
reg. č. projektu CZ.1.07/1.1.00/56.2536 na základě výzvy č. 56 OPVK.
Školní exkurze do Londýna
12. – 18. října 2015
Na konci loňského školního roku jsme se zapojili do projektu (reg. č. projektu
CZ.1.07/1.1.00/56.2536) na základě výzvy č. 56 OPVK pod názvem „Nové cesty za
jazykovým věděním“. Díky němu naše škola dostala příleţitost zorganizovat pro vybrané
ţáky týdenní výjezd do Velké Británie.
V průběhu letních prázdnin byl škole tento jazykově-poznávací zájezd povolen.
Nastalo hektické období hledání vhodné cestovní agentury a spousty papírování, na jehoţ
konci bylo na základě rozřazovacích testů vybráno 20 kandidátů, kteří navštívili v termínu 12.
– 18. října Velkou Británii, konkrétně Londýn a jeho okolí. Naši ţáci absolvovali velmi
dlouhou cestu přes několik zemí eurozóny - Německo, Belgii, Holandsko, Francii, kde jsme
se v Calais nalodili na ranní trajekt. V průběhu více neţ hodinu dlouhé plavby jsme byli
odměněni krásným, ale větrným výhledem z paluby na pobřeţí Francie a samotný přístav.
Plavba se dětem moc líbila, někteří, protoţe byly opravdu velké vlny, měli co dělat, aby se
udrţeli na nohou. Po příjezdu do Doveru jsme si udělali několikahodinovou zastávku, kdy
jsme obdivovali Dover cliffs a pokochali jsme se i pohledy z nedaleké vyhlídkové restaurace.
Ve večerních hodinách jsme přijeli do městečka Catford, předměstí Londýna, kde byla většina
dětí ubytována v černošských rodinách, z čehoţ měli někteří velký multikulturní záţitek.
Jejich dočasní rodiče, tzv. „hostmothers“ and „hostfathers“ si kaţdý večer české děti
vyzvedávali a ráno po snídani je opět rozváţeli na zvolené místo, tzv. „meeting point“. Ţáci si
během pětidenního pobytu v britských domovech mohli vyzkoušet jaké to je, kdyţ druhá
strana umí pouze anglický jazyk. Někteří dokonce naučili své hostitele několik frází a slůvek
v češtině. Součástí pobytu byla povinná devítihodinová výuka v jazykové škole. Byly
vytvořeny skupiny a poté, co byly děti rozděleny, mohlo vyučování začít. Ţáci ohodnotili i
tuto zkušenost jako pozitivní, a dokonce neměli problém s porozuměním. V polední pauze
jsme všichni s průvodcem navštívili nedalekou observatoř a nultý poledník na Greenwichi.
Přitom jsme se dozvěděli, ţe stojíme na místě, kde se natáčel známý film Piráti z Karibiku.
Obdivovali jsme i více neţ sto let starou dřevěnou plachetnici Cutty Sark a zaútočili i na
nedaleké obchůdky se suvenýry. Následovala teplá večeře s noclehem v rodinách a po oba
další dny několikakilometrové pochody metropolí Londýn.
Zde jsme první den absolvovali Southbank Walk (procházku po jiţním břehu Temţe),
mohli obdivovat zvedací most Tower Bridge, který je natřen modrou královskou barvou.
Nahlédli jsme i do St. Catherine´s Docks, kde snad náhodou kotvila královnina zlatá loďka
vyuţívaná pro zvláštní příleţitosti. Prošli jsme kolem Shakespearova divadla Globe Theatre a
nechyběl ani the Tower of London, který ukrývá korunovační klenoty a jehoţ historie sahá aţ
do 11. století a vlády Viléma Dobyvatele. Při dalším poznávání města jsme mohli obdivovat
dílo architekta Ch.Wrena, který navrhl St.Paul´s Cathedral i samotné finanční centrum se
spoustou světových bank, pojišťoven i londýnskou burzou. Na tomto místě na nás velmi
příjemně zapůsobil styl oblékání samotných finančníků a úředníků. Odpoledne jsme měli
rezervovány lístky na London Eye – turistickou atrakci, kde se nám naskytl dechberoucí
výhled na celý Londýn a nejen to. Díky dobré viditelnosti byla tato obří atrakce velikým
adrenalinovým záţitkem. Tím ovšem prohlídka nekončila. Navštívili jsme 4D projekci
zaměřenou na Londýn, která se všem dětem velmi líbila. Děti lákaly i trhy, Covent Garden,
které byly v 70. letech přebudovány na turistickou atrakci
a dodnes neztratily nic ze své
oblíbenosti. Na tomto místě jsme nasáli atmosféru prodeje a obdivovali hudebníky i jiné
umělce, kteří v kavárnách zpříjemňovali čas turistům i místním. Viděli jsme také střídání
stráţí u Buckinghamského paláce, kde jako kaţdý den bylo hodně ţivo a neměli jsme se téměř
kde směstnat, dále pak známou Oxford Street – ulici, kde jsme se podivovali butikům
věhlasných světových značek a cenám většiny vystaveného zboţí. Zastavili jsme se i na
Trafalgar Square kde jsme na skok zavítali do National Gallery, ale naše ţáky stejně nejvíce
upoutaly tzv. ţivé sochy. Na závěr jsme absolvovali National History Museum. Tam si přišli
na své jak ti, kteří mají rádi drobné ţivočichy, tak i ti, kteří obdivují vyhynulé druhy či kostry
dinosaurů. Můţeme konstatovat, ţe za krátkou dobu jsme shlédli maximum památek a o
podívanou zkrátka nebyla nouze. Myslím si, ţe nebudu lhát, kdyţ za všechny zúčastněné
řeknu na závěr jediné. Děkujeme za tuto jedinečnou multikulturní zkušenost a přejeme si, aby
takovýchto projektů do budoucna přibývalo.
Mgr. Jana Güntherová
Jet do Londýna, vidět na vlastní oči slavný Big Ben, prohlédnout si hlavní město
Velké Británie přímo z Londýnského Oka, procvičit si angličtinu? Ano! Jdeme do toho!
V rámci výzvy č. 56 MŠMT naše škola získala mj. finanční prostředky na realizace
jazykového poznávacího pobytu ţáků v Londýně. Příprava byla náročná, ale nakonec jsme
v pondělí 12. října v 6 hodin ráno opravdu vyjeli.
Dvacet statečných s dvěma zálohami. Dvacet ţáků a ţákyň 8. a 9. ročníku, kteří prošli
výběrovým řízením, společně s paní učitelkou Güntherovou a Jankovou vyrazilo na cestu za
jazykovým věděním. Cesta byla opravdu náročná, trvala asi 36 hodin. Tak jako Bilba Pytlíka
na jeho Cestě tam a zase zpátky potkala spousta dobrodruţství, tak i my jsme museli čelit
různým výzvám a zkouškám trpělivosti. To, kdyţ jsme například museli čekat v přístavním
městě Calais, kde jsme měli moţnost poznat, ţe zprávy o uprchlické situaci opravdu nelţou a
ţe věc je opravdu váţná. Další zkouškou byla cesta trajektem a boj s mořskou nemocí. Nebo
kdyţ jsme měli nečekanou prohlídku města Dover. Všechno jsme to zvládli. V úterý večer
jsme dorazili do Catfordu, předměstí Londýna, na tzv. meeting point. Tady, na Canadian
Avenue, jsme se vţdy ráno a večer sešli. Prvního večera bylo naše čekání nervózní, byli jsme
zvědaví na své nové dočasné rodiny. Host mothers a host fathers si postupně nás všechny
postupně vyzvedli a my jsme si mohli konečně po dlouhé cestě odpočinout.
Středa – škola Oxford International Education Group, Greenwich (Royal Observatory,
Meridian, Maritime Museum
Ve středu ráno to bylo v autobuse jako úle. Všichni si vyprávěli, jaká je jejich rodina,
co dostali na večeři a jak se jim spalo. Ale program zájezdu byl velmi nabitý, nebylo času
nazbyt. Hned ve středu ráno a odpoledne měli ţáci výuku v jazykové škole. Všichni obdrţeli
certifikát a myslíme si, ţe si je opravdu zaslouţili. Lektoři byli rodilými mluvčími a ţáci se
dorozuměli, rozuměli a dokonce někteří chtěli více lekcí! Přes polední přestávku jsme
nezaháleli a vydali se s průvodcem objevovat krásy a zajímavosti Greenwiche. Zaţili jsme
rozpolcení, kdy jsme jednou nohou stáli na levé a druhou na pravé zemské polokouli. Vyfotili
jsme se před Královskou observatoří a měli první moţnost zhlédnout Londýn z výšky.
Vysvětlili jsme si, jaký je princip posunu hodin, kdy na východ od Greenwiche hodiny
připočítáváme a naopak na západ je hodin méně. Prošli jsme se také krásným parkem
Námořního muzea (Maritime Museum) a vyfotili se u Greenwichské univerzity (University of
Greenwich), jejímţ architektem byl slavný sir Christopher Wren. Večer jsme unavení padli do
postele s myšlenkou na další den, kdy nás čekala prohlídka centra Londýna.
Čtvrtek začal hned zostra. Tower Bridge a Temţe. Jeden ze symbolů Londýna nás přivítal
zahalený mírnou mlhou, ale to nic neubralo síle záţitku, ţe opravdu stojíme u toho slavného mostu,
který lze „otevřít“ pro proplutí velkých lodí. Tower Bridge je namalován modrou královskou barvou.
Pan průvodce nás pobavil historkou se šťastným koncem, kdy jeden autobus nedopatřením zůstal na
zvedajícím se mostě. Všichni přeţili a řidič a jedna z pasaţérek se nakonec vzali. Pokračovali jsme
k The Tower of London, prohlédli si památník velkého poţáru Londýna na Pudding Lane. Prošli či se
zastavili na dalších významných místech jako Millenium Bridge, St Paul´s Cathedral, Shakespearovo
divadlo Globe, Buckingham Palace a St James Park.
Pátek byl ve znamení výměny stráţí před Buckinghamským palácem, Trafalgar
Square, Covent Garden, Picadilly Circus a závěr v Natural History Museum.
V sobotu jsme si nakoupili poslední zásoby a suvenýry a vydali si na více neţ 24 hodinovou
cestu zpět domů.
Náš pobyt v Londýně byl náročný, poučný, zábavný, obohacující, vzrušující, zajímavý
– prostě skvělý. Jsme rádi, ţe jsme se mohli zúčastnit.
Mgr. Julie Janková
Zážitky žáků/Experiences of the pupils:
Ţáci zodpověděli těchto pět otázek. Jak si výlet uţili?
Children answered these five questions. How did they enjoy the trip?
1. What place have we visited in London?
2. What are the symbols of London for you?
3. What souvenirs did you buy?
4. Would you like to live in London?
5. What is your most interesting experience from London?
Jan Volný, IX. A
In London we visited a lot of monuments like statues, buildings and parks.
The symbols of London are of course the monuments, lots of nationalities, great architecture
and more.
For example we were in London Eye, we saw Big Ben, the Tower of London, Tower Bridge,
Greenwich Observatory, Buckingham Palace and much more.
I bought a mug for mum, a sweater for dad and a small Big Ben statue for grandparents.
I would in London but I don't like the weather and the prices.
My most interesting experience is the London Eye, Greenwich school and the british accent.
Michaela Kaletová, IX. A
I visited Greenwich, Tower bridge, The Tower of London, St Paul´ s Cathedral, London Eye,
Buckingham Palace, Picadilly Circus, Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar square, Westminster
Abbey in London.
The symbols of London are Big Ben, double decker and red call-box for me.
I bought the mug, tea, postcards, callbox and some things from Primark.
I would like to live in London.
My most interesing experience from
foreign/host family.
Viktorie Chalupová, VIII. B
Symbols of London are for me: people, beautiful monuments and parks. I bought 3D magnets
with the London Eye, a soldier, a telephone booth, a mailbox and Tower Bridge. I would like
to live in London. My most interesting experience of London is: When we saw, how they
change guards in front of Buckingham Palace .
Anežka Skulinová, IX. B
1) We visited a lot of famous places. I think the trip was very beautiful and interesting. We
were at Oxford International Education Group in Greenwich. In Greenwich there is Royal
Observatory and Prime Meridian. We saw the University of Greenwich. Its architect was Sir
Christopher Wren. On Thursday we were in London. Finally! London was amazing and full
of people. We saw Tower Bridge and St Catherine Docks. In the Tower of London there is
very green and modified grass.
In the Lederhall Market there
was Harry Potter shop, but we
Cathedral was really exiting.
There was a lot of pidgeons.
Watling Street is the oldest
Shakespeare theatre. I like the
plays of William Shakespeare, for example Romeo and Juliet and many others. When we
were walking along Southbank, we saw a lot of gulls. The River Thames was dirty and its
colour is brown. London Eye was beautiful and scary at the same time, because I had a fear of
heights. We saw Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament. Buckingham palace and St James
Park were very nice. The Palace was very big. On Friday we were in London, too. In New
Band Street there were exclusive shops with exclusive goods. Berlington Arcade is Victorian
shopping Centre with very expensive shops. In front of Buckingham Palace we saw the
changing of guards. We went through Green Park. Trafalgar Square is a very big square with
four lions and Nelson‟s Column. At Picadilly Circus there were really a lot of people and
shops and buses. In Natural History Museum there were very interesting exhibits. They have
got the largest dinosaur skeleton, I‟ve ever seen something like this. A huge tree trunk
suprised me.
2) The symbols of London for me are Buckingham Palace, Big Ben with Houses of
Parliament, Queen Elisabeth II..
3) I bought tea because it is typical souvenir from London. For my grandma I bought a mug
with double-decker bus and the Houses of Parliament, because I liked him and I didn´t know
what to buy. For my Little sister I bought T-shirt and candy.
4) I don„t know, because I like shopping and sights, but I don‟t like too many people and in
London there are a lot of people.
5) My most interesting
experience is definitely
that when I had a stomach
Because I had a dirty Tshirt and jeans I had to go
to Primark. I bought new
black leggins, a sweatshirt
and a nice T-shirt. That
was super because I was
first in the Primark. But
on the other hand I was
sad because I haven‟t got
jacket, but finally it was
František Koiš, IX. B
1) We've visited Tower bridge,Tower of London,St Paul's
Cathedral ,London Eye, Houses of Parliament (Big Ben),
Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square.
2) The symbols are Big Ben, London Eye and
3) I bought a small doubledecker and small teddy for my
sister and a mug for my mother.
4) Yes, I would.
5) The most interesting experience is London Eye, I saw
the London from the air! It was awesome.
Veronika Chobotová, IX. B
1) We visited Tower Bridge, The Tower of London, University of Greenwich, Lederhall
Market (shop Harry Potter, businessmen), Buckingham Palace (the changing of the quards),
Trafalgar Square, Natural History Museum etc.
2) Symbols of London for me are Big
Ben, Tower Bridge, Buckingham
Palace and double bus.
3) I boughts magnets, a cup, T-shirt
and bangles. Why? I don´t know.
4) I would like to live in London.
5) My most interesting experience is
the changing of the guard.
Jakub Fujala, IX.B
I visited Buckingham palace, Trafalgar square, Tower Bridge, Big Ben, Greenwich, the
Tower of London and London Eye. My symbol of London is London Eye. I bought one cap
because it is very cool. I would be happy when I could live in London, but Petřvald is a nice
place to live, too.
My best experience was when I was in London Eye. It was very nice when I saw the whole
London from the height.
Klára Smiešková, VIII. A
I visited Greenwich, Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, the Houses of Parliament with Big
Ben, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace, some skyscrapers. I was in London Eye and I saw
fake Crown jewels and the changing of the guards.
The symbols of London for me are of course their flag, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, tea and
English language.
When I was in London I wanted to buy some magazines what are published only in London,
because in these magazines there are topics about my favourite bands. And I bought them! I
also bought statues of Big Ben and later I found that it shines, four magnets - two are for me
and others are for my grandmas. I also bought typical British tea too and it is delicious!
Yes, I would like to live in London because I love English and London's sights, nature and
people there.
My most interesting experience from London was when we met our host. Our “parents” had
two grown-up sons so we thought they live somewhere else. But when we arrived we saw
their two sons sitting in living room and the wife of one of them, their two small kids and
husband of Haney, our host mother. So we were really surprised.
Martin Hanák, VIII. B
We visited Oxford International Education Group, Greenwich (Royal Observatory, Meridianpoledník, Tower Bridge, St Catherine Docks, The Tower of London, The monument, Bank of
England, St Paul´s Cathedral, Millenium Bridge,Southbank Walk,London Eye, 4D cinema,
Abbey, the Houses of Parliament (Big
Ben), Buckingham Palace, the shop
History Museum, Lewisham-shopping
centre. The symbols of London are
Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace and
London Eye. I bought some magnets
and a postcard. I would like to live in
London. This place is nice.
Adéla Szotkowská, IX. A
I visited many interesting places in London. The first day we were at school (Oxford
International Education Group) and we saw Greenwich.
On Thursday we went over the river Thames on the centre of London. We saw The Tower of
London, Bank of England, St Paul‟s Cathedral, London Eye and many others.
On Friday we were in New Bond Street and there were a lot of exclusive shops. We saw the
changing of the guards at Buckingham palace. We fed pigeons on Trafalgar Square! Our last
stop on Friday was Natural History Museum. It was amazing. There were exhibitions about
the sea world, world of dinosaurs but also about the human body there.
On last day we went to a shopping centre in Catford. There was Primark shop, too! Each of us
definitely bought something there. I bought Jelly Beans, some clothes, candles, some gifts and
so on. I bought some souvenirs in London, a magnet, a keychain, a mug. Symbols of London
are for me doubledeckers and a red phone-box. People in London are very friendly, nice and
not comparable to Czech Republic. I can imagine I would live there.
Kotasová Nikol, 9.B
I visited Tower Bridge, St Catherine Docks, The Tower of London (in this place I bought
most of my souvenirs), The Monument (in Pudding Lane), Lederhall Market (shop Harry
Potter, businessmen), Bank Station (stock Exchange), Bank of England, Watling Street (the
oldest Rome‟s street in London), St Paul´s Cathedral (:place, where we had a break and we
fed the pigeons), Millenium Bridge, Globe Theatre (famous for William Shakespeare), Tate
Modern Gallery, Southbank Walk (place, where we fed the seagulls and pigeons), London
Eye (near London Eye there were a ,,live statue´´ and a shop with souvenirs, where I bought
other souvenirs for my family), Westminster
Bridge, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of
Parliament and Big Ben, Buckingham Palace,
Wellington Arch, and at the end of Thursday we
visited St James Park. On Friday we visited
Currency Exchange (,,for me´´), Marble Arch,
Mayfair (Embassy of the USA), New Bond Street
(exclusive shops , Berlington Arcade (shopping
arcade, Victorian‟s shopping centre, exclucive
shops), Royal Academy of Art (we saw interesting trees, we had a break and we learned about
Chinese art), Buckingham Place (changing of the guards, through Green Park), Trafalgar
Square (Nelson´s Column, National Gallery (in this place I bought the last souvenirs for my
family)), Covent Garden (market, street artists/performers ), Piccadilly Circus, Leicester
Square, Harrods and at the end of Friday we visited Natural History Museum. I love this
place, because I love Biology (and it is the place, where I bought one of my souvenirs – a big
3D picture with a dinosaur Tyrannosaurus Rex). The last place, which we visited on our
travel, was Catford, Lewishham (shopping center, there was the shop Primark, we enjoyed
shopping there a lot. Symbols of London are for me intelligent people, pigeons and seagulls,
modern art, a lot of interesting and practical things and expensive shops.
I bought a very expensive pillow for my father in one of souvenirs shops near the Tower of
London, then a mug with symbols of London for my stepfather Petr and candies for my whole
family. In shop with souvenirs near London Eye I bought a teddy bear (which looks like a
guy) for my stepbrother Filip, a big pen with flag of London for my brother Oliver, a magnet
with the model of the Tower of London for my grandmother and for my aunt I bought a
magnet too. I bought a handbag and a model of a bird for my mother in the shop in National
Gallery. And for me I bought a big red bird pen.
I wouldn´t like to live in London, because I love my country.
My most interesting experience from London is the ride on a carousel with my friends,
feeding pigeons and seagulls, walking in London´s streets and parks and also shopping.
Simona Tomisová, IX. B
We visited a lot of sights for example: the famous bridge in London- Tower Bridge, the
Tower of London - there are crown jewels, the home of the Queen Elisabeth II - Buckingham
palace, Hyde park, Greenwich meridian, Greenwich park, a famous tourist attraction - London
eye, famous expensive shopping street- Oxford street, the big clock tower - Big Ben, the
Houses of pParliament, etc.
The symbols of London are for me: Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, red telephone
booths, nice people, double deckers, Queen Elisabeth II, expensive things, city of sights, etc.
I bought a lot of things - presents for my family, some magnets from London, T- shirts, a
mug, some things from drugstore, some jewells. I bought that because I wanted to have a lot
of things from London, because I don‟t know if I go there in near future and because I like
I wouldn‟t to live in London, because everything is expensive there and people from other
countries have problem find good work there. For people from other countries it is so hard to
live there.
My best experience from London - people in London are different than us, there are a lot of
Afro-Americans. Families in London must have two jobs to earn enough money. The life isn´t
easy there. People in London don‟t have dogs because they say: dogs are very dirty animals.
Markéta Kasterková, IX. A
We visited Tower Bridge, Tower of London, a lot of museums (Natural History Museum,
Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, Trafalgar Square and other places).
The symbols of London are for me Starbucks cafe at every corner and houses in Victorian
I bought some postcards, because
my friends wanted them, then Tshirts for my nephew and niece, a
scarf for my mum and a
paperweight for me because I
collect it.
I really like London, but l don‟t
want to live here. It‟s so
demanding, a lot of traffic and
only sandwiches for lunch.
I think my most interesting
experience from London was
when immigrants in Calaes were walking around our bus. It wasn´t like on TV. You think
„It‟s okay, they aren‟t dangerous and there are not so many people.‟ But it is not like this. This
situation was scary.
Michelle Líčková, VIII. B
The second week in October I went to London.On Tuesday we sailed by ferryboat to
England.We saw lots of places in London. For me the highlights are Big Ben, London Eye,
Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Natural History Museum. The symbols of London are the
red telephone booth and the guards at the Buckingham Palace and Mr Bean. I bought a T-shirt
for my mother, because she loves fashion and a stone from Natural History Museum, because
I was intrigied by its magnetic force. Live in London is beatiful fom me.I like this
country.One day I'd like to live.My interesting experience from London is ride on the London
Eye, but I have lots of experience from our family Roberts. The mother names Nugáta- she is
still cares about us care or her soon Dunič whick drove us every morning. My experience
from London is best and unforgettable.
Kristýna Petřvalská, VIII. A
We visited a lot of buildings and sights in London – the Prime Meridian, Greenwich, we were
walking on Tower Bridge, St. Paul's Cathedral, City of London, London Eye, live statues, Big
Ben, the Houses of Parliament, Marble Arch, changing of the Guard, Buckingham Palace,
Nelson´s Column on Trafalgar Square, The National Gallery, Piccadilly Circus and finally
Natural History Museum.
The symbols of London are definitely Double Decker, Big Ben, Underground and the red
I bought magazines (Kerrang, RockSound and BigCheese), a key ring, hat, English tea and
some chocolate. I bought magazines because I can't buy them in the Czech Republic and these
are the best magazines. I bought the key ring, because this was the gift for my sister. I bought
a hat. I need a good hat, because winter is coming.
I would like to live in London, but after the conversation talking with my aunt, I realized that
it would be complicated, so eventually I would like to move to America.
My best experience from London? I think everyone wrote about London Eye. So my most
interesting experience is the live statue at London Eye. The man (the statue) didn't move,
when someone touched him. He did not anything. We were watching him and he didn´t even
Aneta Antošíková, IX. A
In London we visited lots of sights – for example Tower Bridge, The Tower of London, Big
Ben and Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square or Natural History Museum, Oxford Street.
And the shop Primark in Catford shopping centre. On Wednesday we were in the school of
Oxford International Education Group and University of Greenwich.
The symbols of London are for me Big Ben and Buckingham Palace or Oxford Street and
Tower Bridge.
In London I bought small red telephone booth for my mum, because she loves it and a cup for
me, because I want to drink from the
London cup! And for my father I
because he just wanted it.
I would like to live in London. I love
the cold and cloudy weather. And I
like big cities with lots of shops and
sights. It‟s like a dream city for me.
My most interesting experience was
the living in the step family. It was
very funny. But almost everything in
London was great.
Lukáš Dutko, VIII.A
We saw London eye, Greenwich, Buckingham palace, Royal garden, Big Ben and the Tower
of London. There were lots of kinds of people. I bought a miniature of Big Ben and London
eye in cube. I wouldn´t like to live in London because I haven´t got any friends here.
The most interesting were Big Ben and Buckingham palace.
Pavel Kaleta, IX. A
We visited a lot fo beautiful places, for example Tower Bridge, The Tower of London,
St Paul´s Cathedral, London Eye, Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and
many others.
The symbols of London are the typical British breakfest, Big Ben, London Eye and school
uniforms for me.
I bought a gypsum bulldock with the British flag on its back and small presents for my family.
I would not want to live in London, because they have always bad weather and I don´t like
school uniforms. My most interesting experience for me was Buckingham palace.