Rous Public School Newsletter


Rous Public School Newsletter
Term 1 - Week 7
13 March 2014
Rous Public School
From the Principal
School Issues
Award Winners
P: 02 6629 5294 F: 02 6629 5348
Principal: Pauline Houghton
Tues 25 Mar
Wed 26 Mar
Wed 2 April
Sat 26 July
‘Art Smart’ Workshop
Dental Van Visit
Dental Van Visit
World of Maths workshop
School Photos
Bonfire Night
Principal’s Message
Dear Parents/Caregivers,
All families will receive information today in regards to the “Grow up Smiling” program
which will allow children to visit the dental van on site at Rous School. The van will visit the
school on 25 and 26 March. Please carefully read all the information provided and if you
would like your child/ren to participate in this worthwhile program complete the permission
note and health forms and return to school by Friday 21 March. You may contact the office
or Alstonville Family Dental for further enquiries.
Congratulations to the Rous P&C executive committee elected for 2014:President- Tim Seymour
Secretary- Patrick Byrnes
Vice President- Rob Hewetson
Treasurer- Nicole Eather
Jun Vice President- Mark Bayley
Auxiliary- Michelle Smith
We look forward to continuing the positive and caring relationship that exists with
community and school and appreciate the role that the P&C play in supporting all the
students at Rous School.
Co-operationCo-operation encourages students to compromise and negotiate and
creates opportunities for unity and harmony to occur.
Congratulations to Nat and Billy, on the birth of their baby daughter,
Mabelline Lacey and a beautiful little sister for Johnny, Mav, Rocco
and Luka.
Enjoy your week,
Pauline Houghton
North Coast Regional Swimming Carnival
Well done Emma, Edan, Jack, Aaron and Nathan for their efforts at the Regional Swimming
Carnival on Wednesday. This was a wonderful opportunity to compete in a carnival against
other students from Port Macquarie in the south, to Tweed Heads in the North.
Boys senior relay team- Nathan, Aaron (Rous PS) Ben, Lachlan (Tregeagle PS)
School assembly – week 8 class 5/6
4/5/6 excursion reminder deposit is due by 28 March.
World of Maths
Wednesday 26 March at school for all children K-6.
This is a presentation of exciting and educational, hands-on, problem solving activities. The
cost is $6 per student or $15 for a family of 3 or more. More information is available at the
following link:
Stewart House 2014 Donation Drive
This year the school will be participating in the Stewart House Day Donation Drive. Attached
to the newsletter is an envelope. Donations of $2.00 or more can be placed in these
envelopes and returned to the front office by Friday 8 May. Any family that donates will go
into a draw for the chance to win a family holiday worth $4000 to a destination of your
choice. More information can be found at:
Bronze certificates were awarded to:
Keane, Noah, Phoebe, Sami, Sarah,
Rohan, Jeremy, Liam
Our Award Winners this Week
Luke– for improvement in reading and spelling
Sarah – for using her knowledge of letter sounds to
spell new words
Oliver – for trying hard in Maths
Miss Connor – for neat book work
Emma – for effort in English
Spencer – trying his best and displaying good
knowledge in English
Will – effort in class and being helpful to others
Oliver from Kindy
Liam from Kindy
Our school has now registered with the Premiers Reading Challenge (PRC)
The first thing students who wish to participate is to locate a copy of the ‘Personal Reading Log, you
can grab a copy from the Office or Library to get started.
Books that appear on the list will be set up in the library in boxes labelled K-2, 3/4 and 5/6. Students
can select from the books to get started - remember you still must borrow them out not just take them.
Students may select from a higher graded books but it is not encouraged to go lower. Each book has
a PRC ID sticker and needs this number must be recorded on your reading log. Once you have
completed reading you must have it dated and signed off by a parent or guardian.
It is then required that you enter your record online through the PRC website. Or you can just Google NSW Premiers Reading
To Logon on look at the left hand side of the screen – click on
Logon and enter your username and password (the one we
have at school)
example: username: jane.smith
password: school
Next click on student Reading Records – Enter Books
Add the PRC ID the Title and the Author
Now its time to start another book.
If any student is having difficulty with these instructions and
would like help getting started I will be available on my usual library days to assist.
I encourage all students to have a go – all you need to do to obtain a certificate is read 20 books
between now and August.
Sue Austin
Teacher -Librarian
P&C News
Working Bee Sunday 11 May 2014
The P&C and staff are organising a working Bee for Sunday 11 May. This will provide an
opportunity to tidy the grounds and buildings in preparation for Bonfire Night. (Yes,
planning is on the way for our major fundraising event for the year!) If you have any
suggestions on areas within the school that need improving, you may leave these in the P&C
communication book in the office. We will put out a roster ‘of things to do’ closer to the
Garden Express Fundraiser
If you would like to place an order, please return with payment by tomorrow, 14 March.
Preparers for Monday 17 March
We are really short of preparers so please if you can spare some time we would be most
Flavoured Milk
Ice Blocks
Spreads – Vegemite
Ham/Chicken only
Salad only (Single Filling or any combination)
Ham/Chicken & Salad
When ordering, please state if margarine is not required, otherwise it will be used.
Pies, Sausage Rolls, Spinach & Cheese Rolls
Community Announcements
Hi Everyone,
We are very excited to pass on this invitation....
Stratheden Public School
Celebrating 100 years 1914-2014
Saturday 12th April 2014
Starting at 10am
All welcome to attend
Stratheden Public School
710 Stratheden Road, Stratheden
Ph: (02) 6667 3266
Fax: (02) 6667 3241
Email: [email protected]
"Songkran" is a celebration of the
Thai New Year
and the Thai Community has chosen to hold
this special day at the
Rous Mill Hall
on Sunday the 6th April
starting at 9.30am
This event includes a full days program.
Please feel free to come for some or all of the
day and support our local Thai community on
this day of celebration.
Thank you to the Thai Community of the
Northern Rivers for extending this invitation to
us all.
Social Locals Prom oting Local Cultural Events
We are having a
Working Bee
at the
Rous Mill Hall this
Sat 15th March
Starting at 9am
We have a few tasks that need to be done and some general cleaning
All welcome