Classifieds - Sweet Adelines International


Classifieds - Sweet Adelines International
Page 3
President’s Message
Page 4
Becoming a Better Singer
Page 6
Chorus Beat
Page 7
The Overtone Society
Page 8
Houston Convention
Page 19
Page 6
May/June 2011
from the president
Cammi’s Pearls of Wisdom
her to make as she loves to sing and
loves the chorus. You will hear that in her
voice when you listen to my conversation
with her.
Welcome to the May/June 2011 Pitch
Pipe Lite. It is almost incomprehensible to
me that a year ago I was writing my first
column as your International President
and now, with eight of them under my
belt, the second year of my presidency
has started and I’m halfway through my
term. The time certainly has flown by!
Norma was the tenor in my very first
quartet in Sweet Adelines, and we used to
spend many joyful rehearsals together.
We never registered, nor competed, but
we did sing in a couple of Lions Gate
shows back in the early 1990’s. We sang
together because we wanted to improve
our vocal skills and to hone our barbershop ears, as well as develop our friendship with one another. It worked!
I hope that you have all had a chance to
explore our new and exciting on-line
Education Center. The International Board
of Directors and the Education Direction
Committee are very excited to see this
long-time dream come to fruition. With
the expertise of our Communications and
Education Departments at Sweet Adelines
International, this will be an on-going
project that will always be in motion.
Check back often to read, watch or listen
to new and exciting additions! This is a
fabulous perk of membership, accessible
in any country at any time. We hope you
love it as much as we do!
As you know, the theme of my presidency
last year was leadership, and I plan to
continue with it this next year, as I’ve had
valuable feedback from many of you that
this is of use to you, and that you are
enjoying the different aspects of leadership in my columns. I thank those of you
who took the time to write, and to give me
suggestions and feedback on other topics
of interest. Keep ‘em coming!
In the past two Pitch Pipe Lites, you were
able to hear podcasts of my interviews
with two past presidents of the organization, Peggy Gram and Marsha Fulton. I
hope you enjoyed listening to them as
much as I enjoyed talking to them and
getting their words of wisdom! For this
issue, I thought it would be fun to talk to
someone who has been a member of the
organization for a long time, but who is a
Norma Dobson
“Molly Member”. That is, not someone
who has risen through the ranks to one of
the “top jobs” but one of our members
who took on leadership positions in the
chorus and for two years at the regional
level with no aspirations to go further. We
all know that those members are the backbone of our choruses and we would not
be able to survive without them.
Norma Dobson has been a member of
Lions Gate Chorus for 38 years. She has
recently retired from the chorus and the
organization due to back problems which
prevent her from being able to participate
on the risers to the extent that she would
like to. This was a very hard decision for
In the interview, Norma talks about how
being a leader in Sweet Adelines helped
her in her regular job as a probation officer. When she was a youngster, she
hated having to stand up in front of a
group of people and speak. Lo and
behold, being President of the chorus
meant speaking to the chorus on a
weekly basis and this helped her gain
confidence to speak in court, which she
had to do regularly as part of her job.
Definitely a side benefit!
Norma’s advice to new members is inspiring – jump in feet first! Don’t hesitate to
get involved and to learn as much as you
can about the organization. Take advantage of all the educational opportunities
that come your way and get caught up in
the excitement of it all. The friendships
will last a lifetime and you will reap the
benefits of everything you learn as it can
all be applied to your life outside of Sweet
To hear the entire interview with Norma,
click HERE. She has many words of wisdom.
Till next time....
May/June 2011
By Lisa Houston
Singers sing, practice singing, study
singing and continue singing because
their own experience tells them that it is
fun, engaging, uplifting, and maybe even
physically helpful to them in their lives.
In my experience, meditation can be all
of those things as well.
There are many different kinds of
meditation, just as there are many kinds
of singing. Perhaps the best known in
the West these days is Vipassana, or
"insight" meditation. This is the practice
of sitting quietly, usually with the eyes
closed, and focusing the attention on an
object, usually the breath. Other styles
• Metta, or loving kindness meditation: a
practice of wishing happiness to yourself and others.
• Mantra practice: a meditation in which
a word or phrase, chanted out loud or
heard internally, is used as an object
of concentration.
• Tonglen: a meditation practice in
which one visualizes taking onto oneself the suffering of others, and giving
one's own happiness and success to
• Zazen: a sitting meditation, often with
eyes open, to calm the body and
• Healing meditation: imagining light or
energy moving into areas of pain or
disease in the body, mind, or soul.
Training for the mind
The common goal of these practices is liberation of the mind. Liberation
from what? Well, liberation from suffering, especially suffering brought on by
patterns of thinking such as craving,
aversion, and delusion.
Practicing meditation is a kind of
training for the mind to keep your attention in the present moment instead of off
somewhere else in the future or the past.
The mind, being the mind, likes to think
and keep thinking, often imagining some
event to come, reliving a past event, or
just re-telling one of your top-40 stories
about yourself and your life. What you
practice when you meditate is letting go
of these thoughts and focusing instead
on what is happening here and now.
The practice you choose will be
determined by your own attraction to a
certain style of meditation. As a choral
singer, you may feel you have enough
discipline, and choose to stay away from
zazen, or sitting meditation. Or you may
feel somewhat out of touch with your
body, and choose to include a physical
practice such as Yoga or Qi Gong to
open the body before meditating.
If you feel that you are very hard
on yourself and have a harsh "inner
critic," you may want to try Metta (the
loving kindness practice mentioned
above). Or, if you have an intuition that
really needs some calm and stillness,
then you may want to try Vipassana.
Help for singer multitasking?
If you want more proof that meditation might help you to be a better choral
singer, consider this intriguing study
from the National Institutes of Health.
Richard Davidson and colleagues gave
participants intensive meditation training
to see if it would reduce what is called
"Attentional-blink" occurs when
two pieces of information are presented
to a person in very close succession, and
the brain doesn't perceive the second
May/June 2011
piece of information because it is still
processing the first. The researchers
found that the participants who had gone
through the mental training were more
likely to perceive both pieces of information instead of just the first. Apparently,
the brain used fewer resources to detect
the first piece of information, leaving
more resources available to detect the
second. The researchers also noted that
this study supports the idea that "brain
plasticity, or the ability of the brain to
adapt, exists throughout life."
I can hardly think of a situation
where such an improvement might be
more welcome than in choral singing.
Effectiveness as a singer depends upon
taking in many different pieces of information at once: your own vocal process,
the conductor's cues, the sound of your
colleagues, the music on the page, and
more. The choral singer is a multitasker
extraordinaire and no one wants to be the
singer who's lagging the beat, or still
singing forte even though there's a diminuendo clearly marked.
Finding the flow
There are countless other studies that
show that meditation improves relaxation, concentration, and even health. But
the real reason to try it, the real reason
you're probably still reading this article,
is that you have a sense of something
missing. There is some level of happiness
or ease in life that you think you'd like to
Our culture often teaches us to look
externally for happiness (just buy the
right car, the right lawnmower, the right
wrinkle cream, and happiness is yours!).
Meditation offers a different message:
Happiness is possible right now, in this
moment for you, as you are (without the
car, without the lawnmower, and with the
Performers have long recognized the
importance of being totally aware of the
moment. Greater presence allows for
greater responsiveness, flexibility, and
skill. Some call these deep moments of
concentration the "flow" state. Athletes
call it being in "the zone."
Meditation can help to cultivate that
level of concentration, along with qualities of equanimity and calm. In general,
the same things that are true for the prac-
tice of music are true for meditation:
practice regularly, find a good teacher,
and join a community of people who also
Getting started
• Choose a time you can commit to regularly. Any length is fine, but many
teachers suggest at least twenty minutes to really let yourself "drop in."
• Choose a place where you won't be disturbed. Doors shut, phones off!
• Choose a practice and stick with it for
the whole meditation.
• Choose a posture that is comfortable.
Allow the spine to be straight. If you
are seated cross-legged on the floor,
make sure that your knees are below
the hips. Sit on cushions if necessary.
Vipassana 101
Close your eyes. Bring your attention to your breath as it comes in and
goes out. Choose a focal point, such as
where the breath enters the nostrils, or
the rise and fall of the belly. When you
find that you've lost track of the breath,
see if you can bring your attention back,
without judgment or recrimination. This
may happen many, many times in a sitting.
A term singers can relate to! This
refers to the practice of labeling thoughts
or feelings as a way of detaching from
them. For example if, in your meditating,
you find yourself lost in thoughts of what
you want to do tomorrow, you simply say
to yourself, "planning" or "thinking." If
you find yourself steaming about a recent
argument, you might simply say silently,
"anger." Then, return the attention to the
breath or other object of the meditation.
One teacher describes this as letting
your thought go by as if it were a movie
on a screen. Another describes it as
allowing a train to pass. Just watch it pass
without jumping aboard!
Meditating with your chorus
Consider inviting someone other
than your conductor to lead a group meditation. If there is an experienced yoga
practitioner among your singers, perhaps
he or she can lead the stretches. If there is
an experienced meditator (sometimes
called a Yogi), perhaps he or she can lead
the meditation. If your conductor is comfortable in this role, then he or she would
be a natural leader in these practices.
Have the singers sit as described in
Getting Started above. Let them know
how long you will meditate (five minutes
or so can be adequate). As they begin,
offer simple instructions about how to
follow the breath and return their attention to the breath if the mind wanders.
Then fall silent.
At some point during the five minutes, speak again and remind them that if
their attention has wandered, to bring it
back to the breath. At the end of the allotted time, you can end the meditation with
the mantra practice, or by simply ringing
a small bell.
More food for thought
The increased popularity of meditation means that access to books, meditation instruction and meditation groups
has never been easier in the West.
Meditation has been on the cover of
Time magazine, and is even prescribed
by doctors.
Vance George, former conductor of
the San Francisco Symphony Chorus,
went so far as to share his practice with
his audiences, leading them through a
loving kindness meditation at holiday
More and more, meditation is recognized as an effective tool for a richer,
more meaningful life. The sense of connection and inspiration that music provides is one that every singer has known.
Mediation can be a wonderful tool to
cultivate even greater levels of sensitivity, and to experience that beauty more
About the Author
Mezzo-Soprano Lisa Houston is a
singer and voice teacher from Berkeley,
California. She performs regularly as
soloist in opera and oratorio, and writes
a monthly column for Classical Singer
Magazine on the topic of inspiration for
singers. Download her 10-minute meditation for singers at her new website,
Reprinted with permission from
Singer Network — A service of Chorus
May/June 2011
NEW Featured
Column The Voice Box
Dr. Rachael Gates will
provide vocal health tips
in upcoming issues of
The Pitch Pipe and
The Pitch Pipe Lite.
Soprano, Opera Director and Singing
Health Specialist, Dr. Rachael Gates has sung
in Germany, Russia, Italy and many of the
United States. Dr. Gates was Assistant Opera
Director at Northwestern University and
Director of Midwest Young Artist's Opera
and Music Theater Program in Chicago, IL
for three years. She has taught Acting at The
Hartt School of Music, University of
Hartford, and guest directed opera for Yale
University where she served as assistant
director to Sir Colin Graham. She teaches
vocal health at Michigan State University
young singers foundation
where she is a member of MSU’s Musician
Wellness Team. She is the Public Relations
Representative for Midwest Vocal
Perspectives and belongs to The
Iberoamerican Foundation of Singing and
Speaking Voice as well as National
Association of Teachers of Singing. She and
her students are published in The NATS
Journal of Singing. Dr. Gates holds degrees
in music from Carnegie Mellon University,
The University of Cincinnati CollegeConservatory of Music, and The Ohio State
University. With her two year independent
study in vocal health at The Ohio State
University Medical Center, she pioneered
what is now OSU’s Singing Health
Specialization and has recently submitted a
book on singing for publication with laryngologist, L. Arick Forrest, M.D.
In 1994, Dr. Gates was one of the first
recipients of the Bev Sellers Memorial
Scholarship. In 1995, Dr. Gates performed
at the New Orleans convention where
13,000 members gathered to celebrate the
50th anniversary of the organization. Dr.
Gates was awarded subsequent scholarships
and now serves as a member of the Bev
“It is
important for
young artists to
be encouraged,”
states Dr. Gates.
“The Young
Dr. Rachael Gates, DMA
Singing Health Specialist
generously supported me from
my undergraduate degree up through my
doctoral degree in vocal performance. I am
forever grateful to this beautiful group of
women performers for recognizing and celebrating my talent."
To learn more about the Young Singers
Foundation and how it supports and encourages young singers by your gifts, please
chorus beat
Sweet! A Taste of Something Greater!
In February the Greater Auckland
Chorus (GAC) welcomed 63 women who
had pre-registered for “A Taste of Something
Greater” — our ‘rip open the shower curtain
and step on to the stage’ workshop for
prospective members.”
The idea to bring in the masses on one
special open day, through extensive advertising and word of mouth was no longer a
sweet dream or just in the preparation stages,
it was actually happening, at last!
In the foyer was a table laden with promotional material, with CDs, fresh bottles of
water, chocolates (for energy you understand!), a raffle, and music bags for sale.
Then the tables set out for the food, each
member of the chorus being given precise
instructions on what to provide. A mountain
of bread rolls, chickens, cold meats, salad
ingredients, pickles, and other accoutrements
for a DIY lunch, and tables with delicious
fruits and nibbles to go with the tea and coffee.
Physical and vocal warm-ups, explanations as to who we are, what we represent
and how we sing a cappella in Sweet
Adelines style, a demo by the music team of
a new song for everyone to learn in just a
couple of hours, together with choreography,
made for a challenging and, as one guest had
said, a most exciting experience. New friends
were placed among current chorus members
and the risers were full, with Director
Melody and Associate Director Jocosa
adding expertise and passion in their own
inimitable style.
The new song
that we performed
together at the end
of the afternoon?
“Sweet Dreams Are
Made Of This.”
Judging by some of
the comments
sheets, sweet and
melodious dreams
will be happening
for some time to
The enthusiasm around me gave me a
buzz! An awesome day; I still have a grin on
my face and can’t wait to be at Chorus
again; Open
Day rocked,
Mum and I
really enjoyed
it, see you on
Tuesday; The
other participants were fun
to be with, the
day organised exceptionally well; Specialists
of GAC were fun, friendly, very welcoming and encouraging; Aren’t we a fabulous bunch of ladies in and out of the
shower; A superb day, thank you.
As for sweet dreams for GAC? To
retain those women who have since
joined the chorus and to continue welcoming new members. The final words
of that song? “Everybody’s looking for
something.” May we always have, and
continue to offer, what women are looking for — harmony and excitement!
GAC = Grow Achieve Celebrate, we are certainly doing that in style.
Submitted by Di Clark, Greater
Auckland Chorus, Region 35
May/June 2011
By Carole A. Kirkpatrick, Chair of the
Overtone Society Management
It’s spring in the northern hemisphere, time for perennial herbs, plants,
flowering shrubs and trees to wake up
and leaf out or burst with blossom –
daffodil, iris, and peony; cherry, pear
and apple. It’s also time gardeners to be
tempted by nursery displays of dazzling
annuals – petunia, periwinkle, and
Balanced landscapes typically mix
annuals and perennials to provide texture, focus and color throughout the
growing season. The Overtone Society
is very much like the knowledgeable
gardener who blends annuals and perennials to achieve maximum effect. The
Society thrives by blending opportunities for perennial support such as gifts
made during estate planning and some
of the designated gifts from some
Inaugural Donors with inspired
annual giving opportunities.
The Overtone Society’s 20102011 annual fund campaign, titled
imagination, inspiration, and innovation, builds on the overwhelming
success of the Inaugural Donor program, and seeks to encourage gifts
that will be applied* where they are
most needed to continue Sweet
Adelines’ prosperity and future.
Distinctive, jewel-enhanced donor
recognition pins have been created for
each of four levels of annual giving.
Those levels are:
• Diamond, $2,500 and above;
• Sapphire, $1,000 to $2,499;
• Ruby, $500 to $999; and
• Emerald, $100 to $499.
The Overtone Society Management
Committee for FY 2011-2012 agreed to
set a goal of $55,000 for the imagination, inspiration, and innovation campaign. A recent note from Jan Wyckoff,
L. A. South Towns Show chapter,
Region 11, convinced the Committee
that the goal is achievable. Jan wrote,
“Glad to have the opportunity to contribute to this worthwhile project,” and
enclosed her Emerald Level gift.
It’s been said over and over by the
philanthropists who support The Overtone
Society that they appreciate the opportunity to give something back to an organization that has done so much to bring
them joy and abiding friendships.
If you have questions about the
imagination, inspiration, and innovation
campaign or want to make a comment,
please contact the Society by emailing
[email protected].
As we begin a new year I want to
thank Patty Cobb Baker and Judy
Winters whose service on the
Management Committee was exemplary. I send a hearty welcome to
Karen Ridout who will join Judy and
me on the committee for the coming
Because I travel so much on
Sweet Adelines business in north
America and our worldwide regions,
I especially want to thank those of
you who have gone out of your way
to speak to me personally about your
passion for Sweet Adelines
International. As a 50-year member I
can honestly say that I am proud
we share the same joy and excitement about learning, singing and
entertaining – in the barbershop
*Only gifts of $2,500 or more
may be paid in installments and designated to fund a specific program,
service, or facility chosen by the giver.
May/June 2011
its Manned Space Center, later
to be renamed the Johnson
Space Center after former president and Texas favorite son
Lyndon B. Johnson, to Houston,
cementing the city’s reputation
as an aerospace center.
Currently, Houston is
ranked as the fourth most populous city in the U.S., just behind
New York, Los Angeles and
Chicago; the 2010 census
reports a population of 2.1 million. Though it has no shortage
of people, Houston has plenty
of elbow room. At 634 square
miles, it’s estimated Houston
could hold the equivalent of the
cities of New York, Washington, Boston, San Francisco,
Seattle, Minneapolis and Miami
within its borders.
By M. Sorrell, travel writer
Strap yourself in and prepare to
“Blast Off” to Houston, Texas, for the
Sweet Adelines International 65th
Annual Convention & Competition, Oct.
17-22, 2011. Sweet Adelines members
will be there to see the 60+ quartets and
43 choruses from around the world make
their joyful noise. But there’s plenty to
see and do in H-Town during those times
when you’re not enjoying the music at
the Toyota Center or the activities at the
George R. Brown Convention Center.
A Little Background
The City of Houston was founded
in 1836, 10 years before Texas became
a state, and was named after General
Sam Houston, who led the forces that
won Texas’ independence from Mexico at the Battle of San Jacinto. The
town started out as a power in the
export of cotton, but in the early
1900s, oil became Houston’s economic driver. During World War II the
city became an important shipbuilding
center as well. In 1961, NASA moved
To Do
U-Haul International
named Houston the Top Destination City in 2010, and it’s no
wonder. A place this big holds
plenty of attractions for everyone, regardless of their inclinations and interests, such as:
• Space Center Houston.
The visitor’s center at John
son Space Center has plenty
of great attractions, like the
behind-the-scenes NASA
tram tour, and the Living In
Space module, which simu
lates life aboard a space sta
tion. (
• Miller Outdoor Theater.
From March through November,
this venue hosts a variety of performances, from ballet to classical
music to film and then some. The
theater is nestled inside Hermann
Park and is a perfect picnic destination. Plus, admission is free!
• Museums. The Menil Collection
(, the expansive art collection of John and Dominique de
Menil, which opened to the public
in 1987, consists of some 16,000
May/June 2011
works from the Paleolithic era to the
present. And it’s another free destination! History buffs can experience
the story of Houston’s origins at the
San Jacinto Museum of History
( Just this
year, Houston topped Parents
Magazine’s list of Best Children’s
Museums. See what all the fuss is
about at the Children’s Museum of
Houston (
• Downtown Theater District.
The theater district encompasses 17
blocks in the heart of downtown
Houston and is home to performing
arts organizations large and small,
and four venues: Jones Hall;
Wortham Theater Center; Alley
Theater; and Hobby Center for the
Performing Arts ( It’s also
home to the 13,000 sq. ft Bayou
Place entertainment complex, (, which features the
Verizon Wireless Theater and a
multitude of restaurants, movie theaters and other entertainment
• Shopping. Houston was ranked
number one on America’s Top Shopping Cities in 2010,
and for good reason. The Galleria
( hosts
some 24 million visitors every
year, who come for the 375 stores,
as well as the 30 restaurants, two
hotels and an ice rink! The Lower
Westheimer Shopping District,
(, also called
the Westheimer Curve, stretches
along Westheimer Road between
Montrose Blvd. and Shepherd
Drive, has everything from
antiques to vintage clothing. River
Oaks Shopping Center
( is
just five minutes from downtown
and is home to 76 stores and 16
• “Sea” the sights. With everything
going on in Houston proper, it’s easy
to forget that the city is also a
bustling port. Take advantage of the
area’s miles of waterways and see the
sights from the Houston Ship Chan-
nel aboard the M/V Sam Houston,
the Port of Houston’s public tour vessel. The 90-minute tours are free!
Getting to Houston couldn’t be
easier. The city was ranked number one
on Travel + Leisure’s list of America’s
Best Airports in 2010. There are two
main ones to choose from: George
Bush Intercontinental Airport (, Continental Airlines’
largest hub; and William B. Hobby Airport (, which is one
of Southwest Airlines largest hubs.
Once you’re in town, there are plenty
of options for getting around Houston.
The Metropolitan Transit Authority of
Harris County ( offers
bus routes throughout the city and a
light rail system that features 16 stops
in major activity centers.
Reserve Your Spot
Make plans now to have a blast in
Houston this year!
May/June 2011
May/June 2011
May/June 2011
Official Tour Program
The tours listed below have been
created exclusively for the attendees
of the 2011 Sweet Adelines International Convention & Competition, and
their family, friends and travel companions.
Tour prices include roundtrip
transportation, fuel fees, escort and/or
tour guide services, taxes, all appropriate gratuities and pre-registration and
on-site coordination services. The
additional items included with each
tour are listed after the individual tour
The rates shown are Destination
St. Louis rates and not the rates of any
other entity.
Advance tour registration deadline is Wednesday, September 28,
2011. Cancellation policies may be
found on the tour registration form.
Comfortable walking shoes are
recommended for each tour.
Online tour registration is available at www.destinationstlouis.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
(1) Old Town Spring
12:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Cost: $40
A quaint turn-of-the-century town
built near the Great Northern Railroad,
Old Town Spring is composed of Victorian-style shops, restaurants, museums, and art galleries. Most of the
shops occupy buildings and homes
constructed in the early 1900’s for the
then booming railroad town. Step back
in time as you browse quaint shops
that offer a refreshing change from big
city shopping centers. You will find a
variety of antiques, collectibles, clothing, and accessories for the home, as
well as gifts for all occasions.
Monday, October 17, 2011
(2) Houston City Tour
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost: $36
Enjoy a driving overview of popular downtown attractions including
Minute Maid Park, The Toyota Center,
the state-of-the-art Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau and Heritage
Park. Then it is on to the Houston Art,
Music and Culture District, featuring
Jones Hall, the Hobby Center for Performing Arts, Bayou Place, the
Wortham Center and the Alley
Theater. Then visit the Houston
Museum District, an area home to the
Museum of Fine Arts, Contemporary
Arts Museum, Holocaust Museum,
and the 4th most visited museum in
the country, the Houston Museum of
Natural Science. You will also drive
by the Texas Medical Center, the
world’s largest and most renowned
medical center, which is home to 42
non-profit institutions on 675 acres
and has over 100,000 people in it each
day. It was also host to the television
show “Houston Medical” featuring
Houston’s own Dr. Red Duke. End the
morning with an overview of the Galleria area, home to many corporations,
and also home to the Williams Tower
and the marvelous Waterwall. Williams Waterwall, a gorgeous piece of
architecture located right next to the
Williams Tower in the Uptown
District, is a 64 ft. tall structure in the
shape of a semi-circle, with water that
cascades over it and down a series of
steps towards the bottom. You will
also spend time at the JP Morgan
Chase Tower Observation Deck.
Designed by noted architects I.M. Pei
& Partners, the tower was built in
downtown Houston in 1981 as the
Texas Commerce Tower. When completed, it was the eighth tallest building in the world. The observation deck
is located on the 60th floor and offers
a panoramic view of the city, thanks to
the use of wide glass spans and thirteen-foot ceilings. Even with the fantastic views, the Galleria area might be
best known for its shopping. From
Nordstrom to Neiman, from Gucci to
Tiffany’s, the Galleria is Houston’s
crown jewel. Tour participants will
have the option to exit the tour at the
Galleria for shopping on their own or
return to the convention center.
Those participants staying to shop
at the Galleria will be on their own for
transportation back to the convention
center and/or their individual hotels.
(3) Galveston Museum
& Historic Tour
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Cost: $68
Enroute to Galveston, learn about
the historical significance of this
Texas beach town. Upon arrival, your
day will begin with a driving tour of
some of Galveston’s historic homes
and architecture, including the 1861
Custom House, 1838 Menard House
and The Garten Verein. You will have
time to dip your toes in the sand with
a stop at one of Galveston’s beautiful
beaches. Then enjoy time at the historic Strand, home to more than 100
shops, antique stores, restaurants and
art galleries. You will have the opportunity to have lunch on your own at
the Strand.
Following lunch, make your way
to Bishop’s Palace which is the most
famous architectural wonder in historic Galveston. The Bishop’s Palace
Continued on next page
May/June 2011
was built in 1886 for Walter Gresham,
a Galveston attorney, and later purchased for Bishop Christopher Byrne
in 1923. The home features woodwork
of rosewood, satinwood and white
mahogany, stained-glass windows,
bronze dragons, luxury materials and
furnishings and impressive fireplaces
from all over the world. The fireplace
mantle in the front ballroom won first
prize at the Philadelphia World’s Fair
in 1876. Bishop’s Palace has been
cited by the American Institute of
Architects as one of the 100 most
important buildings in America.
Includes admission to Bishop’s
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
(4) Historic Bayou Bend
9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Cost: $49
Begin your day with a tour of an
exclusive neighborhood in Houston’s
Museum District. Broad Acres has gracious homes with live oak trees and
brick walkways down wide avenues.
See the homes of famous Houstonians,
including the childhood home of
Howard Hughes, a true Hollywood
Then visit the Bayou Bend Collection and Gardens, the former home
of Houston philanthropist Miss Ima
Hogg, and home to the Museum of
Fine Arts, Houston’s early American
decorative arts and painting collection.
Considered one of the premier collections in the country, the rare and beautiful objects dating from approximately
1620 to 1876, are installed throughout
the 1920s mansion in 28 period room
settings. The Bayou Bend grounds are
just as impressive as the collection
inside the home. The gardens at Bayou
Bend form a fourteen-acre oasis in the
midst of a modern metropolis.
Bounded on two sides by the curving
Buffalo Bayou, from which the estate
draws its name, the Bayou Bend gardens are a cohesive eight-part entity
made up of natural woodlands and cultivated formal gardens incorporating
imported plant material and native
species. Walking across the Bayou on
the suspended footbridge to view this
fourteen-acre estate is like entering an
impressionist landscape painting.
Includes admission to Bayou Bend.
(5) Houston City Tour
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Cost: $36
Enjoy a driving overview of popular downtown attractions including
Minute Maid Park, The Toyota Center, the state-of-the-art Houston Convention and Visitors Bureau and
Heritage Park. Then it is on to the
Houston Art, Music and Culture
District, featuring Jones Hall, the
Hobby Center for Performing Arts,
Bayou Place, the Wortham Center and
the Alley Theater. Then visit the
Houston Museum District, an area
home to the Museum of Fine Arts,
Contemporary Arts Museum, Holocaust Museum, and the 4th most visited museum in the country, the
Houston Museum of Natural Science.
You will also drive by the Texas Medical Center, the world’s largest and
most renowned medical center, which
is home to 42 non-profit institutions
on 675 acres and has over 100,000
people in it each day. It was also host
to the television show “Houston Medical” featuring Houston’s own Dr. Red
Duke. End the morning with an
overview of the Galleria area, home to
many corporations, and also home to
the Williams Tower and the marvelous
Waterwall. Williams Waterwall, a
gorgeous piece of architecture located
right next to the Williams Tower in
the Uptown District, is a 64 ft. tall
structure in the shape of a semi-circle,
with water that cascades over it and
down a series of steps towards the
bottom. You will also spend time at
the JP Morgan Chase Tower Observation Deck. Designed by noted architects I.M. Pei & Partners, the tower
was built in downtown Houston in
1981 as the Texas Commerce Tower.
When completed, it was the eighth
tallest building in the world. The
observation deck is located on the 60th
floor and offers a panoramic view of
the city, thanks to the use of wide
glass spans and thirteen-foot ceilings.
Even with the fantastic views, the
Galleria area might be best known for
its shopping. From Nordstrom to
Neiman, from Gucci to Tiffany’s, the
Galleria is Houston’s crown jewel.
Tour participants will have the option
to exit the tour at the Galleria for
shopping on their own or return to
the convention center.
Those participants staying to
shop at the Galleria will be on their
own for transportation back to the
convention center and/or their individual hotels.
(6) Space City USA
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Cost: $79
Do you know what the first word
spoken on the moon was? Do you
know where the astronauts train or
which astronaut makes Mission Control laugh the most? Learn the
answers to these questions (and
many more) on the trip to Space
Center Houston in Clear Lake,
Texas. Upon arrival, you will have
the opportunity to take a self-guided
or group tour, view actual spacecraft,
spacesuits, moon rocks and other
space artifacts. After exploring the
Space Center Houston, enjoy a
guided tram tour of NASA’s Johnson
Space Center which takes a look
behind the scenes at Mission Control
and also shows an astronaut training
After a full morning at Space
Center Houston, spend the afternoon
at Kemah Boardwalk for lunch and
shopping. The Kemah Boardwalk is a
colorful cluster of restaurants, shops
and boat slips in Kemah, Texas, just
20 minutes from downtown Houston.
Named one of the Top 10 American
Boardwalks by
in 2009, this area also features a
carousel, Ferris wheel and incomparable views of the Galveston Bay.
Guests will have the opportunity to
dine on their own on the Boardwalk.
Includes admission to Space
Center Houston.
May/June 2011
May/June 2011
Orders of Appearances
International Chorus Competition
1. Pride of Kentucky Chorus, #4
2. Pride of Baltimore Chorus, #19
3. Rönninge Show Chorus, #32
4. River Blenders Chorus, #5
5. Alaska Sound Celebration Chorus, #13
6. Toast of Tampa Show Chorus, #9
7. Choral-Aires Chorus, #3
8. Kansas City Chorus, #7
9. Lions Gate Chorus, #26
10. Greater Kingston Chorus, #16
11. Crosstown Harmony Chorus, #22
12. Melodeers Chorus, #3
13. Celebrity City Chorus, #11
14. Mountain Jubilee Chorus, #8
15. Bay Area Showcase Chorus, #12
16. Greater Nassau Chorus, #15
17. Vienna-Falls Chorus, #14
18. Houston Horizon Chorus, #10
19. Twin Cities Show Chorus, #6
20. Velvet Hills Chorus, #8
21. Perth Harmony Chorus, #34
22. Lace City Chorus, #31
23. TuneTown Show Chorus, #23
24. Christchurch City Chorus, #35
25. Coastline Show Chorus, #1
26. Scioto Valley Chorus, #4
27. San Diego Chorus, #21
28. Surrey Harmony Chorus, #31
29. Spirit of Detroit Chorus, #2
30. Top of the Rock Chorus, #25
31. Five Valley Chorus, #24
32. Harbor City Music Company
Chorus, #19
33. Pride of Toledo Chorus, #17
1. Region 16
2. Region 35
3. Region 1
4. Wildcard #4
6. Wildcard #6
7. Region 25
8. Region 11
9. Region 8
10. Wildcard #1
11. Wildcard #2
12. Region 6
13. Region 9
14. Wildcard #5
15. Region 17
16. Wildcard #8
18. Region 15
20. Region 14
21. Wildcard #7
22. Region 2
23. Region 26
24. Wildcard #3
25. Wildcard #9
27. Region 7
28. Region 31
29. Region 10
30. Region 32
31. Region 22
33. Region 23
34. Region 19
36. Region 12
37. Region 34
38. Region 5
40. Region 4
42. Region 24
43. Wildcard #10
44. Region 3
45. Region 13
48. BLING!
49. Region 21
International Quartet Semifinals
Harmony Classic
Chorus Competition
1. Spirit of Harmony Chorus, #6
2. Song of the Pines Chorus, #21
3. Milltown Sound Chorus, #31
4. Alba Show Chorus, #32
5. Fenton Lakes Chorus, #2
1. Upper Chesapeake Chorus, #19
2. Metro Nashville Chorus, #23
3. Sound of Sunshine Chorus, #9
4. London Chorus, #2
5. Hickory Tree Chorus, #15
May/June 2011
The Hilton Americas
(HQ Hotel)
1600 Lamar St
Houston, TX 77010
Single-bedded room for 1-2 people:
Double-bedded room for 3-4 people:
Guest Accommodations
The Hilton Americas-Houston
offers luxurious accommodations in
downtown Houston. The sleek contemporary furniture combines with sumptuous appointments from their Hilton
Serenity collection, including lush pillow top mattresses, high thread count
linens, down pillows and cozy duvets.
Enjoy spacious guest rooms, with
wireless high speed internet access
available for a nominal fee, dual line
phones with voice mail, in-room safe,
full size work desk and ergonomic
chair, 37” flat screen high definition
LCD TV, alarm clock with MP3 connection, Hilton Signature Cuisinart®
coffeemaker, Crabtree & Evelyn® La
Source bath amenities, and Hilton
Serenity Beds — all for your comfort.
Rooms with two beds are double beds.
For those who may need pet accommodations during their stay, pets are
Welcome to the Hilton Americas
Houston hotel located in the heart of
downtown Houston. Guests will enjoy
all the luxuries of home, plus all the
amenities you need whether traveling
for business or pleasure. This Houston
hotel offers guests the unbeatable combination of the best location in the city
of Houston plus quick and easy access
to most any type of entertainment imaginable. Whether traveling for a business
meeting or a romantic getaway, Hilton
America’s is the perfect choice every
time. The Hilton Americas-Houston
features luxurious hotel
accommodations and an
Executive floor
with private access and complimentary
high-speed Internet access.
The hotel has a 75-foot Olympic
length heated indoor infinity lap pool.
There is an in-house Business
Center for Hilton Americas-Houston
hotel guests and meeting attendees.
Only steps away from the hotel are
the Toyota Center, home of the NBA
Houston Rockets and the 65th annual
Sweet Adelines International
Convention and Competition. The
George R. Brown Convention Center is
across the street, which is where
Harmony Bazaar, Music Education
Class and the Headquarters office is
Minute Maid Park, home of the
MLB Houston Astros, is only a
leisurely, scenic walk away through
Discovery Green, Houston’s newest 12acre entertainment park.
The hotel is convenient to nearby
clubs and nightspots, and offers an
ideal location in the heart of downtown.
The hotel is only minutes away from
the city’s nationally recognized
Museum District and the Texas Medical
Directions to Hotel
From Intercontinental Airport
(IAH): Exit Bush Airport and follow
the directional signs to the 145/Beltway 8 Exit. Proceed onto
Beltway 8 West, and then exit onto I-45
South. Follow I-45 South to downtown.
Exit McKinney St. and follow
McKinney St. to La Branch. Turn right
on La Branch. Go down 2 blocks to
Dallas and turn left on Dallas. Go down
2 blocks and the hotel will be on the
From Hobby Airport (HOU): Exit
Hobby Airport and follow the directional signs
to I-45 North. Take 45
North to the downtown
destinations/Scott Street
split. Follow the split to the Pease
Street exit and continue down to Austin
St. Turn right on Austin and continue to
Dallas St. Turn right onto Dallas St.
and go down 3 blocks and the hotel will
be on the right.
Doubletree Houston
400 Dallas St
Houston, TX 77002
Single-bedded room for 1-2 people:
Double-bedded room for 3-4 people:
Guest Accommodations
Enjoy luxurious Houston accommodations at the Doubletree Houston
Downtown. Each of the spacious guest
rooms feature contemporary decor and
offer one king bed or two double beds
complete with the Doubletree Sweet
Dreams Bedding. Guest room amenities
also include floor to ceiling windows,
work desk, coffeemaker, iron and ironing board, and 2 phones with dataports.
High Speed Internet Access is available
for a nominal fee. For those who may
need pet accommodations during their
stay, pets are allowed.
The Doubletree Hotel Houston
Downtown is a full service hotel centrally located on the edge of downtown
at the intersection of I-10 and I-45, in
the heart of Houston’s business and
financial district. Convenient skybridges connect the contemporary
Houston hotel to the Allen Center
buildings and Heritage Plaza. The hotel
is connected to the city’s underground
Continued on next page
May/June 2011
tunnel system as well. Both Bush
Intercontinental Airport (IAH) to the
north and Houston Hobby Airport
(HOU) to the south are less than 30
minutes away and easily accessible via
Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, you’ll appreciate guest
services like the Business Center, wireless high-speed Internet access in public
areas, Fitness Center, the inviting
Lobby Lounge, a knowledgeable and
helpful Concierge staff, and much
Enjoy exceptional Houston dining
at Trofi Restaurant serving Continental
selections with Italian and
Mediterranean flair.
If location, value, impeccable service and comfort are priorities, the
Doubletree Hotel in Downtown
Houston is where you’ll want to stay.
In addition to dozens of major businesses and corporations, the hotel is
within walking distance of many
Houston attractions such as the Houston
Theatre District, Toyota Center (where
the 65th annual Sweet Adelines
International Chorus & Quartet
Competitions will take place), Minute
Maid Park, Bayou Place Entertainment
Complex, Sam Houston Park, the
Downtown Aquarium, and the new
Light Rail.
The George R. Brown Convention
Center (where the Sweet Adelines
International Harmony Bazaar is
located) is also within walking distance.
Houston’s new light rail system connects downtown to Reliant Park
Stadium, Arena, event facilities, and
Astrodome. For your convenience, the
hotel provides complimentary transportation to downtown destinations.
The hotel’s courteous and caring
staff looks forward to welcoming you
with their special, signature warm
chocolate chip cookie at check-in.
Directions to the hotel
12-Miles Hobby Airport. Take I-45
north toward Downtown Houston exit
Memorial Drive/Houston Ave exit. Stay
to the right. At the first traffic light turn
right onto Memorial Drive. Two blocks
down take a right onto Smith St. Five
city blocks, turn right on Polk. At the
second traffic light turn right on W.
Dallas St. and a another right onto
Dallas Street. The hotel is on the right
at the corner of Dallas and Bagby.
21 Miles Houston Intercontinental
Take I-45 south from the airport.
Follow the signs to downtown. Exit at
Dallas Street. Turn left at the first light
and then turn right again at the third
onto Dallas St. The hotel will be on the
Public Transportation
Blue Shuttle, Taxi, Car Rental
services in baggage claim. A one-day
car rental can be less expensive than a
round trip cab fare. If you take a Taxi,
ask for fixed zone rate.
Embassy Suites Houston
1515 Dallas St
Houston, TX 77010
Single-bedded room for 1-2 people:
Double-bedded room for 3-4 people:
Whether traveling on business or
pleasure, the Embassy Suites Houston
Downtown offers a selection of unique
Suites: two-room King Suite, two-room
Double Queen Suite with Park view or
City view and spacious Corner Suites.
Rooms with 2 beds are queen beds. For
those who may need pet accommodations during their stay, pets are allowed.
The Embassy Suites Houston
Downtown hotel is an urban high-rise,
all suite hotel overlooking Discovery
Green Park, and is just steps away from
the George R. Brown Convention Center
(where the Sweet Adelines International
Harmony Bazaar is located), Houston
Astros Minute Maid Park, Houston
Rockets, Toyota Center (where the 65th
annual Sweet Adelines International
Quartet &Chorus Competitions will take
place), the Houston Pavilions, Park
Shops and close to the second largest
theater district in the U.S.
The Embassy Suites Houston
Downtown is Houston’s first LEED
Certified hotel in the downtown district
and features:
• Atrium Lobby and Water Features
• Roofscape Pool and Spa
• High-speed Internet Access / WIFI
throughout entire hotel
• 24 Hour Fitness Center by PreCor®
• Complimentary Cooked-to-order
• Complimentary Evening Manager’s
• On-site Valet Parking
• Courtesy Shuttle to downtown destinations
• 24-Hour Embassy BusinessLink
Business Center with Quick Charge
• Gift shop with fully stocked pantry
• Restaurant/Bar on-site with street
level entry
• In-Suite Dining
• Digital Concierge
• Family friendly activities/entertainment on weekends
• Destination Management Concierge
Directions to the Hotel
From Intercontinental Airport
(IAH): Exit Bush Airport and follow
the directional signs to 1-59 South.
Follow I-59 South to downtown
Houston and take the Jackson Street
exit toward George R. Brown
Convention Center. Make a slight left
onto Jackson Street. Turn right onto
Commerce Street. Turn left on La
Branch Street. Turn left on Dallas
Street and the hotel will be on the left.
From Hobby Airport (HOU): Exit
Hobby Airport and follow the directional signs to I-45 North. Take I-45
North to the downtown
destinations/Scott Street split. Follow
the split to the Pease Street exit and
continue to Austin Street. Turn right on
Austin Street. Turn right onto Dallas
Street and the hotel will be on the left.
Hyatt Regency Houston
1200 Louisiana St
Houston, TX 77002
Single-bedded room for 1-2 people:
Double-bedded room for 3-4 people:
Relax in an oasis of comfort at the
tastefully renovated Hyatt Regency
Houston. Situated in the heart of downtown’s thriving business and entertainment districts, the luxurious Houston
hotel is connected to high-end shops,
restaurants and services via the city’s
famous seven-mile tunnel.
At the end of the day, retreat to
your spacious accommodations and
enjoy the plush Hyatt Grand Bed, stateof-the-art technology and thoughtful
amenities. Rooms with 2 beds are double beds. For those who may need pet
accommodations during their stay, no
pets are allowed.
• 947 newly renovated spacious
• Wireless Internet Access/32-inch
Continued on next page
May/June 2011
• Generous Work Area with wallmounted plug-n-play consoles for
Internet Connectivity
• Luxurious Hyatt Grand Beds™
Guest Services
• Express Check-in Kiosks / PDA
Check-In/ Fastboard™
• 24-Hour Business Center
• Valet & Self-Parking Options
• Car Rental / Shuttle and Town Car
Services Available
• Dining & Entertainment decafegrab ‘n go/sundry shop
• LobbiBar
• Shula’s Steakhouse - “Perfect steak
for the perfect season”
• 24-Hour Stay Fit Gym
• Heated, Outdoor Pool
• Sundeck with Lounge Chairs
• Nearby jogging/bike paths along
Memorial/Allen parkway
Local Attractions
• Minute Maid Park (home of the
Houston Astros)
• Discovery Green /Houston
Pavilions (featuring House of
Blues) / Downtown Aquarium
• Toyota Center - home of the
Houston Rockets and Houston
Centrally located, Hyatt Regency
Houston is a8-10 block walk from
Minute Maid Park and the Toyota
Center. The hotel offers shuttle service
to Minute Maid Park.
From George Bush Intercontinental
Airport (26 miles): Take Beltway 8 west
to I-45 South. Exit at McKinney (left).
Take McKinney to Milam. Turn right.
Proceed 3 blocks to Polk and turn right.
Turn right at Louisiana. Our Houston
accommodations are on the right at the
corner of Louisiana and Polk.
From Hobby Airport (12 miles):
Take 45 North and exit Scott St onto St.
Joseph Pkwy. Turn right on Lousiana St.
Proceed to Polk. Turn left at Polk. Enter
motor lobby to our Houston accommodations on right at the corner of Louisiana
and Polk.
From Points East: Take I-10 West,
then merge onto I-45 South. Follow
remaining directions from George Bush
Intercontinental Airport to hotel.
From Points North: Take I-45 South.
Follow remaining directions from George
Bush Intercontinental Airport to hotel.
From Points West: Take I-10 East,
then merge onto I-45 South. Follow
remaining directions from George Bush
Intercontinental Airport to hotel.
Marriott Courtyard Houston
916 Dallas St
Houston, TX 77002
Single-bedded room for 1-2 people:
Double-bedded room for 3-4 people:
Experience old-style luxury in the
Courtyard by Marriott Downtown
Houston, housed in the stunning 1921
Humble Oil Building. From its neoclassical exterior to polished rose marble and original brass elevator doors,
the building has been lovingly restored
to provide historic ambiance to the
modern Houston accommodations.
Inside, indulge in all the comforts
of a luxury hotel, like valet parking and
room service from our own Humble
Cafe. Soak in the outdoor swimming
pool, exercise at the fitness center and
unwind at our lobby bar. Escape to
your spacious downtown Houston hotel
room where you will find twelve-foot
high ceilings, free high-speed internet,
coffee and teas service and luxurious,
comfortable bedding. Rooms with two
beds are double beds. For
those who may need pet
accommodations during
their stay, no pets are
Guest Rooms in Detail
Stay connected from
your Houston hotel room
with complimentary high
speed Internet. Relax in an
ergonomic chair while you
work at a large desk in
your oversized Houston
accommodation. Enjoy
beverages right in your
hotel room with a coffee
maker, tea service and bottled water. Sleep tight with
luxury bedding - crisp
linens, thick mattresses,
custom comforters, fluffy
pillows. Start the day
informed. Complimentary
newspapers are located in
the hotel lobby daily. Our
downtown Houston hotel
rooms offer pullout sofas
to accommodate extra
guests. This hotel has a
smoke-free policy.
Complimentary Service
• Coffee in lobby
• Coffee/tea in-room
• Phone calls: toll-free
Business Services
• Copy service
• Fax service
• Full-service business center
• Network/Internet printing
• Notary public
• Overnight delivery/pickup
• Post/parcel
Guest Services
• Cash machine/ATM
• Foreign exchange, nearby
• Housekeeping service daily
• Laundry on-site
• Laundry on-site, coin operated
• Local restaurant dinner delivery
• Newspaper in lobby
• Room service, 5:00 PM-10:00 PM
• Safe deposit boxes, front desk
• Valet dry-cleaning
Valet parking, fee: 22 USD daily
Overnight Su-Th 22.00USD / Fr-Sa
Continued on next page
May/June 2011
Residence Inn
904 Dallas St
Houston, TX 77002
Single-bedded room for 1-2 people:
Double-bedded room for 3 people:
Experience luxury in the
Residence Inn Houston Downtown
Hotel by Marriott, housed in the stunning 1921 Humble Oil Building. From
its neo-classical exterior to polished
rose marble and original brass elevator
doors, the building has been lovingly
Indulge in all the comforts of the
Residence Inn Houston suites hotel,
like valet parking and room service
from the Humble Café. Unwind by the
pool, exercise at the fitness center or
meet your fellow travelers over refreshments at the evening social hour.
Inside your downtown Houston
suite, spread out in separate living
and sleeping areas or make yourself a
meal in the fully equipped kitchen.
Double-bedded rooms have 1
queen bed and 1 pull-out sofa.
Only three people are allowed in
the double-bedded rooms. For
those who may need pet accommodations during their stay, no pets
are allowed.
Hotel Highlights
Old-style luxury blends with
modern technology to create an
amazing Houston suites hotel
The hotel shuttle takes you to
Minute Maid Park, the Convention
Center, and much more.
Grocery Shopping
Monday through Friday from
7AM-7PM, leave your grocery list at
the Residence Inn Houston and come
back to a fully stocked kitchen
Valet parking, fee: 22 USD daily
Overnight Su-Th 22.00USD /
Fr-Sa 17.00
Guest Rooms in Detail
Each room can accommodate a
maximum of 3 people. There is not
room for four people in the hotel
rooms. Double-bedded rooms have 1
queen bed and 1 pull-put sofa. Only 3
people are allowed in the double-bedded rooms. Stay connected from your
Houston extended stay hotel room
with complimentary high-speed internet. Relax in an ergonomic chair
while you work at a large desk in
your oversized downtown Houston
All guest suites come with fully
equipped kitchens with microwave,
refrigerator and stove-top. Sleep tight
with luxury bedding - crisp linens,
thick mattresses, custom comforters
and fluffy pillows. Stay fresh in your
Houston suite with on-site laundry
facilities and valet laundry service.
This hotel has a smoke-free policy.
For those who may need pet accommodations during their stay, no pets
are allowed.
Complimentary Service
• Buffet breakfast
• Cocktails
• Coffee in lobby
• Coffee/tea in-room
• Evening reception
• Phone calls: toll-free
Guest Facilities
• Bar-B-Q and/or picnic area
• Beauty shop, nearby (referral at
front desk)
• Car Rental nearby: Hertz, 1-713652-0436
• Vending machines
Guest Services
• Cash machine/ATM
• Foreign exchange, nearby
• Grocery shopping service
• Housekeeping service daily
• Laundry on-site
• Laundry on-site, coin operated
• Local restaurant dinner delivery
• Newspaper in lobby
• Room service, 5:00 PM-10:00
• Safe deposit boxes, front desk
• Valet dry-cleaning
Business Services
• Copy service
• Fax service
• Full-service business center
• Network/Internet printing
• Notary public
• Overnight delivery/pickup
• Post/parcel
Only Sweet Adelines International members may advertise in the classifieds. Payment of $40 per ad, per insertion, must accompany the insertion
request. Deadlines: November 1 for January issue, February 1 for April issue, May 15 for July issue, and July 15 for October issue.
Director Wanted
The Platinum Coast Chorus is seeking a new director, effective
immediately. We are an enthusiastic Sweet Adelines International
chorus in Melbourne, Fla., looking for a director to take us to the
next level. We have won seven awards in the last four years in the
Small Chorus division. We need a strong leader to help us
increase membership and further improve our vocal skills. Please
send your resume to Nancy Henderson, 3470 Willowwood Drive,
Melbourne, FL 32904.
Costume for Sale
ATTN: Prospective / small choruses: Glitzy, red-and-silversequined red satin costume dresses for sale - $70 ea. (must take
all). Sizes range: 8-24, total number available: 18 short & 3
matching long with ripcords (for 21 short?) + 2 other non-matching long red dresses w/3 jackets to mix-and-match for a quartet?
Potential long for director w/ unique jacket. Label company
exists! Details/photos: Carol Grohn 423 243 8234 or [email protected].
May/June 2011
Sweet Adelines International
65th Annual International Convention & Competition
Houston, Texas
October 17 – 22, 2011
Housing opens: Monday, March 21, 2011
Housing closes: Friday, September 9, 2011
Important Hotel Reservation Information
• Experient is coordinating all hotel reservations for
Sweet Adelines International. To ensure you
receive the Convention room rate, arrangements
for housing must be made with Experient. DO
• All reservation forms must be received before
Friday, September 9, 2011, 6:00 p.m. EDT.
• All Convention hotels require the first night’s
room and tax as a deposit to make a reservation.
• Reservation confirmations will be sent directly
from Experient via e-mail within 7 business days
of date of processing.
To make reservations
Click on International Convention, select the online
housing link, and follow the instructions to reserve your
hotel room. Please have your credit card, arrival/departure dates and roommate information ready.
(301) 694-5124
Please print or type all information on the form.
Confirmations will be sent to the individual indicated
as the room leader via e-mail, if provided.
Complete the form and mail to:
Sweet Adelines International
PO Box 4088
Frederick MD 21705
E-mail [email protected]
or call toll-free (866) 229-3691 or (301) 694-5243.
Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 6:00 pm EDT
General Information Room Leader contact information (Experient will send reservation confirmations to this person.)
First Name: ______________________________________________Last Name______________________________________________________
E-mail: _________________________________________________________________Phone: _______________________________________
Address:_________________________________________________City: ________________________State/Province: _____________________
ZIP/Postal Code: _____________________________________Country: ______________Fax: __________________________________________
Hotel Information
Please refer to the Hotel Description information for hotel selection options. Please list four choices in order of preference. Please list the hotels by their full name.
1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________
Roommate(s) (Occupants in addition to the Room Leader.)
First Name: __________________________Last Name______________________________E-mail: _____________________________________
Emergency contact: ___________________________________________________Phone: ____________________________________________
First Name: __________________________Last Name______________________________E-mail: _____________________________________
Emergency contact: ___________________________________________________Phone: ____________________________________________
First Name: __________________________Last Name______________________________E-mail: _____________________________________
Emergency contact: ___________________________________________________Phone: ____________________________________________
Reserve your room no later than September 9, 11:59 pm EDT. Each room must have its own Room Leader and one form per room. Please review the International Convention & Competition General Housing
Information and Policies before making your reservation.
Arrival Date: __________________________________________
Departure Date: _____________________________________
Mark ONE box to indicate the number of people and room type.
cSINGLE – 1 person cDOUBLE – 2 people cTRIPLE – 3 people cQUAD – 4 people
NOTE: Rooms with 2 people or less will automatically be assigned a king-bedded room.
Please check your preference (Subject to availability) c 2 Double Beds c 1 King Bed • Most Convention hotels are smoke-free properties.
Indicate any special ADA requirements:_______________________________________________________________________________________
Copy this form for your records.
Deposit Information Please bill my:
American Express
Total amount authorized to be charged $ __________Credit card number:_________________________________________Expiration date:_____/_____
Name as it appears on the card: ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Authorized signature: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
All room reservations require a first night’s room and tax deposit. The deposit is payable by credit card (which will be charged on or after September 18, 2011). Credit cards must have an expiration date of October
2011 or later. All reservations, changes and cancellations must be made through Experient by September 9, 11:59 pm EDT. Confirmations will be sent directly from Experient (not the hotel or Sweet Adelines) via email within 7 business days from the date of processing. Deposits are non-refundable after September 9, 2011 11:59 pm EDT.
May/June 2011
International Convention &
Competition General Housing
Information and Policies
Housing Services
Sweet Adelines has partnered with Experient to deliver excellent
service for your housing needs at Convention.
• You may make reservations with Experient beginning
Monday, March 21, 2011.
• Please use the housing link found on the Sweet Adelines
Web page, under International Convention.
• For questions about housing, you may speak with an
Experient Call Center Agent at (866) 229-3691 during normal business hours, Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. EDT
beginning Monday, March 21, 2011.
• Reservations cannot be made over the phone; they must be
made through the Sweet Adelines website or via mailed /
faxed form.
• Please add [email protected] to your
address book so you will be able to receive e-mails about
your reservation or any other important information.
Reservation Dates
• Online, faxed or mailed reservation forms must be received
by Experient before Friday, September 9, 2011, 6:00 p.m.
• Confirmations will be sent directly from Experient (not the
hotel or Sweet Adelines) via e-mail within 7 business days
of date of processing.
Before reserving your room, make sure you contact your roommates so you can:
• Confirm they are committed to sharing a room with you.
• Verify their e-mail address and the correct spelling of their
first and last names.
• Make arrangements for your roommates to pay their share of
the hotel bill.
• Confirm any special needs. Request an ADA room, if necessary (based on availability).
Hotel Information and Rates
• The hotels available for your stay at Convention are listed on
the Hotel Description page.
• To receive the reduced Sweet Adelines rate, YOU MUST
should never contact the hotel to make a reservation.
• If a room is reserved through any source other than
Experient, the reservation is not considered to be in one of
Sweet Adelines block of contracted hotel rooms. For example, if you have a reservation at one of our hotels, but the
reservation was made through your travel agent, it is not
considered one of our hotel rooms and you will not receive
the privileges that come with being in our block of rooms.
• Double/Double rooms with 2 beds are limited, and available
on a first come, first serve basis.
• Transportation will run from each hotel to the arena in designated areas. You must present your hotel room key with
the Sweet Adelines logo on it to enter the bus. You will
need to purchase a shuttle pass if you do not have a reservation in our contracted block of rooms.
Reservation Deposit
• The room leader must pay a deposit of the first night’s room
and tax when making a room reservation. It may not be
divided and charged to your roommates at that time.
• A credit card must be provided that can be billed for the
room deposit on or after September 18, 2011. The room
leader is responsible for collecting shares for the deposit
from other occupants of the room after the reservation is
• Should any changes to a reservation take place, either with
the room leader or other occupants, it is the responsibility
of the room leader and roommates to work out financial
• Deposits must be paid by credit card - American Express,
Discover, MasterCard or Visa.
• Credit cards will be billed on or after September 18, 2011.
• Complete your reservation online, or mail your credit card
payment with the completed housing form, located on the
Sweet Adelines Web site, by Friday, September 9, 2011. No
wire transfers are accepted.
• All deposits become non-refundable after Friday, September
9, 2011, 11:59 p.m. EDT. Should an emergency arise after
September 9, 2011, contact [email protected] to
discuss. Experient and hotel cancellation fees will apply.
NOTE: Your reservation will not be confirmed without a credit
card that is valid thru October 2011.
Reserving Hotel Room
• To reserve a room, go to, click on
International Convention, and go to the online housing link.
When you select the online housing link you will be redirected to the Convention housing site hosted by Experient.
• When you enter the housing Web site, the first page will be
the Housing Guidelines. In order to advance to the reservations page you will need to mark an X in the box indicating
that you have read and acknowledged the housing reservation process, guidelines and cancellation fees.
• Read the information carefully and follow the on-screen
• If you have already made a reservation, the system will direct
you to your existing reservation.
• When adding roommates, the room leader will need to enter
the first name and last name for each person sharing the
• The room leader will be the only person on the reservation
who may:
• Change the date of arrival or departure
• Cancel the reservation in its entirety
• Roommates have the ability to view the reservation and may
cancel their own names from the reservation.
• Once a roommate cancels a reservation, an e-mail will be
sent to the room leader advising of the cancellation. The
roommate is then free to become a room leader in a new
reservation or a roommate in another reservation, if desired.
• No name should be listed more than once in any reservation
as this will cause the hotel to consider it a duplicate reservation and will cancel the entire reservation.
Canceling a Reservation
• The room leader is the only person able to completely cancel a room reservation.
• Cancellations received by April 30, 2011, will not be
charged a fee.
• Cancellations received from May 1 – 15, 2011, will be subject to a $75 cancellation fee.
• Cancellations received between May 16 – 31, 2011, will be
subject to a $150 cancellation fee.
• Cancellations made after May 31, 2011, will result in a $250
cancellation fee.
• All cancellations must be submitted in writing via fax to
(301) 694-5124 or e-mailed to [email protected].
• Cancellations made with the hotels directly will be subject to
the same cancellation fees listed above, regardless of or in
addition to the individual hotel's policies.
• Refunds for cancellations received prior to May 1, 2011, will
be processed within 7-10 business days.
No Shows
• Should you confirm a reservation and then cancel without notifying Experient or the hotel, and the room becomes
completely vacant, the room leader will be charged the first
night’s room and tax as a cancellation fee; the remaining
dates of the reservation will be cancelled.
Confirmation Number
• Once you complete your reservation, you will receive a
Reservation ID.
• The Reservation ID number is used by you and Experient
to look up and manage your reservation.
• Confirmations will be sent directly from Experient (not
your hotel or Sweet Adelines) via e-mail within 7 business days of the date of processing.
• You do not need a Reservation ID to check in to the
• When the hotel receives your reservation, they will assign
a different confirmation number for your reservation.
Airport/Hotel Shuttle Transfers
• Sweet Adelines International does not provide transportation between the airport and hotels.
• For shuttle information, please refer to the airport online
and research the options they provide.
• Some hotels may offer shuttle service, please refer to
your hotel online and research the options they provide.
May/June 2011
Exciting New Products
Available From International Sales
Competition Folio –
Book 1 – Easy
Arranging Concepts
and Tools
A Practical Guide for Those
Who Arrange or Teach
Barbershop Harmony
Receive Your Music
In an effort to
expedite the
delivery process of your
music request, we now
e-delivery. All you need
to do is contact
International Sales to
request this option.
Published Sheet
Music — The published Sweet Adelines
International sheet
music is available to
members for only $1.45
per copy and to nonmembers for $2 (plus
shipping and handling).
No arranger fees are charged with this music.
Go to the online sales area of the website
to view a current list of available music.
You may also view the first page of each
published music title and order music by
visiting our online sales area of the
Sweet Adelines International website.
Arranged music is available to members only. The arranged music list is
divided into two (2) sections: Contact
International and Contact Arrangers. If
your music selection is located in the
Contact International section you will
order from International Sales. The per
copy fees are $1.75 plus a handling fee
of $2.25. These fees are payable to Sweet
Adelines International. Upon receipt of payment, you will receive an original of the music
along with a paid receipt indicating permission
to make the remaining requested copies. We
also include arranger address information to
forward arranger fees directly to the arranger.
Please do not send arranger fees to Sweet
Adelines International. We strongly recommend
you preview this music before purchasing. We
offer previews free of charge but you must contact our office to receive a copy. If the music is
listed in the Contact Arranger section then contact the arranger directly to purchase.
for a variety of Sweet Adelines International
logo merchandise.
Prospective Vocal Motion Chorus
Prospective Harmony Gateway Chorus
Prospective Harmony Gateway Chorus is full of exciting news! Our
kick-off guest night is planned for May 19 and we hope to entice many
more wonderful women to join us over the coming months. We’ve recently
picked up several new pieces of music and we will be perfecting those
while tweaking our existing repertoire this summer. All of this is in preparation for a “Really Big Show” coming in September.
Be prepared for big surprises to be announced in the coming months.
Congratulations to Region 2 for a competition well-done!
Peggy Hall, Public Relations Manager
Prospective Harmony Gateway Chorus
Region 2
Prospective A Cappella Unlimited Chorus
Prospective A Cappella Unlimited Chorus is proud to announce our
directing “team” of Kathryn Dane and Grant Goulding.
Kathryn (Katy) Dane holds a Bachelor of Arts in Music from Luther
College in Decorah, Iowa and a Masters of Music in Choral Conducting
from Texas State University. She has extensive experience in vocal instruction and conducting both of choral and instrumental ensembles. Katy is
employed by the Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD where she directs the
Clemens & Steele High School Choirs and the Steele Orchestra. She is an
associate member of the Barbershop
Harmony Society.
Grant Goulding has extensive experience in the literary, vocal and theatrical
arts and is a longtime member of the
Barbershop Harmony Society. He is a performer, a coach and a choreographer.
Grant is also the director of music at
Colonial Hills United Methodist Church,
co-director of Mixed Company & Treble
Makers (a cappella choirs in the SchertzCibolo-Universal City ISD,) assistant
director of the Heart of Texas & The
Marcsmen Choruses and sings bass in the Spoiler Alert Quartet which has
won a berth in the 2011 Barbershop Harmony Society International
Collegiate Quartet Competition in Kansas City. Grant is currently pursuing
a Music Education Degree at Texas State University.
Prospective A Cappella Unlimited Chorus rehearses Mondays in San
Marcos, Texas. Members come from all over Central Texas and guests are
welcome anytime.
Kathy Pillmore, President
Prospective A Cappella Unlimited Chorus
Region 10
Prospective in Ridgecrest Chorus
Five members of the Prospective in Ridgecrest Chorus attended the
Region 11 Chorus and Quartet Competition in Bakersfield, CA. Local
member Georgia Klassen, Team Coordinator Kathy Armstrong, Financial
Coordinator Marie McArtor, Publicity Coordinator Ruth Hensley, the
Telephone Coordinator and Levy Schroeder, Tenor section leader were in
attendance with their director Jolene Forzetting. Following the chorus
competition the Prospective in Ridgecrest Chorus was recognized by
regional leaders.
We were also privileged to hear a guest chorus from the Tokyo
Chapter who sang their competition songs in English but also sang their
final song in Japanese - barbershop style. A voluntary collection of
$7,700.00 was taken up from attending members of Region 11 to be sent
back to Japan for assistance to those affected by the recent earthquake and
tsunami disaster.
Marie McArtor
Pros. In Ridgecrest
Region 11
Continued on next
May/June 2011
Prospective Vocal Motion Chorus
Prospective Vocal Motion Chorus in Calgary Canada got started in late
November 2010 and have already gathered some pretty amazing people on this
journey! We are currently 23 members strong and all are amazing, great
We are dedicated Musicians,
who Accept and Encourage each other
with an energy of Love , Support and Respect.
Fearlessly together,
we move our audience by Creating a Unique,
Exciting and Inspirational Experience!
Congratulations and good luck to all upcoming competitors in May! We
plan to rock the house next year at regional competition!
Caroline Richards
Prospective Vocal-Motion Chorus
Region 26
Prospective Heart of the Pines Chorus
Prospective Heart of the Pines Chorus of Nacogdoches, TX, has been
very busy. We performed an incredible number of Singing Valentines for
Valentine’s Day and recently sang at the Relay for Life. Also, we’ve had a
Garage Sale at our rehearsal hall and this proved to be a good and prosperous
social event.
This past week we were honored with a two-page spread in a local magazine called Charm, that focuses on women's organizations of all kinds. So far
we've had two ladies join us after seeing the article!
This weekend we are having our second regional visit for chartering and
will soon be having a coaching session with Vickie Dennis, director of Houston
Horizon and Music Education chairman for Region 10. We are so excited to
have this opportunity.
Looking forward, we've been invited to sing on the local barbershoppers'
(Timbretones) show in mid-May. And in mid-June we have two performances
booked for the Blueberry Festival. All of this while learning new songs and
learning how to sing as a unit. We look forward to planning a charter party in
the coming months.
Lorna Laster, Membership Chair
Prospective Heart of the Pines Chorus
Region 10
Prospective O-Town Sound Chorus
Prospective O-Town Sound was formed with 20 friends in February 2011.
We are all extremely excited to be a part of Sweet Adelines International and will be
in the audience for Region 9 Competition rooting on all the competitors. Our goal
is to be a part of the Region 9 Competition in 2012.
In the meantime we are progressing through the steps to chartering and have
had our first visit from Do Lahr, Region 9 Membership Coordinator and Dayve
Gabbard, Region 9 Education Coordinator.
We are full of energy and are currently working on our sixth piece of music
under the direction of Kay Webb. Kay has an extensive background having
directed four choruses, and has sung in several quartets including JACKPOT – the
2008, 2009, 2010 second place International Medalists. Her goal is to move
rehearsals quickly and she has high expectations for us. We consider her a friend,
and feel fortunate to have her as the director of Prospective O-Town Sound Chorus.
We currently have one quartet, DOUBLE TROUBLE, who will compete in
Region 9 quartet competition and a prospective
quartet in the works. May
the future bring several
Our current
rehearsal hall is the
Edgewood Children’s Ranch in Orlando, Florida. The facility helps young troubled
boys and girls. They have welcomed us with open arms, and we are dedicated to
helping them with donations to help those young men and women who reside
The first management team consists of Shelley Friedland, Team Leader,
Marsha Williams and Marilyn Valiquette, Events Team Leaders, Marty Osterhoudt,
Communications Team Leader, Chris Payne, Finance Team Leader, Gloria
Muratore, Membership/Marketing Team Leader, Penny Hippkins, Public Relations
Team Leader and Linda Underdonk, Music Team Leader.
We wish all Sweet Adelines a successful competition and we look forward to
joining you all next year.
Linda Underdonk, President
Prospective O-Town Sound Chorus
Region 9
May/June 2011
Sweet Adelines International
offers the most comprehensive,
quality music education available anywhere in
the world.
To continue on our path of delivering exceptional
educational benefits, we have expanded our
online and distance learning offerings with a new
members-only Education Center.
The Education Center provides a one-stop portal
for members to digitally access a vast assortment
of educational materials, articles and eLearning
Being a member of Sweet
Adelines International just
keeps getting better and
This improved version features:
• Copies of the official scoresheets, including the brand new expression sheet*
• Newly revised expression category
• Explanations about how music selection affects each of the categories
• Enhancements and updates in all sections of the book
Order prior to May 16 and receive $5 off the price of the book. (regular $25 US)
Order Now - Printed Judging Category Description Book
Electronic JCDB
Due to popular demand, an electronic version of the new JCDB will be available in early June. A one year subscription
to this interactive, educational tool is just $25 (US) annually. The online book features all of the content of the printed
one, PLUS more than 60 audio and video examples. These exclusive media files will enhance your understanding of
each of the judging categories.
Order Now - Interactive Online One Year Subscription
Printed and Electronic Versions of the JCDB
The new JCDB is available in both printed and electronic formats for a special price of $40 (US).
Order Now - Interactive Online One Year Subscription and Printed Book
Contact Carol Schwartz, [email protected], at international headquarters for additional information.
* We will continue to use the current expression scoresheet through the 2011 regional competition season. The new expression scoresheet will debut
with our international competitions in Houston.