an introduction to the relationship between ict and sustainable
an introduction to the relationship between ict and sustainable
AN INTRODUCTION TO THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ICT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Lorenz M. Hilty University of Zurich and Technology and Society Lab, Empa Switzerland How to Cite This Document Lorenz M. Hilty: An Introduction to the Relationship between ICT and Sustainable Development. Keynote Lecture. 9th Human Choice and Computers International Conference (HCC9) and the WCC 2010 Critical Infrastructure Protection Conference. Brisbane, Australia, 20 September 2010 57 1. Sustainable Development / Sustainablity 2. The Role of ICT in Sustainability 3. Case Study I: The Virtual Squint and the Davos-‐Nagoya Experiment 4. Case Study II: A World Populated by ICT Hardware 5. Conceptual Framework 6. Conclusions 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 2 1. Sustainable Development / Sustainablity 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 3 d Brundtland-‐Defini[on “To make development sustainable – to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future genera[ons to meet their own needs” World Commission for Environment and Development 1987 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 4 An Example of Opera[onalisa[on Social dimensions of sustainability Environmental and resource dimensions of sustainability Source: Tellus Ins>tute, Boston (Raskin et al. 2010) CO2 Emissions per Person A development we cannot sustain: expor[ng North-‐American or European lifestyle Data source: Interna[onal Energy Agency (IEA): CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combus[on. Edi[on 2009 (data for 2007). Chart: David MacKay: Sustainable Energy: Without the Hot Air, UIT Cambridge World Popula[on Development 7 Scenarios of total world popula[on by IIASA Source: Wolfgang Lutz, 2009 (World Resources Forum, Davos) The Idea of Decoupling (GDP from resource extrac[on) pula[on o P d l r Wo ac[on r t x E e c Resour Material Intens ity Material Intensity = 2010-‐09-‐20 Resource Extrac4on GDP Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 8 Overview 1. Sustainable Development / Sustainablity 2. The Role of ICT in Sustainability 3. Case Study I: The Virtual Squint and the Davos-‐Nagoya Experiment 4. Case Study II: A World Populated by ICT Hardware 5. Conceptual Framework 6. Conclusions 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 9 2. The Role of ICT in Sustainablity 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 10 The Idea of Decoupling (GDP from resource extrac[on) pula[on o P d l r Wo ac[on r t x E e c Resour Material Intens ity Material Intensity = 2010-‐09-‐20 Resource Extrac4on GDP Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote Source: Through the Looking-‐Glass, and What Alice Found There, Lewis Carroll, 1871 Alice passing through the looking glass A First Application of Virtual Reality Foto: Lorenz M. Hilty «Some day you will realise you cannot eat data…» 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 13 c Source: ITU, 2009 Source: Ericsson, 2009 ICT as an Agent of Change Industrializa[on for Dummies Resource extrac[on per capita today yesterday Labour per capita e Informa[za[on for Dummies Informa[on processing per capita Unsustainable Informa>on Society Sustainable Informa>on Society tomorrow today Labour per capita yesterday ? Resource extrac[on per capita Fields of Study in ICT and Sustainability Green IT (Gartner 2007) ICT4D Green in IT Assessment of ICT Impacts Green through IT CECS (Romm 1999) Greening through IT (Tomlinson 2010) EPA/LBNL (Laitner 2001) Environmental Informa4cs IPTS (Erdmann et al. 2004) (Page et al. 1994, Avouris 1995) SMART 2020 (Webb 2008) Sustainability in the Informa4on Society Environmental Informa4on Processing (Radermacher et al. 1995, Hilty 1996) (Hilty/Gilgen 2001) Sustainability Informa4cs Environmental Informa4on Systems (Günther 1998) (Naumann 2008) Environmental Management Informa4on Systems (EMIS) (Hilty/Rautenstrauch 1997) Corporate Environmental Management Informa4on Systems (CEMIS) (Teuteberg/Marx-‐Gomez 2010) Time 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 17 Example of a Green IT Approach: Energy-‐Propor[onal Compu[ng Average u4liza4on of servers (measured approx. 5,000 servers over a 6 month period) Half of the energy consump[on between 0 an 10% load. Source: The Green Grid, 2009, p. 8 2010-‐09-‐20 U[liza[on of Google Servers: most of the [me around 30%. Source: Barroso, L.; Hölzle, U.: The Case for Energy-‐ Propor[onal Compu[ng. IEEE Computer, Dec. 2007 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 18 Example of an Comprehensive Approach: the GIANI* Criteria C CT I r o ia f r e t i y Cr t i l b a4 p m o Human Society Ecosystem The applica[on of a technology is sustainable if it meets the following criteria: Human compa4bility: mee[ng individual needs Social compa4bility: suppor[ng individuals to form a stable society Ecological compa4bility: suppor[ng society in making reasonable use of nature * GI-‐Arbeitskreis Nachhal[ge Informa[onsgesellschal: Memorandum Nachhal[ge Informa[onsgesellschal (in German), Fraunhofer IRB Verlag 2004 Overview 1. Sustainable Development / Sustainablity 2. The Role of ICT in Sustainability 3. Case Study I: The Virtual Squint and the Davos-‐Nagoya Experiment 4. Case Study II: A World Populated by ICT Hardware 5. Conceptual Framework 6. Conclusions 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 20 3. Case Study I: The Virtual Squint and the Davos/ Nagoya Experiment 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 21 Small Things Mamer: The Virtual Squint 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 22 The World Resources Forum on two Con[nents in Davos (Switzerland) and Nagoya (Japan) Remote Audience can be Viewed in Full HD in Davos (Switzerland) and Nagoya (Japan) Remote speaker are really „present“ in the room due to Full-‐ HD quality transmission and Full-‐HD projec[on Some Speakers at the World Resources Forum 2009 Ashok Khosla Co-‐President of the Club of Rome Dennis Meadows „The Limits to Growth“ Friedrich Schmidt-‐Bleek Factor 10 Ins[tute Ernst Ulrich v. Weizsäcker UNEP Resource Panel The Speaker Has Eye Contact to Remote Audience 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 27 Taking Remote ques[ons Poin[ng on Content Informal Communica[on at TelePresence Hotspots Addi[onal TelePresence Points for Small Business Mee[ngs 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 31 Lessons Learned: Details are important in Davos (Schweiz) and Nagoya (Japan) Internet Route Davos-‐Nagoya 1 3 4 2 1. 2. 3. 4. Geant-‐Internet2-‐Transpac2: RTT 295 ms ~30’000 km Geant-‐TEIN/SEA-‐ME-‐WE: RTT 325 ms ~33’000 km Geant-‐TEIN/Transsib: RTT 270 ms ~27’000 km – es[mated Geant-‐TEIN/Transsib-‐direct: RTT 230 ms, ~23’000 km was not available kWh/par4cipant real case Davos only Nagoya only Twin Conference 2360 3491 1067.000 Equipment Davos 0 0 0.147 Equipment Nagoya 0 0 0.153 Internet transmission (25 Mbit/s * 3 days * 5h/day) 0 0 0.056 2360 3491 1067.356 Davos only Nagoya only Twin Conference 1’057’240 830’748 566’700 Equipment Davos 0 0 78 Equipment Nagoya 0 0 81 Internet transmission (25 Mbit/s * 3 days * 5h/day) 0 0 30 1’057’240 830’748 566’889 448 238 531 Travel to venue Total kWh (all par4cipants) Travel to venue Total Par4cipants Preliminary data! Final data will be published in a paper by Vlad Coroama, Ernst Heiri, Frank Horn, Lorenz M. Hilty (2011) What about Energy? kg CO2/par4cipant Davos only Nagoya only Twin Conference 525 796 224.000 Equipment Davos 0 0 0.003 Equipment Nagoya 0 0 0.083 Internet transmission (25 Mbit/s * 3 days * 5h/day) 0 0 0.016 525 796 224.102 Davos only Nagoya only Twin Conference 235.01 189.35 118.950 Equipment Davos 0 0 0.002 Equipment Nagoya 0 0 0.044 Internet transmission (25 Mbit/s * 3 days * 5h/day) 0 0 0.009 235.01 189.35 119.005 448 238 531 Travel to venue Total t CO2 (all par4cipants) Travel to venue Total Par4cipants Preliminary data! Final data will be published in a paper by Vlad Coroama, Ernst Heiri, Frank Horn, Lorenz M. Hilty (2011) CO2 Emissions Caused by Travel and Videoconferencing Electrical Power used for an intercon[nental Internet Connec[on Watt Accumulated Electrical Power of Network Devices for a 25 Mbit/s connection (4 Telepresence Sessions) 1800 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 Kilometers Preliminary data! Final data will be published in a paper by Vlad Coroama, Ernst Heiri, Frank Horn, Lorenz M. Hilty (2011) Overview 1. Sustainable Development / Sustainablity 2. The Role of ICT in Sustainability 3. Case Study I: The Virtual Squint and the Davos-‐Nagoya Experiment 4. Case Study II: A World Populated by ICT Hardware 5. Conceptual Framework 6. Conclusions 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 37 4. Case Study II: A World Populated by ICT Hardware 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 38 More Microprocessors than People • Between 2008 and 2014, the number of Personal Computers in use world-‐wide is expected to double from 1 to 2 Billion. • At least 98% (some experts es[mate more) of all microprocessors produced today are not for personal computers. Is this a problem in terms of sustainability? 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 39 Digital Electronics is the First Technology that Uses More Than Half of the Periodic System Sources: Behrendt et al. 2007 / National Research Council 2008 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 40 ICT Hardware is Rapidly Devalued by Market Forces Deprecia[on of periodic investment in ICT Source: Plepys, A. (2002): Software Renting - Better Business, Better Environment: The Case of Application Service Providing (ASP). In: Electronics and the Environment, 2002. ISEE 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Symposium on. 2002. San Francisco, CA, USA: IEEE See also: Working Slower with More Powerful Computers ERCIM News 62/2005 Electronic Waste (E-‐Waste) around the World Switzerland South Africa India China South Africa Source: Empa 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 43 China Source: BAN, 2001 (Source: Empa) 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 44 India (Source: Empa) 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 45 Open Cable Burning Delhi, India Open cable burning to remove PVC insula>on from copper wires. Copper price Releases dioxines into air and soil (cancerogenic). Source: Empa, 2003 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 46 Extrac[on of Copper from Printed Wiring Boards Delhi, India A typical backyard company with12 workers Yield: 1-‐2 t /month 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 47 Extrac[on of Gold from Printed Wiring Boards Delhi, India Gold price “Ci4es will be the mines of the future” Tom Gradel, Yale University Source: Empa, 2003 ? s s e r g o r P 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 49 Source of pictures: Victorinox / Wenger There is not only one direc[on of progress Overview 1. Sustainable Development / Sustainablity 2. The Role of ICT in Sustainability 3. Case Study I: The Virtual Squint and the Davos-‐Nagoya Experiment 4. Case Study II: A World Populated by ICT Hardware 5. Conceptual Framework 6. Conclusions 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 50 5. Conceptual Framework 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 51 Life-‐Cycle Thinking and the Linked Life Cycle Approach Life Cycle of an ICT Product (as any other product): Informa4on/Communica4on Service Environmental Impact Energy flow Produc4on Use Environmental Impact End of life Mass flow Energy flow Mass flow ICT Product Life Cycle (Note: this is only half of the idea, see next slide) 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 52 Life cycle of any product Demand 1 Life cycle of ICT product Design 2 Linked Life Cycle Approach (Hilty 2008) 3 4 5 Conclusions 1. ICT can an should be used to support the transi[on to sustainable development. 2. We should think about posi[ve and nega[ve ICT effects at the level of linked life cycles. 3. You should come and see the presenta[ons in our Track “ICT and Sustainable Development” in the alernoon (HCC Track 4) 4. …and all other HCC Tracks Thank you for your a\en4on! 2010-‐09-‐20 Lorenz M. Hilty HCC9 Keynote 54 References Avouris N., Page B. (eds.): Environmental Informa[cs – Methodology and Applica[ons of Environmental Informa[on Processing. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1995 Behrendt S., Kahlenborn W., Feil M., Dereje C., Bleischwitz R., Delzeit R.: Seltene Metalle. Maßnahmen und Konzepte zur Lösung des Problems konfliktverschärfender Rohstoffausbeutung am Beispiel Coltan. UBA Texte 08/07. Umweltbundesamt, Dessau 2007 Erdmann L., Hilty L.M., Goodman J., Arnfalk P.: The Future Impact of ICTs on Environmental Sustainability. EUR 21384. Ins[tute for Prospec[ve Technology Studies, Seville, Spain 2004 Erdmann L., Hilty L.M.: Scenario Analysis: Exploring the Macroeconomic Impacts of Informa[on and Communica[on Technologies on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2010 Gartner Inc.: Green IT: The New Industry Shock Wave, 2007 Günther O.: Environmental Informa[on Systems. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg 1998 Hilty L.M., Köhler A., von Schéele F., Zah R.: Working Slower with More Powerful Computers. ERCIM News 62, 2005, 58-‐59 Hilty L.M., Gilgen, P.W.: Sustainability in the Informa[on Society. 15th Interna[onal Symposium Informa[cs for Environmental Protec[on, Zurich 2001. Metropolis, Marburg 2001 Hilty L.M., Rautenstrauch C.: Environmental Informa[on Systems for Produc[on and Recycling. In: Swayne D., Denzer, R., Schimak G. (eds.): 2nd Interna[onal Symposium on Environmental Solware Systems (ISESS), Whistler (Canada). New York: Chapman & Hall 1997, 21-‐29 Hilty L.M.: Informa[on Technology and Sustainability. Essays on the Rela[onship between Informa[on Technology and Sustainable Development. Books on Demand GmbH, Norderstedt, Germany 2008 Interna[onal Energy Agency (IEA): CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combus[on. Edi[on 2009 Laitner J.A.S., Koomey J.G., Worrell E., Gumerman E.: Re-‐es[ma[ng the Annual Energy 2000 Outlook Forecas[ng Using Updated Assump[ons about the Informa[on Economy. Washington, DC: Environmental Protec[on Agency / Berkeley, CA: Lawrence Berkeley Na[onal Laboratory 2001 Lutz, W.: Educated Popula[ons. The Human Resource for Sustainable Development. World Resources Forum, Davos 2009 hmp://‐presenta[ons-‐world-‐resources-‐forum-‐2009 (Accessed 20.09.2010) MacKay D.: Sustainable Energy: Without the Hot Air, UIT Cambridge xxx Na[onal Research Council: Minerals, Cri[cal Minerals, and the U.S. Economy. The Na[onal Academies Press, 2008 Naumann S.: Sustainability Informa[cs – A new Subfield of Applied Informa[cs? In: Möller A., Page B., Schreiber M. (eds.): EnviroInfo 2008. Environmental Informa[cs and Industrial Ecology, 22nd Interna[onal Conference on Environmental Informa[cs, pp. 384-‐-‐389. Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2008 Page, B.; Hilty, L. M. (Hrsg.): Umwel[nforma[k – Informa[kmethoden für Umweltschutz und Umwel}orschung. Oldenbourg, München 1994 Plepys A.: Solware Ren[ng – Bemer Business, Bemer Environment: The Case of Applica[on Service Providing (ASP). In: Electronics and the Environment, 2002. ISEE 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Interna[onal Symposium on. IEEE, San Francisco, CA, USA 2002 2010-‐09-‐27 Lorenz M. Hilty, University of Zurich 55 Further Reading Lorenz M. Hilty: Information Technology and Sustainability. Books on Demand, Norderstedt, Germany 2008. ISBN: 978-‐3-‐8370-‐1970-‐4 hmp:// Other publications by Lorenz M. Hilty: 56 How to Cite This Document Lorenz M. Hilty: An Introduction to the Relationship between ICT and Sustainable Development. Keynote Lecture. 9th Human Choice and Computers International Conference (HCC9) and the WCC 2010 Critical Infrastructure Protection Conference. Brisbane, Australia, 20 September 2010 57