North Beacon Hill
North Beacon Hill
29TH AVE S 28TH AVE S 36TH AVE S RK DR S MOUNT ST HELENS PL S Light Rail Station Historic Site 37TH AVE S SIERRA DR S 43RD AVE S 42ND AVE S CASCADIA AVE S 38TH AVE S COURTLAND PL S 46TH AVE S HUNTER BLVD S 37TH PL S 36TH AVE S Stanley Sayres Memorial Park LEXINGTON PL S 31ST AVE S FlexCar Site LAKEWOOD AVE S LAKE PA 36TH AVE S 34TH AVE S 33RD AVE S te W Walking Path 41ST AVE S 32ND AVE S 31ST AVE S 38TH AVE S 42 48 7 S DAWSON ST Hitts Hill Park 9 S PEARL ST 47TH AVE S 45TH AVE S S DAWSON ST WHITWORTH S BENNETT ST 46TH AVE S 37TH AVE S S HUDSON ST OWEN PL S S FERDINAND ST S EDMUNDS ST 44TH AVE S ORCA 45TH AVE S S ANGELINE ST 44TH AVE S Columbia City Landmark District S AMERICUS ST Columbia Park 39TH AVE S ZION PREP 44TH AVE S S ALASKA ST Columbia Library Map Design Copyright © 2007 Feet First 2/2007 - GIS Data from King County and City of Seattle Special Thanks to Tom Bertulis, Kat Marriner, and Mira Latoszek. 45TH AVE S 39TH AVE S 43RD AVE S 48 31ST AVE S Genesee Park & Playfield Rainier Playfield 36TH AVE S 32ND AVE S 30TH AVE S 30TH AVE S 29TH AVE S 35TH AVE S 34TH AVE S 33RD AVE S LS LVD YB AST RP CREST PL S 27TH AVE S Future Light Rail Station 39 45TH AVE S BARBERRY CT S S Dearborn Park 32ND AVE S ST 27TH AVE S RL Chief Sealth Trail S HUDSON ST 26TH AVE S EA ST S FERDINAND ST 25TH AVE S ND 36 Movie Theater 47TH AVE S 33RD AVE S 31ST AVE S 30TH AVE S 29TH AVE S in u M 20 25TH AVE S 25TH AVE S 24TH PL S alk MARTIN L KING JR WAY S CHEASTY BLVD S 24TH AVE S 20TH AVE S 32 NA SP 21ST AVE S S BENNETT ST 19TH AVE S S DAWSON ST 35TH AVE S 33RD AVE S 32ND AVE 30TH AVE BRADNER PL 28TH AVE S 0 DI S 24TH PL S 15TH AVE S S ER S HUDSON ST S PEARL ST CH E 11TH AVE S 13TH AVE S 14TH AVE S 20TH AVE S SF S SHELTON ST DR Bike Route VE S RA ON AV E IA Off-leash Dog Park NIE CORS MB S ALASKA ST Cheasty Greenspace: Mt View S ANGELINE ST S EDMUNDS ST 987 48 HEA THE WE LL PO 13TH AVE S LU S ANDOVER ST RAI 12TH AVE S CO 60 MAPLE 35TH AVE S 25TH AVE S 24TH AVE S te W in u M ALAMO PL S alk 19TH AVE S 21ST AVE S M in ut eW alk 16TH AVE S HINDS PL S 29TH AVE S 21ST AVE S 20TH AVE S 17TH AVE S 13TH AVE S AIRPORT WAY PL AY AVE S NW ES S FERDINAND ST VE S 36TH A LETITIA BIA S SPOKANE ST S GENESEE ST W U OL SC 39 V 24TH A Maple Wood Playfield S ANGELINE ST UM AN I MB VE S 34TH A OL AY S SC VE S 33RD A NUT CT Cheasty Boulevard Greenbelt S SNOQUALMIE ST Bus Route S DAKOTA ST CHEST 32 39 60 VETERANS ADMINISTRATION HOSPITAL P-Patch HAWTHORNE MERCER 39 Bus Stop TON ST S DAKOTA ST Views Sport facilities S HOR S VE NA 48 VE S Samoan Cricket League (Saturdays in Summer) DS KR TO ON A 18-Hole Golf Course 7 9 42 Pit Stop S COURT ST 34 REN BEAC Short-9 Golf S OREGON ST S HINDS ST S SPOKANE ST S BRADFORD ST Clinic Landing Parkway YOR 17TH AVE S S AY AN W MBI Jefferson Park S COURT ST Grocery Use the circles on the map to estimate your walking time. PL COLU Jefferson Park Playfields Golf Clubhouse & Restaurant 16TH AVE S LE York S HINDS ST Playground S SPOKANE ST Jefferson Lawn Bowling S DAKOTA ST ST MUIR GA EN LD Jefferson Park Community Center Jefferson Park ES S HINDS ST Horton Hill Corridor S HORTON ST AV HINDS PL S T NS YRO SB Reservoirs being converted to park space. 2009 14TH AVE S 8 ER HAHN PL S KIMBALL A SW 39 S FIRE STATION #30 1 36 FRANKLIN HIGH Hospital Copies are available free For more information, contact Feet First: • telephone: 206.652.2310 S S MOUNT BAKER BLVD S WINTHROP ST Public Art Neighborhood Commercial 2 Zoning Trudys Triangle Lakewood Triangle 14 S MOUNT BAKER BLVD Future Light Rail Station INI S HORTON ST FIRE STATION #13 S NEVADA ST Mount Claire Park Mount Baker Community Club RA 39 S STEVENS ST AVE S 60 Greenbelt S HANFORD ST 987 S MCCLELLAN ST Fire Station Public Stairway BLVD ON BEAC 5 14 Restaurant TON Stevens Triangle Park S BAYVIEW ST Library HING WAS 38 38 48 Mount Baker Park Community Center Traffic Signal NORTH S COLLEGE ST School Traffic Circle LAKE 8 S MCCLELLAN ST Beacon Hill Library & Neighborhood Service Center S FOREST ST College St Park ST 12TH AVE S EW I YV BA 987 S WAITE ST Future Beacon Hill Light Rail Station Colman Park S BAYVIEW ST El Centro de la Raza S LANDER ST 12TH AVE S Martin Luther King Jr Memorial 10 minutes I-90 Bike Trail S PLUM ST S 38 Amy Yee Tennis Center 1/2 mile 5 minutes TIME ON FOOT: 3 mph average East 27 Portal Viewpoint S GRAND ST 23RD AVE S S COLLEGE ST 19TH AVE S ES AV 16TH AVE S S WALKER ST 18TH AVE S ON AC BE 36 INSIGHT EDUCATION & TUTORING 28TH AVE S S Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind MARTIN L KING JR WAY S 25TH AVE S E AV S PLUM ST 8 26TH AVE S 21ST AVE S ER S HOLGATE ST 4 1/4 Mt Baker Ridge Viewpoint Philosophical Promenade Sam Smith Park Blue Dog Pond 48 1/8 mi 0 Colman Playground INI 12TH AVE S 24TH AVE S 22ND AVE S 16TH AVE S RA S GRAND ST 0 THURGOOD MARSHALL S HILL ST 9TH AVE S South Day Street Park S IRVING ST Benvenuto Viewpoint S STATE ST Beacon Hill Playground 12th Ave Viewpoint 26TH AVE S 25TH AVE S 22ND AVE S 20TH AVE S S MASSACHUSETTS ST 60 10TH AVE S S WADSWORTH PL S ATLANTIC ST BEACON HILL I-5 S JUDKINS ST Judge Charles M Stokes Overlook Mountains-to-Sound Atlantic Greenway Trail St. Park 2007 and surrounding neighborhoods Neighborhoods on Foot series S JUDKINS ST 6 Find the Korean Pavilion seen on the cover! 14TH AVE S 13TH AVE S 12TH AVE S Trail Taejon Park Beacon Tower 11TH AVE S S “The Forest” PL I-90 anBike edition of the LS 38 S CHARLES ST 0 S JUDKINS ST Phase I Katie Mountainsto-Sound Trail Black’s Garden extension S HOLGATE BR I- 9 Dr. José Rizal Park RP PLA PO Pacific S Lewis Medical Center Park Historic Golf Landmark Dr/I-90 Headquarters Art Walk & Gazebo Judkins Park & Playfield North Beacon Hill Sturgus Park S DR PL LF A TH WA HA GO VIS DA DR. JOSÉ RIZAL BRIDGE Historical information courtesy of SDOT,, and "Seattle's Beacon Hill" by Mira Latoszek and Frederica Merrell 2019 Third Avenue, Suite 110 Seattle, WA 98121 e-mail: [email protected] telephone: 206.652.2310 09 20 06 20 00 20 98 19 97 19 92 19 81 19 72 19 62 19 41 19 40 s 19 12 19 14 01 19 19 50 18 e- Photo:The Seattle Public Library festivals, concerts, and informal gatherings. Funded in part by Active Living by Design, a program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Active Living by Design Join in Creating Community What is Active Living? Active living integrates physical activity into daily routines, such as walking to school, work, or to shop. Walking just 30 minutes a day - 10 minutes at a time - 5 days a week - is enough to improve your health. Discover your neighborhood, and walk to active living! Design for Active Living North Beacon Hill Council Feet First works in Beacon Hill to advocate specific projects that promote active living. Designs that make it easier to get around via foot, bicycle, or bus promote stronger communities, a cleaner environment, and better health for residents. Meets: the 1st Thursday of the month at 7pm Jefferson Community Center, 3801 Beacon Ave Greater Duwamish Neighborhood Council and Service Center 2821 Beacon Ave S - 233-2044 Mayor Nickels joins Mercer Middle School students at a May 30, 2006 SDOT sidewalk groundbreaking. Adding sidewalks helps kids to be more active and promotes safety at the same time. activity events such as tai chi, and build stronger, healthier community ties. Bussing and Active Living Bussing is a great way to save on gas, walk more, and contribute less to climate change. Many of the routes in Beacon - the 4, 7, 17, and 36 - are clean, quiet electric trolley buses, which emit zero pollution. For locations, see the map side. You can also plan your bus trip with Metro's Regional Trip Planner. Enter your location and destination, and let Metro do the rest! Go to or call 5533000. For fares, schedules, and routes, see: Neighborhoods on Foot: The Neighborhoods on Foot map series is a guide to promote walkable communities and enable safe, active transportation. If you don't live in North Beacon Hill, contact Feet First to find out if your neighborhood has an edition of our map series. Turning "the Jungle" into "the Forest" A wealth of community groups are doing work across Beacon Hill. Attend a meeting and connect with neighbors who share your concerns. Find a meeting near you... Jefferson Park Alliance Gardening parties: 1st Saturday, March-Oct, Lawn Bowling Clubhouse, 10am-1pm Photo courtesy Seattle Parks and Recreation Pedestrian Task Force Working to create safe, viable walking opportunities in Beacon Hill. Contact Jodie Vice [email protected] South Beacon Neighborhood Council Meets: 1st Wednesday of every other month at St Mark’s, 6020 Beacon Ave S, 7pm-8:30pm Beacon Ridge Improvement Community (BRIC): Clean-up and gardening parties in Jefferson Park Beacon Alliance of Neighbors (BAN) Meets: 3rd Tuesday, 7pm, at Quarters 1 on PacMed campus, NW corner of 14th & Judkins Beacon Hill Chamber of Commerce Meets: 1st Wed., 2414 Beacon Ave S, 9am Find an extensive list of South End groups here: Drainage problems: Graffiti removal: Private property overgrowth: Speed watch program: Street maintenance (south end): Vehicles on sidewalk: The Beacon Alliance of Neighbors is taking the lead in enhancing Dr. Jose Rizal Park. roposed trail development and environmental restoration projects will transform the greenbelt along I-5 into an attractive, safe, and loved North Beacon Hill space - "the Forest". One trail will run through the Forest and connect Lewis and Rizal Parks, helping complete the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trail along I-90 to the Cascades (see www.seattle. gov/transportation/mountains_to_sound.htm). Native tree and habitat restoration will create an urban woodland supportive of wildlife and inviting to human visitors. Contact Friends of the Forest: [email protected] Neighborhoods on Foot Map Series North Beacon Hill 2007 Dog OffLeash Area Let the City of Seattle know about problems in your neighborhood. For general information, dial 684-ROAD. Bicycle & Pedestrian 684-7583 programs: Bus stop maintenance: 553-3060 Crosswalk repainting/ 684-5377 curb ramp requests: Design/code compliance: 615-0808 -to ns on tai si un ten Mo l Ex e I ai as Tr Ph und So l T r ai Feet First is a hub of creative, passionate people who can help your community in big ways. We build walkable communities, using an effective combination of community engagement, advocacy, research, and education. Feet First One example of the community's proposed Plaza improvements Citizens' Proposal center in the block of Lander between 16th Seattle Department of Transportation neighborhoodparking.htm Health Impact Assessment Pr Beacon light rail station to open "Bridging the Gap" levy passes, promising funds to non-motorized transportation projects. Funds will help implement upcoming Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans 24-hour Station Construction Hotline: 888-298-2395 For information on the light rail project: For more information on the Plaza: contact Jodie Vice at [email protected] community a place to hold farmers' markets, The Plaza would be the commercial and transportation hub of Beacon Hill, built around a large, pedestrian-friendly public space. For volunteer opportunities, or information on becoming a community leader, call Feet First at 206.652.2310. "Libraries for All" bond passes, Pacific Medical Center funding new Beacon Hill Branch Plaza designated Library. Opened in May 2004, the Historical Landmark new building is three times the size of the old library, a converted storefront that served City designates the neighborhood for four decades. The building is a Beacon Hill First model of sustainability - the roof fills the library with Baptist Church natural light, and the area is surrounded by gardens as Historical − 684-4711 Landmark Neighborhood Planning begins and paratransit vehicles while making a plaza could allow continued access to service be encouraged to locate here. A pedestrian Plaza, and new shops and restaurants will will be located adjacent to the proposed & 17th Avenues. The coming light rail stop to create a pedestrian plaza and new town The history of North Beacon Hill is intertwined with the history of transportation. From the streetcars in the early 1900s, to "the Jungle" created during the construction of I-5, to the light rail stop arriving in 2009, the neighborhood is continually on the forefront of, and shaped by, Seattle transportation innovation. This edition of Neighborhoods on Foot was made possible with funding from the Seattle Department of Transportation's "Making the Parking System Work" program. 206.684.4208 Making the Parking System Work Health Impact Assessment (HIA) is a tool for evaluating the health effects of a policy, project, or program. HIA can help communities analyze how development projects might affect walking, bicycling, and transit use, as well as air and water quality, social cohesion, and safety. I-5 built, creating "the Jungle" area in the highway's shadow. See Turning "the Jungle" into "the Forest" Seattle creates its first Comprehensive Bicycle Plan Chicano activists peacefully occupy abandoned Beacon Hill School and establish El Centro de la Raza. This social service and civil rights organization provides child care, job and housing assistance, a meal program, language and financial training, and programs for all ages. − 206-329-9442 safe public space. The Plaza would give the A Plaza for North Beacon Hill? Feet First and Public Health-Seattle & King County are piloting an HIA in North Beacon Hill, to help develop a Plaza proposal that will support good health outcomes. (See A Plaza for Beacon Hill?). A Plaza would encourage more walking to and within the new pedestrian environment, allow for informal physical City begins removing tracks, replacing streetcars with electric trolley buses. Salvaged track concrete and rails are used to build public staircases through the 1960s Amy Yee is local tennis champion, eventual coach. Today, you can play at Amy Yee Tennis Center Katie Black turns down the opportunity to take a "Grand Tour" of Europe, builds a Japanese strolling garden instead, at 12th and Atlantic. Purchased for the Seattle Parks system in 1992 12th Ave Bridge (now José Rizal Bridge) built, providing Streetcar links to downton Canal project to link Lake Wash. and Elliott Bay begun but eventually halted, in a ridge where today's Columbian Way highway exit lies Native Americans lived and hunted in the lush forests long before settlers arrived Pro Parks Levy passes. Includes support for the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trail connection to SR-519. This bike/ped trail from the Cascades currently ends ends at I-90 and the Jose Rizal bridge, but will eventually run all the way to the Sound. Levy also includes $8 million for Jefferson Park projects. Designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, the 6th largest park in Seattle boasts many walking paths with magnificent views of the mountains and city. The Park houses a community center and an array of sports facilities, from basketball to lawn bowling. The Jefferson Park Alliance maintains native gardens, and volunteers clean up litter weekly on Cheasty Blvd. and Beacon Ave. A Walk through History The Beacon Hill community is proposing North Beacon Hill Unfolding 684-7506 684-7587 615-0808 684-0813 386-1218 625-5011 Habitat Restoration Area B u i l d i n g W a l k a b l e Communities