YBD Cycle 1 NIVfront
YBD Cycle 1 NIVfront
Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant , t hen out of all nat ions you will be my t reasured possession. Alt hough t he whole eart h is mine, Exodus 19:5 Trust in Him at all t imes, O people; pour out your heart s t o him, for God is our refuge. Selah Psalm 62:8 " This is t he covenant I will make wit h t he house of Israel aft er t hat t ime,” declares t he LORD. “I will put my law in t heir minds and writ e it on t heir heart s. I will be t heir God, and t hey will be my people.” Jeremiah 31:33 Then Jesus said t o his disciples: " Therefore I t ell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat ; or about t he body, what you will wear. Life is more t han food, and t he body more t han clot hes. Luke 12:22- 23 Jesus said t o her, " I am t he resurrect ion and t he life. He who believes in me will live, even t hough he dies;” John 11:25 Therefore, my dear brot hers, st and firm. Let not hing move you. Always give yourselves fully t o t he work of t he Lord, because you know t hat your labor in t he Lord is not in vain. 1 Corint hians 15:58 But t he fruit of t he Spirit is love, j oy, peace, pat ience, kindness, goodness, fait hfulness, gent leness and selfcont rol. Against such t hings t here is no law. Galat ians 5:22- 23 Your at t it ude should be t he same as t hat of Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equalit y wit h God somet hing t o be grasped, but made himself not hing, t aking t he very nat ure of a servant , being made in human likeness. Philippians 2:5- 7 Since, t hen, you have been raised wit h Christ , set your heart s on t hings above, where Christ is seat ed at t he right hand of God. Set your minds on t hings above, not on eart hly t hings. Colossians 3:1- 2 But since we belong t o t he day, let us be self- cont rolled, put t ing on fait h and love as a breast plat e, and t he hope of salvat ion as a helmet . For God did not appoint us t o suffer wrat h but t o receive salvat ion t hrough our Lord Jesus Christ . 1 Thessalonians 5:8- 9 THE LORD' S DAY “Remember t he Sabbat h day by keeping it holy. Exodus 20:8 EDUCATION This is what t he LORD says - your Redeemer, t he Holy One of Israel: “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who direct s you in t he way you should go. Isaiah 48:17 LAST THINGS And t his gospel of t he kingdom will be preached in t he whole world as a t est imony t o all nat ions, and t hen t he end will come. Mat t hew 24:14 GOD The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, t he glory of t he One and Only, who came from t he Fat her, full of grace and t rut h. John 1:14 RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Pet er and t he ot her apost les replied: " We must obey God rat her t han men! Act s 5:29 WHO SHOULD I TRUST? Trust in t he LORD forever, for t he LORD, t he LORD, is t he Rock et ernal. Isaiah 26:4 EVANGELISM AND MISSIONS And how can t hey preach unless t hey are sent ? As it is w rit t en, “How beaut iful are t he feet of t hose w ho bring g ood new s!” Romans 10:15 WHAT ARE THE RESULTS OF SEEKING GOD? Seek good, not evil, t hat you may live. Then t he LORD God Almight y w ill be w it h you, j ust as you say he is. Amos 5:14 STEWARDSHIP On t he first day of every w eek, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping w it h his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collect ions w ill have t o be made. 1 Corint hians 16:2 WHAT DOES JESUS REQUIRE OF ME? Then Jesus said t o His disciples, " If anyone w ould come aft er me, he must deny himself and t ake up his cross and follow me. Mat t hew 16:24 THE CHURCH He says, “I w ill declare your name t o my brot hers; in t he presence of t he cong reg at ion I w ill sing your praises.” Hebrew s 2:12 GRACE Let us t hen approach t he t hron e of g race w i t h confidence, so t hat w e may receive mercy and find g race t o help us in our t ime of need. Hebrew s 4:16 SCRIPTURE Above all, you must underst and t hat no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet' s own interpretation. For prophecy never had it s orig in in t he w ill of man, but men spoke from God as t hey w ere carried along by t he Holy Spirit . 2 Pet er 1:20- 21 AM I ALONE? “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be t errified; do not be discouraged, for t he Lord your God w ill be w it h you w herever you go.” Joshua 1:9 HOW DID GOD SHOW HIS LOVE TO ME? But God demonst rat es his ow n love for us in t his: While w e w ere st ill sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 WHO LIVES IN ME? I have been crucified w it h Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in t he body, I live by fait h in t he Son of God, w ho loved me and gave himself for me. Galat ians 2:20 WHO DID CHRIST JESUS COME TO SAVE? Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came int o t he w orld t o save sinners - of w hom I am t he w orst . 1 Timot hy 1:15 HOW CAN I RESIST THE DEVIL? Submit yourselves, t hen, t o God. Resist t he devil, and he w ill flee from you. James 4:7 HOW CAN I MINISTER TO OTHERS? Each one should use w hat ever gift he has received t o serve ot hers, fait hfully administ ering God' s grace in it s various forms. 1 Pet er 4:10 WHO IS JESUS? If anyone acknow ledges t hat Jesus is t he Son of God, God lives in him and he in God. 1 John 4:15