Intro to XPS and UPS Helmholtz
Intro to XPS and UPS Helmholtz
Introduction into X-ray and UV Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS/UPS) Introduction to X-ray and UV Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS/UPS) What is XPS? How can we identify elements and compounds? What is UPS? What is a work function(Φ)? Examples of investigations using ∆Φ/UPS/XPS/HIKE Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 What is XPS? X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS), also known as Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) is a widely used technique to investigate the chemical composition of surfaces surfaces.. X-ray Photoelectron spectroscopy, based on the photoelectric effect,1,2 was developed in the midmid-1960’s by Kai Siegbahn and his research group at the University of Uppsala, Sweden.3 1. H. Hertz, Ann. Physik 31,983 (1887). 2. A. Einstein, Ann. Physik 17,132 (1905). 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. 3. K. Siegbahn, et. al., Nova Acta Regiae Soc.Sci., Ser. IV, Vol. 20 (1967). 1981 Nobel Prize in Physics. Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Au(111) Au 4f 6 6 1,5x10 6 1,0x10 Au NVV 5 5,0x10 Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Ekin [eV] Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 The Photoelectric Process Conduction Band Free Electron Level Fermi Level Valence Band 2p L2,L3 2s L1 1s K XPS spectral lines are identified by the shell from which the electron was ejected (1s, 2s, 2p, etc.). The ejected photoelectron has kinetic energy: KE=hv--BE KE=hv BE--Φ Following this process, the atom will release energy by the emission of an Auger Electron. Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] Incident XX-ray Ejected Photoelectron 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Auger Relation of Core Hole Emitted Auger Electron Valence Band 2p L2,L3 2s L1 1s K L electron falls to fill core level vacancy (step 1). KLL Auger electron emitted to conserve energy released in step 1. The kinetic energy of the emitted Auger electron is: KE=E(K)--E(L2)KE=E(K) E(L2)-E(L3). Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] Conduction Band Free Electron Level Fermi Level 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Relative Probabilities of Relaxation of a K Shell Core Hole 1.0 0.6 0.4 0.2 Note: The light elements have a low cross section for XX-ray emission. X-ray Photon Emission 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Atomic Number B Ne P Ca Mn Zn Br Zr Elemental Symbol Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] Probability 0.8 Auger Electron Emission 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 XPS Energy Scale The XPS instrument measures the kinetic energy of all collected electrons. The electron signal includes contributions from both photoelectron and Auger electron lines. Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 5 Cu(111) 1.5x10 xx0287_1 intensity [arb.u.] Au(111) Au 4f 6 6 1,5x10 4 5.0x10 0.0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 Ekin [eV] 5 3.0x10 6 1,0x10 Cu(111) 2.5x10 Au NVV 5 Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 5 2.0x10 5 1.5x10 5 1.0x10 600 4 5.0x10 0.0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Ekin [eV] Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] 5,0x10 xx0291_1 2nd order!! 5 intensity [arb.u.] intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 5 1.0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Sample/Spectrometer Energy Level DiagramConducting Sample e- Sample Spectrometer Free Electron Energy Vacuum Level, Ev hv KE(1s) KE(1s) Φsample Φspec Fermi Level, Ef BE(1s) E1s Because the Fermi levels of the sample and spectrometer are aligned, we only need to know the spectrometer work function, Φspec, to calculate BE(1s). Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 XPS Energy Scale - Kinetic energy KE = hv - BE - Φspec Where: BE BE= = Electron Binding Energy KE KE= = Electron Kinetic Energy Φspec= Spectrometer Work Function Photoelectron line energies: Dependent on photon energy. Auger electron line energies: Not Dependent on photon energy. Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 XPS Energy Scale- Binding energy BE = hv - KE - Φspec Where: BE BE= = Electron Binding Energy KE KE= = Electron Kinetic Energy Φspec= Spectrometer Work Function Photoelectron line energies: Not Dependent on photon energy. Auger electron line energies: Dependent on photon energy. The binding energy scale was derived to make uniform comparisons of chemical states straight forward. Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Fermi Level Referencing Free electrons (those giving rise to conductivity) find an equal potential which is constant throughout the material. Fermi--Dirac Statistics: Fermi T=0 K kT<<Ef f(E) f(E) = 1 exp[(E--Ef)/kT] + 1 exp[(E 1.0 0.5 0 1. At T=0 K: f(E)=1 for E<Ef f(E)=0 for E>Ef Ef 2. At kT<<Ef (at room temperature kT=0.025 eV) f(E)=0.5 for E=Ef Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Elemental Shifts Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Where do Binding Energy Shifts Come From? -or How Can We Identify Elements and Compounds? Fermi Level Pure Element Electron-electron Electronrepulsion Electron Electron-nucleus Electronattraction Binding Energy Look for changes here by observing electron binding energies ElectronElectronNucleus Separation Nucleus Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Elemental Shifts Binding Energy (eV) Element 2p3/2 3p ∆ Fe 707 53 654 Co 778 60 718 Ni 853 67 786 Cu 933 75 858 Zn 1022 89 933 Electron-nucleus attraction helps us identify the elements Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 The Sudden Approximation Assumes the remaining orbitals (often called the passive orbitals) are the same in the final state as they were in the initial state (also called the frozen frozen--orbital approximation approximation). ). Under this assumption, the XPS experiment measures the negative HartreeHartree-Fock orbital energy: Koopman’s Binding Energy EB,K ≅ -εB,K Actual binding energy will represent the readjustment of the NN-1 charges to minimize energy (relaxation): EB = Ef N-1 - Ei N Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Chemical Shifts - Electronegativity Effects Carbon--Fluorine Bond Carbon C 1s Binding Energy Core Level C 1s Shift to higher binding energy Electron-nucleus Electronattraction (Loss of Electronic Screening) Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] Valence Level C 2p Fluorine ElectroElectronegativity 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Chemical Shifts- Electronegativity Effects C-H, C-C Binding Energy (eV) 285.0 amine C-N 286.0 alcohol, ether C-O-H, C-O-C 286.5 Cl bound to C C-Cl 286.5 F bound to C C-F 287.8 carbonyl C=O 288.0 Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] Functional Group hydrocarbon 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 intensity (arb. units) C1s of ca. ML PFN on Au(111) 290 288 286 284 282 binding energy (eV) C1s of ca. ML PFP on Au(111) F F F F F F F F F F 290 288 286 284 282 280 0,6 0,4 0,2 290 288 286 284 282 binding energy (eV) 280 0,0 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 294 296 298 Binding Energy [eV] Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] F C1s, TTNI C1s, OTNI 0,8 Intensity [arb.u.] F F multilayer 1.5 eV intensity (arb. units) F 1,0 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Electronic Effects - Spin-Orbit Coupling 3d5/2 Ag 3d 3d3/2 Orbital=s l=0 s=+/-1/2 ls=1/2 6.0 Peak Area 2 290 288 284 280 Binding Energy (eV) 2p3/2 Cu 2p Peak Area 1 2 955 945 935 Binding Energy (eV) 362 4f7/2 4f5/2 Peak Area 925 3 374 370 366 Binding Energy (eV) Orbital=p l=1 s=+/-1/2 ls=1/2,3/2 19.8 : : Au 4f 2p1/2 965 378 276 Orbital=d l=2 s=+/-1/2 ls=3/2,5/2 91 3 Orbital=f l=3 s=+/-1/2 ls=5/2,7/2 3.65 : 4 87 83 Binding Energy (eV) 79 Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] C 1s 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Final State Effects - Shake-up/ Shake-off Results from energy made available in the relaxation of the final state configuration (due to a loss of the screening effect of the core level electron which underwent photoemission) photoemission).. L(2p) -> Cu(3d) Shake-up: Relaxation energy used to excite electrons in valence levels to bound states (monopole excitation). Shake-off: Relaxation energy used to excite electrons in valence levels to unbound states (monopole ionization). Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Final State Effects- Shake-up/ Shake-off Ni Oxide Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] Ni Metal 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Final State Effects- Multiplet Splitting Following photoelectron emission, the remaining unpaired electron may couple with other unpaired electrons in the atom, resulting in an ion with several possible final state configurations with as many different energies. This produces a line which is split asymmetrically into several components. Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Electron Scattering Effects Energy Loss Peaks eph + esolid e*ph + e**solid Photoelectrons travelling through the solid can interact with other electrons in the material. These interactions can result in the photoelectron exciting an electronic transition, thus losing some of its energy (inelastic scattering). Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Electron Scattering Effects Plasmon Loss Peak Al 2s a a a A=15.3 eV Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] Metal a 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Electron Scattering Effects Plasmon Loss Peak O 1s 21 eV x4 Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] Insulating Material 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Quantitative Analysis by XPS For a Homogeneous sample: I = Nσ NσDJL DJLλ λAT where: N = atoms/cm3 σ = photoelectric crosscross-section, cm2 D = detector efficiency J = XX-ray flux, photon/cm2-sec L = orbital symmetry factor λ = inelastic electron meanmean-free path, cm A = analysis area, cm2 T = analyzer transmission efficiency Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Relative Sensitivities of the Elements 12 10 8 4f 6 2p 4 4d 2 1s 0 Li B N F Na Al P Cl K Sc V M Co Cu G As Br Rb Y Nb Tc Rh Ag In Sb I Cs La Pr P Eu Tb Ho T Lu Ta Re Ir Au Tl Bi Be C O Ne M Si S Ar Ca Ti Cr Fe Ni Zn G Se Kr Sr Zr M Ru Pd Cd Sn Te Xe Ba Ce Nd S G Dy Er Yb Hf W Os Pt Hg Pb Elemental Symbol Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] Relative Sensitivity 3d 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 5 3.0x10 HATCN on Cu(111) xx0291_1 xx0306_1 5 2.5x10 5 1.5x10 N1s 5 1.0x10 C1s 4 5.0x10 0.0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Ekin [eV] Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] intensity [a.u.] 5 2.0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 XPS of Copper-Nickel alloy 120 Peak Area Cu 2p 100 Mct-eV/sec Ni Cu 2.65 3.65 Atomic Conc % 4.044 5.321 49 51 Cu LMM Cu Ni LMM Cu LMM Ni LMM LMM Ni LMM Ni 2p 40 Ni 3p 20 Cu 3p 0 -1100 -900 -700 -500 -300 -100 Binding Energy (eV) Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] Thousands N(E)/E 80 60 Rel. Sens. 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Escape depth – mean free path Gezeigt ist die Abhängigkeit der freien Weglänge von Elektronen in Festkörpern in Abhängigkeit von deren kinetischer Energie über dem Ferminiveau. Der exakte Streumechanismus ist materialabhängig, aber insgesamt folgt der Zusammenhang einer „universellen Kurve“, die hier als Band gezeigt ist. Diese hat ein Minimum bei ca. 50 eV. Zu beachten ist die logarithmische Auftragung an beiden Achsen [87], [88]. Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 from Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 surface sensitive data bulk sensitive data hν=630eV hν=190eV surface sensitive data: metallic signal more intense than oxidic signal. (b) Au2O3 Aumet (c) (b) (a) 90 85 EB [eV] 80 (a) 75 95 90 85 80 EB [eV] Au2O3: Au 4f 7/2 at 85.7eV binding energy, Au (metallic) Au 4f at 84eV, chemical shift = 1.7eV Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] counts [a.u.] bulk sensitive data: the oxidic signal exceeds the metallic Au signal; 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 HIGH KINETIC ENERGY PHOTOELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY (HIKE) on Thin Film Solar Cells Zn(O,S) - 15 nm buffer layer Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) Se2p Intensity / a.u. Cu2p Se2p 1500eV 1480 1460 1440 Binding Energy / eV Intensity / a.u. Intensity / a. u. 9000eV 8000eV 7000eV 6500eV 6000eV 5500eV 5000eV 4000eV 3000eV Glass + Mo 1420 Ga2p Cu2p 920 940 960eV Binding Energy / eV Above approximately 5 keV excitation energy the substrate becomes visible! 2500eV 2000 1500 Binding Energy / eV 1000 Depth profiling of the device is possible! Au(111) Au 4f Johansson, Platzer-Björkman, Gorgoi, et al, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 78 (2007) 1. intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Cs2Te photocathodes for electron accelerators: new, contaminated, used, oxidised composition chemical analysis survey @ 900eV photon energy Cs3 3d 4 4x10 Cs and Te signals Te 3d 4 3x10 4 2x10 O1s new Mo 3d Augers 0 200 120 3d5/2 0 80 400 600 800 1000 used 3d5/2 6+ 0 565 Ekin[eV] 4 3d3/2 2- 3d5/2 2- 3d3/2 0 3d3/2 6+ plasmon peak 40 4 1x10 0 measurement 900 eV background 160 oxidised sample 1, new counts / 100 Intensity [arb.units] 4 5x10 contamination 570 575 580 Eb (eV) 585 590 595 survey @ 900eV photon energy 3.5x10 Cs3 3d sample 3, used DESY 3.0x10 Teflon Contaminated Cs and Te signals 4 2.5x10 4 2.0x10 4 1.5x10 F1s Augers 4 1.0x10 C1s 3 5.0x10 0.0 0 valence bands Te 3d 4 200 400 Ekin[eV] 600 800 1000 exposed to bad vacuum 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 #90.1 (fresh) #92.1 (used) photo emissive band 2 4 6 core like Cs 5p 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Eb (eV) Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] 4 counts Intensity [arb.units] 4.0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Counts Secondary electron cutoff (SECO) HOMO or EF Ekin,HOMO Ekin,EF Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] Ekin,SECO Ekin 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Secondary electron cutoff (SECO) valence states Counts UPS: valence orbitals interface states HOMO or EF Ekin,SECO Ekin Ekin,HOMO Ekin,EF C60 on CH8000 5 Z0115_1 Z0117_1 Z0119_1 Z0120_1 Z0121_1 Z0131_1 Z0132_1 Z0133_1 Z0136_1 2.4x10 5 2.2x10 5 2.0x10 5 ionization energy = hν – (Ekin,HOMO – Ekin,SECO) work function = hν – (Ekin,EF – Ekin,SECO) intensity [arb.u.] 1.8x10 5 1.6x10 5 1.4x10 5 1.2x10 5 1.0x10 4 8.0x10 4 6.0x10 4 4.0x10 4 2.0x10 0.0 20 25 30 35 40 Ekin [eV] Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] hole injection barrier = Ekin,EF – Ekin,HOMO 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Workfunction Free Electron hv Vacuum Level, Ev Φsample Fermi Level, Ef Binding energy E1s „Push-back“ effect Charge transfer Covalent bond formation Permanent dipoles Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] Ishii, Sugiyama, Ito, Seki, Adv. Mater. 11, 605 (1999); Kahn, Koch, Gao, J. Poly. Sci. B 41, 2529-2548 (2003) 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 (1) 0,4 0,2 0 (2) 2 4 8 16 50 0,0 110 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 3 Ebinding [eV] Eva c energy level diagrams of PEN/Au(111) 4 8 16 50 110 9 10 11 kinetic energy (eV) ∆va c,PEN= 0.95 φAu= 5.50 EF 2 1 0 binding energy (eV) 2 φPEN= 4.55 0.60 0.90 (1) (2) Au(111) Au 4f 2,0x10 intensity [arb.u] 0,6 ∆PEN 0 MT(Å) intensity (arb. units) Intensity [arb.units] 0,8 MT(Å) θe= 45° Cu(111) Ag(111) Au(111) intensity (arb. units) 1,0 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 s REMINDER y c k e Strommessung eE s z V l e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Schale: M e e L Photoemission provides information on: - Chemical composition - Chemical state/reaction - Electronic state - Interfaces/interface reactions - Quantitative analysis - Depth profiling e e e K H.-Ch. Mertins / Ch. Jung / M. Mast Mai 2004 photoeffekt.dsf Au(111) Au 4f intensity [arb.u] 2,0x10 1,5x10 6 6 1,0x10 6 5,0x10 5 Au NVV Au 5p Au 4d VB 0,0 100 200 300 400 Ekin [eV] 500 600 Thank you!