pierre Michaud, MD Nicholas Vedder, MD, FACS Vipul Dev, MD Mark Migliori, MD Joseph Disa, MD Michael Miller, MD Michael Eisemann, MD Nana Mizuguchi, MD Walter Erhardt, MD Joseph Mlakar, MD, FACS David Reath, MD Randall Feingold, MD Steven Morris, MD Thomas Zaydon, Sr., MD James Fernau, MD David Motoki, MD Neil Fine, MD Kiya Movassaghi, MD Julius Gaudio Satoru Nagata, MD Lloyd Gayle, MD Vasu Pandrangi, MD David Genecov, MD Jagruti Patel, MD Mary Gingrass, MD Simona Pautler, MD David Greenspun, MD Samuel Pejo, MD Karol Gutowski, MD, FACS Wayne Perron, MD Phillip Haeck, MD John Persing, MD Elizabeth Hall-Findlay, MD Linda Phillips, MD David Halpern, MD Mark Pinsky, MD Christine Hamori, MD James Platis, MD Hauw Han, MD Keith Rae, MD Stephen Hardy, MD Stephan Ralston, MD R. Scott Haupt, MD Brian Reedy, MD Robert Havlik, MD Ramon Robles, MD Todd Hewell, III, MD Jody Rodgers, MD PLATINUM LEVEL: $5,000-$7,499 GOLD LEVEL: $2,500-$4,999 Steven Bonawitz, MD Keith Brandt, MD Gregory Evans, MD, FACS Scot Glasberg, MD, FACS Richard Greco, MD W. John Kitzmiller, MD Garlana Matthews Michael Neumeister, MD, FRCSC, FACS John Paletta, MD Malcolm Roth, MD Anne Taylor, MD Charles Verheyden, MD, PhD, FACS Robert Whitfield, MD, FACS Thomas Wiener, MD 44 Daryl Hoffman, MD James Romanelli, MD STERLING LEVEL: $1,000-$2,499 William Hoffman, MD Matthew Rosenberg, MD Scott Hollenbeck, MD Leonard Roudner, MD Robert Anderson, MD William Huffaker, MD J. Peter Rubin, MD Gunnar Bergqvist, MD Kenneth Hui, MD Lori Saltz, MD Brentley Buchele, MD Robert Jetter, MD S. Larry Schlesinger, MD Hoang Bui, MD Debra Johnson, MD Peter Schwartz, MD Gregory Buncke, MD Ronald Johnson, MD The Selz Foundation M. Bradley Calobrace, MD Efrem Kamen Charles Slack, MD James Chang, MD Carolyn Kerrigan, MD Dell Smith, MD Constance Chen, MD Brian Kobienia, MD Scott Spiro, MD June Chen, MD Michele Koo, MD Brooke Stone Kevin Chung, MD Edmund Kwan, MD John Stratis, MD Clifford Clark, MD Val Lambros, MD William Strinden, MD James Clayton, MD Carl Lentz, MD Gregory Swank, MD Gustavo Colon, MD David Low, MD Mahira Tanovic, MD John Corey, MD Dennis Lynch, MD Michael Teague, MD THE PSF SUPPORTERS Charles Thorne, MD John Bass, MD W. Lorne Brown, MD Lee Thornton, MD C. Bob Basu, MD, MPH Jennifer Buck, MD Jon Paul Trevisani, MD, FACS John Bauer, MD Louis Bucky, MD Gregory Turowski, MD Harold Bautista, MD Reuben Bueno, Jr., MD Bruce Van Natta, MD Richard Baxter, MD Mary Bugella Victoria Vastine, MD, FACS Mohamad Bazzi, MD Duc Bui, MD Rafael Villalobos, MD Gilles Beauregard, MD William Bull, MD Simeon Wall, Jr., MD Glenn Becker, MD Todd Burdette, MD Amy Wandel, MD Thomas Bell, MD John Burns, MD Guy Williams, III, CMPE Laura Bennett, MD George Burruss, MD Steven Williams, MD, FACS Michael Bentz, MD M. Shayne Burwell, MD Saul Berger, MD Michael Busuito, MD SILVER LEVEL: $375-$999 Keith Berman, MD Jennifer Butterfield, MD Mario Bernier, MD Bruce Byrne, MD Todd Adam, MD John Bershof, MD Rafael Cabrera, MD Robert Louis Adams, MD Robert Bialas, MD William Caldwell Ghada Afifi, MD Rafi Bidros, MD Athleo Cambre, MD Arturo Aguillon-Bouche, MD Nir Binur, MD Earl Campbell, MD James Albertoli, MD Jon Bishop, MD Orlando Canizares, MD Peter Aldea, MD James Blackburn, MD Lucie Capek, MD Kaveh Alizadeh, MD, MSc, FACS Janet Blanchard, MD Robert Caridi, MD Robert Allen, MD Nadia Blanchet, MD Alexander Carli, MD Hazem Aly, MD, PhD Thomas Bobo Steven Carp, MD Andrew Amunategui, MD James Boehmler, MD Robert Carpenter, MD Scott Andochick, MD Glen Bolduc William Carpenter, MD Gregg Anigian, MD D. Glynn Bolitho, MD, PhD, FACS Sean Carroll, MD Pamela Antoniuk, MD Matthew Bonanno, MD, FACS Holly Casey Wall, MD Antony Anuja E. Richard Bonnecarrere, MD Mauricio Castellon, MD Amy Arnold, MD Joel Borkow, MD Pedro Cavadas, MD, PhD Balvant Arora, MD John Borkowski, MD Simon Ceber, MD Mokhtar Asaadi, MD Mark Boschert, MD Paul Cederna, MD Duffield Ashmead, MD Richard Bosshardt, MD Jennifer Chan, MD Fouad Atalla, MD David Bottger, MD Jeffrey Chapman, MD Paul Audi, MD Ian Bourhill, MD Lilly Chen, MD Edwin Austin, MD Sean Boutros, MD Patrick Chen, MD Andrew Baertsch, MD Sandra Bouzaglou, MD Stefan Chevalier, DO M. Hugh Bailey, MD, FACS Denis Branson, MD Zeno Chicarilli, MD Anureet Bajaj, MD Scott Brenman, MD, FACS Leland Chick, MD Daniel Baker, MD Amy Hill Brewster, MD Stephen Chidyllo, MD, FACS Robert Ball, MD R. McIntyre Bridges, Jr., MD Mihye Choi, MD Jillian Banbury, MD Glen Brooks, MD Albert Chow, MD Joseph Barnthouse, MD Juan Brou, MD Joseph Chun, MD Alfonso Barrera, MD Robyn Browdy Johnny Chung, MD Samuel Bartholomew, MD David Brown, MD, FACS Jubert Cibantos, MD Richard Bartlett, MD Mitchell Brown, MD Orlando Cicilioni, MD Fritz Barton, Jr., MD W. Harold Brown, MD Loren Clayman, MD 45 THE PSF SUPPORTERS 46 Mimis Cohen, MD Tassos Dionisopoulos, MD E. Bradley Garber, MD Steven Cohen, MD J. Frederick Doepker, MD Onelio Garcia, MD Clifford Coleman, MD James Dolph, MD Carla Garrison, MD Sydney Coleman, MD Nayiri Doudikian-Scaff, MD Daniel Garritano, MD Lawrence Colen, MD Richard Dowden, MD Michael Gartner, DO Donald Collins, Jr., MD Christopher Dress, MD Richard Garvey, MD Fernando Colon, MD David Dreyfuss, MD John Gatti, MD Francisco Colon, MD Frederick Duffy, MD Antonio Gayoso, MD Gerald Conner, MD Raymond Dunn, MD Jack Gelman, MD Rafael Convit, MD Daniel Durand, MD Michael Genoff, MD Donald Conway, MD David Durst, MD Robert Gerding, MD Matthew Coons, MD Charles Dyas, MD Bahram Ghaderi, MD, FACS Benjamin Cooper, MD William Dzwierzynski, MD Peter Giacobazzi, MD Rodney Dean Cooter, MD Patricia Eby, MD Cecchini Giammatteo, MD Frederic Corbin, MD Aric Eckhardt, MD Jacinthe Giasson Clement Cotter, Jr., MD Themistocles Economou, MD Paul Gill, MD Thomas Crais, MD Dina Eliopoulos, MD Christopher Godek, MD Karen Craven Mark Elliott, MD David Goldberg, MD J. Lauren Crawford, MD Lars Enevoldsen, MD Myles Goldflies, MD William Crawley, MD Scott Engel, MD Robert Goldstein, MD Winston Crookendale, MD Michael Epstein, MD Raul Gonzalez, MD Kevin Cross, MD Heather Erhard, MD David Goodkind, MD J. L. Crow, MD Elof Eriksson, MD Gayle Gordillo, MD George Csank, MD David Ettinger, MD William Gorman, MD Gary Culbertson, MD, FACS Raymond Faires, MD Robert Graper, MD James Cullington, MD Joel Feldman, MD Mitchell Grasseschi, MD Catherine Curtin, MD Lu-Jean Feng, MD John Griffin, MD Lynn Damitz, MD Steven Fern, MD Peter Grothaus, MD Catherine Daniels Robert Fernandez, MD James Grotting, MD John Davidson, MD Julius Few, MD Edward Guarino, MD Glenn Davis, MD, FACS Tammy Fiabema, MD Arturo Guiloff, MD William Davis, MD Paul Figlia, MD Geoffrey Gurtner, MD Konrad Dawson, MD Paul Fischer, MD Jeffrey Gusenoff, MD Charles Day, MD Peter Fisher, MD E. Philip Gutek, MD Stefania de Fazio, MD, PhD Jeffery Flagg, MD, DDS Roxanne Guy, MD Jorge de la Torre, MD Patti Flint, MD Christian Guzman, MD Carl de los Reyes, MD Bryan Forley, MD Richard Ha, MD Richard de Ramon, MD Robert Forte, MD Josef Hadeed, MD John de Waal, MBChB, FRACS Amanda Fortin, MD Thomas Hahm, MD Anne DeLaney, MD Thomas Francel, MD Cyril Halbert, MD, FACS Ronald DeMars, MD William Franckle, MD Gary Hall, MD Lynn Derby, MD Harold Friedman, MD Jonathan Hall, MD Mark Deutsch, MD Ronald Friedman, MD Stephen Hall, MD Gregory Dick, MD, FACS James Frost, MD Robert Hamas, MD Theodore Diktaban, MD Gustavo Galante, MD Kevin Hammons Vincent DiNick, MD Charles Garbaccio, MD Neal Handel, MD THE PSF SUPPORTERS Michelle Hardaway, MD Peter Kay, MD Kimberly Lee Jennifer Harrington, MD Jeffrey Keim, MD Peter Lee, MD, FACS Melinda Haws, MD Christopher Kelly, MD Viviyan Lee Thomas Hayakawa, MD Michael Kelly, MD Mark Leech, MD Barbara Hayden, MD Denise Kenna, MD Jason Leedy, MD M. Scott Haydon, MD Debbie Kennedy, MD Nathan Leigh, MD Jeffrey Healy, MD Suzanne Kerley, MD William Leighton, MD Frederick Heckler, MD Leslie Kerluke, MD Dann Leonard, MD Katherine Hein, MD Lawrence Kerr, MD Vincent Lepore, MD Peter Hetzler, MD Sami Khan, MD Douglas Leppink, MD Mark Hill, MD Mark Kiehn, MD Lucie Lessard, MD P. Craig Hobar, MD Prasad Kilaru, MD Gerald Levandoski, Jr., MD Patrick Hodges, MD Garry Killyon, MD Howard Levinson, MD, FACS Lloyd Hoffman, MD James Kim, MD John Lindsey, MD Neal Hoganson, MD Seung Kim, MD Maria LoTempio, MD Terry Holdredge, MD Robert Kimmel, MD Paul LoVerme, MD, FACS Thomas Horn, MD Stephen King, MD Leonard Lu, MD James Hoyt, MD Timothy King, MD, PhD Jay Lucas, MD Henry Hsia, MD Gilson Kingman, MD Herluf Lund, MD David Huang, MD Anya Kishinevsky, MD Billy Lynn, MD Linda Huang, MD Juris Kivuls, MD Gregory Mackay, MD Thomas Hubbard, MD J. Gregory Kjar, MD Mark Magnusson, MD Lowell Hughes, MD Kenneth Kneessy, MD Raman Mahabir, MD Keith Hume Daniel Knight, MD Ellen Mahony, MD Jonathan Hutter, MD Albert Ko, MD Marcel Malek, MD Peter Hyans, MD Richard Korentager, MD Sami Mamoun, MD Scott Ingram, MD Bill Kortesis, MD David Marcus, MD Clyde Ishii, MD Jeffery Krueger, MD Michael Margiotta, MD Yoshiko Iwahira, MD Hans Kuisle, MD Philip Marin, MD Ricardo Izquierdo, MD Lawrence Kurtzman, MD Eric Mariotti, MD Gary Jacobs, MD Rafic Kuzbari, MD Bernard Markowitz, MD Errol James, MD William Kuzon, MD, PhD Timothy Marten, MD Ellen Janetzke, MD Sophia Kwo, MD Richard Martin, MD Raymond Janevicius, MD Khoa Lai, MD Peter Marzek, MD Timothy Janiga, MD, FACS Paul Lambert, MD Kiyoshi Matsuo, MD Jeffrey Janis, MD Howard Langstein, MD Samuel Maurice, MD Lynn Jeffers, MD Jonathan Larkin G. Patrick Maxwell, MD Glenn Jelks, MD Michael Law, MD Jeff Mazur George Jennings, MD W. Thomas Lawrence, MD Joseph McCarthy, MD Robert Kagan, MD Carol Lazier W. Scott McDonald, MD Sharon Kalina, MD Thomas Leach, MD Patricia McGuire, MD Loree Kalliainen Norman Leaf, MD, FACS James McMahan, MD Michael Kamen Geoffrey Leber, MD William Mealer, MD Michael Kaplan, MD Peter Ledoux, MD N. Bradly Meland, MD Nolan Karp, MD Edward Lee, MD Emmanuel Melissinos, MD Martin Kassan, MD Gilbert Lee, MD Pedro Meneses, MD 47 THE PSF SUPPORTERS 48 Frederick Menick, MD Shannon O’Brien, MD Jason Potter, MD, DDS Wyndell Merritt, MD Kenneth Odinet, MD Andrea Pozez, MD Andrew Messa, MD Ferdinand Ofodile, MD Jason Pozner, MD Charles Messa, III, MD, FACS Laura O’Halloran, MD Christian Prada, MD Robert Micek Eric Okamoto, MD David Pratt, MD Basil Michaels, MD Michael Olding, MD Carl Price, MD Lorelle Michelson, MD, FACS, LLC Morry Olenick, MD Sandy Pritchard, MD Catherine Milbourn, MD Alfonso Oliva, MD Patrick Proffer, MD Leonard Miller, MD Barron O’Neal, MD Jeffrey Ptak, MD Paul Mills, MD Patrick O’Neill, MD Kimberly Pummill, MD Joseph Minarchek, MD Takuya Onizuka, MD Anil Punjabi, MD, DDS Jorge Miranda, MD Richard Orr, MD Andrea Pusic, MD Todd Mirzai, MD Roger Orsini, MD Sidney Rabinowitz, MD Dinu Mistry, MD Kristina O’Shaughnessy, MD Vasdev Rai, MD Cynthia Mizgala, MD Kitti Outlaw, MD Geoffrey Randolph, MD David Mobley, MD William Overstreet, III, MD David Rapaport, MD Raymond Mockler, MD Steven Ozeran, MD Norman Rappaport, MD Mehrdad Mofid, MD David Palaia, MD Gregory Ratliff, MD Fernando Molina, MD Angela Parisi-Parker Larry Reaves, MD Jeffrey Morehouse, MD Young Jin Park, MD Rene Recinos, MD Luis Morell, MD Thornwell Parker, III, MD P. Pravin Reddy, MD Donald Morris, MD Janet Parler, MD Sudarshan Reddy, MD Mathew Mosher, MD Behzad Parva, MD Robert Reiffel, MD Timothy Mountcastle, MD Ann Passmore, MD John Reinisch, MD Karl Mueller, MD Ash Patel, MD Bradley Remington, MD Lisa Murcko, MD Mahesh Patel, MD Ira Rex, III, MD Robert Murphy, Jr., MD James Payne, MD Charlotte Rhee, MD Terrence Murphy, MD Samuel Pearl, MD Dee Dee Ricks E. Anthony Musarra, II, MD Richard Pecunia, MD Jeffrey Ridha, MD Florence Mussat, MD Ziv Peled, MD Steven Ringler, MD Maurice Nahabedian, MD Christopher Pellegrino, MD Thomas Rishavy, MD Raja Nalluri, MD Victor Perez, MD Lucian Rivela, MD Gregory Neil, MD Vincent Perrotta, MD Karen Roche, MD Peter Neligan, MB Charles Perry, MD Heather Rocheford, MD G. Hunt Neurohr, MD Craig Person, MD W. Bradford Rockwell, MD Adam Newman, MD Mary Lee Peters, MD Bruce Rodgers, MD G. William Newton, MD, FACS Christine Petti, MD Rod Rohrich, MD, FACS Van Thanh Nguyen, MD Michael Philbin, MD Donald Roland, MD Nicholas Nikolov, MD F. Leigh Phillips, MD Ralph Rosato, MD Scott Nishikawa, MD Gaye Phillips Allen Rosen, MD Katharine Nitta, MD Rodger Pielet, MD Lorne Rosenfield, MD R. Barrett Noone, MD Sheryl Pilcher, MD Nachman Rosenfeld, MD Morgan Norris, MD Emilia Ploplys, MD David Ross, MD Brian Novack, MD Silvio Podda, MD Kenneth Rothaus, MD Phillip Nunnery, MD Byron Poindexter, MD Bennett Rothenberg, MD James O’Brien, MD Charles Polsen, MD Paul Rottler, MD THE PSF SUPPORTERS Robert Ruberg, MD Kenneth Smith, MD Theodore Uroskie, MD William Sabbagh, MD Lane Smith, MD Peter Van Hoy, MD Justin Sacks, MD Wendell Smoot, III, MD Henry Vasconez, MD Sandra Sacks, MD Gary Smotrich, MD Rajeev Venugopal, MD A. Michael Sadove, MD Kristen Snyder Costa Jon Ver Halen, MD Michel Saint-Cyr, MD Bendy So, MD Carlin Vickery, MD Shahram Salemy, MD Hooman Soltanian, MD Mark Villa, MD Gary Salomon, MD Nicole Sommer, MD Michael Vincent, MD Amorn Salyapongse, MD Chia Soo, MD Dean Vistnes, MD A. Neil Salyapongse, MD Ren-Yeu Soong, MD A. George Volpe, MD Julene Samuels, MD C. Russell Sparenberg, MD James Wade, MD Aysel Sanderson, MD John Sparrow, MD Jeffrey Wagner, MD Christopher Saunders, MD Scott Spear, MD, FACS Samina Wahhab, MD Eric Schaffer, MD Jason Spector, MD Seung-Yeun Waitze, MD Loren Schechter, MD Kenrick Spence, MD Robert Wald, Jr., MD Michael Schenden, MD Robert Spies, MD Kathleen Waldorf, MD, FACS Clark Schierle, MD, PhD Isaac Starker, MD Charles Wallace, MD James Schmidt, MD Hans Ulrich Steinau, MD William Wallace, MD, FACS Michael Schneider Alan Stephens, MD Katheryn Warren, MD Petra Schneider-Redden, MD Russell Stokes, MD Gregory Waslen, MD Ronald Schuster, MD Michael Streitmann, MD Michael Watanabe, MD Steven Schuster, MD Louis Strock, MD Theodore Watchtell Jaime Schwartz, MD Brent Stromberg, MD Paul Watterson, MD Karl Schwarz, MD Steven Struck, MD Denton Watumull, MD Michael Schwartz, MD James Stuzin, MD Robert Weber, MD Alan Serure, MD Yongsook Suh, MD John Weeter, MD William Seward Sam Sukkar, MD Larry Weinstein, MD Kenneth Shaheen, MD Kelly Sullivan, MD Verne Weisberg, MD Joel Shanklin, MD Patrick Sullivan, MD James Wells, MD Samuel Shatkin, Jr., MD Michael Suzman, MD Frederick Weniger, MD Imad Shehadi, MD Jeff Swail, MD William Wennen, MD Michele Shermak, MD Michael Sweet, MD George Weston, MD Mary Shinn, MD Chau Tai, MD Jane Weston, MD Yukio Shirakabe, MD Norio Takayama, MD Philip Wey, MD Steven Siciliano, MD Masaki Takeuchi, MD Bruce White, MD Fred Siegel, MD Mia Talmor, MD Steven White, MD Robert Sigal, MD Chad Tattini, MD Fred Wilder, MD Timothy Silvester, MD Jason Taylor, MD Robert Wilke, MD Susan Skanes, MD Gary Tearston, MD, FACS Virgil Willard, MD Richard Skolnik, MD Steven Teitelbaum, MD H. Bruce Williams, MD Sumner Slavin, MD Daniel Thomas, MD Henry Wilson, MD Brian Slywka, MD Scott Tucker, MD Libby Wilson, MD Tzvi Small, MD, FACS Louise Turkula, MD Timothy Wilson, MD George Smith, MD Ivan Turpin, MD Richard Winters, MD James Smith, MD Sue-Mi Tuttle, MD Jamie Wisser, MD Jeffrey Dean Smith, MD Chris Tzarnas, MD William Wittenborn, MD 49 THE PSF SUPPORTERS 50 Gregory Wittpenn, MD Gary Baker, MD Wilfred Brown, MD Thomas Woloszyn, MD Stephan Baker, MD Lani Brumley June Wu, MD Stephen Baker, MD Mark Brzezienski, MD David Yan, MD James Banich, MD David Buchanan, MD R. Scott Yarish, MD Joseph Banis, MD Robert Buchanan, MD Michael Yates, MD Vivek Bansal, MD Steven Buchman, MD Steven Yearsley, MD Marc Baraban, MD Barbara Budgake Randall Yetman, MD James Barber, MD John Bulger, MD Yohko Yoshimura, MD Kenneth Barraza, MD Evie Bulliard Sean Younai, MD Freddie Barron, MD Elisa Burgess, MD George Zavitsanos, MD Scott Paul Bartlett, MD A. Jay Burns, MD H. Daniel Zegzula, MD Bruce Barton, MD Brian Burns, MD Richard Zienowicz, MD Adam Basner, MD Fernando Burstein, MD James Zins, MD Richard Baxter, MD Charles Butler, MD John Zinsser, MD Joel Beck, MD Joao Cabas-Neto, MD Stephen Zonca, MD Ramin Behmand, MD Joseph Camarata, MD, DMD Robert Zubowski, MD Cesar Benavides, MD Linda Camp, MD Paul Zwiebel, MD Lea Bendo Joseph Capella, MD Thomas Benhaim, MD Philippe Capraro, MD OTHER CONTRIBUTORS: Della Bennett, MD Bryan Carey David Abramson, MD James Bennett, MD Matthew Carty, MD Boris Ackerman, MD Lindsay Bensko Lisa Cassileth, MD Habib Al-Basti, MD Jonathan Berman, MD Harley Cavalcante, MD Per Alberius, MD Steven Bernard, MD Michael Cedars, MD Bruno Alfandari, MD Nada Berry, MD David Chang, MD Hiyad Al-Husaini, MD Paul Berry, MD Ta-Lee Chang, MD William Alison, MD Shawn Birchenough, MD Mimi Chao, MD Bahir Allawi, MD Roger Bise, MD Juan Chavanne, MD Donald Altman, MD David Black Gustavo Chavarria, MD Al Aly, MD Steven Black, MD Shyi-Gen Chen, MD Raj Ambay, MD Matthew Blanton, MD Tim-Mo Chen, MD Patrice Amin Martin Blue, MD Chester Cheng, MD Manushak Amzoyan, MD Adam Boettcher, MD Ee Cherk Cheong, MD Antigonos Anastasiou Jennifer Boll, MD Thomas Cherry, MD Michael Angel, MD Aaron Bonorato Lori Cherup, MD Darrick Antell, MD Adriana Borges, MD Caroline Chester, MD John Anton, MD Alessandro Borgognone, MD Pierre Chevray, MD, PhD Mark Anton, MD Mark Bosbous, MD Shim Ching, MD Lauren Archer, MD Allister Boustred, MD David Chiu, MD Sandra Archer Joseph Boykin, Jr., MD Joon Hyun Cho, MD Chandran Arianayagam, MD James F Boynton, MD, FACS Christopher Chung, MD Kathleen Arneson Brian Brantner, MD Steven Clark, MD, DMD, FACS Fabiano Arruda, MD Daniel Brauman, MD James Clarkson, MD Subramaniam Arumugam, MD Francisco Bravo, MD, PhD Julio Clavijo-Alvarez, MD Eric Ashby, MD Lilla Breyer, MD Richard Clement, MD William Austen, MD Patricia Briscoe, MD Brian Coan, MD THE PSF SUPPORTERS Thomas Cochran, MD Luu Doan, MD John Flory, MD Adam Cohen, MD Andrew Dodd, MD Arthur Flynn, MD Stephen Colbert, MD Barry Dolich, MD Douglas Forman, MD Williams Collins Jeffrey Donaldson, MD James Fowler, MD Lee Colony, MD William Doubek, MD Richard Fox, MD Gregory Combs, MD Trent Douglas, MD Cecilia Franco-Webb, MD Alexandra Condé Green, MD Daniel Downey, MD, FACS W. Dale Franks, Jr., MD John Connors, III Susan Downey, MD Daniel Freet, MD Damon Cooney, MD Tracy Dreiling Beverly Friedlander, MD Joshua Cooper, MD Ivica Ducic, MD, PhD Jeffrey Friedman, MD Timothy Cooper, MD Stephen Dudick, MD Marthe Ann Gabey, MD Bradley Coots, MD Lauren DuFresne Kent Gabriel, MD Julia Corcoran, MD Kelli Duggan Allen Gabriel, MD, FACS Steven Couchell, MD Deason Dunagan, MD James Gaffield, MD Luis Crespo, MD Dana Dupre Bing Siang Gan, MD Andrew Crocker, MD Sue Dykema Pedramine Ganchi, MD Shain Cuber, MD Cameron Earl, MD Emilio Garcia-Tutor, MD Dean Cunha Gomes, MD Steven Earle, MD Facundo Garfias Vargas, MD Bruce Cusenz, MD Raquel Eckert Montandon, MD Steven Garner, MD J. Douglas Cusick, MD John Edney, MD Ralph Garramone, MD Leonardo D’Alo, MD James Edwards, MD Peter Gee, MD Richard D’Amico, MD Wilfred Ehrmantraut, Jr., MD Michael Gelband Vigen Darian, MD Steven Eisenstadt, MD Louis Germain, MD Francis Darmanin, MD Frederick Eko, MD Timothy Germain, MD Howard Dash, MD Fredda Elzweig Gunter Germann, MD Mark Davenport, MD Mark Espinosa Royal Gerow, MD David David, MD, FRCS, FRACS Enrique Etxeberria, MD, PhD Michelle Gesser Michael Davis, MD, FACS Gerald Everson Anup Gheewala, MD Wellington Davis, III, MD DeLaine Ewing-Joyner Nourollah Ghorbani, MD Joseph de Brux, Jr., MD Thaddeus Fabian, MD Rami Ghurani, MD Luiz Victor de Fortuna Carneiro, Jr., MD Steve Fallek, MD Sharon Giese, MD Scott Thorne Farber, MD Mirko Gilardino, MD Onesimo De Las Casas, MD, PhD Paul Faringer, MD Jessica Gillespie, MD Raul De Leon, MD Joseph Fata, MD Robert Gilman, MD Joao Carlos de Moura Menezes, MD Behnaz Fayazi, MD Jerry Ginsel Khashayar Dehghan, MD, PhD, FACS Jeffrey Fearon, MD Lawrence Glassman, MD Ervin DeLoach, MD Bohdan Fedczuk, MD Kimberley B. C. Goh, MD Patricia DePoli, MD Robert Feins, MD, FACS Guillermo Gomez Michael DePriest, MD F. Ronald Feinstein, MD Rita Gomez John Derr, MD Nelson Fernandes de Moraes, MD Robert Gotkin, MD B. W. DeShazo, MD John Fernandez, MD Lisa Gould, MD Elise Di Vincenzo Laura Figura, MD Walter Gracia, MD Ryan Diederich, MD Ronaldo Filho Kenneth Graham, MD Kevin Dieffenbach, MD Orna Fisher, MD Miles Graivier, MD Donald Ditmars, MD James Fletcher, MD Leonard Gray, MA,MD Rodrigo Do Canto, MD Jeanette Flores Gregory Greco, DO 51 THE PSF SUPPORTERS 52 Lauren Greenberg, MD Louis Iorio, MD A. Charlotta La Via, MD Stephen Greenberg, MD Abdel-Raouf Ismail, MD, FRCSC Mark Labowe, MD John Griffin, MD William Jackson, MD Melinda Lacerna Kimbrell, MD Joe Griffin, MD Lisa Jacob, MD Phillip Lackey, MD John Griggs, MD Elliot Jacobs, MD Sabrina Lahiri, MD David Grimes Michael Jazayeri, MD Lars-Uwe Lahoda, MD, PhD Lawrence Gross, MD Jay Arthur Jensen, MD Fee Lai, MD John Grossman, MD Sun Jing, MD Donald Lalonde, MD Sanjay Grover, MD Robin Joseph John LaManna, MD Tiffany Grunwald, MD Koji Kagawa, MD Gail Lanter, CPC Laura Gunn, MD Adin Kahhn Alan Larsen, MD Ali Gurlek, MD Behrooz Kalantarian, MD Nathalie Lavallee Harris, MD Joao Gusman Pereira, MD Brandon Kallman, MD David Lavine, MD Robert Gwinn Ram Kalus, MD Carol Lazier Adam Hamawy, MD Tiffany Kanga Claude Le Louarn, MD Moustapha Hamdi, MD, PhD Mark Kanter, MD Danielle LeBlanc, MD Barbara Hamilton Anil Kapur Alex Lechtman, MD Sam Hamra, MD Ercan Karacaoglu, MD Anhtuyet Thi Bui Lee, MD Warren Hankins, MD Heather Karu, MD Clara Lee, MD M. Keith Hanna, MD, FACS Maan Kattash, MD Daniel Lee, MD Jill Haring Jennifer Keagle, MD Myung Ju Lee, MD Marco Harmaty, MD Leo Keegan, MD Paik-Kwon Lee, MD, PhD Leonard Harris, MD Erin Kennedy, MD Steve Lee, MD Rhonda Harvey Jai Kesari, MD Joanne Lenert, MD Randal Haworth, MD Jaffer Khan, MD Mimi Leong, MD Peter Hayashida, MD Habib Khoury, MD Oren Lerman, MD Phil Hayes Philip Kierney, MD E. Dwayne Lett, MD Jennifer Hein, MD Matthew Kilgo, MD John Lettieri, MD Kent Hein, MD Elizabeth Kim, MD JoAnne Levitan, MD Robert Hein, MD Jin Kim, MD KaMing Li, MD Douglas Hendricks, MD Ju Han Kim, MD Jared Liebman, MD Karl Hiatt, MD Sukwha Kim, MD Eric Lin, MD Staci Hix-Hernandez, MD Gabriel Kind, MD Ines Lin, MD Charles Hollingsworth, MD David Kirn, MD Ray Yung-Chiou Lin, MD Nathaniel Holzman, MD Juris Kivuls, MD Samuel Lin, MD Joon Pio Hong, MD Karen Klopp David Lipton Maarten Hoogbergen, MD, PhD Suresh Koneru, MD Paul Loewenstein, MD Jeffrey Horowitz, MD Sang-Hwan Koo, MD Joseph Losee, MD John Houle, MD Joshua Korman, MD Alberto Magno Lott Caldeira, MD Howard Hu, MD Brian Kreul, MD William Loutfy, MD Georgeanna Huang, MD David Kulber, MD Robert Louton, MD Michael Huntly, MD Michael Kulick, MD William LoVerme, MD Olivia Hutchinson, MD Markian Kunasz, MD Bonnie Lowen Susan Hyman Kelly Kunkel, MD W. Glenn Lyle, MD John Iacobucci, MD Daniel Kuy, MD Gregory Lynam, MD Yojiro Inoue, MD Giorgio La Scala, MD, PD Matthew Lynch, MD THE PSF SUPPORTERS Robert Lyons, MD Gregory Mesna, MD John Oliphant, MD Genevieve MacDonald, MD Kathleen Meyer, MD Juan Ortiz, MD Rosemarie Machala Bryan Michelow, MD John Osborn, MD Kevin Maguire, MD Joseph Michienzi, MD Kimberley O’Sullivan, MD, FACS Herbert Maguire, MD Timothy Mickel, MD Susan Early Otero, MD Ashish Mahajan, MD John Miller, MD William Owen, MD Charan Mahatumarat, MD Robert Miller, MD Sumanth Pagadala, MD Wojciech Majewski, MD Glenn Milliet Jui-Jung Pai, MD R. Kevin Majzoub, MD Tansar Mir, MD Jorge Palacios-Martinez, MD Ramotsumi Makhene, MD Reza Miraliakbari, MD Sanjay Parashar, MD Lee Malan, MD Gordon Mitts, MD Mark Pardoe, MD Rodrigo Mangaravite, MD Cassio Miura, MD Chul Park, MD Luis Manozzo, MD Jamal Mohammad, MD Frederick Park, MD Ken Marcus Pradeep Mohan, MD Hyun Park, MD Richard Marcus Breno Monteiro Massahud, MD Maida Parkins, MD James Marsh, MD Bufford Moore, MD Wendy Parsons Elizabeth Marshall, MD Gregory Moorman, MD Alexandre Passos, PhD Mark Martin, MD Kenneth Moquin, MD Gregory Pastrick, MD Peggy Martinez Isidoros Moraitis, MD Joél Payne Rosendo Martinez, DO Ronnie Moro Patricia Payne Jose Martinez-Mendez, MD, PhD John Morris Richard Peck, MD Dimitrios Mastorakos, MD, PhD James Motlagh, MD Roosevelt Peebles, Jr., MD Alan Matarasso, MD Delora Mount, MD Leandro Pellarin, MD Michael Matthew, MD Alexander Moya, MD Christopher Pelletiere, MD John Matthews Kurtis Moyer, MD Richard Perez Andre Mattos, MD Kenneth Murray, MD Jose Perez-Gurri, MD Karen Matuza Sabir Osman Mustafa, MD Howard Perofsky, MD Gwendolyn Maxwell, MD Eid Mustafa, MD Allan Perry, Jr., MD Kevin Mayfield, MD Judith Myers Barbara Persons, MD Tracy McCall, MD Randall Nacamuli, MD Calvin Peters, MD Shannon McCarrens Ryan Naffziger, MD Kendall Peters, MD Tiffany McCormack, MD Yukihiro Nakamura, MD L. Elizabeth Peterson, MD Jonathan McCue, MD Oyun Namjil, MD Robert Peterson, MD Terry McCurry, MD Maurizio Bruno Nava, MD Justin Piasecki, MD Margaret McGill, MEd Carlos Navarro, MD Piyapas Pichaichanarong, MD Mark McGovern, MD Ahmed Nawres, MD Brian Pinsker Mary McGrath, MD Martin Newman, MD Mary Ann Piskun, MD Robert Craig McKee, MD Scott Newman, MD FACS Peggy Pissareck Scot McKenna, MD Hien Nguyen, MD C. Edwin Pittman, MD Meredith McKinney, MD Son Nguyen, MD Marie Pletsch, MD Sarah McMillan, MD Anne Nickodem, MD Jonathan Pollack, MD Michael McNeel, MD Jean-Luc Nizet, MD Larry Pollack, MD Adam Mecinski, MD Leif Nordberg, MD Todd Pollock, MD Jay Meisner, MD, FACS Bartlomiej Noszczyk, MD Bohdan Pomahac, MD Jorge Menendez, MD Fadi Nukta, MD G. Wesley Price, MD Marianne Mertens, MD David O’Donovan, MD Carly Prutkin 53 THE PSF SUPPORTERS 54 Mark Prysi, MD Scott Sassa Christopher Spittler, MD Eric Pugash, MD Alisa Savoretti John Squires, MD Richard Rahdon, MD Richard Schaefer, MD D. Heath Stacey, MD Sai Ramasastry, MD Andrew Schneider, MD William Starr, MD Peter Randall, MD David Schnur, MD Ronald Stefani, MD Khurram Rashid, MD Wesley Schooler, MD Elisa Stein, MD Jana Rasmussen, MD Warren Schutte, MD Steven Stein, MD Adam Ravin, MD Robert Schutz, MD J. Anthony Stephens, MD Roman Rayham, MD Graham Schwarz, MD Erez Sternberg, MD Douglas Reavie, MD Gregory Scott, MD Hans-Joachim Stocker, MD Benjamin Rechner, MD John Semple, MD Mike Stokes Henry Redmon, MD Adolfo Sesto, MD Eugene Strasser, MD Jeremiah Redstone, MD Derek Shadid, MD Joel Studin, MD Edward Reece, MD Himansu Shah, MD, FACS W. John Suber, MD Martin Rees, MD Samir Shah, MD Laura Sudarsky, MD David Reid, MD Faisal Shareefi, MD Man-Soo Suh, MD Owen Reid, MD Subramanya Shastri, MD Stephen Sullivan, MD Ann Reilley, MD Lawrence Shaw, MD Gregory Surfield, MD Joel Rein, MD Reginald Sherrill, MD Donald Sweitzer, MD Neal Reisman, MD, JD Boris Shilov, MD John Symbas, MD Charlotte Resch, MD Nobuyuki Shioya, MD Leonard Tachmes, MD Edward Ricciardelli, MD Jeremy Silk, MD Tina Tavares Mark Richards, MD Ody Silveira, Jr., MD Alastair Taylor, MD Luis Rios, Jr., MD Paul Silverstein, MD B. Jackson Taylor, MD Jean-Pierre Riou, MD Roger Simpson, MD Jason Taylor David Alan Robinson, MD Elan Singer, MD Lisa Taylor, MD Stavroula Rodopoulou, MD Davinder Singh, MD John Teichgraeber, MD Darlen Rodrigues Vieira, MD Pamela Sipple David Teplica, MD Stephen Ronan, MD Margaret Skiles, MD Joel Teplinsky, MD Patricia Rooney, MD, DO David Slepyan, MD Richard Tepper, MD Kevin Rose, MD Ronnie Slochowsky Rudolf Thompson, MD Michael Rosenberg, MD Anthony Smith, MD William Thompson, MD Percy Rossell-Perry, MD, FACS Diana Smith Gunnar Thors, MD Douglas Rowe, MD Renee Smith Vivian Ting, MD Stephanie Rowen, MD Rick Smith, MD Pankaj Tiwari, MD John Rowley, MD Michael Smock, MD Adam Tobias, MD Paul Ruff, IV, MD, FACS Steven Snively, MD Gladys Tsao-Wu, MD Isha Ruparel Mary Snyder, MD Irodanis Tsikentzogou M. Zakir Sabry, MD Ashley Sockol Christopher Tsoi, MD Tariq Saeed, MD Mark Solomon, MD Robert Tuchler, MD Ali Sajjadian, MD, FACS Katie Sommers Anthony Tufaro, MD Jhonny Salomon, MD Eiler Sommerhaug, MD Paul Tulley, MD Craig Salt, MD Evan Sorokin, MD Gary Tuma, MD, FACS Jubert Sanches, MD Alexandre Souza, MD Steven Turkeltaub, MD Patricia Sandholm, MD Sam Speron, MD David Turner, MD Peter Sarkos, MD Henry Spinelli, MD Despina Tzivaridou, MD THE PSF SUPPORTERS William Umansky, MD Meredith Workman, MD John Vaccaro, MD Joan Wright, MD George Valentini, MD Tzuying Wu, MD Berend van der Lei, MD Batia Yaffe, MD A. John Vander Zee, MD Natan Yaker, MD Scott VanDuzer, MD Hiroko Yanaga, MD, PhD Oscar Vargas, MD Jason Yeung Vladmir Vargas, MD Won June Yoon, MD Sergei Vasilyev, MD Anthony Youn, MD Yuri Vasilyev, MD Justin Yovino, MD Shirley Vaughn Shunsuke Yuzuriha, MD Ted Vaughn, MD Khalique Zahir, MD Pierre Vico, MD, PhD William Zamboni, MD Nicole Vonblohn Sergio Zamora, MD, FACS Mark Walsh, Jr., MD Richard Zecca, Jr. Dawn Wang, MD Michael Zenn, MD Triumph Wang, MD Roderick Zickler, MD David Ward, MD Otto Ziegler, MD Ronald Warren, MD Michael Zimmerman Tonja Weed, MD Mark Zukowski, MD Arno Weiss, Jr., MD Karen Zupko Eric Weiss, MD Michelle Zweifler, MD Paul Weiss, MD D. Keith West, MD Justin West, MD Michael Whetstone, MD Paul Whidden, MD Deborah White, MD John J. White, MD Kenneth White, MD Loretta White Steven White, MD David Whiteman, MD Mark Wigod, MD Christopher Williams, MD Eric Williams, MD Jeremy Williams, MD Richard Wilson, MD Rod Wiong Garrett Wirth, MD Jeffrey Wisnicki, MD Andrew Wolin, MD Marcus Wong, MD Kerri Woodberry, MD Joseph Woods, MD Paul Woods 55 SENIOR LEADERSHIP TEAM MICHAEL D. COSTELLOE, JD Executive Vice President KEITH M. HUME Staff Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, PSF CAROL L. LAZIER Staff Vice President, International Relations and Chief Membership Officer MARK ESPINOSA Senior Director, Finance/Administration GINA T. MCCLURE Senior Director, Education and Meetings GREGG REVAK Senior Director, Business Development, IT and Digital Operations JOHN EVERSON Director, Online Learning HEATHER GATES Director, Communications and External Affairs RHONDA HARVEY Director, Commercial Development ROSEMARIE MACHALA Director, Human Resources ERIN RAVELETTE Director, Advocacy and Government Relations MIKE STOKES Director, Publications DIEDRA GRAY Senior Manager, Quality and Health Policy MAUREEN JOUHET Senior Manager, Marketing and Communications JOÉL MARIE PAYNE Senior Manager, Corporate Development ISHA RUPAREL Manager, Membership and International Relations KATIE SOMMERS Manager, Research and Scientific Affairs 56 444 E. Algonquin Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005-4664 (847) 228-9900 5584
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