Letter from Barry Alan Johnsrud to State of Washington, Department
Letter from Barry Alan Johnsrud to State of Washington, Department
h!ch.s.artl<'wlsP.C. Mi'·-\'-Y, '-i 520 Pll<t> SJr ... ~H ,,liT')~-~ St~itfl 2300 .\.t•J. R•,::! Se~ttl~. WA ~HH01 7ei.2JJ'i.i40S-0-l.04 \OR~.,'-' :'\~WJ(}! "· '.'<. ..!.II. \\."7\,c,; r•. 0'\1.\tn.:--:r "" ; f!'., 1 \. ,.,_,~,.,f,>'-. ~1\lil\liWI.\H.> 1.\!HJ..:--.\J"olh,l."'-. l)tl: \'\(,f JH>.;_;,)'-'\itti.H iiRi ·\X(";(;_f\ '>\). HH\.(h~d' !'illt.\]}IJJ';!!A.l'.\ '>1.\lHf.';l.\ f;n, 20G 40::...4450 t .~;. -..·1 ~v..~.J;;~c.ksc!'l!~~"·l$.(~ (~-:t:".-t';·.; \ "-\'. lUCc:_,_ ; ()l!C\(.(>..h {0:-,{,f'.l.-t.'.H.\.) (1:--.<:J.:-.,•.r·tl•H t>h},,CHf'-.C.4 nroc·..:P;:,,\Z .:.Ln:r.~fl.P.< (,!f\ll·\\.P.I'l! \!l\H'ld>-.1>: f•Jn.H.l'RC1l.i',->, T.~'.lf"A.ft l>.H!,\\, I'\ '-IL\\;1,11 i~ll<l~ . .\."\h.'OR \\ J);),YJO:"..C'<ll ',lll,.,Al'J...ti','>\1 r~,.>>-:h;.j,)l)TJi.'-H \\.c\111,\'l-\1'-'-.:-..) r \~IJ:''>(~lO'-. 1 j)J:-.\i/{.:t' I Dl ;gp,L \'l ~!Y [);,ncr D1 "·'" 206.626.6·111 ),! Y f.,t.\11 ;\Dl>RE;; b; IWti\Y.I\.lli~>I\UP<i.h.\<..h'<l"Lf.\\k.(;\>,,1 February 10, 2015 VIA E-MAIL & U.S. MAIL Kelly Kane Industrial Relations Agent Washington Department of Labor and Industries Employment Standards Program 90 I N Monroe Street Suite 100 Spokane, \Vashington 9920! kc!lv.bncf(j\Jni.wa. nov Rc: Tri-City Americans Hockey C!ub -~~~- Rc~;[l~nse to December 30. 2014 l_tl_CJ_\I~'T Dear Ms. Kane: Thi~ letter is in response to your December 30, 20! 4 letter requesting additional inti.>rm~ltrun fl-om hockey teams operating within the Western Hockey League (WHL) in the state of Washington. This letter contains the Tri-City Americans' rcspons•:s to yeur inquiries. We feel that it is import:.mt to not<.: that the Tri-City Americans provide each amateur athlete on its team with an education. sports training. and the availability of a post-secondary academic scholarship. The players are in the same position as other amateur athletes playing in elite leagues on their high school teams or in the NCAA many of whom receive the same type of benefits. Moreover. the Tri-City Americans' players and their fhmilies ~like those playing football, basketball, baseball, and soccer for the University of Washington and their respective families~ know that they are making an agreement to play amateur vthletics at the highest level of competition without becoming professionals. None of these amateur athletes arc employees of their respective teams or schools, and neither the players, their parents. the team, nor the WHL have ever understood otherwise. l.&l Ch1ld Labor lnve3t;gat;on VVHl f'agc OOOi'97 \ (;A\,:'\.\ (f( J(ICIO".. Kelly K<tlc \Vas.hington Dcpa;1mcn! of l.ahor :.md Industries Fcbru"f} 10.2015 Page 2 The Tri-City Americans have been operating in the same manner under the law since 1988. For approximately 27 years. the Tri-City Americans have provided an outlet for skilled and talented amateur hockey players to play at the highest level or amateur hockey. The Tri-City Americans provide !he following responses to L&l's specitic inquiries: Inquiries Regarding P!avcrs Inquiry No. 1. Please describe how players join your team. Re~ponse to Inquiry No. 1. In general, the Tri-City Americans scout and recruit amateur athletes in a similar manner to NCAA schools. White some players are dratled as part of the WHL Bantam Drafl, others are invited to a training camp where they try out for the team. Players ultimately join the Tri-City Americans hy signing or their parents signing a WHL agreement, a copy of which was provided to L&l on February 19. 2014 with the response from the WHL and Afllliated Teams. Players arc not eligible to be on the Tri-City Americans until the year of their 15'h birthday. Inquiry No. 2. What restrictions. if any, arc there on a player's ability to play for other hockey teams while playing for your team? Response to lnquhy No. 2. Players are eligible to play at whatever level of amateur hockey they choose. The \1./HL is a lop amateur hockey league. Once a player is placed on the Tri-City Americans' Club Protected List, he is not eligible to play for another team, unless he is released, trZtded or assigned to a lower category or hockey. Prior to becoming a player on lhe active roster, a player will normally continue his development at either the Midget or Junior A orB level. Inquiry No. 3. Can a player be trad,~d. promoted, or demoted from your team? Explam how such a process works. Response to Inquiry No. 3. Pbyers can be traded within the WHL. However, trades are rare. especially for high school players_ The system of drafts and trades is needed to balance the level of competition in the league to maximize the development of the players. However, there arc neither promotions nor demotions. A player may be assigned to a lower category of hockey for further development. A player who signs ' !1 NI-IL contract may also join an NHL Club as an underage player. Inquiry No. 4. How many plvyers from the 20 !3-14 season remained on your team for the current season (20 14-20 15)? Re.\ponse to Iuqui!J' No. 4. 14. Inquiry No.5. What restrictions, if any, apply to the number of 15. 16 and 17 year old players a team may have? Response to Inquiry No. 5. The \VHL does not restrict the number of 17-year-old players on the Tri-City Americans' roster. The WHL. limits the number of 16-yem-old players permitted to play in the WHL to 88 players. The WHL only allows 15-year-old players to participate in a 5-gamc tryout or following the conclusion of their non-WHL hockey season. This usually occurs if the team happens to L&l Ch1ld Labor lnves\1gat1on WI-le Kl2'!ly j Washington llep,~tmenl KtuH~ or Labor ami Industries Feb rum;; 10. 20 !5 Page 3 be ncar the player's hometown, or if another player is recovering from an injury and a short-term substitution is needed. Juquby No. 6. Please provide name and contact information for all 15, 16 and 17 year olds that have signed standard player agreements for last season (20 13-20 14) and the current season (20 14-20 15). Response and Ohjectio11 to lnquhy No. 6. The Tri-City Americans object to this inquiry on the grounds that it requests confidential information for minor individuals. Without waiving this objection. below is a chart containing the contact information f(x the parents/ guardians of relevant 15-, 16-. and 17-ycar-old players: ~ i\Jinor Player Contact lnjiJrmation for Parents/ Guardians Parent~/ Guardians - - -~--+~---c-c:-:-c::---:-:----- - - """ "-" Bill Coghlan Dylan Coghlan ·-""""""""·-··~,-"--c-----+-------,-c---c;:c-----.,-~~~c--c~-----1 Melanic Coghlan Bill Comrie Ty Comrie I 250.830.8046 -"--l~-~-~~'vhcomrie([f:vahoo.com; 949.838.5259 Roxanne Comrie DX\illlfl<::fOmric'"ZDvahoo.com: 949.838.5263 d~U]JC~~Rjamcsws_fi1.ca; Rob James Maxwell James f--__,-----~-"-~-·"-·- ---~-" Bont1ec James .. """" :---::7=-::-::-:c:---_j 250.682.3200 """---~-~"---· ]1bjamesrwtelus"nQ; 250.682320 I I -·- ----·vadi~Luk~l--l \'ladislav Lukin Lu~~~---t---- Elena Jim O'Reilly J B rc nd an 0' Reilly f--·-c:-:-:---:---:--c:--cc-c:----l-~-'Wendy O'Reilly I---· I jJllQwao:Waol.cotl]; 817.658.7997 _ 1 - - - - - - - - - - - t - - - - , - " - - · - ·--·---1--,-"----c--:--c,.--,---:----Jim Playfilir iitl1n.1Iyhtir(c/!phoenixc0\ otcs"~ill]}; Austyn Playti1ir 623.698.2013 1 " · - - - - - - - - f " - · - .... """· Roxanne Playfili1 rplavfair35(a!gmail.com; 623.850.2282 gpurtiWc/ishaw.g; 204.224.5257 Braden Purtiil f-------~---f--------~~~-----~---~------1 Gail Purtill L!pttrtill'(/'shawx<!; 204.996.8787 ----+-----,----~---- John Sarthou Evan Sarthou f----· I--···-·--------~~---+---J~i~l1.,-s-·a__r~tl·J-ou Derek Topping Jordan Topping Kim Topping -- "- I ----r- ·---··---~--------,----------:~-----1 j(JlJ](i"!!Jtgs~I!Jll!J~ervicesxom; 206.947.0702 " " ---"·-·---"-~~~-"----------1 Ji ltrilH igerm tn~~Qill; 206. 94~7cc-.0-7::-:0c-3----t . ~~~l~r.cklclJllilug@ldtliJ!I,j; 250.53n 150 ~~ btQPJlJ!1_gr{i!telus.net: 250.538.7320 '---~--~--""----·'--···· """"·---~--"·-~--'-!_ _ _ "____ ·-·"--~-------·· -~-~~--~~~~-' L&! Chtld L~Jt)Or !nvestlgotJon VVHl J ckson lewis Kel!y \'8 \\.a:-;hln;;ton U~!p;utm.::nt (_\f K;JJ1C L:1bor and Industries r;.•bru;_uy 10. 20!5 j Jnquily /V,J. 7. Please provide one copy ef u signed player agreement from this season or bst scaSt)n. If nny player agreement from this season or last season diflers l!·om the standard agreement. please provide that. Re.\fW!ISI' to inquiry Nu. 7. Attached as L.;hibit L please find an executed player agreement between the Tri-City Americans and Ma--:well James. The Americans arc prohibited by League rules from making a dii'lel·ent arrangement with any player and adhere to this rule. Inquiries Regarding Scheduling and Ph1y Time lnquiiJ i\'o. S. Pkase describe the annual schedule ltlr the last \VHL scason. and the players' responsibilities under the scht:dule. Resp,mse to Inquiq No. 8. For the 2013-2014 Season. the Tri-City /\merical!s began training camp and trycJuh on August 22. 2013. Following training camp, the Tri-City Americans participated in eight pre-season exhibition games as fo!icm s· ( l) August 30, 2013, against the Scatllc Thundcrbirds in Everett. Washington: (2} August 31. :'0 11. ::gainst the Portland Winterhawl-:s in Everett. Washington: (3) September l. 2013, :1gainst the Victoria Royals in Everett Washington; (4) September 5. 2013, against the Kootenay lee in Kcnne\vick. \Va:;~;i;1gton; (5) Scptctnber 6. 20 t 3. against the S~attk TlllHlth:rbird~ in Kenne\vick. Washington: (6) St:ptcmber 7, 2013, against the Spokane Chiefs in Kennewick, V/ashington; (7) Scptember II, 20 I~. against the Spokane Chief<; in Cheney, Washington: and (8) S~:ptember l4, 2013, the Spokane Chicts in K(;nnewick, Washington. Following pre-season, the Tri-City Americans then played 72 regular season games as follows: Paqe OOOSOO Kcll) Kcme \\'~1::hington D~p;u1mcnt of I ahor Jnd Jndustri('..;; !"ebt-umy 10, 20 I 5 Page 5 jackson Ilewis \\'ashingto:1 lkpartn:cr:~ i ,-\thHl~<":~ .H L:w r'cii) K:u1.: nTLahor and lnJustric:; i't:br-.L!r~ HL 2012- The Tri-City Americans then played five post-season games as follows: ~ i'v!arch 22. 2014. against the Kclowna Rockets in Kclowna. British Columb1a: • March 23, 2014, against the Kclowna Rockets in Kelowna. British Columbia: ~ March 25, 2014. against the Kelowna Rockets in Kennewick. Washington; " March 26. 2014, against the Kclownn Rockets in Kennewick. Washingtzm; <Jnd " March 28.2014. against the Kclowna Rockets in Kelowna. British Columbia. Players arc obligated to attend all games and practices for the team. They are also expected tu comply with school oblig<ttions, as well. As they likely would be at home. pl:lyers arc tn discipline, including suspension. if they fail to meet their academic responsibilities. L&l Child Labor lnvest,g8tiOfl VVHL 1-:dly "'"'" \\'ashingtt)n Lkpanment ot'Labnrand lndustri-.:-~ rcbruory 10.2015 Inquiry No.9. f),) the players adhere to a standard practice schedule from week to week? If so. please describe. Response to Iuquil]• No. 9. In generaL the players. like other amateur athletes playing team sports, adhere to a standard practice schedule. See Exhibit 2 (Example of Schedules from 2014-2015 ). It is important to note that nearly all amateur athletic progrnms, particularly those with a high level of competition. have standard practice schedules week to week. Compare http://wW\\ .azccntraLcom/stor;,: {',l(lorts/collc!!cillsu/20 I 4!07/22/asu-rclcases-footJlifur<tt;tice-schcdule/ 12996019/ (Arizona State University's August 2014 Practice Schedule (excluding weight lifling and film sessions), with Exhibit 2. l11quiry No. 10. Please describe a player's schedule on home game day and 1111 away game day. Response to Inquiry No. 10. While schedules vary rrom time to time, in generaL the players follow the schedules set fot1h in Exhibit 2. lt is important to note that this is no ditTcrent than a typical schedule for other amateur athletes playing highly competitive team sports- like NCAA or high school !(JOtba!l, basketball, soccer. basebalL or hockey. Inquiry No. 11. If some players' weekly schedules Hlried from the practice and performance schedule described above, please explain. Respouse to Inquiry No. 11. See Response and Objection to Inquiry No. I 0. Inquiry No. !2. Please provide any schedule maintained by the team that reflects travel to away games. including departure and return times for last season and the current season. Respo11se to Inquil]' No. !2. See Response and Objection to Inquiry No. l 0. Scc aiso Exhibit 2. Inquiry No. 13. Are the players supervised while playing, practicing, and traveling? By whom? Response to Inquiry No. 13. Y cs. The players are supervised at all times during gamr.:s. practices and while traveling. They arc supervised by the Head Coach, Assistant Conch. Athletic Therapist, Equipment Manager, and General Manager. Players also have access to a coordinator who monitors and helps them with school arrangements. Inquhy No. 14. What limitations or restrictions apply to playing or practice time for 15. 16 and 17 year old players on the team? Response to Inquiry No. 14. Aside from limitations referenced in the Response and Objection to Inquiry No. 5, there are typically no limitations on practice lor 15-. l 6-. and 17-ycar-old pl11ycrs. However, players are at home as school necessitates on practice days and game days. \Vhcn the team is on the road. 16- and 17-year-old players have the same schedule as the rest of the team. Inquiry No. 15. Please list. along with job titles. 1111 employees or the team lor last season (not including players). Response to Inquiry No. I5. See Exhibit 3 (List of Employees fix 2013-2014 and 2014·2015 Seasons. L&l Child Labor Investigation WHL Fage 000fl03 Kdl) Kane \\'nshingten Department of I Jbor and Industries !"t:bruary 10, 20 15 P.1ge 8 Inquiry No. 16. Please list, along with job titles. all current employees of the team (not including players). Response to Inquiry No. 16. See Exhibit 3 {List of Employees for 2013-2014 and 2014-20!5 Seasons. Housing and Other Compensation Jnquit:v No. 17. Where do players live while they arc playing fix your team? Response to Inquiry No. 17. All players. except for two, live with host families in and around Kennewick, Washington. The two players who do not live with Host Families are local players who reside with their parents. Inquily No. 18. If players live with families in the community, bow arc those families compensated'? Response to Inquiry No. 18. All host families receive two full season tickets, monthly meat and bread delivery, and $200 per month to help cover food costs and other incidentals. InqlliiJ• No. 19. Do players receive any other housing benefits'> If yes, please describe: Response to Inquiry No. 19. No. fnquil)' tvo. 20. How much are the monetary stipends the players receive? Response to Inquiry No. 20. Players under 20 years of age receive $250 per month as expense money. Players who arc 20 years of age receive $350 per month as expense money. Inquiry No. 21. How are the stipends paid? (by check? How frequently?) Response to Inquil)• No. 21. Players are given the expense money over two payments per month, both of which are paid via check. Inquiry No. 22. Does the amount of a player's stipend vary ti·om year to year? Response to Inquiry No. 22. No. Inquiry No. 23. Do the p!ayers receive bonuses during the course of the season? Jf so, what are the criteria for receiving bonuses? RevJouse to In quiI)• No. 23. Players do not receive bonuses. Inquiry No. 24. What type of visas, if any, do players have to obtain to play for the team in the United States? Response to Inquiry No. 24. Canadian and European players obtain P-l VlSAS. Inquiry Na. 25. Do the players receive a 1099 and/or a W-2 tax t<Jrm? L&l Chrld Labor Investigation WHL P3CJO 000804 Kdh \\':~shiagron lkparlm~.:nt KlUlC of L.:bn~ .:mJ lndu::;trk::o February !0. 20 15 Re.1ponse to lnquily No. 25. No. Inquiry No. 26. Do players receive any other form of financial assistance other than th:lt described above? Respo11se to Inquiry No. 26. The Tri-City Americans pay for travel to training camp in the fall and the: player's rdurn home alter the season. The Tri-City Americans also pay the airfare for players to travel home at Christmas time. lf a player has a car. the Tri-City Americans provide the player a $100 per month gas allowance. Educational Information Inquiry No. 2 7. Do any or your current players attend high school in \Vashington State? If so. please identify those players. Re.1pon.1e Ia Inquiry No. 27. Yes. lvla.,well Ja!lles, Jordan Topping. Austyn Playfair, E1'an Sarthou. Purkcr Wotherspoon. Ty Comrie. Brcnd;m O'Reilly, and Dylan Coghlan attend high school in Washington State lnquh:r No. 28. Arc any accommodations made to a high school student's schedule to facilitate their hockey schedule? Re.\ponsc to lnquhy No. 28. Not as to acudemic requirements. Practice for the entire team is planned to fit ;H·outH.l the players' school schedule where possible. High school students sometimes join tc'am practices already in progress. depending upon their class schedules. Online coursework i:; made available to some players where appropriate. Further. the team provides tutors co assist players with their studies. Juquil:t• No. 29. Do the players receive any high school credit tor their hockey· play? Resprmse to lnquirr No, 29. Some players receive high school credit nx playing hockey. inquiry No . 30. For high school sltldcnts, what educational expenses docs the team or league provide tor'? Re~ponse to l11quirr No..W. Aside lrom the scholarship program referenced in the February I <J. 20 l.:! Position Statement. on an individual basis. the Tri-City Americans pay for school supplies and the tutor rdcrenccd above. Further. the Tri-City Americans pays the cost of nil required online classes. Inquiry i\'o. J J. What kind of college scholarships are offered by the league and/or individuals teams') Response to Inquiry No. 3 J. See Position Statement. at pp 4-5 (Feb. 19, 20 14) (deseribing WHL Post-Secondary Academic Scholarship). inquiry No. 32. What restrictions. if any. apply to the how the players may usc the college schol<1rships. such as limits on courses of study or time frames for use the scholarships? or L&l Chlicl labor lnv(;sugatiOn VVt ll Page 000805 Kelly K;n1c \\'a..,hio~ton Dcp;ntiBCrt1 or i .abor :.md Industries f"cbruory 10.2015 Pot<" Ill Re.lpi!IISC to Inquiry lllo. 32. The \VIIL Scholarship is guaranteed to each player through him and hi,; parent or guardian signing a WilL Standard Player Agreement. provided he docs not sign n proressional hockey contract in the NHL or with a top-level European club. Players nrc nllowed to play one sca,on minor prokssional hockey (AHL. e.g.) before activating the scholarship. Also. while w,ing his WilL Scholarship. the player must remain a f'ull-tilllc stu(lcnt and must not be forced to 11 ithdra11 due to EiiltiiT to mnintnrn passing grades. The value of the scholarship can be applied to any post-secondary institution or career enhancing program. The value of the tuition is based on the player's home province publicly funded university or college. The scholarship must be activated no later than !8 months following the player's tina! year of eligibility as a 20 year old in the WHL. or Inquiry No. 33. How many players have accessed and used the available scholarships in the last 3 y-ears'/ At what institutions? Rnpome fo lnquit)· No. 33. In the last 3 years. 546 WHL players have received WHL scholarships at l 18 post-secondary institutions. Post WHI. Jnquirr No. 34. !n the last three years. how many players from your team have gone on to play i11 the Natiuna! Hockey League or other professional hockey league after their career in the WilL? !?espouse am! Ohjectiou to Inquiry No. 34. From the 2011-2012, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014 ,;casons. a total of ll former Tri-City Americans have gone on to play professional hockey in either the National !Iockey Lc<Jgue or other prokssional hockt~y lc~gucs. Inquiry No. 3S. ln the past three years, how many players from your team have gone on to play collcl;c hockey in Canada or elsewhere') Rc1ponse awl Objection to Inquiry No. 35. From the 2011-20!2. 2012-20!3, and 2013-2014 :;casons. 3 totai of eight f(mncr Tri-City Americans have g<>nC on to play college hockey in Canada or elsewhere. Inquiry No. 36. In the past three years. have any of your former players sought to have their NC;\;\ eligibility restored'? Response ami Objection to Inquiry No. 36. The Tri·City Americans are not aware of any players from the 2011-2012, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014 seasons who sought !c) have their NCAA eligibility restored. Team Information luquiry No. 37. Please describe your team's ownct·ship structure. Response to Inquiry No. 3 7. The Tri-City ;\mericans arc organized as a corporation, Top Shelf Entenainment. The shareholders me lour individuals. !nquily No 38. An; you associated. f(Jrmally or informally, with any other amateur, or semi-professional hockey leagues in the United States or Canada? Kt!ly 1\..0.:11.~ \\';tshtnglun lkpannwnt of L1t:ur und Industries Fcb:t::lr\ 10, 2015 Response to lnquii:J' No. 38. The Tri-City Americans arc a member club of the Western Hockey League (WHL). The WHL is a member of the Canadinn Hockey League (CHL). The WHL and the CHL arc registered members of Hockey Canadil, the national governing body of amateur hockey in Canada. The \Vl-IL \Vashington and Oregon based Clubs arc registered members of U.S.A. Hockey, the national governing body of amateur hockey in the United States. The CllL and \VHL have an agreement with the National !Iockey League (NliL) regarding players drafted to play pmfessional hockey. InquiiJ' No. 39. Do you receive payments fi·om professional hockey leagues or teams either directly or indirectly through the Wl-IL'' lf so. pkase describe what those payments arc related to? Response to Inquiry No. 39. Through the NIILICIIL agreement referenced in Response and Ol~jcction to Inquiry No. 38, the W!-IL receives a development grant from the NIIL which provides financial assistance for player development and education. coaching and ol1ieiating development and health and wellness programs. Inquiry No. 40. What was team's gross revenue from ticket sales last season (20 13-2014 )'' Objection to Inquiry No. 40. The Tri-City Americans objects to this inquiry as it is irrelevant to L&l's investigation and the central question whether or not the player relationship is employment or some other relationship. This information also has no bearing upon any question that would aflect any matter to be investigated or any relief to be sought. The Tri-City Americans' gross revenues from ticket sales last season (20 13-20 14) has 110 relation to L&l's invc:stigation in this case, which concerns whether the Tri-City Americans arc employing minors in violation the child labor rules under W ;\C 296-125. or lnquily No. 41. What is the gross revenue for ticket sales to date, for this season') Objection to lnquiiJ' No. 41. The Tri-City Americans object to this inquiry tJS it is irrelevant to L&!' s investigation and the central question whether or not the player relationship is employment or some other relationship. This information also has no bearing upon any question that W<Ydd affect any rnatrer to be investigated or any relief to be sought. The Americans' gross revenues fl·um ticket sales this season (2014-20!5) has no relation to L&l's investigation in this case. which concerns whether the Tri-City Americans arc employing minors in violation of the child labor rules under W i\C 296-!25. Inquiry No. 42. What was the total attendance last season (20!3-·2014)'; Re5ponsc to Inquiry No. 42. The total attendm1cc f(x Tri-City Americans' 36 home games during the 2013-2014 regular season was 152,022 people. By way of comparison, the total attendance f()r the University of Washington Huskies' 7 home football games in 2013 was 4S 1.3S4 people. See Exhibit 4 (20 13 National College Football Attendance Records). Inquiry No. 43. What was the average per game attt:ndancc lor the 2013-2014 season'! Response to Inquiry No. 43. The average per game attendance for the Tri-City Americans in the 2013-2014 regular season was 11.223 people. By way of comparison, the average per game attendance tor the University of Washington Huskies' 7 home football games in 2013 was 6'1\.769 people. See Exhibit 4 (20 13 National College Football Attcndi!nce Records). L&l Cr11id loooc !nvest,qat;on VVHL Kdly ;:,.,., \\',bhing:tW! Dl..':p~n:ncn! of 1 JhH and Jn.Ju~trl~.:c fcbru;lf:• 10. :?U!5 Otlu~r: Inquiry No. 44. Provide any other information you feel will be helpful in this invc~tigation. Respo11se to Inquiry No. 44. See Position Statement (Feb. t 9, 20 14). \Vc remain willing tL) cooperate in this investigation should you have follow up inquiries. I would appreciate the chance to have a substantive discussion \\'ith you and any other decision makers on the investigation. l am willing to meet you in Seattle or Kent for this purpose. Sincerely, JACKSON LEWIS P.C. !3arry A Ian Johnsrud Attorneys for Tri-City Americans Attachments cc: David A. Nenni ([email protected]) L&l Child Labor lnvestigatron WHL Page 000308 EXHIBIT 1 L&l Child Labor Investigation V\IHl Page 00080'1 WESTERN HOCKEY LEAGUE STANDARD PLAYER AGREEMENT EXECUTION SCHEDULE Agreement dated effective August 26,2013 Between the Trl-City Americans, hereinafter referred to as the "Club", a member franchise of the Western Hockey League, hereinafter referred to as the "WHL", And MAXWELL JAMES, hereinafter referred to as the "Player". The parties hereto mutually covenant and agree to the following: 1, Interpretation: (a) "Agreement" or "this Agreement" means this agreement between the Club and the Player and is inclusive of the WHL Standard Player Agreement Terms and Conditions Schedule. (b) The WHL Standard Player Agreement Terms and Conditions Schedule (!1ereinafter referred to as the "Terms and Conditions Schedule") is hereby incorporated by reference and forms part of this Agreement. (c) Words and phrases not defined in this WHL Standard Player Agreement have the meaning ascribed to them in the Terms and Conditions Schedule. (d) The "WHL Scholarship Program" has the meaning ascribed to that term in the Terms and Conditions Schedule. 2. Term: Subject to the terms and condi\ions of this Agreement, the Player hereby agrees to play hockc 1· ior the Club for a period of 5 years commencing with the 2013 to 2014 Hockey Season and ending with the 2017 to 2018 Hockey Season (tile "Term"}. For the purposes of this paragraph and this Agreement. the "Hockey Season" means the period that commences each year at !he start of training camp, includes pre-season and regular season games and ends on the date of the Club's last game during the WHL regular season, the playoffs or the lvlemorial Cup Championship, whichever is later. 3, Player Reimbursement for Travel or Training Refated Expenses: Any and all amounts received by the Player under this part shalf be strictly and solely provided for and related to the reimbursement of travel or training expenses. Tile Club acknowledges that tile Player is required to incur travel and training expenses while playing for the C!ub during the Hockey Season and during the off-season. Provided the Player is on the Club's active player roster, the Club agrees to reimburse the Player during the Hockey Season, commencing on September 15 for a portion of such expenses, subject to any further limitations, restriciio:~s or provision herein, to a maximum monthly amount of $250.00 in the currency of the country in which the Club is located during every month of the Hockey Season. HOCKEY SEASON Monthly Expense Reimbursement 2013-14 $250,00 2014-15 $250.00 2015-16 $250 00 2016-17 $250.00 I 2017-18 'b 250.00 ~ ·----------- Monthly Overage Honorarium $350.00 TraveL Training, Room and Board, Education- Current Player: To pay or cause to be paid, the reasonable expenses 1n accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of the Terms and Conditions Schcdu!e associated with !he following: Ll\1 Child l.Jbor lnvcstigallon VVHL Page 0008'10 (c;) the Player's rooT; and board; (b) tile Player's travel expenses incurred; (i) for moving from his normal and regular place of residence to the city where the Club is located for the purpose of reporting to the Club at the commencement of each Hockey Season; (ii) in returning to his norma; and regular place of residence foliowing tr.e conclusion of each Hockey Season, and {Iii} for one return trip during the Christmas holiday scaso:1 of each Hockey Season from the city where the Club is located to his normal and regular place of residence; {c) the Player's enrollment in a high school or post-secondary educational institution, for the f311 3nd winter term, including tuition fees, compulsory student fees and textbooks directly related to the Pla)1er's course of study: and (d) tutors and educational advisors as deemed reasonably necessary to assist !he Player in his academic studies during the academic year. WHL Scholarship Program- Graduate Player: (a) In accordance with the provisions of Article 3 of the Terms and Conditions Schedule, tr.e WHL agrees to reimburse or cause to be paid, the Player's educational exper.ses to enrol! in and attend a designated publicly funded post secondary educetional institution based on the assessment for a full-time studen1, following completion of the period that the Player plays hockey in the WHL, inc'uding tuition fees, compulsory student fees, and textbooks directly rel3ted to the Piayer's course of study of which payment will De m3de in the currency of the country where the designated publicly funded post-secondary institution is located in accordance with tuition and fees published in the official calendar of that year. (b) The Player designates the following publicly funded post-secondary educetional institution in a province of Canada or a state of the United States of America where the Player normally and regularly resides, as the "designated post-secondary educational institution" for the purposes of paragraph 3 1 in the Terms and Conditions Schedu'e; UNiVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA (Name of Post Secondary Institution) 5. Binding Commitment: The parties hereto hereb)1 accept and agree to !he terms, conditions, covenants, "greernents anc obliga!ions or each other set forth and contained in this Agreement. 6. Time: ·r irne shaii be oi the essence of H1is Agreement. Entire Agreement: This Agreement, inclusive of the Terms and Conditions Schedule which is incorpo~aled herein by reference and forms part hereof, constitutes the whole and entire agreement between the pa:1ies hereto and cancels and supersedes any oral and prior agreements, undertakings, deciarations, representations and warranties, written or verbal, between the parties hereto. 8. Governing Law: This Agreement shail be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the province of Canada or the state of the United States of America, as applicable, where the Club is located. 9. Acknowledgement: Each of the Player and, if applicable, the Player's parent or guardian who is a signatory to this Agreement, acknowledges that he has read and understands the contents of this .1\greernent. F'uqe 000811 81/22 in Witness Whereof, the porlies have executed this Agreement effective cS of !he date sel forth abov€ and cte in z.greement wi:h ;H terms and conditions corttai:Jed t-,ereln: MEMBER ClUB: Tri.City Americans Bob Tory General Manager Address: 7000 W. Gt<~nclrldge Blvd, Kennewick, WA USA. 993'36 Phone No D<~le 509·736·06~5 Emaii: [email protected] of Birth: April 1:1, 1907 Phone No: 250 57:> 5082 Fax No: Social Insurance Numb"r : Em ali; F8x No: Not•: In the Pro>1.0C<'$ <:>1/~r.!:ol>&. s~skDichewan end Alborl~ snd tho StB(OS of Wsshl!lpton ami Oreoor>, il porenl or guardi.n mv~t execvte this Agro.omenlll, of !he limo of oxotuffon of lhl< Aeroomotu oy the Pi eyer, tho P!o;er Is undor fh~ sg~ of elgh!@e,o (t8) yeMo. !n tho Prcvlncc of Btllish CoiumJ;.f~. ? p~:tmt ot g!.lerr/l;m musr e;·oc~lo !h!s Agreement il, ell he flrno of exocUUon cr tl:ls AgrsomM~ by lfw Ptsyvr, the Pt;;ytH' is u.r.der fhe ngtJ cf nltiet-Don (19) yvo~'!, PARENT OR GUARDIAN OF PLAYER: ROBERT JAME Prln! Nam 7) ye) Parer,( or Gua•di~n Witl'l(:SS as to Signature o' Player's Porent or Guardian l Phone No:250 573 6082 PPI'\OYED ~ Ema'i Fax t~o: BY WESTERN HOCKEY LEAGUE: 77 on Robrson HL Co~ ~ I_, c, , 20 ;, Date of Execution ~WHt. gn;;J!ure- WHL Commissioner WHL O'flci? .Address. 2424 Phone No: (403)693-3030 I ----~·--~-------------~~-1 Drive NW, Calg<H)', Alberto, Canada T2N 3Y9 (403)693-3031 e-maii: irrfo@wh!.ca l"lHL 0!:!/2013 WESTERN HOCKEY LEAGUE STANDARD PLAYER AGREEMENT ADDENDUM AMERftCANS ~ Amending Agreem<mt dated effective August 26, 2013 Bt:tween the Tri-City Amerleans, hereinafter referred to as the; "Club", a member franchise of the Was tarn Hookey League, hereinafter referred to as the "WHL", And MAXWELL JAMES, hereinafter referred to as the "Player". The parties ht>teto mutually covenant and agree to the following: 1. ~!atement of PrlnciQie: Notwithstanding l~e prov:slors o: paragraph 7 of the WHL Standard P:ayer Agn:ement. this Amending Agreement is sup;:Jlemen\2! to and amends the agreement dated August 26, 2013 (!he "Agreement") between the Club and the Player. The provisions of the Agreement are: conclusively deemed to have been arne~1ded, modlh'!d ~nd suppiomented by this Arrsnding Agreene:1L 2. Construction: This Amending Agreement and the Agreemem shall have effect as far as practicable es though the provisions hereof and thereof •.vere conta:ned in one instrument 3. Amendments: The Agreement shall be and is hereby amended, modified and supple'!lenieo as follows: wMAXWELL will be granted his first year of educatio1 upon sigr.ing this agreement. Each subsequent year starllng in 2014·15 MAXWELL wl!l be gr.;nted a :,•ear of educational <Jssistance after playing his first pre·season game each season to a maximurn of 5 years of educational assistance. MAXWELL will receive a no trade claus.., for his 15 and 16 year cit! su1sons whi!e he is in high school. Maxwell wi!! receive c;;r.;er end'ng injury beneflt which wi!i p·ov:dc the o!ayer W<lh a maximum of 4 years of educatlcnal assistance if he should suffer a career ending Injury. Ml\XWELL wi!t receive all school costs while he Is a member of the hockey club. MAXWELL w!ll receive a tutor lf deemed neCBssary by the 1amny or the school co•.mseHor. MA.X'.\'ELL will receive iravel costs to and from Kennew:ck, WA for training camp, christmas bre<i<and at the conclusion of the playing season. The team will payfor all post secondary education that MAXWELL may enrol in as a membar of the hock9y club. !n Witness Whereof, the parties have executed this Amending Agreemer.t effective <Js of the d~\e set f,;rlh above and <Jre in agreement with ai!lerms and conditions cont8lfle\l herein: lri City Americans Bob Tory PLAYER Date of Execulion: August 26,, 2013 -~~ ~'* Signature - Player L&l Child L c:bor !nvestigcdion VVf-~L Witness as !o Signatvre or Playur Page 0008 ~~ 3 XHI L&l Child Labor Investigation IJVHL f'Jgl? 000314 TRI-CITY AMERICANS REGULA SEASON SCHEDULE 2014-15 DATE DAY Away Sept. 20 Sat Spokane AT Sept. 21 Sun Prince George AT TRI-CITY Sept. 26 Fri Sat Seattle AT TRI-C!TY Tri-City AT Spokane Sept. 27 Oct. 3 Oct. 4 Oct. 7 Oct. 9 Oct. 10 Oct 11 Oct.17 Oct.18 Oct. 22 Oct. 24 Home TRI-CITY Fri THI-CITY AT Brandon Sat TRI-CITY AT Moose Jaw Tues. TRI-CITY AT Prince Albert Thurs. TRI-CITY AT Saskatoon Fri TRI-ClTY AT Regina Sat Tf\1-CITY AT Swift Current Frl Sat Everett AT TRI-CITY Ke!owna AT TR!-CITY Wed THI-CITY AT Kelowna THI-CITY AT Everett Oct. 25 Fri Sat Kamloops AT TRI-CITY Nov.1 Sat TRI-CITY !\T Victoria Nov. 2 Sun TRI-CITY AT Victoria Nov. 5 Wed Edmonton AT TRI-C!TY Nov. 7 Fri Sat Kamloops AT TRI-CITY Nov. 8 Red Deer AT TRl-CITY Nov. 12 Wed TRI-CITY AT Vancouver Nov.14 rri Victoria AT TRI-CITY Nov.15 Sat TRI-CITY t1T Spokane Nov. 22 Sat Spokane AT TRI-CITY Nov. 26 Wed Ke!owna AT TRI-ClTY Nov. 28 Fri Lethbridge AT TRI-CITY Nov. 29 Sat Portland AT TRI-CITY Dec. 5 Fri TRI-CITY AT Seattle Dec. 7 Sun Kootenay AT TRI-CITY Dec. 9 Tues Everett AT TRI-CITY Dec.12 Fri Seattle AT TRI·CITY Dec. 13 Sat Tri-City AT Everett Dec.14 Sun Portland TRI-CITY Dec. 27 Sat Tri-City AT AT Dec. 28 Sun Everett AT TRI-CITY Dec. 31 Wed Spokane AT TRl-CITY L&l Child Lallor Investigation \!VHL Page 00081G Spokane Jan. .Jan. 3 Fri TRI-CITY AT Seattle Sat TRI-CITY AT Portland Jan. 6 Tues TRI-CITY AT Prince George Jan. 7 Wed TRI-CITY AT Prince George Jan. 9 Fri Sat Seattle AT TRI-CITY Jan. 10 TRI-CITY AT Seattle Jan. 14 Wed TRI-CITY AT Kelowna Jan. 16 Fri TRI-CITY AT Vancouver Jan.17 Sat Spokane AT TRI-CITY Jan. 21 Jan. 23 Wed TRI-CITY AT Kamloops Fri Seattle AT TRI-CITY Spokane Jan. 24 Sat TRI-CITY AT Jan. 25 Sun TRI-CITY AT Portland Jan. 30 Fri Medicine Hat AT TRI-CITY Jan. 31 Sat Victoria AT TRI-CITY Feb. 6 Fi TRI-CITY AT Everett feb. 7 Sat Everett AT TRI-CITY Feb. 9 rvlon TRI-CITY AT Kamloops Feb. 11 Wed TRI-CITY AT Everett Feb. 13 Fri TRI-CITY AT Portland Feb.14 Sat Vancouver AT TRI-CITY Feb. 17 Tues Portland AT TRI-CITY Feb. 20 Fri TRI-CITY AT Everett Feb. 2l Sat. Calgary AT TRI-CITY Feb. 24 Tues Portland AT TRI-CITY l'eb. 27 Fri Sat Spokane AT TRI-CITY TRI·CITY AT Spokane !VIar. 4 Wed Vancouver AT TRI-CITY Mar. 6 Fri. Everett AT TRI-CITY Mar.l Mar. 13 Sat TRI-CITY l\T Portland Fri. Prince George AT TR!-C!TY Mar. 14 Sat. TRI-CITY AT Spokane Mar. 17 Tues TRI-CITY AT Seattle Mar. 20 Fri. Portland Mar. 21 Sat. Spokane AT AT TRI-CITY Mar. 22 Sun TRI-CITY AT Portland Feb. 28 L 8J Chi!d Lobr;r !nvestigat1on \NHL Pclge 000816 TRI-CITY '&I 0008 ·: {' ~uii Title /\darns, Kathleen l Game D-:.y/CQrnrnunity f\e!Jtions Allred, fv1ary Team Store Helper Baidc, Matthew A Intern Barnes, l~obert Br<HllCf, Travis A ·1 in10 X X Concierge X X Mascot Bray, Connor A. Concierge X Ticket Sales X Game Day Scoreboc;rd !1thletic Therapist X X X Game Day Helper ---- ' Pc:rt X --- Head Coach X Game Day Music Ticket and Corporate Sales X X Mascot X Education Consultant X Mascot X Garne Mackie, Innes Equipment Manager McClure, Kaylce R Concierge McGu1n~, Receptioni:;t Michelle K jMerkulov, Dina V ! Merkulov, Susann~ >: v >:: X X Team Store Helper V " . Game Day Helper Mulhausen, Dan Busifless Mulhausen, Katie A Concierge X Off Ice Official v " Associate Coach Reeser, David Team Store Helper Reeser, Sarah TeJmStore X X Rybarski, Travis R Game Day Graphics Sanders, Hobyn C Off Ice Off1cial X Shaff, Hichard A Video Camer2 Operator v Tebeck, Jean N Ticket Saics Tole, Benjarnin E Intern Tolley, Rowan E Game Day Security Tory, Robert J. General Manager Walters, Jason Off Icc Ofkial '~ ~< X ,.,v X Broadcaster and Corporate Safes Off Ice Offic1a! X l mpioyer:·:- Ful! Title Gatne Day/Cornn1unitv Hel2tions T~rne Pdrt Ti:ne X X Team Store He! per X Intern :Concierge Ticket Sales -· ( X X X ---· ---- !Athletic Therapist X 'Game Day ](;~;-;;-Day Music X 'fri~k~(a;l~~~rporate Sales X X !Mascot TEd-~~;ti~~ Co~sultant iGame o~y C;~;phi~s X X I !Equipment Manager X ! X Receptionist X ,Garnt' Day Helper !Business i M~nager -- ---- -- X ' jC.e>r:.~i(:':E~ :orr Ice Official X ,Team Store Helper X X :Associate Coach _Concierge X Team Store TeamStore Manage; X Game Day Graphics 'Off Ice Official !Vi~eoCamera()_perawr X 'Ticket Sales X iGame Day Security X :General Manager :Off Ice Official "" ' 'Mascot X Broadcaster and Sales )( ,Off Ice Official Williamson, Mike Head Coach .__...:.:::_~--'----'-----'----'--'----'--'------------·-· l.&l Ct1ild Labor !r:vestigation WHL Page OO!Ji) 1C: X X EXHI I L8,1 Child Labor lnvostrg<Jtion WHL Page 000820 COLLF.GE FOOTBALL 2013 {For A!ll\CA.-\ :'\len's \'Hrsity Teams) Home Attendance. Division I-F8S FBS Neutral-Site Attendance FBS Bo11l Game Attendance ~CAA DIVISION I-FBS TOTALS Home Attcndnnce. Division !-f'CS FCS Neutral-Site Ancndancc FCS Championship Game NCAA DIVISION I-FCS TOTALS NCAA DIVISION I TOTALS Home Attendance. NCAA Division ll Division II Ncutral-Site Attendance Division II Championship Game NCAA DIVISION H TOTALS ! lome /\ttcndancc. NCAA Division l!l Division Ill Neutral-Site Attendance Division Ill Championship Game NCAA DIVISION Ill TOTALS Home Attendance. Reclassifying Teams Total Gamrs or 2013 Teams Sessions Attendance 12.3 782 35.340.049 18 lJ)80A52 1,714.617 35 123 *835 "'38,135,118 124 709 5. 75 !.672 16 467.266 I 19,802 '-726 *124 6,238,7-10 247 1,561 44,373,858 162 858 2.814,697 19 164.370 I 6.543 *878 '"162 2,985,610 242 1,224 2,454,231 5,708 3 I 5.371 *242 *1,228 '2,465,231 6 34 466.576 Average 45.192 60.025 48,989 45,671 8.112 29,204 19.802 8,593 28,427 3,281 8,651 6.543 3,400 2.005 L903 5,371 2,008 13,723 Change Change In Total In A\'g. 1,028.023 222 -90.366 4.272 -8,2!6 -235 964,883 230 220.491 -463 52,586 -416 -1.609 -1.609 -448 271,468 1,236,351 -760 -38,191 -157 18,488 2.308 -984 -984 -!20 -20,687 105.029 57 -829 -276 -656 -656 103,544 56 13,520 -3.057 ------------------------------------------~---------------------- ............ _ ¥ _ _ _ _ .,. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~-------------------------- l\iATIONAL TOTALS f'OR 2013 *657 *3,701 *50,291,275 !3,589 1,332,728 -129 ·' Record. Cll.,VvlPlONSHlP TOURNAMENTS: The total attendance f\Jr the Division l FCS Tournament was I84,27l) l\1r an 8Jl 12 average over 23 games, the Division !I Tournament was 76.871 fix a 3.342 average over 23 games and the Division Ill Tournament was 64,781 fix a 2,090 avemge over 31 games. L&l Cl1ild Labor Investigation WHL Page 000821 i FBS ATTENDANCE TEAM LEADfm.s NCAA z_; Attcnd<Hlce ..t..ver.:tge 78 U .J-1 I 11.592 i\,1khig<m Ohio St. 7:1.J.52X I 04.933 .'\!~tb~ln1<i 7l 0.538 593.857 I 01.505 98.976 .! C:\US Penn St. 6 5 7 676.112 96.587 6. Tl'ntlt.'SSCe 7. S. Cit.•nrgiil 7 6 669.087 556.476 95.584 92.746 LSU 7 91.418 ') Nebraska (1}9.927 727 .46(, ]() 1·1oride1 II. Tc,as A&i\·l I~. 1\uburn 13. Oklahoma 1·!. South Carolina {'kmson 15. 52-1.(,38 697.0()3 685.252 50SJ34 576.1':05 57-1.333 & () 7 7 90.933 87.440 S7.125 B5.657 ~4.722 82.40 I 82.048 R;mk 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. ?A. 25. 26. 27. 2R. 29. 30. School Noire Dame Wisconsin Florida St. Southern California !Vlichigan St. liCl.A Washington Iowa Virginia Tech Missouri Arizona St. G Attendance Average 6 ·184.770 80.795 7 552.3 78 78.91 l 527.947 75.421 7 73.126 5 11.885 7 72.328 7 506.294 6 -121.711 70.285 MU69 7 481.384 7 469.872 67.125 63.999 6 383.993 7 44-1.532 63,505 62.61;9 8 501.509 Arkansas 7 ·131.17-1 61.596 BYU 6 Kentucky Ole ll·liss 7 367.349 416.303 .JI5.750 39.472 7 61.225 59.393 2013 NCAA DIVISION I FCS ATTENDANCE TEAM LEADERS Hank I Srhoo! G Attendance Avcn1gc ,\ppalachian St Montan" (, I.J<J.J(,(, 170.660 I ~7.076 100.53(, 99.015 118.222 !67.600 12(,.754 69.143 i l O.M5 93.24·1 105.215 S8.96S 36.321 XI.,Rl .lame;, !Vladison Snutlicrn l I. Yctlc h. Montana St. North Dakow St. 7 4 Dchl\\'an; Jac~,;on 6 <) St. J:~cksom·i!lc Sl. 6 Ch:trlonc l.iiwrt\ 1.1. Ua. Snuthcrn 1·1. /dabama St. :'i.C. /\&'! 6 6 6 Hnnk 24.li9-l 24.380 21.01 I 20.107 !9.809 19.704 !8,622 16. 17. l X. 19. 20. 21. 22. 18.108 23. !7.286 15.814 15.541 15.031 24. 25. 26. 27. I.J,828 :28. 1ns7 29. :10. 13.574 School Youngstrm n Sl. Citadd UNI McNeese St. llarvard Penn South Carolina St. Tennessee St. Florida li&M South Dakota St. Illinois St. Chattanooga William & Mary Alabama A&M Stephen F. Austin G Attendance Awrage 7 94.539 13.506 78.932 IJ.155 6 75.431 12.572 6 12.072 84.506 7 12.0(>7 60.334 5 11.936 5 59.680 (, 71.279 11.880 11.462 57.309 5 11.170 5 55.S4X 10.69.) 6.U6~ 6 50,694 5 10.139 9.922 59.53·1 6 58,346 6 9.724 9.711 4S.555 5 9,68.) 48.418 5 2013 UIVKSION l FOOTBALL ALL GAMES ATTENDANCE (HOME, ROAD, NEUTRAL) Attendanc<' Rank 1·1 !4 13 !3 13 1.20-1.185 l.I'IIA36 I. I 74.360 1.156.256 1.0%.097 16. 17. I3 I .Ol\4.293 I3 !3 12 13 I2 13 Ul71.40 I !.05S.585 1.039>732 1.026.7-!4 1.0 I 1.515 1.002.947 1.001.074 '/94.0(,') ()<)2.332 School . \uburn Ohio St. tyj ichigan 7. X. Alabama Nehraskn I.SU (jcorgia f<:.\CIS i\&lvl ') 'I crme)St:l' IU. iI I'· I 3. 1!. I '· 1\;xas Penn St. South C1rolinJ l'lmicbSt. C.lid1igan Sl. I lurid" H 14 !2 !nvest1gction WHL P~'.ge IS. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 2·1. 25. G 13 955.0·15 13 !3 Ckmwn 13 Missouri 14 Southern California 14 Iowa 13 UCLA L\ Ok !\.!iss 13 951.252 935.797 932.224 88&.089 869.486 \Visconsin Notre Dame Arkansas Arizona St. 12 14 27. 28. lvl ississippi St. 13 13 29. 30. Stanford OklahomJ Sr. 2(J. 000822 School Oklahoma W~shington 14 13 Attendance li66.912 854.56.\ 853.137 li25.5 19 807.754 785.218 785.198 783.()2(, 779.950 mVliSION Ran!, I. Kcnlul'k) llurl;:lo :\fJOI1 Pi! ts:Hirgl; \ 1 7. 8 St:nll(l,·J i\kuni (FI) i 'res no St. ,\ri;mu St 'J. Ill II 1:'. I j.:. FBS LARGEST AVERAGE ATTENDANCE INCREASE FROJ\l PREVIOUS YEAH 2013 Avg. J 7 (Jl(7(l9 S9A72 2012 Avg. 5i:.617 ·19.691 6 6 7 G I ~~2.73() 13.2~2 l7.B50 ~9.7-l I 9.275 .J 1.494 .14.1i08 ·13.343 (; Schuoi \\ <tShingwn (, ~ (1 42.0B4 50.72(, 53JB7 36.917 7 7 (,?_(,89 Change in Avg" Ill. I 53 9.781 9.495 8.575 8.247 7.477 47.719 30.915 56.R35 89.965 10.789 k5.517 7.383 6.118 6.002 5.85·1 5.619 5,574 5.-117 Jost: ~t. ?\chr.rsk:i 8 7 6 8 Pl~rd lll~ 7 43.5~1\ 5.3(}5 7 36.023 5.256 s~m 95.5k~ !6.3(1:? 90.933 Rank 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. School <Jc~)rgia Tech Baylor i'vkmphis Northwestern Na\·y lltrlh St. l.a.-l.Hll1ycttc i\uburn l.oui~,·ilk \Ve~tern 30. i'vlich. Cincinnati Kansas St. Oklahoma St. South Carolina San Diego St. G 7 7 7 5 6 5 8 7 5 5 8 6 7 6 2013 A\'g. -19.077 45.9-18 :R.537 39.307 3:5.588 23.2(J3 25,976 85.657 52.91-1 I 7.347 _; 1.771 52.R87 5'!.126 82.40! 33.224 2012 Avg. ·13.955 ~ 1.!94 2.U71 35.697 32)63 20.()54 22.865 82.646 49.991 Change in Avg. 5.123 4.754 1-1.579 29.138 2.767 50.273 56.557 80.001 30.879 2013 NC/I,A DIVISION II FOOTBALL ATTENDANCE TEAM LEADERS G Attcndancr Average .t-LB() l l·L95-t SdlOof '! 1. l !L I i. I 13. 1-1. J"II> Pitt-.;burg ~~ (.ll.045 10.\16 50.152 10.0]0 9.90g 9.731 9.61-l 9.057 g,7()7 B.2-l4 7.3 7-l ~crth t\h: )'J.-LJO ~dordH)USC 29.1<i3 I"~- i\&ivl-Kinc•'' illc5 ( cmral l\·1o. 5 Wc·.st Tex. A&;-..; f'orl Valky Sc. ;-.Jiles -lX.0(,9 45_2g.{ .L)_I)}.j 7_:)2 22. L?~ :(rY7l 3t•.3l \ :\!h,Hi: St. ((iA) [\lidwc;;tcm Sl. Kcnlw.:k) St. Rank 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. n. 23. 21. 25. School NorthiiCSl Mo. St. lkndict Emporia St. Shippensburg W inston-Sakm Angelo SL Ddw St. ~lo. Westcm St. Tarleton St. Sh~pherd 7.3·13 Ll\ ettn·ille St. 7.2(J2 Shaw 7.131 7,027 :-..In. Southc·rn Sl. S!ipp::ry Rock :15.(}5-,1 J).1 ~{~ 3..;_.-!ll <l.RB? ( (llOrcuJo St.-Pueblo () 31\.402 (l,4t)() Llinbcth City St. i .cnoir-Rhyne Sagin~:w Valk,:. \VashburT1 J2. G Attend:mcr Average 9 54.735 6.082 3 I IU43 6.081 3CHN5 6.009 7.'l.4% 5.899 3 5.329 5.8X~ '>,727 28.637 21..171 5.368 31.376 5.229 :zo.g112 5.201 3<919 •L988 24.81 g 4.964 19.673 4.918 2-L)55 4.871 2X.7'!5 4.799 6 23.993 4.7'l9 5 l) -!2.688 4.743 2013 NCAA DIVISION Hi FOOTBALL ATTENDANCE TEAM LEADERS Rani< School L ~;!int 2. 3. ( lcnLva \\'is ... \Vhitc\Y~ncr 5 '! llc·thcl ('YIN) 3(d;22 2(J.7XX 45.571 38.05-l t 'hri\. Ne\\-pon 6. X. 9. 10. II 1?. 7.3(>-f 5.358 5.063 ·1.757 Hank 16. 17. 18 19. •!,680 1(!. G Attcndanc{' Avc-r-.agr John') (fdN) 2L I>,dJ11in Wallace l'mur) & l knr~ 22 7_17 ( 'on~ordia-l\·1 'lh~ad 5 Walwsh (, 1\fcD;mid 1\!an ll:mlin-lla;!llriO iYbsis:;ippi Col. f: (CI l ·U-17 2:::.13:) -1.427 ::::=:;.9! 3 -UI'> -1.197 l,l '6 25.1 X? -11.56.' 1-L l (JC 19X'5 :23. 2-l. 25. 2(>. ..:..; I'· 'ltl-l l It \hlfil lil. School Wesleyan (CT) Coe ! lampden-Sydney l.ouisiana Col. Wis.-l'iattcville Fr-anklin G .-\ttendnnce Average -1 14,898 3.725 5 18.568 3.714 6 22.068 3.678 3.665 5 18.327 17.525 3.505 20.925 3.488 St.'\\'anec 17.140 3.428 33.StJJ 3.389 iV1ount Union 10 3,360 Grove Cit;' 5 16.800 \\' h~aton (I L) 5 IC-456 3.291 !6.'145 Southw<:stcrn (TXi 3.289 19.(,(,() ithaca 3.277 ! ().2~5 Dubuque 3.251 Rn\IJI\ 19.:~55 3.226 lknv l2.Xb9 3.222 -1.166 3.610 3.225 3.209 3.111 3.011 2.923 2.633 2.609 2.569 2.400 2.345 ~ Toul Hank I. 2. ' -'. Division I FBS Southeastern II Big Ten Team~ 4. 5. 6. 7. Big 12 Pac-12 AIIantic Coast !1 American :! ivlountain \Vc.>t i; S. Con!Crcncc USA li 9. 10. Sun Belt# Mid-Americ<~n # Independents # ''~All 14 12 10 12 14 10 12 13 7 ]{)() [''.l 7-1 3·i () conferences record. *Conference (;;l rc~ord S7 6<> go 6~ 7~ ; ~) _)g 20U Alkndancc .. 7,56 7.406 *'()J27,526 3)S87.36:2 'L289.553 q_s-18.265 191.285 1.955.995 L570.248 754.659 1.3S5.905 DiiTc~rcnt ~1! 2013 NCAA DIVIS!Ol\ I 3. -l. :\. Division I FCS Southwestern Athletic T<'ams (;a rue~, 10 9 10 75.674 70.41 I 58.899 53Ji 19 49.0?:2 33.712 26.080 21.5!0 19.859 16.739 cJ0.762 "' In Avg. 13() 391 -105 -59 T) '- 192 -4.128 9~ .) 1_213 -10.862 than in prior year. 2HL3 .·\ttcmlancc 682.841 592.778 '(,64,775 ()65.260 )i\4.652 Channc Average 12,415 11.623 10.722 10.395 9.3g2 !n " 498.811 8A54 -682 -1.179 -342 !.760 917 ··90.1 -SOS Southland 435.510 B.375 .. )]3 Ohio Valley Big Solllh II Patriot Leaglle Pioneer FB League ii Northeast # Independent li ·122.374 8~282 -39.:0 ~(}2v929 7.1 0() 310 H! ~26.602 jj "291.930 5.665 4.! I!. 90.539 2.263 242 1.050 -35? 1 ?{.).12 Southern Missouri Valky Football Colonial Ivy l I l3ig Sk) 'i_!' 7. lvl id-Enstern !\ th !ctic II 11. 9. !0. ll. 12. 13. ('hanoe ;\ \·cragc FERENCE ATTENDANCE Total Hank I. 2. RENCEATTENUANCE ~ [> \(i !-: 724.86-1 I 19.-\~ 8.949 *Conference record. II Different alignment than in priur ycnr 2013 NCAA DIVISION ll FOOTBALL CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE Rank l. 2. .., ~ ·+. " () 8. 9. Total Teams Division H Lone Star II Gu If South # Southern lntcrcol!cgiatc 'vlid-Amcrica ii Great American Central lmcrco!legiatc Great Lakes lntcrcul. South Atlantic lt ., Games ;.j () i! !I 14 )0 so f) ;~ 0 1:' ~ '7 15 I" c) I r-. 2013 Attendance !.24.3 78 j 83.540 26).408 76.806 182.809 l9·UJ6:' L520 4/ l "t~t558 ··(,tUl09 Average 6.599 5.399 5.308 •UIO 3.731 ;_4()5 .~.1 Change in Avg. 523 369 -2.121 -)7 -llO -95 89 (Jc\ lhl /,921 !93 .3)() Rank 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. 15. Dh·isizm Total Teams Great Northwest Nonhern Sun Rocky Mountain I! Great Lal-:cs Valley ii Mountain East ii Northeast-! 0 # Independents II 2013 Game~; Attendance 5 16 10 26 71.78) 90 52 208.200 117,301 8 10 47 52 53 25 () 1.786 10 5 10(1,149 98.214 70,444 In AYg. 2.313 2.256 l. 953 1.92() I.X51 2.S Ul -17 -248 -487 -192 -79 562 #Different alignment than in prior year. 2013 NCAA DIVISION HI FOOTBALL CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE Rank 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. '). 10. !l. !2. [3. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Total Teams 9 Minnesota Intercollegiate 7 American Southwest II 8 Wisconsin Intercollegiate Old Dominion Athletic 8 Iowa Intercollegiate 8 Ohio Athletic 10 Southern Collegiate Athl. II 4 10 Centennial Nonh Coast 10 9 Presidents' !\ th !etic Illinois & Wiscon~in 8 Southern Athletic II 7 EmpireS# 8 New England Small Col. 10 Nonhwest 7 Michigan !ntercollcgiatc 7 Middle /\tlantic 10 Heartland Coil. 9 USA South II 9 New Jersey Athletic# 8 Southern California lntercol. 8 Liberty League 8 4 University Athletic New England Football # 8 Eastern Collegiate FB 8 MASCAC # 9 ll Midwest Upper Midwest 9 7 Northern Athletics# Independents !I 4 Dh·i.sioll III # Different alignment than in prior year. L&l Cl1ild Labor lnvostigcdion VVHL Page 00082~ Games 2013 Attendance 48 160.482 39 ! 25.180 44 129.922 l 06.308 99.535 I 30.382 41.188 114.634 l 14.524 41 40 56 IS 52 52 43 43 34 44 40 36 35 55 47 94,586 93,5!2 78 1! 93.600 83.897 75, i89 72.090 112.423 1\.verage 3.343 1.21 () Change In Avg. -29 704 2.953 2."93 lO <S73 2.'1~8 21! -88 561 130 107 194 -l] 7 i.32t; 2.2~8 :uos 2.202 2.200 2.175 2,14! 2.127 2.0')/ 2..089 2060 2 044 211 77 50 233 W' 95/!34 2.022 '' 44 41 36 40 17 88.737 74,645 61.2:' 11 40 60.554 ;> 017 1.821 1.70! 1.624 1.618 1.514 -l I -5 I !9 193 -281 25 -41 39 43 54 45 35 ·p "'.) 64.958 27.499 58,30 I IAlJ5 56,725 64.410 35.760 27.390 1.319 18.679 1.193 795 783 1112 -3 !35 ~ 153 -342 2013 NCAA DIVISION I FBS TEAM-BYSchoo! Air Force Akron Alabama Arizona Arizona St. Arkansas Arkansas St. Army Auburn Ball St. Baylor Boise St. Boston College Bowling (Jreen Buffalo BYU Califomia Central Mich. Cincinnati Clemson Colorado Colorado St. Duke East Carolina Eastern Mich. FlU Fla. Atlantic Florida Florida St. Fresno St. Georgia Georgia Tech Hawaii Houston klallo Illinois !ndiana low a Iowa St. Kansas Kansas St. KentS!. Kentucky La.-Lafayettc La.-Monroc Louisiana Tech Louisville LSU Marshall Maryland Massachusetts Memphis Miami (FL) G Attcndanc'' 7 228,562 6 107,101 7 710,538 6 285,713 8 501.509 7 431.174 6 149,477 5 169,781 8 685.252 90,784 6 7 321.639 6 206,198 6 198,035 6 91.548 6 136,418 6 367,349 7 345.303 5 66,119 6 190.624 7 574.333 6 230,778 6 J 11,598 7 182.431 6 263,910 5 20.255 6 92.717 5 72.758 6 524,638 7 527.947 7 258.417 6 556.476 7 343.542 6 185,931 6 145.537 73,718 5 7 306,506 8 354,823 7 469,872 6 332,165 '7 I 265,187 8 423.095 85,091 5 7 416,303 5 129.878 5 85.177 5 93.332 7 370,396 7 639.927 6 150,138 7 288.946 6 94.981 7 199,760 '7 I 376,857 L&l Child Labor Investigation VVHL Average 32,652 17,850 101,505 47,619 62.689 61.596 24,913 33.956 85,657 15,131 45,948 34.366 33,006 15.258 22,736 61.225 49,329 !3,224 31,771 82,048 38,463 18.600 26,062 43.985 4,051 15.453 14,552 87,440 75,421 36,917 92,746 49.077 30,989 24.256 14,744 43,787 44,353 67,125 55,361 37,884 52,887 17,018 59,472 25,976 17,035 18,666 52,914 91.418 25,023 41,278 15,830 28,537 53.837 Page 00082C ATTENDANCE Sdwol Miami (OH) Michigan Michigan St Middle Tenn. Minnesota Mississippi St. Missouri Navy Nebraska Nevada New Mexico New Mexico St. North Carolina North Carolina St. North Texas Northern !IL Northwestern Notre Dame Ohio Ohio St. Oklahoma Oklahoma St. Ole Miss Oregon Oregon St. Penn St. Pittsburgh Purdue Rice Rutgers San Diego St. San Jose St. SMU South Ala. South Carolina South Fla. Southern California Southern Miss. Stanford Syracuse TCU Temple Tennessee Texas Texas A&M Texas St. Texas Tech Toledo Troy Tulane Tulsa liAB UCF G Attendance 5 79,676 7 78LI44 7 506,294 6 112.287 7 334,58 J 7 389,868 7 444,532 5 177,940 8 727,466 6 149,635 6 141,220 7 112.347 7 360,500 8 425.420 6 126,182 5 103.344 7 275.147 6 48,L770 7 144.701 7 734,528 6 508,334 6 354,754 7 415.750 7 403,617 6 257,78,1 7 676.112 7 348,188 7 342.673 6 112,711 7 325.846 199,3,14 6 6 98,174 6 112.347 6 95,555 7 576.805 7 242.911 7 5 J 1,885 5 113.759 355,081 6 229,661 6 261,587 6 134,836 7 669,087 6 593,857 8 697.003 (> 108,371 6 347.597 6 110.803 94.529 5 () 118,482 6 119.356 5 52,7:FJ 6 252,505 Average 155135 11 L592 72.328 18.715 47.7<J7 55,695 63.505 35.588 90.933 24,939 23.537 16,050 51500 53.178 21.030 20.669 39.307 80,795 20,672 104,933 84.722 59.126 59.393 57Ji60 42,964 96,587 49.74! 48.953 18,785 46,549 33.224 16,362 18.725 15.926 82.40 I 34,702 73,126 22.752 50,726 38,?.77 43.598 22,473 95.584 98.976 87.125 18.062 57,933 18.467 18.906 19,747 19.893 10.548 42 08·1 G At!enti;mcc 6 421,711 216.523 7 120.486 7 316.361 139.576 6 141.877 ~ 7 249.728 8 370.234 6 383.993 Seiwui UCLA t 1Conn l;NLV Ltah t:wh St. liTE!' Vnnderbill Virginia Virginia Tech Average 70.285 30.932 !7.212 45.194 23.:263 23.3 75 35.675 46.279 63.999 School Wake Forest Washington Washington St. West Virginia \1v'estem Ky. Western Mich. Wisconsin \Vvumirw . c G Attendance A. ·reragc· fi J 70.484 28.4 i'l ..,: 481.384 68.769 6 178.427 29.738 6 317.459 51.910 91.672 !8.334 5 5 !7.347 86.733 7 552.378 78.91! 6 116.354 19.476 2013 NCAA DIVISION l FCS TEAM-BY-TEAM ATTENDANCE School Alabama A&M ;\labnma St. Albany (NY) 1\ !corn 1\ppalachian St. Ark-Pine Glufl Austin Pcay Bcthune-Cookman Br0\\!1 Bryant Bucknell Butler Cal Poly Campbc•ll Centra I 1\ rk. Central Conn. SL Charleston So. Charloltc ('}wttanooga Citadel Coastal Caro. Colgate Colufllbia Cornell Dar1mouth Davidson Dayton Dclmvarc De!mvarc St. Drake Duquesne Eastern !iL Eastcm l<y. Eastern Wash. Elon Florida A&M Fordharn hH llliH1 CJ:1. Southern Gardner· Webb C3corg.ctown Grambling G Attendance Average 48,555 9.711 5 6 86.321 14,387 34.368 6.874 5 20.649 5 4.130 149.366 24.894 6 :>3.264 6.653 5 4 19.792 4.948 5 3L347 6.269 25.491 5.098 5 7 19.064 2.723 !7.632 3.526 5 7 18.!82 2.597 43.800 7300 6 26.194 4.366 49.426 6 8.238 16.605 3.321 5 22.545 4,509 5 93.244 6 15.541 59.534 9,922 6 78.932 6 13.155 7 52.278 7,468 27.131 4.522 6 28.051 5,610 5 7,002 35,012 5 34,844 6 5,807 18,112 3.622 5 17,107 3,421 5 7 126.754 18.108 4 8.438 2.110 !9,122 6 3.187 !0,664 2.133 5 7 56.086 8.012 51.700 8.617 6 62.576 8 7.822 49.078 8,180 6 5 55.848 11.170 43.940 7 6.277 ) 41.494 8.299 (, 88.968 14.828 29.083 4.847 6 13.349 2.225 6 3),671 8.918 l_& I Ct1ild l.abQr lnvcstigJtion WHL Page 000827 School G Attendance Average H:nnp!on !larvard ! !oly Cro:;s Houston Baptist 1loward Idaho SL Illinois SL 5 5 6 Indiana St. 5 4 5 7 Jackson St. Jacksonville Jacksonville Sr. James Madison Lafayette Lamar Lehigh Liberty Maine Marist McNeese St. Mercer Mississippi Val. Missouri SL Monmouth Montana Montana St. Morehead St. MorgnnSL Murray St. N.C. A&T N.C. Central New Hampshire 1-Echolls St. Norfolk St. North Dakota North Dakota St. Northern Ariz. Northern Colo. Nonhwcstern St. Penn Portland St. Prairie View Presbyterian 4 :j 6 :; 7 ) 6 5 6 5 7 8 6 6 4 ., I 6 7 4 6 6 6 6 5 7 7 9 6 7 6 5 6 4 6 20,064 60.334 41,324 I 1.944 1)~234 32.199 50.694 27,108 69.143 !3.291 110.695 147.076 35.!02 50.::!73 48,124 105,215 36.211 11,560 84.506 75.031 29.378 52.198 14.266 170,660 118.222 30,477 14.382 32.669 81,443 43.558 52.467 26,521 57,215 58.501 167.600 45.446 26,764 44,940 59,680 30.886 21526 23,530 4.013 12.067 6.887 2,986 3,809 5.367 10.139 5.422 17.286 2.658 15.814 21.01! 7.020 8.379 9.625 15.031 6,035 2.312 12.072 9.379 4,896 8.700 3,567 24,380 19,704 4,354 3,596 5,445 13,574 7.260 8.745 5.304 8J74 8.357 18.622 7,574 3~823 7,490 I 1.936 5.148 5.382 3.922 c: School Princetou Rhode Island '~ Riclmm:1d Robert Morris Sacramento St. Sacred Hearl Saint Francis (PA) Sam llouston St. S:unford San Diego Savattnah St. South Carolina Sl. South Dakota South Dakota St. Southeast Mo. St. Southeastern La. (, Southern Ill. Sottthern ll. Southern Utah Stephen F. Austin 6 6 6 8 c ·' 6 5 6 6 6 5 g 6 5 5 5 Att(\nd~~nee 42,195 28.135 51.576 8,568 47,207 13,650 8.221 56.318 37,559 19.139 !9,270 71,279 48,568 64,162 20,825 48,895 51.325 100.536 21,832 48,41 g 5.627 8,596 1.714 7,868 2.275 1,370 7Jl40 7,512 3.190 3,854 1 1.880 8,095 10.694 ·1,165 6.112 8,55-1 20.107 4.366 9.68-1 School Stetson Stony Brook Tennessee St. Tennessee Tech Texas Southern Towson UC Davis UN! UT Mm1in Valparaiso Villanova VM! Wagner Weber St. Western Caro. Western IlL William & lvlary Wofford Yale Y oungswwn St. G Attendance Average 6 5 5 6 5 6 6 6 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 6 6 6 5 7 33,125 33,802 57.309 5!.1 06 33,097 50,838 37.990 75.431 22.192 10,590 45.687 30.278 13.767 28.781 41.207 33.150 58.346 46.640 99.045 94.539 5.521 6,760 11.462 8.518 6.619 8.473 6,332 12,572 4,438 2,118 9,137 5.046 2.295 5,756 8.241 5.525 9.724 7.773 19,809 13,506 20!3 NCAA DIVISION II TEAM-BY-·TEAM FOOTBALL ATTENDANCE School G Attendance Average Adams St. illbany SL (G/\) Alderson Broaddu~ American lnt'l 1 \ngeln SL !\ rk .-l'v1onti cello Arkansas Tech 6 () ;\sh!anci ) /\ugustan2 (SD) 6 6 s 6 Bemidji St. Benedict !kntlcy Black Hills St. Bloomsburg Bowie St. Brevard Ca!ifomia CPA) Carson-Newman C;tlil\Vb<l Central Mo. Central Oki;L Central SL (Oil) Central Wash. Chadron St. Charlcsto11 (WV) Chcyn ..·y I ''! '"1 1.259 •"<..., 1"} /,_)Lt_) 1.479 1.392 5.727 2,687 4,728 3.588 U\25 3.336 4 5 6 6 5 5 7,174 8.533 12.237 20.227 14,896 45.284 15.800 1.244 fi.08l 7..010 1.198 3,0<4 1 1,435 2.133 2.447 3.371 2.483 9.057 3.160 4 11.653 2.913 6 20.213 10.737 6.512 7.408 7.078 3.369 2.147 1.628 6 15.446 (; 27.438 16.181 2.574 4.573 .l 7 7 5 5 4 6 CliOI>illl Clat·ion Clark /\tlanta Colorado i""1csa 7.555 29,371 8,872 8,349 28,637 !6.120 23.639 17,939 7,300 20,016 6,219 18.243 14,072 5.988 ~1.290 1.235 1.770 3,23() D008Z8 School G Attendance Average Colorado Mines Colorado St.-Pueblo Concord Concordia-St. Paul Delta St. Dixie St. East Centrn! East Stroudsburg Eastern N.M. Edinboro Elizabeth City St. Emporia St. Fairmont St. Fayetteville St. Ferris St. Findlay Florida Tech Fort Hays St. Fort Lewis Fort Valley St. Gannon Glenville St. Grand Valley St. Harding Henderson St. Hillsdale llumboldt St. Indiana (PA) Indianapolis Johnson C. Smith Kentucky St. 6 6 5 6 4 5 5 6 4 5 5 5 6 5 5 6 6 6 5 3 5 5 9 5 6 6 5 !8.717 38,402 !2,095 7.737 21.471 17,876 15,357 11,900 8,105 17.297 23,993 30.045 I 1,216 24.818 15,108 8.486 23,695 18.443 5,809 24.732 6,668 7,217 91,045 14,100 27,327 9,527 20,049 5 16.313 7 6 27.7H 17,722 35.654 5 3,!20 6.400 2.419 1.290 5,368 3.575 3,071 !.983 2,026 3.459 4,799 6.009 1,869 4.964 3,022 1.414 3.949 3.074 1.162 8,244 1.334 1,443 10.116 2,820 4.555 1.588 4.010 3.263 3.959 2,954 7.13! Ku17l01\ n 5 \8.640 K) () 3.775 5,40') 5.783 .{::'.688 10.783 3.91 () 12.739 13.147 \\te<.:.lc\'{l!l Lake Fnc 6 l .illite 5 9 Lcnoir-Rhync Lincoln (1vl0) Lincoln (f't\) Lindrnwoud ( fv10) LIU Post Livingstone Loci-; I Iaven l\1alonc Mars Hill Mary McKendree Mercy hurst Merrin~<JCk s 4 5 cj 8.84cJ 6 II .So:'i s 5 6 5 ·I 5 7,200 15.718 13.062 5,689 5,758 7.381 10.497 36,311 22.123 !3.1 I 3 21.150 21,035 5.020 3.606 9.211 10.800 Miclli;.:an Tl'ch Mid,\c<;tern C..t Miles Millersville Minn. Duluth Minn. St. Mankato Minn. St. Moorhead Mitm.-Crookston rviirJot St. Miss,,uri S&T :) fv1o. Southern ~:1. 5 24.355 Pvlo. \Ve;tcrn St. 6 Morehouse N.rvL Highland,; Ncb.-Keanw) New Haven Nc\\ bt:IT) Norlli /\Ia North Cin:cnvillc.· Norllie<1qern St. Northern Mich. Northern SL Northwest Mo. St. Northwood (M I) Notre Dame (Oil) Ohio Do!llinican Okla. Panhandle Ouachira Bapti,t 3 31.376 29.193 7.147 16.980 17.788 17,730 59.'150 3 6 6 6 5 6 5 .::-j 0 6 6 21,190 6 9 5 5 5 4 5 l'ilCC Pittsburg St Quincy Sagi llil\\ \1 ,d Icy Seton Hill I Chi!d t Schoo! A!tendanre Sdwoli 5 5 G2Cl ')0::' Ll57 4,743 2.157 978 2.5~8 2.629 2.21 I 1,93! 1.4,10 3.144 2.177 !.138 1.440 1.476 2.099 7.262 7.374 2.11\6 3.525 3,506 ],004 601 1.842 Tusculum Tuskegee 7 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 7 6 5 4 5 5 5 6 6 3 34,919 2<l,496 3,051 14,730 34,411 11,573 14,974 23,679 13,145 8,680 14,696 21,967 5,325 9.871 19,651 15,655 16,357 7.291 20,802 21,673 48,069 3.407 !6,852 17.838 44.861 23.218 6,722 9.119 22,684 18.188 17.462 9.037 28.795 l JNC !'em broke Upper Iowa lJrbana Valdosta St. Virginia St. 2.965 Walsh Washhtm 5 5 6 Wayne St. (Mij \Vayne St. (NE) s 16,393 6 10.122 30.005 31.853 26,244 5,155 43,834 2.820 3,616 2.133 10,594 4.632 7.525 10.928 15.957 35.329 2.955 9,908 4.238 1,878 13,90~ 2.782 3.211 6.082 1.960 1.496 1.726 1.398 4,205 I, 104 10,030 .3,776 35.135 5.2'\0 Shepherd Shippensburg Simon Fraser Siou:-. Falls Slippery Rock Sonth Dakota Mines Southeastern Okla. Southern Ark. Southem Conn. St. Sowhwest Baptist Southwest Minn. St. Southwestern Okla. St. Anselm St. Augustine's St. Cloud St. St. Jo:.;cph's (IN) Stillman Stonehill Tarleton St. Tex. i\&1\·1-Commcrcc Tex. A&M-Kingsville Tirtln Truman 2.160 4.871 5.229 'J.73l 1.429 2.830 11.270 19.26() 54,7:\5 9,800 7,480 8.629 5,591 21.027 4.416 50,152 G 1\!i('nd:mer 19,67.1 4 Sh:nv Union West Ala. West Chcstet We';[ Ga. West Liberty \Vest Tex. A&rvl West \Ia. Wesleyan West Virginia St. Western N.M. Wcst<:m Ore. Western St. William Jewell 75S '/,027 l.O)(J ooos~~J Winona St. \Vinston--Salcm 5 6 5 5 4 7 7 6 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 6 5 5 6 ,L91 ~ 4,988 5.899 610 2.946 6.882 2,315 2,496 4,736 2,629 1,736 2,939 4.393 888 1.974 3.275 2,236 2.726 I ,458 5.201 4.335 9.614 681 2.809 2.973 14.954 4.644 1.120 !,82<1 4.537 4.547 3.492 1.807 4.799 3.'279 !,687 4.286 4.550 4.374 1,031 8.767 564 723 533 2.119 926 1.254 2,186 3.!91 5.888 20B NCAA DUVISHY\l HI School Adrian Albion Albright Alfred Allegheny Alma Amhnst Anderson (IN) Anna Maria Augsburg Augustana (IL) Aurora Austin Averett Baldwin Wallace Bates Becker Beloit Benedictine (!L) Berry Bethany (WV) Bethel (MN) Binningham-So. Bluffton Bowdoin Bridgewater (VA) Bridgewater St. Brockp011 Buena Vista Bu!Talo St. Cal Lutheran Capital Carleton Camegie Mellon Carroll (WI) Carthage Case Castleton Catholic Central (lA) Centre Chapman Chicago Chris. Newpon Claremont-M-S Coast Guard Coc Colby Concordia (WI) Concordia Chic3go Concordia-M'hcad Cornell College Crown (MN) G Allcndant·e 5 5 5 8,534 13.998 14.586 Hl,0·15 5.810 5,92() 7.565 6.300 ·1.905 6.4-!3 9.052 3.911 (>.250 lU75 22.870 8.096 6,434 s 6,000 5 'I 5 8 4 5 7.005 12.889 4.473 38.0),! 7.722 9.000 cU08 9,206 :'.50S l 1.800 11.565 6.447 12.578 -',,777 S\ II I 7.796 8.310 5.500 6.419 9.631 11.310 7.000 5.680 15.119 7.196 23.399 !.8! •1 11.650 18.568 S.600 4.26B ?.750 (, 7 5 5 4 5 .j 5 5 " 5 5 ) 'I 4 5 5 6 5 5 .J ) 4 6 s 4 s 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 22.13~ 5 4.760 ·L J:lC• L&l Cllild Lobor !nvcsliaation WHL Tlt<:Arvi FOOTBALL ATTENDANCE A,vera~e 1,707 2.800 2.431 2,578 Schoo~ 4.757 !.931 Curry De• fiance Delaware Valley Denison DcPatm Dickinson Dubuque Earlham L<bt Tex. Bapti<,! Elmhurst Emory & llemy Endicott Furcka FDU-Fiorhant Ferrum I itchburg Sl. Framingham St. Frank. & Marsh. l rank! in f'rostburg SL (.Jallaudc! Geneva Gctlysburg 1.800 (Jreet!sboro 2.127 i ,84\ !.101 1,967 2.3!3 Greenville (!rinndl Grove Citv Guilford (iust. Adolplws Hamilton 1.l6:? 1.185 1.891 1.260 1.226 1.289 1.810 7lQ I .250 1.635 4.57·1 2.024 J .287 1.200 1.40! 3.222 895 .289 3. !4'i 1.1 j ,8:22 !.9·!9 1.385 1.100 1.605 1.926 2.262 ff' ~' ) 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 J 4 5 6 5 5 ~ Attendanec Average MS4 12.980 ! 1.700 9,820 14.48:? !0.000 16.255 5.837 9.252 7.369 22.737 l J .595 o.nn '\671 \0.837 ~.500 !,1 ()() ·L534 8.791 1.1.14 1.758 () 20.92:' (1_361 ~:188 1(13 l.()2 I 5.358 2.!96 ., 5 '~ 26.788 10.9715 7,793 3.000 2.076 5 6 6.928 ) II .379 ) IU25 10.530 7,100 ! 1,300 5.850 19 l>60 13.396 9.535 5.-~77 l.lh5 6.57<\ :?2,06~ ¥~ ~clamazno .{,902 ·'(; 5 6 4 5 () LU72 9.3/t{ 3,541 12! 7.o:w Ke-an Kenyon Kingis tP/\) 519 7Jb5 12.30J 3,:'70 ~:'0 .~I "~-· 600 I .4! l 2.461 gjg UIS 3.678 114 ·2.349 980 2.754 1.562 708 1.155 2.276 2.865 2.106 1.420 I.S83 1.463 3.277 2.679 1.589 :\ 851 i.lCJO !.)59 ~ )0{! i(LS68 2330 3.71-1 1.400 1.872 16.800 ! 1.747 454 J .933 1.357 !,934 2.167 ) llardin-Sillllll011' Hartwick l kidclbcrg I lendrix lliram ! lobart !lore Howard Payne I luntingdon l !usson Ill. Wesleyan Illinois Col. Ithaca John Carrol I Johns Hopkins Juniata 1.136 3,024 1.799 t\.680 1.8~2 4.5·+ 7 4 'i ! .ianover 1.400 1.331 2.596 !.950 1.964 2.896 2.000 3.251 1.167 2.313 :) 824 3.670 1.40G !H 171 :'1)(),1 School Knox La Verne LaGrange Lake Forest Lakeland Lawrence Lebanon Valley Lewis & Clark Linlicld Loras Louisiana Co!. Luther Lycoming Maca lester iv1acMurray Maine Maritime Manchester Maranatha Baptist Marietta Mnrtin Luther Mary Hardin-Baylor Maryville (TN) Mass. Maritime McDaniel i'Aerchant Marine Methodist Middlebury iVlillikin Millsaps Minn.-Morris Misericordia Mississippi Col. MIT Monmouth (IL) Montclair St. Moravian Morrisville St. Mount Ida Mount Union M!. St. Joseph Muhlenberg Muskingum N.C. Wesleyan Ncb. Wesleyan Nichols North Central (IL) North Park Northwestern-St. Paul Norwich Oberlin Occidental Ohio No11hern Ohio Wesleyan Olivet Otterbein G Attendance 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 6 5 ~ 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 6 10 4 5 6 4 5 4 5 5 4 6 6 4 6 ' 't 5 5 5 10 4.425 6.602 5.717 5,247 4.163 5.173 13.900 9,489 13,932 5.366 18,327 8,923 12,070 3.00! 3,854 3,370 14.428 1.160 9,098 1,997 41.563 12.253 8,061 25,182 10,600 5,537 8.915 13.300 3,907 2.817 7.200 24.166 3,010 7.150 10.760 9.023 5,114 3.249 33,893 5 8.196 6 5 5 6 13246 6.508 4.496 6.061 4,294 19,517 11.018 7,579 J 1.839 5.761 10.259 10.416 !5.768 8.690 9.963 5 7 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 L&l Ctlrld Labor !rwostig:Jtion \NHL 1320 I, 143 1,049 833 1.035 2.3!7 1.898 2.322 !.073 3,665 1,785 2,414 600 771 674 2,405 232 1,820 333 4.!56 3,063 1,612 4.197 2,650 1,107 2.229 2,660 781 704 1.200 4.028 753 1..192 2.690 1,805 1.023 650 3,389 1.639 2,208 1.302 899 I ,010 859 2.788 1.836 1,516 2.368 I. !52 2.052 2.083 School Pacific (OR) Pacit!c I uthe1·:m Plymouth St. Pomona-Pitzer Puget Sound Randolph-l\·1acon Redlands Rensselaer Rhodes. Ripnn Rochester (NY) Rockford Rose-Hulman Row<Jn Saint John's (MN) Salisbury Salve Regina Sewanee Shenandoah Simpson Sou!lmcstern (TX) Springfield St. John Fisher St. Lawrence St. Norbert St. Olaf St. Schola:;tica St. Thoma~ (MN) St. Vincent Stevenson Sui Ross St. SUNY Conland SUNY Maritime St1squt:han11a TCNJ Texas Lutheran Thiel Thomas More Trine lrinity (CT) Trinity (IX) Tufts UMass Dartmouth Union (NY) Ursin us Utica Wabash Wmiburg Wash. & Jeff. Wash. & Lee \Vashin~ton·St. Louis 3.154 !.738 1.661 PJgo 00083 ·, Wcstun Conn. SL (; /H!t'nd:mre AL 'rera~~e iUIO 2.262 '2.776 I U03 7.319 i .46·\ 5 3.!35 627 5 4 4.646 1.162 2.746 5 13.729 4 !.921 7.682 6Jll5 1.203 5 3,214 5 16.072 5 9.250 1.850 4 6.900 1.725 371 !.855 1,360 5 6.800 19,355 6 3~216 7,3M 36,8:.>2 5 8.435 .5 1.687 2.179 10.897 5 17.140 3.428 5 2, 13:J 10.668 5 :; 15.757 :us1 3,289 5 16.44.5 6 12A35 2.073 15.629 .1.126 6.043 1.209 5 l ,234 6.!(i9 <l.215 1,8·13 5 ) 7-14 '.719 3~96S ' I Cl)\25 58~1 2.919 5 6 1.902 11,410 4 5.800 1.450 9.828 L%6 5 10.040 2.008 4 2.283 9.130 ) i 7.708 9.07) 3.025 .J L08J 5 5/103 1 •t 2.617 10..166 19,H2 5 3.888 4 15.5R4 3.896 9,'118 5 1.884 4 5.433 1.358 895 5 4.475 ! .388 5 6.938 2.694 L\,472 5 6 11.121 1. 85'1 c!JI9 25,913 6 16,!01 3.220 4 10,496 2Ji24 i.907 9.535 5 L21 6.088 1.550 5 7 750 s s 7 SAS'i 4 14.8'Jt; !o.i50 13J8 Attendance Average School \Vc~tern 1\ew Eng:, \Vc~tfield SL 9.084 5 &.181 .s l.S75 9.49 I I ().456 ·!.035 1 1.805 i 3.355 5.060 12.90-1 6.028 ·1.689 3.438 I 1.83 I \Vc:·;tminst~r (MO) Westminster (PA) \Vheaton (! L) 5 Whittier Whitworth 6 Widener Wilkes Willamctte Wil!iams Wilmington (OH) Wis. Lll!heran \Vis.-Eau Claire 5 4 5 5 6 4 :; 5 4 1.817 1,636 375 1.898 3,291 1.009 1.968 2.671 1,012 2.151 1,507 938 688 2,958 .School Wis.-La Crosse G Attendance () Wis.-Oshkosh Wis.-f'!attcvillc s Wis.-Rivcr Falls 5 Wis.-Stcvcns Point Wis.-Stout Wis.- Whitewater ') 5 11.463 17.525 :> 8.657 11.519 8. CJBG 45.571 IS .526 3.050 ) 1~.233 ) 7 .000 9.099 5 9 Wittenberg Wm. Paterson Wooster (, Worcester St. \VPI 1·+~370 s /~-rcn1gc· 2.395 2.293 3.505 1.731 2.304 1.797 5.0(>3 2.588 610 2.347 !.400 1.820 2013 NCAA RECLASSIFYING TEAM-BY-TEAM FOOTBALL ATTENDANCE School i\bil<:nc Christian Georgia St. !ncrtrnJte Word c·' 4 ' 6 Attendance Average 283:"'5 7.089 109.039 15.577 22.626 3.771 L&l Child Labor Investigation WHL Page 000832 School Mdvlurry Old Dominion UTSA G At!t>nd:mce Average 5 10566 2.113 () 120.70?\ 20.1!8 i 7:'~281 29.214 Reprc~cntlng .\Lway:cmcnt Exdu-.ivcly in \Vorkpbcc Jo~ckson l-ewis P.C. LJ\\' and Pxl:!rrd! itlr',:l!JO!l ;z .\t Ml\:Y, NY \PH> 1 'II Y, \ll /\I P-UQUI R()l!F, NM CkH NV!! IT, '.t ~~ A'llANIA,GA llARHOfW,U NORI'O! K, V.\ \AUU \1! N f (), t .A Seattle, WA 98101 All\r!N, 1X I!OVdON,·rx (),\1t\l!:\,NI :-,:\IN! LOlli), .\10 Td. 206 405-0404 BALTIMORr, MD rNDIANAI'O! Frtx. 206 405-4450 B!1Uv1JN(,!{A.\I, AI JACKSON\'H l 520 Pii-u: Street Suite 2300 '!"'!(YN·ja~~s. .':?n~~~i~.. c?.~ V[G,\~, 1~. !N r, rt 1 \). !UCH:-.10~~1!. YOHK. f'.:Y \',\ UR:\NCr CtJl!N'I Y, C,\ ~:\N ORl :\N!l(). H :-..\N ntANU\t:O. C\ OVERL\ND PARK, KS <,,\;-,: ji\AN, f'R !JIJ (,(),LA BOSTON,MA LAS Cll!CAGO,Il LONGI~LAND,NY !'llllAJH!f'II!A,I'A ~L-\TI! GNClNNAfl, Oil LOS ANC[l.I:), (:A /'I!OfN!X, :\1. \I,\MFOHP,CI NV CLEVFLAND, OH MEMPHIS. IN !'lrT\BUR(~Jl. DAlLAS, ·rx MIAMI, n PORTL\ND, OR PA IX',\ I /1..\1l'A, F! 'X1 Aq IJNC-l UN, DC RCC!ON [),\YTON,OI! .\11L\\:AtJKU·, \\'1 l'UR!S~hltllll, DENVER, CO Mll\.'J'JEAI'OL!\, .\iN !'ftO\'IPFNC!:, R/ nETROfr.MI ~10RR!S'I R/\UJCI !-Dli!U IA:-.1, /'-.:( OWN, NJ r. Nil \X'!l!ll Pl ·\!:'.J), i,iy MY DIREG DIAL IS: 206.626.6411 MY EMAIL ADDRESS IS: BARR [email protected] February 13,2015 VIA E-MAIL ONLY Kelly Kane Industrial Relations Agent Washington Department of Labor and Industries Employment Standards Program 901 N Monroe Street Suite 100 Spokane, Washington 99201 kelly. kane@Jni. wa. gov Rc: Everett Silvertips Hockey Club Response to December~. ~ 2Q..!_'±_ltl_quiry ___ _ Dear Ms. Kane: This letter is in response to your December 30, 2014 letter requesting additional infomution from hockey teams operating within the Western Hockey League (WHL) in the state of Washington. This letter contains the Everett Silvertips' responses to your inquiries. We feel that it is important to note that the Everett Silvertips provide each amateur athlete on its team with an education, sports training, and the availability of a post-secondary academic scholarship. The players arc in the same position as other amateur athletes playing in elite leagues on their high school teams or in the NCAA many of whom receive the same type of benefits. Moreover, the Everett Silvertips' players ami their families -like those playing football, basketball, baseball, and soccer for the University of Washington and their respective families- know that they arc making an agreement to play amateur athletics at the highest level of competition without becoming professionals. None of these amateur athletes are employees of their respective teams or schools, and neither the players, their parents, the team, nor the WHL have ever understOL1d otherwise. L&l Child Labor lnvestigatron WHL Page 000967 Kelly Kane Washington Dep;rrtrnent of Labor and Iudustric~ February 13, 2015 Page 2 The Everett Silvertips have been operating in the same manner under the law since 2003. For approximately 12 years, the Everett Silvertips have provided an outlet for skilled and talented amateur hockey players to play at the highest level of amateur hockey. The Everett Silvertips provide the following responses to L&I's specific inquiries: Inquiries Regarding Players Inquiry No. I. Please describe how players join your team. Response to Inquiry No. 1. In general, the Everett Silvertips scout and rccmit amateur athletes in a similar manner to NCAA schools. While some players arc drafted as part of the WHL Bantam Draft, others are invited to a training camp where they try out for the team. Players ultimately join the Everett Silvcrtips by signing or their parents signing a WHL agreement, a copy of which was provided to L&l on February 19, 2014 with the response from the WHL and Affiliated Teams. Players are not eligible to be on the Everett Silvertips until the year of their l5 1h birthday. Inquiry No. 2. What restrictions, if any, arc there on a player's ability to play for other hockey teams while playing for your team? Response to Inquiry No. 2. Players are eligible to play at whatever level of amateur hockey they choose. The WHL is a top amateur hockey league. Once a player is placed on the Everett Silvcrtips' Club Protected List, he is not eligible to play for another team, unless he is released, traded or assigned to a lower category of hockey. Prior to becoming a player on the active roster, a player will normally continue his development at either the Midget or Junior A orB level. Inquiry No. 3. Can a player be traded, promoted, or demoted from your team? Explain how such a process works. Response to Inquiry No. 3. Players can be traded within the WHL. However, trades are rare, especially for high school players. The system of drafts and trades is needed to balance the level of competition in the league to maximize the development of the players. However, there arc neither promotions nor demotions. A player may be assigned to a lower category of hockey for further development. A player who signs an NHL contract may also join an NHL Club as an underage player. Inquiry No. 4. How many players from the 2013-14 season remained on your team for the current season (20 14-20 15)? Response to Inquiry No.4. 14. Inquity No.5. What restrictions, if any, apply to the number of 15, 16 and 17 year old players a team may have? Rec~ponse to Inquiry No. 5. The WHL docs not restrict the number of 17 -year-old players on the Everett Silvertips' roster. The WHL limits the number of 16-ycar-old players pcm1ittcd to play in the WHL to 88 players. The WHL only allows 15-ycar-old players to participate in a 5-game tryout or following the conclusion of their non- WHL hockey season. This usually occurs if the team happens to L&l Child Labor Investigation WHL Page 000968 Kelly Kane \Vashington Department of Labor and Industries February 13, 2015 Page 3 be ncar the player's hometown, or if another player 1s recovering from an injury and a short-tcm1 substitution is needed. Inquby No. 6. Please provide name and contact infom1ation for all 15, 16 and 17 year olds that have signed standard player agreements for last season (20 13-20 14) and the current season (20 14-201 5). Response and Objection to Inquiry No. 6. The Everett Silvertips object to this inquiry on the grounds that it requests confidential information for minor individuals. Without waiving this objection, below is a chart containing the contact infonnation for the parents/ guardians of relevant 15-, 16-, and 17 -year old pbyorc: Minor Player Parents/ Guardians Contact Information for Parents/ Guardians Ian Bajkov ibajkov({/lhotmail.com; 250.616.1381 Chris Bajkov ibajkov({V,hotmail.com; 250.616.3960 Dean Fonteyne [email protected]; 780.361.8556 Patrick Bajkov --·----- Matt Fontey11e Wanda Fonteyne Gunnar Wegleitner FonteyneW(~wms.ab.ca; 780.312.4373 Mike W egleitner Wcegee68(mgmail.com; 604.880.2078 Nicole Wegleitner [email protected]; 604.880.1066 Nei Juulsen [email protected]; 604.808.5006 Kim Juulscn J [email protected]; 604.808.0091 Dwain Davis [email protected]; 604.320.0688 Noah Juulsen Kevin Davis Jan Davis jdavis(~fntc.ca; 250.320.1920 Jason Wharrie jwharrie(ro,shaw.ca; 604.320.0688 June Wharrie [email protected]; 604.818.6789 John Hart [email protected]; 780.918.2403 Shauna Hart [email protected]; 780.940.5959 Jordan Wharrie Carter Hart Inquiry No. 7. Please provide one copy of a signed player agreement from this season or last season. If any player agreement ti·om this season or last season ditTers from the standard agreement, please provide that. Response and Objection to Inquiry No. 7. Attached as Exhibit l, please find an executed player agreement between the Everett Silvertips and Leslie Jantzen, a recently drafted player who is no! yet L&l Child Labor Investigation WHL Page 000969 Kelly Kane Washington Department of Labor and Industries February 13, 2015 Page 4 playing for the Everett Silvcrtips. The SilvCI1ips arc prohibited by League rules from making a different arrangement with any player and adhere to this rule. Inquiries Regarding Scheduling and Play Time Inquily No. 8. Please describe the annual schedule for the last WHL season, and the players' responsibilities under the schedule. Re.~]Jonse and Objection to Inquiry No. 8. For the 2013-2014 Season, the Everett Silvertips began training camp and tryouts on August 22, 2013. Following training camp, the Everett Silvcrtips participated in seven pre-season exhibition games as follows: (l) August 30, 2013, against the Victoria Royals in Everett, Washington; (2) August 31, 2013. against the Spokane Chiefs in Everett, Washington; (3) September 1, 2013, against the Portland Wintcrhawks in Everett, Washington; (4) September 6, 2013, against the Portland Winterhawks in Kennewick, Washington; (5) September 7, 2013, against the Kootenay Ice in Kennewick, Washington; September 13, 2013, against the Seattle Thundcrbirds in Everett, Washington; and (7) September 14, 2013, against the Seattle Thundcrbirds in Kent, Washington. Following pre-season, the Everett Silvertips then played 72 regular season games as follows: t Won 2-0 Spokane Chiefs Lost l-0 (0 @ Red Deer Rebels Won2-l Oct 09, 2013 @ Edmonton Oil Kings Oct 11, 2013 @ Prince George Cougars Oct l 2013 @ Prince George Cougars Lc:l Cilllci Labor lnvestigCJtron WHL Kelly Kane Wn:;hington Department of Labor and lndustrin February 13. 2015 Page 5 L&l Child Labor lnvcslllJaliOn WHL Kelly Kane Washington Department of Labor and Industries February I 3, 20 I 5 Page 6 The Everett Silvertips then played five post-season games as follows: • March 22, 2014, against the Seattle Thundcrbirds in Kent, Washington; '" March 23, 2014, against the Seattle Thunderbirds in Everett, Washington; • March 25, 2014, against the Seattle Thundcrbirds in Kent, Washington; • March 28, 2014, against the Seattle Thunderbirds in Everett, Washington; "' March 29, 2014, against the Seattle Thundcrbirds in Kent, Washington; Players arc obligated to attend all games and practices for the team. They arc also expected to comply with school obligations, as well. As they likely would be at home, players arc subject to discipline, including suspension, if they fail to meet their academic responsibilities. Inquiry No. 9. Do the players adhere tc• a standard practice schedule from week to \veck') If so, please describe. Response to Inquiry No. 9. In the like other amateur athletes team sports, adhere to a standard practice schedule. Sec Lxhibit 2 (Example of Schedules from 20! 4 20 l It is important to note that nearly all amateur :1thkttc programs. particularly those with a level of L&l Child Labor Investigation WHL Page Kelly Kane Washington Department of Labor and Industries Fcbruc1ry 13. 2015 Page 7 competition, have standard practice schedules week to week. Compare http://www.azcentral.comistorv /sports/collcgc/asu/20 14/07 /22/asu-rclcascs-tootball-practicc-schcdulc/ 1'9960 19/ (Arizona State University's August 2014 Practice Schedule (excluding weight lifting and film sessions), with Exhibit 2. Inquiry No. !0. Please describe a player's schedule on home game day and an away game day. Re!>pOn.'ie and Objection to lnquby No. 10. While schedules vary from time to time, in general, the players follow the schedules set forth in Exhibit 2. It is important to note that this is no different than a typical schedule for other amateur athletes playing highly competitive team sports - like NCAA or high school football, basketball, soccer, baseball, or hockey. Inquiry No. II. If some players' weekly schedules varied from the practice and performance schedule described above, please explain. Response and Objection to Inquiry No. I I. See Response and Objection to Inquiry No. l 0. Inquiry No. 12. Please provide any schedule maintained the team that reflects travel to away games, including departure and return times for last season and the cun-cnt season. Response and Objection to Inquiry No. 12. See Response and Objection to Inquiry No. l 0. See also Exhibit 2. Inquiry No. 13. Arc the players supervised while playing, practicing, and traveling? By whom' 1 Response and Objection to Inquiry No. 13. Yes. The players are supervised at all times during games, practices and while traveling. They arc supervised by the Head Coach, Assistant Coaches, Athletic Trainer, and Equipment Manager. Players also have access to a coordinator who monitors and helps them with school arrangements. Inquiry No. 14. What limitations or restrictions apply to playing or practice time for 15, 16 and 17 year old players on the team? Re.\ponse to Inquiry No. 14. Aside from limitations referenced in the Response to Inquiry No. 5, there arc typically no limitations on practice for 15-, 16-, and 17-ycar-old players. However, players arc at home as school necessitates on practice days and game days. When the team is on the road, 16and 17-year-old players have the same schedule as the rest of the team~ Inquiry No. I 5. Please list, along with job titles, all employees of the team for last season (not including players). Response to Inquiry No. 15. The following ts a list of employees for the Everett Silvcrtips during the 2013-2014 season: Kelly Kane Washington Department or Labor and Industries Fcbmary 13,2015 Page 8 Job Title Name ting/ Corporate Sales Darren Parsons Education Coordinator/ Consultant KevinPeders~~Zoran Rajcic Executive VP/ Assistant GM Sheila Proctor Director of Retail Operations Lisa Rody Host Family Coordinator Inquiry No. 16. including players). Please list, along with job titles, all current employees of the team (not Response to Inquiry No. 16. during the 2014-2015 season: The following is a list of employees for the Everett Silvcrtips .Job Title Account Executive L&l Child Labor Investigation WHL Page (Jr)00 i 4 f ! Kelly Kane Washington Department of Labor and Industries February 13, 2015 Page 9 Job Title BC) ~agB~a=l~~~~~S~c=o=u=t(~B=C~)~==~~~~~~==~~=4 Matt Beck J Scout (AB)-~~~~-~- Shane Clifford Kevin Constantine Goaltendin):LCo~ch Head Coach Jeremy Creurer ~Scout (SK) Kevin Da Garry Davidson Ty Davidson Zoran Rajcic Lisa Rody Host Family Coordinator/ Team Store Jason Ruff Scout (AB) Paul Ryan Scout (MN) Garry Ryhorchuck Scout (SK) Doug Sinclair Brennan Sonne Scout Assistant Coach James Stucky Equipment Manager Housing and Other Compensation Inquiry No. 17. Where do pbycrs iivc while they arc playing for your team? L&l Chtld Lilbor lnvestigil!ion WHL Page 000975 I ' ) / j" I Kelly K3nc W3shington Department of Labor and Industries February 13,2015 Page 10 Re,\ponse to No. 17. All players live with host families m and around Everett, Washington. Inquiry No. 18. If players live with families m the community, how are those families compensated? Response and Objection to Inquiry No. 18. All Host Families receive two full season tickets, complimentary parking for games, and $350 per month to help cover food and incidental costs. Inquiry No. 19. Do players receive any other housing benefits? If yes, please describe: Response and Objection to Inquiry No. 19. No. Inquiry No. 20. How much arc the monetary stipends the players receive? Response to No. 20. Players are given monthly expense money of $250. If a player has he is given $120 per month as a gas allowance. And there are currently 3 players who arc 20 years old and they reccjvc $350 per month. Inquiry No. 21. How arc the stipends paid? (by check? How frequently?) Response and to month, both of which are paid via cash. No. 21. Players arc given the stipend over two payments per Inquiry No. 22. Does the amount of a player's stipend vary from year to year? Re~ponse to Inquily No. 22. The only changes to monthly stipends occur when a player's vehicle status changes or they arc a 20-year-old overage player. It changed to above stipend in the 201220 13 season. Inquiry No. 23. Do the players receive bonuses during the course of the season? If so, what arc the criteria for receiving bonuses? Re!>ponse to Inquiry No. 23. Players do not receive bonuses. Inquiry No. 24. What type of visas, if any, do players have to obtain to play for the team in the United States? Response to Inquiry No. 24. Canadian and European players obtain P-1 VISAS. Inquiry No. 25. Do the players receive a l 099 and/or a W -2 tax form? Response to Inquiry No. 25. No. Inquiry No. 26. Do players receive any other fonn of financial assistance other than that described above? Re.\]JOilse lo No. 26. The Evcrcl! S ilvcrtips pay for travel to training camp in the 1~1ll and the player's return home arter the season. The Everett Silvcrtips abo pay for players to travel home at L&l Ch1ld Labo,·lnvestlgalion WHL P<:tgo 000976 l Kelly Kane Washington Department of Labor and Industries February 13,2015 Page I I Christmas time. The Everett Silvertips also pay for education related expenses for the players while they arc on the team. Educational Information Inquiry No. 27. Do any of your current players attend high school in Washington State? If so, please identify those players. Re.\ponse and Objection to Inquiry No. 2 7. Yes, Patrick B<~kov, Matt Fonteyne, Gunnar Wegleitner, Noah Juulsen, and Kevin Davis attend high school in Washington State. Inquiry No. 28. Arc any accommodations made to a high school student's schedule to facilitate their hockey schedule? Re!.JJOnse and Objection to No. 28. Players attending high school attend classes in the moming and arrive at the ice rink later following those classes. They often times arrive later than other players who are not in high school. The high school students athletes have their daily workout in the afternoon whereas other players without high school obligations might work out in the morning. Everett High School works closely with the Everett Silvcrtips' Education Coordinator to ensure that players are able to maintain their schoolwork while traveling for games. Inquiry 1Vo. 29. Do the players receive any high school credit for their hockey play? Re!.ponse and Objection to Inquiry No. 29. Not to the knowledge of the team. Inquiry No. 30. For high school students, what educational expenses does the team or league provide for? Re!.ponse and Objection to Inquiry No. 30. Sec supra, Response and Objection to inquiry Nos. 18 and 20. See also Position Statement (Feb. 19, 2014) (describing WHL Post-Secondary Academic Scholarship). Inquiry No. 31. What kind of college scholarships arc offered by the league and/or individuals teams? Re,\ponse to Inquiry No. 31. See Position Statement, at pp 4-5 (Feb. 19, 2014) (describing WHL Post-Secondary Academic Scholarship). Inquiry No. 32. What restrictions, if any, apply to the how the players may usc the college scholarships, such as limits on courses of study or time frames for use of the scholarships? Response to Inquiry No. 32. The WHL Scholarship is guaranteed to each player through him and his parent or guardian signing a WilL Slandard Player Agreement. provided he docs not professional hockey contract in the NHL or with a top·lcvd European club. Players arc allowed to one season of minor professional hockey H } befnre activating the scholarship. Also, while using his \VI-JL Scholarship, the play<or muse :1 ftdl .. timc student and must not be fnrccd to withdraw due to failure to maintain passing The value of the scholarship can be applied to any L&l Child Labor lnvest1g3t1on WHL PJge OC09ii Kelly Kane Wcbh!!r~lon lkpartmcnl of Labc\r and Industries February 13, 2015 Page 12 post-secondary institution or career enhancing program. The value of the tuition is based on the playcr"s home province publicly funded university or college. The scholarship must be activated no later than 18 months following the player's final year of eligibility as a 20 year old in the WfiL Inquiry No. 33. How many players have accessed and used the available scholarships in the last 3 years? At what institutions? Response and Objection to Inquiry No. 33. In the last 3 years, 546 WHL players have received WHL scholarships at 118 post-secondary institutions. The scholarships arc administered by the WHL Post WHL Inquiry No. 34. In the last three years, how many players from your team have gone on to play in the National Hockey League or other professional hockey league ;dler their career in the WHL? Response and Objection to Inquiry No. 34. From the 2011-2012, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014 seasons, a total of 12 fonner Everett Silvcrtips have gone on to hockey in either the National Hockey League or other professional hockey leagues. Inquiry No. 35. In the past three years, how many players from your team have gone on to play college hockey in Canada or elsewhere? Response and Objection to Inquiry No. 35. From the 201l-20l2, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014 seasons, a total of seven former Everett Silvcrtips have gone on to play college hockey in Canada or elsewhere. Inquiry No. 36. In the past three years, have any of your former players sought to have their NCAA eligibility restored? Response ami Objection to Inquiry No. 36. The Everett Silvcrtips are not aware of any players from the 2011-2012, 2012-2013, and 2013-2014 seasons who sought to have their NCAA eligibility restored. Team Information Inquiry No. 37. Please describe your team's 0\Vncrship structure. Response and Objection to Inquiry No. 3 7. The Everett Silvertips (EIIT, Inc.) is owned by a private ownership group that consists of one owner. Inquiry No. 38. Arc you associated, fonnally or informally, with any other amateur, professional, or semi-professional hockey leagues in the United States or Canada'/ Response to Inquiry No. 38. The Everett Silvcrtips arc a member club of the Western League (WHL). The WHL is a member of the Canadian Hockey League (CHL). The WHL and CHL arc registered members of Hockey Canada, the national of amateur Canada. The WilL Washington and Oregon based Clubs arc members of U S.A. l national governing body of amateur hockey in the United States The ('l!L and WilL have L&l Child Labor Investigation VVIiL F'<lf)l? (!009/8 the m the an Kelly Kane Washington Department of Labor and Industries February 13. 2015 Page 13 agreement with the National Hockey League (NIIL) regarding players drafted to play professional hockey. Inquiry No. 39. Do you receive payments from professional hockey leagues or teams either directly or indirectly through the WHL? If so, please describe what those payments are related to? Re.\ponse to lnquily No. 39. Through the NHLICHL agreement referenced in Response and Objection to Inquiry No. 38, the WHL receives a development grant from the NHL which provides financial assistance for player development and education, coaching and officiating development and health and WP-li11CSS pmemms Inquiry No. 40. What was team's gross revenue from ticket sales last season (20 13-20 14)? Objection to Inquiry No. 40. The Everett Silvertips objects to this inquiry as it is irrelevant to L&I's investigation and the central question whether or not the player relationship is employment or some other relationship. This information also has no bearing upon any question that would affect any matter to be investigated or any relief to be sought. The Everett Silvertips' gross revenues from ticket sales last season (2013-2014) has no relation to L&l's investigation in this case, which concerns whether the Everett Silvertips are employing minors in violation of the child labor rules under W J\C 296-125. Inquiry No. 41. What is the gross revenue for ticket sales to date, for this season? Objection to Inquiry No. 4L The Everett Silver1ips object to this inquiry as it is irrelevant to L&T's investigation and the central question whether or not the player relationship is employment or some other relationship. This information also has no bearing upon any question that would aUect any matter to be investigated or any relief to be sought. The Everett Silvertips' gross revenues from ticket sales this season (2014-2015) has no relation to L&l's investigation in this ease, which concerns whether the Everett Silvertips are employing minors in violation ofthe child labor rules tmdcr WAC 296-125. Inquiry No. 42. What was the total attendance last season (2013-2014)? Response to Inquiry No. 42. The total attendance for Everett Silvertips' 36 home games during the 2013-2014 regular season was 176,443 people. By way of comparison, the total attendance for the University of Washington Huskies' 7 home football games in 2013 was 481 ,384 people. Sec Exhibit 3 (2013 National College Football Attendance Records). Inquiry No. 43. What was the average per game attendance for the 2013-2014 season'' Response to Inquiry No. 4}. The average per game attendance for the Everett Silvertips in the 2013-2014 regular season was 4,901 people. By way of comparison, the average per game attendance for the University of Washington Huskies' 7 horne football games in 2013 was 68,769 people. c'--)ec Exhibit 3 (20 13 National College Football Attendance Records). Other: Inquiry No. 44. Provide any other information you feel will be helpful in this · Re,vumse to Inquiry No. 44. Sec Position Statement cb. 19, 2014). We remain ml to cooperate in this investigation should you have fiJ!!ow up inquiries. ! w0ulcl appreciate the chance to L&l Child Labor Investigation WHL Kelly Kane Washington Department of Labor and Industries February 13,2015 Page 14 have a substantive discussion with you and any other decision makers on the investigation. I am willing to meet you in Seattle or Kent for this purpose. Sincerely, JACKSON LEWIS P.C. Barry Alan 1ohnsrud Attorneys for Everett Silvertips Attachments cc: David A. Nenni ([email protected]) 4822-]9/]-}825, V. 2 Lf,i Child Labor lnvest1gat1on WHL Page 000980 EXHIBIT 1 I g1 Cl1ild Labor lnvestigali~n WHL Page OOC84P VIHL OIV201J WESTERN HOCKEY LEAGUE STANDARD PLAYER AGREEMENT EXECUTION SCHEDULE Agreement dated cffoctlve August 24, 2014 Between tha Everett Sllvertfps, hereinafter referred to as tho "Club", a member franchise of tha Western Hockey League, hereinafter referred to ae the "WHl", And Jantzen Leslle,lleralnafter referred to as the "Ptayer". Tho parties hereto mutually covenant and agree 1o the following: Interpretation: (a) "Agreement" or "this Agreemont" means this agreemenl between lhe Club and !he Player and is inclusive of tho WHL Standard Player Agroornenl Terms and Condlllons Schedule. {b) The WHL Standard Player Agreement Terms end Condllions Schedule (hereinafter referred to as Ute "Terms and Conditions Sohodulo') Is hereby lncarporetod by reference and forms part of !his Agreement. (c) Words and phrases not detned in lh!s WHL Standard Playar Agreement have the meaning ascr!OOd to them in the Terms and Conditions Schedule. (d} The 'WHL Scholarship Program' has the meaning ascribed to lhal term in the Terms and Conditions Schedule. 2. Iill!:U: Subject to the terms and conditions of !hls Agreement, the Player hereby agrees to play hockey for the Club for a period of 6 years commencing wllh the 2015 !o 2016 Hockoy Season and ending wilh the 2019 to 2020 Hockey Season (the "Tenn''). For !he purposes of this paragraph and this Agreement, !he "Hockey Secason• means the period that commences each year a! the star! of training camp, includes pre-season and regular season games and ends on the date of the Club's last game during lhe WHl regular season, lhe playoffs or the Memorial Cup Championship, whichever Is later. 3. Pl.ayer Reimbursement for Travel or Iraln!nq Related Expenses: Any and an amounts received by the Pleyor undor thls part shaU be strictly and solely provided for and related to the reimbursement of travel or !ralnl'1g expenses. Thn Club acknO'.vledges that the Player Is required to Incur travel and training expenses white playing for tile Glob during the Hockey Season and during the off-season. Provided the Player Is on the Club's active player roster, the Club agrees to reimburse the Player duting the Hockey Season, commencing on September 15 for a portion of such expenses, subject to any further limlla!lon.s, roslr!ctlons or provision herein, to a maximum monU:iy arnoon! of $250.00 In the corrency of tho country !n which the Club Is located during every month of the Hockoy Season. HOCKEY SEASON 2015-2016 Monthly Expanse Reimbursement $250.00 2016-2017 $ :250.00 2017-2018 $250.00 2018-2019 $250.00 2010-2020 $250.00 I_&! Chi!d Labor !nvestigaticn \!VHi Monthly Overage Honorarium $ 350.00 !1/i!i 08/201,1 Travel, Training. Room and Board, Education- Current Player: To pay or cuuse lobe paid, !he reasonable expenses in accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of the Terms and Condlllons Schedule associated wilh t11e following: (a) the Player's room and board; (b) the Player's travel expenses Incurred, (l) for moving from hl3 normal and regul;;r plscc of residence to the cily where the Club Is located for the purpose of reporting lo the Club at the commencement of each Hockoy Season; (II} In returning to his normal ond regular pfacx; of residence fo'lowlng the cor.clus 1on of eadr Hockey Season; and (iii) for one return lrlp during the Ct;rlstmas holiday soason of ooch Hockey Season from tt;o cily where the Club Is located to his normal and regular place of residence; (c) tha Players enrollment in a high school or post-secondary educational lnsti!utkm, for the fall and \'linter term, Including tulllon fees, compulsory student fees and textbooks directly related to the Player's course of study; and (d) tutors and eduoo!lonal advisors as deemed reasonably necessary to assist the Player !n his aoodemic studies during the academic year. 4. WHL Scholarship Program- Graduate Player: (a) In accordance INith the provisions of Article 3 of tha Terms and Conditions Schedule, the WHL agrees to reimburse or cause to be paid, the Player's educational expenses to enroll in and a!1end a designated publicly funded post secondary educatlcmal Institution based on the assessment for a ful!-Ume student, following completion of the period that tho Player plays hockey In the WHL. Including tuition fees, compi.l!sory student fees, and textbooks directly relaled to tt1e Player's oourae of study cf which payment wlll be mad" in the currency of tho ooun!ry where the do.,o;lgnateti publicly funded post-secondary Institution Is loooted ln occordnnC'.<'! with tultfon and rees pubHshed In the official calendar of that year. (b) The Player designates the following publicly funded post-secondary eduootlonal lnsUlutlon In a province ol Canada or a state of the Unlted Stales of America where the P!aysr normally and regubrty resides, as the "designated post·s&condary educational Institution" for lhe purposes of par.Jgraph 3.1 In the Terms and Condltlons Schedule; Univ(lrslty of Alberta (Namf! of Post Secondary lnstltutlon) 5. Binding Commitment: The parties hereto hereby accept and agree to the terms. conditions, covenants, agreements and obligations of each othar sot fortl1 Bfld contained rn this Agrocment. 6. I!nJQ: Time shali be of the essence of this Agreomen!. 7. Entire Agrooment: This Agreement, inclusive of the Terms and CondiliOi1S Schedule which is lncorpo!<lted herein by reference end forms port horeol, constitutes the whole and enUre agreement between the parties hereto anc cancels and suparsodos any oral and prior agreomen!!l, undertal<.lngs, dec'aratlons, representations and warranties, writlen or verbal, between the part los horn to B. Govornlng Law: This Aweemenl shall be govBrnod by and construed in accordance v:Hh tne laws ot the province of Canada or the slate of tho United States of America, as applicable, V'.'here tho Cluo Is located. 9. Acknowledgement: Each of tho P!eyer and, If applicable, the Player's parent cr guardian who is a s 1gna:ory to th13 Agreement, ocknow!edges ll;lll tee; has road and understa'lds the contents of lh's Agreement. l &I Child Labor investigal,on WHl WHL OtV2013 in Witness Whor<-<Jf. tho parlles havo oxowtod lt,is Agreement cffocllve as of the dale sci forth above and are in agreement with aiiiE!imS and conditions contained here111: WHL MEMBER CLUB: Everett Sllvertlps Garry Davidson General Manager Address: 2001} Hewitt Ave, Suite 100, Everett, WA Phone No: 425·252-13100 USA 98201 Email: [email protected] Fax No: 425-2.57.0700 r----------------------------------------~------------------------ PLAYER: So~lal lngurance NtJmber · i Home Address: Box 11412, Uoydminster AB T9V 357 Emilii:U'[email protected]~-----~---·-. I Phone No:('lllO) 871-$958 Fax Nc: "J' Note: Ia 1/UJ F'roviaoos of MenRobs. Saskr!tchnwan m,d Albsttc sr.l &'!<? Sto!es cl Woshln;Jiort and O;egon. ·u--pu-·;u·r.--1<Y-pu_en_d_'an_rr_a___ execufillMS Agroamet:J tf. at tim lft!"tt) of exectlfhl< cf lh:s A{;f'i!RmBnf by t.~ P,iayet, lh£l Pfeytr Is vndor :tw uge cf cigNoon (1Bj yows In lhs Provfnoo of Britk;11 Co:'urntJ!s. s pment ot guvrrfie..n must sxYvilfc thfs Agrou.')ll)!}/ if, at tho l!me o! exacul!rm of this Ag;eement /Jy Jilt• I'laysr, (i!(J P/eyor is w;det ,'he. nge ofl)/n&laon (iQ) ye/lfS, PARENT OR GUARDIAN OF PLAYER: ::5 -- Trevor & Darla Lesl's Print ~I}!~-~. Ia e_g~. -=--~~ Guardian Signaturo -Player's Parent or Guardian Address of Player's Parent or Guardian: fiox 11412, Uoydm:ns!er AB T9V 367 Phone No(780) 871-t\956 Emall:[email protected] Fax N:o: APPROVED BY WESTERN HOCKEY LEAGUE: Ron Robison WHL Commissioner AU9USt 24. 2014 DAte of Fxec:J!iu11 ~w~ Slgnalt.we- WHL Commissioner WHL Office Address: 2424 Vn1vorsity Ddw NW. Colgmy, Alburtn, Canada T2N 3Y9 Phone No: (403)693-3030 l8d Child Labor Investigation \IVHl Page 0001351 Fax No: (403)593~'l031 e-mail: [email protected] WHL 08!2013 WESrERN HOCKEY LEAGUE STANDARD PLAYER AGREEMENr ADDENDUM Amending Agreement dated effective August 24, 2014 Between the Everett, hereinafter referred to as the "Club", a membor franchise of the Western Hockoy league, hereinafter roforrod to as the "WKL" , And Jantzen Leslie, hereinafter ruferred to as the "Player". The part!M horoto mutually covenant and agree to the following: 1. St?tement of fr!nclpfa: No!11,ithstanding the provisions of par<Jgroph 7 of the WHL Standard Pla}'Of Agreement, th!s Amending A!)reement is supplemental to and amends the agreement dated August 24, 2014 (lhe "Agreement") between the Club and the Player. The provlslons of the Agreement are conctuslvoly deemed to have b_een amended, modlflod and supplemented by this Amending Agreemant. 2. Construction: This Amending AgrMment and the Agreement shali have effect as far as practlcab!e as though the provisions hereof and !hereof were contained In one instrument 3. Amendments: The Agreement shall be and Is hereby amended, modified and supplemented as follows: ~. Upon signing contract, player w!ll acttvate first yeer of contract and receive a year of educcUon. 2. Upon playing In an exhibition or regular season WHL game In subsequent years, Jantzen leslfe will be entitled to a full year of education scholarship, and shall recalvo a full year of credit towards WHL Scholarship (up to a maximum of five years). 3.1n the event Jantzen Leslie suffers a career ending InJury whl:e part!clpmfng in a sanctioned game, proctlca or ac1Mty with tho Western Hockey league, his arnateur dub, Alberta Hockey Association or Hockey Canada In 2014-2015 or 2015-2016, the player shall be enUUed to a maximum of four years education scholarship. Once Jantzen leslie becomes a roster player of the Everett S!lvertlps, or any other WHL learn, he will be entltled to the career ondlngln)ury benefil as per the WHL Slandarrl Player Agreemenl 4. Jantzen leslfe will oo deemed loollglbls for trade unti1 the completion of the WHL season in his normal hlgh school graduation year. The player will not be traded by the Club w1thout prior, written consent of both fhe player and one of his parents. 5. Player will reoalve gas allot.vance once player has vehicle in Everett. e. Player she:! be entitled to reasonable exJ)<lnses for a qualified tutor and/or summor school classes as required by the Player to assist ln the Cl)mpietlon of his educational endeavours, as per SoG!!on 2.5 of tho AgraemenL 7. Club shall provide !he Player with complete Medical, Dental, and Out of Country Medical Coverages when appllcable, when particlpatlng with the Club. 7. PlayS( wt11 receive t.vo {2} tlckels for his family members for all homo games. 8. In the event that the Player mselected lo partic'ipate With Hockey Canada or like National Governing Assooiatlon,ln therr annual World Junior Championship lJ-18 or U-17 solecllon proccss. the Club agrees to permit the Player ta participate In any practices, games, salaction process or pre - tournament competition in accordance wilh WHL regulations and Agreement with tho governing Associations. 9. Any changes made to the WHL Standard Playtlr Agreement "Terms and Condl:lons Schedule" after the date of lhfs contract. !hal aro considered baneflcfal to tho player, Will bo Incorporated by referonce L&l Cilild Labor Investigation VVHL WriL 1&1:W03 In Witness Whereof, the parties have executed tills Amending Agreement effective as of !he date set for!h above and are In agreement wilh all terms and conditions contained herein; Everett Sllvorlips : Garry Davidson Date of Execution: August 24, 2014 PARENT OR GUARDIAN OP PlAYER :::: <::2~Signature- Player's Patent or G:.~ardian APPROVE~:: tEAGUE Signature • WHL C<:>mmissloner L&ol Child Labor Investigation VVHL P3ge 00085' Date of Execution: August 24, 2014 EXHIBIT 2 L&l Child Labor lnvestigc;t,on INHL https://go.teamsnap.com/team/scheduh TeilrnSn3p :: My Full .Schedule ·o My Fwl Schedule September 2014 t'riday Thuf'Sday Wednesday 4 1:30 f-'N- 3:30PM tverett S!lvertlps Pra""" 10;00-AH • 11:)0 AM 11·00 AH tl"(){)AH fve-rlt Su"vetti;» Prnctict> Prcso.ason - £\<Ctctl Silv~.-rtS&ntfe Prese.l'XII1 - Everett Sitvvtlps ol!t Koott'f13)' ):ffoly '"" ThtJ~rblrdi Jce T.;,y«.eC.mter • t:en."leWt-t 4-:!: W W!w Not~ T<J'f'OUCe-'lf~ • knrtowt-.1: 6·2W E, no AK 1130 P.~ · 3;30 P>i 10 12:30 PM -3:30 PN 12 11 !2;3<) PM • 3:30 P" tverctt StNcrtips tbgh Everttt:Silvertips b~S~NM\tX rve.-«t s.t>.~tips SchOQI SUtrt$ Practice f'r?dl(e Vc.'il\t>~ (~trctt j.juh s,~.w! illhty ltfJ>ty Pntctke X"''Y 12:30 PM~ 13 7:Jsm 7:05 PH Pr~~·EvtY"ctt Sihlert!~ vs.. Seattle $11-psatS<ottle Ihundubrd'> Thu11d1Yb/rd~ :<r~ty4-1W l-f(>h'f5~04·1 P'res.ea.s.on - tve-eu w 3:30PM Fvvr-ett~l"tjps Pra~ xtn<y •• 16 l:lOP'M·4:lOPN t'verett St."vertips Mariner,; vs OJl<Jand A's l:(lO PM-3:00PM Everett $4\-etbp.i: Pr.d:d.icc l:D(l PM 3:00 PH ( verctt Sll>tert!ps rracuoe >;_fnty Cef'lll't.!ll(r ket<\.1~ :t'rt,- L (<:~Mmue\ty to~ Rn~ 19 "' !;OO ?>1· 3;00 PM l:Oo- PM· 3:00 PM E~t1S:'!vtrlfps -Everett f,actkl! X.'\!tyC()mtr..-.tHy l!c!l:.-1~ S~fn:QI'i:-U S~vwtJ"pcs ""'""" :tfnlyC!ltll:n~tyl(..:ltol, l:iJO PM· ):()0 PM Eve.eti Sih-erlips 20 7;0$ PM Pr.xtl<e f.vt:~ef.t Sdverti~ at Seame Thunderbkds Jklly Ccmr'!'"-L<rtty It~ ~ll11:: tUtNS·10 16 27 7:00PM Everctt StivertJps at 1·0W 4:45 PH Everett 51/vudps Tutcr-Jlllth swe!tm CJ.:r.f<!rt'J',!e """" 21 22 2:00 f'r-1 • '\:00 f'M l·JO PH- 3:30 PI'\ fVC~"t..>l:t S\lvert!ps. ,. 23 Ploy<'I!Il'ect BRQ Pract:ce l:JO PM· ~:Ja PM Even!tt Sit><.;,tlp;: &::nV.iog Rodylf<it:rc lynr.lt'O¢d:i:;'!'(('n!<'f (t\j(e"l.)ne; tvere:tt Slr'>'e1.lp-; 1:30 FH • }:30 PN fvc.'"d S1ver'aps >S - 1:30PM-3:30PM 1:30PM· 3:30 Pf1 Flft'rctl Si!..-erl:.tpS Everett S1lvertip-; ly~¥:~C:Cil!er ty<tl'\~ft::e(enr;,- 5;00 PM· 6:00 Pi-1 """"'"' Port:l3nd Wfrlterha:W"KS V:c..oNo~ .'1cdaCCI1t~ florttwil HW Me«ing. f\-erett Sil-.-ertips Pohce Presentation ""'" 28 29 5:00PM. £~9~ Jt Portbnd Wl~rh.lwk:> ~ C~~ (.-4W • Portl:l."''G' 1:00PM· 2:00PM Ne<:llfiO ·Everett S:i~ WHL RU:e.~ PtL~tiltion lo:f.,ty 30 Ll:JO Pf-1· 3:30 P~ tv!Udt Silver'~ P,racticc """ 4.<15 PM fwn!tt Tutuc SiN!!ibp<.. M~th SJ•<M4l'(¢1l~• .... FY.f !I(•<:NI\ ')!7/?fH'-) 1-~7 PM T<~amSnap https://go.tcamsoap com/team/schcdu!e .. My Full Schedule SubsofOOjE.t:port October 1.014 ThunWay Monday Sunday ~ 1·00 Pf'l (""'<:f'Ctt 1:00PM~ 3:00 PH SiM:.ctlps Ell'l':'re!t HlO PH Sl"lvertip~ Practice Practice )J'htr (0<"">111\Jitt)' i::C ~~'~ )(!T..t'r (O!'!'."Jt;nl)' kef<£.. ""'" P...:ti<:< ,,._ X'Jllt Xfnty xmty tverrtt $i!vetips ~rt Post f~ttST.-ertips tvereUSHv~ Practice ""'" X."nty S;t5 PM· 6:15 fl'M 5:15PM· 6:15PM t-vffrltSifverepi fYH practkt' f.Vert!ttS~EYH -~tcs Co'nml~><thr kc Rr.k Vwhlt~ );:f\>t)'Com;;l'.#l\ly I<:CR!Ilk Hill Kalt\!oopsBI..ve-rs- ""'""'" ~s.,,..,.npcer.:f"J" Otnb<~'I'!5-JW 1D:3() PH t-.~S:I"('rt!t'Sf.l;Jt,"l G.ame for Kt1mioop~ 10:00 Pt-1 Everett S!Nertjp$ ,.,,..Hc1e. ~rtrc;tg.;~rw>-fOt '""" [verett 12:3() PM fwreU Silw.Ytlp\ 7:0Sr't-t E'wretl Sh<erlip~ at Spokane 01lds L->t1'nH~~(FtO!e• OmlmJ'T' l. !,5 P-actk:e prndJce f'crlknd Winh-thawk'i &-1 w 4:4$ PH g,.ert~-..C~."O'\"[h(t: v... ,.,.., it 7:00 PH EIIV'I:!tt savcrops at Xfdy %4 X!nty l~tt$1lvertfpo;.vt. Practice l::OOPI>I- 3:00PM vs. Podta.r.d Wlnte>hawts 3<2 on on 1:35PM t2:30 f'M • 3:30 ptt tve~ettS!M>rti~ J?o.cm i3 Kr.IO'I'>~M Ro:la!t.s :tf<'ty S-4 €vcnm~ernps t:UO PM· )-30 P~1 fverettS'Nertfps J2:)0 PM • 3:30PM (V~SlfvertJV; llft(U 12:30 PM • 3:30PM v-s. 10 8 11:30 PH· ):Jn PM E;verett S!Nerttps Practke • 7:01PM 7:35 PN Everett sr..-ert:(X 1:GOPt-t·3{}..'JPt>'! 3:00PM (vcrctt Silveti•ps Practice Pracill:e Dcp<~rtfofT!iGtie Xl'htv(or:t.r:wntytc.i<N ~((!ffintmi'Yk":IUr4!. 6:30PM • 7;30 PM Everett Silv<>:ttips fYH -<1:45 Pi>: Everett SHve'ltlPS H<!th """ """""' Tc<rr PM~ E~9V(";iip, 51.ort~C(.dc-<',:l(f' 7thly (O"nVT\o.UW( k~ RA~ S{x!l:.aneA~ 3-2 1:05PM r-vereu S!!vertlp!.at Trl OtyAmcr\carl$ Oepart Tt;yvl-1 C~.t""" ·f(m<>~rl (Vf.':!l.'tt , .. soc P.:nm Oro'\' lO:OO PH C-vtrett Sit.ertips ~t game fc• 5;:<1\..tr.(l.Af<'n3 10:00 N1 herettS.."'vertip~ {ko.Jrt. p::)rt ga'll'IC rcr 5polqne Toyet3CU.ltr·1(cilfl<':wi::l 19 2:00PM· 6:00 PH $Qd.)l.~t 10 lO:OO AM· 11:30 AM Everett.SWertlpS l! I:<JO PM· 3,00 PM Stlvertip-.; Boort{'t Oub f'rovidC:i\Cel"k!1pital EVl:I'C!tf.S!!vertlp!; Pr.ldJ<e (•ent Vb.J1 Xlt1ty C<Jr.'Jrt'#l) l;e~t'.-1; l:~~~!r.yun.:-. ?ro,i:kJ><<-f~~l't~ 2l ,. 13 7:05PM Everett S.tvertip.<; vs. ~ne01,cfs x<r,r-, $-4l 7·35f'M BSPM E~tS<..V~rtips f.v<Vctt SllVIYtip~ v;;.. Pr-;'lctic(': Y.Jhty lriGtyAm~n..~ f'iolc TllE' RJnk. Even:-lt S1lvertfps V$ Silitttle lhunck-rbmjs ~fr<t•t 4.45 PM \.00 PM· }Jl(l PM (vt'ld:t$~EYH. E~ett E'•'lYttt S~rt!ps, Practice oraatce i:eliirl\ 3·1. w 'llfllty ~-101W 5:15PM· 6:15PM Xfr.tyC<~mrr... ttly as LUO PH" 3:30 f>N Tutor S"'t:rtt.--..,Con:t:::<:'><<: VNYNc1~ ~'YltyCcmm<~r:ty Sn¥eJtlps: 1'1ath t:eRr); fl;<;>;)m ~:15 PN · 6:1$ PM EvcrcttSlhntJ-psEYH pract>:e Vi,.,.l<ot~,; )(>"drCc......-... n{yl::<!'l'l"l 16 27 12:30 rM • 3:30PM Evert.-tt Si!vertfps Pr<Jd.JU! '(/"rtty 2ll 30 l:9 7:{}0 PM 1:/':J:O;,:>H.J<~PM Everett Sl!vt:rtlps Prad!u> Evt>.retfSih'ettlp::.at Ka mklops (H<'.IJ:N s fvcn:tt $t!v;:rti:po; J 2:30PM • l:Jtl PM fvl'..n-ft 9.vt'rtip. Prw= Pratti:::e '""' .lnto-bfS.,..~C«!tH· "'"'' ~.,~ ,(,lmb<:>~<t 1 w J,OOPM tv('f'e:lt SHv'ErtlpS Depart Post F'ractice ror Kamfoops ~~{O """ l nf? 31 !!:00 AM~ 2:00 f'H 4:15f'H lO:OO PM E~t9!\<er"Jpsf",,:HJ1 EW:Yett Sitvertip-: Depart ~ g.lme fer Ta.:tar '""""' f.O<lm $1.-cr1:~"'i(r"h.~Nr: tltuerSht'.g\Ct"flt{'{- IU.:,tu{'1' /;)O!)l'l :'i7 PM TeamSnap ::My Full Schedule Novem!>or 2014 sund:a'f Monday ?;OS F'H fv~r~Sil'.IYt),p$vS Edmcntcn aa Kngs Vhly )-{!'.'/ 2 ):JO PM ·6:30PM Ew-ett Sitvertlps ROO Cross Serntnar Xft"' 3 6 lt:JO PM· 3.3G PM 12.:JOPH-.k:t0P"M 7:05PM Everett S:Ivtrt:ip$ Practlce £veldt Sill'trtip-5 (-verettSilvertJps vs. Pr3cti~ """ ''"" Red Deer Rct>ds )(fwltvG-"3W 12:30 PM • l:JO PM F\lefettSct..-ertips Proctlce Xl'hty 1:30PM Everett ~!vertips !)epart for :Cihtt 6:{)0 PM · 7:00 f'l'l R::!diO Sh«... - (verett 4:45 PN f:vcn:it Si!vc:'ltP,)s N-'th 7;3Li PM fvtrctt SlivcrtJps $:~ps TutOf V3ttt:(HN'C'f G<.31ll$ S).,ertt;r<<:o-r.!~..:.:: "f<'h5-1W Ratho Show <:t•t)rly·~~t<.~ 7.05 Pf'l ViH'KO'JYG t:;'l'nm SrNert!pc, S&X>k1lne Chu:fs xt'n!)- 6-4l v-~. ,;~ ll.~nt 5;00 PM Ewrdt9tw:rtip'> Englishr..t... SL-et~Ctx~ie-tfl<oe "''"m 10 11 n l2:JO PM- 3:30 PH 12:30 1:15PM- 3:3D PH Everett Si:vettiJ)S E~~t>:re!tSitvert.l"' fOJCI'{>tt$!1vt'rtl~ Pl'actk~ tractke '""' )(~\ty ,.,, PM~ 3:30PM Fra<~ $,00 ... 14 7:35 PH E'l'l:'rcttS!~crttps: gJrne Even:!tt ~~tr u i$ flf1.';rett ::;tvertJps Vi Practic<: P~tb:xl \Yintvtoawk<; """' 7.fr<tT 4 3 SOW lvtor S~~C;,11~.:t't<:e iarertP"SC~I'f!tKz1 Sl.!<!otp;C"'~>IJ.'!c 1\~0f!l Ruw" 5:00PM [le.p.art~i 12:JO I'H · 3;30 Pl."'\ 5:00PM fvet(!tt $11vertiD!> Sci!;'nO;!Tl!tO( fverett Sllvettips Sci<Yia!Tt.!.or J0:30 PH !::>tt!!ett $Hvertt;x 7:05PM lfv"l:'.'ct! Sih'<:,'t\ps "'" K<im!oops B!ater" li/T".f)' .Ll S!JW 4:45 ?lot tvefett SiverUps Math 5:00PM (~ettS!:Vetti~ f~Sitvertif."i !r.gli$h Tutor (tloJllshTvtci Stvert\l!C{l~...-of(· 'St.~rtrf'ICocfo:;."rt>-.:,e llco-11 R(-.:>t:l 6:00 PH· 7:00PM Radio Show· [v-efrlt SiiYL'ftips:~Show S[l()rty;;.ll<'oi'/&!JN"o,o 16 18 19 1:00 PH- 3;00 Pt-1 1:00PM· 3;00 PM J2:00 f'M ~rcttS~p-; Everett Sfv.;rt~ps f~ett Qeo.111t f!Jr Porttolld Pru:t.kt! Pt'attice xr,~'f XfutyCum.-1l<..'.,l;y keRll'l: )1nly Ctofl'1.ml.lt\l)' ::t"t ll.rJ. Slrvert..tcs IJW<lrt ttY V~Ct~:»Ja V-.tw 12 11 20 IO:lOAM Evere~ Si~erllp< Wt~ xfn<y 7:os rM [veiell. $ev{>J1.J!X 21 Vt<lOtltl ROtalS $d<.,Unf'OO&.~fl.'i Cer>.!et·V<:to~ 3-I l U:OCAI-\ C....entt 5t,~~rtl;x [.>e{Ortt(}ff\oh('tt ~~i'Cf\h>tld';.!'r;T·<J•N c .... t ... •\"t.botl 5:00PM fvcn:lt SWtrtips .lt 4:4~ E~StNer'dpsHath m.rettS!fvt:tf:i~ 7-cs PM Portl<lndwtnremaw~<s HMw•WCok.tt!m- T<MY ~Tutor 5-t..nttx Con:'tt('.ntl': S<~.;;ttte 'oom ••.lt:iHC1·2SGW rortt::M7·1l PM S:OO PM S"'ntfl'I'CorlkNTc_(: Ooom 5>00H! 5:00PM f:vt'lett $1Nertips; S:iffl~ ~rettSiiVertips Tutor fngl'ish Tt4<X ;i ... ~f"lCUrfr..,.rKI' ~);()':\ <<»m S:OO PH 6·13 PM· 7:30 F'N CvercttSilvettips E'o'trt!ttS\I~I{.l5h'H Coglish Tutor pcoctke 5kert~<cn!I:'Jm<" ~:15 rr-1 7;30 rM Evtrett p~<C I of2 L&l Ct1ild Lilbor Investigation WHL 5-*fttl 01 C.:mtt:Ttr~e. SilvettJ~ EYH fvr..n::tt $n-crt!ps ,lt 'T'h<JOCe-rt!tt:S https://go.te<mlsnap.com/team/schedule TcamSnap ::My Full Schedule Vl"WIIot~ XW¥ C(;mr.Ynty t.:e l'<d ti:OO PH RJ<lio 7:00 f'N Show~ t..erett Silvetlps: Rad~o Show \'I!'W!o!Ct~ Sp;.ny"tRt'o':ll\.91'-t'-" 24 15 1:00PM· :3:00 P'H E""'Crctt Si!.;crtips 11':30 PH· 3:)0 PM PnctiO'! Xfuly (-or:~7H/(l~ k".~ ~.nl< 26 (\1:fett$1l.,1".rtfp.t; 7:05PM fvcrettS!NErtl;Y.; v;. KamiooP'>BI<W't" l-1 \'/ f'rdctke ~July )fnfy 17 29 lS !2:JO PM- 3:30 PH 7:3S PH Eve-rett snverti;os Evett."tt SiNettJps V$. Seattle ThWldetb!rds Pr<Ktire xrnty 3·1l 9:3()AM · tn:JOAM E:'.'Cfctt Sd'Vi:'rtlps-EYH practice V~f{:;~tc"l xtnly C<>i'l'A!u:'lt't teP..i".}, 5!00 PM 1:-45PM ~tSil~rtips fn<fJ>'T<1u< l verett Si111CI'tips Mattt Tutor S~tr'I~Coofi'N'fxe Sf,eft~(O~'lCI! Pradice Roon """"' X.~ty !2:30 PM • 1:45 f'M f1o't!fl!tt Sivertips 5:00PM E'-vercttS<Iverlipo.; Sdel'lreTt.Jtor $f•O"tb4 CtH\IertY-<;c """" S:OO PM Ever~SilvertJps English Tutor Sl.rert~Crm:\'.1'\'J'l.t<.\ (l..(i() PM~ 7:00PM Rf<!lo Show · Ev~ett Silvert!ps RM!io Shaw Sporty'\S<:!d6.fk-ew 30 4oOS PH Evt'f"eUSHv.ett4J$ vs.. Kootenay lee Xl'!rity4,30Tt c!?l?fl 1 ! nf 7 L&l Child Labor Investigation VVHL Page 000258 https://go.teamsnap.com/tearn/schedul( TeamSn3p ::My Fuii.Schcduie My Full Schedule December 2014 Wednesday 4 ~.l:3C PH ·l:Jfi f~1"1 ~"'.t.SII~<tipr. Practtn: tl;)O f"i'l. 3:)0 ~. S..erctt S+.~Jp:s ?r<.lctke ll.!'-..tr l:OS ?f-t 6 S;OO A1'1 f~cttSdvertlpt:>'-"\. Spok<!ne Otefs XTnt'f'l-lW 11;00 N1 S<-S<:- 1:15 PH A.p~rM'l':.e·(~ L•'@fett Sth~tY.i ¥>. Ho$<;ine HMTI()NS .....,""*1 X!hty 5--] I iA;J~(H':>elfeff'nK.l!) 5: IS PM· 6:15 PH 5:00 PH l2Sil PH ["""'15<\etP< ~rttorP.ort!aM ""'" 7:00PM Evf«!"tt S~~ ffii EY~ SL~ps l):)-9 PM • 3diJ PM E~erett pr;~l11C~ t\'(!fett S<Nt:ft!P1- PO<'fund Winlethawi« v~ 1#}1-~ Sd~<:e TutOt' !>1«.,'!\J'> (anfe".......:: .. Pmctlce H<:rn()L'\'!!Co~m· )(/T'.ty RQ:;t:") ¥1'\•ty Pom>nd 5~) S:OO PM .10:\lO FM EV&eti Si!Yert:ps ~rt: post qame for ~;DO rH r~rtt~: Sl:MYtlps fverttt $lvtr~{ps Math T«w t:nl,t!Sil1utor )E.tert~c~nm"'... St.~I~C:~:<·"'«t.t>t>'; P.!!<V.l"" j.;,t-J;n 6:(-Q P"M • 7:.00 F'"H 5o00 PN Rad';o Sh:lw- E~ Sjyertfp:s. ~t '""""'" MX<t Co·· to- l - P<l.~ttv·.:~ (\'t'left $.1Wrrttpi ~ ... ertiP'i R.';d.a She-.'< '"¢"ty'!.&..!:fG.S<-m E"')fim Me< St.-~et(Q.~Y.;: >Mm $;(-{}ffo',·9:WPl" s..·cMI·tw.:"l"'« S'vcrupo; Ar~N O:.~t> f.-..t>~'"lt k;Ht~._ ~,~ - u 10 ll:JO PM· J:..W F/'1 tz·J() FM !2~30 [-vtff!t"S~ E-.~Sdvt:rt"0 fvt'::t;ttS'~Jp:<. ~tcrTriCci"$ P:?t;t-~ ; r;T,tr Y;;:yeH Ct;!>.tt:f ¥~<"'n>d: PM - J:)(l PM ""'"' 1> (v«enSttv~~ Ptlx('~<"!CD~"£ T!\C:ty~P.S "".tv lt.... ty l-l t :r.:•.-.tr 4-2'W 7:05PM £-ve.rt:rt S:!YertJp; at Tn S:lJ\IPH 5:(")fi1 fvl?>-et:Str.'('ftl~ t~rQU.St,'>'\lrt:Pi-M-111\ OtykT'te..::.t~:-1$ Sdetail!t01 1~1>1-lCkl>le: S"'t'!1et /;<)~1\'t'~e • ~-x-.·dr lO ::Hi P.'-1 f~Si~::::rt~ !}ct·-;~rt r.,.,.ctt po:s.t gcme ... fer 7:J5f'K ~'l TulO< S-l.~C<::!'l~~'!' li;.:.Jill 43SIJW t.l 7;QSPN E~ Sivvt:;;rs ll:)O fM •l:JO PM twret Sdve,.~~ Pr-J.d.ke ~ 5:0!1 f'l-1 S:OOPN Eve•tortt s~t-.~bP'i Tutor f~~hTvtor sr.,c~tPi 5t.'ti1C$(eh~t" [.~Sillr~Q"!; ff'ig~~ C<>N'ei'e"<e Ycye!.l::O'l!cr l::o->rc.. ~l< 6:30 P"M • 7:J'J PH Everett Sikwrli~ f'fH ~K~ Vc-nNcrtd. m•t:tft•'¥111'''"'Y k.. 15 12:1(1 FM • )JO PM E'l'ef't.'tl ${/>'!!:rtJX Pr<><t<e x;,t;- 16 ~klt 1] /,JQPM ,,osPH f~S.l't'CftJps: f-.-~S111M'f~vs Depart (vr V>HCQVVtt \ri.!Or\a Roti!IS J{f'tt xrl-.ty'J~SOW 1S 20 7:1lli PH f~S:'vo-tipsa-t \',a,!"KX1~G!Ji1'1tt;: ~{1\ty 2 Jl lQ:OOP:i r~s~ps Di.""?<lrt !XYrt q~:nc ~0[ fvenz!t xrrt 1 24 I nf? ,. 2> 4:JC i'H 6:30 PH 1:05 f-M f~~SlN'P.itp<. E"'Cfctt. Sl:ve-tps "-"S. P1~ctxl" ,:(-"f",t)' V.o f"lO:<.I\It!f X!"nlJ Gants HlOTW !JIJ20i5 L&l Cl1ild Labor lnvcstil)ation WHL Page 57PM https://go.teamsnap.com.fteam/schedu!e TeamSnap ::My Full Scheduk 29 28 J0:3~ AN [Vtil!tl$1lV~pj ~!~;-'fTrlO&_s 'fill~ 1 -oO PH· ):4~ PM E....et~t Sttv-ertlps i>rt.KU:::e ,,...., 30 Ji 3:30PM Everett Sl~~iti,t."i. Ot_'flJft for Sf.'.Jttie 11:GOAH EvtntiSllvcrtip-;: DqJart fOt Cak)art )(frtty \"~N,rct. Su!O.'I'.al\ ~~ct~&. /j))PM fvcrdt St.c;tlp-s {ItTri b·cr~tlSiJ'fl'Jtips<lt (.rty~~M- SeJtt!c llu.mdcrtWds H~ld'Si-0 s. . t\."'- C.. LJ;wyW~t 5:05 t'M 43l J·ll lO:OO Pl1 8:00PM (v-er-ett S·~'o't'ftips ~It D0St<Pf"11C for (..,'et"L"tt.S·h,ertJps Oe-p;~rt Port C't.ame f(Jt f...Jttroops t~~ V~J.<>Ie<; :-;rnty ttvtd5-1G ······-·············-·--··-··· ······-······· ·-·····-··········· 212120 l 5 l: 57 PM ~-8·1 C!1ild L http,://go.teamsnap.com/team/schedul< TeamS nap:: My Full Schedule January 2015 Sunday WedneP-day friday Thursday );30 PM 7:0~PM t\.<E.r£tt$11vertlps Everett Silvettps ct Depart fOr f'A ll:OO I'M E~!il\'ertip'i Dcwrt tor S,5-katoon "'""'"""' Bl2des S;n;tl't!A."e<l.:dT·2W i:OOFM .Everett Sii'O'Crtps at ?riner Aih!':tl, R:J;()!'!f'S M ti.e-<.&1 J'rlljl~ 2 ·0 W HtOOrM (W.retfSilv~ l:k:fJ<!tf 1m S.!l.s.knloon $'<1.\ TdA"'A) 4 ll.:OC AM t4.'CJ"rlt SiNertlps Travef to 5rtr.don 5 B lC:JJOMi 7:00PM 7:00P/"l b~ tvereti.SU'f'€1U~at ['I€T<!tt SH~tti~ 8ra00on Wheat Klngs 5-0 W Regina Pats &.!'ldtCo:<t•.: 3·1l f'nct't"<:. Kn:.ton~ Cffltr.:' !{eyst'Jrte (e;x,~ <!: 10 U:OOAM 4.00 PI"\ 7:00FM Evereti.S!vertips Practice Eve1ett Slvettlp£ Dep.:Jrt forM(')C}Sl!JaW Everett SheJtip-; .-.t SrM::itC&t:* ik.l'nd:C&~tl<! Crt<.ltl!nl:lr~;~J·lW 7:00 P!i t(l:OOPM Ev&eU SilveJtjps DcpJ.rt for ROJ~ 10:00 I'M E:verctt:Sitvert.ipiat E~Sllveittps.Port M~J~~W.trriOt"s &me()ep,:JrttOf H:>ut Pb::e: 6--2 Cr:uldtCtr'be SMn:~tf:I"'OflCOS W Evetetl '"'" !0:0\) PM [ve'.n;tt Si!\l~rtips ~[Xlrt ~st gJH~ fer SwiQ Currl'nt 'o"cwNot~ f.-~trtx..: " u 1~ 15 14 1230 PH· ;;.30 Pr1 9.00 AM (v~ttS.:~~rt:Jpt ~ran~· P~ct:~ Y.inty Sit-.. ~Sdloot 12;30 9:00AM Everett Appei!ral\l~ - Evere-tt Si~rl_iJx$(_1'\iXlf Prad:ke Assembly Aswnbty ttwrtyf\o.net~'WyX~w¢: t-lat$IJ.JJ(i>m£'ll!IW(Sctl<Xll """ 12·30 PH· 3:30 PN Eve:cttSJI'ttftlJl$ Practic~ X"ni-t Everett:Sitve:r15p.; Tlt(r SN«tprCO'I'I~t S.~R.ldklShow SPQ<tyle.e.:t'I!.IJ~ 7:3~ PM t'i~rett Si:VCJtlps \'5, SpolulnE Chlefs ;<..fnty 5-JW J:{)S?M E\'efm S~;tS \'S. ~ttte Thun~ifds: xr~,tr &.OW S:CGPM [W;':l'ett S<lvertips Engf;sh Tutor ~etf!$(~(' ',;(H) PM (lt! .... ~~.l:-\5 ''-'!i Appe.!r.tPC~ • (~erttt Silvc:tips Irl'la',;irn~r'drt'l'i·s 6:00PM· 7:00 .PM R<ldb ShOw • f"~re'J 3:30 f'M RooM """ 4:00 rt-t 5:(1011,\1 fngfi.~ 11:.30 PM • :no >'N Eve.rettSitver'jP'i Practice 17 16 PM~ [1'6'ett S(t.r~ps Husevm v.stt kaog~(.hUrC'f\\ JoJ.u<oe..m 5:00PM h'4Ut!O: Sl!YertJOS ~Toter Sl.r<e<~(Qnl'l:>e<ll:c 5:00 PN Evc<ctt St.rerttps Mnth Mer S"'t•tp.. Cn<>~,.,.lV' Room 18 19 MOAM 10:00 AH tvCiett s.tveroos r·..-crmSl!o-crtiD:$ ~f:JfPrl:xe Pr«:..t« Georce 20 22 21 21 ,. 7:00PM (t·crett Sil'fertipsat Prino:.:GCOf'l}f!C.c.ugars 7.00f'H q_oo A,"-t 7:05 PH 1:05PM tverett Si!vtrtJD:i M f:'o'tfctt SilYettfDS [Yt!rctt !i!Vt~tlps .1t (•l!tl:ttSI:VcrtJ~~t (H(.m!rt·fC(J-.1 W CNCe.t~·c. flinc:e(~e(OOJ3r5 f>C+lW .......... hcf~':l Xfllty 10:00 Oe~rt ftX Kdown.J ~<rt9t,a?-~r.- tu--l;rmv Kr!owna Rack11:i. KdowoaRrorts f'F<l'/.~~M)<;'" Ptt~'pe~;:P<M;~ !l·H 9·3l ·l'.l:bnw:: P.~1 [-.~ stvl."itl;Y> f\m r,.une Depart t:x HJ:OOfM EWYert Si~MtlP5 Post 2!2/2015 1:57PM l r.f7 L &I Child l8hor lnvosii:vtrocc OOOB>i~r https://go.!eamsnap.com/team/schedule TcamSnap :: My Full Schedule r.ekM.na 15 26 2l Vc.<NQ.{e Glme Oi'pan.for Everett OiCer''£,:1 K. rnHpcfll 1'4:<:< :lE 19 31) ·Krtl"'~'-l 31 !],)\)PM· ):)0 PH 12:30 PH 3:)0 PM (~rett$\lyt_'ftips Everett $iNert1ps Practk.e Xfr.ty Pracrlce Xi\1ty S:OO PM [verclt Sllvl.--rti~ S:OO PH lvcrcltSiftttt!p..; fll!J!&h1utor £~~ Sil'ICJ1ip~ at Portland '.1\lntNhlw\." 5L<«WJCo'lh.rwt:<: ~<liC~t~·P~:rtl<<'d 4 5:00 p~~ E-/Cn.'ttS.~tt::p-: Sci<:~Tta.ot SWertP~COI>~rff.CI:' 11:30 PM· 3:30PM DSN1 D·JO PH E~S!Ytrtips £verett: Silvettip:; v<>. t..e.cett S.tvc,tips PraCtice Pratt~ M<ty ):fotr ~I!OOUV(tGI<I:'It'> l;J'r\ty] 4 1W !2:)() PM· JJO Pf.l ('\le.rt!ttSilvertiP"> .5d.2n~ Tllnr S"'o:-nP<-;Con/tllY("' DcPJrt fer PortbM '""" 7:00PM Roo::'! 10;00 Pf-\ 5:00 PH fverctt SihfcrtJD$ Math 5:00 VM t::verett Sllvertpoi 1'-tJth Tt..tor Tul.cot - S,.,ert'i=" Cor!>:'.0:'1Ke Sf<~ri't"'\CcrN:f....-·H: Roor., Roo"!", E¥~tt Stvertps Po.\t Wme Dep.Jrt fcr Everett /"bd..o(~·"'b"' · "ot'llnti 5:00PM £ve:rett~ Eng!lshTutor '»-C"rt~(C~e!><<: ~ocm 6:00PM· l:O!HM R.adiO Show· Everett Sitve:rtips R3d.'lJ Sho'N ~po.rt'f'!~AHf>:'rl 7 nf? 2J7./20 J L ·"'i Child Labor lnvestig2tion WHL Page OC08S~ J 57 PY1 https://go. tea msnap.com/tcam/ schcdu k TeamSnap :: My Full Schedule My Full Schedule February 2015 Sunday 2 ll:<J(l AH ~ .2':00 Pf.l E-verett.Sifvertil>S Practfce 3 7:05 ?~1 Everett SUY6'tips at Spokloe Oliefs xfntt Sf>ouncoA~ 3:00PM Hi:OOPH Evemt s;,m<" Post Game Ot.!P<1rtror Everett Si!vertips. o.p.,rttoc~ne Vl:::"'""·;u~ ""'" 12:30 PM· J:JO PM 12:10 PM • .l:JO PH Sttvertips. E~ttSifvertip> ('o'erett Pc.lctlre Practice ""'' """ 7:35 PH Everett Si('..."!rfip'> vs. Tri Oty AmtYicans '>hty !l:30FH Everett S!tvt'rtips Dep..\rt for Tri Obe; """ 7:05PM Evert:.t SliV'erUDS a! Tr1 ClryA.metl(,ans Tt~'J'CU!Ctl'llff-!.et!{"P'>'vtk '"""' S~·.t~ !O.iJO Pf-1 Evcrrtt $!/YertJPS Post Game Oepa;tfor rvorett Tc~ota Ccr~tef a 9 4:l't5 N1 bcrctt.S<h'ertlpsv5, 12.:30 PM • 3:30PM bteteit S:fvertip<;: 7:05PM i2;J.O PM· 3:30 Evereti:SiV('rtl~ f...erett l:verett Silverl>p; Cv.erclt P~oo p,actir:~ f•ractk(' TtlotyAil1erk...aiiS Pr.:Ktlet! J(llilly """ l.rh~~ V;mt.tlUY't'.J xftHy \'/inh!lh,'l""i\5 Xft:ty '""' 10 1:15 12 11 PH~ 3:15 P.'1 Sll~ie..1lp$Vii ?:JS Pl-i !(o::n"<:'\"it.\ '" 7:05 PH Everett SiWettiP<:. vs. Se.rttle ThuiK!t>rt.>ild't ;>,ft;t'; 6:00 Pf.i w 7:00PM R3dio Show- Everett Sii·J'I!ttips Radle! Show SPlHTt'GA.-tr/8.8...- iS 16 17 11:30 PM- 3:30 f'M 9:00AM c~~S!Jvertfps ('t'etitt.Sil~!tips Appeai"Cl'lCe ,.., ""'"""' lO 16 lDOPM·3:JOI'f1 ~ [vt!re.tt l23J PM· )·.JO PM Evt:rctt S!vertips PraCike >fnry 20 7:35PN f.'l.ett~ll S·hl'rtips vs.. 11 4:00 Fr-1 flll!:rctt S!Nettip:s Ot-p..'lrt for $e,Jttlc Practice Silvt.dips School X'i'!ly ~sembly ~od~ 6:00PM ·7:00PM Ratto Show- E'l"eerlt $i1v.ertlps R.a&o Show S<l>ool /:OS ?N 1?:30 PM- J:JO Pl'l searue Thun&">fbln::'<; Spo<ty'~lkdi.St·~ rn (A:y AmetXllns ""'' Xrht,. fve.lt'tt S•IV"t'>1:1P'S at f:'Wr£tt$r.\I'Ml~ Practice """ 10.00 PH (verctt S!i~p!> P¢51. D-f>n,:1rt fa: GJI'fl(' fvetett !.t;oW;o,~;: 22 13 i:05 PH (~SlNettfpi'ofS.. 24 I 1;1}0 AH • 1:00PM Everett Silvl.:rt!~ 25 >6 7:0$ PM J2:J.O PM· 3:30 FH !:Vl."rettSU~rtJP';.Jt Ev'CfcitSilvert:l~:. leth!nfdQC Hurrtca!'leS PractKe Spoli:ane Ollef~ Practlo: """ """ S~A.~" """ 27 l1l 8:00AM- 8:00 AH P"drent5. - Evere:>~ Si~>~crtfps PJtt;,ts 800AM W.W..d """ P1'l Xfi<ty f~ttS!tve-rtipS P.sn:rtt:sW~r.d 300 PM E.,.,.., S<lv<rllo< 10;00 P>1 fveret!SIIY<rt!ps Pes< OcptH\ for Spolt.J!'le Q!me De0<1rtfor 7:15PM LV€il?tt StlvertJps vs. PrHl<i! George OAJQ¥5 V"CWfiOtd l'vCI<tt ca)QarytHt~ l(fr,ty ~IM:'!An'n.il Xff',ly '""' 7:05 ~ St.'vetps vs 10:00 PH lverdtSt!'"ertl~ ParenVPiaye-f!!'tlet PhOtOS '"'" ?./)110 l :1 I I nf I L&l Child Labor lnvcst!gation WHL Page 000862 PM https://go,teJmsnap.corn/team/scheduk TenmSnap :: 1\·!y Full Schedule Mart:h 2015 Sunday Thursday Friday 4 !l::l<l PM· J:JO PM Everett SL'verttps Pr2lrtice ,,,,., 7:05PM f\.~S!tv&tlpsv$ J<cto·~~na Xrl'.ty Ro:kets 1:JOPM·.1:30PN Elo'ffl"H SiivertiP'> l:3.'J PM- 330 PH fverctt $iio/Cflips ?ract:k~ !2,30?;1 EverettSihtertips {.00 Pt-1 ~p.<~rttorTriCttk.'>S ly'Y."'Cl<'::db!(l'fl!"" "''" •"lv 1:05 P'M hc1'ctt S::vcrttp'S .a. I Tn 7:()5 PM CityAme'ricam Vanrouver Giant!; Tg.yo.u.Cc:ot.e< ·IV:il....,....kl< P~-.;tt: 10 11 1:3-0H'I-3:30PN E'IE'J"ett Sllvert.Jp5 u s. ivMJ ps .:!t 1:-vcrctt Cot;;"'un JO:UO PM 10:()0PM Ev-erett 1:30PM· BO PH l""""'- S!vMlJ" f""lletett $o:Ver'"jps Dep:lrt for V~r.:::(;IJI.·er StvMJ~ Pvs1 E'lerett Sltv"t"ttlp!; ccme (Of Game f)e(lart fot' ~rt Everett fri>fe::.t ftlyl)t.o(>Y>t<Y-~"~"1:" v~mc-ot;~.,.. post 14 13 1:0'5 PM 7:05PM 12:30 PH - 3:10 PM !::~e:tt$1Nert!ps ?r.KtJC\! Depart for Seattle Everett S:vertlp-s v.;. ~«Je Thund..•tt:>lrt1$ xfrttr "fhty )({pi)' mcnce Pt;u:tia! &ctctl S~Vt:rl.JD$ \'). M-tJrld W!nt~.:rhawls ly:r.~t:~Cen!er l~nn...e-:x:s ~~ Cn~tw '1.'\::ty 3:30 '" C~St~ertips J:lSPN 5:-00 PH • 7:00 Pi1 R$db Show • Evcre:..t Stlverl!ps ~dio Sl1ow fve:i'Ctt Sfvcrtt:J$ <3t ~..Mtfe Thundcrb>:rds S.t<OW.Ke S~«Jrty~ Sttfli "'""" 10.00 PM Everett Silvertfps P.,;'>t Gal'l"le Depart for ""'"'" 15 1:00PN 16 l2:JO PH· 3:30PM 17 19 ILJO PM· J_JO PM €'1\.>ul:US:lvl;!rt:it}'> ,, 10 18 U:JO PN- 3:JU Ht .12:30 PM -3:30PM Ew.rf!tt Sitvert!po; 8.00 AH 7:30M1 £veMt smrt;Js S<:x:MI·f""""' h~ttS<lvertlfJ) S<M!-I!OOStlYOuO Event Pr.lctl<e Practice Pr.Jctre Pt-.1CtL£ Depart fct Vic:totia Oepzrt far Eveett ""'" '"'lv """ l'fhi'y """ C"~tr·Vl:::t<:>~ '"" 6;00 PM · 7;00 fl'J R.ai1!0Sh<lw-~ Fvcrctt Silv~Jps Everett Sitvcrops $<'1..-o:Onfo<><.h~-1.•\ 7:Q~PM (vw,:tt Sllv'ertip~ at S:tvertips Radio ~~ Vktott:l RoyA!o; ~P"'"Y.lf~t.tl.~' S#eC11 ~l'<U MNT•;;lt\\! f.,,,.,....wt"'~' ]_;)'J PM Ev~Slf'o'\'rt::D~'f'>. V'iCtor~R.o·fJ:s 'rlt>h" 10.00.?1'1 hcrctt s.:-..ertlv> Pun GJITICO~p..'l1 !or Spt;k;me Xfl,ly 22 2• 11 5;(); PM E't'ereft Si!Ve~tip'i at SIX,tkiJneOl.lef;; Radio Show • Fwrert S4'tctt!ps RadiO 5:\(Jo'< 5pG~~ $t)Jrty',8o_'d'fiB.<"ot 6:00PM 28 1.0::1 PM 8:00PM fverctt s:..·C"trps Pest ~mcOcp..Jrtfor fven.'tt ~i:::m<:AtdU 29 30 31 6:00 P>l • 7:00PM R.ldio $h():.,.. • f:v€f~f:t :9.!·t~ttfps. AJ<I~ 9lOr• Sj_>(!<ty"if><rlfi.O<t><o 2 of2 2//J'lOI L8cl Cl1ild Labor lnvestigat!on WHL !57 PM EXHIBIT 3 LC,l Chf!rl Labor !nvcstig2tion VVHL Page 000865 :1:0 l3 NATIONAL (For All NCAA FOOTBALL ATTENDANCE ~ten's Varsity Teams) Total Games or 2013 Change Change Teams Sessions Atlendance Average In Total In Avg. Home Attendance. Division 1-FBS 123 782 35.340.049 45.192 1,028,023 222 FBS Neutral-Site AHendance 1.080,452 -90,366 60,025 4,272 18 FBS Bowl Game Attendance 1,714,617 48.989 -8,216 35 -235 ;'38,135,118 123 *835 45,671 NCAA DIVISION I-FBS TOTALS 964,883 230 Home Attendance. Division I-ITS 124 709 8.1 !2 220,491 5,751,672 -463 FCS Neutral-Site Attendance 16 467,266 29.204 52,586 -416 FCS Championship Game I 19.802 19.802 -1.609 -!.609 *124 *726 NCAA DIVISION 1-FCS TOTALS 6,238,740 8,593 271,468 -448 NCAA DIVISION I TOTALS 247 1,561 44,373,858 28,427 1,236,351 -760 Home Attendance. NCAA Division II 162 858 2,814.697 3,281 -38,191 -157 Division lJ Neutral-Site Attendance 19 !64.370 8.651 18,488 2.308 Division ll Championship Game I 6,543 6.543 -984 -984 *162 3,400 NCAA DIVISION II TOTALS 2,985,610 -20,687 -120 ''878 Home Attendance. NCAA Division lil 242 !.224 2,454.23 I ! 05,029 2.005 57 Division Ill Neutral-Site Attendance 5,708 1,903 -829 -276 -' Division Ill Championship Game 5371 5,371 -656 -656 *242 NCAA DIVISION III TOTALS *2,465,231 2,008 103,544 * 1,228 56 Home Attendance. Reclassifying Teams 13,723 6 34 466.576 13,520 -3,057 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... .. .... ___ .., __ NATIONAL TOTALS FOR 2013 *657 *3,701 *50,291,275 13,589 1,332,728 -129 . -- - '"Record. Cl!AMP!ONSHIP TOURNAMENTS: The total attendance for the Division I FCS Tournament was 184.279 for an 8.012 average over 23 games, the Division ll Tournament was 76,87 I for a 3,342 average over 23 games and the Division Ill Tournament \\'as 64.781 for a 2,090 average over 31 games. t &I Chi!d Labor !nvest1gatioP Vl./t lL DANCE TEAM LEADERS 13 NCAA DIVISION I Hank I. G Attendance A.vcrage School \;lichignn Ohio St. Alabama 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 '!. 10 II. 12. 13. l.J. IS. Texas 7 7BI.IH 7 7 7.H528 710538 593.!\57 6 7 Penn St. Tennessee (ieorgi8 676.112 7 LSU 6 7 Nebraska 8 Florida 6 8 8 TexasA&il·f Auburn Oklahoma South Carolina Ckmson 669.087 556.4 76 639.927 727.4(!(> 524.(!38 (>97.003 685.252 508.334 6 576)~05 7 7 574.333 111592 I 0-1.933 101.505 H:ank 16. 17. 18. 19. School G Attendance Average Notre Dam~ Wisconsin Florida St. 6 7 7 Southern CalitlJmia 7 Michigan St. 7 98.976 96.587 95.58.J 92.7.J(, 20. 21. UCLA 2?. \V ashingwn 91.418 2}. Iowa 90,933 87.440 X7.125 85.657 24. Virginia Tech rvtissouri Arizona St. Arkansas 84.722 82,401 82.0-18 25. 2(>. 27. 28. 29. 30. 48-1.770 552.378 527.947 80.795 7S.9ll 75.42! 511.885 73.126 6 506.294 421.711 7 481.384 72.328 70,285 68.769 7 () 469,872 383,993 444.532 501.509 431.!7.J 367.349 416303 415.750 7 8 7 BYU 6 Kentucky Olt:Miss 7 7 67,125 63.999 63505 62.689 61.5'16 6!.225 59.472 59.393 2013 NCAA DIVISION I FCS ATTENDANCE TEAM LEADERS Ranh I. School Appalachian St. l !\·loman a ~. Southern il. Yale lvlontana St. North Dakota St. James Madison 5. (), 7. 8. 9. 10. ! I. 12. 13 1·1 15. Dclall'ar.: Jackson St. Jacksom·ille St. Charlotte Liherty Ga. Southern Alabama St. N.C;\&T G ..\ttend:wce "''<•rage 6 149.366 24,S94 24.3lW 7 170.660 7 147J)7(> 21.0 II 100.536 20.107 5 99.()-\5 6 118,222 9 167.600 7 4 7 126.754 69.143 110.()\)5 6 7 6 105.215 88.968 (1 86.321 6 81.-143 93.24~ 19.809 19.704 18.622 18.108 Rani< 16. J IK J'). 20. 21. 12. 23. School Youngstown St. Citadel UNI McNeese St. llaf\'ard l'cnn South Carolina St. Tennessee St. G Attendance A\'eragl' 7 (, 6 7 5 5 6 17.286 ].). Floridn A&tv1 5 15.814 25. 26. 27. 2X. 29. South Da~ola Sl. lllinoi;;St. ChaltanO{Jga William & 1\lary (J 15.5~ I 15.031 14.828 14.387 13.574 ]{)_ AlabnmaA&M Stephen F. Aw,tin s 9.J.539 78.932 75.431 84.506 60,334 59.680 71.279 57.309 55.848 64.162 50.6'J4 6 6 59.534 5 .J8.555 s 58.346 48.41 8 2013 DIVISION I FOOTBALL ALL GAMES ATTENDANCE (HOME, ROAD, NEUTRAL) School Auburn Ohiu St. G 14 A ttcndann• 1.204.185 1·1 lvlichigan t\lahama I3 13 1.191A36 1.1 7·1.360 Nebraska 13 I .096.097 6. 7. LSLI (Jcorgia I3 ~. Tc.-;as A&IVI Rank I. :2. 3. ·L 5. 1.15(>.256 9. I 0. II. I 2. Tennessee 13 12 I .084.293 1Jl71.401 I .05R.585 1.039. 732 h'\US 13 1.026.7-14 Penn St. South Carolina 12 1.011.515 I :1. I.J. Florida St. Mkhigan SL 13 1-l 1-l 15. Florida 12 1.002.947 1.00 1.07.J 994,069 992.332 13 L&! Cl1ild Labor lnvostrga!ion '!\filL Hank 16. 17. I 8. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. n 25. 2(>, 27. 28. 29. 10. School G 13 Oklahoma Wisconsin l3 Notre Dnme 13 Clemson 13 iv!issouri 14 Southern Calil'ornia 14 IO\m 13 l'CLA 13 Ole Miss 13 ;\rkansas 12 Arizona St. 1\·lississippi St. Washington Stanfi:lrd Okbhomu St. I ·1 I3 13 !4 Attendance 955.045 951.252 935.797 932.224 888,089 869AR6 866.912 85U64 R53.137 825.519 807.754 785.218 785.198 783.026 779.950 13.506 !3.155 12.572 12.072 12.067 11.936 1!.880 ) 1.4(>2 I 1.170 I ONJ.J 10,139 9.922 9.724 9.711 \l.684 2013 DIVISION I FBS LARGEST AVERAGE ATTENDANCE INCREASE FROM PREVIOUS YEAR 20!3 Rank I. School Washington 2. Kcntuck) 3. Bufhlo Akron Pinsburgh ,1_ 5. 6. 7. S. 9. I 0. I I. 12. 13. 14. I 5. llCF Stanford Miami (FL) Fresno St. ;\ rizona St. Tennessee San .lose St. Nebraska Pttrduc Maryland c 7 7 6 6 7 6 7 7 7 8 7 6 8 7 7 ,.\\·g. 68.769 59A72 22.736 17.850 49.7~ l 42.084 50.726 53.837 36.917 62.689 95.584 16.362 90.933 48.953 .j 1.278 2012 Avg. 58.617 -19.691 13.242 9.275 41.494 3-1.608 43.H3 47.719 30.915 56.835 89.965 10.789 85.517 43.588 36.023 Change iu Avg. 10.153 9.781 9.495 8.575 8.247 7.477 7.383 6.118 6.002 5.85~ 5.619 5.574 5.417 5.365 5.256 c Rank School Georgia Tc,-:h 16. Baylor 17. 18. iv1cmphis Not1hwcstcrn 19. Navy 20. Utah St. 2!. !.a.-Lafayette 22. 23. Auburn Louis, ilk 24. Western f\!ich. 25. 26. Cincinnati 27. Kansas St. 28. Oklahoma SL South Carolina 29. San Diego S<. 30. l 7 7 5 6 s 8 7 5 6 8 7 20!3 Avg. ~9.077 -l5.9.Jll 28.53 7 39.307 35.588 23.263 25.976 85.657 52.91.J 17.3.J7 31.771 52.887 59.126 P,2.40! 33.224 2012 Avg. .J3.955 41.194 24.371 35.697 32.363 20.054 22.865 82.6.J6 49.991 14.579 29.138 50.278 56.557 80.00 I 30.87'! 2013 NCAA DIVISION H FOOTBALL ATTENDANCE TEAM LEADERS Rank I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. !0. 1!. 12. 13. !-I. !5. 16. School G Attendance Average Tuskegee 3 4-1.861 14.954 9 91.(145 10.116 Grand Valley SL Pittsburg St. 50.152 I 0.030 North Ala. 6 59.450 9.908 Morehouse 3 29.193 9.731 Tex. i\&M-Kingsl'ille5 4l\Jl69 9.614 Central Mo. 5 45.284 9.057 West Tex. A&M 5 ·13.83-l 8.767 Fort Valley St. .' 24.732 8.244 Miks 3 22.123 7.37.J .J 29.371 Albany St. (GA) 7.343 Midwestern St. 5 36.311 7.262 Kentucky St. 5 35.654 7.131 Saginaw Valley 5 35.135 7.027 Slippery Rock 5 H•lll 6.882 Colorudo St.-l'u.:blo (, 38.402 6.400 Rank 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. School North\\·cst lvlo. St. Benedict Emporia St Shippensburg ') Winston·S~km Angelo St. Ddta St. Mo. Wl'Stcrn St. Tarleton St. Shepherd Faye1te1 ilk ;;r. Shaw 1\lo. Southern St. Washburn Elizabeth City St. l.enoir-Rhyn,· .j 6 ·I ,~ 5 6 '! Attendance Average )cl,7}5 6.082 18.2-13 6.081 30.045 6.00') l9.496 5.899 3 5.329 5.883 28.637 5.717 21.471 5.368 } 1.376 5.229 2!l.X02 5.201 3·l.919 -+.98R ~4.61 X -!.964 19.673 4.91S ·1.871 2·L355 28.795 U99 23.993 "-799 4.743 42.6BS 2013 NCAA DIVISION HI FOOTBALL ATTENDANCE TEAM LEADERS Rank I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. 12. 13, 14. 15. School G Attendance Average Saint John's (i\1?') 5 36.822 7.364 Geneva 5 26.788 5.358 Wis.-Whitcwater 9 ~5.571 5.063 Bethel (MN) 8 38.054 4.757 23.3t)9 Chris. Newport 5 4.680 Baldwin Wa !lac.: 5 22.870 4.574 Emory & I knry 5 22.737 -1.547 Concordia-tvl'hcaJ 5 22.135 4.427 .j.J 19 Wabash 6 25.913 25.1X2 6 McDaniel ·1.197 41.563 Mary llanlin-BayloriiJ -1,156 Mississippi CoL 6 24.166 4.01S St. Thomas (l'v1N) 3.965 19.825 3.896 Trinity (CTJ 4 15.584 Trine 5 19.<142 3.888 L&l Child Labor Investigation Page Ran!; !6. 17. 18. 19. ~0. 21. 22. 23. 2--1. 25. 2(,, 27 2g 29. 30 School Wesleyan \C I) Coe Hampden-S; dnc; Louisiana CoL \\'is.-Piattc,·ilk Franklin Se\\anee Mount Union Gro,eCity G Attcndnncc Average -l I ~.898 :>. 725 18.568 3.714 22.()68 3.67X 3,6(,5 18.327 3.505 17.525 20.925 3Atl8 17.140 3.42S 3.389 10 33JN3 3.360 16.SOO \VhetHon (IL) 1('.'156 3.2<Jl South\\e:;tc:rn (TX l 16.4..\5 3.289 3.277 .L251 lth~lC::l I<J.i\60 Dubuque 16.255 Rowan Berry Change in Avg. 5.123 4.754 4.166 3.610 3.225 3.209 :Uti 3.011 2.923 2.767 2.633 2.609 2.569 2.-100 2.345 2013 NCAA DIVISION I FBS CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE Rank !. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. l)ivision I FBS Southeastern # Big Ten Big 12 Pac-12 Atlantic Coast# American# Mountain West# Conference USA# Sun Belt# Mid-American # Independents # Total Teams !4 12 10 12 14 10 12 13 7 13 6 Games 100 87 66 80 97 65 75 7" ·' 38 74 34 2013 Attendance **7.567.406 *6, 127,526 3.887.362 *4.289.553 *4.848,265 2,191,285 1,955,995 1,570,248 754,659 1,238,660 1.385,905 Average 75,674 70.431 58.899 53.619 49.982 33,712 26.080 21,510 19.859 16,739 40,762 Change In Avg. 136 391 -105 -59 72 192 -4,128 93 1,213 -10.862 **All conferences record. *Conference record. # Diflcrcnl alignment than in prior year. 2013 NCAA DIVISION I FCS CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE Total Rank L 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Division I FCS Teams Southwestern Athletic 10 Southern 9 lO Missouri Valley Football Colonial II lvy 8 Big Sky 13 Mid-Eastern Athletic I! Southland 8 Ohio Valley 9 Big South# 6 Patriot League 7 Pioneer FB League # 12 Northeast# 7 Independent# 3 Games 55 51 62 64 41 81 59 52 51 37 40 71 40 14 2013 Attendance 682,841 592,778 *664,775 665,260 384,652 *724,864 498,811 435,510 422,374 262,929 226.602 *291,930 90,539 119,454 Average 12,415 11.623 10.722 I 0,395 9,382 8,949 8,454 8.375 8,282 7,106 5,665 4,112 2.263 8.532 Change ln Avg. -682 -1.179 ·342 ·I. 760 917 -903 -808 -533 -393 330 242 1.050 -352 *Conference record. # Difterent alignment than in prior year. 2013 NCAA DIVISION II FOOTBALL CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE Rank l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Total Division II Teams Lone Star# 7 Gulf South# 6 Southern Intercollegiate# II Mid-America # 14 Great American 9 Central Intercollegiate 12 Great Lakes lntcrcol. # 15 South Atlantic 8 Pennsylvania# 16 L&l Child Labor Investigation VVHL Games 34 34 50 80 49 57 82 47 89 2013 Attendance 224,378 183,549 265,408 3 76,806 182,809 !94,062 26L520 148.558 260.009 Average 6,599 5,399 5.308 4,710 3.731 3.405 3.189 3.161 2.921 Change In Avg. 523 369 -2.12] -57 -II 0 -95 64 193 -90 Rank 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. nivision H Great Northwest Northern Sun Rocky Mountain# Great Lakes Valley# Mountain East# Northeast-10 # Independents # Total Teams 5 16 10 8 10 10 5 Change 2013 Games 26 90 52 47 52 53 25 Attendance 71,783 208.200 117,301 91.786 100,149 98,214 70,444 Average 2J61 2.313 2.256 1.953 1.926 1.853 2.818 In Avg. -17 -248 -487 -192 -79 562 #Different alignment than in prior year. 2013 NCAA DIVISION Ill FOOTBALL CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE Rank l. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. ll. !2. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Division IH Total Teams Minnesota Intercollegiate 9 American Southwest ff 7 Wisconsin Intercollegiate 8 Old Dominion Athletic 8 Iowa Intercollegiate 8 Ohio Athletic 10 Southern Collegiate Athl. # 4 10 Centennial 10 North Coast Presidents' Athletic 9 Illinois & Wisconsin 8 Southern Athletic# 7 Empire 8 # 8 New England Small Col. 10 Northwest 7 Michigan Intercollegiate 7 10 Middle Atlantic Heartland Coil. 9 9 USA South# New Jersey Athletic# 8 Southern California Intcrcol. 8 Liberty League 8 University Athletic 4 Ne\v England Football # 8 Eastern Collegiate FB 8 MASCAC # 9 Midwest II Upper Midwest 9 Northern Athletics# 7 Independents # 4 # Different al ignmcnt than in prior year. L&l Child Labor lnvostiga'ion \!VI-!1 .. Pago 000870 Games 48 39 44 41 40 56 18 52 52 43 43 34 44 40 36 35 55 47 44 41 36 40 17 40 39 43 54 45 35 23 2013 Attendance 160,482 125,180 129.922 106.308 99.535 130.382 4 !,188 114.634 114.524 94.586 93,512 72,784 93.600 83.897 75,189 72.090 112,423 95,034 88,737 74,645 61.224 64,958 27,499 60.554 58,301 56.725 64,4!0 35,760 27,390 18.679 i\vcragc 3.343 3.210 2.953 2.593 2.488 2.32R 2,288 2.205 2.202 2.200 2.175 2.141 2.127 2.097 2.089 2.060 2.044 2.022 2.017 1.821 1.70 I 1.624 1,618 1.514 1.495 1.319 1.193 795 783 812 Change lnAvg. -29 704 10 -373 211 -88 561 130 107 194 -117 211 77 50 -233 42 82 -II -5 119 193 -281 25 -41 __, ~ 135 -153 -342 2013 NCAA DIVISION I FBS TEAM-BY-TEAM ATTENDANCE School Air Force i\ kron Alabama Arizona Arizona St Arkansas /\ rkansas St. /\nny i\ uburn Ball St. Baylor Boise St. Boston Colkge nowling Grel'n Buffalo nYU California Central Mich. Cincinnati Clemson ('olorado Colorado St. Duke East Carolina Lastern Mich. IIU Fla. Atlantic Florida Florida St. Fresno St. ( Jeorgia Georgia T<.><:h Hawaii Houston Idaho ll1inois Indiana Iowa Iowa St. Kansas Kansas St. Kent St. Kentucky La.-LaCayctte La.-Monroc Louisiana Tech Louisville LSLJ Marshall IVlaryland Massachusetts ivkmphis Miami (Fl.) G Attendance Anrage 7 228.562 32,652 17.850 6 107,101 7 710.538 101,505 6 285.713 47.619 s 501,509 62.689 7 431.174 61.596 6 149,477 24,913 5 169.781 33.956 8 685.252 85,657 6 15.131 90.784 7 321.639 45.948 6 206.198 34.366 6 198.035 33.006 6 15.258 91.548 6 136.418 22.736 6 367.349 61.225 7 345.303 49.329 5 66,119 13.224 6 190.624 31 771 7 574.333 82,048 6 230,778 38.463 18,600 6 111,598 26.062 7 182,431 43.985 6 263.910 5 20.255 4.051 6 92.717 15.453 !4,552 5 72.758 87,440 6 524,638 7 527.947 75,421 7 258,417 36.917 6 556.476 92.746 7 343.542 49.077 6 185,931 30.989 6 145.537 24.256 5 73,718 14,744 7 306.506 43.787 8 354.823 44.353 7 469.872 67.125 6 332.165 55.361 7 265,187 37.884 8 423,095 52.887 5 17.0!8 85.091 7 4!6.303 59,472 5 129,878 25,976 5 17,035 85.177 93,332 18.666 5 7 370.396 52.914 7 639.927 9!.418 6 !50, 138 25.023 ,11.278 7 288,946 94,981 6 15.830 28.537 7 199,760 7 376.857 53.837 I f,;l Child L J.bor !n'Jcstigation VVHL 1~age School Miami (OH) Michigan Michigan St. Middle Tenn. Minnesota Mississippi St. Missouri Navy Nebraska Nevada New Mexico New Mexico St. North Carolina North Carolina St. North Texas Northern Ill. Northwestern Notre Dame Ohio Ohio St. Oklahoma Oklahoma St. Ole Miss Oregon Oregon St. Penn St. Pitlsburg.h Purdue Rice Rutgers San Diego St. San Jose St. SMU South Ala. South Carolina South Fla. Southern California Southern Miss. Stanford Syracuse TCU Temple Tennessee Texas Texas A&M Texas St. Texas Tech Toledo Troy Tulane Tulsa UAB UCF G Attendance A\·erage 79,676 15.935 5 7 781,144 111,592 72.328 7 506,294 18,715 6 112,287 47.797 7 334,581 55.695 7 389,868 63.505 7 444,532 5 177,940 35.588 90.933 8 727,466 24,939 6 149,635 23.537 6 141,220 16,050 7 112.347 7 360,500 51.500 53,178 8 425,420 21,030 6 126,182 20,669 5 103,344 39.307 7 275,147 80,795 6 484.770 20.672 7 144.701 7 734.528 104,933 84.722 6 508.334 59,126 6 354.754 59.393 7 415.750 57,660 7 403.617 42.964 6 257.784 7 676,112 96.587 7 348.188 49.741 48.953 7 342,673 18.785 6 112.711 46.549 7 325.846 33.224 6 199,344 98,174 16,362 6 18,725 6 112,347 95.555 !5.926 6 82.401 7 576,805 34.702 7 242,911 7 511.885 73.126 2'2. 752 5 113,759 7 355,081 50.726 38.277 6 229.661 43,598 6 261,587 22.473 6 134.836 95,584 7 669,087 98,976 6 593,857 87.125 8 697.003 18,062 6 I08,371 57,933 6 347.597 18,467 6 110.803 18.906 94,529 5 19.747 6 118.482 19.893 119.356 6 10,548 52.739 5 42.084 6 252.505 Altcndance Average 421.711 70.285 216.523 30.932 120.486 !7.212 7 316.361 45.19.! 6 1.39.576 23.263 ) 14 1.877 28.375 7 249.728 35.675 8 370.2.34 46.279 63.999 G 383.993 Scliuol li LCI l.:Cnnn n.:L \' t:tdh Utah SL UTFP Vanderbilt Virgi11ia lc·ch School Wake Forest Washington Washington St. West Virginia W.:stcrn Ky. Wcsh:rn Mich. Wisconsin Wyoming G Attendance Average 28.414 6 170.484 7 481.384 68.769 29.738 6 178.427 52.910 6 317.459 91,672 18.334 5 17.347 86.733 5 78.9! l 7 :152.378 116.854 19.476 6 2013 NCAA DIVISION I FCS TEAM-BY-TEAM ATTENDANCE School Alabama A&1v1 A labwna Si. Albany (NY) A !corn SL Austin Pe:rv Bet llww,( 'ookl nal! Bro\\ n Bryam Bucknell Butier Cal Pol~ Central Ad•. Centrill Conn. St. Ch:lrleston So. Charlotte Chattanooga Ciwdcl Coastal Carll. Colgate Colurnbi:1 Cornell Dartmouth Davidson Dayton Dcla,,·are Dcla,,ure SL Drake DuqueSIW Easlt'rll Ill. Ert.;tcrn K) Ecbtem \VasiL Eion Florida A&i'vl Fordham Furlllan Ga. Southern Cl;udner- Webb CiL'OI'f'.C!OWtl (ir;lmblin;.: G Attendance Average 9,711 :'i 48555 86,321 14.387 6 6.874 34.368 5 20.6<19 4.130 5 149.366 24.894 6 ·~ 33.264 6.653 19.792 4.948 !,}elf 6.269 25.491 5.098 \9.064 2.723 17.632 3.526 2.597 18.182 (\ 43.800 7.300 {l .26.194 4.366 6 49.426 8.238 16.605 3.321 5 5 22.545 4.509 6 93.244 15,541 6 59.534 9.922 78.932 6 13.155 7 52.278 7,468 4,522 6 27.131 5,610 5 28.05! 35.012 7.002 5 34.844 5.807 6 18.112 3.622 ' 17.107 3.421 5 7 !26.754 18.108 .f 8.438 2.110 6 19.122 3.187 5 10.664 2.133 7 8.0!2 56.086 51.700 8.6!7 6 62.576 7.822 8 (; 49.078 8.180 ll.l70 5 55.848 7 43.940 6.177 ) 41,494 8.299 (; 88.968 14.828 4.847 6 29.083 13.349 2.225 6 4 8.9!8 35.671 ' VVh!_ School !Iampton Harvard lloly Cross Houston Baptist l imvard Idaho St. !llinois St. Indiana Sl. Jackson St. Jacksonville Jacksonville St James Madison Lafa1et1e L~H11:1r Libeny Maine rvlarist Mcl\cesc St. ~v1 crccr Mississippi Val. l'v!issouri St. Monmouth Montana Montana St Morehead St. Morgan St. Murray St. ]';C. :\&T N.C. Central l\cw l !amp;,hirc: Nicholls St. Nmlolk SL North Dako:a North Dakoia St. Nonhern Ariz. Northern Colo. Northwestem SL l'cnn l'ortlam! St. Prairie View G Attendance Average :10.064 4.013 5 60,334 12,067 5 () 41.324 6.887 2,986 4 11.944 4 3.809 15.234 32.199 5.367 6 50.694 IOJ39 5 27.108 5.422 5 69.143 17.286 4 !3.291 2.658 5 7 15.814 110.695 21.0!1 7 147.076 35.102 7.020 5 (, 8.379 50.273 9.625 48.12-1 5 7 105,215 15.031 6,035 6 36.211 2.312 5 11.560 84,506 12,072 7 g 9.379 75.031 29.378 4.896 6 () 8,700 52,198 14.266 3.567 4 24.380 7 170.660 19,704 6 118.222 4.354 7 30.477 3.596 14.382 4 32.669 5.445 6 13.574 81.443 6 7,260 43.558 6 8.745 6 52.467 26.521 5.304 5 7 8. !74 57.215 7 58.501 8.357 9 18.622 167.600 7.574 45.446 6 7 3.823 26.764 44.940 7.'190 6 59,680 I !.936 5 6 30,886 5.1411 5.382 4 21.526 3. <)22 23,530 6 School Princeton Rhode Island Richmond Roben Morris Sacramento St. Sacrecl Hem! Saint Francis (l'A) Sam Houston St. Samford San Diego Savannah St. South Carolina St. South Dakota South Dakora SL Southeast Mo. St. Southeastern La. Southern IlL Southern U. Southern Utah Stephen F. Austin G Attendance Average 5 42,195 8.-139 5 28.135 5.627 6 51.576 8.596 5 8.568 L714 (1 47.207 7.868 () 13.650 2:275 6 8.221 1.370 t: 56318 7.040 5 37,559 7.5 J 2 19,139 6 3.!90 5 19.270 3.85.J 6 71,279 11.880 48.568 6 8.095 6 64,162 10.694 5 20.825 4.165 48,895 8 6.112 8,554 6 51.325 5 100,536 20.107 21,832 5 4.366 9.684 5 48,418 2013 NCAA DIVISION H School Adams St. Albany St. (CiA) Alderson Broaddus American lnt'l Angelo St. Ark.·Monticello /\ rkansas Tech Ashland Assumption Augustana (SD) Bemidji St. Benedict Bentley Black Hills St. Bloomsburg Bowie St. Brevard Califomia (PA) Carson-Newman Catawba Central Mo. Central Okla. Central St. (OH) Central Wa>h. Chadron St. Charleston (WV) Cheyney Chowan Clarion Clark Atlanta Colorado f'vlesa G Attendance Average 6 7,555 !.259 4 29.371 7.3'13 6 8,872 1.479 6 8.349 1.392 5 28.637 5,727 6 16,120 2.687 23,639 5 4.728 3.588 5 17~939 4 7,300 1.825 (j 20,016 3.336 5 6.219 1.244 _,' 18.243 6.081 7 14.072 2.010 5,988 5 1.198 7 21,290 3.041 7,174 5 1.435 8~533 2,133 4 5 12.237 2.447 20,227 6 3.371 14,896 2,.:183 6 5 45.284 9.057 5 15.800 3.160 4 1!,653 2.913 0 20,213 3.369 10.737 5 2.147 6,512 4 !,628 7,408 6 !.235 4 7.078 1.770 2.57·1 15.'146 6 6 :27A38 4.573 16.181 .1.231i 5 L &1 Child Labor lnves£1gation \/\/! iL School Stetson Stony Brook Tennessee St. Tennessee Tech Texas Southern Towson UC Davis UNI UT Martin Valparaiso Villanova VM! Wagner Weber St. Western Caro. Western Ill. William & Mary Wofford Yale Youngsto11 n SL G Attendance Average 33,125 5.521 6 6,760 3H02 5 57.309 11.462 5 8,518 51.106 6 6,619 33,097 5 8,473 50.838 6 37,990 6,332 6 12.572 6 75.431 4,438 2:2.192 5 10,590 2,118 5 45,687 5 9,137 30,278 5.046 6 13,767 6 2,295 28,781 5 5.756 41,207 8,241 5 33,150 5,525 6 9,724 58,346 6 46,640 7.773 6 99,045 19.809 5 94,539 13.506 TEAM FOOTBALL ATTENDANCE School Colorado Mines Colorado St.-Pueblo Concord Concordia-St. Paul Delta SL Dixie St. East Central East S!roudsburg Eastern N.M. Edinboro Elizabeth City St. Emporia St. Fairmont St. Fayetteville St. Ferris St. Findlay Florida Tech Fort Hays St. Fort Lewis Fort Valley St. Gannon Glenville St. Grand Valley St. Harding Henderson St. Hillsdale liLtmboldt SL Indiana (PA) lnclianapolis Johnson C Smith Kcn!llcky St. G Attendance Average 18,717 3.120 6 38,402 6.400 6 2,4!9 12.095 5 7,737 1,290 6 5,368 4 2 !.471 17,876 5 3.575 15.357 3.071 5 l 1,900 !,983 6 2,026 4 8.105 3,459 17,297 5 4,799 23,993 5 6,009 30,045 5 1,869 11,216 6 4,964 24,818 5 Hl22 15,108 5 8,486 1.414 6 3,949 23,695 6 18,443 3,074 6 L!62 5,809 5 24,732 8.244 3 1.334 6,668 5 1.443 5 7.217 10,1 16 9 91,045 14,100 2.820 5 4.555 27.327 6 9.527 L588 6 4.010 20.049 5 3.261 16.313 5 -,I 27,714 3.959 2.954 17.722 6 7.1 l 5 35.654 Sdwoi Kutztown Ky. Wesleyan Lake Erie Lane Lenoir-Rhyne Lincoln (MO) Lincoln (PA) Lindenwood (MO) LlU Post Livingstone Lock Haven Malone Mars Hill Mary McKendree Mercyhursl Merrimack Michigan Tech Midwestern St. Miles Millersville Minn. Duluth Minn. St. Mankato Minn. St. lV1oorhcad Minn.-Crookston Minot SL Missouri S&T Mo. Southern St. Mo. Western St. Morehouse N.M. Highlands Neb.-Kearney New Haven Newberry North Ala. North Greenville Northeastern St. Northern Mich. Northern St. Northwest Mo. St. Northwood (MI) Notre Dame (OH) Ohio Dominican Okla. Panhandle Ouachita Baptist Pace Pittsburg St. Quincy Saginaw Valley Seton Hill G Attendance An•rage 5 18.640 3.728 3,775 6:29 6 6 5,409 90:2 5.783 5 1.157 9 42,688 4,743 5 10.783 2.157 4 3,910 978 5 12.739 2,548 13,147 2.629 5 2,211 4 8.844 6 11,585 !.931 1,440 5 7.200 15,718 3,144 5 2,177 6 13.062 5,689 5 1.138 5,758 4 1.440 7.381 1.476 5 2,099 5 10.'197 5 36.311 7.262 7,374 22.123 3 13.113 2.186 6 3,525 21,150 6 6 21.035 3.506 5,020 5 1.004 601 6 3.606 5 9,211 !.842 2,160 5 10.800 24,355 5 4.87! 6 5.229 31.376 3 29.193 9.731 7,147 5 1.429 6 16.980 2.830 2,965 6 17.788 6 17.730 2.955 6 59,450 9.908 4.23:) 5 21.190 6 11,270 1.878 13,908 2,782 5 6 3.211 19.266 9 54.735 6.082 1,960 5 9,800 5 7.480 1.496 5 8,629 1.726 4 5.591 1.398 4.205 5 21.027 4 4.416 1.104 10,030 50,!52 5 3,776 5 755 5 35.135 7.027 5,250 1,050 5 L8J Child Labor Investigation WHL Pag2 00087Li G Attendance r'\Yentge School 4 19.673 4.918 Shaw 7 34.919 4,988 Shepherd 5,899 5 29.496 Shippensburg 610 Simon Fraser 5 3.051 14.730 2,946 5 Sioux Falls 6.882 5 34.411 Slippery Rock 5 l 1.57 3 2Jl5 South Dakota Mines 14.974 Southeastern Okla. 6 2.496 Southern Ark. 5 23.679 4.736 2.629 5 13.145 Southern Conn. St. 5 8,680 1.736 Southwest Baptist 2.939 Southwest Minn. St. 5 14.696 5 21.967 Southwestern Okla. 4.393 St. Anselm 6 5.325 888 5 9,871 1.974 St. Augustine's 6 19.651 3.275 St. Cloud St. 15,655 St. Joseph's (IN) 7 2.236 6 16.357 2.726 Stillman 7,291 5 1.458 Stonehill 5,201 4 20.802 Tarleton St. 21.673 4.335 Tex. A&M-Commcrcc 5 Tex. A&M-Kingsvi!le 5 48.069 9.614 5 Tiffin 3.407 6Sl 2,809 6 Truman 16.852 6 17.838 2.973 Tuscu1um 14,954 44,861 Tuskegee 3 4.64cj 5 23.218 UNC Pembroke 6 6.722 1.!20 Upper Iowa 5 9,119 1.824 Urbana 5 22.684 4.537 Valdosta St 4 18,188 4.547 Virginia SL 17,462 5 3.492 Virginia Union 9.037 1.807 Walsh 5 4,799 6 28.795 Washburn Wayne St. (Ml) 5 16.393 3.279 1,687 6 10.122 Wayne St. (NE) 4.286 West A ln. 7 30.005 4,550 7 31,853 West Chester 6 4.374 West Ga. 26.244 5 5.155 1.031 \Vest Libeny West Tex. A&ivl 5 43.834 8.767 5 2.820 564 West Va. Wesleyan West Virginia St. 5 3.616 723 4 Western N.M. 2.133 533 10.594 2.119 Western Ore. 5 Western St. 5 4.632 926 William Jewell 6 7.525 1.25'1 Wingate 5 10.928 2.186 5 15.957 3.191 Winona St. Winston-Salem 6 35.329 5.888 2013 NCAA DIVISION IH TEAM-BY-TEAM FOOTBALL ATTENDANCE School Adrian Albion Albright Alfred Allegheny Alma Amherst Anderson (JN) Anna Maria Augsburg Augustana (IL) Aurora Austin Averett Baldwin Wallace Bates Becker Beloit Benedictine (IL) Berry Bethany (WV) Bethel (MN) Binningham-So. Bluffton Bowdoin Bridgewater (V J\) Bridgewater St. Brockport Buena Vista Buffalo St. Cal Lutheran Capital Carleton Carnegie Mellon Carroll (WI) Carthage Case Castleton Catholic Central (lA) Centre Chapman Chicago Chris. Newport Claremont-M-S Coast Guard Coe Colby C.oncordia (WI) Concordia Chicago Concordia-M'hcad Cornell College Crown (MN) G Attendance Average 5 5 6 7 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 4 5 8 4 5 4 5 5 6 5 5 4 5 5 4 6 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 5 4 s 5 5 4 5 8,534 13.998 14586 18.045 5,810 5.926 7,565 6.300 4,905 6.443 9,052 3.911 6.250 8.175 22.870 8.096 6.434 6.000 7.005 1.707 2,800 2.431 2,578 l.l62 I ,185 1.891 1,260 1.226 1,289 1.810 782 1,250 1,635 4,574 2,024 1.287 1,200 1,401 3,222 895 4.757 1,93! 1.800 2,127 1.841 1.101 1.967 2.313 12,889 4.473 38.054 7,722 9,000 8.508 9,206 5.505 11,800 11.565 6.447 12,578 5.777 9,1 II 7,796 8.3! 0 5.500 6.4!9 9,631 IL310 7.000 5,680 15.119 7,196 23.399 1.814 11.650 18.568 5.600 4.268 2.750 22.135 4.760 4.136 L&l Child L3bor Investigation INHL 1.289 3,145 1.155 1,822 1.949 1.385 1.100 1,605 1.926 2.262 1.400 1.136 3.024 1.799 4.680 454 2.330 3.714 1,400 854 550 4.427 1.190 827 P::ge School Curry Defiance Delaware Valley Denison DePauw Dickinson Dubuque Earlham East Tex. Baptist Elmhurst Emory & Henry Endicott Eureka FDU-Florham Ferrum Fitchburg St. Framingham St. Frank. & Marsh. Franklin Frostburg St. Gallaudct Geneva Gettysburg Greensboro Greenville Grinnell Grove City Guilford Gust. Adolphus Hamilton Ham line Hampden-Sydney Hanover Hardin-Simmons Hartwick Heidelberg Hendrix Hiram Hobart Hope Howard Payne Huntingdon Husson Ill. Wesleyan Illinois Col. Ithaca John Carrol! Johns Hopkins Juniata Kalamazoo Kean Kenyon King's (Pi\) G Attendance Average 6,654 5 U31 12,980 2.596 5 1,950 6 11.700 5 9.820 !.964 2,896 5 14.482 2.000 5 10.000 5 16,255 3.251 ),]67 5 5.8:l7 4 9.252 2.313 4 1,842 7.369 5 22.737 4.547 !.933 6 11.595 6, 783 5 1.357 9,671 1,934 5 10.837 2.167 5 5 5.500 1.100 4 4,534 1.134 1,758 8.79! 5 6 :20.925 3.488 !,872 9,361 5 5,103 1.021 5,358 26.788 5 5 10.978 2.196 1.559 5 7.793 600 5 3.000 519 4 2.076 3360 5 16.800 1.41 I 7,055 5 2.461 12.303 5 4 3,270 818 I ,315 6.574 22,068 3.678 6 2,114 5 10.568 2,349 11,747 5 980 5 4.902 13,772 2,754 5 (, 9,374 1.562 708 3~541 5 1,155 6,928 6 2,276 11.379 5 2,865 5 14.325 !0,530 2.106 5 !,420 7,100 5 (, 1,883 11.300 4 5.850 1.463 3.277 6 19.660 13.39() 2.679 5 9,535 !,589 6 1.055 s 5.277 824 5 4.121 1,40() 5 7.CJ30 3,670 734 5 13.471 7.. 694 5 School Knox La Verne LaGrange Lake Forest Lakeland Lawrence Lebanon Valley Lewis & Clark Linfield Loras Louisiana Col. Luther Lycoming Macalester MacMurray Maine Maritime Manchester Maranatha Baptist Marietta Martin Luther Mary Hardin-Baylor Maryville (TN) Mass. Maritime McDaniel Merchant Marine Methodist Middlebury Millikin Millsaps Minn.-Morris i'v1iscricordia Mississippi Col. MIT Monmouth (IL) Montclair St. Moravian Morrisville St. Mount Ida Mount Union Mt. St. Joseph Muhlenberg Muskingum N.C. Wesleyan Neb. Wesleyan Nichols North Central (IL) North Park Northwestern-St. Paul Norwich Oberlin Occidental Ohio Northern Ohio Wesleyan Olivet Otterbein G Attendance An! rage 4,425 885 5 5 6.602 1.320 1,143 5,717 5 5,247 1.049 5 5 4,163 833 1.035 5 5.173 13,900 2,317 6 9,489 1.898 5 2,322 13,932 6 1.073 5 5.366 5 18,327 3.665 1,785 8,923 5 12,070 2,414 5 600 5 3,001 771 3,854 5 674 3,370 5 14,428 2.405 6 1,160 ::m 5 5 9.098 1.820 1,997 333 6 4.156 10 41.563 3,063 4 12,253 5 8.061 1.612 4,197 25,182 6 4 10,600 2.650 1,107 5 5,537 2,229 4 8,915 2,660 13.300 5 3,907 781 5 704 4 2,817 7,200 1,200 6 4,028 24.166 6 3,010 753 4 6 7.150 1.192 2,690 4 10,760 5 9,023 1.805 5,114 1.023 5 3,249 650 5 33,893 3.389 10 8,196 5 1.639 6 13,246 2,208 6,508 1.302 5 4,496 5 899 6,061 1,010 6 4,294 859 5 7 2,788 19.517 6 11.018 1.836 7,579 1,516 5 1!,839 2,368 5 5,761 1,152 5 2,052 10.259 5 10,416 2.083 5 15,76S 5 3,154 1,738 5 8.690 9,963 6 1.661 L&l Child l.abor Investigation VVHL Page (100876 School Pacific (OR) Pacific Lutheran Plymouth St. Pomona- Pitzer Puget Sound Randolph-Macon Redlands Rensselaer Rhodes Ripon Rochester (NY) Rockford Rose- Bulman Rowan Saint John's (MN) Salisblll)' Salve Regina Sewanee Shenandoah Simpson Southwestem (TX) Springfield St. John Fisher St. Lawrence St. Norbert St. Olaf St. Scho1astica St. Thomas (MN) St. Vincent Stevenson Sui Ross St. SUNY Cortland SUNY Maritime Susquehanna TCNJ Texas Lutheran Thiel Thomas More Trine Trinity (CT) Trinity (TX) Tufts UMass Dartmouth Union (NY) Ursin us Utica Wabash Wartburg Wash. & Jeff. Wash. & Lee Washington-St. Louis Waynesburg Wesley Wesleyan (CT) Western Conn. St. G Attendance Average 2,262 5 l 1.310 4 11.103 2.776 1.464 7.319 5 627 5 3.135 1,162 4.646 4 13.729 2.746 5 1,921 4 7.682 6.015 1.203 5 3,214 16,072 5 9.250 1.850 5 6,900 4 1.725 371 1.855 5 6.800 5 1.360 6 19.355 3.226 36.822 5 7.364 1.687 8.435 5 2,179 10,897 5 17.140 3,428 5 10.668 2.134 5 5 15.757 3.151 16.445 3.289 5 2,073 12.435 6 5 15.629 3.126 1,209 6.043 5 5 6.169 1.23'1 1.843 5 9.215 744 5 3.719 19.825 3.965 5 2,919 584 5 1.902 11.410 6 5.800 1.450 4 1,966 9,828 5 10.040 2.008 5 2.283 4 9.130 7.708 1.542 5 3.025 9.075 ·' 1.081 5 5.403 2.617 l 0.466 4 19,442 3,888 5 4 15.584 3.896 9.418 1,884 5 4 5.433 !.358 4,475 895 5 6.938 J .388 5 2.694 13.472 5 11.121 6 1.854 25,913 4,319 6 3,220 5 16.101 10,496 2.624 4 1,907 9,535 5 !.218 6.088 5 7,750 5 !.550 1.208 8.457 7 14,898 3,725 4 6.150 1538 4 ~ School \\\~stern 1\e\\' Eng. Westfield SL Westminster (iv!O) Westminster (PI\) Wheaton (ILJ Whittier \Vhitwonh \Vid.:ner Wilk.:s WiHamettc Williams Wilmington (OI!J Wis. Lutheran Wis.-Fmr Claire " 5 5 s •! 6 ) (l .j 5 5 --1 Atlcndanrr Average 9.084 1.817 8.181 1.636 375 1.875 9.491 1,898 16.456 3.291 :1_035 1.009 II .805 1.968 2.671 1:1.355 5.060 1.012 2.151 1:?.90·1 6.028 1.507 .J.6R9 938 3,438 688 2.958 11.83 i School \Vis.-!.0 Crosse vVis.-Oshkosh Wis.-Platteville Wis.-River Falls Wis.-Stevcns Point Wis.-Stout \Vis.-Whitewater \Vi!tenberg Wm. Paterson Wooster Worcester St. Wf'l G Attendnnce Average 6 14.370 2.39.5 5 5 IIA63 17.525 8,657 11.519 8.986 45.571 !5.526 3.050 5 1~ . ~33 5 7.000 9.099 :i 5 5 5 9 6 s 2.293 3.505 1.731 2.304 1,797 5.063 2.588 610 2.847 1.400 1.s:w 20l3 NCAA HECLASSIFYING TEAM-BY-TEAM FOOTBALL ATTENDANCE Sdwo! i\bilcnc Christian St. Incarnate \Vord AH~:ndancc 4 28.355 .7 109.{)}9 Average 7.089 15.577 (; 22.626 3~771 rage 0000'' Sclwol Md'durry Old Dominion lJTSA G Attendance Average 5 !0566 2.113 6 6 120.708 !75.282 20.118 29.214