27 - The Community Voice
27 - The Community Voice
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Peanut butter and strawberry!” Pacific Market suggests: Pacific Palate organic creamy peanut butter with Kozlowski strawberry preserves on Oroweat’s soft 100% whole wheat bread. Henry, 8th grade. “Tuna & dill pickles!” Pacific Mkt suggests: Chicken of the Sea tuna with chopped Clausen pickles & Best Foods Mayo on Oroweat Oat Nut bread. Thea, 2nd grade. “Turkey & tomatoes!” Pacific Market suggests: Saag’s Golden Classic deli turkey, big slices of Soda Rock Farm tomato on Oroweat Healthnut bread. EmmaAnn, 5th grade. “A salami hoagie!” Pacific Market idea: Deitz & Watson salami, sliced deli provolone, organic tomatoes & iceburg on a split La Brea Ciabatta roll. Giovanni, 6th grade. “Meatloaf!” Pacific Market idea: Our own deli meatloaf, mustard, Saag’s cheddar on 1/2 of a small La Brea baguette. Marco, 3rd grade. “Ham & cheese triangle!” Pacific Market idea: Saag’s Black Forest deli sliced ham, Deitz & Watson cheddar on diagonally-sliced Oroweat Buttermilk bread. Isabella, 12th grade. “Cold pizza!” Pacific Market idea: Slices of tomato & salami with melted Dietz & Watson roasted garlic cheddar on a whole pita. # # (0 (339;4 &( 3($/ 6192 San Gabriel, RP. 4Br/2Ba House $2200 588 Racquet Club, RP. 2Br/1.5Ba Condo $1075 4653 Flores, RP. 3Br/2.5Ba Condo $1900 1360 Middlebrook, RP. 3Br/2Ba House $1750 6597 Santero Way, Cotati. 3Br/2.5Ba $2100 522 Myrtle, RP. 4Br/2Ba House $2200 1565 Golf Course Dr, RP. 3Br/4Ba House $2400 825 Vineyard Pl, Pet. 3Br/2.5Ba House $1800 $04(0;4 $563$. 1'$4 $$% " %$ % 197 Eucalyptus Ave, Cotati. 4Br/2Ba House $2400 1241 Camino Corto, RP. 3Br/2.5Ba Condo $1500 7896 Revard, Cotati. 3Br/2.5Ba Condo $1995 942 Emily Ave, RP. 4Br/2Ba House $2200 981 Elizabeth Ave, RP. 5Br/3Ba House $2400 6440 Country Club #B, RP. 2BR/Ba Apt $975 1512 Lance Dr, SR. 3Br/2.5Ba House $1600 2723 Arbor Grove, SR. 4Br/2.5Ba House $1900 $$% $$*4 $/ ppetizers 1/2 off aoolld A ter and fiesta plat except seaf ks $1 off all drin & ! # ! ! .% (94510( ((3 10(9'(8 (.104 ( % $ ! 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No monthly payments will be required and no finance charges will be assessed on this promotional purchase if you pay the following in full within 12 months: (1) the promotional purchase amount, and (2) any related optional credit insurance/debt cancellation charges. If you do not, finance charges will be assessed on the promotional balance from the date of the purchase and monthly payments will be required. Regular account terms apply to non-promotional purchases. Standard APR is 22.99%. Delinquency APR is 26.99%. Minimum finance charge is $1.00. Existing cardholders should see their credit card agreement for applicable terms. Offer is subject to credit approval. Excludes Lowe’s® Business Credit Accounts, Lowe’s® Project CardSM Accounts and all Lowe’s® VISA® Accounts. While Lowe’s strives to be accurate, unintentional errors may occur. We reserve the right to correct any error. Prices and promotions apply to US locations only. ©2009 by Lowe’s®. All rights reserved. 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" #("', , # # #"#! #("', " ' ) & $ &' $% & "' # ' &&# ' #" KRCB presents The Life and Times of Harry Bridges From Wharf Rats to the Lord of the Docks: The Life and Times of Harry Bridges Directed by Academy Award®-winning director and cinematographer Haskell Wexler, this is the film of a truly unique event—Ian Ruskin performing his one-man play to a packed house of 1000 longshore workers in San Pedro, California. The result, with appearances by Elliott Gould, Edward Asner and members of ILWU Local 13, and with music by Jackson Browne, Arlo Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Tim Reynolds, Ciro Hurtado, and others (including the world premiere of Woody Guthrie’s song about Harry, sung by his granddaughter Sarah Lee Guthrie) is an inspiring story. Monday, August 31 at 9 PM Channel 22 Broadcast Satellite Cable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COMPLETE GLASS SERVICE FEATURING MILGARD WINDOWS & DOORS, INSULATED GLASS REPLACEMENT, SCREENS, SHOWER DOORS & MIRRORS Licensed Contractor No. 647838 Printed on 100% recycled newsprint FD 240 & 1779 Rick Stewart • 8079 La Plaza • Cotati Monday thru Friday 795-6976 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. & % # #!" # "% % " " " $ %% NOW ENROLLING STAR STORYBOOK THEATRE VALLEY A Progressive Education Harvest Festival Presents Serving Kindergarten River Town thru 5th Grade & Classes begin August 31st Academics Spanish / French Music /Art P.E. Integrating theatre, art and science Ages 4 - 17 After-school Programs Classes begin Sept. 1st A full circle of education that balances the mind, fosters independence, sparks creativity, harmony and well being # $ #( ! ! "# " ! " &s # #! 768 East Cotati Ave starvalleyacademy.com !' ! $ #(%! ! Call today !!! 794-9714 thestorybooktheatre.com % # ! # ()."#(! .) 1),% 1#." ." -" &. , 1 - && /*)( .) & ( " ( ), & -" ./ &&2 ( ." # ) , .#(! 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Free Correspondence Courses Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Phone: 585-8224 HOLY FAMILY EPISCOPAL CHURCH “A Jubilee Ministry Center” 1500 East Cotati Ave., Rohnert Park (Corner of Snyder Lane and East Cotati Avenue) Phone: 795-7500 PASTOR: NEWTON KERNEY Every 8:00 am Early Communion Service Sunday: 9:15 am Traditional Worship 10:45 am Contemporary Worship Holy Communion every Sunday at 8:00 am and 1st and 3rd Sundays at later services. Child care and Children’s church available at later services. School: Toddler through 2nd grade St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church 4595 Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 585-3708 [email protected] Fr. John Griffin, Pastor Masses - Tues-Fri 8:30 am Saturday – 5:00 pm Sunday – 8:30 am & 10:30 am Expressway PASTOR: THE REV. DR. GAIL CAFFERATA Sunday: JOY Eucharist and church school 10:00 am HOPE Eucharist 5:00 pm Wed: Eucharist with Healing Prayers 12:10 pm 1st week of the month www.holyfamilyepiscopalrp.org ROHNERT PARK BIBLE CHURCH 5905 Labath Ave., Rohnert Park CROSS & CROWN LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL 5475 Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park Phone: 795-7853 • Fax: 795-0509 E-mail: [email protected] 584-4509 Rohnert Park Bible Church is a gathering of ordinary people who follow an extraordinary Lord. Join us for Sunday morning fellowship and Sunday school, or just come out to one of our many free family events. 9:30-10:30 Lord’s Supper • 10:30-11:00 Refreshments 11:00-12:00 Worship Service & Children’s Sunday School. Join us. We want to be an encouragement in your life! GATEWAY CHRISTIAN CHURCH "We’re Learning to Love God and Love Others" 585-AMOR(2667) www.Gatewaycc.org When: Our Sunday Service time is 9 a.m. & 10:45 a.m. COME VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION! 311 PROFESSIONAL CENTER DRIVE IN ROHNERT PARK "Come Celebrate Your Faith with Us! We Have Prophet Sharing!" )''!!( %'%-!'') Faith Community Church ROBI WILLIN 206-9783 + &! !'0!'' ""% ! !'' "Bringing people to God, Building people of God, Serving people for God" Shiloh's Upper Room Meets at Merrill Gardens 4855 Snyder Lane Rohnert Park Sunday Morning Worship: 10:45 AM Adult and Youth Sunday School: 9:30 AM Wednesday Evening Worship for Adults and Youth: 6:30 - 7:30 PM #!(-, )" $ (#! “Come worship with us, in spirit and in truth” Sunday 10:30 am Worship Sunday 6:00 pm Intercessory Prayer Pastor: Michael A. Hayward 7352 Boris Ct. in Rohnert Park • (707) 795-2222 www.FaithCommunityRP.org A Southern Baptist Fellowship Pastor Wilma Hensley-Cullen 707-586-7997 Calvary Community Church “Come visit us at our new church home!” 150 Professional Center Drive Rohnert Park - Phone: (707) 585-1050 Sunday 10:00 AM Worship Quality Child Care & Children’s Sunday School Programs Tuesday Evenings from 6:30-8:30 PM Jr. High/High School Ministries &!$ $% #' # +$ + / .# '! .()0 #!(-, )" $ (#! '' -) ! * +- )" -$! " ! ! Use your La Carte Savings Card for special offers at these merchants: Automotive Conven ience Stores & Gas Stations Automotive Excellence – F5 $25 off any repair over $200 on 1st visit! 35 Executive Ave Suite 3, Rohnert Park 707-584-8700 Discount Cigarettes – N11 10% off Hookah & accessories 1451 Southwest Blvd, Rohnert Park 707-793-9984 Bowen’s Automotive – F5 $5 off Oil, Lube & Filter on 1st visit! 5701 State Farm Dr #120, Rohnert Park 707-586-8896 Events Katherine Ginther Photography Senior Portraits – get FREE wallets! www.KatherineGintherPhotography.co m 866-713-3728 RPM Automotive Services – A6 $40 off Air Conditioning! 560 Martin Ave, Rohnert Park 707-584-8230 Style N Comfort Limousine Service 2 Hours Free with purchase of 4 Hours www.SNCLimos.com 707-578-3001 Beauty & Care # &# $) #% %*( ' * ) & ) () !*#& %' (( # $ ( + ' # . ( " *'() &' %') "% - % -% ) $ *&& #% ( ' Endless Summer Salon – P12 Save $20 unlimiting tanning! 1728 A East Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park 707-795-8267 La Bella Sole – N12 First Month Tanning for $25.88 1305 Maurice Ave, Rohnert Park 707-792-8267 Business Services Liberty Tax – G8 Save $40 off Tax preparation services. 310 Raleys Towne Center, Rohnert Park 707-584-2829 ( ) ,,, % " ( %# ' APLE Shirts 50% off Art/Film/Screens on first visit! 1350 Central Ave, Santa Rosa 707-573-8717 Coffee & Pastries Free Taquitos with inital use of your LaCarte Savings card. Cotati Coffee – H15 Buy One get 50% off Second Smoothie! 8225 Old Redwood Hwy, Cotati 707-794-9159 6285 Commerce Blvd. #302 Rohnert Park when you earn 250 points! 6700 Commerce Blvd. Rohnert Park COuPoN SPeCiaL ONE MONTH UNLIMITED TANNING $34.88 PLUS A FREE BOTTLE OF PROMOTIONAL TANNING LOTION!! 707-792-8267 La Bella Sole Full Service Tanning Boutique and Salon 1305 Maurice Ave, Rohnert Park Masala Jacks – G14 Free dessert with any entrée purchase. 7981 Old Redwood Highway, Cotati 707-795-2251 Golden Bean Coffee – F2 FREE Espresso on your 1st visit! 101 Golf Course Dr, Rohnert Park 707-585-6185 (707) 586- 9594 Scandia Family Fun Center – E4 2 for 1 mini golf on your first visit! 5301 Redwood Dr, Rohnert Park 707-584-1398 Straw Hat Pizza – K3 Coming Soon! 919 Golf Course Dr, Rohnert Park 707-585-3995 Restaurants Baker’s Square – D8 Save 10% off with each visit! 301 Rohnert Park Expwy, Rohnert Park 707-584-3601 Mocha Mama’s – G8 FREE Specialty Drink every 10th visit! 450 Raleys Towne Center, Rohnert Park 707-585-2940 Carrenos Mexican Restaurant – F12 Buy 1 Burrito and get 1 Burrito Free. 157 Southwest Blvd, Rohnert Park 707-793-7849 TCBY & Moxie Java – N11 Buy One get 50% off Second item! 7285 Snyder Lane, Rohnert Park 707-792-5004 Dominos Pizza – N12 FREE Sandwich with any Pizza order! 1460 E Cotati Ave # D, Rohnert Park 707-795-8227 Tonayan Mexican Restaurant – G8 Buy 1 entrée, get 1 entrée free 500 Raleys Towne Center, Rohnert Park 707-588-0893 Sweets & Goodies Del Secco’s Gelato ‘n Sweets – F7 Free Jelly Belly on your first visit. 6285 Commerce Blvd, Rohnert Park 707-585-1100 Mocha Mama’s 2 locations to serve you: 355 Southwest Blvd. 450 Raley’s Towne Ctr. Rohnert Park Rohnert Park Specialty Coffee & Pastries: l l l Blended Mocha Swirl Gourmet Espresso Drinks Pastries, Brownies & Donuts Enjoy a unique coffee experience. Locally owned and operated. Proudly serving Rohnert Park since 1997. 0HQW L RQ W KL V DG DQG VDYH RI I DQ\ U HSDL U RYHU VRPH U HVW U L FW L RQV PD\ DSSO \ ([HFXW L YH $YH 5RKQHU W 3DU N &$ Sam’s Mediteranean Café & Deli – A6 Coming Soon! 613 Martin Ave, Rohnert Park 707-584-0220 Stiix Teriyaki & More – F7 Free Entrée after your 10th visit! 6285 Commerce Blvd, Rohnert Park 707-584-4555 6$9( Porter Street BBQ – J14 Buy One Get One Free Sandwich! 500 E. Cotati Ave, Cotati 707-795-9652 Driven Raceway – E4 Grand Opening September 12th 4601 Redwood Dr, Rohnert Park 707-585-3748 ;3(57 6(59, &( $1' 5(3$, 5 2) Personal Travel Services Mountain Mike’s Pizza $5 off large pizza on your first visit 2280 Santa Rosa Ave, Santa Rosa 707-544-2828 The Sandwich Spot – N11 SAVE 50% on your first Sandwich! 7285 Snyder Lane Suite B, Rohnert Park 707-347-6455 l l l +21'$ $&85$ 72<27$ /(;86 ACADEMY TRAVEL Mountain Mike’s Pizza – N 11 $5 off large pizza on your first visit! 1451 Southwest Blvd, Rohnert Park 707-795-4433 Cal Skate of Rohnert Park – F6 2 for 1 Admission on 1st visit! 6100 Commerce Blvd, Rohnert Park 707-585-0500 Schafers ATA Martial Arts – N12 Receive a free month and free uniform! 1460 E Cotati Ave # I, Rohnert Park 707-793-9401 Mocha Mama’s – G12 FREE Specialty Drink every 10th visit! 355 Southwest Blvd, Rohnert Park 707-664-8688 Free Appetizer* Sahouria Pediatric Dentistry – N8 Scan your card to win prizes! 1303 Medical Center Dr, Rohnert Park 707-586-6600 Recreation Express Cleaners – N12 SAVE 20% when you present your card! 1460 E Cotati Ave # L, Rohnert Park 707-794-7320 5090 Redwood Drive, Rohnert Park Latitude Island Grill – F2 2nd Entrée $5 with 2 beverage purchase 5000 Roberts Lake Rd, Rohnert Park 707-588-1800 Academy Travel – F8 Use your card for a chance to win prizes! 6408 Commerce Blvd, Rohnert Park 707-586-9594 Clothing & Accessories NEW OFFERS & NEW OPPORTUNITIES TO SAVE IN THE COMMUNITY VOICE THE LAST FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH. CALL 584-2222 TO BE A PART OF THIS AD Forever Summer Tanning – G1 2 20% off First Spa Treatment 193 Southwest Blvd, Rohnert Park 707-795-1671 Pet Talk Grooming Salon – F9 Receive $10 off your second visit 6 Enterprise Dr, Rohnert Park 707-585-3810 Your Other Office, Inc – M12 Use your card for a chance to win prizes! 1435 E Cotati Ave, Rohnert Park 707-792-0995 KFC & A&W – F9 FREE Combo meal every 10th visit! 6700 Commerce Blvd, Rohnert Park 707-584-9070 Health & Wellness Pet Care The UPS Store – K3 Use your card for a chance to win prizes! 979 Golf Course Dr, Rohnert Park 707-584-1515 JKs Four Seasons – B7 Buy 1 w/ drink get 1 50% off any entrée 595 Rohnert Park Expwy, Rohnert Park 707-588-8629 Las Guitarras – F12 Free Taquitos with any entrée purchase! 7384 Commerce Blvd, Cotati 707-792-4380 Wright’s Chiropractic Use your card for a chance to win prizes! 349 College Ave, Santa Rosa 707-545-6949 Prudential Realty – K3 Use your card for a chance to win prizes! 967 Golf Course Dr, Rohnert Park 707-481-6859 El Torito Mexican Restaurant – E4 SAVE 10% off your entire check 5090 Redwood Drive, Rohnert Park 707-206-9100 TW PD[ 6\QW KHW L F RL O L V DQ DGGL W L RQDO FKDU JH 3O XV W D[ U HF\FO H I HH 1RW YDO L G ZL W K RW KHU FRXSRQV ! " " ORDER TO SH OW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case No : 81837 Fictitio us Business Name Statement F ile No. 2009-03134 To all interested persons: Petitioner: Juliet Aline Offerman filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: 1)Juliet Aline Offerman to Juliet Aline Rodgers, 2) aka Juliet Aline Rodgers to Juliet Aline Rodgers. THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter shall appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Notice of Hearing: Sep 30 2009 at 8:30 a.m., in Dept. 19, 3055 Cleveland Ave., Santa Rosa, CA 95403. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published once a week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: The Community Voice, P.O. Box 2038, Rohnert Park, CA 94928. Dated: Aug 10, 2009 s/Elaine Rushing, Judge of the Superior Court Pub. Aug 14, 21, 28 & Sep 4, 2009. (4t) The Community Voice The following persons are doing business as True Liberty Bags, 1440 Ashley Court, Santa Rosa CA 95401, Sonoma County, mailing address: 465 Stony Point Rd PMB #232, Santa Rosa CA 95401. Registered Owners: Goddess Love Unlimited Enterprises, LLC, 1440 Ashley Court, Santa Rosa CA 95401. This business is conducted by: a California Limited Liability Company. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious name or names above on 8/1/09. Signature of Registrant: Jennifer Roldan. This statement was filed with County Clerk of Sonoma County on Aug 18, 2009. Notice - In accordance with subdivision (a) of section 17920, a Fictitious Business Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision (b) of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (see section 14411 et. seq. business and professions code). I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Janice Atkinson, County Clerk By /s/Julie Garfia, Deputy Seal Pub. Aug. 28, Sept. 4, 11 & 18, 2009. (4t) The Community Voice Fictitious Business Name Statement File No. 2009-02967 The following persons are doing business as 9mm Books, 106 Madrigal St, Rohnert Park CA 94928, Sonoma County, mailing address: PO Box 720 Cotati Ca 94931. Registered Owners: Amanda J Giarla, 106 Madrigal St., Rohnert Park CA 94928. This business is conducted by: an Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious name or names above on 8/1/09. Signature of Registrant: Amanda J Giarla. This statement was filed with County Clerk of Sonoma County on Aug 4, 2009. Notice - In accordance with subdivision (a) of section 17920, a Fictitious Business Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision (b) of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (see section 14411 et. seq. business and professions code). I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Janice Atkinson, County Clerk By /s/Carrie Anderson, Deputy Seal Pub. Aug. 28, Sept. 4, 11 & 18, 2009. (4t) The Community Voice Fictitio us Business Name Statement F ile No. 2009-02897 The following persons are doing business as Havens Redesign and Staging, 7278 Burton Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA 94928, Sonoma County, mailing address: Same. Registered Owners: Cheri Lynn Cybulski, 7278 Burton Ave., Rohnert Park CA 94928. This business is conducted by: an Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious name or names above on NA. Signature of Registrant: Cheri L. Cybulski. This statement was filed with County Clerk of Sonoma County on Jul 28, 2009. Notice - In accordance with subdivision (a) of section 17920, a Fictitious Business Name Statement generally expires at the end of five years from the date on which it was filed in the office of the county clerk, except, as provided in subdivision (b) of section 17920, where it expires 40 days after any change in the facts set forth in the statement pursuant to section 17913 other than a change in the residence address of a registered owner. A new fictitious business name statement must be filed before the expiration. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a fictitious business name in violation of the rights of another under federal, state or common law (see section 14411 et. seq. business and professions code). I hereby certify that this copy is a correct copy of the original statement on file in my office. Janice Atkinson, County Clerk By /s/Julie Garfia, Deputy Seal Pub. Aug. 21, 28, Sept. 4 & 11, 2009. (4t) The Community Voice NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT NEGATIVE DECLARATION Roh nert Park Housing Element for 2007-2014 This notice is to inform you that the City of Rohnert Park has prepared a Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration, pursuant to the requirements of CEQA, for the Draft Rohnert Park Housing Element. The Housing Element is one of the seven (7) mandated elements of the General Plan and identifies policies and programs to assist the City in providing the projected amount of housing needed, broken down by income group, based on existing need and expected population growth for a given period. The planning period for this Housing Element Update is January 1, 2007 to June 30, 2014. Copies of the Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration and the Draft Housing Element will be available for the public’s review and comment on the City’s website (www.rpcity.org) and at City Hall, 130 Avram Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA beginning Monday, August 31, 2009. Written comments are due by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, September 29, 2009 and may be delivered to the following address: City of Rohnert Park Planning Division 130 Avram Avenue Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 588-2236 # NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of the City of Rohnert Park will be holding a PUBLIC HEARING. Rohnert Park City Hall – Council Chamber WHERE: 130 Avram Avenue Rohnert Park, California WHEN: Tuesday, September 8, 2009, at the hour of 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter is reached on the agenda. PURPOSE: To solicit input regarding fee increases at the Rohnert Park Animal Shelter. Representatives of this proposal will be available to respond to questions. All persons interested in this matter should appear at the September 8th City Council meeting. Written statements may be submitted to the City Clerk in advance for presentation to the Council as part of the public hearing. NOTE: If you challenge this matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Rohnert Park at, or prior to, the public hearing. Documents related to this item are available for public review during normal business hours at the City Clerk’s Office, 130 Avram Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA, (707) 588-2225. Questions regarding this matter should be directed to Mickey Zeldes, Animal Shelter Supervisor, 584-3057, [email protected] or Lt. John Marty, 584-2600. Dated: August 21, 2009 Published: August 28 & September 4, 2009 The Community Voice Judy Hauff, City Clerk INVITATION F OR INFORMAL SEALED BIDS STADIUM LA NDS WETLANDS EL IMINATION PROJECT NO. 2009-06 Notice is hereby given that on Thursday, September 3, 2009, until 4:00 PM at 130 Avram Avenue, Rohnert Park, California, the City of Rohnert Park will receive sealed bids for the Stadium Lands Wetlands Elimination Project No. 2009-06. Bids must be received by the Engineering Department before 4:00:00 PM on September 3, 2009, based on the Official Bid Clock displayed in the area where bids are submitted on the Second Floor of City Hall. The work is described generally as earth work and grading the Stadium Lands site, installing a storm drain system and hydroseeding in accordance with the plans prepared by Civil Design Consultants, Inc., titled Wetland Elimination Plan-Grading Plan Stadium Lands, dated July 2009, and these specifications. The Contractor must have a valid California State Class A, General Engineering Contractor License, or a valid State of California Contractor’s Class C-12 Earthwork and Paving Contractor License or C-34 Pipeline Contractor License. The Engineer’s estimate for this project is $120,000.00 . A statement of the prevailing wage rate is on file in the office of the Rohnert Park City Clerk, 130 Avram Avenue, Rohnert Park, California, 94928. Per California Civil Code Section 3247, a performance bond in the amount of 100% of the bid total will be required from the successful bidder for bids exceeding $25,000. The bond must be provided within ten (10) calendar days from notice of award and prior to the performance of any work. For any moneys earned by the Contractor and withheld by the City of Rohnert Park to ensure the performance of the contract, the Contractor may, at their request and sole expense, substitute certain securities equivalent to the amount withheld in the form and manner and subject to the terms and conditions provided in the California Public Contracts Code Section 22300. This notice incorporates by reference the terms, conditions and requirements of the specifications approved by the City, any and all changes or amendments to the specifications and special instructions or special notice issued to or given to prospective bidders. The City of Rohnert Park makes no representation or warranty of the condition of the jobsite. All prospective bidders are requested to carefully review the plans and specifications and to examine and conduct tests or otherwise satisfy themselves as to the conditions at the project site, subject to coordination with the office of the Rohnert Park City Engineer. Bids will be informally opened, examined and declared on the following day and referred to and considered by the City Council at a future City Council meeting. An optional pre-bid meeting will be held Friday, August 28, 2009, at 10:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers located at City Hall, 130 Avram Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA 94928. A copy of the drawings and specifications may be obtained from the City of Rohnert Park, Attn: Dianna Delgy, 130 Avram Avenue, Rohnert Park, California 94928, telephone: (707) 588-2232, upon payment of a $30 nonrefundable fee, if picked up, or payment of a $40 nonrefundable fee, if mailed. Posted Date: Published Date: August 19, 2009 August 21, 2009 August 28, 2009 The Community Voice /s/ JUDY HAUFF City Clerk of the City of Rohnert Park NOTICE OF AVAILABILIT Y OF DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT FOR WALMART EXPANSION PROJECT SCH #2009052008 A Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the following project has been prepared through the Planning Division of the City of Rohnert Park pursuant to the guidelines and procedures for implementation of the California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (CEQA). PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed project consists of the expansion and alteration of the existing Walmart store. The project would include the addition of approximately 35,256 square feet of building area to the existing store. For the purposes of providing a conservative evaluation of project impacts, the EIR will analyze the additional square footage at 40,260 square feet, which is larger than the anticipated expansion square footage. The primary building expansion would mainly consist of the enlargement of the existing store to the south. This would include the addition of a new grocery sales area and stockroom space, as well as exterior features including a grocery loading dock and a trash compactor. The east side (front) of the store would also be expanded slightly to add new restrooms. The additional floor area would include a small expansion of the building to the north to provide additional general merchandise sales area. Slightly more than half of the expanded building would be devoted to general merchandise sales, which would be adjoined by a garden center. A food service area and various service uses, including a vision center, pharmacy and photo lab, are planned at the front of the store. The retail and grocery uses would have separate receiving and stock areas at the rear of the building, as well as separate loading docks. Modifications to the exterior area north of the building would include the addition of a new electrical transformer, as well as new storage areas for pallets and cardboard bales. The expanded Walmart store would total 166,788 square feet, with interior areas accounting for 154,400 square feet and the outdoor garden center totaling 12,388 square feet. PROJECT LOCATION: The project site is located in the City of Rohnert Park, Sonoma County, California; refer to Exhibit 2 1. The project site is located at 4625 Redwood Drive and consists of one parcel totaling 12.96 acres, bounded by Dowdell Avenue (west); a driveway linking Dowdell Avenue and Redwood Drive (north); Redwood Drive (east); and Home Depot, inline retail, and Mattress Discounters (south); refer to site plan. POTENTIALLY SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: Aesthetics, Light, and Glare; Air Quality; Biological Resources; Geology, Soils, and Seismicity; Hazards and Hazardous Materials; Hydrology and Water Quality; Land Use; Noise; Public Services and Utilities; Transportation and Urban Decay. Copies of the Draft EIR are available for your review at the following locations: City of Rohnert Park – Planning Attn: Suzie Azevedo 130 Avram Avenue Rohnert Park, CA 94928-2486 (707) 588-2236 Rohnert Park Public Library 6250 Lynne Conde Way Rohnert Park, CA 94928 (707) 584-9121 The Draft EIR is also available on the City’s website, which can be accessed at www.rpcity.org. The Rohnert Park Planning Commission will tentatively consider the Negative Declaration at its regular meeting on Thursday October 8, 2009, which will begin at or around 7:00 pm at the City Council Chambers, 130 Avram Avenue, Rohnert Park, CA. The Planning Commission’s tentative action will be a recommendation to the City Council regarding adoption of the Draft Initial Study/Negative Declaration. Date of Publication: August 28, 2009 The Community Voice All written comments on the Draft EIR should be directed to the Planning Division at the above address. The required 45-day review period for this Draft EIR shall begin on August 25, 2009 and shall end at 5:00 p.m. on October 8, 2009. All comments regarding the Draft EIR must be received by this ending date/time. DATE AVAILABLE: August 25, 2009 Published August 28, 2009, The Community Voice , $ * ' '%& ! ' &* ! ! =><//> -9<8/<= 9?>=3./ >2/ 1+>/ +8. 38 @+<39?= +</+= A3>238 >2/ :+<5 %2/ 7+38 =>+1/ -97/= +63@/ A3>2 7+8C 1/8</= 90 +--9<.398 7?=3A236/ .+8-/ :+<>3/= =37?6>+8/9?=6C :+-5 <3+< %?-5G= +8. $:+8-5CG= ,+<= 8/+<,C 66 A97/8 06+> ><+-5 <966/< ./<,C -97/= >9 >2/ 9<>2 +C >23= A//5/8. 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James Fisher Attorney at Law Emphasizing: • Business •Estate plans, Trusts • Real Estate •Family Law/Divorce Serving Rohnert Park since 1975 Evenings & Weekends by Appointment No charge for initial office consultation 584-9200 2 Padre Parkway, Suite 300, Rohnert Park - ' % $ . <9,,/<C %2/ #+8-29 9>+>/ 69-5 .9A8 </ ;?3</. + E :/<-/8> -9773>7/8> 90 :963-/ </=9?<-/= F =+3. #" "?, 63- $+0/>C +> >2/ >37/ 90 >2/ 38-3./8> +8+C+> =+3. 3> A+= ?8-/<>+38 A2C >2/ :6+88/. <9,,/<C A+= 89> -97 73>>/. 98 >2+> .+C $>+<>6381 + 09<7/< $+8>+ #9=+ :9 63-/ 9003-/< 0<97 >9 +8. +1+38 0<97 >9 A+= -2+<1/. A3>2 09?< -9?8>= 90 +<7/. <9,,/<C ==6381/< A+= -2+<1/. A3>2 >A9 -9?8>= 90 +<7/. <9,,/<C +8. ,9>2 A/</ -2+<1/. 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E#/>2385 #/.?-/ #/:6+-/ %<+8=09<7381 )9?< +A8F A3>2 7+=>/< 1+<./8/<= +<6C== '+8 /== +8. %<3=2 "9A/< 66 /@/8>= +</ 0<// +8. 9:/8 >9 >2/ :?,63- 9< 79</ 3809<7+>398 -+66 >2/ 63,<+<C +> 9< @3=3> AAA =9897+63,<+<C 9<1 Please join us for the Early Learning Institute's -Kitchen & Bath Remodel, Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Tenant Improvement, & Home Additions- Please Call for a Quote TODAY Office-707-546-5222 Fax-707-578-5222 License # 455795 2nd Annual WEE-WALK A walk-a-thon for Wee Ones! Saturday, September 12, 2009 A-Park in Rohnert Park 10:30 am - 12:00 pm This special walk-a-thon is scaled down for our wee ones Children walking for children. Feel free to bring your grown-up friends too! Call 591-0170 or visit www.earlylearninginstitute.com for more information or to sign up! <@/@7 %3;;5><B3 INDEX /974<>;7/ '3/9 '3;@/9? ?@/@3 ! () ) 866.;,2*5 *786.< >95.A 87-8< 8+25. 86.< #.*5 <=*=. (*7=.#.*5 <=*=. 8*7< FORECLOSED HOME AUCTION. Northern California. 250+ Homes Must Be Sold! REDC / Free Brochure. www.Auction.com RE Broker 01093886. (Cal-SCAN) LAND FORECLOSURE 40 Acres $29,900 SOUTHERN COLORADO Warranty Deed, Survey. Rocky Mtn. views, utilities. Enjoy 300 days of sunshine. Low down payment. CALL TODAY! 1-866-696-5263 x5338. (Cal-SCAN) ' #) !( 8><.< >95.A 87-8< 9*;=6.7=< $1*;. #.7=*5< 8+25. 86.< 2<, #.7=*5< '*,*=287 #.7=*5< #.7=*5 (*7=."%!$." #) .59 (*7=.125- *;. $..4270 6958B6.7= ##$*# " #)( ".;<87*5< 8<= 8>7><27.<< !998;=>72=2.< 2<, 778>7,.6.7=< " ' # ( *;*0. $*5.< >;72=>;. 7=2:>.< >,=287< *@7 *;-.7 9952*7,.< 5.,=;872,< 86. .= = ".=< *;6 #*7,1 2<, .;,1*7-2<. UNPRECEDENTED MONTANA LAND OFFERINGS 20AC w/ Road, Utilities, Gorgeous Views- $29-49,900 160-1000 acres starting at Under $1000/ Acre Beautiful treed ridges, mtn. views, ponds, the best elk & deer territories in Montana! Over 100 properties ALL OFFERS CONSIDERED See pictures at www.WesternSkiesLand.com Or call for a guided tour 888-361-3006. (Cal-SCAN) FORECLOSED HOME AUCTION. Northern California. 250+ Homes Must Be Sold! REDC / Free Brochure. www.Auction.com RE Broker 01093886. (Cal-SCAN) <:3? $639,900 Wow, opportunities galore! Converted historic Penngrove firehouse converted into a 2BR residence w/detached studio & 2 car gar. added too. Call for more info! C21 Classic Prop., Inc. (707) 585-2100 (3>B713? $443>32 ><27.<< $.;?2,.< 27*7,2*5 $.;?2,.< <=;8580B 2=7.<< 2.= %;*?.5 $818,000 Serene mtn. views & this BRAND NEW 1 story home of 2,999 sq.ft. w/4BR/3BA, “dream” kitchen, covered front porch & plenty of room for RV/boat, more. Century 21 Classic Prop., Inc. 585-2100 )<< !/@3 )< !7?@ %88 *=. %8 2<= )' #(%$') ) $# >=8< 5*<<2, $9.,2*5=B >=8< %;>,4< $&'< #'< *69.;< 8=8;,B,5.< %' 8*=< (*=.; %8B< 2,B,5.< "*;=< %885< .=, 2<, >=8 )$ %! .$*' #) +$ ! (( ( ) $# . % $# $929,999 Fabulous views, nice 3BR/2BA 1,900 sq.ft. main home + newer 2005 built matching granny unit! All of this on 5.42 ac. w/pastures, barn, MORE. Century 21 Classic Prop., Inc. 585-2100 "<0793 <:3? $59,687 Well maintained, bright & sunny 2BR/2BA MBH in desirable Rancho Grande senior (55+) park. Bonus room, newer roof & more! C21 Classic Prop., Inc. (707) 5852100 $107,500 HUGE $ REDUCTION! Don’t let this pass you by - Tastefully updated & spacious 3BR in Rancho Feliz Estates w/low space rent! Kitchen w/all new tile/paint. A REAL backyard here! C21 Classic Prop. 5852100 (AAA RATED) GET PAID to Buy a Home. $8000 cash back. 17 Homes left. BELOW COST. We finance. CLAYTON HOMES 916-371-2200. (CalSCAN) - '3;@/9? ." ! 9/??74732 2B3>@7?7;5 )63 <::A;7@D +<713 % $ <C '<6;3>@ %/>8 . " ! 9/??74732 )63 <::A;7@D+<713 1<: %9/13 7@ <;97;3 /@ 5*<<2/2.- *- ;*=.< -?.;=2<. B8>; #.7=*5< .;,1*7-2<. >=8< 8;. 97;3? C @7:3? /227@7<;/9 97;3? =3> 97;3 #.*5 <=*=. .59 (*7=.- 97;3? C @7:3? /227@7<;/9 97;3? =3> 97;3 *55 $.. 8>; 27-.A /8; =1. ,*=.08;B =1*= /2=< B8>; 7..-< !# ( ' . %* ! ) $# #<<; )A3?2/D =>7<> @< =A0971/@7<; <A?3? 4Br/2Ba house for rent. $2200/mo + $3300 deposit. 6192 San Gabriel, RP. Landscaping included. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913. 3Br/2.5Ba house for rent. $1900/mo + $2850 deposit. 2 car garage. 4653 Flores, RP. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913 3Br/2Ba house for rent. $1750/mo + $2850 deposit. 2 car garage, fireplace. 1360 Middlebrook, RP. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913 4Br/2Ba house for rent. $2200/mo + $3300 deposit. 522 Myrtle, RP. New carpet & paint. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913. 4Br/2Ba house for rent. $2200/mo + $4050 deposit. 942 Emily Ave., RP. Frig., A/C. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913. ;;<A;13:3;@? <A?3? <::3>17/9 !/;2 ' . )63 <::A;7@D +<713 5Br/3Ba house for rent. $2400/mo + $4300 deposit. 981 Elizabeth Ave., RP. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913. 3Bd/4Ba house for rent. $2400/mo + $3600 deposit. 1565 Golf Course Dr., RP. Granite counters, landscaper inc. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913 4Bd/2.5Ba house for rent. $1900/mo + $2850 deposit. 2723 Arbor Grove, SR. Tile Flrs, a/c W/D hkups. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913 4Bd/2Ba house for rent. $2400/mo + $3600 deposit. 197 Eucalyptus Ave., Cotati. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913ß A=93C <;2<? 3Br/2.5Ba condo for rent. $1500/mo + $2250 deposit. 1241 Camino Corto Rohnert Park. Updated kitchen w/tile floors, pool, W/D incl. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913 2Bd/1.5Ba condo for rent. $1075/mo + $1650 deposit. 2 lvl, pool, tennis, carport. Water & Garbage incl. 588 Racquet Club, RP. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913 3Bd/2.5Ba condo for rent. $2100/mo + $3150 deposit. 6597 Santero Way, Cotati. Granite counters, 2 car gar. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913 3Br/2.5Ba condo for rent. $1995/mo + $3000 deposit. Revard, Cotati. Frig., W&D inc., newer unit, granite counters. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913 2Bd/1Ba 4plex for rent. $975/mo + $1450 deposit. 1 car gar., water & garbage incl. 6440 Country Club Apt B, SR. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913 3Br/2.5Ba duplex for rent. $1600/mo + $2400 deposit. 1512 Lance Dr., SR. Newer home, small yard, 2 car gar. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913 3Br/2Ba condo for rent. $1800/mo + $2700 deposit. 825 Vineyard Pl., Petaluma. Hills & Homes Property Management, 585-2913 !<?@ <A;2 Lost Cockatiel. Grey with yellow and orange cheeks. Last seen on 5/31/09 - “M” Section. Please call 707-292-8147. A?7;3??$==<>@A;7@73? Have your income, 401k and your retirement plans suffered during the current economic downswing? Would additional income help relieve your stress??? Stop talking about it and call today 707514-9814. 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Need to Settle State, Business, Payroll Tax Problems, Eliminate Penalties, Interest Charges, Wage Garnishments, Tax Liens! Call American Tax Relief 1-800496-9891. FREE, Confidential, No obligation, consultation. (Cal-SCAN) ><2, =8 *;< E ' ( *;,1 =8 9;25 1*70270 B8>; 627- -8.<7C= ,86. .*<25B /8; *6+< @18 95*,. * 1201 ?*5>. 87 ,8662=6.7= >= 7.@ /*,=< ,8>5- .6.;0. =1*= 6201= 9.;<>*-. B8> =8 ;.=1274 B8>; <2=>*=287 ) *'*( 9;25 =8 *B %12< 2< * 088- =26. =8 9>= =1*= /27. 8?27.C< .B. /8; +.*>=B =8 @8;4 27 ;. -.,8;*=270 B8>; 186. 8; @8;495*,. 7- -87C= /8;0.= =8 27->50. B8>;<.5/ 27 <86. 9.;<87*5 =26. *< @.55 ( $'% $ !,=8+.; =8 8?.6+.; 7.@ 8998;=>72=B <18>5- +. ,*;. />55B <=>-2.- = 6201= 8//.; <86. 8/ =1. =1270< B8>C?. +..7 5884270 /8; !; 2= ,8>5- ,87=*27 7.@ 98<<2+252=2.< B8> 7.?.; ,87<2-.;.- 1.,4 2= 8>= ( )) ' *( 8?.6+.; =8 .,.6+.; )8> 6201= 1*?. =8 @8;4 1*;-.; =12< @..4 =8 0.= 9.895. =8 52<=.7 =8 @1*= B8> 1*?. =8 <*B >= 2/ B8> <=*B @2=1 2= B8> ,8>5- <=*;= =8 0.= B8>; 6.<<*0. 8>= =8 6*7B +B =1. @..4C< .7- "# *B =8 >7. )8>; <.7<. 8/ 58B*5=B =8 <86.87. @18 *<4< /8; B8>; 1.59 2< ,866.7-*+5. >= 6*4. <>;. =1.;. *;. 78 27/8;6*=287 0*9< =1*= <18>5- +. /255.- 27 +./8;. B8> 68?. =88 /*; =88 :>2,45B %' $'# .,.6+.; =8 *7> *;B 5=18>01 /*625B 6*==.;< *0*27 =*4. >9 * +20 ,1>74 8/ =1. 8*=C< =26. =1. @..4 *5<8 8//.;< * ,1*7,. =8 .A 958;. * 7.@ ,*;..; 68?. B8>C- +..7 ,87=.695*=270 /8; * @125. # ' >7. =8 >5B 87C= 5.= -2//2,>5= 9.895. ;*2<. =1. ;*+C< 2;. 5.?.5< =12< @..4 ?82- =1.6 2/ B8> ,*7 / 78= ;.<2<= =.55270 =1.6 8// .?.7 2/ B8> =1274 =1.B -.<.;?. 2= %1270< 269;8?. +B @..4C< .7- &* ' *( *7>*;B =8 .+;>*;B 995B270 B8>; 9;*,=2,*52=B @1*= -8.< 2= 8//.; 6. *7- B8>; ,;.*=2?2=B 18@ ,*7 269;8?. 87 2= ,8>5- 9;8 ?2-. <8>7- ;.*<87< /8; <.;28><5B ,87 <2-.;270 =1*= 7.@ 8//.; ! $ >5B =8 >0><= )8>; <>< 92,287< *+8>= * ,855.*0>. 6201= +. 87 =1. 6*;4 >= B8> *5<8 ,8>5- +. 62< ;.*-270 =1. <207*5< B8> +.52.?. B8>C;. 0.==270 8 <86. -2<,;..= ,1.,4270 +./8;. 3>69270 =8 ,87,5><287< % ( ( .+;>*;B =8 *;,1 %1. <2705. <.= @255 /27- =1*= 4..9270 =1.2; ;86*7=2, *<92;*=287< 87 1201 02?.< >92- * +.==.; =*;0.= =8 *26 *= "*2;.- "2<,.< @255 /27- =1*= =12< @..4 1.59< ;.27/8;,. =1.2; ;.5*=287<129< + ' $ >0><= =8 $.9=.6+.; %*4. <86. =26. 8>= /;86 B8>; 6*7B =*<4< *7- <.. 2/ <86.87. 6201= +. =;B 270 =8 ;.*,1 8>= =8 B8> )8> ,8>5- +. <>;9;2<.- =8 5.*;7 @18 2= 2< *7- @1B B8> 6201= @*7= =8 ;.,29;8,*=. $'# ) ( , )8> +.52.?. 27 .7,8>;*0270 8=1.;< =8 -.6*7- =1. +.<= /;86 =1.6<.5?.< )8> @8>5- +. * /27. <98;=< ,8*,1 *< @.55 *< *7 .75201=.7.=.*,1.; ! ' $.9=.6+.; =8 !,=8+.; B "3>16/;27?3 />/53 (/93? Yard Sale Sat & Sun Aug. 29 & 30, 9-4. Furniture, tools, etc. 4390 Fairway Dr., RP. >A: !3??<;? 4<> !! ( "7?1 "3>16/;27?3 Treadmill, $30 obo, 585-3152. :=9<D:3;@ 39= ,/;@32 Rotisserie Convection Oven, $40. 585-8299. Queen size bedspread w/shams, skirt. Gold color with braid. $80.00. 585-8299 /99 Looking for enthusiastic, good natured people that are looking to earn money around their schedule in the fastest growing, most exciting industry on the planet...Travel! Part time or full time, great earning potential, benefits available, comprehensive training provided, discounted travel benefits included. For more information call today; (707) 514-9814 Urgent news for people who used a SHOULDER PAIN PUMP OVER 18? AVAILABLE to TRAVEL? Earn Above Average $$$ with Fun Successful Business Group! No Experience Necessary. 2wks Paid Training. Lodging, Transportation Provided. 1-877-646-5050. (Cal-SCAN) Pain pumps used after shoulder surgery deliver medication that can cause shoulder cartilage to deteriorate. If you or a loved one used a pain pump after shoulder surgery and still have pain and stiffness, call us now toll free at 1-800-THE-EAGLE for a free consultation about your potential claim. 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(Cal-SCAN) $ %# #$ $%" ! ! $ $ " $ " ) " % $ "# % $ #$ #$ " ' #$ ( $ " & %#$") $ ! $ "$ $ " % $ " $ " ! $ $ $# & !" # & $" !" & # % $ $" & $# % " " " $ $ ) BEXAR COUNTY Y - Mary A Ann nn W.. applied T Thera-Gesic hera-Gesic® pain creme creme to to her her sore sore shoulder shoulder and and hands hands and and felt felt so so great great she she decided decided to to start start a professional professional tug-of-war tug-of-war league. league. When When asked assked who would be the target target audience for or the new TOW TOW league, she painlesslyy replied, “None of your dang business!” ss!” ™ Endorsed by: " # " ! ! $ ! Call 584-2222 to place a • Garage Sales • Lost & Found • Merchandise under $800 A5A?@ )8> <=255 6201= @*7= =8 -8 68;. 27?.< =20*=270 +./8;. =*4270 87 * 7.@ ,86 62=6.7= *=.; @8>5- 78= +. =1. =26. =8 =;B =8 /255 27 *7B ,;>,2*5 0*9< 27 @1*= B8> 7..- =8 478@ *+8>= 2= (3>B713? $443>32 THG-09909 '<6;3>@ %/>8 FREE classified ad. # " " ! When One Just Isn't Enough... 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