Dental source list


Dental source list
Dental source list
Aegis Administrative Services Inc.
888-881-2307 x324 |
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly 0-1500.00
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage 0-50.00,yes
How are commissions paid?
Aflac | 888-861-0251 |
Aflac Dental
Product Name
Aflac Dental pays benefits for a broad range
Waiting periods / Length
of dental procedures and treatments with
varying waiting periods based upon benefit
categories. Aflac also offers a voluntary
group dental policy** that may offer credit for
waiting periods when replacing existing dental
coverage. Waiting periods for services are as
follows: •Preventive (Wellness and X-Ray):
None •Fillings and Basic Services: 3 Months
•Pain Management and Adjunctive Services:
3 Months •Other Preventive Services: 6
Months •Oral Surgery, Gum Treatments, and
Prosthetic Repair: 6 Months •Crowns and
Major Services: 12 Months •Major Prosthetic
Services: 24 Months **Group coverage is
underwritten by Continental American Insurance Company.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Aflac Dental provides a simple, no-directcost option for employers to make dental
insurance coverage available to employees
without deductibles. Maximum yearly benefits vary by level of coverage, per covered
person. Aflac’s newest dental plan includes
an Annual Maximum Building Benefit that
increases the maximum yearly benefits
available to a policyholder each year
providing them with additional coverage,
according to policy details.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Aflac Dental policyholders have the freedom
to use their own dental providers without the
restrictions of a network. Because Aflac does
not have network requirements and does not
pay benefits as a percentage of reasonable
and customary/usual and customary charges,
policyholders are only responsible for provider
charges that exceed the benefit amount,
if benefits are assigned. Aflac Dental’s
Orthodontic Rider provides benefits for both
the initial treatment of numerous orthodontic
procedures as well as for follow-up visits.
How are commissions paid?
Aflac Dental offers competitive commissions for associates and brokers, including
renewal commissions.
AIGILIS Corp. | 407-324-3921 |
PPO Dental Plus
Product Name
0 wait for Type I - 90 days for Type II - 12
Waiting periods / Length
months for Type III
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $0 deductible on plan 1 - $50 on Plans 2 and
3 - Yearly maximum up to $1500
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Point of Service discount provided
How are commissions paid?
Allstate Workplace Division |
800-521-3535 |
Heritage Choice Dental
Product Name
No waiting period on wellness benefits.
Waiting periods / Length
Six-month wait in year one for all other services. Credit given for prior coverage under
the employer’s group dental coverage.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $50 deductible employee/$100 deductible
family. Maximum yearly benefit: $500 year 1;
$750 year 2; $1,000 year 3.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage $15 co-pay for wellness visits. $500/year
orthodontia for dependents under 19;
lifetime maximum $1,500.
Level commissions paid first and subseHow are commissions paid?
quent years; paid as earned.
58 • January 2011 • Benefits Selling
Alpha Dental Plan | 303-744-3007 |
Alpha Dental / CarePOS Dental Plan
Product Name
No waiting periods on any services.
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly No deductibles to satisfy. Members can
use the plan as much as they wish each
year with no maximum.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Members will save between 50 to 100% off
of the plan dentists normal full fee on all
dental procedures. Orthodontia is available
on all plans for both children and adults.
Monthly. Incentive / production based
How are commissions paid?
bonus programs are also available.
AlwaysCare Benefits (a Starmount Life Insurance co.)
888-729-5433 x5 |
AlwaysCare Dental
Product Name
Varies by group / 0 - 12 months
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $0 - $100 / Annual or lifetime maximums
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Varies by group / Orthodontia option available
How are commissions paid?
American General Life Cos.
877-671-1647 |
Group PPO Dental by American General
Waiting periods for timely enrollees Preventive services: no waiting period Basic
services (2 to 9 groups): no waiting period _
Basic services (10-plus groups): no waiting
period except a 6-month wait for root canal
if endodontics and periodontics are in basic
Major services: 12 months Orthodontic
services waiting period: 12 months
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $0, $25, $50, $75 or $100 deductible per plan
or calendar year $100 lifetime deductible
for 10-plus enrolled employees Various annual maximum options from $500 to $2,500
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Adult or child-only orthodontia No deductible 50-percent coinsurance Lifetime maximum benefit options from $500 to $2,000
Various compensations schedules availHow are commissions paid?
able. Please contact your Benefit Solutions
Sales Representative.
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Ameritas Group Dental |
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage
How are commissions paid?
800-776-9446 |
Group Dental
Anywhere from 6 to 24 months
Commissions are paid the first working day
of the month for any premium received in
the prior month. The commission are paid
on premium billed.
BEST Life and Health Insurance Co.
888-210-BEST |
PPO Dental, IndemnityPlus
There is a 12-month waiting period on Major Services and Orthodontia. Groups with
10 or more employees enrolled will receive
a waiver on the waiting period.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $0, $25, $50, $75 or $100 deductible amounts
are available. Maximum yearly benefits can
vary by plan; options range from $2,500 to $750.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Child only and adult options are available. We
provide a $1,000 and $1,500 Lifetime Maximum.
Service fees are paid based on group
How are commissions paid?
size: 2-9 lives: 10% first year and renewal
10-49 lives: 9% first year and renewal 50-99
lives: 8% first year and renewal 100+ lives:
Negotiable, but not to exceed 8%
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Dental source list
Beta Health Association Inc. |
303-744-3007 |
Custom Designed Group and Individual
Dental Plans
Customized depending on the product
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Customized depending on the product
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Customized depending on the product
Customized depending on the size of the
How are commissions paid?
group. Production bonus programs are also
Product Name
Brokers National Life Assurance Co. |
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
800-798-1125 |
No Deductible Premier
12 Month for Major Restorative Procedures/ 24
Month for Dependent Orthodontia Benefits
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $50 Benefit Year for Type II & III Procedures/ $2,000 Maximum Benefit in 3rd Year
& Thereafter
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage No Co-pays/ $50 Lifetime Deductible for Dep.
Orthodontia Benefits & $1,000 Lifetime Maximum Benefit for Dep. Orthodontia Benefits
As premium is received
How are commissions paid?
CIGNA Dental & Vision Care |
Delta Dental |
630-574-6001 |
Delta Dental PPO, Delta Dental Premier,
DeltaCare USA
Varies by state.
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Varies by state.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Varies by state.
Varies by state.
How are commissions paid?
Product Name
Denali Dental | 800-620-5010 |
Denali Dental
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $50 / $150 annual deductibles or $100 lifetime
deductibles / $1000 to $2000 annual maximums
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage None / Adult and children’s ortho available
How are commissions paid?
800-257-5800 |
CIGNA Dental Care;CIGNA Dental EPO/
PPO;CIGNA Traditional indemnity
No waiting periods on DHMO Plans; Yes on
Waiting periods / Length
DPPO/3-24 months
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $0-$200/ $500-$2,500
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage 0-$3,000/Yes, adult & child, fixed copays on
DHMO, various coverage levels available
How are commissions paid?
Dental Health Services | 800-637-6453 |
Dental benefits for groups and individuals.
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly None.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Prepaid plans have copayments for all
covered procedures, and always include
orthodontia coverage. Other plans vary
based on benefits. Please visit or call 800.637.6453
for more information.
Commissions vary based on type of plan
How are commissions paid?
and size of group.
Companion Life Insurance Co. |
800-753-0404 |
Dental Cents, Dental by Design and
Voluntary Dental Plans
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Varies
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Varies
How are commissions paid?
Dental Health Services | 800-637-6453 |
Dental benefits for groups and individuals.
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly None.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Prepaid plans have copayments for all
covered procedures, and always include
orthodontia coverage. Other plans vary
based on benefits. Please visit or call 800.637.6453
for more information.
Commissions vary based on type of plan
How are commissions paid?
and size of group.
Dearborn National | | 866-769-8277 |
Product Name
None / None
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly None / Unlimited
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage None / up to 25% off
Direct deposit or check
How are commissions paid?
Product Name
Product Name
630-824-6270 |
Group Network, Scheduled and ASO Dental
All Dental Programs are group specific. WaitWaiting periods / Length
ing periods can vary - based on if the plan is
voluntary, contributory or employer paid.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Varied - dental programs are group specific.
Product Name
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Varied - dental plan co-pays and orthodontia coverage are group specific.
Our standard is a 10% graded scale howHow are commissions paid?
ever other scales may be available. • January 2011 • Benefits Selling
Dental source list
DR Administrative Services Inc. |
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage
How are commissions paid?
888 791-3737 |
Direct Reimbursement Dental Plans
Guardian Life Insurance |
212-598-8000 |
DentalGuard Preferred or DentalGuard
Several waiting period options are availWaiting periods / Length
able, but not required.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Many annual and lifetime deductible options are available from $0-$300 (preventive
services can be excluded) / Many maximum
options available from $500-$5000.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Many coinsurance options available / child
and adult orthodontia coverage available
Graded scale
How are commissions paid?
Product Name
Guardian Life Insurance |
212-598-8000 |
Managed DentalGuard DHMO (TX, FL, NJ,
NY), Managed Dental Care DHMO (CA), First
Commonwealth DHMO (IL, IN, MI, MO)
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly No deductible / no maximum
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Many co-pay options available / child and
adult orthondontia available
Graded scale
How are commissions paid?
Product Name
Harbor Insurance Marketing Inc. |
866-424-2167 |
Diamond Voluntary Dental Plan
No waiting periods. 100/80/10 1st 12 months.
100/80/50 thereafter
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $100 Lifetime Deductible. Max. $1,000 1st year,
$1,250 2nd year, $1,500 3rd year and after.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage No copays. Orthodontia available.
How are commissions paid?
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Harbor Insurance Marketing Inc. |
866-424-2167 |
Flexident Dental Plans
Variable with flexibility of 0-12 months for
Basic and Diagnostic -and 0-24 for Major
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $0-100 lifetime. Annual Max $2,000.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Copay options and ortho for 10+ (5 if current
Paid monthly.
How are commissions paid?
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
IHC Group, The | 800-446-1223 |
Madison Dental
Product Name
Superior plan has 4 month waiting period
Waiting periods / Length
for basic services and 15 month waiting
period for major services.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $50 per person $100 for ages 65+ Maximum
ranges from $500-$1,250 depending on plan
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage $10 copay $25 copay for ages 65+ 15-20%
discount on most Orthodontia services
Monthly, by check
How are commissions paid?
60 • January 2011 • Benefits Selling
Kansas City Life Insurance Co./KCL Group Benefits
877-266-6767 x8200 |
Kansas City Life Group Dental
Product Name
Varies from zero to 24 months.
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Deductible amounts can vary from $0 to $50
annual. Also offer $100 lifetime Maximums
can vary from $500 to $2000
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage KCL’s plan is a co-insurance plan. No copays. Orthodontia coverage can be offered
down to 2 lives with maximums varying from
$500 to $2000
Group commissions are paid on as
How are commissions paid?
“earned” basis paid monthly
Lincoln Financial Group |
800-423-2765 |
Lincoln DentalConnect
Waiving waiting periods is an option, along
with various other increments.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly A range of deductible amounts are available. Annual maximums are available
starting at $500 in $50 increments.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage A variety of co-insurance percentages are
available by Service Types. Orthodontia
coverage is also an option with Maximums
also available in $50 increments.
Information not provided.
How are commissions paid?
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Magnum Dental | 800-620-5010 |
Magnum Dental
Product Name
No Waiting Periods
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $50/$150 annual or $100 lifetime deductibles/ $1000 to $2000
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage None/ $2000 lifetime child ortho
10% on a monthly basis
How are commissions paid?
Managing Agency Group |
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
203-924-2994 |
Employers Dental Trust
Qualified takeover plans- no waiting period
or if enrolling more than 35 employees then
no waiting period. Non-takeover or less
than 35 enrolled-Type 3 (Major) Services
12 month waiting Type 4 (Orthodontia)
Services 24 month waiting
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Deductible Options with Maximum Options
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage 50% Orthodontia
Graded Schedule
How are commissions paid?
Medical Mutual of Ohio |
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage
How are commissions paid?
Medico Insurance Co. |
216-687-7000 |
Flexible plan designs subject to group size.
Flexible plan designs subject to group size.
Flexible plan designs subject to group size.
Medical Mutual publishes commission
schedules to appointed brokers.
800-228-6080 |
Dental, Vision and Hearing Insurance
Six month waiting period, however, after
three months the policy will pay 100% of
the cost of one dental cleaning up to the
maximum benefit of $50 each policy year.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $100 policy-year deductible.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Not covered.
Commissions are paid when the premium is
How are commissions paid?
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Dental source list
Merchants Benefit Administration
480-221-7778 |
Nationwide Multiflex Dental
Product Name
Varies by plan
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Varies by Plan/up to $2,000 per year
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Varies by plan/discounts on ppo plans
How are commissions paid?
MetLife | 877-638-2862 |
MetLife Dental
Product Name
Flexible plan designs. Availability of plan
Waiting periods / Length
options is subject to MetLife guidelines and
State restrictions.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Flexible plan designs. Availability of plan
options is subject to MetLife guidelines and
State restrictions.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Flexible plan designs. Availability of plan
options is subject to MetLife guidelines and
State restrictions.
Mutual of Omaha |
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
402-342-7600 |
Mutual of Omaha Dental
Benefit waiting periods apply to Type B,
C, and Ortho services only. They can be 3,
6, 12, 18 or 24 months - all the same or in
combination. Example: Type B = 3 months
Type C = 6 months Ortho = 12 months
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Individual: $0, $25, $50, $75, $100 annually
Family: 2x or 3x individual or a $100 Lifetime
deductible is available for groups over 100
covered lives
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Our standard is 50% coinsurance, but we
are able to accommodate any percentage
in increments of 5%
Flat percentage
How are commissions paid?
Pan-American Benefits Solutions
800-694-9888 x890 |
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage
How are commissions paid?
PanaMed Dental Plan
No waiting periods
No deductible
Please contact our sales office at (800)
694-9888 x 890
Prudential Insurance Co. of America, The
973-548-6352 |
Prudential Dental
No waiting periods
$25 - $200
Co-Insurance Orthodontic coverage available
Graded scale
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage
How are commissions paid?
QCD of America Inc. |
972-726-0444 |
All American Dental and Vision Benefit
No waiting periods on our plans - including
Waiting periods / Length
our 100% coverage plan!
Deductible amount / Max. yearly No deductible on two of our plans. 50/150
deductible on our fully insured plans. We
can customize program features for any
specific client need. Maximum benefit may
range from $1,000 - $3,000 annually.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Orthodontic coverage for adults and children.
The customer gets a brand new lifetime
orthodontic coverage maximum on our most
popular plan regardless of previous coverage.
10% level on new business and renewals.
How are commissions paid?
Product Name
Constantly Consistently
highest priority is supporting the needs of our Brokers. As
the marketplace
periods / Length
/ Length
to change,
our resources evolve to support the changing needs of your
We firmly
believe with
/ Max. opportunity.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly
will come
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage
How are commissions paid?
are commissions
For that reason, we’re constantly adapting our
and services
consistently perform in supporting your business.
Make the most of the opportunities coming your way. Go with the General
Agency that’s maintained a leadership position for decades; we’re up to the
challenge of this evolving marketplace.
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage
How are commissions paid?
Offices located in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia,
Name York, Ohio, Texas
Illinois, Mid-Atlantic Region, New Jersey,
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage
How are commissions paid?
Contact a BenefitMall Sales Team today!
©2010 BenefitMall®. All rights reserved. BenefitMall, the circle “B” logo and the corporate logo are registered trademarks of Centerstone Insurance and Financial Services, Inc. California License #063979.
Circle #130 on the Free Product Information Card on page 49 or visit • January 2011 • Benefits Selling
Dental source list
Reliance Standard Life Insurance Co.
800 351-7500 |
Group Dental
Product Name
Flexible/Vary by plan design
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Deductible options available up to $250 and
can be met on a calendar year, plan year
or lifetime basis. Maximum dental benefits
payable per covered person range up to
$2,500 annually.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Flexible commensurate with plan design;
common levels include a 100-80-50 plan,
with orthodontia (child and/or adult available) covered at 50%.
Tiered by total premium, to a maximum of 12%
How are commissions paid?
Renaissance Life and Health Insurance Co. of America
800-963-4596 |
Renaissance Dental
Group plan waiting periods are 12 months for
groups without comparable in-force coverage.
Individual plan waiting periods range from 6-24
months depending upon the service.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Standard and flexible plans available.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Standard and flexible plans available. Group
Orthodontia requires a minimum of 10 employees enrolled. Adult Orthodontia is available
to groups with over 100 employees. Some
individual policies also offer orthodontia.
Group commissions are paid monthly after a
How are commissions paid?
premium is received. Individual commissions vary depending upon the policy sold.
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Senior Market Sales Inc. |
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage
How are commissions paid?
800-786-5566 |
PrimeStar Platinum Senior Dental
No Co-pays/ None
Commissions are paid weekly. Minimum
payout is $25.
Small Group Solutions Inc. |
800-280-7044 |
0 - Preventative. 0 - Basic services. 12
months - Major services. 12&24 months Ortho. Waiting periods can be waived on
new and replacement coverage.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Deductible or co-pay options. Yearly max to
3,000 or unlimited.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Co-pay will vary based on the options
By-monthly or Monthly as earned.
How are commissions paid?
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Spirit Dental | 800-620-5010 |
Spirit Dental
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $50 / $150 annual or $100 lifetime deductible
/ $1000 to $3000 annual maximums
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage None / Yes, we offer both adult and childrens ortho
How are commissions paid?
SecureCare Dental |
602-241-0914 |
The Copay Plan, The PPO Plan, The
Indemnity Plan
None, up to 12 months
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Deductible varies from annual to lifetime/
Maximum varies from $1,000 to $2,500
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Fully-insured and discounted orthodontia
Monthly, level – commission do not deHow are commissions paid?
crease at renewal
Product Name
Securian Dental Plans |
866-827-3318 |
Securian Dental Employer-Paid PPO and
Indemnity plans. Securian Dental Voluntary
PPO and Indemnity plans.
No waiting periods for Employer-Paid plans.
Waiting periods / Length
6-month waiting period (basic coverage) and
12-month waiting period (major coverage) for
Voluntary plans. Waiting period may be waived
with prior comparable coverage.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Range of calendar-year deductible options
in all states and $100 lifetime deductible option in select states. Range of calendar-year
benefit maximums in all states and Escalating Maximum option in select states.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage No co-pays. Orthodontia offered as optional
coverage with many plans.
Product Name
How are commissions paid?
Commissions paid as a percentage of total
paid premium. Brokers may request specific
levels of compensation for any individually
rated opportunity (custom-risk and ASO,
groups of 100+). • January 2011 • Benefits Selling
Standard Insurance Co. |
800-633-8575 |
Optima Care Dental, Banner Dental Care,
Balanced Care Dental
Vary by plan design. Typically 0, 6 or 12
Waiting periods / Length
month benefit waiting periods for certain
covered procedures.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Deductibles typically vary from $0 to $50
annually and are sometimes waived for Preventive dental expenses. Annual maximum
benefits range from $400 to $2,500.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Co-pays can vary widely, but are generally
100% for Preventive expenses, 80% for Basic expenses and 50% for Major expenses.
Orthodontia coverage is available as an
optional benefit.
Commissions are paid on either a flat comHow are commissions paid?
mission amount (e.g. 5%) or on a graded
commission scale.
Product Name
Starmark | 800-522-1246 x33057 |
Dental PPO A and B, and Indemnity A and B.
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Individual deductibles: $50, $100, $50/$150,
$100/$300. Maximum yearly benefit varies
from $750 to $2,500 per person.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage No copays. Coinsurance varies by procedure. Optional orthodontic expense benefit.
Based on group size (employee lives).
How are commissions paid?
Dental source list
Sun Life Financial Employee Benefits Group
800-451-2513 |
Group Dental
Product Name
Waiting periods are required. Multiple opWaiting periods / Length
tions are available.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly We offer deductibles that range from $0 to
$500. Deductibles can apply to all expense
types combined or separate. Deductibles
can also apply to certain expense types
and be waived for others. Maximums
range from $500 to $3,000. To encourage innetwork utilization, we can also offer lower
deductibles and/or higher yearly maximums
for in-network services, if requested by the
employer. In addition, we offer an optional
Maximum Carryover Account Benefit.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Coinsurances range from 0% to 100% for
non-orthodontia expenses. Coinsurances
range from 25% to 60% for orthodontic
expenses. Optional Orthodontic coverage
for children and adults is available.
Twice a month, by either direct deposit or
How are commissions paid?
Transamerica Worksite Marketing
800-400-3042 |
Type One - Preventive Services: No waiting
period; Type Two - Basic Services: No waiting period; Type Three - Major Services: 12
month waiting period.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly $0, $25, $50, $75, $100, $150, $200; or $100
lifetime deductible/$500, $750, $1,000,
$1,250, $1,500, $2,000 or $2,500.
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage None/Yes
How are commissions paid?
Trustmark Group Benefits |
800-247-4179 |
Dental PPO and Indemnity
Basic services: none. Major services:
12-months. Orthodontic expenses: 24-month.
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Individual deductibles: $0, $25, $50, $100,
$50/$150, $100/$300. Maximum yearly benefit varies from $500 to $2,500 per person.
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage No copays. Coinsurance varies by procedure. Optional orthodontic expense benefit.
Based on group size (employees lives).
How are commissions paid?
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
United Concordia Cos. Inc.
717-260-7497 |
Dental Insurance
Product Name
Available/Varies by plan.
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly Standard: $0, $25/$75, $50/$150 / $1,000,
$1,250, $1,500, $2,000, $2,500
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage Dependent Orthodontia coverage is available
for groups of 9+; may vary by location. Covered
at 50% with a lifetime maximum of between
$1,000 and $2,000, depending on plan.
Commissions are based on paid premiums and
How are commissions paid?
are mailed monthly to producers via check.
United Concordia Dental |
Product Name
Waiting periods / Length
Deductible amount / Max. yearly
Co-pays / Orthodontia coverage
How are commissions paid?
888-884-8224 |
Varies by plan
Varies by plan
Varies by plan
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