Heavy Ion Effects in PWM`s of the types UCC1806 and UC1825A
Heavy Ion Effects in PWM`s of the types UCC1806 and UC1825A
Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE Date 2005-02-10 Issue Page 1 1/20 PROJECT ESA_QCA0417S_C TITLE Heavy Ion Effects in PWM’s of the types UCC1806 and UC1825A EUROPEAN SPACE AGENCY CONTRACT REPORT The work described in this report was done under ESA contract. Responsibility for the contents resides in the author or organisation that prepared it. Name Function Prepared : S. Larsson S. Mattsson Approved : Reno Harboe Sorensen Date Signature Distribution Complete : Summary : Reg. Office: Saab Ericsson Space AB S-405 15 Göteborg Sweden Reg. No: 556134-2204 Telephone: Linköping Office: Telephone: +46 31 735 00 00 Saab Ericsson Space AB S-581 88 Linköping Sweden Telefax: Telefax: +46 31 735 40 00 +46 13 18 64 00 +46 13 13 16 28 Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE Class : Contract No : Date : 2005-02-10 Host System : Host File : Issue : 1 ...\01388-SEfrom_RHS.doc SUMMARY This report presents the results from heavy ion irradiation on PWM’s UCC1806 and UC1825A from Texas Instrument. The dice have been manufactured at the Unitrode facility at Merrimac. No Single Event Latch-up (SEL) or hard errors were observed for UCC1806 and UC1825A up to an LET value of 64.8 MeV/mg/cm2. Both device types are very sensitive for soft errors with LET threshold around 20 MeV/mg/cm2 for UCC1806, 10 MeV/mg/cm2 for UC1825 and both have cross sections about 1E-3 cm2. Depending on test configuration, the soft errors are more or less frequent. Results from the present tests and recent experiments on the same devices indicate a wide spread in results. No soft error was observed which caused more than two PWM output drop-out. The long inhibit observed in some of the presented pictures for UC1825A in the present report are solely due to extra capacitance in test cables. DOCUMENT CHANGE RECORD Changes between issues are marked with a left-bar. Issue 1 Date Paragraphs affected Change information 2005-02-10 All New document Page : 2 Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE TABLE OF CONTENTS Date : 2005-02-10 Page : 3 Issue : 1 PAGE 1. ABSTRACT ................................................................................................ 4 2. 2.1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 4 References ................................................................................................. 4 3. 3.1 3.2 TEST SAMPLES......................................................................................... 5 UCC1806................................................................................................... 5 UC1825A .................................................................................................. 5 4. 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 BIAS CONDITION AND TEST SETUPS ................................................. 6 Testing technique ...................................................................................... 6 Test setup for the PWM UCC1806 ........................................................... 7 Test setup for the PWM UC1825A ........................................................... 8 Heavy Ion Test Facility ............................................................................. 8 5. 5.1 5.2 RESULTS .................................................................................................... 9 UCC1806................................................................................................... 9 UC1825A ................................................................................................ 13 6. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................... 17 7. Appendix.................................................................................................... 18 Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE 1. Date : 2005-02-10 Issue : 1 ABSTRACT This report presents the Single Event Effects results from heavy ion tests on two types, UCC1806 and UCC1825A, of Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) controllers from Texas Instrument. Both types have been manufactured in the Unitrode foundry at Merrimac, UCC1806 in BiCMOS and UC1825A in Bipolar technology. 2. INTRODUCTION Pulse Width Modulator controllers are commonly used in various switching mode power supply systems. PWM’s offer special features designed to optimize the controller while minimizing the need for external circuitry. The devices generally have an error amplifier, an oscillator circuit, an output circuit and internal reference voltage. In some controllers such as the ones tested here there are also protection features as current limiting and soft-start. Depending on the implementation of the different devices the effect of heavy ion can be significant in spaceflight hardware. UCC1806 has recently been heavy ion tested in two different test set-ups [1,2]. The TERMA [1] set-up was a heavy ion test of a real application where no errors could be observed. In a recent attempt to verify the results [2] with different implementation of the PWM, heavy ion errors were clearly detected. The present investigations performed at the European HIF facility at CYClotron of Louvain la Neuve in Belgium have been guided by the set-ups and the results from the previous tests [1, 2]. 2.1 References [1] SEE Verification Test of Various Designs Using UCC1801/1805/1806 for Rosetta R. Harboe Sorensen and H. Jensen, 4th D/TOS-QCA Final Presentation Day, Jan 2001 [2] Heavy Ion Single Event Effects in UCC1806 PWMs, TOS-EPC/04.116/SL, S. Landstrom and R. Harboe Sorensen, ESA/ESTEC test report, 27 April 2004 Page : 4 Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE 3. TEST SAMPLES 3.1 UCC1806 Date : 2005-02-10 Issue : 1 UCC1806 is a low power, dual output, current mode Pulse Width Modulator controller. Three samples were prepared for the tests whereof two were irradiated with heavy ions The tested samples have been manufactured in a BiCMOS process at Unitrode Merrimac. Part Type Manufacturer Date Code Quality Bias Condition Package Serialization UCC1806 Texas Instrument (Unitrode/Merrimac) 0146 Mil Temp 5V Ceramic 16 DIL #1, #2 Figure 3.1.1 Package, top view 3.2 Figure 3.1.2 Chip marking UC1825A UC1825A is a high speed Pulse Width Modulator controller. Three samples were prepared for the tests whereof two were irradiated with heavy ions The tested samples have been manufactured in bipolar technology at Unitrode Merrimac. Part Type Manufacturer Date Code Quality Bias Cond. Package Serialization UC1825A Texas Instrument (Unitrode/Merrimac) 0313 QMLV 5V Ceramic 16 DIL #55, #56 Page : 5 Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE Figure 3.2.1 Picture of the UC1825A Date : 2005-02-10 Issue : 1 Figure 3.2.3 Chip mark on UC1825A Figure 3.2.4 Chip mark on UC1825A 4. BIAS CONDITION AND TEST SETUPS 4.1 Test Technique For both PWM types six different parameters have been recorded as a function of heavy ion strike and LET value. Single Event Transients (SET) was measured using two oscilloscopes (Tektronix TDS3054, 500 MHz, 5GS/s) with trig conditions set to the same. The oscilloscope has been triggered for one parameter at the time with all other parameters recorded simultaneous. In each test run all oscilloscope inputs have been recorded. For each trigger set-up, about 30-40 recordings have been saved to the computer. The test software was developed by use of “Labview software” for the GPIB communication between the computer and the oscilloscopes and to store all results. Page : 6 Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE 4.2 Page : 7 Issue : 1 Date : 2005-02-10 Test setup for the PWM UCC1806 In this setup the PWM controller was tested in integrated feedback mode with two different capacitors on the reference output voltage, 10nF and 150nF. PWR INPUT 1N6638U 1N6638U 2N2907A 5.62 33µ µH 5.62 38.3 3µ µ VSTART 5.62 4k64 1N5806US LATCHUP CONTROL 66µ µ 100 150n 100n 47p 150n 100p 10 SYNC 7 COMP 100k 6 4k64 5 CS- INV 9 8 16 1 4 CS+ NI RT 14 BOUT VREFIN 19 PRIMAR 8 SECOND 250nH 3 38.3 OUTB 1N6638U UCC1806 31.6 11 AOUT CT VREF 38.3 38.3 OUTA SHUTDOWN CURLIM PSL230 215 RSENSE 2 VREF 5.1V 82k5 46k4 38.3 4k64 8k25 220p 150n 10n 215 100k 470p 6k81 0.56 Figure 4.2.1 Test setup diagram for the UCC1806 Recorded signals: Signal Circuit Pin Aout 11 Bout 14 EA 7 CL 1 Vref 2 Rsence Description PWM Clock Output PWM Clock Output Error Amplifier Output Current Limit input Reference Voltage Output Voltage drop over the source resistor on the external MOSFET. Trig condition Pulse-width <1µs no trig Neg. slope at 1.36V Neg. slope at 2.80V Neg. slope at 0.59V no trig Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE 4.3 Page : 8 Issue : 1 Date : 2005-02-10 Test setup for the PWM UC1825A 15V 1µ µ VC 13 15 2k61 330p VCC 4 Clock 5 RT 6 CT 7 RAMP 3k16 3n3 178k 3 1 16 2 10 ILIM/SD Soft Start 9 8 1k78 100p UC1825A E/A OUT INV VREF 5.1V NI GND OUTA OUTB 11 1N6638U 4.7mH 14 1µ µ 1N6638U PWR GND 12 825 1N6638U 2k61 15n 2k61 150n 8k25 Figure 4.3.1. Test setup diagram for the UCC1825A Recorded signals: Signal Circuit pin Aout 11 Bout 14 SS 8 EA 3 Vref 16 5V out 4.4 Description PWM Clock Output PWM Clock Output Soft Start Error Amplifier Output Reference Voltage Output Rectified Output Voltage Trig condition Pulse-width <3µs no trig Neg. slope at 2.60V Neg. slope at 2.00V Neg. slope at 2.80V no trig Heavy Ion Test Facility Heavy ion tests were performed at the CYClotron at Louvain la Neuve (CYCLONE) in Belgium. The high energy cocktail (M/Q=3.33) were used in order to ensure sufficient penetration depth in Silicon. The ions used are given in Table 4.1. Test data as ion beam, tilt angle, flux, fluence and SET data for the various test runs are given in Appendix A TABLE 4.1 Element 22 Ne7+ 40 Ar12+ 78 Kr25+ HEAVY IONS USED AT LOUVAIN LA NEUVE IN BELGIUM Energy Range LET value MeV [ MeV/mg/cm2 ] µm 235 199 3.3 372 119 10.1 756 92 32.4 Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE 5. RESULTS 5.1 UCC1806 Page : 9 Issue : 1 Date : 2005-02-10 No Single Event Latch-up (SEL) has been observed for this device up to an LET of 65 MeV/mg/cm2. SET data and cross sections looks very much the same for the various tested parameters. It seems as any heavy ion induced transient (SET) generate errors on all parameters. In Fig 5.1.1 the cross sections for one missed output pulse on Aout using a reference voltage of 2.5 volts are shown. No significant difference in cross section could be observed for 1,25 and 5 Volts reference voltage. Comparative measurements were performed for LET=32.4 MeV/cm2/mg. The results are given in Table 5.1.1 below. Cross section curves for the parameters Aout, Error Amplifier (EA) and Current Limiter (CL) are given in Figs 5.1.2 . UCC1806, Trig: Aout<1µs Cross Section [cm2] 1.E-03 1.E-04 dev.1&2, C=10nF, Vref=2.5V dev.1&2, C=150nF, Vref=2.5V dev1, C=10nF, Vref=1.25V dev1, C=10nF, Vref=5V dev1, C=150nF, Vref=1.25V dev1, C=150nF, Vref=5V 1.E-05 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 LET [MeV/m g/cm 2] Figure 5.1.1 Cross Section versus LET value for one or more missed pulses on Aout. No difference could be observed for the two different capacitances to reference output voltage TABLE 5.1.1 CROSS SECTION GIVEN IN CM2 FOR THREE DIFFERENT REFERENCE VOLTAGES AND TWO DIFFERENT CAPACITORS CONNECTED TO THE REFERENCE VOLTAGE 2 OUT (PIN 2). THE LET WAS 32.4MEV/MG/ CM . THE TRIGGERING CONDITION WAS THE SAME AS IN FIGURE 5.1.1 C 10nF 150nF Vref=1.25V 4.20E-04 3.80E-04 Vref=2.50V 4.10E-04 3.55E-04 Vref=5.00V 4.30E-04 4.10E-04 Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE Issue : 1 Date : 2005-02-10 Page : 10 HI results from PWM UCC1806 Cross Section [cm2] 1.E-03 1.E-04 A<1µs, C=10nF EA neg. C=10nF CL neg. C=10nF 1.E-05 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 LET [M eV/mg/cm2] Fig 5.1.2 Cross Sections as a function of LET values for Aout, Error Amplifier and Current Limiter with 10nF capacitance to reference output voltage. Average data of the two samples. S. Landström and R. H. Sörensen [2] have in recent report identified three sensitive areas (functions) on the die, namely; PWM pulse drop-out, latching of PWM clock and control loop transients. In the present investigation cross section of these errors have been measured and given as Aout, Current Limiter (CL) and Error Amplifier (EA), respectively. The probabilities for critical transients are closely linked to the implementation of the PWM and the design of the DC/DC converter. In ref [2] the cross sections are reported to be about 10 times lower than in the present investigation. These discrepancies can be attributed to the different test set-ups used. A transient trigged by Aout with all other parameters followed is shown in Fig 5.1.3. A typical oscilloscope picture when triggering on CL with all other parameters followed is given in Fig 5.1.4. This type of transients are likely due to hit in the reference regulator which will influence the latch controlling the UVLO (Under Voltage Lock Out unit) and the different input voltages to the OP-amplifier comparators. In the present test it has been observed that a voltage drop on the Vref can lead to a soft start and a change of the pulse period time on the Aout clock (Bout as well). This phenomenon is shown in Fig 5.1.5 where the SET trigger is set on CL. About 10µs before the CL drop, the reference voltage start to decrease and shift the pulse period for next pulse before the CL close down the PWM. Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE Page : 11 Issue : 1 Date : 2005-02-10 311-1-21, trig =Aout<1µs Aout Bout EA CL Vref 0 20 40 60 80 100 Rsence µs Figure 5.1.3 Oscilloscope picture indicating that one of the latches in the UVLO is hit by an ion. The CL signal show a short response time. 315-1-5, trig=CL neg. flank Aout Bout EA CL Vref 0 20 40 60 80 100 Rsence µs Figure 5.1.4 Typical picture of an error generated in some of the OP-amplifiers controlling the UVLO where almost all signals are affected. Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE Issue : 1 Date : 2005-02-10 315-1-21, trig = CL neg. slope Aout Bout EA CL Vref 15 25 35 45 55 65 Rsence µs Figure 5.1.5 Oscilloscope picture of measured parameters when negative slope on the CL signal was triggering the oscilloscopes. The Vref starts to decrease at about 10µs before the CL close down the PWM and at the same time shift the Aout pulse period. Page : 12 Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE 5.2 Page : 13 Issue : 1 Date : 2005-02-10 UC1825A Fig 5.2.1 shows the SET cross section data for the parameters Aout, SoftStart (SS) and Error Amplifier (EA). The Aout and the EA are very similar while the SS is slightly lower in cross section. This indicates that the majority of all SET’s involve the SS resulting in missing pulses on the Aout and error in EA. Only a small fraction of all errors observed in the output stage or in the EA do not affect the SoftStart (SS). UC1825A Cross Section [cm2] 1.E-02 1.E-03 1.E-04 Aout<3µs 1.E-05 EA neg. slope SS neg. slope 1.E-06 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 LET [MeV/mg/cm2] Figure 5.2.1 Cross Sections as a function of LET values for heavy ion induced SET on UC1825A. All data points show the average of the two tested devices. The legend in the right corner indicate the trigger conditions Figs 5.2.2-5.2.5 show oscilloscope pictures for typical heavy ion events. In each figure, the oscilloscope has been triggered by one specific parameter (given in the fig caption) with all other parameters followed. For each trigger set-up, about 30-40 snap-shots have been recorded. The shown pictures are selected as representative snap-shots of heavy ion strikes. In this test, the UC1825A was controlling a buck converter in voltage mode by tying the Ct and Ramp pins together. The SHDN/ILIM pin was grounded through a resistor. The buck converter was running in continuous mode and thus shows the characteristic damped resonance when controlled in voltage mode as in this case. Independent of trigger parameter, a striking similarity in appearance between the pictures is observed. The SET transients seen are what would be expected if the SSlatch is trigged. The SS pin “quickly” discharges the capacitance down to ~0.3V and then returns “slowly” to its normal value of 5V. After the SS pin returns, a ringing is seen on the EA pin. This is caused by the control loop trying to correct the output voltage error caused by the missing pulses. The buck converter resonance is responsible for this behavior, not the SET itself. The actual discharge/charge time and number of missing pulses depend on the capacitance seen on the SS pin, the nominal EA output voltage and of course the switching frequency. Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE Page : 14 Issue : 1 Date : 2005-02-10 In the plots below (Figs 5.2.2-5.2.4) it can be seen that many PWM pulses are missing after an SET. The influence of the test cable has been verified on the PWM type UC1806. In Fig 5.2.5 a SET in CL (Current Limiter) and EA (Error Amplifier) using a test set-up with a capacitance of that in the flat cable (about 200pF) is shown. In Fig 5.2.6, the same test data are shown where the DUT board was equipped with a transistor-driving circuit eliminating the cable capacitance. As can be seen from the figures, the recovery time changed a factor 3. RUN #64-1 400 350 300 Aout 250 Bout 200 SS 150 Vref 100 EA 5Vout 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 µs Fig 5.2.2 Oscilloscope picture of various parameters on the UC1825A triggered by the Soft Start. For better visualization, the data for SS, EA and 5Vout have been amplified a factor 4 in the picture. The long recovery times of the signals are due to test cable capacitance (200pF). Elimination of the test cable capacitance will reduce the recovery time with a factor 3. Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE Page : 15 Issue : 1 Date : 2005-02-10 RUN #71-3 400 350 300 Aout 250 Bout 200 SS 150 EA 100 Vref 5Vout 50 0 0 100 200 300 400 µs Fig 5.2.3 Oscilloscope picture of various parameters on the UC1825A triggered by the Error Amplifier. For better visualization, the data for SS, EA and 5Vout have been amplified a factor 4 in the picture. The long recovery times of the signals are due to test cable capacitance (200pF). Elimination of the test cable capacitance will reduce the recovery time with a factor 3. RUN #72-25 400 350 300 250 Aout 200 Bout 150 SS 100 EA 50 Vref 0 5Vout 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 µs Fig 5.2.4 Oscilloscope picture of various parameters on the UC1825A triggered by the Aout. For better visualization, the data for SS, EA and 5Vout have been amplified a factor 4 in the picture. Bout is reduced a factor of 2. The long recovery times of the signals are due to test cable capacitance (200pF). Elimination of the test cable capacitance will reduce the recovery time with a factor 3.(se figs 5.2.5 and 5.2.6) Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE Page : 16 Issue : 1 Date : 2005-02-10 RUN #5-1 Aout EA CL 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 µs Fig 5.2.5 Oscilloscope pictures of PWM parameters after heavy ion strike using a 3m flat cable (∼ 200pF) to the DUT board giving a Current Limiter pulse of about 30µs. RUN #311-3 Aout EA CL 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 µs Fig 5.2.6 Oscilloscope pictures of PWM parameters after heavy ion strike using a transistor-driver circuitry on the DUT board eliminating the capacitance in the flat cable. The width of the CL pulse is reduced to about 10µs. Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE 6. Date : 2005-02-10 Issue : 1 Page : 17 CONCLUSION The PWM’s UCC1806 and UC1825A from Texas Instrument have been manufactured at the Unitrode facility at Merrimac. No Single Event Latch-up (SEL) or hard errors were observed for UCC1806 and UC1825A up to an LET value of 64.8 MeV/mg/cm2. Both device types are very sensitive for soft errors with a LET threshold around 20 MeV/mg/cm2 for the UCC1806, around 10 MeV/mg/cm2 for the UC1825 and both have cross sections about 1E-3 cm2. Depending on the test configuration, the soft errors are more or less frequent. In the recent test [1] of UCC1806, no soft errors were recorded at all. In the present investigation the cross section is measured to be about 10 times higher than earlier reported results. No soft error was observed which caused more than two PWM output drop-out. The long inhibit observed in some of the presented pictures for UC1825A in the present report are solely due to extra capacitance in test cables. Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE 7. Issue : 1 Date : 2005-02-10 Appendix Measured raw data: High penetration, M/Q=3.33 Data, Aug 2004 Ion-tilt LET Fluence device C [nF] Reference voltage [V] Ar-0 10.1 1E5 2 10 2.50 Ar-0 10.1 1E5 2 150 2.50 Ar-45 14.3 1E5 2 10 2.50 Ar-45 14.3 1E5 2 150 2.50 Ar-60 20.2 1E5 2 10 2.50 Ar-60 20.2 1E5 2 150 2.50 Kr-0 32.4 1E5 1 10 1.25 Kr-0 32.4 1E5 1 150 1.25 Kr-0 32.4 1E5 1 10 2.50 Kr-0 32.4 1E5 2 10 2.50 Kr-0 32.4 1E5 1 150 2.50 Kr-0 32.4 1E5 2 150 2.50 Kr-0 32.4 1E5 1 10 5.00 Kr-0 32.4 1E5 1 150 5.00 Kr-45 45.8 1E5 1 10 2.50 Kr-45 45.8 1E5 2 10 2.50 Kr-45 45.8 1E5 1 150 2.50 Kr-45 45.8 1E5 2 150 2.50 Kr-60 64.8 1E5 1 10 2.50 Kr-60 64.8 1E5 2 10 2.50 Kr-60 64.8 1E5 1 150 2.50 Kr-60 64.8 1E5 2 150 2.50 PWM UCC1806, trig=Aout<1µs SEE Data 4 0 2 4 18 20 42 38 42 33 31 40 43 41 65 40 46 47 63 67 62 57 Run no 85 84 86 87 89 88 8 13 7 57 12 58 10 11 45 68 46 67 52 65 51 66 Ion-tilt LET Ar-0 Ar-0 Ar-45 Ar-45 Ar-60 Ar-60 Kr-0 Kr-0 Kr-0 Kr-0 Kr-0 Kr-0 Kr-0 Kr-0 Kr-45 Kr-45 10.1 10.1 14.3 14.3 20.2 20.2 32.4 32.4 32.4 32.4 32.4 32.4 32.4 32.4 45.8 45.8 SEE Data 1 0 2 8 22 37 60 40 52 38 46 46 49 50 56 63 Run no 82 83 81 80 78 79 25 30 26 72 29 71 27 28 56 73 Fluence device C [nF] Reference voltage[V] 1E5 2 10 2.50 1E5 2 150 2.50 1E5 2 10 2.50 1E5 2 150 2.50 1E5 2 10 2.50 1E5 2 150 2.50 1E5 1 10 1.25 1E5 1 150 1.25 1E5 1 10 2.50 1E5 2 10 2.50 1E5 1 150 2.50 1E5 2 150 2.50 1E5 1 10 5.00 1E5 1 150 5.00 1E5 1 10 2.50 1E5 2 10 2.50 Page : 18 Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE Issue : 1 Date : 2005-02-10 Kr-45 45.8 1E5 1 150 Kr-45 45.8 1E5 2 150 Kr-60 64.8 1E5 1 10 Kr-60 64.8 1E5 2 10 Kr-60 64.8 1E5 1 150 Kr-60 64.8 1E5 2 150 PWM UCC1806, trig=EA neg. slope 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 63 68 86 85 77 81 55 74 53 76 54 75 Ion-tilt Reference voltage [V] 1.25 1.25 2.50 2.50 5.00 5.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 SEE Data 66 50 61 56 56 62 63 70 96 91 Run no 25 30 26 29 27 28 56 55 53 54 LET Fluence device C[nF] Kr-0 32.4 1E5 1 10 Kr-0 32.4 1E5 1 150 Kr-0 32.4 1E5 1 10 Kr-0 32.4 1E5 1 150 Kr-0 32.4 1E5 1 10 Kr-0 32.4 1E5 1 150 Kr-45 45.8 1E5 1 10 Kr-45 45.8 1E5 1 150 Kr-60 64.8 1E5 1 10 Kr-60 64.8 1E5 1 150 PWM UCC1806, trig=CL neg. slope High penetration, M/Q=3.33Data Nov. 2004, Ref voltage=2.5V Ion-tilt LET Fluence device SEE Run Data no Ne-60 6.6 4E5 55 17 97 Ne-60 6.6 4E5 56 12 95 Ar-0 10.1 1E5 55 95 77 Ar-0 10.1 1E5 56 94 79 Ar-60 20.2 1E5 55 183 73 Ar-60 20.2 1E5 56 190 80 Kr-0 32.4 5E4 55 186 107 Kr-0 32.4 5E4 56 175 109 Kr-60 64.8 3E4 55 150 108 UC1825, Trig=Aout<3µs Fluence device SEE Data Ne-60 6.6 4E5 55 2 Ne-60 6.6 2E5 56 1 Ar-0 10.1 1E5 55 77 Ar-0 10.1 1E5 56 76 Ar-60 20.2 1E5 55 187 Ar-60 20.2 1E5 56 197 Kr-0 32.4 5E4 55 197 Kr-0 32.4 4E4 56 157 Kr-60 64.8 2.38E4 55 125 UC1825, Trig on EA-out on neg. slope Ion-tilt LET Run no 99 91 69 88 70 87 101 110 102 Page : 19 Document No D-P-REP-01388-SE Ion-tilt LET Fluence device SEE Data Ne-60 6.6 4E5 55 3 Ne-60 6.6 5E5 56 5 Ar-0 10.1 1E5 55 79 Ar-0 10.1 1E5 56 85 Ar-60 20.2 1E5 55 119 Ar-60 20.2 1E5 56 95 Kr-0 32.4 5E4 55 76 Kr-0 32.4 5E4 56 88 Kr-60 64.8 5E4 55 132 UC1825, Trig on SS on neg. slope Date : 2005-02-10 Run no 98 93 62 83 63 82 104 111 103 Issue : 1 Page : 20