2011 - Aurora Health Care Foundation


2011 - Aurora Health Care Foundation
when purpose works
2011 annual report and donor list
Letter from
Cristy Garcia-Thomas,
Dear Friends,
Every day, caregivers at Aurora Health Care touch the lives of
thousands of people who rely on us for good health and well-being.
Some interactions are life-changing experiences, while others are
simple acts of help and kindness. These moments are replicated
many times in communities across eastern Wisconsin and northern
A social worker arranges financial counseling for a fragile senior
citizen. A nurse sees the joy on a mother’s face as she cradles
her newborn for the first time. A doctor witnesses the emotional
embrace between a husband and wife after a cancer diagnosis.
These are precious moments in the lives of those we serve.
It is a privilege to be part of an organization where caregivers
are helping children, adults and families in ways that are truly
inspiring. Through the Aurora Health Care Foundation, we are able
to provide much-needed funding for programs and services that
reach people at every stage of their life.
Cristy Garcia-Thomas
Aurora Health Care Foundation
Generous support from our donors helps us provide patients with
excellent medical treatments, state-of-the-art technologies, a
holistic model of care, healing environments and much more. Our
donors are helping to ensure each patient and family member has a
care experience that is very personal and special.
In 2011, our foundation donors collectively contributed more than
$9.6 million. These generous gifts have a profound impact on
supporting our purpose of helping people live well.
On behalf of our patients, thank you for making a gift to the Aurora
Health Care Foundation. I am pleased to share with you in the
following pages a few examples of how every gift can change a life!
Cristy Garcia-Thomas
Aurora Health Care Foundation
Every gift can change a life!
2011 annual report
The gift of life
times two
For expectant parents, the news that you’re having twins can be
exciting and overwhelming at the same time. Laurie and Santiago
Navarro – first-time parents – were overjoyed to learn they would
welcome two girls in spring 2011.
“We couldn’t wait to dress them in pink and purple,” said Laurie.
Then, only 22 weeks into the pregnancy, the couple received
devastating news. During a routine ultrasound, one of the twins
showed an abnormal blood flow. The doctor delivered the sobering facts: Baby A’s umbilical cord was flowing in reverse, which
meant she was working harder to stay alive. Soon it would be too
much for her heart. Because they were identical twins, the other
baby would also die.
Among the options presented to the Navarros was waiting to see if
the babies could make it to a viable size and then, once delivered,
have a long stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU).
“We decided to wait and see if they could make it to 26½ weeks,”
said Laurie, who was ordered on bed rest and admitted to Aurora
West Allis Medical Center. There, the doctors and caregivers kept
a close watch on her. “At 26 weeks and 4 days, Baby A’s heart
gave in. I was rushed into surgery for an emergency C-section.”
Just as their mother envisioned, Emilia (left) and
Simona Navarro are indeed pretty in pink.
Less than 20 minutes later, Emilia and Simona were born weighing 1.6 and 1.7 pounds, respectively. After five months in the
NICU, the babies were strong enough to go home with oxygen,
monitors and feeding tubes. “This is where Aurora VNA steps in,
bringing the NICU to your home,” said Laurie.
Aurora Visiting Nurse Association caregivers met the new
parents at the hospital, trained them on the equipment, coordinated the doctor’s prescriptions, and worked with nurses to
process insurance paperwork and schedule delivery of equipment to their home. The visiting nurses set up therapy appointments as soon as the babies arrived home. “We had speech and
physical therapy one week out of the hospital. Aurora VNA
kept in contact with us to stay updated on the babies’ needs,”
Laurie added.
“Without Aurora VNA, our babies might not be as strong.
They could still be in the hospital today, if we hadn’t received
support from the nurses and caregivers,” she said. “The Aurora
VNA provides support for families in extreme medical situations, like ours. Today, our babies are developmentally on
target and expected to make a complete recovery.”
“Without Aurora VNA,
our babies might not
be as strong.”
— Laurie Navarro
In 2011, generous gifts from donors, corporations and foundations enabled the Aurora Visiting Nurse Association to serve
more than 2,300 patients each day throughout eastern Wisconsin. As the only dedicated and specialized pediatric home care
provider in the state, our nurses provided care for nearly 1,200
children last year, including Emilia and Simona Navarro. It’s
because of donor support that our most vulnerable patients can
be cared for at home.
Proud parents Santiago and Laurie Navarro are
happy to have their family together at home
after a lengthy stay in the neonatal intensive care
unit (NICU). Everything needed for the girls’ care
is arranged through Aurora VNA and delivered
directly to their home.
Every gift can change a life!
2011 annual report
“On behalf of myself and other cancer patients, thank you to the Gardetto family. Their gift makes the cancer journey easier.”
– Lee Schaefer
cancer care for
our patients
A generous gift from the Gardetto family helped Aurora St.
Luke’s Medical Center purchase the RapidArc and Large Field
IMRT software to enhance cancer services.
This technology is significantly changing the way we care for
our patients with the most extensive diseases. It has reduced
the treatment time for a patient and eliminated the need to reposition them throughout their radiation treatment sessions.
This gift is making an immediate impact on the quality of care
that our cancer patients receive. One patient who received the
benefit of this state-of-the-art technology shares his appreciation.
“Cancer is scary and so are the treatments that follow,” said Lee
Schaefer. “The radiation treatment was like having an X-ray.
It was that simple. If I had to sit there for up to 45 minutes for
every treatment, without being able to move, I probably wouldn’t
have made it.”
Often patients in Lee’s situation need to be sedated because
of pain and inability to lay on the table for the 45 minutes
required for a more traditional radiation treatment. Because of
the Gardetto family’s generosity, his treatment time for each
procedure went from 45 minutes to three minutes. Since then, he
has received 37 treatments, which means this gift saved him 25
hours of radiation treatments.
Aurora St. Luke’s Radiation Oncology department estimates 100
patients will receive their cancer treatment with this new method
in a year. This single gift is making a difference in the lives of so
many patients and helps us provide better care and comfort for
individuals battling cancer.
Lee Schaefer is one of many people who benefit
from the enhanced radiation treatment at Aurora
St. Luke’s Medical Center, thanks to generous
donors Nan Gardetto and her mother, Judy.
“On behalf of myself and other cancer patients, thank you to the
Gardetto family. Their gift makes the cancer journey easier,”
said Lee.
quality health
care access
The mission of Aurora Walker’s Point Community Clinic is to
provide quality health care to uninsured/underserved individuals
residing in Milwaukee who lack access to health care.
The clinic strives to deliver practical, cost-effective, yet quality care
and utilize multidisciplinary resources to improve each patient’s
overall health. Because life circumstances often determine quality
of health, cultural sensitivity of patients and families who rely on
Aurora Walker’s Point is integral to the care provided at the clinic.
One patient, now a Milwaukee County bus driver, was treated for
diabetes symptoms at the clinic.
Before he secured what he called the “job of a lifetime,” he had
to pass a physical. It was at an Aurora occupational clinic that
the patient learned he had diabetes. Until his diabetes was under
control, he would not be considered for the bus driver position.
The Aurora Walker’s Point caregivers informed him that it was
entirely possible to move toward a healthier state and become
eligible for employment. They also contacted the employer on his
behalf, asking if they would remain open to hiring him once his
health improved. It took a few months, but caregivers at the clinic
supported him on the path to healing so he could pass the physical
exam and secure employment. Today, his bus route passes the
clinic and some of the caregivers who assisted him are among his
regular riders.
This goes back to Aurora Health Care’s purpose – we help people
live well. In this gentleman’s case, Aurora caregivers remedied his
immediate health issue. In the process, we also connected him with
a primary care physician and helped him secure his dream job with
Our caregiver Awilda Lozada, RN, (left) consults
with a young patient at Aurora Walker’s Point
Community Clinic. Generous donors enable
us to provide access for uninsured Milwaukee
community members who cannot afford quality
health care.
For 20 years, the integrated, holistic approach at Aurora Walker’s
Point Community Clinic has meant a better life for thousands of
Without the continued support from many individual donors and
corporate supporters, such as the Assurant Health Corporation,
access to these vital services in the community would not be
Every gift can change a life!
2011 annual report
“Training for the Danskin Triathlon was proactive for my health. It was a great experience.”
— Breast cancer survivor
and Team Phoenix triathlete
Breast cancer
survivors think
beyond pink
While watching her patients complete the “medical triathlon”
of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, Aurora Sinai
Medical Center breast surgeon Judy Tjoe, MD, always envisioned
supporting breast cancer survivors in a different kind of triathlon –
one that would allow them to feel alive in a whole new way.
Breast cancer survivors can struggle with weight gain, depression
and decreased stamina. Dr. Tjoe’s goal was to encourage and
assist breast cancer survivors to regain physical fitness after
cancer treatment. In founding Team Phoenix, Dr. Tjoe provides an
opportunity for survivors to train for a sprint distance triathlon. As
part of this team, the triathletes are encouraged to adopt healthy
lifestyle behaviors and improve their prognosis and quality of life.
Starting in 2012, these athletes are invited to collect individualized
data for research in exercise and cardio-oncology.
“Our breast cancer survivors are not just training for their first sprint triathlon. Our hope is that our athletes, during this journey, also regain a sense of being alive and strong during the training process and they learn to be comfortable with their bodies again,” says Dr. Tjoe.
In preparation for the Danskin Triathlon, consisting of a 1/2mile swim, 12-mile bike ride and a 3.1-mile run, Team Phoenix
participants complete a 12-week training program coordinated
by a professional triathlon trainer. In addition, Aurora Health
Care volunteers who are triathletes or passionate runners, bikers
or swimmers, train and motivate patients to maintain a healthy
lifestyle after their cancer treatment.
Team Phoenix participants extend their
gratitude to countless volunteers, as well as
individuals, foundations and corporations that
provide financial support of this endeavor.
All 13 members of Team Phoenix completed the Danskin Triathlon
on August 21, 2011, in Pleasant Prairie, Wis. They were grateful for
this opportunity to begin a new chapter in their lives. In the words
of one participant: “As a breast cancer survivor, you can’t sit around
and talk about ‘what if.’ My attitude was, ‘I have cancer, what’s
next?’ Training for the Danskin Triathlon was proactive for my
health. It was a great experience.”
This program is funded entirely by charitable donations through
Aurora Health Care’s Pink Possible (formerly Think Pink)
campaign. Additional support was provided by Aurora Pharmacy
locations, Panera Bread and hair salons around the state. Donations
paid for professional coaching, lectures on nutrition, equipment and
facility rentals, bike transportation and race entrance fees.
patients in
Two Rivers
Excellence in patient care extends beyond the walls of our
medical centers and clinics. In the communities we serve, we
are part of a larger network of support to ensure the best care
for each individual.
A successful “Evening in the Garden” event at Aurora Medical
Center in Manitowoc County raised more than $23,000 for the
Patient Transportation Fund. This fund helps patients travel
to their cancer treatments at the hospital and ensures that
transportation costs are affordable.
“I certainly appreciate
the van service. I never would have been able
to make my appoinments
on time, if at all, without
this service.”
— Gerald Schmidt
Gerald Schmidt is grateful for the transportation service.
Following a skin cancer diagnosis, Gerald completed 35
radiation treatments, nine chemotherapy sessions and hydration
therapy three times a week.
“My two daughters are doing the best they can to drive me to
my appointments, when they can fit it in their work schedules.
Otherwise, I have to depend on the van,” said Gerald. “I
certainly appreciate the van service. The drivers are courteous
and go out of their way to help. I never would have been able to
make my appointments on time, if at all, without this service.”
Patient comfort and convenience is one of Aurora Health Care’s
priorities. Continued support from caregivers and donors, such
as the Ruth St. John & John Dunham West Foundation, Inc.,
enables us to offer this service to patients in need.
Last year, more than 250 patients benefited from
the transportation services provided at Aurora
Medical Center in Manitowoc County. This
translates to more than 3,000 van trips made
throughout the county.
Every gift can change a life!
2011 annual report
“The speed had everything to do with how I am today. You guys saved my life. I can’t be more grateful than that.”
— Ed Jahneke
crisis prompts
immediate action
When every minute counts, the care you need is only
minutes away.
For Ed Jahneke of Kenosha, the words ‘one call does it all’
pretty much summarize the response to his urgent medical crisis.
Ed suffered a heart attack. As a STEMI* patient, he suffered
the sudden formation of a coronary artery blood clot. Because
he needed the care of a 24-hour catheterization lab, Ed was
transported from Aurora Medical Center in Kenosha to Aurora
St. Luke’s Medical Center in Milwaukee. It was imperative that
he arrive at Aurora St. Luke’s in less than 90 minutes for an
angioplasty in what’s known as ‘door-to-balloon’ time.
While in Kenosha, the medical team immediately called Flight
for Life. Aurora Medical Center in Kenosha was the first hospital
to work with Flight for Life on the STEMI protocol. One call
alerts all medical transport teams to move the patient as quickly
as possible.
“The speed had everything to do with how I am today. You
guys saved my life. I can’t be more grateful than that,” said Ed,
who used the cardiac rehabilitation services in Kenosha during
his recovery.
Donor support enables us to provide cardiac care close to home
and respond quickly in emergency situations. For Ed, the benefit
of Aurora’s integrated health care system included surgery at
Aurora St. Luke’s and outpatient rehabilitation at Aurora Medical
Center – close to his home.
At Aurora Medical Center in Kenosha, the best equipment,
programs and services are available for patients in a cardiac
emergency through generous support from our donors.
Recovering from a cardiac event can be a bit
overwhelming without a plan. Caregivers at Aurora
Medical Center in Kenosha work with each patient
to ensure the best cardiac rehabilitation experience
and provide support every step of the way.
*STEMI is an acronym for ST segment elevation myocardial
infarction, which is a type of heart attack. Once a STEMI is
determined by an electrocardiogram (ECG) test, immediate care
is needed.
Strength through
For the year ending 2011, there were 642
requests submitted for consideration of
foundation funding equaling $14,492,773.
Disbursements included capital improvements,
but also supported clinical services and
caregiver education to improve the patient
experience. More than $300,000 in charity
care was paid for by the foundation
and included the cost of clinical services,
mostly mammograms, for uninsured and
underinsured patients.
Aurora Health Care Foundation raises funds that directly
benefit and support our patients. Our mission to help people
live well is made possible by individuals, corporate and private
foundations, and members of the communities in which we
Fund disbursements made in 2011 from the Aurora Health Care
Foundation totaled nearly $14.5 million. With these dollars, we
were able to make capital improvements, such as the expansion
of the oncology center at Aurora Medical Center in Kenosha.
From diagnosis to treatment and survivorship programs, it’s
important to provide all of these services in one place. The
expansion of oncology services fulfills a need for many of our
patients from the greater Kenosha area.
$193,683 $468,896
Dedicated caregivers in the obstetrics center at Aurora Sinai
Medical Center serve both mothers and their babies through
Wisconsin’s largest midwifery practice and downtown’s only
Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). With more than
3,000 deliveries at Aurora Sinai each year, improved services
include community education and support groups.
Because of donor support, Aurora Walker’s Point Community
Clinic now operates in a larger facility that enables our
caregivers to serve 1,000 more patients each year – an increase
of 20 percent. The Clinic enables Aurora to increase access for
those patients with the greatest need and, in many cases, the
greatest difficulty in finding a medical home. This is critical
because of the growing number of people in the Milwaukee
area who are uninsured or underinsured.
At Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center, more than $2 million was
spent in purchasing gastrointestinal (GI) scopes. Our flagship
hospital, Aurora St. Luke’s, is a regional medical center where
we serve the greatest number of patients throughout the Aurora
Health Care system.
These are just a few examples of how philanthropic gifts make
a difference to each patient who chooses Aurora for their
health care needs. We can only achieve this success through
engaging friends and partners. Together, we can do more to
build healthier communities throughout eastern Wisconsin and
northern Illinois.
Every gift can change a life!
$468,896 Annual Appropriation
$10,110,165 Capital
$427,731 Caregiver Education
$307,330 Charity Care
$2,963 Patient/Family Education
$1,828,987 Patient Services
$1,153,018 Research
$193,683 Other
$14,492,773 Total
2011 annual report
Foundation donor list
Aurora Health Care
Annual Giving
Aurora Health Care
Foundation gratefully
acknowledges the following
individuals, corporations,
foundations and other
organizations for their gifts
of $1,000 or above made in
the calendar year ending
December 31, 2011.
$100,000 and above
Mr. John H. Baker
Estate of Melvin Datka*
Estate of Merle
and Eunice Eggen*
Federal and State Office of
Justice Assistance
The Gardetto Family and
Judy and John* Gardetto
Memorial Hospital of Burlington
Community Foundation
Mid-States Aluminum
Northwestern Mutual
Rock River Cancer Research
Foundation, Inc.
United States Department
of Justice
United Way of Greater
United Way of Racine County
$50,000 to $99,999
Ann’s Hope Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Cecilia F. Dencker*
Estate of Hazel D. Edwards*
Foley & Lardner, LLP
Faye McBeath Foundation
Milwaukee Metropolitan
Sewerage District
Estate of Jean L. Moyer*
Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation
Ruth St. John & John Dunham
West Foundation, Inc.
Wisconsin Division of Public
Health of the Department
of Health Services
$25,000 to $49,999
Aurora Memorial Hospital
of Burlington Auxiliary
Aurora Memorial Hospital
of Burlington Volunteers
The Brico Fund
Estate of Antoinette M.
Cardinal Health - Dublin, OH
Emory T. Clark Foundation
Dr. Judy A. and
Mr. David E. Eager
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Bob and Linda Davis
Family Fund
Catherine and Walter
Lindsay Foundation
Donald W. & Rosemary Tendick, Sr. SLMC Cardio Research Fund
Drs. Peter and Cathy Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kritzik
Marshall & Ilsley
Foundation, Inc.
Medical Staff of Aurora Lakeland
Medical Center
Premier, Inc.
PRN Uniforms
The Retirement Research
Steris Corporation
Melvin F. and
Ellen L. Wagner Foundation
$10,000 to $24,999
Assurant Health Foundation
Aurora Medical Center Kenosha
Medical Executive Committee
Aurora Memorial Hospital of
Burlington Medical Staff
Aurora Sinai Medical Center
Medical Staff
Leadership Council
The Lynde and
Harry Bradley Foundation
Elizabeth A. Brinn Foundation
La Verne E. Carter
Gretchen and Andrew Dawes
Charitable Trust
Johanna B. Dobner*
Family Trust
Epic Systems Corporation
Estate of Norbert B.
and Edith M. Goebel*
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Insoo Kim Berg and
Steve de Shazer Fund
Family Service of
Milwaukee Fund
Jeannette McKelvey Fund
Elsa Schoeneich Medical Research Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hagenah
Ms. Gail L. Hanson and
Mr. Richard H. Graebner
Mr. Robert C. James
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Krohn
Ladish Company Foundation
Lake Geneva Hope Walk
Midwest Emergency Associates
Midwest Heart Research
Foundation, Inc.
Milwaukee Area Workforce
Investment Board, Inc.
Motor Castings Foundation, Inc.
Nicholas Family Foundation
Our Hope of Burlington
Thomas J. Pence Irrevocable
Lead Annuity Trust
Mrs. Nani A. Pierzchalski
PJ’s Walk for Life
Roger & Nancy Ritzow
Family Foundation
Sheboygan County
Quilters Guild
Robert R. Slater
EC Styberg Foundation
Nick and Kathy Turkal
United Way of
Walworth County
Ms. Sharon VanderWaal
Weil Foundation
Women’s Fund of
Greater Milwaukee
$1,000 to $9,999
12 Interactive LLC
Mr. Stephen P. Adams
and Ms. Thelma A. Sias
The Allyn Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs.
William H. Alverson
Drs. Thomas and Jessica
Betty J. Amuzu, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Francis I. Andres
Anton’s Limited - Delafield
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Arnett
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Attonito
Aurora Medical Center
Kenosha Volunteers
Aurora West Allis Medical Center
Medical Staff
Mr. Stephen E. Bablitch
and Ms. Elaine Kelch
The Bag Lady
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey W. Bailet
Robert W. Baird &
Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Baker
Dr. Geetha T. Bandealy and
Dr. Malik T. Bandealy
Ms. Pat Barbasiewicz
Mr. Jeffrey Bard
The Alben F. Bates and
Clara G. Bates Foundation
Batzner Pest Management
BayCare Clinic, LLP
BayCare Health Systems, LLC
Bayer HealthCare
Pharmaceuticals - Wayne, NJ
Beacon Technologies
* Deceased The Learning Gardens at Kradwell School provide students
an alternative to a traditional classroom and feature an
amphitheater, rain garden and place for conversation.
Generous support from donors made the garden possible.
Annual Giving
Dr. Scott Beatse and
Marsha Beatse
Mr. and Mrs.
Randall B. Beaudette
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Behrens
Belfor USA Group, Inc.
Estate of Clinton Bell*
Karen and Sean Bellinger
Mr. Richard Beres
Berghammer Construction
Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas W. Bergner
Dr. and Mrs. Cary E. Berkowitz
Bevsek-Verbick Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. John Bigler
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bird
Mrs. Mary C. Bitters
Mr. Tom Bitters
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Weidman
Arthur and Diane Blodgett
Blommer, Inc.
BMO Harris Bank Brookfield Branch
BMO Harris Bank Chicago Branch
BMO Harris Bank Corporate Office
Jack and Marcella Boettcher
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bolger
Dan and Carrie Bonk
Robinson Bosworth III and
Wendy Reed Bosworth
Ms. Joanne E. Brandel
Ms. Alenia M. Brooks
Mrs. Delores Brovold
The Brunner Family Foundation
Susan Buettner and Mark Zager
Mrs. Doris Burgess
Mr. and Mrs. Bladen Burns
The Business Journal
Mr. LeRoy Butler III
Dr. and Mrs. AJ Capelli
Capital Foods, Inc.
Ms. Barbara E. Capstran and
Mr. John L. Luczkowiak
Cardio Care Inc./CardioRespiratory Assistance, Inc.
Mr. Peter E. Carlson
Dr. and Mrs. Phil Carney
Andrea J. Carroll, MD
Carvetti’s of Lake Geneva
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Casanova
Eduardo E. Castro, MD
Ms. Susan Cattey
Mr. Richard R. Cesar
Dr. and Mrs.
LaRoyce F. Chambers
Dr. and Mrs. B. Lauren Charous
Mr. and Mrs. David Chaudier
Ms. Eva Chess
Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas J. Chiapusio
Michael and Sally Anne Chier
Mrs. Doris H. Chortek
Jay J. Chrostowski, PhD
Clement Manor
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Clesceri
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Colwin
Community Bank of Delavan
Cardiovascular Care, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Conway
Philippe Cooper, MD
Mr. and Mrs. James Cox
Dr. and Mrs. David L. Crosby
CRS Associates, LLC
Helen M. Cudahy Trust
Mr. Billy J. Cumbie
Mr. and Mrs.
Michael R. Cummings
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Cyganiak
Ms. Daun G. Cziok
Mr. Frank J. Daily
Danskin Triathlon Series
Dr. Arthur J. Davidson
Frederick N. Davis*
DeLuca & Hartman
Construction, Inc.
Dr. Paresh B. Desai and
Dr. Shobha P. Desai
Ms. Jill A. Desmond and
Mr. Patrick G. Ford
Dr. and Mrs.
Robert B. Devermann
Mr. and Mrs.
Timothy P. Dewane
Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel D. Dickman
Diversey Incorporated
Ms. Chris Doerfler
Cheryl J. Dominski, MD and
Mr. Edward Dominski
Ms. Nancy A. Domoracki
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duchek
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duda
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Duncan
Ms. Joan J. Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Eric M. Eben
Tom and Sue Ela
Lief and Trudy Erickson
Eye Physicians & Surgeons, SC
Mr. Craig Fairchild
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick D. Falvey
Steve and Judith Farwig
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Fay
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Feder
Dr. and Mrs.
Douglas A. Fehrman
Ms. Suzanne M. Felan
Mr. and Mrs. Jermichael Finley
Mrs. Joyce T. Fischer
Five Star Quality Care, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Foreman
Forest County Potawatomi
Community Foundation
Dr. Kenneth J. Foster and
Dr. Cheryl A. Foster
Fraternal Order of Eagles Milwaukee
Mr. and Mrs. David J. French
Mr. Gary W. Fritz
Mr. William Frodl
Laura and Thomas Gage
John Gallagher, MD
Cristy Garcia-Thomas and
Mark Thomas
The Gardner Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Luther L. Gaston
Consultants, LTD.
Andrea M. Gavin, MD
Mr. Edward W. Geb
Gemini Salon & Spa, Inc.
Genentech, Inc.
Generation Growth Capital, Inc.
Geneva National Golf Club
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Gerber
Dr. Diane M. Gerlach and
Mr. David Gerlach
LouAnn and Thomas Getzen
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Giesemann
Mark A. Girzadas, MD
Ms. Jacqueline Gisch
Mr. and Mrs. Adam M. Glass
Estate of Edna Goad*
Mark and Marie Golanowski
Barbara J. Gonzales, MD
The Goodwill Society of the
Community Church
Mr. Michael F. Gorczynski
Grand Geneva Resort & Spa
Mrs. Monik E.
Great Lakes Pathologists, SC
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Lois and Donald Cottrell Fund B
Dr. Carl W. Eberbach and Elisabeth Falk
Eberbach Fund
Family Service of Milwaukee Fund for Family Advocacy
Charles T. and Jean F.
Gorham Fund
Michael Hack Fund
Elizabeth LaBahn Roesler Fund
Luedke-Smith Fund
Keith and Dee Miller Designated Fund
MMHC Irving H. Raffe Fund
David C. Scott
Foundation Fund
Lou S. and Frederick J. Schroeder, Sr. Fund
Tendick Family
Foundation Fund
Trepte Family Fund
Edmund J. and
Nancy C. Vojtik Fund
* Deceased The Aurora Health Care team gathered before the 5K walk in
support of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The walk raised
funds to fight Lou Gehrig’s disease and included participants
who could run and walk, along with those who depend on
walkers and wheelchairs.
Annual Giving
William H. Wasweyler Fund
Margaret Heminway
Wells Fund
Green Bay Gamblers
Ella Kneeland Gregory Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Grover
Mrs. Jane E. Gundlach
Gunny Memorial Golf Outing
Mrs. Dorothy L. Gunz
Dr. and Mrs. Michael F. Gutzeit
Haberdapper, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley F. Hack
Ms. Margaret J. Haferman
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley W. Hahn
Hair & Body Solutions, Ltd.
Ms. Janet M. Halverson Carey
Claudette S. Hamm, RN, MSN
The Hampton Inn Airport Location
Mrs. Alice Hansen
Richard Harbecke, MD
The Harley-Davidson
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Sue Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hawkins
Mr. Harry G. Henke
Candace L. Hennessy, PhD, RN
Dr. and Mrs. Jon C. Henry
Ms. Lois J. Hermann
Mr. Michael Hight
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Hillman
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Hinton
Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. Hinz
Dr. Mary and Mr. Steven Hook
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Horner
Ed and Suzanne Howe
Mr. Mark M. Huber and
Ms. Laurie Haig
Ralph J. Huiras Foundation, Inc.
Hupy and Abraham, SC
HyPro, Inc.
It’s a Stitch to Quilt Guild
Richard G. Jacobus Family
Foundation, Inc.
Jambor Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Jambor
Mr. David Jenks
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Jensen
Johnson Bank - Racine
Estate of Alice S. Johnson*
Ms. Jean M. Johnson
Scott and Aimee Johnson
Johnsonville Sausage, Inc.
Ms. Jennifer R. Jones
Mr. James Jopek
Ms. Melissa A. Jordan
Mr. Nick Jordan
Joy Global, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Henry Jung
Kahler Slater Architects
Mr. David G. Kanuck
Steven J. Kaplan, MD
Richard and Kristina Kellar
Mr. and Mrs. Ted D. Kellner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Kempen
Kenosha Community
Kenosha News
Dr. and Mrs. Lowell H. Keppel
Karlene Kerfoot, RN, PhD
Kikkoman Foods, Inc.
Kindred Healthcare
Operating, Inc.
Mr. Albert R. Klewin
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Kluesner
Mrs. Ruth Knabe
Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Knabel
Carl and Cathie Knauer
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kocourek
Mrs. Lois A. Koepke
Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc.
Ms. Michele Kolp
Dr. and Mrs. John K. Konkel
Ms. Judith Kowalski
Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas J. Kowalski
Gene and Linda Krauklis
Krause Family Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. George J. Krismer
Ms. Karla Kroeplin
The Charles E. Kubly
Liz and Stuart Kultgen
Mr. Donald C. Laatsch
Mr. Charles R. Laird
Dr. Randall Lambrecht
Langer Roofing and
Sheet Metal
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Langer
Mike and Tracy Lappin
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Laskin
Emily K. Lauer Memorial Fund
Ms. Joan Lecus
Dr. and Mrs. Randall Levin
Mr. Mitchell Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Lewiston
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Lewis
Phoebe R. and John D.
Lewis Foundation
LindenGrove, Inc.
Dr. John and Sandy Livermore
Anthony G. Locurto, MD
Philip Loftus, PhD
Dr. and Mrs. Lance P. Longo
Ms. Wendy Lopez
Lynch Superstore
Dr. Timothy J. Maatman
and Dr. Phyllis L. Schippers
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Majewski
Dr. and Mrs.
Michael J. Majewski
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L. Malone
Management Research
Services, Inc.
Mr. Richard W. Marcellus, Jr.
Marinette High School
Marquette University
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Martin
Ms. Jennifer L. Martin
Mike and Jane Martin
Estate of Rose Mathei*
Frank R. Mattia, MD
Attorney David McClurg and
Mrs. Susan Koppa McClurg
Ms. Mary M. McCormick
Ms. Jean Ann McDonald
Mr. Jere D. McGaffey
Mr. and Mrs.
Timothy S. McGregor
Mr. and Mrs.
Wilburn Randall McKennie
Mr. Paul C. Megal
Archie & Viola Meinerz Family
Foundation, Inc.
Raymond and Mary Jo Merwin
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony D. Meyer
Daniel Meyer
Micale Investment, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miles
Milwaukee Anesthesiology
Consultants, Ltd.
Milwaukee-Harmony Lodge
261 F&AM
Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Monticello
Mrs. Ann Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Moore
Mrs. Alice J. Morava
Jim and Diane Moraza
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Morris
Tiffany A. Mullen, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Mumm
Myshock Tool & Die Corp.
National Regency of
New Berlin, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. David M. Needle
Ms. Nancy Nepscha
Neurosurgery and
Endovascular Associates of Milwaukee, SC
Dr. Thomas A. Niccolai and
Dr. Jean A. Grueter
Mr. and Mrs. John Niedziejko
Mr. and Mrs.
Peter A. Nieuwenhuis
Elizabeth H. Nora, MD
Dr. and Mrs. Ted Nord
Mr. Lyle R. Norman
North Shore Quilters Guild
Northeastern WI Area Health
Education Center, Inc.
Northwestern Mutual
Mr. Scott A. Novogoratz
The Nutman Company
USA, Inc.
Ms. Mary S. O’Brien
Océ Imagistics, Inc.
Mr. Stephen J. Ohly
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Olson
Mr. John O’Neill
John Oster Family
Foundation, Inc.
* Deceased Aurora St. Luke’s Medical Center opened a specialty heart
center dedicated to patients with complex heart conditions.
Jamil Tajik, MD, an internationally recognized expert, heads
the specialty heart center and leads a team of specialists
who coordinate each patient’s care.
Annual Giving
Mr. James J. O’Sullivan, Jr.
Paratech Ambulance Service
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Park
Ms. Rhonda Taylor Parris
Dr. and Mrs. Bennett J. Pastika
Jane Payne Charmers Classic
Mrs. Patricia A. Peters
Mrs. Yvonne Petersen
Dr. Linda K. Peterson and
Dr. Stephen P. Peterson
Margaret Pfeffer Trust*
Estate of Robert F.H. Pfeffer*
Ms. Jane Pirsig and
Mr. James Anderson
Plan 365, Inc.
Mr. James Plous and
Ms. Nancy Friebert
PMI Entertainment Group
Mr. and Mrs. James Poepping
Potawatomi Bingo Casino
Dennis and Lynn Potts
Mr. Kevin A. Powalisz
Mr. and Mrs.
Carnakanti Prasad
Krishna R. Prasad, MD
Precision Plus, Inc.
Pro One Janitorial, Inc.
PRP Wine International
Ms. Catherine Ptak
Charles A. Puntillo, DDS
Purple Feet Wines
Quality Air Forwarding, Inc.
Quarles & Brady, LLP
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Querin
Ms. Linda L. Radder
Radiation Oncology
Associates, SC
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Ragalie
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ramage
Ms. Yvonne Ramos
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Rau
Mr. and Mrs. Tyson J. Ray
Dr. Vani and Mr. Amit Ray
Mrs. Jane W. Reed
Reedsville Fire Department
Mrs. Beverly J. Rehbein
Mr. Frank A. Reif
Edward J. Reilly*
Mr. and Mrs. Greg W. Renz
Anthony R. Ricci, DO
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Ried
Ms. Rachel Roller
Rolling Hills Campus
Ms. Kathleen A. Rondeau
Roots Salon, LLC
Mr. Ronald Rosenmerkel
Rubick Run
Mr. John M. Rydzewski
Dr. Ethel V. Sabnis and
Mr. Sushil Sabnis
Ajay K. Sahajpal, MD
Salon de Belle, LLC
Sanford-Brown College
Dr. and Mrs. James M.
Santarelli, Sr.
Mr. David Sarkis
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Schaus
Jeffery G. Scherer, MD and
Ms. Debra Alder
Mr. Joseph E. Schick
CG Schmidt, Inc.
Mr. Lloyd Schmitt
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Schroeckenthaler
Ms. Nancy M. Schryer
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Schubert
Connie Schulte Memorial Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.
Mrs. Cynthia K. Seager
Mae Seaman
Mrs. Betty J. Seitz
Drs. Juanilito and Joy Seldera
Sew Comfy - Cross of Life
Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Shear
Shin Sano LLC
Mr. John D. Simms
Estate of Alfonse A. Sippel*
Mr. and Mrs.
Stephen Skowlund
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Smith
Richard A. Smith, MD
Russell L. and
Vera M. Smith Foundation
Dr. Rana P. Sokhi and
Mrs. Jaswinder K. Sokhi
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sonnenberg
Robert D. Southwick, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Mrs. Loretta Stachowiak
Stackner Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Stanly
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey P. Starck
Ann Marie Starr, MS
Mr. Allen Stasiewski
Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. Stavros
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Stearns
Ms. Terri Steffenhagen
Mr. and Mrs. Tobias J. Steivang
Mrs. Janice K. Stockstell
Mr. Christopher Stolarski
Diane and Donald Strack
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Prescott Stratton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Strelow
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Styza
SU Restaurant Group, LLC
Ms. Hsieng T. Su
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Sullivan
Ms. Sarah Sullivan
Summit City Realty, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Surinak
Dr. and Mrs.
Robert J. Swoboda
Mr. Paul Symons
Talmer Bank and Trust
Ms. Anne Marie Talsky
Ms. Mary P. Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Tector
Libby S. and
Sherwood* Temkin
Teva Neuroscience, Inc.
Robin and Jim Thompson
Dorothy Thomson
Dr. Rick G. Thyes and
Ms. Yalin Chen
Mr. Paul J. Tilleman and
Ms. Sally Duffy
Ms. Jackie Tillett
Timber Ridge
Lodge & Waterpark
Ann and Stuart W.* Tisdale
The TJX Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Roman Tomal
Mrs. Jean M. Toniazzo
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Toniolo
Mr. and Mrs. Adam B. Tooke
Trees on the Move
Tri City National Bank Oak Creek Branch Trust
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Tucci
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Turner
Mr. and Mrs.
Timothy A. Turner
Ms. Ann Margaret Tylenda
Ms. Lynde B. Uihlein
Mrs. Margery H. Uihlein
Tami L. Ulatowski, MD
David and Judy Ulery
Mr. and Mrs.
David A. Ulrich, Jr.
United Performing Arts Fund
United Welding &
Company, Inc.
University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Van Cleave
Vernal Management
Consultants, LLC
Vilter Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Ralph Voskuil
Dr. and Mrs. Scott W. Voskuil
Wally and Tracyann Waldhart
WCTC Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Hans Weber
Ms. Judy C. Weber
Mr. Steven H. Weinberg
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Weiner
Ms. Susan Wick
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard E. Wilk
Mrs. Donna Willemsen
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Wilson
Mr. Justin and Dr. Betsy Winga
Carlton and Leslie Wininger
Wisconsin Energy Foundation
Wisconsin Hospital Association
Wisconsin Masonic Foundation
Dr. and Mrs.
Richard C. Wolfgram
The Woman’s
Club of Sheboygan
Ms. Joan Woods
Xerox Corporation - Brookfield
Mr. David G. Yeager
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Yetter
Mr. Daniel Young
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Yurk
Alex Zacharias, MD
Drs. Valerie and
Jeffery Zapolsky
Mr. David A. Zerbe
Ed and Patty Zganjar
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Ziehler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Zilavy
Mr. John Zorbini
Ms. Faye Zwieg
Aurora Health Care
Cumulative Giving
Aurora Health Care Foundation
gratefully acknowledges
the following individuals,
corporations, foundations
and other organizations for
their cumulative gifts of
$50,000 and above.
$1,000,000 and above
Helen Bader Foundation
The Lynde and Harry Bradley
Estate of Helen Chase*
Ruth S. and David Coleman*
Estate of Miriam L. Eisenberg*
The Gardetto Family and
Judy and John* Gardetto
Estate of Morland and
Agnes Hamilton*
Evan and Marion Helfaer
Glenn and Gertrude
Humphrey Foundation, Inc.
Lombardi Foundation Trust
* Deceased 13
Cumulative Giving
Marshall & Ilsley
Foundation, Inc.
Faye McBeath Foundation
Memorial Hospital of
Burlington Community Foundation
Milwaukee County Department
of Health and Human Services
Northwestern Mutual Corporate Office
Jane Bradley Pettit Foundation
Rockwell Automation
Walter Schroeder Foundation
Security Bank SSB Milwaukee Branch
Siebert Lutheran Foundation
United Way of Greater
University of Wisconsin Madison Partnership Fund
Vince Lombardi Cancer
Wisconsin Masonic Foundation
Mr. Kenneth F. Yontz
Joseph and Vera Zilber Family
Foundation, Inc.
$500,000 to $999,999
A.O. Smith Foundation
Assurant Health Foundation
Aurora West Allis Medical
Center Auxiliary
Center for Medicare and
Medicaid Services
David and Ruth Coleman
Charitable Foundation
Community Flu Program
Comprehensive Cardiovascular
Care, LLP
Gretchen and Andrew Dawes
Charitable Trust
Estate of Erna Eckerle*
Friends of Sinai Samaritan
Mr. and Mrs.
Richard G. Galling
GMO Charities, Inc.
Estate of Edna Goad*
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Catherine and Walter Lindsay Foundation
Jack F. Hanus Unitrust
Richard and Ethel
Herzfeld Foundation
Ed and Suzanne Howe
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Ladish Company Foundation
Mid-States Aluminum
Milwaukee County Department
on Aging
Milwaukee Jewish
Federation, Inc.
Northwestern Mutual
Rexnord Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Edward Ropiak*
Estate of Audrey F. Ross*
William G. Schuett, Sr.*
University of Wisconsin Madison Foundation
U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services
Melvin F. and Ellen L.
Wagner Foundation
Wisconsin Parkinson
$250,000 to $499,999
Agency for Healthcare
Research & Quality
Aurora Lakeland Medical
Center Benefit Ball Committee
Aurora Memorial Hospital of
Burlington Volunteers
Biogen Idec, Inc.
The Brico Fund
Briggs & Stratton
Corporation Foundation
Elizabeth A. Brinn Foundation
Cardiovascular Surgery
Associates, SC
Children’s Hospital and Health
System Foundation, Inc.
Emory T. Clark Foundation
Estate of Suzanne R. Cross*
Estate of Melvin Datka*
Bob and Linda Davis
Elizabeth Elser Doolittle
Charitable Trust
Estate of Merle and
Eunice Eggen*
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Family Service of
Milwaukee Fund
Jeannette McKelvey Fund
Elsa Schoeneich Medical Research Fund
Donald W. and Rosemary Tendick, Sr. SLMC Cardio Research Fund
Estate of Valentine Fina*
Foley Family Foundation
GE Healthcare Corporate Office
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Geenen
Estate of Herbert W. Glueck*
Mrs. Monik E.
Grede Foundation, Inc.
Hammes Company
Estate of Florence Heimbecker*
Mr. Harry G. Henke
Estate of Katherine K. Holzer*
Jockey International, Inc.
Joseph Johnson
Charitable Trust
Johnson Controls Foundation
Susan G. Komen for the Cure
Southeast Wisconsin
The Kresge Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kritzik
Master Lock Company
McGMO Golf Outing
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee CCOP
National Parkinson Foundation
Estate of Lucile Niefer*
Our Hope of Burlington
Estate of Adolph J. Ricker*
Estate of Isabelle E. Roche*
Robert T. Rolfs Foundation
Audrey and Kenneth B. Ross
Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Ella Sadowski*
Estate of Bernice F. Schmidt*
Estate of Daniel M. Soref*
Estate of Walter M. Stiemke*
Estate of Irving C. Stone*
Estate of Ethel R. Swanke*
Teva Neuroscience, Inc.
Estate of Jesse J. Traas*
University of Wisconsin Madison Medicine and
Public Health
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
U.S. Bank Trust Company
Wisconsin Energy Foundation
Wisconsin Office Of Justice
Violence Against Women Act
Estate of Chester S. Zajdel*
$100,000 to $249,999
Estate of Ruth K. Abrams*
Estate of Joyce J. Achtenhagen*
Acuity Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Acuity, A Mutual Insurance
American Mobile Health
Systems, Inc.
Amgen - Thousand Oaks
Ann’s Hope Foundation, Inc.
Apple Family Foundation
Argosy Foundation
Associated Bank - Green Bay,
Adams Street Branch
Aurora Lakeland Medical
Center Associates
Aurora Medical Center Sheboygan County
Aurora St. Luke’s Medical
Center - TTICU Staff
Mr. John H. Baker
Mrs. Hope E. Barr
Estate of Eliza W. Bartlett*
Alvin W. and Marion Birnschein
Foundation, Inc.
Bleser Family Foundation, Inc.
* Deceased Richard Kellar, president of Aurora West Allis Medical
Center, presented a bouquet of roses to Kim D.,
recognizing her as the first baby born at the hospital.
The Evening of Promise event celebrated the medical
center’s first 50 years in the community.
Cumulative Giving
The Boldt Company
Estate of Serpoohi Boyagian*
Estate of R. F. Brenner*
Buddies Against Prostate Cancer
Golf Outing
Estate of Margaret F. Butler*
La Verne E. Carter
Estate of Ralph G. Chamberlain*
Chase Card Services
Estate of Joanne Clicquennoi*
Client Business Services, Inc.
Chrissy and Jim Connelly
Patrick and Anna M.
Cudahy Fund
Estate of Ronald and
Wilma G. Dopp*
Eastman Kodak Company
Tom and Sue Ela
Lief and Trudy Erickson
Ethicon - A Johnson &
Johnson Company
Ralph Evinrude Foundation
Herman W. Falk Memorial
Federal and State Office of
Justice Assistance
Foley & Lardner, LLP
Estate of Helen G. Fons*
Four-Four Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Evelyn Francey*
Estate of Margaret T. French*
Estate of Sam B. Ginsburg*
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Family Service of Milwaukee Fund for Family Advocacy
MMHC Irving H. Raffe Fund
William H. Wasweyler Fund
Ella Kneeland Gregory Trust
Estate of Lois Healy*
The Heil Company
Margaret Hennessy*
Mrs. Carole F. Houston
Josephine D. and
Robert J. Hyland
Mr. Robert C. James
Estate of Marian H. Jenkins*
Johnson Controls, Inc. Glendale Office
Stella H. Jones*
Estate of Evelyn J. Jordan*
Journal Communications, Inc.
Joy Global Foundation, Inc.
The Joyce Foundation
Estate of Bertha Kaufman*
Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Kerns
Estate of Dorothy M. Koch*
Krause Family Foundation, Inc.
Ladish Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Leutner
Phoebe R. and
John D. Lewis Foundation
Estate of Gertrude Loeffler*
Marcus Corporation
Foundation, Inc.
Ben and Celia Marcus*
Estate of Georgianna
MGIC Investment Corporation
Milwaukee Area Charitable
Health Care Auxiliary, Inc.
Milwaukee Hospice
M.A. Mortenson Company
Mt. Sinai Medical Center
Foundation, Inc.
Oshkosh Community
Media Services
Pfizer, Inc. - New York
Potawatomi Bingo Casino
Quarles & Brady, LLP
Estate of Elizabeth J. Rasmussen*
Mrs. Barbara Recht
Estate of Evelyn Renk*
Mr.* and Mrs. Robert Rhea
Estate of William Rietz*
Roger and Nancy Ritzow
Family Foundation
Rock River Cancer Research
Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Cava W. Ross*
Jos. Schlitz Brewing Company
Joseph Schmitt & Sons
Construction Company, Inc.
Estate of Erna Schulse*
Scimed Life Systems, Inc.
Sexual Assault Victims Services
(Wisconsin DOJ - CVS Office)
Richard T. Shore, MD*
Estate of Theodore Siegmann*
Estate of Edith A. Sommerich*
Estate of Bernard and
Helen Soref*
Estate of Eleanor Spence*
St. Mary’s - Kewaunee
Stackner Family Foundation
State of Wisconsin Division of
Children & Family Services
Bert L. and Patricia S. Steigleder
Charitable Trust
Estate of Arno Stoelting*
EC Styberg Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Styza
Estate of Sabin C. Taplin*
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Tector
Mr. and Mrs.
Donald W. Tendick, Jr.
Estate of Benjamin F. Thomas*
Estate of Jane M. Tift*
Trinity Memorial Hospital
Kendrick and Alfred Trostel*
Nick and Kathy Turkal
United States Department
of Justice
United Way of Racine County
United Way of Walworth County
University of Wisconsin Madison Population
Health Institute
Estate of Robert J. Van Lanen*
J. P. Verhulst Family Foundation
Estate of Jarmilla O. Vorpagel*
Estate of Florence Waddell*
West Bend Community
Foundation’s West Bend Mutual Insurance
Company’s Charitable Fund
Ruth St. John & John Dunham
West Foundation, Inc.
Frank L. Weyenberg
Charitable Trust
Wisconsin AIDS/HIV Program
Wisconsin Bell
$50,000 to $99,999
Estate of Sol E. Abrams*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R. Ambrosius
Anthem Blue Cross & Blue
Shield Foundation, LLC
Patricia and Robert Apple*
Aurora Lakeland Medical
Center Foundation
Aurora Medical Center in
Manitowoc County Volunteers
Aurora Medical Center in
Kenosha Medical Executive Committee
Aurora Medical Center in
Kenosha Volunteers
Aurora Memorial Hospital of
Burlington Medical Staff
Aurora Sheboygan Memorial
Medical Center Medical Staff
Aurora St. Luke’s South
Shore - Auxiliary
Aventis Pharmaceutical Chicago
Robert W. Baird &
Company, Inc.
Robert W. Baird & Company
Bayshore Community
Foundation Fund
Olive B. Beach*
Berlex, Inc.
Big Al’s Annual Pheasant
and Chukar Hunt
Estate of Floyd A. Bjerke*
Boston Scientific
Corporation - Indiana
Estate of Jane Braatz*
Estate of Antoinette M.
Estate of Alicia Buchholz*
Susan Buettner and Mark Zager
Ms. Elaine Sachs Burke
Cardinal Health - Dublin, OH
Carson Pirie Scott Foundation
Mrs. Betty Cary
Caterpillar Tractor Company
Clear Channel Outdoor
Estate of John C. Cleaver*
* Deceased Being in the hospital can be a scary experience for a child.
Thanks to the generosity of Caterpillar, Inc., more than 200
children at Aurora St. Luke’s South Shore will have a stuffed
animal to comfort them. Since 1997, Bucyrus/Caterpillar
employees have donated more than 4,000 stuffed animals!
Cumulative Giving
Estate of Viola M. Clow*
Crothall Services Group
Mr. Michael J. Cudahy
Mr. and Mrs. Norrie J. Daroga
Estate of June B. Davis*
Estate of Dorothy E. Day*
Delco Electronics
Estate of Cecilia F. Dencker*
Johanna B. Dobner
Family Trust*
Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette
Mr. and Mrs. John Dragisic
Eaton Corporation - Ohio
Carl and Elisabeth
Eberbach Foundation
Edwards Lifesciences, LLC
Estate of Hazel D. Edwards*
Eli Lilly and Company
Albert J. and Flora H. Ellinger
Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Alfred U. Elser, Jr.
Mrs. Marianne Epstein*
Estate of Anna P. Evanich*
Estate of Louise O. Fiebelkorn*
Firstar Bank Minneapolis Branch
Fleck Foundation
Estate of Marion Flowers*
Forest County Potawatomi
Community Foundation
Fraternal Order of Eagles Milwaukee
Fraternal Order of Eagles Two Rivers
Robert G. Friedman Foundation
Estate of Louise Fritz*
The Gardner Foundation
Gilbane Building Company Milwaukee
Karen J. Glanert Charitable Trust
Mrs. Constance P. Godfrey
Estate of Sam Graf*
Grand Geneva Resort & Spa
Great Lakes Radiologists, SC
Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Insoo Kim Berg and
Steve de Shazer Fund
Marjorie and Joseph
Heil, Sr. Fund
Walter and
Olive Stiemke Fund
Richard and Barbara
Weiss Fund
Estate of Arthur L. Grede*
Estate of William J. Grede*
Grunau Company, Inc.
Haas Wheat &
Partners Incorporated
Joanne Haertle*
Haggerty Enterprises, Inc. Elmhurst
John P. Hanson, Jr., MD
Motor Company
Estate of John G. Heinz*
Estate of Ethel Herzfeld*
Estate of Richard P. Herzfeld*
Hicks, Muse, Tate & Furst
Immunex Corporation
Richard G. Jacobus Family
Foundation, Inc.
Estate of John G. Johanek*
Estate of Charles M. Johnson*
Drs. Peter and Cathy Johnson
Journey for L.I.F.E.
Joy Global, Inc.
Junior League Of Milwaukee
Estate of Lydia S. Kanske*
Steven J. Kaplan, MD
Kearney & Trecker
Foundation, Inc.
Eric P. Kindwall, MD* and
Marilyn L. Kindwall
Herbert H. Kohl Charities, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Laskin
Mary Anne S. Lawlis and
Kirby Lawlis*
Estate of Charles and
Olive Lobello*
J. V. Loewi*
Mr. and Mrs.
P. Michael Mahoney
Marlo Foundation, Ltd.
Massachusetts Health
Research Institute, Inc.
R. S. Mathys*
Estate of Lorna L. Mayer*
Estate of Rose B. Mayer*
Maynard Steel
Casting Company
Mr. Jere D. McGaffey
Medical Staff of Aurora
Lakeland Medical Center
Medtronic, Inc. Minneapolis, Minnesota
Archie and Viola Meinerz
Family Foundation, Inc.
Merck & Company, Inc.
Merrill Lynch - Chicago Branch
Estate of Charles E. Merrill*
Midwest Emergency Associates
Midwest Heart Surgery
Institute, Ltd.
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Milwaukee Metropolitan
Sewerage District
Estate of Donald G. Minster*
Estate of James B. Moore*
Mrs. Alice J. Morava
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Morris
Motor Castings Foundation, Inc.
Estate of Jean L. Moyer*
Estate of William K. Murphy*
Margaret Muth*
Estate of Lucille K. Najdowski*
Estate of Lloyd G. Newman*
Nicholas Family Foundation
The Oilgear Company, Inc.
John Oster Family
Foundation, Inc.
Pabst Brewing
Park Bank Foundation, Inc.
Jane Payne Charmers Classic
Peck Foundation
Milwaukee, Ltd.
Thomas J. Pence Irrevocable
Lead Annuity Trust
Margaret Pfeffer Trust*
Pfizer, Inc. - Milwaukee
Philanthropy Golf Outing
Estate of Richard S. Piasecki*
Mr. James Plous and
Ms. Nancy Friebert
The PNC Financial
Services Group
Gene and Ruth Posner
Foundation, Inc.
H. Carl and Lucille Prange*
Premier, Inc.
Estate of Ralph W. Pust*
Mrs. Evelyn Qualman
Quintiles CVA, Inc.
Mrs. Janet E. Radue
Kailas J. and Becky L. Rao
Mrs. Patricia P. Reiss
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Riedelbach
The Rock Bottom Foundation
William H. and
Charlotte Schield*
Estate of Herman W.
Schoenleber Foundation
Estate of Harold E. Schroeder*
Estate of Sophie Y. Schroeder*
Sensient Technologies
Silverman Family Foundation
Polly M. Stone Trust
Estate of Henrietta Sweet*
Estate of Eleanor Tardiff*
Estate of Donald W., Sr.
and Rosemary Tendick*
Estate of Janice Terry*
Trepte Family Fund
Twin Disc Inc.
Ms. Lynde B. Uihlein
United Welding &
Manufacturing Company, Inc.
University of Wisconsin Madison Medical Foundation
University of Wisconsin Madison Park Street Location
Valley View Medical
Center Auxiliary
Valley View Medical Center
Medical Staff
Variety Club Children’s Charity
Vilter Foundation, Inc.
* Deceased More than 270 walkers and runners joined forces in
Oshkosh to raise more than $10,000 to benefit the
Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinic in Oshkosh – serving cancer
patients in Oshkosh and surrounding communities.
Cumulative Giving
Gerald W. and Sharon K.
Wadina Family Foundation
Estate of William Waterman*
We Energies - Everett Street
We Energies - Michigan Street
Estate of Geraldine M.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Weiss
Ms. Mazie Froedtert Willms
Wisconsin Division of Public
Health of the Department
of Health Services
Wisconsin Health &
Social Service
Wyeth-Ayerst Pharmaceuticals Menomonee Falls
Orhan O. and
Ruth L. Yirmibesh Trust
Mrs. Rosemary A. Zellmer
Ziegler Company, Inc.
Mrs. Margaret Ziegler
Estate of William Zummach*
Aurora Health Care
Foundation Lifetime
Aurora Health Care Foundation
recognizes the following
individuals who made a
generous gift through their
estate plans.
Estate of Barbara G. Abert*
Estate of Ruth K. Abrams*
Estate of Sol E. Abrams*
Estate of Joyce J. Achtenhagen*
Estate of Bernice C. Acorn*
Ms. Jennifer Ahlers
Mrs. Martha Albert
Mrs. Ruth Ambrosius (Ralph*)
Estate of Cecelia A. Ambroz*
Estate of Doris Arnold*
Mike and Laura Arnow
Estate of Cassie Bach*
Estate of Mabel J. Back*
Estate of Rose Bagozzi*
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ball
Estate of Audrey Ballschmider*
Estate of Gail Barczak*
Mrs. Hope E. Barr (John*)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard N. Bartels
Estate of Eliza W. Bartlett*
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Barton
Mrs. Betty Bates
Estate of Henry Beck*
Estate of Clinton Bell*
Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene J. Bembenek
Estate of Oscar Bender*
Mrs. Ruth M. Benduhn
Chaplain and Mrs.
Harvey M. Berg
Katherine Berggren*
Estate of H. Gordon Bergquist*
Mrs. Frances S. Betz (Bill*)
Estate of Sophia Biskupski*
Estate of Floyd A. Bjerke*
Ms. Audrey Blumenfeld
Estate of Doris Boelter*
Mrs. Sharon A. Bosanec
Estate of Carolyn J. Botic*
Estate of Serpoohi Boyagian*
Estate of Jane Braatz*
Mr. Jonathan S. Braddock
Estate of Esther Brandenburg*
Estate of Max Branovan*
Estate of Jeanette E. Bredlow*
Estate of R. F. Brenner*
Estate of Ruth Ann
Rammer Brooks*
Mrs. Loretta Brown
Estate of
Antoinette M. Brudnicki*
Estate of Abe Bubrick*
Estate of Alicia Buchholz*
Estate of Ruth F. Buchholz*
Mrs. Catherine A.
Buckeridge (William*)
Estate of Minnie A. Burger*
Estate of Joan M. Busby*
Estate of Margaret F. Butler*
Estate of Susan E. Buxton*
Estate of Mary E. Byers and
Robert Byers*
La Verne E. Carter
Ms. Colleen Cauley
Estate of Ralph G. Chamberlain*
Estate of Philomene Chaney*
Estate of Helen Chase*
Estate of Helen Chesebro*
Estate of Marion D. Christy*
Estate of Catherine Cindrich*
Estate of Irene Clayton*
Estate of John C. Cleaver*
Estate of Joanne Clicquennoi*
Estate of Viola M. Clow*
Estate of Suzanne R. Cross*
Helen M. Cudahy Trust*
Estate of Melvin Datka*
Mr. Mark T. Davies
Estate of June B. Davis*
Estate of Dorothy E. Day*
Estate of Cecilia F. Dencker*
Estate of Arvilla DeWitz*
Estate of Gottlieb J. Diener*
Estate of Louise E. Dillman*
Estate of
Donald M. Dlugopolski*
Estate of Joan Dlugopolski*
Johanna B. Dobner
Family Trust*
Estate of Irene M. Donahue*
Estate of George M. Dopp*
Estate of Ronald and
Wilma G. Dopp*
Pastor Mary Louise Doreza
Estate of Joy W. Dory*
Estate of Myrtle Rose Dostal*
Estate of Erna Eckerle*
Estate of Hazel D. Edwards*
Estate of Merle and
Eunice Eggen*
Estate of Jacob L. Ehrlich*
Estate of Miriam L. Eisenberg*
Mr. and Mrs.
Timothy C. Ellis-Stigler
Estate of William F. Emmons*
Mrs. Marianne Epstein*
Mr. Mark J. Erdman
Estate of Anna P. Evanich*
Estate of Marvin Fein*
Estate of Marie Felzo*
Mrs. Ann K. Ferge (Ruben*)
Estate of Louise O. Fiebelkorn*
Estate of Valentine Fina*
Mrs. Joyce T. Fischer (Percy*)
Mr. and Mrs.
John G. Fleckenstein
Estate of Marion Flowers*
Estate of Michael J. Flynn*
Estate of Helen G. Fons*
Estate of Alfred and Ruth J. Fox*
Estate of Evelyn Francey*
Estate of George L. French*
Estate of Margaret T. French*
Estate of Herman Friedrich*
Estate of Louise Fritz*
Estate of James E. Frombach*
Mr. Louis M. Galaska (Lillian*)
Estate of George Geiger*
Estate of Anna Gerschwiller*
Estate of Duane L. Giesen*
Estate of Sam B. Ginsburg*
Estate of Edna Goad*
Estate of Norbert B. and
Edith M. Goebel*
Estate of Alvin W. Golz*
Estate of Jeanette Gosh*
Estate of Edward Gostomski*
Estate of Betty Gotstein*
Estate of Marguerite Gower*
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Graef
Estate of Sam Graf*
Mr. Edward A. Grede
(Mary Jane*)
Estate of Arthur L. Grede*
Estate of William J. Grede*
Ella Kneeland Gregory Trust*
Mrs. Joan Grootemaat
Estate of Calvin W. Gross*
Mr. Fred A. Grube
Estate of Viola Gutschow*
Estate of Esther M. Hackbarth*
Estate of Ellen H. Halverson*
Estate of Morland and
Agnes Hamilton*
Estate of James Hanna*
Jack F. Hanus Unitrust
Ms. Nicole Hardings
Ms. Donna M. Heden
* Deceased Over the course of four November days, J. Pat Miller from
94.5 Lake FM walked 112 miles from Milwaukee to
Green Bay to support Aurora Family Service’s Family-toFamily Thanksgiving. Because of the generosity of our
Family-to-Family Thanksgiving donors, more than 46,000
families have benefited from the holiday meal program.
Lifetime Philanthropists
Estate of Florence Heimbecker*
Estate of Arthur J. Heinzen*
Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond D. Heitkemper
Estate of Byron A. Helfert*
Mr. Harry G. Henke (Elizabeth*)
Estate of Ethel Herzfeld*
Estate of Richard P. Herzfeld*
Estate of Martin E. Hoeft*
Estate of Alma Hoelzl*
Deborah and David Hoffman
Ms. Mary Beth Holloway
Estate of Katherine K. Holzer*
Mrs. Alice Horton
Mrs. Carole F. Houston
Estate of Raleigh Hubbard*
Fred H. and Marva J. Huck
Estate of Edward C. Huth*
Christine E. Jacobs
Administrative Trust*
Estate of Marguerite Jahr*
Mr. Robert C. James (Pauline*)
Estate of Marian H. Jenkins*
Mrs. Muriel J. Jerele (Charles*)
Estate of John G. Johanek*
Estate of Alice S. Johnson*
Estate of Charles M. Johnson*
Mr. Joseph T. Johnson
Estate of Lucille K. Johnson*
Estate of Emily Jones*
Estate of Evelyn J. Jordan*
Mr. Richard H. Jung
Estate of Harold C. Kallies*
Estate of Lydia S. Kanske*
Estate of Helen M. Katzfey*
Estate of Bertha Kaufman*
Mr. and Mrs. Henry K. Kerns
Estate of Jack L. Kinsey*
Mrs. Donna Kirst (Carlton*)
Estate of Klara Kluge*
Estate of Dorothy M. Koch*
Mr. Joseph M. Kojis
Estate of Claire S. Krom*
Estate of Jean Kronich*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Krowas
Estate of William A. Krueger*
Estate of Jennie F. Kubek*
Mrs. Sally A. Kuhlman (Gary*)
Estate of Erwin R. Lamp*
Mrs. Ruth G. Lang (Robert*)
Estate of Linda A. Lange*
Mr. Willard J. Lange
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut Langer
Mrs. Anna Mae Lauber
Estate of Gail and Katherine
Estate of Sharon Lensmire*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Leutner
Mrs. Virginia Levenhagen
Mrs. Ruth M. Lewis
Estate of William C. Lienau, Jr.*
Estate of Jackson P. Light*
Estate of Eugene Lindemann*
Estate of Charles and
Olive Lobello*
Estate of Gertrude Loeffler*
Estate of Albert Long*
Estate of Stanley and Rose Luba*
Estate of Darlene E. Luckow*
Estate of Edna S. Luebke*
Mrs. Olive Luebke (Robert*)
Estate of Dominic B. Lychwick*
Mr. and Mrs. Aldo J. Madrigrano
Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Maillard
Henry A. Maksimowicz*
Mrs. Loraine Marino
Estate of Eloise H. Marquardt*
Estate of Audrey Marty*
Estate of Rose Mathei*
Estate of Dorothy T. Maxwell*
Estate of Lorna L. Mayer*
Estate of Rose B. Mayer*
Estate of Rudolph Mayer*
Estate of Fred M. Mayr*
Ms. Mary M. McCormick
Estate of Georgianna
Estate of Josephine S.
Estate of Isabel McGovern-Kerr*
Estate of Carolyn S. McGregor*
James F. and Dorothy F.
Estate of Laird McNeel*
Mrs. Mary Ann McNicol (Frank*)
Don and Jeannie Meier
Estate of Charles E. Merrill*
Estate of Bernard Michaels*
Estate of Esther J. Mielke*
Estate of Helen L. Mikol*
Estate of Harold L. Miller*
Louis and Joyce Milsted
Estate of Donald G. Minster*
Henry R. Mol, M.D.
Estate of Robert Hugo Mollnar*
Estate of James B. Moore*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Morris
Randy and Cheryl Moss
Estate of Jean L. Moyer*
Estate of August G. Mueller*
Estate of Floyd F. Mueller*
Estate of Rudolph Mueller*
Estate of William K. Murphy*
Estate of William G. Myers*
Estate of Lucille K. Najdowski*
Mrs. Mary M. Nault (John*)
Estate of Alekas Navickas*
Estate of Lloyd G. Newman*
Estate of Lucile Niefer*
Mr. Joseph Norton
Estate of Mary Nuccio*
Estate of Rosemary O’Donnell*
Estate of Mary Jane Oestmann*
Mr. Walter A. Oestreich
Estate of Charles D. Ortgiesen*
Estate of Wilma Otto*
Ms. Judy K. Pankow
Estate of Inda Pariser*
Estate of John C. Pazucha*
Mrs. January H. Petrie*
Estate of Ann S. and
Frank A. Petta*
Margaret Pfeffer Trust*
Estate of Robert F.H. Pfeffer*
Estate of Anne E. Phillips*
Estate of Doloris M. Phillips*
Estate of Richard S. Piasecki*
Estate of Edward J. Pilgrim*
Estate of Mary Pischke*
Mr. James R. Planinsheck
Estate of Margaret Pochert*
Mr. Ernest L. Pomsel
Mrs. Hazel A. Powel (Frank*)
Estate of Marguerite M. Proehl*
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Pruim
Estate of Ralph W. Pust*
Estate of John L. Racanello*
Estate of Walter H. and
Marilyn S. Rahn*
Estate of Marie G. Rammer*
Mrs. Laverne Rammer (James*)
Estate of
Elizabeth J. Rasmussen*
Estate of William R. Reder*
Estate of Evelyn Renk*
Estate of Adolph J. Ricker*
Estate of Jennie Riedel*
Estate of William Rietz*
Estate of George Rinas*
Estate of Hubert F. Ripp*
Estate of Josephine G. Ritonia*
Estate of Harold J. Robbins*
Estate of Isabelle E. Roche*
Wayne J. and Jean Roper*
Estate of Edward Ropiak*
Estate of Mary E. Rose*
Estate of Audrey F. Ross*
Estate of Cava W. Ross*
Mr. and Mrs. Ricky B. Ross
Estate of Mary Kay Rossmeier*
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Sachse
Estate of Ella Sadowski*
Estate of Edward H. Saemann*
Estate of Janet Ward Sakol*
Estate of Katherine L. Sattler*
Estate of Johanna Sauer*
Estate of Albert Schallock*
Estate of Charles L. Schick*
Mrs. Mary M. Schick (Charles*)
Estate of
Herman W. Schlemmer*
Estate of Louis R. Schmaus*
Estate of Alice Elsa Schmid*
Estate of Bernice F. Schmidt*
Estate of Bonnie L. Schmidt*
Mr. Waldemar P. Schmitz
Mrs. Leone L. Schoen
Estate of Edward G. Schott*
Estate of Edward E. Schreiber*
Estate of Harold E. Schroeder*
Estate of Sophie Y. Schroeder*
Estate of Erna Schulse*
Estate of Elsa K. Seiler*
Estate of Elsie M. Seitz*
* Deceased Members of the Benefit Ball Committee presented
Aurora Lakeland Medical Center a $100,000 check to
expand cardiac telemonitoring services. During the past
26 years, the Benefit Ball Committee has raised a total
of $1,259,155 to bring state-of-the-art equipment and
services to the hospital.
Lifetime Philanthropists
Estate of Louise Seitz*
Estate of Milton Sheffield*
Estate of Ray E. Sherman*
Estate of Reginald L. Siebert*
Estate of Theodore Siegmann*
Estate of Joseph P. Sileno, Sr.*
Estate of Kathleen
Alma Simons*
Estate of Alfonse A. Sippel*
Estate of Edward C. Skelding*
Estate of
Elizabeth J. Skowronski*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Slattery
Estate of Sidney B. Slocum*
Estate of Clinton Slye*
Dr. Dave and Karen Smith
Estate of Edith A. Sommerich*
Estate of Bernard and
Helen Soref*
Estate of Daniel M. Soref*
Estate of Elmer A. Soulen*
Estate of Clara A. Speeter*
Estate of Eleanor Spence*
Estate of Rieme Spindler*
Mr. Ralph R. Staven (Joan*)
Mr. Edward H. Stech
Estate of Minnie M. Stein*
Estate of Harry Steinke*
Estate of Mary Rose Steinke*
Waldemar Steinpreis*
Estate of Walter M. Stiemke*
Estate of Arno Stoelting*
Ken and Dorothy Stoll
Estate of Irving C. Stone*
Estate of Clarence J. Stuesser*
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Sullivan
Estate of Leo E. Suycott*
Estate of Ethel R. Swanke*
Estate of Mary Rose Swedish*
Estate of Henrietta Sweet*
Estate of Carl T. Swenson*
Estate of Anton J. Tagel*
Estate of Sabin C. Taplin*
Estate of Eleanor Tardiff*
Mr. and Mrs. William Tarrolly
Estate of Ruth E. TeLinde*
Estate of Donald W., Sr. and
Rosemary Tendick*
Estate of Janice Terry*
Estate of Benjamin F. Thomas*
Estate of Ray G. Tiegs*
Estate of Louise Jane Tifft*
Estate of Olga Tischler*
Estate of Marcella B. Torke*
Estate of Jesse J. Traas*
Estate of Charles Trinthammer*
Estate of Bruce Tronca*
Eugene R. and
Irmgard E. Trzebiatowski Irrevocable Trust*
Estate of JoAnne J. Tuinstra*
Estate of Robert J. Van Lanen*
Estate of Margaret
M. Van Wagenen*
Estate of
Donald J. Vander Schaaf*
Shawn and Richard Verdoni
Estate of Loretta K. Vogt*
Estate of Mary Voros*
Estate of Florence Waddell*
Estate of Orpha Walfoort*
Dr. and Mrs. John A. Walker
Estate of Rebecca D. Walkley*
Mrs. Ann Wallen-Zekich
(Charles Wallen*)
Estate of Betty Jean Warren*
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Warsh
Estate of William Waterman*
Estate of Verna Webb*
Estate of Robert S. Weber*
Estate of Edward R. Wehr*
Estate of
Geraldine M. Weidman*
Estate of Stefanie H. Weill*
Estate of Sophia P. Weisfeldt*
Estate of Arline M. White*
Edward and
Kathleen A. Wickert*
Estate of Amelia C. Wigdale*
James & Carol G. Williams*
Estate of John J. S. Wojtowicz*
Mrs. Barbara A. Wood
Donald H. and Ruth Wood*
Mrs. Marion R. Wunsch
Estate of Alice M. Wyckoff*
Estate of Theresa F. Yacavone*
Estate of Chester S. Zajdel*
Estate of Fred E. Zaner*
Mrs. Rosemary A. Zellmer
Estate of Jane E. Zipperer*
Estate of Otylia Zuber*
Estate of William Zummach*
Donations were made
in Honor or in Memory
of the following in 2011:
In honor of
Raluca Ababei Miron
The Adams Family
Nestor Alabarca, MD
Skipper Albrecht
Lyla Mauve Albright
Eshraq Nazir Al-Jaghbeer, MD
Suhail Qadir Allaqaband, MD
Mamoun Al-Nouri, MD
Ailleen R. Alquinto
Anonuevo, MD
Rula Al-Saghir, MD
Carol Altenburg
Ammar Alzoubi, MD
Michele Amidon
Alex Anderson
Kathy Anderson
Matthew Anderson, MD
Mavis and Floyd Anderson
Jane Angha
Alby Antoo, MD
Bill Appel’s Birthday
Alex Arndt
Theresa Arndt
Esther Arnold’s Birthday
Gerald Auger, MD
PV2 Tracy Backhaus (Active
Paul Baek, MD
Ariana and Sofia Baez Arenas
Jeffrey Bailet, MD
Dawn Bancroft
Anthony Barbiaux
Jeff Bard
Avonlea Barrett
Eugene Barter
Edward Barylak, MD
Jessie Basiliere
Jodine Basterash
Jared Baudhuin
Madisyn Baudhuin
Bob and Pearline Bauers
Janine Baumberger
Beverly Beam
Barb Beck
Carol Beck
Jerry Behm
Joan Behnke
Rieck Beiersdorf, MD
Patrick Steven Belongie
Bryan Bennett
Kalien Lucas Bergner
Cary Berkowitz, MD
Linda Berlin
Diane Berndt
Audrey and Joe
Bernstein’s Anniversary
Nat Bernstein’s Birthday
Paul Bernstein, MD
Steven Bernstein, MD
Bruce B. Berry, MD
Catherine Best, MD
Benjamin Bett (Iraq and
Richard Bett (Iraq)
Shashi Bhushan, MD
Mark Bialzik (for his tireless
dedication to our church)
Sandra Billingsley, MD
Steven Blaha, MD
Willard Blanke Family
Daniel Blazich (Afghanistan)
Frances Boehme
Uncle Wayne Boivin
Jamie Bonell, APNP
Lucille Borkowski
KennethB. Bortin, MD
Bently James Braeger
Marianne Brandt
Tyler Brandt (U.S. Marines
in Afghanistan)
Abby Breitzman
Brian Breitzman
Jenny Breitzman
Steven Breitzman
Jerold Barry Brenowitz, MD
Donald Brescia, MD
Mark Brower, DO
Terry Bruechert
Sophia Ann Bub
Jeanne Buending
Dr. Richard Bunting
and staff
Andrew Burns
Alice C. Bustos, MD
The Butler Family
Heather Cage
Marc R. Caine, MD
Alex C. Canda, MD
Susan Cannon
Richard E. Carballo, MD
Jon Carlson, MD
Lu Carlson
Paula Carlson, NP
Joel Carroll, MD
Dr. Carroll
Kristin Cassidy, MD
Jacob Ryan Ceman
Anil Chandel, MD
Mark Chelmowski, MD
David Chen, MD
Todd Christensen (Vietnam)
Robert Ciralsky, MD
KatherinCleveland, MD
Carol Colleran
Catherine Conely, AUD
Robert and PennyCorris
John D. Crouch, MD
Jacob and Calissa Dahlgren
Erin Danen
Chelby Daniels
Jon Dankle, MD
Zahid Dar, MD
Steven C. Darrah
Patty Daun
Lynn Davey
Diana A.David, MD
Gini Davis
Richard G. Davito, MD
Michael J. Dawson, MD
Donald DeBruyn, MD
Ann Dekanich
The Delebreau Family
Dr. Allen Delp
Cathy Demler
Cindy Demler
Dennis Demler
Theodore Derse, MD
Jeffrey A.Derus, MD, FACS
William Deshur
Jill Desmond
Bill Detweiler
Anwer A.Dhala, MD
Alfredo Diaz, MD
Dave and Lori Dielentheis
Katelyn Rose Dirks
Joanne Disch
Thomas Doers, MD
Paige Donaldson
Alexandra Douglas
Willa Bryer Douglas’
70th Birthday
Dr. Francis X. Downey
Jordan Downey
Polly Daeger’s 85th Birthday
Addisen and Noah DuBois
Janis DuBoise
Michael Duffy, MD
Laurie Dumdei
Robert H. Dumdie, Jr. (Vietnam)
Taylor Duncan
Lois and Jack Dunn
Brian Dunwiddie
Michael Dussault, MD
Eric Duwell, MD
Sheila Edler
Alex Joshua Ehaney
Gregory A. Ekbom
Harold Elfner
Patricia (Friesema) Elgersma
Gavin Ellis
Brady Engle
Dorothy Ergen
Lief W. Erickson, MD
Frances C. Farrell
David James Faust, DO
Joseph Feder, MD
Michael Fehling, MD
Scott D. Fenske, MD
Thomas G. Fenske, MD
Kegan David Ferguson
Curtis Finger
MatthewFischer, MD
John H. Fish III, MD
Sue Fjeldstad
Mary Francis
Carl Frank
Patty Freeman
Brady Freimund
Jacob C. Frick, MD
Jerome Galica
John F. Galica (WWII)
Katelyn Arlene Margaret Galica
Ken Galica
Badri Ganju, MD
MaryamGardezi, MD
Syde Gardezi, MD
Dr. Garoon
Ted Gartzke
Jennifer Garvin-Cress, MD
Shannon Gaszak (Class of 1998)
Andrea Gavin, MD
Tracy Gaynor
Bradley J. Gedderly, MD
Jennifer George, DO
Mary Lou Geralts, MD
Gregory Gerber, MD
Barrett Giordana Krueger
Carolynn Glocka
Darlene Godlev
Chaplain Aggie Goldenholz
The Goldings’ Anniversary
Goldy and Lynn Goldmann
Terry Goodman’s Birthday
Myra Gordon
Kevin Gorman
Kyle Gorman
Perry M.Gould, MD
Mary Graczyk
Carol Graff
Kevin Green, MD
Theodore J. Gronski, MD
Sophie Jean Gruenke
Mardee Gruen’s Birthday
Steve Gruen’s Birthday
Ran Guan, MD
Nalini M. Guda, MD
Neil R. Guenthier, MD
Anjan Gupta, MD
Kathleen Gwidt
Max Haid, MD
Jeffrey P.Hall, DPM
Rachel Hammel, MD
Curtis Hancock, MD
Jerome Hanson, MD
Cindy Haq, MD
Daniel Harbison (Vietnam)
The Beckie Harrington Family
Vincent Hartleben(Operation
Iraqi Freedom)
Leila Victoria Hartmann
Thomas E. Hastings, DO
Alison Havel
Richard M. Hayes, MD
Brian Heinlein
Jodie Heitpas
The Hemminghaus and
Nelson Families
Candace Hennessy
Mary Hensey
Pastor Walter Hermanns
Doris Hessel
Michael Hessel
Julia Hester-Diaz, MD
Thomas Heyrman, MD
The Bill Hightdudis Family
The Blake Hightdudis Family
The Brad Hightdudis Family
Janet Hinkley
George Hinton
Michael Hobbs, MD
The Jan Hoffman Family
Laura and Duane Hohl
Robert Holly, MD
Todd T. Honnula, MD
Pamela House, MD
MargeryA. Howard, MD
Mark Huber
Mary Huckstorf
Adlai Philip Hullin
Olivia Huntley
Rachel Huntley
Rebecca (Pahr) Huntley
W. Jon Huntley
Lisa Hurda
Mary Hurda
Bill Hurwitz’s 60th Birthday
Lynn Hurwitz’s Birthday
Anthony and Devon Hutter
Harper Lily Igowsky
Charlotte Jablonowski
Mary Claire Jackson
Dale Jacobson, MD
Liliana Cynthia Jacquette
RoxanneJadin-Cardelli, MD
The Alvin Jaeckels Family
Renee R.Jahnke, MD
Genevieve P. Jensen
Dakota Jensterle
Dylan Jensterle
Jody Jensterle
Lita Jensterle
Mary Johanning Gaynor
Lyn and Larry Johns
Jennifer J. Johnson
MatthewW. Johnson, MD
Peter R. Johnson, MD
V.J. Johnson
Michael Johnston
Joyce Kalchek
Scott A. Kamelle, MD
MichelleA. Kaminski
Kelly Kane
Chanda Kapur, MD
Charlene Karls, DO
Dr. Deanne Keim
James S. Kelling (Persian Gulf)
Pepper Kent
Bryce Jameson Kennedy
Julie Kepple, MD
Henry K. Kerns
Joan Kerns’ February Birthday
Judy Kerns Pence’s (would be
50th Birthday)
Pat Kerns’ Birthday
The Kerns’ Anniversary
Wayne and Kay Keyes
and Family
Payton Liya Kirsch
Jane Kitkowski
James V. Klas, MD
Richard G. Kling
Henry Knaub
Michael Knier, MD
Norm Knier
Shelly Knowlton-Jones
Nancy Koch
Dennis Kocher
The Aurora Health Care team had 274 participants for
UPAF Ride for the Arts’ first bike ride over the Hoan Bridge.
It was the second largest group of riders among all teams
participating in the event.
Sarah Kocourek
Satish Kodali, MD
Tani Kohlmeier
Piotr J. Kolanowski, MD
Britton Ward Kolar, MD
Mary Kolarik
Thomas S. Kops II
Sridevi Koritala, MD
Chad Kort, MD
Phyllis Koy
Alice T. Kramer
Michael Krco, MD
Laura Krines
George Krismer, MD
Shirley Kritzik’s 75th Birthday
George Kuttickat, MD
Markian Kuzycz, MD
Daniel Ladwig, MD
Edward Lake, MD
Stephen C. Lamberton, MD
Mark Lang, MD
Mike Lappin
Lee Ann Lau, MD
Kathy Lauer, RN
Samuel LeCaptain
Phyllis Lee, MD
Joe Lefeber
Robert Singh Lehn
Gary J. Leo, MD
Joni Lepow
Dan Leslie
Bess Lickerman’s Birthday
John R. Linscott, MD
Grandma and Grandpa Lisinski
Davis Randall Littmann
John Livermore, MD
Steven Henry Lohse
Charles Lonsdorf, MD
John F. Lubing, MD
Timothy Maatman, MD
Joseph Majewski, MD
Michael Malone
Paul Mamerow, PA-C
Joan Mandel’s Birthday
Sarilee Maney
Dennis P. Mannino, MD
Mr. and Mrs.
Marvin Margolis’ Anniversary
Kim Marheine
Beth and Trevor Marshek
Renee Beth Marszalek, MD
Cindy Marti
Bruce and Tami Martin
Joe D. Marvin, MD
Rita Massart
Randy C. Mathewson, MD
Paul Matthies
Dennis Matusin
Elizabeth Maxham
John Maxham
Evelyn McCafferty
Mary Jo McCoy, MD
William T. McCullough, MD
Laura McGartland, MD
Sylvia Meltzer, MD
Raul Mendoza-Ayala, MD
Colleen Merkel
Lilah and QuentinMerrill
Kari Meszaros
Muhammad Z. Mian, MD
Jennifer Micke, MD
Wendy M. Mikkelson, MD
DraedenJaxx Miller
J. Pat Miller and Family
J. Pat Miller
Randy Miller
Ryker Kain Miller
MarshallJ. Mirviss
James P. Monahan, MD
Juliet Marie Monnett
Eugene Monroe, MD
James Moran, MD
William Morgan, MD
Nancy Morrow
Michael P. Mullane, MD
Daniel Mullen
Leo Murr Grayson Murray
Julia Rae Murrow
Roberto B. Musni, MD
John S. Naida
James Napier, MD
Carrie A.Narkis, MD
Manoj Nayak, DO
Eleanor Naze
Gary Nellist II (Iraq)
Susan Lynn Nelson
Kathy Nesseth
Mary Newbauer
Chaplain Steve Ngugi
Thomas Niccolai, MD
Gordon H. Nielsen
Robert W. Ninneman, MD
Elizabeth Nora, MD
Daniel J. Nordin, MD
Armando N. Nunag, MD
JanayaJoy Nyhof
John A. Obudzinski, DO
Makayla Odekirk
Daniel O’Hair, MD
Connie Oldenburg
Chris Olson
John O’Neill (St. Vince)
Tedmond O’Reilly
Ben Orion Moen
Kevin Osterloth
Leola Otradovec
Cameron Pahr
Sarah Palmer
Ken and Colleen Pamperin
and Family
Yashdip S. Pannu
The Paolo Family
Ken and Carol Paplham
and Family
Gerard T. Parent, MD
Cynthia A. Parkansky
Alyssa Paszkowski
Carol Pattee
Pearson Engineering
Fred Perchonok’s
80th Birthday
Kathleen Peterburs
Sue Peters Amy Peterson
Katie Peterson
Stephen Peterson, MD
Laurie Petrie
Alex Petzold
Amanda Petzold
Dave and Dawn Petzold’s
P. Perry Phillip, MD
Brenda Pierce, MD
June and Irv Pittleman’s
Jonathan Pond, MD
John F. Pope, MD
Clifford R. Poplar, MD
Steven C. Port, MD, FACC
Louann Postma
Ardis Potts
George Poulette, MD
Marge Preder
Cathy Ptak
Rita M. Quistorff
James Radke, MD
Colton W. Rank
Ikram Rashid, MD
KennethRaskin, MD
Colin Rasor, Jr.
John and Melissa Ratajczak
Mike Ray
Mary Regan
Kern Reid, MD
Arthur Rein, MD
Thomas Reiners
Sara Rewerts
Kristen Reynolds, MD
Gary Riesenberg (Vietnam)
Jim Riesenberg (Vietnam)
John Riesenberg (Vietnam)
Rick Riesenberg (Vietnam)
Kirtida Ringwala, MD
Judy Robel’s Birthday
Ann Roberts
Gregory Rocco, MD
David Rohde, MD
Ekaterina Roman, MD
Pat and Linda Romenesko
Olivia Rose
Tim and Mary Rose
Rita Roselle
David Rosol
Antony Ruggeri, MD
Jaxen Lee Ruppel
James A. Rydlewicz, MD
Ali Sagal
Dorene Sager’s Birthday
Jay and Dorene Sager’s
Kenan and Khaled Saleh
CPT Angela Samosorn (Iraq,
SFC Michael Samosorn (Iraq,
Raina Samosorn
Paul Samundsen, MD
Jim Sanheim
James M.Santarelli, MD
Cheruppolil SanthoshKumar, MD
Dr. Robert Santilli’s Heart
Transplant on 8-7-11
Meaghan Sargent
Richard Sass (Vietnam)
Michael A. Savitt, MD
KennethM. Saydel, DO
Gwen Scales
Chris Schanz
Dale S. Schaper, MD
Lorne Schlecht, MD
Elaine Schleis and Family
Julie Schleis
Dorothy Schmalz
Joseph Schmidt, DO
Joyce and Lee Schmidt
Luke Schmidt
Randall W. Schmidt, MD
Sophia Schmidt
Bryan Schmitt, MD
Dustin Schneider (Iraq)
Garth Schneider, MD
Rebekah Schroeder, MD
Rylee Paige Schroeder
Mary Schroeder Capelli, MD
Dave, Sue and Martha Schry
James Lawrence Schulgit, MD
John Schwab
Shari Schwantes
Craig Seaman
Bob and Micki Seinfeld
Julia Selasi Voss Hayibor
JuanalitoSeldera, MD
Michael Sergi , MD
William Shaffer, MD
Yoseph Shalev, MD
Rajesh Sharma, MD
Mark Sharon, MD
Clare Sheller
Richard Shew
Wayne Shew
Aamir Siddiqi, MD
Elliott C. Silbar, MD
Adam, Eliana and Asher Sippe
CPT Adina Sippel
(Iraq, Afghanistan)
The Clete and Janet
Sippel Family
Richard Sippel
Ryan and Nicole Sippel
Danica Marie Skrube
Melanie Smith, DO
Michael Smith
Perry Smith
Mary B. Snell, MD
Alan Spearbraker
(Marines, Korea)
Karen Spidell
Connor Joseph Spitz
Herman Sprang, Sr. (WWII)
Richard Shaw Sprouse
Bernard J. Staller, MD
Bart Starr
Deborah Steffen
Rev. Steve Stepp
Lucy Mae Stielow
James Stoll, MD
Julie Storzer
Morgan Ashley Struve
Emilie Grace Suchomel
Andy Sukup
Ashby Gail Sullivan
Jean B. Sullivan
Shirley and Sandra Summerville
Chrissy Tank
David Taylor, MD
Robert F.Taylor, MD
Tresa Teehan, MD
Kim Temkin-Taylor’s
Special Birthday
Jack A. Tertadian, MD
Irwin Tesch (WWII)
Cedric V.Thayer, MD
Richard Theobald, MD
David T. Thies, MD
Robin Thompson
Jacquelynn Tillett
Carrie Tillett-Saks
Judy Tjoe, MD
Hunter and Baily Tlachac
Elizabeth Tobin
Roger B. Torres, MD
Amanda Triebensee
Carly Triebensee
Rajesh M. Trivedi, MD
Mark Tucci, MD
Ramagopal J. Tumuluri, MD
Nick Turkal, MD
Jolanta Twardy, MD
Michael K. Tye, MD
Rupika Uberoi, MD
Gale and Rita Ullman and
Steven Vacek, MD
Donald M. Van Dyke
Lenore Van Santen, MD
Wes Veldhorst
Timothy Vellinga, MD
Ajjampur R. Vidyaranya, MD
Marsha Vollbrecht
Betty Vono
Jodie Wachowski
Barbara L. Walker
Michael Walker
Margaret Warner
Masood Wasiullah, MD
Vera Lynn Waterman
The Watson Family
Tina Watts
Betty Wearing
Paul Webber, MD
Eric Weber, MD
John R.S. Weber, MD
Christine Weerts
Paul Weisman, MD
Orgenia Weisser
Jacoby Drew Welcher
Robert Wenberg, DO
John and Eileen Wery
Rileigh Wesendorf
Stephen Westcott, MD
Cully White, DO
Timothy J. White (Operation
Enduring Freedom Afghanistan)
Grandma Whittaker
Marian Wieck
Paul and Marilyn Wilson
Sean E. Wilson, DPM
Leslie Wininger
Joe, Colleen, Sara and
Jenna Wisnicky
Sharon A. Witzke
Janelle Wobick
Elaina Wojahn
Jack Wolter
Robert Wolter, MD
Walter Wong, MD
Chuck Wood
The David Wood Family
The Wyatt Wood Family
Eileen Wosick
Sullivan John Wyder
John Yang, MD
Andrew Yetter, MD
Kay Yuspeh’s Mother
David C.Zablotney, MD
Katarzyna Zaremba, MD
John Zeldenrust, MD
Lance Zernzack, MD
Ellen Ziaha, MD
Herbert Ziebell
Steven and Debra Zimmerman’s
50th Birthdays
Additional Honors
11 S. Staff at Aurora St. Luke’s
Medical Center Academic Affairs and Jodi Moris
Academic Affairs and
SheR’on Ebert
Academic Affairs and
Tonya Jones-Evans
All Employees and Customers
of Village Kitchen
All Living Firefighters All Living Members
All of Our Volunteers
All of the Caregivers at Aurora
Advanced Health Care
Good Hope Clinic
All of the Caregivers at Aurora
Zilber Family Hospice
All Who Took Care of Me
Aurora Creative Services
Aurora Fertility Services
Aurora Lakeland
Medical Center Caregivers
Aurora Medical Center in
Manitowoc County Caregivers
Aurora Medical Center in
Manitowoc County Environmental Services
Aurora Medical Center in
Manitowoc County
Food Services
Aurora Sheboygan Memorial
Medical Center
Aurora Sinai Medical Center
Neonatal Intensive
Care Unit Patients
Aurora St. Luke’s Medical
Center CICU Caregivers
Aurora St. Luke’s Medical
Center Melanoma/
Skin Cancer Clinic
Aurora Visiting
Nurse Association
Aurora Visiting Nurse
Association Hospice Team
Aurora Visiting Nurse
Association South
Hospice Caregivers
Aurora Women’s Pavilion
Fertility Clinic
Aurora Women’s Pavilion
Fertility Services,
Dr. Hayes and Her Staff
Aurora’s Wonderful Volunteers
Big Baby Blue Eyes-Gavyn
Bonnie and Nick
Brother’s Dairy Employees
and Customers
Care for Teri Welytok
(Special thanks to Dianne)
Carlton Legion Auxilary 538
Living Members
Eleanor (Therapy Dog)
Grandchildren and
Great Grandson
Jacob’s Bar Mitzvah
Kimmy, Jill, Micah and Mason
Living and Deceased Members
Mike, RN and Team
My Brother
As the sun rose on Veterans Day, a flag-raising
ceremony at Aurora Medical Center in Summit ushered
in a celebration of the men and women who have
served our country at home and abroad.
My Family
My Kids
My Parents
Our 12 Wonderful Grandkids
Our Children and
Our Family
Our Grandchildren
P.A. Cindy
Quarles & Brady Employees
Respiratory Rehabilitation Staff
Service for Gordon Behrendt
Sheboygan Memorial
Medical Center
Sheboygan Vince Lombardi
Cancer Clinic Caregivers
Survivors Everywhere
Team Phoenix
The Forgotten
The Time and Effort Dr. Joseph
Cunningham Spent Working with Jennifer Hill
Those Who Have Served
Our Country
United States Military
Vince Lombardi
Cancer Clinic Caregivers
In memory of
David R. Aamodt
Helen Aasen
Martin Aasen
Esperanza Abraham
James J. Acker, Sr.
Betty M. Adams
Jerrell Adams
L. K. Ahuja
James V. Aiello
Anna Marie Ajack
Harriett I. Alberth
Hesston Allen
Julie (Odle) Allen
Lois Allen
Richard D. Allen
Gary Allenstein
Smt. Ambujakshy Amma
Karen Amon
Louis Amoroso
Jeanne Anastas
Edwin Andereck
Helen Andereck
Jack Andereck
Jean Andereck
John Andereck
Nate Andereck
Andy and Becky Anderson
Catherine Anderson
Jane F. Anderson
Robert Anderson
Shirley Anderson
Rose Angel
Grace and Felix Antonie
Sherry Arbiture
Robert Armstrong
Lester Arndt
Phyllis Arndt
Elmer Arneman
Lily Arneman
Casper P. Arnold
Henny Arnold
Joseph J.Arrowood
Stefanie Aten
Joseph B.Auer
Diane Augustine
Milton Augustine
Sharon Averill
Robert V. Awe
William Bablitch
Debra J. Backman
Patrick Baetz
Rose E. Bagozzi
Barbara Baier
Doris Bain
Penny Baird
Sharon Bakke
AnthonyT. Balistreri
Mona and Fred Balz
Bernard Bani
Iona Bani
Bonnie Bannenberg
Sylvester and Delores Barbeau
Charles Barbiaux
Peggy Bard
Betty Barger
Eleanor Barker Youngclaus
Esther Barrette
Paul Barrette
Leona Bartel
Laura Barton
Connie Bartusch
James J. Bartz
Paul Bartz
Jim Bartzen
William J. Bashell
Tom Basten
Edward W. Baternik
Debra “Debbie” Bauckman
Louie and Ruth Baudhuin
Beth Bauer’s Mother
Steven G. Bauer
Lei Baughman
Beverly Baumann
Brian “Gunny” Baumler
Clifford Baxter
Sean Beatty
Rudolph Beber
Keith G. Beck
Tom Beck (WWII)
Wallace Becker
Carol Ann Beeler
Christine Damask Beesley
Ellerd Beesley
Karen Begalke
Roy and Adela Begalke
Sandy Behling
Harold Behnke
Dale Behrens
Leo and Lisette Behrens
Marla and Fred Belgen
Clinton Bell
Stanley Bence
Erwin F. Bender, Jr.
Martha Bengston
Betty Benskin
Evelyn M. Benson
James Benson
Urban R.Benson
Helen T. Berch
Jane Beres
Deceased members
of the Berg Family
Carol A. Berggren
Linda Bergin
Walter Bergles
Norman and Jack Berkey
Mr. and Mrs.
Edward W. Berkovitz
Jeanne Berks
Fred J. Berman
Howard A. Berndsen
Margaret Bertz
Kenny Bessert
Don Betry
Edward J. and
Marion M. Bett
Gust Bett (WWII)
Gordon W. Betts
Barbara Bickler
Joe Biebl
Mary Biebl
Pearl Bilgo
Willis Bilsborough
Gerald A. Birkholz
Bernice C. Birney
Janet Birnschein
Helen Bishop
Paul Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Bitkers
William A. Bittner
Mary Ellen Biwer
Ted and Altha Bjorklund
Jimmy Bjornstad
Sidney W. Blank (WWII)
Clarence and Leona Blanke
Don Blanke (Cold War)
William Blanke
Dorothy Blimel
LeRoy Blimel
Irma E. Block
Richard Block
Vernon J. Block
Casimir Bobrowicz
Geraldine Bobrowicz
Donald Boeselager
Mary Ellen and James
Lawrence Bogard
Mary Bogetto
Greg Bohn
Kathryn Bohnsack
Estie Bomzer
James Bonin
Ralph E. Boos
Mary Borchardt
Ruth M. Borden
Norma Jean Borman
Travis Born
Louise and Henry Borzinsky
Thomas J. Bostedt
Cecilia Bouchard
Joe and Hazel Boucher
Joseph and Josie Bourgeois
KennethL. Bower
Beatrice J. Boyd
Patricia Bradford
Ottmar and Grace Brandel
Edith Brandl
Dorothea Brandt
Marvin Brans
Wenzel Brans
Stella Brecke
Edwin Breitzman
Esther Breitzman
Max Breitzman
Ruby Brenner
Edith Brever
Kathie Brever
Sally Bril Bamberger
Addi Brockmeyer
Daniel J. Brody
Paulette Broich
Richard A. Broncatti
Lionel and Marlene Brooks
John E. Brophey
Clinton Brott
Madeline Brott
Ronald Brott
Elwood Brovold
Ann E. Brown
Elizabeth Brown
Lilian Brown
Ralph J. Brown
Mary Lynn Bruechert
Mr. and Mrs. James Bruinooge
Norman Brunner
Mary and Edwin Brusky
Todd Bryant
Darlene Brylski
Jerome Brylski
John Michael Buchanan
Marie Buchholtz
Roland Buchholz
Doris Buckman
Roy Buckman
Dorothy Buddin
Richard G. Budish
Bob Budzisz
Lucille Budzynski
Francis Buechler
Lynn Ann Buehre
Curtis Buerger
Jacob Buhr
Barbara Buikema
Edward Bultman
Mr. and Mrs.
Max Edward Bunke
Bruce Bunyea
Mary A. Buono
Edward W. Burgess
Tom and Evalyne Burgess
Tona Burgess
Bernard J. Burke
Colleen K. Burke
Esther Burke
Kenneth Burke
Ruth K. Burke
Edward Burmeister
James Burns
Raymond J. Busch
John Bushmaker
Bernard Buska
James and Alice Busse
Alice Riley Buttry
Ida But
Dr. Leonard C. Buyse
James Bychinski
Shirley Bychowski
Guadalupe Cabaron
Grace Caliebe
Connie Calou
John Campbell
Lisa Campbell
Carole A.Canada
Deceased members
of the Cannon Family
Ruth Cannon
Josephine Capelli
Angelo Carco
Benedetta Carini
Betty J. Carlson
Judy E. Carpenter
Charles E. Carroll
Lewis Carroll
George Casavant
Milan Cebasek
Christine C. Cerwin
George Chapleski
Melvin J.Charleston
Edwin Cherveny
Samuel Chortek
Gene Christensen
James A. Christensen
James E. Christensen
Grant Christenson
Ross Christenson
Jim Christiansen
Diane M. Christl
Hattie and Albert Christl
Sharon J.Cicerello
Steve Cichon
Lawrence Cieslak
Shirley Cisler
Edward Citkowski
Carol Clapps
Timothy Clark
William J. Clark
Arvin A. Clarksen
Leila M. Clarksen
James Claussen
Robert Claussen
Arleen Clemins
Donald Clinton
Richard and Irma Cloonan
Sheryl Clough
Leonard and
Olive Cmejla
Mary M. Coast
Marvalyn Coates
Pat Cobb
Beth Cohn’s Grandmother
Ben Cole
Dorothy Cole
Lorraine Cole
Richard Colson
Rick Colson
Lillian and George Conard
Darrell Conn
Adele Cook
Aurora Walker’s Point Community Clinic treated more than
3,200 patients last year and provided social services to an
additional 500 people. Thanks to our generous donors, the
largest free clinic in the state for the uninsured was able to
meet the needs of more people.
Craig Cook
David Cook
Patricia Cook
Christine M. Cornell
Benjamin Cosey
Georgia A. Cowan
Margaret L. Cowles
Edward T. Cox, Jr.
Edward T. Cox, Sr.
Sylvia Cox
Donald Crawford
Kevin Patrick Crowley
Dennis Cummings
Helen Cummings
Janet Cummings
Kenneth Cummings (WWII)
Sandy Cummins
Irene Cunningham
Ruth Cunningham
Ruth G. Czarneck
Virginia Czarnecki
Virginia Cziok
Evelyn Daehn
Violet Daeh
Nancy Dallwig
Annette M. Damask
Frances P. Damask
Ione Damro
Bob and Belle Danforth
Bernard Danhieux
Robert and Ronald Daul
Laura David
Dale Davis
Eldon Davis
Harriet and Marvin Davis
Phillip De Haas
Gianfranco De Vita
Dennis F. DeBartelo
James DeBattista
Donald DeBlaey
Patricia De’Brabant
Harold and Mary DeBroux
Marilyn DeBruine
Romell Deckliver
Karla DeGrave
Thomas Deibert
Kari Deimer
Ann D. Dekanich
Peter J. Dekker
Edward and Libbie Delebreau
Robert J. Delebreau
Amalia Delgadillo
Harley J. Dell
John Demler
Louise Demler
Lydia Demler
Rebecca DeNardis
Marie Joanne Denecke,
Wife and Mother
Leonard Denor
Carl A. Dentice
Joe A. Dentici
Louise Deppiesse
David Depping
H. Peter DeRosier
Eileen Desidero
James DesJarlais
Julianna DesJarlais
Cindy DeSmidt
Merlin DeSmidt
Sue DeSmidt
Delbert Devermann
Barbara Devers
Arlene Devine
Franco DeVita
Elizabeth Devlin
Karen K. Dewald
Madeline Rose Dickinson
Ursula Diekfuss
Mary A. Diels
Leo Dier
Maizy Dilks
Rosalee DiMiceli
Bev Dingman
John and Edna Dirks
Beulah Ditzler
Edward J. Dixon
Alvin Doell
Elfrieda Doell
Judy Doerfler
Jack Dolohanty
Agnes and Henry Dombrowski
Sally and Josephine Domenk
Nina Dondiego
Dr. William L. Donegan
Charlene E. Dooley
Alyssa Nicole Dorfler
Esther L. Douglas
Norman A. Douglas
Alice Downey
Gene A. Downs (Vietnam)
Byron C. Dowse, Sr.
Joseph F. Drana
Dorothy Dreher
Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Dreisen’s Father
Clara and VincentDrenski
Dale Drews
Roger Drossart
John Du Chateau
Esther Dublinski
Paul A. Dudenhoefer, MD
Karen Duffy-Fuller
Lucreatia M. Dumdie
Robert H. Dumdie, Sr. (WWII)
Pat Dunbar
Patricia Dunbar
Wayne Dunham
Marie Dunt
Don and Val Durocher
Barbara Duvalle
Judy Dvorachek
Karen Dwyer-Jones
Martin Kirby Dycus
Joseph A. Eannelli
Josephine A. Eannelli
Gloria Eastman
John Ebergen
Sue Ebert
Lavern “Vern” Ecklor
Belle Ecklund
Paul Edmundson
Ruth L. Edwardsen
Frank and Henrietta Egner
Mary C. Ehlen
Audrey Ruth Ehlenbach
Paula Eichorst
Bob Eiseman
Dan Robert Elbe
Dennis Eldridge
Harold Elfner
Marjorie Ellefson
William Ellefson
Mary Elleseg
Gary Ellis
Paul Elsenpeter
Peter Engeldinger
Noreen and Lee Enger,
My Parents
Jerold D.Engstrom
Russell Ennette
Victor Erato
Erdman Family
Donald Erdmann
Dorothy L. Ergen
Lester Erickson
Dr. Lief Erickson, Sr.
Deceased Members
of the Ernst Family
Evelyn Ertman
Narcy Ertman
Bruce D. Eskol
Dolores Esler
Sven Espenhain
Blanche Marie Ewald
Stanley Ewald
Keith Eytcheson, Jr.
Anna Faber
Juanita Fagan
Maureen Fahey
Carmen and Ray Falconero
Timothy J. Falvey
Dr. David J. Farrell
Carmelina Fas
Rita Fassi
Ray Fatla
Ronald Favro
Virginia Fay
Jane Faytle
Julia and Andrew Federer
Irene Feidner
Helen Feld
Frieda Felkai
Pat Fenlon
Duncan Ferguson
Jennifer Fernandez
Lester Ferry
Rosie Ferry
Virginia Fessmann
Corrine Fickau
Don Fickett
James Fictum
The McGMO Charity Golf Event raised $50,000 to
benefit patients at the Vince Lombardi Cancer Clinic
at Aurora Lakeland Medical Center. Pictured are the
event founders, Tim McGregor, Mike Grover, Lori
Grover, John Monroe and Kim O’Keefe, along with
Aurora Lakeland Medical Center and Aurora Memorial
Hospital of Burlington President Vicki Lewis.
Smokey Fictum
Fred Fiedler
Pris Filliez
Jerry Fine
Roger Fine
Lori Gail Fink
Chris Finn
Lydia A. Fiorelli
James K. Fischer
Victor Fischer
Orma Fish
Daniel C.Fjeldstad
Ruth Flath
Wilbert Flegner
Lois J. Fleming
Edna Fletcher
Rick Fliss
Sherry Flunker
Raymond R. Flynn
Henry Fogeltanz
Catherine Foley
Dan Foley
Edward Foley
Alice R. Fons
Mary Ellen Fontanazza
George Fontany (WWll)
Louise Fontany
Stephen L. Ford, Sr.
Thomas Forestieri
Kym Fox
Douglas Foye
Nanci Francour
Joel Frank
Otto Frank
Alice L. Franklin
Victor Franz
Frank Frechette
Eugene Fredrick
Joe and Alice Fricke
Rev. CarlFried
Helen Fried
Marvin Friedman
Tobi Friesler
Sylvia Fringer
Janet Fritz
Jose Vicente Fuentes
Gilbert A. Fuiten
Michael J. Fuller
Richard Fuller
Tom Fuller
Bernice E. Gabert
Sharyll Gagliardo
Jerome Gahagan
Betty Galica
John Galica (WWII)
Francis Gallagher
Margaret Gallagher
Janet Gallo
Raymond A. Gallope, PhD
Janice Galvin
Greg Gamache
Virginia Ganser
Klella and Leonard Garside
Robert Garside
Leonard Gaska
Mary Gaskel
Marilyn J. Gast
Allan Gautheir, Sr.
Cindy Gauthier
Leonard Gauthier
Danny Gaynor
Gib and Gen Gaynor
Mary Gazele
Kathleen A. Geb
Jeff Geboy
Charles J. Gehring
Mary Ann Gendrich
James Gengler
Lillian Gennrich
Bill and Dolaine Genthe
Betty Gerbosi
Joan Gerroll
Lawrence Gerroll
Lou Ann Gerroll
Betty Gerth
Mildred Getzen
Leonard and
Margaret Gibeault
Lorraine Giese
Victor Gilbert
Alzeda Gilbertson
Betty Gilbertson
Lucinda Gilgan
Joseph Giljohann
Ray Gille
Shirley Gilson
Edward Gioielli
Philip Girard
Alexander Gisc
Joseph Gizewski
Anna Mary and AlGlass
Jo and Bill Gleason
Joe and Jeff Glish
Charlie Glover, Father-in-Law
Bill Goelzer
Arlette Goessl
Dick Goessl
Donna Goessl
Doug Goessl
Jack Goessl
David Goetz
George Gold
Paul M. Goldmann
Judy Gold’s Aunt
Christine Goller
Jim Gonyo
Daniel Goode
Mike Gooding
Pat Goodstein
Tim Goratowski
Arlene Gordon
Pepper Gort
Tarell Pepper Gort
Jeanette Gosh
Jerome Gosh
Cory R. Gottinger
Jacob J. Gottinger
Charles Grabler
Verna Grabler
Valerie Grabowski
Dr. David Grady
Dorothy Graf
Merle Graf
Rita Grafenstein
Allison Grall
LeRoy Granger
Lois Gratz
Joe Graves
Diane P. Gray
Marvin E. Graycarek
Doris H. Greco
Edward W. Green
Pamela Green
Myron Greenberg
Bob Greeneway (WWII)
Heidemarie Greeninger
James Richard Greer, Sr.
Carol Gresser
Robert Gric
Dr. Joseph and Marian Grieshop
Joan Griffith
David R. Grobner
Stanley Grossman’s
Brother, Buddy
Courtland Grotkin
Arthur Grube
Evelyn Grube
Kathryn Grube
Cynthia Gruenberg
Bryan E. Gruenewald
Timothy Grunow
Paul Guenthe
Reverend Theodore E. Gundlach
Edward Gunz
Julie Guse
Mary Alice Gustafson
Ronald Gutzmer
LaVerne Guzman
Catherine Lacy Hable
Marian Haelfrisch
Bebe Haemmerle
Elaine Haering
Bruce Haertel
Marvin Hagen
Vivian Hagopian
Charles Hahn
Jerry Hahn
Marianne Hahn
George John Halaska
Marsha Haley
Lorayne Hall
Sherry Hall
James P. Halloran
William Halser
Anna M. Halstinsgaard
Allan Halvorsen
Ann Hamacheck
David Hamacheck
Joan C. Hamacheck
Ogden Hamacheck
Carol Hamlin
Roberta Hancock
Gillian Hanks
Walter and Ella Hanmann
Leon Hanneman
Lyle Hannemann
Molly Hanson
Joe Harbin
George Hare
Marilyn Harger
JoAnn Harms
George W. Harness
Dr. Harrington
Al and Grace Hartman
Irene Hartshorn
Betty Hartwig
Raymond Hasenstein
Ann Haskins
Katie Jo Hastreiter
Albert E. Haueter
Mabel E.Haueter
Jane Haugen
Jerry Hausler
Roland Hausler
Ruth Hausler
Waunita Hausler
Jesse Havel
Paul Havel
Sylvia Hawn
Charlotte Hayden
Burnell L. Hayes
Emily Hayes
Helen Healy
Kay C. Heckman
Robert Hefter, Sr.
Glen Hegeman
Lee and MaryAnnHeidemann
Frank and Mildred Heidenreich
Jennifer Heim
Lawrence Heim
Norbert Heinzen
Dean Heinzl
Darlene Held
Ivan and Deloris Heling
Robert Otto Heling
Todd Rickey Heling
Aurel Nicholas Heller
Carol Heller
Judith and PatriciaHellmich
Clifford J. Hemmer
Sandi Hendrickson
George J. Henika
Tim Hennessy
John Henney
MargaretA. Henney
Arthur T. Henning
Robin Henning
Donald Henrickson
Alder Henschel
Jennifer Henschel
Marion Henschel
Martha Henschel
Wally Henschel
Gerald E. Hensel
Robert Hensey
Dolores “Dodi” Hensgen
Joseph Hepp
Betsy Hermann
William H. Hermann
Clifton Hermanson
Elva Herzog
Laura Hessel
Cheryl Heuesmann
Catherine Mary Heyrman
Leland Heyrman
Joyce Hickmann
Phil Higgenbotham
Brian and Benjy Hightdudis
George Hightdudis
Gust and Despina Hightdudis
Bob Hildebrandt
Deb Hildebrandt
Joanne Hill
William F. Hill
Carlyle Hiller
Emma Hiller
Sondra Hiller
Nathan Hilrich
Laverne Hintermeyer
Elizabeth K. Hintz
Erma Hintz
Donald Hinz
Ken and Betty Hirt
Richard Hladilek
Donna M. Hluchnik
Ralph Hobbick
Dorothy Hochschild
Nancy Hochschild
Dorothy Hoernke
Allen Hoffman
Sandra Hoffman
David A. Hoffmann
Dr. AJ and Julie Capelli were recognized at the
2nd Annual Infinity Ball in Kenosha for their many
years of service in the community. The event helped
to raise $53,000 to benefit the patients and families
who rely on Aurora Medical Center in Kenosha.
William D. Hoffmann
Robert A. Hofstetter
Maureen Hogan Fahey
Carl Hogue
Jerry Hogue
Helen and Joseph Hoida
John P. Hoida
Mark Daniel Holden
Peg Holloway
Theodore P. Holly
Eileen Holtz
Ralph Holzmann
Jackie Hood
Wm. and Anita Hornbeck
Norman Horneck
Gardner Horton
Phyllis Hotelling
Mickey Hotz
Dorothy Hovchild
Doris Howard
Robert Howard (Korea)
Susan G.Howarth
Ellie Hrabik
Mark E. Hrabrich
Doreen Hubert
Bernard Huc
Sally Huch
Mary Huckstorf
Milburn R. Hudnell, Sr.
Norman Hudson
Gloriela Huefiger
Delbert Huenink
Alta and Oscar Hueppchen
Carl Hueppchen
Curt Hueppchen
Doris Huerta
Cheryl Huesemann
Elizabeth (Betty) J. Hug
Thomas F. Hughes
Velma Hughes
Leonard E. Huibregtse
Lois K. Huibregtse
Carol Hummel
William Hundley
Dennis Hunkel
David A. Hunt
George Hunt
Felix Husarzewski
Waleria Husarzewski
Kathy Hutterer
Wenzel and Mary Hynek
Elinor Ignera
LaVerne Imbruglia
Keith Isaacson
Charles A. Iserloth
Mary Ann Iverson
June Ives
Art and Marvel Jacobs
David Jacobson
Teresa Jacquart
Mick Jadin
Alvin Jaeckels
Margaret Jaeckels
Nancy L. Jaeger
Phyllis N.Jaeger
Sharron Jahnke
Lowell W. Jahns
Mary A. Jakubiak
Mickey Jakubowski
Celeste Jalosky
Jim Janza
Terri Jarapko
Georgia Jarvey
Joseph F. Jaskolski
Clifford G. Jensen
Edward Jensen
Brianna Jensterle
Joanne Jessen
Judith Jessup
Trista Michelle Jiles
Atty. Don Jirtle
Lee and Myrtle Jirtle
Elvin and Josephine Jiza
Harold Joch
Carlyle Johanning
Vivian Johanning
James Walter Johannsen
Beverly Johnson
Bruce Johnson
Dolores L. Johnson
Douglas Johnson
Elmer H. Johnson
Jeffrey J. Johnson
Larry Johnson’s Father
Larry and Millie Johnson’s
Leslie R. Johnson
Mildred Johnson, Mother
Nancy Lee Johnson
Oliver E. Johnson
Rodney Derrick Johnson
Thomas Johnson
William R. Johnson
Carol Johnston
Eve Jolton
Fritz Jonas
Floyd and DeloresJones
Martha Jones
Stanley W. Jones
Carrol Josephson
Janet Josing
Marvin Jung
Carol Junio
Chester T. Jurkiewicz
Eddie and ConnieJurkowski
Pamela J. Kadow
Jerry Kahn
Thomas J. Kaiser
David Kalchek, Sr.
Edwin and Lucille Kalchek
Joseph and Myrtle Kalchek
Willard and Jean Kalchek
Charlotte Kalkofen
Leo Kamyszek
Bernard J. Kaney
Mary Beth Kanuck
Bob Kapinos
Alvina Karnitz
Herman Karnitz
Edward Karolewski
Aaron Karsen
Jeff Kasch
Martha Kasper
Virginia Kasprzak
Emily Kastelic
John C. Kaster
Bob Katalinich
Robert M. Katalinich
James J. Katz
Joe Katz
Bernice Kaufman
Cindy Kaufman
Yetta Kaufman
Sukie Kaynes
Frieda Keamer
Therese F. Keast
Anita Kellan
Janice Keller
Eleanor Kellerman
Helen Kelley
Ralph Kelley
Steve Kelley
Brian Kelly
Norma Kelm
Jean Kendall
Erwin F. Kent
Judy Kerns Pence
Joe Kerr
Ella Kerska Gaines
Charlotte Kestell
Clay Kestell
Melroy Kestell
Joshua Eric Kestelman
Frank Key
Dolores I. Kieckhafer
Sharon Kieckhafer
Keith Kienbaum
Mike and Oona Kiley
Mike Kilp
Leonard Kimmons
Betty Kinderman
Frances E. King
Steven J. Kingsbury
Elizabeth Kinsella
John Kinsella
Jan Kinyon
George Kirche
Jim Kiser
Ellen Kitzero
Dolores G. Kitzke
Mark Kizaric
John J. Klahn
Marilyn Klapka
Anna Klasen
John Kleefisch
James M.Klein
Carlyle Kleinhans
Frank Kleinsek
KennethE. Klemstein
Carol Kline
Emil and Jean Kloida
Don Klompmaker
Christopher J. Kloppenburg
Vern Kloster
Sandra J. Kloth
Joanne Ruby Klusmann
Ray “Pudgie” Knaack
Gustave Knabe
Germaine and Jack Knapmiller
Walter J. Knatzke
Daniel Knecht
Richard Knepfel
Joan Knier
Lydia and Tony Knier
Bradley Knoche
Basilia Knoppa
Elno “Fritz” Knull
Delma Knuth
Harry Kobrzycki
Helen Koch
Jeffrey Koch
Shelly Koch
LaVerne Kocourek
Stacy Kocourek
Reuben P. Kodet
James Koebert
Juanita Koebert
Barbara J. Koechell
Charles H. Koechell
Bill Koepke
Gerald and SandyKoepke
Barbara Koeppel
Edith Koeser
Dorothy Kohlmeyer
Carl Kolarik
Marilyn Clara Kolesari
Wayne and Jean Kolpin
Dorothy Komrska
Johanna Konieczny
Ruth Konrad
Jane E. Koonz
Karen Kopiec
Alexander J. Koppa
Norman Kornely
Joseph Kornuth
Lois Koss
Robert S.Koss, Jr. (Vietnam)
Robert S. Koss, Sr.
Florence Kostock
Leona Kosut
Helen Kotarek
Sandra J.Koth
Shirley Kotnarowski
Anna and Anton Kotyza
Edward and TerryKoutsky
Jean Kowalsky
Cheryl Kraak
Gordon Kraak
Allan Edgar Kraemer
Marjorie Krahn
Clara Krajnik
Ed Krajnik
Paul Krajnik
Daniel C.Krall
Daniel J. and Esther Krall
Joanne Kramer
Al Kranz
Ginny Kraus
William J. Kraus
Clinton Krause
David J. Krause
George Krause, Sr.
Dr. Rita Krause
Roger Krause
Dorothy Krawczyk
Frank Krebs
Kenneth Krejcarek
Herbert and EmilyKreutzinger
Michael Kreutzinger
Marcella Krewald
Mark Krewald
Richard C. Krey
Frank and Anastasia Krines
Hans Kroeger
Marlyn (Hans) Kroeger
Jerry Kroening
Irma and Alfred Krogman
Lee Krohn
Kathleen Kroll
Donald Krolnik (Vietnam)
Kurt J. Kronhelm
Dorothy H. Krueger
Harvey and Mabel Krueger
Vernon O. Krueger
Mary K. Krug
Carol Kruswicki
Genevieve Krych
Frank Kryzynske
Anton and Clara Kubichka
Randall S. Kubichka
Stanley and EmilyKubichka
Mary Ann Kubsch
Lee Kuchinski
Harry J. Kuehl
Janice Kuehl
Hazel and DonaldKuhl
Erna Kuhn
Laverne Kuhn
Rueben Kuhn, Sr.
James R. Kuhr
John Kuka
Wilma M. Kulbe
Ray and Edna Kulow
Lois Kummer
Dolores “Dee” Kunde
Deborah Kuolt
Jim Kurh
Lynn Kwasniewski
Gilbert M. Kwiatkowski
Ervin La Luzerne
Lorraine Laabs
Betty Laack
Patrick A. LaCosse
Don Laedtke
Jeanette R. Laesch
Harold LaFond
Robert LaFond
Rose LaFond
Rita Lagowski
Elizabeth Lais
Leona LaMere
Arlene Lamon
Donald Lampe
Michael Landisch
Carol Langer
William and
Margaret Langer
Jane Lansinger
Raymond Lapinski
Joann Larrenz
Eileen Larsen
Arden Larson
Bruce Larson
Douglas Larson
Rick Larson
Robert Larson
Sydnie Larson
Generous donations to Aurora Family Service’s Familyto-Family Thanksgiving provided 3,000 families with
all of the ingredients for a traditional holiday meal.
One grateful resident said, “It’s hard to find the right
words. I was so very thankful that I cried when I got
home. Now I can cook a Thanksgiving meal.”
Vickie Larson
Irene M. Lasocki
Betty Last
Norman Lau
Betty Lawler
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Lawler
Lisa Lawler
Sandy Lawler
Dolores Lawrence
Thomas W. Leager
Mae Leary
Karen LeBeau Burns
Ronald LeClair
Henry and Cecelia Ledvina
and Family
James F. Lee
Marilyn Lefeber
Aino (Ina) Lehocky
Ronald “Rocky” Leib
Norman and Vernetta Leibham
Julie Leichtle (Women Cancer
Support Groups)
Herman J. Leitner (WWII)
Mark LeLou
Jared LeMay
Arvid Lenell
Blanche Lensmire
Edward Lensmire, Sr.
Francis J.Leon (WWII
and Korea)
Frank Leon
Lori Leonard
James Vincent Leonardo
Eddie Leonhardt
Roland Leonhardt
Rose Leonhardt
Lois LeRoy
Anton Lesicko
Margaret Letts
Al Leu
Fannie Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Tami Leynse
Todd Leynse
Joan Liban
Lois M. Licht
Dana Lichterman
Steven J.Liddicoat
Thomas Liddle
Ray and Danny Liebl
Richard G. Liegler
John Lieuwen
Elizabeth S. Liley
Kent E. Lindblom
Vernon Linneman
Gregg Linsmeier
Sandra E. Lipp
Audrey Lis
Norbert Lisowski
Peter Litwin
Elaine Liverman
Donald J.Lobacz
Donna Loessl
Mark Loewe
Claribel Lohr
Arden Loker
Amihan Londo
Douglas Londo
Wayne Long
Liana Rose Longhini
Milton Longrie
Dorothy Loomis
Julee Loose
“Lefty” and Jessie Loren
Judy Lorens
Lester and Dorothy
Lorenz, Parents
Michael R. Lorenz
Elizabeth and
Eugene J. Lorge
Eugene F. Lorge
Joe Lubar
Carlos A.Luciano, Jr.
Ashley Ann Luckow
Leroy and Aduska Lucko
Emilie Ludwig
Ida Luebbers
Frank Luebke
Roy P. Luebke
Henry Luelloff
Laura Luelloff
Donna Luepke
Andrew Lukach
Eleanor S. Lurie
Carlton R. Lutterbie
Patrick Lynch
Kenneth Lyness (U.S. Army)
Raymond Lyness
Ruby Lyness
Andrew Mabrey, Sr.
John and Cathy Machacek’s
John and Peggy MacIver
Peggy MacIver
Don and Dorothy Mack
Jerry MacKove
Donald Maclea
Victoria Maglio
Ruth Magyar
Robert Mahilik
Jim Mahlich
Judy Mahlich
Helen Mahlik
Eugene J. Mahoney
Everett F. Maier
Donna Maigatter
Raymond Maigatter
The Maigatter Family
William Maigatter
Michael Makowski
Mohammad Malik, MD
Bill Malley
W.L. Malone
Wendell Lawrence Malone
Vicki Mamerow
Mildred Mangold
Virginia Manley Wittmann
Shelly Manning
Rosa L. Manske
James E. Mantz
Jim Mantz
Bill Marheine
Helen and Elmer Markwardt
Helen Marliese
Dawn Marsicek
Martin Martel
Anita Martin
Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Martin
Charles Martin
Debbie Martin
James (Jumbo) Martin
Jim Martin
Leon Martin
Col. WmMartin
Philip Martinez
Dr. Pat Marx
Florian Masiak
Ben, Ralph and
Norris Massart
Emerance and John Massart
Basil Match
Ray Matheys
Orville S. Matte (WWll)
Steve Matteson
Marie Matthews
Emma H. Mattson
Fred G. Mattson
Lloyd Matzdorf
Norman Matzdorf
Gary Matzke
Zach Mauer
Ernest Maunu
Helyn Maunu
Vern Maxham
Bill May
SPC Brian James May
Jeff Mayer
Melvin Mayer
Bill Mayhew
Eleanor Mazurkiewicz
James McBrady
John and Ellen McBrady
Eugene C. McCabe
Tom McCormick
LeRoy (Mac) McCue
Richard McCue
Sandra McDonald
Charles McGreevey
Patrick T. McGuire
LaVerne McGurty
Barbara “Barb” McIntosh
Sunshine McKay
Lt. Francis J. McMullen (WWll)
Hazel “Fran” McNelis
Michael Mealy
Ron Meepos
Raymond Meerstein
Maynard and Hilda Mehre
Dick Meier
Joseph G. Meier
Arnold Meindl
Roger Meindl
Judy Meisner
Eugene Meka
Thomas Meloy
Arline Melser
Elizabeth Mendoza
Gerianne Mendoza
Tina Mengel
Louis Menghe (Multiple Wars)
Geraldine Menke
Nancy Menke
Eleanor Mennen
Sri. Ramakrishna Menon
Marie Menze
Reimer Erwin L. Merar
Melvin A. Mercil
Jeri Merel
Ron Merkel
Jerry Mertez
Evelyn L.Mesich
Paul Messenger
Janet Metko
Rick Metzger
Alicia and Robert Meyer
Beatsy Meyer
George C. Meyer
Jay Meyer
June Meyer
Kieth Meyer
Martha Meyer
Marty Meyer
Victor Meyer
George W. Michels
Gloria Middleton, Mother
Mary Mierzesewski
Radosavljevic Milanka
Arlene H. Miles
David Miles
Pat and Chuck Milici
Myrtle Millard
Glenn Miller’s Son
John Miller
Joseph Miller
Kerry Miller
Lenore and Vic Miller
Mildred Miller
Nancy A. Miller
Oscar Miller
Susan Miller
Theresa Miller
Vivian Miller
Ken Mills
Carol June Minteer
Robert E. Mitchell
Claire Mitich
Gary Mleziva
Walter Mleziva
Harm H. Modder
Velma Moe
Rev. George A. Mohr
Lorraine and Walter Monfils
Eric D. Monteith
Diana Montenegro
Laura Mick Moore
Raul and Sofia Morales
Jeanette C. Moran-Learned
George A. Morava
Ralph Morris
Martha Jeanne Morrissey
Ted Mosman
Walter J. Mosser
Alvin Mott
Nancy Mott
Sandy Mott
Hattie Moudry
Albert and Flora Mueller
Anna Mueller
Calvin Mueller
Dave Mueller
Elroy E. Mueller
Grace Mueller
Mildred Mueller
Theodore Mueller (WWII)
Wallace Mueller (WWII)
Wallace E. Mueller
William E. Mueller (WWII)
Jane Mulcahy
Frank Muller
Victor Muller
Michael Mulligan
Thomas K. Mullins
Marilyn Multhauf
Peter Andrew Munagian
Shirley B. Munch
Donald Murphy
Mary Cecilia Murphy
Robert and Michael Murphy
Barbara J. Murray
Joanne Murray
Dorothy Muschinski
Janice Myers
Terry Myles
Joby Naidl
Lilyann Naidl
Grant Nailen
Thomas Nailen
John (Jack) R. Nault
Beverly Nekich
William Nekich
Roy H. Nelesen
Terry Nelsen
Robert K. Nelson (Vietnam)
Rod Nelson
Charles, Ann
and Josephine Nemec
Joseph and Irene Nemeth
Elmer Neubert
Esther Neubert
Ethel Neubert
Al and Marge Neuendorf
Harold Neuhaus
Terry J. Neumeier
Charles and Wylma Neuser
Roy Neuzil
Joseph C. Newbury
Marion Nilles
Ron Nisiewicz
Alice Nitsch
Robert Nitsch
Raymond Noon
Lita Noordyk
Ronnie Noordyk
Elaine Norkofski
Carolyn Norton
Chester and Grace Novak
David J. Novak
Dick Novak
Robert Novak
SPC Shawn Novak (Iraq)
Sarah Nygaard
Sophie Nylund
Stanley Obuchowski
Milo C. O’Dell
Earl O’Donnell
Emilie O’Donnell
Wayne C. Oergel
Samuel Harry Oettiker
Howard O’Ferrell
Cade Oglan
Jonah Oglan
Kaylee Oglan
John O’Hearn
Ronald L. Olberding
Al Oliver
Donald F. Ollie
Arnold and Judy Olp
Harold Olp
Sandy Olp
Arno and Julia Olsen
Ken Olsen
Roger H.Olson (Korea)
Roger L. Olson (WWII)
Anna O’Malley
Gaylord O’Malley
Frances Omdahl
Norma Orlikowski
Flora Orsina
Ann and Fred Ospedal
Jerry Osteen
Kevin Osterloth
Mary and Joseph Ostrowski
Bill Otradovec
Gilbert H. Ott
Russell, Emily and Marvin Otto
Margaret Ottow
Margaret Ourada
Edward, Katherine
and Charles Ouradnik
Russell Overholt
Robert Allen Paananen
Lylalu Paffenroth
Kenneth Pagel
Eunice Pagenkopf
A.L. Pahr (WWII)
Eleanor Pahr
Agnes Palenshus
Joan Palfuss
Alice Panek
Karen M.Paolo
Willard Papenfus
William “Bill” Papenfus
August Parchim
Clara Parchim
Stanley Parkos
Hy Parks, Beloved
Lorraine Parma
Carol J. Parr
James H.Passer
Chase Passow
Marie (Poopsie) E. Patin
Marie Paton
Donald Paul
Russell J.Paulin
Lawrence Pearce
Lloyd Pederson (WWII)
Marie Pegues Greer
Ken Pelt
Nancy Penoske
Joan Perrigo
Milton Perron (WWII)
Allan H. Peters
Sister Carleen Peters
Glen Peters
Melvin Peters
Robert Peters
Gloria Petersen
John R. Petersen
Donald J.Peterson
Donna Peterson
Karen Peterson
Lynn Peterson, Jr.
Paul Peterson
Richard D. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. Roy K. Peterson
Scott R. Peterson
Deceased Members of the Petrashek Family
Helen M. Petrashek
Louis J. Petrashek
Mary Ann Petrick
Laurie Petrie
Gilbert G. Petzke
John J. Pfankuch
Nelly Pfankuch
Robert “Bob” F. H. Pfeffer
Bill Pfeiffer
Carole M. Phillips
Robert and MarciaPhillips
Shirley J.Phillips
Patrick H. Phinney
Kate Pichotta
Deceased Members of the Piedot Family
Bernice Pierce
LaMar C. Pierce
Mayme Pieschek
Roger Pietz
Richard A. Pihl
Laura Piontkowski
Henry J. Piotrzkowski
FlorenceE. Piper
Pat Piper
Larry Piton
Joyce Pitts
Hazel Pixler
James Platt
Richard Plautz
Helaine Plewe
Waldon Plewe
Charles R. Plotz
Andrew Poch
Elsie and Edwin Podrabsky
Elmer Poeschl
Eddy and Al Polacheck
Dave Pollack
Marilyn Pollack
Lillian Pollak
Melvin Pollnow
Connie V. Pollock
John Pomas
Judith Ponik
Mike and May Ponzin
Gordon and Vi Popelar
Dan Potter
George Potts
Ed Powalisz
ThadeusR. Powalisz
Romelia Powell
Ruth Norma Powers
Mrs. Powers
Donna Poznanski
William C. Prah
Bob Pratt
Bernice Prausa
Henry Prausa
Richard Prausa
Raymond Preder
Craig Present
Jay and Connie Present
Violet Preston
Joseph J.Pribek, lll
Joyce M.Pribek
Robby Pribek
Arietta Rose Prickett
Jerome Przybyla
Dominic Pucci
Virginia Pucci
Rita J. Puccini
Sofie Puechner
Dan Puetz
Alice Pulvermacher
George N. Purdy
Valerie Putzer
Doris Pyrz
Donald L. Quistorff
Donna Lee Raatz
John Rad
Dennis Raddant
Ronald Raeder
Robert Ragalie
MarjorieE. Ragan
Joe Raisleger
Jack and Claire Ramage
Anne Rammer
Donald Rammer
Rev. Narciso Ramos
Josephine Rampolla
Gracie Anne Ramussen
Philip Rank
Talina O.Rapozo
Phyllis Rapponotti
Charles Rasmussen, Sr.
Mary Rasmussen
Alois and Louise Ratajczak
Harry and Dorothy Ratajczak
John Ratajczak
Peter Ratajczak
Andrew Rathsack
Gerald Rathsack (Korea)
Mildred Rathsack
John Ratz
Dorothy Rauth
Jeanne Ray
Henry “Hank” Raymonds
Jack Thomas Reardon
Harold Reckelberg
Kathleen Recknagel
Stuart Recknagel
Jerry Reckner
William H. Reding
Elizabeth Redman
During the Aurora Visiting Nurse Association’s annual
celebration, Vera Hamley (left) received the Volunteer of
the Year Award. Vera has been a dedicated volunteer for
more than 22 years and demonstrates an outstanding
commitment to our patients and their families.
Margaret Reeder
Doug Regan
James I. Reger
Barbara A. Rego
Susan Reif
Butch Reimer
Nancy M. Reince
Rone Reince
Tom Reince
Leroy Reineking
Marlys Reineking
Eva Reinhart
Russell Reinke
Richard Reiter
Lloyd M.Remiger-Peterson
Merton and Mildred Reno
Robert Reno
Robert Rentmeester
Sharon Repta
Mr. and Mrs. Shel Resnick’s Son
Sandy Resop
Roger Retzleff
Barbara A. Reuteman
M. Thomas Reynolds
Robert E. Rhea
Karen Ribbens
George Richard, Sr.
Lawrence Richard
Sam Richelew
Judy Richmond
Darlene Rickert
Judy L. Riel
Ervin Riesenberg (WWll)
William Riesenberg (Vietnam)
Jeffrey Ring
Jerry Rink
Mildred Rink
Lloyd and Audrey Ripper
Virgil Risberg
Kathleen Rivet
Ralph Robel
Jean Robert
Margaret Roberts
Dale Robinson
Donald Robinson
Fern and Clayton Rocheleau
Evelyn M. Roder
Samuel Rodriguez
William C. Roeder, Sr.
Gregory Roehrig
Harold Roehrig
Carlos and Al Roerdink
Richard C. Roffers
Jean Rogers
John Rogers
Patrick Rohrman
J. Ropas
Walter J. Rose, My Dad
Nancy J. Rosenmerkel
Carl and Loretta Rosenthal
Harold Rosenthal
Margaret Rosol
Patricia Ross
Virginia Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Rost
Maggie Rouleau
Jim Rouse
Walter K. Rubach
Nina Rude-Dondiego
MatthewRuditys (Son, Brother
and Uncle)
Keith Ruplinger
Delores Russell
Thomas G. Rutherford
Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey J. Rutkowski
Rosella F. Rutkowski
Barbara Ann Sabin
Jan Saby
Artur Sadowski
Bessie Joe Saelens
Sean Sagal
Emily and Ernst Sager
Dennis M. Salm
Jim Salm
Joseph J. Salm
Janet M. Sam
Zachary Samp
Ellen Santarelli
Jarrod Sasman
Agnes Sass
Jamie Sauer
Joseph Sauer
Deceased Saunders
Family Members
Grandma Savarino
Agnes Savin
Kradwell School seniors gathered together for their first picture
as high school graduates. Donor sponsorships helped to provide
scholarships for Kradwell students whose families could not
otherwise afford it. Kradwell serves 5th to 12th grade students
who benefit from a highly structured, individualized plan for their
academic, emotional and behavioral growth.
Joseph G. Sawicki
Robert A. Schabowski
Mildred Schad
Robert Schad
Charles F. Schaefer
Laverne M. Schaefer
James Schaller
Ann Schambow
Ardyce A. Schau
Vincent and Esther Scherrer
Deceased Schetter
Family Members
Sr. MarieFrancine Schettl
Frank Scheuer
Violet Schimel
Lydia Schinke
David Schleis
Frank and Mary Schleis
and Family
Gilbert Schleis
Hank Schleis
Beulah Schlink
Heinz Schmeisser
Marlene Schmid
Dale Schmidt
Eric K. Schmidt
Gary Lee Schmidt
Harold Schmidt
Jane H. Schmidt
Jennifer L. Schmidt
Jerome Schmidt
Johanna Schmidt
Josephine Schmidt
Kay Schmidt
Ronald “Rock” Schmiedel
Joseph P. Schmitt
Alice C. Schmitz
Willard Schmitz
Peter D. Schmoll, Jr.
Craig Robert Schneider
Harry Schneider
Jack Schneider
John D. Schneider
Roger Schneider
Virginia Schneider-Falk
Darryl Schnell
Lloyd Schnelle
Rochelle (Shelly) Schnoll
Judy Schopen
Raymond Schoss (U.S. Air Force)
Jackie N. Schram
Sue Schram
Barbara Schramka
Hilton E. Schreader
Robert Schreader
Marilyn Schreck
Bonnie Schreiber
Lucille Schrieber
Karla Schroeder
Leo Schroeder
Mary E. Schubilske
Frank Schuh
Phil Schulte
Edward and Evelyn Schultz
Roy Schultz
Virgil Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. William Schultz
Roger and Irene Schulz
Russell Schumacher
Charles Schuman
Gordon Schwabe
Irene Schweiner
John Schwind
Margaret Schwind
Virginia Schwind
The Sciez Family
MargaretC. Scioli
Janice Scott
Eleanor Sczesny
Alice and Ken Seaman
E. A. Seaman
Mr. and Mrs. James Seaman
James Seaman
Charles and Mabel Seidl
Frank Seidl and Our Parents
Violet Seifert
Nancy Seiger
Sylvia Seinfeld
Franco Selker
Mary and Ken Sevcik
Mary Ann Severance
Anne Severin
Julie Severin
Roger O.Severin
Walter Severin
Art Sevoian
Mary Seydewitz
Stuart Shappro
Celestine Shaunte
Charles Sheehan
Bert Shefchek
Norbert Shefchik
Paul Shefchik
Howard Sheller (WWll)
Barbara and JoyceSherer
Richard “Dick” Shew
Charlotte D. Shimek
Les Shimek
Ross B. Shingledecker
Dr. Richard Shore
Hilda Shufflebotham
Adeline Shulse
Bob and Elaine Sickinger
Betty Siddons
Marilyn Louise Sidello
Lyle Siebenaler
Gordon Siebert
Victor and Clara Siebold
Ron Siedelmann
Sid Siegels’ Mother
Georgianna Siehr
Julia Siehr
Mary Siehr
Vincent Siehr
Eldred Siemers
John Sikora
Janice M. Sikora-Casberg
Katherine Sillig, MD
Virginia Simatic
Donna Simerson
Marilyn Simmons
KennethW. Simonar
Frieda Simpson
Viola Singstock
Leonard Sinkula
Claude Sippel
Duane Sippel
Hugo Sippel
Lucille Sippel
Virginia L. Sippel
Perry Sisel
James C.Sitter
Gerald (Trixie) Sixel
Ed and Marie Skaleski
Mike Skarvan
Renee Skarvan
Joseph and Clara Skornicka
Jack Skowlund
Norbert Skudlarczyk
Lorraine Smahel
Alice R. Smith
Bertram Smith
Clifford Smith
Helen Smith
June Martha Smith
June and Chester Smith
Leonard Smith, Jr.
Mary A. Smith
Michael R. Smith
TerranceF. Smith
Vedell Smith
Veronica and Harold Smith
Stan Smogoleski
Eugene Smul
Gregory Smul
Francis Snopek
Nancy Laning Sobczak
Norbert A. Sobczak
Adam Sobel
Jane Sommers
Lionel Sorrell
Mary Jane Sorrell
Faye Sosnosky
Delores H. Spaeth
Leroy R. Spaeth
Loretta Spaeth
Steven B.Spaeth
Ruby Spallone
Vincent J. Spanbauer (Vietnam)
Armin Spearbraker
Shirley Spearbraker
Carolyn A. Specht
Heika Speilbauer
Edward Speth
Donald Spille
June Spille
Victoria C. Sporis
Adam Sprang
Audrey Sprenger
Isabel Sprenger
Lee Sprenger
Margaret Squire
John and Cora Srnka
Dennis St. Andre
Jack St. John
Cindy L. Stahl
Mark Stahl
Hollis J. Stakes
Daniel Stangel
Wayne Starnitcky
Judy Starzyk
Elaine F. Stechauner
Glen E. Stegemann
Steven Steiner
Rose Steinpas
Scott Stein’s Father
Mariann Stenavich
Alois Stencel
Ruth Stephany
John Stephen
Emma Sterkel-Heling
Mike and Margaret Stern
Thomas Stern
Gene Stetter
Virginia Steurer
Mary L. Stevens
Robert D. Stevens, Jr.
ClementA. Stiefvater
Maurice J. Stilling
Alden Stockebrand
Ron Stockstell
Elaine Frances Stonecipher
Elizabeth H. Stott
Janet Strange
Martin and Joan Streicher
Odee Striebe
Richard Striebe
Floyd Strohfeldt
Daniel Struck
Mary Strunk
Robert Strupp
Albeto Suarez
Joe Suda
Joseph and Helen Suda
Kenneth Suemnicht
Malinda and Carl Suemnicht
Mary Summerville
Dorothy Suprick
Joseph B. Suprick, Jr.
Marilyn Sutkay
Beulah Suzdak,
My Grandmother
Rozalia Svetozarevic
Tadia Svetozarevic
Elenna Swanke
Dorothy and Ken Swanson
Ginny Swanson
Pat Sweeney
Al Swiencicki
Garry Swita
Carmen Szarzynski
Evelyn Szortyka
Severin and Lois Szortyka
Rita Szymanowski
Elsie Taetsch
Andrew C. Talaska
Esther Talcot
Bishop Erwin “Bud” Tamms
Mary Ann Tangney
William Tank
Randall L. Tankersley
Donald Colvin Tanner
Ralph Tate
Romaine M. Taube
Carol Taylor
Marc E. Taylor
Gerald C. Tegen, Jr.
Gerald and Agnes Tegen, Sr.
Richard J. Tegen
Ken Tehon
Robyn Temkin
Sherwood Earl Temkin
Daniel H. Terry
Walter TeWinkle
Dr. Charles E. Theisen
Jennie Theisen
Christine Thelen
Joel Theroux
Christine Jo Thiel
Dorothy Thielite
Dolores E. Thomas
Martin and Bernice Thomas
Mary “Katie” Thomas
Paul Thomas
Leo R. Thomet, Sr.
Edward Thomma
Bonnie Thompson
Johanna Thompson
Sharon L. Thompson
Cheryl Thorstad
August Tiedje
On a chilly December night, families, friends and caregivers
united at the Tree of Angels event at Aurora Zilber Family
Hospice in Wauwatosa to remember and celebrate the
memories of loved ones who have passed away.
Judith Tilson
Samuel Todd, Jr.
William P. Tomchek
Donald Toniazzo
Roland J.Tonnell
Lucille J. Topel
Wilburt W. Topel and Family
Glenn Torrison
Thomas Torrison
Agripine Toth
Dale C. Townsend
Geraldine Myers Towsley
Katherine C. Tramontine
Dick Trautschold (WWll)
Rosie Trautschold
Shirlee Traver- Erickson
Joseph Travis
Mrs. Travis
Jack Treglowne
Norman and Mary Treglowne
and Family
Gary Treiber
Arno and Evelyn Triebensee
Don and Doris Triebensee
David Trisky
Cathy Trottier
Harry L. Troy
J.C. and Virginia Tupper
Joseph Tyler
Anna, Al and Bernard Tysiak
Barbara Ubel
Joseph and Mildred Ule
Susan Umberger
Madeleine Urban
Anthony Urgo
Donald Utley
Elizabeth Vallier
Kenneth Van Bogert
Doris Van de Looden
Mary Van Den Langenberg
Wilbur Van Den Langenberg
Norman Van Drisse
Jean Van Ewey Agner
Archie and Bob Van Goethem
Logan Van Serke
Taylor Van Serke
Bill Vandenberg
Peter Vandenberg
Vicky, Terry and Amy Varney
Ronald Vaughn
Ibraham Vehabovic
Norma Veit
Wes Veldhorst
David P. Veldman
Donald A. Ver Bust
Millie Verdegan
Natalie Versch
Wilmer Versch
Bob Vescio
Edward and Virginia Vick
Joseph Paul Villarreal
Joseph Gerald Villarreal
Deceased Members
of the Vogeltanz Family
Ericka Vogt
Betty Vono
Tony Vono (WWll)
Jeremy Vorpagel
Margaret Voskuil
Roger Vreeke
Elva Waggoner
Alfred and Ethel Wagner
Donald M. Wagner
Edward Wagner
Isabelle Wagner
John Wagner
John O. Wagner
Joseph Wagner
Michael Wagner
Rita Wagner
Francis Wahl
Evelyn Walechka
Laddie Walechka
Ralph Walesa
Jean Marie Walker
John Wallander
Delores M. Wallin
Betty J. Walling
Patricia Wallis
Mary Ann Walsh
Adeline Walter
John Walter
Joseph Walter (WWll)
Leon Walter
Robert L. Walton
Shirley Walz
Agnes Waraksa
Judith L. Waranka
Robert Warden
Jack Warmbrandt
KennethW. Warschkow
Lindsey Wasley-Lewis
Josie Wassink
Wilmer Wassink
Margaret Watry
Shirley Watson
Galen Wautier
Thomas Webber
Betty J. Weber
Carl F. Weber
Carl and Lillian Weber
Pat Weber
Sharon A. Weber
Shirley Weber
Linda Webster
Agnes Weckesser
Ellen Weckwert
George E. Wegman
John Weimann
Aileen Weishan
Dorothy Weishan
Sister Virginia Weiss
Ethel Weisser
Richard (Tony) Welch
Dr. Stephen Weld
Darice Welk
Adolph Wellenstein
Caroline Wellenstein
Elton Wellhoefer
Joan Wells
Rick Wel’s Mother
Theresa Welytok
Tom Wemmer
Henry Wengrowski (WWll)
Marge Wenninger
Shirley M. Werner
Ralph West
Carol N. Westfahl
Vernon Whitcomb
James “Sonny” Whitehorn
Bradly Whittaker
Dorothy Whittaker
Grandma Whittaker
Mom Whittaker
Donald Wichman
Tom Wick
Helen Wiczbicki
Phyllis Wieber
William Wieborg
Arden Wieck
Joseph J. and Joseph R. Wierer
Lee J. Wiese
Francis Wieser
Warren Wieser
Donald Wieters
Shale Wilensky
Anttoinete Wilke
Otto E. Wilke
Evelyn Wilker
Victor Wilker
Emily Willegal
Deceased Members
of the Willems Family
John L. Willems
Roger John Willemsen
Carol Grede Williams
Jane William
Leatrice Williams
Rita P. Williams
The Williams Family
Beloved Father
Joseph Willms
Dorothy Wilson
Lena Wilson
Danica Wiltman
Arthur Wimmler
Elizabeth Wimmler
Gerald A. Witkowski
Jerome Witthuhn
Elroy Wittkopp
Lorraine Wittkopp
Delores Wobick
Kris Wojakowski
The Wojta Family
Agnes and Howard Wolf
Victor and Veronica Wolf
Donald Wolfert
Pat Wolff
Daniel Wolske
Herbert and Mabel Wolske
Scott Wolske
Jack Wolter
Duane Wood
Barbara Woodrum
Adela Wotachek
Bill and Emma Wotachek
George Wotachek
John Woznia
Evelyn Wright
Robert L.Wright
Renate Wunn
F. J. (Bud) Wurzer
Greg Wuttke
John Wyman
David Wynveen
Lloyd Wynveen
Mark Wynveen
Alice Yana
Bob Yanke, Sr.
Brett Yanke
Henry Yantorni
Barb Yenor
Joseph A. Yerger
Cynthia York
Emily Young
Harry W.Young
Peter W. Younk
Kim Zachow
Henry Zallar
Lois Zallar
Alex Zander
William and Doreen Zastro
Bill Zastrow
Ed and Leona Zastrow
Art Zeatlow
Clara Zeeveld
Melvin Zeeveld
Paul Zeeveld
Bernard J. Zeihen
Franklin A. Zelhofer
Robert E. Zelhofer, Sr.
Stanley Zell
Donald A. Zellmer
Ron Zerger
Louis F. Zick
William Ziebell
Willie Ziebell
Delbert Ziegler
Irma Zielinski
Melvin and Larry Zielke
S. E. Ziemer
Margaret Zignego
Rose Marie Ziller
John Zinn
Mark Zinn
Richard Zirbel
John Znidork
Joseph Znidorka
Ronald L. Zoulek
Sylvester and Mabel Zuege
Anna Zuehl
Etta Zuehl
Roger Zuehl
Kathy Zvara
Georgianne Zwick
Charles Zwiebel
Grover and Helen Zwieg
John Zychowicz
Additional Memorials
All Deceased Firefighters
All of Our Past Volunteers
Aunt Jean and
Her Daughter, Barb
Baby Asia
Carlton Legion Auxilary 538
Deceased Members
Deceased Aurora Volunteers
Deceased Clients
Deceased Members of
Credit Union
Deceased Members of the
DeGrand and Zellner Families
Deceased Members of the
Gutman Family and
the Trupp Family
Deceased Members
of the Haen Family
Deceased Members of the
Kinjerski and Johnson Families
Deceased Members of the
Knights of Columbus
Council 2984
Deceased Members of the
St. Hedwig Rosary Society
Deceased Members of the
Walter Berkovitz Family
Deceased Veterans of
American Legion Post 29
Loved Ones
Members of the Two Rivers
Lioness Club
Mom and Dad
My Friend
My Grandmother
My Mom
Our Deceased Members
Our Families
Our Mothers
Parents and Brothers
Sister Jan
Sister, Patricia
Spotty and Blackie
Uncle Bill
Your Friend
Aurora Medical Center in Manitowoc County’s Evening
in the Garden event raised more than $23,000 for
the Patient Transportation Fund. Thanks to generous
supporters, patients receive assistance traveling to and
from their cancer treatments at the hospital.
We strive for accuracy. Please
accept our apology if your
name has been inadvertently
omitted. Our omission in no way
diminishes our appreciation for
your gift or pledge. Please let us
know if an error has been made
so that we may correct it in
future publications by calling us
at 877-460-8730.
To learn more about Aurora Health Care
Foundation – and how every gift can
change a life – visit us online at
750 W. Virginia Street
P.O. Box 341880
Milwaukee, WI 53234
X39742h (06/12) ©AHC