Sites sept2014.indd - Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis
Sites sept2014.indd - Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis
Sites September, 2014 IN THIS ISSUE: ■ Board Candidate Profiles ■ Top 10 Small Towns: Zionsville ■ BAGI Golf Outings Pics Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis INDIANAPOLIS: Newest Figures Show New Home Prices Rise, Sales Decrease In This Issue September, 2014 Articles: 10 Builder Profile: BBG Construction 11 Associate Profile: Habegger Corporation 13 Cover: New Home Prices Rise 17 Best Small Towns: Zionsville 19 New Home Construction on Rise 27 Permit Info 46 MIBOR Report This Issue: 4 Message from Joe Garcia 7 Meetings & Events 8 New Members 22 CANDIDATE PROFILES 37 Spikes 23 Thank You Sponsors 47 MIBOR Stats Advertisers: 8 Access Elevator 4 Airtron 7 Aqua Systems 9 BPCI 5 Citizens Energy Group 21 Custom Concrete 15 Indianapolis Home & Garden 44 Indianapolis Power & Light 7 Kelley Construction Corp. 3 Sims-Lohman 16 Speedway 21 Thermo-Scan 12 Vectren Energy Delivery 6 Water Furnace International 2 Weber Concrete Construction 38 Whatron Insurance Steve Lains Chief Executive Officer [email protected] Rosemary Manifold Chief Financial Officer [email protected] Barbara Zoderer Director of Councils, Membership & Events [email protected] Carrie Cason Director of Communications [email protected] Kate Johnson Director of Government Affairs [email protected] Rhonda Malatestinic Administrative Assistant [email protected] Matt Ochs Operations Manager Building Partners of Central Indiana [email protected] We have been using Weber Concrete for over 10 years, and they continue to deliver a quality product at a competitive price. They are always professional and leave the job sites clean and ready for framing. - Matt Beecher, Matt Beecher Builders 2 An undependable supplier is like using a bent level. Sims-Lohman gives you straight answers and on-time delivery of cabinets and granite tops. If you’re having trouble finding a supplier who’ll level with you on delivery deadlines, talk to Sims-Lohman. We believe in plain talk, absolute reliability and on-time cabinet and granite top orders. We’re a one-stop supplier, with nine cabinet lines and slab showrooms featuring over 150 granite colors. Plus, our in-house fabrication facility means we can install granite tops in just five working days or less. To learn more about our on-time delivery, quality products and unmatched service, or if you’re interested in becoming a member of our team, visit and contact us. Let us know what you need and we’ll do our level best to get it done. Building on Trust. Delivering on Promises. Cincinnati | Cleveland | Columbus | Dayton | Indianapolis | Lafayette | Lexington | Louisville | Pittsburgh | Message from Joe Garcia, President If you haven’t heard, it’s BAGI Board Election time. We have a slate of extremely talented individuals who will be tremendous assets to the Board of Directors. They have willingly volunteered to spend the time and effort to further our industry and our Association. As a membership, it is our honorable task to exercise our right to vote – because your vote counts. The 2014-15 BAGI Board of Directors elections will be held at the November 13th BAGI Bash at Primo South. Joe Garcia In the election process, one person from each member firm can vote. Builders may vote for builders and associates may vote for associates. Call the GREEN Heating and Cooling Experts at Airtron Today! Big Savings from Environmentally Sound Installations and High Efficiency Equipment Absentee voting may be done in person only at the BAGI Office located at 1011 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street – M-F from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Absentee ballots will be accepted until October 31, 2014. BAGI is very fortunate to have dedicated members ready to step into leadership positions with the association. The year’s candidates would greatly appreciate you taking the time to vote. Sincerely, Joe Garcia G&G Custom Homes BAGI President Passed over 2000 Energy Star® performance tests in last three years Local Energy Star® Experts Geothermal System Experts Indoor Air Quality Products and Evaluations NAHB Certified Green Professional Designation (317) 783-3101 5150 Elmwood Avenuet Indianapolis, IN 46203 Airtron License #: H0000865 Direct Energy® and the Energy Bolt Design are trademarks of Direct Energy Marketing Limited. 4 VOLUNTEER VOLUNTE EER. M MOM OM. We’re all citizens. Just like you. .ULVWDOLNHVWRKHOS6KHJHWVKHUNLGVWRSUDFWLFHDVVLVWVZLWKWKHKRPHZRUNDQGVWLOOÀQGVWLPHWR drive a few nails for Habitat for Humanity. But that’s just the beginning. At Citizens Energy Group, she helps customers get the most for their energy dollars. :KHWKHULW·VWDNLQJDGYDQWDJHRIUHEDWHVRUÀQGLQJQHZZD\V to insulate homes, Krista’s work stretches budgets. And as a mother she knows how important that is. But this mom doesn’t just work for Citizens Energy Group. She’s a customer, too. Visit to learn more. WATERFURNACE UNITS QUALIFY FOR A 30% FEDERAL TAX CREDIT 7 SERIES 700A11 In today’s economy, wise purchases are more important than ever. With the volatile price of fossil fuels, homeowners around the world have found that WaterFurnace is a smart choice. WaterFurnace geothermal comfort systems tap into the clean, renewable energy found in your own backyard to provide savings of up to 70% on heating, cooling and hot water. For more information and an analysis of savings potential, visit us at It’s money in the bank. Consider the 7 Series 700A11 • The first variable capacity geothermal heat pump available to homeowners • The most efficient heating and cooling system you can sell • 41 EER | 5.3 COP | (800) GEO-SAVE ©2013 WaterFurnace is a registered trademark of WaterFurnace International, Inc. Meetings/Events: Reservations made at BAGI Connect Wednesday, Sept. 17th 8:00 am to 9:30 am BAGI Office FREE Johnson Co Membership Mtg: MCALLISTER’S DELI Meridian (135) south of County Line Rd. 11:30 – 1 pm RESERVATIONS REQUIRED MARKET REVIEW & CASINO FUNDRAISER Primo’s South - 2615 National Avenue – 46227 Registration at 4:30 pm for Market Review 5-6 pm Given by MetroStudy, hosted by Wells Fargo Casino opens at 6pm Live Auction: One hour lunch Auctioning Joe Garcia and Curtis Rector SMC Membership Mtg Wednesday, Sept. 24th 8:30 am to 11:00 am Oak Hill Mansion $25 per SMC Member Annual Summit Mtg. Reservations required Hamilton Co & Remodelors Council Host panel discussion with Building Commissioners and Inspectors Thursday, Sept. 25th 8:30 am to 10:00 am Oak Hill Mansion $15 per person Reservations required BAGI.COM for Reservations Residential and Commercial Millwork and Cabinetry Installation Specialists Why do 9 out of 10 people who talk to us choose our water systems? Call Jeff Alfrey for builder discount schedule or special #"(*NFNCFSQSJDJOH t4VQFSJPS1SPEVDUTBOE4FSWJDF4JODF t8IPMF)PVTF%SJOLJOH8BUFS4ZTUFNT t8BUFS4PGUFOFSTBOE'JMUSBUJPO t*OEVTUSZ-FBEJOH8BSSBOUJFT $BMMPSWJTJUPOFPGPVSTUPSFTGPSHSFBUWBMVFT "WPO 7785 E US Hwy 36 'JTIFST 11345 Allisonville Rd (SFFOXPPE 905 N State Rd 135 8BUFS4PGUFOFSTtPurification Systems t#PUUMFE8BUFStHome and Office Delivery t4BMU#PUUMFE8BUFS%SJWF5ISV Open Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. New Members Builders Unique Home Solutions 5550 Progress Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46241 Phone: (800) 800-1971 Fax: (317) 337-9309 Contact: Monica Davidson Sponsor: Jason Ells, RRP Business: Remodeler Associates Fire Dawgs Junk Removal 4333 W. 71st St. Indianapolis, IN 46268 Phone: (800) 712-5865 Contact: Jeff McDole, Jr. Sponsor: Josh Smith Business: Junk Removal/Dumpster Rental/Demolition The Habegger Corporation 8219 Northwest Blvd. Ste. 400 Indianapolis, IN 46278 Phone: (317) 875-9966 Fax: (317) 875-9399 Contact: John Taylor Sponsor: Jeremy Ash, CGP,CGA Business: HVAC Distributor IKO 6 Denny Rd. Ste. 200 Wilmington, DE 19809 Phone: (317) 670-4791 Contact: Lora Manning Sponsor: Joe Reedy Business: Roofing Manufacturer Stone Gallery Corp. 951 W. Morris St. Indianapolis, IN 46227 Phone: (317) 686-9818 Fax: (317) 686-9817 Contact: Vincent Zhou Sponsor: Tim Eckert Business: Granite Sales and Installation Cancellations: Brookshire Custom Homes & Rabb & Howe Cabinet Top 8 Most popular residential elevator in America A practical aging-in-place feature ensures access to all levels - no matter what the future holds Small footprint - no machine room required No hydraulic smell or environmental concerns Local sales & installation staff insures quick action Call for pricing, specifications and shop drawings 317-784-2900 1-800-336-1147 4855 S. Emerson Ave., Suite 101 BAGI MEMBER SINCE 1994 Picture your dream home becoming a reality Building with one of our builders ensures that you will be living in a quality, custom-built home for years to come. With flexible lot, floorplan and amenities options, along with the personal service you’d expect from a high-end custom builder, choosing a BPCI member is the surest way to making your dream home a reality. Thinking of remodeling? Our builders also offer complete remodeling services. MAKE PLANS TODAY Call Matt Ochs - 317.236.4320 [email protected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¿HOG/LJKWLQJ&R %XLOGLQJ :KHHOHU&RUS 3DUWQHUV RI&HQWUDO ,QGLDQD The Benchmark of Industry Professionalism Builder Profile: BBG Construction - Indy A List Winner! Indy A-List announced the winners of the 2014 Best Home Remodelers in the Indy Metro Area and Westfield based BBG Construction came out on top. The Indy AList features more than 5,683 businesses competing for title of Indianapolis' best. BBG Construction is a general contracting company that specializes in residential remodeling and investment property renovations. Indy A-List has been accumulating votes for nominated companies for the last three months and BBG Construction accumulated 63 votes to hit the number one slot. BBG Construction owner Ben Davis started the company over 10 years ago on a foundation of hard work, prompt service and a commitment to excellence. “I am thrilled to have been voted one of Indianapolis’ best,” says owner Ben Davis. “I am fortunate to be surrounded by a phenomenal team and exceptional clients and those two factors are the top contributors to my suc- BBG Construction, a member of the Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis, oversees and manages all aspects and phases of the construction process from start to finish. From planning to design to construction, every detail will be handled by their team of top professionals. They work sideby-side with qualified subcontractors and designers to meet the needs of clients. BBG Construction 15034 Declaration Drive Westfield, IN 46074 317-250-8522 Associate Profile: The Habegger Corporation WE ARE DEDICATED, HARD WORKING, PRINCIPLED PEOPLE The Habegger Corporation mission is to be a customer oriented, successful distributor of heating and air conditioning products. Our goal is to be the recognized leader in the markets we serve while conducting our business according to the highest ethical standards. We will achieve our goal by providing quality products, outstanding service to our customers and providing employees with opportunities to develop their talents in an atmosphere of mutual cooperation and respect. THE HABEGGER DIFFERENCE *Locations geographically positioned to support customers *Local / regional customer service response *Extensive product inventory available to meet customer needs *Privately owned, personal relations with all customers *3rd generation family member involvement INDIANAPOLIS 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM (M-F) 8219 Northwest Blvd, 46278 (317) 875-9966 Fax (317) 875-9399 *Long-term manufacturer relations for strong customer support *Employee residences in local markets *Over 500 years of employee technical expertise *Customized training to better serve customers 11 Incentives toward the construction of energy efficient homes Rebates on qualifying natural gas equipment for homes and businesses Visit or call 1.866.240.8476 to learn about a variety of cash rebates and programs designed to provide home owners and builders with opportunities to save energy and money. WWW.VECTREN.COM | 1.866.240.8476 Newest Figures Show New Home Prices on the Rise, Sales Decrease in Indy In the Indianapolis, IN market in April, new home closings fell yearover-year, a move downward following a boost in March 2014. There was a 28.2% drop in new home closings from a year earlier. This was after the housing market saw a 3.6% hike year-over-year in March. A total of 2,875 new homes were sold during the 12 months that ended in April, down from 2,936 for the year that ended in March. As a percentage of overall housing closings, new home closings accounted for 9.6%. This is an increase on a percentage basis, as new home closings were 6.0% of total closings a year ago. Closings of new and existing homes slid year-over-year in April after also falling in March year-over-year. 13 Along with new home prices, there was an increase year-over-year in the average mortgage size on newly sold homes. In April 2014, the average mortgage size was $264,736, a 11.0% surge from a year earlier. In March 2014, average mortgage size rose 11.6% from a year earlier. Pricing and Mortgage Trends In April, the average value of new homes saw a 13.2% gain year-overyear as it grew to $316,373 per unit. This lift is an improvement over the 12.7% rise in March yearover-year. Along with new home prices, there was an increase yearover-year in the average mortgage size on newly sold homes. In April 2014, the average mortgage size was $264,736, a 11.0% surge from a year earlier. In March 2014, average mortgage size rose 11.6% from a year earlier. Other Market Trends As a share of new home closings, single-family home closings have climbed from last year while the share belonging to attached units has fallen. The share of new home closings belonging to single-family homes increased from 89.4% in April 2013 to 93.5% of closings in April 2014. Conversely, the share of new home closings belonging to attached units slid to 6.5% of closings from 10.6% of closings. For all new homes sold, the average unit size jumped 4.8% yearover-year to 2,999 square feet in April 2014. The average size of newly sold homes moved from 2,904 square feet in March 2013 to 2,675 square feet in March 2014. Continued page 16 - SEE INDY 14 As a share of new home closings, single-family home closings have climbed from last year while the share belonging to attached units has fallen. The share of new home closings belonging to single-family homes increased from 89.4% in April 2013 to 93.5% of closings in April 2014. Conversely, the share of new home closings belonging to attached units slid to 6.5% of closings from 10.6% of closings. For all new homes sold, the average unit size jumped 4.8% year-overyear to 2,999 square feet in April 2014. The average size of newly sold homes moved from 2,904 square feet in March 2013 to 2,675 square feet in March 2014. Foreclosures and real estate owned (REO) closings continued to drop from a year earlier in April, but did not appear to be dragging the market. Combined, foreclosures plus REO closings represented 19.3% of existing home closings, below 30.7% a year earlier. The percentage of existing home closings involving foreclosures dropped to 8.7% in April from 14.4% a year earlier while REO closings as a percentage of existing home closings fell to 10.6% from 16.3% a year earlier. Save 10 for the first three months At Speedway locations only Introductory Offer! Reduce Your Fleet Fueling Costs Today! SuperFleet ®has teamed up with Your Trade Association to Cut Your Commerical Fueling Costs SuperFleet® Offers You… • No Monthly Fees • Volume Rebate Program – 10¢ / gallon at Speedway & Rich Oil locations and 5¢ / gallon at Marathon locations for the first three months. Then earn volume rebates up to 5¢ / gallon at Speedway, Rich Oil & Marathon locations every month. • Driver Convenience – Use the card at nearly 6,500 locations. • Individual Limits – Set spending limits and restrictions per card per day. • Detailed Reporting – Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly reports available via email. • Added Security – Increased security and fraud protection for peace of mind with real-time transaction reports. • Online Control – Immediate card and driver restrictions with a click of the mouse. • Fleet Maintenance – Receive a 15% discount at Valvoline Instant Oil Change locations. • Rewards – Drivers can use their Speedy RewardsTM card together with your SuperFleet Card to earn Speedy Rewards points at Speedway locations. • Free access to SuperFleet® Manager Online 10 INDY - continued Visit to watch a video presentation. Just complete and fax the application on the reverse side Source: Metrostudy &RQWDFW6KHLOD+XUVW 3KRQHH[W )D[ (PDLOVGKXUVW#VXSHUÀHHWQHW 16 6,500 1RVHWXSDQQXDORUPRQWKO\IHHV The Best Small Towns in America: Zionsville Makes the List Indiana shows with Zionsville that low unemployment, low crime, and great weather make one seriously amazing town to call home. Even though it’s pretty small at only 14,160 people, this town still managed have the stats to earn itself a place in our top 10. For one thing, all the rankings Zionsville had were in the top half of scores, with the standouts being the 15th lowest crime and the 15th lowest unemployment. The weather was the 23rd best, and the quality of life was great, thanks to a stunning median household income of over $108,000 a year. 17 While the amenities here were not intensely numerous, there were still some quality things to see and do. There are also a bunch of festivals here throughout the year, making this a tight-knit, caring, and awesome community. We hear it’s pretty hard to beat their fourth of July celebration, in particular. Top 10: 1. Vienna, VA 2. Palm Beach, FL 3. Bridgewater, VA 4. Boonton, NJ 5. Jackson, WY 6. Zionsville, IN 7. Estes Park, CO 8. Purcellville, VA 9. Ashland, VA 10. Fort Myers Beach, FL As with our other Big Deal Lists we’ve done for bigger cities, we calculated everything by the numbers. First, we turned to the 2010 U.S. Census, to find all places categorized as towns with populations between 5,000 and 20,000. Then, we used Areavibes, Sperling’s Best Places, Yelp, and additional Census data to gather information in what we decided were important criteria for any local (or prospective local): Total amenities, quality of life, total crimes, tax rates (sales tax and income tax), unemployment, commute time, weather (temperature and air quality). Source: Movado Blog $ IN POTENTIAL VALUE 2013 CHEVY SILVERADO 2500HD The GM trucks you need. Now at the price you want. NAHB members can receive a $500 private offer1 toward the purchase or lease of most new GM vehicles for business or personal use. Just visit your local Chevrolet or Buick/GMC dealer, choose an eligible vehicle and present your NAHB proof of membership. Then stack this offer with additional incentives from the National Fleet Purchase Program2 and Business Choice.3 For private offer details, visit Example savings on a Chevrolet Silverado HD/GMC Sierra HD: $ $ NAHB Private Offer1 National Fleet Purchase Program (FVX)2 $ $ Accessory Cash Allowance3 In potential value New Business Choice Maintenance Plan4 Now included for business owners, our all-new 2-Year/30,000-Mile Business Maintenance Plan available through Business Choice includes lube, oil and oil filter service, single tire rotation and a 27-point inspection process. 2013 GMC SAVANA CARGO VAN 1 2013 BUICK LACROSSE Offer valid toward the purchase or lease of eligible 2012, 2013 and 2014 model year GM passenger cars, vans, SUVs and truck models. Excludes: Chevrolet Caprice, Captiva Sport, Volt; all Cadillac models. Not available with some other offers. Not valid on prior purchases. Program subject to change without notice. See dealer for details. Take delivery by 1/3/14. Offer eligible for non-CAP customers only through 12/31/13. See dealer for details. 3 To qualify, vehicles must be used in the day-to-day operation of the business and not solely for transportation purposes. Must provide proof of business. Visit or your Chevrolet or GMC dealer for details. Take delivery by 9/30/13. 4 According to your vehicle’s recommended maintenance schedule for up to two years or 30,000 miles, whichever comes first. Does not include air filters. Covers six oil changes for gasoline engines and four oil changes for diesel. Extra charge may apply for dual rear wheel tire rotations. See participating dealer for restrictions and complete details. ©2013 General Motors. All rights reserved. 2 Home Construction on the Rise Nationally July’s national rebound reflected strength in single-family home construction, which rose 8.3 percent, and in apartment construction, which was up 33 percent. The strength in July was led by a 44-percent rise in construction starts in the Northeast. Housing construction was up 29 percent in the South, recovering from a 26.8-percent plunge the month before blamed in part on heavy rains in that part of the country. Sales rose 18.6 percent in the West but fell 24.8 percent in the Midwest. U.S. home construction rebounded in July, rising to the fastest pace in eight months and offering hope that housing has regained momentum after two months of declines. Construction increased 15.7 percent in July to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.09 million homes, the Commerce Department reported Tuesday. That was the fastest pace since November and followed declines of 4 percent in June and 7.4 percent in May. Applications for building permits, considered a good sign of future activity, also showed strength in July, advancing 8.1 percent to an annual rate of 1.05 million, after declines of 3.1 percent in June and 5.1 percent in May. The national results conflicted with the trend in central Indiana. The Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis said last week that filings for single-family building permits in the nine-county metro area dropped 5 percent in July. 19 Economists noted that the July performance was much better than expected, and June was revised significantly higher, both good signs for the future. Sal Guatieri, senior economist at BMO Capital Markets, said solid job growth and a recent decline in mortgage rates were helping boost construction. But he said weak wage growth and tight lending standards were still depressing activity, especially among first-time buyers. A report Monday indicated homebuilders are feeling more confident about their sales prospects, a hopeful sign that home construction and sales of newly built homes could pick up after stalling in recent months. The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo builder sentiment index rose in August to 55, up two points from a revised 53 for July. That is the third straight monthly increase and put the index at its highest reading since January, when it was 56. Readings above 50 indicate more builders view sales conditions as good rather than poor. IBJ REPORT Builders’ views of current sales conditions for single-family homes, their outlook for sales over the next six months and traffic by prospective buyers all increased in August, brightening the outlook. Sales of new homes are running behind last year’s pace. They fell 8.1 percent in June to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 406,000. A mix of rising home prices, higher mortgage rates and weak wage growth have made it more difficult for potential buyers to buy a newly built home. These factors have particularly depressed demand by first-time buyers. But economists are still looking for a rebound, given the fact that the U.S. economy has been adding jobs at a healthy clip with gains topping 200,000 jobs for six straight months through July. Housing, while still a long way from the boom of the last decade, has been recovering over the past two years. Though new homes represent only a fraction of the housing market, they have an outsize impact on the economy. Each home built creates an average of three jobs for a year and generates about $90,000 in tax revenue, according to data from the Home Builders • Source: IBJ National Association of Home Builders Put your membership to work now. Money-saving discounts that benefit your business, your employees, and your family R 20 We understand budgets and building codes because we specialize in foundations for residential and commercial construction. We also understand that once a foundation is built, it will affect the quality and livability of the structure forever. So we go the extra mile. Codes don’t drive our business, excellence does. Please contact us for a free estimate Phone: 317-896-2885 Email: [email protected] Visit us at Poured Concrete Walls Basements Crawlspaces Slab-on-grade Retaining walls The Foundation for a Quality Home Candidate Profiles - John Lazaro John Lazaro, Jr. JR Lazaro Builders, President/Owner John Lazaro, Jr. JR Lazaro Builders, President/Owner BAGI Involvement: BAGI board 9 years, 2013 BAGI president, current board member, Hendricks Co Council member, BPCI builder, Scholarship committee, Finance committee, Awards committee. What do you feel you can offer to the BAGI membership by serving on the Board of Directors? Being in my early forties, I still consider myself to be young and open minded and able to bring fresh perspective. Also I am able to represent the west side of Indianapolis that faces different issues than downtown Indy and other sides of town. Each municipality creates different issues for builders and I feel it is important that each geographic location around Indy has its own representation. What are the most important issues facing the residential building industry and how can BAGI address them? The current issues facing the industry are labor, labor, labor, and land, land, land. It is all in short supply. The recession really knocked our industry for a loop. We lost a lot of our labor force and there were no lots created in the interim. Also on the government side, the municipalities that went to sleep during the recession have awakened and there will be and are more issues and regulations that are arising that we will need to keep our eyes on. How have your experiences in the building industry influenced your life? BAGI opened my eyes. I learned that, as an independent business owner, we do not need to face the world alone. BAGI has many like-minded individuals that enable us to pool our resources, share ideas, and come together as one voice. I learned that not only is there competition in the market but there is friendly competition. I can respect some of my competitors and view them as professionals and “compadres” in this marketplace together. 22 Candidate Profiles - Chris Schrader Chris Schrader Design Gallery Homes by Drees, Sales Manager Chris Schrader Design Gallery Homes by Drees, Sales Manager BAGI involvement: SMC President for the last two years. Served on the board during that same period. Attended SMC meetings regularly since entering the Indianapolis market in 1994. I have supported BAGI through advertisement and sponsorships and regularly attend meeting and other events. What do you feel you can offer to the BAGI membership by serving on the Board of Directors? I can use my 23 years of experience in the industry to make a positive contribution to the board. I also feel that my people skills and communication skills that I have learned through selling homes and managing people will allow me to work well with other board members. What are the most important issues facing the residential building industry and how can BAGI address them? Labor deficit: promote the benefits of a career in the trades at the high school level. Seek out other resources to increase the pool. Rising costs of development and home construction: continue to monitor and challenge governmental actions that increase the costs. How have your experiences in the building industry influenced your life? It has been an outstanding experience. It has taught me much and provided for my family. I have been able to create many lasting relationships through this industry. It has been an invaluable experience. 23 Candidate Profiles - Rex Soladine Rex Soladine Edgewood Building Supply, Sales Manager BAGI Involvement: Past President Hendricks County, BAGI Board, Hendricks County Board Golf Committee, Membership Committee. What do you feel you can offer to the BAGI membership by serving on the Board of Directors? Excellent attitude and positive focus on the future of BAGI. What are the most important issues facing the residential building industry and how can BAGI address them? Labor Force – BAGI promoting early education toward building trades. Land development – BAGI to work and encourage development. How have your experiences in the building industry influenced your life? My experiences have made me realize that the industry is a lot like life – lots of ups and downs. But you have to keep moving forward and don’t look back. 24 Candidate Profiles - Todd Pyatt Todd Pyatt Pyatt Builders, Owner/President BAGI involvement: As a BAGI member, Pyatt Builders and owner, Todd Pyatt, are involved in the sponsorship of BAGI events and actively use the BAGI Quality Assurance Builder Standards as a guideline to construct homes. Todd Pyatt, having been in the industry for 20 years also has worked with BAGI through his previous company C.P. Morgan. As a new homebuilder and company owner working through market challenges, it is important to use all resources available for success. This includes relationships with other builders, trades, and market experts. BAGI is a resource that not only pools together the key players in the market place, but also creates by-laws and political change that effect how we as builders operate. As a growing company, we are very supportive of BAGI and continue to ramp up our involvement through communication with BAGI members, attendance at events, utilization of the BAGI standards, and establishing new relationships with the BAGI team. What do you feel you can offer to the BAGI membership by serving on the Board of Directors? As a small local builder, Pyatt Builders entered into the market place at what most would say was a very difficult time. The opportunities and challenges that we were able to be apart of the past 6 years have directly contributed to our company’s success and have helped to round out our experience in this industry. At this time in my career and business development, I am seeking more industry involvement to use my knowledge and experience to help others, as well as gain and develop additional key relationships throughout the industry. I am confident that my experience in this market as the Vice President of Corporate Operations for C.P. Morgan, during its time as the nations #1 single market builder, and now an Owner/President of my own building company, will allow me to be an asset to the Board of Directors. I have a unique and wellrounded perspective of both small volume and large volume building in the greater Indianapolis area. In addition, my experience in evaluating and opening operations in other markets will help bring added value to the Board. What are the most important issues facing the residential building industry and how can BAGI address them? 1. Land: Lack of developed home sites / future inventory of home sites. BAGI can help address this issue by continuing to keep this concern on the forefront of all discussions with builders and developers. BAGI has done a great job of bringing industry experts like Edsel Charles in to ensure that builders and developers are aware of the increasing problem. BAGI can continue to help by facilitating discussion and helping to foster relationships between builders, lending facilities, land owners and developers. 25 Candidate Profiles - Todd Pyatt (continued) 2. Inflation of costs and the effect on home prices. Since the bottom of the homebuilding recession in May of 2009, we have continued to see consistent increases in all costs related to the homebuilding industry (material, labor and land). While Indianapolis has continued to be one of the most affordable markets in the country, the rising costs that we have faced directly leads to either eroding builder margins or inflated home prices. BAGI has done a great job facilitating relationships with builders and trades/suppliers. Continuing to foster relationships and working with builders and trades/suppliers to be more efficient and strive to keep costs down is a role that BAGI can make an impact on in this market. 3. Real Estate Brokers and Resale Homes. Builders are experiencing a higher volume in Real Estate Co-Op in today’s market compared to what we saw prior to the homebuilding recession. Gaining the real estate communities understanding and involvement in BAGI is critical to establishing trust and strong relationships with builders. Educating Brokers and Agents on the benefits of a new home versus a resale home is a role that BAGI can continue to fulfill. BAGI’S continued involvement in the education of Brokers through events and meetings will allow this trust to grow and become a place for agents to research builders. We know these relationships will continue to “make or break” a company’s sales goals since a reported 85% of sales are now coming through agents. How have your experiences in the building industry influenced your life? As a high school student that was enrolled in the Vocational Building Trades program at Carmel High School, I immediately knew my career path. I graduated Valedictorian of my high school and attended Purdue University in the Building Construction Management program – achieving Deans List all four years. I started my career young and was given an opportunity to work as an intern at CP Morgan at age 17. I was able to grow through that organization and was the youngest Vice President. The hard work and determination that was required helped me understand the true passion that I have for building homes, building dreams, and making an impact on society. As an executive at CP Morgan, I was able to affect change in the industry by establishing some of the most unique and best processes in the country. Starting Pyatt Builders with initially a small number of builds, and now growing toward 100 closings per year, has allowed me to work directly with the trades, suppliers, customers, realtors, and developers. While the market down turn was a difficult adjustment for many, it has made me stronger, wiser, and a much better builder. 26 Candidate Profiles - Jason Ells Jason Ells Custom Concrete, Executive Director of Operations BAGI involvement: Current BAGI Board member, Hendricks County board member, Combined County Golf Committee Chair, BAGI Bash Committee member, Hamilton County Council member, Hendricks County member, Hancock County member, Johnson County member, SMC Member, BPCI vendor What do you feel you can offer to the BAGI membership by serving on the Board of Directors? The board already has so much talent and wisdom. It is my hope that I would be able to bring fresh ideas and a different perspective. What are the most important issues facing the residential building industry and how can BAGI address them? I believe there are several issues that will continue to need addressed. The following are just a few to mention: Labor shortages, Labor skills and certifications, Responding to the every increase expectations of homeowners, Continue to develop understandings and relationships with the local and state building officials. How have your experiences in the building industry influenced your life? Besides the building industry giving me and my family an income, it has given me a career and an opportunity to chase my dreams. 27 Candidate Profiles - Forrest Carpenter Forrest Carpenter Custom Homes by Cory, Vice President BAGI involvement: Past BAGI Board Member and Government Committee Member, Past Johnson County Council President, Worked on Committee to recruit new BAGI members, Past Johnson County Council Builder of the Year What do you feel you can offer to the BAGI membership by serving on the Board of Directors? Insight from a custom home builder’s prospective of the industry I also have formed great relationships with several county and city officials and code enforcers that may help strengthen BAGI relationships in Shelby County, Marion County, Johnson County, City of Greenwood, the Town of Whiteland, and the Town of Bargersville. I am also an active real estate broker and member of MIBOR and can help form relationships with MIBOR and other real estate professionals to help strengthen our industry. What are the most important issues facing the residential building industry and how can BAGI address them? Increasing regulations for home builders such as wanting to have sprinkler systems installed in homes. BAGI needs to work with local government and planning officials to communicate our wants and needs as an industry. Lack of appraisal data for new home construction. We should work with all BAGI builders to provide better data to the BLC so appraisers can use this information that will strengthen appraisal values. How have your experiences in the building industry influenced your life? Being in the building industry over the past 15 years has been very rewarding as well as challenging! Through the recession over the past several years we had to think outside the box and change our company focus. This has been extremely beneficial in bringing our company more business and strengthening our company. I have also met many great people and made life-long friends. I hope to always be part of the building industry and a part of BAGI. 28 Candidate Profiles - Brent Ash Brent Ash Centennial Construction, President BAGI Involvement: Member for seven years, ex-officio board member, 2014, member of the Remodelers Council. What do you feel you can offer to the BAGI membership by serving on the Board of Directors?: With 26 years in the construction field, I can offer a new look on construction issues along with the remodelers point of view in the industry. What are the most important issues facing the residential building industry and how can BAGI address them? Work force for building for the trade industry, licensing for contractors and name recognition. BAGI can help with promotion, education, and networking. How have your experiences in the building industry influenced your life? I made many life-long friends and learned leadership skills to enhance my career. It has given me the strength to stand up for issues I know need to be rectified or addressed. 29 Candidate Profiles - Ben Davis Ben Davis BBG Construction, President/Owner What do you feel you can offer to the BAGI membership by serving on the Board of Directors? Serving on the Habitat for Humanity Board of Directors in Hamilton County for the past three years has given me experience in what it takes to be in this type of leadership role. Additionally, I have been the construction chairperson for HFHHC for the last year. From coordinating volunteers to leading build days to participating in fundraising efforts (such as the Taste of Habitat), I have fully supported the mission of Habitat for Humanity. It has also given me the opportunity to network with others who pursue active roles in the community. I can appreciate the benefits of meeting new professional acquaintances, and I seek out those relationships whenever I can. I will not sit back and let others do the work for me; I prefer to be involved and know what is going on in the community. I am passionate about the redevelopment of communities here in Indianapolis, and I would love to get more involved. I jump at any opportunity to become more educated about what is happening here in our city, and I can’t wait to take an active role in making changes happen. What are the most important issues facing the residential building industry and how can BAGI address them? With the rise in criminal activity on our streets here in Indianapolis, we as a community have a responsibility to step in and do what we can to help make a change. Deteriorating neighborhoods, numerous vacant homes and home foreclosures, unemployment and poverty are all indicators of a struggling community and are often associated with a rise in violence. We at BAGI have the opportunity to lead the way to making the necessary changes through urban redevelopment. We can encourage home ownership through affordable housing, thus shifting the mentality of owners vs. renters. Owners have a pride in their home that renters often lack, investing time and money to making the most of their home. Renters often have the mindset that their money is wasted on something that isn’t theirs and neglect or even abuse the home. In addition to affordable housing, we can provide safer streets and sidewalks, as well as accessible public areas and green spaces. Implementing these efforts in our community will require collaborative works, and BAGI members have the knowledge and expertise to make it happen. In conjunction with key players, such as city/county officials, attorneys, environmental consultants and public works staff, we can educate the public on the process of revitalization. We can begin to make that plan together as a team to make a difference in our city by making it a safer, more beautiful place to live. 30 Candidate Profiles - Ben Davis (continued) How have your experiences in the building industry influenced your life? Being in the home remodeling business now for ten years, I have experienced the highly volatile and highly cyclical home buying and remodeling market most of us have. With economic uncertainty, stiff competition, and ever increasing insurance costs, being successful and profitable at the same time can prove difficult. My company has struggled to secure jobs one month and has been booked solid the next. During 2007 and 2008, we got hit hard and had very little business. My wife and I struggled just to pay our bills every month and nearly lost our house. However, I never gave up. I kept pushing forward and looking ahead. It would have been easy to see what was happening and just say, “I’m done.” If I had done that, I would not have been able to see where my company is today. We have done multi-million dollar renovations over the last few years at several apartment complexes here in Indianapolis. Additionally, we continue to grow our residential remodeling division every year. I keep this quote by Dale Carnegie on my desk at all times: “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.” The construction industry is tough; there is competition at every turn. However, having been at the bottom of the barrel, I know that with the right amount of motivation and a positive attitude, anything is possible. 31 Candidate Profiles - Pete Gray Pete Gray Executive Homes Construction, President/Co-Owner BAGI Involvement: I have been on the BAGI Board of Directors since 2001 (with the exception of 2008) and was BAGI President in 2006. I was awarded Builder of the Year in 2008, and was the recipient of the Boeke Award in 2013. I have been involved on numerous committees during my tenure on the Board of directors, and am a member of BPCI. What do you feel you can offer to the BAGI membership by serving on the Board of Directors? Having been in the industry for many years, and served on the BAGI Board of Directors for 13 years, I feel I have a broad perspective regarding the issues facing our industry as well as an understanding of how BAGI operates and impacts our members and our industry. I look forward to the opportunity to continue having a voice in the decisions and direction that affect BAGI members. What are the most important issues facing the residential building industry and how can BAGI address them? There are a number of issues that our industry faces. BAGI continues to be the best advocate of our industry as we deal with increasing governmental regulations, and BAGI needs to continue working on behalf of the industry through Governmental Affairs to insure that our membership is represented on issues that impact us. Additionally, through workforce development efforts, BAGI can help impact the labor shortages that we are all experiencing. There are also opportunities for BAGI to promote our industry to the public and differentiate our membership as the elite professionals that we are. How have your experiences in the building industry influenced your life? I enjoy this industry for a number of reasons. I have developed many friendships through connections within the industry. I also appreciate the impact that we have in building a home for each individual client. It is an awesome industry that allows us to produce such an important product and have such an impact on the lives of our customers. There are very few industries that are more personal than providing a home, and we are fortunate to be a part of it. Candidate Profiles - Jamoni Harper Jamoni Harper Regional Sales Manager, Vectren Energy Delivery Why do you want to serve on the Bagi Board of Directors? It’s great opportunity to exhibit my diverse engineering, marketing and sales background to assist Bagi in achieving its goals and commitment to builders, trade partners and new home buyers. What is your vision as a board member? To continue to connect and educate builders, trade partner and new home buyers. To provide strategic planning, guidance and support that will allow Bagi to absorb the new changes and challenges in today’s market place. How are you currently involved with Bagi? As a corporate sponsor (vectren) I am involving with planning and developing marketing opportunities for home builders and new home buyers to conserve energy and utilize safe, affordable and efficient natural gas. Many of the program that I participate in annually are the home show, home-a-rama, builder bash and various golf outings. What is your current position and what are your interests/hobbies? I am currently the Regional Sales Manager for Vectren North. My hobbies and interest are spending time with my wife and kids, traveling, golf and fishing. What are the most important issues facing the residential industry and how can BAGI address them? Home Inventory, Economy, and Financing are three important challenges to the residential building industry. Bagi can assist by continuing to educate and connect builders and trade partners. In addition Bagi can assist with identifying gaps and facilitating opportunities for successful promotion of new home sales in central Indianapolis. How have your experiences in the building industry carried over to the rest of your life? My participation in the building industry has created awareness of the unique challenges present in the industry. It has also afforded me the opportunity to building relationships and networking opportunities with other members in the community. 33 Candidate Profiles - Rick Cummings Rick Cummings Owner, CKV Finished Products BAGI Involvement: I have served 2 terms on the Johnson County Council and it is time to expand my involvement in the greater BAGI. We have experienced incredible growth the past 2 years and are building more and more relationships. This will be a chance to not only expand our reach but also to be able to provide input from a vendor into the industry to allow us to continue to work together to improve quality, efficiencies, and trusted relationships that result in a better overall experience for each home buyer. What is your vision for the BAGI Board? My vision is that the housing industry is certainly in an upswing, and while it may never reach the levels it was prior to 2008 I expect continued steady growth not just short term but for the foreseeable future. Again, we all benefit from new and different ideas as the world of construction has changed from the peak days and we need to have the input of builders and vendors alike to be able to handle that growth effectively and with reasonable profits for all involved. I believe I can bring a different perspective to the board while still having over 20 years experience in the field. How are you involved in BAGI? I hold the position of secretary for the Johnson County Builders Association. What is your current position and what are your hobbies/interests? I am the owner of CKV Finished Products. I enjoy spending my weekends on the lake with my family and friends. 34 Spikes Member Sponsor Number Joe Garcia G & G Custom Homes 9 Tim Eckert Weber Concrete 5 Jeremy Ash Airtron 3 Brian Adams Godby Hearth & Home 2 Jason Ells Custom Concrete 2 Rick Hamilton Hamilton Homes 2 Anthony Ziegler 1 Merchant Rewards International John Lazaro J.R. Lazaro Builders 1 Total New Members: 53 Carl McIntyre Carrington Homes 1 Membership Totals as of 8/14/2014 John McKenzie Homes by McKenzie 1 Thomas Mullen Mullen & Associates 1 Brad Odom 1 Homesense Heating & Cooling Joe Reedy M/I Homes Jeff Langston 2 Heartwood Custom Homes Eric Prime Van Valer Law Firm 2 Joe Aspatore General Shale Brick 1 1 Josh Smith 1 Indiana Restoration & Cleaning Mike Smith Monsma Marketing Corp. 1 Rex Soladine 1 Edgewood Building Supply Doug Chisholm, Jr. 1 Chisholm Lumber & Supply Dave Compton Beazer Homes 1 Randy Crutchfield Vectren Energy Delivery 1 Mike Hannigan The Hannigan Co. 1 Jamoni Harper Vectren Energy Delivery 1 Nigel Hoss Hoss Building Group 1 Dan Kelley Kelley Construction 1 35 Jim Langston 1 Heartwood Custom Homes Cathy Stegemoller Steg Plumbing 1 Nate Stoops TWG Construction 1 Tom Vander Luitgaren Van Valer Law Firm 1 Kevin Wagner K & D Wiring 1 Tom Watson 1 D&D Mouldings & Millwork Brian Whitson Carter Lumber 1 Kenny Windler Ryland Homes 1 Builders Associates Honorary TOTAL 176 316 21 513 The Renewal Date for Your Group Health Insurance Is Approaching! Looking for a more affordable option? As a member in good standing, you have access to BAGI's Group Health Insurance Program. Cost-Saving Benefits: • pool your employees into a wider group of insured individuals • avoid large rate increases • opt-out of the community-based rating pool The BAGI Group Health Insurance Program is fully-insured, and offers high-quality coverage, 12 plan choices, and rate price protection.Wharton Insurance & Financial Services is the sole administrator of BAGI's program. For more information, give us a call at 317.663.4138 or send an email to Scott Wharton at [email protected] 317.663.4138 office | 317.663.4139 fax | Thank You Sponsors 2014 JANUARY Indianapolis Home Show Premier Sponsors: Citizens Energy Group Indianapolis Power & Light Vectren Energy Delivery Weber Concrete FEBRUARY Hendricks County Mtg/Remodelors Mtg The Affordable Companies Custom Concrete BAGI Connect: Citizens Energy Group Hancock Co Membership Mtg: Weber Concrete Product Suppliers: Accent Cabinets Chisholm Lumber Clark Appliances Johnson Co. Membership Mtg: Vectren Energy Delivery Hamilton Co. Membership Mtg: Airtron, Clark Appliance & Mohawk Industries Home Acres Building Supply Co. ICC Floors Kelley Construction MARCH Hendricks County Mtg Vectren Energy Delivery BAGI Connect: Vectren Energy Delivery Johnson Co. Membership Mtg: Heartland Community Bank an Horizon Bank Hamilton Co. Membership Mtg: Vectren Energy Delivery Sales & Marketing Council Mtg: Design Gallery by Drees (Hunter Smith, former Colts punter spoke at the last SMC meeting) BAGI Industry GALA Awards: Premier Sponsor Indianapolis Power & Light Company Mirror & Glass Concepts Sherwin Williams Steg Plumbing Gold Sponsors Citizens Energy Group Vectren Energy Delivery Weber Concrete Construction The Premier Group Indiana Bronze Sponsors Airtron, Inc. Laura Kopetsky Tri Ax Design Gallery Homes by Drees Drees Homes 37 Friends of the Event Clark Appliance Custom Concrete Co., Inc. G & G Custom Homes, Inc. Kelley Construction Corporation Ryland Homes Arbor Homes M/I Homes WTHR Union Savings Bank - Leigh Ann Clayton Project Coordinator: Building Partners of Central Remodelors Membership Mtg: Digital Sight and Sound BAGI Open House Speedway, LLC BAGI Leadership Conference: Citizens Energy Group Custom Concrete Gene B. Glick Co. Hamilton Co. Bldr Council Hendricks Co. Bldr Council Indianapolis Power & Light Johnson Co. Bldr Council Vectren Energy Delivery Weber Concrete Construction WTHR, Channel 13 Thank You Sponsors 2014 MAY Snack Cart Sponsors: Longest Drive: BAGI Connect: Edgewood Building Supply K & D Wiring, Inc. Vectren Energy Delivery Steel House, LLC Lunch Sponsors: FAST Track Friday: Hole Sponsors: Carter Lumber James Hardie ABC Supply Co., Inc. Vectren Energy Delivery Motorists Mutual Insurance Com- Airtron, Inc. Weber Concrete Construction pany Aqua Systems Water Sponsor: Barrett & Associates Blair Windows & Doors, Inc. Aqua Systems Battersby & Danielson Associates Blue Star Redi Mix Corp. Bryant Heating & Cooling Carter Lumber Clark Appliance CGS Services, Inc. Delta CSI Signs Timberland Lumber Co. DME Elevators & Lifts Viking Design Gallery Homes by Hancock Co. Golf Outing: Drees Appetizer Sponsors: General Shale Brick ABC Supply Godby Hearth & Home Blue Star Redi Mix Corp. Greenfield Banking Co. General Shale Brick Irving Materials, Inc. Beverage Cart Sponsors: Justus Senior Communities Mercer Belanger, P.C. Mitford Homes Mont Granite, Inc. Power Moves by NineStar Bloomfield State Bank Connect Clark Appliance The Links Golf Course Beverage & Snack Cart Sponsor The Sherwin-Williams Union Savings & Loan Association Company Ameriana Bank Vectren Energy Delivery Weber Concrete Wheeler Corp. Thank You Sponsors 2014 JUNE Alto Pass Sponsor Contest Corn Hole Tournament: Custom Concrete Co., Inc. T.A. Kaiser Htg & Air Burtner Electric and DME Elevators & Lifts CSI Signs -Sign Sponsor Kelley Construction Elbert Construction Water Sponsor -Aqua Water Sys- Combined Golf Outing: Fairway Mortgage tems Appetizer Sponsors G&G Custom Homes Home-A-Rama Blue Star Redi Mix Corp. Godby Hearth & Home Premier Sponsor M/I Homes IMI First Internet Bank Ruoff Home Mortgage James Hardie Building Products Golf Cart Sponsors: Beverage Cart Sponsors: Kelley Construction Tom Watson, D&D Moulding Clark Appliance Professional Warranty Services Co. Joe Garcia, G&G Custom Builder Indianapolis Power & Light Com- Pyatt Builders, LLC Jeff McComb, Talmer Bank pany The Premier Group Talmer Bank McComb Window & Door Co., Lunch Sponsor (Ham) Inc. Century 21 Scheetz, LLC Sims Lohman University Lending Group Steg Plumbing Vectren Energy Delivery University Lending Group Weber Concrete Construction Closest to Pin Sponsors Westport Homes Guardhouse Security Services Snack Cart Sponsors: Sims-Lohman Fine Kitchens & Bloomfield State Bank Granite Boom-A-Rang Waterstone Mortgage Burtner Electric Hole in One Sponsor: Edgewood Building Supply Hare Chevrolet Steel House Golf Cart Drivers: Sheila Hurst, Speedway Teri Tillery, Indianapolis Power & Light Rex Soladine, Edgewood Building Supply Tom Watson, D&D Moulding David Moulder, Mirror & Glass Concepts Heather Meyer, Stewart Title James Smith, Steel House Tim Eckert, Weber Concrete Megan Ochs, BPCI Josh Kilcoyne, RiteRug Anita Sherman, Greenwalt CPA’s Michelle Back, Ameriana Jesse Waninger, Greenwalt CPA’s Phil Turner, Greenwalt CPS’s Wendy Creed, Waterstone Mtg. Taffani DeCraene, Waterstone Mtg. Hole Sponsors Longest Drives: 84 Lumber Citizens Energy Group ABC Supply Pro Build Airtron, Inc. Thank You Sponsors 2014 JULY Hole Sponsors: BAGI Open House: ABC Supply Access National Mtg Speedway, Inc. Airtron America's Floor Source BAGI Connect: Arbor Homes Weber Concrete Beazer Homes Bedrock Builders SMC Brew Tour: Boom-A-Rang Comcast Arbor Homes Custom Concrete Citizen Energy Group Custom Homes by Cory, Inc. DME Elevators & Lifts Design Gallery Homes by Drees First Internet Bank Frost Brown Todd M/I Homes G&G Custom Homes Heartwood Custom Homes Vectren Energy Delivery Indiana Geothermal Johnson Co. Networking Event: Indianapolis Home Show Langston Development Vectren Energy Delivery M/I Homes Moss Well Drilling, Inc. BAGI Golf Outing: Overhead Door Company of Indpls Beverage Cart Sponsors: ProBuild/Carter Lee Lumber PulteGroup BPCI Stone Center of Indiana, LLC Suburban Steel Clark Appliance Sullivan Commercial Supply Indianapolis Power & Light Com- Talmer Bank & Trust Vectren Energy Delivery pany Waterstone Mortgage Weber Concrete Construction McComb Window & Door Co., WTHR-TV 13/Video Indiana Inc. Longest Drive Sponsor: Citizens Energy Group Steg Plumbing Thermo-Scan Inspections Closest to Pin Sponsors: Lunch Sponsors: Vectren Energy Delivery Weber Concrete Construction Sims-Lohman Fine Kitchens & Granite Mont Granite JR Lazaro Builders Appetizer Sponsors: Vectren Energy Delivery Waterstone Mortgage Snack Cart Sponsors: BPCI Elbert Conconstruction Indianapolis Power & Light Company Steel House Sponsor Contest: T.A. Kaiser Water Sponsor: Aqua Water Systems Sign Sponsor: CSI Signs Hancock Co. Networking: Vectren Energy Delivery BAGI Membership Appreciation Day: Indianapolis Power & Light Vectren Energy Delivery Weber Concrete Once more thank you again for your membership. Below are some of the volunteers that came in and helped make calls on Membership Appreciation Day. Congratulations to Joe Barrett of Barrett & Associates who won the $200 gift card. If you answered the phone that day you were entered in a chance to win the gift card. Joe was the lucky winner. Joe you have the 2014 President, Joe Garcia to thank he drew the name. Also Jeff Gambaccini was the volunteer who made that call so he won a $50 gift card. Congratulations and thanks for the help Jeff. A thanks also goes out to Brian Adams from Godby Hearth and Home who brought down a grill so we could make lunch. It was good eats, and none of it would have been possible without are sponsors: Indianapolis Power & Light, Vectren Energy Delivery and Weber Concrete. Thank you! Thank You Sponsors 2014 AUGUST SMC Membership Mtg: Fairway Mortgage M/I Homes Johnson Co. Golf Outing: Lunch Sponsors Vectren Energy Delivery Weber Concrete Sponsor Contest: T.A. Kaiser Heating & Air, Inc. Sign Sponsor Beverage Cart Sponsors: CSI Daily Journal McComb Window & Door Co., Inc. Water Sponsor Aqua Water Systems Barrett & Associates, Inc. CKV Finished Products Door Prize Sponsor General Shale Clark Appliance Indianapolis Power & Light Company Closest to Pin Matt Beecher Builders Dinner Sponsors Duke Homes, Inc. Van Valer Law Firm, LLP Custom Homes by Cory, Inc. Paul’s Glass Hole Sponsors Airtron, Inc. BEST Title Services Custom Concrete Co., Inc. Custom Homes by Cory, Inc. DME Elevators & Lifts Duke Homes, Inc. Forum Credit Union General Shale Godby Hearth & Home M/I Homes of Indiana, LP Van Valer Law Firm, LLP Vectren Energy Delivery Weber Concrete 41 Pictured: Joe Barrett receiving the $200 gift card from the Membership Appreciation Drive. The award was given to him by Rick Cummings, one of the volunteers who helped make calls that day 2014 Building Permits July Permit Numbers Remain Steady as Builder Confidence Rises 4 Points The July building permit reports indicate that in the Greater Indianapolis Nine-County area, SingleFamily Building Permits increased one percent over the 2013 numbers year-to-date . Reports indicate there have been 3,148 new home permits issued so far this year compared to 3,104 in 2013. In addition, Builder Confidence rose to a reading of 53 on the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI). Any reading over 50 indicates that more builders view sales conditions as good than poor. “The consistent permit numbers are an indicator of a very steady and stable housing market here in Central Indiana,” says Steve Lains, CEO of the Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis. “We just learned that Builder Confidence in the market for newlybuilt single-family homes rose four points in July indicating that consumers are viewing the condition of the housing market as good - and that mirrors what we are seeing here in the nine-county area,” says Lains. ECONOMIC IMPACT County Boone Hamilton Hancock Hendricks Johnson Madison Marion Morgan Shelby Totals: 42 Total Permits 283 1184 225 430 375 57 485 76 33 3148 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Local Income 50,680,716 212,035,223 40,293,856 77,006,035 67,156,426 10,207,777 86,855,645 13,610,369 5,909,766 563,755,812 $ Local Taxes 11,505,362 48,135,506 9,147,372 17,481,645 15,245,621 2,317,334 19,717,669 3,089,779 1,341,615 127,981,902 Local Jobs 858 3,590 682 1,304 1,137 173 1,471 230 100 9,545 2014 GREATER INDIANAPOLIS NINE-COUNTY SINGLE FAMILY BUILDING PERMITS Lebanon Whitestown Zionsville Unincorporated 2014 TOTAL BOONE CO. 2013 TOTAL BOONE CO. PERCENTAGE CHANGE HAMILTON COUNTY Arcadia Carmel/Clay Cicero/Jackson Fishers Sheridan Noblesville Westfield Unincorporated 2014 TOTAL HAMILTON CO. 2013 TOTAL HAMILTON CO. PERCENTAGE CHANGE HANCOCK COUNTY Cumberland Greenfield McCordsville New Palestine Unincorporated 2014 TOTAL HANCOCK CO. 2013 TOTAL HANCOCK CO. PERCENTAGE CHANGE HENDRICKS COUNTY Avon Brownsburg Danville Pittsboro Plainfield Unincorporated 2014 TOTAL HENDRICKS CO. 2013 TOTAL HENDRICKS CO. PERCENTAGE CHANGE JOHNSON COUNTY Bargersville Edinburgh Franklin Greenwood Prince's Lake New Whiteland Trafalgar Whiteland Unincorporated 2014 TOTAL JOHNSON CO. 2013 TOTAL J0HNSON CO. PERCENTAGE CHANGE MADISON COUNTY Alexandria Anderson Elwood Frankton Ingalls Lapel Pendleton Unincorporated 2014 TOTAL MADISON CO. 2013 TOTAL MADISON CO. PERCENTAGE CHANGE MARION COUNTY Beech Grove Lawrence Indianapolis 2014 TOTAL MARION CO. 2013 TOTAL MARION CO. PERCENTAGE CHANGE MORGAN COUNTY Martinsville Monrovia Mooresville Morgantown Unincorporated 2014 TOTAL MORGAN CO. 2013 TOTAL MORGAN CO. PERCENTAGE CHANGE SHELBY COUNTY Morristown Shelbyville St. Paul Unincorporated 2014 TOTAL SHELBY CO. 2013 TOTAL SHELBY CO. PERCENTAGE CHANGE GRAND TOTAL 2014 GRAND TOTAL 2013 PERCENTAGE CHANGE 2014 PREV. MONTH to CURR. MONTH % JAN 0 15 9 0 24 33 -27% 0 16 1 58 1 24 28 0 128 126 2% 1 2 7 1 4 15 9 67% 12 6 0 2 4 3 27 42 -36% 8 0 9 25 0 0 0 0 9 51 43 19% 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 6 7 2 250% 0 8 37 45 41 10% 1 2 0 0 0 3 5 -40% 0 0 0 0 0 2 -100% 300 303 -1% -10% FEB 0 20 9 0 29 40 -28% 0 27 4 58 1 33 39 0 162 160 1% 4 6 13 1 4 28 14 100% 14 13 0 0 7 15 49 38 29% 5 0 7 20 0 0 0 0 9 41 37 11% 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 5 2 150% 0 8 53 61 63 -3% 0 1 0 0 3 4 4 0% 0 0 0 0 0 8 -100% 379 366 4% 26% MAR 0 14 16 1 31 46 -33% 1 24 2 47 1 43 52 2 172 157 10% 3 4 18 1 4 30 18 67% 22 13 1 0 15 16 67 70 -4% 6 0 5 37 0 0 0 0 14 62 54 15% 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 6 11 -45% 0 11 64 75 68 10% 2 4 1 0 3 10 7 43% 0 1 1 4 6 4 50% 459 435 6% 21% APR 1 33 25 1 60 46 30% 0 33 1 73 5 38 64 0 214 186 15% 0 10 10 6 12 38 30 27% 18 12 5 1 16 19 71 70 1% 12 0 9 16 0 0 1 0 14 52 57 -9% 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 11 18 -39% 0 9 52 61 71 -14% 0 3 3 0 3 9 12 -25% 0 0 2 3 5 6 -17% 521 496 5% 14% MAY JUNE JUL 2 2 5 24 25 15 22 18 21 1 4 0 49 49 41 49 58 56 0% -16% -27% 0 0 1 24 39 30 3 2 3 60 40 54 6 4 2 41 47 34 42 38 36 2 0 0 178 170 160 188 169 192 -5% 1% -17% 1 5 2 7 3 3 19 14 11 7 5 3 12 15 7 46 42 26 31 37 28 48% 14% -7% 22 28 10 15 12 18 3 2 7 1 0 2 18 12 8 25 15 18 84 69 63 90 59 68 -7% 17% -7% 4 10 5 1 0 0 9 3 6 31 23 22 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 12 22 18 58 58 53 69 64 59 -16% -9% -10% 0 0 0 2 1 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 3 6 3 3 10 7 11 9 10 6 11% -30% 83% 0 0 0 11 7 11 67 63 84 78 70 95 75 56 77 4% 25% 23% 0 0 0 1 5 4 8 1 4 0 0 1 9 7 10 18 13 19 11 12 5 64% 8% 280% 0 0 0 2 0 1 4 2 4 3 4 2 9 6 7 8 9 9 13% -33% -22% 530 484 475 530 474 500 0% 2% -5% 2% -9% -2% AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL 10 146 120 7 283 328 -14% 2 193 16 390 20 260 299 4 1184 1178 1% 16 35 92 24 58 225 167 35% 126 89 18 6 80 111 430 437 -2% 50 1 48 174 0 2 1 1 98 375 383 -2% 0 10 4 0 2 3 8 30 57 58 -2% 0 65 420 485 451 8% 3 20 17 1 35 76 56 36% 0 4 13 16 33 46 -28% 3148 3104 1% This information is compiled by Market Graphics and sent to you courtesy of the Builders Association of Greater Indianapolis. All rights reserved. MarketGraphics is a new homes marketing research program and is a subscription service of the Association. REPORTING AREA BOONE COUNTY MIBOR Report Housing Market Shows Growth in Central Indiana Although low supply and tight credit standards are still hurdles to a robust recovery, prices continue to rise in most local areas. Buoyed by stable and continuously lower interest rates, affordability is still historically high yet below its all-time peak. Rising inventory levels will lead to more choices for qualified buyers. In fact, New Listings in central Indiana rose in July by 2.2 percent and 2.5 percent for the quarter ending in July. Pending Sales were down 3.6 percent in July and 4.4 percent in the three months ending in July. Inventory levels rose 2.7 percent, bringing Months Supply of Inventory up 4.8 percent to 5.9 months. Prices were stable. The Median Sales Price increased 0.1 percent to $145,000 in July. For the quarter ending in July, Median Sales Price rose 2.1 percent to$145,000 compared to the same quarter a year ago. The U.S. Department of Commerce reported that GDP grew at a 4.0 percent annual rate in the second quarter and that the first quarter was less negative than previously thought. Consumer spending in the first quarter rose 2.5 percent, which is encouragingly in tandem with savings rates. Increased consumer spending means more demand for goods and labor; increased savings rates means more resources for down payments. Market Overview Key market metrics for the current month and year-to-date figures. Rolling 12 Months New Listings Rolling 6 Months Rolling 3 Months Monthly Current Prior Year +/– Current Prior Year +/– Current Prior Year +/– Current Prior Year +/– May 2014 40,903 39,749 + 2.9% 19,520 20,738 - 5.9% 13,008 12,855 + 1.2% 4,590 4,634 - 0.9% Jun 2014 41,177 40,236 + 2.3% 22,256 23,172 - 4.0% 13,516 13,233 + 2.1% 4,482 4,208 + 6.5% Jul 2014 41,269 40,902 + 0.9% 24,323 24,427 - 0.4% 13,396 13,074 + 2.5% 4,324 4,232 + 2.2% May 2014 26,685 27,038 - 1.3% 12,810 14,281 - 10.3% 7,977 8,565 - 6.9% 2,827 3,034 - 6.8% Jun 2014 26,616 27,517 - 3.3% 14,139 15,519 - 8.9% 8,258 8,726 - 5.4% 2,727 2,796 - 2.5% Jul 2014 26,521 27,796 - 4.6% 15,113 16,136 - 6.3% 8,079 8,450 - 4.4% 2,525 2,620 - 3.6% May 2014 26,685 28,130 - 5.1% 12,730 13,706 - 7.1% 7,597 8,320 - 8.7% 3,034 3,339 - 9.1% Jun 2014 26,616 28,617 - 7.0% 13,768 14,997 - 8.2% 8,603 9,166 - 6.1% 3,145 3,191 - 1.4% Jul 2014 28,901 29,467 - 1.9% 15,400 16,682 - 7.7% 9,229 9,862 - 6.4% 3,050 3,332 - 8.5% May 2014 $136,000 $129,900 + 4.7% $134,000 $128,000 + 4.7% $137,500 $132,000 + 4.2% $140,000 $138,000 + 1.4% Jun 2014 $137,000 $130,000 + 5.4% $137,000 $130,900 + 4.7% $142,900 $137,500 + 3.9% $150,000 $144,900 + 3.5% Jul 2014 $137,000 $131,500 + 4.2% $140,000 $135,000 + 3.7% $145,000 $142,000 + 2.1% $145,000 $144,900 + 0.1% May 2014 $170,961 $162,367 + 5.3% $169,259 $160,123 + 5.7% $171,744 $164,871 + 4.2% $175,932 $172,201 + 2.2% Jun 2014 $172,321 $163,274 + 5.5% $172,613 $163,633 + 5.5% $179,503 $171,104 + 4.9% $188,435 $176,312 + 6.9% Jul 2014 $172,695 $164,415 + 5.0% $175,646 $168,269 + 4.4% $182,680 $176,026 + 3.8% $183,449 $179,570 + 2.2% Percent of Original List Price Received at Sale May 2014 92.7% 90.2% + 2.7% 92.8% 90.5% + 2.5% 93.6% 91.5% + 2.3% 94.4% 92.4% + 2.1% Jun 2014 92.8% 90.5% + 2.6% 93.4% 91.2% + 2.3% 94.2% 92.4% + 1.9% 94.3% 93.1% + 1.4% Jul 2014 92.9% 90.9% + 2.3% 93.7% 91.9% + 1.9% 94.3% 93.0% + 1.4% 94.2% 93.5% + 0.7% Total Active Listings Available at Month End May 2014 12,607 13,629 - 7.5% 11,731 12,410 - 5.5% 12,318 12,773 - 3.6% 12,944 13,160 - 1.6% Jun 2014 12,628 13,438 - 6.0% 12,093 12,637 - 4.3% 12,993 13,119 - 1.0% 13,656 13,403 + 1.9% Pending Sales Closed Sales Median Sales Price Average Sales Price Months Supply of Inventory Jul 2014 12,659 13,283 - 4.7% 12,597 12,943 - 2.7% 13,588 13,450 + 1.0% 14,165 13,786 + 2.7% May 2014 5.1 6.4 - 20.8% 4.7 5.6 - 14.9% 5.0 5.6 - 10.1% 5.3 5.6 - 5.3% Jun 2014 5.1 6.2 - 18.3% 4.9 5.6 - 11.8% 5.3 5.6 - 5.3% 5.6 5.6 - 0.1% Jul 2014 5.1 6.0 - 15.5% 5.1 5.6 - 7.8% 5.6 5.6 - 0.2% 5.9 5.6 + 4.8% Percent of Original List Price Received Months Supply of Inventory Percentage found when dividing a property’s sales price by its original list price, then taking the average for all properties sold in a given month, not accounting for seller concessions. The inventory of homes for sale at the end of a given month, divided by the average monthly pending sales from the last 12 months. 6 Month 12 Month 92.9% 90.9% 89.0% 89.9% 3 Month 91.9% 93.7% July 94.3% 93.0% 90.7% 12 Month 93.5% 90.5% 94.2% 6 Month 3 Month 7.9 7.9 July 8.3 7.8 6.0 5.1 2012 One-Year Change: One-Year Change: One-Year Change: One-Year Change: + 2.3% + 1.9% + 1.4% + 0.7% 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.9 5.6 5.1 One-Year Change: One-Year Change: One-Year Change: - 0.2% - 7.8% - 15.5% One-Year Change: + 4.8% Two-Year Change: Two-Year Change: Two-Year Change: Two-Year Change: Two-Year Change: Two-Year Change: Two-Year Change: Two-Year Change: + 4.4% + 4.2% + 3.9% + 4.1% - 38.6% - 35.0% - 29.5% - 24.8% 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2012 2014 2013 2014 Historical Percent of Original List Price Received 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2012 2014 2013 2012 2014 2013 2014 Historical Months Supply of Homes for Sale 98% 13 12 96% 11 94% 10 92% 9 8 90% 7 88% 6 5 86% 4 84% 1-2005 7-2005 1-2006 7-2006 1-2007 7-2007 1-2008 7-2008 1-2009 7-2009 1-2010 7-2010 1-2011 7-2011 1-2012 7-2012 1-2013 7-2013 1-2014 7-2014 3 1-2007 7-2007 1-2008 7-2008 1-2009 7-2009 1-2010 7-2010 1-2011 7-2011 1-2012 7-2012 1-2013 7-2013 1-2014 7-2014 Inventory of Homes for Sale The number of properties available for sale in active status at the end of a given month. 12 Month 15,437 13,283 2012 2013 6 Month 3 Month 15,273 15,668 12,659 12,943 July 15,643 13,450 12,597 13,786 13,588 14,165 One-Year Change: One-Year Change: One-Year Change: One-Year Change: - 4.7% - 2.7% + 1.0% + 2.7% Two-Year Change: Two-Year Change: Two-Year Change: Two-Year Change: - 18.0% - 17.5% - 13.3% - 9.4% 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2012 2014 2013 2014 Historical Inventory of Homes Available 35,000 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 1-2007 45 7-2007 1-2008 7-2008 1-2009 7-2009 1-2010 7-2010 1-2011 7-2011 1-2012 7-2012 1-2013 7-2013 1-2014 7-2014 RUGGED COMES STANDARD Choose HP for end-to-end NAHB solutions built to pass the toughest tests. 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