Annual Report 2013
Annual Report 2013
S elf h elp Co m m u n i t y S erv i c es, I n c. S C S F o u n d at i o n , I n c . 520 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 866-735-1234 & S C S F o u n d at i o n , I n c . & Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. S elf h elp Co m m u n i t y S erv i c es , I n c . 2013 Annual Report to the Community 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Pioneering Senior Care Through the Eyes of Our Partners MI S S ION Selfhelp is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to maintaining the independence and dignity of seniors and at-risk populations through a spectrum of housing, home health care, and social services and will lead in applying new methods and technologies to address changing needs of its community. Selfhelp will continue to serve as the “last surviving relative” to its historic constituency, victims of Nazi persecution. Selfhelp Communit y Services, Inc. / SCS Foundation, Inc. 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Pioneering Senior Care Through the Eyes of Our Partners C ONTENT S 2 6 20 22 24 26 28 32 34 35 41 44 45 Executive Letter Partner Index Advancements in Independent Living A Laboratory of Innovation The National Leader in Holocaust Survivor Services Overview of Programs and Services Financial Statements Thank You to Our Essential Partners Founders Society Providing Support Working Together Contact Information Officers, Directors, & Management Staff In these pages, Selfhelp’s story is told through the eyes of our partners: the supporters who make every facet of our work possible. You inspire us to innovate, so that our programs evolve to meet new needs and demanding times. Our deepest gratitude on behalf of those we serve. Dear Friends, A New Age. National health reform is affecting every • We are promoting wellness and chronic disease self- Provi di ng Di gni t y American, including the vulnerable seniors Selfhelp serves. management across all our care settings – including our & Indep endenc e The medical institutions and service providers that we innovative and neighborhood senior centers, affordable Our 20,000 clients benefit from a work with are facing new incentives to consolidate and housing, and Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities. Affordable Housing with Services keep costs down. As consumers, our clients and their affordable senior apartment building to the Charles B. Wang and dignity. This year, we are redoubling our work to on site. The new clinic, to open next year, will be just down provide solutions that help keep seniors out of costly the street from our other five Selfhelp housing complexes health care settings: in Flushing. It will be open to our residents, members of our Innovative Senior Center, and the entire neighborhood. (NORCs) Alzheimer’s & Caregiver Programs EH EN S I V E A R RA 20,000 CLI EN TS • The national focus on reducing health care costs has led New York State to reform its payment system for • We are conducting new research to demonstrate that our home health care. In response, a new model of care service models produce measurable, positive results. As management has been developed, which allows us to our Virtual Senior Center expands to three cities, we aim deliver high-quality service in the new world of managed to show that its online, participatory classes and discussion care for people with chronic health conditions. groups help to alleviate social isolation, a major concern for Training & Certification of Home Health Aides V I C ES square foot Federally Qualified Community Health Center M PR S ER remain at home as they age, living with independence Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities OF Community Health Center, which will build out a 9,000 Y The heart of Selfhelp’s mission is to help older adults CO • We are leasing the community space at our newest sites throughout New York City and Case Management S E LF H E LP ' S families often find these changes complex. Senior Centers network of services, delivered at 26 Nazi Victim Services Long Island. Community Guardianship Senior Source Geriatric Care Management Aging Services Technology SinglePoint Care Management Home Health Care homebound seniors and their families. 2 3 Even as we respond to a changing world, we steadfastly Throughout the pages of this year’s annual report, we tell Pictured left to right: adhere to our longstanding commitments. Our 20,000 clients these stories through the eyes of our partners: the supporters Raymond V.J. Schrag benefit from a network of services, delivered at 26 sites who make every facet of our work possible. You inspire us throughout New York City and Long Island. The diagram to innovate, while providing support for our fundamental pictured on page 3 illustrates the depth and breadth of programs. And as we hold ourselves to the strictest standards our programs. Clients may receive one targeted service of integrity in the delivery of care, you encourage us to or multiple services, with all benefitting from a seamless take risks that are grounded in reality, so that our programs continuum of care to help them live independently. evolve to meet new needs and demanding times. For example, a client of Selfhelp’s Nazi Victim Services The direct connection between our donors and our clients Program may receive emergency financial assistance to is featured in the photographs you will see here – but truly, resolve longstanding dental issues, and home care services each and every gift connects our donors to the essential to ensure safety and support activities of daily living. work we do. Or, a Selfhelp housing resident may learn how to manage Dennis Baum, Stuart C. Kaplan and Sincerely, Raymond V.J. Schrag her chronic arthritis at the Innovative Senior Center As we enter a New Age for aging services, we rely on your next door, and then attend a yoga class in her building’s partnership to help our work continue to flourish. Our very community room. warmest thanks for making our vital work possible. President Board of Directors Dennis Baum Chairman SCS Foundation Board Stuart C. Kaplan Chief Executive Officer 4 5 The people who know us best say it best. Partner Index Ilse Melamid Holocaust survivor Trustee, SCS Foundation Board services Kim Jasmin Affordable Housing Executive Director, Northeast Region, JPMorgan Chase Foundation f o r Se n i o r s John Shalam E x pa n s i o n - Chairman, Consumer Electronics Association Foundation V i r t u a l Se n i o r Ce n t e r pg pg pg 8 10 12 Ay e l e t a n d A a r o n R o s e n Holocaust survivor Members, Selfhelp NextGen Committee services S h o l a O l at o y e E x pa n s i o n - VP and Market Leader, Enterprise Community Partners H o u s i n g w i t h Se r v i c e s Sh elle y Ei nhorn Ne w Se n i o r Ce n t e r Board of Directors, Selfhelp Community Services Programming pg 14 pg 16 pg 18 Featured here are but a few of Selfhelp’s many partners, supporters, and affiliated organizations. A complete list begins on Page 33. 6 7 Ilse Melamid Trustee, SCS Foundation P i c t u r e d w i t h M at h i ld e F r e u n d Mathilde Freund is a client of Selfhelp’s Abraham Scharf Center for Holocaust Survivor Services. She benefits greatly from the guidance and support she receives from her social worker and looks forward to Selfhelp’s social and cultural events. 8 A Trustee of the SCS Foundation Board and former long-time Board member, Ilse Melamid is an integral member of the Selfhelp family and an ardent supporter of Selfhelp’s programs for Holocaust survivors. She recently made an historic contribution to The Fran Eizenstat Legacy Project, which benefits the last generation of survivors, and was also one of the first donors to step forward with a leadership gift to this crucial initiative. “As the sole member of my family to survive the Holocaust, I feel it is imperative to support the compassionate care Selfhelp provides to those who experienced such devastating losses. It’s a privilege to assist Selfhelp in carrying out their vital mission.” 9 Kim Jasmin Executive Director, Northeast Region, JPMorgan Chase Foundation Pictured with Aida Balay, Sofi ya Brayer, & Dave Walsh Aida Balay and Sofiya Brayer are long-time residents and active volunteers at Selfhelp’s Martin Lande House. Dave Walsh is Senior Vice President of Commnunity Development Banking, JPMorgan Chase. 10 Kim Jasmin, Dave Walsh, and their colleagues at JPMorgan Chase and its Foundation helped with the core financing of Selfhelp’s newest apartment complex, and provided grant funding for an important amenity, a recreational green roof. They support Selfhelp because our strength and effectiveness in preserving housing affordability for New York City’s seniors aligns with the Foundation’s belief that we share a responsibility to address the economic and social challenges of vulnerable individuals. “The JPMorgan Chase Foundation recognizes that affordable housing is vital to the dignity and independence of older adults. We salute Selfhelp as a leading provider of Housing with Services and are proud to support their newest building.” 11 John Shalam Chairman, Consumer Electronics Association Foundation P i c t u r e d w i t h S h i r le y Le s h ow i tz Shirley Leshowitz is an enthusiastic Virtual Senior Center participant and speaks glowingly about how her life has been transformed since she joined. 12 John Shalam is the founder of VOXX International, formerly Audiovox, and an internationally renowned expert in technology. The CEA Foundation was founded in 2009 to link seniors and people with disabilities with technology to enhance their lives. The CEA Foundation developed an interest in supporting Selfhelp’s Virtual Senior Center due to its lifechanging benefits for homebound seniors (see page 22). CEA Foundation funding has expanded this program to seniors residing in Chicago and San Diego, who now take part in classes alongside their peers in New York. “Selfhelp has demonstrated that technology offers hope and purpose to frail homebound seniors. The CEA Foundation is exceedingly proud to award Selfhelp its inaugural grant.” 13 Ayelet & Aaron Rosen Members, Selfhelp NextGen Committee Pictured with Gisela Selo Gisela Selo is a client of the Abraham Scharf Center for Holocaust Survivor Services. She receives case management services and enjoys participating in Selfhelp’s social and cultural events. 14 Ayelet and Aaron Rosen are committed to doing service that impacts the lives of Holocaust survivors. Selfhelp NextGen provides them with many ways to do so. The Rosens were each deeply moved by their interviews with two survivors who suffered Nazi persecution in Hungary, and transcribed the couple’s story for Selfhelp’s Memoirs Project. They now volunteer at Selfhelp Coffee Houses, where they treasure their conversations with survivors, and have graciously hosted a fundraising event in their building. “Selfhelp NextGen enables us to make a difference in the lives of Holocaust survivors through social programs, education, outreach, and fundraising. We are privileged to assist the last generation of survivors and to help preserve their legacy.” 15 Shola Olatoye VP and Market Leader, Enterprise Community Partners Pictured with Frances Clay & Rosemary Haggert y Frances Clay (left) and Rosemary Haggerty (right) have lived at the Scheuer House of Flushing for 25 and 16 years, respectively. They both actively serve on the building’s Tenant Council. 16 As leader of Enterprise’s New York office, Shola Olatoye has been a wonderful advocate for Selfhelp and our clients. Since 2009, funding from Enterprise Community Partners has enabled Selfhelp to truly transform our service capacity by piloting and adopting new models, especially those which use technology to enhance our programs. Enterprise has also provided equity financing for our newest affordable housing complex and for major renovations to our first two buildings. “Selfhelp is a critical provider of housing with services. That’s why Enterprise invited Selfhelp to develop new models of care by sharing best practices with other national leaders.” 17 Shelley Einhorn Board of Directors, Selfhelp Community Services P i c t u r e d w i t h h e r dau g h t e r , S tac y H e lf s t e i n Stacy Helfstein inspired the creation of Charlotte’s Club. 18 Shelley Einhorn has been a Selfhelp Board member since 2007. A committed volunteer, Shelley gave generously of her time and energy for over two years as the first “e-friendly visitor” through Selfhelp’s Virtual Senior Center, lifting the spirits and brightening the days of a homebound senior. The magnanimous support of Shelley, her husband Steven, and their entire family has enhanced the lives of thousands of Selfhelp clients. “ Charlotte’s Club honors the memory of my mother, Charlotte Fredericks, whose warmth and joie de vivre inspired all who knew her. Our gift enhances Selfhelp’s senior center with exciting programming for the mind and spirit.” 19 Advancements in Independent Living Selfhelp Housing: A Positive Environment for Residents 20 A New Model for Senior Living Easy Access to Health Care Preventing Rehospitalization In early 2013, Selfhelp’s newest building opened its doors to residents. The 92-unit affordable apartment building forms part of our Flushing campus, which includes five other Selfhelp buildings and our Innovative Senior Center. The new building features a recreational green roof, where residents can enjoy the outdoors. And, most notably, the residence demonstrates the integration of client centered technology with aging services. Secure high-speed wireless connectivity facilitates the use of touch-screen computers provided to all residents, access to Selfhelp’s acclaimed Virtual Senior Center for homebound seniors, a telehealth kiosk which assists users in monitoring chronic disease, unobtrusive apartment-based sensors that send alerts in case of falls, a Cyber Classroom for interactive programming, and cognitive games to keep residents’ minds active. We are delighted to announce that our newest housing residence will include a full service health and wellness center: the Charles B. Wang Community Health Center. Construction of the Center will take place over the next several months with the Center slated to open in 2014. The Center will break new ground at Selfhelp by supporting housing residents, senior center participants, and community members with convenient access to high-caliber medical care. This addition will bring new and important services to Selfhelp’s Flushing campus and will help to advance our goal of supporting residents’ wellness. A low-cost, low intensity intervention, the Selfhelp Care Transitions program seeks to lower unnecessary 30-day readmissions to hospitals. Part of a national pilot program, Selfhelp is one of five community-based participating organizations in New York City. The program pairs “care coaches” with patients being discharged from the hospital to help them and their caregivers to understand and manage their needs at home. The care coach follows up with patients in the community to ensure compliance with their discharge instructions. The goal of the project is to minimize the risk of readmission for patients who are being discharged home. Selfhelp’s participation in COLLAGE, a national assessment of the physical and emotional needs of seniors residing in affordable housing, yielded some exciting results. We found that, on the whole, Selfhelp residents exercise more, suffer fewer memory problems, are less lonely, and have less anxiety than their peers living in other housing programs. This data is being utilized to develop programs that specifically target our residents’ needs. 93% of residents were NOT anxious/restless in last 3 days compared to 82% of our residents are NOT lonely compared to 61% of residents have NO memory problems compared to 34% of our residents exercise more than 4 hours/week compared to 82% 73% 47% 18% in other Low Income Housing in other Low Income Housing in other Low Income Housing in other Low Income Housing Home Care Grows in Size and Scope Expansion is this year’s theme for Selfhelp’s home care programs. More hours of home care were provided this year than ever before. We opened a new home health aide training site to better accommodate Brooklyn residents, which joins our existing training programs in Manhattan and Nassau County. As a highly regarded provider of training for Spanish speakers, Selfhelp leadership was invited to help craft the New York State Department of Health guidelines for training home health aides in foreign languages. And, our Certified Home Health Agency (CHHA) expanded to serve a larger and more varied client population with new certification from the New York State Department of Health. 21 A Laboratory of Innovation Applying new methods to address changing needs In 2006, we revised our mission statement to reflect our commitment to “lead in applying new methods and technologies to address changing needs” of older adults. Informing National Housing Policy The pioneering Selfhelp Active Services for Aging Model (SHASAM) attracted national attention this year. We were invited by Enterprise Community Partners and LeadingAge, our national aging services association, to meet regularly with eleven other exemplary providers from across the country. Like Selfhelp, these organizations support independent living by offering on-site innovative services, as needed, in affordable housing. Selfhelp is working with these leaders to share and develop best practices in resident engagement, aging services technology, financial metrics, and performance outcomes. The long-term goal is to inform national policy on models of housing with services for seniors. 22 Protecting Quality of Care As Selfhelp recognized that sweeping changes were in store for thousands of Selfhelp clients dependent on Medicaid to fund their home care services, we swiftly responded with a new initiative. To ensure that quality of care would not be compromised, Selfhelp and F-E-G-S Health and Human Services launched SinglePoint Care Network in 2012, to provide clients with an advocate and partner for securing long-term care. SinglePoint enables seniors, and others with chronic medical conditions, to access the critical services they need to live independently and to benefit from health care and community supports. Breaking the Isolation Barrier The Virtual Senior Center’s (VSC) transformative impact now reaches across the country to San Diego and Chicago and to three new sites in the New York metropolitan area, thanks to generous funding from the Consumer Electronics Association Foundation, the AARP Foundation, UJA-Federation of New York and the Harriet and Robert H. Heilbrunn Fund. The VSC uses the latest technology to connect homebound seniors with each other and with meaningful interactive activities such as armchair yoga, computer skills classes, music classes, current events discussions, intergenerational activities, museum tours, and more. Grant funding is also supporting an evidence-based research effort to determine the effect of the VSC on health and wellness. In the words of one participant, who shared her story with Congress via a VSC video chat session: “The program is truly extraordinary. We’re homebound. It’s a gift. I live alone but I don’t feel alone.” Major support from our partners has enabled us to pilot, adopt, and develop best-in-class devices that improve the quality of life, health and safety of our clients. 2 0 0 4 Remote pharmacy order system provided for residents of Selfhelp housing. 2009 2 0 0 5 Unobtrusive safety sensors with caregiver alerts are made available to residents of 2 0 1 0 Formal launch of the Virtual Senior Center, and expansion through funding from 2006 elfhelp receives a grant from the New York State Department of Health to S pilot telehealth devices in home care, which record vital signs and transmit the data to a central location for professional review. Dakim cognitive stimulation kiosks are installed at Selfhelp’s Alzheimer’s Resource Program and senior centers to strengthen clients’ intellectual abilities. 2 0 1 1 Two new telehealth kiosks in Selfhelp housing provide health education and 2007 ll Selfhelp senior centers, and some NORCs, have A computer learning centers with formal classes. 2 0 1 2 Selfhelp Innovations forms its own department to shepherd “high-tech, high-touch” 2008 intendo Wii systems provide novel exercise in senior centers N and Selfhelp housing common areas. 2 0 1 3 Selfhelp’s newest senior apartment building opens with a full suite of Selfhelp housing and Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCs). e Virtual Senior Center is first piloted through a public/private partnership Th with Microsoft Corporation and the New York City Departments for the Aging and of Information Technology and Telecommunications. UJA-Federation of New York and the Harriet and Robert H. Heilbrunn Fund. self-monitoring of vital signs, funded by Enterprise Community Partners. Funding from The Shirley and William Fleischer Family Foundation expands the Virtual Senior Center, with music classes provided by a major grant in memory of Dr. Frederick Coleman. models for older adults. COLLAGE, a technology-based assessment, is introduced in Selfhelp housing with funding from Enterprise Community Partners. client-centered technologies, funded by The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation. A grant from Google provides mobile devices for use in Selfhelp’s Innovative Senior Center. And, with grants from the CEA Foundation, AARP Foundation, and the Harriet and Robert H. Heilbrunn Fund, the Virtual Senior Center now serves clients in San Diego, Chicago and New York, with more to come. 23 The National Leader in Holocaust Survivor Services Survivors in Need 2013 5384 2010 5213 2005 4853 2000 2287 1996 1541 The number of Holocaust survivor clients served by Selfhelp has more than tripled since 1996—from 1,541 to 5,384. These findings may seem counterintuitive as there are fewer living Holocaust survivors each year. Our high numbers reflect the intense needs of the survivors we serve. As they age, they become increasingly frail and begin to turn to us for care. Commemorating Heroism Preserving the Legacy The Need Remains Great A Fitting Tribute Mounted in partnership with the Defiant Requiem Foundation and UJA-Federation of New York, The Defiant Requiem: Verdi at Terezín held its New York City debut before a sold-out audience on April 29, 2013, at Avery Fisher Hall. The concert-drama paid tribute to the brave prisoners of Theresienstadt who performed the Verdi Requiem sixteen times as an act of defiance against the Nazis. With concert expenses underwritten by donors, every ticket sold went directly to assisting New York City and Long Island’s aging Holocaust survivors. There are 65,000 survivors in the metropolitan area, over half of whom live at or near the poverty level. As the largest provider of services to this population in North America, serving over 5,300 individuals a year, Selfhelp received fifty percent of the proceeds. On April 7, 2013, Selfhelp launched the New York City debut of Witness Theater in partnership with the Yeshiva of Flatbush. Conceived and performed widely in Israel by JDC-Eshel, this intergenerational project pairs a group of Holocaust survivors with teenagers. The group meets weekly over the course of a year to develop a dramatic presentation of the testimonies of the survivors, culminating in a public performance. So powerful was the experience for both the students and survivors that Selfhelp and the Yeshiva of Flatbush have renewed their partnership this year. In April, we released our 2013 population study, Holocaust Survivors in New York, Today through 2025, which updates our original 2009 report. Using new data from UJAFederation of New York, we now project that there will still be 23,400 Holocaust survivors living in the New York City metropolitan area in 2025. Of these, we expect that 35 percent will be coping with serious or chronic illness, 41 percent will need help with daily tasks, and 52 percent will be “poor” by Federal definition. Selfhelp is committed to providing home health care, financial assistance and many other essential services as this last generation of Holocaust survivors ages and their needs increase. Selfhelp’s Project Legacy was created to ensure the necessary funding to care for the last generation of Holocaust survivors— specifically those who are frail, alone, and, much too often, impoverished. The initiative supports Selfhelp’s comprehensive programs and services for elderly survivors, enabling them to live with comfort and dignity. It is undeniably fitting that this vital project has been renamed to honor the memory of Fran Eizenstat, who deeply believed in its mission. Together, Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat and his wife Fran brought its message to their friends and colleagues, sharing the plight of the Holocaust survivors served by Selfhelp. Ambassador Eizenstat serves as the Honorary Chairman of Selfhelp’s Fran Eizenstat Legacy Project. Pictured left to right: John S. Ruskay, Executive VP and CEO, UJA-Federation, Ambassador Stuart E. Eizenstat, Chairman, The Defiant Requiem Foundation, and Stuart C. Kaplan, Chief Executive Officer, Selfhelp. 24 25 Overview of Programs and Services Nazi Victim Services The largest program of its kind in North America, Selfhelp offers a full continuum of care for survivors of the Holocaust, including comprehensive case management, financial management/guardianship, social programs, emergency financial assistance, and home care services. Affordable Senior Housing Selfhelp’s nine affordable apartment buildings offer seniors the opportunity to lead independent lives in a warm and supportive environment. Each dwelling has emergency response systems and closed-circuit TV surveillance in the lobby. Residents have access to on-site services, including health and wellness, social work, skilled nursing and home care, if and when needed. Home Health Care A leading provider of home health care in the New York City metropolitan area, Selfhelp annually delivers over two million hours of home care to elderly, frail individuals and families at-risk. Services are designed to maintain independent living and include skilled nursing, assistance with activities of daily living, housekeeping, homemaking and therapeutic care. Selfhelp’s highly regarded training program provides high-caliber education and certification to 350 home health aides each year. Senior Centers Community Guardianship Selfhelp’s five senior centers, including one of the first to be designated by the City of New York as an Innovative Senior Center, offer a wide variety of life-enhancing programs such as computer classes, health and wellness workshops, concerts, and lectures, as well as nutritious meals for seniors living in the surrounding communities. Three of these senior centers are now key sites for Selfhelp’s expanding Virtual Senior Center. Selfhelp’s Community Guardian Program serves as court-appointed legal guardian for clients referred by Adult Protective Services (APS), who are over 18 years of age and unable to manage their financial or domestic affairs. Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCs) Selfhelp NORC programs provide senior residents in four large cooperative housing complexes with the supportive services they need to continue living in their own homes. Selfhelp’s on-site services include case management, counseling, health screenings, and social, recreational, and educational programs. Case Management Selfhelp’s four comprehensive Case Management Programs perform evaluations and coordinate services to help seniors live independently in their own homes. Counseling is offered regarding entitlements and benefits that may be available, such as financial assistance, home delivered meals, and chore services. Senior Source For adults seeking a portal of entry for all health and other forms of care, Senior Source provides access to a Care Manager 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A fee-for-service geriatric care management program, Senior Source helps clients and their families navigate the maze of health care and residential options, monitor and support ongoing care, and prepare for future care needs. Alzheimer’s Programs The Selfhelp Alzheimer’s Resource Program (SHARP) provides social adult day care, assessment and referral, together with music therapy and other social activities for individuals in the early to mid-stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The program also offers support groups for caregivers. 26 See page 44 for a complete list of program contacts. SinglePoint Care Network, LLC Selfhelp’s senior centers give clients opportunities to discover new talents and learn new skills. A specialty care management company, SinglePoint offers integrated healthcare management solutions. SinglePoint coordinates benefits, arranges services, and manages the overall care of members, in partnership with managed long term care organizations. Selfhelp Innovations Selfhelp has pioneered a number of technologies aimed at enhancing the quality of later life. From congregate telehealth services to Virtual Senior Center programming, Selfhelp continually seeks new “high-tech, high-touch” models to maintain wellness and to re-engage and energize vulnerable, isolated seniors across New York City as well as nationwide. 27 Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. Balance Sheet Statement of Activities AS AT June 30 Assets Current Assets Cash Investments Accounts Receivable Due from Related Party Contributions Receivable & Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Long-term Asset Due from Related Party Other Assets Fixed Assets Guardianship Assets Held-in-Trust Other Non-Current Assets Total Assets 2013 $1,052,246 8,746,357 10,490,797 484,602 1,380,233 2012 $144,879 9,642,357 11,458,229 336,985 396,972 22,154,235 21,979,422 6,104,784 4,383,744 4,165,816 4,067,464 16,189,137 13,393,600 $50,970,788 $44,543,505 2,356,816 719,275 $1,546,587 $1,813,141 Due to Third Parties and Other Payables 1,488,097 1,946,845 Due to Related Party Loan Payable Total Current Liabilities Other Liabilities Guardianship Assets Held-in-Trust Deferred Rent Payable Total Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Temporarily Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets 28 Government Revenue Contributions and Program Grants Program Services Developer Fees and Investment Activity Total revenues, grants and contributions 4,549,131 26,617 2,096,722 9,707,154 3,688,324 - 2,275,000 9,723,310 13,393,600 26,754,113 23,694,862 20,872,945 18,031,936 24,216,675 20,848,643 $50,970,788 $44,543,505 857,822 3,343,730 577,952 2,816,707 9,516,278 13,139,318 * 2,271,448 2,025,103 2012 $30,582,204 8,775,617 9,062,027 * 2,909,879 1,504,528 52,834,255 Homecare Services 28,973,117 27,508,133 Community and Other Programs 10,931,400 10,300,224 948,346 918,203 Expenses Management and General Fund Raising Total expenses Non-Operating Activit y Depreciation/Amortization Consolidation of Kimmel Housing Development Foundation NYC Contracts Recoupment Change in net assets Net assets - beginning of year Net assets - end of year 16,189,137 2013 $31,766,412 58,718,559 Change in net assets before other non-operating activity changes Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses Accrued Salaries and Benefits Homecare Revenue Philanthropic Programs Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities Revenues, Grants and Contribu tions for the year ended June 30 8,737,971 6,846,888 8,363,360 6,725,510 56,437,722 53,815,430 2,280,837 (981,175) (1,001,366) (981,211) - (821,294) 2,088,561 * These amounts do not include approximately $1,282,850 in 2013 and $1,094,507 in 2012 of contributions and related income received by Selfhelp Community Services Foundation which will benefit Selfhelp’s family of services. - 3,368,032 (2,783,680) 20,848,643 23,632,323 $24,216,675 $20,848,643 A copy of our audited financial statement for Fiscal Year 2013 has been filed with the Secretary of State and may be obtained from the Department of State, 41 State Street, Albany, NY 12231, or directly from Selfhelp. Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. is dedicated to the practice of equal employment opportunity in every aspect of its operations and complies with all Federal, State, and City government regulations. Selfhelp and its family of service providers deliver a wide range of independent living and fund raising activities. Total Assets and Revenue for Selfhelp and its related entities are summarized below. Total Assets Total Revenues Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. $50,970,788 $58,718,559 Affordable Housing Corporations Certified Home Health Agency 154,797,304 556,805 12,159,829 2,657,905 Selfhelp Community Services Foundation, Inc. 6,412,233 1,282,850 29 Selfhelp Community Services Foundation, Inc. Selfhelp Community Services Foundation, Inc. Balance Sheet Statement of Activities AS AT June 30 Assets Current Assets Cash Investments Contributions Receivable Due from Related Party Total Assets 2013 2012 $534,905 $574,331 5,238,169 4,283,377 26,617 - 612,542 $6,412,233 768,894 $5,626,602 Accrued Expenses Due to Related Party Total Current Liabilities Net Assets Unrestricted Net Assets Temporarily Restricted Net Assets Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets 30 Contributions, Legacies & Bequests Special Event Revenue Investment Activity Total Revenues, Gains and Other Support Program Services $6,000 - $5,708 38,478 6,000 44,186 81,544 225,527 6,324,689 5,356,889 6,406,233 5,582,416 $6,412,233 $5,626,602 2013 2012 $546,469 $401,202 736,381 (51,027) 1,282,850 1,094,507 - 744,332 Expenses Direct Cost of Events Liabilities and Net Assets Current Liabilities Revenues, Gains, and Other Support for the year ended June 30 Fund Raising Management and General Total expenses Change in net assets Net assets - beginning of year Net assets - end of year - 396,802 12,136 190,948 189,000 41,682 50,095 17,042 459,033 438,672 823,817 655,835 5,582,416 4,926,581 $6,406,233 $5,582,416 A copy of our audited financial statement for Fiscal Year 2013 has been filed with the Secretary of State and may be obtained from the Department of State, 41 State Street, Albany, NY 12231, or directly from Selfhelp. Selfhelp Community Services Foundation, Inc. is dedicated to the practice of equal employment opportunity in every aspect of its operations and complies with all Federal, State, and City government regulations. 31 Thank You to Our Essential Partners Alisa Robbins Doctoroff President Linda Mirels Chair of the Board John S. Ruskay, Ph.D. Executive VP & CEO UJA-FEDERATION of New York We take this opportunity to publicly thank UJA-Federation of New York for their ongoing support and commitment to Selfhelp Community Services. A partner extraordinaire, UJA-Federation provides Selfhelp with invaluable support for both our fundamental programs and our pioneering initiatives. They work with us, side by side, to promote innovative solutions to issues facing our community. They are tireless advocates for those we serve and have strengthened their commitment to Holocaust survivors, Selfhelp’s historic population. This past year, Selfhelp was most fortunate to work closely with senior staff and lay leaders at UJA-Federation and the Defiant Requiem Foundation in launching the New York City debut of the Defiant Requiem: Verdi at Terezín. The concert resulted in much needed funding for Selfhelp’s Holocaust survivor population, and increased awareness of their needs. 32 Supporters, Partners, Donors 2012-2013 Julius Berman Chairman Greg Schneider Executive Vice President The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany Selfhelp salutes The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference) for their unwavering and steadfast commitment to Holocaust survivors worldwide. Selfhelp has been fortunate to receive substantial support that has enabled us to serve tens of thousands of victims of Nazi persecution. PA RT N E R S & SUPPORTERS THANK YOU We thank our many partners, supporters and donors without whom our shared mission could not be realized. Selfhelp and the Claims Conference share a collaborative history dating back for more than 50 years. The Claims Conference has played an essential role in enabling Selfhelp to expand its services to meet the increasing needs of victims of Nazi persecution throughout the New York City metropolitan area. Claims Conference funding has been invaluable in enabling Selfhelp to open and operate new sites in Brooklyn, the Bronx, and Nassau County, and they continue to support our Queens and Manhattan locations. These programs make our services more accessible to the 65,000 Holocaust survivors living throughout New York City and Long Island. The warm partnership that Selfhelp enjoys with our colleagues at UJA-Federation has offered us entrée to their network of relationships throughout the wider New York community. Some initiatives are quantifiable, such as inclusion in the New York Times Neediest Cases Campaign. Others, such as introductions to individuals and foundations and advocacy work with governmental agencies, have allowed us to leverage their support and are priceless. The Claims Conference also provides significant funding for critical home care services, as well as for emergency financial assistance for this aging population. In recent years, the Claims Conference has successfully negotiated with the German Government to obtain new benefits for individual survivors and for programmatic services. Their full negotiating team, led by Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat, merits special recognition for their continued successes in this area. Selfhelp is deeply grateful to have enjoyed the benefits of affiliation with UJA-Federation since 1983. On behalf of those we serve, we are ever grateful for such critical funding, which helps provide this aging and fragile population with the care they so rightfully deserve. 33 Founders Society Providing Support Deepest thanks to our Supporters for the Fiscal Year 2013 ( July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013) Selfhelp’s Founders Society recognizes our generous friends and partners who have supported us with cumulative donations of $25,000 or more.* From our earliest days, Selfhelp has been blessed by the involvement of scores of individuals committed to our mission. We offer our deepest appreciation to our Founders ~ both present and those no longer with us ~ who have helped to make Selfhelp Community Services the vital organization it is today. Key: * Selfhelp Board Member ◊ SCS Foundation Trustee Honorary Life Member ‡ Deceased # Defiant Requiem Supporter ˚ * Bequests are not included in this listing Benefactor $1,000,000 and Over Anonymous Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany Jewish Philanthropic Fund of 1933, Inc. The Leir Charitable Foundations Ilse Melamid Leo Model Foundation K. Fred and Alice Netter Newmark Grubb Knight Frank / Jeffrey Gural The Price Family Foundation, Inc. Robin Hood Foundation Sandra Priest Rose S. H. and Helen R. Scheuer Family Foundation, Inc. Joan C. and Eric S. Sondheimer UJA-Federation of New York United Help, Inc. The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, Inc. Visionary $500,000 and Over Anonymous (2) Carnegie Corporation of New York Shelley and Steven Einhorn FJC - A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds Dana Golding and Richard Scharf The JPB Foundation Melodie and Martin Scharf Ruth Grunebaum Sondheimer and Manfred Sondheimer Ambassador $250,000 and Over Anonymous (3) Anne-Margaret and Dennis Baum Ilse and Frederick Baum 34 Martha and Ernest L. Bial J.E. and Z.B. Butler Foundation Dorothy Coleman Elizabeth K. Dollard Charitable Trust Enterprise Community Partners Leo & Julia Forchheimer Foundation Beatrice and Hans Frank Lotte & Max Heine Philanthropic Fund Jewish Communal Fund C.L.C. Kramer Foundation The Walter and Augusta Levy Family Helen and Rita Lurie Foundation National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism The New York Community Trust Righteous Persons Foundation Ernst C. Stiefel Foundation United Way of New York City Wolfensohn Family Foundation Marguerite and Alfred Wyler Nell and Victor A. Wyler Sustainer $100,000 and Over Anonymous (4) Rita Aranow Arnhold and S. Bleichroeder Holdings, Inc. Phylis and Michael Bamberger The Beker Foundation Leo H. Bendit Charitable Foundation The David Berg Foundation Bloomberg L.P. Corporate Giving Program Muriel and Bert Brodsky Kimberly and Matthew Cantor Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Eberstadt Moses Ginsberg Family Foundation Herman C. Goldsmith Trudy Elbaum Gottesman and Robert W. Gottesman Insignia / ESG, Inc. Karen and Peter Jakes Morris & Nellie L. Kawaler Foundation Marguerite Lambert Dora Lauinger Lini Lipton David J. and Bobbie Marks Family Fund Charlotte S. Neu Susan and Stanley Reifer The Samberg Family Foundation Franz W. Sichel Foundation Marianne and John H. Slade Carol and Steven Tepper Isaac H. Tuttle Fund Otto and Fran Walter Foundation Gerda and Wolfgang Wassermann The Weininger Foundation Patron $50,000 and Over Anonymous (5) Alexander Abraham Foundation Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation, Inc. Jonathan Babkow Paul and Peggy Bernstein Brooklyn Community Foundation The Calamus Foundation Debrah Lee Charatan and Steven I. Holm Citi Douglas Elliman Property Management The Eleanor, Adam & Mel Dubin Foundation Jean Eastman Charitable Fund John H. Elton The Feuerring Foundation The Shirley and William Fleischer Family Foundation, Inc. Hilda Frank Hans Friedenthal Vera and Werner Gamby Eugene and Emily Grant Family Foundation, Inc. The Grunebaum Family Fund The Grunebaum Foundation, Inc. The Helen Hotze Haas Foundation Renée and Frederick S. Herman Magda and Max H. Hull Irish American Diamond Dealers Association JPMorgan Chase Foundation Michele and Jeffrey Jacob Karen and Walter Joelson Walter Kann Foundation Stuart and Rosemary Kaplan Andrea Klepetar-Fallek Karin Shewer Krugman and Michael Krugman Maspeth Federal Savings Alfred, Lee and Peter Mayer Foundation Eva and Ewald Mayer Mary J. Mayer Beth and Joshua Mermelstein Marion and Peter Mosheim Kaethe Oppenheimer The William Petschek Family John Remak Remak-Mosenthal Fund Leo Rosner Foundation Margrit Wreschner Rustow Raymond V.J. Schrag Family Fund Rita and Frank Shewer SIG Susquehanna Foundation Corinne and Peter Simmons Barbara R. Sobernheim J.T. Tai & Co. Foundation Verein zur Unterstutzung Wildwood Fund The Judith C. White Foundation The Wilf Family Foundation Laure and Henry J. Zacharias Founder $25,000 and Over Anonymous (3) Else Adler Alzheimer’s Foundation of America Richard Aronson and Joyce Kirschner Charlene Kahn Berman Bezalel Foundation, Inc. / The Sonneborn Foundation City Center Box Office The deKay Foundation Jean and Louis Dreyfus Foundation Claire Edersheim The Edouard Foundation Herman Forbes Charitable Trust Rudolph and Hilda U. Forchheimer Foundation Mary Ann Fribourg Nancy and Jeffrey Halis Erica Harold Fanya Gottesfeld Heller and Ben Heller Liselotte Heymann Hannah Hirschfeld Marianne Homburger Victor Homburger Marie and Jerry Hornstein Humanitarian Aid Foundation IOLA Fund of the State of New York The Irving Foundation Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Nathan & Helen Kohler Foundation Judith and Paul Konigsberg The Kupferberg Foundation Marjorie and Stephen M. Levy Lilli Lowenthal Jonah Mandelbaum Margot S. Maron Lee and Alfred Mayer Reggie and Peter Mayer Selma T. & Jacques H. Mitrani Foundation Donald R. Mullen Family Foundation, Inc. Elizabeth and George Melamid Metzger-Price Fund Erika and Ernest Michael Tres Hanley-Millman and Paul Millman O.C.F. Foundation Orange Capital, LLC Procida Companies Marjorie and Seymour Richman Carole and Ronald Ries Alice and Paul Roche Isabel and Thomas Roche Sarah and Eric Rosand Marianne and John Schiffer Hans Schindler Schocken Foundation Walter and Charlotte Schoeman Peter Schweitzer Eleanor T. Seidel Memorial Fund The Senator Foundation Sheryl Silverstein and Edwin Ginsberg Selma Sondheimer Sally and Joel Spivack State of Israel Bonds Rochelle and Brian R. Steinwurtzel Rosemary Stevens Esther and Henry Swieca TD Charitable Foundation United Way of Long Island Henry Voremburg Olga and Hans Warmbrunn Jan Weil Elsbeth and Harry D. Weilheimer Bernard Weissman The Robert I. Wishnick Foundation Janet and Jeffrey Zorek Lisl and John Zorek Selfhelp is a grateful recipient of major annual support from: Pillar - $5,000,000 and over Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany for Programs Benefiting Jewish Nazi Victims Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany for an Austrian Holocaust Survivor Emergency Assistance Program Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany for the benefit of needy Hungarian Nazi victims, from the settlement of a class action regarding the Hungarian Gold Train (Rosner v. United States) under the jurisdiction of Judge Patricia A. Seitz Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany for the Emergency Assistance Program for Nazi Victims at the direction of the United States District Court supervising the lawsuit In Re: Holocaust Victim Assets Litigation (Swiss Banks) Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany for the International Commission on Holocaust Era Insurance Claims Funds from the Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Holocaust Survivor Emergency Assistance Fund, administered by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany for the benefit of needy Jewish Nazi victims Benefactor - $1,000,000 and Over Ilse Melamid ◊ # The Price Family Foundation, Inc.◊ UJA-Federation of New York Bi-Annual Lecture for Professionals Working with Holocaust Survivors Big Six Towers NORC Intergenerational Program Jeanette Solomon Cultural Arts Fund of UJA-Federation’s NORC Committee Core Operating Support Grant Enhanced Case Management for Survivors of the Holocaust Community Initiative for Holocaust Survivors of UJA-Federation Home Care Aide Training & Employment Pilot Hurricane Sandy Emergency Grant Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund: Connect to Recovery New York Times Neediest Cases Cash/Direct Assistance Grant New York Times 100 Neediest Cases Fund of UJA-Federation Pre-Development Expenses for a New Affordable Apartment Building for Seniors in the Bronx Pre-Development Costs for Senior Housing Residence for 333 Lenox Road, Brooklyn Fran Eizenstat Legacy Project Defiant Requiem Event Queensview/North Queensview NORC Jeanette Solomon Cultural Arts Fund of UJA-Federation’s NORC Committee Russian Nazi Victims Program Community Initiative for Holocaust Survivors of UJA-Federation Selfhelp Safety Net: Comprehensive Case Management for Elderly and Disabled Jews Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Fund for Programs for the Aged of UJAFederation Using Music to Improve the Quality of Life for People with Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia William Petschek Music Fund of UJA-Federation Virtual Senior Center Selfhelp also receives major funding from: Nassau County Department of Social Services New York City Administration for Children’s Services Adult Protective Services Department for the Aging Department of Health HIV/AIDS Services Administration Department of Housing, Preservation and Development Housing Authority Housing Development Corporation Human Resources Administration Borough Presidents 35 Fran Eizenstat Legacy Project Commit tee (formerly Project Legacy Committee) As evidenced by its name, an essential part of the mission of this project is to “pass the torch” to the second and third generations. A brainchild of Co-Chairs Dennis Baum and Karin Shewer Krugman, the Committee is comprised mainly of those who, because of their family background or personal interest, share a passion to help Holocaust survivors in need. Members of the City Council New York State Department of Health Homes and Community Renewal Office for the Aging Office of Children and Family Services Office of Temporary & Disability Assistance Refugee Assistance Program U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Visionary - $500,000 and Over Dana Golding and Richard Scharf ◊# Sandra Priest Rose ◊# Melodie and Martin Scharf Sustainer - $100,000 and Over Anonymous AARP Foundation Martha and Ernest L. Bial*◊ # Consumer Electronics Association Foundation Shelley*◊# and Steven Einhorn Harriet and Robert H. Heilbrunn Fund Leo Model Foundation*◊ # Robin Hood Foundation Patron - $50,000 and Over Phylis and Michael Bamberger ◊# Citi FJC – A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds Jewish Philanthropic Fund of 1933, Inc. Karin Shewer Krugman◊# and Michael Krugman 36 Carol and Steven G. Tepper*# The Judith C. White Foundation, Inc. Founder - $25,000 and Over Anonymous (2) Enterprise Community Partners # Carol*# and Jerry Levin The Netter Foundation Newmark Grubb Knight Frank # Rochelle and Brian R. Steinwurtzel*# Ernst C. Stiefel Foundation Nell and Victor A. Wyler*◊ # Champion - $10,000 and Over Anonymous Louis and Anne Abrons Foundation, Inc. Anne-Margaret and Dennis Baum*◊ # Edith C. Blum Foundation, Inc. Muriel and Bert E. Brodsky ◊ # Brooklyn Community Foundation The Calamus Foundation Kimberly and Matthew Cantor*# Capital One Bank Rick Davidson # Stuart E. Eizenstat # Nadine Habousha and Edward B. Cohen*# Erica Harold Lotte & Max Heine Philanthropic Fund Karen and Peter H. Jakes*# Stuart◊# and Rosemary Kaplan Laurie Kayden Foundation Judith and Paul Konigsberg # C.L.C. Kramer Foundation, Inc. The Leir Charitable Foundations, Inc. # Courtney and Paul Levinsohn*# Helen and Rita Lurie Foundation David J. and Bobbie Marks Family Fund Virginia McGuire Foundation Medicare Rights Center The Donald R. Mullen Family Foundation, Inc. # National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism New York Hospital Queens Raymond V.J. Schrag Family Fund*# Seed the Dream Foundation Patricia and David Silvers # J.T. Tai & Co. Foundation, Inc. TD Charitable Foundation United Way of Long Island Gerda Wassermann Ralph E. Loewenberg Ralph Marash*# Beth and Joshua Mermelstein* Carol and Edward Miller # Morgan Stanley Aideen and Joel B. Mounty The New York Bar Foundation O+D Builders Paylocity The Pearl Family Foundation # Isabel and Thomas Roche ◊# SIG Susquehanna Foundation Sheryl Silverstein*# and Edwin Ginsberg The Slomo and Cindy Silvian Foundation, Inc. Barbara R. Sobernheim Partner - $5,000 and Over Pacesetter - $1,000 and Over Anonymous (2) The Gretchen Beinecke Charitable Trust Debrah Lee Charatan ◊ # and Steven I. Holm Douglas Elliman Property Management # Elissa and Scott Drassinower*# Claire Edersheim # Vicki A. Feiner and Judith Aranow Werner Gamby Goldman Sachs Paula and Jerry Gottesman Trudy Elbaum Gottesman and Robert W. Gottesman # Helaine and Fred Gould # Ellen Grossman Jerry Hornstein JPMorgan Chase # Seryl and Charles Kushner Family Foundation Anonymous (6) Peggy Preuss-Amster and Arnold Amster Apfel, Levy and Zlotnick, P.C.# Richard Aronson and Joyce Kirschner Cindy and Leo Asen # Judith and Kenneth Balkin Tzilla and David Barone* Maryanne Barranco and Kevin Byrne # Beverly and Daniel Bartfeld Renee Baruch Martin Baskin and Jacquie Kennedy # The Morris S. and Florence H. Bender Foundation, Inc. Leo H. Bendit Charitable Foundation Fred Bering Arlene and Arthur Boshnack # Morris Breitstein # and Lily Wang Michele and Fred Brettschneider Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, LLP# Elinor and Walter Clifton Ilona and Michael Cohen CohnReznick LLP Brenda Lewis Cooper # Christine and Joel Cooperman # Cornicello, Tendler & BaumelCornicello # Elisabeth dePicciotto Henry T. Dessauer Lois Deutsch # James Dinnigan Doris M. and Leo Dreyfuss Susan and Lloyd Ecker Joanna and Nicholas Feffer Helene and Ziel Feldman # The Feuerring Foundation [Rudolph‡] and Hilda U. Forchheimer Foundation Mary Ann Fribourg # Eugen Friedlaender Foundation Tasha and Peter Genatt Tracie Golding Gerson and Brian Gerson Jennifer Gilbert and Bennett Egeth Roz Gitt Herman C. Goldsmith # Joanie Lekisch Goldstein The Grunebaum Family Fund Judy Guttsman Kenneth Haas # Pamela and Jonathan Henes Lyn S. Hill David Himelberg Foundation Chan Lee Hsieh Heinz Hutzler Gary Jacob # Jordana and Joseph Jacobson Jewish Home Lifecare Rikki and Barry Kaplan # Eleanor and Saul Kagan‡ We gratefully acknowledge the efforts of Honorary Chairman Ambassador Stuart Eizenstat and our committee members, each of whom are deeply committed to ensuring that survivors live with the dignity they rightfully deserve. For information about joining the committee, please email [email protected]. Cara and Jeffrey Klein Andrea Klepetar-Fallek Maya and Dori Konig John S. Koppel Reynold S. Koppel Paul and Laurie Korngold # Elihu Kover# and Teresa Moogan Betty and Arthur Kowaloff # The Kupferberg Foundation Jackie Lekisch Lantz Hillary and Daniel Leibowitz Che King Leo Leo Baeck Institute # Monica Lester Family Trust Paul Lester Family Trust Marjorie and Stephen M. Levy # Alison and Gary Lieberman Lloya Lipchitz Jennifer and Marc Lipschultz Lini Lipton Kelly and Russell Lusak # Marion Lust-Cohen Evelyn Machauf Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP Jaime Marks Alfred, Lee and Peter Mayer Foundation Harriet L. Mayer Linda Lipitz-Mayer and Ronald Mayer Mary Mayer*# Metzger-Price Fund, Inc. Donna and Helmut Meyerbach Marion and Peter Mosheim Judi and Alfred Netter Jillian and Lawrence Neubauer# Eric Osterweil # People Care, Inc. Candice and Geoff Postel Marjorie and Seymour‡ Richman Carole and Ronald Ries*# Sheila Johnson Robbins David Roberts Daniel Roche Pamela and George Rohr Ayelet and Aaron Rosen # Liane and Fred A. Rosenberg Beth Rustin Margrit Wreschner Rustow*# Sandpiper Fund Tamar and Robert Scharf Steven Schmigelski Walter and Charlotte Schoeman Cathy Schoen and Lawrence Zacharias Sally and Francis Schrag Robert Schulman # Thomas Selman Elizabeth and Robert Sheehan Daryl and Irwin Simon Richard Singer Deborah and Scott Smith # Beryl Snyder # Linda and Gilbert Snyder # Jeffrey R. Solomon and Audrey Weiner Sally and Joel Spivack Stawski Partners # Alan and Jackie Stuart The Margot Sundheimer Foundation SWS Charitable Foundation Teva Pharmaceuticals Vivian Torres # Alvin Trenk # Marlene and Marshall Turner # Alice Ullmann United HealthCare Services, Inc. Stanley and Ellen Wasserman # Robert Wechsler Penni and Stephen Weinberg Evelyn Wolff# and Thomas Frankel Vivian and Jim Zelter # Janet and Jeffrey Zorek ◊ Friend - $500 and Over Anonymous (10) AARP NY Fritzi and Jean Warner Baer Lucy R. Banker Betty Belina Gail Binderman Dina and Adam Blackman Eleanor and George Bollag Phoebe Boyer and Todd Snyder Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging & Longevity Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney Citizens Committee for New York City Libby and Richard Cohen # The Commonwealth Fund Ron Dror and Zoe Cohen Dorothea H. Fingerhood Fund Martita and Chris Fleming Jacqueline Fowler Karen Freedman and Roger Weisberg Holly and Robert Friedsam Jennifer and Richard Geller Joan E. Gerstler Frank K. Gottschalk Danielle and Hayim Grant The Green Fund, Inc. Greenfield Stein & Senior, LLP Shirley and David Grill Laura and Leo Guthart Alan Halperin # Gerry Hodes David Hupert Andrea and Robert Ingram Roe Jasen Karen and Walter Joelson Sheri and Gregg Kanter Daniela and Steven Klein Martin H. Kohn # Marlene and Gerald Kolbert Edward and Diane Korman Benita Lebow # Jack and Susan Levkovitz Foundation Nina and Daniel Libeskind Helen Lowenstein Cynthia and Matthew Mark Samantha and Steven Marvin New York State Bar Association Matthew J. Nolfo & Associates Anna C. Oliver Joe Osnoss Tricia Pantzer Lilli Platt Susan and Stanley Reifer ◊ Rosanne Sall Advertising Agency, Inc. Lily Rosenblatt Emily and Peter Samton Arlene W. Saxonhouse Robert Scheibe # Elissa and Larry Schneider Silvia Schnur Ms. Catherine Schreiber Kim and David Seeherman Ana Jimenez-Shapiro and Gerald Shapiro Rita and Frank Shewer Corinne and Peter Simmons* Ashu and Vanayak Singh Peter Solomon # Vivian and Werner Sonn Gloria and Fred Strauss Joan and Peter J. Strauss Strong Foundation of New York Sysco Food Services ˚ Joan and Dennis Tendler Thomson Reuters Elaine Tross # Bryan Verona Wadowski Family Jacqui and Peter Weidman Bruce and Anne Williams # Naomi Wolfensohn and Jascha D. Preuss MJ Wyatt # Supporter - $100 and Over Anonymous (12) Aaron Valuation Inc. Karen Jacoby Aarts and Jeffrey Aarts Anne Herzberg Adler and Stephen Adler Louise Albenda Julia and Robert J. Anello Marilyn Aron Atria Senior Living Joan Avallone Hildegard Bachert Leo Baer Lisa Barr Robert Bata Frances Bauer Alison Beltzer Marion Benedek Mr. and Mrs. Bermann Deena K. and Josh Bernstein Ofra Biener# Erika Bloomfield Barbara and Mark Blount Valerie J. Bogart Sam and Edmund Bogen Charles and Tammy Brass Richard Braun Ginny Breslauer Judith Bresler and Ralph Lerner 37 A Special Thank You to Our Defiant Requiem Supporters The Def iant Requiem: Verdi at Terezín, performed at Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center on April 29th, will have a life-long impact on thousands of aging Holocaust survivors, as the proceeds will be applied to address the vital and mounting physical, health and emotional needs of this fragile population. Cardozo Bet Tzedek Legal Services Robert Carmona* Chavurat Tikvah Ilan Folman Cohen Marsha Cohen Theodore and Alice Ginott Cohn Philanthropic Fund Linda Cole Mary Q. Connelly Eugenia Connerat Betsy and Jon Contant Christine A. Crowley, LCSW Carol Dallos Elizabeth Daniele Lucy and Mike Danziger Mary Delbanco Linda Yohay Denning Rosalind Devon # Aviva F. Diamant Judith and Barry Dichter Klaus Dittmar Maja M. Dubois Hanna Eichwald Keren Eisenberg and Larry Zelnick Eliyahu L. Ellman Rachel and Melvin Epstein Yonca Erdogan Mr. and Mrs. Andreas Esberg Lea and Jehuda Evron Edith and Jonathan Fassberg Audrey Felli Lauren and Victor Finster Renay and Mark Freedman Marian Froehlich Marion Gardner-Saxe Nadia K. Gareeb Lila Gault Bob Gaynor and Dwayne Clark Sally and Ernest Gelb 38 Annamarie G. Gentile Judy and David Gilberg Ruth Golbin Caryl Goldsmith Edith and Fred Goldsmith Susie Goldstein Erica Gorin Walter E. Gross Marilynn and Ronald Grossman Gruss Hirsch Family Fund Allan Guggenheim Michael Guss Robert and Ellen Gutenstein Paula and Neal Guttenberg Wendy and Howard Handler Rivka and Bruce Harris Lotte L. Hart Herbert Harwitt Helen Hausmann Andrée Hayum Eva and Terry Herndon Janet and Mark Hershey Yididya Hertenfeld Ilse Hoffman Adeena Horowitz Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Homburger Elizabeth Horton and James Silbert Hilda and Sel Hubert Mary H. Jacker Madeline Jacobs Eva and Howard Jakob Rosalie and Ralph Joel Galina Kadinskiy Barbara and Walter Kahn Judith and Stephen Kamberg Debra Kaplan and Michael Laikin Michael Kaplan # Carole Karlsruher Frances Katz Dorothy and Jeff Kern # Kimmel Housing Development Foundation Barbara Kislak Peter L. Klausner Barry D. Kleban Laurie and Leon Klempner Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Koller Susan Kossowsky Alex Kozlowski Helga and Bernard Kramarsky Donna Kramer and Ron Cohen Kim Kramer Ziva and Itzhak Kronzon Suzanne Y. Kupfer Edith Kurzweil Paul Labowitz Lotte M. Landes Bara Lane Mr. and Mrs. John Lang Silvia and Peter Last Dorothy Lebach Margot C. Lehman Barbara Levey Walter E. Levi Irma Levy Gerald F. Lewis Lisa Licht Jessica and Stuart Lippman Deborah Lipton Neil Lubarsky Michael Lubell Rochelle and David Ludwig Elizabeth Lynn # Ann Maass Anne and John Mahoney Cynthia and Jeffrey Manocherian # Jennifer Mantz Teresa Marrero Shelley and Thomas Martin Chaninah Maschler The Mayer Corporation Susan L. Mayer and Stephan S. Cowan Mrs. Ilse Meckauer Brenda and Norbert Mester Virginia and Juan Meyer Milkes Family Roni Miller Diana Murdoch Pamela Schein Murphy and Mark Murphy Susan and Michael Nash Hannah and Frank Neubauer Lore Newburg Ella T. Newman Next Generation Vending, LLC Betty Nichols Erika Novick Leonie Nowitz Irma Oppenheimer Leah Mason Oppenheimer and John Oppenheimer Paula Sarnoff Oreck Laurie Orlov Ursula and Gerald Oscar Park Gardens Rehabilitation and Nursing Center LLC Lore and George Parker David Pauker Alison and Steve Pearlman Marion and Bret Pearlman Pamela and Carl Pedersen Max Van Pels Susan Penry-Williams Carol and Ralph Perlberger Susi and Joseph Podgurski‡ Barbara F. Poll Sam Pollack # Nancy and Charles Posternak Kurt & Gladys Preuss Fund Deborah M. Prince Jack Pritchard# Ellen and James Quinn Gordon D. Rapp Karen Raskin Emily and Alan Reagan Michael Reich Margaret H. Reiff Andrea and Cal Roberts# Andrew Romay Diane and Lance Rosen Stanley Rosen James Rosenberg Ali and Jason Rosenfeld Carol E. Rosenthal Charlotte Rosenzweig Denise and Lawrence Rothschild Julius Rudel Joan Sammon Vera Sander Edgar W. Sands Rosa Scheck William Scheer Dolores and Alex Schermer Sophie Schorr-Reiner Edward Schrag Lori and Brian Schreiber Sylvia Schulman Marilyn and Myron Schuster Barbara and Paul Schwarz Trudy Schwarz Renata Manasse Schwebel Adrianne and Avi Shapira Jacqueline Sheirr Rochelle and Charles Shotland Meir Silberstein Linda Sittenfeld Fern and Adrian Sondheimer This will enhance Selfhelp’s efforts to provide compassionate case management services, home health care, emergency financial assistance, and our celebrated Coffee House gatherings. We deeply appreciate the many generous individuals who supported this historic event. Fred and Linda Sondheimer Lee and Adam Spies Murray Stark Lore Stein Rebecca and J. Andrew Stein Arthur Steinberg Marianne E. Steiner Gene Stern Jodi and Andrew Sussman Leo & Rachel Sussman Foundation Gloria and Mark Szrajer Sue Tebor Gail and Steven Tessler Susan N. Tilson Walter Tritell‡ Adele W. and Michael M. Ulin Ursula and Werner Ulrich United Way of New York City Sue Vaccaro Vera Institute of Justice Miryam and Eliezer Vilinsky Marina Volpin Susan and Harry Wagner Howard Wallick, The Wallick Companies Rita Warner Marie-Helene Weill Sue Ann Weinberg Naomi and Alfred Weissenberg Therese Wiedmann Barry Wien Steven Yavers Geraldine and Albert Young Jane and Richard Zenker Julia and Michael Zeuner Ruth Zielenziger Rebekka Zlobinskaya Alan Zollner Tanya Zuckerbrot Selfhelp would also like to acknowledge the generosity of donors whose gifts of $99 or less are too numerous to list. Caring for Generations Tribute Fund In Honor Of: The following individuals were recognized by friends and family as they celebrated special occasions: Ilse Baum Civia Gelber Basch Martin Baskin and Jacquie Kennedy Michele Becker Ernest L. Bial*◊ Lila Pio Blank Joe Bodik Joachim Bodik Valerie Bogart Matthew A. Cantor* Edward B. Cohen* and Nadine Habousha Cohen Debrah Lee Charatan◊ Jacob Dermer Henry Dessauer Lois Deutsch Lydia Ecker Robert Freedman Hilde Gardner Gisele Garelik Michael Geschwer Herman C. Goldsmith Pamela Goodman Erica Gorin Ellen Grossman Rosemarie Gumpel Sigmund Guttenberg Magda Hackel Max Heine Robert Herman Thomas Herzfeld Brooks David Horten Adeena Horowitz Magda Hull Doris Hyman Samuel E. Intrator Ken Israeli Peter H. Jakes* Walter Joelson Saul Kagan Robin Kaufman Ester Ketzlach Katherine La Forte Nadine Levy Margaret Lowe Seymour Lubliner Connor Matro Elsie Marx Reggie Mayer Ilse Melamid◊ Gertrude Modell Roberta Nash Ronald Oppenheimer Susan Osnoss Barbara Poll Julie Rabinowitz Ellie Reagan Andrea and Cal Roberts Tom Roche◊ Ayelet and Aaron Rosen Joseph Rosenbaum Hanna Roth Margrit Wreschner Rustow* Magdalena Sanchez Maxine Scharf Raymond V.J. Schrag* Dr. Walter Schreiber Charles and Rochelle Shotland Tess and Audrey Shotland Diane Shtulman Lilian Sicular Walter Spier Carol Stern Helen Stern Gloria and Fred Strauss Kathy and Michael Strochlic Steve* and Carol Tepper Steven G. Tepper* Curt Ward Evelyn Wolff Victor A. Wyler*◊ Jack L. Yohay David and Ilia Yohay Paul Yohay Caring for Generations Tribute Fund In Memory Of: Contributions to Selfhelp were made in memory of the following loved ones this year: Lucy Bachrach Lore Baer Elizabeth Bata Mira Bauer Betty Jean Bernard Joe Bodik Rabbi Mordecai Bryski Ilse Buttenweiser Lee Cagan Paul Cantor Pepe Chouake Gertrude Cole Ruth Dimow Margaret Epstein Lewis Fein Teddy Fialkov Trude Fischel Simeon Gluckson Miriam Gold Susan Goldschmitt Berta Gottesman Lilly Grab Rita Guttsman Curtis Herald Marianne and Sylvan Hayum Richard L. Mayer and Renée Herman Violet Hilton Erich Hirschberg Joachim Hirschbodik Simone Horowitz Magda Hull Doris Hyman Ken Israeli Lillie Kaplan Anna Klein Hannelore Koppel and Richard U. Koppel Louis and Margaret Koppel Sala Krakowsky Herman Kraus Peter Kussi Beth Leegant Samuel D. Levine Shirley Levinson Ellen Linstone Marion Loeb Harry Lowenstein Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin Anna and Friedrich Mayer Henry D. Mayer Lucienne Mayer Thekla Meyerbach and Ruth Dimow Ernst Arthur Michael 39 Working Together Supporting Selfhelp To make a donation to Selfhelp, or to receive additional information about the Caring for Generations Tribute Fund, Estate Planning, or Matching Gifts Programs, please contact Selfhelp’s Development Department at 212-971-7764, or visit our website at Charles R. Miller George H. Mukai Irene Nathan Gideon Nettler John L. Neu Mathias Nouget Grace S. Nierenberg Frieda Oliner Anne-Lise Pagel Sy Richman Elsie and Henry Roland Arthur and Frieda Roos Joseph Rosenbaum Lenore Rothschild Sophie Russo Hilde Siegel Suzanne Solomon Eric and Lotte Sondheimer John Souto Norbert Stern Phil Stern Margot Sundheimer Walter Tritell Zakhar Vaysbukh Gisela and Erwin Weil Harry D. Weilheimer Lore Wittner Else Wolff Laure Zacharias Pro Bono Services Grateful appreciation to our friends who have given so generously of their time and talent: Arnold & Porter LLP Rudy BakerMusic of the 30’s,40’s and 50’s 40 Austin Barry Peretz Berk, Esq. Ernest L. Bial, Esq.*◊ Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP CAMBA Legal Services Ann Margaret Carozza, Esq. Bryan Cave LLP Tae Ethan Choi, Esq. Cloud 9 Internet, Inc. CUNY School of Law - Main Street Legal Services Dechert LLP Scott Drassinower* Ronald Fatoullah & Associates Ian Feldman, Esq. Steven D. Fleischer, Esq. Forest Hills Hospital Karen Foxman, Esq. Andrew Frazer, Falls Prevention Workshop Rebecca Auster Freedman, Esq. Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson Donna Furey, Esq. Goldfarb Abrandt Salzman & Kutzin LLP Peter H. Jakes* Mike Jones- Firefighter NYFD Mike Klubok, Computer Instruction Kurzman Karelsen & Frank, LLP Yan Lian Kuang-Maoga (Lian), Esq. Dr. Ian Lerner Teresa Marrero, Esq. Ronald C. Mayer, Esq. Rosalie Labbate & Andrea Evans, Douglas Elliman New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) Katie Perez- NY Greater Home Care Queens Library Queensborough Community College School of Nursing Regal Heights Rehabilitation Bao Ru, Dance Instruction Raymond V.J. Schrag* Peter L. Simmons* Willkie Farr & Gallagher, LLP Richard Yam, Esq. Pauline Yeung, Esq., Grimaldi & Yeung LLP Stanley Reifer ◊ Ridgewood YMCA South Huntington Jewish Center Temple Emanu-El Tom Cat Bakery Inc. True Buddha Diamond Temple of NY United Health Walgreens Pharmacy Jeremy Weinrib Windstream Communications In-Kind Donations Estates We thank the following for their generosity: We acknowledge with deep appreciation the friends who remembered Selfhelp through their legacies and bequests: Amalgamated Bank Peggy Preuss-Amster Aston Magna Foundation for Music and the Humanities Cantor Ofer Barnoy and Rabbi Alan Lucas of Temple Beth Sholom Claire Bazinet Bnai Brith Project Hope Rick Boccia Dale Pharmacy Jack Davis Google Great Neck Synagogue Health Plus/Amerigroup Maspeth Lock & Safe Midway Jewish Center National Bank of New York City New York City’s YMCA-ELESAIR Project Karen Nichols and John Souto ‡ Oppenheimer Angels Pizza Sam Queens Christian Alliance Church Estate of Helga N. Alten Estate of Sam Friedlander Estate of Edith Hausknecht Estate of Lottie Kunstler Estate of Julius M. Lande Estate of Harold Michal-Smith Estate of Trudy Sommer Estate of Paula Rosenstein Stoessel To make a donation to Selfhelp, or to receive additional information about the Caring for Generations Tribute Fund, Estate Planning, or Matching Gifts Programs, please contact Selfhelp’s Development Department at 212-971-7764, or visit our website at We salute our many Community Partners who, through working together, enable Selfhelp to fulfill its commitment to the thousands of New Yorkers who rely on us for care. AARP AARP Bill Payer Program AARP Foundation Action Reconciliation Service for Peace Adelphi University School of Social Work Adult Protective Services Advisory Council Alzheimer’s Association of New York City Alzheimer’s Foundation of America Amber Court American Cancer Society American Diabetes Association American Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) Anibic Vocational Program Applebees, Fresh Meadows Archcare Arthritis Foundation Atria Riverdale Austrian Consulate General Bayside High School Berkshire Hills Emanuel Adult Vacation Center Beth Abraham Family of Health Services Big Six Towers Play ‘n’ Learn Nursery School Bikur Cholim Blue Card B’nai B’rith Project HOPE Bronx Elder Abuse Task Force Bronx House Bronx Inter-Agency Council on the Aging Bronx Jewish Community Council Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging & Longevity of Hunter College/ Sadin Institute on Law & Public Policy Brooklyn Adult Day Care Brooklyn Borough-Wide Interagency Council on Aging Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft, LLP CAPE Cardozo Bet Tzedek Legal Services Carter Burden Center on Aging Catalpa YMCA Catholic Charities - Friendly Visitor Program Center for Aging Services Technologies (CAST) Center for Disability Rights (CDR) Center for Hearing & Communication Center for Independence of the Disabled/New York (CIDNY) Center for Jewish History Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) CenterLight Healthcare Central Queens YM-YWHA Chinese American Planning Council Citi Citibank Foundation City Bar Justice Center City Bar Public Service Network Citymeals-on-Wheels Coalition of Institutionalized Aged and Disabled (CIAD) Columbia University School of Occupational Therapy Columbia University School of Social Work Community Food Resource Center Community Service Society (CSS) - Center for Benefits & Services Community Service Society (CSS) - Community Health Advocates Concerts in Motion Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany Congregation Beth Simchat Torah Congregation Habonim Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun Cornell University Community Outreach Program Council of Senior Centers and Services of New York City Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany New York CUNY School of Law - Main Street Legal Services CVS Pharmacy Dakim BrainFitness, Inc. Dancing Dreams Disability Advocates, Inc. DOROT, Inc. Downtown Hospital-Kress Vision Program Dr. William O. Benenson Rehabilitation Pavilion Dry Harbor Nursing Home East Side Council on the Aging Easter Seals Senior Employment Program East-West School of International Studies Easy Choice Health Plan Education Alliance/Sirovich Senior Center Education and Assistance Program (EAC-Queens) Elderplan Elders Share the Arts Elmhurst Hospital Elmhurst/Jackson Heights Senior Center EmblemHealth Empire Justice Center Employee Assistance Program Enterprise Community Partners F∙E∙G∙S Health and Human Services System Flatbush Jewish Center Florence F. Smith Senior Center Meals on Wheels Program Flushing Council on Culture and the Arts Flushing Hospital Medical Center Flushing House Flushing Jewish Community Council Flushing Library Flushing Meadows Corona Park Al Oerter Recreation Center/Aquatic Center Flushing Savings Bank Flushing Town Hall FoodBank Fordham University Graduate School of Social Work Forest Hills Jewish Center Frank Sinatra School of the Arts Furman Center General Electric / Living Independently Girl Scout Troop 4566/4567 God’s Love We Deliver Goldman Sachs Community TeamWorks Good Old Lower East Side (GOLES) Goodwill Industries of Greater New York and Northern New Jersey Gotham Comedy Foundation Greater New York Home Care Guggenheim Museum Guildnet Hamilton-Madison House HANAC Transportation Program Hannah Senesh Community Day School 41 Selfhelp NextGen Selfhelp NextGen is a dynamic group of young professionals from the New York City area deeply committed to Selfhelp’s mission of maintaining the independence and dignity of seniors and atrisk populations. The group maintains a special focus on enhancing the lives of Holocaust survivors, and seeks to ensure that the promise made by our founders—to serve as the “last surviving relative” The Hastings Center Health First Health Guard Pharmacy Health Plus Healthplus/Amerigroup HeartShare HIAS Hillcrest Jewish Center Hillside Hospital Holocaust Memorial and Tolerance Center of Nassau County Home Care Association of New York State Hospice of New York Housing First Hunter College - School of Social Work Independence Care Systems (ICS) It’s Never 2 Late JCC of Staten Island Jewish Association for Services for the Aged (JASA) Jewish Association for Services for the Aged - Adult Protective Services Jewish Association for Services for the Aged - Queens Legal Services for the Elderly Jewish Board of Family and Children’s Services Jewish Community Center of Manhattan Jewish Community Council of Greater Coney Island Jewish Community Relations Council Jewish Home LifeCare The Jewish Museum The Jewish Theological Seminary, Center for Pastoral Education Jokercise JPAC Katsky Korins, LLP Kings County District Attorney’s Office Korean American Senior Citizen Services (KASCS) Korean Community Services of New York LaGuardia Community College LeadingAge LeadingAge New York The Legal Aid Society Leir Retreat Center, Inc. 42 Lenox Hill Neighborhood House Leo Baeck Institute Lexington Hearing and Speech Center Life Alert Lifenet - Mental Health Referral Services Lifetime Arts Lighthouse International Long Island Alzheimer’s Foundation Long Island Jewish Hospital Long Island University Occupational Therapy Program Long Island University School of Social Work Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP Margaret Tietz Nursing & Rehabilitation Center Martin Luther King, Jr. Daycare Maspeth Federal Savings Bank Maspeth Kiwanis Builder’s Club Maspeth Lion’s Club Mayor’s Alliance for NYC Animals Medicaid Matters New York Medicare Rights Center Medicare Savings Program Coalition (MSP) MedScope Memorial de la Shoah- Paris Mental Health Association of NYC Mercy College - Department of Occupational Therapy Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty Metropolitan Jewish Health Care System Metropolitan Transit Authority - Access-A-Ride Metropolitan Transit Authority - Mobile Van Service MFY Legal Services Microsoft Corporation Montefiore Medical Center - Department of Geriatric Psychiatry Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens Museum of Jewish Heritage Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) Museum of Tolerance - NY Musicians on Call Nan Shan Senior Center National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers - New York City Chapter National Association of Social Workers (NASW) - New York City Chapter National Council on Aging National Housing Conference National Leased Housing Association National Low Income Housing Coalition National Senior Citizens Law Center The New School-Institute for Retired Professionals New Pronto Transportation, Inc. New York Cares New York City Bar Association - Committee on Legal Problems of Aging and Committee on Disabilities New York City Council New York City Department for the Aging New York City Department for the Aging - Grandparent Support Program New York City Department for the Aging - Health Promotion New York City Department of Education Occupational Training Center New York City Department of Finance - SCHE Unit New York City Department of Housing Preservation and Development - SCRIE Unit New York City Department of Mental Health New York City Department of Transportation - Safety Education Department New York City Fire Department New York City Health & Hospitals Corporation New York City Housing Authority - Office for the Aging New York City Housing Development Corporation New York City Human Resources Administration New York City Human Resources Administration - Adult Protective Services Administration New York City Hunger Free Communities Consortium New York City Police Department 104th Police Precinct 109th Police Precinct 112th Police Precinct 115th Police Precinct New York City Schools IS 237 IS 73 PS 24 PS 193 PS 228 to victims of Nazi persecution—is fulfilled. Since its inception in 2010, Selfhelp NextGen has organized volunteer projects, film screenings, and outreach events in an effort to educate their peers regarding the needs of some of the most vulnerable members of our community. To get involved or to learn more, visit or email [email protected]. New York Hall of Science New York Historical Society New York Hospital Queens New York Housing Conference New York Immigration Coalition New York Lawyers for the Public Interest (NYLPI) New York Legal Assistance Group (NYLAG) New York State Adult Day Services Association, Inc. New York State Bar Association - Elder Law Section New York State Comptroller’s Office New York State Consumer Coalition on Part D New York State Department of Health New York State Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Program (EPIC) New York State Home Care Association New York State Homes and Community Renewal New York State Housing Finance Agency New York State Office for the Aging New York Statewide Senior Action Council New York University - School of Nursing New York University - Shirley M. Ehrenkranz School of Social Work NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center North Shore - Long Island Jewish Health System Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation NYSARC, Inc. Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) Park Gardens Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care and Rehabilitation Parkview Home for Assisted Living (Bronx) People Care Inc. - Homecare Agency Pesach Tikva PHI National Office and New York State Office Philips Lifeline PIMCO Public Service Network at City Bar Justice Center Proskauer Rose LLP Queenborough Community College Queens Botanical Garden Queens Boulevard Extended Care Facility Queens Center Stage Queens Chapter of Holocaust Survivors, Inc. Queens Christian Alliance Church Queens College Queens Interagency Council on the Aging Queens Jewish Community Council Queens Library Queens Library-Long Island City Branch Queens Museum of Art Queens Symphony Orchestra Queens Theatre in the Park Regal Heights Adult Day Health Care Renaissance Charter School Retired Senior Volunteer Program of the Community Services Society (RSVP) Rite Aid Pharmacy The Rubin Museum of Art Sage Eldercare Saint Mary’s Healthcare System for Children Samuel Field/Bay Terrace YM & YWHA - Community Advisory Program for the Elderly Sandata Technologies, LLC Senior Health Partners Senior Umbrella Network of Brooklyn Sephardic Nursing Home Services and Advocacy for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Elders (SAGE) Services Now for Adult Persons (SNAP) Shield Institute Shirley Xiao, MD Single Point Care Network, Inc. Social Action Center (Bronx) Soma Reddy St. Francis Preparatory High School, Queens St. John’s Law School Starbuck’s Harvest Food Program Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) Sunnyside Citywide Homecare Services, Inc. Sunnyside Community Services Supportive Housing Network of New York TD Bank Foundation Temple Emanu-El Theatre Development Fund Timebank NYC Touchstone Health Touro College Touro College, School of Health Sciences-Occupational Therapy Program Transitional Services of New York UJA-Federation of New York UJA-Federation of New York - Caring Commission Task Force UJA-Federation of New York - Long Island Connections UJA-Federation of New York - Nazi Victim Task Force UJA-Federation of New York - Westchester UJO Urban Justice Center Vera Institute Guardianship Project Victoria Pharmacy Vincent J. Russo & Associates, P.C. VISIONS Visiting Nurse Service of New York VNS - Chinatown Community Center Homecare Program VNS - Friendly Visitor Program VNS - Home Delivered Meals Program in Long Island City VNS Choice Walgreens Pharmacy Washington Heights - Inwood Council on Aging WEP Goodwill Industry of Greater NY and Northern NJ West Side Inter-Agency Council on Aging Women in Housing and Finance Woodside Senior Assistance Program YAI Yeshiva of Flatbush Yeshiva University - Wurzweiler School of Social Work Yeshivah of Central Queens York College 43 Officers, Directors, and Management Staff Contacts Nazi Victim Services Washington Heights Apex I Senior Citizens Housing Benjamin Rosenthal-Prince Street New York City Licensed Home Senior Source Program 212-781-7200 620 Fort Washington Avenue New York 10040 Roni Miller, Program Director 498 Union Avenue Westbury 11590 Innovative Senior Center Care Services Agency (LHCSA) 718-886-5777 45-25 Kissena Boulevard Flushing 11355 Jinsheng Qiu, Program Director 212-971-7697 212-971-5474 520 Eighth Avenue, 5th Floor New York 10018 Alexis Carter, Director 718-239-3177 990 Pelham Parkway South Bronx 10461 Amy Newman, Program Director Brooklyn Midwood 718-646-7500 1523 Avenue M, Brooklyn 11230 Sharon Wang, Program Director Kensington Henry J. and Erna D. Leir Center for Holocaust Survivors & Henny and Friedrich Brodnitz Case Management Program 718-633-1300 419 Church Avenue Brooklyn 11218 Tova Klein, Managing Director Manhattan Abraham Scharf Center for Holocaust Survivor Services 212-971-5475 520 Eighth Avenue, 5th Floor New York 10018 Emily Levy, Program Director Nassau County Abraham Scharf Center for Holocaust Survivor Services 516-481-1865 498 Union Avenue Westbury 11590 Gina Goldman, Program Coordinator Queens 718-268-1252 70-20 Austin Street Forest Hills 11375 Karen DeOssie, Program Director 44 Financial Management Unit/ Apex II Workforce Family Housing 512 Union Avenue Westbury 11590 Guardianship 212-971-5475 520 Eighth Avenue, 5th Floor New York 10018 Ruth Rosado, Program Director Housing For housing applications, please call 718-886-1412. For other inquiries, please call 718-762-6803. Helen R. Scheuer House 45-25 Kissena Boulevard Flushing 11355 Martin Lande House 137-47 45th Avenue Flushing 11355 Scheuer House of Bayside 208-11 26th Avenue Bayside 11360 Scheuer House of Flushing 138-52 Elder Avenue Flushing 11355 Harry and Jeanette Weinberg House 140-16 45th Avenue Flushing 11355 Clearview Senior Center Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCs) Big Six Towers NORC Program 718-565-6569 59-55 47th Avenue Woodside 11377 Brooke Samuelson, Program Director 45-35 Kissena Boulevard Flushing 11355 Selfhelp KVII Associates LLC 137-39 45th Avenue Flushing 11355 Latimer Gardens Senior Center 718-961-3660 34-30 137th Street, Flushing 11354 Cheryl Gersh, Program Director Fresh Meadows Senior Program Maspeth Senior Center 718-454-6286 67-00 192nd Street Fresh Meadows 11365 Rose Aniano, Senior Programs Director 718-429-3636 69-61 Grand Avenue Maspeth 11378 Maria Dixon, Program Director Northridge/Brulene/Southridge Home Care NORC Program Homemaking Program 718-396-5425 34-10 94th Street Jackson Heights 11372 Rose Aniano, Senior Programs Director 212-971-5480 Queensview/North Queensview NORC Program Housekeeping Program 212-971-7613 Long Island Licensed Home Care Services Agency (LHCSA) 516-505-2571 718-278-4148 33-34 Crescent Street Long Island City 11106 Donna DelCielo, Program Director New York City Licensed Home Senior Centers Certified Home Health Agency Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Apartments 718-224-7888 208-11 26th Avenue Bayside 11360 Erin Brennan, Senior Programs Director Austin Street Senior Center 718-520-8197 106-06 Queens Boulevard Forest Hills 11375 Roseann Rosado, Director Care Services Agency (LHCSA) 212-971-5490 Home Care Intake: (CHHA) 212-971-5471 Long Island Licensed Home Care Services Agency (LHCSA) 516-505-2571 Home Health Aide Training Programs: Brooklyn Case Management 212-971-7714 1523 Avenue M, Brooklyn 11230 Natasha Gooden-Williams, Director Programs Manhattan 212-971-7714 520 Eighth Avenue New York 10018 Project Pilot Queens North 516-505-2571 498 Union Avenue Westbury, 11590 Care Transitions Program: Services to Older Refugees 718-559-4465 45-25 Kissena Boulevard Flushing 11355 Madeline Jacobs, Director Officers Directors President Raymond V.J. Schrag David Barone Dennis Baum Ernest L. Bial Matthew A. Cantor Robert Carmona Edward B. Cohen Scott Drassinower Shelley Einhorn Ernest M. Grunebaum Jeffrey S. Jacob Peter H. Jakes Carol Levin Paul Levinsohn Ralph Marash Mary Mayer Joshua Mermelstein Stuart C. Kaplan Chief Executive Officer Vice Presidents Matthew A. Cantor Peter H. Jakes Peter Model Steven G. Tepper 212-787-8106 136 West 91st Street New York 10024 Eli Brett, Program Director 718-321-8194 45-25 Kissena Boulevard Flushing 11355 Hanan Simhon, Program Director Nassau County Management Staff Co – Chairmen Ernest L. Bial Victor A. Wyler Treasurer Peter L. Simmons Secretary Dennis Baum 718-633-1300 419 Church Avenue Brooklyn 11218 Tova Klein, Managing Director Peter Model Ronald F. Ries Margrit W. Rustow Raymond V. J. Schrag Sheryl Silverstein, DMD Peter L. Simmons Brian R. Steinwurtzel Carol Kahn Strauss Steven G. Tepper Victor A. Wyler for Seniors Manhattan Community Guardian Program & Nassau County Community Guardian Program 212-971-7776 520 Eighth Avenue, 5th Floor New York 10018 Patricia L. Kaufman, Managing Director Selfhelp Alzheimer’s Resource Program (SHARP) 718-631-1886 208-11 26th Avenue Bayside 11360 Erin Brennan, Senior Programs Director 718-633-1300 419 Church Avenue Brooklyn 11218 Lauren Hecht, Program Coordinator Network, LLC Selfhelp Innovations 212-971-7708 520 Eighth Avenue, 5th Floor New York 10018 David Dring, Executive Director Trustees Chairman Dennis Baum Michael A. Bamberger Dennis Baum Ernest L. Bial Bert E. Brodsky Debrah Lee Charatan Shelley Einhorn Jeffrey S. Jacob Stuart C. Kaplan Karin Shewer Krugman Ilse Melamid Peter Model Stanley J. Reifer Vice Chair Debrah Lee Charatan SinglePoint Care 646-943-8801 1440 Broadway, 16th Floor New York 10018 Joan Russo, Chief Executive Officer Officers Secretary Peter Model Advisory Board Michael F. Price Sandra Priest Rose Leo Asen Chief Innovation Officer Russell Lusak Senior Vice President Lois Deutsch Vice President, Development Selfhelp Safety Net Other Community Programs Morris Breitstein Chief Financial Officer Kevin T. Byrne, Esq. Vice President, Human Resources and Labor Relations Selfhelp Community Services (SCS) Foundation Board 2013 – 2014 D E S I G N E D B Y S H A N O S K Y & A S S O C I AT E S Bronx Selfhelp Community Services Board of Directors 2013 – 2014 Elihu Kover, LMSW Vice President, Nazi Victim Services Program Vivian Torres, RN Vice President, Community Health Thomas H. Roche Richard Scharf Victor A. Wyler Jeffrey Zorek Evelyn J. Wolff Vice President, Real Estate Development David Dring Executive Director, Selfhelp Innovations Linda Pekunka Administrator, Executive Services Adeena Horowitz, LMSW Administrative Director, Nazi Victim Services Program Selfhelp Honorary Life Member: Rita Shewer Beth Zeidel, LMSW Administrative Director, Nazi Victim Services Program Patricia L. Kaufman, NCG Managing Director, Senior Communities Dorothy Kern Managing Director, Real Estate Tova Klein, LMSW Managing Director, Senior Communities and Nazi Victim Services Program Roberta Caplan Director, Major Gifts Alexis Carter, LMSW, CCM, GCM Director, Senior Source Ellen Ceriale Director, LHCSA, Quality and Compliance Scott Code Program Director, Client Centered Technology Carol Durham, RN Director, Clinical Operations Priscilla Maysonet Managing Director, Senior Communities Natasha Gooden-Williams, RN Director, LHCSA and Training Dept. Neil Actable Director, Information Technology Madeline Jacobs Director, Quality Management & Research Rose Aniano, LMSW Senior Programs Director, NORC Programs Koku Badasu, RN Director, LHCSA and City Home Care Programs Erin Brennan, MPS, Q.D.C.P. Senior Programs Director, SHARP/Clearview Senior Center Eli Brett, MSW Program Director, Project Pilot Sharon Brown Director, Patient Services, CHHA Elizabeth Lynn Director, Grants Management Mohini Mishra, CASP Program Director, Housing Hanan Simhon, LMSW Programs Director, Queens North Case Management Program S elf h elp Co m m u n i t y S erv i c es, I n c. S C S F o u n d at i o n , I n c . 520 Eighth Avenue New York, NY 10018 866-735-1234 & S C S F o u n d at i o n , I n c . & Selfhelp Community Services, Inc. S elf h elp Co m m u n i t y S erv i c es , I n c . 2013 Annual Report to the Community 2013 ANNUAL REPORT Pioneering Senior Care Through the Eyes of Our Partners
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