March 2015 - Hermann Sons Life Insurance
March 2015 - Hermann Sons Life Insurance
125 years Hermann Sons Grand Lodge For information on Hermann Sons insurance products, fraternal benefits, calendar of events, latest news, photos, visit: VOL. 118 • SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS • MARCH 2015 • NO. 7 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE GRAND LODGE, ORDER OF THE SONS OF HERMANN IN THE STATE OF TEXAS HERMANN SONS NEWS Celebrating Delegates to the first Grand Lodge Convention gather for a photo in 1890. German immigrants make Texas home EDITOR’S NOTE: On March 27, 1890, the eight Hermann Sons lodges that existed in Texas at the time came together to form a “home office” and thus the Grand Lodge was founded. That was 125 years ago. The Grand Lodge will celebrate its quasquicentennial on Oct. 10 in Floresville. The Hermann Sons News will mark the occasion with a series of articles on the history of Hermann Sons. This third article focuses on German immigration to Texas and the Hermann Sons movement in Texas. It was compiled by Grand President/CEO Buddy Preuss. The largest ethnic group in Texas derived directly from Europe was persons of German birth or descent. As early as 1850, they constituted more than 5 percent of the total Texas population. Intermarriage has blurred ethnic lines, but the 1990 United States Census revealed that 17.5 percent of Texans claimed to be of pure or partial German ancestry. From their first immigration to Texas in the 1830s, the Germans tended to cluster in ethnic enclaves. A majority settled in a broad, fragmented belt across the south central part of the state. They were land-owning families, artisans and, in a few cases, universityeducated professional people and intellectuals. The Hermann Sons movement was introduced to Texans when John Lemnitzer, a member of Genesee Lodge No. 10 of Rochester, New York, with Jakob Goll, another member of the Order, took up residence in San Antonio. Lemnitzer and Goll assembled a number of German-speaking citizens of the Alamo City on New Year’s Day 1860, and talked about Hermann Sons. The group voted to organize a lodge, and on July 6, 1861, the first Sons of Hermann Lodge in Texas was founded as San Antonio Harmonia Lodge of the Order of the Sons of Hermann. See, HARMONIA Pg. 11 Day of cook-off fun raises scholarship funds The weather could not have been more perfect for the 26th annual Retirement Home Chili Cook-off on March 14. The cooks turned out in full force for the event including, far left, Y.A. Niemietz from Harmonia Lodge No. 1 in San Antonio. An alligator entertained the passersby with a chance to go fishing for crawfish and to bonk an alligator in the head. For complete coverage, turn to Pages 19-21. Hermann SonS newS (USPS 242200) Periodicals Postage Paid at San antonio, Texas Published monthly by THe Hermann SonS newS 515 S. St. mary’s St. San antonio, Texas 78205 marCH 2015 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: Hermann Sons News P.O. Box 1941 San Antonio, TX 78297-1941 oFFICIaL PUBLICaTIon oF THe orDer oF THe SonS oF Hermann In THe STaTe oF TeXaS Home oFFICe: 515 S. St. Mary’s Street P.O. Box 1941 San Antonio, Texas 78297-1941 210-226-9261 or 1-800-234-4124 Fax: 210-226-3055 Hermann Sons Youth Camp 830-995-3223 Retirement Home: 830-995-2724 Website: GranD LoDGe oFFICerS PaST GranD PreSIDenT LEROY MUEHLSTEIN PaST GranD PreSIDenT STEPHEN R. PREWITT GranD PreSIDenT/Ceo ALLAN W. "BUDDY" PREUSS GranD VP-SeCreTarY/TreaS. MARY BEAM GranD VP-InVeSTmenTS HARRY WERLAND GranD VP-marKeTInG TIMOTHY P. KOLBE GranD VP-FraTernaL KIMBERLY A. KRUEGER GranD FInanCe CommITTee WILBURN PARGMANN SANDRA JONES JANICE KUHEN PAUL HEATH JACK LARNED reTIremenT Home CommITTee RUTH BAILEY FRANK BRANDON NORMA BRUNS JEAN DUEITT CALVIN LAMENSKY GranD PHYSICIan DR. RICHARD HANNIGAN YoUTH aCTIVITIeS CommITTee JANICE FAIT DEBBIE JORDAN TAMMY KELLEY ED KURTZ DAVID SPAETH AMANDA DEICKE BOB JUNGMAN STAN STEIGER Grand Guide Grand Inner Guard Grand Outer Guard LawS CommITTee Glenn Altwein Donnie Blinka Glenford Boehme John Bradley Joe Doss Agnes Dreibrodt Vernon Fenner Lillian Franckowiak Debbie Gold Karen Harborth Robert Herridge Milton Ihlo Jerry Don Klose Oscar Kuehner Billy Lehde David Lewis James Lowak Jeanette Preuss Calvin Rueter Howard Saathoff Tim Salge Don Saunders Andy Schellenberg Irene Schwertner Joe Trojacek Lee Vogel Ronald Wiatrek Grand President's Message Membership offers value beyond camp Registration information is being mailed this month to excited junior members eagerly awaiting the joy of a week at Hermann Sons Youth Camp. I meet parents and grandparents each day who equate the purchase of Hermann Sons insurance to providing the gift of camp to their children. And why not! Our camp is a wonderful place where children grow in a fun and caring environment. But, while the gift of camp is amazing enough; children are also given the gift of life insurance and Hermann Sons membership. Why do I mention this? Many parents purchase a Hermann Sons life insurance certificate as a means for their children to attend camp and cancel the insurance when participation in the benefit ends. In reality, the Hermann Sons life insurance certificate continues to be valuable long after the benefit of camp ends. The Value of Insurance. It may seem less important now, but the value of insurance protection will be more evident when children are grown and sending their own children to Hermann Sons Camp. Juvenile insurance purchases today help to establish an early base of protection and at a fraction of the cost it would be later in life. The Value of Sharing. The camp fee is far less than the direct cost of providing the benefit, which makes camp an incredible value. How is this possible? As a not-for-profit, member-owned organization, the premium payments of ALL members make camp possible. So, even when a child outgrows camp, his/her continued membership in Hermann Sons makes camp possible for the next generation of campers. The Value of additional Benefits. Camp is only one of many benefits of membership. Additional junior benefits, teen programming, college scholarships, and opportunities for personal enrichment through community service and social activities add value to Hermann Sons membership. The Value of Belonging. More than 70,000 members across the state belong to Hermann Sons. Each share a common bond forged through more than 150 years of service. Our members are our family. The bond of membership may not be as strong for some, but it still exists, and will be there in time of need. I share the excitement with the many children getting their camp registration information in the mail this month. We will do all we can to insure their summer camp experience will be rewarding. And we will work just as hard to insure that the value of membership will continue beyond camp. Fraternally, Buddy Preuss Grand President/CEO Be a part of the celebration! Grand Lodge to publish commemorative cookbook! The Grand Lodge will celebrate its 125th anniversary in October 2015. To mark the occasion, a 125th Anniversary Cookbook is being compiled. You are invited to share your favorite recipes. You may submit as many recipes as you would like. Deadline to submit recipes is June 1! Name of recipe: _________________________________________________________________ Submitted by: ___________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________ Lodge Name: ________________________________ Phone number or email address if we need to contact you: __________________________________________________________ RECIPE: _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ You can submit your recipes three ways. 1. Mail the recipes to Kathie Ninneman, Hermann Sons Grand Lodge, P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297-1941. You can use the form on the left if you wish. 2. Go to and click on the Recipe button on the home page of the Hermann Sons website. 3. Email the recipe to: [email protected]. You may include comments about the recipe at the end of the instructions. The cookbooks will go on sale in October. March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 3 Calendar of Events OFFICIAL BULLETIN Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer Camp Information Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . Kerrville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 1 Parents and campers are invited to attend an information meeting about Hermann Sons Youth Camp that will be part of the Kerrville Lodge No. 12 meeting. The ham meal will be served at 6:30 p.m. at the Wells Fargo Bank in Kerrville. The meeting will start at 7 p.m. If you plan to attend, make reservations by emailing [email protected] or call or text message 210-859-7966. Through our efforts to strengthen local lodges we as Hermann Sons members need to be more aware of what makes a successful lodge. All of us are busy but we still can take some time to reach out to members. A reminder by e-mail, text or a phone call shows we care and want to extend an invitation to our next meeting or social event. It’s a simple process that could help increase attendance and establish a fraternal bond with members not as active. Has your lodge planned an activity for Join Hands Day on Saturday, May 2? Local lodges always come up with many great ideas for community service. Other organizations have helping hands, so partner with another group to give more impact to the service project. Don’t forget to include junior members, too! Be sure and take photos to submit to the newspaper. Photos show other lodges your unique ideas which can help build better service projects for next year. Our schools of dance are preparing for their annual dance recitals, some of which begin in April. A listing of where recitals will be held along with other information can be found in this issue of the paper. The dance program is one of our great fraternal benefits. If you have the opportunity, attend one of the recitals. We are proud of our dancers and know they enjoy performing to an enthusiastic audience. Camp registration time is here and all eligible junior members will be able to register online again. There will be a shortened camp week again for those juniors who prefer to stay at camp a few days instead of a week. Kerrville Lodge No. 12 and Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 are offering information at their meetings about Hermann Sons Youth Camp. Executive Camp Director Jennifer Cernosek will be on hand to speak and answer questions about our camp and what is offered to junior members. Please check in the calendar of events to see when and where. The Fraternal Alliance of Texas Bowling Tournament held in February in New Braunfels gave us all a chance to visit with other fraternal friends and enjoy a few games of bowling. Hermann Sons came close to winning the traveling trophy this year, just not close enough. Our friends from KJT in La Grange once again rallied with some high scores and took the trophy home for another year. Congratulations to those Hermann Sons members who took home some awards and to all who helped raise money for the FAOT Scholarship Fund at this event. “Hugs from Home” continues as one of our service projects. Donations are always accepted from lodges and individual donors. Thank you for your generosity. The annual Retirement Home Chili and Bean Cook-off was very successful. Fraternalism was at its best and, of course, for a good cause. All proceeds go to the Retirement Home Scholarship Fund that benefits five senior high school students around the state every year. Happy 125th anniversary to our Grand Lodge founded on March 27, 1890. We are pleased to hear that San Antonio Mayor Ivy Taylor will be able to visit the Grand Lodge on this special celebration day. May you feel love and happiness during the upcoming holiday. Have a wonderful Easter. Fraternally Mary Beam Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 4 Braun Hall hosts a dance on the first Saturday of every month beginning at 8 p.m. The Countrymen provide the music. Call Braun Hall Manager Evelyn Carolan at 210-688-9241 to reserve a table. The public is welcome. Country Western Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 4 A country western dance featuring music by the Tommy Hooker Band will be held in the San Antonio Home Association Ballroom, 525 S. St. Mary's St. The dance starts at 8 p.m. Cost is $15 per person. For more information, call Karen Gold at 210-294-2882. Camp Information Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . Fredericksburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 7 Parents and campers are invited to attend an information meeting about Hermann Sons Youth Camp that will be part of the Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 meeting. A salad supper will be served at 7 p.m. followed by the meeting. If you plan to attend, make reservations by emailing [email protected] call or text message 210-859-7966. Flea Market & Craft Show . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seguin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 11 Seguin Lodge No. 37 will host a Flea Market, Bake Sale and Craft Show from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. at the lodge hall located at 2918 W. Kingsbury St., Seguin. Food and drink will be available for purchase. Inside spaces are $10 each. Outside spaces are $20 each. To reserve a space, call 830-379-9943 or 830-832-8362 and ask for Vernelle Jones. Blue Bell tour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brenham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 14 Pershing Lodge No. 160 will host a tour of the Blue Bell Ice Cream factory. All members and non-members are welcome. For more information, contact Terri Armstrong at 210-378-0319. Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Helotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 18 Braun Hall hosts a dance on the third Saturday of every month beginning at 8 p.m. Bimbo and Borderline provide the music. Call Braun Hall Manager Evelyn Carolan at 210-688-9241 to reserve a table. The public is welcome. Country Western Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Antonio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 18 A country western dance featuring music by the Kelly Spinks and Miles of Texas Band will be held in the San Antonio Home Association Ballroom, 525 S. St. Mary's St. The dance starts at 8 p.m. Cost is $13 per person. For more information, call Karen Gold at 210-294-2882. Casino trip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eagle Pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 19 Pershing Lodge No. 160 will host a trip to the Kickapoo Lucky Eagle Casino. All members and non-members are welcome. For more information, contact Terri Armstrong at 210-378-0319. Fruehling Saengerfest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bellville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . April 26 The Fruehling Saengerfeset will be held at Concordia Hall. A barbecue meal of chicken and sausage will be served at noon. German singing groups will provide entertainment during the afternoon. German arts and crafts will be displayed and for sale. For more information, contact the Bellville Chamber of Commerce at or Bellville Lodge No. 11 President Marie Herridge at 979-865-0935. If you would like to see your lodge’s event listed here, call Kathie Ninneman, 210-226-9261 or 1-800-234-4124, ext. 273, or email the information to [email protected]. The Hermann Sons News has its own fax number. Faxes for the Hermann Sons News can be sent to 1-888-443-3377 or 210-892-0252. Page 4 – Hermann SonS newS – February 2015 Members keep recommending Index Monthly Features Grand President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer’s Bulletin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 In Memoriam of Our Deceased Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Medical Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 & 8 Pioneer Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7-8 In Memoriam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Memorial contribution form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Retirement Home News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Fraternal Features German immigrants make Texas home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 & 11 26th annual Chili Cook-off held at Retirement Home . . . . . . 1 & 19-2 Grand Lodge collecting recipes for cookbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Grand Committee meeting minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Marketing TOP Recommenders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 100% Families . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Campaign needs everyone's support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Four new agents complete training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Roster of Agents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 youth in action Parents write about influence of Camp on children . . . . . . . . . 10 & 18 Dance Teacher Feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12-13 Recital dates listed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Hondo Victory offers cash prizes to graduates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Answers to puzzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Comfort Lodge hosting Easter egg hunt, carnival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Comfort Lodge offers Camperships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Louise Schuetze oiffers Camp vouchers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Top 10 Reasons you should should attend HSYC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Camp registration info coming soon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Future Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 loDge rePorts lodge Page no. lodge Page no. Albert Kypfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anton Wenzel . . . . . . . . . . . . Austin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bernardo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boerne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brenham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brunhilde . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bryan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cibolo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comfort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Corpus Christi . . . . . . . . . . . . Cuero Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . D'Hanis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DaCosta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dallas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deanville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dunlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edelweiss-Magnolia . . . . . . . . El Campo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fort Worth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fredericksburg . . . . . . . . . . . . Gay Hill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Giddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Highland Lakes . . . . . . . . . . . Hochheim-Prairie . . . . . . . . . Hondo Victory . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 14 23 32 26 17 22 30 30 31 27 34 28 24 32 29 24 31 25 24 16 24 29 34 29 26 15 32 Houston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kerrville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . La Grange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lockhart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louise Schuetze . . . . . . . . . . . Maxwell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mission-Alamo . . . . . . . . . . . Montgomery . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moulton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Bern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Braunfels . . . . . . . . . . . . Niederwald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paige . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Paul Vogt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pershing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Poth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prinz Solms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Round Top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rutersville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . San Marcos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Schulenburg . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seguin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shelby . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Siemering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spring Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . Stern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vineta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Zuehl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 16 14 28 23 33 22 32 27 15 25 16 31 16 23 15 17 27 30 33 26 15 32 16 33 32 33 33 Hermann Sons News Staff editor assistant editor Kathie Ninneman Elaine H . Soto The Hermann Sons News is an official publication of the Order of the Sons of Hermann in Texas . The management and editorial policy of the newspaper shall be in the hands of the Grand President, and the Grand President shall have the authority to appoint a member or members of the Order as editor and/or business manager thereof (Art . 38, Grand Lodge Laws) . All news articles and photographs should be mailed to the Editor, Hermann Sons News, P .O . Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297-1941, or emailed to kathie@texashermannsons .org . Deadline for each monthly issue is the 10th of the month of publication . The Team of Outstanding Prospectors Campaign recognized 28 TOP Recommenders for the month of February . This brings our total to 55 members recommending 70 new members to Hermann Sons In 2015 . Congratulations to the following February recommenders: recommender Barbara Anderle, Moulton Lodge (*) Jeffrey A . Andersen, Yorktown Lodge Brad Michael Armstrong, Pershing Lodge Thomas B . Atkins, Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge Rebecca E . Bendele, Castroville Lodge (*) Michele Berger, Shiner Lodge (*) Jacob Hayden Bloom, Helotes Lodge Melonie D . Calhoun, Kirby Lodge Ethan August Fiedler, Comfort Lodge Abigail L . Gorden, New Braunfels Lodge Chelsea Hawkins, Seguin Lodge Linda L . Herweck, La Vernia Lodge (^) Joe Hubanks, Roscoe Lodge (*) Tammy Lou Jones, Deanville Lodge Laurie Ann Karisch, Plum Lodge Leon V . Krolczyk, Bryan Lodge (*) Gyanne Kuykendall, Fredericksburg Lodge Hadley Mae Mergele, Seguin Lodge Carlee Pace Pharris, Vineta Lodge Betty J . Porter, Round Top Lodge David D . Railsback, Comfort Lodge Sharon Schwope Rech, Boerne Lodge Austin Reagan Rios, Yorktown Lodge Kenneth P . Sauer, Biry Lodge (^) Jessica Schroeder, La Vernia Lodge (*) Leilah C . Smith, El Campo Lodge Gus Wiethorn Jr ., McGregor Lodge Dilann Kay Wyatt, La Vernia Lodge agent Judith Schulmeier, FIC Judy Wolf Michael Armstrong Joyce Lamensky Glenford Boehme, FIC Laura G . Thigpen Clifton Klabunde, FIC Judith Schulmeier, FIC Normagene Bruns, FIC Shirley Huebinger Annette D . Roecker Eulla May Krueger David William Wolf Donnie Blinka Linda R . Mattocks Katherine Akin, FIC Paula Gebert Annette D . Roecker Ruth E . Bailey Linda Mattocks Gary Falkenberg, FICF Marilyn S . Vogt, FICF Judy Wolf Becki L . Carley Marlin Tanneberger, FIC Dennis Wigginton Bradley Klein, FIC Shirley Kuhen Faske (*) Recommended 2 new members (^) Recommended 3 new members Hermann Sons welcomes our new 100% Families! 100% Family City Lodge Agent rech Family David Sharon 100% Family Hideaway Boerne Lodge No . 25 Marilyn Vogt City Lodge Agent Victoria Marion Lodge No . 74 Lorene Bielke Brunner Family Ross Kelsey Walter Is your family a 100% Hermann Sons family? Hermann Sons has a life insurance plan for every member of the family. March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 5 Marketing News '125 in 2015' campaign needs everyone's support TIM KOLBE Grand Vice President-Marketing Elsewhere on this page you’ll read about four new agent additions to our Marketing family. All are ready and eager to bring new members to our Order and provide service to our current members. Please welcome them to the team, and support them by sending them a lead or two. I know they would appreciate the gesture and will work diligently for our lodges. The camper registration letters are being mailed as I write this article, and I want to let our members know that information on the “125 in 2015 - Go for the Goal” campaign is being included in the mailing. And, by now, lodge presidents and financial secretaries should have received a letter from me along with flyers and referral cards. My request is that they share this information at a meeting in the near future. In addition, we are involved in a direct mail campaign to ask current members to refer new members for our Order. We also have included the campaign on our Hermann Sons website and Facebook page, with ways to submit referrals either online, by mail, calling our toll-free number, or by using the form found on this page. Our goal, if you will, is to make it as convenient as possible for you to refer a new member. If you think about it, historically this is how we gained members: One lodge member referring someone to the local lodge agent at a lodge meeting. Notice I said “lodge” three times in the same sentence. Today’s reality is that we have falling attendance at lodge meetings and the lodge may not have an agent who is a member of that lodge. Other lodges meet less than monthly, so there are fewer chances to refer. Please do not let that deter you from referring someone for membership. If your lodge does not have an agent, there is still one in the area who can help. Our agents are willing to travel. Go to our website and use the agent finder feature to find a listing of agents in your area. The Marketing Department also is available to find the closest agent to the client. We continue to seek and add new agents and more are in the pipeline. I would like to say a word about recommending that I ask your help with. When you recommend someone for membership to your lodge, make sure that they are aware of your lodge name and number, so the writing agent can be sure to assign them to the correct lodge. Be it a social, family or community connection, we want to be sure your lodge is given credit for every new member referred. Although Hermann Sons is well known for our fraternal benefits, we ask that all potential members referred understand that membership is conferred by the purchase of a life insurance certificate or annuity. Please let the person you refer know that we sell life insurance products which are meant to be kept for the life of the insured. Long-term premium and dues-paying members of our Order are how we provide great fraternal benefits, which are intended to be incidental to insurance ownership. These important points will help prepare the potential member when our life insurance agents call on them. Thank you in advance. RECOMMENDED NEW MEMBER INFORMATION: Name ___________________________________________ Address _________________________________________ City ____________________________________________ State _____________________ Zip __________________ Home Phone _____________________________________ Cell Phone ______________________________________ Best time to call __________________________________ RECOMMENDED BY: ________________________________________________ Lodge Name _____________________________________ My phone________________________________________ Fill out the form and mail it to: Marketing, Hermann Sons Grand Lodge, P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, Texas, 78297-1941 or go to and fill the form out online. Four new recruits complete their agent training SAN ANTONIO – Four more agents have completed their training and are on the job bringing new members into the Hermann Sons family. Lisa Byrn is a member of Columbia Lodge No. 66 and will be serving the Dallas area. Sister Byrn graduated from Texas State University with a degree in journalism and public relations. She has been a sales rep for various advertising and direct mail companies and currently sells satellite TV systems to businesses. In the past she has been an event planner and sold wedding packages. She is a single mother of two. Son Ryan is currently in basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio. Daughter Kelsi is attending Dallas Community College and plans to become a medical assistant. Sister Byrn can be contacted Lisa Byrn Mike Kelley Tammy Kelley Mary Koenig at 214-693-3693. Mike and Tammy Kelley are a husband and wife sales team. They live in Manor and are members of Richland Lodge No. 107. Sister Kelley is president of the lodge and serves on the Grand Lodge's Youth Activities Committee. Brother Kelley has been a paramedic for Williamson County for the last 21 years. They have been married for 25 years and have two children, M.J. and Kayce. The Kelleys will be serving the area northeast of Austin. Sister Kelley can be reached at 512-740-5022. Brother Kelley can be reached at 512-4686235. Mary Koenig lives in Yoakum and is a member of Hochheim- Prairie Lodge No. 90. She will be serving the Lavaca County area including Yoakum, Shiner, Moulton and Hallettsville. Sister Koenig has one child, Landon, who is 5. She can be reached at 361293-1743. Page 6 – Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 some snack foods actually promote better sleep According to the National Sleep Foundation, changes in sleep patterns are a part of the aging process. Many people experience difficulty falling asleep and then staying asleep as they age, and that difficulty can make men and women over 50 feel more tired during the day. But even though difficulty Medical Notes sleeping may be a part of aging, that does not mean men and women over 50 cannot take steps to improve their sleep- ing patterns. For example, certain snack foods may help to improve quality of sleep, especially when these foods replace less healthy snacking options. While men and women over 50 should always consult with their physicians before making any changes to their diets, the AARP notes that the following are a handful of snack foods that promote better sleep. • Almonds: Magnesium is a mineral with muscle-relaxing properties, and almonds contain enough magnesium to help men and women get a better night’s sleep. A small amount of almonds before bed might be enough to make falling and staying asleep easier. • Bananas: Much like almonds, bananas provide a substantial amount of magnesium. Bananas also contain the amino acid tryptophan, which many people associate with Thanksgiving turkey. While tryptophan might be most often associated with the sleepiness people feel after eating a holiday meal, it also has See MEDICAL, Pg. 8 In Memoriam of Our Deceased Members roy edward simank Austin Lodge No. 120 Died Jan. 10, 2013 • Age 92 alfred hoffmann Sealy Lodge No. 239 Died Dec. 1, 2014 • Age 85 clement j. pechacek Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 Died Dec. 31, 2014 • Age 73 emma t. cummings Pershing Lodge No. 160 Died Jan. 16, 2015 • Age 85 rita ann baumbach Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 Died Jan. 25, 2015 • Age 85 gilbert w. becker sr. San Marcos Lodge No. 26 Died May 19, 2014 • Age 91 gertrude a. carbaugh Gay Hill Lodge No. 193 Died Dec. 5, 2014 • Age 91 harold a. kusenberger Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 Died Dec. 31, 2014 • Age 90 r.a. frankenhauser Yorktown Lodge No. 36 Died Jan. 17, 2015 • Age 89 edward j. caka Shiner Lodge No. 20 Died Jan. 26, 2015 • Age 86 fehner norman frels Hochheim-Prairie Lodge No. 90 Died June 1, 2014 • Age 82 anna h. meischen Gruenau Lodge No. 117 Died Dec. 11, 2014 • Age 96 charles d. clark Helotes Lodge No. 76 Died Jan. 3, 2015 • Age 63 rodney w. kneupper Twin Sisters Lodge No. 138 Died Jan. 18, 2015 • Age 63 douglas gass New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 Died Jan. 28, 2015 • Age 60 stanley j. karcher Siemering Lodge No. 32 Died June 21, 2014 • Age 89 delroy k. froboese Prinz Solms Lodge No. 136 Died Dec. 13, 2014 • Age 56 leocadia butts Pershing Lodge No. 160 Died Jan. 7, 2015 • Age 93 lydia l. bloch Seguin Lodge No. 37 Died Jan. 20, 2015 • Age 80 george a. boedeker jr. Da Costa Lodge No. 265 Died Jan. 28, 2015 • Age 75 carrie ann stimson New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 Died Aug. 23, 2014 • Age 49 kervy a. kahlden New Bielau Lodge No. 205 Died Dec. 14, 2014 • Age 83 george m. minton Corpus Christi Lodge No. 34 Died Jan. 8, 2015 • Age 81 clara c. wessels Rutersville Lodge No. 152 Died Jan. 20, 2015 • Age 95 gertrude boehm Cuero Family Lodge No. 82 Died Jan. 29, 2015 • Age 98 joyce l. zwerneman Deanville Lodge No. 301 Died Aug. 26, 2014 • Age 86 audrey m. boelsche La Grange Lodge No. 8 Died Dec. 25, 2014 • Age 97 doris e. parker Poth Lodge No. 272 Died Jan. 10, 2015 • Age 84 albert bryan spires jr. Taylor Lodge No. 3 Died Jan. 21, 2015 • Age 87 ella j. dunford Pershing Lodge No. 160 Died Jan. 30, 2015 • Age 92 gregory lange Rowena Lodge No. 216 Died Oct. 18, 2014 • Age 59 elaura neumann Shelby Lodge No. 28 Died Dec. 25, 2014 • Age 88 richard kelm McGregor Lodge No. 132 Died Jan. 10, 2015 • Age 89 ada b. wesch Pershing Lodge No. 160 Died Jan. 21, 2015 • Age 76 william l. schroeder jr. Kirby Lodge No. 305 Died Jan. 31, 2015 • Age 52 mildred a. moehle Paul Vogt Lodge No. 234 Died Oct. 22, 2014 • Age 85 walter w. rosenbusch Kirby Lodge No. 305 Died Dec. 25, 2014 • Age 91 shirley a. bergmann Boerne Lodge No. 25 Died Jan. 10, 2015 • Age 98 jacqueline m. borders La Vernia Lodge No. 180 Died Jan. 22, 2015 • Age 45 standley g. ebert Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174 Died Feb. 2, 2015 • Age 70 evelyn f. gustafson Coupland Lodge No. 113 Died Oct. 31, 2014 • Age 90 judith h. mcnair Twin Sisters Lodge No. 138 Died Dec. 26, 2014 • Age 68 ester ruth green Vineta Lodge No. 15 Died Jan. 11, 2015 • Age 80 jessica l. carnes Zuehl Lodge No. 163 Died Jan. 23, 2015 • Age 25 calvin meyer Brenham Lodge No. 6 Died Feb. 2, 2015 • Age 76 jonell chapman Paul Vogt Lodge No. 234 Died Nov. 8, 2014 • Age 90 otto c. steinhauser Flatonia Lodge No. 15 Died Dec. 28, 2014 • Age 90 mildred kent Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80 Died Jan. 11, 2015 • Age 72 dewitt t. atkinson Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174 Died Jan. 23, 2015 • Age 99 victoria c. casillas Kirby Lodge No. 305 Died Feb. 3, 2015 • Age 16 james b. hruska Plum Lodge No. 238 Died Nov. 14, 2014 • Age 93 juanita m. hobbs Twin Sisters Lodge No. 138 Died Dec. 28, 2014 • Age 94 waymon r. meistrell Harmonia Lodge No. 1 Died Jan. 11, 2015 • Age 74 mary e. stanush La Vernia Lodge No. 180 Died Jan. 23, 2015 • Age 84 hazel a. justi Vineta Lodge No. 15 Died Feb. 3, 2015 • Age 97 rosalie m. jung Converse Lodge No. 157 Died Nov. 17, 2014 • Age 78 virgil george schuetz Waco-Robinson Lodge No. 4 Died Dec. 29, 2014 • Age 74 herbert h. wendt jr. Da Costa Lodge No. 265 Died Jan. 15, 2015 • Age 82 dora ann boenisch Pershing Lodge No. 160 Died Jan. 25, 2015 • Age 89 glenn g. rogers jr. Siemering Lodge No. 32 Died Feb. 4, 2015 • Age 67 viola l. martin Vineta Lodge No. 15 Died Nov. 30, 2014 • Age 91 edna n. fougerat Gonzales Lodge No. 175 Died Dec. 29, 2014 • Age 84 edward d. schielack Rutersville Lodge No. 152 Died Jan. 15, 2015 • Age 82 marilyn j. wilson Vineta Lodge No. 15 Died Jan. 25, 2015 • Age 75 catherine l. winkler Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 Died Feb. 14, 2015 • Age 93 Pioneers 75 Years 60 Years ALICE B. FOREHAND Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 FRED EugENE CRumLEy AuBREy C. LEmm gARy DAvID LEmm RONALD EDwARD LIttLE CHARLEs C. NEAL DONALD ALAN NEAL ROBERt ARNOLD NEAL stEpHEN pAtRICk RAAB DONALD t. RADkE jR. ROBERt L. vELtmAN wEsLEy LLOyD wIttENBORN Harmonia Lodge No. 1 gLADys E. BLACk Vineta Lodge No. 15 mARgAREt m. HOHmANN Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 DOROtHy H. HAttEN Houston Lodge No. 100 vIRgINIA E. kOENIg Pershing Lodge No. 160 mINNIE p. sCHLORtt Knippa Lodge No. 233 DORIs mOCzygEmBA ALICE skuDRNA Poth Lodge No. 272 70 Years IRENE B. zOELLER Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 wILFRED O. DIEtRICH Burton Lodge No. 55 ROy w. BRuEmmER Spring Branch Lodge No. 127 BENNIE R. AustIN Pershing Lodge No. 160 mARy A. sCHEFFLER ELsA m. tAtsCH Poth Lodge No. 272 IDA mAE mOEHLE Comfort Lodge No. 2 CyNtHIA ANN ByROm DAvID LOuIs ByROm Taylor Lodge No. 3 gAy y. HEjtmANCIk BEtty jOE wILkINsON tHEREsA H. yOuNg Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 jARvIs L. stEIN Castroville Lodge No. 71 jOsEpH COLDEwEy Poth Lodge No. 272 FRANk E. tuttLE III HugH j. tuttLE Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80 RICHARD L. kORtH Deanville Lodge No. 301 ORvILLE g. BuCHHORN Cuero Family Lodge No. 82 mARILyN F. muEHLstEIN ROBERt C. ORR Hochheim-Prairie Lodge No. 90 wm. w. BARRON Bryan Lodge No. 99 LOIs BEtH HARLOw gAyLE LyNNE pFEIFFER Albert Kypfer Lodge No. 106 sHERRy m. HAyEs Cat Spring Lodge No. 44 sANDRA L. mcgARy sCOtt g. tHANE Abilene Lodge No. 50 jOHN D. mAstROvICH Beaumont Lodge No. 60 DONALD R. jANICEk Nixon-Smiley Lodge No. 327 50 Years pAtRICk wINstON LINDNER Comfort Lodge No. 2 pEggy L. BRAst RICHARD E. mAREk jOy ELIsE muELLER Bellville Lodge No. 11 jERALDINE j. sCHuLtE jON tHOmAs wAtsON Corpus Christi Lodge No. 34 DOROtHy m. wENDEL Matagorda County Lodge No. 322 jANIE C. jOHNsON Womack Lodge No. 135 jOy DALE tREuDE ROgER L. wuNDERLICH Round Top Lodge No. 151 jAmEs E. gROHmAN wm. F. RICHtER Siemering Lodge No. 32 gEORgE C. FOwLER jR. jOyCE k. vOjtAs Schwertner Lodge No. 307 BARRy j. ENgELBRECHt Harmonia Lodge No. 1 mICkIE mARIE ENDERs Waco-Robinson Lodge No. 4 RAy DuANE uLLRICH DAvID EARL wEINERt Shelby Lodge No. 28 jOHN wAyNE wALLACE Bexar Lodge No. 306 DENNIs wAyNE kRIEg Coupland Lodge No. 113 jOHN D. CAssIN Cameron Lodge No. 140 HARLAN j. jOCHEN NELLwyN k. jOCHEN Flatonia Lodge No. 15 March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 7 wILLIAm LEE BROwNINg BEtty suE LODEN Needville Lodge No. 153 DIANNE kAy smItH Paige Lodge No. 154 mONROE D. FIsCHER DEBORAH m. FIsCHER DOROtHy m. FIsCHER Pershing Lodge No. 160 jOsEpH C. AsHCRAFt Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174 sHIRLEy jEAN LAssIg Gonzales Lodge No. 175 juDy ILEEN DykEs LILLIAN mARIE kOsuB CECILIA zENNER La Vernia Lodge No. 180 DENIsE E. AFFLERBACH DALtON L. tHuRk Da Costa Lodge No. 265 RHONDA gAy AsHLEy RANDAL s. jENDRzEy CyNtHIA A. LEDwIg Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80 LINDA jOyCE LEHDE El Campo Lodge No. 87 mARk p. stEwARt Piney Woods Lodge No. 91 DARyN R. CRAwFORD Austin Lodge No. 120 DEBORAH R. sCHNEIDER Cibolo Lodge No. 147 DOLLIE FAyE gOODmAN Pershing Lodge No. 160 mONICA A. tsCHIRHARt Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161 DEBORAH y. wIEgAND Zuehl Lodge No. 163 wAyNE LEE RAppmuND La Vernia Lodge No. 180 kEItH E. NEBgEN Paul Vogt Lodge No. 234 NANCy s. BELLONE EvELyN H. mAttINgLy AuDREy juNE pREvOu Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 LAwRENCE j. HAtFIELD ANNE mARIE sCHuLtz Plum Lodge No. 238 mELIssA A. HEINEmANN Kerrville Lodge No. 12 ELRINE ANN zuERCHER La Coste Lodge No. 261 CLINtON C. guENtERt Schulenburg Lodge No. 14 jAmEs L. DuRAN tEREsA wINCkLER Da Costa Lodge No. 265 ADELINE v. wAgENFEHR LORAINE wAgENFEHR Vineta Lodge No. 15 ROBERt LEE jACksON susAN kAy zIpERmAN New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 mICHAEL s. tAyLOR Siemering Lodge No. 32 gLADys C. NIEmANN Corpus Christi Lodge No. 34 susAN E. wOLpmAN Yorktown Lodge No. 36 DENIsE NEBgEN jOHNsON Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41 kAtHRyN C. BRuNs gARy L. CARROLL Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 LARA LyNNE BOx Helotes Lodge No. 76 suvERIA uLLmANN Poth Lodge No. 272 ROBERt pARNELL BENNIE j. zRuBEk Schwertner Lodge No. 307 Page 8 – Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 Medical Notes: Sleepy-time snack foods Cont'd. from Pg. 6 been linked to better sleep quality, so a banana shortly before bed might be just what you need to fall and stay asleep. • Cheese and crackers: One more traditional snack may just help you get a better night’s sleep. Cheese and crackers contain tryptophan and carbohydrates, which can induce a better night’s sleep and help you fall asleep sooner. • Cherries: Cherries contain the sleep hormone melatonin, and the AARP notes that recent studies indicated that partici- pants who drank tart cherry juice on a daily basis fell asleep more quickly and slept longer and better than participants who did not. • Hummus: The primary ingredient in hummus is chickpeas, which are loaded with tryptophan, folate and vitamin B6. Folate has proven especially beneficial to older men and women who need help regulating their sleep patterns, while vitamin B6 helps the body regulate its clock. • Peanut butter: Peanut butter is another snacking item loaded with tryptophan. Spread some peanut butter on a carbohydrate, whether it’s a slice of toast or some crackers, before going to bed, and you may enjoy a better, longer sleep. • Walnuts: Like cherries, walnuts contain melatonin, which can contribute to a longer, more restful night’s sleep. Walnuts also can help regulate stress, which is a leading cause of sleeping difficulty. Many men and women experience difficulty sleeping as they age. But the right foods may just help combat such problems and help men and women get a more adequate night’s sleep. Pioneers In Memoriam Donations to the Retirement Home Fund in Memory of: DORA ANN BOENISCH LEOCADIA (KATIE) BUTTS EMMA T. CUMMINGS PAUL F. CONRAD KAY W. HALL NANCY ELLEN JONES-FRAZIER ADA B. WESCH ELLA DUNFORD JERALD L. KENYON GLADYS LUSK KENNETH SUREDDIN Donor: Pershing Lodge No. 160 LEOCADIA (KATIE) BUTTS Donor: Carol Krauss CHRIS L. SCHULZE Donor: Lockhart Lodge No. 64 MARY L. FRERICH JOHN C. WEISS Donor: Paige Lodge No. 154 DONALD HALL Donor: Waco-Robinson Lodge No. 4 Joyce F. Wiethorn of Waco has received her 60-year membership pin. Sister Wiethorn, a member of McGregor Lodge No. 132, has been a member since May 28, 1954. Klaus G. Hower of Long Beach, Calif., has received his 60-year membership pin. Brother Hower, a member of Corpus Christi Lodge No. 34, has been a member since July 26, 1954. He remembers lots of dancing including polkas, waltzes and even the fox trot and tango. Leslie Haas of Moulton has received his 60-year membership pin. Brother Haas, a member of Flatonia Lodge No. 15, has been a member since Sept. 20, 1954. MEMORIAL FORM Name of Deceased: Please print Acknowledgement from Retirement Home Youth Camp Youth Camp Scholarship Fund Retirement Home Scholarship Fund to go to: Name: Address: Donor: Address: Please print City, State, Zip Please print City, State, Zip: Date: Amount: $ Clip and mail with your memorial contribution to: Grand Lodge, Order of the Sons of Hermann, P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297-1941 PHILLIP ALLEN LOESCH JACOB G. SKINNER Donor: Brenham Lodge No. 6 GLENN A. MARESH ROBERT W. REINICKE Donor: Bellville Lodge No. 11 BETTIE J. GEISLER SHIRLEY MAE JUNG VIOLA L. MARTIN IRMA WHITLEY MARILYN J. WILSON Donor: Vineta Lodge No. 15 WALTER ROSENBUSCH ELEANOR BONN DENISE A. SEGUIN BIBIAN GRANGER VICTORIA C. CASILLAS WILLIAM L. SCHROEDER JR. Donor: Kirby Lodge No. 305 JOHN A. PFLUGER MARY HEES Donor: Richland Lodge No. 107 Donations to the Hermann Sons Retirement Home Scholarship Fund in Memory of: VIRGINIA KUYKENDALL Donor: New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 BERNARD GOLLA IRVIN SCHULMEIER SR. HEATHER KINTZ Donors: Jack & Dianne Larned Donations to the Hermann Sons Youth Camp in Memory of: PHILLIP ALLEN LOESCH JACOB G. SKINNER Donor: Brenham Lodge No. 6 MARILYN MEINKE Donors: Paige Lodge No. 154 Milton & Linda Ihlo LUCILLE MARY REUTER Donor: Rosenberg-Richmond Lodge No. 85 Read the Hermann Sons News online at March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 9 Retirement Home Residents grateful for donated memorabilia COMFORT – The residents deeply appreciate the response to the request for photos and stories as they prepare to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Retirement Home. Karen Saur Lackey from New Braunfels made the most recent submission. Her great grandfather, Fritz Kraft, was a member of the Verwaltungs Komite (Management Committee) in 1918. The residents plan to include her photos and other memorabilia in the Home history album that is being compiled. The previous donor, Mrs. Sharyn Esquell, provided photos and history that have already been enlarged for displays. PLEASE, PLEASE check with your older family members to ask for old Hermann Sons Retirement Home stories and photos before they are lost forever. Visitors to the Home in February were Sharlotte Anderson, Janis McRae and Karen Carnevale who came to visit Beverly Anderson; Chuck Graustein, Pershing Lodge No. 160; Julie Sheldon, Seguin, and Michelle Sheldon, Victoria; Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe and new agents Lisa Byrn, Columbia Lodge No. 66, Mike and Tammy Kelley, Richland Lodge No. 107, and Mary Koenig, Hochheim-Prairie Lodge No. 90. On Feb. 23, monthly chapel service and Holy Communion were conducted and served February birthdays were celebrated with cake and ice cream at the noon meal on Feb. 27. Cleo Merchant, from left, Janice Holley and Roland Naumann were the honorees. On Feb. 23, resident Roland Naumann, seated, celebrated his birthday with his granddaughter, Michelle Sheldon, seated, from Victoria; his daughter, Julie Sheldon, standing, left, from Seguin; and his wife, Nora, standing, right. They brought him a cake with four candles – one candle for each 20 years. Work has begun to install air conditioning units in the Home’s dining room. Residents sincerely appreciate the generous donations of the Houston Home Association and Fort Worth Lodge No. 33 to help make this possible. by Pastor Shelley Simmont, Immanuel Lutheran Church of Comfort. Assisting were resi- dents Al Schroeder and Kathy Bender. – Helen Widner Interested in living at the Retirement Home? To arrange a tour of the home, call 830-995-2724 To inquire about application for residency, call the Grand Lodge at 1-800-234-4124 or 210-226-9261. Information is also available online under 'Benefits' at One of the Home Scholarship Fund-raising craft projects is jewelry making. Residents Jane Haberman, pictured, and Helen Widner create stretch bracelets and earrings. Jewelry can be fashioned to customer specifications. These bracelets make great and inexpensive team spirit, class or family reunion, special event and holiday keepsakes. The store is open year-around. Call Jane at 830-4312694 or Helen at 830-995-5331 for prices and details. Page 10 – Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 Grand Committee Meeting Feb. 12, 2015 Grand President/CEO Buddy Preuss opened the specialcalled Grand Committee meeting to order on Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015. Committee members present were: Past Grand President Leroy Muehlstein Past Grand President Stephen R. Prewitt Grand President/CEO Allan W. Preuss Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer Mary Beam Grand Vice President-Investments Harry Werland Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger Grand Finance Committee member Wilburn Pargmann Grand Finance Committee member Sandra Jones Grand Finance Committee member Janice Kuhen Grand Finance Committee member Paul Heath Grand Finance Committee member Jack Larned Special guests at the meeting were Pension and Retirement Board Members, General Counsel Don Saunders, Grand Lodge Investment Controller Joey Fisher and Actuary Carl Frammolino of Rudd and Wisdom Consulting Actuaries. The Jan. 29, 2015, Grand Committee minutes were approved by motion of Past Grand President Leroy Muehlstein with corrections to be made to the titles of officers in the second paragraph of the minutes. Grand Finance Committee member Wilburn Pargmann seconded this. Motion carried. Grand Vice President-Investments Harry Werland gave a short history of the Grand Lodge Defined Benefit Plan and stated that Actuary Frammolino has studied the plan closely in the past few years and since the summer of 2014 has monitored the plan’s assets for determination of the right time for termination. The termination process was again discussed in December 2015 through a telephone conference with Actuary Frammolino, the Grand Lodge Executive Committee and Pension Board Committee. It was noted at this time that interest rates on investment purchases had gone below 4 percent along with mortgage loans not being applied for at the Grand Lodge due to a higher interest rate of 5.25 percent, somewhat higher than other loan institutions currently. Grand Vice President Werland mentioned that the pension plan could also become more costly for the Grand Lodge due to the change in mortality tables and now would be the time to proceed with the filing of plan termination. Several reasons for plan termination were talked about including the plan freeze some 10 years ago, the history of asset growth to liability, actuarial costs, future Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation expense, the interest rate environment currently, the change in mortality tables and the investment broker charges on equity holdings. Actuary Frammolino was introduced to Committee members and began a presentation of the proposed plan termination process and discussion. He mentioned that he has worked with the Order for some 18 years on various pension deliberations and filings. He identified establishment of the Hermann Sons Defined Benefit Plan as Jan. 1, 1953, the freezing of the plan on Dec. 31, 2004, and the establishment of a 401(k) Plan on Jan. 1, 2005, for all Grand Lodge officers and employees who qualify. A trust was then established which included the Hermann Sons annuity contract along with market securities. Actuary Frammolino went through some charts showing how he has been tracking the plan termination process since last year and found that the plan is at a good stage for termination. The plan equities were liquidated several weeks ago and placed in a bond fund through Morgan Stanley and an estimated amount of $1,250,000 is needed to complete the termination process. A timeline was discussed by the actuary with the process to begin with the Grand Committee adopting the termination process, followed by notice to the Pension Board Guaranty Fund and Defined Benefit Plan participants. The trust will be liquidated by way of final participant distributions only when all completed/executed election forms are returned. A lunch break was taken at 11:25 a.m. The meeting reconvened at 12:20 p.m. Actuary Frammolino spoke on the Internal Revenue Service Determination Letter (D-Letter) and mentioned that this letter is optional which includes amendments to the plan since the last D-Letter filing that was sent to participants. He noted that D-Letter filings for Plan Terminations are taking a year or more for approval and would delay the termination process until 2016. The last D-Letter for the Sons of Hermann Plan was issued June 26, 2012. No discretionary changes have been made to the plan since that date and based on that fact, the Committee feels there is little risk in not filing for the D-Letter. The Grand Committee members were all in agreement that with the administration and cost of holding on to this pension plan, it is time to move forward and begin termination. It was mentioned by Actuary Frammolino that the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation’s pension benefit guarantee ceases upon the trust liquidation. Annuities purchased are then covered under the Texas Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association. A motion was made by Grand Vice President Werland that the Grand Committee instruct the Executive Committee and Pension Committee to voluntarily terminate the Hermann Sons Defined Benefit Pension Plan under the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation standard termination program based on a proposed termination date of May 31, 2015, unless, at any time, advised by the Grand Lodge General Counsel, not to proceed. Grand Finance Committee member Janice Kuhen seconded this. Motion carried. Grand Vice President Werland than made a motion that the Executive Committee adopt a resolution authorizing an amendment and termination of the Hermann Sons Employees Defined Benefit Pension Plan. The motion was seconded by Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe. Motion carried. General Counsel Saunders made the motion that the Pension Plan Committee (Allan Preuss, Harry Werland, Mary Beam, Joey Fisher, Don Saunders and Jack Larned, a non-voting member of the Committee), adopt the amendments to the Pension Plan document as recommended by Actuary Frammolino. Joey Fisher seconded the motion. Motion carried. The next Grand Committee meeting was announced for Thursday, April 30, 2015, at 9:30 a.m. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:25 p.m. by motion of Grand Finance Committee member Jack Larned, seconded by Grand Finance Committee member Kuhen. Motion carried. Fraternally submitted, Mary Beam Grand Vice President-Secretary/Treasurer ATTEST: Allan W. Preuss Grand President/CEO Madison and Taylor Dziuk attended Hermann Sons Youth Camp for five years and then served as counselors-in-training and junior counselors. The top photo was taken when they were attending camp. The bottom photo was taken the night that Taylor graduated from Falls City High School. Parents say camp beneficial to girls Registration information for this year’s Hermann Sons Youth Camp season will be arriving in homes across Texas this month and it will be time for parents to make the decision about whether or not to send their sons and daughters to camp. Sometimes it helps the decision-making process if you can read about the experience in the words of someone who has had to make the same decision. The following letter was written by Rodney and Karen Dziuk. They live in Falls City and their daughters are members of Karnes City Lodge No. 215. Taylor was the recipient of a Hermann Sons Youth Camp-Shannon Leigh Gaffney Scholarship in 2014 and is a freshman at Texas A&M studying architecture. Madison is a sophomore at Falls City High School. She also plans to attend Texas A&M with the hope of becoming a pediatrician. "Over the past 10 years, our daughters, Taylor and Madison, have attended Hermann Sons Youth Camp as campers, Counselors-in-Training CIT1 and CIT2, and now as junior counselors. We just wanted to share what a positive impact these experiences have had on them as young girls and as teenagers. It has undeniably See CAMP, Pg. 18 March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 11 Harmonia brotherhood provided assistance for others Cont'd from Pg. 1 Five new members joined within the next few months. New members were recommended by current members. German ancestry was very much a prerequisite of membership as this was their common bond and all meetings were conducted in the German language. New members were accepted or rejected by vote. A ballot box was passed around to members at Two of the pioneers of Hermann Sons the meeting. Members would put in Texas were, above, Jakob Goll, a white ball (marble) in the box to founder of Harmonia Lodge No. 1, and accept the new member or a black Carl Lange, right, the first president of ball to reject. It was from this voting Harmonia Lodge No. 1. system where the term blackball (to vote against; to exclude from membership by casting a negative vote; to exclude socially) originated. Judging from early meeting minutes, the pioneers of Harmonia Lodge organized as a brotherhood to be of assistance to each other. The first member death recorded was that of Heinrich Werner on Sept. 27, 1861, three months after the forming of the lodge. This prompted the first public notice of the lodge as 11 members attended the funeral in a group. Harmonia Lodge paid for both the coffin and the grave at a cost of $24. Records of the lodge indicate the widow received assistance from the lodge for a considerable time. It was during a Harmonia Lodge meeting on Dec. 18, 1873, that conThe current Grand Lodge building, located at 515 S. St. Mary's St., was complet- necting life insurance to lodge memed in 1950. The photo shows how the building looked during the grand opening. bership was first suggested. Harmonia Lodge asked the National Grand Lodge to institute a life insurance program and make the insurance obligatory for all members. The National Grand Lodge adopted the recommendation and announced on Sept. 22, 1876, that each brother would be entitled to $300 life insurance and $60 at the death of his wife. In promoting this national project, Harmonia Lodge and Texas gained national stature. To boost membership, Harmonia Lodge instituted a system of paying its members $1 for each new member they brought into the lodge. On Jan. 16, 1890, the member solicitor, Anton Wenzel, arrived in San Antonio. Wenzel laid plans for a successful membership drive which would spread the Order across the state. On Feb. 2, 1890, almost three decades after the founding of Harmonia Lodge No. 1, the second lodge, Eintracht Lodge No. 2 was established in Austin. Within the next two months, lodges were organized in Taylor, Waco, Temple, Brenham, Houston and La Grange, bringing the total number of lodges in the state to eight and total membership to 242. The National Order recognized the formation of a State Grand Lodge when at least eight lodges existed in any state. So on March 27, 1890, the Grand Lodge of Texas of the Sons of Hermann was founded. William Heuschkel of Harmonia Lodge was elected as the initial Grand State President of the Texas Group. Some 92 Hermann Sons lodges were established in communities throughout Texas during the ensuing year. In the early years, the Hermann Sons office was located on Villita Street between Navarro and South Presa in a two-story rock building. The ground floor was the office and upstairs the various lodges held their meetings. In 1911, what is known today as the Hermann Sons Home Association Building was erected and housed the home office and local lodges until the Grand Lodge offices moved to the current location in 1950. Through the early 1900s, Hermann Sons supported its members through local lodge assistance and insurance benefits. In 1916, our Order would develop an ambitious and innovative member benefit on a hilltop near Comfort, Texas. Learn next month how the word “Altenheim” became part of our Hermann Sons vocabulary. Sources: The First Years 1890-1990, Centennial Book; and of Texas Online/Texas Association One Hundred Grand Lodge The Handbook State Historical This is how the San Antonio Home Association Building located at 525 S. St. Mary's Street looked when it was first built in 1911. This was the second home of the Grand Lodge. The first was a building on Villita Street that has since been torn down. Page 12 – Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 Westmoreland has spent her whole life dancing SAN ANTONIO – Shannon Westmoreland is the teacher for the Corpus Christi School of Dance. Shannon has been a part of the Hermann Sons family since a young age. Her grandparents, Shirley and Louis Ruedrich, were active in Hermann Sons. Brother Ruedrich was an agent and Sister Ruedrich worked at the Grand Lodge for several years. Her mother and aunt had taken dance lessons when they were younger and were members of the Schiloettes. Shannon started dancing with Hermann Sons when she was just 3 years old. “I danced at the Grand Lodge with Mrs. Linda and I tapped my toes in that basement all the way until I was 17,” she remembers. ”I auditioned for the Polkateers when I was School of Dance 8 or 9 and made the team and spent my remaining years working my way up the ranks from Little to Junior to Senior Polkateer where I was taught by John Jones.” She also took classes outside of Hermann Sons and participated in several competitions. Shannon attended East Central High School in San Antonio and tried out for the high school dance team as Teacher Feature an incoming freshman. Shannon remembers that it was the first year incoming freshmen were allowed to audition. Only five incoming freshmen made the team (including Shannon) and all were Hermann Sons Polkateers. See WESTMORELAND, Pg. 13 2015 Hermann Sons School of Dance Recital Dates School of Dance Date Bandera County May 16 Boerne May 31 Castroville May 16 Cibolo May 17 Comfort May 17 Corpus Christi June 6 Cuero May 16 Da Costa May 2 Devine May 9 Elgin May 24 Ganado April 25 Goliad May 2 Gonzales April 25 Hill Country May 31 Hill Country May 31 Hochheim-Prairie May 2 Hondo May 23 Jourdanton April 18 Karnes City May 17 Kirby May 9 La Vernia April 25 Lee County April 25 Lone Oak May 16 Luling May 16 New Braunfels May 31 New Braunfels May 31 Nixon-Smiley May 17 North West Bexar Co. May 30 Poth-Floresville May 2 San Antonio June 6 Schulenburg April 26 Schulenburg April 26 Seguin May 23 Stockdale May 23 Yorktown April 25 Time Place Address 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m. 4 p.m. 2 p.m. 5:30 p.m. TBA 3 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 4 p.m. 6 p.m. 4 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 6 p.m. 3 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 7 p.m. 1 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 6 p.m. TBA Boerne Middle School North Boerne North Middle School Medina Valley Performing Arts Center Jackson Auditorium, Texas Luthern University Comfort High School Auditorium Del Mar College Richardson Performance Hall Cuero High School Victoria Fine Arts Center Lytle High School TBA Ganado High School Auditorium Goliad High School Auditorium Gonzales Junior High Auditorium Smithson Valley High School Smithson Valley High School Yoakum High School Auditorium Medina Valley High School Fine Arts Center Doug Williamson Auditorium, Pleasanton ISD Karnes City High School Auditorium Kirby Middle School La Vernia High School Auditorium Giddings High School Auditorium La Vernia High School Auditorium Luling High School Performing Arts Center Bryon Steele High School Bryon Steele High School Nixon-Smiley High School Cafetorium Edgewater Theatre for the Performing Arts Poth Elementary School Edgewood Theatre for the Performing Arts Schulenburg Civic Center Schulenburg Civic Center Jackson Auditorium, Texas Lutheran University Stockdale High School Auditorium TBA 240 West Johns Rd., Boerne 240 West Johns Rd., Boerne 8365 FM 471 South, Castroville 1000 W. Court St., Seguin Hwy. 87 N., Comfort 101 Baldwin Blvd., Corpus Christi 920 E. Broadway, Cuero 100 Sam Houston Drive 18975 FM 2790, Lytle 501 W. Devers, Ganado 749 N. Church St., Goliad 426 N. College, Gonzales 14001 Hwy. 46 West, Spring Branch 14001 Hwy. 46 West, Spring Branch 100 Poth St., Yoakum 8365 FM 471 South, Castroville 831 Stadium Drive, Pleasanton 400 N. Hwy. 123, Karnes City 5441 Old Seguin Road, Kirby 225 Bluebonnet Rd., La Vernia 2337 North Main, Giddings 225 Bluebonnet Rd., La Vernia 218 E. Travis, Luling 1300 FM 1103, Cibolo 1300 FM 1103, Cibolo 500 Rancho Road, Nixon 607 SW 34th St., San Antonio 210 Brinkoeter, Poth 607 SW 34th St., San Antonio 1107 Hillje Ave., Schulenburg 1107 Hillje Ave., Schulenburg 1000 W. Court St., Seguin 500 S. Fourth St., Stockdale March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 13 School of Dance Members of Hermann Sons Teacher Feature Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161 Graduate Cash Drawing Hondo Victory Lodge will hold a drawing and award up to FIVE $100 prizes to eligible 2015 high school graduates who are members of Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161. The prize will be in the form of a check. Names will be drawn on June 1, 2015. The winners only will be notified and are encouraged to attend the June 9, 2015, meeting to accept their check. For more information, call Verlie Nietenhoefer at 830-426-2847. To enter, the form below must be completed and received on or before May 30, 2015. Mail to: Verlie Nietenhoefer, Secretary Victory Lodge No. 161 1204 32nd St. Hondo, TX 78861 Please send a cap and gown picture for publication in the newspaper. (Photo will not be returned). The photo is not a requirement for the drawing, but will be appreciated. Graduate Cash Drawing Entry Form Name Shannon Westmoreland is pictured with some of her youngest students. She has been teaching dance classes for Hermann Sons since 2001. Address Westmoreland teaches dance in Corpus Chrisi Phone Number Cont'd. from Pg. 12 She made the dance team all four years in high school and served two years as an officer and one year as captain. She also attended Hermann Sons Youth Camp five years and as a counselor-in-training one year. In 2001 she moved to Corpus Christi to attend Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi. It was then that she started teaching dance for Hermann Sons. She taught in Corpus until 2004 and then taught in Lone Oak from 2004-2009. She moved back to Corpus in 2009 and resumed teaching classes there. She also taught in Three Rivers/Live Oak for one year. She has two children who are both Hermann Sons members. Kadance is 4 years old and started dancing with Hermann Sons in 2014. “Yes, I love dance so much that I included it in my daughter's name,” Shannon said. Son Lane is now 1 year old. “I taught dance class until the day they were born with both of them so I guess they have been in class since my pregnancy,” Shannon said. In closing, Shannon had some special words for the Jones family. “The entire family has been part of my dance journey. Mr. Jones was always our music man and I can't think of a performance where he was not there to support us. Jennifer and Sabrina were always backstage at the recitals to make sure things flowed smoothly. And there are not enough ways to say thank you to Mrs. Linda and Johnny. They spent 14 years of classes cultivating my love for dance but their influence and love for the art will stay with me for a lifetime.” Name of High School School Address School Phone Number Answers to puzzles on Page 36 Easter Word Scramble 1. Easter 6. Spring 2. Bunny 7. Tulips 3. Lambs 8. Rabbit 4. Hunt 9. Basket 5. Chocolate 10. Chicks Page 14 – Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 Anton Wenzel Lodge to host annual Decorated Hat Contest SAN ANTONIO – Anton Wenzel Lodge No. 174 met March 3 with members enjoying a fried chicken dinner. Sandwiches are on the menu for the April meeting with members asked to provide a covered dish or dessert. Also in April, the lodge will host its annual Decorated Hat Contest. Prizes go to the first and second place winners. Fiesta is the theme for the contest. Be creative and have fun! The more contestants the better! Members send their condolences to the family of Gus Hansel. Brother Hansel was a past president of Anton Wenzel Lodge. He was a member for 38 years. The lodge will host a garage sale Aug. 15 at the home of Merlinda Elizondo, 919 Rayburn. Donations are needed. Call the office if you have donations or if you need your donations picked up. Volunteers will be needed the day of the sale. Members will visit St. Francis Nursing Home on May 3 in observance of Join Hands Day. Volunteers are needed. Members will play games with the residents and share dessert with them. Monetary donations are needed and will be used as game La Grange plans several donations LA GRANGE – La Grange Lodge No. 8 met at Riverside Cafe on March 12 with members agreeing to make donations this year to several organizations. The list includes $250 each to the Cub Scouts, Relay for Life and Meals on Wheels and $500 to the local volunteer fire department. The approved budget also included money for donations made in memory of deceased members, Christmas party expenses and gift cards for the Christmas party. President Calvin Lange read a letter from Grand President Buddy Preuss thanking elected and appointed officers for attending the installation in January. He also stressed the need to find ways to engage members in lodge activities. Agent Linda Mattocks spoke briefly about the importance of recommending new members and about annuities. She is available to talk with prospective new members. A resolution of condolence was read in memory of Audrey M. Boelsche. – Roselyn Vasut Hermann Sons Comfort Lodge HSYC Campership Application 2015 This application is for children who need financial assistance in order to attend Hermann Sons Youth Camp. The application can be completed by a parent/guardian, but the short answer portion should be completed by the child. The Hermann Sons Comfort Lodge camperships pay half of the camper fee ($112.50 is half of the fee for the full-‐week session and $75 is half of the fee for the half-‐week session). Nine camperships are awarded to Comfort Lodge members in good standing and one campership is awarded to any Hermann Sons member in good standing. The camperships being awarded to Comfort Lodge members are awarded on a first-‐requests-‐received basis and there is no application deadline. The campership awarded to any member is based on application evaluations by the Campership Committee and the application postmark deadline is April 8, 2015. Applicants will be notified as to whether or not they were selected by April 23, 2015. Campers who receive camperships from Comfort Lodge may still complete the online application but will need to mail their payment along with the check from Comfort Lodge. Camper Information: Last Name: ________________________ First Name: ____________________ Date of Birth: ___/___/______ Lodge: _____________ Mailing Address: ____________________________ City: ________________ State: ______ Zip Code: ______________ Primary Parent/Guardian Information: Last Name: ________________________ First Name: ____________________ Phone Number: _________________________ Email Address: ________________________ Does the camper intend to attend a full-‐week session or the half-‐week session? ________ Short Answer Written by Child (Use a separate page, if needed) Why do you want to attend HSYC this summer? ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please mail to: Comfort Lodge Camperships P.O. Box 629 Comfort, TX 78013 Comfort Lodge Campership Application Split-the-pot winner Merlinda Elizondo, left, is pictured with Lorene Kreusel and her assistant Maximus Barrientes during the March Anton Wenzel Lodge meeting. prizes. If you can help in any way, contact Sister Elizondo at the April meeting. Sister Elizondo was the split-thepot winner in March. Maximus Barrientes drew her number. Kelley Paige Gawlik would have won the membership prize but she was not there to claim the money. The prize amount stands at $230. – Salina Barrientes Questions can be directed to Jennifer Cernosek at 830-‐995-‐3223. March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 15 Seguin will hold flea market, bake sale April 11 SEGUIN – Many upcoming spring events were announced at the Seguin Lodge No. 37 meeting held Feb. 18. Annette Roecker, Seguin agent and the lodge’s financial secretary, announced the “Hugs from Home” program is ongoing. This Grand Lodge program sends care packages to members or friends serving in the Middle East. Members can send the name and military address of their loved one to Sister Roecker and she will forward it to the Grand Lodge. Condolences are extended to the family of long-time member Clara Kallies. Sister Kallies passed away Jan. 31 at the age of 102. She was the stepmother of the late Leslie “Pete” Kallies, a past Seguin Lodge president. President Vernelle Jones presented 50-year pins to three members, Mary Lou Seedorf, Dottie Kallies and Jeff Kallies. Recipients of 50-year membership pins are pictured with Seguin Lodge President Vernelle Jones, right. They are, from left, Mary Lou Seedorf, Jeff Kallies and Dottie Kallies. Prize winners at the February Seguin Lodge meeting were, from left, Verna Lee Beutnagel, Arlene Christmas, Ann Huebner, Howard Huebner and Evelyn Kropp. Not pictured are Martha Vogel and Dottie Kallies. Members were reminded of the Hermann Sons Youth CampShannon Gaffney Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament to be held March 28 in San Antonio. The bi-annual Seguin Flea Market and Bake Sale is scheduled for Saturday, April 11. The sale is open to the public. You lege, university or trade school after graduation. Members sang “Happy Birthday” to Arlene Christmas. Attendance prize winners of $5 were Dottie Kallies, Ann Huebner, Verna Lee Beutnagel, Evelyn Kropp and Martha Vogel. Split-the-pot winner do not have to be a Hermann Sons Lodge member to rent a table. Contact President Jones for more information. The Scholarship Committee reported that scholarships will be awarded at the April 15 meeting to eligible members who will be attending a col- was Howard Huebner. The Progressive Pot winner of $55 would have been Basil Kallies who was not present at the meeting. Members must be present to win. Seguin Lodge meets the third Wednesday of the month. – Tammy Beutnagel Hochheim-Prairie has new agent YOAKUM – Hochheim-Prairie Lodge No. 90 met March 1 at Turner Hall and welcomed two new members, Trace Moore and Bryce Mercer. Wilburn Pargmann introduced new agent Mary Koenig. Get well cards were sent to John Langhoff and Dennis Havlik. A sympathy card was sent to the Kenneth Lauer family. President Janet Zabransky read correspondence from Grand President Preuss about a letter he will sending to all new members. In the letter he emphasized the importance of the local lodge reaching out to these new members and engaging them in activities. Carolyn Hoepfl read correspondence from the project show winners, Kaci Hermann and Kyle Schoenemann. In observance of Join Hands Day, members will again assist at the St. Ann’s fund-raiser scheduled for March 29 at the St. Joseph Parish Center. Anyone is welcome to come and help. Celebrating birthdays were Tommy Wenzel, Charlie Hoepfl, Mary Pargmann, Janet Zabransky and Carolyn Hoepfl. The next meeting will be April 12. – Reporter The officers of Hochheim-Prairie Lodge welcome new agent Mary Koenig at the March meeting. Pictured are, from left, Carolyn Hoepfl, Mary Koenig, Janet Zabransky and Wilburn Pargmann. New Bern to host luncheon Poth Lodge donates to food pantry POTH – Poth Lodge No. 272 met March 1 with members agreeing to continue donations to the Poth Food Pantry in observance of Join Hands Day. Members were encouraged to bring non-perishable food items to the May meeting. A moment of silence was observed in memory of Charles Warnken Jr. who passed away in January. The Cheer Committee reported that Charles Hadamek was ill and in the hospital. Agent Marlin Tanneberger talked about the importance of whole life insurance. He noted that people who have a term policy with their employer do not realize that once they leave that employer, in any fashion, there is no coverage. Since most are retirement age the premiums on whole life insurance can be too high for many to afford. Correspondence from the Home Office included a letter from Grand President Buddy Preuss about the importance of member engagement. Virginia Maha was the only member present with a birthday in March. Marlin Tanneberger and Virginia Maha won the door prizes. The names of Gilbert Reinhardt Jr., Medora Blucher and Michael Maha were drawn for the kitty prize but they were not present to claim their winnings. President Paul Hosek reminded everyone that there would be no meeting in April because the regular meeting date falls on Easter. Everyone in attendance enjoyed spaghetti and lots of games. – Reporter Virginia Maha celebrates her birthday in March. She is a member of Poth Lodge. NEW BERN – New Bern Lodge No. 173 will host a family luncheon at Baylor Seafood and Steak, 200 W. Lake Drive, Taylor. The date is May 2 beginning at 11:30 a.m. The lodge will pay the cost of the meal for members. Please call before April 20 with the number of people who will be attending. The phone numbers are 512898-2745 or 512-898-2468. – Reporter Page 16 – Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 Siemering plans Fiesta celebration Paul Vogt presents pin The current and past presidents of Siemering lodge were honored at the March meeting. They are, seated, from left, Sharon Fite, Sally Hertzberg, standing, from left, Bill Ramzinski and Donald O’Connor. Grand President Buddy Preuss presents a 50-year membership pin to Suzy Key at the March 3 meeting of Paul Vogt Lodge No. 234. Sister Key, who lives in Boerne, has been a member since Oct. 10, 1965. Albert Kypfer to serve ham dinner on April 3 CLEAR SPRINGS – Albert Kypfer Lodge No. 106 met March 6. Nelrose Koepp gave the Cheer Committee report. On the sick list are Florence Schumann, Jeannette Constance and Raymond Salge. A sympathy card was sent to Donna and Jim Sureddin following the passing of Jim’s brother. The estimate for painting and replacing rotten wood is under consideration. March attendance prizes went to Oran Koepp, Joyce Koepp, David Schumann, John Turner and Chuck Weed. The next meeting will be April 3. The lodge will provide ham and members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. Donald O’Connor, left, and Lloyd Markell celebrated their March birthdays at the Siemering Lodge meeting. Kerrville will honor pin recipients Chuck Weed celebrates his 80th birthday in March. He is a member of Albert Kypfer Lodge. Thanks go to those who helped with the meeting, putting out the food and cleaning the kitchen. – Reporter Niederwald to meet April 14 LOCKHART – Niederwald Lodge No. 110 met March 10 in the Chisholm Trail BBQ meeting room in Lockhart. Special guests were Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger and Agent Charles Croley. Sympathy is extended to the family of Chuck Marlin Martin who passed away in December at the age of 46. He had been a member since 1985. SAN ANTONIO – The officers and members of Siemering Lodge No. 32 met on Tuesday, March 10, in the Rathskeller of the San Antonio Home Association Building. All past presidents were honored. Those in attendance were Bill Ramzinski, Sally Hertzberg, Sharon Fite and current President Donald O’Connor. Members voted on the charities that will be receiving donations in the next few months. The members voted to make $50 contributions to “Hugs From Home” and to the Little Church of La Villita and $25 contributions to Road Ministries and to the Volunteer Services Council. Ana Vasquez, Lloyd Markell and Sharon Fite won the attendance prizes. Melrose Bendele won split-the-pot. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, April 14. The lodge will be celebrating Fiesta! The activities begin at 7 p.m. and all members and their guests are welcome. – Reporter Members were glad to see Curtis Smith who had not attended a meeting in a while. Hope to see him more often. Charles Croley and Curtis Smith were the door prize winners. Members and guests enjoyed a barbecue meal prepared by the restaurant. The next meeting is April 14 at 11 a.m. at the same location. – Reporter KERRVILLE – Kerrville Lodge No. 12 will meet April 1. Membership pin recipients will be honored. The lodge will furnish ham and everyone is asked to bring their favorite Easter side dish or dessert. During the meeting, final plans will be made for the Join Hands Day project in May, the Flag Day event and the third annual fish fry. Volunteers are needed to serve as Membership Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, Community Coordinator and Youth Coordinator. These are appointed positions. Contact one of the officers or attend the next meeting if you are interested in serving in one of these positions. The remaining meeting/social dates for 2015 are as follows and are subject to change: June 3, fish fry (tentative); Aug. 5, meeting or fish fry; Oct. 7, meeting with election of new officers; and Dec. 4, Christmas party at a new location to be determined. Members are asked to put these dates on their calendar and make plans to participate. Reminder cards will be sent closer to each meeting date and will include the potluck meal theme for that meeting. – Juanice Grona El Campo Lodge will award scholarships EL CAMPO – El Campo Lodge No. 87 met March 6 at Texas Seafood & Steakhouse. President Dennis Wigginton reported that the lodge’s new member goal for 2015 is 10. Brother Wigginton asked members to “bring your friends and family to participate in lodge activities. Let them know what Hermann Sons is about.” A suggestion from the Grand Lodge is to send a postcard to new members and invite them to meetings. Two new junior members were welcomed. They are Jaxon Wayne Wigginton, son of Patrick and Brenda Wigginton of Richmond, and Heidi Jo Hajovsky, daughter of Chad and Kelsey Hajovsky of El Campo. Vice President Donald Wigginton announced that he is retiring as an agent. Brother Wigginton will continue to serve as a lodge officer but will no longer be an agent. The names of scholarship recipients will be announced at the May 15 meeting, which starts at 6:30 p.m. at Uptown Grill. – Cindy Witcher March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 17 Prinz Solms will meet May 3 BULVERDE – Prinz Solms Lodge No. 136 will not meet April 3, Good Friday. The next meeting will be Friday, May 3, at 7 p.m. The evening will start with food and drinks and then a short business meeting will be 1. 2. 3. 4. the cake booth during the Bulverde Community Center’s Spring Festival the last Sunday in April. The lodge donates the money from the cake sale back to the Community Center, so plan to come out and have fun. – Clifton Klabunde Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 2015 Hermann Sons Youth Camp Voucher Award Application Rules: February birthday celebrants from Brenham Lodge were, from left, Aubrey Harmel, Clarence Muegge, Carol Jaster, Ed Zientek and Nolan Nitsche. held. After the meeting, members can play games and win prizes. The prize winners at the March meeting were Russell Boss, Joyce Lux and Leroy Schmidt. Some lodge members will volunteer to work in Applicant MUST be a Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 member in good standing. One applicant per application form. Applicant MUST be registered to attend during the 2015 Camp Season. Applicant MUST submit an essay containing 50-200 words on one of the following subjects: a. Why I want to attend Hermann Sons Youth Camp. b. Why I enjoy attending Hermann Sons Youth Camp. 5. Application must be postmarked or received in the Louise Schuetze Lodge office by May 29, 2015. The essay with this application attached should be submitted to: Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 525 S. St. Mary’s St. San Antonio, TX 78205 6. There will be one award per category for a total of 3 awards. In the case that one of the categories doesn’t have any applications, an additional voucher may be awarded in one of the other categories at the discretion of the panel. Celebrating anniversaries in February from Brenham Lodge were, from left, Bennie and Gloria Hanath, 57 years, Edward and Mamie Lorenz, 68 years, and Gloria and Herbert Zwahr, 58 years. Brenham Lodge to host supper, dance in April BRENHAM – Brenham Lodge No. 6 met Feb. 13 with 71 in attendance. B efore the meeting, a meal prepared by Shirley Ganske, Joyce Marburger and Nina Runge was served. Members provided desserts. Special Representative Gary Falkenberg encouraged everyone to recommend new members and reported that the summer season for Hermann Sons Youth Camp starts June 14. A moment of silence was observed in memory of Phillip Loesch, Calvin Meyer and Jacob Skinner. The lodge will donate $100 to Brenham Little League and sponsor a boy to Boys State. Providing drinks were Edward and Mamie Lorenz and Herbert and Gloria Zwahr in honor of their anniversaries and Aubrey and Evelyn Harmel in honor of Brother Harmel’s birthday. A steak and sausage supper with a dance is scheduled for April 17. – Lucille Meinecke Like us on Facebook! DISCLAIMER A panel of adult Louise Schuetze Lodge members will choose the recipients from the submitted essays. The panel’s decision is FINAL. Camper’s Information (Please print) Camper’s Name: _______________________________________________________________ (as it appears on insurance certificate) Street Address, City, State, Zip: ___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _________________________________________________________________ Camper’s Certificate No.:________________________________________________________ Parent(s) or Guardian(s) Name:________________________________________________________ (Please circle if parent or guardian) Daytime Phone: _______________________________________________________________ Evening Phone: ________________________________________________________________ One Camp Voucher will be awarded in each of the following categories: (Please check your age group) ______ 9 years of age ________ 10-11 years of age ______ 12-13 years of age Page 18 – Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 Camp registration info coming soon! Top 10 Reasons you should attend HSYC! 10. HSYC is a place where girls can be girls and boys can be boys. 9. The food and eating family style! 8. You will be a part of a legacy and great traditions. 7. The dance!... And the cookies that are there! 6. You will make memories and friends that could last a lifetime. 5. You will have a blast with awesome counselors and learn many songs that you’ll sing for years. 4. HSYC is a place where you can learn respect for other people’s differences and appreciate their similarities. 3. You can learn new skills, have fun in activities and have free swim time! 2. You can unplug from all of the gaming systems, Twitter, Snapchat, and just be a kid and PLAY! 1. You can come with no past and no predetermined expectations. You can be you! (Compiled from comments made earlier this month by current and former staff members in their Facebook group) Hermann Sons Youth Camp registration letters will be mailed to policy payers of eligible junior members in March! The brochure contains registration information and important summer updates. This is the second year that camp registration has been available online and parents/guardians should find that the registration process is even easier this year! For those with multiple children, you only have one login id and password which will be used to register all of the children wishing to attend Camp. You will be able to pay for all of the registrations at one time or separately. When dance registration begins, you will use the same login information and can register children for dance. In fact, you will already be able to see where the dance registration links will appear, listed under each child. Free Services Available Using Your Login ID and Password Each policy payer of junior members has unique login information that can be used to received hundreds of one-way emails each day for campers. Due to the volume of emails, we can only offer this service through the form on our website and not by sending emails to Camp email addresses. Before mail is delivered to campers on weekdays, the information is sorted and printed. Campers receive the printed emails with the rest of the mail during rest time. access free one-way emails and a photo gallery. For the protection of our campers, only authorized individuals (those with login credentials) are able to send one-way emails to campers. Hermann Sons Youth Camp previously used another company to manage one-way emails, which is part of the reason a fee was previously assessed for each email. This service is now available directly through our website. In the past, we have Challenge Class New for 2015 In last month’s edition of the Hermann Sons News, two new classes were introduced: reading outdoors and lyrical dance for girls. An additional activity being offered will be a challenge class that is open to all ages. Thanks to generous donations from the Houston Home Association, Fort Worth Lodge No. 33 and the Hermann Sons Youth Camp Alumni Organization, an expanded challenge course is being constructed with the inclusion of a zip line! Check for photos to be released in this newspaper and at www.facebook. com/HermannSonsYouthCamp in May and/or June. Camp had positive impact on girls Cont'd. from Pg. 10 prepared them – and us – for their future endeavors. "Looking back, it was an easy decision to purchase the Hermann Sons insurance that would allow our girls the opportunity to attend dance classes. What a truly amazing experience it was to appreciate their abilities as they concentrated on their dance skills while building new friendships. They looked up to the older girls at the lodge and listened attentively about how much they loved summer camp. Although our daughters had no idea what summer camp was all about, they knew they wanted to be there too! "Soon enough their time would come and camp letters arrived! Each year our daughters and their friends would coordinate a group meeting to discuss what week they would attend camp, how to rank their activities, and what clothes to pack. "Camp was definitely “the social event” of the summer! In fact, the week before camp was spent addressing envelopes for family and determining what to wear for the camp dance. Finally, all the girls gathered the day before camp to have their hair braided by a favorite high school girl who was also a former camper. "For the girls, it was great fun in anticipation of the week ahead. However, as parents, we began to wonder just what we had done by allowing our daughters to travel so far away from home for an entire week. "That first summer, we somehow managed to endure a quiet house as we awaited that first camp letter to confirm that no one had escaped and that everyone was having a great time! We also discovered that our daughters were learning how to be responsible without mom and dad while enjoying their activities and making new friends. "At the end of the week, we arrived to find the girls a little taller and a bit more confident with new friends and requests for the next summer! And, all they could talk about is how much they loved the food! "The rest is history – camp would be an annual event that would take priority over family vacation. "As time passed and our daughters recognized how much they loved camp, they made the decision to give back to HSYC as counselors. In fact, as they reminisce about their experiences, we appreciate how much HSYC has been instrumental in building their character and preparing each of us for the journey ahead which now includes college. We are forever thankful to HSYC for inspiring our daughters, Taylor and Madison, and providing a strong foundation for their future." March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 19 Cook-off teams enjoy competition, camaraderie The weather was perfect, the competition was "hot" and the fellowship was plentiful as Hermann Sons members and their CASI guests gathered at the Hermann Sons Retirement Home for the annual Chili Cookoff. The Grand Lodge was well represented with four members of the staff or their family turning in a pot of chili. The Grand Lodge staff manned a "Trauma Unit" passing out Jello "shots" and bottles of "pills" (jelly beans, actually) to visitors. Junior members posed as injured patients and could be seen hobbling around on crutches or carrying an injured patient on a stretcher. Two members of the Executive Committee, Grand President Buddy Preuss and Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger, served as judges along with their spouses. Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe couldn't judge because he was cooking and finished second in the amatuer chili competition. The team from Bandera County Lodge No. 81 was there providing musical entertainment. And there were several other lodges represented in the competition, including Columbia Lodge No. 66, Mission-Alamo Lodge No. 80, Hochheim-Prairie Lodge No. 90, Harmonia Lodge No. 1 and Comfort Lodge No. 2. Home residents could be seen all over the grounds selling food and items to raise money. Of course, the cook-off and all the other activities, including a prize drawing, were held to raise scholarship money. This year's preliminary total was $8,200. Each year five $1,000 scholarships are awarded to members of Hermann Sons who are graduating from high school and planning to continue their education. The date for next year's event will be March 12. Page 20 – Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 Retirement Home Cook-off winners Finishing in the top three in the amateur chili competition were, from left, Ralph Treiber, Comfort Lodge No. 2, third place; Grand Vice PresidentMarketing Tim Kolbe, second place; and Cathy Schmidt, San Antonio, first place. The top amateur chili cooks included, from left, Ray Guillory, Austin, 10th place; Cecily Kelly, Grand Lodge Fraternal Department, ninth place; Brandon Cernosek, Comfort Lodge No. 2, eighth place; and Rodney Koenig, Poth, seventh place. The second place honors in the amateur showmanship competition went to the team from Bandera County Lodge No. 81. The team used an Irish theme for decorations and clothing. Members of the group also played Irish songs on their instruments while others sang along. Three of the top chili cooks in the amateur competition were, from left, David Spaeth, Hochheim-Prairie Lodge No. 90, from Yoakum in sixth place; Y.A. Niemietz, representing Harmonia Lodge No. 1, from San Antonio in fifth place; and Dennis Ninneman from New Braunfels in fourth place. Taking first place honors in the amateur showmanship competition was the team representing the Grand Lodge. The "Trauma Unit" gave visitors a chance to get a "shot" and some "pills" to help them feel better. Sissy Ormsby and Steven Payton called themselves "Team Yahtzee" and gave visitors a chance to win a prize by throwing the dice. They were representing MissionAlamo Lodge No. 80. March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 21 Retirement Home Cook-off winners The top three bean cooks at this year's competition were, from left, Cathy Edmunson, third place; Dennis Ninneman, New Braunfels, second place; and Brett Schneider, San Antonio, first place. Finishing in the top 10 in the CASI chili competition were, from left, Lisa Stone, sixth place; Sam L'Huillier, fifth place; and Mary Ellen Gillen, fourth place. The top three CASI cooks in the chili competition were, from left, Debbie Lalanne, Pipe Creek, third place; Jennifer Orosco, San Antonio, second place; and Bucky Seelig, Fredericksburg, first place. The top three finishers in the CASI showmanship competition were, from left, Redneck Chili, third place; Chili Cheesheads, second place; and Psycho Chili, first place. All of the top 10 finishers in the CASI chili competition and the top three finishers in the showmanship competition earn points that help them qualify for the World Championships held each year in Terlingua, Texas. Rounding out the top 10 in the CASI chili competition were, from left, Bob Troy, Hutto, 10th place; Larry Kinnison, Marble Falls, ninth place; Tim Lalanne, Pipe Creek, eighth place; and Kathy L'Huillier, Michigan, seventh place. Page 22 – Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 President Carol Swan, left, made a presentation to Lillie Mae Dienger during the February meeting of Mission-Alamo Lodge. Sister Dienger was a resident of Wedgwood Senior Apartments when it burned on Dec. 28. Lodge members made donations and the lodge also made a donation to Sister Dienger to help her recover from the fire. Celebrating February birthdays at the Mission-Alamo Lodge meeting were, from left, Sylvia Schulmeier and Dorothy Breezee. Wearing their Western attire to the February Mission-Alamo Lodge meeting were, from left, Don Schulmeier, Jack and Dianne Larned, Lillie Mae Dienger, Denise Wright, John Hall and Kathy Wilson. Mission-Alamo has new member SAN ANTONIO – MissionAlamo Lodge No. 80 ended Rodeo Month with most members wearing their denim and western wear to the February meeting. The evening featured a meal of ham and all the trimmings and games. A moment of silence was observed in memory of two members. Earl Guerrero passed away Dec. 5, 2014, at the age of 53. He had been a member for 50 years. Mildred Kent passed away Jan. 5, 2015, at the age of 53. She had been a member for 45 years. Welcomed as a new member was Chloe Grace Schneider. Members were reminded that Hermann Sons Youth Camp registration information would be mailed in March. Celebrating February birthdays were Dorothy Breezee and Sylvia Schulmeier. Celebrating wedding anniversaries were Georgia and John Hall, 21 years, and Jack and Dianne Larned,12 years. The lodge will not meet in April because of Fiesta. The next meeting will be held in May. Suzanne Hildebrand would have won the big jackpot but she was not present. The drawing will be worth $45 at the next meeting. Split-the-pot winner was Kathy Wilson. – Sylvia Schulmeier Celebrating February anniversaries at the Mission-Alamo Lodge meeting were, from left, Jack and Dianne Larned and Georgia and John Hall. Linda and Past Grand President Leroy Muehlstein enjoy the fellowship at the February Brunhilde Lodge meeting. Members and guests attending the February Brunhilde Lodge meeting gather for a group photo. Carol Krauss, seated, buys a split-the-pot ticket from Sharon Dolenak during the February Brunhilde Lodge meeting. Brunhilde Lodge members welcomed Sydney Shaw home from college at the February meeting. Brunhilde goal is 7 new members SAN ANTONIO – Brunhilde Lodge No. 7 met in the Rathskeller on Feb. 16. Sharon Dolenak gave the opening prayer. It was noted that Monnie Nordland gave the opening prayer at the January meeting, not Morrie Nordland as was reported. A potluck dinner was served. Special Representative Carol Krauss reminded members that the lodge needs seven new members this year in order to meet its goal. Guest Kathy Berger was welcomed. The next meeting was scheduled for March 16. – Reporter March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 23 Pershing's Progress Lodge needs volunteers for Fiesta chair set up SAN ANTONIO – Viva Fiesta! Pershing Lodge No. 160 will hold its next meeting on April 1. The lodge will provide the brisket or sausage. Members are asked to bring a side dish and dessert. Vice President Beth Warne is asking for volunteers to sign up to set up parade seats on Friday, April 24, and Saturday, April 25. All help will be appreciated. At the March meeting, Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe congratulated Pershing Lodge on its 95th anniversary. Past Grand President Leroy Muehlstein and wife Linda also were present. Brother Kolbe presented the Grand Lodge Matching Funds check of $500 to the Guide Dogs of Texas. President Mike Armstrong, Vice President Beth Warne and Grand Guide Amanda Deicke presented the Pershing Lodge check of $1,706 to the Guide Dogs of Texas. The check represented the proceeds from the Deicke Memorial Spaghetti Dinner Fund-raiser. There also was an anonymous donation of $100. Thanks go to all who helped and brought desserts to the spaghetti dinner. The lodge welcomed a new member, Emma Beth Valeriano. Sharon Ann Mainz was wel- Past presidents honored at the March Pershing Lodge meeting were, from left, Marilyn Hoster, Ruth Lampman, Joan Lichtenberg, Amy Barfell, Carol Krauss, Alice Golla, Tom Brady, Lillian Franckowiak, Mike Armstrong, Herbie Schramm, Dottie Schramm and Amanda Deicke. comed by way of transfer. Carolyn Valek asked members to pray for Andy Janowski and Joan Rihn and other members who are ill. Chaplain Tony Valek reported on the passing of Ella Dunford, Jerald Kenyon, Gladys Lusk and Kenneth Sureddin. Terri Armstrong reported on a trip April 14 to Brenham to tour the Blue Bell Ice Cream plant. A trip to the Kickapoo Casino in Eagle Pass is planned for April 19. Cost will be $15 for members and $20 for nonmembers. For more information, call Sister Armstrong at 210-378-0319. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Emmett Krachala, Bobby Ervin, Andrew Austin, Helen Alberthal, Betty Opiela, Dorothy Pawlik, Martha Stocking and Stan Deitchle. The last three were winners of the birthday drawing. Joan Lichtenberg won the $25 attendance prize and Don Pass won the split-the-pot drawing. Three names were drawn for the March $70 Progressive Pot but Lillian M. Chapman, Kellin John Kinney and Jeffrey Austin King were not present to claim their winnings. – Dorothy Pawlik Join Hands Day & Make a Difference Day Louise Schuetze gears up for projects SAN ANTONIO – Members and guests became Irish for the day on Monday, March 9, during the Louise Schuetze Lodge No. 3 meeting celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. Members and guests showed their many shades of green so as not to be pinched. Members agreed to once again offer Camp Vouchers to junior members of the lodge. The Camp Voucher Application can be found on Page 17 of this issue of the newspaper. The lodge is gearing up for its Join Hands Day and Make a Difference Day projects. The lodge will be collecting and purchasing stuffed animals for the EMS/Fire Department again this year. The lodge also will be collecting and purchasing new and gently used books for the Christus Santa Rosa Children’s Hospital. The Northeast Independent School District PTA will be having its annual Book Fair on April 10-12 at Blossom Center. This would be a good chance to purchase books and donate to this worthy project. The lodge is looking for volunteers to help park cars during Fiesta Week. Contact the lodge office at 210-223-1631 to sign up. The lodge will be parking cars on Friday, April 24, in the morning. This project will help the Home Association raise money for taxes. "Happy Birthday" wishes went to guest Lloyd Markell. Members are reminded of these important dates: March 28 - annual Hermann Sons Youth Camp-Shannon Leigh Gaffney Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament April 13 - Regular meeting May 2 - Join Hands Day project May 11 - Regular meeting celebrating Mother’s Day May 29 - Camp Voucher Applications due – Janet Abell Representatives of Guide Dogs of Texas accept donations from Pershing Lodge and the Grand Lodge during the March meeting. Pictured are, from left, Amanda Deicke, Jenna Krysinski and dog Siona, Steve Cardenas and dog Cody, Grand Vice PresidentMarketing Tim Kolbe, lodge President Mike Armstrong and lodge Vice President Beth Warne. Celebrating birthdays at the March Pershing Lodge meeting were, from left, Andrew Austin, Bobby Ervin, Helen Alberthal, Martha Stocking, Betty Melton, Stan Deitchle, Dorothy Pawlik and Emmett Krachala. Austin Lodge plans next meeting for April 12 AUSTIN – Austin Lodge No. 120 met Sunday, March 1, and welcomed two new members, Jonah Williford and Charleigh Squires. It was reported that members Louise Duecker and Chester Eklund, who have been hospitalized, are doing much better in rehab. Hope they continue to improve. There was correspondence from the Grand Lodge regarding membership. If anyone knows of a prospective member, contact an agent. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Billie Harris, Richard Skanse, Elo Toll, Kimberly Lindsey and O’Neal Weigelt. O’Neal Weigelt won the “kitty” and Edna Weigelt received the attendance award. Members provided the sandwiches and desserts for the meal served after the meeting. President Ed Kurtz reminded members the next meeting will be held April 12 because of Easter being on the first Sunday in April. Members are asked to bring food for the potluck meal and desserts. – Reporter Page 24 – Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 Edelweiss-Magnolia to host Pioneer Night Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge No. 47 will host its Pioneer Night on April 21. The meal will be provided and will be served at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will start at 7:30 p.m. Hope to see lots of members there. Call Anna Larie Keith at 281-259-6337 if you are planning to attend. Winners of door prizes at the February meeting were, from left, France Lincke, Tyler Keith, Flois Carter, Matilda Laird and Larry Hoff. Celebrating birthdays at the February Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge meeting were Fred Buri and Matilda Laird. Hilbert and Willie Mae Pechacek celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary at the February meeting of EdelweissMagnolia Lodge. Fred and Jo Ann Buri celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in February. They are members of Edelweiss-Magnolia Lodge. Dallas Lodge will host First Friday event April 3 DALLAS - Dallas Lodge No. 22 officers send fraternal greetings to all members. The weather in North Texas in February was very cold. Ice and snow is no fun unless you are a child and don’t have to go to school. Many are looking forward to warmer weather. At the Feb. 22 business meeting members finalized the lodge calendar for 2015. The lodge will host the First Friday events on April 3, June 5, Aug. 7 (this one also is a fund-raiser event), Oct. 2 and Dec. 4 (this also is a fund-raiser and is being co-hosted with Columbia Lodge No. 66). All of the First Friday member events will start at 7 p.m. at the Lodge Hall that is home to both Dallas and Columbia lodges. Guests are welcome. The fund-raiser events will be announced at a later date. Other important dates include Join Hands Day on May 2 and a social luncheon on May 31 at 1 p.m. at El Fenix in downtown Dallas. Sixty-year membership pins will be presented at that social. The other social luncheon will be Dec. 13 at 1 p.m. with the location and details to be provided later. In a letter to lodges, Grand President Buddy Preuss asked that lodges improve commu- nication with members in an effort to get more members engaged in lodge activities. The lodge also has received a letter from Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe outlining the “125 in 2015: Go for the Goal” Campaign. The lodge’s new member goal for 2015 is 12. The lodge wants to contact members who have become inactive by inviting them to attend meetings, socials and events like First Friday. If you are not receiving lodge emails contact Secretary/ Treasurer Steve Schellenberg at [email protected]. The next business meeting is scheduled for April 26 at 1 p.m. And don’t forget about the First Friday event on April 3 beginning at 7 p.m. at the lodge hall. Guests are welcome. – Reporter Fort Worth will honor pioneers Cuero will met April 7 FORT WORTH – Due to the bad weather conditions, members of Fort Worth Lodge No. 33 received their February Hermann Sons News late. Reading the Grand President’s message made me understand why I received the paper so late. If you don’t like the weather one day in Texas, just stick around because it will change by tomorrow. Sunshine today – tomorrow rain, sleet and snow. Thanks go to all those highway workers who worked extra hours to sand in an effort to make it safer for the workers and travelers. Remember – spring is just around the corner. Time is a valuable asset, so use it wisely. Take time to find your insurance policy and check to see if you have a current beneficiary and that your name is correct on your policy. Do you have enough insurance to provide for family members once you are gone? These are things you need to consider. Are there new grandchildren in your family and, if so, have you given them the gift of membership to Hermann Sons. If you need help with any insurance issue, contact your agent or the Grand Lodge. Don’t wait until something happens and your loved ones have to deal with the problems. It’s time to start making plans for the lodge’s annual picnic. Members who are due to receive their 50-year and 60-year membership pins will be invited to attend and have their pins presented to them that day. So, watch next month for the details of the picnic - time, date and place. Have you sent your recipe to the Grand Lodge for the 125th anniversary cookbook? You still have time. Send it to the attention of Kathie Ninneman at the Grand Lodge. You can also email them to her at [email protected]. The names of the winners of the lodge’s Hermann Sons Youth Camp scholarships will be announced in April. Remember that if your child has a friend who wants to go to Camp, there is still time to get them signed up. “Happy Birthday” wishes go to Darrell Gregory, Sam Jones, Sheila Kime, Kim LeBlanc, Sharon Magee, Pat Miller, Gene Pierce, Sherry Pierce, Matthew Schick, Frankie Thompson and Lyndall Thompson. – Reporter CUERO – Cuero Family Lodge No. 82 members gathered for a regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 3, at Ruby’s Diner. President Laura Tiffin installed Vice President Gary Hotz. The lodge’s new member goal for 2015 is 39. Anyone knowing someone in need of insurance, let the agents know and help the lodge meet this goal. June Guenther recognized 50-year membership pin recipient Orville Buchhorn. He has been a member since March 21, 1955. Reporting for the Cheer Committee, Verna Lee Gohmert said a get-well card had been sent to Wilburn Arndt who was in the hospital and is now at Warm Springs in Victoria. She also sent a sympathy card to the family of Gertrude Boehm. In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, the names of everyone who wore green were put in a drawing. The winners were Betty Bade and Lawrence Hotz. Alice Scheibe and Ann Carpenter both brought cakes. Members celebrating birthdays in March are Sarah Aronstein, Alice Scheibe, Pat Wanjura, Allison Tiffin and Jerry Wanjura. Door prize winners were Gary Hotz, Allison Tiffin, Ben Carpenter, Joyce Hotz and Janet Tietz. The next meeting is April 7 at Ruby’s Diner beginning at 6 p.m. April Fool’s Day and Easter will be celebrated. Following the meeting, members enjoyed a meal of chicken fried steak or hamburger steak, green beans, mashed potatoes, a roll and tea. Hope to see lots of members at the next meeting. – June Guenther March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 25 Houston Lodge Family/Pioneer Day set for April 12 HOUSTON – Houston Lodge No. 100 met Monday, Feb. 9, at the Sokol Hall, 1314 W. Patton. The meal of taco soup and desserts was served at 7 p.m. and the meeting started at 7:45 p.m.. This was preceded by social time at 6 p.m. After the meeting a games party was held. The 21 members in attendance voted to have the annual Family/Pioneer Day on Sunday, April 12, starting at 2 p.m. at the Sokol Hall. All members are urged to arrive by 2 p.m. as the games party starts at 2:15 p.m. followed by cake walks, door prizes, other games and a barbecue dinner being cooked on site. The barbecue is being prepared by a championship team that cooks regularly at the Houston Rodeo Cook-off and has won many prizes. This annual event ends at 6 p.m. and is free for all Houston Lodge members. There will be a nominal charge for guests. Reservations are required so contact Gary or Darlene Ellison and Diane Weikel celebrate their birthdays in February. They are members of Houston Lodge. Doris Falkenberg before April 8 at 713-466-6069 if attending. With Daylight Savings Time already started it will still be daylight for those who don’t drive at night. One change from previous years is that membership pins will not be awarded until the Christmas dinner in December. This year there are 14 members who will receive 50-year pins, eight who have earned their 60-year pin, two will receive their 70-year pin, and one member receives her 75-year pin. Members are asked to donate cakes for the cake walk and prizes for the door prizes. James and Darlene Ellison are heading up the event. During the meeting President Gary Falkenberg reviewed the 2015 lodge schedule. Schedule cards were distributed at the meeting and mailed to members. Members not receiving a schedule card are asked to contact Brother Falkenberg. The Join Hands Day project will be held Saturday, April 25, at the Houston Food Bank. The time will be announced at Family Day. The May meeting is scheduled for May 11 with sandwiches and desserts being furnished by members. The meal for the June 8 meeting is potluck and desserts provided by members and the July 13 meeting will include a Dutch lunch provided by the lodge and desserts provided by members. The social time for all these gatherings is 6 p.m. The meal is at 7 p.m. and the meet- ing follows. During the meeting a resolution was read in memory of Garnold Tomchesson who passed away in September of 2014. He had been a Hermann Sons member since November 1947. Brother Falkenberg reported that the lodge’s new member goal for 2015 is 16. Now is the time to refer someone for membership. February birthday celebrants were Darlene Ellison and Diane Weikel. Winners of door prizes included Duane Haas, Diane Weikel, Peggy Haas, Sheila Lee and Doris Falkenberg. Remember that if you are attending the annual Family/ Pioneer Day on Sunday, April 12, to call Gary or Doris Falkenberg before April 8 for reservations. Members are asked to donate cakes or gifts for door prizes. There is no meeting on Monday, April 13. Remember to recommend new members. New Braunfels juniors reminded scholarships available NEW BRAUNFELS – Attention all New Braunfels Lodge No. 21 high school graduating seniors: if you are interested in a scholarship, contact Tommy Daum at 830-625-8937. At the March 1 meeting, the lodge welcomed eight new junior members. Delbert Tanneberger, who had been ill, was in attendance and doing better. President Karen Harborth thanked all of those who helped her set up and decorate the hall. A resolution of respect was read in memory of Virginia Kuykendall. A thank you card was read from the family of William “Bill” Brown. A letter was read from Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe thanking the lodge for achieving its membership campaign goal of 125 new members in 2014. The goal for 2015 is 130 new members. A letter also was read from Grand President Buddy Preuss asking lodges to find new ways to engage members in lodge activities. Michael Huebinger and Dorella Colbert were re-elect- ed to another two-year term as Home Association board members. Attendance prize winners were Sandra Guenther, Karen Harborth, Virginia Vetter, Amber Singleton, Shirley Huebinger, James Stolte, Dorothy Eickmann, Bill Wenzel, Marlene Churchman, Dorothy Ebert, Martha Stahl and Violet Tanneberger. Sister Harborth hosted the meal of fried chicken and side dishes provided by members. The next meeting is set for May 3 at 3 p.m. at the lodge hall. Spaghetti will be provided and members are asked to bring a salad or dessert. There will not be a meeting April 5 due to Easter. – Virginia Vetter Will recognize pin recipients Dunlay Lodge will hold picnic June 7 DUNLAY – Dunlay Lodge No. 285 met Tuesday, Feb. 17, with members enjoying a covered dish meal. President Joyce Krenmueller installed Tom Zuberbueler as a trustee since he could not attend the installation in January. The Cheer Committee reported that Betty Boehle is still in the nursing home. “Happy Birthday” cards were sent to Morris Baxter, Dolly Meyer and Calvin Schott. Mary Lou Weeber celebrates her birthday in March. President Krenmueller read a letter from the Grand Lodge informing the lodge that its goal for 2015 is three new members. Members agreed to recognize membership pin recipients at the June 7 picnic. It begins at 2 p.m. Clyde Muennink offered to cook the 50 pounds of meat. Beans and potato salad also will be made. Join Hands Day is May 2. President Krenmueller has discussed with Lorraine Miller of AARP and Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161 the possibility of Dunlay Lodge joining hands with those two organizations and local Boy Scouts in a cleanup day like last year. President Krenmueller also will be taking a copy of the scholarship information to the Hondo High School counselor for distribution. A food drive will be held in September and October to collect food for the Hondo Food Pantry. This will be the lodge’s Make a Difference Day project. Clyde Muennink won the split-the-pot cash and donated it back to the lodge. – Reporter Clyde Muennink, left, was the split-the-pot winner at the February Dunlay Lodge meeting. Tom Zuberbueler, right, was installed as a trustee at the same meeting. Page 26 – Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 Schulenburg Lodge donates to Fire Pup Program SCHULENBURG – Schulenburg Lodge No. 14 met Feb. 11 with President Bill Michalke installing trustees Emma Nitschke and Edith Kocurek. Kathy Loth of Schulenburg received her 50-year membership pin. Sister Loth has been a member since Sept. 3, 1965. A donation was made to the Schulenburg Fire Department for its Fire Pup program. Members agreed to have a guest speaker at meetings every other month. There was a collection of food items for the Schulenburg Food Pantry and monetary donations were accepted. It was announced that next year’s installation of officers will be hosted by the lodge at the American Legion Hall in Wolters Park on Jan. 16. Get-well cards had been sent to Beverly Bucek, Bonita Guettermann and Mark Janecka. A sympathy card and memorial donation were sent to the family of Deloris Ohnheiser and the family of LaVerne Lamascus. A card was read from Lucille Strickland thanking the lodge for the donation in memory of her husband, Bobby. Another thank you card was read from Louis Nitschke for his bag of goodies and birthday card delivered from the lodge by Arline Ulrich. Bonita Guettermann thanked Schulenburg Lodge President Bill Michalke swears in Emma Kathy Loth receives her 50-year membership pin from Schulenburg Nitschke and Edith Kocurek as trustees. President Bill Michalke. the lodge for her get-well card. Mark Janecka, Sister Guettermann’s son-in-law, will have another 11 treatments for his cancer. Celebrating February birthdays were Rene Sustr, Ann Schilhab and Alton Hafer. Ann and Hugo Schilhab celebrated their 62nd anniversary. Thirty-three members enjoyed stew and cakes. Schulenburg Lodge meets the second Wednesday of each month at the Schulenburg Community Center beginning at 6:30 p.m. for refreshments and 7 p.m. for dinner and the meeting. – Reporter Ann and Hugo Schilhab from Schulenburg Lodge celebrate their wedding anniversary in Celebrating February birthdays at the Schulenburg Lodge meeting February. were, from left, Ann Schilhab, Rene Sustr and Alton Hafer. Highland Lakes' new goal is five Boerne will meet April 3 HIGHLAND HAVEN Highland Lakes Lodge No. 317 met at the Highland Haven Community Center on Sunday, March 1. The turnout was good. Special guests were Executive Camp Director Jenifer Cernosek and Grand Vice PresidentInvestments Harry Werland. Brother Werland reminded members about the upcoming 125th anniversary of the Grand Lodge and the 100th anniversary of the Retirement Home. Sister Cernosek spoke about the Youth Camp. Three new members were welcomed by way of transfer. They are Felicia Vallejo, Christa Ramon and Shelby Ramon. The lodge’s new member goal for 2015 is five. The Membership and Community Coordinators are BOERNE – Boerne Lodge No. 25 met March 6 with a great member turnout for the lasagna lunch. One new adult member was welcomed. Guest was Grand Vice President-Fraternal Kim Krueger who talked about events for the remainder of the year, including the Grand Lodge’s 125th anniversary celebration in Floresville on Oct. 10. She also spoke about registration for Youth Camp (ages 9-13) and options for half-week and full-week sessions. A letter from Grand President Buddy Preuss was read thanking members for participating in the recent installation of officers’ ceremonies. Marilyn Vogt, secretary/treasurer, sent letters to 17 junior quite active. Plans are being made to award a full Camp scholarship to a junior member. Sister Cernosek will help define the criteria for awarding the scholarship. The lodge will make a donation to the Kingsland food pantry in observance of Join Hands Day. A game will be played at the next meeting (hint: bring your pennies). A Grandparents Day event is being planned. More information will be announced at a later date. Keep watching the Hermann Sons News. The lodge was scheduled to have one or more participants at the 26th annual Chili Cook-off on March 13-14. The meal was excellent. Thanks go to Fritz and Janice Friesenhahn for getting tamales at Reuben’s in San Antonio and thanks to all the great cooks who brought their specialties – the Embreys brought chili and Mexican rice, the Butlers brought beans - and everyone who brought other dishes and desserts. Oh, and by the way, who ever brought the good coleslaw, please do that again for the June fish fry. Brenda Malone was the splitthe-pot winner. Names were drawn and some members got to take home the leftovers. Thanks go to all who turned out in not so pleasant weather conditions. Some plans for the June meeting meal were made. Joe Schott agreed to catch some catfish so a fish fry is planned. Charles Butler and Jim Embrey offered to bring their cookers. – Reporter members who will be graduating in May providing information about scholarship applications. Nine responded by the March 1 deadline. Members voted to give each a $250 scholarship. The lodge received a thank you letter from the recipient of the $250 scholarship donation to the recent Kendall County Junior Livestock Show. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Lloyd Markell and Happy Anniversary wishes went to Lloyd and Elizabeth Markell. The next meeting will be held Friday, April 3, at 11:30 a.m. in the new St. John’s Lutheran Church (note change of location) and fish will be on the menu. – Reporter March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 27 Round Top celebrates pioneer's 100th birthday ROUND TOP – Round Top Lodge No. 151 met Feb. 26 with 17 members braving the cold weather to attend. Correspondences included a letter from Genell Rohde, who now resides at Jefferson Place in La Grange. The picture was of her and her family including children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, all named and marked in the picture. Lila Garlin from the Cheer Committee sent beautiful oldfashioned Valentines to all the lodge’s sick and shut-ins. An invitation to all the show funds will be extended asking them to send a representative to the lodge’s April 23 meeting to accept a donation to that show fund and tell about the children’s projects and show results from March 27-28. Edith Pfeiffer thanked all who attended her 100th birthday open house celebration. She is still an active member of the lodge, has served on various committees and held different officer positions including more than 20 consecutive years as secretary. Not many members age 100 still attend meetings. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Edith Pfeiffer, Doris Georges and Linda Mattocks. Also the 58th wedding anniversary of Doris and Barney Lee Georges was acknowledged. Edna Meinkowsky and Jim and Linda Mattocks won door prizes. Attendance prizes were won by Virgie Hall, Barney Georges, Betty Porter, Leonard Meinkowsky and Bob Porter. The next serving committee will include Ted and Margie Stardig, Barton and Lila Garlin and Barney and Doris Georges. A big thank you goes to the serving committee of Jim and Linda Mattocks, Max Baranowski and Jeanette Hancock, Floyd and Jocie Braun, Virgie Hall and Ora Lee Doris and Barney Georges celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary in February. They are members of Round Top Lodge. Levien who furnished a meal of spaghetti, lasagna, garlic bread, lots of salads and desserts from other members. The next meeting is scheduled for April 23. Don’t forget your recipes for the Grand Lodge’s anniversary cookbook. – Reporter Edith Pfeiffer celebrated her 100th birthday on Feb. 9. She is pictured with her family at the open house celebration. All are members of Round Top Lodge. Seated next to Sister Pfeiffer is granddaughter Staci Brailas. Standing are, from left, Jeanette and Fritz Schoenst, daughter and son-in-law, and granddaughter Sue Sternadel. Moulton receives thank-yous MOULTON – Moulton Lodge No. 59 met Feb. 11. The lodge had received thank you notes from the LAMB food pantry for the monetary and food donations and from the family of Cole Kloesel for the donations to him. Members enjoyed a meal featuring fresh sausage provided by Larry and Carol Selzer. Members provided the side dishes. Birthday honorees for January and February were Linda Muehlstein, Carol and Larry Selzer, Eugene Anderle, Jaime and son Judson Anderle and daughter Jillian. Door prize winners were Allyne Chapman, Linda Muehlstein, Carol Selzer, Joyce Pavlicek, Evelyn Kubicek, Steven Seifert and Jillian and Judson Anderle. Everyone enjoyed the evening fellowship. The next meeting was scheduled for March 11. – Reporter Celebrating birthdays in January and February from Moulton Lodge were, from left, Linda Muehlstein, Carol and Larry Selzer, Eugene Anderle and Jaime and son Judson and daughter Jillian Anderle in front. Jaime is the daughter-in-law of Barbara and Eugene Anderle and the children are their grandchildren. Judson and Jillian Anderle wait to draw for door prizes while Steven Seifert holds the can and Gladys Seifert looks on during the February meeting of Moulton Lodge. Celebrating birthdays at the Round Top Lodge meeting in February were, from left, Linda Mattocks, Doris Georges and Edith Pfeiffer. Columbus president installed COLUMBUS – Columbus Lodge No. 10 members met Feb. 9. Douglas Lilie was installed as president since he was unable to attend the installation of officers in January. President Lilie displayed the “Go for the Goal” poster and informed members the lodge’s 2015 goal is two new members. A presentation for members receiving pins in 2015 will be held during the Christmas social. Members were asked for suggestions for a Join Hands Day project on May 2. Members celebrating birthdays in February were Eric Peters, Nancy Jo Williams, Bradley Gordy, Breanna Meyer, Harold Stirl, Sara Hickey and Brady Bennett. Marjorie Brune won the Valentine M&M candy guessing game. John and Elena Holub led the entertainment followed by Valentine refreshments for everyone. The lodge meets the second Monday of the month. – Reporter Page 28 – Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 Lockhart Lodge will honor juniors at April meeting LOCKHART– Lockhart Lodge No. 64 met Sunday, March 1, at Chisholm Trail Barbecue. A moment of silence was observed in memory of Chris (Burklund) Schulze who passed away Jan. 25. He had been a member since Sept. 1, 1988. President Ann Schroeder welcomed Grand Vice PresidentSecretary/Treasurer Mary Beam and husband Mike. Sister Beam was interested in the progress of the lodge’s new officer structure. She also informed members about the Hermann Sons history articles being published in the Hermann Sons News in observance of the Grand Lodge’s 125th anniversary. A celebration is planned for Oct. 10 in Floresville and all members are invited. Other reminders included the Hermann Sons Youth Camp-Shannon Leigh Gaffney Scholarship Fund Golf Tournament on March 28 and Join Hands Day on May 2. The lodge welcomes new member Nicholas Ryan Reliford. He is the great-grandson of member Margie Bozarth. At the April 12 meeting, the lodge will observe “Senior Recognition Day” honoring Celebrating birthdays from Lockhart Lodge in February and March were, from left, Carol Schuelke, Michelle Dziadik-Willingham and Jonelle Frerich. Attendance-prize winners at the March Lockhart Lodge meeting were, from left, Bryan Dziadik-Willingham, Nancy Hess and Ann Schroeder. graduating high school seniors and juniors who are becoming adult members. Youth Coordinator Carol Schuelke will send notices with all the details. Members chose to honor Carol Schuelke’s request to “join hands” with Caldwell County Habitat for Humanity and the start of a new house in March in observance of Join Hands Day. Adult members who are able are encouraged to bring power tools and work on the home. The lodge will serve the noon A letter was read from Grand President Buddy Preuss encouraging members to attend meetings, get active and strive to get new members to join the lodge. A membership pin presentation will be held at the November meeting with a Grand Lodge representative in attendance. A Christmas party is planned for December following the regular meeting. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Jonelle Frerich and prospective member Michelle Dziadik- meal to the crew on May 2. Make a Difference Day is Oct. 24. A decision on an activity was tabled until a later date. After Ann Schroeder read a letter from Combined Community Action Inc., members decided to send a donation to help with its Meals on Wheels program. Another donation was made to the Caldwell County Christian Ministries food pantry. Other charity donations were discussed and will be made at a later date. Willingham for the month of February. Celebrating March birthdays are Carol Schuelke and Nicky Duewall. Congratulations went out to Janet and Vern Schaefer who celebrated their 57th anniversary. Door-prize winners were Pastor Bryan Dziadik-Willingham, President Ann Schroeder and Nancy Hess. The next meeting is April 12 with time and place to be announced. – Reporter Corpus Christi welcomes new members CORPUS CHRISTI – Corpus Christi Lodge No. 34 members met for a Sweetheart Dinner at a local restaurant on Valentine’s Day and were happy to welcome Past Grand President Leroy Muehlstein and wife Linda as guests. There was a good crowd in attendance and everyone feasted on a variety of local seafood favorites. The lodge welcomes new members Quentin David Reilly and JoAnn Young as well as transfer members Shelby, Raymond, Christina and Dana Schimcek. The family transferred from Odessa Lodge No. 38. The next meeting will be held Monday, April 6, at the Hilltop Community Center on Leopard in Calallen. The evening will begin with a potluck dinner at 6:30 p.m. and will include fellowship, games, prizes and a little business on the side. Del Mar Auditorium has been reserved for the Corpus Christi School of Dance recital on Saturday, June 6, at 5 p.m. Members were happy to hear Entertainment Chairman Alfena Dolgner is recovering from her surgery and feeling back to her cheery self. Congratulations go to Kerry Ginn, recipient of the lodge’s Humanitarian Award. He is an active member, a lodge trustee and the sole caregiver for his parents. He is always there to help fellow members when needed. – Reporter Corpus Christi Lodge President Frank Brandon presents the lodge’s Humanitarian Award to Kerry Ginn. Corpus Christi Lodge hosted a Sweetheart Dinner on Valentine’s Day. The gathering was held at a Corpus Christi restaurant. Frank and Darlette Brandon celebrate their 44th wedding anniversary in March. They are members of Corpus Christi Lodge. Celebrating March birthdays from Corpus Christi Lodge are, from left, JoAnn Young, Shelley Hunt, Kerry Ginn, Dorothy Evans, Michelle Ballard and Betty Ballard. March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 29 Fredericksburg will host camp director in April FREDERICKSBURG – A memorial service was held during the March meeting of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 41. A total of 21 members who passed away in the last year were remembered. President Hans Enderlin led the service by reading an article and “The Chain” poem. The memorial concluded with everyone joining in the Lord’s Prayer. The 58 members and guests included Grand Vice PresidentSecretary/Treasurer Mary Beam and husband Mike. After the covered dish meal, Sister Beam spoke. She congratulated the lodge for meeting its new member goal for 2014 and encouraged everyone to be a part of the effort to reach the 2015 goal. She announced that the Grand Lodge’s 125th anniversary is March 27. A big celebration is planned for Oct. 10 in Floresville. She also encouraged participa- Family members attended the memorial service honoring members of Fredericksburg Lodge who passed away in the last year. tion at the upcoming Hermann Sons Youth Camp-Shannon Gaffney Golf Tournament. Money raised is used to present three $1,000 scholarships each year to past campers. She also announced that Join Hands Day will be observed May 2 this year. Windy Duecker reported on the agent training she and Dennis Henke attended. The 2015 membership campaign, “125 in 2015,” was rolled out. The campaign includes a chance for members who recommend a new member to receive a $125 gift card. President Enderlin read a letter from Grand President Buddy Preuss about the importance of engaging new members in lodge activities. President Enderlin announced that pull tabs are still being collected for the Ronald McDonald House. Also, the lodge will continue to recycle aluminum cans. Celebrating birthdays in Celebrating March birthdays at the Fredericksburg Lodge meeting were Arlene Kelley, Marissa Weinheimer, Geneva Tatsch, Delores Staudt, Katherine Cornehl and Hans Enderlin. March were Hans Enderlin, Delores Staudt, Geneva Tatsch, Marissa Weinheimer, Arlene Kelley and Katherine Cornehl. Attendance prizes were awarded to Frances Hartman, Mary Bernhard, Melvin Staudt and Edgar Priess. The next meeting will be held April 7 and will feature a 50-year membership pin presentation and a presentation of Youth Camp information by Executive Camp Director Jennifer Cernosek after a salad meal. Contact Windy Duecker at 830-997-2983 or Hans Enderlin at 830-895-1343, for more information. – Reporter DaCosta Easter party March 28 DA COSTA – Da Costa Lodge No. 265 dancers, parents and siblings participated in the Victoria Livestock Show Parade on Feb. 21. Despite the wind and drizzle, the girls did a great job representing Hermann Sons and waving to the crowds. Upcoming events include the Youth Easter Party on March 28 from 10 a.m. to noon. The Da Costa School of Dance recital will be held May 2 at the Victoria Fine Arts Center. This is a free event and all members are encouraged to attend. And, the Summer Family Social is set for Aug. 16. Congratulations to Casey and Kelly Kucera on the birth of a son who was also welcomed by a big sister. Sympathy cards were sent to the families of Charlie Raska, Lester Kovarek, Lavon Glover and Gladys Squyers. Sympathy also was extended to Jessie Mitscherling following the loss of her sister, Doris. The 2015 scholarship applications are due by April 15. Contact Laverne Hajek at 361575-1712. The scholarship is for graduating high school seniors. The date of the next meeting has been changed to Wednesday, April 15. It begins at 6:30 p.m. – Sayra Martinka Giddings' new membership goal is 38 GIDDINGS – What a delight it was for Giddings Lodge No. 54 members to meet in the Valentine spirit with tables covered in pink and adorned with red roses! The roses were presented to each of the ladies at the end of the meeting. Additional flowers for the occasion were provided by Bernice Bittner in memory of her husband Monroe’s birthday and their wedding anniversary. Brenda Potter provided a decorated red velvet cake for the occasion. Welcomed as new members were Michele Ebner, Makenzie Stricker and Bailey Kohlleppel. They are encouraged to participate in meetings and other lodge activities. The Cheer Committee reported get-well cards had been sent to Jamie Garcia, Kari Hinze, Doris Kunkel, Ricky Ebner, Angie Prihoda, Brenda Potter and Laverne Urban. Cards of sympathy were sent to the family of Bernice Kalbas and to Olivia Weiser-Mize following the passing of her sister and brother-inlaw. Scholarship information letters were sent to high school seniors. The deadline for submitting applications is March 31. The lodge has received information on the 2015 Membership Growth Campaign. The goal for Giddings Lodge is 38 new members. February birthday honorees were Linda Tate and Olivia Weiser-Mize. Jerry and Brenda Potter were congratulated on their wedding anniversary. Attendance drawing winners were Laverne Urban, Johnny Herzik and Olivia Weiser-Mize. Members were encouraged to support the Lee County youth at the Junior Livestock Show set for March 26-28. – Deborah Beisert Capt. Laura Martin from the Salvation Army accepts a donation from Joe Pustka representing Da Costa Lodge. Da Costa School of Dance students, parents and siblings rode this float in the Victoria Livestock Show Parade in February. Page 30 – Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 Cibolo Lodge welcomes 100% Family, new members CIBOLO – The March meeting of Cibolo Lodge No. 147 was a joint celebration of St. Patrick’s Day and Easter since the lodge will not meet again until after Easter, on April 9. The Easter bonnet winner was Dorothy Schneider. Sister Schneider represented not only Easter but also her birthday with her Happy Birthday necklaces and St. Patrick’s Day with her decorated shirt. Members appreciate Sister Schneider’s embracing of all the festivities. Sister Schneider reported the passing of Lucille Henk Hehs. A moment of silence was observed in her memory. A contribution will be made to the Scholarship Fund in her memory. Members welcomed new members Giovanni DeLuca Jr., Caleb DeLuca, Tamie DeLuca, Giovanni DeLuca Sr., Jackson Steindorf and Kennedy Steindorf. Congratulations to the DeLuca family for being a 100% Family. The Matching Funds recipient and fund-raiser were announced. This year’s efforts will benefit Thrive Cancer Services. Agent Tina Ynfante received services from this agency when she was battling cancer. Lodge members will sell World’s Finest Chocolate $1 candy bars. If you would like to sell some of these bars or would like to purchase candy to support this effort, contact any lodge member. This year’s Join Hands Day project will be to assist with the Doggie Dash on Saturday, May 16, at Pickerel Park in Schertz. This annual event supports Homes for Pets, which supports the Schertz Animal Shelter. This is a fun event for adults and children and their canine friends. Entry forms can be found at www.homesforpets. org. The lodge social will be held Sunday, July 19, at Bracken Bowling. Bracken features ninepin bowling! The lodge will provide food and drinks. This social is open to all members Dorothy Schneider proudly displays the Easter bonnet she wore to the Cibolo Lodge meeting in March. and guests. It’s the perfect chance to invite those who might be interested in Hermann Sons insurance Side dish winners were Cliff Shepherd’s Queso Dip and Nell Shepherd’s Pistachio Dessert. Attendance prize winners were John Fey, Fay Fey and Zane Gray. Cory Moos would have been the special drawing Next meeting April 1 Rutersville plans Family Fun Night RUTERSVILLE – Rutersville Lodge No. 152 met Wednesday, March 4, at 7 p.m. with 23 members in attendance. The committee served chili, tamales and hot dogs. Members brought side dishes or desserts. Jo Ann Mueller reported sending a get-well card to Linda Kleiber and Light Liebscher. President Sherry Noak thanked Weldon Hartmann for electrical repairs done at the hall. The lodge had received a thank you from the Clara Wessels family and from the Edward Schielack family. Special Representative Gary Falkenberg and wife Doris were in attendance. He informed members that the new member goal for 2015 is 10. Agent Linda Mattocks and husband Jim also were in attendance. Attendance prize winners were Bob Schmitt and Joyce Faldyn. Celebrating special occasions at the March Rutersville Lodge meeting were, from left, Allen, not pictured, and Joyce Faldyn, Jo Ann Heintschel and James Svrcek. Members agreed to host Family Fun Night on Saturday, July 18. Celebrating March birthdays were Jo Ann Heintschel and James Svrcek. Allen and Joyce Faldyn celebrate their anniversary this month. The next meeting will be held Wednesday, April 1. Hamburgers will be served and members are asked to bring a side dish or dessert. – Reporter Celebrating March birthdays at the Cibolo Lodge meeting were, from left, Dorothy Schneider, Bret Gray and Emilie Shepherd. prize winner but he was not present to claim the prize, so the pot will be worth $43 at the April meeting. The next meeting will be April 9, the second Thursday of the month, instead of the usual first Thursday because this year that is Maundy Thursday. The meeting will be held at the usual place, Christ the King Lutheran Church in Universal City. Hope members will plan to attend and enjoy dinner, a short meeting and a social hour! – Joy Brown Bryan Lodge will honor pioneers at April meeting BRYAN – Bryan Lodge No. 99 is proud to recognize its loyal members who will receive their 75-, 70-, 60and 50-year pins this year. Arnold Sembera of Marshall is a 75-year member having joined on Aug. 14, 1940. Doris Herzog of Bryan is a 70-year member having joined on June 3, 1945. The 60-year members are Wm. Barron of Bryan, a member since March 15, 1955; Rodney Metzer of South Carolina, a member since Aug. 10, 1955; Albert Keller of Houston, a member since Aug. 25, 1955; James Opersteny of Bryan, a member since Sept. 4, 1955; and Melissa Fickey of Bryan, a member since Sept. 23, 1955. The 50-year members are Mary Ann Torrence of New Mexico, a member since Sept. 14, 1965; Manya Newell of Bryan, a member since July 14, 1965; Raymond Luther of College Station, a member since April 13, 1965; Mary Johnson of Bryan, a member since Sept. 15, 1965; Minnie Dowling and James Dowling of Bryan, both members since Oct. 12, 1965; and Raymond Dowling, Michael Dowling and James Dowling Jr., all of Bryan and all members since Oct. 13, 1965. At the March meeting, members decided to have a fish fry at the April meeting and to formally recognize the membership pin recipients at the June 9 meeting. Secretary Katherine Akin read a letter from Grand President Buddy Preuss about recruiting new members and engaging members. Larry and Rose Kucera celebrate their 37th wedding anniversary in March. Door prize winners were Joyce Schaefer, James Hyvl, Rose Kucera and Robert Buffington. The progressive door prize winner was not present – Robert Buffington March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 31 Paige plans egg hunt, hot dog lunch for April 12 PAIGE – Paige Lodge No. 154 members and guests enjoyed a Mexican potluck lunch and margaritas with a St. Patrick’s Day theme at the March 8 meeting. A moment of silence was observed in memory and honor of member, officer and friend, Marilyn Meinke. Sister Meinke’s love for and dedication to Hermann Sons was very evident through the various officer positions she held. Sympathy is extended to the Meinke family. Bernice Basward reported sending a sympathy card to the Ronnie Harmon family following the passing of his aunt, a thinking-of-you card to Jim and Rosie Millner and a sympathy card to the Jim Meinke family and to Annette and Charles Forrester following the passing of Marilyn Meinke. Sister Basward also reported talking with Sadie Raschke who is recuperating from surgery. Sister Raschke said she is doing well, misses everyone and sends greetings to all. Ronnie Harmon expressed appreciation for the cards he received. Members agreed to hold the Mother’s Day lunch and meet- Members and guests are pictured at the Paige Lodge March St. Patrick’s Day meeting. ing at Meyer’s BBQ on the third Sunday of May. President Chelle Dube read correspondence from Grand President Buddy Preuss thanking those who attended the installation of officers and offering a message on new ways to engage members in local lodge activities. She also read a thank you note from the Grand Lodge for the contribution to the Retirement Home Fund in memory of Mary L. Frerich and John C. Weiss and a thank-you note from the John C. Weiss family. Frank and Janice Bilberry thanked the lodge for allowing Deanville sells barbecue first and third Saturdays DEANVILLE – The community and members of Deanville Lodge No. 301 were saddened by the death of Jimmy Brinkmann on Feb. 24. He and Betty were supporters of the lodge and always willing to help out with the Fourth of July barbecue fund-raiser. He will be missed. The Cheer Committee reported sending get-well cards to Katherine Korth and Mildred Miman. They are wished speedy recoveries. A sympathy card was sent to the Blinka family following the death of Beverly’s mother, Mary Maresh. “Happy Birthday” was sung to Donnie Blinka and Barbara Sablatura. Thanks go to everyone who helped work on the septic tank. Thanks go to Tammy Jones for the drawing prizes. Viola Bartek was to provide the March prizes. Deanville Lodge President Donnie Blinka recently celebrated a birthday. Barbecue will be sold every first and third Saturday at the hall after 10 a.m. The bar is open every Saturday after 10 a.m. Lodge meetings are held the last Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. – Viola Bartek them to represent the lodge at the annual Hochheim Prairie Insurance Meeting and Dinner on Feb. 21. Debbie Barrington, on behalf of the Loblolly 4-H Club and the Paige Buyers Club, reported the money raised last year at the lodge’s Hamburger Meal-InA-Bag Fund-raiser helped purchase 14 projects at the Elgin Stock Show and four animals at the Bastrop Stock Show. Sister Dube reported that the Elgin School of Dance Recital is tentatively scheduled for May 24. A definite date and location will be reported in the April news article. Paige Lodge members enjoyed margaritas at the March St. Patrick’s Day meeting. Lodge members, youth and invited guests are reminded of the Hot Dog Lunch and Easter Egg Hunt Sunday, April 12, at the lodge hall at 12 noon. For more information, contact Sandy Botkin at 512-253-6566. Debbie Harmon won the attendance prize and Cornell Kunkel won the dollar pot. Donated door-prize winners were Janice Bilberry, Chelle Dube, Sandy Botkin, Paige Barrington, Linda Ihlo and Ronnie Harmon. Special thanks go to all who donated these items with special recognition to Ethel Kunkel for the two beautiful homemade pillows. Everyone enjoyed games after the meeting. Mark your calendar for the April 12 Hot Dog Lunch and Easter Egg Hunt and May 2 for the Hamburger-In-A-Bag Fundraiser for the Paige and Loblolly 4-H Clubs. More information on the fundraisers will be provided in the April news article. – Sandy Botkin Saturday, April 4 Columbia to host pancake Breakfast DALLAS – Spring greetings. May all your dreams be planted and come to fruition. We are busy planting the seeds of new ideas and new directions and new beginnings at the Dallas Lodge Hall. There is so much happening and much being planned to make Sons of Hermann more visible in the community. Columbia Lodge No. 66 hosted another successful First Friday and had close to 40 folks show up for the spaghetti dinner. At least that many folks were playing music in the Bowling Alley. The lodge will host its next First Friday on May 1 so make plans now to attend. There is talk of starting a games night at the Hall. Bob Portz showed his culinary skills and melded them with his bass playing to entertain the crowds. You had to be there. Also of note, on First Friday everyone helped Doug Caudill celebrate his 60th birthday. Brother Caudill is a long time 100% Family member. At the March meeting members were informed of the passing of Tom Mullins. An active member, Brother Mullins did lots to help the Hall. A donation was made in his name to the Retirement Home. Speaking of the Retirement Home, Aaron Bussell was in Comfort March 14 to represent the lodge in the Chili Cookoff. Hope he and the others from Columbia Lodge had a safe trip. Columbia Lodge is hosting its umpteenth annual Saint Alphonso Pancake Breakfast on Saturday, April 4, at the Hall. This is one of the lodge’s big fund-raisers and it is only as successful as those who participate. The cost is $7 in advance and $8 at the door. The serving of flapjacks starts at 8:30 a.m. and will continue until noon. Afterwards, the lodge will host its third annual Carter Blood Drive in conjunction with he Deep Ellum Arts Festival. This year, the blood drive will be held on the streets and Carter is bringing the bloodmobile. Organizers hope to make this a big event and hope many folks will get to know more about Hermann Sons and all it entails. As always, your participation and involvement makes it all the better. Hope to see lots of members at the Hall soon. Columbia Lodge will hold its next meeting on Sunday, April 12. It has been pushed back a week due to the Easter holiday. Hope to see you there. – Dave Moynihan Page 32– Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 D'Hanis Lodge honors Weynand Jean Weynand was recognized for 37 years of service as secretary/treasurer of D’Hanis Lodge No. 130 during the installation of officers held Jan. 25 at the Holy Cross Parish Hall in D’Hanis. Grand Vice President-Marketing Tim Kolbe, left, and lodge President Larry Huesser, right, presented her with a certificate of service. Brother Huesser praised her dedication and thanked her for all that she had done to promote Hermann Sons in her community and for the not 10, not 20, not 30, but 37 years at her post. D’Hanis Lodge members had a chance to congratulate Sister Weynand at the lodge’s regular meeting held March 5 at Seco Secrets in D’Hanis. Shelby plans ham dinner for April SHELBY – Shelby Lodge No. 28 met March 8 at Harmonie Hall with 30 members present. The Cheer Committee reported that Weldon Klaus and Myron Bruening were both improving and resting at home after recent surgeries. Members were saddened by the passing of longtime member Verline Schlabach. After approximately five years, Betty Huebner won the progressive door prize at the February meeting. A name is drawn at each meeting from among all members of the lodge. However, the member must be present to win. The prize will now begin over with the lodge contributing $2 at each meeting. The name drawn at the March meeting was Bradley Voelkel but he was not in attendance so it will continue to grow again. Celebrating February and March birthdays were Bea Helweg, Ken Mathis, Kyle Gest and Warren Meischen. Ken and Joylene Mathis celebrate their anniversary in March. February door prize winners were Ken Mathis, Patsy Krebs, Judy Pieper, Charlie Adamcik Hosts for the March Shelby Lodge meeting were, from left, Wendell and Maxine Rudloff and Nolan and Genelle Krebs. and Dennis Rudloff. March winners were Betty Huebner, Robert Klingsporn, Doris Voelkel, Waldine Banik and Don Huebner. After the meeting, Maxine and Wendell Rudloff and Genelle and Nolan Krebs served hamburgers. The lodge will furnish ham for the April 12 meeting. Members are asked to bring a side dish and/or dessert – Reporter Bernardo Lodge schedules summer social for June 13 Application deadline April 1 BERNARDO – Bernardo Lodge No. 243 met Feb. 18 in the Bernardo Volunteer Fire Department meeting room. The date for the summer social was set. It will begin at 4 p.m. on June 13. The lodge will provide fried chicken, paper goods and refreshments. Members will be asked to bring a covered dish and a dessert to share. Members were reminded that information about Hermann Sons Youth Camp would be mailed to eligible members in March. Anyone wanting more information about Hermann Sons Youth Camp should call Agent Terrel Maertz at 979732-1727 The lodge has sent postcards to members to remind them of the schedule for 2015. A check for $250 will be presented to the Bernardo Volunteer Fire Department to cover the cost of rental of the hall for meetings. Special awards went to Billy Hagen and Colby Maertz. The lodge meets the third Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. at the Bernardo Volunteer Fire Department. All members are welcome and encouraged to attend. – Robin Maertz Hondo Victory Lodge earns certificate for achieving goal HONDO – Hondo Victory Lodge No. 161 met Feb 10. President Pat Saunier displayed the certificate the lodge received her achieving its new member goal for 2014. The certificate was presented at the installation ceremony in January. Congratulations are in order for Loraine Miller who was voted Citizen of the Year by the local Chamber of Commerce. – Reporter Celebrating March birthdays at the Shelby Lodge meeting were, from left, Kyle Gest and Warren Meischen. Stern offering senior scholarships SEGUIN – Stern Lodge No. 143 members met Sunday, March 1, at the Seguin American Legion Hall in Seguin and enjoyed a meal of fried chicken and assorted desserts. Members discussed the plan to reinstate the annual fish fry in the near future. Grand President Buddy Preuss’ message was for members to engage new members by personally inviting them to meetings and lodge events. Discussion of donations to the community resulted in a called meeting of the Finance Committee to budget for possible upcoming expenditures. Lodge members who are graduating from high school this year with a grade point average of 85 or better can apply for the lodge's scholarship. Contact Fran Altherr at 830-379-2782 for an application. Deadline to submit an application is April 1. Members winning door prizes included Paul Altherr, Donald Morawietz and Liz Witten. The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, May 3, at the Seguin American Legion. Roast beef will be provided and members are asked to bring a covered dish. All lodge members are invited to attend for a chance to win a door prize. – Reporter Montgomery plans potluck for April 20 CONROE – The weather was cold and wet, but Montgomery Lodge No. 315 members enjoyed a potluck dinner at the February meeting. The chicken vegetable soup provided my Teresa Davis was a big hit. Robert Prewitt installed the officers who were unable to attend the installation in January. William and Leona McVicar have stepped down from their offices for health reasons. Marie Waxler will now serve as a trustee and Jason Ballman will serve on the Finance Committee. Next year’s new member goal was discussed as well as the installation service that the lodge will host. All the plans are coming together. Special Representative Gary Falkenberg spoke about changes at Hermann Sons Youth Camp for the upcoming summer season. Doris Falkenberg won the door prize. The next meeting will be April 20. A potluck dinner will be served. – Reporter March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 33 Spring Branch presents pins Two members of Spring Branch Lodge No. 127 recently received their membership pins from Past Grand Vice President-Fraternal Lee Vogel, center. They are Gloria Gass, a 50-year member since Nov. 15, 1964, and her husband, Odean Gass, a 60-year member since Dec. 21, 1954. San Marcos plans picnic for July 18 SAN MARCOS – San Marcos Lodge No. 26 met in the La Vista Retirement Meeting Room on Monday, March 2. Members welcomed a new member, Lauren Anderson. A note was received from the Hays County Women’s Shelter thanking the lodge for its recent donations. Members were asked to mark their calendars for the annual picnic on Saturday, July 18, at the Zorn Bowling Club. Members were asked to donate items for the Hays Nursing Home in San Marcos in observance of Join Hands Day on May 2. A memorial service was held to honor members who had passed away in 2014. Remembered were Donald Blevins, Gilbert Becker Sr., Dennise Schuetz, John Rochelle Jr. and Wren Giesen. President Agnes Dreibrodt, Secretary-Treasurer Janice Kuhen and Membership Coordinator Lillian Cargill conducted the service. Members sang “Happy Birthday” to Evelyn Moreau. Special guest was Grand President Buddy Preuss. He brought news from the Grand Lodge. San Marcos Lodge held a memorial service as part of its March meeting. Conducting the service were, from left, SecretaryTreasurer Janice Kuhen, Membership Coordinator Lillian Cargil and President Agnes Dreibrodt. A get-well card had been sent to David Boehringer. Larry Moreau won the attendance award. Thanks go to Billy and Mary Lou Preuss for the pork steaks. The next meeting will be held April 6 at 6:30 p.m. in the La Vista Retirement Meeting Room with Larry and Evelyn Moreau furnishing ham. Members are asked to bring side dishes and desserts. – Reporter Evelyn Moreau celebrates her birthday in March. She is a member of San Marcos Lodge. Zuehl Lodge welcomes new juniors Money winners at Vineta Lodge’s March meeting were, from left, Elaine Pruski, Cecilia Padalecki, Michel Renfro, Rita Ristow and Beth Bryon. Vineta's next social April 15 SAN ANTONIO – Vineta Lodge No. 15 will celebrate Mother’s Day on May 7 at El Mirador Mexican Restaurant located at 722 South St. Mary’s St. Members will meet at 6:30 p.m. The lodge will pay the cost of the meal for members. Guests will pay $12. This includes the meal, drink and gratuity. After dinner, everyone will return to the Home Association Building for cake, a short business meeting and games. Members are asked to bring canned goods for the Join Hands Day project. Call Ruth Bailey at 210-602-5147 by April 23 to make a reservation. The lodge will not meet April 2 because that is Holy Week. A surprise lunch will be served at the morning social on April 15. Members will play games beginning at 10:30 a.m. Michel Renfro, Irene Kace and Cecilia Padalecki were appointed to serve on the Scholarship Committee. The lodge welcomes new junior member Morgan Groves. The lodge extends its deepest sympathy to the families of Ester Green, a member for 44 years, Hazel Justi, a member for 62 years, and Agnes Keller, a member for 24 years. Attendance prize winners were Elaine Pruski, Cecilia Padalecki, Rita Ristow and Michel Renfro. The split-thepot winner was Beth Bryon. – Reporter ZUEHL – Zuehl Lodge No. 163 members were honored to receive a Certificate of Achievement during the installation of officers held in January. Thanks go to Agent Dorothy Luensmann for working so hard to meet the membership goal for the goal. The lodge welcomes new junior members Sydney Kay Wyrwich and Ryder Allen Wyrwich. There were two teams representing the lodge in the Fraternal Alliance of Texas Scholarship Bowling Tournament held in New Braunfels. One team included Chester Jenke, Debbie Wiegand, Tammie Zook, Anna Dell Luensmann and Pam Griffin. The other team’s members were Willfloyd Strey, Karen Canham, Loretta and John Corkran and Mayson Schulze. There were two big winners from this group. Pam Griffin placed first in ladies high game with a 241. Loretta Corkran was first in ladies high series with a 575 and Pam Griffin placed second in ladies high series with a score of 574. “Happy Birthday” greetings went out to Claude Mayer and Willfloyd Strey. Attendance prize winners were Dorothy Luensmann, Jeanette Luensmann, Rosalie Schaefer and Lillian Strey. Prayers go out to George Koltermann and Claude Mayer. Members enjoyed snacks before the meeting and games afterward. The next meeting is April 22 at 7 p.m. Members wish everyone a blessed and happy Easter. – Reporter Maxwell meeting date changes to April 12 MAXWELL – Maxwell Lodge No. 75 met Sunday, March 1, at the Maxwell Social Club. Plans for the coming year were discussed and more plans will be discussed at the April meeting, which has been changed to Sunday, April 12, due to Easter Sunday falling on the first Sunday of April. Grand President Buddy Preuss is scheduled to attend the April meeting. Emma Jean Schulle has been sidelined with health problems. Wishes go out to her for a speedy recovery. Jerry Burklund is out of the hospital and was able to attend the meeting. Homemade soup and sandwiches were served. Salad and sandwiches will be served at the April meeting. Remember the meeting date is Sunday, April 12, at the Maxwell Social Club at 3 p.m. – C. Blackard Page 34 – Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 Comfort to host Easter egg hunt, carnival March 29 COMFORT – At the February meeting, Comfort Lodge No. 2 hosted a Camp Preview for junior members, 10 of which were present to learn more about the exciting things happening at Hermann Sons Youth Camp this summer. Executive Camp Director Jennifer Cernosek, Riverside Camp Director Katie Klohn and Program Assistant Kristen “Dyno” Vineyard spoke about what to expect at Camp for the summer of 2015. The new classes, lyrical dance and outdoor reading, were announced as well as information about the half week session and the weekly themes. Camp is still looking for staff members for 2015 so if you or anyone you know is interested you can apply online. Olivia Engleman, a past camper, talked about her experience at HSYC, mentioning how she really enjoyed going to Camp. Other activities included games in honor of Valentine’s Day. There was a three-way tie in the guessing game. The lodge will host an Easter Egg Hunt and Carnival on March 29 from 2-4 p.m. at the Comfort Baseball Fields. This event is the lodge’s Join Hands Day project. Proceeds will benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Comfort. Wells Fargo has volunteered to help with the egg hunt. The next meeting will be held April 13 at the Comfort VFW Hall. For the most up-to-date lodge information visit the lodge’s Facebook page. – Reporter Connie and David Spenrath celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in February. They are members of Comfort Lodge. Taking part in the Camp Preview presentation at the Comfort Lodge meeting were, seated, from left, Jennifer Cernosek, Katie Klohn, standing, from left, Kristen “Dyno” Vineyard and Taylor Drozd. Comfort Lodge President Connie Spenrath visits with Gaby Spenrath and Olivia Engleman during the lodge’s February meeting. Celebrating February birthdays at the Comfort Lodge meeting were, from left, Tyler Aldrich, Connie Spenrath, Cleo Merchant and Brian Nentwich. Junior members participated in Valentine games during the Comfort Lodge meeting in February. Gay Hill schedules next fund-raiser for April 24 GAY HILL – Gay Hill Lodge No. 193 met Thursday, March 5, with members and their guests enjoying a pancake supper prepared by Milton and Elvera Drews, Lucille Kelm and Ruth Ganske. Members celebrating March birthdays are Marvin and Mae Fischer and Leroy Hodde. The Cheer Committee reported sending cards to Darvin Mantey, Mary Lee Schneider, Doris and David Roehling and Celebrating March birthdays at the Gay Hill Lodge meeting were, from left, Mae and Marvin Fischer and Leroy Hodde. George Lorenz. The last fund-raiser was a fish fry supper and Billy Lehde reported that it was very successful. The next fund-raiser is a chicken fried steak supper scheduled for April 24. The next meeting date has been changed to Thursday, April 9. Stanley and Mary Jo Klekar and Bradley and Patsy Fischer will be the hosts. – Reporter Hosts for the March Gay Hill Lodge meeting were, from left, Milton and Elvera Drews, Lucille Kelm and Ruth Ganske. March 2015 – Hermann SonS newS – Page 35 Marketing Grand Vice President-MarketinG timothy P. kolbe MarketinG anaLYst ana Vasquez, Fic, FLMi, acs, airc MarketinG adMinistratiVe assistant Gladys rowley 210-527-9113 or 1-877-437-6266 or 1-888-839-7667 sPeciaL rePresentatiVes Gary R. Falkenberg, FICF ..... Houston.............. 713-466-6069 or 979-530-3059 (cell) Carol Krauss, FIC ................. San Antonio ........ 210-725-4106 or 830-914-3383 (cell) or email: [email protected] Eulla May Krueger ............... Atascosa ............. 210-863-0546 or 830-985-3643 (home) or email: [email protected] Teresa Saathoff .................... San Antonio ........ 210-276-0361 or 210-422-6996 (cell) Alfred Stryk, FICF, LUTCF .... Pearland ............. 281-485-4095 Marilyn Vogt, FIC ................ Boerne ................ 210-630-9874 email: [email protected] Roster of Agents (alphabetized by area) name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hometown . . . . . Phone Pruski, Roxy . . . . . . . . . . .Adkins. . . . . . . . . 210-667-1995 Faske, Shirley Kuhen . . . . .Austin . . . . . . . . . 512-288-7326 Skanse, Susan . . . . . . . . . .Austin/Buda. . . . . 512-312-2431 Heath, Eileen - FIC . . . . . .Bandera. . . . . . . . 210-392-0761 Heath, Paul – FIC . . . . . . .Bandera. . . . . . . . 210-392-0760 Laechelin, H.H. Jr.. . . . . . .Beeville . . . . . . . . 361-358-1615 Herridge, Robert . . . . . . . .Bellville. . . . . . . . 979-865-3702 Maertz, Terrel . . . . . . . . . .Bernardo/Columbus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979-732-1727 Behrendt, Carl . . . . . . . . . .Boerne/Fair Oaks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210-422-1159 Rozacky, Lisa. . . . . . . . . . .Boerne . . . . . . . . 210-838-3306 Akin, Katherine – FIC . . . .Bryan . . . . . . . . . 979-823-8625 Blinka, Donnie . . . . . . . . .Caldwell . . . . . . 979-596-1309 Duncan, Sandra . . . . . . . .Canyon Lake . . . . 830-905-3233 Mockert, Kimberly Ann . . .Canyon Lake . . . . 210-218-5149 Boehme, Glenford – FIC . .Castroville . . . . . . 830-931-3227 Schulmeier, Judith – FIC . .Cibolo/Schertz. . . 210-667-1938 Bruns, Normagene – FIC . .Comfort . . . . . . . 830-995-3980 Merchant, Jean . . . . . . . . .Comfort. . . . . . . . 830-995-3396 Boenig, Dan . . . . . . . . . . .Converse . . . . . . . 210-705-1815 Brandon, Frank . . . . . . . . .Corpus Christi . . 361-241-5593 Hunt, Lena Pearl . . . . . . . .Corpus Christi . . . 361-241-0940 Sisneros-Gonzalez, Troylyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Corpus Christi . . . 361-232-7413 Tiffin, Laura . . . . . . . . . . . .Cuero . . . . . . . . . 361-275-8421 Tiffin, Wayne . . . . . . . . . . .Cuero . . . . . . . . . 361-275-8421 Brown, Helen Tyson . . . . .Dallas . . . . . . . . . 214-796-0668 Burnett, Jimmy . . . . . . . . .Dallas . . . . . . . . . 972-514-2301 Byrn, Lisa . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dallas . . . . . . . . . 214-693-3693 Martin, Patrick . . . . . . . . . .Dallas . . . . . . . . . 315-834-2679 Fritz, Pat – FIC . . . . . . . . .Del Rio . . . . . . . 432-292-4483 Sultenfuss, Cynthia . . . . . .Devine . . . . . . . . 210-219-6409 Stricker, Dianna "Dee". . . .Devine . . . . . . . . 210-414-0293 Matlock, Sam . . . . . . . . . .Edna/Jackson Co. 361-782-3206 Wigginton, Dennis . . . . . .El Campo . . . . . . 832-278-9636 Wigginton, Donald . . . . . .El Campo . . . . . . 361-293-9937 Wiede, Lynn . . . . . . . . . . .Floresville . . . . . . 830-393-4660 Jones, Sandra Kay – FIC. . .Fort Worth . . . . . 817-295-2666 Duecker, Windy . . . . . . . . Fredericksburg. . . 830-997-2983 Henke, Dennis . . . . . . . . .Fredericksburg . . 830-997-5290 Caron, Tracy . . . . . . . . . . .George West . . . . 361-449-0348 Klein, Bradley . . . . . . . . . .Georgetown . . . . 512-497-0678 Chilek, Loretta – FIC . . . . .Giddings . . . . . . . 979-542-2806 Kieschnick, Linda – FIC . . .Giddings . . . . . . . 979-542-5224 Polasek, Bobbie . . . . . . . .Gonzales . . . . . . 830-672-6317 Polasek, Greg . . . . . . . . . .Gonzales. . . . . . . 830-540-4812 Wolf, David. . . . . . . . . . . .Graham/Wichita Falls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 940-549-1281 Embrey, Jim - FIC. . . . . . . .Highland Lakes . . 830-598-8156 Saathoff, Howard. . . . . . . .Hondo. . . . . . . . . 830-741-2170 Saathoff, Stacy . . . . . . . . . .Hondo. . . . . . . . . 830-426-5825 Keith, Anna L. . . . . . . . . .Houston . . . . . . . 281-259-6337 Ziemnicki, Gerald M. . . . .Houston . . . . . . . 713-622-9001 Craig, Valerie C. . . . . . . . .Jourdanton . . . . . 830-769-3128 Vick, Valerie M.. . . . . . . . .Jourdanton . . . . . 210-748-5598 Wiede, Lillian – FIC. . . . . .Jourdanton . . . . . 830-769-3481 Swize, Russell . . . . . . . . . .Karnes City . . . . . 830-780-4053 Terp, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . .Karnes City/Seguin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830-379-0170 Muehlstein, Mary E. . . . . .Kerrville . . . . . . . 830-896-5750 Netherton, Angela . . . . . . .Kirby . . . . . . . . . . 210-831-1293 Bippert, Roger . . . . . . . . . .La Coste . . . . . . . 210-473-4936 Crisp, Tanya. . . . . . . . . . . .La Coste . . . . . . . 830-985-9230 Tanneberger, Sharon – FIC La Vernia . . . . . . 830-779-4641 Tanneberger, Marlin, FIC . .La Vernia . . . . . . . 830-779-4641 Behnke, April . . . . . . . . . .Lubbock . . . . . . . 806-797-3585 Kelley, Mike . . . . . . . . . . .Manor . . . . . . . . . 512-468-6235 Kelley, Tammy . . . . . . . . . .Manor . . . . . . . . . 512-740-5022 Bielke, Lorene – FIC . . . . .Marion . . . . . . . . 830-420-2380 Croley, Charles . . . . . . . . .Maxwell . . . . . . . 512-357-6638 Bosse, Carol – FIC . . . . . . .Needville . . . . . . 979-793-4777 Carley, Becki . . . . . . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-214-6365 Gagliardi, Cecilia "CC" . . .New Braunfels . . 830-620-1060 Huebinger, Shirley . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-822-1942 Muehlstein, Rhonda – FIC New Braunfels . . 830-980-3162 Salge, Josh. . . . . . . . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-708-6611 Salge, Timothy . . . . . . . . .New Braunfels . . 830-625-4816 Janicek, Blake . . . . . . . . . .Nixon-Smiley . . . 830-582-1581 Gebert, Paula. . . . . . . . . . .Orange Grove . . . 361-384-2375 Dube, RaChelle. . . . . . . . .Paige . . . . . . . . . . 512-740-3518 Dubcak, Julius . . . . . . . . . .Pflugerville . . . . . 512-272-8393 Spencer, Sarah. . . . . . . . . .Port Lavaca . . . . . 361-552-9403 Walraven, Nancy Annette .Port Lavaca . . . . . 361-552-9403 Witzsche, Ruth M. – FIC .Priddy . . . . . . . . . 325-966-3757 York, Judy Marie . . . . . . . .Rockdale . . . . . . . 512-446-5914 Lamensky, Joyce . . . . . . . .Rosenberg . . . . . . 281-342-5174 Mattocks, Linda . . . . . . . . .Round Top/Rutersville . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979-278-3277 Halfmann, Kay F.. . . . . . . .Rowena. . . . . . . . 325-442-4731 Abell, Philip A. . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-771-1213 Armstrong, Mike . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-416-5932 Bailey, Ruth . . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-602-5147 Hess, Katherine . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-490-1520 Hoog, John . . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-226-8801 Irwin, Darlene . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-392-2649 Klabunde, Clifton – FIC . . .San Antonio . . . . 830-980-4020 McNeel, Jim . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-601-2097 Moya, Emma . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-344-3935 Saathoff, Doug . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-276-0361 Sterner, Greg . . . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-363-0373 Trejo, Veronica . . . . . . . . .San Antonio . . . . 210-710-0932 Kuhen, Janice . . . . . . . . . .San Marcos . . . . . 512-396-5337 Seifert, Mary K. . . . . . . . .Schulenburg/Weimar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 979-743-0312 Schwertner, Irene. . . . . . . .Schwertner . . . . . 254-527-4470 Griffin, Joanie . . . . . . . . . .Sealy . . . . . . . . . . 979-398-0706 Gonzales, Yolanda. . . . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 830-305-7445 Perkovich, Susan Kay. . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 830-303-3496 Roecker, Annette D.. . . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 830-832-0724 Ynfante, Tina B. . . . . . . . . .Seguin . . . . . . . . . 210-859-1973 Gass, Gloria . . . . . . . . . . .Spring Branch . . 830-885-4405 Luensmann, Dorothy – FIC St. Hedwig . . . . . 830-914-3160 Wiatrek, Ronald . . . . . . . .Stockdale . . . . . . 830-996-3005 Teichelmann, Howard Jr. . .Taylor . . . . . . . . . 512-365-1991 Thigpen, Laura . . . . . . . . .Victoria/Yoakum . 361-676-8307 Jungman, Bob . . . . . . . . . .Yoakum . . . . . . . . 361-293-7224 Koenig, Mary. . . . . . . . . . .Yoakum . . . . . . . . 361-293-1743 Wolf, Judy . . . . . . . . . . . .Yorktown. . . . . . . 361-564-2452 Page 36– Hermann SonS newS – March 2015 Hermann Sons Future Club Shining Stars DALTON SHAW is a member of Schwertner Lodge No. 307. He is in first grade. His favorite food is chicken nuggets and his favorite TV show is "Ninjago." Dalton has a pet dog, Lucy. His activities include baseball, scouting, swimming and building with Legos. JAZLYN VIGIL is a member of Stockdale Lodge No. 316. She is in pre-kindergarten. Chinese food is her favorite. Her favorite TV shows are "Peppa Pig" and "Jessie." Jazlyn loves dogs and cats. Her activities include dance and T-ball. RAQUEL LYNN SENDEJO is a member of Seguin Lodge No. 37. She is in the 10th grade. Her favorite food is pizza and her favorite TV show is "Eye Candy." Raquel has a pet dog. Her activities include volleyball, running and gymnastics. You can be a Hermann Sons Shining Star! The Hermann Sons Future Club is open to junior members age 17 or younger. Its members are called "Shining Stars." Becoming a member is easy. If you are a Hermann Sons member age 17 or younger, simply fill out the form below or a form is also provided online at under Benefits. Mail the form, along with a picture of yourself that we can keep, to Laura Adams, Grand Lodge, You can be a Shining Star too! Just send us a photo of yourself (that we can keep) and fill out this form and send to: HSFI – Laura Adams, P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297. Hermann Sons, P.O. Box 1941, San Antonio, TX 78297-1941. You will receive a packet in the mail that will contain a membership certificate and other fun stuff. Then look for your picture to appear in a future issue of the Hermann Sons News and check out the activities provided for you on the Shining Stars page each month, also available online at our website at www. Easter Word Search The biggest benefit of all is that each summer the Shining Stars and their families are treated to a special event sponsored by the Grand Lodge just for them. In the past, Shining Stars have visited Sea World, Fiesta Texas and Schlitterbahn. So why don't you join us? Just fill out the membership form and become a Shining Star! Easter Word Scramble 1. rtaese_______________ 6. gpsnir_______________ Birthday: 2. ynnbu_______________ 7. spilut_______________ Home Phone: 3. sblma_______________ 8. tibabr_______________ 4. tuhn________________ 9. teskab_______________ 5. etlacohoc_____________ 10. skichc_______________ Name: Daytime Phone: Address: City: Zip: E-mail Address: Color fun! Grade in school: Favorite Food: Pets: Favorite TV Show: Activities: It is OK with my parents that I am featured as a “Hermann’s Shining Star” in the Hermann Sons newspaper, website and any other advertising publications. Parent’s Signature: I am a member of Certificate No. Lodge No. Easter Sunday Bunny Rabbit Bonnet Eggs Basket Spring Chicks Lambs Parade Hide Hunt Flowers Daffodils Tulips Chocolate Answers on Pg. 13