DAVTD DUNTAPMTNSS Vol. 5, rto. I =rrErriHli Sugust 29 t L972 EDITORIII, rtltl.! t. 8i!8tt lota ot so' t]. u[tlttig vr.!,eattltg rloDt! t!. lfrig tllt . aet1;lc .t d rarDer ot &. ta.obt1,g a raiaaDla lnll velT-ltt t. gl.IPr rJlllar aotarDJe. S!ltlth la rscrdrlt rouac. lacotlag of . lta.! ot lrca lld Soloace, '',r ?Eofarrot of t.tbarrt lst atd r'.l| GDr caardrrD ttpJD. cluh thsn tl rad . corPrllo! rlt! cttrblag tcc. &|'oclod of,t a Tcllgo bg tsllla', g,h.rt t* ar G&a rstrttt tac'a eo 'ona ot ur ar orlg tcll rill t' tn h€ v., ')9to9'd r|r sld.rtrldurt., of tiJJ a'|A 1915 ,hra r rlilc ra !.d got. to c.a.lta lluttaE t&a ,rtl .G cl. obt.avacozg. t t P lt| tio o,| t!. t ahootbog t fv/gc. 9!.a .na otrgod to .lrotl tJlc it ,otoaGa ta ttc c;,rtt 4,0'8. lt tlrt vattotcitg coa;,,1ra.t t!. 'alt/, oos''tc. pr. larat chc taoonA-gcr8 rttroiory tolg J.a glvlig D. ot gro ot the ttudtatt, Dy tDe .DJIttg ltgtctscd bclag pattloilerlg oat ',,,t Bllt ongTogtcaC. clcr tl'.t pettiiata Dr. logl^g {o ottct ot Dapr,tt'''nt r tta of c&rtt !,o, Drtr. etotgc ?h|fip, ttt otltt i.t& atlot. |l|d t.s a ltak, o rrGDcr o,.ar';g boy rlch G'..r,a',itoat 'rutg t.nlct oae i. ball obtatttr| tt aD rlad. rad a Drlll,rat .lthrJ.rr aogFoEtapb, tDong!. -gll7 rt rar botosa rr Drd .t a'Fotu,ra r t.r o! tha .t -utvellottl tha .za eoalllttont ltt .bolt raa ,o ogtlattata taa .'ttotc' J! llr C6c ttrt.4 a',A.t-.r99tad ',e..lag' tA.c A. flegsrnGlg D'',ft. Caotga atpaotattg c;,ee aagbodg l1ra to gc-t to'a tl,.ctaog.rr Donar luaa! detl1,g Dr &adr rllct a oa;.tooa !aDD9 Z aito r.rarD.r 'rd ba roold tol. doJt to tle ,.ttto.A"tr'slt anl !.a tha .raatagt tt..!-?or'r'd cb. toa, of t, il *o t'',.lght oopg tlr l!r'.tt t&rt D. !c orglalard r.g ag tb. ga.A.. rld t&at 9ufled t!.tr trliar t,.fox..tro0. of aozt tblt cxo',auged rrr I rcrDr i of t oreb Jho'a rcrD.r, Dltl f'o,nt')d' e . o l- l! tDa Dtrt htrd ,,ottxtolt .t tstroto' Att t btt doato8.t. ot t Dt?e',tt9 t!. .t ,,ad LEil. tuarrg Da.uA. tcod.' tt Ccro. ncr..ta! la Ltltr.ctot ot Dag.8tr.!t t.l Ga r.turdrt ttrDsrrtr b.tot. t963. tlllt' l't! il latc tour. o! lugutt It . larortrl r.'?lao tr ttctob'd Clatgt',,.a, t?t ar ^'/glto.D tot', t @ttar. 8oor-!rca, pro 'p''tl tbca ?bo,;th p,latlultt dD.r'rct.8. ot Dtrttt .ttrr.rttrt -pot" ' tDrg ttee .g'p,sttc', r ua.. thl;lgc Jtltz. h. t.!a, la to'[ .rA t"tna fatalantloa''ttb Dl',ltt clo'rt ttlonllt. rcaaland tttagt t'attbte . toa . GaEr.da ltto tr.ffl e h,,' bata olrrlatt.d ot rccot ptotttct.ttoato s&rat th radllrr rgrt.r trut?oaG.tion geat.l rtt boauAtatt GDt, orn . o.t !!tti ttaftTc. etattt l'ttL Ett b;;ttt'rat cttap.trg. 1,ad toantsla caetgg louiA ts ?stI.G ta l1*Ilg cu'dl'a gottfdaa .toag ltr | 8.4D. oc.A rratlllrtlorl .lta.d rtld |rrt!a!aGtotalt. tJll , ooapt ot to'''Xbt tgo rboa Dt. gor.n 8og, eoagtttlfutrd tllci tacour"ttt|'c bulb.,sdt t trt llt oa hlt caacl''t he ',t.lil tDlt-rt tt lt t Ptag ch.t ta.t o.t .t lr. G.r..8. tLto rn .aad.dq I€d !I! ba.r ,o tr.Ut a'''.r9 ta8dr.t.d. iI .F.8. OD''EEVT'6 9lrr.l &Qgto4 a.gtoa Drr Dcca rdd.d to t&e r. rprcts.l ri t.rlrtt at!,27 .tothor g''.ttag -ot l2O0 -gEoovct /t8 n r ^ ol ?the 7a-taoh. rFotiogt,llth Et.tlAE t.Eton Lftr l11 tD. rlrsal g!?.t ot t6 . dltto8.toa ll1,ioa ippc6elttietg bg .Atg,ttcA .aA ,.t .y.U, (-leOO-CeOOli *thh tat, DL.t t. il. Dr llecr,table rttl t I arr oorga clroa to1,tg! btt. nct;1l .nA tottoa. Dz. g.aget ,,la''.d, J!t, toot b. t .dg tot ata. Drt tla D., ,trtar plrt t. tag frrt coilrNos ailD 00m08 I.ooal's attcndln8 thl A.A.g. D.etlng at il1chtgtn Statc Aug-'-f5-f8 rcrc D!r-. Uogg, oa,rrf!6n, Bolton, Ialborn-, 9an-v?f, Barly eng f,athlc !{edorr. noclfr-$rcm11t. Dave Uanie e4a BoE Harklns. Co-author of pipiri'rirc-irr. Oapir6n (on'ICBD-31'1701, a ncrly-dlroogcred Fe-rtsh -Suiiuod;ua ud Dr. Roetlcr and Bob Harklnr (rlth othena' on O-etar-), ttjciio, gL Lao &nd ei 28?n). Dr. ver den Ecrxb rctut'aart lalt ros} frou an obtcrvlag !9f!ton lollng onty onc ntEltt of 3l8ht snil on thc ?aiolar l8-rnoh-8ohntdt, taaiuac of clouog but-beoe$C of an unurual tand !tot! rblch afui:;ot caulGd flnG dutt to rettlc on tb3 rountaln. Gontfd . . $ ,}{ Dng. Oar:'lson and van den Bergh. w1ll, attend IAU SynpoBluri No. trFrobl,ens on of Callbnatton of Abaolute !{sgnltudes and Tenpetatuneg 54 of Stang[ ln Oeneva, Sept. X2-15. Tom Eolton slll attend IAU &lattetl. Synpocl.wo No. 5I on rr8ltended At'noapbereg and ClrcunsteUar 5.n Speotnoeoopla Blnatly 9ystenert near Vlatorla on Sept. 5-12. SEIIINANS AuggstOn the 16th, fugh Rose epolce on rrFadl,o SourceS wlth Lol Frequency Cut-offr. At a Spestroroopy Lruoh on the 22nd, Austln Gulllyer Slnaer apoke on rt0ullLverctg Reuarkable Ap Etar ED 51418n. atrd;Iaok IAu coltoqulun No. 21 trVanlable stalrB ln Otobular CIuEterE plaoe Aug. 29-31. and ln Relatcd Syotensn, tr taklng SeDteeb€r No seotnars hav€ been arerang€d for September as yet. PAPSRSSUSMITTEDFOR PTIBTTCATION C.$. Bolton - ItDlmenslons of the Blna^ry Syst€n HDE 225868 . C8€inusX-lr S. van den Bergh - rPlanctary llebulae, &alaatlc llalon. Clusters and the tarrtng . itorr r| Petca Js t.tglcd .l l'ettct f.rol! JoAr Pea€ry ylo .repor tt tDtt tl. fr&llg ;roha gu.rt.rr Sngltaa. rt t 5.Ir9 a ea'd.aa t c.sbrtitE.. lrr erecllnat anll tactltttcs atc€z.tent, the atatt trtaallly flails thc obtetyato'g rt tl| tofa Jnto Crr. halgtu, aad Srrc ,tezgtag of tbc 'oZA' obt.watorJrr tr.trtutc,Io'ly s€ry tat.rar ttrg. tl'.. P.tcy tt ea&brtatg. of Phgatotogg. Pott-aoa t&a lnc tr*tltrto of trlrt.2 settllag la at t rC Ggnctd $ * * -4- 8A XonD.ita I I.tC'' t'ot 3. E. .Ed. falladg y&o &.r tust r.trarelt f'|o,! t vtatt to tta trt rJ tt!.! 7'bcra b. trrctod dcD.a cota ',td-lgth o.ltury tawcgl'g rrtt.?u!.!tr rad goatraued rr t! iJr aararrca lz tJ,e cr.r.ea of tDa er8lg C.|lrdlr! .rtrororaa. Dtgaoae ;taoh. cooqltyladl, corp.rgtrtrt I tactar to GDr Dt'Gato? fao! fa. 6r.&al rflota, ot goc'!.tg tLloh lr gr.att'.g tha coanlrt tallt Etototlo.r, to aa!!.r!orrt. ttr.,5OCD aaalrar'rrg ot the tattt tg of tic ltart fu th.oty at tic s,.E-t. 2t. t922 oolt,pto of Cho rua .t Gooaillslall! (!n eaceic lr,tdl by Sydn y obsatt.tor9 (!a nott turtr.Itr, trd rt f,rllrt Dy tlc val7|atZtq of tloaooto. ',t. toait t''*cil tot .|rt lrt..r.tlrc rDt aD tZ oot2d ',o!,c. ra r.Jrt eogj ot 27 '!ot Dt. CD.!t'r .lGoDrogt p!9 .!C of tD. p.p.r .Dy Dr. toa,ig tad htt t! puD. D.t.o. toa lglb Ia -Atal G&ag .a.lg'cd Gi.l .s r.ruttr. s[xscEI&At{Eous Tbe Fourth fntennatlonal neeting of Planetar!.rm Dlrectorg nag held ln lforonto durtng the week of July 23. lrlre delegates vtslted the Obsenvatony on the P3rd belng reaitved by Dr.-and lrlrc. MacRaeand shoun around by Gretahen Haget who rere, iatlr in the day' _guests of the Zelss Conpany at thCtr reaeptloi and dlnner for the delegat€o. El.ected Banr.y Madone haa been olected to the Councll of the $chool of Oraduate $tudles and w111 serve on lte Exe'sutlve Connlttee. tseneaved Orr cywathy ts o:tendcd to Dr. Scaqulot rhors fatbGr illod ln _Vencouycr on August 14. Uarrteal Phtltppe Telllet to Elalne lleyer ln Ottara on June L5. KayLI Lake to Joanne flobyn ln Tononto on Auguet 12. aonttd . . . i5* .[Bpolntments \* v> Dr " peterl !{artln has reponted for duty as AseLstant Professor ln Astronomlr_ at ^$carborough Coiiige. Dr. Manttn gnaduated firom u, of T. ln 1969, - eannedf,re il.sel tn f969 enf, necentty completed hls doetorate at Cambrtttge, Dr. Scaqulst,! -been appotntrcnt ar Assoctata Chrtman of th6 Dcparttrsnt hac ooniiruec. Xoulr Fortlcf, who ta aonplettng hle llagterrs th€Els aG bas besn_appointcd part-tine-I.eEtu!.er- at Saartorough CoIIege, Y:I.9: rhe-po8t yaoetcd bv h. Bolton rrro noveg to Eialnd;i;-ia-E-irstant Profescor. InJursd shsrla snol*in rhg only raaently rctur'$ed fuo a laf,arl tour , of Eart Afrtaa rlth ber lusoaird nae ifi nrgro*uni-io le-invorree "shi-suiiereo tn a.notor accldent 9n route to ronk on lwusi-ff. a cnaaked pelvle, has baen diactrerged^ftm u6sprtii, uuc-rrii-hare to lee'' to get anound wr anrtchei Seiore-returmrng to the lrbnarg. Eraelnad Chrlg Prltchet wag guccogEful. tn hLs Ph.D. general oral ?ranlnatl,on on August 4 . Invltatlong. Dr. yan dcn Bergh hag bcen lnvltsd,to glve two leoturea, one gn sept€nber 25 to the-Bohr rnstttutc rn copsfifiaestt-'on-niliuuuure Gonetant'!the otbsr to tbe neettng of ifre gieh frcqgy -Otilifon or the A.A.s. paaadener.gcqoqlr ;Girofri3-io;-fi;;" tn Formatlon Assoaletsit riur zE-,t,-;; of srar naClo Sni6ifonsr. OAIIAofftaers follore: craduats Btudcnts barr teccntly Preetdcnt, Earry Uadofe; seoretary-lbcasursr, Elll Marttn Dunaan; areoted the!,r ner offloerr as Vtoe-pregldent , Bob Dupnee; Hcnbat; oraduate studancre unlon xep., Staff tlleetl,ng Rep. , Deve Hanes. Born To Dr. and lfirs . llony Moffat (u. se, 1966) , a son n Bt Boahun, Gernany "