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Habitate cu valoare conservativă din Parcul Natural Bucegi Habitats with conservation value from Bucegi Natural Park Anca Sârbu (Coordonator / Coordinator) Anca Sârbu, Paulina AnASTASIu, Daniela SmArAnDAChE, Gabriela PASCAlE, Sanda lIţESCu, Daniela Clara mIhAI ˘ Habitate cu valoare conservativa din Parcul Natural Bucegi Habitats with conservation value from Bucegi Natural Park EDITurA CErES Această carte a fost realizată în cadrul proiectului internaţional: Adaptive management of climate-induced changes of habitat diversity in protected areas – HABITCHANGE, proiect implementat prin programul EUROPA CENTRALĂ şi cofinanţat de către ERDF. Universitatea din Bucureşti, în calitatea sa de partener, a susţinut realizarea acestei publicaţii, care se adresează habitatelor Natura 2000 din Parcul Natural Bucegi, România. Consultanță botanică: Dr. Ion Sârbu Fotografii: Anca Sârbu, Paulina Anastasiu, Victor Bortaş, Petronela Comănescu, Marius Negulici, Daniela Smarandache, Gabriela Pascale, Sanda Liţescu Foto coperta I: Anca Sârbu - Silene acaulis, Saxifraga oppositifolia, Dryas octopetala Foto coperta IV: Anca Sârbu - Platoul Bucegilor şi abruptul prahovean The present book was created in the frame of the international project: Adaptive management of climate-induced changes of habitat diversity in protected areas – HABITCHANGE, implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE, Programme cofinanced by the ERDF. The University of Bucharest, as partner in this project, supported the development of this publication, which address to Natura 2000 habitats, from Bucegi Natural Park, Romania. Botanical consulting: Dr. Ion Sârbu Photos: Anca Sârbu, Paulina Anastasiu, Victor Bortaş, Petronela Comănescu, Marius Negulici, Daniela Smarandache, Gabriela Pascale, Sanda Liţescu Photo cover I: Anca Sârbu - Silene acaulis, Saxifraga oppositifolia, Dryas octopetala Photo cover IV: Anca Sârbu - The Bucegi plateau and the Prahova Valley abrupt Descrierea CIP a Bibliotecii Naţionale a României Habitate cu valoare conservativă din Parcul Natural Bucegi = Habitats with conservation value from Bucegi Natural Park / Anca Sârbu (coord.); Anca Sârbu, Paulina Anastasiu, Daniela Smarandache, .... Bucureşti : Ceres, 2013 ISBN 978-973-40-0994-7 I. Sârbu, Anca II. Anastasiu, Paulina III. Smarandache, Daniela IV. Sârbu, Anca (coord.) 504.06(498)(23 Bucegi) 502.75(498)(23 Bucegi) 504.73(498)(23 Bucegi) EDITURA CERES / CERES PUBLISHER HOUSE www.editura-ceres.ro ISBN 978-973-40-0994-7 Primula halleri n Foto Anca Sârbu SUMAR Introducere ........................................................................................................... 8 Despre Parcul Natural Bucegi ................................................................................. 10 ˘ Habitat 4060 - Tufarişuri alpine şi boreale................................................................... 13 Habitat 4070* - Tufarişuri de Pinus mugo şi Rhododendron myrtifolium ......................... ˘ 27 Habitat 6150 - Pajişti boreale şi alpine pe substrate silicatice ................................... 33 Habitat 6170 - Pajişti calcifile alpine şi subalpine ....................................................... 50 Habitat 6230* - Pajişti de Nardus bogate în specii, pe substraturi silicatice ˘ .......................................... din zone montane (şi submontane, în Europa Continentala) 62 ˘¸ de liziera ˘ cu ierburi înalte higrofile, de la câmpie Habitat 6430 - Comunitati ˘ în cel alpin ......................................................................... şi din etajul montan pâna 74 Habitat 6520 - Fânete ¸ montane .............................................................................. 84 Habitat 8120 - Grohotişuri calcaroase şi de şisturi calcaroase din etajul ˘ în cel alpin (Thlaspietea rotundifolii) ....................................................... 101 montan pâna ˘ .......................... 111 ¸ stâncoşi calcaroşi cu vegetatie ¸ casmofitica Habitat 8210 - Versanti ˘ Habitat 9110 - Paduri de fag de tip Luzulo-Fagetum .................................................. 118 ˘ Habitat 9410 - Paduri acidofile de molid (Picea abies) din etajul montan ˘ în cel alpin (Vaccinio-Piceetaea) ........................................................................ 128 pâna ˘ Habitat 91V0 - Paduri dacice de fag (Symphyto-Fagion) .............................................. 145 Indexul plantelor inventariate ................................................................................... 157 Glosar de termeni ................................................................................................. 166 Bibliografie ............................................................................................................. 167 6 SUMMARy Introduction .................................................................................................................. 8 About Bucegi Natural Park .............................................................................................. 10 Habitat 4060 - Alpine and Boreal heaths ......................................................................... 13 Habitat 4070* - Bushes with Pinus mugo and Rhododendron myrtifolium ............................ 27 Habitat 6150 - Siliceous alpine and boreal grasslands ...................................................... 33 Habitat 6170 - Alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands .............................................. 50 Habitat 6230* - Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on siliceous substrates in mountain areas (and sub-mountain areas, in Continental Europe) .................................... 62 Habitat 6430 - Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plain and of the montane to alpine levels .................................................................................. 74 Habitat 6520 - Mountain hay meadows ........................................................................... 84 Habitat 8120 - Calcareous and calcshist screes of the montane to alpine levels (Thlaspietea rotundifolii) ........................................................................... 101 Habitat 8210 - Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation .............................. 111 Habitat 9110 - Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests ................................................................. 118 Habitat 9410 - Acidophilous Picea forests of the montane to alpine levels (Vaccinio-Piceetaea) ................................................................................. 128 Habitat 91V0 - Dacian beech forest (Symphyto-Fagion) ..................................................... 145 Index of inventoried plants ............................................................................................... 157 Glossary of Terms .......................................................................................................... 166 Bibliography ................................................................................................................... 167 7 Introducere Introduction Schimbările climatice se conturează din ce în ce mai mult ca o ameninţare semnificativă pentru plantele şi habitatele din ariile protejate şi nu numai. În acest sens, se preconizează ca, până la sfârşitul acestui secol, diversitatea plantelor din actualele arii protejate ale Europei să sufere reduceri majore. Climate change is increasingly emerging as a significant threat to plants and habitats from protected areas and beyond. Thus it is expected that by the end of this century plant diversity in the current protected areas of Europe will diminish considerably. Plantele manifestă anumite cerinţe faţă de mediu, cerinţe fundamentale pentru răspândirea şi asocierea lor, iar modificarea unor factori climatici, precum apa, temperatura, lumina, determină schimbări majore în condiţiile existente în actualele arii protejate, care devin astfel improprii pentru supravieţuirea multor specii. În acest context, ne aşteptăm, ca sub impactul schimbărilor climatice, să asistăm la reducerea diversităţii plantelor, modificarea compoziţiei specifice, a calităţii şi integrităţii multor habitate protejate. Implementarea conceptului de management adaptativ al ariilor protejate, ca răspuns la efectele schimbărilor climatice, se conturează din ce în ce mai mult ca o modalitate reală de reducere şi de amortizare a consecinţelor, iar fundamentarea ştiinţifică a stării actuale a habitatelor cu valoare conservativă şi a sensibilităţii speciilor componente, reprezintă o etapă preliminară obligatorie în dezvoltarea planurilor de management adaptativ. Plants have specific requirements in terms of their environment, and these requirements are fundamental for their spread and association. Changes in climate factors such as water, temperature, and light lead to major changes in the conditions present in the current protected areas, which thus become inadequate for the survival of many species. In this context, it is envisaged that under the impact of climate change plant diversity will be reduced, and the specific composition, quality and integrity of many protected habitats will suffer changes. The implementation of the concept of adaptive management of protected areas as a response to the effects of climate change is increasingly emerging as an effective way of reducing and buffering the consequences linked to climate change. The scientific understanding of the current state of habitats with a conservation value and of the sensitivity of the component species represents a mandatory preliminary step in 8 În acest context se înscrie şi prezenta lucrare, care se referă la Parcul Natural Bucegi şi aduce informaţii actualizate pentru douăsprezece tipuri de habitate Natura 2000 din categoriile tufărişuri, pajişti, stâncării şi grohotişuri, păduri şi comunităţi hidrofile. Ea se adresează atât Administraţiei Parcului Natural Bucegi şi factorilor de decizie de la nivel regional şi central, cât şi specialiştilor, cercetătorilor, studenţilor şi publicului larg. Lucrarea a fost fundamentată ştiinţific şi elaborată în cadrul proiectului European HABIT-CHANGE: Adaptive management of climate-induces changes of habitat diversity in protected areas, de către echipa Universităţii din Bucureşti, partener din partea României în acest proiect. Coordonator Prof. dr. Anca SÂRBU the development of adaptative management plans. This book fits into this context. It looks at Bucegi Natural Park and offers up to date information about twelve types of Natura 2000 habitats from the categories of heaths, grasslands, rocks and screes, forests and hydrophilic communities. It is addressed to the Administration of Bucegi Natural Park and to the decision-making factors at regional and central level, but also to specialists, researchers, students and the general public. The book was scientifically documented and developed in the framework of the European project HABIT-CHANGE: Adaptive management of climate-induces changes of habitat diversity in protected areas, by the team of the University of Bucharest, a partner on behalf of Romania of this project. Coordinator Prof. dr. Anca SÂRBU 9 Despre Parcul Natural Bucegi About Bucegi Natural Park Parcul Natural Bucegi (32.497,6 ha), arie naturală de interes naţional şi parte componentă a Sitului Natura 2000 Bucegi este localizat în partea estică a Carpaţilor Meridionali şi cuprinde în structura sa întregul Masiv Bucegi. Aşezat între Valea Prahovei, depresiunea Bârsei şi Leaota, masivul se etalează ca un arc muntos înalt, cu o diferenţă de nivel cuprinsă între 800 m și 2507 m, format din două ramuri inegal de late, care se prelungesc paralel pe o distanţă de cca 15 km, pe direcţia nord-sud. În partea nordică, ramurile converg într-un vârf muntos, situat în apropierea celui mai înalt punct al masivului (Vf. Omu 2507 m) şi închid între ele bazinul superior al râului Ialomiţa. Ramura estică a arcului muntos este considerată culmea principală a Masivului Bucegi. Aceasta se înalţă între Valea Prahovei şi Valea Ialomiţei şi se compune din două tipuri de forme de relief contrastante: versantul prahovean al Bucegilor şi platoul Bucegilor. Primul este un abrupt stâncos, care etalează creste zvelte, hornuri adânci şi brâne înierbate, iar al doilea este un podiş înalt (1600 – 2400 m), larg şi uşor ondulat. Constituţia geologică a Masivului Bucegi include şisturi cristaline peste care se suprapun depozite sedimentare mezozoice, reprezentate de calcare jurasice, conglomerate de Bucegi adesea bogate în material silicios şi gresii micacee. În partea centrală şi sudică a platoului Bucegilor, precum şi pe versantul vestic, apar pe suprafeţe însemnate, gresii micacee în strate subţiri (platoul Jepilor Mari, Jepii Mici, Piatra Arsă, Lăptici, Cocora, Furnica), în Bucegi Natural Park (32,497.6 ha), a natural area of national interest and part of the Natura 2000 Bucegi Site, is located on the eastern side of the Southern Carpathians and it includes in its structure the whole of the Bucegi Massif. 10 Located between the Prahova Valley, the Bârsa Depression and Leaota, the massif has the form of a high mountain arch, with a level difference between 800 m and 2507 m, formed out of two branches of different width, which extend parallel to each other for a distance of about 15 km, on the north-south direction. In the northern side, the branches converge in a mountain peak, situated near the highest point of the massif (Omu Peak 2507 m) and close between them the upper basin of the river Ialomiţa. The eastern branch of the mountain arch is considered the main peak of the Bucegi Massif. It stands between Prahova Valley and Ialomiţa Valley and consists of two contrasting types of relief: the Prahova slope of Bucegi and the Bucegi plateau. The first is a rocky abrupt which has a slender crest, deep towers and alpine ridges, and the second one is a high plateau (1600 – 2400 m), large and slightly wavy. The geological constitution of the Bucegi Massif includes crystalline schists on top of which there are Mesozoic sedimentary deposits, represented by Jurassic limestones, Bucegi conglomerates often rich in siliceous material, and micaceous sandstones. In the central and southern part of the Bucegi plateau, as well as on the western slope, there are on significant areas micaceous sandstones in thin layers (Jepii Mari plateau, Jepii Mici, Piatra Arsă, Lăptici, Cocora, Furnica). In the southern extremity of the massif, the micaceous sandstones replace almost completely the Bucegi conglomerates. By its position, the Bucegi Massif belongs to the cool, humid, and with sufficient snow mountain climate. However, the level difference and the diverse relief determine significant variations in the vertical distribution of the climate elements at the level of high peaks, slopes, plateau, valleys and glacial forms. The coldest month is January, and the hottest month is July. At high altitudes the climate is colder, the peaks being under negative temperatures for extended periods of time, the wind blows stronger, the solar radiation is more intense, and rainfall is usually higher, especially in winter and spring. The higher the altitude, the shorter the vegetation season; winter comes earlier, covering with snow almost entirely the alpine plateau of Bucegi from December to April. In winter, the phenomenon of thermal inversion occurs, which determines the increase of temperature on the high peaks and its decrease in depressions. The vegetation of the Bucegi Massif presents an altitudinal distribution on three levels of vegetation (mountain, subalpine and alpine), determined by the mountain relief and by the climate and edaphic factors. The flora is rich, with numerous endemic and rare elements, present in diverse natural habitats, which are valuable from a conservation point of view. Bucegi Natural Park currently shelters 24 types of Natura 2000 habitats from the following categories: rocks, heaths, swamps, grasslands, hydrophilic vegetation, deciduous, conifers and mixed forests. About 30% of the total of superior plants known in the Romanian flora can be found in these habitats, as well as a rich bryoflora and numerous species of lichens and fungi. timp ce în extremitatea sudică a masivului, gresiile micacee, înlocuiesc aproape în întregime conglomeratele de Bucegi. Prin poziţia sa, Masivul Bucegi se încadrează climatului de munte răcoros, umed şi cu zăpadă suficientă. Diferenţele mari de nivel şi relieful divers, determină însă variaţii semnificative în distribuţia pe verticală a elementelor climatice la nivelul culmilor înalte, a versanţilor, a podişului, a văilor şi a căldărilor glaciare. Luna cea mai rece din an este ianuarie, iar luna cea mai caldă este iulie. La altitudini mai mari, clima este mai rece, înălţimile aflându-se pentru mult timp sub temperaturi negative, vântul suflă mai puternic, radiaţia solară este mai intensă, iar precipitaţiile sunt adesea mai bogate, în special iarna şi primăvara. Cu cât altitudinea creşte, sezonul de vegetaţie se scurtează, iarna vine mai repede, acoperind aproape complet cu zăpadă platoul alpin al Bucegilor din decembrie şi până în aprilie. Iarna se semnalează adesea şi fenomenul de inversiune termică, care determină creşterea temperaturii pe culmile înalte ale muntelui şi scăderea acesteia în depresiuni. Vegetaţia Masivului Bucegi prezintă o zonare altitudinală în trei etaje de vegetaţie (montan, subalpin şi alpin), determinate de relieful muntos, de factorii climatici şi edafici. Flora este bogată, cu multe elemente endemice şi rare, prezente în habitatele naturale diverse şi valoroase din punct de vedere conservativ. Parcul Natural Bucegi adăposteşte astăzi 24 de tipuri de habitate Natura 2000 din categoriile stâncării, tufărişuri, mlaştini, pajişti, vegetaţie hidrofilă, păduri de foioase, de conifere şi mixte, în care regăsim aproximativ 30% din totalul plantelor superioare cunoscute în flora României, o briofloră bogată, şi numeroase specii de licheni şi ciuperci. Parcul Natural Bucegi este un loc care oferă cele mai spectaculoase, variate şi impresionante privelişti pentru iubitorii 11 naturii, dar şi un loc cu multe elemente floristice de mare însemnătate ştiinţifică şi de un deosebit interes pentru botanişti. De-a lungul timpului, numeroşi specialişti români (Ulrich Hoffmann, Zacharia Panţu, Dimitrie Grecescu, Alexandru Borza, Iuliu Morariu, Karel Domin, Ana Paucă, Constantin C. Georgescu, Petre Cretzoiu, Alexandru Beldie, Marcel Brandza, Gheorghe Grinţescu, Emilian Pop, Erasmus I. Nyárády ş.a.) şi străini (Johann Christian Baumgarten, Jozsef Barth, Vera Csapody, Victor von Janka, Carl Georg Theodor Kotschy, Ferdinand Albin Pax, Johann Iacob Römer, Janos Tuzson, Moritz Winkler, Julius Wolff ş.a.) au manifestat interes ştiinţific pentru flora şi vegetaţia Munţilor Bucegi. Platoul Bucegilor şi abruptul prahovean The Bucegi plateau and the Prahova Valley abrupt 12 Bucegi Natural Park is a place offering spectacular, varied and impressive sceneries for nature lovers, and it is also the home of numerous floristic elements of great scientific importance and of particular interest for botanists. Throughout time numerous Romanian specialists (Ulrich Hoffmann, Zacharia Panţu, Dimitrie Grecescu, Alexandru Borza, Iuliu Morariu, Karel Domin, Ana Paucă, Constantin C. Georgescu, Petre Cretzoiu, Alexandru Beldie, Marcel Brandza, Gheorghe Grinţescu, Emilian Pop, Erasmus I. Nyárády etc.) and also foreign experts (Johann Christian Baumgarten, Jozsef Barth, Vera Csapody, Victor von Janka, Carl Georg Theodor Kotschy, Ferdinand Albin Pax, Johann Iacob Römer, Janos Tuzson, Moritz Winkler, Julius Wolff etc.) have shown a great deal of scientific interest in the flora and vegetation of the Bucegi Mountains. n Foto Anca Sârbu Foto Petronela Comănescu Habitat 4060 ˘ Tufarişuri alpine şi boreale Alpine and Boreal heaths Habitatul este reprezentat prin tufărişuri pitice, xero-heliofile, ce se dezvoltă în Carpaţii Româneşti, la altitudini de peste 1800 m, predominant în etajul subalpin, alpin şi boreal (Mountford et al. 2008). Sunt dominate uneori de Ericaceae (Rhododendron myrtifolium, Loiseleuria procumbens) sau de Dryas octopetala, Salix reticulata, Salix retusa sau Juniperus sibirica. Tufărişurile din etajul alpin se dezvoltă pe sol superficial, oligotrof localizat pe creste de versanţi, pe platouri, culmi domoale, însorite şi vântuite, situate la The habitat is represented by dwarf xeroheliophile heaths which grow in the Romanian Carpathians at altitudes of over 1800 m, mainly in the subalpine, alpine and boreal level (Mountford et al. 2008). They are sometimes dominated by Ericaceae such as Rhododendron myrtifolium and Loiseleuria procumbens or by Dryas octopetala, Salix reticulata, Salix retusa or Juniperus sibirica. 13 The heaths in the alpine level grow on a thin and oligotrophic soil, found on slope crests, plateaus, mild, windy and sunny heights located at altitudes between 2000 m and 2200 m, in a cold climate with low average annual temperatures (between 0°...-1.4°C) and with plenty of rainfall (1350-1450 mm/year) (Doniţă et al. 2005). The shrub formation, identified in the studied area of the Bucegi plateau, are represented by dwarf alpine heaths of Loiseleuria procumbens, heaths of Rhododendron myrtifolium, dwarf heaths of Salix retusa and Salix reticulata, and heaths of Juniperus sibirica. The dominating species are Loiseleuria procumbens, Rhododendron myrtifolium, Salix retusa and Salix reticulata, and the characteristic species are Loiseleuria procumbens, Cetraria islandica, Saxifraga paniculata, Saxifraga oppositifolia, Achillea schurii, Anemone narcissiflora, Armeria alpina, Carex sempervirens, Dryas octopetala, Festuca supina, Lloydia serotina, Saxifraga androsacea. The dwarf vegetation is dominated by Salix reticulata and Dryas octopetala, it often forms small patches, it is pioneer vegetation which occupies limited areas in the alpine level, and it grows on the calcareous substrate of the northern and northwestern slopes which are covered in snow for prolonged periods of time. The heaths of Rhododendron myrtifolium, often associated with species such as Vaccinium spp. and Bruckenthalia spiculifolia, are among the most widespread shrub formations in the Bucegi Mountains, and play an important role in stabilising the soil on slopes, screes and rocky areas. Among the bushes, there grow numerous species characteristic to the nearby grasslands (Festuca supina, Potentilla ternata, Primula minima, Campanula alpina, Homogyne alpina), which are heavily grazed (Puşcaru et al. 1956). Rhododendron myrtifolium is a highly sensitive to the cold species, in particular to late frosts. These conditions limit the existence and the development of the Rhododendron bushes. Habitat 4060 altitudini cuprinse între 2000 m și 2200 m, în climat rece cu temperaturi medii anuale scăzute (0°...-1,4°C) şi cu precipitaţii destul de abundente (1350-1450 mm/an) (Doniţă et al. 2005). Formaţiunile arbustive, identificate la nivelul zonei studiate a platoului Munţilor Bucegi, au fost reprezentate de tufărişuri alpine pitice de Loiseleuria procumbens, tufărişuri de Rhododendron myrtifolium, tufărişuri pitice de Salix retusa şi Salix reticulata şi tufărişuri cu Juniperus sibirica. Speciile edificatoare au fost reprezentate de Loiseleuria procumbens, Rhododendron myrtifolium, Salix retusa şi Salix reticulata, iar speciile caracteristice de Loiseleuria procumbens, Cetraria islandica, Saxifraga paniculata, Saxifraga oppositifolia, Achillea schurii, Anemone narcissiflora, Armeria alpina, Carex sempervirens, Dryas octopetala, Festuca supina, Lloydia serotina, Saxifraga androsacea. Vegetaţia pitică dominată de Salix reticulata, în care Dryas octopetala formează adeseori pâlcuri mici, este o vegetaţie pionieră care ocupă suprafeţe reduse în etajul alpin superior şi se dezvoltă pe substratul calcaros de pe versanţii nordici, nord-vestici, versanţi cu durată de înzăpezire îndelungată. Tufărişurile cu Rhododendron myrtifolium, asociate adesea cu specii de Vaccinium spp. şi Bruckenthalia spiculifolia, sunt dintre cele mai răspândite grupări arbustive din Munţii Bucegi, cu rol important în fixarea coastelor, bolovănişurilor şi grohotişurilor. Printre tufele arbuştilor cresc numeroase specii proprii pajiştilor învecinate (Festuca supina, Potentilla ternata, Primula minima, Campanula alpina, Homogyne alpina), care sunt intens păşunate (Puşcaru et al. 1956). Rhododendron myrtifolium este o specie sensibilă la geruri şi 14 During winters with little snow, the young shoots often freeze. The species requires a stable and permanent snow cover over the winter and up to spring. The procumbent dwarf bush Loiseleuria procumbens forms on the high plateau of the Bucegi Mountains vegetation patches resembling short, homogenous grasslands, poor in accompanying species (Dryas octopetala, Festuca supina, Primula minima, Campanula alpina). Loiseleuria procumbens is one of the species that has best adapted to the conditions of the alpine climate, being highly resistant to low temperatures, wind deflation and frosted soil. It is one of the longest lasting species, fixing and consolidating the eroded and degraded soils of the alpine level. This type of habitat has a great conservation value, sheltering numerous rare, vulnerable and endemic plants, but also Natura 2000 species such as Campanula serrata, which has been evaluated as a threatened taxon at European level (Mountford et al. 2008, Coldea et al. 2003). It is a fragile habitat that can be easily affected by erosion under the effect of excessive grazing and tourism. Campanula serrata (the family Campanulaceae) is an herbaceous plant with a thickened, napiforme root (hence the name it is also known by – Campanula napuligera), thin stem, about 20-60 cm tall, and sessile, lanceolate leaves, with a serrated edge. The flowers are bell-shaped, blue, grouped in an inflorescence. It flowers from July to September. Campanula serrata is endemic to the Carpathian Mountains where it can be found on grasslands and heaths at the beech forest level and up to the alpine level. In relation to the environmental factors, it is mesophyte and microthermophyte up to mesothermophyte. Habitat 4060 în special la îngheţurile târzii. Aceşti factori acţionează limitativ asupra existenţei şi bunei dezvoltări a rodoretelor. În iernile cu zăpadă puţină, vârfurile lujerilor degeră adesea. Specia necesită staţiuni cu acoperire permanentă şi stabilă de zăpadă în timpul iernii şi până în primăvară. Arbustul pitic târâtor Loiseleuria procumbens formează pe platoul înalt al Munţilor Bucegi pâlcuri cu aspect de pajişti scunde, omogene şi sărace în specii însoţitoare (Dryas octopetala, Festuca supina, Primula minima, Campanula alpina). Loiseleuria procumbens este una dintre speciile cele mai bine adaptate la condiţiile climatului alpin, foarte rezistentă la temperaturile scăzute, la deflaţia eoliană şi la îngheţul solului. Este una dintre cele mai durabile specii fixatoare şi consolidatoare a terenurilor erodate şi degradate din etajul alpin. Acest tip de habitat are o valoare conservativă foarte mare, adăpostind numeroase plante rare, vulnerabile şi endemice, dar şi specii Natura 2000, precum Campanula serrata, taxon evaluat ca fiind ameninţat la nivel european (Mountford et al. 2008, Coldea et al. 2003). Este un habitat fragil, care poate fi uşor afectat de eroziune atât sub impactul păşunatului în exces, cât şi prin diferitele activităţi turistice. Campanula serrata (familia Campanulaceae) este o plantă erbacee cu rădăcină îngroşată napiform (de aici numele cu care mai este cunoscută – Campanula napuligera), tulpină subţire, înaltă de 20-60 cm, şi frunze sesile, lanceolate, cu marginea serată. Florile sunt de forma unor clopoţei, albastre, grupate în inflorescenţe. Înfloreşte din iulie şi până în septembrie. Campanula serrata este specie endemică pentru Munţii Carpaţi unde poate fi întâlnită prin pajişti şi tufărişuri din zona pădurilor de fag şi până în etajul alpin. Faţă de factorii de mediu este mezofită şi microtermofită până la mezotermofită. 15 Tabel 1. Habitat 4060 – Tufărişuri alpine şi boreale – lista taxonilor inventariaţi cu prezentarea bioformei şi a caracteristicilor ecologice, subliniindu-se speciile caracteristice şi dominante, precum şi cele cu valoare conservativă în conformitate cu Oltean et al. (1994) Table 1. Habitat 4060 – Alpine and Boreal heaths – list of the recorded taxa with life forms and ecological characteristics, highlighting dominant and characteristic species, as well as the species with conservation value according to Oltean et al. (1994) Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Achillea schurii Sch. Bip. - R, End. S&E Carp. H.; perennial Agrostis rupestris All. Alchemilla glabra Neygenf. H.; perennial H.; perennial Alchemilla monticola Opiz H.; perennial Alyssum repens Baumg. - End. Carp.-Balc. Androsace chamaejasme Wulfen - V/R Ch.; perennial Ch.; perennial Anemone narcissiflora L. G.; perennial Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaertn. Anthemis carpatica Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. Ch.(H.); perennial H.; perennial Anthoxanthum odoratum L. Armeria alpina (DC.) Willd. - R H.; perennial H.; perennial Artemisia eriantha Ten. Ch.; perennial Biscutella laevigata L. Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. H.; perennial G.; perennial Bruckenthalia spiculifolia (Salisb.) Rchb. Ph.(Ch.); perennial Campanula alpina Jacq. Campanula serrata (Kit. ex Schult.) Hendrych - End. Carp. Carex sempervirens Vill. H.; perennial H.; perennial mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xerophytexeromesophyte euriphyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte mesophyte H.; perennial mesophyte Cerastium alpinum L. subsp. lanatum (Lam.) Asch. & Graebn. Dianthus glacialis Haenke subsp. gelidus (Schott, Nyman & Kotschy) Tutin - R, End. S&E Carp. Doronicum carpaticum (Griseb. & Schenk) Nyman - R, End. Carp.-Balc. Draba kotschyi Stur - nt Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte *Dryas octopetala L. *Festuca supina Schur [syn. Festuca ovina L. var. supina (Schur) Hack.] Galium anisophyllon Vill. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesoxerophyte euriphyte mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophyte xeromesophyte G.; perennial mesohygrophyte Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte Ch.; shrub H.; perennial mesophyte mesophyte Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte 16 Temperature microthermophyte hekistothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte hekistothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte hekistothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte psichrothermophyte psichrothermophyte mesothermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature Gentiana orbicularis Schur Gentiana verna L. Geum reptans L. - R Helianthemum alpestre DC. H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial Ch.; undershrub mesophyte mesophyte mesohygrophyte mesophyte Hieracium alpinum L. Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass H.; perennial H.; perennial Juncus trifidus L. s.l. H.; perennial Juniperus sibirica Lodd. in Burgsd. Ph.; shrub Kobresia simpliciuscula (Wahlenb.) Mack. - R Ligusticum mutellinoides Vill. - R H.; perennial H.; perennial mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte Lloydia serotina (L.) Rchb. - R G.; perennial xeromesophyte *Loiseleuria procumbens (L.) Desv. - R Ch.; shrub Luzula alpinopilosa (Chaix) Breistr. s.l. Luzula spicata (L.) DC. s.l. H.; perennial H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophyte mesophyte Minuartia recurva (All.) Schinz & Thell. Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte Minuartia sedoides (L.) Hiern Ch.; perennial Myosotis alpestris F.W.Schmidt H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill - R Oxytropis halleri Koch - R Pedicularis oederi Vahl Pedicularis verticillata L. H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial Pinguicula alpina L. - R H.; perennial Pinguicula vulgaris L. - R H.; perennial Poa alpina L. Polygonum viviparum L. Potentilla ternata Freyn H.; perennial G.; perennial H.; perennial mesohygrophyte xeromesophyte mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophyte mesophyte mesophyte *Primula minima L. H.; perennial mesophyte Pritzelago alpina (L.) Kuntze subsp. brevicaulis (Spreng.) Greuter & Burdet - R Pulsatilla micrantha Sweet [syn. Pulsatilla alba Rchb.] Ranunculus breyninus Crantz H.; perennial mesohygrophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytepsichrothermophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte eurithermophyte H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte subthermophyte 17 eurithermophyte eurithermophyte psichrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte psichrothermophyte microthermophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte psichrothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophyte psichrothermophyte psichrothermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Ranunculus montanus Willd. subsp. pseudomontanus (Schur) Ciocârlan Ranunculus repens L. H.; perennial *Rhododendron myrtifolium Schott & Kotschy - V, End. Carp.-Balc. Salix herbacea L. Ph.; shrub *Salix reticulata L. Ch.; shrub *Salix retusa L. - R Ch.; undershrub Saxifraga adscendens L. Ht.; biannual Saxifraga androsacea L. Saxifraga moschata Wulfen Saxifraga oppositifolia L. - R, End. S&E Carp. Ch.; perennial Ch.; perennial Ch.; perennial Saxifraga paniculata Mill. Ch.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xerophytexeromesophyte mesohygrophyte xeromesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophyte Sedum alpestre Vill. Ch.; perennial hygrophyte Senecio carpaticus Herbich - R, End. Carp.-Balc. Sesleria coerulans Friv. Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. s.l. H.; perennial H.; perennial Ch.; perennial Taraxacum officinale (L.) Weber ex F.H.Wigg. H.; perennial Tephroseris capitata (Wahlenb.) Griseb. & Schenk. Thymus alpestris (Celak.) Tausch ex A.Kern. Thymus pulcherrimus Schur - End. Carp. H.; perennial mesophyte mesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte Ch.; perennial Ch.; perennial mesohygrophyte xeromesophyte H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte Trifolium repens L. subsp. ochranthum (K.Maly) Nyár. Vaccinium myrtillus L. Vaccinium uliginosum L. subsp. microphyllum (Lange) Hultén - R Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. H.; perennial Ch.; undershrub Ch.(Ph.); (under) shrub Ch.; undershrub Viola alpina Jacq. - R Ch.(Ph.); (under) shrub H.; perennial Viola declinata Waldst. & Kit. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophyte xeromesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte Temperature microthermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophyte hekistothermophyte psichrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte microthermophytepsichrothermophyte psichrothermophyte psichrothermophyte hekistothermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte microthermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte psichrothermophyte microthermophyte psichrothermophytemicrothermophyte microthermophyte * (text bold) – taxon caracteristic, taxon dominant / characteristic taxon, dominant taxon R (text bold) – taxon rar / rare taxon; V (text bold) – taxon vulnerabil / vulnerable taxon; nt (text bold) – taxon neameninţat / non-endangered taxon; End. (text bold) – taxon endemic / endemic taxon 18 Ansamblu / General view Anthemis carpatica (Foto Victor Bortaș) 19 (Foto Victor Bortaș) Armeria alpina Campanula serrata (Foto Daniela Smarandache) Lloydia serotina (Foto Gabriela Pascale) 20 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Geum reptans Pedicularis verticillata (Foto Anca Sârbu) Dryas octopetala (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) 21 Minuartia recurva Minuartia sedoides (Foto Anca Sârbu) 22 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Loiseleuria procumbens Oxytropis halleri, Salix reticulata (Foto Victor Bortaș) (Foto Petronela Comănescu) Primula minima (Foto Anca Sârbu) 23 Salix reticulata Rhododendron myrtifolium (Foto Anca Sârbu) Salix herbacea (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Victor Bortaș) 24 Thymus alpestris, Cerastium alpinum subsp. lanatum Saxifraga moschata (Foto Anca Sârbu) Saxifraga paniculata (Foto Victor Bortaș) 25 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Thymus alpestris Viola alpina (Foto Gabriela Pascale) 26 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Habitat 4070* Foto Anca Sârbu Acest tip de habitat se găseşte în diferite proporţii în etajul subalpin al Carpaţilor Româneşti, la altitudini ce variază între 1400 m și 2000 m. Această comunitate vegetală edificată de Pinus mugo este tipică pentru etajul subalpin al Munţilor Carpaţi din România. Solicită pentru dezvoltare temperaturi scăzute, cu valori medii anuale cuprinse între 2,2°C şi -0,2°C şi umiditate suficientă (1250-1425 mm anual). Preferă versanţii înalţi şi înclinaţi şi solicită acoperire cu zăpadă pe parcursul sezonului rece (Mountford et al. 2008). This type of habitat is found in various proportions in the subalpine level of the Romanian Carpathians, at altitudes between 1400 m and 2000 m. This vegetal community, dominated by Pinus mugo, is typical of the subalpine level of the Romanian Carpathians. It requires low temperatures, with annual averages of between 2.2°C and -0.2°C and sufficient humidity (1250-1425 mm annually). It prefers high and inclined slopes and requires to be covered in snow all throughout winter (Mountford et al. 2008). ˘ Tufarişuri de Pinus mugo şi Rhododendron myrtifolium Bushes with Pinus mugo and Rhododendron myrtifolium 27 In the Bucegi Mountains, this type of habitat grows at over 1700 m altitude, in hard climatic conditions, with annual temperatures between 0°C and 1-2°C; the vegetation season is short, there are strong winds, and the soil is poor in nutrients. The edificatory species are represented by Pinus mugo and Rhododendron myrtifolium, and the characteristic species are Pinus mugo, Rhododendron myrtifolium and Calamagrostis villosa (Doniţă et al. 2005). The general vegetation cover can reach 90-100%, the dominating species being Pinus mugo and Vaccinium myrtillus. There are subalpine shrubs (about 2 m tall) consisting of perennial species. These shrubs are dominated (about 90%) by Pinus mugo, which is a rare plant, mesophilic up to mesohygrophilic, microthermophilic (psichrothermophilic) and oligotrophic. Although this habitat shelters only a few species, its conservation value is great, due to the significant population of Pinus mugo, which is a protected species in Romania, and also due to the presence of Rhododendron myrtifolium, which is a rare plant (Coldea et al. 2003). Over the years, the anthropogenic impact on this habitat has been immense, and consisted of deforestation of some surfaces in order to create pastures, usage of the areas for sheep grazing over the summer, tourism and infrastructure development. All these factors have led to the formation of degraded soils through erosion (Puşcaru at al. 1956). Tourism, the collection of buds and limitrophe grazing are only some of the numerous aspects of the current anthropogenic impact (Mountford et al. 2008). Habitat 4070 În Munţii Bucegi acest tip de habitat se dezvoltă la altitudini de peste 1700 m, în condiţii climatice aspre, marcate de temperaturi anuale cuprinse între 0°C și 1-2°C, sezon de vegetaţie scurt, vânturi puternice şi soluri sărace în substanţe nutritive. Speciile edificatoare sunt reprezentate de Pinus mugo şi Rhododendron myrtifolium, iar cele caracteristice de Pinus mugo, Rhododendron myrtifolium şi Calamagrostis villosa (Doniţă et al. 2005). Acoperirea generală cu vegetaţie poate ajunge la 90-100%, speciile dominante fiind Pinus mugo şi Vaccinium myrtillus. Sunt tufărişuri subalpine (cca 2 m înălţime) alcătuite din specii perene. Sunt dominate în proporţie de cca 90% de Pinus mugo, plantă rară, mezofilă până la mezohigrofilă, microtermic dependentă (psichrotermofilă) şi oligotrofă. Deşi acest tip de habitat adăposteşte specii puţine, valoarea sa conservativă este mare prin populaţiile semnificative pe care le realizează Pinus mugo, specie ocrotită în România, dar şi prin prezenţa plantei rare Rhododendron myrtifolium (Coldea et al. 2003). În decursul timpului, impactul antropic asupra acestui habitat a fost semnificativ şi a constat în defrişarea unor suprafeţe pentru a crea păşuni, folosirea zonelor pentru păşunatul de vară al oilor, dezvoltarea turismului şi a infrastructurilor asociate, ducând la formarea de terenuri degradate prin eroziune (Puşcaru et al. 1956). Activitatea turistică, activitatea de recoltare a mugurilor şi păşunatul limitrof reprezintă unele dintre numeroasele efecte ale impactului antropic actual (Mountford et al. 2008). 28 Tabel 2. Habitat 4070* – Tufărişuri cu Pinus mugo şi Rhododendron myrtifolium – lista taxonilor inventariaţi cu prezentarea bioformei şi a caracteristicilor ecologice, subliniindu-se speciile caracteristice şi dominante, precum şi cele cu valoare conservativă în conformitate cu Oltean et al. (1994) Table 2. Habitat 4070* – Bushes with Pinus mugo and Rhododendron myrtifolium – list of the recorded taxa with life forms and ecological characteristics, highlighting dominant and characteristic species, as well as the species with conservation value according to Oltean et al. (1994) Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature Calamagrostis villosa (Chaix) J.F.Gmel. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Caltha palustris L. H.; perennial hygrophyte microthermophyte Festuca supina Schur [syn. Festuca ovina L. var. supina (Schur) Hack.] H.; perennial mesophyte psichrothermophyte Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Ligusticum mutellina Crantz H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Nardus stricta L. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophytemesohygrophyte eurithermophyte Oxalis acetosella L. H.(G.); perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Picea abies (L.) H.Karst. Ph.; tree mesophytehygrophyte microthermophyte *Pinus mugo Turra Ph.; shrub mesophytemesohygrophyte psichrothermophyte Poa alpina L. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Polygonum bistorta L. G.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Rhododendron myrtifolium Schott & Kotschy - V, End. Carp.-Balc. Ph.; shrub mesophyte eurithermophyte Soldanella hungarica Simonk. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Sorbus aucuparia L. subsp. aucuparia Ph.; tree mesophyte *Vaccinium myrtillus L. Ch.(Ph.); (under) shrub xeromesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte Veratrum album L. s.l. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte * (text bold) – taxon caracteristic, taxon dominant / characteristic taxon, dominant taxon V (text bold) – taxon vulnerabil / vulnerable taxon; End. (text bold) – taxon endemic / endemic taxon 29 Ansamblu / General view Pinus mugo, Veratrum album (Foto Anca Sârbu) 30 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Caltha palustris Caltha palustris (Foto Anca Sârbu) Homogyne alpina (Foto Anca Sârbu) 31 (Foto Victor Bortaș) Rhododendron myrtifolium Pinus mugo (Foto Victor Bortaș) 32 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Foto Anca Sârbu Habitat 6150 Pajişti boreale şi alpine pe substrate silicatice Siliceous alpine and boreal grasslands This habitat, considered a glacial relic, is well represented in the Carpathians (including the Romanian Carpathians). Acest tip de habitat, considerat un relict glaciar, este bine reprezentat în Munţii Carpaţi (inclusiv în Carpaţii Româneşti). Include comunităţi de plante ce se dezvoltă pe culmile mai înalte, coamele şi platourile munţilor din etajul alpin şi subalpin (1550-2500 m altitudine), pe soluri humico-silicate formate pe conglomerate de Bucegi, adesea bogate în material silicios şi pe gresii conglomerate, în condiţii de umiditate suficientă (1100-1450 mm/an) şi temperatură medie anuală cuprinsă între -2,5°C şi 3°C. Sunt pajişti relativ scunde 33 It includes plant communities which grow on the high crests of the mountains in the alpine and subalpine level (1550-2500 m altitude), on humic-silicate soils formed on Bucegi conglomerates often rich in siliceous material, and on sandstone conglomerates, in conditions of sufficient humidity (1100-1450 mm/year) and an average annual temperature between -2.5°C and 3°C. They are fairly short grasslands Habitat 6150 (15-25 cm înălţime), dominate după caz de specii, precum: Festuca supina, Agrostis rupestris, Carex curvula, Juncus trifidus (Mountford et al. 2008). Cele mai răspândite sunt pajiştile sud-est carpatice de păruşcă (Festuca supina) şi Potentilla ternata (Potentilla aurea subsp. chrysocraspeda). Acestea se dezvoltă în special pe coaste relativ domoale cu înclinare moderată, însorite şi slab vântuite (Puşcaru et al. 1956). În Munţii Bucegi sunt prezente în etajul alpin superior (2000-2300 m altitudine), dar coboară şi până la 1800 m altitudine. Pajiştile de Festuca supina formează o vegetaţie densă, cu multe specii componente, dar care au o pondere redusă în dominanţa comunităţii. Speciile edificatoare sunt Festuca supina şi Potentilla ternata (Doniţă et al. 2005). Specia dominantă (65-85%) este Festuca supina, mezofilă, microtermic dependentă (psichrotermofilă) şi oligotrofă, care dă pajiştii un aspect caracteristic de vegetaţie densă. Se remarcă, de asemenea, Agrostis rupestris, specie adesea codominantă (35-40%) şi Potentilla ternata cu pondere cuprinsă între 10% și 13%. Perioada scurtă de vegetaţie face ca majoritatea plantelor să se dezvolte la sfârşitul primăverii, începutul verii, când şi umiditatea este suficientă. Specia dominantă, ca şi majoritatea celorlalte specii, se caracterizează prin dependenţa lor faţă de umiditate moderată, de prezenţa zăpezii şi a temperaturilor scăzute. Condiţiile optime pentru dezvoltarea acestui tip de vegetaţie reclamă precipitaţii atmosferice anuale abundente (1000-1400 mm/an), o durată minimă de înzăpezire de cca 200 de zile/an şi prezenţa temperaturilor scăzute (-2,5°...3°C tempe ratură medie anuală), vegetaţia fiind microtermic dependentă. Lipsa zăpezii, asociată cu îngheţul, dar şi cu eroziunea eo34 (15-25 cm high), dominated by species such as: Festuca supina, Agrostis rupestris, Carex curvula, Juncus trifidus (Mountford et al. 2008). The most widespread grasslands are the south-eastern Carpathian ones with Festuca supina and Potentilla ternata (Potentilla aurea subsp. chrysocraspeda). They grow especially on mild slopes, with a moderate inclination and weak winds (Puşcaru et al. 1956). In the Bucegi Mountains they can be found in the superior alpine level (2000-2300 m altitude), but they can go as low as 1800 m altitude. The grasslands of Festuca supina form a dense vegetation, consisting of many species, but which only have a small share in the dominance of the community. The edificatory and characteristic species are Festuca supina and Potentilla ternata (Doniţă et al. 2005). The dominant species (65-85%) is Festuca supina, a mesophilic, microthermophilic (psichrothermophilic) and oligotrophic plant, which gives the grassland its dense vegetation typical characteristic. Other important species are, Agrostis rupestris, which is often a co-dominant species (35-40%) and Potentilla ternata, with a percentage of between 10% and 13%. The short vegetation period ensures that the plants grow in spring, when they have enough humidity. The dominating species, just like the majority of the species, depend on humi dity, the existence of snow and of low temperatures. The optimal conditions for the growth and development of this type of vegetation are abundant annual precipitation (1000-1400 mm/year), the existence of snow for about 200 days per year, and low temperatures (-2.5°...3°C average annual temperature), the vegetation being microthermic dependent. The lack of snow, associated with frost and also with wind erosion, and the mechanical degradation of the grassland due to grazing acti - vities leads to the rarefying of the grassland and the formation of wide gaps or patches. The habitat shelters a wealth of species and has a particularly important conservation value. Thus, in the 16 plots analysed in the plateau of the Bucegi Mountains 126 taxa were identified, among which 30 have a conservation value (rare, vulnerable or endemic plants). The habitat continues to be affected by anthropogenic activities, particularly by grazing, tourism and construction. Habitat 6150 liană, degradarea mecanică a pajiştii asociată activităţilor de păşunat, determină rărirea pajiştii şi formarea de goluri şi chelituri extinse. Este un habitat bogat în specii cu valoare conservativă deosebită. În acest sens, în cele 16 ploturi analizate la nivelul platoului Munţilor Bucegi au fost identificaţi 126 de taxoni, dintre care 30 cu valoare conservativă (plante rare, vulnerabile, endemice). Continuă să fie afectat de activităţile umane şi în special de păşunatul divers (oi, cai, vaci) şi intens, dar şi de activităţile turistice şi de construcţie. Tabel 3. Habitat 6150 – Pajişti boreale şi alpine pe substrate silicatice – lista taxonilor inventariaţi cu prezentarea bioformei şi a caracteristicilor ecologice, subliniindu-se speciile caracteristice şi dominante, precum şi cele cu valoare conservativă în conformitate cu Oltean et al. (1994) Table 3. Habitat 6150 – Siliceous alpine and boreal grasslands – list of the recorded taxa with life forms and ecological characteristics, highlighting dominant and characteristic species, as well as the species with conservation value according to Oltean et al. (1994) Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Achillea schurii Sch.Bip. - R, End. S&E Carp. H.; perennial Acinos alpinus (L.) Moench H.; perennial *Agrostis rupestris All. Alchemilla glabra Neygenf. H.; perennial H.; perennial Alchemilla glaucescens Wallr. H.; perennial Alchemilla monticola Opiz H.; perennial Alyssum repens Baumg. - End. Carp.-Balc. Androsace chamaejasme Wulfen - V/R Ch.; perennial Ch.; perennial mesophytemesoxerophyte euriphyte mesophyte Androsace villosa L. subsp. arachnoidea (Schott, Nyman & Kotschy) R.Knuth - R, End. S&E Carp. Anemone narcissiflora L. Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte G.; perennial Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaertn. Anthemis carpatica Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. Ch.(H.); perennial H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophyte xeromesophyte Anthoxanthum odoratum L. Arabis alpina L. H.; perennial H.; perennial mesophyte mesohygrophyte 35 mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesoxerophyte Temperature microthermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Arenaria biflora L. Arenaria ciliata L. Ch.; perennial Ch.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesophyte Armeria alpina (DC.) Willd. - R H.; perennial Artemisia eriantha Ten. Ch.; perennial Asplenium viride Huds. [syn. Asplenium ramosum L.] Bartsia alpina L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xerophytexeromesophyte mesophyte H.; perennial mesophyte Biscutella laevigata L. Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. H.; perennial G.; perennial Bruckenthalia spiculifolia (Salisb.) Rchb. Ph.(Ch.); perennial Campanula alpina Jacq. Campanula cochleariifolia Lam. Campanula patula L. subsp. abietina (Griseb. & Schenk) Simonk. - End. Carp.-Balc. Campanula serrata (Kit. ex Schult.) Hendrych - End. Carp. Campanula transsilvanica Schur ex André - V/R, End. Carp.-Balc. Cardamine pratensis L. s.l. H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial euriphyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Ht.; biannual mesophyte H.; perennial Carex atrata L. s.l. H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophyte Carex dioica L. Carex pallescens L. H.; perennial H.; perennial Carex sempervirens Vill. H.; perennial Carlina acaulis L. s.l. H.; monocarpous Cerastium alpinum L. subsp. lanatum (Lam.) Asch. & Graebn. Cerastium arvense L. s.l. Ch.; perennial Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm. - R Cortusa matthioli L. Cruciata glabra (L.) Ehrend. Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) Beauv. G.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial Dianthus glacialis Haenke subsp. gelidus (Schott, Nyman & Kotschy) Tutin - R, End. S&E Carp. Draba kotschyi Stur - nt H.; perennial Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte Dryas octopetala L. Erigeron uniflorus L. - R Ch.; undershrub H.; perennial mesophyte mesophyte Ch.; perennial 36 hygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte mesohygrophyte mesophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte Temperature hekistothermophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte hekistothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte psichrothermophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature *Festuca supina Schur [syn. Festuca ovina L. var. supina (Schur) Hack.] Festuca versicolor Tausch - R, End. Carp. Galium anisophyllon Vill. H.; perennial mesophyte psichrothermophyte H.; perennial Ch.; perennial subthermophyte mesothermophyte Gentiana verna L. Geum montanum L. H.; perennial H.; perennial xeromesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte mesophyte Gnaphalium supinum L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte Gnaphalium uliginosum L. T.; annual Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R.Br. subsp. conopsea - R Helianthemum alpestre DC. G.; perennial Ch.; undershrub mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Hieracium alpinum L. Hieracium aurantiacum L. Hieracium villosum Jacq. H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial mesophyte mesophyte mesophyte Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass H.; perennial Juncus trifidus L. s.l. H.; perennial Juniperus sibirica Lodd. in Burgsd. Ph.; shrub Kobresia myosuroides (Vill.) Fiori - R Kobresia simpliciuscula (Wahlenb.) Mack. - R Leontopodium alpinum Colm. ex Cass. - V/R Ligusticum mutellina Crantz H.; perennial H.; perennial Ligusticum mutellinoides Vill. - R H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Linum extraaxilare Kit. - nt, End. Carp.-Balc. Loiseleuria procumbens (L.) Desv. - R H.; perennial Ch.; shrub Luzula multiflora (Ehrh.) Lej. s.l. Luzula spicata (L.) DC. s.l. H.; perennial H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte mesophyte Luzula sudetica (Willd.) Schult. Minuartia recurva (All.) Schinz & Thell. H.; perennial Ch.; perennial mesophyte xeromesophyte Minuartia sedoides (L.) Hiern Ch.; perennial Myosotis alpestris F.W.Schmidt H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte Nardus stricta L. H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial 37 xeromesophytemesophytemesohygrophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophyte hekistothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte eurithermophyte psichrothermophyte microthermophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte microthermophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte psichrothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature Nigritella nigra (L.) Rchb. - V/R G.; perennial mesophyte Nigritella rubra (Wettst.) K.Richt. - V/R Oxytropis halleri Koch - R Parnassia palustris L. G.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial Pedicularis oederi Vahl Pedicularis verticillata L. H.; perennial H.; perennial Phleum alpinum L. Phyteuma orbiculare L. H.; perennial H.; perennial Pilosella lactucella (Wallr.) P.D.Sell & C.West Pinguicula vulgaris L. - R H.; perennial H.; perennial Pinus mugo Turra Ph.; shrub Plantago atrata Hoppe - R H.; perennial Poa alpina L. Poa hybrida Gaudich. H.; perennial H.; perennial Poa media Schur Poa molinerii Balb. s.l. - R Polygonum viviparum L. Potentilla aurea L. H.; perennial H.; perennial G.; perennial H.; perennial mesophyte xeromesophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte xeromesophyte mesophyte mesophyte Potentilla chrysantha Trevir. *Potentilla ternata Freyn H.; perennial H.; perennial xeromesophyte mesophyte Primula halleri Honck. - R Primula minima L. H.; perennial H.; perennial mesophyte mesophyte Pseudorchis albida (L.) Á.Löve & D.Löve - R Pulsatilla micrantha Sweet [syn. Pulsatilla alba Rchb.] Ranunculus breyninus Crantz G.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophytepsichrothermophyte microthermophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte microthermophyte H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophyte subthermophyte Ranunculus montanus Willd. subsp. pseudomontanus (Schur) Ciocârlan Ranunculus repens L. H.; perennial Rhododendron myrtifolium Schott & Kotschy - V, End. Carp.-Balc. Salix herbacea L. Ph.; shrub Saxifraga adscendens L. Ht.; biannual Saxifraga aizoides L. Ch.; perennial H.; perennial Ch.; undershrub 38 mesophytemesohygrophyte xerophytexeromesophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte psichrothermophyte microthermophyte psichrothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte psichrothermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Saxifraga bryoides L. Saxifraga corymbosa Boiss. Saxifraga moschata Wulfen Saxifraga paniculata Mill. Ch.; perennial Ch.; perennial Ch.; perennial Ch.; perennial mesophyte xeromesophyte xeromesophyte xeromesophyte Scleranthus perennis L. Sedum alpestre Vill. H.; perennial Ch.; perennial mesophyte hygrophyte Sedum annuum L. T.-Ht.; annualbiannual T.; annual xeromesophyte Sedum atratum L. Sesleria bielzii Schur - R, End. Carp.-Balc. Sesleria coerulans Friv. Sesleria rigida Heuff. ex Rchb. - End. Carp.-Balc. Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. s.l. H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial Silene pusilla Waldst. & Kit. subsp. pusilla Ch.; perennial Taraxacum officinale (L.) Weber ex F.H.Wigg. Thymus alpestris (Celak.) Tausch ex A.Kern. Trifolium repens L. subsp. ochranthum (K.Maly) Nyár. Vaccinium myrtillus L. H.; perennial Ch.; perennial Ch.; perennial H.; perennial Veratrum album L. s.l. Ch.(Ph.); (under) shrub Ch.(Ph.); (under) shrub H.; perennial Veronica bellidioides L. H.; perennial Viola alpina Jacq. - R H.; perennial Viola declinata Waldst. & Kit. H.; perennial Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. mesophyte mesophyte mesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte Temperature hekistothermophyte hekistothermophyte hekistothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophytepsichrothermophyte mesothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte psichrothermophyte psichrothermophyte subthermophyte hekistothermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte psichrothermophytemicrothermophyte microthermophyte * (text bold) – taxon caracteristic, taxon dominant / characteristic taxon, dominant taxon nt (text bold) – taxon neameninţat / non-endangered taxon; R (text bold) – taxon rar / rare taxon; V (text bold) – taxon vulnerabil / vulnerable taxon; End. (text bold) – taxon endemic / endemic taxon 39 Ansamblu / General view Phyteuma orbiculare (Foto Anca Sârbu) 40 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Nigritella nigra (flori roșii / red flowers) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Acinos alpinus (Foto Anca Sârbu) 41 Alchemilla glaucescens Agrostis rupestris (Foto Victor Bortaș) Alyssum repens (Foto Anca Sârbu) 42 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Anemone narcissiflora Armeria alpina (Foto Anca Sârbu) Androsace villosa subsp. arachnoidea 43 (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Biscutella laevigata (Foto Anca Sârbu) Biscutella laevigata (Foto Petronela Comănescu) Antennaria dioica, Festuca supina (Foto Anca Sârbu) Pinguicula vulgaris (Foto Anca Sârbu) 44 Gentiana verna Botrychium lunaria (Foto Victor Bortaș) (Foto Anca Sârbu) 45 Campanula alpina (Foto Anca Sârbu) Campanula transsilvanica (Foto Anca Sârbu) Festuca supina (Foto Anca Sârbu) Dianthus glacialis subsp. gelidus (Foto Anca Sârbu) Nigritella nigra (Foto Anca Sârbu) 46 Gnaphalium supinum (Foto Anca Sârbu) Helianthemum alpestre (Foto Anca Sârbu) 47 Potentilla ternata (Foto Anca Sârbu) Parnassia palustris (Foto Anca Sârbu) 48 Trifolium repens subsp. ochranthum (Foto Anca Sârbu) Poa alpina (Foto Anca Sârbu) 49 Foto Anca Sârbu Habitat 6170 Pajişti calcifile alpine şi subalpine Alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands În Munţii Carpaţi, acest tip de habitat se găseşte sub forma a două tipuri de pajişti, cu preferinţe diferite faţă de condiţiile de relief şi de climă: pajişti mezo-xerofile închegate, care preferă culmile puternic vântuite, şi pajişti xero-termofile, care se dezvoltă pe brâne (Mountford et al. 2008). In the Carpathian Mountains, this habitat is represented by two types of grasslands, with different preferences regarding the geographic and climate conditions: defined meso-xerophile grasslands that prefer windy crests, and xero-thermophile grasslands that grow on mountain girdles (Mountford et al. 2008). În zona platoului Munţilor Bucegi, luat în studiu, acest tip de habitat a fost identifi cat ca fiind reprezentat de pajişti neînchegate, care înierbează brânele şi treptele feţelor abrupte din etajul alpin (1800-2400 m altitudine). Sunt alcătuite din multe specii xerofile şi xeromezofile, iubitoare de 50 In the researched area of the Bucegi Mountains plateau, this type of habitat was identified as being represented by relati vely closed grasslands, which grass-cover mountain girdles and abrupt walls at the alpine level (1800-2400 m altitude). They consist of numerous xerophile and xeromesophile species, which prefer light, warmth and a calcareous soil; they prefer a sunny exposure (southern or eastern), average temperatures between 2.5°C and -2.5°C and sufficient precipitation (1200-1450 mm/year). The most widespread areas can be found on the mountain girdle of the Prahova Valley slope of the Bucegi Mountains. The grasslands have relatively short vegetation and a great floristic diversity, given by the inclination and width of the mountain girdles, but also by the depth of the soil and the height of the layer of snow during winter. The edificatory and characteristic species are Sesleria rigida and Carex sempervirens, which are also dominating. Other important species are: Alyssum repens, Festuca amethystina, Helianthemum alpestre, Dryas octopetala, Linum extraaxilare, Thymus pulcherrimus, Erigeron uniflorus (Doniţă et al. 2005). Sesleria rigida (xeromesophyte-mesophyte, subthermophyte) and Carex sempervirens (mesophyte, microthermic dependent, oligotrophic-mesotrophic), as the dominant and characteristic species, share the area depending on the microclimate. Thus, Sesleria rigida prefers the territories with medium humidity, inclined and with a thinner layer of snow. Carex sempervirens prefers the areas with higher humidity, less inclined and covered with a thick layer of snow over winter (Puşcaru et al. 1956). The habitat has a high conservation value. The list of the species identified in 34 different plots on the Bucegi Mountains plateau comprises of 78 taxa, out of which 30 have a conservation value (rare, vulnerable or endemic species). The most disruptive anthropogenic factors for this habitat are tourism and the collecting of rare and vulnerable plants such as: Leontopodium alpinum, Nigritella nigra, Nigritella rubra. Habitat 6170 lumină, căldură şi de sol bogat în calcar, specii care preferă în general o expoziţie însorită (sudică sau estică), o climă rece cu valori medii anuale cuprinse între 2,5°C şi -2,5°C şi precipitaţii suficiente (12001450 mm/an). Suprafeţele cele mai întinse se află pe brânele versantului prahovean al Munţilor Bucegi. Sunt pajişti cu vegetaţie relativ scundă şi cu variaţii floristice mari, determinate atât de înclinarea şi lăţimea brânelor cât şi de profunzimea solului şi grosimea stratului de zăpadă din timpul iernii. Dintre speciile edificatoare şi caracteristice se remarcă Sesleria rigida şi Carex sempervirens, care sunt şi dominante. Alte specii importante sunt: Alyssum repens, Festuca amethystina, Helianthemum alpestre, Dryas octopetala, Linum extraaxilare, Thymus pulcherrimus, Erigeron uniflorus (Doniţă et al. 2005). Sesleria rigida (xeromezofită-mezofită, subtermofită) şi Carex sempervirens (mezofită, microtermic dependentă, oligotrofămezotrofă), ca specii dominante şi caracteristice, îşi dispută adesea arealul în funcţie de microclimat. Astfel, Sesleria rigida preferă zonele potrivit de umede, înclinate, unde şi stratul de zăpadă este mai subţire, în timp ce Carex sempervirens preferă zonele cu umiditate mai ridicată, mai plane şi acoperite cu strat gros de zăpadă peste iarnă (Puşcaru et al. 1956). Este un habitat cu valoare conservativă semnificativă. Lista speciilor identificate în urma evaluării a 34 de ploturi de la nivelul platoului Munţilor Bucegi, include 78 de taxoni, dintre care 30 cu valoare conservativă (plante rare, vulnerabile, endemice). Dintre factorii antropici cu efecte negative asupra integrităţii acestui tip de habitat se remarcă activităţile turistice asociate cu recoltarea unor plante rare şi vulnerabile, precum: Leontopodium alpinum, Nigritella nigra, Nigritella rubra. 51 Tabel 4. Habitat 6170 – Pajişti calcifile alpine şi subalpine – lista taxonilor inventariaţi cu prezentarea bioformei şi a caracteristicilor ecologice, subliniindu-se speciile caracteristice şi dominante, precum şi cele cu valoare conservativă în conformitate cu Oltean et al. (1994) Table 4. Habitat 6170 – Alpine and subalpine calcareous grasslands – list of the recorded taxa with life forms and ecological characteristics, highlighting dominant and characteristic species, as well as the species with conservation value according to Oltean et al. (1994) Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity mesophytemesohygrophyte Temperature microthermophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte eurithermophyte Achillea schurii Sch.Bip. - R, End. S&E Carp. H.; perennial Acinos alpinus (L.) Moench H.; perennial Alyssum repens Baumg. - End. Carp.-Balc. Ch.; perennial euriphyte eurithermophyte Androsace chamaejasme Wulfen - V/R Ch.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaertn. Ch.(H.); perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophyte Anthemis carpatica Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. H.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Armeria alpina (DC.) Willd. - R H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte eurithermophyte Artemisia eriantha Ten. Ch.; perennial xerophytexeromesophyte hekistothermophyte Asperula capitata Kit. ex Schult. H.; perennial xeromesophyte microthermophyte Bartsia alpina L. H.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Biscutella laevigata L. H.; perennial euriphyte eurithermophyte Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. G.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte microthermophyte Campanula alpina Jacq. H.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophyte Campanula cochleariifolia Lam. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte *Carex sempervirens Vill. H.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Cerastium alpinum L. subsp. lanatum (Lam.) Asch. & Graebn. Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm. - R G.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Draba kotschyi Stur - nt Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte *Dryas octopetala L. Ch.; shrub mesophyte psichrothermophyte Erigeron uniflorus L. - R H.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte Festuca supina Schur [syn. Festuca ovina L. var. supina (Schur) Hack.] H.; perennial mesophyte psichrothermophyte Festuca amethystina L. - R H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Festuca bucegiensis Markgraf-Dannenb. End. S. Carp. H.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophyte Galium anisophyllon Vill. Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesothermophyte Gentiana nivalis L. T.; annual mesophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte 52 Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Gentiana orbicularis Schur H.; perennial Humidity mesophyte Temperature eurithermophyte Gentiana verna L. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R.Br. subsp. densiflora (Wahlenb.) K.Richt. - R G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Hedysarum hedysaroides (L.) Schinz & Thell. - R H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophytepsichrothermophyte Helianthemum alpestre DC. Ch.; undershrub mesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Hieracium alpinum L. H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Hieracium villosum Jacq. H.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Juniperus sibirica Lodd. in Burgsd. Ph.; shrub xeromesophytemesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Kernera saxatilis (L.) Sweet H.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Kobresia myosuroides (Vill.) Fiori - R H.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophyte Larix decidua Mill. subsp. carpatica (Domin) Šiman - R Ph.; tree mesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Leontopodium alpinum Colm. ex Cass. - V/R H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Linum extraaxilare Kit. - nt, End. Carp.-Balc. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte eurithermophyte Lloydia serotina (L.) Rchb. - R G.; perennial xeromesophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte Loiseleuria procumbens (L.) Desv. - R Ch.; shrub xeromesophytemesophyte psichrothermophyte Minuartia recurva (All.) Schinz & Thell. Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte Minuartia sedoides (L.) Hiern Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte psichrothermophytemicrothermophyte Minuartia setacea (Thuill.) Hayek subsp. banatica (Rchb.) Nyár. Ch.; perennial xerophytexeromesophyte eurithermophyte Nigritella nigra (L.) Rchb. - V/R G.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Nigritella rubra (Wettst.) K.Richt. - V/R G.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Oxytropis halleri Koch - R H.; perennial xeromesophyte psichrothermophyte Pedicularis verticillata L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Phyteuma confusum A.Kern. - R H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Pinguicula alpina L. - R H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte eurithermophyte Pinguicula vulgaris L. - R H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte eurithermophyte Pinus mugo Turra Ph.; shrub mesophytemesohygrophyte psichrothermophyte Plantago atrata Hoppe - R H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Polygala amarella Crantz H.(Ch.); perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte 53 Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Polygonum viviparum L. G.; perennial Humidity mesophyte Temperature microthermophyte Primula minima L. H.; perennial mesophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte Pulsatilla micrantha Sweet [syn. Pulsatilla alba Rchb.] H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Ranunculus breyninus Crantz H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte subthermophyte Ranunculus montanus Willd. subsp. pseudomontanus (Schur) Ciocârlan H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Rhododendron myrtifolium Schott & Kotschy - V, End. Carp.-Balc. Ph.; shrub mesophyte eurithermophyte Salix herbacea L. Ch.; undershrub mesophytemesohygrophyte hekistothermophyte Salix reticulata L. Ch.; shrub mesophytemesohygrophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte Salix retusa L. - R Ch.; undershrub mesophytemesohygrophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Saxifraga corymbosa Boiss. Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophyte Saxifraga moschata Wulfen Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophyte Saxifraga oppositifolia L. - R, End. S&E Carp. Ch.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte psichrothermophyte Saxifraga paniculata Mill. Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Sedum alpestre Vill. Ch.; perennial hygrophyte microthermophytepsichrothermophyte Sedum atratum L. T.; annual mesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Sesleria bielzii Schur - R, End. Carp.-Balc. H.; perennial mesophyte psichrothermophyte *Sesleria rigida Heuff. ex Rchb. - End. Carp.-Balc. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte subthermophyte Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. s.l. Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte hekistothermophyte Thesium kernerianum Simonk. - R, End. Carp. G.-H.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophyte Thymus alpestris (Celak.) Tausch ex A.Kern. Ch.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Thymus pulcherrimus Schur - End. Carp. Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Trifolium repens L. subsp. ochranthum (K.Maly) Nyár. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte eurithermophyte Vaccinium uliginosum L. subsp. microphyllum (Lange) Hultén - R Ch.; undershrub xeromesophytemesophyte psichrothermophyte Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. Ch.(Ph.); (under) shrub mesophyte microthermophyte Viola alpina Jacq. - R H.; perennial xeromesophyte psichrothermophytemicrothermophyte * (text bold) – taxon caracteristic, taxon dominant / characteristic taxon, dominant taxon nt (text bold) – taxon neameninţat / non-endangered taxon; R (text bold) – taxon rar / rare taxon; V (text bold) – taxon vulnerabil / vulnerable taxon; End. (text bold) – taxon endemic / endemic taxon 54 Ansamblu / General view Acinos alpinus, Minuartia recurva (Foto Anca Sârbu) 55 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Achillea schurii Campanula cochleariifolia (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) 56 Coeloglossum viride (Foto Petronela Comănescu) Hedysarum hedysaroides Bartsia alpina Kernera saxatilis (Foto Anca Sârbu) 57 (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Hieracium alpinum Festuca bucegiensis (Foto Anca Sârbu) Hedysarum hedysaroides, Linum extraaxilare 58 (Foto Marius Negulici) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Erigeron uniflorus Leontopodium alpinum (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) 59 Helianthemum alpestre (Foto Anca Sârbu) Silene acaulis, Gentiana verna Minuartia recurva Oxytropis halleri (Foto Anca Sârbu) 60 (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Linum extraaxilare (Foto Anca Sârbu) Pinguicula alpina (Foto Anca Sârbu) Polygonum viviparum (Foto Anca Sârbu) Saxifraga paniculata (Foto Anca Sârbu) 61 Foto Anca Sârbu Habitat 6230* Pajişti de Nardus bogate în specii, pe substraturi silicatice din zone montane (şi submontane, în Europa Continentala) ˘ Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on siliceous substrates in mountain areas (and sub-mountain areas, in Continental Europe) În România, pajiştile de ţepoşică (nardete) sunt cele mai răspândite pajişti din etajele montan şi subalpin, dar sunt uneori frecvente şi în regiunile inferioare (600-1600 m altitudine). Suportă variaţii semnificative ale tem peraturii (media anuală între -1,5°C şi 6°C) şi ale umidităţii (între 950 mm şi 1400 mm/ an) (Mountford et al. 2008). Această răspândire amplă a nardetelor se datorează plasticităţii ecologice mari a speciei dominante – Nardus stricta, specie care se poate dezvolta în condiţii ecologice foarte variate (terenuri mai uscate, terenuri mai umede, temperaturi mai ridicate sau mai 62 In Romania, Nardus grasslands are the most widespread grasslands in the mountain and subalpine level, but are also sometimes frequent in lower regions (600-1600 m altitude). They can cope with great variations in temperature (annual average of -1.5°C and 6°C) and humidity (950-1400 mm/year) (Mountford et al. 2008). This wide sprea ding of Nardus grasslands is possible thanks to the great ecological plasticity of the dominant species – Nardus stricta, which can grow in very diverse ecological conditions (dry or wet areas, with low or high temperatures). The dense tuft of Nardus is 63 well adapted to poorly aerated soils, either compact or hardpacked, or too wet. However, the species is not resistant to prolonged drought or to long-term flooding. Nardus stricta is oligotrophic, mycorrhizal and very competitive plant (Puşcaru et al. 1956). This type of habitat represents about 35-40% of the pasture area of the Bucegi Mountains. It grass-covers wide surfaces in the mountain to alpine level (800-2070 m altitude), spreading over plateaus, slopes and mild crests. The most widespread areas covered by Nardus grasslands are found on the plateau of the Bucegi Mountains. The vegetation is short (15-20 cm tall), with a mountain aspect and coloured dark-green. The edificatory species are Viola declinata and Nardus stricta. Among the characteristic species, Nardus stricta and Poa media were identified on the plateau. Nardus stricta (80-95%) and Festuca supina are the do minating species. The great ecologic adaptive plasticity of Nardus stricta facilitates its expansion and the spread over new soils, acidic and depleted of nutrients, where the initial herbaceous vegetation finished its evolution. Thus, in the Nardus grasslands there can often be found plant species left over from previous pastures: Agrostis rupestris, Festuca supina, Deschampsia cespitosa, Festuca nigrescens, Poa molinerii etc. The habitat is a priority for conservation at European level, having a moderate conservation value (Doniţă et al. 2005). It shelters endemic plants such as: Dianthus glacialis subsp. gelidus, the species of community interest Arnica montana, but also numerous rare and vulnerable alpine species. This type of habitat is severely threatened by the effect of anthropogenic activities such as: fairly intensive grazing by a variety of animals (sheep, goats, horses, cows, donkeys), uncontrolled tou - Habitat 6230 scăzute). Tufa densă de Nardus este bine adaptată la soluri slab aerisite, fie compacte şi bătătorite, fie prea umede. Nu este însă o specie rezistentă la secetă prelungită şi nici la inundare îndelungată. Nardus stricta este plantă oligotrofă, micorizică şi foarte competitivă (Puşcaru et al. 1956). Acest tip de habitat reprezintă 35-40% din suprafaţa păşunabilă a Munţilor Bucegi. Înierbează suprafeţe întinse din etajul montan până în etajul alpin (800-2070 m altitudine), ocupând platouri, versanţi, coaste domoale. Suprafeţele cele mai întinse ocupate de pajiştile de Nardus sunt localizate pe platoul Munţilor Bucegi. Vegetaţia este scundă (15-20 cm înălţime), cu aspect montan şi culoare verde-închis. Speciile edificatoare sunt Viola declinata şi Nardus stricta. Dintre speciile caracteristice au fost identificate la nivelul zonei de platou studiate Nardus stricta şi Poa media. Domină Nardus stricta (80-95%) şi Festuca supina. Plasticitatea adaptativă ecologică semnificativă a speciei Nardus stricta permite expansiunea şi ocuparea de terenuri noi, acide şi epuizate de substanţe nutritive, unde vegetaţia erbacee iniţială îşi încheie evoluţia. În consecinţă, în pajiştile de Nardus se găsesc adesea specii de plante rămase din pajiştile anterioare: Agrostis rupestris, Festuca supina, Deschampsia cespitosa, Festuca nigrescens, Poa molinerii etc. Este un habitat european prioritar pentru conservare, cu valoare conservativă moderată (Doniţă et al. 2005). Adăposteşte plante endemice, precum: Dianthus glacialis subsp. gelidus, specia de interes co munitar Arnica montana, dar şi numeroase specii alpine rare şi vulnerabile. Este un tip de habitat puternic ameninţat de efectele activităţilor umane, precum: păşunatul destul de intens şi cu o diversitate de animale (oi, capre, cai, vaci, măgari), turismul necontrolat şi dezvoltarea unei infrastructuri turistice din ce în ce mai ample. Arnica montana (familia Asteraceae) este plantă erbacee perenă cu tulpină neramificată, înaltă de până la cca 50 cm, ce poartă terminal un singur antodiu mare, galben. Înfloreşte din iunie până în august. Arnica este răspândită în Europa şi Asia şi preferă pajiştile şi tufărişurile din zona montană. Faţă de factorii de mediu este mezofilă şi moderat acidofilă. Prelevarea din natură şi exploatarea speciei, care este cunoscută pentru proprietăţile ei medicinale, se supune prevederilor legislaţiei europene. Habitat 6230 rism and the development of a growing tourism infrastructure. Arnica montana (the family Asteraceae) is a perennial herbaceous plant with a unbranched stem, about 50 cm tall, terminally bearing a single, big, yellow head. It flowers from June to August. Arnica is spread throughout Europe and Asia and prefers grasslands and heaths from the mountain areas. In relation to the environmental factors it is mesophile and moderately acidophile. The collection and exploitation of the species, which is well-known for its medicinal properties, is according to European standards and legislation. Tabel 5. Habitat 6230* – Pajişti de Nardus bogate în specii, pe substraturi silicatice din zone montane (şi submontane, în Europa Continentală) – lista taxonilor inventariaţi cu prezentarea bioformei şi a caracteristicilor ecologice, subliniindu-se speciile caracteristice şi dominante, precum şi cele cu valoare conservativă în conformitate cu Oltean et al. (1994) Table 5. Habitat 6230* – Species-rich Nardus grasslands, on siliceous substrates in mountain areas (and sub-mountain areas, in Continental Europe) – list of the recorded taxa with life forms and ecological characteristics, highlighting dominant and characteristic species, as well as the species with conservation value according to Oltean et al. (1994) Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Agrostis rupestris All. H.; perennial Humidity mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Alchemilla glaucescens Wallr. H.; perennial mesoxerophyte Alchemilla monticola Opiz H.; perennial Androsace chamaejasme Wulfen - V/R Ch.; perennial mesophytemesoxerophyte mesophyte Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaertn. xeromesophyte Anthoxanthum odoratum L. Ch.(H.); perennial H.; perennial microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte hekistothermophyte mesophyte eurithermophyte Arenaria biflora L. Ch.; perennial mesohygrophyte hekistothermophyte Arenaria ciliata L. Ch.; perennial mesophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte microthermophyte Acinos alpinus (L.) Moench H.; perennial Arenaria rotundifolia M.Bieb. Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte Arnica montana L. - V H.; perennial mesophyte Bruckenthalia spiculifolia (Salisb.) Rchb. Ph.(Ch.); perennial H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Campanula alpina Jacq. Campanula patula L. subsp. abietina (Griseb. & Schenk) Simonk. - End. Carp.-Balc. Campanula serrata (Kit. ex Schult.) Hendrych - End. Carp. H.; perennial 64 Temperature eurithermophyte hekistothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte hekistothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics G.; perennial Humidity xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte microthermophyte G.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophyte Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) Beauv. H.; perennial eurithermophyte Dianthus glacialis Haenke subsp. gelidus (Schott, Nyman & Kotschy) Tutin - R, End. S&E Carp. Erigeron uniflorus L. - R H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Cerastium alpinum L. subsp. lanatum (Lam.) Asch. & Graebn. Cerastium arvense L. s.l. Ch.; perennial Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm. - R Crocus vernus (L.) Hill Ch.; perennial H.; perennial Temperature hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophyte Festuca nigrescens Lam. H.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte microthermophyte *Festuca supina Schur [syn. Festuca ovina L. var. supina (Schur) Hack.] Galium anisophyllon Vill. H.; perennial mesophyte psichrothermophyte Ch.; perennial mesothermophyte Gentiana acaulis L. - R H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte microthermophyte Gentiana verna L. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Geum montanum L. H.; perennial mesophyte Gnaphalium supinum L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte Gnaphalium uliginosum L. T.; annual Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R.Br. subsp. conopsea - R Helianthemum alpestre DC. G.; perennial Ch.; undershrub mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte mesothermophyte Hieracium aurantiacum L. H.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte microthermophyte Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass H.; perennial Ligusticum mutellina Crantz H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte Luzula alpinopilosa (Chaix) Breistr. s.l. H.; perennial Luzula luzuloides (Lam.) Dandy & Wilmott H.; perennial Luzula multiflora (Ehrh.) Lej. s.l. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte Luzula spicata (L.) DC. s.l. H.; perennial mesophyte Luzula sudetica (Willd.) Schult. H.; perennial mesophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte microthermophyte Minuartia sedoides (L.) Hiern Ch.; perennial Minuartia verna (L.) Hiern Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophyte psichrothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte *Nardus stricta L. H.; perennial eurithermophyte Nigritella nigra (L.) Rchb. - V/R G.; perennial xeromesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Nigritella rubra (Wettst.) K.Richt. - V/R G.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte Oxytropis halleri Koch - R H.; perennial xeromesophyte psichrothermophyte Phyteuma orbiculare L. H.; perennial microthermophyte Pinguicula vulgaris L. - R H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte 65 eurithermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity mesophyte Temperature eurithermophyte microthermophyte H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte H.; perennial xeromesophyte microthermophyte Polygonum bistorta L. G.; perennial mesohygrophyte Polygonum viviparum L. G.; perennial mesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte Potentilla ternata Freyn H.; perennial mesophyte Primula minima L. H.; perennial mesophyte Poa alpina L. H.; perennial Poa hybrida Gaudich. H.; perennial Poa media Schur Poa molinerii Balb. s.l. - R microthermophyte Pseudorchis albida (L.) Á.Löve & D.Löve - R G.; perennial mesophyte microthermophytepsichrothermophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte microthermophyte Pulsatilla micrantha Sweet [syn. Pulsatilla alba Rchb.] Ranunculus breyninus Crantz H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte subthermophyte eurithermophyte mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Ranunculus montanus Willd. subsp. pseudomontanus (Schur) Ciocârlan Rhododendron myrtifolium Schott & Kotschy - V, End. Carp.-Balc. Sagina procumbens L. H.; perennial Ph.; shrub microthermophyte Saxifraga moschata Wulfen H.(Ch.); perennial Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophyte Scleranthus perennis L. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Sedum alpestre Vill. Ch.; perennial hygrophyte Sedum atratum L. T.; annual mesophyte Soldanella hungarica Simonk. H.; perennial Tephroseris capitata (Wahlenb.) Griseb. & Schenk. Thlaspi dacicum Heuff. s.l. - R, S&E Carp. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte microthermophytepsichrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte microthermophyte H.(Ch.); perennial H.; perennial mesophyte Thymus alpestris (Celak.) Tausch ex A.Kern. Ch.; perennial mesohygrophyte Trifolium repens L. subsp. ochranthum (K.Maly) Nyár. Vaccinium myrtillus L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte hekistothermophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte mesothermophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Thlaspi kovatsii Heuff. Veratrum album L. s.l. Ch.(Ph.); (under) shrub H.; perennial Veronica alpina L. - R H.; perennial Veronica bellidioides L. H.; perennial Veronica serpyllifolia L. s.l. H.; perennial *Viola declinata Waldst. & Kit. H.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte * (text bold) – taxon caracteristic, taxon dominant / characteristic taxon, dominant taxon nt (text bold) – taxon neameninţat / non-endangered taxon; R (text bold) – taxon rar / rare taxon; V (text bold) – taxon vulnerabil / vulnerable taxon; End. (text bold) – taxon endemic / endemic taxon 66 Ansamblu / General view Antennaria dioica (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) 67 Luzula luzuloides (Foto Anca Sârbu) Arnica montana Arnica montana (Foto Marius Negulici) Campanula patula subsp. abietina 68 (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Gentiana acaulis Geum montanum (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) 69 Poa molinerii (Foto Anca Sârbu) Antennaria dioica, Phyteuma orbiculare Gnaphalium supinum (Foto Anca Sârbu) 70 (Foto Petronela Comănescu) Geum montanum Ansamblu / General view Nigritella rubra (Foto Anca Sârbu) 71 (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Pulsatilla micrantha Pseudorchis albida Ranunculus montanus subsp. pseudomontanus (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) 72 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Pinguicula vulgaris Pseudorchis albida (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) 73 Viola declinata (Foto Anca Sârbu) Foto Paulina Anastasiu Habitat 6430 ˘¸ de liziera ˘ cu ierburi înalte higrofile, de Comunitati ˘ în cel alpin la câmpie şi din etajul montan pâna Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plain and of the montane to alpine levels Habitatul cuprinde grupările de buruienişuri înalte din lungul apelor curgătoare, de pe marginea pâraielor, a izvoarelor, din văile abrupte şi umede, din jgheaburile şi hornurile umbrite. În general, preferă condiţii de umiditate atmosferică ridicată şi temperaturi medii anuale cuprinse între -1,5°C şi 7,5°C, în funcţie de comunităţile vegetale care îl constituie. 74 The habitat comprises of the tall forbs groupings found along rivers, on the banks of streams and springs, in abrupt and humid valleys, and in shaded gutters and chimneys. They generally prefer high humidity atmospheric conditions and average annual temperatures between -1.5°C and 7.5°C, depending on the vegetal communities that make it up. Habitat 6430 can be found in the form of strips of different widths all across the Carpathian chain, up to 2200 m altitude (Doniţă et al. 2005). The habitat has a great conservation value due to the fact that it shelters the protected species Ligularia sibirica (Doniţă et al. 2005). In the Bucegi Mountains, between Bolboci and Dobreşti, this habitat was identified along the river Ialomiţa and the other streams which the river collects, where it occupies limited areas on the edge of the forests it comes into contact with. The characteristic species of this habitat are: Adenostyles alliariae, Cicerbita alpina, Doronicum austriacum, Cirsium waldsteinii. These are mesohygrophytes and microthermic dependent. At the edge of habitat 9410, downstream of Zănoaga Gorges, Ligularia sibirica was identified, a species of community interest, perennial microthermophyte. Other species with conservative value recorded in this type of habitat are: Coelo glossum viride, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Hepatica transsilvanica, Leucanthemum rotundifolium, Streptopus amplexifolius. Of the species with a possible negative impact, Urtica dioica and Erigeron annuus were found, but these only have a sporadic presence. Ligularia sibirica (the family Astera ceae) is a perennial herbaceous plant, with an up to 120 cm tall stem, long-petiole, cordate, serrated basal and lower stem leaves, and short-petiole to sessile upper leaves. The heads are big, yellow, grouped in simple racemes. It flowers in July-August. The species is spread in Europe and Asia, in the mountain and subalpine areas, where they prefer the swampy habitates, the heaths along valleys. In relation to the environmental factors, it is mesohygrophyte-hygrophyte and microthermophyte. Habitat 6430 Habitatul 6430 poate fi întâlnit, sub forma unor fâşii de lăţime variabilă, în tot lungul lanţului carpatic, până la cca 2200 m altitudine (Doniţă et al. 2005). Valoarea conservativă a habitatului este considerată mare doar dacă adăposteşte specia protejată Ligularia sibirica (Doniţă et al. 2005). În Bucegi, între Bolboci şi Dobreşti, acest habitat a fost identificat de-a lungul râului Ialomiţa şi a pâraielor pe care le colectează, unde ocupă suprafeţe restrânse în liziera pădurilor cu care interferează. Speciile caracteristice acestui tip de habitat sunt: Adenostyles alliariae, Cicerbita alpina, Doronicum austriacum, Cirsium waldsteinii. Acestea sunt mezohigrofite şi microtermic dependente. La liziera habitatului 9410, în aval de Cheile Zănoagei, a fost identificată Ligularia sibirica, specie de interes comunitar, microtermofită perenă. Alte specii cu valoare conservativă întâlnite în acest habitat sunt: Coeloglossum viride, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Hepatica transsilvanica, Leucanthemum rotundifolium, Streptopus amplexifolius. Dintre speciile cu posibil impact negativ au fost notate Urtica dioica şi Erigeron annuus, care au însă doar o prezenţă sporadică. Ligularia sibirica (familia Asteraceae) este plantă erbacee perenă, cu tulpină înaltă de până la 120 cm, frunze bazale şi tulpinale inferioare lung peţiolate, cordate, mărunt dinţate pe margini şi frunze superioare scurt peţiolate până la sesile. Antodiile sunt mari, galbene, grupate în raceme simple. Înfloreşte în iulie-august. Specia este răspândită în Europa şi Asia, în zona montană şi subalpină unde preferă habitatele mlăştinoase, buruienişurile din lungul văilor. Faţă de factorii de mediu este mezohigrofită-higrofită şi microtermofită. 75 Tabel 6. Habitat 6430 – Comunităţi de lizieră cu ierburi înalte higrofile, de la câmpie şi din etajul montan până în cel alpin – lista taxonilor inventariaţi cu prezentarea bioformei şi a caracteristicilor ecologice, subliniindu-se speciile caracteristice şi dominante, precum şi cele cu valoare conservativă în conformitate cu Oltean et al. (1994) Table 6. Habitat 6430 – Hydrophilous tall herb fringe communities of plain and of the montane to alpine levels – list of the recorded taxa with life forms and ecological characteristics, highlighting dominant and characteristic species, as well as the species with conservation value according to Oltean et al. (1994) Taxa Ecological characteristics Life form Humidity mesohygrophyte Temperature mesothermophyte Adoxa moschatellina L. G.; perennial *Adenostyles alliariae (Gouan) A.Kern. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Aegopodium podagraria L. H.(G.); perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Ajuga reptans L. H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Alnus viridis (Chaix) DC. Ph.; shrub mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. Ht.-H.; biannualperennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Bellis perennis L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) P.Beauv. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Caltha palustris L. H.; perennial hygrophyte microthermophyte Campanula patula L. subsp. abietina (Griseb. & Schenk) Simonk. - End. Carp.-Balc. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Cardamine amara L. H.; perennial hygrophyte eurithermophyte Carex hirta L. G.; perennial euriphyte mesothermophyte Carex sylvatica Huds. H.(HH.); perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Centaurea triumfetti All. H.; perennial xeromesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Cerastium arvense L. s.l. Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte eurithermophyte Chaerophyllum hirsutum L. H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesothermophyte Chamaerion angustifolium (L.) Holub H.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Chrysosplenium alternifolium L. H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte microthermophyte *Cicerbita alpina (L.) Wallr. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Circaea lutetiana L. G.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Cirsium erisithales (Jacq.) Scop. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte *Cirsium waldsteinii Rouy H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte 76 Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Clematis alpina (L.) Mill. Ph.; perennial Humidity mesophyte Temperature microthermophyte Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm. - R G.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Cortusa matthioli L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó - R G.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Daphne mezereum L. Ph.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Delphinium elatum L. subsp. elatum H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Dentaria glandulosa Waldst. & Kit. [syn. Cardamine glanduligera O.Schwarz] End. Carp. G.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Digitalis grandiflora Mill. H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte *Doronicum austriacum Jacq. G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Equisetum arvense L. G.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Equisetum hyemale L. G.; perennial hygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Equisetum sylvaticum L. G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Epilobium montanum L. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Erigeron annuus (L.) Pers. s.l. T.-Ht.-H.; annualbiannual-perennial mesohygrophyte eurithermophyte Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte microthermophyte Fragaria vesca L. H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Galeopsis speciosa Mill. T.; annual mesophyte microthermophyte Gentiana asclepiadea L. H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte microthermophyte Geranium phaeum L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Geranium robertianum L. T.-Ht.; annualwinter annual mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Geranium sylvaticum L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Geum rivale L. H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte eurithermophyte Gymnocarpium robertianum (Hoffm.) Newman G.; perennial mesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Hepatica transsilvanica Fuss - nt, End. S&E Carp. H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Hieracium aurantiacum L. H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Hieracium transsilvanicum Heuff. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Hypericum maculatum Crantz H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Juncus articulatus L. H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte microthermophyte Lamium maculatum (L.) L. subsp. maculatum H.(Ch.); perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte 77 Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity mesophytemesohygrophyte Temperature microthermophyte H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte microthermophyte Lilium martagon L. G.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Luzula luzuloides (Lam.) Dandy & Wilmott H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Medicago lupulina L. T.-H.; annualperennial xeromesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Myosotis nemorosa Besser Ht.-H.; biannualperennial hygrophyte mesothermophyte Myosotis sylvatica Ehrh. ex Hoffm. Ht.; biannual mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Oxalis acetosella L. H.(G.); perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Paris quadrifolia L. G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte eurithermophyte Petasites kablikianus Tausch ex Bercht. G.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte eurithermophyte Leucanthemum rotundifolium DC. - R H.; perennial Ligularia sibirica (L.) Cass. - R Plantago major L. s.l. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Poa nemoralis L. H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Polygonum bistorta L. G.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Potentilla erecta (L.) Raeusch. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Primula elatior Hill H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Primula veris L. H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Prunella vulgaris L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Pulmonaria rubra Schott - End. Carp.-Balc. H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Ranunculus acris L. s.l. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte eurithermophyte Ranunculus platanifolius L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Ranunculus repens L. H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte eurithermophyte Ribes petraeum Wulfen Ph.; shrub mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Rosa pendulina L. Ph.; shrub mesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Rubus idaeus L. Ph.; shrub mesophyte mesothermophyte Rumex acetosa L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte eurithermophyte Rumex alpinus L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Salix caprea L. Ph.; tree mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte 78 Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity mesophytemesohygrophyte Temperature microthermophyte Ht.; biannual xerophytexeromesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Scirpus sylvaticus L. G.; perennial hygrophyte mesothermophyte Scrophularia nodosa L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte, hygrophyte mesothermophyte Sedum telephium L. s.l. H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Senecio ovatus Willd. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Silene pusilla Waldst. & Kit. subsp. pusilla Ch.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Soldanella hungarica Simonk. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Solidago virgaurea L. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte microthermophyte Sorbus aucuparia L. subsp. aucuparia juv. Ph.; tree mesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Spiraea chamaedryfolia L. Ph.; shrub mesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Stellaria nemorum L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Streptopus amplexifolius (L.) DC. - R G.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Symphytum tuberosum L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Taraxacum officinale (L.) Weber ex F.H.Wigg. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte eurithermophyte Thalictrum aquilegiifolium L. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Trifolium pratense L. s.l. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte eurithermophyte Trifolium repens L. subsp. repens H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte eurithermophyte Tussilago farfara L. G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Urtica dioica L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Valeriana sambucifolia Mikan f. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Veratrum album L. s.l. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Veronica chamaedrys L. s.l. H.-Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte eurithermophyte Veronica officinalis L. Ch.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Salix silesiaca Willd. Ph.; shrub Saxifraga adscendens L. Viola biflora L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Viola elatior Fr. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte subthermophyte * (text bold) – taxon caracteristic, taxon dominant / characteristic taxon, dominant taxon nt (text bold) – taxon neameninţat / non-endangered taxon; R (text bold) – taxon rar / rare taxon; End. (text bold) – taxon endemic / endemic taxon 79 Ansamblu / General view Coeloglossum viride (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) 80 Cirsium waldsteinii (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Geum rivale Ligularia sibirica (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Cicerbita alpina, Doronicum austriacum, Cirsium waldsteinii 81 (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Senecio ovatus Veronica chamaedrys (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Delphinium elatum subsp. elatum 82 (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Filipendula ulmaria, Aegopodium podagraria, Geranium sylvaticum (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Veratrum album (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) 83 Equisetum sylvaticum Foto Anca Sârbu Habitat 6520 ¸ montane Fânete Mountain hay meadows Sunt răspândite în etajul montan inferior şi mijlociu al Carpaţilor din România, la altitudini cuprinse în general între 400 m şi 800 m. Sunt alcătuite din specii care necesită temperaturi medii anuale cuprinse între 6°C și 7°C şi precipitaţii de 700-800 mm/an. Preferă versanţi puţin înclinaţi, cu expoziţie nordică sau nord-estică, substrat repre- They are spread in the lower and middle mountain level of the Romanian Carpathians, at altitudes of between 400 m and 800 m. 84 They comprise of species that require average annual temperatures between 6°C and 7°C and rainfall of about 700-800 mm/ year. Mountain hay meadows prefer slopes with low inclination, with northern and north-eastern exposure, with a substrate represented by schist and conglomerates and soils rich in nutrient substances, moderately moist, neutral to slightly acidic (Doniţă et al. 2005). This type of habitat was identified in Poiana Stânii Regale (Royal Sheepfold Meadow) where it is edified by species such as: Trisetum flavescens subsp. flavescens, Cerastium holosteoides, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Briza media, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca pratensis. The characteristic species are Trisetum flavescens subsp. flavescens and Cerastium holosteoides. Although this habitat is considered to have a low conservation value (Doniţă et al. 2005), in the case of the hay meadow at Poiana Stânii Regale we can talk about a great conservation value, given by the presence of the species Campanula serrata and Gentiana lutea, which are of interest at community level, but also by the presence of numerous rare and vulnerable species: Campanula patula subsp. abietina, Carduus kerneri subsp. kerneri, Dianthus barbatus subsp. compactus, Centaurea kotschyana, Crocus banaticus, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Dactylorhiza maculata, Dactylorhiza saccifera, Eriophorum angustifolium, Gymnadenia conopsea, Phyteuma vagneri, Platanthera bifolia, Traunsteinera globosa, Trollius europaeus, Viola dacica. Tourism is among the most significant anthropogenic factors with a negative impact on the integrity of this type of habitat. In addition to tourist activities, other factors with negative consequences are the collection of rare and vulnerable plants such as Trollius europaeus and of orchid species, but also the presence of some species untypical of this type of hay meadow, such as: Rumex alpinus, Urtica dioica, Brassica rapa subsp. campestris, Cirsium arvense, Nardus stricta, Veratrum album and Jun- Habitat 6520 zentat de şisturi sau conglomerate şi soluri bogate în substanţe nutritive, moderat umede, neutre până la slab acide (Doniţă et al. 2005). Acest tip de habitat a fost identificat în Poiana Stânii Regale unde este edificat de specii, precum: Trisetum flavescens subsp. flavescens, Cerastium holosteoides, Anthoxanthum odoratum, Briza media, Dactylis glomerata, Festuca pratensis. Speciile caracteristice sunt Trisetum flavescens subsp. flavescens şi Cerastium holosteoides. Deşi se consideră că habitatul are valoare conservativă redusă (Doniţă et al. 2005), în cazul fâneţei din Poiana Stânii Regale se poate vorbi de o valoare conservativă ridicată, dată de prezenţa speciilor de interes comunitar Campanula serrata şi Gentiana lutea, dar şi de prezenţa a numeroase specii rare şi vulnerabile: Campanula patula subsp. abietina, Carduus kerneri subsp. kerneri, Dianthus barbatus subsp. compactus, Centaurea kotschyana, Crocus banaticus, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Dactylorhiza maculata, Dactylorhiza saccifera, Eriophorum angustifolium, Gymnadenia conopsea, Phyteuma vagneri, Platanthera bifolia, Traunsteinera globosa, Trollius europaeus, Viola dacica. Dintre factorii antropici cu efecte negative asupra integrităţii acestui tip de habitat se remarcă în principal activităţile turistice. Acestea sunt asociate cu recoltarea unor plante rare şi vulnerabile, precum Trollius europaeus şi specii de orhidee, dar şi cu prezenţa unor plante nespecifice acestei fâneţe, precum: Rumex alpinus, Urtica dioica, Brassica rapa subsp. campestris, Cirsium arvense, Nardus stricta, Veratrum album sau specia de origine americană Juncus tenuis. Păşunatul cu animale exotice (reni, ponei) ar putea reprezenta, de asemenea, un factor de ameninţare pentru această fâ85 Habitat 6520 cus tenuis, a species of American origins. Exotic animal grazing (reindeers, ponies) could also represent a threatening factor for this hay meadow, together with the lack of an adequate mowing management strategy and the performing of winter activities (for example, sledding). Gentiana lutea (the family Gentianaceae) is a perennial herbaceous plant, up to about 140 cm tall. The stem is straight, thick, covered by big, opposite leaves with prominent, almost parallel nerves. The flo wers are big, yellow, arranged in the form of clusters in the leaves’ axil. It flowers in June-July. The Yellow Gentian is spread in central and southern Europe, and in Asia Minor, where it prefers the mountain and alpine meadows. In relation to the environmental factors, it is mesophyte and microthermophyte. The collection and exploitation of the species, which is known for its medicinal properties, is according to European law. neaţă, alături de lipsa unui management adecvat al cosirilor, dar şi de practicarea unor activităţi pe timpul iernii (ex. săniuş). Gentiana lutea (familia Gentianaceae) este plantă erbacee perenă, înaltă de până la cca 140 cm. Tulpina este dreaptă, groasă, îmbrăcată de frunze mari, dispuse opus, cu nervuri proeminente, aproape paralele. Florile sunt mari, galbene, dispuse sub formă de glomerule în axilele frunzelor. Înfloreşte în iunie-iulie. Ghinţura galbenă este răspândită în partea centrală şi de sud a Europei, în Asia Mică, unde preferă pajiştile montane şi alpine. Faţă de factorii de mediu este mezofită şi microtermofită. Prelevarea din natură şi exploatarea speciei, care este cunoscută pentru proprietăţile ei medicinale, se supune prevederilor legislaţiei europene. Tabel 7. Habitat 6520 – Fâneţe montane – lista taxonilor inventariaţi cu prezentarea bioformei şi a caracteristicilor ecologice, subliniindu-se speciile caracteristice şi dominante, precum şi cele cu valoare conservativă în conformitate cu Oltean et al. (1994) Table 7. Habitat 6520 – Mountain hay meadows – list of the recorded taxa with life forms and ecological characteristics, highlighting dominant and characteristic species, as well as the species with conservation value according to Oltean et al. (1994) Taxa Life form Acer pseudoplatanus L. juv. Ph.; tree Achillea distans Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. H.; perennial Acinos alpinus (L.) Moench H.; perennial Aconitum vulparia Reichenb. subsp. vulparia H.; perennial Aegopodium podagraria L. H.(G.); perennial Agrostis capillaris L. s.l. Agrostis stolonifera L. subsp. stolonifera Ajuga reptans L. H.(G.); perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial Alchemilla colorata Buser H.; perennial Alchemilla mollis (Buser) Rothm. H.; perennial 86 Ecological characteristics Humidity mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte euriphyte mesohygrophyte mesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte Temperature mesothermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Taxa Alopecurus pratensis L. Anthoxanthum odoratum L. Anthyllis vulneraria L. s.l. Arabis hirsuta (L.) Scop. Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Beauv. ex J. & C.Presl subsp. elatius Astrantia major L. subsp. major Life form H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial Ht.-H.; biannual, perennial H.; perennial Humidity mesohygrophyte mesophyte xeromesophyte xerophytexeromesophyte mesophyte Temperature mesothermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte Avenula planiculmis (Schrad.) W.Sauer & Chmel. Avenula praeusta (Rchb.) Holub. subsp. adsurgens (Simonk.) Soó Brassica rapa L. subsp. campestris (L.) A.R.Clapham Briza media L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte H.; perennial xeromesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte T.; annual mesophyte mesothermophyte H.; perennial eurithermophyte Bromus ramosus Huds. Bupleurum sibthorpianum Sm. - End. Carp.-Balc. Calamagrostis arundinacea (L.) Roth H.; perennial H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte xeromesophyte Caltha palustris L. Campanula glomerata L. s.l. H.; perennial H.; perennial Campanula patula L. subsp. abietina (Griseb. & Schenk) Simonk. - End. Carp.-Balc. Campanula persicifolia L. H.; perennial Campanula serrata (Kit. ex Schult.) Hendrych - End. Carp. Campanula sibirica L. s.l. Cardamine impatiens L. Carduus kerneri Simonk. subsp. kerneri End. Carp.-Balc. Carex flava L. s.str. H.; perennial Ecological characteristics H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial Ht.; biannual Ht.; winter annual, biannual H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte hygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophyte Carex fusca All. Carex pallescens L. G.; perennial H.; perennial Carlina acaulis L. s.l. H.; monocarpous Centaurea kotschyana Heuffel - End. Carp.-Balc. Centaurea phrygia L. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophyte H.; perennial mesophyte *Cerastium holosteoides Fries ampl. Hyl. mesophyte Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. H.-Ch; biannualperennial G.; perennial Cirsium erisithales (Jacq.) Scop. H.; perennial Cirsium waldsteinii Rouy H.; perennial H.; perennial 87 xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte subthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte subthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Clinopodium vulgare L. H.; perennial Colchicum autumnale L. G.; perennial Coronilla varia L. Crepis biennis L. Crocus banaticus J.Gay - End. Carp. Crocus vernus (L.) Hill Cruciata glabra (L.) Ehrend. Cuscuta europaea L. subsp. europaea Cynosurus cristatus L. Dactylis glomerata L. s.l. H.; perennial Ht.; biannual G.; perennial G.; perennial H.; perennial T.; annual H.; perennial H.; perennial Dactylorhiza saccifera (Brongn.) Soó - R Dactylorhiza maculata (L.) Soó subsp. maculata - R Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó - R Dentaria bulbifera L. [syn. Cardamine bulbifera (L.) Crantz] Dianthus barbatus L. subsp. compactus (Kit.) Heuffel - R Digitalis grandiflora Mill. Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott Epilobium alpestre (Jacq.) Kroker G.; perennial G.; perennial Humidity xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophyte mesophyte mesophyte mesophyte mesophyte mesohygrophyte mesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte G.; perennial G.; perennial mesophyte mesophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte mesothermophyte H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte Epilobium lamyi F.W.Schultz H.; perennial mesophyte mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte euriphyte Equisetum arvense L. Equisetum palustre L. Eriophorum angustifolium Honck. G.; perennial G.; perennial HG.(HH.); perennial Ch.; perennial mesophyte hygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophyte Euphorbia amygdaloides L. Euphrasia officinalis L. subsp. pratensis Schübler & Martens Euphrasia stricta D.Wolff ex J.F.Lehm Fallopia dumetorum (L.) Holub. T.; annual mesophyte T.; annual T.; annual Festuca gigantea (L.) Vill. Festuca rubra L. Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial Galanthus nivalis L. G.; perennial Galeopsis bifida Boenn. Galeopsis speciosa Mill. Galium album Mill. subsp. album T.; annual T.; annual H.; perennial Galium schultesii Vest G.; perennial Galium verum L. subsp. verum H.; perennial Gentiana lutea L. - V/R H.; perennial mesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophyte mesophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte 88 Temperature mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte hekistothermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophytesubthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophytesubthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte Taxa Life form Gentianella austriaca (A. & J. Kerner) Holub Geranium phaeum L. Geranium pratense L. Ht.; biannual H.; perennial H.; perennial Geranium sylvaticum L. H.; perennial Geum rivale L. H.; perennial Gladiolus imbricatus L. G.; perennial Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R.Br. subsp. conopsea - R Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill. s.l. G.; perennial Helleborus purpurascens Waldst. & Kit. H.; perennial Heracleum sphondylium L. s.l. Hieracium aurantiacum L. Hieracium valdepilosum Vill. Hypericum maculatum Crantz Ht.-H.; biannual, perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial Juncus articulatus L. H.; perennial Juncus bufonius L. T.; annual Juncus conglomeratus L. H.; perennial Juncus tenuis Willd. G.; perennial Juniperus communis L. Ph.; shrub Knautia longifolia (Waldst. & Kit.) Koch H.; perennial Lathyrus pratensis L. Leontodon hispidus L. H.; perennial H.; perennial Leucanthemum vulgare Lam. Lilium martagon L. Linum catharticum L. subsp. catharticum Lotus corniculatus L. H.; perennial G.; perennial T.; annual H.; perennial Luzula luzuloides (Lam.) Dandy & Wilmott H.; perennial Luzula sylvatica (Huds.) Gaudin H.; perennial Lychnis flos-cuculi L. H.; perennial Lysimachia nummularia L. Medicago lupulina L. Ch.; perennial T.-H.; annualperennial Ht.-H.; biannualperennial Myosotis nemorosa Besser Ch.; perennial 89 Ecological characteristics Humidity mesophyte mesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte mesophyte mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophyte mesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte mesophyte mesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesohygrophyte hygrophyte Temperature microthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte Taxa Life form Myosotis sylvatica Ehrh. ex Hoffm. Ht.; biannual Nardus stricta L. H.; perennial Origanum vulgare L. H.; perennial Orobanche lutea Baumg. Parnassia palustris L. G.; perennial H.; perennial Phleum alpinum L. Phleum pratense L. H.; perennial H.; perennial Phyteuma vagneri A.Kern. - R, End. Carp. H.; perennial Pimpinella major (L.) Huds. s.l. H.; perennial Pimpinella saxifraga L. s.l. H.; perennial Plantago lanceolata L. Plantago major L. s.l. Plantago media L. H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial Platanthera bifolia (L.) L.C.M.Richard - R G.; perennial Poa chaixii Vill. Poa nemoralis L. Poa pratensis L. Poa trivialis L. Polygala amara L. s.l. H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial H.(Ch.); perennial Polygala vulgaris L. s.l. Polygonum bistorta L. H.(Ch.); perennial G.; perennial Potentilla erecta (L.) Raeusch H.; perennial Potentilla recta L. subsp. recta H.; perennial Potentilla reptans L. H.; perennial Prunella vulgaris L. H.; perennial Ranunculus montanus Willd. subsp. pseudomontanus (Schur) Ciocârlan Rhinanthus angustifolius C.C.Gmelin Rhinanthus minor L. Rumex acetosa L. H.; perennial Rumex alpinus L. Rumex sanguineus L. Salvia glutinosa L. Scorzonera rosea Waldst. & Kit. Scrophularia scopolii Hoppe Sedum annuum L. T.; annual T.; annual H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial G.; perennial H.; perennial T.-Ht.; annualbiannual 90 Ecological characteristics Humidity mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte mesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesophyte mesophyte mesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte mesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte euriphyte mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte xeromesophyte mesohygrophyte xeromesophyte Temperature mesothermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophytesubthermophyte subthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte Taxa Sedum hispanicum L. Senecio ovatus Willd. Life form T-Ht.; annualbiannual H.; perennial Ecological characteristics Humidity xerophyte Silene nutans L. subsp. dubia (Herbich) Zapal. - End. Carp. Silene noctiflora L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophyte T.; annual xeromesophyte Silene vulgaris (Moench) Garcke Stachys alpina L. Stachys officinalis (L.) Trev. Stellaria graminea L. Teucrium chamaedrys L. Thlaspi kovatsii Heuff. H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial Ch.; perennial H.; perennial mesophyte mesophyte mesophyte mesophyte xeromesophyte mesophyte Thymus balcanus Borbás Ch.; perennial Thymus pulegioides L. s.l. Traunsteinera globosa (L.) Rchb. - R Trifolium pannonicum Jacq. Ch.; perennial G.; perennial H.; perennial xerophytexeromesophyte xeromesophyte mesophyte xeromesophyte Trifolium pratense L. s.l. H.; perennial Trifolium repens L. subsp. repens H.; perennial *Trisetum flavescens (L.) P.Beauv. subsp. flavescens Trollius europaeus L. - R Tussilago farfara L. H.; perennial Urtica dioica L. H.; perennial Veratrum album L. s.l. H.; perennial Verbascum lychnitis L. Veronica anagallis-aquatica L. Veronica chamaedrys L. s.l. Ht.; biannual H.(HH.); perennial H.-Ch.; perennial Veronica officinalis L. Vicia cracca L. Viola dacica Borbás - R Viola declinata Waldst. & Kit. Ch.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial H.; perennial Viola tricolor L. subsp. tricolor T.-Ht.; annualbiannual H.; perennial G.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte euriphyte mesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophyte hygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte mesophyte mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Temperature mesothermophytesubthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophytesubthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte subthermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte mesothermophytesubthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophytesubthermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte * (text bold) – taxon caracteristic, taxon dominant / characteristic taxon, dominant taxon R (text bold) – taxon rar / rare taxon; V (text bold) – taxon vulnerabil / vulnerable taxon; End. (text bold) – taxon endemic / endemic taxon 91 Ansamblu / General view - Gentiana lutea Aconitum vulparia subsp. vulparia (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) 92 Aconitum vulparia subsp. vulparia Carduus kerneri subsp. kerneri (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Anthyllis vulneraria s.l. 93 Centaurea kotschyana (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Gentiana lutea Sedum hispanicum Centaurea kotschyana (Foto Anca Sârbu) 94 (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Astrantia major subsp. major Centaurea phrygia (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) 95 Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. conopsea (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. maculata Helleborus purpurascens (Foto Anca Sârbu) Hieracium aurantiacum Pimpinella major s.l. (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) 96 Campanula persicifolia (Foto Anca Sârbu) Dianthus barbatus subsp. compactus (Foto Anca Sârbu) 97 Viola declinata Silene nutans subsp. dubia (Foto Anca Sârbu) 98 (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Helianthemum nummularium s.l. Trifolium pannonicum (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) 99 Viola dacica (Foto Anca Sârbu) Silene vulgaris Knautia longifolia (Foto Anca Sârbu) Scorzonera rosea 100 (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Foto Victor Bortaș Habitat 8120 Grohotişuri calcaroase şi de şisturi ˘ în cel alpin calcaroase din etajul montan pâna (Thlaspietea rotundifolii) Calcareous and calcshist screes of the montane to alpine levels (Thlaspietea rotundifolii) Acest tip de habitat este larg răspândit în Carpaţii Româneşti, la altitudini cuprinse între 1800 m și 2200 m, climă rece cu temperaturi medii anuale cuprinse între 1,5°C şi -0,8°C şi precipitaţii cuprinse între 1300 mm și 1400 mm/an (Doniţă at al. 2005). Este un habitat saxicol, prezent pe grohotişuri mobile calcaroase (roci mobile şi This type of habitat is widely spread in the Romanian Carpathians, at altitudes of 1800 mm and 2200 m, and a cold climate with average annual temperatures between 1.5°C and -0.8°C and precipitation between 1300 mm and 1400 mm/year (Doniţă et al. 2005). It is a saxicolous habitat which can be found on mobile calcareous screes (mobile 101 Habitat 8120 semimobile) şi pe soluri scheletice de pe versanţii înclinaţi sau cu pantă mare, din etajul montan şi până în cel alpin. Este un habitat cu acoperire redusă, cu vegetaţie scundă (10-25 cm înălţime), un habitat pionier, cu rol în procesul de înţelenire şi fixare a grohotişurilor mobile. Pe grohotişurile mai fine şi cu acumulări de sol, vegetaţia erbacee este mai bogată. Vegetaţia este scundă (10-25 cm înălţime) şi relativ săracă în specii (25-30 specii) (Mountford et al. 2008). În cazul Munţilor Bucegi, acest tip de habitat se găseşte la altitudini cuprinse între 2300 m și 2400 m, în condiţii de climă rece cu temperaturi medii anuale de -2,0°C şi precipitaţii de 800 mm/an. Se dezvoltă pe zone de pietriş şi terenuri scheletice cu expoziţie nord-estică şi nord-vestică unde plantele acoperă neuniform substratul şi formează perniţe dense de plante scunde (5-10 cm înălţime) cu o acoperire de 40-60% (Doniţă et al. 2005). În zona studiată a platoului Munţilor Bucegi pentru acest tip de habitat au fost identificaţi 29 de taxoni. Speciile edificatoare şi caracteristice sunt Minuartia sedoides şi Silene acaulis. Speciile dominante sunt reprezentate de Primula minima, Minuartia sedoides, Saxifraga bryoides şi Cerastium arvense. Nu au fost identificate plante cu potenţial invaziv. Este un tip de habitat cu valoare conservativă mare prin plantele rare şi endemice pe care le adăposteşte. Reprezintă totodată habitat pentru Tozzia alpina subsp. carpatica (Mountford et al. 2008), plantă ameninţată la nivel european (Coldea et al. 2003). Impactul antropic exercitat asupra acestui tip de habitat este semnificativ şi se exprimă în efectele păşunatului intens, ale turismului necontrolat şi ale activităţilor de alpinism (Mountford et al. 2008). and semi-mobile rocks) and on the skeletal soils of the inclined or steep slopes in the mountain to alpine level. It is a habitat with limited coverage, with short vegetation (10-25 cm high); it is a pioneer habitat with an important function in the stabilisation of the mobile screes. On the finer screes with soil accumulations, the herbaceous vegetation is richer. The vegetation is short (10-25 cm high) and fairly poor in species (25-30 species) (Mountford et al. 2008). In the Bucegi Mountains, this type of habitat can be found at altitudes between 2300 m and 2400 m, in a cold climate, with average annual temperatures of -2.0°C and precipitation of 800 mm per year. It grows on gravel and skeletal soils with northeastern and north-western exposure, where plants cover unevenly the substrate, and form dense cushions of short plants (5-10 cm high) with a coverage of 40-60% (Doniţă et al. 2005). In the researched area of the Bucegi Mountains plateau, 29 taxa were identified for this habitat. The edificatory and characteristic species are Minuartia sedoides and Silene acaulis. The dominating species are represented by Primula minima, Mi nuartia sedoides, Saxifraga bryoides and Cerastium arvense. There were not identified any plants with invasive potential. The habitat has a high conservation value due to the rare and endemic plants that can be found here. It is also the habitat for the species Tozzia alpina subsp. carpa tica (Mountford et al. 2008), a plant considered threatened at European level (Coldea et al. 2003). The anthropogenic impact on this habitat is significant and is represented parti cularly by the effects of intensive grazing, unmanaged tourism and alpinism activities (Mountford et al. 2008). 102 Tabel 8. Habitat 8120 – Grohotişuri calcaroase şi de şisturi calcaroase din etajul montan până în cel alpin (Thlaspietea rotundifolii) – lista taxonilor inventariaţi cu prezentarea bioformei şi a caracteristicilor ecologice, subliniindu-se speciile caracteristice şi dominante, precum şi cele cu valoare conservativă în conformitate cu Oltean et al. (1994) Table 8. Habitat 8120 – Calcareous and calcshist screes of the montane to alpine levels (Thlaspietea rotundifolii) – list of the recorded taxa with life forms and ecological characteristics, highlighting dominant and characteristic species, as well as the species with conservation value according to Oltean et al. (1994) Ecological characteristics Taxa Life form Humidity Temperature Anthemis carpatica Waldst. & Kit. ex Willd. H.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Arenaria ciliata L. Ch.; perennial mesophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte Armeria alpina (DC.) Willd. - R H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte eurithermophyte *Cerastium alpinum L. subsp. lanatum (Lam.) Asch. & Graebn. Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte Cerastium arvense L. s.l. Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte eurithermophyte Draba compacta Schott, Nyman & Kotschy - R Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Draba kotschyi Stur - nt Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Dryas octopetala L. Ch.; shrub mesophyte psichrothermophyte Erigeron nanus Schur - R H.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophyte Geum montanum L. H.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Kobresia simpliciuscula (Wahlenb.) Mack. - R H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte hekistothermophyte Ligusticum mutellinoides Vill. - R H.; perennial mesophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte Luzula spicata (L.) DC. s.l. H.; perennial mesophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte *Minuartia sedoides (L.) Hiern Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte psichrothermophytemicrothermophyte Minuartia verna (L.) Hiern Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte eurithermophyte Myosotis alpestris F.W.Schmidt H.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Oxyria digyna (L.) Hill - R H.; perennial mesohygrophyte hekistothermophyte Papaver alpinum L. subsp. corona-sancti-stephani (Zapal.) Borza - R, End. S&E Carp. H.; perennial xeromesophyte microthermophyte 103 Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature Plantago atrata Hoppe - R H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Poa alpina L. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Potentilla ternata Freyn H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophytepsichrothermophyte *Primula minima L. H.; perennial mesophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte Pritzelago alpina (L.) Kuntze subsp. brevicaulis (Spreng.) Greuter & Burdet - R H.; perennial mesohygrophyte eurithermophyte Pulsatilla micrantha Sweet [syn. Pulsatilla alba Rchb.] H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte *Saxifraga bryoides L. Ch.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophyte Saxifraga stellaris L. subsp. robusta (Engl.) Gremli Ch.; perennial hygrophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Scleranthus perennis L. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. s.l. Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte hekistothermophyte Viola alpina Jacq. - R H.; perennial xeromesophyte psichrothermophytemicrothermophyte * (text bold) – taxon caracteristic, taxon dominant / characteristic taxon, dominant taxon nt (text bold) – taxon neameninţat / non-endangered taxon; R (text bold) – taxon rar / rare taxon; End (text bold) – taxon endemic / endemic taxon Pritzelago alpina subsp. brevicaulis 104 (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Ansamblu / General view - Plantago atrata, Potentilla ternata, Myosotis alpestris Oxyria digyna (Foto Victor Bortaș) Erigeron nanus 105 (Foto Victor Bortaș) (Foto Petronela Comănescu) Cerastium arvense s.l. Scleranthus perennis (Foto Victor Bortaș) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Saxifraga bryoides 106 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Plantago atrata, Draba compacta (flori galbene / yellow flowers) Myosotis alpestris 107 (Foto Petronela Comănescu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Papaver alpinum subsp. corona-sancti-stephani Plantago atrata (Foto Victor Bortaș) 108 (Foto Petronela Comănescu) Saxifraga bryoides, Silene acaulis (Foto Anca Sârbu) Saxifraga stellaris subsp. robusta (Foto Petronela Comănescu) 109 Silene acaulis Viola alpina (Foto Anca Sârbu) 110 (Foto Gabriela Pascale) Foto Anca Sârbu Habitat 8210 ¸ stâncoşi calcaroşi Versanti ¸ casmofitica ˘ cu vegetatie Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation Acest tip de habitat este larg răspândit în Carpaţii Româneşti. Este un habitat fragmentat, în care comunităţile vegetale nu ocupă suprafeţe întinse, localizat pe versanţii stâncoşi cu verticalitate mare şi pe pereţii stâncoşi înclinaţi, însoriţi sau umbriţi, situaţi în general la altitudini cuprinse între 2000 m și 2100 m. Vegetaţia este scundă (10-20 cm înălţime), cu specii puţine, şi acoperă suprafeţe relativ mici (Mountford et al. 2008). În cazul Munţilor Bucegi, acest tip de habitat se găseşte la altitudini cuprinse între 1750 m și 2100 m, solicită o climă This type of habitat is widely spread in the Romanian Carpathians. It is a fragmented habitat where the vegetal communities do no occupy large areas. It can be found on rocky slopes with high verticality and on rocky walls that are inclined, sunny or shadowy, and situated at altitudes between 2000 m și 2100 m. The vegetation is short (10-20 cm high), with few species, and is spread over fairly small areas (Mountford et al. 2008). In the Bucegi Mountains, this habitat can be found at altitudes of 1750 m și 2100 m, requiring a cold climate, with 111 Habitat 8210 rece, cu temperaturi medii anuale cuprinse între -1,5°C şi 0°C, precipitaţii cu valori cuprinse între 1300 mm și 1400 mm/an şi un substrat calcaros, ce se găseşte la nivelul pereţilor stâncoşi şi abrupţi (Doniţă et al. 2005). Pentru cele 6 ploturi evaluate la nivelul platoului Munţilor Bucegi, au fost identificaţi 31 de taxoni. Speciile edificatoare au fost reprezentate de Saxifraga moschata, Draba kotschyi, iar dintre speciile caracteristice s-au găsit: Cystopteris fragilis, Eritrichium nanum, Saxifraga corymbosa şi Draba kotschyi. Speciile dominante au fost reprezentate de Asplenium viride, Carex sempervirens şi Sesleria bielzii. Este un habitat cu valoare conservativă remarcabilă, susţinută de prezenţa plantelor endemice, rare, vulnerabile. Reprezintă totodată un tip de habitat pentru Tozzia alpina subsp. carpatica (Mountford et al. 2008), plantă ameninţată la nivel european (Coldea et al. 2003). Datorită localizării în zone foarte greu accesibile, acest tip de habitat este mai puţin afectat de unele activităţi umane cu excepţia alpinismului mai mult sau mai puţin controlat. average annual temperatures between 1.5°C and 0°C, precipitation of 1300 mm and 1400 mm/ year and a calcareous substrate which is found at the level of rocky and abrupt walls (Doniţă et al. 2005). For the 6 plots under evaluation on the plateau of the Bucegi Mountains, there were identified 31 taxa. The edificatory species are Saxifraga moschata, Draba kotschyi, and among the characteristic species, it is worth mentioning Cystopteris fragilis, Eritrichium nanum, Saxifraga corymbosa and Draba kotschyi. The dominating species are Asplenium viride, Carex sempervirens and Sesleria bielzii. This habitat has a remarkable conservation value, due to the existence of endemic, rare and vulnerable plants. This habitat also shelters Tozzia alpina subsp. carpatica (Mountford et al. 2008), which has the status of threatened plant at European level (Coldea et al. 2003). Due to its highly inaccessible location, this habitat is less affected by most anthropogenic activities, except for alpinism which so far has been kept more or less under control. Tabel 9. Habitat 8210 – Versanţi stâncoşi calcaroşi cu vegetaţie casmofitică – lista taxonilor inventariaţi cu prezentarea bioformei şi a caracteristicilor ecologice, subliniindu-se speciile caracteristice şi dominante, precum şi cele cu valoare conservativă în conformitate cu Oltean et al. (1994) Table 9. Habitat 8210 – Calcareous rocky slopes with chasmophytic vegetation – list of the recorded taxa with life forms and ecological characteristics, highlighting dominant and characteristic species, as well as the species with conservation value according to Oltean et al. (1994) Ecological characteristics Taxa Life form Humidity Achillea schurii Sch.Bip. - R, End. S&E Carp. H.; perennial Androsace chamaejasme Wulfen - V/R Ch.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Arenaria ciliata L. Ch.; perennial mesophyte Artemisia eriantha Ten. Ch.; perennial xerophytexeromesophyte 112 Temperature microthermophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte hekistothermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature *Asplenium viride Huds. [syn. Asplenium ramosum L.] Carex atrata L. s.l. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte H.; perennial mesophyte *Carex sempervirens Vill. H.; perennial mesophyte Cerastium alpinum L. subsp. lanatum (Lam.) Asch. & Graebn. Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. Ch.; perennial H.; perennial Draba kotschyi Stur - nt Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte eurithermophyte Dryas octopetala L. Ch.; shrub mesophyte Eritrichium nanum (L.) Schrad. ex Gaudin - R H.; perennial xeromesophyte Festuca supina Schur [syn. Festuca ovina L. var. supina (Schur) Hack.] Galium anisophyllon Vill. H.; perennial mesophyte Ch.; perennial eurithermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte psichrothermophyte hekistothermophytepsichrothermophyte psichrothermophyte Gentiana orbicularis Schur H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte Gentiana verna L. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Poa alpina L. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Polygonum viviparum L. G.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Primula minima L. H.; perennial mesophyte Salix reticulata L. Ch.; shrub Saxifraga adscendens L. Ht.; biannual Saxifraga corymbosa Boiss. Ch.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xerophytexeromesophyte xeromesophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte psichrothermophytehekistothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophyte Saxifraga moschata Wulfen Ch.; perennial xeromesophyte hekistothermophyte Saxifraga oppositifolia L. - R, End. S&E Carp. Ch.; perennial psichrothermophyte *Sesleria bielzii Schur - R, End. Carp.-Balc. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Silene acaulis (L.) Jacq. s.l. Ch.; perennial Tephroseris capitata (Wahlenb.) Griseb. & Schenk. Thymus alpestris (Celak.) Tausch ex A.Kern. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte Ch.; perennial mesohygrophyte H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophyte Trifolium repens L. subsp. ochranthum (K.Maly) Nyár. Viola alpina Jacq. - R H.; perennial mesothermophyte psichrothermophyte hekistothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte psichrothermophytemicrothermophyte * (text bold) – taxon caracteristic, taxon dominant / characteristic taxon, dominant taxon nt (text bold) – taxon neameninţat / non-endangered taxon; R (text bold) – taxon rar / rare taxon; V (text bold) – taxon vulnerabil / vulnerable taxon; End (text bold) – taxon endemic / endemic taxon 113 Ansamblu / General view Viola alpina (Foto Victor Bortaș) (Foto Marius Negulici) Tephroseris capitata 114 (Foto Victor Bortaș) Saxifraga oppositifolia Arenaria ciliata (Foto Anca Sârbu) Saxifraga moschata 115 (Foto Victor Bortaș) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Achillea schurii (Foto Victor Bortaș) Primula minima (Foto Victor Bortaș) 116 Silene acaulis Androsace chamaejasme (Foto Anca Sârbu) 117 (Foto Victor Bortaș) Foto Paulina Anastasiu Habitat 9110 Paduri de fag de tip Luzulo-Fagetum ˘ Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests Habitatul 9110 este reprezentat de păduri acidofile de fag, de fag şi brad sau de fag, brad şi molid. Se întâlneşte în toţi Carpaţii Româneşti, în etajul nemoral. Se dezvoltă pe versanţi mediu până la puternic înclinaţi, cu expoziţii diferite, dar şi pe creste, culmi. Solicită temperaturi Luzulo-Fagetum beech forest is made up of acidophilous beech forests, beech and fir forests or beech, fir and spruce forests. It can be found in all the Romanian Carpa thian Mountains, at the nemoral level. It grows on slopes with a medium to high inclination, with various exposures, 118 În zona cercetată, acest tip de habitat a fost identificat în special în zona Valea Orzei - Cheile Orzei, până la o altitudine de circa 1400 m, unde se dezvoltă pe versanţi mediu până la puternic înclinaţi, cu expoziţii diferite. Speciile de plante vasculare edificatoare sunt reprezentate de Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies şi Abies alba, iar cele caracteristice de Luzula luzuloides, Symphytum cordatum, Festuca drymeia şi Hieracium transsilvanicum. Unele exemplare de fag sunt în vârstă de peste 120 ani. Arbuştii lipsesc, iar plantele ierboase realizează o acoperire redusă (30-40%). Habitatul 9110 are valoare conservativă redusă (Doniţă et al. 2005). Pe valea Ialomiţei, acesta adăposteşte unele specii endemice pentru Munţii Carpaţi (Ranunculus carpaticus, Hepatica transsilvanica, Dentaria glandulosa) şi orhidee, precum: Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Dactylorhiza maculata, Neottia nidus-avis. Nu au fost identificate specii cu impact negativ. but also on crests and peaks. It requires average annual temperatures of 3°C and 8°C and precipitation of 700 mm and 1300 mm/year (Mountford et al. 2008). The substrate on which it grows is varied; it can be crystalline schist, granites, sandstones, eruptive rocks, limestone, conglomerates, siliceous gneisses. The soils on which this habitat grows are also varied (Doniţă et al. 2005). For the studied area in the Bucegi Mountains, this type of habitat was mainly identified in the area Orzei Valley - Orzei Gorges, up to an altitude of about 1400 m, where it grows on slopes with a medium to high inclination, and with various exposures. The edificatory wooden vascular plant species are Fagus sylvatica, Picea abies and Abies alba, and the characteristic ones are Luzula luzuloides, Symphytum cordatum, Festuca drymeia and Hieracium transsilvanicum. Some beech trees are over 120 years old. There are no shrubs, and herbaceous plants only have a small spread (30-40%). Habitat 9110 has little conservation importance (Doniţă et al. 2005). In Ialomiţa Valley, it shelters some species endemic to the Carpathian Mountains (Ranunculus carpaticus, Hepatica transsilvanica, Dentaria glandulosa) and orchids such as: Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Dactylorhiza maculata, Neottia nidus-avis. There were not identified any species with a negative impact. 119 Habitat 9110 medii anuale cuprinse între 3°C și 8°C şi precipitaţii cuprinse între 700 mm şi 1300 mm/an (Mountford et al. 2008). Substratul pe care se instalează este variat, putând fi reprezentat de şisturi cristaline, granite, gresii, roci eruptive, calcare, conglomerate, gneise silicioase. Solurile pe care poate fi găsit habitatul 9110 pot fi şi ele diversificate (Doniţă et al. 2005). Tabel 10. Habitat 9110 – Păduri de fag de tip Luzulo-Fagetum – lista taxonilor inventariaţi cu prezentarea bioformei şi a caracteristicilor ecologice, subliniindu-se speciile caracteristice şi dominante, precum şi cele cu valoare conservativă în conformitate cu Oltean et al. (1994) Table 10. Habitat 9110 – Luzulo-Fagetum beech forests – list of the recorded taxa with life forms and ecological characteristics, highlighting dominant and characteristic species, as well as the species with conservation value according to Oltean et al. (1994) Ecological characteristics Taxa Life form Humidity *Abies alba Mill. - E Ph.; tree Acer pseudoplatanus L. Actaea spicata L. Temperature Ph.; tree mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte G.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Adoxa moschatellina L. G.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Aegopodium podagraria L. H.(G.); perennial mesothermophyte Ajuga reptans L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Anemone nemorosa L. G.; perennial mesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte Anemone ranunculoides L. G.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Asplenium viride Huds. [syn. Asplenium ramosum L.] Asplenium trichomanes L. s.l. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth H.; perennial mesohygrophyte Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) P.Beauv. H.; perennial Cardamine amara L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte hygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte Carex sylvatica Huds. Chaerophyllum hirsutum L. H.(HH.); perennial H.; perennial Chrysosplenium alternifolium L. H.; perennial eurithermophyte Circaea lutetiana L. G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesohygrophyte Cirsium waldsteinii Rouy H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Clematis alpina (L.) Mill. Ph.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Corydalis solida (L.) Clairv. s.l. G.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. H.; perennial eurithermophyte Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó - R G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte eurithermophyte Dactylorhiza maculata (L.) Soó subsp. maculata - R Dentaria bulbifera L. [syn. Cardamine bulbifera (L.) Crantz] Dentaria glandulosa Waldst. & Kit. [syn. Cardamine glanduligera O.Schwarz] End. Carp. G.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte G.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte G.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Doronicum austriacum Jacq. 120 mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity mesohygrophyte Temperature Doronicum carpaticum (Griseb. & Schenk) Nyman - R, End. Carp.-Balc. G.; perennial hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Epilobium montanum L. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Equisetum hyemale L. G.; perennial hygrophyte Equisetum palustre L. G.; perennial hygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte Euphorbia carniolica Jacq. H.; perennial mesophyte subthermophyte *Fagus sylvatica L. Ph.; tree mesothermophyte *Festuca drymeia Mert. & W.D.J. Koch H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte Fragaria vesca L. H.; perennial mesophyte Galeobdolon luteum Huds. H.(Ch.); perennial Galium odoratum (L.) Scop. G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Geranium phaeum L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Geranium robertianum L. T.-Ht.; annualwinter annual G.; perennial mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte Hepatica transsilvanica Fuss - nt, End. S&E Carp. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte *Hieracium transsilvanicum Heuff. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Isopyrum thalictroides L. H.; perennial mesophyte Lamium purpureum L. T.; annual Lapsana communis L. s.l. *Luzula luzuloides (Lam.) Dandy & Wilmott T.-H.; annualperennial H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte mesothermophytesubthermophyte eurithermophyte Luzula pilosa (L.) Willd. H.; perennial Mercurialis perennis L. G.(H.); perennial Moneses uniflora (L.) A.Gray H.(G.); perennial Gymnocarpium dryopteris (L.) Newman xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort. H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Myosotis sylvatica Ehrh. ex Hoffm. Ht.; biannual mesothermophyte Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich. - R G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Oxalis acetosella L. H.(G.); perennial mesothermophyte *Picea abies (L.) H.Karst. Ph.; tree Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. G.; perennial Polystichum braunii (Spenn.) Fée H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte 121 mesothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature Polystichum lonchitis (L.) Roth H.; perennial mesophyte Polystichum setiferum (Forssk.) Moore ex Woyn. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte Prunella vulgaris L. H.; perennial Pulmonaria rubra Schott - End. Carp.-Balc. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte microthermophyte Ranunculus carpaticus Herbich - R, End. Carp. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Rubus idaeus L. Ph.; shrub mesophyte mesothermophyte Saxifraga cuneifolia L. Ch.; perennial microthermophyte Senecio ovatus Willd. H.; perennial Soldanella hungarica Simonk. H.; perennial Sorbus aucuparia L. subsp. aucuparia Ph.; tree mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Stellaria media (L.) Vill. mesophyte Stellaria nemorum L. T.-Ht.; annualwinter annual H.; perennial microthermophytemesothermophyte eurithermophyte mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte *Symphytum cordatum Waldst. & Kit. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Symphytum tuberosum L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Taraxacum officinale (L.) Weber ex F.H.Wigg. Tussilago farfara L. H.; perennial eurithermophyte Urtica dioica L. H.; perennial Valeriana sambucifolia Mikan f. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte microthermophyte G.; perennial hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte Valeriana tripteris L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte eurithermophyte Veronica urticifolia Jacq. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte * (text bold) – taxon caracteristic, taxon dominant / characteristic taxon, dominant taxon E (text bold) – taxon periclitat / endangered taxon; nt (text bold) – taxon neameninţat / non-endangered taxon; R (text bold) – taxon rar / rare taxon; End. (text bold) – taxon endemic / endemic taxon. 122 Ansamblu / General view Anemone ranunculoides (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Dactylorhiza fuchsii 123 (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Anemone nemorosa Geranium phaeum (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Symphytum cordatum 124 (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Clematis alpina (Foto Anca Sârbu) Anemone ranunculoides (Foto Anca Sârbu) 125 Anemone nemorosa Corydalis solida s.l. (Foto Anca Sârbu) Hepatica transsilvanica 126 (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Doronicum carpaticum Chrysosplenium alternifolium (Foto Sanda Lițescu) (Foto Anca Sârbu) Saxifraga cuneifolia 127 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Foto Marius Negulici Habitat 9410 ˘ Paduri acidofile de molid (Picea abies) din etajul ˘ în cel alpin (Vaccinio-Piceetaea) montan pâna Acidophilous Picea forests of the montane to alpine levels (Vaccinio-Piceetaea) Habitatul 9410 are o răspândire largă în Carpaţii Româneşti, între 1000 m şi 1850 m altitudine, acoperind sute de mii de hectare (Mountford et al. 2008). Din punct de vedere al climei, solicită temperaturi medii anuale cuprinse între 1,5 °C și 5°C şi precipitaţii cuprinse între 900 mm şi 1400 mm/an (Mountford et al. 2008). Substratul pe care este instalat habitatul este foarte diversificat: silicios, calcaros, fliş, conglomerate, gresii calcaroase, ande- Acidophilous Picea forest of the montane to alpine levels (Vaccinio-Piceetaea) is widespread in the Romanian Carpathians, between 1000 m and 1850 m altitude, covering hundreds of thousands of acres (Mountford et al. 2008). They require an average annual temperature of 1.5 °C and 5°C and precipitation between 900 mm and 1400 mm/year (Mountford et al. 2008). The substrate on which this habitat grows is very diverse: siliceous, calcareous, flysch, conglomerates, calcareous 128 sandstones, andesites, seldom siliceous schist, crystalline schist, siliceous sandstones, eruptive, intermediate and acidic rocks, clay deposits (Doniţă et al. 2005). The soils are also very diverse, mainly podsols, acidic, oligo-mesobasic, wet (Doniţă et al. 2005). Spruce forests are widespread in the Bucegi Mountains. They grow on slopes with various exposures, stretching up to 1600 m altitude in the studied area, between Lake Bolboci and Dobreşti, along the valley of the river Ialomiţa. The structure of the habitat 9410 in the upper basin of the river Ialomiţa matches the information available in the literature (Doniţă et al. 2005, Mountford et al. 2008), having as dominating and characteristic species the following: Picea abies, Soldanella hungarica, Luzula sylvatica, Sorbus aucuparia subsp. aucuparia. The vegetation is stratified on four levels: the moss layer, the herbaceous layer, the shrub layer and the tree layer. Among the species forming the moss layer we mention: Sphagnum spp., Hylocomium splendens, Polytrichum juniperinum, Ptilium cristacastrensis, Rhitidiadelphus triquetrus, Plagiochilla asplenioides, Plagiomnium undulatum, Plagiomnium affine, Metzgeria pubescens, Dicranella montana, Atrichum undulatum, Pogonatum aloides. The herbaceous species, fairly numerous, are found especially on the edges of the forestes or in the places where light pierces through. The same is true for shrubs. Most trees inside the forest are mature, but there are also many juvenile ones, mainly of spruce (Picea abies). Moreover, dead wood, fallen on the ground can be found in the forest. The branches of the spruces are often covered with lichens of the genera Usnea and Parmelia. On the right bank of Ialomiţa river, in the spruce forest, 129 Habitat 9410 zite, mai rar şisturi silicioase, şisturi cristaline, gresii silicioase, roci eruptive acide şi intermediare, depozite şi coluvii de luturi argiloase (Doniţă et al. 2005). De asemenea, sunt foarte diversificate şi solurile pe care se instalează acest tip de habitat, în general podzolice, acide, oligo-mezobazice, umede (Doniţă et al. 2005). Pădurile de molid sunt foarte răspândite în Munţii Bucegi. Se dezvoltă pe versanţi cu expoziţii diferite, ajungând până la o altitudine de circa 1600 m în zona cercetată, cuprinsă între lacul Bolboci şi Dobreşti, în lungul văii Ialomiţei. Structura habitatului 9410 din bazinul superior al Ialomiţei corespunde datelor din literatura de specialitate (Doniţă et al. 2005, Mountford et al. 2008), având drept specii edificatoare şi caracteristice Picea abies, Soldanella hungarica, Luzula sylvatica, Sorbus aucuparia subsp. aucuparia. Vegetaţia este stratificată pe patru niveluri: stratul muscinal, stratul erbaceu, stratul arbuştilor şi stratul arborilor. Dintre speciile ce alcătuiesc stratul muscinal menţionăm: Sphagnum spp., Hylocomium splendens, Polytrichum juniperinum, Ptilium cristacastrensis, Rhitidiadelphus triquetrus, Plagiochilla asplenioides, Plagiomnium undulatum, Plagiomnium affine, Metzgeria pubescens, Dicranella montana, Atrichum undulatum, Pogonatum aloides. Speciile erbacee, destul de numeroase, sunt prezente mai ales la marginea pădurii sau în locurile în care pătrunde lumină. Situaţia este aceeaşi pentru arbuşti. Majoritatea arborilor sunt maturi, în interiorul pădurii apar însă adesea juvenili, predominant de molid (Picea abies). De asemenea, sunt prezente în interiorul pădurii trunchiuri moarte, căzute pe sol. Frecvent ramurile molizilor sunt acoperite de licheni din genurile Usnea şi Parmelia. Pe partea dreaptă a râului Ialomiţa în pădurea de molid sunt prezente numeroase stânci cu vegetaţie caracteristică. Habitat 9410 Habitatul 9410 adăposteşte în zona cercetată numeroase elemente de interes conservativ, precum Streptopus amplexifolius, orhidee, precum Corallorhiza trifida, Listera cordata, Listera ovata, Dactylorhiza maculata, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Dactylorhiza incarnata, Cephalanthera damasonium, Gymnadenia conopsea, Coeloglossum viride, Pseudorchis albida şi Neottia nidus-avis. Dintre factorii de ameninţare ai pădurilor de molid se remarcă unele procese naturale cum ar fi furtunile şi vânturile puternice care duc la doborârea arborilor. numerous rocks with characteristic vegetation can be found. Habitat 9410 shelters in the researched area numerous elements of interest from a conservation point of view: Streptopus amplexifolius, orchids such as: Corallorhiza trifida, Listera cordata, Listera ovata, Da ctylorhiza maculata, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, Dactylorhiza incarnata, Cephalanthera damasonium, Gymnadenia conopsea, Coeloglossum viride, Pseudorchis albida and Neottia nidus-avis. Among the most significant threatening factors for the spruce forests there are some natural phenomena such as storms and strong winds that knock down trees. Tabel 11. Habitat 9410 – Păduri acidofile de molid (Picea abies) din etajul montan până în cel alpin (Vaccinio-Piceetaea) – lista taxonilor inventariaţi cu prezentarea bioformei şi a caracteristicilor ecologice, subliniindu-se speciile caracteristice şi dominante, precum şi cele cu valoare conservativă în conformitate cu Oltean et al. (1994) Table 11. Habitat 9410 – Acidophilous Picea forests of the montane to alpine levels (Vaccinio-Piceetaea) – list of the recorded taxa with life forms and ecological characteristics, highlighting dominant and characteristic species, as well as the species with conservation value according to Oltean et al. (1994) Ecological characteristics Taxa Life form Humidity Abies alba Mill. - E Ph.; tree Temperature Acer pseudoplatanus L. Ph.; tree mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Achillea millefolium L. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Acinos alpinus (L.) Moench H.; perennial eurithermophyte Aconitum moldavicum Hacq. subsp. moldavicum - End. Carp. Actaea spicata L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte microthermophyte G.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Adenostyles alliariae (Gouan) A.Kern. H.; perennial microthermophyte Adoxa moschatellina L. G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte Aegopodium podagraria L. H.(G.); perennial Ajuga genevensis L. H.; perennial Ajuga reptans L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte Alchemilla glaucescens Wallr. H.; perennial mesoxerophyte Alchemilla reniformis Buser H.; perennial mesophyte 130 mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte Taxa Alliaria petiolata (M.Bieb.) Cavara & Grande Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature Alnus incana (L.) Moench Ht.-H.; biannualperennial Ph.; tree Antennaria dioica (L.) Gaertn. Ch.(H.); perennial Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. Anthyllis vulneraria L. s.l. Ht.-H.; biannualperennial H.; perennial Arabis alpina L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophyte Arabis turrita L. Ht.-H.; biannualperennial H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophyte Asplenium viride Huds. [syn. Asplenium ramosum L.] Astrantia major L. subsp. major H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte H.; perennial Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte Bellis perennis L. H.; perennial Botrychium lunaria (L.) Sw. G.; perennial Bruckenthalia spiculifolia (Salisb.) Rchb. Calamagrostis arundinacea (L.) Roth Ph.(Ch.); perennial H.; perennial Caltha palustris L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte hygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte Campanula carpatica Jacq. - R, End. Carp. H.; perennial mesophyte Campanula patula L. subsp. abietina (Griseb. & Schenk) Simonk. - End. Carp.-Balc. Campanula persicifolia L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophyte Asperula capitata Kit. ex Schult. Cardamine impatiens L. Cardamine pratensis L. s.l. H.; perennial Ht.; winter annual, biannual H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte xeromesophyte microthermophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophyte Carduus kerneri Simonk. subsp. kerneri End. Carp.-Balc. Carex leporina L. H.; perennial Carex pallescens L. H.; perennial Carex rostrata Stokes Centaurea triumfetti All. H.(HH.); perennial H.(HH.); perennial Ht.-H.; biannualperennial H.; perennial Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) Druce - nt G.; perennial mesophyte Cerastium arvense L. s.l. Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte Carex sylvatica Huds. Carum carvi L. H.; perennial 131 mesophytemesohygrophyte hygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte xeromesophyte hekistothermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte subthermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature Cerastium fontanum Baumg. subsp. fontanum Ch.-H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Chaerophyllum hirsutum L. H.; perennial mesothermophyte Chamaerion angustifolium (L.) Holub H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophyte Chelidonium majus L. H.; perennial mesophyte Chrysosplenium alternifolium L. H.; perennial microthermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte mesothermophyte Cicerbita alpina (L.) Wallr. H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Circaea lutetiana L. G.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Cirsium erisithales (Jacq.) Scop. H.; perennial mesothermophyte Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten. Ht.; biannual Cirsium waldsteinii Rouy H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Clematis alpina (L.) Mill. Ph.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Coeloglossum viride (L.) Hartm. - R G.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Corallorrhiza trifida Châtel. - R G.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Coronilla varia L. H.; perennial xeromesophyte mesothermophyte Cortusa matthioli L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Crocus vernus (L.) Hill G.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophyte Cruciata glabra (L.) Ehrend. H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Cruciata laevipes Opiz H.; perennial mesothermophyte Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh. H.; perennial Dactylis glomerata L. s.l. H.; perennial Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó - R G.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte Dactylorhiza incarnata (L.) Soó - R G.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Dactylorhiza maculata (L.) Soó subsp. schurii (Klinge) Soó - R Daphne mezereum L. G.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Ph.; perennial mesothermophyte Dentaria bulbifera L. [syn. Cardamine bulbifera (L.) Crantz] Dentaria glandulosa Waldst. & Kit. [syn. Cardamine glanduligera O.Schwarz] End. Carp. Deschampsia cespitosa (L.) Beauv. G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte G.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte H.; perennial eurithermophyte *Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophyte Dianthus spiculifolius Schur - R, End. Carp. H.(Ch.); perennial xeromesophyte Digitalis grandiflora Mill. H.; perennial mesophyte Doronicum austriacum Jacq. G.; perennial Doronicum carpaticum (Griseb. & Schenk) Nyman - R, End. Carp.-Balc. Dryopteris dilatata (Hoffm.) A.Gray G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte H.; perennial 132 mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophytesubthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Epilobium montanum L. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Epilobium palustre L. H.; perennial hygrophyte eurithermophyte Equisetum hyemale L. G.; perennial hygrophyte Equisetum palustre L. G.; perennial hygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte Equisetum ramosissimum Desf. G.; perennial xeromesophyte eurithermophyte Equisetum sylvaticum L. G.; perennial hygrophyte microthermophyte Euphorbia amygdaloides L. Ch.; perennial mesophyte Euphorbia carniolica Jacq. H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophytesubthermophyte subthermophyte Fagus sylvatica L. Ph.; tree mesothermophyte Festuca ovina L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophyte Festuca pratensis Huds. H.; perennial microthermophyte Festuca rupicola Heuff. s.l. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophyte Filipendula ulmaria (L.) Maxim. H.; perennial Fragaria vesca L. H.; perennial Galeobdolon luteum Huds. H.(Ch.); perennial Gentiana asclepiadea L. H.; perennial Geranium phaeum L. H.; perennial Geranium robertianum L. Geranium sylvaticum L. T.-Ht.; annualwinter annual H.; perennial Geum rivale L. H.; perennial Glechoma hirsuta Waldst. & Kit. H.(Ch.); perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophyte Gnaphalium sylvaticum L. H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R.Br. subsp. conopsea - R Gymnocarpium dryopteris (L.) Newman G.; perennial microthermophyte G.; perennial Helianthemum nummularium (L.) Mill. s.l. Ch.; undershrub mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesohygrophyte eurithermophyte subthermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte Hepatica transsilvanica Fuss - nt, End. S&E Carp. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte Hesperis matronalis L. s.l. Hieracium aurantiacum L. Ht.-H.; biannualperennial H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Hieracium bifidum Kit. ex Hornem. H.; perennial Hieracium pilosella L. H.; perennial Hieracium transsilvanicum Heuff. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte eurithermophyte Homogyne alpina (L.) Cass H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte 133 microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature *Huperzia selago (L.) Bernh. ex Schrank & Mart. - R Hypericum maculatum Crantz Ch.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte H.; perennial mesothermophyte Impatiens noli-tangere L. T.; annual Juncus articulatus L. H.; perennial Juncus effusus L. H.; perennial Juniperus communis L. Ph.; shrub Lamium maculatum (L.) L. subsp. maculatum H.(Ch.); perennial Lamium purpureum L. T.; annual Lapsana communis L. s.l. T.-H.; annualperennial Ph.; tree mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte Larix decidua Mill. subsp. carpatica (Domin) Šiman - R Lathraea squamaria L. microthermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte Lilium martagon L. G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Listera cordata (L.) R.Br. - R G.; perennial mesohygrophyte eurithermophyte Listera ovata (L.) R.Br. - R G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesothermophyte Leucanthemum rotundifolium DC. - R G.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte H.; perennial microthermophyte eurithermophyte Lonicera xylosteum L. Ph.; shrub Lotus corniculatus L. H.; perennial Lunaria rediviva L. H.; perennial Luzula campestris (L.) DC. H.; perennial Luzula luzuloides (Lam.) Dandy & Wilmott H.; perennial *Luzula sylvatica (Huds.) Gaudin H.; perennial *Lycopodium annotinum L. - R Ch.; perennial Lycopodium clavatum L. - R Ch.; perennial Melampyrum sylvaticum L. T.; annual mesophyte eurithermophyte Melica nutans L. H.(G.); perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Mercurialis perennis L. G.(H.); perennial mesothermophyte Moehringia muscosa L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Moneses uniflora (L.) A.Gray H.(G.); perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort. H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Myosotis sylvatica Ehrh. ex Hoffm. Ht.; biannual mesothermophyte Nardus stricta L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophytemesohygrophyte 134 xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich. - R G.; perennial mesophyte Orchis militaris L. - R G.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte *Oxalis acetosella L. H.(G.); perennial mesothermophyte Paris quadrifolia L. G.; perennial Pedicularis verticillata L. H.; perennial Petasites kablikianus Tausch ex Bercht. G.; perennial Phleum alpinum L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophyte Phyteuma orbiculare L. H.; perennial *Picea abies (L.) H.Karst. Ph.; tree Pinguicula vulgaris L. - R H.; perennial Plantago lanceolata L. Plantago major L. s.l. eurithermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytehygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Plantago media L. H.; perennial eurithermophyte Poa alpina L. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte eurithermophyte Poa nemoralis L. H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte Poa trivialis L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte eurithermophyte Polygala amara L. s.l. H.(Ch.); perennial microthermophyte Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. G.; perennial Polygonum bistorta L. G.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte Polygonum viviparum L. G.; perennial mesophyte Polypodium vulgare L. G.; perennial Polystichum braunii (Spenn.) Fée H.; perennial Polystichum lonchitis (L.) Roth H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Polystichum setiferum (Forssk.) Moore ex Woyn. Populus tremula L. H.; perennial Potentilla anserina L. H.; perennial Potentilla erecta (L.) Raeusch. H.; perennial Potentilla ternata Freyn H.; perennial Prenanthes purpurea L. G.; perennial Primula elatior Hill H.; perennial Prunella vulgaris L. H.; perennial Pseudorchis albida (L.) A.Löve & D.Löve - R G.; perennial Ph.; tree 135 mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytepsichrothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature Pulmonaria rubra Schott - End. Carp.-Balc. H.; perennial mesophyte microthermophyte Pyrola media Sw. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Pyrola rotundifolia L. H.; perennial eurithermophyte eurithermophyte Ranunculus acris L. s.l. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte Ranunculus carpaticus Herbich - R, End. Carp. Ranunculus cassubicus L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte H.; perennial mesothermophyte Ranunculus platanifolius L. H.; perennial Ranunculus repens L. H.; perennial Ribes petraeum Wulfen Ph.; shrub Rosa canina L. Ph.; shrub Rosa pendulina L. Ph.; shrub mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte Rubus idaeus L. Ph.; shrub mesophyte Rumex acetosa L. H.; perennial Salix caprea L. Ph.; tree Salix silesiaca Willd. Ph.; shrub mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte Salvia glutinosa L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte Sambucus racemosa L. Ph.; shrub mesophyte microthermophyte Saxifraga cuneifolia L. Ch.; perennial microthermophyte Saxifraga demissa Schott & Kotschy Ch.; perennial Saxifraga heucherifolia Griseb. & Schenk H.; perennial Saxifraga paniculata Mill. Ch.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xerophytexeromesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophyte Saxifraga stellaris L. subsp. robusta (Engl.) Gremli Scabiosa lucida Vill. subsp. barbata Nyár. Ch.; perennial hygrophyte H.; perennial mesophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte microthermophyte Scirpus sylvaticus L. G.; perennial hygrophyte mesothermophyte Scrophularia nodosa L. H.; perennial mesothermophyte Senecio ovatus Willd. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte, hygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Sesleria bielzii Schur - R, End. Carp.-Balc. H.; perennial Silene latifolia subsp. alba (Mill.) Greuter & Burdet Silene pusilla Waldst. & Kit. subsp. pusilla T.-H.; annualperennial Ch.; perennial Sisyrinchium montanum Greene G.; perennial *Soldanella hungarica Simonk. H.; perennial 136 eurithermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte hekistothermophytemicrothermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte psichrothermophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte microthermophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature *Sorbus aucuparia L. subsp. aucuparia Ph.; tree mesophyte Spiraea chamaedryfolia L. Ph.; shrub mesophyte Stachys sylvatica L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte Stellaria holostea L. H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Stellaria nemorum L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Streptopus amplexifolius (L.) DC. - R G.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Symphytum cordatum Waldst. & Kit. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Symphytum tuberosum L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Taraxacum officinale (L.) Weber ex F.H.Wigg. H.; perennial eurithermophyte Thalictrum aquilegiifolium L. H.; perennial Thesium alpinum L. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesohygrophyte Thymus alpestris (Celak.) Tausch ex A.Kern. Ch.; perennial Trifolium pratense L. s.l. H.; perennial Trifolium repens L. subsp. repens H.; perennial Tussilago farfara L. G.; perennial Urtica dioica L. H.; perennial Vaccinium myrtillus L. Ch.(Ph.); (under)shrub Ch.(Ph.); (under)shrub H.; perennial *Vaccinium vitis-idaea L. Valeriana montana L. microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte mesohygrophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte Valeriana sambucifolia Mikan f. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Valeriana tripteris L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte eurithermophyte Veratrum album L. s.l. H.; perennial Veronica beccabunga L. microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte Veronica chamaedrys L. s.l. H.(HH.); perennial H.-Ch.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte hygrophyte eurithermophyte Veronica officinalis L. Ch.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte Veronica urticifolia Jacq. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte Viola biflora L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte Viola declinata Waldst. & Kit. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte * (text bold) – taxon caracteristic, taxon dominant / characteristic taxon, dominant taxon E (text bold) – taxon periclitat / endangered taxon; nt (text bold) – taxon neameninţat / non-endangered taxon; R (text bold) – taxon rar / rare taxon; End. (text bold) – taxon endemic / endemic taxon 137 Ansamblu / General view (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. conopsea Cortusa matthioli 138 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Adoxa moschatellina Bruckenthalia spiculifolia (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Asplenium viride 139 (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Galeobdolon luteum Campanula carpatica (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Lilium martagon 140 (Foto Daniela Smarandache) (Foto Daniela Smarandache) Lamium purpureum Listera cordata (Foto Anca Sârbu) (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Oxalis acetosella 141 (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Lycopodium clavatum Morchella esculenta (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Ranunculus carpaticus 142 (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Ptilium crista-castrensis (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Pulmonaria rubra (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) 143 Vaccinium myrtillus Streptopus amplexifolius (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Viola biflora 144 (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Foto Marius Negulici Habitat 91V0 ˘ Paduri dacice de fag (Symphyto-Fagion) Dacian beech forest (Symphyto-Fagion) Acest habitat grupează pădurile de fag, molid şi brad care au ca specie caracteristică fie Pulmonaria rubra, fie Leucanthemum rotundifolium. De asemenea, habitatul include şi pădurile de fag cu Symphytum cordatum sau cu Asplenium scolopendrium. Pădurile dacice de fag se întâlnesc în tot lungul lanţului carpatic, la altitudini cuprinse între 500 m şi 1450 m, pe versanţi slab până la puternic înclinaţi, cu expoziţii diferite, pe platouri, culmi, vâlcele umede, This habitat comprises of forests of beech, spruce and fir that have as characteristic species either Pulmonaria rubra or Leucanthemum rotundifolium. The habitat also includes beech forests with Symphytum cordatum or with Asplenium scolopendrium. Dacian beech forests can be found all across the Carpathian chain, between 500 m and 1450 m altitude, on slopes with low to high inclination, with various exposures, on plateaus, heights and valleys. 145 Habitat 91V0 coame, funduri de văi. Solicită temperaturi medii anuale cuprinse între 3°C și 8°C şi precipitaţii cuprinse între 750 mm şi 1200 mm/an (Mountford et al. 2008). Substratul pe care se dezvoltă este variat, reprezentat în special de fliş, conglomerate, şisturi cristaline, gresii calcaroase, roci eruptive şi metamorfice, bazice, intermediare, rar acide. Solurile preferate sunt: eutricambosol, luvosol, stagnosol şi rendzine (Doniță et al. 2005). În zona cercetată au fost identificate astfel de păduri în bazinul superior al Ialomiţei şi pe Coama Priporului, până la o altitudine de cca 1400 m, pe versanţi cu expoziţii diferite. Structura habitatului este în concordanţă cu datele din literatura de specialitate (Doniţă et al. 2005, Mountford et al. 2008). Peste 80% dintre speciile inventariate în acest tip de habitat prezintă cerinţe medii spre ridicate faţă de factorul apă şi dintre acestea aproximativ jumătate sunt microtermofite. Alături de speciile edificatoare şi caracteristice, habitatul, considerat ca având valoare conservativă foarte mare (Doniţă et al. 2005), adăposteşte unele elemente rare, precum: Corralorhiza trifida, Gymnadenia conopsea, Neottia nidus-avis, Cephalanthera damasonium, Ranunculus carpaticus. Nu au fost notate specii cu impact negativ. This habitat requires average annual temperatures of 3°C to 8°C and rainfall of between 750 mm and 1200 mm/year (Mountford et al. 2008). The substrate on which it grows is varied, represented in particular by flysch, conglomerates, crystalline schist, calcareous sandstones, and eruptive, metamorphic, basic, intermediate, rarely acidic rocks. The preferred kinds of soil are cambisols, luvisols, stagnosols and rendzinas (Doniță et al. 2005). In the researched area, the habitat was identified in the upper basin of the river Ialomiţa and at Coama Priporului, up to an altitude of about 1400 m, on slopes with various exposures. The structures of the habitat confirm the data available in the literature (Doniţă et al. 2005, Mountford et al. 2008). Over 80% of the species recorded for this type of habitat have medium to high water requirements, and about half of them are microthermophyte. The habitat is considered to have great conservation importance (Doniţă et al. 2005), sheltering alongside the edificatory and characteristic species, some rare plants such as: Corralorhiza trifida, Gymnadenia conopsea, Neottia nidus-avis, Cephalanthera damasonium, Ranunculus carpaticus. No species with a negative impact were found. 146 Tabel 12. Habitat 91V0 – Păduri dacice de fag (Symphyto-Fagion) – lista taxonilor inventariaţi cu prezentarea bioformei şi a caracteristicilor ecologice, subliniindu-se speciile caracteristice şi dominante, precum şi cele cu valoare conservativă în conformitate cu Oltean et al. (1994) Table 12. Habitat 91V0 – Dacian Beech forests (Symphyto-Fagion) – list of the recorded taxa with life forms and ecological characteristics, highlighting dominant and characteristic species, as well as the species with conservation value according to Oltean et al. (1994) Ecological characteristics Taxa Life form Humidity Abies alba Mill. - E Ph.; tree Acer pseudoplatanus L. Actaea spicata L. Temperature Ph.; tree mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesothermophyte G.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Adenostyles alliariae (Gouan) A.Kern. H.; perennial microthermophyte Adoxa moschatellina L. G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte Aegopodium podagraria L. Ajuga reptans L. H.(G.); perennial H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Allium ursinum L. s.l. G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Anemone nemorosa L. G.; perennial Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) Hoffm. Athyrium filix-femina (L.) Roth Ht.-H.; biannualperennial H.; perennial Bellis perennis L. H.; perennial Brachypodium sylvaticum (Huds.) P.Beauv. H.; perennial Bruckenthalia spiculifolia (Salisb.) Rchb. Ph.(Ch.); perennial H.; perennial Caltha palustris L. mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophytesubthermophyte mesothermophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesothermophyte mesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte hygrophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte Campanula patula L. subsp. abietina (Griseb. & Schenk) Simonk. - End. Carp.-Balc. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophyte Carex pendula Huds. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Carex sylvatica Huds. mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesothermophyte Cephalanthera damasonium (Mill.) Druce - nt H.(HH.); perennial G.; perennial Chaerophyllum hirsutum L. H.; perennial mesothermophyte Chrysosplenium alternifolium L. H.; perennial Cicerbita alpina (L.) Wallr. H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Circaea lutetiana L. G.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Cirsium vulgare (Savi) Ten. Ht.; biannual mesothermophyte Corallorrhiza trifida Châtel. - R G.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte microthermophyte Corydalis solida (L.) Clairv. s.l. G.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte 147 mesothermophyte microthermophyte Taxa Life form Dactylis glomerata L. s.l. H.; perennial Dentaria bulbifera L. [syn. Cardamine bulbifera (L.) Crantz] *Dentaria glandulosa Waldst. & Kit. [syn. Cardamine glanduligera O.Schwarz] - End. Carp. Doronicum austriacum Jacq. Dryopteris filix-mas (L.) Schott Echium vulgare L. Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature eurithermophyte G.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte G.; perennial mesohygrophyte G.; perennial H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte Ht.; biannual xeromesophyte Epilobium montanum L. H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophytesubthermophyte eurithermophyte Epipactis helleborine (L.) Crantz - R G.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Equisetum arvense L. G.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Euphorbia amygdaloides L. Ch.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophytesubthermophyte subthermophyte Euphorbia carniolica Jacq. H.; perennial mesophyte *Fagus sylvatica L. Ph.; tree Fragaria vesca L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Fraxinus excelsior L. Ph.; tree Galeobdolon luteum Huds. Galium odoratum (L.) Scop. H.(Ch.); perennial G.; perennial Gentiana asclepiadea L. H.; perennial Geranium robertianum L. T.-Ht.; annualwinter annual H.(Ch.); perennial H.; perennial Glechoma hirsuta Waldst. & Kit. Gnaphalium sylvaticum L. Gymnadenia conopsea (L.) R.Br. subsp. conopsea - R Gymnocarpium dryopteris (L.) Newman G.; perennial Hieracium bifidum Kit. ex Hornem. H.; perennial Hieracium pilosella L. H.; perennial Hieracium transsilvanicum Heuff. H.; perennial Hordelymus europaeus (L.) Jessen ex Harz H.; perennial Hypericum maculatum Crantz H.; perennial Isopyrum thalictroides L. H.; perennial Lamium maculatum (L.) L. subsp. maculatum H.(Ch.); perennial T.; annual Lamium purpureum L. Lapsana communis L. s.l. G.; perennial T.-H.; annualperennial 148 mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte mesophyte mesothermophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophytesubthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature Larix decidua Mill. subsp. carpatica (Domin) Šiman - R Lathyrus venetus (Mill.) Wohlf. Ph.; tree mesophyte G.; perennial mesophyte Lathyrus vernus (L.) Bernh. G.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte *Leucanthemum rotundifolium DC. - R H.; perennial microthermophyte Linum catharticum L. subsp. catharticum T.; annual mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Lotus corniculatus L. H.; perennial Luzula luzuloides (Lam.) Dandy & Wilmott H.; perennial Lycopodium annotinum L. - R Ch.; perennial Medicago lupulina L. T.-H.; annualperennial H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophyte mesothermophyte Mycelis muralis (L.) Dumort. T.-H.; annualperennial H.; perennial Myosotis sylvatica Ehrh. ex Hoffm. Ht.; biannual mesothermophyte Neottia nidus-avis (L.) Rich. - R G.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Orthilia secunda (L.) House mesophyte eurithermophyte Petasites kablikianus Tausch ex Bercht. G.; perennial *Picea abies (L.) H.Karst. Ph.; tree Pinus sylvestris L. Ph.; tree mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytehygrophyte euriphyte mesothermophyte Paris quadrifolia L. Ch.; undershrub H.(G.); perennial G.; perennial eurithermophyte Plantago major L. s.l. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Poa nemoralis L. H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All. G.; perennial Polystichum braunii (Spenn.) Fée H.; perennial Polystichum setiferum (Forssk.) Moore ex Woyn. H.; perennial microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte eurithermophyte Populus tremula L. Ph.; tree mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Potentilla anserina L. H.; perennial Potentilla erecta (L.) Raeusch. H.; perennial Prunella vulgaris L. H.; perennial Moehringia muscosa L. Moehringia trinervia (L.) Clairv. Oxalis acetosella L. microthermophytemesothermophyte subthermophyte microthermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophyte microthermophyte *Pulmonaria rubra Schott - End. Carp.-Balc. H.; perennial mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Pyrola media Sw. H.; perennial mesophyte eurithermophyte Ranunculus carpaticus Herbich - R, End. Carp. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte 149 mesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte Taxa Life form Ecological characteristics Humidity Temperature microthermophytemesothermophyte eurithermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte Ranunculus platanifolius L. H.; perennial Ranunculus repens L. H.; perennial Rubus hirtus Waldst. & Kit. Ph.; shrub Rubus idaeus L. Ph.; shrub mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophytehygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Rumex alpinus L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Salix caprea L. Ph.; tree mesothermophyte Salix silesiaca Willd. Ph.; shrub Sanicula europaea L. H.; perennial Scilla bifolia L. subsp. bifolia G.; perennial Scrophularia nodosa L. H.; perennial Senecio ovatus Willd. H.; perennial Sorbus aucuparia L. subsp. aucuparia Ph.; tree mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte, hygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophyte Stachys sylvatica L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte microthermophyte Stellaria nemorum L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Symphytum tuberosum L. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte mesothermophyte Taraxacum officinale (L.) Weber ex F.H.Wigg. H.; perennial eurithermophyte Thalictrum aquilegiifolium L. H.; perennial Trifolium pratense L. s.l. H.; perennial Trifolium repens L. subsp. repens H.; perennial Tussilago farfara L. G.; perennial Urtica dioica L. H.; perennial Valeriana sambucifolia Mikan f. H.; perennial xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte xeromesophytemesophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesophytemesohygrophyte mesohygrophyte microthermophyte Veratrum album L. s.l. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte xeromesophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte eurithermophyte eurithermophyte mesothermophyte mesothermophyte Verbascum nigrum L. H.; perennial Veronica beccabunga L. hygrophyte Veronica serpyllifolia L. s.l. H.(HH.); perennial H.; perennial mesophyte mesothermophyte Veronica urticifolia Jacq. H.; perennial mesohygrophyte Vicia sepium L. H.; perennial mesophytemesohygrophyte microthermophytemesothermophyte mesothermophyte * (text bold) – taxon caracteristic, taxon dominant / characteristic taxon, dominant taxon E (text bold) – taxon periclitat / endangered taxon; nt (text bold) – taxon neameninţat / non-endangered taxon; R (text bold) – taxon rar / rare taxon; End. (text bold) – taxon endemic / endemic taxon. 150 Ansamblu / General view Epipactis helleborine (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Thalictrum aquilegiifolium 151 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Euphorbia carniolica Neottia nidus-avis (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Sanda Lițescu) Corallorrhiza trifida 152 (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Pyrola media Dentaria bulbifera (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Polygonatum verticillatum (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) 153 (Foto Anca Sârbu) Lycopodium annotinum (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Campanula patula subsp. abietina Stellaria nemorum 154 (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Ranunculus carpaticus (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Paris quadrifolia (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) 155 Valeriana sambucifolia Pulmonaria rubra (Foto Anca Sârbu) Veronica urticifolia 156 (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) (Foto Paulina Anastasiu) Indexul plantelor inventariate Index of Inventoried Plants Denumirea ܈tiin܊ifică Scientific Name Abies alba Acer pseudoplatanus Achillea distans Achillea millefolium Achillea schurii Acinos alpinus Aconitum moldavicum subsp. moldavicum Aconitum vulparia subsp. vulparia Actaea spicata Adenostyles alliariae Adoxa moschatellina Aegopodium podagraria Agrostis capillaris Agrostis rupestris Agrostis stolonifera subsp. stolonifera Ajuga genevensis Ajuga reptans Alchemilla colorata Alchemilla glabra Alchemilla glaucescens Alchemilla mollis Alchemilla monticola Alchemilla reniformis Alliaria petiolata Allium ursinum Alnus incana Alnus viridis Alopecurus pratensis Alyssum repens Androsace chamaejasme Androsace villosa subsp. arachnoidea Anemone narcissiflora Anemone nemorosa Anemone ranunculoides Antennaria dioica Anthemis carpatica Anthoxanthum odoratum Anthriscus sylvestris Anthyllis vulneraria Arabis alpina Arabis hirsuta Arabis turrita Arenaria biflora Arenaria ciliata Arenaria rotundifolia Armeria alpina Arnica montana Arrhenatherum elatius subsp. elatius Artemisia eriantha Asperula capitata Asplenium trichomanes Asplenium viride Denumirea populară în limba română Romanian Common Name Brad Paltin de munte Codi܊a ܈oricelului Codi܊a ܈oricelului Denumirea populară în limba engleză English Common Name European Silver-fir Sycamore Tall Yarrow Yarrow Cimbru mare de munte Alpine Thyme Omag Moldavian Monk's-hoods Omag Monk's-hoods Ciucura܈i Frăgu܊ă Piciorul caprei Suliman Vine܊ică Moschatel Ground-elder Common Bent Creeping Bent Upright bugle Bugle Silky Lady's mantle Velvet Lady's mantle Cre܊i܈oară Usturoi܊ă Leurdă Arin alb Arin de munte Coada vulpii Cui܈oară Lăpti܈or Oi܊e Floarea Pa܈tilor Pă܈ti܊ă Parpian, Siminic Vi܊elar Ha܈maciucă Vătămătoare Gâscari܊ă Gâscari܊ă Gâscari܊ă Studeni܊ă Studeni܊ă Studeni܊ă Garlic Mustard Ramsons Grey Alder Green Alder Meadow Foxtail Wood Anemone Yellow Anemone Mountain Everlasting Sweet Vernal-grass Cow Parsley Kidney Vetch Alpine Rock-cress Hairy Rock-cress Tower Cress Arnică Ovăscior Thrift Mountain Arnica False Oat-grass Sânziene de munte Stra܈nic Pocitoc Maidenhair Spleenwort Green Spleenwort 157 Pagina Page 119, 120, 130, 147 86, 120, 130, 147 86 130 14, 16, 35, 52, 56, 112, 116 35, 41, 52, 55, 64, 86, 130 130 86, 92 120, 130, 147 75, 76, 130, 147 76, 120, 130, 139, 147 76, 83, 86, 120, 130, 147 86 16, 34, 35, 42, 63, 64 86 130 76, 86, 120, 130, 147 86 16, 35 35, 42, 64, 130 86 16, 35, 64 130 131 147 131 76 87 16, 35, 42, 51, 52 16, 35, 52, 64, 112, 117 35, 43 14, 16, 35, 43 120, 124, 126, 147 120, 123, 125 16, 35, 44, 52, 64, 67, 70, 131 16, 19, 35, 52, 103 16, 35, 64, 85, 87 76, 131, 147 87, 93, 131 35, 131 87 131 36, 64 36, 64, 103, 112, 115 64 14, 16, 20, 36, 43, 52, 103 63, 64, 68 87 16, 36, 52, 112 52, 131 120 36, 112, 113, 120, 131, 139 Astrantia major subsp. major Athyrium filix-femina Avenula planiculmis Avenula praeusta subsp. adsurgens Bartsia alpina Bellis perennis Biscutella laevigata Botrychium lunaria Brachypodium sylvaticum Brassica rapa subsp. campestris Briza media Bromus ramosus Bruckenthalia spiculifolia Bupleurum sibthorpianum Calamagrostis arundinacea Calamagrostis villosa Caltha palustris Campanula alpina Campanula carpatica Campanula cochleariifolia Campanula glomerata Campanula patula subsp. abietina Campanula persicifolia Campanula serrata Campanula sibirica Campanula transsilvanica Cardamine amara Cardamine impatiens Cardamine pratensis Carduus kerneri subsp. kerneri Carex atrata Carex dioica Carex flava Carex fusca Carex hirta Carex leporina Carex pallescens Carex pendula Carex rostrata Carex sempervirens Carex sylvatica Carlina acaulis Carum carvi Centaurea kotschyana Centaurea phrygia Centaurea triumfetti Cephalanthera damasonium Cerastium alpinum subsp. lanatum Cerastium arvense Cerastium fontanum subsp. fontanum Cerastium holosteoides Chaerophyllum hirsutum Chamaerion angustifolium Chelidonium majus Chrysosplenium alternifolium Cicerbita alpina Circaea lutetiana Cirsium arvense Astrantia Spinarea lupului Bursucă Bănu܊ei, Părălu܊e Ochelari܊ă Limba cucului, Iarba dragostei Alpine Bartsia Daisy Moonwort False Brome Wild Turnip Quaking-grass Hairy-brome Rapi܊ă sălbatică Tremurătoare Coacăză Calcea calului Clopo܊ei de munte Cădelni܊ă Clopo܊ei Ciucure Clopo܊ei Clopo܊ei Clopo܊ei Clopo܊ei Stupitul cucului Râjnică Stupitul cucului Rogoz Rogoz Rogoz Rogoz Rogoz Rogoz Rogoz Rogoz Rogoz Rogoz Rogoz Turtă Chimen Căp܈unică Lâna caprelor Asmă܊ui sălbatic Zburătoare, Răscoage Rostopască Splină Pălămidă 87, 95, 131 76, 120, 131, 147 87 87 36, 52, 57 76, 131, 147 16, 36, 44, 52 16, 36, 45, 52, 131 76, 120, 147 85, 87 85, 87 87 14, 16, 36, 131, 139, 147 87 Small-reeds 87, 131 Small-reeds 28, 29 Marsh-marigold 29, 31, 76, 87, 131, 147 14, 15, 16, 36, 45, 52, 64 Carpathian Bellflower 131, 140 Fairy's-thimble 36, 52, 56 Clustered Bellflower 87 36, 64, 68, 76, 85, 87, 131, 147, 154 Peach-Leaved Bellflower 87, 97, 131 Serrated Bellflower 15, 16, 20, 36, 64, 85, 87 87 36, 46 Large Bitter-cress 76, 120 Narrow-leaved Bitter-cress 87, 131 Meadow Bitter-cress 36, 131 Thistle 85, 87, 93, 131 Black Alpine-sedge 36, 113 Dioecious Sedge 36 Large Yellow-sedge 87 87 76 Oval Sedge 131 Pale Sedge 36, 87, 131 Pendulous Sedge 147 131 14, 16, 36, 51, 52, 112, 113 Wood-sedge 76, 120, 131, 147 Carlina Thistle 36, 87 131 Knapweed 85, 87, 93, 94 87, 95 76, 131 White Helleborine 130, 131, 146, 147 Alpine Mouse-ear 16, 25, 36, 52, 65, 103, 113 Field Mouse-ear 36, 65, 76, 102, 103, 106, 131 Common Mouse-ear 132 85, 87 Hairy Chervil 76, 120, 132, 147 Rosebay Willowherb 76, 132 132 Alternate-leaved Golden76, 120, 127, 132, 147 saxifrage Alpine Blue-sowthistle 75, 76, 81, 132, 147 Enchanter's nightshade 120, 132, 147 Field Thistle 85, 87 158 Cirsium erisithales Cirsium vulgare Cirsium waldsteinii Clematis alpina Clinopodium vulgare Coeloglossum viride Colchicum autumnale Corallorrhiza trifida Coronilla varia Cortusa matthioli Corydalis solida Crepis biennis Crocus banaticus Crocus vernus Cruciata glabra Cruciata laevipes Cuscuta europaea subsp. europaea Cynosurus cristatus Cystopteris fragilis Dactylis glomerata Dactylorhiza fuchsii Dactylorhiza incarnata Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. maculata Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. schurii Dactylorhiza saccifera Daphne mezereum Delphinium elatum subsp. elatum Dentaria bulbifera Dentaria glandulosa Deschampsia cespitosa Deschampsia flexuosa Dianthus barbatus subsp. compactus Dianthus glacialis subsp. gelidus Dianthus spiculifolius Digitalis grandiflora Doronicum austriacum Doronicum carpaticum Draba compacta Draba kotschyi Dryas octopetala Dryopteris dilatata Dryopteris filix-mas Echium vulgare Epilobium alpestre Epilobium lamyi Epilobium montanum Epilobium palustre Epipactis helleborine Equisetum arvense Equisetum hyemale Equisetum palustre Equisetum ramosissimum Equisetum sylvaticum Erigeron annuus Erigeron nanus Erigeron uniflorus Eriophorum angustifolium Eritrichium nanum Col܊ul lupului Crăpu܈nic, Scai Yellow Thistle Spear Thistle Curpen de munte Apărătoare Wild Basil Frog Orchid Meadow Saffron Coralroot Orchid Crown Vetch Brându܈a de toamnă Buzi܈or Coroni܈te Ciubo܊ica ursului Brebenei Bird-in-a-bush Barba lupului Rough Hawk's-bread Brânduúe Brându܈e de primăvară Spring Crocus Crosswort Smântânică Tor܊el Greater Dodder Pieptănari܊ă Crested Dog's-tail Ferigu܊ă de stâncă Brittle Bladder-fern Golomă܊ Cock's Foot Common Spotted-orchid Early Marsh-orchid Mâna Maicii Heah Spotted-orchid Domnului Heah Spotted-orchid Tulichină Nem܊i܈or Col܊i܈or Breabăn Târsă Păiu܈ Garofi܊ă Mezereon Coralroot Tufted Hairy-grass Wavy Hairy-grass Sweet-William Dege܊el galben Iarba ciutei Cujdă Yellow Foxglove Argin܊ică Mountain Avens Ferigă Iarba ܈arpelui Pufuli܊ă Pufuli܊ă Viper's-bugloss Square-stalked Willowherb Pufuli܊ă Pufuli܊ă Coada calului Pipirig Barba ursului de Bahne Coada calului Coada calului Bunghi܈or Bunghi܈or Bumbăcari܊ă Ochiul ܈arpelui Broad-leaved Helleborine Field Horsetail Rough Horsetail Marsh Willowherb Branched Horsetail Wood Horsetail Fleabane Common Cottongrass 159 76, 87, 132 132, 147 75, 76, 80, 81, 87, 120, 132 77, 120, 125, 132 88 36, 52, 56, 65, 75, 77, 80, 130, 132 88 130, 132, 146, 147, 152 88, 132 36, 77, 132, 138 120, 126, 147 88 85, 88 65, 88, 132 36, 88, 132 132 88 88 112, 113, 120, 132 85, 88, 132, 148 75, 77, 85, 88, 119, 120, 123, 130, 132 130, 132 85, 88, 96, 119, 120 130, 132 85, 88 77, 132 77, 82 88, 120, 132, 148, 153 77, 119, 120, 132, 148 36, 63, 65, 132 132 85, 88, 97 16, 36, 46, 63, 65 132 77, 88, 132 75, 77, 81, 120, 132, 148 16, 121, 127, 132 103, 107 16, 36, 52, 103, 112, 113 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 36, 51, 52, 103, 113 132 77, 88, 121, 133, 148 148 88 88 77, 121, 133, 148 133 148, 151 77, 88, 148 77, 121, 133 88, 121, 133 133 77, 83, 133 75, 77 103, 105 37, 51, 52, 59, 65 85, 88 112, 113 Euphorbia amygdaloides Euphorbia carniolica Euphrasia officinalis subsp. pratensis Euphrasia stricta Fagus sylvatica Fallopia dumetorum Festuca amethystina Festuca bucegiensis Festuca drymeia Festuca gigantea Festuca nigrescens Festuca ovina Festuca pratensis Festuca rubra Festuca rupicola Festuca supina Festuca versicolor Filipendula ulmaria Fragaria vesca Fraxinus excelsior Galanthus nivalis Galeobdolon luteum Galeopsis bifida Galeopsis speciosa Galium album subsp. album Galium anisophyllon Galium odoratum Galium schultesii Galium verum subsp. verum Gentiana acaulis Gentiana asclepiadea Gentiana lutea Gentiana nivalis Gentiana orbicularis Gentiana verna Gentianella austriaca Geranium phaeum Geranium pratense Geranium robertianum Geranium sylvaticum Geum montanum Geum reptans Geum rivale Gladiolus imbricatus Glechoma hirsuta Gnaphalium supinum Gnaphalium sylvaticum Gnaphalium uliginosum Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. conopsea Gymnadenia conopsea subsp. densiflora Gymnocarpium dryopteris Gymnocarpium robertianum Hedysarum hedysaroides Helianthemum alpestre Helianthemum nummularium Helleborus purpurascens Hepatica transsilvanica Heracleum sphondylium Alior Alior Silur Silur Fag Hri܈că deasă Wood Spurge 88, 133, 148 121, 133, 148, 152 Rostkov's Eyebright 88 88 Beech 119, 121, 133, 148 Copse-bindweed 88 51, 52 52, 58 Scradă 119, 121 88 63, 65 133 Păiu܈ Fescue 85, 133 Păiu ܈ro܈u Red Fescue 88 133 14, 15, 16, 29, 34, 37, 44, 46, 52, 63, 65, 113 37 Cre܊u܈că Meadowsweet 77, 83, 88, 133 Fragi de pădure Wild Strawberry 77, 121, 133, 148 Frasin Ash 148 Ghiocei Snowdrop 88 Gălbini܊ă Yellow Archangel 121, 133, 140, 148 Bifid Hemp-nettle 88 Cânepi܊ă, Zabră Large-flowered Hemp-nettle 77, 88 Sânziene albe 88 16, 37, 52, 65, 113 Vinari܊ă Woodruff 148 Sânziene de pădure 88 Sânziene, Drăgaică Lady's Bedstraw 88 Cupe Koch's Gentian 65, 69 Lumânărica pământului Willow Gentian 77, 133, 148 Ghin܊ură galbenă Yellow Gentian 85, 86, 88, 94 Alpine Gentian 52 17, 52, 113 Ochincele Spring Gentian 17, 37, 45, 53, 60, 65, 113 89 Pălăria cucului Dusky Crane's-bill 77, 89, 121, 124, 133 Greghetin Meadow Crane's-bill 89 Năpraznică Herb-Robert 77, 121, 133, 148 Fratele priboiului Wood Crane's-bill 77, 83, 89, 133 Măr܊i܈or 37, 65, 69, 71, 103 Plăcin܊ele 17, 21 Căl܊unul Doamnei Water Avens 77, 81, 89, 133 Săbiu܊ă Gladiolus 89 Silnic 133, 148 37, 47, 65, 70 Floarea patului Heath Cudweed 148 Marsh Cudweed 37, 65 Chalk Fragrant Orchid 37, 65, 85, 89, 95, 130, 133, 138, 146, 148 Marsh Fragrant Orchid 53 Oak Fern 121, 133, 148 Limestone Fern 77 Dulci܈or 53, 57, 58 Mălăioaie 17, 37, 47, 51, 53, 59, 65 Iarba osului Common Rock-rose 89, 99, 133 Spânz Hellebore 89, 96 Crucea voinicului 75, 77, 119, 121, 126, 133 Brânca ursului Hogweed 89 160 Hesperis matronalis Hieracium alpinum Hieracium aurantiacum Hieracium bifidum Hieracium pilosella Hieracium transsilvanicum Hieracium valdepilosum Hieracium villosum Homogyne alpina Hordelymus europaeus Huperzia selago Hypericum maculatum Impatiens noli-tangere Isopyrum thalictroides Juncus articulatus Juncus bufonius Juncus conglomeratus Juncus effusus Juncus tenuis Juncus trifidus Juniperus communis Juniperus sibirica Kernera saxatilis Knautia longifolia Kobresia myosuroides Kobresia simpliciuscula Lamium maculatum subsp. maculatum Lamium purpureum Lapsana communis Larix decidua subsp. carpatica Lathraea squamaria Lathyrus pratensis Lathyrus venetus Lathyrus vernus Leontodon hispidus Leontopodium alpinum Leucanthemum rotundifolium Leucanthemum vulgare Ligularia sibirica Ligusticum mutellina Ligusticum mutellinoides Lilium martagon Linum catharticum subsp. catharticum Linum extraaxilare Listera cordata Listera ovata Lloydia serotina Loiseleuria procumbens Lonicera xylosteum Lotus corniculatus Lunaria rediviva Luzula alpinopilosa Luzula campestris Luzula luzuloides Luzula multiflora Luzula pilosa Luzula spicata Luzula sudetica Nopticoasă Dame's violet Ru܈uli܊a Orange Hawkwud Rotunjoare Orz pădure܊ Purple Colt's-foot Slăbănog Găinu܈i Fir Clubmoss Imperforate St John's-wort Touch-me-not Balsam Iarba broa܈tei Jointed Rush Toad Rush Compact Rush Spetează Pipirig american Părul porcului Ienupăr Ienupăr pitic Slender Rush Three-leaved Rush Common Juniper Mu܈cata dracului Urzică moartă Sugel puturos Zgrăbun܊ică, Salata câinelui Larice de Carpa܊i Muma pădurii Lintea pratului Pupezele Potcapul călugărului Floare de col܊, Floarea reginei Margarete Curechi de munte Brie, Brioală Mărarul ursului Crin de pădure Inea܊ă, Inu ܊de câmp In de munte Buhai Caprifoi Ghizdei Lopă܊ea Mălaiul cucului Mălaiul cucului Mălaiul cucului False Sedge False Sedge Spotted Dead-nettle Red Dead-nettle Nipplewort Carpathian Larch Toothwort Meadow Vetchling Rough Hawkbit Edelweiss Oxeye Daisy Martagon Lily Fairy Flax Lesser Twayblade Common Twayblade Trailing Azalea Fly Honeysuckle Common Bird's-foot-trefoil Field Wood-rush White Wood-rush Heath Wood-rush Hairy Wood-rush Spiked Wood-rush Credei de munte 161 133 17, 37, 53, 58 37, 65, 77, 89, 96, 133 133, 148 133, 148 77, 119, 133, 148 89 37, 53 14, 17, 29, 31, 37, 53, 65, 133 148 134 77, 89, 134, 148 134 121, 148 77, 89, 134 89 89 134 85, 89 17, 34, 37 89, 134 13, 14, 17, 37, 53 53, 57 89, 100 37, 53 17, 37, 103 77, 134, 148 121, 134, 141, 148 121, 134, 148 53, 134, 149 134 89 149 149 89 37, 51, 53, 59 75, 78, 134, 145, 149 89 75, 78, 81 29, 37, 65 17, 37, 103 78, 89, 134, 140 89, 149 37, 51, 53, 58, 61 130, 134, 141 130, 134 14, 17, 20, 53 13, 14, 15, 17, 23, 37, 53 134 89, 134, 149 134 17, 65 134 65, 67, 78, 89, 119, 121, 134, 149 37, 65 121 17, 37, 65, 103 37, 65 Luzula sylvatica Lychnis flos-cuculi Lycopodium annotinum Lycopodium clavatum Lysimachia nummularia Medicago lupulina Melampyrum sylvaticum Melica nutans Mercurialis perennis Minuartia recurva Minuartia sedoides Minuartia setacea Minuartia verna Moehringia muscosa Moehringia trinervia Moneses uniflora Mycelis muralis Myosotis alpestris Myosotis nemorosa Myosotis sylvatica Nardus stricta Neottia nidus-avis Nigritella nigra Nigritella rubra Orchis militaris Origanum vulgare Orobanche lutea Orthilia secunda Oxalis acetosella Oxyria digyna Oxytropis halleri Papaver alpinum subsp. corona sancti-stephani Paris quadrifolia Parnassia palustris Pedicularis oederi Pedicularis verticillata Petasites kablikianus Phleum alpinum Phleum pratense Phyteuma confusum Phyteuma orbiculare Phyteuma vagneri Picea abies Pilosella lactucella Pimpinella major Pimpinella saxifraga Pinguicula alpina Pinguicula vulgaris Pinus mugo Pinus sylvestris Plantago atrata Plantago lanceolata Plantago major Plantago media Platanthera bifolia Poa alpina Poa chaixii Poa hybrida Great Wood-rush Ragged-Robin Interrupted Clubmoss Stag's-horn Clubmoss Creeping-Jenny Black Medick Floarea cucului Corni܈or Pedicu܊ă Gălbăjoară Trifoi mărunt Ciormoiag Brei Mierlu܊ă Scânteiu܊e albe Merinană Părălu܊e de munte Susai pădure܊ Nu-mă-uita Nu-mă-uita Nu-mă-uita ܉ăpo܈ică Trânji Sângele voinicului Sângele voinicului Poroinic Sovârv Lupoaie Peri܈or Măcri܈ul iepurelui Măcri܈el Luntricică Mac galben de munte Dalac ܇opârli܊ă albă Herb-Paris Vârtejul pământului Captalan Timoftică Timoftică Butterbur Alpine Cat's-tail Timothy Rampion Rampion Rampion Norway Spruce Bănică, Schinu܊ă Cărbuni Molid Petrinjei de câmp mari Petrinjei de câmp Foaie grasă Foaie grasă Jneapăn Pin Pătlagină cu frunze înguste Pătlagină mare Pătlagină Stupini܊ă Firu܈ca ܈opârlelor 89, 129, 134 89 134, 149, 154 134, 142 89 78, 89, 149 134 Mountain Melck 134 Dog's Mercury 121, 134 17, 22, 37, 53, 55, 60 Cyphel 17, 22, 37, 53, 65, 102, 103 53 Spring Sandwort 65, 103 134, 149 Three-nerved Sandwort 149 One-flowered Wintergreen 121, 134 Wall Lettuce 121, 134, 149 17, 37, 103, 105, 107 78, 89 Wood Forget-me-not 78, 90, 121, 134, 149 Mat-grass 29, 38, 62, 63, 65, 85, 90, 134 Bird's-nest Orchid 119, 121, 130, 135, 146, 149, 152 38, 41, 46, 51, 53, 65 38, 51, 53, 65, 71 Military Orchid 135 Wild Marjoram 90 Yellow Broomrapes 90 Serrated Wintergreen 149 Wood-sorrel 29, 78, 121, 135, 141, 149 Mountain Sorrel 17, 103, 105 Purple Oxytropis 17, 23, 38, 53, 60, 65 103, 108 Greater Burnet-saxifrage Alpine Butterwort Common Butterwort Dwarf Mountain-pine Scots Pine Black Plantain Ribwort Plantain Greater Plantain Hoary Plantain Lesser Butterfly Orchid Alpine Meadow-grass Broad-leaved Meadow-grass 162 78, 135, 149, 155 38, 48, 90 17, 38 17, 21, 53, 135 78, 135, 149 38, 90, 135 90 53 38, 40, 65, 70, 135 85, 90 29, 119, 121, 129, 135, 149 38 90, 96 90 17, 53, 61, 65 17, 38, 44, 53, 65, 73, 135 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 38, 53 149 38, 53, 104, 105, 108 90, 135 78, 90, 135, 149 90, 135 85, 90 17, 29, 38, 49, 66, 104, 113, 135 90 38, 66 Poa media Poa molinerii Poa nemoralis Poa pratensis Poa trivialis Polygala amara Polygala amarella Polygala vulgaris Polygonatum verticillatum Polygonum bistorta Polygonum viviparum Polypodium vulgare Polystichum braunii Polystichum lonchitis Polystichum setiferum Populus tremula Potentilla anserina Potentilla aurea Potentilla chrysantha Potentilla erecta Potentilla recta subsp. recta Potentilla reptans Potentilla ternata Prenanthes purpurea Primula elatior Primula halleri Primula minima Primula veris Pritzelago alpina subsp. brevicaulis Prunella vulgaris Pseudorchis albida Pulmonaria rubra Pulsatilla micrantha Pyrola media Pyrola rotundifolia Ranunculus acris Ranunculus breyninus Ranunculus carpaticus Ranunculus cassubicus Ranunculus montanus subsp. pseudomontanus Ranunculus platanifolius Ranunculus repens Rhinanthus angustifolius Rhinanthus minor Rhododendron myrtifolium Ribes petraeum Rosa canina Rosa pendulina Rubus hirtus Rubus idaeus Rumex acetosa Rumex alpinus Rumex sanguineus Sagina procumbens Salix caprea Salix herbacea Salix reticulata Iarbă deasă Firu܊ă ܇uvar de munte Amăreală Wood Meadow-grass Smooth Meadow-grass Rough Meadow-grass Milkwort Dwarf Milkwort Common Milkwort Whorled Solomon's-seal Common Bistort Alpine Bistort Polypody Răcule܊ Iarba ܈opârlelor Ferigu܊ă Creasta coco܈ului ܇arpe Holly-fern Soft Shield-fern Aspen Plop tremurător Coada racului Sclipe܊i Gălbenu܈e Sclipe܊i Buruiană de cinci degete Cinci degete Scânteiu܊ă de munte Salata iepurelui Ciubo܊ica cucului Anghelină Ochiul găinii Tormentil Sulphur Cinquefoil 38, 63, 66 38, 63, 66, 69 78, 90, 135, 149 90 90, 135 90, 135 54 90 78, 121, 135, 149, 153 29, 66, 78, 90, 135 17, 38, 53, 61, 66, 113, 135 135 121, 135, 149 122, 135 122, 135, 149 135, 149 135, 149 38 38 78, 90, 135, 149 90 Creeping Cinquefoil 90 14, 17, 34, 38, 48, 66, 104, 105, 135 135 Oxlip 78, 135 5, 38 14, 15, 17, 23, 38, 54, 66, 102, 104, 113, 116 Cowslip 78 17, 104 Selfhead 78, 90, 122, 135, 149 Small-white Orchid 38, 66, 72, 73, 130, 135 Red Lungwort 78, 122, 136, 143, 145, 149, 156 17, 38, 54, 66, 72, 104 136, 149, 153 Round-leaved Wintergreen 136 Meadow Buttercup 78, 136 17, 38, 54, 66 119, 122, 136, 142, 146, 149, 155 136 17, 38, 54, 66, 72, 90 Ciubo܊ica cucului Nocilă Busuioc de câmp Mierea ursului Sisinei de munte Brăbănoi Piciorul coco܈ului Floare de leac Clocotici Clocotici Smirdar Păltior Măce܈ Măce ܈de munte Greater Yellow-rattle Yellow-rattle Rhododendron Gooseberry Dog-rose Zmeur Măcri܈ ܇tevia stânelor Dragavei Salcie căprească, Iovă Raspberry Common Sorrel Monk's-rhubarb Wood Dock Procumbent Pearlwort Goat Willow Dwarf Willow Net-leaved Willow 163 78, 136, 150 17, 38, 78, 136, 150 90 90 13, 14, 17, 24, 27, 28, 29, 32, 38, 54, 66 78, 136 136 78, 136 150 78, 122, 136, 150 78, 90, 136 78, 85, 90, 150 90 66 79, 136, 150 17, 24, 38, 54 13, 14, 17, 23, 24, 113 Salix retusa Salix silesiaca Salvia glutinosa Sambucus racemosa Sanicula europaea Saxifraga adscendens Saxifraga aizoides Saxifraga androsacea Saxifraga bryoides Saxifraga corymbosa Saxifraga cuneifolia Saxifraga demissa Saxifraga heucherifolia Saxifraga moschata Saxifraga oppositifolia Saxifraga paniculata Saxifraga stellaris subsp. robusta Scabiosa lucida subsp. barbata Scilla bifolia subsp. bifolia Scirpus sylvaticus Scleranthus perennis Scorzonera rosea Scrophularia nodosa Scrophularia scopolii Sedum alpestre Sedum annuum Sedum atratum Sedum hispanicum Sedum telephium Senecio carpaticus Senecio ovatus Sesleria bielzii Sesleria coerulans Sesleria rigida Silene acaulis Silene latifolia subsp. alba Silene noctiflora Silene nutans subsp. dubia Silene pusilla subsp. pusilla Silene vulgaris Sisyrinchium montanum Soldanella hungarica Solidago virgaurea Sorbus aucuparia subsp. aucuparia Spiraea chamaedryfolia Stachys alpina Stachys officinalis Stachys sylvatica Stellaria graminea Stellaria holostea Stellaria media Stellaria nemorum Streptopus amplexifolius Symphytum cordatum Symphytum tuberosum Taraxacum officinale Tephroseris capitata Teucrium chamaedrys Iovă Cinste܊ Soc ro܈u Sâni܈oară Ochii ܈oricelului Sticky Clary Red-beeried Elder Sanicle Yellow Saxifrage Iarba că܈unăturii Lesser Londonpride Iarba surzilor Purple Saxifrage Livelong Saxifrage Viorele Pipirig Sincerică Alpine Squill Wood Club-rush Perennial Knawel Bubernic, Iarbă neagră Common Figwort Brânca porcului, Italian Figwort Buruiană de pocitură ܇oaldină aurie Iarbă grasă Coada iepurelui Coada iepurelui Coada iepurelui Opai܊ă Spanish Stonecrop Orpine Carpathian Ragwort Wood Ragwort Blue Moor-grass Blue Moor-grass Blue Moor-grass Moss Campion White Campion Nottingham Catchfly Gu܈a porumbelului Bladder Campion American Blue-eyed-grass Cre܊i܈or, Vindecea Bălbisă Goldenrod Rowan Elm-leaved Spiraea Limestone Woundwort Betony Hedge Woundwort Iarbă moale Rocoină Stelu܊ă Common Chickweed Wood Stitchwort Scoru ܈de munte Cununi܊ă Brustur negru Păpădie Tuberous Comphrey Dandelion Dumbă܊ Wall Germander 164 13, 14, 17, 54 79, 136 90, 136 136 150 17, 39, 79, 113 39 14, 17 39, 102, 104, 106, 109 39, 54, 112, 113 122, 127, 136 136 136 17, 25, 39, 54, 66, 112, 113, 115 14, 17, 54, 113, 115 14, 17, 25, 39, 54, 61, 136 104, 109, 136 136 150 79, 136 39, 66, 104, 106 90, 100 79, 136, 150 90 17, 39, 54, 66 39, 90 39, 54, 66 91, 94 79 17 79, 82, 91, 122, 136, 150 39, 54, 112, 113, 136 17, 39 39, 51, 54 17, 39, 54, 60, 102, 104, 109, 110, 113, 117 136 91 91, 98 39, 79, 136 91, 100 136 29, 66, 79, 122, 129, 136 79 29, 79, 122, 129, 137, 150 79, 137 91 91 137, 150 91 137 122 79, 122, 137, 150, 154 75, 79, 130, 137, 144 119, 122, 124, 137, 145 79, 122, 137, 150 17, 39, 79, 122, 137, 150 17, 66, 113, 114 91 Thalictrum aquilegiifolium Thesium alpinum Thesium kernerianum Thlaspi dacicum Thlaspi kovatsii Thymus alpestris Thymus balcanus Thymus pulcherrimus Thymus pulegioides Traunsteinera globosa Trifolium pannonicum Trifolium pratense Trifolium repens subsp. ochranthum Trifolium repens subsp. repens Trisetum flavescens subsp. flavescens Trollius europaeus Tussilago farfara Urtica dioica Vaccinium myrtillus Vaccinium uliginosum subsp. microphyllum Vaccinium vitis-idaea Valeriana montana Valeriana sambucifolia Valeriana tripteris Veratrum album Verbascum lychnitis Verbascum nigrum Veronica alpina Veronica anagallis-aquatica Veronica beccabunga Veronica bellidioides Veronica chamaedrys Veronica officinalis Veronica serpyllifolia Veronica urticifolia Vicia cracca Vicia sepium Viola alpina Viola biflora Viola dacica Viola declinata Viola elatior Viola tricolor subsp. tricolor Ruti܈or Măciulie Cimbri܈or Cimbri܈or Cimbri܈or Cimbri܈or French Meadow-rue Large Thyme Trifoi ro܈u Trifoi alb târâtor Trifoi alb târâtor Ovăscior auriu Bulbuci Podbal Urzică mare Afin Afin vânăt White Clover Yellow Oat-grass Globeflower Colt's-foot Common Nettle Bilberry Bog Bilberry Meri܈or Cowberry Cujucărea de munte ܇tirigoaie Lumânărică Somnoroasă Red Clover False-helleborine White Mullein Black Mullein Alpine Speedwell Blue Water-speedwell Bobornic Stejărel Ventrilică, Strătorică Iarba ܈arpelui Măzăriche Măzăroi sălbatic Viorele alpine Viorele galbene Unghia păsării Unghia păsării Trei fra܊i păta܊i Germander Speedwell Heath Speedwell Thyme-leaved Speedwell Tufted Vetch Buch Vetch Alpine Pansy Wild Pansy 165 79, 137, 150, 151 137 54 66 66, 91 17, 25, 26, 39, 54, 66, 113, 137 91 17, 51, 54 91 85, 91 91, 99 79, 91, 137, 150 17, 39, 49, 54, 66, 113 79, 91, 137, 150 85, 91 85, 91 79, 91, 122, 137, 150 75, 79, 85, 91, 122, 137, 150 17, 28, 29, 39, 66, 137, 144 17, 54 17, 39, 54, 137 137 79, 122, 137, 150, 156 122, 137 29, 30, 39, 66, 79, 83, 85, 91, 137, 150 91 150 66 91 137, 150 39, 66 79, 82, 91, 137 79, 91, 137 66, 150 122, 137, 150, 156 91 150 17, 26, 39, 54, 104, 110, 113, 114 79, 137, 144 85, 91, 99 17, 39, 63, 66, 73, 91, 98, 137 79 91 Glosar de termeni Glossary of Terms Anual – Annual Anual de iarnă – Winter annual Arbore – Tree Arbust – Shrub Bianual – Biannual Camefită (Ch) – Chamaephyte Eurifită – Euriphyte Euritermofită – Eurithermophyte Fanerofită (Ph) – Phanerophyte Forma de viaţă, forma biologică, bioforma – Life form Geofită (G) – Geophyte Hekistotermofită – Hekistothermophyte Hemicriptofită (H) – Hemycryptophyte Hemiterofită (Ht) – Hemytherophyte Hidrohelofită (HH) – Hydro-helophyte Higrofită – Hygrophyte Mezofită – Mesophyte Mezotermofită – Mesothermophyte Microtermofită – Microthermophyte Monocarpic – Monocarpous Peren – Perennial Psichrotermofită – Psichrothermophyte Subarbust – Undershrub Subtermofită – Subthermophyte Temperatură – Temperature Terofită (T) – Therophyte Umiditate – Humidity Xerofită – Xerophyte 166 Bibliografie Bibliography ADMINISTRAŢIA PARCULUI 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