chatham, massachusetts
chatham, massachusetts
^ORJRGHVLJQDERYH`EHWV\ZKLWHFRP^SKRWRJUDSK\`SHUVRQ.LOOLDQ^UHFHSWLRQVLWH`FKDWKDPEDUVLQQ { W ELLW ED.COM } chatham, massachusetts Z During the years that Jaclyn and Trevor spent at Boston College, a mutual friend of theirs repeatedly told them they were perfect for one another. Somehow, though, it wasn’t until the fall of their senior year that they finally met. By the spring semester they were dating, and they happily informed their friend that he had been completely right. “It just seemed natural because he was the person I always wanted to be around and who made me laugh the loudest,” says Jaclyn. Though Trevor is from New York City, he stayed in Boston after graduation, unwilling to move away from Jaclyn. However, Jaclyn was soon offered a job as an overnight producer and morning news anchor for a television station in Binghamton, New York. Thus began nearly five years of long-distance dating. “We both feel it allowed us time to work on ourselves and our careers,” says Jaclyn. “Having a long-distance relationship can be challenging, but we always made time for one another.” If anything, the time apart only reaffirmed that they were meant for each other. During Memorial Day weekend of 2009, Trevor planned a getaway for them in Vermont, complete with a stay at the luxurious Twin Farms in Barnard. On Sunday, the couple went for a hike along the winding trails of a nearby mountain. With sunlight filtering through the lush spring foliage, the day couldn’t have been more beautiful. When they stopped for a short break on the trail, Trevor seized the moment and asked Jaclyn to be his wife — but the romance of the day wasn’t over yet. “We returned to our cottage, where there was champagne on ice, a lobster lunch waiting for us, and a beautiful bouquet of flowers,” says Jaclyn. “HE WAS THE PERSON I ALWAYS WANTED TO BE AROUND AND WHO MADE ME LAUGH THE LOUDEST,” SAYS JACLYN. Jaclyn grew up spending summers with her family at the Chatham Bars Inn, and later at her father’s house on Strong Island. Trevor fell in love with the region as soon as she introduced him to the quiet waters and sunny summer days of the Cape. “We both have traveled around the world and agree there’s no place better than the Cape in August,” says Jaclyn. With so many shared memories of the area, there seemed no better place for them to be married than right there at the Chatham Bars Inn. The pair embarked on planning for a true destination wedding weekend — complete with a pre-wedding beach party and an elaborate outdoor celebration. Jaclyn’s goal was to make her wedding one of the best her 200 guests had ever attended. After a sweet and personal ceremony in which their pastor read aloud their written Z Z { W ELLW ED.COM } Z featured OV RQD HVVL URI JS GGLQ ZH &$.( MONTILIO'S BAKING COMPANY MONTILIOS.COM &,*$552//,1* BOSTON CIGAR FACTORY BOSTONCIGARFACTORY.COM &225',1$7,21 ELEGANT ENGAGEMENTS CAPEWEDDINGPLANNER.COM (17(57$,10(17 WHITE HEAT SWING ORCHESTRA | ATLAS PYROVISION PRODUCTIONS WHITEHEATSWING.COM | ATLASPYRO.COM (9(175(17$/6 BE OUR GUEST, INC. BEOURGUESTPARTYRENTAL.COM )/25$/'(6,*1MIMOSA FLORALS MIMOSASTYLE.COM +$,50$.(83 ASHLEY BRECKEN ASHLEYBRECKEN.COM Guests wrapped up the evening in the Chatham Bars Inn’s luxurious ballroom, complete with delicious late-night snacks, a DJ, and a light show pulsing with the energy of a nightclub. Guests enjoyed a ten minute fireworks display, many huddled in pashminas, passed out by servers to keep everyone warm. Their celebration more than satisfied Jaclyn’s aim of providing the best wedding her guests had ever attended. After all, Jaclyn and Trevor’s extraordinary love had survived years of separation, so it was only natural that they be honored with an extraordinary celebration. ,19,7$7,216 CARTIER CARTIER.US /,*+7,1*ORMONDE PRODUCTIONS ORMONDEPRODUCTIONS.COM 3+272*5$3+< PERSON + KILLIAN PERSONKILLIAN.COM 5(&(37,216,7( CHATHAM BARS INN CHATHAMBARSINN.COM 7(17 SPERRY TENTS SPERRYTENTS.COM 75$163257$7,21 CAPE DESTINATIONS CAPEDESTINATIONS.COM 5,1*6PAUL CALANTROPO JEWELERS PCBOSTONJEWELRY.COM 9,'(2*5$3+< BOSTON WEDDING FILMS BOSTONWEDDINGFILMS.COM -DFO\Q LFH 7UHYRU·V$GY No. No. G> :=KMJ=LGD=9N=9:GML FML= EA QGMJ:M<?=L>GJD9KLa N=@GO =PH=FK=KQGMOGFVL:=DA= E9FQL@AF?K;GE=MH LGJL@=Q @AJ=9O=<<AF?;GGJ<AF9 EGF=Q9K 9J=<=>AFAL=DQOGJL@L@= GFKL@=Q =;LA L@=Q@9N=L@=:=KL;GFF 9J=OGJL@=N=JQH=FFQ { W ELLW ED.COM } letters explaining why they wanted to marry each other, attendees arrived at the Chatham Bars Inn for a lively celebration. Spirited swing dancers performed to the music of an energetic big band. The couple chose to serve a huge variety of appetizers followed by a lighter meal so everyone could spend as much time as possible on the dance floor. Under the beautiful tent of handmade sailcloth, a candy bar enticed guests to indulge in sweet treats, while a photobooth provided hilarious snapshots commemorating the day. Hand-rolled cigars were served to the guests as a finishing touch to the celebration. 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F R O M T H E C A P E A N D T H E V I N E YA R D T O T H E H A M P T O N S , T H E A D I R O N D A C K S , M A I N E , N E W H A M P S H I R E , A N D V E R M O N T , Y O U ’ L L G E T T H E “INSIDER” K N O W L E D G E Y O U N E E D T O F I N D Y O U R W AY A N D C R E AT E T H E D E S T I N AT I O N W E D D I N G O F Y O U R D R E A M S . FOR CURRENT & BACK ISSUES VISIT: WELLWED.COM