How IP Offices collaborate wih Universities and Research Centres to
How IP Offices collaborate wih Universities and Research Centres to
IPICA PROJECT: HOW IP OFFICES COLLABORATE WITH UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH CENTRES TO FOSTER INNOVATION SPANISH PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE An Autonomous Agency of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism: • Promotes and supports technological and economic development, providing legal protec=on to the different types of industrial property rights by awarding: Patents and U=lity Models (inven=ons), Industrial designs, Trademarks and trade names (dis=nc=ve signs) • Disseminates informa-on on the various ways in which Industrial Property can be protected and its importance SPTO| IN NUMBERS: 2013 APPLICATIONS TRADEMARKS 46.904; 78% TRADE NAMES 5.759; 10% PATENTS 3,133; 5% UTILITY MODELS 2.633; 4% DESIGNS 1.826; 3% SPTO| IN NUMBERS: 2013 APPLICATIONS ENTERPRISES UNIVERSITIES AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS SPTO| IN NUMBERS: 2013 EMPLOYEES 534 CIVIL SERVANTS 38 NON CIVIL SERVANTS STATISTICS STATISTICS SPTO| IN NUMBERS IP OFFICES/HEIS/PROS MISSION Knowledge Genera-on Transmission Dissemina=on HEIs/PROs Transfer Publica=on Non Tech Innova=on Tech Innova=on Educa=on IP RIGHTS Publica=on/ Dissemina=on Knowledge protec=on Knowledge dissemina=on IP Offices Knowledge Promo-on SPTO| IP STRATEGIC PLAN 1. IPR BUSINESS SUPPORT 2. INCREASE IP AWARENESS 3. IMPROVE IPR OBSERVANCE 4. REDUCE ADMINISTRATIVE BURDENS 5. SUPPORT FOR ENTREPRENEURS SPTO| IP STRATEGIC PLAN L1. IPR BUSINESS SUPPORT • • Improve IP management Promote IP tools • • Collabora=on Agreements CIBEPYME L3. IMPROVE IPR OBSERVANCE • Ensure IPR -‐ Enforcement • Increase awareness about IPR infringement L2. INCREASE IP AWARENESS • • • • L4. REDUCE ADMINISTRATIVE BURDENS • Reduce =me and complexity • Improve/Develop IP tools and services L5. SUPPORT FOR ENTREPRENEURS • New service IP Culture in business Collabora-on with Universi-es IP Training Ac-vi-es CEVIPYME PROMOTING IP TO FOSTER INNOVATION: COLLABORATION WITH UNIVERSITIES SPTO| PROMOTING IP STUDIES AT EU LEVEL 2008: The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) and the European Patent Academy (EPA) organised the VIII Roving Workshop to promote the inclusion of IP in the curricula of Universi-es Importance of IP in the curricula, mainly in : Engineering Schools Facul-es of Science Schools of Economics Business Schools SPTO| PROMOTING IP STUDIES AT EU LEVEL: ACTIONS June 2010 : mee-ng of the European Intellectual Property Teachers’ Network (EIPTN), Universidad de Alcalá de Henares Begining of 2011: Coordinator of the Spanish Plan was selected (18 months) Abril 2011: The Professorship on Innova-on and Intellectual Property “Carlos Fernández-‐Nóvoa” was created SPTO| PILOT PROJECT “IP AWARNESS CAMPAING” Joint project of EPO, OHIM, SPTO: started in October 2011 5 countries Integra(on of the project goals in our strategy Strategic plan 2012-‐2014 • Line 2: Increase IP awarness Agreements with Universi=es and Public Ins=tu=ons SPTO| PILOT PROJECT “IP AWARENESS CAMPAING” Ader 18 months: Big number of ac=ons: mee=ngs, conferences (CRUE, OTRI Network, Ministry of Educa=on, Congress, Regional Goverments :Generalitat Cataluña, Madri+d, Universi=es) Retrieved informa=on about: • Internal organiza=on of universi=es • Different stakeholders involved in the prepara=on of the curricula Stakeholders involved in the decision making process of the curricula were iden=fied and the network was established First collabora=on agreements were signed SPTO| PILOT PROJECT “IP AWARENESS CAMPAING” SPTO| PILOT PROJECT “IP AWARENESS CAMPAING” IP AWARENESS CAMPAING EPO + OHIM SPTO|PROMOTING IP STUDIES IN SPAIN Promo-ng the inclusion of IP in the curricula of Universi-es March 2013: Round table with 16 par-cipants: Universi-es, Ministry of Educa-on, Regional Governments (Madrid), IP professionals, CSIC, EOI.. Conclusions were published on the newspaper SPTO | INITIATIVES WITH UNIVERSITIES • “EMPRENDE” PROGRAMME • Promote entrepreneurship • Crea=on of Business SPTO INITIATIVES | UNIVERSITIES “EMPRENDE” PROGRAMME SPTO INITIATIVES | UNIVERSITIES “EMPRENDE” PROGRAMME: 2013 “EMPRENDE” PROGRAM 32% IP DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES PATENT EXAMINERS 86 SEMINARS – 2h/4h IP BASICS FOR STUDENTS/ ENTREPRENEU RS SPTO | INITIATIVES WITH UNIVERSITIES • Forum BEST: • Mee=ng point:Students + Universi=es + Enterprises • Workshops and seminars SPTO | INITIATIVES WITH UNIVERSITIES • IP TEACHING IN UNIVERSITIES: • Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – Industrial Engineering » “Innova=on and patents for engineering” • Universidad del País Vasco – Electronic Engineering » “Projects and business” • Universidad de Salamanca – BioIology – Chemical Engineering » “Legal aspects of Biotechnology” SPTO INITIATIVES | UNIVERSITIES • SECUNDARY EDUCATION: – LEARNING MATERIAL • Memory game • Cards – Visits to SPTO • Highschools – Seminars and workshops SPTO| PROMOTING IP Sec=on in our website: “Educa=on and IP” Promo=on of ini=a=ves aimed at improving knowledge of industrial property. INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY TRAINING IN UNIVERSITIES INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY TRAINING ACTIVITIES Courses, Conferences and Seminars Long-‐term classroom-‐based courses Carlos Fernández-‐Novoa Chair of Innova=on and Industrial Property Online training modules University of Salamanca Degree in Biotechnology Degree in Chemical Engineering Polytechnic University of Madrid Higher Technical School of Industrial Engineering ETSII Innova=on and Patents for Engineering 2013/2014 University of the Basque Country Degree in Electronic PATENTS AND SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY New assessment criteria for evalua=ng scien=fic ac=vity which includes recogni=on of patents and transfer of knowledge and innova=on: “six years of technology”. Ownership of inven=ons under the Science, Technology and Innova=on Act. TEACHING MATERIALS Teaching materials for the coursework on patents (Patent Kit) Manual for the design of Intellectual and Industrial Property courses Example of a na=onal internet search for inven=ons Example of an interna=onal internet search for inven=ons SPTO| PROMOTING IP PROMOTING IP TO FOSTER INNOVATION: TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND COLLABORATION WITH RESEARCH CENTERS SPTO| TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER • TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER: MARKET PLACE SPTO| TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER: MARKET PLACE TT BASIC CONCEPTS MARKET PLACE MORE INFORMATION SPTO| TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER: BASIC CONCEPTS SPTO| TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER: MARKET PLACE RESEARCH CENTERS UNIVERSITIES SPTO| RESEARCH CENTERS SPTO| UNIVERSITIES SPTO INITIATIVES | RESEARCH CENTERS • LEAFLETS AND BROCHURES: SPTO | RESEARCH CENTERS • TRADEFAIRS: SPTO| RESEARCH CENTERS • TECHNOLOGY PLATAFORMS: – public-‐private structures, led by industry, with the par=cipa=on of agents of science-‐ technology-‐innova=on system – focused on a technology sector, – work together to iden=fy and priori=ze technological needs and are able to define the medium and long-‐term R & D + I strategy. – main objec=ve is to get scien=fic and technological developments in order to ensure the compe==veness, sustainability and growth of our industry, lining all agents strategies and concentra=ng all R&D&I efforts • 40 PLATAFORMS – 8 INDUSTRIAL SECTORS • European Technology Plauorms (ETPs) • Patent Examiners: Seminars / Workshops SPTO| RESEARCH CENTERS TECHNOLOGY WATCH BULLETINS • Electronic publica=ons • Provide =mely, free, schema=c and quickly read informa=on on advances and breakthroughs in different technology sectors • Prepared by SPTO patent examiners using powerful search tools PROMOTING IP TO FOSTER INNOVATION: COLLABORATION AGREEMENTS SPTO | COLLABORATION AGREEMENTS • Na=onal Organiza=ons • Enterprises/Associa=ons • Universi=es SPTO | AGREEMENTS WITH NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS: • Ministry of Defence • EOI: Escuela de Organización Industrial • CSIC: Consejo Superior de Inves=gaciones Cienwficas • CIEMAT: Centro de Inv. Energé=cas, Medioambientales Y Tecnológicas • ADIF: Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias • CDTI: Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial • DGPYME: Dirección General de Industria y de la PYME • FNMT: Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre SPTO | AGREEMENTS WITH NATIONAL ORGANISATIONS • CSIC: The Spanish Na-onal Research Council (CSIC) is the largest public ins-tu-on dedicated to research in Spain and the third largest in Europe. • Main objec=ve is to develop and promote research that will help bring about scien-fic and technological progress CSIC plays an important role in scien=fic and technological policy, since it encompasses an area that takes in everything from basic research to the transfer of knowledge to the produc-ve sector CSIC has 6% of all the staff dedicated to Research and Development in Spain, and they generate approximately 20% of all scien=fic produc=on in the country. It also manages a range of important facili=es; the most complete and extensive network of specialist libraries, and also has joint research units. UNIVERSITIES AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS • • • SPTO | AGREEMENTS WITH NATIONAL ORGANISATIONS • Tailored trainings and seminars on IP • Con=nuos support • Newslexer: Info PI • 40 Patent Technological Reports for free(paid service) .In-‐depth analysis of patents and u=lity models that have been published worldwide and its rela=on to the informa=on provided by the applicant (possible patent applica=on, project research and/or development, par=cular technical issue, etc.). 30% discount for the others • Weekly info: what has been published on the bulle=n • Non patent literature SPTO | AGREEMENTS WITH NATIONAL ORGANISATIONS • EOI: Carlos Fernández-‐Novoa” Proferssorship on Innova-on and Industrial Property SPTO | AGREEMENTS WITH NATIONAL ORGANISATIONS • Ministry of Defence: – IP tailored trainings (secret patents..) – Joint studies/ analysis of projects. In-‐depth analysis of patents and u=lity models that have been published worldwide and its rela=on to the informa=on provided by the applicant (possible patent applica=on, project research and/or development, par=cular technical issue, etc.). – Con=nuos support SPTO | AGREEMENTS WITH NATIONAL ORGANISATIONS • FNMT: Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre was created in 1893 from the merging of two age-‐ old organiza=ons, namely the Casa de la Moneda (The Mint) and the Fábrica del Sello (The Stamp Factory). These two en==es, even though they were self-‐determining and under different managements, had been sharing the building in the Plaza de Colón since 1861. From that =me forward, with security as the common thread, their scope of ac=vity has never stopped expanding AGREEMENTS WITH REGIONAL GOVERNMENTS TO BRING INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY MATTERS AND SPTO SERVICES CLOSER TO SMES AND ENTERPRENEURS Asturias Cantab ria Galicia País Vasco Navarra La Rioja Cas=lla-‐ León Cataluña Aragón Madrid Extremadura Cas=lla-‐La Mancha Comunidad Islas Baleares de Valencia Murcia Andalucía Spain has 17 Regions: Autonomous Communi-es SPTO has signed coopera-on agreements on IP majers with 14 Regional Governments RELATIONS WITH THE REGIONAL GOVERNMENTS (ACS) OBJECTIVES: • To bring industrial property majers and SPTO services closer to the ci-zenry. • SPTO liaison between regional SMEs and entrepreneurs. ARTICULATION: • SPTO-‐Regional Government coopera-on agreements. • Crea-on of a Regional Informa-on Centre on Industrial property majers. • Part of the PATLIB European patent informa-on network. RELATIONS WITH THE ACS ACTIONS: Organising and par-cipa-ng in conferences, courses and seminars with the ACs. Training courses at the SPTO for Annual mee-ng staff from the of Regional Regional Centres. Centres. SPTO| AGREEMENTS WITH ASSOCIATIONS • ENTERPRISES/ASSOCIATIONS: • • • • • • • AIRBUS REPSOL TELEFÓNICA GAMESA NAVANTIA SERCOBE VET+i → FUNDETEC → ITECAM → SPEGC → PTEPA → MIBA → ASEBIO → FMRE → EADS-‐CASA → BOSCH → AIMEN → COTEC → AFRE → ANDEMA → AAEBT → CEOE → BIOPLAT → LES SPAIN-‐PORTUGAL → AMETIC SPTO| AGREEMENTS WITH ASSOCIATIONS Example: Technological Watch Bulle=ns Disseminate and Promote IPR informa=on Tailored services CONTENTS: Collabora=on for Training Ac=vi=es Publica=ons (leaflets, brochures…) Seminars and workshops SPTO| AGREEMENTS WITH ASSOCIATIONS • BIOPLAT: Technology Plalorm that promotes the development of biomass in Spain (sources, tecnlogy and law) – – – – – – Technology watch bulle-n 30% discount in patent searches (reports) Trainings on IP Con-nuos support to biomass professionals InfoPI Link in our market place SPTO | AGREEMENTS WITH UNIVERSITIES • SPANISH UNIVERSITIES: • • • • • • • • Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) Universidad de Alicante (UA) Universidad de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) Universidad Antonio de Nebrija Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP) Universidad de Salamanca Universidad de San=ago (IDIUS) SPTO INITIATIVES| AGREEMENTS CONTENTS: Disseminate and Promote IPR informa=on Example: Interships Collabora=on for Training Ac=vi=es Seminars and workshops Publica=ons (leaflets, brochures…) SPTO INITIATIVES | AGREEMENTS • Interships with UCM and UAM • Interships / Master Thesis SPTO INITIATIVES | AGREEMENTS • IP Summer Seminar with UIMP • 8th Edi(on: “Propiedad Industrial y su contribución a la Marca España” SPTO INITIATIVES | AGREEMENTS • MOOC with UNED y Nebrija • Massive Open On-‐Line Course (MOOC) • UNED: “Basic concepts about IP” • Nebrija: “IP focus on Industrial Designs” Thank you! VISIT US ON WWW.IPICA-PROJECT.EU