The Unexplainable


The Unexplainable
Exploring what we only think we know
Humans were not even around 65 million
years ago, never mind people who could
work metal. So then how does science
explain semi-ovoid metallic tubes dug out of
65-million-year-old Cretaceous chalk in
France? In 1885, a block of coal was broken
open to find a metal cube obviously worked
by intelligent hands. In 1912, employees at an
electric plant broke apart a large chunk of
coal out of which fell an iron pot! A nail was
found embedded in a sandstone block from
the Mesozoic Era. And there are many, many
more such anomalies.
Dated to ca 80 A.D, probably used as
calendar and astronomical calculator for the
motions of stars and planets. It is very
sophisticated device that consists of 30
toothed wheels, of diameter from 9 to 132
mm, being able to rotate at a different speed
each, dials and scaled metal plates with
inscriptions related to the signs of zodiac,
names of the planets.
The engraved signs inform about the
equinoxes, months, winds and
constellations being in their different
500,000 Year Old Spark Plugs
Found in California, the concretion in which these metal objects were found are thought
by scientists to be 500,000 years or so old. On the left is the frontal view of the object
which became visible when the object was broken (in search of fossils). It sure wasn't
made by the ancient Greeks, Romans or Egyptians! On the right is a side view x-ray of the
obviously artificial object. The x-ray showed what looked like a spring on the end of the
object similar to the metal springs on modern spark plugs. If the object is truly ancient,
the question is; "who made it?", if the object is really just a modern spark plug as some
suggest, then the question of modern dating techniques is invalidated.
The Coso Artifact (Left)
While mineral hunting in the mountains of California near Olancha during the winter of
1961, a rock was found, among many others. Upon cutting it open, an object was found
inside that seemed to be made of white porcelain. Experts estimated that it would have
taken about 500,000 years for this fossil-encrusted lump to form Further investigation
revealed that the porcelain was surrounded by a hexagonal casing.
The fact that the stone bearing the petroglyphs was found on
a river gives strong evidence that the ancient navigators could
and did navigate to other areas served by that river: The Red
Bird River flows into the Ohio River, which in turn reaches
the Mississippi, which allows access to a majority of the area
now comprising the United States. The Red Bird river is on a
trail which leads from the Great Lakes in Michigan to the
Gulf of Mexico. Not only are the alphabets of historical
interest, the content of the text is of considerable religious
significance. Two opposing religions - Judeo/Christian and
Pagan Sun Worship - are represented.
The Piri Reis Map is a famous pre-modern world map
created by 16th century Ottoman-Turkish admiral and
cartographer Piri Reis. The map shows part of the
western coasts of Europe and North Africa with
reasonable accuracy, and the coast of Brazil is also
easily recognizable. Various Atlantic islands including
the Azores and Canary Islands are depicted, as is the
mythical island of Antillia. The map is noteworthy for
its depiction of a southern landmass that some
controversially claim is evidence for early awareness of
the existence of Antarctica. Some scholars claim this
and other maps support a theory of global exploration
by a pre-classical undiscovered civilization. [Source]
The Voynich Manuscript is a medieval document written in
an unknown script and in an unknown language. For over
one hundred years people have tried to break the code to
not avail. The overall impression given by the surviving
leaves of the manuscript suggests that it was meant to serve
as a pharmacopoeia or to address topics in medieval or
early modern medicine. However, the puzzling details of
illustrations have fueled many theories about the book’s
origins, the contents of its text, and the purpose for which
it was intended.
The document contains illustrations that suggest the book
is in six parts: Herbal, Astronomical, Biological,
Cosmological, Pharmaceutical, and recipes.
The placebo effect is when a person takes something they
believe is medicine for an ailment they are suffering
(which is not really a medicine), and they get better. A
placebo is an inert substance, and when taken (with the
advice from others that it will cure them) makes the
person get better, simply because they were expecting or
believed that it would work. Something similar, called the
placebo effect, is when a person takes fake drugs and
thinks they are experiencing problems that would have
been caused by the real drugs. They have been known to
reduce pain as well. Why they occur is mysterious and
they are only one of the many complicated things related
to the body-brain connection. In fact, our own bodies
hold many unsolved mysteries.
Etched into the earth on the Nazca Plains in Peru are giant symbols drawn
perfectly straight. Some are hundreds of meters long. They look as if they
were drawn by some giant hand two thousand years ago. And the strange
thing is, they can only be seen from the air. So how did the ancient Nazcans
draw them? Researchers say they could have created hot air balloon or kites
to fly and view their work. Indeed, an experiment was carried out and it
proved that the Nazcans could have made a working balloon. The symbols
themselves are of animals and plants. Yet some are long strips of land
without any direct meaning. A writer named Erich Von Daniken believed
that these were landing strips for alien spacecraft, and that aliens could
have drawn them. They may also be for contacting these aliens. Maria
Reiche, an astronomer, says that these lines may be used as a calendar, or to
keep track of the stars and planets. There is a monkey drawing that has a
coiled tail that looks similar to the orbital lines of our solar system. There
are even more obscure theories that suggest that there were giant people
2,000 years ago. Yet, they are still a mystery.
A megalithic structure is some thing big made of rock. It could be a statue, or
just some rocks strewn around in a pattern. The truly mysterious thing about
the ancients is, how were they able to create such enormous things? They did
not have the technology needed to efficiently make them. Stonehenge is a good
example. A bigger one is the Great Pyramid in Giza, or the pyramids
themselves. Sometimes, even their purpose is unclear (Stonehenge), while
other times, the structures in question are mysterious and seemingly
supernatural (the pyramids). A megalith (I know, sounds like something from
Di-Gata Defenders), a giant rock, is used most of the time, especially in the case
of Stonehenge and the Carnac stones. Still, there are a few megalithic structures
that are not mysterious (like Great Zimbabwe), but mostly it seems impossible
that the ancients made these things themselves. Now, many would like to think
aliens helped them. Yet even scientists say queerer things. They suggest that
there may have been a lost ancient civilization that was extremely advanced,
and they may have given later civilizations the knowledge to build such things.
Yet there is no substantial evidence of either. Other examples: Easter Island
Heads, Pyramid of the Sun (in Mesoamerica), other pyramids in central and
south America, Colossus of Rhodes.
Puma Punku is an amazing technologically advanced site with megalithic
structures which just lay about at this gigantic site, as if the were ripped apart by
some great force.
The blocks of puma were so finely cut that the ones perfectly interlocked, like
pieces of Lego.
The quality of the stonework and the size of the blocks is incredible, and there is
evidence that machine tools were used to cut, polish and drill in the blocks.
Some of the blocks weigh over 100 tons and are so perfect polished and with fine
absolutely straight cut lines, just millimeters in depth with drilled holes with an
exact distance between them.
Puma Punku is placed about 13,300 feet (4000 meters) over sea level, and no trees
will grow on this height, so there was no possibility to use tree rollers to transport
the megalithic stones.
The stones used at Puma Punku are made of diorite and granite, the only stone
that is hard enough to cut diorite is diamond.
This is not the work of stone age Aymara Indians with stone age tool.
The sailing stones are a geological phenomenon found in the Racetrack Playa (a
seasonally dry lake located in the northern part of the Panamint Mountains in
Death Valley National Park, California, U.S.A.). The stones slowly move across the
surface of the playa, leaving a track as they go, without human or animal
intervention. They have never been seen or filmed in motion and are not unique to
The Racetrack. Similar rock travel patterns have been recorded in several other
playas in the region but the number and length of travel grooves on The Racetrack
are notable. Racetrack stones only move once every two or three years and most
tracks last for just three or four years. Stones with rough bottoms leave straight
striated tracks while those with smooth bottoms wander. Stones sometimes turn
over, exposing another edge to the ground and leaving a different-sized track in the
stone’s wake.
Various and sometimes idiosyncratic possible explanations have been put forward
over the years that have ranged from the supernatural to the very complex. Most
hypotheses favored by interested geologists posit that strong winds when the mud
is wet are at least in part responsible. Some stones weigh as much as a human,
which some researchers such as geologist George M. Stanley who published a paper
on the topic in 1955 feel is too heavy for the area’s wind to move.
Over the last few decades, miners in South
Africa have been digging up mysterious
metal spheres. Origin unknown, these
spheres measure approximately an inch or so
in diameter, and some are etched with three
parallel grooves running around the equator.
Two types of spheres have been found: one is
composed of a solid bluish metal with flecks
of white; the other is hollowed out and filled
with a spongy white substance. The kicker is
that the rock in which they where found is
Precambrian – and dated to 2.8 billion years
old! Who made them and for what purpose
is unknown.
The Dropa Stones
In 1938, an archaeological expedition led by Dr. Chi Pu Tei
into the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains of China made an
astonishing discovery in some caves that had apparently
been occupied by some ancient culture. Buried in the dust of
ages on the cave floor were hundreds of stone disks.
Measuring about nine inches in diameter, each had a circle
cut into the center and was etched with a spiral groove,
making it look for all the world like some ancient
phonograph record some 10,000 to 12,000 years old. The
spiral groove, it turns out, is actually composed of tiny
hieroglyphics that tell the incredible story of spaceships from
some distant world that crash-landed in the mountains. The
ships were piloted by people who called themselves the
Dropa, and the remains of whose descendants, possibly, were
found in the cave.
The Inca Stones
Beginning in the 1930s, the father of Dr. Javier Cabrera, Cultural
Anthropologist for Ica, Peru, discovered many hundreds of ceremonial burial
stones in the tombs of the ancient Incas. Dr. Cabrera, carrying on his father’s
work, has collected more than 1,100 of these andesite stones, which are
estimated to be between 500 and 1,500 years old and have become known
collectively as the Ica Stones. The stones bear etchings, many of which are
sexually graphic (which was common to the culture), some picture idols and
others depict such practices as open-heart surgery and brain transplants. The
most astonishing etchings, however, clearly represent dinosaurs – brontosaurs,
triceratops (see photo), stegosaurus and pterosaurs. While sceptics consider
the Ica Stones a hoax, their authenticity has neither been proved or disproved.
Giant Balls of Costa Rica
Workmen hacking and burning their way through the
dense jungle of Costa Rica to clear an area for banana
plantations in the 1930s stumbled upon some incredible
objects: dozens of stone balls, many of which were
perfectly spherical. They varied in size from as small as a
tennis ball to an astonishing 8 feet in diameter and
weighing 16 tons! Although the great stone balls are
clearly man-made, it is unknown who made them, for
what purpose and, most puzzling, how they achieved
such spherical precision.
Fossils, as we learned in grade school, appear in rocks that were formed
many thousands of years ago. Yet there are a number of fossils that just
don’t make geological or historical sense. A fossil of a human hand print for
example, was found in limestone estimated to be 110 million years old.
What appears to be a fossilized human finger found in the Canadian Arctic
also dates back 100 to 110 million years ago. And what appears to be the
fossil of a human footprint, possibly wearing a sandal, was found near
Delta, Utah in a shale deposit estimated to be 300 million to 600 million
years old.
Fossilized human hand discovered in Bogota (Columbia), belonging to
Gutierrez collection. The rock which contains it is 100-130 millions of years
In 1968, 43 miles northwest of Delta, Utah, William J. Meister found apparent
human shoe prints inside a 2-inch-thick slab of rock. Also in that slab were obvious
trilobite fossils, one of which was squashed under the “heel.” (The 10-inch-long shoe
print is at the left, and its rock mold is to its right. Notice how the back of the heel is
worn, just as most of our shoes wear today. The heel was indented in the rock about
an eighth of an inch deeper than the sole.)
According to evolutionists, trilobites are among the oldest living organisms on
earth. Trilobites were a Paleozoic marine animals living 600 to 280 million years ago,
and have been extinct for at least 200 million years. Further validating this dating,
the shale rock of the area is from the carboniferous period (290 to 355 million years
This print seems to be a valid, with both stitching visible and a pronounced heel.
Other imprints appearing to be human tracks have also been found in the same
area, but without trilobites. Dr. Clifford Burdick investigated the area and found
other prints as well as the barefoot imprint of a child's foot- complete with toes.
In early July, 2000 Alvis Delk, assisted by
James Bishop (both of Stephenville, Texas),
was working in the Cretaceous limestone on
the McFall property at the Paluxy River near
Glen Rose, Texas and discovered a pristine
human footprint intruded by a dinosaur
footprint. This discovery was made in the
vicinity of McFall I and II Sites where the
Creation Evidence Museum team has
excavated since the Spring of 1982. The
eleven-inch human footprint matches seven
other such footprints of the same
dimensions in the “Sir George Series,”
named in honor of His
 Science Cannot explain everything
 God has a sense of humor
 Rely on Faith and God’s Word
 Psalm 118:8
 It is better to trust in the LORD Than to put confidence
in man