Amine-functionalized boehmite nanoparticle-supported
Amine-functionalized boehmite nanoparticle-supported
ChineseJournalofCatalysis37(2016)1263–1274 催化学报2016年第37卷第8期| available at journal homepage: Article Amine‐functionalizedboehmitenanoparticle‐supported molybdenumandvanadiumcomplexes:Efficientcatalystsfor epoxidationofalkenes MahdiMirzaee*,BahramBahramian,MariehMirebrahimi DepartmentofChemistry,ShahroodUniversityofTechnology,Shahrood,Iran A R T I C L E I N F O A B S T R A C T Articlehistory: Received26March2016 Accepted30April2016 Published5August2016 Keywords: Boehmitenanoparticles Heterogeneouscatalysts Hexa‐carbonylmolybdenum Oxo‐sulfatevanadium Epoxidation Boehmitenanoparticleswithahighsurfaceareaandahighdegreeofsurfacehydroxylgroupswere covalentlyfunctionalizedby3‐(trimethoxysilyl)‐propylaminetosupportvanadium‐oxo‐sulfateand molybdenumhexacarbonylcomplexes.ThesesupportedcatalystswerethencharacterizedbyFou‐ rier‐transforminfraredspectroscopy,powderX‐raydiffraction,thermogravimetryanddifferential thermalanalysis,X‐ray‐photoelectronspectroscopy,elementalanalysis,inductivelycoupledplasma, and transmission electron microscopy techniques. The catalysts were subsequently used for the epoxidationofcis‐cyclooctene, and the experimental procedureswere optimized.Theprogressof thereactionswasinvestigatedbygas‐liquidchromatography.Recyclingexperimentsrevealedthat these nanocatalysts could be repeatedly used several times for a nearly complete epoxidation of cis‐cyclooctene.Theoptimizedexperimentalconditionswerealsousedsuccessfullyfortheepoxida‐ tionofsomeothersubstitutedalkenes. ©2016,DalianInstituteofChemicalPhysics,ChineseAcademyofSciences. PublishedbyElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved. 1. Introduction Epoxidesarewellknownasoneofthemostvaluableinter‐ mediatesfortheproductionofcommerciallyimportantchemi‐ calssuchaspolyglycols,polyamides,polyurethanesandmany otherpolymers,pharmaceuticals,foodadditives,epoxypaints, dye‐stuffs, flavour and fragrance compounds [1–8], and non‐toxicPVC‐plasticizersandstabilizers[8–10].Theyarealso valuableadditivestolubricantsandadhesives[8,11,12]. In addition to conventional Mo complexes, several other solublecomplexesofV,W,Re,Mn,Ru,Co,Fe,andTihavebeen employed as active homogenous catalysts for the epoxidation of alkenes [2,13–15]. However, these catalysts are toxic and expensive, and they must be completely separated from the productsandwaste.Inthisrespect,thedevelopmentofheter‐ ogeneoussystemsforimprovingtherecoveryofvaluablecata‐ lystsisaveryimportantaspectfromaneconomicandecologi‐ calviewpoint.Furthermore,immobilizationofthecatalystson supports with a high surface area in heterogeneous systems canefficientlyimprovethecatalystreactivityandenhancethe turnover number (TON) of the catalytic procedure [2]. An‐ choring catalysts on a solid surface disperses the active sites uniformlyandprotectsthemfromdimerizationbyoxo‐bridge formation [16]. Accordingly, various organic and inorganic materialshavebeenusedasinsolublesupportsinheterogene‐ ous catalytic procedures. The organic insoluble supports in‐ clude different types of polymers such as polybenzimidazole [13,17],polystyrene[13,18,19],polymethacrylate[13],polyan‐ iline[20],andpoly‐divinylbenzene‐allylamine[21].Inaddition, ion exchange and epoxy resins [13,22], graphene oxide [23], multi‐walled carbon nanotubes [16,24], ordered mesoporous carbon [25], silica [7,13,26], titanium silicate [13], MCM‐41 *Correspondingauthor.Tel/Fax:+98‐23‐32395441;E‐mail:[email protected] DOI:10.1016/S1872‐2067(16)62451‐8||Chin.J.Catal.,Vol.37,No.8,August2016 1264 MahdiMirzaeeetal./ChineseJournalofCatalysis37(2016)1263–1274 [26–29], MCM‐48 [29], SBA‐15 [1,16,26,30,31], alumina [32], montmorillonite K‐10 [13,33], coated magnetic particles [13,34],zeolites[16,35–37]andlayeredbimetalhydroxides[5] have been used as insoluble supports. Generally, inorganic supportshaveahigherchemicalstabilityandsurfaceareathan organic ones. Additionally, the surface of some metal oxides and metal hydroxides is covered with hydroxyl groups. These groups create hydrophilic surfaces that provide valuable sites forgraftingawiderangeoffunctionalities.Subsequently,sup‐ porting various transition metals on these functionalities can produce active and stable catalysts for liquid‐phase organic reactions. Boehmite (γ‐AlOOH)isaninorganicinsoluble supportthat containsextrahydroxylgroupsonitssurface.Ithasbeenused as an absorbent, flame retardant [38], and an important pre‐ cursor for preparing advanced catalysts, alumina, and alumi‐ na‐derivedceramics[38,39].Wehaveusedpureboehmitefor thesuccessfulmulti‐componentsynthesisofhighlysubstituted imidazoles [40]. Choudhary et al. [41] have also used pure boehmiteforthecatalyticepoxidationofstyrene,althoughthey reported that it was deactivated by the production and accu‐ mulation of water, and so it required continuous removal of water. Consequently, in this work, we used grafted boehmite nanoparticles (BNPs) with 3‐(trimethoxysilyl)‐propylamine (MSPA) to support two complexes of molybdenum and vana‐ dium. This strategy has been used for anchoring various metal complexes on different solid supports. However, almost all of them have changed the terminal amine group in MSPA to a Schiffbaseandthenuseditforthesupportingmetalcomplex‐ es.Wehavealsousedthisapproachinourpreviouswork[42]. Inthiswork,graftedMSPAwasusedforthestraightanchoring ofmetalcomplexesandthenthesupportedcatalystswereused intheepoxidationofvariousalkenesubstrates. 2. Experimental 2.1. Materialsandmethods The required solvents and reagents were purchased from Merck or Fluka, and used without further purification. Fouri‐ er‐transform infrared (FT‐IR) spectra were recorded on a BomemMBseriesFT‐IRinstrumentat4cm−1resolutionusing KBrpellets.1HNMRspectrawereobtainedind6‐DMSOusinga BrukerAVANCE300MHzspectrometer.PowderX‐raydiffrac‐ tion(PXRD)patternswerecollectedonaPhillipsPW‐1800or STOEdiffractometerwithCuKαirradiation.Thermogravimetric (TG) analyses were performed in a Rheometric Scientific STA‐1500orBAHRThermoanalyseGmbH withaheatingrate of10°Cmin−1inair.A400‐WHglampwasusedforactivation ofthehexacarbonylmolybdenumcomplex.Elementalanalyses were performed in a Hereans CHN‐O‐Rapid Analyzer. Trans‐ missionelectronmicroscopy(TEM)wasperformedonaJEOL JSM‐6360LV transmission electron microscope. Gas‐liquid chromatography(GLC)wasperformedonaShimadzuGC‐16A instrument using a 2‐m column packed with silicon DC‐200. X‐rayphotoelectronspectroscopy(XPS)wasperformedonan ESCA 2000 system from VG Microtech using a monochroma‐ tizedaluminumKαanode. 2.2. PreparationofBNPs Aluminium 2‐butoxide was prepared by the reaction of al‐ uminium with 2‐butanol according to the general preparation procedure for aluminium alkoxides [43]. The prepared alu‐ miniumalkoxidewasvacuum‐distilledtoobtainahigh‐quality aluminium alkoxide precursor. For a hydrothermal‐assisted hydrolysis, according to our previous report [44], aluminium 2‐butoxidewasdilutedin2‐butanolto50%,andthenloadedin aglasscontainer.Theglasscontainerwasplacedina300‐mL stainless steel autoclave. The gap between the autoclave chamber and the glass container was covered with 50 mL of distilled water, and then the autoclave was heated at 100 °C. Aluminium 2‐butoxide was hydrolysed by diffusion of water vapourintothesolutioninthehydrothermalchamber.Allma‐ nipulations of the aluminium alkoxides were performed on a Schlenkline.Theirtransferintotheautoclavewasperformedin a moisture‐free atmosphere to prevent the hydrolysis of alu‐ miniumalkoxidespriortointroducingitintothehydrothermal chamber. After 5 h, the autoclave was cooled down and the powder produced (BNPs) was filtered off and dried at 100 °C overnight. 2.3. Preparationofsupportedmolybdenumandvanadium complexesonBNPsandamine‐functionalizedBNPs For the preparation of amine‐functionalized BNPs (AF‐ BNPs), 1.00 g of BNPs was refluxed with MSPA (61 µL, 0.35 mmol)indrytoluene(50.0mL)for24h(Scheme1).Thesolid substance obtained was filtered off, washed three times with drytoluene,anddriedat100°Covernight. TheMo(CO)6andVOSO4·H2Ocomplexeswereusedtosup‐ port on BNPs or AFBNPs (Scheme 1). For this purpose, Mo(CO)6(0.276g,1.05mmol)wasactivatedunderultraviolet light in tetrahydrofuran (THF, 20.0 mL) for 30 min. This acti‐ vated molybdenum complex was then added to dry BNPs or AFBNPs, and the mixture was subsequently refluxed for 6 h. The mixture was then cooled down and filtered off, and the resulting precipitate was washed several times with THF and dried at 100 °C overnight. In a similar procedure, VOSO4·H2O (0.200 g, 1.05 mmol) was refluxed with BNPs or AFBNPs in ethanol (20 mL) for 7 h. The resulting powder was washed severaltimeswithethanolanddriedat100°Covernight. 2.4. Catalyticepoxidationofalkenes In a typical process, an appropriate round bottom flask equipped with a magnetic stirrer bar and a condenser was chargedwithanalkene,anoxidant,thecatalyst(Mo‐AFBNPsor V‐AFBNPs),andsolvent,andthemixturewasthenrefluxed.All thereactionswereperformedatleasttwotimes,andthereac‐ tionprogresswasmonitoredbyGLC.Becausedifferentalkenes have different reactivities toward oxidation, these reactions were continued until no further progress was observed. The MahdiMirzaeeetal./ChineseJournalofCatalysis37(2016)1263–1274 characterizations of the main products and by‐products were performed by comparison of their retention times with those forthestandardsamples.Thealkeneconversionsandproduct selectivities were calculated using their peak areas by the standardadditionmethod.Inthecaseofcis‐andtrans‐stilbene, 1HNMRwasalsousedtoanalyzetheproducts. 2.5. Catalystrecycling (020) 1265 (051, 200) (120) (140, 031) Intensity (3) (2) In a typical experiment, after recovering the catalyst from the reaction mixture, it was washed several times with CCl4, and then used in the same procedure under the same condi‐ tions. (1) 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 2/( ) o 3. Resultsanddiscussion Fig.2.PXRDpatternsforBNPs(1),Mo‐AFBNPs(2),andV‐AFBNPs(3). (4) Weight loss (%) (2) (1) Weight loss (%) Transmittance (3) 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 1 Wavenumber (cm ) Fig. 1. FT‐IR spectra for BNPs (1), AFBNPs (2), Mo‐AFBNPs (3), and V‐AFBNPs(4). -5 0 (c) -20 -40 -60 -80 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 (b) (a) -10 -15 -20 -25 100 200 300 400 500 o Temperature ( C) DTA (%) 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 0 DTA (%) BNPs were prepared by the hydrothermal‐assisted sol‐gel processing of an aluminum 2‐butoxide solution in 2‐butanol. Heat flow (mV) 3.1. Preparationandcharacterizationofsupported molybdenumandvanadiumcomplexesonBNPsandAFBNPs The most promising property of these hydrothermally pro‐ cessed BNPs is the formation of a crystalline single‐phase product with no organic residue [44]. This was confirmed by theFT‐IRspectrum,PXRDpattern,andTG/DSCthermogramof thissample. IntheFT‐IRspectrumofBNPs(Fig.1),therearetwodifferent stretching vibrations at 3280 and 3075 cm−1, which were as‐ signed to the bridged and terminal hydroxyl groups of BNPs, respectively. These stretching vibrations were accompanied by twobendingvibrationsforthebridgedandterminalhydroxyl groups at 1150 and 1075 cm−1, respectively. BNPs also had some distinguishable Al–O related vibrations at 740, 610, and 480cm−1intheIRspectrum.ThePXRDpatternforBNPs(Fig. 2) also confirmed the crystallization of single‐phase boehmite by comparison with JCPDS card No. 21‐1307. In the TG/DSC curveofBNPs (Fig.3(a)),thereweretwoendothermic peaks: Weight loss (%) There are different methods that have been used for the preparation of BNPs. Among them, a hydrothermal‐assisted sol‐gelprocessonaluminumalkoxidewasusedhere[44].This methodhassomeadvantagessuchaspreparationinaone‐pot process and processing at a low temperature. The BNPs ob‐ tained were then grafted with MSPA because they showed no acceptable interaction with the molybdenum or vanadium complexes. The supported molybdenum and vanadium AF‐ BNPs catalysts were then used in the epoxidation of cis‐cyclooctene, and the experimental conditions were opti‐ mizedfortheparametersinvolved,suchasthecatalyst,solvent, andoxidant.Hotfiltrationwasalsousedtoconfirmthehetero‐ geniccharacterofbothcatalyticprocedures.Inaddition,recy‐ cling experiments were performed to determine if these cata‐ lysts could be reused. Both catalysts were then used for the epoxidation of different alkenes under the optimum experi‐ mentalconditions. 600 Fig. 3. Thermal analysis curves for BNPs (a), Mo‐AFBNPs (b), and V‐AFBNPs(c). 1266 MahdiMirzaeeetal./ChineseJournalofCatalysis37(2016)1263–1274 (a) (b) (c) Fig.4.TEMimagesforBNPs(a),Mo‐AFBNPs(b),andV‐AFBNPs(c). onebelow100°Candtheotheroneatapproximately450°C. Thefirstonewasattributedtotheeliminationofthephysically adsorbedwater,andtheotheronewasattributedtothedehy‐ droxylation of boehmite and crystallization of γ‐alumina. The absenceoftheC–HstretchingvibrationsintheIRspectrumand an exothermic peak at approximately 250 °C in the TG/DSC curve of BNPs, respectively, confirmed the loss of all organic residuesinthehydrothermallyprocessedBNPs.Calculationof the particle size using the PXRD pattern according to the Scherer equation shows an average particle size of 10 nm for BNPs.ThiswasconfirmedbyTEMimageofBNPs(Fig.4(a)).In this image, needle‐shaped BNPs were seen with a length of over50nmandawidthofupto10nm.AccordingtotheBET analysis,theefficientsurfaceareaforBNPswas326m2g−1. BNPs themselves have promising catalytic properties for multi‐componentsynthesisofhighlysubstitutedimidazoles,as performedbyourresearchteamandreportedelsewhere[40]. Inaddition,ithasbeenshownthatforanefficientepoxidation of alkenes under mild conditions, the presence of a catalyst containinganactivemetalsiteisvital.Theoxidantcouldcoor‐ dinatetothissite,andbeactivatedfortheepoxidationprocess. However, BNPs showed no reactivity in the epoxidation of al‐ kenes (Table 1, entry 30), similar to the report by Choudhary and co‐workers [41]. Furthermore, supporting the molyb‐ denum and vanadium complexes on BNPs failed (Scheme 1). TheIR spectra andinductivelycoupled plasma (ICP)analyses showed no evidence to confirm an interaction between them evenafter6–7hreflux.Consequently,wetriedtofunctionalize BNPs using MSPA. The functionalization was performed by refluxingBNPs andMSPAindrytoluenefor 24h. Duringthis process,the–O3Si(CH2)3NH2groupwasgraftedonthehydrox‐ yl‐covered surface of BNPs by the elimination of methanol (Scheme 1), which produced AFBNPs. The IR spectrum for AFBNPs(Fig.1)showedanewbandat1553cm−1,whichwas assigned to the N–H stretching vibration of the grafted amine groupsinadditiontotheBNPscharacteristicbands.Elemental analysis showed that the nitrogen content of AFBNPs was 0.46%, which means that 0.33 mmol of the pending amine BNPs OH OH OH OH OH Mo(CO)6 + THF hv (30 min) Mo(CO)5THF Reflux 6h Reflux 6h BNPs OH OH OH OH OH Reflux 7h MeO Si MeO NH2 Reflux, 24 h -MeOH OH O Si O OH OH OH O O Si OH OH OH Mo-AFBNPs NH2 O AFBNPs OH OH OH OH OH OH BNPs MeO OC CO H2N Mo CO OC CO OH VOSO4 . H2O Reflux 7h H2N O O Si OH OH OH V O O S O O V-AFBNPs Scheme1.AttempttosupportmolybdenumandvanadiumcomplexesonBNPsandAFBNPs. MahdiMirzaeeetal./ChineseJournalofCatalysis37(2016)1263–1274 groupswerecovalentlybondedtothesurfaceof1.00gofBNPs. AFBNPsalsoshowednoreactivityinthecatalyticepoxidation ofalkenes(Table1,entry31),asitwaspredictableaccordingto theabove‐mentioneddiscussion.TheefficientBETsurfacearea ofAFBNPswas321m2g−1,whichdoesnotshowasignificant changeincomparisonwithBNPs. AFBNPswerethenusedtosupportmolybdenumandvana‐ dium complexes. For this purpose, Mo(CO)6 and VOSO4·H2O wereused.However,Mo(CO)6isnotlabileintheligandsubsti‐ tutionreaction,soitssolutioninTHFwasactivatedbyirradia‐ tion with ultraviolet light. This process resulted in the for‐ mationofaMo(CO)5(THF)complex,whichsubstituteditsTHF ligandwiththegraftedaminegrouponBNPsafterrefluxfor6h (Mo‐AFBNPs).TheVOSO4·H2Ocomplexwasalsorefluxedwith AFBNPs in ethanol for 7 h to support vanadium on AFBNPs (V‐AFBNPs). IntheFT‐IRspectrumofMo‐AFBNPs(Fig.1),thecarbonyl stretching vibration band for the coordinated molybdenum complex was covered by the characteristic broad band of the BNPsintheregionof1900–2500cm−1.Thiswasattributedto the small amountofcatalystthat wasloadedonAFBNPs. The ICP analysis showed that approximately 90% of the nitrogen sitesonAFBNPswereusedtoanchor0.3mmolofthemolyb‐ denumcomplexon1.00gofMo‐AFBNPs.ThePXRDpatternof Mo‐AFBNPs(Fig.2)confirmstheretentionoftheBNPscrystal‐ line structure after functionalization and metal loading. There are two endothermic peaks in the TG/DTA curves for Mo‐AFBNPs (Fig. 3(b)). One of them is below 100 °C, and the otherisabove200°C.Thefirstwasattributedtotheelimina‐ tionofphysicallyadsorbedwater,andthesecondcouldbeat‐ tributed to the elimination of carbonyl ligands from the coor‐ dinated molybdenum complex. There is also an exothermic peak at approximately 300 °C owing to the ignition of the or‐ ganic parts of the pending groups on the BNPs. This thermo‐ gramalsoshowsanotherweightlossintherangeof400–500 °C, which was accompanied with an endothermic peak in the DTAcurveowingtothedehydroxylationofboehmiteandcrys‐ tallizationofγ‐alumina, similartoBNPs. The totalweightloss ofthissampleupto600°Cwasabout24%.Calculationofthe particlesizeusingthePXRDpatternforMo‐AFBNPsaccording totheSchererequationshowsnochangeintheparticlesizein 80 4000 Intensity (a.u.) (3) 3000 comparisontoBNPs,andthiswasconfirmedbytheTEMimage (Fig.4(b)).TheefficientsurfaceareaforMo‐AFBNPswas323 m2g−1,whichdoesnotshowasignificantvariationincompari‐ sonwithBNPsandAFBNPs. TheIRspectrumofV‐AFBNPs(Fig.1)showsanewbandat 956 cm−1 owing to the V=O stretching vibration of the VOSO4 complex, which confirms the coordination of the vanadium complex to the functionalized BNPs. The ICP analysis also showed that over 80% of the nitrogen sites on AFBNPs were usedtoanchor0.28mmolofthevanadiumcomplexon1.00g of V‐AFBNPs, which is lower than the metal loading in Mo‐AFBNPs.ThePXRDpatternofV‐AFBNPs(Fig.2)alsocon‐ firms retention of the crystalline structure of the BNPs after metal loading. In the TG/DTA curve of V‐AFBNPs (Fig. 3(c)), there is an endothermic peak below 100 °C with 6% weight lossintheTGcurveowingtotheeliminationofthephysically adsorbedwater.Similartothemolybdenumcounterpart,there is an exothermic peak at approximately 300 °C owing to the ignitionoftheorganicpartsofAFBNPs.Additionally,andsimi‐ lartoBNPsandMo‐AFBNPs,thisthermogramshowsaweight lossintherangeof400–500°C,accompaniedbyanendother‐ mic peak in the DTA curve, which was similarly assigned as resultingfromdehydroxylationofboehmiteandcrystallization of γ‐alumina. The total weight loss of V‐AFBNPs up to 600 °C wasabout24%,similartoMo‐AFBNPs.Calculationoftheparti‐ clesizeusingthePXRDpatternforV‐AFBNPsaccordingtothe Schererequation,andsimilartothemolybdenumcounterpart, shows no change in the particle size in comparison to BNPs. ThiswasalsoconfirmedbytheTEMimage(Fig.4(c)). The efficient surface area for V‐AFBNPs was 318 m2 g−1, whichdoesnotshowasignificantvariationincomparisonwith BNPs, AFBNPs, and Mo‐AFBNPs. The XPS analysis was also performedforfurtherevidenceofthesurfacecompositionsof both the Mo‐AFBNPs and V‐AFBNPs catalysts inferred by the FT‐IRandICPanalyses.WidescanXPSspectraofbothcatalysts over a wide binding energy range from 0 to 600 eV are dis‐ playedinFig.5.InthecaseofMo‐AFBNPscatalyst(Fig.5),the XPS Mo 3d5/2 and Mo 3d3/2 peaks were observed at 232 and 236eV,respectively,indicatingthepresenceofamolybdenum complexonthesurfaceofthiscatalyst.However,inthecaseof the V‐AFBNPs catalyst (Fig. 5), the XPS V 2p3/2 and V 2p1/2 O 1s 900 Mo 3d5/2 Mo 3d3/2 1267 O 1s 600 C 1s 40 300 V 2p3/2 V 2p1/2 (4) 2000 0 215 1000 235 255 0 510 (2) 520 530 540 (1) Al 2s Al 2p Si 2p 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Binding energy (eV) 400 450 500 550 Fig.5.XPSanalysisofMo‐AFBNPs(1),V‐AFBNPs(2),Mo3dregion(3)ofMo‐AFBNPs,andV2pandO1sregion(4)ofV‐AFBNPs. 600 1268 MahdiMirzaeeetal./ChineseJournalofCatalysis37(2016)1263–1274 peaksat517and522eV,respectively,indicatesthepresenceof avanadiumcomplexonthesurfaceofthiscatalyst.TheXPSSi 2pandC1speaksat99and284eV,respectively,confirmedthe attachment of the silylpropyl amine group on the surface of boehmite nanoparticles in both catalysts. In addition, the XPS Al2p,Al2s,andO1speaksat72,117,and530eV,respectively, owing to the BNPs, were present in the spectra of both cata‐ lysts. In brief, the surface compositions characterized by the FT‐IR,ICP,andXPSanalysessupporteachother. 3.2. Alkeneepoxidationwithtert‐butylhydroperoxidecatalyzed byMo‐AFBNPsandV‐AFBNPs Epoxidationofcyclooctenehasbeenwidelyusedasamodel reactiontodemonstratethecatalyticactivitiesofnewsynthe‐ sized catalysts. This reaction was chosen because cyclooctene epoxideistheonlyproductanditdoesnothaveanyotherby‐ product.Thus,weusedthisreactiontoshowandoptimizethe catalyticactivitiesofourcatalysts.Theoptimizationofthetitle reaction was investigated by changing different parameters including the solvent, oxidant, catalyst, and time. Our experi‐ ments showed that in the presence of these catalysts, tert‐butylhydroperoxide(TBHP)wastheonlyoxidizingsystem that can promote the epoxidation of cis‐cyclooctene in CCl4. Other oxygen sources such as hydrogen peroxide and sodium periodate(inthepresenceof0.01goftetrabutylphosphonium bromide as the phase‐transfer reagent), and urea‐hydrogen peroxideinCCl4orCH3CNdonotshowanacceptableactivity.It seems that the protic solvents, which were inevitably present withthoseoxidants,competedtobindtothemetalcomplexes, andblockedthecatalyticsites.Furthermore,undermildcondi‐ tions,theepoxidationofcis‐cyclooctenebyTBHPdidnotpro‐ ceedintheabsenceofthecatalyst. AsshowninTable1(entries1–6and17–22),theuseofdif‐ ferent solvents showed the same trend as other literature re‐ ports on homogeneous alkene epoxidation by the Mo(CO)6 catalyst[45].CoordinatingsolventssuchasCH3CNandCH3OH compete with TBHP to occupy the coordination sites on the transition metal catalyst. Therefore, in the presence of these solvents, the observed yields are very low. Among other sol‐ vents,CCl4hasthehighestyieldofepoxideproductforboththe Mo‐AFBNPs and V‐AFBNPs catalysts. This could be attributed to the higher boiling point of CCl4 in comparison to the other solvents. We then determined how the amount of the amine group anchoredonBNPsinfluencedtheprogressofthereaction(Ta‐ ble1,entries6–8).Forthispurpose,differentamountsofMSPA (6:0.35,7:0.7,and8:0.23mmol)wereusedtoanchor1.00gof Table1 Epoxidationofcis‐cylooctenewithTBHPunderrefluxconditionsafter2h. Pendingaminegroup Catalystloadinga (mmol)/BNPs(g) (mol%) 1 Mo‐AFBNPs(40) CH3CN(3) 0.35 1.7 2 Mo‐AFBNPs(40) CH3OH(3) 0.35 1.7 3 Mo‐AFBNPs(40) (CH3)2CO(3) 0.35 1.7 4 Mo‐AFBNPs(40) CH2Cl2(3) 0.35 1.7 5 Mo‐AFBNPs(40) CHCl3(3) 0.35 1.7 6 Mo‐AFBNPs(40) CCl4(3) 0.35 1.7 7 Mo‐AFBNPs(40) CCl4(3) 0.70 2.0 8 Mo‐AFBNPs(40) CCl4(3) 0.23 0.8 9 Mo‐AFBNPs(30) CCl4(3) 0.35 1.29 10 Mo‐AFBNPs(20) CCl4(3) 0.35 0.86 11 Mo‐AFBNPs(10) CCl4(3) 0.35 0.43 12 Mo‐AFBNPs(20) CCl4(3) 0.35 0.86 13 Mo‐AFBNPs(20) CCl4(3) 0.35 0.86 14 Mo‐AFBNPs(20) CCl4(3) 0.35 0.86 15 Mo‐AFBNPs(20) CCl4(2) 0.35 0.86 16 Mo‐AFBNPs(20) CCl4(1) 0.35 0.86 17 V‐AFBNPs(20) CH3CN(3) 0.35 0.8 18 V‐AFBNPs(20) CH3OH(3) 0.35 0.8 19 V‐AFBNPs(20) (CH3)2CO(3) 0.35 0.8 20 V‐AFBNPs(20) CH2Cl2(3) 0.35 0.8 21 V‐AFBNPs(20) CHCl3(3) 0.35 0.8 22 V‐AFBNPs(20) CCl4(3) 0.35 0.8 23 V‐AFBNPs(10) CCl4(3) 0.35 0.4 24 V‐AFBNPs(30) CCl4(3) 0.35 1.2 25 V‐AFBNPs(40) CCl4(3) 0.35 1.6 26 V‐AFBNPs(20) CCl4(3) 0.35 0.8 27 V‐AFBNPs(20) CCl4(3) 0.35 0.8 28 V‐AFBNPs(20) CCl4(2) 0.35 0.8 29 V‐AFBNPs(20) CCl4(1) 0.35 0.8 30 BNPs(20) CCl4(3) 0.35 — 31 AFBNPs(20) CCl4(3) 0.35 — aCalculatedfor0.7mmolcyclooctene.bGLCyieldsarebasedonthestartingcyclooctene. Entry Catalyst(mg) Solvent(mL) Oxidant/Substrate molarratio 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1 2 2.5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 2 Epoxideyieldb (%) Noreaction Noreaction 18 23 40 53 55 40 53 63 46 42 79 83 86 96 8 10 35 61 68 73 57 67 63 53 76 80 83 Noreaction Noreaction MahdiMirzaeeetal./ChineseJournalofCatalysis37(2016)1263–1274 BNPs. These functionalized BNPs were then used to support Mo(CO)6.Thesecatalystswerethenusedfortheepoxidationof 0.7 mmol of cis‐cyclooctene with 1.05 mmol of TBHP. The re‐ sultsobtainedshowedthatafter2htheconversionsofentries 6 and 7 were the same and higher than entry 8, respectively. Therefore,0.35mmolofthependingaminegrouppergramof BNPswasselectedforfurtherinvestigations.Accordingtothe ICPanalysis,theamountofsupportedmolybdenumcomplexes on samples 6, 7, and 8 were 0.3, 0.35, and 0.14 mmol g−1, re‐ spectively. The same activities for entries 6 and 7 may be at‐ tributedtoalmostthesamemetalloadingonAFBNPs. The amount of catalyst used for the epoxidation of cis‐cyclooctene with TBHP was also investigated. Fig. 6 and Table 1 (entries 6, 9–11, and 22–25) confirm that increasing theamountofboththeMo‐AFBNPsandV‐AFBNPscatalystsup to20mgincreasedthecycloocteneepoxideyield. Theoxidanttosubstrateratioisoneofthemostcrucialpa‐ rameters in the catalytic epoxidation processes. The results tabulatedinTable1(entries10,12–14,22,26, and27) show that theoptimumoxidantto substrate ratio forbothcatalysts was 2. Increasing this ratio to 2.5 and 3 for Mo‐AFBNPs and V‐AFBNPs,respectively,didnotchangethe epoxidationyields significantly, but decreasing the ratio to 1 lowered the yields significantly. The amount of solvent was also investigated. The results (Table1,entries13,15,16,22,28,and29)showthatdecreas‐ ingtheamountofsolventfrom3to1mLincreasestheepoxide yield. Fig.7showstheeffectofreactiontimeontheepoxidationof cis‐cyclooctenewithTBHP.Acomparisonbetweenthereactivi‐ tiesoftheMo‐AFBNPsandV‐AFBNPscatalystsrevealsthatthe supportedmolybdenumcatalystismorereactive,andafter90 min, its conversion reaches a maximum, and then becomes constant.However,thesupportedvanadiumcomplexrequires 180mintoreachthisgoal. Moreover,theheterogenic characterofthesecatalysts was checkedbyahotfiltrationtest.Forthispurpose,eachcatalyst was removedbycentrifugingthe catalyticreactionmixtureat the halfway point of the optimum reaction time, which had 100 Yield (%) 80 73 63 60 40 Mo-AFBNPs V-AFBNPs 20 0 0 10 20 30 Amount of catalyst (mg) 40 50 Fig. 6. Epoxidation of 0.7 mmol of cis‐cyclooctene with 1.4 mmol of TBHP,catalyzedbyMo‐AFBNPsorV‐AFBNPsin3mLofCCl4after2h underrefluxconditions. 1269 96 100 93 80 Yield (%) 60 Mo-AFBNPs V-AFBNPs 40 20 30 60 90 120 Time (min) 150 180 210 Fig. 7. Epoxidation of 0.7 mmol of cis‐cyclooctene with 1.4 mmol of TBHPcatalyzedby20mgofMo‐AFBNPsorV‐AFBNPsin3mLofCCl4 underrefluxconditions. been determined earlier. The reaction was then allowed to continue and reach the optimum reaction time without the presence of the catalyst. The results obtained showed that whenthecatalystwasremovedfromthereactionmedium,the catalytic procedure stopped and did not continue anymore. This test proves that the catalytic reactions proceeded in het‐ erogeneousconditionsandthecatalystswerenotleachedinto thereactionmedium. Wealsostudiedthereactionprogressinthepresenceofthe relatedhomogenouscatalysts. Theresults showedthatbyus‐ ingMo(CO)6orVOSO4·H2Oasthecatalystunderthesameex‐ perimentalconditionsfortheheterogeneouscounterparts,the reaction yields reduced to 85% and 55%, respectively. The greater reactivities of the heterogeneous Mo‐AFBNPs and V‐AFBNPscatalystsmayberelatedtothehomogenousdisper‐ sionofthecatalyticactivesitesontothesurfaceofBNPs,which efficientlyincreasedtheeffectivecollisionofthereagentstothe metalsites,andconsequently,increasedthecycloocteneepox‐ ide yield in comparison to the homogeneous counterparts. In addition,anchoringthemolybdenumandvanadiumcomplexes onto the BNPs surface protect them from dimerization by oxo‐bridge formation, which leads to the deactivation of the catalytic sites and lowers the yields in homogenous reaction conditions. The new catalysts Mo‐AFBNPs and V‐AFBNPs can also be usedfortheepoxidationofawiderangeofsubstitutedalkenes (Table2).Theblankexperiments,performedwithoutcatalysts, with BNPs or AFBNPs, showed a very low conversion even after5hreflux.InthepresenceofMo‐AFBNPsandV‐AFBNPs,a widerangeofboththecyclicandlinearalkenescouldefficient‐ lyandselectivelybeconvertedtoepoxides.Basedontheepox‐ idation mechanisms suggested earlier [44], the higher elec‐ tron‐donating ability of an alkene double bond is expected to show more epoxidation reactivity. Therefore, cyclooctene and cyclohexene withinnerdouble bonds shouldexhibitmoreac‐ tivityincomparisonwith1‐hexeneand1‐octene,whichcontain terminal double bonds. In addition, cyclooctene is more reac‐ tive than cyclohexene owing to some cyclooctene confor‐ 1270 MahdiMirzaeeetal./ChineseJournalofCatalysis37(2016)1263–1274 Table2 EpoxidationofsomealkeneswithTBHPcatalyzedbyMo‐AFBNPsorV‐AFBNPsunderrefluxconditions. Entry 1 2 Mo‐AFBNPsa Epoxideb Conversionb(%) (%)(largescalec) Alkene 3 4 5 6 7 Time (h) Conversionb(%) V‐AFBNP Epoxideb (%)(largescalec) Time(h) 96 96(92) 1.5 93 93(88) 3 98d 70(67) 1.5 92d 85(81) 3 60 60(55) 6 58 58(54) 10 68 68(63) 6 60 60(55) 10 88e 81(77) 6 87e 66(61) 10 98f 86(81) 1.5 89f 80(76) 3 99g 99transh 3 98g 98transh 6 92g 79cisand13transi 3 90g 79cisand11transi 6 8 GLCyieldbasedonthestartingalkenes. bReactionconditions:alkene0.7mmol,TBHP1.4mmol,catalyst20mg,CCl41mL. cLargescalereactionconditions:alkene14mmol,TBHP28mmol,catalyst0.4g,CCl420mL. dThebyproduct(cyclohexanone)is18%forMo‐AFBNPsand7%forV‐AFBNPs. eThebyproduct(benzaldehyde)is7%forMo‐AFBNPsand21%forV‐AFBNPs. fThebyproduct(acetophenone)is12%forMo‐AFBNPsand9%forV‐AFBNPs. gBoth1HNMRandGLCdataapprovedthereportedyields. hTransisomeristheonlyproduct,accordingto1HNMRdata. iCisandtransisomersarebothproduced,accordingto1HNMRdata. a mationsthatfavortheformationofreactionintermediatesthat decrease the activation energy [46]. In contrast, 1‐octene is oxidized slower than 1‐hexene, and this observation could be attributedtothemoresterichindranceofthehexylgroupcon‐ nected to the double bond present in 1‐octene in comparison withthebutylgroupin1‐hexene.Alargerhexylgroupcanef‐ fectivelyhindertheapproachof1‐octenetothecatalystmetal center, and slow down the reaction. Cis‐ and trans‐stilbene werealsocompletelyconvertedtoepoxidesbytheMo‐AFBNPs andV‐AFBNPscatalysts.Surprisingly,trans‐stilbenegivesonly a trans epoxide, and cis‐stilbene gives a mixture with a high cis/trans epoxide molar ratio (Table 2). This shows the high selectivitiesofthesecatalystsintheepoxidationofalkenes.In addition, we scaled‐up the reaction and reported the results obtainedinTable2.Theseresultsshowonlya4%–6%reduc‐ tionintheepoxideyieldsofdifferentalkenesincomparisonto the small‐scale experiment, and they confirmed the potential useofthesecatalyticprotocolsinindustrialprocedures. BasedontheSobczak’sreport[47]andotherexperimental andtheoreticalreports[2,7,15,45],probablemechanismswere proposedfortheepoxidationofcyclooctenewithTBHPbythe Mo‐AFBNPs and V‐AFBNPs catalysts (Schemes 2 and 3). Ac‐ cordingtoourexperimentalresults,thereactionratesdisplaya first‐order dependence on the catalyst and substrate concen‐ trations.Therearealsosomecrucialstagesintheseprocesses. The V‐AFBNPs catalyst initially contains the oxo ligand on its metal center but, for Mo‐AFNBPs, the pending molybdenum complex is oxidized in the first step, and an oxo‐molybdenum complexisformed.Thenextstepforbothcatalystsinvolvesthe transfer of the TBHP hydroxyl proton to a terminal oxygen atomoftheseoxocomplexes,whichresultsinthecoordination of the tert‐butylperoxide anion to the Lewis acidic metal cen‐ ters. Then the alkene substrate is coordinated to the metal center,and,asanucleophile,isinsertedintothemetaloxygen bond of the coordinated peroxide electrophile anion. This mechanism easily explains the faster reaction of the elec‐ tron‐rich alkenes in comparison to the electron‐poor ones. In the next step, the epoxide product is formed, and the tert‐butylperoxideanionisconvertedtothetert‐butoxideani‐ on.Thentheperoxideproductisreleasedandthecatalyticcy‐ cle is continued by substitution of a new tert‐butylperoxide insteadofthetert‐butoxideanion. 3.3. Catalystrecoveryandreuse Asdiscussedearlier,thereusabilityofsolid‐supportedcata‐ MahdiMirzaeeetal./ChineseJournalofCatalysis37(2016)1263–1274 O O OH H2N Mo O O HO O O Si OH OH OH TBOH TBHP II 1271 III O O OH H2N Mo O O HO O O Si OH OH OH O O H2N Mo O OC CO OH H2N Mo CO OC CO O O Si OH OH OH I OH HO O O O Si H OH OH OH O O OH H2N Mo O O HO O O Si OH OH OH TBOH V O IV Scheme2.ProposedmechanismforepoxidationofalkeneswithTBHPbyMo‐AFBNPs. TBOH TBHP O OH O Si O OH HO OH I O H2 N O S OH O (IV) V O H2 N O Si O OH HO OH O O O (V) V O O O TBHP II TBOH S IV O O O Si O OH HO OH N H2 S O O OH V (V) O O S O O O OH H O O C(Me)3 III O Si O OH HO OH N H2 V (V) OH O O C(Me)3 Scheme3.ProposedmechanismforepoxidationofalkeneswithTBHPbyV‐AFBNPs. lysts is one of their most important benefits. Therefore, the reusability of the Mo‐AFBNPs and V‐AFBNPs catalysts was monitored by means of multiple sequential epoxidations of cis‐cyclooctenewithTBHP(Table3).Aftereachcycle,thereac‐ tion mixture was centrifuged, and the supernatant solutions and recovered catalysts were analyzed by ICP. This analysis showed that there was no metal contaminant in the superna‐ tant solution, and no decrease in the metal loading of the re‐ coveredcatalyst.Italsoconfirmed thatthemetalionsdidnot leachfromtheheterogeneouscatalysts,andthatthereactions were performed entirely under heterogeneous conditions. In addition,retentionofthecatalyticactivity,uptofivecycles,for recovered Mo‐AFBNPs, makes it a better candidate for the epoxidation of alkenes. The reason for the small gradual de‐ creasein theyields withV‐AFBNPs wasattributedtothe poi‐ soningeffectofwatervapor,whichmaybeadsorbedduringthe recovering process and blocks the catalytic sites on the metal center. Turnover frequency (TOF) is a virtuous parameter for the comparisonofthecatalyticactivities,soweusedittoshowthe 1272 MahdiMirzaeeetal./ChineseJournalofCatalysis37(2016)1263–1274 Table3 Epoxidationofcis‐cylooctenewithTBHPunderrefluxconditionsusingrecycledcatalysts. Numberof cycles Mo‐AFBNPscatalysta Epoxideyieldc(%) TOFd(h–1) Leachede(%) V‐AFBNPscatalystb Content (mmol/g) f Epoxideyield (%) c 1 96 75 ND 0.3 93 2 92 72 ND 0.29 91 3 90 70 ND 0.29 90 4 90 70 ND 0.3 87 5 90 70 ND 0.29 85 aReactionconditions:cyclooctene0.7mmol,TBHP1.4mmol,catalyst20mg,CCl41mL,90min. bReactionconditions:cyclooctene0.7mmol,TBHP1.4mmol,catalyst20mg,CCl41mL,180min. cGLCyieldsarebasedonthestartingcyclooctene. dTOF=moleofreactantyield/(100moleofcatalysttime) eMetalleachedfromcatalystintothecatalyticsolutionmediumdeterminedbyICP. fMetalcontentofrecycledcatalystdeterminedbyICP. ND—Notdetected benefits of our catalytic systems over other reported catalytic protocols. Very recently, Feng et al. [21] have supported a di‐ oxo‐molybdenum complex onto an organic copolymer and reached a TOF of 5 in the epoxidation of cis‐cyclooctene with TBHP.Sakthiveletal.[31]havesupportedMo(CO)6onSBA‐15 and reported a TOF of 32 in the same reaction. Moahmmadikish et al. [48] have supported a molybdenum complexontonanomagnetiteandreportedaTOFof19withthe same catalytic reaction conditions. Yang et al. [49] have also supportedamolybdenumSchiffbasecomplexontoSBA‐15and reachedaTOFof25inthesamereaction.Moghadametal.[50] have reported a TOF of 55.4 for the catalytic epoxidation of cis‐cyclooctene with TBHP by a molybdenum complex sup‐ ported onto multi‐walled carbon nanotubes. All of these re‐ ports have lower TOF values than the TOF value obtained for Mo‐AFBNPsinthepresentresearchwork.Inaddition,theTOF values for Mo‐AFBNPs and V‐AFBNPs (75 and 39 h–1, respec‐ tively)inthepresentreportaresignificantlygreaterthantheir Schiff‐basecounterparts,Mo‐IFBNPsandV‐IFBNPs(44and29 h–1,respectively),inourpreviousreport[42]. 4. Conclusions TOFd (h–1) Leachede(%) Contentf (mmol/g) 39 38 37 36 35 ND ND ND ND ND 0.28 0.28 0.27 0.27 0.28 Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the vice‐president's office for research affairs of Shahrood University of Technology for the financial support of this work. We also would like to acknowledge the kind helps of Ms. Adonis Amoli and Mr. MahmoodNorouzi. References [1] L.Y.Hu,B.Yue,C.Wang,X.Y.Chen,H.Y.He,Appl.Catal.A,2014, 477,141–146. [2] S. Huber, M. Cokoja, F. E. Kühn, J. Organomet. Chem., 2014, 751, 25–32. [3] D.K.Dumbre,V.R.Choudhary,N.S.Patil,B.S.Uphade,S.K.Bhar‐ gava,J.ColloidInterfaceSci.,2014,415,111–116. [4] A.Held,J.Kowalska‐Kus,A.Lapinski,K.Nowinska,J.Catal.,2013, 306,1–10. [5] B. Tyagi, U. Sharma, R. V. Jasra, Appl. Catal. A, 2011, 408, 171–177. [6] Y.H.Li,X.S.Sun,J.Am.OilChem.,2014,91,1425–1432. [7] H. Vrubel, K. J. Ciuffi, G. P. Ricci, F. S. Nunes, S. Nakagaki, Appl. Catal.A,2009,368,139–145. [8] H.R.Zhang, H.J. Yang, H.J.Guo,J. Yang, L. Xiong, C. 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