Klva - OUR@Oakland
Klva - OUR@Oakland
iAICHIGAN STATE UNIVER9IIY CALEXDAR Salurday Cross Colrntry -- M.s.U. vs. Al! Force Acadedv: Forest Aker6 eolf Course. Univerdity Theate! -- rrBoln Yesterday'r; Eairchild Iheater. 11: 00 a. rn. November 2:30 p.ro. 81 00 p,ra. sunday November MoDday Novenber 8:00 p.n. - onlverslty Theater Thea!er. 10:00 11:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:0o Mld-?ern Giades Dalry Seroloarr 125 Anthony Roon. plant Pathology-tlycolo8v Seninart 450 Natural scleoce. Charles Maurice Yates 4:30 p.n. NoveEber 8:00 a.d. 12: 10 p.ttr, 3r30 p.d. 3:30 p.m. 4:00 p.0. 4:00 p.n. 4r 00 p.n. 7 :00 p,n. 9:0o p.m. 7 | 30 p.m. 8:15 p. !0. l,ecture! 32 Unlon. @Klva, p.n. 11:10 a,n, Unio'r. Ha11. !9od__99i9$e Jge1lgj 1!.0 Airthony Hal1. ?hys{cs CoIloquluh: Phys ic6 -Uatheoatic6 Conference 4: 00 p. n. luesday Yesterdavi': Fairchild Due: I1"3 Adninlstrarlo!. iTE6iiGl:omit-Fopen Meetins: It ral Rood, a.n, p.n, p.[l, p.n. p.o. 8:30 p.Il. rrBorn Fore€try Seminer: L9 Forestry. a.m. 4:00 p.d. 8i 15 -- - Educatlon Bull-ding. l,ecture- Concert Series (A) -- 'rl,lazor^rsze.rr PollshqC4S9,-ggqpgSfi Auditoriu!, Art Lgcture: 105 Kellogg Center. _CgfCei 126 ABthony sa1l. ElectricEL Bng{nee!ing-Coloputer Laboratoly Seninall -F_994_C-e19!9e 404 Electrlcsl Engideering. l4.S.U. lGnrs Club tuncheon: Union Parlols, EconoroicE SeBlnar: Parlor C, Unlon, eeograobv Semlna!: 409 Natural Sclence. gorlicultule Sehinart 204 Horticulture. StatlEtics Colloqulun: Physlcs-lrlalheEatic6 Conference Roon, Forelgo 3i1h Series -- "Poor But Eeautifullr (Italiad): Falrcblld Theater. Aoerican Associatlon Unlversity Profe6sors Meeling: Libraly lpuDge. Flne Arts quartetr l,[rslc Auditorlnfr. (over) Wednesday Novesber I 12:00 noon 4;00 p,!r. 4:00 p,o. 4:00 p.n. 4:00 p.n. 8:00 p,n. Thursday Novelober 12:00 noon 4 r 00 p.m. 4;00 p.D. 4: I0 p.n. 4:10 p.D. Syglenatic Blologv Se&i.narr. 450 NaturaL Science. Geology-Botany and Plant Pathologv Sedinar: 450 Natural scleoce. Entonolopv Seninari 352 Natural sclence. Mechaaical Engineerilrg Seoioar: 404 Electrical Eaglneerlng. Surgery alrd Medicine Seninar: 101 €iltner Ha11. Universlty Arena l'heater -- trRight You Are: If You_ Thlnk Sorr: Arena Theater, Audltoriue. Ecology D{scussio[ Group; 450 Natural Science, Biocheeistry Colloqulun: 122 Kedzie CheElcal Laboretory. Patb Crops Senlnar: 309 Agrlcui.ture lla1l. Mlcloblology and lub1l.c Eealth Seoirerr 335 Gtltne!, psychology CoLloqulun: Foulth Floor Auditoriuo, Library, yqtgllta]:y !4!!919Cy !9q!! : 346 Giltner Hall.. 4r 15 p,ro. {4!!rq444!! Q9]!!SC! ! ?hy 61c s - l,l6t heFa t lcg Conference Roon, 7:30 p.ro. - Col1ea€ of Velerlnsrv Med{cine 118 Phys lcs -Matbeda ti cB . E;00 p.n. - Univer6ity Arena theater -- "Right You Are: If Yoe thlnk so'!: Arena Theater, Auditoriun, Frlday Novenber 10 4:10 p.no. 12:00 12:00 4:00 4:00 noon noon p,m. p.n. 00 p,ro. 9:00 p. n, 8:00 p.d. 7| Saturday Novedtber:11 Anatoby Seminsr: 273 Clltnex Hall. Zoology Seolaa!, 450 Natural Science. Applled Mechanies Senlaarr 404 Electrlc&l Englneering. Phy!ics Colloqulun (Special) : Physics-Mathematics Conferedce Room. Isr'"ier filo Series taircbl!d Theater. (Phillipi.oe)i UoiversLtv Arena theater -- rtRisht You Ar€: Thlnk So'r: Arena Theater, Audlloriun. I0:00 a.n. - Soccer -- U.S.U. vs, St. Lonls Unive!6it Soccer Fleld. 8:00 p.6. - llorld ?ravel 5erle6--- Johll Goddard, rrExploring Lands Down Under'r: Auditoriun. 8i00 p.m. - Itniversity Arena theater -- I'Right You Arel lf Thlok Soi: Arena Theater, AuditoriuD. You ANNOUNCSI'IENTS ?he dote of fall-ter'l from frlday, Dec. 8, CO}4''DNCEMENT ?he beeting of the AcddeDic Councll scheduled haa b€erl postpoded untll ltrov, 21. ACADEMIC COUNCIL ACADEMIC SENA1E date of Nov. 8 as connedcedent has been changed 7. to Thur€day, Dec. lt for l{ov. Ihe Acedeolc Seaate nri1l deet Wednesday, Nov. 29, at 4 p.n, ln Faif,chll.d Theate!, Thia i6 a chadge frob the appears io the adlllnlstrstlve caleirdar, COMMIITEE Tbe llonthly open oeetinS of the Steerin8 Collllirlee eitl be held Morday, Nov. 6, at 4 p,o. in the Mural. Rood of Unl,on, Feculty nelobers are lnvited to brlng inatter€ to the attention of Sleerlng CoErdttee which they believe will cortribute to the f,relfare of the STEERING the lhe llniverslly. BOARD ACENDA llaterial to be iocluded in the sgenda for the Noveober oeetlflg of the Board of, trustees nust be ln the Deans' Nov. 7, add in tbe President's Otftce by doon on Wedneaday, offices by Tuesday, Nov. 8. tate oote!{al w111 be held fot the Deceeber Board oeetlng. Coolleflceneot program ioforoatlon sheets for fall-lernr doctoral csndi.date6 have been dlstrlbuted to the departroental offices, these nu3t be coDpleted snd teturned to the Seolor Offlce, 116 AdEin{stratlon, no loter than Frldsy, t{ov. 10. DOCTORA.L CANDIDATES CLI,8 Dr, Ivan lJa1enta, Chief of the Space In6trunent Syslens Sectlon of the Jet propulsioo laboretory, Califoroia Instltote of Techoology, r.'il1 speak at the rneethg of the lt.S.!. Men's Club on luesday, Nov. 7, at 12:10 p.m. in the Itnlon pallors. Meebers of the Faculty M.S,U, MEN|S Wodenrg A6sociation will be gqests. 0N INTECRIIY The fotlolrl.ng stateueot, passed by the Acadeolc Senare, exptesaes the vleo of the Unlverslty lrith resf,ect to the integrlty of scholarghip and gr€desi l. The prtnclples of lruth and lronesty are recognlzed ss fundanental to a coftlunity of teacher6 aad scholars. The Unlvetalty expect8 that both faculty atrd dtudeots \irill honor these prlnclples and in so dolng protect the valldlty of Uqiverslty grgdes. Thls nea;s that a1l acadenlc work lrill be dooe by the Atudent to qrhoq It ls assigned, without unaulhorized aid of any kiod. Instructors, for thelr part, lrill exe;cide care in the plsnalng and supervlsloo of, acadenic nork, so that hone6t effort will be posttiveli encouraged. 2. 1f an inslance of cheating is di8covered by erl instructor, lt i6 hl8 re6poasibllity to take appropriete actlon. Dependtng upon his Judgne;t of the,particul.ar ca6e, he hay give a f,6l1tng grade to the icuient on assignheDt or for the cour6e. The lnatructo! Day, et lhe aaEre tlrEer recollmendthe dloDissel oI the student from the Unlver6ity. STATEMENI (over) FOOD SCinNCE FORTJ}I The Food Science Foruxo wlll meet Tuesday, Nov. B a.n. ln 126 Anthony 8a11. MID-TERM GRADES MLd-tero grades 1{ill be due at 11 a.n. otl 7, at l'londay, Nov. 6, ill lhe Registlaiiol Office, 113 Adnlnistratlofl, l1lilltan Fagg, deputy keeper of ethoogiaphy and curator of Afrlcao art 1I} the Brltish Museuar, will give 6tl ill.ustrated lecture on l^re6t Afrlcan ar.t forms lbnday, Nov. 6, at 8:30 p,n. in AFRTCAN ARl ],ECILIRE 105 Kellogg Center, third annual Charles Maurice Yates lectuie, sponsored by the School of Journall6r0 and the MlchlSan Tuberculo6ls and Resplratory Disease Assoclation, wllt be givel Monday, Nov. 6, at 4 p.no. in Rood 32 of the Unlon. Dr, frank Frerdon!-Sfilth, Dlrector of InterdisciPlinary Coflference Progrem of the Aoerlcan Institute of Biologicat Science6, lJl11 sPeak oo I'Conversation as Comunlcatlon.'r the leclure ls open to all faculty and staff nenbers and studenls. The YATES LECIURE The Anerlcan As6ociation of Unlverslty Professors w111 nee! Tuesday, Nov. 7, at 7:30 p.n. ln the Llbrary Lounge, fourth floor. The prograE nill be "cu.rent Issues at ll.s,U.": (1) Revlslon of Faculty Organizatlod Document; (2) proposed highet education Pro_ vlsions for Con-Con; (3) ecooomlc status of the professloo; (4) conttol of student publicetions; (5) lhe role of the police in the Univer6ity, and (6) proposed A.A. U. P, newsletter. A,A, U. P. MEOTINC w111 broadcast the M.S.U.-Minnesota football Sane Saturday, Nov. 4, at 2:15 p,n. At 7:30 p.n., on "The Age of 0verk111,tr Max Lelner nill discuss new \,teapons in a new world. The latest news frox0 Cort-Con is pleseoted in two weekly reports - -tuesdays at 7:30 P.m, and Wednesdays at 4 p.d, On Wednesdayt Nov. 8, at 5 p.n,, "Tactics of Communi.6xa" w111 cedter on'rlhe Philippines, the organized Underground.rr Dr, Gene Bluestein . $iill be host and performer for an hou! of folk music on 'rHooteflanny," Wednesday, Nov. 8, at 9 p.!r. WKAR PROGRAI'I FEA1URES WKAR 'rlorentz on Fi1n" will feature Pare Lorentz and historian Charles Rocklrell sho\ring the controvetslal fillD "Nurenberg" on Sunday, Nov. 5, at 2:30 p.n, Defla Cederqulst !,t111 explote sodle of the Dlsapprehensions about food on "Food for Life" on Monday, Nov, 6, at 11 a.m, John Dodds \riLl returu as host on trAmerican Menoir6" Tue8day, Nov. 7, at 7 p.n. wlth a dlscussion ofrtThe Business MsrI as a Hero.'r A special progran on wedaesday, Nov. 8, a! 7 p.n. w111 pleseot choleographer }laxine ilayden denonstrating dance Eovenents based on ideas drarn froE aodern sculpture. Follolrlng at 7:15 p.m, w111 be the 41 Beutler Qulntet petforning the coEpoeitio[ that 1.,as judged the irbest orlgi,nal co&po6itiod( at tbe Nolre Dane collegiate Jazz fesltvaL, Gene glues!eio !r111 discuss and illuatrate a variety of Amerlcan f,olksongs on Thutsday, Nov. 9, at 12 noon. At 11:30 a.6., Friday, Nov. 10, "lhe Uo11ow Crolrn" (Acts 1, 2, and 3 of "Richard II'r) will be the fir6t presentatlorl onrrThe Age of Klng6," a seties thst covera 85 years of, history as seen through Shakespeare rs riklng play6. i,tl'lsS PROGRAM FEATI'R.ES Faculty aad stafl nembers are lovlted to the WMSB open house in the televlsios studlos (llarrl.son and Kalasazoo) on Sunday, Nov, 5, fron 5- l0 p,8. l^tMSB OPEN BOUSE QUARTET The Music Concert SerleE !,1L1 plesent the Flne Arts quarte! on Tue8day, Nov. 7, at Irt5 p.tl. in the Music Auditoriufl. Adnls6lonr $1. Students will be adeilted by I.D. cards. FINE ARTS UNIVERSITY THBATER The Unlverslty Theate! !rl1l preseat lhe flr6t Areoa Theat€i productlon, 'rR1ght You Arel If You Think So,ir by Lutgi Pirandello, Nov. 8-11, 6t 8 p.E. in the ne(' Arena Theater in lhe basenent of the AudltoriuE. Adoisslon ls by season coupoo only. Coupon exchanges will begln Monday, Nov. 6, at the lairchtld Theater box of,flce. No teLephone reservations wtl1 be accepted. EXITIB Il IONS -Eero Saerinen, Archttect, Ceoter Callery llourst Delly I e.h. 2-5 p,m., T\esddy evenings, 6-9. MBMoRIAI EXHIB ITION- Kresge Art Nov. 10 through Dec. 4. to 5 p.Er,; Saturdays and Sundays, CONFERENCES 6 6-7 6-10 6-10 Noverober 8-9 Noveobe! 8-I0 Novesber 9-10 Novenb€r 10-11 Novenber Noveober Noveirber Novenber Novenber C.P,A. State tax Forun State Conference of Coun6elor6 Connand Of,ficerd Courge of,fice procedule6 Instltute Dairy Manufacturers Coofereoce Farm Bureau Annoal Meetlng CoEference on Intergroup Relationa Basketball Coaches Clin1c Kellogg Kellogg Kellogg Unlon Re1logg Kellogg and Auditorlum Kellogg IntraEural Bullding 12-17. Anerlcan Collectors Assoclatlon Conference ReLlogg Students and faculty nenbers are welcome to attend thege Contlouing Education ptograms. ?hose oho are idtereated should nake arralrgeqlents 1Ir advaace l,'lth the Offlce of Universlty Conferences, Ext. 5-4590. The Continuing Educatlon Service requests faculty (aedbers serwiog ag program per€onne1 or gltending confelences to fll1 out €nd f,eturn advance reglstratloo foro6 go thet the proper iEforaetion can be placed oo tlame badges so lt !1111 be knoern which confef,erce meals they platr to attend, It is aL6o requested that, upon srriving al Kellogg CeBt€f,, faculty meDobers stop at the Corifer€nce De6k to pick up nane badges and meel tickets. Fdculty eeebels are not charged a reglsllation f€e. (over) SEMINARS AND COLLOQUTA, S(EJEC5 MATTER AREA Anatong frld€y, Nov. 10, 12 doon 273 10P1C SPEAKER Dr. lladhabanaoda Sar Glltner Uall Prof, 8. g, Lee Mecha$ics Bro\,m University Fridey, Nov, 10, 4 p.Er, 404 Electrical Englneerlng Bi.ochefilistrv C. J. Krlster Thursday,. Nov. 9, 4 p. . Blochenlcals Dlvislon L22 KedzIe gbenical I"ab. DuPont Compaoy Dr. Janes Ereester Cbenlstry lueEday, Nov. 7, 4 p.n. Purdue Uoivelsity 122 Ked.z,!e Cheoical Lab. Da{rl 1,l. lr. wunder Monday, Nov. 6, 4 p.ul, 126 Anthony Ha11 Ecology_ Henry Short ?hurgd4y, Nov. 9, 12 noon Applleal rrstructure and fuRctiotl of lynphatic vessels'l rrRecent developBents vlscoelastic stress in aoalysis'r "The un6een harvesters" rrsooe relatlonshlps betreen optical actlvity arrd structurer! "Factors that influence the S.N,F. content of bovine eilkrl rtNutritional cooparisono bebreen cattle and deer't 450 N€tura1 science Econonlcs luesday, Nov. 7, 3:30 p.sr. Parlor C, Union College of Educatio! Monday, Nov. 6, 4:30 p.m. Klve, Educatlon Bullding E!.ec.Eng!.-Co!0puter Lab. Tuesday, Nov. 7, 11i10 a.m, 404 Electrlcal Engineerlng EntonologJ Wedneodsy, Nov. 8, 4 p.n. 352 Naturai science Faro crops_ Thursday, Nov. 9, 4 p.u. 3o9 Prof. Mattln Bronfeo- rrAutonatio.t theory" bredner Univ. of Minnegota Dr. John Roqre 'rPsychological basis of Business Educatioa Dept. sklll buildingil Un!v. of North Dekota iiconpuler developnents Dr. Norna; R, Scott Electrlcal Englneering 1950-1970" Unlv. of Michigan Nell Kaltdan Jerry SlEEonE Richard t, Cooper Agriculture Eal1 Sclence Monat;-M; 6, 4 p.n. L. Minor 110 Atlthony Roy Food Forestly ltall Monday, Nov. 19 t.orestry 6, 10 a.rn, Porter "The ecological approach to the inaecticide problen" .Flower pighen! inherita&ce in diploid Medicaso" 'lProteid derlved flavors'r rrRecent studies orl the snoking procesa of neatsrl W. E. R€tfanyder "The forest eflv{rodmentrr School of Fore6try Yale University D!. SEI'IMRS AND CoLLOQU!& (contilued) Geologv-Botanv and Plant Path,- Aureal Wednesday, Nov. 8, 4 p.ld. 45o Natural Sclence llorllculture Tuesday, Nov, 7, 4 p.o. 204 norticuliure Dr, L "Palynology: Ihe orlgln, dislribution, alrd peleoecology of pladt nicrofo8sli.6 snd appllcatlon to geologie explora!1on'! Crogs Rolrland Plerson ''u.s,U. r6 Counseliog Ceater'l .lleittrlch Larchet xe!!gge!!e6 Thursday, Nov. 9, 4r15 p,!0, Physics-Math. Conf . Roon Prof Mechani.cal Engloeerlng wednesday, Nov. 8, 4 p,!0. 404 Electrical Englneerlog Dr, Robert D. Gafford Fllght Laboratories, The ltartin Co. Space Denver, colorsdo rrsolutlon of a georoelry problee of FeJestoth'l "The uge of pholosynthesis f,o! etnospheric regenera- tloo h space 6ysleos" Mlcrobiolosy and P.H! ?hursday, Nov. 9, 4:10 p.D. 335 eiltnet Eell Dr. D, A. Price fby€I-ec Monday, Nov, 6, 4 p.n. Phy8icE-ldath. Conf . Roos Dr. Barnett Phvslcs (speclall Nov. 10, 4 p,n. Physlc8-l{ath. Con!. Room Dr. tadashi Sugsnara Univ, of ?ltteburgh 'rNuclea! nagnetic regonalrce 1n peraldgnetlc sai.tsrl Plant Pathology-Mvcology Mooday, Nov, 6, 4 p.n, 450 Natural Sctence K. R. S. Nair rrlletelokaryosls ln the fuagl'r rry$919sy Prof. C. L. llinder rr?he Statl s tica_ Dr. Martin 'rProperties of quadtile estinatolgrl frlday, Thursday, Nov. 9, 4:10 p.n. Fourth Floo! Audltorluq Liblary Tue8day, Nov. 7, 4 p.m. PhysieB-l,Iath. Conf . RooD Surgerv alrd Medicine Wednesday, Nov. 8, 4 101 clltner Hall p,n. Editor-in-Chief Chlca8o, "Preparation and p!ocesBing , AVI'IA Illlools Rosenberg Fox Dr, M. D, l,lccavin E. Snith Systenatic Blology Wedoesday, Nov. 8, 12 .roon 450 Natural Science Dr. Jane Veterlnery li'edlcLfle Dr, Johannes lloustgasrd -Eired-all'i6v,-9J: 30 p.o. 118 Physics-uathenstice Royal Veterinary anal Agricgltural College Copetlhagen, Denmalk (over ) of the scientilic n4rlus cr lp lrl rrThe 601td state electricel ProPerttes of Plotelnsrl effects of parental attitudes oo the social teputation of edolescent of vetericary nedlclne snd research in Queeasland, Australlarl 'rsone aspects Icollections tn Ceology DepartsEnt of M.S.U,rl rrCllnatlc envltoooent plg pe!forrlance'r and SEMD{ARS Al,lD C0LLoQUIA Veterln€ry Pathologl 9, 4:10 p.o. 346 eiltner flall Thursdey, Nov, L99]oE Friday, Nov. 10, 12 noon 450 Nalural Science (contlnued) Dr. E. J, nothenbache! "Bovlne Dr. Lee R. Dice uoiv. of, ldlchlgan Sa1done11oe19" rrBehavior of several 6tralns atrd races of, Pero$yscu6rl ****** IMORI''A.L NO?ICES FoLK the faculty trolk CIub w111 neet Frlday, Nov. 10, at 1t30 p.n. ln Roon 21 of the 0nion, Dr, Gene B1ue6lein wilL present a plotrae of folk6odg6, the nurgery ln the 81re9ide RooD at People6 Church for chi,ldren aBed 2-6 years wlll be open at 1 p.o. Reservatloos at 35 cents a chlld nay be nsde by calllng M!s. Alfred Levak, ED 2-8886, or Mrs. l,tlt1tam Meggltt, ED 7-1L96. Tickel6 at $5 a pereoo for the Men'6 Club-FacuLty Folk dlnoer-dance FACITLTI to be held Dec. 9 \d111 be oo sale. The rrl eirure- t lmerr group $111 qeet Thursday, Nov. 9, at 1:30 p.m, h the horne of I'lrs. Devld A. Booth, 1155 D6tsy Lane. Persona neediog tran6portdtion ere ssked to call l,lrs. 8ooth, 337-9267. ?he boirllng group will heet every Thursday at 9:30 a,n. ifl the Spartan Bolrllng AIley, Anyone lnterested in Jolnlng this group iB agked to call Mra. B. V. Alfredson, 0D 2-5370. The creatlve nritersr group otll nreet l'ronday, Nov. 6, at I:30 p.o, tn the boDe of Mrs. Walter !ee, 321 orchaad, Mrs. Fee will glve an iltustrated talk on gone writers of post-I,torld llar II JapeB. New oenbers and gueato are invlted. ?URruY SAIE a Pou[d. the Poultry Science CLub ls again offering tutkeys for sal.e at the follovilt prlces: llens, 43 cents a pound; toms, 40 cent€ ACADEMIC COUNCIL Report I. of the neeting oI! oct, 31, t-96-! Actlono (Requtre Senate approval) l. Approved the Revised Faculty Orgafllzatl.on DocuEent. Note. Thls or1 docuhent wa6 prepared by an lrhich all aIl-unlversity conhittee, coll.eges $ere repreaented, $hlch soll.cited and consldered faeulty suggestiods both before and during lts deliberattons. It has been revLew€d and dodified by the Council and checked by the Universlty Legal Counsel. the flnal draft of lhe revlsed wlll be sent to o11 Senate Eenbers for their conBlderatlon prior to the Document Novernber Senate &eet1ng. 2. Approved Ebe tieconue[dalion of Philosophy of the Graduate degree be off,ered Gernalr Language and ln Council that the Doctor French ladguage and Lltetature, afld Llteratule, Spanl6h Language and Llterature. II. Actlon (Does not requlre Senate aFproval) l. Dean Ruzak recoouended that the teftr of offlce of h€Ebers of, the Athletie Councll be chaaged fron Oct, 1 - Sept. 30 to July 1 June 30. Passed.