the foreign language magazine le magazine des langues étrangères


the foreign language magazine le magazine des langues étrangères
VOL. 28 No 37. March 2014
María de Jesús Goquis
he experience I had at the Anahuac University pre-tournament was very good.
There was a great atmosphere and it was very entertaining. It's something that I'd always looked forward
to because you live so many things with other young
athletes and it's very interesting to travel to Mexico
and stay with your friends in a good university like
the Northern Anahuac.
Tampico was represented both by women and men in
several disciplines such as:
volleyball, chess, basketball, athletics and football
High-School student
dle, tennis, football,
baseball, etc. People in
the University were quite
friendly, and seeing the
privileges provided by
that University I fell in
love looking at it because it's so big. You
would be surprised to
see everything there is in
it. The University and its
people are fantastic. You
can also get a sport
scholarship if you're
good enough.
Although the Tampico-Mexico trip was very long, it
was worth it. Just arriving to Mexico city, everything
was beautiful, very amazing buildings and so was the We stayed at the Mexican Olympic Committee. It has
very strict surveillance and order, but it is very nice
and great to be with many high-performance athIn addition to these disciplines there was a greater letes. It also serves to live healthier and smoothly in
variety in Northern Anahuac, such as swimming, pad- such an environment..
Throughout the week there were plenty of contests in
which you could win several prizes, such as tablets,
X-boxes, Anahuac jerseys, backpacks, caps and
iTunes cards, cameras, etc. You could demonstrate
your talents to everyone without any problem and if
you won you received a price in return received a
prize. The contests’ hosts that were all week with us
were very nice people also. They passionately told us
about their experience at Campus and their love to
the University.
Talking about sports' outcomes we did fine. There
were over 69 schools enthusiastically participating. Although not
everyone won, everyone was excited since whether you win or
lose you could make friends and meet lots of people. Even if
you didn't talk much or if you didn't know what they were
studying you had fun. In this tournament you had the chance
to show your abilities and to learn about competing. There are
spectators who can offer you scholarships to study there.
The results were as follows:
Women's Basketball: 2nd place,
Women's volleyball: 2nd place ,
Athletics: 1st place.
Unfortunately, despite not outstanding in other disciplines, we had the opportunity to support other teams
and to have fun cheering up for them. Some of the artists who visited the school were: Ines Sainz, the
sports reporter from TV Azteca, Roger and Carla from the TV show Zapping zone and Exa FM newscasters.
In terms of discipline, at the end we did not win but we never lost our enthusiasm and the joy we had
through the whole tournament.
I would not hesitate to return. It has been one of the best experiences I’ve had, and I’m happy because I
have the opportunity to go back next year. You should not miss this great experience, it is something extraordinary.
By Adriana Méndez Ramírez
Language teacher
eside the academic and administrative responsibilities that teachers and administrative colleagues
have to do, some decided to practice Volleyball representing our Institution in different local tournaments such as FEPST and Dorados Tournament.
We participate in these tournaments on weekends, for example, every Friday we play in “Dorados Tournament”, where some IEST’s college graduated students as Sonia Flores play in our team, this is because
“Dorados Tournament” is an opened tournament.
On the other hand the FEPST (Federación de Escuelas Privadas del Sur Tamaulipas), we play every Saturday
in different private schools. In this Tournament every Team Member is part from IEST (from teachers to administrative areas). Our teachers team is formed by: Deisy
Hernández, Isabel Romero, Jannet Mejia, Verónica Pérez,
Martha Méndez, Juan Martínez, Rubén Zárate, Noé Pardo,
Eduardo Morales and me.
Every week we train under the instructions of coach Bernal
Lozada Del Ángel, who plans and decides what kind of exercises we have to do to improve our physical abilities, to develop the game’s strategies and most importantly to apply
team work according to our individual and team collective
My impression about this kind of activity is positive, because
we have the chance to work-out while sharing a good time
representing our beloved Institution. I would like to invite our
teachers to join the team and the students community to
support us.
Valeria Guzmán Aburto
High-School student
Staying in contact with old people is a really amazing ex-
perience. When I was there, I could talk with a granny and she
told me that she was living in a little town, and she had a lot of
economic problems. She got married with a guy that always respected her, and they have been living together for 68 years.
When I heard that news, I really felt so happy. I could see the
"life" that every grandpa and grandma is still having. They
danced, ate, sang, played “loteria” and a lot of more things. I
could see the happiness in their faces, and it’s a big satisfaction
to know that we all changed a day of their lives. I can tell you
that if you have the opportunity of doing this or if you want to help
people, not just old people but kids too. You have to enter in ASI,
it’s a big community here at IEST, where you can make true
friends, and understand the two sides of the coin. This experience contributes to reflect and to assess everything in your life.
Erick Ayala
High–School student
This was a beautiful experience on 3rd semester because I learned how to live with old people. At the
beginning of the event I was in a stand because I had placed my stand about chess, lottery and more. It was
about remembering the games grandparents used to play when they were children. After that my teacher
asked for volunteers who wanted to take care of grandparents and I told him that I wanted to be a volunteer
so when the bus arrived to the IEST, I went to the entrance and I volunteered to take care of a grandmother. Her name was Gloria so I took her to the stand and she played chess and lottery. She won against some
of my classmates, and then I took her to the Spa, which was another stand. After that, I took her to eat
“Zacahuil” and she liked it; we talked a lot and she shared with me the recipe for making mole so I saved it
on my cell phone, she told me that it was her first time coming to the ASI. She liked it a lot and she told me
that she wanted to come again next year because she wanted to have fun with all her friends who attended
ASI x Los Grandes. When the event was over, she went to her house and she told me: “Thank you for everything”. I really liked this event because I experienced it with a grandmother and I liked it. She told me a lot
of things about her childhood and I learned new things during this event.
Alejandro Elisea
High-School student
The ASI is an event organized by the IEST; in this event the students participate in some activities with chil-
dren, old men or handicapped children. I have participated in two ASI: first in the children’s ASI (ASI x “Los
niños”), which was a good experience because I had the responsibility to take care of 5 boys, in this case I
was just in charge of 3. The kids participated in every activity and won some prizes.
After that, Mayin and Chilindrin came to the IEST, they were two very funny clowns and they made a good
show; they sang and did all those things clowns do; the children laughed, and clapped because they were
happy. At the end, they had to go to their respective schools. In the second ASI in which I participated, I
was in the games stand, like chess, domino and poker; the grandparents came to the stand and played
chess, cards and domino. It was so funny and interesting because the grandparents played very well; and I
only won on one occasion. That was my experience in the ASI at the IEST.
By Maria Fernanda Guerrero Piñeiro
High school Student
are always present, so those two first years girls and
boys weren’t too close to each other but when it was
senior year and all boys and girls came together in
mixed classrooms we knew each other better too and
we liked or maybe disliked , more people that you
might not even notice and you have more friends,
more confidants and it's so cool to walk around the
halls and know more and more people and you don't
have to ask your partner, Is that boy part of our genI'm part of the generation 2011-2014 at the high eration?
school IEST Altamira. All my life I was part of the Felix de Jesus Rougier institution since kindergarten to Beside my generation I think about my first classmiddle school so I had never been part of different room, the ladies one, which was special and I think
generation, I always knew all my classmates and their that when someone passes away you just can't forparents because I knew them since I was a child. So get it, it's something that you will always remember
in my first day at high school, I was worried about and that will be part of you every moment, and it's
who am I supposed to be with in the classroom or at also our case.
recess, so when I entered my classroom I saw different faces that I’d never seen before but also ex class- So you need to appreciate everyone in your classmates from Felix so I ran to them to say hi and be room, in your generation, because we all have good
part of their group, and one thing that was surprising qualities, because you have the opportunity to meet
for me was the fact that in the classroom we all were many people, someone can have different religion,
with our ex classmates or friends we knew previously, sex, culture, etc. and it doesn't matter because we
and it was so obvious when you were new in town are all the same and it's important to recognize the
qualities and values from others, and you also need
because you were alone.
to be aware of the fact that you might see all of them
So when the bell rang and it was time for recess all in the future but maybe not, maybe you will never
the people were looking for familiar faces so we could see them again and one of the most important things
be with someone we already knew, but as time went in life is to make friends because you can learn from
on, something happened and the familiar faces were friends but they can also learn from you.
there but we were also meeting different and new
people that we liked to hang out with. Time is so val- In my own experience I have enjoyed every moment
uable but we don't even notice that it is, in a little in high school, I met new people. Some are now an
time we knew people we disliked or we knew more important part of my life, we have enjoyed many spethings about the ones we already knew but also we cial moments, laughs, tears, hugs, we have learned
find persons that we liked and they liked us too, so from each other and supported ourselves at every
that’s when we started to socialize and then one day moment, so if you ask me if the generation influences
you realize that they are already your friends and you your personal life, I can be sure that the answer is
trust them.
herever you study, you will be part
of a generation. A group of students
coursing a year in school at the
same time, but this is more than just people studying,
this is where you will find friends, sisters, brothers,
family, in people you may know but others who you
have no idea who they are, and that’s my case.
My generation, I think, is special but at the same time
it's like the other ones before it, because it has its
problems but also their good moments, there are
groups of friends in all classrooms, but the first two
years the generation was broken and that's the part ,
for me, that is like the other ones because problems
For me and my classmates the fact that we are in this
kind of Institution that has the personnel with the
abilities and capacities that our teachers had is very
important because here is where you are shaping professionals and they give you the opportunity to be
better and learn, so you need to take advantage of
every opportunity that life presents you.
By Nilse González
Engineering Student
athematics is the headache of many and the fascination of a few. I must admit that at first, like many
other people, I hated Math but as time passed by I
guess I really got to like it. In fact I love it (yes, call
me a nerd or a weird but I do). As the Valentine’s fever is still
in town, let’s talk about the matter in terms of love. You can’t
fall in love with Mathematics at first sight, simple. Who falls in
love with someone who gives you many problems?
I mean, why do we always have to find “X”, what’s the problem
with this letter that it is always lost? Anyway if Math were a person it would be the one who has an inner
beauty, a beauty that not anyone can see but that when you discover it, you realize there’s nothing compared to it. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe it’s just my love talking, maybe Math is not for you as History is not for
me, but before you decide that, take your time to discover that beauty of which I talk about. I’ll give you a
hand and will tell you how I did it.
A few years ago, I was reading a book in which they mentioned a little number named phi. What is phi? It’s a
letter from the Greek alphabet whose symbol is Φ and as I said before it is used to name an irrational number (just like pi (π) but a little more interesting) whose approximate value is 1.618. What makes this number
so peculiar? Let’s say that we can find it in almost everything. Nature, music, architecture, paintings, our
body, credit cards! How so? Well let me give you some examples. More than a simple number phi is seen as a
proportion (a comparative relationship between things or magnitudes), having had said this, the relationship
between your height and the height of your belly button is phi. In other words if you divide your height by
the height of your belly button you’ll get an approximation to the value of phi. But we’re not the only ones
who have phi in our bodies, bees also do, the relationship between the length of their thorax and their head’s
is also phi. Amazing isn’t it? The peculiarity of this number and its presence in nature won it other names like
“golden ratio” and “divine proportion” among others that reveal the admiration
that it provokes. It was this admiration what boosted its implementation in several paintings, famous constructions (did you know that the Eiffel Tower and the
Parthenon hide a “divine proportion” within its structure?) and most recently in
the design of credit cards. Some say that an aesthetic character is attributed to
objects whose dimensions have this proportion. That
would explain why we like credit cards so much. Anyway, just like all these examples I could quote
many others but I will give you the chance to search
for them by yourself.
You may be wondering what does this have to do with my love for Mathematics?
Well, once I read about this number I was so curious, I wanted to find other examples and maybe other wonderful numbers like phi, so I did my research and
unfortunately I couldn’t find anything resembling phi but I did find several practical and peculiar applications of Math in our lives, from magic tricks to equations
that describe the way water flows through pipes, it was something that amazed
me and now that I think of the matter I see it is curious how one thing leads to
another. Sometimes you don’t find what you’re looking for, sometimes you find
something better just like it happens with love. That’s what happened to me, now
tell me, what’s your story?
By Adriana Méndez
Language teacher
Interviewed with Napoleon Ruiz Camacho
Civil Engineering student
ur university has always involved
its community in its projects so
that every one of us feels like an
important part of the institution’s development. Last year the construction of the medicine building began
and some civil engineering students were
invited to get to know the procedure and
discover all the real situations which an
engineer has to face and solve in his work.
Until these days my field of experience
was always in the material administration
branch, where I could plan the purchasing
or calculate material or standard prices,
but now I had the opportunity to collaborate in the stage of topography, that
means we learned to apply and to contribute new knowledge about the design and
balance procedure in the construction.
To make this possible, we had to calculate
distances and to be very specific. We used
a theodolite. I can tell you, it was a really
useful experience because I could appreciate the importance of every stage in a
building’s construction.
proud to
in this significant
and to get
new pers p e c t i v es
about my future work field.
By Itzel Saldaña
Medicine student
ever has someone said being a med
student was easy. When I first heard
IEST was really opening the med
school, I wasn’t really sure if it was a
good idea to be part of the first class.
Some people told me to go and try in a more
experienced school, but I didn’t listen. I decided
to give it a chance since I had spent three years
of high school here and I was sure our school
talking about medicine was going to be as academic as any other.
It was kind of funny the looks we received on
the first weeks we spent here. We were like
strangers; our dressing completely white made
us stand out from the crowd.
We’ve been called weird, other students say we
spend our lives at the library and we are either
studying with a bunch of books wide open on
our tables or recovering from the sleep we sacrificed at night in order to prepare ourselves for
the next morning.
Some people say, “If you have free time, it’s because you’re forgetting something.”
It is true that medicine is one of the hardest majors, but it is also the most amazing one. There
are a lot of
things to learn,
there are a lot
of hours to
sleepless, but at the
end of the day,
you know that
it is definitely
worth the effort
you won’t regret anything
at all.
On April 22nd, 2014 at 1:00 pm or 4:00 pm.
Fee: $ 200 MX
Pre-register at the CAADI from March 24th to April 8th 2014
Summer I
Summer II
From June 2nd. to 23rd.
From June 30th. to July 21st.
Both courses are from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Fee: 4, 400 MX for IEST’s students.
The TOEFL® test is the most widely respected English-language test in the world, recognized by
more than 9,000 colleges, universities and agencies in more than 130 countries, including Australia,
Canada, the U.K. and the United States. The TOEFL test can help you reach a higher English communication level .
April 25th, 2014
April 11 , 2014
Fee: $ 170 US
Fee: $ 600 MX
Registration available in
Language Department
On-line Registration
For further information, please
Coordinación de Idiomas—IEST
Phone: 230-25-66
By Adriana Méndez Ramírez
Language teacher
he Language Department is an area that offers service and support to the IEST community (high
school and university), as well as to external people. It offers international certifications such as:
TOEIC, TOEFL ITP and iBT of which the language department is an official ETS authorized center.
This semester the Language Department took part in an important event: Expo Universidad 2014
celebrated last March 1st. at the Dr. Burton E. Grossman gymnasium.
The main goal of this event was to let people know about the academic programs offered by the school.
They also explained the ways in which IEST students can meet the English requirements to all interested
candidates, -if they decide to stay or start studying
at IEST-.
Another important objective was to keep people informed about other foreign language courses besides English.
The Language Department aims to give the student
community the tools they need face the real world
and demonstrate their confidence and fluency in the
mastery of languages such as German, French and
English. We are looking forward to seeing you in
one of our future courses.
By Alfredo Castillo
English teacher
nowing the importance of foreign language
teachers to keep constantly updating their
teaching methods the Language Department organized
an interesting 2-hour workshop given by a Pearson Editorial instructor Alejandrina Vargas Oritz. Teachers were
taught the advantages of using the technology for enriching classes. Wikis, blogs, podcast and much more
were introduced during the talk. It was a dynamic session and teachers contributed by taking part in the
presentation and sharing their experience.
By Adriana Méndez Ramírez
Language teacher
ast March 15th, the Language Department organized the “Shamrock hunt 2014” event for English
and French students attending the Saturday program. With this event the Language Department
Team aimed at promoting information
about the origin of Saint Patrick’s Day
among the students. They were asked to
bring a decorated shamrocks; the teacher collected them, gave them a specific
value from 1 to 10 depending on how
easy or difficult they were to be found,
and hid them.
They were hidden in the common green
areas, and the students had 15 minutes to find them and
collect as much of them as they could. After this activity
the students went to the CAADI, where 5 candidates participated in a trivia about Saint Patrick’s Day and all the
information around this topic. The flair in the event was
Irish green; students wore green T-shirts, the CAADI´s
decoration had Irish hats and typical Irish music was be-
ing played. The contest winners received a store
gift card and a cinema gift card.
We thank every element in our team for the
great participation and motivation to carry out
this event, as well as to our students for their
The winners
enthusiasm. See you next year.
By Alan Fernando Molina Sobrevilla
Law student
I fall in all about you
The firefly lost its life
And you are the white, the black
And we, you and me, walk far away.
The sea near the sky
The places where the moon smiles.
The dark speaks to me
About the space between us
It's difficult to write for you
I will be another and you disappear
The winter finishes like the light
There are my dreams, in your eyes.
I couldn't stop the hours
And you left my heart, I scream alone.
I want to stop you
I don't say all of my mouth
But I know where you are
Is there any piece of you?
Is the way in my eyes?
Or do you travel for not coming back?
Or is the silence just a joke?
Or is that man in the mirror another one.
I am who says your name every night
I am some of what I was in other time
If you don't have the answer
You are all that I need to be happy
Where can I find my voice?
You are all, and you are not here.
By Sofía Eugenia Cantú
Laguage student
pring is coming! And so is spring break! The season we all are waiting for is right on the corner!
The fashion week is happening right now all around
the world. The most popular designer houses are
throwing their fashion shows, presenting us their
spring-summer 2014 collections. I will tell you about
the top trends and main fashion statements for this
year right from the fashion week!
As we saw on this winter 2013, the most fashionable
trend was the “all white” which consisted in wearing
all white e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g, from shoes to pants or
skirts to blouses to handbags, to all. This was one of
the most popular trends on this winter, the celebrity’s
favorite trend I would say. Leather was another one
of the big trends, as well as faux-fur.
As for the shoes, the favorite shoes for this season
were the pointy stilettos, with NO platform. They are
tiring and uncomfortable as hell but they look divine!
On the comfortable side, low heel ankle boots were
the bomb.
Now, on this spring-summer season we will find the
same trends we had on winter. Leather will continue
to be a BIG trend. The leather favorites will be leather strap dresses and tops, as well as leather miniskirts. Leather pants will always be an option combined with fresh and delicate blouses.
Colors, colors and even more colors! Outfits full of
colors are always on the spring-summer trends. Dare
not to wear only flowers, but to wear other type of
colored patterns. Last year’s trend were the neon colors, this year they’re OUT. Still, black & white is the
favorite combination. Just like last year, long skirts
continue to be in but now we will be also having knee
high loose and tube skirts. Remember.. loose clothes,
not tight!
This hot season’s favorite shoes are strap shoes, especially no-platform ones. Our pointy stilettos will still
be trending. Handbags!! We all love handbags. We
will be seeing BIG handbags as well as clutches. The
trends on handbags are bright colors on squared, rectangle and trapezoid or inverted trapezoid shapes. As
for hair... long hair is OUT. Mid back length is the
longest the hair should be for this year.
So get ready for spring and summer!! We’re just few
days away!!
By Alejandra Wah
High school English teacher
friends and I made a trip over Easter two years
ago. We chose to visit Huasca de Ocampo located in the state
of Hidalgo. Huasca is considered a magical town. After a long
drive, we arrived at the cabins where we were going to stay;
they were so calm and beautiful, it’s a place where you can
really listen, smell and feel nature. After a few hours we decided to walk through the village. While touring its streets and
corners lit by lanterns we tried the delicious pastes, traditional
pastries of Hidalgo, a heritage from the British who used to
work the mines in this area hundreds of years ago. That night
we all had to rest because adventure was already waiting for
us. The following day we woke up early to leave for the Basaltic Prisms, the arrival was an incredible surprise, the prisms
are a beautiful and perfect formation of hexagonal shapes
generated by the rapid cooling of lava where a waterfall lays;
it’s one of those miracles of nature. It was still early and the day had destined us endless surprises, after
enjoying the mist of the falls, we went to meet the former Hacienda de San Miguel Regla which was built in
the XVII century, we contemplated its gorgeous gardens, fountains and impressive architecture. It was getting dark, so we decided to go back to the cabin to have some rest.
On the other hand, our dinner promised to be unique as we had booked for a medieval dinner at the hacienda. When the night approached we got there, there was a hostess waiting for us who explained the history of the place to us, at the end of the story we walked under the moonlight and stars towards the gardens, some of the visitors took torches to light our way through a cave where the feast was going to be
served, during the dinner there was an “estudiantina” playing and singing beautiful and sometimes funny
songs which made our moment really pleasant. Our
dinner was amazing, but the biggest adventure was still
waiting for us, a walk in the clouds in a hot air balloon!
The next day, we had to wake up very early at 4 am to
be picked up and taken to the field where the balloons
would leave. Trips in a hot air balloon in this area are
held very early in the morning due to the wind and
weather conditions. Upon arrival we saw when the balloons were getting inflated, they looked huge! I had
never seen one so close, we drank a cup of coffee to
wake up, and at around 6 am we finally flew up to 900
meters from the ground! We saw the sunrise in the air
and could feel the wind on the face, it was cold but
worth every minute, the town was left under our eyes
and we could be able to contemplate other balloons
rising slowly far away reaching the sky, in front of us
we just had a breathtaking view. My trip to this magical
town turned out to be truly magical. Can’t wait to go
back soon!
By Tania Aguirre E.
High school English Teacher
ack in October 2007 I was in Berlin visiting some good friends. I used to
live in Germany and I’d already visited the City a couple of times but that
visit was special for me since I was meeting my German friend Anne and 2 Mexican Friends, Alejandra and Alejandro that were living over there too. I should
mention that for me, trips are more than the’s more about the culture
and the people you meet.
I was touring through Europe with a good friend, when we arrived at Berlin we
were in our last days of vacation therefore we wanted to enjoy every moment and
we definitely did! We stayed in Anne’s flat; she is a very interesting person, by
then she was in her early 30’s, she worked as a politician consultant for a leftwing organization and she taught workers about their rights. She is a very educated person and spending time with her is to learn constantly. She lived in
Kreuzberg which is one of Berlin’s cultural centers in the middle of the now reunified city, the borough is known for its very large percentage of immigrants and
second-generation immigrants, many of whom are of Turkish ancestry. It is also
one of the trendiest districts with many bars, pubs and nightclubs; walking
through the streets and watching all the old, huge buildings combined with the
multi-cultural atmosphere was amazing. We spent all day together and visited
the Brandenburg Gate, the Check Point Charlie and the memorial for the murdered Jews in Europe. At the night, Anne took us to a really nice bar and we had
a great night catching up.
On Sunday we had the typical German brunch and afterwards we went to Alejandra and Alejandro’s flat. I
was pretty excited to see them since they are some of my closest friends and they have been living for a
year in Germany and they have a great living abroad experience. They cooked delicious lasagna and also
invited their friends, a German girl and an Australian guy. I remember that afternoon as one of the best in
my life, we had such a great time sharing food & culture, we were talking about so many things and each
one had a particular / different point of view but it didn’t matter since the
idea wasn’t to argue but to share and we also laughed a lot! Later that
night we took a long walk and the German girls gave us a nice tour including information about the buildings, the story of the city and how Berlin has become one of the most multi-cultural cities and had embraced it
very well.
The next day we visited the East Side Gallery, which is the longest section
of the Berlin Wall still standing, covered with paintings and murals. After
the wall fell in 1989, hundreds of artists from all over the world came to
Berlin to transform the grim and gray wall into a piece of art. They covered the East side of the former border, which had been untouchable up
to then, with more than 100 paintings. The murals reflect the turbulent
German history, and many bear the slogans of peace and hope. It is one
of my favorite places in the world…it is an international memorial of freedom.
We left on Tuesday and we regretted not having more days of vacation...Berlin is definitely one of my favorite cities in the world, if you
haven’t visited it you should…it’s worth it!
By Misael Salomón Luevano
Engineering student
outh… So beautiful, so naïve, so idealistic, so
strong and yet so fragile. Have you ever felt disappointed? Have you ever had your dreams crushed?
Have you heard the word “no” many times? If your
answer is yes to one of them, congrats you possess
one of the most beautiful gifts life can give: Youth.
so is if we decide to die. But the more we dream and
the less we work, we develop roots to where we
stand and will never move from there, then we won’t
ever see our dreams come true, and grow up to be
one of those old men who live their last days telling
young people, don’t dream because dreams lead you
nowhere, so the answer to our problem is not only to
dream, but to work on our dreams.
We are our country’s youth, we are our planet’s future and present, because if we think we’re something’s future, then we will never start working, because our time hasn’t come, this is our time, this is
our youth, and this is our world, where are our
dreams? Where will they be? Have you ever thought
about that? Do you have any answers? It’s ok to answer no, because you are young, but it’s not ok to be
unaware of the situation, to pretend that someday
your dreams will become true, out of nowhere, don’t
dream in that direction, don’t let your dreams stay on
cloud nine, every time you wake up, grab a piece of a
dream with you, and plant it on to the earth, watch
how that seed suddenly becomes a little plant, that
requires care, and a lot of work to stay alive, because
with the slightest rain and neglect that plant will perish.
We, young people, live on the belief the someday
we’ll run the world and that we’ll do a hell of a job,
doing so many things that grownups are not doing
right now and that seems to be all a matter of will,
but what happens if those who are young, get tired of
getting “no” for an answer? or being said “that can’t
be done” “be realistic” “that doesn’t happen in real
life”? Well, the time will come when we get sick of
dreaming because of so many times we faced “no”
and just blend with the rest of society and we’ll have
nothing else than the already cruel and boring reality,
the one where 60 million people of your country have
no food to eat, where thousands of people die every
single day due to war crimes, where killing is justified
and praised if you kill for the “cause”, where a country still claims authority over another because of the
size of its army, where humanity has lost sense and
the world is tending more to a dystopia than to an Dreams are fragile, and so is youth, maybe that’s why
utopia, doesn’t sound so cool when you put it that as long we are young, we are dreamers, but can we
be dreamers and still be young? Can a 40 year old
mister, be a dreamer and blend with those who are
Why stop dreaming? Why give up to the so many young? Yes he can, because dreams are not made
“noes” we will have? WHY?
for a specific age, but for a specific feeling, the feeling
of idealism, of change, of mind revolution, those
We don’t have to, yet we choose to, once we blend things that we can find in ourselves, but are the first
with the system it’s hard to get your individualism and to die once we have grown up, don’t let them die.
ideals back to you, even principles you have will be
put aside because of the needs you have to fulfil, Dream until you can no longer sleep, and work until
what a shame, yes! Shame, because all of the deci- you can no longer wake up. Because only in that way
sions we make through our life are made by us, no- will we see our youth’s dreams and wishes become
body puts a gun against our head and tells us what to our grownup’s realities and treasures.
do, if we choose to live it’s because we want to, and
Par María Emilia Rodríguez Vallejo
Étudiante de langues
l était une fois un enfant appelé August. Il venait de l’Allemagne, mais il parlait bien
le français. Il était un garçon qui adorait sa mère et qui était charmant tant qu’il
pouvait faire ce qu’il voulait. August était petit, intelligent, éveillé, mignon et amoureux, aux
yeux verts et aux cheveux bouclés.
Il s’intéressait à tout et posait des questions sur beaucoup de choses, mais pour l’école il ne
restait pas concentré…. August vivait dans un monde différent, un monde magique, tout en
couleurs. Le seul problème d’August, pour sa mère, c’était qu’il était un grand rêveur,
comme son père.
Le jour de la rentrée August était bouleversé à cause de l’arriveé dans une nouvelle école.
Après tout, faire des amis n’était pas difficile pour lui grâce à son sourire contagieux.
Ce matin-là, il faisait très beau… August décida alors d’inviter ses nouveaux copains à jouer
au « jeu des couleurs ».
— Mais, ça se joue comment ? — demanda la petite Abélie.
—Tu dois seulement ressentir. — répondit le petit August.
—Ressentir ? —
—Oui, ressentir. — La seule chose dont tu as besoin pour jouer au « jeu des couleurs » c’est
d’oser, vivre ! —…Mais Abélie ne comprenait pas les mots d’August.
—Et, comment ça marche exactement ? — demanda le petit Nicholas.
—Tu dois regarder. — répondit le petit August.
—Regarder ? —
—Oui, regarder le paysage qui t’entoure. Savais tu qu’il y a des messages cachés dans la
nature ? — …Mais Nicholas ne comprenait pas les mots d’August.
—Non, non, je ne comprends pas ! Explique-moi ! — dit le petit Adam.
Comment leur expliquer, s’ils ne sont pas rêveurs ? … se dit August . Et sans y penser, il
commença alors à expliquer le jeu :
—Chaqu’ un de nous doit choisir une couleur et me dire laquelle vous voulez: il peut être
blanc, rouge, bleu, jaune… Le jeu s’agit d’aller trouver des choses avec cette couleur. Ils
peuvent être des nuages, des fleurs, des crayons, des fruits… ce que vous voulez ! —
—Ah, très facile à faire ! —répondit la petit Abélie.
—Mais, écoutez bien, il y a une autre chose que vous devez faire…—dit le petit August.
(Tous écoutaient assis, attentifs).
—Le plus important dans ce jeu, n’est pas seulement revenir avec les choses que vous trouviez. Le secret pour mieux jouer et gagner, c’est d’en observer et comprendre tout ce qui se
passe ici dehors…—
—Et comment est-ce que je peux comprendre l’extérieur ? — demanda la petit Abélie.
—Rappelle-toi que le « jeu des couleurs » consiste de deux grand règles. — Répondit le petit
August. —La règle de ressentir, c’est la premier. La règle de regarder, c’est la deuxième. —
« Je n’arrive vraiment pas à comprendre »…pensa le petit Adam.
(August continua à s’expliquer)... —Ce que vous allez faire, avec ces choses, c’est créer une
histoire. Une histoire belle et magnifique, dans laquelle vous trouviez la réponse à tous les
problèmes d’un monde sans couleur ! —
—Ah, oui, je comprends maintenant ! —dit le petit Adam.
—La meilleure histoire va être cela de la personne qui mieux réussisse à découvrir l’importance
des couleurs de la nature pour donner un sens au monde de gris, triste et pessimiste. —
Donc, tous allèrent jouer pendant la récré. Abéline choisit la couleur blanc, car elle aimait
jouer dans la neige. Nicholas choisit la couleur bleu, car il aimait regarder le ciel. Pour Adam il
fut facile à choisir : il aimait la couleur rouge de la tombée du jour. Et pour August, la couleur
jaune était l’indiqué : il était amoureux de la lumière du soleil.
Il était presque la fin de la récrée, et tous revinrent avec plein de choses de tout genre. Des
oiseaux coloris, un arc-en-ciel, des fleurs coupées et des boutons d’or. Chaque un commença à raconter son histoire :
—Avec la couleur blanche, qui se forme du mélange de toutes ces fleurs, je peux donner de la
paix par les conflits qui existent dans le monde, —dit Abéline.
—Avec le chante de ce petit oiseau bleu, je peux donner tranquillité et joie aux personnes qui
sont tristes, —dit Nicholas.
—Avec les feuilles de cet érable, je peux créer une ouvre d’art pour l’offrir à quelqu’un qui ne
se sens pas vivante, — dit Adam.
—Avec la couleur jaune du soleil, je peux envoyer la lumière et l’énergie aux personnes qui n’
ont pas d’espoir — , dit August.
Après la récrée, la maîtresse posa une question à la classe.
—Quel est votre rêve dans la vie? —
—Devenir un pinceau, — répondit August.
Tous gagnèrent le « jeu des couleurs » car tous apprirent la leçon… « Il n’y a qu’à trouver les
couleurs à notre intérieur pour devenir heureux ! Tout à l’aide de la nature ! »
Après la récrée, la maîtresse posa une question à la classe.
—Quel est votre rêve dans la vie? —
—Devenir un pinceau, — répondit August.
—Un pinceau? —
—Oui, un pinceau. Il est incroyable que tout le monde s’oublie des couleurs qu’ils ont dans
leur intérieur. Ils se passent la vie en gris, sans joie, sans espoir. Je veux peindre le monde en
couleurs. « Je suis August et je suis le pinceau du monde ». —
Tous commencèrent à rire.
-Dites nous, August, d’où vient ce grand amour par les couleurs ? —
—C’est mon père qui a été toujours fasciné par eux, et qui me fait découvrir le monde petit à
petit. —
Le prénom entier d’August, c’était Julius August Walther von Goethe.
Avenida Dr. Burton E. Grossman
501 PTE. Col. Tampico-Altamira
C.P. 89609
Altamira Tamaulipas México
Tel. ( 833 ) 230-2566