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Catalog #94
Pointers from the 1830s. From an old print.
“Published in the Greatest Country Out-of-Doors”
Southwest, Western Americana,
Wilderness Adventure,
N a tu ra l H is to ry, H u n t in g ,
Fishing, Sporting Dogs,
Environment, Country Living, Agriculture, Gardening
New · Used · Rare · Out-of-Print
For our High-Lonesome Books (on pages 2 through 9 inside): Order 2 books and get a
10% discount, Order 3 or more and get a 20% discount (Mixed Titles OK)
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
Country Sports II
More Essays of Game, Fish, and the Rural Life
Like its predecessor, the original Country Sports (2004), Country Sports-II (2015), features near
100 essays of outdoor sport that range well beyond the usual “where-to-go” and “how-to-do-it” of
the Hook & Bullet press. Sporting sharp opinion, insight, and the skills of a natural-born raconteur,
M.H. Salmon trails his teen-aged son on a wilderness hunt to a quarter-mile shot at a mule deer
buck; and, on a hunt for snowshoe hare, is saved from a killer blizzard by a clairvoyant Bassett.
Elsewhere, the author takes on the fearsome, corporate-backed Hudson Institute in an organic
farming debate, and the environmental movement for its failure to take on the issue of population
growth in our own USA. He initiates, describes, and hunts with the prototype of a new breed of
hunting hound; and fly fishes in Hemingway’s footsteps. And more!
6 x 9, 288 pages,
b&w photos and illustrations
Softcover $19.95,
ISBN# 978-0-944383-81-0
“It sounds funny to say so, because I’m sixty-five, but sometimes I think I’d like to be Dutch Salmon when I grow up. It’s not so odd when you think about it. M.H. Salmon is not only the model of
the modern sporting writing, but I have been following his tracks for more than 30 years now…I
salute him as not only a friend who has been a leader in so many of my own pursuits, but also as a
pioneer conservationist and defender of all the Old Ways and things we must hold onto lest our
civilization become too artificial to live.”
From the Introduction by Steve Bodio, author of Querencia
A T housand Miles of Mu stangin’
By Ben K. Green
It was the “late days of the Depression,” times were hard and money scarce, and Ben Green “had about used up all the
hard ways to make a living a-horseback.” So when he heard talk of wild mustangs free for the taking in the Big Bend country
of West Texas, he saddled a road horse, put his camp on a pack horse, and headed west from Weatherford, Texas. Eventually,
he rides, ropes, trades, and talks his way through the mountains and deserts of West Texas, northwest Mexico, and Arizona,
gathering horses, mules, and an assortment of characters along the way. More than a year and a thousand miles later, he will
try to cut the deal that will make it all worthwhile. Displaying a wry wit, sharp opinions and a measure of luck, Ben emerges
from the wild unknown a survivor. But his greatest accomplishment will be to tell A Thousand Miles of Mustangin’, a range
classic that rides the Western Myth well into the 20th Century.
“Ben Green was an expert story-teller, one of the best I have ever listened to, and having grown up around cowboys, I have
listened to some of the great ones . . . I have seen him start telling a story to one or two people in a hotel lobby, and in a short
time he would have a goodly crowd gathered around, listening. A master of the oral story-telling art, he simply transferred
that knack to the written page.”
From the Foreword by Elmer Kelton
6 x 9, 160 pgs, b&w illustrations by Joe Beeler. Softcover $14.95 ISBN# 0-944383-45-9
Black Range Tales
by James McKenna
First published in 1936, Black Range Tales has become one of the classics of
southwest Americana. In his inimitable style, “Uncle Jimmie” tells of prospec ng,
Indian fights, explora on, town life and all the characters from the early days of
the Black Range, the Mogollons, and the rest of the Gila Country of southwest
New Mexico. The result is alternately humorous, poignant, amazing or insigh ul;
6 x 9, 300 pages, woodcuts.
a singular look at the mes. And most of all these tales are true, for by golly,
Softcover $19.95,
James A. McKenna was there.
ISBN #-44383-60-2
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
A Saga on the Passing of the Grizzly Bear
This edi on contains a new story by Stevens about an unforge able Old West character. Called “Front Name Dick,” it’s a classic tale of rough, fron er humor.
Softcover, 324 pages,
6 x 9, illustrated, $19.95
ISBN# 0-944383-09-2
“Montague Stevens was much more than a one-armed Bri sh remi ance man with a
passion for bear hun ng. Educated at Cambridge, he was one of the most literate
chroniclers of New Mexico’s rural history. That he lived in a me when grizzlies s ll
roamed the wilds of southwest New Mexico makes Steven’s observa ons of great interest to today’s bear enthusiasts. His well reasoned comments on natural history, dog
training, and the life of an early day ca leman are of invaluable reference…one of my
favorite books.”
David E. Brown, author of The Grizzly in the Southwest
Another hound classic back in print! Homer Pickens was one of the great houndmen of the
Southwest during the 20s, 30s, & 40s for bear and lion. He and his brother Albert also
trapped many wolves. Originally published in 1980, these are Pickens’ reminiscences of his
years tramping and riding across the state as an officer with the New Mexico Game & Fish
Department and other agencies. Homer rose from predator control officer to become Chief
Game Warden for the State of New Mexico. Homer Pickens was the man who took Smokey
the Bear, as a cub, to Washington after he was rescued from a forest fire in southern New
Mexico. This high quality, hardcover, reprint also includes an extensive Foreword by Homer
Pickens Jr. and is profusely illustrated with nearly 100 photographs.
Below: Don Robinson’s informal letter to his long-time associate Dr. David Narver, dated December
10, 2012 on his reading of Tracks Across New Mexico by Homer C. Pickens. Robinson is the retired Director of the British
Columbia, Fish and Wildlife Branch. Narver is the retired Director of Fisheries in British Columbia Ministry of Environment.
“An interesting and informative record of a family and especially the author, Homer Pickens. Reading between the lines
one can chart the development of not only the New Mexico Game Department but the involvement of Federal Agencies concerned with wildlife. The change in attitude about predators over the course of the book is clearly outlined. Homer Pickens
tells his story as it intertwines with the emersion of a modern state wildlife agency. While it contains a personal history,
there is a great deal of material dealing with the changes in Federal/State agencies especially dealing with predator control.
Incidentally he mentions buying cougar (lion) dogs from the Lee Brothers of Arizona. My uncles on Vancouver Island also bought trained cougar hounds from the Lee Brothers–for the same reason–the dogs were well trained and the bounty system was a much better go as income than depression wages. Same in British Columbia as New Mexico.
Homer Pickens was a hard worker, mild mannered and ready to move with the times. An excellent read outlining the
beginning of a broad approach by game departments as they transformed into wildlife agencies.” Signed by Don Robinson
6 x 9, 208 pgs, almost 100 b&w photos. Hardcover $25.00 ISBN-13: 978-0-944383-74-2 ISBN-10: 0-9447383-74-2
In 1930 famed New Mexico houndman and game officer Elliot Barker spent a year hunting
an over-supply of lions on the half-million acre Vermejo Park Ranch. Using Airedales as
well as hounds, his story sticks to the facts yet is filled with high adventure, lion lore, and
savvy commentary on the vagaries of hounds on the trail. A classic now back in print, this
hardcover edition is the memoir of a literate man who rode alone over some of the most
rugged terrain in the Rockies, at ease with the perils of the trail, as one with his dogs when
the trail became a race to bring big cats to tree or bay.
“When the Dogs Bark ‘Treed’ reveals the point of view of a man alert to many things in
the big mountain country. It is the point of view of a civilized lover of the out-ofdoors.”~~~~ J. Frank Dobie
Hardcover, 6 x 9, 250 pgs, section of b&w photos $30.00 ISBN-13: 978-0-944383-80-3
ISBN-10: 0-944383-80-7
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
By Dub Evans
Everyone has their favorite among hounds and hunting books
but Slash Ranch Hounds is certainly among the best in any section. It is very strong on the intricate workings of hounds in pursuit of scent. While not a “how-to” book, any dog man can benefit
from Evan’s training tips and hunting techniques, most told within
the context of stories. And Dub Evans was simply a good writer,
who could render an exciting chase that we can feel today without
the need for tall tales and exaggerations. From long experience follow-ing the hounds horseback in wild country, he knew that an
honest recall of actual events was the best story of all.
From the Preface by M.H. Salmon
Hardcover, 244 pages, 6 x 9, $25.00 ISBN 0-944383-64-5
Originally published in 1938, this lost classic is now back in print!
A fine writer, Briggs’ book ranks with The Voice of Bugle Ann;
however, these are true tales of superior hounds – Redbone, Black
& Tan, Bluetik, Walker, July, Beagle & Pot-licker – that run to catch
on red fox and gray, ‘coon, ‘possum, snowshoe hare and cottontail
rabbit. Fifty years a houndman, Briggs’ Hounds in the Hills brings
you into the chase like no other book.
ISBN-10: 0-944383-76-9 ISBN-13: 978-0-944383-76-6
Hardcover, 223 pgs, photos. $25
Triumph And Tragedy - A History of Thomas Lyons And the LCs
By Ida Foster Campbell with Alice Foster Hill
engineer in the 1870s, Thomas Lyons -- with partner Angus Campbell -would build an unparalleled cattle empire in southwest New Mexico. According to a livestock trade journal of the time, at its peak the LC Ranches controlled 1.5 million acres of range, grazed some 60,000 cattle, “and employed
100 wagons, 750 riding horses, 400 work horses, and 75 cowboys in season.” But powerful men create powerful enemies. The murder of Tom Lyons
in El Paso in 1917 remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of the old
Southwest. A man of myth until now, this thoroughly documented account is
Tom Lyons and the LCs in history.
“He fought Apaches, hunted grizzly bears, chased down rustlers . . . and plotted the course
of roads still traveled today.”
From the Introduction by Stephen Siegfried
Softcover, 328 pages, 6 x 9, b&w historical photos, $19.95 ISBN 0-944383-61-0
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
By West Gilbreath
Law and Disorder in the Land of Enchantment
In The Old West, execu on was a common form of punishment, and un l 1923 hanging
was the most common form of execu on in New Mexico. Following exhaus ve research of newspaper accounts and other sources, former Las Cruces detec ve West
Gilbreath has documented New Mexico’s legal hangings, and a few illegal ones, to tell
the story of how dozens of hardened criminals, and perhaps a few innocents, were
dropped from the gallows and jerked to their final reward. The actual execu ons are
presented in unvarnished form, just as eyewitnesses and the newspapers of the me
described them. Most interes ng, the crimes that led to the ul mate punishment are
described in detail, providing a unique view of law and disorder in the Land of Enchantment.
“Well it’s pre y damned rough to have to croak so soon, but a good many be er men
than I have gone the same road and I guess I can stand it.” ― Last words of Richard
Remine, hanged in Grant County in 1881 for bea ng his mining partner to death with a single-jack.
6 x 9, 232 pages, b&w photos. Softcover $5.95, ISBN# 0-944383-57-2
THE WOLF IN THE SOUTHWEST-The Making of an Endangered Species
David E. Brown, Editor
The premier predatory animal in the Southwest, and certainly the most controversial, the wolf came to grips with
European settlement, particularly the livestock industry, and lost. First in Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, and
finally in Old Mexico, the southwestern wolf was driven to extirpation; ironically, the last wolves were hunted down
not long before the advent of laws—and a conservation ethic—that could have saved them. Drawing on reports of
the U.S. government’s former Office of Predatory Animal and Rodent Control (PARC), and from accounts of wolf
hunters themselves, David E. Brown has compiled the history of the wolf’s elimination. Included is a complete documentation of the eradication program, fascinating stories of the last few wolves that eluded hunters, and information
on wolf biology from those who best knew its habits. Since its first publication in 1983, The Wolf in the Southwest
has proven itself as the single most valuable and informative reference to Canis lupus of the Mexican borderlands.
Now, the descendents of the last wolves captured in Mexico once again roam portions of wilderness in New Mexico
and Arizona. With reintroduction, this second edition contains a new Preface and Epilogue by David E. Brown, and
a new Foreword by author and biologist Harley Shaw. Once again there are wolves in the woods, and just as in the
days of the pioneers, people are taking sides. Love him or hate him, the wolf is again making history, and The Wolf
in the Southwest is back in print.
6 x 9, 224 pages, b&w photos. Softcover $5.95, ISBN# 0-944383-59-9
Tales of the Chase By M.H. Salmon
Hound-Dogs, Catfish, and Other Pursuits Afield
A Literate, Thoughtful, and Sometimes Humorous Look at Running Dogs, Rural America, and Angling for Fishes Big and Small
In this collection of twenty essays and five pieces of short fiction. M.H. Salmon
recalls a life of sport in which he seldom casts a fly and rarely swings on a bird.
Instead, he roams the Southwest, Midwest, and the north woods in search of
what William Faulkner called “the ancient and unremitting contest,” which is the
pursuit of game with hounds. Along the way he reflects on mountain men, wilderness, urban blight, and hunting ethics; mules, trotline fishing and other
scenes in a vanishing rural America; and some great game fish, like Smallmouth
Bass, his “dream fish,” and the surprising catfish, which ultimately offers both a
lively challenge and a metaphor for life itself. Finally, in “Home with the
Hounds,” there is the all-day pursuit of a forty-pound Brush Wolf, and “the ambivalence any sentient hunter feels on killing an animal that has provided all you
could ever want of game.” Tales of the Chase is outdoor writing with a mainstream scope and offers up a whole platter of sport the Hook & Bullet press
never knew.
Hardcover, 6 x 9, 254 pgs, b&w photos and illustrations $25.00
ISBN-13: 978-0-9443833-11-7 ISBN: 0-944383-11-4
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
Forty Freedoms, Signal to Depart and Home is the River. Buy all three, signed, for just $50!
Forty Freedoms
M.H. Salmon
One hundred thousand acres of public land, complete with a year-round trout stream, potential ski resort, and butted
up against the burgeoning town of Del Cobre, New Mexico, is something the local boomers and
boosters – the “money men” -- can’t resist. Stuffed with dreams of growth and privatization, they
will stop at nothing to “add another room onto the house.” Others are equally committed to saving
these wild lands and waters from the roar of the bulldozer. Recalcitrant mountain man Harley Simmons (anti-hero of the previous Home is the River) teams with itinerant bookman and master polemicist Jason Niles (Signal to Depart) to make a desperate stand in the name of wild trout, resource
sustainability, and the heritage of the hunter. Narrated by Harley’s often beleaguered but always
clear-eyed son, Alvin, Forty Freedoms reads as a compelling campfire tale. In the tone of a latterday Huck Finn, his story of clashing cultures, animal rights fanatics and reluctant poachers, feral
hogs, hounds and hunting lore, and the fateful doings of an unfaithful woman, finally reveals what’s
really happening in the modern West.
Hardcover, 244 pages, 6 x 9, $25.00 ISBN 978-0-944383-77-3
S I G N A L T O D E PA R T — A N o v e l
By M.H. Salmon
Arriving in Southwest New Mexico, itinerant bookman Jason Niles finds the town of Del Cobre almost too good to
be true¾a community at ease with its modest size, rich in the heritage of an ancient culture, and uniquely in harmony
with the natural world. It is an idyll that cannot last. The boomers think Del Cobre holds a different promise. And
they have little sympathy for Mexican Black Hawks nesting on the edge of town, or the mysteries left behind by
ancient artists. You can see it coming. And so can Jason. Inspired, and deluded, by the Ancients’ lurid art, the books
in which he trades, and the woman of his dreams, Jason sees an opportunity to make a difference. If he can pull it off,
he can save remnants of a modern as well as an ancient culture, and even salvage something of himself.
“I got caught up in it, though I dreaded the ending which I knew was inescapable. Like everyday life here, it starts as a lark and
ends up somewhere near the roar of a bulldozer. Progress is our drug of choice, and so far no government has the guts to put a
warning label on the bottle.”
Charles Bowden, author of Blue Desert
6 x 9, 214 pages, illustrated, Hardcover $20.00, ISBN# 0-944383-33- 5
A Novel of the Wild
By M. H. Salmon
When Harley Simmons, “a latter-day mountain man, river rat and desert scoundrel,” returns from the wilderness to
the town of Del Cobre he is determined to come to terms with civilization and thereby restore his life and family.
Yet soon his life is in siege: his father, a legendary wilderness hunter, is dead; his wife will have nothing to do with
him; his son is protected from him by the courts; and government and the local boosters are closing in on New Mexico’s last wild river, threatening to cut deep into his wilderness home. In his attempts to accommodate civilization
with his own wild yearnings, Harley learns to pay dearly. Ultimately, a creature even more wild provides some
clues for resolution. Home is the River is a novel of the wilderness and a story from the heart of the great Southwest.
“Home is the River is a tale of adventure, a suspense story, a furious and funny portrait of good and evil at work amongst the modern Southwest men, women, and animals, written by a conservationist who believes that we can reconcile wilderness, endangered
predators, and the creed of the hunter.”
Steve Bodio, author of A Rage for Falcons
Hardcover, 256 pages, 6 x 9, $20.00 ISBN# 0-944383-03-3
¡Gila Libre!
New Mexico’s Last Wild River
By M. H. Salmon
The story of a geographic anomaly that includes roughly four million acres of the na on's first designated wilderness area, New Mexico's largest na onal forest, and the state's only undammed river.
Visitors might spot a beaver and a coa mundi on the same day, an elk and a javelina on the same
hillside, or catch a flathead ca ish and a wild trout in the same pool. Apaches roamed along the Gila's
shores, as did mountain men and outlaws. It also tells the river's story to date, extolling what is s ll a
unique Southwest resource and specula ng on its future, which includes the threatening proposal of
a major state and federal water project.
So cover, 6 x 9, 127 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons $10.00 ISBN# 978-0-8263-4082-5
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
GILA DESCENDING-A Southwestern Journey
A Hound Dog, A Tomcat, and a Wild River By M. H. Salmon
Herein is the remarkable story of a 200-mile wilderness journey down the Gila River of New Mexico and
Arizona. Traveling partly on foot, mostly by canoe, the author was accompanied by a hound dog and a
tomcat. His trip is replete with whitewater thrills, and angling for trout, bass and catfish; ruminations on
the wilderness ethic, and the antics of two companions who promote all of humor, exasperation and love.
But besides being a modern day excursion into the natural world, Gila Descending is a personal odyssey
as well; and little by little that story, too, is told.
“...a delightful book. No reader could ask for a finer river to read about than the Gila, or a better companion to explore it with than M. H. Salmon. May the Government (ugh!) and God (we hope) long preserve
them both.”
Edward Abbey
Includes a NEW INTRODUCTION by the author. Softcover, 210 pages, 5½ x 8½, illus. $12.95, ISBN 0-944383-20-3 (Fourth Edition)
Country Sports
Essays of Game, Fish, and the Rural Life
In its relatively short history, M.H. Salmon’s weekly Country Sports has won the “Best Column” award from the New Mexico Press Association, the New Mexico Press Women’s Association, and
the New Mexico Associated Press (twice). It is said he inspires many readers; others just get mad. A predictable result perhaps, when a writer fly fishes for wild trout one day, sets doughballs for carp the next;
blasts ORVs and defends rattlesnake roundups; takes a stand for the Mexican wolf while hitting the enviros for ignoring population growth in our own USA; joins the elite gunning doves with an Italian double,
then runs with the hounds hip by jowl as they take down a wild boar by tooth, nail, and a jackknife. As a
homesteader, he’ll help you make a crop during drought, live off the land with goats, and he reveals that
Abe Lincoln was perhaps our original American proponent of sustainable agriculture. Many believe that
the old rural ways are passing. Read Country Sports to know that their revival is well underway, not so
much a link to the past as a good plan for the future.
6 x 9, 288 pages, b&w photos and illustrations. Hardcover $20.00, ISBN# 0-944383-67-X
Ga zehounds & Coursing
By M.H. Dutch Salmon
This revised and expanded edition covers all the AKC sighthound breeds, plus the coldbloods, staghounds,
coyote hounds, lurchers, etc. From the farm fields of the Midwest through the wind-swept North Plains to
the desert Southwest, join the author on hunts for jackrabbits, coyotes, fox, and cottontails with a variety
of purebred and mixed-breed hounds. Meet some of the great old houndmen of the past and the legacy and
lore they left behind. Learn the technique of the trailhound/sighthound combination hunt. Gazehounds &
Coursing is provocative—the author blasts the anti-hunters, insists on a strong conservation ethic, and
says that some AKC breeds need an infusion of new blood to restore their working talents. Gazehounds &
Coursing is evocative—the author recounts great hounds he loved well who have crossed the great divide,
and game animals he wishes in retrospect had gotten away. Above all, Gazehounds & Coursing is informative—herein is the necessary methodology for choosing, raising, training, breeding, and running the
lithe and graceful “longdogs.”
6 x 9, 288 pages, over 100 black & white photos Hardcover $25.00, ISBN# 0-944383-49-1 Revised and Much Expanded!
Based on a three-month, cross-country angling idyll, The Catfish As Metaphor reveals there is much to be learned from what is
arguably the most popular gamefish within the most popular outdoor sport in the country. For those eager with rod and reel, M.H.
Salmon fishes with some of the best catfishers in America, and passes along a variety of knowledge, lore, and techniques. But this
book reads more like a novel than a guide. Reaching back into a lifetime of fishing, the author recounts pike and bass from the
wilds of Canada, huge gator gar from the deep South, trout on a fly from the New Mexico mountains, and carp in Montana. Meanwhile, he critiques organic farming and agri-business, visits Wendell Berry and John Graves, blasts animal rights and political
correctness, and talks about women. There were “days when the Red Gods smiled, and all those others when they spit in your eye;
and, as age gathers in its middle years, the incoming fear that one is perhaps leaving too much slack in the line.” And through it all
he weaves the story of a father, the troubled tale of a uniquely American life, the man who would ultimately reveal to a son why
fishing is so important in our time “as possibly our last link with the eternal verities of nature and pursuit.” By the last cast, it’s
apparent that those who do not fish can catch as much from this book as any angler.
“The Catfish As Metaphor is a maverick, richly textured memoir of fishing, wandering, and life; it reminds us that all three are
best intertwined and best managed with passion and without pretension..”
Nick Lyons
6 x 9, 222 pages, b&w photos and illustrations, Hardcover $20.00 ISBN# 0-944383-43-2
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
PANCHO VILLA - Strong Man of the Revolution
By Larry A. Harris
Originally published as Pancho Villa and the Columbus Raid, Larry Harris’ interpretation captures the life of Villa
-- as bandit, revolutionary and military leader -- with the facts of history and the immediacy of on-the-spot journalism. This new edition contains an introductory essay by Andrew Gulliford, Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado, and an added portfolio of rare photographs from the Mexican Revolution.
“News that Larry Harris’ book is being reprinted is welcome indeed. His study, first published forty years ago, is clearly one of
the first serious monographs on the Columbus Raid. Furthermore, Harris is absolutely right about Villa being present at Columbus during the raid, a question which strangely continues to attract conspiracy theorists.”
Louis R. Sadler, New Mexico State University, co-author, The Border and the Revolution
“Harris’ text contains the urgency of truth, the flavor of folklore, and the sparkle of legend. It tells the story of a man who rose
against the bitter oppression of the Mexican caste system to become a leader who would hear the chant “Viva Villa!” echo off
crumbling adobe walls in dozens of poor villages where there had been no hope and no future. Villa promised both.”
From the Introduction by Andrew Gulliford, author of
Boomtown Blues and America’s Country Schools
Softcover, 125 pages, 6 x 9, illustrated, $9.95, ISBN# 0-944383-31-9
Harvey Whitehill - Silver City Stalwart
By Bob Alexander, With an Introduction by Robert K. DeArment
With Silver City Stalwart, author Bob Alexander demonstrates not only that Harvey Whitehill was a major figure in the annals of the Old West, he shows as well that the Sheriff’s home ground of Silver City, in
Grant County, New Mexico, rivals Tombstone, Dodge City, and Deadwood as a hotbed of outlaw–
lawman history. A bull of a man, Whitehill literally pulled his own wagon on occasion. He also jailed Billy
the Kid, knew the infamous rustler John Kinney, lived through the Apache Wars, and beat Pat Garre at
the polls. More detec ve than gunman, he solved the Gage train robbery. Built at the edge of the Gila
Wilderness, mining and ca le town Silver City needed a steady hand to guide it through its most violent
years. Harvey Whitehill was that central figure in the community through six terms as elected sheriff.
6 x 9, 311 pages, b&w photos.
Hardcover $30.00, ISBN# 978-0-944383-68-1, Softcover $16.95, ISBN #978-0-944383-69-8
“…has all the ingredients—Hollywood, are you listening?―of an old-fashioned western.”
Book Review, Wild West Magazine, December 2006
lynch ropes & long shots
By Bob Alexander
With an Introduction by John D. Tanner, Jr.
The True Story of an Old West Train Robbery
In November, 1883, near a railroad siding called Gage in southwest New Mexico, four mounted outlaws derailed the
eastbound Southern Pacific, killed the engineer, and robbed the train and passengers of far less money than they had
hoped. The meager heist nonetheless set in motion one of the best Old West action yarns ever—and it’s all true!
Included with train robbery comes hard riding over rough country, hideouts in the wilderness, brilliant detective
work, not-so-brilliant detective work, a jail break, several shoot-outs on the run, more killings, on-the-spot lynchings, greed over the reward money, and the trial where the outlaw leader, the resilient Kit Joy, tries mightily to beat
the rope. Fast-paced and fully documented, former lawman Bob Alexander has once again given us important Western history that the others have missed.
6 x 9, 192 pages, b&w photos. Hardcover (no dustjacket) $25.00, ISBN# 978-0-944383-70-4
Lawmen, Outlaws & S.O.Bs., Volume II
By Bob Alexander
Volume I of Lawmen, Outlaws and S.O.Bs. sold out in short order. The characters in Volume II are just as
tough, ornery, and contradictory, some wearing badges and going to jail all in one career. From the Ketchum
Brothers to Chico Cano, Frank Hamer, and the figh ng Lopez Family of southern New Mexico, author Bob
Alexander gives us a fascina ng array of gunmen, in the round, warts and all. With a lively style, strict documenta on, and a sterling collec on of old photographs, here is a gunfighters’ gallery from the Old Southwest.
“The second volume of Lawmen, Outlaws, and S. O. Bs. and its roundup of a number of the lesser known gunfighting men of the Old West is fascinating history. Many of the fellows profiled in these pages were lawmen,
several were outlaws—some were both—and no doubt a few were rightful heirs to the title S. O. Bs. None were
boring. By fair means or foul they have earned a place on the bookshelf.”
From the Introduction by Chuck Parsons, Editor of the NOLA Quarterly, author of John B. Armstrong: Texas Ranger
and Pioneer Ranchman.
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
Note: The books below are special purchases and we can offer the same trade/re-sellers and
multi-purchase discounts as with our other High-Lonesome Books.
Black River Bolly
By Clyde Bounds
A true adventure story about the life of the great hunting hound Black River
Bolly. Follow step by step as he is trained to hunt raccoon and bear. Live
through the first decade of bear hunting with hounds in the Midwest’s northern
forests. Learn what happened during the first Wisconsin trial hunts. Meet the
legendary Mosinee Bear and learn his fate. Join Clyde Bounds as he re-lives
exciting hunting adventures and learn how Bolly influenced the course of bear
hunting in North America. This is a limited supply of the original First Edition.
143 pages, hardcover with dust jacket, illustrated, $20.00
By Claude A. Miller
Springdale, AR: Published by the author, no date. 5 x 8, 100 pgs,
b&w photos. A real classic and hard to find collection on how to
train hounds for profit. A master training guide by one of the greats.
Hard Cover. $12.00
(Free shipping is not included on these $1.00 and $2.00 items)
FOR OLD TIMES’ SAKE. By Clarence S. Adams. Privately Published,
Roswell, NM, 1980. 5½ x 8½, 144 pages, b&w photos. A collection of short
stories and photos of the author’s recollections of the late 1920’s and early
‘30’s, when his family lived in and around Roswell, New Mexico and the Hondo Valley. The early history of the towns, farms and ranches. Hardcover
Was $ 12.95, REMAINDER PRICED AT $2.00 to all, no limit.
IN THE SHADOW OF THE MALPAIS -- THE STORY OF WILL GALLACHER OF THE J&H. By Clarence & Joan Adams. Privately printed,
1983. 5½ x 8½, 48 pages, b&w historical photos. A personal look at ranch life
in the early days around the Malpais near Carrizozo, NM, as told by Mr. William Gallacher to the authors. Softcover - $ 7.95.
LITTLE TOWN WEST OF THE PECOS-1909. By Clarence S. Adams.
Privately Published, Roswell, NM, 1983. 5½ x 8½, 160 pages, b&w historical
photos. A collection of human interest articles taken from 1909 Roswell Register Tribune newspapers. Contains the names and events of many of Roswell’s citizens who lived in and around the area at that time. Softcover.
Was $ 8.95, REMAINDER PRICED AT $1.00 to all, no limit.
TALES AND TRAILS ALONG THE RIO. By Clarence Siringo Adams. Old-Time Publications, Roswell, NM, 1986. 6 x 9, 280 pages, index, many b&w historical photos. Many of the author’s mother’s
memoirs of the family’s homesteading years and life in and around Roswell, NM and up and down the Pecos in the 1920’s and ‘30’s. REMAINDER PRICED AT: Softcover was $9.95, NOW $1.00, Hardcover was $ 14.95, NOW $2.00. NO LIMIT.
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
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CONTENTS BY CATEGORY: Western Americana:1-500; Hun ng/Fishing/Trapping/Guns/Dogs/Etc.:501-750; Natural History and
Environment:751-850; Outdoor Adventure /Recrea on and Miscellaneous: 851-1100.
1]Adams, Andy. CATTLE BRANDS A Collec on of Western Camp-fire Stories.
Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1906. First edi on. 5 x 7 1/2, 316 pgs. Early anthology
of great old cowboy tales. Hardcover. Very Good. $60.00
2]Adams, Andy. THE LOG OF A COWBOY. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1931. Second edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 324 pgs, color illustra ons. The most reliable account
ever wri en of cowboy life on the great trail drive. The Riverside Library. Hardcover. Very Good. $35.00
3]Adams, Andy. A TEXAS MATCHMAKER. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1904. 5 x 8,
355 pgs, b&w illustra ons. A nice, very early edi on of this Adam's classic.
Hardcover. Very Good. $60.00
4]Adams, Andy. WELLS BROTHERS The Young Ca le Kings. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1911. 5 x 7, 356 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Historical novel about two orphan boys in the ca le business. Hardcover. Good. $25.00
5]Adams, Ansel. PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE SOUTHWEST. With an Essay on the
Land by Lawrence Clark Powell. Boston: Li le Brown & Co, 1984. Second edion. ISBN: 1821215744. 12 x 9, 128 pgs, beau ful Adam's photos throughout.
Selected photographs made from 1928 to 1968 in Arizona, California, Colorado,
New Mexico, Texas and Utah. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00
6]Adams, Clarence S. and Joan N. , editors. HARROWING ADVENTURES OF AN
OLD-TIME COWBOY AND SHERIFF. Roswell, NM: Old-Time Publica ons, 1989. 5
1/2 x 8 1/2, 81 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. These stories were told on
tape by Carl Hansen, of Tularosa, NM about his ancestors coming and se ling in
New Mexico, about his cowboying days on the Mescalero Reserva on and his
years as sheriff of Otero County. Ex-library with usual markings. Signed by both
authors. Hardcover. Very Good. $20.00
7]Adams, Ramon F. BURS UNDER THE SADDLE. A SECOND LOOK at Books and
Histories of the West. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1964. First
edi on. 6 x 9, 610 pgs, index. A most complete and most learned evalua on of
printed references to western outlaws. Points to the truth about those men of
the past who lived by their wits and their guns. Ex-library with usual markings.
Hardcover. Good+. $30.00
biography of General George Crook and Geronimo. Paperback. Very Good.
11]Alexander, Bob. FEARLESS DAVE ALLISON. Border Lawman. Silver City, NM:
High-Lonesome Books, 2003. First edi on. ISBN: 0944383637. 6 x 9, 285 pgs,
b&w photos. At 27, the youngest sheriff in Texas in Midland County in 1888. He
was s ll wearing a badge when he was gunned down by infamous ca le rustlers
Hill Lo is and Milton Paul Good in 1923. Paperback. New. $14.95
12]Alexander, Bob. JOHN H. BEHAN: SACRIFICED SHERIFF. Silver City, NM: HighLonesome Books, 2002. First edi on. ISBN: 0944383564. 6 x 9, 310 pgs, b&w
historical photos. Behan's story as a 40-year lawman and public servant who
was skilled with gun and horse, yet who consistently fought crime and arrested
bad guys without killing anyone. The lawman that everyone has heard of but no
one know. Outside cover, mostly spine, sun faded. Paperback. Good. $8.00
13]Allen, Paula. SAN ANTONIO THEN & NOW. San Diego, CA: Thunder Bay
Press, 2005. Reprint. 11 x 9 1/2, 144 pgs, color photos throughout, index. "The
historical photos in this book show public places that were important to the
city's story and were accessible to most people of their me. Many are of
downtown sites, from the days when the city's center was nearly everyone's
second neighborhood. Whether they shopped in dime stores or department
stores, sat in the front rows or the balconies of theaters, came by public transporta on or private cars, San Antonians met and mingles on the streets of their
downtown." Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00
14]Aperture Magazine editors. STRONG HEARTS Na ve American Visions and
Voices. New York: Aperture Founda on, 1995. ISBN: 089381637X. 9 1/2 x 11
1/2, 120 pgs, color photos throughout. Includes N. Sco Momaday on Kiowa
photographer Horace Poolaw; photos of Lee Marmon and Maggie Steber; and
many contemporary Na ve American photographers. Plus contribu ons by Paul
Chaat Smith, Jolene Rickard, Leslie Marmon Silko, Linda Hogan, Luci Tapahonso,
James Welch, and many others. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ.
15]ARIZONA HIGHWAYS MAGAZINES - 1960. 12 Issues in Indian design binder.
Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Highways, 1960. 9 x 12. Typically beau ful color photos
throughout. Lots of Arizona history. Very collec ble. Staplebound Wraps. Very
Good. $25.00
8]Adams, Ramon F., compiled by. SIX-GUNS AND SADDLE LEATHER. Norman,
OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1954. First edi on. 6 x 9, 426 pgs, index. A
bibliography of books and pamphlets on Western outlaws and gunmen. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $30.00
16]ARIZONA HIGHWAYS MAGAZINES - 1963. 12 Issues in Indian design binder.
Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Highways, 1963. 9 x 12. Typically beau ful color photos
throughout. Lots of Arizona history. Very collec ble. Staplebound Wraps. Very
Good. $25.00
9]Ainsworth, Len and Kenneth W. Davis, editors. THE CATCH-PEN A selec on of
essays from the first two years of the Na onal Cowboy Symposium and Celebraon. Lubbock, TX: Ranching Heritage Center, Texas Tech University, 1991. First
prin ng. 6 x 9, 233 pgs, index, b&w photos. Western essays. Paperback. Very
Good+. $12.00
17]ARIZONA HIGHWAYS MAGAZINES - 1965. 12 Issues in Indian design binder.
Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Highways, 1965. 9 x 12. Typically beau ful color photos
throughout. Lots of Arizona history. Very collec ble. Staplebound Wraps. Very
Good. $25.00
10]Aleshire, Peter. THE FOX AND THE WHIRLWIND. New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 2000. ISBN: 0471416991. 6 x 9, 372 pgs, index, b&w photos. A double
18]ARIZONA HIGHWAYS MAGAZINES - 1966. 13 Issues in Indian design binder.
(two Februarys). Phoenix, AZ: Arizona Highways, 1966. 9 x 12. Typically beau ful color photos throughout. Lots of Arizona history. Very collec ble. Staplebound Wraps. Very Good. $25.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
19]Arnold, Ellio . BLOOD BROTHER. New York: Duell, Sloan, & Pearce, 1958.
Seventh prin ng. 5 1/2 x 8, 558 pgs, color illustra ons. The story of how Cochise
broke with Mangas Coloradas, made peace for the Chiricahuas, lived honorably
was arrested treacherously and started his war. Also tells of Tom Jeffords, his
blood brother and friend. Hardcover. Very Good+. $20.00
34]Bateman, Walter L. THE NAVAJO OF THE PAINTED DESERT. Boston: Beacon
Press, 1970. ISBN: 0807019003. 6 x 9, 124 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. A
blend of storytelling and researched historical accounts explains life before
1890 Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00
20]Arnold, Oren. SUN IN YOUR EYES New Light on the Southwest. Albuquerque,
NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1947. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 7 1/2, 253 pgs,
illustra ons and decorated endsheets. A 1940s introduc on to the sun country,
part desert, part plains, part mountains -- our American Southwest. Plains lore,
desert talk, and mountain medicine. Hardcover. Very Good. $20.00
35]Baylor, Byrd. I'M IN CHARGE OF CELEBRATIONS. New York: Scribners, 1986.
First edi on. ISBN: 0684185792. 8 x 10, 24 pgs, color illustra ons. The story of a
girl who shares her love for desert life as she tells of treasured experiences like
dancing in the wind on "Dust Devil Day" or sleeping outside on a hot summer
night during "The Time of the Falling Stars". Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good
DJ. $8.00
21]Athearn, Robert G. THE MYTHIC WEST In Twen eth-Century America. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Press, 1986. Third edi on. ISBN:
9780700603770 . 6 x 9, 319 pgs, index, b&w photos. A final statement by one of
the leading historians of the American West, this book is a blend of reasearch
scholarship, personal observa on, and opinion. Front cover creased from top to
bo om. Paperback. Good. $6.00
36]Beck, Warren A. NEW MEXICO. A History of Four Centuries. Norman, OK:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1982. Reprint. 6 x 9, 363 pgs, index, biblio, notes,
two sec on of b&w photos. A one-volume history tracing the evolu on of the
region from earliest mes with special a en on to its three interdependent
cultures. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $14.00
22]Axelrod, Alan, editor. AMERICAN FRONTIER LIFE Early Western Pain ng and
Prints. New York: Abbeville Press, 1987. First edi on. ISBN: 0517687860. 10 x
10, 202 pgs, index, b&w and color art reproduc ons. The catalogue for the 1987
exhib on organized by the Amon Carter Museum and the Buffalo Bill Historical
Center. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00
23]Babbi , Bruce E. COLOR AND LIGHT The Southwest Canvases of Louis Akin.
Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1973. First edi on. ISBN: 0873581113. 9 x 10
1/2, 76 pgs, color illustra ons. Illustrated with a number of Akin's pain ngs of
the canyon lands and na ve Americans of the Southwest. Signed by Babbi .
Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $35.00
24]Bailey, Lynn R. WHITE APACHE The Life and Tims of Zebina Nathaniel Streeter. Tucson, AZ: Westernlore Press, 2010. First edi on. ISBN: 0870268015. 6 x 9,
168 pgs, index, notes, b&w historical photos and illustra ons. Biography of the
man who administered Western Apache affairs during the 1870s. Streeter saw
ac on in southern Arizona during the Civil War a er he joined the Mexican
Army under Benito Juarez. He returned to the U.S. in 1868 and was employed as
a Spanish interpreter at the southern Apache agency in New Mexico. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $25.00
25]Bakeless, John. BACKGROUND TO GLORY The Life of George Rogers Clark.
Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1992. First edi on. ISBN: 0803261055.
5 x 8, 386 pgs, index. A good biography of the man who won the American Revolu on in the Old Northwest. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00
26]Ball, Eve with Nora Henn and Lynda Sanchez. AN APACHE ODYSSEY - INDEH.
Provo, UT: Brigham Young University Press, 1980. First edi on. ISBN:
0842517898. 6 x 9, 334 pgs, b&w photos. A historical narra ve of the Chiracahua Apaches; the result of over thirty years of in-depth research and candid
interviews with the Apaches who lived through the events. Ex-library with minimal markings. Hardcover. Very Good. $45.00
27]Bander, Robert G. and the editors of Sunset Magazine. TRAVEL GUIDE TO
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. Menlo Park, CA: Lane Publishing, 1974. ISBN:
0376067543. 8 x 11, 160 pgs, b&w photos and maps. Somewhat dated but s ll a
nice introduc on and guide to Southern California. Paperback. Good. $3.00
28]Barker, S. Omar. LITTLE WORLD APART. New York: Doubleday, 1966. First
edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 252 pgs. Novel based on the author's growing up in froner New Mexico, ranching and hun ng in the Pecos Wilderness area. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good- DJ. $30.00
29]Barnes, Will C. ARIZONA PLACE NAMES. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona
Press, 1935. 6 x 9, 503 pgs, index, bibliography. Includes every conceivable place
name in Arizona with loca on, eleva on, short descrip on and map references.
Trade Paperback. Good+. $30.00
30]Barnes, Will C. WESTERN GRAZING GROUNDS AND FOREST RANGES. Chicago: The Breeder's Gaze e, 1913. 5 x 7 1/2, 380 pgs, index, b&w photos throughout. Neat old book with informa on on brands, earmarks, plants, and the full
range of livestock. Hardcover. Very Good. $40.00
31]Barnes, Will C., edited by Frank C. Lockwood. APACHES & LONGHORNS The
Reminiscences of Will C. Barnes. Los Angeles: Ward Ritchie Press, 1941. First
edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 210 pgs, b&w historical photos. More than a biography; it
is history, full of source material on the condi ons in early Arizona and the west.
Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $75.00
32][Barraza, M. Fred]. Garcia, Valerie. THE CACTUS WREN AND THE CHOLLA. El
Reyezuelo y la Cholla. Tucson, AZ: Hispanic Books Distributors, 1996. ISBN:
0938243012. 8 1/2 x 11, 40 pgs, beau ful color illustra ons. A lovely children's
story about a li le bird that came to the American Southwest in search of a
place to build its nest. Hardcover. New. $17.00
33]Barton, Peggy Petersen and Drew Barton Quinn. SARAH MCDONALD "Bishop
of the First Ward" Salt Lake City, UT: Aspen Books, 1993. First edi on. ISBN:
1562362119. 6 x 9, 113 pgs, b&w historical photos. the biography of a woman
who was sent to Canada by her husband and told to either give up the Mormons or don't return to England. She made her way to Salt Lake City where she
became the president of the Relief Society. This book is a story alive with the
flavor of an era and meless as a tale of one woman's love and faith in the midst
of hardship. Included are a chronology and photographs. Hardcover. Very
Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $9.00
37]Beebe, Ruth. REMINISCING ALONG THE SWEETWATER. Boulder, CO: Published/Printed by the author, 1979. Second prin ng. 6 x 9, 173 pgs, b&w photos,
maps. First person Wyoming and Oregon Trail history. Hard to find! Hardcover.
Very Good+. $100.00
38]Bellinger, Cindy. SOMEONE STOLE MY OUTHOUSE. And Other Tales of Home
Improvement. Silver City, NM: High-Lonesome Books, 2001. First edi on. ISBN:
0944383548. 6 x 9, 108 pgs. The author, living in Pecos, New Mexico, spreads
her joy of home repair; kitchen-table philosophy, leavened with truth, seasoned
with sharp observa ons and a generous helping of comedy. Great reading.
Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00
39]BEN LILLY ART. Silver City, NM. Quality four-color print of the fron spiece
pain ng from Ben Lilly's Tales of Bears, Lions and Hounds. Ar st Lois Duffy of
Silver City, New Mexico, ar ully captures the aged Lilly and one of his hounds
with a bear and a lion in the background. Color art reproduc on is 5" x 6 1/2",
overal size of glossy sheet including cap on below art is 6" x 9". Fine. $5.00
40]Billard, Jules B. THE WORLD OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN. Washington DC:
Na onal Geographic Society, 1974. First edi on. ISBN: 0870441515. 9 x 10, 400
pgs, color photos througout, take-out color map/poster. A rich and vivid account of the American Indian. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $12.00
41]Billington, Ray Allen. AMERICA'S FRONTIER HERITAGE. Albuquerque, NM:
University of New Mexico Press, 1974. Second edi on. ISBN: 0826303102. 6 x 9,
310 pgs, index & bibliography. An intelligent cri que of Frederick Jackson
Turner's views of the role of the Fron er in American character. The author
notes both the good (democracy) and the bad (greed and wastefulness) that
grew from the Western migra on. Paperback. Good+. $8.00
42]Bishop, George. JOHN WAYNE The Actor / The Man. O awa, Illinois: Caroline
House Pubilshers, 1979. ISBN: 0898030099. 7 x 10, 254 pgs, index, b&w photos
throughout. John Wayne's life and career are here analyzed, by Wayne himself,
and by directors and actors who worked with him, and by cri cs -- both friendly
and otherwise. The private life of the Duke is also examined, but the main focus
here is on his film career. Hardcover. Very Good+. $15.00
43]Black Elk, Wallace and William S. Lyon. BLACK ELK The Sacred Ways of a
Lakota. Northridge, CA: Harper San Francisco, 1993. Reprint. ISBN: 0062500740.
6 x 9, 199 pgs, index, glossary. 'Black Elk opens the Lakota sacred hoop to a
cosmic humanism for everyone. His book will stretch the common defini on of
shamanism and li the Buckskin Curtain to the characters behind the great
visions.' Paperback. Good+. $5.00
44]Blackburn, Fred M. & Ray A. Williamson. COWBOYS & CAVE DWELLERS
Basketmaker Archaeology In Utah's Grand Gulch. Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press, 1997. First edi on. ISBN: 0933452470. 8 x 11, 188 pgs,
index, notes, b&w and color photos and illustra ons. In 1893-94 convincing
proof was unearthed that a previously unrecognized group of people had lived
in Grand Gulch before the so-called Anasazi, or Cliff Dwellers. These people
were named the "Basket Makers". This is the story of that discovery. Paperback.
Very Good. $35.00
45]Bleeker, Sonia. THE PUEBLO INDIANS. Farmers of the Rio Grande. New York:
William Morrow, 1972. Reprint. Originally published in 1955. 5 x 8, 150 pgs,
index, b&w illustra ons. Fic onalized history for young adults. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $9.00
46]Blevins, Winifred. GIVE YOUR HEART TO THE HAWKS. A Tribute to the
Mountain Men. New York: Avon, 1976. Reprint. ISBN: 1886609012. 6 x 9, 342
pgs. Stories of the great mountain men of the westward expansion: John Colter,
Hugh Glass, Kit Carson, Jedediah Smith and more. Paperback. Very Good.
47]Blewer, Mac. WYOMING'S OUTLAW TRAIL. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2013. ISBN: 9780738596068. 6 1/2 x 9, 127 pgs, b&w historical photos.
From the "Images of America" series a wide-ranging selec on of photos from
the historic and folkloric path that meandered from Canada to Mexico that
outlined the last days of the "horseback outlaw". Paperback. Very Good+.
48]Bode, Winston. J. FRANK DOBIE: A PORTRAIT OF PANCHO. Aus n, TX: SteckVaughn Co., 1968. Second edi on. 6 x 9, 156 pgs, b&w photos. The author presents a memorable picture of J. Frank Dobie with over one hundred photographs and in words. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
49]Boinayel Galeria de Arte. LA ESENCIA GRAFICA KYRON 1972-1988, MEXICO.
Santo Domingo: 1988. 8 x 10, 96 pgs, b&w illustra ons and photos, printed on
light brown paper. All in Spanish, an art book. Paperback. Good. $4.00
50]Bonney, Cecil. LOOKING OVER MY SHOULDER. Seventy-five Years in the
Pecos Valley. Roswell, NM: Hall-Poorbaugh Press, 1971. H6 x 9, 235 pgs, index,
b&w photos, intro by Peter Hurd. An informa ve and nostalgic memoir of
southeastern New Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good+ DJ. $40.00
51]Borland, Hal G. ROCKY MOUNTAIN TIPI TALES. New York: Doubleday, 1924.
First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8, 247 pgs, color fron spiece. Na ve American stories
retold by Borland from the Ute, Piute, Omaha, Blackfoot, Hopi and Teton
tribes. Borland's first book. Hardcover. Very Good. $90.00
52]Borton de Trevino, Elizabeth. I, JUAN DE PAREJA With Connected Readings.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pren ce Hall, 2005. Reprint. ISBN: 0134374967. 5 1/2 x
8 1/2, 160 pgs. Historical novel based on the life of Juan de Pareja, the black
assistant to the 17th-century Spanish painter Velazquez. Hardcover. Very
Good+. $9.00
53]Bourne, M.W. BORDER PILOT. Marquez, Texas: Published/Printed by the
author, 2001. First edi on. ISBN: 1403376247. 6 x 9, 387 pgs. The story of a
crop-duster pilot on the Texas/Mexico border. How one man used up a few
years of his life in that untamed land along the Rio Grande River. A tale of
airplanes, and men, and a way of life that is now gone forever. Inscribed and
signed by the author. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00
54]Bowen, Thomas, editor. BACKCOUNTRY PILOT Flying Adventures with Ike
Russell. Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2002. First edi on. ISBN:
0816521794. 7 x 9, 206 pgs, sec on of b&w historical photos. Russell was
famous for his jaunts into the wildest, most remote regions of the borderlands.
He has become something of a legend since his death in 1980. Hardcover.
Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $18.00
55]Boyce, Annie M. TALL TALES FROM A RANCH. San Antonio, TX: Naylor,
1957. First edi on. 6 x 8, 97 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Cowboy-type tales including
Grandpap Ra ler, with a shed skin four miles long; black ants the size of cats,
and--well, you get the idea. Hardcover. Very Good+. $25.00
56]Boyd, Loree. SPIRIT MOVES The Story of Six Genera ons of Na ve Women.
Novato, CA: New World Library, 1996. First edi on. ISBN: 1880032597. 6 x 9,
436 pgs. The true story of six genera ons of Na ve American women, a chronicle of one family's remarkable journey from the destruc on of its tradi ons
and way of life to its survival and triumph in the modern world. Paperback.
Very Good. $6.00
57]Bradford, Richard. RED SKY AT MORNING. A Novel. New York: Harper &
Row, 1989. Reprint. ISBN: 0060931906. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 246 pgs. A coming-of-age
story of a young man si ng out World War II with his mother when his father
volunteers his services to the navy & the boy moves with his mother to the
hills of New Mexico. Paperback. Good. $6.00
58]Bradford, Richard. RED SKY AT MORNING. A Novel. Philadelphia: Lippinco ,
1968. ISBN: 0397005490. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 256 pgs. A coming-of-age story of a
young man si ng out World War II with his mother when his father volunteers
his services to the navy & the boy moves with his mother to the hills of New
Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $75.00
59]Bradford, Richard. SO FAR FROM HEAVEN. Philadelphia: Lippinco , 1973.
First edi on. ISBN: 0397008538. 6 x 9, 273 pgs. The scenic, pastoral and provincial Southwest is one of the targets of the author's gently brandished irony in
this novel about the Tafoya y Evanses, an oddball Chicano family with a flair for
misadventure. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $50.00
60]Branch, Douglas. THE COWBOY AND HIS INTERPRETERS. New York: D.
Appleton & Co., 1926. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8, 278 pgs, biblio, illustra ons by
Will James, Joc de Yong and Charles M. Russell. Traces the evolu on of the
cowboy from his Spanish-Mexican predecessors to his immediate ancestor, the
Texas; his dress, songs & verse, life on and off the ca le-trail, ranch & range &
more. Front and flap of dust jacket pped in. Hardcover. Very Good+. $75.00
61]Breeden, Robert L., editor, Special Publica ons Division. TRAILS WEST.
Washington DC: Na onal Geographic Society, 1979. ISBN: 0870442724. 7 x 10,
210 pgs, illus/color photos. Takes a modern day journey over the Oregon Trail,
Santa Fe Trail, and others, comparing the history of each with the current
reality. A fine Western heritage book with chapters by Wallace Stegner, Mark
Simmons, Don Dedera, and others. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $8.00
62]Brophy, Frank Cullen. ARIZONA SKETCH BOOK Fi y Historical Sketches.
Phoenix: Arizona-Messenger Prin ng Co., 1952. 5 x 8, 310 pgs, index, bibliography, decorated endsheets. This book is made up of fi y-two sketches, it
penetrates the misty veil of the past, and forms a definite link in this everlengthening chain which is the Arizona story. Informa on on Wya Earp, The
Apache Kid, John Slaughter and many other Arizona characters. Hardcover.
Very Good+ in Very Good- DJ. $30.00
63]Brown, Dee. THE GENTLE TAMERS. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska
Press, 1981. Reprint. ISBN: 0803250258. 5 x 8, 317 pgs, index, sec on of b&w
historical photos. From the "Women of the Old Wild West" series, stories
about Elizabeth Custer, Lola Montez, Ann Eliza Young, Josephene Meeker,
Carry Na on, Esther Morris and Virginia Reed. Paperback. Very Good. $6.00
64]Brown, Dee with Mar n F. Schmi . TRAIL DRIVING DAYS. The golden days
of the old strail driving ca lemen. New York: Scribners, 1952. 8 x 12, 264 pgs,
b&w historical photos. The thrilling story of the brave and determined men
who rounded up the ca le and led them out of the Western plains and into
city markets. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00
65]Browne, Lina Fergusson, edited with introduc on. J. ROSS BROWNE-HIS
LETTERS, JOURNALS & WRITINGS. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1969. First edi on. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 419 pgs, index. Mostly journals from
his travels; around the Horn, trips to London, his tour of duty as Ambassador to
China, etc. Great historical reading. Ex-library. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+
DJ. $14.00
66]Buckle, Archdeacon Francis Buckle. LABRADOR DIARY - 1915-1925 The
Gordon Journals. Cartright, Labrador: Anglican Parish of Cartwright, 2003.
ISBN: 0973344806. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 228 pgs, b&w photos. Very scarce: based on
the journals of Henry and Clara (nee Ashall) Gordon who worked coastal Labrador at the beginning of the twen eth century. Paperback. Very Good+.
67]BUFFALO BILL HISTORICAL CENTER Cody, Wyoming. Santa Barbara, CA:
Sequoia Communica ons, 1984. ISBN: 091785909X. 9 x 12, 60 pgs, color photos throughout. A promo onal booklet produced for the museum. Mainly
photos of items from the museum's collec ons: pain ngs, sculptures, even a
stagecoach. Paperback. Good+. $5.00
68]Burbank, E. A. and Ernest Royce. BURBANK AMONG THE INDIANS. Caldwell, ID: Caxton Printers, 1944. 6 x 9, 232 pgs, b&w illustra ons, decorated
endsheets. This famous Indian ar st's stories of his mes pain ng among the
Apaches, Navajo, Zunis, Hopis, Crow and more. Great stories of Indian life and
experience. Back cover is faded and spo ed. Hardcover. Good+. $50.00
69]Burbank, James. RETIREMENT NEW MEXICO. Santa Fe, NM: New Mexico
Magazine, 2002. Third edi on. ISBN: 0937206741. 6 x 9, 143 pgs, color photos.
A complete guide to re ring in New Mexico. Paperback. Fine. $4.00
70]Burgess, Glenn, editor. MT. GRAHAM PROFILES Volume 2: Ryder Ridgway
Collec on. Graham County, Arizona: Graham County Historical Society, 1988. 9
x 12, 496 pgs, lots b&w historical photos. In-depth history of Graham County,
Arizona. Hardcover. Very Good+. $60.00
71]Burland, Co e. NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN MYTHOLOGY. England: Paul
Hamlyn, 1968. Second edi on. 8 1/2 x 11, 141 pgs, b&w photos and illustraons. Outlines the principal dei es and heroes of the mythology of the various
groups of North American Indians. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ.
72]Burton, Jeffrey. A BIG YEAR IN A BAD LIFE The Criminal Career of Reuben
Houston Burrow. England: Palomino Books, 2015. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,
192 pgs, index, bibliography, sec on of color photos. Burrow stands out at the
head of those who sprang from obscurity into infamy during 1887 as perpetrators of the unprecedented rush of train robberies that would capture innumerable newspaper headlines before the year was through. It was in Texas during
1887 that his escapades led to a serious inves ga on and the pursuit for his
capture which would bring about his eventual downfall. Paperback. New.
Santa Fe, NM: New Mexico Magazine, 1978. First edi on. New Mexico Magazine, Santa Fe, 1978. 6 x 9, 154 pgs, b&w illustra ons. A wonderful collec on of
authen c New Mexico cooking. Paperback. Good. $7.00
74]Campa, Arthur L. Campa. TREASURE OF THE SANGRE DE CRISTOS Tales and
Tradi ons of the Spanish Southwest. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma
Press, 1963. First edi on. 6 x 9, 223 pgs, index, pain ngs by Joe Beeler. Tales of
lost mines stacked with bars of gold, of mule loads of silver cached away in
outlaw hoards, of fabulous Jesuit Treasures buried when that order was expelled from New Spain and more. Slight damp wrinkling to outer lower edges
of some pages, no staining. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $15.00
INDIANS. Ft. Worth, TX: Published by the author, 1975. First edi on. ISBN:
0877060681. 9 x 12, 101 pgs, sepia and white art reproduc ons. Beau ful
collec on of impressionist style pain ngs of North American Indians. Hardcover. Very Good. $12.00
76]Carmony, Neil B., ed. GUNFIGHT IN APACHE COUNTY, 1887. As Described
by Will C. Barnes. Tucson, AZ: Trail to Yesterday Books, 1997. First edi on. 6 x
9, 44 pgs, b&w historical photos. The shootout between Sheriff C.P. Owens and
the Blevins brothers in Holbrook, Arizona as described by rancher Will C.
Barnes, a bystander who watched the ac on from a safe distance. Staplebound Wraps. New. $8.00
LINES. Boun ful, UT: American Genealogical Lending Library, 1996. 5 1/2 x 8
1/2, 102 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. A manual on Indian genealogical
research. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00
78]Carroll, John M. CUSTER IN TEXAS An Interrupted Narra ve. New York: Sol
Lews and Liveright, 1975. First edi on. ISBN: 0914074148. 7 x 10, 288 pgs,
index, b&w illustra ons. An interpreta on of General Custer's tenure in Texas
following the Civil War. Custer, long regarded either as a hero who died with
his troops at the Li le Bighorn, or as a foolhardy commander who permi ed
his troops to be massacred, comes to life as a wise and successful military
leader during Reconstruc on. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $60.00
79]Cash, Marie Romero. TORTILLA CHRONICLES Growing Up in Santa Fe. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2007. First edi on. ISBN:
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
9780826339126. 6 x 9, 181 pgs, b&w photos. A family memoir full of New
Mexico flavor, a look at the "City Different" from the perspec ve of the humble, hardworking Romeros, a family honored for its contribu ons to regional
folk arts. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $15.00
90]Cline, Don. ANTRIM & BILLY. College Sta on, TX: Early West, 1990. First
edi on. ISBN: 0932702422. 6 x 9, 183 pgs, index, biblio, b&w historical photos,
decorated endsheets. The story of the father of Billy the Kid. Includes much
insight into the legendary Billy. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $25.00
80]Castaneda, Christopher J. and Joseph A. Pra . FROM TEXAS TO THE EAST A
Strategic History of Texas Eastern Corpora on. College Sta on, TX: Texas A&M
University Press, 1993. First edi on. ISBN: 089096551X. 7 x 10, 296 pgs, index,
b&w photos and illustra ons. A history of the Texas Eastern Corpora on, a
company formed a er WWII by several Houston-based energy companies to
transport natural gas from the fields of the Southwest to the u li es that provided energy to East Coast urban centers. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very
Good+ DJ. $15.00
91]Collignon, Rick. THE JOURNAL OF ANTONIO MONTOYA. Aspen, CO: Unbridled Books, 1996. First, thus. ISBN: 9781932961966. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 2148 pgs.
The author's debut novel, "moves the cool, magical soul of South American
realism to the hot, dry, magical heart of the American Southwest." Paperback.
Very Good. $6.00
81]Cave, Dorothy. GOD'S WARRIOR Father Albert Braun, OFM 1889-1983, Last
of the Fron er Priests. Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press, 2011. ISBN:
9780865345201. 6 x 9, 574 pgs, index, notes, bibliography, b&w historical
photos. Fellow priests called his ministry just short of a miracle. A superior
cas gated him as an adventurer, Apaches and migrant Mexicans claimed him
one of us. To his fellow soldiers he was a man's man. Of himself he chuckled,
"I've been in mischief all my life." He was Father Albert Braun, OFM, in turn
mule-headed, explosive, or penitent. Vigorously outspoken, he once charged a
group of august bishops to get off your bu s and out among the people. His
sense of duty was profound, his humor crusty. He arrived in New Mexico as
missionary to the Mescalero Apaches just a er Pancho Villa's raid, was a highly
decorated chaplain in both World Wars, and a er World War II he par cipated
in the top-secret birth of the first hydrogen bomb on a south Pacific atoll.
Drawing on archival and military records, le ers, memoirs, and interviews, the
author chronicles the amazing life of this last of the fron er priests from his
birth in the lusty, brawling California of 1889, to his death and burial in 1983 in
the church he built for his beloved Mescaleros. Paperback. Good+. $20.00
82]Chapman, Serle. OF EARTH AND ELDERS Visions and Voices from Na ve
America. Missoula, MT: Roundhouse Publishing, 1998. First edi on. ISBN:
0952860740. 9 1/2 x 8, 218 pgs, b&w and color photos. A remarkable "Who'sWho" of Na ve American leaders, ar sts and actors contribute through interview and prose to create a unique literary experience. Paperback. Very Good+.
83]Charles, Mrs. Tom. TALES OF THE TULAROSA. Alamogordo, NM: Published/
Printed by the author, 1966. Fi h prin ng. Signed. 6 x 9, 69 pgs, b&w photos
and illustra ons. Stories of the Tularosa basin; Eugene Manlove Rhodes, Geronimo, The Apache Kid, White Sands and the A-bomb, etc. Carl Herzog design.
Paperback. Very Good. $30.00
84]Chavez, Fray Angelico & Thomas E. Chavez. WAKE FOR A FAT VICAR Father
Juan Felipe Or z, Archbishop Lamy, and the New Mexican Catholic Church of
the Middle of the Nineteenth Century. Albuquerque, NM: LPD Press, 2004. First
edi on. ISBN: 1890689068. 6 x 9, 217 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w historical
photos. Chavez's final book, completed at his request by his nephew. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00
85]Chlupach, Robin Ann. AIRWAVES OVER ALASKA The Story of Pioneer Broadcaster Augie Hiebert. Issaquah, WA: Sammamish Press, 1992. First edi on.
ISBN: 0942381092. 6 x 9, 228 pgs, sec ons of b&w photos and illustra ons,
foreword by Walter Cronkite. Biography and history of Alaska radio/television
pioneer Augie Hiebert as told by his daughter. And Mr. Hiebert's biography
coincides with much of the modern history of Alaska. Signed by Hiebert. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good+ DJ. $6.00
86]Church, Peggy Pond. THE HOUSE AT OTOWI BRIDGE. The Story of Edith
Warner and Los Alamos. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press,
1998. Reprint. ISBN: 0826302815. 5 x 8, 149 pgs. The story of the shy spinster
from Pennsylvania who lived as a neighbor to the San Ildefonso Pueblo Indians
and became a friend to the world famous scien sts who came later. Paperback. Good. $9.00
87]Cillis, Ph.D., Daniel R. STATEHOOD OF AFFAIRS. Bloomington, IN: iUniverse,
Inc., 2011. First edi on. ISBN: 9781462050840. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 442 pgs. A new
novel, imagines a compelling alterna ve history when New Mexico was at the
center of an interna onal conspiracy that threatened statehood. The unjust
commitment of a woman to an insane asylum reveals a plot to find the missing
Ar cle X of the Treaty of Mesilla that could CHANGE HISTORY. If found before
Arizona and New Mexico a ain statehood in 1912, Mexico could legally recover lost border territories. Tensions rise as the U.S. and Mexico are on a collision
course for control. Spanish-American War hero Adoloreto Centori - now a New
Mexico statehood delegate - becomes embroiled in the events surrounding the
conspiracy. Affairs of the heart complicate affairs of state; he shares love, but
not the same side of the border, with his strongest opponent; Gabriella Zena.
Explores New Mexico's last territorial days with modern day relevance. Paperback. New. $20.00
88]Clark, Robert. RIVER OF THE WEST A Chronicle of the Columbia. New York:
Picador USA, 1997. ISBN: 0312169876. 5 1/2 x 8, 406 pgs, bibliography. A glorious history of the Columbia River of the northwest. Paperback. Very Good.
89]Clemons, Russell E. A TRIP THROUGH SPACE AND TIME Las Cruces to Cloudcro - Scenic Trip to the Geologic Past No. 15. Socorro, NM: New Mexico Ins tute of Mining & Technology, 1996. 6 x 9, 193 pgs, index, b&w photos. Geologic history, human history and more of this varied area of southern New Mexico. Paperback. Good+. $12.00
92]Comfort, Will Levington. APACHE. New York: Du on, 1931. First edi on. 5 x
8, 274 pgs. Novel of the life of Mangas Colorados, the chief of the "Red Paint
People". Hardcover. Good+. $30.00
93]Cook, James E. , Wesley Holden, editor. ARIZONA LANDMARKS. Phoenix:
Arizona Highways Books, 1989. Third edi on. ISBN: 0916179044. 10 x 13, 161
pgs, color photos throughout. Beau ful coffee table style book with photos
taken from the pages of "Arizona Highways" magazine, features the beauty of
the Grand Canyon state. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00
94]Cooper, James Fenimore, Torry Gredsted, Joseph Altsheller, Georg Goll and
Karl May. LEGENDS OF THE AMERICAN INDIANS. Seacacus, NY: Chartwell
Books, 1988. ISBN: 1555212050. 7 x 10, 304 pgs, b&w photos. A nice collec on
of classic Red Indian tales. H. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ.
95]Corle, Edwin. BILLY THE KID. A Novel. New York: Duell, Sloan, & Pearce,
1953. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 293 pgs, bibliography. A novel that packs
accurate history into a drama c narra ve of this famous Western outlaw.
Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $35.00
Readex Microprint Corp., 1966. Originally published in 1780, a facsimile reproduc on. Original tle pages read: "Account of the Russian Discoveries between
Asia and America. To which are added, The Conquest of Siberia, and The History of the Transac ons and Commerce between Rusia and China." Hardcover.
Very Good+. $20.00
97]Crutchfield, James A. IT HAPPENED IN COLORADO. Helena, MT: Falcon
Publishing, 1993. ISBN: 1560442026. 6 x 9, 139 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Fascina ng stories about thirty-four events that helped make Colorado what it is
today. Read about Kit Carson, silver miners, Na ve Americans, Jesse James and
many more. Paperback. Good+. $5.00
98]Crutchfield, James A. IT HAPPENED IN OREGON. Helena, MT: Falcon Publishing, 1994. First edi on. ISBN: 1560442905. 6 x 9, 111 pgs, index, b&w illustra ons. Stories of 31 events that helped make Oregon what it is today. Paperback. Very Good. $6.00
99]Cummings, Joe. BAJA HANDBOOK. Chico, CA: Moon Publica ons, 1994.
Second edi on. ISBN: 1566910528. 5 x 7, 356 pgs, b&w and color photos. Informa on for travelers exploring this thousand-mil peninsula from beach to
mountain peak. Paperback. Good+. $5.00
100]Curwood, James Oliver. THE RIVER'S END. New York: Grosset & Dunlap,
1919. 5 x 7 1/2, 303 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Sub tled "A New Story of God's
Country", a fugi ve from the law adopts the iden ty of an officer of the Royal
Northwest Mounted Police. Hardcover. Good. $7.00
101]Cushman, Dan. THE GREAT NORTH TRAIL. America's Route of the Ages.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965. First edi on. 6 x 9, 383 pgs, index, sources,
maps. The migra on routes and trails of North America and the people and
animals who used them from prehistory. Hardcover. Good in Fair DJ. $15.00
BROTHERHOOD. Glorieta, NM: Rio Grande Press, 1968. Second edi on. 6 x 9,
121 pgs, b&w historical photos, mapped endsheets. Originally published in
1893, this facsimile reproduc on has an appendix of historic photos of penitente flagella ons, processions and a crucifixion taken pre 1900. Hardcover.
Very Good. $30.00
103]Daugherty, Kerry, editor. 1956 SWASTIKA. Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico
College of Agriculture & Mechanic Arts, 1956. 9 x 12, 352 pgs, b&w and some
color photos. 1956 yearbook for what is now New Mexico State University.
Hardcover. Very Good. $20.00
104]David, Robert Murray, editor. OWEN WISTER'S WEST Selected Ar cles.
Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1987. First edi on. ISBN:
0826310052. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 170 pgs. This book selects the best of Wister's
miscellaneous essays, some of them responses to specific experiences in the
West, some more general. They are all marked by Wister's charac s c ambivalence about both the East and the West and about himself, a misfit in both
regions. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00
105]Davis, Carolyn O'Bagy. MOGOLLON MOUNTAIN MAN NAT STRAW Grizzly
Hunter and Trapper. Tucson, AZ: Sanpete Publica ons, 2003. First edi on.
ISBN: 0963509241. 6 x 9, 229 pgs, index, b&w historical photos, foreword by
Marc Simmons. The life story of Robert Nelson "Nat" Straw, legendary Gila
mountain man and grizzly bear and mountain lion hunter. Paperback. New.
106]Davis, Carolyn O'Bagy and Terrence M. Humble. SILVER CITY Images of
America. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2013. First edi on. ISBN:
9780738599946. 6 1/2 x 9, 126 pgs, b&w historical photos throughout. Won-
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
derful collec on of historic photos tells the history of this southwestern New
Mexico Old West town and its environs. Paperback. New. $22.00
Houston, TX: Arte Publico Press, 1994. First edi on. ISBN: 1558851062. 5 1/2 x
8 1/2, 220 pgs. Tales that make up a mosaic of lives of very real people who
struggle with forces not of their own making: war, exile, migra on, poverty,
racism and poli cal conflict. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00
108]DeMa os, Jack. THE EARP DECISION. College Sta on, TX: Early West,
1989. First edi on. ISBN: 0932702473. 6 x 9, 207 pgs, index, b&w historical
photos, decorated endsheets. The story of the championship boxing match
between Fitzsimmons and Sharkey which Wya Earp, the referee, called for
Sharkey and which generated a court hearing. Hardcover. New. $20.00
109]DeMa os, Jack. MASTERSON AND ROOSEVELT. College Sta on, TX: Early
West, 1984. ISBN: 0932702317. 6 x 9, 149 pgs, b&w historical photos, decorated endsheets. Correspondence between Bat Masterson and Teddy Roosevelt,
who had great admira on for Bat's career as a lawman and who appointed him
Deputy U.S. Marshal in 1905. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $20.00
110]Denhardt, Robert Moorman. THE KING RANCH QUARTER HORSES. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1985. First edi on. ISBN: 0806127716.
7 x 10, 256 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustra ons. The complete story of
these famous horses, how they were bred and what they have achieved. Paperback. Very Good. $40.00
111]DeSpain, Pleasant. THE EMERALD LIZARD Fi een La n American Tales to
Tell. Li le Rock, AR: August House Publishers, 1999. First edi on. ISBN:
0874835526. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 184 pgs, b&w illustra ons. La n American stories
for young readers in both English and Spanish text. Ex-library and wrinkled. A
good reading copy. Paperback. Good-. $6.00
112]Devereaux, Jan. PISTOLS, PETTICOATS & POKER The Real Lo e Deno: No
Lies or Alibis. Silver City, NM: High-Lonesome Books, 2009. First edi on. ISBN:
9780944383759. 6 x 9, 277 pgs, b&w historical photos. Ba ered by the hard
mes of some of the roughest towns in Texas, Lo e Deno in her youth earned
a reputa on as a stalwart survivor in a par cular locale of a man's world-the
fron er saloon. She reportedly bested none other than Doc Holliday at poker
and was otherwise competent, in demand, and profitable "a er hours." But
where other ladies of the night faded sadly, and prematurely, into penury and
sad obscurity, Lo e Deno would in me marry well and reinvent herself as a
respected lady of the towns of Silver City and Deming, New Mexico. Hardcover.
New. $25.00
113]Devi , Steve. BUTTE. The Town and The People. Helena, MT: American
Geographic Publishing, 1988. ISBN: 0938314521. 7 1/2 x 10, 96 pgs, color photos throughout, maps. A good history and current status of this Montana mining town. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00
114]Dimock, Brad. SUNK WITHOUT A SOUND. Flagstaff, AZ: Fretwater Press,
2001. ISBN: 1892327988. 6 x 9 1/2, 288 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. The
story of the tragic Colorado River honeymoon of Glen and Bessie Hyde in the
late 1920s. Ex-library. Paperback. Good+. $8.00
115]Dobie, J. Frank. APACHE GOLD & YAQUI SILVER. Boston: Li le Brown &
Co, 1939. First edi on. 6 x 9, 366 pgs, b&w and color illustra ons by Tom Lea.
Great Dobie stories about the Lost Adams Diggings, The Lost Tayopa Mine,
Scalp Hunters' Ledge and more. Hardcover. Good. $35.00
116]Dobie, J. Frank. THE BEN LILLY LEGEND. Aus n, TX: University of Texas
Press, 2004. Reprint. ISBN: 0292707282. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 237 pgs. The biography
of the famous hunter, houndman, & mountain man. Details Mr. Lilly's life from
homesteader/hunter days in the deep South to his lion & bear hun ng days in
the West. This reprint has complete text but not the old photos of Ben. Paperback. New. $22.00
Aus n, TX: University of Texas Press, 1943. Special Prin ng for SMU. 6 x 9, 111
pgs, b&w illustra ons. Dobie wrote this book "primarily to help people of the
Southwest see significances in the features of the land to which they belong, to
make their environments more interes ng to them, their past more alive...and
to s mulate them to observe. Hardcover. Good+. $45.00
118]Dobie, J. Frank. THE LONGHORNS. New York: Bramhall House, 1951. 5 1/2
x 8 1/2, 388 pgs, index, b&w photos & illustra ons by Tom Lea. The story of
the Longhorn, including legend and folklore, the cowboys who came to be, the
Spanish conquistadores, Colonial ranching, stampedes & more - told by a veteran storyteller. Hardcover. Very Good+. $25.00
119]Dobie, J. Frank. PREFACES. Boston: Li le Brown & Co, 1975. First edi on.
ISBN: 0316187887. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 204 pgs. Dobie's introduc on of forgo en
western writers like Andy Adams, Gene Rhodes, Charles Siringo and Helen
Hunt Jackson as well as ar sts Charles Russell and Frederic Remington. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00
120]Dobie, J. Frank. SOME PART OF MYSELF. Boston: Li le Brown & Co, 1967.
First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 282 pgs, index, b&w family photos. A collec on of
autobiographical pieces edited by Bertha Dobie a er the death of the great
story-teller. Covers the period from Dobie's birth in 1888 to the thir es when
he was teaching at the Univ. of Texas. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+
DJ. $30.00
121]Dobie, J. Frank. THE VOICE OF THE COYOTE. Boston: Li le Brown & Co,
1949. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 386 pgs, b&w illustra ons by Olaus J. Murie.
In typical Dobie style, the coyote both as he is biologically and as he exists in
human imagina on - as he is in life, in literature and around the campfire.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $75.00
122]Dobie, J. Frank. WILD AND WILY RANGE ANIMALS. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1980. ISBN: 0873582098. 5 x 8 1/2, 124 pgs. An a rac ve li le
book about animals of the western range, including the roadrunner, mustang,
mule, longhorn, white stallion, coyote, and ra lesnake. Hardcover. Very
Good+. $25.00
123]Dozier, Edward P. HANO A Tewa Indian Community in Arizona. New York:
Holt, Rinehart & Winston , 1998. Reprint. ISBN: 0030551153. 6 x 9, 104 pgs,
contains pencil underlining. Covers the history, social network, religion, ritual,
livelihoods and the Indian Service as they relate to the Tewa Community.
Paperback. Good. $4.00
124]Drago, Harry Sinclair. WILD, WOOLLY & WICKED. New York: Bramhall
House, 1960. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 354 pgs, decorated endsheets. The
history of the Kansas cow towns and the Texas ca le trade. Hardcover. Very
Good in Good+ DJ. $20.00
125]Duke, Cordia Sloan and Joe B. Frantz. 6000 MILES OF FENCE. Life on the
XIT Ranch of Texas. Aus n, TX: University of Texas Press, 1972. Sixth prin ng.
ISBN: 0292733798. 5 1/2 x 8, 231 pgs. The wife of an XIT division manager
kept a diary of all that happened and herein is the story. Hardcover. Very Good
in Very Good DJ. $30.00
126]Duncklee, John. GIRL FROM NEW HOPE. Las Cruces, NM: Barbed Wire
Publishing_, 2005. First edi on. ISBN: 0976995816. 6 x 9, 293 pgs. A heartwarming tale of love won and lost, how people react to the shock of cultural
change, a quite different look at life in the fron er west, and a wonderful addion to the literature of the West. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $15.00
127]Duncklee, John. PEACH TREES. Las Cruces,NM: Barbed Wire Publishing,
2001. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 232 pgs. Novel of a man haunted by his experiences in
Vietnam who takes to the road in the West with a banjo as his only friend.
Paperback. New. $5.00
128]Duncklee, John. WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO BILLY-THE-KID. Las Cruces,
NM: Barbed Wire Publishing, 2002. First edi on. ISBN: 0972303286. 5 1/2 x 8
1/2, 26 pgs. Western sa re at its finest. Staplebound Wraps. New. $2.00
1 - Santa Fe Area. Santa Fe, NM: Museum of NM Press, 1962. First edi on. 5
1/2 x 8 1/2, 56 pgs, b&w illustra ons and maps. Descrip on of history and
contents of for Santa Fe regional "explora ons", with maps and black and
white illustra ons. Paperback. Good. $4.00
130]Dykes, Jeff. FIFTY GREAT WESTERN ILLUSTRATORS A Bibliographic Checklist. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1975. First edi on. ISBN: 0873581148.
9 x 11 1/2, 457 pgs, b&w and color illustra ons and art reproduc ons. An
excellent bibliographic tool, lis ng books and exhibi on catalogues for, with
full-color examples by, fi y Western ar sts, including Frederic Remington, Ross
Santee, Tom Lea, N.C. Wyeth, Mahonri Young, and Will James. Hardcover.
Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $100.00
131]Egloff, Fred R. EL PASO LAWMAN - G.W. CAMPBELL. College Sta on, TX:
Early West, 1982. ISBN: 0932702228. 6 x 9, 143 pgs, biblio, b&w historical
photos. Campbell was there in the famous El Paso gunfight where four men
were killed in five seconds. Here's the story of the man and the event. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $22.00
132]Eitemiller, David J. HISTORIC TOURS: THE DENVER MINT The Story of the
Mint from the Gold Rush to Today. Phoenix: Renaissance House Publishers,
1983. ISBN: 0939650363. 6 x 9, 42 pgs, b&w photos. A pictorial history of the
Denver Mint. Paperback. Good+. $3.00
Chesapeake, OH: Published/Printed by the author, 2001. ISBN: 1928979386. 17
x 11, 44 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Interes ng look at the trails that led peole
west. Outer edge of front cover slightly torn. Paperback Spiral Bound. Good+.
134]Ellis, Jerry . BAREBACK! One Man's Journey Along the Pony Express Trail.
New York: Delacorte Press, 1993. First edi on. ISBN: 0385305869. 5 1/2 x 8
1/2, 307 pgs, decorated endpapers. The author retraces the original Pony
Express Trail where he finds remains of old Express sta ons, stone markers
where some are buried and much more. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very
Good+ DJ. $15.00
135]Esquivel, Laura. THE LAW OF LOVE. New York: Crown, 1996. ISBN:
0609801279. 6 x 9, 266 pgs, color illustra ons. From the author of "Like Water
For Chocolate", the tale of a passion that survives from the fall of Montezuma's
empire to the twenty-third century. Paperback. Good+. $3.00
136]Esquivel, Laura. LIKE WATER FOR CHOCOLATE. New York: Doubleday,
1992. Reprint. ISBN: 0385420161. 5 x 7 1/2, 246 pgs. "A novel in monthly installments with recipes, romances and home remedies." Also a Miramax moon picture. Damp wrinkling to most pages. Reading copy. Hardcover. Good in
Good DJ. $3.00
137]Eukabi Publica ons. AMERICAN INDIAN DANCES. Albuquerque, NM:
1952. 8 1/2 x 11, 32 pgs, b&w drawings by Eugene H. Bischoff. Twenty-five
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
drawings of American Indians in dance posi ons and dance costumes. Designed to be colored and cut out. They have tabs so they can be set upright.
Paperback. Very Good. $2.00
138]Eukabi Publishers. AMERICAN INDIAN NAVAJO. Albuquerque, NM: 1962.
8 1/2 x 11, 16 pgs, b&w drawings by Eugene H. Bischoff. An old coloring book
with seven full page b&w drawings with full page explana ons of the drawings
and direc ons for coloring. Paperback. Very Good. $2.00
139]Evans, Max. THE ROUNDERS. New York: Macmillan, 1960. First edi on. 5 x
8, 153 pgs, illustra ons by Charles W. Walker. A novel of two contemporary
bronc-busters, racy, real and really funny. A classic. Hardcover. Good+.
140]Evans, Max. XAVIER'S FOLLY, ONE-EYED SKY, AND CANDLES IN THE BOTTOM OF THE POOL. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1984.
Reprint. ISBN: 0826307000. Originally published in 1962. 5 x 8, 105 pgs. Three
novellas under one cover by the well known Southwest raconteur. "Evans
shows an in mate and meaningful understanding of the West, nature and life"
- Chapel Hill Weekly. Paperback. New. $6.00
141]Evere , Percival. AMERICAN DESERT A Novel. New York: Hyperion, 2004.
First edi on. ISBN: 0786869178. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 291 pgs. A sa rical parable and
fantasy tale by the author of Erasure finds suicidal college professor Theodore
inadvertently dying in a car accident and unexpectedly resurrected during his
funeral, a situa on that renders him an object of morbid curiosity, embarrassment to his family, and dark worship to an obscure religious cult. Ex-library.
Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00
142]Ewald, Chase Reynolds. THE NEW WESTERN HOME. Salt Lake City, UT:
Gibbs-Smith, 2009. First edi on. ISBN: 9781423602552. 8 1/2 x 10, 175 pgs,
color photos throughout. Rus c log ranches with soaring prairie vistas; quiet
fishing cabins along the river; mountain hideaways tucked among the trees;
historic urban factories renovated into stylish condos - today's western homes
share a spirit while covering a wide range of western styles in both architecture and design. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00
143]Faber, Lorney. NEXT YEAR COUNTRY. Denver, CO: Forum Publishing Co.,
1975. First prin ng. 5 1/2 x 8, 137 pgs, b&w photos. The author's life on a
Montana Ranch. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $10.00
144]Farmer, David. THE COLLECTOR'S EYE Selec ons from the Sally Zaiser
Collec on of Paul Horgan. Dallas, TX: Southern Methodist University/DeGolyer
Library, 1991. 7 x 10, 50 pgs, b&w and color photos and illustra ons. A catalogue of an exhibi on of 71 of Horgan's works with explanatory notes about
each entry. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00
145]Farmer, Randolph W. CURLY BILL Horse Thief, Ca le Dealer, Murderer,
Lawman: 1858-1909. Tucson, AZ: Westernlore Press, 2012. First edi on. ISBN:
9780870268038. 6 x 9, 272 pgs, b&w historical photos, map, index. Presents
the cradle-to-grave story of William Albert Brosius. Gleaned from Texas state
and county archives, this book explains why the historical record has been
obscured by the culture of silence in Texas and the Wya Earp folklore in Arizona and California. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $30.00
146]Fergusson, Harvey. THE CONQUEST OF DON PEDRO. Albuquerque, NM:
University of New Mexico Press, 1974. Reprint. Originally published in 1954. 5
1/2 x 8 1/2, 250 pgs. Fergusson's well known novel of the Spanish colonial
period around Santa Fe. Paperback. Good. $5.00
147]Fields, F.T. TEXAS SKETCHBOOK A Collec on of Historical Stories from the
Humble Way. Houston, TX: Humble Oil Co., 1958. Revised. 9 x 12, 104 pgs,
b&w and color illustra ons. The ar cles in this book appeared over a period of
several years in The Humble Way, a magazine published quarterly by Humble
Oil & Refining Company. It has ar cles on Gonzales, the Missions of Texas,
Galveston, early East Texas, the Texas Navy, the Border Forts, Cabeza de Vaca
and other ar cles. Paperback. Very Good. $25.00
148]Fischer, Bruce & Bobbi. GRAND CANYON COOK BOOK Southwestern recipes from Arizona's natural wonder! Phoenix, AZ: Golden West Pubishers, 2004.
Reprint. ISBN: 1885590202. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 117 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Great
southwestern recipes and Grand Canyon history. Spiral Bound. Very Good+.
149]Flaherty, Thomas H., editor. WAR FOR THE PLAINS. Alexandria, VA: TimeLife Books, 1992. ISBN: 0809494450. 8 1/2 x 11, 192 pgs, b&w and color photos
and illustra ons. From "The American Indians" series, deals with the white
intrusion into the Great Plains which led to one of the epic tragedies of American history. By 1890 the original inhabitants had suffered total military defeat
and a transi on from free hunters and warriors to impoverished wards of the
burgeoning na on. Hardcover. Very Good+. $8.00
150]Flaherty, Thomas H., editor. THE WAY OF THE WARRIOR. Alexandria, VA:
Time-Life Books, 1993. ISBN: 0809494167. 8 x 11, 185 pgs, index, color and
sepia photos throughout. From the series "The Amerian Indians" on the life
and customs of a warrior society. Mainly about Plains Indians . Hardcover. Very
Good+. $8.00
151]Fleischman, Sid. MR. MYSTERIOUS & COMPANY. Boston: Li le Brown &
Co, 1962. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 152 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Children's western novel. Ex
-library. Hardcover. Good. $2.00
152]Folsom, Franklin and Mary El ng Folsom. AMERICA'S ANCIENT TREASURES. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1994. Second edi-
on. ISBN: 0826314503. 8 x 10, 459 pgs, b&w photos, index. A highly praised
travel guide to U.S. and Canadian archaeological sites and museums of prehistoric Indian life. Included and described are all of the archaeological sites that
have been prepared for public view north of Mexico. Paperback. Very Good+.
153]Frumkin, Gene. CLOUDS AND RED EARTH. Athens, OH: Swallow Press,
1981. ISBN: 0804003750. 6 x 9, 68 pgs. Excellent work by this long me New
Mexican poet. Paperback. Good+. $10.00
154]Fuentes, Carlos. BURNT WATER. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1980.
Reprint. ISBN: 0374519889. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 231 pgs. Mexico City: its historic
charm, its dirt and violence, it's deep poli cal and class divisions. Paperback.
Good+. $6.00
155]Fuentes, Carlos. THE GOOD CONSCIENCE. New York: Farrar, Straus, &
Giroux, 1982. Reprint. ISBN: 0374507368. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 148 pgs. The author's
second novel, originally published in 1959, set in the formerly rich mining center of Guanajuato in central Mexico. Paperback. Good. $6.00
156]Gallop, Alan. BUFFALO BILL'S BRITISH WILD WEST. England: Su on Publishing, 2001. ISBN: 075092702X. 7 1/2 x 10 1/2, 275 pgs, index, b&w photos
and illustra ons. Buffalo Bill's show played to millions of people in America and
Europe for over thirty years which included four barnstorming tours of Victorian and Edwardian Britain. This is the highly entertaining story of how William
F. Cody, army scout, Indian fighter, stagecoach driver and buffalo hunter, became a 'dime novel' hero and ac ng sensa on in the United States and then
followed it up with fame and fortune in Britain. Hardcover. Very Good in Very
Good DJ. $15.00
157]Garcia-Roza, Luiz Alfredo. SOUTHWESTERLY WIND An Inspector Espinosa
Mystery. New York: Henry Holt, 2004. First edi on. ISBN: 0805068910. 5 1/2 x
8 1/2, 242 pgs. A young man predicts a murder and iden fies the perpetrator-himself--in this third entry in the cri cally acclaimed Brazilian crime series.
Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $5.00
158]Gardner, Mark L. and Mark Simmons, editors and annotators. THE MEXICAN WAR CORRESPONDENCE OF RICHARD SMITH ELLIOTT. Norman, OK:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1997. First edi on. ISBN: 0806129514. 5 1/2 x 9,
292 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w historical photos. An account of the grueling
march over the famous Santa Fe Trail, the triumphant entry of the army into
Santa Fe, the U.S. occupa on of New Mexico, and the eventual return to St.
Louis by the a young Missouri Volunteer lieutenant and correspondent to the
St. Louis Reveille. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00
159]Garre , Pat F. THE AUTHENTIC LIFE OF BILLY, THE KID. Albuquerque, NM:
Horn & Wallace, 1964. First edi on. 6 x 9, 151 pgs, b&w historical photos and
illustra ons, biographical foreword by Jarvis P. Garre , Pat's son. The story of
the noted desperado of the Southwest, whose deeds of daring and blood
made his name a terror in New Mexico, Arizona & Northern Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good. $40.00
160]Ga uso, John, editor. A CIRCLE OF NATIONS Voices and Visions of American Indians. Hillsboro, OR: Beyond Words Publishing, 1993. ISBN: 0941831906.
9 1/2 x 11 1/2, 128 pgs, beau ful color photos throughout. Foreword by Leslie
Marmon Silko. Introduc on by Michael Dorris. Contemporary Indian life
viewed from the Na ve perspec ve, including issues such as iden ty, family,
community, faith. This book shows that tradi ons have not died, but have
changed as condi ons have changed, and the reinven on of one's culture
keeps it strong. Contains text and pictures from over 25 tribes. Contains gi
inscrip on on front fly. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
161]Gibbs, William E. et. al., eds. TREASURES OF HISTORY. Historic Buildings in
Chaves County, 1870-1935. Roswell, MN: Chaves County Historical Society,
1985. ISBN: 0961531029. 5 x 8, 131 pgs, index, b&w photos. The results of an
architectural survey of the county conducted by Texas Tech University; covers
residen al and commercial buildings. Trade Paperback. Very Good+. $5.00
162]Gibson, Charles. SPAIN IN AMERICA. New York: Harper & Row, 1966. 5 x
8, 239 pgs, index, bibliography, copious underlining. An over-all summary of
colonial Spanish-American history. Paperback. Good. $5.00
163]Gilb, Dagoberto. WOODCUTS OF WOMEN. New York: Grove Press, 2001.
First edi on. ISBN: 0802138748. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 167 pgs. Ten stories of MexicanAmerican men and women in pursuit of sex and spiritual sustenance. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00
164]Goddard, Ruth and J. Frank Dobie. RALPH OGDEN and THE SEVEN MUSTANGS. Aus n, TX: Jenkins Publishing, 1969. 5 x 9, 54 pgs. Dobie "at his best,"
in his essay at the unveiling of the "Seven Mustangs" in Aus n, TX in 1948, and
Ruth Goddard's story of one of the most interes ng characters of Texas and
Mexican history -- Ralph Ogden. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ.
165]Gomez, Monica, program director. VOCES: AN ALTAR OF STORIES Ancestral Voices: A Living Legacy. Las Cruces, NM: Emerging Voices Program/Border
Book Fes val, 2001. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 110 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Readings from the 2001 Border Book Fes val. Paperback. Good. $3.00
166]Goodman, John K with foreword by Clay Locke . ROSS STEFAN An impressionis c painter of the contemporary Southwest. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1977. First edi on. ISBN: 0873581687. 9 x 12, 92 pgs, color and b&w art
reproduc ons. Comprehensive volume on Stefan and his work contains thirtytwo full-color reproduc ons of oils and numerous black-and- white drawings,
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
crea ng a panorama of the Southwest. There are impressions of Navajo country, southern Arizona, Indian pueblos, ranches -- as they exist today and each
speaking the tradi ons which have become rooted in the land they depict.
Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $40.00
167]Gra an, Virginia L. MARY COLTER Builder Upon The Red Earth. Flagstaff,
AZ: Northland Publishing, 1983. First edi on, third prin ng. ISBN: 0873581989.
9 x 8, 131 pgs, index, b&w photos. Interes ng piece of arcitectural history.
Mary Colter was the chief decorator for the Fred Harvey Company from 19021948, and responsible for much of the development of Southwest style. Paperback. Good+. $8.00
168]Green, Ben K. WILD COW TALES. New York: Knopf, 1969. First edi on. 5
1/2 x 8 1/2, 306 pgs. Thirteen stories full of rope burns and brush scratches
wherein the author tells of the days he gathered ca le "range delivery" in
1930s Texas. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $60.00
169]Gregg, Andrew K. NEW MEXICO IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. A Pictorial History. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1987. Second
edi on. ISBN: 0826310125. 9 x 11, index, sources, b&w drawings. A fascina ng
picture-history of New Mexico's past with over 500 old woodcuts and steel
engravings by 19th century ar sts and explorers. Paperback. Very Good.
170]Gregory, Jackson. JUDITH OF BLUE LAKE RANCH. New York: Grosset &
Dunlap, 1920. Second edi on. 5 x 7 1/2, 393 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Western
novel. Binding cracked, a few pages loose. Hardcover. Fair. $8.00
171]Grey, Zane. 30,000 ON THE HOOF. New York: Walter J. Black, 1968. Reprint. 5 x 8, 304 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
172]Grey, Zane. THE ARIZONA CLAN. New York: Walter J. Black, 1958. Reprint.
5 x 8, 211 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West. Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
173]Grey, Zane. BETTY ZANE. New York: Walter J. Black, 1960. Reprint. 5 x 8,
310 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West. Hardcover.
Very Good+. $6.00
174]Grey, Zane. BLACK MESA. New York: Walter J. Black, 1961. Reprint. 5 x 8,
290 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West. Hardcover.
Very Good+. $6.00
175]Grey, Zane. BOULDER DAM. New York: Walter J. Black, 1963. Reprint. 5 x
8, 234 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West. Hardcover.
Very Good+. $6.00
176]Grey, Zane. CODE OF THE WEST. New York: Walter J. Black, 1962. Reprint.
5 x 8, 309 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West. Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
177]Grey, Zane. DESERT GOLD. New York: Black's Readers Service Co., 1941.
Reprint. 5 x 8, 326 pgs. Love, betrayal, Yaquis, and Western ac on in a search
for gold along the Arizona/Mexico border. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00
178]Grey, Zane. FIGHTING CARAVANS. New York: Walter J. Black, 1957. Reprint. 5 x 8, 361 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
179]Grey, Zane. FUGITIVE TRAIL. New York: Black's Readers Service Co., 1957.
Reprint. 5 x 7 1/2, 215 pgs. A nice reprint of this western classic. Hardcover.
Very Good. $6.00
180]Grey, Zane. HORSE HEAVEN HILL. New York: Walter J. Black, 1959. Reprint. 5 x 8, 216 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
181]Grey, Zane. KNIGHTS OF THE RANGE. New York: Walter J. Black, 1964.
Reprint. 5 x 8, 308 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
182]Grey, Zane. THE LAST OF THE PLAINSMEN. New York: Walter J. Black,
1936. Reprint. 5 x 8, 314 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old
West. Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
183]Grey, Zane. THE LAST TRAIL. New York: Walter J. Black, 1960. Reprint. 5 x
8, 246 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West. Hardcover.
Very Good+. $6.00
184]Grey, Zane. THE MAVERICK QUEEN. New York: Walter J. Black, 1950.
Reprint. 5 x 8, 246 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
185]Grey, Zane. RAIDERS OF THE SPANISH PEAKS. New York: Walter J. Black,
1966. Reprint. 5 x 8, 332 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old
West. Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
186]Grey, Zane. THE RAINBOW TRAIL. A Romance. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1915. 5 x 8, 373 pgs. The sequel to "Riders of the Purple Sage". Orange
cloth with black gilt drawing and words. Hardcover-spiral. Good+. $12.00
187]Grey, Zane. ROBBERS' ROOST. New York: Black's Readers Service Co.,
1932. Reprint. 5 x 7, 295 pgs. A popular Old West story from this prolific western story teller. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00
188]Grey, Zane. THE SPIRIT OF THE BORDER. New York: Walter J. Black, 1956.
Reprint. 5 x 8, 274 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
189]Grey, Zane. STRANGER FROM THE TONTO. New York: Walter J. Black,
1956. Reprint. 5 x 8, 216 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old
West. Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
190]Grey, Zane. TAPPAN'S BURRO. New York: Walter J. Black, 1951. Reprint. 5
x 8, 252 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West. Hardcover.
Very Good+. $6.00
191]Grey, Zane. THUNDER MOUNTAIN. New York: Black's Readers Service Co.,
1935. Reprint. 5 x 7 1/2, 309 pgs. Nice reprint of this western classic. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00
192]Grey, Zane. TO THE LAST MAN. New York: Walter J. Black, 1950. Reprint. 5
x 8, 311 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West. Hardcover.
Very Good+. $6.00
193]Grey, Zane. TWIN SOMBREROS. New York: Walter J. Black, 1968. Reprint.
5 x 8, 301 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West. Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
194]Grey, Zane. THE U.P. TRAIL. New York: Walter J. Black, 1946. Reprint. 5 x
8, 407 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West. Hardcover.
Very Good+. $6.00
195]Grey, Zane. UNDER THE TONTO RIM. New York: Walter J. Black, 1954.
Reprint. 5 x 8, 281 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
196]Grey, Zane. THE VANISHING AMERICAN. New York: Walter J. Black, 1953.
Reprint. 5 x 8, 308 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
197]Grey, Zane. WANDERER OF THE WASTELAND. New York: Walter J. Black,
1951. Reprint. 5 x 8, 419 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old
West. Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
198]Grey, Zane. WEST OF THE PECOS. New York: Walter J. Black, 1965. Reprint. 5 x 8, 314 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
199]Grey, Zane. WESTERN UNION. New York: Black's Readers Service, 1939.
Reprint. 5 1/2 x 7 1/2, 297 pgs. Classic Grey western fic on involving Western
Union. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00
200]Grey, Zane. WYOMING. New York: Walter J. Black, 1960. Reprint. 5 x 8,
244 pgs. A nice reprint of Grey's thrilling story of the Old West. Hardcover.
Very Good+. $6.00
201]Grimes, Ronald L. SYMBOL AND CONQUEST Public Ritual and Drama in
Santa Fe. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1992. Second
edi on. ISBN: 0826313728. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 281 pgs, index, b&w photos. Explores
the rela onship between ritual and power in the city of Santa Fe, New Mecico,
where a number of symbol systems conflict and coalesce: Hispanic, Catholic,
Pueblo and Navajo, Prostestant, civic, ar s c, folkloric, and others. The author
succeeds in conveying not only the structure and public performances but also,
through his vivid descrip ons of spectacles and ceremonies, the color and
atmosphere of the city itself. Paperback. Good+. $6.00
202]Gruber, Frank. ZANE GREY - A BIOGRAPHY. Roslyn, NY: Walter J. Black,
1975. Reprint. 5 x 8, 284 pgs. A well-wri en biography of this most prolific
western writer. Hardcover. Very Good. $10.00
203]Gulle , Charly. COWBOY ACTION SHOOTING The Complete Old West Era
Compe on Reference. Presco , AZ: Wolfe Publishing, 1995. First edi on.
ISBN: 1879356279. 6 x 9, 149 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustra ons. A comprehensive reference to the fastest growing area of the shoo ng sports. Features guns, gear, loads, tac cs, fun and flavor of Old West era compe on.
Paperback. Good+. $20.00
204]Gustafson, D.V.M., R.W. "Rib". UNDER THE CHINOOK ARCH Tales of a
Montana Veterinarian. Helena, MT: Skyhorse Publishing, 1998. Third prin ng.
ISBN: 1560442484. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 107 pgs, b&w photos. Real-life stories about
Montana from the perspec ve of a rural veterinarian and rancher. Signed.
Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00
205]Guterson, David. EAST OF THE MOUNTAINS. New York: Harcourt Brace,
1999. Reprint. ISBN: 0156011042. 5 1/2 x 8, 277 pgs, mapped endsheets. Modern-day novel set at harvest me in the apple and pear growing region of central Washington state. Paperback. Very Good. $3.00
206]Haley, J. Eve s. FORT CONCHO AND THE TEXAS FRONTIER. San Angelo,
TX: San Angelo Standard-Times, 1952. First edi on. 6 x 9, 352 pgs, illustra ons
by H.D. Bugbee, decorated endpapers, designed and produced by Carl Hertzog.
A history of West Texas in its heroic age by this famous author, gained from
intensive study, personal experience and though ul reflec on. Hardcover.
Very Good+. $200.00
207]Haley, J. Eve s. THE HERALDRY OF THE RANGE. Canyon, TX: Panhandle
Plains Historical Society, 1949. 8 1/2 x 11, 36 pgs, b&w illustra ons, designed
by Carl Hertzog. Gives a brief overview of the use and development of brands
and branding in the West. Many ranchers, ranches, and brands are discussed:
Charles Goodnight, the JA Ranch, the XIT, the Bell Ranch, the Matador Land &
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
Ca le Co., the 101 Brand, and the JJ Brand. Signed by the author. Hardcover.
Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $350.00
208]Haley, J. Eve s. JEFF MILTON: A GOOD MAN WITH A GUN. Norman, OK:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1948. First edi on. 6 x 9, 430 pgs, b&w historical
photos. Haley's classic bio on this famous western lawman. Hardcover. Very
Good in Good+ DJ. $100.00
209]Haley, J. Eve s. LIFE ON THE TEXAS RANGE. Aus n, TX: University of Texas
Press, 1984. Fourth edi on. ISBN: 0292746237. 9 x 12, 114 pgs, b&w historical
photos throughout. The beau ful cowboy photos of this famous photographer
with a biographical introduc on by another famous Texan of le ers. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $25.00
210]Haley, J. Eve s. ROUGH TIMES - TOUGH FIBER A Fragmentary Family
Chronicle. Canyon, TX: Palo Duro Press, 1976. 6 x 9, 196 pgs, b&w historical
photos, Carl Herzog design. A fascina ng history of the author's family from
early 19th century into Texas, Confederate army, and early days of ranching.
Inscribed and signed. Hardcover. Fine. $150.00
211]Hall, Douglas Kent. RODEO. New York: Ballan ne Books, 1976. First edion. ISBN: 0345248775. 9 x 11, 157 pgs, b&w and color photos. There has
never been a ritual celebra on of cowboy courage, will and unconquerable
spirit to match the American Rodeo: in word and picture, the rodeo story.
Paperback. Good. $5.00
212]Harper, Minnie Tims and George Dewey Harper. OLD RANCHES. Dallas, TX:
Dealey and Low, 1936. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 102 pgs, b&w historical
photos. Descrip ons of the old Texas ranches including the King, Goodnight,
XIT, Chisum, Li lefield and many others. It also has informa on on the cowboys, the chuck wagon and a cowboy dance. Paperback. Very Good+. $40.00
213]Harrigan, Stephen. THE GATES OF THE ALAMO. New York: Penguin Books,
2001. Second edi on. ISBN: 0141000023. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 580 pgs. A huge, rive ng, deeply imagined novel about the siege and fall of the Alamo. Signed by
the author. Paperback. Good. $5.00
214]Harrigan, Stephen. THE GATES OF THE ALAMO. New York: Penguin Books,
2001. Second edi on. ISBN: 0141000023. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 580 pgs. A huge, rive ng, deeply imagined novel about the siege and fall of the Alamo. Slight damp
stain on upper corner of first 100 pages. Paperback. Good. $4.00
215]Hassrick, Peter H. TREASURES OF THE OLD WEST Pain ngs and Sculpture
from the Thomas Gilcrease Ins tute of American History and Art. New York:
Abrams, 1984. ISBN: 0810917815. 9 x 11, 127 pgs, b&w art reproduc ons.
Published in connec on with an exhibi on in 1984 at the Denver Art Museum
and the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming. Hardcover. Very
Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00
216]Hatch Union High School. BEAR TRACKS '51. Hatch, NM: Hatch Union High
School, 1951. 8 x 11, about 120 pgs, b&w photos. A neat old New Mexico high
school annual. Hardcover. Very Good. $12.00
217]Hayslip, Michael R. GARLAND Its Premiere Century. Chatsworth, CA: Windsor Publica ons, 1991. ISBN: 0897813774. 8 1/2 x 11, 120 pgs, index, b&w
historical photos. One hundred years of Garland, Texas, history. Hardcover.
Very Good in Very Good DJ. $30.00
218]Haywood, Clarence Robert. TRAILS SOUTH The Wagon-Road Economy in
the Dodge City-Panhandle Region. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press,
1986. First edi on. ISBN: 080611987X. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 312 pgs, index, bibliography, notes, b&w historical photos. History of the trail development in 1870s
and 1880s Kansas, No Man's Land (Oklahoma Panhandle), and the Texas Panhandle. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00
219]Hecht, Robert A. OLIVER LA FARGE AND THE AMERICAN INDIAN A Biography. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1991. First edi on. ISBN: 0810824086.
5 x 8 1/2, 370 pgs, index, notes, bibliography, sec on of b&w historical photos.
Oliver La Farge was a Pulitzer-prize winning writer, an anthropologist specializing in Mayan Indians, and a major figure in 20th-century American Indian welfare and reform. Because of his long involvement with the Associa on of
American Indian Affairs, this biography is also a history of that group. Hardcover. Very Good+. $30.00
220]Hedgpeth, Don. FROM BRONCS TO BRONZES The Life and Work of Grant
Speed. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1979. First edi on. ISBN:
087358211X. 9 1/2 x 9, 109 pgs, b&w photos of bronzes. S remarkable insight
in the life and work of Grant Speed. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good+ DJ.
221]Hening, H.B., editor. GEORGE CURRY, 1861-1947. An Autobiography.
Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1958. First edi on. 6 x 9,
336 pgs, index, b&w photos, color portrait of Curry. Curry was a Rough Rider
with Teddy Roosevelt, Territorial Governor of New Mexico, a member of the
62nd Congress, fought for New Mexico statehood, knew Billy the Kid, and
much more. Lots of western history. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ.
222]Highwater, Jamake. WORDS IN THE BLOOD. New York: New American
Library, 1984. Second edi on. ISBN: 0452006805. 5 x 8, 301 pgs. Includes
wri ngs of 26 twen eth-century Na ve American writers. Paperback. Good+.
223]Hillerman, Tony. SACRED CLOWNS. New York: Harper Collins, 1993. First
edi on. ISBN: 006016767X. 6 x 9, 305 pgs. From this famous Indian crime-
writer. Navajo Tribal Policeman Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee are reunited in an
effort to unravel a treacherous web of tribal poli cs and murder. Hardcover.
Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00
224]Hillerman, Tony. THE SHAPE SHIFTER. New York: Harper Collins, 2006.
First edi on. ISBN: 9780060563455. 6 x 9, 276 pgs. From this famous Indian
crime-writer. Navajo Tribal Policeman Joe Leaphorn, brought back out of rerement, tries to solve his "last case", revolving around a priceless, one-of-akind Navajo rug supposedly destroyed in a fire. Hardcover. Very Good in Very
Good DJ. $8.00
225]Hillerman, Tony. SKELETON MAN. New York: Harper Collins, 2004. ISBN:
0060563443. 6 x 9, 241 pgs. Another Hillerman blockbuster featuring the legendary Lieutenant Joe Leaphorn and Sergeant Jim Chee. Hardcover. Very Good
in Very Good DJ. $5.00
226]Hillerman, Tony. THE WAILING WIND. New York: Harper Collins, 2002.
First edi on. ISBN: 0060194448. 6 x 9, 232 pgs, mapped endsheets. Another
classic Jim Chee mystery. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $8.00
227]Hillman, Mar n. BRIDGING A CONTINENT. London: Aldus Books, 1971. 7
1/2 x 10, 191 pgs, color photos and illustra ons. Part of the "Discovery and
Explora on" series. The history of the explora on of the con nent of North
America. Hardcover. Good. $4.00
228]Hines, Walter. AGGIES OF THE PACIFIC WAR New Mexico A & M and the
War with Japan. Las Cruces, NM: Yucca Tree Press, 1999. First edi on. ISBN:
1881325377. 8 x 10, 166 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustra ons. A history of
the contribu ons of New Mexico A&M alumni during World War II in the Pacific Theatre. Signed by the author. Hardcover. Very Good+. $40.00
229]Hinojosa, Tish. CADA NINO - EVERY CHILD. El Paso, TX: Cinco Puntos Press,
2002. First edi on. ISBN: 0938317601. 9 x 10 1/2, 56 pgs, beau ful color illustra ons. A bilingual songbook for kids. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very GoodDJ. $12.00
TX: Published/Printed by the author, 1996. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 86 pgs.
Poetry. Spiral Bound. Very Good+. $3.00
231]Historic Santa Fe Founda on. OLD SANTA FE TODAY. Albuquerque, NM:
University of New Mexico Press, 1975. Second edi on. ISBN: 0826302513. 9 x
10, 80 pgs, b&w photos, walking tour map, preface by John Gaw Meem. A nice
walking tour guide to all of the historic buildings and sites of Santa Fe. Exlibrary. So cover rebound as hardcover. Hardcover. Good. $5.00
232]Hocking, Doug. MASSACRE AT POINT OF ROCKS. Sierra Vista, AZ: Treble
Heart Books, 2013. First edi on. ISBN: 9781938370328. 5 x 8, 371 pgs. Novelized account of historic events along the Santa Fe Trail in 1849. Paperback.
Very Good+. $12.00
233]Holling, Holling C. THE BOOK OF COWBOYS. New York: Pla & Munk,
1936. 8 1/2 x 11, 126 pgs, color illustra ons. Children's book, describes ranch
life out West, some of stories from me past, and some about today. Hardcover. Very Good. $25.00
234]Hollon, W. Eugene. THE SOUTHWEST: OLD AND NEW. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1968. Reprint. ISBN: 0803250916. Originally published
in 1961. 5 x 8, 500 pgs, b&w photos. Panorama of Southwestern life from the
ancient cliff-dwellers' communi es to modern Houston, Phoenix, and Santa Fe.
Paperback. Good. $4.00
235]Horgan, Paul. THE HEROIC TRIAD. New York: World Publishing, 1971.
Second edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 256 pgs. Horgan's well-known work on the three
southwestern cultures. Paperback. Good. $5.00
236]Horsley, David. INTO THE WIND Commentary. Houston, TX: Winedale
Publishing, 1999. First edi on. ISBN: 096574681X. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 209 pgs. The
though ul, humane, wryly humorous observa ons of this Amarillo GlobeNews columnist. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
237]Horsley, Kate. A KILLING IN NEW TOWN. Albuquerque, NM: La Alameda
Press, 1996. ISBN: 0963190962. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 271 pgs. Historic novel set at the
turn of the 20th century - a must read for those who enjoy history as an explora on of our human condi on. Paperback. Very Good+. $7.00
238]Howe, Elvon L., ed. ROCKY MOUNTAIN EMPIRE. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1950. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 272 pgs, b&w drawings, decorated endsheets. Revealing glimpses of the West in transi on from old to new, from the
pages of the Rocky Mountain Empire Magazine of "The Denver Post". Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $12.00
239]Hudson, Wilson M. ANDY ADAMS: HIS LIFE AND WRITINGS. Dallas, TX:
SMU Press, 1964. 6 x 9, 274 pgs, index, b&w photos. An account of Adams' life
and wri ngs following the efents of his life; discusses the sources and literary
value of his novels and stories and their place in Western fic on, and describes
his literary friendships with the greats of his me. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good.
Glendo, WY: High Plains Press, 1993. First edi on. ISBN: 0931271142. 5 1/2 x 8
1/2, 368 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. The author challenges the old assump ons with newly-unearthed evidence, never-before published photographs and documents, and on-site inves ga ons. The story is so controversial
that for over 100 years it was a mistake "to even ask" what happened that hot
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
July a ernoon in 1889. Why were the six poli cally powerful ca lemen who
commi ed the lynching never punished?. Paperback. Good+. $12.00
241]Hunt, David C. with contribu on by Marsha V. Gallagher. LEGACY OF THE
WEST. Omaha, NE: Center for Western Studies, Joslyn Art Museum, 1982.
ISBN: 0936364084. 8 1/2 x 11, 157 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. An important publica on which catalogs for the first me the core collec ons of the
Joslyn Art Museum's Western American pain ngs and works of art on paper,
plus tex les and baskets. Paperback. Good+. $8.00
242]Hunter, J. Marvin, editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas:
1930. 7 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs, each. Twelve issues, 1930 complete. Paperback. Very
Good+. $120.00
243]Hunter, J. Marvin, editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas:
1931. 7 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs, twelve issues, 1931 complete. Paperback. Very
Good+. $120.00
244]Hunter, J. Marvin, editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas:
1924. 7 x 10, 32 pgs each. Seven issues: January - December 1924, complete.
Paperback. Very Good+. $100.00
245]Hunter, J. Marvin, editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas:
1926. 7 1/2 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs each. 11 issues from 1926 with April missing. Paperback. Very Good+. $90.00
246]Hunter, J. Marvin, editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas:
1927. 7 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs, each. Eleven issues for 1927, excluding October. Paperback. Very Good+. $90.00
247]Hunter, J. Marvin, editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas:
1928. 7 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs each. Eleven issues of 1928 excluding August. Paperback. Very Good+. $90.00
248]Hunter, J. Marvin, editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas:
1929. 7 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs each. Eleven issues of 1929 excluding January. Paperback. Very Good+. $90.00
249]Hunter, J. Marvin, editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas:
Western Publica ons, Inc., 1925. 7 x 10, 32 pgs each. January, February,
March, April, July, October and November 1925. Paperback Spiral Bound. Very
Good+. $50.00
250]Hunter, J. Marvin, editor. FRONTIER TIMES MAGAZINE. Bandera, Texas:
1923. 7 1/2 x 10 1/2, 32 pgs each. Includes Vol.1 No. 1 through Vol. 1 No. 3,
October-December. Paperback. Very Good+. $40.00
251]Hurley, Wilson. WILSON HURLEY. Kansas City: Lowell Press, 1985. ISBN:
0931618193. 9 x 12, 82 pgs, color art reproduc ons. Published in associa on
with the Albuquerque Museum and the Buffalo Bill Historical Center for an
exhibit at the Albuquerque Museum. Hard to find. Paperback. Very Good+.
252]Hurst, James W. THE VILLISTA PRISONERS OF 1916-1917. Las Cruces, NM:
Yucca Tree Press, 2000. First edi on. ISBN: 188132544X. 6 x 9, 116 pgs, index,
b&w photos. A historic look at the men who fought with Pancho Villa during
the raid on Columbus, their capture and what happened to them. Paperback.
New. $8.00
253]Huseas, Marion McMillan. SWEETWATER GOLD. Wyoming's Gold Rush,
1867-1871. Cheyenne, WY: Cheyenne Corral of Western Interna onal, 1991.
Limited edi on of 500. 6 x 9, 184 pgs, index, sec on of b&w historical photos.
A good history of the Wyoming gold rush in the Sweetwater mining district
during the years 1867-1871. Hard to find. Signed by the author. Hardcover.
Very Good in Good DJ. $150.00
254]INDIANS OF THE SOUTHWEST. San Bruno, CA: H.S. Crocker Co., Inc., 1970.
No date, circa 1970. 7 x 10, 26 pgs, color photos throughout. A neat old tourist
guide with over 80 pictures and sketches of authen c American Indians featuring colorful tribal dress, tradi onal ceremonial dances, cra s, symbols, and a
tribal loca on map of the western United States. Paperback. Very Good.
255]Iverson, Peter. CARLOS MONTEZUMA and the Changing World of American Indians. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1982. ISBN:
0826307620. 6 x 9, 222 pgs, index, notes, b&w photos and illustra ons. Biography of this important crusader for Indian rights in early 20th century. Paperback. Very Good. $6.00
256]J. Eve s Haley. GEORGE W. LITTLEFIELD: TEXAN. Norman, OK: University
of Oklahoma Press, 1943. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 227 pgs, b&w illustraons. Li lefield was a Confederate soldier, philanthropist, cow rancher and
was heavily involved in the affairs of the University of Texas. Hardcover. Very
Good+. $100.00
257]James, H.L. POSTS AND RUGS. The Story of Navajo Rugs and Their Homes.
Globe, AZ: Southwest Parks and Monuments, 1979. Third edi on. ISBN:
0911408355. 9 x 12, 129 pgs, b&w and color photos and illustra ons, maps. An
interes ng look at the different styles of Navajo rugs and the people who create them and the homes of the Navajo weavers. Paperback. Very Good.
York: Blue Ribbon Books, Inc., 1929. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8, 489 pgs. From
interviews with people who knew Sam Houston, his family or his associates, a
remarkable life story of a remarkable man. Hardcover. Good+. $30.00
259]James, W.S. COW-BOY LIFE IN TEXAS, or 27 YEARS A MAVRICK. Chicago:
M.A. Donohue & Co., 1893. 5 x 8, 213 pgs, b&w illustra ons. "A Realis c and
True Recital of Wild Life on the Boundless Plains of Texas, being the Actual
experience of Twenty-Seven years in the Exci ng Life of a Genuine Cow-Boy
Among the Roughs and Toughs of Texas." Hardcover. Very Good. $75.00
260]James, W.S. COW-BOY LIFE IN TEXAS, or 27 YEARS A MAVRICK. Chicago:
M.A. Donohue & Co., 1893. 5 x 8, 213 pgs, b&w illustra ons. "A Realis c and
True Recital of Wild Life on the Boundless Plains of Texas, being the Actual
experience of Twenty-Seven years in the Exci ng Life of a Genuine Cow-Boy
Among the Roughs and Toughs of Texas." Hardcover. Very Good+. $75.00
261]Jenkins, Myra Ellen and Albert H. Schroeder. A BRIEF HISTORY OF NEW
MEXICO. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1979. Third edion. ISBN: 0826303706. 6 x 9, 89 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. From New
Mexico's earliest inhabitants, the prehistoric Sandia and Folsom men, up to
such contemporary developments as the construc on of Cochi Dam. Paperback. Good+. $8.00
262]Johnson, Lady Bird. A WHITE HOUSE DIARY. New York: Holt, Rinehart &
Winston , 1970. First edi on. ISBN: 030852544. 6 1/2 x 9, 806 pgs, sec ons of
b&w photos. An autobiography of Lady Bird Johnson, wife of former President
Johnson, during her years as First Lady in the White House. Hardcover. Very
Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $70.00
Davis, TX: Fron er Book Co., 1968. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 214 pgs, b&w photos. Reprinted from New Mexico Mines and Minerals, 1905, a good history of mining in
New Mexico. Paperback. Good+. $20.00
264]Jones, Louis Thomas. HIGHLIGHTS OF PUEBLOLAND. San Antonio, TX:
Naylor, 1968. 5 1/2 x 8, 107 pgs. From years of research and living among the
Indians on Pueblo and Navajo reserva ons in New Mexico, Arizona and Colorado, the author paints a vivid picture of this majes c area and reports on the
varied facets of Indian life. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $5.00
265]Jones, Paul M. MEMORIES OF SANTA RITA. Silver City, NM: Published/
Printed by the author, 2007. Second prin ng. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 136 pgs, b&w historical photos. The author's reminiscences and experiences in this town outside of Silver City which was eventually eaten up by the neighboring open pit
mine. Trade Paperback. Fine. $20.00
266]Julyan, Robert. THE PLACE NAMES OF NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque, NM:
University of New Mexico Press, 1998. Revised. ISBN: 0826316891. 6 x 9, 385
pgs. Explains more than 7,000 names of features large & small throughout the
state: towns, mountains, rivers, canyons, coun es, post offices, even abandoned se lements. Paperback. New. $25.00
267]Kalloch, Eunice and Ruth K. Hall. THE FIRST LADIES OF NEW MEXICO.
Santa Fe, NM: The Lightening Tree, 1982. 6 x 9, 160 pgs, b&w photos. Short
bios and photos of all of New Mexico's first ladies through Anaya. Hardcover.
Very Good in Good DJ. $12.00
268]Kenny, Maurice. TEKONWATONTI / MOLLY BRANT (1735-1795). Poems of
War. Fredonia, NY: White Pine Press, 1992. ISBN: 1877727202. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,
209 pgs. Wonderful poem about this heretofore forgo en Na ve American,
sister of famed warrior Chief Joseph Brant, and wife of the legendary Sir William Johnson. Paperback. Good+. $5.00
269]Kent, Rosemary. GENUINE TEXAS HANDBOOK. New York: Workman Publishing, 1981. First edi on. ISBN: 0894801929. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 224 pgs, b&w
photos and illustra ons. "Here's the First Complete Guide to Thinking Big - it's
a state of mind." Paperback. Good. $2.00
Monte Vista, CO: Adobe Village Press, 1998. First edi on. ISBN: 0865342709. 6
x 9, 384 pgs, index, b&w photos. Entries from sixteen diaries and journals that
describe the adventures and difficul es encountered along this trail that led
from Santa Fe, New Mexico to Crescent Junc on near Green River, Utah. Paperback. New. $25.00
Today's OST Travel Guide. Monte Vista, CO: Adobe Village Press, 1995. ISBN:
096440561X. 6 x 9, 148 pgs, b&w photos, maps. A history of this por on of the
Old Spanish Trail and a guide to traveling it today. Paperback. New. $16.00
272]Kessler, Ron. SAN LUIS VALLEY PLACE NAMES. Monte Vista, CO: Adobe
Village Press, 2002. ISBN: 0964405660. 6 x 9, 112 pgs, b&w photos and illustraons, maps. Tells the origins of place names of over 400 loca ons (some ghost
towns) in the San Luis Valley of Colorado. . Paperback. New. $15.00
273]Kessler, Ron. SAN LUIS VALLEY ROCK ART. Monte Vista, CO: Adobe Village
Press, 2000. ISBN: 0964405628. 6 x 9, 184 pgs, b&w photos. An in-depth study
of the petroglyphs and pictographs of this area of southern Colorado. Paperback. New. $18.00
274]Kessler, Ron, ed. ANZA'S 1779 COMANCHE CAMPAIGN. Diary of Governor
Juan Bau sta de Anza. Monte Vista, CO: Adobe Village Press, 2001. Second
edi on. ISBN: 0964405636. 6 x 9, 39 pgs, b&w photos, maps. Anza's diary with
nota ons explaining places and historical events. Paperback. New. $13.00
275]Kimbro, Mackenzie. ROOTS RUN DEEP Our Ranching Tradi on. Rodeo,
NM: Cola Blanca Produc ons, 2015. First edi on. ISBN: 9781938850172. 11 x 8
1/2, 187 pgs, color illustra ons and photos throughout. This sixth genera on
ca le rancher from southeast Arizona lovingly sprinkles family lore and tradi-
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
ons among tried and true favorite recipes of the family and their ranching
neighbors. Includes a touching tribute to her grandmother, Wendy Paul Glenn.
Hardcover. New in New DJ. $28.00
roping and tying up lions for a dude ranch, selling bootleg booze to a sheriff,
surviving an armed showdown with a neighbor & lion hunts with the Lee's.
Paperback. New. $15.00
276]Kingston, Mike, ed. TEXAS ALMANAC - 1986-1987. Sesquicentennial Edion. Dallas, TX: Dallas Morning News, 1987. ISBN: 0914511025. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,
768 pgs, b&w and color photos and illustra ons, maps. Provides informa on
on Texas industry, government, business, economics, poli cs, popula on,
agriculture, weather, educa on, history, and more. Hardcover. Good. $3.00
293]Leeson, Ted. INVENTING MONTANA Dispatches from the Madison Valley.
New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2009. First edi on. ISBN: 9781602397965. 6 x
9, 232 pgs. Every summer for two decades, the author and a group of close
companions have returned to an old ranch house on the benchland overlooking the Madison River. The author contemplates both the human and natural
landscape brilliantly; the fly angler's passionate, ironic and some mes hilarious
allegiances to what they do; the intriguing Madison Valley and its creatures
and flora; the unique trout town of Ennis; maps and their revela ons; the
'green-card' experience of living in a place to which you are not na ve - but
also not a mere tourist; and the profoundly interes ng nature of leisure. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $18.00
277]Kloss, Phillips. GENE KLOSS ETCHINGS. Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press,
1981. First edi on. ISBN: 0865340080. 8 1/2 x 11, 192 pgs, b&w art reproducons. Many monumental scenes of northern New Mexico, and the American
southwest, includes a catalogue raisonne of Kloss' work. Hardcover. Very
Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $50.00
278]Krakel, Dean. TOM RYAN A Painter in Four Sixes Country. Flagstaff, AZ:
Northland Publishing, 1976. First edi on. ISBN: 087358087x. 10 1/2 x 8, 111
pgs, b&w and color art reproduc ons and photos. Signed by Ryan and Krakel.
Text traces Ryan's life from childhood through his years in New York as a successful illustrator of Western book jackets to his life back in Texas. Hardcover.
Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $60.00
279]L'Aloge, Bob. YESTERDAYS... TODAY!. Volume Two. Authen c Accounts of
the Past. Los Lunas, NM: Flying Eagle-Thunderhawk Enterprises, 1995. ISBN:
0938147986. 6 x 9, 249 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Drawing from newspaper ar cles, personal corresondence, official records and other source materials crea ng a comprehensive account of the past. Paperback. Very Good.
280]L'Amour, Louis. THE CALIFORNIOS. New York: Bantam Books, 1986. Reprint. ISBN: 0553062883. 6 x 9, 151 pgs, padded brown leather with gilt
stamps. A nice collector edi on of this L'Amour classic of the se ling of southern California. Historical fic on. Hardcover. Very Good+. $9.00
281]L'Amour, Louis. THE EMPTY LAND. New York: Bantam Books, 1985. ISBN:
0553062824. 6 x 9, padded leather with gold stamps, 164 pgs. Nice collector
edi on of L'Amour classic set in the mining camps of Nevada and Utah. Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
282]L'Amour, Louis. FAIR BLOWS THE WIND. New York: Bantam Books, 1984.
ISBN: 0553062689. 6 x 9, padded leather boards with gold stamps, 262 pgs.
Wonderful collector edi on of L'Amour novel set in Europe in the 16th century.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
283]L'Amour, Louis. FLINT. New York: Bantam Books, 1981. Reprint. ISBN:
0553062018. 6 x 9, padded leather with gold stamps, 181 pgs. Nice collector
edi on of L'Amour classic set in western central New Mexico. Front lower
edge of cover damaged. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00
284]L'Amour, Louis. JUBAL SACKETT. New York: Bantam Books, 1986. ISBN:
0553063030. 6 x 9, 375 pgs. Another in the popular Sacke series, the story of
a restless explorer who dared to go over the mountain, across the vast con nent of North America to gain in mate knowledge of a world few seventeenth
century white men dared to challenge. Padded brown leathere e with gilt
le ering._ Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $6.00
285]L'Amour, Louis. LAST OF THE BREED. New York: Bantam Books, 1986. Book
Club. 5 1/2 x 8, 371 pgs, mapped endsheets. This is the author's arc c book,
about a modern-day Sioux captured by the Russians in Siberia. He escapes and
has to use all his ancient survivalist skills to maintain his freedom. New se ng
but vintage L`Amour. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $6.00
286]L'Amour, Louis. SACKETT. New York: Bantam Books, 1981. ISBN:
0553062050. 6 x 9, padded leather with gold stamps, 131 pgs. Nice collector
edi on of L'Amour classic set in northern New Mexico and Southern Colorado.
Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00
287]L'Amour, Louis. THE SACKETT BRAND. New York: Bantam Books, 1981.
ISBN: 0553062093. 6 x 9, 130 pgs, padded leather with gold stamps. Nice collector edi on of L'Amour classic western. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00
288]L'Amour, Louis. SON OF A WANTED MAN. New York: Bantam Books, 1984.
ISBN: 0553062670. 6 x 9, 160 pgs, padded brown leather with gilt stamps. A
nice collector edi on of this L'Amour classic western. Hardcover. Very Good+.
289]L'Amour, Louis. YONDERING. New York: Bantam Books, 1986. ISBN:
0553062913. 6 x 9, padded leather boards with gold stamps, 159 pgs. Wonderful collector edi on of L'Amour classic. Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
290]Lamar, Howard Roberts. THE FAR SOUTHWEST 1846-1912. A Territorial
History. New York: Norton, 1970. Reprint. ISBN: 0393005224. 5 x 8, 560 pgs,
index. A lot of historical informa on on the western fron er. Paperback.
Good. $10.00
291]Land, Barbara and Myrick Land. A SHORT HISTORY OF LAS VEGAS. Reno,
NV: University of Nevada Press, 2002. Fourth edi on. ISBN: 0874173264. 7 x 8,
240 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. A fast-paced and entertaining account
of the evolu on of this oasis in the thirsty desert. Paperback. Very Good+.
292]Lee, James V. NINE YEARS IN THE SADDLE. Salado, TX: Salado Press, 1998.
First edi on. ISBN: 0966387007. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 140 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. The author's father's stories of trail life during the depression years:
294]LeMay, John. ROSWELL. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2008. ISBN:
0738558540. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 128 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. Roswell
began as a humble trading post in the late 1860s on the Goodnight-Loving
Ca le Trail and eventually grew into a metropolis of southeastern New Mexico.
Contains over 200 images from local museums and art centers. From cowboys
to UFOs, this book has it all. Signed. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00
295]Lida, David. TRAVEL ADVISORY Stories of Mexico. New York: William Morrow, 2000. First edi on. ISBN: 068817406X. 6 x 9, 207 pgs. With these me culously observant, engrossing, horrifying, warmly humane, and coolly yet devasta ngly sa ric stories, the author has produced an in mate and convincing
fic onal portrait of contemporary life in Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good+ in
Very Good+ DJ. $8.00
296]Lind, Michael. THE ALAMO. An Epic. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997. ISBN:
0395827582. 6 x 8 1/2, 351 pgs. An epic poem, part "Odyssey", part "Illiad",
part American western. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $5.00
297]Linderman, Frank Bird, edited by H.G. Merriam. RECOLLECTIONS OF
CHARLEY RUSSELL. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963. First
edi on. 6 x 9, 148 pgs, index, b&w and color illustra ons by Charles Russell,
and photos. A fascina ng memoir this American ar st of the Wild West by his
friend and fellow enthusiast. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ.
298]Lindmier, Tom. DRYBONE A History of Fort Fe erman, Wyoming. Glendo,
WY: High Plains Press, 2002. First edi on. ISBN: 0931271665. 6 x 9, 253 pgs,
index, bibliography, b&w photos and illustra ons. History of Fort Fe erman,
Wyoming. Also contains thumbnail biographies of many of the officers who
served at the post. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00
299]Lindsey, Ellis and Gene Riggs. BARNEY K. RIGGS The Yuma and Pecos
Avenger. New York: Xlibris.com, 2002. ISBN: 1401070612. 5 x 8 1/2, 342 pgs,
index. Explores the heroic ac ons of Barney K. Riggs (1856-1902) at events in
Yuma, Arizona in 1887 and in Pecos, Texas in 1896. Hardcover. Very Good+ in
Very Good+ DJ. $40.00
300]Locke , Clay, descrip ve text by. A NAVAJO SKETCH BOOK. Flagstaff, AZ:
Northland Publishing, 1962. First edi on. 8 1/2 x 11, 100 pgs, b&w drawings
throughout. Sketches of the Navajo people and landscape, some in color, accompanied by descrip ons of the sketches and the area being drawn. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good+ DJ. $40.00
301]Logghe, Joan and Miriam Sagan, editors. ANOTHER DESERT Jewish Poetry
of New Mexico. Santa Fe, NM: Sherman Asher Publishing, 1998. First edi on.
ISBN: 0964419696. 6 x 9, 174 pgs. Contemporary voices of the Converso Spanish se lers, the merchants and traders of the old West along with urban refugees who established a new Jewish fron er. Paperback. Good+. $5.00
302][Long, Sylvia]. Albert, Richard E. ALEJANDRO'S GIFT. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1994. ISBN: 0811813428. 10 x 10, 18 pgs, beau ful color illustraons. Children's book, an upli ing story with a powerful environmental lesson
that will prompt children to look at the world around them in a new way.
Paperback. Very Good. $3.00
303]Lummis, Charles. A NEW MEXICO DAVID And Other Stories and Sketches
of the Southwest. New York: Scribners, 1891. 5 x 7, 217 pgs, b&w historical
photos. Wonderful first-hand accounts of the author's adventures in the late
1800s in the southwest. Rebound, ex-library with minimal markings. Hardcover. Very Good. $30.00
304]Lummis, Charles. Edited by Turbese Lummis Fiske. GENERAL CROOK AND
THE APACHE WARS. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland Publishing, 1966. First edi on. 6 x
9, 148 pgs, b&w illustra ons. First hand accounts of Crook and his pursuit of
the Apaches and Geronimo. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $35.00
305]Lummis, Charles F. THE LAND OF POCO TIEMPO. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1969. Third prin ng. Facsimile of 1928 edi on. 5
1/2 x 8 1/2, 310 pgs, b&w illustra ons and photos. The author's observa ons
of the people and customs of New Mexico in the first half of the century.
Paperback. Good. $12.00
306]Lydon, Sandy. CHINESE GOLD The Chinese in the Monterey Bay Region.
Capitola, CA: Capitola Book Co., 1985. First edi on. ISBN: 0932319017. 8 x 8
1/2, 550 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w historical photos and illustra ons. An
immensely readable strucy that retrieves the "a heroic history that has been
lost." Paperback. Very Good. $15.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
307]Lynch, Sylvia. HARVEY LOGAN IN KNOXVILLE. College Sta on, TX: Early
West, 1998. First edi on. ISBN: 1572080019. 7 x 10, 176 pgs, index, b&w historical photos, decorated endsheets. One of Butch Cassidy's Wild Bunch,
known as Kid Curry, the story of Logan's me on the run in Knoxville, Tennessee. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $26.00
308]Maclean, Norman. YOUNG MEN AND FIRE. Chicago: University of Chicago
Press, 1992. ISBN: 0226500616. 6 x 9, 301 pgs, sec on of b&w photos. A true
story of the Mann Gulch Fire in the Montana wilderness in the summer of
1949. A story of the ways of wildfires, firefighters, fire scien sts and especially
of the courageous crew. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $18.00
309]Madrid, Arturo. IN THE COUNTRY OF EMPTY CROSSES The Story of a Hispano Protestant Family in Cathoic New Mexico. San Antonio, TX: Trinity University Press, 2012. First edi on. ISBN: 9781595341310. 8 x 8. 218 pgs, b&w photos by Miguel Gandert. Beau fully wri en and reverent history of a family and
its homeland in northern New Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good+. $16.00
310]Mahood, Ruth I., editor. PHOTOGRAPHER OF THE SOUTHWEST. Adam
Clark Vroman, 1856-1916. New York: Bonanza Books, 1961. Second edi on. 8
1/2 x 11, 127 pgs. Beau ful b&w photography book by this great photographer
whose plates were discovered by Lawrence Clark Powell in 1953. Wonderful
late 19th century photos. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $40.00
311]Malo , Curry Stephenson. A CALL TO ACTION An Introduc on to Educaon, Philosophy, and Na ve North America. New York: Peter Lang, 2008. First
edi on. ISBN: 9781433101724. 6 x 9, 234 pgs, a few places with pink and yellow highligh ng. Introduc on to the interrelated histories of educa on, philosophy, and Na ve and non-Na ve peoples in North America. Paperback. Good+.
312]Mankiller, Wilma and Michael Wallis. MANKILLER A Chief and Her People.
New York: St Mar n's Press, 1993. First edi on. ISBN: 0312098685. 6 x 9, 292
pgs, two sec ons of b&w photos. An autobiography by the principal chief of
the Cherokee Na on. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00
313]Margulies, Leo, editor. CACTUS AND SAGEBRUSH. New York: Hampton
Publishing, 1945. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 360 pgs, color fron spiece. Anthology of western fic on stories. Hardcover. Good. $6.00
314]Marrio , Alice. MARIA: THE POTTER OF SAN ILDEFONSO. Norman, OK:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1965. 10th prin ng. 6 x 9, 294 pgs, biblio, b&w
illustra ons by Margaret LeFranc. "...a unique American biography and a
unique story of the birth of an art." Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ.
315]Marrio , Alice. MARIA: THE POTTER OF SAN ILDEFONSO. Norman, OK:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1955. 6th prin ng. 6 x 9, 294 pgs, biblio, b&w
illustra ons by Margaret LeFranc. "...a unique American biography and a
unique story of the birth of an art." Ex-library with the usual markings. Hardcover. Good. $10.00
321]Matos, Rafael Matos. GRAN SUBASTA DE PRIMAVERA. Polanco, Mexico:
Salon Principado del Centro Asturiano, 1992. 8 x 11, 112 pgs. Full of color art
reproduc ons. Looks at the art of Rafael Matos. All in Spanish, probably a
gallery guide. Paperback. Very Good. $4.00
322]McAfee, Ila. INDIANS, HORSES, HILLS, ET CETERA. Taos, NM: Published/
Printed by the author, 1981. First edi on. 8 1/2 x 11, 140 pgs, b&w and color
illustra ons and photos. IWestern art and poetry by the author. Hardcover.
Very Good+. $40.00
323]McCarty, John L. MAVERICK TOWN. The Story of Old Tascosa. Norman,
OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1968. First edi on. 6 x 9, 287 pgs, b&w
photos and illustra ons, index, bibliography, decorated endsheets. The history
of the boom days of Tascosa and surrounding ca le country of the Texas Panhandle and northeast New Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good+ . $40.00
324]McCarty, Lea F., text and pain ngs. THE GUNFIGHTERS. Berkeley: Mike
Roberts Color Produc ons, 1959. 8 1/2 x 11, 44 pgs, color art portraits of the
gunfighters. Wonderful portraits and short biographies of 20 of the most famous gunfighters of the Old West. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00
325][McGrew, R. Brownell]. R. BROWNELL MCGREW. Kansas City: Lowell
Press, 1978. First edi on. ISBN: 0913504432. 11 x 8 1/2, 129 pgs, b&w and
color art reproduc ons. "Dazzling colors of Navajo apparel, shimmering contrasts of heat and coolness, and loving representa ons of the dignity of
man.depicted in the incomparable art of R. Brownell McGrew." Hardcover.
Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $40.00
326]McGuane, Thomas. KEEP THE CHANGE. New York: Vintage Books, 1989.
Reprint. ISBN: 0679730338. 5 x 8, 230 pgs. Now in modern day Montana, Joe
Starling is a burned out painter and has problems with a land scheme and the
splits over two not very mousy women, the author's talents much in evidence
throughout. Paperback. Good+. $5.00
327]McMurtry, Larry. IN A NARROW GRAVE. Essays on Texas. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001. ISBN: 0684868695. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 201 pgs, biblio. A
collec on of essays with the classic statement of what it means to come from
Texas in the late 20th century; sex, movies, cowboys, literature, small town, big
ci es and more. Paperback. Good. $8.00
328]McNamer, Deidre. RED ROVER. New York: Penguin Books, 2007. First
edi on. ISBN: 9780143113546. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 264 pgs. Set in Montana in the
mid 1900s, a s rring novel about idealism laid waste and the haun ng, redemp ve bonds of friendship. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00
316]Marshall, S.L.A., Bridadier General, USAR,. CRIMSONED PRAIRIE. New
York: Scribners, 1972. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 268 pgs, index, b&w historical photos,
maps. A thorough analysis of the military tac cs involved in the Plains Indians
Wars in the la er half of the last century. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good in Good
DJ. $9.00
329]Meador, William. THE LAST HILL. New York: iUniverse, Inc., 2004. ISBN:
0595290604. 6 x 9, 427 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Part factual history,
part myth or legend, the story of the men of the 8th, 9th, and 10th Cavalry and
their pursuit of Red Hawk, famous Apache warrior. Signed by the author. Paperback. Very Good. $20.00
317]Mar n, Ned and Jody and Kurt House with History by Ralph Emerson. BIT
AND SPUR MAKERS IN THE TEXAS TRADITION A Historical Perspec ve. Nicasio,
California: Hawk Hill Press, 2000. ISBN: 0965994724. 9 x 12, 264 pgs, index,
color photos throughout. highlights the Texas tradi on of bit and spur making,
the flashy and prac cal artwork produced by more than 60 ar sans ac ve
between 1870 and 1970. The origins of the Texas style are traced in the history
of bits and spurs brought to the New World from England, France and Spain.
Pictured are pieces which can be dated from archeological finds as well as from
superb Spanish Colonial collec ons. Resurrected from blacksmith shops in
Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, New Mexico and Arizona are portraits of not only
the well known masters such as Johnson, Kelly, Crocke , McChesney and the
Boones, but also lesser-known, but equally skilled makers such as Weast,
Strong, Stephenson and many others. Pictured among the 700 stunning photographs of bits and spurs are many one-of-akind pieces never seen outside of
private collec ons. Photographs were taken of some 70 different private and
museum collec ons. For the researcher and the collector, there is an extensive
glossary and bibliography as well as useful appendices on restora on and
pricing. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $100.00
330]Meadows, Anne. DIGGING UP BUTCH AND SUNDANCE. New York: St
Mar n's Press, 1994. First edi on. ISBN: 0312109687. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 388 pgs,
index, sec on of b&w photos. A lively blend of history, mystery, travel & adventure as the author roves the Argen ne pampas, Chilean deserts & Bolivian
sierras in search of what really happened to Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid.
Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $15.00
318]Mar nez, Demetria. MOTHERTONGUE. Tempe, AZ: Bilingual Press, 1994.
ISBN: 0927534436. 5 x 8, 121 pgs. Explores the ancient themes of peace within
war and the ephemerality of hope. Mary and Luis bridge the canyons between
languages, na onali es , and especially causes, only to discover that love with
no future is both the saddest and the most life-affirming love of all. Paperback.
Good+. $5.00
319]Mar nez, Ruben. THE OTHER SIDE. New York: Vintage Books, 1993. ISBN:
0679745912. 5 x 8, 170 pgs, b&w photos. A brilliant and breathtaking account
of the new culture created by guerrillas of San Salvador and performance
ar sts of feverish Tijuana, young painters of graffi in Los Angeles and rock 'n'n
roll singers of Mexico City. Paperback. Good. $5.00
320]Masich, Andrew E. THE CIVIL WAR IN ARIZONA The Story of the California
Volunteers, 1861-1865. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 2006.
Second edi on. ISBN: 9780806139005. 6 x 9, 368 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w
historical photos. A lively narra ve history of the all-but-forgo en California
Column in war me Arizona and a rare compila on of le ers wri en by the
volunteer soldiers who served in the U.S. Army from 1861 to 1866. Enriched by
the author's me culous annota on, these le ers provide firsthand tes mony
of the grueling desert condi ons the soldiers endured as they fought on many
fronts. Paperback. Very Good+. $20.00
331]Meed, Douglas V. THEY NEVER SURRENDERED. Bronco Apaches of the
Sierra Madres, 1890-1935. Tucson, AZ: Westernlore Press, 1993. ISBN:
0870260863. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 205 pgs, index, biblio, b&w historical photos. The
story of the Apaches who never surrendered; and of Francisco Fimbres, a Sonoran rancher who relentlessly pursued; and those who fought the "last"
Apache campaign during the Great Depression. Hardcover. New in New DJ.
332]Melzer, Ph.D., Richard. WHEN WE WERE YOUNG IN THE WEST True Stories of Childhood. Santa Fe, NM: Sunstone Press, 2003. ISBN: 0865343381. 6 x
9, 345 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w historical photos. Examines the diverse
experiences of children growing up in different communi es, in different cultures, and in different historical periods, using New Mexico as a focus, and
drawing on memoirs, oral histories, diaries and autobiographies. Paperback.
Very Good. $12.00
333]Melzer, Richard. ERNIE PYLE. In the American Southwest. Santa Fe, NM:
Sunstone Press, 1996. First edi on. ISBN: 0865342431. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 176 pgs,
index, index, biblio, b&w photos. Describes Pyle's joys and struggles from Ernie's perspec ve, in candid, straigh orward terms. Paperback. Very Good+.
334]Metzger, Robert, editor. MY LAND IS THE SOUTHWEST. Peter Hurd Le ers
and Journals. College Sta on, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 1983. First edion. ISBN: 0890961565. 6 x 9, 408 pgs, index, two sec ons of b&w photos,
intro by Paul Horgan. An autobiographical collec on spanning fi y years of
Hurd's life from his cadet days at the U.S. Military Academy, his appren ceship
under Wyeth, family life in NM and more. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very
Good+ DJ. $40.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
335]Michaels, Leonard, David Reid, Raquel Scherr, editors. WEST OF THE WEST
Imagining California - An Anthology. San Francisco: North Point Press, 1989.
First edi on. ISBN: 0865474036. 6 x 8, 332 pgs. Fic on and nonfic on pieces by
Californians or rela ng to California. Authors include: Octavio Paz, Herb Caen,
M K F Fisher, Jack Kerouac, Maya Angelou, Aldous Huxley, Walt Whitman, Amy
Tan, John Steinbeck, Allen Ginsberg, and many others. Hardcover. Very Good+
in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00
336]Miller, Peter. PEOPLE OF THE GREAT PLAINS. Waterbury, VT: Silver Print
Press, 1996. ISBN: 0962806420. 12 x 9, 167 pgs, b&w photos throughout. It
took Miller four trips, three years, 400 pages of notes and 400 rolls of film to
record the Plains from Saskachewan, Canada to the Texas Pahandle and
stretches across 10 states. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $18.00
337]Minor, Marz and Nono. THE AMERICAN INDIAN CRAFT BOOK. Lincoln, NE:
University of Nebraska Press, 1978. Reprint. ISBN: 0803258917. 5 1/2 x 8, 416
pgs, index, b&w illustra ons. A how-you-can-do-it guide to Indian cra s, games
and customs. Paperback. Very Good+. $9.00
adopte dthere, the changes made in exploi ng the economy, problems reflected in their poli cal behavior, impact on the East, and more. Paperback. Good.
352]Nevins, Allan. FREMONT Pathmarker of the West. New York: Longmans,
Green and Co., 1955. Second edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 689 pgs, index, b&w photos, illustra ons and maps. A biography of Fremont and his wife with an account of the period of expansion which fostered this brilliant leader. There is
damp damage of the back cover and dust jacket and about 30 pages at the
back of the book are wavy. Very li le staining. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ.
353]THE NEW MEXICO CONSTITUTION - 1931-1932. Santa Fe, NM: Secretary
of State, Marguerite P. Baca, 1932. 6 x 9, 38 pgs. An neat old copy of this New
Mexico state document. Paperback. Good. $3.00
354]New Mexico Department of Development - Tourist Division. NEW MEXICO'S INDIANS OF TODAY. Santa Fe, NM: 1965. 8 1/2 x 11, 10 pgs. A neat old
tourist brochure on Indians. Paperback. Good. $2.00
338]Mitchell, Tomy. THE DEVIL'S POWDER PUFF. Reserve, NM: Published by
the author, 1998. 6 x 9, 84 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Cowboy poetry: recollec ons
of a life me; characters and events of ranch life, seen through the eyes of a
country woman. Paperback. New. $5.00
355]New Mexico State University Crea ve Wri ng Center. PUERTO DEL SOL.
1973. 6 x 9, 88 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Student literary works: poetry, plays,
fic on, etc. Water stain at back, some pages loose. Paperback. Fair. $2.00
339]Monaghan, Jay. THE BOOK OF THE AMERICAN WEST. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1969. Second edi on. 8 1/2 x 11, 608 pgs, b&w illustra ons and
photos, maps. With wri ngs by ten dis nguished western authori es, a magnificent array of historical fact, legend and lore. Writers include Na N. Dodge,
Wayne Gard, Don Russell and Oscar Lewis. Hardcover. Good+. $9.00
356]Nicholson, Irene. A GUIDE TO MEXICAN POETRY Ancient and Modern.
Mexico: Minu ae Mexicana, 1968. 4 x 6 1/2, 96 pgs, b&w photos. Samples of
the poetry (in English transla on): Nahua, Maya, colonial, 19th century to folk
poetry in 1968 and Octavio Paz and Rosario Castellnos. Paperback. Very Good.
340]Montgomery, Herb and Mary. RODEO ROAD. New York: Ac on Books,
1973. 6 x 9, 83 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Young adult story centered
on the life of a rodeo cowboy. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00
341]Mora, Pat. HOUSE OF HOUSES. Boston: Beacon Press, 1997. First edi on.
ISBN: 0807072001. 6 x 9, 296 pgs. The author, award-winning poet and children's book author, tells of her ancestors' harrowing crossing of the Rio
Grande and the racism Mora's parents faced. Some underlining and a few
margin notes. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00
342]Morgan, Ted. A SHOVEL OF STARS. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995.
ISBN: 0684814927. 6 x 9, 559 pgs, b&w photos, maps and illustra ons. The
story of the making of the American West from 1800 to the present. The author brings "history to life, intertwining with consummate skill anecdote and
exposi on, impression and fact." Paperback. Good. $4.00
343]Morrow, R.W. THE CHIRICAHUA JOURNALS Stories of Arizona Lawmen,
Cowboys, & Miners. Tucson, AZ: Chiricahua Press, 2010. Second edi on. ISBN:
9780982484111. 7 1/2 x 9 1/2, 255 pgs, b&w historical photos. The story of
more than one hundred years in the lives of a pioneer Arizona family, and how
those lives became forever entwined with the history of the majes c Chircahua Mountains of southeastern Arizona. Paperback. New. $20.00
344]Mosiman, Billie Sue and Mar n H. Greenburg, eds. BLOWOUT IN LITTLE
MAN FLATS. Nashville, TN: Rutledge Hill Press, 1998. ISBN: 155853573X. 6 x 9,
213 pgs. A scary collec on of spine- ngling stories of murder in the West.
Fic on. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00
345][Muench, David]. Hillerman, Tony. NEW MEXICO. Photos. Portland, OR:
Graphic Arts Center Publishing, 1974. ISBN: 0912856149. 10 1/2 x 14, 188 pgs,
color photos throughout. Beau ful coffee-table style book on the "Land of
Enchantment". Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $18.00
346]Mulford, Clarence. BUCK PETERS, RANCHMAN. New York: A.L. Burt, 1912.
Second prin ng. 5 x 8, 367 pgs, color fron spiece. Classic western fic on.
Hardcover. Good+. $15.00
347]Mullane, William H., editor. THIS IS SILVER CITY. Volume III. Silver City,
NM: The Silver City Enterprise, 1965. First edi on. 8 x 11, 120 pgs, b&w photos
and illustra ons. Stories and news items printed word for word as they appeared in the newspapers covering the years 1888, 1889 and 1890. Lots of
great stories! Signed by the editor. Paperback. Good. $50.00
348]Murphy, Larry. OUT IN GOD'S COUNTRY: A History of Colfax County, New
Mexico. Springer, NM: Springer Publishing, 1969. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 7, 112
pgs, b&w historical photos. Contains a wealth of historical and biographical
informa on on Colfax, including considerable informa on on Na ve Americans. Colfax, located in northeast New Mexico along the Colorado border, is
home to the towns of Springer, Raton, Cimarron. Paperback. Very Good.
Angeles: The Ward Ritchie Press, 1965. 6 x 9, 278 pgs, b&w photos and maps,
photo endsheets. Stories and anecdotes about lost California towns. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good- DJ. $12.00
350]Nahm, Milton C. LAS VEGAS AND UNCLE JOE. The New Mexico I Remember. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1964. First edi on. 6 x 9, 294
pgs. Recollec ons of Las Vegas, New Mexico in the early 1900s. Hardcover.
Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00
Short History Of An Urban Oasis. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico
Press, 1984. Second edi on. ISBN: 0826304648. 6 x 9, 312 pgs, b&w illustraons. Explores the nature of the rapid growth of the West, the lifestyles
357]Nickens, Paul and Kathleen. PUEBLO INDIANS OF NEW MEXICO Postcard
History Series. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2008. First edi on. ISBN:
9780738548364. 6 1/2 x 9, 128 pgs, b&w historical photos. More than 220
vintage postcard images with associated narra ve reveal the early beginnings
of a long-standing interac on between the Pueblo and tourism. Paperback.
Very Good+. $15.00
358]Niederman, Sharon. NEW MEXICO'S TASTY TRADITIONS Recollec ons,
Recipes and Photos. Santa Fe, NM: New Mexico Magazine, 2010. First edi on.
ISBN: 9781934480052. 9 x 7 1/2, 136 pgs, color photos throughout. The author
takes readers on an armchair tour of ranches, cafes, fes vals, home kitchens
and farmers markets across the state sampling the state's diverse flavors and
food tradi ons. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00
359]Oden, Bill, edited by J. Eve s Haley. EARLY DAYS ON THE TEXAS-NEW
MEXICO PLAINS. Canyon, TX: Palo Duro Press, 1965. First edi on. 6 x 9, 69 pgs,
b&w historical photos. The early cowboy memoirs of a real working Texas
cowboy, Bill Arp Oden. Photos restored by Russ Parks, book design by Carl
Hertzog, typography by James E. Davis. Ex-library with minimal markings. Spine
cloth sunned. Hardcover. Very Good. $100.00
360]Paredes, Americo. WITH HIS PISTOL IN HIS HAND. A Border Ballad and its
Hero. Aus n, TX: University of Texas Press, 1996. Reprint. ISBN: 0292701284. 6
x 9, 275 pgs, index, bibliography, illustrated. The story of Gregorio Cortez Lira,
a Mexican ranchhand who killed a Texas sheriff over a misunderstanding. A
wonderful story of the Border country, its history, its people and their folkways. Paperback. New. $19.00
361]Patoski, Joe Nick. GENERATIONS ON THE LAND A Conserva on Legacy.
College Sta on, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 2010. First edi on. ISBN:
9781603442411. 6 x 9, 120 pgs, index, color photos. To keep the land in the
family . . . To operate the land profitably . . . To leave the land be er than they
found it . . . Each year, Sand County Founda on's pres gious Leopold Conserva on Award recognizes families for leadership in voluntary conserva on and
ethical land management. Veteran author and journalist Joe Nick Patoski visits
eight of the award-winning families, presen ng warm, hear elt conversa ons
about the families, their beloved land, and a vision for a healthier world. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00
362]Pa erson, Becky Crouch. THE RANCH THAT WAS US. San Antonio, TX:
Trinity University Press, 2012. First edi on. ISBN: 978159341389. 7 1/2 x 9 1/2,
228 pgs, color illustra ons. Braiding strands of earthen insight with uproarious
storytelling the author recreates the history of the Steiler Hill Ranch in twentyfour anecdotal chapters interspersed with original artwork. A mixture of memoir and montage, treasure chest and tableau vivant of a world that's beau ful,
brash, and wonderfully heartbreaking. Paperback. Fine. $20.00
363]Pa erson, Paul. CRAZY WOMEN IN THE RAFTERS Memories of a Texas
Boyhood. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1976. First edi on. ISBN:
0806112808. 5 1/2 x 8, 242 pgs. "The author tells of his boyhood in Texas in a
funny, nostalgic way that will appeal to boys and girls of all ages." Signed by
the author. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $70.00
364]Pa erson, Richard. BUTCH CASSIDY. A Biography. Lincoln, NE: University
of Nebraska Press, 1999. Second edi on. ISBN: 0803287569. 6 x 9, 362 pgs,
b&w historical photos. A defini ve biography of the outlaw whose legend is
rivaled only by that of Billy the Kid. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00
365]Pearce, T.M. and A.P. Thomason, editors. SOUTHWESTERNERS WRITE The
American Southwest in Stories and Ar cles by Thirty-two Contributors. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1953. Second edi on. 6 x 9, 280
pgs, index. Includes works by Charles J. Finger, Leo Crane, D.H.Lawrence, Ruth
Laughlin Barker, S. Omar Barker, J. Frank Dobie, John A. Lomax, Edward Evere
Dale, Harvey Fergusson, Frances Gillmor, George Milburn, Paul Horgan, Ed-
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
ward Anderson, Oliver La Farge, Fray Angelico Chavez, Edwin Lanham, Conrad
Richter, Cur s Mar n, George Sessions Perry, J Eve s Haley, Walter Presco
Webb, Shine Philips, C.L. Connichsen, John McGinnis, Henry Nash Smith. Also
Dudley Wynn, Arthur Campa, Maury Maverick, T. M. Pearce, Mody Boatright,
Stanley Vestal, Rebecca Smith. Hardcover. Very Good+. $50.00
366]Pearce, T.M. and A.P. Thomason, editors. SOUTHWESTERNERS WRITE The
American Southwest in Stories and Ar cles by Thirty-two Contributors. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1947. First edi on. 6 x 9, 364
pgs, decorated endsheets, index. Includes works by Charles J. Finger, Leo
Crane, D.H.Lawrence, Ruth Laughlin Barker, S. Omar Barker, J. Frank Dobie,
John A. Lomax, Edward Evere Dale, Harvey Fergusson, Frances Gillmor,
George Milburn, Paul Horgan, Edward Anderson, Oliver La Farge, Fray Angelico
Chavez, Edwin Lanham, Conrad Richter, Cur s Mar n, George Sessions Perry, J
Eve s Haley, Walter Presco Webb, Shine Philips, C.L. Connichsen, John
McGinnis, Henry Nash Smith. Also Dudley Wynn, Arthur Campa, Maury Maverick, T. M. Pearce, Mody Boatright, Stanley Vestal, Rebecca Smith. Hardcover.
Very Good+. $60.00
367]Pearce, T.M. and A.P. Thomason, editors. SOUTHWESTERNERS WRITE The
American Southwest in Stories and Ar cles by Thirty-two Contributors. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1953. Second edi on. 6 x 9, 280
pgs, index. Includes works by Charles J. Finger, Leo Crane, D.H.Lawrence, Ruth
Laughlin Barker, S. Omar Barker, J. Frank Dobie, John A. Lomax, Edward Evere
Dale, Harvey Fergusson, Frances Gillmor, George Milburn, Paul Horgan, Edward Anderson, Oliver La Farge, Fray Angelico Chavez, Edwin Lanham, Conrad
Richter, Cur s Mar n, George Sessions Perry, J Eve s Haley, Walter Presco
Webb, Shine Philips, C.L. Connichsen, John McGinnis, Henry Nash Smith. Also
Dudley Wynn, Arthur Campa, Maury Maverick, T. M. Pearce, Mody Boatright,
Stanley Vestal, Rebecca Smith. Hardcover. Very Good+. $40.00
368]Pegler, Mar n. FIREARMS IN THE AMERICAN WEST 1700-1900. England:
The Crowood Press, 2002. First edi on. ISBN: 1861264887. 7 1/2 x 10, 176 pgs,
b&w photos. This book tells the story of the guns used in the west during this
period, which included the Indian Wars, The Civil War, and the Gold Rushes.
Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00
369]Perkins, Jim. TOM TOBIN - FRONTIERSMAN. Monte Vista, CO: Adobe
Village Press, 2005. Second edi on. ISBN: 0967556201. 6 x 9, 335 pgs, b&w
photos, maps, genealogy charts. As mountain man and scout on a primi ve
fron er where violence was the leverage for survival, Tom Tobin could be a
fearsome opponent though he could be humane as well as engagingly eccentric. Paperback. New. $22.00
370]Peters, Nancy, ed. EL OJITO REVIEW. Las Cruces, NM: NMSU, Department
of English, 1987. 5 1/2 x 8 1/, 78 pgs, b&w photos. The student literary magazine at NMSU. Paperback. Good. $2.00
379]Ponce, Mary Helen. THE WEDDING. Houston, TX: Arte Publico Press, 1989.
ISBN: 0934770972. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 199 pgs. A rollicking ride through pachuco
subculture in a post-World War II California barrio, this novel offers an insigh ul perspec ve on gender roles and social mores. Paperback. Very Good.
380]Pope, Neta. JUAN ARROYOS, 1819-1876. Santa Clara, NM: Village of Santa
Clara, 2013. First edi on. 8 1/2 x 11, 24 pgs, b&w historical photos. The story
of this heretofore unknown New Mexico volunteer soldier, spy, U.S. Army
Guide & Scout, and Central City (southwestern New Mexico) resident. Paperback Spiral Bound. New. $10.00
381]Porter, Charles T. REVIEW OF THE MEXICAN WAR. Auburn, NY: Alden &
Parsons, 1849. 5 x 7 3/4, 220 pgs. An interes ng old study of the causes of the
war, who was responsible, etc. Foxing to all pages. Front cover s ll connected
to spine but loose. Chunk of spine missing at top. An inserted, type-wri en
note says this book was once owned either by Editha Gille e of Gibson, NY, or
by William F. Gille e of 123 East Avenue, Hornell, NY. William was a member
of the class of 1930 at Springfield College in Springfield, MA, and he lived there
for a me at 38 Bryant St., and also at 188 Northampton Avenue. Hardcover.
Fair. $75.00
382]Priestley, J.B., and Jacque a Hawkes. JOURNEY DOWN A RAINBOW. New
York: Harper & Bros., 1955. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 289 pgs. Account of
considerable contrasts to be found in the American Southwest. In New Mexico
the successors to the earliest pre-historic inhabitants live among remarkable
remains and preserve ancient culture. Across the state line in Texas lie rapidly
expanding ci es. Ex-library with usual markings. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+
DJ. $6.00
383]Proctor, Alexander Phimister. SCULPTOR IN BUCKSKIN. An Autobiography.
Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1977. First edi on. ISBN:
0806109122. 9 x 7, 266 pgs, index, b&w illustra ons and photos. Edited and
with a Foreword by Hester Elizabeth Proctor and an Introduc on by Vivian A.
Paladin. Born in 1860 and living for 90 years, the story of this excep onal ar st
who captured the American West in drawings and bronze. Hardcover. Very
Good+ in Very Good+ slipcase. $40.00
384]Proulx, Annie. THAT OLD ACE IN THE HOLE. A Novel. New York: Scribners,
2003. Reprint. ISBN: 0743242483. 5 x 8, 359 pgs. Novel, set in Texas as the
main character tries to guy up big ranches for a large corporate pig farm operaon. Paperback. Very Good. $8.00
371]Phelps, Dean. AND NOW WE'LL PLAY A MAN'S GAME. Montana Stories.
Alamo, CA: Holmgangers Press, 1976. ISBN: 0914974106. 5 x 8, 130 pgs, b&w
illustra ons. Ten stories of Montana and Montanans. Paperback. Good.
385]Raine, William MacLeon and Will C. Barnes. CATTLE. Garden City, NY:
Doubleday, Doran & Co., 1930. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 340 pgs, index,
sec ons of b&w photos. The story of ca le and the cowboy; "the story of a
great industry, of a pioneering effort of stupendous historical consequences,
and of countless deeds of valor and villainy." Hardcover. Very Good+. $45.00
372]Philbrick, Nathaniel. THE LAST STAND Custer, Si ng Bull, and the Ba le of
the Li le Bighorn. New York: Viking Press, 2010. First edi on. ISBN:
9780670021727. 6 x 9, 466 pgs, index, sec ons of color and b&w historical
photos. Analyzes the characters and contribu ons of the Plains Indians leader
and forefront Union cavalry officer while explaining how the conflict forged a
Na ve American alliance and set the stage for the reserva on confinement of
major tribal leaders. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
386]Raymond, Dora Neill. CAPTAIN LEE HALL OF TEXAS. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1940. First edi on. ISBN: 0806100869. 6 x 9, 350 pgs,
sec on of b&w historical photos and drawings, some by Frederic Remington.
Originally published in 1940. Biography of this famous Texas Ranger: he indicted King Fisher, helped track down Sam Bass and Wess Hardin, was friends with
O. Henry, etc. Hardcover. Very Good+. $40.00
373]Phillips, Shine. BIG SPRING. The Casual Biography of a Prairie Town. New
York: Pren ce Hall Press, 1942. Fourth edi on. 6 x 9, 231 pgs, b&w illustraons. Texas at its best - big and dashing - described with rare humor and manlike exaggera on. Inscribed and signed. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good+ DJ.
374]Pike, Albert, edited by David J. Weber. PROSE SKETCHES AND POEMS.
Wri en in the Western Country. College Sta on, TX: Texas A&M University
Press, 1987. Reprint. ISBN: 0890963231. 6 x 9, 309 pgs. Originally published in
1834, Pike's poetry, fic on, personal reminiscences and observa ons concerning his journeys through Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico. Paperback. Very
Good. $5.00
375]Pi man, Walter Earl. NEW MEXICO AND THE CIVIL WAR. Charleston, SC:
The History Press, 2011. Second edi on. ISBN: 9781609491376. 6 x 9, 126 pgs,
b&w historical photos, maps. A concise history of New Mexico during the Civil
War years from the Confederate invasion of 1861 to the Ba les of Valverde
and Glorieta to the end of the war. Paperback. New. $16.00
376]Poblano, Ralph (Rafa). GHOSTS IN THE BARRIO. Issues in BilingualBicultural Educa on. San Rafael, CA: Leswing Press, 1973. 6 x 9, 374 pgs, notes
and references. A collec on of essays on Chicano educa on. Paperback. Very
Good. $4.00
377]Pointer, Larry. IN SEARCH OF BUTCH CASSIDY. Norman, OK: University of
Oklahoma Press, 1977. First edi on. ISBN: 080611455X. 5 x 8, 294 pgs, index,
b&w photos. Well researched volume that pieces together the full and final
story of this remarkable outlaw - from his Utah Mormon origins, through his
escapades of banditry, his escape & life as William T. Phillips! Ex-library. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00
378]Pomeroy, Earl. THE PACIFIC SLOPE. New York: Knopf, 1965. First edi on. 6
1/2 x 9 1/2, 421 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons, fold-out map. A history of
California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah and Nevada. Hardcover. Very
Good in Very Good DJ. $18.00
387]Reeve, Frank and Alice Ann Cleaveland. NEW MEXICO: LAND OF MANY
CULTURES. Boulder, CO: Prue Publishing, 1969. First edi on. 5 x 8, 250 pgs,
b&w photos, fold out color map. A nice junior high level New Mexico history.
Paperback. Good. $5.00
388]Regli, Adolph. THE WILD WEST. Garden City, NY: Garden City Books, 1952.
First edi on. 5 x 8, 192 pgs, b&w illustra ons, decorated endsheets. An old
children's book that purports to be the REAL BOOK about the Wild West. Hardcover. Good. $3.00
389]Remington, Frederic. CROOKED TRAILS. New York: Bonanza Books, 1974.
ISBN: 0517159317. Facsimile of 1989 edi on. 6 x 9, 151 pgs, b&w illustra ons
by the author. A group of selected ar cles that had appeared in "Harper's"
Magazine of Remington's West. Includes 48 illustra ons and 10 stories. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00
390]Reynolds, Nicholas E., editor. THE JOURNAL OF AMERICA'S MILITARY
PAST Volume XXVIX, Spring/Summer 2002, No. 1. Phoenix, AZ: Council on
America's Military Past, 2002. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 110 pgs, b&w illustra ons. All sorts
of scholarly studies about subjects ranging from the Civil War, to the Indian
Wars, to World War II, and more. Paperback. Good+. $4.00
391]Ribble, Norman C. BALLUT ABYAD CENTENNIAL 1887-1987 Celebra ng a
Century of Shrinedom in New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM: 1987. 8 1/2 x 11, 99
pgs, b&w photos. A Shriner's 'annual' for 1987. Hardcover. Very Good+.
392]Richardson, Rupert Norval and Carl Coke Rister. THE GREATER SOUTHWEST. Glendale, CA: Arthur H. Clark, 1935. First edi on. 6 x 9, 506 pgs, index,
b&w maps. The economic, social, and cultural development of Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Utah, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, and California from
the Spanish conquest to the twen eth century. Hardcover. Very Good. $75.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
393]Riley, Patricia, editor. GROWING UP NATIVE AMERICAN. New York: Harper Collins, 2002. Reprint. ISBN: 9780380724178. 5 x 8, 333 pgs. Stories of
oppression and survival, of heritage denied and reclaimed; 22 American writers recall childhood in their na ve land. Paperback. Very Good. $8.00
394]Riordan, Rick. THE LAST KING OF TEXAS. New York: Bantam Books, 2000.
First edi on. ISBN: 0553801562. 6 x 9, 320 pgs. When a controversial English
professor is found dead, shot twice in the chest with a 4.5, Tres Navarre--P.I.
and erstwhile Berkeley Ph.D.--is the only local academic crazy enough to accept the emergency opening at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $8.00
395]Roberge, Earl. THOSE SNAKE RIVER DAMS. Walla Walla, WA: Gray Fox
Press, 2001. ISBN: 0971146209. 10 x 13, 176 pgs, beau ful color photos
throughout. A pre y coffee table style book looks at the pros and cons of the
four Lower Snake River dams in the Northwest. Inscribed and signed by the
person who wrote the foreword. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $8.00
396]Robert E. and Evelyn McKee Founda on. THE MCKEE COLLECTION OF
PAINTINGS. El Paso, TX: El Paso Museum of Art, 1968. 8 1/2 x 11, 69 pgs, color
art reproduc ons, designed by Carl Hertzog. Contains the greats of the Southwestern genre, a number of ar sts from the Santa Fe/Taos area, Blumenschein, Berninghaus, Dunton, Peter Hurd, Hennings, etc. Hardcover. Very
Good+. $25.00
397]Robertson, Pauline Durre and R.L. Robertson. PANHANDLE PILGRIMAGE
Illustrated Tales Tracing History in the Texas Panhandle. Amarillo, TX: Paramount Publishing, 1978. Second edi on. 8 x 10 1/2, 370 pgs, index, b&w photos throughout. All sorts of historical informa on and maps about the Texas
Panhandle - Prehistory, Indian Dominance on the Llano Estacado, Pioneer
Se lers (such and Charles Goodnight and other early ranchers), Early Towns
(such as Mobee e, Tascosa and Clarendon) , Railroads, and more. Ex-library
with minimal markings. Hardcover. Very Good. $35.00
LITERATURE Revised from: With The Ears Of Strangers. Tucson, AZ: University
of Arizona Press, 1977. Revised. ISBN: 0816505934. 6 x 9, 391 pgs, index,
notes. Provides a comprehensive explora on of Mexico and the Hispanic culture as portrayed in American literature, from the me of the Conquest of
Mexico up through current Chicano literature. Ex-library. Paperback. Good+.
399]Roosevelt, Theodore. RANCH LIFE AND THE HUNTING TRAIL. New York:
Winchester Press, 1969. 8 1/2 x 11, 186 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Wri en a er his
three years as a rancher in the Dakota Territory, a descrip on of ranch life in
the last years of the open range. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good+ DJ.
PAST. Tombstone, AZ: Published/Printed by the author, 2013. First edi on.
ISBN: 9781490511450. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 306 pgs, b&w historical photos. Samantha
Fallon was a Tombstone pioneer with secrets in her past that she wanted to
hide. Within her boarding house she had entertained many men of Tombstone, some of them very prominent. She spent most of the rest of her life
trying to create a new reputa on and life for herself. But a court case would
bring her face to face with her Tombstone days again as she unwi ngly divulged confiden al informa on to a Pinkerton spy living under her own roof.
Other Tombstone Pioneers round out this remarkable story of affairs and a
child's heartbreaking abandonment. _ Paperback. New. $20.00
401]Rose, Wendy (Chiron Khanshendel). HOPI ROADRUNNER DANCING.
Greenfield Center, NY: Greenfield Review Press, 1973. First edi on. ISBN:
0912678062. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 37 pgs. First edi on of the Na ve American's first
book, a collec on of poems. Uncommon. Paperback. Good+. $15.00
402]Ross, Marvin C. THE WEST OF ALFRED JACOB MILLER (1837). Norman, OK:
University of Oklahoma Press, 1951. First edi on. 7 1/2 x 10, 220 pgs, b&w art
reproduc ons. A detailed study of pain ngs of the American West and the
Na ve American culture that once inhabited it, by Alfred Jacob Miller, with
many illustra ons and descrip ons. Ex-library, rebound, with the usual markings. Hardcover. Good+. $30.00
403]Rossi, Paul A. and David C. Hunt. THE ART OF THE OLD WEST. New York:
Knopf, 1971. First edi on. ISBN: 0394466691. 9 1/2 x 12 1/2, 335 pgs, b&w and
color photos and reproduc ons. A beau ful coffee table style book of the best
and most representa ve pain ngs, drawings, watercolors, sculptures and
lithographs from the Gilcrease Ins tute of American History and Art in Tulsa,
Oklahoma. Hardcover. Very Good. $50.00
404]Rossi, Paul A. and David C. Hunt. THE ART OF THE OLD WEST. New York:
Promontory, 1981. ISBN: 0883940450. 9 1/2 x 12 1/2, 335 pgs, b&w and color
photos and reproduc ons. A beau ful coffee table style book of the best and
most representa ve pain ngs, drawings, watercolors, sculptures and lithographs from the Gilcrease Ins tute of American History and Art in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00
405]Rounds, Glen. MR. YOWDER AND THE TRAIN ROBBERS. Wri en and illustrated. New York: Holiday House, 1981. ISBN: 0823403947. A Weekly Reader
Book. 5 1/2 x 8, unnumbered pages, about 60, b&w illustra ons. A funny children's book, set in the old days. Hardcover. Good+. $4.00
406]Ruby, Robert. UNKNOWN SHORE The Lost History of England's Arc c
Colony. New York: Henry Holt, 2001. First edi on. ISBN: 0805052151. 6 x 9, 300
pgs, index, bibliography. "In this brilliantly conceived dual narra ve, Ruby
interweaves Frobisher's saga with that of the 19th-century American Charles
Francis Hall, whose explora ons of this same landscape exposed him to the
oral history of the Inuit. Collec vely, these stories unlocked the mystery of
Frobisher's lost colony." Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00
407]Russell, Sharman Apt. THE LAST MATRIARCH. A Novel. Albuquerque, NM:
University of New Mexico Press, 2000. First edi on. ISBN: 0826321313. 5 1/2 x
8 1/2, 194 pgs. A novel of ancient human life, set in the Southwest, both credible and literary. Involves characters with both strengths and weaknesses, with
ambi ons, hopes, fears, tragedies, and pleasures. Signed by the author. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $10.00
408]Rye, Edgar. THE QUIRT AND THE SPUR Vanishing Shadows of the Texas
Fron er. Aus n, TX: Steck-Vaughn Company, 1967. First, thus. 5 x 7 1/2, 363
pgs, b&w illustra ons. Facsimile reproduc on of the first edi on. Wild days of
the cowboy and buffalo hunter around Fort Griffin, Texas, containing material
on the early life of John Selman and John Larn. The author mispells Selman's
name as Sillman. This book has become rare because a prominent ranching
family felt themselves slandered by some remarks in it and destroyed all the
copies they could purchase. There is much on Ft. Griffin and Shackleford County in the early days, with plenty on early ca lemen. Hardcover. Very Good+.
409]Sanderson, Jim. EL CAMINO DEL RIO A Mystery. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1999. First, thus. ISBN: 0826321593. 5 x 8 1/2,
221 pgs. Murder mystery set in Big Bend area of Texas. Paperback. Very Good.
410]Sanderson, Jim. EL CAMINO DEL RIO A Mystery. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1998. First edi on. ISBN: 0826319904. 5 x 8 1/2,
221 pgs. Murder mystery set in Big Bend area of Texas. Signed. Hardcover.
Very Good in Good DJ. $6.00
MARIAS. New York: Has ngs House, 1958. 5 x 8, 528 pgs, sec on of b&w photos. The story of the ca le in America and of the men whose ranches reached
from the Rio Grande up into the far regions of Montana; from the early Spanish days through the era of far-flung ca le empires through the mid 20th century. Hardcover. Very Good. $20.00
412]Savilla, Elmer M. ALONG THE TRAIL A Story of "One Li le Indian" Published/Printed by the author, 1996. First edi on. 4 x 7, 96 pgs, b&w photos.
Savilla was elected to the governing Tribal Council of the Quechans and helped
with economic development. This is the story of the Quechan tribe. Mass Market Paperback. Very Good. $3.00
413]Schackel, Sandra K. WORKING THE LAND The Stories of Ranch and Farm
Women in the Modern American West. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas
Press, 2011. First edi on. ISBN: 9780700617807. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 158 pgs, index,
bibliography, b&w photos. A farm woman herself, the author collects oral
histories from more than 40 American women in six states, who recall their
experiences as ranchers and farmers in the modernizing West during the last
half of the 20th century. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
414]Schimmel, Julie and Robert R. White. BERT GEER PHILLIPS AND THE TAOS
ART COLONY. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1994. First
edi on. ISBN: 0826314449. 8 1/2 x 11, 352 pgs, color art reproduc ons. Phillips se led in Taos in 1898, where he founded the Taos Art Colony. The first full
-length discussion of Phillips art and life. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+
DJ. $60.00
415]Scholes, France V., Marc Simmons, and Jose Antonio Esquibel. Translated
by Eleanor B. Adams. JUAN DOMINGUEZ DE MENDOZA Soldier and Fron ersman of the Spanish Southwest, 1627-1693. Albuquerque, NM: University of
New Mexico Press, 2012. First edi on. ISBN: 9780826351159. 7 x 10 1/2, 455
pgs, index, bibliography. Recognizes the services and exploits of a prominent
soldier-colonist of New Mexico in colonial days, one of the soldiers and fronersmen who, quite as much as governors and friars, helped to lay the foundaons of Hispano-Indian society in New Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very
Good+ DJ. $60.00
416]Schullery, Paul. MOUNTAIN TIME. New York: Lyons Press, 1984. ISBN:
0805239324. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 221 pgs, biblio. An insider's view of the resident
wildlife, seasonal tourists, and primal splendor of Yellowstone Na onal Park;
and about nature and wildness. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ.
417]Schullery, Paul. MOUNTAIN TIME. A Yellowstone Memoir. Boulder, CO:
Roberts Rinehart, 1995. Reprint. ISBN: 1570980373. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 221 pgs,
biblio. An insider's view of the resident wildlife, seasonal tourists, and primal
splendor of Yellowstone Na onal Park; and about nature and wildness. Paperback. Good. $4.00
418]Schultz, Duane. CUSTER Lessons in Leadership. England: Palgrave/
Macmillan, 2010. ISBN: 9780230617087. 5 1/2 x 8, 206 pgs, sec on of b&w
historical photos. Foreword by General Wesley K. Clark. From the "Great Generals Series", Custer was one of those larger-than-life figures, whose flamboyant, daring, and dashing personality vigorously defied conven onal standards
and became symbols of invincibility. Here, military historian Duane Schultz
explores the strategies and legacy of one of the most fascina ng figures in
American military history. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $15.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
419]Seagraves, Anne. SOILED DOVES. Pros tu on in the Early West. Hayden,
ID: Wesanne Publica ons, 1994. ISBN: 096190884X. 6 x 9, 185 pgs, lots of b&w
photos. An interes ng look at the world of pros tu on and the women whose
lives blended into the fabric of the American Fron er. Paperback. Good+.
420]Seagraves, Anne. WOMEN WHO CHARMED THE WEST. Hayden, ID:
Wesanne Publica ons, 1991. First edi on. ISBN: 0961908823. 6 x 9, 176 pgs,
b&w historical photos. Legendary actresses from the Victorian era of the 1800s
through the turn-of-the-century stars. Paperback. Very Good. $6.00
421]Seymour, Catryna Ten Eyck. ENJOYING THE SOUTHWEST. Philadelphia:
Lippinco , 1977. ISBN: 0397010087. 6 x 9, 252 pgs, index, maps. An interpreve explora on through the culture, history, archeology and natural beauty of
one of America's last great fron ers. Paperback. Good. $3.00
422]Seymour, Catryna Ten Eyck. ENJOYING THE SOUTHWEST. Philadelphia:
Lippinco , 1973. First edi on. ISBN: 039700902X. 6 x 9, 252 pgs, index, maps.
An interpre ve explora on through the culture, history, archeology and natural beauty of one of America's last great fron ers. Hardcover. Very Good in
Good DJ. $7.00
York: Dover Publica ons, 1979. ISBN: 0486237648. 8 1/2 x 11, 95 pgs, 282 b&w
illustra ons. Indian designs to be reproduced for art projects. Ex-library with
usual markings. Paperback. Good+. $7.00
424]Short, Wayne. THE CHEECHAKOES. New York: Random House, 1968. Third
prin ng. 6 x 8 1/2, 245 pgs, first prin ng, drawings by Peter Parnall. The true
story of the remarkable adventures of an American family who moved to Alaska and lived like pioneers. Hardcover. Good+ in Fair DJ. $16.00
425]Simmons, Marc . THE LAST CONQUISTADOR Juan de Onate and the
Se ling of the Far Southwest. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press,
1991. First edi on. ISBN: 0806123680. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 208 pgs, b&w illustra ons.
Illustrates the mo va on, character and ambi on of Onate and the mo va on
for the expedi on. Paperback. Good+. $12.00
426]Simmons, Marc. NEW MEXICO An Interpre ve History. Albuquerque, NM:
University of New Mexico Press, 1988. Second edi on. ISBN: 0826311105. 5
1/2 x 8 1/2, 207 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. A classic New Mexico history: looks at the past, present and future of the Land of Enchantment. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00
427]Sinclair, John L. COWBOY RIDING COUNTRY. Albuquerque, NM: University
of New Mexico Press, 1982. First edi on. ISBN: 0826306454. 8 x 10, 191 pgs,
illustrated by Edmond DeLavy. Popular memoirs of an old New Mexico cowboy
who started in the 1920s and covered the state, working horseback. Slight
damp wrinkling. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $40.00
428]Siringo, Charles A. A TEXAS COWBOY. New York: William Sloane, 1950.
First, thus. 6 x 8 1/2, 198 pgs, b&w illustra ons by Tom Lea, introduc on by J.
Frank Dobie, typography by Carl Herzog. The author had spent nearly twenty
years as a cow puncher on the great western ca le ranges when he put down
his experiences in 1885. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $45.00
429]Siringo, Chas. A. TWO EVIL ISMS. Aus n, TX: Steck-Vaughn, 1967. Second
edi on. Facsimile reproduc on of the 1915 original edi on. 5 1/2 x 8, 109 pgs
introduc on by Charles D. Peavy. Siringo's famous airing of his quarrel with
Pinkerton's Na onal Detec ve Agency. Hardcover. Very Good+. $50.00
430]Smithsonian Ins tu on. ALL ROADS ARE GOOD. Na ve Voices on Life and
Culture. Washington DC: 1994. ISBN: 156098452X. 10 x 10, 224 pgs, color and
b&w photos throughout. First-person narra ves, stunning illustra ons, and
historic photographs celebrate American Indian cultures and their perseverance in the contemporary landscape. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00
431]Snorf, Annie Laurie and Hazel Vineyard, editors. YUCCA LAND A Collec on
of the Folklore of New Mexico. Dallas: American Guild Press, 1958. 5 1/2 x 8
1/2, 227 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustra ons by Frances A. Hunt, Peter
Hurd, Elizabeth Moore, and Henrie a Wyeth. A collec on of stories and poems. Signed by both editors. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $20.00
432]Sonnichsen, C. L. BILLY KING'S TOMBSTONE. Tucson, AZ: University of
Arizona Press, 1972. ISBN: 0816503753. 5 x 7 1/2, 242 pgs, b&w historical
photos, originally published in 1942. Billy King, veteran barkeeper and intrepid
deputy tells the roistering story of Tombstone, Arizona's early days. Gamblers,
dance-hall girls, cowboys, gunmen, painted women and more. Paperback.
Good+. $12.00
433]Sonnichsen, C.L. PASS OF THE NORTH. Four Centuries on the Rio Grande.
El Paso, TX: Texas Western Press, 1968. First edi on. 6 x 9 1/2, 467 pgs, index,
references, b&w historical photos. Sonnichsen's classic history of the twin
desert ci es, El Paso and Juarez, from 1571 to 1917. Designed by Carl Herzog.
Maps and chapter ini als by Jose Cisneros. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very
Good+ DJ. $50.00
434]Sonnichsen, C.L. TULAROSA. Last of the Fron er West. Old Greenwich, CT:
Devin-Adair Co., 1961. Second edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 336 pgs, index, sources,
sec ons of b&w photos, mapped endsheet. Based on primary records and on
conserva ons with survivors from Tularosa's pioneer days; ca le ranchers,
rustlers, Apaches, desperadoes & law men - it had it all. Front spine cracked
but holding well. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $30.00
435]Soto, Gary, editor. PIECES OF THE HEART New Chicano Fic on. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1993. Third edi on. ISBN: 0811800687. 6 x 9, 180 pgs.
Cisneros, Gilb, Ponce, Viramontes, Cas llo and more. Paperback. Good+.
436]Soustelle, Jacques, preface. THE ROUTE OF THE INCAS. New York: Viking
Press, 1977. ISBN: 0670609161. 12 x 10, pages unnumbered, about 120, color
photos throughout. Many beau ful photographs and illustra ons depic ng
Inca history and modern life. Hardcover. Very Good+. $18.00
437]Starita, Joe. THE DULL KNIFES OF PINE RIDGE A Lakota Odyssey. New York:
Berkeley Books, 1996. ISBN: 0425151328. 6 x 9, 388 pgs, index, notes, b&w
historical photos. The true story of a century of Lakota Sioux life. The story of
four genera ons of a family that stretches from Li le Bighorn to Desert Storm,
that has fought through two world wars, two Wounded Knees and Vietnam.
Paperback. Good. $8.00
438]Steber, Rick. INDIANS Tales of the Wild West Series - Volume 3. Prineville,
OR: Bonanza Publishing, 1989. Third edi on. ISBN: 0945134037. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,
60 pgs, b&w illustra ons. A collec on of the author's newspaper columns
about the history of Oregon Indians. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00
439]Stegner, Wallace. THE SOUND OF MOUNTAIN WATER. The Changing
American West. New York: Du on, 1980. First, thus. ISBN: 0525476318. 5 x 8,
286 pgs. Collec on of essays, memoirs, le ers, and speeches that offer part
au obiography, part travelogue, part literary analysis, and part social history,
highligh ng the late dis nguished writer's love for the American West. Paperback. Good. $5.00
440]Stevenson, Robert Louis. SILVERADO SQUATTERS. Ashland, OR: Lewis
Osborne, 1974. 5 x 7, 115 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Stevenson's trip to California
in 1879. Paperback. Good+. $10.00
441]Stewart, Holly and Cheryl Wilson, editors. STORIES OF THE PEOPLE Na ve
American Voices. Washington DC: Na onal Museum of the American Indian,
1997. ISBN: 0789300842. 7 x 7 1/2, 80 pgs, b&w historical photos, color illustra ons. Compelling narra ves with archival photographs and a rich selec on
of objects chosen from the Smithsonian's museums. Hardcover. Very Good+ in
Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
442]Storm, Hyemeyohsts. SEVEN ARROWS. New York: Ballan ne Books, 1973.
Reprint. ISBN: 0345329015. 8 x 9, 374 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. The
first book about the ancient Ways of the Plains People to be wri en by an
Indian; the Sun Dance, the Medicine Wheel, the Sacred Hoop, equality &
brotherhood, the Great Balancing Harmony, and much more. Paperback. Very
Good. $5.00
443]Stout, D.J. and Nancy McMillen. THE PICTURES OF TEXAS MONTHLY
Twenty-Five Years. New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 1998. First edi on.
ISBN: 1556707053. 11 x 14, 160 pgs, b&w and color photos. Beau ful coffeetable style book featuring the best of the best of the photos of the first 25
years of Texas Monthly. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00
444]Stra on, Porter A. THE TERRITORIAL PRESS OF NEW MEXICO, 1832-1912.
Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1969. First edi on. 6 1/2 x
9 1/2, 306 pgs, index, notes. A complete history of fron er journalism in the
Territory of New Mexico and a complete guide to the loca ons of remaining
files. Hardcover-spiral. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $50.00
445]Streeter, Floyd B. PRAIRIE TRAILS & COW TOWNS. New York: Devin Adair
Co., 1963. Second edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 214 pgs, index, bibliography. Considered one of the best books wri en on the Kansas cow towns and its wild mes.
Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $50.00
446]Students of Haskell Ins tute. MYTHS, LEGENDS, SUPERSTITIONS OF
NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN TRIBES. Lawrence, KS: 1995. 6 x 9, 58 pgs, b&w
illustra ons. Compiled by these kids 'with love for G. B. Chiltoskey'. Paperback.
Good+. $6.00
447]Sunset Magazine. GOLD RUSH COUNTRY. Guide to California's Mother
Lode & Northern Mines. Menlo Park, CA: Lane Publishing, 1960. Reprint. 8 x 11,
102 pgs, b&w photos and maps. History, lore, travel and much more. Foreword
by Oscar Lewis. Paperback. Good+. $4.00
448]Svenvold, Mark. ELMER MCCURDY The Misadventures in Life and A erlife
of an American Outlaw. London: Fourth Estate, 2003. First edi on. ISBN:
1841153222. 6 x 8 1/2, 261 pgs, b&w photos. The bizarre story of this quixo c
American an -hero and the journey through the twen eth century of his embalmed remains - shot dead in 1911, buried in 1977! Hardcover. Fine in Fine
DJ. $15.00
449]Swarthout, Glendon. THE HOMESMAN. New York: Simon & Schuster,
2014. Reprint. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 248 pgs. A novel set in the 1850s of a woman
selected as the "homesman" who must take four madwomen back East and
her companion, an ex-Indian fighter and ne'er-do-well. Paperback. New.
450]Swartley, Ron. THE BILLY THE KID TRAVEL GUIDE. Las Cruces, NM: Fron er
Image Press, 1999. First edi on. ISBN: 1888571047. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 84 pgs, b&w
photos. Use this guide to visit the places where Billy the Kids grew up, fought,
killed...and was killed. Staplebound. New. $9.00
451]Swartley, Ron. BUFFALO SOLDIERS IN THE OLD SOUTHWEST Trials, Tribula ons - and Triumphs. Silver City, NM: Fron er Image Press, 2006. First edion. ISBN: 1888571136. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 64 pgs. A good history of these all-black
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
units that fought during the Civil War, and later in the Indian Wars out west.
Staplebound Wraps. New. $8.00
452]Swartley, Ron. THE DAY GERONIMO SURRENDERED. Silver City, NM: Froner Image Press, 2005. First edi on. ISBN: 188857111X. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 42 pgs,
b&w and color photos. All about Geronimo's last day of freedom; the
breakout, the chase, the Gatewood nego a ons, the final surrender, etc. Staplebound. New. $7.00
453]Swartley, Ron. INDIAN COUNTRY NEW MEXICO. Silver City, NM: Fron er
Image Press, 1996. ISBN: 096343098X. 8 x 11, 84 pgs, b&w photos. A guide to
all 25 Indian reserva ons in New Mexico. Describes tribal homelands, history,
culture, tourist a rac ons, recrea onal opportuni es, ceremonials, and arts
and cra s. Paperback. New. $13.00
454]Sweet, Jill D. DANCES OF THE TEWA PUEBLO INDIANS Expressions of New
Life. Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press, 2004. Second edi on.
ISBN: 1930618298. 7 x 10, 108 pgs, index, references, color art. Offers an introduc on to Tewa dances and their costumes, songs, meanings, and symbolism,
enabling a visitor be er to understand and appreciate this tradi on. It examines the interac ons between Tewa par cipants and non-Indian visitors and
offers guidelines for respec ul behavior at the ceremonies. Paperback. Very
Good+. $10.00
455]Syers, William Edward. OFF THE BEATEN TRAIL. Waco, TX: 1983. Eighth
Prin ng. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 493 pgs. Texas history, legend & lore by a writer who
has a "novelist's pen...historian's judgment...and encyclopedic informa on."
Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00
New York: Scribners, 1853. 6 1/2 x 10, 400 pgs, mapped endsheets, index, large
sec on of b&w photos, copious notes and sources. A fascina ng survey of the
original art of that period - sketches, watercolors, engravings, lithographs and
oil pain ngs which have historical significance. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Fair,
chipped DJ. $40.00
457]Tapahonso, Luci. A BREEZE SWEPT THROUGH. Albuquerque, NM: West
End Press, 1991. Third edi on. ISBN: 0931122457. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 51 pgs. Navajo
poetry. Paperback. Very Good. $8.00
458]Taylor, John. CATHOLICS ALONG THE RIO GRANDE. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2011. ISBN: 9780738579757. 6 1/2 x 9, 127 pgs, b&w historical
photos, foreword by Richard Melzer. From the "Images of America" series,
presents Catholic life along the Rio Grande in the past 500 years. Paperback.
Very Good+. $15.00
459]Terrell, John Upton. BUNKHOUSE PAPERS Reminiscences of a Dis nguished Western Historian. New York: Dial Press, 1971. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 251 pgs,
b&w illustra ons by Lorence Bjorklund. Ar ully wri en reminiscences of an
historian who has know the land and people of the West since before WWI.
Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
460]Thomas, David Hurst, et. al. THE NATIVE AMERICANS. An Illustrated History. Atlanta: Turner Publishing, 1993. Second edi on. ISBN: 1878685422. 9 x 11,
480 pgs, b&w and color illustra ons and photos throughout. Beau ful coffeetable style book tells the story, in words and art, of the American Indian from
the mes before the white man to today. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good
DJ. $6.00
461]Thomas, Gerald W., Monroe L. Billington and Roger D. Walker, editors.
VICTORY IN WORLD WAR II The New Mexico Story. Las Cruces, NM: New Mexico State University, 1994. ISBN: 0826315656. 8 1/2 x 11, 156 pgs, index, b&w
photos. "The part played by Bri sh submarines in World War II has never been
told in full. Their inspiring story is related here by a former war me naval offier
who served in a submarine..." Signed by all three editors. Paperback. Good+.
462]Thomasma, Kenneth. THE TRUTH ABOUT SACAJAWEA. Jackson, WY:
Grandview Publishing, 1999. Second edi on. ISBN: 188011416X. 6 x 9, 97 pgs,
b&w illustra ons. An accurate paraphrase of the Lewis and Clark journals that
men on Sacajawea or "the Sqar". Signed by the author. Paperback. Very Good.
CHARLES FLETCHER LUMMIS. New York: Arcade Publishing, 2001. ISBN:
1559705507. 6 x 9, 372 pgs, index, two sec ons of b&w historical photos. The
extraordinary story of an American Renaissance man: fire-breathing reporter,
pioneering photographer, crusading editor, poet, anthropologist, librarian,
archaeologist, and Indian rights advocate... Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very
Good DJ. $15.00
464]Tibbles, Thomas Henry. BUCKSKIN AND BLANKET DAYS. Memoirs of A
Friend of the Indians. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1969. Reprint.
5 1/2 x 8, 336 pgs. Originally published in 1905, the reminiscences of the author who helped se le the west in the last century and who gained recogni on
as an ac vist for Indian reform. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00
York: 1970. 6 x 9, 144 pgs. All sorts of recipes from soups to desserts centered
around the produce, fish and tradi ons of the Northwest. Spiral bound. Paperback. Good. $4.00
Alamogordo, NM: Alamogordo Daily News, 1995. Second edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,
156 pgs, index, b&w photos. New Mexico stories originally appearing in the
Alamagordo newspapers on New Mexico people and places like "La Luz and its
People", "A.B. Fall and Teapot Dome" & "Massacre in Bonita City", etc. Signed
by the author. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00
467]Townshend, R.B. A TENDERFOOT IN COLORADO. London: John Lane,
1923. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 282 pgs. R. B. Townshend arrived in the Rockies in 1869, just off the boad from Cambridge, England. He brought with him
the unclu ered vision of youth and an unprejudiced ear with which to appreciate the subtle es of fron er speech pa erns. Hardcover. Very Good. $50.00
468]Traylor, Herbert Lee. TALES OF THE SIERRA BLANCA. Stories of Long Ago.
Roswell, NM: Pioneer Prin ng/Published by the author, 1983. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 53
pgs, b&w drawings, signed by the author. Nine reminiscences of life in the old
days in south central New Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good+. $30.00
469]Tucker, Phillip Thomas. EXODUS FROM THE ALAMO The Anatomy of the
Last Stand Myth. Philadelphia: Casemate, 2010. Second edi on. ISBN:
9781932033939. 6 x 9, 404 pgs, index, notes. Military and Americana historian
Phillip Thomas Tucker develops herein the story of the 1836 territorial ba le
for the Alamo in San Antonio, now Texas, between Texan independence fighters and Santa Anna's Mexican cavalry. Having researched primary materials of
both sides, as well as other evidence, he presents a history that heretofore had
been popular legends as to how and where the Alamo defenders died. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
470]Turner, Alford E., ed. THE EARPS TALK. College Sta on, TX: Early West,
1992. Third edi on. ISBN: 0932702058. 6 x 9, 193 pgs, index, b&w historical
photos, decorated endsheets. Wya , Virgil and James tell their stories in interviews and tes monies about the O.K. Corral gunfight. Plus Wya tells how he
called the Sharkey-Fitzsimmons bout. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $20.00
471]Udall, Stewart L., Patricia Nelson Limerick, Charles F. Wilkinson, John M.
Volkman and William Ki redge. BEYOND THE MYTHIC WEST. Salt Lake City,
UT: Peregrine Smith Books, 1991. First edi on. ISBN: 0879053577. 8 x 10, 162
pgs, color photos throughout. Foreword by Governor George Sinner. A collecon of essays by leading Western writers looking at the future of the misunderstood region. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00
472]US - MEXICO BORDER XXI PROGRAM Framework Document. Washington
DC: U.S. Environmental Protec on Agency, 1996. 8 1/2 x 11, 250 pgs. "A comprehensive plan for protec ng public health and the environment along the
U.S. - Mexico border. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00
473]Van Cleve, Spike Van. 40 YEARS' GATHERIN'S. Kansas City, MO: Lowell
Press, 1984. Reprint. ISBN: 0913504394. 6 x 9, 301 pgs, sec on of b&w photos.
Cherished memories of rugged, honest living in the clean air and mountainous
rangeland near Big Timber, Montana by a natural born storyteller and "real"
rancher. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $18.00
Cruces, NM: Yucca Tree Press, 2001. First edi on. ISBN: 1881325474. 6 x 9, 392
pgs, index, b&w photos and maps. The author provides a unique look into a
single unit during the Civil War. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $6.00
475]Vanderhaeghe, Guy. THE ENGLISHMAN'S BOY. London: Anchor Books,
1998. Reprint. ISBN: 1862300151. 5 x 8, 318 pgs. Brilliantly links together Hollywood in the 1920s with one of the bloodiest, most brutal events of the nineteenth-century Canadian West- The Cypress Hills Massacre. Paperback. Good.
476]Vestal, Stanley. QUEEN OF COWTOWNS. Dodge City. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, 1972. First, thus. ISBN: 0803257589. 5 x 8, 285 pgs, biblio/notes. The colorful truth about that rip-roaring cowboy capital, Dodge City.
Trade Paperback. Good. $10.00
477]Vigil-Giron, Rebecca, Secretary of State. NEW MEXICO BLUE BOOK. 1999 2000. Santa Fe, NM: 2000. 6 x 9, 320 pgs, index, b&w photos. A brief history of
the state, a who's-who of state government, educa on in New Mexico, sights,
places and things to do and know and much more. Paperback. Very Good.
478]Vizenor, Gerald. THE HEIRS OF COLUMBUS. New York: Quality Paperback
Book Club, 1996. Second edi on. 5 x 8, 189 pgs. A novel: crossblood trickster
Stone Columbus, born on a remote reserva on, wins a fortune at bingo and
founds a new tribal na on where "humor reigns and tricksters heal" and
spreads his trickster wisdom on talk show radio. Among the characters are a
devious ar fact dealer, a roman c book collector, a laser shaman, two tribal
dectec ves and more. Paperback. Good. $3.00
479]Wadsworth, Richard. INCIDENT AT SAN AUGUSTINE SPRINGS. A Hearing
for Major Isaac Lynde. Las Cruces, NM: Yucca Tree Press, 2002. ISBN:
1881325563. 6 x 9, 375 pgs, index. The facts surrounding the surrender and
abandonment of Fort Fillmore on July 27, 1861. Determine for yourself if he
was a coward, traitor or doddering old fool. Lincoln and Congress ended
Lynde's career without allowing him to speak. Hardcover. New in New DJ.
480]Wall, Steve. WISDOM'S DAUGHTERS. New York: Harper Collins, 1993. First
edi on. ISBN: 0060168927. 7 1/2 x 9 1/2, 303 pgs, b&w photos. A unique book
of interviews with women elders of several Na ve American Na ons. A rare
and personal view of American Indian women through their own words. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
481]Wallace, Lucy H. THE INCREDIBLE CITY Real de Catorce, Mexico. Mission,
TX: Amigo Enterprises, 1093. Second edi on. 8 x 10 1/2, 116 pgs, b&w photos,
decorated endsheets. Real de Catorce was named for 14 bandits who were
first to make their imprint on the region. Travelers pass through a tunnel on
the last lap of their journey there to emerge for their first view of a city spread
before them on the slope of a percipitous mountain. Signed by the author.
Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00
482]Ward, Geoffrey C. THE WEST An Illustrated History. Boston: Li le Brown &
Co, 1996. First edi on. ISBN: 0316922366. 9 x 11, 445 pgs, b&w historical photos throughout. A beau ful coffee-table style book chronicles the arrival of
wave a er wave of newcomers from every direc on, each of which invested
the harsh but majes c western landscape with its own myths and desires and
dreams. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $15.00
483]Warren, Jill and David M. Smith. ROBERT LOUGHEED A Retrospec ve.
Oklahoma City, OK: Na onal Cowboy Hall of Fame, 1990. 8 1/2 x 11, 56 pgs,
color art reproduc ons throughout, foreword by B. Byron Price, Execu ve
Director of the NCHF. A wonderful retrospec ve of the work of this famed
cowboy and wildlife ar st. Paperback. Very Good+. $25.00
484]Waters, Frank. BOOK OF THE HOPI. New York: Penguin Books, 1977. ISBN:
0140045279. 5 x 8, 345 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustra ons. A revela on
of the Hopi's historical and religious world-view of life. Paperback. Good.
485]Waters, Frank. THE MAN WHO KILLED THE DEER. Denver, CO: Sage Books/
Swallow, 1970. Second edi on. ISBN: 0804001944. 5 x 8, 266 pgs. A novel of
Pueblo Indian life, in par cular the story of a man who killed the deer, this
Pueblo Indian sin and his redemp on. A moving story on the American Indian.
Paperback. Good. $6.00
486]Watson, Don. CLIFF DWELLINGS OF THE MESA VERDE. A Story in Pictures.
Colorado: Mesa Verde Museum Associa on, 1961. 12 x 9, 52 pgs, b&w photos.
An interes ng old Mesa Verde history and park guide. Paperback. Good.
Archaeology of Mesoamerica. New York: Seminar Press, 1972. 8 1/2 x 11, 347
pgs, index, b&w photos. Covers the archaeology of central Mexico and the
Maya region emphasizing major cultural changes and trends beginning with
the earliest inhabitants and ending with the arrival of the Spanish in 1519.
Hardcover. Good+. $12.00
488]Webb, Walter Presco . THE TEXAS RANGERS. A Century of Fron er Defense. Aus n, TX: University of Texas Press, 1985. Second edi on. ISBN:
029273400X. 6 x 9, 584 pgs, b&w illustra ons, foreword by Lyndon B. Johnson.
A complete history of this unique law-enforcement agency; Webb talked to the
Rangers and heard their stories. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ.
489]WESTERN GAZETTE Western Recrea on, Leisure and Travel. Los Angeles:
Triumph Press, 1975. 8 1/2 x 11, 48 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Feature
stories include "Oroville and The Feather River Back Country", "The White
Mountain Apaches - Yesterday and Today", "Table Mountain", "Diamonds on
the Feather", and more. Paperback. Very Good. $2.00
490]Weston, Jack. THE REAL AMERICAN COWBOY. New York: Schocken Books,
1985. ISBN: 0805239839. 6 x 9, 267 pgs, photos & notes. An inves ga on into
cowboy life and cowboy culture, from the Old West ll today, contras ng the
myth with the reality. Some pencil marks, some water damage and wrinkling to
bo om outside corner. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $12.00
491]Whi ngton, Debra Ann. IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOUNTAIN Living in
Tucumcari. Tucumcari, NM: Bill Curry/Sundowner Gallery, 1997. Limited edion. ISBN: 0942376277. 8 1/2 x 11, 152 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons.
Detailed history of this eastern New Mexico town first known as Ragtown, then
Six-Shooter Siding, and finally Tucumcari. Paperback. Very Good+. $50.00
492]Wickersham, James. OLD YUKON Tales - Trails - Trials. St. Paul, MN: West
Publishing Co., 1973. Reprint. 6 x 9 1/2, 514 pgs, b&w illustra ons. The author
of this book was a United States District Judge in Alaska from 1900 to 1908,
delegate to Congress from Alaska for 14 years, and editor of the Alaska Law
Reports. He describes the beginnings of the Alaskan Court, the Klondike gold
mines, the Chilkat Indians and fur traders of the area, the Mount McKinley
expedi on, legends of Denali, animal migra on from Asia to Alaska, social life
at Nome in 1901, and many tales of his travels in Alaska. Hardcover. Very
Good+. $25.00
493]Williams, Jr., Ben F. MORE TALES OF MY SOUTHWEST. Tucson, AZ: Smokin
Z Press, 2008. First edi on. ISBN: 9780979480010. 7 1/2 x 9, 230 pgs, b&w
historic photos. The author shares him memories of ranch life, fishing in Mexico and old friends along the Mexican-American border in Cochise County,
Arizona. Paperback. New. $20.00
494]Wiltbank, Milo. FADIN' FOOTPRINTS. Poe c Wit and Wisdom from the Old
West. Springerville, AZ: Li le House Museum, 1993. 6 x 9, 160 pgs, index, b&w
photos. Poems reflec ng country wit and wisdom and telling stories of what
life was truly like in the "old days" of the West. Hardcover. Very Good in Good
DJ. $10.00
495]Wise, Joe. IN THE MORO. Ouray, CO: Western Reflec ons, 1999. ISBN:
1890437247. 6 x 8, 184 pgs. Mystery novel set in southwestern Colorado fo-
cuses on unraveling the mystery of the disastrous 1849 Hawthorne Expedi on.
Signed. Paperback. Very Good. $3.00
496]Wister, Owen. A PILGRIM ON THE GILA and LA TINAJA BONITA. New York:
Tom Doherty, 1990. First, thus. ISBN: 0812508874. 4 x 6 1/2, 184 pgs. Two
western novels in one. Paperback. Very Good. $8.00
497]Worlds, Clint. PUNCHING COLTS WITH CLINT WORLDS. Orogrande, NM:
Published/Printed by the author, 1975. 8 1/2 x 11, 149 pgs, sepia drawings
throughout. Stories and drawings by this cowboy ar st. Hardcover. Very
Good+. $70.00
CO: Denver Museum of Natural History, 1959. Fourth edi on. 6 x 9, 191 pgs,
index, b&w photos, illustra ons and maps. Covers the Mogollon, Hohokam and
Anasazi Cultures as well as the Sinagua people, the Patayan Culture and the
ancient cultures of Sandia, Folsom, San Jon, Yuma, Cochise, Gypsum Cave,
Tabeguache Cave, etc. Paperback. Good. $15.00
499]Young, Jim. HISTORY OF RICH BAR A Blue Ribbon Gold Camp. Published/
Printed by the author, 1983. First edi on. 8 x 10 1/2, 100 pgs, notes, bibliography. A history of this pioneer gold camp in Plumas County, California. Paperback. Very Good. $18.00
500]Young, John V. STATE PARKS OF UTAH A Guide and History. Salt Lake City,
UT: University of Utah Press, 1989. ISBN: 0874803152. 6 x 9, 234 pgs, index,
b&w photos. An essen al companion to the traveler in Utah where the state
parks are rich in history, varied beauty and abundant in recrea onal opportunity. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00
Hun ng / Fishing / Trapping / Guns / Dogs / Horses / Etc.
501]Adams, Duwane and Durwood Hollis. HUNTING MONSTER MULE DEER IN
ARIZONA'S KAIBAB REGION. San Manuel, AZ: Arizona Big Game Hunts, 2001.
First prin ng. 6 x 9, 219 pgs, b&w photos. The defini ve source for info on
hun ng trophy mule deer in this area in Arizona: permit tags, hunts with the
best odds, proven calibers, hun ng basics, glassing techniques, stalking methods and much more. Paperback. New. $24.00
502]Adams, Duwane and Tony Mandile. HOW TO HUNT COUES DEER. San
Manuel, AZ: Arizona Big Game Hunts, 2003. First prin ng. 6 x 9, 208 pgs, 200
b&w photos. A great how-to book, it is broken down into Arizona, New Mexico, and the Indian Reserva ons that have Coues deer. Even includes photos of
all the foods the deer eat for be er loca ng hun ng spots. Paperback. New.
503]Adams, Duwane and Tony Mandile. HOW TO HUNT COUES DEER. San
Manuel, AZ: Arizona Big Game Hunts, 2003. First prin ng. 6 x 9, 208 pgs, 200
b&w photos. A great how-to book, it is broken down into Arizona, New Mexico, and the Indian Reserva ons that have Coues deer. Even includes photos of
all the foods the deer eat for be er loca ng hun ng spots. Hardcover. New.
504]Adams, Les. THE SECOND AMENDMENT PRIMER. Birmingham, AL: Palladium Press, 1996. 4 x 6, 353 pgs. A ci zen's guidebook to the history, sources,
and authori es for the cons tu onal guarantee of the right to keep and bear
arms. Leathere e. In tooled leather NRA cover with latch. Paperback. Very
Good. $30.00
505]Amber, John T., editor. GUN DIGEST TREASURY. Northfield, IL: Digest
Books, 1972. Fourth edi on. ISBN: 069580359X. 8 1/2 x 11, 352 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. The best of 25 years of Gun Digest Magazine, complete
with indices of those years. Classic gunning ar cles! Paperback. Very Good.
506]Anderson, Robert. JACK O'CONNOR The Legendary Life of America's
Greatest Gunwriter. Long Beach, CA: Safari Press, 2002. Second edi on. ISBN:
1571572546. 6 x 9, 261 pgs, sec ons of b&w photos. Detailed biography of
Jack O'Connor derived from three years' work on O'Connor's papers and interviews with his family. The author "presents a picture of a man who could be
cranky, ego s cal, and mean-spirited, but who loved his family and had a great
zest for life". Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $40.00
507]Andrews, Harris J., managing editor. GUN TRADER'S GUIDE. Accokeek,
MD: Stoeger Publishing, 2004. Twenty-Seventh Edi on, Revised and Updated.
ISBN: 0883172879. 8 x 10 1/2, 592 pgs, b&w photos. Paperback. Very Good.
508]Arizona Game & Fish Department. ARIZONA GAME SURVEY AND HARVEST DATA SUMMARY. Phoenix: 1993. 8 1/2 x 11, 195 pgs. Summary of
hun ng results. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00
509]Arizona Game & Fish Department. ARIZONA GAME SURVEY AND HARVEST DATA SUMMARY. Phoenix: 1999. 8 1/2 x 11, 225 pgs. Summary of
hun ng results. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00
510]Arizona Game & Fish Department. ARIZONA GAME SURVEY & HARVEST
SPECIAL DATA SUMMARY. Phoenix, AZ: 2001. 8 1/2 x 11, 73 pgs, charts and
tables. Historical data from 1919-2000. Plas c spiral bound. Paperback. Good+.
511]Arnold, Dave, editor. HANDGUNS 2004. Iola, WI: Krause Publica ons,
2004. 16th Edi on. ISBN: 0873496493. 8 1/2 x 11, 318 pgs, b&w photos and
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
illustra ons. Includes autoloaders, revolvers, single shots, blackpowder and
airguns and much more. Lots of info. Paperback. Very Good. $3.00
512][Atkinson, R. Valen ne]. DISTANT WATERS The Greatest Fly-Fishing Worldwide. New York: Random House, 1997. ISBN: 0679457615. 9 x 11, 192 pgs,
color photos throughout. A collec on of more than 200 dazzling photographs
along with twelve inspiring and evoca ve essays by dis nguished writers like
John Gierach, Russell Chatham, Tom McGuane, Nick Lyons and more. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00
513]Ayres, James Morgan. THE TACTICAL KNIFE Designs, Techniques, Uses.
Iola, WI: Krause Publica ons, 2010. ISBN: 9781440209000. 8 1/2 x 11, 256 pgs,
b&w photos throughout. Everything you need to know about America's ho est
blades: hundreds of detailed photos, ps, tac cs and techniques, real-world
product reviews, and more. Paperback. Good+. $12.00
514]Barbour, Judy. ELEGANT ELK, DELICIOUS DEER. Palacios, Texas: Paul Peters Studio, 1978. First edi on. 8 1/2 x 6, 193 pgs. Interes ng recipes-not only
elk and deer, but black bear, duck, grouse, pheasant, trout and more! The
author's husband is a big game hun ng ou i er in Wyoming. Hardcover.
Good+. $15.00
Sterling, OH: Sterling Publica ons, 2005. Second edi on. ISBN: 1885149042. 65
1/2 x 8 1/2, 304 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. A compila on of lessons
learned through two decades of experimenta on, plus the repe on of tens of
thousands of miles on the trapline and countless hours in the outdoors before,
during and a er trapping season. Paperback. New. $20.00
516]Bateman, James A. ANIMAL TRAPS AND TRAPPING. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1976. Reprint. ISBN: 0811701034. 5 x 8, 286 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w photos and illustra ons. A comprehensive study of trapping reviews the historical background of trapping and then goes no to examine the
full range of traps. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $10.00
517]Bauer, Erwin A. TREASURY OF BIG GAME ANIMALS. New York: Harper &
Row, 1972. ISBN: 0060102438. 8 1/2 x 11, 398 pgs, many photos, most in color.
A fine coffee table book on big game from all over the world, with lots of large
format color photos. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $8.00
518]Beck, Barry & Cathy. FLY-FISHING THE FLATS Making the transi on from
fresh to salt. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1999. First edi on. ISBN:
0811706265. 8 1/2 x 11, 148 pgs, index, color photos throughout. Chapters on
tackle, flies, knots, cas ng, species, tac cs, des & where to fish. Ex-library.
Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $18.00
519]Benson, Ragnar. RAGNAR'S TALL TALES. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 1983.
First edi on. ISBN: 0873642635. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 90 pgs. America's favorite survivalist dips into his memories of funny yarns about hun ng and fishing. Hard
to find. Paperback. Good+. $30.00
520]Bergman, Ray. TROUT. New York: Knopf, 1965. Fi h prin ng. 6 x 8 1/2,
451 pgs, index, fly color plates by Dr. Edgar Burke, b&w drawings. Certainly one
of the essen al, basic volumes for the trout fisherman's library. Hardcover.
Good in Good DJ. $15.00
521]Best, F.L.S., F.Z.S., Gerald A. editor. ROWLAND WARD'S RECORDS OF BIG
GAME XIIIth Edi on (Africa). London: Rowland Ward, 1969. 7 x 9, 438 pgs, b&w
illustra ons, charts, index, conversion table. Duikers, klipspringers, antelopes,
dik-diks, kobs, impalas, sheep, oxen, deer, hippopotami, rhinoceroses, elephants, cats, etc. Paperback. Very Good+. $40.00
522]Bingham, Charles. CHALK STREAM SALMON & TROUT FISHING. United
Kingdom: Swan Hill Press, 1993. ISBN: 1853102245. 7 1/2 x 9 1/2, 176 pgs,
color photos. Descrip ons of the Test, Itchen, Wylye, Frome, Meon, Hampshire
Avon, Nadder, Lambourn, Allen, Piddle and Cerne in the south of England,
fishing them for salmon, trout, sea trout and grayling, fishing methods, local
knowledge, informa on on the river keepers, stocking, spawning, recommended flies and lures, pa erns, where to stay, etc. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very
Good+ DJ. $20.00
523]Blackmore, Howard L. HUNTING WEAPONS. New York: Walker & Company, 1971. First edi on. ISBN: 0802701477. 6 x 9, 401 pgs, index, notes, b&w
photos and illustra ons. Deals with the different classes of weapons used in
sport - swords, spears, cross-bows, guns, and rifles - from the Middle Ages un l
the present. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $16.00
524]Blair, Gerry. CALLING EAST & WEST. Su on, NE: Spearman Publishing,
1984. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 97 pgs, b&w photos. How to, and calling experiences, from
this master predator caller. Paperback. New. $15.00
525]Bland, Dwain. TURKEY HUNTER'S DIGEST. Northbrook, IL: DBI Books, Inc.,
1985. ISBN: 0873490002. 8 1/2 x 11, 256 pgs, b&w photos. A complete nononsense approach to hun ng all five subspecies by North America's top wild
turkey hunter and guide. Paperback. Good+. $9.00
526]Blom, Sherm. BILL NELSON: OUTDOORSMAN EXTRAORDINAIRE. Stevensville, MT: Stoneydale Press, 2004. First edi on. ISBN: 1931291403. 6 x 9, 188
pgs, b&w photos. Chronicles the life of a small-town outdoorsman out of Farmington, Iowa, who achieved las ng fame for his innova ve methods and the
development of trapping systems and philosophies that profoundly influenced
trapping methods used today. Paperback. New. $20.00
527]Boddicker, Major L. CRIT'R CALLING WITH THE MAJOR. LaPorte, CO: Crit'R
Calls, 2007. Second edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 73 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Looks at
predators and their behaviors, plus selec ng the right call, how weather affects
calling, techniques and varia ons, problems, and much more. Paperback.
New. $12.00
528]Boddington, Craig and Bob Robb. DEER HUNTING COAST TO COAST. Long
Beach, CA: Safari Press, 1990. Second edi on. ISBN: 0940143461. 6 x 9, 246
pgs, b&w photos. North America's deer are the world's most populous game
animals - and the most popular. But although the deer hun ng challenge remains constant, America's deer aren't the same from coast to coast - nor are
they hunted in the same ways. Learn here about the differences. Ex-library.
Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $15.00
529]Bodio, Stephen. GOOD GUNS AGAIN. A Celebra on of Fine Spor ng Arms.
Bozeman, MT: Wilderness Adventures Press, 1994. First edi on. ISBN:
188510605X. 6 x 9, 183 pgs, b&w illustra ons by Christopher Smith, glossary.
An expanded, updated, and larger version of Bodio's other popular gun book,
"Good Guns". Rifles, handguns, and double shotguns, the American classics as
well as Bri sh & Con nental guns. Signed. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $29.00
530]Bodio, Steve. GOOD GUNS AGAIN. Limited Edi on. Bozeman, MT: Wilderness Adventures Press, 1994. Limited edi on. ISBN: 1885106068. 6 x 9, 186
pgs, b&w illustra ons, signed and numbered. Rifles, handguns, and double
shotguns, the American classics as well as Bri sh and Con nental guns. Hardcover. New. $40.00
531]Bodo, Pete. WHITETAIL NATION My Season in Pursuit of the Monster
Buck. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2010. First edi on. ISBN: 9780618969968. 5
1/2 x 8 1/2, 306 pgs. The hilarious tale of the author's quest for a trophy whitetail. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00
532]Bourne, Wade. DECOYS AND PROVEN METHODS FOR USING THEM. Guilford, CT: Globe Pequot, 2000. Second edi on. ISBN: 9781572233928. 6 x 9, 217
pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Decoy systems for small ponds and marshes,
large open lakes, coastal bays, flooded mber, dry fields, and other waterfowling se ngs. Takes mystery out of using decoys, exploring history of decoy
making, modern decoys, styles, sized, rigging, movement, and effec ve decoy
spreads. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $18.00
MEAT CARE. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1976. Third edi on. ISBN:
0811716856. 6 x 9, 223 pgs, index, b&w photos. All a sportsman needs to know
about displaying his trophies, taking care of them, dressing and cooking them.
Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00
534]Brandt, Layne A. LUCKY SHOT. Favorite Hun ng Stories of an Arizona
Sportsman. Haverford, PA: Infinity Publishing, 2002. First edi on. ISBN:
0741413272. I5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 205 pgs, b&w photos. Hun ng for mountain lion,
Coues deer and other big game in the great Southwest. Authen c hunts. Lots
of good hound work. Paperback. New. $15.00
535]Brey, Catherine F. and Lena F. Reed. THE NEW COMPLETE BLOODHOUND.
New York: Howell Book House, 1991. ISBN: 0876050771. 6 x 9, 260 pgs, b&w
photos and illustra ons, foreword by Roger A. Caras. A classic on the "King of
Scent Hounds" is an updated and revised edi on. Hardcover. New. $28.00
536]Brister, Robert. MOSS, MALLARDS & MULES. and Other Hun ng & Fishing
Stories. New York: Winchester Press, 1973. ISBN: 0876911130. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2,
216 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Twenty-seven short stories involving hun ng and
fishing along the Gulf Coast; Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas and Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $9.00
537]Bronson, Edgar Beecher. IN CLOSED TERRITORY. Chicago: A.C. McClurg &
Co., 1910. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8, 299 pgs, index, b&w photos. Big game
hun ng in the Bri sh East African Protectorate around 1900. Great stories and
photos. Very collec ble, sound binding, clean interior, spine fabric cracked and
torn. Hardcover. Very Good. $100.00
538]Burk, Bruce. GAME BIRD CARVING. Harrisburg, PA: Winchester Press,
1972. Reprint. ISBN: 0876910800. 8 x 11, 242 pgs, index, b&w photos and
illustra ons. How-to photos and line drawings, including eight photographs in
full color. A special sec on on the structural and dimensional characteris cs of
game birds will intrigue the naturalist as well as the carver. Basic measurements and propor ons for each species, plus hundreds of actual photographs
of bills and feet are included. The carving projects include detailed instruc ons
for coloring each part of the bird for realism. Launches the beginner on a simple carving project almost immediately. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ.
539]Burns, Eugene. ADVANCED FLY FISHING Modern Concepts: With Dry Fly,
Streamer, Nymph, Wet Fly, And the Spinning Bubble. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole
Books, 1953. First edi on. 6 x 9, 268 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustra ons.
Review copy flier laid in. Burns was a newsman, AP correspondent, co-inventor
of Day-Glo Fluorescent fly tying materials, Park Ranger, and some mes instructor at Harvard. He was a member of Golden Gate Angling and Cas ng Club in
San Francisco, and writes about exploits and techniques of many prominent
members. He descibes his Lazy-S cast for a drag-free float; his chapter on
"Steelhead and How!" discusses some of the California pioneeers in steelhead
fishing. Hardcover. Very Good+. $40.00
540]Butler, Bill. THE VERSATILE TROPHY HUNTER. Edgar, MT: Privately Printed,
1994. Fi h prin ng. ISBN: 0963755307. 6 x 9, 208 pgs, photos. First hand
hun ng accounts by an extraordinary outdoorsman who has built up an exceponal record hun ng deer, pronghorn, bear, cougar, mountain goat, antelope,
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
elk, bighorn sheep, etc. Highly recommended! Signed by the author. Paperback. Very Good. $20.00
541]Cadiou, Yves, and Alphonse Richard. MODERN FIREARMS. Secaucus, NJ:
Chartwell Books, 1979. Second edi on. ISBN: 0890093172. 8 1/2 x 12, 224 pgs,
index, b&w photos and illustra ons, translated from the French by Simon
Pleasance. The development of firearms, concentra ng on the evolu on of
modern handguns and rifles worldwide; ranging from automa c pistols and
revolvers, sub-machine guns, military rifles, spor ng guns and compe on
weapons, to ammuni on and accessories. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ.
542]Canfield, jack, Mark Victor Hansen, Marty Becker, DVM, Gary Seidler,
Peter Vegso and Theresa Peluso. CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE HORSE LOVER'S
SOUL Inspira onal Stories About Horses and the People Who Love Them. Deerfield Beach, FL: Health Communica ons, Inc., 2003. ISBN: 0757300987. 5 1/2 x
8 1/2, 414 pgs. Wonderful stories for the horse lover. Paperback. Very Good.
543]Cantrell, Krista. TAO OF PUPPIES How to raise a good dog without really
trying. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2004. First edi on. ISBN: 1592285376. 6 x 9,
290 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w photos. Personal anecdotes and easy-tofollow exercises to help readers understand a puppy's nature and needs, become intui ve trainers and have fun "learning to play" and "playing to learn."
Paperback. Very Good. $9.00
556]Davidson, Osha Gray. UNDER FIRE. The NRA & The Ba le for Gun Control.
New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1993. First edi on. ISBN: 0805019049. 6 x 9, 306
pgs, index. An insigh ul, behind-the-scenes look at one of the most powerful
special-interest groups in Washington. Hard. Hardcover. Very Good in Very
Good DJ. $5.00
557]Demetruk, Jack F. TALES FROM AN OUTDOOR ODYSSEY Remembrances
from Fi y Years of Hun ng and Fishing. Ft. Worth, TX: Brazos Brand Sports
Books, 1995. First edi on. 6 x 9, 355 pgs, b&w photos. The author's campfireside humor and narra ves that make you feel the excitement when the line
goes ght, or when a trophy animal is brought down. Hardcover. Very Good+
in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
558]Deming Noon Lions Club. WILD GAME COOK-BOOK. Winnipeg, Canada:
Gateway Publishing, 1980. 6 x 9, 110 pgs. Lots of good recipes for wild meat,
game and fish. Spiral-bound. Good. $4.00
559]Department of the Army. FM 6-75, 105-MM HOWITZER M101-SERIES
TOWED. Washington DC: U.S. Gov't Prin ng Office, 1963. 4 1/2 x 6 1/2, 113
pgs, b&w photos and diagrams. Old Army Field Manual. Paperback. Fair.
544]Carman, Russ. THE ILLUSIONS OF ANIMAL RIGHTS. Iola, WI: Krause Publica ons, 1990. First edi on. ISBN: 0873411595. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 152 pgs, biblio,
references. Presents the tradi onal American's rela onship to animals and
their use, and exposes the hidden agendas behind the animal rights movement. He speaks out against the cult movement for rural America. Paperback.
New. $15.00
Northbrook, IL: DBI Books, Inc., 1995. ISBN: 0873491483. 8 x 10 1/2, 256 pgs,
b&w photos. This pro talks guidelines for equipment selec on, tackle tuning,
game calling, specific techniques for taking deer - whitetail, mule, Columbia
and Sitka blacktails, Coues, and much more. Paperback. Good+. $10.00
545]Carpenter, Tom. IMAGES OF THE HUNT Big Game. Minnetonka, MN:
North American Hun ng Club, 2004. Reprint. ISBN: 1581590091. 8 1/2 x 11,
173 pgs, color photos. Wonderful photos and stories of big game hun ng.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $10.00
561]Dozhier, Parker. PELTS Murder and Mayhem in the Fur Trade. Xlibris, 2012.
First edi on. ISBN: 9781477134641. 6 x 9, 377 pgs. Fic ous novel centering
around the many ups and downs of the intriguing worldwide raw fur industry,
much of it based upon his experiences and observa ons while traveling the
globe as a fur broker and consultant. Paperback. New. $25.00
546]Carpenter, Tom, editor. BIG GAME WISDOM. Minnetonka, MN: North
American Hun ng Club, 2002. Fourth edi on. ISBN: 1581591039. 8 1/2 x 11,
208 pgs, color photos throughout. Collec on of ar cles on hun ng big game by
the likes of Jim Zumbo, Bob Robb, Wayne van Swoll, Jim Shockey and others.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $10.00
547]Carroll, Wiley. HISTORY OF AMERICAN LION HUNTING. California: Privately Printed, 1980. Reprint. 5 x 8, 195 pgs, illus/photos. Authen c lion hun ng
book by one of the great living houndmen. Paperback. New. $14.00
548]Clancy, Gary. WILD TURKEY. Minnetonka, MN: Cowles Crea ve Publishing,
1996. ISBN: 0865730628. 8 x 11, 128 pgs, color photos and illustra ons
throughout. All about wild turkey, natural history, hun ng equipment, calling,
techniques, care of the bird, and more. Ex-library with usual markings. Hardcover. Good+. $6.00
549]Cochrane, Eleanor J., revised by Patricia A. Read, Louise Garre and Eunice
Meakin. YOU AND YOUR GAME. Laramie, WY: Wyoming Extension Service,
1971. 6 x 9, 24 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Recipes for buffalo, venison, pheasant,
rabbit, etc. Paperback. Good+. $4.00
550]Coile, Ph.D., D. Caroline. CHIHUAHUAS A Complete Pet Owner's Manual.
New York: Barrons, 2003. Second edi on. ISBN: 9780764120091. 6 1/2 x 8, 96
pgs, color photos. A compact & prac cal handbook on the Chihuahua. Paperback. Very Good+. $4.00
551]Cronk, Oscar E. THEY CALLED HIM WILDCAT. Marshfield, MO: Pendleton
Press, 2000. First edi on. ISBN: 097041370X. 6 x 9, 137 pgs, b&w photos and
drawings. The life and legend of V.E. "Wildcat" Lynch, born in 1884, in Missouri
and who lived most of his life in Maine. A famous hunter and sportsman, his
specialty was hounddogs and bobcats! Paperback. New. $18.00
552]Dalrymple, Byron W. HOW TO CALL WILDLIFE. New York: Outdoor Life
Books, 1978. Reprint. ISBN: 0308102096. 6 x 9, 181 pgs, b&w photos. Fieldproven calling techniques for ge ng wildlife into range of gun or camera as
well as a reliable guide to the behavior of birds & animals. Paperback. Fine.
553]Dalrymple, Tom and Larry Derksen, editors. BOWHUNTING IN ARIZONA
Including Records of Game Animals. Tucson, AZ: Bowhun ng in Arizona, Inc.,
1985. Second edi on. 6 x 9, 220 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons, charts.
Record details of outstanding Arizona trophies. Hardcover. Very Good+ in
Good+ DJ. $25.00
554]Darner, Kirt. HOW TO FIND GIANT BUCKS. Marceline, MO: Published/
Printed by the author, 1985. Third edi on. ISBN: 0961482109. 6 x 9, 283 pgs,
b&w & color photos and drawings. Wri en by "the man who rewrote the record book"; lots of great ps on scou ng, taking a great shot, how to read deer
country, and much more. Half tle page torn with nearly half missing. Hardcover. Very Good+. $60.00
KNIVES. Mandeville, LA: Saviolo Publishing House, 2005. ISBN: 9650713379. 8
1/2 x 11, 280 pgs, color photos throughout. Introducing the reader to the art of
custom fixed-blade knives, the author has chosen to feature 26 world class
knifemakers - each with their own individual look and feel. In addi on to the
high quality illustra ons the author presents comprehensive background texts,
detailed descrip ons of all the knives and an insight into the "behind the
scenes" of custom knifemaking. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ.
562]Draper, Judith. THE BOOK OF HORSES AND HORSE CARE An encyclopedis
of horses, and a comprehensive guide to horse and pony care. New York:
Barnes & Noble, 2003. First, thus. ISBN: 0760736421. 9 x 11 1/2, 256 pgs, color
photos throughout. Comprehensive guide to breeds from all over the world:
Danish Warmblood, Percheron, Akhal-Teke, Missouri Fox Tro er and many,
many more. Hardcover. Very Good+. $10.00
563]Dunwoody, Ken, editor. GREAT WHITETAIL HUNTS. And The Lessons They
Taught. Bigfort, MT: Venture Press, 1995. First edi on. ISBN: 0963331523. 6 x
9, 191 pgs, b&w photos. Well-known whitetail hunters like Gordon Whi ngton, Dick Idol, James Kroll and others take you along on their greatest whitetail
adventures. Hardcover. Very Good. $10.00
564]Durkin, Patrick, editor. THE DEER HUNTERS The Tac cs, Lore, Legacy and
Allure of American Deer Hun ng. Iola, WI: Krause Publica ons, 1997. ISBN:
087341537X. 8 1/2 x 11, 207 pgs, color photos throughout. Captures deer
hun ng's trad ons, and provides fresh insight into white-tailed deer, those
who hunt them, and the tac cs they use in their pursuits. Hardcover. Very
Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
565]Elliot, Charles. GONE FISHIN'. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1983. 30
Year Commemora ve Edi on. 6 x 9, 290 pgs, b&w illustra ons. A collec on of
the author's best fishing stories; rumina ons on the fish, the bait, the fishing
spot and more in classic Ellio style. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ.
566]Ellio , Charles. CARE OF GAME MEAT AND TROPHIES. New York: Outdoor
Life Books, 1975. ISBN: 030810207X. 6 x 9, 152 pgs, index, b&w photos & illustra ons. A how-to book for ge ng top-grade meat and trophies from game
and fish. From how to es mate the quali es of live animals to cooking meat &
preparing trophies for the taxidermist. Paperback. Very Good+. $6.00
567]Evans, Sid, ed. THE DEER HUNTER'S ALMANAC. A Complete Guide to Finding, Taking & Preparing America's Premier Game Animal. New York: Atlan c
Monthly Press, 1996. ISBN: 0871136430. 6 x 9, 250 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. More than a century of wisdom about deer and deer hun ng from
America's oldest outdoors magazine, Sports Afield. Paperback. Good. $3.00
ON THE OLD RANCHES. Silver City, NM: High-Lonesome Books, 2001. Reprint.
ISBN: 0944383556. 6 x 9, 109 pgs, b&w illustra ons, index. Originally published
in 1950, first-hand memoirs offer a rare look at ranch life and big-game hunts
in the Davis Mountains of West Texas and the Gila region of Southwest New
Mexico, 1880s to 1920s. Paperback. New. $20.00
569]Fears, J. Wayne. HUNTING NORTH AMERICA'S BIG BEAR. Minneapolis:
North American Hun ng Club, 1989. Fourth edi on. ISBN: 091469720X. 6 x 9,
241 pgs, index, b&w photos. Covers planning your hunt, condi oning for your
hunt, clothes and personal gear, rifles, cartridges, shot placement, dealing with
the wounded bear, preserving the trophy bear, etc. Hardcover. Very Good+.
Krause Publica ons, 2000. Second edi on. ISBN: 0873419138. 6 x 9, 298 pgs,
b&w photos and maps. Includes locator maps of public hun ng lands, county
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
profiles, deer biology and behavior, ps for a successful hunt including
bowhun ng and muzzleloading, advice from experts, and much more. Paperback. Very Good. $4.00
571]Flowers, Ralph. BEARS & FLOWERS. Aberdeen, WA: Published/Printed by
the author, 2003. First edi on. ISBN: 0974136603. 6 x 9, 271 pgs, b&w photos.
From the author of Educa on of a Bear Hunter, and a professional hunter and
forest protec on agent, a sequel that tells about a non-lethal system developed by the author that revolu onized the way bear damage to forest plantaons is controlled. Includes many exci ng bear hun ng stories as well as adventures in Europe, Africa, Japan, Canada and Alaska. Paperback. New. $20.00
572]Flowers, Ralph. THE EDUCATION OF A BEAR HUNTER. Portland, OR: Binford & Mort Publishing, 2007. Second edi on. ISBN: 0832304778. 6 x 9, 277
pgs, many photos. Flowers spent years in Washington State as a bear hunter
hired by the paper companies and he killed an incredible number of bears,
some with traps, some with hounds. No other bear book like this one! Paperback. New. $20.00
573]Fontova, Humberto. THE HELLPIG HUNT. New York: M. Evans & Co., 2003.
First edi on. ISBN: 1590770099. 6 x 9, 232 pgs. A hun ng and fishing adventure in the wild wetlands at the mouth of the Mississippi River by "middle-aged
luna cs who refuse to grow up". Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ.
574]Frederickson, Olive A., with Ben East. THE SILENCE OF THE NORTH. New
York: Crown, 1972. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 209 pgs, photos. The true story of one woman's desperate struggle to homestead in northern Canada during the 1930's.
Lots of hun ng, trapping, and dog sledding. Classic account within the genre,
this book drew a great response upon publica on. Hardcover. Very Good in
Very Good DJ. $20.00
575]Freeman, Edward A. HOW TO HUNT DEER. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole
Books, 1960. Second edi on. 6 x 9, 243 pgs, b&w illustra ons by Henry B.
Kane. Wri en by a veteran deer hunt guide, covers history of deer hun ng,
deer natural history, stalking, trailing, group hun ng, survival, guns & shoo ng,
accidents and much more. Hardcover. Very Good. $8.00
576]Fry, Franklin. GUNSMITHING FUNDAMENTALS A Guide for Professional
Results. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: TAB Books, 1988. First edi on. ISBN:
0830603328. 7 x 9 1/2, 170 pgs, index, glossary, b&w photos and illustra ons.
Covers the basic and necessary points of preserva on and storage without
making it a chore. Other areas that can be enjoyed by the gun owner are some
gunsmithing projects. These projects are presented with both text and artwork
designed to make them easy to understand without technical jargon and detailed blueprints. Hardcover. Very Good+. $12.00
Recruitment and Reten on Strategies. Harrisonburg, VA: Na onal Shoo ng
Sports Founda on, 2008. 6 x 9, 261 pgs, b&w illustra ons. All sorts of hun ng
sta s cs and ideas for increasing par cipa on in the sport. Paperback. Good+.
578]Gilchrist, Duncan. SUCCESSFUL BIG GAME HUNTING. Secrets of a Big
Game Hunter-Guide. Stevensville, MT: Stonedale Press, 1987. ISBN: 091229927
-4. 6 x 9, 176 pgs, b&w photos. A guide to hun ng a variety of big game, with
par cular emphasis on the major species hunted in North America. Hardcover.
Fine in Fine DJ. $22.00
579]Gillelan, G. Howard. COMPLETE BOOK OF THE BOW AND ARROW. New
York: Stackpole Books, 1971. ISBN: 0811704203. 6 x 9, 320 pgs, index, regulaons, b&w photos. History of archery, equipment, target shoo ng, field archery, bowhun ng, bowfishing and much more. Hardcover. Very Good+ in
Very Good+ DJ. $10.00
Arizona/New Mexico border in 1996. Includes the pictures he took of the
bayed up cat! Paperback. New. $16.00
585]Gorman, John A. THE WESTERN HORSE. its Types and Training. Danville,
IL: Interstate Printers, 1958. Fourth edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 361 pgs, index, lots
of b&w photos. Covers all aspects of training your horse; bronc bus ng, trick
training, gai ng, rodeos, horse shows, etc as well as a look at types of horses
and shipping & marke ng horses. Lots of info! Damp wrinkling but clean. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $15.00
586]Gorton, Audrey Alley. THE VENISON BOOK How to Dress, Cut up and Cook
Your Deer. Bra leboro, VT: Stephen Greene Press, 1957. Second edi on. 5 x 8,
78 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Instruc ons for cu ng and cooking (including recipes) your deer. Paperback. Good+. $5.00
587]Gowanloch, James Nelson. FISHES AND FISHING IN LOUISIANA. New
Orleans, LA: Department of Conserva on, 1933. 6 x 9, 638 pgs, b&w and color
photos and illustra ons, two folding maps at back. The book's sec ons cover:
fishes and fishing; salt water fishes; fresh-water fishes; Louisiana fish laws; the
cookery of fish and other sea foods -- with typical Southern recipes. Hardcover. Good+. $75.00
588]Guns & Ammo. GUN WORLD MAGAZINE. Capistrano Beach, CA: Petersen
Publishing, 1974. 12 issues from June 1974 through June 1980, incomplete. All
sorts of ar cles and informa on about guns. Paperback. Good+. $12.00
589]Gusewelle, C.W. THE RUFUS CHRONICLE Another Autumn. New York:
Ballan ne Books, 1998. First, thus. ISBN: 0345423755. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 217 pgs,
b&w illustra ons. C. W. Gusewelle, a columnist for The Kansas City Star, wrote
about his rela onship with a very special friend, the Bri any bird dog named
Rufus. Gusewelle chronicled their adventures, the lessons learned, the bits of
wisdom gained. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $8.00
590]Haas, Anabel, editor. HUNTING AND FISHING IN NEW MEXICO. Santa Fe,
NM: New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, 1960. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 16 pgs,
b&w photos. No date, but probably from the 1960s. A neat old Game & Fish
promo onal item. Pamphlet has been creased from top to bo om. Paperback.
Good. $5.00
591]Hagel, Bob. GUNS, LOADS & HUNTING TIPS. Presco , AZ: Wolfe Publishing, 1986. ISBN: 0935632387. 6 x 9, 509 pgs, b&w photos. Fi y chapters of
Hagel's finest ar cles from RIFLE and HANDLOADER magazines, updated where
necessary. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good+ DJ. $15.00
Lyons Press, 1991. Reprint. ISBN: 1558211683. 6 x 9, 160 pgs, illustrated. Historians, archers, cra speople, and anyone interested in the skills of Na ve Americans will enjoy this comprehensive account of the history and construc on of
these unique hun ng tools. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00
593]HANDLOADER MAGAZINE The Journal of Ammuni on Reloading. Presco ,
AZ: Wolfe Publishing, 1988. 10 magazines from January-February 1988 through
November-December 1989. Collec ble magazines with all sorts of informa on
about reloading. Paperback. Very Good. $25.00
594]Harbour, Dave. HUNTING THE AMERICAN WILD TURKEY. Harrisburg, PA:
Stackpole Books, 1975. ISBN: 0811708632. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 256 pgs, index, b&w
photos/illustra ons. Everything you need to hunt wild turkeys - from ge ng
ready to calling, their habits and many hun ng tac cs. And some great stories
of the turkey hunt. Hard. Good+/DJ torn with a chunk missing. Inscribed and
signed. Hardcover. Very Good in Good- , repaired DJ. $15.00
595]Harder, John. INDEX OF ORVIS FLY PATTERNS. Orvis Co., 1978. 5 x 8, 60
pgs, color photos. A visual reference and pa ern guide for tying popular and
classic Orvis Fly Pa erns. Three-ring Binder. Good+. $15.00
580]Gillelan, G. Howard. COMPLETE BOOK OF THE BOW AND ARROW. New
York: Stackpole Books, 1971. Second edi on. ISBN: 0811704076. 6 x 9, 328 pgs,
index, regula ons, b&w photos. History of archery, equipment, target
shoo ng, field archery, bowhun ng, bowfishing and much more. Hardcover.
Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00
596]Harding, A.R., ed. FIFTY YEARS A HUNTER AND TRAPPER. Columbus, OH:
A.R. Harding, Reprint of 1941. ISBN: 0936622059. 4 x 6 1/2, 318 pgs, b&w
photos. The experiences and observa ons of E.N. Woodcock, the noted hunter
and trapper, as wri en by himself and published originally from 1903 to 1913.
Paperback. New. $12.00
581]Gingrich, Arnold. THE FISHING IN PRINT. A Guided Tour through five Centuries of Angling Literature. New York: Winchester Press, 1974. ISBN:
0876911572. 7 x 10, 344 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Respec ul, technically knowledgeable, wi y; almost half the book consists of excerpts from works now
difficult to obtain in their original edi ons. A real collector's item! Hardcover.
Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00
597]Harrel, Leon with Randy White. CUTTING. Colorado Springs, CO: Western
Horseman, Inc., 1997. Reprint. ISBN: 0911647155. 8 x 11, 144 pgs, b&w photos. All you need to know about the sport of cu ng by one of the champions.
Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00
582]Gingrich, Arnold. THE JOYS OF TROUT. New York: Crown Publishers, 1973.
ISBN: 0517505843. 6 x 9, 275 pgs, index, sec on of b&w photos. Portrays trout
fishing as a ways of life, disguised as a sport. Shows a love of the fly-fisher's
life, a great fund of trout lore, and a superb bibliography of trout books and
trout fishermen. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $18.00
583]Glen, Samantha. BEST FRIENDS The True Story of the World's Most Beloved Animal Sanctuary. New York: MJF Books, 2001. Third edi on. ISBN:
1567318223. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 282 pgs, introduc on by Mary Tyler Moore. The
story of this famous animal sanctuary in Angel Canyon, Utah, and how it came
to be. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00
584]Glenn, Warner. EYES OF FIRE. Encounter with A Borderlands Jaguar. El
Paso, TX: Prin ng Corner Press, 1996. Later prin ng. ISBN: 0918080797. 10 x 8,
28 pgs, 10 full page color plates. The story of the author/rancher's sigh ng of a
jaguar during a hun ng trip in the Peloncillo Mountains along the Southern
598]Hartley, Oliver. HUNTING DOGS. Columbus, OH: A.R. Harding Publishing.
Later prin ng. ISBN: 093662213X. 5 x 6, 251 pgs, b&w photos. Describes in a
prac cal manner, the training, handling, treatment, breeds, etc. of hun ng
dogs both those best adapted for night hun ng as well as gun dogs for daylight
sport. Paperback. New. $15.00
599]Hayes, Tom. HUNTING THE WHITETAIL DEER. New York: A.S. Barnes & Co.,
1960. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 256 pgs, sec on of b&w photos. For the novice or the
hunter who wants to improve his chances at a whitetail deer, the rifle, rifle
shoo ng and sigh ng-in, game shoo ng, a er the shot, the deer stand, personal equipment and more. Hardcover. Good+ in Good DJ. $6.00
600]Hearne, Vicki. BANDIT Dossier of a Dangerous Dog. Pleasantville, NY:
Akadine Press, 2002. Second edi on. ISBN: 158579046X. 5 x 8, 307 pgs, index.
A penetra ng inquiry into the appropriate rela ons between animals and the
human world. This book documents how the Pit Bull and other breeds are
unjustly accused of being generally vicious. Paperback. Fine. $10.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
601]Helgeland, Glenn. COMPLETE BOWHUNTING. Minneapolis: North American Hun ng Club, 1987. ISBN: 0914697080. 6 x 9, 262 pgs, b&w photos, index.
Part of the "Hunter Informa on" series with detailed how-to for all sorts of
bowhun ng. Brown leathere e with gold leaf decora on. Hardcover. Very
Good+. $12.00
Jolex, Inc., 1976. ISBN: 0891490191. 8 1/2 x 11, 224 pgs, b&w photos. All the
essen als of bowhun ng: equipment, shoo ng techniques, planning the
bowhunt, care of game, hun ng techniques, recommended places to hunt, and
more. Paperback. Good+. $8.00
602]Hemingway, Ernest. Edited with introduc on by Nick Lyons. HEMINGWAY
ON FISHING. New York: Lyons Press, 2000. ISBN: 9781599211084. 7 x 9, 242
pgs, sec on of b&w photos, foreword by Jack Hemingway. Wonderful collecon of Hemingway's wri ngs about the many kinds of fishing he did - from
trout in the rivers of northern Michigan to marlin in the Gulf Stream. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $30.00
618]James, M.R. OF BLIND PIGS AND BIG BUCKS Hun n' Ac on, Adventures, &
Advice. Powder Springs, GA: Blue Jay Book Publishers, 2002. First edi on. ISBN:
0972408703. 8 1/2 x 11, 230 pgs, b&w photos. A collec on of wri ngs by this
popular outdoor magazine writer from the 1960's through the present. Topics
include bowhun ng, tracking a Utah lion, deerhun ng in Nebraska, elk
hun ng, an Alaskan moose hunt and more. Paperback. Very Good+. $25.00
603]Herrero, Stephen. BEAR ATTACKS. Their Causes and Avoidance. Guilford,
CT: Lyons Press, 2002. Reprint. ISBN: 9781585745579. 6 x 9, 282 pgs, illus/
photos, index. A serious, sober look at the issue of bear a acks, their causes,
and how to avoid them. Interes ng commentary on bear management, too.
Covers black, grizzly, and polar bears. Revised edi on. Paperback. New.
619]James, M.R. SUCCESSFUL BOWHUNTING A Complete Guide to Big Game
Bowhun ng. Fort Wayne, IN: Blue-J Inc., 1985. First edi on. ISBN: 0936531002.
7 x 9, 238 pgs, index, b&w photos. Offers detailed informa on on all aspects of
successful big game bowhun ng including a history of bowhun ng,
bowhun ng basics, equipment selec on, ethics, accessories, planning the
hunt, placing the shot, meat care, game sign and much more. Hardcover. Very
Good+ in Very Good DJ. $10.00
Mar n's Press, 1996. First edi on. ISBN: 0312146310. 5 x 8, 169 pgs, color
illustra ons. Ten of the author's favorite tales that will move you to both
laughter and tears. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $10.00
605]Heuser, Ken. THE WHITETAIL DEER GUIDE. New York: Holt, Rinehart &
Winston , 1972. First edi on. ISBN: 0030866464. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 208 pgs. A complete, prac cal guide to hun ng America's number one big-game animal.
Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $5.00
606]Hillenbrand, Laura. SEABISCUIT. An American Legend. New York: Ballan ne Books, 2003. ISBN: 0345465083. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 400 pgs, b&w photos.
The New York Times bestseller about this famous racehorse. Paperback. Good.
607]Hinman, Bob. THE DUCK HUNTER'S HANDBOOK. South Hackensack, NJ:
Stoeger Publishing, 1976. ISBN: 088317071X. 6 x 9, 252 pgs, b&w photos. A
classic, sound, readable and prac cal book on duck hun ng. Paperback. Good.
608]Holt, Dave. BALANCED BOWHUNTING A Guide to Modern Bowhun ng.
Lakewood, CO: High Country Publishers, 1989. Second edi on. ISBN:
0962071307. 7 x 9, 152 pgs, b&w photos. Contains a treasure-trove of equipment informa on on all aspects of bowhun ng. Paperback. Very Good.
609]Hornady, Joyce W. HORNADY HANDBOOK OF CARTRIDGE RELOADING RIFLE-PISTOL. Grand Island, NE: Hornady Manufacturing Co., 1980. Third edion. 6 x 9, 665 pgs, b&w and monotone illustra ons. Reloading data. Hardcover. Very Good+. $25.00
610]Hudson, David. THE SMALL SHOOT. England: Swan-Hill Press, 2003. ISBN:
1904057233. 7 1/2 x 10, 174 pgs, color photos. A wry look at two seasons that
the author spent se ng up and running a shoot on the border between England and Scotland. Hardcover. Fine in Very Good DJ. $15.00
611]Huggler, Tom. CANNON'S GUIDE TO FRESHWATER FISHING WITH DOWNRIGGERS. Muskegon, MI: Cannon/S&K Products, 1986. ISBN: 0961699108. 8
1/2 x 11, 140 pgs, b&w and color photos. Covers everything you want or need
to know about using downriggers. Paperback. Very Good. $16.00
612]Hughes, Pete. GONE HUNTIN'. Victoria, BC, Canada: Trafford Publishing,
2004. First edi on. ISBN: 141202143X. 6 x 9, 389 pgs, b&w photos. A modernday "Ben Lilly", Hughes has lived and hunted in New Mexico since the days of
the Depression. Today he is s ll an avid sports hunter and a dedicated conserva onist for the preserva on of large predatory animals. Paperback. New.
613]Hughes, Steven Dodd. FINE GUNMAKING DOUBLE SHOTGUNS. Iola, WI:
Krause Publica ons, 1998. First edi on. ISBN: 0873416015. 8 1/2 x 11, 167 pgs,
b&w and color photos. Useful informa on about the design and evolu on of
double shotguns is provided within the context of workshop descrip ons and
photographs made during the repair or modifica on of some fine guns. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $40.00
614]Hunter, J.A. and Daniel P. Mannix. TALES OF THE AFRICAN FRONTIER.
Long Beach, CA: Safari Press, 2005. Reprint. ISBN: 1571572422. 6 x 9, 308 pgs,
sec ons of b&w photos. The early days and colorful characters of East Africa
during the heyday of African safaris. Originally published in 1954. Hardcover.
New in New DJ. $30.00
A Hunter's Story. Bedford, PA: Hunter House Press, 1995. First edi on. 6 x 9,
110 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Great hun ng stories of these fearless
and courageous li le Terriers. The author has hunted with Jack Russell's for 20
years in the eastern United States for groundhog, grey & red fox, raccoon,
skunk, rabbit, and rat. Paperback. New. $20.00
616]James, M.R. THE BOWHUNTER'S HANDBOOK. Expert Strategies & Techniques. Iola, WI: Krause Publica ons, 2004. Second edi on. ISBN: 0873492005.
8 1/2 x 11, 256 pgs, b&w photos. Expert advice on equipment selec on, advanced performance tuning, secrets for s ll-hun ng, stalking and tree stand
success, big and small game hun ng strategies and much more. Paperback.
Very Good+. $10.00
620]Johnson, John A. OREGON HUNTING GUIDE. Stevensville, MT: Stoneydale
Press, 1988. ISBN: 0912299401. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 175 pgs, b&w photos. Informave guide on planning, tac cs, guns, and gear for hun ng Americas western
game. Paperback. Good+. $10.00
621]Johnson, Peter H. PARKER America's Finest Shotgun. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1985. Third edi on. ISBN: 9780811703963. 6 x 9, 260 pgs, b&w
photos and illustra ons. A history of this famous gun and the people who
made it. Describes the complete process for producing a Parker Gun including
checkering and engraving, analysis of the en re line of original Parker guns and
more. Hardcover. Fine. $12.00
622]Johnson, Steve, editor. HORNADY HANDBOOK OF CARTRIDGE RELOADING Volume 1 and 2. Grand Island, NE: Hornady Manufacturing Co., 2002. Sixth
Edi on. 6 x 9, 1700 pgs total, color illustra ons. Covers the basics of reloading,
reloading step-by-step, accuracy and reloading technique, elements of external
ballis cs, and complete reloading data. Hardcover. Very Good+. $60.00
623]Jones, Suzanne Norton. THE ART OF WESTERN RIDING. Portales, NM:
Privately Printed, 1966. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 162 pgs, b&w photos and
illustra ons. A very collec ble book, tells all about instruc on, training and
showing, as well as judging western riding. Hardcover. Fine in no DJ as Issued.
Bonanza Books, 1960. First edi on. 8 1/2 x 11, 374 pgs, index, b&w photos and
illustra ons. Defini ve study of the Pennsylvania form of the Kentucky rifle
with sec ons including - the rifle in Pennsylvania, county characteris cs, other
guns, locks of Pennsylvania rifles, accoutrements, and the gunsmiths (with
biographies). Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $25.00
625]Kline, Lee, editor. BOWHUNTING BIG GAME RECORDS OF NORTH AMERICA. Placerville, CA: Pope and Young Club, 1987. Third edi on. ISBN:
096179660X. 8 1/2 x 11, 392 pgs, b&w and color photos and art reproduc ons.
Data furnishes a valuable reference for bowhunters, wildlife professionals, and
other interested in the na ve big game popula ons of North America. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $30.00
626]Koehler, William. THE KOEHLER METHOD OF DOG TRAINING. New York:
Howell Book House, 1972. Reprint. ISBN: 0876056575. 6 x 9, 208 pgs, illus/
drawings & photos. The famous obedience and guard dog trainer tells you all
you need to know to train any breed. Lower back outside corner 'chewed'.
Hardcover. Good. $16.00
627]Koller, Larry. Revised by Robert Ellman. HOW TO SHOOT. Garden City, NY:
Doubleday, 1976. Reprint. ISBN: 03851119888. 7 x 10 1/2, 242 pgs, b&w photos. A complete guide to the use of spor ng firearms - rifles, shotguns, and
handguns - on the range and in the field. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ.
628]Lapinski, Mike. RADICAL ELK HUNTING STRATEGIES Secrets of Calling Elk
in Close. Stevensville, MT: Stoneydale Press, 1988. First edi on. ISBN:
0912299428. 6 x 9, 161 pgs, b&w photos. Takes over where other books on
early-season elk hun ng leave off to give advice on what the hunter must do to
adapt to changing condi ons. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00
629]Lapsley, Peter, editor. THE COMPLETE FLY FISHER. London: Stanley Paul,
1990. ISBN: 0091740339. 7 1/2 x 10, 314 pgs, index, b&w photos. Ten expert
angling writers contributed to the original 1963 edi on and this is a revised
version to take account of the changes in the sport since then. Hardcover.
Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
630]Latham, Roger M. COMPLETE BOOK OF THE WILD TURKEY. Harrisburg,
PA: Stackpole Books, 1976. Revised. ISBN: 0811704149. 6 x 8, 228 pgs. The
classic of American wild turkey hun ng including a detailed account of wild
turkey life history, management, and ecology. Ex-library. Hardcover. Very Good
in Good+ DJ. $20.00
631]Laubach, Don and Mark Henckel. THE ELK HUNTER The Ul mate Source
Book on Elk and Elk Hun ng from Past to Present, for the Beginner and Expert
Alike. Helena, MT: Falcon Publishing, 1989. ISBN: 0937959782. 6 x 9, 225 pgs,
b&w photos. "Takes you through a hunter's life me in a personal way, finding
the pieces of the elk hun ng puzzle as a hunter would. You'll learn abut hunt-
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
ers in the old days and how they did it. You'll learn abut state-of-the-art methods being used today. Will teach you the when, where, how, and why of elk
movements and the tac cs it takes to become an expert yourself." Paperback.
Very Good+. $15.00
Detailed Analysis of Assault-Type Weapons. Northfield, IL: DBI Books, Inc.,
1989. Second edi on. ISBN: 087349041X. 8 1/2 x 11, 256 pgs, b&w photos.
Includes test reports, design trends and new philosophies. Paperback. Very
Good. $4.00
633]Lewis, Nancy, editor. ARIZONA WILDLIFE TROPHIES Millennium Edi on
2000. Mesa, AZ: Arizona Wildlife Federa on, 2000. 6 x 9, 419 pgs, b&w and
color photos, charts. The official record book of Arizona big game trophies;
includes 11 original wildlife pain ngs, 21 hun ng ar cles, honors Arizona's 20
greatest hunters of the 20th century, and more. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ.
634]Liu, Allan J., compiled and edited. THE AMERICAN SPORTING COLLECTOR'S HANDBOOK. New York: Winchester Press, 1976. ISBN: 087691217X. 7 x
10, 239 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustra ons. A comprehensive guide to the
full range of American spor ng art and accessories. Hardcover. Very Good in
Very Good DJ. $10.00
635]Lyon, Tolbert James "Shorty". LYON HUNTS AND HUMOR. Santa Fe, NM:
Sunstone Press, 1990. First edi on. ISBN: 0865341486. 6 x 9, 120 pgs, illus/
drawings. Shorty Lyon became a legend as a bear and lion hunter and trapper
in New Mexico, mid-20th century, and these are some of his best adventures
with hounds and cri ers, mostly bear and lion. Paperback. New. $13.00
636]Manion, Timothy. WILD GAME AND COUNTRY COOKING. Milwaukee, WI:
Manion Outdoors, 1983. ISBN: 0961293608. 6 x 9, 199 pgs, b&w illustra ons. A
great collec on of recipes for wild game and fish. Paperback. Good. $6.00
637]Ma hes, Steve M. BRAVE AND OTHER STORIES. Carlo a, CA: Published/
Printed by Vera Orton Ma hes, 1988. First edi on. 6 x 9, 339 pgs, b&w photos.
Classic stories of hun ng with hounds. This is a rare book, and is inscribed and
signed. Hardcover. Fine. $500.00
EQUIPMENT. New York: Outdoor Life Books, 1983. ISBN: 0943822211. 6 x 9,
339 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. An authorita ve guide that will help
every deer hunter get maximum enjoyment and sa sfac on from his sport.
The author has tested hundreds of rifles and cartridges, shotguns and shotshells. He has tabulated his findings so the informa on is at your finger ps. All
types of sights are covered and evaluated. There is a special sec on for
bowhunters with full descrip ons and evalua on of the best recurve and compound bows on the market. In plas c wrapper. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ.
639]Maxwell, Gavin. HARPOON VENTURE. New York: Lyons & Burford, 1996.
ISBN: 1558214364. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 328 pgs, photos. Here are the strange facts of
shark life...the men and the boats and the excitement and the disappointments in the working life. Paperback. New. $15.00
640]McClane, A.J. INTERNATIONAL FISHING GUIDE. New York: Holt, Rinehart
& Winston , 1971. ISBN: 0030801311. 8 x 11, 256 pgs, b&w and color photos.
Complete informa on and maps for fishing in Europe, Africa, Central America,
the Caribbean, the Pacific Islands and more. Hotspots, guides, clothing, currency and more. Ex-library with usual markings. Hardcover. Good+. $5.00
641]McClane, A.J. and Keith Gardner. MCCLANE'S GAME FISH OF NORTH
AMERICA. New York: Times Books, 1984. ISBN: 0812911342. 11 x 13, 376 pgs,
b&w and color illustra ons throughout. A 'comprehensive, beau fully illustrated field guide', loaded with photos, pain ngs, maps drawings and other useful
informa on for the fisherman. In plas c wrapper. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ.
642]McCreight, Tim. CUSTOM KNIFEMAKING 10 Projects from a Master Cra sman. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1985. ISBN: 0811721752. 7 x 9, 222
pgs, index, bibliography, b&w photos and illustra ons. Spanning the gap between pre-cut and "art" knives with step-by-step illustrated instruc ons for
unique and beau ful knives. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00
643]McNab, Chris. FIREARMS The Illustrated Guide to Small Arms of the World.
Bath, U.K.: Parragon, 2009. ISBN: 9781407516073. 8 1/2 x 11, 304 pgs, index,
color photos and illustra ons throughout. Includes a detailed historical overview of firearms from the medieval period to the present day, along with entries on individual weapons, and technical spreads explaining how weapons
work. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00
644]Missildine, Fred with Nick Karas. SCORE BETTER AT TRAP. New York: Winchester Press, 1974. Fourth edi on. ISBN: 0876910258. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 158 pgs,
b&w photos and illustra ons. A penetra ng analysis of the li le errors that can
creep into the styles of experienced trap shooters and the proven techniques
for correc ng them. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00
b&w photos and illustra ons. Catered to the roughshooter who wants a useful,
steady dog to aid him in his sport. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ.
AZ: Privately Printed, 2005. First edi on. 6 x 9, 209 pgs, b&w photos, maps.
Mostly about the life and career of old me game warden Ralph Morrow of
southeastern Arizona; plus some of the author's own experiences during his 38
year career as a warden. Paperback. New. $25.00
648]Murray, Jeff. FOR BIG BUCKS ONLY. Minneapolis: North American Hun ng
Club, 1996. Reprint. ISBN: 091469717X. 6 x 9, 216 pgs, index, b&w photos. Lots
of advice and ideas on scou ng for deer and tracking them, in all sorts of terrain and under many condi ons. Great pictures! Hardcover. Very Good +.
649]Na onal Rifle Associa on. WILD TURKEY HUNTING. Washington DC: 1988.
ISBN: 0935998748. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 182 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Tips
on spring and fall hun ng tac cs, calling, and more. Paperback. Very Good.
650]Nesbi , Wm. H. and Jack Reneau, eds. BOONE AND CROCKETT CLUB'S
20TH BIG GAME AWARDS 1986-1988. Dumfries, VA: Boone and Crocke Club,
1990. ISBN: 0940864169. 7 x 9, 480 pgs, b&w photos, charts. Lists nearly
17,000 trophy specimens of big game in 35 categories, with rank, detailed
measurements, name of hunter, place taken, etc., plus informa ve chapters
that every hunter will enjoy and benefit from reading. Hardcover. Fine in Fine
DJ. $15.00
651]Nicholas, Anna Katherine with special sec ons by Janet Churchill, Mhyra
Stapf, Joseph P. Sayres, and Lionel F. Rubin. THE BOOK OF THE LABRADOR
RETRIEVER. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publica ons, 1983. ISBN: 0876667485. 8
1/2 x 11, 478 pgs, index, b&w and color photos and illustra ons throughout.
Informa on on origin and development all over the world, A.K.C. standards,
breeding, selec ng, caring for, showing, obedience, veterinarian's sec on.
Hardcover. Very Good. $10.00
652]North American Hun ng Club. NAHC WILD GAME COOKBOOK. Minneapolis: North American Hun ng Club, 1995. 6 x 9, 228 pgs. Venison, bear, elk,
moose, buffalo, all sorts of game bird recipes including waterfowl plus some
complete dinners of wild game and fowl. Hardcover. Fine. $10.00
Inc., 1981. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 310 pgs, charts. Not only customary reloading data
and ballis c tables, but also many special reloading and shoo ng techniques
derived from thousands of actual test firings. Plus a history of each cartridge.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $10.00
654]Nu er, Waldo E. MANHATTAN FIREARMS. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole
Books, 2009. ISBN: 9780811704694. Originally published in 1958. 8 1/2 x 11,
250 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustra ons. Traces the Manha an background from its forma on in 1855 to its succession by the American Standard
Tool Company in 1869. Hardcover. Fine. $12.00
655]O'Connor, Jack. THE BEST OF JACK O'CONNOR. Clinton, NJ: Amwell Press,
1977. First edi on. 8 1/2 x 11, 192 pgs, sec on of b&w photos. A compila on
of O'Connor's best ar cles and essays, plus excerpts from his novels (all selected by the author just before his death in 1978). Includes a sec on on hun ng
in the Southwest. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $45.00
656]O'Connor, Jack. THE HUNTER'S SHOOTING GUIDE. New York: Outdoor Life
Books, 1978. Revised. ISBN: 0943822009. 6 x 9, 170 pgs, index, b&w photos &
illustra ons. Covers the hunter's use of rifles, shotguns and handguns with
O'Connor's forthright evalua ons of the rifle ac ons & cartridges, and rifles,
cartridges and scopes for deer. Paperback. Good. $5.00
657]Ormond, Clyde. HUNTING OUR BIGGEST GAME. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole
Books, 1956. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,, 197 pgs, b&w photos. The author's expert advice
on all facets of hun ng big game. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $9.00
658]Ormond, Clyde. HUNTING OUR MEDIUM SIZE GAME. Harrisburg, PA:
Stackpole Books, 1958. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,, 219 pgs, b&w photos. The author's expert advice on all facets of hun ng medium size game. Hardcover. Good+.
659]Oster, Dan, editor. THIS HAPPENED TO ME! Minnetonka, MN: Crea ve
Publishing, 1999. First edi on. ISBN: 0865731071. 6 x 9, 224 pgs, monotone
cartoon-like illustra ons. Amazing true-life experiences from the readers of
Outdoor Life. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00
660]Outdoor Life, editors. DEER HUNTER'S YEARBOOK. New York: Outdoor
Life Books, 1983. ISBN: 1556540167. 8 x 11, 184 pgs, color & b&w photos and
illustra ons. Great selec on of deer hun ng stories from the quarry, to the
hunt, to guns & bows, gear & cookery by the likes of George Laycock, Dwight
Schuh, Jim Zumbo, Byron W. Dalrymple, Larry Mueller and more. Slight damp
wrinkling to lower page edges. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00
645]Morris, Desmond. HORSEWATCHING. New York: Crown, 1989. Reprint.
ISBN: 0517572672. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 150 pgs, b&2w illustra ons. Why does a
horse whinny and everything else you ever wanted to know. Hardcover. Very
Good in Very Good DJ. $4.00
661]Ovington, Ray. HOW TO TAKE TROUT ON WET FLIES AND NYMPHS. Rockville Centre, NY: Freshet Press, 1974. Revised. ISBN: 0883950200. 6 x 9 1/2, 202
pgs, b&w and a sec on of color illustra ons. Here are the li le-known ps that
give the experienced fisherman an edge over the average trouter. Hardcover.
Very Good+ in Good+ DJ. $15.00
646]Moxon, P.R.A. TRAINING THE ROUGHSHOOTER'S DOG. London: Popular
Dogs, 1981. Third edi on. ISBN: 0091440009. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 157 pgs, index,
662]Perkins, James E. OLD MOSE - KING OF THE GRIZZLIES. Monte Vista, CO:
Adobe Village Press, 2002. ISBN: 0964405652. 6 x 9, 106 pgs, historical photos.
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
Tells the story of a renegade grizzly that killed at least one man & a lot of livestock and eluded capture for two decades in central Colorado around 1900
un l houndman James Anthony ran him down. Great story with surprise ending. Paperback. New. $20.00
677]Richardson, Charles. BIG RACK. Corpus Chris , TX: Outdoor World of Texas, 1980. Second edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 167 pgs, b&w photos throughout. Tells
about Texas all- me largest trophy whitetails from 1892-1980. Hardcover.
Very Good. $20.00
663]Perkins, Romi. GAME IN SEASON. The Orvis Cookbook. New York: Lyons
Press, 1986. Second edi on. ISBN: 0832904473. 9 x 11, 231 pgs, b&w illustraons. A deligh ul cookbook of complete fish and game menus for the gourmet
prepara on of game in season. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $9.00
678]Richey, David. THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO DEER HUNTING Tips and Tac cs
for Every Situa on. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2001. Second edi on. ISBN:
1585742988. 6 x 9, 360 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Includes all of the
important techniques: hun ng from a tree stand or ground blind, stalking,
driiving, reading wind direc on, ra ling and calling, and much more. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1972. ISBN: 0671213288. 6 x 9, 320 pgs, index,
b&w photos. America's foremost shoo ng and hun ng experts disclose the
secrets of their special es: John Amber, Gary Anderson, Erwin Bauer, Jim Carmichel, Bob Hagel, Pete Kuhloff and more. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good
DJ. $10.00
Recipes. 1980. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 16 pgs, b&w illustra ons. From the early days of
freezers, a guide book on how to use it to preserve your game. Includes some
recipes. Paperback. Good+. $3.00
666]Pilliner, Sarah. THE PERFORMANCE HORSE Management, Care & Training.
New York: Howell Book House, 1987. ISBN: 0876058675. 6 x 9, 144 pgs, index.
For trainers, riders and owners who want to make nature work for them by
increasing their knowledge of the horse's body func ons during exercise. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00
667]Pinkwater, Jill and D. Manus. SUPERPUPPY How to Choose, Raise, and
Train the Best Possible Dog for You. New York: Seabury Press, 1977. First edion. ISBN: 0816431760. 6 x 9, 207 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Advice
for new dog owners covering such topics as selec ng the proper pet, housebreaking, and basic commands. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good+ DJ.
668]Plo , Bob. STRIKE & STAY The Story of the Plo Hound. Charleston, SC:
The History Press, 2009. Second edi on. ISBN: 9781596292628. 7 x 10, 190
pgs, b&w photos. The Plo bear hound's story began in 1750, when Johannes
Plo le Germany for the North Carolina Mountains. A classic American tale of
adventurers and underdogs, this true story is one that author Bob Plo , the
great-great-great-grandson of Johannes Plo , is uniquely qualified to tell.
Paperback. New. $25.00
669]Ramage, Ken, editor. GUN DIGEST 2004 58th Annual Edi on. Iola, WI:
Krause Publica ons, 2003. ISBN: 0873495896. 8 1/2 x 11, 558 pgs, b&w photos
and illustra ons. All kinds of essen al informa on for shooters, collectors and
students of the gun. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00
670]Ramey, D.V.M., David W. HORSEFEATHERS Facts Versus Myths About Your
Horse's Health. New York: Howell Book House, 1995. First edi on. ISBN:
0876059868. 6 x 9, 211 pgs, b&w illustra ons. The perfect an dote to misinforma on about equine health care. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ.
671]Randall, Willet. WILDERNESS PATCHWORK. Patch Beagles. Montrose, WV:
Perfec ons Sports - Publishing, 1993. Second edi on. 6 x 9, 150 pgs, illus/
photos. Wonderful collec on of tales and memoirs about the Patch Beagles of
the wild Adirondacks, the history of the line, homesteading in the wilderness,
field trials, and hunts for co ontail, fox and especially snowshoe hare. Originally published in 1968. Paperback. New. $12.00
672]Rayner, Ranulf. THE STORY OF THE SPORTING GUN. London: David &
Charles, 2003. Second edi on. ISBN: 0715315749. 12 x 9, 96 pgs, b&w and
color art throughout. A handsome and beau fully illustrated book on gamebird
and wildfowl shoo ng, principally in Britain and Europe. Despite the tle this is
a book about sport and natural history, not really about guns. Paperback. Very
Good+. $15.00
673]Reichart, Natalie and Gilman Keasey. ARCHERY. New York: A.S. Barnes,
1940. 6 x 9, 95 pgs, index, illustrated, b&w photos and drawings. Archery
equipment, care of equipment, teaching a group, compe on, indoor archery
and more. A good guide. Hardcover. Good. $7.00
674]Reiger, George, selected and edited. THE BEST OF ZANE GREY, OUTDOORSMAN. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1992. Reprint. ISBN:
0811725995. 6 x 9, 368 pgs, b&w photos. Stories by a master storyteller recapture an era of wild adventures, legendary sportsmen, and rugged landscapes in
some of the world's most exo c locales. Paperback. New. $20.00
675]Rice, F. Philip and John I. Dahl. GAME BIRD HUNTING. New York: Harper &
Row, 1983. Reprint. ISBN: 0943822017. 6 x 9, 190 pgs, index, b&w photos and
maps. Covers all important waterfowl and upland birds in North America.
Iden fica on, habits, distribu on, characteris cs of each bird, loca ng or
a rac ng birds, flushing, jump-shoo ng, leading, guns, ammo, equipment and
more. Paperback. Good. $7.00
676]Rich, Bob. FISH FIGHTS. A Hall of Fame Quest. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press,
2001. ISBN: 159228809X. 6 x 9, 349 pgs, b&w and a sec on of color photos.
Rich's rollicking narra ve of his quest to achieve induc on into the Metropolitan South Florida Fishing Tournament Hall of Fame in just one year, although
the award was set up to honor life me achievement. Paperback. New.
679]Riddle, Maxwell and Beth J. Harris. THE NEW COMPLETE ALASKAN MALAMUTE. New York: Howell Book House, 1990. Second edi on. ISBN:
0876050089. 6 x 9, 259 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Covers the history,
care and training of the breed, from keeping malamutes as pets to sled dog
use, breed standards, famous pedigrees, etc. A few places have yellow highligh ng. Hardcover. Good+. $8.00
680]Robb, Bob. ELK ESSENTIALS. Minneapolis: North American Hun ng Club,
1999. First edi on. ISBN: 1581590342. 8 1/2 x 11, 160 pgs, index, color photos
throughout. From an expert elk hunter, all you need to know to have a successful hunt. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00
681]Robb, Bob and Gerald Bethge. THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO ELK HUNTING
Techniques and Strategies of North America's Greatest Elk Hunters. New York:
Lyons Press, 2000. First edi on. ISBN: 1585741809. 6 x 9, 232 pgs, b&w photos.
The keys to success of the great elk hunters: Al Kuntz, Chad Schearer, Randy
Ulmer, Col. Craig Boddington, and more. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00
682]Roberts, Monty. THE MAN WHO LISTENS TO HORSES. New York: Random
House, 1997. ISBN: 0679456589. 6 x 9, 258 pgs, sec on of b&w photos. The
story of a real-life Horse Whisperer. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $4.00
Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1990. Later prin ng. ISBN: 0811730336. 6 x 9,
480 pgs, b&w photos. Stories of hun ng big game in the West and notes about
animals pursued and observed. Includes three hound hunts for bear, cougar,
coyote coursing, plus deer, elk, antelope, etc. Paperback. New. $22.00
York: Harper & Row, 1968. 5 x 8, 656 pgs, illus/photos & range maps. A huge
compendium of informa on on all of North America's game animals, from
Opossum to Grizzly Bear. Hardcover. Good+ in Good DJ. $8.00
685]Russell, Andy. HORNS IN THE HIGH COUNTRY. New York: Knopf, 1973.
Book Club. ISBN: 0394472217. 6 x 8 1/2, 259 pgs. The author's classic work on
hun ng bighorn sheep in the Canadian Rockies. New introduc on by the author. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $12.00
686]Russell, Dan M. THE DOVE SHOOTER'S HANDBOOK. New York: Winchester
Press, 1974. ISBN: 0876911351. 4 1/2 x 7 1/2, 256 pgs, index, b&w hpotos. A
complete guide to America's top game bird - natural history, hun ng methods,
equipment, conserva on and future prospects. Hardcover. Very Good+ in
Good+ DJ. $10.00
687]Salmon, Dutch. GAZEHOUNDS & COURSING. Saint Cloud, MN: North Star
Press, 1977. First edi on. ISBN: 0878390243. 8 1/2 x 11 1/2, 124 pgs, index,
b&w photos throughout. An illustrated guide to the art and sport of hun ng
with sight hounds. This is a nice copy of the first edi on, signed by the author.
Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $40.00
688]Sasser, Ray. TEXAS WHITETAILS 1992. Dallas, TX: Collectors Covey, 1993.
ISBN: 0963296914. 7 x 10, 304 pgs, b&w photos, charts. The 1992 records and
stats for Texas whitetails. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00
689]Sasser, Ray. TEXAS WHITETAILS 1993-1994. Dallas, TX: Collectors Covey,
1994. ISBN: 0963296922. 7 x 10, 319 pgs, b&w photos, charts. The 1993-1994
records and stats for Texas whitetails. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $20.00
690]Schetzle, Harold. ALASKA WILDERNESS HUNTER. Anchorage, AK: Great
Northwest Publishing, 1998. Third edi on. ISBN: 0937708127. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,
213 pgs, b&w photos. The author, a dis nguished Vietnam veteran, makes the
defini ve statement for wilderness hun ng as he describes his most memorable encounters with sheep, goats, moose, caribou. Hardcover. Very Good in
Very Good DJ. $25.00
691]Schneider, Earl, editor. KNOW YOUR ST BERNARD. Harrison, NJ: The Pet
Library, 1980. ISBN: 0878265333. 5 1/2 x 8, 64 pgs, color photos. A compact
handbook on the breed. Contents include the history of the breed, choosing
your puppy, feeding, training, grooming, care & more. Paperback. Good+.
692]Schoonmaker, Peter R. PRIMITIVE PURSUIT. Stories Afield of Muzzleloader
Hun ng. Greenville, PA: Beaver Pond Publica ons, 1992. Second edi on. ISBN:
1881399052. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 166 pgs, sepia and white illustra ons. The author's
experiences and observa ons during years of muzzleloader hun ng. Paperback. New. $12.00
693]Schroeder, Joseph J., and the editors of Gun Digest. GUNS ILLUSTRATED
1974. Northfield, IL: Digest Books Inc., 1974. 6th Edi on. ISBN: 0695803964. 8
1/2 x 11, 288 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Includes original technical
ar cles for every gun enthusiast, prices, test reports and more. Paperback.
Good. $4.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
694]Schuyler, Keith C. ARCHERY From Golds to Big Game. New York: Castle
Books, 1970. 7 x 10, 569 pgs, b&w photos. A book for the target archer and the
bowhunter, chapters on tackle, shoo ng the bow, hun ng deer, bear, turkey,
carp, small game, compe ons, etc. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ.
695]Schweibert, Ernest. REMEMBRANCES OF RIVERS PAST. New York: Macmillan, 1972. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 287 pgs, b&w drawings. The author's
fishing adventures all over the world; from his boyhood rivers in Michigan and
Colorado to Lapland, Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego among many others. Exlibrary. Contains underlining and margin notes. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ.
696]Scorzafava, Dick. RADICAL BEAR HUNTER. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books,
2007. First edi on. ISBN: 9780811734189. 6 x 9, 212 pgs, color photos throughout. Presents innova ve approaches to give hunters an edge for success. Included is valuable biological info, ps for reading bear sign and determining a
trophy, as well as proven strategies for bai ng bears, hun ng with hounds,
spo ng and stalking, and se ng up scou ng cameras. Paperback. Fine.
697]Self, Margaret Cabell. THE HORSEMAN'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. New York: A.S.
Barnes, 1978. New Edi on. Originally published in 1946. 7 x 10, 428 pgs, index,
b&w photos and illustra ons. Encyclopedic volume gives many facts of interest
and service to horse lovers. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $10.00
698]SHOOTING SPORTSMAN. The Magazine of Wingshoo ng and Fine Guns.
Boone, IA: 2004. 16 issues, March/April 2004 through November/December
2006, not complete, some duplicates. 8 1/2 x 11, about 100 pages each, lots of
color photos. Great stories and photos on the subject. Glossy Magazine. Very
Good. $12.00
699]SHOOTING SPORTSMAN. The Magazine of Wingshoo ng and Fine Guns.
Boone, IA: 2007. 16 issues, January/February 2007 through May/June 2010, not
complete, some duplicates. 8 1/2 x 11, about 100 pages each, lots of color
photos. Great stories and photos on the subject. Glossy Magazine. Very Good.
700]Siegal, Mordecai, editor. BOOK OF HORSES A Complete Medical Reference
Guide for Horses and Foals. New York: Harper Collins/UCDavis School of Veterinary Medicine, 1996. First edi on. ISBN: 0062701398. 7 1/2 x 9 1/2, 498 pgs,
b&w illustra ons, sec on of color photos. In depth, authorita ve informa on
concerning all aspects of equine health and well-being. Hardcover. Very Good+
in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00
701]Sigler, Howard T. POCKET FIELD GUIDE TO ARCHERY. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1960. 5 1/2 x 8, 96 pgs, b&w photos. Covers bows, arrows, stringing, accessories, care of equipment, shoo ng, hun ng large and small game,
proper clothing and more. Paperback. Good+. $12.00
702][Spartas, Dale C.]. JUST LABS. Minocqua, WI: Willow Creek Press, 1999.
Half Pint Edi on. ISBN: 157223217X. 7 x 6, 96 pgs, wonderful color photos
throughout. A tribute to the Labrador Retriever. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ.
703]Spencer, Jim. BAD BIRDS A Collec on of mostly true stories starring the
gobblers we all love to hate. Calico Rock, AR: Treble Hook Unlimited, 2013. First
edi on. 6 x 9, 230 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Spencer's first forty columns from Turkey & Turkey Hun ng magazine. Paperback. New. $16.00
704]Spencer, Jim. TURKEY HUNTING DIGEST Words of Wisdom on a Grand
Spring Sport. Iola, WI: Krause Publica ons, 2003. First edi on. ISBN:
0873495063. 8 1/2 x 11, 336 pgs, index, b&w and a sec on of color photos. Lots
of informa on on modern turkey hun ng tac cs plus reports on gear: everything from calls and camouflage to guns, loads, and strategies. Helpful hints for
all skill levels. Paperback. New. $18.00
705]Stetson, Joe, editor. THIS IS THE NEWFOUNDLAND. Orange, CT: Prac cal
Science Publishing Co., 1956. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 270 pgs, b&w photos and illustraons, mapped endsheets. A complete and authorita ve book on the noble
Newfoundland dog. The book embraces comprehensively the origin and history
of the breed, its place in art and literature, informa on on breeding, care, feeding, training, shows and trials. Hardcover. Good+. $12.00
706]Strahan, Sara. AMERICAN FOX HUNTING. An Endangered Sport. Mississippi: Privately Published, 1998. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 205 pgs, bibliography,
b&w photos. A wonderful history of fox hun ng in America plus breeding, care
and training of fox hounds. Includes a list of today's ac ve fox hunters. Paperback. New. $20.00
707]Streit, Taylor. INSTINCTIVE FLY FISHING A Guide's Guide to Be er Fishing.
Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2003. Second edi on. ISBN: 1592281907. 6 x 9, 213
pgs, index, b&w photos. Addresses the real reasons people catch trout, and
offers sugges ons and ps to help the aspiring fisherman. Signed by the author.
Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $20.00
708]Strung, Norman, editor. SELLING THE OUTDOOR STORY Fi y-two Professionals Tell You How. State College, PA: Outdoor Writers of America, 1988. 5
1/2 x 8 1/2, 371 pgs, b&w photos. Professional writers tell you how to find a
publisher for your outdoor story. Paperback. Good+. $12.00
709]Suble e, James E., Michael D. Hatch and Mary Suble e. THE FISHES OF
NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 1990. First
edi on. ISBN: 0826311792. 9 x 12, 393 pgs, illus/maps, drawings & color plates.
The defini ve work on the subject, this book retailed at $60 and provides everything the angler or fisheries scien st could want for reference. Hardcover. Very
Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $225.00
710]Su on, Keith "Ca ish". CATFISHING: BEYOND THE BASICS. Accokeek, MD:
Stoeger Publishing, 2004. ISBN: 0883172801. 8 x 10 1/2, 160 pgs, color photos.
Learn ca ishing techniques for channel cats, blues, flatheads and bullheads
using innova ve and alterna ve tac cs. Pictorial Boards. New. $15.00
711]Su on, Keith "Ca ish". PRO TACTICS CATFISH Use the Secrets of the Pros to
Catch More and Bigger Ca ish. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2008. First edi on.
ISBN: 9781599213019. 8 1/2 x 11, 164 pgs, color photos throughout. All you
need to know to target, locate, a ract and catch monster ca ish. Paperback.
New. $20.00
712]Sweeney, Patrick. THE AR-15 Volume 2. Iola, WI: Gun Digest Books, 2007.
ISBN: 9780896894747. 8 x 11, 288 pgs, b&w photos. A master gunsmith firearms instructor, the author offers even more ps, tricks and techniques about
America's favorite black rifle, the legendary AR-15. Paperback. Very Good+.
713]Swisher, Doug. STRATEGIES FOR SELECTIVE TROUT. St. Paul, MN: Scien fic
Anglers, 1990. ISBN: 0960142452. 7 x 7 1/2, 146 pag, b&w illustra ons. From
the "Mastery Learning System", though it doesn't include the video. S ll lots of
good pointers for trout fishing: wet flys and nymphs, streamers dry fly s ractors, terrestrials, and more. Hardcover-spiral. Very Good+. $25.00
714]Taffin, John. ACTION SHOOTING COWBOY STYLE An In-Depth Look at
America's Ho est New Shoo ng Game. Iola, WI: Krause Publica ons, 1999.
ISBN: 0873417925. 8 1/2 x 11, 320 pgs, b&w and color photos throughout.
Chapters include Introduc on to Cowboy Ac on Shoo ng; The Sixguns of Cowboy Ac on Shoo ng; Loading Up For Cowboy Ac on Shoo ng; The Long Guns of
Cowboy Ac on Shoo ng; The Leather of Cowboy Ac on Shoo ng and Custom
Touches for Cowboy Shoo ng Guns. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ.
Lyons Press, 2001. First edi on. ISBN: 1585742457. 6 x 9, 264 index, b&w photos and illustra ons. Everything you need to know about hun ng all types of
upland birds accross North America. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ.
716]Thomas, E. Donnall. TO ALL THINGS A SEASON. Galla n Gateway, MT:
Wildernes Adventures Press, 1997. First prin ng. ISBN: 1885106548. 6 x 9, 177
pgs. Stories of longbows, Labradors, trout, wild food, wild places, and more,
placed within a year's rhythms. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ.
717]Thorpe, Johnny. 50 YEARS A TRAPPER AND TREASURE HUNTER. Marble
Hill, GA: Fox Hollow Trapper's Supply, 1995. First edi on. 5 x 8, 113 pgs, b&w
photos. This life long mountain man takes you from the Adirondacks through
Canada and down the Rockies into the deserts of Arizona & California in quest
of fur; plus many true tales of buried treasure and recoveries. Some red underlining and margin notes. Paperback. Good. $15.00
718]Tinsley, Russell. BOW HUNTER'S GUIDE The Complete Guide to Selec ng
and Using Bow-Hun ng Equipment. South Hackensack, NJ: Stoeger Publishing,
1975. ISBN: 0883170167. 8 x 10, 192 pgs, b&w photos. In step-by-step fashion,
the author tells - and shows - the reader how to select bow-hun ng equipment,
how to shoot a hun ng bow, how to stalk big game as well as small, how to
hunt birds and varmints, even how to fish with a bow and arrow. Paperback.
Very Good. $10.00
719]Tinsley, Russell. TAXIDERMY GUIDE. South Hackensack, NJ: Stoeger Arms
Corp., 1983. ISBN: 0883170329. 6 x 9, 191 pgs, b&w photos. Complete, illustrated guide to home taxidermy. Paperback. Good. $5.00
720]Tolhurst, William D. MANHUNTERS!. Hounds of the Big T. As told to Lena F.
Reed. Puyallup, WA: 1984. 6 x 9, 272 pgs. Adventure and how-to informa on on
using Bloodhounds for mantrailing, scent discrimina on, finding and tracking in
police work. The author's hounds get their man & there is good informa on for
any houndman. Great hound book! Hardcover. New. $25.00
721]Underwood, Lamar, editor. BOWHUNTING TACTICS OF THE PROS Strategies for Deer and Big Game. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2002. Third edi on. ISBN:
1585745898. 6 x 9, 320 pgs. Not only introduces you to the wonderful world of
bowhun ng, it will take you through all the levels - from beginner to expert. Did
you get a deer last season with your bow? Did you even see a buck - or bull elk,
bear, moose, mulie, or pronghorn? If you answered 'No' to any of these quesons, this is just the book for you. In fact, it's for you even if you answered
'Yes'. Why? Because this is the most detailed, up-to-date, fact-filled book on
bowhun ng you can find. Paperback. Good+. $15.00
722]Underwood, Lamar, editor. BOWHUNTING TACTICS OF THE PROS Strategies for Deer and Big Game. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2001. First edi on. ISBN:
158574333X. 6 x 9, 320 pgs. Not only introduces you to the wonderful world of
bowhun ng, it will take you through all the levels - from beginner to expert. Did
you get a deer last season with your bow? Did you even see a buck - or bull elk,
bear, moose, mulie, or pronghorn? If you answered 'No' to any of these quesons, this is just the book for you. In fact, it's for you even if you answered
'Yes'. Why? Because this is the most detailed, up-to-date, fact-filled book on
bowhun ng you can find. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $22.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
723]Van Zwoll, Ph.D., Wayne. DEER RIFLES & CARTRIDGES. Accokeek, MD:
Stoeger Publishing, 2005. ISBN: 9780883173480. 6 x 9, 230 pgs, b&w photos.
An in-depth look at what rifles are best for various kinds of deer hun ng from
the proper ac on and caliber for hun ng bucks in big woods to the right load
for open terrain. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00
724]Van Zwoll, Wayne. HUNTER'S GUIDE TO LONG-RANGE SHOOTING. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 2006. First edi on. ISBN: 9780811733144. 6
x 9, 488 pgs, index, b&w photos. Determine your maximum effec ve range
under a variety of condi ons. Tips on range es ma on, rangefinders, and wind
-doping. How temperature and eleva on influence bullet travel, and more.
Paperback. Very Good. $16.00
725]Vancas, Mark F., editor. BOWHUNTING IN ARIZONA Including Records of
Game Animals. Tucson, AZ: Bowhun ng in Arizona, Inc., 2010. Fi h edi on. 6 x
9, 360 pgs, b&w and color photos and illustra ons, charts. Record details of
outstanding Arizona trophies. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ.
726]Vance, Robert. STEEL TRAPS - OBSOLETE & ANTIQUE. Volume II. Privately
Printed, 1997. Reprint. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 102 pgs, b&w illustra ons. More informa on about traps, how they work, and their makers. Paperback. New.
727]Vargas, Mark A. FISHING THE OREGON COAST. Medford, OR: Rhinoceros
Press, 1996. ISBN: 0965512800. 5 x 8, 160 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons.
Helpful and interes ng informa on about saltwater angling for many different
marine fishes in various coastal loca ons. Paperback. Good+. $15.00
728]Voth, Al. B-ZONE The Novel of the Gun. Canada: Trigger Press Interna onal, 2001. Second edi on. ISBN: 0968505007. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 244 pgs. The story
of Nathan Burde , a young man with an amazing ability as a compe ve pistol
shooter, where the entry fee is courage, the goal is survival, and he becomes
the prize. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00
729]Voth, Al. MANDATORY RELOAD The sequel to B-ZONE. Canada: Trigger
Press Interna onal, 2001. ISBN: 0968505015. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 277 pgs. "In BZONE, Nathan Burde was tested. In this, the long-awaited sequel, he has
lessons to learn: when you're the best in the world at what you do - expect to
be in demand. When those you work for live by decep on - expect to be deceived. When your only friend has other loyal es - expect her betrayal. When
your integrity becomes a threat - expect to be hunted. And when you're the
one des ned to confront an unspeakable evil, to call it out in the street, to
draw a line in the sand, to say this far and not one millimeter further, expect
this to be just the beginning." Signed by the author. Paperback. Very Good.
730]Wadsworth, William H. BOWHUNTING DEER. Redlands, CA: Na onal Field
Archery Associa on, 1975. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 64 pgs, b&w illustra ons, contains
yellow highligh ng. Reviews equipment and techniques for bowhun ng deer.
Paperback. Good. $6.00
731]Wahl, Paul. GUN TRADER'S GUIDE. Accokeek, MD: Stoeger Publishing,
1992. Fi eenth Edi on. ISBN: 0883171643. 8 x 10 1/2, 592 pgs, b&w photos.
Complete guide to iden fica on of modern firearms with market values. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00
732]Walton, Izaak and Charles Co on. THE COMPLETE ANGLER. The Contempla ve Man's Recrea on. Boston: Li le Brown & Co, 1889. 5 x 7 1/2,414 pgs,
b&w illustra ons, introduc on by James Russell Lowell. A study of fish and
fishing for the fisherman or the armchair fisherman. Trout, Grayling, Pike, Carp,
Perch, this covers them all. A nice old edi on with nice plates. Hardcover.
Good+. $30.00
733]Warren, Louis S. THE HUNTER'S GAME. New Haven, CT: Yale University
Press, 1997. ISBN: 0300062060. 6 x 9 1/2, 227 pgs, b&w photos. A provoca ve
look at the angry struggles between American conserva onists and local hunters since the rise of wildlife conserva on at the end of the 1800s. Hardcover.
Fine in Fine DJ. $20.00
734]Waterman, Charles F. HUNTING IN AMERICA. New York: Holt, Rinehart &
Winston , 1973. ISBN: 0030107210. 9 x 11, 250 pgs, b&w and color photos
throughout. From Indians to today's sportsmen, the epic story of game and
firearms. A nice coffee-table style book. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good
DJ. $6.00
735]Waters, Robert S., Chairman, Milford Baker, Duncan M. Hodgson, et. al.
RECORDS OF NORTH AMERICAN BIG GAME. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston , 1964. First edi on. 6 x 9, 398 pgs, b&w photos, photo endsheets, charts.
Scarce lis ng of the Boone & Crocke Club compila on of records of big game
taken in North America. Lists all of the current records for that year along with
many photos of the trophies. Hardcover. Good+ in Fair DJ. $40.00
736]Waters, Robert S., M. Graham Ne ng and Lawrence C. Woods, Jr. NORTH
AMERICAN BIG GAME. 1971 Edi on. Pi sburgh, PA: Boone and Crocke Club,
1971. 6 x 9, 403 pgs, b&w photos, charts. Lists nearly 5,000 trophy specimens
of big game in 32 categories, with rank, detailed measurements, name of
hunter, place taken, etc., including 14 ar cles of hun ng experiences, advice,
natural history of game and more. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $20.00
Tips and Tac cs. New York: Lyons Press, 2000. First edi on. ISBN: 1585741914.
7 x 9, 255 pgs, b&w photos, sec on of color photos. Easy-to-read reference
and guide that can help any deer hunter - from beginner to expert - take a
buck this coming season. Ex-library with minimal markings. Hardcover. Very
Good in Very Good DJ. $8.00
738]Weiss, Lisa & Emily Biegel. THE LABRADOR RETRIEVER The Dog That Does
It All. New York: Howell Book House, 1999. Reprint. ISBN: 0876050445. 9 x 9,
239 pgs, index, color photos. All you need to know about this perennial favorite pet. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $8.00
739]Wickstrom, Gordon M. LATE IN AN ANGLER'S LIFE. Albuquerque, NM:
University of New Mexico Press, 2004. ISBN: 0826332668. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 195
pgs, b&w illustra ons and photos. Essays on fishing, embracing the life lived in
fishing the fly with observa ons on its theory and history, studying its sensaonal development in late modern life including angling tales and notes on
tackle, past & present. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $16.00
740]Williams, Ben O. AMERICAN WINGSHOOTING. Minocqua, WI: Willow
Creek Press, 1998. ISBN: 1572231904. 9 1/2 x 11, 159 pgs, color photos and
illustra ons throughout. A pre y coffee-table style book; a celebra on of
upland bird hun ng as it once existed, with an emphasis on contemporary
condi ons and techniques. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $22.00
Gainesville, FL: Real Turkeys Publishers, 1989. First edi on. ISBN: 0962480908.
6 x 9, 331 pgs, index, bibliography, b&w photos. This hunter, wildlife biologist,
and hun ng lodge owner, tells you all of his secrets for hun ng success. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $40.00
742]Wilson, R.L. SILK AND STEEL Women at Arms. New York: Random House,
2003. First edi on. ISBN: 0375507612. 11 x 9, 320 pgs, b&w and color photos
and illustra ons throughout. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $20.00
743]Wilson, R.L. THE WORLD OF BERETTA An Interna onal Legend. Edison, NJ:
Chartwell Books, 2000. ISBN: 078582104X. 11 x 8 1/2, 372 pgs, index, color
photos throughout. Not only the oldest gunmaker in the world, but the oldest
industrial firm in the world, Bere a launched its 475th anniversary with the
lavish history presented here. Mostly deals with the company's 20th century
weapons. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $50.00
744]Wood, J.B. FIREARMS ASSEMBLY/DISASSEMBLY. Part IV: Centerfire Rifles.
Northfield, IL: DBI Books, Inc., 1980. ISBN: 0695814205. 8 1/2 x 11, 288 pgs,
b&w photos. Complete takedown instruc on for 33 of the most popular centerfire rifles. Paperback. Good. $12.00
IL: DBI Books, Inc., 1981. ISBN: 0910676364. 8 x 11, 320 pgs, lavishly illustrated.
Fully illustrated disassembly and reassembly for 35 of the most commonly
used centerfire and rimfire spor ng rifles. Paperback. Good+. $15.00
746]Woo ers, John. HUNTING TROPHY DEER. New York: Winchester Press,
1977. ISBN: 0876912358. 6 x 9, 251 pgs, index, b&w photos. Based on the
author's life me of hun ng, lots of informa on on things like the different
types of deer, what makes big bucks different, the rut, ming and weather,
reading sign, s ll hun ng and much more. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good
DJ. $9.00
747]Wray, Pat. A CHUKAR HUNTER'S COMPANION. Corvallis, OR: Outdoor
Insights, 2003. First edi on. ISBN: 0974292303. 7 x 10, 175 pgs, b&w photos.
Well-researched info about the bird itself, its history & habitats, then on to the
how-to sec on, from physical condi oning through the gear you'll need, then
into the hunt itself. Paperback. Very Good+. $20.00
748]Wynne-Jones, Aubrey. HUNTING On Safari in East and Southern Africa.
Johannesburg, S.A.: Southern Book Publishers, 1987. First edi on. ISBN:
1868120066. 8 1/2 x 11, 194 pgs, b&w illustra ons and maps, decorated endsheets. Comprehensive and beau fully illustrated prac cal companion for the
hunter: where to aim depending on which way the animal is facing, advice on
basic equipment and requirements, choice of trophies, appropriate rifles,
game distribu on maps, hun ng ps and tac cs, and more. Hardcover. Very
Good+. $30.00
749]Young, John Richard. THE SCHOOLING OF THE WESTERN HORSE. Norman,
OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1977 (1954). Reprint. ISBN: 080610306X. 6 x
9, 322 pgs, index, b&w photos. For the modern horseman - suitability of
breeds, training equipment, traits of horses, halterbreaking, longeing, mounted schooling and much more. Ex-library, but clean. Hardcover. Very Good+ in
Very Good+ DJ. $14.00
750]Zumbo, Jim and Robert Elman, editors. ALL-AMERICAN DEER HUNTER'S
GUIDE. New York: Winchester Press, 1984. Reprint. ISBN: 0832903353. 8 x 10,
340 pgs, index, b&w photos. Arms, gear, methods and how-tos for hun ng
whitetails and mule deer. Hardcover. Good. $5.00
751]Allen, John Eliot and Frank E. Ko lowski. SCENIC TRIPS TO THE GEOLOGIC
PAST. Socorro, NM: New Mexico Ins tute of Mining and Technology, 1967. 6 x
9, 50 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. This "No. 3" covers Roswell- CapitanRuidoso and Bo omless Lakes State Park, New Mexico. Paperback. Good.
752]Allen, John Eliot and Frank E. Ko lowski. SCENIC TRIPS TO THE GEOLOGIC
PAST. Socorro, NM: New Mexico Ins tute of Mining and Technology, 1981. 6 x
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
9, 96 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons, removable map. Covers Roswell- Capitan- Ruidoso and Valley of Fires, New Mexico. Paperback. Good. $2.00
753]Arizona Game and Fish Department. NONGAME AND ENDANGERED
WILDLIFE PROGRAM STRATEGIC PLAN, 1990-1995. Phoenix, AZ: 1990. 8 1/2 x
11, 24 pgs. Arizona's policy and long-range plan for wildlife management during this me span. Staplebound. Very Good. $3.00
York: Golden Press, 1967. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 223 pgs, index, color illustra ons
throughout by Arthur Singer, edited by Herbert S. Zim. Thoroughly explores the
fascina ng realm of gulls, cranes, flamingos, herons, ibises, storkes, and many
other water and marsh birds. Front cover creased down the center. Paperback.
Good. $4.00
755]Bauer, Paul W. THE RIO GRANDE A River Guide to the Geology and Landscapes of Northern New Mexico. Socorro, NM: NM Bureau of Geology and
Mineral Resources, 2011. Waterproof Edi on!. ISBN: 9781883905286. 7 x 8
1/2, 120 pgs, color photos and illustra ons throughout. Comprehensive river
guide provides detailed maps of 153 miles of the Rio Grande from Lasauses,
Colorado to Cochi Dam. The eleven river stretches include popular whitewater runs in the Taos Box, Race-course, and White Rock Canyon. Info on
geography, hydrology, safety, river management, rock art, and much more.
Paperback Spiral Bound. Very Good+. $20.00
756]Bell, C. Ritchie and Bryan J. Taylor. FLORIDA WILD FLOWERS AND ROADSIDE PLANTS. Chapel Hill, NC: Laurel Hill Press, 1982. ISBN: 0960868801. 6 x 9,
308 pgs, index, color photos. 500 photos of Florida's most beau ful & interes ng plants, common & scien fic names, range maps, seasons of bloom,
iden fica on aids and more. Hardcover. Fine in Very Good DJ. $6.00
757]Berenbaum, May R. BUZZWORDS A Scien st Muses on Sex, Bugs, and Rock
'N' Roll. Washington DC: Joseph Henry Press, 2000. ISBN: 0309068355. 5 1/2 x
8, 298 pgs, index, references, b&w illustra ons. A selec on from the author's
humor column in the "American Entomologist" professional journal, this also
contains many other pieces. It talks about how entomologists see insects,
including their view of a US government plan to eradicate illicit coca fields by
dropping caterpillars from airplanes. Funny... Paperback. Very Good. $7.00
758]Bharucha, Erach. WONDERS OF THE INDIAN WILDERNESS. New York:
Abbeville Press, 2006. First edi on. ISBN: 9780789209993. 11 x 13, 856 pgs,
index, color photos throughout. The venera on of nature has always been an
integral part of Indian culture, but the country's wilderness is rapidly disappearing and only small fragments of it now remain. In the face of this ecological threat, this volume provides a lavish celebra on of India's unique natural
treasure and a call to preserve it in the years to come. The book devotes its
first half to exploring "The Nature of Biodiversity in India," illustra ng the incredible natural abundance of one of the twelve acknowledged mega-diversity
na ons of the world. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ and slipcase.
759]Blamey, Marjorie. FLOWERS OF THE COUNTRYSIDE. New York: William
Morrow, 1980. ISBN: 0688036856. 7 1/2 x 10, 224 pgs, beau ful color illustraons throughout. Beau ful art renderings of the flowering plants of the ar st's
home of Cornwall, England. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $6.00
760]Boslough, John, contribu ng author. AMERICA'S NATIONAL PARKS. Lincolnwood, IL: Publica ons Interna onal, 1990. First edi on. ISBN: 0881769592.
10 x 14, 256 pgs, index, color photos throughout. A beau ful coffee-table style
book features forty-nine of our most photographed parks. Hardcover. Very
Good in Very Good DJ. $6.00
761]Brandt, Herbert. ARIZONA AND ITS BIRD LIFE A Naturalist's Adventures
with the Nes ng Birds on the Deserts, Grasslands, Foothills, and Mountains of
Southeastern Arizona. Cleveland, OH: The Bird Research Founda on, 1951. 7
1/2 x 10, 725 pgs, b&w photos and drawings and color illustra ons by the
author and others like Roger Tory Peterson, index. "A major aim of this report
is to mirror some of the life on this ornithological fron er and to advertsise
what a remarkable place is audacious Arizona; also to call a en on to the fact
that here there is so much mystery in nature to unravel, with so many fascina ng biological projects to observe and study." Hardcover. Very Good.
762]Brown, Bruce. MOUNTAIN IN THE CLOUDS. A Search for the Wild Salmon.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982. ISBN: 0671435833. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 180 pgs,
illus/drawings. Incisive environmental wri ng on the plight of the wild Salmon
of the northwest and how greed, mismanagement and indifference are driving
them to ex nc on. Well done! Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $5.00
University of Arizona Press, 1985. First edi on. ISBN: 0816509042. 8 1/2 x 11,
169 pgs, index & bib, photos some color. Elegant and comprehensive volume
on the ecology of wetlands & waterfowl of the state. Of interest to birders,
biologists and waterfowl hunters alike and points up the special values of wetlands in a desert state. Hardcover. New in New DJ. $30.00
764]Brown, David E. BIOTIC COMMUNITIES. Southwestern United States and
Northwestern Mexico. Salt Lake City,UT: University of Utah Press, 1994. Second
edi on. ISBN: 0874804590. 8 1/2 x 11, 342 pgs, b&w photos and maps. The
defini ve study on the plant life and bio c communi es of the American
Southwest. In plas c wrapper. Paperback. New. $20.00
765]Brown, David E. and Carlos A. Lopez Gonzalez. BORDERLAND JAGUARS.
Salt Lake City, UT: University of Utah Press, 2001. Second edi on. ISBN:
0874806968. 6 x 9, 170 pgs, index, biblio, b&w photos. Documents the humanjaguar contact in the Southwest and presents jaguar folklore from both sides of
the border. Also jaguar distribu on, habitats and hun ng and breeding characteris cs. Paperback. New. $20.00
766]Brown, David E. and Neil B. Carmony, eds. ALDO LEOPOLD'S SOUTHWEST.
Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2003. Reprint. ISBN:
0826315801. 6 x 9, 200 pgs, b&w photos & drawings, index & bib. The best
wri ngs of Aldo Leopold on subjects of wildlife and forestry, wilderness protecon and the land ethic, and some of his outdoor adventures and hunts.
Wri ngs not before in book form. So . Mint. Paperback. New. $20.00
767]Brown, Vinson, and Henry G. Weston, Jr. HANDBOOK OF CALIFORNIA
BIRDS. Healdsburg, CA: Naturegraph, 1965. Revised. 5 x 8, 156 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons and a sec on of color illustra ons. Includes descrip ons of
species, graphic studies of bird habitats, colors, feeding habits, feet, bills, flight,
songs and calls. Paperback. Good. $5.00
768]Brown, Vinson, and Henry G. Weston, Jr. and Jerry Buzzell. HANDBOOK OF
CALIFORNIA BIRDS. Happy Camp, CA: Naturegraph, 1986. Third edi on. ISBN:
0911010165. 5 x 8, 224 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons and a sec on of color
illustra ons. Includes descrip ons of species, graphic studies of bird habitats,
colors, feeding habits, feet, bills, flight, songs and calls. Paperback. Very Good.
769]Browning, Norma Lee and Russell Ogg. THE MYSTERY AND MIRACLE OF
HUMMINGBIRDS. Kansas City, MO: Terrell Publishing, 1988. ISBN: 0935031. 7
x 10, 32 pgs, color photos throughout. Colorful cover, and color photos
throughout, good text, great informa on. What is more gentle than a wind in
summer? What is more soothing than a pre y hummer that stays one moment
in an open flower, and buzzes cheerily from bower to bower. Paperback. Very
Good. $5.00
770]Carson, Rachel. THE EDGE OF THE SEA. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1956.
First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 276 pgs, index, b&w illustra ons. Seashore life on
the rocky shore, rim of sand, and coral coast. A rich and complex explora on of
the mysterious universe of the ocean. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ.
771]Coghill, Ian. AUSTRALIA'S MINERAL WEALTH. Australia: Sorre Publishing,
1971. First edi on. ISBN: 0909752028. 10 x 10 1/2, 208 pgs, index, b&w and
color photos and illustra ons. An interes ng look at the vast minerals of Australia. Hardcover. Very Good. $9.00
772]Collins, Jr., Henry Hill and Ned R. Boyajian. FAMILIAR GARDEN BIRDS OF
AMERICA. New York: Harper & Row, 1965. 6 x 9 1/2, 307 pgs, b&w illustraons, sec on of color illustra ons. Iden fies some 75 familiar species of birds
common to American gardens and feeding sta ons throughout the con nental
U.S. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $5.00
773]Degenhardt, William G., Charles W. Painter and Andrew H. Price. AMPHIBIANS AND REPTILES OF NEW MEXICO. Albuquerque, NM: University of New
Mexico Press, 1996. First edi on. ISBN: 0826338119. 8 x 10, 430 pgs, index,
sec on of color photos, b&w illustra ons. Amphibians and rep les thrive in
New Mexico's many landscapes and its extremes of temperatures and moisture. The state has 123 species, an assemblage of 3 salamanders, 23 frogs and
toads, 10 turtles, 41 lizards, and 46 snakes. In this comprehensive guide, each
species is presented in a colour photograph and its distribu on shown on a
map. Paperback. Very Good+. $40.00
Southwest Monuments Assoc., 1966. Tenth Prin ng. 6 x 9, 40 pgs, b&w photos
and illustra ons. A nice li le natural history guide book to cen pedes, scorpions, black widow spiders, brown recluse spiders, tarantulas, wasps, bees,
snakes, the Gila monster, geckos, etc. Paperback. Good+. $5.00
775]Dugdale, Chester B. A MODERN AMERICAN HERBAL. Volume 2 - Useful
Herbaceous Plants. New York: A.S. Barnes, 1978. ISBN: 049801908X. 8 1/2 x 11
1/2, 220 pgs, b&w illustra ons/leaf prints by David S. Marx. Tells about plants
used in herbal medicine, edible plants, plants which produce usable fibers and
natural dyes, plants which provide protec ve cover for wildlife, hazardous
plants, and more. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $6.00
776]Ehrlich, Paul R., David S. Dobkin and Darryl Wheye. BIRDS IN JEOPARDY.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1992. ISBN: 0804719810. 8 1/2 x 8,
260 pgs, color illustra ons. Covers the imperiled and ex nct birds of the United
States and Canada including Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Lots of info. Paperback.
Very Good. $5.00
777]Fichtelius, Karl-Eric and Sverre Sjolander. SMARTER THAN MAN? Intelligence in Whales, Dolphins & Humans. New York: Random House, 1972. First
edi on. ISBN: 0394481496. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 205 pgs, biblio, b&w illustra ons,
translated from Swedish by Thomas Teal. Compara ve study of large-brained
animals, uses recent findings to show that in many areas the intelligence capaci es of whales & dolphins are superior to those of man. Hardcover. Very
Good in Very Good DJ. $5.00
778]Frank, Werner. BOAS & OTHER NON-VENOMOUS SNAKES. Neptune, NJ:
T.F.H. Publica ons, 1979. Second edi on. ISBN: 0876669224. 5 x 8, 93 pgs,
colored photo endpapers, b&w and color photos within, colored boards. A
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
preliminary guide to the snakes which can be kept sa sfactorily in cap vity.
Hardcover. Good. $7.00
779]Friedman, Herbert. THE AMAZING UNIVERSE. Washington DC: Na onal
Geographic Society, 1975. ISBN: 0870441795. 7 x 10, 199 pgs, color photos
throughout. The author shares revela ons of the new astronomy and explains
varied theories about our turbulent skies: plus remarkable pictures made with
the world's greatest telescopes. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $4.00
796][Ishida, Takeo]. Stephen, David. BIRDS OF THE WORLD. New York: Galahad Books, 1973. 8 1/2 x 11, 91 pgs, color illustra ons throughout. A guide
book for young adults. Hardcover. Good. $3.00
780]Frome, Michael. BATTLE FOR THE WILDERNESS. New York: Praeger, 1974.
ISBN: 0275191100. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 246 pgs, index/notes. In two parts,
"Wilderness Values", and "Saving the Wilderness", it shows how wilderness
can provide new genera ons a link with the spirit of adventure and explora on
at the heart of our na on's history. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ. $6.00
797]Jensen, Karen. AMERICA: LAND OF WILDLIFE. Washington DC: Na onal
Wildlife Federa on, 1984. ISBN: 0912186550. 10 1/2 x 9, 160 pgs, color photos
throughout. The hidden natural wonder of America's wildlife and landscape as
you travel from mountain peak to de pool, and from endless prairie to liferich marshland. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $8.00
781]Frome, Michael. WHOSE WOODS THESE ARE. The Story of the Na onal
Forests. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1962. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 360 pgs, index, color
photos, b&w maps. Studies of our forests and the people who manage them,
including the poli cs of our na onal forests. Hardcover. Good+. $5.00
798]Krausman, Paul, John R. Morgart and MaryEllen Chilelli. ANNOTATED
AZ: Southwest Natural History Assn., 1984. ISBN: 0961012633. 6 x 9, 205 pgs,
photos. This detailed, annotated bibliography is a must for the student of the
Desert Bighorn. Lists all the literature & provides substan al discussion of each
volume with info on sheep lore, natural history, & hun ng. Paperback. New.
782]Furtman, Michael, compiled by. DEER TAILS & TRAILS The Complete Book
of Everything Whitetail. Minocqua, WI: Willow Creek Press, 2006. First edi on.
ISBN: 1595432353. 8 1/2 x 8 1/2, 119 pgs, color photos throughout. For nature
lovers and sportsmen alike, everything you'd ever want to know about the
popular whitetail deer. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00
783]Gehlbach, Frederick R. MESSAGES FROM THE WILD An Almanac of Suburban Natural and Unnatural History. Aus n, TX: University of Texas Press, 2002.
First edi on. ISBN: 0292728387. 6 x 9, 258 pgs, index, b&w illustra ons and
sec on of color photos. Gehlbach draws on thirty years of journal entries to
present a composite, day-by-day almanac of the life cycles of a semi-wild natural island in the midst of urban Texas. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00
784]Gould, Stephen Jay. EIGHT LITTLE PIGGIES. Reflec ons in Natural History.
New York: Norton, 1993. ISBN: 039303416X. 5 x 8, 479 pgs, b&w illustra ons.
Essays on natural history including such diverse topics as Darwin, Mozart, and
chance. Paperback. Very Good. $3.00
785]Gould, Stephen Jay. WONDERFUL LIFE. The Burgess Shale & the Nature of
History. New York: Norton, 1989. ISBN: 0393027058. 6 x 9 1/2, 347 pgs, b&w
illustra ons. The discovery of this interes ng limestone quarry and it's perfectly preserved pre-historic creatures and the people in charge of its study in the
early 20th century. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $7.00
786]Greene, Harry W. SNAKES The Evolu on of Mystery in Nature. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1997. ISBN: 0520200144. 9 x 11, 351 pgs, color
photos. A comprehensive overview of snakes packed with up-to-date detailes
of their biology and their environments. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good
DJ. $30.00
787]Grossman, Mary Louise and John N. Hamlet. OUR VANISHING WILDERNESS. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1972. Reprint. ISBN: 0448012081. 8 1/2 x
11, 324 pgs, index, b&w and color photos throughout, mapped endsheets.
Beau ful photos and text that tells the story of what is happening to our wildlife as the wilderness dissappears. Hardcover. Good. $3.00
788]Hager, Dorsey. PRACTICAL OIL GEOLOGY The Applica on of Geology to Oil
Field Problems. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1926. 4 1/2 x 7, 309 pgs, b&w illustraons. How-to on oil explora on and produc on with lots of data from exploraon, equipment (with some illustra ons), geology, geography and much more.
Hardcover. Good+. $8.00
789]Haley, Jan, photographer. FREE FLOW The Gila River in New Mexico. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press, 2008. First edi on. ISBN:
9780826344465. 8 1/2 x 10, 105 pgs, color photos throughout, introduc on by
M.H. Salmon. Beau ful photographs illustrate the Gila's journey from its high
mountain source to the arid canyon lands where it leaves New Mexico. Riverscapes, aerial views, and in mate close-ups expose secrets of a river environment, bringing the Gila to life on the pages of this book. Paperback. New.
790]Harrell, Mary Ann. SURPRISING LANDS DOWN UNDER. Washington DC:
Na onal Geographic Society, 1989. First edi on. ISBN: 0870447149. 7 x 10, 199
pgs, color photos throughout. Memorable text and photographs of Australia
and New Zealand. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $4.00
791]Harris, Jack C. A STEP-BY-STEP BOOK ABOUT IGUANAS. Neptune City, NJ:
T.F.H. Publica ons, 1990. ISBN: 0866224599. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 64 pgs, color photos and illustra ons. All you need to know about feeding, selec on, housing,
illnesses, handling, etc. Paperback. Good. $4.00
792]Hayes, Harold T.P. THE LAST PLACE ON EARTH. New York: Stein & Day,
1977. ISBN: 0812820727. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 287 pgs. The account of a la er day
safari from Kenya across Uganda to the Serenge Plain in Tanzania, posing the
problem that man needs more space and animals cannot live with less. An
important book. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $7.00
793]Herrera, Esteban A., and Laura F. Huenneke, editors. NEW MEXICO JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. Albuquerque, NM: New Mexico Academy of Science, 1996. 5
x 8, 375 pgs. A collec on of wri ngs and ar cles about the importance of agricultural science in New Mexico's economy. Paperback. Good. $3.00
794]Hirschhorn, Howard. ALL ABOUT MICE. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publicaons, 1974. ISBN: 0876662106. 5 x 8, 96 pgs, color photos throughout. Everything you need to know about mice as housepets. Paperback. Good. $4.00
795]Howells, William. BACK OF HISTORY. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1963.
Revised. 4 x 7, 384 pgs, b&w illustra ons. The absorbing story of man from his
own beginnings to the beginnings of wri en history, and a study of the relaonship between culture and man. Mass Market Paperback. Good. $3.00
799]Locke, Raymond Friday, editor. THE HUMAN SIDE OF HISTORY Man's
Manners, Morals and Games. Los Angeles: Mankind Publishing, 1970. ISBN:
0876870043. 4 x 7, 251 pgs, b&w photos. Light social history of Western civiliza on. Some margin nota ons. Mass Market Paperback. Good. $3.00
800]Lockhart, Gary. THE WEATHER COMPANION. New York: John Wiley &
Sons, 1988. ISBN: 0471620793. 7 x 9, 230 pgs, index, b&w illustra ons. An
album of meteorological history, science, legend, and folklore. Paperback.
Good. $5.00
801]MacCarter, Jane Susan. NEW MEXICO WILDLIFE VIEWING GUIDE. Helena,
MT: Falcon Publishing, 1994. Second edi on. ISBN: 1560442131. 6 x 9, 104 pgs,
color photos, illustra ons and maps. Leads you to 74 premier wildlife viewing
areas and gives you be er chances of seeing wildlife when you arrive. Paperback. Very Good. $7.00
OF EASTERN NORTH AMERICA. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1977. First edi on.
ISBN: 0395257743. 6 x 9, 240 pgs, index, b&w illustra ons, introduc on by
Roger Tory Peterson. PRecise and useful informa on about 270 common birds.
Paperback. Good+. $6.00
803]McDermo , John Francis, compiled, edited and introduced,. AUDUBON IN
THE WEST. Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1965. First edi on. 6 x
9, 131 pgs, index, b&w historical photos. Le ers Audubon wrote to family and
friends during his lengthy expedi on of 1843. The dangers, discomforts, difficul es of obtaining specimens and more. Ex-library with usual markings. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $6.00
Sketchbook. Privately Printed, 1973. 8 1/2 x 11, 113 pgs, biblio, index, b&w line
drawings. A simplified handbook for learning the common names of some of
the most common desert wildflowers. Full page drawings for easy iden ficaon, plant history, legend, unusual uses, etc. Spiral bound. Paperback. Good.
2014. ISBN: 9780991573806. 8 1/2 x 8 1/2, 60 pgs, color photos throughout.
Introduces readers to a unique region that has been hidden in plain sight for
far too long: eight ecosystems, resul ng from basin and range land forms have
created an area teeming with extremely diverse plant and animal life. Paperback. New. $17.00
806]Milne, Lorus and Margery. PATHS ACROSS THE EARTH. New York: Harper
& Bros., 1958. 6 x 8 1/2, 216 pgs, index, illustrated by Henry Bugbee Kane. A
noted team of naturalists tells the intriguing story of animal migra ons, and of
the strange and marvelous ways in which life spreads over our world. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $4.00
807]Moorehead, Alan. NO ROOM IN THE ARK. London: Reprint Society, 1960.
5 x 7 1/2, 219 pgs, b&w photos. Africa, its animals and its peoples, from Johannesburg to Khartoum, and its strange enchantment. Hardcover. Very Good in
Good- DJ. $4.00
808]Munz, Philip A. CALIFORNIA DESERT WILDFLOWERS. Berkeley: University
of California Press, 1962. 6 x 9, 122 pgs, b&w illustra ons, maps, sec on of
color photos. Intended for the layman who has no par cular botanical training
but who likes to know something about his surroundings in nature. Paperback.
Very Good. $5.00
809]Nelson, Richard. THE ISLAND WITHIN. San Francisco: North Point Press,
1989. ISBN: 0865474044. 6 x 9, 284 pgs. The author tells what it's like to share
a pris ne ecosystem with deer and bear and humpback whale. Hardcover.
Very Good in Very Good DJ. $6.00
Southwest Parks and Monuments, 1982. Revised. ISBN: 0911408606. 5 1/2 x 8
1/2, 112 pgs, b&w illustra ons. A classic iden fica on guide to desert animals.
Paperback. Good. $5.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
Southwest Parks and Monuments, 1970. Fourth edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 112 pgs,
b&w illustra ons. A classic iden fica on guide to desert animals. Paperback.
Good. $5.00
828]Scheffer, Victor B. THE YEAR OF THE WHALE. New York: Scribners, 1969. 6
1/2 x 9, 214 pgs, index, biblio, notes, illustrated. A scien fically presented
twelve months in the life of a young sperm whale. Hardcover. Very Good in
Good DJ. $5.00
812]Olson, Sigurd F. WILDERNESS DAYS. New York: Knopf, 1972. 7 x 10, 241
pgs, b&w and color photos, maps. A season-by-season selec on of the bestloved wri ngs of one of America's best-loved nature writers. Hardcover. Very
Good in Good+ DJ. $12.00
829]Sco , Doug. THE ENDURING WILDERNESS. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing, 2004. Second edi on. ISBN: 1555915272. 6 x 9, 184 pgs. Outlines key details of the Wilderness Act, what it protects, and what it means for future genera ons and how to use the Act to protect our natural heritage. Paperback.
Fine. $7.00
813]Packham, Chris. GRASSLANDS AND SCRUB. London: Collins & Sons, 1989.
First edi on. ISBN: 0002198436. 5 x 7 1/2, 128 pgs, color photos and illustraons. Natural history of Britain's grassland and scrub. Paperback. Very Good.
814]Parslow, Percy. HAMSTERS. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publica ons, 1989.
ISBN: 0866228314. 5 1/2 x 8, 127 pgs, color photos throughout. Sensible, easyto-follow recommenda ons about selec ng and caring for hamsters. Hardcover. Good. $4.00
815]Patraw, Pauline M. FLOWERS OF THE SOUTHWEST MESAS. Globe, AZ:
Southwestern Monument Associa on, 1964. Fourth edi on. 6 x 9, 112 pgs,
index, b&w illustra ons. A natural history and iden fica on guide to the plants
of the plateau country of the southwest. Paperback. Good. $4.00
816]Perla, Ronald I. and M. Mar nelli, Jr. AVALANCHE HANDBOOK. Ft. Collins,
CO: USDA Forest Service, 1978. Revised. 8 1/2 x 11, 254 pgs, b&w photos and
illustra ons, charts. Tells a short history of avalanches, avalanche meteorology,
snowpack, stability evalua on, protec on of ski areas, highways and villages,
safety and rescue, and much more. Paperback. Good. $4.00
817]Peterson, Roger Tory. FIELD GUIDE TO THE BIRDS. A Completely New
Guide to All the Birds of Eastern and Central North America. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1980. ISBN: 0395361648. 4 1/2 x 7, 284 pgs, color illustra ons throughout. Complete, easy to read, up-to-date range maps showing summer and
winter ranges, breeding grounds, and other special range informa on. Paperback. Very Good+. $9.00
818]Petrides, George A. A FIELD GUIDE TO TREES AND SHRUBS. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1958. Third edi on. 4 1/2 x 7 1/2, 432 pgs, b&w illustra ons.
Field marks of all trees, shrubs, and woody vines that grow wild in the northeastern and north-central U.S. and in southeastern and couth-central Canada.
Hardcover. Good in Fair DJ. $5.00
819]Pe ngill, Jr., Olin Sewall. A LABORATORY AND FIELD MANUAL OF ORNITHOLOGY. Minneapolis, MN: Burgess Publishing, 1969. Third edi on. 9 x 11
1/2, 381 pgs, b&w illustra ons including fold-out chart. Classic bird manual.
Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00
820]Poole, A.L. WILD ANIMALS IN NEW ZEALAND. Wellington, N.Z.: A.H. &
A.W. Reed, 1970. Reprint. ISBN: 0589004115. 8 x 10, 151 pgs, b&w, and few
color, photos and illustra ons. An interes ng study in photos of the wild animals, mostly non-na ve, of New Zealand. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good
DJ. $7.00
821]Pough, Richard H. AUDUBON WATER BIRD GUIDE. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1951. 4 1/2 x 7 1/2, 352 pgs, color and b&w illustra ons. Covers water,
game and large land birds of Eastern and Central North America. Hardcover.
Good. $6.00
822]Pryor, Karen. LADS BEFORE THE WIND. Adventures in Porpoise Training.
New York: Harper & Row, 1975. First edi on. ISBN: 0060134429. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,
278 pgs, b&w photos. How the author learned training, biology, temperaments
and the life styles of porpoises. Light reading, anecdotal and amusing; visits
with B.F. Skinner, Clare Boothe Luce, Art Linkle er and others. Ex-library. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $6.00
823]Pyle, Jinx. LOOKING THROUGH THE SMOKE. Payson, AZ: Git a Rope! Publishing, 2002. First edi on. ISBN: 0972256040. 6 x 9, 110 pgs, b&w photos and
illustra ons. A sixth genera on Arizona na ve addresses the mismanagement
of the US Forest Service and the causes and effects of the Rodeo-Chedeski and
Dude fires. He also discusses the wolf reintroduc on program and more! Paperback. New. $15.00
824]Rule, Glenn K. and Ralph W. Ne erstrom. SOIL DEFENSE IN THE PACIFIC
SOUTHWEST. Washington DC: U.S. Government Prin ng Office, 1940. 6 x 9, 55
pgs, b&w photos. Deals with California and Nevada, their soil and water losses
and what they were doing in 1940 to correct and improve the problems. Paperback. Good. $4.00
825]Sanders, Sco Russell. THE PARADISE OF BOMBS. Athens, GA: University
of Georgia Press, 1987. First edi on. ISBN: 0820309036. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 155 pgs.
Essays that speak of the pleasures of daily living and the mysteries of our nature that propel us toward life, but also toward destruc on. Hardcover. Very
Good in Very Good DJ. $6.00
826]Sanderson, Ivan T. ANIMAL TREASURE. New York: Viking Press, 1937. First
edi on. 6 x 9, 323 pgs, b&w illustra ons by the author. Unusual and usual
animals depicted in text and illustra ons by the famous naturalist noted for his
work on the abominable snowman. Hardcover. Good+. $7.00
York: Scribners, 1976. ISBN: 0684145766. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 157 pgs, b&w illustraons. The sea and how mammals have adapted to the challenges of living in it.
Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $5.00
830]Shaw, Harley. SOUL AMONG LIONS. The Cougar As Peaceful Adversary.
Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 2000. First prin ng. ISBN: 0816520844.
Wri en by a wildlife biologist, a vivid, in mate portrait of the mountain lion,
part of a complex web of natural, social, economic and ethical factors. Gives
the rela onship of lions with hounds and hunters, ranchers and environmentalists. Highly recommended. Paperback. New. $18.00
831]Smith, Richard P. ANIMAL TRACKS AND SIGNS OF NORTH AMERICA. Harrisburg, PA: Stackpole Books, 1982. First edi on. ISBN: 0811721248. 6 x 9, 271
pgs, index, b&w photos. How to recognize and interpret wildlife clues. Hardcover. Very Good. $10.00
CT: Globe Pequot, 1989. ISBN: 0871066157. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 175 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Learn observa on techniques, record keeping ps, how to volunteer
with a bird-banding project and more to take you beyond the backyard feeder
into the world of field ornithology. Paperback. Good. $3.00
833]Stone, Roger D. and Claudia D'Andrea. TROPICAL FORESTS AND THE HUMAN SPIRIT Journeys to the Brink of Hope. Berkeley: University of California
Press, 2001. First edi on. ISBN: 0520230892. 6 x 9, 315 pgs, index, maps. Based
on extensive interna onal field research, suggests preserving this vanishing
precious resource by empowering local people who depend on the forest for
survival. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00
834]Struthers, John. LIFE AT AN AFRICAN POOL. Wai ng for Rain. S llwater,
MN: Voyageur Press, 1993. First edi on. ISBN: 0896582302. 8 x 11, 136 pgs,
beau ful color photos throughout. Describes and illustrates the stress suffered
by wild animals as their source of water dries up. Hardcover. Very Good in Very
Good DJ. $5.00
835]Tennant, Alan. ON THE WING To the Edge of the Earth with the Peregrine
Falcon. New York: Knopf, 2004. Fourth edi on. ISBN: 0375415513. 6 1/2 x 9,
304 pgs, sec on of color photos. The author's endeavors to radio-track the
peregrine. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $7.00
836]Thompson, John M. AMERICA'S WESTERN EDGE. Washington DC: Na onal
Geographic Society., 2005. ISBN: 0792238117. 7 x 10, 192 pgs, color photos
throughout. Beau ful photos and stories of the states along the Pacific coast.
Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $3.00
837]True, Dan. FLYING FREE. New York: Wynwood Press, 1989. ISBN:
0922066124. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 164 pgs, b&w photos. The remarkable true story of
an eagle that disproved the myth that a bird raised by man can never fly free.
Paperback. Very Good. $6.00
838]U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT RESEARCH PROGRAMS. Four Reports. Washington DC: 1980. 8 1/2 x 11, about 20 pgs each.
Includes "Greentree Reservoirs", "Gallinaceous Guzzlers", "Waterfowl Next
Baskets", and "Special Wire Fences". Paperback. Good. $4.00
839]Udall, Stewart L. THE NATIONAL PARKS. New York: Putnams, 1966. 9 x 12,
225 pgs, b&w and color photos throughout. A pre y coffee table style book
featuring thirty-one of our beau ful parks, vintage 1960s. Hardcover. Very
Good in Good slipcase. $6.00
840]Van Tyne, Josselyn and Andrew J. Berger. FUNDAMENTALS OF ORNITHOLOGY. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1961. 6 x 9, 624 pgs, b&w photos and
illustra ons. An informa ve reference and old text on birds. Hardcover. Good.
841]Viole e, Paul E. SHELLING IN THE SEA OF CORTEZ. Tucson, AZ: Dale Stuart
King Publisher, 1964. 6 x 9, 96 pgs, b&w illustra ons, index. Iden fica on descrip ons for shells in this part of the world. Paperback. Good+. $12.00
842]Von Hagen, Victor W. WORLD OF THE MAYA. New York: New American
Library, 1960. 4 x 7, 224 pgs, index, notes, b&w illustra ons and a sec on of
b&w photos. A history of the Mayas and their resplendent civiliza on that
grew out of the jungles and wastelands of Central America. Archaeology reveals the wonders of Maya art and architecture and the enigma of their calendar and hieroglyphic wri ng. Paperback. Very Good. $4.00
843]Walker, Bryce S., and the editors. THE GREAT DIVIDE. New York: Time-Life
Books, 1974. Revised. 8 x 11, 184 pgs, color photos, index & bib. Fine color
photos and informa ve text on the Great Divide of the Rockies. Hardcover.
Very Good+. $3.00
844]Wallace, Robert, editor. THE GRAND CANYON. New York: Time-Life Books,
1973. 8 x 11, 184 pgs, color photos, index. Spectacular photos and informa ve
text on the history and wilderness of the Grand Canyon. Hardcover. Very Good
in Good+ DJ. $4.00
Verde Na onal Park, CO: Mesa Verde Museum Associa on, 1976. 9 x 6, 48 pgs,
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
color photos. "Mesa Verde is not a 'go where you wish' park because there are
so many Indian ruins that need protec on. For this reason most plants are
seen along roads and trails in the park. This book illustrates the more common
and showy flowering plants and shrubs that occur along the park's roads and
trails. Paperback. Very Good+. $5.00
846]Williams, Winston. FLORIDA'S FABULOUS WATERBIRDS. Their Stories.
Tampa, FL: World-Wide Prin ng, 1987. ISBN: 0911977007. 9 x 12, 64 pgs, color
photos throughout. A pre y coffee-table style book with beau ful photos and
interes ng facts about Florida's waterbirds. Paperback. Good+. $3.00
IN THE UNITED STATES. New York: Collier, 1980. First edi on. ISBN:
002098670X. 6 x 9, 464 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustra ons. A useful vacaon guide for exci ng archaeological trips the whole family can share and
enjoy. Paperback. Very Good. $4.00
Globe, Arizona: Southwest Parks & Monuments, 1975. First prin ng. 5 1/2 x 8
1/2, 82 pgs, index of common names, sec on of color photos. Annotated
checklist and species accounts. Paperback Spiral Bound. Good+. $5.00
849]YOUR SPIRIT ANIMAL HELPERS. The Divine Guardians of Your Happiness.
New York: Interna onal Rights, Ltd., 1997. 7 x 8 1/2, 190 pgs, monotone illustra ons. What are spirit animals? How to find and connect with your spirit
animal helpers. How spirit animals can help you, and descrip ons of thirty
animal spirit helpers. Paperback. Good. $5.00
AREA, NEW MEXICO. Socorro, NM: NM Ins tute of Mining and Technology,
1965. 9 x 11 1/2, 128 pgs, folded-maps in pocket at back of book, b&w photos.
Geology of the bootheel area of New Mexico. Hardcover. Very Good. $12.00
851]Abbo , Lee K. DREAMS OF DISTANT LIVES. New York: Putnams, 1989.
ISBN: 039134557. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 206 pgs. Prize winning author's fourth book of
short stories. Abbot probes the frail es of love, marriage, and divorce--ma ers of the heart, of human failing, of regret, and of first love. Hardcover.
Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00
York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1949. 5 1/2 x 7 1/2, 336 pgs. Thousands of easy-to-find
sentences, 17,000 prac cal Englis words and phrases translated and clearly
defined, and a sec on on Spanish grammar and pronuncia on. Hardcover.
Good+ in Good+ DJ. $15.00
853]Albanov, Valerian. IN THE LAND OF WHITE DEATH An Epic Story of Survival
in the Siberian Arc c. New York: The Modern Library, 2000. ISBN: 0679641009.
4 1/2 x 7 1/2, 202 pgs, index. A beguiling and valuable record of polar exploraon before the planes landed, and a miraculous testament to what the human
spirit can achieve. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00
854]Ambrose, Stephen E. D-DAY June 6, 1944: The Climac c Ba le of World
War II. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994. Reprint. ISBN: 9780684801377. 6 x
9, 655 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustra ons, maps. The author uses oral
accounts from over 1,400 par cipants in the massive D-Day invasion to give us
a brilliant and eye-opening account of the ba le that marked the beginning of
the end of NAZI Germany. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00
855]American Geographical Society. KNOW YOUR AMERICA PROGRAM Five
booklets in decorated box. Garden City, NY: Nelson Doubleday, Inc., 1968. 5
1/2 x 8 1/2 booklets, 64 pgs each, b&w and color photos. Kind of like today's
Na onal Parks "Passports", s ckers were added to these books as the family
traveled to visit the different places. Books are: The Twin Ci es, Indians of the
Southwest, Shipping, Texas, and Philadelphia. Paperback. Good+. $5.00
856]AMERICAN LEGION MAGAZINE November 1942. Chicago: 1942. 8 1/2 x 11
1/2, 76 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Lots of patrio c stories and ar cles
from the early days of WWII. Paperback. Very Good. $4.00
857]Anderson, Andrew. SKY FIGHTERS Warplanes in Ac on. New York:
Kidsbooks, Inc., 2003. ISBN: 1588651738. 10 x 12, 46 pgs, full color. For kids, an
up-close look at the high-tech features and awe-inspiring armament of 20
fierce warplanes. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00
858]Appalachian Mountain Club. AMC RIVER GUIDE. New Hampshire, Vermont. Boston: 1983. ISBN: 0910146497. 4 1/2 x 7, 266 pgs, b&w maps. A comprehensive guidebook for canoeists and kayakers on the rivers of New Hampshire and Vermont. Paperback. Very Good. $2.00
859]Arias, Ron. FIVE AGAINST THE SEA A True Story of Courage & Survival.
New York: New American Library, 1989. First edi on. ISBN: 0453007031. 5 1/2
x 8 1/2, 226 pgs, sec on of b&w photos, mapped endsheets. dri in the immensity of the Pacific Ocean, five fishermen from Costa Rica struggled against
thirst, hunger and despair for incredible 142 days, the longest such endurance
on record. When finally rescued, the men had dri ed 4,500 miles from their
home shores, crossing four me-zones, and had survived on a diet of rainwater, fish and turtles. Ex-library with usual markings. Hardcover. Very Good+ in
Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
860]Atkinson, Rick. THE LONG GRAY LINE The American Journey of West
Point's Class of 1966. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1989. First edi on. ISBN:
0395480086. 6 x 9 1/2, 592 pgs, index, notes, bibliography, b&w photos. Follows the West Point class of 1966 through their high spirited cadet years into
the fires of Vietnam and the bi erly divisive post-war years. Hardcover. Very
Good in Very Good DJ. $3.00
861]Auel, Jean M. THE LAND OF PAINTED CAVES. New York: Bantam Books,
2011. First edi on. ISBN: 9780553289435. 4 x 7, 828 pgs. Con nuing the story
of Ayla and Jondalar, Auel combines her brilliant narra ve skills and appealing
characters with a remarkable re-crea on of the way life was lived more than
25,000 years ago. Mass Market Paperback. Good+. $4.00
862]THE AUTOMOBILES OF 1904 Gasoline - Steam - Electric. Sco a, NY: Americana Review, 1961. ISBN: 0914166026. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 32 pgs, sepia and white
illustra ons. Reprinted from Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly, January, 1904.
Paperback. Good+. $6.00
863]Bacheller, Irving. A MAN FOR THE AGES A Story of the Builders of Democracy. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1919. 5 x 7, 417 pgs, b&w illustra ons. A
story of the builders of democracy. Hardcover. Good+. $6.00
864]Baldwin, Leland D. THE KEELBOAT AGE ON WESTERN WATERS. Pi sburgh,
PA: University of Pi sburgh Press, 1980. Reprint. ISBN: 0822953196. 5 1/2 x 8,
264 pgs, index, notes. Originally published in 1941, the story of river trade
before the coming of the steamboat. Paperback. Very Good. $6.00
865]Bartle , Captain Robert A. THE LOG OF BOB BARTLETT. Canada: Flanker
Press, 2006. Reprint. ISBN: 9781897317006. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 335 pgs, b&w photos. Originally published in 1926. Details and experiences from Bartle 's 28
excursions into the Arc c. Paperback. Good+. $15.00
866]Bierce, Ambrose. CIVIL WAR STORIES. New York: Dover Publica ons,
1994. Reprint. ISBN: 0486280381. 5 x 8, 124 pgs. Civil War stories by newspaperman, short-story writer, poet and sa rist, Bierce (1842-1917?); one of the
most striking annd unusual literary figures America has produced. Paperback.
Very Good+. $5.00
HAUNTINGS Everything You Need to Know About Encountering Over 100
Ghosts, Phantoms, and Spectral En es. New York: Three Rivers Press, 1998.
First edi on. ISBN: 0609800213. 7 x 9, 191 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons.
Everthing you need to know about encountering over 100 ghosts, phantoms
and spectral en es. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00
868]Bosiljevac, T.L. SEALs UDT/SEAL Opera ons in Vietnam. Boulder, CO: Paladin Press, 1990. ISBN: 0873645316. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 256 pgs, sec on of b&w
photos, bibliography, glossary. A study of the American Underwater Demolion Teams (UDTs) and Navy Seals with regard to their opera onal involvement
in Vietnam. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00
869]Bowden, Mark. ROAD WORK Among Tyrants, Heroes, Rogues, and Beasts.
New York: Atlan c Monthly, 2004. First edi on. ISBN: 087113876X. 6 x 9, 467
pgs. A collec on of non-fic on stories tells of a small Rhode Island town where
one of the biggest cocaine rings ever is brought to light; to the Luangwa Valley
in Zambia where a brave team of an poachers fights to save the fate of the
black rhinoceros. Another piece, "The Kabul-ki Dance" covers the 391st Fighter
Squadron of Idaho as it engages in the air war over Afghanistan, and another
piece gives a high-profile analysis of Saddam Hussein (which was nominated
for a Na onal Magazine Award) bringing into sharper focus one of the world's
most notorious personali es. Other selec ons are equally revealing and important. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00
870]Boyce, Burke. MAN FROM MT. VERNON. New York: Harper & Bros., 1961.
5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 314 pgs. Historical novel of George Washington which presents
him in a vividly human light. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $8.00
871]Braid, Kate. EMILY CARR Rebel Ar st. Bri sh Columbia: XYZ Publishing,
2000. ISBN: 0968360165. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 178 pgs, index, b&w photos. As a child
she was "contrary,"as a young woman she defied conven on to choose art
over marriage, and as a middle-aged woman she was considered a full-blown
eccentric. Listening to her own inner voice, Emily Carr created an art unique to
Bri sh Columbia. Paperback. Very Good. $7.00
872]Braithwaite, Rodric. MOSCOW 1941 A City and Its People at War. New
York: Knopf, 2006. First edi on. ISBN: 1400044308. 6 x 9, 398 pgs, b&w historical photos. Offers an illustrated narra ve of the military ac on that took place
in Moscow during 1941; telling portraits of Stalin and his generals, some apparatchiks, some great commanders. This book traces the stories of individuals
and soldiers. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00
873]Brenner, Gordon A., Richard E. Church and Lance Field. EMERGENCY MEDICAL PROCEDURES FOR THE OUTDOORS. Birmingham, AL: Menasha Ridge
Press, 1995. Revised. ISBN: 1568654405. 6 x 9, b&w illustra ons. Contains the
flowchart/decision-tree format explains clear, simple and straigh orward
procedures that anyone can follow in an emergency from abdominal injury to
sprain/strain, with index and table of contents to find solu ons for medical
emergencies. Hardcover. Very Good+. $8.00
874]Bridenbaugh, Carl. MYTHS & REALITIES Socie es of the Colonia South.
New York: Atheneum, 1963. First, thus. 4 x 7, 208 pgs. Essays on the nature of
the socie es of the colonial South and the story of life in the rural South in the
eighteenth century. Some light pencil underlining. Mass Market Paperback.
Good. $4.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
875]Burne , Frances Hodgson. THAT LASS O' LOWRIE'S. New York: Scribners,
1892. Second edi on. 5 x 7, 269 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Burne 's first novel, for
adults, set in Lancashire and later transcribed into a play. Hardcover. Good+.
WORLD'S BEST Stories, Humor, Drama, Biography, History, Essays, Poetry. New
York: Dial Press, 1950. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 1186 pgs. 105 of the worlds greatest living
writers of the me made their own selec ons of the work which they consider
their most representa ve. Hardcover. Good. $5.00
877]Burton, Fred and John Bruning. CHASING SHADOWS A Special Agent's
Lifelong Hunt to Bring a Cold War Assassin to Jus ce. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. First edi on. ISBN: 9780230620551. 6 x 9 1/2, 258 pgs, index,
b&w photos. Spins a gripping tale of the secret agents, double dealings, terrorists, and heroes the author encounters as he chases leads around the globe in
an effort to solve the decades-old murder of Joe Alon, an Israeli Air Force Pilot
with intelligence es, in 1973. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ.
878]Caldwell, John. THE NEW CROSS-COUNTRY SKI BOOK. Bra leboro, VT:
Stephen Greene Press, 1971. Third edi on. ISBN: 0828901376. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,
128 pgs, b&w photos. All sorts of how-tos for this happy, cheap, safe and easyto-learn family sport. Paperback. Good. $4.00
879]Camas-Washougal (WA) Post Record. CLARK COUNTY: 150 YEARS & GOING STRONG, and WASHINGTON'S CENTENNIAL. Camas, WA: Post Record,
1993 & 1988. 10 1/2 x 13, 44 pgs each, b&w photos. Newspaper inserts celebra ng historical dates in this area's history. Paperback. Good+. $3.00
880]Campbell, Donovan. JOKER ONE A Marine Platoon's Story of Courage,
Leadership, and Brotherhood. New York: Random House, 2009. First edi on.
ISBN: 9781400067732. 6 x 9, 313 pgs.A U.S. Marine Corps platoon's story of
courage leadership and brotherhood. The author commanded "Joker One," a
40-man infantry platoon in Iraq which spent seven months in a Sunnidominated province ba ling the insurgents in day-today, o en house-to-house
combat, while protec ng the innocent. The platoon's casualty rate exceeded
50 percent, but they held their ground. Paperback. Very Good+ in Very Good+
DJ. $15.00
881]Cape, John M. and Laura Buckner. OIL DUSK A Peak Oil Story. Humble, TX:
Singing Bowl Publishing, 2009. ISBN: 9780978789305. 6 x 9, 273 pgs. The MacCasland family struggles to survive when the dollar crashes and the United
States is starved for oil. Gas prices soar, store shelves empty, and jobs are
almost non-existent. When brutal gangs start loo ng, it becomes clear that
anyone s ll living in the suburbs needs a Plan B. Unfortunately, our inability to
prepare for the next energy regime will insure that the transi on away from oil
will be disrup ve. The Chinese built an en re interstate highway system within
the past ten years and the Indians are moving beyond scooters and into small
autos. The pressures on the world's demand for oil are staggering. If there's
not enough oil to go around, who gets the short s ck when it comes to a fall in
oil produc on? Might the United States with its massive government deficits
and persistent trade deficits be the weak link? Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00
882]Carpenter, Li .D., F.R.G.S., Frank G. EUROPE. New York: American Book
Co., 1922. 5 x 7, 508 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustra ons. A country-bycountry guide to turn-of-the-century Europe, wri en for the younger reader.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
883]Carrier, Rick & Barbara. THE COMPLETE BOOK OF SKIN DIVING. New York:
Wilfred Funk, Inc., 1957. First edi on. 6 x 9, 294 pgs, index, b&w photos and
illustra ons. How it all began. The watery world. Physiological problems of
diving. Photography underwater. The unexplored sea. Hardcover. Very Good.
884]Carroll, Andrew, editor. WAR LETTERS Extraordinary Correspondence from
American Wars. New York: Scribners, 2001. First edi on. ISBN: 0743202945. 6
x 9, 494 pgs, index. Andrew Carrol founded the Lagacy Project which, at the
me this book was published, had collected 50,000 le ers from par cipants in
American wars: the Civil War, the two World Wars, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf
War, Somalia and Bosnia. From this vast treasure, he chose 200 le ers to make
what Stephen E. Ambrose called "one of the greatest, most rive ng books of
war le ers I have ever read". Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $6.00
account of the growth of American business. Hardcover. Very Good in Good
DJ. $5.00
889]Chambers, Larry. RECONDO LRRPs in the 101st Airborne. New York: Ivy
Books, 1992. Reprint. ISBN: 0804108439. 4 x 7, 279 pgs, sec on of b&w photos. This memoir by a par cipant of the Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol
team gives a peek into the messy business of war. His training is brutal, and the
patrols are fraught with danger and death. When one patrol has his team
scou ng an enemy posi on on a mountain during a thunderstorm, they're all
hit by lightning and are evacuated. Mass Market Paperback. Very Good. $2.00
890]Clauss, F.J. CABLE CARS Past and Present. Menlo Park, CA: Briarcliff Press,
1982. 6 x 9, 113 pgs, b&w photos. Describes the cable car's inven on and its
growth in popularity during Victorian years, and how the last three cable carl
ines were saves and how the system con nues to operate in San Francisco
today. Paperback. Very Good. $15.00
891]Cleare, John. TREKKING Great Walks of the World. Topsfield, MA: Salem
House Publishers, 1988. First edi on. ISBN: 0881623083. 7 1/2 x 11, 216 pgs,
index, color photos throughout. Ten intrepid travellers describe journeys in the
world's six trekkable con nents, from mountains to jungles, desert sands to
oceans. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $15.00
892]Clune, Henry W. THE GENESEE Rivers of America Series. New York: Holt,
Rinehart & Winston , 1963. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8, 338 pgs, index, b&w illustraons. History along the river Genesee. A fer le valley that the white man early
filched from the Seneca owners and converted into prosperous, farms, quite
villages, and great estates. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $10.00
893]Coleman, Christopher K. GHOSTS AND HAUNTS OF THE CIVIL WAR. Authen c Accounts of the Strange and Unexplained. New York: Barnes & Noble,
2003. Second edi on. ISBN: 0760737657. 6 x 9, 178 pgs. In the many strange
stories of the American Civil War that don't appear in any history books, ghost
soldiers haunt long-forgo en ba lefields, phantom drummer boys rap out
audible rhythms on invisible drums, and the spirits of executed aboli onists
s ll pursue their righteous crusade. A compila on of unexplained phenomena
rooted in history and as real as the numerous witnesses who have reported
them. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $6.00
894]Collins, Homer and John L. Lehrberger. THE LIFE AND DEATH OF FLOYD
COLLINS. St. Louis, MO: Cave Books, 2001. ISBN: 0939748479. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,
206 pgs, b&w historical photos. The story of a man whose love in life was exploring caves, a man who endured his grim death with dignity and pride in his
voca on. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00
895]Coogan, Tim Pat. THE IRA A History. Niwot, CO: Roberts Rinehard, 1994.
Revised. ISBN: 1879373998. 6 x 9, 526 pgs, index, b&w photos. Authorita ve
study of the Irish Republican Army from its origins to the heavy conflict in
Northern Ireland and the terrorism in England. Revised to include the peace
nego a ons that lead to the ceasefire in 1994. Paperback. Good+. $6.00
896]Couch, Dick. DOWN RANGE Navy SEALs in the War on Terrorism. New
York: Crown Publishers, 2005. First edi on. ISBN: 0400081009. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,
255 pgs, sec on of b&w photos. First hand accounts of SEALs ba les in the war
on terrorism. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $8.00
897]Coughlin, USMC (Ret.), Gunnery Sgt Jack, with Donald A. Davis. KILL ZONE
A Sniper Novel. New York: St Mar n's Press, 2007. First edi on. ISBN:
9780312360184. 6 x 9, 314 pgs. An American general is captured in the Middle
East by terrorists who threaten to behead him in days. Moments before rendered unconscious, he hears his captors speaking American English. Who are
these people? Gunnery Sgt. Kyle Swanson, a top Marine sniper, is vaca oning
on a yacht in the Mediterranean when he receives orders to mount a topsecret mission to rescue the general. But as Swanson and the Marines prepare
to land in the Syrian desert, they unwi ngly fly into an ambush. How did the
enemy have details of a mission known only to a few high-level American officials? Now Swanson--the sole survivor among his men--must journey into the
dark heart of the desert to achieve his mission. But soon he will encounter the
most dangerous enemies of all: His fellow Americans. Their sworn enemy: The
captured general whose fate now rests in Sniper Swanson's hands. Hardcover.
Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00
885]Ca on, Bruce. THE CIVIL WAR. New York: American Heritage Press, 1977.
ISBN: 0070102651. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 341 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Excellent brief history of America's Civil War, 1861-1865. Front cover curled. Paperback. Good. $6.00
898]Davie, Emily, compiled by. PROFILE OF AMERICA An Autobiography of the
U.S.A. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1955. Third edi on. 6 1/2 x 10, 415 pgs,
index, b&w photos. Foreword by Charles A. Lindbergh, introduc on by Louis
Bromfield. Collec on of stories and pictures from our past, of accomplishments
by great, famous or otherwise persons in our notable history. Brown leather.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
886]Ca on, Bruce. THE CIVIL WAR. New York: The Fairfax Press, 1980. Reprint.
ISBN: 0517294095. 6 x 9, 341 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. Excellent brief
history of America's Civil War, 1861-1865. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good
DJ. $20.00
899]Davis, Be y Elise. MONTICELLO SCRAPBOOK Li le Stories of The Children
and Grand-Children of Thomas Jefferson. New York: A lee Press, Inc., 1951. 5
1/2 x 8 1/2, 62 pgs, b&w illustratoins. Historically authen c, taken from historical books of the me. Paperback. Good+. $5.00
887]Ca on, William and Bruce. TWO ROADS TO SUMTER. New York: McGrawHill, 1971. Reprint. ISBN: 0070102554. 5 x 8, 285 pgs, index. This is the tragic
story of the North and South as they begin their long, heartbreaking march to
Civil War. Paperback. Good. $2.00
900]Davis, Burke. TO APPOMATTOX. Nine April Days, 1865. Eastern Acorn
Press, 1981. Reprint. ISBN: 0915992175. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 433 pgs, index, bibliography. A vivid descrip on of the retreat from war-ravaged Richmond to the
s llness of Appoma ox; the soldiers and civilians who took weary part in the
collapse of the dream of the Confederacy and the triumph of the Union. Paperback. Good. $4.00
888]Chamberlain, John. THE ENTERPRISING AMERICANS. A Business History of
the United States. New York: Harper & Row, 1974. New Edi on. ISBN:
0060107022. 6 x 9, 282 pgs, b&w historical photos. A lively and percep ve
901]Davis, Peter. HOMETOWN A Contemporary American Chronicle. New York:
Simon & Schuster, 1982. Book Club. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 277 pgs. For the millions of
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
Americans who grew up in what they considered an all-American values upright
and proper town, this book will come as a huge shock.and yet the ul mate
effect is to make one proud to be such an American. Just because there is rampant sex, racism, and fascism doesn't mean the country is doomed. We're all
okay. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00
902]Defoe, Daniel. ROBINSON CRUSOE. Garden City, NY: Interna onal Collectors Library, 1945. Reprint. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 397 pgs. The classic story of Alexander
Selkirk's adventures stranded on a deserted island. Hardcover. Good+. $5.00
Washington DC: Na onal Geographic Society, 2000. ISBN: 0792277406. 4 1/2 x
8 1/2, 288 pgs, color photos throughout. Covers nature adventures in parks,
preserves, forests, wildlife refuges and wilderness areas. Paperback. Very
Good+. $6.00
904]Dickens, Charles. CHARLES DICKENS'S WORKS 15 Volume Set. New York:
George Routledge, 1880. Copperfield Edi on. 5 1/2 x 8, b&w illustra ons. Includes: Our Mutual Friend, The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby,
Sketches by "Boz"; Every-day Life and Every-day People, The Personal History of
David Copperfield, A Child's History of England, The Posthumous Papers of the
Pickwick Club, Bleak House, A Tale of Two Ci es and The Mystery of Edwin
Drood and other stories, The Life and Adventures of Mar n Chuzzlewi , Barnaby Rudge: A Tale of the Riots of "Eighty", The Adventures of Oliver Twist and
Pictures from Italy, American Notes, Dombey and Son, The Old Curiosity Shop,
Li le Dorrit and Christmas Stories from Household Words and All the Year
Round, and The Uncommercial Traveler. Most volumes are in only fair condi on
with bindings cracked, but most holding. Spines and covers are worn, but not
overly so considering age. A couple of the volumes have a few loose pages.
Extra shipping charges will apply. Hardcover. Fair. $30.00
905]Docherty, Paddy. THE KHYBER PASS A History of Empire & Invasion. New
York: Union Square, 2007. First edi on. ISBN: 1402756968. 6 x 9, 261 pgs, index,
bibliography, b&w and a sec on of color photos. The story of the Khyber Pass,
the narrow mountain route which - more than any other place on earth - has
shaped civiliza ons. Thirty miles long, and in places no more than a few feet
wide, the Pass is the principal route through the great mountain borderlands
between India and Central Asia - and the path of invasion for genera ons of
conquerors. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $6.00
906]Dolainski, Stephen, et. al. HIDDEN PACIFIC NORTHWEST. Berkeley, CA:
Ulysses Press, 1998. Fourth edi on. ISBN: 1569751315. 5 x 8, 571 pgs, index,
maps. Complete travel informa on for sightseeing, lodging and dining, plus
outdoor adventures like camping, hiking and scuba diving, and hidden locales
like secret gardens, waterfalls, and even the Church of Elvis in Portland. Paperback. Very Good. $4.00
907]Dorling Kindersley. ILLUSTRATED OXFORD DICTIONARY. London: DK Publishing, 1998. ISBN: 0789438887. 8 x 10, 1008 pgs, color illustra ons throughout. Beau fully illustrated dic onary for young and old alike! Paperback. Very
Good+. $20.00
908]Dos Passos, John. PROSPECTS OF A GOLDEN AGE. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Pren ce Hall Press, 1959. 7 x 10, 271 pgs, index, b&w photos and a sec on of
color photos. The story of the birth of our na on; how the dream of a prosperous, free republic captured the imagina on of the early Americans and shaped
their lives. Hardcover. Good+ in Good DJ. $8.00
915]Ellam, Patrick & June. WIND SONG. Camden, ME: Interna onal Marine
Publishing Co., 1975. ISBN: 0877420610. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 222 pgs, mapped endsheets. Adventurous and well-wri en, the authors' saga of yacht delivery from
Halifax down the Atlan c to South America, and across the ocean to Europe;
their ten year yacht delivery business. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $8.00
916]Evans, Harry. 50 HIKES IN NEW MEXICO. Baldwin Park, CA: Gem Guide
Book Co., 1995. Revised. ISBN: 0935182772. 6 x 9, 240 pgs, b&w photos, maps.
The most detailed hiking guide available with topographic maps to the "Land of
Enchantment". Paperback. Good. $7.00
917]Fagan, Brian. FISH ON FRIDAY Feas ng, Fas ng and the Discovery of the
New World. New York: Basic Books, 2006. First edi on. ISBN: 0465022847. 6 x 9,
338 pgs, index, notes, b&w photos and illustra ons. From the world's leading
writer on archaeology, a new theory of how climate, technology, and the rituals
of the medieval Chris an Church combined to bring Europeans to the New
World. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $8.00
918]Farrington, Jr., S. Kip. RAILROADING THE MODERN WAY. New York: Coward-McCann, 1951. 6 x 8 1/2, 395 pgs, b&w photos. "Modern day" railroadiana.
Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $6.00
919]Ferguson, Niall. THE WAR OF THE WORLD Twen ety-Century Conflict and
the Descent of the West. New York: Penguin Books, 2006. First edi on. ISBN:
9781594201004. 6 x 9, 808 pgs, index, notes, sec on of b&w photos. In this
extraordinarily brilliant and vivid book, the author challenges our enduring
assump ons about what was, without ques on, the most tanic struggle the
planet has ever seen. This book redefines the Second World War as the central
act of an epic fi y-year struggle between rival empires. Hardcover. Very Good+
in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00
920]Fetzer, Ph.D., James H., editor. ASSASSINATION SCIENCE Experts Speak Out
on the Death of JFK. Chicago: Ca eet Press, 1998. First prin ng. ISBN:
0812693663. 6 x 9, 463 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. If you were beginning
to believe that Lee Harvey Oswald did kill President Kennedy all by himself, this
is the one book that will convince you, beyond any reasonable doubt, that there
was indeed a conspiracy and a cover-up. Completely lacking the wild speculaons that have marred some books on the shoo ng of JFK, this s cks to the
hard facts, interpreted by medical and scien fic exper se. The contributors
explain their evidence and reasoning in easily understandable language. They
present new insights on the physical evidence, the autopsy findings, the bullet
trajectories, the interpreta on of numerous eye-witness accounts, and the
misleading logic of the official lone nut theorists. Paperback. Very Good+.
921]Fick, Nathaniel. ONE BULLET AWAY The Making of a Marine Officer. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2005. ISBN: 0618773436. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 372 pgs, two
sec ons of b&w photos. Dis nguished by its intelligence and candor, a rare
perspec ve on modern warfare, and on the culture of America's warriors. Paperback. Very Good+. $6.00
922]Folwell, Elizabeth. THE ADIRONDACK BOOK A Complete Guide. Stockbridge,
MA: Berkshire House, 1992. First edi on. ISBN: 0936399309. 6 x 9, 472 pgs.
History, lodging, culture, restaurants, recrea on, shopping, maps and much
more. Paperback. Good+. $3.00
909]Douglas, Lloyd C. THE ROBE. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1943. Reprint. 5 1/2
x 8, 695 pgs, mapped endsheets. The story of the soldier who tossed for Christ's
robe and won. Basis for the film of the same name starring Richard Burton.
Hardcover. Very Good. $15.00
Brown & Co, 1958. Book Club. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 250 pgs. Classic tale of the sea.
Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $10.00
910]Du Maurier, Daphne. MY COUSIN RACHEL. Garden City, NY: Interna onal
Collectors Library, 1952. Reprint. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 288 pgs. The author's tenth
novel and her last truly historical fic on set in Cornwall. The book opens and
ends with the same sentences: "They used to hang men at Four Turnings in the
old days. Not any more though." Hardcover. Very Good+. $8.00
924]Franks, General Tommy, Commander in Chief, U.S. Central Command, with
Malcolm McConnell. AMERICAN SOLDIER. New York: Harper Collins, 2004.
Reprint. ISBN: 0060731583. 6 X 9, 590 pgs, sec ons of color photos. Franks'
insider's account of the war on terrorism that has changed the world since
September 11, 2001. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $4.00
911]Duke, Darrell. WHEN WE WORKED HARD Tickle Cove, Newfoundland. Canada: Flankers Press, 2007. Second edi on. ISBN: 9781897317044. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,
163 pgs, index, b&w photos. A history of the people and environs of this seaside
community in Bonavista Bay South, Newfoundland. Paperback. Very Good+.
Outdoor Life Books, 1987. Reprint. ISBN: 0943822149. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 321 pgs,
b&w illustra ons. Wonderful outdoor adventures, hair-raising and thrilling as
only Ben East can tell them; 21 in all. Stories of humans who suffer pain and
fear, hunger, freezing & exhaus on in connec on with hun ng & fishing. Exci ng! Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $15.00
913]Eastman Kodak Company. THE JOY OF PHOTOGRAPHY. New York: Eastman
Kodak, 1980. Reprint. ISBN: 020103915X. 8 x 10, 302 pgs, index, b&w and color
photos throughout. Prac cal informa on on how you can create be er photographs. Paperback. Very Good. $3.00
914]Eisenhower, John S. D. AGENT OF DESTINY The Life and Times of General
Winfield Sco . Norman, OK: University of Oklahoma Press, 1999. Second edion. ISBN: 0806131284. 5 1/2 x 9 1/2, 464 pgs, index, bibliography, notes, b&w
photos and illustra ons. The hero of the War of 1812, the conqueror of Mexico
City in the Mexican-American War, and Abraham Lincoln's top soldier during the
first six months of the Civil War, Sco was a seminal force in the early expansion
and consolida on of the American republic. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00
925]Franks, Lucinda. MY FATHER'S SECRET WAR A Memoir. New York: Hyperion, 2007. First edi on. ISBN: 140135226X. 6 x 9, 311 pgs. A haun ng memoir of
a daughter who discovered that her father had been a spy during WWII. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00
926]Frazier, Ian. FAMILY. New York: Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, 1994. First edi on.
ISBN: 0374153191. 6 x 9 1/2, 386 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. The history
of the author's family from the early colonial days to the present. Ex-library.
Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $6.00
927]French, Earl A., selected by. EMINENT VICTORIAN AMERICANS 32 Portrait
Postcards. Stowe-Day Foundatoin, 1977. 8 1/2 x 11, 16 pgs, b&w historical photos. Four postcards to a page. The illustra ons are reproduc ons of cartes de
visite from an album belonging to Henry Ward Beecher. Paperback. Very Good.
928]Gaffney, Frank J., and Colleagues. WAR FOOTING 10 Steps America Must
Take to Prevail in the War for the Free World. Annapolis, MD: Naval Ins tute
Press, 2006. Second edi on. ISBN: 9781591143012. 6 x 9, 302 pgs. The authors
believe that they have the answers to the conclusion of the ongoing war that
America faces. He shows that we are engaged in nothing less than a War for the
Free World and that if we have faith in our troops and our ideals we can overcome the Islamofascists that stand in the way of our freedom. Gaffney offers
readers ten specific steps that Americans can take to ensure our ongoing free-
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
dom and the successful outcome of our conquest overseas. Hardcover. Very
Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $6.00
b&w photos. A defini ve look at the greatest sea ba le of WWII. Hardcover.
Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00
929]Garst, Shannon. JACK LONDON Magnet for Adventure. New York: Julian
Messner, 1968. Reprint. 5 1/2 x 8, 217 pgs, index, b&w illustra ons. Jack London's life story: color and excitement and dogged determina on that overcame
all obstacles of poverty. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ. $10.00
943]Huffman, Alan. SULTANA Surviving the Civil War, Prison, and the Worst
Mari me Disaster in American History. New York: Collins, 2009. First edi on.
ISBN: 9780061470547. 6 x 9, 300 pgs. In April 1865, the steamboat "Sultana"
slowly moved up the Mississippi River, its overtaxed engines straining under the
weight of twenty-four hundred passengers--mostly Union soldiers, recently
paroled from Confederate prison camps. At 2 a.m., three of "Sultana"'s four
boilers exploded. Within twenty minutes, the boat went down in flames, and an
es mated seventeen hundred lives were lost. The worst mari me disaster in
American history, the sinking of the "Sultana" is a forgo en tragedy lost in the
turmoil of the mes--the war's end, the assassina on of President Lincoln, the
pursuit of John Wilkes Booth. The author presents this harrowing story in gripping and vivid detail and paints a moving portrait of four individual soldiers who
survived the Civil War's final hell to make it back home. Hardcover. Very Good+
in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
930]Gates, William Preston. TURN-OF-THE-CENTURY SCRAPBOOK OF JONATHAN STREETER GATES. Bolton, NY, Aug. 2, 1847-Dec. 11, 1921. Queensbury,
NY: Gates Publishing Co., 1999. Second edi on. ISBN: 0967239702. 8 1/2 x 11,
275 pgs, index, newspaper clipping reproduc ons throughout. Covers the people, towns and events around the greater Lake George region and beyond from
historical newspaper ar cles between 1899 and 1917. Paperback. Good. $8.00
931]Giangreco, D.M. STEALTH FIGHTER PILOT. Osceola, WI: Motorbooks Interna onal, 1983. ISBN: 0879387165. 8 x 9, 128 pgs, index, bibliography, color
photos. A detailed look at the stealth fighter pilots and how they are and were
selected and trained. Paperback. Good+. $4.00
932]Graham, Jerry & Catherine. JERRY GRAHAM'S BAY AREA BACKROADS. New
York: Harper & Row, 1988. Reprint. ISBN: 0060961945. 8 x 8, 288 pgs, index.
Over 200 San Francisco Bay area a rac ons described for visitors and na ves
alike; entertaining, comprehensive and indispensable guide to the unusual
places to visit in Sonoma, Napa, Marin, Santa Clara, Carmel, Monterey and
many other places. Paperback. Very Good. $9.00
933]Graham, Monica. THE GREAT MARITIME DETECTIVE The Exploits and Adventures of the Notorious Peachie Carroll. Canada: Nimbus Publishing, 2009.
ISBN: 9781551097053. 6 x 9, 210 pgs, b&w historical photos. Fired and re-hired
many mes, and with a checkered history on both sides of the law, Peachie
Carroll was a formidable Canadian police inves gator who arrested moonshinemakers and rum-runners, pe y thieves and embezzlers. Paperback. Very Good.
934]Gullion, Laurie. CANOEING AND KAYAKING Instruc on Manual. Birmingham, AL: Menasha Ridge Press, 1987. ISBN: 0897321367. 8 1/2 x 11, 112 pgs,
b&w illustra ons. Designed to help paddlers become knowledgeable, effec ve
instructors and to assist experienced instructors in con nuing their educa on.
Paperback. Good+. $6.00
935]Hailey, Arthur. HOTEL A Novel About a Great Hotel. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1965. 5 1/2 x 8, 346 pgs. Classic novel set at the St. Gregory Hotel in the
lusty, tumultuous city of New Orleans, 1964. Hardcover. Very Good in Very
Good DJ. $5.00
STATES. New York: Pantheon, 1982. ISBN: 0394748077. 6 x 9, 390 pgs, b&w
illustra ons and maps. All you need: choosing your touring area and style, planning your route, collec ng your equipment, ps for while you're on the road,
and state by state recommended tours. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+. $4.00
937]Heat-Moon, William Least. RIVER-HORSE A Voyage Across America. Boston:
Houghton Mifflin, 1999. First edi on. ISBN: 0395636264. 6 x 9, 506 pgs, b&w
photos and illustra ons. The author recounts his singular voyage on American
waters from sea to sea. Along the route, he offers a lyrical and ceaselessly fascina ng shipboard perspec ve on the country's rivers, lakes, canals, and towns.
Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $6.00
938]Henshaw, Peter. THE BEST OF HARLEY-DAVIDSON. Wayne, NJ: Stoeger
Publishing, 1996. ISBN: 0883171961. 12 x 9, 80 pgs, index, color photos throughout. Pre y coffee-table style book features the winning models and bikes. Paperback. Very Good. $6.00
939]Higgins, Jack. A DEVIL IS WAITING A Novel. New York: Putnams, 2012. ISBN:
9780399158094. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 321 pgs. The President is coming to London, but
not to an en rely warm welcome. A fana cal mullah is offering a blessing to
anyone who will assassinate the President, and though most London Muslims
think the mullah has crossed the line, a few think otherwise. Urgently, Sean
Dillon, General Charles Ferguson, and the rest of the small band known as the
"Prime Minister's private army" are called in, augmented by an extraordinary
new recruit, an intelligence captain and Afghan war hero named Sara Gideon.
She has her own deep contacts, but the more she inves gates, the more she
discovers herself in a very dark place indeed. For the assassina on plan is only
the beginning. . . . Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $9.00
940]Hoagland, Edward. THE TUGMAN'S PASSAGE. New York: Penguin Books,
1983. Reprint. ISBN: 0140066853. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 208 pgs. Fourteen personal
essays: Johnny Appleseed, adventures of New York City tugboatmen, street life
in Cairo and Dar es Salaam, male vs. female, the dilemmas of an aging America
and more. Great wri ng! Paperback. Good+. $5.00
941]Hobart, Alice Tisdale. OIL FOR THE LAMPS OF CHINA. New York: Grosset &
Dunlap, 1933. First edi on. 5 x 8, 403 pgs. Brings alive the mighty panorama fo
the Orient in a memorable novel of ac on and romance - of a young American
facing an alien people, of riot and revolu on. A leading best seller for two full
years, this book has become an all- me classic - and is today more mely and
important than ever for the light it sheds on the eternal truths behind the mystery of China. The famous best-seller of love and war, intrigue and revolu on,
and a strange and passionate marriage. Ex-library. Hardcover. Fair. $8.00
942]Hoyt, Edwin P. BLUE SKIES AND BLOOD. The Ba le of the Coral Sea. New
York: Paul S. Eriksson, Inc., 1975. ISBN: 0839710216. 5 1/2 x 8, 206 pgs, index,
944]Hunt, John. THE ASCENT OF EVEREST. London: Readers Union, 1955. 5 x 7
1/2, 328 pgs, sec ons of color and b&w photos. An account of one of the early
successful climbs of Mt. Everest. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $5.00
945]Irving, Washington. THE SKETCHBOOK. New York: A.L. Burt, 1900. No date,
but circa 1900, 5 x 7 1/2, 337 pgs. Originally Published in 1820, Washington
Irving's celebrated Sketch Book has proved as enduring as the Catskill Mountains he immortalized. From these masterpieces in miniature have emerged
such universal figures of American fic on and fantasy as Rip Van Winkle,
Ichabod Crane, and the Headless Horseman of Sleepy Hollow. Paper bri le.
Hardcover. Fair. $8.00
946]Jackson, Jon A. GO BY GO A Novel. Tucson, AZ: Dennis McMillan Publicaons, 1998. First edi on. ISBN: 0939767317. 6 x 9, 278 pgs, decorated endsheets. During the 1950s, Goodwin Ri er--a character based on Dashiell Hamme --comes before a subcommi ee and is forced to relive his past as a Pinkerton detec ve. Signed by the author. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ.
947]Jacobs, Kent F. THE TURNED FIELD. Indiana Wells, CA: McKenna Publishing,
2004. First edi on. ISBN: 1932172173. 6 x 9, 201 pgs. True story of Air Force top
gun Kyle Kendrick's nearly unsurvivable car crash and his fight to survive a er it.
A truly unbelievable story of life, death, war and forgo en love. Paperback. Very
Good+. $9.00
948]James, Kelly. DANCING WITH THE WITCHDOCTOR One Woman's Stories of
Mystery and Adventure in Africa. New York: William Morrow, 2001. First edi on.
ISBN: 0060186275. 6 x 9 1/2, 235 pgs. A female private eye's memoir of her
work in South Africa. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good DJ. $15.00
949]Jenkinson, Michael. WILD RIVERS OF NORTH AMERICA. New York: Du on,
1973. First edi on. ISBN: 0876900996. 6 1/2 x 9, 411 pgs, index, b&w photos
and maps. A guide to river running, tells you how to go about it, what to bring,
where to obtain informa on and describes over 100 wilderness waterways
grouped by regions. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $8.00
950]Johannsen, Kris n, Bobbie Ann Mason and Mary Ann Taylor-Hall, editors.
MISSING MOUNTAINS We Went to the Mountaintop But It Wasn't There. Nicholasville, KY: Wind Publica ons, 2005. First edi on. ISBN: 0893239497. 7 x 10,
210 pgs, b&w photos. Kentuckians write against mountaintop removal. Paperback. Good+. $15.00
951]Johnston, Tracy. SHOOTING THE BOH A Woman's Voyage Down The Wildest River in Borneo. New York: Vintage Books, 1992. First edi on. ISBN:
0679740104. 5 x 8, 256 pgs. A thrilling, touching, and densely instruc ve book,
Shoo ng the Boh is also a frank self-portrait of a woman facing her most corrosive fears--and triumphing over them--with for tude and unflagging wit. Paperback. Good+. $4.00
952]Jones, Llewellyn. THE 100 BEST STORIES BY 100 WORLD-GREAT WRITERS.
Chicago: Clarkson Publishing, 1950. 5 x 7 1/2, 1278 pgs. A collec on of complete
short stories and essays chosen from the literatures of all periods and countries
wri en by standard authors. A neat old book, though undated...looks like the
1920s. Hardcover. Very Good. $30.00
MI: Avery Color Studios, 2005. First edi on. ISBN: 1892384299. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,
202 pgs, b&w photos. Describes accidents and disasters which ships of 400-feet
in length and larger have been involved. Paperback. Very Good+. $15.00
954]Kahin, George McTurnan, (editor), Harold C. Hinton, Nobutaka Ike, Norman
D. Palmer, and Keith Callard. MAJOR GOVERNMENTS OF ASIA. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1959. Second edi on. 6 x 9, 607 pgs, index, lots of red
underlining. Contents: preface, 5 parts, 23 chapters, maps and charts, and an
index. 5 parts: one - China; two - Japan; three - India; four - Pakistan; five - Indonesia. Includes suggested reading sec ons within parts. Two of the maps fold
out. Hardcover. Good+. $6.00
955]Kahler, Erich. MAN THE MEASURE A New Approach to History. New York:
George Brasiller, Inc., 1956. Second edi on. 5 1/2 x 8, 700 pgs, index, notes,
bibliography, Traces the development and ac vi es of human beings, religion,
poli cs, economics, science, art, technology- their func on and significance
through the various periods of man's history, and part that they will play in the
future. Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
956]Kaplan, Robert D. IMPERIAL GRUNTS The American Military on the Ground.
New York: Random House, 2005. ISBN: 1400061326. 6 x 9, 421 pgs, index. The
author shows how American imperialism abd the Global War on Terror are
implemented on the ground, mission by mission, in the most exo c landscapes
around the world. An unforge able insider's account not only of our current
involvement in world affairs, but also of where America is headed. Hardcover.
Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $8.00
957]Kelly, Orr. BRAVE MEN - DARK WATERS The Untold Story of the Navy SEALs.
Novato, CA: Presidio Press, 1992. ISBN: 0891414088. 6 x 9, 288 pgs, index, b&w
photos. Presents the first in depth look at the origin, evolu on and future of the
US Navy SEALs. Provides unique insight into their tac cs and their methods,
their past triumphs and scandals including the celebrated Marcinko (Rogue
Warrior) case. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $6.00
958]King, Jr., Spencer B. DARIEN The Death and Rebirth of a Southern Town.
Mercer, GA: Mercer University Press, 1981. ISBN: 0865540039. 6 x 9, 112 pgs,
index, b&w illustra ons. This book tells of the burning of Darien, Georgia in
1863 by Negro troops ac ng under orders from white officers and the rebuilding
of the town a er the Civil War. Hardcover. Very Good+. $12.00
959]King, Moses, editor. KING'S HANDBOOK OF THE UNITED STATES. Buffalo,
NY: Moses King Corpora on, 1891. 5 1/2 x 8, 938 pgs, b&w and color illustraons, decorated endsheets, text by M.F. Sweetser. King's voluminous work,
state by state (including territories) as they were in 1891. Hardcover. Very
Good. $15.00
960]King, Moses, editor. KING'S HANDBOOK OF THE UNITED STATES 1896
Volume 1. New York: Benjamin Blom Inc., 1972. Second edi on. 5 1/2 x 8, 952
pgs, b&w illustra ons, text by M.F. Sweetser and new introduc on by A.E.
Santaniello. A facsimile reproduc on of King's work, state by state (including
territories) as they were in 1896. Hardcover. Very Good. $10.00
AND WHITE. New York: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1915. Reprint. 5 x 7, 311 pgs.
Kipling's classic. Members of the queen's army, Meet ex-corporal Mulvaney,
Learoyd the giant Yorkshireman and the wily li le Ortharis. Their fate has sent
them to serve in India, where men die with great swi ness and those that live
suffer many and curious things. Hardcover. Very Good. $4.00
962]Krakauer, Jon. EIGER DREAMS. Ventures Among Men and Mountains. New
York: Doubleday, 1997. Second edi on. ISBN: 0385488181. 5 x 8, 186 pgs. S rring, vivid wri ng about one of the most compelling and dangerous of all human
pursuits. Paperback. Very Good. $6.00
963]Landry, Paul & Ma y McNair. THE OUTWARD BOUND CANOEING HANDBOOK. New York: Lyons Press, 1992. ISBN: 1558211497. 5 1/2 x 8, 130 pgs,
index, b&w photos and illustra ons. A good introduc on which will get the
beginner quickly onto the water with a solid grounding in good canoeing skills.
Paperback. Very Good. $8.00
964]Latouche, John. CONGO. New York: Willow, White & Co., 1945. 8 x 10, 198
pgs, b&w photos. Classic travel wri ng of an expedi on of four people to the
Belgian Congo. The original purpose of the trip was to make a documentary
film. Hardcover. Good+. $10.00
965]LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Four Issues. New York: Judge Company,
1909. Includes June 10, 1909, July 1, 1909, August 5, 1909 and September 9,
1909. 11 x 16, 24 pgs each, photos, ads. Interes ng news stories of the me.
Covers and pages yellowed and chipped, some loose pages. Paperback. Fair.
966]Libby, Frederick. HORSES DON'T FLY A Memoir of World War I. New York:
Arcade Publishing, 2000. First edi on. ISBN: 1559705892. 6 x 9, 274 pgs, sec on
of b&w historical photos. Libby survived the war and died in 1970, but he le a
powerful account of his three years of aerial combat over the trenches in
France, first as an observer/gunner and later as a pilot in the Royal Flying Corps.
Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00
967]LIFE MAGAZINE. February 21, 1964. 1964. Cover of Lee Oswald. Condi on
very good. Paperback. Good. $5.00
968]LIFE MAGAZINE. July 10, 1964. 1964. Issue publishes Oswald's full Russian
diary. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00
969]LIFE MAGAZINE - NOVEMBER 29, 1963. President John F. Kennedy - 19171963. New York: 1963. Two pieces of old tape around spine. Paperback. Very
Good. $5.00
970]Lincoln, Joseph Colville. SOARING FOR DIAMONDS. Flagstaff, AZ: Northland
Press, 1967. Revised. 6 x 9, 209 pgs, index, b&w photos. An excellent guide to all
aspects of gliding, from the first pre-flight briefing right through to na onal
gliding compe ons, with much input from the author's own experiences as a
highly-accomplished glider pilot. Hardcover. Good+. $10.00
971]Long, John. HOW TO ROCK CLIMB! Evergreen, CO: Chockstone Press, 1989.
ISBN: 093464120X. 6 x 9, 160 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. The most complete instruc on book to the sport ever, and wri en by one of the most talented and prolific climbers of all me, this book is an ideal step to ver cal adventure. Paperback. Good. $4.00
972]Long, John. HOW TO ROCK CLIMB! Helena, MT: Falcon Publishing, 1998.
Second edi on. ISBN: 1575401142. 6 x 9, 208 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons.
The most complete instruc on book to the sport ever, and wri en by one of the
most talented and prolific climbers of all me, this book is an ideal step to ver cal adventure. Ex-library. Paperback. Good. $4.00
973]Longacre, Edward G. A SOLDIER TO THE LAST Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler in
Blue and Gray. Washington DC: Potomac Books, 2007. First edi on. ISBN:
9781597971581. 6 x 9, 287 pgs, index, notes, bibliography, b&w historical photos, maps. A good biography of Maj. Gen. Joseph Wheeler who served in two
armies, playing a major role in the development of Confederate cavalry in the
Civil War's western theater, and, more than thirty years a erwards, commanded troops in the Spanish-American War. Paperback. Fine. $15.00
974]Low, Simon. THE BOYS FROM BAGHDAD From the Foreign Legion to the
Killing Fields of Iraq. Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishers, 2007. ISBN:
9781845962838. 6 x 9, 285 pgs, index, sec on of color photos. As a former
fighter in the legendary French Foreign Legion, Simon Low thought he had seen
it all. Then he was posted to Iraq. Employed as a private military contractor - a
'hired gun' - his assignment was to guard the deadly convoy routes out of Baghdad. Once there, Simon quickly realised that no one could be trusted, including
the US military. Paperback. Good+. $9.00
975]Lowe, Don and Roberta. 80 NORTHERN COLORADO HIKING TRAILS. Beaverton, OR: Touchstone Press, 1973. ISBN: 0911518207. 6 x 9, 176 pgs, b&w
photos and maps. Great hiking guide. Paperback. Good. $5.00
About Our Hopes, Dreams, and Fears. New York: Hyperion, 2009. First edi on.
ISBN: 9781401322816. 6 x 9 1/2, 302 pgs, index. This well-known pollster offers
a glimpse into the American psyche, along with analysis that will rock assumpons and right business judgment. He proves that success in vitually any profession demands that we either understand what Americans really want, or suffer
the consequences. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00
977]Machado, Eduardo and Michael Domitrovich. TASTES LIKE CUBA An Exile's
Hunger for Home. New York: Gotham Books, 2007. First edi on. ISBN:
9781592403219. 6 x 9, 255 pgs, b&w photos. Machado 'turns his talents to
memoir, recoun ng his life as an exile, in which recipes represent not only the
lost comfort of home but the best chance to get it back'. Hardcover. Very Good+
in Very Good+ DJ. $8.00
978]Macintyre, Ben. AGENT ZIGZAG A True Story of Nazi Espionage, Love, and
Betrayal. New York: Harmony Books, 2007. First edi on. ISBN: 9780307353405.
6 x 9, 364 pgs, index, notes, decorated endsheets. The author weaves together
diaries, le ers, photographs and memories of the living, along with fascina ng
top secret MI5 files never before made public, to create an exhilara ng account
of the many lives of Eddie Chapman. As MI5 concluded, "the story of Eddie
Chapman is different. In fic on it would be rejected as improbable." Hardcover.
Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00
Milwaukee, WI: Morehouse Publishing Co., 1950. Second edi on. 5 x 7, 175 pgs.
"Canon Mackay sends an English family of to-day on 'Pilgrim's Progress.' He
shows how Greatheart, Faithful, Apollyon, the saints, the sinners and the monsters of Bunyan's great book, walk in modern England; and how, as in 'Pilgrim's
Progress', they should be encountered. .The chapters of this li le book originally
appeared in the form of addresses, which were given at All Saint's, Margaret
Street, and at St. Mary's Graham Street." Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
980]Magley, Beverly. ARIZONA WILDFLOWERS A Children's Field Guide to the
State's Most Common Flowers. Helena, MT: Falcon Publishing, 1991. ISBN:
1560440961. 7 x 10, 32 pgs, beau ful color illustra ons. Answers and examples
of all sorts of Arizona wildflowers. Paperback. Good+. $2.00
981]Maher, Richard Aumerle. GOLD MUST BE TRIED BY FIRE. Cleveland: Interna onal Fic on Library, 1917. Reprint. 5 x 7 1/2, 303 pgs. Early 20th century
novel. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00
982]Marine Corps Ins tute. ESSENTIAL SUBJECTS: THE UNITED STATES MARINE. Arlington, VA: 1986. 5 1/2 x 8, pages unnumbered, about 250, b&w photos and illustra ons. A marine training book covers subjects like first aid and
field sanita on, physical fitness, uniform clothing and equipment, marksmanship, land naviga on and much more. Bound at top. Paperback. Good. $5.00
983]Marshall, Louise B. Photos by Bob and Ira Spring. 100 HIKES IN WESTERN
WASHINGTON. Sea le: Mountaineers, 1971. Reprint. 7 x 8 1/2, 200 pgs, b&w
photos and maps. Direc ons and what to expect on these one hundred spectacular hikes. Paperback. Good. $3.00
984]McCaffrey, Vincent. HOUND A Mystery. Easthampton, MA: Small Beer
Press, 2009. First edi on. ISBN: 9781931520591. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 271 pgs. The first
in a series of mysteries involving bookhound Henry Sullivan. Hardcover. Very
Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
985]McKinney, John. COAST WALKS. 100 Aventures along the California Coast.
Santa Barbara, CA: Olympus Press, 1990. ISBN: 0934161038. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 259
pgs, index, b&w photos and maps. Adventures of varying distances along the
splendorous California coast. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00
986]McKinney, John. WALKING SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. A Day Hiker's Guide.
New York: Harper Collins, 1995. ISBN: 0062585118. 5 1/2 x 8, 381 pgs, b&w
photos and maps. The best of the natural world from San Diego to Santa Barbara with walks for everyone, from easy family ou ngs to all-day scenic adventures. Paperback. Good+. $5.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
987]Mellor, Don. ROCK CLIMBING A Trailside Guide. New York: Norton, 1997.
Fourth edi on. ISBN: 039331653X. 5 1/2 x 8, 192 pgs, index, color photos and
illustra ons. Designed to encourage beginners to go beyond their first experiences at a climbing gym and gain the skills they need to get out, rope up, and
climb! It explains safe climbing techniques in a logical sequence with a special
emphasis on transferring techniques acquired indoors to the wider-less predictable-world of actual rock faces. Paperback. Good+. $8.00
988]Merrill, W.K. THE HIKER'S & BACKPACKER'S HANDBOOK. New York: Winchester Press, 1971. ISBN: 0876910312. 5 x 7, 314 pgs, illustrated. This is a real
good all-around guide for backpacking. Includes, equipment, ou i ng, navigaon, first aid, etc. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $6.00
989]Me ger, Zak. RECONSTRUCTION American A er the Civil War. New York:
Lodestar/Du on, 1994. Second edi on. ISBN: 052567490X. 8 x 10, 122 pgs, b&w
illustra ons. A young readers' history of Reconstruc on which portrays a period
of brutal repressions - and surprising progress - as former enemies struggled to
remake a society. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00
990]Michele , Eric & Yves Debay. VICTORY DESERT STORM. London: Windrow
& Greene, 1991. ISBN: 1872004318. 8 x 10 1/2, 130 pgs, color photos throughout. Records the whole extraordinary story of the invasion of Kuwait, from the
first U.S. deployments to the final surrender of Saddam's legions. Some pages
loose but all present. Paperback. Good. $3.00
991]Miers, Earl Schenck. THE STORY OF WINSTON CHURCHILL. New York: Wonder Books, 1965. 8 1/2 x 11, 48 pgs, b&w and color photos. A good, short, bio of
Churchill. Paperback. Very Good. $3.00
992]Miller, Dorcas S., editor. RESCUE Stories of Survival from Land and Sea. New
York: Thunder's Mouth Press, 2000. ISBN: 1560252588. 6 x 9, 376 pgs, b&w
photos. An anthology of 19 stories tell of escapes from diverse dangers: two
canoeists ba ling hypothermia on a storm-tossed lake; two teenagers lost in
the Great Gulf Wilderness of New Hampshire; a missionary doctor and his dog
team being blown out to sea on an iceberg off the coast of Labrador. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00
Vivid Panorama of Land and Naval Ba les. 1904. 7 x 9 1/2, 456 pgs, b&w photos. "The awful struggle for Japanese freedom, the peace and safety of the
Orient, and the protec on of helpless China from the greed of foreign foes."
Also a complete history of Japan, Rssia, China, Korea and Manchuria including
progress, na onal traits and customs, religion, philosophy, personal adventure,
etc. Hardcover. Good+. $15.00
994]Miura, Yuichiro with Eric Perlman. THE MAN WHO SKIED DOWN EVEREST.
New York: Harper & Row, 1978. ISBN: 0062505750. 6 x 9, 170 pgs, b&w and
color photos throughout. From the idea through the prepara ons and then
through the exci ng and dangerous journey. Hardcover. Very Good in Good+
DJ. $5.00
995]Miyake, Notch. PURPLE MOUNTAINS American From A Motorcycle. North
Conway, NH: Whitehorse Press, 2001. Second edi on. ISBN: 1884313280. 5 1/2
x 8 1/2, 221 pgs. The author's experiences as he traveled, solo via motorcycle,
across America. Paperback. Good+. $15.00
Ginn and Company, 1910. Revised. 5 x 7 1/2, 509 pgs, b&w and a few color
maps and illustra ons. Some pencil notes on front and back endsheets. Text
covers from the discovery of America through the Reconstruc on period a er
the United States Civil War. Includes various historic documents in the Declaraon of Independence and the United States Cons tu on, and an Index. Probably a high school textbook. Hardcover. Good. $8.00
997]Mooers, Jr., Robert L. FINDING YOUR WAY IN THE OUTDOORS. New York:
Du on, 1973. 5 x 7, 275 pgs, index, illustrated by George J. Killion, Jr. Includes
compass naviga on, map reading, route finding, weather forecas ng and more
for outdoorsmen who take to the backcountry. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ.
998]Mowat, Farley. THE FARFARERS. Before the Norse. Canada: Key Porter
Books, 1998. First edi on. ISBN: 1550139894. 6 x 9, 377 pgs, b&w photos and
maps. Fic onal vigne es of Alban life and a harsher age: an age of deathdealing warships and scanty food supply, of long, cold journeys across the night
sea into unknown lands. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
999]Mowat, Farley. SIBIR My Discovery of Siberia. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1972. Reprint. ISBN: 0771065809. 6 x 9, 313 pgs, index, mapped endsheets
and two other maps. Mowat's observa ons on his 20000 mile journey across
the eastern part of Russia. Hardcover. Very Good in Fair DJ. $10.00
1000]Mueller, Marge & Ted. EXPLORING WASHINGTON'S WILD AREAS A Guide
for Hikers, Backpackers, Climbers, X-C Skiers, and Paddlers. Sea le: The Mountaineers, 1994. Second edi on. ISBN: 0898863511. 6 x 9, 352 pgs, b&w photos,
illustra ons and maps. A comprehensive resources includes 55 wildernesses
and roadless areas, over 1000 trails described and mapped, details on climate,
plants and wildlife, geology and history, and much more. Ex-library with minimal
markings. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00
1001]Murray, Simon. LEGIONNAIRE My Five Years in the French Foreign Legion.
New York: Times Books, 1978. First edi on. ISBN: 0812907981. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,
314 pgs, b&w historical photos. One of the few Englishmen to have served in
the French Foreign Legion in modern mes provides a unique insight into a way
of life that has already passed into history. Hardcover. Very Good in Good DJ.
1002]My nger, Caroline. HEADHUNTING IN THE SOLOMON ISLANDS. Around
the Coral Sea. New York: Macmillan, 1942. 6 x 8 1/2, 416 pgs, b&w illustra ons,
endpapers decorated with maps. The author's experiences and observances
during travels in the south seas. An adventure classic! Hardcover. Good+.
1003]Naylor, James Ball. THE KENTUCKIAN. A thrilling Tale of Ohio Life in the
Early Six es. Chicago: Saalfield Publishing, 1905. 5 x 7 1/2, 385 pgs, b&w illustraons. Binding cracked but holding. Uncommon 19th century novel. Hardcover.
Good. $7.00
1004]Nesbi , Mark. GHOSTS OF GETTYSBURG V Spirits, Appari ons and Haunted Places of the Ba lefield. Ge ysburg, PA: Thomas Publica ons, 2000. ISBN:
1577470540. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 79 pgs, b&w photos. The fi h installment in former
Na onal Park Ranger Mark Nesbi 's series of collected ghost stories from the
Ge syburg ba lefield and village - an area considered by many afficionados to
be the most haunted in America. These are not the fic onal species of ghost
stories; they are taken from purportedly true accounts, some from older folklore and some more recent. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00
1005]New Mexico Wilderness Alliance. WILD GUIDE The 2008 Passport to New
Mexico's Great Outdoors. Albuquerque, NM: 2008. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2,
202 pgs, b&w photos. Jam-packed with great hikes, volunteer projects and
wilderness lore. Paperback. New. $4.00
1006]Nicholson, T.R. THE WILD ROADS The Story of Transcon nental Motoring.
New York: Norton, 1969. First edi on. ISBN: 039308616X. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 302 pgs,
index, b&w photos. First inter-urban drive in 1888, 1st transcon nental trip in
1903, and round the world in 1908, etc. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+
DJ. $10.00
1007]Nielsen, Dr. Jerri with Maryanne Vollers. ICE BOUND A Doctor's Incredible
Ba le for Survival at the South Pole. New York: Hyperion, 2001. Second edi on.
ISBN: 0786866845. 6 x 9 1/2, 362 pgs, sec on of b&w photos. A doctor's selftreatment for breast cancer in isola on at Amundsen-Sco South Pole Sta on in
Antarc ca. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $3.00
1008]Nordhoff, Charles and James Norman Hall. PITCAIRN'S ISLAND. Boston:
Li le Brown & Co, 1934. 5 1/2 x 8, 337 pgs. Full-length novel; the tale of the
Bounty mu neers. Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
1009]O'Connor, Richard. SHERIDAN. The Inevitable. New York: Konecky &
Konecky, 1993. ISBN: 0914427970. Originally published in 1953. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2,
400 pgs, maps by Wilson R. Springer. The classic biogrpahy of General Phillip
Sheridan and the bloody conflict in which he rose to prominence. Hardcover.
Fine in Fine DJ. $8.00
1010]O'Donnell, Patrick K. OPERATIVES, SPIES, AND SABOTEURS The Unknown
Story of the Men and Women of WWII's OSS. New York: Free Press, 2004. First
edi on. ISBN: 074323572X. 6 x 9, 365 pgs, index, notes, bibliography, b&w photos. O'Donnell has tracked down and interviewed more than 300 elite and mysterious former OSS (Office of Strategic Services) members and, for the first me,
relates their incredible true stories of World War II--stories that may read like
the best spy novels but are shockingly true. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very
Good+ DJ. $15.00
1011]Obee, Bruce. THE GULF ISLANDS EXPLORER. The Outdoor Guide. Vancouver, WA: Whitecap Books, 1990. ISBN: 088826089X. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 194 pgs, b&w
photos and maps. A handy travel guide for hiking, touring, paddling and camping in the southern Gulf Islands. Paperback. Good. $4.00
1012]Oleszewski, Wes. MYSTERIES AND HISTORIES. Shipwrecks of the Great
Lakes. Gwinn, MI: Avery Color Studios, 1999. Reprint. ISBN: 0932212921. 5 1/2 x
8 1/2, 295 pgs, b&w photos. Full of well-researched and well wri en stories
about the men and the ships who were lost on the Great Lakes. The author goes
beyond the facts of the tragedy to get to the real stories -- the lives of the people who were lost. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00
1013]Owen, Joseph R. COLDER THAN HELL A Marine Rifle Company at Chosin
Reservoir. New York: Ivy Books, 1996. ISBN: 0804116970. 4 x 7, 282 pgs, index,
sec on of b&w photos. The author tells the story of a Marine rifle company,
Baker-One-Seven, in the early days of the Korean War. He describes close combat in the snow-covered mountains of the Chosin Reservoir and the survival
spirit of his Marines in frontline warfare. He describes the enemy night assaultrs, foxhole fights, patrols through Chinese lines, and drama c examples of
Medal of Honor gallantry. Paperback. Good+. $5.00
1014]Parry, Richard. TRIAL BY ICE The True Story of Murder and Survival on the
1871 Plaris Expedi on. New York: 2001. First edi on. ISBN: 0345439252. 6 x 9,
321 pgs, b&w photos, mapped endsheets. In the dark years following the Civil
War, America's foremost Arc c explorer, Charles Francis Hall, became a figure
of na onal pride when he embarked on a harrowing, landmark expedi on. With
financial backing from Congress and the personal support of President Grant,
Captain Hall and his crew boarded the 'Polaris', a steam schooner carefully
refi ed for its rigorous journey, and began their quest to be the first men to
reach the North Pole. Neither the ship nor its captain would ever return. What
transpired was tragic death and whispers of murder, as well as a horrifying
ordeal through the heart of an Arc c winter, when men fought starva on, madness, and each other upon the ever-shi ing ice. Hardcover. Very Good in Very
Good DJ. $8.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
1015]Pa erson, R.M. DANGEROUS RIVER. New York: William Sloane, 1954. 5
1/2 x 8 12, 314 pgs, b&w photos, decorated endsheets. An extraordinary canoe
adventure, describing the author's explora on of the turbulent South Nahanni
River in the Northwest Territories of Canada in the 1920s. Hardcover. Good+.
York: Hawthorn Books, 1966. Third edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 180 pgs, index, bibliography, maps, b&w illustra ons. Well-wri en history of the Spanish-American
War for the high school student. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+ in Good+ DJ.
1016]Pell, S.H.P. FORT TICONDEROGA. A Short History. Fort Ticonderoga Museum, 1985. 6 x 9, 120 pgs, b&w historical photos, color photos on inside of both
covers. A good history of Fort Ticonderoga compiled from contemporary
sources. Profusely illustrated. Paperback. Good. $3.00
1031]Rhys, Ernest, editor. THEOLOGY & PHILOSOPHY. New York: Du on, 1912.
4 1/2 x 6 1/2, 397 pgs. The book includes The Li le Flowers of St Francis , The
Mirror of Perfec on ( by Leo of Assisi ) and The Life of St Francis ( by St Bonaventura ) and has an introduc on by Thomas Okey. Ex-library. Hardcover.
Good+. $6.00
1017]Petrow, Richard. ACROSS THE TOP OF RUSSIA The Cruise of the USCGC
Northwind into the Polar Seas North of Siberia. New York: David McKay, 1967. 5
1/2 x 8, 373 pgs, index, sec on of b&w photos, maps. A cruise into the Polar
Seas North of Siberia in1965 based on first hand observa on. One of thje most
exci ng and significant Arc c voyages in modern mes. Ex-library with usual
markings. Hardcover. Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00
York: Nick Lyons Books, 1986. First edi on. ISBN: 0832904333. 7 x 10, 226 pgs,
b&w and a sec on of color photos. Thoroughly explores the rich world of outdoor photography, giving professional advice on the best equipment to take
along for a variety of outdoor pursuits, plus ligh ng and composi on, flash
photography, close-up photography, and much more. Hardcover. Very Good in
Very Good DJ. $5.00
1019]Philbrick, Nathaniel. IN THE HEART OF THE SEA The Tragedy of the
Whaleship Essex. New York: Penguin Books, 2001. Reprint. ISBN: 0141001828. 5
x 8, 302 pgs, index, sec on of b&w historical photos. The story that inspired
Herman Melville's classic Moby-Dick has a lot going for it--derring-do, cannibalism, rescue--and Philbrick proves an amiable and well-informed narrator,
providing both context and detail. Paperback. Good+. $5.00
1020]Pitkin, Thomas M., editor. GRANT THE SOLDIER. Philadelphia: Eastern
Parks and Monuments Associa on, 1965. First edi on. 7 x 8 1/2, 88 pgs, b&w
historical photos. Biography of Ohio born defender of the Union and a leader of
the war that kept it together. Paperback. Good+. $10.00
1021]Polasek, Ollie. SKIING. New York: A.S. Barnes, 1960. 8 x 10, 120 pgs, b&w
photos and illustra ons. A great ski instruc on book by an old pro. Hardcover.
Good+. $3.00
1022]Pontvieux, Delphine. ETA Es mated Time of Arrest - A Novel. Chicago:
Miss Nyet Publishing, 2009. First edi on. ISBN: 9780984217601. 6 x 9, 334 pgs.
Set in the Basque country between France and Spain, a modern-day fight for
freedom. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $15.00
1023]Poole, H. John. TACTICS OF THE CRESCENT MOON Militant Muslim Combat Methods. Emerald Isle. NC: Posterity Press, 2005. Second edi on. ISBN:
0963869574. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 342 pgs, index, bibliography. Handbook on Islamic
Guerilla tac cs. Contents cover lessons from Gallipoli, the Iran-Iraq War, and
Israel's expulsion from Southern Lebanon; tac cs as exhibited by Pales nian
fighters, Chechen rebels, Afghan Mujahideen, recent Afghan resistance and the
Iraqi opposi on; Islamic guerrilla training, militant pa erns, unconven onal
response to insurgents and the tac cal equa on. Paperback. Very Good+.
1033]Robbins, Royal. ADVANCED ROCKCRAFT. Glendale, CA: La Siesta Press,
1985. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 96 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustra ons. Addresses the
problems and basic skills involved in route-finding and actual achievement in
advanced rock climbing. Paperback. Very Good+. $5.00
1034]Robbins, Royal. BASIC ROCKCRAFT. Glendale, Ca: La Siesta Press, 1971. 5
1/2 x 8 1/2, 71 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Basic techniques with ropes, knots &
climbing gear, with techniques needed for most high angle climbs. Paperback.
Very Good+. $5.00
1035]Roberts, David, editor. POINTS UNKNOWN A Century of Great Explora on.
New York: Norton, 2000. First edi on. ISBN: 0393050009. 6 x 9, 607 pgs. Stories
of courage, endurance, and passion that define adventure. From Robert Falcon
Sco 's final journal entry to Jon Krakauer's reckless solo climb of the Devil's
Thumb to Tom Wolfe's brilliant portrayal of Chuck Yeager sha ering the sound
barrier in The Right Stuff, the most enduring adventure literature of the century
into one heart-stopping volume. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $8.00
1036]Roberts, David, editor. POINTS UNKNOWN A Century of Great Explora on.
New York: Norton, 2000. First edi on. ISBN: 0393323781. 6 x 9, 607 pgs. Stories
of courage, endurance, and passion that define adventure. From Robert Falcon
Sco 's final journal entry to Jon Krakauer's reckless solo climb of the Devil's
Thumb to Tom Wolfe's brilliant portrayal of Chuck Yeager sha ering the sound
barrier in The Right Stuff, the most enduring adventure literature of the century
into one heart-stopping volume. Paperback. Very Good+. $5.00
1037]Ro man, Gordon L. FUBAR Soldier Slang of World War II. New York: Metro Books, 2007. First edi on. ISBN: 9781435120631. 4 1/2 x 7 1/2, 296 pgs, b&w
illustra ons. "F***ed Up Beyond All Recogni on" takes a frank look at the
Bri sh, Commonwealth, American, German, Japanese and Russian slang used by
the men on the ground in WWII, and shows how, even in the heat of ba le,
they somehow managed to retain their sense of humour, black though it might
have been. Hardcover. Very Good. $12.00
1038]Rozwenc, Edwin C., editor. SLAVERY AS A CAUSE OF THE CIVIL WAR.
Boston: D.C. Heath and Co., 1963. 6 1/2 x 9, 120 pgs. An interes ng, scholarly
look at slavery. Paperback. Good+. $4.00
1024]Pra , Richard, Bruce Sundquist and Peter Wray, editors. A HIKER'S GUIDE
TO ALLEGHENY NATIONAL FOREST. Pi sburgh, PA: Allegheny Group Sierra Club,
1977. First edi on. 6 x 9, 92 pgs, b&w maps and photos. A complete guide to
what to see and enjoy and where to hike in the Allegheny Na onal Forest in
northern Pennsylvania. Paperback. Very Good. $5.00
1039]Rubin, Robert Alden. ON THE BEATEN PATH. An Appalachian Pilgrimage.
New York: Lyons Press, 2000. First edi on. ISBN: 1585740233. 6 x 9, 233 pgs.
The author brings us along on his personal quest, searching for the lost pieces of
himself that surely must lie over the next '"blue mountain". Hardcover. Very
Good in Very Good DJ. $5.00
1025]Presco , William H. HISTORY OF THE REIGN OF FERDINAND AND ISABELLA Two Volumes. New York: American Publishers Corp., 1838. 5 x 7, 495 and 502
pgs. Old history volumes. Hardcover. Good+. $15.00
OREGON. New York: Macmillan, 1999. ISBN: 0028633091. 6 x 9, 476 pgs, b&w
maps. Hundreds of great trips, trails, and li le-known wild places for the hardcore adventurer or the whole family. Paperback. Very Good+. $5.00
1026]Raban, Jonathan. OLD GLORY An American Voyage. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1981. Second edi on. ISBN: 0671250612. 6 x 9, 409 pgs. A literate
Englishman makes a voyage down the Mississippi, Minnesota to New Orleans,
taking stock of the people and river along the way. Highly praised! Hardcover.
Very Good in Very Good DJ. $10.00
1027]Rain, Mary Summer. PHOENIX RISING No-Eyes' Vision of the Changes to
Come. West Chester, PA: Whi ord Press, 1989. Reprint. ISBN: 0898655285. 5
1/2 x 8 1/2, 166 pgs. Deep in the Colorado mountains, Mary learns from the
Na ve American wise woman No-Eyes about human spiritual development, the
future of our planet, and the interrela onship of all life. Whisked away on a
harrowing journey into the future, Mary receives an awe-inspiring and disturbing vision of the coming Earth changes. Paperback. Very Good. $8.00
1028]Ray, David. HEMINGWAY: A DESPERATE LIFE Poems. Shawnee, KS: Whirlybird Press, 2011. First edi on. ISBN: 9780964705357. 6 x 9, 122 pgs. Poetry
which highlights the fascina ng, some mes incredible, feats and follies of a
great writer who o en could not dis nguish between facts and fantasy, truth
and braggadocio. Paperback. New. $5.00
1029]Reed, Myrtle. AT THE SIGN OF THE JACK O' LANTERN. New York: Putnams, 1905. 5 x 8, 353 pgs. First published in 1905 this is a roman c novel by
the popular American author (1874-1911) of 'Lavender and Old Lace'. Ex-library
with usual markings. Hardcover. Good+. $10.00
Cincinna , OH: Jones Brothers Publishing, 1890. 7 1/2 x 10 1/2, 788 pgs, b&w
illustra ons. "An account of the principal events in the career of the human race
from the beginnings of civiliza on to the present me, from recent and authenc sources." Calf leather, front cover and front fly separated. Hardcover. Fair.
1041]Sandler, Mar n W. RESOLUTE The Epic Search for the Northwest Passage
and John Franklin, and the Discovery of the Queen's Ghost Ship. New York: Sterling Publishing, 2006. First edi on. ISBN: 9781402740855. 6 x 9, 299 pgs, index,
b&w historical photos, mapped endsheets. Tackles the story of the Resolute the finest vessel in Queen Victoria's Navy. This amazing high-seas adventure
encompasses the search for the Northwest Passage in the early 1800s; a renowned explorer and his crew of 128 men who vanish during an 1845 expedion; 39 incredible, heroic a empted rescue missions; a ghost ship that dri s for
more than 1,200 miles; a queen's gra tude; and a famous desk. Fascina ng rare
photographs, pain ngs, engravings and maps illustrate the book throughout.
Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $12.00
1042]Schackne, Steward and N. D'Arcy Drake. OIL FOR THE WORLD. New York:
Harper & Bros., 1960. Second edi on. 7 x 8, 142 pgs, b&w photos and monocolor illustra ons. Book published under the auspices of the Standard Oil Company
of New Jersey extolling the virtues of oil & petroleum products in the mid-20th
century. Hardcover. Very Good+. $6.00
1043]Sears, Stephen W. GEORGE B. MCCLELLAN. The Young Napoleon. New
York: Ticknor & Fields, 1988. ISBN: 0899199143. 5 1/2 x 8, 482 pgs, sec on of
b&w historical photos, index. Drawn en rely on primary sources, a full picture
of the contradictory McClellan. Paperback. Very Good. $3.00
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
1044]Selby, Ph.D., Samuel M. ABRIDGED MATHEMATICAL TABLES. Cleveland,
OH: The Chemical Rubber Co., 1965. 12th Edi on. 5 x 7, 458 pgs, tables. Hardcover. Good+. $5.00
1045]Shackleton, Sir Ernest. SOUTH The Last Antarc c Expedi on of Shackleton
and the Endurance. New York: Lyons Press, 1998. Reprint. ISBN: 1558217835. 6
x 9, 376 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustra ons. Originally published in 1920,
Shackleton's account of the two year journey that began in 1914 and tested the
crew against unimaginable cold, hunger, hardship, and despair. Paperback. Very
Good. $15.00
1046]Shaw, David W. DARING THE SEA The True Story of the First Men to Row
Across the Atlan c Ocean. Secaucus, NJ: Carol Publishing Group, 1998. First
edi on. ISBN: 1559724609. 6 x 9, 224 pgs, index, sec on of b&w photos. Two
Norwegians in 1896 rowed from New York to Le Havre in 55 days in an 18 foot
boat without sail, motor or rudder. This is their story. Hardcover. Very Good+ in
Very Good+ DJ. $10.00
1047]Skilling, Brian, editor, and David Sutcliffe. CANOEING COMPLETE. London:
Nicholas Kaye, 1968. Reprint. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 191 pgs, index, b&w illustra ons.
Includes canoe design, basic technique, inland touring, coastal touring, surfing
and the Eskimo roll, slalom and white water racing, and much more. Hardcover.
Good in Good DJ. $5.00
1048]Smoot, Jeff. WASHINGTON ROCK CLIMBS. Evergreen, CO: Chockstone
Press, 1989. ISBN: 0934641129. 6 x 9, 212 pgs, index, b&w photos and maps.
Tips and pointers on climbs at Darrington, Sta c Point, Index, Leavenworth,
Washington Pass and The Lesser Crags. Paperback. Very Good. $12.00
1049]Snow, Edward Rowe. TALES OF TERROR AND TRAGEDY. New York: Dodd
Mead, 1979. First edi on. ISBN: 0396077757. 5 x 8, 250 pgs, index, b&w photos.
A collec on of tales of terror and tragedy, of shipwreck survivors rescued by
murderous savages, crazed pirates commi ng atroci es, entombment on a
dri ing, sinking ship, storms and floods unleashing their violence - sailors obeying orders to the le er, knowing they spelled their own doom. Hardcover. Very
Good in Very Good DJ. $12.00
1050]Spaeth, Frank, editor. PHANTOM ARMY OF THE CIVIL WAR And Other
Southern Ghost Stories. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publica ons, 1997. First edi on.
ISBN: 1567182976. 5 x 8, 238 pgs. Taken from Fate Magazine, stories about
haunted people and places in the South. Paperback. Good+. $8.00
1051]Spargo, John. THE BENNINGTON BATTLE MONUMENT. Rutland, VT: The
Tu le Co., 1925. 4 1/2 x 7, 122 pgs, b&w illustra ons. Contains a detailed history of the Ba le of Bennington in 1777, which contributed to Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga. Hardcover. Very Good. $6.00
1052]Spring, Ira and Harvey Manning. 102 HIKES IN THE ALPINE LAKES, SOUTH
CASCADES AND OLYMPICS. Sea le, WA: Mountaineers, 1980. Second edi on.
ISBN: 0916890244. 5 x 8 1/2, 240 pgs, b&w photos and maps. Direc ons and
other informa on for making these spectacular hikes. Paperback. Good. $4.00
1060]S lwell, Alexander. SPECIAL FORCES TODAY Afghanistan, Africa, Balkans,
Iraq, South America. Washington DC: Potomac Books, 2007. First edi on. ISBN:
1597971154. 7 1/2 x 9 1/2, 192 pgs, color photos throughout. Recounts Special
Forces opera ons over the last fi een years. From the Gulf War to the 2003
invasion of Iraq-via the war in Afghanistan, the search for war criminals in the
Balkans, the hunt for drug barons in South America, hostage rescues in Africa,
and the counterterrorism ini a ves since 9/11 Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00
1061]Storrick, W.C. THE BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG The Country - The Contestants
- The Results. Harrisburg, PA: J. Horace McFarland, 1938. Third edi on. 5 1/2 x 8,
80 pgs, b&w photos. An early guide to the Civil War memorial park. Paperback.
Good+. $5.00
1062]Street, James. THE GAUNTLET. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Doran & Co.,
1945. 5 1/2 x 7 1/2, 311 pgs. The story of a man who sought and found God.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $15.00
1063]Strung, Norman and Sil. CAMPING IN COMFORT. New York: Lippinco ,
1971. First edi on. 5 x 8, 262 pgs, illus/photos. Essen ally a how-to book on car
camping, boat camping, RV camping, etc.; i.e. how to take the comforts of home
with you on a camping trip. Includes a chapter on gourmet campout dining.
Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $5.00
1064]Swanberg, W.A. CITIZEN HEARST A Biography of William Randolph Hearst.
New York: Galalad Books, 1996. Second edi on. ISBN: 0883659700. 6 x 9 1/2,
555 pgs, index, sec on of b&w historical photos. A monumental and controversial biograpy of one of the most fabulous characters in American history. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00
1065]Takeda, Pete. AN EYE AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD The Terrifying Legacy of
the Cold War's Most Daring CIA Opera on. New York: Thunder's Mouth Press,
2006. First edi on. ISBN: 9781568583587. 5 x 8, 333 pgs, index, bibliography. A
drama c history and a harrowing present-day account of the author's expedion to solve the mystery of Nanda Devi (the disappearance of the CIA's nuclearpowered spy device).. Paperback. Very Good+. $6.00
1066]Tate, William H. A MARINER'S GUIDE TO THE RULES OF THE ROAD. Annapolis, MD: Naval Ins tute Press, 1980. Fourth edi on. ISBN: 0870213687. 9 x
7, 138 pgs, b&w photos and illustra ons. A concise, comprehensive treatment
of the rules of the road for U.S. Inland waters as well as of the revised Internaonal Regula ons for Preven ng Collisions at Sea. Hardcover. Very Good in
Good+ DJ. $6.00
Vista, AZ: Thunder Peak Produc ons, 1991. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 56 pgs, b&w photos
and maps. Descrip ons of hiking trails in the Huachuca Mountains adjacent to
famed Fort Huachuca home of the Buffalo Soldiers. Paperback. Very Good.
1053]Spring, Ira and Harvey Manning. 50 HIKES IN MOUNT RAINIER NATIONAL
PARK. Sea le: Mountaineers, 1978. Reprint. ISBN: 0916890198. 7 x 8 1/2, 120
pgs, b&w photos and maps. Descrip ons of every trail in the park, the most
popular and the most lonesome. Paperback. Good+. $4.00
1068]Taylor, Troy. SPIRITS OF THE CIVIL WAR A Guide to the Ghosts and
Haun ngs of America's Bloodiest Conflict. Alton, IL: Whitechapel Produc ons
Press, 1999. First edi on. ISBN: 1892523027. 7 1/2 x 9, 244 pgs, b&w photos. A
fascina ng guide to both the strange history and the ghostly loca ons of the
war, the book introduces readers to dozens of haunted sites in both the North
and the South. Paperback. Very Good+. $10.00
1054]Spurr, Daniel. RIVER OF FORGOTTEN DAYS A Journey down the Mississippi
in Search of La Salle. New York: Henry Holt, 1998. First edi on. ISBN:
0805046321. 6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 272 pgs, index, b&w photos. From the upper Midwest the author headed downriver to New Orleans and beyond. A journey of
remembrance into the untamed wilderness of La Salleís me -- a "pre-America"
that is revealed by the journals of La Salle. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very
Good+ DJ. $8.00
1069]Theroux, Marcel. FAR NORTH. London: Faber and Faber, 2009. ISBN:
9780571237784. 5 x 8, 288 pgs. Out on the far northern border of a failed state,
Makepeace patrols the ruins of a dying city and tries to keep its unruly inhabitants in check. Into this isolated world comes evidence that life is flourishing
elsewhere - a refugee from vast emp ness of forest, whose existence inspires
Makepeace to take to road to reconnect with human society. Paperback. Very
Good+. $10.00
1055]St. George, George. SIBERIA The New Fron er. New York: David McKay
Co., 1969. First edi on. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 374 pgs, index, b&w photos and illustraons. Fond memories of life as a child in Irkutsk before the Revolu on led the
author back to Siberia in the 1960s. Personal impressions and conversa ons
with local inhabitants make for a lively text. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good+.
1070]Thomsen, Brian M., editor. BLUE & GRAY AT SEA Naval Memoirs of the
Civil War. New York: Tom Doherty, 2003. First edi on. ISBN: 0765308967. 6 x 9,
445 pgs. Provides a glimpse into the o en neglected naval campaigns of the
Civil War. Paperback. Very Good+. $8.00
1056]Stanton, Doug. HORSE SOLDIERS The Extraordinary Story of a Band of U.S.
Soldiers Who Rode to VIctory in Afghanistan. New York: Scribners, 2009. Third
edi on. ISBN: 9781416580515. 6 x 9, 393 pgs, bibliography, sec on of b&w
photos. An account of a small band of Special Forces soldiers--who, following
9/11, secretly entered Afghanistan and rode on horses to war against the Taliban. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $10.00
1057]Stern, Philip Van Doren. SECRET MISSIONS OF THE CIVIL WAR. New York:
Bonanza Books, 1959. 6 x 9, 320 pgs, illustrated. First-hand accounts by men
and women who risked their lives in the underground ac vi es for the North
and for the South. Ex-library. Hardcover. Good in Good DJ. $8.00
1058]Sterne, Laurence. TRISTRAM SHANDY. New York: The Modern Library,
1928. 4 x 6 1/2, 591 pgs. Complete edi on of one of the earliest English novels,
wri en in the 1700s about the life of an Englishman. Hardcover. Good. $6.00
1059]Stevenson, Noel C. SEARCH AND RESEARCH. Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret
Book Co., 1964. Revised. 6 x 9, 364 pgs. A guide to official records and library
sources for inves gators, historians, genealogists, lawyers and librarians. Hardcover. Very Good. $4.00
1071]Thrasher, W.E._. BALLOONING: A PICTORIAL GUIDE AND WORLD DIRECTORY. Homestead, FL: Thrasher Balloons Inc., 1978. ISBN: 0960151400. 6 x 9,
160 pgs, b&w photos throughout. Somewhat dated, but s ll a good lis ng of
balloons and balloon owners worldwide. Hardcover. Very Good+. $10.00
1072]Titler, Dale M. WINGS OF ADVENTURE. New York: Dodd Mead, 1978.
ISBN: 0396064698. 5 1/2 x 8, 364 pgs, index, sec on of b&w photos. Fi een true
accounts that take us back through the early days of flying. Hardcover. Very
Good in Good+ DJ. $15.00
1073]Toney, Marcus B. THE PRIVATIONS OF A PRIVATE Campaigning with the
First Tennessee, C.S.A., and Life Therea er. Tuscaloosa, AL: University of Alabama Press, 2005. Second edi on. ISBN: 0817352562. 5 x 7 1/2, 155 pgs, index,
b&w historical photos. Memoir of a convinced Methodist, confederate, and
slavery par san who became an early volunteer for Confederate service from
his home near Nashville, Tennessee. Includes detailed repor ng of his experience as a Federal POW. Paperback. New. $7.00
1074]Townsend, Col. G.W. MEMORIAL LIFE OF WILLIAM MCKINLEY "Our Martyred President: As a Man, the Noblest and Purest of his Times. As a Ci zen, the
Grandest of his Na on, As a Statesman, the Idol of Millions of People". Washington DC: Memorial Publishing Co., 1901. 6 1/2 x 9, sectoins of b&w historical
photos. "Containing a full account of his early life; his ambi on to obtain an
Order: 1-575-388-3763 or E-mail: [email protected]
educa on; his brilliant career as a soldier in the Civil War; his patrio c record as
a member of Congress and Governor of his state; his able administra on as
President, etc., including a thrilling account of his assassina on; his heroic struggle for life; hope of recovery suddenly blasted; profound sympathy and anxious
suspense of the whole civilized world, etc., together with a full History of Anarchy and its Infamous Deeds, AND including the life of President Roosevelt."
Hardcover. Good. $15.00
1075]Tripp, Valerie. AN INTRODUCTION TO WILLIAMSBURG Simple Text, Beauful Pictures. Middleton, WI: Pleasant Company, 1985. First edi on. ISBN:
0932407005. 8 x 11, 50 pgs, color photos and illustra ons. Takes the reader
back to Williamsburg as it existed more than 200 years ago. Paperback. Very
Good+. $6.00
Lyons Press, 2001. Second edi on. ISBN: 158574283X. 7 1/2 x 9 1/2, 416 pgs,
index, b&w illustra ons. Brings an insider's eye to the most secre ve and demanding military techniques used by the SAS (Special Air Service - England's
equivalent of the US Special Forces). Learn: survival, evasion, resistance, and
escape rou nes, long-range surveillance and reconnaissance, intelligence and
counterintelligence techniques, advanced naviga on for any environment, how
to avoid being tracked, and how to get your bearings without a compass. Paperback. Good+. $12.00
1076]Tu , Ephrain. YANKEE LAWYER. The Autobiography of Ephrain Tu . Chicago: Consolidated Book Publishers, 1944. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 403 pgs, sec on of b&w
photos, color decorated endsheets. An interes ng look at the life of this famous
turn of the century lawyer. Hardcover. Good. $6.00
1089]Whitehill, Karen & Terry. NATURE WALKS IN & AROUND PORTLAND AllSeason Exploring in Parks, Forests and Wetlands. Sea le: Mountaineers, 1998.
Second edi on. ISBN: 0898865638. 6 x 9, 188 pgs, b&w photos and maps. A
great companion for the urban explorer with 37 nature walks, ranging from one
-half to six miles in length. Paperback. Very Good+. $5.00
1077]Twain, Mark, Charles Neider, editor. THE COMPLETE HUMOROUS
SKETCHES AND TALES OF MARK TWAIN. Garden City, NY: Hanover House, 1961.
5 1/2 x 8, 722 pgs. More than 100 of Twain's funniest and best short stories.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $8.00
1090]Whiteley, George. NORTHERN SEAS, HARDY SAILORS. New York: Norton,
1982. First edi on. ISBN: 0393032701. 6 x 9, 270 pgs, b&w photos. A sailor
voyages home to the wild, bleak, beau ful islands of his ancestors, Nova Sco a,
Newfoundland and Labrador. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Good- DJ. $6.00
1078]U.S. Marines. CLOSE-QUARTERS COMBAT MANUAL. Boulder, CO: Paladin
Press, 1996. Reprint. ISBN: 9780873648899. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 190 pgs, b&w illustraons. The LINE (linear in-figh ng neural-override engagement) is the most efficient and complete system of military close combat ever developed. This official
USMC instruc on manual provides comprehensive instruc on in all aspects of
this deadly system, including unarmed combat methods, knife and bayonet
figh ng and use of improvised weapons. Paperback. Very Good+. $12.00
1091]Wiggam, D.Sc., Albert Edward. THE MARKS OF A CLEAR MIND or, Sorry
But You're Wrong About It. New York: Blue Ribbon Books, Inc., 1931. 5 1/2 x 8,
330 pgs, index. The author explains why it is essen al that clear thinking people
use the scien fic approach to problem solving; where truth is more precious
than beliefs. Hardcover. Good+. $10.00
1079]Underwood, Lamar, editor. CLASSIC SURVIVAL STORIES Thirteen Tales of
Strength, Determina on, and the Will to Live. Guilford, CT: Lyons Press, 2004.
Reprint. ISBN: 9781592282364. 4 1/2 x 7, 418 pgs. Contribu ons from Jack
London, John Wesley Powell, John Muir, Sir Ernest Shackleton, Victor Hugo, and
more. Paperback. Very Good+. $7.00
1080]Unger, Douglas. THE TURKEY WAR A Novel. New York: Harper & Row,
1988. First edi on. ISBN: 0060159510. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 230 pgs. Story of German
POWs working in a turkey processing plant in Nowell South Dakota. A tragic
story pervaded by irony centered aorund the conflict between Mose Johnson,
the well-inten oned but driven foreman of the Safebuy plant, and the Hauptmann, the classic type of Prussian officer, who suffers war injuries but controls
his fellow prisoners and organizes their work and life with a much stronger hand
than does Johnson. Produc on quickly increases for frozen and canned turkey
for American servicemen. But the improvements produce a vicious spiral of
increased quotas that dras cally worsen working condi ons. A struggle of wills
that ends badly. Hardcover. Very Good+ in Very Good+ DJ. $4.00
1081]Waley, Arthur. TRANSLATIONS FROM THE CHINESE. New York: Knopf,
1941. 7 x 11, 323 pgs, b&w and beau ful color illustra ons by Cyrus Le Roy
Baldridge. Beau ful book of Chinese poetry. Hardcover. Very Good in Good +
slipcase. $25.00
1082]Wallace, Lew. BEN-HUR. A Tale of the Christ. Colorado Springs, CO: Focus
on the Family, 1997. Reprint. ISBN: 1561795518. 5 1/2 x 9, 577 pgs, b&w illustra ons. A new edi on of this old classic. Hardcover. Good+. $10.00
1083]Warren, James A. AMERICAN SPARTANS. The U.S. Marines: A Combat
History from Iwo Jima to Iraq. New York: Free Press, 2005. First edi on. ISBN:
0684872846. 6 x 9, 375 pgs, index, bibliography, sec on of b&w photos. Shows
exactly how "the few and the proud" have performed in key conflicts from Iwo
Jima to the present. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $9.00
1084]Wennstrom, Jerry. THE INSPIRED HEART An Ar st's Journey of Transforma on. Boulder, CO: Sen ent Publica ons, 2002. First edi on. ISBN:
0971078696. 7 x 10, 190 pgs, b&w and a sec on of color photos. "In 1979, Jerry
Wennstrom, a rising star in the New York art world, destroyed his pain ngs,
gave away his possessions and money, and began consciously to empty himself
of his iden ty. By le ng go of resistance to whatever life would bring, he was
led to the heart of the miraculous. This is his remarkable and inspira onal story". Paperback. Very Good. $6.00
1085]West, Morris L. THE SHOES OF THE FISHERMAN A Novel. New York: William Morrow, 1963. Reprint. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 374 pgs. A novel about the Va can,
an unusual succession to Pope, and those who watch it and him, the world
tee ng on the edge of global conflagra on. Later made into the major successful film of the same name. Hardcover. Very Good+. $4.00
1086]Wes ield, Patricia. ESCAPING ON THE FREEDOM TRAIN Lessons on the
Underground Railroad. Spring Lake, MI: River Road Publica ons, 2001. ISBN:
0938682695. 8 1/2 x 11, 24 pgs, b&w illustra ons. A children's lesson book with
stories, ques ons and projects. Perfect for the home-schooler! Paperback. Very
Good+. $6.00
1087]White, Cecil Ward, Major, US Army, Re red. GIVE ME MY SPIRIT BACK
The Last of the Buffalo Soldier. Virginia Beach, VA: Cecil Ward White Book Company, 2004. Fourth edi on. ISBN: 0976489007. 8 x 11, 202 pgs, b&w and color
photos. Autobiography of an officer in the 92nd Infantry Division of the U.S.
Army, the unit of black "buffalo soliders" established during the 19th century.
White joined the Army in the World War II era and was involved in the integraon of the Army post World War II. Paperback. Very Good. $10.00
1092]Williams, Wirt. THE TROJANS. Boston: Li le Brown & Co, 1966. First edion. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 467 pgs. Novel of the film world: making a movie about Helen of Troy, those involved struggle with rela onships, novel-wri ng, fear of
ge ng fired, fear of ge ng old, and a woman's disappearance. Hardcover.
Good+. $6.00
1093]Wilson, Valerie Plame. FAIR GAME How a Top CIA Agent was Betrayed by
her own Government. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2007. ISBN:
9781451623871. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 412 pgs, sec on of color photos. The author
looks back at her me in the CIA, giving readers a rare and shocking glimpse into
the life of a spy. Addressing many of the ques ons people have asked about her
training, experiences and her life, Wilson shares her compelling story and dispells many of the myths perpetuated by certain bias media. Paperback. Very
Good+. $5.00
1094]Witherup, William. DOWN WIND, DOWN RIVER New and Selected Poems.
Albuquerque, NM: West End Press, 2000. First edi on. ISBN: 0931122996. 6 x 9,
178 pgs, b&w illustra ons. The author's poems are excep onally rich and diverse in subject ma er: work poems, nature poems, poems of love and loss,
poli cal comment and sa re. Paperback. Very Good+. $3.00
1095]Wood, Robert L. TRAIL COUNTRY. Olympic Na onal Park. Sea le: Mountaineers, 1968. 6 x 9, 300 pgs, illus/maps and photos. A visitors guide, recrea on
guide, and trail guide to the Olympic Na onal Park in Washington. Ex-library.
Hardcover. Fair. $4.00
1096]Woolf, Henry Bosley, editor in chief. WEBSTER'S NEW COLLEGIATE DICTIONARY. Springfield, MA: G. & C. Merriam Company, 1974. ISBN: 0877793190.
6 1/2 x 9 1/2, 1536 pgs. A clean and ght copy of this indespensbie dic onary.
Hardcover. Very Good+. $20.00
1097]Woo ers, John and Jerry T. Smith. WILDLIFE IMAGES A Complete Guide to
Outdoor Photography. Los Angeles: Petersen Publishing, 1981. ISBN:
0822730200. 8 x 9 1/2, 180 pgs, b&w and color photos. Explains techniques,
equipment, methods using hundreds of photographs. Hardcover. Very Good in
Very Good DJ. $6.00
1098]Wouk, Herman. THE CAINE MUTINY A Novel of World War II. Chicago:
Sears Readers Club, 1951. Reprint. 5 1/2 x 8 1/2, 408 pgs, mapped endsheets.
Herman Wouk's third novel, published in 1951, makes use of Wouk's experience
as a Naval officer in the war to evoke a drama of duty, courage, and psychological insight. When a typhoon strikes the U.S.S. Caine, Captain Queeg's series of
panicked commands completely destroy what li le confidence and loyalty his
crew has invested in him. Queeg's sanity is called into ques on by the higher
ranking members of his crew. The resul ng mu ny and court mar al scenes
drama ze the issues of obedience, military order, and jus fiable insubordinaon. This novel won the Pulitzer Prize in 1952. Hardcover. Good+. $10.00
1099]Wright, Theon wth Ione Ulrich Su on. THE VOYAGE OF THE HERMAN.
New York: Hawthorn Books, 1966. First edi on. 7 x 10, 284 pgs, b&w illustraons. The drama c story of the search for the $100 million treasure of Lima.
Hardcover. Very Good in Good+ DJ. $8.00
1100]Zinsmeister, Karl. BOOTS ON THE GROUND. New York: St Mar n's Press,
2003. ISBN: 0312326637. 6 x 9, 213 pgs, sec on of color photos. From one of
the "embeds", the story of a month with the 82nd Airborne in the Ba le for
Iraq. Hardcover. Fine in Fine DJ. $15.00
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