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HaTorah of Thornhill • Ateres Yerushalayim • Atlanta Scholars Kollel • AZ Russian Programs • Bais Yaakov of Boston • Bais Yaakov of
LA • Bar Ilan University • Batya Girls / Torah Links • Bay Shore Jewish Center • Be'er Miriam • Belmont Synagogue • Beth Din • Beth
Jacob • Beth Jacob Congregation • Beth Tfiloh Upper School Library • Bnei Shalom • Borehamwood & • Elstree Synagogue • Boston's
Jewish Community Day School • Brandywine Hills Minyan • Calabasas Shul • Camp Bnos Agudah • Chabad at the Beaches • Chabad
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Chabad of Reston Herndon • Chabad of South Bay • Chabad of TCNJ • Chabad Russian Synagogue • Chai Center of West Bay • Chaye
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Congregation Beth Tikvah • Congregation BIAV • Congregation Eitz Chayim • Congregation Emek Bracha • Congregation Light of Israel
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Shearith Israel - Spanish Portuguese • Congregation Sons of Israel • Dallas Area Torah Association • Darchei Bina • Derech (Ohr Samayach)
• Derech Eitz Chaim • Edgware Adath Yisroel Congregation • Edgware Torah Centre • Etz Chaim • Etz Chaim Center for Jewish Studies
• EYHAT • Finchley Central United Synagogue • FZY • Hadley Wood Synagogue • Hakotel • Hampstead Garden Suburb Synagogue •
Organizations that have used
Torah Live materials
HANC • Hasmonean High School • Highgate Synagogue Cottage • HM Treasury • Immanuel College • JEWEL • Jewish Community Day
School in MA • Jewish Education Team, University Campuses in Chicago • Jewish FED of Greater Atlanta / Congregation Ariel • Jewish
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Israel • Kerem B’Yavneh • Kesher • / Your Jewish Connection • King David Linksfield Primary and High schools • King
David Primary school • Kisharon Day School • Lev Aharon • Lido Beach Synagogue • Lubavitch • Maalot • Maaseh Chiya • Mabat •
Machon Shlomo • Machon Yaakov • Manhattan High for Girls • Massada School • Mathilda Marks Kennedy Jewish Primary School • Me’or
HaTorah • Mechina Chemdas Binyomin • Menorah Grammer School for Boys • Menorah High School for Girls • Menorah Shul • Meor
• Me'or Hatorah • Meor Vision • Meor, Emory University • Mesivta • Mevaseret Yerushalayim • Michlala • Midreshet Rachel v'Chaya
College of Jewish Studies for Women • Midreshet Tehilla • Mir • Moshav Mattisyahu • Mount Kisco Hebrew Congregation • MTA • Naima
Primary School • Ner LeElef (Jkollel group) • Ner Yaakov • Ner Yisrael • Ner Yisrael • Netzach • Netzach Yisrael • Neve Yerushalayim •
New Hendon106
Shul • North Cheshire Jewish Primary School • North Hendon Adass • Northwood United Synagogue • Ohab Zedek • Ohr
Penina • Ohr Samayach • Ohr Eliyahu • Orot Etzion School • Partners in Torah • Passaic • Phoenix Hebrew Academy • Pninim Seminary •
• Raanana Community Kollel • Rabbi Jacob Joseph School of Staten Island • Rabbi Reisman Yarchei Kalla • Rabbi
Senter • S.E.E.D (UK) • Sdei Chemed Camp • Sha’alvim • Sha'alvim for Women • Shaarei Shamayim • Shaarei Torah • Shapell's College •
46 Parkway Jewsih Center • Shulamith School of Brooklyn • Solomon Taylor Law Firm • St. John's Wood Synagogue • The
Sharfams • Shore
Jewish Enrichment Center • The Jewish Study Network • The Lauder Midrasha (Berlin) • The Seattle Kollel • The White Shul • Tiferes High
School for•Girls
school • Kisharon Day School • Lev Aharon • Lido Beach Synagogue
• Maalot • Maaseh Chiya • Mabat • Machon Shlomo •
Machon Yaakov • Manhattan High for Girls • Massada School • Mathilda Marks Kennedy Jewish Primary School • Me’or HaTorah • Mechina
Chemdas Binyomin • Menorah Grammer School for Boys • Menorah High School for Girls • Menorah Shul • Meor • Me'or Hatorah • Meor
Vision • Meor, Emory University • Mesivta • Mevaseret Yerushalayim • Michlala • Midreshet Rachel v'Chaya College of Jewish Studies for
Women • Midreshet Tehilla • Mir • Moshav Mattisyahu • Mount Kisco Hebrew Congregation • MTA • Naima Primary School • Ner LeElef
(Jkollel group) • Ner Yaakov • Ner Yisrael • Ner Yisrael • Netzach • Netzach Yisrael • Neve Yerushalayim • New Hendon Shul • North
Cheshire Jewish Primary School • North Hendon Adass • Northwood United Synagogue • Ohab Zedek • Ohr Penina • Ohr Samayach •
Ohr Eliyahu • Orot Etzion School • Partners in Torah • Passaic • Phoenix Hebrew Academy • Pninim Seminary • PricewaterhouseCoopers •
Raanana Community Kollel • Rabbi Jacob Joseph School of Staten Island • Rabbi Reisman Yarchei Kalla • Rabbi Senter • S.E.E.D (UK) • Sdei
Chemed Camp • Sha’alvim • Sha'alvim for Women • Shaarei Shamayim • Shaarei Torah • Shapell's College • Sharfams • Shore Parkway
Jewish Center • Shulamith School of Brooklyn • Solomon Taylor Law Firm • St. John's Wood Synagogue • The Jewish Enrichment Center •
The Jewish Study Network • The Lauder Midrasha (Berlin) • The Seattle Kollel • The White Shul • Tiferes High School for Girls / Bais Yaakov •
Tiferet Avot • Tomer Devorah • Torah Learning Center of Northbrook • Torah Links of Middlesex County • Torah Links of Monmouth • Torah
MeTzion • Torah Umesorah • Toras Emes • Toras Shraga • TRIBE • Tucson Hebrew Academy • United Synagoge Convention • Women of St.
Johns Wood • WOW (Kiruv org for young professionals) • Yachad Outreach Center • • Yavneh College • Yeshiva Shaarei Tzion • Yeshiva Toras
Chaim Toras Emes Academy of Miami • Yeshivas Ahavas Chaim • Yeshivas Beis Zion • Yeshiva Gedolah of LA • YULA • Yeshiva University
(YU) • Yeshivas Ohr Yaakov • Yesod • Yesodei Hatorah Yeshiva • Yisraelink • Young Israel Jamaica Estates • Young Israel of Brookline • Young
Israel of Cherry Hill • Young Israel of Northridge • Young Israel of Phoenix • Young Judaea / FZY Year Course
Top Row from Left to Right:
Ariel Bauer (Animator) • Aviv Vana (Videographer) • Rabbi Yitzchak Yudkovski (Lecturer)
Ben Katz (Film Director) • Gavriel Horan (Public Relations) • Rabbi Yisrael Stilerman (Halachic Advisor)
David Komer (Programmer) • Eli Veffer (Special FX) • Josh Goldberg (Creative Director)
Yossie Weiss (Program Manager)
Bottom Row from Left to Right:
Mrs. Becky Roth • Rabbi Dan Roth (Founder)
Rabbi Yitzchak Berkovits (President) • Rabbi Nochum Stilerman (Trustee)
Mrs. Denah Stilerman (Editor)
Letters of Recommendation
Bringing our Heritage
to Vivid Color
Mishpacha: Feature Article
Jewish Family weekly
Rabbi Dan Roth insists that he never wanted to be the star of any show.
So why do the popular educational videos produced by his company, Torah Live, often feature Rabbi Roth
going to the ends of the earth, literally, to bring Torah concepts to life for today’s generation?
The answer, he says, can be found in a commentary on Pirkei Avos that few people have read
by Yonoson Rosenblum.
Photos: Ouria Tadmor, Yitz Russek, Torah Live Archives
Full article available on
Full article available on
Hamodia: Feature Article
Front Cover Article from Hamodia.
Rabbi Dan Roth in the Judean Desert filming
Torah Live’s “Sukkos: The Ultimate Shelter.”
Full article available on
Full article available on
Our Clientele
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Over 300 organizations across the world have enjoyed the Torah Live material...
51. Congregation Ohr Torah
Agudath Israel of Madison 52. Congregation Shaarei Simcha 2.
Ahava V’achva 3.
Ahavas Torah 4.
Aish HaTorah of Cleveland 5.
Aish HaTorah of Denver 6.
Aish HaTorah of Detroit 7.
Aish HaTorah of NY 8.
Aish HaTorah of Philadelph 9.
Aish HaTorah of St Louis New York
Staten Island
New York
53. Congregation Shaarei Tefilla
54. Congregation Shearith Israel
New York
55. Congregation Sons of Israel
Las Vegas
56. Dallas Area Torah Association Detroit
57. DRS / Hebrew Academy of Long Beach (HALB) Woodmere
New York
St. Louis
58. Emek Hebrew Academy Teichman Family California
59. Emet Outreach New York
60. Etz Chaim Baltimore/Owings Mills
10. AJOP Association of Jewis Outreach Programs New York
61. Etz Chaim Center for Jewish Studies
11. Arie Crown Hebrew Day Sch
62. HANC 12. Atlanta Scholars Kollel Chicago
13. AZ Russian Programs Phoenix
14. Bais Yaakov of Boston Boston
15. Bais Yaakov of LA 16. Batya Girls / Torah Links 17. Bay Shore Jewish Center 18. Beth Din of LA 19. Beth Jacob 20. Beth Jacob Congregation Los Angeles
63. Hebrew Discovery Center 65. Ida Crown Jewish Academy 66. Jewish Community Day School
67. Jewish Education Team
Bay Shore
68. Jewish Family Expierence 69. Jewish FED of Greater Atlanta
72. Jewish Learning Initiative on Campus JFI 73. Jewish Routes
27. Calabasas Shul 28. Camp Agudah for Boys 29. Camp Bnos Agudah Atlanta
71. Jewish Learning ExperienceGreat Neck
26. Brandywine Hills Minyan Cleveland
24. Bnos Yisroel of Baltimore Chicago
22. Beth Tfiloh Upper School 25. Boston’s Jewish Community
70. Jewish Inspiration Monsey
21. Beth Tfiloh Middle School 23. Bnei Shalom Los Angeles
64. Hillel Day School of Boca RatonFlorida
Los Angeles
Nassau County
74. Joan Dachs Bais Yaakov 75. Keneseth Beth Israel Los Angeles
76. / Your Jewis ConnectionMinneapolis
77. LAJ California
78. Lido Beach Synagogue New York
79. Los Angeles Unified School Detroit
St Louis Park
Los Angeles
Lido Beach
Los Angeles
80. Lubavitch Milford
81. Maalot New York
31. Chabad Chayil Miami
82. Magen David Yeshiva High School
New York
32. Chabad of Howard Beach Howard Beach
83. Manhattan High School for GirlsManhattan
33. Chabad of Lake Encino 84. Mayaan Torah Day School 30. Chabad at the Beaches 34. Chabad of Las Cruces & So
PonteVedra Beach
Las Cruces
85. Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy
35. Chabad of Reston Herndon Reston
86. Meor, Emory University 36. Chabad of South Bay 87. Mesivta Hidden Hills
37. Chabad of TCNJ 38. Chabad Russian Synagogue
39. Chai Center of West Bay 40. Columbus Torah Academy Lomita
88. Moises Attias Miami
Los Angeles
89. Mount Kisco Hebrew Congergation Mt. Kisco
90. MTA Manhattan
91. NCSY Baltimore
92. New England Academy of Torah (N.E.A.T)
42. Congregation Ahavat Israel Fairfax
93. New England Hebrew Academy Providence
43. Congregation Beit Hillel of Flatlands
94. NJOP 41. Congregation Agudath Sholom
44. Congregation Beth Abraham
45. Congregation Beth Jacob of Irvine 46. Congregation BIAV 47. Congregation Eitz Chayim Stamford
New Jersey
Overland Park
West Hempstead
48. Congregation Emek Bracha Palo Alto
49. Congregation Light of Israel Rochester
50. Congregation Ohav Shalom
95. Noam School 96. Ohab Zedek Manhattan New York
New Jersey
New York
97. Ohr Eliyahu Los Angeles
98. Or HaChaim Academy
Los Angeles
99. Ohr Somayach (Monsey) New York
100. Partners in Torah Detroit
101. Passaic Torah Institute Passaic
102. Phoenix Hebrew Academy Phoenix
158. Moriah College 103. Portland Kollel Portland
159. Shaarei Youth Melbourne
160. Yesodei Hatorah Winter Camp Melbourne
104.Providence Hebrew Day School 105. Rabbi Alexander S. Gross Hebrew AcademyFlorida
106. Rabbi Jacob Joseph Schoo Staten Island
107. Rabbinical Council of America
108. Rohr Middle School Florida
109. Rutgers Jewish Experience New York
110. Shaarei Torah Brooklyn
111. Shaarei Tzion Boys School New Jersey
112. Shaarei Tzion Girls School New Jersey
113. Shore Parkway Jewish Center Staten Island
114. Shulamith School of Brooklyn
115. Sinai School New Jersey
116. Temple Beth Torah New York
117. The Institute for Jewish Ethics
118. The Jewish Enrichment Center
119. The Jewish Study Network Palo Alto
120. The Kehilla Seattle
121. The Seattle Kollel Seattle
122. The White Shul Far Rockaway
123. Tifereth Moshe New York
124. Torah Academy Boca Raton
125. Torah Day School of Atlanta
126. Torah Day School Seattle Seattle
127. Torah Learning Center of Northbrook
128. Torah Links of Middlesex County
East Brunswick
129. Torah Links of Monmouth Monmouth
130. Torah U’mesorah New York
131. Torah Umesorah Brooklyn T
New York
132. Toras Emes Los Angeles
133. Tucson Hebrew Academy Tucson
134. WOW (Kiruv org for young professionals)
135. Yachad Outreach Center 136. Yeshiva Atlanta High School
137. Yeshiva Derech HaTorah Atlanta
New York
161. Yesodei Hatorah Yeshiva Melbourne
162. Mabat S. Paulo
163. Ahavat Yisrael Hebrew School
164.Aish HaTorah of Thornhill Toronto
165. Ateres Mordechai Toronto
166. Bais Yaakov Elementary School
167. Beth Rivkah Academy Montreal
168. Camp Aggudah for Girls Toronto
169. Chabad of Montreal Montreal
170. CLYO Montreal
171. Congregation Aish HaTorah
172. Congregation Beth Tikvah Victoria
Dollard Des Ormeaux
173. Edmonton Menorah Academ
174. Eitz Chaim Edmonton
175. Hebrew Academy of Cote Saint LucMontreal
176. Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project
177. Nefesh Dovid Toronto
178. Ohr Haemet Toronto
179. Partners in Torah Toronto
180. Shaarei Shamayim Toronto
181. Thornhill Woods Shul Toronto
182. Torah Umesorah Toronto Teacher Center
183. Toronto Cheder Toronto
184. Yeshiva Darchei Torah Toronto
185. Belmont Synagogue London
186. Borehamwood & Elstree Synagogue London
138. Yeshiva Gedola of Providence
187. Broughton Jewish Primary SchoolManchester
139. Yeshiva Gedolah of LA Los Angeles
188. Cockfosters United Synagogue
New Jersey
189. Edgware Adath Yisroel Congregation London
190. Edgware Torah Centre London
140. Yeshiva Summer Program 141. Yeshiva Toras Chaim
North Miami Beach
142. Yeshiva University (YU) New York
191. Etz Chaim School Manchester
143. Yeshivah Chaim Berlin New York
192. Finchley Central United Synagogue
144.Yeshivas Ohr Yaakov Baltimore
193. Hadley Wood Synagogue London
194.Hampstead Garden Suburb London
195. Hasmonean High School for Boys London
147. Young Israel of Bal Harbour Florida
196. Hasmonean High School for Girls
148. Young Israel of Brookline 197. Highgate Synagogue Cottage
145. Yisraelink 146. Young Israel Jamaica Estate
New York
149. Young Israel of Cherry Hill Cherry Hill
198. HM Treasury London
150. Young Israel of Northridge Northridge
199. Immanuel College London
200.JFS School London
201. JLE London
151. Young Israel of Phoenix Baltimore
Los Angeles
152. YULA
Los Angeles
202.Kesher 203. King David High School Australia
153. Carmel School 154. Hobart Shul London
204.King David Primary school Manchester
205.Kisharon Day School London
206.Manchester Jewish GrammarManchester
207. Mathilda Marks Kennedy Jewish Primary School
156. Leibler Yavneh Melbourne
208.Menorah Grammer School for Boys
157. Massada School Melbourne
209.Menorah High School for Girls
155. Kehillat Massada Synagogue
210. Naima Jewish Primary School
263.Midreshet Tehillah Jerusalem
211. Ner Yisrael London
264.Mir Jerusalem
212. Netzach Yisrael London
265. Moshav Mattisyahu Moshav Mattisyahu
213. New Hendon Shul London
266.Nachlas Akiva Shul Jerusalem
267. Ner LeElef Jerusalem
215. North Hendon Adass London
268.Ner Yaakov Jerusalem
216. Northwood United Synagoge London
269. Netzach Jerusalem
217. Pardes House London
270. Neve Yerushalayim Jerusalem
218. Phone and Learn (PaL) London
271. Ohr Penina Jerusalem
219. PricewaterhouseCoopers London
272. Ohr Somayach Jerusalem
220.Solomon Taylor Law Firm London
273. Orot Etzion School 221. South Hampstead Cheder London
274. Pninim Seminary 222.St. John’s Wood Synagogue
214. North Cheshire Jewish Prim
275. Raanana Community Kollel Raanana
223.The Torah Way Manchester
276. Sdei Chemed Camp Telzstone
224.The Torah Way London
277. Sha’alvim for Women Jerusalem
278. Shapell’s College Jerusalem
226.TRIBE Manchester
279. Sharfmans Jerusalem
227. United Synagoge Convention
280.Sha’alvim Sha’alvim
228.Women of St. Johns Wood London
281. Tiferes Chaim Jerusalem
229.Yavneh College London
282. Tiferet Avot 225. Tiferes High School for Girls
230. Jewish Expierence Frankfurt
231. The Lauder Midrasha Berlin
232.Yeshivas Beis Zion Berlin
233. Aderes HaTorah Jerusalem
235. Aish HaTorah of Jerusalem Jerusalem
236.Ateres Yerushalayim Jerusalem
237. Bais Yaakov of Har Nof Jerusalem
238. Bar Ilan University Jerusalem
239. Be’er Miriam Jerusalem
240.Camp Emes Jerusalem
241. Chaye Israel Jerusalem
242.Chochmas Lev Jerusalem
243.Darchei Bina Jerusalem
244.Derech (Ohr Somayach) Jerusalem
245.Derech Eitz Chaim Jerusalem
246.EYHAT Jerusalem
247. FZY Jerusalem
248.Hakotel Jerusalem
249.JEWEL Jerusalem
250. Kerem B’Yavneh Yavneh
251. Lev Aharon Jerusalem
252. Maaseh Chiya Jerusalem
253. Machon Shlomo Jerusalem
254.Machon Yaakov Jerusalem
255. Me’or Hatorah Jerusalem
256. Mechina Chemdas Binyomin Ramat Bet Shemesh
257. Menorah Shul Ramat Bet Shemesh
258. Meor Jerusalem
259. Meor Vision Jerusalem
260.Mevaseret Yerushalayim Jerusalem
261. Michlala Jerusalem
262.Midreshet Rachel Jerusalem
284.Toras Shraga Jerusalem
285. Yeshivas Ahavas Chaim Jerusalem
286.Yesod Jerusalem
287. Young Judaea / FZY Jerusalem
288. Aish HaTorah of Mexico Mexico City
234.Afikei Torah Efrat
283. Tomer Devorah 289. Shevet Achim Mexico City
290.Torah for Life Mexico City
291. Torah MeTzion Moscow
South Africa
292. Hirsch Lyons Boys High School
293. Hirsch Lyons Girls High School
294.King David Linksfield High School
295. King David Linksfield Primary School
296.King David Victoria Park Johannesburg
297. Kollel Yad Shaul Johannesburg
298.Maharsha High School Johannesburg
299.Ohr Samaych Glenhazel Johannesburg
300.Ohr Samaych Savoy Johannesburg
301. Torah Academy Boys High School
302.Yeshiva College Boys High School
303. Yeshiva College Girls High School
304.Yeshiva College Primary Sc
305.Noam School Zurich
Michael & Bettina Bradfield
in loving memory of
Susi & Fred Bradfield
Danny & Anita Chai
in loving memory of
Mordechai ben Binyamin
Stuart & Stephanie Ronson
Conrad & Ruth Morris
David & Karine Morris
Sara Jo & Shlomo Ben Zvi
Liz Pushett
Schreiber Charitable Trust
in loving memory of
in loving memory of
Chaim Schreiber
Betty & Maurice Birnbaum
and Esta & Jack Ronson
Sara Schreiber
Ruthie & Graham Morris
Judy Schreiber
David & Ruthie Schreiber
Dr. Allan & Susie Seidenfeld
in loving memory of
Simcha Seidenfeld
The Maurice & Vivienne Wohl
Philanthropic Foundation
in loving memory of
Maurice & Vivienne Wohl
Professor David & Hannah Latchman CBE
Sir Ian & Lady Carmel Gainsford
Daniel & Helen Dover
Kate Goldberg
Miguel & Fabiana Abadi
Simon & Aliza Baum
in loving memory of
Eduardo & Leticia Azar
Michael & Karine Bloch
in honor of their children
Chaya Miriam bas Baruch
Eitan Arie, Yoel Reuven
and Tali Myriam
Graham & Belinda Calvert
Jeremy & Ruthie Finn
In loving memory of
Baruch Ben Meir
Rachel Rivka bas Shmuel
Moshe Yosef ben Eliyohu
Frimmette bas Mordechai Markel
Family Foundation
for the success of
in loving memory of
Salomon & Selma Bollag
Jonny & Ayala Finn
in loving memory of
Yehuda, Yacov,
Meira and Shira Finn
Yaakov & Reizel Brenner
David & Nina Landau
Moshe & Lissie Morris
by Stuart & Andrea Hytman
Josh & Chaya Portman
Zvi & Betty Ryzman
in loving memory of
in loving memory of
R’ Yisroel ben
R’ Aharon Chechik
Ronnie & Ralou Stern
in honor of the birth
of their grandson
Noah Eliyahu
R’ Yehoshua Heshel & Halina
Sheindal Ryzman and R’ Aharon
Yaakov Kornwasser
Motty & Batya Richman
Emmanuel & Lucile Timsit
Aaron & Ellen Wolfson
in honor of their children
in loving memory of
Yonathan, Liel, Noai & Auria
Zev Ben Avraham Wolfson
Rabbi Daniel & Maria
Aaron & Susie Bleeman
Dafna & Pierre Alain
Rabbi Marcel & Chaya
Danny & Tova Fluss
Josy & Judy Frei
Alan & Yvette Goldberg
Philip & Suzy Goldberg
Daniel & Sharon Green
Jake & Devorah
Eli & Barbara Grossman
David & Shani Hager
Anthony & Michal
Avrumi & Mitzi Heller
Feivel & Lily Heller
Arieh Hirsh
Jonathan & Karen
Richard & Beverly
Rabbi Doron & Bina
David & Denise Joseph
Gerald & Joani Kaplan
Danny & Eve Kelaty
Ricky & Aviva Klein
Nachum & Michal
Daniel Lyons
Yeshaya & Chava Maslin
Shulie & Ahuva Meyer
Rabbi Avrohom &
Miriam Miller
Berele & Tammy Morris
Anthony & Lauren
Josy & Sara Orenstein
Rabbi Joel & Shelly
Aryeh & Yocheved
Benjamin & Shani Perl
Yonason & Esther Perl
Philip & Gila Pfeffer
David & Chaya Rabson
David Romanovsky
Ben & Natalie
Avi & Shoshana Rowe
Zevi & Lilliane Samel
Harry & Anna Schimmel
Aryeh & Nani Schreiber
Barry & Bonnie
Bruno & Karen Serfaty
Marvin & Judy Sigler
Moshe & Aviva Sigler
Shmulie & Estee Stern
Yosef & Ruchi Stern
Hershy & Rina Stimler
Peter & Janice
Thierry Weill
Rabbi & Rebbetzin
Moshe Weinberger
Barry Weiss
Sponsorship Opportunities
To date, the Torah Live videos have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times in more than 100 cities
worldwide (New York, Atlanta, London, Munich, Sydney, Johannesburg, Jerusalem, etc.) to both secular and
religious audiences.
The list of presentations below are available for dedication. Sponsors have the option of creating a tribute
video about their loved one that will be included as part of the presentation. That way the person’s life legacy
can live on for generations to come, inspiring Jews across the globe.
1. Charity: The Ultimate Investment
2. Chesed: The Ultimate Kindness
3. Hachnosas Orchim
4. Judging Others Favorably
5. Leadership: The Ultimate Responsibility part II
6. Tefillin: The Ultimate Bond
7. Blessings: The Ultimate Acknowledgment
8. Success: The Ultimate Tools for Life
9. Shatnez: The Ultimate Divide
10. Jealousy: The Ultimate Drive
11. Utensils: The Ultimate Adventure
12. Sukkot: The Ultimate Shelter
13. Kosher: The Ultimate Diet
14. Yichud: The Ultimate Safeguard
15. Sabbath: The Ultimate Treasure
16. Chanukah: The Ultimate Dedication
17. Anger: The Ultimate Challenge
18. Advertising & Honesty
19. Laws of Loans and Interest (Ribbis)
20. Drug Abuse and Addiction
21. The Making of a Hero: Character Development
22. Wisdom of the Hebrew Alpha Bet
23. The Temple Mount: Past and Present
24. Jewish Life Cycle: From Cradle to Grave
25. Land of Israel: Intrinsic Holiness
26. Putting the Holy Back into Holiday: Yom Tov
27. Higher Living: Emunah and Bitachon
28. Tzitzis
29. Prayer
64% of people will watch until the
end of a 30 minute infomercial while
only 20% will read until the end of
an article.
-The Zen of Social Marketing
Torah was given in 70 languages
because each student should be
taught in the language they best
understand. Today, for many people,
one of the foremost languages is the
ability to show Torah in a way that is
alive before the student’s eyes.
-Rabbi Noach Orlowek
The Ribono Shel Olam has given
our generation the knowledge and
ability to produce vivid images and
productions which stimulate the mind
and impress upon one’s memory. It is
important that this be used for pure
purposes to further Torah knowledge
and mitzvah observance.
-Rabbi Yisroel Reisman
“The kids loved it! Torah Live’s
cutting edge makes Judaism
come alive for students and
teachers alike. There are a lot
of Torah-tech organizations
out there but none that are
as comprehensive and user
friendly as Torah Live. If only
you had more presentations.”
“Torah Live communicates
with people in a language
they understand and enjoy.
A visionary and imaginative
presentation which engages
young people in an exciting and
professional way.”
“It was amazing to see how
powerfully and quickly the
material and its mode of
presentation captured the
hearts and minds of my
“They were awed by the fact
that Torah can be presented
in such a state of the art,
sophisticated manner. It is
incredible to be able to teach
such a complex area of halacha
in a way that both beginners
and advanced students grasp
something on their level. It’s
really bringing the greatness of
Torah to the community.”
- Ryan Basserabie of Massada
School in Sydney commenting
on Chanukah presentation
- Rabbi Anthony Manning of
Baer Miriam commenting on
Success presentation
- Rabbi Yosef Tropper of
Yeshiva Ketana commenting
on Mezuzah and Success
- Rabbi Yaakov Vann of the
Calabasas Shul commenting on
Mezuzah presentation
20 Sheshet Hayamim, Jerusalem, 97804 • [email protected] • +972-544-624-093 •

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