Agenda - Monday, May 14, 2012
Agenda - Monday, May 14, 2012
AGENDA FOR BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP CONFERENCE MEETING Monday, May 14, 2012 7:00 PM – Law Enforcement Building, RM 205 - Conference Room I. Sunshine Compliance Statement “Notice of the time, date, location and agenda of this meeting, to the extent then known was provided at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the commencement of this meeting in the following manner pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 231 of the Law of 1975 (The Open Public Meeting Act). 1. By posting such notice on the bulletin board in the Municipal Building, and 2. By mailing such notice to the offices of the Independent Press, Bloomfield Life and the Star Ledger. II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call Attendee Name First Ward Councilman Elias Chalet Second Ward Councilman Nicholas Joanow Third Ward Councilman Carlos Bernard Councilman at Large Michael Venezia Councilwoman at Large Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Councilman at Large Bernard Hamilton Mayor Raymond McCarthy A. Absent B. Also Present IV. Present Absent Late Arrival Public Comment Township Council Page 1 Printed 5/11/2012 Conference Meeting V. Agenda May 14, 2012 Presentation 1. VI. Millennium Strategies Presentation _________ _________ TOWNSHIP ADMINISTRATOR: 1. Viewpoint _________ _________ 2. 2012 NJDHTS Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over $4400.00 Non-matching Grant _________ _________ 3. Bicentennial Plaque On Town Green _________ _________ 4. Handicapped Parking Space Request (31 Linden Avenue) _________ _________ 5. Handicap Parking Space Approval (34 Barbara Street) _________ _________ 6. Verizon Fiber Optic Network Facilities _________ _________ 7. Bloomfield Exempt Firemen’s Assoc. Memorial Day Invite _________ _________ 8. 2012 Capital Budget _________ _________ 9. 2012 Non-Fair and Open Professional Service Contract for CAD System Awarded To Archonix _________ _________ 10. Award of Contract - Non-Fair and Open Broad View Networks - Not to Exceed $50,000.00 _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ VII. TOWNSHIP ATTORNEY: 1. Class - Guide to the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act VIII. FINANCE DIRECTOR: 1. Vendor List Township Council Page 2 Printed 5/11/2012 Conference Meeting Agenda May 14, 2012 2. Salary Ordinance Local 219 _________ _________ 3. Salary Ordinance Communication Operators _________ _________ 4. Estimated Tax Bills _________ _________ 5. 2012 Resolution Authorizing Refund of Property Tax Overpayments _________ _________ IX. TOWNSHIP ENGINEER: 1. Broad Street LED Lighting - Change Order #1 Final _________ _________ 2. Foley Field Bleacher Replacement - Award of Contract _________ _________ 3. 2011 Sidewalk Repair Program - Change Order #1 Final _________ _________ 4. Children’s Library Heating System - Award of Professional Service - Non-Fair & Open _________ _________ 5. Ad Authorization - Vegetative Waste Disposal Services _________ _________ X. TOWNSHIP CLERK 1. Hispanic Cultural Event Ad-Carteret School _________ _________ 2. BHS Exploring Childhood Leaning Lab Preschool Graduation _________ _________ 3. ABC Incident Reports - Heartbreakers and Moon Palace _________ _________ XI. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL 1. Require Developers to Hire Union Laborers (Venezia) _________ _________ 2. Parking Authority Appointment (Bernard) _________ _________ Township Council Page 3 Printed 5/11/2012 Conference Meeting Agenda May 14, 2012 3. Recycling Committee Appointments (Hamilton) _________ _________ 4. Audit Update-PACO (Hamilton) _________ _________ 5. Economic Development (Hamilton) _________ _________ XII. CLOSED SESSION: A. LITIGATION 1. American Counseling Center, Inc., Et Al. _________ _________ 2. Leonard Vs. Township of Bloomfield _________ _________ 3. Newark Water Bill _________ _________ B. PERSONNEL 1. Police Department Termination _________ _________ 2. Police Personnel FMLA _________ _________ 3. Finance-Title Change _________ _________ C. NEGOTIATIONS 1. OPEIU _________ _________ 2. Bloomfield Maintenance Welfare Association _________ _________ 3. Bloomfield Maintenance Foremen’s Association _________ _________ 4. PBA Superior Officer’s Association _________ _________ 5. FMBA Local 19 _________ _________ 6. Communication Operators _________ _________ 7. FMBA Local 219 _________ _________ Township Council Page 4 Printed 5/11/2012 Conference Meeting 8. D. Agenda Bloomfield Crossing Guards May 14, 2012 _________ _________ LAND ACQUISITION XIII. Adjournment Township Council Page 5 Printed 5/11/2012 5.1 Township Council 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 SCHEDULED INFORMATIONAL (ID # 1800) Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM Department: Administrator Category: Presentation Prepared By: Bonita L Triola Initiator: Yoshi Manale Sponsors: DOC ID: 1800 Millenium Strategies Presentation Updated: 5/10/2012 11:41 AM by Bonita L Triola Page 1 Packet Pg. 6 6.1 Township Council 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 SCHEDULED Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM Department: Administrator Category: Presentation Prepared By: Samantha DePalma Initiator: Yoshi Manale Sponsors: INFORMATIONAL (ID # 1787) DOC ID: 1787 Viewpoint Updated: 5/8/2012 2:51 PM by Samantha DePalma Page 1 Packet Pg. 7 6.2 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 RESOLUTION APPROVAL 2012 NJDHTS Drive Sober Or Get Pulled Over $4400.00 Nonmatching Grant *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Resolution 1789 Adopted Adopted as Amended Defeated Withdrawn Tabled Approved Approved by Consensus Not Discussed Tabled with No Vote Discussed Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 8 6.3 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ACTION ITEM DISCUSSION Bicentennial Plaque On Town Green The Bicentennial Committee Is Requesting Approval To Put A Plaque On The Town Green Commemorating The Planting Of The Bicentennial Tree. *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Action Item 1753 Approved Defeated Adopted Withdrawn Tabled Not Discussed Tabled with no Vote Approved no Vote No Motion Discussed No Vote Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 9 6.4 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Handicapped Parking Space Request (31 Linden Avenue) *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on . ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Ordinance 1781 Adopt Deny Withdrawn Table Not Discussed First Reading Table with no Vote Approve Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Vote Record - Ordinance 1781 Adopt Deny Withdrawn Table Not Discussed First Reading Table with no Vote Approve Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: Handicap Parking 31 Linden Ave May 2012 (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 10 Attachment: Handicap Parking 31 Linden Ave May 2012 (1781 : Disabled Parking Space Request) 6.4.a Packet Pg. 11 Attachment: Handicap Parking 31 Linden Ave May 2012 (1781 : Disabled Parking Space Request) 6.4.a Packet Pg. 12 Attachment: Handicap Parking 31 Linden Ave May 2012 (1781 : Disabled Parking Space Request) 6.4.a Packet Pg. 13 Attachment: Handicap Parking 31 Linden Ave May 2012 (1781 : Disabled Parking Space Request) 6.4.a Packet Pg. 14 Attachment: Handicap Parking 31 Linden Ave May 2012 (1781 : Disabled Parking Space Request) 6.4.a Packet Pg. 15 6.5 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Handicap Parking Space Approval (34 Barbara Street) *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on . ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Ordinance 1759 Adopt Deny Withdrawn Table Not Discussed First Reading Table with no Vote Approve Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Vote Record - Ordinance 1759 Adopt Deny Withdrawn Table Not Discussed First Reading Table with no Vote Approve Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: Handicap Parking 34 Barbara St. April 2012 (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 16 Attachment: Handicap Parking 34 Barbara St. April 2012 (1759 : Handicap Parking Approval) 6.5.a Packet Pg. 17 Attachment: Handicap Parking 34 Barbara St. April 2012 (1759 : Handicap Parking Approval) 6.5.a Packet Pg. 18 Attachment: Handicap Parking 34 Barbara St. April 2012 (1759 : Handicap Parking Approval) 6.5.a Packet Pg. 19 Attachment: Handicap Parking 34 Barbara St. April 2012 (1759 : Handicap Parking Approval) 6.5.a Packet Pg. 20 6.6 Township Council 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM Department: IT Department Category: Discussion Prepared By: Bonita L Triola SCHEDULED INFORMATIONAL (ID # 1765) Initiator: Jean-guy Lauture Sponsors: DOC ID: 1765 Verizon Fiber Optic Network Facilities Updated: 5/2/2012 11:34 AM by Bonita L Triola Page 1 Packet Pg. 21 Attachment: Verizon Fios Fiber Optic Facilities (1765 : Verizon Fios) 6.6.a Packet Pg. 22 Attachment: Verizon Fios Fiber Optic Facilities (1765 : Verizon Fios) 6.6.a Packet Pg. 23 6.7 Township Council 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 SCHEDULED Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM Department: Fire Department Category: Discussion Prepared By: Doreen Butler Initiator: Doreen Butler Sponsors: INFORMATIONAL (ID # 1782) DOC ID: 1782 Bloomfield Exempt Firemen’s Assoc. Memorial Day Invite Please see attached invitation for Bloomfield Exempt Firemen's Assoc. Memorial Day Ceremony. Updated: 5/8/2012 11:02 AM by Doreen Butler Page 1 Packet Pg. 24 Attachment: Memorial Day Invite 2012 (1782 : Bloomfield Exempt Firemen's Assoc. Memorial Day Invite) 6.7.a Packet Pg. 25 6.8 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 RESOLUTION BUDGETS 2012 Capital Budget *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Resolution 1740 Adopted Adopted as Amended Defeated Withdrawn Tabled Approved Approved by Consensus Not Discussed Tabled with No Vote Discussed Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 26 6.9 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 RESOLUTION AWARD OF CONTRACT 2012 Non-Fair and Open Professional Service Contract for CAD System Awarded To Archonix *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Resolution 1791 Adopted Adopted as Amended Defeated Withdrawn Tabled Approved Approved by Consensus Not Discussed Tabled with No Vote Discussed Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: Archonix Non Fair Open (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 27 6.9.a Telephone (973) 680-4106 Fax (973) 680-4278 James Decker Captain Community Police Unit Police Department Law Enforcement Building Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003-3487 TO: Chief Christopher Goul FROM: Captain James Decker DATE: May 11, 2012 RE: Archonix Systems- Non Fair & Open Contract not to exceed $50,000 Archonix Systems is our current Computer Aided Dispatch (XCAD System), Records Management ( XRMS) and Mobile Data Software (XMOBILE) Professional Services provider. Archonix Systems provides software, training, upgrades and maintenance for all three integrated systems. Archonix maintains proprietary software and as such is a sole-source vendor. Archonix Systems interfaces with the State Police, Essex County sheriff, and all Essex County Police Departments Their services cover central communications, the records bureau and all of our mobile data terminals in patrol vehicles. This contract year covers 1/1/12 – 12/31/12 Archonix has been our Professional Service Provider for Communications for 12 years. The Police Department has in its possession the signed Business Entity Disclosure Certification for Non-Fair and Open Contracts from Archonix. Required by N.J.S.A 19:44A-20.8 Packet Pg. 28 Attachment: Archonix Non Fair Open (1791 : 2012 CAD Service Contrat Awarded To Archonix) TOWNSHIP OF BLOOMFIELD 6.10 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 RESOLUTION AWARD OF CONTRACT Award of Contract - Non-Fair and Open Broad View Networks - Not to Exceed $50,000.00 *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Resolution 1796 Adopted Adopted as Amended Defeated Withdrawn Tabled Approved Approved by Consensus Not Discussed Tabled with No Vote Discussed Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: Broad View Networks (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 29 Attachment: Broad View Networks (1796 : Award of Contract - Non-Fair and Open) 6.10.a Packet Pg. 30 Attachment: Broad View Networks (1796 : Award of Contract - Non-Fair and Open) 6.10.a Packet Pg. 31 7.1 Township Council 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 SCHEDULED INFORMATIONAL (ID # 1784) Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM Department: Law Department Category: Discussion Prepared By: Bonita L Triola Initiator: Brian Aloia Sponsors: DOC ID: 1784 Class - Guide to the New Jersey Open Public Meetings Act Updated: 5/8/2012 12:47 PM by Bonita L Triola Page 1 Packet Pg. 32 Attachment: Guide Open Public Meeting Act (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.a Packet Pg. 33 Attachment: Guide Open Public Meeting Act (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.a Packet Pg. 34 Attachment: Guide Open Public Meeting Act (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.a Packet Pg. 35 Attachment: Guide Open Public Meeting Act (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.a Packet Pg. 36 Attachment: Guide Open Public Meeting Act (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.a Packet Pg. 37 Attachment: Guide Open Public Meeting Act (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.a Packet Pg. 38 Attachment: part one (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.b Packet Pg. 39 Attachment: part one (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.b Packet Pg. 40 Attachment: part one (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.b Packet Pg. 41 Attachment: part one (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.b Packet Pg. 42 Attachment: part one (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.b Packet Pg. 43 Attachment: part one (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.b Packet Pg. 44 Attachment: part one (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.b Packet Pg. 45 Attachment: part one (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.b Packet Pg. 46 Attachment: part one (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.b Packet Pg. 47 Attachment: part one (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.b Packet Pg. 48 Attachment: part two (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.c Packet Pg. 49 Attachment: part two (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.c Packet Pg. 50 Attachment: part two (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.c Packet Pg. 51 Attachment: part two (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.c Packet Pg. 52 Attachment: part two (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.c Packet Pg. 53 Attachment: part two (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.c Packet Pg. 54 Attachment: part two (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.c Packet Pg. 55 Attachment: part two (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.c Packet Pg. 56 Attachment: part two (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.c Packet Pg. 57 Attachment: part two (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.c Packet Pg. 58 Attachment: part two (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.c Packet Pg. 59 Attachment: part two (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.c Packet Pg. 60 Attachment: part two (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.c Packet Pg. 61 Attachment: part two (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.c Packet Pg. 62 Attachment: part three (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.d Packet Pg. 63 Attachment: part three (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.d Packet Pg. 64 Attachment: part three (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.d Packet Pg. 65 Attachment: part three (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.d Packet Pg. 66 Attachment: part three (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.d Packet Pg. 67 Attachment: part three (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.d Packet Pg. 68 Attachment: part three (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.d Packet Pg. 69 Attachment: part three (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.d Packet Pg. 70 Attachment: part three (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.d Packet Pg. 71 Attachment: part three (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.d Packet Pg. 72 Attachment: part three (1784 : Class on Open Public Meeting) 7.1.d Packet Pg. 73 8.1 Township Council 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 SCHEDULED INFORMATIONAL (ID # 1773) Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM Department: Finance Department Category: Report Prepared By: Bonita L Triola Initiator: Robert Renna Sponsors: DOC ID: 1773 Vendor List Updated: 5/7/2012 10:24 AM by Bonita L Triola Page 1 Packet Pg. 74 May 9, 2012 04:10 PM BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Check Register By Check Date to CLAIMS FUND Range of Check Dates: 04/30/12 to 04/30/12 Report Format: Detail Check Type: Computer: Y Manual: Y Dir Deposit: Y Check # Check Date Vendor PO # Item Description CLAIMS FUND 48034 04/30/12 Amount Paid Charge Account Account Type Alignment Check VOID 48035 04/30/12 331 A.P. CERTIFIED TESTING LLC 00072237 1 WATERLINE REPLACEMENT TOOL KIT 48036 04/30/12 1804 ASSOCIATION FOR RETARDED 00069361 4 3RD QTR. REIMB Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq 745.00 2-05-26-511-038 WATER MAINTENANCE Budget 4,500.00 B-19-11-385-028 Budget ASSOC.FOR RETARDED CITIZENS ESSEX CTY. 5905 17 5905 2 48037 04/30/12 2689 BASIC REFRIGERATION ANDAC INC. 12-00188 1 AIR CONDITIONING REPLACE UNIT 9,990.00 C-04-55-923-947 Budget 5905 44 48038 04/30/12 3261 BLOOMFIELD PREBYTERIAN CHURCH 00072426 1 PARISH HOUSE USE 3/27/12 150.00 T-13-56-013-BBC Budget 5905 23 48039 04/30/12 3687 BLOOMFIELD ANIMAL CLINIC 12-00199 1 VETERINARY SERVICES FEB.2012 247.50 D-03-20-853-028 DOG FUND Budget 5905 46 158.65 2-05-26-511-030 WATER MAINTENANCE Budget 5905 16 3,000.00 R-14-20-854-031 DEDICATED RECREATION Budget 5905 59 Budget 5905 55 5,464.17 C-04-55-844-993 Budget 5905 34 52.50 D-03-20-853-028 DOG FUND Budget 5905 47 15,399.80 C-04-55-804-940 Budget 5905 27 48040 04/30/12 3785 BLOOMFIELD MASONRY SUPPLY 00072208 1 GRAVEL MIX 48041 04/30/12 3794 BLUE RAVEN ENTERTAINMENT 12-00364 1 SUMMER CONCERT DEPOSIT 48042 04/30/12 4123 CARL E. BOWLES, CRP. CPWM 12-00300 1 RECYCLING COORDINATOR MARCH 1,458.33 N-15-20-855-028 RECYCLING TRUST 48043 04/30/12 4130 BOYCE ASSOCIATES 12-00145 1 TOT LOT EQUIPMENT FELTON FIELD 48044 04/30/12 5200 CAMERON ANIMAL HOSPITAL 12-00202 1 VET SERVICES FOR ANGELICA 3/15 48045 04/30/12 5579 CDW-G 12-00015 1 20 HP SLATE 2 W/FOLIO 1 NEC TV 12-00015 2 HP 2Y INSURANCE 3,321.20 C-04-55-804-940 Budget 28 12-00015 3 HP SLATE BLUETOOH KEYBOARD 1,776.80 C-04-55-804-940 Budget 29 Packet Pg. 75 Attachment: vendor list 5-14-12 (1773 : Vendor List) Range of Checking Accts: CLAIMS FUND Report Type: All Checks Page No: 1 8.1.a May 9, 2012 04:10 PM BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Check Register By Check Date Check # Check Date Vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account 12-00131 Account Type Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq Continued Continued 4 NEC E322 32" TV 1 2X HP PC 500GB 8GB 484.99 C-04-55-804-940 Budget 30 2,347.32 C-04-55-959-918 Budget ACQUISITION OF EQUIPMENT-2004 23,330.11 31 48046 04/30/12 6299 CLEAN CUT CLEANING SERVICES 12-00165 1 CARPET INSTALLATION P.D. 1,384.00 C-04-55-923-947 Budget 5905 41 48047 04/30/12 6905 CROSSTOWN PLUMBING SUPPLY 00072238 1 VARIOUS SUPPLIES Budget 5905 18 9,627.37 C-04-55-923-947 Budget 5905 1 1,200.00 2-05-20-512-028 WATER REVENUE Budget 5905 53 Budget 5905 10 1,850.00 R-14-20-854-031 DEDICATED RECREATION Budget 5905 57 790.00 R-14-20-854-030 DEDICATED RECREATION Budget 5905 60 48048 04/30/12 7796 D & S LAND DEVELOPMENT 00068305 10 ESTIMATE #7 & FINAL 48049 04/30/12 10702 EDMUNDS & ASSOCIATES 12-00231 2 UTILITY BILLING WIPP 1 YEAR 776.72 2-05-26-511-055 WATER MAINTENANCE 48050 04/30/12 18604 HILLS'S PET NUTRITION SALES 00072049 1 SUPPLIES FEB.2012 140.00 D-03-20-853-030 DOG FUND 48051 04/30/12 28508 LA GUARDIA & ASSOCIATES 12-00347 1 SUMMER CONCERT DEPOSIT 48052 04/30/12 31149 MADISON SQUARE GARDEN / 12-00374 1 RADIO CITY DEPOSIT 12/9/12 48053 04/30/12 31801 MGL PRINTING SOLUTIONS 12-00162 2 VARIOUS OFFICE SUPPLIES 48054 04/30/12 32254 MJG PROMOTIONS 12-00180 1 BICENTENNIAL PATCHES 48055 04/30/12 34200 CITY OF NEWARK 12-00174 1 WATER BILLING FEB.18-MAR.12 12-00225 1 NO. 13TH ST WATER BILLS 48056 04/30/12 34747 NJ STATE DEPT OF HEALTH 00072047 1 DOG LIC.REG.FEE,PILOT FUND 250.00 H-21-12-821-028 Budget HOUSING VOUCHER PROGRAM 2012 1,580.09 R-14-20-854-030 DEDICATED RECREATION 61,479.88 2-05-20-514-072 PURCHASE OF WATER 160.66 2-05-20-514-072 PURCHASE OF WATER 61,640.54 21.60 D-03-21-156-003 5905 40 Budget 5905 43 Budget 5905 42 Budget 52 Budget 5905 9 Packet Pg. 76 Attachment: vendor list 5-14-12 (1773 : Vendor List) CLAIMS FUND 48045 CDW-G 12-00015 Page No: 2 8.1.a BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Check Register By Check Date Check # Check Date Vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account Page No: 3 8.1.a Account Type CLAIMS FUND Continued 48057 04/30/12 35298 NORTHWEST ESSEX COMMUNITY 12-00148 2 JUNE 1,2011-AUG.31,2011 5,000.00 B-19-11-381-028 Budget NORTHWEST ESSEX COMM.HEALTHCARE NETWORK 12-00148 3 SEPT 1,2011-NOV.30,2011 5,000.00 B-19-11-381-028 Budget NORTHWEST ESSEX COMM.HEALTHCARE NETWORK 12-00148 4 DEC 1,2011-FEB.29,2012 5,000.00 B-19-11-381-028 Budget NORTHWEST ESSEX COMM.HEALTHCARE NETWORK 15,000.00 48058 04/30/12 36499 MARTIN O'BOYLE 00069912 1 WRIGHTS FIELD UPGRADES 00069912 2 WRIGHTS FIELD UPGRADES 48059 04/30/12 36527 THE FIRST OCCUPATIONAL 12-00323 1 RECYCLING COLLECTION APRIL 12' 48060 04/30/12 39124 PATRIC COMMUNICATIONS 12-00204 1 MEDIA/ANIMAL SHELTER 48061 04/30/12 39150 PCI HEALTH 12-00197 1 MEDICAL SUPPLIES 48062 04/30/12 39550 PFIZER ANIMAL HEALTH 00072008 1 SUPPLIES 48063 04/30/12 39786 PINNACLE WIRELESS 00072278 1 APRIL 2012 SERVICES 48064 04/30/12 45001 RICCIARDI BROS., INC. 00072043 1 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 48065 04/30/12 45033 RMC STUDIOS 00072436 1 WINTER ROCK PARTICIPANTS 48066 04/30/12 47512 THE SIGN POST 00072427 1 METAL SIGN MEMORIAL SCOREBOARD 48067 04/30/12 48257 SOURCE MEDIA 12-00159 1 BOND SALE 12-00160 1 LEGAL AD FOR BOND SALE 7,613.11 B-19-09-641-028 WRIGHTS FIELD UPGRADES 376.89 R-14-20-854-030 DEDICATED RECREATION 7,990.00 Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq 5905 35 36 37 Budget 5905 4 Budget 5 35,175.00 N-15-20-855-028 RECYCLING TRUST Budget 5905 56 1,050.00 D-03-20-853-028 DOG FUND Budget 5905 49 31.81 D-03-20-853-030 DOG FUND Budget 5905 45 908.20 D-03-20-853-030 DOG FUND Budget 5905 7 415.00 2-05-26-511-137 WATER MAINTENANCE Budget 5905 21 180.87 D-03-20-853-030 DOG FUND Budget 5905 8 Budget 5905 26 393.00 C-04-55-808-975 Budget 5905 24 1,391.50 C-04-55-904-999 Budget 5905 38 1,512.50 C-04-55-993-999 Budget 39 1,470.00 R-14-20-854-030 DEDICATED RECREATION Packet Pg. 77 Attachment: vendor list 5-14-12 (1773 : Vendor List) May 9, 2012 04:10 PM May 9, 2012 04:10 PM BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Check Register By Check Date Check # Check Date Vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account CLAIMS FUND 48067 SOURCE MEDIA Page No: 4 8.1.a Account Type Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq Continued Continued 48068 04/30/12 48327 SPEEDY SEWER & DRAIN CORP. 12-00203 1 DRAIN REPAIRS 1,017.00 D-03-20-853-028 DOG FUND 48069 04/30/12 48671 STAPLES PRINT SOLUTIONS 00069785 1 EPATS NEW PATS ROLLS 48070 04/30/12 48731 STORR TRACTOR CO. 00072274 1 PARTS FOR HALCYON FOUNTAIN 48071 04/30/12 49410 THE KOOTZ 12-00348 1 SUMMER CONCERT BAND 48072 04/30/12 49813 TERRE CO OF N.J.INC 00072239 1 GRASS SEED,TOPSOIL 48073 04/30/12 51499 TURN OUT FIRE & SAFETY 00072068 14 PAYMENT #13 Budget 5905 48 Budget 5905 3 296.22 2-05-26-511-034 WATER MAINTENANCE Budget 5905 20 850.00 R-14-20-854-031 DEDICATED RECREATION Budget 5905 58 145.00 2-05-26-511-030 WATER MAINTENANCE Budget 5905 19 1,167.20 C-04-55-802-985 Budget 5905 11 2,448.02 T-13-56-013-MC5 00072068 15 PAYMENT #14 93.98 C-04-55-802-985 Budget 12 00072068 16 PAYMENT #15 205.96 C-04-55-802-985 Budget 13 00072068 17 PAYMENT #16 219.96 C-04-55-802-985 Budget 14 00072068 18 PAYMENT #17 299.90 C-04-55-802-985 Budget 15 1,235.76 C-04-55-802-985 Budget 51 770.00 C-04-55-976-915 Budget 5905 32 770.00 C-04-55-976-915 Budget 33 89.95 C-04-55-976-915 Budget 5905 54 48076 04/30/12 53387 U.S. BANK CUST FOR LLF1-NJ J0001163 1 TAX REDEMPTION CERT.08-00090 69,554.23 T-13-22-856-C30 Budget 5905 83 12-00207 1 NEW HIRE CLASS B UNIFORMS 3,222.76 48074 04/30/12 51501 TURUL BOOKBINDERY INC. 12-00133 1 BOOK BINDING 12-00135 1 2005 BOOK BINDING 1,540.00 48075 04/30/12 53327 UNITED COMPUTER SALES 12-00258 1 MICROSOFT WINDOWS UPDATE Packet Pg. 78 Attachment: vendor list 5-14-12 (1773 : Vendor List) 2,904.00 May 9, 2012 04:10 PM BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Check Register By Check Date Check # Check Date Vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account CLAIMS FUND Continued 48077 04/30/12 55396 VIRGO MUNICIPAL FINANCE FUND L J0001139 1 TAX REDEMPTION CERT.11-00093 9,290.83 T-13-22-856-C30 Page No: 5 8.1.a Account Type Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq Budget 5905 61 Budget 82 48078 04/30/12 57325 PEG GERRITY SPECIALTY ADVERTIS 00072435 1 BICENTENNIAL AFGHAN THROWS 935.00 T-13-56-013-BBC Budget 5905 25 48079 04/30/12 57600 00072281 1 FABC 726.90 2-05-26-511-030 WATER MAINTENANCE Budget 5905 22 31.60 D-03-20-853-030 DOG FUND Budget 5905 50 48081 04/30/12 83517 BARRIOS, JULIE & JEMALIE J0001148 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 729 LOT 22 36.00 2-01-20-520-010 Budget 5905 68 48082 04/30/12 83518 MC KEE, OSCAR & CYNTHIA J0001144 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 841 LOT 51 235.91 2-01-20-520-010 Budget 5905 64 11,051.49 2-01-20-520-010 Budget 5905 69 1,711.17 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 81 955.77 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 80 48086 04/30/12 83522 FRIAS, CARLO & PRICE, CAITLIN J0001159 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 379 LOT 24 704.59 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 79 48087 04/30/12 83523 MANCUSO, STEVEN & ELIZABETH J0001158 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 379 LOT 25 887.27 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 78 48088 04/30/12 83524 UGARO, FLORENCE J0001157 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 391 LOT 42 Budget 5905 77 J0001162 1 TAX REDEMPTION CERT.10-00061 42,583.05 T-13-22-856-C30 WELDON ASPHALT CO. 48080 04/30/12 57628 WEDGEWOOD PHARMACY 12-00205 1 MEDICATION 48083 04/30/12 83519 M.C.P. ASSOCIATES, LP J0001149 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 576 LOT 7 48084 04/30/12 83520 379 REALTY, LLC J0001161 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 336 LOT 11 48085 04/30/12 83521 DAVITT, JASON & SHEETAL J0001160 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 366 LOT 21 369.90 2-01-20-520-011 Packet Pg. 79 Attachment: vendor list 5-14-12 (1773 : Vendor List) 51,873.88 May 9, 2012 04:10 PM BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Check Register By Check Date Check # Check Date Vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account Account Type Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq Continued 2,264.07 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 76 1,363.52 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 75 48091 04/30/12 83527 SAMBROWSKI,MICHAEL & CATHERINE J0001154 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 454 LOT 31 188.66 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 74 48092 04/30/12 83528 MAGLIONE, ELDA, EST. J0001153 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 461 LOT 18 195.87 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 73 48093 04/30/12 83529 LOMA, RONALD & NEREIDA J0001152 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 488 LOT 7 880.74 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 72 48094 04/30/12 83530 GAUER, EILEEN J0001151 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 488 LOT 25 230.23 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 71 48095 04/30/12 83531 BROAD STREET MEDICAL BUILDING J0001150 1 TAX REFUND BL.511 LOT 30/B01 278.49 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 70 48096 04/30/12 83532 WALLIS, PEARL J0001147 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 734 LOT 21 165.95 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 67 48097 04/30/12 83533 JOSEPH REARDON, JR. J0001146 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 736 LOT 18 294.68 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 66 48098 04/30/12 83534 RIVERA, CHRISTOPHER & J0001145 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 820 LOT 14 259.77 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 65 29.35 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 63 864.43 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 62 1,386.43 2-01-20-520-011 Budget 5905 84 48090 04/30/12 83526 NEAL-CRAWLEY, DESERAL & J0001155 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 427 LOT 18 48099 04/30/12 83535 SCHLOSSER, ARTHUR & LORETTA J0001142 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 829 LOT 9 48100 04/30/12 83536 CATALANO, LINDA J0001141 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 827 LOT 37 48101 04/30/12 83537 CICIO, SALVATOR & EVANA J0001164 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 489 LOT 28 Packet Pg. 80 Attachment: vendor list 5-14-12 (1773 : Vendor List) CLAIMS FUND 48089 04/30/12 83525 LAGOS, GUILLERMO J0001156 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 394 LOT 10 Page No: 6 8.1.a May 9, 2012 04:10 PM BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Check Register By Check Date Check # Check Date Vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account CLAIMS FUND Continued 48102 04/30/12 83538 PARISI, MARCO & TARA J0001165 1 TAX REFUND BLOCK 729 LOT 49 2,263.01 2-01-20-520-012 Budget 5906 80 Budget 5906 59 2,681.76 2-01-31-820-074 UTILITIES 2,336.39 2-01-31-820-074 UTILITIES 3,049.50 2-01-31-820-074 UTILITIES 3,124.02 2-01-31-820-074 UTILITIES 3,248.67 2-01-31-820-074 UTILITIES 14,440.34 Budget 5906 14 Budget 15 Budget 16 Budget 17 Budget 18 11,250.00 2-01-20-712-027 DEPARTMENT OF LAW 11,250.00 2-01-20-712-027 DEPARTMENT OF LAW 22,500.00 Budget 5906 71 Budget 72 750.00 2-01-25-752-024 FIRE DEPARTMENT 3,290.80 1-01-40-305-029 CLEAN COMMUNITIES GRANT 48106 04/30/12 1120 ALLIED OIL LLC 00071847 5 NON-LEADED GASOLINE 4/9/12 6 NON-LEADED GASOLINE 4/12/12 00071847 7 NON-LEADED GASOLINE 4/16/12 00071847 8 NON-LEADED GASOLINE 4/19/12 00071847 9 NON-LEADED GASOLINE 4/23/12 48107 04/30/12 1169 BRIAN J, ALOIA LLC 12-00172 2 LABOR ATTORNEY FEB. 2012 3 LABOR ATTORNEY MARCH 2012 48108 04/30/12 1244 AMERICAN ROYAL HARDWARE 00072279 1 VARIOUS SUPPLIES 00072324 1 SUPPLIES 48109 04/30/12 1278 AMERICAN HOSE & HYDRAULICS 00072284 1 PARTS FOR TRUCK 518 48110 04/30/12 1503 ARCTIC FALLS 00072280 1 WATER COOLER RENTAL APRIL-JUNE 5905 85 VOID 48105 04/30/12 1091 ALL INDUSTRIAL-SAFETY 00072307 1 VARIOUS SUPPLIES 00071847 Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq Budget Alignment Check 48104 04/30/12 291 ADVANCE SECURITY 12-00223 1 INSTALL COMBO LOCKS 12-00172 Account Type 79.59 2-01-26-769-024 Budget DIVISION OF PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS 180.24 2-01-26-769-024 Budget DIVISION OF PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS 259.83 5906 39 65 154.90 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS Budget 5906 42 57.00 2-01-26-767-030 SERVICE BUILDINGS Budget 5906 40 Budget 5906 46 48111 04/30/12 1820 ATLAS DISPOSAL OPTIONS, INC. 00072290 1 OIL FILTERS,OIL DRUMS 110.00 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS Packet Pg. 81 Attachment: vendor list 5-14-12 (1773 : Vendor List) 48103 04/30/12 Page No: 7 8.1.a BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Check Register By Check Date Check # Check Date Vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account CLAIMS FUND Continued 48112 04/30/12 1929 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES 00071264 1 FEB.2012 SERVICES 50.17 2-01-31-820-076 UTILITIES 12-00192 1 LANGUAGE LINE INTERPRETING SER 183.60 2-01-33-830-028 MUNICIPAL COURT 233.77 48113 04/30/12 2005 AUTOMOTIVE BRAKE COMPANY 00072285 1 ASSORTED AUTOMOTIVE PARTS 00072286 1 ASSORTED AUTOMOTIVE PARTS 48114 04/30/12 2519 BALDI IRON WORKS, INC. 00072301 1 REPAIRS DPW TRAILER 48115 04/30/12 2614 BARNES, TIYANNA 12-00241 1 REIMBURSEMENT PARKING 48118 04/30/12 3009 LEXIS/NEXIS MATTHEW BENDER 12-00099 1 12/31/11 INVOICE PD 48119 04/30/12 3276 BERGEN COUNTY POLICE 12-00261 1 CJIS TRAINING X'S 3 48120 04/30/12 3290 BERKELEY AUTO BODY, INC. 00072242 1 REPAIRS CAR 21 00072250 1 REPAIRS CAR #8 00072295 1 REPAIRS CAR #5 Account Type Budget Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq 5906 4 Budget 76 232.13 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS 1,897.07 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS 2,129.20 Budget 5906 43 Budget 44 560.00 2-01-26-767-025 SERVICE BUILDINGS Budget 5906 54 51.00 2-01-33-830-042 MUNICIPAL COURT Budget 5906 82 Budget 5906 7 48116 04/30/12 2782 BELLEVILLE AUTOMOTIVE PARTS 00071472 1 ASSORTED AUTOMOTIVE PARTS 890.83 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS 00072287 1 SEAT BELT ASSEM.POLICE CAR #8 204.12 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS 00072312 1 ASSORTED AUTOMOTIVE PARTS 79.39 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS 1,174.34 48117 04/30/12 3007 BELLS SECURITY SALES INC. 00072248 1 ASSORTED KEYS FOR VEHICLES Page No: 8 8.1.a Budget 45 Budget 62 306.38 2-01-26-767-026 SERVICE BUILDINGS Budget 5906 34 166.00 2-01-20-707-024 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Budget 5906 70 315.00 2-01-25-745-042 POLICE DEPARTMENT Budget 5906 83 2,113.76 2-01-26-767-025 SERVICE BUILDINGS 2,042.79 2-01-26-767-025 SERVICE BUILDINGS 2,740.11 2-01-26-767-025 SERVICE BUILDINGS Budget 5906 31 Budget 35 Budget 50 Packet Pg. 82 Attachment: vendor list 5-14-12 (1773 : Vendor List) May 9, 2012 04:10 PM BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Check Register By Check Date Check # Check Date Vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account CLAIMS FUND Continued 48120 BERKELEY AUTO BODY, INC. Continued 00072297 1 REPAIRS POLICE CAR #3 6,197.89 2-01-26-767-025 SERVICE BUILDINGS 13,094.55 48121 04/30/12 3676 BLOOMFIELD CENTER ALLIANCE J0001166 1 2ND QTR. 2012 SID 76,083.25 2-01-20-216-000 S.I.D. TAXES PAYABLE 48122 04/30/12 3768 BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP J0001214 1 JAN-FEB.2012 VIOLATIONS INCOME 48123 04/30/12 4498 BSN SPORTS 00071868 1 PRACTICE VESTS 36,883.00 2-01-08-106-MC2 234.72 2-01-28-795-066 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION 48124 04/30/12 5209 CAMPBELL SUPPLY CO., INC. 12-00193 1 REPAIRS TO ENGINE 2-FUEL GAUGE 2,615.14 2-01-26-767-025 SERVICE BUILDINGS 48125 04/30/12 5615 C & M AUTO REPAIR 00072314 1 REPAIRS POLICE CAR #37 48126 04/30/12 6688 STEPHEN CONNOLLY 00071910 1 VIDEO SERVICES BLOOMFIELD BUZZ 48127 04/30/12 7830 DAVID WEBER OIL CO. 00072240 1 DRUM DEPOSIT,POWER FLO DRUM 48128 04/30/12 7897 DELGEN PRESS 00072173 1 POLICE DEPT.INCIDENT REPORTS 1,481.95 2-01-26-767-025 SERVICE BUILDINGS 48131 04/30/12 9800 DURA-WEAR GLOVE & SAFETY 00072309 1 ASSORTED GLOVES 00072310 1 SUPPLIES Account Type Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq Budget 52 Budget 5906 86 Budget 5906 87 Budget 5906 19 Budget 5906 77 Budget 5906 64 200.00 2-01-20-723-028 Budget CABLE TELEVISION COMMITTEE 5906 21 Budget 5906 30 Budget 5906 27 Budget 5906 3 1,791.67 2-01-22-726-028 HOUSING INSPECTIONS Budget 5906 5 2,289.90 1-01-40-305-029 CLEAN COMMUNITIES GRANT 887.46 1-01-40-305-029 CLEAN COMMUNITIES GRANT 3,177.36 Budget 5906 60 Budget 61 3,530.70 2-01-31-820-074 UTILITIES 798.00 2-01-25-745-023 POLICE DEPARTMENT 48129 04/30/12 9402 DRAEGER SAFETY DIAGNOSTICS, IN 00070646 1 MOUTHPIECE,CERT.SOLUTION 292.45 2-01-20-204-000 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 48130 04/30/12 9504 ARTHUR DRURY 00071366 11 MAY 1-MAY 15,2012 SERVICE Page No: 9 8.1.a Packet Pg. 83 Attachment: vendor list 5-14-12 (1773 : Vendor List) May 9, 2012 04:10 PM May 9, 2012 04:10 PM BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Check Register By Check Date Check # Check Date Vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq Continued 48133 04/30/12 10702 EDMUNDS & ASSOCIATES 12-00231 1 TAX COLLECTION 1 YEAR WIPP 48134 04/30/12 11792 ESSEX COUNTY COLLEGE 00072151 1 TRAINING CLASS 4/18/12 2,275.00 2-01-20-723-028 Budget CABLE TELEVISION COMMITTEE 48136 04/30/12 13807 FINCH FUEL OIL CO.INC. 00071839 2 #2 DIESEL FUEL 48137 04/30/12 13815 FISHER SCIENTIFIC 00071431 3 THERMOMETERS 48138 04/30/12 14702 FRANK'S GMC TRUCK CENTER 00071825 1 REPAIRS TRUCK 507 48139 04/30/12 15608 GANN LAW BOOKS 12-00262 1 2012 EDITION NJ POLICE MANUAL 48140 04/30/12 15950 RICK GEARHART 00071913 1 MARCH 2012 SERVICES 48141 04/30/12 17225 W.W.GRAINGER,INC 00071776 1 AIR FILTERS 1 BATTERIES FOR SCOTT AIRPAKS 48142 04/30/12 17346 GRINNELL RECYCLING INC. 00072270 1 CY CONTAINER DUMP - DIRT 5906 20 1,200.00 2-01-20-708-028 DIVISION OF REVENUE Budget 5906 81 90.00 2-01-25-745-042 POLICE DEPARTMENT Budget 5906 26 Budget 5906 49 Budget 63 4,048.16 2-01-31-820-074 UTILITIES Budget 5906 13 165.33 1-01-27-785-030 BOARD OF HEALTH Budget 5906 6 270.34 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS Budget 5906 12 Budget 5906 84 48135 04/30/12 13402 FERRARA;S TRANSMISSION SERVICE 00072294 1 REPAIRS POLICE CAR #9 1,600.00 2-01-26-767-025 SERVICE BUILDINGS 00072313 1 REPAIRS POLICE CAR #28 1,600.00 2-01-26-767-025 SERVICE BUILDINGS 3,200.00 12-00194 Account Type 54.00 2-01-25-746-033 COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 810.00 2-01-20-723-028 Budget CABLE TELEVISION COMMITTEE 313.92 2-01-25-752-024 FIRE DEPARTMENT 26.08 2-01-25-752-030 FIRE DEPARTMENT 340.00 2,640.00 2-01-32-827-127 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 5906 24 Budget 5906 11 Budget 78 Budget 5906 36 Packet Pg. 84 Attachment: vendor list 5-14-12 (1773 : Vendor List) CLAIMS FUND 48132 04/30/12 9801 ROBERT DUTHALER 00071901 7 MAY 1-MAY 15,2012 SERVICES Page No: 108.1.a May 9, 2012 04:10 PM BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Check Register By Check Date Check # Check Date Vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account 48145 04/30/12 23803 JEDSTOCK, INC. 00072233 1 METAL OUTDOOR CONTAINER 48146 04/30/12 23812 JERSEY POWER & EQUIP. CO. 00071538 1 VARIOUS SUPPLIES 1 MULCH BLADES,ETHANOL SHIELD 48147 04/30/12 28989 A. LEMBO COLLISION, INC. 00072325 1 REPAIRS 2009 SHUTTLE BUS 48148 04/30/12 31166 MASER CONSULTING P.A. 00071560 4 ESTIMATE #3 00071560 5 ESTIMATE #4 48149 04/30/12 32280 JOE MILANO 00072429 1 SKATE PARK RE-OPENING DJ 48150 04/30/12 38714 P & A AUTO PARTS 00072243 1 ASSORTED AUTOMOTIVE PARTS 00072244 1 PARTS 00072283 1 ASSORTED AUTOMOTIVE PARTS 00072296 1 ASSORTED AUTOMOTIVE PARTS 00072299 1 ASSORTED AUTOMOTIVE PARTS Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq Continued 48144 04/30/12 22128 INSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONA 12-00091 1 3/26/12 SEMINAR-T/C BOOT CAMP 00072292 Account Type Budget 5906 68 99.00 2-01-20-708-042 DIVISION OF REVENUE Budget 5906 69 3,700.00 1-01-40-305-029 CLEAN COMMUNITIES GRANT Budget 5906 28 284.04 2-01-26-767-026 SERVICE BUILDINGS 97.39 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS 381.43 Budget 5906 8 Budget 48 663.32 2-01-26-767-025 SERVICE BUILDINGS Budget 5906 66 250.94 2-01-28-795-066 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION 8,318.75 1-01-40-348-028 Budget SMART FUTURE PLANNING GRANT 1,190.00 1-01-40-348-028 Budget SMART FUTURE PLANNING GRANT 9,508.75 300.00 2-01-28-795-029 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION 3,610.72 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS 642.09 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS 492.31 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS 668.96 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS 22.67 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS 5,436.75 48151 04/30/12 44298 RELIABLE WOOD PRODUCTS, LLC 00072273 1 CY MIXED VEGETATIVE WASTE 942.40 2-01-32-827-127 SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL 5906 9 10 Budget 5906 67 Budget 5906 32 Budget 33 Budget 41 Budget 51 Budget 53 Budget 5906 37 Packet Pg. 85 Attachment: vendor list 5-14-12 (1773 : Vendor List) CLAIMS FUND 48143 04/30/12 19594 THE HOME DEPOT 00072432 1 SUPPLIES Page No: 118.1.a May 9, 2012 04:10 PM BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Check Register By Check Date Check # Check Date Vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account 00071917 135.00 2-01-20-723-058 Budget CABLE TELEVISION COMMITTEE 247.50 2-01-20-723-058 Budget CABLE TELEVISION COMMITTEE 382.50 RICCIARDI BROS., INC. 62.04 2-01-26-769-024 Budget DIVISION OF PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS 48154 04/30/12 45577 ROSENBLUTH, JONATHAN 12-00190 1 ACTING JUDGE ROSENBLUTH SAT ON 00072305 1 WATCH CHILDREN SIGN,FIELD SIGN 25,000.00 2-01-20-707-029 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Budget 5906 85 Budget 5906 74 48158 04/30/12 48671 STAPLES PRINT SOLUTIONS 12-00173 1 ATS MAILERS 253.45 2-01-28-795-065 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION 170.00 2-01-26-765-026 Budget ROAD REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 138.00 2-01-26-765-026 Budget ROAD REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 45.00 2-01-26-769-024 Budget DIVISION OF PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS 353.00 526.59 2-01-33-830-023 MUNICIPAL COURT Budget TERRE CO OF N.J.INC 48160 04/30/12 53285 UNION FIRE EQUIPMENT CORP 12-00209 1 1-MF507 STORZ MOUNT 48161 04/30/12 55026 VERIZON FIOS/COMMUNICATION 00071912 1 3/25-4/24/12 INTERNET 48162 04/30/12 57317 W.B. MASON CO., INC. 00070638 1 PEDESTAL DESKS 5906 57 5906 75 48157 04/30/12 47512 THE SIGN POST 00072235 1 LITTERING AGAINST LAW SIGNS 1 RESTAURANT WEEK BOARDS,ETC 25 Budget 48156 04/30/12 47492 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. 12-00179 3 PAINT FOR DUGOUT 00072302 5906 22 250.00 2-01-33-830-028 MUNICIPAL COURT 48155 04/30/12 47485 SHI 12-00313 1 ENTERPRISE LICENSE 25 SEATS 48159 04/30/12 49813 00072303 1 TOPSOIL Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq Continued 1 ON SITE SERVICE,WEB BANNER 48153 04/30/12 45001 00072304 1 KRYLON Account Type 97.50 2-01-26-769-024 Budget DIVISION OF PARKS & PLAYGROUNDS 34.00 2-01-25-752-030 FIRE DEPARTMENT Budget 111.66 2-01-20-723-058 Budget CABLE TELEVISION COMMITTEE 620.00 1-01-25-745-030 POLICE DEPARTMENT Budget 5906 29 55 58 5906 73 5906 56 5906 79 5906 23 5906 2 Packet Pg. 86 Attachment: vendor list 5-14-12 (1773 : Vendor List) CLAIMS FUND 48152 04/30/12 44637 DAN REMOLLINO 00071911 1 DOMAIN CONFIGURATION Page No: 128.1.a May 9, 2012 04:10 PM BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Check Register By Check Date Check # Check Date Vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq Continued 48164 04/30/12 63819 YORK MOTORS, INC. 00072291 1 GORILLA LIFT,TRAILER LIGHT KIT 11.80 2-01-26-767-030 SERVICE BUILDINGS Budget 5906 38 251.99 2-01-26-767-034 SERVICE BUILDINGS Budget 5906 47 Checking Account Totals Checks: Direct Deposit: Total: Paid 129 0 129 Void 2 0 2 Amount Paid 604,233.62 0.00 604,233.62 Amount Void 0.00 0.00 0.00 Report Totals Paid 129 0 129 Void 2 0 2 Amount Paid 604,233.62 0.00 604,233.62 Amount Void 0.00 0.00 0.00 Checks: Direct Deposit: Total: Account Type Attachment: vendor list 5-14-12 (1773 : Vendor List) CLAIMS FUND 48163 04/30/12 57599 GTS-WELCO 00072276 1 CYLINDER RENTAL Page No: 138.1.a Packet Pg. 87 BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP Check Register By Check Date Fund Description Fund Budget Total Revenue Total CURRENT 1-01 20,462.24 0.00 CURRENT 2-01 257,166.36 0.00 2-05 66,104.03 323,270.39 0.00 0.00 C.D.B.G. B-19 27,113.11 0.00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT C-04 57,945.36 0.00 DOG D-03 3,681.08 0.00 H.V.P. H-21 250.00 0.00 RECYCLING N-15 36,633.33 0.00 DEDICATION RECREATION R-14 9,916.98 0.00 GENERAL TRUST T-13 124,961.13 0.00 604,233.62 0.00 WATER OPERATING Year Total: Total Of All Funds: Page No: 148.1.a Attachment: vendor list 5-14-12 (1773 : Vendor List) May 9, 2012 04:10 PM Packet Pg. 88 8.2 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ORDINANCE SALARY ADJUSTMENT Salary Ordinance Local 219 *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on . ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Ordinance 1774 Adopt Deny Withdrawn Table Not Discussed First Reading Table with no Vote Approve Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Vote Record - Ordinance 1774 Adopt Deny Withdrawn Table Not Discussed First Reading Table with no Vote Approve Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 89 8.3 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ORDINANCE SALARY ADJUSTMENT Salary Ordinance Communication Operators *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on . ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Ordinance 1775 Adopt Deny Withdrawn Table Not Discussed First Reading Table with no Vote Approve Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Vote Record - Ordinance 1775 Adopt Deny Withdrawn Table Not Discussed First Reading Table with no Vote Approve Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 90 8.4 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 RESOLUTION BUDGETS Estimated Tax Bills *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Resolution 1780 Adopted Adopted as Amended Defeated Withdrawn Tabled Approved Approved by Consensus Not Discussed Tabled with No Vote Discussed Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 91 8.5 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 RESOLUTION RECREATION FEES 2012 Resolution Authorizing Refund of Property Tax Overpayments WHEREAS, property taxes have been overpaid; and, WHEREAS, the property taxes have been satisfied on the various properties for the fiscal years and the overpayments require a refund in a total of $1,386.43 for 2011 and $2,263.01 for 2012. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield, County of Essex, State of New Jersey, hereby authorize the Township Treasurer to issue refund checks in a total amount of $1,386.43 for overpayments made in 2011 and $2,263.01 for overpayments made in 2012. *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Resolution 1793 Adopted Adopted as Amended Defeated Withdrawn Tabled Approved Approved by Consensus Not Discussed Tabled with No Vote Discussed Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: RESOLUTION TO REFUND PROPERTY TAX OVERPAYMENTS (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 92 8.5.a Attachment: RESOLUTION TO REFUND PROPERTY TAX OVERPAYMENTS (1793 : AUTHORIZING REFUND OF PROPERTY TAX This resolution for refund of property tax overpayments are for overpayments made in 2011 and 2012, which require a refund to the party that made the overpayment. Breakdown of tax overpayments that require a refund are as follows: Block #489, Lot #28, $1,386.43 to Salvator and Evana Cicio, 2011 tax overpayment Block #729, Lot #49, $2,263.01 to Marco & Tara Parisi, 2012 tax overpayment To introduce at 5/14/12 meeting to pass resolution 5/21/12 meeting. Packet Pg. 93 9.1 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 RESOLUTION CHANGE ORDERS Broad Street LED Lighting - Change Order #1 Final *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Resolution 1776 Adopted Adopted as Amended Defeated Withdrawn Tabled Approved Approved by Consensus Not Discussed Tabled with No Vote Discussed Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: LED Streetlights - Change Order (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 94 Attachment: LED Streetlights - Change Order (1776 : Broad Street LED Lighting - Change Order) 9.1.a Packet Pg. 95 Attachment: LED Streetlights - Change Order (1776 : Broad Street LED Lighting - Change Order) 9.1.a Packet Pg. 96 9.2 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 RESOLUTION AWARD OF CONTRACT Foley Field Bleacher Replacement - Award of Contract *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Resolution 1777 Adopted Adopted as Amended Defeated Withdrawn Tabled Approved Approved by Consensus Not Discussed Tabled with No Vote Discussed Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: Foley Bleachers - Contract Award (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 97 Attachment: Foley Bleachers - Contract Award (1777 : Foley Field Bleacher Replacement) 9.2.a Packet Pg. 98 Attachment: Foley Bleachers - Contract Award (1777 : Foley Field Bleacher Replacement) 9.2.a Packet Pg. 99 9.3 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 RESOLUTION CHANGE ORDERS 2011 Sidewalk Repair Program - Change Order #1 - Final *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Resolution 1778 Adopted Adopted as Amended Defeated Withdrawn Tabled Approved Approved by Consensus Not Discussed Tabled with No Vote Discussed Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: Change Order - 2011 Sidewalk Repair (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 100 Attachment: Change Order - 2011 Sidewalk Repair (1778 : 2011 Sidewalk Repair - Change Order) 9.3.a Packet Pg. 101 Attachment: Change Order - 2011 Sidewalk Repair (1778 : 2011 Sidewalk Repair - Change Order) 9.3.a Packet Pg. 102 9.4 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 RESOLUTION AWARD OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Children’s Library Heating System - Award of Professional Service Non-Fair & Open *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Resolution 1779 Adopted Adopted as Amended Defeated Withdrawn Tabled Approved Approved by Consensus Not Discussed Tabled with No Vote Discussed Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: Childrens Library heating (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 103 Attachment: Childrens Library heating (1779 : Children's Library Heating System) 9.4.a Packet Pg. 104 Attachment: Childrens Library heating (1779 : Children's Library Heating System) 9.4.a Packet Pg. 105 Attachment: Childrens Library heating (1779 : Children's Library Heating System) 9.4.a Packet Pg. 106 Attachment: Childrens Library heating (1779 : Children's Library Heating System) 9.4.a Packet Pg. 107 Attachment: Childrens Library heating (1779 : Children's Library Heating System) 9.4.a Packet Pg. 108 9.5 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ACTION ITEM AD AUTHORIZATIONS Ad Authorization - Vegetative Waste Disposal Services *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Action Item 1794 Approved Defeated Adopted Withdrawn Tabled Not Discussed Tabled with no Vote Approved no Vote No Motion Discussed No Vote Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 109 10.1 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ACTION ITEM SPONSOR ADS Hispanic Cultural Event Ad-Carteret School *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Action Item 1763 Approved Defeated Adopted Withdrawn Tabled Not Discussed Tabled with no Vote Approved no Vote No Motion Discussed No Vote Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: _0430114417_001 (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 110 Attachment: _0430114417_001 (1763 : Hispanic Cultural Event Ad-Carteret School) 10.1.a Packet Pg. 111 10.2 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ACTION ITEM APPROVAL BHS Exploring Childhood Leaning Lab Preschool Gradution *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Action Item 1764 Approved Defeated Adopted Withdrawn Tabled Not Discussed Tabled with no Vote Approved no Vote No Motion Discussed No Vote Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: _0430115133_001 (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 112 Attachment: _0430115133_001 (1764 : BHS Exploring Childhood Leaning Lab Preschool Gradution) 10.2.a Packet Pg. 113 10.3 Township Council 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 SCHEDULED INFORMATIONAL (ID # 1799) Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM Department: Municipal Clerk Category: Discussion Prepared By: Bonita L Triola Initiator: Louise M. Palagano Sponsors: DOC ID: 1799 ABC Incident Reports - Heartbreakers and Moon Palace Updated: 5/10/2012 11:13 AM by Bonita L Triola Page 1 Packet Pg. 114 10.3.a MONTHLY LIQUOR LICENSE SUMMARY April 2011-March 2012 Ash Lounge/Ave Steakhouse (140 Bloomfield Ave) Suspicious Condition Actor responded to Police Department stating he left his wallet at Ash Lounge. Actor was taken to Ash Lounge where management returned his wallet stating he never paid his $25 bill for his meal but left his wallet there. Patron was advised not to return to establishment and management of Ash lounge advised as well. 04/23/11 Ash Lounge/Ave Steakhouse (140 Bloomfield Ave) Arrest Actor was arrested outside establishment at closing time for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. 07/31/11 Ash Lounge/Ave Steakhouse (140 Bloomfield Ave) Notification Owner advised that his establishment had to close at 2400hrs in order to renew liquor license. Owner complied. 07/31/11 Ash Lounge/Ave Steakhouse (140 Bloomfield Ave) Disturbance Dj stated that promoter refused to pay him after he was done and then mashed some equipment of his. No customers witnessed incident. Parties referred to the court. 10/16/11 Ash Lounge/Ave Steakhouse (140 Bloomfield Ave) Theft Complainant approached an officer working an authorized extra duty assignment and stated she left her purse unattended and noticed her I phone and 10 dollars cash were missing 11/13/11 Attachment: April 2011- March 2012 Liquor License Reports (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) 04/13/11 Ash Lounge/Ave Steakhouse (140 Bloomfield Ave) Assault Officer was waved down by bar staff. Spoke to victim who stated an unknown person struck him in the face. No complaints. Treated by EMS Packet Pg. 115 10.3.a 12/21/11 Ash Lounge/Ave Steakhouse (140 Bloomfield Ave) Assault Victim states that while at a holiday party she was assaulted by another person attending the party. Victim was referred to court. Ash Lounge/Ave Steakhouse (140 Bloomfield Ave) Verbal Dispute Report of verbal argument outside. All parties were dispersed. ASH LOUNGE/AVE. STEAKHOUSE 8 INCIDENTS 11/02/11 Bar Cara (Toscana) (1099 Broad St.) Assist DEA D.E.A. requested our assistance in executing an arrest warrant inside the establishment. 11/17/11 Bar Cara (Toscana) (1099 Broad St.) Verbal dispute while patrolling, officer observed couple arguing in parking lot of bar. No complaints at that time BAR CARA (TOSCANA) 2 INCIDENTS 12/04/11 Berkeley Liquors (129 Franklin St.) Burglary Officers responded to a report of a suspect who forcibly entered establishment. Officers arrived as suspect exited and arrest was made. Attachment: April 2011- March 2012 Liquor License Reports (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) 03/28/12 BERKELEY LIQUORS 1 INCIDENT Packet Pg. 116 10.3.a 04/19/11 Brookdale Buy-Rite Liquors (1057 Broad St.) Theft Owner reports unknown black male entered his store and walked out with bottles of liquor without paying. Owner will check video. Owner advised to save video for the detective bureau. Brookdale Buy-Rite 1057 Broad St. Larceny Owner of establishment reported confronting suspect who he believes stole liquor from his establishment on an earlier occasion. Suspect fled scene. Under investigation 6/14/11 Brookdale Buy-Rite Liquors (1057 Broad St.) Theft Owner reports unknown white male entered his store and walked out with bottles of liquor without paying. Owner will check video. Owner advised to save video for the detective bureau. 6/16/11 Brookdale Buy-Rite Liquors (1057 Broad St.) Theft Owner reports unknown white male entered his store and walked out with bottles of liquor without paying. Owner will check video. Owner advised to save video for the detective bureau. BROOKDALE BUY-RITE LIQUORS 4 INCIDENTS 12/06/11 Clancy’s Pub (120 Broughton Ave.) Unwanted party officers responded to a report of an unwanted customer. Customer left bar at the officers request. Attachment: April 2011- March 2012 Liquor License Reports (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) 04/28/11 CLANCY’S PUB 1 INCIDENT Packet Pg. 117 10.3.a 09/23/11 Core’s Tavern (45 Franklin St.) Disturbance – Bartender reports that a male became too loud inside the bar and was asked to leave. He left establishment and continued to yell loudly to himself outside bar. He was transported by officers to Taxi Stand. Core’s Tavern (45 Franklin St.) Disturbance officers responded on a report of a disturbance. Parties escorted from scene. 02/06/12 Core’s Tavern (45 Franklin St.) Theft Victim states she left her phone on the bar when she stepped out of the bar. When she returned the phone was gone. 02/04/12 Core’s Tavern (45 Franklin St.) Dispersal officer’s responded on a report of an unwanted customer. Spoke with owner who stated customer refused to leave. Suspect was escorted from the bar. CORE’S TAVERN 4 INCIDENTS 08/21/11 Essex Manor (41 Broughton Ave) Disturbance Owner called police after female customer was approached by a male holding a baby and an argument ensued. Both parties went outside. Female returned, asked bartender to call the police stating that she was assaulted by the male. Upon officers arrival both parties had left the area. 12/29/11 Essex Manor (41 Broughton Ave) Unwanted customer/Arrest) Officers responded to a report of a unwanted customer. Spoke to bartender who stated suspect was arguing with other customers and was asked to leave. Suspect refused. Police arrived and escorted suspect out of bar. He was then asked to leave. He refused and was arrested. Attachment: April 2011- March 2012 Liquor License Reports (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) 01/16/12 ESSEX MANOR 2 INCIDENTS Packet Pg. 118 10.3.a 07/17/11 Gallagher’s (45 Broad St.) Shoplifting Two suspects stole a bottle of wine and fled scene. One suspect stopped by police and identified as being with the actor who stole the wine. Owner referred to the court after identification was made. Gallagher’s (45 Broad St.) Criminal Mischief officer’s responded on a report of criminal mischief. Owner stated he refused to sell alcohol to a female and asked her to leave the sore. 15 minutes later, a rock was thrown through the front window. A female was seen fleeing area. GALLAGHER’S 2 INCIDENTS 05/05/11 Heartbreakers (611 Bloomfield Ave) Dispersal Upon arrival officers dispersed actors hanging around outside establishment. 05/19/11 Heartbreakers (611 Bloomfield Ave) Theft Victim stated unknown person stole his laptop computer while in establishment. 07/24/11 Heartbreakers (611 Bloomfield Ave) Disturbance Com states he was denied a lap dance after paying for it. Owner of establishment stated com never paid for a lap dance and was removed by his staff after causing a disturbance. Com complained of being choked and loosing oxygen. Com was combative with EMS and police while they were attempting to look at his injury. Com Transported to Clara Mass due to his insistence that he lost oxygen. Com referred to court for any complaints. Attachment: April 2011- March 2012 Liquor License Reports (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) 01/25/12 08/22/11 Heartbreakers (611 Bloomfield Ave) Agg Assault Actor was asked to leave the bar. Actor returned 15 minutes later and pulled a knife on employees (victims) refusing him entry to the bar. Actor was wrestled to the ground by employees (victims), knife secured and held down until police arrived. Actor arrested and charged. Packet Pg. 119 10.3.a 9/30/11 Heartbreakers (611 Bloomfield Ave) Disturbance – Security of bar reports suspect began to argue with a bartender and was asked to leave. Suspect fled prior to police arrival. Heartbreakers (611 Bloomfield Ave) Disturbance Report of a fight involving 3 parties inside bar. All fled prior to police arrival. No complaints at this time 01/30/12 Heartbreakers (611 Bloomfield Ave) Customer trouble officers responded on a report of a fight. Security stated 3 suspects were asked to leave. Officer’s escorted the suspects out of the bar. 02/19/12 Heartbreakers (611 Bloomfield Ave) Disturbance Officers observed large crowd outside bar. A person in the crowd left the crowd, enter a vehicle and drove away. Several people were pointing at this individual. Vehicle was stopped and ordered to return to scene. Back at the scene, while officers were investigation two parties began to yell at each other. One individual was placed under arrest. EMS responded to scene to treat several individuals for injuries. 02/22/12 Heartbreakers (611 Bloomfield Ave) Disturbance Officers responded to a disturbance. Observed large crowd fighting. Officer ordered all to stop, which they complied. Someone in the crowd stated one party had a gun. All were placed on the wall at gunpoint until backup units arrived. Search with neg results. Fight occurred inside bar and a gun was shown. Search of area for gun proved negative. There were conflicting stories if a gun was present. Town Summons were issued for disorderly Person. 03/29/12 Heartbreakers (611 Bloomfield Ave) Harassment Officers spoke to manager who stated he fired an employee and escorted her out of the establishment. Attachment: April 2011- March 2012 Liquor License Reports (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) 11/07/11 HEARTBREAKERS 10 INCIDENTS Packet Pg. 120 10.3.a 9/05/11 10/7/11 Liquor Locker (339 Broad St.) Theft – Store manager reports a male took a bottle of liquor, concealed it under his clothing and walked out of the store. Search of area with negative results. LIQUOR LOCKER 2 INCIDENTS 4/28/11 Moon Palace (556-558 Arlington Ave) Disorderly Patron Owner reports disorderly patron through food on the floor. Patron left before police arrival. 6/10/11 Moon Palace (556-558 Arlington Ave) Disturbance Employee arguing with employer over money owed. Employer gave employee a check which employee stated was not the correct amount owed. Both parties referred to the court. 07/02/11 Moon Palace (556-558 Arlington Ave) Disorderly Patron Owner reports disorderly patron. Patron left before police arrival. Attachment: April 2011- March 2012 Liquor License Reports (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) Liquor Locker (339 Broad St.) Criminal Mischief Owner states store was closed for the evening. A white male demanded entry. Upon being told the store was closed he proceeded to break the glass on the front door and drive off with a female companion. Video and statements turned over to detective bureau for follow-up Packet Pg. 121 10.3.a 07/17/11 Moon Palace (556-558 Arlington Ave) Criminal Mischief Homeless man who frequents the area came into the establishment was asked to leave and caused damage to rear door on his exit. Actor left before police arrival.. Moon Palace (556-558 Arlington Ave) Assault Owner and a customer got into an argument where upon, owner states he was slapped him in the face. Customer states he hit her too. Both parties referred to court. 09/10/11 Moon Palace (556-558 Arlington Ave) Noise Complaint Officer’s responded to an anonymous noise complaint. Upon arrival there were several individuals talking loudly in the parking lot as well as cars leaving with their radios loud. Actors disbursed, East Orange Police also on the scene. 10/21/11 Moon Palace (556-558 Arlington Ave) ABC Violations Assisting East Orange. Reports were submitted to all. 10/28/11 Moon Palace (556-558 Arlington Ave) Assault/Theft Officers responded to location on a report of a fight inside bar. Bartender reports 5 – 6 females entered the bar. The bartender was advised by manager not to serve the females. When the females were advised they were being denied alcohol, 1 suspect entered behind the bar and struck the bartender in the face. Bartenders sister also involved in fight. During fight, sister’s purse was also taken. Suspects fled scene prior to police arrival 12/17/11 Moon Palace (556-558 Arlington Ave) Assist East Orange officers responded to assist East Orange PD in the parking lot on a disturbance. All parties were dispersed. Attachment: April 2011- March 2012 Liquor License Reports (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) 07/17/11 Packet Pg. 122 10.3.a 02/03/12 02/10/12 Moon Palace (556-558 Arlington Ave) Town Ordinance violations Officer responded to ensure off duty E.O. police officer was working extra duty assignment. No officer was present. Bloomfield officer entered bar and asked where E.O. officer was. Bartender stated officer went to Dunkin Donuts. Bloomfield officer asked to see employee list. Bartender and manager were on the employee list. No East Orange Police officer was listed on the employee list. 02/12/12 Moon Palace (556-558 Arlington Ave) Investigation Officer responded to see if off duty E.O. police officer was working the parking lot. No officer was present. Bloomfield officer spoke to manager who stated she didn’t think she needed an officer because the bar was not busy. There were no customers at that time. Time of the check was 01:27 hours. 02/25/12 Moon Palace (556-558 Arlington Ave) Noise complaint Officers responded on a report of a noise complaint. Asked manager to lower the music. Officers checked liquor license number 0702 33020005 which was not up to date. Employee list did not have off duty Police Officer working. Employee list did not contain any employees working at that time. Saturday February 25th 23:30 hours. MOON PALACE 13 INCIDENTS Attachment: April 2011- March 2012 Liquor License Reports (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) Moon Palace (556-558 Arlington Ave) Noise complaint officers responded on a report of a noise complaint. Noise could be heard from outside bar. Officers checked the employee list which appeared in order. Officers noticed no officer was working the parking lot. Call was Friday February 3rd 2012 at 23:35 hours. Packet Pg. 123 10.3.a 09/10/11 OOPS Bar (7 Watsessing Ave) Investigation Officer’s checked OOPS Bar found it to be closed, locked and no one on the premise. 09/11/11 Attachment: April 2011- March 2012 Liquor License Reports (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) OOPS Bar (7 Watsessing Ave) Investigation Officer’s checked OOPS Bar found it to be closed, locked and no one on the premise. 09/16/11 OOPS Bar (7 Watsessing Ave) Investigation Officer’s checked OOPS Bar found it to be closed, locked and no one on the premise. 10/9/11 OOPs Bar (7 Watsessing Ave.) Bar Check Officers responded to Bar to conduct a bar check. Owner was having a private birthday party. There were no signs liquir was being sold at that time. 02/06/12 OOPs Bar (7 Watsessing Ave.) Investigation while patrolling, officers observed bar appeared to be open for business. Spoke to owner who stated he has been open since January 19th 2012. He spoke to someone from the town, but could not remember their name and advised them he was open for business. OOPS BAR 5 INCIDENTS 04/20/11 Pianos Bar & Grill (36 Broad St.) Disturbance Report of unruly female. Actor left prior to Police arrival. 04/22/11 Piano Bar & Grill (36 Broad St.) Sexual Assault Victim reports drinking in bar, talking to unknown actors then blacking out, upon waking up at home, she discovered she had been sexually assaulted. Under Investigation. Packet Pg. 124 10.3.a 05/03/11 Piano Bar & Grill (36 Broad St.) Disorderly Conduct Upon arrival actors were outside having an argument and being uncooperative. Town Summons issued for disorderly conduct. Pianos Bar & Grill (36 Broad St.) Verbal Dispute Actors were having a verbal dispute inside. They went outside and continued to argue and were disbursed. 08/17/11 Pianos Bar & Grill (36 Broad St.) Assault Complainant stated he was assaulted inside the bar. Com did have a scratch on his face. Com refused medical attention. Com could not identify assailant. Bartender stated he was arguing with several people before being asked to leave. Com was referred to Detective bureau if he had further information. Com was picked up by a friend and transported home. 12/11/11 Pianos Bar & Grill (36 Broad St.) Unwanted party officers responded to a report of an unwanted customer. Customer left bar at the officer’s request. 12/31/11 Pianos Bar & Grill (36 Broad St.) unwanted Customer officers responded to bar on unwanted parties. Escorted parties from area. 03/03/12 Pianos Bar & Grill (36 Broad St.) Agg. Assault Officer flagged down by employee of Piano bar. Stated he escorted individual out of bar and he returned. Individual sustained severe injury to his eye. Employee admits to getting into altercation with injured individual. Employee was arrested. EMS transported to UMDNJ PIANOS BAR & GRILL 8 INCIDENTS Attachment: April 2011- March 2012 Liquor License Reports (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) 07/20/11 Packet Pg. 125 10.3.a 04/01/11 Titillations (12 Willow St.) Disturbance Officers responded to a verbal argument in front of the establishment. Several actors reporting they were assaulted by each other. All referred and disbursed. Titillations (6-12 Willow St.) Counterfeit Currency Owner identified actors that had passed a counterfeit $100 bill. Actors became belligerent on the scene. Unable to ascertain if actors new bill was counterfeit. Counterfeit bill confiscated for evidence. Actors released. 09/03/11 Titillations (6-12 Willow St.) Aggravated Assault/Resisting Arrest Officer Horn while working a side-job in full uniform observed the bouncer in an altercation with a patron. The patron was attempting to strike the bouncer with a beer bottle. Patron was told to leave the beer inside as no alcohol was allowed to be consumed outside. Instead, the patron tried to strike the bouncer with the beer bottle while fighting with him. Officer Horn identified herself and the patron began swinging the beer bottle at her. Officer attempted to restrain subject who continued to resist. Officer Horn and the bouncer were able to bring the combatant to the ground. Actor was arrested and charged. 09/15/11 Titillations (6-12 Willow St.) Disorderly Conduct/Resisting Arrest Officer observed actor leave bar in no condition to drive. Officer called taxi for actor. Actor began screaming at Officer’s and attempted to grab an officer. Actor arrested and charged. 09/12/11 Titillations (12 Willow St.) Dispersal Manager requested patron be dispersed. Actor dispersed without incident. 11/12/11 Titillations (12 Willow St.) Arrest DWI Officers responded to bar on a report of a MVA. Officer working extra duty assignment observed accident. Driver failed sobriety tests. Arrested Attachment: April 2011- March 2012 Liquor License Reports (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) 05/04/11 Packet Pg. 126 10.3.a 03/03/12 TITILLATIONS 7 INCIDENTS 05/14/11 Town Pub (378 Broad St.) Investigation Responded on an anonymous report of underage drinking. Officers spoke with bartender who stated she checked all identification prior to serving. A spot check was conducted among patrons, all over the legal drinking age. Establishment license checked all in order. 05/14/11 Town Pub (378 Broad St.) Loud Music Upon officer’s arrival there was no loud music. However, the side doors to the establishment were open which they agreed to close. 09/25/11 Town Pub (378 Broad St.) Disturbance Officers responded to a report of a disturbance. Spoke with employee who stated 3 suspects were asked to leave the bar. They returned later and attempted to enter. Police arrived. Suspects left scene. 09/27/11 Town Pub (378 Broad St.) Theft Complainant states his x- girlfriend showed up at the bar and took 11 dollars from him. He was referred to the court for complaints. 10/21/11 Town Pub (378 Broad St.) Disturbance Officers respond to a report of a fight. Spoke with owner who stated 2 males were involved in a verbal argument. Suspects were advised and left scene. Attachment: April 2011- March 2012 Liquor License Reports (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) Titillations (12 Willow St.) Assault Officer working extra duty job, officer was advised that 2 customers left bar, engaged in an argument and assaulted each other. Both were referred to court. 01/22/12 Town Pub (378 Broad St.) Customer trouble Officers responded on a report of a disturbance. Spoke to complainant who stated suspect spit in her face and then went outside and urinated on the side of the bar. No complaints at that time. Packet Pg. 127 Attachment: April 2011- March 2012 Liquor License Reports (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) 10.3.a TOWN PUB 6 INCIDENTS Packet Pg. 128 Attachment: _0510110401_001 (1799 : ABC Incident Reports) 10.3.b Packet Pg. 129 11.1 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ORDINANCE AGREEMENTS Require Developers to Hire Union Laborers (Venezia) *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on . ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Ordinance 1785 Adopt Deny Withdrawn Table Not Discussed First Reading Table with no Vote Approve Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Vote Record - Ordinance 1785 Adopt Deny Withdrawn Table Not Discussed First Reading Table with no Vote Approve Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: _0508130634_001 (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 130 Attachment: _0508130634_001 (1785 : Require Developers to Hire Union Laborers) 11.1.a Packet Pg. 131 Attachment: _0508130634_001 (1785 : Require Developers to Hire Union Laborers) 11.1.a Packet Pg. 132 Attachment: _0508130634_001 (1785 : Require Developers to Hire Union Laborers) 11.1.a Packet Pg. 133 Attachment: _0508130634_001 (1785 : Require Developers to Hire Union Laborers) 11.1.a Packet Pg. 134 Attachment: _0508130634_001 (1785 : Require Developers to Hire Union Laborers) 11.1.a Packet Pg. 135 Attachment: _0508130634_001 (1785 : Require Developers to Hire Union Laborers) 11.1.a Packet Pg. 136 Attachment: _0508130634_001 (1785 : Require Developers to Hire Union Laborers) 11.1.a Packet Pg. 137 Attachment: _0508130634_001 (1785 : Require Developers to Hire Union Laborers) 11.1.a Packet Pg. 138 11.2 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 RESOLUTION APPOINTMENT Parking Authority Appointment (Bernard) *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Resolution 1797 Adopted Adopted as Amended Defeated Withdrawn Tabled Approved Approved by Consensus Not Discussed Tabled with No Vote Discussed Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: _0510103601_001 (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 139 Attachment: _0510103601_001 (1797 : Parking Authority Appointment) 11.2.a Packet Pg. 140 Attachment: _0510103601_001 (1797 : Parking Authority Appointment) 11.2.a Packet Pg. 141 Attachment: _0510103601_001 (1797 : Parking Authority Appointment) 11.2.a Packet Pg. 142 Attachment: _0510103601_001 (1797 : Parking Authority Appointment) 11.2.a Packet Pg. 143 11.3 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 RESOLUTION BOARD APPOINTMENTS Recycling Committee Appointments (Hamilton) *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Resolution 1801 Adopted Adopted as Amended Defeated Withdrawn Tabled Approved Approved by Consensus Not Discussed Tabled with No Vote Discussed Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: RobertaPetrikresume RobertaPetrikResumecoverletter Hiltonresumerecyclecommittee (PDF) (PDF) (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 144 11.3.a Roberta Petrik 60 Rowe St. Bloomfield, N.J. 07003 973-680-4481 To obtain a Full time position where I can utilize my customer service, clerical and organizational skills. I am a dedicated worker and a team player. PROFESSIONAL SKILLS • • • • • • Microsoft word Filing Typing Telephone Skills Copying Scheduling • • • • • Office Procedures Proofreading Customer Service Skills Schooldude Communication skills • • • • • • Management Skills Retail experience Organizational skills Purchase orders Work orders Building Rentals EDUCATION High School graduate. EMPLOYMENT SKILLS Developed ability to work in a fast pace atmosphere • Maintained excellent customer relations and developed customer rapport • Ability to follow instructions well and make decisions with little supervision • Motivator of over 10 employees • Delegated responsibilities to employees to meet company’s expectations • Effectively developed telephone communication skills • Developed typing skills by entering data daily on computer • Very optimistic • Organization skills • Typing purchase orders and work orders • Communicating and obtaining quotes and bids from contractors EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Production Coordinator, Bowne Business Communications Administrative Assistant, Bloomfield Board of Education 10/7/1993-5/23/05 5/24/05-Present Attachment: RobertaPetrikresume (1801 : Recycling Committee Appointments (Hamilton)) OBJECTIVE REFERENCES Jerry Parisi Michael Derderian Facility Manager, Bloomfield BOE 973-680-8501 x2008 Business Administrator, Bloomfield BOE 973-680-8501 x2026 Packet Pg. 145 11.3.b Township of Bloomfield 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Dear Anthony Nesto: Please consider my enclosed resume to be part of the recycling committee in Bloomfield. I am currently working in the Bloomfield BOE Facilities department. As you’ll see from the enclosed resume, I am proficient in a variety of skills. I am experienced in handling many secretarial duties and various other duties assigned to me. What my resume does not reveal is that I am a dedicated hard working person who is always eager to learn. I have a positive outlook on things and I work well with others. I like to keep busy and I would make a great contribution to your staff. If you require any additional information, please call. I look forward to meeting with you. Sincerely, Roberta Petrik Enclosure Attachment: RobertaPetrikResumecoverletter (1801 : Recycling Committee Appointments (Hamilton)) Roberta Petrik 60 Rowe St. Bloomfield, N.J. 07003 April 19, 2012 Packet Pg. 146 11.3.c Joyce Cockrell Hilton 66-A Brookdale Gardens Bloomfield, NJ 07003 [email protected] Dear Mr. Hamilton, I would like to be considered for a position on the recycling committee. I firmly believe Bloomfield needs to recycle more and ‘think about tomorrow’. Being on the committee would allow me to educate others about the importance of recycling and how they can benefit from recycling. I enjoy being a resident of Bloomfield for the last 22 years. My three children have attended grades K-12 in the Bloomfield schools. I worked at Brookdale Bakery, Brookdale ShopRite and currently work part time at Gencarelli’s Bakery. I was a volunteer coach for the Civic Center’s girls Peppermint League softball team for 6 summers and I have participated at the clean ups at Clark’s Pond. Appointing me to the recycling committee will be a benefit to Bloomfield. Attached is my work experience, education, and references. Sincerely, Joyce Cockrell Hilton CC: Anthony Nesto, Public Works Director, [email protected] Rosemary Brown, Secretary to the Mayor, [email protected] Attachment: Hiltonresumerecyclecommittee (1801 : Recycling Committee Appointments (Hamilton)) Mr. Bernard Hamilton, Councilman-At-Large 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 [email protected] Packet Pg. 147 11.3.c Objective: To inform the residents and businesses of Bloomfield to be more aware of the need to recycle, what they would need to do to effectively recycle, how easy it is to make recycling a natural part of their every day life and all the benefits of recycling. Being on the committee will allow me to do my part to help the current and future generations of our town. Work Experience: 2011-Present Gencarelli’s Bakery, Bloomfield, NJ. Front Counter, Sales, Cashier. Contact: Deanna Gencarelli, Telephone: 973-743-1480 2001-2008 Ssesco, Inc., Roselle Park, NJ. Marketing Director, Administrative Assistant, Office Manager. Contact: Jim Fenzlein, Telephone: 201-376-3974 1999-2000 Brookdale ShopRite, Bloomfield, NJ. Cashier. Contact: George Howey, Telephone: 973-338-4141 1997-1999 Brookdale Bakery, Bloomfield, NJ. Clerk, Cashier. Business Closed. 1994-1997 1992-1996 1989-1992 1984-1989 Country Scuba, Inc., Franklin, NJ Store Manager, Retail Sales, Scuba Instructor Elite Dive Center, Rockaway, NJ Independent Scuba Instructor Scuba Network, Little Falls, NJ Independent Scuba Instructor Original Steele’s Scuba, Oakland, CA. Store Manager, Scuba Instructor, Cashier, and Sales. Contact: Jim Steel, Sr., Owner. Telephone: 510-655-4344 January 1983-January 1985 Ventox, Inc. at Brookside Hospital, San Pablo, CA. Hospital name changed to Doctor’s Medical Center. Ventox, Inc. was purchased by the hospital. Worked as a Hyperbaric Technician. Supervisor: Dr. Cianci Telephone: 510-970-5000 Education: University of Medicine and Dentistry of NJ, Newark, NJ. Respiratory Care Technician Program. June, 2010-Dec., 2010 Essex County College, West Caldwell, NJ. Major in Allied Health with a minor in Respiratory Care. January, 2009-May, 2010 Florida Institute of Technology, Jensen Beach, FL. Associate of Science - Underwater Technology - September, 1982 Associate of Science - Offshore Marine Technology – December, 1981 Certifications: EMT-B State of New Jersey, February 10, 2011 Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) SCUBA Diving Instructor, 1985 American Heart Association BLS/CPR for Healthcare Providers, Since 1994 Notary Public State of NJ since July, 2001 Attachment: Hiltonresumerecyclecommittee (1801 : Recycling Committee Appointments (Hamilton)) Joyce E. Cockrell Hilton 66A Brookdale Gardens Bloomfield, NJ 07003 SS# 154-50-1517 Cell Telephone: 973-703-3555 Email: [email protected] Activities: PADI SCUBA Diving Instructor, 1985- present Beneath The Sea Volunteer worker for Ocean Pals, 2000- present Softball Coach- Bloomfield Recreation Girl’s Peppermint League, 1999-2004 Packet Pg. 148 11.3.c Page 2 References: James Carter PSE&G Supervisor 600 Meadowlands Parkway Secaucus, NJ 07094 201-319-3337 Mary Lawrence Personal Friend 15 Ferncliff Road Bloomfield, NJ 07003 973-338-7252 Jerry and Paula Liebman Neighbor 66B Brookdale Gardens Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Known 39 years Known 16 years Known 22 ½ years Attachment: Hiltonresumerecyclecommittee (1801 : Recycling Committee Appointments (Hamilton)) Joyce E. Cockrell Hilton 66A Brookdale Gardens Bloomfield, NJ 07003 SS# 154-50-1517 Cell Telephone: 973-703-3555 Email: [email protected] Packet Pg. 149 11.4 Township Council 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 SCHEDULED INFORMATIONAL (ID # 1802) Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM Department: Mayor and Council Category: Discussion Prepared By: Bonita L Triola Initiator: Bernard Hamilton Sponsors: DOC ID: 1802 Audit Update-PACO (Hamilton) Updated: 5/10/2012 1:06 PM by Bonita L Triola Page 1 Packet Pg. 150 11.5 Township Council 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM Department: Mayor and Council Category: Discussion Prepared By: Bonita L Triola SCHEDULED INFORMATIONAL (ID # 1804) Initiator: Bernard Hamilton Sponsors: DOC ID: 1804 Economic Development (Hamilton) Updated: 5/10/2012 1:05 PM by Bonita L Triola Page 1 Packet Pg. 151 12.A.1 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ACTION ITEM LITIGATION American Counseling Center, Inc., Et Al. *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Action Item 1084 Approved Defeated Adopted Withdrawn Tabled Not Discussed Tabled with no Vote Approved no Vote No Motion Discussed No Vote Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 152 12.A.2 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ACTION ITEM LITIGATION Leonard Vs. Township of Bloomfield “As of the date of the agenda being prepared, the status in this matter has not changed. If the status changes before the Council Meeting, you will be given an oral update”. *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Action Item 1085 Approved Defeated Adopted Withdrawn Tabled Not Discussed Tabled with no Vote Approved no Vote No Motion Discussed No Vote Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 153 12.A.3 Township Council 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 SCHEDULED LITIGATION (ID # 1798) Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM Department: Administrator Category: Unknown Prepared By: Louise M. Palagano Initiator: Yoshi Manale Sponsors: DOC ID: 1798 Newark Water Bill Updated: 5/10/2012 10:57 AM by Louise M. Palagano Page 1 Packet Pg. 154 12.B.1 Township Council 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 SCHEDULED INFORMATIONAL (ID # 1786) Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM Department: Police Department Category: Discussion Prepared By: Anthony Servedio Initiator: Chris Goul Sponsors: DOC ID: 1786 Police Department Termination Discussion of termination of Police Department Employee 09092 Updated: 5/8/2012 2:11 PM by Anthony Servedio Page 1 Packet Pg. 155 12.B.2 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 RESOLUTION LEAVE OF ABSCENCE Police Personnel FMLA *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Resolution 1790 Adopted Adopted as Amended Defeated Withdrawn Tabled Approved Approved by Consensus Not Discussed Tabled with No Vote Discussed Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: 20120508151719501 (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 156 Attachment: 20120508151719501 (1790 : Police Personnel FMLA) 12.B.2.a Packet Pg. 157 12.B.3 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ORDINANCE SALARY ADJUSTMENT Finance-Title Change *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above ordinance was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on . ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Ordinance 1792 Adopt Deny Withdrawn Table Not Discussed First Reading Table with no Vote Approve Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Vote Record - Ordinance 1792 Adopt Deny Withdrawn Table Not Discussed First Reading Table with no Vote Approve Veto by Mayor Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent ATTACHMENTS: 20120510105811838 (PDF) Page 1 Packet Pg. 158 Attachment: 20120510105811838 (1792 : Finance-Title Change) 12.B.3.a Packet Pg. 159 12.C.1 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ACTION ITEM NEGOTIATIONS OPEIU *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Action Item 1081 Approved Defeated Adopted Withdrawn Tabled Not Discussed Tabled with no Vote Approved no Vote No Motion Discussed No Vote Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 160 12.C.2 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ACTION ITEM NEGOTIATIONS Bloomfield Maintenance Welfare Association *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Action Item 1082 Approved Defeated Adopted Withdrawn Tabled Not Discussed Tabled with no Vote Approved no Vote No Motion Discussed No Vote Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 161 12.C.3 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ACTION ITEM NEGOTIATIONS Bloomfield Maintenance Foremen’s Association *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Action Item 1083 Approved Defeated Adopted Withdrawn Tabled Not Discussed Tabled with no Vote Approved no Vote No Motion Discussed No Vote Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 162 12.C.4 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ACTION ITEM NEGOTIATIONS PBA Superior Officer’s Association *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Action Item 1087 Approved Defeated Adopted Withdrawn Tabled Not Discussed Tabled with no Vote Approved no Vote No Motion Discussed No Vote Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 163 12.C.5 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ACTION ITEM NEGOTIATIONS FMBA Local 19 *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Action Item 1090 Approved Defeated Adopted Withdrawn Tabled Not Discussed Tabled with no Vote Approved no Vote No Motion Discussed No Vote Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 164 12.C.6 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ACTION ITEM NEGOTIATIONS Communication Operators *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Action Item 1567 Approved Defeated Adopted Withdrawn Tabled Not Discussed Tabled with no Vote Approved no Vote No Motion Discussed No Vote Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 165 12.C.7 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ACTION ITEM NEGOTIATIONS FMBA Local 219 *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Action Item 1772 Approved Defeated Adopted Withdrawn Tabled Not Discussed Tabled with no Vote Approved no Vote No Motion Discussed No Vote Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 166 12.C.8 Township Council Louise M. Palagano 1 Municipal Plaza Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Municipal Clerk Meeting: 05/14/12 07:00 PM 2012 ACTION ITEM NEGOTIATIONS Bloomfield Crossing Guards *…*…*…* I hereby certify that the above resolution was duly adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Township of Bloomfield at a meeting of said Township Council held on May 14, 2012. ________________________________________________________ Municipal Clerk of the Township of Bloomfield ________________________________________________________ Mayor of the Township of Bloomfield Vote Record - Action Item 1771 Approved Defeated Adopted Withdrawn Tabled Not Discussed Tabled with no Vote Approved no Vote No Motion Discussed No Vote Elias Chalet Nicholas Joanow Carlos Bernard Michael Venezia Peggy O'Boyle Dunigan Bernard Hamilton Raymond McCarthy Yes/Aye No/Nay Abstain Absent Page 1 Packet Pg. 167