Pathophysiology of Mitral Valve Regurgitation
Pathophysiology of Mitral Valve Regurgitation
Pathophysiology of Mitral Valve Regurgitation Hartzell V. Schaff, MD Division of Cardiovascular Surgery Mayo Clinic, Rochester ©2013 MFMER | slide-1 No Disclosures ©2013 MFMER | slide-2 Thinking Volumetrically How is it helpful? • What is severe MR? • What happens to EF after MV surgery? • Is very poor LVEF a contraindication to MV surgery? • Difference in ischemic vs organic MR? ©2013 MFMER | slide-3 Thinking Volumetrically How is it helpful? • Understand multivalvular regurgitation • Right ventricular volume overload with TR and pulmonary valve regurg ©2013 MFMER | slide-4 Pathophysiology of MR Submitted to Circulation Dec, 2013 “The purpose of this investigation was to test the hypothesis “Left function, as assessed by LV that ventricular multiparametric strain analysis by magnetic resonance dimensions ejection (EF),early wasLV imaging andand tissue tagging fraction could identify within normal limits for all MR patients.” dysfunction in minimally or asymptomatic patients, and that the volume loading associated with MR creates a contractile injury that is regionally and heterogeneously distributed in a predictable pattern.” ©2013 MFMER | slide-5 Pathophysiology of MR From a case report submitted Jan, 2014 “Transthoracic echocardiography showed an isolated posterior mitral valve leaflet prolapse leading to severe mitral regurgitation (effective regurgitant orifice 57 mm2, regurgitant volume 63 ml/beat). The left ventricle was not dilated with a preserved ejection fraction, and there was no pulmonary hypertension.” ©2013 MFMER | slide-6 Mitral Regurgitation Qualitative Assessment Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4 ©2013 MFMER | slide-7 Effective Regurgitant Orifice Regurgitant flow rate (6.28 x r2 x alias V) = ERO Regurgitant Velocity ©2013 MFMER | slide-8 Quantitative Hemodynamics = R volume = x ERO x RTVI ©2013 MFMER | slide-9 Mitral Regurgitation Doppler Quantitation V A TVI Flow Rate = Area x Velocity Volume = Area x ∫ Velocity (TVI) ©2013 MFMER | slide-10 Mitral Regurgitation Quantitative Hemodynamics 70 mL 50 mL Systole 120 mL Diastole R volume = 120-70 = 50 R fraction = 50/120 = 42% ©2013 MFMER | slide-11 Quantitation of Regurgitation Concepts Measures Volume overload R volume Measures Effective R orifice Lesion severity ©2013 MFMER | slide-12 ERO of Organic MR ASE Grading of Severity Mild Moderate Severe R volume (mL) ERO (cm2) <30 <0.20 30-59 0.20-0.39 ≥60 ≥0.40 ©2013 MFMER | slide-13 ©2013 MFMER | slide-14 ©2013 MFMER | slide-15 EF=60% EDV=200 Regurg vol = 60 FW SV = 60 Total SV = 120 ©2013 MFMER | slide-16 LV Function After MV Repair ©2013 MFMER | slide-17 JTCVS April, 2002 ©2013 MFMER | slide-18 EF=50% Regurg vol=80 FW SV=60 EDV=280 ESV=140 Total SV=140 ©2013 MFMER | slide-19 EDV=280 ESV=180 EF=36% Total SV=100 ©2013 MFMER | slide-20 JTCVS Dec, 2010 ©2013 MFMER | slide-21 LV Function After Correction of MR Intraoperative TEE before bypass and after bypass + simultaneous hemodynamic data • 25 patients undergoing MV repair • 10 patients undergoing CABG ©2013 MFMER | slide-22 LVED Dimension 8 MV repair 6 cm 4 2 0 Pre Post ©2013 MFMER | slide-23 Ejection Fraction 80 MV repair 70 % P<0.001 60 50 40 Pre Post ©2013 MFMER | slide-24 Ejection Fraction 80 70 % CABG 60 50 40 Pre Post ©2013 MFMER | slide-25 LV Forward SV 80 MV repair 70 mL 60 50 40 Pre Post ©2013 MFMER | slide-26 LV Forward SV 80 70 CABG mL 60 50 40 Pre Post ©2013 MFMER | slide-27 LV Function Early After Correction of MR • EF decreases primarily due to increase of end-systolic dimension of LV • Compensatory mechanism to prevent augmentation of LV stroke volume ©2013 MFMER | slide-28 JTCVS May, 2009 ©2013 MFMER | slide-29 EF Improves Over Time 68 64 60 EF 56 52 48 P<0.001 44 40 Preop Pre DC <1 yr 1-3 yr 3-5 yr Time ©2013 MFMER | slide-30 Recurrent MV Disease • 77 yr female s/p MV repair 2002 • Heart murmur and 2 episodes of endocarditis and AF • Severe MR by echo with ERO 0.5 cm2, RVol 88 ml, LVEDD 51 mm with ant leaflet prolapse • MV repair with post annuloplasty band and 4 neochordae to ant leaflet • Discharge echo - No MR, normal LV size and function LVEF 55-60% ©2013 MFMER | slide-31 Recurrent MR • Atrial fib with rapid HR – cardioversion AV node ablation with PPM (5/2013) • Colon cancer – ileostomy + chemotherapy 2007 • Scoliosis – worsening over time • Hypothyroid – on Synthroid – recent ↑ dose • Esophageal spasm – treated with diltiazem and dilatations • Profound fatigue and DOE ©2013 MFMER | slide-32 “My best recommendation would be for her to have a redo sternotomy with mitral valve replacement with a bioprosthesis, tricuspid annuloplasty and MAZE procedure. She could have an implantation of a right atrial lead postoperatively and have her return to sinus rhythm if possible. I have called Dr. Schaff and explained the current situation and what my thoughts are, and he will be evaluating her.” ©2013 MFMER | slide-33 Outside echo Recurrent MR • Severe LA enlargement • Moderately severe MR • Moderate TR • LV? Repeat echo Mayo • RV>30 ml • MV gradient 8 mmHg • EF 60% • LVEDD 45 mm ©2013 MFMER | slide-34 ©2013 MFMER | slide-35 Mild MR ©2013 MFMER | slide-36 ©2013 MFMER | slide-37 Mitral Regurgitation EF≤30% Event-Free Survival 100 80 No MV annuloplasty 60 % 40 MV annuloplasty 20 0 0 500 1000 Days 1500 2000 Wu et al: JACC, 2005 ©2013 MFMER | slide-38 Ischemic Cardiomyopathy No Mitral Regurgitation EF 25% SV 50 cc LVEDV 200 cc ©2013 MFMER | slide-39 Inferior MI LV enlarged Local remodeling MR present LVEDV ? ©2013 MFMER | slide-40 Ischemic Cardiomyopathy Mitral Regurgitation EF 25% SV 50 cc Regurg vol 60 cc Total SV 110 LVEDV 440 cc ©2013 MFMER | slide-41 Thinking Volumetrically Key Points • It has to add up! • Multiple moderate regurgitant lesions produce severe overload • Early after correction of MR (or AR or TR) EF declines – compensatory • Recovery of EF depends on LV volume ©2013 MFMER | slide-42 Questions & Discussion ©2013 MFMER | slide-43
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