WMO Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment


WMO Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment
World Meteorological Organization
Working together in weather, climate and water
Snowfall Measurement Challenges
Solid Precipitation Intercomparison Experiment
WMO; Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observation
Project descrip-on; Objec-ves; Par-cipa-on; Links with the Remote Sensing Communi-es. 2
•  Organizer: WMO -­‐ Commission for Instruments and Methods of Observa-on (CIMO); •  Organized as a two-­‐winter seasons, mul--­‐site experiment; •  Will inves-gate the in-­‐situ measurement and repor-ng of: •  Precipita)on amount »  over various *me periods (minutes, hours, days, seasons), »  as a func*on of precipita*on phase (liquid, solid, mixed); •  Snow on the ground (snow depth) »  Will include linkages between snow on the ground and snowfall 3
•  Snowfall measurements are confounded by many factors (shield, gauge, hea-ng, wind, microphysics, etc.) •  SPICE –  will contribute to improving the point measurements of snowfall and snow depth measured with automated gauges, at high -me resolu-on. –  will foster linkages with radar and satellite communi-es, to enable areal and global es-mates. 4
Motivation: Total Precipitation: snow vs. rain
Feb 11-12, 2009: rain event
•  Tmin = 6.8 deg C
24-h Accumulation (mm): RAIN
Feb 11-12, 2009
Jan 28-29, 2009: snow event
•  Tmax = - 7.1 deg C
Results: CARE
24-h accumulation (mm): SNOW
Jan 28-29, 2009
Weighing Gauges
Heated Tipping Buckets
Optical System
For the same instrument, the performance of measuring rainfall is not similar to
the performance of measuring snowfall;
The instrument AND its configuration play key roles.
SPICE focus!
WMO-SPICE Objectives (1)
•  Define field references using automa)c instruments, over a range of temporal resolu-ons (daily to minutes). •  Characterize currently opera)onal and emerging automa)c instruments measuring snow; –  gauge/shield combina-on for different collec-on condi-ons/climates; –  sources and magnitude of errors; •  Derive adjustments to be applied to measurements, as a func-on of wind, temp, precipita-on type; 6
WMO-SPICE Objectives (2)
•  Assess the minimum prac)cable temporal resolu)on for repor-ng a valid snow measurement; •  Configure a comprehensive intercomparison dataset for further data mining (e.g., radar-­‐ and/or satellite-­‐based snowfall es-ma-on). •  Iden-fy the available remotely sensed precipita)on data, reference it as part of the intercomparison dataset. 7
1989-1993: 1st WMO Solid Precipitation Intercomparison
•  WMO/TD -­‐ No. 872/98, B.E. Goodison, P. Louie and D. Yang (Canada); •  Recommended Secondary Field Reference; •  Characterised the na-onal standard measurement methods. •  Recommended methods for adjus-ng solid precipita-on measurements, func-on of –  daily wind speed (Ws) at gauge height, and –  daily air temperature (Tmax, Tmin, Tmean) 8
SPICE Project plan
Official Start: Dec 2012; Dura-on: minimum 2 winter seasons; Report on the references for the experiment: 2014; WMO Final Report: 2016 and include: –  Results rela-ve to project objec-ves; –  Site specific results; •  Sites may con-nue the experiments, func-on of na-onal and regional interests. •  Preliminary/par-al results will be published prior to Final Report. •  Project website: h?p://www.wmo.int/pages/prog/www/IMOP/intercomparisons/SPICE/
Participating Sites
•  15 countries: 20 field sites, one laboratory; •  Australia, Chile, Canada, Finland, France, Italy (Nepal), Japan, Korea, Norway, New Zealand, Russia, Poland, Switzerland, Spain, USA. 10
Participating Sites: Alpine Climate
–  Australia: Guthega Dam WS (New South Wales), Snowy Hydro Ltd, 1586 m –  Chile: Tapado WS, Centro de Estudios Avanzados en Zonas Áridas, 4318 m –  France: Col de Porte, Météo-­‐France, Centre Na-onal de Recherches Météorologiques, Centre d’Etudes de la Neige, CNRM-­‐GAME/CEN: 1325 m –  Italy: Forni Glacier/Upper Valtellina, EVK2CNR – UNIMI University of Milan), 2669 m. –  Nepal: Pyramid Interna-onal Laboratory Observatory/ Lobuche/ SoluKhumbu/Nepal, EVK2CNR-­‐UNIMI, 5050 m –  New Zealand: Mueller Hut WS, Na-onal Ins-tute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd,1818 m –  Norway: Haukeliseter, Norwegian Meteorological Ins-tute, 990 m. –  Poland: Hala Gasienicowa WS, Ins-tute of Meteorology and Water Management,
1520 m. –  Switzerland: Weissfluhjoch (Davos), MeteoSwiss and Swiss Ins-tute for Snow and Avalanche Research (SLF), 2500 m. –  Spain: ARAMON – Formigal, AEMET (Spanish State Met. Agency), 1855 m 11
Participating Sites: other climates
•  Arc)c Climate: –  Finland: Sodankyla ARC : La-tude : 67°, Eleva-on : 179 m, FMI. •  Con)nental Climate: –  Canada; Environment Canada: Braq’s Lake (585 m), Egbert (251 m), Caribou Creek (517 m) –  USA: NOAA/NCAR: Boulder (CO), 1740 m; –  Russia: Roshydromet: Valdai (194 m) and Voljskaya, Nijny Novgorod Reg (101 m); •  Coastal Climate: –  Korea: Gochang Observatory (suppor-ng Chupungnyeong Lead Center for the Evalua-on of Precipita-on Measurement Accuracy): 52 m –  Japan: •  Joetsu Agricultural Research Center: (eleva-on: 11 m), Na-onal Agriculture and Food Research Organiza-on (NARO), •  Rikubetu, Hokkaido, Na-onal Ins-tute of Polar Research (NIPR). 12
Participating Instruments
•  Includes currently opera-onal and emerging technologies. •  Instruments and configura-ons provided by host organiza-ons and by 20 manufacturers: – 
Catchment type: Weighing Gauges, Tipping Buckets; Op-cal Sensors, Par-cle disdrometers, hot plates; GPS based snow depth sensors; Acous-c and laser snow depth sensors; Snow Water Equivalent sensors. Wind shields: (type: Alter, Tretyakov, Belfort, wood), and configura-ons (single, double, small wooden); –  Gauges equipped with hea-ng in various configura-ons.
Measurement of Total Precipitation
•  2008 WMO CIMO Survey on instruments for measuring solid precipita-on at AWS •  Results: IOM Report #102, WMO/TDNo.1544 hqp://www.wmo.int/pages/
IOM-­‐series.html; Tipping Bucket type gauges:
  28 models;
  Sensitivity 0.1 to 0.5 mm;
  Some heated, some not;
  Windshields: 31% (30%, USA, Japan + 1% elsewhere)
Weighing Gauges:
  6 models, 6 manufacturers;   capacity: 250-1000 mm;
  Some heated, some not;
  78% use single wind shields (Alter, Tretyakov, Nipher);
Experiment Field Reference
•  The 1st WMO Solid Precipita-on Intercomparison : DFIR (Double Fence Interna)onal Reference) a complete system: –  Octagonal double-­‐fence (DFIR-­‐fence) –  Tretyakov gauge+shield placed in its centre. •  SPICE: Double Fence Automa)c Reference (DFAR): a field reference configura-on using: –  Octagonal double-­‐fence (DFIR-­‐fence) –  An automa-c gauge (model not prescribed) –  Other instruments, determined through experimenta-on. 15
Adjustments specific to gauge + shield
Meteoservis v.o.s
CAE S. p. A
Measurements Ltd.
Non-Catchment type Instruments
AdolfThies GmbH&Co KG
Laser Precipitation Monitor
Droplet Measurement Technologies
Meteorological Particle Sensor
OTT Hydromet GmbH
Campbell Scientific
Snow Depth and SWE Instruments
Campbell Scientific
Felix Technologies
Hydrological Services America:
Sommer GmbH & Co KG
Snow Water Equivalent
Campbell Scientific
SPICE will link with
Remote Sensing Communities
•  SPICE Outcome: Ensure that available remotely sensed precipita-on data is referenced as part of the intercomparison dataset. •  Site Managers: inform scien-sts (radar, satellite, data assimila-on, etc) of the availability of SPICE high quality point measurement snowfall data: –  development or valida-on of reflec-vity-­‐snowfall rela-onships or –  data assimila-on analysis techniques and products, etc. •  Na-onal reports may report on these results, but no formal analysis plan. 19
Examples of Opportunities for
•  WMO Working Group for Forecast Verifica-on: engaged in the defini-on of analysis methodologies •  WMO Commission for Climatology •  NASA Global Precipita-on Mission (GPM) – Ground Valida-on: –  Canadian SPICE sites –  Sodankyla (Finland) •  Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) Demonstra*on Project: impact of automa-on on the measurement of solid precipita-on; •  NOAA -­‐ Environment Canada Coopera-on Steering Commiqee (CSC): proposal to further validate and improve satellite derived snowfall detec-on and snowfall rate products. –  Essen-al: High quality radar and gauge snowfall measurements (detec-on, water equivalent rate, snow par-cle size and shape, etc.). 20
Thank you!
SPICE.html Meteorological, Technology interna)onal The interna)onal review of weather, climate and hydrology technologies and services “Cold as SPICE – Determine the best way to measure snowfall”, by Rodica Nitu (SPICE project leader), p.148-­‐150