Hillview graduates move on to high school
Hillview graduates move on to high school
S E C T I O N 2 June 17, 2009 ALSO INSIDE A monthly section for and by kids and families. BARBARA WOOD 26 |COMMUNITY 27 |CLASSIFIEDS 35 Hillview graduates move on to high school Hillview Middle School’s class of eighth-graders had their moment in the sun with a graduation ceremony at 5 p.m. Friday, June 5, on the campus blacktop with musical accompaniment by the Hillview Band. Chosen by the graduating class to speak at the ceremony was retiring Principal Mike Moore, who shared his thoughts and insights with both graduates and parents. The ceremony culminated with Mr. Moore’s presentation of the class of 2009, to their core teachers, who handed out diplomas to the 224 graduating students from the Menlo Park City School District. Assisting the core teachers were two of Hillview’s science teachers, Alicia Payton and Susan Arrington, who were also chosen by the graduates. A reception for the graduates and their guests, hosted by parents of the seventh-grade class, took place immediately after the ceremony. A grad night party, sponsored by the graduates’ parents and held in the school’s multi-use room, was set for later that evening. Graduates A Johnathan Adams, Jocelyn Aledo, Anne Altman-Merino, Marcos Amaral, Anna Argente, Connor Arrington, Maggie Asher, Alexander Augustus, Justin Austin, Jamie Ayon-Facundo B Brittney Badduke, Gretchen Bahr, Mackenzie Baker, Noa Barak, Temuulen Barklow, Yolanda Barraza, Trent Benedick, Isaac Berez, Hanna Berggren, Marc Bermudez, Cassandra Bethel, Jennifer Blair, Samantha Bloom, Jack Boyle, Michael Brett, Todd Brock, Christopher Brody, Thomas Bucka,Helen Burke, Gabrielle Busque C Jordan Capelle, Keenan Carr, Kathryn Carruthers, Annie Chen, Caleb Cheng, Madeline Child, Zachery Cogan, Kevin Cole, Chase Connell, Grant Coultas, Erin Cox, Lea Croizet, Angel Cuschieri D Ross Dairiki, Anna de Benedictis, Zachary Deal, George Dean, Isaac Demma, Fiona Dewar, Lauren Diamond, Kristen DiGioia, Katelyn Doherty, Christina Dong, Kaelen Dunn, Amal Duriseti E-F Elizabeth Eder, Luz Elicea, Nathan Elkins, Hannah Ellefritz, Hernan Espinal, Connor Evans, Xin Fang, Julia Farino, Joe Farned, Amy Farnworth, Jennifer Feldis, ■ CLASS OF 20 09 Kimberly Felt, Madison Frame, Peter Freschi, Emma Fronberg, Madeline Frye, Yvonne Fu, William Fuller G Timothy Gachot, Nicholas Gallagher, Meredith Geaghan-Breiner, Ani Ghazarossian, Brandon Gichane-Bell, Janessa Gil, Paul Gilles, Ariana Gonzalez, Eduardo Gonzalez, Christopher Gorman, Kadri Green, Charles Grose H Julia Hafer, Risa Hammel, Zackery Harper, Aliya Hasoon, Paxon Hayati-Rezvan, Katherine Hayse, Alexia Hernandez, Caitlin Hilligoss, Patrick Hilligoss, Bret Hinrichs, Michael Hoffman, Michael Hohl, Katherine Holliday, Matthew Holmes, Gabriel Huerta, Nicholas Hug I-K Marina Ikeno, Olivia Ives, Frances Jimenez, Elliot Jones, Arthur Jongebloed, Rebecca Kaplan, Ryan Karle, Sarah Katz, Erika Keer, Brian Kelley, Scott Kelley, Andrew Kemp-Dahlberg, Simone King, Julia Kirik L Erin Laporte, Matthew Leanse, Griffin Lee, Allison Levison, Charlotte Lewis, Thomas Liggett, Kirsten Lindelsee, Connor Lindquist, Kira Lober, Nina Lozinski M Kelly McBride, Ross McBride, Conor McGannon, Arielle McMahon, Suzanna McMurtry, Francesca Meffert, Heather Melendez, Gilbert Mesec, John Messerschmidt, Flint Mitchell, Mele Moimoi, Clark Moore, Danielle Moragne, Arthur Morgan, Jason Mouchawar, Nicholas Mullen N Nicholas Naclerio, Kamron Nafarieh, Ashley Nair, Jessica Nair, Madeline Napel, Abigail Nash, Katherine Nealis, Alexa Ng-Quinn, Olivia Nicholls, Jade Nichols, Samantha Novak-Federmeyer, Melissa Nuckolls, Zoe Nuyens O-R Keifer O’Hara, Julia Olson, Janet Pale, James Patch, Jason Paulin, Danielle Pintz, Nicolas Piper, Benjamin Prudhomme, Erika Rasmussen, Will Reardon, Hannah Rechsteiner, Emilia Reed, Katherine Reed, David Reeves, Wyatt Richards, Monika Richardson, Campbell Roellig, Paola Rosales, Samantha Rosensweig, PeterRoumeliotis, Erik Ryde S Antonella Salerno, April Sandoval, Kayla Satzger, Amanda Schenk, Olivia Schmidt, William Sexton, Claire Sharif, Michael Sheffield, Allison Silverman, Rema Singh, Justin Smith, Lauren Smith, Payton Smith, Sean Smith, Jacob Solomon, Olivia Solomon, Nicolas Spindola, Jack Stanek, Rebecca Stark, Patrick Summers, Jenna Swartz T-V Ken Tamme, Samuel Tasch, Lucy Tashman, Dylan Taylor, Mafikaunanga Teu, Talaiasi Teu, Sura Tewolde, Dana Thomas, Emma Thygesen, Michael Tinsley, Andrew Uphoff, Sofie Van Creveld, Karin Vaughan, Sara Vitale W-Z Jeremy Wain Hirschberg, Kyle Wallau, John Wang, Daniel Warner, Elissa Webb, Ryan Wentz, Phillip White, Corey Whitman, Benjamin Wiener, Vanessa Wijaya, Kennedy Wilkerson, Christopher Williams, Katharine Woods, Gabriella Zanutta. Photo by Michelle Le/The Almanac Students receiving Rotary scholarships are, from left, front row: Claudia Norton, Leslie Arroyo, Andrew Cruz, Khevna Mehta, Victoria Vargas and Uriel Hernandez. Back row: Decatur Phiania Macpherson, Stephanie Noriega, Molly Murphy, Jabari Perry, Seamus Clerkin, Gabriel Cervantes, Michael Rodriquez and Deepak Charan. Rotary awards $72,000 in scholarships Seventeen seniors from local high schools received $67,000 in scholarships from the Rotary Club of Menlo Park last week in ceremonies at the club’s regular meeting. All the students have been accepted into four-year colleges, including Berkeley, Santa Clara, USC and the University of the Pacific in the west to Smith, Brown and Williams College in the east. The Rotary grants ranged from $2,000 to $5,000 and are given directly to the colleges to pay for tuition and other expenses. Three weeks ago the club awarded $15,000 in scholarships to 10 students who will attend local community colleges. The winning students received grants of $1,000 or $2,000 and were identified by school counselors, who passed their recommendations on to a Rotary scholarship committee. To qualify for the four-year college scholarships, students submitted a lengthy written application that included their academic record, community service and financial need, and then were interviewed by a Rotary committee, which selected the winning candidates. Twenty-six students from Menlo-Atherton, Sacred Heart, Eastside Preparatory and East Palo Alto Charter high schools applied. A number of the scholarships are named in honor of past and current Rotary club members, including John D. Russell, Robert Paroli, Ormand and Doris Rector, Arthur Flegel, the Tsui/Tsiang family and Drue Kataoka. A business and professional scholarship is underwritten by numerous local businesses. Scholarship winners Here are the students who received Rotary scholarships to either four-year or community colleges: Corte Madera middle school graduates 72 students Corte Madera School in Portola Valley graduated 72 eighth-grade students on Friday, June 12. The graduation ceremony was held in Corte Madera’s multipurpose room. Speakers were Principal Carol Piraino, board president Don Collat, and students McKenzie Baker, John Howard and Emma Schectman. Graduates A-B Christina Aguilar, Domenic Andrighet- to, Alexandra Androlowicz, George Baier, McKenzie Baker, Ryan Blocker, Christian Bourgeois, Diana Boyle, Nicholas Brandman, Mackenzie Bray, Ian Brown C-F Emily Carlson, Nicholas Carrino, Saleena Cerrillo, Jack Chilton, Annalise Constantz, Kaylynn Crawford, Andreas Dolezalek, Kellan Draeger, Jenna Ebert, Daniel Falore, Cameron Fast, Antonio Flamenco, Jenna Fox G-J Valerie Giordano, Paula Gluss, Abelardo Gurrola, Lauren Hennefarth, Alexander Hoeflich, Serena Houghton, John Howard, Shane Hunt-Dusse, Derek Hunter, Alison Jordan, Connor Jordan K-L Makayla Karr-Warner, Radhika Khatod, Charlotte Kohlberg, Madeleine Kohlberg, Griffin Koontz, Colin Lockareff, Alexander Lopez, Alexander Lopez, Jennifer Lucian, Bianca Lupercio M-S Ramiro Maturino, Autumn McMahon, Avery Minor, Tyler Norwood, Rohan Notaney, Brian Omondi, Alsace Patrone, Kevin Quinn, Patrick Ross, Jesse Rothbard, Richard Sarwal, Christopher Sauer, Jenna Scandalios, Emma Schectman, Breanna Sevy, John Small, Chloe Steck, Alyssa Sterns, Nancy Sutter, Jason Swietek T-Z Arlease Thompson, Isabelle Thompson, Margaret Troedson, Kristina van de Goor, Tevita Vea, Emma Wiszowaty, and Jonathan Zdasiuk. Gabriel Cervantes, Eastside Prep, will major in business administration at Williams College. Claudia Norton, Sacred Heart, will major in international relations at Brown University. Seamas Clerkin, Sacred Heart, will major in electrical engineering at USC. Jabari Perry, Eastside Prep, will major in English at Carleton College. Deepak Charan, East Palo Alto Academy, will major in business and computer science at Cal State East Bay. Adriana Huerta, Menlo-Atherton, will major in psychology or business administration at Santa Clara. Khevna Mehta, Menlo-Atherton, will major in chemistry at UC Davis. Uriel Hernandez, Menlo-Atherton, will major in medicine and biology at Middlebury College. Stephanie Noriega, Eastside Prep, will major in psychology and theology at St. Mary’s College. Phiania Decatur Macpherson, Sacred Heart, will major in romance languages at Smith College. Juan Sandoval, Sacred Heart, will major in business at the University of the Pacific. Leslie Arroyo, East Palo Alto Academy, will major in criminal justice at Whittier College. Andrew Cruz, Eastside Prep, will major in civil engineering at the University of the Pacific. Paola Tovar, Menlo-Atherton, will major in math, science at UC Merced. Michael Rodriguez, Eastside Prep, will major in mechanical engineering, college undecided. Molly Murphy, Menlo-Atherton, will study art at the Parsons School of Design in New York City. Estella Gonzalez, East Palo Alto Academy, will study pediatric nursing at the College of San Mateo. Paola Solano, East Palo Alto Academy, will study dentistry at the College of San Mateo. Andanita Kushboo, Menlo-Atherton, will study to be a dental technician at the College of San Mateo. David Council, Menlo-Atherton, will study physical therapy at Foothill College. Jose Mayen, Menlo-Atherton, will study environmental science at Canada College. Saydi Ramos, Menlo-Atherton, will study banking at Canada College. Cheri Slightam, Menlo-Atherton, will study nursing/teaching at Canada College. Sabrina Hamade, Menlo-Atherton, is undecided and will attend Foothill College. Jorge Tejeda, Menlo-Atherton, will study psychology at Canada College. Stephanie Keith, Menlo-Atherton, will study English at Canada College. Bidding adieu to Woodside School Eighth-grade students at Woodside Elementary School on Friday, June 12, strolled across the soccer field to the school’s amphitheater and began the commencement ceremony for the Class of 2009. The class has a total of 51 graduates. The Woodside School Band, directed by Beth Dameron, played “Pomp and Circumstances” as the students enter the amphitheater. Students Alexis Clark and Jack Power led classmates, families and friends in the salute to the flag and singing of the national anthem. The class of 2009 sang “Welcome the Wherever You Are,” popularized by Bon Jovi, as the class song. Superintendent/Principal Diana See WOODSIDE, page 26 June 17, 2009 ■ The Almanac ■ 25 F A M I L Y A L M A N A C D IS PATCH ES from the home front Letter to my daughter, after her last race T o my dear daughter: A few weeks ago your dad and I went to Gilroy to see you run the last race of your BARBARA WOOD high school career. You told us you didn’t understand why we wanted to watch. “I’m just going to come in last,” you said. But what you don’t understand, my feisty, beautiful, independent girl, is that we love to watch you even when you don’t win. We want to be there, in the stands, cheering you on, even when you do come in last. There have been many moments in your life when we have watched you and nearly burst with pride at your accomplishments: when your project went all the way to the state science fair; when the pig you raised was reserve grand champion at the county fair; when you broke away from a defender and, red hair streaming like molten fire, raced down the soccer field and scored a goal; when, in the league championship, you came from behind in the last 100 yards of a mile race and passed three girls. But there were the other times we watched you with just as much pride: as a baby, sleeping, one of the most beautiful things we’d ever seen. On stage, in the eighth-grade operetta, where even though you didn’t get the role you’d wanted, the director gave you half a dozen smaller ones, and, to us, you were the best thing on the stage. All those times your team didn’t win the soccer game, when your pig wasn’t the best, when you didn’t win the race, when someone else got the honors, you were still a winner to us. Yes, it was a thrill to watch you up on that stage graduating from high school as one of the valedictorians. But it was also a thrill to watch you drive off to school, alone, the day after you got your driver’s license; to see you fill out your voter’s registration card when you turned 18; to watch you head through security at the airport on your way to Africa to spend the summer teaching Photo by Caitlin Fitzpatrick Brenna Fitzpatrick relaxes after receiving her diploma from Woodside High School on June 5. She was one of two valedictorians. children in Malawi how to avoid AIDS and malaria. What matters to us, Brenna, isn’t if you win or lose, but the fact that you have compassion in your heart, inner strength, independence, the courage to question authority, and the guts to run a race, even when you believe you will come in last. You probably don’t want to hear this, but I am more proud of you for being a vegetarian and for your dreadlocks than I am of you for being admitted to Berkeley, and New York University, and Tufts, and five other universities. You have a big heart, and it is in the right place, and that is what matters. I have never been more proud of you than when you ended your graduation speech by saying: “I know this world will never be lacking in social injustice for me to fight against.” You may not win that race — but what matters is that you run it. All my love, Mom Barbara Wood is a freelance writer, photographer and gardener from Woodside. Her column runs the third week of the month. WOODSIDE continued from page 25 Town of Portola Valley *Summer Classes 2009* Abbati welcomed guests and graduates. Student speakers were Cameron Merten on “The Road through Time”; Grabrielle Shaw on “The Spirit of Woodside”; Jacqueline Falkenberg on “The Voices Inside of Me”; Hannah Campbell on “Handprints”; Michael Marguet on “Boundaries”; and Mikaela Waters on “The Eternal Love of Fall.” Christopher Dressel, president of the Woodside School Foundation, gave the commencement address. Then, Dean Amy Retttberg presented the class of 2009 to Karen Werner and Ellen Ablow, members of the Woodside School District’s Board of Trustees. Graduates A-C Alejandro Arturo Aguijosa, Joseph Michael Alftin, Ariana Barron-Silva, Ricardo Barron-Silva, Hannah Malinda Campbell, Kasandra Garcia Carrico, Jennifer Elizabeth Caruzo, Therese Aaron Chipault, Alexis Ruth Clark, Cleo Shannon Cleary. D-F Madison Leigh Darbonne, Emily Elizabeth Degnan, Michael William Allen Degnan, Cole Minch Dooley, Daniel Francis Draeger, Julia Joan Dressel, Jacqueline Nicole Falkenberg, Christine Elaine Flock, Sadie Helena Foti. G-K Alexandra Maria Gilbert, Paisley Anna Lyda Gilbert, Caroline Rose Glazer, Spencer James Hanley, Emma Swan Hinman, James Michael Jupiter Kollar-Gasiewski, Christian Stephen Kurtela. M Michael Griffin Marguet, Miles McCann Robinson, Madeleine Claire McMorrow, Taylor Jacquelyne Mendes, Blake Camden Meredith, Cameron Eva Merten, Madison Ann Michelis, James Parker Michelsen, Jahana Roshan Moledina. N-R Shea Aaron Nobbs, Maya Ablow Norman, Emily Rose Ohara, Lexington Diana Phillips, Amy Morgan Pinkus, Jack Ryan Power, Peter Whiteley Quinby, Kestutis Paul Rushing. S-Y Gabrielle Clara Shaw, Nicolette Adrienne Stoddart, Dominic Tehin, Leigh Hanson Thomas, Maritza Lisa Triveno, Matthew Drake van Veenendaal, Mikaela Hannah Waters, Christina Marie York. 26 ■ The Almanac ■ June 17, 2009 NEWS OF LOC AL PEOPLE AND EVENTS IN THE COMMUNITY Fine wines to sparkle at Vintage Affaire By Jane Knoerle Almanac Lifestyles Editor F ine wines, great food, and a worthy cause will be celebrated on Saturday, June 27, when the 27th annual Vintage Affaire comes to wine lovers a few weeks earlier than in past years. The reason? The committee hopes to attract wine lovers who might be on vacation during July and August. The event, benefiting Vista Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired and to be held on a private estate in Atherton, will also begin a little later in the day. From 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., guests will stroll the grounds during a silent auction and sample wines poured by 25 California wineries. The wines will be paired with hors d'oeuvres prepared byAlessandro Cartumini of Quattro Restaurant at Four Seasons Silicon Valley; Daniel Patino of Michael Mina's Arcadia in San Jose; Xavier Salomon of the Ritz-Carlton in Half Moon Bay; and Cal Stamenov of Bernardus Lodge in Carmel Valley. The hors d'oeuvres range from duck ravioli with mango, nectarine and candied walnuts by Chef Cartumini, to seared day boat scallops with passion fruit and cauliflower by Chef Patino. Music will be provided by the Magnolia Jazz Band. Among the California vint- ners who will be pouring their wines for the tasting and supper are Duckhorn Vineyards, Ridge Vineyards, Stags Leap Wine Cellars and Mumm Napa. The live auction begins at 5:30 p.m., an hour later than last year, with auctioneers Fritz Hatton and Daniel Donahoe. Auction highlights include a 10-day Mediterranean cruise in a penthouse suite aboard the Regatta, part of the Oceana Cruises' fleet. The winning bidder will also have the services of a personal butler. The item is valued at $25,000. Also featured are a getaway at the Four Seasons Hualalai on the Kona coast of Hawaii with golf and spa treatments, and a "Great Gatsby" cocktail party for 100 guests in a private Atherton garden. The Vintage Affaire invitation lists such wine lots as two magnums of 2000 Harlan Estate cabernet sauvignon, a double magnum of 1989 Chateau Lafite-Rothschild, and a magnum of Pol Roger and Company Champagne 2000. As they have done since the mid1990s, McCall Associates of San Francisco will keep guests well fed during the evening. During the auction they will be serving platters of antipasti and crostini. Dinner, to be served after the auction, will feature beef two ways — filet mignon and braised short rib — fingerling potatoes, and spring vegetables. Dessert will be sticky toffee pudding and espresso creme with lemon cookies. Stephanie von Thaden of Atherton is the chairman of this year's Vintage Affaire. Serving with her on the Vista Center Foundation Board are Pat Dunbar, Dave Heppberger, Martha Edwards, Bridget Madigan, Grant Giske, Suzanne Legallet, Susan Gregory, Jan Woolsey, Vanessa Roach, Michele Mandell, Martha Kambe, Debbie Eastburn, Trish Moxon, Pam Brandin, and Bruce Fielding. Last year's Vintage Affaire raised $320,000. Since 1983, nearly $6 million has been raised to assist blind and low-vision clients and their families. Tickets to Vintage Affaire are $300. To receive an invitation, call Vista Center at 858-0202, or visit the Vintage Affaire Web site at www.vintageaffaire.org. Young artists paint for young patients "Underwater Artshow" by Jordan Luke, a fourth-grader at Arundel School in San Carlos, is one of the winners in the Art in Action student art contest, and will be among the artworks exhibited within the walls of the Stanford Pediatric Emergency Department for the enjoyment of children being treated there. But first, the 17 winning pieces will be displayed at an awards reception on Thursday, June 18, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at Comerica Bank, 800 Oak Grove Ave. in Menlo Park. The nonprofit Art in Action, founded and directed by Judy Sleeth of Atherton and based in Menlo Park, offers art programs for K-8 schools all over the Bay Area and beyond. A Concert, block party set for June 24 A Johnny Cash tribute band will kick off Menlo Park's summer concert series Wednesday, June 24, in conjunction with the first of two downtown block parties. The block party will begin at 6 p.m. along Santa Cruz Avenue, showcasing local businesses and providing activities for kids and families. The concert is scheduled to run from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in Fremont Park, at Santa Cruz and University avenues. The block party will run until 9:30 p.m. The city plans to hold eight concerts during the summer, every Wednesday until Aug. 12 — also the date of the second and final block party: ■ June 24: Rusty Evans & Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash tribute) ■ July 1: Caravanserai (San- tana tribute) ■ July 8: Live Wire (Dance covers) ■ July 15: Rumbache (Cuban/ Latin/jazz) ■ July 22: Chelle! & Friends (Creole/R&B/soul) ■ July 29: Cocktail Monkeys (Rock and pop covers) ■ Aug. 5: Dave & The Diamonds (R&B/soul/funk) ■ Aug. 12: Sun Kings (Beatles tribute) AA cornucopia T ASTEofOF THE P ENINSULA restaurants and cafes providing the finest dining from brunch to dessert. Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Celia’s Mexican Restaurant 3740 El Camino, Palo Alto (650) 843-0643 1850 El Camino, Menlo Park (650) 321-8227 www.celiasrestaurants.com Full Bar - Happy Hour Specials; Catering Vive Sol-Cocina Mexicana NATURALLY EXTRAORDINARY 2020 W. El Camino Real, Mtn. View (650) 938-2020. Specializing in the Cuisine of Puebla. Open daily for lunch and dinner. Coffee & Tea Connoisseur Coffee Co. 2801 Middlefield Road, Redwood City (650) 369-5250 9am-5:30pm Mon. - Sat. Coffee roasting & fine teas, espresso bar, retail & wholesale. To Advertise in “A Taste of the Peninsula” call The Almanac 650-854-2626. A sensual sanctuary. A rejuvenating retreat. Introducing Sense, A Rosewood Spa™, the signature spa at Menlo Park’s newest hotel, Rosewood Sand Hill. Reservations, please call 650.561.1580 sensespa.com 2895 Sand Hill Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025 June 17, 2009 N The Almanac N27 Letter from the Benedictine Fathers April 11, 1986 M E E T I N G S , M U S I C , T H E AT E R , F A M I LY A C T I V I T I E S A N D S P E C I A L E V E N T S On Stage Shakespeare & Kipling. Festival Theatre Ensemble presents the Midpeninsula Shakespeare Festival under the stars at Mid-Peninsula High School, 1340 Willow Road in Menlo Park. "A Midsummer Night's Dream" will be performed June 21 and 26; "The Merry Wives of Windsor," June 28; and Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Book," June 19, 20 and 27. Show time is 8 p.m. Admission is free, though donations are accepted. For more information, go to menloplayersguild.org/. Talks/Authors [email protected] 28 N The Almanac NJune 17, 2009 UC Berkeley linguist Geoff Nunberg's "The Years of Talking Dangerously." Thu., June 25, 7:30 p.m. Free. Kepler's Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. Call 650324-4321. www.keplers.com "The Portuguese-American Community." Tony Goulart is speaker. Sat., June 20, 11 a.m.-noon. $2-$4. San Mateo County History Museum, 2200 Broadway St., Redwood City. Call 650-299-0104, ext. 233. www.historysmc.org Don J. Goewey's "Mystic Cool." Author was director of the psycho-socialspiritual agency that developed a mainstream approach to helping people face and shift catastrophic situations. He was also the lead executive at Stanford's Department of Psychiatry. Wed., June 24, 7:30 p.m. free. Kepler's Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. Call 650-324-4321. www.keplers.com Katie Tamony, Editor-in-Chief, Sunset Magazine "The Ultimate Way to Eat Local: Sunset Magazine and Backyard Farming." In the space of a medium backyard, Sunset grew crops, raised chickens and bees, made wine, cheese and more. Thu., June 18, 6:30 p.m. $10 members; $15 nonmembers. Cubberley Theatre, 4000 Middlefield For all listings This Calendar contains partial listings of community events. To see all listings, go to TheAlmanacOnline.com and on the green navigation bar on the left, click on “Community Calendar.” Road, Palo Alto. Call 1-800-847-7730. commonwealthclub.org/sv Marc Fitten and Laleh Khadivi. Fitten's novel is a comic romp celebrating late-flowering love in a Hungarian village. Thu., June 18, 7:30 p.m. free. Kepler's Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. Call 650-324-4321. www. keplers.com Sister Marilyn Lacey's "This Flowing Toward Me: A Story of God Arriving in Strangers." Sister Lacey narrates her 25-year spiritual journey of work with those displaced by conflict and disaster. Tue., June 23, 7:30 p.m. free. Kepler's Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. Call 650-324-4321. www.keplers.com Stan Goldberg's "Lessons for the Living: Stories of Forgiveness, Gratitude and Courage at the End of Life." Wed., June 17, 7:30 p.m. free. Kepler's Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. Call 650-324-4321. www.keplers.com Twilight: Teen Book Discussion. Discussion at Atherton's first Teen Summer Reading club selection, "Twilight." Raffle prize will be drawn. Thu., June 18, 3-4 p.m. Free. Atherton Library, 2 Dinkelspiel Station Lane, Atherton. Call 650-328-2422. Kids & Families Creative Craft Time. Drop-in craft time. Mon., June 22, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Atherton Library, 2 Dinkelspiel Station Lane, Atherton. Call 650-328-2422. Father's Day Story Time. Father-themed story time in honor of Father's Day. Sun., June 21, 11:30 a.m. free. Kepler's Books, 1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park. Call 650-324-4321. www.keplers.com Ice Cream Social and Book Exchange. Bring a book, take a book and have some free ice cream too. Sat., June 20, 1-3 p.m. Free. Atherton Public Library, 2 Dinkelspiel Station Lane, Atherton. Call 650-3282422. www.smcl.org Et Alia Live music: Macy Blackman. Louisiana Rhythm and Blues with pianist/vocalist Macy Blackman. Thursdays in June, 6-10 p.m. Free. Marqs in Menlo, 1143 Crane St., Menlo Park. Call 650-853-1143. marqsinmenlo.com Art Exhibit. "Therefore I Have Hope," a contemplative prayer and photographs. Through Aug. 30, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. No charge to view St. Patrick's Seminary & University, 320 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park. Call 650-325-5621 ext. 211. www.stpatricksseminary.org Senior Ministries Dinners - Mexican Fiesta Night. Seniors are welcome to come out for an evening of fellowship, food and entertainment. No reservations needed. Fridays, 5:30-8 p.m. $6 donation. Menlo Park Presbyterian Church - Fellowship Hall, 950 Santa Cruz Ave., Menlo Park. www.mppc.org Summer Acting Training age 10-18. The Priory School is offering training in improvisation, audition techniques and acting, in week-long courses throughout the summer. Professional-level training for 6th-12th graders in a fun atmosphere. June 22-July 31, 10-4 p.m. (middle school) 1:30 - 4 p.m. (high school) $125 Woodside Priory School- Rothrock Performance Hall, 302 Portola Road, Portola Valley. Call 650 851-6102. C A L E N D A R Cookbook for kids Kids will have a chance N AROUND TOWN to prepare guacamole and cheese puffs, make pastry for quiche, and squeeze fresh juice at a hands-on demonstration of recipes from "You've Got Recipes," a cookbook for kids, from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, June 20, on the patio at MacArthur Park, 27 University Ave. in Palo Alto. The cookbook's author is Jerry Anne DiVecchio, who served as food editor of Sunset magazine for 42 years, retiring in 2001. The book's art and design is by Francoise Kirkman, for many years an art director and designer at Sunset. Ms. DiVecchio, Ms. Kirkman, and MacArthur Park executive chef Faz Poursohi will teach the kids. Lunch on the patio will follow. Cost is $25 per person, plus tax and gratuity. The full color 94-plus page book is $27.95. Copies will be available at the cooking class. For luncheon reservations, call 321-9990. Jewelry display at library Handmade jewelry and tools of the trade are on display at the Menlo Park Library during the month of June. The jewelry is the work of members of the Metal Arts Association of Silicon Valley, which includes both professional and amateur artists. Eighteen of the association's members have loaned more than 100 pieces of jewelry for the display. Located at the front entrance to the library, the display includes a sampling of metal art books, tools, and raw materials. !" !" # # !" #$ #$ %& !" %& International School of the Peninsula ' ' ( ( ) %& ) ( ( %& * * + + 2 2 3 ,-#./0 1 3 ,-#./0 1 &DPMFJOUFSOBUJPOBMFEFMB1ÏOJOTVMFtљ৭ርᏱਯ French and Chinese Language Immersion 1BMP"MUP$"tXXXJTUQPSHt t/VSTFSZZFBSTPME UPth grade tZFBSTPGCJMJOHVBMFEVDBUJPO FYFQSJFODF t"DBEFNJDBMMZSJHPSPVTQSPHSBN XJUIJOBOVSUVSJOHFOWJSPONFOU !"#$%&'' !"#$%&'' ($" *+ ($") ) *+ ,""",""" - - '$"&.'$."" 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CHAPPELLET SIGNATURE CABERNET SAUVIGNON 2006 SILVER OAK ALEXANDER VALLEY CABERNET SAUVIGNON $39.99 2004 TOUR DE MIRAMBEAU ‘GRAND VIN’ BORDEAUX $59.99 2005 $21.99 Picnic for the Planet Laura Stec of Portola Valley will demonstrate "eco-grilling of fruits and veggies you never thought you could grill" at "Picnic for the Planet," to be held from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, June 20, at Mitchell Park in Palo Alto. The event, sponsored by the Palo-Alto-based environmental group, Acterra, will honor its top volunteers. Those attending should bring a potluck dish and something to grill. To respond, call Laura Stec at 962-9876. TAITTINGER ‘LA FRANCAISE’ BRUT CHAMPAGNE $34.99 LAGAVULIN 16 YEARS 750 ML $64.99 Just peachy A peach pie baked by 14-yearold Alexandra Smith was firstplace winner in the second annual pie baking contest, held June 6 at the Portola Valley town picnic. Peaches were also the See AROUND TOWN, page 30 STORE HOURS: MON-FRI 10am to 7:30pm S AT U R D AY 9 : 3 0 a m t o 7 : 3 0 p m S U N D AY 1 0 : 0 0 a m t o 6 : 3 0 p m *Offer valid thru 06/30/09 and while supplies last. *Not responsible for typographical errors. DON JULIO 1942 GLENFIDDICH 12 YEARS KETEL ONE VODKA 750 ML $98.99 750 ML $21.99 750 ML $18.99 Beltramo’s w i n e s a n d s p i r i t s 1-1/2 miles north of the Stanford Shopping Center %L#AMINO2EAL-ENLO0ARKs June 17, 2009 N The Almanac N29 C A L E N D A R 'MBHTUPOF#PVMEFST8BMM3PDL%FDPNQPTFE(SBOJUF %FDPSBUJWF(SBWFM1FCCMFT3FEJ.JY$PODSFUF4BOE $VTUPN4PJM.JYFT-JHIUXFJHIU3PPG5PQ.JYFT %JFTUFM4USVDUVSFE$PNQPTU(SPWFSµT'JOJTIFE$PNQPTU /VSTFSZ.JY1PUUJOH.JY0SHBOJD&TTFOUJBM4PJM .VMDIFT"DUJWFMZ"FSBUFE$PNQPTU5FB0SHBOJD'FSUJMJ[FST AROUND TOWN continued from page 29 choice of Lisa Staprans, whose "luscious peach pie" came in third place. Second-place winner Angela Hey's raspberry and almond tart was also commended for its creativity. In her blog, "Angela's thoughts," Ms. Hey notes her creation was a traditional English Bakewell tart. The tart, named for the English town of Bakewell, is "a pastry XXXMZOHTPHBSEFODPN NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY OF THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CITY OF MENLO PARK PLANNING COMMISSION 4FBQPSU#PVMFWBSE 3FEXPPE$JUZ .PO°4BUUP 4VOUP Shaping Our NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Commission of the City of Menlo Park, California is scheduled to review the following item: Future Together $"&#++', ! ! $ Where Critical Decisions Will Be Made #!7"$%"#.1 '!13924# 26!& $'85( /enter from rear parking plaza, behind Ace Hardware0 !"")!&")!#-!)%&& $&"!"$")!&")!!"$! !""$ &!*&+$%+&"("#!&%#!%" '!&+ !#'&$" #$("'%#!!!&(&%%!")#! #!!$%%#&&$!&(%"$!)'!%'%%#' !&%!"&$" #"!!&%&&)"!%$+& " '!&+&&'!)"$%"### ! $ " %&&$!&(%&& $$" &&%'%%"!) '& &+!&"&-!$ )"$"&#-! "!'%'!&&" +"'$("$!#&$!%"$ "'$" '!&+,%*&!(%"!!&"!!'$!$&+ *+++) , (& (%& !) shell spread with jam and covered with filling enriched with ground almonds," according to Wikipedia. Honorable mention went to Mathew Pratzer, cherry pie; Tori Austin, "rum runners" pecan pie; and Beth Erskine, black bottom chocolate pie. Beth's pie was also commended for its creativity. Judges were Patty Cullen, Chris Bradley, Jamis MacNiven, Susan Thomas, Sheldon Breiner, and Steve Toben. Architectural Control, Right-of-Way Abandonment, and Environmental Review/City of Menlo Park/600 Alma Street: Proposal to demolish the existing 17,400-square-foot gymnasium and gymnastics building and construct a new 22,500-square-foot gymnastics facility (plus a 1,400-squarefoot locker room expansion) at the location of the existing gymnasium and gymnastics building, a new 25,700-square-foot gymnasium in an area between the existing Recreation Center and Alma Street, and associated site improvements located at the Civic Center Complex in the P-F (Public Facilities) zoning district. The Planning Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council on the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR), architectural control for the proposed Burgess Gymnasium design, and consideration of the following two street abandonments in support of the Burgess Gymnasium Project: 1) portion of Mielke Drive right-of-way; and 2) portion of Alma Street right-of-way occupied by existing and proposed City facilities. Copies of the FEIR will be on file for review at the City Library and available for distribution at the Community Development Department, Civic Center, 701 Laurel Street, Menlo Park, CA 94025, as of Thursday, June 18, 2009. The review period for the FEIR has been set from Thursday, June 18, 2009 through Monday, June 29, 2009. Written comments should be submitted to the City of Menlo Park no later than 5:30 p.m., Monday, June 29, 2009. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that the Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on this item in the Council Chambers of the City of Menlo Park, located at 701 Laurel Street, Menlo Park, on Monday, June 29, 2009, 7:00 p.m. or as near as possible thereafter, at which time and place interested persons may appear and be heard thereon. If you challenge this item in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Menlo Park at, or prior to, the public hearing. Documents related to these items may be inspected by the public on weekdays between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday, with alternate Fridays closed, at the Community Development Department, 701 Laurel Street, Menlo Park. Please call Megan Fisher, Associate Planner, if there are any questions or comments on this item. She may be reached at 650-330-6737 or by email at [email protected]. Up-to-date information on the project can be found on the project webpage: http://www.menlopark.org/departments/pwk/cip/gym/index.html Si usted necesita más información sobre este proyecto, por favor llame al 650-330-6702, y pregunte por un asistente que hable español. DATED: June 11, 2009 Deanna Chow, Senior Planner PUBLISHED: June 17, 2009 Menlo Park Planning Commission If there are any questions, please call the Planning Division at (650) 330-6702. 30 N The Almanac NJune 17, 2009 LEHUA GREENMAN MENLO PARK CUSTOM HOME WITH FABULOUS VIEWS “Dad, your guiding hand on my shoulder will remain with me forever.” It’s all at your fingertips: TheAl TheAlmanacOnline.com/real_estate 529-2420 Let’s Ask Ann . . . Dear Readers, 8jhidb]dbZdcH]Vgdc=^aahÉ egZb^Zgadi GVgZdkZgh^oZYadid[cZVgan VXgZ )WZYgddbhj^iZhVcY ']Va["WVi]h K^Zlhd[HVc;gVcX^hXd!i]Z7Vn! VcY:Vhi7Vn 6eegdm^bViZan*!**%hfjVgZ[ZZi d[a^k^c\heVXZ IZcc^hXdjgiVcYheV By Appointment Only Ide"gViZYAVhAdb^iVhhX]ddah Offered at $5,275,000 S KIP C ASHIN K RISTIN C ASHIN DRE# 00364201 DRE# 01438764 [email protected] [email protected] 650.319.1270 www.cashin.com The local real estate market is slowly recovering from its doldrums. Sales are up 20% from last fall and buyers are beginning to see good values. Here are a few tips for both buyers & seller. BUYERS: Count on having at least a 25% down payment. Pay off all credit cards & car loans. Make sure you have a good credit score. Before making an offer get pre-qualified by a mortgage lender. SELLERS: Many properties are selling with multiple offers. Why? They are priced to sell! Get your home in tip-top shape and price your home to sell! Questions or comments? Contact Ann at: 650-322-6666 or email: Ann.Griffi[email protected] Ann Griffiths Real Estate Broker For a free home evaluation contact my web site at www.AnnMGriffiths.com Information provided and square footage/acreage have been obtained from third-party source and have not been verified by agent or Cashin Company. If square footage/acreage is important to buyer, buyer should verify. N 96 JC H :C DE N 96 JC H :C DE All real estate advertised in The Almanac is subject to Federal and California laws which state that it is unlawful for any person to make, print, or publish, or cause to be made, printed, or published, any notice, statement, or advertisement, with respect to the sale or rental of housing accommodation, that indicates any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, marital status, national origin, ancestry, familial status, or disability or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination. The Almanac will not knowingly accept advertising for real estate which violates the law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal housing opportunity basis. C# HJ # I H6 :C E D 3606 FAIR OAKS AVENUE MENLO PARK 2190 STERLING AVENUE MENLO PARK 3842 LOUIS ROAD PALO ALTO Hina^h]angZbdYZaZY!(WZYgddbh$&WVi] s&!',%hf#[i#!Adih^oZs,!&'*hf#[i# <gZVicZleg^XZ,..!%%% 7ZVji^[ja("nZVg"daY]dbZ0AVhAdb^iVhhX]ddah )WZYgddbh$)WVi]h!s'!+-*hf#[i#! 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June 17, 2009 N The Almanac N31 #*(13*$&3&%6$5*0/ $0635:"3%13*7"$:t8BMLJOHEJTUBODFUP%PXOUPXO.FOMP1BSL 4BOUB$SV["WFOVF t(BUFE$PVSUZBSE t%SBNBUJDUBMMDFJMJOHJOUIF'PZFS t0WFSTRVBSFGFFUVOEFSSPPG on approx. one half acre t4JYCFESPPNT t'PVS#BUISPPNT t$PVSUZBSE(VFTU)PVTFXJUI#FESPPN #BUIBOE(BSBHF t#FBVUJGVMLJUDIFOCSFBLGBTUSPPN opens to family room t4FQBSBUFGPSNBM%JOJOH3PPN t4QSBXMJOHMBXOBOEDPMPSGVMHBSEFO in back t#SJDLQBUJPBOESFEXPPEEFDL for entertaining -JTUJOHTCZ+FBOOF,JSLMBOE ,FMMFS8JMMJBNT3FBMUZ .FOMP"WF.FOMP1BSL$"t -"44&/4)"30/)&*()54t0QFO4VOEBZ Come by and see one of only six free standing one level townhouses, with no common walls that are at 1000 Sharon. Top of the hill, with wonderful views of the Western skyline. t#FESPPNT#BUITt-JCSBSZt4FQBSBUF%JOJOH3PPN t-BSHF'BNJMZ,JUDIFO NEW Reduced Price! $1,395,000 32 N The Almanac NJune 17, 2009 C O L DW E L L B A N K E R californiamoves.com ng isti L w Ne ce Pri w Ne ATHERTON WOODSIDE 6BR | 7.5BA STUNNING NEW CONSTRUCTION $11,995,000 4BR | 4.5BA GORGEOUS FRENCH COUNTRY PORTOLA VALLEY $3,995,000 3BR | 3BA RESORT-LIKE SETTING! $2,750,000 New construction on 1.05 acres 3 levels w/elevator, marble, theatre, fitness center, wine cellar, pool, & covered Lanai. Menlo Park Schools. Custom-built approx 5 years ago. Offers high-end craftsmanship with attention to detail. Landscaped grounds w/expansive patio, lawn, chardonnay vineyard. Special one-of-a-kind property w/remodeled contemporary on almost 5 acres w/ large flat areas, sunny pool & gardens. Adjacent to trails. Tom LeMieux Chris McDonnell & Kelly Griggs Celeste Henzel 650.323.7751 ATHERTON ATHERTON 3BR | 2.5BA WOW! PRESTIGIOUS ATHERTON $2,695,000 650.324.4456 3BR | 2BA LOVELY HOME IN ATHERTON 650.851.1961 WOODSIDE $1,695,000 4BR | 4.5BA CONSTRUCTED IN 1991 $4,950,000 Granite kit counters, marble floors in FR and bathrooms, hardwood in living-dining rooms. guest cottage w/1 bedroom, 1 bath & living dining combo. This rare gem is located in the heart of Atherton. Elegant L/R, formal Dining room, gourmet kitchen, lovely landscaped yard with private guest house. Single level custom estate. Located in the prestigious enclave of WDS Heights bordering Atherton. Grt flrpln, tennis ct., office suite & Las Lomitas Schls. Beatrice Goodman Keri Nicholas Steven Lessard 650.324.4456 ATHERTON STUNNING NEW CONSTRUCTION MENLO PARK $11,995,000 PRIME WEST MENLO! 6 BR 7.5 BA New construction on 1.05 acres 3 levels w/elevator, marble, theatre, fitness center, wine cellar, pool, & covered Lanai. Menlo Park Schools. Tom LeMieux 650.323.7751 EXTENSIVELY REMODELED TRADITIONAL NEW ENGLAND MENLO PARK $4,150,000 TOTALLY UPDATED TOWNHOME 6 BR 4 BA Final plans submitted to building dept. for 6BR/6BA, 5400sf Craftsman on 10,690sf lot. Designed by renowned architect Steve Pogue. Mandana Nejad 650.325.6161 $6,850,000 STUNNING NEW CONSTRUCTION 4 BR 4 BA Located on a sunny knoll w/high ceilings & a lightfilled contemp. design, completed with a New England flair. T.C., sep guest house, pool & BBQ area. Steven Lessard 650.851.2666 ATTN TO QUALITY & DETAIL! NEW LISTING! $2,895,000 $4,800,000 5 BR 4 BA Three levels. Soaring coffered ceilings, library, chef's 4 BR 4 BA Located on approx 1.13 acres, this fabulous home blends with the natural harmony of the exquisite gardens. Los Lomitas School District. Lyn Jason Cobb 650.324.4456 HEART OF LINDENWOOD kitchen adjoins family room, sauna, game and media rooms. Walk to desirable Encinal school! John & Janet Dore 650.324.4456 PRICED REDUCED! $2,750,000 $4,295,000 5 BR 4.5 BA Spacious and elegant executive home in prime 4 BR 4 BA Charming cntry English 2 story, remod. throughout. Vltd clng, FR, frml DR, mstr ste w/sitting area. Fab English grdns. Landscape design by Toni Heren. Barbara Piuma 650.851.2666 $849,000 3 BR 2.5 BA Granite counters, Shaker cabinets, high ceilings, gated driveway for complete perimeter fencing, new lawn, 1/2 BA for guests. MP schools! John Nelson 650.324.4456 PORTOLA VALLEY West Menlo Park. John Spiller BELMONT LOVELY VINTAGE OAKS HOME $1,195,000 NEW PRICE! WILLOWS. SOPHISTICATED HOME $3,500,000 $1,395,000 4 BR 3 BA Unparalleled Windy Hill views, formal DR, family 4 BR 2 BA Light-filled living room/dining area w/lrg cozy FP. 4 BR 2.5 BA Remodeled Home On Private Cul De Sac W/ Gourmet kit w/granite counters & SS appliances. Lush landPanoramic Vu, Expansive Windows, 2 Master Suites, New scaped backyard w/hot tub. Appliances, Cherry Floors, F/R, D/R, & 2 Fireplaces. Barbara Ellis & Mark Ankenman 650.324.4456 Hossein Jalali 650.323.7751 rm, gourmet kitchen, office, expansive deck & pool, private yet convenient loc. www.75Hillbrook.com Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 3 BR 2.5 BA Remodeled W/Views Of the 17th Hole Of Golf Course. Stainless Appliances In Kitchen, Separate Dining, REMODELED FORECLOSURE $299,000 Sunken Living, Vaulted Ceiling In Master. 4 BR 1.5 BA Investor Owned Foreclosure. Financing Available Tom LeMieux 650.323.7751 For Qualified Buyer. New Kitchen, Dining Area, Wood Floors DESIRABLE WILLOWS $1,369,000 And Large Corner Lot. 3 BR 2 BA Excellent opportunity to own a home in one of Valerie Trenter 650.323.7751 Menlo Park's most sought-after locations. Updated kitchen, remodeled baths. Convenient to downtown PA! LOS ALTOS HILLS Barbara Ellis & Mark Ankenman 650.324.4456 3 BR 3 BA Frank Lloyd Wright influence evident in this sophisticated retreat on bucolic 2+ A. setting. Handsomely remodeled from original structure. Carol MacCorkle 650.324.4456 BEST IN SAND HILL CIRCLE $1,395,000 MUST SEE! EAST PALO ALTO HENRY HILL ORIGINAL $2,925,000 SUNNY & PRIVATE LOCATION 4 BR 2.5 BA First Time Ever On The Market! Stunning Contemporary. Amazing Views. Wonderful Gourmet EatIn Kitchen. 2Level Spacious Master Suite. Bright Great Room. Ken Morgan& Arlene Gault 650.323.7751 ENCHANTING SETTING MORTGAGE SERVICES 888.370.5363 ridges of the Western Hills. Ed Kahl OLD WOODSIDE CHARM 650.851.2666 $3,300,000 2 BR 2 BA 3 ac site in central WDS. Ranch style home, stable, paddocks. Views of Western Hills, lg oaks, fenced pasture land & access to WDS Horse Trail system. Scott Dancer 650.851.2666 AMAZING VALUE $11,900,000 GORGEOUS VIEW & GREAT HM 7 BR 8 BA This estate is located in the center of Woodside on approx. 4.9 level acres of park-like grounds. Plus 2-story 3bd/2ba gsthse, lg barn, and tennis ct. Steven Lessard/Tom Dallas 650.851.2666 $2,295,000 PRIVATE ESTATE 4 BR 3.5 BA Exquisite home in tranquil creekside setting. Approx 1/3ac w/stunning gardens. Open & inviting design for formal & relaxed living. www.135Wyndham.com Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 $6,000,000 3 BR 3.5 BA Ideal for a grand estate or large equestrian facility. $1,999,000 Sun-swept land is bordered by oaks with views of the green $3,275,000 4 BR 3.5 BA Remodeled ranch style home on 1.9 acres. Very GORGEOUS HM IN PRIME LOCA $1,048,000 private garden with pool, waterfall and stables. Basement with 3 BR 2.5 BA Elegant L/R, Formal D/R, Gourmet Eat-In Kit full bath and office or 5th bdrm. 650.851.2666 Opens To Spacious F/R W/Fireplace. Exquisite Master Suite Scott Dancer With private Bath. Lovely Deck W/Gorgeous Views. JUST LISTED! $2,595,000 Keri Nicholas 650.323.7751 3 BR 3 BA Sophisticated, remodeled, exceptional home. GREAT HOME,GREAT LOCATION $979,000 Secluded, private, quiet, yet close in location. Easy access to 3 BR 2 BA Beautifully Updated Home In Great Location W/ shopping, dining, hiking trails. 650.324.4456 Hardwood Floors, Large Formal Dining Room, Big Living Room Chris McDonnell/Kelly Griggs And Wonderful Master Suite. Lovely Backyard! UPDATED HOME W/VIEWS $2,495,000 Valerie Trenter 650.323.7751 4 BR 3 BA Beautiful Western hills views from lg picture winSPACIOUS & UNIQUE HOME! $549,000 dows. Single lvl ranch style hm. Secluded location at the end of 4 BR 2 BA 4 bed & 2 bath home, or Use as a 2 Unit/ a priv driveway, yet close to town. 650.324.4456 In-law! “Must See” to appreciate. Granite Kitchen, Partial Lyn Jason Cobb Hardwoods,Vaulted Ceilings,French Doors,& 3 Decks CENTRAL WOODSIDE $2,395,000 Greg Stange 650.325.6161 3 BR 2.5 BA + guest cottage w/full bath. Extensively remodCOZY & QUIET $379,000 eled home on almost one-half ac. Private outdoor patio & 2 BR 2 BA Needs TLS "Look at this price & sq ft" Worth a look, landscaped gardens. Woodside Elem. K-8. 650.851.2666 beautiful patio. Can have BBQ & small dog. Complex Has pool, Deborah Kehrberg & Jim McCahon walk to everything. DESIRABLE SKYWOOD ACRES $2,350,000 Geraldine Asmus 650.325.6161 4 BR 4 BA This 3 level home offers panoramic views of the Bay & City Lights. Lg eat-in kitchen overlooking pool & lawn, ENTERTAINERS DELIGHT! CALL FOR PRICE 5 BR 4 BA Wonderful family home located on a small friendly separate DR, separate FR, library & den. 650.851.2666 cul-de-sac. Gourmet kitchen w/ lrg center island opens to spa- Athena Chilicas cious family room.Entertainers delight LOVELY TRADITIONAL $2,195,000 Wendi Selig-Aimonetti 650.328.5211 4 BR 2.5 BA Spacious 2-story w/LR/DR combination,eat-in kit,fam.rm & more.Lovely grounds,1BR/1BA guesthouse, barn SAN MATEO & riding ring on approx 1ac. www.589RockyWay.com 650.851.1961 FABULOUS VIEW PROPERTY! $1,299,000 Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 4 BR 3.5 BA Enjoy this beautiful sunrise for the rest of your COUNTRY HM ON RUSTIC AC $1,590,000 life! SM Highlands remodeled 2 story Eichler with excellent 3 BR 2 BA Close to town, over 1 ac. Hdwd flrs, frml LR, sep Highlands Elementary and rec center DR, kit. w/granite tile counters, inviting FR w/wdbrning FP. Brendan Callahan 650.325.6161 Access to deck & expansive yard w/pool. 650.851.2666 REMODELED TOP FLOOR CONDO $369,000 Scott Dancer 1 BR 1 BA Remod. unit-Immaculate cond. Newer kit w/ gran- "NEW ENGLAND" STYLE HOME $1,550,000 ite counters. Spacioius rooms. Walk-in closet. F/P in Liv rm. 4 BR 2 BA Office/library & workout rm. LR, DR w/French drs Complex has 2 pools/ sauna. & step down FR. Exquisitely remod. “chef’s kitchen”. Lovely Leannah Hunt & Laurel Robinson 650.325.6161 landscaping on ¾ ac with secluded pool. 650.851.2666 SUNNY UNIT! $249,000 Maaike Neves 1 BA Quaint, bright & sunny unit overlooking the hills! Junior CHARMING COTTAGE $1,095,000 one bedroom with pocket door and closet! 1 BR 1 BA Located on a great lot with swimming pool. Wendi Selig-Aimonetti 650.328.5211 Woodside Elementary School District K-8. Plans & design by Tim Chappelle Arcanum Architecture. Steven Lessard/Tom Dallas 650.851.2666 WOODSIDE $2,449,000 LANDMARK ESTATE 4 BR 2.5 BA Unique & private waterfront property w/spacious floorplan, LR, formal DR, family rm,eat-in kitchen,pool, pool house & more. www.90Iroquois.com Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 $1,100,000 UNIQUE CONTEMPORARY 2 BR 2 BA One of the finest units in Sharon. Grt bldg at end of cul-de-sac. Top flr, corner unit w/vws! Lg deck & 2 prkng spaces. Comm. pool & spa w/clubhouse. Scott Dancer 650.851.2666 $2,595,000 $6,500,000 5 BR 4.5 BA 1 level flrplan w/white millwork & pine flrs. Sep wing for the mstr ste. Brkfst rm, library, FR & mud rm. 2.3 ac w/grdns, pond & rear terrace w/pool. Helen Miller & Scott Dancer 650.851.2666 9.7 LEVEL OPEN ACRES REDWOOD CITY STUNNING NEW CONST W/VIEW $6,750,000 5 BR 5 BA Grand Woodside Estate with State of the Art Luxury situated on approximately 3 private acres in prime central Woodside. Jim McCahon 650.851.2666 $1,795,000 COUNTRY ELEGANCE 2 BR 2.5 BA Exciting possibilities & unspoiled natural beauty await at this scenic country retreat, privately set on 2 acres w/ easy access to Stanford & PA schls. Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 4 BR 4.5 BA Elegant Living Room, Formal D/R, Gourmet Kit W/Breakfast Bar. Spacious Family Rm Exquisite Master Suite W/Private Bath. Lovely Landscaped Yard W/Views 650.323.7751 LARGE CONDO MENLO COMMONS $505,000 Keri Nicholas 2 BR 2 BA Popular Floor Plan Quiet Bldg Complex Incl Pool/ STUNNING NEW CONSTRUCTION $1,999,000 Spa Rec. Room Exercise Room Close To Stanford/Shops/ 4 BR 4.5 BA Elegant L/R, Formal D/R, Gourmet KIT Opens To Transportation Easy Access To 280 55+ Required. Spacious Family Rm. Exquisite Master Bedroom Ste W/Private Elizabeth Leathers 650.323.7751 BA. Lovely Landscaped Flat BaBackyard W/Views Keri Nicholas 650.323.7751 $7,195,000 650.324.4456 NEW CONSTRUCTION 5 BR 6.5 BA Light-filled design inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright. $2,550,000 Main house w/4brs, 5.5ba, 2 offices & approx 6730 sf. Guest 4 BR 3 BA Lovely And Spacious Vintage Oaks Home Set On A house w/1br, 1ba & approx 703 sf. LUXURY & TRANQUILITY $4,200,000 Beautiful Park Like Lot W/Gorgeous Landscaping & Gardens. Hanna Shacham 650.324.4456 Wonderful Hm W/Beautiful Features. 5 BR 6.5 BA Serenity surrounds this remod. 6,400 sf gated $5,900,000 650.323.7751 QUALITY CRAFTSMANSHIP home on a very private ac. Built around an inner courtyard & Hossein Jalali pool w/circular drive, gardens & Koi pond. BEST OF VINTAGE OAKS! $2,470,000 4 BR 4 BA Unique custom home on approx 1.8 acs. Additional historic structure w/guest apt, office & game room. Total 6-car Ed Kahl 650.851.2666 4 BR 3.5 BA Fantastic neighborhood, great floor plan, wonder- garage, sunny yard & hill views. ful light, fabulous large landscaped backyard w/sparkling pool. CLASSIC REMODEL $3,950,000 MP schools. This home has it all! Diane Rothe & Celeste Henzel 650.851.2666 3 BR 3.5 BA & recently built 2BR/1BA guesthouse. Exquisitely Nathalie de Saint Andrieu 650.324.4456 PANORAMIC VIEWS $5,695,000 landscaped private grounds with pool, spa, multiple patios & 3 ALLURING VINTAGE OAKS $2,350,000 4 BR 3 BA In the heart of PV, approx 9.4 acres. Amazing setting car garage. www.184Tuscaloosa.com w/Bay, Windy Hill & Southern hill views with 4 bed, 3 bath Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 4 BR 3 BA A Vintage Oaks Treasure! Beautiful and spacious home, Palo Alto schools. home with swimming pool, spa, and BBQ patio…an escape Celeste Henzel 650.851.1961 ONE ACRE IN WEST ATHERTON $2,950,500 from today’s busy lifestyle! 650.324.4456 COUNTRY CHARM 5 BR 3.5 BA Ranch-Style home on gorgeous lot. Las Lomitas Sue Crawford $3,998,000 schools. Great for remodel or rebuild. Backyard has large EXCEPTIONAL SHARON HTS! $1,710,000 4 BR 3 full BA + 2 half English-style estate set on aprx. 1.7 ac. patio, pool and pool house. 4 BR 2.5 BA Exceptional Sharon Heights Home With Fabulous Exquisite finishes throughout & barn with full equestrian faciliPat Jordan 650.325.6161 Master Bedroom Suite Addition By Douglass Co. Great Floor ties for 3 horses with an arena + an office. Judy Byrnes 650.851.2666 LAS LOMITAS SCHOOLS $2,649,000 Plan, Privacy & Las Lomitas Schools. 650.323.7751 ON TOP OF THE WORLD 3 BR 2 BA Charming 2 level home with woodland views. Maya & Jason Sewald $3,985,000 Updated & enlarged floorplan. Large LR & FR open to expan- PIC-PERFECT IN WEST MENLO $1,695,000 6 BR 3 BA Extremely desirable Westridge property offering sive deck overlooking cascading lawns. 3 BR 2 BA Updated W/Hardwood Floors, Crown Molding, incomparable view of Windy Hill. Town of PV & Westridge Hugh Cornish 650.324.4456 Vintage Kitchen, Level Lawns & Covered Rear Patio, Access committee have approved plans for 3-level hm. To Top-Rated Menlo Park Schools. Hugh Cornish 650.324.4456 LOVELY HOME IN ATHERTON $1,695,000 Tom LeMieux 650.323.7751 3 BR 2 BA This rare gem is located in the heart of Atherton. EXQUISITE REMODEL $3,795,000 LAS LOMITAS SCHOOLS! $1,599,000 Elegant L/R, formal Dining room, gourmet kitchen, lovely 4 BR 2 BA + 2 half-baths (1BR currently is an office), additional landscaped yard with private guest house. 3 BR 3 BA Dramatic new 3BR home + office. Fantastic great office,tennis ct,spa,extra 3-car garage w/living space potential. Keri Nicholas 650.323.7751 room w/entertainment system, soaring ceilings, custom cabi- www.190PortolaRoad.com nets w/slab granite & large breakfast bar. Ginny & Joe Kavanaugh 650.851.1961 Elaine White 650.324.4456 REMODELED W/GREAT VIEW WOODSIDE $1,898,000 SUPERIOR CONSTRUCTION 3 BR 3 BA Dramatic design w/high ceilings,luxurious remodld BAs & updated eat-in kit w/charming arched pass-thru to LR Oversized family room. Celeste Henzel 650.851.1961 $925,000 PV ADDRESS W/PA SCHOOLS 2 BR 2 BA Fantastic single level condo overlooking the golf course. Featuring 2 bedroom suites, remodeled bathrooms and updated kitchen w/granite counter tops. Barbara Ellis & Mark Ankenman 650.324.4456 $2,950,000 UPDATED HOME-DOWNTOWN MP $5,995,000 3 BR 3 BA Rare lge lot boasting pano vws of the Bay. Gourmet 6 BR 7 BA 2005 Construction. Quality craftsmanship with kit. w/top-of-the-line applnces. Frml DR. LR w/Venetian plasamazing detail and design. Large basement with home theater. ter FP. Resort-like sunny pool & decks. Chef's kitchen & luxurious master suite. Thomas Dallas 650.851.2666 Steven Lessard 650.851.2666 650.851.2666 PORTOLA VALLEY $1,075,000 ESSENCE OF ELEGANCE 2 BR 2 BA Completely modernized Sharon Oaks townhome. New granite in kitchen & baths. New flooring, crown moulding & baseboards. Fresh paint. Lovely rear garden Janie & John Barman 650.325.6161 $4,100,000 SHARON HEIGHTS 6 BR 5 full BA + 2 half Serene cul-de-sac location. Over 5800 SF. Dramatic architecture. Gourmet kitchen, outdr dining area, media, game & exercise rms. Wine cellar. Stylish. John & Janet Dore 650.324.4456 SOPHISTICATED HOME 650.323.7751 $9,200,000 VINTAGE COTTAGES 4 BR 4 BA 2 bdrm gsthse, sep pool house, fitness center & 4 car garage. Beautifully landscaped grounds on aprx. 3.8 ac with pool & room for horses or vineyard. Jim McCahon 650.851.2666 $998,000 3 BR 2 BA Remodeled 2 Story Home W/Fantastic Views From Most Rooms; Cherry Floors, Granite Counters, Sep Dining And Fantastic Stone Patio. Valerie Trenter 650.323.7751 $868,000 3 BR 2 BA Sunny, mostly level, total= 1 Acre (MOL). Vws of SF Bay & East Bay Hills. Gardener's delight w/varieties of Fruit Trees, etc. Fixers/poss build new. Janis Grube 650.851.2666 ©2007 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. June 17, 2009 N The Almanac N33 CASHIN COMPANY MENLO PARK (650) 614-3500 PORTOLA VALLEY (650) 529-2900 PALO ALTO (650) 853-7100 ■ SAN CARLOS (650) 598-4900 H A LF MOON BAY ■ Beautifully remodeled 4BR/3BA in Ocean Colony. Immaculate home featuring a first floor master suite with FP, french doors, vaulted ceilings, hardwood floors, granite counters, new roof & professional landscaping. 2 car garage. Barbara Silverberg Offered at $1,150,000 (650) 614-3500 ATHERTON – Traditional 6+BR/4+BA 1-Year new home. LR & DR both have fireplaces, 2 Master Bedroom Suites, 1 ground floor bedroom & wine cellar. Hardwood & tile flooring & guest quarters. Den & bonus rm. BBQ Area, patio & 3-Car attached garage. Kristin Cashin Offered at $8,950,000 (650) 614-3500 ■ LOS A LTOS ■ Charming, immaculate and spacious 4BR/3.5BA Tudor style home. Featuring gourmet kitchen with granite and stainless steel appliances, Thermador range & center island plus large, finished basement & expansive lawns. Los Altos Schools. Stephanie Savides Offered at $1,950,000 (650) 529-2900 ■ LOS A LTOS HILLS ■ Dramatic new construction is ideally located in Los Altos Hills. Living area incl: 6BR, incl a sep. guest ste or Ofc, 5BA + (2).5BA, LR & DR, 2 FR & Grmt kitch. Amenities incl: media rm, recreation rm, wine tasting/DR, & more! Farideh Zamani Offered at $9,800,000 ATHERTON – Located in one of Atherton's most desirable neighborhoods, this 2-story 4BR/3.5BA Colonial features a floorplan that flows beautifully for both indoor/ outdoor entertaining. Private, level yard & renowned Menlo Park School district. Tony Fregoso Offered at $3,299,000 (650) 529-2900 (650) 948-8050 Elegant 5BR/5.5BA home situated on a quiet culde-sac. Featuring hw flrs, granite countertops, top of the line appliances, crown moldings & plantation shutters. Mature, private landscaping & outdoor bbq kitchen. Susan Furstman Offered at $4,695,000 (650) 529-2900 ■ PA LO A LTO ■ Recently updated 3BR/2BA home featuring remodeled kitchen, new landscaping, updated bathrooms and fresh paint! 2 car garage. Move right in to this fabulous home! Gunn High School. Kristin Cashin Offered at $1,188,000 ATHERTON – Isabella Ave. is one of the most sought after streets in Atherton. This estate property offers a wonderful opportunity to build your dream home or renovate the existing & innovative residence to its original splendor. Steven Gray Offered at $7,900,000 (650) 529-1000 (650) 614-3500 3BR/2BA single family Palo Alto charmer! Living room features cathedral ceilings & wood burning fireplace. Great neighborhood, close to parks, schools, shopping & restaurants. Meryle Sussman Offered at $895,850 (650) 614-3500 ■ MENLO PA RK ■ Spacious 3BR/2.5BA on secluded street steps from downtown MP. This stunning home offers an open 2-level floor plan including vaulted ceilings throughout creating a light & open atmosphere. Meegan Ferrari Offered at $1,175,000 (650) 614-3500 LOS ALTOS – Newly constructed lovely Capecod crafted with mastery! 5BR/4BA+2(.5BA), one master suite, state of the art kitchen with breakfast nook, 2 fireplaces, separate study & family room. A Must See! Oak Lo Offered at $2,495,000 (650) 948-8050 Picturesque Charmer on a quiet street. Newly updated with granite countertops & farmhouse sink, well appointed bath w/granite countertop & new vanity. Hw flrs, lots of light & private yard with large lawn, hot tub & deck. Menlo Schools. Meryle Sussman Offered at $899,000 ■ WOODSIDE (650) 529-1000 SAN MATEO (650) 343-3700 PORTOL A VA LLEY (650) 614-3500 MENLO PARK – This stunning & spacious 5BD/4BA Mediterranean offers a perfect blend of sophistication to relaxation. 2 master suites, theater room, secluded yard with built-in BBQ & much more. Meegan Ferrari Offered at $2,420,000 (650) 614-3500 Prime West ridge view lot, near Alpine Rd. Spectacular views to bay, Mt. Diablo & Southeast mountains. Site & Architectural plans approved for 4BR/4BA home. Minutes to Ladera shopping & hwy 280. Sewer is at the lot line. Elizabeth Daschbach Offered at $3,300,000 (650) 614-3500 ■ REDWOOD CITY ■ 5BR/4+BA featuring a great floor plan & nice views. Chef’s kitchen, LR opening to large deck & formal DR, FP in LR & FR, Mstr Ste w/ bonus room, & high ceilings. Central A/C. 3-Car garage & extra storage. Tahereh Vahdatpour Offered at $2,395,000 MENLO PARK – 4 bedroom, 4+ bath executive home with architectural details. Featuring cathedral ceilings & gourmet kitchen with inviting family room. Las Lomitas School District. Kristin Cashin $1,995,000 (650) 614-3500 (650) 614-3500 4BR/4+BA remodeled home w/gourmet kitchen, ceiling windows & 2 Mstr BR Suites. FP in both FR & BR, hw flooring & indoor pool w/retractable roof. Fenced yard & patio, cul-de-sac location with 3 car detached carport. Doyle Rundell Offered at $2,150,000 (650) 614-3500 5BR/3BA home w/ fresh paint, granite kitchen & FR. Featuring built ins, high ceilings, hardwood floors & plantation shutters. Fireplace in LR & double paned windows. Photovoltaic System. Camille Eder Offered at $1,549,000 MENLO PARK – Light filled craftsman featuring 4BD/3.5BA with full basement, hardwood floors and dual paned windows. Nice neighborhood and Menlo Park Schools. Camille Eder Offered at $1,699,000 (650) 614-3500 (650) 614-3500 This extensively renovated 3BR/2BA ranch style home has large open & airy living room w/coffered ceiling. The large kitchen has granite countertops and hardwood floors. Tumbled marble & granite baths. Matt Shanks Offered at $1,349,000 (650) 529-1000 4BR/2.5 BA Ranch style home. Features separate FR, eat-in kitchen & FP in Living Room. Updated w/ newer windows, roof, plantation shutters & paint. Located on a cul-de-sac w/ a pool. Attached 2-car garage. WS/Sequoia Union HS. Brendan Royer Offered at $999,950 MENLO PARK – Stucco Cottage-style 3BR/1BA home featuring a kitchen w/granite counter tops & stainless steel appliances. Hardwood floors, new windows & many additional upgrades. A large lot offering room to expand. Kristin Cashin Offered at $799,000 (650) 614-3500 (650) 614-3500 ■ SA N CA RLOS ■ Truly welcoming 4BR/2BA Mediterranean with a shimmery bay view gazing out at the mtns. Some of the special features of this beautiful home are deck, family room and patio. Two-car garage. Ideal for stylish living! Michael S. Teymouri Offered at $1,198,000 (650) 948-8050 ■ PORTOLA VALLEY – Vintage Charm. 3BR/1BA Redwood Cabin home on a beautiful, level lot. Lovely creek side setting. Redwood interior w/cathedral ceiling great Room. Detached garage w/adjacent guest unit potential. Paul Skrabo Offered at $1,575,000 (650) 529-2900 WOODSIDE ■ In the heart of Woodside, this 4 bedroom 3.5 bath home is nestled on a serene lot. Featuring 2BR/2BA guest house & full kitchen, 2 stall barn, tack & feed room near the riding ring, plus a black bottom pool/spa. John Marshall Offered at $6,249,000 (650) 614-3500 4BR/3BA 2-Story Mediterranean. LR, DR & FR w/double french doors opening onto a large patio. Gourmet kitchen w/professional appliances, Mstr BR w/walk-in closet & spa tub. Patio & fenced yard. 1-Car detached garage. Robin Mello Offered at $2,695,000 Own your own resort minutes from downtown Woodside. Peaceful spacious, sun drenched w/ redwoods, 5bed/3bath contemporary open floor plan - walls of windows. Portola Valley Schools. Katherine Clark Offered at $1,298,000 (650) 614-3500 (650) 614-3500 Selling Northern California's Finest Properties 34 N The Almanac NJune 17, 2009 BURLINGAME (650) 340-9688 ■ (650) 614-3500 Remodeled 2BR/2BA one-level condo in prime location. Kitchen includes slate counter tops, news applicances & cork flooring. Abundant natural light, hardwood floors, recessed lighting & fireplace. Convenient to Stanford & Hwy 280. Mary Jo McCarthy Offered at $724,500 LOS ALTOS (650) 948-8050 RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE CAREER SEMINAR June 27, 2009 Cashin Company Menlo Park 1377 El Camino Real 10:00am-12 Noon Cost: Free s(OWTOBECOMEAREALESTATEPROFESSIONAL s(OWTOACQUIREYOURREALESTATELICENSE s5PFRONTCOSTSTOGETSTARTED s4RAINING#OACHING-ENTORING s#ASHIN#OMPANYWILLHELPYOUJUMP start your Career To sign up: Call Carson English, Vice President, Cashin Company at 415-385-0877 cashin.com Marketplace PLACE AN AD ONLINE fogster.com E-MAIL [email protected] PHONE 650/326-8216 Now you can log on to fogster.com, day or night and get your ad started immediately online. Most listings are free and include a one-line free print ad in our Peninsula newspapers with the option of photos and additional lines. Exempt are employment ads, which include a web listing charge. Home Services and Mind & Body Services require contact with a Customer Sales Representative. So, the next time you have an item to sell, barter, give away or buy, get the perfect combination: print ads in your local newspapers, reaching more than 150,000 readers, and unlimited free web postings reaching hundreds of thousands additional people!! INDEX BULLETIN BOARD 100-199 ■ FOR SALE 200-299 ■ KIDS STUFF 330-399 ■ MIND & BODY 400-499 ■ JOBS 500-599 ■ BUSINESS SERVICES 600-699 ■ HOME SERVICES 700-799 ■ FOR RENT/ FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 800-899 ■ PUBLIC/LEGAL NOTICES 995-997 ■ The publisher waives any and all claims or consequential damages due to errors Embarcadero Publishing Co. cannot assume responsibility for the claims or performance of its advertisers. Embarcadero Publishing Co. right to refuse, edit or reclassify any ad solely at its discretion without prior notice. fogster.com THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEB SITE Combining the reach of the Web with print ads reaching over 150,000 readers! fogster.com is a unique web site offering FREE postings from communities throughout the Bay Area and an opportunity for your ad to appear in the Palo Alto Weekly, The Almanac and the Mountain View Voice. Bulletin Board 115 Announcements GAIN NATIONAL EXPOSURE Reach over 5 million young, active, educated readers for only $995 by advertising in 110 weekly newspapers like this one. Call Jason at 202-2898484. (AAN CAN) PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION Talk with caring agency specializing in matching Birthmothers with Families nationwide. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. 866-413-6293 (AAN CAN) Actor Training: 6th-12th Grade Book Sale, 6/14 - MP Library !! Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA) Didjeridoo Soul Journey Concert Emerson School Estate Sale June 14th Free community Reiki treatments Fun Learning Adventures Gunn High Class of 1974 Guitar and Bass Lessons All styles, ages, skill levels 25+ years exp. 408/260-1131 Guitar Lessons 650-224-3550 Your home, fun, professional $55 Hope Street Studios In Downtown Mountain View Most Instruments, Voice All Ages, All Levels (650) 961-2192 Jazz & Pop Piano Lessons Learn how to build chords and improvise. Bill Susman, M.A., Stanford. (650)906-7529 McCool Piano Studio 566-9391MP Specialize in Intermediate level+ Mommy and me music class 0- 4 years old. Free demo class (650)-561-3712 www.barvinok-us.com/bayanina.htm Opus 1 Music Studio Music Lessons for All Ages! Please call 408-821-5080. Piano Lessons Taught in your home. Member MTAC & NGPT. Specializing in beginners. All levels welcome. Karen, (650)233-9689 Piano Lessons in Palo Alto Violin,,accordion, piano, vocal Violin lessons: 415-806-1510 Other lessons: 650-561-3712 www.barvinok-us.com/bayanina.htm 135 Group Activities Abs and Legs Workout BRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP Cooking classes kids! El Camino YMCA Triathlon Club July 4 Ragtime Concert for USO Nan Bostick, the Bradshaws, & pals perform multi-handed ragtime USO benefit at 3:30 at 1st Baptist Church, 1100 Middle (at Arbor), Menlo Park. Donations accepted. Map at: www. firstbaptist.com. Info: 650-323-8544 or [email protected]. QUIT SMOKING, Nicotine Anonymous Silicon Valley Single Mingle www.art4growth.com Music’s anatomy 140 Lost & Found New CoDA Mtg on Redwood Shores LOST CHIHUAHUA Scientology Center - We’ve Moved LOST: Camera Olympus FE 240 digital. Has family Disneyland vacation photos on SD card. Reward. 650/321-8417 Runaway Cat! 145 Non-Profits Needs Please donate gently used shoes Tax deduction for books 150 Volunteers ART Dialogues Docents volunteers Couples Make Great Mentors! Friendly Visitors Needed GERMAN Language Class Fundraiser for Environmental Org Instruction for Hebrew Bar and Bat Mitzvah For Affiliated and Unaffiliated George Rubin, M.A. in Hebrew/Jewish Education 650/424-1940 Graphic Designer Needed 133 Music Lessons Project LOOK! volunteers needed! A Piano Teacher Children & Adults Ema Currier (650)493-4797 Volunteers for Farmers’ Market Glenda Timmerman Piano 22 years exp. MA. 650/938-0582 Chevrolet- Chevette I980-1983 1927 Mercedes Gazelle Kit car - $6000 o.b. Ford 1993 Escort GT - 1,750 obo Library Advisory Commission Library Volunteers Needed NASA cats need fosterers Planning & Transportation No phone number in the ad? GO TO Palo Alto, 1602 Hamilton Ave., Jun. 20, 9 - 1 San Carlos: 940 Commercial St. Suite G, Every Saturday, 10-4 Estate Sale Warehouse. Every Saturday 10-4. 4000sq ft of quality furniture, decorative art, lighting and carpet, 18th century to modern, value pricing, convenient access and parking. (650)315-4516 215 Collectibles & Antiques Ford Escort 1993 GT Hatchback - 1,750 obo Aluminium Bats - $5 Honda 2006 Accord EX 4-door sedan - $15,900 Diecast Scale Models Honda 2006 Accord EX 4-door sedan - $15,450 FOSTORIA CRYSTAL - $3 to $50 Honda 2006 Accord EX 4-door sedan - $15,490 VW 1994 Jetta - $1700 NATURE/OUTDOORS Events Calendar PA: 280 El Verano St. 6/20, 8-2 GREAT ITEMS! 3-family. Mission style dining room table w/leaf and 6 chairs. Mission style tv cabinet, home furnishings, good qaulity womens clothing, kitchen equipment and much more! Chevrolet 2003 Tahoe - $10,499 Toyota 1997 Camry LE - $5150 THE ROCK BAND CLASS Drum Lessons Chevrolet 2003 Cavalier LS model, 4-Dr, AT, AC, cruise control, very clean, service records, new fuel pump, 67k mi. Moms Get Fit! MP Library Book Sale Barton-Holding Music Studio Vocal instruction, all levels. 6-week sight singing class starts 7/7. Laura, 650/965-0139 Chevrolet 1927 Gazelle Kit car - $9500 Mercedes Benz 1980 450SL - $6,400 LIVE Realty Seminar w/Attorney! HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Fast, Affordable & Accredited FREE Brochure. Call NOW! 1-800-532-6546 Ext. 97 http://www. continentalacademy.com (AAN CAN) Audi 2003 TT Quattro - $14250 obo Men ! Sing 4 Part a capella Summer Night Singles Dance 130 Classes & Instruction BMW 650i 2006 Coupe. For sale by owner. 14,884 miles. Mineral Silver with cream beige leather interior. Perfect Condition. Fully loadedNavigation, Bluetooth, premium sound, 6 disc CD changer, Cold weather package, Sports Package w/premium 19” Wheels & Heads Up Display. $44,500. Tom Jackson (805) 922-9799, (805) 878-1100. (Cal-SCAN) Ki Flow Spontenious Painting&Writing - $45 Foreclosed Home Auction Northern California. 400+ Homes Must Be Sold! REDC / Free Brochure. www.Auction.com RE Broker 01093886. (Cal-SCAN) 201 Autos/Trucks/ Parts Mercedes 1982 380 sl convertible $24,500 Learning Adventures for children 120 Auctions For Sale MV: Moffett & Leong, 6/20, 9-3 Huge neighborhood wide sale. Located off Moffett Blvd near Hiway 101 @ Leong. Emily Dr., Wake Forest, Walker Dr., Easy St. Clothes, tools, furn., books, electronics, toys, baby items, +++. Issues with food? Ki Flow Balance Exercise Swim team competitive tryouts MV: 2678 St. Giles Ct., 6/20, 9-4 Moving. Toys, furn., baby/toddler accessories, clothes, kitchen, electronics, more. x-Levin. Books - $1.00 FINE PORCELAIN SERVICE FOR 12French porcelain angel dish - $750 MOUNTAIN VIEW COLLECTIBLES STORE - up to 70% NORMAN ROCKWELL PLATE - $25.00 Rachel Bentley Watercolor - $1,000 220 Computers/ Electronics 202 Vehicles Wanted Donate Car Receive $1000 Grocery Coupons, Your Choice. Noah’s Arc, No Kill Animal Shelters. Advanced Veterinary Treatments. Free Towing, IRS Tax Deduction. Non-Runners. 1-866-912GIVE. (Cal-SCAN) Donate Your Car Children’s Cancer Fund! Help Save A Child’s Life Through Research & Support! Free Vacation Package. Fast, Easy & Tax Deductible. Call 1-800-252-0615. (Cal-SCAN) 210 Garage/Estate Sales GET A NEW COMPUTER Brand Name laptops & desktops Bad or NO Credit - No Problem Smallest weekly payments available. It's yours NOW - Call 800-803-8819 (AAN CAN) GET A NEW COMPUTER! Brand Name laptops & desktops Bad or NO Credit - No Problem Smallest weekly payments avail. CALL NOW 1-800-816-2232 (AAN CAN) Hi-Speed Satellite Internet Wildblue. Monthly Service starts as Low as $39.95/mo. $99.95 Includes installation + S&H 800-221-3474 www.GotSky. com. (Cal-SCAN) Los Altos Hills, 27082 Horshoe Ln Mattress and Box Spring Sealy Posturpedic. Full size. New, never used. $300/set. 650/961-1738 MOVING OVERSEAS - HOUSEHOLD SALE - $0 and up. New Clocks for Sale - Best Offer new maple laminated floor boards Four unopened boxes of natural maple laminated floor. Planks are 7 3/4” x 46 1/2”. Total coverage 80 sq. ft. Oriental Tables - $600 Queen Headboard - $175 ROLLAWAY MAHOGANY CHEST - $350= BACHELOR Sofa - $200 Stackable washer/dryer - $400 Tiffany Ceiling Light Fixture - $85 TV - Stereo Table - $30.00 Wicker Chair - $25.00 245 Miscellaneous ONLINE PHARMACY Buy Soma, Ultram, Fioricet, Prozac, Buspar $71.99/90 $107/180 Quantities, PRICE INCLUDES PRESCRIPTION! Over 200 meds. $25 Coupon Mention Offer: #71A31. 1-888-661-4957. tripharmacy.net (AAN CAN) Sawmills From Only $2,990 - Convert your Logs To Valuable Lumber with your own Norwood portable band sawmill. Log skidders also available. www.NorwoodSawmills. com/300n -FREE Information: 1-800578-1363 x300-N. (Cal-SCAN) 4 Gorgeous Lots Ready to Build $499,900 Auto creeper - $200.00 Mixed Firewood-Seasoned & Split $150 Poultry Wire - $50.00 The Winged and Garlanded Nike - $22 Tools - $200. / Western Hats - Stetson - $40/each 250 Musical Instruments Harps for rent - $35/$50 Kawai Digital Piano - $100 260 Sports & Exercise Equipment Bicycle Trainer - $ 100 Complete Golf Set - $50 obo Fillmore Poster - $125.00 Kids’ adidas soccer shoes - $12 230 Freebies Cupertino: 22079 McClellan Rd. Driveway B, 6/18-6/20, 8a-5p Winery Estate Sale. Ridgecrest Townhomes. Antique furniture and collectibles, glass and household items, fine and fashion jewelry, framed posters and fine art, musical instruments (incl. antique pump organ), multitude of old paper to 1802, BMW bicycle, antique fishing gear and much more. All must go. Buyer provides pickup and delivery. Lowenstein Chairs - $100 Skin Diving Gear - Like New - $8 to $27 Cages for pet rats - FREE soccer shoes 8/8 1/2 - $varies steel king-size bed frame - FREE 235 Wanted to Buy Teak patio dining chairs Antique dolls 237 Barter Global Warming! 240 Furnishings/ Household items Kid’s Stuff 330 Child Care Offered Mountain View, 509 Tyrella Ave., June 20, 7-1 16 person euro dining set Afternoon babysitter available 2 Italian Marble Lvg Rm Tables - $299 Art/Cooking parties Mountain View, Montecito Granada Dr., Jun. 27, 9-5 Antique Bed Room Set-One Owner $850 BabySitter Antique Kilim Rug - $200 Betty’s Day Care Black Leather sofa/chair - $275.00 Child Care cherry wood drop leaf claw table $250 Child Care opening in San Carlos Ave. & MV: 1667 Springer Rd., 6/20, 9-4 Charity garage sale to benefit the children and new school construction in Malawi, Africa. PLACE AN AD ONLINE: fogster.com FOGSTER.COM E-MAIL: [email protected] for contact information PHONE: 650/326-8216 Conquistador Wall Plaque - $160 Custom Bedding and Valances Dryer - $250. IKEA HEMNES king bed+mattress - 225 FOGSTER.COM Babysitter/Nanny Exceptional Nanny Great, FUN, Loving NANNY HOME DAYCARE AVAILABLE Infant Care & Housekeeping Little Ages in home childcare looking for part time nanny Loving Nanny GO TO FOGSTER.COM TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS June 17, 2009 ■ The Almanac ■ 35 fogster.com Multicultural and Bilingual HS Math & Spanish Summer Courses NANNY/ MOM’S HELPER One-to-One Tutoring Service - $40-80 per hour Nanny/Preschool Experience 350 Preschools/ Schools/Camps Our Wonderful Trustline Nanny Part time opening Perfect Nanny Actor Training: 6th-12th Grade Weekly summer classes in Improvisation, Audition Techniques and Acting throughout the summer at Woodside Priory School. For Class Info and Order Form, visit www.prioryca.org/arts/summer.cfm Summer art camp Trombone Lessons 340 Child Care Wanted Experienced Babysitter Wanted Admissions, Test Prep, Subjects Nanny needed urgently Child Care position available immediately within the State Pay rate = $750/wk; car will be provided for work or personal use.Reply to [email protected]. Growing Tree Preschool Montessori, ages 2-6. Meals, potty training. Small ratio. 7:30am-6:00pm. (650)857-0655 Summer Fun! Horse & Pony Camps Seeking Saturday sitter 355 Items for Sale 345 Tutoring/ Lessons Cosco Car Seat - 30 Snugli Baby carrier $14 Chess Lessons for kids and adult Tons of stuffed animals Experienced Math Tutor Exp. H. S. Mathematics Teacher BS and MA in Mathematics Middle and high school students TOY BOX & WAGONS IT’S EASY TO PLACE YOUR AD VIA THE INTERNET. JUST GO TO — French & Spanish 4 HS and Adults French Native Teacher All levels and ages. SAT, AP, conversation for travelers and business professionals. Hessen Camille Ghazal, Ph.D. 650/965-9696 TheAlmanacOnline.com THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM Kitchen Cook No weekends, nights or holidays. Kitch/ cook, prof. kitchen exp., solid kitchen techniques, good knife handling skills, punctual, responsible, dependable. cafe/catering. Sweet Leaf Cafe 570 N. Shoreline. (650)961-3354 Jobs 500 Help Wanted Coffee/Yogurt Shop Team Members, Leads & Baristas The new Sweet Shop is a charming neighborhood shop located in North Los Altos opening this summer. We will be serving, frozen yogurt, smoothies, baked goods, espresso drinks, tea, candy, and other sweet treats. We are currently seeking experienced Team Members, Team Leads and Baristas to join our team. Please submit application at www.sweetshoplosaltos.com or send your resume to [email protected] Jurors Needed for Mock Trial Look at the justice system from behind the scenes as a juror! Held at Stanford University’s Law School on Saturday, July 25th from 12:00pm - 5:00pm. Receive $50 + lunch. No experience necessary. People of diverse backgrounds and minorities are encouraged to apply. Must read fluently and be 18+ years. Please e-mail: [email protected] In the subject line put: “Juror Application — Ad: PA Weekly.” Please provide name, address, home & cell phone #’s, highest level of education, and occupation. Professional Singers: Alto and Tenor St. Ann Chapel in Palo Alto is seeking a tenor and an alto to join our soli quintet for High Anglican masses. These are paid positions. Prospective singers must be able to sightread well, have solo potential, and be able to produce a straight tone. Auditions can be scheduled by emailing [email protected]. 550 Business Opportunities All Cash Vending Be Your Own Boss! Your Own Local Vending Route. Includes 25 Machines and Candy for $9,995. MultiVend LLC, 1-888-625-2405. (Cal-SCAN) POST OFFICE NOW HIRING Avg. Pay $21/hour or $54K annually including Federal Benefits and OT. Paid Training, Vacations. PT/FT. 1-866-945-0315 (AAN CAN) Champion Tennis Camps Language Immersion Summer Camp July 27 - August 14 • ages 4-14 @ Atherton Tennis Center Alan Margot’s 650-752-0540 www.alanmargot-tennis.net Mists of the Rain Forest July 6 - July 17 A Splash Adventure July 20 - July 31 3FHJTUFSOPXGPS4VNNFS Spring Down EQUESTRIAN CENTER 2009 HORSEMANSHIP CAMPS Winter Camp: Spring Camp: Summer Camps: February 16-20 April 6-10 April 13-17 1 Day Mini Camps: Scheduled every month. Check our website for dates. Intermediate Camp: June 22-26 Aug. 10-14 Session I: June 15-June 26 Session II: July 6-July 17 Session III: July 20-31 Session IV: August 3-14 Session V: August 17-28 725 Portola Rd., Portola Valley (650) 851-1114 www.springdown.com fogster.com TM To include your school or camp in Summer Fun, please call 650.326.8210 Irene x213 or David x216 Truck Drivers CDL training. Up to $15,000 bonus. Part-time driving job with fulltime benefits. Get paid to train. The California Army National Guard. 1-800-GO-GUARD. com/truck (Cal-SCAN) Business Services 601 Accounting/ Bookkeeping Accounting & Bookkeeping Service Affordable prices 408-596-1787 www.reliableaccountingsvcs.com IT’S EASY TO PLACE YOUR AD VIA THE INTERNET. JUST GO TO — TheAlmanacOnline.com SUMMERDAYCAMPSsAFTERNOONSHARKCLINICSsINSTRUCTION W W W 3 O L O ! Q U A T I C S C O M s ! $ " ! $ $ %&'()(*)%+ %,)) -,+ 7 !" 5 . *'.'' / (.'' $ 0 -.'' %.''1 . * . 2&''3 ) . 24&'3 5 62('' ! " ! # 36 ■ The Almanac ■ June 17, 2009 POST OFFICE NOW HIRING! Avg. Pay $21/hour or $54K annually Including Federal Benefits and OT. Paid Training, Vacations. PT/FT. 1-866-945-0295 (AAN CAN) sALLSKILLLEVELSs!PRIL* U L Y s TENNIS TENNIS!! SUMMER CAMP Fun with Food June 22- July 3 Heavy Equipment Training Job placement assistance. Call 888210-4534. Northern California College of Construction. (Cal-SCAN) $600 WEEKLY POTENTIAL$$$ Helping the Government PT. No Experience, No Selling. Call: 1-888-2135225 Ad Code L-5. VOID in Maryland and South Dakota. (AAN CAN) July 17, 18 & 19 at Vallombrosa Center in Menlo Park. www.collegeforidealists.com 'SFODIt$IJOFTFt4QBOJTI Nursery through 8th HSBEFt5XP1BMP"MUP$BNQVTFTt5ISFFXFFL4FTTJPOT Firefighter No experience needed. Training, travel, great pay/benefits/vacation & regular raises. H.S. grads ages 17-34. Call MonFri.1-800-345-6289. (Cal-SCAN) 560 Employment Information COLLEGE FOR IDEALISTS prepares graduating high school seniors to navigate college and the life transition it represents with their values intact. [email protected] Driver - Van Drivers Regional Runs - Western Express. Run the Western 11 States. Great Pay. LateModel Equipment. Reasonable Home Time. Onsite - Full Service Maintenance Shop. BCBS Insurance. 22 yrs. old. Good MVR, EOE, CDL-A, 1 yr. OTR. Call Edna Today! 1-866-863-4112. (Cal-SCAN) Int’l Cultural Exchange Representative: Earn supplemental income placing and supervising high school exchange students. Volunteer host families also needed. Promote world peace! 1-866-GO-AFICE or www. afice.org (Cal-SCAN) Is your son or daughter an idealist? And headed to college in the Fall? International School of the Peninsula Attention: Computer Work Work from anywhere 24/7 processing nutritional supplement orders. Great pay. Will train. Bilingual a plus. Request info online: www.KTPGlobal.com or 1-800330-8446. (Cal-SCAN) sBOYSGIRLSsAGESs MARKETPLACE the printed version of MARKETPLACE the printed version of THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM 604 Adult Care Offered EXPERT DOOR INSTALLATION no job too small Canyon House and Crescent Villa Since 1987. Menlo Park and Sunnyvale. Assisted living and memory care. Call us for more info or visit www. canyonhouse.com. 650/322-2022 Companion/Housesitter Mature student seeking PT time work live in/out with own transportation. Margaret (650)670-7137 Lic. 646075 Bonded 22 years experience 650.619.5338 719 Remodeling/ Additions Domicile Construction, Inc. 645 Office/Home Business Services Credit Card Relief Free Consultation * Save Thousands of Dollars. Out of Debt in Months! Avoid Bankruptcy! Credit Card Relief. NOT A High Priced Consolidation Company or A Consumer Credit Counseling Program. Call Credit Card Relief 1-866-479-5353. * Free Consultation * (Cal-SCAN) Display Advertising In 140 Cal-SDAN newspapers statewide for $1,550! Reach over 3 million Californians! FREE email brochure. Call (916) 2886019. www.Cal-SDAN.com (Cal-SCAN) News Release? Cost-efficient service. The California Press Release Service has 500 current daily, weekly and college newspaper contacts in California. FREE email brochure. Call (916) 288-6010. www.CaliforniaPressReleaseService. com (Cal-SCAN) 650 Pet Care/ Grooming/Training All Animals Happy House Pet Sitting Services by Susan Licensed, insured, refs. 650-323-4000 General Contractor T 415 999-3143 www.domicileconstructioninc.com since 1990 lic #627843 715 Cleaning Services 2 person team. We do the same service as everyone else - but the difference is: â œwe love to do it!â ù Steam spot cleaning avail. Lic. #28276. Call 415/971-7005 www. FlorLauHousecleaning.com Best Housecleaner 10 yrs. exp. *No job too small* Free estimates (650)679-2066 CICI‘S HOUSECLEANING Home or Business Attention to Detail Careful & Considerate 20 Years Experience (650) 464-6715 Francisca’s Deep Housecleaning Experienced, Refs. 650/771-1414 HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE Residential & Commercial Houses • Apartments Move in/out • Window Cleaning 10 Years Experience • Lic#34020 (650) 218-9590 Housecleaning Available 18 years exp. Excellent refs. Good rates, own car. Maria, (650)679-1675 or (650)207-4609 (cell) Jose’s Janitorial Service Professional House Cleaning, Offices * Window Washing * Basic Residential * Husband & Wife References (650)322-0294 M AID TO SERVE YOU Professional Maid Service SPRING CLEANING SPECIAL $ • YARD • LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE • ESTATE SERVICE • NEW LAWNS • SPRINKLER FREE ESTIMATE (650)367-1420 RENOVATION SYSTEMS CYPREX Construction Landscapes C-27, B, 701749 Full Landscape Irrigation, drainage, lighting, hauling, concrete. Cosmo, 408/401-0986; 408/499-1104 Lalo • Residential & Commercial • Clean up • Sprinkler System Repair • Free Estimates • New Lawn Installation JOSE MARTINEZ DRYWALL & PLASTERING REPAIR Home Services 703 Architecture/ Design Design/Permits One Stop Place for Your Remodeling Design needs. Complete Plans include Structural Engineering and Energy Compliance (T-24). ADW 650/969-4980 710 Carpentry Cabinetry-Individual Design Precise, 3-D Computer Modeling Mantels, Bookcases, Workplaces, Wall Units, Window Seats. Ned Hollis, 650/856-9475 IF (650) 222-0058 Orkopina Housecleaning "The BEST Service for You" • Meticulous, Quality Work • Laundry/Ironing/Windows/Blinds • Wax/Wall Washing/Const. Cleanup • Senior/Expectant Mother/Newborn Disc. • Last minute calls (650) 962-1536 www.orkopinacleaningservice.com Since 1985 Lic. 020624 OUT OF THIS WORLD Carpet, Rug & Upholstery Cleaning Clean 2 Rooms or More & Get 1 Room FREE Up to 100 sq. ft. YOU DON’T NEED IT, SELL IT IN THE ALMANAC MARKETPLACE Call any time (650) 391-5160 Lic. #054959 - IICRC certified FOGSTER.COM 751 General Contracting A B WEST Custom Lighting • Electrical Upgrades Crown Molding • Paint • Tile • Kitchen & Bath Remodels • Small Job Specialist Lic#819967 • Certified Electrician • Remodels • Repairs • Tile • Carpentry • Decks • Electrical • Plumbing • Painting Reliable Workers, Ready to Serve Housecleaning, yard work, carpentry, general labor, painting, more. Call DWCMV, 650/903-4102 Call E. Marchetti for Free Estimate Excellent Local References Fax(650)344-6518 Lic.#623885 (650) 347-8359 HARVEY CONSTRUCTION Complete Construction Service Innovative Design Quality Workmanship Reasonable Rates 650-321-1577 Cell: 650-279-7820 HARBOUR LIGHT DRYWALL •New •Remodel •Repair Certified Mold Remediation Clean, Considerate Work Lic #711618 650-483-1480 References • 25 Yrs. Exp. Lic. 524612 H AND H GARDEN AND LANDSCAPE Need help with your garden or landscape. monthly maintenance and new landscaping, We can help. Free estimates. Randy 510-455-0215 or Rufino 650-388-8282. J. L. GARDENING SERVICE 730 Electrical • Garden & Landscape Care • Full Weekly or Bi-Weekly Service • Cleanups • Free Estimates 25 Years of Experience Alex Electric Lic #784136. Free Est. All electrical. Alex, (650)366-6924 Williams Electric 30 years wiring homes. 650/343-5125. Lic. #545936. Call, relax, it’s done! CELL: 745 Furniture Repair/Refinish Jesus Garcia Garden Service Maintenance - Sprinklers - New Fences. (650)366-4301 or (650)346-6781 ask for Jesus or Carmen Jody Horst Landscape Artist 856-9648 Upholstery Cleaning Expert color matching and re-dyeing We can repair leather, vinyl, fabrics & plastic Even pet damage and burns! • • • • • FREE ESTIMATES • MOBILE SERVICE Fibrenew Silicon Valley 408-773-1395 www.fibrenew.com/silicon_valley 748 Gardening/ Landscaping ALEX GARDENS Beckys Landscape Weekly & Periodic Maint. Annual Rose, Fruit Tree Pruning, Yard Clean-ups, Demolition, Excavation, Irrigation, Sod, Planting, Raised Beds. Driveway, Patio, Deck Installation. Power Washing. 650/493-7060 BROTHER’SS LANDSCAPING BROTHER Clean-up • Concrete Painting • Tree Trimming Lowest Prices – No Job too Small Design, Install, Consult Drip & Spray Irrigation Clean-up & Maintenance Lawns & Rock Gardens Edible Gardens, Veggie Boxes Lic. #725080 Santiago Since 1983 Edgar 650-380-8117 650-335-5915 Cornelius Construction & Landscaping • Tree services • Concrete • Yard clean up • Pavers Masonry, Brick works • New lawns • Sprinkler systems • Fences/Retaining walls, decks Lic #915925 (650) 353-6554 Landa’s Gardening & Landscaping •Yard Maintenance •New Lawns •Clean Ups •Tree Trimming/Pruning (650) 576-6242 Ramon M. Sanchez General Landscaping and Design Concrete, patios, driveways, flagstone, lacking pavers, new lawns, planting, irrigation, garden lighting, clean-ups. New installation & repairs. Lic.#860920 (650)444-7072, 342-1392 Maintenance Clean up, trim, pruning, stump removal/tree service, rototilling, aeration, landscaping, drip and sprinkler. Roger, 650/776-8666 Mario’s Gardening Maintenance, clean-ups. 650/365-6955; 995-3822 Free Kitchens, Bathrooms, Stucco, Dry Rot & Masonry NOTICE TO READERS California law requires that contractors taking jobs that total $500 or more (labor and/or materials) be licensed by the Contractors State License Board. State law also requires that contractors include their license numbers on all advertising. Check your contractor’s status at www.cslb.ca.gov or 800-321-CSLB (2752). Unlicensed persons taking jobs that total less than $500 must state in their advertisements that they are not licensed by the Contractors State License Board. 757 Handyman/ Repairs A European Craftsmanship Kitchen and Bath Remodeling. For All Your Repair Needs. Plumbing, Finish Carpentry and More. Licensed. 650/270-7726 ABLE HANDYMAN FRED • Complete Home Repairs • Maintenance • Remodeling • Professional Painting • Carpentry • Plumbing • Electrical • Custom Cabinet Design • Decks – 30 Years Experience – 650.529.1662 • 483.4227 Al Trujillo Handyman Service Int./Ext. painting* Kit./BA Improv., Dry Rot, Flooring Install, Homes/Apt. Repairs, Auto Sprinkler, Landscapes, Fences. 20yrs. 650-207-1306 HANDY “ED” MAN Electrical • Plumbing • Painting Carpentry • Tile • Wallpapering 22 years serving your area FREE ESTIMATES • REFERENCES Ed Rodriguez Ph/Fax (650) 570-5274 Cell (650) 465-9163 est. Orkopina Concrete/Gardening General landscape, cleanup, trim. New lawns, sprinklers, concrete. 650/962-1536 IF KEANE CONSTRUCTION Specializing in Home Repairs 759 Hauling A J O HN STON ✮ HAULING ✮ LARGE TRUCKS Dump Runs • Trees LARGE/small JOBS Free Estimate Insured 650-327-HAUL 415-999-0594 cell: Prompt Service Frank’s Hauling Commercial, Residential, Garage, Basement & Yard. Clean-up. Fair prices. 650/361-8773 J & G HAULING SERVICE Misc. junk, office, appliances, garage, storage, etc, clean-ups. Old furniture, green waste and yard junk. Licensed & insured. FREE ESTIMATES 650/368-8810 Uriel’s Clean-up and Hauling * Garden maintenance * Dump runs * 10 years local experience * Free Est. * 650/862-1378 (650) 430-3469 Japanese Gardener Maintenance * Garden works Clean ups * Pruning (650)327-6283, evenings Leather Furniture Repair 650-813-1325 Lic. #743748 www.JLGARDENING.COM 743 Tiling Classic Tile Co Re-grouting, Tile Repairs. License and bonded. Free estimates. Phone # 650-969-3914 (650) 988-8694 (650) 520-9097 Call Bob: (650) 868-2518 LEFT COAST BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION Domicile Construction Inc. (average house) Call Today at LET BOB DO IT! Lic #284952 Call Bill Jeffs Handyman and Repair Free est. 10% SENIOR Discount. “No Job Too Small.” Call Jeff, 650/714-2563 (650)969-9894 [email protected] lic. # 50337 (650) 271-4448 • HANG • TAPE • TEXTURE • SMOOTH WALL Over 35 Years Experience 80 Excellent Local References Available Move-In-Outs or Regular Services General Cleanup • Gardening Pruning • Trimming New Lawns • Sprinkler Systems Thatching • Planting www.ECYPREX.com 650-270-0966 GENERAL GARDENING MAINTENANCE 728 Drywall/Plaster REFERENCES Classified Advertising In 240 Cal-SCAN newspapers for the best reach, coverage, and price. 25-words $450. Reach 6 million Californians!. FREE email brochure. Call (916) 2886019. www.Cal-SCAN.com (Cal-SCAN) W. F. CARPENTRY *General Contractor *Finish Carpentry *Doors, Trims, Crown Moulding *Garage/Closet Organizer *Decks and Arbors *Local References. Lic. 897206 *Call Walter, 650/265-8315 EXCELLENT American Tax Relief * Settle IRS Back Taxes * Do You Owe Over $15,000? If So... Call us Now! * Free Consultation*. For Less Than What You Owe! Stop Wage Garnishments! Remove Bank Levies Tax Levies & Property Seizures! Stop Payment Plans That Get you Nowhere! Settle State and Business Payroll Tax Problems Eliminate Penalties, Interest Charges & Tax Liens! * Settle IRS Back Taxes * No Obligation! Confidential! Call American Tax Relief 1-800-496-9891 * Free Consultation * (Cal-SCAN) Family owned and operated Francisco or Olivia Tel:(408) 732-7765 Cell:(408) 605-0750 624 Financial $$ Need CASH Fast $$ $500, $1000, or $1500 direct to your acct No Credit History Required Get CASH now For complete details go to www. BestTopCash.com (AAN CAN) Sam’s Garden Service Sandy’s Cleaning A Janitorial Service Specializing in Residential & Commercial FREE ESTIMATE Richard Wosick Construction fogster.com YOU DON’T NEED IT, SELL IT IN THE ALMANAC MARKETPLACE Helping Hands Handyman Service * * * * Honey-Do List Specialist Problem Solver Local References Call Vicki, 650/465-9529 To place a Classified ad in The Almanac call 326-8216 or online at fogster.com 767 Movers SHMOOVER MOOVERS LICENSE CAL. T-118304 Serving the Peninsula since 1975/Owner-Operated! 327-5493 768 Moving Assistance Armandos Moving Labor Service Home, Apts,Storage. House cleaning services avail. Sm/lrg moves. Serving the Bay Area for 20 yrs. Armando, 650630-0424. Lic #22167 771 Painting/ Wallpaper Christine’s Wallpapering Interior Painting Removal/Prep * Since 1982 Lic. #757074 * 650-593-1703 Don Pohlman’s Painting * Detailed Craftsmanship * Excel. Restorative Prep * Great Local References 650/799-7403 * Lic. 635027 FARIAS PAINTING Interior/Exterior. Avail. 24/7. 25 Yrs. c.(650)248-6911 Gary Rossi PAINTING Residential/Commercial. Wall paper removal. Lic. (#559953) and Bonded. Free est. 650/345-4245 Italian Painter Residential/Commercial, Interior/ Exterior. Detailed prep work. “Beat any Price” 25 years experience. Excel. Refs. Call Domenico (650)575-9032 STYLE PAINTING Commercial and Residential. Interior/ Exterior. Licensed (#903303) and Insured. Complete painting service. 650/388-8577 FOGSTER.COM June 17, 2009 ■ The Almanac ■ 37 MARKETPLACE the printed version of fogster.com PLUMBING & DRAIN CLEANING Wallpapering by Trish 24 years of experience Free Estimates 949-1820 Unclog any drain w/outside cleanout Only $79 w/90 day warranty Senior and Military Discounts 775 Asphalt/ Concrete 790 Roofing Al Peterson Roofing since 1946 Specializing in • Repairs • Reroofing • Maintenance • Gutter cleaning• Moss removal 650-493-9177 LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED! Roe General Engineering Asphalt * Paving * Sealing New Construction and Repairs 30 years exp. No job too small Lic #663703 * 650/814-5572 650-949-4575 VISA/MAST/DIS Lic/Bond/Ins #794331 779 Organizing Services End the Clutter & Get Organized ResidentialOrganizing by Debra Robinson (650)941-5073 783 Plumbing Bayshore Plumbers Service, drains, repairs. 21 years exp., comm’l/res. Insured. Lic. 905661. 650/323-6464; 408/250-0568. www. bayshoreplumbers.com He-Man Plumbing Serving Palo Alto & Menlo Park. Lic. #915454. 650/222-7953 787 Pressure Washing Cornelius Construction Roofing • Emerg. roof repair • Re-roofing • Water proofing • Gutter cleaning License #915925 (650) 353-6554 THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM Real Estate “Service Beyond Expectations” Gutter Cleaning & Repair Experienced • Fast Service Mt. View/sunnyvale Border, 1 BR/1 BA - $1195.00 Menlo Park, 1 BR/1 BA - $1300 Menlo Park, 1 BR/1 BA - $1,400/mo Mountain View, 1 BR/1 BA - $995/mont Mountain View, 2 BR/1 BA - $1250/mont Mark (650) 322-5030 Pressure Washing Decks * Patios * Driveways Deck Repair * Home Exterior Becky, 650/493-7060 Mountain View, Studio - 975.00 To place a Classified ad in The Almanac, The Palo Alto Weekly or The Mountain View Voice call 326-8216 or at fogster.com Palo Alto, 4 BR/2 BA - $4300/mo Palo Alto, 4 BR/2 BA Great house w/ hardwood floors, flower garden, 2 car-garage, excellent location. 1-year lease, Available July 11th, Pets OK Mountain View, Studio BR/1 BA - $925 MP: Junior 1BR/1BA apts. Pool, AC, DW, micro, free Cable. $1000 - $1150/mo 650/325-7863 MV: 1BR/BA Cute, old-fashioned cabin-like. Oak floors, secluded garden patio. Laundry on premises. Small complex. $945/mo. N/P. Avail. now. Manager, 650/269-8385 PA: 1BR/1BA Downstairs, 1 year lease. Bike to Stanford. N/P. $1,325 mo. Avail. 6/4. 650/493-9576 FIRST MONTH FREE! 1CB31=HG0@0/"#=@ :/@53 <24:@E26C>0@0/##=@ ;=23@<AC<<G67137:7<5/1E2 0@0/%'#C> 0@ 0/ $'#C> <3/@5C<<6AAB/<4=@2>/53;7:: 5@3/BD/:C3;CABA33$#! &# Palo Alto, 3 BR/3 BA - $4300 Palo Alto, 4 BR/3 BA - $6,000/mon 840 Vacation Rentals/Time Shares Portola Valley, 4 BR/2.5 BA - $6900 Architect Specialized-Fine Home Redwood City, 3 BR/2 BA - $2,800/mo Bed & Breakfast B&B Hotel San Carlos, 2 BR/2 BA - $1,800. Pajaro Dunes Condo 2BR/2BA or 1BR/1BA. On beach, ocean view. Cable TV, VCR, internet access, CD, tennis, W/D. Pvt. deck, BBQ. Owner, 650/424-1747. [email protected] Woodside, 1 BR/2 BA - $3000/mont 809 Shared Housing/ Rooms ALL AREAS - RENTMATES.COM Browse hundreds of online listings with photos and maps. Find your roommate with a click of the mouse! Visit: http://www.Rentmates. com. (AAN CAN) Los Altos Hills, 4 BR/2.5 BA - $750 Mtn.view, 1 BR/1 BA - $800/mo PA: 2BR/1.5BA Shared/duplex, preferred female. In Stanford Terrace. Call for details. security deposit $500 / $650/mo (650)679-2739 Princeville, Kauai, Hawaii Vacation at our 2BR/2BA home. $850/ week. [email protected] Palo Alto, 3 BR/3 BA - ($ see ad) 850 Acreage/Lots/ Storage Palo Alto, 2 BR/1 BA - $1060./mon 810 Cottages for Rent Palo Alto, 1 BR/1 BA - Varies Woodside, 1 BR/1 BA - $1100/mont Woodside, Studio Woodside Cottage, carport, utilities & cable included, N/P,N/S. Avail. 7/15, 851-4888 1-2 bd appartment/duplex HOMES NEEDED! Housing Wanted - Exchange Redwood City, 1 BR/1 BA ALL NEW JUNIOR SUITE, BEAUTIFUL BAY VIEWS ( 750 sqft) *SEPARATE DOWNSTAIRS ENTRY *UPSTAIRS EXTRA LARGE BDRM *KITCHEN WITH EATING NOOK *TILED BATH,WITH LAUNDRY please call 650-7436569 805 Homes for Rent ALL AREAS - HOUSES FOR RENT Browse thousands of rental listings with photos and maps. Advertise your rental home for FREE! Visit: http://www.RealRentals.com (AAN CAN) Atherton, 4 BR/3 BA - $7500/mont Atherton, 4 BR/3 BA - $7500 East Palo Alto, 3 BR/2 BA - $2450.00/m Los Altos Hills, 5+ BR/2 BA - $6800/mont Los Altos Hills, 5+ BR/4+ BA - $7500/mo Menlo Park, 2 BR/1 BA - $2500. Menlo Park, 2 BR/2 BA - $2,600/mon Menlo Park, 4 BR/2 BA - $2700. Mountain View, 3 BR/2.5 BA - $2650.00 Mt. View, 4 BR/3 BA - $4500.00 PLACE AN AD ONLINE: fogster.com E-MAIL: [email protected] MV: 3BR/2BA Being remodeled. Hardwood floors, 2 car garage, auto irrigation, avail July 1st or sooner. $3395/mo (650)968-2647 MV: 4BR/2BA + bonus room. Hdwd flrs., central A/C. Double gar. Close to 85/101. Avail. 7/1. $3195 mo. 650/968-2647 PHONE: 650/326-8216 LONE WOLF PROPERTIES Leasing and Property Management Rental Wanted Seeking Quiet Cottage Seeking Quiet Studio/1 BR Apt. Woodside, 1 BR/1 BA Mature woman wants rental. Good cred rtg. Quiet dog 920-915-0966 825 Homes/Condos for Sale Atherton, 4 BR/3.5 BA - $2,695,000 Alto, 4 BR/2.5 BA - Los Altos Hills, $2,595,000 4 BR/3.5 BA - Los Altos Hills, $2,695,000 4 BR/3.5 BA - Menlo Park, 3 BR/1 BA - $899,000 Menlo Park, 3 BR/2.5 BA - $1,229,950 Mountain View, 2 BR/2 BA - $398,000 Mountain View, 3 BR/2 BA - $155000 Mountain View, 3 BR/2 BA - $1029000 Redwood City, 3 BR/2 BA - $689,000 Redwood City, 3 BR/2 BA - $745,000 Redwood City, 3 BR/2 BA - $689,000 BR/4+ BA Foreclosed Home Auction Northern California. 400+ Homes Must Be Sold! REDC / Free Brochure. www. Auction.com RE Broker 01093886. (CalSCAN) Texas - 20 Acres Only $13,500. -0- down $135.00 monthly. 10% - 210 payments. No credit check. Roads-Surveyed. Only 1.5¢/ sq. ft.! Free information. 1-800-8873006 www.LoneStarInvestments.com (Cal-SCAN) TEXAS LAND -0- Down! 20-acre Ranches, Near El Paso. Beautiful Mountain Views. Road Access. Surveyed. $15,900. $159/mo. Money Back Guarantee. Owner Financing. 1-800-843-7537 www.sunsetranches.com (AAN CAN) Housesitter/Housekeeper Availabl Full-time working woman available to housesit/housekeep your house in exchange for free housing. Pls call 6507933047. Thank u. Palo Alto, 4 BR/2 BA - 1,800,000 5+ Buyer’s Market - New Mexico Ranch Dispersal. 140 acres - $89,900. River Access. Northern New Mexico. Cool 6,000’ elevation with stunning views. Great tree cover including Ponderosa, rolling grassland and rock outcroppings. Abundant wildlife, great hunting. EZ terms. Call NML&R, Inc. 1-866-360-5263. (Cal-SCAN) 860 Housesitting Palo Alto, 3 BR/3.5 BA Redwood City, $2999500 Bank Foreclosure - Colorado Ranch. 40 acres $29,900 Clean Title, Warranty Deed. Enjoy 300 days of sunshine. Rocky Mtn. views, utilities. Excellent Financing! Call Today! 1-866-696-5263 x4938. www. ColoradoLandBargains.com (Cal-SCAN) Land Foreclosures - New Mexico From as low as $19,995 for 10+/- acre, phone, electric close, views. Guaranteed financing, low down! Going Fast! 888812-5830. www.SWProperties.com (Cal-SCAN) ***FREE Foreclosure Listings** Over 200,000 properties nationwide. LOW Down Payment. Call NOW! 1-800-446-1328 (AAN CAN) East Palo $639,000 Timeshare Rental El Paso, TX Ranches 20 acre ranches. $0 down!! $15,900, $159 /month! (10%/209 months) Beautiful Views. Money Back Guarantee. Owner Financing. Free Maps/Pictures. 800-343-9444. (Cal-SCAN) PA: 4BD Rental Home Wanted and an opportunity for your ad to appear in The Almanac, the Palo Alto Weekly, and the Mountain View Voice. PA: Downtown 120-4355 sf offices for lease. Photos, plans, pricing: www.paoffices.com. 650/776-5390 Palo Alto, 5+ BR/3 BA - $7500 Palo Alto, 4 BR/3 BA - $5,490 815 Rentals Wanted Fogster.com is a unique web site offering FREE postings from communities throughout the Bay Area 830 Commercial/ Income Property Palo Alto, 4 BR/2 BA - $5,000/mo 801 Apartments/ Condos/Studios Mountain View, Studio - 995.00 CARLSON’S PRESSURE WASHING SERVICE Palo Alto, 4 BR/2 BA - $4,950/mon - 890 Real Estate Wanted San Carlos, 3 BR/2 BA - $1449000 Cottage/house near Stanford Sunnyvale, 3 BR/2 BA - 669000 Wanted: House in Palo Alto Sunnyvale, 3 BR/2.5 BA - $669000 650-326-7570 fogster.com Think Globally, Post Locally. HOMES NEEDED! Palo Alto, 2 BR/1 BA - $3,500 mon Palo Alto, 3 BR/1 BA New granite ktch,FP,W/D,grdnr incl,1car grg,no pets.650-855-9410 Palo Alto, 3 BR/2 BA - 4500/month Palo Alto, 3 BR/2 BA - $7400/mo PLACE AN AD ONLINE: fogster.com Palo Alto, 3 BR/1 BA - $3200/mo Palo Alto, 3 BR/2 BA - $5800.00 38 ■ The Almanac ■ June 17, 2009 fogster.com Palo Alto, 2 BR/2 BA - $2200 Think Globally, Post Locally. E-MAIL: [email protected] PHONE: 650/326-8216 MARKETPLACE the printed version of THE PENINSULA’S FREE CLASSIFIEDS WEBSITE TO RESPOND TO ADS WITHOUT PHONE NUMBERS GO TO WWW.FOGSTER.COM Public Notices 995 Fictitious Name Statement County on May 27, 2009. (The Almanac June 3, 10, 17, 24, 2009) REDLEAF PROPERTIES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 232946 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Redleaf Properties at 1440 Gordon St., Redwood City, California: GENIA GOTFRIED 740 Promontory Pt. Lane Foster City CA, 94404, This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on May 6, 2009. (The Almanac May 27, June 3, 10, 17, 2009) DEVI YOGA FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 233330 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Devi Yoga at 1011 El Camino Real, Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County: BHAKTI BLESSINGS LLC 526 Sand Hill Circle Menlo Park, CA 94025 California This business is being conducted by a Limited Liability Company. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on May 28, 2009. (The Almanac June 3, 10, 17, 24, 2009) FARM HILL PROPERTIES FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 232947 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: Farm Hill Properties at 3530-3550 Farm Hill Bulv., Redwood City: GENIA GOTFRIED 740 Promontory Pt. Lane # 3303 Foster City, CA 94404 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on May 6, 2009. (The Almanac May 27, June 3, 10, 17, 2009) THE NATURAL GATE FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 233166 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: The Natural Gate at 795 Willow Road # 347-B, Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County: EARL L. HARGROVE 795 Willow Road # 347-B Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on May 19, 2009. (The Almanac May 27, June 3, 10, 17, 2009) ENGAGEPOINT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 233138 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Engagepoint at 39 Santa Maria Avenue, Portola Valley, CA 94028: NATASHA KURTOVA FRENCH 39 Santa Maria Avenue Portola Valley, CA 94028-7215 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 04/01/2009. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on May 18, 2009. (The Almanac May 27, June 3, 10, 17, 2009) FLYING WHITE DRAGON DESIGN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 233304 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Flying White Dragon Design at 1905 Menalto Avenue, Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County: DARSHANA MAYA GREENFIELD 1905 Menalto Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 ARNOLD GREENFIELD 42 Waterloo Court Belmont, CA 94002 This business is being conducted by General Partnership. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on N/A. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo PREMIER PROPERTIES, GMAC REAL ESTATE PREMIER HOME LOANS FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 233257 The following person (persons) is (are) doing business as: 1.) Premier Properties, GMAC Real Estate, 2.) Premier Home Loans at 1200 Howard Avenue #205, Burlingame, CA 94010: ROVAI ENTERPRISE, INC 1200 Howard Avenue # 205 Burlingame, CA 94010 California This business is being conducted by a Corporation. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 04/1997. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on May 22, 2009. (The Almanac June 10, 17, 24, July 1, 2009) FOLEY CONSTRUCTION FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT File No. 233324 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as: Foley Construction at 2140 Santa Cruz Ave., #B-102, Menlo Park, CA 94025, San Mateo County: MIKE FOLEY 2140 Santa Cruz Ave., B-102 Menlo Park, CA 94025 This business is being conducted by an individual. Registrant began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed herein on 06/21/1992. This statement was filed with the County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo County on May 28, 2009. (The Almanac June 17, 24, July 1, 8, 2009) 997 All Other Legals NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S No. 1200618-14 APN: 063-511-240-2 TRA: LOAN NO: Xxxxxx1456 REF: Sharper, Joseph IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED July 10, 2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On June 30, 2009, at 12:30pm, Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation, as duly appointed trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded July 23, 2007, as Inst. No. 2007-110254 in book XX, page XX of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of San Mateo County, State of California, executed by Joseph Sharper A Married Man As His Sole and Separate property, will sell at public auction to highest bidder for cash, cashier's check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank At the main entrance of the city hall of records 401 Marshall Street Redwood City, California, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: Completely described in said deed of trust The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 896 Donohoe Street East Palo Alto CA 94303 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be held, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, condition or encumbrances, including fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to pay the remaining principal sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $576,263.93. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. For sales information: Mon-Fri 9:00am to 4:00pm (619) 590-1221. Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation, 525 East Main Street, P.O. Box 22004, El Cajon, CA 92022-9004 Dated: June 04, 2009. (R-236192 06/10/09, 06/17/09, 06/24/09) (The Almanac June 10, 17, 24, 2009) NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S. No: D380296 CA Unit Code: D Loan No: 1044640935/SPARROW/SPARROW Investor No: 4000652526 AP #1: 062237-110-2 T.D. SERVICE COMPANY, as duly appointed Trustee under the following described Deed of Trust WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (in the forms which are lawful tender in the United States) and/or the cashier’s, certified or other checks specified in Civil Code Section 2924h (payable in full at the time of sale to T.D. Service Company) all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property hereinafter described: Trustor: DARIN SPARROW Recorded February 9, 2006 as Instr. No. 2006019668 in Book —- Page —- of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of SAN MATEO County; CALIFORNIA , pursuant to the Notice of Default and Election to Sell thereunder recorded March 2, 2009 as Instr. No. 2009022181 in Book —- Page —- of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of SAN MATEO County CALIFORNIA. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED JANUARY 31, 2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. 120 HAIGHT ST, MENLO PARK, CA 94025 “(If a street address or common designation of property is shown above, no warranty is given as to its completeness or correctness).” Said Sale of property will be made in “as is” condition without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest as in said note provided, advances, if any, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. Said sale will be held on: JUNE 23, 2009, AT 12:30 P.M. *AT THE MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE HALL OF RECORDS AT THE COUNTY CENTER, 401 MARSHALL STREET, REDWOOD CITY, CA At the time of the initial publication of this notice, the total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the above described Deed of Trust and estimated costs, expenses, and advances is $748,424.92. It is possible that at fogster.com the time of sale the opening bid may be less than the total indebtedness due. Date: June 3, 2009 T.D. SERVICE COMPANY as said Trustee, T.D. Service Company Agent for the Trustee and as Authorized Agent for the Beneficiary JOANNA L. DEVELASCO, ASSISTANT SECRETARY T.D. SERVICE COMPANY 1820 E. FIRST ST., SUITE 210, P.O. BOX 11988 SANTA ANA, CA 927111988 We are assisting the Beneficiary to collect a debt and any information we obtain will be used for that purpose whether received orally or in writing. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If available, the expected opening bid and/or postponement information may be obtained by calling the following telephone number(s) on the day before the sale: (714) 480-5690 or you may access sales information at www.ascentex. com/websales. TAC# 841109C PUB: The Almanac 06/03/09, 06/10/09, 06/17/09 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Case No. CIV484563 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner FARAH WILLIAMS filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: JAMESON DRAKE MULLIKIN to JAMESON DRAKE WILLIAMS. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: JULY 16, 2009, 9:00 a.m., Dept.: PJ, Room 2C. Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: THE ALMANAC. Date: June 1, 2009 /s/ Stephen M. Hall JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (The Almanac June 10, 17, 24, July 1, 2009) PUBLIC NOTICE tion, printed in this county: THE ALMANAC. Date: June 5, 2009 /s/ Stephen M. Hall JUDGE OF THE SUPERIOR COURT (The Almanac June 10, 17, 24 July 1, 2009) TSG No.: 4045040 TS No.: 20099070804847 FHA/VA/PMI No.: Notice Of Trustee’s Sale YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 8/23/2007 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 7/7/2009 at 12:30 PM First American Loanstar Trustee Services, as duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded 08/31/2007, as Instrument No. 2007-131129, in book , page , of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of San Mateo County, State of California. Executed by: ADAM VINCENT BALL CRYSTAL JEAN BALL, will sell at public auction to highest bidder for cash, cashier's check/cash equivalent or other form of payment authorized by 2924h(b), (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States) At the Marshall St. entrance to the Hall of Justice and Records, 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: As more fully described in the above mentioned Deed of Trust APN# 084-022090-9 The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 8031 PESCADERO ROAD , LA HONDA, CA 94020 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $498,957.27 The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to sell to be recorded in the County where the real property is located. Date: 6/14/2009 First American LoanStar Trustee Services 3 First American Way Santa Ana, CA 92707. The beneficiary or servicing agent declares that it has obtained from the Commissioner of Corporations a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the Notice of Sale is filed and/or the timeframe for giving Notice of Sale specified in subdivision (s) of California Civil Code Section 2923.52 applies and has been provided or the loan is exempt from the requirements. First American Loanstar Trustee Services may be acting as a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. Original document signed by Authorized Agent For Trustee's Sale Information Please Call (714) 573-1965 P577824 6/17, 6/24, 07/01/2009 (The Almanac June 17, 24, July 1, 2009) We handle all your LEGAL publishing needs • NOTICES OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE To Kelly Brosnan, 825 Berkeley Ave., Menlo Park 94025. Kindly take notice that (a) on 7/5/09 your rent increases to $3,050 (b) we deny liability for vehicles parked on the premises (c) PG&E bills are divided 75%/25% with 835 Berkeley (d) we notified you of the preceding in our letter of 5/10/09. For further information, contact Paramount Omega, LLC, PO Box 20575 Oakland, CA 94620. (The Almanac June 10, 17, 2009) • PUBLIC HEARING NOTICES ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO Case No. CIV484766 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner MARIAH LYN REED filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: MARIAH LYN REED to MARIAH LYNN FRAUMENI. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: JULY 17, 2009, 9:00 a.m., Dept. PJ, Room: 2C. Superior Court of California, County of San Mateo, 400 County Center, Redwood City, CA 94063. A copy of this ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circula- • LIEN SALE • TRUSTEE’S SALE • RESOLUTIONS • BID NOTICES Call Alicia Santillan (650) 326-8210 x239 to assist you with your legal advertising needs. Or e-mail her at: [email protected] 326.8210 June 17, 2009 ■ The Almanac ■ 39 C O L DW E L L B A N K E R californiamoves.com ATHERTON !2ESORTLIKE2ETREAT ATHERTON 4OM,E-IEUX 6 BR 4.5 BA Remodeled, Skylit Kitchen, Master Suite opening to pool/ spa, sport court, inset trampoline, & playhouse w/access to Las Lomitas Schools. 650.329.6645 [email protected] www.tomlemieux.com 0RIME!THERTON ATHERTON #LASSIC2EMODEL Menlo Park schools. Beautiful, flat 198 x 215 parcel in best West Atherton location. Plans for new residence by Pacific Peninsula Group available. (UGH#ORNISH 650.566.5353 [email protected] PORTOLA VALLEY 'INNY+AVANAUGH *OE+AVANAUGH 3BR/3.5BA & recently built 2BR/1BA guesthouse. Exquisitely landscaped private grounds with pool, spa, multiple patios & 3 car garage. www.184Tuscaloosa.com 650.529.8570/650.529.2060 [email protected] www.thekavanaughs.com JUST LISTED! OPEN SUNDAY !LPINE2OAD 3 BR 3 BA Resort-like Setting! Special one-of-a-kind property w/remodeled contemporary on almost 5 acres w/large flat areas, sunny pool & gardens. Adjacent to trails. #ELESTE(ENZEL 650.529.8568 [email protected] www.chenzel.com -%.,/0!2+ ATHERTON SOLD! 2ANCHSTYLEAPPEAL *OHN*ANET Dore 5 BR 4 BA Renovated kitchen with skylight. Moldings, wood floors. Pool house with two bedrooms plus hobby room. Cul-de-sac. Excellent schools. 650.368.9476 [email protected] (OSSEIN*ALALI ,OVELY6INTAGE/AKS(OME 7//$3)$% 5PDATEDHOMEWVIEWS ,YN*ASON#OBB 650.566.5331 BEST OF VINTAGE OAKS! 4HISHOMEHASITALL [email protected] .ATHALIE DE3AINT!NDRIEU 650.804.9696 [email protected] LA HONDA OPEN SAT & SUN 1:30-4:30PM A Ladera Gem! 4 BR 2 BA On A Level, Newly Landscaped Lot. Close To Everything. Family Room, New Paint Inside And Out, Refinished Hardwood Floors, New Roof. Jost Move In! Menlo Park 650.324.4456 4 BR 3.5 BA Fantastic neighborhood, great floor plan, wonderful light, fabulous large landscaped backyard w/sparkling pool. MP schools. PORTOLA VALLEY -AUREEN(AMNER %LOISE0OLLOCK 650.329.6658 [email protected] !THENA#HILICAS 650.704.6130 "2"! Nestled amongst 6 acres of heritage Redwood trees. Updated kitchen & living room with floor to ceiling windows. Home borders Portola State Park. 650.323.7751s7OODSIDE650.851.2666sPortola Valley 650.851.1961 ©2007 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Coldwell Banker® is a registered trademark licensed to Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Owned and Operated by NRT LLC. 40 N The Almanac NJune 17, 2009 650.740.2233 [email protected] www.hjalali.com -%.,/0!2+ 4 BR 3 BA Beautiful Western hills views from lg picture windows. Single lvl ranch style hm. Secluded location at the end of a priv driveway, yet close to town. %&LORESTA 4 BR 3 BA Lovely And Spacious Vintage Oaks Home Set On A Beautiful Park Like Lot W/Gorgeous Landscaping & Gardens. Wonderful Hm W/ Beautiful Features. [email protected] -ARGOT,OCKWOOD 650.400.2528 [email protected]