Managing Transportation Using NPSIS


Managing Transportation Using NPSIS
Office of Pupil Transportation
Managing Transportation Using NPSIS
Functions in NPSIS
Eligibility for Transportation
Accessing the NPSIS Home page
Adding a Student to your Roster
Transportation requests for Multiple Students
Students not assigned transportation
Students assigned transportation
Not Required
MetroCard Requests
Pre-Registration, New Schools, Schools requesting reimbursement
Assistance and Support
Functions in NPSIS
Schools use NPSIS to manage transportation for their students
Yellow Bus stop assignment
MetroCard Inventory data
Transportation for students mandated to receive specialized (door to door)
transportation on their IEP is not managed using NPSIS
Contact the Committee on Special Education (CSE) to make changes to student
information that affect transportation
1. School code
2. Home address
3. Ambulatory code and medical accommodations
View data for students receiving specialized transportation using Ridership
Information on the OPT web site
The NPSIS process
For all students at your school, you will complete the following:
Step One: Add the student to your roster
Enter biographical and grade information
Validate the home address
Save student data
Wait one day for the distance calculation to display
Step Two:
Use Transportation Requests for Multiple Students to assign transportation
Select MetroCard 3-trip for students that will use MetroCards for transportation
Select Yellow Bus and an active yellow bus stop for eligible students
Select Not Required for students not eligible for transportation and for students using
specialized transportation
Once a student is entered on the roster in NPSIS, distance will be calculated overnight:
A distance letter will appear in NPSIS
Use the distance letter and the grade to calculate eligibility
Students in K-6 that are full fare eligible may be assigned an active yellow bus stop or a
MetroCard can be requested
Students in grades 7-12 that are full fare eligible: a MetroCard can be requested and the
student receives a full fare MetroCard valid on MTA buses and training
Students in grades K-12 that are half fare eligible: a MetroCard can be requested and the
student may receive a half far MetroCard valid on MTS buses only. The student is
responsible for half the current fare each trip
Students with IEPs that do not mandate specialized transportation may be assigned an
active yellow bus stop regardless of grade/distance: SE MetroCards are automatically full
Accessing NPSIS
Access NPSIS from the OPT web site:
Schools > School Applications
Log In
Log in using your school’s share OPT username and password
1. The password must be entered in ALL CAPS
2. Press OK
You use the same username and password to access all OPT applications
Roster Reminder
This note is a reminder to use the proper procedure to ADD a student to your roster
Click the link to continue to the NPSIS Home page
Accessing NPSIS
This is the NPSIS Home page:
Alerts and Announcements will be displayed here for review
Scroll down for OPT information and updates
by using the
Menu on the
left side of
the page
Click Student Info/Surveys to ADD students to or DELETE students from your
Click School Roster to view all students
Students with a “house” icon in the far right column have validated addresses
Students with a “green octagon” icon have transportation assigned on their
Click Transportation to view transportation functions
This is where you will do most of your work managing transportation for your
Click Address Validation to process this step for new students added using the
batch upload feature
Add A Student
Click Student Info/Surveys; then Add
Complete all Student Information: a Student ID number will be generated
Enter the home address information: press the Validate Address button
If the address matches 100%, press OK: Address Validated will change to “YES”
Press Save Student Data
The next day you can view the student on the transportation screens and assign
School Roster
These icons identify if the address has been
validated (house) and if transportation has been
requested (green octagon)
These students do not have their address
validated: Most likely because the street is
entered incorrectly: Should be 138 Street.
Correct on student record and validate address.
Transportation: Expanded View
This link used to deactivate lost, stolen, or non-working
student MetroCards
This link used to print MetroCard Distribution Log, view
transportation stats, and identify error codes
This link used to review current MetroCard shipments by card
type and serial number
This link used to review deactivated MetroCards by serial
You will use this link to view eligibility and assign a
transportation status transportation for all students
This link plays a short video tutorial covering NPSIS
Transportation Requests for Multiple Students
Use one screen to process transportation requests for multiple students:
You may choose from four filters to view and make changes:
1. Students with no transportation assigned (default view)
Make a selection for each student and save the changes
2. Students with transportation assigned
Check and edit this data if needed to ensure accuracy
3. Errors/Ineligible
Correcting the error may change eligibility
Select Not Required for students not eligible for transportation
4. Not required
Update or change information if needed
Students Not Assigned Transportation
Use grade and distance to calculate eligibility before
assigning transportation
Select Transportation for New Students
After adding a student to the roster:
Click the transportation menu: Select Transportation Requests for Multiple Students
Review distance > Determine eligibility > Assign Transportation
Make a selection for each student
Press the Save button
1. Use your school’s list of routed stops from the OPT 199 application or your Ridership
Information to identify active stops to assign eligible students
2. If you select MetroCard 3-trip, the type of card to provide the student will display the
next day
3. If you select a YB stop for a student that is not eligible, a MetroCard type will display
on the Students Assigned Transportation page the next day and the student will not
appear on Ridership Information
Transportation Choices
Select MetroCard 3 Trip for students that have
requested MetroCards for transportation
Select Yellow Bus and an active stop for students
using stop to school transportation
Select Not Required for students that are not eligible
for transportation, and for students using specialized
Students Assigned Transportation
The day after you assign transportation, transportation information will display for
each student
The type of MetroCard to be provide each student will display, or the stop number
assigned will appear
Manage and review Transportation
Use the Students Assigned Transportation Filter
If Yellow Bus is selected, but a MetroCard type appears in the Transportation
Assigned column, change the selection to MetroCard 3-trip and save
Transportation Assigned – Correct and Save
This student is eligible for a half fare MetroCard: Change
Transportation Requested to MetroCard 3-Trip and
This student is in grade 7: students in grades 7-12
receive MetroCards only. Change Transportation
Requested to MetroCard 3-trip and save
There are only three correct records displayed here: the student with
MetroCard requested and the student assigned stop 0506
Use this filter to review students with data issues:
If student is not eligible, select Not Required for their transportation
If there is an error code, review the student data: a correction may change eligibility
A table explaining error codes is available by viewing your Ridership Report
Students with an address outside NYC will remain on the list of errors:
transportation may not be provided for these students
Errors/Ineligible—Change and Save
Not Required
Use this filter to review students that you have not requested transportation for:
1. Students not eligible for transportation
2. Students receiving specialized transportation based on the most recent IEP
3. Students that may be eligible, but have not requested a MetroCard or yellow bus stop
If eligibility changes, or a student requests transportation, you can make changes on
this screen at any time
Student MetroCards – Requesting Replacements
The Summary Report at the bottom of your Ridership Report will identify
how many MetroCards have been requested, by type
The Shipment Report will show how many cards have been shipped to you, by
The Deactivated MetroCard Report will list the cards that have been
When you email a request for additional cards, OPT staff
reviews this information and calculates:
Number of cards shipped, less the number deactivated,
subtracted from the number requested
Example: 100 cards shipped, 25 deactivated, 85 cards
School requires 10 cards plus a cushion of 10%: request
20 cards of that type
Additional information on managing MetroCards on the
OPT web site
NPSIS will post a message each spring about pre-registration for the upcoming school
The message will include a specific date to use when adding students to the roster
Steps for pre-registration
1. Use the Add function to enter student information
 Use the start date provided by NPSIS—not the date your school begins instruction
2. Validate the address – save student data
If NPSIS alerts you that a record for that student already exists
Select the transfer option – this will reduce duplicate records
If you have students transferring from one OPT code to another
You must transfer them into the new building for the start of the school year
Once you have added or transferred students for the upcoming year, they will not
appear on your school roster until NPSIS data “rolls over” in mid-July.
After the rollover, and when Ridership Information is posted on the OPT web site in
late August, you can assign transportation for incoming students.
Pre-Registration: What can you tell parents?
By grade and distance: share the eligibility chart and emphasize measurement is walking
distance from home to school
Yellow Bus
Show parents your list of routed bus stops:
If they reside near one of them, inform them that if their child is eligible the stop can
be assigned in the fall
If they do not reside near one of them, advise parents that over the summer OPT will
create stops for new students whenever possible
Specialized Transportation
Parents can contact the CSE Chairperson to ensure the proper OPT code is assigned
for the new school year (even if the student is in the same school, but in a different
Provided upon request for: students in grades 7-12; students for whom a bus stop
cannot be created; and for students eligible for half fare transportation
New Schools
School requesting service for the first will be sent a link to complete a Request for
Complete the form and all information required
OPT will generate a new OPT code and a username and password to access NPSIS and
all OPT applications
Create your roster in NPSIS
Remember to use the correct enrollment date when adding students
Use the transfer feature if NPSIS prompts you that a student with that personal
information exists in the NPSIS database
You will be contacted by your OPT Account Manager over the summer for next steps
1. Ridership Information for students assigned transportation available the last week of
2. Initial MetroCard shipments sent in late August
Schools Requesting Reimbursement
Add students to the roster with the start date provided by NPSIS
Validate the address and save student data
STOP—no other action is necessary
You will not select any transportation options for these students
Eligible students for reimbursement will appear on your school’s Ridership
Information on the OPT web site in the fall
Using the Batch Upload Feature
Batch Upload allows population of your roster from a pre-formatted Excel
spreadsheet submitted through NPSIS
Review the instructions on the NPSIS menu to properly format the document, save
as a .txt file, and upload
Contact the NPSIS Help Desk (718) 935-3515 if you need assistance
Address validation for these students is not processed automatically
From the NPSIS menu select Address Validation to complete the process
Other Applications that Affect Transportation
In addition to NPSIS, you will be using different OPT applications to manage or track
transportation at your school:
Ridership Information lists students assigned either stop to school or specialized
Field Trip Application to request field trips for your students
OPT 199 application used to request, adjust, or delete yellow bus stops
Non Public School Calendar System used to identify days of service for
Non Public School Summer and Fall reconciliation used each spring to identify
students assigned specialized transportation that will attend summer school, as
well as the status of these students for the upcoming school year
DOE Session Time System used each spring to enter session times for the upcoming
school year
Assistance and Support
OPT Training Team
Mia Wilder
718 482-3872
[email protected]
Adrian Clarke
718 482-3897
[email protected]
Ed Jacobsen
718 482-3797
[email protected]
Eligibility Guidelines
Distance Code A
Distance Code B
Distance Code C
Distance Code D
Less than .5 mile
.5 mile to less than 1 mile
1 mile to less than 1.5 miles
1.5 mile and greater
Grades K-2
Half Fare
Full Fare
May use MetroCard or
stop to school
Student may receive half
fare MetroCard for
Student may receive full fare MetroCard or be assigned stop to school transportation if
Students with B distance in grade 2 change eligibility in grade 3: from full fare to half fare
Grades 3-6
May use MetroCard or
stop to school
Distance Code A
Distance Code B
Distance Code C
Distance Code D
Less than .5 mile
.5 mile to less than 1 mile
1 mile to less than 1.5 miles
1.5 mile and greater
No Eligibility
Half Fare
Full Fare
Students residing this
close to school are not
eligible to receive
Student may receive half
fare MetroCard for
Student may receive full fare MetroCard or be assigned stop
to school transportation if available
Students with C distance in grade 6 change eligibility in grade 7: from full fare to half fare
Grades 7-12
Students receive
MetroCards only for
Distance Code A
Distance Code B
Distance Code C
Distance Code D
Less than .5 mile
.5 mile to less than 1 mile
1 mile to less than 1.5 miles
1.5 mile and greater
No Eligibility
Half Fare
Full Fare
Students residing this
close to school are not
eligible to receive
Student may receive half fare MetroCard for transportation
Student may receive full
fare MetroCard