EPW - First Choice
EPW - First Choice
Food Waste Decomp osition Operationally Solid. Environmentally Sound. Economically Smart. Fully automated, hyper-accelerated food waste decompositionsystemsprovidingrapidbreakdownand elimination of food waste on-site at the source. Systems Food Waste De comp osition Systems Food Waste De comp osition Systems EnviroPure Systems for Organic Food Waste ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT • 1 million+ tonnes of food waste generated every year in the UK just from Hospitality & Food Service sector • Methane gas is 21 times more damaging than CO2 • Pickup and hauling emissions The Food Waste Problem The EnviroPure Solution Organic waste represents the largest part of our refuse that currently is still being sent to landfill. Every day, institutional and commercial kitchens across the UK, along with supermarkets and food producers generate thousands of tonnes of costly food waste. The economic and environmental impact of this fact is staggering. Consider: The ultimate solution in dealing with food waste is to reach a zero waste state where we no longer throw away food. While we continue to work towards that goal, EnviroPure systems offer a simple, easy to implement and economically attractive alternative today: self-contained, small footprint, aerobic food waste decomposition systems that eliminate food waste on-site, at the source where it is generated. • Methane from rotting food in landfill accounts for over 20% of all emmissions annually. • Methane is a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) that is 21 times more harmful than CO2 to the environment. • Roadside collection by means of large refuse trucks burn huge amounts of fossil fuels and generate large volumes of GHG to pickup and transport our food waste, regardless of landfill or transport to AD plants. OPERATIONAL IMPACT • Unpleasant odours • Attracts pests, vermin and insects • Workplace sanitation requirements • Workplace safety concerns • Unnecessary labour costs • Detrimental to staff morale • The true economic cost for the pickup, transport and disposal of this food waste is difficult to calculate, but is currently estimated by organisations such as WRAP, at over £2.5 billion annually across the whole of the UK. Alternative Solutions: COMPOSTING or BIOCONVERSION? They are both better for the environment, however: • They still require pickup and hauling • There is future cost uncertainty • They are currently heavily subsidised Operational Efficiencies and Savings: Eliminate odours and related sanitation, vermin and insect control requirements, as well as improve workflow and workplace safety. Reduced Environmental Impact: Diversion from landfill. No potential for ground water contamination. No methane or GHGs from pickup, transport and disposal process. Bottom Line Benefits: Immediate and significant savings through reduced pickup, hauling and disposal costs. Did You Know We’re “Biogenic”? According to the EPA and USCC, carbon dioxide emissions generated from the aerobic decomposition of food waste by systems such as the EnviroPure systems are considered to be “biogenic”. This means that our EnviroPure Systems and the carbon it returns to the environment are part of the natural carbon cycle and so it does not contribute to greenhouse gases and global warming. ECONOMIC IMPACT • Total costs of food waste generated in the HFS sector during 2011 was estimated £2.5 billion • It is estimated that 17.81% of total food purchased is wasted • Operational and productivity costs 1 WRAP true cost of food waste, 2013 US statement EPA USCC Food Waste De comp osition Systems Food Waste EPW Technology The EnviroPure Solution EPW Wet Systems break down the food waste in a submersed water-base environment producing a grey water bi-product that meets or exceeds regulatory standards for safe disposal into municipal waste water systems. • Hyper-accelerated food waste decomposition system The system uses our proprietary all-natural, biodegradable BioMixTM additive, an organic vitamin extract (not bacteria or enzymes) to accelerate the decomposition process. The result: complete elimination of food waste in 24 hours. Processing capacities within the current system guidelines range from 54kg-1360kg per day in both batch and continual feed modes. How It Works EnviroPure systems work through a combination of continuous mechanical processing of the food waste, tightly controlled environmental conditions to maintain aerobic decomposition, and hyper-acceleration of the decomposition process through the addition of BioMixTM additive. EPW Wet System Cycle Systems Wastewater Discharge Criteria EnviroPure Effluent mg/L • On-site elimination of food waste in 24 hours Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) 25-30 Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) 0-10 • Uses physical and biological processes in a submersed environment to break down food waste into H2O and CO2 Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 25-35 • Produces grey water bi-product safe for disposal in sewer • NO odours, NO sludge buildup, NO system clean outs EnviroPure Wet System Operation 1. LOADING of food waste ACTIVATES CYCLE • High pressure clean out of filters • Activate grinder pumps - Grind incoming food - Re-grind existing food waste - Circulate settled solids in tank • Cycle compressor pump and oxygen diffuser to ensure aerobic process • Deactivate pumps and grinders to allow settling of solids for sludge reduction 2. BioMix AUTOMATICALLY ADDED during cycle as required 3. PLC auto-controlled CYCLE REPEAT De comp osition Our EPW Wet System is simple and easy to operate: • It has a single ON/OFF button operation • It automatically cycles and processes food waste as it is added • It has both continuous and batch-feed modes The EPW Processing Cycle • There is an auto shut-off timer for remote grinder motor and water supply • The auto-disconnect system shuts off when the hatch door opens or with lifter activation Made For IC&I Customers EnviroPure systems are ideal for industrial, commercial and institutional kitchens that generate large volumes of organic food waste: • Hotels and resorts • Hospitals • BioMixTM is added automatically as required • Nursing and Retirement Homes • Limited ongoing maintenance required • Universities and Colleges • Food waste disposal through the main unit or through remote locations such as preparation and wash-up areas • Corporate and Factory Cafeterias • Can be installed outside the building with the addition of foul weather protection • Cruise Ships • Casinos • Prisons and other secure facilities • Stadiums and sporting venues • Food Processing Plants Food Waste De comp osition Systems Larger Systems EPW 1000+ EPW-i Waste Disposal Water Usage – Approx 25 Litres PM EPW-GT GAR-BEL Grinder Water Usage – Approx 15 Litres PM EPW System Benefits • Eliminates decomposition odours • Removes pick-up and transport costs • Fixed and predictable future waste management costs • Fully automated system apart from the loading process • Ensures a reduction in the need for pest and vermin control • Improved work flow and far less manual handling so reducing labour costs • Reduced security risks at secure facilities such as prisons, by the reduction of physical access and hauling frequency • No waste to landfill • No harmful methane emissions • No groundwater contamination • Improved employee working conditions and a positive environmental impact • Reduction in dedicated refrigeration designed to store certain waste before collection D1 D1 B B A A A A D2 D2 D2 D2 D1 D1 B B Top View Top View MODEL MODEL EPW Wet EPW Wet Systems Systems EPW-120i EPW-120i EPW-240i EPW-240i EPW-360i EPW-360i EPW-480i EPW-480i EPW-600i EPW-600i EPW-720i EPW-720i EPW-1000i EPW-1000i EPW-1500i EPW-1500i EPW-2000i EPW-2000i EPW-240GT EPW-240GT EPW-360GT EPW-360GT EPW-480GT EPW-480GT EPW-600GT EPW-600GT EPW-720GT EPW-720GT EPW-1000GT EPW-1000GT EPW-1500GT EPW-1500GT EPW-2000GT EPW-2000GT EPW-3000GT EPW-3000GT CAPACITY CAPACITY Kg Kg Kg/day Kg/day 54 54 108 108 164 164 218 218 272 272 326 326 454 454 680 680 908 908 108 108 164 164 218 218 272 272 326 326 454 454 680 680 908 908 1360 1360 TONS TONS tons/mth tons/mth 1.8 1.8 3.6 3.6 5.4 5.4 7.2 7.2 9.0 9.0 10.8 10.8 15.0 15.0 22.5 22.5 30.0 30.0 3.6 3.6 5.4 5.4 7.2 7.2 9.0 9.0 10.8 10.8 15.0 15.0 22.5 22.5 30.0 30.0 45.0 45.0 C C C C 3 3 * (For approximate rates refer to your energy supplier) B B 3 23 2 11 pence per kw per hour x 40.32kw = £4.43 per week D1 D1 2 12 1 5.76kw x 7 = 40.32kw/per week Dimensions shown in centimetres. Dimensions shown in centimetres. 3 3 0.24kw/per hour x 24 24hours = 5.76kw/per day Hyper-accelerated, on-premises Hyper-accelerated, on-premises 3 23 2 Smaller System EPW 120 – EPW 720 Systems EPW EPW Systems Systems 2 21 1 11 pence per kw per hour x 53.76kw = £5.91 per week De comp osition 1 1 7.68kw x 7 = 53.76/per week Waste 1 1 0.32kw/per hour x 24 hours = 7.68kw/per day EPW EPWFOOD FOODWASTE WASTEELIMINATION ELIMINATIONSYSTEM SYSTEM How Much Electricity Does The System Use Food Side View Side View A A cm cm 86 86 86 86 122 122 132 132 152 152 194 194 194 194 238 238 270 270 132 132 132 132 132 132 152 152 194 194 194 194 238 238 270 270 280 280 B B cm cm 106 106 138 138 152 152 168 168 194 194 238 238 238 238 274 274 300 300 138 138 152 152 168 168 194 194 228 228 228 228 274 274 304 304 304 304 DIMENSIONS * DIMENSIONS * C C D1 D1 D2 D2 152 152 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 224 224 236 236 236 236 260 260 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 210 224 224 236 236 236 236 260 260 280 280 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 cm cm cm cm cm cm WEIGHT WEIGHT Empty Empty Kg Kg 408 408 454 454 636 636 998 998 1044 1044 1134 1134 1180 1180 1224 1224 1360 1360 680 680 862 862 1224 1224 1270 1270 1360 1360 1406 1406 1452 1452 1588 1588 1678 1678 CONSUMPTION CONSUMPTION Water Water Power 400v/3ph Power 400v/3ph 5 5 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 36 36 54 54 72 72 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 25 30 30 36 36 54 54 72 72 86 86 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 Litre/Hr Litre/Hr Amps Amps ** Dimensions noted in chart are footprint guidelines. All systems are custom manufactured per customer specifications. Dimensions noted in chart are footprint guidelines. All systems are custom manufactured per customer specifications. Utilities Utilities 1 Electrical Supply 1 Electrical Supply 400v/3ph 400v/3ph 2 Water 2 Water 3/4” supply; cold water connection. Incoming supply pressure must maintain a 3/4” supply; cold water connection. Incoming supply pressure must maintain a minimum flow rate of 23 Litres pm. Machine is equipped with 3/4” male fitting minimum flow rate of 23 Litres pm. Machine is equipped with 3/4” male fitting for input water connection. for input water connection. 3 Waste Water Drain 3 Waste Water Drain Machine equipped with 2” PVC drain connection. 4” floor drain required for Machine equipped with 2” PVC drain connection. 4” floor drain required for discharge. Other configerations can be used - confirmation would be given discharge. Other configerations can be used - confirmation would be given during the initial site survey. during the initial site survey. Note: Electrical supply service must be a Note: Electrical supply service must be a 3-wire plus ground for connection 3-wire plus ground for connection shown. shown. Warning: Plumbing and electrical Warning: Plumbing and electrical connections should be made by qualified connections should be made by qualified personnel who will observe all the personnel who will observe all the applicable plumbing, sanitary and safety applicable plumbing, sanitary and safety codes and the National Electrical Code. codes and the National Electrical Code. Due to an ongoing analysis program at EnviroPure, specifications are subject to change without notice. Due to an ongoing analysis program at EnviroPure, specifications are subject to change without notice. EnviroPure Systems Inc., 50 Saddleback Cove, P.O. Box 399, Travelers Rest, SC 29690 tel: 1.888.324.7265 www.enviropuresystems.com Food Waste De comp osition Systems The catalyst to the decomposition process is the unique Biomix formula, this contains: • Minerals • Nutrients • Amino Acids • Vitamins Biomix does not contain: • Bacteria • Enzymes • Toxic Chemicals • Masking Agents This provides organic decomposition enhancement and odour suppression. MODEL EPW Wet Systems USAGE kg per Day Monthly Usage Quarterly Usage Yearly Usage EPW-120i 54 2.13ltr 6.39ltr 25.56ltr EPW-240i 108 4.26ltr 12.78ltr 51.12ltr EPW-360i 164 6.38ltr 19.14ltr 76.56ltr EPW-480i 218 8.51ltr 25.53ltr 102.12ltr EPW-600i 272 10.64ltr 31.92ltr 127.68ltr EPW-720i 326 12.78ltr 38.34ltr 153.36ltr EPW-1000i 454 17.74ltr 53.22ltr 212.88ltr EPW-1500i 680 26.61ltr 79.83ltr 319.32ltr Typical Biomix usage based on daily performance capability First Choice Environmental Solutions Unit 1 Swaffield Park, Hyssop Close, Hawks Green, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 7FU Tel: 01543 577778 www.firstchoice-cs.co.uk EnviroPure Systems Inc. 50 Saddleback Cove, P.O. Box 399, Travelers Rest, SC 29690 Tel: 1.888.324.7265 www.enviropuresystems.com
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Operationally Solid. Environmentally Sound. Economically Smart.
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