Minutes - Dinwiddie County
Minutes - Dinwiddie County
County of Dinwiddie Board of Supervisors MINUTES Regular Meeting – September 15, 2015, 3:04 PM Board Meeting Room, Pamplin Administration Building 14016 Boydton Plank Road, Dinwiddie, Virginia Supervisors Present: Administration Present: Daniel D. Lee, Chair Election District 4 W. Kevin Massengill, County Administrator Brenda Ebron-Bonner, Vice Chair Election District 5 Anne Howerton, Deputy County Administrator, Harrison A. Moody Election District 1 Finance and General Services Dr. Mark E. Moore Election District 2 Tyler Southall, County Attorney William D. Chavis Election District 3 1. ROLL CALL 2. INVOCATION 3. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 4. AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA Upon motion of Mr. Chavis, seconded by Mr. Moody, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Supervisors of Dinwiddie County, Virginia that the agenda was adopted as presented. Ayes: Nays: Dr. Moore, Mr. Chavis, Ms. Ebron-Bonner, Mr. Moody, Mr. Lee None 5. CONSENT AGENDA A. SUMMARY AND CLAIMS B. MINUTES: APRIL 28, 2015, MAY 19, 2015, JUNE 2, 2015, JUNE 16, 2015, JULY 21, 2015 C. APPOINTMENT OF HANNAH LANDS, DEPUTY ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER MEMO DATE: September 15, 2015 TO: Dinwiddie County Board of Supervisors FROM: Alvin L. Langley, Animal Control Supervisor SUBJECT: Appointment of Deputy Animal Control Officer BACKGROUND Pursuant to the Code of Virginia Section 3.2-6555, the County of Dinwiddie is required to appoint an officer to be known as the Animal Control Officer and may also appoint one or more deputy Animal Control Officers. With the hiring of Hannah Zitta Lands to the position of part time Deputy Animal Control Officer, the Board of Supervisors has the need to appoint her to that position for the County of Dinwiddie. REQUESTED ACTION Approve a motion to appoint Hannah Zitta Lands as Deputy Animal Control Officer. MOTION(S) I hereby move to appoint Hannah Zitta Lands, as Deputy Animal Control Officer for Dinwiddie County Book 23 Page 650 September 15, 2015 D. RETIREMENT OF LINDA STAMOS, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF THE REVENUE WHEREAS, Mrs. Linda T. Stamos, has served the citizens of Dinwiddie County with steadfast devotion in a full-time capacity for over 18 years; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Stamos began her full-time employment with the County of Dinwiddie on March 1, 1997 as a Deputy Commissioner of the Revenue, serving faithfully in that capacity until her retirement on July 31, 2015; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Stamos readily served as a mentor to emerging fellow employees, sharing her comprehensive knowledge of personal property assessments and the Personal Property Tax Relief Act; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Stamos was instrumental in the successful transition of the County to proration and file by exception; and WHEREAS, Mrs. Stamos contributed countless hours to assisting elderly and disabled citizens on the Tax Relief program; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Supervisors on this 15th day of September desires to express their appreciation to Mrs. Linda T. Stamos for her over 18 years of loyal, dedicated service to Dinwiddie County, and to extend to her their warmest regards and very best wishes for many years of health and happiness as she enters a new phase of her life; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Dinwiddie County, Virginia, that this resolution be presented to Mrs. Linda T. Stamos, and a copy spread upon the minutes of this meeting for eternity. Upon motion of Dr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Moody, the consent agenda wass approved as presented. AYES: NAYES: Dr. Moore, Mr. Chavis, Ms. Ebron-Bonner, Mr. Moody, Mr. Lee None 6. REPORTS: A. VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Ms. Crystal Smith, Residency Administrator of the Virginia Department of Transportation presented the following to the Board. Book 23 Page 651 September 15, 2015 7. PRESENTATION A. VACO ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Ms. Phyllis Errico, General Counsel for the Virginia Association of Counties, presented the Board and Staff with the following award for the 2015 Teen Expo. Ms. Errico thanked the Board and County Administration for their leadership within the Virginia Association of Counties and the Commonwealth of Virginia. She explained that there were 92 submissions for the achievement awards, and 20 winners were chosen within eleven categories. Dinwiddie County is the recipient of the Innovative County Program award in the Community and Economic Development category for the Teen Expo. Book 23 Page 652 September 15, 2015 8. ACTION ITEMS: A. CONTRACT AWARD: EASTSIDE PAVING AND LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTS Ms. Anne Howerton, Deputy County Administrator, Finance and General Services, presented the following memo and contract for the Board’s approval. Book 23 Page 653 September 15, 2015 Upon motion of Mr. Chavis, seconded by Ms. Ebron-Bonner, the contract and resolution were approved as presented. AYES: NAYES: Dr. Moore, Mr. Chavis, Ms. Ebron-Bonner, Mr. Moody, Mr. Lee None B. VOTING CREDENTIALS FORM FOR 2015 VACO ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING Upon motion of Dr. Moore, seconded by Ms. Ebron-Bonner, Mr. Chavis was nominated to serve as the voting member at the Virginia Association of Counties 2015 Annual Business Meeting. AYES: Dr. Moore, Ms. Ebron-Bonner, Mr. Moody, Mr. Lee ABSTAIN: Mr. Chavis NAYES: None 9. CITIZEN COMMENTS Mr. Derek McDonald of Carson Road spoke as a new citizen and his desire to have more information regarding the County and its services available to new citizens. 10. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR COMMENTS W. Kevin Massengill addressed Mr. McDonald’s comments, expressing his gratitude for his concerns. Next, Mr. Massengill gave updates on the various Capital Improvement Projects in which the County is involved. Those projects are the County Government Complex, the Ragsdale Community Center, the paving and lights at the Eastside Enhancement Center, broadband, and the baseball field lighting. Mr. Massengill discussed the upcoming Government Day with the senior class Government students. He also gave an update on the success of this year’s Dinwiddie County Fair. Next, he announced that the Cooperative Extension’s Farmer of the Year for Virginia is Dinwiddie’s Donald Turner. Of twenty-two Farmers of the Year, five have come from Dinwiddie County. Of those five, four have been under the leadership of Mr. Mike Parrish. Mr. Massengill referenced Stony Creek, thanking Marie Grant for her efforts in placing updates and data on the County website. He stated that the dissolved oxygen levels at the unnamed tributary are starting to recover and the E.coli and fecal bacteria numbers are improving as well. The investigation is ongoing. Mr. Massengill stated that the Code Red Emergency Notification System for the County alerts citizens to certain weather events, and there is a registration requirement which can be found on the County’s website. For those citizens who do not have internet access, they can contact the County through Chief Hale’s office and staff will register them. Next, he noted that Dominion Virginia Power is available to Book 23 Page 654 September 15, 2015 attend the October Board meeting to discuss the pipeline project. Finally, Mr. Massengill informed the Board that Mr. Chavis is the Chairman this year for the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and there is a significant vote to take place on the multi-modal project and the consultant is willing to come and brief the Board before that vote has to take place. 11. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Mr. Chavis discussed the MPO’s decision further, noting the different locations in which the multi-modal station could be located. Dr. Moore shared that he is going to visit the two new principals in Dinwiddie with School Board member Mr. Haney. He then recognized Ms. Tammie Collins and Ms. Cierra Goode for their involvement in the Teen Expo and expressed his delight in the receipt of the VACo Achievement Award. Dr. Moore thanked the volunteers and staff for their hard work to make the Dinwiddie County Fair a success. Finally, Dr. Moore thanked staff for their efforts on the road leading to the Rohoic manned site. Ms. Ebron-Bonner expressed her gratitude toward Ms. Errico for her attendance and presentation of the VACo Achievement Award, as well as staff involved in the Teen Expo. She stated that there is a basketball tournament this coming weekend for church teams, and Richard Bland College has opened their gym for that event. Mr. Moody echoed the sentiments regarding the hard work put toward the Teen Expo. He also shared his pride in the Farmer of the Year and stated that it is a great accomplishment to have so many outstanding farmers in the County. Mr. Moody recognized staff’s hard work on the fair. Finally, Mr. Moody recognized the citizen who spoke, thanking him for taking the time to share his concerns. Mr. Lee shared that his three-year-old granddaughter missed the camel rides at the fair this year. He thanked Ms. Errico for attending as well. 12. CLOSED SESSION At 4:07 PM, upon the motion of Mr. Moody, seconded by Ms. Ebron-Bonner, The Board convened into closed a closed meeting under: A. §2.2-3711 (A) (5) Business and Industry Development: Prospective Business and Industry B. §2.2-3711 (A) (3) Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of the disposition of publicly held real property, where discussion in an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body Acquisition of Specific Parcels of Real Property Disposition of Surplus Real Property C. §2.2-3711 (A) (1) Personnel: Appointments Transportation Safety Commission Dinwiddie County Airport and Industrial Authority John Tyler Alcohol Safety Action Program Virginia’s Gateway Region Dinwiddie County Water Authority Ayes: Nays: Dr. Moore, Mr. Chavis, Ms. Ebron-Bonner, Mr. Moody, Mr. Lee None At 7:01 PM, upon motion of Mr. Chavis, seconded by Ms. Ebron-Bonner, the Board reconvened into open session. Ayes: Dr. Moore, Ms. Ebron-Bonner, Mr. Moody, Mr. Lee, Mr. Chavis Nays: None CERTIFICATION Whereas, this Board convened in a closed meeting under section A. §2.2-3711 (A) (5) Business and Industry Development: Prospective Business and Industry B. §2.2-3711 (A) (3) Discussion or consideration of the acquisition of real property for a public purpose, or of the disposition of publicly held real property, where discussion in Book 23 Page 655 September 15, 2015 an open meeting would adversely affect the bargaining position or negotiating strategy of the public body Acquisition of Specific Parcels of Real Property Disposition of Surplus Real Property §2.2-3711 (A) (1) Personnel: Appointments Transportation Safety Commission Dinwiddie County Airport and Industrial Authority John Tyler Alcohol Safety Action Program Virginia’s Gateway Region Dinwiddie County Water Authority C. And whereas, no member has made a statement that there was a departure from the lawful purpose of such closed meeting or of the matters identified in the motion discussed. Now be it certified, that only those matters as were identified in the motion were heard, discussed or considered in the meeting. Upon motion of Dr. Moore, seconded by Mr. Chavis, the Certification Resolution was adopted. Ayes: Nays: Dr. Moore, Mr. Chavis, Ms. Ebron-Bonner, Mr. Moody, Mr. Lee None 13. YOUTH WORKFORCE RECOGNITIONS Ms. Tammie Collins, Deputy County Administrator, Planning and Community Development introduced Marketing and Youth Workforce Development Coordinator Cierra Goode. Ms. Goode recognized the following employers and students for their participation in the Work-based Learning program during the summer. Employer Student Crater Vision Center Tee's Beauty The Greenhouse Daycare Stepping Stones Academy Dinwiddie County Water Authority Dinwiddie County Economic Development Dinwiddie County Information Technology Dinwiddie County Parks and Recreation Dinwiddie County Public Schools Dinwiddie Middle School Dinwiddie County Public Schools- Transportation Dr. Mark Moore Tee Wynn Jennifer Bishop Meagan Wall Ben Jones Robert Wilson Tammie Collins Norman Cohen Angela Cameron Ray Vines Rebecca Baugus Al Capellanti Sharon Yates Al Capellanti Edward Tucker Bonnesha Coleman Lajoyous Boose Akelia Price Chynah Mancuso Darryl Ellis Tyler Henley Jason Brown Pinckney Wilson Austin Johnson Rebecca Davis Thomas Davis Diangelo Savage Tamia Johnson Caleb Collins Michael Lee Alexandra Stone Aaron Johnson Dominick Yates Kaitlyn Ragsdale Colby Hall Kiaja Spurlock Ethan Wade Christopher Burrow Matthew Comer Tony Anspach 14. PUBLIC HEARINGS: A. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ORDINANCE Mr. Stephen Edwards, Stormwater Administrator, presented the following to the Board for their approval. Book 23 Page 656 September 15, 2015 Book 23 Page 657 September 15, 2015 Book 23 Page 658 September 15, 2015 Book 23 Page 659 September 15, 2015 Book 23 Page 660 September 15, 2015 Book 23 Page 661 September 15, 2015 Book 23 Page 662 September 15, 2015 Mr. Lee opened the public hearing portion of the meeting. As no one was signed up to speak, the public hearing was closed. Upon motion of Mr. Moody, seconded by Mr. Chavis, WHEREAS, in accordance with Va. Code §§ 62.1-44.15:54 the following amendments establish an Virginia Erosion and Sediment Control Program (VESCP) for land-disturbing activities and adopt the applicable regulations that specify standards and specifications for VESCP promogulated by the State Water Control Board: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dinwiddie County Board of Supervisors does hereby adopt, approve and ordain the attached ordinance amending Chapter 9 as presented. AYES: NAYES: Book 23 Dr. Moore, Mr. Chavis, Ms. Ebron-Bonner, Mr. Moody, Mr. Lee None Page 663 September 15, 2015 B. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO SECTIONS 22-59, 22-71, 22-84, 22-96, 22-154, 22-174, 22210, 22-223, 22-230.1 OF THE DINWIDDIE COUNTY ZONING ORDINANCE Mr. Mark Bassett, Director of Planning presented the following to the Board for their approval. Book 23 Page 664 September 15, 2015 Book 23 Page 665 September 15, 2015 Book 23 Page 666 September 15, 2015 Book 23 Page 667 September 15, 2015 Book 23 Page 668 September 15, 2015 Book 23 Page 669 September 15, 2015 Mr. Lee opened the public hearing portion of the meeting. As no one was signed up to speak, the public hearing was closed. Upon motion of Dr. Moore, seconded by Ms. Ebron-Bonner, WHEREAS, in accordance with Va. Code §§ 15.2-2285 and 15.2-2286, the Dinwiddie County Board of Supervisors is of the opinion that the public necessity, convenience, general welfare, or good zoning practice warrant the consideration of the following Zoning Ordinance amendments: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Dinwiddie County Board of Supervisors does hereby (approve or disapprove) the Zoning Ordinance amendments as presented. AYES: NAYES: Dr. Moore, Mr. Chavis, Ms. Ebron-Bonner, Mr. Moody, Mr. Lee None 15. OLD/NEW BUSINESS A. APPOINTMENTS Upon motion of Mr. Moody, seconded by Ms. Ebron-Bonner, RESOLUTION TO APPOINT MEMBERS TO TRANSPORTATION SAFETY COMMISSION WHEREAS, on November 20, 1968, the Board of Supervisors of Dinwiddie County, Virginia (the “Board”) established the Highway Safety Commission for the County of Dinwiddie, Virginia, and resolved (1) that the commission shall consist of nine members, of whom at least one shall be a member of the Board and (2) that the Highway Safety Commission shall meet at least four (4) times each year and make studies and reports in regard to plans and programs for the improvement of highway safety within the County of Dinwiddie; WHEREAS, the name of the Highway Safety Commission was subsequently changed to the Transportation Safety Commission; WHEREAS, the Transportation Safety Commission met until approximately 1999, and thereafter discontinued its meetings, and the terms of office of the then-existing Board members have all expired; and WHEREAS, the Board is desirous that the Transportation Safety Commission be reconstituted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the following persons be appointed to the Transportation Safety Commission for permanent terms: The Superintendent of Dinwiddie County Public Schools or his/her designee, The Division Chief of Fire and EMS or his/her designee, A representative of the Virginia State Police as determined by the Virginia State Police, Book 23 Page 670 September 15, 2015 Virginia Department of Transportation Residency Administrator or his/her designee, and The Sheriff of the County of Dinwiddie or his/her designee; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the following persons are appointed to the Transportation Safety Commission for terms to expire September 30, 2019: Mr. Chavis, Board of Supervisors representative, and Sam Hayes, Planning Commission representative. AYES: Dr. Moore, Mr. Chavis, Ms. Ebron-Bonner, Mr. Moody, Mr. Lee NAYES: None B. RESOLUTION REGARDING DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY Upon motion of Mr. Moody, seconded by Ms. Ebron Bonner, TO AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT COUNTY STAFF TO PREPARE AND PUBLISH REQUEST FOR SEALED BIDS FOR THE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY IDENTIFIED AS TAX MAP #19-4 WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors of Dinwiddie County, Virginia (the “Board”) is desirous of requesting sealed bids for the sale of real property identified as Tax Map #19-4, less and except such portion of property as is currently being used by the County as a manned convenience site (the “Hart Road Property”); and WHEREAS, the Board desires that after obtaining the sealed bids, the Board will reserve the right to accept or reject the winning bid, and if the Board accepts the winning bid, the Board will first hold a public hearing in accordance with Virginia Code Section 15.2-1800; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board does hereby direct staff to publish a request for sealed bids to purchase the Hart Road Property. AYES: NAYES: Dr. Moore, Mr. Chavis, Ms. Ebron-Bonner, Mr. Moody, Mr. Lee None 16. CITIZEN COMMENTS There was no one signed up to speak. 17. BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS Ms. Ebron-Bonner expressed her gratitude for the attendance of the Youth Workforce Recipients and their families. 18. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Mr. Chavis, seconded by Ms. Ebron-Bonner, the meeting was adjourned at 7:49 PM. AYES: NAYES: Dr. Moore, Mr. Chavis, Ms. Ebron-Bonner, Mr. Moody, Mr. Lee None __________________________________ Daniel D. Lee Chairman ATTEST: _________________________ W. Kevin Massengill County Administrator Clerk to the Board /sbw Book 23 Page 671 September 15, 2015