Winter - Friends of McCormick`s Creek State Park
Winter - Friends of McCormick`s Creek State Park
Q UA RT E R LY N E W S L E T T E R CANYON COURIER Friends of McCormick’s Creek State Park Winter 2015 ers b m e oard M B President David Gohn 812-876-1575 dgohn@ M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N T The mission of the Friends of McCormick’s Creek State Park, Inc. is to develop and support projects and events that help preserve, restore, manage and interpret the natural and cultural heritage and recreational opportunities of McCormick’s Creek State Park. N O TE FROM V ICE P RE S IDE NT , DE N N IS G OE N ur newest Board Member and Vice President Dennis Goen really fires things up! Joining the Friends of McCormick’s Creek only about two years ago, he became active immediately jumping into researching fire tower history, restoration and possible funding; rebuilding 30 bluebird nest boxes, cleaning up the accessible trail near the Nature Center, and helping at several special events. When I asked Dennis what projects interest him the most, he quickly said the Fire Tower Restoration Project. He has a long history with fire towers, remembering helping a cousin when he was only about nine years old at a tower in Jackson-Washington State Forest (near his hometown in southeast Indiana), and dreaming of O being a smoke jumper. Several years later, landing a job with the Morgan Monroe State Forest with the Indiana Department of Conservation (later to be known as the DNR) when he was 19 years old, he worked in the fire tower there during the spring and fall fire seasons. The year was 1964. He recalled it was a particularly dry season and he monitored one fire spotted from the fire tower for about three days, taking readings using special instruments and giving daily reports. After those exciting two years with the Forest Service, Dennis continued his passion for fire safety as a volunteer firefighter in Ellettsville and later joined the team at the Bloomington Fire Department for over 38 years. Continued on page 2… Vice President Dennis Goen 812-361-0147 [email protected] Secretary Colleen Minnemeyer 440-344-3363 secretary@ Treasurer Barbara Filtri 812-829-5213 treasurer@ Newsletter Editors Colleen Minnemeyer Andrea Oeding Membership Coordinator John Harder 812-339-9049 [email protected] BBQ and Blues T he 6th annual BBQ and Blues festival was held on Saturday, September 6th. This event draws people from all over Indiana and surrounding states. It doesn’t get much better than the smell of BBQ in the air, live blues music, friendly faces, and the beautiful backdrop of our favorite State Park. The classic car show was once again a companion to the BBQ and Blues. For the second year in a row now, visitors were able to pop over to the Redbud Shelter across the road from the festival and enjoy BBQ catered by the Canyon Inn. This secluded setting was a great spot to sip a glass of wine (also served by the Canyon Inn) underneath the towering canopy while listening to the music just across the way. Mark your calendars for September 12, 2015, you won’t want to miss this year! NOTE FROM VICE PRESIDENT, DENNIS GOEN CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 It was inspiring to talk to Dennis and learn a little more about his past. I hope you also have the chance to spark a conversation with him! More details will be coming soon about the Fire Tower Restoration project. Until then check out this cool video that Marc Evans filmed introducing the project (link on our Facebook page and here) v=vSmmEQBjk8Y& -AO Meetings Newsletter Please join us on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Nature Center at 6:00 pm for our monthly meeting. Enjoy pot-luck style snacks, great friendships, and a special guest speaker or activity. Hope to see you there! Do you have a favorite story from your time spent at McCormick’s Creek? Did you attend a Friends event and have some great photographs? We would love to include personal stories and pictures in our next newsletter. Please email any photos or stories to [email protected]. Past meeting minutes can be found at Fall-O-Ween Visitors to Fall-o-ween Weekend on October 24 and 25, 2014 were introduced to insects in a fun and memorable way! The Friday evening program- Sipping, Sticking, Scything, and Sucking on Six Legs- presented by Sandy and Jeff Belth, naturalist and author of Butterflies of Indiana: A Field Guide, gave visitors scientific knowledge of some of our most unusual insects. On Saturday, after traditional Fall-o-Ween activities (milk jug skeletons, pumpkin carving, trick or treating and costume contests) Friends group members dressed as giant insects and put on a very creepy/crawly interpretation of “It’s a Bugs’ World” on the annual haunted trail! At the start of the trail, visitors were ‘shrunk’ to pea size by imagination, then sent on the path to be greeted by many previously unnoticed creatures; including: an Emerald Ash Borer, computer bug, Scorpion and a fly, Giant caterpillar, Killer Bees, and a giant spider! This event takes an immeasurable amount of hours by many staff and volunteers and each year it just keeps getting more fun! It’s always a chance to laugh and go a little bit out of your comfort zone, meet new people, and enjoy the crisp fall days at the end of a busy season. Thank you all that made the 2014 Fall-o-ween such a great success! Stay tuned for more information on our next haunted trail theme and how you can help! Bluebird Monitoring Do you have an interest in being a bluebird nest box monitor at McCormick’s Creek State Park? Please contact Andrea at [email protected] to learn more. Some highlights of the program: -Monitors are scheduled about 3 or 4 times between the months of March and August. -Enjoy hiking and be prepared for a 3-mile hike on moderate terrain. -You will learn how to identify the nests of common secondary cavity nesters like bluebirds, chickadees, house wrens, and tree swallows. -You will see the life cycle of a bird first hand as we count the number of eggs and fledglings in each of the 36 nest boxes. -We do more than monitor! As you hike the same trail throughout three seasons, you notice changes, patterns, and cycles that give you a deep appreciation for the land. You become a conservation steward, telling more people about your experiences and cultivating a passion for nature in others. Trail Talk: Emerald Ash Borer ost of you have probably heard of the Emerald Ash Borer, the exotic beetle native to eastern Asia that was discovered in southeastern Michigan and identified in July 2002. Larvae feed in the phloem and outer sapwood, the water and nutrient conducting tissues under the bark, of ash trees (Fraxinus sp.) producing galleries or passageways that eventually girdle and kill branches and entire trees. In heavily infested trees, one-third to one-half of the branches may die in one year. On April 21, 2004, Emerald Ash Borer was confirmed in Indiana and recently confirmed in McCormick’s Creek State Park. This small ½ inch long beetle can fly short distances but most new infestations occur by the transportation of firewood and logs outside of quarantined areas. This pest is a serious problem. It is considered the most destructive forest pest ever seen in North America. Learn more at or stop by the Nature Center to talk to a M naturalist and pick up new brochures and identification guides. Since the discovery of EAB inside McCormick’s Creek S.P. in December, Park Management has decided to cut down the ash trees that pose a threat to recreational areas now, while saw crews are already in the park cutting the Tulip Trees that were damaged from the drought and scale in 2011-2012. Once the EAB is confirmed in an area, it’s not “if ” the other ash trees around will get infested, it’s “when”. Having the trees cut now as opposed to after the EAB causes damage means that the logs will be able to be sold at a higher price at auction. It will also prevent having to go back into places like the campground year after year to remove dead trees that pose a threat to campsites and buildings. EAB in larval form ’S’ shaped feeding gallery B loop of Campground V i si t o r A ppr e c ia ti o n N i g ht The second annual Visitor Appreciation Night was a great success. On October 18th, 2014, park guests were treated to a complimentary meal of hotdogs, BBQ beans, chips and drinks provided by Babbs Supervalu. The turnout was excellent despite the chilly temperatures and impending rain. The final concert of the summer concert series (High Sierra) was moved from the Amphitheater to inside the Canyon Inn because of the inclement weather. Thank you to Friends members who volunteered to cook and serve food to the guests: David Gohn, Andrea Oeding, Grant and Colleen Minnemeyer, and Earl Nichols. Thank you also to the park staff, Sam Arthur and Will Schaust who brought supplies and helped set up the event. A great time was had by all. Fri en d s M ee t in g T i d b i t s vents E g n i Upcom November: Election We said goodbye to Al Tinsley as President and welcomed David Gohn into that position. Dennis Goen was elected as Vice President. Both Barbara Filtri and Colleen Minnemeyer remained Treasurer and Secretary, respectively. The positions of Secretary and Treasurer will be up for election in November of 2015. Amphibian Outing Saturday, March 21st, 2015 December: Annual Holiday Party Great food and good cheer were in abundance at this year’s Holiday Party! A large crowd of Friends members and park staff gathered at McCormick’s Friendly Shelter, a fitting place for such a merry group of people. I can’t speak for everyone else, but a highlight for me was the early indulgence of many different holiday cookies! Each year, gifts are exchanged through an official White Elephant game. If you have never participated in a White Elephant exchange before, this is the place to start! No one holds back in stealing and the gifts vary from original art prints, and handmade jewelry to a unique rope light chandelier, Hello Kitty accessories, and mind teaser games! Hope you can make it next year! Winter 2015 Connie McCain, Paula Brooks, and Vicki Basman show off the Hello Kitty lights that were received in the White Elephant Exchange January: Park Update from Property Manager, Dwight Brooks Many changes happening at the park. Highlights include: 1. Emerald Ash Borer has been confirmed in the park. See Trail Talk on page 4 for more information. 2. New assistant property manager, Lynda Ellington. New waste water treatment plant operator, Bill Dizer. 3. Looking forward to the bicentennial and going ahead with the Fire Tower Restoration Project. LOOKING AHEAD… March: Friends membership vote on proposed $5,000 donation from the Friends general account to the Fire Tower Restoration Fund. Andrea Oeding to present bluebird program. April: Katrina Folsom, Communications Director at Sycamore Land Trust will be here to discuss the Beanblossom Creek Bicentennial Conservation Project. May: Stay tuned… 11:00am - 10:00pm Join amphibian enthusiast, Barbara Filtri, for a fun family day with something for everyone. See events and locations in the box to the left. Invasive Plant Pull Saturday, March 28th, 2015 10:00am, Meet at Maple Grove Shelter Help park staff manually control invasive plant species in the White River/ McCormick’s Creek Valley. Wildflower Weekend & Plant Sale Saturday and Sunday, April 11th & 12th, 2015 Many hikes throughout the park to view the budding wildflowers will be led by experts. Check the Friends website or Contact Sam Arthur for more information. Warm fire and gift opening Amphibian Outing Did you know there are 22 species of Salamanders in the State of Indiana? You seldom see one – they spend most of their lives in hiding, but at the first hint of spring they come out to celebrate Nature’s awakening. Members of the Hoosier Herpetological Society (HHS) will be at the park to share their knowledge about these elusive creatures and guide us on the quest to find them. 10:30am - Amphibian Triathlon - Canyon Inn Front Lawn 1:00pm - Live amphibians by HHS - Nature Center Program Room 2:30pm - Hike to the Creek to find critters - Meet at Canyon Inn 4:30pm - Craft: salamander bead key chains - Canyon Inn Lobby 8:00pm - Experience what amphibians do at night - Carpool from Canyon Inn 5k Run/Walk & 1 Mile Fun Run Saturday, April 25th Registration starts at 7:30am Race begins at 8:30am in front of the Nature Center The annual partnership with the Owen County Family YMCA and the Friends is upon us again. Come out to cheer on the runners and walkers, volunteer at one of the spots out on the course, or register to compete! For more information, contact Laura Gentry at 812-828-9622. o t he r ne ws First Day Hike and Photo Contest Next Friends Meetings: Tuesday March 10, 2015 Tuesday April 14, 2015 Tuesday May 12, 2015 There were a record number of people that gathered together for the annual First Day Hike on January 1st 2015. Sixty-eight hikers armed with cameras set forth down Trail 3, one of McCormick’s Creek’s most popular trails, to take a glimpse of the falls and experience winter in the canyon. It was a beautiful day to reconnect with friends and make new ones. New this year, was a partnership with the Canyon Inn who supplied cookies, bars, hot cider, coffee, and hot chocolate for the hikers upon their return. We want to thank Randy Rhyne, manager of the Canyon Inn, for providing the treats and warm hospitality. Pictured here are the winners of the photography contest. Gary Alsip won the “winter postcard” category (top left) and Colleen Minnemeyer won “spirit of the day” (bottom right). New Members Welcome new members! • Lynn Cartee • Joseph Dresher • Randy Gardner • Douglas & Susan Gulick • Al & Julie Kamarauskas • Susan Smith • Nancy White CANYON COURIER Friends of McCormick’s Creek State Park PO Box 483, Spencer, IN 47460 We’re still going green! If you would like to receive this newsletter via email in full-color, please email info@friendsmccormicks Thank you for your cooperation.
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