January 20 - east side daily news
January 20 - east side daily news
SPORTS Hagler Will Attend Hall Of Fame MENU TIPS Onion Soup Is On With Taste See Page 6 See Page 7 Free tax help for Ohio residents Its almost tax season, and free help is available that should make tax time less “taxing” for thousands in Ohio. Eligible residents can receive with filling out federal and state income-tax returns through the Ohio Benefit Bank. At a time when many are struggling, says Maryjo Mace-Woodburn, director of work-support initiatives at the Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks, the benefit Bank can help working individuals and families maximize the refund amounts they’ll recieve. Style event to help battered women Kid’s Kid’sCorner Corner Dove Tristian Dove, 23 months old, is the son of Nancy Minifee and Kevin Dove. He is the grandson of Wanda Dove and he has a hearty appetite for chicken. Being a playful kid, Tristian’s favorite toy is wrestling men. Are you a woman looking for trendy, up to date, designer clothes at reasonable prices? It is that time of year when we all need a little style and The Battered Women’s Shelter of Medina and Summit Counties would like to help you pump up your wardrobe by inviting the public to their first ever “Week of Style” event for women of all ages and sizes. The week of fashion will take place on March 9th through the 16th from 1p.m. to 7p.m. at St. Joes Community Center. Purchase tickets on-line by visiting http://weekofstyleluncheon-bws.eventbrite.com/ or by visiting our facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/#!/ events/222724311149446/. EASTSIDE NEWS VOL. 33 No. 2 FREE READ ON - WRITE ON Daily Tuesday,January 17 , 2012 Friday, January 20 , 2012 ISSUED FRIDAY SERVING: LARCHMERE - WOODLAND, SHAKER SQUARE, BUCKEYE, WOODLAND, MT. PLEASANT, LEE & AVALON, HARVARD - LEE, MILES - UNION, UNIVERSITY CIRCLE AREA, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, VILLAGES OF NORTH RANDALL, HIGHLAND HILLS AND CITY OF EAST CLEVELAND FREE READ ON - WRITE ON “COVERING THE NEWS TODAY FOR A BETTER TOMORROW” MLK concert held at Severance By PAT WHITE Conductor Chelsea Tipton II, music director of the Symphony of Southeast Texas, presided over the 23rd annual “Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration Concert” at Severence Hall The program began with the presentation of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Service awards by Mayor Frank Jackson, Cleveland Councilman Kevin Conwell, and Cuyahoga County Councilwoman Yvonne Conwell. This years reciepients were Donshon Wilson who is the band director of the Shaw high School Marching Band, and Dontea Gresham, a high school The Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Community Service awards were presented by Mayor Frank Jackson, Cleveland Councilman Kevin Conwell, and Cuyahoga County Councilwoman Yvonne Conwell to Donshon Wilson, and Dontea Gresham. Shaw bus catches fire A bus carrying members of the Shaw Cardinal High School band recently caught fire on I-90. According to Band Director Donshon Wilson all the members of the band were able to make it off the bus safely and that there were no injuries. The band was en-route to perform at a Martin Luther King Day concert in Erie, Pennsylvania. According to Lake County Sheriff’s Department the Mid- town Express Bus Company Line was carrying 50 students, parents, and staff when a tire blew out and caught on fire. Students were to board another bus to make their performance. Several instrumnets were lost in the fire. The marching band has won numerous awards, and the students have had the opportunities such as playing in Beijing, China during the 2008 Olympics. Gasoline prices drop in area The current average price for a gallon of regular, unleaded gasoline in Northeast Ohio is $3.34, down 13.4 cents per gallon from a week ago. The national average is $3.38. AAA Fuel Gauge Gasoline Price Survey Northeast Ohio Average for Self-Service Gasoline This Week Last Week Last Year National (1-24-12) (1-17-12) (1-24-11) (1-24-12) Regular $3.31 $3.47 $3.10 $3.38 The orchestra played Beethoven’s Overture to “Fidelio” and Shostakovich’s “Festive Overture.” “Danse Negre” from Samuel Coleridge Taylor’s “African” was intensely dramatic. Spirituals like “Don’t You Let Nobody Turn You ‘Round” and the Gospel song “Precious Lord,” recieved standing ovations. “Praise His Holy Name” and “I’ve Been ‘Buked” took on whole new characters with the addition of some 120 new singers, many performing from the balcony. “We Shall Overcome,” was the final selection, and it was a wonderful tribute to Dr. King and his legacy. land Aquarium was held recently in the FirstEnergy Powerhouse at the Nautica Entertainment Complex to officially open the new world-class aquarium. The festivities included Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson, Council President Martin Sweeney, Councilman Joe Cimperman, and private partners of the project joining together to release dozens of balloons from a 200 gallon container, creating a water-like cascade above the entranceway to symbolize the “ Just Add Water” theme of the aquarium. Partners in the Greater Cleveland Aquarium include Jacobs Entertainment, Inc., owner/ developer of the Nautica Entertainment Complex, and Marinescape NZ Limited, the world’s leading developer of walk-through aquariums. The aquarium is also supported by FirstEnergy Corp. and AMPCO, the parking lot operator for the Nautica Entertainment Complex, both contributing funding to the project. The Greater Clevland Aquarium offered preview days for annual pass holders on January 19th and 20th and opened to the public beginning January 21st. Features include 10 aquarium exhibition areas with 35 tanks integrated into the historic FirstEnergy Powerhouse that create an exciting underwater enviroment with special emphasis on the building’s unique architectural elements. Visitors will be impressed by Marinescape’s SeaTube, a worldclass attraction that allows people to walk through a 500,000 gallon tank offering panormic views of marine life, including 15 sharks of various species, some up to seven feet long. Exhibition areas are indentified by themes, including Everglades, Florida Keys, and Ohio Lakes and Rivers. A “Touch Tank” exhibit actually allows visitors to lean in and touch marine life including rays, baby sharks and starfish. The Greater Cleveland Aquarium utilizes Windows on the River’s banquet facilities and Jacobs Pavilion for aquarium-related special events. Annually, the Greater Cleveland Aquarium is expected to attract 400-500,000 visitors to downtown Cleveland, generate $9.6 to 27.2 million of local economic impact and create 50 full and part-time jobs with a payroll of $1.6 million. “The Greater Cleveland Aquarium adds a new dimension to tourism in Cleveland and continues the wave of new development on both sides of the river,” said Jeffrey P. Jacobs, CEO of Jacobs Investments, Inc. “ The aquarium is one of the many new attractions that will help reinforce downtown Cleveland as a destination for residents, international visitors and businesses,” said Mayor Frank G. Jackson. “ Cleveland has tremendous assets to build off of such as our waterfront, and projects such as this help to transform our city into an international destination,” Jackson said. Marinescape has developed 23 major walk-through aquariums throughout Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia and Russia during the past 26 years. The Greater Cleveland Aquarium is Marinescape’s first aquarium development in the United States and builds on its successes with new, cuttingedge technologies. Marinescape created a winning formula that helped transform aquariums into dynamic visitor attractions with the SeaTube and its “ Three E’s” philosphy. Marinescape aquariums have succesfully used this “ Environmental Education through Entertainment” formula to provide enviromental education to more than 150 million aqaurium visitors worldwide. “ The Greater Cleveland Aquarium is our first aquarium in North America and we have made it a special one,” said Ian Mellsop, managing director of Marinescape. “ Our designers worked overtime to develope some very creative ideas in this extraordinary building,” Mellsop said. The Greater Cleveland Aquarium has classrooms and a teaching staff that will offer lessons developed in conjunction with local boards of education. The staff is expected to collaborate with local schools and universities on research projects and develop local community-based ecological and educational outreach programs. General admission charges are $21.95 for adults, $15.95 for children ages 2 to 12, and children under 2 are free. Annual passes begin at $50 and allow pass holders express admission. The Greater Cleveland Aquarium is open Monday through Sunday, 10:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m For further information, visit www. GreaterClevelandAquarium.com. Aquarium makes big splash with opening The grand-opening ceremony for the Greater Cleve- Sexual assault legislation introduced Top photo: A worker at the Cleveland Aquarium shows off a Horseshoe Crab from the Pacific Ocean during the recent opening ceremony to a visitor. Photo right: Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson attended the opening of the aquarium and presented Ian Mellsop, managing director of Marinescape, with a proclamation from the city of Cleveland. senior who served as President of the Cleveland NAACP Youth Council. The concert was a mix of classical, gospel and spiritual music, and was performed by the orchestra accompanied by the renowned Central State University Chorus under the direction of William Henry Caldwell and the Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Chorus which was formed from members of 60 church choirs around Northeast Ohio. The orchestra featured violinist Alexandra Alvarado Switala, of Texas, who was the winner of the annual Spinx Competition, a contest for young African-American and Hispanic string players. She played Ravel’s “Tzigane.” State Senator Nina Turner (D-Cleveland), recently introduced Senate Bill 283, the Compassionate Assistance for Rape (CARE) Act. The legislation would help to ensure that sexual assault survivors are offered medical treatment following an assault. “It is absolutely imperative that victims of sexual assault are provided with the full array of treatment information and options when they seek medical assistance,”Turner said . “This legislation will make sure they receive the level of care that they deserve.” The CARE Act would require that all hospital emergency rooms provide sexual assault survivors with treatment that can prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections if the survivor wishes to take them. The bill would not require assault survivors to submit to any treatment, but would only require hospitals to let them know what options are available and provide them if desired. “These measures will guarantee equal access to care for victims across the state, regardless of the beliefs of the institution they seek assistance from,” Turner said . “It should not come down to the luck of the draw; victims should be able to decide what treatment they receive, not hospitals.” According to a 2007 survey of emergency rooms, almost 20 percent of the Ohio hospitals that responded do not guarantee access to emergency contraception. The CARE Act seeks to reduce that number by placing the responsibility on the hospital to have policies in place that ensure safe and equal access to all medical options. State Representatives Nickie J. Antonio (D-Lakewood) and Nancy Garland (DNew Albany) will co-sponsor companion legislation in the Ohio House of Representatives. Ohio Lieutenant Governor and Department of Insurance Director Mary Taylor recently announced the department’s top fraud and enforces cases for 2011 and cited that the agency opened 233 insurance fraud cases last year, handled 1,678 agent misconduct cases, took administrative action against 240 individuals and entities and referred 72 individuals for prosecution. “ Because insurance fraud im- pacts everyone in the form of higher insurance costs, fighting fraud is a top priority at the department,” Taylor said. “ We have a team of fraudfighting professionals working on behalf of Ohioans bringing to justice those who break the law. We are also working to improve outreach and to raise awareness in an effort to prevent fraud from occurring in the first place.” Fraud cases announced Page 2 EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS Tuesday,January 17 , 2012 - Friday, january 20 , 2012 VANTAGE POINT YOUR HEALTH Christopher Carlson appointed BWC chief actuarial officer Allman turns up the volume on Chronic Hepatitis C Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) Administrator/CEO Stephen Buehrer recently announced the appointment of Christopher Carlson as chief actuarial officer. Carlson will be responsible for directing the activities of BWC’s actuarial division, setting employer premium rates to cover the cost of care for Ohioans injured on the job. “BWC’s actuarial operations are among our most important functions to fulfilling our responsibility to support the care and recovery of Ohio’s injured workers, as well as the health of Ohio’s businesses by charging the Carlson lowest possible premiums,” Buehrer said. “Over Christopher’s 32 years of insurance and actuarial experience, he has developed the specialized skill set we need in this key position within BWC.” Carlson most recently served as consulting actuary for Pinnacle Actuarial Resources, Inc., an actuarial and management consulting firm. He previously worked for 15 years as actuarial officer for Nationwide Insurance. Carlson is a fellow of the Casualty Actuarial Society (FCAS) and a member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA). He is a past president of the Casualty Actuarial Society (CAS), former chair of the CAS Board of Directors, and served CAS in several other capacities. He has been a member of the Casualty Committee of the Actuarial Standards Board and served on the Board of Directors of the American Academy of Actuaries (AAA). He has been a member of the Academy’s Casualty Practice Council since 2005. He is also a frequent speaker at industry events, including numerous presentations at educational seminars and meetings conducted by CAS, the AAA, as well as in South Africa and Australia. Carlson earned a bachelor of science in mathematics from the University of Oregon. Adcom Group adds personnel to its group The Adcom Group of Companies, a Cleveland based full-service marketing firm, recently announced the additions of Nick Dyko as interactive desogner, James Abrams as account executive and Benjamin Murphy as assistant account executive Dyko joins Optiem as an interactive desgner within the Creative and Art department. He will work collaboratively with Ideation and account service personnel to serve a number of accounts, including Sherwin- Williams. He earned a bachelor of fine arts degree in graphic design from the University of Akron. Abrams Joins Adcom as an account executive. This is his second stint with Adcom. He worked for the company as an assistant production artist from 20072009. In his new role, Abrams will assist in managing accounts, including the Cleveland Cavaliers. Abrams graduated from Hampton University with a bachelor's of fine arts degree in graphic design and has earned his MBA from the University of Pheonix. Murphy is a recent graduate of Michigan State University with a bachelor of arts degree in marketing. He interned at Adcom in 2010. Part of The Adcom Group of Companies, Adcom Communications is an integrated full-service marketing communications company within the consumer, business-to-business, non-profit and industrial marketplaces. Adcom provides clients nationwide with brand development and management, marketing strategy, creative development as well as online, offline media buying. (NAPSI)—Gregg Allman—Rock and Roll Hall of Famer and founding member of the Allman Brothers Band-began to feel very fatigued a little over a decade ago. After a visit with his doctor, Allman received unexpected news: He’d been living with chronic hepatitis C for years. Allman waited to get treated, and-when he was treated—his treatment failed. He ultimately had to have a liver transplant. It was a long road for the rock legend, but he received strong support from friends, family and his fellow musicians. He also talked to other people with chronic hepatitis C. “In the beginning, I didn’t tell anyone because I wasn’t sure what people would think, but then I decided to share it with my friends and family,” said Allman. “I was surprised and grateful for all the support I received. It was amazing to me how many people came forward to say that they had chronic hepatitis C, too.” Now, just one year after his surgery, Allman is 'Is the Dream Still Alive?' held at Rice library By SARAH SHERROD The Harvey Rice Library, 11535 Shaker Bou- levard, recently had the grand opening for the art exhibition entitled, “Is The Dream Still Alive?” The exhibit features Easy Side Publishing Co., Inc. EAST SIDE Daily NEWS 11400 Woodland Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44104 (216) 721-1674 - e-mail: [email protected] Website:eastsidedailynews.com Publisher - Ulysses Glen Serving Greater Cleveland Since July 10, 1980 ROBT. #1 ALL HAND CAR WASH 10200 Woodland Ave. - Cleveland, Ohio (216) 721-9616 *Help Wanted* Personal And Business Contracts Cars - Trucks - Vans - Limousines 15 & 25 Passenger Buses Steam Cleaning - Simonizing - Interior Shampoo Detailing Available Major Credit Cards Accepted MC - Visa - American Express Open 7 Days A Week Monday - Thursday 8 am - 6 pm Friday & Saturday 8am - 8pm - Sunday 8am - 5pm five local artists and will be on display through February 25th. The first artist, Anthony Clark, does graphic novels because his inspiration is comics. The second artist, Sheena Sherrod gets her inspiration through striving for a brighter day. She focuses on the fact that children are the future through a litany of photographs. The next artist, Ricardo Jackson does two pictures of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The younger picture portrays him in color with eyes of youth and vigor. The older picture is in gray scale and depicts him as continuing to fight for justice. The artist, Shila Iris has a collection that is called “The Culture Creation Series”, and she says that, “African American communities lack culture.” She uses items around the house for her artwork. She also believes society need to embrace the elements of our culture. The last artist, Anna Arnold is a muralist and known for her creative trash cans on Buckeye. Arnold holds a Bachelor of fine arts degree in drawing and video from Cleveland Institute of Art. She believes in the use of bright and vibrant colors. The other portion of the program was the Griot Project which is a “collective of poets, artists, and musi- cians who are dedicated to the cultural and artistic enrichment of the community,” Their mission is to uphold the rich African traditions and heritage through the use of literal, visual and performing arts. The Griot Project hosts a performance called Poetic Power on every Wednesday, at the library from 4 to 6 pm. The event is an opportunity where the group reaches out and teaches the community to write and recite poetry of all kinds from haiku to freestyle. The Griot Project showed everyone a sample of their poetic styling through a piece called, The Chronology of Black Literacy and it was very thought provoking. The Center Street Swing Bridge is currently closed to vehicular traffic. The closure is due to an electrical issue with the stabilizing mechanism which is preventing the bridge from closing properly. Repairs to the bridge are being coordinated with the contractor and ODOT. The detour route for northbound traffic will be south on Columbus Road, west onto Abbey Avenue, and west onto Lorain Avenue, north onto west 25th street and east onto Main Avenue. For southbound traffic the detour will be west on Main Avenue, south onto west 25th Street, east onto Abbey Avenue, and north on Columbus Road. doing well personally and professionally. He’s once again writing music and touring the country, and he’s chosen to lend his voice to the Tune In to Hep C campaign, a national public health initiative sponsored by Merck and the American Liver Foundation, to educate people about the disease and the importance of taking action. Allman’s message is clear: If you think you might have chronic hepatitis C or if you’ve already been diagnosed, it’s important to talk with your health care provider about your options. “I hope others can learn from my experience. I want to inspire people to take action and encourage them to take the next step. It’s not always an easy one to take. I’m glad I did it. Doing nothing is not an option when you’re living with chronic hepatitis C,”Allman. Approximately 3.2 million Americans have chronic hepatitis C. It is the leading cause of cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) and if left untreated, it can lead to end-stage liver disease and liver cancer. For more information about chronic hepatitis C and the Tune In to Hep C campaign, visit www.TuneInToHepC.com. On Monday 23 if weather permitting, work on the Fulton Road Reconstruction Project will start. This project will consist of the wideing and resurfacing of Fulton Road from Denisin Avenue to Bush Avenue and the complete reconstruction of Fulton Road from Bush Avenue to Clark Avenue. It also includes the installation of new drainage structures,sidewalks, ASA compliant curb ramps, and traffic signal upgrades. Fulton Road will become one way, southbound only from Clark Ave. to W. 41st St. A detour route will be implemented for northbound traffic utilizing West 41st. This detour route will remain in effect until August 29, 2012. Expect additional traffic notices as work progresses. This project is scheduled to be completed by June 2013. Fulton Road reconstruction project to start The Original Chinese Restaurant (Only One Location) Phone: 991-2222 Carry Out Menu OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 11708 Buckeye Road - Cleveland, Ohio JOHN H. LAWSON Attorney And Counselor At Law The Brownhoist Building 4403 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 (216) 881-9675 FAX: (216) 881-3928 Center Street Swing Bridge closed for repairs FLOWERS GIFT & FRUIT CHEESE & WINE DELIVERED ANYWHERE DAILY (216) 721-1500 11520 Buckeye Road Shop for flowers on our website 24/7 www.orbansflowers.com Small Business Directory To Place Your Advertisement, Call: 721-1674 Robertha Will Buy Old Boxing Magazines Pay Top Dollar (216) 752-4236 Call (216) 721-1674 Want To Buy Old Sports Illustrated Magazines With MUHAMMAD ALI On Cover $$Pay Big Bucks$$ (216) 721-1674 To Advertise Your Business To Reach 60,000 Readers Call: (216) 721-1674 WANTED Old Ebony Magazines With Joe Louis And Muhammad Ali On Cover Pay Big Bucks! Call (216) 721-1674 Home Weekly. Regional drivers needed! Company, owners, & trainees. Great pay+bonus, excellent benefits, paid vacations and holidays! 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Phone: 561-9081 Cleveland, Ohio 44128 Job Printing SPECIAL 500 Business Cards $30.00 To Place Your Order Call (216) 721-1674 Terrance King Freeman eulogized EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS Tuesday, January 17 , 2012- Friday,January 20 , 2012 By PAT WHITE Services were recently held for Terrance “Terry” King Freeman at Mount Zion, One Mount Zion Circle, Oakwood Village. Rev. Ronald Williams officiated the services. Freeman was born on July 12, 1949 to the late King S. and Rutha Mae Freeman in Cleveland. He attended the Garfield City School District and the Freeman Cleveland PublicSchools. He married Vic- toria Elaine Cole on July 24, 1971 and they had two children. Freeman worked at Sunshine Industries, and in 1969, he became a union organizer as a business agent for Teamsters Local #507 from 19932001. He later served as secretary-treasurer, principal officer for Teamsters Local #507 from 19961999. Freeman was a Gayle F. Williams-Byers sworn-in By SARAH SHERROD The city prosecutor, Mary Riley Casa, had been declared the winner for South Euclid Municiple judge by an unofficial vote count on election night, November 8th. There was a five vote deficit on that night. Gayle Williams-Byers was very optimistic that if she could secure six more votes she could become the winner. On November 29, after the final count by the board of elections, Williams-Byers was declared the winner. Williams-Byers is a graduate of Shaw High School in East Cleveland. She is a Case Western Reserve alumni with three degrees, including law and a master’s degree in nonprofit organizations. Williams-Byers had been the assistant Cuyahoga County prosecutor for nine years. She is also an adjunct professor at Cuyahoga Community College, in the department of law enforcement. On January 15, which was also the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, history was made in the city of South Euclid. The first African American was sworn in as judge for the City of South Euclid. The investiture took place at the Mayfield Sandridge Club with support from clergy, elected officials, judges and the community at large. The administration Battery Installation & System Testing Complete Line Of New Batteries ALL BATTERIES GUARANTEED Delco Factory Seconds $29.95 and Up Reconditioned $19.95 and Up 2935 Detroit Road (Just Across Detroit - Superior Bridge) (216) 861-6001 We Pay Cash For Scrap Batteries Thomas E. Shaughnessy Attorney at Law CRIMINAL LAW - PERSONAL INJURY (216) 721-7700 Fax (216) 721-5261 High School Senoir Portraits Weddings • Passports • Family Portraits Williams-Byers of oath was given by the Honorable Shirley Strickland-Saffold of the Cuyahoga County Common Pleas Court, Justice Yvette McGee Brown of the Ohio Supreme Court was in charge of the robing ceremony. recently awarded the 2011 President’s Award from the Ohio Common Pleas Judge Association for her long time service to the organization. Among her many accomplishments as a member of the association is as follows: She served as the association’s president in 2007 as well as serving on the board of trustees for a number of years. She coordinated a number of judicial education events for judges throughout the state as the educational director for several years and she re-drafted the organization’s by-laws and constitution in 2006. Judge Burnside was selected by the current president of the Ohio Common Pleas Judges Association, Judge Reginald J. Routson of the Hancock County Court of Common Pleas. The Common Pleas Judges Association’s memberhip includes all general division judges of the state’s common pleas court’s mission is “ to improve the law, the legal system, and the effective administration of justice.” that in addition to being abandoned and vacant, over 70,000 homes in Ohio are in such a state of disrepair, they require demolition. However, due to the sheer volume, communities lack the resources to adequately address the crisis. While federal programs to date have offered some relief, Fudge and the other Members of Congress urge the president to facilitate a strategic and comprehensive federal response to leverage local and private funds to finance demolition projects that preserve prop- erty values and stabilize local economies. In addition to Representatives Fudge and LaTourette, the letter was signed by Representatives John Conyers Jr.(Michigan), John Dingell (Michigan), Michael R. Turner (Ohio), Marcy Kaptur (Ohio), Dale Kildee (Michigan), Sandy Levin (Michigan), Steve Chabot (Ohio), Dennis Kucinich (Ohio), Hansen Clarke (Michigan), Gary Peters (Michigan), Pat Tiberi (Ohio), Tim Ryan (Ohio), Jim Rennaci (Ohio) and Betty Sutton (Ohio). Webinar series offered Countryside Conservancy and the Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) are offering a series of free webinars designed for specialty crop growers. The webinar has been scheduled. There is no charge to participate, but preregistration is required. On January 30, from FREE - FREE - FREE cus from 1985-2008 and served as its president from 2007-2008. He was on the board of trustees for OhioTeamsters Credit Union. Having retired from Local #507 in 2001, Freeman woked part-time for Bakers Local #19 beginning in 2007. Freeman is survived by his wife, Vicki; and sons, Orttice and Terhan (Shelita); sisters, Johnnie (Leroy, deceased), Shanelle; and brothers, Thurston Lee (Ana), andVictor (Tonya). 7 - 8:30 p.m. the first webinar in the series, “ Asystematic Approach for Increasing Fruit and Vegetable Quality on Your Farm,”will be presented by Dan Kittredge of the Real Food Campaign. To register, go to https:// www3.gotomeeting. com/register/117344990. Commercial & Product Call For An Appointment (216) 795-4529 Mark Rychel SubscribeTo EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS Call (216) 721-1674 Newspaper For Sale Ideal For Person Who Wants To Be Involved In Total Cleveland Area! Call (216) 721-1674 Complete Line of Foreign And Domestic Parts Used & Rebuilt Auto Parts For Sale 3210 East 65th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44127 (216) 271-3000 (216) 271-4200 PERNEL JONES & SONS FUNERAL HOME 7120 Cedar Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio (216) 431-9205 12806 Larchmere Blvd. 6124 Woodland Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio Wanted Experienced Journalist Call (216) 721-1674 Quality In Used Car Parts www.shakerphotostudio.com Cleveland, Ohio 44120 KING KENNEDY RESTAURANT Arrangements were handled by R.A. Prince Funeral Service and interment was at Evergreen Memorial Park. REPUBLIC A-1 AUTO PARTS 11510 Buckeye Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44104 Fudge, LaTourette lead effort U.S. Representatives Marcia L. Fudge and Steven LaTourette, joined by 14 other representatives from Ohio and Michigan, sent a letter recently to President Obama urging his administration to support efforts that help communities address the large quantity of abandoned and vacant homes. Action is needed to revitalize communities that were hit the hardest by the foreclosure crisis. Without market demand for these homes, tens of thousands of properties sit empty and decaying. “Our neighborhoods are in desperate need of revitalization. In many cases, vacant and abandoned homes have caused adjacent property values to plummet. Some have also become dangerous centers of crime and blight, negatively impacting the quality of life for other residents,” Fudge said. Estimates show sters National Black Cau- * Notary Available * Judge Janet R. Burnside receives award Burnside The Cuyahoga County Court of Common Pleas General Division’s Judge Janet R. Burnside was member of the Team- Page 3 Since 1973 Funeral Directors (216) 431-7171 FISH - CHICKEN - BAR-Q *Best Soul Food In Town* Hours: Monday. - Saturday: 8:00 a.m. -8:00 p.m. Sunday: Closed Executive Chefs Mike Roufail - Bob Reed Supervisor Mitch Thompson Pernel Jones, Jr. Community Relations Director Pernel Jones, Sr. Funeral Director Michael Jones Funeral Director Looking For Quality Shoe Repair And Maintenance? Look No Further... 16 Years In the Lee-Harvard Area Townes Shoe Repair & Luggage Shop 4088 Lee Road (Across From Lee-Harvard Plaza) “A Cleveland Empowerment Zone Business” The Same Great Service At A Great New Location *Shoe & Boot Repairs *Accessories, Polishes & Strings *Luggage *Luggage And Hand Bag Repair 11400 Woodland Ave. - Cleveland, OH 44104 To Place Your Advertisement Call (216) 721-1674 (216) 751-4044 EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS *All Leather, Suede Cleaning & Repair Forward” “Always Put Your Best Visit Townes Shoe Repair & Luggage Shop Today Hours: Monday-Saturday 9:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. Junie’s Affordable Transportation Cash, Money Orders, NO Checks Please! Make Money Orders Payable To: Robert Williams Jr. Pick Up Location: 10210 Woodland Avenue (Rear) Cleveland, Ohio 44104 Every Monday Grafton Correction........... $40.00 Morning Visit Time 8:00 a.m. To 11:00 a.m. Afternoon Visit Time 12:00 p.m. To 3:00 p.m. NO Refunds Money Must Be In A Week In Advance NO Exceptions Every Wednesday Richland Correction..........$50.00 Visit Time 7:30 a.m. To 3:00 p.m. Richland Correction Goes by Odd Number Day Visit Or Even Number Day Visit You Could Contact Richland Correction For That Information Or You Could Also Contact: Junie’s Affordable Transportation Every Friday Mansfield Correction..........$50.00 Visit Time 8:00 a.m. To 2:00 p.m. Saturday Reservations Only Marion Correction..........$60.00 Visit Time 8:00 a.m. To 3:00 p.m. Children Under 12 Years Of Age Ride Half Price Proof Of Childs Age Is Required For Information Contact: Junie: (216) 795-1705 Or (216) 269-6636 BUSINESS CARD DIRECTORY text Photographer Available For All Occasions Weddings - Birthday Parties Family Reunions Sports Events Call: (216) 721-1674 For All Your Printing Call: (216) 721-1674 Business Cards - Flyers Pamphlets - Brochures Wedding Invitations Calendars - Obituaries Church Literature We Design And Typeset Your Material Professionally CUSTOM MADE Stamps – Desk & Door Signs Name Badges & Wall Signs To Place Your Order Call (216) 721-1674 *Wanted – To Buy* Old Cleveland Arena Basketball Memorabilia – Pipers – Cavaliers Harlem Globetrotters – Local College Teams Need Press Kits – Programs – Photos Autographs–Posters–Equipment–Tickets *Paying Top Dollar* Call: (330) 856-7047 Or (216) 721-1674 Page 4 EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS Tuesday,January 17 , 2012 - Friday,January 20 , 2012 Islam In The Community Abusing the word Islam (What is not Islam) Editor’s Note: This article is in two parts and this is part two. By HASHIM A. KHALIQ Hello neighbors. In hopes to defuse some confusion that many have about Islam and Muslims we have taken an excerpt from a website we visit frequently. “The Hour will not come... until nearly thirty “dajjals” (liars) appear, each one claiming to be a mes- senger from Allah.” (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim) Shortly after the death of Prophet Muhammad, an man named Musailama, a claimant to prophethood, was fought against togher with his followers for their apostacy. It is worth noting that Musailama did not deny theh prophethood of Muhammad (peace and blessings on him) and nor did his followers. It is also worth noting that it was misinformation that led the tribe of Banu Hunaifa to accept Musailama’s false claims. Nevertheless, the consensus of the companies was to declare them apostates and wage a war against them. This is evidence enough to declare the Ahmadiyyas as non- Muslims. Another example of the Ahmadiyya’s rejection of the Qur’an and Sunnah is their contention that Jesus died, and that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was an incarnation of Jesus. In fact, according to the 1985 Encyclopedia Britannica, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad claimed to be not only Jesus but Prophet Muhamad, the Mahdi, and the Hindu god Krishna. It suffices to refer back to the essence of Islam which is the Uniqueness of God: any concept of man becoming god, worse yet a Hindu good who is one out of many, is false according to the A Look At My World If you can’t resolve ‘em, perfect last year’s mistakes By Rev. James L. Snyder An old year is fading and a new year is upon us again. Each year I go kicking and screaming into the New Year, and not because I am against change. My pants pocket is full of change. I simply cannot remember to change the year on the checks I write until May. By the time, I remember the correct year I have forgotten to make deposits into my checking account. I need a reality check, which with any luck will not bounce as high as my checkbook. That is not the only reason I hesitate going into a new year. The biggest reason has to do with the mistakes I made during the old year. Looking back over the old year, I worry that my blunders were not as bad as they could have been. Did I make all the gaffes I possibly could? Did I fill my quota? What is my quota, anyway? For many people, the New Year offers the opportunity to start over again. Actually, what happens is people simply make new mistakes curiously similar to the mistakes made during the old year. If I have any resolution for the New Year it would be to perfect the mistakes I have already made. I do not see any sense in mak- Want To Buy Ali-Wepner Boxing Poster March 24, 1975 “Chance Of A Lifetime” Muhammad Ali vs. Chuck Wepner Illustrated Cardboard Poster - 14” x 22” Boxing Show Held At The Richfield Coliseum (Richfield, Ohio) Also Interested In Buying The “On-Site” Boxing Program Call: (330) 856-7047 Or (216)721-1674 Paperback Book Available For Purchase At $15.95 To Order: Send Check Or Money Order To Vintes Pender Publishing Co. P.O. Box 200399 - Cleveland, OH 44120 - (216) 280-8815 Books Available At: Artist Review Today - Galleria 1301 East 9th Street - Cleveland, Ohio - (216) 771-0900 Apple Tree Books 12419 Cedar Road - Cleveland, Ohio - (216) 791-2665 Loganberry Books 13015 Larchmere Blvd. - Cleveland, Ohio - (216) 795-9800 ing new bloopers when I can easily requisition the old ones for duty during the New Year. And what is wrong with my old mistakes? The only thing I can think of is that I did not work hard enough to make the most of them. It is one thing to make a mistake, but it is quite another thing to perfect the art of making a mistake so that you do not have to repeat it ever again. Too many amateurs have given mistakemaking a bad name. Most of my mistakes have been so poorly discharged that in the coming New Year I will have to re-do many of them. And, frankly, I am tired of it all. I am anxious to move on to new areas of mistake making. I am convinced there are faux pas to make that I have not dreamed of at this point in my life. Believe me, I have been dreaming. Actually, the gracious mistress of the Parsonage things they are all nightmares. However, my horsing around is not limited to the nighttime. With that in mind, my resolution for the New Year is to make sure all mistakes I make (and there will be plenty, I assure you) will be as thorough as possible. I refuse to execute any mistake before its time. Some mistakes take lots of time to fully mature, but when its time comes, I want to make sure it is implemented as smoothly and as perfectly as possible. If I am any judge of character, the majority of people will not make any new mistakes this coming New Year. Oh, they think they are making new mistakes but in reality, they are dusting off old ones and re-dating them for the current year. What a waste of time, in my opinion. For those who take mistake-making seriously, allow me to offer some help to guide this pursuit in the coming New Year. Look back over the old year and make a list of all of the mistakes you have made. If you are a husband, solicit help from your wife, who will be able to remember all of those mistakes you have forgotten. (Not to mention one or two you did not make.) Go over each mistake on your list and determine if it needs repeated for the New Year. It does not make sense in doing new mistakes if you are not finished with the old ones. Nothing is more disheartening than a half-baked mistake. For every mistake from the previous year not needing repeated, place a nice red star in front of it. That mistake can now go into your Hall of Blame, which you will never have to repeat again. Of course, you will have some mistakes, even though they have been perfectly executed are well worth repeating. You know which ones they are. Don’t you? Now look at all of those mistakes listed for repeating during the New Year. Prioritize them so you can begin the New Year with a good plan. As you prioritize this list, think of ways in which you can improve on your mistakes over the past year. No satisfaction compares with doing something as good as you can. One man’s blunder is another man’s gaffe. Everyone generates mistakes, which is healthy. What is unhealthy is thinking you have not made any mistakes, which is a mistake. Some people have the strange idea that they live a completely mistake free life. A mistake well executed is a mistake never needing repeating. During the New Year, execute as many mistakes as your conscience will allow. The Bible, an authority on mistakes, says this; “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” (1 John 1:8-10 KJV .) The great hope we have is that there is no mistake bigger than God’s ability to forgive. Qur’an. On this, Islam is uncomprising, hence this error of the Ahmadiyyas is the foremost indication of their exit from Islam. Finally, the Ahmadiyyas also rejected jihad, a tactic which was designated to eliminate Muslim resistance to British colonialist rule. The International Community of Submitters: The Submitters are followers of the late Rashad Khalifa, a man who claimed to be a Messenger of Allah. This claim in itself is sufficient to remove the Submitters from Islam as the Qur’an states (translation): “O people! Muhammad has no sons among ye men, but verily, he is the Messenger of Allah and the last in the line of Prophets. And Allah is aware of everything.” (33:40) The true Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, observed: “The tribe of Israel was guided by prophets. When a prophet passed away, another succeeded him. But no prophet will come after me; only caliphs will succeed me.” (Sahih Bukhari) Much of Rashad Khalifa’s misguidance can be traced to his obsession with numerology, an obsession which has misguided many different people throughout history. Khalifa alleged that the Qur’an contained a mathematical code which revolved around the number 19. He went to the extent of removing two verses from the Qur’an because according to him “the word ‘God’ ..is not a multiple of 19, unless we remove it [it],” and the “sum of all verse numbers where the word ‘God’ occurs is... 19x6217 ...If the false verse 9:129 is included, this phenomenon disappears.” By rejecting a single verse of the Qur’an, the Submitters bring themselves under the judgement of another verse. Do you believe in part of the Book and disbelieve in another part? And what is the reward of those who do so save ignominy in the life of the world, and on the Day of Resurrection they will be consigned to the most grievous doom ... (2:85) It is interesting to note that Khalifa was a numerologist who did his blighted profession justice: he predicted the end of the world. However, Allah says in the Qur’an: They ask you about the (last) hour, when will be its taking place? Say: The knowledge of it is only with my Lord; none but He shall manifest it at its time; it will Winter events at Nature Center The Nature Center at Shaker Lakes announces its series of 2012 Winter Programs, which will offer children and adults wide-ranging opportunities to “explore nature – inside and out.” In January through March, the Nature Center will host winter hikes and bird walks for visitors of all ages, celebrate the birthday of conservation icon Aldo Leopold, welcome parents and children to two Family Fireside Nights, offer a workshop on experiential gardening, and hold its annual Breakfast with the Birds and Spring Break Camp. All activities will take place at the Nature Center at Shaker Lakes, 2600 South Park Blvd, Cleveland, in the heart of the Shaker Parklands. A Winter program event is the Winter Bird Walks held on the Second Sunday of each month through March at 8:30 am (February 12 and March 11) Guided walks leave from the Nature Center park- ing lot. Walkers are encouraged to bring binoculars. Additional binoculars can be borrowed from the Nature Center. This event is free. be momentous in the heavens and the earth; it will not come on you but of a sudden. They ask you as if you were solicitous about it. Say: Its knowledge is only with Allah, but most people do not know. (7:187) The Submitters also reject the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (saws)- not part of it, but the whole of it. For the Submitters, the Sunnah is not a source of Islam. The problem this presents are overwhelming, for by doing so the Submitters have effectively destroyed their ability to perform: Salaat (obligatory prayers), the second pillar of Islam, Zakat (obligatory tax), the third pillar of Islam, Sawm (fasting), the forth pillar of Islam, and Hajj (pilgrimage), the fiftjh pillar of Islam. With four out of the five pillars of Islam removed, the Submitters have little to back their claim to being “Muslim.” The true Messenger of Islam (saws) warned Muslims of falling into this trap. Narrated AbuRafi: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Let me not find one of you reclining on his couch when he hears something regarding me which I have commanded or forbidden [i.e. from the Sunnah -ed.] and saying: ‘We do not know. What we found in Allah’s Book [i.e. the Qur’an] we have followed.” Book 40, Number 4588 of Sunan AbuDawud. In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful "ISLAM IN THE COMMUNITY" For questions or more information on ISLAM contact: UZAIR ABDUR-RAZZAAQ (216) 721-1146 e-mail: [email protected] Wanted Cleveland Buckeyes Baseball Team Baseball Collectibles Items From Other Cleveland Teams That Played In The Professional Negro League Autographed Baseballs - Photos - Programs Bats - Schedules - Yearbooks - Tickets - Movies Guides - Buttons - Postcards - Baseball Cards Also Wanted Items On: Satchel Paige - Larry Doby - Luke Easter Minnie Monoso - Al Smith Dave Pope - Dave Hoskins Paying Top Dollar Call (330) 856-7047 or (216) 721-1674 Class 1 Pavers & Remodelers Specializing In Residential Driveways Winter Check List Be Ready For Winter! • Kitchen • Bathrooms • Windows • Masonary Work • Rec. Rooms • Additions • Furnaces • Siding • Roofing • Water Proofing Need Help? Great Financing!! Call: (216) 397-6349 Visit Our Website: Class1Pavers.com 1481 Warresnville Ctr. Rd.South Euclid, Ohio 44121 EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS Legal Court Interpretation Interstate family support and jurisdiction Modern America is a very mobile society. It’s commonplace for people to have family members spread from coast to coast. And because of that, it’s not at all uncommon for divorced parents to live in different states from their children. When that happens, the question sometimes arises over which courts have jurisdiction over such things as child support payments. That was the issue at the heart of a case that we – the Ohio Supreme Court – recently reviewed. The case involved a woman named Ruby K. Pula. Ruby is a resident of Hawaii. She’s also the custodian and maternal grandmother of a child we’ll call K.P., who was born out of wedlock. K.P. lives with Ruby, but the child’s birth mother – Adrienne Haunani Pula-Branch – lives in Cleveland. As is sometimes the case, Adrienne was not keeping up on child support payments. Because Ruby lives in Hawaii and Adrienne lives in Cleveland, Ruby had to seek the support payments under the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act, which is referred to as the UIFSA. On Nov. 8, 2008, the Cuyahoga Support Enforcement Agency (“CSEA”) filed a petition – on Ruby’s behalf – in the domestic relations court for child support and medical coverage against Adrienne. The trial court eventually issued a child-support order, but the CSEA filed an appeal challenging the trial court’s calculation of support obligations. In January of 2010, the court of appeals, in reviewing the CSEA challenge of the trial court’s calculation of support obligations, raised another issue – namely, whether the domestic relations court should have jurisdiction over the UIFSA case in the first place. The court of appeals ultimately concluded that the domestic relations court lacked subject-matter jurisdiction over the petition. The court of appeals concluded that the Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court’s jurisdiction was limited to matters involving “a divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, or annulment.” Because the petition was initiated by the child’s grandmother, the case did not involve anything having to do with marriage or divorce. Therefore, the court of appeals reasoned that the domestic relations court had no jurisdiction to address a Uniform Interstate Family Support Act order. The court noted that the case would be properly brought in juvenile court. In reaching that conclusion, the court of appeals cited a section of Ohio law which states that the juvenile court has original jurisdiction under the UIFSA. The court of appeals thus ordered the domestic relations court to vacate its order for lack of subject-matter jurisdiction. After that, Ruby’s case for child support came before us for a final review. The central issue of this case was whether the domestic relations court is “authorized” to hear and decide a support order under the UIFSA. The court of appeals determined that it wasn’t so authorized, and that the domestic relations court is limited to only divorce, dissolution, legal separation, or annulment of a marriage. We disagreed with that conclusion. The Ohio General Assembly defines the jurisdiction of the courts of common pleas and their respective divisions. The law that specifically relates to the judges of Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court sets forth that the judges of that court “shall-exercise the same powers and jurisdiction-as other judges of the court of common pleas of Cuyahoga County and shall be elected and designated as judges of the court of common pleas, division of domestic relations.” It is this section of the law that also states that domestic relations judges “shall have all the powers related to all divorce, dissolution of marriage, legal separation, and annulment cases, except in cases that are assigned to some other judge of the court of common pleas for some special reason.” So this law grants all the power in marriagerelated cases to the domestic relations division. In doing so, it limits the ability of other common pleas judges to preside over those cases. But notice: there is no limiting language that prevents domestic relations judges from having jurisdiction over other cases – they retain “the same powers and jurisdiction…as other judges of the court of common pleas.” Thus, this law is not a limiting provision, but rather a specific grant of authority. When the court of appeals reviewed this case, it determined that Ruby’s petition should have been filed in juvenile court. The law that deals with the original jurisdiction of juvenile courts does, indeed, state that juvenile courts have original jurisdiction under the UIFSA. But that jurisdiction is not exclusive. UIFSA cases are not listed among the matters over which juvenile courts have exclusive jurisdiction. In past cases, our court has held that the distinction between exclusive original jurisdiction and nonexclusive original jurisdic- tion is crucial. The Uniform Interstate Family Support Act is what’s known as “remedial legislation,” meaning that it is intended to remedy a situation (as opposed to legislation that imposes a penalty or punishment for wrongdoing). Ohio law states that when courts are reviewing cases involving remedial legislation, it must be “liberally construed in order to promote its object and assist the parties in obtaining justice.” With that standard in mind, the facilitation of interstate support orders would not be promoted by foreclosing the Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court from considering UIFSA cases that do not arise from a marriage. The domestic relations court is a trial court of record in Ohio, one attuned to crafting support orders. And, as mentioned earlier, the jurisdiction of the domestic relations court is not limited by law to cases involving marriage, divorce separation, or annulment. Actually, those judges “exercise the same powers and jurisdiction…as other judges of the court of common pleas of Cuyahoga County.” Therefore, we concluded that the Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court does have jurisdiction over an action for support brought under the UIFSA, even if the action does not arise from a divorce or some other marriage related issue. We thus reversed the judgment of the court of appeals – by a seven-to-zero vote – and sent the case back to the court of appeals for further determination consistent with our opinion. Weekly Wealth For Your Health Beware of mystery shopper scams By JASON ALDERMAN Getting paid to go shopping may sound like a dream job, but buyer beware: For each legitimate mystery or secret shopper opportunity, probably hundreds more are scams. In fact, the National Consumers League (NCL) says complaints regarding fraudulent mystery shopper and work-at-home schemes were up nearly 9 percent during the past six months. Why the increase? It’s due in part to our nation’s high unemployment rates and how desperate people are to earn money while seeking full-time employment. Plus, many people are lured by offers that sound too good to be true (and are). Here are tips for spotting bogus mystery shopper programs: Many retailers hire marketing research companies to gauge their employees’ quality of customer service. Those companies in turn hire mystery shoppers to make purchases anonymously and fill out questionnaires documenting their experience. Many research firms belong to the Mystery Shopping Providers Association (www.mysteryshop.org), a trade organization that links businesses with mystery shopping providers. (MSPA also provides a search engine where people can register for mystery shopping assignments.) U n f o r t u n a t e l y, scammers increasingly are using newspaper and Internet job ads, emails and phone calls to snare unsuspecting consumers with promises of quick, easy money for minimal effort. Here’s how a typical mystery shopping scam might work: You answer an ad and are “hired” as a mystery shopper to evaluate its clients’ businesses. The company sends an official-looking employment packet containing the business evaluation forms you’ll supposedly use. But first, you’ll be required to complete a so-called training assignment to make sure you’re a suitable employee. That’s where the fraud comes in: The company Cleveland Arena Boxing Collectibles Wanted Want To Buy All Boxing Collectibles (Amateur and Professional) From The Old Cleveland Arena Old Boxing: Posters - Programs - Photographs - Press Kits Autographs - Gloves - Tickets - Equipment - Etc. Call (216) 721-1674 - Paying Top Dollar claims it’s evaluating a money transfer service like Western Union. They send you a large check with instructions to deposit it in your personal checking account. You are told to keep a certain amount as your fee and then to pose as a customer by wiring the balance to a third party – usually within 48 hours. You then submit a report about your customer experience. What you may not realize is that the original check was fake. Scammers know that by law, banks generally must make deposited funds under $5,000 available within a few days. They count on your completing the transaction before the check has been cleared by the issuing bank, which may take several weeks. Once your bank discovers the fraud, it will bounce the check and you are on the hook for the whole amount you wired – plus your wasted time. Common red flags include: Legitimate companies will never ask you to send a money transfer for any purpose. Legitimate companies don’t charge shoppers a fee to work for them. Be suspicious if you’re hired on the basis of an email or phone call without any interview or background checks. Companies that promise you can make a lot of money as a mystery shopper are almost certainly scams. If mystery shoppers are asked to make purchases, it’s usually for very small amounts for which they will be reimbursed. Mystery shoppers are paid after completing their assignments and returning the questionnaires. Shoppers never receive checks upfront. Good resources to learn more about bogus mystery shopper and other fake check scams, include the FBI (www.fbi.gov/scamssafety), the Federal Trade Commission (www.ftc.gov), the Consumer Federation of America (www.consumerfed.org), and the National Consumers League (www. f a k e c h e c k s . o rg / i n d e x 2 . html). Free tax help for Ohioans It is tax season, and free help is available. Residents can receive with filling out federal and state income-tax returns through the Ohio Benefit Bank. At a time when many are struggling, says Maryjo Mace-Woodburn, director of work-support initiatives at the Ohio Association of Second Harvest Foodbanks, the benefit Bank can help working individuals and families maximize the refund amounts they’ll recieve. Page 5 You And The Law Law allows licensed people to carry firearms Senate Bill 17, which became effective on September 30, 2011, allows people who have permits to carry concealed firearms into business establishments, such as restaurants and bars, which sell alcoholic beverages. Previously, the law strictly prohibited the carrying of firearms into businesses selling alcoholic beverages. Q: I own a gun. Can I put it in the inside pocket of my jacket and walk into a bar with it? A: Assuming you are properly licensed, yes. You can now carry your licensed firearm into any business that has been issued a Class D liquor permit. “Class D” businesses may include carryouts, restaurants, nightclubs, clubs, hotels, shopping malls, marinas, museums and other establishments. Q: Are there any restrictions on me if I want to carry a concealed firearm into a business that serves alcohol? A: Yes. If you are consuming alcohol or are under the influence of alcohol, you are not allowed to carry a concealed firearm into any business, including a business that serves alcohol. The law, however, does not specify whether a business owner has either the right or the obligation to ask patrons if they are carrying concealed firearms before serving them alcohol. Q: What does the law say about carrying a concealed, loaded gun in a car? A: Although Senate Bill 17 is most widely known for allowing “concealed carry” in restaurants and bars, it also changes much of the law regulating the transport of firearms in a vehicle. Previously, a loaded firearm could only be transported in a vehicle if it was contained in a holster or a locked box, or was in plain sight. Senate Bill 17 lifted those requirements. Now, assuming you are properly licensed, you are allowed to transport a concealed, loaded firearm in a vehicle you are driving or riding in as a passenger without these restrictions. Q: If I am stopped by an officer, do I have to report that I have a loaded firearm in my car? A: Yes. A few procedures about carrying a concealed firearm in a vehicle were unchanged by Senate Bill 17. If you are stopped for law enforcement purposes and you have a loaded firearm in your car, you must inform the officer that a loaded firearm is in the vehicle and you must tell the officer you have a “concealed carry” license. The officer may ask to see the license, at which time you should produce it. You must keep your hands in plain sight of the officer and you must not touch the firearm unless the officer directs you to do so. If you are carrying the gun in your own vehicle, the officer likely will know you have a concealed carry license as that information will be tied to your vehicle registration. Q: May private business owners restrict or prohibit persons from carrying concealed firearms onto their businesses premises? A: Yes. Private business owners still have the authority to prohibit concealed handguns at their business locations, but they must post a notice in a conspicuous place stating that concealed firearms are prohibited on the premises. This “Law You Can Use” column was provided by the Ohio State Bar Association. It was prepared by attorney Lisa A. Wafer, an attorney with the Columbus law firm, Saia & Piatt, Inc. Articles appearing in this column are intended to provide broad, general information about the law. Before applying this information to a specific legal problem, readers are urged to seek advice from an attorney. John P. Kee receives achievement award Twenty one-time Stellar Award winner, Pastor John P. Kee recentlyreceived the James Cleveland Lifetime Achievement Award for his historical and significant contributions to gospel music at the 27th Annual Stellar Gospel Music Awards at the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, TN. Kirk Franklin presented the award to a tearful Pastor Kee. Kee is the recipient of 21 Stellar Awards, 27 GMWA Excellence Awards, a Trailblazer Award from President Bill Clinton, one Soul Train Music Award, two Billboard Music Awards, a Gospel Music Hall of Fame Award, and seven GRAMMY® Award nominations. However, The James Cleveland Lifetime Achievement Award is especially meaningful to him. “This is by far one of the greatest honors I have received to date,” Kee said. “When you look at the true history of John P. Kee, this award signifies a circle of completion. It was the late Dr. James Cleveland who gave me my start in music, so to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award in his name is priceless.” During the Stellar Award Weekend, Kee also participated in the Hezekiah Walker Presents Choir Fest 2012, along with Ricky Dillard, JJ Hairston, Meachum L. Clarke, Kevin Lemons, and Darrel Petties, at the Mt. Zion Baptist Church, the Antioch location in Nashville. An icon in American music, Kee and the New Life Community Choir will release a new CD this spring. The new single, “Life And Favor (You Don’t Know My “One of the greatest assets that we have as Christians is our testimony,” Kee said. “It is that testimony that reveals the true nature of our deliverance. God has graced me with the ability to share these trials and triumphs through melody. This single, ‘Life And Favor (You Don’t Know My Story,)’ has become a memorable melody in the lives of thousands. When you find yourself singing the vamp uncontrollably, we’ll know undoubtedly that you too have a story.” In the late 1980s, Kee was crowned the Prince of Gospel, which is a title he laughs at because his middle name is Prince. , Tuesday, January 17, 2012 - Friday,January 20, 2012 Kee Story,)” will be released to gospel radio this month. The single features special guest artists, including LeJuene Thompson and James Fortune. Woodland Automotive 9300 Woodland Avenue - Cleveland, Ohio 44104 (216) 229-1957 Hours: Mon. - Sat. - 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. We Sell Used Tires DR. G. WOJAI The World’s Greatest Numerologist YOUR LUCKY NUMBERS 23 10 3731 0917 36 53 0654 1716 46 68 4298 7932 LUCKY FIVE 17 28 59 76 45 LUCKY SIX 19 21 34 63 78 95 Having The Cleanest Home In The Neighborhood Put 54 Years of Experience To Work For You Free Estimates Schedule Now And Save $10.00 With This Ad We Clean: Windows * Skylights * Walls * Gutters We Power Wash: Home Exteriors * Patios We Clean And Seal Decks * Professional National Window Cleaning, Inc. www.nationalwindowcleaning.com (216) 251-3980 Hagler to attend Hall of Fame events Former undisputed middleweight champion and 1993 Hall of Fame Inductee Marvelous Marvin Hagler will attend festivities planned for the 23rd Annual Hall of Fame Induction Weekend scheduled for June 7-10th in Canastota, NY. Hagler reigned as world middleweight champion from 1980 until 1987. He won the title with a 3rd round TKO over Alan Minter on September 27, 1980 and during the next seven years he successfully defended the title 12 times with wins over Thomas Hearns, Roberto Duran, John Mugabi and Mustafa Hamsho. Now an actor based in Italy, Hagler was elected into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in his first year of eligibility. S PORTS All-Star Amateur boxing returns to Thistle down Race Track on Friday Febuary 17, at 7 p.m. For tickets, call 440-439-5464. The matchmaker is Ed King. Turnovers in Cavs’ return spell doom to Bulls The Cavaliers, coming back from a long road trip (where they went a respectable 3-4), necessitated by an extended visit by Disney on Ice, seemed happy to be back at Quicken Loans Arena for only their fourth home game of the season, but promptly laid an egg in front of the home crowd. Unfortunately, their next game was even worse. Returning home, the Cleveland Road Warriors lost to the Golden State Warriors, 105-95. Cleveland had a season-high 25 turnovers that allowed the Warriors to get easy baskets at the other end, outscoring the Cavs at a 2 to 1 margin in fast break points. David Lee, who led Golden State with 29 points, afterwards said, “Coach kept calling my number. I just wanted to be aggressive.” The Cavs had beaten Charlotte in North Carolina the night before, 10294, as Rookie Kyrie Irving Willie Nelson improves boxing record By SAMUEL LOUIS McKIBBEN Willie Nelson (171-1) of Cleveland recently fought Brad Jackson (13-8-1) of Denver, Colorado on the undercard of ESPN2 Friday Night Fights show at the picturesque Mallory Square in Key West, FL. The promoters were Lou Dibella, Steve Smith and Dave Johnson. Nelson took four minutes to finish off Jackson. Nelson had Jackson down twice in the fight. After a stern look into Jackson’s eyes when he rose from the second knockdown, the fight was stopped. Both knockdowns came from right hands. The Football may be bruising, but cheerleading is no walk in the park either. In fact, even at the local school level, it’s been rated the most dangerous sport for women by the National Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury Research-and you need only ask a Washington Redskins cheerleader why. “Cheerleading may look like fun, but it actually involves an incredible amount of stress on your body,” says the Redskins’ Chelsea Causey. “I’ve experienced multiple injuries during my career-everything from pulled hamstrings to sprains to lower back pain-setbacks that chiropractic care always helped me recover from.” As with all athletic activities, proper stretching and warm-ups are key. “Taking proper preventive measures, such as chiropractic care and appropriate sports-specific exercises, can help reduce risks of injury,” says Dr. Jay Greenstein, D.C., of the not-for-profit Foundation for Chiropractic Progress.. For information, visit www.yes2chiropractic.com. EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS By KARL BRYANT Kyrie Irving scored 18 points, but found the going tricky inside with six turnovers against Golden State. He had six turnovers with one of the players who looked a bit off step The Cavs are 0-3 this year on second games back to back. (ESDN Photo by Frank Hyatt) Cheerleads talks injury prevention Tuesday, January 17 , 2012 - Friday, January 20 , 2012 - Page 6 scored 25. Irving, who scored 18 against the Warriors, but had six turnovers, was one of the players who looked a bit off a step. The Cavs are 0-3 this year on second games of back-to-backs. Cavs reserve center Semih Erden, from Turkey, getting more minutes in an effort to keep fresh legs on the court, scored 14 points. Antawn Jamison led the Cavs with 19 points. When asked how he plans on parceling out minutes at center in the future, Coach Byron Scott said, “Andy (Varejao) has been outstanding for us. He’s been doing the job at center and we plan on using him in that role…Semih has to earn his minutes on the defensive end.” Getting time off sure wasn’t the answer, as three days later, the fully rested Cavs then laid another egg – this one of historic proportions. Central Divisionleading Chicago, sporting the best record in the NBA, came in and handed Cleveland its fight was scheduled for six rounds and it was declared a TKO win for Nelson. The opening bout had Dannie “Dangerous” Williams (21-1-0) of St Louis, Missouri facing Fernando Trejo (3318-6) of Mexico City, Mexico. Wilson reign supreme as he displayed sharpened skills coupled with good speed and dominate ring generalship. The fight was declared over when Trejo refused to come out for the start of the sixth round. Trejo showed signs of trying to comfort his wounded right arm with his good left glove. Trejo was down once in the second round that appeared to be from a slip or a push down. Williams is trained by Jack Loew out Youngstown. John, Jack’s son, told me Williams is going to fight “Hammer’in” Hank Lundy some time in March. Lundy’s people won the purse bid and the fight is probably going to take place in Conneticut or Rhode Island. Durrell Richardson (13-4) of Youngstown, Ohio went the distance of six rounds with Marcus Upshaw (14-7-2) of Jacksonville, Florida. Richardson controlled the start but soon Upshaw’s winning ways showed. “I couldn’t get off the way I wanted A move down in weight is where I belong,” Richardson said. Willie Nelson recently improved his boxing record. to 27%. Indiana improved dramatically, shooting 54% in the 2nd half, but OSU countered that with even better 60% shooting. For the game, OSU made 54% of their floor shots and Indiana made 43%. Cody Zeller led the Hoosiers with 16 points. After taking a nod in the previous home game, new football Coach Urban Meyer was officially introduced oncourt at halftime to a boisterous ovation from the fans. Many feel that the successful recruiter and mentor will instantly improve the gridiron fortunes of his Alma Mater. On the same day, the OSU hockey team lost to Michigan , 4-1, in Cleveland at an outdoor rink set up in Progressive Field for “Cleveland Indians Snow Days Frozen Diamond Face-off.” Over 25,000 people were in attendance, but last year, an outdoor game at Michigan Stadium against Michigan State drew a whopping 113,000. Thanks to OSU, Minority Publishers Assn. was there as the only man to own two Heismans, Archie Griffin, dropped the ceremonial first puck. Unfortunately, Michigan , who skunked the Buckeyes two days before, 4-0, has OSU’s number this year. They jumped out to a 4-1 lead on overwhelmed Goalie Cal Heeter, who was relieved by Brady Hjelle halfway through the 2nd period. Chris Crane scored OSU’s lone goal. The formerly No. 2-ranked Buckeyes are in a funk, having come up short four-timesin-a-row, including a couple of overtime shootout losses to Bowling Green, which officially go into the books as ties. OSU is 14-6-3 overall and in 1st Place in the Central Collegiate Hockey Assn. OSU women’s hockey fared better last weekend in Minnesota against hockey power Bimidji State . They won Friday, 5-3, before losing the next day, 4-2. OSU Women are 11-9-4 . worst home loss in history, 114-75. Reigning NBA MVP Derrick Rose missed his third straight game, but everyone else showed up to annihilate the Cavs. The Bulls set a franchise record with 16 blocks, which were distributed among nine players. Luol Deng, who led the Bulls with 21 points, was gracious as he told this reporter, “You know, these guys (Cavs) aren’t that bad. We took control and it just snowballed. We’re good and we were prepared well, but games like this – the (Cavs) missed shots and blocked shots – don’t happen all the time.” Carlos Boozer, still hearing ‘Booo-zer Birds,’ because of his unceremonious defection in the past, had 19 points and 14 rebounds. Afterwards, Boozer revealed he’s not all bad, by fondly reminiscing about a Read to Achieve program he did years ago that included children of a Minority Publishers Assn. Media member. The Cavs started the game well as Irving scored 11 points in the first seven minutes, before Coach Scott thought he needed bench rest. But, in his absence, the game started to unravel, the Bulls gained momentum, and when he returned, Irving scored only two points the rest of the way. The Bulls physical play and shot blocking made for some stark numbers: Ramon Sessions, 3 of 12; Daniel Gibson, 2 of 10; Rookie Tristan Thompson, 2 of 10; and Jamison, 1 of 10. Erden missed his only attempt in just five minutes of action. The Cavs hit but 30% of their field goals. Coach Scott had no answer to stop the carnage. `After the game Varejao, who led Cleveland with 14 points, commented in hushed tones, “Boy, this was one of those games. Things just got out of control. We can do much better than that and we’ll just have to forget it and get ready for tomorrow night.” (The Cavs play in Atlanta at press time.) By KARL BRYANT Cleveland this year, had a dispute over “hush money” with the recently-turned 28-year old real Fausto, so the family blew the whistle. Heredia is 31. In baseball, a couple of years can be like light years. In the lockerroom, Fausto has gotten progressively worse over the years. Once a delight to interview, he’d lately taken to saying that he either doesn’t understand the English, he’s too tired, or too busy (while playing video games). There definitely was more there than what met the eye. Carmona arrested The strange (head) case of Fausto Carmona got even stranger with word he was arrested for identity fraud. No, it wasn’t by Cleveland Police for impersonating a pitcher which would make sense, given last year’s abysmal season, but in his homeland, the Dominican Republic , where the government claims that he’s not really Fausto, but Roberto Hernandez Heredia. It’s reported that the Indians’ Carmona (Heredia), set to receive $7M from Ohio State winter sports are active By ANDREW CARTER It was a busy weekend for Ohio State winter sports teams. Men’s and women’s basketball had successful weekends and hockey got into the headlines. The Ohio State women’s hoops team continues to dominate, beating Michigan State, 64-56. The loss was the Spartans first in the Big Ten, where they are 4-1, 12-6 overall. The 11th-ranked Buckeyes, 17-1 overall, 4-1 in the Big Ten, held MSU to 35% from the floor while shooting 48% themselves. Tayler Hill scored 21 for OSU and Courtney Shiffauer led MSU with a dozen. Ohio State men avenged a four-point loss in Bloomington by thrashing Indiana in Columbus , 80-63. Lenzelle Smith scored 28 points to lead the No. 5 Buckeyes, who were in command throughout. From the 10-minute mark, No. 7 Indiana was held scoreless for a nine-minute span in the 1st half. OSU stormed out to the 35-14 lead at intermission, shooting 46% from the field in the 1st half, while holding the Hoosiers Boxing Nostalgia By JIM AMATO John ‘Dino’ Denis was truely a tough boxer In the talent laden heavyweight era of the 1970′s…A few notable fighters have slipped through the cracks. One such fighter was Massachusetts’ native, John “Dino” Denis. He was as game as they come and he battled some of the best of his era. Born in 1951, Denis turned professional in 1972. By 1976 he would run his record up to an impressive 280-1. Among the notables he defeated were Terry Daniels, Mike Boswell, Joe “King” Roman and the rugged Scott LeDoux. Denis It all came crashing down in 1976 when Denis was slated on the come back trail of George Foreman. Denis showed the heart of a lion but was finally overwhelmed by Foreman’s power in round four. In 1977 Denisdropped a decision to a talented big guy named Leroy Jones. Denis would then win seven in a row which would lead him to a 1979 match against the red hot Gerry Cooney. Denis just ended up becoming another notch in the gun as Big Gerry stopped him in round three. Denis then reeled off nine straight was before a surprising KO loss to Donnie Long in 1982. The loss to long pretty much put Denis out of the rankings. In 1983 Dino was halted by the under rated and effective Joe Bugner. Denis retired but then in1990 he had a two fight come back. He then retired for good. In all Denis fought 52 contests. He ended up with a very respectable 455-2 record. He was a true “tough guy”!! Tuesday, January 17 , 2012 - Friday,January 20, 2012 Page 7 EAST SIDEDaily NEWS On The Town MOVIES * MUSIC * THEATER * DANCE * RESTAURANTS * NIGHT LIFE Aretha Franklin to headline JazzFest Festival organizers have announced a blockbuster lineup for the 33rd annual Tri-C JazzFest Cleveland to be held from April 19-29. With something for every taste, the festival will present legendary artists, rising young stars and three generations of great women. Aretha Franklin, the veritable “Queen of Soul,” winner of 18 Grammys and the first woman to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, will perform at the State Theatre opening weekend (April 21), sponsored by American Greetings. Diana Krall, who has sold more than 15 million albums, will close the festival at the State Theatre (April 28), sponsored by KeyBank, and bassist/vocalist Esperanza Spalding, the first jazz artist to receive the Grammy for Best New Artist (2011), will perform at the Tri-C Metropolitan Franklin Campus opening night (April 19). Tickets are on saleand for group rates, discount packages or shows at Tri-C, call 216-987-4444 or visit www.tricpresents.com, for shows at the State Theatre, call 216-241-6000, 866-546-1353 or visit www.playhousesquare. org Other festival highlights will include a funky, groove–oriented evening (April 27) with David Sanborn’s trio (featuring monster organist Joey DeFrancesco) opened by Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue; a performance (April 26 ) by Jack DeJohnette, 2012 National Endowment for the Arts Jazz Master and one of the most resourceful and influential drummers of the past three decades; and a smooth jazz all-star explosion (April 20), featuring Gerald Albright, Walter Beasley, Norman Brown, Maysa, Brian Simpson and Peter White. Cutting-edge drummer Matt Wilson and his Arts & Crafts band will play at TriC’s new Black Box Theatre (April 25) on the Tri-C Metro Campus, and Cleveland favorite Ernie Krivda will bring Thunder from the Heartland to the Hermit Club (April 24), with an all-star group of jazz artists from the Midwest. With a spotlight on up-and-coming artists begin- ning with the newly initiated Young Visiting Artists program directed by Dominick Farinacci, Tri-C JazzFest is presenting an array of exciting newcomers: Marcus Strickland at Tri-C’s Black Box Theatre (April 22); bassist Ben Williams at the East Cleveland Public Library (April 22); vocalist Kellylee Evans in a tribute to singer/activist Nina Simone at Olivet Institutional Baptist Church (April 21); and a reunion of stellar alumni at the Main Stage Theatre, Metro, (April 23) from the Tri-C JazzFest High School All-Stars that includes Sean Jones, Jerome Jennings, Curtis Taylor, Dominick Farinacci and many more. Jazz Lives Here: Tri-C JazzFest was founded in 1980 as an educational jazz festival and takes its mission to develop audiences and groom future jazz legends seriously. To that end, Jazz For Kids, a program for wee- boppers and their families will take place at the Children’s Museum of Cleveland (April 21); two days of clinics and workshops with high school and college bands will be led by national artists (April 23-24); and a Showtime at High Noon concert at Playhouse Square (April 25) will feature Swing Kids with Dominick Farinacci and alumni from the Jazz Studies Program at Tri-C. Through offerings such as these and the Young Visiting Artists Program, TriC is becoming a year-round center for jazz and American Music. The 33rd annual festival will kick off April 19 at 5 p.m. with a New Orleans Second-Line at Public Square. It will be led by the Salty Dogs Brass Band from New Orleans and the Shaw High School Mighty Cardinals Marching Band. Bruce Rock hosted Comedy Central’s “BattleBots,” Oxygen’s “Can You Tell?” and he appeared in the movies, “Hitch” and “Three Can Play That Game.” Bruce Bruce earned the highest ratings ever as the host of “BET’s 10th Anniversary Comic View.” He hosted “Coming to the Stage” and he was featured in a “Comedy Central Presents” special and comedy special DVD “Bruce Bruce Live.” For tickets call 216771-8403 or visit playhousesquare.org. Sommore headlines Royal Comedy Tour Sommore The Royal Comedy Tour featuring Sommore, Mark Curry, Tony Rock, and Bruce Bruce will be at the State Theatre on Friday, February 10 at 7:00 p.m. Sommore is the ”Queen of Comedy,” and is one of America’s top comedic performers. Simmore, who is originally from Trenton, New Jersey, has appeared in Russell Simmons’ “Def Comedy Jam”, BET’s “Live From LA”, “Showtime At The Apollo” and was featured on “The Oprah Winfrey Show.” Sommore received Curry the prestigious Richard Pryor Award for “Comic Of The Year.” Her film appearances include “Soul Plane,” “A Miami Tail,” “Friday After Next” and “Something New.” Mark Curry starried for five years in “Hangin’ with Mr. Cooper” on ABC. He hosted the BET’s comedy talent search show “Coming to the Stage,” and on “ESPN’s Cold Pizza.” Tony Rock is Chris Rock’s younger brother, and he has performed at the famous “Comic Strip,” “Caroline’s” and “Stand-Up New York.” MENU TIPS Onion soup is on with taste (NAPS)-This onion soup, developed by Janet Zappala, certified nutritional consultant and author of “My Italian Kitchen” (www.janetzappala.com), is low in salt and fat but full flavored with Jarlsberg Lite, a tasty, meltable, reduced-fat cheese. Onion Soup Serves 4 Ingredients: ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil ¼ cup buttery spread (such as Earth Balance) 2 large yellow onions, sliced 1½ cups low-sodium chicken broth 1½ cups beef broth 3 cloves garlic, crushed 1 Tbsp. low-sodium soy sauce ½ cup V8 juice ¼ cup port wine 1 tsp. salt 1 tsp. black pepper 4 slices whole wheat baguette 4 slices Jarlsberg Lite cheese Preheat oven to 350°. Heat olive oil and butter spread in large sauce pot over medium heat for 1 minute. Add onions, stir to combine. Sauté 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in chicken and beef broths, garlic and soy sauce. Reduce heat. Simmer 10 minutes. In-crease heat to medium and stir in V8 juice, wine, salt and pepper. Bring to boil before reducing heat. Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. While soup simmers, arrange bread slices on baking sheet. Toast for 10 minutes. Remove toast from oven. Turn temperature to broil. Ladle soup into ovenproof bowls. Top each with slice of toast and cheese. Broil 2 minutes or until cheese melts. Serve immediately. For more recipes using Jarlsberg Lite, you can visit www.norseland.com. Rock Just Jazz By NANCY ANN LEE Herbie Hancock Pianist-composer Herbie Hancock was born in 1940 in Chicago. Early music studies led him to play Mozart's Piano Concerto in D major with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra by age 11. But Hancock preferred jazz and formed a high school ensemble. By 1960, he was performing in Chicago jazz clubs with Coleman Hawkins and Donald Byrd. Hancock joined Byrd's group and moved to New York. Following his first recording session with Byrd, he was signed by Blue Note and made his recording debut with Takin Off in May 1962, gaining notice with his original tune, "Watermelon Man." Hancock joined the Miles Davis quintet in 1963 and remained for five years, creating tunes that have become standards. Leading his own sextet from 1971-73, Hancock melded elements of jazz, rock, with African and Indian themes by using electronic devices and instruments. After his Headhunters album, Hancock produced more commercialized music throughout the 1970s, occasionally returned to jazz with his V.S.O.P. band and piano duos with Chick Corea. By the 1980s, Hancock was creating fascinating music using complex innovative electronic technology. Hancock recently released his first acoustic recording in many years, The New Standard, where he and his veteran sidemen reinvent nine time-honored tunes, sometimes backed by a studio orchestra. 'Miss Abigail' at 14th Street Theatre Called “pure fun” by Entertainment Weekly, “Miss Abigail’s Guide To Dating, Mating, & Marriage” is the story of Miss Abigail, the most sought-after relationship expert to the stars (think Dr. Ruth meets Emily Post), and her sexy sidekick Paco, as they travel the world teaching Miss Abigail’s outrageously funny and spot-on tips on how to date, mate and marry! “Miss Abigail’s Guide To Dating, Mating, & Marriage” will play Feb- Beauty of the Week: is gorgeous looking Dee- Jones. Jones, who is an international recognized was featured in model, the Bronze Beauty Cal- ender. (ESDN Photo by Howard Moorehead) If you would to be a Beauty of like The Week, send photo, phone number and to EAST information SIDE DAILY NEWS or call (216) 721-1674. ruary 8-12 at the East 14Th Street Theatre, PlayhouseSquare. Performance times are Wednesday through Friday at 7:30 pm, Saturday at 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm, and Sunday at 3:00pm. Tickets are on sale at the PlayhouseSquare Ticket Office, via phone at 216-241-6000 or online at www.playhousesquare.org. Ticket prices range from $10.00 to $35.00. Groups of 15 or more call group sales at 216-664-6050. During this 90 minute comedy, you’re guaranteed to laugh-out-loud and learn a thing or two - like how to have a perfect kiss (it’s all about lip position) what you should and should not talk about on a date (don’t mention your troll doll collection) - and how to let a man think he wears the pants. Let Miss Abigail take you back to a simpler time, before booty calls and before speed-dating - back when the divorce rate wasn’t 50% and when ‘fidelity’ was more than an investment firm! “Miss Abigail’s Guide To Dating, Mating. & Marriage” was written by Ken Davenport and Sarah Saltzberg, whose previous credits include the awardwinning comedies The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee and Altar Boyz! For more information on Miss Abigail’s Guide To Dating, Mating, & Marriage visit www.MissAbigailsGuide.com. Chris' Cinema Trivia & Movie Match Up By CHRIS APPLING TRIVIA - (Black leading men) 1. In the comedy 'Like Mike' (2002), teen rapper Bow Wow stars as an orphan who finds a pair of old sneakers he believes once belonged to Michael Jordan and then becomes a NBA superstar, but who is the darkskinned, romantic actor who plays the lead player of the losing team Bow Wow's character joins? 2. Rapper/actor Busta Rhymes made his film debut as a supporting character in director John Singleton's 'Higher Learning' (1995), as well as Singleton's 2000 remake of the classic, Shaft, but in what horror film does Rhymes star opposite model/ actress Tyra Banks against the unstoppable, psychotic, monster/ serial killer Michael Myers? 3. In 'XXX' (2002), light-skinned, action star Vin Diesel is an "extreme" thrill-seeker named Xander Cage who is recruited to become a secret agent by the government under the code- name of "XXX," but who is the modern, black, acting legend who stars as Cage's boss, "Augustus Gibbons," in the film? 4. In what film drama does Wesley Snipes and Ving Rhames star as rival prison inmates who ultimately face-off against each other in the secret, "underground" world of correctional facility boxing matches? 5. In director Tim Story's ensemble comedy Barbershop (2002), rapper/ actor Ice Cube stars with Eve and Sean Patrick Thomas as employees of Ice Cube's character's late father's business, but who portrays the shop's hilarious, elder barber who offers his wit and wisdom of age to the younger barbers? ANSWERS: 1. Morris Chestnut 2. 'Halloween: Resurrection' (2002) 3. Samuel L. Jackson 4. 'Undisputed' (2002) 5. Cedric The Entertainer MOVIE MATCH-UP - (The Brothers) ACTORS/DIRECTORS: 1. Bill Bellamy 2. Morris Chestnut 3. Gary Hardwick 4. D.L. Hughley 5. Shemar Moore CHARACTERS: a) directed the movie b) dates white, karate instructor c) has sexually timid wife d) player who gets engaged e) has nightmares about commitment ANSWERS: 1, b; 2, e; 3, a ; 4 , c ; 5 , d Audience has 'HAIR' experience By KARL BRYANT Billing itself as the “American Tribal RockLove Musical,” the touring Broadway production of “HAIR,” hits the stage at Playhouse Square with the subtlety of a freight train. This homage to the psychedelic era - actually first produced in 1967 - brings all the elements of 1960’s counterculture into the limelight. The cast members belt out songs, run through the aisles, dance in the aisles, and invite the audience onstage. Steel Burkhardt, a 2007 alumnus of Baldwin Wallace College , has the lead as the hirsute Berger, who is sort of the hippies’ spokesman. Burkhardt does a fine job as a rabblerousing antidisestablishmentarian. On Opening Night, the co-lead, Claude, was played by understudy Marshal Kennedy Carolan. Except for the slightly longer locks, he looked a little too squeaky clean, but did a good job emoting: he feels the anguish of deciding what to do, while torn between his “patriotic” parents and the “Make love not war” group with which he communes. The Vietnam War truly was tearing America apart at that time. Will Blum and Lee Zarratt delightfully play multiple minor comic characters. Sarah King, Phyre Hawkins, and Aleque Reed are noteworthy as female members of the Bohemian “Tribe.” The songs are mem- orable – the “Soundtrack from ‘HAIR’” was a success and many individual numbers became mega hits for established performers, like The Fifth Dimension, the Cowsills, Oliver, and Three Dog Night. The singers here are pretty good, but aren’t quite up to snuff with the harmonies on that original Grammy Award-winning soundtrack. Lyricists James Rado, Jerome Ragni, and composer Galt MacDermot were vilified by a number of critics when the revolutionary play first appeared on Broadway. Later, when the horrors of an illegal war were exhibited on everyday newscasts and the peace and love theme of the hippie movement became present in almost every American city, the premises that at first appeared so “far out,” became mainstream concepts. This production, over 40 years later, won the Tony for Best Revival. At the end of the play, a protracted “Let the Sunshine In,” sing-along envelopes the entire theater. Cast members go out in the audience and bring onstage enough enthusiasts that the entire proscenium is filled with singing, clapping, dancing performers and patrons. One theatergoer suggested that the cast’s famous brief nude scene at the end of Act I should be repeated by the onstage audience members at the finale. Thankfully, for all who value working out at the gym, that didn’t happen. -WANTED- Newspaper Publisher Apprentice (Need Background In Journalism) For EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS Must Be A Hard Worker And Willing To Learn Call (216) 721-1674 Page 8 Tuesday,January 17, 2012 - Friday,January 20, 2012 EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS ‘Is The Dream Still Alive?’ held at Rice Library The Harvey Rice Library, 11535 Shaker Boulevard, recently had the grand opening for the art exhibition entitled, “Is The Dream Still Alive?” The exhibit features five local artists and will be on display through February 25th. The first artist, Anthony Clark, does graphic novels because his inspiration is comics. The second artist, Sheena Sherrod gets her inspiration through striving for a brighter day. She focuses on the fact that children are the future through a litany of photographs. The next artist, Ricardo Jackson does two pictures of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The younger picture portrays him in color with eyes of youth and vigor. The older picture is in gray scale and depicts him as continuing to fight for justice. nearly 100 individuals of which approximately 50 people were veterans and /or family members of veterans. Sorority members interviewed veterans to obtain their opinion about their military experiences and what MLK Day meant to them. In addition, the sorority shared Supper by distributing brown bag lunches that included healthy items such as apples, oranges, and granola bars, as well as bottles of water. The Community Service Project and Supper was a great opportunity to promote Martin Luther King’s ideas, honor the veterans, and exercise the value of giving back to those less fortunate than ourselves. By SARAH SHERROD The Harvey Rice Library, 11535 Shaker Boulevard, recently had the grand opening for the art exhibition entitled, “Is The Dream Still Alive?” The art exhibition was presented by the Griot Project. The members of the Griot Project who participated in the art exhibit presentation are left to right: Ali Jamal, D.L. Woure, Bianca Michelle, Da Ghost, Sheena Sherrod. AKA Sorority holds project at Souldiers Monument The Alpha Omega Chapter and Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated recently hosted a “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service” and Supper to honor Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his legacy at the 116 year old Soldiers and Sailors Monument Museum. The monuments com- memorates the valor and patriotism of the Union Soldiers and Sailors of Cuyahoga County, State of Ohio, in the War of the Rebellion or Civil War, from 1861 to 1865. Tim Leslie, the museum’s curator, spoke of how and in what ways the role of the AfricanAmerican soldier in the military has changed and improved as a result of the impact of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s philosophy and work. Sorority members shared their time and efforts, along with youths from the Emerging Young Leaders, Leadership AKAdemy, and Bachelor’s Boys groups. Together, the groups donated a multitude of hats, gloves, scarves, and blankets to Arrested? Injured? Remember, First, That What You Say Will Be Used Against You! Then Call Me For Discussion James A. Gay Attorney At Law (216) 429-9493 Name Email: [email protected] Lucy’s Sweet Surrender “Pastries Too Good To Resist!” 12516 Buckeye Road Cleveland, Ohio 44120 (216) 752-0828 Hours: Monday thru Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Birthday Cakes - Pastry Trays Custom European Tortes - Wedding Cakes ‘Radio Golf’ at Allen Lou Bellamy, Artistic Director of the acclaimed Penumbra Theatre, will direct the Cleveland Play House production of “Radio Golf,” the Tony Award®nominated finale of playwright August Wilson’s unprecedented ten-play cycle chronicling African-American life in the 20th century. Bellamy has been described as the foremost living interpreter of work of Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Wilson, and his Penumbra Theatre is proud to have produced more of Wilson’s plays than any other theatre in the world. “Radio Golf,” a co-production with Indiana Repertory Theatre, will begin in the Allen Theatre at PlayhouseSquare on Friday, February 10 and run through Sunday, March 4. The artist, Shila Iris has a collection that is called “The Culture Creation Series”, and she says that, “African American communities lack culture.” She uses items around the house for her artwork. She also believes society need to embrace the elements of our culture. The last artist, Anna Arnold is a muralist and known for her creative trash cans on Buckeye. Arnold holds a Bachelor of fine arts degree in drawing and video from Cleveland Institute of Art. She believes in the use of bright and vibrant colors. The other portion of the program was the Griot Project which is a “collective of poets, artists, and musicians who are dedicated to the cultural and artistic enrichment of the community,” Their mission is to uphold the rich African traditions and heritage through the use of literal, visual and performing arts. The Griot Proj- ect hosts a performance called Poetic Power on every Wednesday, at the library from 4 to 6 pm. The event is an opportunity where the group reaches out and teaches the community to write and recite poetry of all kinds from haiku to freestyle. The Griot Project showed everyone a sample of their poetic styling through a piece called, The Chronology of Black Literacy and it was very thought provoking. AKA Sorority members in attendence at the community project at the Soldiers and Sailors Monument Museum are: Terri Eason, Treva Brown, Kimberly Dashield, Lashaw C. Hicks, Ruth Smith, Chamaine Abrams, Felicia Meltun, Latoya Smith, Sharcsc Ryan, Monica Bourn, Joyce Thornton(ESDN Photo by Omar Quadir) “ A Multicultural Establishment” Three locations to service your needs. (216) 791-0770 fax (216) 421-2776 www.efboyd.com Bellemy Tickets are on sale now; prices range from $49 to $69. Tickets are $15 for all students under the age of 25. For single tickets, please contact the PlayhouseSquare ticket office at 216-2416000 or online at www. clevelandplayhouse.com. Groups of 10+ save up to 50% off single ticket prices; call 216-400-7027 or email [email protected]. “Radio Golf” is presented with support from Cuyahoga Arts and Culture and the Ohio Arts Council. Set in Pittsburgh in 1997, the Hill District has fallen into blight -- a crime-ridden ghetto full of condemned abandoned buildings. Harmond Wilks is a bright, engaging, Ivy-League educated man who grew up in “the Hill.” He has returned to work in his father’s real estate company and is running for mayor. The idealistic young politician and his ambitious college friend Roosevelt Hicks are organizing an urban renewal in the neighborhood. They have bought up a block of abandoned properties and are just weeks away from demolishing them to pave the way for a structure of chain stores, apartments and condos. When Elder Joseph Barlow disputes their claim of the rights on one of the houses, it sets off a storm of controversy that may jeopardize the project and Wilks’ mayoral campaign, as well as a very real question about the value of heritage compared to the necessity of progress. According to Margaret Booker, author of “Radio Golf: The Courage of His Convictions,”the title of the play metaphorically alludes to the aspirations of the black middleclass towards the accumulation of wealth and social status -- including celebrity -within the larger American context. 2165 East 89th Street Cleveland, OH 44112 25900 Emery Road Warrensville Hts., OH 44128 15357 Euclid Ave. East Cleveland, OH 44112 A Tradition of Quality Compassionate Care Since 1905 Sales - Service - Parts Open Mon.- Sat. 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. FATHER’S DREAM Appliances Dryers * Washers * Refrigerators Ranges * Freezers County Vouchers Accepted TWO LOCATIONS: Show Room & Outlet Store 3319 E. 93rd Street Cleveland, Ohio 44104 (216) 441-1466 9520 Woodland Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44104 (216) 421-1570 Visit Our Website: www.fdappliances.com “We Deliver Anywhere In Cuyahoga County” “MAKE US FEEL GOOD, Tell us You Saw Our Ad In EAST SIDE DAILY NEWS!”