Alfredas Chmieliauskas
Alfredas Chmieliauskas
Opening public data: enabling reuse, transparency and participation Alfredas Chmieliauskas TU Delft, TBM, Energy & Industry Section September 14, 2010 Supervisor: Gerard P.J. Dijkema Alfredas Chmieliauskas ENTSOG Workshop on Transparency 1/9 What do we do at TUDelft E&I? I modelling and simulation I data analysis I economic forecasting I focus: big industry, infrastructure and energy I current projects: versatile model of electricity in the Netherlands, port of Rotterdam, gas hub in the Netherlands Alfredas Chmieliauskas ENTSOG Workshop on Transparency 2/9 Modelling I creating computer representation of the real world for analysis and forecasting I extremely data intensive! Alfredas Chmieliauskas ENTSOG Workshop on Transparency 3/9 Data I question: how to manage data better? I answer: link data and people together I answer: in technical terms - ”semantic web” Alfredas Chmieliauskas ENTSOG Workshop on Transparency 4/9 Semantic Web I I I governments: US, UK, Department of Energy (US) healthcare: Malaria research, Johnson&Johnson, Merck research institutions: NASA, MIT, Max Planck Institute, ETH Zürich Alfredas Chmieliauskas ENTSOG Workshop on Transparency 5/9 Problem I We need more and better data for understanding, analyzing and modeling the future of the world’s systems. I The world is getting extremely complex and connected so that we cannot afford to limit ourselves to analyzing it in isolation. I The data, the analyzes and the concerned individuals need to connect. Alfredas Chmieliauskas ENTSOG Workshop on Transparency 6/9 Solution We propose the following process: 1. Publishing public/governmental/institutional data-sets and linking them together - and to the rest of the already ”linked data” 2. Creating tools to enable the data to be inspected, used, curated in a variety of applications & contexts - and by many more users. 3. Connecting the authors and the users of the (domain) data into communities that eventually take ownership of the data and its maintenance. Alfredas Chmieliauskas ENTSOG Workshop on Transparency 7/9 A little less conversation, a little more action please! (Elvis) Figure: Alfredas Chmieliauskas ENTSOG Workshop on Transparency 8/9 Thank You For Listening Questions, comments? Alfredas Chmieliauskas ENTSOG Workshop on Transparency 9/9