Ramtha - Sound Health Options


Ramtha - Sound Health Options
Exploring YOUR inner-self through Vocal Profiling
Thank you for taking the opportunity to experience the BioVoice™ computer program.
As you speak into the microphone, the computer will catalog your words into musical
note patterns. Your print-out will reflect the twelve notes of the musical scale – C, C#,
D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A# and B; plus the octave(s) in which you speak. The notes, octaves
and general architecture of your vocal graph are used to create a personalized
BioVoice interpretation for you. Each of these notes has general characteristics.
The database used for your analysis has been developed over the last twenty years as
we collect data. We would appreciate feedback as to how you think your profile
matches the REAL you.
For this particular
type of vocal
profiling, your
emotions can greatly
influence the
interpretation. If you
would like
information about a
variety of subjects,
take several voice
samples; keeping with
one subject for each
voice sample. Every
print-out will be
“flavored” by the
subject you talk
Remember that each
written report will
reflect what you say
as well as what you
don’t say.
Sometimes you will
find conflicting
statements on a
report. This indicates
that these same
conflicts reside
within your own
personality. As you
talk about different
subjects you will be
able to determine the
conflicts and joys of each subject. If you doubt the accuracy of your report, ask a
friend who will tell you the Truth about how you are perceived by others.
Sound Health, Inc.
[email protected]
Original copyright 1988: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
copyright by Sharry Edwards, 2005
Exploring YOUR inner-self through Vocal Profiling
We hope you will be delighted Beyond Words by your BioVoice
DOB: 11/11/1111
Recording Date: 05/07/2007
Subject/Topic: I am Ramtha the enlightened one, I am 35,362 1 and 37 seconds years old, I
was born in that which is termed the great and marvelous place called Lemuria, and my destiny
here is to teach you that which you desire to know, and to let you know that every word that I
say I will manifest for you in your life. So I must become the teacher. I must plant in your mind
OUTRAGEOUS concepts. I'm a teacher and a god; I'm a god because I experienced all of
these things, and I am a teacher -- not of truth, but of philosophy.
There are no missing notes in this chart.
Manual Interpretation regarding Manifestation
The very plentiful note of F reveals an established plan and call to action. Ramtha promises
“every word that I say I will manifest for you in your life” and the vocal print confirms that
promise. Manifestation includes an approach to achievement and physical manifestation. A
promise of “management” of what you achieve is not included in the promise but there is the
expectation that what is achieved will be managed properly using a spiritual base.
The is a humanitarian need for justice, Truth and fairness in this chart. There is no expectation
that talking will achieve your goals. Must like Ramtha’s states “so be it indeed” – the next level
of evolution toward expectation “is so be it in deed” – meaning so be it by the deeds that you do
– whether those be mental, physical or spiritual applications.
Sound Health, Inc.
[email protected]
Original copyright 1988: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
copyright by Sharry Edwards, 2005
Exploring YOUR inner-self through Vocal Profiling
Ramtha is multi-tasker. Humanitarian issues are strong dealing with justice, consideration for
long term and physical manifestation. Mental awareness is responsive of all levels. Physical
tasking is held at non physical and crown chakra levels.
JZ and Ramtha share the following sentences in their Vocal Profile:
“You don't tolerate those who repeat information they can't defend.”
“Discussions about people's motives are a source of inspiration.”
Points of Importance, Attention and Consequence
You plan well and insist that your plans be carried out. It is easy for you to see the faults in
others but don't always know how to get your point across politely. You expect others to take
your suggestions seriously. Nice things appeal to you.
You push yourself and others to finish the job. You love new. A sense of family and group is
important to you.
You want everything done as you present it. You can be fussy about your physical space.
Your highest note is associated with the expression and integration of appropriate perception
and action. The ability to assess a situation quickly resides to result in work and
accomplishment resides with this note. The ability to see the flaws in a plan and make it right
resides with this note.
You tend to do much for. You do for others before you do for yourself. It is a struggle
sometimes to decide what you really think and what part is needed for someone else
Those around you will allow you to give too much. You tend to do more for others than they do
for you.
Points of Communication, Complications and Complaints
You like to plan for yourself and others. You can easily show others how to put a plan together.
You can get satisfaction out of being able to move people along.
Creating new projects from the ideas you generate is rewarding. You take pleasure in making
things better.
You have the ability to organize and prioritize in your head. It may not look that way to others
but it is your mode of operation.
You can sometimes feel criticism too quickly. You sometimes fail to defend yourself because
you don't want to criticize the opinions of others.
You have a strong connection to universal Truths. You have the ability to put yourself aside for
others and often do.
Points of Cooperation, Learning, Opportunity and Growth
Sound Health, Inc.
[email protected]
Original copyright 1988: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
copyright by Sharry Edwards, 2005
Exploring YOUR inner-self through Vocal Profiling
You dislike being accused of something you did not do because it hurts your spirit. When you
are satisfied with you decision, you no longer need to talk about it. You have the ability to
influence others from a spiritual perspective.
You have the ability to perceive what others may be thinking and can use it to help them
remove obstacles in their “path”. Your verbal skills make you a good trainer. You have the
ability to play word game. You would make a good mediator.
You delight in seeing the results of what you have physically accomplished. You enjoy the
company of people who are comfortable with the natural environment. You have many physical
sides that you present at your whim.
Bringing plans to fruition is important to you. Your sense of physical honor is high.
You like to plan by talking about how things are to be done. Discussions about people's
motives are a source of inspiration.
You are tolerate of long winded people because you can see through their pretense to their
need to express themselves. Your self esteem comes from what you accomplish. You don't
tolerate fools who repeat information they can't defend.
You want it done right the first time. You have the ability to see what won't work when others
present you with a plan.
Balance between spiritual and physical aspects of your being is important. You have the ability
to allow your spirit to carry you.
You have a hard time understanding people's ability to be so unfair to each other. You will
quickly come to the aid of those who are not being treated fairly.
The cooperation of others is essential to accomplish all that you conceive. You can get
impatient when others get in the way of your plans.
Expressing your true emotions is rare for you.
Sound Health, Inc.
[email protected]
Original copyright 1988: ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
copyright by Sharry Edwards, 2005