Final Dissemination report
Final Dissemination report
Final Dissemination report Deliverable D6.6 GLOBAL ITV ID: GLOBALITV-D6.6-FinalDisseminationPlan Version: 5 Deliverable number: D6.6 Authors: Jaime Mancebo (A-CING), Luiza Morandini (USP) Internal reviewers: Hans Brand (IRT) Contributors: All partners Work Package: WP6 Task: T6.2 Nature: R – Report Dissemination: PU – Public Status: Final Delivery date: 29.01.2016 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Executive Summar y This document reports the Dissemination activities carried out by GLOBAL ITV consortium since December 2013 to January 2016. Once the consortium set the why, the what and the how with D6.2 Initial Dissemination plan, D6.3 Updated Dissemination plan and the document in Annex1 – Dissemination strategy and briefly reported on Chapter 2, the dissemination activities: - Dissemination material as brochures, posters, etc. - Workshops - Conferences - Presence in events - Publications - Website - Social Media Networks - Newsletters are listed. Several information, as pictures, summaries, web hiperlinks, etc. is provided to give an reliable idea about each event or document released. The main conclusion of this reportt is that all the dissemination objectives of GLOBAL ITV have been accomplished: the Dissemination plan and the Dissemination strategy set the basis of our dissemination policy, and thanks to the commitment and the involvement of GLOBAL ITV partners, the project - has set an operative webpage since month 1 to month 26, - has organized 12 workshops and 2 conferences, - has been present in 15 events, - has published 44 scientific documents and 37 other documents, - has engaged 315 subscribers in Twitter, 93 in LinkedIn, 315 in Facebook, - has developed 6 newsletters. Therefore, the purpose of the project and its results have been effective and efficiently disseminated. page ii Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Table of Contents Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. ii Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................. iii 1 Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 1 2 GLOBAL ITV Dissemination plan and Dissemination strategy ................................................... 2 2.1 Defining goals and objectives ..................................................................................................... 2 2.2 Picking GLOBAL ITV audience .................................................................................................. 2 2.3 Choose the GLOBAL ITV message............................................................................................ 3 2.4 Tell a story .................................................................................................................................. 3 2.5 Which medium and means ......................................................................................................... 3 3 Dissemination activities in GLOBAL ITV ....................................................................................... 5 3.1 Dissemination material ............................................................................................................... 5 3.1.1 Brochures.............................................................................................................................................................. 5 3.1.2 Infographics......................................................................................................................................................... 10 3.1.3 Promotional videos .............................................................................................................................................. 17 3.2 Workshops ................................................................................................................................ 17 3.2.1 1st USP Workshop ............................................................................................................................................... 18 3.2.2 1st UFPA Workshop ............................................................................................................................................ 18 3.2.3 1st UNICAMP workshop ....................................................................................................................................... 20 3.2.4 1st UFABC Workshop .......................................................................................................................................... 21 3.2.5 1st UNESP Workshop .......................................................................................................................................... 22 3.2.6 1st UCB Workshop ............................................................................................................................................... 22 3.2.7 2nd USP Workshop .............................................................................................................................................. 23 3.2.8 2nd UFPA Workshop ............................................................................................................................................ 24 3.2.9 2nd UNICAMP Workshop ..................................................................................................................................... 26 3.2.10 2nd UFABC Workshop.......................................................................................................................................... 27 3.2.11 2nd UNESP Workshop ......................................................................................................................................... 28 3.2.12 2nd UCB Workshop .............................................................................................................................................. 29 3.3 Conferences ............................................................................................................................. 30 3.3.1 European conference at BROADTHINKING ........................................................................................................ 31 3.3.2 Brazilian conference at SET Expo 2015 .............................................................................................................. 31 3.4 Presence in events not organized by GLOBAL ITV ................................................................. 34 3.4.1 Broadcast IT fair .................................................................................................................................................. 34 3.4.2 The Developers Conference (TDC) ..................................................................................................................... 34 3.4.3 “Congresso da Intercom” ..................................................................................................................................... 36 3.4.4 Keynote on the convergence between Web and TV at “Conferência Web W3C Brasil” ....................................... 38 3.4.5 Panel presentation at UNESP ............................................................................................................................. 38 3.4.6 IBC2015 .............................................................................................................................................................. 39 3.4.7 ICT 2015 Innovate, Create, Transform ................................................................................................................ 39 3.4.8 HbbTV interoperability workshop ......................................................................................................................... 40 3.4.9 Inter Bee ............................................................................................................................................................. 41 3.4.10 Dagstuhl Seminar ................................................................................................................................................ 43 3.5 Publications .............................................................................................................................. 43 3.5.1 Press and online publications .............................................................................................................................. 43 3.5.2 Scientific publications .......................................................................................................................................... 47 3.5.3 Newsletters ......................................................................................................................................................... 50 3.6 GLOBAL ITV website – ..................................................................... 51 page iii Version of 2016/01/22 3.7 D6.6 Final dissemination report Social Media Networks .............................................................................................................. 52 3.7.1 Twitter - ................................................................................................................... 53 3.7.2 LinkedIn - 55 3.7.3 Facebook - .................................................................................................. 56 3.8 3.9 Presence in the media............................................................................................................... 57 Global ITV Council activities ..................................................................................................... 60 4 Summary of Dissemination activities ........................................................................................... 61 4.1 Attendance to events organized or not by GLOBAL ITV .......................................................... 61 4.2 Publications ............................................................................................................................... 64 4.3 Training activities ....................................................................................................................... 64 4.4 Social media networks, GLOBAL ITV webpage, dissemination material, newsletters ............. 66 4.5 Coordination with other research projects at EU level .............................................................. 66 5 Conclusion....................................................................................................................................... 67 Annex 1: GLOBAL ITV Dissemination Strategy plan ....................................................................... 68 Annex 2: some publications ............................................................................................................... 77 References .......................................................................................................................................... 138 List of Figures .................................................................................................................................... 139 List of Tables ...................................................................................................................................... 141 page iv Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report 1 Introduction GLOBAL ITV is a research project designed to develop a globally interoperable iTV platform, enabling the coexistence, interoperability and convergence of existing iTV standards – HbbTV and Ginga. The Dissemination was always seen as a key aspect for GLOBAL ITV. Understood as a fundamental tool to communicate and inform stakeholders, a whole sort of activities and content was produced and shared through out the first and second year of the Project. The Consortium planned and delivered a whole series of activities to undertake the dissemination of the project in its early stages, its work-inprocess and its final deliverables. Therefore, WP6 was responsible for promoting and disseminating the achievements of GLOBAL ITV to stakeholders, policy representative and to the public in order to create a far-reaching visibility of the project across Brazil, Europe and beyond. This Final dissemination plan reports on the dissemination activities in both first and second periods. The document lists the undertaken activities as well as the achievements and results of the dissemination work. On Chapter 2, Dissemination Plan and Dissemination Strategy of the Project are described. The Dissemination Plan and the Dissemination Strategy were always a reference to communicate, publicize and circulate information. They offered guidelines and procedures to be followed and conducted by the partners. Chapter 3 is the main chapter of the document and describes all the dissemination acitivites carried out by the project. On Chapter 4, a summary of the activities in addressed. On Chapter 5, the conclusions for Dissemination are listed. As Annexes, Dissemination strategy is attached and also some publications. page 1 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report 2 GLOBAL ITV Dissemination plan and Dissemination strategy The dissemination activities done by GLOBAL ITV partners are the result of the Initial dissemination plan – established at the beginning of the project in D6.2 - Initial Dissemination Plan –, the updated plan – described in D6.3 – Intermediate Dissemination report and updated plan - and the Dissemination strategy agreed on the project meeting in Campinas in March 2015. The Dissemination strategy can be found in Annex 1. As a summary, in the documents listed above it can be found that GLOBAL ITV project planned Dissemination activities like this: first of all, the project defined its goals and objectives with dissemination, answering the question Why are we doing this?. Then, the audience of our messages and the message itself were agreed. After that, the means to tell the project story were stablished. Let’s see each one of these points in detail: Defining goals and objectives 2.1 This is the list of objectives of the dissemination of the project: - Consolidate the Global ITV Project concept and the potential for an interoperable Digital TV system between Brazil and Europe Disseminate and publicize the achievements of the Global ITV project results and outcomes Show that convergence of technologies is technically possible Raise awareness of the benefits of GLOBAL ITV Bring our research to the attention of as many relevant people as possible Draw the attention of stakeholders to the benefits of our project Spread the word about how good global technologies are Show how our outcomes are relevant to everybody’s lives: By creating jobs, introducing novel technologies, making life funnier or more comfortable Picking GLOBAL ITV audience 2.2 This is the list of the audience of GLOBAL ITV dissemination: - Broadcasters App developers Experts involved in advanced TV technologies – not exclusively focused on Interactive TV! Academia and Scientific Community Policy makers Standarization bodies Industry: TV middleware developers, App developers, TV sets manufacturers, TV content providers… General public page 2 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report 3 Dissemination activities in GLOBAL ITV As it was described in Chapter 2, GLOBAL ITV has developed several types of dissemination activities: - Dissemination material as brochures, posters, etc. - Workshops - Conferences - Presence in events - Publications - Website - Social Media Networks - Newsletters In Chapter 3, a summary of the activities carried out by the project in this two years is included. 3.1 Dissemination material The Project has developed several brochures, infographics and videos for dissemination purposes. The target in this case was the general public. 3.1.1 Brochures The main purpuse is sharing them with general public in events, workshops, fairs, etc., to spread the word about who we are and what we are doing Figure 1: brochure for USP 1st Workshop page 5 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 2: project brochure in English page 6 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 3: Project brochure in Portuguese page 7 Version of 2016/01/22 3.1.2 D6.6 Final dissemination report Infographics They have been used to disseminate the results of some Deliverables (D2.1, D5.2…) and also to illustrate general public, as what is Hybrid TV and the announcement of the new features of HbbTV 2.0. Here they can be seen: Figure 4: second screen vs social media trends infographics page 10 Interoperability of Interactive and Hybrid TV systems An advanced scheme for future services and applications in a global environment. Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 5: Ubiquitous TV Scenario infographic page 16 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 7: reception and welcome of the audience The Workshop was divided into three sessions: 1.- A project meeting of partners presenting the main objectives of GLOBAL ITV. The major issues of project activities related to the first deliverables of WPs 2 and 3 have been discussed. Some of the research developed by UFPA team in the areas of communication, computing and engineering was presented. 2.- A panel discussion at UFPA addressed to undergraduate students. Based on the project, the goal was to foster discussions about digital TV and the possible challenges of working towards an action allowing the integration of researchers and entrepreneurs from different cultures and scenarios. Figure 8: The open panel discussion Scenarios for an interactive Global Television: the challenges of the GLOBAL ITV project at UFPA campus 3.- Section of demonstration of applications developed to digital TV in Brazil, and a small video about HbbTV. Among all discussions that occurred during the 1st GLOBAL ITV workshop at UFPA, it was highlighted that the experience of participating in a project of international cooperation is strategic worthwhile for Brazilian universities. Based on this type of initiative, the institutions can optimize the use of public funds and leverage joint efforts to production and technological innovation of the country, leveraging not just an institution, but also a group that is associated and shall work seamlessly. UNESP participated on the Workshop organized by UFPA with the presentation of Maria Cristina Gobbi in two panels: Future Global Interactive scenarios (2015-2020), for the workshop participants and Scenarios for an interactive global television: the challenges of the GLOBAL ITV open to all participants of the Intercom Norte 2014. Brazilian GLOBAL ITV project members contributed with the Exhibition of applications and demos for digital TV. page 19 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report This whole event was broadcast live and filmed, considering the remote participation via GoToMeeting of partners from Germany, Spain and other parts of Brazil. The clips are being edited and will soon be available to assist project partners. Figure 9: The congressmen interact with the exhibition of applications 3.2.3 1st UNICAMP workshop GLOBAL ITV presented a panel at the 17th Semana de Engenharia Elétrica (Electric Engineer Week) event held by UNICAMP, Universidade Estadual de Campinas (University of Campinas), between the 11th and 15th of August. The panel titled iTV Interoperable platforms: the Global ITV Project3 was presented by Gustavo Moreira Calixto from USP (Universidade de São Paulo). At the session the scenarios involving interactivity among screens and digital TV worldwide were discussed, considering the challenges and opportunities for the GLOBAL ITV project and for the whole market. 3 Event Agenda: page 20 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 10: Web flyer event at UNICAMP. Figure 11: UNICAMP Workshop. Photo by Daniel Barreto de Andrade. 3.2.4 1st UFABC Workshop UFABC organized the presentation of lecture on “GLOBAL ITV: Interoperabilidade e Coexistência entre sistemas de interatividade para a Televisão Digital em um contexto global”, presented by Gustavo Moreira Calixto, on October 7th, 2014, in the Seminars of Semana das Engenharias, organized by UFABC, in Santo Andre (Brazil). page 21 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report The session was coordinated by Professor Celso Kurashima and Professor Guiou Kobayashi both from UFABC. Figure 12: Photo at the UFABC event. 3.2.5 1st UNESP Workshop UNESP and UFPA coordinated some presentations of the project in the Congresso da Intercom from 1 to 5 September 2014. There was several activities arranged in the name of GLOBAL ITV in the congress, as it can be seen on Chapter 3.4.3. These activities can be seen as the 1st UNESP Workshop, as the impact and the visibility of presenting the project in an event as INTERCOM is higher that in a workshop in the University. Moreover, GLOBAL ITV planned to present the GLOBAL ITV project at the “GLOBAL ITV Workshop at UNESP”4 as a dissemination event at UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho) and UFPA (Universidade Federal do Pará), Bauru, SP (Brazil) on 12th November 2014. However, the Mídia Cidadã event has been postponed to 2015 due to the new calendar established by the rectory of UNESP after a strike. 3.2.6 1st UCB Workshop GLOBAL ITV workshop held by Universidade Católica de Brasília on 20th of November 2014, discussed about Digital TV and interoperability and will present some of the first results of the GLOBAL ITV project. Among the lectures: Alexandre Kieling (UCB), Rafael Pedroso (UNESP), Edleide Epaminondas (UCB), Roberto Tavares (TV Câmara) and Watson Odilon (UCB) 4 Workshop announcement: Unesp.pdf page 22 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report The event gathered important stakeholders of the Digital TV in Brazil. Among them: Cleber Giorgetti (SET Expo), Marcelo Natali (Opera TV), Reinaldo Ferraz (W3C Brasil), Virgílio Amaral (Vtsix Consultoria e Projetos Em Telecomunicações), Luiz Paulo Lima (Era Transmidia e Board do Open Mídia Lab), Alexandre Furtado (W3C), Daniel Freire Lopes (TV Globo / Associação Era Transmídia) and Marcos Mazzioni. Led by Gustavo Calixto and Marcelo Zuffo, the workshop discussed about the paths for a GLOBAL ITV project, followed by a demonstration. The main objective was to promote a meeting with the industry and experts, so that we could gather and include their opinions and feedback. 3.2.8 2nd UFPA Workshop In August 25th 2015 was held the 2nd Workshop GLOBAL ITV at UFPA, in Belém (Brazil). In this second edition, the event was organize in partnership with RBA TV and was placed in the Auditorium of the broadcaster, in Belém. All the event was transmitted live via GoTomeeting with simultaneous translation. During the event it was signed the voluntary cooperation agreement of RBA TV with UFPA under the GLOBAL ITV project. Figure 15 - Professor Maria Ataide Malcher and Camilo Centeno welcome the participants5 The 2nd Workshop provided by UFPA team was consolidated as an event of dissemination of the GLOBAL ITV project not only at the UFPA, but also in others institutions. The event was attended by 57 people (face-to-face and remotely): academics (UFPA, Estácio FAP, FACI and IESAM); project partners (A-CING, IRT and UNESP); employees of different sectors from RBA TV (Marketing, Commercial, Computer science and Development, Engineering, Artistic production, Diário Online - DOL, Diário do Pará newspaper, and TV); companies (Armosia Mobile Technology) and representatives of governnment departments of State of Pará, as the public broadcast FUNTELPA and PRODEPA, the Company of Information and Communication Technology of the State of Pará. 5 During the event the UFPA team did a complete photographic coverage, published but WP6 team on the GLOBAL ITV project Facebook fanpage. page 24 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report The event agenda6 had two parts with four different presentations that aimed to give a general perspective about the project and to show some of the theoretical /practical approaches that the UFPA team and their partners may be adopting through the project. The Workshop began with a welcoming greeting from Professor Maria Ataide Malcher, coordinator of the WP5 of the Project, and from Camilo Centeno, director of the RBA group and member of GLOBAL ITV Council. The professor exposed the objectives of the event, that were “disseminate what has been researched, the challenges, perspectives and tendencies for a global and hybrid platform for Digital TV, as well as foster dialogue between business companies and the academy to debate testing methodologies and business models for new scenarios of technological consumption”. Camilo Centeno explained about the process of digitalization that RBA TV has gone through the past years. He shared some data about the company, such as numbers about their memory archives, the hardware they use and the difficulties that this process created. Figure 16: Camilo Centeno and Prof. Lyn Pemberton in 2nd UFPA Workshop In the second block of activities, the focus was on presentations about different methodological approaches to research consumer practices, more specifically in: (i) the perspective of User Experience (UX) researches In Europe, presented by professor Lyn Pemberton, from the University of Brighton, at England, who were in scientific mission in UFPA; (ii) the reception studies perspective in Latin America introduced by professor Maria Ataide Malcher and Fernanda Chocron. 6 Agenda available in: and was replyed by Diario Online (DOL): page 25 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 17 - Signing of the voluntary cooperation agreement between RBA TV and UFPA under the project The investment to held the workshop in the headquarters of RBA TV was in order to strengthen the participation of the group in the project, involving employees from different sectors in the discussion about the potential of technology that has been developed in the GLOBAL ITV project and about the challenges of a technological and cultural integration in the consumption of television contents, considering the local scenarios of broadcast and broadband market. In face of this, the event was widely reported in the channels of dissemination of UFPA and vehicles of the RBA TV. In addition to published news in newspapers and portals7, the 2nd Workshop was displayed in reports displayed on day’s 25 and 26 August, during the RBA Journal. 3.2.9 2nd UNICAMP Workshop On the 25th of August 2015, Unicamp organized a workshop about the GLOBAL ITV Project during the event UNICAM Portas Abertas. Gabriel Trevisan, researcher participated on the workshop and did some demonstrations about GLOBAL ITV results. 7 News about the event: page 26 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 18: UNICAMP Researcher Gabriel Trevisan and the participants 3.2.10 2nd UFABC Workshop The event presented the latest technological development of transmission and reception of interactive programs for global context. Presentation of lecture on “GLOBAL ITV: Interoperabilidade e Coexistência entre sistemas de interatividade para a Televisão Digital em um contexto global”, presented by Gustavo Moreira Calixto, on September 23rd, 2015, in the GLOBAL ITV Workshop, organized by UFABC, in Santo Andre (Brazil). The session counted with alive demonstrations of the GLOBAL IT Platform. Figure 19: Web flyer event at UFABC Figure 20: GLOBAL ITV workshop at UFABC page 27 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 21: GLOBAL ITV workshop at UFABC 3.2.11 2nd UNESP Workshop Conference presentation on “GLOBAL ITV: Mídia Cidadã and the democratic challenges of the digitization”, presented by Marcelo Zuffo (USP), Alexandre Kieling (UCB) and Ana Silva Davi Médola (UNESP), on April 24th, 2015, during the 10th Brazilian Mídia Cidadã Conference and V South American Mídia Cidadã Conference, at UNESP, Bauru. The session was mediated by Carlos Sabino Caldas from UNESP. Figure 22: Web flyer event at UNESP page 28 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 23: Alan César Belo Angeluci (USCS/CITI-USP), Ana Silvia Davi Médola (UNESP), Marcelo Zuffo (USP), Carlos Sabino Caldas (UNESP) and Alexandre Kieling (UCB) 3.2.12 2nd UCB Workshop The Global Workshop ITV - The Future of TV took place on November 12th , 2015 on the campus II of the auditorium of the Catholic University of Brasilia. The session began with an overview the CNPq National Council for Scientific and Technological Development - on investment in tecnologia. A development research following the researcher Gustavo Calixto, USP, and executive project coordinator, presented an overview of the ITV global highlighting the solution in developing an integration between broadcast and broadband. Following that, there was a demonstration of the Set-top box and healthcare application developed in the project. The session ended with a report from a member of the Management Group of the board of Digital TV System Deployment Land in Brazil. In addition to researchers, scholars, graduate students and masters, he participated as a guest transmedia project manager TV Globo, Alex Medeiros. Figure 24: Flyer of the UCB Workshop page 29 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 25: GLOBAL ITV researchers Alexandre Kieling and Gustavo Calixto Figure 26: UCB Workshop participants 3.3 Conferences GLOBAL ITV intended to hold two scientific conferences, one in Europe and one in Brazil. However, the project faced some time and budget constraints that inclined the consortium to modify its approach in order to act smart and efficiently. Having this in mind, the consortium decided to have a relevant presence in bigger, well-known, reference events instead of organizing some event by itself with uncertainty about the audience and the impact. In this way, the consortium assured that the relevant key page 30 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report experts will be in the room where GLOBAL ITV is making a demonstration, organizing a round table session or explaining its results. Those events were selected as BROADTHINKING event in Geneva, Switzerland, and SET Expo in Sao Paulo. 3.3.1 European conference at BROADTHINKING In the context of EBU Broadthinking event, IRT organised GLOBAL ITV’s European conference in the form of a special session on migration of different proprietary interactive TV systems towards webbased interactive TV systems. EBU Broadthinking is the largest broadcasting related event exclusively focused on the convergence of broadcasting and broadband technologies in general, and interactive TV in particular. It is attended by all relevant stakeholders, from broadcasters and content creators to manufacturers. The special session was an integral part of the program attended by all participants and featured besides the general European-Brazilian perspective as presented by the GLOBAL ITV project also perspectives from Italy and the United Kingdom, countries where the use of different interactive TV systems is also a current topic. Especially the backward compatible coexistence approach proposed by the GLOBAL ITV project was discussed with great interest by the attending experts, leading to high visibility of the project and its results with the relevant stakeholders. Overall nearly 100 stakeholders from research institute, broadcasters, universities and the consumer electronics industry attended Broadthinking and the GLOBAL ITV special session. Figure 27: Christian Keimel (IRT) presenting GLOBAL ITV at EBU Broadthinking 3.3.2 Brazilian conference at SET Expo 2015 The consortium decided to take advantage of the difussion and the impact of SET EXPO in Brazil and South America in general, and use the presence of USP in it to organize the GLOBAL ITV Conference at the event, promoting a number of activities related with GLOBAL ITV: - A booth with information about the project, which inluded: page 31 Version of 2016/01/22 - D6.6 Final dissemination report o equipment needed for doing demonstrations o researchers of the project presenting the project o video about the GLOBAL ITV o Printed flyer of the project Two panel sessions: one focused on the proffesional education in Universities, and the other one devoted to standardization. Organised by SET (Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia de Televisão), a premier business and technology event for broadcast and new media in Latin America. The 27th edition of SET Expo took place in São Paulo between the 23rd and 27th of August and was divided into a large Trade Fair for equipment, products and services, and a technical and scientific Congress, bringing together both the leading manufacturers on the global market and the most important industry specialists. There were more than 200 exhibitors, representing more than 400 Brazilian and international brands, showing their most intelligent and sophisticated solutions for the production, distribution and exhibition of content on multiple platforms. GLOBAL ITV was among the exhibitors and presented a demo of the project. “The importance of SET EXPO lies in the event’s ability to bring together the key interests of the entire broadcast industry chain. The Trade Fair and Congress provide opportunities for industry professionals to network, while creating possibilities for business deals in Brazil, Latin America and worldwide”, Olímpio J. Franco, president and founding member of SET, explained. Session 1 | Formação Profissional nas Universidades This panel discussed how educational organizations are forming well-educated professionals to deal with demands and technologies of the future. The lecture had the participation of Amilton da Costa Lamas (PUC-Campinas), José Frederico Rehme (RPC TV / Universidade Positivo), Carlos Augusto Rocha (Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações) and Gustavo Moreira Calixto (GLOBAL ITV / CITI-USP), and it was moderated by Cleber Giorgetti (SET). Figure 28: first session flyer at SET EXPO page 32 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Session 2 | W3C – World Wide Web Consortion. Atuação e Alcance. The panel discussed TV growth outlook on web, presenting a reflection on business and technology, for the development of applications, streaming, interactivity and accessibility, for example, and how the standards for interoperability of web discussed in the W3C can strengthen TV content and business on any device. It was presented by Rodrigo Arnaut (TV Globo / ERA Transmídia / FAAP) and had the active participation of Karen Myers (W3C), Marcelo Zuffo (USP), Marcelo Mattar (Samsung), Juliana Psaros (Opera TV) and Eduardo Neger (ABRANET). Figure 29: Session 2 flyer at SET EXPO Figure 30: GLOBAL ITV researchers and demonstation at SET Expo page 33 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 32: web flyer event promotion by USP for TDC Figure 33: photo of the TDC Conference Project presentation at “Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul” Alan Angeluci, a Global ITV Project researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Interactive Technologies, University of São Paulo (USP-CITI), gave lecture about Digital TV presenting some of the first results of the GLOBAL ITV Project at Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul in São Caetano do Sul (SP, Brazil) on 30th September 2014. page 35 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 34: Event flyer. Panel: Technological innovation and their impact on the production and reception processes of ITV Products. 3.4.3 “Congresso da Intercom” The Intercom National Congress 2014 was held in Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, during the first week of September (1-5-Sep September 2014). The GLOBAL ITV project was presented at the opening session of the first day of the Research Group "Media, Culture and Digital Technologies in Latin America", within the programme of Intercom 20149 (XXXVII Brazilian Conference on Sciences Communication) in Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná, Brazil. This action was an initiative of Federal University of Pará (UFPA) in partnership with UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho) that are members of the GLOBAL ITV consortium. The goal of the event was to establish an opportunity in an important forum of Communication research as Intercom, to discuss the particular goals of the GLOBAL ITV project in Latin America, on site of eight of the eighteen participating institutions. During the discussion session "Interactive Digital TV in Latin America: the experience of international cooperation project GLOBAL ITV", was debated issues as the digital and interactive TV from the experiences of the project, focusing on the challenges and prospects of Brazilian and Latin American context. The activities were coordinated by professor Jane Aparecida Marques (from UFPA and USP, Brazil) and had the presences of the professors Maria Cristina Gobbi (from UNESP, Bauru, Brazil), Maria Ataide Malcher (from UFPA, Belém, Brazil) and Joseph D. Straubhaar (from University of Texas at Austin, USA). Table “Interactive DTV in Latin America: the experience of the international joint for the GLOBAL ITV”, part of the Media, Digital Culture and Technology in Latin America research group annual meeting. This activity was coordinated by Jane Aparecida Marques (USP/UFPA) and count with the presentations of Joseph D. Straubhaar (UTexas/USA); Maria Ataide Malcher (UFPA) and Maria Cristina Gobbi (UNESP). Also, the paper "Scenarios for a global interactive television: the GLOBAL ITV challenges for Latin America" (cited above) was presented at this event by Maria Cristina Gobbi and Juliana Betti. 9 News about the event: page 36 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 35: Web flyer event promotion by USP on Intercom. Figure 36: Event announcement, INTERCOM 2014. Source: Facebook fanpage of the event10. 10 During the event the UFPA team did a complete photographic coverage. page 37 Version of 2016/01/22 3.4.4 D6.6 Final dissemination report Keynote on the convergence between Web and TV at “Conferência Web W3C Brasil” François Daoust (W3C) presented a talk entitled “Web and TV – Creation of a Hybrid world”11 at the Conferência Web W3C Brasil12, in São Paulo on 27 September 2014. The talk explored the creation of an iTV platform from a Web perspective, and existing gaps of the Web platform that have to be addressed for such an iTV platform to become a reality in practice. 3.4.5 Panel presentation at UNESP The GLOBAL ITV researcher Dr. Alan Angeluci (CITI-USP) gave a lecture on "Innovation and Technology at the Scientific Research: the GLOBAL ITV experience and other projects". The activity brought together students, teachers and researchers to discuss methods, challenges and perspectives of innovation in interdisciplinary research during the Seminar of Dissertation in the Post Graduate Programme in Digital Television at the State University of São Paulo (UNESP), a partner institution of the project. Figure 37: Researcher and Professor Alan Angeluci and the audience at UNESP Figure 38: Researcher and Professor Alan Angeluci during the panel 11 ks/0927-webtv-conferenciaweb-fd/ 12 page 38 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 41: GLOBAL ITV Brochure for ICT2015 3.4.8 HbbTV interoperability workshop IRT evaluated the GLOBAL ITV coexistence signalling approach at the 23th HbbTV interoperability workshop held in Munich, Germany from 4-5 November 2015. The interoperability workshop provided the unique opportunity to assess the proposed joint HbbTV and Ginga signalling HbbTV with current page 40 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report and up-and-coming devise of all major consumer electronics manufacturers. In particular, this event also allowed discussions with stakeholders from industry. Figure 42: Testing the GLOBAL ITV signalling at the 23th HbbTV interoperability workshop 3.4.9 Inter Bee GLOBAL ITV was present at Inter Bee, event held for half a century since 1965, and organized into four exhibit categories: “Video and Broadcast Equipment,” “Professional Audio Equipment,” “Professional Lighting Equipment” and “ICT/Cross Media.” The event is utilized as an opportunity to become a hub for information dissemination and exchange once a year by bringing together under one roof a wide range of stakeholders involved in the media industry from Japan and overseas, including broadcasters, telecommunication carriers and production/post-production operators. The event took place in Japan, between 18th and 20th of November 2015. Professor Zuffo presented the panel: “Technological convergence in broadcasting and broadband and the interoperability on interactive Digital TV systems”, which discussed the challenging scenario of technological convergence in broadcasting and broadband and the interoperability on iTV systems. The topic was approached from the perspective of Global ITV. Also at the Session 1, the following panels were presented: • Rio 2016: Prospects for the Olympics by Mr. Vitor Bahia Diniz - Secretary, Head of Science & Technology and Energy Section, Embassy of Brazil in Tokyo • The ASO – Analog TV Switch Off in Brazil by Mr. Olimpio Jose Franco - President, SET Brazilian Society of Television Engineering page 41 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report 4. INSTITUTO DE ESTUDOS BRASIL EUROPA – (2015). GLOBAL ITV, from 5. REVISTA DA SET (SET MAGAZINE) – Sociedade Brasileira de Engenharia de Televisão. MACHADO FILHO,F.; GOBBI, M.C.. TV Digital na América Latina: cenários, desafios e perspectivas. Nº 152 Jul/Aug 2015, available: pag84.asp 6. ACI/FAAC - Unesp. Último dia de Mídia Cidadã começa com painéis: Televisão digital e economia criativa foram os temas principais. April 2015. Available:!/noticia/1009/ultimo-dia-de-midia-cidada-comeca-com-paineis/ 7. BOLETIM MÍDIA CIDADÃ 2015 (CITIZEN MEDIA BULLETIN). GLOBAL ITV no Mídia Cidadã. Edição 3, April 24 8. TV Unesp/Diálogos. Meet the Global iTV project and the challenges of interoperability and interactivity on TV (an interview with Marcelo Zuffo (USP)). Posted on July 3, 2015. Available: 9. TV Unesp/Diálogos. Dialogue between the areas of Communication and Computing is one of the Global iTV Focuses (an interview with Alexandre Kieling (UCB)). Posted on 10 July 2015. Available: http:// 10. TV Unesp. Report about the Global ITV Project participation in the 27th edition of the Exhibition of SET (Brazilian Society of Television Engineering). Posted on 28 Aug. 2015 Available: 1hXIUhnI8 11. TV Unesp/Artefato. The future of television (an interview with Jareta Bruno and Fabio Cardoso (Unesp)). August 12, 2015.Avaliable: 12. PORTAL DA UFPA – (2014). UFPA integra Consórcio Brasil-Europa de pesquisa em TV digital. April, 14th, 2014, from 13. O LIBERAL – (2014). Seminário na UFPA discute o GLOBAL ITV. April, 21th, 2014, from 14. DIÁRIO DO PARÁ ONLINE – (2014). Encontro debate tecnologias da TV. April, 29th, 2014, from 15. PORTAL DA UFPA – (2014). Projeto internacional realiza Workshop no Intercom Norte 2014. April, 30th, 2014, from 16. WEBSITE OF INTERCOM NORTE – (2014). GLOBAL ITV realiza programação no Intercom Norte 2014. May, 2nd, 2014, from page 45 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report 17. HIPERLINK NEWS – (2014). Projeto GLOBAL ITV é destaque de Grupo de Pesquisa no Intercom 2014. August to October, 2014, from 18. WEBSITE OF RESEARCH GROUP ON COMMUNICATION PROCESSES – (2015). Aplicação de segunda tela desenvolvida por pesquisadores do PESPCOM será apresentada em evento na Bélgica. June, 1st, 2015, from 19. DIÁRIO DO PARÁ ONLINE – (2015). Workshop na UFPA discute os desafios da TV digital. August, 23th, 2015, from 20. WEBSITE OF RESEARCH GROUP ON COMMUNICATION PROCESSES – (2015). 2º Workshop do GLOBAL ITV na UFPA discute os desafios da TV digital interativa. August, 24th, 2015, from 21. DIÁRIO DO PARÁ ONLINE – (2015). Workshop debate avanço em TV digital. August, 24th, 2015, from 22. DIÁRIO DO PARÁ – printed newspaper (2015). Workshop debate avanço em TV digital. August, 24th, 2015, from 23. DIÁRIO DO PARÁ ONLINE – (2015). Convergência Digital é discutida em evento na RBA. August, 25th, 2015, from 24. DIÁRIO DO PARÁ ONLINE – (2015). Professores apresentam andamento de projeto. August, 25th, 2015, from 25. DIÁRIO DO PARÁ ONLINE – (2015). TV Digital: experiência da RBATV em debate. August, 25th, 2015, from 26. DIÁRIO DO PARÁ ONLINE – (2015). Estudos de recepção local encerram programação. August, 25th, 2015, from 27. DIÁRIO DO PARÁ ONLINE – (2015). Debate supera expectativa dos participantes. August, 25th, 2015, from 28. DIÁRIO DO PARÁ – printed newspaper (2015). RBA será parceira da UFPA em projeto de tv digital. August, 26th, 2015, from page 46 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report (WebMedia '14). ACM, New DOI= York, NY, USA, 203-206. 7. GOBBI, M. C.; BETTI, J.C.G. Televisão Digital Interativa na América Latina: Cenários do Projeto Global ITV. In: VIII Seminario Regional (Cono Sur) ALAIC - Córdoba, Argentina, Aug 2015. 8. GOBBI, M.C.; MACHADO FILHO, F. Television and Digital Media in Latin America: a scenario under construction. In: Intercom - Revista Brasileira de Ciências da Comunicação, North America, 38(1), May 2015. Available: (English versions) 9. GOBBI, M.C.; MACHADO FILHO, F. (2015). Televisão e Mídias Digitais na América Latina: um cenário em construção. In: Intercom - Revista Brasileira De Ciências Da Comunicação, São Paulo, 38(1). May 2015. Available: (Portuguese version) 10. GOBBI, M.C.; MACHADO FILHO, F. Comunicação digital na América Latina: cenários, desafios e perspectivas. In: Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias de la Comunicación, São Paulo, 21(11). Jul/Dec. 2014. Available: Expanded abstracts presented by GLOBAL iTV ITI-A and DTI scholarship students in the Multidisciplinary Journey at UNESP14: 11. CALDAS, Carlos, Henrique, Sabino; OLIVEIRA, Bruno, Jareta de; COQUEMALA, Natália, 12. 13. 14. 15. Azevedo. PROJETO S.O.F.I.A: os desafios da produção de produtos audiovisuais interativos no projeto GLOBAL ITV. XVII Jornada Multidisciplinar, 2015, p. 159,158. ISBN 978-85-99679-69-2. NOGUEIRA, Rafaela de Campos; FALCHETTO, Giovanna, Nascimento. A aviação e a interatividade através da inteligência artificial. XVII Jornada Multidisciplinar, 2015, p. 165,166. ISBN 978-85-99679-69-2. OUROS, Gabriel dos; NOGUEIRA, Helena Vieira. PROJETO S.O.F.I.A.: os desafios da roteirização do episódio de agricultura. XVII Jornada Multidisciplinar, 2015, p. 163,164. ISBN 978-85-99679-69-2. ROCHA, Navarro, Giovane; FONTANIELLO, Bernardo; HAGUEHARA, Felipe, Ruan. A produção de um roteiro interativo. XVII Jornada Multidisciplinar, 2015, p. 155,156. ISBN 97885-99679-69-2. VELLOSA, Fernando Araújo; OLIVEIRA, Vinícius Laureto de; RIBEIRO, Adrieli Fernanda. Os desafios na produção de roteiros interativos para o PROJETO S.O.F.I.A.. XVII Jornada Multidisciplinar, 2015, p. 161,162. ISBN 978-85-99679-69-2. 16. MARQUES, J. A.; MIRANDA, F. C.; SILVA, J. A. B.; MALCHER, M. A.; LOPES, S. C.; SILVA, E. P.; ELIASQUEVICI, M. K. Convergência Midiática na TV aberta brasileira: o caso do programa SuperStar. […] In: Anais do XXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação - INTERCOM, no.37, 2014, Foz do Iguaçu. [Avaliable:] 17. SERUFFO, M. C. R.; MIRANDA, F. C.; OLIVEIRA, E. L.; MALCHER, M. A. Second Screen Application Dengue Fever: Prevention through Information. In: TVX 2015 - ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video, 2015, Bruxelas. TVX '15 Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video. New York: ACM, 2015. Available in: [] 18. MARCAL, R. P. C. ; OLIVEIRA, C. C. L.; SERUFFO, M. C. R. Uma Interface Natural para Interação Hibrida Utilizando TV digital e Segunda tela. In: 42º SEMISH - Seminário 14 Program available:!/departamentos/ciencias-humanas/jornada-multidisciplinar/2015--/caderno-deresumos/ page 49 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Integrado de Software e Hardware, XXXV CSBC, Recife, Brazil, 2015. Available in: [] 19. SOUZA, D. S.; SERUFFO, M. C. R., OLIVEIRA, E. L.; ELIASQUEVICI, M. K. Avaliação de Aplicação de Segunda Tela Utilizando Métricas de IHC: Um Estudo de Caso. In: 42º SEMISH - Seminário Integrado de Software e Hardware, XXXV CSBC, Recife, Brazil, 2015. Available in: [] 20. RUIZ, Jackelyn R. T.; Inclusão de funções híbridas no sistema brasileiro de televisão digital. Master Thesis. 21. RUIZ, Jackelyn R. T.; GOMES, Andres F. C.; MELONI, Luis G. P., Analysis of the implementation of hybrid functions in the current Brazilian digital television system. IEEE Fourth International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 2014, - Berlin (ICCE-Berlin) - EDAS 1569942365 22. IRT contributed an article about the goals of the GLOBAL ITV project to the FKT, the flagship journal of the German society for TV and motion picture technology (Fernseh- und Kinotechnischengesellschaft; FKTG) in its May 2015 issue. The article (in German) highlighted the interactive TV developments in Europe and Brazil, and how the GLOBAL ITV works to bring these two worlds together by creating a new signalling approach. 3.5.3 Newsletters Six newsletters have been released during the project. They reflect the story of the project according to its timeline, and the themes addressed are the topics on fire on that date in the project: - - - - - - First Newsletter, published on August 2014, served as a presentation of the project, the GLOBAL ITV Council and the interactive TV landscape, and also to address questions as scenarios for future and is Interoperability of interactive TV systems possible? Second Newsletter, published on November 2014. On it we can find articles addressing HTML5 release on 28th October 2014, the plenary Council meeting, the HbbTV Symposium and also other articles about interoperability of interactive TV systems. Third Newsletter, published on March 2015. It was devoted to the GLOBAL ITV Council. Therefore, articles as Who we are, Organization and roles, Introduction of the new Chairman, and Why did I join the Council? can be found. Besides that, two members of the Council introduced both papers for discussion, regarding the Challenges of regional broadcasters and Marketing of new global systems. Fourth Newsletter, published on May 2015. More information about the Council activities can be found there, and more technical articles regarding GLOBAL ITV apps and playout, and how HTML5 is added to HbbTV 1.0 in the project. Fifth Newsletter, published on September 2015. On it, it can be found three articles about testing of GLOBAL ITV platform, an article about the Set-top Box, another one about the public service app for the project, one reporting the presence of GLOBAL ITV in SET Expo 2015 event, and an interview to a GLOBAL ITV Council member. Sixth Newsletter, published on December 2015, collected information about the main outcomes of the project as a summary of its activities. This is a collaborative task and all European and Brazilian partners have written at least one article for a newsletter since August 2014. Newsletters are edited, published and distributed in HTML format. They are stored and made available to all the world in our website . Each Newsletter is also sent by e-mail to more than 120 people: - The GLOBAL ITV project e-mail list, The GLOBAL ITV Council members, The subscribers to the newsletter we got from the webpage, page 50 Version of 2016/01/22 - D6.6 Final dissemination report The GLOBAL ITV Project Officer, The contacts of every partner that might be interested. Besides, it is shared and announced via social media networks to about 600 users – Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and every consortium member is encouraged to distribute it to their contacts. 3.6 GLOBAL ITV website – The documentation of the first version of the public project website was reported on Deliverable D6.1. The project website is the main repository to find information about the project and it is often updated with information about events, news, submitted public Deliverables, Newsletters, press releases, minutes of the GLOBAL ITV Council, etc. There have been three releases of the website: - 1st draft version, delivered on the first month of the Project – December 2013, before the Kickoff meeting - 2nd version, a complete website with the agreement of the structure of the site - 3rd version, the final one with the official look&feel, structure, plugins, features, etc. Figure 46: evolution of the GLOBAL ITV website design It was decided by the Consortium in the 2nd Project meeting in Sao Paulo in April 2014 that the website will be only available in English. The website suffered an attack on its first weeks due to lack of security regarding the hosting provider. It was decided to change the web hosting provider, and since then, no more problems have been detected. Regarding SEO – Search Engine Optimization – techniques, the website was carefully designed to improve the visibility of GLOBAL ITV website in search engines, always in an ethic way – white hat techniques. In the next figure, the number of sessions per week in website since April 2015 to January 2016 can be seen. Some activity can be noticed every week: page 51 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 47: Number of sessions per week. Source: GLOBAL ITV Google analytics This is the distribution of where the users come from to the webpage: Figure 48: countries where the users come from to our website The consortium decided to keep the webpage operational from the end of the project to January 2017. Therefore, all the information regarding the project contained there will be available long ago since the official end of the project. Social Media Networks 3.7 As described in the GLOBAL ITV Dissemination Strategy, the objective of our presence in social media are: - telling the story of the project as it is happening, share news, findings, announcements… engaging stakeholders interested in our research, disseminating technological info for general public, sharing relevant info for the audiovisual sector. page 52 Version of 2016/01/22 - D6.6 Final dissemination report Infographics to spread the word about our results, News from the audiovisual sector The next figures show the evolution of followers of GLOBAL ITV Twitter account and where they come from: Figure 49: Evolution of GLOBAL ITV Twitter account followers. Source: Figure 50: Where are GLOBAL ITV followers from? Source: page 54 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 51: seniority of GLOBAL ITV LinkedIn group followers. Source LinkedIn Figure 52: evolution of GLOBAL ITV LinkedIn group followers in the last 12 months. Source: LinkedIn 3.7.3 Facebook - Brazil is one of the biggest markets in the world for Facebook and Twitter, with huge penetrations19. It does not happen the same with LinkedIn. In order to increase the scope of our messages, GLOBAL ITV tweets are automatically resent in GLOBAL ITV Facebook account. GLOBAL ITV have 315 likes on Facebook. 19 page 56 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 53: number of people reached by GLOBAL ITV posts. Source: Facebook Figure 54: evolution of likes on GLOBAL ITV facebook page. Source: Facebook 3.8 Presence in the media Here, a non-exhaustive list of news and articles about the project can be found: page 57 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 55: some GLOBAL ITV news Figure 56: more GLOBAL ITV news page 58 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 57: presence in web media Figure 58: some news about GLOBAL ITV page 59 Version of 2016/01/22 3.9 D6.6 Final dissemination report Global ITV Council activities GLOBAL ITV Council activities in the project can be found described in detail on Deliverable D6.7 Final report on GLOBAL ITV Council activities. Though its task is part of WP6, The GLOBAL ITV Council is not conceived as a dissemination tool. On one hand, it is certainly good that the Council gets the widest possible visibility to ensure its efficiency of the work and get the best experts participating and contributing actively in the work of the Council. On the other hand, it is open from the perspective that there are no restrictions to bring experts on board, but it is not open to disseminate the views expressed by the individual members nor to provoke unnecessary controversies on sensitive issues, like the cooperation Europe-Brazil on the standardization of solutions for digital interactive television. Some discussions or decisions was not made by the general public or through social media. This is a deeply technology and strategic related issue, which require discussions in limited scales. page 60 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report 5 Conclusion The main conclusion is that all the dissemination objectives of GLOBAL ITV have been accomplished: the Dissemination plan and the Dissemination strategy set the basis of our dissemination policy, and thanks to the commitment and the involvement of GLOBAL ITV partners, the project - has set an operative webpage since month 1 to month 26, - has organized 12 workshops and 2 conferences, - has been present in 15 events, - has published 44 scientific documents and 37 other documents, - has engaged 315 subscribers in Twitter, 93 in LinkedIn, 315 in Facebook, - has developed 6 newsletters. Therefore, the purpose of the project and its results have been effective and efficiently disseminated. page 67 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Annex 1: GLOBAL ITV Dissemination Strategy plan page 68 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Annex 2: some publications page 77 Television and Digital Media in Latin America: a scenario under construction DOI: 10.1590/1809-5844201514 Maria Cristina Gobbi Francisco Machado Filho (Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho, Faculdade de Arquitetura Artes e Comunicação, Departamento de Comunicação Social. Bauru – SP, Brazil) Abstract The text is the initial result of a project called Global iTV, Interactive and systems Hybrid TV: a new advanced scheme for future services and applications in a global environment, contemplated by Call MCTI / CNPq 13/2012 – EUBrazil Cooperation Program in the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) which has as its central theme the development of a standard that enables interoperability between the various digital TV systems operating jointly, exchanging and using information. Thus, using bibliographical and documentary research, the article goes on to demonstrate how this perspective panorama is drawing from the advent of digital television and the use of technology in Latin America, seeking to identify similarities, differences, problems and solutions arising from the use and consumption of digitizing television signal in the region. The results demonstrate the importance of media convergence, but point out that there are still large sections of the population on the margin of the Digital Society and the benefits provided by digital networks and that poverty and poor education are important contributions to this scenario. Keywords: Latin America. iDTV. Digital Inclusion. Social Inclusion. Digital Media. Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 85 Television and Digital Media in Latin America: a scenario under construction Digital Television and interactivity T he Global iTV project comes to supply the current demand on technological development. The possibility of several equipments to share information and to operate jointly will open, in short and long term, new possibilities in the production of communication content and in the perspective of social and digital inclusion. By the use of the review of literature and documentary research the paper reflects about the interaction, interactivity and systems interoperability possibilities, in order to demonstrate some social challenges that still need to be faced in Latin America. The interaction, as a process, is an option which is present practically since the beginning of television media, either by letters, by phone or even in viewer’s choice of a program or a channel assuring the audience. Nowadays, the internet composes, in the majority of communication companies, the technological alternatives, which goal is the loyalty of audience, and many times to ensure the same, on television. “It is increasingly common the directing to the programs websites, where chats, groups, discussion lists, blogs, twitter and all the social media offer to the viewer the chance to participate and interact with the broadcast TV programming” (SANTOS, 2013, p.4). On the other hand, according to Becker and Zuffo (2009), there are several definitions for the concept of interactivity. Normally associated to Internet, the interactivity is also linked with computing, arts, cinema and communication. “In spite of the lack of consensus, most definitions point to the software transmission along the audiovisual programming in order to improve the communication between sender and receiver of the message” (BECKER; ZUFFO, 2009, p.47). Whichever the assumed definition is, either the software or the equipments (hardware) used to allow the interactivity, the fundamental is to attract and maintain the viewer’s interest over what is being showed on the first screen (television), whether it is entertainment, education or information content. In Brazil, with the advent of the World Cup (2014) and the previous Cup (in South Africa) some communication companies, 86 Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 Maria Cristina Gobbi Francisco Machado Filho such as Rede Globo de Televisão and Grupo Bandeirantes de Televisão held some interactivity application “tests”. However we still face some difficulties. Although many viewers receive the digital signal, the TV devices with built-in converters do not have Ginga. The same happens in many external converters. To sum up, despite the fact that they receive the signal with high definition images, the application still do not “run” in these apparatus, because there is no Middleware1. According to Santos (2013, p.8), in the current moment of the development of the SBTVD (Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão Digital) there are three parts, equally important, to be faced: a) While potentially having a chance to revolutionize the scenario of communication technologies by adding to the one-way model of open TV in Brazil the possibility of effective and bi-directional interaction with the viewer, the iDTV2 depends on pragmatic assessment in terms of market, viewers and broadcasters, the latter still partly working with the uncertainty about the commercial viability of interactive applications. b) Most applications currently developed, because they were made with the aim of testing the Ginga and programming languages used, have little interest, little appeal to the viewer, precisely because they are designed by programmers and not by producers of audiovisual content. c) The IDTV seems to position itself between the experience of traditional broadcast TV and the customized experience of the Internet. The richest applications presuppose the interactive channel to work and rightfully so we might ask why someone who could access the Internet through common mode would do it by TV with the display difficulties and without the more efficient computer input devices like keyboard and mouse. Thus, there is no large scale offer of interactivity by the TV stations but the investment in interactivity is justified when they aim the digital inclusion in regions where the cable TV stations and telecommunication companies have no commercial interests. In this case, it is more appropriate that the countries’ government invest in iDTV than private TV stations. This is because there are no clear policies for all the changes brought together with digital Authors note: Middleware is a program that makes the mediation between the software and other applications. Used to carry information, it creates a kind of communication protocol. 2 Interactive Digital Television. 1 Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 87 Television and Digital Media in Latin America: a scenario under construction signal, whether in the business models definitions, understanding or collaboration among producers, broadcasters, programmers, deciding what is our real vocation for interactivity in terms of broadcast TV, among others. These themes are fundamental for the enlargement of the interactive productions options in a scale which is compatible with the market demands. Expanding the analysis to Latin American countries, for a better comprehension of this scenario, it is fundamental to remember the previous discussion which happened before the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), when Kofi Annan3 proposes to the Silicon Valley the challenge of creating communication and information systems to communities without access. The results brought the perspective that the digital inclusion was possible in worldwide terms. Among the results presented, can be quoted: Simputer movement4 (the name comes from the merger of the words simple and computer) in India; Microsoft Pocket PC; free wireless metropolitan system; the 100 dollars laptop created by the Media Lab of the MIT5, and Linux location in languages non provided by the commercial suppliers, among others (ITU, 2014). After that, the meetings in 2003 in Geneva (Switzerland) and in 2005 in Tunis (Tunisia) defined and reinforced the WSIS goal of creating a society that has free access to tools and technologies that allow the extension of education and the possibility of knowledge diffusion. According to Kofi Annan information society should be understood as a phase in which “[...] Human capacities are expanded and recognized, given to people access to tools and technologies that they need, with the teaching and training for the efficient use of this new knowledge6” (ITU, 2014). Although often criticized because of the lack of effective participation of the organized civil society, the group, that put General Secretary of UN (United Nations). The Simputer, a device slightly larger than the existing handhelds on the market today and equipped with Linux-based operating system, was originally designed by the Indian Institute of Science to bring the Internet to rural areas in India. 5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 6 Available also on the UNESCO and UN websites and other several web spaces. 3 4 88 Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 Maria Cristina Gobbi Francisco Machado Filho together mainly governments and private sectors in the meeting held in Geneva established, in accordance with the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), a Principle Statement and an Action Plan to be reached until 2015. Among the key highlights of the Plan are: encouraging connectivity – in villages, educational institutions, scientific and research centers, public libraries, cultural centers, museums, post offices, archives, health centers, hospitals and government departments; adjustment of the curricula of primary and secondary schools to face the challenges of the information society; global access guarantees to the ICTs, including television and radio; support to the content development, and facilitate the presence and use of the internet. In Tunis it was approved the “Tunis Commitment” and a common agenda, and also the proposal of some modifications to the original text as the connection of companies by the ICTs, the definition of measurement forms and the creation of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) (ITU, 2014). Equally, among the goals of the WSIS are the development of benchmarks for assessing the global goals of the information society and also the data have been used as a worldwide reference for the global access and use of ICTs. “In addition, the goals of WSIS intended to achieve specific targets at national level based on both local and strategic characteristics, and development policies”. The guidance also pointed that the ICTs represent economic growth for the nations and directly influence other important areas, such as development and access to health, education and public services, with more speed and agility. With the introduction of the Internet Protocol (IP), of the broadband7 and the increased use of the Internet, the impacts of convergence point positively to the growth of the global access to ICTs, although combined Governments in the region are quickly recognizing the importance of broadband for economic and social development. Therefore, currently almost 20 countries in the America have adopted broadband plans that set specific goals and objectives. Although some plans are more specific than others, they all recognize the need for interdependence to expand the provision of broadband infrastructure and to facilitate the search for all citizens (including those in rural areas and lower income) to allow for them the several social, cultural and economic benefits of being “online” (ITU, 2014). 7 Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 89 Television and Digital Media in Latin America: a scenario under construction with large economic, social and cultural differences and also in different development stage in the countries, the results still draw a digital gap (ITU, 2014). There are disparities among countries with respect to the access, connectivity, cost, appeal etc. Some countries look for resources in the private sector and partnerships with governments. For others, there is a greater reliance on public sector for the infrastructure expansion of the broadband access, implementation and expansion of network and mobile services. This way and in a wide range there is an effort for the definition of public policies which can assist the demands in telecommunication and broadcast, ensure network neutrality, spectrum management policies (especially auction, as in the case of Brazil) and normative for convergence between telecommunication and broadcast, creating regulations for effective competition in order to allow the entrance of small groups, to ensure and to protect the citizens interests. Nevertheless, in spite of the significant presence of the ICTs, their benefits are not experienced for at least 7.1 billion of people around the world. According to the latest estimates, more than 4 billion of people are not online yet (ITU, 2014). Because of this, the biggest challenge for the governments, especially in Latin America, is to direct actions to assist the demands. The use of digital technologies, connectivity and broadband access provide a wide range of services in the area of education, health, sustainable social development and improvements in quality of life for everyone. Actions like the one held in Argentina, with free distribution to part of the low income population of the set-top Box (about 1 million were distributed), benefit everyone since they accelerate the national industry production, at the same time these actions make a positive pressure on the broadcasters for their insertion in this market and expand the access of the population to the benefits of the digitization system. In Brazil, the National Broadband Plan is a public policy which has a fundamental importance for the digital inclusion movement, it is necessary to make available equal access to both 90 Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 Maria Cristina Gobbi Francisco Machado Filho the signal, Internet and broadband, though, in areas where before there was only the possibility of analog TV. The vastness of Brazil shows the size of the challenge that will be faced in the next years. “In the current technological scenario, with rapid changes and product lifecycles increasingly smaller, to rule means no more ‘open road’ but decide the right time to do it in time windows that the more rigid structure of government sometimes cannot see” (SANTOS, 2013, p.8). At the level of economic development and social, supported by the globalization process and combined with increased access to ICTs a significant movement around extensive restructuring and reorganization of the economy and global political relations have been presented in the agendas of many countries. Whether, on one side, these changes “[...] cause important cyclical conflicts and tensions”, on the other side they coexist in these spaces, creating other possibilities. According to Porto and Régnier, “[...] in this process, the social and political contradictions increase, creating new points of conflict and tensions, including the persistence of large economic, social and military inequalities between nations and within the different countries” (2003, p.11). However if the result of globalization enables the joining of forces, the contradictory side is the unipolar hegemony of some countries, such as the United States of America (USA), that strengthened by “[...] the loss of action capacity of the nationstates in national territories” motivated by the disorganization of political, economic and social regulation systems, signals a clear mismatch between the “[...] economic integration and political fragmentation (which has been intensified with the USA unilateral decision - with Britain and Spain support - of invading Iraq)”. The result is an excessive strengthening of the USA, although at the same time “[...] there are new and growing signs of a reorganization of the economy and international policy with the emergence of China assuming leadership and seeking its insertion in international institutions” (PORTO; RÉGNIER, 2003, p.11) such as the WTO (World Trade Organization), the very formation Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 91 Television and Digital Media in Latin America: a scenario under construction of Mercosur (South Common Market) and more recently BRICS8 that belong to a number of developing countries. Once this first wide scenario is drawn, by tracing a more general vision of the television market and the ICTs in the world and by allowing a broader view of the television market, this work now focus on demonstrating how this panorama is drawing from the advent of digital television and the use of technology in Latin America, aiming the identification of similarities, differences, problems and solutions which arise from the use and consumption of TV signal digitalization in the region. Latin America and the permanent inclusion challenges It is possible to ensure that the concern with the integration beyond the economic factor of the Mercosur9, which is, partially, a result of the Treaty of Asunción, constitutes challenges for the researchers in Communication at the region. More than a trade agreement, the integration of the Cone Sul countries has caused a change in theirs member postures in order to define joint actions to promote cultural nexus, also in the educational, cultural and reducing social inequalities actions. 8 According to the Foreign Ministry data “The idea of the BRICS was made by chief economist at Goldman Sachs, Jim O’Neil, in a 2001 study entitled” Building Better Global Economic BRICs. “Has set itself the analysis category in the economic, financial, business, academic and communication. In 2006, the concept has given rise to a group, itself, incorporated into the foreign policy of Brazil, Russia, India and China. In 2011, at the Third Summit, South Africa became part of the group, which has adopted the acronym BRICS” (ITAMARATY, 2014). 9 Accounting for crises and successes the Mercosur completed 22 years in 2012, with almost effective cooperation. It was precisely in 1990 that Brazil and Argentina established an economic integration agreement and as a result signed the Treaty of Buenos Aires. With the entry of Uruguay and Paraguay, on March 23, 1991 it was signed the Treaty of Asuncion, becoming this way the Mercosur. Currently Mercosur is made up of Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay, although the later was suspended from the block due to the deposition of (former) President Fernando Lugo, held in June 2012. This suspension was extended until April 2013. From July 2012 Venezuela joined the block. The composition also has the associated countries: Chile, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia (GOBBI, 2013 apud SARTI, 2013, p.727). 92 Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 Maria Cristina Gobbi Francisco Machado Filho Briefly looking back we can say that the Treaty of Asunción was made up of several stages. The initial one was implemented in January 199510 as the first protocol of a customs Union in which the parts involved established balanced trade conditions, combined with a common external tariff policy. There were several conflicts of interest, but there were several attempts to overcome it, looking for a common welfare, properly monitored by the media. For the consolidation of a common market, bold initiatives were carried out. For example, social and cultural integration, feasibility of a communication structure, integrated media coverage stations and public agencies of countries and the very concept of Mercosur Specialized Meeting (RECS) created by Resolution GMC n°155/96, that aimed to “[...] Promote joint activities aimed at greater coordination and cooperation in the information sphere, the press and the dissemination of the integration process (SECOM, 2013)” In this sense, more than 300 different channels of discussion, involving government bodies and civil society interests were formed to enable the consolidation of Mercosur. In spite of the fact that these actions can be representative, one should not forget to mention that this is a common agreement, involving several countries which are still young on their politicaleconomic formation, with different cultures and global interests. But it is possible to assert that a new social, political and economic framework effectively irreversible was established. If there is, on one hand, an apparent inconsistency in the definition of an economic, political and social model, on the other hand, the negotiations proceed “[…] to the construction of a new regulatory system to organize economic and trade relations in the new historical conditions; that probably will have to answer also the political challenges and conflicts generated by unequal globalization” (PORTO; RÉGNIER, 2003, p.11). 10 It is worth mentioning, that a little earlier, more precisely on December 17, 1994 Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay signed the Ouro Preto Protocol, which provided to MERCOSUR an institutional framework giving legal personality to the Block. It was also defined the basis of the Customs Union. On January 1, 1995 came into force on Customs Union with the adoption of the Common External Tariff. Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 93 Television and Digital Media in Latin America: a scenario under construction All this context determines a set of trends and cyclical events that can set other development prospects and although it seems disconnected from the performance of educational institutions “[...] its consequences in the medium and long term will be felt in this field, particularly in the greater or lesser opening to free flow of knowledge and information and the internationalization of institutions” (PORTO; RÉGNIER, 2003, p.13), consolidated or not, but supported by information and communication technologies. If the processes resulting from globalization offer transformation opportunities and adaptations in the social scenario of nations, the results bring other challenges, like the expansion of access, the internationalization, mobility, quality and others. It is clear that the analog television is still the device which best represents the access to communication in the region, occupying the center of the living-room of many Latin Americans. It works as a source of information and entertainment, even though social inclusion is not contemplated by this statement. However, the interactive digital television can be consolidated as a new vector of integration, expansion of educational levels, economic and social development and on generation of sustainable economy for many countries under development. Nevertheless, to consider a single plan or a set of similar ones to assist the demands of digital and social inclusion in the region is, at least, an understatement of difference in social and cultural scenarios. The television scenario in Latin America has always been some kind of development flag. The data provided by Media Book (IBOPE, 2013) demonstrate the penetration of this mean of communication in the region. 94 Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 Maria Cristina Gobbi Francisco Machado Filho Figure 1 – Penetration of broadcast TV in Latin America, 2012-2013 Source: Target Group Index (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru). Multimedia (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama). Note: Last 7 days11. According to the data, the broadcast TV penetration reaches the amount of 99% in Peru. In other countries like Chile, Costa Rica and Ecuador the index is equally representative (97%). Only in Guatemala12 (the most populous country in Central America, third in area), among the ten countries figuring in the research, the amount of penetration is less than 90%, reaching 77% (MRE, 2013). This can be perhaps explained by that fact that Guatemala is the poorest country in the region, with almost 50% of the population living below the poverty line. 11 Authors note. The Media Book, published by IBOPE, includes data on consumption and investment in media in 13 countries in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay). The information presented has as source the regular studies of IBOPE Media and are generated from the collection of data on 10,455 households in the Television Audience Panel (with peoplemeter), 538,160 interviews on the radio consumption, 69,395 interviews about consumer habits, and the monitoring of nine means for advertising spend, being surveyed 229 free TV channels, 162 pay TV channels, 455 radio channels, 703 magazines and 244 newspaper titles (IBOPE, 2013). 12 Authors note. With Nominal GDP of approximately US$ 50 billion and growth of 3% in 2012, according to IMF estimates, Guatemala ranked as the 77th world economy. The service sector accounted for 63% of GDP in 2012, followed by the industrial sector with 24% and the agricultural sector with 13%. It should be noted that agriculture absorbs 38% of the local workforce (MRE, 2013). Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 95 Television and Digital Media in Latin America: a scenario under construction Equally representative, according to Media Book (IBOPE, 2013), is the penetration of the cable TV in Latin American countries. In Colombia, this media is watched by 86% of the population and, in Honduras, by 84%. In Brazil, this percentage is 40%. Among the countries analyzed the smallest penetration of the media occurs in Ecuador: 27%. The figure 2 shows these statements. Figure 2 – Cable TV penetration in Latin America 2012-2013 Source: Target Group Index (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru). Multimedia (Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras and Panama). Note: Last 7 days. In terms of investment, in 2012, the broadcast TV reached a total of almost U$$ 45.7 billion in the 13 countries analysed (IBOPE, 2013). Among then we highlight Ecuador and Nicaragua which of the total invested in each country, 82% were to the broadcast TV. For the cable TV, the investments were around US$7.6 billions. It is in Colombia that the media has the highest participation in publicity investment (around 22%) when compared to the other countries of the region. 96 Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 Maria Cristina Gobbi Francisco Machado Filho In spite of the data about broadcast TV being interesting and demonstrating an improvement on the economic aspect of the television consumer, the Brazilian legislation, for example, guarantees free signal and benefits arising from the system digitization. This way it is fundamental the development of an interactive app which could enrich the image and sound, specially incorporating the regional demands of the television. About the interactive content production, as said by Waisman (2006, p.18) “[...] for that to be made efficiently, firstly, we should consider that the consumer of television media waits a high level of audiovisual production, capable of provide entertainment in a funny and captivating way”. The notes reported here indicate that homes and therefore the way of life is increasingly digital. If this access is a prerequisite for using the interactive potential of the hybrid TV system, it is also necessary to understand in which ways and by whom these devices have been used. In Brazil, the viewers have a very diverse profile, that reflects a television model with open and free sign and cultural characteristics of the population, which has allowed high penetration rates in different genres, age groups, socioeconomic classes etc. In general, the composition of the audience shares this range, however, a few highlights are needed, for example, the concentration of 41% of the audience with ages ranging between 20 and 39 years and 48% of the C class (see Figure 3)13. 13 The data on the profile of the television audience correspond to Marplan / EGM studies applied on the main Brazilian markets. (MÍDIA DADOS, 2014). Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 97 Maria Cristina Gobbi Francisco Machado Filho rates, the possession of connected devices and the digital habits are two times higher, specially with respect to activities as the consumption of OTT 15 video and VoIP 16 services via Smartphones. However, it is interesting to note that there is a will from the elderly people to connect and use products and services that can facilitate their daily lives, indicating a potential and growing market, such as the example17, Online and mobile shopping lists are also used by almost a quarter (23%) of global respondents, with significantly higher percentages open to the idea. Three out of four respondents in Latin America are willing to use online shopping lists if they become available, along with six in 10 Middle East / Africa (63%), Asia Pacific (62%), North America (62%) and Europe (61%) (UN, 2014, our translation). Another public range that needs special attention is the child and teenager. It is not new that television acts as a kind of electronic babysitter. Different studies indicate a Brazilian average consumption of more than two hours a day at this age, characterized by the high rate of children and young people who watch television alone. Among the preferred formats are the programs with the greatest restrictions from parents: movies and realities shows. The access of children and young to Internet in the country follows very approximate proportions, with the aggravating factor of causing a digital learning also lonely18. 15 Authors note. Over-the-top content (OTT) refers to Internet via video delivery directly on the devices of connected users, allows access anywhere, at any time your favorite show, or news that you are looking for. 16 The IConsumers research indicates that only 4% of Americans over 45 years watched OTT videos (Internet-based video on TV via connected devices), rate that falls to 2% over 55 years (ICONSUMERS, 2013). 17 According to UN figures, published in the report ‘World Population Prospects: the 2012 revision’, overall, the number of people older than 60 years could more than double, from 841 million in 2013 to 2 billion by 2050 (UN, 2014). 18 Data from the study conducted by the Escola do Futuro in partnership with Telefonica Foundation with children and young people in rural and urban areas of the five Brazilian regions. Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 99 Television and Digital Media in Latin America: a scenario under construction The European young remains approximately three hours connected daily, and one of every six states to be online at the same time that watches television19. In the European countries 12% of children already access the Internet through personal hand devices (like mobile phones and tablets), with higher percentages in Norway (31%) and the United Kingdom (25%) (GSMA, 2013). Thus, it is generally accepted that children are turning increasingly to the early use of mobile devices (especially mobile phones) and the Internet connection (for social networks and games) creating a new space of opportunity but also vulnerability. In this sense, it is important that the hybrid television system enables, in a short-term scenario, the implementation of automated security and safety locks as well as parental control, to help safeguarding minors exposed to inappropriate content, interpersonal contacts of risk and cybercrime, while still respecting the specificities of the applicable laws of each country20. Given the generational specificities it is also a priority that, in short-term, to meet the requirements for common usability for managing and access to services and content, in view of the different literacy levels arising not only from diverse age groups, but also from multiple political, economical and sociocultural scenarios between regions (in Brazil) and among other countries (in Latin America, for example). In this perspective, interactive TV must have a user-friendly interface, intuitive and adaptable to user needs, including accessibility criteria that consider disabilities. Digital Systems and social scenarios The transition of the analog system to the digital has brought different experiences to the region. One of the defended flags is the offer, to the population, of interactivity options beyond the basic local levels and the mere participation via remote control. Although this (interactivity) has not yet reached large coefficients either in the access or even in the supply of programming and Mediascope Europe - IAB. Concern that meets the guidelines set by the European Union for the establishment of a common digital agenda between its countries. 19 20 100 Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 Maria Cristina Gobbi Francisco Machado Filho applications. Communication companies show little interest in interactive services. Perhaps because they do not set a profitable business model and the publicity remains the same, besides the necessary changes in the traditional advertising forms. On the other hand, these praxes show that cooperation between national states is needed, through several forms of change. One of the most important is the definition of communication public policies that put together social, cultural and economic aspects, in areas of international, national and regional cooperation, enabling advances in DTV, and the expansion of services supply, especially in interactive processes. There are no doubts, according to the Relatório Brasil 4D (ABDALLA; CHIANCA; CASTRO, 2013, p.187), that the implementation process of iDTV has been going through several stages. But the adoption of the system started at some basic assumptions, such as: [...] opportunity to ensure universal access to a multi-channel supply, which traditionally was only found in payment services, and thus democratize its access; the opportunity to revitalize and adapt the missions of the television public service; the opportunity to allow the entry of new writers in television system, which automatically would become a greater media pluralism; the possibility of diversifying the business model and to consolidate the industry’s economy; and the opportunity to generate a powerful independent audiovisual production industry. More than rising consumption, ensuring a broadcast television, democratic, with low investment and broad access it is fundamental to develop infrastructure to accommodate the different stages of development. This requires appropriate public policy, creating a supply chain with the participation of broadcasters, public and private initiative; expansion of interactive information supply, providing to the diverse audiences a range of options in services and programs, able to give familiarity with the use of technology. One of these possibilities requires access the computer network and the interoperability of systems, with delivery by broadband network of Internet connection “hybrid” terminals, where broadcasters have independence Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 101 Television and Digital Media in Latin America: a scenario under construction in the production, packaging and distribution of programs, offering solutions in large scale. It is therefore necessary that communications policies are alert to these demands, aiming at the public-private balance. Unequal access to technologies and the slow implementation of broadband have shown for the different countries of the Latin American space, the digital divide is a reality for a significant portion of its population, especially in the lower classes. There is an effort of governments in the region to meet this demand, but this has not been enough, although this development is essential to minimize the digital gap (UIT, 2014). Despite these efforts are important, and even considering the increase in the penetration rate of broadband (fixed and mobile) in the last five years, there are important gaps that deserve a joint action in the region to guarantee that the ICTs are an enabling factor of the potential for an inclusive society in the age of information and knowledge. According the Relatório (UIT, 2014) several initiatives are being carried out, aiming the mobilization of human, technical and financial resources required for the implementation of the established connectivity goals by the World summit on Information Society. In Brazil, the National Broadband Plan (Plano Nacional de Banda Larga (PNBL)) comprises a series of measures to stimulate expansion in the quality and number of operators in providing mobile service in wide range using technology 3G and 4G, increasing competition and cheaper costs. Final considerations The technological gap between rich and poor points out the differences between those who have access to broadband services, convergence etc. and those who do not. This so-called “digital divide” looms large differences between the people of the country, showing that in some regions there is better infrastructure access. Moreover, and equally important is the difference in connectivity between segments of the population such as the elderly, low- 102 Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 Maria Cristina Gobbi Francisco Machado Filho income or areas (urban versus rural) within a single country, leaving more evident technological gap. Although with significant growth, as demonstrated below, if one looks at the specificities of each country it can be observed that within the demographic segments and in different geographical areas the digital divide remains wide, even in the countries with the highest penetration rates. In Brazil, for example, the majority of population of the Southeast region uses more the technologies than people who live in North or Northeast Regions. Another form of exclusion is the digital gap between the young and the elderly, which evidenced by the fact that most Internet accesses are made young, especially before age 50. There is a relation between the number of years of education and the use of Internet: several national reports prepared by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics show that only 7.2% of adults with less than 4 years of formal education used the Internet last year. The growth registered, especially in the last two years, does not exempt governments and organized civil society to look for improvements for the reduction and extinction of all forms of exclusion. No doubt the media convergence (TV, Internet and telecommunications) waves positively across the region, but there are large parts of the population on the margins of the information society and the benefits provided by digital networks. They are called “digital excluded”, that make up the largest pool in Latin America, forming the known digital divide or digital gap, a term used by some authors, that extend the concept and refer to the difference between digitally excluded and included. Overall, the digital divide is directly related to poverty and poor education, which generates the difficulty of using technology. In this sense, it is essential to treat the education, culture and technology access as instruments of democracy, able to create spaces for discussion, planning and training beyond the arenas of the political system of nations, but allowing a common interest area, opened to the formation of public opinion on issues also related to everyday life. Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 103 Television and Digital Media in Latin America: a scenario under construction References ABDALLA, R., CHIANCA, L. C.; CASTRO, C. Brasil 4D. Estudo de Impacto Socioeconômico sobre a TV Digital Pública interativa. Brasília: EBC (Empresa Brasil de Comunicação), 2013. BECKER, V.; ZUFFO, M. Interatividade na TV Digital: estado da arte, conceitos e oportunidades. In: S. SQUIRRA; I. FECHINE. Televisão digital: desafios para a comunicação. Porto Alegre: Meridional, 2009.p.68-89. GSMA. The Mobile Economy 2013. (GSMA/A.T.Kearney). Report. Available in: The_Mobile_Economy_2013.pdf/1d78cea9-9e18-40ec-98d5-783dfbd86620. Accessed on: July 2014. IBOPE. Marketing e Comunicação institucional. IBOPE Media. Brasil. Media Book, 2013. ICONSUMER. Global Research Initiative. Available in: com/client_service/high_tech/iconsumer. Accessed on: July 2013. ITAMARATY. BRICS. Available in: Accessed on: July 2014. ITU. International Telecommunication Union. Partnership on measuring ICT for Development. Final WSIS targets review. Achievements, Challenges and the way forward. Geneva Switzerland. Original language of publication English, 2014. MÍDIA DADOS. Mídia Dados Brasil 2013. Available in: https://mdb2013. Accessed on: July 2014. MRE. Guatemala. Comércio Exterior. Divisão de Inteligência Comercial. Ministério das Relações Exteriores – MRE. Departamento de Promoção Comercial e Investimentos (DPR). Divisão de Inteligência Comercial (DIC). Available in: MRE/DPR/DIC: IndicadoresEconomicos/INDGuatemala.pdf. Accessed on: July 2013. NIELSEN. The age gap as global population skews older, its needs are not being met. Available in: Accessed on: July 2014. ONU. World Population Prospects: the 2012. Available in: wpp/. Accessed on: July 2014. 104 Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 Maria Cristina Gobbi Francisco Machado Filho PASSARELLI, B.; JUNQUEIRA, A. H. Gerações Interativas Brasil. Crianças e adolescentes diante das telas. São Paulo: Escola do Futuro/USP, 2012. PORTO, C.; RÉGNIER, K. O ensino superior no mundo e no Brasil. Condicionantes, tendências e cenários para o horizonte 2003-2025. Brasília: Macroplan, 2003. SANTOS, M. C. AT-autor - Criação de aplicações para TVDi por não programadores. Revista Lumina. V. 7, n. 2, 9-1. Revista do Programa de PósGraduação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Juiz de Fora: PPGCOM, 2013. SARTI, I. et al. Por uma integração ampliada da América do Sul no século XXI. V. 2. Rio de Janeiro: Perse, 2013. SECOM. Secretaria de Comunicação social da Presidência da República. Brasil. Available in: Accessed on: July 2014. UIT. Reporte post cumbre conectar las Americas. Visión General de la banda ancha en América. Relatório. ITU Telecommunications Development (Oficina Regional de la UIT para las Américas), 2014. WAISMAN, T. Usabilidade em serviços educacionais em ambiente de TV digital. São Paulo: Universidade de São Paulo. Tese de doutorado. Escola de Comunicação e Artes da USP, 2006. Maria Cristina Gobbi Associate Professor in History of Communication and Media Culture in Latin America. Professor of the Graduate Program in Communication and vice coordinator, and of the Graduate Program in Digital Television of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP). Former Post-doctoral researcher at the Post-graduation Program in Latin America Integration of Universidade de São Paulo (Programa de Pós-Graduação em Integração da América Latina da Universidade de São Paulo) - PROLAM/ USP. PhD in Social Communication at the Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. Administrative Director of Socicom (Federação Brasileira das Associações Científicas e Acadêmicas de Comunicação). Winner of the Prêmio Luiz Beltrão (prize) – Category: Maturidade Acadêmica da Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação (Academic maturity of the Brazilian Society of Interdisciplinary Studies of Communication) (2014). In the period of 2008-2011 was Documentation Director of Intercom (Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação). Was a scholarship student of Instituto de Pesquisa Aplicada (IPEA) – 2010-2013. Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 105 Television and Digital Media in Latin America: a scenario under construction She was alternate director of Cátedra Unesco de Comunicação (1998-2010) and author of several books and articles in the communication area. Email: [email protected] Francisco Machado Filho PhD in Social Communication at Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP) Graduated in Social Communication Qualification in Radio and TV in Faesa (Faculdade Espiríto Santense) (1999) and Master degree in Media and Culture at Unimar (Universidade de Marília) (2006). Professor in the Communication course of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita (UNESP) Member of Comtec (Grupo de Pesquisa – Research Group) and GEA (Grupo de Estudos Audiovisuais – Audiovisual Studies Group), both accredited in CNPq. Has experience in communication, with emphasis in Radio and Television, acting mainly in the following themes: Digital TV, Digital Media and internet. Email: francisco.machadofilho@gmail. com Received on: 08.07.2014 Accepted on: 12.05.2014 106 Intercom – RBCC São Paulo, v.38, n.1, p. 85-106, jan./jun. 2015 Save the date 1st GLOBAL ITV Workshop at UNESP November 12-13, 2014 Bauru, SP, Brazil Together with the opportunities arising from the current context of convergence and digitization of media, especially television, also comes new demands. Viewers start to looking for alternatives to an increasingly personal experience. Producers try to adapt and create business models to this developing market. Projects for Informational, Entertainment and Educational programs and services are some of the possibilities to follow the changes and meet the arising of the new trends and habits of television consumption in the daily routine, considering the individuals needs. In this scenario, the Global ITV Project aims to establish the basis for an interoperable global platform for interactive digital television from a hybrid system based with the use of Ginga (Brazilian) and HbbTV (European) models as platforms. The main goal is to create a model that allows the coexistence of multiple solutions, leveraging the reach and usability of features and services for Interactive and Connected TV. To present the progress of the project, fostering the discussion and expand the dialogue between the partners the Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" will promote the 1st GLOBAL ITV Workshop at UNESP on November 12-13, 2014, continuing the series of regional group meetings. The seminar will be organized by the local committee of researchers and scholars, under the coordination of Ph.D professors Ana Silvia Medola, Francisco Machado and Maria Cristina Gobbi. Details about the participants and the program will be timely disclosed. We look forward to welcome you at this meeting. About ITV Global: The project answered the MCTI/CNPq Nº 13/2012 call from the Brazilian Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and it is part of the Brazil/European Union Cooperation Program, in partnership with the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013, call FP7-ICT-2013-10.2). About UNESP: The State University of São Paulo (UNESP) is a public institution that maintains the College of Architecture, Arts and Communication (Media Department and the Graduate Program in Digital TV) and Radio Center Cultural and Educational Television – TV Unesp in an integrated campus at Bauru – SP. Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XXXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação – Foz do Iguaçu, PR – 2 a 5/9/2014 Cenários para uma televisão global interativa: desafios do Projeto Global ITV para a América Latina1 Maria Cristina Gobbi2 Juliana C. G. Betti3 UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho Resumo Resultado do esforço de um grupo interdisciplinar de pesquisadores, liderado pelo professor Dr. Marcelo Knörich Zuffo (CITI/USP) no Brasil e, no lado europeu, por Klaus Merkel (IRT). No projeto matriz, denominado Global iTV, Interactive and Hybrid TV systems: a new advanced scheme for future services and applications in a global environment, a proposta central é desenvolver um padrão que possibilite a interoperabilidade dos diversos sistemas de TV Digital a operarem de forma conjunta, trocando e utilizando informações. O objetivo final é de criar o alicerce para uma plataforma global interoperável. O projeto GLOBAL ITV recebeu financiamento European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013, call FP7-ICT-2013-10.2) sob contrato n ° 614087 e no Brasil do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) sob concessão Chamada MCTI / CNPq N º 13/2012 e número do projeto 490088/2013-9. Palavras-chave: Global ITV; Cenários Latino-americanos; TV Digital; Interatividade; Unesp Conhecendo o projeto Global ITV O cenário da televisão digital nos estimula a pensar em muitas palavras que integram esse novo panorama, tais como: digital, tecnologias, interatividade, cidadania, desenvolvimento, inclusão social, sociedade, culturas etc. Cada uma, por si, já representa um desafio para os estudos em comunicação. Se combinadas aos meios de massa, ao espaço Latino-Americano e as ações realizadas na e pela sociedade globalizada, o leque de opções se amplia de forma significativa. 1 Trabalho apresentado no GP Mídia, Culturas e Tecnologias Digitais na América Latina, na mesa de abertura do Global ITV, do XXXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação (Intercom) – Foz do Iguaçu, PR – 2 a 5/9/2014. O texto integra o Projeto Global ITV, sendo parte do pacote de trabalho “Future Global Interactive Television Scenarios”, sob a coordenação dos professores Doutores: Ana Silvia Davi Médola, Maria Cristina Gobbi, Francisco Machado Filho. 2 Pesquisadora. Pós-Doutora pelo Prolam-USP (Universidade de São Paulo – Brasil), Doutora em Comunicação pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (Umesp). Vice-coordenadora e Professora do Programa Pós-Graduação Televisão Digital da Unesp de Bauru. Professora do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da mesma instituição. Coordenadora do Grupo de Pesquisa Pensamento Comunicacional Latino-Americano do CNPq. Diretora Administrativa da Socicom. Sócia da Intercom e da Rede Folkcom. Integrante do GP Mídia, Cultura e Tecnologias. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] 3 Jornalista, mestre em Jornalismo pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (POSJOR/UFSC) e bolsista DTI-A do CNPq, pelo Projeto Global ITV. E-mail: [email protected] 1 Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XXXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação – Foz do Iguaçu, PR – 2 a 5/9/2014 Assim, é importante definir que a perspectiva desse texto busca evidenciar parte de um cenário que está sendo construído para atender o Projeto denominado Global iTV, Interactive and Hybrid TV systems: a new advanced scheme for future services and applications in a global environment, coordenado Dr. Marcelo Knörich Zuffo, do Centro Interdisciplinar de Tecnologias Interativas da Universidade de São Paulo (CITI/USP) e, no lado europeu, por Klaus Merkel, líder do grupo de estudos voltados a radiodifusão do Institut fuer Rundfunktechnik GmbH (IRT), Alemanha. Integram o projeto 17 parceiros, sendo oito da Europa e nove do Brasil. No grupo europeu estão representados quatro países diferentes: Alemanha, França, Suíça e Espanha. Dois parceiros, a EBU e a Worldwide Web Consortium, são organizações de classe mundial. São eles: Institut für Rundfunktechnik GmbH (IRT), Germany; Aqua Consult Ingenieros, S.L (A-CING), Spain; Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. FOKUS (FRAUNHOFER), Germany; TDF (TDF), France; Abertis Telecom (RETEVISION), Spain; Symelar Innovación SLU (SYMELAR), Spain; European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Switzerland; World Wide Web Consortium at GEIE ERCIM, (W3C), France. No Brasil, o grupo é formado por seis universidades, representando três regiões do país (Centro-Oeste, Norte e Sudeste). A Band, HXD, LSI-TEC são os representantes do segmento profissional. São parceiros: Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Universidade Católica de Brasília (UCB), Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP), Associação do Laboratório de Sistemas Integráveis Tecnológico (LSI‐TEC), Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), Rede Bandeirantes de Televisão (BAND TV) e Interactive Television (HXD). Para atender a amplitude da proposta, o Projeto foi dividido em 6 pacotes de trabalho: (WP1) Gestão de Projetos, (WP2) Cenários de uso, Requisitos do sistema e validação do usuário, (WP3) Desenvolvimento da Plataforma Global de ITV, (WP4) Desenvolvimento de aplicações interoperáveis ITV, (WP5) Teste e avaliação, (WP6) Divulgação e formação do Conselho ITV GLOBAL. De forma geral, cada parceiro é responsável por um dos pacotes de trabalho, que engloba diversas subdivisões. No caso do Brasil, em cada instituição, há equipes coordenadoras formadas por professores-pesquisadores e bolsistas (graduação e pós-graduação), que participam das várias tarefas demandas pelo Projeto. 2 Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XXXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação – Foz do Iguaçu, PR – 2 a 5/9/2014 Muitas são realizadas de forma simultânea entre as instituições (nacionais e internacionais), evidenciando o trabalho conjunto do consórcio. Considerando que em diversos países está ocorrendo à transição do sistema de televisão analógica para o digital, o Projeto apresenta como ideia central oferecer aos consumidores recursos e serviços multimídia, resultado da convergência midiática e da difusão da banda larga. Muitos aparelhos de televisão vendidos na atualidade são chamados de TVs inteligentes (iDTV) ou TVs conectadas (Smart TV). Esses novos aparelhos permitem tecnologia integrada entre a Internet e a TV, além do uso do set-top box (utilizado como conversor). Cada um traz características próprias para permitir essa interação, e atende as especificidades dos países onde são desenvolvidos. Assim, os aplicativos escritos para um sistema geralmente não são compatíveis com outro e vice-versa. Trazendo a perspectiva de integração para a produção de conteúdos da mídia televisiva, sabemos que nos processos de produção são gerados três tipos de sinais: áudio, vídeo e dados. Estes são difundidos através de ondas eletromagnéticas e chegam até os usuários. Esse processo, que compõe a etapa da radiodifusão, objetiva, principalmente, a codificação das informações (áudio, vídeo e dados) até o destino de maneira a otimizar a largura de banda ocupada, sendo esse um dos principais requisitos dos sistemas de telecomunicações (ROCHA, 2011, p. 24). De forma muito simplificada os objetivos dessas codificações das informações precisam atender a compatibilidade tecnológica disponível com os processos de transmissão que serão realizados posteriormente; implementar e concretizar a compressão dos sinais, atendendo as especificidades da banda; fazer a análise do tipo de dados (analógico ou digital) da fonte que serão alvo da compressão e implementar o processo. Todo esse complexo deve levar em consideração ainda o tipo de sinal (áudio, vídeo ou dados), pois a codificação é diferente para cada um dos sinais. Uma das principais dificuldades na migração das mídias analógicas para as digitais está ligada a dimensão das informações. “Uma sequência de vídeo e áudio digitais de alta 3 Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XXXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação – Foz do Iguaçu, PR – 2 a 5/9/2014 qualidade ocupa um grande espaço em disco. Com 3.7 minutos de vídeo na qualidade que é usada no DVD (Digital Video Disk) convencional, sem compressão, os arquivos de vídeo ocupam todo espaço de um DVD de 4.37 Gbytes”. Há uma padronização nos métodos de codificação dessas informações, como a ITU-R (International Telecommunications Union, Radiocommunication Sector), por exemplo, que juntamente com outros grupos de trabalho desenvolveram vários padrões “[...] internacionais para a compressão de áudio e vídeo, visando diferentes tipos de aplicação”. Dentre os principais padrões, estão: citar o Motion Picture Experts Group - MPEG (ROCHA, 2011, p. 24). Todo o processamento precisa funcionar de forma harmônica e para que isso seja possível é necessário um padrão para definir a arquitetura do sistema. Atualmente, existem cinco padrões de TV Digital no mundo. São eles (ROCHA, 2011, p. 25): • ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committee): Padrão adotado nos Estados Unidos da América para o sistema de televisão digital. • DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting): Padrão adotado na Europa para o sistema de televisão digital. • ISDB (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting): Padrão adotado no Japão para o sistema de televisão digital. • DMB (Digital Multimedia Broadcasting): Padrão adotado na China para o sistema de televisão digital. • ISDB-Tb (Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting Terrestrial – Brazilian): Padrão adotado no Brasil e em outros países da América Latina (veremos mais adiante no texto) para o sistema de Televisão Digital. Esse conjunto de características de funcionamento, operação e desenvolvimento têm suas particularidades, e os objetivos comuns aos vários sistemas, dentre os quais podem ser citados: “Utilização do espectro de radiofrequência existente na faixa de televisão; Proporcionar o aumento das resoluções espaciais (vertical e horizontal) nos televisores através da relação de aspecto 16:9; Aumentar a fidelidade e qualidade de som, empregando o som multicanal; Otimizar o desempenho do sistema, em suas partes de transmissão e recepção e garantir uma alta qualidade de experiência no sistema de recepção ao usuário” (ROCHA, 2011, p. 29-30). 4 Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XXXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação – Foz do Iguaçu, PR – 2 a 5/9/2014 No que tange a adoção do sinal digital, o padrão brasileiro já foi escolhido por diversos países da região (Ilustração 1) e neste sentido medidas urgentes precisam ser implementadas quer no âmbito de políticas públicas, diálogo entre os vários sistemas em operação, ampliação da produção comunicativa (jornalismo, entretenimento etc), educação (uso e formação) e ampliação do acesso para a população, entre tantos outros. Ilustração 1 Fonte: DTV (2014). A desigualdade no acesso as tecnologias e a lentidão na implementação da banda larga (por exemplo) têm evidenciado, para os diferentes países que compõem o espaço LatinoAmericano, que a exclusão digital é realidade para uma parcela significativa de sua população, especialmente nas classes menos favorecidas. Há um esforço dos governos da região para atender essa demanda, mas isso não tem sido suficiente, embora esse desenvolvimento seja fundamental para minimizar a brecha digital (UIT, 2014). Assim, o Projeto Global ITV vem trabalhando no sentido de criar uma plataforma comum, desenvolvendo um sistema interoperável que permita a vários sistemas trabalhar de forma integrada, em conjunto, trocando e utilizando informações (geral ou pessoal). O objetivo 5 Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XXXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação – Foz do Iguaçu, PR – 2 a 5/9/2014 final do Projeto é o de estabelecer as bases de uma plataforma interoperável global, harmonizando diferentes soluções existentes nos domínios do interativo, híbrido, conectado e da web TV em nível mundial, independente do sistema de transmissão (DVB, ISDB-T (b), SBTVD etc). Considerada a perspectiva da TV híbrida, pode-se afirmar que os objetivos do Global ITV são (ZUFFO; DOSCH, 2012): • Indicar as atitudes e tendências dos usuários com relação ao ambiente televisivo, com atenção especial à sincronização com a segunda tela e uso das redes sociais. • Analisar as tendências tecnológicas no campo da televisão interativa, considerando as áreas geográficas e questões econômicas, políticas e sociais, focando nos dispositivos móveis (ex. Tablets, Smartphones etc). Muito mais que ampliação do consumo, é fundamental a garantia de uma televisão aberta (como afiança o Governo brasileiro), democrática, com baixos investimentos e amplo acesso. Para isso é essencial o desenvolvimento de infraestrutura capaz de abrigar aos diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento; definição de política pública adequada, criando uma cadeia produtiva com a participação de radiodifusores, iniciativa pública e privada; ampliação da oferta informativa interativa, proporcionando às diversificadas audiências um leque de opções em serviços e em programas, capazes de aflorar a familiaridade com o uso das tecnologias. Uma dessas possibilidades passa necessariamente pelo acesso a rede de computadores e pela interoperabilidade dos sistemas, com entrega por meio da rede de banda larga de terminais “híbridos” de conexão à Internet, onde os radiodifusores terão independência na produção, no empacotamento e na distribuição dos programas, oferecendo soluções em larga escala. Portanto, é necessário que as políticas de comunicações estejam atentas para essas oportunidades e/ou necessidades, objetivando o equilíbrio público-privado. O Global ITV acredita que a televisão digital interativa deve atender as demandas como um serviço público e social, nas áreas da informação, entretenimento, acessibilidade e da educação, considerando o uso individual e/ou combinado com outras plataformas e as 6 Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XXXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação – Foz do Iguaçu, PR – 2 a 5/9/2014 limitações técnicas, permitindo que inclusão digital ocorra a partir da inclusão social. A primeira etapa do Projeto Global ITV traz em seu relatório diversos dados sobre os diversificados cenário da Televisão Digital Interativa e o uso de outras tecnologias. O material já está disponível na web e pode ser acessado de forma gratuíta4. Comunicação como ponte entre as diversas tecnologias Uma vez delineada, ainda que de forma breve, a proposta do Global ITV outros fatores igualmente presentes nas análises do projeto entram em cena, tais como a necessidade na ampliação do desenvolvimento de programas e aplicativos (Broadcast5 e Broadband6), que possam atender as novas demandas sociais, além do amplo acesso as tecnologias pelos cidadãos, a acessibilidade em todos os níveis, a interatividade e os consumidores (telespectadores), que devem ter a liberdade de adquirir os aparelhos de televisão e os receptores de qualquer fabricante, sem ficarem presos a determinados padrões. Essa junção de ações imprescindíveis sugere a necessidade de padronização dos sistemas existentes para a decodificação do sinal digital, expandindo significativamente o leque de opções de produtos e serviços, embora já ocorram algumas similaridades nos padrões atualmente em uso nos diversos países7. Mas é importante reforçar que para delinear esse cenário tecnológico em nível global é fundamental considerar o que alguns autores chamam de Internet aberta (neutralidade das redes), que permite aos usuários acessar conteúdos, aplicações e serviços de sua escolha, garantia da qualidade do sinal, além de promover a concorrência entre redes de acesso, serviços e provedores de conteúdo, buscando um barateamento nos custos finais para o usuário, resultados da livre-concorrência. 4 Disponível em: https://www É o ato de transmitir algo, utilizando qualquer tipo de mídia, seja ela via ondas de rádio, satélite, cabos, fibras ópticas, linhas telefônicas, etc. (TECNOMUNDO, 2014) 6 Banda Larga, uma forma qualquer de acesso rápido à Internet. 7 O padrão ATSC, por exemplo, implementa a transmissão em portadora única, denominado SCM (Single Carrier Mode) com esquema de modulação 8-VSB (terrestre) e OAQM (Offset Amplitude Quadrature Modulation), enquanto os padrões DVB e ISDB implementam a transmissão em multiportadoras, denominado MCM (Multiple Carrier Mode). O padrão chinês, DMB-T utiliza ambas as técnicas de transmissão (MCM e SCM). O processo de digitalização de áudio é diferente para o sistema americano, que utiliza o DOLBY AC-3. O nome DOLBY AC-3 refere-se à tecnologia de compressão de áudio criada pela Dolby Laboratories. É importante notar, que os sistemas de transmissão dos padrões DVB-T, ISDB-T (japonês), ISDB-Tb e DMB-T compartilham da mesma estrutura OFDM (Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) de transmissão, empregando o processamento das multiportadoras ortogonais. Na Figura 20, é possível visualizar no quadro comparativo, as estruturas comuns de transporte MPEG para os padrões e o diferencial do padrão brasileiro no processo de digitalização de vídeo e áudio com o uso do padrão H.264. (ROCHA, 2011, p. 20-30). 5 7 Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XXXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação – Foz do Iguaçu, PR – 2 a 5/9/2014 Igualmente, no cenário da América Latina a diversidade cultural, econômica, social e política são fatores que devem ser considerados em todos os aspectos das ações a serem implementadas. Somente desta forma será possível direcionar, de acordo com as demandas de cada um dos países que compõe a região, as possibilidades de mudanças significativas na produção de conteúdo audiovisual, aplicativos, plataformas de mídia, acesso, serviços e redução das limitações técnicas, entre outros. A região passa por um período de atenção especial aos objetivos de crescimento econômico com geração de emprego, a estabilidade macroeconômica orientada para a inclusão social, tendo como ação prioritária a luta contra a pobreza extrema. E a redução da brecha digital é de fundamental importância como política de inclusão social. Com referência ao Brasil, dados do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE, 2013) indicam que 97,2% dos domicílios brasileiros têm aparelhos de televisão, num total de mais de 61 milhões de lares. A população nacional chegou a 190 milhões, o que representa um aumento relativo de 12,3% se comparado a 2000. Houve um aumento na população adulta e idosa nos últimos 10 anos, sendo estimado que em 2015 o número de crianças menores de 15 anos comporá menos de 22% da população. Após 2030 a proporção de crianças na população total deve tornar-se menor do que de idosos, 13,8% e 14,6% da população, respectivamente. A figura 1 demonstra alguns dados. Figura 1 – Dados populacionais, Brasil Quando comparamos os países da América Latina as diferenças são muito significativas, desde o tamanho da população, altercações culturais, nível econômico, acesso e consumo de mídias etc. A figura 2 mostra a variação populacional em alguns países que integram a região. 8 Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XXXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação – Foz do Iguaçu, PR – 2 a 5/9/2014 Figura 2 – Dados populacionais de alguns países Fonte: Wiki, 2014 De acordo com dados do Media Book, em pesquisa disponibilizada em 2014, A economia da América Latina apresentou crescimento de 2,6% em 2013, de acordo com a Comissão Econômica para a América Latina e Caribe (Cepal). Somente no mercado publicitário, os 12 países auferidos pelo IBOPE Media movimentaram, juntos, o equivalente a US$ 88,9 bilhões em investimentos. Na região, a TV aberta segue como o meio de maior concentração das verbas destinadas à publicidade nos países. No Equador, por exemplo, onde o consumo de TV aberta atinge 99% da população, os investimentos publicitários no meio representaram 84% do total investido. Internet Em 2013, o consumo de internet aumentou em todos os países pesquisados pelo IBOPE Media. Os maiores índices de crescimento foram registrados na Costa Rica (+34%) e no Panamá (+15%). Em países como a Colômbia, o acesso à rede atingiu índices de 72% entre a população, com 80,5% dos internautas com conexão em casa. Audiência Durante 2013, as transmissões das Eliminatórias para a Copa do Mundo Brasil 2014 e da Copa das Confederações estão entre os programas mais assistidos em vários dos países pesquisados. No Chile, os jogos aparecem entre os programas mais assistidos na TV aberta tanto no período da manhã, como durante a tarde e a noite. Impresso O maior índice de consumo de revistas foi registrado na Colômbia (51%), seguido do Equador (33%). 9 Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XXXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação – Foz do Iguaçu, PR – 2 a 5/9/2014 Na América Central, os jornais são lidos com frequência por 77% da população da Costa Rica e 73% dos habitantes de Honduras. No Brasil é interessante destacar também que 53% da população nunca acessou a internet e 52% não têm acesso à Internet em suas casas, o restante da população com acesso a internet passa mais tempo online do que assistindo TV, por exemplo. As mudanças advindas do uso das tecnologias têm representando um grande impacto na sociedade latino-americana (igualmente, em outras regiões do mundo). Barcante (2014, web) assinala que está ocorrendo uma mudança de paradigmas e que “[...] já vivemos 14 mudanças de paradigmas desde o final do século 20 a este início (pouco mais que a primeira década) de século 21. São elas: De analógico a digital De físico a virtual De átomos a bits De serviços fixos a móveis De coletivos a pessoais De banda estreita a banda larga De equipamentos dedicados a multifuncionais De baixa a alta velocidade de transmissão De comunicação por fio a sem fio De monopólio a competição De propriedade estatal a privada De protocolos fechados a abertos De unidirecionais a interativos De comutação de circuitos a comutação de pacotes Igualmente, assinala o professor (BARCANTE, 2014, web), passamos “[...] do rádio de mesa ao rádio portátil. Do velho Toca-Discos analógico ao Walkman, ao Discman ou ao iPod. Do Telefone de Mesa (fixo e coletivo) ao Telefone Celular (móvel e pessoal). Do Mainframe ao PC, ao Laptop ou ao palmtop. Do Televisor ao DVD player portátil. Da velha câmera lambe-lambe à câmera digital embutida no celular”. De fato, estamos atravessando várias transformações, do analógico para o digital, do físico para o virtual, do fixo para o móvel, do individual para o coletivo, entre tantas outras. Essas mudanças evidenciam que diversas ações devem ser empreendidas quer no âmbito dos governos, indústrias, radiodifusores, economia e mesmo da sociedade civil organizada. Assim, no que tange ao processo de transição para o sistema digital da televisão que a América Latina atravessa, é possível assinalar com destaque a necessidade de: subsídios 10 Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XXXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação – Foz do Iguaçu, PR – 2 a 5/9/2014 para a compra de TVs digitais e set-top boxes; o uso da faixa de 700 MHz para móvel de quarta geração de banda larga (4G), que é atualmente ocupado por transmissões de TV analógica; preparar a sociedade para o desligamento do sinal analógico a partir de 2015 até 2024, que deve ocorrer nos países que já adotaram o padrão digital e essa ação demandará o acesso à mídia televisiva digital; diminuição do preço do set-top box para permitir a migração para o digital entre as populações de menor renda; as políticas públicas que orientam as ações do governo para a continuidade do sinal de televisão gratuito e aberto para o cidadão devem estar alinhadas ao conceito de sustentabilidade da sociedade digital, que considera a banda larga como essencial para o acesso universal, em todos os níveis de estratégia, entre muitas outras. Considerações Finais O que as primeiras incursões nas análises dos dados do Projeto Global ITV têm demonstrado é o que Garcia Canclini já nos alertava nos anos 1997, ou seja, estamos formando uma cultura híbrida. Para o mestre Canclini (1997), a Cultura Híbrida deve ser vista como o produto de "[...] processos socioculturais nos quais estruturas ou práticas discretas, que existiam de forma separada, se combinam para gerar novas estruturas, objetos e práticas" (1997, p. XIX). E isso é o que estamos tendo a oportunidade de protagonizar com o uso combinado das tecnologias de informação e da comunicação. Canclini (1997) ainda argumenta que, No decorrer do século XX, com o desenvolvimento das tecnologias de comunicação, o cinema; a televisão e a internet tornaram-se instrumentos de trocas culturais intensas, e os contatos individuais e sociais passaram a ter não um, mas múltiplos pontos de origem e não se sabe mais a origem delas. As culturas de países distantes ou próximos se mesclam a essas expressões, construindo culturas híbridas que não podem ser mais caracterizadas como de um país, mas como parte de uma imensa cultura mundial (1997, p. XIX). Sem dúvida que para o século 21 as mudanças ainda serão mais significativas. A interatividade e a imagem estarão cada vez mais na pauta do dia, a convergência digital é um caminho sem volta, a educação deverá se adaptar a essas mudanças, incluindo no aprender não somente o uso, mas a aplicação tecnológica desses desenvolvimentos etc. 11 Intercom – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XXXVII Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação – Foz do Iguaçu, PR – 2 a 5/9/2014 Para a comunicação fica o desafio de que a segunda tela (seja ela através de celulares, computadores, tablets etc) deve ser a experiência móvel que interage e cria impacto na primeira tela, que é a televisão e onde exercitamos a comunicação. É necessário o desenvolvimento de novos modelos de negócio para atrair desenvolvedores, consumidores, produtores e outras perspectivas de negócios. A televisão, por sua vez, deve assumir o conceito de TV pública, democrática, com conteúdo relevante e acesso para todos. Na esteira do desenvolvimento a televisão sempre representou fator de “integração nacional”. Com as possibilidades advindas da digitalização dos conteúdos, amparada pela promessa de ampliação de aplicações e softwares, acesso a um canal de retorno, renasce a esperança de uma participação efetiva do público, abrindo uma via bidirecional de comunicação, ofertada pela possibilidade do broadcast, onde todos poderão falar, produzir, interagir de forma mais efetiva e em larga escala. É nessa perspectiva que estamos desenvolvendo o Projeto Global ITV. REFERÊNCIAS BARCANTE. Disponível em :, acesso jul 2014. CANCLINI, Néstor García. Culturas Híbridas - estratégias para entrar e sair da modernidade. Tradução de Ana Regina Lessa e Heloísa Pezza Cintrão. São Paulo: EDUSP, 1997, p.283-350 DTV. Disponível em:, acesso jul 2014. MEDIA BOOK. Disponível em: acesso jul 2014. ROCHA, Carlos Augusto (et all). TV Digital: Introdução ao Sistema de Televisão Digital. Minas Gerais: Fundação Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações – Finatel, 2011. UIT. Reporte post Cu América. ITU Telecommunications Development (Oficina Regional de la UIT para Las Américas), 2014. TECNOMUNDO. Disponível em, acesso em jul 2014. ZUFFO, Marcelo Knörich; DOSCH, Christoph. Interoperability of Interactive and Hybrid TV systems – A new advanced scheme for future services and applications in a global environment. Projeto apresentado na chamada MCTI/CNPq Nº 13 / 2012. Brasil, 2012. WIKI. Disponível em: de pa%C3%ADses da Am%C3%A9rica do Sul por po pula%C3%A7%C3%A3o, acesso em jul 2014. 12 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Glossary CA Consortium Agreement CoA Coordination Agreement DoW Description of Work, Annex-1 of Project Proposal EC European Commission IPR Intellectual Property Rights NDA Non-disclosure agreement PO Project Officer QA Quality Assurance R&D Research and Development URL Uniform Resource Locator WP Work Package Partner Acronyms Acronym Name IRT Institut fuer Rundfunktechnik GmbH, DE A-CING Aqua-Consult Ingenieros, S.L., ES FHG Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V. , DE TARA TARA Systems GmbH TDF TDF, FR RETEVISION Retevisión – AbertisTelecom, ES SYMELAR Symelar Innovación SLU, ES EBU European Broadcasting Union, CH BAND TV Rede Bandeirantes de Televisão, BR HXD HXD Interactive Television, BR LSI-TEC Associação do Laboratório de Sistemas Integráveis Tecnológico, BR UCB Universidade Católica de Brasília, BR UFABC Universidade Federal do ABC, BR UFPA Universidade Federal do Pará, BR UNESP Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” , BR UNICAMP Universidade Estadual de Campinas, BR USP Universidade de São Paulo, BR W3C World Wide Web Consortium at GEIE ERCIM, FR TARA TARA Systems Systementwicklung GmbH, DE page 137 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report References [1] Description of Work – Annex I [2] [3] [4] Consortium Agreement Customizing a Social Media Plan Wyoming Entrepreneur on Jan 23, 2014 Social Media Success: Creating & Implementing a Social Media Plan! page 138 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report List of Figures Figure 1: brochure for USP 1st Workshop............................................................................................................. 5 Figure 2: project brochure in English ................................................................................................................... 6 Figure 3: Project brochure in Portuguese ............................................................................................................ 7 Figure 4: second screen vs social media trends infographics ............................................................................. 10 Figure 5: Ubiquitous TV Scenario infographic .................................................................................................... 11 Figure 6: Event announcement at USP. ............................................................................................................. 18 Figure 7: reception and welcome of the audience ............................................................................................. 19 Figure 8: The open panel discussion Scenarios for an interactive Global Television: the challenges of the GLOBAL ITV project at UFPA campus ......................................................................................................... 19 Figure 9: The congressmen interact with the exhibition of applications ............................................................ 20 Figure 10: Web flyer event at UNICAMP............................................................................................................ 21 Figure 11: UNICAMP Workshop. Photo by Daniel Barreto de Andrade. ............................................................. 21 Figure 12: Photo at the UFABC event. ............................................................................................................... 22 Figure 13: 1st UCB Workshop ............................................................................................................................ 23 Figure 14: USP researchers and the participants ............................................................................................... 23 Figure 15 - Professor Maria Ataide Malcher and Camilo Centeno welcome the participants ............................. 24 Figure 16: Camilo Centeno and Prof. Lyn Pemberton in 2nd UFPA Workshop ................................................... 25 Figure 17 - Signing of the voluntary cooperation agreement between RBA TV and UFPA under the project ..... 26 Figure 18: UNICAMP Researcher Gabriel Trevisan and the participants ............................................................ 27 Figure 19: Web flyer event at UFABC................................................................................................................. 27 Figure 20: GLOBAL ITV workshop at UFABC ....................................................................................................... 27 Figure 21: GLOBAL ITV workshop at UFABC ....................................................................................................... 28 Figure 22: Web flyer event at UNESP................................................................................................................. 28 Figure 23: Alan César Belo Angeluci (USCS/CITI-USP), Ana Silvia Davi Médola (UNESP), Marcelo Zuffo (USP), Carlos Sabino Caldas (UNESP) and Alexandre Kieling (UCB) ....................................................................... 29 Figure 24: Flyer of the UCB Workshop ............................................................................................................... 29 Figure 25: GLOBAL ITV researchers Alexandre Kieling and Gustavo Calixto ....................................................... 30 Figure 26: UCB Workshop participants .............................................................................................................. 30 Figure 27: Christian Keimel (IRT) presenting GLOBAL ITV at EBU Broadthinking ................................................ 31 Figure 28: first session flyer at SET EXPO ........................................................................................................... 32 Figure 29: Session 2 flyer at SET EXPO ............................................................................................................... 33 Figure 30: GLOBAL ITV researchers and demonstation at SET Expo ................................................................... 33 Figure 31: Presentation of HbbTV apps and GLOBAL ITV project in BIT 2014 in Madrid..................................... 34 Figure 32: web flyer event promotion by USP for TDC ....................................................................................... 35 Figure 33: photo of the TDC Conference ............................................................................................................ 35 Figure 34: Event flyer. Panel: Technological innovation and their impact on the production and reception processes of ITV Products. ......................................................................................................................... 36 Figure 35: Web flyer event promotion by USP on Intercom. ............................................................................. 37 Figure 36: Event announcement, INTERCOM 2014. Source: Facebook fanpage of the event. ............................ 37 Figure 37: Researcher and Professor Alan Angeluci and the audience at UNESP ............................................... 38 Figure 38: Researcher and Professor Alan Angeluci during the panel ................................................................ 38 Figure 39: IRT Booth at IBC2015 ........................................................................................................................ 39 Figure 40: GLOBAL ITV poster for ICT2015 ......................................................................................................... 39 Figure 41: GLOBAL ITV Brochure for ICT2015..................................................................................................... 40 Figure 42: Testing the GLOBAL ITV signalling at the 23th HbbTV interoperability workshop ............................. 41 Figure 43: GLOBAL ITV at Inter bee.................................................................................................................... 42 Figure 44: Inter bee pictures ............................................................................................................................. 42 Figure 45: Prof. Marcelo Zuffo at Inter Bee ....................................................................................................... 43 Figure 46: evolution of the GLOBAL ITV website design .................................................................................... 51 Figure 47: Number of sessions per week. Source: GLOBAL ITV Google analytics ............................................... 52 Figure 48: countries where the users come from to our website ....................................................................... 52 Figure 49: Evolution of GLOBAL ITV Twitter account followers. Source: ............................. 54 page 139 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report Figure 50: Where are GLOBAL ITV followers from? Source: 54 Figure 51: seniority of GLOBAL ITV LinkedIn group followers. Source LinkedIn ................................................. 56 Figure 52: evolution of GLOBAL ITV LinkedIn group followers in the last 12 months. Source: LinkedIn ............. 56 Figure 53: number of people reached by GLOBAL ITV posts. Source: Facebook ................................................ 57 Figure 54: evolution of likes on GLOBAL ITV facebook page. Source: Facebook ................................................ 57 Figure 55: some GLOBAL ITV news .................................................................................................................... 58 Figure 56: more GLOBAL ITV news .................................................................................................................... 58 Figure 57: presence in web media ..................................................................................................................... 59 Figure 58: some news about GLOBAL ITV .......................................................................................................... 59 page 140 Version of 2016/01/22 D6.6 Final dissemination report List of Tables Table 1: dissemination tools and targeted audience ........................................................................................... 4 Table 2: GLOBAL ITV Workshops dates .............................................................................................................. 17 Table 3: Social media networks followers comparison ...................................................................................... 53 Table 4: GLOBAL ITV Twitter statistics ............................................................................................................... 55 Table 5: External and Internal events assisted and/or organized by GLOBAL ITV project members in 2014 ...... 61 Table 6: External and Internal events assisted and/or organized by GLOBAL ITV project members in 2015 ...... 62 Table 7: summary of attendance to events ....................................................................................................... 64 Table 8: Summary of scientific and online publications ..................................................................................... 64 Table 9: GLOBAL ITV training activities. 1st year. ............................................................................................... 64 Table 10: GLOBAL ITV training activities. 2nd year. ............................................................................................. 65 Table 11: users and followers in social media and the webpage ....................................................................... 66 page 141