Issue 38 - New Concepts in Global Tectonics
Issue 38 - New Concepts in Global Tectonics
NEWSLETTER New Concepts In Global Tectonics No. 38, March, 2006 ISSN: 1833-2560 Editorial Board Editor: D. R. Choi Peter JAMES, Australia (PO Box 95, Dunalley, Tasmania 7177); Leo MASLOV, USA ([email protected]); Cliff OLLIER, Australia ([email protected]); Nina PAVLENKOVA, Russia ([email protected]); David PRATT, Netherlands ([email protected]); Giancarlo SCALERA, Italy ([email protected]); Karsten STORETVEDT, Norway ([email protected]); Yasumoto SUZUKI, Japan ([email protected]); Boris I. VASSILIEV, Russia ([email protected]) ********************************************************************************************** All readers are urged to read David Pratt’s article which appeared in the latest issue of Journal of Scientific Exploration (v. 20, no. 1, p. 97-104; reproduced in this e are flooded with good news these days. First, issue, p. 27-32) which details our activities and a liberal financial donation ($2000 Euros) has achievements in the last ten years. arrived just recently from the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (Instituto Nazionale di In this number we have a very interesting article by Geofisica e Vulcanologia, INGV), Rome, Italy. We Leybourne, Gregori and Hoop. Applying Gregori’s would like to offer our heartiest thanks to Prof. Enzo “electrical hot-spot hypothesis”, they tried to explain the Boschi, Director, and Dr. Scalera of INGV for their El Nino climate and wildfire teleconnections with great encouragement of and trust in our group and its endogenous electrical energy which is interacting with activities. We will use their funds wisely for the solar energy. This paper involves very wide aspects strengthening our publications and organization. of geology and physics of the Earth and Sun. We would like to see further development of this type of research. Our publications are certainly penetrating the plate tectonic monolith despite their continuing, concerted The second paper is by Rezanov. It is the second part of neglect. The editor of this Newsletter is hearing many his paper “Earth’s evolution stages” which appeared in voices even from plate tectonics supporters that they NCGT Newsletter no. 36, 2005. He considers the first have started to realize the incompatibility of plate stage ended 4.0-3.9 Ga when the hydrogen atmosphere tectonics with the real world. We are witnessing PT was destroyed by thermal dissipation. The second stage crumbling before our very eyes. Undoubtedly our is characterized by degasification of hydrogen and other Newsletter and other publications particularly the fluids from the Earth’s core. Rezanov’s approach is IGC32 proceedings have been sending shock waves logical and meticulously supported by vast amounts of through the world geoscientific communities. hard data. -continued on the next page-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CONTENTS OF THIS ISSUE FROM THE EDITOR W From the Editor, ……………….…………………………………………………………………….…………………………..1 Letter to the Editor…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…2 Articles Gulf of California electrical hot-spot hypothesis: Climate and wildfire teleconnections, Bruce LEYBOURNE, Giovanni GREGORI, and Cornelis de HOOP…………………………………………………………………………….3 Earth’s evolution stages, Part 2, Igor A. REZANOV…………………………………………………………………………...9 Wave structures in the Saturnian system, G.G. KOCHEMASOV…………………………………………………………….13 Origin of the primary tectonic structures of the Earth and planets, Alexander V. DOLITSKY……………………………….16 Short Note: Comments on recent papers on Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, Dong R. CHOI………………………………..17 Geopolitical Corner………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19 Publications………………………………………………………………………………………………....................................27 News……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..36 For contact, correspondence, or inclusion of material in the Newsletter please use the following methods in order of preference: NEW CONCEPTS IN GLOBAL TECTONICS. 1. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] each file less than 5 megabytes; 2. Fax (small amounts of material): +61-2-6254 4409; 3. Mail, Air Express, etc.: 6 Mann Place, Higgins, ACT 2615, Australia. (Disc in MS Word format, and figures in jpg or pdf format); 4. Telephone: +61-2-6254 4409. The next issue is scheduled for late June, 2006. Please send your contributions before early June, 2006 to any of the above Editorial Board members or directly to the Editor. DISCLAIMER The opinions, observations and ideas published in this newsletter are the responsibility of the contributors and are not necessarily those of the Editor and Editorial Board. 2 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 In addition, three short papers – two on planetary structures by Russian scientists, and one by the editor on the 2004 Indonesian earthquake - are included in this issue. I hope we will have more detailed accounts of both Russian papers in future issues. Choi noted that the time-space distribution of the 2004-2005 earthquakes off Sumatra indicated in the Ammon paper show block movement. The seismicity distribution pattern implies the presence of a major deep tectonic zone between the two blocks in the north of Simuelue Island. This tectonic zone already has been singled out by Blot and Choi, as being responsible for the devastating earthquake and accompanying tsunami. Thanks to Luis Hissink of Western Australia who has worked as an auditor of our group’s budget, a formal financial summary in the last 10 years until March this year has been completed as seen below. Due to the Australia’s fiscal year cycle (July to June of the following year), the next financial report will appear in the September issue, 2007. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NCGT GOUP FINANCIAL REPORT; 1996 TO MARCH, 2006 (in Australian dollars) ______________________________________________________________________________________________ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Dear Editor, Re: Kashmir earthquake papers M any thanks for Blot and Choi paper in the latest NCGT Newsletter. I keep forwarding your mails to my colleagues, who, including me, believe in plate tectonics and the conventional ways of thinking of earthquake occurrence. I like all your papers and consider that this is a new thinking. One has to explore new and sometimes unconventional ways to understand more about earthquake occurrence processes and to predict them. Thinking beyond plate tectonics and conventional seismological way, may lead to earthquake prediction, which is the ultimate goal of any study in seismology. Vineet GAHALAUT, India [email protected] A ccording to the ruling principle, “…if 50 million believe in a fallacy, it is still a fallacy”. I am adding, “The truth stays independent of our desires and can’t be chosen by voters”. Then I am expressing my desire to join the NCGT group. Vedat SHEHU, Albania [email protected] New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 3 ARTICLES GULF OF CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL HOT-SPOT HYPOTHESIS: CLIMATE AND WILDFIRE TELECONNECTIONS Bruce A. LEYBOURNE - [email protected] (Geostream Consulting LLC, Bay St. Louis, MS, USA Giovanni P. GREGORI - [email protected] (Professor -Istituto di Acustica O. M. Corbino - Retired) Roma, Italy. Cornelis F. de HOOP - [email protected] (School of Renewable Natural Resources, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center) Baton Rouge, LA, USA Introduction: T he prevailing view that radioactive decay is the major thermal source for the interior of the planet may create limitations in geophysical modeling efforts. New theoretical insights (Gregori 2002) provide for an electrical source from the core-mantle-boundary (CMB) by a tide-driven (TD) geodynamo which is enhanced by various solar induction processes. Joule heating at density boundaries within the upper mantle and base of the lithosphere from CMB electrical emanations may provide some of the hotspot energy for upper mantle melts and associated magmatism driving seafloor spreading and lithospheric rupture. Estimates of the total budget of the endogenous energy of the Earth supporting the electrical hot-spot hypothesis are as follows (Gregori, 2002): 1) The general scenario is that the TD geodynamo has a very low performance in terms of magnetic energy output (<<1%), while almost its entire energy output supplies (via Joule’s heating) the endogenous energy budget. Indeed it can be sufficient for justifying the entire observed energy budget of the Earth, while other sources, such as radioactivity, are just optional. 2) A different consideration is due to chemical and phase transformation processes, occurring within deep Earth. Observations are evident that the Earth operates like a car battery, being recharged and discharged at different times. This occurs by storing energy within the deep Earth interior. Within a car battery, such storage occurs via a reversible chemical reaction. In the case of the Earth, such storage occurs via a conspicuous change of liquid vs. solid phase. It should be stressed that such inference is a matter of observational evidence, and of strict implications. It is NOT a result of any kind of speculation. 3) The timing of such recharging and discharging is manifested, as the most evident effect, in terms of the Earth’s electrocardiogram, displaying one heartbeat every ∼27.4 Ma (with an error bar of, say, < ±0.05 Ma). Every heartbeat elapses a few Ma, and during it some large igneous province (LIP) is generated. At present, we are close to the peak of one such heartbeat, and a present LIP is Iceland. 4) The manifestation of such huge endogenous energy budget, at least according to the observational evidence referring to the last few million years, occurs in terms of a ∼ 60% release as a gentle geothermal heat flow, while the entire remaining 40% includes all other forms of energy, such as volcanism, seismicity, continental drift or sea floor spreading, geodynamics, and tidal phenomena. Therefore, the planetary-integrated role of heat flow cannot be neglected (such as it is being generally assumed when dealing with climate models). Tectonic theorist might consider electrical stimulation from the interior of the planet as a plausible driving mechanism of surge channel activity and plate motions. This driver has remained elusive in modern theoretical constructs. Two recent lines of observational evidence linked to electrical stimulation within a geologic hotspot exemplify the importance of understanding this tectonic driving mechanism and testing the validity of our hypothesis. The Guaymas Basin Rift, (Fig. 1, and Fig. 2 – Area 2) a geologic hotspot within the Gulf of California is considered a geothermal power source for the region. In the first scenario gentle geothermal heat flow from TD joule heating within the hotspot is invigorated during bursts of regional seismic activity. Solar induced and electrically stimulated seismic activity provides additional thermal energy at the base of the lithosphere. This heat may take up to 6 - 7 months for transmigration and escape at the surface. This timing is consistent with the observational data and rationally explains the local sea surface thermal signatures over the Guaymas Rift coincident with El Nino climate teleconnections (Fig. 2 – Area 3 and 4). In the second scenario Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) induce powerful surges of electrical activity from the deep 4 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 interior of the planet. These powerful surges overcome resistance in the lithosphere by traveling along more conductive zones generally associated with basaltic fault intrusions and their signature geomagnetic anomaly trends. Ionized gases may be forced through the fracture systems and wildfires may be sparked by electrical arcing (lightning) or direct combustion from intense joule heating near the surface. The unprecedented wildfire storm in October 2003 occurred simultaneously with a powerful CME. Geospatial wildfire patterns suggests these wildfires followed fault and geomagnetic anomaly trends associated with the extension of the East Pacific Rise into the North American continent and Pacific fracture zones traversing the west coast of California. Details of each scenario are discussed below. I. El Nino Climate Teleconnection Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomalies over the Gulf of California/Baja (Fig. 2 - Area 2) are teleconnected to the peak El Nino SST anomaly patterns also seen in Fig. 2. Note the spurious SST anomaly over the Cocos Ridge associated with El Nino (Fig. 2 – Area 3). Earthquakes beginning in November 1996 at the beginning of a solar sunspot cycle (Hale Cycle) signal the beginning of an increased period of seismic activity associated with heat inputs driving the 1997/98 El Nino (Fig. 3). Blot (1976) and Blot et al. (2003) indicate thermal transmigration rates of approximately 0.15 km/day accounting for the approximately 7 month delay of sea surface thermal signatures after high impact earthquake bursts which even triggered a small tsunami in Hawaii (Walker, per. com). Seismic precursors to El Nino by 6-7 months have also been documented (Walker, 1988, 1995 and 1999) over the last 7 recent El Nino events. The resulting clustered seismic activity is hypothesized to be electrical in nature and is associated with joule heating at density boundaries near the base of the lithosphere (Gregori, 2000 and 2002). Electrical stimulus of these earthquakes is highly suspect, especially below the lithosphere. This scenario provides a geophysical mechanism for explaining the SST anomaly teleconnections. These SST anomaly patterns overlying earthquake events are hypothesized to be the result of increased heat emission from seafloor volcanic extrusions and/or associated hydrothermal venting. The volcanism is triggered by electrical bursts from the coremantle-boundary induced by solar coupling to the internal geodynamo. The larger implication is that El Nino may be solar-tectonically modulated (Leybourne, 1997; Leybourne and Adams, 2001). Cedros Trench Salton Trough Guaymas Basin Rift Cedros Trench Fig. 1. SST drape over bathymetry in the Gulf of California Salton Trough region exhibits thermal anomalies coincident with the adjacent Cedros Trench. Thermal signatures in this area are often teleconnected to El Nino SST anomalies off the coast of South America. The Guaymas Basin Rift is the likely energy source for this local thermal signature and is a known geologic hot-spot supplying Southern California with geothermal power (Image by Haas 2002, NAVOCEANO-MSRC). New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 5 1- US. West Coast 2 – San Andreas/Guaymas 3 – Central America 4- South America Fig. 2. Eastern Pacific SST anomalies peak in January of 1998 during 97/98 El Nino event in area 2 - San Andreas/Guaymas. This corresponds to the viewing angle in Fig. 1 exhibiting teleconnection SST anomalies over Guaymas Rift and Cedros Trench. Area 3 Central American exhibits the main intertropical convergence SST anomaly coincident with spurious teleconnection pattern over the Cocos Ridge trend (NAVOCEANO-MSRC). Fig. 3. (a) Two distinct clusters of earthquakes off the Coast of South America in Nov. 96 are apparent. (b) SST’s seem to emanate in a similar pattern to the earthquake paired clusters. The northern SST anomaly is on the continental shelf as is the northern earthquake cluster, while the southern SST anomaly is further offshore over the continental slope as is the southern earthquake cluster. These SST anomalies appeared (June 1997) just north of earthquake positions possibly due to prevailing long shore currents, about 7 months after the paired earthquake clusters. (c) Chart indicates earthquakes/day (frequency), magnitudes are added for simple power indicator (magnitude add), along with an average (magnitude avg). A spike in earthquake activity begins Nov. 12th and tapers off Nov. 14th revealing the intense episodic nature of these events. (d) SST Max. Anomaly/month indicating anomalies > 7° C by June 97 followed by a year of elevated SST anomalies associated with the 97/98 El Nino. (e) Joule energy released during (f). Earthquake events Nov. 96. 6 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 II. Wildfire Teleconnection Wildfire outbreaks during a period of geomagnetic storms in October 2003 may be linked to electrical emanations from within the earth (Leybourne et. al., 2004). In late October 2003, a powerful Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) directed straight at Earth erupted on the Sun’s surface, when wildfires simultaneously broke out along an arc shaped pattern of geomagnetic anomaly trends extending from Mexico to north of Los Angeles (Fig. 4). The wildfire ignitions slowed dramatically when the CME period ended. The geomagnetic anomalies are inter-splayed by fault systems connected to the Gulf of California hotspot through the San Andreas Fault complex and to the Hawaii hotspot through the Murray Fracture Zone. These orthogonal fault systems intersect in the San Gabriel Mountains where a huge wildfire out break occurred near strong geomagnetic signatures (Fig. 5). Strong electrical impulses emitted from the CMB during CME may not only joule heat local geologic hotspots, but unconverted superfluous electrical energy and ionic plasmas could be transmitted further along conductive igneous complexes (generally associated with geomagnetic signatures) and fault systems through the lithospheric fractions of the earth, arcing to power lines and igniting tree lighter or underbrush. In 1859 during the strongest CME on record, telegraph wires in western United States and Europe caught fire and were destroyed. Potential voltage differences between hotspot locations may create electrical ground shorts at geomagnetic intersection areas (Fig. 6), starting fires near power line circuits or from discharges directly to the ionosphere. An electrical hot-spot hypothesis based on Gregori’s theoretical construct is understood in terms of deep earth electromagnetic induction coupled to solar perturbations. The induction process creates anomalous electric currents from the internal-geodynamo. Fig. 4. Arc-shaped fire pattern appears linked to geomagnetic anomaly trends (insert).; mag_s.pdf New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 7 Fig. 5. Geomagnetic anomalies in San Gabriel Mountains along intersecting faults and mylonite units. Fig. 6. Geophysical composite map: a) Basalt flow remnant magnetization signatures indicating global hotspot locations and indicated Pacific links (Quinn, 1997). b) Southern California geomagnetic crustal anomalies have coincident links to the San Andreas orthogonal fault complex associated with an intersection in the San Gabriel Mountains where a huge wildfire outbreak occurred near the strong geomagnetic signatures during the October, 2003 CME (USGS 2002). c) Pacific Ocean Basin GEOSAT structural trends indicating possible electrical conduits (red lines) between Murray (North) and Molokai (South) Fracture Zones which intersects at Hawaiian, Guaymas, and Juan de Fuca hotspots (orange circles), geographical links (green lines) (Smoot and Leybourne, 2001). d) Southern view in Fig. 1 with geographical links (Haas, 2002). 8 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 Conclusions: Thus, Earth’s endogenous energy may stimulate ocean basin heating associated with El Nino from episodes of increased seismic stimulation and electrical wildfire propagation during CME via geologic hotspot controls. Atmospheric pressure teleconnections are also suspected (Namias, 1989) in some cases. A distinction is made between the control on the TD geodynamo exerted by the e.m. induction within very deep Earth (i.e. within the mantle, which occurs only for e.m. signals of some very low frequency, say with a period T > 22 years), and the e.m. solar induction within some much shallower structures characterized by much higher frequencies and much shorter periods. Such kinds of phenomena also include the e.m. induction effects within manmade systems, such as power lines (causing blackouts), pipelines, and communication cables (Meloni et al., 1983; Lanzerotti and Gregori, 1986). Should we address these as distinct phenomena? The relationships between the different e.m. signals within such different frequency bands is not clearly defined but these various affects at different time scales may to some degree be physically driven by electrical stimulation from the interior of the planet. References: Blot, C., 1976. Volcanisme et sismicite dans les arcs insulaires. Prevision de ces phenomenes. Geophysique 13, ORSTOM, Paris, 206p. Leybourne, B.A., 1996. A tectonic forcing function for climate modelling. Proceedings of 1996 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting, Brisbane, Australia. EOS Trans. AGU, Paper # A42A-10. 77 (22): W8. Leybourne, B.A., 1997. Earth-Ocean-Atmosphere coupled model based on gravitational teleconnection. Proc. Ann. Meet. NOAA Climate Monitoring Diag. Lab. Boulder, CO., p. 23, March 5-6, 1997. Also: Proc. Joint Assemb. IAMASIAPSO. Melbourne, Australia, JPM9-1, July 1-9. Leybourne, B.A. and Adams, M.B., 2001. El Nino tectonic modulation in the Pacific Basin. Marine Technology Society Oceans ’01 Conference Proceedings, Honolulu, Hawaii. Leybourne, B.A., Haas, A., Orr, B, Smoot, N.S., Bhat, I., Lewis, D., Gregori, G., and Reed, T., 2004. Electrical wildfire propagation along geomagnetic anomalies. The 8th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Orlando, FL., p. 298-299 (July 18-24). Meloni, A., Lanzerotti, L.J., and Gregori, G., 1983. Induction of currents in long submarine cables by natural phenomena. Rev. Geophys. Space Phys., v. 21, no. 4, p. 795-803. Namias, J., 1989. Summer earthquakes in southern California related to pressure patterns at sea level and aloft. Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego. Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 94, # B12, p. 17,671-17,679. Blot, C., Choi, D.R. and Grover, J.C., 2003. Energy transmigration from deep to shallow earthquakes: A phenomenon applied to Japan –Toward scientific earthquake prediction-. New Concepts in Global Tectonic Newsletter, Eds. J.M. Dickens and D.R. Choi, no. 29, p. 3-16. Quinn, J.M., 1997. Use of satellite geomagnetic data to remotely sense the lithosphere, to detect shock-remnantmagnetization (SRM) due to meteorite impacts and to detect magnetic induction related to hotspot upwelling. International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Upsala, Sweden. Gregori, G., 2002. Galaxy-Sun-Earth Relations: The origins of the magnetic field and of the endogenous energy of the Earth. Arbeitskreis Geschichte Geophysik, ISSN: 1615-2824, Science Edition, Schroder, W., Germany. Smoot, N.C. and Leybourne, B.A., 2001. The Central Pacific Megatrend. International Geology Review, v. 43, no. 4, p. 341, 2001. Gregori, G., 2000. Galaxy-Sun-Earth Relations: The dynamo of the Earth, and the origin of the magnetic field of stars, planets, satellites, and other planetary objects. In Wilson A., (ed.), 2000. The first solar and space weather conference. The solar cycle and terrestrial climate. ESA SP-463, 680p., European Space Agency, ESTEC, Noordwijck, The Netherlands, p. 329-332. Gregori, G., 1993. Geo-electromagnetism and geodynamics: “corona discharge” from volcanic and geothermal areas. Phys. Earth Planet. Interiors, v. 77, p. 39-63. Haas, A., 2002. Figs. 1, 2, and 3d. Produced by: Major Shared Resource Center (MSRC) at Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO), Stennis Space Center, MS, 2002. USGS –United States Geological Survey, 2002. Magnetic anomaly map of North America. Dept. of the Interior. mag_s.pdf; html Walker, D.A., 1988. Seismicity of the East Pacific: correlations with the Southern Oscillation Index? EOS Trans. AGU. v. 69, p. 857. Walker, D.A., 1995. More evidence indicates link between El Ninos and seismicity. EOS Trans. AGU, v. 76, no. 33. Walker, D.A., 1999. Seismic predictors of El Nino revisted. EOS Trans. AGU, v. 80, no. 25. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 9 EARTH'S EVOLUTION STAGES, PART 2 Igor A. REZANOV Vavilov Institute for History of Natural Sciences and Technology, Russian Academy of Sciences Staropanschkii pereulok, 1/5, 109012 Moscow, Russia [email protected] A s stated in the preceding paper, Part 1, NCGT Newsletter no. 36, p. 12-19, the author recognized five evolution stages in the Earth's history, distinguished by a series of specific features. The first two stages were discussed already in Part 1 (1). The first stage was marked by upper mantle melting and separation of a ~ 10 km basaltic crustal layer, which was subsequently metamorphosed in granulite facies under the superhigh pressure of the primary hydrogen atmosphere. The first stage ended at 4.0-3.9 Ga, when the hydrogen atmosphere was destroyed by thermal dissipation. The second stage is characterized by the degasification of hydrogen and other fluids from the Earth's core accompanied by water and methane formation (3Н2О + СО → Н2О + СН4). Fluids transported silica and noncoherent elements from the mantle to the crust; as a result, the granulites were granitized giving birth to the granite-gneiss crustal layer. A serpentinite layer enriched in CH4 (methanosphere) started to develop below it as a result of ultramafic rock hydration. The two-layer crust, which was formed during the Archean, existed over the rest of the Earth's evolution history. Third State (Early–Middle Proterozoic) During the interval of 2.8–2.6 Ga, the planet experienced global crustal granitization, which completed the formation of a granitic crustal layer throughout the globe. This was followed by the next evolution phase, which spanned a stratigraphic interval of the Early (Lower) and the Middle Proterozoic. The main event during the Earth's third evolution stage was the inception and development of a system of deepseated faults for the first time in its history. Deep-seated faults penetrating the upper mantle provided pathways for the upward migration of fluids, which carried thermal energy. Serpentinite layer heating led to its degradation near faults and compaction, which resulted in crustal subsidence. Extensive troughs were formed along faults and were filled with sediments. Thus geosynclines were formed on our planet starting from the Early Proterozoic. Faults served as conduits for magmatic products and elements, which penetrated the crust and granitized the sediments. Early–Middle Proterozoic geosynclinal belts were irregularly distributed over the planet. Much of the Siberian Craton was part of the Angara Craton, whereas the African continent had a mosaic structural pattern with granitic crust fragments separated by sedimentary troughs. Clastic material at that time was shed off uplifted granitized granulite massifs into the incipient troughs. Worthy of notice are two specific features of the sequences, (a) prevalence of clastic sediments and (b) their exclusively shallow-water origin. There is not even a grain of evidence to suggest the existence of oceans, to say nothing about the "oceanic" crust, at the time, because the Early and Middle Proterozoic deposits rest ubiquitously upon the granite–gneiss basement. The specific features of that time were two glaciation events. Glacial tillites were discovered on all continents; therefore, the glacials were global. The thickness of Proterozoic deposits is varying. In some sections – Karelia, Wyoming (US), South Africa, and Australia – it exceeds 10 km and is sometimes as thick as 15 km. Within geosynclinal belts, miogeosynclinal zones (usually in marginal parts) and inner eugeosynclinal zones have been recognized. The Early Proterozoic sequence often begins with thin cratonic deposits – quartz sandstones and conglomerates. In many cases, the next stratigraphic unit is omitted. This suggests that the Proterozoic sedimentation cycle was preceded by platform-type evolution (2), when vast areas on Earth were subject to scour. These facts suggest again, that there was little water on Earth at that time. The lower (Dominion Reef) sedimentary complex, composed of quartzite and conglomerate in the lower part and basalt and andesite in the upper part, is of local occurrence. Above it is the Witwatersrand System – thick clastic rock (quartzite, conglomerate, shale) sequences, attesting to the existence of dissected relief with uplifted median masses and subsided geosynclinal troughs. Its specific feature is the presence of gold and uranium bearing conglomerates accumulated in a reducing environment. Much of the Proterozoic sequence is represented by the stratigraphically next Lower Jatulian complex of quartzites, siltstones, and shales with stratiform iron ore bodies, in some cases enriched in phosphorus and manganese. The Upper Jatulian (Animik) complex is characterized by 10 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 widespread carbonates and banded iron formation, in some cases with up to 5% Р2О5. During this time, giant iron deposits were formed (Lake Superior in US, Labrador Trough in Canada, Hammersley iron ore basin in Australia). The overlying Ladoga Sequence is composed predominantly of clastic rocks with subordinate dolomites and ultramafic to intermediate volcanics. Also, sulfide-rich black shales are present. The terminal Vepsian sequence occurs sporadically, rests unconformably upon underlying rocks and is interpreted by L.I. Salop as the early molasse. In addition to deep-seated fault-bounded geosynclinal troughs with thick (10-15 km) sedimentary fill, vast roundish depressions were also formed during the Early–Middle Proterozoic. An example is the Onega Depression about 150 km in diameter in Karelia. The Archean granite–greenstone basement dated 2.4-2.3 Ga was overlain by conglomerates attesting to its fragmentation. Above them is the Jatulian sequence (2.3-2.1 Ga) of shallow-water clastic and carbonate sediments, basalts, basaltic andesites, and andesites; the overlying Zaonezhskaya Formation – clastic and carbonate deposits with tuffites and basalts – contains unique carbonaceous rocks (shungites). The upper part of the sequence is composed of carbonates, clastic sediments, and basic lava layers and sills. Later (19001650 Ma) the depocenter shifted southward – shallowwater and continental clastics were deposited. Evolution of the Onega Depression as recorded in its sequence provides a possibility to interpret the nature of shungites. This is an example of a hydrogen plume that penetrated the top of the mantle and induced its melting and basalt propagation to the surface. This plume existed for more than 600 Ma in the same location. The heating of the lower crust by basalt melts led to the partial dehydration of the serpentinite layer, its compaction and subsidence, which created a roundish depression. During Zaonezhskaya time, the destructed methanosphere supplied hydrocarbons in vast volumes to the surface, where they were transformed by microbes into shungites, which contain 90% carbon. From 2.6 Ga on, deep-seated faults in places started to reach those mantle horizons, where carbon-rich magma chambers had been formed in the Archean and continued to evolve and where diamond crystallization was under way. Their last evolution phase was decompression as a result of fault penetration into the chamber. The mantle zones weakened by faulting started to deliver diamondiferous kimberlite magma on the surface by way of local break-through events (explosions). Likewise, carbonatite magmas were injected on the surface since 2.6 Ga. Thus, it was at the Archean–Proterozoic boundary that the character of tectonic and magmatic processes, which became typical of the Earth for the rest of its evolution, was established – differentiation into geosynclinal troughs and stable masses; kimberlite and alkaline magmatism; and hydrocarbon and ore element supply into sedimentary cover. Fourth stage (Riphean–Paleozoic) – new structural pattern of the planet Subsidence in geosynclinal troughs stopped at approximately 2000–1900 Ma. Karelian diastrophism took place – folding, intense igneous activity, and granitization of the Archean basement and sediments accumulated during the Proterozoic. The crust was consolidated again, but starting from 1750 Ma it was broken by differently oriented and more extensive deepseated faults. Stille called this radical transformation of the Earth's structural framework the Algonkian revolution. The last megachron in the planet's history, Phanerozoic, commenced after it. Formation of the new structural pattern of the Earth extended over 200-300 Ma. Among the earliest breakups was the inception of the more than 1200 km long Akitkan fault-bounded trough along the southern margin of the Siberian Craton (1750-1600 Ma). The sequence begins with sandstone, conglomerate, and tuff, followed upward by quartz and quartz-free porphyry, trachyandesite, and tuff. The Upper Proterozoic sequence on other continents also starts with acid volcanics. This attests to the uniformity of interior conditions: the incipient extensive faults provided migration pathways for hydrogen, which was oxidized at the base of the crust producing acid magma chambers. By 1600-1500 Ma, deep-seated faults of new orientation arose throughout the planet; along them, Riphean geosynclinal troughs were formed and in most cases continued to develop in the Paleozoic. The incipient Ural–Mongolia, Mediterranean, Pacific, and Atlantic geosynclinal foldbelts were separated by large cratons, which remained mostly emergent, being episodically covered by shallow seas. In the northern hemisphere, these included the North American, East European, and Siberian cratons, whose outlines remained with insignificant changes till the present day. The South American, Australian, African, and Antarctic cratons have also existed since the Riphean. They are fragments of a larger craton that encompassed the whole southern hemisphere. A hundred years ago, Suess proposed the hypothesis of the pre-existing continent of Gondwana, which subsequently broke up and partially subsided under the ocean level. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 Another giant craton was located within the present-day Pacific Ocean. It was surrounded by geosynclinal foldbelts that evolved till the end of the Mesozoic. The deep Pacific Ocean was formed after this craton only during the Mesozoic–Cenozoic. We may safely say so, because granitized granulites were dredged from the Pacific Ocean floor. Sedimentation during the Riphean and the Paleozoic remained exclusively shallow-water both on cratons and in geosynclinal troughs. During the Riphean, these were predominantly clastics with subordinate carbonate rocks and molassoid redbeds in the second half. During the Paleozoic, most cratons were flooded by shallow seas with predominantly carbonate sedimentation. Geosynclinal troughs were filled by both carbonate and clastic sediments. Lithologic variability, alternation of erosion and sedimentation areas, abundant evidence for the shallowwater depositional environment, rapid thickness variations in sediments, whose accumulation rate was ten times as high as in the present-day ocean, demonstrate that deep oceans similar to the present-day ones did not exist during the Paleozoic. Fifth stage (Mesozoic–Cenozoic) – inception of deep oceans A number of geosynclinal foldbelts, which were formed during the Riphean and continued to exist during the Paleozoic, continued to develop during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic. The geosynclinal regime remained within foldbelts surrounding the Pacific Craton. The Mediterranean–Himalayan geosynclinal foldbelt actively developed during the Mesozoic–Cenozoic. In some Paleozoic geosynclinal belts, subsidence stopped during the Mesozoic. But the Permian Period (especially its second half) gave birth to a radically new stage in the Earth's history – formation of extremely large crustal subsidence zones over much of the planet and their filling by mineralized water (inception of ocean basins). Permo–Triassic time was marked by wide development of two processes, which were never accentuated before: crustal fragmentation by numerous faults (germanotype tectonics) and areal basalt eruptions, especially on cratons. Formation of a vast number of hydrothermal ore deposits as well as salt accumulation also date to this time period. There are grounds to believe that this time period was characterized by a long-term outbreak of deep degasification of the Earth, which radically changed the structural pattern of the planet. 11 To define the nature of changes on Earth during the Mesozoic–Cenozoic, it is necessary to briefly review the structure and composition of the methanosphere (serpentinite layer) underlying the granite-gneisses in the crust of ancient cratons. Seismic sounding of the crust of ancient cratons showed a decrease in velocity beneath the granite-gneiss layer down to 5.5-6.0 km/s, which can only be explained by the presence of strongly hydrated serpentinite there. Velocity increases with depth up to 7.0 km/s at the Moho discontinuity indicating a decrease in the extent of serpentinization. The Moho zone exhibits a series of interbedded high-velocity and low-velocity horizons and extremely high electric conductivity of rocks. The author interprets this as a series of water-free ultramafics interbedded with highly mineralized, predominantly sodium chloride solutions in the Moho zone. The sodium chloride horizon at the base of the crust was formed of pure water incorporated by serpentinites plus Cl, Br, and other halogen salts supplied from the mantle, stopped at the base of the serpentinite layer, and dissolved into brine with large volumes of ore and trace elements. Analysis of ore deposits, including both lode ore and stratiform deposits as well as metalliferous black shales provides a possibility to outline common features in their genesis. During the multi-billion-year history of the Earth, fluids (water, methane, halogens) delivered a vast number of various metallic and rare-earth elements from the whole mantle sequence into the crust. Most of them settled at the base of the methanosphere (Moho discontinuity), where a zone of highly concentrated sodium chloride solutions was formed. Some elements precipitated in the upper horizons of the methanosphere, and a significant part reached the granite-gneiss layer (uranium, gold). The destruction of the methanosphere as a result of crust fragmentation by faulting as well as temperature growth triggered the mechanism of ore elements transportation from the whole crustal sequence into its upper sedimentary layer and on the surface. Destruction began from below – highly concentrated sodium chloride brines containing many ore and trace elements in a dissolved state migrated from the Moho discontinuity zone upward along fractures. As the serpentinite layer continued to disintegrate, brines were gradually diluted by expelled water, but enriched in methane and other hydrocarbons. Simultaneous hydrogen degasification produced extremely reducing environment and led to the formation of metal-organic compounds, and both processes facilitated the leaching of ore elements from 12 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 the whole crustal sequence. The same processes affected the granite–gneiss layer overlying the methanosphere. Temperature growth up to 600-700°C at its base led to the partial melting of granitoids and upward migration of granite melt, which led to the emplacement of intrusive massifs, which contained ore elements in the same proportions as in thermal waters, in the sedimentary layer and at the top of the granite–gneiss layer. Reduced thermal waters oxidize in the upper part of the sedimentary layer and on the surface of the planet, and this is the main cause of sulfide ore emplacement. Oxidation is caused by: (a) mixture with meteoric surface waters and sulfate solutions; (b) bacterial oxidation by thermophilic organisms, which, as was recently established, begins at ~ 100°C and higher and increases with decrease in temperature. As a result, carbon and metal compounds precipitate in ore veins and on the surface. A vivid example of modern hydrothermal metallic mineralization activity is the Uzon caldera in Kamchatka. High-temperature alkaline sodium chloride solutions with high antimony, arsenic, and hydrogen sulfide concentrations discharge on the surface and precipitate iron, copper, and arsenic sulfides. "The presence of native sulfur in virtually all mineralized zones suggests that the oxidation of abyssal alkaline sulfide-bearing hydrotherms in the zone of mixture with surface waters is the main process leading to the inversion of the thermodynamic parameters of ore forming system" (5, p. 70). The same author indicates the paramount importance of thermophilic bacteria, some of which reduce sulfate to sulfide sulfur, and the others oxidize sulfide sulfur to native sulfur. In some cases, the heating of the methanosphere was caused by basalt magma intrusion, and then ore mineralization was paragenetically related both with magmatic dikes and hydrothermal veins. Often ore emplacement is accompanied by oil, emphasizing the relationship between ore mineralization and the methanosphere. This is also supported by the presence of lead, zinc, and other metals in mud volcano waters, where predominant mineral resources are oil and hydrocarbons. Ore deposits and oil accumulations were formed during the partial destruction of the methanosphere (on continents). During the Mesozoic–Cenozoic, however, the methanosphere was completely destroyed over more than half of the globe due to heating from areal basalt eruptions – the serpentinite layer was dehydrated, and the crust increased in density, subsided under the effect of isostasy, and gave birth to oceanic basins that were filled with mineralized water expelled from destroyed serpentinites. Methane, previously contained in serpentinites, was partially lost into the atmosphere and oxidized into CO2 and partially accumulated among newly deposited oceanic sediments as a gas hydrate layer. Dehydration only affected the crust of ancient cratons (Gondwana, Pacific), where the serpentinite layer was as thick as 20-25 km. Geosynclinal troughs, whose crust is composed of sedimentary rocks and the serpentinite layer is thin or absent, are preserved as islands (Japan, New Zealand). Conclusion Our planet's history, reconstructed from the geologic record, suggests that its evolution was guided by two energy sources. During the initial period (as on the Moon), the upper 250−300 km of the mantle melted, and this led to the separation of the ~ 10 km basaltic crust. As a result of melting, the upper mantle was subdivided into three reservoirs: (1) the depleted reservoir, which lacked neodymium and other noncoherent elements; (2) basaltic melt, which crystallized into eclogites; (3) the mantle depleted of neodymium but enriched in alkali and radioactive elements, expelled during eclogite crystallization. The separated crust was metamorphosed in granulite facies under the pressure of the high-density primary atmosphere. Another energy source arose at 4.0-3.9 Ga – oxidation of hydrogen supplied from the core together with other fluids. The newly formed water, methane, and halogens leached alkaline and non-coherent elements from the mantle and transported them to the crust, and this led to its granitization. Carbon, which was supplied with fluids, enabled carbonatite magma and diamond formation at the top of the mantle. Synthetic water accumulated at the base of the crust within a thick serpentinite layer (methanosphere). At 2.6 Ga, between the Archean and the Proterozoic, the Earth was for the first time dissected by a system of deep-seated faults rooted in the mantle. The faults provided channels for carbonatite and kimberlite magma to rise up into the crust. Fluids migrating to the base of the crust along faults raised the temperature and thereby induced serpentinite dehydration, compaction, and subsidence, which led to the inception of fault-bounded geosynclinal troughs. The Riphean was preceded by a radical transformation of structural framework, which gave birth to differently oriented geosynclinal foldbelts, which developed during the whole Phanerozoic. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 In earliest Mesozoic, areal basaltic magmatism destroyed the serpentinite layer over much of the planet, and this led to the inception of deep oceans and the transfer of ore elements and hydrocarbons, previously accumulated in the serpentinite layer (methanosphere), into the sedimentary layer. Our planet's evolution was caused by two factors: (1) irregular (in time and space) supply of hydrogen fluids from the core, which led to the granitization of primary basalt (granulite) crust; (2) two deep-seated fault formation events: the faults served as conduits for thermal energy and magma products supply to the crust. This led to the formation of two structural patterns: (1) in the Early–Middle Proterozoic and (2) in the Phanerozoic. Rapid increase in hydrogen degasification during the Mesozoic–Cenozoic can be considered as the beginning of the next megachron in the Earth's history, which changed its structural pattern (oceanization of two-thirds of its surface). There are grounds to believe that oceanization is still under way, and that the planet Earth 13 will eventually turn into the planet Ocean, where small islands alone will rise above the water surface. References 1. Rezanov, I., 2005. Earth’s evolution stages. NCGT Newsletter, no. 36 2. Salop, L., 1983. Geological evolution of the Earth during the Precambrian. Springer Verl. Berlin. 3. Tabunov, S.M., Romanovskaya Yu.M., Staritsina, G.N.,1989. Rock complexes of the Pacific Ocean floor in Clarion–Clipperton zone, Tikhookeanskaya Geologiya,, no. 4. 4. Timofeyev, P.P., Kholodov, V.N., and Khvorova, I.V., 1983. Evolution of sedimentation processes on continents and in oceans, "Litologiya i Poleznyye Iskopayemyye," no. 5. 5. Karpov, G.A., 1988. Modern Hydrotherms and Mercury–Antimony–Arsenic Mineralization (in Russian), Moscow: Nauka. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WAVE STRUCTURES IN THE SATURNIAN SYSTEM G. G. KOCHEMASOV IGEM of the Russian Academy of Sciences 35 Staromonetny, 119017 Moscow, Russia, Moscow [email protected] N ot mentioning very pronounced wave structures in the saturnian rings –both in radial and tangential directions, one can state that every satellite –large and small –demonstrates structure induced by warping action of inertia-gravity waves. They appear in bodies as standing waves as a result of their movement in keplerian non-round orbits with alternating accelerations. Rotation of bodies make these waves go in 4 ortho- and diagonal directions; an interference of cross-cutting standing waves produces uplifting (+), subsiding (-) and neutral (0) tectonic blocks, the size of which depends on wavelengths. So, one can state that “orbits make structures”. The longest fundamental wave 1 causes ubiquitous tectonic dichotomy. The first overtone wave 2 causes tectonic sectoring in such a way that a body tends to acquire the shape of an octahedron: “perfect” diamonds and their parts are normally seen in small bodies, the larger ones demonstrate some octahedron vertices and ubiquitous cross-cutting wavings with directions parallel to three octahedron’s symmetry planes. These two wave structures (wave1- 2πR-structure; wave2 – πR-structure) are always supplemented by crossing wave warpings (ridge-groove systems) producing tectonic granules of roundish or polygonal (square, hexagon) shapes. A ridge-groove spacing or a granule size depends on an orbital frequency: higher frequency – smaller granule and, vice versa, lower frequency – larger granule. This strict dependence was for the first time demonstrated for the inner planets: their granule sizes (Mercury πR/16, Venus πR/6, Earth πR/4, Mars πR/2, asteroids πR/1) inversely proportional to their orbital frequencies. Then it was shown that this dependence is also valid for the Galilean satellites and the Moon. Now numerous icy satellites of Saturn confirm this dependence [1]. A satellite peculiarity is in its two orbits in the Solar system (planets are simpler with their one orbit). So, there are two main orbital frequencies (for example, around Saturn and the Sun) and modulated side frequencies. Division and multiplication of the higher frequency by the lower one give two side frequencies. All four frequencies correspond to their tectonic granules. That is why the 14 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 surfaces of satellites in addition to impacts are peppered with wave induced, evenly sized craters, moulds, and mounds, which are arranged in chains and grids, and belong to a few size categories corresponding to the main and modulated frequencies. For the first time in the saturnian system these wave considerations were applied to a pre-Cassini IR image of Titan [2]. Its observed granulation of about 700 km in diameter was calculated (confirmed) using two main orbital frequencies of this satellite and modulated one. A scale was Earth with its orbital frequency 1/1 year and corresponding granule size πR/4. The first Cassini images of Phoebe have shown tectonic dichotomy, sectoring and granulation. Granule sizes πR/3 and πR/20 were detected and calculated [3]. Very impressive “spongy” looking Hyperion have calculated and observed granules of 5-8 km across. The highest resolution Enceladus image (PIA06252) shows “chessboard” wave cross-cutting structure and protruding “boulders” about 100 m across. The higher modulated frequency and corresponding granule size is also about 100 m [1]. Titan’s grid of cross-cutting warpings with spacing of about 1-2 km (Fig. 2) with corresponding granules is tighter than was calculated (12 km) [1]. This discrepancy possibly should be explained by two reasons: 1) observed spacing corresponds to some higher resonating overtone of the modulated frequency, or 2) before losing much of its volatile stock and mass, Titan had another shorter orbit and higher orb. frequency: this grid is therefore a memory of the past. Lost icy material as well as the Enceladus ice-vapor plumes could contribute to Saturnian rings. A source of heat for interiors producing outbursts is a friction of periodically phase-changing standing waves (the same mechanism was envisaged for Io). Small icy particles aggregating and gaining mass lose orb. radius and join rings. Ubiquitous dichotomy is better seen in the convexoconcave bean shapes of small bodies (Figs. 3, 4 and 5). Bended Calypso (Fig. 9) demonstrates a shape quite comparable with another well studied small body – asteroid Eros (Figs. 10 and 11). A saddle –a result of cracking of the convex hemisphere is on both bodies. Figs. 11and 12 show dichotomy of Europa and Iapetus: darker and presumably denser halves (more precisely 1/3 of what follows from the wave theory) are comparable to planetary lowlands of Earth and Mars. “Spongy” Hyperion (Fig. 1) clearly demonstrates a wide depression with abrupt bordering cliffs (compare to Pacific basin of Earth and Vastitas Borealis of Mars). Cliffs show that tectonic granules have deep roots. Figs. 6, 7 and 8 show polyhedral (octahedral) shapes of small bodies. Equal orb. frequencies – equal tectonic granulations. Figs. 16 and 17 show similar granulations of the Moon (17) and Sun (16) taking 1 month to orbit Earth and the center of the Solar system. Iapetus (79 days) and Mercury (88 days) have longer but near periods. That is why their granulations are similar but coarser than the lunar and solar ones. References: [1] Kochemasov G.G. (2005). VernadskyBrown Microsymp.-42, Moscow, Oct. 2005, Abstr. M42_31, CD-ROM. [2] Kochemasov G.G. (2000). Titan: frequency modulation of warping waves // Geophys. Res. Abstr., v.2, (CD-ROM). [3] Kochemasov G.G. (2004). Vernadsky-Brown Microsymp. 40: “Topics in comparative planetology”, Oct. 11-13, 2004, Abstr., Vernadsky Inst., Moscow, Russia, CD-ROM; [4] Slade M.A. et al. (1992). Science, v.258, 635-640; [5] Konopliv A.S. et al. (1998). Science, v. 281, # 5382, 1476-1480. Figure captions (see the next page): Fig.1 Hyperion (PIA 07761; Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Sci. Inst); Fig.2 Titan’s surface, radar image, grid spacing 1-2 km, PIA 03567; Fig.3 Hyperion , PIA06608; Fig.4 Hyperion, 06645; Fig.5 Telesto, 07546; Fig.6 Pandora, 07530; Fig.7 Epimetheus, 07531; Fig.8 Helene, 07547; Fig.9 Calypso, 07633; Fig.10 Eros, 03111; Fig.11 Eros, 02955; Fig.12 Europa, 00502; Fig.13 Iapetus, 07766; Fig.14 Mercury, radar image from Earth [4] Fig.15 Iapetus, 00348; Fig.16 Photosphere of Sun, supergranulation; Fig.17 Lunar gravity [5]. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 For figure captions see the previous page 15 16 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 ORIGIN OF THE PRIMARY TECTONIC STRUCTURES OF THE EARTH AND PLANETS Alexander V. DOLITSKY Institute of Physics of the Earth, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow [email protected] I n order to find regularities in the spatial distribution of faults on the Earth's surface, the author transferred them to a large-scale globe. As a result, it was found that faults established on various, if extended toward Central Europe, behave as radial directions and crossed each other at various points within this region. The author also noticed the absence of modern or ancient tectonic structures oriented similarly to these faults in Europe or outside it. It remained to propose that these structures, as well as faults, arose at the initial development stage of our planet during mantle formation (4-4.3 Ga) and were mantle deformation and crushing rather than crustal structures, considering that the earth's crust did not exist yet at that time. These primary tectonic structures have lost their initial habit during numerous restructuring, erosion, and deposition events. Perhaps subsequent petrological and geochemical researches will provide a possibility to restore the original positions and pattern of the primary structure in Europe. Primary faults evolved differently. Being linear weakness zones, most of them were repeatedly activated under the effect of even small forces, and this enabled many primary faults to retain their initial positions. The author proposes that primary faults were formed under the effect of global stress fields that arose during mantle explosions. Such explosions might be caused by radioactive decay ongoing in the center of the planet, enriched in radioactive elements (U, Th, K). Modern views of the origin of terrestrial planets are based on two groups of problems. The first problem is whether the differently composed particles of the protoplanetary cloud were deposited simultaneously (homogeneous accretion) or in a certain succession (heterogeneous accretion). At present, most researchers gravitate to heterogeneous accretion (1). The second problem is whether planetary accretion was predominantly hot or cold. Now most researchers gravitate to hot accretion- differentiation of substance from melted particles or particles that composed a melt, although the majority adhered to the concept of cold accretion not so long ago (2). Computer images of primary mantle structures of planets, recently compiled by the author, suggest the following sequence of accretion types during planet formation. 1. Hot accretion – amalgamation of hot microscopic iron and silicate particles in a protoplanetary disk and their gravitational differentiation (3) - formation of an iron protocore and its liquid silicate shell. The term “protocore” means the primary core (from Greek protos: first). 2. Cold accretion (2) - amalgamation of cold protoplanetary cloud particles and clots of particles and formation of an external shell of the protocore. 3. Protocore heating and pressure growth within it as a result of radioactive decay (U, Th, K). Increase in protocore pressure restricted within a shell induces phase transition from protocore to the planet's core proper surrounded by the mantle. Simultaneously, differentiated (3) granitoid magma upwells from the core/mantle interface to the top of the mantle, where it gives birth to the fragments of continental granitic layer. The author believes that lunar anorthosites are of similar origin (4). Shrinking of the central part of the planet as a result of protocore transition into the core would inevitably entail a certain decrease in the diameter of the planet and a sharp increase in its rotation velocity. Significant reduction of the planet's diameter may lead to the formation of mantle depressions oriented along meridians. The hypothesis of the origin of planetary core and mantle and mantle structures discussed above was confirmed by computerized analysis of faults arrangement on the surface of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon and Mars. The results of this analysis are discussed below. The work was performed with reference to publications, some of which are listed below. The problem of primary mantle structures discussed in this work lies at the junction of tectonic problems and the origin of terrestrial planets, but it gravitates mostly to the origin of planets. It comprises the problems of hot and cold accretion within protoplanetary cloud disks and core formation. Researchers working in this field might be interested in the author's idea of transition from hot accretion during protocore formation to cold New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 accretion during the formation of a shell, which subsequently transformed into the mantle. It was this shell precisely that enabled continuous core heating and pressure growth within it, which eventually led to the phase transition from the protocore to the core surrounded by the mantle and subsequent mantle rotation over the core. The process was accompanied by mantle explosions that led to the creation of the fragments of the granitic layer on continents. Similar processes on the Moon led to differently composed magma eruptions. But in both cases, oceans of lava were formed – they were detected on the Moon during space imaging. They induced many scientists to change their views of the problem of accretion in protoplanetary clouds (or disks, according to modern views). In the XIX century, the Kant-Laplace planet formation hypothesis implied a primary molten, liquid state of the Earth, and its cooling was interpreted as the cause and driving force of all tectonic events in Elie de Beaumont's contraction hypothesis that existed until the middle of the XX century. In second half of the XX century, the hypothesis of cold accretion of particles in protoplanetary clouds received wide acceptance; in the English literature, it is associated with Urey. Detection of lava oceans on the Moon returned the views of researchers to Kant-Laplace's views, but at a higher level with the recognition of hot accretion. This soon gained support after the discovery of disks of gas-dust clouds quickly rotating near supernovae similar to our Sun. The author's data on mantle explosions on the Earth and terrestrial planets are incontestable. However, they attest not to the initially melted state of the core (more precisely protocore) but rather to its subsequent melting or increase in its temperature and pressure, which could only be possible in the presence of thick shells around the protocore. As a result of increase in pressure prior to phase transition, this shell underwent partial destruction and thereby enabled wide-scale 17 secondary lava eruptions, granitoid lavas inclusive, which gave birth to the fragments of continental granitic layer on the surface of the mantle. These processes separate the initial planet evolution stage from the subsequent geological evolution associated with mantle rotation around the core, magnetic field generation, and crust formation and deformation on the surface of the mantle. Earlier, the author plotted the Earth's polar wandering path - imaginary trace of the motionless geographical axis on the surface of the mantle rotating around of the core. The work was based on the graphic analysis of the arrangement of faults located on different continents but activated in the same moments of the Phanerozoic history. Later, additional correlation of this path with geological and paleomagnetic data was undertaken. Also, a correlation between magnetic field variations and mantle rotation around the core was established. Special software providing a possibility to establish the ages of paleomagnetic poles from their positions. In this connection it should be noted that plumes observable on the Earth are possibly the fragments of the whirls (vortexes) caused by mantle rotation around the core and leading to the Earth's magnetic field formation. All these problems are reflected in the author's Web site at References 1. Guyot, F., 1994. Earth’s innermost secrets, Nature, v. 36, no. 6479, p. 350-361 2. Urey, H.C., 1962. Evidence regarding the origin of the Earth, Geochim. et Cosmochim. Acta, v. 26, p. 1-13. 3. Ringwood, A.F., 1977. Composition of the core and implications for the origin of the Earth, Geochem. Jour., no. 11, p. 111-135. 4. Wood, J.A., Diskey, J.S., Marnin, V.B., and Powel, B.H., 1970. Lunar anorthosites and geophysical model of Moon, Proc. Apollo XI Lunar Sci. Conf. Houston, v. 1, p. 965-989. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SHORT NOTE COMMENT ON THE RECENT GREAT 26 DECEMBER, 2004 SUMATRA-ANDAMAN EARTHQUAKE PAPERS Dong R. CHOI Raax Australia Pty Ltd [email protected] T wo recent papers on the above earthquake came to my attention; both appeared in Nature, v. 440, 2nd March issue, one by Ammon, and another by Subarya et al. The former showed an interesting figure of the earthquake occurrence in time and space (Fig. 1, right). Two groups of earthquakes are discerned: The northern group which is related to the 26 December 2004 catastrophe and the southern group to the 28 March 18 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 2005 Nias-Simuelue event. The boundary is situated in the north of Simuelue Island. In both cases the mainshocks occurred at or near the boundary between the northern and the southern blocks. This figure indicates that the northern block moved first, and 90 days later the southern block moved. Subarya et al. (2006) noted the trend in coral reef uplift: “the southern limit of uplift of 2004 is approximately coincident with the northern limit of uplift during the 28 March 2005, Mw=8.7 Nias-Simeulue earthqauke”, implying the presence of a major tectonic zone between these two blocks. Interestingly the boundary between the above two mantle/crustal blocks coincides with the NE-SW tectonic zone by Blot and Choi (2004) and Choi (2005) along which the precursor shock (on 27 December, 2002) and mainshock of the catastrophic event on 26 December, 2004 took place (Fig. 1, left). Choi (2005) also noted a large-scale submarine slide (considered the cause of the tsunami) situated roughly on this tectonic zone. The linear trend of this tectonic zone is clearly traceable in the ocean floor in the south and is also recognized in the north in Malaysia on satellite imagery. The Ammon paper clearly corroborates our earlier assertion that the extraordinary stress accumulation along this NE-SW deep tectonic zone which runs north of Simuelue Island was the cause for the 2004 Boxing Day earthquake and tsunami. The tectonic zone was considered the conduit for the seismic energy to travel from deep to shallow earth (Blot and Choi, 2004). Similar tectonic and earthquake settings – deep tectonic zones, earthquake occurrence and seismic energy transmigration – have been recognized in Japan (Blot et al., 2003; Blot and Choi, 2004) and Kashmir (Blot and Choi, 2005). Despite their claim of a subduction-related megathrust whose movement allegedly caused the great earthquakes in Indonesia in 2004 to 2005 in both Ammon and Subarya et al. papers, they have not presented evidence for its presence. The megathurst was only shown in their schematic profiles with earthquake loci in the Subarya et al. paper (their figure 3b) without any references to supporting hard data. Actually a Shell seismic profile shows no megathrust under the Indonesian arc offshore Bali, and seismic tomography negates the subduction of the oceanic crust in the region (Choi, 2005; see also Pratt, 2005). As Ammon (2006) stated, “many issues require deeper investigation”. Obviously he is aware of the fatal error in their models. The Subasrya et al. paper is mainly based on their GPS measurements which are still controversial in terms of their resolution. The lack of hard geological data in their paper is worthy of note. References cited Ammon, C.J., 2006. Megathrust investigations. Nature, v. 440, 2 March, p. 31-32. Blot, C., 2005. On the recent Sumatran earthquakes and their forerunners. NCGT Newsletter, no.35, p. 3-7. Blot, C. and Choi, D.R., 2004. Recent devastating earthquakes in Japan and Indonesia viewed from the seismic energy transmigration concept. NCGT Newsletter, no. 33, p. 3-12. Blot, C., Choi, D.R. and Grover, J.C., 2003. Energy transmigration from deep to shallow earthquakes: a phenomenon applied to Japan. –toward scientific earthquake prediction-. NCGT Newsletter, no. 29, p. 3-19. Blot, C. and Choi, D.R., 2005. Forerunners of the catastrophic Kashmir earthquake (8 October, 2005) and their geological significance. NCGT Newsletter, no. 37, p. 4-16. Choi, D.R., 2005. Plate subduction is not the cause for the great Indonesia earthquake on December 26, 2004. NCGT Newsletter, no. 34, p. 21-26. Pratt, D., 2005. Articles of interest. Jour. Sci. Expl., v. 19, no. 3, p. 490-495 Subarya, C., Chlieh, M., Prawirodirdyo, L., Avouac, J.P., Bock, Y., Sieh, K., Meltzner, A.J., Natawidjaja, D.H., and McCaffery, R., 2006. Plate-boundary deformation associated with the great SumatraAndaman earthquake. Nature, v. 440, 2 March, p. 46-51. New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 19 Figure 1. Left, tectonic map indicating the earthquake loci (precursor, main, and aftershocks) of the Sumatra-Andaman (26 Dec. 2004) and NiasSimeulue earthquakes (28 March). Right, seismic activity before, during and after the great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake (including events beneath the Andaman Sea) by Ammon (2006) (citation permitted by Nature). Star indicates 26 December 2004 (day 0, left) mainshock and 28 March 2005 mainshock (day 90, right). Note a large gap at around 2.5 degrees north latitude, implying the presence of a major tectonic zone. _________________________________________________________________ GEOPOLITICAL CORNER STAMPING OUT DISSENT Brian MARTIN Department of Science and Technology Studies, University of Wollongong NSW, Australia [email protected] - Too often, unconventional or unpopular scientific views are simply suppressed – (This paper originally appeared in Newsweek, 26 April, 1993, p. 49-50. Reproduced with permission of the author) T extbooks present science as a noble search for truth, in which progress depends on questioning established ideas. But for many scientists, this is a cruel myth. They know from bitter experience that disagreeing with the dominant view is dangerous -- especially when that view is backed by powerful interest groups. Call it suppression of intellectual dissent. The usual pattern is that someone does research or speaks out in a way that threatens a powerful interest group, typically a government, industry or professional body. As a result, representatives of that group attack the critic's ideas or the critic personally--by censoring writing, blocking publications, denying appointments or promotions, withdrawing research grants, taking legal actions, harassing, blacklisting, spreading rumours. Dr. Melvin Reuber worked at the Frederick Cancer Research Facility in Maryland studying links between pesticides and cancer. A highly productive scientist, he says he regularly earned glowing performance reports. In 1981 he received a scathing report. The bulk of it found its way into Pesticide & Toxic Chemical News, a trade magazine for the petrochemical industry. The item was circulated around the world and used to discredit Reuber wherever his findings were cited to question the safety of pesticides. The expression of dissenting views may not seem like much of a threat to a powerful organization, yet sometimes it triggers an amazingly hostile response. The reason is that a single dissenter can puncture an illusion of unanimity. 20 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 Perhaps nowhere is the facade of unanimity stronger than in the debate over fluoridating public drinking water to prevent dental caries. Proponents of the practice roundly deny that there is any debate, much less reason for one, at all. Dr. John Colquhoun, a New Zealand dentist and dental administrator, had long supported fluoridation. But in 1980 he took a world trip to study the issue and subsequently changed his mind. After he was quoted in a newspaper warning parents not to let their young children swallow too much fluoridated toothpaste, Colquhoun received a letter from the New Zealand Health Department. It said that if he could not adhere to official policy recommending the use of fluoride toothpaste by young children, one option was to resign. No further action was taken against him. Those who launch the attacks explain everything from censorship to dismissal on the ground of poor performance by the person concerned. No one admits to suppressing dissent. And indeed, there is no way to be absolutely sure that suppression has occurred. But there are some good indicators. One is the double-standard test: is similar treatment given to other scientists who have similar levels of performance? In typical suppression cases, other scientists with equal or lesser records are not attacked. They didn't rock the boat. But dramatic cases of transfers and dismissals give a misleading impression of patterns of suppression. The most common tactics are probably to block publications or appointments. These are incredibly difficult to document. How frequent is suppression? No one has done a systematic survey. But having studied this issue for the past decade and a half, it is my experience that the problem is much more pervasive than most people realize. There's a sustained pattern of suppression in some areas, such as nuclear power, fluoridation, pesticides and forestry. Dr. Hugh DeWitt is a theoretical physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, a nuclear-weapons lab. DeWitt has long been a critic of aspects of U.S. nuclear weapons policy. In 1979 he filed affidavits in support of The Progressive, a magazine about to publish information on the workings of the hydrogen bomb -obtained from public sources like encyclopaedias -when the federal government sought an injunction. The lab placed a letter of warning in DeWitt's personnel file. After scientific organizations came to his defence, De Witt reached a settlement with the lab, and in 1980 the letter was removed from his file. One often-advocated solution to the problem of suppression is whistle-blower legislation, which is said to support those who speak out in the public interest. The reality is not so wonderful. It covers only limited forms of retaliation--not blocking publications or spreading rumours, for instance. Indeed, the focus on whistle-blowing gives the illusion that most attacks on dissent take the form of attacks on whistle-blowers. This is much too narrow a perspective. Furthermore, experience shows that only a small fraction of complaints are taken up and an even smaller fraction are vindicated, due more to a lack of enthusiasm for defending whistle-blowers than to a shortage of worthy cases. Dr. John Coulter was a medical researcher at the Institute of Medical and Veterinary Science in Adelaide, South Australia, from 1969 to 1980. An outspoken environmentalist, he aroused the wrath of a number of chemical companies owing to his comments, made in his "private capacity," about their products. In 1980 he tested a chemical used to sterilize equipment at the institute and found that it could cause mutations in bacteria. He released his report to the workers as well as to the official committee. Soon after, Coulter was dismissed from his post. He later became a prominent Australian politician. Suppression of intellectual dissent can inflict large costs on society. Among those suppressed have been the engineers who tried to point out problems with the Challenger space shuttle that caused it to blow up. More fundamentally, suppression is a denial of the open dialogue and debate that are the foundation of a free society. Even worse than the silencing of dissidents is the chilling effect such practices have on others. For every individual who speaks out, numerous others decide to play it safe and keep quiet. More serious than external censorship is the problem of self-censorship. What can a scientist do to fight intellectual suppression? Use official channels only if your case is cut and dried. Otherwise they are likely to drain your energy without yielding the desired result. For similar reasons, legal channels are seldom fruitful: suppression is difficult to prove in court. A publicity campaign, on the other hand, can be effective. This might involve sympathizers writing letters to an organization, circulating a petition or getting stories into the media. Look for allies, including other dissidents, civil libertarians and social activists. The best chance of challenging suppression New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 lies in mobilizing support from those who believe that your point of view deserves to be heard. The existence of suppression of dissent as a pervasive feature of science calls for a reconceptualization of the enterprise. Rather than being solely a search for the truth, science is closely bound up with the exercise of power. This is normally acknowledged for totalitarian regimes and for military dictatorships, where intellectual suppression is overt. But the same sorts of processes occur, usually in a more subtle fashion, in liberal democracies. From Copernicus to Darwin to Einstein, as well as countless others who have challenged the conventional wisdom, it has been the dissidents, the outsiders, the contrarians who have spurred science on. We should protect and encourage dissent, even when we disagree with the dissidents. ------------------------------------------------------------ REFEREED JOURNALS: DO THEY INSURE QUALITY OR ENFORCE ORTHODOXY? Frank J. TIPLER Professor of Mathematical Physics, Tulane University New Orleans, LA 70118 USA [email protected] 21 and what it actually does accomplish in practice. Also of importance is its history. The notion that a scientific idea cannot be considered intellectually respectable until it has first appeared in a “peer” reviewed journal did not become widespread until after World War II. Copernicus’s heliocentric system, Galileo’s mechanics, Newton’s grand synthesis—these ideas never appeared first in journal articles. They appeared first in books, reviewed prior to publication only by the authors or by the authors’ friends. Even Darwin never submitted his idea of evolution driven by natural selection to a journal to be judged by “impartial” referees. Darwinism indeed first appeared in a journal, but one under the control of Darwin’s friends. And Darwin’s article was completely ignored. Instead, Darwin made his ideas known to his peers and to the world at large through a popular book: On the Origin of Species. I shall argue that prior to the Second World War the refereeing process, even where it existed, had very little effect on the publication of novel ideas, at least in the field of physics. But in the last several decades, many outstanding scientists have complained that their best ideas— the very ideas that brought them fame—were rejected by the refereed journals. Thus, prior to the Second World War, the refereeing process worked primarily to eliminate crackpot papers. I Today, the refereeing process works primarily to enforce orthodoxy. I shall offer evidence that “peer” review is not peer review: the referee is quite often not as intellectually able as the author whose work he judges. We have pygmies standing in judgment on giants. I shall offer suggestions on ways to correct this problem, which, if continued, may seriously impede, if not stop, the advance of science. To answer this question, we first need to understand what the “peer review” process is. That is, we need to understand how the process operates in theory, how it operates in practice, what it is intended to accomplish, The Peer Review Process Since the 1950s, here is how the peer review process has worked: A scholar wishing to publish a paper in a journal would mail several copies of the paper to the editor of the journal. The editor would not make the decision himself whether to publish the paper in his journal. Instead, the editor would mail the paper to one or more scholars, whom he judges to be experts on the subject matter of the paper, asking them for advice on whether the paper is worthy of publication—their advice constituting the “peer review.” Two or more experts in the same field as the author of the paper—his “peers”—are therefore to judge the worth of the paper. The editor asks the reviewers, often called the “referees,” to judge the paper on such criteria as (1) validity of the claims made in the paper, (2) originality of the work (has someone already done similar work), and (3) whether the work, even if correct and original, is (Excerpt, with permission of the author and Prof. William Dembski of ISCID Archive) Introduction first became aware of the importance that many nonelite scientists place on “peer-reviewed” or “refereed” journals when Howard Van Till, a theistic evolutionist, said my book The Physics of Immortality was not worth taking seriously because the ideas it presented had never appeared in refereed journals. Actually, the ideas in that book had already appeared in refereed journals. The papers and the refereed journals wherein they appeared were listed at the beginning of my book. My key predictions of the top quark mass (confirmed) and the Higgs boson mass (still unknown) even appeared in the pages of Nature, the most prestigious refereed science journal in the world. But suppose Van Till had been correct and that my ideas had never been published in referred journals. Would he have been correct in saying that, in this case, the ideas need not be taken seriously? 22 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 sufficiently “important” to be worth publishing in the journal. Generally, only if the referee or referees agree that the paper has met all three criteria will the editor accept the paper for publication in his journal. Otherwise, he will return the paper to the author, thereby rejecting it. The peer review process was put in place after the Second World War because of the huge growth in the scientific community as well as the huge increase in pressure on scholars to publish more and more papers. Prior to the war, university professors (who have always been the main writers of scholarly papers) were mainly teachers, with teaching loads of five to six courses per semester (as opposed to the one to two course load today). Professors with this teaching load were not expected to write papers. In fact, the Austrian/English philosopher Karl Popper wrote in his autobiography that the dean of the New Zealand university where Popper taught during Second World War said that he regarded Popper’s production of articles and books a theft of time from the university! But universities came to realize that their prestige depended not on the teaching skill of their professors but on the scholarly reputation of these professors. And this reputation could come only via the production of articles. So pressure began to be placed on the professors to publish. Teaching loads were reduced so that more time would be available to write papers (and perhaps do the research that would be described in the papers). Salaries began to depend on the numbers of papers published and on the grant support which wellreceived papers could garner. Before the war, salaries of professors of the same rank were the same (except perhaps for an age differential). Now salaries of professors in the same department of the same age and rank can differ by more than a factor of two. As a consequence, the production of scholarly articles has increased by more than a factor of a thousand over the past fifty years. Unfortunately, the average quality of the papers also went down. Since earlier there was no financial reward for writing a scholarly article, people wrote the papers as a labor of love. They had ideas that they wished to communicate with their peers, and they wrote the papers to communicate those ideas. Now papers were mainly written to further a career. Einstein’s experience is illustrative. He published three super breakthrough papers in 1905. One presented to the world his theory of (special) relativity. A second paper showed that light had to consist of particles that we now call photons; using this fact, he explained the emission of electrons from metals when illuminated by light. Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize for this explanation. The third paper explained the vibration of dust particles in air by attributing the motion to molecules of air hitting the dust particles. Einstein’s explanation of this “Brownian motion” allowed properties of the molecules to be calculated, and it was Einstein’s explanation that finally convinced physicists that atoms actually existed. Not bad for one year! And Einstein wrote these papers in his spare time, after he returned home from his paying job as a patent clerk in Bern, Switzerland. All three papers were published in Annalen der Physik, one of the major physics journals in Germany. But none of the papers were sent to referees. Instead the editors— either the editor in chief, Max Planck, or the editor for theoretical physics, Wilhelm Wien—made the decision to publish. It is unlikely that whoever made the decision spent much time on whether to publish. Almost every paper submitted was published. So few people wanted to publish in any physics journal that editors rarely rejected submitted papers. Only papers that were clearly “crackpot” papers—papers that any professional physicist could recognize as written by someone completely unfamiliar with the elementary laws of physics—were rejected. And if Annalen der Physik rejected a paper, for whatever reason, any professional German physicist had an alternative: Zeitschrift für Physik. This journal would publish any paper submitted by any member of the German Physical Society. This journal published quite a few worthless papers. But it also published quite a few great papers, among them Heisenberg’s first paper on the Uncertainty Principle, a central idea in quantum mechanics. There was no way in which referees or editors could stop an idea from appearing in the professional journals. In illustration of this, the great Danish physicist Niels Bohr said, according to Abraham Pais (The Genius of Science, p. 307), that if a physicist has an idea that seems crazy and he hesitates to publish so that someone else publishes the idea first and gets the credit, he has no one to blame but himself. In other words, it never occurred to Bohr that referees or editors could stop the publication of a new idea. Peer Review Today Bohr would not say that today. If one reads memoirs or biographies of physicists who made their great breakthroughs after, say, 1950, one is struck by how often one reads that “the referees rejected for publication the paper that later won me the Nobel Prize.” One example is Rosalyn Yalow, who described how her Nobel-prize-winning paper was received by the journals. “In 1955 we submitted the paper to Science.... New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 23 The paper was held there for eight months before it was reviewed. It was finally rejected. We submitted it to the Journal of Clinical Investigations, which also rejected it.” (Quoted from The Joys of Research, edited by Walter Shropshire, p. 109). Another example is Günter Blobel, who in a news conference given just after he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine, said that the main problem one encounters in one’s research is “when your grants and papers are rejected because some stupid reviewer rejected them for dogmatic adherence to old ideas.” According to the New York Times (October 12, 1999, p. A29), these comments “drew thunderous applause from the hundreds of sympathetic colleagues and younger scientists in the auditorium.” Stephen W. Hawking is the world’s most famous physicist. According to his first wife Jane (Music to Move the Stars: A Life with Stephen Hawking, p. 239), when Hawking submitted to Nature what is generally regarded as his most important paper, the paper on black hole evaporation, the paper was initially rejected. I have heard from colleagues who must remain nameless that when Hawking submitted to Physical Review what I personally regard as his most important paper, his paper showing that a most fundamental law of physics called “unitarity” would be violated in black hole evaporation, it, too, was initially rejected. (The word on the street is that the initial referee was the Institute for Advanced Study physicist Freeman Dyson.) In an article for Twentieth Century Physics, a book commissioned by the American Physical Society (the professional organization for U.S. physicists) to describe the great achievements of 20th century physics, the inventor of chaos theory, Mitchell J. Feigenbaum, described the reception that his revolutionary papers on chaos theory received: Today it is known that the Hawaiian Islands were formed sequentially as the Pacific plate moved over a hot spot deep inside the Earth. The theory was first developed in the paper by an eminent Princeton geophysicist, Tuzo Wilson: “I … sent [my paper] to the Journal of Geophysical Research. They turned it down…. They said my paper had no mathematics in it, no new data, and that it didn’t agree with the current views. Therefore, it must be no good. Apparently, whether one gets turned down or not depends largely on the reviewer. The editors, too, if they don’t see it your way, or if they think it’s something unusual, may turn it down. Well, this annoyed me, and instead of keeping the rejection letter, I threw it into the wastepaper basket. I sent the manuscript to the newly founded Canadian Journal of Physics. That was not a very obvious place to send it, but I was a Canadian physicist. I thought they would publish almost anything I wrote, so I sent it there and they published it!” (Quoted from The Joys of Research, p. 130.) Both papers were rejected, the first after a half-year delay. By then, in 1977, over a thousand copies of the first preprint had been shipped. This has been my full experience. Papers on established subjects are immediately accepted. Every novel paper of mine, without exception, has been rejected by the refereeing process. The reader can easily gather that I regard this entire process as a false guardian and wastefully dishonest. (Volume III, p. 1850). Earlier in the same volume on 20th century physics, in a history of the development of optical physics, the invention of the laser by Theodore Maiman was described. The result was so important that it was announced in the New York Times on July 7, 1960. But the leading American physics journal, Physical Review Letters, rejected Maiman’s paper on how to make a laser (p. 1426). Scientific eminence is no protection from a peer review system gone wild. John Bardeen, the only man to ever have won two Nobel Prizes in physics, had difficulty publishing a theory in low-temperature solid state physics (the area of one of his Prizes) that went against the established view. But rank hath its privileges. Bardeen appealed to his friend David Lazarus, who was editor in chief for the American Physical Society. Lazarus investigated and found that “the referee was totally out of line. I couldn’t believe it. John really did have a hard time with [his] last few papers and it was not his fault at all. They were important papers, they did get published, but they gave him a harder time than he should have had.” (True Genius: The Life and Science of John Bardeen, p. 300). The most important development in cloning after the original breakthrough of Dolly the Sheep was the cloning of mice. The result was once again described on the front page of the New York Times, where it was also mentioned that the paper was rejected for publication by the leading American science journal, Science. On the Nobel Prize web page one can read the autobiographies of recent laureates. Quite a few complain that they had great difficulty publishing the ideas that won them the Prize. One does not find similar statements by Nobel Prize winners earlier in the century. Why is there more resistance to new ideas today? Why Does Peer Review Suppress New Ideas Today? Philip Anderson, a winner of the Nobel Prize for Physics opines that “in the early part of the postwar [post-WWII] period [a scientist’s] career was science- 24 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 driven, motivated mostly by absorption with the great enterprise of discovery, and by genuine curiosity as to how nature operates. By the last decade of the century far too many, especially of the young people, were seeing science as a competitive interpersonal game, in which the winner was not the one who was objectively right as [to] the nature of scientific reality, but the one who was successful at getting grants, publishing in Physical Review Letters, and being noticed in the news pages of Nature, Science, or Physics Today.... [A] general deterioration in quality, which came primarily from excessive specialization and careerist sociology, meant quite literally that more was worse.” (20th Century Physics, pp. 2029). But the interesting question is, what caused the “excessive specialization and careerist sociology” that is making it very difficult for new ideas to be published in peer review journals? There are several possibilities. One is a consequence of Anderson’s observation that, paradoxically, more scientists can mean a slower rate of scientific advance. The number of physicists, for example, has increased by a factor of a thousand since the year 1900, when ten percent of all physicists in the world either won the Nobel Prize or were nominated for it. If you submitted a paper to a refereed journal in 1900, you would have a far greater chance of having a referee who was a Nobel Prize winner (or at least a nominee) than now. In fact, a simple calculation shows that one would have to submit three papers on the average to have an even chance that at least one of your papers would be “peer” reviewed by a Nobel Prize winner. Today, to have an even chance of having a Nobelist for a referee, you would have to submit several hundred papers. Thus Albert Einstein had his revolutionary 1905 papers truly peer reviewed: Max Planck and Wilhelm Wien were both later to win the Nobel Prize in physics. Today, Einstein’s papers would be sent to some total nonentity at Podunk U, who, being completely incapable of understanding important new ideas, would reject the papers for publication. “Peer” review is very unlikely to be peer review for the Einsteins of the world. We have a scientific social system in which intellectual pygmies are standing in judgment of giants. (See P. Stephan and S. Levin, Striking the Mother Lode in Science, chapter 7 for a detailed discussion of the Pygmy Effect.) One could argue that because the number of Nobel Prizes awarded is permanently fixed at one per year in three scientific disciplines (physics, chemistry, and medicine), the relative decrease in Nobelists does not mean a similar decrease in the number of giants to pygmies. The data contradict this proposal. The American Chemical Society made a list of the most significant advances in chemistry made over the last 100 years. There has been no change in the rate at which these breakthroughs in chemistry have been made in spite of the thousand-fold increase in the number of chemists. In the 1960s, U.S. citizens were awarded about 50,000 chemical patents per year. By the 1980s, the number had dropped to 40,000. Finally, although the number of people awarded a Nobel Prize is fixed, the number nominated is unlimited. Yet the data show that the number of scientists nominated for the Prize has increased by at most a factor of three in the past century—despite the thousand-fold increase in the number of scientists. (Robert Root-Bernstein, Discovering, Harvard University Press, 1989, pp. 3940.) Unquestionably, there has been a huge drop in the ratio of giants to pygmies over the last century. Another possibility is that the increasing centralization of scientific research has allowed powerful but mediocre scientists to suppress any idea that would diminish their prestige. All great advances in science have by definition the effect of reducing the prestige of the “experts” in the field in which the advance is made. The expert’s expertise is necessarily invalidated by a radical change in the underpinnings of a scientific discipline. Laymen rarely appreciate how centralized scientific research has become in the last fifty years. Funding for my own area of physics, general relativity, is located in one and only one division of one and only one bureau of the federal government, the National Science Foundation. If the referees for a grant proposal submitted to this division of that bureau happen not to like your work, your grant proposal will not be funded—period. In the first part of the 20th century, a grant rejection, like a paper rejection, would not stop an idea from being presented or from being developed. In this earlier period, a tenured professorship came with a small amount of research funds. Since the universities of the time were not dependent on government grant money, tenure decisions were not dominated by whether a scholar up for tenure obtained a grant. Now most American universities, even the liberal arts colleges, are desperately dependent on government grants. A typical National Science Foundation grant, for example, has an “overhead” charge, which can amount to fifty percent of the grant. This “overhead” charge goes directly to the university administration; the scientist never sees a dime of this part of his grant. If the total amount of the grant is $1,000,000, and the overhead is fifty percent, the scientist who secures the grant has $500,000 to do his research. The other $500,000 goes to the university bottom line. A New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 university is strongly motivated to hire only those scientists who can obtain large grants. Pushing an idea that is contrary to current opinion is not a good way to obtain large grants. I have experienced this form of discrimination first hand. When I came up for tenure at Tulane in 1983, I was already controversial. At the time I had proposed that general relativity might allow time travel, and I had published a series of papers claiming that we might be the only intelligent life form in the visible universe. At the time, these claims were far outside the mainstream. (They are standard claims now. Kip Thorne of Cal Tech has argued for the possibility of time travel, using the same mechanism I originally proposed. The scientific community is now largely skeptical of extraterrestrial intelligence, if for no other reason than the failure of the SETI radio searches.) But my views made it very difficult to get an NSF grant. One reviewer of one of my grant proposals wrote that it would be inadvisable to award me a grant because I might spend some of the time working on my “crazy” ideas on ETI. I didn’t get the grant. It began to look as if I wouldn’t get tenure. I had a large number of papers published in refereed journals— including Physical Review Letters and Nature—but no government grants. For this reason, and for this reason alone (I was told later), the initial vote of the Tulane Physics Department was to deny me tenure. But I had another grant proposal under consideration by the NSF. I called Rich Isaacson, the head of the Gravitation Division of the NSF, and told him about my situation. Rich called me a few weeks later, and told me that the referee reports for my proposal were “all over the map”—some reviewers said I was the most original relativity physicist since Einstein, and others said I was an incompetent crackpot. Rich said that in such a circumstance, he could act as he saw fit. He saw fit to fund my proposal. I had grant support! I also had tenure; the physics department reversed its negative vote. But even at the time I worried that this sequence of events boded ill for science. Rich was the head of the only government agency that supplied funds for research in relativity physics. He knew that an influential minority of physicists thought well of my work (especially John Wheeler of Princeton, who is really the father of most relativity research in the U.S.). But what if I was engaged in a long-term project that had not definitely established itself? Except for the lack of a grant, I had impressed many of my colleagues as a capable physicist. But in today’s science, this is not enough. It is absolutely essential to obtain a government grant. I got the grant—and tenure—only because a 25 single man thought well of my work. If he did not, then I would not have gotten tenure. Nor would I have gotten tenure at any other American university. I have always had a high opinion of Rich Isaacson. But no man is God. No man should have the effective power to deny or award tenure for an entire field over the entire United States. But the current grant support system has created such research czars. These individuals are discouraged from supporting radical ideas. Suggestions to Make Science More Open to New Ideas I shall make two recommendations that, if adopted, would make science more open to new ideas. One concerns a way of opening up the refereed journals to new ideas, and the other, a way of breaking the centralization of research funding. The problem with the referee system for papers is that in the post-WWII period, the referees are almost never the “peers” of the scientific genius. The size of the scientific community makes true peer review impossible. Most referees are “stupid” (to use Nobelist Blobel’s adjective), at least relative to the authors whose breakthrough work we would most like to see published in the leading journals. But I will grant that these “stupid” referees serve a useful purpose if the scientific community remains as large as it is today. Most papers written by most members of the scientific community are worthless. (Most papers are never cited by other scientists.) These trash papers are written because of the “publish or perish” rule imposed by universities. A referee, even a stupid one, can at least keep out the worst of the trash papers from the journals. But we don’t want to misidentify works of genius as trash, which is exactly what the typical referee in fact does. So I propose that the leading journals in all branches of science establish a “two-tier” system. The first tier is the usual referee system. The new tier will consist of publishing a paper in the journal automatically if the paper is submitted with letters from several leading experts in the field saying, “this paper should be published.” Crick and Watson followed this procedure in the case of their famous paper on the double helix structure of DNA. The paper was never sent to referees (New York Times, February 25, 2003, p. D4). Instead the paper was submitted to Nature with a “publish” covering letter from Sir Lawrence Bragg, the head of the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University, and also a Nobel Prize winner (James Watson, The Double Helix). Charles Darwin’s first paper on evolution was published in the Journal of the Linnean Society upon the recommendation of several leading members of that society. A journal could list on the web the experts, and 26 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 would-be authors would be advised to contact them by e-mail only. As long as the number of experts is “large”—in physics, several hundred would be sufficient—the chance of a “stupid” referee being able to stop the publication of a breakthrough paper is small. A genius could interact directly with another genius. I would think a single letter of recommendation to publish would be sufficient if the letter were from a Nobelist or an NAS member. What’s needed now is the “trust-busting” philosophy of the late 19th century. If it was bad to have Standard Oil control ninety percent of the oil refining capacity of the U.S., it is equally bad for the federal government (or a few universities like Harvard, Princeton, MIT and Cal Tech, which disproportionately influence federal support of science) to control the production of scientific results. Monopoly is bad, both in the economy and in science. In all the cases mentioned above, the genius papers (as we now regard them) would have been published immediately. The chaos genius Feigenbaum, for example, mentions by name a few of his pre-publication supporters, and some of these are universally recognized as geniuses themselves. Feigenbaum had the advantage of being known to these men personally. The unknown patent office clerk has a problem. For him the physics community has the lanl database (, which is the modern equivalent of the early 20th century Zeitschrift für Physik. Anyone can place a paper on the lanl database. There is no referee to stand in the author’s way. Of course, a great deal of nonsense is placed on the lanl database, but in my own field of general relativity it seems no worse then the huge amount of nonsense that appears in the leading refereed journals, including Physical Review Letters. An unknown author first has to put his paper on the lanl database and then persuade a leading physicist to read it. If a leader can be persuaded to read it, and take it seriously, my recommendation would ensure that it would be published in a leading journal. But as I said, there are now too many special interests involved in federal science funding to abolish the system altogether. I would therefore recommend, as a second-best alternative to abolishing the system entirely, that “earmarked” funding be increased (“pork barrel” funding in the language of the monopolists). Individual senators and representatives would designate these grants to go to particular universities in their own states and districts. Such grants would bypass the centralized referee system. The individual congressmen can consult the referees they themselves regard as “expert.” The funding decisions will indeed be based on politics. But the important thing is that the politics will be coming from outside a narrow, self-selected group of “experts.” If my recommendation were followed, science funding would be spread out among the states and congressional districts more or less as it was in the golden years of physics. It would be much more difficult for a small group to control the generation of new ideas in science. The grant-funding problem is more difficult to solve. The ideal solution would be to abolish federal support of science altogether. In the “golden years” of physics in Germany in the first 30 years of the 20th century, the national German government provided very little support for physics, or for science of any sort. Instead, the regional German governments (the German equivalent of states in the U.S.) provided the funds for sciences through their funding of the universities. It was impossible for one small group to control thought by means of a stranglehold over a centralized funding agency. All this changed when Adolf Hitler rose to power in 1933. Hitler sought conformity of thought by centralizing all areas of intellectual endeavor in Germany. The universities were even compelled to dismiss professors whose opinions were not to the liking of the central authorities. Unfortunately, as a consequence of the Second World War and the Cold War, the United States is now enforcing a similar conformity through its science policy. My own state of Louisiana has a model program that I hope could be emulated by the other states. A decade ago, Louisiana had a billion-dollar windfall arising from a settlement with the federal government on the division of revenues from the sale of oil leases in the Gulf of Mexico. The citizens of Louisiana voted to establish an educational foundation with the money. The foundation awards grants to Louisiana scientists and only to Louisiana scientists. The foundation sometimes solicits opinions about the worth of a Louisiana scientist’s work from scientists outside Louisiana, but it is not required to do so. In this way, a source of research funding not centrally controlled by the federal government has been established. If the federal government were to decrease funding to the federal government labs, and use the money saved to set up foundations analogous to Louisiana’s in all states, we would see an increase in scientific breakthroughs. The astronomer Martin Harwit pointed out in his book Cosmic Discovery (pp. 260-261) that in the period 1955 to 1980, national astronomy labs absorbed seventy percent of the federal research funds in astronomy but made none of the astronomy breakthroughs of that period. Shutting down the labs New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 27 would not decrease the number of great scientific advances. Other website of general interest: ***** Other websites exposing suppression of scientific ideas: • Suppression, Censorship and Dogmatism in Science • Closeminded Science ____________________________________________________________________________________________ PUBLICATIONS ORGANIZED OPPOSITION TO PLATE TECTONICS: THE NEW CONCEPTS IN GLOBAL TECTONICS GROUP David PRATT [email protected] (First published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 97-104, Spring 2006) Abstract – This essay describes the origins, aims, and activities of the New Concepts in Global Tectonics Group, and outlines some of the main geological controversies covered by its quarterly newsletter. Keywords: plate tectonics – alternative geological theories – surge tectonics – wrench tectonics – expansion tectonics – sociology of science NCGT Group: Origins and Activities T he New Concepts in Global Tectonics Group is an informal association of earth scientists who are critical of plate tectonics and want to explore alternative theories. It arose after a symposium on “Alternative theories to plate tectonics” held at the 30th International Geological Congress (IGC) in Beijing in August 1996. The name “New Concepts in Global Tectonics” was taken from an earlier symposium held in association with the 28th IGC in Washington, DC, in 1989 (see Chatterjee & Hotton, 1992). The first issue of the New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter appeared in December 1996. In their editorial, J. M. Dickins and D. R. Choi wrote: Although enormous strides have been made in our knowledge of the earth and much has been added to Geology by Physics and Chemistry, we need to acknowledge that we are only at the beginning of tabulating and understanding what is at the surface of the earth, let alone what is underneath.... In this context, in the 1950s and 60s the new theory of Plate Tectonics was propounded by “Geophysicists” (Physicists) and mainly young Geologists with little experience, depth of understanding or respect for existing geology. The theory, although admittedly simplistic and with little factual basis but claiming to be all embracing, was pursued by its proponents in an aggressive, intolerant, dogmatic and sometimes unfortunately an unscrupulous fashion. Most geologists with knowledge based locally or regionally were not confident in dealing with a new global theory which swept the world and was attractive in giving Geology a prestige not equalled since the nineteenth century. The ideological influence and strength of the Plate Tectonic Theory has swept aside much well-based data as though it never existed, inhibited many fields of investigation and resulted in the suppression or manipulation of data which does not fit the theory. In the course of time the method has become narrow, monotonous and dull: a catechism repeated too often. As new data has arisen there is a growing scepticism about the theory. The aims of the NCGT Newsletter are: • to provide an organizational focus for creative ideas not fitting readily within the scope of plate tectonics; • to publicize such ideas and work, especially where there has been censorship or discrimination; • to provide a forum for discussion, which has been inhibited in existing channels; • to organize symposia, meetings, and conferences; • to document cases of censorship, discrimination, or victimization, and to provide support in such cases. Although the newsletter was originally intended to appear twice a year, the enthusiastic response has 28 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 enabled it to appear four times a year, averaging about 28 pages per issue. In the second issue, the editors wrote: From the response we have had, there is a considerable demand for publication and the editors are aware from their own experience how difficult it can be to obtain publication, irrespective of their quality, for papers whose interpretations do not fit current orthodoxy, or, for example, do not excise data which might be construed by editors or referees as a challenge to orthodox theory on the basis that if the data does not fit the theory, it must be wrong. The main driving force behind the newsletter for most of its existence was the chief editor, J. Mac Dickins, former senior paleontologist at the Australian Bureau of Mineral Resources, who passed away in June 2005. Dong R. Choi, a geological consultant, has now assumed the role of editor-in-chief, and an editorial board was recently formed. The newsletter is financed by subscriptions (US$30 a year for individuals and US$50 a year for libraries) and voluntary donations. It is produced in Higgins, Australia (NCGT Group, 6 Mann Place, Higgins, ACT 2615, Australia; [email protected]), and is distributed either by mail or, increasingly, by e-mail (as a pdf file), to more than 200 individuals, libraries, and organizations in over 30 countries. The mailing list is expanding rapidly, particularly since the newsletter started to appear in pdf format. The NCGT Group has so far organized three international symposia. The first was held in Tsukuba, Japan, on November 22-23, 1998. It was attended by 54 Japanese scientists and 22 scientists from the USA, Australia, Canada, India, China, Korea, Greece, Russia, Mongolia, and Romania. Papers from the symposium were published in a special issue of Himalayan Geology (vol. 22, no. 1, 2001). The second symposium was held at La Junta, Colorado, USA, on May 5-11, 2002 (see Maslov, 2002). The third symposium comprised a meeting on August 25, 2004, as part of the 32nd IGC in Florence, Italy, followed by a meeting on August 29-31, 2004, at the University of Urbino, attended by 37 scientists from 14 countries. These two meetings marked the first official recognition of the NCGT Group by international authorities (IGC). The proceedings appeared in a special issue of Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana in late 2005. The next symposium is scheduled for the 33rd IGC in Oslo, Norway, in 2008. Critics of plate tectonics have organized many conferences and symposia over the years, but previous attempts to organize a group and publish a newsletter did not meet with lasting success. By contrast, the NCGT Group will celebrate its tenth anniversary in 2006, and its newsletter is now well established internationally. Discussions are currently being held on the creation of more formal organizational structures, including the group’s legal registration. Newsletter: Diversity and Debate The NCGT Group and Newsletter represent a very wide range of views. While some contributors to the newsletter are only mildly critical of plate tectonics, many entirely reject its key tenets of seafloor spreading, subduction, and continental drift, while earth expansionists accept seafloor spreading but reject drift and most (though not all) reject subduction. Geological and geophysical data are generally open to interpretation and can often be explained in different ways. The newsletter’s editors have highlighted the key importance of field geology: We believe that workers in the geological sciences have to set themselves consciously to develop the broadest possible knowledge of the actual physical geology of the earth and its time relationships. There is elitism from physics and mathematics but in the end, the place where theory must be tested, the actual experimental laboratory for testing theory in the earth sciences, is the real earth. (#6) The editors send submitted manuscripts to one or two reviewers among the group’s readers, before deciding whether to accept them. The basic aim is to allow both formal and informal contributions, in a spirit of free and open communication, and to publicize a wide variety of opinions, provided they are backed up with data. In the course of time, the editors have become more selective with regard to the articles they publish. A major dispute among earth scientists concerns the age, composition, and structure of the seafloor. Plate tectonicists contend that ocean crust is continuously being created at “spreading ridges” and consumed in “subduction zones,” and can be no more than about 200 million years old. They have established a chronology for the formation of the oceans by correlating the alternating bands of high and low magnetic intensity found in rocks on either side of ocean ridges with dated magnetic-reversal events recorded on land. Earth expansionists tend to accept this chronology and the relative youth of ocean crust. Many of them believe that in the Early Mesozoic there were no oceans at all, New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 that the Pangea supercontinent covered the entire surface of a smaller earth with about 55% of its current radius, and that the oceans have formed since then by seafloor spreading, caused by the earth expanding in a very specific, asymmetric manner. Critics argue that the magnetic-stripe chronology is suspect because it is based on subjective, qualitative correlations, and has not been ground-truthed by radiometric dating, and that the stripe pattern is better explained by fault-related bands of rocks of different magnetic properties. They stress the need to drill all the way through the ocean crust and into the mantle before reaching definitive conclusions on the age and composition of the seafloor. The newsletter has presented a great deal of evidence from ocean drilling, dredging, and seismic research suggesting that ocean crust can be just as old as continental crust and that large areas of it consist of continental-type rocks and were once dry land. There have been some very lively exchanges on this subject. Some workers contend that the earth as a whole is contracting slightly, rather than expanding, but that there is evidence of phases of slight expansion in the past. They also propose that continental, oceanic, and back-arc rifts can be readily explained in terms of tensional relief in a compressional stress field. The classical plate-tectonic model of thin, rigid lithospheric “plates” moving over a relatively plastic, low-velocity asthenosphere is now known to be flawed. Seismic studies reveal that the asthenosphere is not a continuous, global layer, and that ancient continental cratons have deep roots or keels extending to depths of up to 300 km or more, with no low-velocity layer beneath them. Furthermore, some plate boundaries appear to be nonexistent. The extent to which space-geodetic measurements have confirmed the plate-tectonic model of plate movements has been questioned by several contributors, who highlight the ad-hoc fashion in which contradictory and inconsistent data are explained away, and contend that the present network of sites is not extensive enough to determine to what extent the crustal movements detected are local, regional, continent- or ocean-wide, or “plate”-wide. Paleomagnetic data have served as one of the main supports of plate tectonics and also of earth expansion. The data appear to show that either the geographic poles and/or the continents have changed position over the course of the earth’s history. Plate tectonicists argue that it is mainly the continents that have 29 wandered, by being carried along on moving lithospheric plates. Earth expansionists, on the other hand, argue that continents’ apparent drift is caused by earth expansion. Plate tectonicists believe that, in addition to continental drift, a small amount of true polar wander may have taken place; this involves the earth’s entire outer shell gliding over the inner shell, thereby altering the location of the geographic poles to a greater or lesser extent. Wrench tectonics, on the other hand, asserts that paleomagnetic data can be explained in terms of largescale polar wander without any drift, but with in-situ continental rotations. Opponents of mobilism in its various guises argue that entire continents can neither drift nor rotate, and emphasize the unreliability of paleomagnetic data and the dubious assumptions about geomagnetism on which the interpretation of such data is based. Many articles in the newsletter have presented detailed geological and geophysical evidence against the twin doctrines of seafloor spreading and subduction. The volume of crust generated at ocean ridges is supposed to be equaled by the volume subducted, yet the total length of ocean trenches and “collision zones” is only about a third of the length of the “spreading ridges.” Sediments in the trenches are generally not present in the enormous volumes that subduction was expected to produce, and are typically undisturbed and horizontally bedded. The notion that the inclined seismofocal plane, or Wadati-Benioff zone, landward of deep ocean troughs, represents a “subducting slab” is further undermined by the very low level of seismicity within about 50 km of the trench axis, and the fact that the angle of dip of the seismofocal plane tends to change from low in the upper section, to steep in the intermediate to deep section, to gentle at the bottom, with relatively little seismic activity between the former two (around 300km depth). Seismic profiles appear to show that the Precambrian lower crust is present under both the ocean floor and continental slope and passes across the trench without any subduction. An alternative view of Wadati-Benioff zones is that they originated as cooling cracks in the primeval earth, and are thrust/reverse faults marking the interface between the uplifting island arc/continental region and the subsiding ocean crust and mantle. In trying to show how the present continents used to fit neatly together to form supercontinents, drifters have taken many liberties, and all reconstructions have problems. They fit the continents along different depth 30 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 contours, ignore serious overlaps and geological dissimilarities, include or exclude ocean plateaus and ridges on an ad-hoc basis, and entirely ignore the existence of former landmasses in the present oceans. Earth expansionists, too, place great emphasis on continental reconstructions, and argue that all the present continents fit together much better on a smaller earth. Further investigation of the ocean crust will provide a definitive answer as to whether continental reassemblies based on plate tectonics or expansion tectonics are genuine possibilities or illusions. A great deal of evidence has been presented in the newsletter to show that the entire earth is covered with a system of lineaments or major structural trends, which formed early in the earth’s history but have been subsequently rejuvenated and modified. These fractures have had a significant influence on tectonic events up to the present. Deep earthquakes have been shown to be associated with surface and crustal structures that continue deep into the mantle. Plate tectonicists tend to ignore the pattern of orthogonal lineaments in the oceans. These lineaments appear to date back to the Precambrian and some continue into adjacent continents – contradicting seafloor spreading and large-scale continental drift. Most plate tectonicists believe that chains of volcanic islands and seamounts are the result of plates moving over “hotspots” of upwelling magma. This should give rise to a systematic age progression along hotspot trails, but a large majority show little or no age progression. Hotspots are commonly attributed to “mantle plumes” rising from the core-mantle boundary. But critics, some of whom are otherwise sympathetic to plate tectonics, have shown that plume explanations are ad hoc, artificial, and inadequate, and that plumes are not required by any geological evidence. Some opponents of plate tectonics invoke equally controversial “superplumes” to explain the elevation/subsidence of large areas of the ocean floor. Another important theme in the newsletter is that the earth’s relief has been increasing since the midCretaceous: plateaus and mountains are growing higher, and oceans deeper. This is inexplicable in terms of simple plate tectonics. Drilling and dredging data and the location of former sediment sources indicate that substantial areas of the present oceans were once land or shallow sea. The foundering of many of these areas began in the Late Jurassic, accompanied by widespread basalt eruptions or magma floods, leading to the formation of the deep oceans we know today. The evolution of the earth’s crust has been characterized by considerable uplifts and subsidences of up to 10 km or more – as seen in mountain building, epeirogenic movements connected with marine transgressions and regressions on the present continents, the formation of deep sedimentary basins, the deepening of the oceans, and the submergence of paleolands. To explain such phenomena, geologists commonly invoke the vertical and/or horizontal movement of hot magma through faults and channels, and associated density and phase changes, and some workers also invoke the basification/oceanization of continental crust. Surge tectonics emphasizes the abundant evidence for the existence of shallow magma chambers and channels beneath all active tectonic belts. Several examples of geological authorities suppressing information unfavorable to plate tectonics have been detailed in the newsletter. For instance, Vladim Anfiloff reported on the suppression by the Australian Geological Survey Organization and the Australian National University of information from a gravity survey of the Australian continent, which showed a bifurcating network of basement ridges (#1, 1996). James Murdock, who accepts key elements of plate tectonics, turned to the NCGT Newsletter after failing to find a mainstream publication willing to publish an article highlighting seismic studies by the former US Coast and Geodetic Survey – which showed an absence of earthquakes at the base of the Aleutian Trench – and challenging the official subduction model (#4, 1997). Chris Smoot has documented how mainstream journals have refused to publish articles presenting US Navy bathymetry data pointing to a network of orthogonal megatrends, or “leaky fracture zones,” in the oceans (#8, 1998). The newsletter’s editors have remarked that nowhere in the history of geology has such a deliberate suppression of factual information taken place. There are plans to tabulate more cases of censorship and suppression by mainstream journals and organizations. Conclusion Since its formation in 1996, the New Concepts in Global Tectonics Group and its newsletter have become the main focus of organized opposition to the reigning paradigm of plate tectonics. The NCGT Newsletter provides a vital forum where critics and opponents of plate tectonics can present and discuss anomalous data and alternative interpretations and theories. The group is now firmly established, and its activities will remain necessary until it once again becomes possible for a variety of competing hypotheses and theories, and the data underpinning New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 them, to be openly aired and debated in mainstream publications. Acknowledgment I would like to thank Dong Choi for his assistance in putting together this article. Bibliography Books in English presenting the views of scientists associated with the NCGT Group: Barto-Kyriakidis, A. (Ed.). (1990). Critical Aspects of the Plate Tectonics Theory. Athens, Greece: Theophrastus Publications. Bridges, L. W. D. (2002). Our Expanding Earth: The Ultimate Cause. Denver, CO: Oran V. Silver. Chatterjee, S., & Hotton, N., III. (Eds.). (1992). New Concepts in Global Tectonics. Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Press. Chen, G. (2000). Diwa Theory: Activated Tectonics and Metallogeny. Changsa, China: Central South University Press. Grover, J. C. (1998). Volcanic Eruptions and Great Earthquakes. Brisbane, Australia: Copyright Publishing. Hunt, C. W. (Ed.). (1992). Expanding Geospheres: Energy and Mass Transfers from Earth’s Interior. Calgary, Alberta: Polar Publishing. James, P. (1994). The Tectonics of Geoid Changes. Calgary, Alberta: Polar Publishing. Larin, V. N. (1993). Hydridic Earth: The New Geology of Our Primordially Hydrogen-Rich Planet. Calgary, Alberta: Polar Publishing. Maslov, L. (Ed.). (2002). Proceedings International Symposium on New Concepts in Global Tectonics, held in May 2002 in La Junta, Colorado. La Junta, CO: Otero Junior College Press. Meyerhoff, A. A., Boucot, A. J., Meyerhoff Hull, D., & Dickins, J. M. (1996). Phanerozoic Faunal & Floral Realms of the Earth (Memoir 189). Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America. Meyerhoff, A. A., Taner, I., Morris, A. E. L., Agocs, W. B., Kaymen-Kaye, M., Bhat, M. I., Smoot, N. C., & Choi, D. R. (1996). Surge Tectonics: A New Hypothesis of Global Geodynamics. D. Meyerhoff Hull, Ed. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer. Ollier, C., & Pain, C. (2000). The Origin of Mountains. London: Routledge. Orlenok, V. V. (1998). History of the Earth Oceanization. Kaliningrad, Russia: Jantarny skaz. (In Russian with English abstract.) Orlenok, V. V. (Ed.). (2004). Oceanization of the Earth. Kaliningrad, Russia: Kaliningrad University Press. (In Russian with English abstracts.) 31 Sánchez Cela, V. (1999). Formation of MaficUltramafic Rocks in the Crust: Need for a New Upper Mantle. Zaragoza, Spain: Universidad de Zaragoza. Sánchez Cela, V. (2000). Densialite: A New Upper Mantle. Zaragoza, Spain: University of Zaragoza. Sánchez Cela, V. (2004). Granitic Rocks: A New Geological Meaning. Zaragoza, Spain: University of Zaragoza. Scalera, G., & Jacob, K.-H. (Eds.). (2003). Why Expanding Earth? – A Book in Honour of Ott Christoph Hilgenberg. Proceedings of the 3rd Lautenthaler Montanistisches Colloquium, Lautenthal (Germany), May 26, 2001. Rome: Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. Smoot, N. C. (2004). Tectonic Globaloney. Philadelphia: Xlibris. Smoot, N. C., Choi, D. R., & Bhat, M. I. (2001). Active Margin Geomorphology. Philadelphia: Xlibris. Smoot, N. C., Choi, D. R., & Bhat, M. I. (2001). Marine Geomorphology. Philadelphia: Xlibris. Storetvedt, K. M. (1997). Our Evolving Planet: Earth History in New Perspective. Bergen, Norway: Alma Mater. Storetvedt, K. M. (2003). Global Wrench Tectonics: Theory of Earth Evolution. Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget. Vassiliev, B. I. (Ed.). (2005). Geological Structure and Origin of the Pacific Ocean. Vladivostok, Russia: V. I. Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch. (In Russian with English abstract.) Vassiliev, B. I., & Choi, D. R. (2001). Geology of the Deep-Water Trenches and Island Arcs of the Pacific. Vladivostok, Russia: Dalnauka. (In Russian with English abstract.) ***** Comments by editor-in-chief Henry Bauer, Jour. Sci. Exploration, v. 20, no. 1, 2006, p. 2 I learned of the existence of the New Concepts in Global Tectonics (NCGT) group some years ago, when we received a manuscript [JSE 14:3] questioning aspects of the theory of plate tectonics. Until then, I had thought that plate tectonics (formerly described as continental drift) had become as well established as the theory of biological evolution: that while there might remain important questions about “How?”, no one doubted that it had happened and was continuing to happen. Now I recognize this as just another instance of what is routine in the mainstream of science: The very existence of unorthodox views is a “hidden event” (Westrum, 1982), irrespective, whether or not those 32 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 views have intellectual merit. So it is with anti-Big Bang cosmology, anti-HIV/AIDS claims, and more. The popular media are in the thrall of Big Science and there is a lack of investigative science reporting. Knowledge monopolies and research cartels (Bauer, 2004) describe the circumstances of 21st-century science. appalling point is that mainstream organizations not only suppress unorthodox interpretations, they censor factual material. A general feature that characterizes dissents from established scientific dogmas is also illustrated: While the received view is monolithic, the critiques are anything but. That makes very challenging the task of creating non-mainstream organizations and publications, for those with unorthodox views may disagree among themselves as much as they disagree with the governing paradigm. When David Pratt recently offered a lengthy “Article of Interest” [JSE 19:3] extract from the newsletter of the NCGT group, I asked for a piece about that group, and I’m very pleased that in this issue we have a highly (Reproduction of the above article and editorial were informative essay that details the formation of the permitted by the authors)) group and also makes clear what the chief points of substantive geological contention are. The most ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TERRA NON FIRMA EARTH: PLATE TECTONICS IS A MYTH James MAXLOW Terrella Consultants 29 Cecil Street, Glen Forrest, Western Australia 6071, Australia [email protected] W hen studying the history of the creation and formulation of plate tectonics one can come to the conclusion that it is, and was at best only a hypothesis. A hypothesis which uses an assumption as its basis. This is the assumption that the Earth has retained a constant size during its geological evolution. This assumption however is not supported by facts. When Carey (1958) and Heezen (1960) formulated the concept of lithospheric plates and the spreading of oceanic lithosphere, for instance, they pointed out that oceanic spreading is a manifestation of an expansion of the Earth. Plate tectonics, presented as a “new global tectonics” rejected this conclusion, based on the assumption of a constant size of the Earth. So plate tectonics is in fact the concept of a “non-expanding Earth”. acceptance of plate tectonics – the first, in the history of geology, a global theory trying to explain almost all geologic processes. Simultaneously plate tectonics refers to the deeply rooted belief, held by many geologists, in the idea of geological actualism and so it satisfied them. It was much easier to accept a theory which assumed a constant Earth dimension during its geological evolution and a repeatability of contemporary processes, rather than look at it from the point of view of Earth expansion. Acceptance of Earth expansion would require acceptance of geological evolution, where the physical parameters of the Earth change and hence would influence such processes as sedimentation, tectonic deformation, metamorphism and magmatism. As a generation of geologists active in the sixties and seventies of last century still remember, discussion amongst different geotectonic ideas was very active. This generation was witness to the formulation of plate tectonics and was of course conscious of its basic assumptions. Subsequent generations have since lost this consciousness. Now the picture of the dynamics and palaeodynamics of our planet, shaped during university studies and professional work, leaves no place for questions or doubts. These and other reasons have created a unique situation in the history of the Earth sciences. The big discussions between geotectonists have ceased. The competition of scientific programs has died. Plate tectonics has become a unification of the notional apparatus of geotectonics. The qualitative development has been replaced by quantitative incrementation of information. The competition of ideas - the basis of any progress in science - has now ceased. The dominating paradigm of plate tectonics and its ad hoc models now makes it easy to interpret more and more data and account for this data according to simple ideas. Undoubtedly this is one of the reasons for the Taking up the challenge of an expanding Earth theory requires the toil of digging through fundamental facts, a rejection of inherited opinion and formulating one’s own opinion. But it is a profitable toil. Since, instead of New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 a hypothesis which changed the Earth sciences into one of endless competition for the next microcontinent, displaced terrane, palaeoocean, subduction zone, or collision or accretion configuration, in places where it is difficult to agree, we obtain a simple and elegant theory, based on observable facts readily obtained from the oceans and continents – the theory of an expanding Earth. 33 to a random Plate Tectonic process, the formation and break-up of each of the continents, as well as a sympathetic opening of all the oceans is instead shown to be simple, progressive and evolutionary. All ancient magnetic poles are precisely located on reconstructions of the ancient Earth, and all established poles and equators are shown to coincide with observed climate zones and biotic evidence. Similarly, faunal and floral species evolution is shown to be intimately related to this progressive continental break-up and oceanic crustal development. Global extinction events coincide with wholesale climate and sea-level changes, and the distribution of metallic ores and petroleum occurrences are readily comprehended. In this book “Terra non Firm Earth” an extensive array of modern geological, geophysical, and geographical evidence is used to recreate the entire 4,600 million years of our Earth’s geological history; the first time this has ever been achieved. This evidence is then used to challenge the misconception that Plate Tectonics is the key to understanding our Earth sciences. In contrast ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE GROWING AND DEVELOPING EARTH Author: Vedut SHEHU, 2005. BookSurgeLLC. [email protected] Book review by Cliff OLLIER: V edat Shehu has produced a remarkable book that I commend to all Earth scientists. He presents an unusual viewpoint, often illustrated by unfamiliar examples, which should provide a breath of fresh air in many geological debates. Fifty years ago Earth scientists had very different ideas from those of today. It is extremely probable that fifty years from now ideas will be different again. Anybody who holds all the orthodox ideas of today will almost certainly be proved wrong in the future. The problem for any seeker after truth is to know which current concepts will remain valid and which will change fundamentally. Shehu’s concept of an expanding Earth is not new - the concept has been around for over a century - but it will be new to many readers. I suggest that you give it a fair hearing. Of course I am probably already talking to the converted or the open-minded: the dinosaurs amongst geologists tend to read nothing that does not fit their existing beliefs, their articles of faith. At a conference on the expanding Earth in Sydney in 1981 Peter Smith did a test survey of people attending: sixty people interviewed expressed disbelief in the hypothesis, but none of them had read Carey’s book on the topic and few had read even minor articles. Hugh Owen wrote that for many conventional geologists the expanding Earth concept engenders emotions ranging from mild amusement tinged with pity, to positive hostility. For those of us old enough to remember the battles that used to range over continental drift it is all familiar, but now, in the guise of plate tectonics it has become the ruling theory. What happened to the highly vocal opponents? Some went quiet, some died, and a few are still with us. My advice is to be very tolerant of the oddball, for this year’s fantasy might be the next generation’s gospel truth. I met Vedat Shehu at a wonderful meeting in Urbino, organised by Professor Forese Wezel, on New Concepts in Global Tectonics. People with very different hypotheses and backgrounds came together to exchange information and ideas rather than to deride opposing views: this is the way to make progress. All Earth scientists tend to be strongly affected by their home region in developing their concepts of Earth science. Stratigraphic geology could not have originated in Finland, where geology goes from Precambrian to Quaternary with nothing much in between. I once taught a course in geology at the University of the South Pacific. After a few weeks a student from Tuvalu came to me and said “You know, sir, this is all wasted on me. My island is made of sand.” Beyond our personal experience, we gain our knowledge of the Earth from textbooks, and since American texts far outnumber the rest, most people are familiar with the data and arguments about American icons, like the Appalachians, the Basin and Range Province, and the Grand Canyon. One of the remarkable things about Shehu’s book is that he takes a region that is very unfamiliar to most people as his foundation and testing ground. The geology of Albania is little known to the rest of the world, so the reader will have the unusual experience of learning a new set 34 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 of facts as well as new tectonic concepts. The idea that the Palaeozoic basement could be split and moved apart by ophiolites in the same way that seafloor spreading moves continents apart is a typical novelty. learned as you go is hard work, but I believe it will prove worth-while for all those scientists who are bold enough to venture into new areas of learning. Cliff OLLIER University of Western Australia Reading about new ideas in a place where the geology is not familiar and even the place names have to be [email protected] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GALAXY-SUN-EARTH RELATIONS: THE ORIGIN OF THE MAGNETIC FIELD AND OF THE ENDOGENOUS ENERGY OF THE EARTH - with implications for volcanism, geodynamics and climate control and related items of concern for stars, planets, satellites, and other planetary objectsAuthor: Giovanni P. GREGORI Published by Science Edition, Arbeitskreis Geschichte Geophysik, W. Schroder, Germany, 2002. 467p. “The sage finds his own way by himself, the fool follows common opinion” (Chinese proverb) Summary is to be given elsewhere. T As far as item III) is concerned, it is the dominant viewpoint adopted by the previous literature. Excellent reviews are available in its different and complex perspectives. It is not here explicitly reviewed, though it is extensively and critically discussed within Part I from the viewpoint of item I). he understanding of a physical system is based on a three-fold approach: I) - search for general properties deriving from the intrinsic constitutional symmetry of the system, combined with the fundamental laws of nature; II) - the inductive approach, i.e. starting from observational evidence and inferring the laws that appear to govern the system; III) - the deductive approach, i.e. starting from axioms and assessed fundamental laws, and, whenever needed also by suitable assumptions on the structure and composition of the system, and attempting at computing in detail its behaviour e.g. by means of a numerical model, by applying a few boundary conditions, etc., while the entire result is to be later checked by observations. The Prologue defines such methodological items. The Parts I and II address items I) and II), respectively. Part II, however, only deals with a concise presentation of several key observational facts, though with no details. Reference is made either to already published papers or to others in preparation. Every more detailed treatment, of size comparable with standard literature’s, ought to require a much larger room, due both to the intrinsic content of the topics, and to the need for giving justice to the contributions by coworkers. The focus of the present treatment is only on the prime, conceptual, critical, logical basis, which is the leading ingredient of every ultimate understanding, while detailed formal account of observational data handling The Epilogue is a flash on some future general perspective. Three Appendices contain items that are relevant for both Part I and Part II. Appendix A contains a concise critical analysis of the energetics of the standard MHD homogeneous dynamos (hence, its reading is crucial for readers interested in Part I), plus a compilation of estimates, borrowed from the literature, of the electrical conductivity σ and of the viscosity of the Earth’s core and mantle. Appendix B is a compilation of estimated energies related to all endogenous processes according to several different sources. Appendix C deals with a discussion of a possible laboratory simulation of the geodynamo that is here proposed. Such experiment should provide an unprecedented analogue model for justifying some observed and presently unexplained (i) features of the geomagnetic field B . The two Parts of the present study are almost independent of each other, except having a common reference list. The reader who is interested in the conclusions and in the most innovative interpretation here given (rather than in a critical reconsideration and discussion of the previous literature), may directly refer to Part II. Whenever needed, cross-reference between New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 figures, tables, or formulas of the two Parts is made by adding to their respective number either I- or II- (or Pfor the Prologue, H- for The Historical Frame, E- for the Epilogue, and A-, B-, and C- for the three Appendices), respectively. The main conclusions, though much oversimplified, can be highlighted as follows. As far as endogenous dynamos are concerned, a basic distinction is required between systems dominated by kinetic energy (which apply to stars) and others dominated by Joule’s heating and supplied by tides (which may apply to the Earth, planets, and satellites, appearing a likely ubiquitous feature in the universe). The ionospheric dynamo is in between such two extremes. In the previous literature it became customary to apply formally stellar dynamos also to the Earth and planets. Sometimes this implies, however, some logical inconsistency, mostly concerned with the fact that, when adapted to planets, such dynamos appear declaredly dominated by magnetic energy, which unavoidably leads to a blocking of the system (or “saturation”, or it is stated that there is need for “self-limitation”, or need for “quenching”, etc., a drawback that is normally tackled by some analytical artifice in order to get a solution). In the ultimate analysis, the Earth’s interior, like the interior of every planetary object, is a black box, and different kinds of dynamo can be envisaged for explaining the magnetic field B that is observed outside their respective body. Therefore, in principle, different models can be proposed and computed, the concern being eventually about finding some observational proof either supporting or denying every such possibility. The inductive approach seems to favour a dynamo dominated by Joule’s heating and with a lowperformance (≤ 1%). Concerning the endogenous energy of the Earth (and of other planetary objects), the Joule’s loss deriving from such tide driven dynamo is adequate as a prime source, thus achieving an unprecedented explanation of one of the least understood aspect of the Earth’s and planetary interiors. Concerning geodynamics and the entire history of the planet Earth, such an energy source gives a realistic and unprecedented perspective. In particular, the understanding is substantially improved of the geothermal heat flow (g.h.f.), including its temporal variation, and of volcanism that appears a sum of several substantially different phenomena, although manifested in apparently similar ways. 35 An additional support derives from chemical geodynamics (specifically from the isotopic chemistry of ocean floor basalt) that can be explained, and provides interesting hints for the general understanding of deep Earth’s phenomena. The variations of climate during the entire history of the Earth, and its prime natural control by gas exhalation from soil, also result from such a general scenario, leading to an unprecedented frame for Galaxy – Sun – Earth relations. The features and/or palaeohistories of other planets or satellites (such as the Moon, Mars, Io, Ganymede, and other Jupiter’s satellites, etc.) apparently do fit into such a general scheme, the unique remaining concern dealing, maybe, only with Venus. As far as asteroids, meteorites, and comets are concerned, they have no dynamo, rather at most either a permanent magnetisation, or a magnetic field B caused by electric currents j temporarily originated by e.m. induction into their outermost conducting layer. The observational investigation of their B appears difficult, although, maybe, a tentative optical study of cometary features, as a function of their distance either from the Sun or from other planetary objects that have their own B, can eventually provide a check of such speculation, in such case resulting to be unprecedented natural probes of the interplanetary environment. A warning - Dynamo theory is over 80 years old, and it is almost impossible to scan the entire literature and to track back the birth of ideas in any exhaustive detail. The major difficulties are concerned with the limited availability of old papers or books, and mostly with the complexity, variety, and intrinsic difficulty of the algorithms involved. Excellent reviews are available concerned with different syntheses and authoritative viewpoints, almost like different facets of ultimately the same computations, arguments, numerical handling, etc. The more one reads, the wider becomes the logical perspective, in an apparently endless rush for understanding, which appears often more controlled by fashions than by a rational criterion. This means that, at present, it appears almost impossible to recognize who is comparatively closer to truth, or what viewpoint or model seems to be more akin to reality, or worthy of greater consideration, etc. Historical facts can be judged only by later generations, never by contemporaries. The author simply attempted to scan some large amount of literature, while searching for understanding: 36 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 - The prime and sometimes even unconscious assumptions and axioms about the constitution of the system, e.g. about a homogenous MHD dynamo or not, or about the different internal structure of the Sun compared to the Earth; - The controversial interpretations of the different numerical results concerned with different computational procedures; - The consequent eventual apparent and yet unsolved paradoxes; - The claimed difficulties while checking computations with observations (dealing with the entire history of the Earth, i.e. not only with present time), etc. framing his inductive approach (discussed in Part II) within the pre-existing theoretical scenario. It should be clearly stressed, however, that there is no presumption for expressing any judgment or criticism about previous clever modeling or proposals, either in terms of physical correctness or not, or of consistency or not with the fundamental laws of nature, etc. No simple-minded criticism can be directly formulated. The present study wants to raise no controversy, rather only to give a personal contribution to some objective assessment of what is actually supported by observational evidence, and what is rather only an (often unconscious) result of some common agreement that grew up among specialists during the last several decades. The author has no presumption for having given any The present study arrives at a conclusion, because a complete synthesis of the entire state of the art, which, conclusion must always be given, although, as it in fact, is maybe much beyond the reach of one author alone. The author apologizes to those readers who always happened during the entire history of science, every conclusion can always be changed and improved eventually find inadequately emphasized (or even not whenever additional observations, and more acute mentioned at all) some relevant contributions of their critical analyses, become available. own. There is no deliberate intention in forgetting about any result. Rather, the author searched for _______________________________________________________________________________________________ NEWS ASIA OCEANIA GEOSCIENCES SOCIETY (AOGS) P resents 3rd Annual Meeting (AOGS 2006) from 1014 July, 2006 at the Singapore International Convention Exhibition Centre. The AOGS mission is to promote geophysical science for the benefit of humanity in Asia and Oceania. AOGS will once again bring together geoscientists from all over Asia, Oceania and the rest of world to present their works and ideas. AOGS invites all geoscientists to convene their own sessions and present their findings at AOGS 2006 in Singapore. The session SE33 Structure and Dynamics of the Pacific Tectonic Belt is devoted to discussion of structure and tectonic (geodynamic) processes in the Pacific Tectonic Belt (Rim). Special attention should be paid to the regularities in structure and activity of this wonderful tectonic structure. This topic can include also problems of metallogeny, energetic resources, and humanitarian problems of the PTB countries. Conveners of the session: Dr. Leo A Maslov [email protected] Dr. Stavros Tassos [email protected] Presentations submitted: SE33 Paper ID Paper Title Pacific Tectonic Belt – the Unique Tectonic 59-SE-A0164 Structure of the Earth Presentation Mode 59-SE-A0211 Oral (Contributed) 59-SE-A0238 Corresponding Author Lev Maslov Otero Community College Gulshat Zabirovna Gilmanova GRAVITY MODEL OF THE Pacific Oceanological Institute, 43, LITHOSPHERE OF TAIWAN Baltiiskaya Street, Vladivostok 690068, Russia Stavros Tassos In the Context of EMST Vertical Displacement Institute of Geodynamics, National is the Common Generating Mechanism for Observatory of Athens, 118 10 Earthquakes and Tsunamis Athens Greece, e-mail: [email protected] Oral Oral (Invited) New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 59-SE-A0256 59-SE-A0606 59-SE-A0642 59-SE-A1296 In the Pacific and Any Other Tectonic Belt Seismic and Volcanic Activity Relate to Positive Gravity, Geoidal, and Heat Flow Anomalies, i.e., Excess Mass, and Do Not Relate to Faults. The geodynamic meaning of the great Sumatran earthquake: What are the ‘subduction’ earthquakes? Circum Pacific Tectonic Belt as a Result of Explosive Origin of the Double Planet Earth– Moon 37 Stavros Tassos Institute of Geodynamics, National Observatory of Athens, P.O. Box 200 48, 118 10 Athens, Greece, email: [email protected] Oral (Invited) Giancarlo SCALERA INGV, Rome, Italy Oral A. M. Zhirnov Oral Institute of Complex Analysis of (Contributed) Regional Problems. FEB RAS Ge Lin Key Laboratory of Marginal Sea Theoretical Analysis and Thermal Structure of Geology, Guangzhou Institute of Oral Lithospheric Mantle-Crust Heat Transfer Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Problems Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China. Information about the Conference you can find on the site: Information about sessions you can find: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IGC32 PROCEEDINGS VOLUME DOWNLOAD The link to the ftp server to download the whole Special Volume no. 5 of the Bollettino della Società Geologica Italiana (Ed. F.C. Wezel): Forese WEZEL [email protected] _______________________________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL SUPPORT: -New subscription fee structure- W e are asking for financial support to the extent of US$30 (A$45) or more or the equivalent from individuals who are able and US$50 (A$75) or the equivalent for libraries for online subscribers (same as before). However, for hard-copy subscribers there is a new fee structure: Libraries – U$70 (A$95), and individuals – U$50 (A$75). 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If you require a receipt, would you please let us know when sending your contribution? 38 New Concepts in Global Tectonics Newsletter, no. 38 ABOUT THE NEWSLETTER This newsletter was initiated on the basis of discussion after the symposium “Alternative Theories to Plate Tectonics” held at the 30th International Geological Congress in Beijing in August 1996. The name is taken from an earlier symposium held in association with 28th International Geological Congress in Washington, D. C. in 1989. Aims include: 1. Forming an organizational focus for creative ideas not fitting readily within the scope of Plate Tectonics. 2. Forming the basis for the reproduction and publication of such work, especially where there has been censorship or discrimination. 3. Forum for discussion of such ideas and work which has been inhibited in existing channels. This should cover a very wide scope from such aspects as the effect of the rotation of the earth and planetary and galactic effects, major theories of development of the earth, lineaments, interpretation of earthquake data, major times of tectonic and biological change, and so on. 4. Organization of symposia, meetings and conferences. 5. Tabulation and support in case of censorship, discrimination or victimization.