Appendix A Existing Facilities Condition Audit
Appendix A Existing Facilities Condition Audit
Appendix A Existing Facilities Condition Audit values culture relationships… since 1909. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus City of Appleton | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Prepared For Outagamie County | Wisconsin JUNE 15, 2016 McM. No. O0002-6-16-00113.00 MJM:lam 1445 MCMAHON DRIVE | P.O. BOX 1025, NEENAH, WI 54957-1025 PH. 920.751.4200 | FX. 920.751.4284 | WWW.MCMGRP.COM Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus City of Appleton | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Prepared For Outagamie County, Wisconsin JUNE 15, 2016 McM. No. O0002-6-16-00116.00 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION II. ARCHITECTURAL ASSESSMENT III. CIVIL ASSESSMENT IV. STRUCTURAL ASSESSMENT V. HVAC ASSESSMENT VI. ELECTRICAL ASSESSMENT VII. PLUMBING / FIRE PROTECTION ASSESSMENT ID\REPORT\O0002\6-16-00113\OC Downtown Campus Existing Facilities Rpt.docx (lam) Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus City of Appleton | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Prepared For Outagamie County, Wisconsin JUNE 15, 2016 McM. No. O0002-6-16-00113.00 I. INTRODUCTION The objective of the audit was to establish the general condition of the Outagamie County Downtown Campus facilities as relates to making future additions or renovations to them. The facilities are: Justice Center Health and Human Services – North Health and Human Services – South County Administration Building (CAB) The location of the facilities area indicated on the Site Map found in Section 1 – Project Overview of this report. The following existing construction drawings were used as reference for this report: Outagamie County Justice Center, Phase II, March 1990 Vol. I Outagamie County Justice Center, Phase II, March 1990, Vol. II Outagamie County Courthouse Remodeling, November 1993 Outagamie County Courthouse Remodeling, Phase 2, March 1994 Outagamie County Administration Building Infrastructure Upgrades Sets 1 & 2 August 2012 Miscellaneous Other Drawings (not in sets) Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 1 II. ARCHITECTURAL ASSESSMENT The following information was obtained from observations conducted during multiple site visits to the various Outagamie County departments / divisions during the month of February, 2016 by Eric Rhodehamel, AIA, from McMAHON. Existing, Owner-furnished documents and drawings were also available during the review. These documents were itemized in the Introduction to the report. A. EXISTING ARCHITECTURAL SYSTEMS INFORMATION 1. County Administration Building (CAB): The building was constructed in the 1940’s and has no drawings available for the original building. The building is technically three stories high with a basement and a level less than 6’ above the grade plane. The building structure is a concrete frame with stone cladding. In 2012, the County Administration Building underwent a thorough interior renovation and remodel, refurbishing the Terrazzo flooring and marble walls. The building is not provided with an automatic sprinkler system. 2. Health and Human Resources – North Building (HHS-North) The building was constructed in 1973 and has no drawings available for the original building. The building is three stories high with a full basement. The building structure is a concrete framed clad in precast panels. Miscellaneous remodels have occurred in the past primarily in 1994 and drawings are available for that work. The building is not provided with an automatic sprinkler system. 3. Health and Human Resources – South Building (HHS-South) The building was constructed in 1957 and has no drawings available for the original building. The building is two stories high with a full basement. The building structure is a concrete frame clad in CMU and face brick. Miscellaneous remodels have occurred in the past primarily in 1994 and drawings are available for that work. The building is not provided with an automatic sprinkler system. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 2 4. Justice Center The building was constructed in 1991 and has drawings available for the building. The building is five stories high with a full basement. The building has three major occupancies, I-3, A & B with a jail facility located on the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors. The major A occupancies are the courtrooms on the 2nd floor. The structure is a concrete frame with precast cladding. The building is provided with an automatic sprinkler system. B. OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 1. County Administration Building (CAB) As a result of the recent 2012 renovation, the building has been completely refurnished and increased in energy efficiency. No recommendations for improving the architectural systems are required. 2. HHS – North No major defects in finishes, doors or windows restroom fixtures and roofing were noted. There are multiple system furniture products in service which should be standardized to facilitate maintenance. No recommendations, other than standardizing systems furniture, are required. 3. HHS – South No major defects in finishes, doors or windows, restroom fixtures were noted. The roof has reached its useful life and should be replaced soon. No recommendations, other than standardized systems furniture and replacing the roof, are required. 4. Justice Center No major defects were noted in the architectural systems. It is noted that a remodeling of the Clerk of Courts is to start soon and a remodeling of the Booking Area on the 4th floor is being considered. Both of these projects are outside the scope of this study. No recommendations, other than standardizing the systems furniture, are required. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 3 III. CIVIL ASSESSMENT Task: Evaluate existing utilities and develop costs for constructing a building connecting the existing Justice Center, Administration and North and South buildings (see attached sketch). A. SANITARY SEWER Adequately sized sanitary sewer (8”) is available to service the building addition. The majority of the existing sanitary sewer mains will be under the proposed building. It is recommended to re-route the sanitary sewer around the building foot print on the north and west sides. On the east side, it is recommended to relay the sewer on Elm Street and reverse the direction of flow to 6th Street sewers. There appears to be only one lateral to the County’s maintenance building on this Elm Street line. It is our understanding that the City has plans to replace the pavement on Elm Street this year; it may be prudent for the County to request this work be delayed. Note that connecting to the sanitary sewer on Walnut Street is likely not viable as it is shallow. All the records that were reviewed indicate there is not sufficient pitch for gravity sewer connections to Walnut St. B. WATER MAIN Adequately sized water mains are available to service the building addition. There are two water mains that provide service to the existing buildings. The following paragraphs are recommendations for accommodating the new building and maintaining the functionality of the water system. 16” Transmission Main: There is a 16” transmission main extending south on S Elm Street, jogging east on Seventh Street and then continuing south on S Elm Street. This 16” is connected to the fire/sprinkler system at the Justice Center and it feeds the Oneida Street water tower as well as serving as a main transmission line in distribution system. The City wants this line to remain functioning and it is our opinion it is good practice to maintain this connection to the fire/sprinkler system at the Justice Center. Due to the bend in the line under the proposed building, casing the 16” in place is not a viable option. It is recommended to reroute the pipe at Elm and 7th Street, extending in a casing under the proposed building and then north and east to re-connect at S Elm Street (north of the proposed building). 8” Water Main: There is 8” water main extending on 7th Street (running east/west on the north side of the Administration/North building). From the records reviewed, there is one lateral to the Administration building and one to the North building. It is recommended to cut and cap the water main on either side of the proposed building. The water mains servicing the Administration and Justice Center would be maintained. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 4 The North/South building can be serviced via a new main under the proposed building. The current service comes through the basement wall, so some accommodations will need to be made to configure the connection. Note that making these changes to the water mains will require interrupted service to the buildings. Further investigation and discussions with staff will be needed to strategically schedule improvements to align facility needs. C. STORM SEWER There appears to be adequately sized storm sewer to service the new building. The City has indicated that the storm sewers on Walnut Street are undersized; therefore new connections should be primarily to the storm sewers on 7th Street (east of the proposed building) and Elm Street. It appears that the project will disturb more than one acre of land, requiring the post construction site comply with NR 151 requirements. As such the storm water management plan is required to show peak flow control for the one and two year, 24-hour storm events. The post-construction site must also achieve 40% total suspended solids removal as compared to no controls (Note: this is also a City requirement). In addition the City is requiring reporting of total phosphorus removal and that any changes not impede the level of service in the City’s storm sewer system. The City typically retains a consultant to evaluate system impacts and those costs are billed back to the property owner. The City will not extend any estimates to define these review costs. Storm water treatment devices could be permeable pavements, bio-filtration or a combination of the two. Additional effort is needed to predict the footprint for such devices because storm water design is based on volume calculations. Therefore costs presented are guestimates based on experience. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 5 W:\PROJECTS\O0002\61600113\REVIT\McM_Arch_Outagamie_County_Master_Plan_2016.rvt EXISTING COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING EXISTING HHS BUILDING - SOUTH PROPOSED SITE UTILITES PLAN 1" = 30'-0" ABANDONED 4" WATERMAIN PROPOSED BUILDING OPTION D2 MAINTAIN CONNECTION W/ 16" WM MAINTIAN CONNECTION W/ 18" WM CONNECT INTERNAL TO PROPOSED BUILDING WATER AND SEWER EXISTING HHS BUILDING - NORTH APPLETON WI SITE UTILITIES OUTAGAMIE COUNTY EXISTING JUSTICE CENTER NO. DATE REVISION PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NEW SAN INDICATES AREAS TO BE REMOVED INTERIOR REMODELING FOR: 8" WM NEW 16" WM NEW SAN CONNECT TO EXISTING SAN NORTH DESIGNED DRAWN JLS CRW PROJECT NO. O0002 - 6-16-0013 DATE JUNE 8, 2016 SHEET NO. AS-10 McMahon provides this drawing and data, regardless of form; as instruments of service. All rights including copyrights are retained by McMahon. The client and/or recipient agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold McMahon harmless for any reuse of or changes made to the original drawing or data without prior written consent by McMahon. 1445 McMAHON DRIVE NEENAH, WI 54956 Mailing: P.O.BOX 1025 NEENAH, WI 54957-1025 Tel: (920) 751-4200 Fax: (920) 751-4284 McMAHON 6/8/2016 2:13:36 PM EXISTING SITE PLAN OUTAGAMIE COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER CITY OF APPLETON, OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN # IV. STRUCTURAL ASSESSMENT A. HHS BUILDING – NORTH 1. Framing System The existing building structure is a cast-in-place concrete building, with exterior masonry walls. The floor framing consists of a two-way flat plate concrete slab system and concrete columns. The stairwells consist of concrete stair framing and concrete perimeter walls. 2. General Observations The floor framing system was observed from the underside at between two and five locations at each floor framing level. The observations were made primarily in exposed framing locations (e.g. storage rooms, mechanical rooms), as well as through ceiling panels within the finished room spaces. The top surface of the floor framing was observed where no floor coverings were present (such as mechanical rooms). The concrete columns were observed in spots where visible, although in most locations the columns were enclosed within wall framing. The existing building framing system appears to be in excellent condition overall. Minor cracking was observed in a few locations of the floor framing; these cracks appear to be shrinkage cracks or floor restraint cracks (such as at floor drains), and are not evidence of overstress in the concrete framing system. Minor cracking was observed in the interior and exterior masonry walls, as would be expected of buildings of this age. At a garage on the first floor level, at the south end of the building, cracks were observed between the main building structure and the perimeter wall system. The crack was large enough to be readily noticeable, and may be evidence of a building construction joint. There does not appear to be differential movement between each side of the crack/joint, and secondary cracking was not observed. 3. Recommendations The building structure appears to be in excellent condition, and should be expected to remain in service for many additional years. Minor cracking of masonry wall elements shall be monitored and repaired if additional movement is observed. Specifically, the crack/joint in the garage shall be periodically observed to note whether leaks are present or differential movement is observed. Routine maintenance shall be maintained through the building system. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 6 B. HHS BUILDING – SOUTH 1. C. ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING 1. D. General A structural evaluation report was conducted by Harwood Engineering Consultants in 2015 for the south building annex. The conclusion from this report was that the building is in excellent condition (similar to the north building). No further observations or recommendations are provided at this time. General The west Administration Building underwent a systems upgrade in 2012/2013, designed by McMAHON. During that project, the building was observed to be in good overall condition. Specific structural concerns were addressed at that time as part of that construction project. No further observations or recommendations are provided at this time. JUSTICE CENTER 1. Framing System The existing building structure is a precast concrete building and a cast-inplace foundation. The floor framing consists of precast plank supported by inverted tee precast beams, attached to precast columns. The building perimeter consists of precast wall panels. The stairwells consist of precast concrete stair framing and perimeter walls. 2. General Observations The exposed portions of the floor system and foundations were observed through the unfinished portions of the basement. Additionally, the framing system was observed at between two and five locations at the lowest several floor framing levels (from the courtroom floor level down, not including the upper jail levels). The concrete columns were observed in spots where visible, although in most locations the columns were enclosed within wall framing. The existing building framing system appears to be in excellent condition overall. Minor cracking was observed in a few locations of the floor framing; these cracks appear to be shrinkage cracks or floor restraint cracks (such as at floor drains), and are not evidence of overstress in the concrete framing system. Minor cracking was observed at some of the joints between the stair framing and primary building framing portions. 3. Recommendations The building structure appears to be in excellent condition, and should be expected to remain in service for many additional years. Routine maintenance shall be maintained through the building system. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 7 V. HVAC SYSTEMS ASSESSMENT The following information was obtained from observations conducted during our site visit on March 31, 2016 by Matthew Wickstrom, of McMahon Associates and from a review of Owner furnished documents and drawings. A. GENERAL NOTE It is very difficult to forecast or foresee catastrophic failure of mechanical systems, and individual pieces of equipment within an overall HVAC system. Many variables will determine when and if the equipment or system will experience failure; such as, regular maintenance, cleaning, reduction of air in hydronic systems, chemicals, etc. The ASHRAE recommended life expectancy table can be a helpful guideline in determining when a piece of equipment’s maintenance and efficiency will cost the owner more than the cost of replacement with newer, more efficient equipment. Understanding that the ASHRAE life expectancy guideline does not necessarily indicate imminent failure of a system or system components is important throughout this report. Recommendations are based on visual inspection, life expectancy, and historical information regarding service and maintenance as reported while onsite during the facility walk-through. B. NORTH BUILDING – MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 1. Heating System The existing heating system is a hot water, primary-secondary system being fed by (2) Cleaver Brooks boilers located in the fourth floor mechanical room. Each boiler has a dedicated inline booster pump located at each boiler. The primary/secondary system is fed by (2) inline duty pumps within the mechanical room, and (4) base mounted pumps located in the adjacent mechanical room. The hot water is then fed to various air handling unit coils, re-heat coils, perimeter heating, etc. throughout the north building. 2. Cooling System There are (2) air cooled chiller located on the roof that provides chilled water for the various air handling units throughout the north building. The chilled water loop is served by a single pump located in the mechanical boiler room on the fourth floor. There is a single air cooled condensing unit that serves the computer room air conditioning (CRAC) units located in the basement server room. 3. Ventilation System The ventilation system is fed by (4) air handling units located on the 1st, 3rd, & 4th floors. AHU-1 is located on the 1st floor; AHU-3 is located on the 3rd floor; and AHU-2 and AHU-4 are located on the 4th floor. The server room in the basement has (2) CRAC units that provide cooling within the space. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 8 A vertical, cabinet fan serves the combustion air intake for the boilers in the fourth floor mechanical room. The fan is located at the outside air intake louvers behind the boilers. C. NORTH BUILDING – SUMMARY 1. Heating System One boiler in the mechanical room was installed in 1985. It has a heating capacity of 4,000,000 Btu/hr. The associated boiler booster pump is roughly the same vintage as the boiler. The second boiler was installed in 1994, and also has a heating capacity of 4,000,000 Btu/hr. The associated booster pump for this boiler appears to have been replaced with the boiler in 1994. ASHRAE provides a recommended useful life expectancy of 24 years for water-tube type boilers, and 10 years for inline pumps. The boiler installed in 1985 has exceeded its useful life expectancy, while the boiler installed in 1994 is two years from reaching the age. Both inline booster pumps have exceeded their useful life expectancy. It is noted that the older boiler is scheduled to be replaced as part of a capital improvement project in 2017. The existing inline pumps located in the mechanical room appear to be in fair to poor condition, showing eternal corrosion and rusting. The pumps appear to have been installed in the 90’s, and these pumps have also exceeded their useful life per ASHRAE. Boiler Inline Booster Pump There area (4) base mounted distribution pumps located in the mechanical room adjacent to the boiler room and were installed in 2010. Base mounted pumps have a useful life expectancy of 20 years per ASHRAE, and the pumps are in good/new condition. 2. Cooling System The existing air cooled chiller located on the roof was manufactured in 1994, and has a nominal capacity of 125 tons of cooling. The unit has sustained a good amount of hail damage over the years and many of the cooling fins are bent, or Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 9 damaged. The fin damage reduces the efficiency of the unit overall, and reduces the total capacity the unit can produce. That reduction in capacity from damage, and from age of the unit can lead to cooling capacity issues throughout the facility served by the chiller. Also, the chillers operate using R-22 refrigerant. R22 is considered an obsolete refrigerant and is no longer in production as a refrigerant. In several years, acquiring R-22 will become increasingly difficult. The life expectancy of an air cooled chiller is 25 years, and the chiller is very close to coming to the end of its useful life. North Building Air Cooled Chiller with Hail Damage The single pump serving the air cooled chiller is located in the boiler room. The pump is original to the chiller installation, and appears in poor condition. There is visible rust and corrosion on the pump. The pump has exceeded its useful life expectancy of 20 years. North Building Chilled Water Pump Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 10 3. Ventilation System AHU-3 on the 3rd floor and AHU-4 on the 4th floor were replaced in 1994. The units have a life expectancy of 20 years per ASHRAE, and are close to or have exceeded their useful life. The units all appear to be in fair condition, and operational issues were noted with the units. AHU-1 located on the 1st floor and AHU-2 located on the 4th floor were installed in 1973 and have exceeded their useful life expectancy. The units appeared to be in fair to poor condition, but no operational issues were noted with the unit at the time of the walkthrough. All of the unit’s booster pumps are of similar age, and appear in fair to poor condition. Most pumps have visible corrosion and rusting. No operational issues were indicated at time of walk-through. The CRAC units located in the server room in the basement appear in good condition, and were installed in 2007. The associated condensing units located on grade outside of the space was also installed in 2007 and is in good condition. D. NORTH BUILDING – RECOMMENDATIONS The entire existing heating and cooling system has reached, or is very near reaching the end of its useful life expectancy. Much of the equipment has external signs of damage, corrosion, rusting, and some of the equipment is scheduled for replacement as part of the capital improvement program. It is recommended that the central heating and cooling system be replaced. This would include (2) hot water boilers, (2) booster pumps, and (2) inline duty pumps, (1) air cooled chiller, and (1) base mounted chilled water pump. It would be recommended that a second chilled water pump be added to provide redundancy, and to ensure that if one pump were to fail, the second pump would ensure no outage of the cooling system. The existing (4) system pumps appear to be in fair condition, and probably do not need to be replaced at this time. The replacement can simply be like for like where the old equipment is removed and new is put in place, or the existing systems could be fed from a central plant located in the proposed new facility. See below for central plant recommendation. The existing ventilation system is in fair condition and (2) of the four air handling units serving the building were replaced in 1994. While (2) units area nearing the end of their useful life expectancy, there have not been any reported major maintenance issues or failures that have occurred. It is reasonable to expect that with regular preventative maintenance, the units could continue to operate for the next 10 years without catastrophic failure. AHU-1 and AHU-2 are the older units located on the 3rd and 4th floors. It is recommended to replace these units at this time due to age and condition. The existing controls for the units installed in 1994 are pneumatic. The existing controls for the older air handling units have been upgraded to DDC controls. It is recommended to consolidate the temperature controls system so that all units have DDC controls. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 11 E. F. SOUTH BUILDING – MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 1. Heating System The south building heating system is fed by a single hot water boiler located in the administrative building. See the Administrative Building heating systems description. 2. Cooling System The cooling system is fed by (2) chillers located in the basement of the south building, and the chillers have (2) air cooled condensing units located on the roof. There are (2) base mounted duty pumps that distribute chilled water to the building systems. 3. Ventilation System The existing ventilation system is fed by (2) large air handling units located in the basement. Each air handling unit serves ½ of the 2nd and 3rd floor. The units were installed in 1994 and are in good to fair condition. 4. Temperature Controls The existing temperature controls throughout the south building are pneumatic. SOUTH BUILDING – SUMMARY 1. Heating system The boiler serving the heating system for the south building is located in the administrative building boiler room. The boiler is new, and was added in 2012/2013 during the renovation of that building. There are no existing issues with the boiler or pumps. The remaining useful life of the new heating system is beyond 15 years. The pumps serving the South Building heating system are located in the basement of the South Building and were installed in 1994. The pumps are in fair condition and have exceeded their useful life per ASHRAE. 2. Cooling System The existing cooling system was installed in 1994 based on information taken from the serial numbers on the indoor chillers, and outdoor condensing units. Each unit has a nominal capacity of 68.3 tons as indicated by literature from the equipment manufacturer. It is assumed that the chilled water pumps were also installed in 1994 with the cooling equipment. The useful life expectancy for chillers is 23 years, and the existing chillers are at the end of their useful life. The existing condensing units on the roof have experienced hail damage to the cooling fins, similar to the unit serving the north building. The damage to the cooling fins further reduces the cooling capacity of the unit, and makes the units less efficient. Also, the chillers operate using R-22 refrigerant. R-22 is considered an obsolete refrigerant and is no longer in production as a refrigerant. In several years, acquiring R-22 will become increasingly difficult. No operations issues were noted at the time of the building walk-through with the chillers or remote condensing units. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 12 South Building Air Cooled Condensing Unit with Hail Damage The chilled water pumps have visible signs of corrosion and rusting and have exceeded their useful life expectancy. No operations issues were noted at the time of the building walk-through outside of general maintenance requirements. South Building Chilled Water Pump 3. G. Ventilation System The two air handling units serving the ventilation system are older units and have exceeded their useful life expectancy. The units were updated in 1994 during building renovations. Visually, the units look to be in fair condition, and regular maintenance is performed on the units. SOUTH BUILDING – RECOMMENDATIONS The entire existing cooling system has reached, or is very near reaching the end of its useful life expectancy. Much of the equipment has external signs of damage, corrosion, Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 13 rusting, and should be replaced within the next 5 years. It is recommended that the central cooling system be replaced. This would include (2) chillers, (2) air cooled condensing units, and (2) chilled water system pumps. The replacement can simply be like for like where the old equipment is removed and new is put in place, or the existing systems could be fed from a central plant located in the proposed new facility. See below for central plant recommendation. The existing ventilation system is in fair condition, and both air handling units serving the building have exceeded their useful life expectancy. However; there have not been any reported significant maintenance issues or failures that have occurred recently. It is reasonable to expect that with regular preventative maintenance, the units could continue to operate for the next 5 years without major failures. It is recommended that the units be replaced with any renovation of the interior spaces or any mechanical systems upgrade. The existing controls are pneumatic throughout the building. It is recommended that these controls be replaced with DDC controls whenever equipment is replaced and phase out the existing pneumatic control system. Pneumatic controls have an expected life of 20 years due to tubing and air leakage. The system has long outlived its useful life, and should be replaced with more modern temperature controls. H. ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING – GENERAL 1. Heating System The heating system is served by (2) Patterson-Kelly (P-K) condensing hot water boilers located in the basement mechanical room, and (1) non-condensing P-K hot water boiler located in the same room. Each boiler has a dedicated booster pump, and there are (2) duty pumps that distribute hot water throughout the building to the various re-heat coils, perimeter heating, etc. The noncondensing boiler serves the south building heating hot water system during peak design. The condensing boilers serve both the administrative and south building in non-peak heating days. 2. Cooling System The cooling system is served by a water cooled chiller, and its associated cooling tower located outside, above the chiller room. There are (2) chilled water pumps that distribute chilled water throughout the system, and (2) condenser water pumps that serve the cooling tower. 3. Ventilation System The ventilation system is served by (2) large VAV air handling units located in the basement adjacent to the boiler room and in the mechanical penthouse. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 14 I. ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING – SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION 1. J. K. Heating, Cooling, and Ventilation System The heating, cooling, and ventilation system was installed in 2012/2013 and is new. There are no operational issues, and no recommendations for this system at this time. JUSTICE CENTER BUILDING – GENERAL 1. Heating System The heating system is served by (3) CB boilers located in the basement mechanical room. Each boiler has a dedicated booster pump inline, and there are (2) hot water system duty pumps located in an adjacent room that provides hot water distribution throughout the justice center. 2. Cooling System The cooling system is a chilled water system that is served by (2) water cooled chillers located in the basement mechanical room. There are (2) cooling towers in the mechanical area outside that provide condenser water to the chillers. Both the chilled water system and the condenser water system have (2) duty pumps located near the hot water system pumps that distribute water throughout the building. The pumps are original to the system, have current maintenance issues, and are in poor condition internally as noted by facilities staff. 3. Ventilation System The ventilation system for the Ground, 1st and 2nd floors are served by air handling units located in the basement mechanical rooms. The 3rd floor of the justice center is served by air handling units and energy recovery units located in the penthouse of the jail area. JUSTICE CENTER BUILDING – GENERAL 1. Heating System The heating system is served by CB boilers, which were installed in 1990. Two of the boilers have 10,461,000 Btu/hr. of capacity, while the last boiler has 5,230,000 Btu/hr. of capacity. The large, cast iron boilers have an expected life of 35 years per ASHRAE, and the pumps serving the hot water distribution system. The pumps are original to the system, have current maintenance issues, and are in poor condition internally as noted by facilities staff. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 15 Justice Center Hot Water and Chilled Water Pumps 2. Cooling System The existing cooling system is served by (2) Carrier water-cooled chillers located in the basement mechanical room. The chillers were manufactured in 1991 and each has 225 tons of cooling capacity. Both machines operate using R-11 refrigerant, which has been out of production for a number of years. It was noted that refrigerant is available, but it is getting to be very expensive, and more difficult to find. Centrifugal chillers have an expected useful life of 23 years. The (2) pumps serving the chilled water distribution system were also installed in 1991 and have exceeded their useful life. It was noted during the walk-through the chillers are scheduled to be replaced in 2016. The chillers are served by BAC (2) cooling towers located in the mechanical courtyard outside. The cooling towers were also manufactured in 1991. Both cooling towers were open and have been painted recently to help prevent the rusting issue inside. Metal cooling towers have an expected useful life of 20 years. The (2) pumps that serve the condenser water system were both installed in 2007 and are in good condition. Painted Interior of Cooling Tower Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 16 3. L. Ventilation System There are (3) air handling units in the basement that were manufactured in 1990, and distribute air to the Ground, 1st and 2nd floors. Third, 4th and 5th floor air handlers are located in the penthouse. The final air handling unit serves as make-up air for the kitchen. The air handling units have exceeded their useful life, and it was noted that the larger air handling unit no longer keeps up with demand loads in cooling mode on the 1st and 2nd floors. JUSTICE CENTER BUILDING – RECOMMENDATIONS The existing heating system is in good working condition, and visually appears to be in good to fair condition. The system is within its useful life expectancy, and should continue to operate normally. The distribution pumps are original to the system, are having maintenance issues, and should be considered for replacement. The existing cooling system has exceeded its useful life expectancy, and has current operational issues with the existing cooling towers, and corrosion. Corrosion within a cooling tower basin reduces the efficiency of the cooling tower, creates particulate in the water system which can cause premature pump failures, and piping and trim failures. The R-11 refrigerant that the chiller system uses has been out of manufactured service for over10 years, and the price to replace will continue to rise as the material becomes less available. It is recommended that the entire cooling system be replaced at this time. The existing ventilation system has also exceeded its useful life, and has operational and capacity issues. The existing air handling unit serving the 1st and 2nd floor is recommended to be replaced in the near future. While the other air handling units have no current operational or capacity issues, it would be recommended to replace them at the same time as the other unit as it would save on construction costs to do all three as opposed to doing one at a time. M. CENTRAL HEATING AND COOLING PLANT – RECOMMENDATION “As part of this assessment, it was requested that the feasibility of a central heating and cooling system be investigated as part of a new building to be constructed. Because of the types of systems, and age, a central plant would not only be feasible, but it would be recommended to be installed as part of a new building onsite. The central plant would be located in the existing Justice Center basement, and distributed out to the various other buildings through building links such as tunnels or corridors. With the exception of the heating and cooling system in the Administrative Building, and the heating system in the Justice Center, the overall heating and cooling systems throughout the site have met, or have exceeded their useful life expectancy. Much of the equipment is in poor visual condition, and some of the equipment is currently experiencing operational and capacity issues. Some equipment is operating using outdated, and out-of service components which will continue to get more difficult to find, and more expensive as the years pass. The life expectancy of large, central plant Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 17 systems is also greater than smaller, unitary equipment. Large boilers, chillers, and cooling towers have extended lives up to 50 years as opposed to much of the smaller equipment that has a life expectancy of 20-25 years. From a maintenance stand-point, the system equipment is of varying ages, and requires different parts and components. This requires maintenance staff to stock and maintain various parts and components for the systems. Further, as the equipment continues to age, maintenance will be required to service the equipment on a more regular basis, and will have more service calls due to breakdowns. A central plant system would provide a central area for equipment service, and would help simplify the parts, components, and maintenance requirements. All buildings currently have chilled water cooling, and hot water heating systems. The connection and integration of a central facility would be relatively seamless. Piping would be routed from the central plant systems to the various buildings onsite, and stubbed into mechanical rooms where existing equipment is currently located. As that equipment gets phased out over the next few years, the piping is simply connected to the existing system piping, and the heating or cooling system in each building is operable. The final point is cost of central plant versus the cost of maintaining and replacing smaller building systems. A central plant will cost more than replacing individual components in each building. However, the larger the equipment is, the better the pricing will be. This means that large, central plant equipment can be cost effective as opposed to replacing smaller, unitary equipment individually. As an example, if the cost of replacing (5) individual chillers is approximately $400/ton, two larger, central plant chillers may only cost $350/ton because of size. Further, when you factor in the cost of installation of (5) separate chillers in existing buildings, versus (2) central chillers in a new building, the construction costs for the central plant will be far less due to ease of installation. To sum, a central plant will reduce maintenance, provide better energy efficiency, extend equipment life expectancy, and will allow for growth of the facility. It will allow existing, dated equipment to be removed and replaced as needed. The only con to the central plant is up-front cost, which would be reclaimed by installation, maintenance, and energy usage in the short-term future.” N. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS COST COMPARISON – ESTIMATE In order to generate a systems cost comparison, several assumptions must be made. First we must assume that there will be miscellaneous work involved with the chiller replacement. That will include cranes, piping, temperature controls, etc. We will incorporate some general assumptions in developing pricing for the new central facility that will accommodate new equipment and infrastructure. Further, we will take pricing that the facilities have already received for replacement of equipment and compare that to the assumed central facility. Finally, we will take operational costs and factor in Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 18 energy savings to develop a final price comparison between replacing equipment likefor-like onsite and operational costs, and installing a new central plant. First, we will look at the pricing that the facilities have already received for replacement of equipment, and generate some assumptions to replace the remaining equipment that is past its useful life. The prices below will include piping, temperature controls, and general labor (craning, setting on pads, etc.). In order to replace the Justice Center chillers and cooling towers with new 250 Ton chillers and cooling towers, facilities has received pricing from contractors around $450,000.00. In order to replace the existing 125 Ton chiller serving the north building cooling needs, it will be approximately $125,000.00. In order to replace the 68.3 Ton South Building chillers, and associated air cooled condensing units, it will cost approximately $175,000.00. And finally, to provide a (2) new 250 Ton chillers, (2) new 200 Ton cooling towers, controls, piping, etc. for the new addition, it will cost approximately $500,000.00. The total cost for replacing all of the equipment, and providing new equipment for the new addition will cost approximately $1,250,000.00 for equipment and installation. A new central plant would include: (2) 500 Ton chillers, and (2) 2 cell, 1000 T cooling towers, pumps, controls, and piping infrastructure to serve the North Building, South Building, Justice Center, and New Addition. The estimated cost of this system would be approximately $1,300,000.00. Comparing the installation cost of a new central plant versus replacing individual parts and equipment, the new central plant will be roughly $50,000.00 more expensive. Next we will look at the energy costs of operating a new central plant versus operating individual parts and components as currently installed. It is very difficult to determine exactly what the operational efficiencies of the existing equipment are currently. Because of that, to run an energy analysis, we used operational efficiencies based on new units. This makes the energy cost savings somewhat conservative. The Kw/h was taken from current electricity bills provided by the facilities staff. To operate the North Building, 150 Ton air-cooled chiller: 1.2 kw/ton, 150 ton peak building load, constant speed pumps, annual operating cost at $.12/kwh: $7,948.72. To operate the South Building 100 Ton split chillers and air-cooled condensing units: 1.2 kw/ton, 100 ton peak building load, constant speed pumps, annual operating cost at $.12/kwh: $5,425.87. To operate the new addition water cooled 200 Ton chillers with variable speed Cooling Tower: .67 kw/ton, 200 ton peak building load, constant speed pumps, 2 speed tower, annual operating cost at $.10/kwh: $7,182.65. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 19 To operate the new Justice Center 250 Ton water-cooled chillers and cooling towers: .69 kw/ton, 250 ton peak building load, constant speed pumps, 2 speed tower, annual operating cost at $.10/kwh: $9,017.68. To operate the new central facility 500 Ton water-cooled chillers and 1000 Ton cooling tower: .52 kw/ton, 700 peak building load, VFD on one chiller, in decoupled system, variable speed pumps, variable speed tower with optimization, annual operating cost at $.10/kwh: $ 16,886.48. Existing system: New System: Energy savings: $29,574.92 per year $16,886.48 per year $12,688.44 per year. To sum, the new system will cost approximately $50,000.00 more to install than to replace individual components; however, the new central system will save approximately $12,688.44 per year in energy and operations costs. That means that the central facility will pay for the increased up-front installation costs in 3.94 years. Further, the central facility is considered a 40 year system versus the individual systems being 18-23 year systems. This means more years of cost and energy savings before replacement. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 20 VI. ELECTRICAL ASSESSMENT A. NORTH BUILDING – GENERAL 1. Electrical Service There is a 4160 volt, 3-phase, 3-wire electrical services to the building served from a pole mounted transformer to the substation located on the top floor. The substation was first on line on 12-01-1972 and is primary metered with PT’s within the switchboard room. The maximum demand seen on the service was 276 KW in September of 2015. 2. Power Distribution Inside the building, there is a substation with a 4160 volt, 600 amp primary switch, a step down transformers (single primary & two secondaries), a 277/480 volt distribution section, and a 120/208 volt distribution section. The substation has piping and ductwork located directly over the top of the substation. This does not meet the required work clearances as defined in article 110.26 of the NEC. 3. Phone and Data System The phone and data system in the North, South and Administrative Buildings are served from a data center located in the North Building. There are numerous data racks within the data center which are backed up by an uninterruptable power supply (UPS). There is WIFI located throughout the building. 4. Door Access There are card readers throughout the North, South and Administrative Buildings which are connected together with Simplex 3400 access control cabinets and an AC-1700 head end. 5. Fire Alarm System The existing fire alarm system serves the North, South and Administrative Buildings and has been updated recently to an addressable system as manufactured by NOTIFIER; currently not enough coverage throughout the building. 6. Emergency System The North Building is currently served from a 250 KW diesel generator. The building has a mixture of lights backed up from the emergency generator and emergency battery lights and exit signs with battery backup for egress. The generator serves transfer switches which serve both legally required and optional standby loads. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 21 B. NORTH BUILDING – SUMMARY 1. Electrical Service The existing service has spare load capacity to add additional load onto the building; however, there is no space on the existing substation to connect to feed the new building. In order to connect the new building to the existing service the existing switchboard will be required to be larger to connect new circuit breakers to feed the new building. Ultimately, the options are to replace the existing substation and replace with a large enough new substations to feed the new building or run a new electrical service to the new building. If the decision is to provide a new substation and feed the new building from this service, there will be significant down time the North building will be without power while work is being done. Our recommendation is to feed the new building with a new service. This will allow for work to be done on the new building, while keeping the existing North building service up and running with limited power shutdowns. The existing service to the North building is fed from a utility pole and underground where the new building is being located. The existing service will have to be re-fed so the feeder will not be located underneath the new building. This feeder is the responsibility of the electrical utility and will have to be relocated according to WE-Energies. 2. Power Distribution The two (2) substation transformers are considered separately derived services feeding two (2) distribution sections. The 120/208 volt distribution section has a 1000 amp, 3-pole main breaker to meet section 240.21(c) (6) of the NEC (National Electrical Code) transformer tap rules. The 277/480 volt distribution section does not have a main breaker serving as the service disconnect. The NEC allows six (6) service disconnects per service via section 230.72; however there are nine (9) service disconnects in the 277/480 volt distribution section. The 277/480 volt distribution does not meet the NEC tap rule requirements. It is recommended to replace the substation with a code compliant substation or seek a custom switchgear building to provide a single main service disconnect on the 277/480 volt distribution section. The later would be a cheaper option. The substation is coming to the end of its useful life and is recommended to exercise each circuit breaker once a year per NFPA 70B in order to prolong the substation and associated circuit breakers life. 3. Phone and Data System For the new building, it is recommended to have a new data rack(s) which connects back to the existing data center with fiber and network switch(es) so the entire campus network is connected together. It is also recommended to replace the batteries in the ups per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 22 4. Door Access It is recommended to provide additional 3400 control cabinets in the new building and connect to the entire facility system via network cabling. 5. Fire Alarm System The existing addressable system is capable of handling the additional initiation and notification devices for the new building. Data gathering panels will be required in the new addition, but again, these can be tied together in one system; no new fire alarm control panels are required. 6. Emergency System The existing generator is not large enough to handle the additional load which will be required to be on the generator in the new building. The new building will require a separate generator to serve the legally required and optional stand by loads. Currently, the existing transfer switches mix article 701 and article 702 loads as defined in the NEC. These load types are required to be in separate raceway and be on separate transfer switches. It is recommended to separate the legally required and optional standby loads on separate transfer switches and in separate raceways to bring the building up to code. C. SOUTH BUILDING – GENERAL 1. Electrical Service There is a 120/208 volt, 3-phase, 4-wire electrical services to the building served from a pad mounted transformer and CT cabinet to a switchboard located in the basement. The switchboard was first on line on 5-11-1982. The maximum demand seen on the service was 185 KW in August of 2015. 2. Power Distribution A 208 volt, 1200 amp switchboard serves the South Building along with the chiller serving the Administrative Building. The switchboard is an older Square D model with obsolete ITE circuit breakers. There is an illegal tap with a 50 amp circuit breaker on the side of the switchboard. 3. Phone and Data System The phone and data system in the North, South and Administrative Buildings are served from a data center located in the North Building. There are numerous data racks within the data center which are backed up by an uninterruptable power supply (UPS). There is WIFI located throughout the building. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 23 D. 4. Door Access There are card readers throughout the North, South and Administrative Buildings which are connected together with Simplex 3400 access control cabinets. 5. Fire Alarm System The existing fire alarm system serves the North, South and Administrative Buildings and has been updated recently to an addressable system as manufactured by NOTIFIER. 6. Emergency System The South Building does not have an emergency generator for backup power. The building has emergency battery lights and exit signs with battery backup for egress. SOUTH BUILDING – SUMMARY 1. Electrical Service(s) Currently, the service has spare load capacity for remodeling. No recommendations for the service. 2. Power Distribution The switchgear has existing circuit breakers which have become obsolete; however, the switchboard is capable of accepting new circuit breakers to replace the obsolete ones. The 50 amp circuit breaker which is located on the side of the switchboard does not meet the 10 foot NEC tap rule requirements. It is recommended to take the tap off the switchboard and find a branch panel to feed from with a new 50 amp circuit breaker. The switchboard is coming to the end of its useful life and is recommended to exercise each circuit breaker once a year per NFPA 70B in order to prolong the switchboard and associated circuit breakers life. 3. Phone and Data System Same comments as provided under the North Building summary. 4. Door Access Same comments as provided under the North Building summary. 5. Fire Alarm System Same comments as provided under the North Building summary. 6. Emergency System Renovations in the South Building will have new emergency battery lights and exit signs with battery backup for egress. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 24 E. ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING – GENERAL 1. Electrical Service There is a 277/480 volt, 3-phase, 4-wire electrical service to the building served from a pad mounted transformer and CT cabinet to a switchboard located on the ground floor. The service was first on line on 7-1-1965. The maximum demand seen on the service was 95 KW in July of 2015. Please note: The existing building chiller is served from the South Building. 2. Power Distribution A 277/480 volt, 1200 amp switchgear with ground fault protection on the main circuit breaker serves the Administrative Building. The original switchboard was replaced in 2012 with a new switchgear with LSI trip branch circuit breakers. 3. Phone and Data System The phone and data system in the North, South and Administrative Buildings are served from a data center located in the North Building. There are numerous data racks within the data center which are backed up by an uninterruptable power supply (UPS). There is WIFI located throughout the building. 4. Door Access There are card readers throughout the North, South and Administrative Buildings which are connected together with Simplex 3400 access control cabinets. 5. Fire Alarm System The existing fire alarm system serves the North, South and Administrative Buildings and has been updated recently to an addressable system as manufactured by NOTIFIER. 6. Emergency System The North Building is currently served from an 80 KW natural gas generator. The building has a mixture of lights backed up from the emergency generator and emergency battery lights and exit signs with battery backup for egress. The generator serves a transfer switch which serve both legally required and optional standby loads. F. ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING – SUMMARY 1. Electrical Service(s) Currently, the service has spare load capacity for remodeling. No recommendations for the service. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 25 G. 2. Power Distribution The switchgear is newer and has capacity for remodeling. No recommendations for the switchboard. 3. Phone and Data System Same comments as provided under the North Building – Summary. 4. Door Access Same comments as provided under the North Building – Summary. 5. Fire Alarm System Same comments as provided under the North Building – Summary. 6. Emergency System Renovations in the Administrative Building will have new emergency lights and exit signs connected to the emergency generator. JUSTICE CENTER BUILDING – GENERAL 1. Electrical Service(s) There are two services serving the Justice Center, each 277/480 volt, 3-phase, 4wire served from pad mounted transformers. Each has a separate CT cabinet and meter, but WE-Energies combines both into one load and bill. The services have been re-fed and the new service feeders were first on line on 2-19-1991. The maximum demand seen on the services were 800 KW in September of 2015. 2. Power Distribution In the main electrical room within the building, there are two (2) 277/480 volt, 2000 amp switchgears, each with ground fault protection on the main circuit breaker. 3. Phone and Data System The phone and data system in the Justice Center are served from local data racks, but are tied back into the North Building via a fiber cable and network switch. 4. Door Access There are door access controls and intercoms throughout the building which are tied back into a central control station. 5. Fire Alarm System The existing fire alarm system serves only the Justice Center and has been updated recently to an addressable system as manufactured by NOTIFIER. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 26 6. H. Emergency System The Justice Center is currently served by two (2) generators. The exterior generator is 275 KW and feeds the kitchen loads only. The interior generator is 600 KW and serves emergency egress and security loads. The loads are separated onto separate transfer switches to meet code. JUSTICE CENTER BUILDING – GENERAL 1. Electrical Service(s) Both electrical services have spare load capacity for remodeling. In particular, one service has enough spare capacity to connect the new building to the service; however, due to possible downtimes during construction and the critical loads within the Justice Center, it is recommended to provide a new electrical service to the new building. If a large boiler plant is installed to feed the new addition, the existing electrical services can handle the additional load without any concerns. 2. Power Distribution The switchgears are middle aged and have capacity for remodeling. No recommendations for the switchboard. 3. Phone and Data System There is little remodel in the Justice Center. No recommendations. 4. Door Access There is little remodel in the Justice Center. No recommendations. 5. Fire Alarm System There is little remodel in the Justice Center. No recommendations. 6. Emergency System It is unknown whether or not the 600 KW generator has additional capacity to feed the new building due to the fact that the generator is not metered. It is recommended to keep leave the generator feed the Justice Center alone, as these loads are critical to the security of the building. It is recommended that a new generator should be provided for the new building. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 27 VII. PLUMBING SYSTEMS ASSESSMENT A. B. NORTH/SOUTH BUILDING 1. Sanitary Waste and Vent There are multiple types of DWV piping installed in this building ranging from cast iron hub and spigot to schedule 40 PVC. All cast iron piping is assumed to be nearing its life expectancy and does not perform well with low flow fixtures. 2. Domestic Water There is a 4” domestic water service entering the basement through the north wall in the maintenance storage room. Piping is flanged at the service entrance and appears to be cast iron. It is then converted over to galvanized steel and copper tubing for the water distribution system. This room also houses a natural gas water heater and recirculating system that appears to be in good working condition. Included in this room is the main thermostatic mixing valve mounted on the west wall by the gas water heater. 3. Storm Waste There is a Weil ejector pit with duplex pumping equipment, galvanized piping and cast iron fittings located in the basement maintenance storage room. These pieces of equipment look to be at the end of their life cycle. 4. Water Service The water service enters the property from the north side of the North building, which is where the proposed addition/ new building would be constructed. 5. Sanitary Sewer There is an existing drawing that shows the sanitary sewer also entering the building from the north; no size was noted on the drawing. NORTH/SOUTH BUILDING – SUMMARY 1. Sanitary Waste and Vent The sanitary waste and vent piping varies in condition based on what has been updated, and the piping is currently sized appropriately for the building. 2. Domestic Water All of the water distribution system that could be observed was in good condition. The water heater and connected equipment also appeared to be in good condition and sized adequately. 3. Storm Waste The building consists of an interior roof drainage system that conveys storm water to the exterior storm sewer by way of cast iron piping. There were Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 28 some points of standing water on the roof, but nothing excessive or able to cause a nuisance. No overflow system was noted. C. 4. Water Service The water service would be located under the proposed addition/new building, it should be considered to bring in a new service at a different entry point and sized adequately for a fire sprinkler system to be installed. 5. Sanitary Sewer The sanitary sewer could not be visually inspected, it would be possible to televise the sewer line prior to construction and verify the condition. The material of the sanitary sewer would also have to verified for installation under a structure as well as distance of cleanouts for interior building sewer piping. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 1. Sanitary Waste and Vent There was a recent renovation done to this building, where the DWV piping was updated to schedule 40 PVC from the underground tunnel up; throughout the facility. A note was made that periodically there is a problem with plugging of drains due to the low flow fixtures, mixed with the under slab existing cast iron sanitary drainage system. 2. Domestic Water During the last renovation of the administration building in 2014 the majority of the water distribution piping was replaced. There is nothing necessary to update in the near future. 3. Storm Waste Along with the addition of some overflow drains in the last renovation, some of the storm drain piping was updated and in good condition. The system is sized properly and functioning correctly, some of the piping was concealed and could not be evaluated. All underfloor piping remained in the last renovation and exits the building to the north into a 12” lateral. 4. Water Service The water service enters the building from the north side of the administration building into the east tunnel; it is routed out to the boiler room and metered. 5. Sanitary Sewer There is an existing drawing that shows the sanitary sewer also entering the building from the north, no size was noted on the drawing, but a previous document states it to be an 8” lateral. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 29 D. E. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING – SUMMARY 1. Sanitary Waste and Vent The sanitary waste and vent piping is in good condition based on what has been updated, and the piping is currently sized appropriately for the building. 2. Domestic Water All of the water distribution system that could be observed was in good condition. The water heater and connected equipment also appeared to be in good condition and sized adequately. 3. Storm Waste The building consists of an interior roof drainage system that conveys storm water to the exterior storm sewer by way of cast iron and PVC piping. There was updating to the system during the last renovation and nothing further needs to be done at this point. 4. Water Service The water service would be very close to the excavation of the proposed addition/new building, it should be considered to relocate a brand new service to a location that would be easily accessible in the event of a repair being performed. 5. Sanitary Sewer The sanitary sewer could not be visually inspected, it would be possible to televise the sewer line prior to construction and verify the condition. JUSTICE CENTER BUILDING 1. Sanitary Waste and Vent There has not been any renovation done to this building since it was constructed in 1990, the DWV piping is cast iron and beginning to fail throughout the facility. A note was made that periodically there is a problem with drains being rusted completely through, this would be more acceptable if the piping was twice its age. Cleaning chemicals should be looked at as a possible cause for early system failure. It is recommended that with any renovation work done in this building the DWV piping is updated. 2. Domestic Water There is an 8” domestic water main entering the basement’s south side, piping is reduced to 6” and ran through a 4” water meter. It is then routed into a pressure booster skid which is distributed throughout the facility. There are also three domestic water heaters with recirculating systems; this system is supplied with softened water. This system is adequate for this building, but would not be able to support the addition/new building. Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 30 3. Storm Waste This building is served by an 8” storm sewer entering the building from the west; this serves the roof drainage system and the building clearwater waste. There is a drain tile and clearwater waste sump and duplex pumps located in the lower level mechanical room. 4. Water Service The 8” water service enters the building from the south side, and is connected to an 8” water main that loops around the campus. This service is adequately sized for the Justice Center, but would not be able to support the addition/new building. 5. Sanitary Sewer The 8” sanitary sewer entering the building from the west side, with a cleanout on the interior of the building is sized adequately for the Justice Center. One existing drawing shows a muffin monster (waste grinder) connected to the sanitary outlet, this was not verified during the site visit. There is quite a bit of capacity left on the 8” sanitary sewer, but with the location of the addition/new building it would be more cost effective to supply a separate lateral. 6. Fire Protection The 10” fire protection water service and piping is in good condition based on what was visible for the on-site audit, it enters the building from the south and is connected to a 16” main supply. The piping is currently sized appropriately for the building and is utilizing a fire pump, jockey pump system. The new building would require the same type of equipment and separate water service. ID\REPORT\O0002\6-16-00113\OC Downtown Campus Existing Facilities Condition Rpt.docx (lam) Existing Facilities Condition Report Outagamie County Downtown Campus CITY OF APPLETON | Outagamie County, Wisconsin Page 31 Appendix B Report of Geotechnical Exploration values culture relationships… since 1909. RIVER VALLEY TESTING CORP. REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY OUTAGAMIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 410 SOUTH WALNUT STREET APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT #N16-509 Prepared for: MR. PAUL FARRELL OUTAGAMIE COUNTY MAY 9, 2016 Neenah Green Bay RIVER VALLEY TESTING CORP. May 9, 2016 Mr. Paul Farrell Outagamie County 410 S. Walnut Street Appleton, WI 54911-5936 Subj: Report of Geotechnical Exploration Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building 410 South Walnut Street Appleton, Wisconsin RVT #N16-509 Mr. Farrell: In compliance with your instructions, River Valley Testing Corp. (RVT) has prepared a Report of Geotechnical Exploration for the above referenced project. The attached report includes the results of the exploration, as well as soil strength and construction recommendations. Two (2) bound copies and one (1) electronic copy of this report have been submitted to you with an additional electronic copy to Mr. Michael McMahon and Mr. Paul Benedict of McMahon, Inc. Portions of the soil samples will be held at RVT for a period of 30 days from the date of this report and then discarded unless you request them to be shipped to a designated location. RVT has expressed its opinions in this report based on the conditions observed at the test boring locations. If the construction encounters different conditions than at the test borings, please notify us so we can review these new conditions. Respectfully Submitted, RIVER VALLEY TESTING CORP. Matthew A. Meyer, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer MAM/mam Attachments S:\WORDdocs\Geotech\NEENAH RPTS\2016\Outagamie Cty - Prop. Admin Bldg.N16-509.doc EXECUTIVE SUMMARY We have prepared this executive summary solely to provide a general overview. Do not rely on this executive summary for any purpose except that for which it was prepared. Rely on the full report for information about findings, recommendations, and other concerns. The results of the exploration program indicate a moderate amount of special preparation would be required before the site is suitable for spread footing and mat foundation systems at, or below, standard frost depth. However, the existing fill, possible fill, and soft/very loose soils encountered in the borings present concerns at the site for shallow foundations. As a result, if a shallow foundation system is selected for the proposed structures, special subgrade preparation would be required to remove all existing fill from below foundations and floor slabs. However, the existing fill could remain below floor slabs in areas where proofrolling operations indicate rutting or deflections of less than 1" and it contains less than 5% organics. In addition, we recommend the encountered soft/very loose soils be removed from below the foundations and from within 2' of floor slabs. As an alternative to an over-excavate and refill operation, the structure could be supported on a deep foundation system such as driven piles. In addition, the floor slabs could be supported structurally. Please see the "Foundation Discussion" and "Foundations" sections of this report for additional details. For pavements, the existing fill and possible fill soils encountered during the exploration program would also be a concern. We recommend removal of all existing fill from within 2' of the finished pavement grade. However, in our opinion the existing fill material could be left inplace below pavements if proofrolling operations do not indicate rutting or deflections in excess of 1" and it contains less than 5% organics. Another concern for pavements includes the presence of moderately frost susceptible soils encountered in the borings. However, based on our assumption of the owner's acceptable level of risk, we anticipate a majority of the frost susceptible soils will remain in place below pavements. Please see the "Pavement Discussion" and "Pavements" sections for additional details. The "Site Preparation" section of this report contains other recommendations concerning subgrade preparation and the intended construction. TABLE OF CONTENTS N16-509 Item Page 1.0 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 PROJECT AREA........................................................................................................................... 2 Site Location .................................................................................................................................... 2 Topography ...................................................................................................................................... 2 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION............................................................................................................... 2 Drilling and Sampling Procedures ................................................................................................... 2 Field Penetration Tests ..................................................................................................................... 3 Field Classification Tests ................................................................................................................. 3 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS .................................................................................................... 4 General ............................................................................................................................................. 4 Subsurface Conditions ..................................................................................................................... 4 Water Level Information .................................................................................................................. 6 5.0 LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAM .................................................................................... 7 6.0 ENGINEERING REVIEW ........................................................................................................... 8 Project Information .......................................................................................................................... 8 Foundation Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 9 Existing Fill and Possible Fill............................................................................................. 9 Soft/Very Loose Soils ........................................................................................................ 11 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 11 Foundations .................................................................................................................................... 13 Shallow Foundations......................................................................................................... 13 Deep Foundations ............................................................................................................. 16 Floor Slabs/Parking Ramp Slab ..................................................................................................... 19 Lateral Earth Pressures .................................................................................................................. 21 Underpinning Foundations............................................................................................................. 23 Through Joint ................................................................................................................................. 23 Seismic Site Classification ............................................................................................................. 23 Pavement Discussion ..................................................................................................................... 24 Existing Fill and Possible Fill........................................................................................... 25 Frost Susceptible Soils ...................................................................................................... 26 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 26 Pavements ...................................................................................................................................... 27 Additional Pavement Recommendations ....................................................................................... 29 7.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS.................................................................................. 30 Subgrade Preparation ..................................................................................................................... 30 Structural Fill and Backfill............................................................................................................. 32 Groundwater Control ..................................................................................................................... 32 Winter Construction ....................................................................................................................... 33 Testing and Observations ............................................................................................................... 33 8.0 STANDARD OF CARE .............................................................................................................. 34 APPENDIX Boring Location Sketch Soil Boring Logs Unified Soil Classification System Report of Consolidation Test Typical Stub Drain Detail Sketch Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering Report REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY OUTAGAMIE COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT N16-509 1.1INTRODUCTION This report presents the results of the soil exploration program for the proposed building addition and future parking structure at the Outagamie County Administration Building site in Appleton, Wisconsin. In fulfillment of the requested scope of services, River Valley Testing Corp (RVT): 1. Completed twelve (12) standard penetration test soil borings in the vicinity of the proposed construction. In addition, we advanced three (3) of the borings to a depth of 8', seven (7) to 45', and one (1) to 60' below the existing grade. Further, we advanced one (1) boring to auger refusal which occurred at a depth of 79½' below the existing grade. 2. Classified the encountered soils in the borings and prepared boring logs illustrating the soil strata. 3. Performed a limited number of laboratory tests, as we deemed necessary, to aid in classifying the soils and in estimating their engineering properties. 4. Completed a written report documenting the results of the field and laboratory test programs. The report includes the following: a. Soil boring logs which document the encountered subsurface conditions. b. Our recommendations concerning suitable foundation types and depths, allowable bearing pressure, settlement estimates, lateral earth pressures, seismic site classification, and recommended pavement sections. c. Construction considerations relative to the subsurface conditions. The purpose of this report was to determine the various soil profile components, the engineering characteristics of the materials encountered, and to provide criteria for use by the design professionals in preparing the foundation and pavement plans. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin 2.0 N16-509 Page 2 PROJECT AREA Site Location The site of the proposed construction is located at the existing Outagamie County Administration Building and Justice Center facilities in Appleton, Wisconsin. Specifically, the site is located at the southeast corner of S. Walnut Street and W. 8th Street. Further, the building addition and parking structure are proposed to be constructed within the area of the existing parking lot at the site. Topography The general topography throughout the area of the proposed construction consists of existing buildings, asphalt paved parking lot, and landscaped areas. The site is relatively flat, but generally slopes downward to the east. The surface elevation at the boring locations ranged from 787.2' at Boring 1-16 to 780.2' at Boring 2-16, as referenced to the benchmark described in the "Drilling and Sampling Procedures" section of this report. 3.0 FIELD EXPLORATION Drilling and Sampling Procedures RVT advanced the soil borings on March 15 through March 19, 2016, utilizing truck and rubber tired ATV mounted rotary drilling rigs, and continuous flight hollow stem augers (HSA). Mr. Alex Barker of RVT determined the boring locations and depths. In addition, Mr. Colton Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 3 Lentz of RVT staked the boring locations in the field and McMahon, Inc., determined the surface elevations. McMahon, Inc., determined the surface elevation at the boring locations and referenced them to USGS Benchmark "BM Reset 1940" located in front of the west entrance to the County Courthouse. We understand this benchmark to have an elevation of 790.18' as referenced to the NGVD 1929 Datum. The "Boring Location Sketch" in the Appendix illustrates the approximate soil boring locations. Field Penetration Tests The drilling crew obtained field soil samples in accordance with American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM): D1586. Using this procedure, a 140 pound weight falling 30" drives a two inch outside diameter (OD) split barrel sampler into the soil using either a safety type manual hammer (MH) or an automatic hammer (AH). The "Method Section" of the boring logs indicates the hammer type in parentheses. After an initial set of six (6) inches, the standard penetration resistance or N-value describes the number of blows required to drive the sampler an additional 12 inches. The N-value provides an index of the relative density of cohesionless soils, or the consistency of cohesive soils. This provides additional information about the relative strength and compressibility characteristics of the subsoil. Field Classification Tests In the field, the drill crew chief visually and manually classified the soil samples in accordance with ASTM: D2488. RVT personnel returned representative samples to the laboratory for Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 4 further examination and verification of the field classification. The soil boring logs located in the Appendix describe the depth and identification of the various strata, the N-value, the groundwater level information and other pertinent information. 4.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS General The stratification of the soils shown on the boring logs represents the soil conditions in the actual boring locations. Lines of demarcation represent the approximate boundary between the soil types, but the transition may be gradual. It should be pointed out, the subsurface conditions at other times and locations on the site may differ from those found at the test locations. If the contractor encounters different site conditions during construction, the design engineer or the contractor should request RVT review the previous report recommendations in relation to the new information. Subsurface Conditions The soil boring logs in the Appendix illustrate the encountered soil and groundwater conditions at the test boring locations. The logs also indicate other pertinent information. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 5 The generalized soil profile indicated by the borings consisted of a 14" to 23" asphalt pavement section overlying existing fill and possible fill to a depth of between 4½' and 10½'. Below these near surface soils, the borings encountered glacial till and lacustrine soils that extended to the boring termination depths. One exception to this occurred in Boring 9-16 which encountered a layer of outwash from 27' to 29' below the existing grade. Another exception occurred in Boring 2-16 which encountered a seam of peat at a depth of 50' below the existing grade. The lacustrine soils consisted of lean clay, fat clay, and silt. In addition, the glacial till consisted of sandy lean clay, lean clay, silty sand, and sandy silt. Further, the existing fill and possible fill soils consisted of sandy lean clay, lean clay, organic clay, clayey sand, silty sand, clayey gravel, and silty gravel. Auger refusal occurred in Boring 1-16 at a depth of 79½' below the existing grade. A 5' rock core would be required to determine if the auger refusal occurred on bedrock, a boulder, or some other obstruction. However, based on published bedrock maps we anticipate the auger refusal more likely than not occurred on a bedrock formation. Standard penetration N-values indicated the native clay and silt soils had a generally medium to rather stiff consistency, but it varied from medium to very stiff. In addition, the clayey existing fill and possible fill had a soft to rather stiff consistency. Further, the sand and gravel existing fill and possible fill had a loose to very loose relative density. Furthermore, the native sand soil Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 6 had a medium dense to extremely dense relative density. These standard penetration N-values can be found on the boring logs in the column titled "Total (N)." Water Level Information During drilling, the drillers noted groundwater ranging from 78½' in Boring 1-16 to 5' in Boring 7-16. However, the drillers did not note measurable groundwater at the completion of drilling because the use of drilling mud often obscures groundwater levels in the boreholes. Because the borings encountered relatively poor draining soils, in our opinion, the depth of observed groundwater may not be a reasonable indication of the static groundwater level at the time of drilling. In addition, the variable observed depths to groundwater may indicate a complex hydrologic condition exists at this site that consists of the static groundwater level and a groundwater table "perched" within zones of more permeable soil. Further, groundwater levels can fluctuate with time due to seasonal variations in precipitation, lateral drainage conditions, and from location to location. However, based on our laboratory testing and observations of the collected soil samples, in our opinion the static groundwater table is more likely than not between 15' and 25' below the existing grade. The time of year and the weather history during the advancement of the boring should be considered when estimating groundwater levels at other points in time. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin 5.0 N16-509 Page 7 LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAM In addition to the subsurface exploration, a Geotechnical Engineer visually and manually classified the soil samples in the laboratory in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). A description of the USCS can be found in the Appendix of this report. The classification included the major and minor soil type, grain size, color, moisture content, and relative density. The square bracketed text noted below the soil description on the boring logs designates the probable geologic origin. In addition, RVT performed laboratory tests to determine in-situ moisture content (W), in-situ dry density (DD), unconfined compressive strength (Qu), specific gravity (Gs), one-dimensional consolidation (Cc), and organic content (Org). Most of the laboratory test results can be found on the boring logs adjacent to the number of the tested sample. However, the specific gravity and one-dimensional consolidation test results can be found on the "Report of Consolidation Test" located in the appendix. Further, RVT obtained calibrated spring penetrometer readings, Pq, for many of the clayey samples. The Pq test results can be found on the boring logs in the Qu column. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 8 6.1ENGINEERING REVIEW Project Information The following information represents RVT's understanding of the proposed construction. It comprises an important part of our engineering review. If changes occur in the nature, design, grades, or locations of the proposed construction after completion of this report, the conclusions and recommendations in this report should not be considered valid unless we review the changes. RVT understands the project includes the construction of a 150' x 175' three to five story, reinforced concrete addition to the existing Administration Building that will have a full basement. The planned construction also includes a proposed pedestrian bridge linking the new addition to the existing Justice Center. We also understand the project will include reconstructing the existing north parking lot and consideration may be given to a future four story 125' x 250' reinforced concrete parking structure. We understand the foundation loads for the building addition will be between 550 to 850 kips for the column loads and 15 to 30 kips per lineal foot for perimeter wall loads, dependent on the selected number of stories. Further, we understand the parking structure will have column loads of up to 1,400 kips and would be supported on foundations constructed at standard frost depth. If the borings encounter subsurface conditions that might be detrimental to the support of the proposed structures, RVT has assumed the owner will have an acceptable risk level if the detrimental material remains in place. With this in mind, this report assumes the owner would Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 9 only be willing to accept a low risk for foundation and floor slab settlement in excess of 1" and ½", respectively. In addition, we assume the owner would be willing to accept a moderate risk for reduced pavement performance. If these assumptions concerning the owner's acceptable risk level are incorrect, we should be immediately contacted so we can review our recommendations in light of the changed acceptable risk level. Foundation Discussion Based primarily on information obtained from the soil borings, in RVT's opinion, the subsurface soil can provide suitable support for a spread footing foundation system. However, the existing fill, possible fill, and soft/very loose soils encountered in the borings present concerns for the support of both foundations and floor slabs. Existing Fill and Possible Fill The presence of existing fill and possible fill soils encountered in the borings provides one concern for the support of foundations and floor slabs. This material extended to a depth of between 4½' and 10½' below the existing grade in the borings. For the possible fill, in the absence of deleterious material (such as organics, bricks or concrete), we often have difficulty distinguishing the difference between native soil and clean fill. However, the owner should be aware of the risk for total and/or differential settlement in excess of 1" associated with constructing foundations and floor slabs on undocumented fill. Undocumented fill has a risk for Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 10 higher settlement because of potential variations in the density of this material. The risk also increases where the undocumented fill contains more than 5% organics. Based primarily on the Standard Penetration N-values, in our opinion the risk of total and/or differential settlement in excess of 1" for foundations associated with the existing fill at this site would be moderate to high. However, in our opinion the risk associated with the possible fill would be very low for foundations if field observations during construction indicate the soil to be native. In addition, for floor slabs the risk for settlement in excess of ½" would generally be moderate to high for the existing fill. However, the risk for excessive floor slab settlement would be very low providing proof-rolling operations during construction do not indicate rutting or deflections in excess of 1" and it contains less than 5% organics. If the owner cannot accept these risks, or if field observations indicate the possible fill soil to be existing fill, then RVT recommends removing all encountered existing fill from below foundations and from within 2' of floor slabs, and replacing it with a compacted structural fill in accordance with the "Structural Fill and Backfill" section of this report. As an alternative to an over-excavate and refill operation, the structures could be supported on a deep foundation system. In addition, the floor slabs could be supported structurally. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 11 Soft/Very Loose Soils The soft/very loose (N < 5 bpf) soils encountered in Boring 3-16 and 9-16 provide another concern for the support of foundations and floor slabs. These borings encountered soft/very loose possible fill soils between a depth of 6' and 10½' below the existing grade. The owner should be aware that soft/very loose soil is highly compressible, would be subject to general shear failure at very light loadings, and has a very high susceptibility to disturbance by construction activity. Because of these factors, foundations bearing on or within one footing width of the soft/very loose soil layer would have a high risk that settlement could exceed 1". We anticipate the owner would not be willing to accept this risk for total settlement in excess of 1". Therefore, we recommend over-excavating these soft/very loose soils from below the foundations and from within 2' of floor slabs, and then refilling the over-excavation with compacted structural fill in accordance with the "Structural Fill and Backfill" section of this report. As an alternative to an over-excavate and refill operation, the structures could be supported on a deep foundation system. In addition, the floor slabs could be supported structurally. Summary Based on our assumption of the owner's acceptable risk level, as outlined in the "Project Information" section of this report, we recommend the following: 1. Over-excavate all encountered existing fill from below the foundations. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 12 2. Existing fill could be left in place below floor slabs if proof-rolling observations do not indicate rutting or deflection in excess of 1" and it contains less than 5% organics. Where the fill contains more than 5% organics or where rutting or deflections exceed 1", remove as much as 2' of the existing fill and replace it with a compacted structural fill. 3. If field observations indicate the possible fill is native, not undocumented fill, then it could be left in place below the foundations and floor slabs providing it has suitable strength. 4. Remove the encountered soft/very loose soils from below the foundations and from within 2' of floor slabs, and replace it with compacted structural fill in accordance with the "Structural Fill and Backfill" section of this report. 5. As an alternative to an over-excavate and refill operation, the structures could be supported on a deep foundation system. In addition, the floor slabs could be supported structurally. RVT wishes to note, footing excavations subcut below the footing elevation should be oversized one foot horizontally in each direction for every foot of structural fill placed below the foundation. In addition, we strongly recommend RVT document the material exposed in the excavations does not exhibit obvious characteristics that would adversely affect the performance of the foundation system. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 13 Foundations Shallow Foundations After the removal of all unsuitable existing fill and soft/very loose soil as noted in the "Foundation Discussion" section of this report, in RVT's opinion the proposed structures could be suitably supported by a conventional spread footing or a mat foundation system. The standard penetration N-values indicate the soils at the site are suitable for bearing pressures of between 1,500 psf to more than 5,000 psf. However, to limit the anticipated total and differential settlement of the proposed structures, we recommend limiting the net allowable bearing pressure utilized for the design. That being said, we recommend the foundations be placed on the medium (N 5 bpf) native soil or on compacted structural fill that extends to the medium native soil. Based primarily on the standard penetration N-values and the anticipated acceptable settlements, we recommend utilizing a net allowable soil bearing pressure of up to 2,000 psf (pounds per square foot) for proportioning the foundations to resist compressive forces. Further, we recommend a minimum footing width of 18" for continuous spread footings and a minimum footing size of 24" x 24" for isolated column pads. For preliminary design purposes, we recommend a Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, k, of 125 pounds per square inch/inch (psi/in) be utilized for mat foundation design. If properly proportioned, footings could be designed to have a theoretical factor of safety against general shear failure of at least three. For the three-story building addition alternative, using a maximum wall load of 15 kips per lineal foot and a maximum column load of 550 kips and the Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 14 maximum recommended net allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 psf, we estimate the total and differential settlements should not exceed 1" and ½", respectively. However, for the five-story building addition alternative, using a wall load of 30 kips per lineal foot and a maximum column load of 850 kips, we estimate the total settlement will be between 1" and 1¼" with a differential settlement of less than ½". Further, utilizing a maximum column load of 1,400 kips, we estimate the total settlement for the parking structure column pads will approach 1¼". Since we assume the owner would only be willing to accept a maximum foundation settlement of 1", in our opinion the site would be suitable for the three-story building addition alternative constructed on a spread footing foundation system. Further, in our opinion the more heavily loaded five-story building addition alternative and the future parking structure may require a mat foundation or deep foundation system to limit the total foundation settlement to 1" or less. However, based on the information obtained from the soil borings, in our opinion there is at least a moderate probability that specialized in-situ soil testing methods could be performed at the site to justify a higher recommended soil bearing pressure and/or reduce the estimated magnitude of settlement for shallow foundation systems. Therefore, if consideration will be given to placing these structures on a shallow foundation system, we strongly recommend performing pressuremeter testing at the site. Pressuremeter testing would provide a more refined measurement of the in-situ strength and deformation characteristics of the clay soils than the Standard Penetration Test, laboratory unconfined compressive strength, and calibrated spring penetrometer test procedures. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 15 In addition, since we understand the structural loadings are preliminary at this time, we recommend the project structural engineer consult with RVT during the foundation design process to further evaluate settlement potential when the specific structural loadings become available. If a mat foundation system will be considered, RVT strongly recommends we reanalyze our recommended Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, k, values after reviewing the applied pressure value contours developed by the project structural engineer. This review will be important to determine if we will recommend an additional shallow over-excavate/refill operation below the mat to help stiffen the soil reaction. Further, since RVT advanced only one soil boring within the footprint of the future parking structure, we recommend additional soil borings be advanced to further evaluate the suitability of the site for the planned construction. The additional borings would also provide the subsurface information necessary to evaluate the potential differential settlement for the parking structure. Exterior footings should be placed at a minimum depth of 4' below finished exterior grades to protect them from potential frost effects. Interior footings should extend to the N5 bpf native soil. As an alternative, interior footings could be placed at any convenient depth below the floor slab on a structural fill, which extends to the native soil. In our opinion, the minimum footing depth should be increased to 5½' for footings and foundations in any poorly heated or unheated areas such as the future parking structure. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 16 Deep Foundations Due to the anticipated heavy foundation loadings and in anticipation that limiting the net allowable bearing pressure may reduce the feasibility of shallow foundation system, we explored other foundation alternatives that would be suitable to support the proposed structures. These alternatives included deep foundation systems consisting of drilled piers or driven piles. Both deep foundation alternatives would require extending the foundations to the extremely dense silty sand soils encountered at a depth of between 52' and 62' in Boring 1-16 and 2-16. However, after evaluating the suitability of these two alternatives, in our opinion a driven pile foundation system would be the most feasible deep foundation option for this site. Therefore, the following section provides our recommendations for driven pile foundation systems. However, if detailed evaluation of other deep foundation alternatives would be of value to the project, RVT should be contacted to provide additional recommendations as project plans develop. Based on our analysis of the test data obtained from the subsurface exploration, in our opinion the site would be suitable to support the proposed structures on a driven pile foundation system. Based primarily on the standard penetration N-values and the soil classification, we recommend utilizing the allowable design values noted in the following table to estimate pile lengths. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 17 Recommended Unit Strength Values 1 Elevation (ft) Allowable Skin Friction (tsf1) Allowable End Bearing (tsf1) Surface to 775 na na 775 to 725 0.11 4 725 to 708 0.40 75 Tons per square foot. Utilizing the above design values, the following table lists our recommended pile capacities and assumes pipe piles filled with 3,000 psi concrete and an allowable steel stress of 9,000 psi. Pile Type Allowable Vertical Capacity (tons) [b] Pile Tip Depth [a] HP10x42 55 60' – 70' HP12x53 70 60' – 70' 10¾" Diameter CIP [c] 55 60' – 70' 12¾" Diameter CIP [c] 70 60' – 70' [a] [b] [c] Below existing grade. Adjusted for downdrag, but not for weight of pile. Minimum pipe wall thickness of 0.25". The allowable loadings for the pile members have included a factor of safety of two against failure. It is important to note that the conditions may vary at the exact pile locations and that driving operations may be less than ideal. These or other factors could necessitate greater pile depths to reach the pile capacities recommended above. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 18 RVT based the above estimated pile lengths on static soil parameters at the test location. We intended these estimates only for planning and feasibility studies. The actual length requirements may vary, and must be determined by a test pile program at the start of construction. The piles could be rated by the Pile Driving Analyzer or by an appropriate driving formula such as the Gates dynamic formula. We recommend close monitoring of pile driving operations to limit overdriving, which could cause damage to the pile sections. A steam, air, or diesel hammer should be used to drive the piles and the energy rating for the hammer should be selected so as to prevent overstressing the pile section. A numerical wave analysis should be performed prior to final pile and driving hammer selection to determine the pile-hammer compatibility and the drivability of the selected pile. In our opinion, driving effects can be reduced by driving the piles no closer than three pile diameters from the nearest pile. Also, the piles near the center of the foundation should be driven first, and pile installation should be sequenced so that the outermost piles are driven last. This will reduce the potential movement of installed piles due to soil displacement during driving operations. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 19 Floor Slabs/Parking Ramp Slab If the planned construction will include a deep foundation system, then the floors should be structurally supported on a system of grade beams tied into the pile caps. However, for spread footing foundation systems, in RVT's opinion, the floor slab system could be placed on the native non-organic soil, on approved existing fill (except as noted in the "Foundation Discussion" section of this report), or on compacted structural fill. However, we strongly recommend proof compacting all "at-grade" floor slab subgrades to recompact any areas disturbed by the site stripping operation, and to document areas having excessively soft pockets of native soil. In addition, the clayey and silty soils at this site have a moderate susceptibility to detrimental frost heaving and spring thaw weakening. Since detrimental frost heaving and spring thaw weakening could decrease the performance to the parking ramp slab, we recommend consideration be given to placement of a minimum 2' layer of structural fill below it. Based primarily on the results of the standard penetration tests, RVT recommends using a Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, k, of 125 pounds per square inch/inch (psi/in) for designing floor slabs. However, if at least 2' of compacted structural fill will be placed below the floor slab, then the K-value could be increased to 175 psi/in. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 20 Where the exposed subgrade consists of clayey or silty soils, we recommend placement of at least 6" of trimmable, compactable granular fill (such as manufactured sand or ¾" crushed limestone base course) having a gradation as outlined in the table below. This material would provide a leveling/blotter layer, a capillary break beneath the floor, and a drainage path away from the floor in excessively wet soil conditions. Recommended Floor Slab Drainage Fill Gradation Sieve Size Percent Material Passing Sieve Size 1" 100 #4 40 - 100 #40 15 - 30 #200 Less than 10 In addition, we recommend utilizing a vapor retarder under any slab-on-grade where water vapor passage would be undesirable, such as where floors will be covered by wood, tile, carpet, or impermeable coatings. In RVT's opinion, the preferred configuration follows ACI 302.1 Section 3.2 guidelines for placement of the vapor retarder and granular fill leveling/blotter layer. However, our experience indicates other configurations will provide equivalent vapor retarding properties. For example, a vapor retarder can be placed in direct contact with the slab if the owner is aware of, and takes precautions for, the increased risk of slab curling. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 21 Lateral Earth Pressures Areas where the unbalanced fill height of the structures exceed 4', and constructed retaining walls, should be designed to resist lateral earth pressures. Using the Rankine method to calculate these pressures, the table below provides recommended values which could be utilized in the structure and retaining wall designs. Please note, the At-Rest Earth Pressure values should be utilized for wall designs where suitable lateral restraint will prevent lateral wall movement (such as basement walls). Recommended Lateral Earth Pressures Compacted Structural Fill1 Silty Sand, Clayey Sand, Silty Gravel, Clayey Gravel 40° 125 pcf Active Fluid Pressure, psf (Ka) 27 (0.22) 36° 125 pcf 32 (0.26) 487 (3.9) 52 (0.41) Lean Clay, Sandy Lean Clay 28° 135 pcf 49 (0.36) 378 (2.8) 72 (0.53) Soil Type Friction Angle, 1 2 Moist Unit Weight Passive Fluid Pressure, psf (Kp) 575 (4.6) At-Rest Fluid Pressure, psf (Ko) 44 (0.35) See "Structural Fill and Backfill" Section for details concerning recommendations. Please note, the above values assume a 0° backslope angle (β). To resist shear forces, RVT recommends a maximum friction factor of 0.40 for foundations in contact with the sand and gravel soils and our recommended structural fill. In addition, we recommend utilizing an adhesion value of 500 psf for foundations in contact with the native clay and silt soils. However, the total lateral resistance for foundations in contact with the native clay soil should not exceed 30% of the total design dead weight. Please contact us for additional consultation if a different method will be used for determining the lateral earth pressures. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 22 In our opinion, a predominantly sand backfill which has 100% passing the 3" sieve, 70-100% passing the #4 sieve, and less than 15% by weight passing the #200 sieve should be used around the perimeter of the building and behind retaining walls. We further recommend placing a perimeter drain tile system at or near the base of the footings to collect and remove groundwater and prevent a buildup of hydrostatic pressure on the walls. The drain tile system should be connected to the storm sewer system or a suitable outfall. The end of the outfall pipe should not be perforated to reduce the potential for plugging by vegetation roots, and should be covered with a screen to discourage nesting of small animals. In addition, a one to two foot thick clay cap should be constructed over the backfill in any unpaved areas to minimize infiltration of surface water. In our opinion, roof drainage for the buildings should also be directed onto pavements or into storm sewers to minimize infiltration. It should be noted, a higher risk of foundation wall failure will exist if construction includes backfilling with clayey or silty material in areas having an unbalanced fill height greater than 4', because these soils have poor drainage characteristics. In addition, clay/silt backfill would reduce the effectiveness of the perimeter drainage system. Therefore, we do not recommend using clay/silt backfill in below grade structures and retaining wall areas. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 23 Underpinning Foundations Care should be taken not to undermine the foundations of the existing building. If excavations extend below the existing foundation elevations, we recommend underpinning the existing footings to transmit their loads to the elevation of the new foundations. The underpinning can be designed for the same net allowable bearing pressure indicated in the "Foundations" section of this report. Through Joint Differential settlement will occur between the new addition and the existing building. Therefore, RVT recommends a complete through joint be incorporated between the new addition and the existing building. The joint should be capable of tolerating the anticipated magnitude of potential settlement. Seismic Site Classification RVT understands the information required for the "Site Class" for the site includes values for average soil shear wave velocity, average standard penetration resistance or average soil undrained shear strength. Based on the results of the soil borings and RVT's knowledge of general soil conditions in the project area, we recommend the values in the following table for evaluating the Site Class for seismic considerations. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 24 Seismic Properties Soil Type Depth (ft) Shear Wave Velocity, Vs (ft/sec) Standard Penetration Resistance, N (Range / Average) Undrained Shear Strength, psf (Range / Average) Fill, Lean Clay 0' to 4½' Unknown 6–9/7 3,500 – 4,000 / 3,750 Lean Clay 4½' to 17' Unknown 12 – 17 / 15 2,600 – 4,500+ / 4,000 Lean Clay 17' to 57' Unknown 5 – 12 / 7 185 – 3,250 / 1,250 Lean Clay 57' to 62' Unknown 21 / 21 4,000 / 4,000 Silty Sand 62' to 79½' Unknown 50+ / 50+ 2,000+ Bedrock 79½' to 100' Unknown 50+ 2,000+ Unknown 25+ 2,000+ Average Based on the information in the above table, in RVT's opinion the proposed construction site would be classified as Site Class D. Pavement Discussion In general, flexible pavements derive their strength from the characteristics of the subgrade soils, the sub-base fill and the base course, and the bituminous upper layer and lower layer mixtures. In the design of the pavement, the total pavement thickness typically includes the bituminous mixtures, base course, and sub-base fill. The site has generally favorable conditions for the proposed pavement construction. However, the existing fill, possible fill, and frost susceptible soils encountered in the borings present concerns for the pavement performance. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 25 Existing Fill and Possible Fill The existing fill and possible fill encountered in the borings, which extended to a depth of between 4½' and 10½' below existing grade, provides one concern for the performance of the pavement system. For the possible fill, we often have difficulty distinguishing the difference between clean fill and native soil when the samples do not contain deleterious material. However, the owner should be aware of the increased risk for a reduced pavement performance associated with constructing pavements on undocumented fill. The risk exists because undocumented fill has a higher potential for variable density. In addition, this risk tends to increase with the presence of organic soils (more than 5% organics). Further, because of natural soil variability, every construction site has at least a very low risk for a reduced pavement performance. An organic content test performed on a select sample of the organic existing fill encountered in Boring 10-16 indicated a low to moderate organic content of 5.0%. Based on the Standard Penetration N-values and the organic content test result, in RVT's opinion, the risk for reduced pavement performance associated with the existing fill at this site would be moderate to high. However, the risk could be reduced to a very low risk for the possible fill if it is native soil, not undocumented fill, and proof-rolling observations do not indicate rutting or deflection greater than 1". Further, the risk would be very low for encountered existing fill if it contains less than 5% organics and proof-rolling observations do not indicate rutting or deflection greater than 1". If the owner cannot accept these risks, then RVT recommends removing all encountered existing fill from within 2' of the finished pavement Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 26 grade and replacing it with compacted sub-base fill in accordance with the "Pavements" section of this report. Frost Susceptible Soils The frost susceptible clayey and silty soils encountered in the borings provide another concern for the pavement system. RVT wishes to note, a risk for reduced pavement performance exists with the construction of pavements on frost susceptible soil. The reduced pavement performance may occur because of potential detrimental frost heaving and spring thaw weakening. The risk associated with frost susceptible soils can be reduced by removal of all frost susceptible soils within 3' of the final grade. In our opinion, the risk at this site related to the frost susceptible soils would be moderate. Summary Based on our assumption of the owner's acceptable risk level (as outlined in the "Project Information" section of this report), we recommend the following: 1. All existing fill soils encountered within 2' of the finished pavement grade should be removed, unless it contains less than 5% organics and proof-rolling observations do not indicate rutting or deflection greater than 1". 2. All over-excavated material should be replaced with compacted sub-base fill as noted in the "Pavements" section of this report. 3. We anticipate a majority of the frost susceptible soil will remain in-place below the pavements. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 27 Pavements For analysis of pavement sections, RVT recommends the use of the pavement design parameters noted in the table below. RVT obtained the values for the Soil Support Value and Design Group Index from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Pavement Design Manual. Frost Index values were obtained from the susceptibility classifications according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer's criteria. Historical testing of the various soil types provided the Subgrade and Resilient Modulus values. Soil Type Subgrade Reaction Modulus (psi/in) Resilient Modulus (psi) Frost Index Soil Support Number Design Group Index Fill, Silty Sand, Clayey Sand, and Lean Clay (SM, SC, CL) 125 2,800 F3 4.2 12 In proposed pavement areas, after completion of the subgrade preparation, the finished subgrade should be thoroughly compacted and proof rolled with heavy construction equipment. Areas where proof rolling encounters yielding or rutting in excess of 1" should be over-excavated and replaced with a sub-base fill as specified below. Sub-base fill used to achieve final grades should consist of relatively clean sand, or gravel base course, with 100% passing the 3" sieve and less than 15% passing the #200 sieve. Compaction Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 28 tests should be completed on fill exceeding 2' in depth. Fill should be placed in 8" maximum loose lifts and compacted to at least 95% of ASTM D1557 (Modified Proctor). Based on the subgrade soil conditions encountered in the borings, our recommended subgrade preparation, and assumed loading conditions, we recommend the following pavement sections: Bituminous Upper Layer Passenger Vehicle Parking and Low Traffic Areas 1¾" Heavy Truck Parking and High Traffic Areas 2½" Bituminous Lower Layer 2¼" 2½" Crushed Aggregate Base 10" 14" Construction Material The above base course thickness recommendations are somewhat conservative due to the limited number of borings and traffic loading information available for this report. Additional information concerning anticipated traffic loadings that develops a broader view of site conditions has often allowed us to recommend a thinner base course thickness. The crushed aggregate base course should meet Section 305 of the WDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction and the gradation should meet the "1¼-inch" specification. The gradation of the bituminous lower layer should meet the 19.0 mm mix gradation and the bituminous upper layer should meet the 12.5 mm mix gradation. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 29 These pavement sections are based on an assumed daily Equivalent Single Axle Loading (ESAL) of 30 for low traffic areas and 100 for high traffic areas, as well as weather conditions typical of northeastern Wisconsin, and a 20-year service life prior to rehabilitation. Actual performance life will vary depending on variations in these conditions. Further, we recommend placing concrete pavement in areas where heavy trucks or dumpsters may be parked for extended periods of time, and where dumpsters will be unloaded into a transfer vehicle. This is necessary because rutting of a bituminous surface may occur during warm weather conditions. Also, it is important to design the drive leading up to these areas for high volume to support the anticipated heavy service vehicle loadings. In addition, we recommend installing stub drains on the outside of catch basins or manholes in areas having curbs and gutters because the encountered soils have relatively poor drainage characteristics. This will prevent seepage from collecting in the impervious subgrade and the subsequent softening of these soils. Where construction will not include curb or gutter, the subgrade should be sloped towards the ditches. A "Typical Stub Drain Detail Sketch" is included in the Appendix. Additional Pavement Recommendations The recommendations made in this report have been based on the subsurface conditions found in the borings. However, other soil conditions not represented by these borings may be encountered during construction. Therefore, we strongly recommend RVT be on site to observe Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 30 the finished subgrade test rolling and the "borrow" material placement. We also recommend performing an adequate number of density tests on the fill during placement to document compliance with compaction specifications. 7.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS Subgrade Preparation Based on the soil borings conducted for this exploration, if the structures will not be placed on a deep foundation system, RVT anticipates some areas of the site will require a significant amount of special subgrade preparation will be necessary prior to placement of building components. This special preparation would include the removal of existing fill from below foundations, and possibly from within 2' of at-grade floor slabs and pavements. In addition, we recommend removing the soft/very loose soils from below the foundations and within 2' of floor slabs. All over-excavated material should be replaced with structural or sub-base fill that has been placed and compacted as recommended within this report. For the general site preparation, we recommend removing topsoil and other encountered near surface soils having more than 5% organics from below the foundations, floor slabs, and pavements. In addition, existing buried utilities should also be relocated or abandoned in accordance with applicable codes. After the initial site preparation, we recommend "at-grade" floor slab and pavement areas be proof rolled with a tandem axle dump truck. Soft subgrade areas, which RVT observes to exhibit Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 31 rutting or deflections greater than 1" during proofrolling, should be over-excavated and replaced with structural fill in accordance with the "Structural Fill and Backfill" section of this report. The likelihood that proof rolling will cause rutting or deflections greater than 1" increases significantly where the soils have N-values less than 10 bpf. Therefore, we anticipate recompaction and/or replacement of softer soils will be required in most areas of the site. Please note, if construction will occur during the spring or fall, then seasonal reduction of the near surface soil strength will occur. This may cause additional over-excavation for constructability concerns. Further, the clayey soils at this site have a moderate susceptibility to strength loss when wet or when disturbed by construction activity. Therefore, we recommend maintaining site drainage away from excavations to minimize the amount of water entering or ponding in the excavations. Saturated or disturbed soil should be removed and replaced with structural fill in accordance with the "Structural Fill and Backfill" section of this report. Where excavations extend deeper than 5', we recommend maintaining excavation side slopes at a ratio no steeper than 1½' horizontal to 1' vertical. In addition, we wish to note that other OSHA requirements concerning excavation bracing may apply. Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 32 Structural Fill and Backfill If excavations extend below the bottom of foundation elevations, the excavation must be oversized one foot laterally in each direction for every foot of fill placed below the foundation bottom. Structural fill used in obtaining the desired footing grades, or general fill under floor slabs, should consist of a predominantly sand material, or gravel base course, with 100% passing the 3" sieve, 70-100% passing the #4 sieve and less than 15% passing the #200 sieve. All structural fill materials should be placed in lifts not to exceed 8" and should be compacted to at least 95% Modified Proctor (ASTM: D1557) density. Nonstructural backfill placed around the exterior of the footings in unpaved areas, should be compacted to at least 90% Modified Proctor density. In our opinion, none of the soils encountered in the borings would likely meet RVT's recommended gradation for structural fill. Groundwater Control The borings indicate that the excavations will not likely extend below the static groundwater level. However, the drillers did observe perched groundwater during drilling in the upper 10' of some of the borings. In addition, seasonal variations in precipitation and site drainage conditions can cause the accumulation of free water in the upper soils. With this in mind, in our opinion, initial attempts to control groundwater seepage into the excavations could include using a series of sump pumps and pits. However, the likelihood that a more substantial dewatering system (such as a temporary well point system) will be needed increases significantly where excavations will extend more than 2' below the static groundwater level. If a more accurate determination of Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 33 the static and/or perched groundwater levels at the site would be of value for project planning or construction, we recommend the installation of at least two temporary groundwater monitoring wells at the site. Please note, if a temporary well point system becomes necessary, then RVT wishes to emphasize that lowering the static groundwater level can have detrimental effects on nearby structures. With this in mind, RVT recommends any dewatering schemes be reviewed by a contractor who specializes in this type of work prior to its implementation. Winter Construction If construction will occur during the winter months, care should be taken to not allow frozen fill material under footings or floor slabs. The risk of total and/or differential settlements in excess of 1" associated with frozen fill would be moderate to high. Because RVT anticipates this risk would be unacceptable to the owner, we recommend wasting any material which is frozen prior to compaction. Testing and Observations Because the borings encountered existing fill, possible fill, soft/very loose soils, and frost susceptible soils, we strongly recommend the owner retain RVT to observe the completed excavations before placement of structural fill, foundations, or pavements. This will provide the necessary documentation of the complete removal of all unsuitable soil. RVT should also Proposed Space Needs Study Outagamie County Administration Building Appleton, Wisconsin N16-509 Page 34 document the soils encountered in the excavations have similar characteristics as those noted in the soil boring. Density tests should be taken during fill placement to document the achievement of our recommended compaction. 8.0 STANDARD OF CARE The recommendations contained in this report represent RVT's opinions arrived at in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currently practicing in the same locality under similar conditions. No other representation, expressed or implied, and no warranty or guarantee is included or intended in this report. This report prepared by, RIVER VALLEY TESTING CORP. Colton G. Lentz, E.I.T Staff Geotechnical Engineer Under the direct supervision of, Matthew A. Meyer, P.E. Senior Geotechnical Engineer CGL/MAM/cgl/mam APPENDIX Boring Location Sketch Soil Boring Logs Unified Soil Classification System Report of Consolidation Test Typical Stub Drain Detail Sketch Important Information About Your Geotechnical Engineering Report Appleton Green Bay Madison Wisconsin Geotechnical, Environmental, and Construction Consulting TEST BORING LOG Drilling Method: HSA = Hollow Stem Auger FA = Flight Auger DM = Drilling Mud _X = AX, BX, or NX Coring Project: PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY Location: APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT File No: N16-509 Page: Surface Elev: 787.2' Scale: GENERAL NOTES Water Level Symbol: WLD = Water Level During Drilling WLA = Water Level After Drilling WL = Water Level At 24 Hours WL = Water Level At Hours Sampling Method: SS = Split Spoon 3T = 3" Shelby Tube F = Flight Auger Sample B = Bag Sample P = Test Pit Sample CR = Core Recovery NSR = No Sample Recovery MH = Manual SPT Hammer AH = Auto SPT Hammer DRILLING NOTES Started: Depth (ft) 4.5" 16.5" Completed: Blow Counts 0/6 6/12 Total (N) 2 412 3/15/16 4 7 4 9 8 4 7 2 4 4 5 5 10 7 Driller: GB/BB Field Classification and Remarks Note: [ ] Indicates Possible Geologic Origin ASPHALT PAVEMENT 6 9 17 16 4 9 3/15/16 Laboratory Test Symbols: LL/PL = Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit P200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve MA* = Mechanical Analysis Qu = Unconfined Compressive Str Pq = Hand Penetrometer Reading DD = Dry Density W = Moisture Content (by Weight) RQD = Rock Quality Designation * = See attached graph 3 1/4" HSA 0' to 15' (AH), DM 15' to 79 1/2' Water Level Information Sample No. Type W (%) Laboratory Tests DD LL Qu (pcf) PL (psf) 17 Pq (tsf) = 4.0 Pq (tsf) = 3.5 Pq (tsf) = 4.5+ Pq (tsf) = 4.5+ Pq (tsf) = 4.5+ 1 SS 2 SS LEAN CLAY, with pockets of Silt and a little Gravel, brown and grey, moist, medium (CL) 3 SS 4 SS 5 SS 12 6 7 SS TWT 8 SS 9 TWT 10 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.75 11 TWT Pq (tsf) = 0.25 12 SS Pq (tsf) = 3.25 13 SS Pq (tsf) = 3.25 LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt, Sand and a little Gravel, brown and greyish brown, moist, rather stiff (CL) 17 18 113 LEAN CLAY, brown and greyish brown, moist, medium (CL) 6 2 3 6 37 5 5 7 12 LEAN CLAY varved with FAT CLAY, reddish brown and brownish grey, moist, rather stiff (CL, CH) Pq (tsf) = 3.75 5,200 Pq (tsf) = 1.25 [LACUSTRINE] 3 Other No WLA SILTY GRAVEL, with Sand, brown, grey and dark grey, moist (GM) [BASE COURSE] [GLACIAL TILL] 3 Boring No: 1-16 [POSSIBLE FILL] 5 2 3 Method: 1" = 7.5' 1 of 2 24 117 370 [LACUSTRINE] 45 401 (10/01) 5 4 5 10 Continued On Next Page WinLog v6.1.108 Copyright (c) 2016 River Valley Testing Corp Appleton Green Bay Madison Wisconsin Geotechnical, Environmental, and Construction Consulting TEST BORING LOG Drilling Method: HSA = Hollow Stem Auger FA = Flight Auger DM = Drilling Mud _X = AX, BX, or NX Coring Project: PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY Location: APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT File No: N16-509 Page: Surface Elev: 787.2' Sampling Method: SS = Split Spoon 3T = 3" Shelby Tube F = Flight Auger Sample B = Bag Sample P = Test Pit Sample CR = Core Recovery NSR = No Sample Recovery MH = Manual SPT Hammer AH = Auto SPT Hammer Scale: GENERAL NOTES Water Level Symbol: WLD = Water Level During Drilling WLA = Water Level After Drilling WL = Water Level At 24 Hours WL = Water Level At Hours DRILLING NOTES Started: Depth (ft) 3/15/16 Completed: Blow Counts 0/6 6/12 Total (N) 3/15/16 Driller: GB/BB Field Classification and Remarks Note: [ ] Indicates Possible Geologic Origin Method: 1" = 7.5' 2 of 2 Boring No: 1-16 Laboratory Test Symbols: LL/PL = Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit P200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve MA* = Mechanical Analysis Qu = Unconfined Compressive Str Pq = Hand Penetrometer Reading DD = Dry Density W = Moisture Content (by Weight) RQD = Rock Quality Designation * = See attached graph 3 1/4" HSA 0' to 15' (AH), DM 15' to 79 1/2' Water Level Information Sample No. Type W (%) Laboratory Tests DD LL Qu (pcf) PL (psf) Other LEAN CLAY varved with FAT CLAY, reddish brown and brownish grey, moist, rather stiff (CL, CH) 47 2 2 3 5 [LACUSTRINE] 14 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.5 15 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.5 16 SS Pq (tsf) = 4.0 17 SS LEAN CLAY, brown and greyish brown, moist, medium (CL) 2 3 3 10 7 11 5 57 [LACUSTRINE] LEAN CLAY, with Sand and pockets and lenses of Silt, brownish grey, moist, stiff (CL) 21 [GLACIAL TILL] 62 45 7912 401 (10/01) 30 5 1" 50 7" SILTY SAND, olive brown and grey, moist to water bearing, extremely dense (SM) [GLACIAL TILL] 50 6" 50 6" 18 SS 50 6" 50 6" 19 SS 50 3" 50 3" 20 SS WinLog v6.1.108 WLD Auger Refusal at 79.5' End of Boring at 79.5' Copyright (c) 2016 River Valley Testing Corp Appleton Green Bay Madison Wisconsin Geotechnical, Environmental, and Construction Consulting TEST BORING LOG Drilling Method: HSA = Hollow Stem Auger FA = Flight Auger DM = Drilling Mud _X = AX, BX, or NX Coring Project: PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY Location: APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT File No: N16-509 Page: Surface Elev: 780.2' Sampling Method: SS = Split Spoon 3T = 3" Shelby Tube F = Flight Auger Sample B = Bag Sample P = Test Pit Sample CR = Core Recovery NSR = No Sample Recovery MH = Manual SPT Hammer AH = Auto SPT Hammer Scale: GENERAL NOTES Water Level Symbol: WLD = Water Level During Drilling WLA = Water Level After Drilling WL = Water Level At 24 Hours WL = Water Level At Hours DRILLING NOTES Started: Depth (ft) 6" 20" 4 8 3/19/16 Completed: Blow Counts 0/6 6/12 Total (N) 3/19/16 Driller: GB/BB Field Classification and Remarks Note: [ ] Indicates Possible Geologic Origin ASPHALT PAVEMENT 2 4 3 3 2 1 2 3 5 6 2 1 1 3 7 Sample No. Type 2 SS 2 3 SS 5 [FILL] 4 SS 5 6 SS TWT 7 SS 8 TWT 9 SS 10 TWT 7 5 FILL, mostly Lean Clay, with lenses of Silt and a little Gravel, brown and grey, moist, soft to medium to soft (CL) [FILL] LEAN CLAY, brown and grey, moist to wet, medium (CL) W (%) Laboratory Tests DD LL Qu (pcf) PL (psf) Other No WLA FILL, mostly Lean Clay, with Sand, pockets of Silt and a little Gravel, brown and greyish brown, moist, medium (CL) 3 2 3 Water Level Information SILTY SAND, with Gravel, light brown and grey, moist (SM) [BASE COURSE] LEAN CLAY, with Sand, brown, moist, medium (CL) [POSSIBLE FILL] 2 4 1/4" HSA 0' to 15' (AH), DM 15' to 60' SS 9 Boring No: 2-16 Laboratory Test Symbols: LL/PL = Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit P200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve MA* = Mechanical Analysis Qu = Unconfined Compressive Str Pq = Hand Penetrometer Reading DD = Dry Density W = Moisture Content (by Weight) RQD = Rock Quality Designation * = See attached graph 1 1012 2 4 Method: 1" = 7.5' 1 of 2 Pq (tsf) = 1.25 Pq (tsf) = 3.25 Pq (tsf) = 0.75 Pq (tsf) = 1.5 18 110 Pq (tsf) = 1.25 2,800 WLD Pq (tsf) = 0.5 [LACUSTRINE] 2 45 401 (10/01) 2 4 6 22 104 Pq (tsf) = 1.0 21 110 3,100 2 2 3 5 11 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.0 2 3 4 6 12 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.5 Continued On Next Page WinLog v6.1.108 Copyright (c) 2016 River Valley Testing Corp Appleton Green Bay Madison Wisconsin Geotechnical, Environmental, and Construction Consulting TEST BORING LOG Drilling Method: HSA = Hollow Stem Auger FA = Flight Auger DM = Drilling Mud _X = AX, BX, or NX Coring Project: PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY Location: APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT File No: N16-509 Surface Elev: 780.2' Scale: GENERAL NOTES Water Level Symbol: WLD = Water Level During Drilling WLA = Water Level After Drilling WL = Water Level At 24 Hours WL = Water Level At Hours Sampling Method: SS = Split Spoon 3T = 3" Shelby Tube F = Flight Auger Sample B = Bag Sample P = Test Pit Sample CR = Core Recovery NSR = No Sample Recovery MH = Manual SPT Hammer AH = Auto SPT Hammer DRILLING NOTES Started: Depth (ft) 3/19/16 Completed: Blow Counts 0/6 6/12 Total (N) 3/19/16 Page: Driller: GB/BB Field Classification and Remarks Note: [ ] Indicates Possible Geologic Origin Method: 1" = 7.5' 2 of 2 Boring No: 2-16 Laboratory Test Symbols: LL/PL = Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit P200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve MA* = Mechanical Analysis Qu = Unconfined Compressive Str Pq = Hand Penetrometer Reading DD = Dry Density W = Moisture Content (by Weight) RQD = Rock Quality Designation * = See attached graph 4 1/4" HSA 0' to 15' (AH), DM 15' to 60' Water Level Information Sample No. Type W (%) Laboratory Tests DD LL Qu (pcf) PL (psf) Other LEAN CLAY, brown and grey, moist to wet, medium (CL) 46 2 2 3 5 [LACUSTRINE] 39 5 1" 50 7" FAT CLAY interbedded with SILT, reddish brown and grey, moist, medium (CH, ML) 13 SS 14 SS 15 SS 52 45 [LACUSTRINE] SILTY SAND, brown and greyish brown, moist, extremely dense (SM) [GLACIAL TILL] 60 401 (10/01) 50 6" 30 50 6" WinLog v6.1.108 Note: Seam of Peat encountered at 50'. End of Boring at 60' Copyright (c) 2016 River Valley Testing Corp Appleton Green Bay Madison Wisconsin Geotechnical, Environmental, and Construction Consulting TEST BORING LOG Drilling Method: HSA = Hollow Stem Auger FA = Flight Auger DM = Drilling Mud _X = AX, BX, or NX Coring Project: PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY Location: APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT File No: N16-509 Page: Surface Elev: 782.3' Scale: GENERAL NOTES Water Level Symbol: WLD = Water Level During Drilling WLA = Water Level After Drilling WL = Water Level At 24 Hours WL = Water Level At Hours Sampling Method: SS = Split Spoon 3T = 3" Shelby Tube F = Flight Auger Sample B = Bag Sample P = Test Pit Sample CR = Core Recovery NSR = No Sample Recovery MH = Manual SPT Hammer AH = Auto SPT Hammer DRILLING NOTES Started: Depth (ft) 5" 23" 8 3/18/16 Completed: Blow Counts 0/6 6/12 Total (N) 3/18/16 Driller: GB/BB Field Classification and Remarks Note: [ ] Indicates Possible Geologic Origin ASPHALT PAVEMENT 4 4 4 2 3 4 2 4 3 3 2 3 8 5 7 3 2 4 1012 4 6 3 5 11 2 2 5 Method: SILTY SAND, with Gravel, brownish grey, waterbearing, very loose (SM) [POSSIBLE FILL] LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt, brownish grey, moist to wet, medium to rather stiff (CL) Boring No: 3-16 Laboratory Test Symbols: LL/PL = Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit P200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve MA* = Mechanical Analysis Qu = Unconfined Compressive Str Pq = Hand Penetrometer Reading DD = Dry Density W = Moisture Content (by Weight) RQD = Rock Quality Designation * = See attached graph 3 1/4" HSA 0' to 20' (AH), DM 20' to 43 1/2' Water Level Information Sample No. Type W (%) Laboratory Tests DD LL Qu (pcf) PL (psf) 15 118 24 104 Other No WLA SILTY GRAVEL, with Sand, brownish grey and grey, moist (GM) [BASE COURSE] FILL, mostly Silty Gravel, with Sand, brownish grey, moist, loose (GM) [FILL] 1" = 7.5' 1 of 1 WLD 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 SS 5 SS 6 SS Pq (tsf) = 4.0 Pq (tsf) = 1.25 [GLACIAL TILL] 2 2 3 5 7 SS 2 2 3 5 8 SS 3 3 4 9 SS 10 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.5 27 [GLACIAL TILL] 32 2 2 3 LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt, brownish grey, moist, medium (CL) 5 [LACUSTRINE] 45 401 (10/01) Pq (tsf) = 0.5 LEAN CLAY, with a little Gravel, brownish grey, wet, medium (CL) 7 Pq (tsf) = 1.0 23 102 Pq (tsf) = 0.5 3 2 4 7 11 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.5 2 3 4 6 12 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.0 End of Boring at 45' WinLog v6.1.108 Copyright (c) 2016 River Valley Testing Corp Appleton Green Bay Madison Wisconsin Geotechnical, Environmental, and Construction Consulting TEST BORING LOG Drilling Method: HSA = Hollow Stem Auger FA = Flight Auger DM = Drilling Mud _X = AX, BX, or NX Coring Project: PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY Location: APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT File No: N16-509 Page: Surface Elev: 784.6' Scale: GENERAL NOTES Water Level Symbol: WLD = Water Level During Drilling WLA = Water Level After Drilling WL = Water Level At 24 Hours WL = Water Level At Hours Sampling Method: SS = Split Spoon 3T = 3" Shelby Tube F = Flight Auger Sample B = Bag Sample P = Test Pit Sample CR = Core Recovery NSR = No Sample Recovery MH = Manual SPT Hammer AH = Auto SPT Hammer DRILLING NOTES Started: Depth (ft) 4" 18" 6 3/18/16 Completed: Blow Counts 0/6 6/12 Total (N) 3/18/16 Driller: GB/BB Field Classification and Remarks Note: [ ] Indicates Possible Geologic Origin ASPHALT PAVEMENT 4 4 4 4 5 11 8 3 5 4 3 5 9 9 8 9 20 5 9 3 5 4 3 4 8 LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt, brown and greyish brown, moist to wet, medium (CL) Laboratory Test Symbols: LL/PL = Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit P200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve MA* = Mechanical Analysis Qu = Unconfined Compressive Str Pq = Hand Penetrometer Reading DD = Dry Density W = Moisture Content (by Weight) RQD = Rock Quality Designation * = See attached graph Sample No. Type W (%) Laboratory Tests DD LL Qu (pcf) PL (psf) Other No WLA LEAN CLAY, with Sand and a little Gravel, reddish brown and light grey, moist, medium (CL) [POSSIBLE FILL] 9 4 Boring No: 4-16 3 1/4" HSA 0' to 15' (AH), DM 15' to 43 1/2' Water Level Information SILTY GRAVEL, with Sand, greyish brown, moist (GM) [BASE COURSE] LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt, brown, light brown and yellowish brown, moist, stiff to rather stiff (CL) [GLACIAL TILL] 17 1012 Method: 1" = 7.5' 1 of 1 Pq (tsf) = 3.5 1 SS 2 3 SS SS 4 SS 5 SS 6 SS 7 SS 8 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.75 9 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.75 10 SS 11 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.0 Pq (tsf) = 4.0 Pq (tsf) = 4.0 Pq (tsf) = 4.5+ Pq (tsf) = 2.0 Pq (tsf) = 1.75 [GLACIAL TILL] 1812 2 2 3 5 LEAN CLAY, brown, wet, medium (CL) WLD [LACUSTRINE] 2 2 4 6 27 9 11 27 36 Note: Cobbles encountered from 28 1/2' to 31'. LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt, brown and greyish brown, moist, medium (CL) 32 2 3 4 Note: Cobbles encountered at 18 1/2'. SANDY SILT, with Gravel, grey, moist to wet, very stiff (ML) [GLACIAL TILL] 6 [LACUSTRINE] 45 401 (10/01) 3 2 3 6 12 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.75 3 3 3 6 13 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.0 End of Boring at 45' WinLog v6.1.108 Copyright (c) 2016 River Valley Testing Corp Appleton Green Bay Madison Wisconsin Geotechnical, Environmental, and Construction Consulting TEST BORING LOG Drilling Method: HSA = Hollow Stem Auger FA = Flight Auger DM = Drilling Mud _X = AX, BX, or NX Coring Project: PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY Location: APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT File No: N16-509 Page: Surface Elev: 783.7' Scale: GENERAL NOTES Water Level Symbol: WLD = Water Level During Drilling WLA = Water Level After Drilling WL = Water Level At 24 Hours WL = Water Level At Hours Sampling Method: SS = Split Spoon 3T = 3" Shelby Tube F = Flight Auger Sample B = Bag Sample P = Test Pit Sample CR = Core Recovery NSR = No Sample Recovery MH = Manual SPT Hammer AH = Auto SPT Hammer DRILLING NOTES Started: Depth (ft) 8" 14" 3 412 13 45 401 (10/01) 3/16/16 Completed: Blow Counts 0/6 6/12 Total (N) 3 3 4 7 3 5 7 12 3 8 13 5 5 7 10 17 4 7 11 18 9 9 6 15 3/16/16 Driller: GB/BB Field Classification and Remarks Note: [ ] Indicates Possible Geologic Origin ASPHALT PAVEMENT Method: 1" = 7.5' Boring No: 5-16 Laboratory Test Symbols: LL/PL = Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit P200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve MA* = Mechanical Analysis Qu = Unconfined Compressive Str Pq = Hand Penetrometer Reading DD = Dry Density W = Moisture Content (by Weight) RQD = Rock Quality Designation * = See attached graph 3 1/4" HSA 0' to 15' (AH), DM 15' to 43 1/2' Water Level Information Sample No. Type W (%) Laboratory Tests DD LL Qu (pcf) PL (psf) No WLA SILTY SAND, with Gravel, dark brown, grey and brown, moist (SM) [BASE COURSE] FILL, mostly Sandy Lean Clay, with lenses of Silt and a little Gravel, brown and yellowish brown, moist, medium (CL) [FILL] FILL, mostly Lean Clay, with Sand and Gravel, brown and reddish brown, moist, rather stiff (CL) [FILL] 1 of 1 Pq (tsf) = 1.0 Pq (tsf) = 2.0 Pq (tsf) = 4.5+ Pq (tsf) = 4.5 Pq (tsf) = 4.5+ 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 SS 5 SS 6 SS 7 SS 8 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.5 Pq (tsf) = 4.5 2,800 Pq (tsf) = 1.5 3 2 3 2 2 3 5 4 3 5 9 9 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.75 3 3 3 6 10 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.5 3 2 3 6 11 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.75 2 2 3 5 12 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.75 2 2 3 5 13 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.5 6 LEAN CLAY, with Sand and lenses of Silt, brown and reddish brown, moist, rather stiff (CL) [GLACIAL TILL] LEAN CLAY, brown and greyish brown, moist to wet, medium (CL) [LACUSTRINE] End of Boring at 45' WinLog v6.1.108 WLD Other 15 110 Copyright (c) 2016 River Valley Testing Corp Appleton Green Bay Madison Wisconsin Geotechnical, Environmental, and Construction Consulting TEST BORING LOG Drilling Method: HSA = Hollow Stem Auger FA = Flight Auger DM = Drilling Mud _X = AX, BX, or NX Coring Project: PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY Location: APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT File No: N16-509 Page: Surface Elev: 784.9' Scale: GENERAL NOTES Water Level Symbol: WLD = Water Level During Drilling WLA = Water Level After Drilling WL = Water Level At 24 Hours WL = Water Level At Hours Sampling Method: SS = Split Spoon 3T = 3" Shelby Tube F = Flight Auger Sample B = Bag Sample P = Test Pit Sample CR = Core Recovery NSR = No Sample Recovery MH = Manual SPT Hammer AH = Auto SPT Hammer DRILLING NOTES Started: Depth (ft) 6" 17" 3 6 3/18/16 Completed: Blow Counts 0/6 6/12 Total (N) 2 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 4 6 11 5 4 7 6 13 1012 6 10 4 9 19 3 4 8 17 3/18/16 Driller: GB/BB Field Classification and Remarks Note: [ ] Indicates Possible Geologic Origin ASPHALT PAVEMENT Method: 1" = 7.5' Boring No: 6-16 Laboratory Test Symbols: LL/PL = Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit P200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve MA* = Mechanical Analysis Qu = Unconfined Compressive Str Pq = Hand Penetrometer Reading DD = Dry Density W = Moisture Content (by Weight) RQD = Rock Quality Designation * = See attached graph 3 1/4" HSA 0' to 15' (AH), DM 15' to 43 1/2' Water Level Information Sample No. Type W (%) Laboratory Tests DD LL Qu (pcf) PL (psf) No WLA 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 5 SS TWT 6 SS SANDY LEAN CLAY, brown, moist, rather stiff (CL) [GLACIAL TILL] 7 SS LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt and a little Sand, brown, light brown and yellowish brown, moist, rather stiff to medium (CL) [GLACIAL TILL] 8 TWT 9 SS 10 TWT SILTY GRAVEL, with Sand, grey, waterbearing (GM) [BASE COURSE] FILL, mostly Lean Clay, with lenses of Silt, a little Sand and Gravel, brown, dark brown, grey and yellowish brown, moist, medium (CL) [FILL] LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt, brown and light brown, moist, medium to rather stiff (CL) [POSSIBLE FILL] 1 of 1 Other Pq (tsf) = 2.0 Pq (tsf) = 2.25 Pq (tsf) = 3.5 Pq (tsf) = 3.5 Pq (tsf) = 3.75 Pq (tsf) = 1.75 20 111 3,100 LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt, greyish brown, moist, medium (CL) 2 45 401 (10/01) 2 3 5 [LACUSTRINE] Pq (tsf) = 1.25 21 110 2,500 2 2 3 5 11 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.75 3 3 3 6 12 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.75 3 3 3 6 13 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.25 WLD End of Boring at 45' WinLog v6.1.108 Copyright (c) 2016 River Valley Testing Corp Appleton Green Bay Madison Wisconsin Geotechnical, Environmental, and Construction Consulting TEST BORING LOG Drilling Method: HSA = Hollow Stem Auger FA = Flight Auger DM = Drilling Mud _X = AX, BX, or NX Coring Project: PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY Location: APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT File No: N16-509 Page: Surface Elev: 784.7' Scale: GENERAL NOTES Water Level Symbol: WLD = Water Level During Drilling WLA = Water Level After Drilling WL = Water Level At 24 Hours WL = Water Level At Hours Sampling Method: SS = Split Spoon 3T = 3" Shelby Tube F = Flight Auger Sample B = Bag Sample P = Test Pit Sample CR = Core Recovery NSR = No Sample Recovery MH = Manual SPT Hammer AH = Auto SPT Hammer DRILLING NOTES Started: Depth (ft) 6" 18" 3 5 6 13 3/16/16 Completed: Blow Counts 0/6 6/12 Total (N) 2 2 3 5 2 6 3 9 2 6 9 3 4 7 9 16 4 6 10 16 3 5 3 3 GB/BB Field Classification and Remarks Note: [ ] Indicates Possible Geologic Origin ASPHALT PAVEMENT Method: Laboratory Test Symbols: LL/PL = Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit P200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve MA* = Mechanical Analysis Qu = Unconfined Compressive Str Pq = Hand Penetrometer Reading DD = Dry Density W = Moisture Content (by Weight) RQD = Rock Quality Designation * = See attached graph 3 1/4" HSA 0' to 15' (AH), DM 15' to 43 1/2' Water Level Information Sample No. Type No WLA W (%) Laboratory Tests DD LL Qu (pcf) PL (psf) 2 SS 3 SS 4 SS FILL, mostly Lean Clay, with lenses of Silt and pockets of Sand, brown, moist, medium (CL) [FILL] 5 SS 6 SS 6 LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt, a little Sand and Gravel, brown, wet to moist, medium (CL) [GLACIAL TILL] 7 SS 7 LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt, brown, reddish brown and light brownish grey, moist, rather stiff (CL) [GLACIAL TILL] 8 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.25 9 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.25 SILTY GRAVEL, with Sand, crushed Asphalt and Cobbles, grey and black, moist (GM) [BASE COURSE] WLD FILL, mostly Sandy Lean Clay, with a little Gravel, brown and grey, wet to moist, medium (CL) [FILL] LEAN CLAY, greyish brown, moist, medium (CL) 22 Other Pq (tsf) = 1.5 Pq (tsf) = 1.5 Pq (tsf) = 4.5 SS 10 3 4 Driller: Boring No: 7-16 1 5 4 3 3/16/16 1" = 7.5' 1 of 1 Pq (tsf) = 4.5+ Pq (tsf) = 4.25 Pq (tsf) = 3.75 Pq (tsf) = 1.75 [LACUSTRINE] 3 3 3 4 4 4 8 10 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.25 2 3 4 6 11 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.0 3 2 3 6 12 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.0 2 2 3 5 13 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.5 6 LEAN CLAY, brown and greyish brown, moist to wet, medium (CL) [LACUSTRINE] 45 401 (10/01) End of Boring at 45' WinLog v6.1.108 Copyright (c) 2016 River Valley Testing Corp Appleton Green Bay Madison Wisconsin Geotechnical, Environmental, and Construction Consulting TEST BORING LOG Drilling Method: HSA = Hollow Stem Auger FA = Flight Auger DM = Drilling Mud _X = AX, BX, or NX Coring Project: PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY Location: APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT File No: N16-509 Page: Surface Elev: 783.1' Scale: GENERAL NOTES Water Level Symbol: WLD = Water Level During Drilling WLA = Water Level After Drilling WL = Water Level At 24 Hours WL = Water Level At Hours Sampling Method: SS = Split Spoon 3T = 3" Shelby Tube F = Flight Auger Sample B = Bag Sample P = Test Pit Sample CR = Core Recovery NSR = No Sample Recovery MH = Manual SPT Hammer AH = Auto SPT Hammer DRILLING NOTES Started: Depth (ft) 5" 15" 5 13 3/17/16 Completed: Blow Counts 0/6 6/12 Total (N) 4 4 5 9 2 3 3 6 3 4 7 3 3 6 6 12 4 6 8 14 3 5 3 8 2 2 3 5 2 2 3 5 3/17/16 Driller: GB/BB Field Classification and Remarks Note: [ ] Indicates Possible Geologic Origin ASPHALT PAVEMENT SILTY GRAVEL, with Sand and Plant and Tree Roots, grey and brown, moist (GM) [BASE COURSE] FILL, mostly Lean Clay, with lenses of Silty Sand and Gravel, brown and dark brown, moist, medium (CL) [FILL] LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt and Sand, brown and light brown, moist, rather stiff to medium (CL) [GLACIAL TILL] LEAN CLAY, reddish brown and brown, moist, medium (CL) [GLACIAL TILL] Method: 1" = 7.5' 3 1/4" HSA 0' to 15' (AH), DM 15' to 43 1/2' Water Level Information No WLD No WLA Sample No. Type 401 (10/01) W (%) Laboratory Tests DD LL Qu (pcf) PL (psf) Other Pq (tsf) = 3.75 Pq (tsf) = 3.5 Pq (tsf) = 2.0 Pq (tsf) = 4.5 Pq (tsf) = 4.5+ 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 SS 5 SS 6 SS 7 SS 8 SS 9 SS Pq (tsf) = 2.0 10 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.0 Pq (tsf) = 4.5+ Pq (tsf) = 0.5 22 109 1,900 Pq (tsf) = 0.75 SILT, greyish brown, moist, stiff (ML) 11 18 10 3 3 3 6 4 3 4 8 11 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.5 3 2 3 6 12 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.25 5 3 3 8 13 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.25 21 27 45 Boring No: 8-16 Laboratory Test Symbols: LL/PL = Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit P200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve MA* = Mechanical Analysis Qu = Unconfined Compressive Str Pq = Hand Penetrometer Reading DD = Dry Density W = Moisture Content (by Weight) RQD = Rock Quality Designation * = See attached graph Note: Cobbles encountered from 21' to 22'. 22 1 of 1 [LACUSTRINE] LEAN CLAY, greyish brown, moist, medium (CL) [LACUSTRINE] End of Boring at 45' WinLog v6.1.108 Copyright (c) 2016 River Valley Testing Corp Appleton Green Bay Madison Wisconsin Geotechnical, Environmental, and Construction Consulting TEST BORING LOG Drilling Method: HSA = Hollow Stem Auger FA = Flight Auger DM = Drilling Mud _X = AX, BX, or NX Coring Project: PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY Location: APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT File No: N16-509 Page: Surface Elev: 780.8' Scale: GENERAL NOTES Water Level Symbol: WLD = Water Level During Drilling WLA = Water Level After Drilling WL = Water Level At 24 Hours WL = Water Level At Hours Sampling Method: SS = Split Spoon 3T = 3" Shelby Tube F = Flight Auger Sample B = Bag Sample P = Test Pit Sample CR = Core Recovery NSR = No Sample Recovery MH = Manual SPT Hammer AH = Auto SPT Hammer DRILLING NOTES Started: Depth (ft) 6" 20" 6 3/19/16 Completed: Blow Counts 0/6 6/12 Total (N) 3/19/16 Driller: GB/BB Field Classification and Remarks Note: [ ] Indicates Possible Geologic Origin ASPHALT PAVEMENT 4 4 3 4 2 2 5 5 4 3 2 5 8 7 9 8 4 812 15 5 4 5 4 3 4 10 17 Method: 1" = 7.5' 3 3 1/4" HSA 0' to 15' (AH), DM 15' to 43 1/2' Water Level Information Sample No. Type 7 16 8 SILTY SAND, with Gravel, light brown and grey, moist (SM) [BASE COURSE] 401 (10/01) Laboratory Tests DD LL Qu (pcf) PL (psf) Other FILL, mostly Clayey Sand, with lenses of Silt and Organic Clay, brown and dark brown, moist, loose (SC) [FILL] SANDY LEAN CLAY, with traces of Organic Clay, reddish brown, moist, soft (CL) [POSSIBLE FILL] LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt, Sand and a little Gravel, reddish brown, moist, rather stiff (CL) [GLACIAL TILL] 8 Pq (tsf) = 3.5 Pq (tsf) = 3.0 Pq (tsf) = 2.0 Pq (tsf) = 1.25 1 SS 2 SS 3 4 SS TWT 5 SS 6 SS 7 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.75 8 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.0 9 SS Pq (tsf) = 2.75 10 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.5 Pq (tsf) = 3.5 Pq (tsf) = 2.75 WLD 7 SAND, medium to fine grained, grey and brown, waterbearing, medium dense (SP) 15 [OUTWASH] 45 W (%) No WLA LEAN CLAY, brown and greyish brown, moist to wet, medium (CL) 27 29 Boring No: 9-16 Laboratory Test Symbols: LL/PL = Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit P200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve MA* = Mechanical Analysis Qu = Unconfined Compressive Str Pq = Hand Penetrometer Reading DD = Dry Density W = Moisture Content (by Weight) RQD = Rock Quality Designation * = See attached graph [LACUSTRINE] 3 4 1 of 1 LEAN CLAY, brown and greyish brown, moist to wet, medium (CL) 2 3 4 6 3 3 5 8 11 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.0 4 3 5 9 12 SS Pq (tsf) = 0.75 [LACUSTRINE] End of Boring at 45' WinLog v6.1.108 Copyright (c) 2016 River Valley Testing Corp Appleton Green Bay Madison Wisconsin Geotechnical, Environmental, and Construction Consulting TEST BORING LOG Drilling Method: HSA = Hollow Stem Auger FA = Flight Auger DM = Drilling Mud _X = AX, BX, or NX Coring Project: PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY Location: APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT File No: N16-509 Page: Surface Elev: 782.8' Scale: GENERAL NOTES Water Level Symbol: WLD = Water Level During Drilling WLA = Water Level After Drilling WL = Water Level At 24 Hours WL = Water Level At Hours Sampling Method: SS = Split Spoon 3T = 3" Shelby Tube F = Flight Auger Sample B = Bag Sample P = Test Pit Sample CR = Core Recovery NSR = No Sample Recovery MH = Manual SPT Hammer AH = Auto SPT Hammer 1" = 1.5' 1 of 1 Boring No: 10-16 Laboratory Test Symbols: LL/PL = Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit P200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve MA* = Mechanical Analysis Qu = Unconfined Compressive Str Pq = Hand Penetrometer Reading DD = Dry Density W = Moisture Content (by Weight) RQD = Rock Quality Designation * = See attached graph DRILLING NOTES Started: Depth (ft) 3/17/16 Completed: Blow Counts 0/6 6/12 Total (N) 3/17/16 Driller: GB/BB Field Classification and Remarks Note: [ ] Indicates Possible Geologic Origin ASPHALT PAVEMENT Method: 2 1/4" HSA 0' to 6' (AH) Water Level Information Sample No. Type W (%) Laboratory Tests DD LL Qu (pcf) PL (psf) Other Pq (tsf) = 4.5 Org =5.0% No WLD No WLA 6" SILTY GRAVEL, with Sand, grey and brown, moist (GM) [BASE COURSE] 14" FILL, mostly Lean Clay, and Organic Clay, with lenses of Silt, dark brown and dark greyish brown, moist, medium (CL, OL) 3 [FILL] 4 5 2 4 9 1 SS 16 3 LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt, reddish brown and yellowish brown, moist, medium (CL) [POSSIBLE FILL] 4 3 8 2 SS Pq (tsf) = 3.25 4 4 8 3 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.75 3 3 4 SS Pq (tsf) = 2.5 6 LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt and Sand, brown, moist, medium (CL) [GLACIAL TILL] 4 4 7 8 End of Boring at 8' 401 (10/01) WinLog v6.1.108 Copyright (c) 2016 River Valley Testing Corp Appleton Green Bay Madison Wisconsin Geotechnical, Environmental, and Construction Consulting TEST BORING LOG Drilling Method: HSA = Hollow Stem Auger FA = Flight Auger DM = Drilling Mud _X = AX, BX, or NX Coring Project: PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY Location: APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT File No: N16-509 Page: Surface Elev: 783.4' Scale: GENERAL NOTES Water Level Symbol: WLD = Water Level During Drilling WLA = Water Level After Drilling WL = Water Level At 24 Hours WL = Water Level At Hours Sampling Method: SS = Split Spoon 3T = 3" Shelby Tube F = Flight Auger Sample B = Bag Sample P = Test Pit Sample CR = Core Recovery NSR = No Sample Recovery MH = Manual SPT Hammer AH = Auto SPT Hammer 1" = 1.5' 1 of 1 Boring No: 11-16 Laboratory Test Symbols: LL/PL = Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit P200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve MA* = Mechanical Analysis Qu = Unconfined Compressive Str Pq = Hand Penetrometer Reading DD = Dry Density W = Moisture Content (by Weight) RQD = Rock Quality Designation * = See attached graph DRILLING NOTES 3/17/16 Started: Depth (ft) Completed: Blow Counts 0/6 6/12 Total (N) 3/17/16 Driller: GB/BB Field Classification and Remarks Note: [ ] Indicates Possible Geologic Origin ASPHALT PAVEMENT 4.5" Method: 2 1/4" HSA 0' to 6' (AH) Water Level Information Sample No. Type W (%) Laboratory Tests DD LL Qu (pcf) PL (psf) Other No WLD No WLA SILTY SAND, with Gravel, brown and grey, moist (SM) [BASE COURSE] 11.5" 3 FILL, mostly Lean Clay, with lenses of Silt, Sand and a little Gravel, brown and reddish brown, moist, soft to medium (CL) 2 [FILL] 2 2 4 2 3 5 Note: Cobbles encountered at 3 1/2'. 1 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.5 2 SS Pq (tsf) = 1.25 3 SS 4 SS 4 2 FILL, mostly Clayey Gravel, with Silt, Sand and Cobbles, brown and reddish brown, moist, loose (GC) [FILL] 2 5 LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Sand, reddish brown and yellowish brown, moist, medium (CL) 3 3 5 [POSSIBLE FILL] 6 LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silt, brown and reddish brown, moist, medium (CL) 4 4 [GLACIAL TILL] 5 6 9 Pq (tsf) = 1.0 8 End of Boring at 8' 401 (10/01) WinLog v6.1.108 Copyright (c) 2016 River Valley Testing Corp Appleton Green Bay Madison Wisconsin Geotechnical, Environmental, and Construction Consulting TEST BORING LOG Drilling Method: HSA = Hollow Stem Auger FA = Flight Auger DM = Drilling Mud _X = AX, BX, or NX Coring Project: PROPOSED SPACE NEEDS STUDY Location: APPLETON, WISCONSIN RVT File No: N16-509 Page: Surface Elev: 780.2' Scale: GENERAL NOTES Water Level Symbol: WLD = Water Level During Drilling WLA = Water Level After Drilling WL = Water Level At 24 Hours WL = Water Level At Hours Sampling Method: SS = Split Spoon 3T = 3" Shelby Tube F = Flight Auger Sample B = Bag Sample P = Test Pit Sample CR = Core Recovery NSR = No Sample Recovery MH = Manual SPT Hammer AH = Auto SPT Hammer 1" = 1.5' 1 of 1 Boring No: 12-16 Laboratory Test Symbols: LL/PL = Liquid Limit/Plastic Limit P200 = Percent Passing #200 Sieve MA* = Mechanical Analysis Qu = Unconfined Compressive Str Pq = Hand Penetrometer Reading DD = Dry Density W = Moisture Content (by Weight) RQD = Rock Quality Designation * = See attached graph DRILLING NOTES Started: Depth (ft) 3/19/16 Completed: Blow Counts 0/6 6/12 Total (N) 3/19/16 Driller: GB/BB Field Classification and Remarks Note: [ ] Indicates Possible Geologic Origin ASPHALT PAVEMENT 5" Method: 3 1/4" HSA 0' to 6' (AH) Water Level Information Sample No. Type W (%) Laboratory Tests DD LL Qu (pcf) PL (psf) Other No WLD No WLA SILTY SAND, with Gravel, brown and grey, moist (SM) [BASE COURSE] 3 18" FILL, mostly Sandy Lean Clay, with Gravel, greyish brown and dark brown, moist, medium (CL) [FILL] 3 3 8 3 3 3 6 6 1 SS 2 SS 3 SS 4 SS Pq (tsf) = 2.0 Note: Seam of Silty Sand with Gravel encountered between 3' and 4 1/2'. 3 4 5 10 7 6 LEAN CLAY, with lenses of Silty Sand and a little Gravel, brown, moist, rather stiff (CL) [GLACIAL TILL] 7 9 17 Pq (tsf) = 4.5+ 8 End of Boring at 8' 401 (10/01) WinLog v6.1.108 Copyright (c) 2016 River Valley Testing Corp Appendix C Final Departmental Space Program values culture relationships… since 1909. OUTAGAMIE CO. DEPARTMENTAL SPACE PROGRAM CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges Register of Deeds Sheriff's Department WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT GENERAL GOVERNMENT: Coroner: Wulgaert, Ruth 1 Bartelt, Douglas 1 CORONER 150 150 225 158 158 CHIEF DEPUTY CORONER 0 0 0 0 0 X Krueger, Kim 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT / DEPUTY CORONER 50 48 48 48 48 X (4 cubicles shared by 6 occupants (4x48) James, Les 1 DEPUTY CORONER 0 192 192 192 192 4X McGlin, Michelle 1 DEPUTY CORONER 0 0 0 0 0 Donner, Shelley 1 DEPUTY CORONER 0 0 0 0 0 Wichman, Chris 1 DEPUTY CORONER 0 0 0 0 0 Robbins, Deb 1 DEPUTY CORONER 0 0 0 0 0 Miller, Jon 1 DEPUTY CORONER 0 0 0 0 0 CONFERENCE TABLE AREA WITH FILE CABINETS 220 220 220 220 220 COUNTERTOP WITH CUPBOARDS & SINK 100 100 100 100 100 STORAGE ROOM 120 120 120 80 80 DNSF SUBTOTALS 640 830 905 798 798 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.22 1.22 1.22 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 864 1,121 1,104 976 976 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 830 - 640 = 190 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 798 - 798 = 0 NSF CORONER SUB-TOTALS 9 Custom Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = 0% CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges Courts County Executive Zoning Financial Human Resources WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf X Guidote, Jr., Joseph 1 CORPORATION COUNSEL 300 300 300 305 305 Taylor, Patrick 1 ASSISTANT CORPORATION COUNSEL 160 150 150 163 163 X Janssen Aaron 1 ASSISTANT CORPORATION COUNSEL 170 150 150 180 180 X FUTURE 2025 0 ASSISTANT CORPORATION COUNSEL 0 150 150 0 0 X Meulemans, Rebecca 1 PARALEGAL 180 120 120 178 178 X Hurst, Lorri 1 PARALEGAL 170 120 120 180 180 X Lind, Stephanie 1 LEGAL SECRETARY 150 64 64 153 153 X VACANT 1 LAW CLERK 60 64 64 133 133 X WAITING ROOM 150 150 150 160 160 CONFERENCE ROOM (8 occupants) 170 170 150 168 168 FILES 100 100 100 100 100 DNSF SUBTOTALS 1,610 1,538 1,518 1,720 1,720 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.18 1.18 1.18 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 2,174 2,076 1,791 2,031 2,031 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 1,538 - 1,610 = -72 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 1,720 - 1,720 = 0 NSF 7 Custom OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT Corporation Counsel: CORPORATION COUNSEL SUB-TOTALS 48 sf Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 2 0% CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges County Board (Legislative Services) Register of Deeds Treasurer WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf X O'Bright, Lori 1 COUNTY CLERK 171 180 225 188 188 Hickey, Sara 1 DEPUTY COUNTY CLERK 143 150 150 147 147 OPEN Gitter, Lynette 1 CLERK STENO IV (Customer Interaction) 96 64 64 97 97 X CLERICAL STENOGRAPHER 0 128 64 0 0 X Level 1 (Ballot & City Records Storage) FILE ROOM 1012 1012 1012 528 528 X WAITING / LOBBY 224 224 224 217 217 Level 2 MAIN FLOOR COPY AREA 254 254 254 254 254 Level 2 MAIN FLOOR FILE 175 175 175 175 175 0 120 0 0 0 DNSF SUBTOTALS 2,075 2,307 2,168 1,606 1,606 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.14 1.14 1.14 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 2,801 3,114 2,472 1,831 1,831 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 2,307 - 2,075 = 232 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 1,606 - 1,606 = 0 NSF LICENSING CONFERENCE ROOM (meeting #3 needs to be shared) FUTURE COUNTY CLERK SUB-TOTALS 3 Custom OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT County Clerk: OPEN FUTURE 48 sf Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 3 0% CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges Financial Human Resources Corporation Counsel WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf Nelson, Thomas 1 COUNTY EXECUTIVE (meeting room and office) 425 425 300 421 421 Moser, Craig 1 DEPUTY EXECUTIVE ADMINISTRATOR 144 150 150 162 162 Abitz, Larry 1 ADMINISTRATIVE & COMMUNICATIONS ASSISTANT 80 96 64 80 64 FUTURE 1 INTERN WORKSTATION 0 48 48 0 16 See Shared Space Sheet COUNTY EXECUTIVE SUB-TOTALS 4 X X X RECEPTION AREA 200 200 200 200 200 COPY / WORK ROOM 100 100 100 112 112 LUNCH / BREAK ROOM 168 168 0 0 0 SUPPLY CABINET / COFFEE AREA 168 168 168 0 0 DNSF SUBTOTALS 1,285 1,355 1,030 975 975 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.33 1.33 1.33 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 1,735 1,829 1,370 1,296 1,296 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 1,355 - 1,285 = 70 NSF 975 - 975 = 0 NSF Custom OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT County Executive: Shared with Human Resources & Finance 48 sf McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 4 0% CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges County Executive Human Resources Corporation Counsel WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf X Massey, Brian (Private Office) 1 FINANCE DIRECTOR 168 300 225 183 183 Beauchamp, Julie, (Private Office) 1 CONTROLLER 144 120 120 139 139 X Schoultz, Nicole, (Private Office) 1 PURCHASING COORDINATOR 144 120 120 142 142 X Krahn, Tammy (Private Office) 1 RISK MANAGER 128 120 120 146 146 X Leeman, Lisa (Cubicle-Part Time) 1 ACCOUNT CLERK 64 64 64 64 64 X Treml, Jane (Cubicle) 1 ACCOUNT CLERK / RECEPTIONIST 64 64 64 64 64 X Jensen, Dan (Cubicle) 1 ACCOUNTING 64 64 64 64 64 X VACANT (Cubicle) 1 ACCOUNTING 64 64 64 64 64 X VACANT (Cubicle) 1 BUYER 64 64 64 64 64 X Shatters, Tina (Cubicle) 1 PAYROLL 64 64 64 64 64 X O'Brien, Colleen (Cubicle) 1 PAYROLL / ACCOUNTING 64 64 64 64 64 Millard, Lisa (Private Office) 1 PAYROLL COORDINATOR 100 120 100 87 87 VACANT (Cubicle) 1 VACANT DESK 64 64 64 64 64 COPIER AREA 25 25 25 25 25 X X X SCANNING STATION 64 64 64 64 64 Open Area. Annual Cleaning. FILE STORAGE AREA 50 50 50 50 50 SHARED with County Executive and Human Resources LUNCH / BREAK ROOM 0 0 0 0 0 COPY / WORK ROOM 0 0 0 0 0 RECEPTION AREA 0 0 0 0 0 DNSF SUBTOTALS 1,335 1,431 1,336 1,348 1,348 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 2.01 2.01 2.01 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 1,802 1,932 2,685 2,711 2,711 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 1,431 - 1,335 = 96 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 1,348 - 1,348 = 0 NSF SHARED with County Executive and Human Resources FINANCIAL SERVICES SUB-TOTALS 13 Custom OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT Financial Services: SHARED with County Executive and Human Resources 48 sf Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 5 0% CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges County Executive Finance Corporation Counsel WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf X Lux, Lisa (Private Office) 1 DIRECTOR 288 300 225 291 291 Hesse, Kariann (Private Office) 1 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SPECIALIST 160 150 120 172 172 X Golden, Cindy (Private Office) 1 HUMAN RESOURCES GENERALIST 144 150 120 140 140 X Gerrits, Yolanda (Private Office) 1 LEARNING & DVPT SPECIALIST 192 150 120 210 210 X Gatien, Janet (Private Office) 1 HUMAN RESOURCES GENERALIST 120 120 120 129 129 X Gosz, Monica (Cubicle-part time) 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 64 192 64 64 64 X Huelsbeck, Ann (Cubicle) 1 HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT 80 64 64 80 80 X Mogensen, Kari 1 HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR 0 0 64 92 92 X TRAINING ROOM / CONFERENCE ROOM #5 (20 occupants) 240 240 0 0 0 COPY / WORK ROOM 0 0 0 80 80 FILE AREA (place in file room below) 96 96 0 96 96 216 216 216 208 208 0 Badging / Testing Area - Includes File FILE ROOM SHARED with Finance & County Executive LUNCH / BREAK ROOM 0 0 0 0 SHARED with Finance & County Executive RECEPTION AREA 0 0 0 0 0 STORAGE CLOSET 64 64 64 64 64 DNSF SUBTOTALS 1,664 1,742 1,177 1,626 1,626 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.57 1.57 1.57 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 2,246 2,352 1,848 2,551 2,551 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 1,742 - 1,664 = 78 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 1,626 - 1,626 = 0 NSF HUMAN RESOURCES SUB-TOTALS 8 Custom OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT Human Resources: (See Shared Space Sheet) 48 sf Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 6 0% CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf Custom None Noted OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT Legislative Services/County Bd. X Nagler, Helen (Private Office) 1 COUNTY BOARD CHAIR 300 300 300 307 307 Janseen, Jolene (Private Office) 1 LEGISLATIVE MANAGER 144 120 150 154 154 Ciske, Kathy (Cubicle) 1 LEGISLATIVE SPECIALIST I 90 64 100 90 90 X Diehl, Sue (Cubicle) 1 LEGISLATIVE SPECIALIST II 90 64 100 90 90 X LOBBYIST 0 0 0 0 0 Wadium, Mark LEGISLATIVE SERVICES SUB-TOTALS 4 X COUNTY BOARD CONFERENCE ROOM 252 252 256 256 256 COUNTY BOARD ROOM 2330 2330 2309 2309 2309 MAILROOM 120 120 120 96 96 FILES 224 224 177 177 177 CLOSET 0 0 17 17 17 DNSF SUBTOTALS 3,550 3,474 3,529 3,496 3,496 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.28 1.28 1.28 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 4,793 4,690 4,517 4,483 4,483 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 3,474 - 3,550 = -76 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 3,496 - 3,496 = 0 NSF Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 7 0% CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER SPACE TITLE VENTURE EXISTING VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf Maintenance FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS Management Information Services (MIS): X DIRECTOR 204 300 225 204 225 GENERAL SERVICES OPERATOR (MAIL/PRINTING) 121 120 64 121 64 X MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES COORDINATOR 72 64 64 72 64 X 1 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES COORDINATOR 72 64 64 72 64 X Osterman, Melanie (Cubicle) 1 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES COORDINATOR 72 64 64 72 64 X Polakowski, Shane (Cubicle) 1 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES COORDINATOR 72 64 64 72 64 X Withall, Rick (Cubicle) 1 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES COORDINATOR 72 64 64 72 64 X Dachelet, Steve (Cubicle) 1 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES COORDINATOR 72 64 64 72 64 X Griffith, Jason (Cubicle) 1 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES COORDINATOR 72 64 64 72 64 X FUTURE (Cubicle) 0 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES COORDINATOR 0 64 64 0 0 Herron, Denise (Private Office) 1 NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR 140 150 150 140 150 X Network Admin (Private Office) 1 NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR 140 150 150 140 150 X FUTURE (Private Office) 1 NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR 0 150 150 0 150 X Stedjee, Amy (Private Office) 1 PROGRAMMER 112 120 120 134 120 Buman, Melissa (Private Office) 1 RECORDS MANAGEMENT / ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES SUPERVISOR 125 120 120 120 120 Tanglin, Tim (Private Office) 1 TELECOMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR 192 150 150 192 150 X Schreiber, Richard (Private Office) 1 TELECOMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN 72 64 64 59 150 X VACANT (Private Office) 1 TECHNICAL MANAGER 140 150 150 140 150 X Bowman, Gail (Cubicle) 1 REPROGRAPHICS OPERATOR (MAIL/PRINTING) 64 64 64 64 64 VACANT (Cubicle) 1 REPROGRAPHICS OPERATOR (MAIL/PRINTING) 60 64 0 60 0 Consultant (Private Office) 1 OUTSIDE VENDOR 112 120 120 112 120 Student (Works in Warehouse Space) 1 STUDENT 0 0 64 0 64 240 160 200 228 200 Vandennacker, Julie (Private Office) 1 Wendt, Verna (Cubicle) 1 Biese, Amy (Cubicle) 1 Peronto, Kent (Cubicle) Prefer in future that these are TWO separate areas FUTURE (shared) COMBINED?? (See Shared Spaces Sheet) 12 Students and 1 Teacher Main Area and Storage Room Store Full cases of stock paper BREAK ROOM / CONFERENCE ROOM COMPUTER ROOM 0 0 0 0 0 CONFERENCE ROOM 0 200 0 0 0 HELP DESK "OFFICE" NEAR HELP DESK AREA 0 192 0 0 0 HELP DESK RECEPTION AREA 336 336 0 336 0 RECEPTION AREA 160 160 160 178 160 MAIL PROCESSING AREA 264 264 264 264 264 MAIL SORTING / MAIL SLOTS AND COUNTER AREA 359 359 359 359 359 MIS TRAINING ROOM / MEETING ROOM #7 432 432 0 0 0 MIS WAREHOUSE 996 996 996 1101 996 OFFICE SUPPLIES AREA 96 96 96 96 96 PAPER STORAGE ROOM 875 875 875 875 875 Page 8 X X X X X X 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges ADJACENCIES: main area PRINT AREA NO. 1 540 540 540 540 540 Finishing Equipment Room / Sink PRINT AREA NO. 2 173 173 173 173 173 Hallway Paper Storage PRINT AREA NO. 3 136 136 136 136 136 Finishing Equipment - Additional PRINT AREA NO. 4 150 150 150 150 150 RECORDS CENTER ROOM NO. 1 1550 1550 0 0 0 RECORDS CENTER ROOM NO. 2 2465 2465 0 0 0 RECORDS CENTER ROOM NO. 3A 300 300 0 0 0 RECORDS CENTER ROOM NO. 3B 234 234 0 0 0 REPROGRAPHICS WORK STATION 25 25 0 0 0 SCANNING PREP AREA 132 132 25 132 132 11,449 12,009 6,077 6,558 6,206 1.35 1.35 1.39 1.39 1.39 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 15,456 16,212 8,447 9,116 8,626 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 12,009 - 11,449 = 560 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 6,206 - 6,558 = -352 NSF MANAGEMENT INFORMAION SERVICES SUB-TOTALS 21 DNSF SUBTOTALS GROSSING FACTOR Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 9 -63% WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges Management Information Services Sheriff Register of Deeds Treasurer WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf Custom OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT Planning: X Kara (Private Office) 1 PLANNING DIRECTOR 169 300 225 168 168 Johnson, Dave (Private Office) 1 ASSISTANT PLANNING DIRECTOR 121 150 64 121 121 X Bastian, Brad (Private Office) 1 GIS COORDINATOR 116 120 64 120 120 X Meulemans, Traci (Private Office) 1 GIS SPECIALIST 121 240 64 140 140 X Behling, Luke (Private Office) 1 GIS SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR 110 120 64 111 111 X FUTURE 2030 0 0 120 0 0 0 Intern (Private Office) 1 INTERN / LTE 88 120 100 93 93 Ljong, Mia 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 120 64 64 141 141 GIS STAFF X X STORAGE / CONFERENCE 0 0 120 147 147 SHARED with Zoning LOBBY / WAITING / FILING AREA 200 200 200 200 200 SHARED with Zoning PRINT ROOM 119 119 120 123 123 SHARED with Zoning STORAGE / BREAK ROOM / CONFERENCE ROOM 124 124 0 0 0 DNSF SUBTOTALS 1,288 1,677 1,085 1,364 1,364 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.65 1.65 1.65 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 1,739 2,264 1,790 2,257 2,257 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 1,677 - 1,288 = 389 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 1,364 - 1,364 = 0 NSF PLANNING SUB-TOTALS 7 Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 10 0% X X CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges Treasurer County Clerk Coroner Probate (Death Certificates) WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT Register of Deeds: X VanCamp, Sara (Private Office) 1 REGISTER 114 300 225 122 122 Strohmeyre, Natalie (Cubicle) 1 DEPUTY REGISTER 45 64 64 45 45 X Lison, Terri (Cubicle) 1 JUNIOR DEPUTY REGISTER 56 64 64 56 56 X Hammen, Mary (Cubicle) 1 LEAD CHAIN OF TITLE RECORDER 45 64 64 45 45 X Keehn, Mary (Cubicle) 1 ASSISTANT CHAIN OF TITLE RECORDER 51 64 64 51 51 X Lehr, Terry (Cubicle) 1 ACCOUNTANT 54 64 64 54 54 X Novak, Linda (Cubicle) 1 CLERK TYPIST III 48 48 48 48 48 X Romensesko, Sandy (Cubicle) 1 CLERK TYPIST III 53 48 48 53 53 X Roehrborn, Sue (Cubicle) 1 CLERK TYPIST III 53 48 48 53 53 X ABSTRACTOR'S BOOKS / WORK AREA 611 700 700 611 611 RECEIPTING STATION 45 45 48 45 45 X SCANNING STATION 46 45 48 46 46 X CONFERENCE ROOM 0 200 0 0 0 FUTURE (shared) HHS Level 1 REGISTER OF DEEDS SUB-TOTALS 9 Custom SUPPLY CLOSET 64 64 64 64 64 STORAGE ROOM 540 540 540 540 540 DNSF SUBTOTALS 1,825 2,358 2,089 1,833 1,833 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.70 1.70 1.70 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 2,464 3,183 3,551 3,112 3,112 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 2,358 - 1,825 = 533 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 1,833 - 1,833 = 0 NSF Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 11 0% CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges Register of Deeds Planning Zoning Finance WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT Treasurer: X Mumford, Dina (Private Office) 1 TREASURER 113 300 225 114 114 Drewa, Leah (Cubicle) 1 DEPUTY TREASURER 58 64 64 58 58 X Schultz, Scott (Cubicle) 1 PROPERTY LISITNG SPECIALIST 75 64 64 75 75 X Barrette, Ryan (Cubicle) 1 PROPERTY LISTER 73 64 64 73 73 X Bartels, Pat (Cubicle) 1 ACCOUNT CLERK II 75 64 64 75 75 X Behrendt, Darleen (Cubicle) 1 ACCOUNT CLERK II 69 64 64 69 69 X COPIER AREA 96 96 96 96 96 FRONT COUNTER ROOM 181 181 181 181 181 MEETING ROOM (6 TO 8 PEOPLE) 166 166 166 161 161 PAYROLL ROOM 107 107 107 107 107 SPARE WORKSTATION AREA 46 46 46 46 46 DNSF SUBTOTALS 1,059 1,216 1,141 1,055 1,055 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.95 1.95 1.95 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 1,430 1,642 2,245 2,060 2,060 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 1,216 - 1,059 = 157 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 1,055 - 1,055 = 0 NSF Downstairs TREASURER SUB-TOTALS 6 Custom Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 12 0% X CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf Register of Deeds FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS Veteran's Services: X LiDonne, Jon (Private Office) 1 104 VETERANS SERVICE OFFICER 193 150 225 191 225 Ley, Lisa (Private Office) 1 105 DEPUTY VETERANS SERVICE OFFICER 118 120 120 120 120 X George, Jean (Private Office) 1 106 VETERAN BENEFITS SPECIALIST 121 120 120 120 120 X Holst, Dan (Private Office) 1 103 VETERAN BENEFITS SPECIALIST 132 120 120 132 120 X VETERAN BENEFITS SPECIALIST 0 120 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 X adjacent to Int. Room/Miller, Barbara (Cubicle-half time) 1 102 VETERAN BENEFITS SPECIALIST / RECEPTIONIST 238 64 64 64 64 Hall, Karen (Private Office) 1 107 PROGRAM ASSISTANT 129 120 120 126 120 X Come to Meet the Clients 1 102 X Currently Shared with CJTS Currently in Corridor VA CONTRACTORS 120 120 120 64 120 8 BREAKROOM 200 0 0 108 0 108 WORK AREA 200 240 200 64 200 WAITING AREA (5-6 chairs) 230 160 120 64 120 (Combine with VA Contractors) FUTURE CLIENT SELF HELP TERMINALS 0 120 0 0 0 (Combine with VA Contractors) FUTURE INTERVIEW OFFICE 0 120 0 0 0 COPIER ROOM (Combine with work area) 140 0 0 0 0 STORAGE (Combine with work area) 80 80 0 0 0 DNSF SUBTOTALS 1,901 1,654 1,209 1,053 1,209 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.22 1.18 1.22 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 2,566 2,233 1,475 1,243 1,475 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 1,654 - 1,901 = -247 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 1,209 - 1,053 = 156 NSF OFFICE SUPPLIES, PAPER , ENVELOPES VETERAN'S SERVICES SUB-TOTALS 7 Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 13 -63% 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges Corporation Counsel Treasurer Register of Deeds Planning WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf Roach, Tim 1 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 180 300 225 188 188 Swanson, Steve 1 DEPUTY ZONING ADMINISTRATOR 173 150 150 212 212 ZONING STORM WATER ENGINEER 0 120 0 0 0 X X Roll, Lesley 1 SANITARY INSPECTOR 117 120 64 116 116 X Depies, Doug 1 SANITARY INSPECTOR 116 150 64 126 126 X Scherer, Patricia 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 100 120 64 132 132 X SURVEYOR ROOM 120 120 120 125 125 SURVEYOR ROOM 16 16 0 0 0 COMMON USE TERMINAL 4 4 4 4 4 ELECTRONIC STORAGE 0 120 0 0 0 0 Shared with Planning. See Planning. LOBBY / WAITING / FILING AREA 0 0 0 0 Shared with Planning. See Planning. PRINT ROOM 0 0 0 0 0 Shared with Planning. See Planning. STORAGE / BREAK ROOM / CONFERENCE ROOM 0 0 125 125 125 DNSF SUBTOTALS 826 1,220 816 1,028 1,028 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.33 1.33 1.33 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 1,115 1,647 1,085 1,364 1,364 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 1,220 - 826 = 394 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 1,028 - 1,028 = 0 NSF ZONING SUB-TOTALS 5 Custom OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT Zoning: 0 48 sf Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 14 0% CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges ADJACENCIES: OVERALL COUNTY: Shared Spaces: Planning / Zoning HHS Admin County Clerk HHS Admin (Noted in HR)HR FINANCE MLS 150 OCC/Divisible HHS -CYF HHS -CYF HHS -CYF HHS SHARED SPACES SUB-TOTALS MEETING ROOM NO. 1 (open shared) w/closet/kitchenette 0 0 225 759 759 MEETING ROOM NO. 2 240 240 300 334 334 MEETING ROOM NO. 3 (open shared) 340 340 300 348 348 MEETING ROOM NO. 4 (open shared) 336 350 300 244 244 MEETING ROOM NO. 5 0 0 200 257 240 MEETING ROOM NO. 6 0 0 300 254 254 MEETING ROOM NO. 7 0 0 0 416 416 MEETING / CONFERENCE ROOM NO. 9 0 3000 3000 0 3000 MEETING 0 400 0 0 0 MEETING 0 200 0 0 0 MEETING 0 200 0 0 0 BREAKROOM 1 (shared by HHS, Public Health, HHS-Mental Health & HHS-Admin) 0 0 1 112 400 BREAKROOM 2 (shared by CYS & Courts) 46 100 100 46 100 BREAKROOM 3 (shared by HHS-ARDC) 0 0 200 0 200 BREAKROOM 4 (shared by HHS-Economic Support & HHS-Child Support) 0 0 0 166 400 BREAKROOM 5 (CC, HR, FIN) 0 0 0 161 161 FIRST FLOOR LOBBY/SECURITY STATION/CIRCULATION 0 0 0 10,000 SECOND FLOOR LOBBY CORRIDOR 0 0 0 10,000 MECH AIR HANDLER ADDITION 0 0 0 0 6,000 RECORDS 0 0 0 2398 2398 RECORDS 0 0 0 1499 1499 HHS RECORD STORAGE 0 0 0 241 241 HHS RECORD STORAGE 0 0 0 292 292 HHS RECORD STORAGE 0 0 0 128 128 DNSF SUBTOTALS 962 4,830 4,926 7,655 37,414 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.25 1.25 1.25 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 1,299 6,521 6,158 9,569 46,767 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 4,830 - 962 = 3,868 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 37,414 - 7,655 = 29,759 NSF Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 15 769% WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head Corporation Counsel Human Resources County Executive (Several times daily) HHS - Fiscal Division HHS - System Support (Kathy) 64 sf FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS Finance Department (Important for Fiscal Division) HHS - Program Division HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES: HHS - Administration: Davis, Rosemary (Private Office) 1 DIRECTOR 221 300 225 238 225 X Rathman, John (Private Office) 1 DEPUTY DIRECTOR 266 300 225 288 225 X Dehart, Denise (Private Office) 1 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS COORDINATOR 98 100 100 96 100 Nelson, Tamra (Private Office) 1 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS COORDINATOR 103 100 100 102 100 Rasmussen, Linda and Administration Files (four 5-drawer laterals) 1 MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT 261 200 150 266 150 X Heitpas, Colleen (Private Office) 1 SYSTEM SUPPORT SUPERVISOR 180 200 150 180 150 X FUTURE 2017/2020 1 TECHNOLOGY COORDINATOR SUPERVISOR 98 200 100 0 100 X Herrick, Jenni (Private Office) 1 OFFICE SUPERVISOR 145 200 150 139 150 X FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 1 OFFICE SUPERVISOR 98 200 150 0 150 X FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 1 OFFICE SUPERVISOR 98 0 150 0 150 X Hohn, LaVonne (Cubicle) 1 CLERK TYPIST III 235 64 64 147 64 FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 0 0 100 0 100 X Smith, Laura (Private Office) 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 145 100 100 148 100 X Milke, Karen (Private Office) 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT 140 100 100 144 100 X FILES 100 100 100 106 100 WAITING ROOM 100 100 100 89 100 STORAGE CLOSET (combine storage) 28 0 0 28 0 STORAGE CLOSET (combine storage) 78 500 600 78 600 STORAGE CLOSET (combine storage) 126 0 0 118 0 STORAGE SHELVES (combine storage) 28 0 0 28 0 WORK ROOM 120 160 120 128 120 SEE SHARED SPACE SHEET CONFERENCE ROOM #2 216 350 0 0 0 FUTURE KITCHENETTE (catered) 0 100 100 0 100 North Buidling Level 4 FURNITURE STORAGE 0 0 0 0 0 Not Desirable old Humane Society. CONFIRM?? FURNITURE STORAGE 0 0 0 0 0 MAINTENANCE HALLWAY STORAGE 18 0 0 0 0 CONFERENCE ROOM #4 0 0 0 0 0 DNSF SUBTOTALS 2,902 3,374 2,884 2,323 2,884 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.353 1.32 1.353 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 3,918 4,555 3,902 3,060 3,902 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 3,374 - 2,902 = 472 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 2,884 - 2,323 = 561 NSF ` North Building Level 4 North Building Level 4 North Buidling Level 4 SEE SHARED SPACE SHEET HHS - ADMINISTRATION SUB-TOTALS 14 Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 16 119% X X X X 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER SPACE TITLE VENTURE EXISTING VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head HHS - Economic Support Division HHS - Mental Health Division (Including Children's CCS staff & Crisis) Corporation Council Courts Veteran's Service Office Register in Probate HHS - Children, Youth, & Families Division 64 sf FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS HHS - ALTS / ADRC: X Stratton, Tom 1 DEPARTMENT MANAGER 144 200 225 148 225 Elias Planner, Bonne (Private Office) 1 ADRC SUPERVISOR 85 120 120 86 120 Malone, Gayle (Other) 1 ADRC ASSISTANT 84 100 100 85 100 X Kriplean, Luanne (Other) 1 ADRC ASSISTANT 84 100 100 86 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ADRC ASSISTANT 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ADRC ASSISTANT 0 100 100 0 100 X Hurley, Megan (Open Office) Fenske, Brianna (Open Office) 1 1 Granger, Maureen (Open Office) 1 CLERICAL CLERICAL CLERICAL 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 X X X Hoh, Toni (Open Office) 1 CLERICAL 64 64 64 64 64 X Kilsdonk, Lisa (Open Office) 1 CLERICAL 64 64 64 64 64 X FUTURE 2020 (Open Office) 1 CLERICAL 64 64 64 64 64 Smith, Nicole (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY REINTEGRATION SPECIALIST (CRS) 100 100 100 108 100 X X X VACANT 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST SUPERVISOR 98 100 120 100 120 X Bolender, Leigh (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 98 100 100 95 100 X Brandt, Linda (Cubicle) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 80 100 100 80 100 X Gretzinger, Brenda (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 144 100 100 148 100 X Kinnard, Sue (Cubicle) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 110 100 100 121 100 X Reed-Seversen, Lorna 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 96 100 100 12 100 X Underwood, Lisa 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 88 100 100 59 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 DEMENTIA CARE SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 Rismeyer, Sara (Private Office) 1 1 LONG TERM CARE SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 DISABILITY BENEFIT SPECIALIST 85 120 120 85 120 X McBride, Sandra (Private Office) 1 DISABILITY BENEFIT SPECIALIST 90 120 120 112 120 X Thao, Xia (Private Office) 1 DISABILITY BENEFIT SPECIALIST 119 120 120 117 120 X Pierson, Nan (Private Office) 1 ELDER BENEFIT SPECIALIST 184 120 120 185 120 X Korth, Sara (Private Office) 1 ELDER BENEFIT SPECIALIST 90 120 120 90 120 X FUTURE 2020 1 ELDER BENEFIT SPECIALIST 0 120 120 0 120 X FUTURE 2030 0 ELDER BENEFIT SPECIALIST 0 120 0 0 0 Sterner, Karla 1 FOOD TRANSPORTER 0 0 0 0 0 Keller, Judy 1 FOOD TRANSPORTER 0 0 0 0 0 Glasheen, Barbara 1 FOOD TRANSPORTER 0 0 0 0 0 DeRuyter, Sharon 1 FOOD TRANSPORTER 0 0 0 0 0 Fleming, Steve 1 FOOD TRANSPORTER 0 0 0 0 0 VACANT 1 FOOD TRANSPORTER 0 0 0 0 0 Matthies, Ken 1 HOME HANDY PERSON 0 0 0 0 0 Ziegelbauer, James 1 HOME HANDY PERSON 0 0 0 0 0 Broeske, Betty 1 HOME MAKER AIDE 0 0 0 0 0 Scharenborch, Terri 1 HOME MAKER AIDE 0 0 0 0 0 Bayer, Mary 1 HOME MAKER AIDE 0 0 0 0 0 Gerritts, Terri 1 HOME MAKER AIDE 0 0 0 0 0 Hungerford, Debra 1 HOME MAKER AIDE 0 0 0 0 0 Seebruch, Laurie 1 HOME MAKER AIDE 0 0 0 0 0 Velie, Amy 1 HOME MAKER AIDE 0 0 0 0 0 Cloutier, Tammy 1 HOME MAKER AIDE 0 0 0 0 0 Monti, Renee 1 HOME MAKER AIDE 0 0 0 0 0 I & A Intake 1 I & A INTAKE (Information and Assistance) 90 120 120 90 120 X FUTURE 2020 1 I & A INTAKE 0 120 120 0 120 X FUTURE 2020 1 I & A INTAKE 0 120 120 0 120 X FUTURE 2030 0 I & A INTAKE 0 120 120 0 0 Page 17 X 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table 0 120 0 0 0 Jansen, Jan (Cubicle) 1 PSYCHIATRIC RN 132 100 100 132 100 Klitzke, Patti 1 SITE MANAGER 0 0 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 ADJACENCIES: I & A INTAKE 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head X Cameron, Gloria 1 SITE MANAGER 0 0 0 0 0 Davis-Harts, Mary 1 SITE MANAGER 0 0 0 0 0 Ruffi, Megan 1 SITE MANAGER 0 0 0 0 0 Ritchie-Holtz, Theresa 1 SITE MANAGER 0 0 0 0 0 Kuehl, Shannon 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 96 100 100 96 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 Guyette, Mary (Private Office) 1 SUPPORTIVE HOME CARE SUPERVISOR 108 120 120 104 120 12 FORMS 12 12 12 12 CLERICAL WORK AREA 64 64 64 64 64 North Building Level 2 CONFERENCE ROOM (8 Occupants) 163 200 225 166 225 Community Administration Building Level 1 North Building Level 2 WHEELCHAIRE/BROCHURE STORAGE CLOSET 19 20 20 13 20 Possibly Shared North Building Level 4 CONFERENCE ROOM A 20-40 Occupants - Non HIPPA 507 500 500 498 500 North Building Level 4 CONFERENCE ROOM B (15-20) Abuts HIPPA (if shared would need 2 Doors) North Building level 4 - 2 FUTURE (See Shared Sheet) North Building Level 4 527 500 500 508 500 INTERVIEW ROOM (2 x 120) 0 240 240 0 240 INTERVIEW ROOM (3 x 70) 70 300 0 93 0 BREAKROOM #3 24 200 0 0 0 North Building Level 2 KITCHENETTE 11 0 50 20 50 Community Administration Building Level 1 MEETING SPACE 162 0 0 159 0 North Building Level 2 STORAGE 88 0 0 80 0 STORAGE (combine storage rooms) 38 400 400 38 400 North Building Level 4 X X North Building Level 4 SUPPORTIVE HOME CARE STORAGE 98 0 0 104 0 North Building Level 4 WAITING ROOM 500 600 600 177 600 North Building Level 4 WORK ROOM 96 100 150 94 150 WORK ROOM (Combine with workroom above) 80 100 0 80 0 DNSF SUBTOTALS 5,048 7,300 6,630 4,629 6,510 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.596 1.63 1.596 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 6,815 9,855 10,358 7,566 10,358 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 7,300 - 5,048 = 2,252 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 6,510 - 4,629 = 1,881 NSF Community Administration Building Level 1 HHS - ALTS / ADRC SUB-TOTALS 58 Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 18 84% 64 sf 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER SPACE TITLE VENTURE EXISTING VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head Clerk of Courts Family Court Commissioner Circuit Courts HHS - Economic Support Corporation Counsel Sheriff's Department 64 sf FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS HHS - Child Support: England, Traycee (Private Office) 1 207 200 225 210 225 X Shaha, Dawn 1 ATTORNEY 0 200 225 0 225 X FUTURE 2030 0 ATTORNEY 0 200 0 0 0 Perry, Barbara (Cubicle) 1 ACCOUNT CLERK 99 64 64 64 64 X Collar, Nancy (Cubicle) 1 ACCOUNT CLERK 99 64 64 64 64 X FUTURE 2020 1 ACCOUNT CLERK 0 64 64 64 64 Vanden Berg, Jennifer 1 CHILD SUPPORT SPECIALIST 173 100 100 94 100 X Wells, Ross 1 CHILD SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 64 100 X SHARED: Jansen, Pat / Steingraber, Rhonda 2 ACCOUNT CLERK 99 100 64 48 64 CORPORATION COUNSEL ACCOUNT CLERK (shared) X 0 100 0 0 0 Mallet, Craig (Private Office) 1 CHILD SUPPORT SPECIALIST 100 100 100 104 100 X Young, Matt (Private Office) 1 CHILD SUPPORT SPECIALIST 90 100 100 91 100 X Kohlbeck, Chris (Private Office) 1 CHILD SUPPORT SPECIALIST 90 100 100 96 100 X Wojahn, Jill (Private Office) 1 CHILD SUPPORT SPECIALIST 90 100 100 96 100 X Schroeder, Kim (Private Office) 1 CHILD SUPPORT SPECIALIST 90 100 100 94 100 X O'Reilly, Robin (Private Office) 1 CHILD SUPPORT SPECIALIST 115 100 100 116 100 X Nikolai, Kevin (Private Office) 1 CHILD SUPPORT SPECIALIST 86 100 100 86 100 X Brooks, Christopher (Private Office) 1 CHILD SUPPORT SPECIALIST 130 100 100 86 100 Ellyson, Stewart (Private Office) 1 CHILD SUPPORT SUPERVISOR 161 120 120 149 120 X Trickle, Terry Ann (Private Office) 1 CHILD SUPPORT SUPERVISOR 154 120 120 163 120 X Tremi, Beth (Private Office) 1 CHILD SUPPORT SUPERVISOR 90 120 120 94 120 X Klapka, Jennifer (Private Office) 1 CHILD SUPPORT SPECIALIST 90 100 100 94 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 CHILD SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2030 0 CHILD SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 Cuyette, Danielle (Cubicle) 1 0 CHILD SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 0 0 0 CLERK TYPIST III 99 64 64 99 64 WORK ROOM 112 120 200 100 200 FILING AND STORAGE 432 200 200 432 200 FRONT SCANNING DESK, WINDOW, AND STORAGE 196 100 100 196 100 (see shared sheet) INTERVIEW ROOM NO. 2 (off lobby - shared with ES) 100 360 120 109 120 (see shared sheet) INTERVIEW ROOM NO. 1 (off lobby - shared with ES) 94 100 120 120 120 Court Commissioners Conference / Waiting Room CONFERENCE ROOM Share with Econ Support 240 0 200 0 200 In middle of the office Page 19 X X 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges ADJACENCIES: (see shared sheet) BREAKROOM #4 (off lobby - shared with ES) 0 200 0 0 0 KITCHENETTE 0 0 50 0 50 WORK ROOM (Combine with Work Room Above) 0 200 0 0 0 MAIL PROCESSING CUBICLE (removed) 70 48 0 0 0 OLD VAULT, OFFICE, STORAGE REFRIGERATOR 136 0 0 137 0 Space Near Kevin Nikolai STORAGE OFF OF INTERVIEW ROOMS 105 0 100 104 100 Shared with Econ Serv WAITING ROOM 216 0 0 0 0 DNSF SUBTOTALS 3,763 4,144 3,420 3,174 3,420 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.366 1.36 1.366 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 5,080 5,594 4,672 4,253 4,672 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 4,144 - 3,763 = 381 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 3,420 - 3,174 = 246 NSF FUTURE HHS - CHILD SUPPORT SUB-TOTALS 23 Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 20 65% WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER SPACE TITLE VENTURE EXISTING VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head HHS - Youth & Family Services Division Outagamie County Courthouse/Sheriff/Districti Attorney Appleton Police Department HHS - Mental Health Division HHS - Economic Support Division HHS - Long Term Support (Children's Unit) HHS - Public Health Division FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS HHS - Child, Youth, Families: Blom, Melissa (Private Office) 1 MANAGER 135 200 225 136 225 Kiesling, Kay (Private Office) 1 SUPERVISOR 105 120 120 101 120 X Sailer, Jennifer (Private Office) 1 SUPERVISOR 86 120 120 84 120 X Spulak, Rebecca (Private Office) 1 SUPERVISOR 140 120 120 144 120 X DeWilde, Sheri (Private Office) 1 SUPERVISOR 86 120 120 90 120 X Denson, Stephanie (Private Office) 1 SUPERVISOR 105 120 120 104 120 X FUTURE 2020 1 SUPERVISOR 0 0 120 0 120 X FUTURE 2030 0 SUPERVISOR 0 0 0 0 0 SUPERVISOR X FUTURE 2030 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cook, Alicia (Private Office) 1 AODA SPECIALIST 100 100 100 102 100 X Cocherl, Anne (Private Office) 1 HUMAN SERVICES SPECIALIST 80 100 100 90 100 X Reader, Barb (Private Office) 1 HUMAN SERVICES SPECIALIST 86 100 100 90 100 X Mickler, Dawn (Private Office) 1 HUMAN SERVICES SPECIALIST 105 100 100 92 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 HUMAN SERVICES SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 HUMAN SERVICES SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X Fernandez, Teresa 1 HUMAN SERVICES SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2016 1 HOME CONSULTANT 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 HOME CONSULTANT 0 100 100 0 100 X Thompson, Betty (Private Office) 1 HOME CONSULTANT 86 100 100 90 100 X Reindl, Heather (Private Office) 1 HOME CONSULTANT 90 100 100 91 100 X Salzman, Rebecca (Private Office) 1 HOME CONSULTANT 90 100 100 92 100 X Brown, Ruth (Private Office) 1 HOME CONSULTANT 90 100 100 91 100 X Lemke-Rochon, Andrea (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 102 100 100 99 100 X Dietz, Kaitlin (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 105 100 100 123 100 X Reimer, Beth (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 95 100 100 98 100 X Stapel, Brianna (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 91 100 100 91 100 X Wirtz, Bridget (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 86 100 100 83 100 X Raspor, Britney (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 102 100 100 0 100 X Xiong, Cindy (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 99 100 100 90 100 X O'dell, Kayla (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 86 100 100 86 100 X Scheuer, Emily (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 72 100 100 73 100 X Marsh, Erin (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 81 100 100 83 100 X Wesner, Heather (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 90 100 100 98 100 X Connolly, Janine (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 105 100 100 101 100 X Becker Gina (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 76 100 100 73 100 X Richter, Jody (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 86 100 100 90 100 X Kulick, Julie (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 68 100 100 66 100 X Labby, Regina (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 80 100 100 80 100 X Mueller, Megan (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 117 100 100 110 100 X Souza, Julie (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 72 100 100 93 100 X Kock, Kelly (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 90 100 100 92 100 X Rapp, Laura (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 86 100 100 90 100 X Hewitt, Lori (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 100 100 100 96 100 X Marmor, Maggie (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 81 100 100 82 100 X Cunningham, Marie (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 120 100 100 103 100 X Lee, Meng (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 72 100 100 73 100 X Page 21 64 sf 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER SPACE TITLE VENTURE EXISTING VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf SOCIAL WORKER 75 100 100 70 100 X Uitenbroek, Monica (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 95 100 100 93 100 X Leisgang, Quinn (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 76 100 100 77 100 X Kottke, Rochelle (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 114 100 100 116 100 X Favl, Sarah (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 96 100 100 93 100 X Fralish, Stacey (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 105 100 100 103 100 X Reigh, Cassandra (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 86 100 100 80 100 X Berg, Tina (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 64 100 100 68 100 X Seymour, Britney (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 0 0 100 0 100 X 2017 (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 0 0 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2017 (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 0 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 0 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 0 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 0 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 0 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 0 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 0 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 0 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 0 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 0 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2020 (Private Office) 0 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 0 0 0 Krauter, Katie (Private Office) 1 SOCIAL WORKER 0 100 100 114 100 Propson, Brooke (Cubicle) 1 CLERICAL 90 64 64 90 64 X Shide, Elizabeth (Cubicle) 1 CLERICAL 49 64 64 49 64 X Elhaney, Kristen (Cubicle) 1 CLERICAL 80 64 64 80 64 X Hendrix, Laura (Cubicle) 1 CLERICAL 74 64 64 74 64 X Tremi, Nicole (Cubicle) 1 CLERICAL 65 64 64 65 64 X FUTURE 2020 1 CLERICAL 0 64 64 0 64 X FUTURE 2020 1 CLERICAL 0 64 64 0 64 X FUTURE 2030 0 CLERICAL 0 0 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 Brown, Michelle (Private Office) 1 ADJACENCIES: 0 0 0 0 0 CLERICAL CONFERENCE ROOM (60 training; 30 face to face) 432 400 410 410 410 Ongoing CONFERENCE ROOM 210 200 225 209 225 Foster Care FAMILY ROOM 176 175 175 173 175 Human Services Building Level 2 FAMILY VISITATION ROOM A (30 face to face) 392 400 500 388 500 Human Services Building Level 2 FAMILY VISITATION ROOM B 176 200 150 177 150 Human Services Building Level 2 FAMILY VISITATION ROOM C 160 160 150 176 150 FUTURE FAMILY VISITATION ROOM D 0 200 225 0 225 FUTURE FAMILY VISITATION ROOM E 0 200 350 0 350 FUTURE OBSERVATION ROOM 0 300 225 0 225 Used for Storage 6th St. Entrance LOBBY WAITING ROOM 280 500 500 269 500 MAIN HALLWAY 768 0 0 586 0 BACK HALL VESTIBULE 72 0 0 72 0 Page 22 X 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: SEE SHARED SPACES SHEET FUTURE ELEVATOR VESTIBULE 128 0 0 198 KITCHEN / BREAK ROOM 121 400 0 0 0 CLERICAL WORK AREA 0 64 64 0 64 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges 0 Entrance 3, Level 1 CAR SEAT CLOSET 28 40 100 61 100 In Clerical CLERICAL STORAGE CLOSET NO. 1 33 1000 1000 40 1000 CLERICAL STORAGE CLOSET NO. 2 31 0 0 31 0 FOSTER CARE STORAGE ROOM 105 0 0 0 0 In Main Hallway 500 sf 6th St. Entrance BACK HALL / BATHROOM STORAGE 112 0 0 150 0 Diapers STORAGE CLOSET 38 0 0 48 0 STORAGE CLOSET 72 0 0 72 0 NEED FOR CLIENT URINAL ANALYSIS MALE TOILET ROOM 2020 0 50 50 0 50 NEED FOR CLIENT URINAL ANALYSIS FEMALE TOILET ROOM 2020 0 50 50 0 50 LABORATORY 2020 0 100 100 0 100 WORK ROOM NO. 1 87 240 240 0 240 WORK ROOM NO. 2 / MAIL ROOM 73 200 200 91 200 FILE ROOM 50 50 50 0 50 LIBRARY 45 70 70 0 70 DNSF SUBTOTALS 8,204 12,747 11,827 7,793 11,827 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.34 1.26 1.34 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 11,075 17,208 15,899 9,819 15,899 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 12,747 - 8,204 = 4,543 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 11,827 - 7,793 = 4,034 NSF Back Hall at 6th St. Entrance FUTURE 2020 HHS - CHILD, YOUTH, FAMILIES SUB-TOTALS 70 Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 23 89% WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER SPACE TITLE VENTURE EXISTING VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head HHS - Child Support Division HHS - Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC) FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS HHS - Economic Support: X Roland, Amy (Private Office) 1 MANAGER 114 200 225 111 225 Piotter, Amy (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SUPERVISOR 86 120 120 85 120 X Schrimpf, Vicki (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SUPERVISOR 81 120 120 81 120 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SUPERVISOR 0 120 120 0 120 X FUTURE 2030 0 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SUPERVISOR 0 120 0 0 0 (SHARED) Xiong, Kelly / Schocter, Erika (Private Office) 1 CERTIFIED APPLICATION COUNSELOR 124 100 100 124 100 X DeVine, Jill (Private Office) 1 CERTIFIED APPLICATION COUNSELOR 124 100 100 92 100 X Parsley, Laura (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST - LEAD 81 100 100 244 100 X Maynard, Mary (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST - LEAD 86 100 100 92 100 X Grube, Alicia (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 81 100 100 82 100 X Yang, Xee (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 81 100 100 81 100 X Dempewolf, Angie (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 86 100 100 92 100 X Vang, May (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 114 100 100 114 100 X Halvorsen, Lisa (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 90 100 100 90 100 X Stoffregen, Stephanie (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 86 100 100 86 100 X Franks, Tina(Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 81 100 100 81 100 X Lamers, Elvira (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 104 100 100 103 100 X Deininger, Evelyn (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 85 100 100 93 100 X Turba, Heather (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 77 100 100 81 100 X Nelson, Heidi (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 81 100 100 82 100 X Hanson, Jennifer (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 115 100 100 114 100 X Renwick, Cindy (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 81 100 100 81 100 X Elliot, Rhonda (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 77 100 100 82 100 X Watkins, Lisa (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 86 100 100 92 100 X Bush, Ryan (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 115 100 100 115 100 X Lemerand, Amy (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 81 100 100 81 100 X Rudolph, Charity (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 81 100 100 100 100 X Riley, Melissa (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 104 100 100 101 100 X Golding, Jessica (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 99 100 100 99 100 X Helton, Leslie (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 88 100 100 88 100 X Vang, Kathy (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 96 100 100 96 100 X Gustavus, Kerri (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 104 100 100 104 100 X Beffa, Ashley (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 86 100 100 92 100 X Milheiser, Yvette (Cubicle) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 90 100 100 88 100 X Seipel, Jessica (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 88 100 100 88 100 X Gonzalez, Amy (Private Office) 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 81 100 100 81 100 X Jensen, Ryan 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 99 100 100 99 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2030 0 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 0 0 0 Page 24 64 sf 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER SPACE TITLE VENTURE EXISTING VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 ECONOMIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 100 0 0 0 McCarthy, Kelly (Private Office) 1 STAFF DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST 90 100 100 91 100 Hurtado, Sandy (Private Office) 1 STAFF DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST 86 100 100 92 100 Vang, Kha (Private Office) 1 STAFF DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST 234 100 150 234 150 FUTURE 2020 1 STAFF DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 STAFF DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2030 0 STAFF DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST 0 100 0 0 0 DeBruin, Debbie (Private Office) 1 FRAUD INVESTIGATOR 90 100 100 94 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 FRAUD INVESTIGATOR 90 100 100 90 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 FRAUD INVESTIGATOR 90 100 100 90 100 X FUTURE 2030 0 FRAUD INVESTIGATOR 90 100 0 90 0 FUTURE 2020 1 CLERK TYPIST III 0 64 64 0 64 X FUTURE 2020 1 CLERK TYPIST III 0 64 64 0 64 X Gross, Cassandra (Cubicle) 1 CLERK TYPIST III 0 0 64 64 64 X Breyer, Ashley (Cubicle) 1 CLERK TYPIST III 0 0 64 64 64 X Verkuilen, Amy (Cubicle) 1 CLERK TYPIST III 85 64 64 85 64 X Champasak, Kaycec (Cubicle) 1 CLERK TYPIST III 100 64 64 100 64 X Reznichek, Diane (Cubicle) 1 CLERK TYPIST III 94 64 64 94 64 X Herminath, Ronna (Cubicle) 1 CLERK TYPIST III 136 64 64 136 64 X Lueke, Linda (Cubicle) 1 CLERK TYPIST III 77 64 64 77 64 X Verkuilen, Linda (Cubicle) 1 CLERK TYPIST III 130 64 64 130 64 X DeGroot, Norma (Cubicle) 1 CLERK TYPIST III 94 64 64 94 64 Interview Rooms Includes chairs for customers, a small tablePrivate and chairs for children, wall-mounted display racks for brochures and referral information, 6 CONTRACTED STAFF (2 in 100, 1 in 100, 3 in 100) 600 600 300 600 300 ECONOMIC SUPPORT / CHILD SUPPORT / WAITING ROOM (Shared) 756 800 650 756 650 0 192 150 0 150 ECONOMIC SUPPORT RECEPTION AREA 325 128 128 325 128 WORK AREA 90 90 90 90 90 100 FUTURE 2030 FUTURE 3 clerk typist work stations, receptionist/receiving windows, security monitor for interview rooms, copy machine, work areas, 0 ADJACENCIES: APPLICATION TERMINAL STATION KITCHENNETTE See Shared Sheet 0 100 0 400 0 0 0 0 64 64 0 64 CLERICAL / SCANNING / CHILD CARE WORK AREA 475 0 0 475 0 STORAGE / FILING AREA 110 500 500 110 500 STORAGE AREA 128 0 0 128 0 0 200 200 0 200 210 200 200 210 200 (shared with C.S.) CLERICAL WORK AREA FUTURE 2020 FUTURE 0 210 BREAKROOM # ONLINE APPLICATION ROOM (off lobby) interview non HIPPA MAIL, STORAGE, WORK AREA Page 25 X X X X 3X XX X 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: Across from system support along wall of offices SMALL STORAGE AREA WITH DOOR 43 0 0 43 0 SCANNING / WORK AREA 136 64 64 136 64 FILING / STORAGE AREA 54 0 0 54 0 CONFERENCE ROOM 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges 342 350 300 342 300 INTERVIEW ROOM (Sharing Room with C.S.) 0 500 0 0 0 FUTURE INTERVIEW ROOM (Sharing Room with C.S.) 0 750 0 0 0 DNSF SUBTOTALS 8,198 12,394 9,485 8,309 9,485 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.240 1.204 1.241 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 11,067 16,732 11,772 10,008 11,772 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 12,394 - 8,198 = 4,196 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 9,485 - 8,309 = 1,176 NSF 75 Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 26 28% 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf X FUTURE HHS - ECONOMIC SUPPORT SUB-TOTALS WORK STATIONS 5X 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head HHS - Co-Locate All Fiscal Staff HHS - Mental Health Division HHS - Administration Finance Department Treasurer's Office HHS - Aging & Long Term Support Division HHS - Public Health Division HHS - Children, Youth, & Family Division HHS - Youth & Family Service Division HHS - Economic Support Division FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS HHS - Fiscal: X Herrling, Kay (Private Office) 1 MANAGER FISCAL SYSTEMS 146 200 225 146 225 Schmidt, Janet (Private Office) 1 ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR 100 120 120 134 120 X Hurley, Susan (Private Office) 1 ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS SUPERVISOR 110 120 120 137 120 X Rich, Judy (Private Office) 1 ACCOUNTANT 108 100 100 103 100 X Hegner, Claire(Private Office) 1 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 0 100 100 100 100 X FUTURE 2030 0 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 0 100 0 0 0 Carlson, Jill (Private Office) 1 ACCOUNT CLERK III 140 100 100 128 100 X Thompson, Sherry (Private Office) 1 ACCOUNT CLERK III 125 100 100 124 100 X Krupka, Bonnie (Private Office) 1 BILLING CLERK 114 100 100 100 100 X Lillge, Sue (Private Office) 1 BILLING CLERK 153 100 100 100 100 X Manschot, Barb (Private Office) 1 CONTRACT TECHNICIAN 98 100 100 96 100 X FUTURE 2030 0 CONTRACT TECHNICIAN 0 100 0 0 0 X Lehman, Tori (Private Office) 1 HUMAN SERVICE SPECIALIST 100 100 100 100 100 Hoffman, Kathy (Private Office) 1 HUMAN SERVICE SPECIALIST 144 120 120 142 120 Swiechowski, Gail (Private Office) 1 PROGRAM ASSISTANT 98 100 100 94 100 X Brinkman, Teresa (Private Office) 1 PROGRAM ASSISTANT 98 100 100 96 100 X KITCHENETTE 60 100 50 60 50 0 0 0 0 0 BREAKROOM (shared with HHS Admin) CONFERENCE ROOM #4 138 200 0 0 0 SCANNING / PRINTER ROOM 127 120 120 126 120 On Shared Sheet On Shared Sheet WAITING ROOM (share with Admin) Shared HHS - FISCAL SUB-TOTALS 14 X 0 0 0 0 0 STORAGE ROOM? 127 120 120 127 120 WORK ROOM 120 120 120 120 120 DNSF SUBTOTALS 2,106 2,520 1,995 2,033 1,995 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.44 1.18 1.44 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 2,843 3,402 2,873 2,399 2,873 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 2,520 - 2,106 = 414 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 1,995 - 2,033 = -38 NSF Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 27 -9% 64 sf 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER SPACE TITLE VENTURE EXISTING VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head Corporation Council Courts HHS - Children, Youth, & Families Division HHS - Youth & Family Services Division HHS - Aging & Disability Resource Division HHS - Economic Support Division FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS HHS - Mental Health / AODA: X Bezier, Brian (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL DIRECTOR & MANAGER 152 200 225 152 225 Kellogg, Laura (Private Office) 1 AODA (Contracted) 116 100 120 116 120 X Dagitz, Angie (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST 117 120 120 117 120 X Buettner, Danielle (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST 116 120 120 116 120 X Rasmussen, Donna (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST / CRISIS 86 100 120 86 120 X Etter, Hannah (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST 117 120 120 117 120 X VACANT (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST 0 0 120 0 120 X Bertran, Mary (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 0 100 0 100 X Lor, Kevin (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST / CRISIS 86 100 120 86 120 X Cowell, Lauren (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST 95 100 120 95 120 X Ziegler, Danielle (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST 94 100 120 94 120 X Paschke, Kelly (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 103 100 100 103 100 X Young, Sheng Lee (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST / CRISIS 86 100 120 86 120 X Linna, Pennie (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST 107 100 120 107 120 X Dearing, Sarah (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST / CRISIS 86 100 120 86 120 X Kain, Sheila (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST 96 100 120 96 120 Teske, Kimberly (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST 117 120 120 117 120 Seefeldt, Terry (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST 107 100 120 107 120 X Cody, Tom (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST 102 100 120 102 120 X Dutton, Josh (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 161 100 100 161 100 X Gabriel, Melissa (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST 0 100 120 0 120 X Trucco, Bobbie (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST - CRISIS 86 100 100 86 100 X Bardwell, Carrie (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 107 100 100 107 100 X Christofferson, Chad (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 107 100 100 107 100 X McCabe, Gayle (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST - CRISIS 86 100 100 86 100 X Nyman, Kathy (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 107 100 100 107 100 X Renteria, Lindsay (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST / CRISIS 124 100 120 124 120 X Zaborowski, Brianne (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 101 100 100 101 100 X Luke, Kim (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 0 100 0 100 Vollmer, Katie (Private Office) 1 CLINICAL THERAPIST 0 0 120 0 120 FUTURE 2020 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2030 0 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SERVICES 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2020 1 COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2030 0 COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 COMPREHENSIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2020 1 CRISIS STAFF 0 100 120 0 120 FUTURE 2030 0 CRISIS STAFF 0 100 0 0 0 0 FUTURE 2030 0 CRISIS STAFF 0 100 0 0 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING LEVEL 1 FUTURE 0 CRISIS AREA 86 0 0 86 0 VACANT 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 0 100 0 100 VACANT (Shared Office) 2 BILINGUAL HEALTH AIDE 0 0 120 0 120 Page 28 X X X 64 sf 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER SPACE TITLE VENTURE EXISTING VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head CRISIS AREA 86 0 0 86 COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING LEVEL 1 FUTURE 0 CRISIS AREA 86 0 0 86 0 Stiebs, Lori & Dessens, Jessica (SHARED Private Office) 2 HARBOR HOUSE DVIP COUNSELORS 110 120 120 110 120 X Allar, Wendy (Private Office) 1 HOME CONSULTANT 101 120 120 101 120 X Shared Private office - 7 workstations - 7 file cabinets 7 HOME CONSULTANT'S OFFICE (7 x 48) 221 280 336 221 336 Mulder, Kari (Private Office) 1 INDIVIDUAL PLACEMENT & SUPPORT 76 100 100 76 100 X X COUNTY ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING LEVEL 1 FUTURE 0 ADJACENCIES: 64 sf 0 7X Russell, Shayla (Private Office) 1 MENTAL HEALTH COURT COORDINATOR 116 100 100 116 100 Bussing-Sutton, Sarah (Private Office) 1 DRUB AND ALCOHOL COURT COORDINATOR 116 120 120 116 120 Kirchner, Kate(Private Office) 1 MENTAL HEALTH COURT COORDINATOR INDIVIDUAL PLACEMENT & SUPPORT 0 100 0 100 Zeller, Kim (Private Office) 1 MENTAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR / CRISIS 154 120 120 154 120 X Van Ryzin, Judy (Private Office) 1 MENTAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR 107 120 120 107 120 X Anderson, Lisa (Private Office) 1 MENTAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR / CRISIS 121 120 120 121 120 X Steger, Michael (Private Office) 1 MENTAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR 117 120 120 117 120 X Marmor, Russ (Private Office) 1 MENTAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR 106 120 120 106 120 X FUTURE 2015 1 MENTAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR 0 120 120 0 120 X FUTURE 2020 1 MENTAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR 0 120 120 0 120 X FUTURE 2030 0 MENTAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR 0 120 0 0 0 X FUTURE 2030 0 MENTAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR 0 120 0 0 0 X Alby, Megan (Private Office) 1 PSYCHIATRIC RN 101 100 100 101 100 X Gritton, Lori (Private Office) 1 PSYCHIATRIC RN 107 100 100 107 100 X Schmuhl, Sari (Private Office) 1 PSYCHIATRIC RN 107 100 100 107 100 X Jannsan, Ashley (Private Office) 1 PSYCHIATRIC RN 150 100 100 150 100 X FUTURE 2020 (Office) 1 PSYCHIATRIC RN 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 PSYCHIATRIC RN 0 0 100 0 100 X Vegas, Barb (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY SUPPORT SPECIALIST 0 0 100 0 100 Dave, Dr. Indu (Private Office) 1 PSYCHIATRIST (Contracted) 116 120 120 116 120 X X Dave, Dr. Jagdish (Private Office) 1 PSYCHIATRIST (Contracted) 90 120 120 90 120 X Baldomero, Dr. Maria (Private Office) 1 PSYCHIATRIST (Contracted) 97 120 120 97 120 X Shekar, Dr. Chandra (Private Office) 1 PSYCHIATRIST (Contracted) 0 120 120 0 120 X Bales, Dr. Marshall (Private Office) 1 PSYCHIATRIST (Contracted) 101 120 120 101 120 X Dr. Musunuru (Private Office) 1 PSYCHIATRIST (Contracted) 0 120 120 0 120 X Cuaresma-Ambas, Dr. Milagros (Private Office) 1 PSYCHIATRIST (Contracted) 101 120 120 101 120 X Kerswill, Dr. Randy (Private Office) 1 PSYCHIATRIST (Contracted) 101 120 120 101 120 X Patil, Dr. Veerangouda (Private Office) 1 PSYCHIATRIST (Contracted) 96 120 120 96 120 X Hrizadk, Amie (Private Office) 1 PSYCHOLOGIST 110 120 120 110 120 X Valenti-Hein, Denise (Private Office) 1 PSYCHOLOGIST 110 120 120 110 120 X FUTURE 2015 1 ADVANCED PRACTICE NURSE 0 120 120 0 120 X FUTURE 2020 1 CASE MANAGEMENT 0 100 100 0 100 FUTURE 2030 0 CASE MANAGEMENT 0 100 0 0 0 FUTURE 2020 1 EVALUATION AND PSYCHOTHERAPY 0 120 120 0 120 FUTURE 2030 0 EVALUATION AND PSYCHOTHERAPY 0 120 0 0 0 FUTURE 2015 3 INTERNS (shared by 3) 0 120 100 0 100 FUTURE 2015 1 MEDIA HEALTH OFFICE 0 250 225 0 225 FUTURE 2020 1 INDIVIDUALIZED VOCATIONAL PLACEMENT SPECIALIST 0 100 100 0 100 FUTURE 2030 0 INDIVIDUALIZED VOCATIONAL PLACEMENT SPECIALIST 0 100 0 0 0 Cody, Nicole (Private Office) 1 SECRETARY 138 64 120 138 120 Mangold, Barbara (Cubicle) 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST 150 64 64 150 64 X Rosner, Cathy (Cubicle) 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST 150 64 64 150 64 X Schneider, Gina (Cubicle) 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST 150 64 64 150 64 X Safranski, Gwen (Cubicle) 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST 150 64 64 150 64 X Tess, Sara (Cubicle) 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST 150 64 64 150 64 X Van Vreede, Vicki (Cubicle) 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST 150 64 64 150 64 X Spiliski, Colleen 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST 0 64 64 0 64 X FUTURE 2020 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST 0 0 64 0 64 X FUTURE 2020 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST 0 0 64 0 64 X Derks, Heather (Cubicle) 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST - PART TIME 150 64 64 150 64 X Schultz, Cathy (Cubicle) 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST - PART TIME 0 64 64 0 64 X WORK ROOM / CRISIS 57 200 200 57 200 County Administrative Building Level 1 Page 29 X X X X X X X 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table CLERICAL WORK AREA BY 3 RECEPTIONS WINDOW (3 x 48) 0 64 144 0 144 CLERICAL WORK AREA BY OTHER CLERICAL STAFF 0 64 0 0 0 CRISIS PHONE CENTER 321 550 500 321 500 KITCHEN AREA / CRISIS 92 100 100 92 100 PHONE CENTER / CRISIS 410 550 500 410 500 County Administration Building Level 1 BATHROOM / TOILET / CRISIS 49 50 50 49 50 County Administration Building Level 1 CONFERENCE TABLE / STAFFING AREA / CRISIS 234 250 250 234 250 North Building Level 3 CRISIS / PRIORITY ACCESS MODEL APPOINTMENT ROOM (will go to staff offices) 124 0 0 124 0 North Building Level 3 PRINTER / CABINET AREA / CSP 95 100 100 95 100 North Building Level 3 KITCHENNETTE (10 occupants) 71 600 50 71 50 North Building Level 3 BREAKROOM # 0 0 0 0 0 FUTURE 2020 ADJACENCIES: FUTURE 2020 15 employees rotate shifts in this area, cover phones 24/7/365. There area 3 desks plus 1 future desk. County Administration Building Level 1 Existing (shared with ) 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges MENTAL HEALTH MEETING ROOM NO. 1 228 250 225 228 225 North Building Level 3 MENTAL HEALTH MEETING ROOM NO. 2 (Divisible) 311 300 300 311 300 North Building Level 3 MENTAL HEALTH MEETING ROOM NO. 3 (Divisible) 222 250 225 222 225 North Building Level 3 MENTAL HEALTH MEETING ROOM NO. 4 138 150 150 138 150 North Building Level 3 MENTAL HEALTH MEETING ROOM NO. 5 239 0 250 239 250 North Building Level 3 MENTAL HEALTH MEETING ROOM NO. 5 RESTROOM 42 52 0 42 0 North Building Level 3 NURSE'S MEDICATION ROOM / EXAM 118 240 240 118 240 North Building Level 3 NURSE'S SHOT ADMINISTRATION ROOM (secure) 94 140 120 94 120 North Building Level 3 NURSE'S SHOT ADMINISTRATION ROOM (secure) 0 0 120 0 120 North Building Level 3 OBSERVATION ROOM (NEXT TO ROOM 1) 96 100 100 96 100 North Building Level 3 TESTING ROOM 108 100 100 108 100 North Building Level 3 WAITING ROOM (for 30 people, physical separation between windows & seating) 600 900 900 600 900 North Building Level 3 WORK ROOM 200 300 300 200 300 0 600 600 0 600 10,689 16,100 15,614 10,689 15,614 1.35 1.35 1.50 1.50 1.50 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 14,430 21,735 23,421 16,034 23,421 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 16,100 - 10,689 = 5,411 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 15,614 - 10,689 = 4,925 NSF STORAGE HHS - MENTAL HEALTH / AODA SUB-TOTALS 101 DNSF SUBTOTALS GROSSING FACTOR Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 30 91% 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf 3X North Building Level 3 FUTURE WORK STATIONS Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER SPACE TITLE VENTURE EXISTING VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head HHS - Co-Locate Public Health & WIC Human Resources HHS - Administration Corporation Council HHS - ARDC HHS - Fiscal Division 64 sf FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS HHS - Public Health / WIC: X Dorn, Mary (Private Office) 1 PUBLIC HEALTH MANAGER 104 200 225 102 225 Biadasz, JoEllen (Private Office) 1 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SUPERVISOR 97 120 120 96 120 Cullen, Carey 1 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 73 100 100 70 100 X Randerson, Cathy 1 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 73 100 100 70 100 X Brylski, Cindy (Private Office) 1 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 95 100 100 91 100 X Volkman, Karen (Private Office) 1 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 96 100 100 96 100 X Mielke, Kris (Private Office) 1 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 100 100 100 100 100 X Ceccon, Sarah (Private Office) 1 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 98 100 100 94 100 X Rhone, Sarah (Private Office) 1 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 95 100 100 94 100 X Davis, Valerie (Private Office) 1 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE 95 100 100 85 100 X Shared Private Office 1 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES 131 100 100 132 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2030 0 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING 0 100 0 0 0 X Yang, Neu 1 HEALTH AIDES / WIC (closed office) 370 140 120 48 120 X Lopez, Carmen 1 HEALTH AIDES / WIC (closed office) 370 140 120 48 120 X VACANT 1 HEALTH AIDES / WIC (closed office) 370 140 120 263 120 X JUST HIRED (Private Office & Storage) 1 BREAST FEEDING PEER COUNSELER (closed) 204 100 120 217 120 X Legare, Kathleen 1 WOMEN, INFANTS, AND CHILDREN / WIC (closed) 0 100 120 0 120 X FUTURE 2020 1 WOMEN, INFANTS, AND CHILDREN / WIC 0 100 120 0 120 X Karmien, Sue (Private Office) 1 MATERNAL CHILD HEALTH SUPERVISOR / WIC 132 120 120 137 120 X Rentmeester, Melissa (Private Office) 1 NUTRUTIONIST / WIC 108 120 120 109 120 X Hein, Crystal (Private Office) 1 NUTRUTIONIST / WIC 108 120 120 116 120 X Oppelt, Judy (Private Office) 1 NUTRUTIONIST / WIC 108 120 120 115 120 X Wardlow, Chris (Private Office) 1 AODA PREVENTION SPECIALIST 103 100 100 100 100 X Koski, Ellen (Private Office) 1 COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATOR 108 100 100 97 100 X Berg, Cassy 1 COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATOR 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2020 1 COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATOR 0 100 100 0 100 X FUTURE 2030 0 COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATOR 0 100 0 0 0 X Beyer, Wendy 2020 1 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PLANNER 108 100 100 0 100 Vandeveld, Natalie (Private Office) 1 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SANITARIAN SUPERVISOR 100 120 120 96 120 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SANITARIAN 0 100 100 90 100 X ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SANITARIAN 0 100 100 0 100 X X Xiong, Sai 1 FUTURE 2020 1 Sonnenschein, Aric 1 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SANITARIAN 180 100 100 90 100 X VACANT 1 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SANITARIAN 63 100 100 60 100 X Groth, Trista 1 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SANITARIAN 63 100 100 60 100 X Grassman, Kathy 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST 107 64 64 116 64 X Hartfiel, Peggy 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST 87 64 64 85 64 X Davis, Serena 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST 87 64 64 85 64 X FUTURE 2020 1 SENIOR CLERK TYPIST 0 64 64 0 64 FUTURE 2020 1 1 STUDENT CONTRACT EMPLOYEE / WIC (Dual use between contract / student) PUBLIC HEALTH STUDENT (1 TO 3 STUDENTS) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SANITARIAN LAB MATERNAL CHILD HEALTH MEETING ROOM & STORAGE / WIC STORAGE / WIC NOW PUBLIC HEALTH CONFERENCE ROOM (40 occupancy) PUBLIC HEALTH ROOM with sink PUBLIC HEALTH TOILET NOW (in exam room) PUBLIC HEALTH EXAM ROOM (Health room above) PUBLIC HEALTH MEETING SPACE PUBLIC HEALTH REFRIGERATOR / MICROWAVE AREA PUBLIC HEALTH STORAGE 108 0 120 346 0 293 303 0 0 98 21 120 120 120 120 240 150 500 350 50 140 100 200 120 100 100 120 240 150 600 350 50 0 100 50 120 108 0 119 324 0 288 320 0 0 94 20 0 100 100 120 240 150 600 350 50 0 100 50 120 (near operations) (near operations) FUTURE Includes Restroom and Storage FUTURE FUTURE (sink) 2020 next to public health mgr (near operations) Carseat, Bicycle Helmet (near entry) Page 31 X X X 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table (near entry) ADJACENCIES: FUTURE 2020 FUTURE 2020 Chris Wardlow's Storage See Shared Sheet Shared HHS - PUBLIC HEALTH / WIC SUB-TOTALS 39 PUBLIC HEALTH STORAGE ROOM / INCLUDES WIC PUBLIC HEALTH WAITING ROOM / INCLUDES WIC (4 Units in Div) PUBLIC HEALTH INTERVIEW PUBLIC HEALTH WORK ROOM / FILE ROOM RESOURCE ROOM STORAGE OFFICE BREAKROOM #3 & 2 KITCHENNETTES WIC CLOSET (combined) WIC HEALTH ROOM / EDUCATION ROOM WIC HEALTH ROOM WIC WAITING ROOM (combine with Public Health waiting room) 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges 64 157 0 180 0 107 160 42 289 140 330 600 450 100 180 120 100 200 0 300 150 0 600 500 100 180 120 100 100 0 300 120 0 71 112 0 179 0 104 0 42 262 135 337 600 500 100 180 120 100 100 0 300 120 0 DNSF SUBTOTALS 6,711 8,506 8,021 5,477 8,021 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.398 1.35 1.398 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 9,060 11,483 11,219 7,394 11,219 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 8,506 - 6,711 = 1,795 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 8,021 - 5,477 = 2,544 NSF Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 32 142% WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER SPACE TITLE VENTURE EXISTING VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: Clerk of Circuit Courts Sheriff / Jail Court Commissioner 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head Circuit Courts: MOVED TO COURT COMMISSIONER'S PROGRAM (Venture has M. Roberts in this room) She's in - See P.C.C. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2053 2033 2022 2039 2073 2055 2086 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2052 2031 2021 2049 2078 2057 2080A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2051 2030 2020 2050 2079 2058 2080 1 1 2015-2018 2014 2065 2035 2009 2071 2076 2064 2002 2008 3.2.6 2048 2082 2019 2069 2090 2046/2047 2025/2026 2016/2017 2070/2071 2091/2092 JUDGE 1 JUDGE 2 JUDGE 3 JUDGE 4 JUDGE 5 JUDGE 6 JUDGE 7 JUDGE 8 JUDICIAL ASSISTANT 1 JUDICIAL ASSISTANT 2 JUDICIAL ASSISTANT 3 JUDICIAL ASSISTANT 4 JUDICIAL ASSISTANT 5 JUDICIAL ASSISTANT6 JUDICIAL ASSISTANT 7 JUDICIAL ASSISTANT 8 COURT REPORTER 1 COURT REPORTER 2 COURT REPORTER 3 COURT REPORTER 4 COURT REPORTER 5 COURT REPORTER 6 COURT REPORTER 7 COURT REPORTER 8 LAW CLERK 1 - BIG w/closet LAW CLERK 2 - SMALL CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH 1 CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH 2 CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH 3 CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH 4 CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH 5 CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH 6 CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH 7 CIRCUIT COURT BRANCH 8 SECOND FLOOR HEARING ROOM (Former Law Library) self help fam COURT COMMISSSIONER COURTROOM H (don't need jury box) COURT COMMISSIONER CONFERENCE ROOM H JURY ROOM 1/4 JURY ROOM 2 JURY ROOM 3 JURY ROOM 5/6 JURY ROOM 7 JURY ROOM A TOILET ROOMS 1/4 JURY ROOM 2 TOILET ROOMS JURY ROOM 3 TOILET ROOMS JURY ROOM 5/6 TOILET ROOMS JURY ROOM 7 TOILET ROOMS 48 sf Custom OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT If designed using McMAHON Office Standards JUDICIAL / LAW ENFORCEMENT: McGinnis, Mark Krueger, Nancy Metropulos, Mitchell Gill, Jr., Gregory B. Gage, Michael Biskupic, Vince Des Jardins, John A. FUTURE - In 10 Years Langr, Deb del Plaine, Sheri Dorsey, Paula Meitner, Donna Meitner, Jessica Johnson, Virginia Peterson, Gail FUTURE - In 10 Years Nagorny, Kara Utschig, Donna Flinn, Mary / Norby, Paulette (shared) Biese, Joan Johnson, Gloria H. Torres, Terra Ducoty, Heather FUTURE (need to be adjacent to judges) Dryssen, Lynn (need to be adjacent to judges) McNeill, Naomi 64 sf 295 305 300 305 365 315 280 0 86 73 61 65 70 70 96 0 85 90 112 95 110 85 110 0 0 0 1420 1715 1315 1370 1345 1380 1570 0 920 0 122 264 300 255 290 285 44 44 44 44 44 Page 33 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 1800 2650 920 0 120 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 100 100 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2300 2000 920 0 120 400 400 400 400 400 100 100 100 100 100 208 214 303 308 373 314 279 0 136 133 112 136 121 133 102 0 99 87 112 96 118 83 119 0 266 115 1417 1750 1345 1381 1372 1397 1562 0 793 0 119 260 280 256 292 291 83 42 46 46 46 208 214 303 308 373 314 279 0 136 133 112 136 121 133 102 0 99 87 112 96 118 83 119 0 266 115 1417 1750 1345 1381 1372 1397 2300 0 793 0 119 260 280 256 292 291 83 42 46 46 46 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 2081 2054 2033 2024 2039 2072 2056 2088 move books out 2008 2038/2075 2006/2062 2037/2075 2067 CIRCUIT COURTS SUB-TOTALS 23 CHILD SUPPORT / SHERIFF ROOM? CONFERENCE ROOM (multi conf rooms) 2004, 2005, 2101, 2102 VIDEO COURTROOM (use 2008 2nd Floor Hearing Room) COURT REPORTER SUPPLY ROOM JUDGE 1 TOILET ROOM JUDGE 2 TOILET ROOM JUDGE 3 TOILET ROOM JUDGE 4 TOILET ROOM JUDGE 5 TOILET ROOM JUDGE 6 TOILET ROOM JUDGE 7 TOILET ROOM JUDGE 8 TOILET ROOM LEGAL RESEARCH ROOM SELF HELP CENTER - use Hearing Room 2008 IT CLOSET COURTROOM PUBLIC WAITING AREA (In Gross up Factor-Corridors) JANITOR CLOSETS HOLDING CELLS COPY ROOM STORAGE - 2093, 2034, 2085 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges 0 82 800 115 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 0 0 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 1920 920 120 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 200 400 300 1120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 0 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 314 0 116 23 21 21 23 23 21 23 0 0 0 140 0 137 114 79 170 0 314 0 116 23 21 21 23 23 21 23 0 0 0 140 0 137 114 79 170 17,445 31,630 26,730 17,970 18,708 1.35 1.35 1.58 1.329 1.58 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 23,551 42,701 42,233 23,882 29,559 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 31,630 - 17,445 = 14,185 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 18,708 - 17,970 = 738 NSF DNSF SUBTOTALS GROSSING FACTOR Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 34 5% WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges Courts Court Commissioner Sheriff / Jail District Attorney WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT Clerk of Courts: Bocik, Barb Leith, Diane Nysted, Curt 3 Cubicles Cubicle 16 Cubicles Kaufman, Alissa & Mann, Toni - 2 Cubicles 4 Cubicles FUTURE (Current Load) FUTURE (Circuit Court Branch 8) FUTURE (Current Load) 1 1 1 3 1 16 2 4 1 0 2 1072 1075 1058 1076 1077 1077 1074 1077 1073 1077 1077 1053 1057 1078 1069A 1069B 1077A 1080 CLERK OF COURTS SUB-TOTALS 32 Custom CLERK OF COURTS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT / CHIEF DEPUTY FINANCIAL OPERATIONS MANAGER ACCOUNT CLERK (3 x 48) RECORDS CLERK DEPUTY COURT CLERK (16 x 64) CASHIER (2 x 64) CLERK TYPIST (4 x 64) CLERK TYPIST DEPUTY COURT CLERK DEPUTY COURT CLERK CLERK OF COURTS LOBBY RECORDS STORAGE (where) FINANCIAL STORAGE EXHIBIT ROOM SUPPLIES STORAGE PUBLIC FILE VIEWING AREA CHILD SUPPORT CUBICLE STATE PATROL STATION SCANNING STATION PRINTER X 250 130 200 300 50 750 200 200 0 0 0 350 970 190 170 180 430 50 50 0 0 250 130 120 144 48 960 128 256 64 64 64 350 970 190 200 180 430 48 48 100 0 225 150 120 144 48 1024 128 256 64 0 128 350 970 190 200 180 430 48 48 0 0 223 207 199 341 50 750 167 200 0 0 0 377 970 190 252 180 468 48 48 100 41 223 207 199 341 50 750 167 200 64 0 128 377 970 190 252 180 468 48 48 100 41 DNSF SUBTOTALS 4,470 4,744 4,703 4,811 5,003 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.68 1.68 1.68 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 6,035 6,404 7,901 8,082 8,405 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 4,744 - 4,470 = 274 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 5,003 - 4,811 = 192 NSF Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 35 70% ` X X XXX X 16x XX XXXX X XX X X CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges Clerk of Courts Jail District Attorney WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head Figy, Brian Enil, Janice Hernandez, Sherry Inside Courtroom Outside Courtroom Roberts-Budiac, Maureen 1 1 1 1 NON Contact COURT COMMISSIONER SUB-TOTALS 4 1051 1061 1049 1060B 1060A 3.2.6 1063 1050 1049A 1062 1066 & 1067 1064/1065 48 sf Custom OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT Court Commissioner: (Venture has her tallied in Circuit Courts) Roberts, Maureen 64 sf COURT COMMISSIONER ASSISTANT COURT COMMISSIONER (in HHS Building) COURT REPORTER JUDICIAL ASSISTANT COURT COMMISSIONER CONFERENCE ROOM COURT COMMISSIONER CONFERENCE ROOM ASSISTANT COURT COMMISSIONER COURTROOM COURT COMMISSIONER COURTROOM COURT COMMISSIONER TOILET WAITING AREA STORAGE ATTORNEY CONFERENCE HOLDING CELLS (2) X X 200 0 100 50 66 60 1426 1475 30 80 36 50 0 500 0 100 100 120 120 1800 1500 50 80 36 120 0 225 225 120 100 120 120 1000 1500 50 80 50 120 120 286 346 100 48 66 60 1371 1494 31 70 37 51 109 286 150 100 48 66 60 1000 1494 31 70 37 51 109 DNSF SUBTOTALS 3,573 4,526 3,830 4,069 3,502 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.28 1.28 0.84 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 4,824 6,110 4,902 5,208 2,942 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 4,526 - 3,573 = 953 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 3,502 - 4,069 = -567 NSF Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 36 -59% X X X CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER SPACE TITLE VENTURE EXISTING VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head All Courts Clerk of Courts Jail 64 sf 48 sf Custom FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS District Attorney: Schneider, Carrie (Private Office) Kuepper, Carrie (Private Office) Zhang, Kim (Private Office) Buruin, Zak (Private Office) Tombasco, Dan (Private Office) Sargent, Kyle (Private Office) Stertz, Chuck (Private Office) Duros, Alex (Private Office) Tempelis, Melinda (Private Office) Glad, Darrin (Private Office) Sager, Robert (Private Office) Hahn, Peter (Private Office) FUTURE 2016 Seidl, Jenny (Cubicle) Kate (Cubicle) Van Lieshout, Janet (Cubicle) Vincent, Marjoree (Cubicle) Hahn, Cherie (Cubicle) Sauter, Jaime (Cubicle) Maaltta, Lisa (Cubicle) Still, Jennifer (Cubicle) Newhouse, Barbara (Cubicle) Thornton, Colleen (Cubicle) FUTURE (4 Cubicles) FUTURE (Private Office) Sandy Morrow, Jean (Cubicle) Black, Paul (Private Office) Flood, Bill (Private Office Jens, Stephanie (Private Office) McSherry, Jean (Private Office) Stephanie, Emily (Private Office) FUTURE 2016 Kim (Cubicle) VACANT VACANT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1018 1019 1006 1015 1022 1024 1014 1012 1020 1099 1023 1031 1021 1021 1021 1021 1021 1021 1021 1021 1010 1101 1004 1005 1009 10175 1004 1021 DISTRICT ATTORNEY OFFICE SUPERVISOR ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY ASSISTANT DISTRICT ATTORNEY (6 x 140 / 5 x 120) LEGAL SECRETARY I LEGAL SECRETARY I LEGAL SECRETARY II LEGAL SECRETARY II LEGAL SECRETARY II LEGAL SECRETARY II LEGAL SECRETARY II LEGAL SECRETARY II PARALEGAL / LEGAL SECRETARY II PARALEGAL / LEGAL SECRETARY II LEGAL SECRETARY III (4 X 64) 2016 OFFICE INVESTIGATOR (2 X 140 / 1 X 120) 2016 PUBLIC SERVICE SPECIAL PROSECUTOR RECORDS CLERK / RECEPTIONIST / REFERRAL FILES / SCANNER SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR (with 2 or 3) SPECIAL INVESTIGATOR VICTIM WITNESS COORDINATOR VICTIM WITNESS COORDINATOR should be private VICTIM WITNESS SPECIALIST shared VICTIM WITNESS STAFF ( 2 X 110 / 1 X 100) DIVERSION COORDINATOR SUMMER INTERNS (2 X 48) YEAR ROUND INTERN (1 X 48) in public space 288 180 115 143 120 117 117 88 156 130 156 110 0 48 90 48 56 56 56 48 56 56 56 0 0 84 110 176 91 144 72 81 0 84 70 84 Page 37 300 180 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 840 64 100 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 256 280 140 64 180 140 144 120 120 220 64 96 96 300 150 120 120 120 120 120 120 150 120 120 120 600 64 100 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 256 120 120 100 150 120 150 120 120 100 100 0 48 271 153 113 81 126 108 97 97 133 142 133 110 0 48 90 48 56 56 56 48 56 56 56 0 0 84 160 152 64 140 92 74 0 64 70 84 300 150 120 120 120 120 120 120 150 120 120 120 600 64 100 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 256 120 120 100 150 120 150 120 120 100 100 0 48 X X X X X X X X X X X X 5X X X X X X X X X X X XXXX X X X X X X X X X X X CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table (In hallway now) ADJACENCIES: 1021 1011 1003 1025 1017 1003A DISTRICT ATTORNEY SUB-TOTALS 41 COPIER AREA COPIER ROOM / SUPPLY STORAGE / SERVER STORAGE (Currently in Courtroom H) STORAGE (Combine w/500) WAITING PUBLIC SERVICE SPACE / MEETING ROOM (14 staff once a week) LUNCH AREA / MEETING ROOM (4-12) MAIL AREA SINK / COFFEE AREA SUPPLY AREA VICTIM WITNESS ROOM VICTIM WITNESS TOILET FILES WAR ROOM (Confidential Files) - Meeting Room 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges 63 180 288 112 144 320 187 120 48 115 144 0 0 0 70 300 500 0 200 360 180 120 50 0 200 50 250 180 64 300 500 0 200 300 225 120 50 0 150 0 250 225 63 123 282 96 113 313 166 0 0 0 112 0 0 0 64 300 500 0 200 300 225 120 50 0 150 0 250 225 DNSF SUBTOTALS 5,007 7,776 6,844 4,386 6,844 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.405 1.352 1.405 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 6,759 10,498 9,616 5,930 9,616 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 7,776 - 5,007 = 2,769 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 6,844 - 4,386 = 2,458 NSF Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 38 89% WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 911 Communications Center Sheriff 64 sf FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS Emergency Management: Van Schyndel, Lisa (Private Office) (shared) Kieder, Paula (shared) Hansen, Steve (shared) Olson, Rob FUTURE FUTURE CURRENTLY SHARED WITH SHERIFF TRAINING ROOM 1 1 1 1 1 1 G009 G006 G006 G006 G018 G017 CONFIRM SIZE G035 See Shared Space Sheet Currently part of staff space. Includes copier and shared resources. Includes Outreach Area Outdoors G021 256 150 150 150 150 64 2000 240 200 120 320 120 600 0 225 150 120 120 120 64 2225 100 120 75 0 60 250 0 120 276 0 0 0 0 623 218 0 44 0 0 160 0 225 150 120 120 120 64 2225 100 120 75 0 60 250 0 0 0 0 0 0 400 600 0 0 0 DNSF SUBTOTALS 1,797 5,120 3,629 1,441 3,629 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.277 1.166 1.277 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 2,426 6,912 4,634 1,680 4,634 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 5,120 - 1,797 = 3,323 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 3,629 - 1,441 = 2,188 NSF LARGE STORAGE AREA 6 X 48 48 48 48 0 0 608 240 0 46 150 0 161 0 INTERNAL STORAGE (garage) heated storage shed (off site) For Mobile Emergency Response Unit Trailer, and Portable Siren. For Emergency Response Supplies that is Currently Stored in Penthouse and Zebra 12. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SUB-TOTALS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR DEPUTY EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR EP CRA PLANNER EXERCISE & TRAINING COORDINATOR EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT STAFF COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM VOLUNTEER EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC) (divisible) 1000 EA EOC EXECUTIVE / POLICY MAKER CONFERENCE ROOM (county exec & 3 others) EOC PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER ROOM (3/4 laptops / phone) EOC STORAGE ROOM (tables) BREAKROOM # ? OFFICE PRINT & WORK AREA OFFICE STORAGE AREA (currently in Corr Rm G021) WORK VEHICLE PARKING SPACE Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 39 66% X X X X X X X 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head Family Court Program Clerk of Courts Sheriff's Dept. / Security Office Child Support 64 sf 48 sf FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS Family Court Commissioner: Mark Roland, Richard Hietpas, Becky Koran, Cindy(Cubicle) Mindy (Cubicle) Vince, Christophe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1039 2011 1043A 1043A 1043A 2012 1042 (REVIEW AGAIN) 1043 FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER SUB-TOTALS 6 FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER ASSISTANT FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER (part time) COURT REPORTER (shared) JUDICIAL ASSISTANT / RECEPTIONIST (shared) JUDICIAL ASSISTANT (shared) VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR ATTORNEY CONFERENCE ROOM (4 x 120 / 2 x 100) FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER'S COURTROOM FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER'S COURTROOM FRONT ENTRANCE / LOBBY / COURTROOM WAITING AREA (2 x 140) FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER TOILET (2 x 50) WORK / FILE STORAGE X 250 0 96 0 0 0 0 390 0 100 0 0 500 500 120 120 120 120 480 1200 1200 280 100 0 225 120 64 64 64 48 200 1000 1000 280 0 100 270 0 115 0 0 0 0 393 0 94 0 0 225 120 64 64 64 48 200 1000 1000 280 0 100 DNSF SUBTOTALS 836 4,740 3,165 872 3,165 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.38 1.06 1.38 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 1,129 6,399 4,368 924 4,368 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 4,740 - 836 = 3,904 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 3,165 - 872 = 2,293 NSF Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 40 59% X X X X X Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head Family Court Commissioner Clerk of Courts Circuit Courts Child Support FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS Family Court Program: Barczak, Barbara (Private Office) Rendall, Heidi (Private Office) Knutson, Eric (Private Office) Van Dyke, Amanda (Private Office) Schroth, Paul (Private Office) Schroeder, Lynn (Private Office) Krause, Kathy (Private Office) FUTURE 2030 ideally share with F.C.C. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FUTURE 2020 FUTURE 2020 FAMILY COURT PROGRAM SUB-TOTALS 7 DIRECTOR / SUPERVISOR FAMILY COURT PROGRAM PROFESSIONAL COUNSELOR IV / MEDIATION ROOM PROFESSIONAL COUNSELOR V PROFESSIONAL COUNSELOR V SOCIAL WORKER V SOCIAL WORKER V CLERK / TYPIST III / RECEPTIONIST MEDIATOR / EVALUATOR (FULL TIME) (works part time) MAIN RECEPTION / WAITING AREA (10 with separation space) SECOND WAITING ROOM (6 occupants) FILE ROOM WORK AREA MEDIATION ROOM MEDIATION ROOM X 102 122 97 95 92 99 100 0 221 52 68 82 0 0 150 120 120 120 120 120 100 120 300 120 100 120 150 150 225 120 120 120 120 120 100 0 200 120 100 100 150 150 104 91 109 93 84 88 85 0 161 38 43 63 0 0 225 120 120 120 120 120 100 0 200 120 100 100 150 150 DNSF SUBTOTALS 1,130 1,910 1,745 959 1,745 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.429 1.37 1.429 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 1,526 2,579 2,494 1,314 2,494 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 1,910 - 1,130 = 780 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 1,745 - 959 = 786 NSF Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 41 101% X X X X X X 64 sf 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf Courts FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS Register in Probate: Lutz, Sue (Private Office) Wilharms, Lisa (Cubicle) Busse, Lynn (Cubicle) Susan (Cubicle) FUTURE 1 1 1 1 1 FUTURE FUTURE (shared space) REGISTER IN PROBATE SUB-TOTALS 5 PROBATE REGISTRAR DEPUTY PROBATE REGISTRAR DEPUTY PROBATE REGISTRAR PROBATE CLERK PROBATE CLERK (within 5 years) FILING AREA (HD Files) H.D. KICHENETTE/FILE/SMALL STORAGE CLOSET WAITING AREA / FRONT COUNTER SAFE (Fire Proof) CONFERENCE ROOM (sharing is OK) long term storage in Shared Area (Basement with D.A.) X 190 45 54 45 0 315 73 51 0 0 300 48 48 48 48 500 80 120 60 120 225 48 48 48 48 400 50 120 60 0 189 48 48 48 0 204 82 51 0 0 225 48 48 48 48 400 50 120 60 0 DNSF SUBTOTALS 773 1,372 1,047 670 1,047 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.59 1.642 1.59 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 1,044 1,852 1,665 1,100 1,665 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 1,372 - 773 = 599 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 1,047 - 670 = 377 NSF Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 42 63% X X X X Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER SPACE TITLE VENTURE EXISTING VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf ADJACENCIES: FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS Sheriff Off-Site: Gehring, Brad (Private Office) Kiesner, Dave (Private Office) Besaw, Corey (Private Office) Doerfler, Lisa (Private Office) Jobe Michael (Private Office) Leski, Donna (Private Office) Proietti, Chris (Private Office) Hammen, Terry (Private Office) Borman (Private Office) Lee (Private Office) Linskens (Private Office) Oligney (Private Office) Fitzpatrick (Private Office) Hammen, Chris (Private Office) Future 2016 Future 2020 Future 2030 Future 2030 Future 2030 Future 2030 Hollman (Private Office) Sykes, Missy (Private Office) Future 2020 Schultz, Janet (Private Office) (cubicles) Future 2016 Future 2020 Future 2030 Future 2020 Future 2030 (currently shared with E.O. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 1 0 0 0 1036 1032 G006 1030 1029 1027 G012 G013 G014 G014 G014 G079 G005 G004 G014 G026 G020 G003 G039 G021 G021 1037 G018 G081 G015 G016 FUTURE FUTURE G038/G040 G019 G078 G041 G074 SHERIFF w/ closet (36) CAPTAIN (Jail) (Will Move To Jail) (no longer part of project) CAPTAIN (Patrol) ACCOUNTANT UNDERSHERIFF SECRETARY LIEUTENANT (Patrol) LIEUTENANT (investigations) INVESTIGATOR INVESTIGATOR INVESTIGATOR INVESTIGATOR INVESTIGATOR INVESTIGATOR INVESTIGATOR INVESTIGATOR INVESTIGATOR INVESTIGATOR INVESTIGATOR INVESTIGATOR MANAGEMENT ASSISTANT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES COORDINATOR MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES COORDINATOR CIVIL PROCESS STAFF SERGEANT 1 6 SERGEANTS (6 X 64) STAFF SERGEANT 2 STAFF SERGEANT 3 STAFF SERGEANT 4 STAFF SERGEANT 5 STAFF SERGEANT 6 RECORDS MANAGEMENT CLERK (5 x 48) RECORDS MANAGEMENT CLERK RECORDS MANAGEMENT CLERK RECORDS MANAGEMENT CLERK OFFICE / COMPUTER TERMINAL OFFICE / COMPUTER TERMINAL SHERIFF CONFERENCE ROOM TRAINING ROOM CONFERENCE ROOM (off lobby) INTERVIEW ROOM (recording) INTERVIEW ROOM (recording) INTERVIEW ROOM (softer couch) RECORDING INTERVIEW ROOM EQUIPMENT ROOM SQUAD ROOM (51 officers 24/7) 4 complete terminals BREAKROOM EVIDENCE /DROP OFF (Combine Under Secure Evidence) EVIDENCE LAB (Combine Under Secure Evidence) SECURE EVIDENCE STORAGE / PROCESSING 340 204 196 204 238 110 117 117 110 136 104 0 0 0 962 0 0 0 0 0 136 160 0 136 294 0 0 0 0 0 759 0 0 0 0 0 238 608 110 63 63 0 0 888 160 380 112 623 Page 43 270 200 200 200 240 120 200 200 120 120 120 0 0 0 962 120 120 120 120 102 140 400 0 140 400 0 0 0 0 0 240 120 120 120 120 102 400 0 110 63 63 120 100 888 160 120 120 2500 225 0 225 150 225 120 150 150 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 0 0 0 0 150 150 120 150 384 0 0 0 0 0 240 48 48 0 120 0 350 1200 110 65 65 120 100 700 200 0 0 2500 355 0 192 174 241 107 117 111 110 136 104 108 118 105 0 0 0 0 0 0 136 181 0 140 296 0 0 0 0 0 240 48 0 0 0 0 224 621 105 64 62 0 0 826 153 115 110 422 225 0 225 150 225 120 150 150 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 0 0 0 0 150 150 120 150 384 0 0 0 0 0 240 48 48 0 120 0 350 1200 110 65 65 120 100 700 200 0 0 2500 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 6X 5X X X X X X Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: G076 G080 1028 FUTURE FUTURE 1026A SHERIFF OFF-SITE SUB-TOTALS 33 ARMORY STORAGE (Records) STORAGE (Combine Under 900 Storage) STORAGE (Combine Under 900 Storage) CLERICAL STORAGE (Combine Under 900 Storage) STORAGE (Combine Under 900 Storage) FIRST FLOOR STORAGE (Combine Under 900 Storage) CONFERENCE ROOM (INVESTIGATING) CONFERENCE ROOM (was shared with EM as G017) NOT NEEDED WORK ROOM STORAGE (new) 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges 96 100 120 32 189 123 48 0 0 0 0 200 500 0 0 200 123 48 200 0 0 0 200 900 0 0 0 0 0 225 0 160 0 98 109 120 32 189 108 50 0 0 0 55 200 900 0 0 0 0 0 225 0 160 0 DNSF SUBTOTALS 8,276 11,351 10,510 6,482 10,510 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.60 1.579 1.60 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 11,173 15,324 16,816 10,235 16,816 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 11,351 - 8,276 = 3,075 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 10,510 - 6,482 = 4,028 NSF Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 44 131% WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf Custom CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head 64 sf 48 sf Custom ADJACENCIES: OFFICE STANDARDS DO NOT APPLY - NO CHANGES TO DEPARTMENT Sheriff Justice Center: Rataczak,Mindy (Private Office) Adj to 1st Fl. Security; 1 Desk for Patrol Sargent / 1 Desk for CJU SHERIFF JUSTICE CENTER SUB-TOTALS 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14 JAIL CLERK (3rd Floor JC no longer in project) FORMER SGTS OFFICE (used as office on First Floor for Jail Capt & LT's / Public) 1026 CRIMINAL JUSTICE UNIT 1 - FULL TIME Criminal Justice Units Place by Screening CRIMINAL JUSTICE UNIT 2 - FULL TIME CRIMINAL JUSTICE UNIT 3 - PART TIME CRIMINAL JUSTICE UNIT 4 - PART TIME CRIMINAL JUSTICE UNIT 5 - PART TIME CRIMINAL JUSTICE UNIT 6 - PART TIME CRIMINAL JUSTICE UNIT 7 - PART TIME CRIMINAL JUSTICE UNIT 8 - PART TIME CRIMINAL JUSTICE UNIT 9 - PART TIME CRIMINAL JUSTICE UNIT 10 - PART TIME CRIMINAL JUSTICE UNIT 11 - PART TIME G017 CONFERENCE ROOM G044 FITNESS ROOM G027/28/31 LOCKER ROOM (Male) G029 & G033 LOCKER ROOM (Female) FAMILY VIDEO VISITATION (waiting, restrooms & booths) 240 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 650 667 220 0 180 0 400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 650 667 220 0 0 0 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 650 667 220 400 0 0 158 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 219 617 763 334 0 0 150 300 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 617 763 334 400 DNSF SUBTOTALS 2,317 2,357 2,477 2,091 2,804 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.60 1.58 1.60 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 3,128 3,182 3,963 3,304 4,486 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 2,357 - 2,317 = 40 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 2,804 - 2,091 = 713 NSF Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 45 1783% CLOSED OFFICES REMARKS / FULL NAME STAFF ROOM NUMBER VENTURE EXISTING SPACE TITLE VENTURE PROPOSED McM OFFICE STANDARDS McM EXISTING McM PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/09/2016 ID: W/PROJECTS/O0002/61600113/MEETINGS/MEETING PRE-WORK/16_0218 MEETING/Outagamie Co. Office Standards - Complete without GF table ADJACENCIES: 500 sf 300 sf Cap. 14+ Judges WORK STATIONS 225 sf 150 sf 120 sf 100 sf Cap. 7 Cap.5 Cap. 4 Cap. 3 Cap. 3 Sheriff Dept Head Jail Circuit Courts Clerk of Courts District Attorney 64 sf 48 sf FOLLOW OFFICE STANDARDS Criminal Justice Treatment Services Betrone, Bernie (Private Office) Robinson, Beth (Private Office) Phillip, Jon (In Jail) Carpenter, Tim (Private Office) Grossmann, Shauna (Private Office) Wondra, Amy (Private Office In Jail) Walton, Derreka (Private Office In Jail) Seefeldt, Tabitha Matthison, Deena (In Jail) Butler, Erica (Cubicle) Tepolt, Michelle (Cubicle) FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE FUTURE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 110 108 109a 109b 002b in 102 in 102 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 FUTURE FUTURE Wells, John Downstairs Downstairs 1 008A 008 009 109 Kraemers, Anne 1 002A 002B 110A 102A 002C & 003 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TREATMENT SERVICES SUB-TOTALS 21 DIRECTOR ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT COORDINATOR (Deputy Director) EDUCATION COORDINATOR PROGRAM SPECIALIST PROGRAM SPECIALIST RESOURCE SPECIALIST RESOURCE SPECIALIST SENIOR CLERK CLERK III TYPIST III TYPIST III DATA ANALYST COMMUNITY SUPERVISOR PROGRAM SPECIALIST (2020) COMMUNITY SUPERVISOR PROGRAM SPECIALIST (2020) INTERN / VOLUNTEER INTERN / VOLUNTEER INTERN / WORK STUDIES INTERN / WORK STUDIES JUSTICE SUPPORT STAFF JUSTICE SUPPORT STAFF GPS STAFF PRETRIAL CASE MANAGER PRETRIAL CASE MANAGER PRETRIAL CASE MANAGER PRETRIAL CASE MANAGER PRETRIAL CASE MANAGER JUSTICE SUPPORT STAFF RISK / NEEDS ASSESSOR KITCHENETTE (Ref & Coffee) NEED TREATMENT ROOM - 15 PEOPLE / CONFERENCE ROOM COPIER AREA DAY REPORT CENTER DAY REPORT COUNSELOR'S OFFICE DAY REPORT SAFE EXCHANGE (Family Court Commissioner Function) FILE ROOM (could be locked file cabinets) WAITING ROOM (for 7-10 people) DRUG TEST TOILET ROOM STORAGE X 150 117 0 85 85 0 0 30 0 70 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 72 522 105 0 126 252 70 126 0 0 300 100 0 100 100 0 0 64 0 64 64 100 100 100 64 64 64 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 80 600 120 300 150 300 150 200 0 0 225 150 0 100 100 0 0 64 0 64 64 100 100 0 48 64 48 48 48 48 48 100 100 100 100 100 0 100 40 400 120 0 0 100 100 180 50 150 163 89 0 88 88 0 0 64 0 64 64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 64 45 556 94 0 129 210 102 90 0 120 225 150 0 100 100 0 0 64 0 64 64 100 100 0 48 64 48 48 48 48 48 100 100 100 100 100 0 100 40 400 120 0 0 100 100 180 50 150 DNSF SUBTOTALS 1,865 3,348 3,059 2,030 3,059 GROSSING FACTOR 1.35 1.35 1.522 1.533 1.522 DEPARTMENT TOTAL GSF 2,518 4,520 4,656 3,112 4,656 Venture Proposed - Venture Existing: 3,348 - 1,865 = 1,483 NSF McMAHON Proposed - McMAHON Existing: 3,059 - 2,030 = 1,029 NSF Percent of 2030 Projected Needs = Page 46 69% X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Custom Appendix D Outagamie County Office Standards values culture relationships… since 1909. Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN OC Office Standards Goals •To standardize the procurement, storage, and installation of furniture and systems furniture used in offices, cubicles, conference rooms, and other public/private spaces. •To standardize size of spaces to accommodate intended capacity of occupants and need for storage •To facilitate move management by standardizing spaces for specific job descriptions. For example: Typically Judges Chambers – 500 SF Head of Department/Division – 225 SF Closed Offices – 100-120 SF Open Cubicles – 48-64 SF values culture relationships… since 1909. P.2 Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN SYSTEMS FURNITURE 48 SF WORKSTATION TYPICAL COMPONENTS: Enclosure – 51“H panels with tackable acoustical material and 12”H glass screen at top Worksurface – 14 LF of laminate worksurface Storage units: • Under worksurface file cabinet with (2) 6” drawers and (1) 12” drawer • (1) Storage tower 6’-0” x 8’-0” Accessories: • Tasklight • Computer stand Ergonomic Task Chair BUDGET COST/WORKSTATION: $5,000 values culture relationships… since 1909. P.3 Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN SYSTEMS FURNITURE 64 SF WORKSTATION TYPICAL COMPONENTS: Enclosure – 51“H and 65”H panels with tackable acoustical material Worksurface – 20 LF of laminate worksurface Storage units: • Overhead • Under worksurface file cabinet with (2) 6” drawers and (1) 12” drawer • (2) 2-drawer lateral files 8’-0” x 8’-0” Accessories: • Tasklight • Computer stand Ergonomic Task Chair BUDGET COST/WORKSTATION: $6,000 values culture relationships… since 1909. P.4 Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN CLOSED OFFICE 100 SF OFFICE TYPICAL COMPONENTS: Metal Desk – 11 LF of laminate worksurface Storage units: • Freestanding return with (1) file drawer and (2) shelves w/doors Accessories: 10’-0” x 10’-0” • Tasklight • Computer stand Ergonomic Task Chair (2) Guest Chairs BUDGET COST/OFFICE: $3,500 values culture relationships… since 1909. P.5 Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN CLOSED OFFICE 120 SF OFFICE TYPICAL COMPONENTS: Metal Desk – 16 LF of laminate worksurface Storage units: • Under worksurface file cabinet with (2) 6” drawers and (1) 12” drawer • (1) 2-drawer lateral file • (3) Overhead shelves w/doors 10’-0” x 12’-0” Accessories: • Tasklight Ergonomic Task Chair (2) Guest Chairs BUDGET COST/OFFICE: $4,500 values culture relationships… since 1909. P.6 Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN CLOSED OFFICE 150 SF OFFICE TYPICAL COMPONENTS: Metal Desk – 16 LF of laminate worksurface Storage units: 10’-0” x 15’-0” • Under worksurface file cabinet with (2) 6” drawers and (1) 12” drawer • (1) 2-drawer lateral file • (3) overhead shelves w/doors Accessories: • Tasklight Ergonomic Task Chair (1) Conference Table (3) Guest Chairs BUDGET COST/OFFICE: $6,500 values culture relationships… since 1909. P.7 Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN CLOSED OFFICE 225 SF OFFICE TYPICAL COMPONENTS: Metal Desk – 17 LF of laminate worksurface Storage units: • Under worksurface file cabinet with (2) 6” drawers and (1) 12” drawer • Under worksurface file cabinet with (2) 12” drawers • (1) 2-door tower with (2) lateral files • (2) Overheads with a shelf and (2) doors • (2) Open shelves 15’-0” x 15’-0” Accessories: • Tasklight • Computer stand Ergonomic Task Chair (1) Conference Table (2) 3 Guest Chairs BUDGET COST/OFFICE: $8,700 values culture relationships… since 1909. P.8 Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN CLOSED OFFICE 300 SF OFFICE TYPICAL COMPONENTS: Metal Desk – 17 LF of laminate worksurface Storage units: • Under worksurface file cabinet with (2) 6” drawers and (1) 12” drawer • Under worksurface file cabinet with (2) 12” drawers • (1) 2-door tower with (2) lateral files • (2) Overheads with a shelf and (2) doors • (2) Open shelves 15’-0” x 20’-0” Accessories: • Tasklight • Computer stand Ergonomic Task Chair (1) Conference Table (6) Guest Chairs BUDGET COST/OFFICE: $10,250 values culture relationships… since 1909. P.9 Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN CLOSED OFFICE 500 SF OFFICE TYPICAL COMPONENTS: Wood Casegoods – 18 LF of laminate worksurface Storage units: • (2) 2-drawer lateral files • (1) Storage tower • (4) Open shelves Accessories: • Tasklight • Computer stand 20’-0” x 25’-0” Ergonomic Task Chair (1) Conference Table (8) Guest Chairs (2) Lounge Chairs (1) 3-Seat Sofa (2) Occasional Tables BUDGET COST/OFFICE: $28,000 values culture relationships… since 1909. P.10 Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN CONFERENCE ROOM 100 SF CONFERENCE ROOM TYPICAL COMPONENTS: (1) 42” Round Table (4) Padded Conference Chairs similar to KI C768 BUDGET COST/CONFERENCE ROOM: $2,500 10’-0” x 10’-0” values culture relationships… since 1909. P.11 Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN CONFERENCE ROOM 120 SF INTERVIEW ROOM TYPICAL COMPONENTS: (1) 54” X 78” Conference Table (5-6) Padded Conference Chairs similar to KI C768 BUDGET COST/CONFERENCE ROOM: $4,500 10’-0” x 12’-0” values culture relationships… since 1909. P.12 Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN CONFERENCE ROOM 150 SF CONFERENCE ROOM TYPICAL COMPONENTS: (1) 42” x 78” Conference Table (6) Padded Conference Chairs similar to KI C768 BUDGET COST/CONFERENCE ROOM: $4,500 10’-0” x 15’-0” values culture relationships… since 1909. P.13 Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN CONFERENCE ROOM 225 SF CONFERENCE ROOM TYPICAL COMPONENTS: (1) 5’ x 5’ Conference Table (8) Padded Conference Chairs similar to KI C768 BUDGET COST/CONFERENCE ROOM: $9,000 15’-0” x 15’-0” values culture relationships… since 1909. P.14 Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN CONFERENCE ROOM 300 SF CONFERENCE ROOM TYPICAL COMPONENTS: (1) 5’ x 9’ Conference Table (8) Padded Conference Chairs similar to KI C768 BUDGET COST/CONFERENCE ROOM: $11,500 15’-0” x 20’-0” values culture relationships… since 1909. P.15 Presentation Title OUTAGAMIE COUNTY, WISCONSIN CONFERENCE ROOM 500 SF CONFERENCE ROOM TYPICAL COMPONENTS: (6) 24” x 60” Conference Tables (14) Conference Chairs BUDGET COST/CONFERENCE ROOM: $13,300 20’-0” x 25’-0” values culture relationships… since 1909. P.16 Appendix E Move Management values culture relationships… since 1909. OUTAGAMIE COUNTY O0002-16-00113 June 8, 2016 MOVE MANAGEMENT PLAN The intent of this Section is to establish a plan for the temporary relocation of County Departments / Division as we proceed through construction. All Departments will be in full operation during construction. The move management plan, as presented below, is organized by Department rather than a schedule to more clearly define which Departments are affected by the construction. The basic premise will be to leave Departments in place as long as possible to avoid costly relocation costs. This will most likely extend the project construction time with an initial phase for the construction of the addition and then a second phase for renovation of existing building once several Departments move into the addition. STAFF COMMENTS DEPARTMENT 14 HHS - ADMINISTRATION Stay in place - Added program moves into vacated Fiscal. 37 HHS - ALTS / ADRC Stay in place until addition is complete. 23 HHS - CHILD SUPPORT Temporary relocate into vacated South Building while renovation of North Building is done. 67 HHS - CHILD, YOUTH, FAMILIES Stay in place until addition is complete. 82 HHS - ECONOMIC SUPPORT Stay in place until addition is complete. 15 HHS - FISCAL Stay in place until renovation is complete, then renovate space for Administration. 97 HHS - MENTAL HEALTH / AODA Stay in place until addition is complete. 39 HHS - PUBLIC HEALTH / WIC Temporary relocate into vacated South Building while renovation of North Building is done. 9 CORONER No move. 7 CORPORATION COUNSELOR No move. 3 COUNTY CLERK No move. 4 COUNTY EXECUTIVE No move. 13 FINANCIAL SERVICES No move. 8 HUMAN RESOURCES No move. 4 LEGISLATIVE SERVICES / COUNTY BOARD No move. 20 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES Stay in place until renovation of old WIC / ADRC is complete. 7 PLANNING No move. 9 REGISTER OF DEEDS No move. 6 TREASURER No move. 7 VETERAN'S SERVICES Stay off site until renovation of old Crisis space is complete. 5 ZONING No move. 23 CIRCUIT COURTS Reschedule Court #3 until renovation is complete. 31 CLERK OF COURTS No move. 4 COURT COMMISSIONER No move. 21 CRIMINAL JUSTICE TREATMENT SERVICES Stay off site until addition is complete. 41 DISTRICT ATTORNEY Stay in place until Sheriff moves off site, then temporarily relocate into South Building. 6 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Stay in place until Sheriff moves off site, then temporarily move into adjacent vacated area. 6 FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER Stay in place until addition is complete. 7 FAMILY COURT PROGRAM Stay in place until addition is complete. 5 REGISTER IN PROBATE Stay in place until addition is complete, then convert space to conference room. X SHERIFF - OFF SITE Move Sheriff LEC off site when new Sheriff LEC is complete. X SHERIFF - ON SITE Jail spaces in Justice Center basement stay the same (slight renovation). Appendix F Project Budget values culture relationships… since 1909. OUTAGAMIE COUNTY O0002-6-16-00113.02 June 15, 2016 PROJECT BUDGET The following three sheets relate to the initial costs of the project. In addition, there are ongoing yearly utility and maintenance costs itemized below. The numbers represent the aveage expenses per office rentable square foot for a facility located in a downtown setting. The office rentable square footage is 71,400 SF. * Average utility expense (2016) is $2.72 x 71,400 SF = $194,208 * Average repair/maintenance expenses (2016) is $2.60 x 71,400 SF = $185,640 The rate of change beyond 2016 is 6.4% for average utility expense and 5% for average repair/maintenance expense. ID: Projects\61600113\PreDesign\OC Project Budget OUTAGAMIE COUNTY O0002-6-16-00113.02 June 15, 2016 Project Related Costs Component Area Site Development Downtown Comments $1,200,000 See Attachment "A" $15,179,325 3-story, no basement ($175/sf), Precast on steel frame, 28,913 sf/floor New Construction Addition 86,739 Poor Soils $400,000 Remodeled Construction Existing Justice Center Court #3/EM/DA 16,331 $1,633,100 Existing CAB 9,878 $987,800 Existing HHS North 31,227 $1,650,000 CONSTRUCTION COST $21,050,225 Design & Construction Contingency @ 10% $2,105,023 TOTAL $23,155,248 Escalation to mid 2018 5% $1,157,762 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST OTHER COSTS Vacated Sheriff Space – Ground Floor: EM; 1st Floor: DA; 2nd Floor: Courtroom #3 ($100/sf) Level 1 MIS & Veteran Services Level 3 Admin Renovation ($100/sf) 31,227 North, $100/sf 53% of 31,227 = 16,500 $24,313,010 (See Attachment B) Furniture* $1,702,000 Additional Downtown Costs $1,282,600 Electronic Security Allowances $500,000 Central Chiller Premium Allowances $100,000 Subtotal TOTAL CONSTRUCTION & OTHER COSTS $3,584,600 $27,897,610 * Includes new furnishings for approximately 2/3 of the Downtown program spaces. The remaining 1/3 to be reuse of existing. ID: Projects\61600113\PreDesign\OC Project Related Costs - No Sheriff Attachment "A" COST ESTIMATE WORKSHEET SITE DEVELOPMENT CLIENT PROJECT NAME McM PROJECT No. DATE Outagamie County P.M. Buiding Pre-Design Services S Elm/7th Streets, Appleton Wisconsin 6/3/2016 MJM O0002-6-15-00113 ITEM No. DESCRIPTION ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE (Labor & Matl.) ESTIMATED AMOUNT 1 8" Sanitary Sewer 870.0 LF $55.00 $47,850.00 2 Sanitary Sewer Casing Pipe 100.0 40.0 30.0 825.0 300.0 100.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 Lf VF LF LF LF LF Each Each Each Each Each $35.00 $250.00 $55.00 $130.00 $50.00 $55.00 $6,000.00 $2,500.00 $3,500.00 $3,800.00 $5,000.00 $3,500.00 $10,000.00 $1,650.00 $107,250.00 $15,000.00 $5,500.00 $18,000.00 $2,500.00 $3,500.00 $3,800.00 $15,000.00 1.0 Lump Sum $2,500.00 $2,500.00 2.0 1607.1 11428.3 14400.0 300.0 4.0 10.0 252.8 80.0 6980.0 Lump Sum Tons Sq Yd Sq Ft LF Each VF Sq Yard LF Sq foot $1,000.00 $12.00 $1.25 $12.00 $55.00 $1,200.00 $235.00 $55.00 $30.00 $4.50 $2,000.00 $19,285.06 $14,285.42 $172,800.00 $16,500.00 $4,800.00 $2,350.00 $13,902.78 $2,400.00 $31,410.00 6.0 Each 1503.6 Tons 7133.3 Tons 985.0 LF 1.0 LF 300.0 LF 2.0 Each 1450.0 SY 1.0 Lump Sum 1.0 Lump Sum 1.0 Lump Sum 1.0 Lump Sum $225.00 $60.00 $9.50 $11.00 $1,500.00 Subtotal Contingency $1,350.00 $90,216.00 $67,766.67 $10,835.00 $1,500.00 $5,760.00 $1,500.00 $4,350.00 $3,000.00 $3,500.00 $30,000.00 $80,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $815,560.92 $384,439.08 TOTAL $1,200,000.00 3 4' Diameter Sanitary Sewer Manholes 4 6" Sanitary Lateral 5 16" Water Main 6 Water Main Casing Pipe (for 16") 7 8" Water Main 8 16" Valve 9 8" Valve 10 Direct Tap 8" Service 11 Cut in 16" x 16" Tee 12 Hydrant and Auxillary Valve 13 Make Connection to Ex. 16" Water Main 14 Plug and Block 16" Water Main 15 Excavation 16 Pulverize Ex Pavement 17 Permeable Pavers (Paver, base, underdrain) 18 Storm Sewer 19 Storm Sewer Inlets 20 Storm Sewer Manholes 21 Pavement Repair on 8th Street for WM Connection 22 Curb and Gutter Remove and Replace 23 Sidewalk 24 Truncated Domes 25 Asphalt (Parking Lot, 3.5 Inches) 26 Base Aggregate Dense, 12" 27 Curb and Gutter 28 Striping 29 Abandon Sanitary Sewer 30 Abandon Sanitary Sewer Manholes 31 Restoration 32 Erosion Control Practices 33 Traffic Control 34 Demolition of 227 South Walnut 35 Rebuild Parking Lot $19.20 $750.00 $3.00 $3,000.00 $3,500.00 $30,000.00 $80,000.00 McMAHON Street Address: 1445 McMAHON DRIVE / Mailing: P.O. BOX 1025 - NEENAH, WI 54956 / 54957-1025 W:\PROJECTS\O0002\61600113\Pre-Design\OC Civil Cost Estimate PH. 920.751.4200 / FX. 920.751.4284 6/15/2016 Attachment "B" OUTAGAMIE COUNTY O0002-6-16-00113.02 June 15, 2016 OTHER COSTS FURNITURE Downtown Campus $2,682,000 Subtotal (all new) $2,682,000 Modified per Budget (Reuse 1/3 Existing Downtown Furniture) $1,702,000 ADDITIONAL DOWNTOWN CAMPUS BUILDING COSTS Courtroom Technology: Electronic Security Allowance $8,000 Bullet Resistant Construction Allowance $8,000 Sound System Allowance $5,000 Audio Visual Allowance $8,000 Premium for Courtroom Built-Ins 4 $50,000 $200,000 Generator for Building: 1 $125,000 $125,000 Added Complexity-Floor Level Changes Allowance: Window Blinds: Break Area Appliances: $100,000 320 $180 $57,600 5 $2,600 $13,000 Folding Panel Partition Allowance: $50,000 Corner Protection Allowance: $15,000 Marker Boards: 50 $600 $30,000 Wayfinding 90 $300 $27,000 Room 600 $30 $18,000 Signage: Building Directory Allowance $20,000 Exterior Allowance $30,000 Conference Room Audio Visual: 16 $8,000 Telephone Allowance: Data Infrastructure (400 people): $128,000 $40,000 400 $1,000 $400,000 Subtotal $1,282,600 $1,282,600 ELECTRONIC SECURITY ALLOWANCE $500,000 $500,000 CENTRAL CHILLER PREMIUM ALLOWANCE $100,000 $100,000 ID: Projects\61600113\PreDesign\OC Other Costs - No Sheriff Appendix G Code Analysis values culture relationships… since 1909. OUTAGAMIE COUNTY DOWNTOWN CAMPUS CODE ANALYSIS PROJECT NUMBER O0002 6-15-00113 JUNE, 2016 CODE REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE CODES 1. 2009 2. 2009 3. 2009 4. 2007 5. 2013 6. 2009 7. 2009 8. 2009 9. 2008 10. 2006 11. 2003 INTERNATIONAL EXISTING BUILDING CODE (IBC) W/ STATE AMENDMENTS INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) W/ STATE AMENDMENTS INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE (IFC) W/ STATE AMENDMENTS NFPA 13 & 72 FIRE ALARM & SPRINKLER WI ADMIN CODE, SAFETY AND PROF SERVICES, PLUMBING, Chap SPS 381-387 INTERNATIONAL MECHANICAL CODE (IMC) W/ STATE AMENDMENTS INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE (IFGC) W/ STATE AMENDMENTS INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE (IECC) W/ STATE AMENDMENTS NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE (NEC) W/ STATE AMENDMENTS NFPA 101 (LIFE SAFETY CODE) ANSI A117.1 ACCESSIBILITY CODE TECHNICAL CONTACT a. STATE CODE REVIEWER:) 1 920 492-6500 jason. b. APPLETON FIRE DEPARTMENT REVIEWER, 1 920 832-5816 GENERAL LIFE/SAFETY OVERVIEW THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS THE THREE STORY ADDITION TO THE FIVE STORY JUSTICE CENTER AND THE NORTH BUILDING OF THE HHS COMPLEX. THERE IS NO BASEMENT. THE INTENT OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT IS TO CONNECT THE EXISTING JUSTICE CENTER TO THE HHS NORTH BUILDING THUS CONNECTING ALL FOUR BUILDING INTO ONE COMPLEX. THE STRUCTURE OF THE ADDITION WILL BE A STEEL FRAMED BUILDING WITH BRICK OVER CMU BACK-UP ENCLOSURE WALLS. Page 1 THE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION WILL BE TYPE IIB SUMMARY OF BUILDING DESIGN DATA JUSTICE CENTER THIS IS AN EXISTING 5 STORY BUILDING THAT PROBABLY IS A IB TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION DUE TO ITS I-3 OCCUPANCY AND HEIGHT. THE BUILDING IS PROVIDED WITH A FULLY AUTOMATED SPRINKLER SYSTEM HHS NORTH THIS IS AN EXISTING 3 STORY BUILDING THAT IS A IIB TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION THE BUILDING IS NOT SPRINKLERED ADDITION THIS BUILDING COULD BE EITHER A IIB TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION WITH A 2 HR FIRE WALL BETWEEN BOTH THE JUSTICE CENTER AND THE HHS NORTH BUILDING OR A IB TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION AND TREATED AS AN ADDITION TO THE JUSTICE CENTER. THE ENTIRE ADDITION WILL BE PROVIDED WITH AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 903.3.1.1 OF THE IBC CHAPTER 3: USE AND OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATIONS 302.0 OCCUPANCY 303 A-2 303 A-3 304 B 311 S-1 CLASSIFICATIONS ASSEMBLY – BREAKROOM ASSEMBLY – COURTROOM/MEETING ROOM BUSINESS MODERATE-HAZARD STORAGE – FILES IN CARDBOARD BOXES CHAPTER 5 GENERAL BUILDING HEIGHTS AND AREAS 502.1 DEFINITIONS AREA, BUILDING THE AREA INCLUDED WITHIN SURROUNDING EXTERIOR WALLS EXCLUSIVE OF VENT SHAFTS AND COURTS. IF AN AREA DOES NOT HAVE EXTERIOR WALLS BUT IS INCLUDED WITHIN THE HORIZONTAL PROJECTION OF THE ROOF OR FLOOR ABOVE, IT SHALL BE INCLUDED IN THE BUILDING AREA. TABLE 503 ALLOWABLE HEIGHTS AND BUILDING AREAS Page 2 BUILDINGS ARE TO BE REVIEWED AS TYPE IIB, NON-SEPARATED OCCUPANCY BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTION TYPE IIB : TABULAR ALLOWANCES GROUP AREA STORIES HEIGHT A-2 9,500 2 55 A-3 9,500 2 55 B 23,000 3 55 S-2 26,000 3 55 504 : BUILDING HEIGHT 504.2 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM INCREASE WHEN BUILDING IS PROVIDED WITH AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM THE HEIGHT OF THE BUILDING CAN BE INCREASED 20’ AND A STORY MAY BE ADDED. 506 BUILDING AREA MODIFICATIONS 506.2 FRONTAGE INCREASE (NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS PROJECT) 506.3 AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM INCREASE WHERE AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS PROVIDED PER 903.3.1.1 THE TABULATED AREA IS PERMITTED TO BE INCREASED BY AN ADDITIONAL 200% PER FLOOR FOR A BUILDING MORE THAN 1 STORY ABOVE GRADE PLANE. THIS INCREASE IS IN ADDITION TO THE HEIGHT AND STORY INCREASE. 508 MIX USE AND OCCUPANCY 508.2 ACCESSORY OCCUPANCIES 508.2.1 AREA LIMITATION AGGREGATE ACCESSORY OCCUPANCIES SHALL NOT OCCUPY MORE THAN 10% OF THE BUILDING AREA OF THE STORY IN WHICH THEY ARE LOCATED AND SHALL NOT EXCEED THE TABULAR VALUES IN TABLE 503. (CAFE IS LESS THAN 10% OF SF ON FIRST FLOOR (4,280 SF) AND IS LESS THAN ALLOWABLE AREA FOR A-2 IN TABLE 503 (9,500 SF) AND IS ACCESSORY TO B.) Page TABLE 508.2.5 INCIDENTAL ACCESSORY OCCUPANCIES 3 TABLE 508.2.5 INCIDENTAL USE AREAS SHALL BE SEPARATED OR PROTECTED OR BOTH IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 508.2.5 ROOM OR AREA SEPARATION FURNACE ROOM WHERE EQUIPMENT IS OVER 400,000 PER HOUR BOILERS OVER 15 PSI AND 10 HORSE POWER STORAGE ROOMS OVER 100 SF *1 HR OR FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM WASTE COLLECTION ROOMS OVER 100 SF *1 HR OR FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM LAUNDRY ROOMS OVER 100 SF *1 HR OR FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM WASTE AND LINEN COLLECTION ROOMS OVER 100 SF REFRIGERANT MACHINERY ROOM *1 HR OR FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM *1 HR OR FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM *1 HR OR FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM *1 HR OR FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM 508.2.5.2 CONSTRUCTION *WHERE TABLE 508.2 PERMITS AN AUTOMATIC FIRE-EXTINGUISHING SYSTEM WITHOUT A FIRE BARRIER, THE INCIDENTAL USE AREA MUST RESIST THE PASSAGE OF SMOKE. WALLS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO BE SMOKE PARTITIONS OR SMOKE BARRIERS AND IN A IIB TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION THE WALLS DO NOT HAVE TO BE SUPPORTED BY A FR CONSTRUCTION. 508.3 NON-SEPARATED OCCUPANCIES 508.3.1 OCCUPANY CLASSIFICATION SHALL BE INDIVIDUALLY CLASSIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 302.1. CODE REQUIREMENTS SHALL APPLY TO EACH PORTION OF THE BUILDING BASED ON THE OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION OF THAT SPACE EXCEPT THE MOST RESTRICTIVE APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 403 (HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS) AND CHAPTER 9 SHALL APPLY TO THE ENTIRE BUILDING. A NON-SEPARATED USE APPROACH IS USED FOR THIS PROJECT. 508.3.3 SEPARATION NO SEPARATION IS REQUIRED BETWEEN NONSEPARATED OCCUPANCIES. CHAPTER 6:TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION Page 4 TABLE 601 – FIRE RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDING ELEMENTS CONSTRUCTION TYPE IIB STRUCTURAL FRAME, INCLUDING COLUMNS, GIRDERS AND TRUSSES BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR INTERIOR NON BEARING WALLS EXTERIOR INTERIOR FLOOR CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING SUPPORTING BEAMS AND JOISTS ROOF CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING SUPPORTING BEAMS AND JOISTS 0 HOUR 0 HOUR 0 HOUR 0 HOUR 0 HOUR 0 HOUR 0 HOUR X<5 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ALL OCCUPANCY S-1 2 OCCUPANCY A, B, 1 5 < X < 10 OTHERS (IIB) 1 1 10 < X < 30 X > 30 IIB ALL 0 0 0 0 Page DISTANCE (FT) 5 TABLE 602 – FIRE RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREMENTS FOR EXTERIOR WALLS BASED ON FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCE Appendix H Current Department Plans values culture relationships… since 1909. McMahon provides this drawing and data, regardless of form; as instruments of service. All rights including copyrights are retained by McMahon. The client and/or recipient agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold McMahon harmless for any reuse of or changes made to the original drawing or data without prior written consent by McMahon. 1445 McMAHON DRIVE NEENAH, WI 54956 Mailing: P.O.BOX 1025 NEENAH, WI 54957-1025 Tel: (920) 751-4200 Fax: (920) 751-4284 McMAHON 4/20/2016 11:21:30 AM REDLINE INDICATES REVIT'S CALCULATION OF NET AREA TOILET G045 33 SF JUSTICE CENTER: GROUND FLOOR CIVIL OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE WAITING OFFICE OFFICE DETECTIVES INT. INT. BREAK ROOM OFFICE CLERICAL STOR. STOR. ELEC. CLOSET OFFICE MENS LOCKER ROOM MENS LOCKER ROOM WOMENS LOCKER ROOM MENS WOMENS COMP. STOR. PATROL SGTS. SQUAD ROOM LABS FITNESS CANTEEN SHERIFF'S EVIDENCE ARMORY EVIDENCE PROCESS OFFICE RECORDS CONFERENCE LOBBY LAUNDRY CORRIDOR G043 616 SF 276 SF 107 SF 120 SF 219 SF 623 SF 44 SF TOILET G058 24 SF DETECTIVES G014 1324 SF 180 SF 105 SF 118 SF 192 SF 368 SF 117 SF 111 SF 1324 SF 64 SF 62 SF 153 SF 143 SF 731 SF 30 SF 28 SF 121 SF 181 SF 221 SF 367 SF 194 SF 175 SF 140 SF 80 SF 33 SF 296 SF 826 SF 110 SF 617 SF 552 SF 422 SF 99 SF 115 SF 108 SF 109 SF 105 SF 89 SF WOMENS G033 140 SF PATROL SGTS. G039 296 SF MENS G031 175 SF ELEVATOR 3 93 SF SQUAD ROOM G040 826 SF COMP. G036 80 SF ELEV. PIT G037 50 SF ELEV. EQUIP. G034 51 SF MENS LOCKER ROOM G028 367 SF WOMENS LOCKER ROOM G029 194 SF SHERIFF STOR. G035 44 SF CONFERENCE G017 219 SF EMERG MANGT. TRAINING G018 623 SF INT. G016 62 SF STOR. G023 30 SF ELEC. CLOSET G025 121 SF DEPARTMENT GROSS S.F. (DGSF) 1,680 SF % FLOOR COMMON AREA 4.8% SHERIFF 10,106 SF 36.7% 911 2,043 SF LAUNDRY 844 SF 3,360 SF W:\PROJECTS\O0002\61600113\REVIT\Outagamie County - Justice Center\McM_Arch_Outagamie_County_Justice_Center.rvt 4,004 SF BUILDING COMMON AREA 6,379 SF GROSS SQUARE FEET: 28,416 GROSS SQUARE FEET FLOOR COMMON AREA (FCA) WILL INCLUDE VERTICAL PENETRATIONS (ELEV., STAIRS, SHAFTS, ETC.) EVIDENCE PROCESS G078 115 SF STORAGE G071 399 SF OLIGNEY OFFICE G026 181 SF HOLLMANN RECORDS G080 109 SF SHERIFF'S EVIDENCE G074 422 SF MECHANICAL TELEPHONE EQUIP. G070 89 SF ELEV. EQUIP. G069 89 SF OFFICE G020 143 SF SYKES CLERICAL G021 731 SF CONFERENCE G081 105 SF BOILER ROOM G061 3355 SF OFFICE G013 111 SF WAITING G011 368 SF OFFICE G012 117 SF OFFICE G009 120 SF CLERK CLERK LISA VANSCHYNDEL OFFICE G008 192 SF PROIETTI ELEV. EQUIP. G064 109 SF LOBBY G082 89 SF E.M. STORAGE G006A 107 SF JANITOR G057 62 SF ELEV. PIT G060 102 SF CANTEEN G068 552 SF HAMMAN FLOOR COMMON AREA STORAGE G056 133 SF ARMORY G076 99 SF CORRIDOR G022 133 SF BREAK ROOM G019 153 SF TOILET G058A 16 SF FREEZER G072A 136 SF OFFICE G079 108 SF DEPARTMENT GROSS FLOOR AREAS: DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ELEVATOR 4 93 SF MENS LOCKER ROOM G027 221 SF STOR. G024 28 SF AIR HANDLING ROOM G059 1918 SF OFFICE G055 108 SF COOLER G072B 209 SF STOR. G038 33 SF INT. G015 64 SF KITCHEN KITCHEN G051 1821 SF CORRIDOR G073 113 SF CORRIDOR G077 431 SF SHERIFF G003 G004 G005 G008 G011 G012 G013 G014 G015 G016 G019 G020 G021 G023 G024 G025 G026 G027 G028 G029 G031 G033 G036 G038 G039 G040 G041 G044 G068 G074 G076 G078 G079 G080 G081 G082 COMMENTS LINSKERS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT G006 OFFICE G006A E.M. STORAGE G009 OFFICE G017 CONFERENCE G018 TRAINING G035 STOR. NET S.F. BORNIAN ROOM NAME LEE ROOM NUMBER MECHANICAL BESAW OFFICE G006 276 SF PAULA KIEFER STEVE HANSEN ROB OLSEN STAIR G010 195 SF OFFICE G005 118 SF CORRIDOR G002 403 SF FITZPATRICK OFFICE G004 105 SF CIVIL G003 180 SF HAMMAN SCHULTZ WOMENS G066 129 SF ELEVATOR PIT G001 126 SF CORRIDOR G007 484 SF CORRIDOR G067 205 SF GROUND FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" MENS G065 128 SF ELEVATION: 767.15' STAIR G062 196 SF CORRIDOR G063 215 SF GROUND FLOOR PLAN KITCHEN APPLETON, WI 911 OUTAGAMIE COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER RATACZAK LAUNDRY G050 769 SF BREAKROOM G047B 131 SF REMODELING FOR: EQUIP. G046 157 SF LABS G041 110 SF REVISION COMMUNICATIONS G047 STAIR G054 193 SF DATE NOT TO SCALE EQUIP. G048 150 SF VEST. G053 67 SF NO. FITNESS G044 617 SF REVIT BOUNDARY CART WASH G052 55 SF PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OFFICE G047A 187 SF STAIR G042 195 SF NORTH DESIGNED DRAWN --- CRW PROJECT NO. O0002 - 6-16-0013 DATE APRIL 20, 2016 SHEET NO. A200 1445 McMAHON DRIVE NEENAH, WI 54956 Mailing: P.O.BOX 1025 NEENAH, WI 54957-1025 Tel: (920) 751-4200 Fax: (920) 751-4284 McMAHON McMahon provides this drawing and data, regardless of form; as instruments of service. All rights including copyrights are retained by McMahon. The client and/or recipient agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold McMahon harmless for any reuse of or changes made to the original drawing or data without prior written consent by McMahon. 4/20/2016 11:22:02 AM EXTERIOR MECHANICAL ENCLOSURE 1100 2872 SF SHERIFF JUSTICE CENTER: FIRST FLOOR 113 SF 112 SF 472 SF 140 SF 113 SF 92 SF 160 SF 123 SF 97 SF 97 SF 81 SF 165 SF 74 SF 74 SF 271 SF 153 SF 133 SF 1743 SF 126 SF 133 SF 108 SF 313 SF 142 SF 152 SF JO BE CORRIDOR 1031 849 SF STORAGE 1028 108 SF OFFICE 1027 107 SF STORAGE 1026A 55 SF CJU'S 1026 158 SF FAM. COURT HEARING 1042 393 SF F.C.C. MARK SCHOEDER CURT NYSTED REP. 1061 100 SF ATTY. 1060B 64 SF JANICE ENLI STOR. 1062 37 SF ELEV. 4 91 SF KYLE INTERN SEC./ WAITING 1043 94 SF OPEN OFFICE 1043A 115 SF ELEV. PIT 5 51 SF ACCOUNTING 1070 131 SF LOBBY/ CORRIDOR 1047 629 SF KATHY WIPPICH ATTY CONF. 1066 25 SF COURT COMMISSIONER 1063 1494 SF ELEV. 7 55 SF ATTY CONF. 1067 25 SF CORRIDOR 1068 226 SF CINDY K. OFFICE 1023 133 SF VESTIBULE 1071 216 SF ELEV. 6 46 SF CLERK 1072 223 SF BARB BOCIK ROB COLLEEN LS II LS II OFFICE 1022 126 SF 270 SF 393 SF 94 SF 115 SF MICHELLE DIETZ HOLD 1065 54 SF COPIER 2 PUBLIC SERV. SPACE 1025 313 SF OFFICE 1070A 102 SF STATE PATROL 1069B 88 SF HOLD 1064 55 SF COURT COMM. ELEV. 3 91 SF CHILD SUPPORT 1069A 61 SF CORRIDOR 1069 111 SF BECKY H. OFFICE 1024 108 SF EQUIP. 1057 162 SF PARALEGAL / LS II ELEC. CLOSET 1008 98 SF LS II OFFICE 1099 142 SF LS II ALISSA KAUFMAN CASHIER CLERK'S LOBBY 1073 377 SF SHER. CLER. 1007 113 SF 1074 167 SF C. DEPUTY 1075 207 SF DIANE LEITH TONI MANN DARRIN GLAD KAREN ZACHOWSKI CUSTOMER SERVICE ANDY 113 SF 158 SF 55 SF 107 SF 108 SF 241 SF 174 SF 205 SF 30 SF 224 SF DEPUTY D.A. 1020 133 SF D.A. SEC. 1021 1743 SF RECORDS CLERK/RECEPTION 1010 160 SF LS I LS II KATE PARALEGAL / LS II LS II MAGGIE ADMIN. 1019 153 SF DEPARTMENT GROSS SF (DGSF) 6,691 SF % FLOOR COMMON AREA 24% COURT COMMISIONER 2,845 SF 10% DISTRICT ATTORNEY 5,931 SF 20% FAMILY COURT COMM. 928 SF 3% SHERIFF 2,913 SF 10% SERVICE 2,341 SF FLOOR COMMON AREA 5,779 SF BUILDING COMMON AREA 840 SF GROSS SQUARE FEET: 28,264 GROSS SQUARE FEET FLOOR COMMON AREA (FCA) WILL INCLUDE VERTICAL PENETRATIONS (ELEV., STAIRS, SHAFTS, ETC.) COPIER 1 /SUPPLY SERVER 1011 123 SF OFFICE 1006 113 SF BARB DEPARTMENT CLERK OF COURTS WAITING 1003 113 SF JEAN MORROW MINDY CARRIE K. FINES 1076 341 SF OFFICE 1017A 74 SF BREAK / MEETING ROOM 1017 165 SF DAN / TOM OFFICE 1009 92 SF OFFICE 1005 140 SF JEAN STEPHANIE VICTIM / WITNESS 1003A 112 SF ABST. 1078 468 SF SHEILA GROSSMAN KACIE BOLWERK BARB HUDSON RACHEL RICE MARYANNE HERWIG JANE PROUSE H.D. FILE OFFICE 1017B 74 SF MANDY BARTELT JAMIE STRASSER BECKY BARANCZYK KELLY HUDSON CORRIDOR 1084 126 SF MELISSA LALONDE APRIL MILLER 1004 472 SF CORRIDOR 1013 206 SF WOMENS 1083 181 SF STAIR 1016 223 SF COURT CLERK 1077 2940 SF DEBBIE STEPHENS JOAN KESSEL PUBLIC LOBBY 1002 1902 SF LS 1 CARRIE S. BARB VERKUILEN STACY STEINBACH EMILY/ STEPH D.A. 1018 271 SF DIANA THOMPSON REVISION ATTY. 1060A 64 SF SECURE VESTIBULE 1045 337 SF FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER 1039 270 SF CORRIDOR 1056 120 SF BRIAN FIGY CONFERENCE 1037 224 SF P. LESKI DEPARTMENT GROSS FLOOR AREAS: W:\PROJECTS\O0002\61600113\REVIT\Outagamie County - Justice Center\McM_Arch_Outagamie_County_Justice_Center.rvt VEST. 1041 124 SF EXHIBIT STORAGE 1053 252 SF OFFICE 1015 81 SF OFFICE 1014 97 SF OFFICE 1012 97 SF ZAK CHUCK ALEX OFFICE OFFICE BILL DIVERSION FLOOD - INV COORDINATION INVESTIGATOR 1101 152 SF VEST. 1000 83 SF PAUL BLACK ELEVATOR 1 64 SF VEST. 1001 83 SF ELEVATOR 2 64 SF SCANNING STATION MENS 1081 163 SF PRINTER 1080 44 SF DISTRICT ATTORNEY STAIR 1079 223 SF FIRST FLOOR PLAN UNDER SHERIFF 1029 241 SF SHERRY HERNANDEZ C.C. OFFICE 1051 285 SF FINANCIAL OPERATION MANAGER 1058 199 SF DATE LISA D. TOILET 1050 31 SF APPLETON, WI SHER. CLER. CJU'S STORAGE OFFICE STORAGE UNDER SHERIFF OFFICE OFFICE TOILET CONFERENCE VEHICLE SALLYPORT 1038 1157 SF J.A. 1049 134 SF OUTAGAMIE COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER SHERIFF 1007 1026 1026A 1027 1028 1029 1030 1032 1034 1037 OFFICE 1030 174 SF WAITING 1049A 70 SF REMODELING FOR: FAMILY COURT COMMISIONER 1039 FAMILY COURT COMMISSIONER 1042 FAM. COURT HEARING 1043 SEC./ WAITING 1043A OPEN OFFICE TOILET 1034 30 SF CAPT. KIESNER STAIR 1054 178 SF NO. DISTRICT ATTORNEY 1003 WAITING 1003A VICTIM / WITNESS 1004 1005 OFFICE 1006 OFFICE 1009 OFFICE 1010 RECORDS CLERK/RECEPTION 1011 COPIER 1 /SUPPLY SERVER 1012 OFFICE 1014 OFFICE 1015 OFFICE 1017 BREAK / MEETING ROOM 1017A OFFICE 1017B OFFICE 1018 D.A. 1019 ADMIN. 1020 DEPUTY D.A. 1021 D.A. SEC. 1022 OFFICE 1023 OFFICE 1024 OFFICE 1025 PUBLIC SERV. SPACE 1099 OFFICE 1101 INVESTIGATOR OFFICE 1032 205 SF ELEC. EQUIPMENT 1052 341 SF RECEIVING 1044 339 SF JAN. 1082 41 SF 134 SF 285 SF 64 SF 64 SF 100 SF 37 SF 1494 SF 55 SF 54 SF 25 SF 25 SF SERVICE SHERIFF 1036 319 SF TRASH 1040 191 SF STAIR 1055 110 SF MECH. EMER. GEN. 1048 386 SF CUSTOMER SERVICE / MORGAN HOULIHAN COURT COMMISIONER 1049 J.A. 1051 C.C. OFFICE 1060A ATTY. 1060B ATTY. 1061 REP. 1062 STOR. 1063 COURT COMMISSIONER 1064 HOLD 1065 HOLD 1066 ATTY CONF. 1067 ATTY CONF. STAIR 1033 224 SF VEST 1046 44 SF HOLLY WENDT 252 SF 162 SF 199 SF 131 SF 102 SF 223 SF 377 SF 167 SF 207 SF 341 SF 2940 SF 468 SF 44 SF STOR. 1035 35 SF CAROLE STROOK CLERK OF COURTS 1053 EXHIBIT STORAGE 1057 EQUIP. 1058 FINANCIAL OPERATION MANAGER 1070 ACCOUNTING 1070A OFFICE 1072 CLERK 1073 CLERK'S LOBBY 1074 CASHIER 1075 C. DEPUTY 1076 FINES 1077 COURT CLERK 1078 ABST. 1080 PRINTER COMMENTS PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NET S.F. BECKY H. ROOM NAME MINDY T. ROOM NUMBER CLERK OF COURTS FIRST FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" ELEVATION: 781.15' NORTH DESIGNED DRAWN --- CRW PROJECT NO. O0002 - 6-16-0013 DATE APRIL 20, 2016 SHEET NO. A211 1445 McMAHON DRIVE NEENAH, WI 54956 Mailing: P.O.BOX 1025 NEENAH, WI 54957-1025 Tel: (920) 751-4200 Fax: (920) 751-4284 McMAHON McMahon provides this drawing and data, regardless of form; as instruments of service. All rights including copyrights are retained by McMahon. The client and/or recipient agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold McMahon harmless for any reuse of or changes made to the original drawing or data without prior written consent by McMahon. 4/20/2016 11:22:57 AM 4,546 SF BUILDING COMMON AREA 0 SF GROSS SQUARE FEET: KARA NAGORNY DEB LANG TOILET 2040 23 SF TOILET 2032 21 SF J.A. '6' 2057 133 SF MARK MCGINNIS VINCE BISKUPIC VIRGINIA JOHNSON TOILET 2056 21 SF TOILET 2054 23 SF JURY ROOM '1/4' 2048 260 SF BRANCH '2' 2035 1750 SF CHAMBERS '3' 2022 303 SF J.A. '3' 2021 112 SF PAULA DORSEY BRANCH '4' 2041 1381 SF CLOSET 2036 15 SF BRANCH '1' 2065 1417 SF ATTY 2102 84 SF 28,410 GROSS SQUARE FEET FLOOR COMMON AREA (FCA) WILL INCLUDE VERTICAL PENETRATIONS (ELEV., STAIRS, SHAFTS, ETC.) HOLD 2074 68 SF VEST. 2098 46 SF TOILET 2072 23 SF ELEV. 6 52 SF CHAMBERS '5' 2073 373 SF MIKE GAGE BRANCH '7' 2002 1552 SF BRANCH '3' 2009 1345 SF TOILET 2016 23 SF BRANCH '5' 2076 1371 SF CORRIDOR 2095 283 SF CORRIDOR 2003 290 SF REP. '5' 2079 118 SF GLORIA JOHNSON ELEC. CLOSET 2002A 12 SF LAW CLOSET 2011 38 SF SELF HELP/ LAW LIBRARY 2008 793 SF JAN. 2006 46 SF TOILET 2092 23 SF MENS 2001 244 SF WOEMNS 2097 244 SF ELEV. 1 64 SF CORRIDOR 2007 489 SF ELEV. 2 64 SF TOILET 2091 23 SF REP. '7' 2080 119 SF STOR. 2084 57 SF HEATHER DUCOTY ELEVATION: 795.15' NORTH TOILET 2088 23 SF REP STORAGE 2081 116 SF VEST. 2083 106 SF STORAGE 2085 73 SF STORAGE 2093 40 SF CORRIDOR 2094 498 SF SECOND FLOOR PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" CHAMBERS '7' 2086 279 SF JOHN DES JARDINS VINCE NAOMI MCNEILL GAIL PETERSON JURY ROOM '7' 2090 291 SF ELEV. LOBBY 2000 820 SF ATTY. 2005 72 SF J.A. '7' 2080A 102 SF CORRIDOR 2089 144 SF ATTY. 2004 78 SF RICHARD ROLAND LAW CLOSET 2012 38 SF J.A. '5' 2078 121 SF JESSICA MEITNER CLOSET 2010 16 SF STAIR 2013 222 SF ELEC. CLOSET 2075 73 SF ATTY 2101 80 SF TOILET 2071 23 SF CIRCUIT COURT LYNN DRIESSEN % FLOOR COMMON AREA 84% ELEV. 7 51 SF CORRIDOR 2100 445 SF ELEC. ROOM 2038 67 SF JURY ROOM '3' 2019 256 SF LAW CLERK 2015 243 SF TOILET 2070 23 SF CLOSET 2066 13 SF HOLD 2037 45 SF MARY FLYANL/ PAULETTE NORBY BRANCH '6' 2064 1397 SF ELEV. 4 94 SF CLOSET 2042 13 SF REP. '3' 2020 112 SF CLOSET 2018 23 SF TOILET 2047 41 SF ELEV. 3 94 SF ELEV. 5 50 SF JURY ROOM '5/6' 2069 292 SF CORRIDOR 2068 504 SF MITCH METREPULOS JAN./ STOR. 2062 72 SF COPY ROOM 2067 79 SF CLOSET 2063 16 SF TOILET 2046 42 SF TOILET 2024 21 SF LAW CLERK 2014 115 SF TOILET 2061 49 SF CORRIDOR 2034 1029 SF TOILET 2026 21 SF TOILET 2025 21 SF TOILET 2017 23 SF STAIR 2059 223 SF SECOND FLOOR PLAN JOAN BIESE CHAMBERS '6' 2055 314 SF APPLETON, WI DONNA MEITNER CHAMBERS '1' 2053 308 SF REVISION J.A. '1' 2052 136 SF DATE REP. '1' 2051 99 SF NO. GREG GILL REP. '4' 2050 96 SF PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION NANCY KRUEGER J.A. '4' 2049 136 SF TERRA TORRES REP. '2' 2030 87 SF CHAMBERS '4' 2039 308 SF OUTAGAMIE COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER FLOOR COMMON AREA CHAMBERS '2' 2033 314 SF JURY ROOM '2' 2028 280 SF DEPARTMENT GROSS FLOOR AREAS: DEPARTMENT GROSS SF (DGSF) 23,864 DGSF J.A. '2' 2031 133 SF SHERI DELPLAINE CIRCUIT COURT 2002 BRANCH '7' 1552 SF 2002A ELEC. CLOSET 12 SF 2004 ATTY. 78 SF 2005 ATTY. 72 SF 2006 JAN. 46 SF 2008 SELF HELP/ LAW LIBRARY 793 SF 2009 BRANCH '3' 1345 SF 2010 CLOSET 16 SF 2011 LAW CLOSET 38 SF 2012 LAW CLOSET 38 SF 2014 LAW CLERK 115 SF 2015 LAW CLERK 243 SF 2016 TOILET 23 SF 2017 TOILET 23 SF 2018 CLOSET 23 SF 2019 JURY ROOM '3' 256 SF 2020 REP. '3' 112 SF 2021 J.A. '3' 112 SF 2022 CHAMBERS '3' 303 SF 2024 TOILET 21 SF 2025 TOILET 21 SF 2026 TOILET 21 SF 2028 JURY ROOM '2' 280 SF 2030 REP. '2' 87 SF 2031 J.A. '2' 133 SF 2032 TOILET 21 SF 2033 CHAMBERS '2' 314 SF 2035 BRANCH '2' 1750 SF 2036 CLOSET 15 SF 2037 HOLD 45 SF 2038 ELEC. ROOM 67 SF 2039 CHAMBERS '4' 308 SF 2040 TOILET 23 SF 2041 BRANCH '4' 1381 SF 2042 CLOSET 13 SF 2046 TOILET 42 SF 2047 TOILET 41 SF 2048 JURY ROOM '1/4' 260 SF 2049 J.A. '4' 136 SF 2050 REP. '4' 96 SF 2051 REP. '1' 99 SF 2052 J.A. '1' 136 SF 2053 CHAMBERS '1' 308 SF 2054 TOILET 23 SF 2055 CHAMBERS '6' 314 SF 2056 TOILET 21 SF 2057 J.A. '6' 133 SF 2058 REP. '6' 83 SF 2061 TOILET 49 SF 2062 JAN./ STOR. 72 SF 2063 CLOSET 16 SF 2064 BRANCH '6' 1397 SF 2065 BRANCH '1' 1417 SF 2067 COPY ROOM 79 SF 2069 JURY ROOM '5/6' 292 SF 2070 TOILET 23 SF 2071 TOILET 23 SF 2072 TOILET 23 SF 2073 CHAMBERS '5' 373 SF 2074 HOLD 68 SF 2075 ELEC. CLOSET 73 SF 2076 BRANCH '5' 1371 SF 2078 J.A. '5' 121 SF 2079 REP. '5' 118 SF 2080 REP. '7' 119 SF 2080A J.A. '7' 102 SF 2081 REP STORAGE 116 SF 2084 STOR. 57 SF 2085 STORAGE 73 SF 2086 CHAMBERS '7' 279 SF 2088 TOILET 23 SF 2090 JURY ROOM '7' 291 SF 2091 TOILET 23 SF 2092 TOILET 23 SF 2093 STORAGE 40 SF 2101 ATTY 80 SF 2102 ATTY 84 SF DEPARTMENT CIRCUIT COURTS STAIR 2029 222 SF COMMENTS DONNA UTSCHIG NET S.F. CORRIDOR 2023 568 SF ROOM NAME REMODELING FOR: W:\PROJECTS\O0002\61600113\REVIT\Outagamie County - Justice Center\McM_Arch_Outagamie_County_Justice_Center.rvt ROOM NUMBER REP. '6' 2058 83 SF JUSTICE CENTER: SECOND FLOOR STAIR 2082 222 SF DESIGNED DRAWN --- CRW PROJECT NO. O0002 - 6-16-0013 DATE APRIL 20, 2016 SHEET NO. A221 ELEV. 3 90 SF GROSS FLOOR AREA: GROSS SQUARE FEET: 1/8" = 1'-0" STAIR PH05 41 SF ROOF ROOF CORRIDOR PH02 230 SF STAIRS PH01 212 SF 10,052 GROSS SQUARE FEET PENTHOUSE FLOOR PLAN ELEVATION: 860.57' NORTH MECHANICAL PENTHOUSE PH04 7224 SF CORRIDOR PH03 910 SF CORRIDOR PH06 230 SF PENTHOUSE FLOOR PLAN OUTAGAMIE COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER APPLETON, WI NO. DATE REVISION PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ELEV. 4 93 SF REMODELING FOR: W:\PROJECTS\O0002\61600113\REVIT\Outagamie County - Justice Center\McM_Arch_Outagamie_County_Justice_Center.rvt ROOF ROOF STAIR PH07 212 SF DESIGNED DRAWN --CRW PROJECT NO. O0002 - 6-16-0013 DATE APRIL 20, 2016 SHEET NO. A261 McMahon provides this drawing and data, regardless of form; as instruments of service. All rights including copyrights are retained by McMahon. The client and/or recipient agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold McMahon harmless for any reuse of or changes made to the original drawing or data without prior written consent by McMahon. 1445 McMAHON DRIVE NEENAH, WI 54956 Mailing: P.O.BOX 1025 NEENAH, WI 54957-1025 Tel: (920) 751-4200 Fax: (920) 751-4284 McMAHON 4/20/2016 11:21:07 AM 7,431 SF GROSS SQUARE FEET: 29,225 GROSS SQUARE FEET STORAGE 138 SF 128 SF 1499 SF 292 SF 241 SF 2398 SF 154 SF 416 SF OFFICE 108 SF DENISE HERRON CORRIDOR 79 SF OFFICE 134 SF AMY STEDYEE CONSULT 63 SF CORRIDOR 58 SF OPEN OFFICE 676 SF CORRIDOR 52 SF AMY BIESE OFFICE 126 SF RICK WTIHALL CORRIDOR 622 SF HELP DESK AREA 151 SF RAMP UP OFFICE 59 SF RICHARD SCHREIBER 56 SF MAIL PICKUP 120 SF MAIL SORT 224 SF MAINTENANCE STORAGE 999 SF PUBLIC CANTEEN 502 SF WOMENS 162 SF CORRIDOR 308 SF 45 SF MICROGRAPHICS/ WORK 480 SF VERNA LOENDT COMPUTER 769 SF OFFICE 168 SF OFFICE 120 SF MELISSA BUNAU VACANT MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES WAREHOUSE 1001 SF LOCKER 102 SF OFFICE 156 SF TIM TEAGLIN ELEV. EQUIP. 108 SF LOBBY 122 SF STAIR 3.1.0.S4 172 SF LOBBY 75 SF VOICE/DATA 92 SF MENS LOCKER 110 SF STOR. 22 SF ELEV. GAIL BOWMAN MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 253 SF MENS 139 SF RECEPTION 178 SF MIS PRINT SHOP 588 SF CONFERENCE ROOM 228 SF JANITOR 172 SF EXERCISE 645 SF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 133 SF MAINTANENCE STORAGE 223 SF DIRECTOR 236 SF STORAGE 154 SF MAINT. STORAGE STAIR 2.1.0.S1 396 SF MAINT. STORAGE 90 SF VOICE/ DATA 46 SF ELEVATION: 774.57' LEVEL: 1 HSS REC. STORAGE 128 SF ENTRY 29 SF RECORDS 2398 SF MAINT. STOR. BOILER ROOM 1.B.0.01 STAIR 2.1.0.S3 142 SF HHS REC. STORAGE MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 1.B.0.02 513 SF ELEV. -80 SF MAINT. STORAGE 352 SF RECORDS CORR. 703 SF MECH. EQUIP. 834 SF RECORD STORAGE 241 SF HHS RECORD STORAGE 292 SF CORRIDOR 452 SF CORRIDOR 779 SF SHOWER 37 SF WOMENS 45 SF RECORDS 1499 SF STORAGE 360 SF MECH. EQUIP. 1231 SF STORAGE 221 SF CORRIDOR 158 SF W:\PROJECTS\O0002\61600113\REVIT\Outagamie County - Complex\McM_Arch_Outagamie County Complex.rvt MENS 45 SF WOMENS LOCKER 110 SF VESTIBULE 219 SF HHS BUILDING - NORTH ELEV. PIT -69 SF SHOWER 37 SF PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION MEETING ROOM '7' 416 SF KENT PERONTO 178 SF 45 SF OFFICE 133 SF JULIE VANDENACKER McMahon provides this drawing and data, regardless of form; as instruments of service. All rights including copyrights are retained by McMahon. The client and/or recipient agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold McMahon harmless for any reuse of or changes made to the original drawing or data without prior written consent by McMahon. FLOOR COMMON AREA (FCA) WILL INCLUDE VERTICAL PENETRATIONS (ELEV., STAIRS, SHAFTS, ETC.) FLOOR PLAN BUILDING COMMON AREA APPLETON, WI 8,275 SF OUTAGAMIE COUNTY COURTHOUSE FLOOR COMMON AREA 1445 McMAHON DRIVE NEENAH, WI 54956 Mailing: P.O.BOX 1025 NEENAH, WI 54957-1025 Tel: (920) 751-4200 Fax: (920) 751-4284 McMAHON 19.2% REMODELING FOR: 5,609 DGSF REVISION SHARED DATE % FLOOR COMMON AREA 24.3% NO. DEPARTMENT GROSS S.F. (DGSF) 7,091 DGSF CORRIDOR 63 SF HSS REC. STORAGE RECORDS HHS RECORD STORAGE RECORD STORAGE RECORDS STORAGE MEETING ROOM '7' DEPARTMENT MANAGEMENT INFO. SERVICES CORRIDOR 57 SF SHARED 133 SF 138 SF 108 SF 126 SF 676 SF 56 SF 151 SF 63 SF 134 SF 228 SF 59 SF 156 SF 224 SF 588 SF 168 SF 120 SF 480 SF 120 SF 236 SF 1001 SF COMMENTS SHANE POLAKOWSKI MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES OFFICE STORAGE OFFICE OFFICE OPEN OFFICE HELP DESK AREA CONSULT OFFICE CONFERENCE ROOM OFFICE OFFICE MAIL SORT PRINT SHOP OFFICE MAIL PICKUP MICROGRAPHICS/ WORK OFFICE DIRECTOR MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES WAREHOUSE RECEPTION - NET S.F. STEVE DACHELET ROOM NAME MELANIE OSTERMAN ROOM NUMBER DEPARTMENT GROSS FLOOR AREAS: JASON GRIFFITH 4/20/2016 10:58:02 AM HHS BUILDING: LEVEL 1 MAINT. STORAGE STAIR 2.1.0.S2 132 SF COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (CAB) LEVEL: LOWER ELEVATION: 779.0' HHS BUILDING - SOUTH LEVEL: 1 COMPOSITE FLOOR PLAN 3/32" = 1'-0" NORTH ELEVATION: 778.0' DESIGNED DRAWN --- CRW PROJECT NO. O0002 - 6-16-0013 DATE APRIL 20, 2016 SHEET NO. A200 1.3% REG. IN PROBRATE 1,100 DGSF 2.3% HHS - MENTAL HEALTH/ AODA 1,996 DGSF 4.2% HHS - PUBLIC HEALTH/ WIC 3,140 DGSF 6.6% HHS - ADRC 1,498 DGSF 3.1% REGISTER OF DEEDS 615 DGSF 1.3% HHS BUILDING CIRCUIT COURTS 1,954 DGSF XX% DISTRICT ATTORNEY 543 DGSF XX% FAMILY COURT COMMISIONER 430 DGSF XX% HHS - ADRC 2,153 DGSF 4.5% HHS - CHILD SUPPORT 4,304 DGSF 9% HHS - CHILD, YOUTH, FAMILES 890 DGSF 1.9% HHS - ECONOMIC SUPPORT 10,008 DGSF 20.9% FLOOR COMMON AREA 12,511 DGSF BUILDING COMMON AREA 5,956 DGSF 192 SF 148 SF 143 SF 296 SF 242 SF 87 SF 159 SF 60 SF 337 SF 263 SF 132 SF 87 SF 89 SF 137 SF 113 SF 109 SF 115 SF 116 SF 217 SF 262 SF 135 SF 324 SF GROSS SQUARE FEET: OFFICE 89 SF EDUCATION ROOM 262 SF OPEN OFFICE 217 SF JAN JANSEN STAIR 1.1.0.S2 148 SF HEALTH ROOM 135 SF CLOSET 13 SF CONFERENCE ROOM 166 SF FILES 87 SF LINDA BRANDT OPEN OFFICE 192 SF VACANT LOBBY 58 SF MELANIE THURBER ELEV. -71 SF NURSE ROOM 132 SF 87 SF CONFERENCE ROOM 119 SF CHAMBERS 346 SF MAUREEN ROBERT OFFICE 96 SF CHRISTINE KOHLBECK OFFICE 94 SF JENNIFER VANDENBERG DAWN SHANA OFFICE 104 SF CRAIG MALLETT INTERVIEW 94 SF OFFICE 84 SF KEVIN NIKOLAI PAT JANSSEN ROSS WELLS OFFICE 210 SF TRAYCEE ENGLAND CORRIDOR 131 SF CLERICAL 1320 SF JOSH DALEBROUX DANIELLE GUYETTA BARB PERRY NANCY COLLAR RHONDA STEINGRABER ROOM '2' DISTRICT ATTORNEY 262 SF TOILET 41 SF LOBBY 251 SF HOUSE KEEPING 63 SF VOICE/DATA 82 SF MAIL SUPPLIES 137 SF CORRIDOR 32 SF STOR. 30 SF VEST 59 SF RECEIVING 389 SF TOILET 33 SF D.A. STORAGE 98 SF MAINT. STORAGE/ GARAGE 952 SF VISITATION 176 SF MENS-PUBLIC 190 SF JAN. 17 SF WOMENS-PUBLIC 70 SF STAIR 2.2.0.S1 482 SF ENTRY 30 SF VOICE/DATA 44 SF AMY VACANT LEMERAND OFFICE 184 SF INTERVIEW 94 SF CINDY RENWTAK WAITING ROOM 598 SF OFFICE 93 SF EVY DEININGER ELEVATION: 788.0' CASSANDRA GROSS ASHLEY BREYER KAYCEE CHAMPASAK OFFICE 93 SF ELVIRA LAMERS LOBBY 370 SF COPIER C.C. STORAGE 528 SF BOBBIE TRUECC MEN 126 SF VACANT JANITOR 23 SF TINA BAUMANN MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 1.B.0.02 517 SF COPIER HHS - MENTAL HEALTH/ AODA OPEN TO BELOW WAITING 213 SF OFFICE 417 SF CRISIS PHONES OFFICE 117 SF LISA ANDERSON TOILET 45 SF WAITING 54 SF STAIR 1.1.0.S1 104 SF SUZANNE NORMA DEGROOT OFFICE 103 SF AMY GONSZALEZ LINDA LUEKE OFFICE 94 SF DEBBIE DEBRUIN KITCHENETTE 82 SF OPEN OFFICE 331 SF LYNN OFFICE 160 SF CORR. 79 SF OFFICE 81 SF HEATHER TURBO OFFICE 244 SF LINDA VERKUILEN MAIL CENTER 277 SF SUE CLOSET 96 SF OFFICE 82 SF XEE YANG VACANT LEVEL: 1 ELEVATION: 784.0' 3/32" = 1'-0" OFFICE 92 SF MELISSA RILEY OFFICE 81 SF ASHLEY BEFFA OFFICE 80 SF KATHY VANG OFFICE 80 SF VICKI SCHR OFFICE 82 SF RYAN BUSH OFFICE 82 SF CORR. 100 SF OFFICE 82 SF CHARITY RUDOLPH OFFICE 82 SF LAURA OFFICE 82 SF HEIDI NELSON OFFICE 82 SF ALICIA GRUBE CORR. 91 SF OFFICE 91 SF KELLY MCCARTHY PRINTER 53 SF 27 SF OFFICE 90 SF TINA FRANKS OFFICE 110 SF MARY MAYNARD HHS - CHILD, YOUTH, FAMILIES OFFICE 85 SF AMY PIOTTER OFFICE 90 SF RHONDA ELLIOTT MAY VANG VEST. 105 SF STAIR 3.2.0.S2 149 SF OFFICE 92 SF ANGIE DEMPEWOLF OFFICE 114 SF LUISA MEKY OFFICE 111 SF LESLIE HELTON CORRIDOR 85 SF OFFICE 114 SF RYAN JENSEN OFFICE 111 SF AMY ROLAND REST 152 SF DESIGNED DRAWN --- CRW PROJECT NO. STAIR 2.2.0.S2 248 SF COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (CAB) OFFICE 104 SF JESSICA SIPPLE BREAK ROOM 166 SF OPEN MEGAN OFFICE RYAN 268 SF REG. OF DEEDS COMPOSITE FLOOR PLAN OFFICE 92 SF SANDRA HURTADO CORRIDOR 422 SF CORR. 208 SF OFFICE 97 SF LISA HALVERSON 108 SF OFFICE 92 SF LISA WATKINS OFFICE 101 SF MELISSA RILEY CORR. 45 SF OFFICE 81 SF JESSICA GOLDING OFFICE 95 SF STEFFANIE STOFFREGEN REGISTER OF DEEDS ARCHIVE 531 SF REG. IN PROB. OFFICE 88 SF YVETEE MILHEISER OPEN OFFICE 443 SF ELEV. -77 SF OFFICE 189 SF LISA CONFERENCE ROOM 362 SF MECHANICAL 555 SF CORRIDOR 203 SF FILES 204 SF KHA VANG STAIR 2.2.0.S3 305 SF OFFICE 138 SF WORK ROOM 109 SF CORRIDOR 270 SF CORRIDOR 47 SF DONNA HMONG RASMUSSEN HOTLINE OFFICE 150 SF DIANE MANDLER HHS - ECONOMIC SUPPORT DIANNE REZNICHK OFFICE 166 SF WOMEN 127 SF RONNA HERMINATH CLERICAL 726 SF GENERATOR ROOM 164 SF GAYLE MCCABE OPEN OFFICE 734 SF OFFICE 92 SF JENNIE HANSON AMY VERKUILEN ELECTRICAL 169 SF VISITATION 388 SF VISITATION 177 SF MENS-PUBLIC RESTROOM 183 SF HHS BUILDING - NORTH LEVEL: 2 STAIR 3.2.0.S4 176 SF CORRIDOR 280 SF STAIR 3.2.0.S3 127 SF FAMILY COURT COMMISIONER BOILER ROOM 1.B.0.01 OFFICE 153 SF TERRY-ANN TRICKLE OFFICE 149 SF STEW ELLYSOR OFFICE 91 SF MATHEW YOUNG WOMENS-PUBLIC RESTROOM 169 SF ELEV. -70 SF TOILET 23 SF COURT ROOM 'H' 1371 SF DISTRICT ATTORNEY CORRIDOR 135 SF CUSTODIAN STORAGE 304 SF OFFICE 94 SF BETH TREML WAITING 220 SF CIRCUIT COURTS CORRIDOR 40 SF CORRIDOR 97 SF COUNTY CLERK SARAH DEARING OFFICE 94 SF JEN KLAPKA ROOM '1' OPEN TO BELOW SHENG LEE OFFICE 96 SF JILL WOJAHN CHASE 21 SF ELEV. EQUIP. 49 SF JANITOR 135 SF MECH. EQUIP. 195 SF WAITING 250 SF PUBLIC CANTEEN 837 SF CORRIDOR 125 SF STAIR 1.1.0.S3 89 SF STORAGE 80 SF CLOSET 49 SF OPEN OFFICE 263 SF OFFICE 137 SF SUE KAMIEN INTERVIEW 109 SF OFFICE 112 SF SANDY MCBRIDE XAI THAO CORR. 35 SF STORAGE 104 SF OFFICE 94 SF KIM SCHROEDER CORRIDOR 1320 SF CLOSET 8 SF WIC OFFICE 117 SF WAITING 177 SF STAIR 3.2.0.S1 168 SF HEALTH CHECK LINE / WIC 324 SF CARMEN NEU YANG LOPEZ LARA OFFICE 185 SF NAN PIERSON INTERVIEW 116 SF ROBIN O'REILLY VEST. 91 SF RAMP 267 SF CORRIDOR 366 SF OFFICE 109 SF MELISSA RENTMEESTER OFFICE 113 SF OFFICE 148 SF TOM STRATTON 50 SF HEIDI RUSSELL SHANNON ROEHL WAITING ROOM 337 SF CORRIDOR 231 SF OFFICE 115 SF JUDY OPPELT OFFICE 143 SF BRENDA GRETZINGER OPEN OFFICE 296 SF OFFICE 159 SF LISA UNDERWOOD OFFICE 85 SF SARA RISMEYER CLERICAL 483 SF OFFICE 242 SF JAN. 83 SF OFFICE 90 SF SARAH KORTH I&A HHS - ADRC SUE KINNARD KEVIN LON W:\PROJECTS\O0002\61600113\REVIT\Outagamie County - Complex\McM_Arch_Outagamie County Complex.rvt OFFICE 85 SF BONNIE ELIASPLANNER FLOOR PLAN LUANN KRIPLEAN OFFICE 116 SF CRYSTAL HEIN 598 SF 370 SF 94 SF 184 SF 93 SF 93 SF 45 SF 92 SF 92 SF 103 SF 92 SF 101 SF 92 SF 104 SF 92 SF 166 SF 85 SF 111 SF 114 SF 85 SF 114 SF 111 SF 27 SF 53 SF 90 SF 90 SF 110 SF 82 SF 82 SF 91 SF 80 SF 82 SF 82 SF 80 SF 82 SF 81 SF 82 SF 42 SF 82 SF 97 SF 95 SF 81 SF 81 SF 362 SF 244 SF 277 SF 268 SF 88 SF 94 SF 443 SF 726 SF 44 SF GALE MALONE LORNA REED SEVERSON VOICE/DATA 60 SF HHS - ECONOMIC SUPPORT WAITING ROOM LOBBY INTERVIEW OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CORR. OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE BREAK ROOM OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CORRIDOR OFFICE OFFICE PRINTER OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CLOSET OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CONFERENCE ROOM OFFICE MAIL CENTER OPEN OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OPEN OFFICE CLERICAL VOICE/DATA OFFICE 171 SF LOBBY 495 SF INTERVIEW 86 SF CHRIS BROOKS APPLETON, WI VEST. 122 SF HHS - PUBLIC HEALTH / WIC 37 SF 176 SF 177 SF 388 SF HHS - CHILD SUPPORT FLOOR COMMON AREA (FCA) WILL INCLUDE VERTICAL PENETRATIONS (ELEV., STAIRS, SHAFTS, ECT.) VACANT HHS - CHILD, YOUTH, FAMILIES VOICE/ DATA VISITATION VISITATION VISITATION HHS - ADRC 47,795 GROSS SQUARE FEET OUTAGAMIE COUNTY COURTHOUSE 220 SF 1320 SF 94 SF 109 SF 104 SF 86 SF 116 SF 94 SF 96 SF 94 SF 94 SF 96 SF 94 SF 104 SF 210 SF 153 SF 149 SF 91 SF 137 SF HHS - PUBLIC HEALTH/ WIC VOICE/DATA WAITING ROOM OPEN OFFICE NURSE ROOM OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OPEN OFFICE EDUCATION ROOM HEALTH ROOM HEALTH CHECK LINE / WIC REMODELING FOR: 177 SF 483 SF 117 SF 112 SF 80 SF 185 SF 85 SF 90 SF 89 SF 85 SF 171 SF 166 SF 13 SF 45 SF 734 SF 213 SF 117 SF 150 SF 417 SF REVISION 346 SF 33 SF 531 SF DATE HHS - MENTAL HEALTH/ AODA TOILET OPEN OFFICE WAITING OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE REGISTER OF DEEDS REGISTER OF DEEDS ARCHIVE NO. OPEN OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OPEN OFFICE OFFICE FILES OFFICE 96 SF 331 SF 54 SF 82 SF 204 SF 189 SF PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION HHS - ADRC 528 SF 1445 McMAHON DRIVE NEENAH, WI 54956 Mailing: P.O.BOX 1025 NEENAH, WI 54957-1025 Tel: (920) 751-4200 Fax: (920) 751-4284 652 DGSF REGISTER IN PROBATE CLOSET OPEN OFFICE WAITING KITCHENETTE FILES OFFICE COMMENTS McMAHON COUNTY ADMIN. BUILDING COUNTY CLERK COUNTY CLERK C.C. STORAGE NET S.F. McMahon provides this drawing and data, regardless of form; as instruments of service. All rights including copyrights are retained by McMahon. The client and/or recipient agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold McMahon harmless for any reuse of or changes made to the original drawing or data without prior written consent by McMahon. % FLOOR COMMON AREA ROOM NAME CORRIDOR 90 SF HHS - CHILD SUPPORT WAITING CLERICAL INTERVIEW INTERVIEW STORAGE INTERVIEW INTERVIEW OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE MAIL SUPPLIES DEPARTMENT GROSS S.F. (DGSF) COMMENTS CORRIDOR 51 SF WAITING CLERICAL OFFICE OFFICE STORAGE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CONFERENCE ROOM CLOSET DEPARTMENT NET S.F. CORRIDOR 168 SF HHS - ADRC ROOM NUMBER ROOM NAME 247 SF FAMILY COURT COMMISIONER CHAMBERS TOILET 98 SF 262 SF 41 SF 23 SF ROOM NUMBER CORRIDOR 328 SF DISTRICT ATTORNEY D.A. STORAGE DISTRICT ATTORNEY TOILET TOILET 1371 SF 119 SF 30 SF 8 SF 250 SF COMMENTS CLOSET 42 SF CIRCUIT COURTS COURT ROOM 'H' CONFERENCE ROOM STOR. CLOSET WAITING NET S.F. DEPARTMENT GROSS FLOOR AREAS: CORRIDOR 85 SF ROOM NAME COUNTY ADMIN. BUILDING: LEVEL 1 STORAGE 61 SF ROOM NUMBER COUNTY ADMIN. BUILDING: LEVEL 1 STAIR 1.1.0.S5 93 SF 4/20/2016 10:42:52 AM HHS BUILDING: LEVEL 2 NORTH HHS BUILDING - SOUTH LEVEL: 2 ELEVATION: 788.0' O0002 - 6-16-0013 WOMENS 139 SF DATE APRIL 20, 2016 SHEET NO. A211 MEETING ROOM '8' 410 SF COUNTY CLERK 1,528 DGSF 3.4% LEGISLATIVE SERVICES 4,483 DGSF 10% REGISTER OF DEEDS 3,112 DGSF 7% TREASURER 2,060 DGSF 4.6% SHARED 426 DGSF 1% HHS BUILDING HHS - MENTAL HEALTH 10,746 DGSF 24% FAMILY COURT PROGRAM 1,314 DGSF 2.9% HHS - CHILD, YOUTH, FAMILIES 9,838 DGSF 21.9% SHARED 445 DGSF 1% FLOOR COMMON AREA 9,101 DGSF BUILDING COMMON AREA 953 DGSF GROSS SQUARE FEET: 44,986 GROSS SQUARE FEET HHS - MENTAL HEALTH OFFICE 104 SF CARRIE BARDWELL CRISIS OFFICE 114 SF MEGAN ABLY OFFICE 119 SF JUDY VAN RYZIN CRISIS OFFICE 119 SF MIKE STEGER CORRIDOR 444 SF 128 SF 198 SF 1252 SF 161 SF 114 SF REG. OF DEEDS OFFICE 114 SF DINA MUMFORD 161 SF TERRY LEHR STAIR 1.2.0.S4 164 SF STAIR 1.2.0.S2 232 SF RECEIPTING STATION COPY AREA SUE ROEHRBORN COPIER LINDA NOVAK OPEN OFFICE 1252 SF RYAN BARRETTE OFFICE 122 SF SARAH VAN CAMP SCANNING NATALIE STATION STROTENEGER TERRI LISON OPEN OFFICE 1599 SF MARY HAMMEN SUPPLIES 64 SF SANDY ROMENESKO MEETING ROOM '2' & '3' 527 SF PAT BARTELS VEST. 49 SF WAITING 128 SF LOBBY 63 SF ELEV. WAITING 112 SF CONFERENCE 293 SF OFFICE 119 SF AMIE HRIZDAK OFFICE 123 SF SARA TESS BARB M. SHOT OFFICE 94 SF MED ROOM 114 SF GINA S. CLERICAL 1028 SF DR. BALES & MUSUNURU 101 SF VICKI VANVREEDE OFFICE 91 SF DR.BALDOMERO/ DR.SHEKOZ OFFICE 114 SF ANGIE DAGITZ OFFICE 114 SF HANNAH ELLER WAITING 323 SF GWEN SAFRANSKI WAITING 428 SF OFFICE 112 SF KIMBERLY TESKE OFFICE 109 SF HARBOR HOUSE LOBBY 1100 SF FILES 177 SF STORAGE 32 SF DN VOICE/DATA 37 SF JAN. 22 SF OFFICE 147 SF SARAH HICKEY WAITING 217 SF MENS 85 SF WOMENS 93 SF OFFICE 188 SF LORI O'BRIGHT CLOSET 14 SF MEETING ROOM '3' 348 SF WAITING 269 SF OFFICE 114 SF KATIE KRAUTER CLERICAL 753 SF ALLISON BARTELS CLOSET 17 SF HHS - CHILD, YOUTH, FAMILIES OFFICE 83 SF ERIN HARSK OFFICE 91 SF HEATHER REINDL OFFICE 90 SF LAURA RAPP OFFICE 92 SF KELLY KOCH OFFICE 90 SF CINDY XIONG SUE DIEHL OFFICE 106 SF KATHY CISKE MAIL ROOM 95 SF STAIR 2.3.0.S3 209 SF OFFICE 96 SF LORI HEWITT MEETING 255 SF OFFICE 70 SF MICHELLE BROWN OFFICE 83 SF BRIDGETTE WIRTZ OFFICE 84 SF JENNIFER SAILER OFFICE 93 SF JULIE STAIR 1.2.0.S3 164 SF STUDENT OFFICE 73 SF EMILIA SCHAUER OFFICE 102 SF ALICIA COOK OFFICE 93 SF MONICA VITENBROEK OFFICE 73 SF OFFICE 68 SF GINA TINA BERG OFFICE 101 SF JENINE CONNALLY OFFICE 81 SF REGINA LESLEY OFFICE 91 SF BRIANNA STAPEL OFFICE 73 SF OFFICE 91 SF RUTH BROWN CORR. 586 SF OFFICE 92 SF REBECCA SALZMAN FAMILY ROOM 173 SF OFFICE 123 SF KATHIE DIETZ MENG LEE CORR. 41 SF CORRIDOR 287 SF OFFICE 82 SF MAGGIE MAR OFFICE 98 SF BETH REIMER OFFICE 101 SF OFFICE 103 SF STACEY FRALITSCH OFFICE 80 SF CASSIE PAGLE CORRIDOR 86 SF OFFICE 110 SF MEGAN MUELLER OFFICE 105 SF BRITNEY RUSPOR CORRIDOR 217 SF ELEV. -74 SF COUNTY BOARD 2309 SF OFFICE 99 SF ANDREA LEMKEOCHON OFFICE 93 SF HEATHER WESNER STOR. 39 SF OFFICE 104 SF STEPHANIE DENSON M.P. OFFICE 135 SF MELISSA BLOM OFFICE 92 SF DAWN MICKLER OFFICE 103 SF MARIE CUNNINGHAM OFFICE 101 SF KAY KIESLING STAIRS 1.2.0.S1 232 SF OFFICE 90 SF BETTY THOMPSON OFFICE 90 SF BARB READER STAIR 3.3.0.S2 150 SF OFFICE 90 SF JODY RICHTER OFFICE 90 SF ANNE COCHEL OFFICE 82 SF OFFICE 93 SF SARAH FAVEL VACANT CONFERENCE 209 SF BREAK ROOM 112 SF STOR. 46 SF OFFICE 90 SF SHERRI DEWILDE CLOSET 31 SF MEETING ROOM '8' 410 SF OFFICE 182 SF OFFICE 116 SF ROCHELLE KOTTKE OFFICE 77 SF QUINN LEISGANG CORR. 230 SF WORKROOM 91 SF LOBBY 198 SF CORR. 103 SF KRISTIN ELHANEY CLOSET 52 SF OPEN OFFICE 199 SF COUNTY CLERK OFFICE 66 SF JULIA KULICK BROOKE PROPSEN LEGISLATIVE SERVICES CLOSET 21 SF MENS PUBLIC RESTROOM 133 SF VOICE/ DATA 37 SF ELIZABETH SHIDE CORR. 225 SF OPEN OFFICE 497 SF LYNETTE GITTER MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 879 SF ENTRY 33 SF ELEVATION: 801.3' OFFICE 154 SF JOLENE JANSSEN OFFICE 91 SF HEIDI RANDALL & MEDIATION RM JAN. 47 SF WOMENS PUBLIC RESTROOM 162 SF VOICE/ DATA 21 SF JAN. 31 SF LAURA HENDRIX COUNTY CHAIR 307 SF HELEN NAGLER CORR. 373 SF OFFICE 84 SF PAUL SCHROTH WAITING 161 SF STAIR 2.3.0.S1 479 SF NICOLE TREML VEST 61 SF RECEPT. 85 SF KATHY KRAUSE MENS 206 SF HHS BUILDING - NORTH LEVEL: 3 WORK ROOM 63 SF OFFICE 88 SF LYNN SCHROEDER OFFICE 109 SF ERIC KNUTSON CORRIDOR 334 SF LOBBY 246 SF CORONER OFFICE 158 SF RUTH WULGAERT CORRIDOR 60 SF VOICE/ DATA 40 SF ELEV. -73 SF OFFICE 106 SF WENDY ALLAR 42 SF OPEN OFFICE 77 SF RECEPT. 129 SF S KRUEGER/ A JANSSEN CATHY R. MEETING ROOM '1' 231 SF OFFICE 114 SF MICHELLE GAUGER OFFICE 111 SF JOSH DUTTON OFFICE 93 SF AMANDA VANDYKE COLLEEN CHASE 31 SF OPEN OFFICE LES JAMES DEB ROBBINS 120 SF JON MILLER MICHELLE MCGLIN DOUG BARTELT CHRIS WICHMAN SUPPLIES SHELLY DONNER 80 SF TOM CODY CORR. 111 SF WAITING 104 SF LOBBY 115 SF OFFICE 109 SF D VALENTI-HEIN OFFICE 104 SF BARB BARCZAK WAITING 38 SF OFFICE 95 SF MEGAN BANIK/ BRIANNE ZABOROWSKI MEETING ROOM '5' 249 SF CORRIDOR 284 SF OFFICE 105 SF DANIELLE BUETTNER TOILET 40 SF CORRIDOR 236 SF WORK ROOM 199 SF DR. PATIL HOME CONSULTANTS 220 SF KIM LUKE/ KELLY PASCHKE OFFICE 135 SF NICOLE CODY DR. DAVE ABSTRACTOR BOOKS 676 SF CRISIS ROOM 120 SF CATHY S. & HEATHER D. CORR. 71 SF OFFICE 107 SF WAITING 375 SF TREASURER OFFICE 95 SF MELISSA GABRIEL OFFICE 104 SF CORRIDOR 89 SF MEETING ROOM '4' 135 SF OFFICE 95 SF DARLENE BEHRENDT WAITING 198 SF OFFICE 113 SF LAURA KELLOGG OFFICE 91 SF DR.JAGDISH DAVE OFFICE 109 SF SHALYN RUSSELL MARY KEEHN LEAH DREWA SCOTT SHULTZ OFFICE 75 SF KARI MULDER(C.S.) OFFICE 115 SF SARAH BASSING-SUTTON / KATE KIRCHNER (C.S) OFFICE 93 SF KATEIE VOLLMER OFFICE 116 SF RUSS MARMOR FLOOR PLAN OFFICE 100 SF DR. KERSWILL APPLETON, WI D ZIEGLER OFFICE 104 SF KATHY NYMAN OUTAGAMIE COUNTY COURTHOUSE OFFICE 104 SF TERRY SEEFELDT REMODELING FOR: OFFICE 100 SF REVISION 348 SF OFFICE 104 SF LORI GRITTON DATE DR. AMBAS OFFICE 104 SF C CHRISTOFFERSON NO. OFFICE 100 SF PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION TREASURER WAITING WAITING OPEN OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE 144 SF BRIAN BEZIER CORRIDOR 105 SF MEETING ROOM '3' FAMILY COURT PROGRAM FLOOR COMMON AREA (FCA) WILL INCLUDE VERICAL PENETRATIONS (ELEV., STAIRS, SHAFTS, ETC.) ROOF BELOW SHARED 1445 McMAHON DRIVE NEENAH, WI 54956 Mailing: P.O.BOX 1025 NEENAH, WI 54957-1025 Tel: (920) 751-4200 Fax: (920) 751-4284 2% FILES 43 SF 375 SF 1599 SF 676 SF 122 SF 64 SF 976 DGSF CORRIDOR 384 SF REGISTER OF DEEDS WAITING OPEN OFFICE ABSTRACTOR BOOKS OFFICE SUPPLIES COUNTY ADMIN. BUILDING CORONER CORR. 48 SF 2309 SF 255 SF 95 SF 182 SF 106 SF 154 SF 307 SF 177 SF 17 SF % FLOOR COMMON AREA STAIR 3.3.0.S3 129 SF LEGISLATIVE SERVICES COUNTY BOARD MEETING MAIL ROOM OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE COUNTY CHAIR FILES CLOSET McMAHON 217 SF 147 SF 188 SF 21 SF 14 SF DEPARTMENT GROSS S.F. (DGSF) McMahon provides this drawing and data, regardless of form; as instruments of service. All rights including copyrights are retained by McMahon. The client and/or recipient agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold McMahon harmless for any reuse of or changes made to the original drawing or data without prior written consent by McMahon. 120 SF 80 SF 158 SF DEPARTMENT CORRIDOR 104 SF COUNTY CLERK WAITING OFFICE OFFICE CLOSET CLOSET COMMENTS CORRIDOR 55 SF OPEN OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE NET S.F. CORR. 56 SF SHARED 104 SF 129 SF 95 SF 116 SF 93 SF 104 SF 111 SF 428 SF 106 SF 109 SF 112 SF 114 SF 109 SF 114 SF 114 SF 105 SF 119 SF 107 SF 109 SF 113 SF 115 SF 144 SF 100 SF 104 SF 104 SF 100 SF 104 SF 104 SF 100 SF 104 SF 119 SF 114 SF 119 SF 40 SF 249 SF 323 SF 114 SF 101 SF 94 SF 220 SF 123 SF 120 SF 527 SF 95 SF 91 SF 199 SF 135 SF 1028 SF 231 SF 135 SF CORONER ROOM NAME CORR. 31 SF HHS - MENTAL HEALTH WAITING RECEPT. OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE WAITING OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CRISIS OFFICE CRISIS OFFICE TOILET MEETING ROOM '5' WAITING MED ROOM DR. BALES & MUSUNURU SHOT OFFICE HOME CONSULTANTS OFFICE CRISIS ROOM MEETING ROOM '2' & '3' OFFICE OFFICE WORK ROOM MEETING ROOM '4' CLERICAL MEETING ROOM '1' OFFICE 122 SF 46 SF 198 SF 269 SF 66 SF 116 SF 114 SF 77 SF 52 SF 83 SF 90 SF 31 SF 91 SF 90 SF 90 SF 92 SF 91 SF 90 SF 90 SF 92 SF 123 SF 90 SF 90 SF 82 SF 144 SF 209 SF 93 SF 112 SF 101 SF 103 SF 92 SF 39 SF 135 SF 104 SF 80 SF 93 SF 98 SF 110 SF 93 SF 82 SF 73 SF 103 SF 101 SF 73 SF 68 SF 93 SF 101 SF 81 SF 73 SF 91 SF 173 SF 96 SF 70 SF 83 SF 84 SF 99 SF 105 SF 102 SF 91 SF 753 SF 32 SF ROOM NUMBER CORRIDOR 154 SF W:\PROJECTS\O0002\61600113\REVIT\Outagamie County - Complex\McM_Arch_Outagamie County Complex.rvt HHS - CHILD, YOUTH, FAMILIES LOBBY STOR. LOBBY WAITING OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CLOSET OFFICE OFFICE CLOSET OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CONFERENCE OFFICE BREAK ROOM OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE STOR. M.P. OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE FAMILY ROOM OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE WORKROOM CLERICAL STORAGE 161 SF 85 SF 63 SF 104 SF 93 SF 109 SF 84 SF 91 SF 88 SF 43 SF Not Placed COMMENTS CORRIDOR 74 SF FAMILY COURT PROGRAM WAITING RECEPT. WORK ROOM OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE FILES CLOSET NET S.F. CORRIDOR 215 SF ROOM NAME DEPARTMENT GROSS FLOOR AREAS: KIM KRUEGER ROOM NUMBER COUNTY ADMIN. BUILDING: LEVEL 2 CORR. 49 SF 4/20/2016 10:45:06 AM HHS BUILDING: LEVEL 3 LOBBY 122 SF STAIR 2.3.0.S2 174 SF OFFICE 144 SF REBECCA SPULAK REST. 150 SF WOMENS 139 SF DESIGNED DRAWN --- CRW PROJECT NO. O0002 - 6-16-0013 COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (CAB) LEVEL: 2 ELEVATION: 796.25' NORTH COMPOSITE FLOOR PLAN 3/32" = 1'-0" HHS BUILDING - SOUTH LEVEL: 3 ELEVATION: 779.3' DATE APRIL 20, 2016 SHEET NO. A221 2,364 DGSF 7.4% HHS - FISCAL 1,934 DGSF 6.1% PLANNING 2,257 DGSF 7.1% ZONING 1,394 DGSF 4.4% SHARED 1,771 DGSF 5.6% HHS BUILDING HHS - ADMINISTRATION 696 DGSF 2.2% HHS - ADRC/ALTS 3,915 DGSF 12.3% HHS - FISCAL 463 DGSF 1.5% HHS - PUBLIC HEALTH 4,263 DGSF 13.4% HHS - MENTAL HEALTH 442 DGSF 1.4% FLOOR COMMON AREA 6,919 DGSF BUILDING COMMON AREA 1,749 DGSF GROSS SQUARE FEET: 31,745 GROSS SQUARE FEET CONFERENCE ROOM '2' 334 SF PASS 64 SF CLOSET 75 SF OFFICE 142 SF KATHY HOFFMAN WORK ROOM 128 SF OPEN OFFICE 266 SF LINDA RASMUSSEN OPEN OFFICE 147 SF LOVONNE HOHN OFFICE 238 SF ROSEMARY DAVIS 115 SF 125 SF 132 SF 212 SF 125 SF 125 SF 188 SF CORR. 594 SF WAITING 89 SF OFFICE 128 SF SUE LILLGE OFFICE 288 SF JOHN RATHMAN OFFICE 137 SF SUSAN HURLEY HHS - FISCAL FISCAL OFFICE FISCAL OFFICE FISCAL OFFICE FISCAL OFFICE 103 SF 96 SF 96 SF 94 SF OFFICE 100 SF BONNIE KRUPKA LOBBY 58 SF STORAGE 118 SF CORRIDOR 484 SF WOMENS 171 SF DN OPEN TO LOBBY BELOW OFFICE 100 SF TORI LEHMAN OFFICE 134 SF JANET SCHMIDT M.H. 100 SF PENNIE LINNA OFFICE 94 SF SARAH RHONE OFFICE 91 SF VALERIE DAVIS OFFICE 138 SF CATHY RANDERSON/ CAREY CULLEN MENS TOILET ROOM 153 SF STOR. 28 SF WAITING 112 SF EXAM ROOM 328 SF KATHY GRASSMAN CLERICAL 116 SF CORRIDOR 100 SF P.H. OFFICE 96 SF JO ELLEN BLADIAZ OFFICE 95 SF KAREN VOLKMAN CLERICAL 170 SF OFFICE 91 SF CINDY BRILSKI SERENA DAVIS PEGGY HARTFIEL JAN. 29 SF OFFICE 178 SF BECKY MEURMARS OFFICE 133 SF OFFICE 140 SF TRACI MEUKMANS HHS - FISCAL OFFICE 141 SF DAVE JOHNSON OFFICE 98 SF NATALIE VANDERVELD LOBBY 266 SF ELEV. -ARIC SENNENSCHEIN STEPHANIE STICKA COMMUNITY HEALTH AIDE 119 SF TRISTA GROTH STAIR 3.4.0.S3 129 SF STORAGE 71 SF ELEVATION: 814.67' PLANNING CORRIDOR 484 SF ZONING OFFICE 147 SF MENS 156 SF OPEN OFFICE 121 SF OFFICE 212 SF STEVE SWANSON STAIR 2.4.0.S3 171 SF OFFICE 168 SF KARA HOMAN 111 SF MIA LJUNG OFFICE 163 SF PATRICK TAYLOR OPEN OFFICE 180 SF LORI HURST MEETING '3' 168 SF OPEN OFFICE 287 SF WAITING 157 SF OFFICE 180 SF AARON JANSSEN OFFICE 153 SF STEPHANIE LIND OFFICE 132 SF PATRICIA SCHERER FILES 125 SF PRINT ROOM 123 SF OFFICE 125 SF DOUG DEPAS OFFICE 115 SF JIM MEETING '1' 759 SF McMahon provides this drawing and data, regardless of form; as instruments of service. All rights including copyrights are retained by McMahon. The client and/or recipient agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold McMahon harmless for any reuse of or changes made to the original drawing or data without prior written consent by McMahon. HHS ADMIN OFFICE 95 SF DEHART DEHART ADMIN OFFICE 106 SF FISCAL OFFICE 103 SF JUDY RICH CORRIDOR 123 SF HHS CONFERENCE ROOM 'A' 498 SF HHS ADMIN OFFICE 102 SF TAMARA NELSON ADRC OFFICE 109 SF MARY GUYETTE VEST. 62 SF VOICE/ DATA 65 SF HHS BUILDING - NORTH LEVEL: 4 ADRC OFFICE 106 SF NICOLE SMITH WAITING 136 SF HSS INTERVIEW 93 SF LAB 119 SF SANITARIANS 178 SF SAI XIONG FILES 179 SF ALTS OFFICE 94 SF LYNN SCHROEDER CORRIDOR 467 SF WOMENS TOILET ROOM 139 SF CORRIDOR 208 SF OFFICE 146 SF KAY HERRLING CORRIDOR 120 SF JANITOR 45 SF FISCAL OFFICE 96 SF BARB MANSCHOT BRIANNE FENJKE HHS - MENTAL HEALTH TOILET 38 SF OFFICE 94 SF SARAH CECCON LISA KILSDONL CORRIDOR 212 SF COFERENCE ROOM 'B' 508 SF CONFERENCE 288 SF OFFICE 100 SF KRISTIN MIELKE MERDN HURLEL FISCAL OFFICE 96 SF TERESA BRINKMAN CORRIDOR 187 SF OFFICE 93 SF INTERN (VACANT) VOICE/DATA 46 SF FILES 104 SF 112 SF 116 SF 170 SF 179 SF 119 SF 178 SF 71 SF 119 SF 98 SF 91 SF 95 SF 96 SF 94 SF 100 SF 138 SF 91 SF 94 SF 288 SF 38 SF 328 SF 94 SF 102 SF 97 SF 105 SF 104 SF OFFICE 100 SF CLAIRE HEGNER STORAGE (STANDBY P.H./M.H.) 104 SF M.H. 100 SF LAUREN COWELL WORK AREA CLERICAL 784 SF WORK AREA M.H. 100 SF CHRIS WARDLOW MARUEEN GRANGER FISCAL OFFICE 94 SF GAIL SWIECHOWSKI OFFICE 111 SF LUKE BEHLING PASS 77 SF W:\PROJECTS\O0002\61600113\REVIT\Outagamie County - Complex\McM_Arch_Outagamie County Complex.rvt HHS - PUBLIC HEALTH WAITING CLERICAL CLERICAL FILES LAB SANITARIANS STORAGE COMMUNITY HEALTH AIDE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE P.H. OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CONFERENCE TOILET EXAM ROOM P.H. P.H. P.H. P.H. STORAGE (STANDBY P.H./M.H.) 100 SF 100 SF 100 SF OFFICE 153 SF JILL CARLSON TONI HOH CORRIDOR 258 SF CORRIDOR 830 SF OFFICE 128 SF BRAD BASTIAN COMMENTS INTERN HHS - MENTAL HEALTH M.H. M.H. M.H. RAMP 274 SF WORK ROOM 120 SF WORK ROOM 94 SF HHS - PUBLIC HEALTH ELEV. -65 SF OFFICE 305 SF JOE GUIDOTE OFFICE 125 SF CONTRACT PRINTER / SCANNER CORRIDOR 121 SF LACTATION 55 SF 136 SF 498 SF 106 SF 106 SF 109 SF 94 SF 784 SF 93 SF 94 SF 95 SF 28 SF 508 SF CONFERENCE ROOM '4' 244 SF STAIR 3.4.0.S1 209 SF OFFICE 124 SF SHERRY THOMPSON DN HHS - ADRC/ALTS WAITING HHS CONFERENCE ROOM 'A' ADRC OFFICE ADMIN OFFICE ADRC OFFICE ALTS OFFICE CLERICAL HSS INTERVIEW WORK ROOM ADRC OFFICE STOR. COFERENCE ROOM 'B' HSS ADMIN OFFICE 139 SF JENNI HERRICK 277 SF 334 SF 244 SF 759 SF 77 SF 81 SF 102 SF 95 SF 93 SF 95 SF 95 SF 93 SF HSS ADMIN OFFICE 144 SF KAREN MILKEY HSS ADMIN OFFICE 148 SF LAURA SMITH ADRC OFFICE 95 SF LEIGH BOLENDER ADMIN. OFFICE 93 SF MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT 940 SF BOILER 591 SF STAIR 3.4.0.S2 149 SF CONF/ WORK ROOM 125 SF OFFICE 188 SF STAIR 1.3.0.S1 181 SF TIM ROACH FLOOR PLAN HHS ADMIN OFFICE 180 SF COLLEEN HEITPAS P.H. 105 SF WENDY BEYER ADMIN. OFFICE 95 SF APPLETON, WI HHS - ADMINISTRATION HHS ADMIN OFFICE HHS ADMIN OFFICE ADMIN. OFFICE ADMIN. OFFICE ADMIN. OFFICE P.H. HHS - ADMIN. ADMIN. OFFICE 95 SF AC-ES PRINRSHP P.H. 93 SF ELLEN KOSKI HHS - FISCAL REVISION STAIR 1.3.0.S2 185 SF P.H. 97 SF CASSY BERG P.H. 94 SF CONFERENCE ROOM CORRIDOR 76 SF HHS - ADMIN. 140 SF 147 SF 121 SF 123 SF 287 SF 168 SF 141 SF 93 SF 111 SF 128 SF NET S.F. HHS - ADMINISTRATION OUTAGAMIE COUNTY COURTHOUSE ROOM NAME HHS - ADRC P.H. 102 SF MARY DORN HHS BUILDING: LEVEL 4 ROOM NUMBER HHS - PUBLIC HEALTH 1445 McMAHON DRIVE NEENAH, WI 54956 Mailing: P.O.BOX 1025 NEENAH, WI 54957-1025 Tel: (920) 751-4200 Fax: (920) 751-4284 HHS - ADMINISTRATION FLOOR COMMON AREA (FCA) WILL INCLUDE VERTICAL PENETRATIONS (ELEV., STAIRS, SHAFTS, ETC.) 142 SF 128 SF 137 SF 100 SF 100 SF 100 SF 134 SF 146 SF 153 SF 120 SF 125 SF 124 SF McMAHON 6.4% REMODELING FOR: OFFICE FILES OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE CONF/ WORK ROOM OFFICE 2,031 DGSF DATE ZONING CONFERENCE ROOM '2' CONFERENCE ROOM '4' MEETING '1' PASS CLOSET COUNTY ADMIN. BUILDING CORPORATION COUNSEL NO. SHARED OFFICE OFFICE OPEN OFFICE PRINT ROOM OPEN OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE % FLOOR COMMON AREA PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION PLANNING 64 SF 75 SF 128 SF 266 SF 147 SF 89 SF 238 SF 118 SF 288 SF 180 SF 144 SF 148 SF 139 SF DEPARTMENT GROSS S.F. (DGSF) CORRIDOR 68 SF HHS - FISCAL OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE WORK ROOM OFFICE OFFICE 305 SF 163 SF 104 SF 168 SF 157 SF 180 SF 153 SF 180 SF 133 SF 178 SF DEPARTMENT CORRIDOR 94 SF HHS - ADMINISTRATION PASS CLOSET WORK ROOM OPEN OFFICE OPEN OFFICE WAITING OFFICE STORAGE OFFICE HHS ADMIN OFFICE HSS ADMIN OFFICE HSS ADMIN OFFICE HSS ADMIN OFFICE COMMENTS CORRIDOR 61 SF CORPORATION COUNSEL OFFICE OFFICE FILES MEETING '3' WAITING OPEN OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE NET S.F. CORRIDOR 169 SF ROOM NAME CORRIDOR 120 SF ROOM NUMBER DEPARTMENT GROSS FLOOR AREAS: HALL 24 SF 4/20/2016 10:41:35 AM COUNTY ADMIN. BUILDING: LEVEL 3 CLOSET 81 SF CORP COUNSEL COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (CAB) LEVEL: 3 HHS BUILDING - SOUTH ELEVATION: 812.5' NORTH COMPOSITE FLOOR PLAN 3/32" = 1'-0" DESIGNED DRAWN --- CRW PROJECT NO. O0002 - 6-16-0013 DATE APRIL 20, 2016 SHEET NO. A231 COUNTY EXECUTIVE OFFICE OPEN OFFICE OFFICE WORK ROOM C.E. RECP AREA FINANCE PAYROLL OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE NET S.F. 162 SF 234 SF 421 SF 112 SF 226 SF 87 SF 146 SF 183 SF 139 SF 142 SF HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE OPEN OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE OFFICE HR FILE ROOM OPEN OFFICE OFFICE WORK ROOM 210 SF 92 SF 129 SF 140 SF 172 SF 205 SF 890 SF 291 SF 68 SF SHARED 254 SF 161 SF 257 SF MEETING ROOM '6' BREAK ROOM MEETING ROOM '5' COMMENTS DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT GROSS S.F. (DGSF) % FLOOR COMMON AREA COUNTY EXECUTIVE 1,296 SF 14.7% FINANCE 2,711 SF 30.8% HUMAN RESOURCES 2,551 SF 29% SHARED 743 SF 8.4% FLOOR COMMON AREA 1,029 SF BUILDING COMMON AREA 481 SF GROSS SQUARE FEET: 8,811 GROSS SQUARE FEET 1445 McMAHON DRIVE NEENAH, WI 54956 Mailing: P.O.BOX 1025 NEENAH, WI 54957-1025 Tel: (920) 751-4200 Fax: (920) 751-4284 ROOM NAME McMAHON ROOM NUMBER DEPARTMENT GROSS FLOOR AREAS: McMahon provides this drawing and data, regardless of form; as instruments of service. All rights including copyrights are retained by McMahon. The client and/or recipient agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold McMahon harmless for any reuse of or changes made to the original drawing or data without prior written consent by McMahon. 4/20/2016 10:51:50 AM COUNTY ADMIN. BUILDING: LEVEL 4 FLOOR COMMON AREA (FCA) WILL INCLUDE VERTICAL PENTRATIONS (ELEV., STAIRS, SHAFTS, ETC.) OFFICE 421 SF THOMAS NELSON C.E. RECP AREA 226 SF WORK ROOM 112 SF LISA LUX ANN HOELSBECK HR FILE ROOM 205 SF OFFICE 140 SF CINDY GOLDEN STAIR 1.4.0.S3 67 SF JANE TREML OFFICE 129 SF JANET GALEN BREAK ROOM 161 SF OPEN OFFICE 205 SF OPEN OFFICE 92 SF KARI MORGENSEN FILES 60 SF VICKI MCMAHON OFFICE 210 SF YOLANDA GERRITS JAN. 18 SF FINANCE PAM JENSEN VACANT SHARED VACANT WOMENS 80 SF OPEN OFFICE 778 SF VACANT ROOF BELOW MENS 80 SF MEETING ROOM '6' 254 SF LISA LEEMAN ROOF BELOW PAYROLL COLLEEN O'BRIEN STAIR 1.4.0.S1 126 SF W:\PROJECTS\O0002\61600113\REVIT\Outagamie County - Complex\McM_Arch_Outagamie County Complex.rvt TINA SHATTERS PAYROLL 87 SF LISA MILLARD OFFICE 183 SF B. MASSEY OFFICE 146 SF TAMMY KRAHN HHS BUILD - SOUTH COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (CAB) LEVEL: 4 OUTAGAMIE COUNTY COURTHOUSE OFFICE 139 SF JULIE BEACHOP VOICE/ DATA 31 SF HHS BUILD - NORTH OFFICE 172 SF KARIANN HESSE REMODELING FOR: OFFICE 142 SF NICOLE SCHEUTTE HUMAN RESOURCES MONICA GOSZ ELEV. -81 SF MEETING ROOM '5' 257 SF MECH. 420 SF OPEN OFFICE 890 SF FLOOR PLAN HUMAN RESOUCES APPLETON, WI WORK ROOM 68 SF OFFICE 291 SF REVISION OFFICE 162 SF CRAIG MOSER COUNTY EXECUTIVE NO. OPEN OFFICE 234 SF LARRY ABITZ DATE STAIR 1.4.0.S2 126 SF ROOF BELOW ELEVATION: 830.66' DESIGNED DRAWN --- CRW PROJECT NO. COMPOSITE FLOOR PLAN 3/32" = 1'-0" NORTH O0002 - 6-16-0013 DATE APRIL 20, 2016 SHEET NO. A241 REMODELING FOR: REVISION GROSS SQUARE FEET: 1,815 GROSS SQUARE FEET MECH. 1409 SF LEVEL: 5 COMPOSITE FLOOR PLAN NORTH FLOOR PLAN DATE 1,815 SF APPLETON, WI NO. BUILDING COMMON AREA OUTAGAMIE COUNTY COURTHOUSE W:\PROJECTS\O0002\61600113\REVIT\Outagamie County - Complex\McM_Arch_Outagamie County Complex.rvt DEPARTMENT GROSS FLOOR AREA: STAIR 1.5.0.S3 110 SF COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (CAB) ELEVATION: 842.28' DESIGNED DRAWN --CRW PROJECT NO. O0002 - 6-16-0013 DATE APRIL 20, 2016 3/32" = 1'-0" SHEET NO. A251 McMahon provides this drawing and data, regardless of form; as instruments of service. All rights including copyrights are retained by McMahon. The client and/or recipient agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold McMahon harmless for any reuse of or changes made to the original drawing or data without prior written consent by McMahon. 1445 McMAHON DRIVE NEENAH, WI 54956 Mailing: P.O.BOX 1025 NEENAH, WI 54957-1025 Tel: (920) 751-4200 Fax: (920) 751-4284 McMAHON 4/20/2016 10:52:12 AM 1445 McMAHON DRIVE NEENAH, WI 54956 Mailing: P.O.BOX 1025 NEENAH, WI 54957-1025 Tel: (920) 751-4200 Fax: (920) 751-4284 McMAHON McMahon provides this drawing and data, regardless of form; as instruments of service. All rights including copyrights are retained by McMahon. The client and/or recipient agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold McMahon harmless for any reuse of or changes made to the original drawing or data without prior written consent by McMahon. 4/20/2016 11:08:03 AM 227 OFFICE BUILDING: LOWER LEVEL ROOM NUMBER ROOM NAME CRIMINAL JUSTICE TREATMENT CENTER 002 DAY REPORT CENTER 002A FAMILY SERVICES OFFICE 002B FAMILY SERVICES SAFE EXCHANGE 002C STORAGE 008 BREAKROOM 008A OFFICE 009 CONFERENCE ROOM 010 SHARED STORAGE NET S.F. COMMENTS 373 SF 128 SF 275 SF 50 SF 127 SF 28 SF 556 SF 46 SF MENS WOMENS 005 006 50 SF 67 SF BREAKROOM 008 127 SF STAIRS S-2 116 SF BUILDING COMMON AREA 338 SF GROSS SQUARE FEET: 2,916 GROSS SQUARE FEET OFFICE PASSAGE 008A 007 JOHN WELLS 53 SF FLOOR COMMON AREA (FCA) WILL INCLUDE VERTICAL PENETRATIONS (ELEV., STAIRS, SHAFTS, ETC.) STORAGE 003 71 SF MECH. CORRIDOR STORAGE 001 002C 275 SF 50 SF CONFERENCE ROOM 009 556 SF FAMILY SERVICES OFFICE FAMILY SERVICES SAFE EXCHANGE 002A 002B 275 SF ANNE KRAEMERS W:\PROJECTS\O0002\61600113\REVIT\Outagamie County - Office Building (227)\McM_Arch_Outagamie_County_Office_Building.rvt TABITHA SEEFELDT DAY REPORT CENTER STAIRS SHARED STORAGE 002 S-1 010 373 SF 98 SF 46 SF CRIMINAL JUSTICE TREATMENT CENTER EXISTING BASEMENT PLAN 787 SF APPLETON, WI FLOOR COMMON AREA 220 SF OUTAGAMIE COUNTY 227 OFFICE BUILDING 61.4% OFFICE REMODELING FOR: 1,791 SF 004 REVISION % FLOOR COMMON AREA DATE DEPARTMENT GROSS S.F. (DGSF) NO. DEPARTMENT CRIMINAL JUSTICE TREATMENT CENTER PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT GROSS FLOOR AREAS: EQUIPMENT ROOM DESIGNED DRAWN --- CRW PROJECT NO. O0002-6-16-0013 EXISTING BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN 3/8" = 1'-0" DATE NORTH APRIL 20, 2016 SHEET NO. A100 227 OFFICE BUILDING: FIRST FLOOR 90 SF 99 SF 94 SF 88 SF 88 SF 163 SF 102 SF 46 SF 381 SF STAIRS OFFICE S-2 108 115 SF 99 SF 88 SF TIM CARPENTER 109 94 SF BETH ROBINSON WAITING OFFICE 113 109B 88 SF 88 SF DEPARTMENT GROSS FLOOR AREAS: DEPARTMENT VETERANS SERVICE DEPARTMENT GROSS S.F. (DGSF) 1,242 DGSF % FLOOR COMMON AREA 42.6% CRIMINAL JUSTICE TREATMENT CENTER 1,321 DGSF 45.3% FLOOR COMMON AREA 353 SF GROSS SQUARE FEET: 2,916 GROSS SQUARE FEET FLOOR COMMON AREA (FCA) WILL INCLUDE VERTICAL PENETRATIONS (ELEV., STAIRS, SHAFTS, ETC.) BARB MILLER OFFICE 106 MICHELLE TEPOLT 120 SF JEAN GENERAL OFFICE 102 OPEN OFFICE 280 SF 111 381 SF FILE ROOM OFFICE 110A 110 102 SF 163 SF BERNIE VETRONES WORK AREA 112 OFFICE ERICA BUTLER 37 SF 105 120 SF LISA WAITING ROOM 102A 90 SF VETERANS SERVICES OFFICE OFFICE 104 103 191 SF 132 SF JON LIDONNE DAVID FIRST FLOOR EXISTING PLAN 3/8" = 1'-0" VESTIBULE STAIRS BATHROOM 101 S-1 111 82 SF 78 SF 46 SF NORTH EXISTING FIRST FLOOR PLAN KAREN APPLETON, WI 126 SF OUTAGAMIE COUNTY 227 OFFICE BUILDING 107 280 SF 132 SF 191 SF 120 SF 120 SF 126 SF 37 SF 88 SF OFFICE REMODELING FOR: OFFICE SHAUNA GROSSMAN W:\PROJECTS\O0002\61600113\REVIT\Outagamie County - Office Building (227)\McM_Arch_Outagamie_County_Office_Building.rvt McMahon provides this drawing and data, regardless of form; as instruments of service. All rights including copyrights are retained by McMahon. The client and/or recipient agrees to the fullest extent permitted by law to indemnify and hold McMahon harmless for any reuse of or changes made to the original drawing or data without prior written consent by McMahon. 109A COPY ROOM/ STORAGE REVISION VETERANS SERVICE 102 GENERAL OFFICE 103 OFFICE 104 OFFICE 105 OFFICE 106 OFFICE 107 OFFICE 112 WORK AREA 113 WAITING COMMENTS DATE CRIMINAL JUSTICE TREATMENT CENTER 102A WAITING ROOM 108 OFFICE 109 COPY ROOM/ STORAGE 109A OFFICE 109B OFFICE 110 OFFICE 110A FILE ROOM 111 BATHROOM 111 OPEN OFFICE NET S.F NO. ROOM NAME OFFICE PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ROOM NUMBER 1445 McMAHON DRIVE NEENAH, WI 54956 Mailing: P.O.BOX 1025 NEENAH, WI 54957-1025 Tel: (920) 751-4200 Fax: (920) 751-4284 McMAHON 4/20/2016 11:07:26 AM CRIMINAL JUSTICE TREATMENT CENTER DESIGNED DRAWN --- CRW PROJECT NO. O0002-6-16-0013 DATE APRIL 20, 2016 SHEET NO. A111