&RPPLVVLRQHGE\WKH8QLYHUVLW\RIWKH3KLOLSSLQHV0HGLFLQH&KRLU $YH9HUXP&RUSXV 6$7%DFDSSHOOD Ave verum Corpus, natum de Maria Virgine: Vere passum, immolatum in cruce pro homine: Cujus latus perforatum, unda fluxit sanguine: Esto nobis pragustatum in mortis examine. Hail, true Body, born of the Virgin Mary, who having truly suffered, was sacrificed on the cross for mankind, whose pierced side flowed with water and blood: May it be for us a foretaste [of the Heavenly banquet] in the trial of death. O Jesu dulcis, O Jesu pie, O Jesu Fili Mariae, miserere mei. Amen O sweet Jesus, O holy Jesus, O Jesus, son of Mary, have mercy on me. Amen. /HQWRHVHPSOLFHq 6RSUDQR 4 4 F [Hail, true Body] w e i v e R p OHJDWRVHPSUH $ $OWR 7HQRU %DVV 4 4 YH YH UXP &RU SXV p OHJDWRVHPSUH 4 4 4 4 y l n O $OHMDQGUR'&RQVRODFLRQ,, WKFHQWXU\(XFKDULVWLFK\PQ r o F p OHJDWRVHPSUH $ YH YH $ YH p OHJDWRVHPSUH YH UXP $ $ YH UXP $ YH /HQWRHVHPSOLFHq 4 4 UXP YH YH YH YH UXP &RU SXV YH UXP &RU SXV &RU SXV UXP F IRUUHKHDUVDORQO\ p 3LDQR 4 4 3 &RS\ULJKWE\3DYDQH3XEOLVKLQJ$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG0DGHLQ86$ZZZ3DYDQH3XEOLVKLQJFRP QD WXP GH 0D UL D 9LU JL QH QD WXP GH 0D UL D 9LU JL QH QD WXP GH 0D UL D QD WXP GH 0D UL D 9LU 9LU SRFRULW SRFRULW [born of the Virgin Mary] w e i v e R [who having truly suffered, was sacrificed on the cross] DWHPSR ppHVSUHVV 9H r o F VXP UH VXP UH SDV ppHVSUHVV 9H DWHPSR pHVSUHVV SDV LP PR LP PR OD WXP OD WXP JL QH JL QH y l n O LQ FUX FH LQ FUX FH SUR SUR [for mankind] mpHVSUHVV 9H UH SDV VXP LP PR SDV VXP LP PR OD WXP OD WXP p KR PL QH 9H UH p KR PL QH 9H UH SDV VXP w e i v e R OD WXP LQ FUX LQ FUX r o LQ FUX FH SUR F FH FH SUR KR KR PL QH PL LP PR y l n O mf QH mf 9H UH 9H UH SDV VXP mf SUR KR PL QH 9H UH SDV mfHVSUHVV 9H mf VXP UH SDV VXP LP PR OD WXP LQ FUX FH SUR KR LP PR OD WXP LQ FUX FH SUR KR PL QH OD WXP FH SUR KR PL QH FH SUR KR PL QH LP SDV PR VXP 6RSUDQR, LQ fPROWRHVSU 6RSUDQR,, 9H QH fPROWRHVSU 9H UH fPROWRHVSU 9H LQ r o UH 9H UH SDV VXP SDV FUX w e i v e R UH fPROWRHVSU F FUX SDV PL y l n O VXP LQ FUX SDV VXP LP PR OD WXP LQ FUX LP PR OD WXP LQ FUX FH SUR OD WXP VXP LP PR LQ FUX FH SUR fPROWRHVSU 9H f UH SDV VXP LQ FUX FH SUR SRFRULW DWHPSR ff FH SUR KR PL [whose pierced side] QH &X LXV OD WXV SHU IR LXV OD WXV SHU IR LXV OD WXV SHU IR ff FH SUR KR PL QH &X ff KR PL QH &X ff KR PL QH &X ff KR PL QH &X SRFRULW DWHPSR w e i v e R ff r o F UD WXP UD WXP LXV OD y l n O LXV OD WXV WXV [flowed with] XQ GD IOX [LW VDQ XQ GD IOX [LW VDQ SHU IR UD WXP XQ GD IOX [LW VDQ SHU IR UD WXP XQ GD IOX [LW VDQ [water and blood] JXL QH VDQ JXL mf QH VDQ mf JXL QH VDQ JXL QH VDQ mf JXL QH VDQ JXL QH VDQ mf JXL QH r o F JXL QH JXL y l n O JXL w e i v e R QH VDQ mf [May it be for us a foretaste (of heaven)] DWHPSR ULW VDQ pGROFH QH (V WR pGROFH JXL QH JXL QH ULW (V pGROFH WR QR ELV (V WR QR ELV DWHPSR pGROFH [in the trial of death] DWHPSR SLULW pGROFH 3UDH JX VWD WXP LQ mf GROFH PRU WLV H[ WLV H[ WLV H[ WLV H[ mf GROFH QR ELV VWD WXP LQ PRU mf GROFH SUDH JX VWD WXP LQ PRU mf GROFH SUDH JX VWD SLULW WXP LQ PRU DWHPSR mf w e i v e R [O sweet Jesus] DOLWWOHVORZHU SRFRULW D D F PL p r o PL QH y l n O 2 -H VX GXO FLV -H VX GXO FLV p QH 2 p D PL QH 2 -H VX GXO FLV -H VX GXO FLV p D PL QH 2 SRFRULW DOLWWOHVORZHU p [O holy Jesus] [O Jesus, son] 2 -H VX SL H 2 -H VX )L OL 2 -H VX SL H 2 -H VX )L OL 3L H 2 -H VX SL H 2 -H VX 3L H 2 -H VX SL H 2 -H VX [of Mary] )L r o OL F OL )L OL )L OL 0D 0D DWHPSR ULW )L w e i v e R y l n O [have mercy] ppVXELWR UL DH 0L VH UH UH UH UH ppVXELWR UL DH 0L VH pp ULW 0D UL DH 0D UL DH DWHPSR ppVXELWR 0L pp VH 0L VH [on me] PH L 0L VH UH UH PH L PH L 0L VH UH UH PH L UH UH 0L VH UH UH UH UH 0L VH UH UH $ r o f VXELWR $ w e i v e R SRFRULW f VXELWR F PHQ PHQ y l n O $ $ PHQ PHQ f VXELWR $ $ ff $ ff PHQ $ PHQ $ $ ff f VXELWR PHQ $ SRFRULW mf %URDG ff ff mf PHQ $ PHQ $ PHQ mf PHQ $ PHQ $ mf PHQ PHQ $ PHQ $ PHQ mf PHQ $ PHQ $ mf SRFRULW 6ORZO\ p $ p $ w e i v e R y l n O F r o PHQ PHQ p pp $ PHQ pp $ PHQ pp $ p PHQ $ pp PHQ $ PHQ $ PHQ SRFRULW p 6ORZO\ pp PHQ SRFRDSRFRUDOO ppp $ ppp PHQ $ PHQ ppp $ PHQ ppp $ y l n O PHQ SRFRDSRFRUDOO ppp w e i v e R About the International Series Living in Japan, performing internationally with my choirs, and through work as a guest clinician has provided wonderful opportunities to come in contact with amazing composers from many different countries. This series celebrates choral music excellence by superb composers from lands beyond the US border. I am grateful to Pavane Publishing for the opportunity to host this series and look forward to presenting exceptional choral music from many distant locations to be shared within our global choral community. Randy Stenson r o F Born in 1980 in Manila, Philippines, Alejandro D. Consolacion II enjoys his dual career as organist and composer. He studied piano, organ and composition at St. Scholastica’s College in Manilla and received his Performance Diploma in Organ Performance from the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music in London and Licentiate in Organ Performance at the Royal Schools of Music with distinction. He finished his Masters in Organ Performance at Westminster Choir College at Princeton, NJ. AJ, as he is fondly called, is regularly invited to write music for the International Bamboo Organ Festival and the National Music Competition for Young Artist (NAMCYA) in the Philippines. His choral works are widely performed not only in the Philippines but also in Asia, Europe and the United States. As an organist, AJ was invited to perform for her Royal Highness, Queen of Spain, during her visit to Manila in 2001. He has recorded the historical organs in the Philippines. 00159341 Ave Verum Corpus P1561 SATB $2.35 Exclusively Distributed By Hal Leonard c o rpo r atio n ® 8 88680 61744 8 7777 W. Bluemound Rd. P.O. Box 13819 Milwaukee, WI 53213 www.PavanePublishing.com